why why it is near music the only good thing that japan has ever made is that video game i don't really understand it but i liked a lot of the music i've rediscovered some of the music today so i padded my music playlist with it particularly fond of this one i like the carnival theme too i like pascal's theme
Unknown_03: I need to find a way to fill up a little bit of time because I think most people aren't going to tune in until they get a notification that the stream is going live because they're not going to expect a stream today because I don't usually stream today. I would do a wordle. I've already done, I think I've already done the wordle.
Unknown_03: I might, let's see.
Unknown_03: Let's see, we'll do a wordle chat. This is my urgent announcement that I've featured on the site. So this is the appropriate time to break out the wordle.
And do a wordle as people fill it in.
Unknown_03: Let's see.
Unknown_03: Firefox. I got to bed unusually late last night, like 2 a.m. I usually get to bed a little bit earlier, but I was on the phone. I was literally on the phone.
Unknown_03: um all day yesterday with various people trying to figure out uh what the fuck like what the fuck i i um i had my stream and i opened with my classic sneed and when i only get one e i always go for depth
But I mentioned on my last stream that the site went down. I thought it was because of a DDoS attack, but it was not. It was not because of a DDoS attack. It was because someone had unplugged my computers. So I talked with my lawyer twice and I was like the worst part of when there's downtime with the forum is that you have a lot of it that I
Unknown_03: that I spend a lot of that time is just waiting. It's waiting on service tickets, it's waiting on replies from the DDoS guys, it's waiting on an explanation for what the fuck is happening. You're just sitting there desperate for someone to answer their fucking email and that's the worst part. It's so stressful when things are completely out of your hand.
You hope that someone will get back to you and explain, oh, this is what the issue is, and here's the timeline. It's less stressful even when it's your own doing, and you have to fix it, because then it's in your hands, and you know the answer is somewhere out there. You just have to find a way.
See, someone's saying tripe.
Unknown_03: Tempo would not work.
Unknown_03: I have an idea.
Unknown_03: Tripe would work, but trope is more likely.
Unknown_03: And there we go. Splendid chat. Splendid.
Unknown_03: When you know the solution's out there, you can find it. And that's a lot less stressful. And this is my guest distribution on Firefox. It's a lot less stressful when you know the answer's out there and you have to find it than when you're just waiting on other people to fix it for you. That's the worst feeling.
I have to handle this delicately.
Unknown_03: I have to explain what the crux of the issue is, but I think that right now there's a chance that anger in this situation may be misplaced. So I don't want to take
Unknown_03: all the frustration that exists in a situation like this and place it plainly on Cory Barnhill, who now apparently goes by August Hart, which is apparently the name of the character who is Godspeed.
Here's a fun fact about autistic people. Severely autistic people have an obsession with fast things. And now that I've said this, you'll understand that it is a commonality in autistic people. They like Sonic the Hedgehog. They like trains. They like Zoom or Flash or Godspeed. All these characters that go fast.
Unknown_03: Zoom, Zoom. You know, that is that is what gets the Sperg's attention.
Unknown_03: So, Corey now goes by August Hart, apparently he's literally renamed him, I don't know if this is like a legal thing or just something that he goes by like a DBA, but he calls himself August Hart now, which is the name of the character who is the superhero Godspeed
Corey is a literal psychopath, like in the medical sense of the way, not to like, just calling him that I'm sure inflates his ego, but he loves himself. He will suck his own dick harder than anyone I've ever seen and he loves to call himself God. He loves to play up this character of like a badass.
Unknown_03: And that's part of why I hate talking about him. The only way to really deal with this guy is to ignore him. Because you can't confront him. He's a really good liar.
Unknown_03: And he's anti-fun. He's anti-humor. He's everything that you don't want. He's someone who...
Unknown_03: I don't know how he's not in jail because he openly brags about breaking the law. And he's openly talked about watching child pornography. And every time he gets his fingers into any pie, it just becomes the most awful thing. It's not fun for the audience. It's not fun for the participants. It creates no value. It is just a man sucking his own dick and breaking things so that people have to pay attention to him. That is everything that Zoom does.
Or as I like to call him, Cory Barnhill, parentheses pedophile. Though I might have to change that to August Hart, parentheses pedophile, parentheses not that one.
Unknown_03: Because he's trying to avoid this reputation of being a child molester.
He has to be a fed. I agree. I agree. I think that he has something up where he provides utility because I think he was involved in Lowell's SEC and lizard squad at some point and I know that path is The CEO is apparently an informer member of lizard squad I think that he provides some sort of utility to the federal government where they do not Think it's in their interest because he mostly fucks with what like retards and IBS. He fucks with my site and He fucks with like scum as far as the federal government is concerned, so he can keep doing that all he wants He's not doing like white collar crimes. He's not posting anti-semitic stuff on the internet, so they don't care so He is probably a CI in regards to like hacking groups And they just let him you know talk about fucking kids all he wants and they don't give a shit That said
I kind of want to just remind people like his lore. I'll play a couple clips that are from his thread just to kind of remind you. This is this is stuff that he all says in retrospect is a joke. He frames this entire conversation as being between him and a friend who they were on some kind of streaming platform where more viewers equaled more money. So they're like, let's have this big drama falling out. We'll put on like a Jerry Springer thing. I'll say that I'm into child pornography and I force you to watch it with me and you'll back me up and you'll cry and stuff and we'll make money doing this together. I'm of the opinion that nobody ever jokes about being a pedophile. I trust them and I think that that is a cope story. she has recounted she has like put out like a written message apparently on some facebook posts years ago saying that his account of this being like a joke is true um but considering that he's a criminal i have no doubt that he just compelled her to say this so that she he's like just say it or i will fuck with you and your family and she's like okay whatever so i'll play a couple clips you don't think about this like my boyfriend's
You knew this from the get-go.
Unknown_01: No, I didn't.
Unknown_13: No, I didn't.
Unknown_01: Yeah, you did. You knew from the fucking second leak and you didn't care. You said, I'll be accepting of that. And I was accepting of your problem, too. I've never put you on blast the way that you put me on blast. And you're a fucking hypocrite for doing that. You are. You're a fucking hypocrite for doing that. And it's not funny.
Unknown_01: You are a hypocrite.
I told you, I literally told you the fucking fourth day that we were talking about everything. I showed you everything.
Unknown_01: And by the second week that we were together, you'd already looked through my computer twice and I told you everything.
Unknown_13: i didn't know you watched like child pornography the minute you said that you were always curious like i i didn't know like what oh my god you said that you were curious oh no oh my god oh my god you were high as fuck when you said it but you did say it holy crap i'm gonna bomb like literally you don't understand Like, I feel like vomiting when I think about it. Yeah, and that's the thing is you get high and you say stupid shit.
When you're showing me a six-year-old getting fucked in the ass, that's not a joke anymore.
Unknown_13: That's real. That's a real child.
Unknown_01: You screwed around with me again.
Unknown_13: Yeah, but we didn't...
Unknown_01: Yeah, because you asked me, you said, don't show it to me again. And then I fucking formatted my computer so that there was nothing on my computer, because I do everything you fucking ask me to do.
Isn't it funny how we're just talking on Skype and you know I'm horny, and you're like, oh, I just happened to have this video on my computer of a six-year-old getting enraged at my mom.
Unknown_01: You mean the fucking thing that I left running when I was gone? because you told me that you wanted me to find all the files that I deleted, and then I said, alright, I'll download a file recovery program, and I left the fucking thing running when I was with you for two weeks.
Unknown_03: Okay, I'll stop it there. I want to skip to this though, because now that you're accustomed to his voice, I am convinced this is also him. This is a news story that someone just happened to come across, and the story is that someone is breaking into ring cameras, security cameras, and little girls' rooms and using them to harass children as they sleep.
I'm your best friend. As eight-year-old Alyssa LeMay stood in her room, a terrifying voice spoke to her.
Unknown_09: I'm Santa Claus.
Unknown_05: The horrifying sound coming from this ring security camera installed in the child's bedroom, which she shares with her two sisters.
Unknown_00: I come upstairs and I hear some banging noise. I was like, who is that?
Unknown_05: For five minutes, the voice taunting the young girl playing strange music.
So, I have a rule, right? I say, but I do not like to call people pedophiles. I do not like people calling people pedophiles unless you are so completely convinced that they are a danger to innocent children. that you could shoot them and kill them and sleep soundly after and i have no issue saying that if i ended up being the reason that zoom died i would sleep very soundly after because i am convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt that he is a pedophile and beyond this there's more um people who claim that when he was in his mid-20s he was talking to them while they were in their mid-teens There's apparently a hundred plus hours of people recording Zoom and Skype calls where he's bragging about this shit and talking about teenage girls and this is now getting clipped because people have just found out about this thread that knew this guy throughout, you know, the last 10 years while he was involved in lulzsec and shit.
Or Lizard Squad or whatever the fuck.
Unknown_03: So that is probably getting posted.
Unknown_03: Uh, the issue is, is I don't know, I would love, I would love more than anything else in the world right now to be able to say that everything that's happened with Path, where, uh, which I'm about to explain, is the work of Corey. Because then I could just get an email saying, oh, wow, we had no idea this was going on. This guy was fired, you know, six months ago. We have nothing to do with him anymore. and we apologize for the inconvenience and we're turning back on your DDoS filtering." I would love to get that email.
The problem is that, as I will demonstrate, apparently Corey has not worked for them for months and months and months, and everything that has happened has happened independently of him being in the company. So him being a creepy weirdo apparently has no coincidence with what's actually happening in the last month.
So I'll give you a quick rundown of the timeline.
Unknown_03: There was a user named Rico Mark and Rico Mark posted in January this year.
Unknown_03: a series of posts explaining with various sources that Zoom worked at PATH. I should explain what PATH is. PATH is an ISP. They're an ISP and they mostly deal with DDoS mitigation. So if you are a VPS company, if you do hosting, and you do not have the equipment required to filter out a denial of service attack, then what you do is you peer with them, and then during an attack, you turn on their service, and traffic gets filtered through them, and then only clean traffic passes through to your network. So if you have a small network, and you need DDoS filtering, you can connect to their pipes, they filter it, you get only what bandwidth is legitimate.
As opposed to the abuse bandwidth many people use this company my upstream use this company People I respect like Francisco who runs by VM use this company as their DDoS filtering They're not like a small fry. They're they're small perhaps compared to like Google and But they're not like an unheard of company ran by a couple people. They have data centers and I think they just opened one in Hong Kong and Singapore. They have international presence. And that's why it's astounding to me that something so large could be behaving so erratically and unprofessionally over something that could have been resolved literally in a single email over a month ago.
So Rico Mark, the user, then requests via the talk to staff board that he would like all his posts deleted.
Unknown_03: And I say, thinking, Corey probably docks this guy and is harassing him. And I say, no, don't let a pedophile intimidate you. And he replies saying, I have a private lawsuit against me which requires my post to be taken down. Please do so. All my comments on that post, please. And I say, no. And that was the last I hear from him. Until the same time next month, around mid-March, I get an email from my data center. saying that their business partner, Path, had contacted them with a sealed court order, which I was not allowed to see, despite being the subject of this court order. This is not legal. Judges may issue one of these, but it's not valid. And even if, to frame this, Let's pretend that this was a matter of national security. Cory Barnhill working for path.net is a matter of such importance that if the Chinese found out about this, they could somehow launch a nuke. This is super top secret, the most important information in the entire world. I would get an email directly to me, the person responsible.
There's a word for it. I'm like the record keeper for my LLC, for the company. or the manager of records. And I would get an email in that capacity from an at NSA.gov at DOJ.gov email address saying, hi, my name is Agent Smith. I work for the Department of Justice and the Cybercrimes National Security Division. And here is your subpoena. This is top secret. If you post this, this is a crime under such and such statute. We need this content removed within 24 hours or we're going to dispatch someone to your data center to take your hardware.
I would have in that subpoena a judge who signed it, the handler from the Department of Justice, a courtroom to appear in to contest it. I would have the ability to reply to this in a legal capacity through my representation, who I could give this document to legally because they're a lawyer, sworn to the bar. And I could contest this. To get a sealed order through a third party with no custody, no case number, no agent, nobody I can talk to besides the private party who delivered it to me on their behalf is not legal. That is not how that works. The government cannot go to your landlord and say, hey landlord, here's a secret piece of paper deputizing you to break into your tenant's house with your master copy of the keys and steal something out of their dresser drawer. Like, you can't do that.
And I'm aware that this is bullshit, but I still comply. I take it down because it's my upstream. And if they think that I'm jerking them around or ignoring court orders or whatever, then I have a big fucking issue, as you saw yesterday. So I take it down and I say, I need a case number. I'm going to forward this to my attorney. I don't think that this is valid. I want to, I have representation who will look at this and I need to know what the court is and what the case number is. you can tell me that without telling me anything in the court order but all that they're willing to tell me is this which is a quote paragraph B of whatever I don't know what's what numbered paragraph on what pages paragraph B somewhere in a secret super secret top secret ultra international ultra max security court order paragraph B says
All statements and or posts pertaining to PATH or their officers and employees must be published by the user known as RicoMark on the kiwifarms.net forum accessible via this thing and that's all I get. He's saying that everything by RicoMark in that thread must be deleted. So I go through one by one and I delete every post by RicoMark and to delete it I delete the attachments and I replace it with this post has been removed by legal order on this date. and I go through and I find every post quoting a post by Rico Mark and I replace it with the same message. So I go through that and I say, okay, I want to know the case number. I'm not told by my upstream and I try contacting them. I contact legal at path.net. I go to my
other email address a couple weeks later and follow that up, but I get no message. I tried contacting admin at path.net. I tried contacting legal at path.net. I added in abuse at path.net. I even took the first name of the CEO, which is Marcus, I'm pretty sure, and I threw in Marcus at path.net, just guessing his email address based off common practice, and that went through. I know that one went through because admin.taft.net bounced, even though that's their contact information on their records. So if Marcus was wrong, it would also bounce, but that one went through. So I know they saw this and all I asked was, what is the case number that yielded this court order instructing these posts to go down? No reply.
Instead, several hours later after I send that email asking for clarification about this court order which I've already complied with, my site's down. I get an email from support from the data center saying that PATH contacted them directly and said that I am in continued non-compliance with this court order that I am still not allowed to see.
And so begins the process. And I say, look, I'm not going to defy a court order, but if I'm the subject of a court order, I have a right to see it. And if you don't trust me, if you think that I'm just going to like take this super secret court order that you're entrusted with and put it on my fucking website, here's my attorney, send it to him. If I'm not allowed to see it. And this is the thing that can happen. There are certain instances where it's against the, you know, the party A has an interest in dealing with party B. and they need to share information, but party A doesn't want party B to see what the information is, so they can reach an agreement and say, okay, well, we'll share this with our counsel. Counsel will give me the gist, but, you know, there's like a custody there so that that concern is dealt with. That's perfectly, that's a common thing that happens all the time. So here's my attorney, send it to him. He's a registered member of the District of Columbia's bar. He's a registered member of the federal government's bar. And still that does not happen.
And then I start talking about this, I start publishing notices, and I'll show you what I did. As I tend to do now, impotently screaming in the wind when my fucking sight's down, I get fucky with the error messages that I have control over, and I put up this.
And I explain the situation. I explain exactly what happened. So now the entire site for this duration is a message saying path.net has compromised the site and is not letting us host because of a court order I cannot see.
Unknown_03: And several hours later, and the site goes up for 15 minutes, then goes back down, I'm pretty sure that was the data center looking to see what was in the thread. And they're trying to figure out like, because remember, my my data center relies on this company for DDoS mitigation. So they don't want to just lose this, this company as a partner, they're looking at thinking like, what the fuck is happening here? What content all the posts by Rico Mark as instructed or deleted? And then several hours later, I guess the talks between PATH and the data center go poorly because the data center receives another email. Now the data center is in Nevada. The lawyer that sends this email is from California and the lawyer is instructing them
to seize my hardware, to seize my hard drives. This is exactly as it's written. From Michael Cypress, who is a registered member of the California Bar Association, directly to my data center in regards to me and my property. Urgent legal demand for preservation of evidence based on legal action and subpoenas which are immanent and forthcoming in the near future and to prevent the destruction of evidence Demand is hereby made that you preserve the hard drives of Joshua Moon and 1776 Solutions LLC in each of them and pull out of the server and preserve the hard drives and their contents. Please confirm your receipt of this request and that you will be complying with it. Copying my law partner Larry Hardly on the CC line. This is not legal. This is not a court order. This is an impotent letter of demand from California, which is not even the jurisdiction that my data center is in. Very bizarre and not enforceable.
There is a difference between a criminal letter, ordered to preserve something, versus a civil matter like this. In a criminal case, as I understand it, I'm not an attorney, but though I may one day be at this point, I may receive an honorary degree from Columbia by retention of bullshit, trivial facts about the legal system over time.
Unknown_03: In a criminal system, if there is evidence and you destroy that evidence, you are now guilty of a crime called destroying evidence or obstruction of justice or something to that effect.
In civil court, if you receive a notice like this and you're being sued, the jury is instructed to assume that whatever was deleted must be as damaging to their case as you could possibly imagine. That's what they tell them.
Unknown_03: There is no case. I don't know what the case is. What are they suing me for? They're suing me for defamation? They know immediately that that would be thrown out for Section 230 violations.
Unknown_03: I have not accused this guy of work. I don't even know. Is it defamation to say that Cory Barnhill works for Path.net? He did work for Path.net, apparently. So is that even like a...
you know defamation has to be like malicious it has to be a claim that you know is malicious so number one is that really malicious number two is it unreasonable for me to assume that he works at path.net when he has worked at path.net in the last year probably not so all this is bullshit all this is like dick swinging and it's really incredible because again this is a big company this is not like
Unknown_03: you know just some retard who happens to run a site you know sending out legal citations this is a a real company that has the resources to to educate themselves in this matter and find ways to deal with problems that aren't sending out bullshit legal threats like this
so a
Unknown_03: Here is PATH's contact, here is PATH's attorney's contact, and you fuckers sort this shit out. To this point, I have yet to receive any email from PATH. They have been fucking with my site, they have accomplished
censorship of content on my site and they have put my site down for six hours now through nothing but sending pieces of paper to an upstream and I have not heard a word from them I have reached out to them multiple times my attorney has reached out to them at least once now and reply to this I have heard nothing back from them and meanwhile people asking their you know employees about this are like oh well we don't know so it's not like they don't know and this is this is the
Unknown_03: This is the really, like, schizo part of this, right? Let me make sure I'm not forgetting anything.
Unknown_03: I'll get to this in a second.
Unknown_03: I'm just making sure I didn't forget anything.
Unknown_03: Here's the schizo theory part of this, is that there's a couple options of what's happening. If you don't know, websites like Spokio that do doxing stuff, like white page people search websites, the way that they get their information is that they either buy advertising data from companies like Facebook or whatever, or
They use spiders to crawl websites. So one of the websites that was used that claimed that Corey still worked for Path as a chief operating officer, COO, so one of the largest, most important people in the company, believes that probably because Corey specified in his resume that he was the chief operating officer of Path.net.
Unknown_03: So there is a chance that Corey is doing this as their COO and he's just trying to keep his job. That's option A. Option B is that Corey does not work at PATH as they claim. And that's the police coming to get me. I've been a bad boy on the internet once again. They're still looking for me. They've been driving around in circles trying to find me for months now. Corey does not work as, and this is B, Corey does not work as PATH as they claim. And they just want to get rid of this information. If that's the case, that's a bigger tragedy than the story of, you know, chief COO Corey Barnhill parentheses pedophile working for PATH. Because if that's the case, literally all they had to do was send me an email clarifying this position and asking for their help. And if that was the case, I didn't even mention this. Here's a little factoid. As I mentioned, my upstream uses Path as a DDoS mitigator.
Astute listeners of my weekly presentation mad at the internet may recall I had to recently find my own DDoS mitigation At my own dollar and it's gonna be a lot in fact when I do the streams in the future I think what I'm going to do is set a weekly goal of something like 425 a week in super chats because I need that much money to pay for my DDoS mitigation that I've had to buy in order to
Replace path.net which used to be free. I was randomly kicked off of path.net's DDoS mitigation And I did not know why I was never contacted. I have never had contact with this fucking company Even though they fuck with me constantly Yeah, I need I need that money man. I need that money Even they used to be I Just randomly what it used to be is that when in a DDoS attack comes in And you need to filter your network as I mentioned with the upstream
The upstream changes what they call a BGP community. It's a networking thing but basically that switches the network. When I got attacked I just changed my BGP community to 9-1-1 and that would filter me through path. Eventually when I started getting attacked more I noticed that when I switched my BGP community to 9-1-1
Unknown_03: My internet went off. It didn't filter me. It just dropped everything. And I had no idea why. I thought I had fucked up networking somehow. I contacted support. They didn't have any idea. I contacted them again months later, and Upstream said that they'd gotten into contact with Path, who told them that they had blacklisted my network, my ASN, and that they would no longer ever send traffic to my subnet on my behalf. So, for whatever reason, unbeknownst to me, because I've never been contacted, Path.net randomly blacklisted my entire network.
and I've never been told why. However, based on the timing, I bet you if I took the tickets and I took it the time frame that Corey worked at Path, I bet you it coincides perfectly. And I would put that directly on him. I bet you he just went to the thing and typed some shit up in fucking blacklist of the ASN and now we don't have DDoS filtering.
Unknown_03: That I believe.
Unknown_03: But as I said, option B is if they really were just trying to get rid of this information, and it was wrong, it was defamatory, they could show that, I could correct this, and they could fix my fucking DDoS filtering, save me $2,000 a month, and that would be A-OK with me. So if they really were just trying to get rid of defamatory content, they fucked up by, to this point, never contacting me, because I would be a lot more amicable to that arrangement than having to deal with them like this.
Option C, Cory does not work at PATH, is angry that they fired him, and are trying to get PATH in trouble.
Unknown_03: that this is all bullshit and the only reason why i don't think that this is just social engineering tricks is that upstream is saying that the letters are coming from them directly i could believe that the the lawyer letter is faked i could believe that the sealed court order quote unquote is faked i could believe that but if that's the case why is my upstream like they have a direct enterprise relationship with path They have a business-to-business, high-dollar contract with Path. Why is it that they are getting these messages directly? I really doubt that they're getting fooled. I'm sure they can pick up a phone number and call someone from Path and get this information directly from them. So why the fuck would they fall for that? That's the only reason why I think that this is actually real and it's the company.
So it could be Corey doing this. I'm gonna get Path in trouble I'm gonna send all this bullshit and I'm gonna make them look like a bunch of fucking retards But I don't believe that because that could be cleared up very quickly And it should have been at this point because I've even pointed out to my upstream that there's a chance that it is a social engineering trick So hopefully that would be you know, that would be looked into and I bet you it has by now option D the most the most chaotic of all this is that it's a third party entirely divorced from Cory and Path who is trying to either get Cory or Path and or Path in trouble by framing both of them that's that's the true the true neutral or the the chaotic neutral of the alignment is that it's just some random fucking guy and he's having way too much fun doing this however
Again, I don't believe it for the same reasons as above.
Unknown_03: I think that the most likely explanation is that Path doesn't want any association with a known pedophile sadist, Corey Barnhill, aka August Hart, aka Zoom, aka Godspeed, and they're trying to clean up any fat behavior work for them. Uh, and instead of just writing me an email saying, Hey, you know, here's the timeline. We can show you that this guy doesn't work for us. Uh, can you like help us out here? They're just going to like say, Oh, you have to take it down. We're just going to take your, your website off the internet.
Uh, Oh, and I didn't write this down, but here's another, another, um, schizo theory. You're ready.
Unknown_03: Cory Barnhill doesn't work for Path anymore, but August Hart does. And when they say he doesn't work for us anymore, they're actually just full of shit. Because the sneeders, my network of spies and informants across the internet, the big I internet, not to be confused with the little I internets, have informed me that in a Discord community, which is for BuyVM, which
I'm gonna, I like Frank, what's his name? Francisco, do I have to call him Francisco? I'm gonna call him Franco, I'm gonna call him Franco.
Unknown_03: He's like a Mexican or something. He's like a Mexican-Canadian, I don't know, he's some kind of brown. But I like Franco and I like BuyVM and we were with BuyVM for longer than any other virtual machine company.
Unknown_03: they have a reputation for being complaint resistant and the only reason why they dropped us is because somehow Vordrack managed to make a common law complaint in the UK and then use the Commonwealth legal framework to import his UK lawsuit to Canada which caused Franco to say like you're just not worth it you're a $15 a month you know VPS company and you got to get the fuck off our network we can't handle you anymore
So but that lasted like six months and he was apologetic for it. So Props to him perhaps. I like like if I had to recommend a VPS company, I'd probably recommend Franco even now because Like who else who else is gonna host your shit if it's anything like the forum I mean the the level of getting taken down by Franco is war direct here. So avoid pissing off any Insane Englishman and you should be fine
Unknown_03: That being said my network of spies are in the Franco discord channel and they're watching conversations between Because path.net is their their DDoS filter, too So people are like contacting the Tempest slash path people there and they're like what the fuck is happening How can we trust a company that's randomly ordering hard drives to be stripped out of machines without any legal backing to it?
Unknown_03: Chris M who I can look this up really quick actually I don't want to like oh where is he is he not in the discord anymore did he leave I don't see him Chris M I think works for Tempest which is a VPS company directly under
directly under path.net.
Unknown_03: So he replied in response to this and say, path cut ties with Corey months ago, way before any of the stuff mentioned happened. And then just to reply saying, why is path now today trying to take down posts about a now confirmed ex-employee? And then Chris M says, that wasn't done today. I don't know the specifics on it, but it's something that needed to be removed. This industry can be very dangerous due to the nature of the business. At times, there are instances where we piss off a lot of very dangerous people, sometimes to organize crime. We've been harassed before by people who ended up committing homicide.
I'm not sure about the specifics of the separation of Cory and path as it is before my time We don't care about Cory's data on the site. We care about the company info being leaked, which is very telling But what's the company info the company info is that oh here path.net employees? So he's not even a tempest guy. He works directly for path. He would know he should know
Unknown_03: So he just openly admits that, yeah, we're fucking with this website. We're lawyered up to fuck with this website. We could have sent them an email at any time about this. We probably could have reached an agreement. But instead, we're just going to swing our dick around blindly because we can. And fuck you. So if you do business with PATH, that is the kind of quality, well-adjusted, intelligent, predictable business sense that you can expect from them.
Okay, so I Want to say that's it from now right now. I'm kind of sitting on my hands because I'm in an awkward position Something really dramatic has happened the site experience downtime the my my April Fool's joke was completely ruined and I'm I'm absolutely livid at the moment
Um, and now there is this sort of Damocles. You have this company that may instigate this civil action against me for, for what I don't even know. And they don't even have the, you know, good senses to communicate in any way, shape or form. They apparently want to communicate only through third parties or the court system.
Unknown_03: And the April Fool's joke is on me. Yeah, exactly.
Unknown_03: And I'm just kind of sitting here thinking, like, what to do? And as of right now, all I can do is, for instance, I here's here's here's a great thing. I removed all the customer information for the merchandise.
and um because i i don't want that on this like i if path is this insane and cory might work for them i i would i mean i would rather lose the site than hand over the fucking merchant data to to cory so um i i deleted that i have an offline record of it in case i need it and i will need it because Here's the final gift from the coin sales, you ready? Here's the absolute final fucking gift from the coin sales that I did.
I went to my 3PL and I look at them and they say you have 163 coins for sale. I put up 163 coins for sale. I look at my thing today and half of the orders are marked out of stock.
Unknown_03: So I guess they just lost half my fucking coins that they said I had, and I've sold half of my coins that I don't have. And now I have to contact them and figure out, is this just shit that's gone? Can you not fucking count? Did you lie to me? Why is half my inventory gone? And I get to sort that out. One big final fuck you, I may be refunding like $5,000 of last minute sales that I really prefer not to be refunding.
I guess I can just go fuck myself. That being said, if you know a 3PL company that's not absolute horseshit, I am fucking begging you to get into touch with me. JC Moon, if you work for a logistics company that can integrate into, you know what, I don't even care. I don't care about WordPress integration anymore. If you know a logistics company that's not fucking retarded, for the love of God, get into contact with me. I am desperate for something that is not this shit. I'm about to fucking neck myself.
Okay, and I haven't said that on the forum yet that the Orders might not go out cuz I'm waiting. I'm waiting very patiently like hey. Yeah, it's me again You fucked me over. This is the fourth time. You've completely fucked me over to the tune of thousands of dollars I'm really hoping for an update on me getting fucked over. You know I hope to hear for you by by Monday about me getting fucked over. You know have a nice weekend Thanks, Josh. Just you know just the usual that's usual. I'll get to sit here and fucking smile
And sit on my hands as things are out of my out of my hands yet again just sitting here waiting Gators demon is behind this he might be All right, all right, all right Just make your own internet for 1488 I wish I could but even if I bought like I
Unknown_03: my own, like, data center, and I ran everything, and I owned the racks, there would still be ISPs. Like, I'd have to get DDoS filtering from somewhere. It's the internet. It's the internet. It's the internet interconnectivity. You always depend on someone, regardless, unless you're Google. But even if you're Google, you have to deal with other people.
Okay, so if you were here for me talking about path.net, that concludes the path.net segment of the stream. I will actually go to the forum and I'll take it off the sidebar because I'm done talking about the issue.
Now, to unwind, we are going to make fun of Ralph a little bit.
Unknown_03: In the last day, Ralph has been very fortunate to me, and he has bumbled around the country and made some content. And Atlas released some DMs to PPP's stream and stuff. So to reward everyone for the short notice audience, I will go over that. Let me get a nice sip of water.
Unknown_03: I will have to tell my teachers not to watch this part. No, no, no. Let them see. This shit's super scuffed. I hope it gets resolved, dude. Yes, me too. Fuck Zoom for 50. Thank you. Just want to say thank you. Thank you, my friends. What I might do is I might find a way to... What I'll do is I'll throw together like... Let me pitch this idea, actually. How does it sound if I do a weekly goal thing?
to put together a pot of content like Kay's cooking and Tranny dating profiles and fun shit like that that's time-consuming but not really like relevant content and then if the the goal is met then the stream gets extended by like another hour and I just go through like this reserve this reserve of stuff that I have. Is this a poll? Okay, I'll pull.
Reserve content hour for weekly super chat goal question mark.
Unknown_03: And I will see what you guys have to say. That's my question. Because I'm thinking of ways like, I don't know, I want to reward people for their money because it's money. And regardless of the massively deflating value of the dollar right now, it's still money. So hydration gang.
Oh, geez. People seem to like that idea.
Unknown_03: Okay, maybe I will, maybe I will, we'll look into it. I just don't, my fear is just like having streams that go on for six hours because it's like as long as it's up, as long as it's up, people are donating and tipping and stuff. And as long as it's up, it's making money. That kind of shit is, I'm not a fan of. So I'll have to strike a good balance of brevity.
Unknown_03: Okay, Ralph.
Unknown_03: A lot of reading for this actually, but not up front. I'll bore you with the reading in a second.
No gaming.
Unknown_03: So Ralph, as I mentioned last stream, Ralph drove out to Dallas.
Unknown_03: where he was supposed to meet up with this guy called Elijah and he's found out last second that Nickricator was going to ambush him in the studio so he decided he said no i'm not going to do that but then he drives out to to this guy's office shows up in person and dances in front of it look at him look at him shucking and jiving and jiggling He's undulating like a bowl of jello chip. And he does this instead of just showing up on the guy's thing. Like, why not just say, like, yeah, sure, whatever. I know that you tried to... I don't get it.
The truffle shuffle.
Unknown_03: Here, look, this is what, instead of being on a podcast and exposing himself to a new audience and maybe, you know, riffing off with Rikada and stuff and, you know, endearing people to his character, he just drives out there, gets told to leave, and then stays at the sidewalk until the police are called doing this. Good morning, ladies.
Baby, that's We can go to the bar at the dock, smoke that tumbleweed.
Unknown_10: As the marijuana burns, we can take our turn singing them dirty rap songs. Stop and hit the bar like Cheech and Chong. Here in Hong Kong, so roll, roll, roll my joint.
is that a song by afro man that voice is very familiar to me and zigzag they're like those cheap shitty cigars that black people buy so they can unroll them and replace the the insides with weed afro man hell yeah and nailed it chap i know my black people not quite as well as ralph though
Unknown_03: Look at this shit. Look at how silly he looks. And he thinks he looks cool. I have another picture. Someone posted it to my profile on the forum. I'll pull it up real quick because it's very funny to me.
Assuming my site's not dead and gay at this very moment.
Unknown_03: Here it is. They captioned this picture, Jim hates ya, Josh Moon.
Unknown_03: Now this here is what we call a Chad. This man exudes that Sigma, Ralph-a-male energy that few men can hope to compete with.
Unknown_03: And yeah, his eyes are still permanently fucked up. By the way, I'll read this first. This is DMs from Alice to Gator.
And this was on Gator Time. Someone has taken the effort to stitch them together into a single image. I'll read them now. But I have a theory about those lazy eyes.
Unknown_03: Alice says,
Unknown_03: I don't think I need to involve cops because I was willing to be coerced though lol like oh wanna know something even worse? Gator says there's something even worse she says the real reason he got jumped he assaulted two women probably underage because I think it might have been a pimp that did it Amanda made a tweet joking saying something about him and underage girls underage prostitutes after telling me that he was hitting women one girl slapped him in the face so he punched her is what she said happened
that's what she said and get arrested you talk over the phone and she text you about it and she clarified she told me this in person so if you want to know what those four puerto rican guy or not puerto rican portuguese guys actually were they were apparently a pimp and he got pimp slapped and now he he can't look straight when he's doing his shucking jive dance because he got bitch slapped so hard
Unknown_03: I don't know that see this is my issue with Alice is that I don't like her I don't trust her and I think she's doing a lot of this for attention like if she even if she did get raped I'm just of the frame of mind about her in her fucking BPD bullshit where she doesn't even care and now it's like oh this is a way to get attention on the internet so I'm going to exploit this to the fullest of my capabilities
Unknown_03: Um, but on the other hand, the flip side, I really think Alice is like too dumb. You know what I mean? I think that May and Ralph talked to Alice and she's just like, you know, she just knows shit they talked about.
So these are DMs that Alice leaked to PPP for the Kino Casino and I will also be going over them. I haven't gone through these in detail and I'm gonna be skimming over these as much as possible because it's a lot of shit.
Unknown_03: the fact that it's a lot of shit really lends credibility to our story because it's not just like a couple dm's like it's going to take a while for me to read through these um and i'm gonna have to skim through a lot of it to get this done in like two hours it's like it's it wasn't like a once-off encounter and according to alice ralph and may were um
We're besties according to her, so... Jesus, okay. I need water. You know what? I have a song that I can play if I need to take a break to rest my mandibles.
Unknown_03: Anyways, they were friends is my point. Alice said that they were besties. They apparently had like a little triangle going on and we will be going over this now. Six hour streams for today? No.
Unknown_03: I'm gonna try to get through this as quickly as possible.
Ralph links her a receipt to a Frontier flight to get over to Vegas. Now, I remember when this first happened, Alice, we made fun of him for getting a plane ticket, because basically what happened is Alice arrived in Vegas, and she stayed with them for like an hour, and then, from the looks of it, she stayed with them for a very short amount of time, and then ended up with Chick and Andy, or whatever, like immediately again, so it's like, that's funny, he basically just bought her a ticket to go see her boyfriend. What a cuck.
Unknown_03: Ralph says, I got a carry-on, probably should have just got a personal bag. Thank you so much. So he paid $210 and he's showing her the receipts like, yeah, you now owe me $210 of
Trying to turn Alice into the new Faith and remember how to shake into a threat that's like But that's like the Ralph a male fantasy like that's the the dick Masterson concept of like ultra masculinity is like yeah, man Once you get like four or five bitches on your dick at once and you're like a true Chad so Ralph has like this he's chasing this dragon of having this epic threesome with his pregnant girlfriend and
Unknown_03: like a younger woman who and obviously this would never work because even if you somehow managed to convince your pregnant girlfriend that you should have this threesome she's going to be very angry once you bring in this girl who's like five years younger than her while she's pregnant like Uh, there's no fucking- literally no way that that would ever work in reality. This is a- a Coomer fantasy in Alpha. Like, unless you're paying for prostitutes to arrange this for you to complete your fantasy, it is literally fiction.
They already did it with a whore. Well, there you go. Unless you're paying for it.
Unknown_03: And what a doormat. Mae really does deserve this, too. Like, you can't feel bad for Mae, because she's just such a bitch. She's such a stupid bitch.
Unknown_03: It's like, yeah, this is what you get when you, like, cheat on your boyfriend with someone who's cheating on their girlfriend. Well, who else was that? You know who else cheated on their husband to be with someone cheating on their wife?
Barbara Chandler and Bob Chandler and look what happened to them I'm not saying that that re-roll Rosie's gonna end up being Chris Chan 2.0 reincarnated Magic Chan edition, but Good good. The apple does not fall far from the tree my friends is what I'm gonna say
Unknown_03: Uh, Ralph, my other phone is recording. Let me know if you have any problems. I stuck another trip here. We're going to the MGM grand cause he's like, like, uh, he's like a Disney girl, a Disney adult, but with MGM Graham.
Yeah. And I, yeah, she, well, that's what he talks about with the pants do pass that she's okay with it. Quote unquote. Okay. With it.
Unknown_03: Um,
Unknown_03: But you know, I don't know. I don't know what the logic of that is. That is not, that's not trad calf and that's what they're trying to put on.
Uh, so just talking about the trip. Let's see. It's dying from Rio to MGM. He's really trying to get him, her to her, his hotel. We're at the whiskey bar. I'll be there soon.
Unknown_03: Come by the gold lion. They're at the same place. Our friends are into the karaoke room. Chicken Andy called. So she's, she's up in the auntie right now. She's saying my boyfriend's after me.
Unknown_03: And then, oh, he clarifies, what are you thinking about? Like, he's like, best not be thinking about running off. I put 210 down on you, bitch. I gotta rake that back.
Trying to find geezer stocks. We can find you a place at the real if you want that dude is weird as fuck He's making them because he's like yeah, you know Up to you of course. I'm not gonna hold you down and face fuck you yet, but you know the Ralph of males here at the MGM Chicken got me a room Okay, that's on you then so she has her own room, and she lets him know that that's okay Just make sure pantsu gets her ID if you have it. I probably won't be around to get it from you. I So now he's saying like, oh, you're getting your own room. Well, you know, I'm not going to be around you.
She's being wacky. I'm on the strip exploring.
Unknown_03: Chicken got a hotel, but he didn't. So I was stuck in some ghetto 7-Eleven. He ubered me too. And then he negs Chicken Annie somewhere, says, that's fucked up. Should be some couch beds in those rooms, including ours. So letting them know that you can crash with us.
Unknown_03: It's kind of mad you went back to his room but I should have texted you. Now I see he was just full of shit lol. And good I'm glad you didn't hang around there but it's no trouble if you just want to sleep on one of those. Just keep me posted. I kind of figured you would sleep on one of them. I felt like I was infiltrating the boys club a bit so I dipped to do something in real life.
just on the chicken and even keep the stakes higher than the ralph mill know he better you better keep the money coming the money coming if she's gonna be sleeping in his hotel room just getting manipulated
Unknown_03: Oh, I'll go back with Chicken Andy. Don't trip yet. I'll meet up later. And he says, okay, go get ready. You really should drop his ass, but up to you. Again, I'm not going to face rape you yet, but you should, you should make this easy on yourself. Pantsu's dad watches all y'all for fun. So now he's saying that Pantsu's dad, that's, that's fucking weird. Watches IPTV, thinks y'all are making this shit up. LOL. Uh,
I, okay, do you guys, do you guys think, do you believe this?
Unknown_03: Does May's dad watch IP2? I mean, he thinks it's like fake, it's all kayfabe.
Maybe he's retarded like May.
Unknown_03: No, I'm really curious if you guys believe that or not.
Unknown_03: I mean,
Unknown_03: Maybe he's just a big fan of the kill stream, and we've got it all wrong, chat. Yes, he seems like a doormat. OK, I'll read a little bit more, and I'll look at the results.
Unknown_03: Rio, it needs to change my clothes. And he says, OK, I see. I'll be here for a bit. We're at the sports book. Can't come there. 12 minutes away.
Unknown_03: she's bitching about chicken andy again he says where you at ten minutes later five minutes there i'm in traffic sorry car accident cool hurry though time estimate okay here's a fun story when i was um when i was 17 or 18 i got my first job at a uh at a whataburger and i had a very brief relationship with like a
girl from Thailand or Vietnam or something nothing ever happened it was like it was like a stupid little teensy bopper relationship that lasted like two weeks and it ended and then cuz I got pneumonia and I felt like she didn't give a fuck so I said fuck you but
Unknown_03: Yellow fever, but I remember her dad was like a psychotic Asian man cuz that's just how they are so I was driving her back from home or from work to her house and She he finds out that she's with me in the car and he starts text calling her literally every minute. Where you at? Will you at I come get you I come get you and they're all babbling and they're fucking gook bippity boppity fucking language And I'm literally driving from work to there and he is on his way to meet me Halfway to pick up the girl and he's calling every minute. So there's no chance of anything romantic happening Because he's literally every 60 seconds calling saying, where are you at? Where are you at? We're on our way. We're on our way. Click. 60 seconds later, where are you at? Where are you at? Just over and over again. So this is Ralph saying, where are you at? Where are you at? You're not having sex with a chicken, are you? That is not allowed. I'll come get you right now. I am at the MGM.
Okay, where you at? Okay. I'm at the room. I thought you were changing. All right. Yes, I am maze here Chicken is walking up with me and then she says they won't let me in ID check. No. Okay, I guess is she really not 21? It I thought she was 21 is she Okay, he's trying to arrange was uh, oh She lost her ID. Okay. Thanks. That's more. That's more likely. Oh
Okay well let me think that's fucking gay. Still at the bar, let me know when you're out in Fremont.
Unknown_03: or across the Heart Attack Grill, that's great. Can you imagine if, I always think of the way the Ralph and Male saga could end. Him dying in a car crash because he's too busy DMCAing videos on YouTube is a funny way. Him dying of a heart attack eating a fucking eight patty burger at the Heart Attack Grill in Vegas, that's also pretty high up there in comedy factor.
Vickers shooting him was also pretty high up there, but I'm glad the story has been allowed to develop
Unknown_03: OK, she says the next day. What's up with you? So I guess they met up and then this is the next day, right?
Unknown_03: And he says, what's up with you? Where the rave at? I've been trying to check in the hotels all night. I thought you guys had a room. Oh, this is it. 4 AM, so that's this night, like the same night.
We ran into trouble with the website. They keep refunding us and trying to get us into other rooms. Now we have like $100 compensation. He says, cool, keep me posted. I don't know if anyone is wanting to do this rave.
Unknown_03: Y'all are done already? It's only one.
Unknown_03: She says, Dick might be out. I don't know yet. We're eating at the MGM Graham right now.
Unknown_03: So this is the one where, here, let me see if I can find this.
Or they're pointing at each other. We're the only evidence that they met up. This is the, Oh, I guess I don't have this picture. It's the one where Ralph looks really short sitting next to Dick Masterson. So that's the one I guess.
Unknown_03: Come to the V club. It's chill. So they're trying to hook up a new place.
Unknown_03: It's at the Rio and this is 11am the next morning.
Unknown_03: Uh, that's what it looks like. I guess they just stayed up all night.
She mentioned chicken again, by the way, chicken. And he said that he likes you now he was able to see how you really are in real life. And so thanks for letting him hang out and says, yeah, he's welcome. He seems chill. Hope you guys had fun. I'm just getting up now about the shower. So no, he did sleep a word. We also at the Rio. Can I swing by and grab my stuff before you leave? For sure.
Unknown_03: Skip ahead a bit.
Unknown_03: Wait.
Unknown_03: What is this? Chicken, can you give me a minute and meet me around eight? Not cam when you come. Don't bring your camera, because they'll out my hotel, et cetera. She says, I won't be live. See you in 30 minutes. What's the room and floor? Alice is asleep. Opsec reasons I will text when there. LOL. Sorry, I'm weird like that. LMAO. We're at Smashburger now. Not doing anything nefarious. Ha ha.
God, he's like, he's typing like a groomer meme in this. I didn't know there was a Smashburger here.
Unknown_03: So that's text group one. Oh, geez.
Where Ralph is too afraid to tell her where the hotel is, I guess. That's bizarre. Chicken Andy apparently gets arrested. I don't even remember this happening. It goes to show how much I pay attention to this.
Unknown_03: Goo Cheese was on ChickenStream talking shit. Chicken got jumped, I don't know if you saw the arrest vid, but Max said he's a lawyer, right? I want to represent myself in court to save money and avoid corrupt attorneys.
Unknown_03: I'm saying some crazy shit. So now her boyfriend is in jail and she's by herself in Vegas. This I'm rubbing my hands chat. This is the moment that the Ralph and male has been looking for.
She is, she is isolated from, from chicken Andy and may not have the resources to find room and board on short notice.
Unknown_03: Uh, Hey, what's up? What the freak happened? So this is about the fight.
Unknown_03: Why would they beat you up that badly for just getting jumped? Wow, that's fucking rough. He says, I kept fighting back for one. I don't know. You'd have to ask them. Take care. Won't be home for another week, probably. She says, I is going to be so lonely. I'm sorry that you have to deal with that. So fucked up.
How about a poll about how long the poll stays up? Oh, that's right. OK, 900 votes, 60, 70% said that May's dad does, in fact, watch IP do.
Unknown_03: The woman is safe from the surgery, we know about this.
Unknown_03: I'm worried sick. Frowny face, that must be pretty scary. It's like being in a bad movie or something. Why were you alone? I got separated from my friend for like five minutes. We'd been together before that. Oh my god, I'm so sorry. And then she posts a meme of them where their faces are both fucked up as like a sign of solidarity. Because if you don't remember, she got the shit kicked out of her by a whore in a parking lot.
That's actually pretty funny. Look, she sent the version that has Kiwi Farms Always Wins on it with my face three times.
Unknown_02: That really, I hate to say it, that endears me to Alice a little bit. That's pretty fucking funny.
And then he acts like he doesn't even see it.
Unknown_03: It won't let me download pics, no internet in this part of the hospital, only text. And it's okay, sweetheart. I'll be all right in a week or so. They'll fix my face in the morning. If he had seen that picture, he definitely wouldn't be calling her sweetheart. He would be sealing it up, that goddamn pedophile Josh Moon.
Unknown_03: Oh, that's really funny.
Unknown_03: Hope you're okay going to surgery in 15. She says, Hey, with the power puff girls logo emoji. Is that a thing? The triple heart?
Hey, Hey baby girl, what you up to? I finally had my lowercase I internet again as well. My buddy in Lisbon, uh, brought me to another hotspot. Hey, heart's waving hand. How was the surgery? P
Unknown_03: How is the surgery P?
Unknown_03: I don't know what she's saying there. And there's no answer apparently, unless this is out of order.
No. Okay.
Unknown_03: Uh, Hey, it's Alice. Um, and then there's like the Gaia online emoji where it's like two like arrows pointing up.
Unknown_03: Hey, what's up a,
Unknown_03: That's a great nickname. Hey, what's up, A?
Unknown_03: You all have to call me J now. Or N. You can't just call me A. That's something stupid to harp on. That's a really stupid pet name. about to go on the air and say you caught me first haha glad you got the number now you should come to vegas oh this is before they went to vegas we'll check back here and we need someone named i igor we got we got a guy named israel say hi to i too and then uh we have our our buddy glenn say hi to glenn and um gonzola and eric and ricky eric and ricky they're a great pair
just now saw about to go off air actually will be there early oh and then she asked again this is before I guess chicken and he got arrested said well chicken Andy be invited to Las Vegas
Unknown_03: Says actually go in there early, but I'll still be there for those days flying out on Saturday You're gonna stay in Vegas for a couple weeks if you have to lol, but I don't really like him But you may need to in order to go. I don't know if you can go solo or not, man Just come to Vegas and leave that clown lol. I'm gonna be there for two weeks rest of the crew coming in on September 2nd What size shirt you wear and which one you want? She says I want the black t-shirt extra small. Thank you Which logo though the new one or?
Then it skips.
Unknown_03: I really like the Autism 316 one, and yes, I'm coming. Chicken and I are actually looking at renting another apartment in Vegas starting in September, so it's super convenient. Alice, are you at? They say these IP2 MFers are in Vegas. She says, yeah, we're leaving tomorrow, according to Chicken, if all goes well.
Unknown_03: Ask about a couple other IP2 streamers.
Unknown_03: Geyser is a weird pervert. He got stabbed on the strip a while ago on stream when some some some gnolls, eagles, glens, and a Susie tried to rob him.
Okay, haha. Thank you for that. I might try to go and find them if they say stop somewhere He's a creep. Just ask this chick if they couldn't impregnate her That's a great if you're ever you're okay. Imagine you're a woman and you're like, I'm gonna go be famous on the internet I'm gonna get in this camper van and hang out with these guys who are all streaming and and then you're there and then some guy's just like hey can we impregnate you that's a good sign to get the fuck off that rv and go get a job at mcdonald's or something because your life is about to take a serious and dramatic turn for the worse
lol like legit lol he was going on and on about it too creep to the max yeah he's always in my chat saying creepy shit also is bisexual that means he's gay he just cat calls women for content would be content if you stream snipe him they're probably gonna walk up and down the strip they definitely drink with you and smoke you out he says he might stream snipe him
Unknown_03: They're sitting down for drinks. She says, yeah, tell him to stay. Cause it'll take me 15 minutes to get set up in Odyssey stream probably. And we'll be gone. Can't figure out this place. It's by Planet Hollywood. They're at Wahlburgers.
Unknown_03: Content overload, crying, laughing emoji.
Unknown_03: She says, Geezer is a weirdo, but he probably understands your sense of humor. Ralph replies, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. What's that supposed to mean? Crying, laughing emoji. I don't know. You both are boomers. No offense. In case you don't know, Ethan Ralph is 36 years old. He is not a boomer. He is seven years older than I am. The fact that he looks like he's 50 plus is merely incidental and a result of severe chronic alcohol abuse. He is not actually a boomer.
Hey, I'm not that fucking old. I'm still 35 until September 20th LaMal been there in six minutes, and she says hype hype hype LaMal this bitch do look like him
Unknown_03: And then he says a couple minutes later, don't bring Chicken Andy around me. I'll beat the fuck out of him. So have fun in Vegas, but I don't want to be around that bitch. By the way, you were cool. And even being honest on Twitter after that fucking chicken posted the video and said I slapped that eat, which I didn't do. I'm on bail. So that shit really don't amuse me. Thank you though. You've been cool. Trying to delicately, very subtly put that wedge between her and Chicken Andy.
Um Bitch is annoying. I really don't know who the fuck these people are. I apologize. I can't get my opinion about Gucci's or Speedy Is speedy the pedophile? Which one?
Speedy's the pedophile, right? Don't quote me on that. Don't don't sue me for defamation No, I know chaggets the pedophile, but I think speedy Meth head he's the meth head
Unknown_03: Speedy is the method. Who's the pedophile?
Unknown_03: He's the method. He's the hopeless with IP2.
Unknown_03: Speedy is the lovable method. Okay, whatever.
Unknown_03: She says that she likes Speedy, I think.
I told your story on the kill stream and it made me sound more knowledgeable lol appreciate that that is a manipulation tactic by the way I remember this is a true story we used to have an admin on the forum who
Unknown_03: I was very, very fond of, but he developed a coke habit and he accidentally got buck broken by a woman. He had mommy issues and he ended up in a relationship with a woman on the forum who was much older than he was by like 10 years. He was like 20-something, she was like 30.
Unknown_03: and she ends up fucking around with him with one of the actors from Deagle Nation, Tice, and him getting cheated on for a guy, the character that he played in Deagle Nation was Tice, and he literally like huffed shit gas as part of his character, he was addicted to Jenkim, and when he found out that she cheated on him for the actor playing Tice,
uh... he kinda lost his mind his drug habit got really bad and he started reading this book about how to become a sociopath and i remember he told me that one of the like and he read this book um... the art of the deal by trump and he read this other book about how to become a sociopath and he told me outright that one of the tricks to being a sociopath is asking people for advice
Unknown_03: and then telling them a week later regardless of what you actually did with that advice that the advice helped them because if you do that people will think what will fill a connection with you like oh i gave advice and they used it and they got a good result i feel rewarded for this it's and it's a trick to make people like you more
Unknown_03: And then, a month later, he did this exact fucking thing with me. He asked me for advice, and then a couple days later, he said, thanks, it really worked. And I'm thinking, motherfucker, you can't tell me how you're going to manipulate me and then try to pull it off on me. Because I am now privy to your tactics, sir.
And I don't know, I don't think I ever told him that, but I really missed that guy. He was the best admin that we ever had, no offense, Riot. I like Riot a lot, but Gla1ve was technically wise, and he was my number two, and I really thought that I would always be able to rely on that guy.
Unknown_03: and then he tried to have sex. He tried going from wizard-chan admin to having the sex and of course the first woman that he ever trusts as an adult cheats on him with a guy who huffs shit gas out of coke bottles and then he lost his mind.
Last I heard he was super into crypto so he's probably too rich to help him for him now anyways.
Unknown_03: I'm in myself depressed.
Unknown_03: Ralph a male. Her phone has changed from certified Grimmer to Ralph a male. I guess they changed that at some point. Imagine unironically putting Ralph in your phone's Ralph a male cringe.
Unknown_03: I'm concerned I might get into a fight with the dude. He's pretty disrespectful to me, and I wouldn't take that in person. If he wasn't like that, it would be cool.
If he stayed away from me and didn't start shit, it would be cool, but obviously I'm not going to take anything off him, so I don't know what to do.
Unknown_03: And she says, OK, that's fine. I'll bring Chicken Andy. Then he says, a day later, I think?
Unknown_03: Why didn't you tell? And this is like a couple of days before they go to Vegas.
Unknown_03: why didn't you tell me that earlier before I went off again on air and before and okay yeah we can talk about to go meet with Julian from Odyssey oh yeah and the premise of him going out to Vegas and this is why I don't trust Odyssey at all was that he was gonna meet the CEO of Odyssey in Vegas And it's like, this is why I don't trust libertarians either, because that guy was like in the libertarian party of New Hampshire. It's like, can people who call themselves libertarians not be like total reprobates? Can I have something that represents my ideology and my takes that people should mostly be left to their own devices? without it being represented by people who are like freaks and who talk to people like Ralph and who obviously are Interested in that kind of philosophy for nefarious purposes Just once please. No. Okay, great. Thanks chat
Julian wants to pay one of these IP2 fags to fight Andy Warsky for a nice paycheck and I need some feedback on it ASAP. So it's nice to know that Julian is using his Odyssey money to set up bumfights. You can get some money if you help me put it together, but it needs to be soon. Thinking speedy maybe. You coming to Vegas? He says next day. I guess she doesn't reply to this because she's like, wow, you're being kind of cringe, bro. Chicken wants to talk to you on the phone before we leave though. I will fight Warsky.
Unknown_03: Okay, she just didn't see it. Wait, there's money on the table? I'll fight him.
Okay, let's chat.
Unknown_03: Who would win?
Unknown_03: Worski, Alice.
Unknown_03: I need your hot take on this.
Unknown_03: Sorry, you can't. I had the other phone with me. You never answer back. Oh, poor Ralph.
Unknown_03: Getting sidelined. Can't compete with the chicken.
Unknown_03: Norples exactly Ralph Amell or Alice says sorry chicken is on the phone with my dad at the minute Chicken is kicking me out right now BAM another got your in well. Oh, this is why right well They break I remember this they break up once and then Ralph thinks this is it I'll fly that I'll pay for that bitch to fly out to Vegas to suck my dick right And she'll have to do it and she'll be away from from chicken Andy and perfect bang bada-boom bada-bing set it up knock it down She says I'm in Phoenix $160 flight to Vegas what's going on by the way? I hope it's not too crazy. She says we got into an argument He told me to go to Virgin Fest without him. I said, okay He told me to leave but now he's blacking out and to talk to you and fix it now that I'm serious about leaving I told him we're better off apart. He's making it hard for me to leave. He is mad that I But
He's the man that I haven't gotten a job when I asked him to drive me to drop off resumes. He seems to kind of sabotage you. So you'll have to pay, you have to stay away from him more. I don't know if it's just him being scared. And this is Ralph talking to her, I think. I don't know if it's just him being scared of leaving him or what, but it's not good for you. So come on, come on, Discord kitten. Come on out to Vegas. It's nice and safe in Vegas. We'll take care of you. Me and my buddy, Dick Masterson and Julian. We'll have a nice taking care of you session together in Vegas and the MGM and an undisclosed location that you won't have a paper trail for I'll talk to him if you really want me to to be cool and make peace But I don't think that's the right plan for you. Either way. I should come to Vegas We have a ton of friends here Royce and merch and dick will be here at 4 p.m. Well, you don't want to miss that That's a heck of a lineup Brownie Sorry, let me clear my throat real quick off mic
And on that note, 636 votes, 60% said that Warski could take Alice.
Unknown_03: Kristorian says Ralph and May seem to be playing this weird good cop bad cop game on Alice while offering her creepy pseudo family Meanwhile Alice gets in over her head with two wannabe cult leaders trying to play them off each other for fun profit. That is common in Couples who groom kids. It's very very common if you ever see a unit abducting children, which is the thing that unfortunately happens
The woman will lure the children in. I'm not saying that Alice is a child, but in general, the dynamic is that people trust women more. Women don't have the creepy, weird sexual impulses that men more frequently do have. So you send the woman out to be like, hey, we'll take care of you. We want to help you. And then they'll think, oh, well, if a woman says that, it must be true, because women generally have good intentions.
And you know for motherly instinct stuff, and then it's like oh actually she was just luring you in for her for her boyfriend or husband or whatever Ralph is well fed.
Unknown_03: We love you homie and make a donation goal. Here's a dollar. Thank you for the feeder fun The video you played with the girls 9000% zoom I remember him going on the kills from about it I
Unknown_03: And DSP says the site's a weapon to harm, like, all the time. That's not unusual. He doesn't like the site, which is unfortunate, because everyone on the site loves him. Though his board is more a-loggy than the usual, so, you know, that's what it is.
Unknown_03: I can't blame him for not liking it.
Okay, let us continue. Okay, Ralph, now Ralph's in. He's done in. He says that me and my buddy Dick and Marcia and whatever the fuck will take care of you. Give me a few minutes. I'll send you the details on my other phone. First name, Holland, middle name, Shari, last name, proud foot, and we'll have mattress beds in the three rooms or we'll figure something out.
Unknown_03: Or you could get fucked in the mouth in my shower.
Unknown_03: Could get someone else to rent our room under their name. Maybe.
Unknown_03: You can get on the plane without an ID. You've done that before, right? She said, yeah, that's perfect, and I can probably stay with Geezer if anything. Yeah, I've done it before.
Ralph says, two weeks later, Alice, what's up, lol? Call me on this phone. She says, I don't know. He's being mean. So mean. And that's...
Unknown_03: Chicken Andy, I guess he says you're not acting like worse. He said I didn't think you were anyways I'm sorry. Hope it gets better. Is she like trying to get shit from him by being like? Help ease help ease. I'm so victimized right now Could you fly me out to Vegas and buy me stockings and everything from my Amazon wishlist? Oh, I and then ralph's like hell yeah baby girl i'm gonna take care of you i'm gonna get you that room that you need and all them drugs that you like and your favorite type of drink and and your favorite stockings yes i don't think i need a poll for that one i think that's pretty obvious like i said i really
No, I'm not.
Unknown_03: Alice kills animals. I have to write her off in my book. I can't feel bad for her. It's like with May. It's like, you know, you're fucking, you committed adultery. It's one of the Ten Commandments. So, you know, fuck you, I guess.
I had to lock him out, she says about Chicken Addie. because he started restraining me and choking me out. Choking the chicken that time. I asked him to please stop and he just let me listen. She said, stop, look here, listen. And he said, no, I'm gonna choke my chicken.
Unknown_03: That's a true story that actually happened. Ralph says, should I say that or he's saying you locked him out to fuck with him? She says, he is lying. Ralph believes all women. I believe you.
I will let him in to see what he does. She says, okay, go ahead. But he's trying to break in.
Unknown_03: I literally sent him $60 with our groceries, including the vodka.
Unknown_03: I paid for it. He says, I believe you. You know what I think?
Unknown_03: And she says, what? And he says, he'll complain if I say it again. And she says, okay. All right. At this point, I'm just going to leave at this point. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to protect myself. I want to listen and hang out.
I would, sweetheart. Up to you though. Let me know if you need anything. I believe you. Why shouldn't you be able to listen?
Unknown_03: Drinking soda was bad. I'm like, I have that acid reflux. That's what it is. It's fucking soda. I have to clear my throat so much during drinks. I drink soda. It's like it irritates my throat or something.
Unknown_03: Need a hydrate with water chat.
The soda grimace, carbonation grimace. Yeah, exactly. I got that.
Unknown_03: So these are like days apart now.
Unknown_03: um october 21st hope y'all are okay over there two weeks later you okay two weeks later after that yeah lol another two weeks after that okay it's the same one lol she says yeah gay as smiley face and then why didn't you mention talking earlier fucker haha of course you did pass out so fair play
and she said yeah i took the ridiculous amount of moonshine and he says i used to have awesome moonshine hookups in south carolina she says i pass it all day and try to wake me up to feeding but apparently i got angry with them he says good shit but man can you really can really catch up to you quick
Unknown_03: She says that she was super hungover, probably bad idea to cope with alcohol, should try to stay sober. He says I caught a felony one time, but it was regular liquor and not moonshine. I guess, but shit is hard. What are you up to now? I'm sitting in the studio like a retard.
Unknown_03: She says, drinking coffee out of a Moonman cup. Wow, what a bass girl. She drinks out of racist paraphernalia. I only drink coffee out of my early 1920s Americana that has like slave women and traditional blouses.
It's like a mug shaped like a racist caricature of a black woman, like a fat black woman from a plantation. That's the only way. If I don't have my racist mug, I can't start my day. I'm just out of commission for the,
Unknown_03: For the next 24 hours.
Unknown_03: He says, that's on brand for you. Oh, there's the Moonman coffee. It's just like, oh, it's an old, did she really buy like an old McDonald's plastic cup off eBay? Cause it has Moonman on it.
Unknown_03: Yeah. I've been watching it since then. Blah, blah, blah.
My mom is a bitch. I love her a lot now.
Unknown_03: He says, that's good. It's cool now. I miss mine a lot. And yeah, okay.
Unknown_03: I don't know. I guess I'm just talking about what's the context for this. It's out of order. I'm talking about her, their moms. I guess she says I went neat mood. Like I couldn't leave my house at all without becoming overstimulated and spurging.
Unknown_03: I would just eat Xanax. I would take three or four every day. Bitch.
No one asked.
Unknown_03: He's just, oh, she's like opening up to him, and Ralph is like, now that she's trusting me more, I'm in for sure. He says, now it's okay. Eat pills, crazy shit happens to you, blah, blah, blah.
Unknown_03: I do not care about her addictions. I literally could not care less.
Unknown_03: When I did furry art growing up, we would livestream with each other, so I always did that growing up. I started making YouTube videos and Twitch. When I was 13, I had a video blow up. So cringe to think about that. Ah. And he says, that's crazy to me. When I was 13, well, yeah, it was a little before.
She said she would shoot guns and do cosplay. No wonder why she's so fucked up. She's definitely been groomed.
Unknown_03: I'm thankful, shit does suck.
Unknown_03: You'll be okay, stay up. I have faith, winky face. He didn't actually put a winky face, but I'm looking at my screen right now, at my chat, and I'm winking at you when I say that. I have faith, wink, in you. I'm kinda worried about going to jail on the fifth, and yeah, I mean, from the kill stream, I'm not really a leader like them. I'm the host. It's designed that way, but I'm super controversial.
This shit's boring.
Unknown_03: Ralph's court case. Now this is fun. This is what I'm waiting for. Uh, I saw that. Was it a warrant in California? Are you actually taking you in? He says there's some petty contempt of court. I have a trial date for revenge porn on the 5th, January 24th on the contempt. I don't care about that. It's the 5th. I don't know. My lawyer says I won't do time, but we'll see. I want to have fun in Vegas before that.
He says he's facing 12 months. Max wouldn't get the max anyways.
Unknown_03: Alice points out, oh, that ain't shit, but it would suck if you didn't get to see your daughter's birth. What's the deal with the custody of your son? They don't want you to be able to see him. And he says, yeah, that's the part that would suck. But I agree. Ha ha. It's not that bad. I hate to be off in the field that long. No shows, et cetera. And no, they don't.
I'm probably going to have to start a huge legal battle if I want to. I haven't hired a lawyer out there yet.
Unknown_03: she says she's not deprived so she don't care to do could she do care she keeps asking to prime she want those deets she knows she's gonna be leaking this is someone at some point in the near future so she's like he's done those deeds boy uh... she might try to sue
Oh, because he kept... I don't think that's suing though. It's like if someone has a restraining order against you and you're not allowed to talk about them, if you keep going on Twitter and saying that she has a loose pussy, that might be a violation of your restraining order.
Unknown_03: Uh, let's see. I'm not good at hiding my emotions and stories anyway, lol. Well, her and her dad got restraining orders to try to criminalize my speech. All the while, they're opening the trash and me on the daily. And that's actually true, I agree with Ralph there. If you're gonna get a restraining order against someone because you feel they're threatening you, you should also shut the fuck up about them. Uh, so, Vickers is a retard. So I kind of played into their hands by responding, but it was the day I almost died in that car wreck and I was pissed that she was talking shit. So I said that.
You provided the restraining order by tweeting her.
Unknown_03: And she says, yes, you're so cool. And he asked, haha, you think so? Thank you, blush emoji. This is the end of what they're saying. Haha, you're going to make me blush.
Unknown_03: Oh, oh, now who's getting manipulated? Ralph Amell, Ralph Amell wrapped around the finger.
What the fuck just turn off the computer basically because I named her let me see if I can find it I guess that would upset me too if I was in her position. Well, yeah, but Well, yeah, but it's like an intro to like a meme you almost died yeah, okay I'm talking about the rack excusing shit-talking baby mama. Oh
Unknown_03: Of course they wanted me to do it. Yeah, of course they're baiting you into replying because Vickers has the 1000 year plan to get revenge on Ralph. Vickers is trying to drive Ralph to suicide because it's an unforgivable sin. He's trying to make sure that he goes to hell. That's Vickers' plan.
All this shit will come out in court. They haven't been clean at all. They've been kind of going against the spirit of the order. They clearly don't even need protection, lol. They don't fear me either or they wouldn't taunt me and shit. I agree with Ralph.
Unknown_03: And Alice also agrees because that's common sense.
Unknown_03: I feel bad for my son, but I don't know what to do with these maniacs. Maybe if I win or lose in January they will be less crazy.
So what happened between you guys that you fought in the first place? That's a long story. The last time it was her dad and me having a fight and she started all this. I talked to her daily before the whole pregnancy, but she's basically become a huge liar. I don't want to rehash it, but I'll tell you in person one day. It's a very long story.
Unknown_03: Yeah, I wanna go. Okay, so now they're talking about their New Year's Vegas get-together. Oh, we got a cute outfit to wear. I have to go. And he says, good, I was hoping so. And oh yeah, how would you describe it? She says, you'll see it. You'll see, you'll see. So now he's excited. It's a typical rave bitch ass slut outfit. Very classy. Sounds like it would meet my approval, Ralph says. I have to fill out your name and stuff for the ticket. I have a flight.
to see too she says honestly this video is not bad like since you can see your pussy Ralph's pussy since you can see your pee too it isn't the same situation as hers getting licked anyways oh his penis why would she sense her penis
So she watched the sex tape and was like, I can see both of your pussies, this is perfectly okay.
Unknown_03: How can one side claim that this is revenge pornography?
Unknown_03: He says, oh shit.
Unknown_03: I'll just wait in Richmond soon. My friend says I can take hers though. Okay, wait. When do you think you'll be here? She says, I don't know, I'm coming though. My brother might show up to pick me up. I don't know, I'll figure it out.
Unknown_03: Also, he says apropos of nothing.
Also, my dick is bigger than that. That's what pisses me off about the video lol. It's not even a coke. It's like the angle and the fact I ain't even fooling hard. Sorry, I've been on this rant before too. no absolutely nothing that she said warranted that response she said i can see your your p star star star and he's like actually it's a little bit bigger than p p stars uh are are larger than they may appear now i feel inclined to take a break to drink a little bit of water but hold up
on the topic of Ralph's WAP.
Unknown_12: Yeah, you effin' with some wet-ass P-Word. Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass P-Word. Give me everything you've got for this wet-ass P-Word. Beat it up, N-Word. Catch a charge. Extra large and extra hard. Put this P-Word right in your face. Swipe your nose like a credit card. Hop on top if I want a ride. I do a kegel while it's inside. Spit in my mouth. Look in my eyes. This P-Word is wet. Come take a dive. It continues along these lines, you know, and it gets significantly, significantly more vulgar. Like, oh, a lot more vulgar.
There is someone asked, Jenny asked for $20. Any update on the patch run?
I haven't produced it yet, but I'm waiting on a 3PL. I'm probably going to have to sort that out in the end of April as opposed to before.
Unknown_03: at the beginning of April, so I apologize for that, that really sucks. There is a video, you know what, it's on my post. I remember calling Ralph a big chungus. You can see Ralph's, you can actually see Ralph's p-word in one picture. I have to find this now, because it's driving me crazy.
Unknown_03: He's sitting and he's like fat and his like pantalones are like up in his groin and you can see like what would appear to be the the lips of Ralph's vagina and ah Ah here Thank God. I found it. Everyone needs to witness this
Here here we go. I posted this cuz Ralph reminded me so much of big chunks. It made me laugh out loud and we pull it up and we open it on the biggest screen and I'm sorry, but like this is what Alice saw she saw the peas pea star pea stars of Ralph's cameltoe and
Unknown_03: That's the first thing I think of when I hear it.
Anyways, I'm not going to take up too much time.
Unknown_03: So apropos of nothing, he tells Alice, just in case she was curious, that actually his dick is much bigger than that sex tape he released of his pregnant girlfriend.
Unknown_03: Pregnant ex-girlfriend that he currently has a restraining order against is bigger than you would assume.
Unknown_03: Well, ironically enough, my sex tape got leaked, too. I get it, kind of.
Unknown_03: Yeah, I saw that. I still laugh at. Oh, no. Ha ha ha. And then she says, that's not funny, because obviously a woman would be upset if someone leaked sex tapes over on the Internet. And he's making fun of her for some reason, she says. and he says which part and then she continues also is there a situation involving you with a guy who puts a dildo on his head and he says what not that i know of and he she never clarifies which part she doesn't like give him enough maybe he was
I don't know what he's laughing at. It really sounds like he's laughing at the fact that she had a sex tape leak. He's nagging her. This is what we call a Sigma male move, where you kind of, when you have someone who's like an alcoholic grooming victim who is like mentally retarded, it's always a good idea to laugh at her misfortunes because then her self-worth needs to, at that point, it still needs to dip just a little bit lower so that she thinks that she's,
She's worthy of being gunted. It's a steep decline. You know, you think, oh, her self-worth is too low. No, no, no. If you're the Ralph Amelio, you got to keep digging that fucking hole, because you'd be surprised what kind of gutter skank would still say no to the gun.
Unknown_03: Uh, she says, I hope you don't go to jail. That would suck. I miss talking to you. I write you, I will write you a letter. Uh, try not to worry. We will have so much fun. She says, please do write. I miss you as well. Let's have fun in Vegas though. I want to go out with a good time. Exactly. And we'll talk tomorrow. If you have time, think of something you want for Christmas. She says, okay, I'm going to go watch my anime. I pray for you tonight. A very good one too.
I don't know why I read it like that.
Unknown_03: You know, if you're ever talking to a girl and she's like, okay, I'm going to go watch cartoons now. Bye bye. Uh, you might be talking to someone who is not competent enough to make independent decisions.
Uh, Ralph says, smile, winky face, smiley. Thank you to praying emoji. Tits quote, tits are nice. Delete tweet above thinking emoji to her. And she says, LOL.
Unknown_03: I don't know what the fuck this conversation is. I guess they're trading nudes at this point. I asked for dick pics in my email.
Unknown_03: I had to delete it. People were sending them.
Unknown_03: I guess she's sending him nudes or something. I don't know what the fuck is happening here.
Lamel, I bet you got several, yeah, I don't have any on this phone. Business line, lol.
Unknown_00: Oh yeah, two phones for business.
Unknown_03: This is the girlfriend phone, and the other is the wife phone. In case you're listening, Mae, just so you know, he has two phones.
Unknown_03: I have a phone that comes from China. China! I have two SIM cards in it, there's a slot for a third. I do not need a girlfriend phone and a business phone, okay? I have one phone that can fit three different lines on it and it works just fine.
Unknown_03: She asked for nudes as a joke, okay. Thank you for clarifying.
Unknown_03: Uh, that's what she's doing. She's going to go to the military surplus store, which is kind of weird.
Unknown_03: Whatever.
Unknown_03: Ralph says, I'm kind of bored on air, to be honest. Yeah, we can tell Ralph.
Unknown_03: Uh, blah, blah, blah. Talking about Hillary Clinton who gives a shit.
I feel like a pot of these TTS songs are like melted into my brain. I get some weird chemical response when I hear them.
Unknown_03: If you ever hear the... You know what causes funny chemical reactions from people who are around super chats too much? Try playing the intro to DuckTales and see what happens.
Unknown_03: It cracks me up. They're still finding funny new ways to use it. What's the plan tonight?
Unknown_03: I went to get pizza after thrifting. Ooh, pizza. You know, tomorrow is my pizza day. I'm fasting right now. If I sound sleepy, it's because I'm waiting for my pizza tomorrow.
He says, yeah, it was a good nap. I didn't mean to go to sleep. Ha ha. Usually for the best kinds of naps for me. Ha ha.
Unknown_03: Oh, blah, blah, blah. Something about Tesla. Get fucked, Elon.
Unknown_03: Ha ha. Talk about the news. It gives a shit.
Unknown_03: Okay, here. Here's a typical grooming line. She's sending him IP to stuff and he says I'm gonna make you my op II Correspondent lol she says oh, that's all I do is watch streams, and he says yeah, why not exactly? I'm not really do so it helps me She says I will take this order seriously salute emoji. Yeah He says you could call him once a week or something and talk about if you want to or I could just use your info And credit you as a correspondent, but a weekly segment would be fun. IMO IP to recap. Okay, sure
um i mean that's i mean he's done that before he got pay the abortionist on like his ip he's like his pay is like his social media correspondent and she like does tiktok thought videos or something i guess because he gives her like 50 bucks a month to do it and she sends him nudes
Uh, and this is her asking about Trisha Paytas. Have you seen the pic of her squirting or asshole? It's like gaping open and there's another pic where she has toilet paper all over her asshole.
Unknown_03: He says, Alice this video and no, I didn't see that. And she says, yeah, I'm actually tapped out of this pot line. I was in Vegas all, all during this.
Unknown_03: So now she starts taking the job seriously and like sending her him updates about IP two stuff.
Unknown_03: And he's like, yeah, OK, cool.
I thought I ran in there. So she's like responding to him on text while they're streaming.
Unknown_03: Bullshit, I don't give a fuck about.
Unknown_03: I can't tell if that's a picture of something. Oh.
Unknown_03: They were roleplaying being pregnant and giving birth and Raven was holding the doorknob on one side and he pulled the door from the other of the wall, yelling, that baby is coming. Okay. I guess they're just being weird for content.
I took a shot earlier but oh so he knows she announces that she's drinking I took a shot earlier but I know it's not anything I may be a legitimate alcoholic at this point he says lol okay I gotta finish me show talk to me after he she says okay he says you better and then he posts the the devilish emoji and says okay lol I was missing because she doesn't respond and he's like oh fuck I might have gone a little bit too far I might have gone too far in a few places
Unknown_04: Tracks it immediately like a betas.
Unknown_03: I was just messing. I wasn't upon that you should get drunk and send me regrettable Regrettable photographs of yourself. I would never do that. I was just joking. I was having a laugh lol, haha
Unknown_03: She said oh he I was finally done So he immediately ended the stream because she told him that she was drinking and he went to get titty pictures So she's like, oh wow, that was fast and he was like, yeah, I was already going late anyways She says yeah, but the context this guy is they're making jokes about being impregnated. Oh, so now she's talking about IP to shit again He's like, ah, fuck. I don't wanna hear about your fucking streams bitch get naked. Oh ,
didn't use them because now she's talking about the vegas again so now it's like this is on point this is what i want to talk about getting her ready so excited don't tell anyone that by the way i don't i know i mentioned it mention that lol and she says don't worry i haven't told anyone to see face why can i cuz rumors huh jizya i'd rather not could get a control spurs etc and i don't know you know why
Why else?
Unknown_03: How do I do a southern uwu voice? You know why. Why else the smiley face? Oh, oh. Oh, because he's saying, you sent me a cutesy face. That means that you want to fuck, right? Why else would you send me the cutesy face? And she says, that's so gay. Why can't we just be friends and not have to make it weird? And I wanted to give you a nice picture of us to post.
Unknown_03: And he says, uh, lol, depends on the pic. And yeah, it's gay. OK, for real. Where are you going to stay if you go? And she says, I don't know. And we already discussed the hotel arrangements before. So we are now moving on to the next post.
Let me see. Have I missed anything? I'll take a second.
Unknown_03: Anime and prayer the Treadcath foundation for a healthy modern family. Does seven eight nine always donate seven eight nine? I just noticed that Anime and prayer is the exact opposite of a healthy modern family. Well, I don't know. Can you pray pray a may I Mean Christianity is like on the rise in Japan and China, right? There should be Treadcath anime at some point So
uh this is ralph posting about his finances he did this to adrian blair as well starts with alice talking plan but it doesn't seem like everyone is a dono strike is on a dono strike i'm waiting on my last two paychecks for my job to come in it should be like one grand So she hints that she's having money issues.
Unknown_03: He lives right behind me, the MGM. He said I can say that whenever I need to. He says, oh, well, that's cool. DonoStrike. Yeah, no one is donating. Also, I haven't been streaming at all. They're all watching RV7.
One day soon, I will be in China, safe from the wee-woos. Chat. I'm telling you, they just loop in circles trying to find me.
Unknown_03: How much do you usually make? I make like, I made like 400 today, something like that. I made half my monthly income in a single day, in case you're wondering.
Unknown_03: She says, usually 500 a month, 1,000 if I'm working extra hard, but I've been slacking lately. And she says, yeah, there's no way you make that. He goes, lol, okay, and then posts a picture, and these are all Stripe payments, and
Amount bank card so he shared very wisely he decides to share the last four digits of his bank card the interesting thing about this is that there is no date and I want to check something just real quick Yeah, there is no date So this could be every day. It could be every week. I get I bet you if I had to guess I would say that this is probably a
Unknown_03: probably a single day so he streams for for a month i don't think it'll be a month i bet i bet you i think this is probably a single day is what he gets because you can see the days where he doesn't stream he gets nine dollars i bet you the the super chat system pays out once a day
Unknown_03: So, I mean, I can believe it. If you stream for like eight hours and you get like a super chat every 10 minutes or so, then you're still gonna make like a couple hundred dollars.
That's why people like DSP never go away. If you have a dedicated audience of a couple hundred people willing to throw you a super chat every so often, then it's all you need if you're willing to stream forever.
Unknown_03: There are more loud weewoos in China. There's no weewoos in China. Come on now. Don't lie. Xi Jinping personally told me that China is a quiet place where everyone has good sleeps all the time.
Unknown_03: I still have Odyssey and Cash App, so it's like this is money on top of money that I'm making. And she says, I need Power Chat. Yeah, I'm pretty blessed. Built up supporters for years. Why don't you have it? She says, I don't know. Banks said he would set me up for it. They didn't. Angry emoji. I made $10,000 on Power Chat in less than a month, or right around a month.
I don't believe that, to be honest with you.
Unknown_03: Man, you think I lie, don't you? That tripped me out. And there's another one. Oh, here we go. This is... So this is... What day is this? I can't accurately pinpoint this if I know what day this is.
It starts at 1 a.m.
Unknown_03: So... Can I get a date real quick? Just let me scan ahead and see if I can find this.
Unknown_03: Then I'll scan back.
Unknown_03: No, I don't get a date. Oh, December 18th. So that's an entire month.
Unknown_03: Is what that is. So in the month of November, he made gross.
Unknown_03: And most of that was made on that one day. And that's after their feed. So he made 10,100 in the month of November. But most of that, as you can see, is on that specific day right there.
And then she says, LOL, you deserve it. He says, haha, why do I deserve it? Weird smiley face. And then he says, OK, I'll get you set up if you really want. And she says, yes, please. I can't handle donation alerts or any crud. It's so trash. He says, yeah, it's bad. I was about to say, what are you going to do for me?
And then I thought, man, that sounds pretty lecherous. And she says, I'll be your best friend.
Unknown_03: Immediately friend zoned, setting the stage for a disastrous Vegas where he has to do the rape back on Alice for all this wasted, squandered time. I did not send you money for your best friendship, Alice. This is not how it works here in Vegas. It's time for the rape back.
Unknown_03: It says, uh, I'm not going to extort you or anything. I'm just going to Facebook you. I wouldn't let that happen. Uh.
Will chill I'm playing with you. I'm playing. I'm just playing dog. I'm just playing Lamao, okay, damn, you're pretty loaded Lamao pants. It was a lucky gal. She says ha ha. Oh, yeah the important things Thank you, though. Kind of you to say ha ha ha. Anyways, I'm hot as fuck. Don't know how to transition off that she says I'm a P a K the bowl. Oh pack the bowl. Okay. I
Unknown_03: good call i can't morally infringe upon you too oh she's saying that she's making it clear like i don't want to be a third wheel on your relationship bringing up pantsu like pantsu sure is lucky you have you know pranking girlfriend right now he's like
Morally infringe. What do these words mean in conjunction with one another? I've never heard of such a such a thing in my entire life in my 50 years on this earth Says I don't know you guys are a couple I don't couldn't do anything like that even if I wanted to She says oh, yeah, even if you wanted to I shouldn't drag that out. But yeah, I could understand that for sure Oh, you're gonna wait on me to say something. Oh And she says, I don't know what to say. He says, well, now, yeah, I don't really either. Ha ha, IDK. You never talk on the phone. Like, call? You never call me.
Then he says, oh, that's true. I don't know when to call you. Like, she's inviting him to call her right now. And he's like, nah, actually, I just want to text.
Unknown_03: Okay, I'm gonna stream tomorrow blah blah I might get a bunch of drugs instead and lock myself in Raven's basement. That's cool What kind of drugs by the way acid it would be a funny stream if we do Vegas. I should have a bunch Yeah, I want to meet that CEO Julian It's a nice cap I had a cat that looked like that, but he had a crooked mustache We had like a he had like a Hitler stache if Hitler's mustache was uneven and just like below one nostril
I like that cat.
Unknown_03: Oh my god, so cute. I want to kiss it. Groomer101, show her the pets. Bitches love cats.
Unknown_03: Yeah, he's a cute cat. Oh my gosh. No, it's totally not weird. Literally every guy I talk to ends up hitting on me.
Unknown_03: I wonder why, Alice. Is it that you have no market value, that you're like a worthless fucking waster and nobody talks to you unless they're trying to fuck you, Alice? Is that why?
Unknown_03: Maybe go to college, Alice.
Maybe go to rehab, Alice.
Unknown_03: And there's a video of the cat. He realized that she liked cats and was like, I got to get her some more of that and warm her up.
Unknown_03: No, I mean, I don't know. It's not a good idea. I still want to be... I still want to though. Here's a video of Smoke.
Unknown_03: So cute. Meow. Cat smiley face from Ralph. Subtly. Now, the cat smiley face is a subtle joke. He's implying through
Situational humor that she is his kitten His discord kitten and the cat emoji signifies this.
Unknown_03: I Sent you some questions on your curious cat and she says so now he's like I'm gonna find this bitch's shit and then he finds like off-site stuff about her and apropos nothing sends her random questions and She's like, oh that was you huh? And he seems taken aback that what was me and
And then the last two questions that she received are, quickest way to destroy someone and quickest orgasm you've had. Which is probably why she's a little bit taken aback by him randomly saying that he sent her questions.
Unknown_03: He says, nah, lol, mine were more classy than that. And then she says, I see. Please don't be mad at me.
Unknown_03: She says, I'm looking at flights right now. Go ahead and find. That sounds cozy. Planning stuff for RV7. Blah, blah, blah.
She says, well, it's not very often you get to go to a music festival with Ethan Ralph. I'm still down. I just want to have fun. She just wants the bees. She just wants to Vegas bees and have fun with friends who aren't trying to fuck her. And unfortunately she will instead be raped in the mouth.
Unknown_03: Um,
Unknown_03: She says, I don't know. Ralph says, I've not been handling it right. Probably not a good idea. No need to make it a thing. But if you want to get your money or whatever, just go to Vegas. I'll be there. Should be fun. And she says, OK, I'm glad you came to that decision. I'm always rooting for you, though. I hope you know that. Being very friendly.
And then he says,
Unknown_03: No minutes later. Oh wait, no, two hours later, an hour and a half later. Okay, I'm drunk and high now. Do you want to go and get me back on that RV? Man, man, you just seem different about everything and early until after the show when I hit you back. I really don't get going back to that house, even if you didn't want to go with me to Vegas. I could act, and I don't see a full copy of this.
Something about chicken Andy, I guess she knew that chicken Andy was getting out. So she was less lonely at that point I Have no interest in anything else but getting my stuff and getting bail money back She says I don't want to go back to chicken Andy
Unknown_03: I really don't want to go. She says, I don't think it's a good idea. Then I, if you don't think it's a good idea, then I agree. I think it would be fun, but I also don't want to burden you paying for my stuff. And I don't want to take a risk right now when I'm such a vulnerable spot.
He says, I just said that because I thought that's what you're supposed to say. And it is, but I don't care. I also thought you were going back to all that. And I was like, okay, then the rat call.
Unknown_03: So she's somewhat trepidatious about going to Vegas now. And he's like, no, no, no. Discord kitten, you're so close. Ha ha. Come with me to Vegas. I'll pay for everything.
Unknown_03: Uh, I know it's like, this is gonna sound lame, but maybe spending some time together would be good for us. Kind of like an escape. Oh, so romantic. It would be so romantic, such a romantic proposition if he didn't have a pregnant wife and, or a pregnant fiancee, because they'll never get married in the next room.
So this is going to sound lame, but I was thinking spending some time together would be good for both of us. Kind of like an escape. And I wanted to treat you to some nice things. You said, I don't know, you said you hadn't been taken out that much.
Unknown_03: He's so nice, he's so nice, chat. Ralph really just wants to show her a good time, because the guys she's with are just no good, especially that dang darn Chicken Andy that she's thinking of going back to. They're just no good for her, chat. Ethan Ralph has the wine-em, dine-em spirit that she really deserves.
Unknown_03: You honor him so, Josh.
I have plenty of other guys who can offer that to me.
Unknown_04: Oh my god.
Unknown_03: Where's the sound effect? Is this it? No, that's not it. Where is it? No!
Unknown_03: I want the thing that the black people put on their their videos when something happens. It's like oof. It goes like It's like I got plenty of guys that can give that to me I didn't the stone head emoji drops on them, and then he's like oh fuck This is this is how I'm seeing it in my head shot. I don't know if you're on the same page She says, I have plenty of guys who can offer that to me. It seems wrong when you have a fiance and a baby on the way. Yeah, no shit.
I know you're stressed out and I think being with me would help, but I feel like that's wrong. And he says, okay, that's fair. Then I won't.
Unknown_03: I just like, I won't push it any further. I just wonder why you kind of killed it at this point. You seem so down earlier. Yeah, I can't make you obviously lol. I'm sure you have a lot of cool offers. Yeah. Well, I was before, but I don't want anything weird to happen. Plus it's difficult because I don't have an idea right now.
He says, earlier this afternoon you were, I don't know. It feels like I'm trying to talk too into it as I've been seen as pushy, so I don't know what to say. There's still some time left. Let me see if I can get into Richmond. My dad is being weird. And he says, I could just fly into Richmond if you really want.
Unknown_03: I'm not trying to pressure you. And then a day later, he sends her a picture of a polar bear. Coke polar bear made out of flowers at the Bellagio. Pretty, she replies. Forgot I had taken this picture.
It's a nice icebreaker. Bitches love polar bears.
Unknown_03: No, I'll get to it.
Unknown_03: I got nothing but time today, chat. I'm in my zone. I'm relaxing. I'm spending some time with my internet friends to de-stress after being yelled at by everyone on the internet for the last day.
Unknown_03: I got drunk and ate a fish sandwich, then passed out. That is classy. She's very classy.
Was in the shower. That doesn't sound too bad. They're calling the IP2 segment. I have 12 hours to fill.
Unknown_03: She says, okay, I will. And then he says, only if you want to not try on the forest. I got kind of drunk last night to gamble and drink instead of doing the kill stream. Um, maybe just to run down the IP2 happenings with a few clips up to you though. What time works best? I have nothing between one and 6 PM Eastern.
Unknown_03: fuck i'm drunk as fuck still i just yacked says alice oh man haha i hope you feel a little better now she says yeah so much better i have to stop drinking and smoking fuck talking about ip2 shit she says that she can't go on air because she's sick and can't speak she says she has to chill she's freaking out because she's drunk
And then she was drunk, blackout drunk and trying to do dishes. And they left her in the living room. They heard me making noise and I was naked peeing on the floor.
Unknown_03: Ralph replies, oh yeah, you must have been really drunk.
Unknown_03: You know.
Unknown_03: I'm looking at this from like the perspective of a normal person like if you're talking to a girl and this is the kind of shit that she's relaying to you and Then you're just like oh, yeah, well if you want me to fly you out so I can fuck you Let me know like that's his reaction to this. It's not like oh It's like oh good. She's totally Irresponsible and gross and I really have a solid chance with this woman because she's such a mess She is profoundly mess up. Yes
I made like 750, is this, this can't be the same conversation. No, it's not. Okay. Like there's no way you follow that up by saying, well, I made money, so fuck you.
Unknown_03: She's saying, watching cartoons from Japan. I just want to get back home already. Blah, blah, blah.
Unknown_03: I feel so broken and lost. She says, frowny face, frowny face. She replies, let me cheer you up somehow.
Unknown_03: They just asked about her nipples again.
um ew lol non-white alice says haha yeah i knew you would say that that's why i wanted to mention bahaha winky face ralph says gaya emoji alice replies so december 18th she says two paychecks should be like 1k oh i've already been through this
Unknown_03: Oh my fucking, I guess I'm gonna be streaming forever chat. Cause this is like, there's like three more posts of this and then there's another page.
Unknown_03: I guess I have to scan through this even faster. I thought it was already going pretty fast, but I don't know. I would like to skip more, but it's like, you know what I mean? They're all creepy.
Unknown_03: Okay, here.
Ralph is likely to see a 25% off gambling trap email and felt like a king. I will just, I will no longer read ones unless they appear interesting.
Unknown_03: And then she, she blots out a lot of her messages. Oh, she's talking about who she's meeting up with.
Unknown_03: She's meeting up with someone.
Unknown_03: She's taking a cold shower.
Unknown_03: He is posting an email.
Unknown_03: I don't know what the fuck that is supposed to be about. Some shit about Odyssey, I guess.
She wants to go to Vegas really bad all of a sudden. I guess because she's mentally ill and flip-flops.
Unknown_03: I'm hoping I don't skip anything interesting because this is about the trip.
Unknown_03: Talking about getting the ID. A few people could ask.
Unknown_03: Ralph says, I'll read the long ones, because those are usually more interesting. I didn't tell Dick I was going to bring you yet, because he'll give me a side eye for being reckless, LOL, but we'll figure it out. Best case is just find your certificate. You're the only person I know who would say that out loud. But I actually thought the same last night, because I randomly saw a clip of Mandalay Bay.
No, she's talking about faking her ticket.
Unknown_03: And then he's saying that he's bringing her and she doesn't he hasn't told dick yet Then there is a screencap of the Kiwi farms Hong Kong time 69 says So ik I guess sonic. I don't know mentioned the gun. I think Alice told him she fucked Ethan Copen and see them right now He says I have no idea what this is about man. This shit is so old. I don't know what I'm watching now She said I don't talk to either of them
Don't skip?
Unknown_03: Homie, there is no way I can read through all this. I'm gonna be here. I've already been here for two hours. I'm like halfway through. I'm gonna have to give up at three. I'm gonna overstay my welcome for sure.
Unknown_03: I want more Ralph Grumman stuff. He's bragging about his fucking money again. $30,000 per year is what the Odyssey contract was.
She says that she's been applying for jobs.
Unknown_03: You and me are the only two people on the planet who know about the Vegas thing. Please keep it that way or it will cause a huge thing. I don't need right now just before court. If you don't end up going, that's cool. Just seem like you're seen. Um, like you're saying also fun to take you. I trust you. Hopefully you trust me as well.
Unknown_03: Bad decision. I'm not supposed to be telling people me and Dick are going, um, that thing, but to hung out or whatever.
Still talking about getting together. He's giving her links on how to fake an ID. It's like a joke or whatever. That site claims three-day shipping.
Unknown_03: They're talking about buying drugs now. I remember buying some alprazolam when I was rocked up like cocaine, lol.
Unknown_03: It's some shit that you spray in your mouth under the tongue and would hit immediately. We'll figure it out, plus I want to see the outfit. Oh. He's hinting again that he wants to fuck her. She doesn't reply. He follows up, do you have a driver's license or just ID? Still trying to figure out the ID shit.
What kind of Christmas presents are you hoping for, Discord Kitten? She says, from who? No one gave me presents this year. Donator is mad at me for some reason.
Unknown_03: He says, I don't know. I thought maybe someone.
Unknown_03: We'll see, Santa May, question mark.
Unknown_03: I just want some streaming stuff. I want to set up a studio in my mom's basement or switch games. Does your mom live here too? What all stuff do you need? In case Santa is listening, I mean. If you want to, LOL, but I'll take her to sleep. Gotta get up and go to do the show tomorrow.
Talking about her family life.
Unknown_03: Link some IP2 shit.
Unknown_03: And I think this is the part here.
Unknown_03: She starts listing all the shit she wants from him, and then she gives him a Amazon wish list. And this conforms to part of her story about how Ralph was buying her shit. There was no evidence of that before, and that was a central part of her story, how he paid to fly out, and that was known. But then he also paid for a bunch of shit off Amazon to buy her trust, I guess.
I thought about buying all the Xmas ones but you probably don't like simps anyways haha that might just be a full simp move now that I thought about it she says he he that would be crazy to be honest it's like 2k worth of stuff and he's like well I didn't mean the whole list the ones you added today was like 400 I think he's like I really need screen protectors for my phone so she's just telling him what kind of shit she wants winky face it's okay but sad I just hit the single emoji reply
I'm excited to see my puppy.
Unknown_03: Oh, like a literal puppy. I thought she was calling him a puppy. That's like weird. It's like a reverse Discord kitten. Hello, Discord puppy.
Unknown_03: Ah.
Unknown_03: Oh, so, okay, he buys her a bunch of shit, and then she's like, ah, you're the best ever, Ralph. I'm so lucky. She says, I have a soft spot for you, winky face. Plus, how else will I offset all the best karma if I'm not? That's a weird cutoff.
This is a different line.
Unknown_03: We'll do something nice before I leave town. I'll be back early next week. It'll be just you and me, and we'll do some fun stuff if you're down. I like cheering you up. Obviously, I like you in general, lol, but it made me feel good. You have more to offer than most of these losers. Don't let them get you down.
Unknown_03: You're welcome, sweetheart. I'm going to get ready for the show. I'll text you later. Be good. Devil emoji. Hi, P.
post a picture of her dog
Unknown_03: I have $900 on a tennis match in India right now, LOL." That also conforms with something that she said, that he was betting on Japanese baseball, so he's betting on games that he doesn't even have any investment in. It's like he's just watching TV and there happens to be a tennis match in India, so he just plops down a grand on whatever pool in the loo he likes better.
Okay, that's the end of that. Next post. We're burning through these shit. I gotta get through them before I die.
Unknown_03: Watching Alice and Ralph try to have a human conversation is giving me AIDS.
Unknown_03: So this is gambling and smoking degenerates. This might be... Oh, this is probably funny. He says that this is rubbish, but I bet you this is funnier.
Unknown_03: She's talking about Chicken Andy, I think. She says, but I know I'm better than that, and there are literally top-tier guys hitting me up, she says to Ralph. Yeah, that's hard to explain. Fuck, I don't know. What the fuck, India? Oh, this is a direct continuation of the above.
Talking about how he dropped $900 on a tennis match and won 1100 so I guess he bet on like a sure win and won a marginal amount of money Dude, if I send you money, can you bet for me if it's betting if it's by proxy, it's technically not sending He's just bragging about his fucking gambling shit to her which is fucking cringe Nobody cares They're at the Luxor he's explaining his gambling habits and
She says that she has zero comprehension of anything with numbers, I bet.
Unknown_03: I'm so tired, I need to sleep.
Unknown_03: I missed it, I was talking to my, oh, that's not interesting.
Unknown_03: Literally just showing her receipts of his winning bets on fucking Indian tennis, unbelievable. How could anyone pretend to care? Still talking about gambling. Okay, I'm glad I'm skipping over these, these are shit.
Unknown_03: You smoke cigars, he asks. Black and mild, yeah.
More bullshit, something about Ted Kaczynski.
Unknown_03: uh they're talking about when they're meeting up with her mom my mom wants to meet you we can hang out the bar by my house she knows everything everyone's there so i can drink there um they're trying to organize that package just came in the mail smiley face good i hope you like it game comes next week from
Unknown_03: What? Why is she calling him the Inward Cattle? Why is she going Terry Davis on him?
Any other gifts I send you will be under the name Inward Cattle. Okay. Okay, the socks are super nice to go up pretty high. So then she sends him a picture of her wearing like anime socks.
Unknown_03: And then he says, heh, they look nice. And wow, they do go pretty far up. Ha ha. I was hoping you'd send me a pic. This show is driving me crazy though. I hate watching Tim Pool.
Then they're just talking about Tim Pool, I guess.
Unknown_03: Oh geez, I lost my place.
Unknown_03: Snack sticks I was eating like deer jerky while driving Not a fan of venison this is boring I might just skip all this I saw the socks and I hope that they would be talking more about all the stupid shit. He was buying her but this is just like Two vacuous people trying to establish a relationship on their various addictions and codependencies
okay great got through that real fast next page chat let me take a sip i'll take a sip and i'll pay i'll pay some attention to my chat i'll nourish my my my discord kittens real quick
Unknown_03: So, I don't know. If I terminate early, which I might at this rate, like I said, I just knew the two factoids that he was buying her shit and she probably didn't want to have sex with him because he's physically repulsive. No matter how sweet-talking he gets, no matter what kind of romantic shit you say to smash the box, as he likes to say, you gotta say whatever you can to smash that box, chat.
You see Ethan Ralph in person, and you're not prepared. I don't think anyone would be prepared to see this big chungus in person.
Unknown_03: I mean, think about this, chat. You are Alice, and he bought all these games, and you think, oh, he's nice and stuff, and he seems to care for me. Then you show up in person, and this motherfucker walks out and is like, hey, babe. hey discord kitten what's up you want to go back to my place like it does not matter how how expertly he has constructed that smash box pathway once you see the big chungus and and and this once you see this you're like nah man nah I'm good I'm good
I've always wanted a longer stream. Well, I'm glad. I'm happy. I'm happy to satisfy the audience. I know my streams are mercifully short.
Unknown_03: But I don't know. I saw all this content, and I'm like, fuck it. I might as well boot up the stream and say hi.
Unknown_03: One buck for my Yiddish cup. Thank you, Japanese baseball.
Unknown_03: Not quite a Ralph O'Neill winning, but OK, I will continue.
Okay, this, oh, we might finally be here. They appear to be, okay, this is when she visited his studio, the Ralph and Mel studio. Ralph says, I don't know how we can talk as much as we did and you throw me under the bus. Then you go and hang out with her when I told you to stay out of my shit. Didn't message me the entire time about anything. I see that as snake behavior. You're certainly not gonna be hanging out with her again while me and you aren't cool. I'm honestly just like, what the fuck about the whole thing? I don't know how you can think not messaging me is okay behavior. I honestly plan not messaging, but I'm legit, son. I don't know what the fuck he's pissed off about. I guess she had a conversation with Amanda at this point, which I have elsewhere. I skipped one.
Oh, I did skip one. I have no idea what you told her. Oh, okay, so she did have a one-on-one with Amanda, because they consider themselves friends, and then he gets pissed off, so I had no idea what you told her, but I'm gonna tell you this as a courtesy. Stay out of my shit. I'm gonna consider further actions on this front as hostile. No need to respond to this. I don't feel like discussing it.
So he's really pissed off. Whatever the fuck he told me has really upset him.
Unknown_03: She says, honestly, I'm just going to keep my distance from you guys now. I don't want to make things worse. I'm not going to sit here and try to express my thoughts because I know it doesn't matter much to you. I didn't intend on throwing you under the bus, so please don't blame me for something I didn't even cause. I was just keeping an eye out for Amanda and being honest with her. I actually want to know what you were thinking or I wouldn't have messaged you even over everything. Regardless, I thought we were friends. I don't think you acted friendly towards me by blindsiding me and playing me against her.
Unknown_03: And then he says, don't respond to me, because I don't give a fuck what you have to say about this. And then two days later, he comes crawling back. Not even, yeah, a day later, he comes crawling back like, so you're really not going to say anything? It's your choice, but I think it's fucked. I wouldn't have done you the same way, but OK. Also, I don't know if you really know what you think you know.
I don't know how I read that correctly. I don't know if you really know what you think, you know, because you have no idea what was said, but she was mad about me keeping secrets. She would have let me take you to Vegas if I had just asked. Didn't care what we did. So a lot of it is my fault. I accept that. But how are you just not going to message?
not going to message me or anything and let me get blindsided. I don't know man, do what you want. But it was fun to have all of us living around each other and thinking about all the cool shit we could do. I can't hang around you now if you won't even talk on it. No hard feelings though, I guess."
Unknown_03: She says, I literally don't know what to say.
Unknown_03: So I guess she told Alice, hey, or Amanda, like, hey, Amanda, I know you're pregnant, but did you know that your boyfriend is trying to fuck me? Did you know that he's trying to lure me out, like his little Discord kitten, to Vegas so he can fuck me? And she's like, no, I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me. And now Ralph Amale is pissed off. How fucking dare you bitch blonde side me like that? I'm the Ralph Amale, baby, I'm the king. Ain't nobody play me for a fool.
But he continues.
Unknown_03: Well, I didn't even know what to say for several days, so it's fine, lol. I don't really know. I don't want you to think I'm blaming you for it all, though. I'm mostly... It's mostly my fault. I just... In real life, it sounds gay, lmao, but you hurt my feelings by not texting me at all on any of this. I don't know. I just thought we were closer than that. Anyways, I'll leave it if you want me to talk about it, though. I'm not mad at you now. I'll tell Amanda we talked. Not trying to be secretive again. Take care of yourself. It's been pain knowing me. I've had that happen before. LOL. Not trying to ignore you. I just want to make sure my reply is well thought out. Thanks for sending that. I was about to go on air and was thinking about this. LOL. I was kind of thinking maybe you were ignoring me or letting it sit out there. Just reply when you can write what you really feel and think.
And then he says, thinking, article correct to thicken. What the fuck? Skull emoji.
Unknown_03: And then she sends him a clip.
Unknown_03: OK.
Unknown_03: Let me get through this, and then I need a pee break chat. Just a very quick pee break.
Unknown_03: Thanks for sending that. It was going to go on air. I was just talking about Chicken Andy. OK, this is Alice's heartfelt text message.
Unknown_03: All right, so I'm not against you, but when Amanda was calling me crying, asking me to come over, she really needs a friend. I came over. It was in my eyes the only morally responsible, oh, here we go again with this morally responsible behavior. Whatever, bitch, fucking snake.
The only morally responsible decision was to tell her that you had invited me to the gauze. She told me you were talking to literally any e-girl inviting him.
Unknown_03: Honestly, that made me jealous too. Wow, what a retard. But it doesn't matter. I didn't try to shit talk you. I wasn't trying to turn her against you. I was just being there for her too as a friend. And I don't know, maybe I didn't do the best at mitigating it. I didn't snitch anything on you. And honestly, I'm really upset over everything because I liked us all hanging out too. I reassured her there was absolutely nothing between you and me.
You say it doesn't matter that I'm age jealous. I wasn't asking every e-girl I didn't talk to anyone, but you about going that's not true He literally invited like several different fucking thoughts to go out to Vegas with them I don't know why he would like I do know I mean it really does not matter she says thinking emoji really cuz because I talked to Corin before any of this and Then they have a Spurgo I remember this um I
Corrin, like he did invite Corrin. That's what I was thinking of. He definitely invited Corrin and then she had a sperg out and then I guess he retracted his invitation because she's like a blue vagina thought and He takes offense to this being brought up even though it's correct. She said yeah, that's all I told her that invited me and Me no to tell which was low-key sus to begin with
Unknown_03: You just said that you got jealous when you thought I was inviting Corinne too.
Unknown_03: Then that night that I fell asleep in the chair, she knew I came over because you left the bag in the car.
No, look at this manipulative behavior. You just said that you got jealous when you thought I was inviting Corinne too, and now saying I'm sus, saying that I, the Ralph of Mail Kang, am sussy baka. Well, you know what it was, you're sus too then. No, she's called him out as being sus, but actually it's in fact Alice who is sus.
Unknown_04: Can you believe the twist and turns in this conversation chat? I can't believe it.
Unknown_03: She told me you were talking to a bunch of e-girls, wasn't exactly jealous, but I was like, okay, I thought we were besties. I thought we were besties, she says.
Yeah, I wasn't hiding it. She said she didn't care if I was with you. Like, with you, with you, lol. She said, oh, so here's the Pantsu Pass. But she was mad I lied to try to hide shit, which made sense. That was fucked, especially when she didn't care anyways. Yeah, okay, maybe I am sus. Maybe I am sus. What are you gonna do? You're gonna fucking eject me into space? Into the vacuum of space, bitch?
Unknown_03: I didn't try to snake you or betray you. I was just being real with her. I was trying to tell her and be honest face-to-face and get caught a lighter later.
They messaged me, but I see how it went. Yeah, she doesn't care, because she knows I would never try anything. We were talking, and I said, like, oh, maybe he wants to keep it a secret, because it's some fantasy. And we did a little bit in greed. It wasn't serious.
Unknown_03: So she told him that there's nothing sexual between them, because she's not interested in Ralph, because he has a pussy. And then Meg's like, oh, OK. I don't have to worry about anything. And that's the end of her concerns, I guess. Okay, I do have to pee. I will be right back. I don't mean to cut this off right now. I have something to entertain you guys. I have a fan song that I will play while I make use of the bathroom facilities.
This is from a user named TheBigJoel, and I did not write it, but he sang it for me, and I find it flattering.
Unknown_07: Bella made many socks when it all went wrong While Kimmy begged for info and he managed to get dogs Fiona's conducts came when Gran came on the scene Some things you do for loves, but really you're a ween
Isabella could only get off if it was to a cat Her glowy dad and mom must now know of that Cause Max the dog proved privacy is dead and gone As Isabella's socials stacked up one by one Weaning's gonna leave you down
Unknown_07: Onto the farms you'll find your place Potential employers finding your threat
Unknown_07: And staring at your face And way out in Santa Fe, oh my janky Loads his .50 cal, his Navy Seal is ready He's got a flight to Sirmia, he's heading straight for Null He'll unleash hell like his war crimes in the Gulf
Did I miss anything? Did I? Did I gay stream?
Unknown_03: Okay.
Unknown_02: Okay.
Unknown_02: Okay. Okay.
Unknown_03: I'm back. Have no fear.
Unknown_03: I ran as quickly as I could. No, you guys don't want to miss one second of me talking.
Unknown_03: Okay.
Unknown_03: She knows. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, I skipped over this. How did I skip over this?
Yeah. Okay.
Unknown_03: She knows it's serious. At least I was serious. I told her I wanted to fuck you way before all of this just being blunt one minute later.
Unknown_03: Dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, says Alice. Better to be honest, like you said, I don't think it's some secret. See, like, I really don't understand y'all's relationship. I always saw it as you guys being a bit more open, so I was kind of caught off guard and worried that I stepped over my boundaries that I didn't even know to begin with. She says, yeah, well, she sees it as a betrayal because I tried to keep it a secret when we hung out. She says if I had told her about it in Vegas, it would have been OK. I mean, it's fair for her to see it that way. I shouldn't. Did wash my hands hard are as a matter of fact as a matter of fact, it's probably you who doesn't wash his hands I Mean it's fair for her to see it this way. I shouldn't have I
been so cavalier, but I thought it was one of those things where she might not want to know.
Unknown_03: She just doesn't want to know. She doesn't want to know if you're fucking around with whores who probably have, like, she doesn't always have AIDS or something. I can't say that. That's defamation to accuse someone of having AIDS. I, but I'm just saying it would not surprise me if May one day woke up with a sort of infection or virus in her blood that she did not have the day prior is what I'm saying.
Herpes, okay. There you go. It was my mistake for not telling her I do take blame for it. She told me point-blank She was cool with it. I'm not making that up, but I never really had a relationship where would be anything other than keep secret
That caught me on the rebound that like hit the back of my skull and bounce back up to the Prefrontal or it's like wait a second. So it wasn't that in the past. It wasn't okay It's that it was a keep it secret type of thing. Okay Classic that's Ralph and Mel energy right there
Unknown_03: Right, and I get why you would keep it from her. I did too. She texted me that night and I ignored it. I said I fell asleep, which isn't an entire lie, but clearly she has some kind of sixth sense and subconsciously connected to you. Probably because Ralph is on his second business phone in his fucking room texting when he doesn't normally do that, except when he's flirting with Alice. That's probably why she has that sixth sense about them talking to each other. Could it be? Oh, Ralph's on his business phone again. I wonder what he's up to.
He says, we were both with that porn star, we've had stuff like that, but lately she, so he paid a whore to have a threesome. That was like wish fulfillment.
Unknown_03: Meg is such a fucking doormat. What a pathetic person. We've had some stuff like that, but lately she was like, I don't know, it turns her on to think about me being with other, that's a cuckold. She is what we call, someone photoshopped the Jack Murphy beard on this bitch. She is officially a cucklion, as they say in France. turns her on to think about her me being with other women and she was talking about it like we were uh intimate lol and you specific and you so were specifically mentioned chinos so it's not like i was fully
shady i just didn't go about it in the right way anyway i ate that hate to air out too many of our private details but that's the only way it makes sense from my side and yeah she said she knew she saw me turning on air looking at for your reaction etc i should have just told her she legit would have liked it but it was me lying i don't know it just seemed natural Like, at this point, Alice has expressed no interest in having sex with either of them. So Ralph is like turning to her and saying like, yeah, we both talked about fucking you together. And it's like, whoa, buddy, all I want is free shit from you. I don't want to actually touch you. I don't want to hear about this. Why are you dragging me into this fantasy of yours and telling me about it?
You fucking, you fucking creeps.
Unknown_03: Hmm. Yeah, she says but I don't remember you turning to look at me though. I immediately slumped out on the chair It says it's not much I was conscious of not doing that but I'm me so there were a couple times a silent glance Maybe she already saw thought we were lying. Oh, so she thought they were already fucking because Alice is that much of a hoe. Oh
She already thought we were lying, so she's probably on guard. I don't know. She says, yeah, that's also y'all's business. Yeah, no shit. I don't want to be told about this. I figured y'all were into freaky shit, so I was just going along with it, to be honest. I never meant to hurt her feelings. It really sucks that I ended up hurting her. I feel like I failed her as a girl space friend to her. It's just one big misunderstanding. She's also probably just hormonal from pregnancy. Yeah, it's just the hormones. It feels closer to you, so she's getting territorial or something.
Unknown_03: Ralph continues.
Well, it was me that did that, really, not you. I feel bad, I caused to hurt her feelings and also caused, I don't know, I'm not sure how you feel, so I don't wanna step out there too far, too late. But I also, you then, I wanted you then and I want you now. And I'm mad I didn't go about it in a different way, because now my dreams of a threesome are falling between my fingers. And you're so close to us. I don't know anyone else like you, Discord Kitten. Not many who do this weird shit for a living either, lol. It's just nothing to you then, I get it. We're just fucking around. Legit not mad. But I've thought about you for a long time. Over a year. And I think you already know that I'm not going to do anything to hurt her, but I'm just being honest with you.
Just licking my chops over here. Not trying to pressure you, just to be honest. I didn't think you really felt any way until tonight, then I don't know. I thought back to the night, and you kind of looked at me on the couch, but it was probably me being drunk, lol. IDK. Also, I gotta go to work again in like four to five minutes, so I'll check back after.
She says, I don't feel that way. I like you guys as friends. I wanted to hang out that night in hopes of making you feel better in light of the court situation. I didn't mean to give off that vibe, honestly. Plus, I took a vow of celibacy this year after I saw you have sex with Faith. No, she says, plus I took a vow of celibacy this year for my own mental well-being. I really liked hanging out with
Unknown_03: Uh,
Unknown_03: That is not full capped. So I really like hanging out with you. I'm on air, but yeah, I can't really hang out like that. Then I'll be lying to say I wouldn't think, wouldn't thinking on the whole time, but I appreciate being honest. I was already thinking that the whole time, but yeah, I got to work. I'm glad it's all finished though. And we were honest with each other. I wish you well. She seemed like fuck off now that you won't fuck me. I'm done with you. I'm dropping you to the floor, but by toy, by I'm sorry, I wasted my money on you. Bye.
She says, yeah, I'm gonna be friends with Amanda though.
Unknown_03: and watch the show. Ralph says you can watch the show but I don't know about the other. I don't think so to be honest. It kind of makes me uncomfortable. We're together and are about to have a child so she won't if I feel uncomfortable. If you're trying to tell me what's going to happen or what but I'm just letting you know, you're free to watch the show of course. So you want to have your friend? You want to have your girlfriend? You want to be friends with Amanda? Better suck the dick. Better let me face rape you.
She says, uh, what the freak dude, which is an appropriate reaction to someone trying to bully you into fucking him into fulfilling his threesome fantasies. So you can remain friends with his wife or fiance.
Unknown_03: Uh, it's just weird now. I have to think about all this and I feel a certain way and it's probably going to be there forever, or for the near future at least. And you hanging around her when you didn't tell me anything and are more loyal to her than me. I don't want that and I'm not going to have that. Nothing personal against you. I shouldn't have gotten as close to you and as fond of you as I did lol. Another one that's my fault. I do like you a lot. I meant all that I said. I think you're very unique and one of the most interesting people I've met through this. I'm not trying to be mean.
She says, why are you bringing Corinne into this? It's her freaking birthday. That's just so uncalled for. You know Corinne would never do something to start drama. I really don't care about Corinne.
She says, I never meant to cause problems or get into y'all's relationship. I wanted to be there for both of you. Maybe I'm just being naive. I also gave you the wrong idea and led you on, which was wrong, but I've never really had anything but innocent intentions. I wanted to get you to help my streams because I'm so lost right now and I just wanted help. It was a mistake getting in between y'all's relationship. I really thought I was doing the right thing when me and Amanda hung out and I never anything of ill intent. I just listened to her vent and was trying to be there for her. I love both of y'all to death. I don't think it was going to hurt her so bad, because I see y'all as a team.
So I thought I could help, but it was a mistake. Like, I just wanted our friendship to be about streams and business and all that, but I feel discouraged now. I thought having you in my life would help me go in a positive direction, so I cherished you and tried my best to please you. It was wrong of me to cross boundaries and get in between you guys. I'm sorry if you think I influenced Amanda or talked shit about you or anything, but I was trying to be there for both of you. Disappointed face.
Unknown_03: I didn't know you felt that way at all, honestly. I mean, at this point, I know every guy I come across just wants to use me. So when Amanda came to me asking for a friend, I was there for her. You should have realized that with guys, it's a different story. So as a female, I wanted to be there for her too. I wasn't 100% sure on your intentions. I was hoping it was just for streaming stuff, but I wasn't going to give you my full trust because people have fucked me over in the past. I have trust issues from guys like Baked who just exploit me for their streams. That's pretty sad.
Unknown_03: So I feel like May and Alice were the only people who were ever friends. Like, yeah, you know, I'm a washed up thought and nobody wants me except Ethan Ralph and Baked Alaska.
Unknown_03: And she's like, oh, my boyfriend also streams and is a piece of shit. She's like, mine too. Chick and Andy is a piece of shit. And they can just like chit chat about how their streamer boyfriends are just fucking garbage. And they formed fast friends over this.
She says, I'll read later and respond if I'm on air.
Unknown_03: She says, OK, I'm not going to talk shit about you. I'm not going to switch or go to PPP or some other dream channel. Too late for that.
Unknown_03: Drama channel. So please don't be paranoid about drama breaking out. Even Corinne was pissed. She called me and told me to keep her out of this.
I just want to help you both.
Unknown_03: and tell her details. I'm sorry you're hurting, but you tried to play me and I don't really think there's much of a chance of me getting past that. I do appreciate you admitting everything and being honest. I just think I've been honest with you as well. Corrine can get fucked. I'm done with her. I never tried to use you. I don't need you for my show. Not being mean, but I do something different. I tried to incorporate you because I liked you and I thought you were unique. You didn't have to play me to be close to me to get on the show. And all the shit about being taken advantage of, okay, that has nothing to do with me. Sorry it happened, but it wasn't me. I've been nothing but extremely kind to you. Bought you shit, and are you kidding? Do you think that I do that for everyone? Well, I don't. All the female unity bullshit, I don't give a single fuck. You're either loyal to me or you're not, and you're not. Neither is Corrine. I don't really care what you do as far as drama, but I'll let you know that I'm coming in as hard as legally possible if you fuck with me, so be ready.
Ralph is the biggest dickhead on the fucking planet. He's just like a like Manipulating the fuck out of her like playing nice. Hey discord kitten. Haha devil emoji bless emoji I'll buy you whatever you want you want stockings and it's like you told my girlfriend bitch you fucking piece of shit Snake it on me motherfucker. Good noon. I don't give a fuck of y'all friends I'll fucking rip that shit up in front of your face. Fuck you, cunt Like wow
I wanted to give you a job. I know you're hurting for money, but I'm gonna take everything away from you. I'm not gonna help you get set up with super chats or anything because you've upset me.
Unknown_03: I didn't try to use you. I wasn't trying to play you. I know people have done you dirty, but I wanted to be there for you.
I didn't try to play you for real. I was crying all day to try and cope with this. I just wanted to be there for both of you and Pantsu and to help you through it. I'm sorry if you think I betrayed you, but I swear I never had anything but good intentions. Seriously, I wish I could just hug you and me and this all go away.
Unknown_03: Damn, she's like, I bet you that's it. They really, her and Mei really had like a real friendship going on.
Unknown_03: And Ralph being like, well, I'm gonna take my toy away too, if you, cause you've lost my trust.
now she's like no and then i'll be alone again i'll have to drink and stream instead please don't cut me off but amanda got jealous i'm serious ralph i love you to death i never meant to love you as a friend all i did today was cry my eyes out and drink and try to chill corinne out she's so upset i'm wrong of you to bring her into this damn she's like really freaked out
Unknown_03: Please Ralph, just forgive Corinne. I guess Corinne's like freaking out at her too. I love both of you to death.
Unknown_03: I feel like I messed up so bad. I was crying and drinking all day. I don't know how to fix this. TT, T underscore T, I'm so hurt, Ralph. I'm crying and screaming all day on Discord. I don't know how to deal with this. I just wanted to be a good friend, but I messed up. Your first mistake was assuming that Ralph was wanting to be your friend and not trying to fuck you.
I swear Ralph, I never meant for this to happen. I'm so hurt, I wish I could cry and hug you and say I'm sorry. Everything is just so fucked up. Everything is fucked up, yeah. I can't have Corinne around me anymore after what she told you. I don't trust her and I don't want to associate with her. After all I've done for her, for her to spread rumors about me, I'm done.
Unknown_03: she says can I please talk to you face-to-face please crying emoji she says and talk about how people took advantage of you for their streams and the next sentence who meant you led me in to order to benefit your streams that's the same fucking thing I'm not trying to make you feel worse by the way I'm really not
She says, please, let me talk to you face to face and I express my feelings properly.
Unknown_03: Please, Ethan, because I love you. Please, crying emoji.
Unknown_03: Why do you say that to me? You don't. She says, I really love you all both so much. If you cared about me, you wouldn't hurt me. I don't know what to say.
Unknown_03: No, I really do. Just please. I can't hang out with you alone. I don't trust you anymore. So I'd have to ask. It's not really, I don't know. I'll just think about it. But I don't trust you right now. The whole thing is my part of my fault. I'm to blame as well.
Unknown_03: He says that he has to ask May.
Alice randomly says, I'm the same weight since we met, but okay.
Unknown_03: And then he asks, LOL, what does the weight thing mean?
Unknown_03: She does not explain. Did he call her fat? What the fuck does that mean? Why didn't she randomly defend her weight to him?
Unknown_03: That's bizarre.
Unknown_03: Maybe it's out of order. No, it's not out of order. That's just fucking weird.
Ralph, I love you and Pantsu. I would love, love, love so much to be together with both of you, but I can't because of my personal reasons. I for real would be down for both of you though, but can't right now. She says, I don't know what those are. You said earlier. Yeah, I don't have a problem with that kind of thing, obviously.
Unknown_03: She's begging him to apologize to Corinne.
Unknown_03: He says, you're trying to work me again. And she says, no. He says, fuck Corinne.
Unknown_03: He's angry that she's spreading rumors.
Unknown_03: And then says that you told Amanda some shit about Corinne. And then he says, don't fuck with me.
Now she's telling a story about Corinne.
Unknown_03: Oh, God, do I read this? Okay, it's only a few messages. After New Year's, a bunch of streamers met her for dinner. I broke off with her and Amanda, so it's just us three girls, and she mentioned inviting more people, so I was like, yo, what's up? We gotta say hi, and then dip, lol, and that's what it was. I went back to my bedroom in Queens. Listen, Ralph, I get why you're paranoid. That's why you messaged Corinne, threatening going after her, but I would never mean to bring this drama.
He's angry that she told Amanda that Corinne was invited to Vegas.
Unknown_03: They're just going back and forth here.
Unknown_03: You could have just moved in here with us, but that's what I wanted. Holy shit, he's trying to build a harem.
Unknown_03: But anyways, I hope you feel better. I gotta go work.
The kill stream starts soon. I can text you after if you want.
Unknown_03: And then, January 7th, I have no idea what you told her. Oh, that's the start.
Unknown_03: Oh god, there's still like two more posts.
Unknown_03: Ralph boasting about his gay truck.
Unknown_03: But that includes shit about Corinne. I don't care about Corinne. I'm gonna skip anything about Corinne.
I feel so guilty. I really just don't care about Corinne.
Unknown_03: Throwing up, are you in DC? So this is in March of 2020. This was only a month ago.
Unknown_03: This was all supposedly after the mouth rape stuff is the thing. Like that happened in New Year's.
Unknown_03: We should have went to the strip club, but no. I'm going to skip all this because I don't care. Something about Corinne and being in DC.
He says, now some spicy stuff. Amanda the Cut Queen, who wanted to recruit Alice to join her traditional Catholic three-way.
Unknown_03: Here.
Unknown_03: Okay, I'm really glad you're not upset. Thanks for being so kind. And he says, well, I'm not that far. I wouldn't go that far. Oh, he's angry with his discord kitten. You didn't, you didn't void me when I instructed you to. He says, I'm deaf upset. You'll have to make it up to me. Winky face.
Unknown_03: I'm actually straight. I used to be vicarious. And he said, I heard you went to have a threesome and we're complaining why we couldn't all be friends. I'm straight too. You want to wear this and get on all fours for Ethan.
What's this?
Unknown_03: I don't see that tweet. I want to know what he's suggesting that she wears. Oh, it was a collar. You want to wear this one and get on all fours for Ethan? She says, no, not really. I like someone else. He just gave me the idea. I'm trying to be a good Christian girl. He says, why did you lie to me then? Says, what do you mean? I just like you guys, and I want a safe place to hang out. That's not the right thing to do. I was going to invite you to come to church with me today. It seems like you were struggling and don't know what you're doing with your life. He was going to invite her to church after his dog collar threesome with his pregnant girlfriend.
He says, that's not true. I said, this is cringe. Imagine striking out this hard.
Unknown_03: Oh, oh, I'm retarded. This is, this is Amanda. I didn't even notice.
Unknown_03: Okay, so Amanda's saying this. You wanna wear the dog collar?
Oh, that makes more sense. Wow, I couldn't tell the difference between Ralph and Amanda in text. They talk exactly the same shit. That's crazy. Can you?
Unknown_03: Wow.
Unknown_03: Wow.
Unknown_03: you know the so my beer out to be fair could be him using her phone to try and orchestrate this three-way and make her make her think that uh... everything's okay now it's probably ralph on the menace of maybe uh... so mandate now it's okay and then this is
I'm not trying to talk down to you. I'm trying to offer you some support and guidance.
Unknown_03: We're all human and do things that we're ashamed of and hurt others. Alice says, I don't know how to be honest ever since I started fantasizing about this. I keep imagining it's baked Alaska, not even Ralph. I just want to be with him. Why are you hanging out with another woman's man? You knew that it would hurt me and you just lied to me.
Unknown_03: He hates me. Bruh. I don't know. I'm just an alcoholic to be honest.
Who hates you. Baked Amanda ask.
Unknown_04: Yeah I just I get it though but it sucks. You got to work on yourself. Maybe he'll come around.
Unknown_03: Think he's dealing with a lot.
Unknown_03: Amanda says, I don't want to pressure you, but I think we can all be friends. I can help you out a little, give you guidance, get your shit together.
Unknown_03: Alice says, well, will we? And Amanda says, I'm really upset that you both hid what you were doing and you came back drunk as a skunk. You guys shouldn't be drinking like that. It only leads to pain. But yeah, I don't know if I can trust you. She says, I know I meant to stop it before anything happened, but I couldn't help it.
Why did you think it was okay to go off and do that with him in the first place? Alice says, I never thought it was okay, but I did it anyways because I'm hungry and need alcohol and I want him to promote my streams.
Unknown_03: I just see two people trying to exploit each other without getting on the dick end of the exploitation. You know what I mean? Amanda says, you do realize I can help you more than him.
Mei is so gross. She talks just like a Discord groomer. Are we sure that she's not male to female and this isn't like a tranny trying to groom someone? This is how it comes across.
Unknown_03: I know I like you too, but I also like Mumkey a lot. It kind of sucks when you said you bullied him. Dude, fuck internet drama. I never met Mumkey or did anything to hurt him, just tweeted some mean jokes. I do that to everyone. Alice says, I never want to hurt you guys. I see y'all as a team and I wanted to support you.
I'm here for you, don't worry.
Unknown_03: Ralph, is this Ralph or Amanda? I think this is Amanda. Amanda, whoever the fuck this is. Yeah, it's Amanda. Says, are you serious? What's up? Yeah, sorry, I was drunk saying those. Answer my call.
Unknown_03: Stayed in town, I reserved a table at an Italian place.
Unknown_00: This is out of order.
Unknown_03: Something about Wolfpup meeting up.
Unknown_03: Somebody called Wolfpup tried to kiss Amanda at the DC rally. They're talking about going, ooh. Alice says, where was that pizza place, by the way? Pizza is my weakness. Mine too, Alice. But you're not allowed to eat my pizza. If you come near my pizza, I'll fucking punch you.
It was Caesar's Palace at the food court. We're about to head out to dinner at the Wynn.
Unknown_03: They're talking about meeting there. I got speedy and Gucci's in the car September 11th. So this is before those other messages. I'm pretty sure Amanda says I hope you had fun in Vegas girl was nice seeing you. She says I'll be back in October Sorry, I couldn't see you again. And she says salsa y'all streams picture of the ultrasound
um january 11 2022 i saw ralph unblocked me i was going to support you no matter what but i'm glad you decided to stay amanda says hey girl we talked and worked things out i think he'll come around and we can move past this need some time to myself for a few days alice says i'm glad it worked out i think you guys really work together despite all those flaws i'm sorry if it caused an issue i never realized how much it hurt you to hang out with ralph
Unknown_03: January 14th, so this is intermingled with those other tweets where she's freaking out at Ralph.
Unknown_03: She clarifies, never meant to hurt you. In the beginning, I thought it was a good opportunity for my streams. I feel I've been feeling really discouraged. Never meant to come between y'all's relationship. I wanted to support you no matter what, and it's because we're both female. I would never ever tell a lie. I know I crossed boundaries. That's because I only wanted to help my own career. I love both of you and Ethan so much. I would never want to hurt you guys.
Oh, and then we're back to... Oh, they are out of order. I'm sorry. That's why it gets up to there where it's like... Yeah, and then we're just talking about anime shit. Fuck that. Okay, I'm done.
So, chat.
Unknown_03: Lessons of the stream. 1.
Unknown_03: Ethan Ralph will fuck anything with a pulse. 2. Ethan Ralph openly cheats on Amanda. 3. Amanda is indecipherably exploitative compared to Ralph.
Unknown_03: I guess that's her fetish, right? Like if she is a female cuck fan and she likes arranging the threesomes, she wants to get out there and like seduce women back to the gunt den so that they can get a load of the Ethan Ralph.
That's like her fulfillment in this. I really don't even know what you would call that What do you call a woman whose sexual interest is like seducing other women for threesomes? That's definitely like a trope or a thing. I mean, maybe it doesn't have a name in English I bet you has a name in Japanese. It's like a hentai thing like in um closeted lesbian Kuklin I bet I guarantee you that that trope has a name that exists in like the hentai world But it's in Japanese and she's trying to fulfill that niche Trapdoor spider Most people are sticking to Kuklin. Neo... Neo... Rari? That's just cucking, ain't it?
Film cuck, swinger. Swingers are just men trying to get a third wheel though. Desperate. You ain't wrong.
Unknown_03: Cuccubus.
Unknown_04: Cuccubus. That's great. I like that.
Unknown_04: That's pretty good.
Unknown_03: They offered her a promise of a family, having something like a family as a manipulate and control her. Ralph goes from loving dad to angry, abusive boyfriend on a dime. It's pretty sick.
Unknown_03: The gun cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Unknown_02: It is strange.
Unknown_03: Yeah, it's like the discrepancy how quickly he flips between like, I just want to take care of you and help you with your streams. And I really hope we get what's best for all of us. And it's like, what the fuck, bitch? You talking to my girlfriend? I'll cut you out. It's like a cult leader. He's like a discount cult leader. He's a big round Jim Jones.
Unknown_03: He wouldn't fare well in tropical weather with this. This would get swampy real fast.
okay a literal lap a literal lap been Shapiro will be dropping bars about that slap ass is no joke no it's not okay chat
Unknown_03: I'm glad that so many of you stuck around for what is probably three hours now. Yeah, three hours. I mean, either ranting about Path or reading fucking text messages between a horse and a pill popper and a fat man. A gunted man.
Appreciate your company on these trying times. It's helped me unwind.
Unknown_03: And I'm glad my site's up. I'm glad everything's working. I got really stressed out last night. I thought, fuck, it's like this is the time of the year where shit's just going to fall apart. I'm going to have to find a way to fix it. But everything seems OK so far. And I got backup offers from multiple people about co-locating, so I'm not so worried.
Unknown_03: Not so worried, chat.
Unknown_03: Everything seems like it's only up and up right now. Knock on wood. Do I have wood?
I'll knock on my coin box here.
Unknown_03: There we go. Knocked on it. Okay.
Unknown_03: All right, chat. Well, thank you for everything. Thank you, Gumroad people. Thank you, Superchat people. I'll try to find a way to reward you for your sponsorship, because I definitely appreciate it. And thank you, Alice and PPP and Gator. Shout out to the content, the content people.
All right.
Unknown_03: I'm done. I need a song. I was going to play a kind of sad song. Do I want to play a sad song?
Unknown_03: You know what? I'll play a silly song. That's what we'll do. We'll play a nice silly song.
Unknown_03: Oh, and Autistic Right for organizing the screenshots. Yes, thank you. Wait, no, this is not the silly song that I wanted.
Unknown_03: Ah, this is it. OK, I will see you guys on Friday properly. And buh-bye.
When I was a lad, I was head of every class. I asked my dad how all these good-dumptin' blasties had a son. They've never really begun, cause you're racist for being born Caucasian. Look around you and you will see it's a clown world with NPCs. They will judge you, regret you, because you won't conform. to the norm, you've been warned. No Russian ever call me a cracker, or white privilege slacker, no siree.
Unknown_02: In my own country, I'm persona non grata, fighting, and it's about time to die free.
By the age of 18, my ADHD led me to the 88 keys Easier to make it as an Asian lady It seems my dreams to bring these songs overseas Were a wing sweeping me, counting all these sheep People still sleeping through this life We need to keep speaking truth to the lies I believe we're all equal inside Then why must I get in line to survive? Norah should ever call me a cracker Or white privilege lacker
Unknown_09: In my own country, I'm persona non grata, fighting and it's a fata to die for. You're a darned dude, I ain't rooting for Putin, but the news says they're looting peacefully. I'm mostly hopeful that our soldiers got more play in the chokehold of diversity.
Unknown_09: Spent most of my youth, you know, becoming best at piano. Do you want proof I knew how to play tenor when I turned 22? It's true, I'm underrated and I have the wrong hue. I might be the greatest someday. Babe, see through what's inside. Why keep stumbling through life in disguise? Rise, remember we're born into light. Don't lose sight, or be frightened, it's alright.
Nor I should ever commit the crime of white privates like we're supposed to be. In my own country, I'm persona non grata, fighting anti-fata to die for free. Oh, Danny, fly to here, said I ain't no viking, hikes deleting the whites from airwaves. It was right to be black, we battled slavery days, don't let the pendulum sway the other way.
Now that I'm older, my songs are getting increasingly bolder. Some friends are starting to give me cold shoulders. I thought I told you that I'm playing the Joker until it's over. When the world awakens and celebrates, states and nations of every race, they will wait until we separate.
Unknown_00: But not this time, every liar pays the price.
Unknown_09: No Russian ever called me a cracker, a white rib, a slacker, no siree. In my own country, I was sold on no grata, fighting anitifacta to die for free.
You're darned to them, I ain't room for poo-poo, but the news says they're looting peacefully.
Unknown_09: Mostly hopeful that the soldiers got home in the chokehold of diversity.
Unknown_00: Well, Daddy Vlad, if you're saying I can go live, you've got to explain it in the widespread ways.
Unknown_09: It was right to be black way back in slavery days, don't let the pendulum sway the other way.
Unknown_08: No rush to ever call me a cracker No rush to ever call me name