Notax 2022-04-01

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)

Unknown_09: Thank you for watching.

Unknown_01: Hello, chat. How are you? How is everyone? This wonderful day, my favorite day of the year.

Unknown_01: The day when I mindlessly fuck with my website and piss everybody off with something stupid. Unfortunately, I don't have any... If I was smart, if I was smart, today would be the day of the low-tech stream, but alas.

Unknown_01: Alas, I am not smart.

Unknown_01: While we wait for everyone to fill in, I'm going to give you guys what everyone loves about my stream. My new segment that I will be doing every week as we wait for the actual content to flow. I will be doing my Wordle. Now, I've already done my Wordle today, but I want to show you exactly what I did. I always start Wordle with this neat opening. Now, we can see here that I got S in already, and I had Ethan Ralph on the mind because I'm going to be talking about him this stream, right? And I followed up with the first thing I thought of because I already had Ralph on the brain. I went with snout.

Unknown_01: And I got it.

Unknown_01: It was snout. I went from Sneed directly to the next logical step when you're thinking of Ralph. And this is the kind of wordplay that you want when you're playing your Wordle. This is the expert level pathology that you'll see by the highest ranking Wordle players in the world.

Unknown_01: Good stuff.

Unknown_01: Anyways, so with some varying levels of irony, I'd like to announce to everyone that after next week, so next stream, I will be moving to China. And I have watched this graph, see? I've watched this graph. And as you can see, at first the graph is mostly blue because people are trading with the U.S., But then the graph changes to red because everyone trades with China. So based off this graph, I have determined that I will join the winning team. And I will make more children than Ethan Ralph with the first chink wife that I can afford. And I will do that in China. And I will post video evidence that I have done this by the 15th, the stream after next week.

Unknown_01: And I'll show you motherfuckers. I'll show you haters that this is my plan. This is my thousand-year plan to own Ethan Ralph. And you'll all see. You'll all see the fruits of my labor.

Unknown_01: April Fool's? No, you will see. I will post indisputable evidence that my thousand-year plan is underway. Fix the forum? Absolutely not. He's complaining because I made the forum look like something awful. And I have done the greatest tribute to low-techs in something awful that has ever been done.

Unknown_01: And what's funny is that they're never going to acknowledge that I'm the best that there ever was. And I'm the only person to recognize Lotex's death in any capacity besides saying good riddance. I kind of feel bad for Lotex. Because his story is sad at this point. The dude goes through two divorces. He loses...

Unknown_01: He loses custody, just to kind of ramble and enjoy the first 10 minutes of my stream, as I usually do, off the cuff.

Unknown_01: If you don't know, Low Tax went into a custody dispute early last year, like January 2020.

Unknown_01: And he hires this guy, this guy who is like a 30 year attorney, former U.S. Marine, Navy SEAL, a thousand kills, a thousand million hours, combat flight hours in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Gulf War. He comes home, he becomes an attorney in Missouri.

Unknown_01: And is ranked one of the best attorneys in the entire country. And one of the best law firms in the entire country for family law. And he's paying out the ass. His mom is paying out the ass to win these child support arguments with his ex-wife and chink wife. I think chink wife was his first wife. And then he got the Canadian wife. And she had like no money and was an immigrant from Canada. And her green card status depended on low tax taxes. And she had an American child cause it was low tech. Anyways, went to court. She went to a domestic violence shelter and ended up with this guy who's a pro bono attorney for like victims of domestic violence and low tax still loses this fucking Winston Churchill looking motherfucker versus this nerd who's looking down at the camera. Like he's just taking a selfie on his iPhone. Like I just graduated law school. I'm now a family attorney. I'm going to help women at the women's shelter. Um, And you look he kind of looks like you're sitting on his lap like you're a little kid and he's Santa Claus. He's like, what do you want for Christmas? I want child support payments.

Unknown_01: And that's who she got. He's still lost. So he got his ass fucking handed to him despite paying out the ass to get this Omega Omega Alpha Omega Chad family attorney for him.

Unknown_01: so then uh he's on he's on the hook for uh for this money and he starts doing like streams and he sells his forum and it's probably for less like probably for a hundred thousand dollars something like that and that's all he gets and he has to like you know try like i guess i have to make ends meet for the rest of my life because i can't work because i'm addicted to painkillers Then he kills himself and everyone on something awful hates him because he took their money and didn't do anything with it. And he was accused of being accused of like, I can't remember the exact accusation with Logan day. He, he hooked up with like a Mormon with BPD and she accused him of, um,

Unknown_01: I can't remember what I want. I want to say the R word, but I don't think that's it.

Unknown_01: But it got everyone on something awful to hate him. Oh, beating her. It was domestic violence.

Unknown_01: Oh, yeah. I remember this. He's his story was literally that she woke him up in like a BPD spastic fit. And she he stood up so quickly that he like he went limp because his spine was crumbling to dust and he like slapped her. And that was his rebuttal to her saying that she that he beat her. And it was like ridiculous. It was like a cartoon unfolding in front of my eyes.

Unknown_01: So he lost his community support. He lost his forum. And then he was streaming to like literally less than 100 people playing like shitty video games and stuff. And he's just like, oh, I guess my life is over. And he kills himself and he kills himself, not leaving a note to like his two kids or to his mom.

Unknown_01: And then his mom dies, like, two months later. It's, like, really sad. It's, like, tragedy after tragedy. So everyone is just like, oh, well, good riddance that he's dead now. And I'm the only person in the world who said something like, oh, like, I don't know. I didn't really say anything. I kind of made fun of him. But he was a clown, right? He was, like, the internet class clown. So kind of making fun of him is probably better than just saying, I'm glad he's dead. Bye-bye. And forgetting about him forever. Oh.

Unknown_01: Oh, and one other thing. I noticed while I was kicking around something awful to steal their design elements to try and reincorporate this into the design, I noticed in their video game sub-forum that all their rules in the video game sub-forum are like old NES games, but the text is replaced with their actual rules. This is an honest-to-God image on their website instructing you, as part of their rules, how to behave on something awful's video game forum. Do not equate anyone watching an anime show or playing an anime game as a pedophile. They have to tell people. No, you can't call people who watch anime or play Japanese games pedophiles. That's not allowed. We'll ban you if you do that.

Unknown_01: So that's great. That's wonderful.

Unknown_01: Okay, that's enough of the warm-up, I guess.

Unknown_01: I'm going to have to shit on...

Unknown_01: Ooh, you know what? I'll play this first, actually. This is a continuation of a theme from last stream.

Unknown_02: Instaclick purchase on our child's mother. We filmed the process, not for YouTube, but just like, you know, we've been filming more stuff for our kid. Maybe when they turn 18, if they have a sense of humor, they can laugh at it. You know, just us pressing purchase. We bought your mommy. I told my therapist about that, and she was like, you're really going to show them that? And I was like, I guess not.

Unknown_01: Oh, this is just intro music.

Unknown_05: Hello. Okay, so Shane and I are starting to actually get serious.

Unknown_01: This is Shane Dawson, and they're talking about... I'll just let them talk for another 30 seconds or so.

Unknown_05: It's about figuring out how we're going to become dads. this is really depressing it's really dark and so the other night shane was like how are we gonna do this like we need to figure it out and so today i really started hunkering down and trying to make progress and where it gets sad is well we're not women so we have to find an egg donor then the realization of trying to find an egg donor means that you have to go through dating profile-esque photos and then he started going through and what

Unknown_02: Well, here's the thing, because it's just a constant reminder that we can't do it ourselves. I'm kind of on the line of like, I almost feel like we should just adopt because it's like, it's not, I don't know. It just feels weird. It feels weird to like look at pictures of all these girls and be like, I want that to be... them off it's just weird but like but i mean so grateful for them but you know it's weird for first timers first time papas it's weird so here's what we're trying to do i was like well how do we know what our baby would look like with these random girls and then i was like whoa i bet there's a website where we could take like our picture her picture

Unknown_01: I did a whole skit, I cracked a boomer can and everything, and my fucking mic is muted.

Unknown_01: I said that I really hate this. It should come as no surprise. And what really scares me about Dave Rubin and Shane Dawson, two really high-profile people on the other side of the spectrum, doing this is that it's probably going to make a fad, because everything gay-related is a fad. So now that Shane Dawson and Dave Rubin have okayed this effectively for a huge population of people, I would not be surprised at all to hear that Nikocado Avocado was going to try and do a similar thing where he inseminates a donor egg and then pays some random woman to carry it, some slave concubine woman to carry their offspring. It is like...

Unknown_01: We're like a legitimate family. We're like a real family. We're like married and stuff. So what do married people do? Oh my God, I guess they go to swinger parties and I guess they like cheat on each other and beat each other, right? We're going to do that. And then, oh, we've already done that like a thousand times. Let's have a baby. We're going to have a real family. We're going to have a real family with like kids. We're going to be like two daddies with like two kids. two boys and two girls and and you know they're gonna be fabulous and i can't wait for them to come out and stuff i'm so excited for when they come out and introduce me to their gay boyfriend and that's that's what's going to happen and it's going to be miserable and i'm miserable just thinking about it you will live to see man-made horrors behind beyond your comprehension uh it's it's too late for us all we can do is shield our own kids Actually, I don't have to worry about it. I'll be in China. I'll be on the winning team. Xi Jinping would throw these people in a fucking dungeon. It's called a ablette, I think, is how you pronounce it in French. Back in the day, you had dungeons. You had, like, house arrests. They had dungeons. And then in the dungeons, you had holes on the floor with a grate on it. And you put people in there, and you locked them away, and you threw away the key. And the word Ablette just means to forget. You put them in the forget holes in Napoleon's basement and you forget about them.

Unknown_01: Obliette, in French, invented innovative ways to torture homosexuals and make sure that they do not spread that disease to the next generation.

Unknown_01: Thank you. Thank you for correcting the record.

Unknown_01: Uh, okay.

Unknown_01: Uh, that's the Shane Dawson update. I, I don't know. I just saw this and like, fuck it. It gave me like a sinking feeling. Cause it's like, okay, Dave Rubin does it, whatever. But now, oh, it's now Shane Dawson's doing it. They're picking out their, their donors to their designer babies.

Unknown_01: Uh, I'm sure that this won't be a fad that catches on. I'm sure that Nick Akata won't be doing this. I'm sure that, um, the leave Brittany alone guy won't be doing this too. I'm sure they won't all be doing this and it won't be the next thing after the transgender shit starts, uh, sputtering out due to all the molestation and abuse that happens with that.

Unknown_01: And from that, we can effortlessly segue to Flamenco.

Unknown_01: Flamenco is not someone I've ever... I've shouted him out because I've seen him in chat every so often. But he's fucked up, and now I must condemn him.

Unknown_01: He's been on the forum for a while because he's dealing with Keffels. That's right, Keffels has been doing a lot of back and forth with him. But that's not it. I want to talk about the Xander Hall guy. If you don't know, Flamenco is like a he used to be Ralph's co-host and then broke away and has found a measure of success and talking about like VTuber anime drama, which is definitely not my thing. But because he's still like from the Ralph or the Ralph male sphere zone sector, whatever you want to call it. he sometimes talks about drama in that sphere. And it's one of those things where it's like, a lot of, a lot of streams that talk about internet drama, they have super chats. Um, I have super chats too. Actually, I forgot to show my super chat thing. Uh, someone reminded me that the, uh, where's my tip thing? I forgot the URL. Someone reminded me that I made a promise. If I ever did super chats, I would, um,

Unknown_01: I would use a specific sound effect. So I've gone ahead and added that sound effect. And when it happens, I will point it out.

Unknown_01: But streams that have super chats and rely mostly on super chats. Oh, there we go. Perfect. Hopefully the sound effect, did the sound effect work? I didn't see it go off.

Unknown_01: Maybe it's only a certain amount. If I fucked up the sound effect, I'm going to be pissed off. That's another thing I dedicated time to.

Unknown_01: No. Maybe it has to be a message. You have to add a message for the sound effect to work.

Unknown_01: Anyways, streams that rely on Super Chats tend to go on as long as possible.

Unknown_01: Because as long as the stream is on, it makes money through Super Chats. So, I just kind of do my hour or two, but a lot of other streams, they tend to let it go on for like four, five, six hours, because as long as it's a one, it makes money. And Xander had his on, and he was talking about, not Xander, I called him Xander.

Unknown_01: No, Flamenco. He's not Xander. Xander and Flamenco are different people.

Unknown_01: Flamenco was talking about Xander Hall, who is also not Xander, and not to be confused with other Xander, Alexander, who is Ralph's child. There's a lot of Xanders going on at the moment, none of which are Flamenco. Flamenco's talking about this guy that he's hated for a long time, and I do not get it. Xander Hall is apparently like, he's the blonde guy, and he's like a Minecraft speedrun streamer or something fucking asinine like that.

Unknown_01: so um i i have no idea oh shit i ruined it ignore that you did not hear that so standard or flamenco really hate this guy i don't understand why is it not working i'm so mad

Unknown_01: What is the fucking issue with this thing? I hate this. I hate Streamlabs. I really do. I'm going to test it.

Unknown_01: Now it works. Why does it only work when I fucking test it? I just don't get it. Now everyone's mad at me.

Unknown_01: I'm doing a very bad job explaining the story of Xanderhal and Flamenco.

Unknown_01: I suck at this. I do. I sorry. I sorry. I so sorry.

Unknown_01: Okay. Xander Hall, Minecraft streamer turned bread tube, which I think he's just like a social. He's like a wannabe Vosh. He's like a Minecrafter turned wannabe Vosh. And for whatever reason, Flamenco fucking hates this guy. And he goes, he's been posting about him on the forum for years. And Xander Hall points this out during his stream. And it still doesn't work. I don't, I, I,

Unknown_01: I don't understand.

Unknown_01: I'm so pissed. I'm like genuinely upset about this. Like, I don't know. Why does the test work? And then the actual fucking thing does not work. Not a single thing can ever work for me.

Unknown_01: Xander Hall has lied about Flamenco multiple times. Okay, so that's why he hates him. Xander Hall, apparently they have some long-lasting beef. Flamenco has fucked up, though, because for whatever reason, he's live streaming and he feels it necessary because he has this belief that Xander Hall is living above his means. He is receiving... Um, not enough money through his streams and through super chats and shit. So his apartment must be paid for in part by his mother. And Xander Hall has a bad relationship with his mother. He's openly talked about his mother being, uh, uh, verbally and psychologically and,

Unknown_01: physically abusive so flamenco gets this great idea why don't as he says on the forum in a post he hints ho ho this guy he's living above his means i bet his mom's paying for him wouldn't it be funny well i wonder what would happen uh i hope nobody does this i hope nobody sends all the times that he shit talked his own mom to his mom because then she might kick him out into the street

Unknown_01: uh you have screenshots of flamenco looking at animal crossing futanari hentai i can't show that post it in his thread then and let if you have that uh so he hints that this is what somebody should do oh the forum's down okay you have to wait until after my stream to post on my forum because my forum is currently dead from fucking assays nothing literally nothing can go right today oh

Unknown_01: No connection at all.

Unknown_01: Okay, yeah, I can't fix that. I bet you it's a DDoS attack, but that should be mitigated by now.

Unknown_01: It could just be my upstream deciding to kill our contract because I'm currently having an argument with my upstream about something.

Unknown_01: If that's the case, I haven't gotten a...

Unknown_01: an email from them about it. So it probably is just a DDoS attack.

Unknown_01: Okay, I'll fix it after the stream. There's nothing else I can do for it.

Unknown_01: Anyways, Xander Hall and this guy have an argument. Flamenco says it wouldn't be funny if someone told his mom all the terrible things that he has said about his mom because he might end up on the street. And then he goes on to his own stream and pitches the idea to his audience as something he could do.

Unknown_06: I don't even think that's touching the poo.

Unknown_07: Now, I've been very open about this on my channel, and I've been open about it towards my own mom. I have gone too far ahead. Now, he has a very interesting history with his parents.

Unknown_07: He has a very interesting history with his mother, specifically.

Unknown_07: This guy has gone on record saying that his mom was mentally and physically abusive towards him.

Unknown_07: So... I don't know if his mom knows about that.

Unknown_07: I'm wondering, should I send his mom all this nasty stuff that he said about her?

Unknown_05: Hmm.

Unknown_07: It really makes you think. It really makes you think.

Unknown_07: Brahman can need you to calm down. Because, you know...

Unknown_07: All I would be doing is I would be sending information about his mom or about him and what he said about his mom to his mom. I don't know. I don't know.

Unknown_07: I don't know. Gosh, it would be really funny. It'd be really funny. Don't touch the poo. I don't even think that's touching the poo.

Unknown_01: Now, I have to condemn this in the strongest possible terms. The phrase, don't touch the poo or don't touch the poop, is so fucking gross and juvenile. And I have to admonish anyone who has that in their vocabulary. Use literally anything else. I really don't care. My suggestions would be don't pause load the neg hole. Don't pause the neg. Something along those lines. Literally anything. Anything. I don't know what people's obsession is with playing with shit with their bare hands.

Unknown_01: But I can't I can't take it. I really hate it.

Unknown_01: As far as asking your audience. What's funny is that his audience says no. Like the reaction to him saying, should I do this? It seems to be very negative. No. Why would you do that?

Unknown_01: He seemed surprised by the reaction of his own audience when asking them for tacit permission to fuck with this guy's mother.

Unknown_01: I don't know what the full detail is between the two of them, but he could have just not said that. And then he went on some show with some other – Ozzy, RFC. He also does, like, a drama recap show. And I think he walked it back. He was defending it for a little bit, but then, like, the – like, Ozzy and – Ozzy's audience had, like, a very negative disposition towards it as well. So it was just like, oh, I guess it was a negative idea. Are she? I'm not saying that.

Unknown_01: I'm not saying Arshi. That's stupid. Arshi sounds better. It sounds French. So if French sounds better than whatever the fuck it's supposed to be, whatever it's supposed to be is especially stupid.

Unknown_01: Webzone is down. I know. Nothing I can do about it. I'm tempted just to forward the forum to my stream, but that's a little bit too covetous even for me.

Unknown_01: In fact, I'll leave a message.

Unknown_01: Let's see. I'll put it on my Twitter.

Unknown_01: Forum is down. Can't diagnose why too busy streaming. Sorry. We'll look at it soon. And then a link.

Unknown_01: Okay.

Unknown_01: That should take care of it.

Unknown_01: Mission accomplished. Patting myself on the back for that one.

Unknown_01: No, it's really down. I guess whoever is doing the DDoS attack waited for me to start streaming because he knew I wouldn't bother stopping the stream to look at it.

Unknown_01: Okay, that is the Flamenco update.

Unknown_01: Shame on him for using such gross juvenile language to describe trolling and fucking with people in real life. I hope he works on his vocabulary because I expect better of him.

Unknown_01: Now, that said...

Unknown_01: We must talk about Pete's. Speaking of paws loading neg holes, I mentioned last week that Wings007, who Sean Ranklin has been unceremoniously, like, shot.

Unknown_01: Like, as of last week, his YouTube account's gone.

Unknown_01: Like, even the famous, like, Wings of Redemption gets stream sniped and loses it video with, like, 2 million views where he does the dog whimper. That one's gone too, so...

Unknown_01: Sean Ranklin's, I guess, been completely pushed offline, either by choice or because of Wings reporting him or the FBI. I really don't know. Shout out Sean Ranklin. Press F. Now Wings007, his time to shine is now. And since Wings himself has been pretty quiet lately, it's up to Pete to be the rage pig that Wings of Redemption trolls need to occupy their time. So the new Pete's 007 account is out. It has 1.2K subscribers. The video got about 8,000 views since March 27th. And this one's very long. I will play it for... Actually, you know what? I'll just skip to this, and we'll play the intro. For whatever reason, Wings007 likes a really long intro.

Unknown_01: It's got thematic music, like James Bond music in it.

Unknown_03: I genuinely could not do this.

Unknown_01: But 40 seconds later, it does start.

Unknown_01: And I guess we'll just... This one's only four minutes. This is his first stream after Wings007 announced the channel. So this is him dealing with, like, Wings trolls more broadly for the first time. And he really handles it with the grace and elegance that you would expect from a blossoming young woman like Pete's.

Unknown_03: Jesus Christ, you spam...

Unknown_03: You spamming fucking douche. Fuck off. I have to put on fucking slow-mo again just because of you being a spammy piece of shit?

Unknown_03: Fucking hell.

Unknown_03: Stop being obnoxious.

Unknown_03: Fuck, I hate fucking spammers.

Unknown_03: Like, Jesus, fuck guys.

Unknown_03: Don't fucking spam!

Unknown_03: Unlimited, I'm going to fucking block you again. Before I do, I'll answer your question, which I've answered before, you fucking spammy piece of shit. The rumors are bullshit, Unlimited!

Unknown_01: I think Unlimited refers to Unlimited UAV, which is like a name that Wings of Redemption uses. So there's a control named Unlimited UAV in the chat that he's responding to. UAV being like a Call of Duty thing.

Unknown_01: I mean, the first part where he's saying like, no, don't spam. That's like a parody. Like if you were trying to imitate Wings of Redemption and you were trying to be... like um doing like a true capitalist radio thing where you had to act like you were being trolled that's exactly what you would like feign to get people to spam your chat more it's really incredible he's been around on the internet for as long as i have and he's just completely clueless to it christ now stay the fuck off my channel i'm getting fucking tired of blocking you every five fucking minutes

Unknown_03: Holy shit. When I block you, take that as a hint that I don't fucking want you on my channel.

Unknown_03: When I block you, that means I don't want to fucking talk to you.

Unknown_03: So whatever rumors that you're trying to ask me about, they're bullshit. The rumors are bullshit. I don't know what the rumors are. I've never looked into the rumors, but I can tell you with absolute certainty, they're utter bullshit. There you go. I've answered your fucking question. Now, will you please just stay the fuck off my channel?

Unknown_03: You spammy fucking prick.

Unknown_03: Fuck, I hate spammers.

Unknown_03: Stop animating, you... Jackass.

Unknown_03: My name is James. My name is not Thomas.

Unknown_03: No, my name is not fucking Richard. My opinion on Bernie Gores?

Unknown_03: I barely know. I haven't really heard of her. Dead CNN journalist. Tragic. Bernie Gores shit is that pops up every time. I don't know if this is some sort of weird fucking meme, but I'm honestly tired of it.

Unknown_03: like it's every goddamn stream people are throwing that throwing the name out and no i'm tired of that uh i don't think my grandmother i don't no my grandmother wasn't a uh was not a gangsta grandma this girl

Unknown_03: Like, I was asking if I could have my sunglass back. And he's like, I want to fucking go. I want to go home. And I want to go. Okay.

Unknown_01: So, I don't know where the fuck they found this at. I guess he mentioned it, like, in one of his streams. And they're starting to use it to fuck with him. But they're accusing him of, like, battering a small child. Because in one of his streams, he told a story. I think where he... He'll explain it. But...

Unknown_01: the rumors that he's screaming about are people in chat asking like why do you beat up little girls and he's like no i don't i don't beat up little girls can i have my sunglasses back they're my sunglasses you stole you grabbed them right off my face uh can i get my sunglasses back she tries to grab the bag of groceries i have so i just slapped her hand like that's all i did is i slapped her hand

Unknown_03: Okay, we're gonna have to determine real quick

Unknown_01: Was this child white or black? Did Pete's beat up a little white girl or a little black girl?

Unknown_01: Now, before you vote, if you're contemplating, Pete's definitely hates white people more than black people. However... black children are more likely to run up and steal shit out of your fucking hand. So that response from a distraught, autistic, neat man-child like Pete's would be more warranted.

Unknown_01: Did he act out of pure hatred of a white little girl, or did he defend himself adequately from a rambunctious young black girl who would have stolen his shit and ran away without a second thought? Vote now. Vote now in the community poll.

Unknown_01: He's choose SJW to strike a black child. That's a strong argument. However, in a self-defense situation, even SJW might mow down a crowd of children, a crowd of black children in a self-defense situation in order to save his own life. He may drive through an entire crowd of black children to secure his groceries and stop himself from being mugged.

Unknown_01: It seems the audience, at 700 votes now, believes 32 to 68, 31 to 69, that it was a black child, actually. So that's our final result, I'll call it there, and we'll move along. That's the Pete's update. His last stream seemed significantly more calm, but I think that's because he was reading from a script. It literally felt like...

Unknown_01: He did like a stream for yesterday, which was Trans Visibility Day. The setup is March 31st, Trans Visibility Awareness Day, whatever. Punchline, next day, April 1st.

Unknown_01: It's a setup to the joke. Pete set it up really well. He got up there and for an hour straight just read notes and ignored chat completely and told wonderful stories about how male to females belong in female rape victim shelters even though they're intact and are capable of committing rape against women who have just been raped. um because trans women are women and many many other such such like logical train wrecks it's really painful to try and listen to him convince people of shit that he read on reddit like 30 minutes ago he's like um if you ever cram for a test like you you have all the notes and you just start reading the notes and then you like just like throw up all your all your notes onto the test and then As soon as you walk out of the class, like an hour later, you've completely forgotten everything that you studied because it's over. That's basically Pete's. He binge studies Reddit for his streams. He talks like he knows what he's talking about, and then it's just flush. It's just gone forever.

Unknown_01: The pedophile gaming thumbnail.

Unknown_01: That's pretty good. I can imagine someone using that.

Unknown_01: All right. Speaking of, someone mentioned this when I was desperately trying to get through talking about flamenco, only to be completely fucked over by everything not working. Yeah.

Unknown_01: I mentioned Keffels. Keffels was briefly, briefly, in the span of like, what is this, five minutes? Not even five minutes. I mentioned Keffels, which if you're wondering is a portmanteau of cock waffles. So that's where that name comes from.

Unknown_01: keffels is a canadian male to female tim and uh chronically addicted to twitter like that's their entire life is just twitter so and what's interesting about what they do right is they just post under like a conservative twitter account

Unknown_01: And they say, like, I've always wanted to ratio Laura Southern. And then they get more likes than the tweet they're replying to because they advertise it. They retweet it. They ask their audience on Twitch and shit to like their tweet to epically own Laura Southern. And if you don't know, it's sort of a weird thing. Cause what Kefals does is almost entirely dedicated to like masturbating himself or it's like, um, I want this attention. So give me attention because it'll epically own transphobes. Whereas the original intent of like ratioing people was that you would have a conservative Twitter account say like trans women aren't women. And then the reply would be, actually, here's a scientific study from, um,

Unknown_01: the israeli tech institute proving that trans women are in fact women then that tweet would get more likes than the original tweet so that if you ever open the original tweet you would see the correction directly underneath it like that's the point and i'm sorry if that sounds like a very obvious explanation but i want to contrast what people originally meant by ratioing And not even that's like another step away. The original ratio is like someone says something stupid and they just have like a thousand comments and then like 10 retweets. Like if someone comes out there and plugs their pedophile gaming channel, it'll have like five retweets.

Unknown_01: And then like a thousand quote retweets or some shit and no likes, but a hundred replies all making fun of them. That's the ratio is like the number ratio. And then it became, like, a competition to, like, measure dicks or whatever. And now it's just literal, like, weirdo trannies being, like, like my tweets because I need attention. If I was not given attention, I would actually die. I would commit 41.

Unknown_01: So Keffels immediately throws out the gauntlet and says, I just found out that the person who runs the website Notorious for Daxing and harassing trans people covered me on his podcast today. If you stand by my earlier statements about protecting trans content creators from getting harassed off the lowercase i internet, your support would mean a lot. I've done nothing wrong, nor will I be going anywhere. I stand by my convictions and know my community loves me and I love them too.

Unknown_01: So, it says not going anywhere, I'm not afraid of anything, whatever. And so people do some digging. I feature this because it's like whatever. He's already like a...

Unknown_01: internet famous like hot shot he considers himself whatever and um

Unknown_01: So people start digging, and in the course of digging, he ends up deleting his podcast, his communist podcast. People find out that he stole money from the Communist Party of Canada and enriched himself with it.

Unknown_01: He scrubs his Facebook account. He gets his mom to close her Facebook account because we find this amazing comment up here where his mom posts,

Unknown_01: uh, Lucas with a picture of him. And then he's replying several, seven years after that, seven years ago and seven years after the original post was made saying, no, I'm not, I'm not Lucas anymore. So mom closes her Facebook account. He closes his podcast. He, he deletes a lot, basically everything except his Twitch account. He deletes his or privates his second Twitter account where he was posting like pictures of his ass and stuff. And then he goes to, to tick tock and he basically scrubs his entire, um, uh, his entire tick tock. And the reason why he does that is because I, I do by, by pure luck, I went to his tick tock and I, um, put it into YouTube download and I was downloading the entire thing. And then I refresh, um, And I realized that while while I was downloading, he had deleted it. So by like seconds, I managed to get these videos and I can figure out why he deleted these.

Unknown_01: Actually, he has no charisma, so for his TikToks, he just stares like a blank, empty, autistic shell while text is on the screen. So I'll just mute it and read what it says. It starts off with a really, it subverts your expectations. He stares directly at the camera as if he's going to molest you and says, I do not support trans women, dot, dot, comma, dot, comma. And then seven seconds later, it switches to,

Unknown_01: Because that means I would have to support women. So you get it. It subverts your expectation because you would think, wait, Kefl's a brave Tim. Why don't you support Tim's? And then he flips it on his head by saying, Tim's are women. So I can't support Tim's because I'm actually a misogynist, which is strange. Like, OK, the joke is misogyny, but you are you think you're a woman, but you hate women and women are Tim's. So very confusing. But he goes on to explain in the second one.

Unknown_01: That's the music, just so you know. Got an Adderall prescription so I can talk over women louder and interrupt them faster. And the joke is just women are stupid and they have nothing of value to say. And then he just smirks at the camera and doesn't do anything. Just stares at you like he's going to molest a child or something.

Unknown_01: Third one. This is just a meme. There's not even like a creepy Catholic staring at you video. You'll never meet another quirky white girl like me who believes in astrology and smokes weed.

Unknown_01: And it's just Buzz Lightyear and a shelf of other Buzz Lightyears. Like, oh, all white girls are the same. They're stupid and have nothing to say, and I don't respect them.

Unknown_01: Very brave, very progressive, which just goes to show you that all of these people who are Tim's are fucking incels. They just hate women. And that's the fetish. That's literally the fetish is that there is nothing worse to them. There is nothing dumber. more insipid and stupid and ignorant and lacking of value or moral fiber or character than a woman and therefore there is nothing more degrading and sexually arousing to people like keffels than being a woman and when uh he realized that people were archiving his shit he had to very quickly go to tiktok and delete it all because he didn't want that to be front and center when people looked him up isn't that interesting chat

Unknown_01: They want to be the woman because they have a humiliation fetish. And there is literally nothing more humiliating to them than being a woman.

Unknown_01: I'm pretty sure for a huge proportion of them, that's it. That's the logic. They really hate women.

Unknown_01: And that's why they think it's funny to get into women's sports and beat all the other women. Because they like...

Unknown_01: They like fucking over women who have to train their entire lives to be good at their sport. You have 40 women in a competition and three of them are men. And that means that three women who worked very hard and trained every day for years to be in that competition were bumped off the roster and they don't get to compete in the Olympic sport. And that's funny to them. They like it when they go to the locker room and women are disturbed and uncomfortable because they got their dick out in front of them and their children. They think that's really funny.

Unknown_01: They just are so full of rage, and this is like state-sponsored sexual harassment that they just think is really, really funny.

Unknown_01: So Caffles is a very strong Tim, very bold and beautiful out there, reminding us all what it means to really be trans-identifying.

Unknown_01: I think that's all I have to say about Keffels I tried watching their stream and it's just the most boring fucking thing on the planet you wanna hear it talk oh yeah meanwhile oh my oh my site's dead that's right

Unknown_01: My site is dead, chat. I can't play this. So you've been saved. All those people saying no in chat, you've been saved.

Unknown_01: Okay, let's talk about puppy chat real quick. What's available to me? Someone asked that I talk about this, and it's a little bit offbeat, so I figured I would.

Unknown_01: Hopefully, I have all my tabs open and everything is preloaded.

Unknown_01: Puppy Chan is unusual for me because it is a black non-binary woman who draws fat furry art, like not safe for work, furry pornography.

Unknown_01: And, um,

Unknown_01: Their whole thing is a little bit weird. This is kind of what they draw. So top is like their older art. They were kind of obsessed with like three headed Cerebus dogs. Right. And now their their art is just like garbage.

Unknown_01: I mean, it's I wouldn't say the top is good, but there's more detail, I guess. Now it's much more stylized and lazy.

Unknown_01: And over here they wanted me to point this one out. Left is old, right is new. So the left has like a lot of like shading and lines and attention to detail and more vibrant colors and the right is just like more bland but the boobs and thighs are ridiculously bigger.

Unknown_01: So Unya, who I guess is Puppy Chan, apparently they have like 8 million different Twitter accounts, says, this is an improvement to which one of their hardcore fans replies and says, ooh, you've come so far. The dynamic pose with the vibrant colors and lineless touches is much prettier. The clothes flow nicely. That bow detail is lovely. And the more carefully constructed hands are very noticeable, a definite improvement from the squiggly ones on the right. Heart emojis. To which Puppy Chan corrects this person and says, that's the old drawing. So this person, in their attempt to give genuine heartfelt praise of their coming of age as an artist, accidentally just shit a little. for their fucking face yeah the hands are better and the details are better and the shading's better and the pose is more dynamic yeah it just looks all around you did a much better job this time it's not just um a gross caricature of female sex anatomy she's like i don't know actually that's that's what i like to do in these days

Unknown_01: uh so the the gist of this is that um this is their twitter account they have 125 000 followers on twitter and it's because i think they just post like these like horny posts where they draw like exaggerated likes i don't even know what the fuck you would call this sup dork pepper puppy female four foot three They post, like, fat, furry shit on Twitter. And then... Because everyone on Twitter is, like, psychologically addicted to porn because they all went to Twitter after Tumblr banned porn.

Unknown_01: She gets a following just because of...

Unknown_01: people say like, Oh, fat furries subscribe, follow. This is what I like to see.

Unknown_01: I'd call it furry Kumbay. That's exactly what it is. And then they, I think they have, um, I think they make hardcore stuff. I don't know.

Unknown_01: I don't know. Assume so. I don't want to sound underprepared. Yes, they definitely they have they have a booming pornography industry. They make a million dollars a year. That's their actual business. And this is like the slippery slope. So they put out shit like this and then it ends up getting them followers and then they have a huge audience because they.

Unknown_01: have a dedicated group of Coomers following them. And they use that to suicide bait. They use that to threaten to leave the internet constantly and to basically just be a giant BPD attention whore. There's pictures I can't show you, but they post, like, pictures of knives and shit and say, like, oh, I'm going to...

Unknown_01: I'm going to cut myself. They post pictures of, like, poison berries. What they allege is poison berries and say, I'm going to eat these and kill myself.

Unknown_01: Poison blueberries.

Unknown_01: Oh, she's allergic to blueberries. That's okay. She's allergic to blueberries. I'm going to eat this blueberry and kill myself because I have a blueberry allergy, which I think is how the Hunger Games ended. I'm pretty sure. Anyways, so...

Unknown_01: They got into trouble because they had alleged at some point that they were groomed. When they were 16, they were groomed by an older man. And now, many years later, on their Coomer Twitter account, they get a Twitter DM from a 15-year-old asking for help setting up his own porn Twitter account and stuff. And nobody apparently would know that this was even happening, except for the fact that they have eight different Twitter accounts and on their private Twitter accounts, she's openly saying like, Oh my God, this 15 year old boy who's asking me for help setting up his pornography Twitter channel is so annoying. So people dig into it, um,

Unknown_01: And are telling her at first, like, stop talking to this guy because he's underage. He's 15.

Unknown_01: And this TVMA thing, like most porn Twitter accounts will put like the this symbol. I'll put it in chat if I can. They'll put this in their description so that people it's almost like an advertisement, like the no under 18 symbol. It's like I'm a porn Twitter account. Follow me. But people think that this is like responsible because, you know, children on Twitter will see that and go, oh, well, I guess I can't look at this Twitter account because it says no under 18 on it.

Unknown_01: Uh, so, but whatever puppy Chan refused to use the no under 18 thing for the longest time. And now they've added TV MA cause that's like their edgy way of doing the, I mean, I don't even know what the fuck that means. The whole point of the no underage thing is saying like, if you're a minor, don't interact with this Twitter account. What the fuck does TV MA means? It means literally nothing. I watched adults when when I was a kid. But there wasn't like hardcore furry fucking on Adult Swim. There might be hardcore furry pornography on Adult Swim these days. I wouldn't know.

Unknown_01: But that means literally nothing.

Unknown_01: And...

Unknown_01: um at some point puppy chan leaks dms the guy that she's leaking dms of uh starts threatening her so i'm gonna make a call out on you and uh deleted it later probably because you know people that are fans of puppy chan are like dog piled him and chased him off twitter whatever the fuck um but someone else makes a call out post with all the discord screen caps of puppy and green

Unknown_01: Uh, apparently this person is losing followers really quickly. I don't know how to follow that. Our Twitter follower tracker. Can I see this? Oh, social blade. Oh, I can't see this because, um, I'm a VPN.

Unknown_01: Maybe this one, does this work? No, it does not. Okay. I'll take it. I'll take this post at its word that they started losing a lot of followers because the grooming thing stuck to them.

Unknown_01: And then Puppy Chan announced that they're taking a break because they're getting cyberbullied.

Unknown_01: And this is their defense post. Oh, and she threatened to commit suicide again. She blamed Kiwi Farms directly. I can't pull this up because it is on a dead gay website that doesn't fucking work.

Unknown_01: And then posted this defense.

Unknown_01: I'm responding to all the posts that are calling me a groomer. I did not groom this kid. I was trying to give them advice to keep themselves safe from weirdos.

Unknown_01: Why is that the go-to? I did not groom her. I was telling her that if she's not careful on the internet, she would be sexually assaulted. I was only here to remind her of mindful netiquette practices. That's the go-to. All the time on To Catch a Predator and shit. It's like, no, no, no. I was warning them that sex pests like me are out there and they gotta be careful.

Unknown_01: It's like the default. I guess it's the first thing that jumps to mind if you're caught off guard on these accusations.

Unknown_00: It's like, no, I was trying to warn them.

Unknown_01: This is wrong. As I said, it would be better to post it on a locked account instead of the public to keep them safe, along with me saying I don't want creepy adults preying on you.

Unknown_01: And also suggesting drawing stuff that won't attract those people as I was trying to help this kid. She quotes herself saying, Suggested poses. I don't want creepy adults preying on you.

Unknown_01: but she continues but the kids still wanted to draw suggestive stuff and i straight up said it's mainly because i'm an adult uh calming green says i wish i could draw stuff like this right now without getting canceled and then she replies it's mainly because i'm an adult hum and green replies that isn't fair shake my head that's not really in their defense like

Unknown_01: minors have these kinds of conversations with people like that's the whole point of grooming is that you find someone underage and you like fuck with them until they turn of age like that's that's what they do

Unknown_01: In most of my messages, I was distant and I didn't want to reply as I was uncomfortable. I ended up blocking them instead of telling them why they made me uncomfortable because I was not comfortable with the spamming and being sent weird messages. But I ended up apologizing privately and I failed to tell them why I was uncomfortable and I apologize for that. I apologize for not being upfront. But to call this child grooming is ridiculous and irresponsible and makes actual pedos get away with shit. I was on the receiving end of child sexual assault. But would I want a kid to receive the same treatment? I don't know. Ask basically every pedophile ever. They were all like sexually assaulted and they all grow up and they do it, too. I think the actual psychology of this is that. um it's a way of like taking back power or control of their life right um i know this because i just watched an episode of svu where this was the plot it was um a kid a kid and a girl are um being abused the girl gets away and she goes to the police years later to try and find out what happened to this boy and they find the boy and it turns out that he is now producing child pornography um and agent huang who is one of the best characters but for whatever reason they decided to make him a homosexual because of course they did even though he's chinese and he would never break the branch and make grandparent cry uh he explains that a lot of kids who become predators just want to feel the power that they were deprived of for most of their childhood so i don't know that's that's my that's my svu review for the stream um

Unknown_01: boo it's huang huang bd wong is not b is bd wong his real name is that why he's a homosexual in the show oh that sucks he got he got raped in hollywood and now he's projecting he's projecting on svu characters

Unknown_01: I don't know who the fuck BD Wong is. Okay. I'm just sad that he's gay. And it came out of nowhere too. Cause it was in one of those episodes where, um, every so often they have like an, obviously like someone, someone from, you know, Israel comes over and helps, you know, co-write a script. And the script is basically that, um, like conservatives are evil and, There's a lot of funny episodes where they're like infiltrating neo-Nazi because, you know, of course, there's all those neo-Nazi splinter cells in New York City. That's where they all hang out. They all all those all those Klansmen hick Bible thumpers just love Manhattan. They love the hustle and bustle of the big city. That's where they that's where they plan their their KKK meetings and build their Führer bunkers and shit.

Unknown_01: But there's an episode where it's like, no, gay people aren't molestation victims. And then there is an episode where they're like, but pedophiles can be molestation victims.

Unknown_01: Anyways.

Unknown_01: To accuse me of something like this over blocking someone for making me uncomfortable along with being up front just shows me who you really are, all of you. The ones making memes and announcing me publicly, you all make me sick. But it's Twitter. When something happens, shit gets blown out of proportion.

Unknown_01: And to the dumb fucks who are saying I grew my niece slash family member, we're all adults. Here's a statement from them.

Unknown_01: And then this is a discord message from black sheepy, which puppy Chan alleges is their niece.

Unknown_01: I have something to say about your fan saying my aunt's groomed and grooming a family member. Y'all make me sick. When I went in the nine hells, did you come to where in the nine hells? Did you come to this conclusion? Y'all do kind of a black girl accent.

Unknown_01: No, I can't. I can snap. Y'all do not know our family like that. Y'all do not show us enough to say stuff like that. That is horrendous.

Unknown_01: I don't know if my brain is just racist and it's having trouble reading something that I know a black person wrote or if it's that bad or if I'm having a stroke. I don't know what the fuck is happening.

Unknown_01: Y'all do not know us enough to say stuff like that. That is horrendous. She only talks to two people and my sister. Y'all just pulling stuff out of thin air to make a point, make it stick. And to y'all hoping I trusted her hopping.

Unknown_01: On the I trusted her train, get lost, go touch some grass, edited. Wow, that was hard.

Unknown_01: That was significantly harder than my wordle this morning.

Unknown_01: Any more of these serious accusations and I will take you to court for defamation and slander.

Unknown_01: The highest civil offense possible.

Unknown_01: So that is the puppy chant update.

Unknown_01: He writes, my confidant, my source, a friend of Green's confronted him in DMs. So Green is the 15 year old. A friend of Green's confronted him in DMs and came to the conclusion that he set puppy up inadvertently. He tries to make him calling her mommy out to be something non-sexual. According to green himself, puppy cause him Han too, which would show stronger reciprocation than what the DMS puppy herself did. No DMS of this were shown though. So I left it out of the bullet points.

Unknown_01: Uh, okay. Too long. Didn't read hypersexual 15 year old hits on mentally stunted 19 year old mentally stunted 19 year old refuses to cut contact with hypersexual 15 year old shenanigans ensue.

Unknown_01: Um, why? I mean, there's clearly something wrong with the 15 year old to hit on the black girl, but that's just my own judgment on the situation. 1915 isn't really, well, we have to do the formula, right? So go to Google.

Unknown_01: And we'll type in 19 divided by 2 plus 7. I'll add a parenthesis just in case. 16.5. Bam. I dub her not a groomer. Case closed. Puffy Chan. Wait. 15. 15. 15 is lower than 16, chat.

Unknown_01: I have to make a correction. I fucked up. Actually, she is a groomer, and I condemn this in the strongest terms possible.

Unknown_01: Today is just not my day. Okay, I'm a little bit distracted. My sight's like a coprocessor in my brain. When my sight's down, I lose half my utility as a person. I just flatline. My brain cells offline for a little bit. Sargon Neth moment. No loud.

Unknown_01: Do y'all even read Loki?

Unknown_01: Okay.

Unknown_01: Let's talk about Alice, chat. If you don't know, Alice...

Unknown_01: Proudfoot is an IP2 streamer.

Unknown_01: She is a literal insane person. I think she has schizophrenia. I think she has BPD. I think she's a drug addict. She's definitely a whore.

Unknown_01: Generally, when you hear a polltard talk about women, they're basically describing Alice. That's their idea of what all women are.

Unknown_01: And Alice and Ethan Ralph hooked up in Las Vegas. And when this happened, it was kind of weird because Ralph keeps doing this thing where he goes off to Vegas with someone and then nothing happens. There is no evidence of anything happening between them. They don't go out. They don't do anything. There's no pictures of them having fun or whatever the fuck.

Unknown_01: And this was the story with Alice. And we know that Ethan and Ralph took her out to Vegas on his own money. He paid for her to come out and meet him in Vegas.

Unknown_01: And then there was no word of them doing anything together. So it was presumed at the time that Alice just took his money, flew to Vegas where her boyfriend was at the time. And don't tell me who the boyfriend's name is. They don't care. And basically just fucked off and left Ralph dick unsucked and pouting. And because of the humiliation of that, he didn't mention it. And it was whatever it was.

Unknown_01: But Alice on pay, pay, pay show has accused Ethan Ralph of sodomizing her in a technical sense. It wasn't butt stuff, but basically she's saying that.

Unknown_01: He got her drunk. He got her more drunk than she was comfortable with. And then while she was in a state of severe intoxication, he compelled her against her will to perform oral sex on him while they were in Vegas together.

Unknown_01: The clips of her admitting this are very spaced out. It took like 30 minutes to fully dredge her story out of her on the show, so I don't have the video of it. But it was late last year, I think in November. It was after Mae got pregnant. It was when they met up in Vegas and at a time where we knew that he paid for her plane ticket to come out and see her. So on one hand, I can absolutely believe that Ethan Ralph, who is someone who feels no compassion for anyone ever except his own mother, ostensibly, not even that for sure, would feel owed sex because Alice claimed that she was buying her stuff on Amazon Wishlist. So I can 100% believe that Ralph would think... Well, you took my money, so now you have to fuck me. That's just the Ralph and Mel way, baby. Sorry if you disagree, but that's just how it's going to be.

Unknown_01: But on the other hand...

Unknown_01: Alice is a sadistic animal torturer who I have no reason to doubt whatsoever. She's capable of making a lie up like this, except for the fact that she's stupid. She's maybe too stupid to make a compelling lie like this that has no, as far as I can tell, there's no like obvious errors in it. That was like, no, that didn't happen for sure.

Unknown_01: So it's a, it's a convincing lie.

Unknown_01: I wouldn't put it past her to lie. I just don't know if she's capable of telling a lie that actually sticks. So, chat, I need your help. I'm going to ask the audience.

Unknown_01: Which team are you on?

Unknown_01: Hashtag Alice lied. Ralph raped. Wait, I say R worded. Okay, that way it won't get panned.

Unknown_01: Chat, do you think that Alice is capable of telling a convincing lie? Is Ralph just horny and feeling owed sex?

Unknown_01: Which is it? Which is it, chat? I'll let the votes come in.

Unknown_01: Okay.

Unknown_01: Okay, I think the votes have come in, and...

Unknown_01: Out of 770 votes, 75% of people believe that Ralph raped Alice.

Unknown_01: And I can't tell you if that's the correct answer or not, because I don't know. It's not really possible for me to know.

Unknown_01: Actual hard question, I know. I'm not settled on it either.

Unknown_01: It is pretty perplexing. However...

Unknown_01: When this came out, and this will be my final piece of evidence that I present to my audience, my YouTube courtroom.

Unknown_01: I remember I heard this first thing in the morning. I pulled out my phone. I checked my ads on my forum, which is now dead. Rest in peace. Press F. And someone added me in this accusation thread, and I listened to it. And I'm thinking, like, didn't Ralph admit to this? Did? didn't ralph admit to this at some point and i'm sitting there in bed half awake thinking i swear to god i remember a story where ralph admits to this exact thing and then i just let it go because you know between me waking up checking shit on my phone and getting up to my computer everything that i think about is just gone um like if i open a pm or something when i'm in bed and i move to my computer chances are i will not reply to that email because i forgot about it So just exit my head. And then this guy who has a mundane, that avatar, I think his name is Jack on the forum. He, I can't tell cause my site's dead and gay forever.

Unknown_01: Um, he, he's said something like, I swear that Ralph talked about this, about mouth fucking some chick and in a video roasting Gator. I'm like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. That was the stream. It was the stream where he was telling Gator how to get pussy. That was his tip, is like, walk up to a woman and just say, suck my dick, bitch, and she'll do it. That was his advice to Gator to getting laid. I'm thinking, like, we have to find this. We have to find this clip of Ralph saying this.

Unknown_01: because I guarantee you it sounds exactly like Alice's story. So we start looking for it, and it takes like four hours before some guy pulls it up, and I hope to God that this is preloaded.

Unknown_08: Some women are made to be treated like whores.

Unknown_08: Most of them. As a matter of fact, this is just a standard operating procedure.

Unknown_08: And he's going around...

Unknown_08: following him around and doing all this simp shit. That's not what this slut respects. Do you understand?

Unknown_08: Tell her you want to stick your dick down her throat right here in this fucking bathroom. I got fucking half a gram of cocaine on me. I want you to suck my dick right here in this fucking bathroom, you dirty slut, because that's the type of shit you like.

Unknown_08: That's what gets your dick sucked.

Unknown_04: Not...

Unknown_08: No, no. Now, you can employ some of those tactics. Tell a bitch whatever to get the pussy. Who cares, right? Like, it doesn't matter. This is not the courtroom.

Unknown_08: I fully agree with that. You know, you can say whatever to get the pussy. It doesn't matter.

Unknown_08: But for a dirty, like, you can go lovey-dovey if that's what it takes to get the pussy. But a dirty skank doesn't respect that shit. She thinks you're a beta. She thinks you're a pussy.

Unknown_08: Tell her to go in there in that bathroom. I'm coming. I'll be there in a minute. Get ready to fucking choke this down, whore. You know that's what you want, bitch.

Unknown_08: Literally. That's how you. That's how you. I'm trying to help him out here. Trying to help him out here.

Unknown_08: I wonder if he'll listen. I wonder if he'll listen. I don't know. And he's always going after these. You know, pay is great. I don't want to say about her.

Unknown_08: But, you know.

Unknown_08: It's a mystery. It's a mystery, ladies and gentlemen.

Unknown_01: Now, do you think that Ralph was simply talking out of his experience?

Unknown_01: Just general advice. Oh, well, this is the kind of encounter that you can expect to have as a man. You simply corner – if you ever happen to be in a room where you corner a woman, simply demand that she give you a blowjob for drugs that you, of course, happen to have on you because you do coke. Or is this – I think that this is – I'm not going to give a poll for this. I'm going to tell you what I think.

Unknown_01: I think that he is very happy that he mouth-fucked Alice. And he's been unable to brag about it for months. Cause if he bragged about it, Alice would accuse him of sexual assault and may would, would know he's a cheer.

Unknown_01: Like, I don't know. I guess she just turns a blind eye to it. Um, but this would be like, that would be one step too far for him just to say openly that he cheats on her.

Unknown_01: So I think that this, this was his first opportunity. This was in January.

Unknown_01: Um,

Unknown_01: for him to go out and say like, this is what happened between me and Alice. And he got to humble brag about that. Oh, so subtly without having to tell anyone that that's what he actually did.

Unknown_01: So, yeah, that's that's that's what I think. And I do I as much as it pains me to say, because a lot of people in the forum like, oh, I can't believe you guys are something for Alice. Like, no, I just her story checks out. But the thing is that Alice is a fucking moron. So she doesn't do anything to make her life easier. There are things that she could post to bolster her story.

Unknown_01: For instance, she could post any receipts of him buying her shit on Amazon.

Unknown_01: She could post chat logs between them because she said that they had text message exchanges. She mentions that Ralph stole her phone at some point and she used a GPS tool on Google to check her account. If that's logged, that would be really useful. Like any anything like this would be help. But she did post receipts. I didn't see it. And I can't check because my site is unfortunately dead and gay.

Unknown_01: But I don't know. Maybe I'll update that in the future.

Unknown_01: I haven't seen anything that indicated to me that she is able to verify her story.

Unknown_01: Okay, so now it's time for the Ralph segment. That was the Alice segment. We're going to talk about Ralph a little bit. As you may know, there's a guy called Ethan Ralph who is famous for fucking women in the mouth when they're too drunk to consent.

Unknown_01: Okay, I've seen the chat log where...

Unknown_01: she's just trying to get her phone back. Okay. So I guess she, he had her phone together, but Ralph just, Ralph hasn't said anything about this by the way. So he's just, if he does talk about it, he's just going to say that, um, they met up and he accidentally got possession of her phone, whatever. No big deal.

Unknown_01: So, um,

Unknown_01: May had her baby nine days ago, I want to say. It's less than a month old. It's less than two weeks old, for sure. And it's a girl. Her name is Rosanna.

Unknown_01: Reroll, Rosanna, Nosy Rosie, as people have taken to calling her.

Unknown_01: And as soon as this baby is born, Ralph starts posting all these messages on Twitter about how he's going to go and fight paternity for Xander, his first child with Faith. And it has been proven conclusively, beyond a measure of scientific doubt, that that Xander is his son. So now he is going to fight for some level of custody, and I am sure that Vickers is going to get him for child support, which is going to be a very fun process, to Vickers' credit, if he does play it right, which... It's Vickers, so he'll probably fuck it up and somehow end up owing Ralph child support. I don't know how he'll do that, but he's a retard, so he'll probably manage.

Unknown_01: But Ralph just recently claimed that he makes five times more money than PPP. And if you take PPP's show numbers, that means that Ralph is making like $2,500 a week or $250,000 a year by some estimates. So now that he's said these things on record...

Unknown_01: It's going to be a lot of fun auditing his bank accounts and finding out exactly how much money he makes for the purposes of paying child support, which would be the logical next step of what he's doing. But he's already bragging about how he's got some fat Jew lawyer who gave him tips for a clever accountant. As if the family court system, especially in California, have no idea what clever accounting is. Oh, you put everything in your dead mom's name? Gosh, I guess all that money is just gone now. There's no way around it. That's just too Jewish and clever for our family court system to deal with. Friendly reminder that...

Unknown_01: that Lotex's very wealthy mother hired this man to represent him in family court and lost to this guy who is fresh out of law school because, of course, family courts have no way of dealing with clever people and clever lawyers and clever accounting to hide money.

Unknown_01: That's his plan. And this is right after May's daughter is born. so it literally feels like in ralph's mind he wants an heir to the ralph male kingdom crass is kang need me a son and uh re-roll rosie just doesn't count because i say this because

Unknown_01: May goes up to her parents' house in Rochester, New York. She goes into labor. Ralph does not stop his stream, his 24-hour live stream, to go up and visit her in Rochester. He takes his time. No big deal. Water broke. I got a stream. I got planned. I got my guests lined up. I'll see you there in a little bit. Eventually goes up to Rochester and she's in labor or entering labor.

Unknown_01: Actually, no, they wait a week. He's up there for a week doing shows and stuff while they wait for her to go to labor. She goes into labor and then goes into a natal intensive care unit. And then she stays there for a couple of days while Ralph is back at her parents' home and doing streams there.

Unknown_01: May comes home with the baby. They are together forever. I want to say for less than 48 hours before Ralph leaves and goes back to Richmond and leaves May up in Rochester. And they do this because Ralph has that stupid fucking bowling alley event, which he planned at exactly a week before her due date. So he leaves her up there.

Unknown_01: Just the baby is not seven days old at this point to go back home and leave her with her parents so that he can drive to this bowling alley.

Unknown_01: which is in Dallas. That's a 21-hour drive. And it's like, okay, so he has spent literally less than two days, less than a fucking weekend, less than the time that you would be given if you got weekends with your kid after a divorce or whatever. He leaves this newborn baby to go out to Dallas. And you might think, oh, well, that's a long way away from Richmond, Virginia, Dallas. That's in the fucking middle of the country, far end away from where Virginia is. probably as far away from virginia as you can possibly be in the continental united states so he's gonna fly right wrong he's he drove he's art i would say he was going to but he has already driven 21 continuous hours from richmond virginia to dallas because he's probably got coke he's probably doing coke and he knows he can't take that home to an airplane because they have drug sniffing dogs um drug sniffing dogs which may look like this just in case you're wondering

Unknown_01: Oh, I have, I have a drug sniffing pig. He's really good at finding pills, but we have a drug, drug sniffing dog too. Ah, here we go. Here's our drug sniffing dog. You see this bad boy at the airport. You're fucked. He's going to find your cocaine. Look at him. He's hankering. He really wants it.

Unknown_01: So, um, Ralph decides not to fly cause he's probably got Coke on him and, uh, has, has already has driven down to Dallas, um, in one go and to the shock of everyone, he is distracted driving the entire fucking time on his phone the entire time. You can see him on his phone and what's he doing on his phone? Is he playing a wordle? What's he doing? No, of course not. He is flagging.

Unknown_01: He is filing DMCA copyright strikes against YouTube channels, restreaming his driving footage so that people don't have to give him views. He's reading his Kiwi Farms thread and he's banning people in his chat making fun of him. Literally on the road driving doing this with his phone in his hand.

Unknown_01: And he can't go more than like an hour or two without buying some fucking ribs and shit. And I just can't listen to Ralph. Ralph is I can't hate watch him. I now have to watch him by proxy by reading these kinds of posts because he eats. He is the grossest, nastiest, fat fucking slob pig man when he eats. It's just so it's literally gross. I've never seen someone eat as inapotetically as as Ethan Ralph does. And he just can't stop sucking his own dick. He just jiggles around and is like, Killstream baby, nobody does it like me. You ain't never seen someone eat ice cream like they're sucking a dick before. You only get that kind of content on the Killstream baby. Ain't nobody driving 21 hours away from their newborn baby to go bowl with strippers and Dick Masterson in Dallas. I thought Cal stream does it, baby. And I was like, okay, I can't, I can't fucking stand this. Give me a 30 second clip of something funny happening. And that is what we have right here. Stealing my shit for years and trying to fucking, you know, run hate restreams of my shit.

Unknown_08: I'm just not going to let you do it. So now if you sit there and comment on it,

Unknown_08: talk over it, and you actually do that, like, not every fucking hour, I mean, like, actually treat it like a play-by-play, as I've done many times, then I would consider that fair use.

Unknown_08: Restreaming my stream and putting a bunch of pictures up on it is not fair use, and I'm gonna strike that shit down every time.

Unknown_08: I'm just gonna let you know.

Unknown_08: It's right out in public. It's not a secret. There's no need to check the history. I'm telling you right now, in broad fucking daylight, I will strike that shit down.

Unknown_08: And again, if you don't like it, you can kiss my big white ass. You understand that?

Unknown_01: So, no need to Monday Matt me. I'm admitting it to your fucking face, bitch.

Unknown_01: If you fucking take my shit and put it on fucking YouTube, and you think that you're going to slap some fucking... Oh, me fucking hollering, ha, ha, ha. My fucking horse bride. My fucking re-roll Rosie. You think putting that shit on the fucking screen is going to stop me from DMCAing you, bitch? Nah, bitch. That ain't going to get me to stop. i'll tell you right here you can kiss my ass my wigger ass 10 times out of 10 baby i'll flag it again and that's what he's up to new kid brand new brand new baby and you know baby mama probably feeling neglected because he's been out there face raping junkies for so long that um she feels forgotten about you know nah nah fuck it I'm gonna go I'm gonna go do coke and drive to you know this was supposed to be a wedding too like the idea was oh I'm gonna have this bowling alley event which is stupid as hell but I'll marry my fiance there and since I've I've asked I've convinced Dick Masterson already to show up i'll trick him into being my best man dick has absolutely no interest in showing up at a wedding uh because it might trigger marie uh but i'll trick him out there and then he'll be my best man and then i'll look super fucking cool because i got the the dick masterson one of the funniest men alive at my wedding. And that's not going to happen because, uh, may is staying at Rochester. So it's, it's literally just going to be him with Dick and a couple of retards from his show and destiny for some reason at a bowling alley in Dallas with hookers and strippers. And, uh, and they're going to be there for five hours. I think it's a five hour long event and they're gonna have to find somebody to fill up five hours of content.

Unknown_01: And then he's going to do a bunch of coke and drive back, I guess.

Unknown_01: Really, just absolute fucking nonsense. Lacky world. I'm glad Ralph is living it and not anyone I care about. Because, wow.

Unknown_01: Just wow, chat.

Unknown_01: Okay, and...

Unknown_01: Very quick update, and then we'll wrap it up. Because I got a dead gay website to fix, in case you did not notice.

Unknown_01: Chantel is in Cuba, baby.

Unknown_04: I was barely standing, but now I'm dancing. He's all over me.

Unknown_01: Perfect. Really great editing on that one. I wish I could look up who did it, but unfortunately my site's dead and gay.

Unknown_01: So yeah, literally this is what happened, right?

Unknown_01: Her Twitter account, her YouTube account gets banned. And the Karens are pushing in. Kiev is encircled. It looks like a total Chad Tao loss. So she decides that she's going to fly out to Poland by going to Cuba. Because she saw an advertisement of a Cuban guy mixing drinks. And she was like, that's a hot Cuban guy. So she literally, because she wants to fuck that Cuban guy, she books a flight to Cuba for an entire week. As soon as her channel was demonetized or deleted for whatever reason. And then the day before, on her birthday, the day before she flies out to Cuba, she gets her channel back. And Pete's and her are like sitting there making fun of all these people. And the Karens are literally crying. They're throwing up. They're sobbing so hard. They're vomiting. It's a catastrophe. The Russians pushed all the way back to the Belarus. The Karen's shoved back all the way to the border. Unbelievable upset. Nobody thought that was going to happen. And then she everyone. And then the Karen's go to the forum and they try to start the info war. Chantel's not going to make it. She's too fucking stupid. You have to apply for a visa. You have to have a passport. You think that she's going to be able to fit on a plane? No way. They're going to take one look at her and they're going to throw her off. And you think that she's going to be able to figure that out? And you think that she's going to be able to do this? And what about adapters? And what about this? And what about this? She's going to get eaten by a shark. She's going to get mugged in Cuba. She's going to get arrested by the communist government and killed.

Unknown_01: They just keep going off and off about all these horrible things that they want to happen to her. And she makes it to Cuba, and she goes out into the water. Look at this. Look at this chat.

Unknown_04: This lifeguard thing?

Unknown_04: Can you see me?

Unknown_01: No, she can't just go to Cuba and then swim in the ocean. My Reddit husband has been promising me a vacation for four years, but he keeps spending all our savings on Funko Pops and OnlyFans. Why does Chantel get to go to the beach and swim around in the water? No, no, come back. I hope she drowns. I hope she drowns. I hope a shark gets her. No.

Unknown_01: I literally hope they cry. I really hate these fucking people. Like, no, she doesn't get to be on YouTube and make money by being fat and useless. Because I'm fat and useless and I don't get to make any money at all. Why is that fair? My Reddit husband won't fuck me. I have to try to impregnate myself with a turkey baster. Because I can't get him to have sex. He just masturbates to OnlyFans. Now!

Unknown_01: base. I'm really happy. I'm really happy. This is the... Because, at this point, Chantel winning and pissing off people that hate her is funnier than anything that could happen to Chantel. Alright.

Unknown_01: All right, all right, all right. Her vacation's going really well. She's tipping all the Cuban guys that she sees, like, 10 Canadian dollars, which I guess is, like, a year's wage for them. So she gets, like, attention from all the service staff and stuff. Even though she's literally walking around the streets of Cuba with, like, a selfie stick, live streaming 24-7. I'm sure everyone is like, who's the fat weirdo with the selfie stick talking to herself?

Unknown_01: Doesn't matter. She got some Cuban guy's phone number while at a buffet. Just great. Just great, chat. I wish the best for her. I hope she has a great time, and I hope she gets away. Because she wants to fuck that Egyptian guy again, and I'm so sick of the Nadir arc. I just want it to end. I want the Nadir arc to end.

Unknown_01: I don't give Santa any money. I watch for free.

Unknown_01: Speaking of, did anything... Someone says, have an anime gift for $10, but the gifts don't work and the whimpering sound effect doesn't work, so... Sorry.

Unknown_01: Congratulations on your two golden guns null.

Unknown_01: What's his face? PPP said that my stream was boring? It was the most boring in something else. I forgot what the other one is. I got added when that happened.

Unknown_01: Alice is dropping more receipts tonight, I think on PPP's show.

Unknown_01: Can't spell Ralph without rape. Take my schedules, Josh. Much love.

Unknown_01: You're going to watch the commentary boxing match?

Unknown_01: I don't know what that is.

Unknown_01: She looks like she fucks human men.

Unknown_01: I don't know what that's... Holy shit, Israel gave me $100 with no message. Thank you, Israel. Here, you know what? I'll manually play the sound effect here. Yeah, where is it? Here, I'll replay it, and then I'll do this.

Unknown_01: Perfect. You got your money's worth on that one. Unlike everybody else who got ripped off.

Unknown_01: I'll have to figure out like a proper system for this. I apologize. My streams are so fucking lazy and I really want to put more time into them and do people streams. If I was smart, I would have done a low tax stream today, but I'm not smart.

Unknown_01: so i'll have to figure something else out i'm in a very i'm in a very awkward position right now as i mentioned i'm moving to china and that's happening in the next month or so so i'll post video evidence that i've physically relocated to china um and then afterwards hopefully i'll be more comfortable and i can uh i can stream i can get my vtuber avatar all set with my green screen

Unknown_01: Did I miss anything else? Someone else mentioned, um, Ralph did something. Oh, he was going to show up on a stream, but the guy who was hosting the stream was going to have Nick or K to ambush him. And he found out about this because the quartering, who's like a fat retard told, told him for whatever reason. So Ralph was like, nah, bitch, I'm too fucking smart for your bitch ass motherfucker. Ain't going to fucking blindside me, bitch. And now he takes that as a huge one.

Unknown_01: How do you get a Chinese visa? You speak English. Hello. I want to teach English. You don't have to speak Chinese either. They'll just let you in. All right.

Unknown_01: I'm done. I have to fix my site. I apologize. I would hang around and read more of the super chats and shit, but, uh, that is not on the cards right now. I have to figure out why my site's down. And you know what? I'll tell you what I think it might be. Um,

Unknown_01: If it's not a DDoS attack, which it could very well be. I can imagine someone bought a boot or whatever. I was like, fuck it, I'll start my DDoS attack once he's live.

Unknown_01: One of my upstream providers sent me an email a while ago alleging that they had received a sealed court order.

Unknown_01: And in this court order, I am to remove any mentions that a known pedophile works for a company called Path. And Path Network... is a ISP, which provides DDoS mitigation services.

Unknown_01: And Path stopped being our DDoS... Technically, my upstream should provide DDoS filtering, and they did in the past, and it worked just fine.

Unknown_01: But for whatever reason, Path Network refuses to peer with my ASM. They refuse to be our DDoS mitigator. Never received notification why. Barely found out that that was even the case.

Unknown_01: I've emailed them asking for clarification why they refuse to be our peer. They have never replied to me. So I had to find another DDoS mitigator at great personal expense, which apparently doesn't work because I don't know if it's set up all the way yet. Could not be. I don't know. I'll find out after I deal with this.

Unknown_01: And months later, I get this email about the sealed court order saying I have to remove any mention of this person working for and I asked my upstream can I get a copy of it and they said we'll check in and we'll let you know

Unknown_01: Never hear back. Email them a reminder. Don't hear back. Email PATH at their legal address. Say, I would like a copy of this court order or I would like to know if it doesn't exist. Never hear back. I've emailed all the contact email addresses I can for PATH asking for clarification about this sealed court order, which I have been compelled to follow, removing any mention that a specific pedophile works for PATH and I've not heard back. So I believe that there is a very good chance that this pedophile does actually work for PATH And is using that influence to spread fake court orders saying that they must remove any mention that he works for this company because he does in fact do so.

Unknown_01: Because then I received another claim by a different website host who ran like a paste bin that had a docs bin paste containing information about the same pedophile. that the pedophile contacted them and asked them to remove this information from their site, and when they did not, PATH terminated their service for hosting child pornography. But it's a text site, so there is no child pornography on this website. So what's more likely? I'm wondering right now, is it that this company is fucking rogue and issuing random strikes and completely ignoring anyone who asked them for clarification? Or is one pedophile working for this site doing things secretly, hoping to keep his job? Because I really don't know. And it's really pissing me off. And if someone from Path could elucidate me. what the fuck is happening and why their company operates in such a manner. I would really love to know. And you know, it could be that, as I mentioned, my upstream does business with this company. It's possible that we could just lose our hosting at this very low level. If for whatever reason, path says, get rid of this customer, take their shit and physically throw it out of your box, or we're going to cut you off as a, as a contract that could happen. I don't know. Um, but I'm really pissed off and I swear to fucking God, I'm going to blow a lid if they forced me to find a new host on short notice.

Unknown_01: Is this pedophile known to you? Yes, it is. I think all of you know which pedophile it is, but I don't want to say it right now because I'm still investigating the matter. But if you are someone who's been following IBS for a while, you may know of a specific pedophile who's very good at not hacking, but social engineering. And this person has been alleged to work for, which is a upstream provider, which I have been forced to replace and which may be causing issues for us now.

Unknown_01: So, whoever that may be, I really hope they don't work for this company because that's a pain in my ass and I don't want to deal with them. And unfortunately, I have to deal with them right now because normally I would just turn on the button to mitigate the attack through Path, but unfortunately I don't have access to that anymore. So that being said, I wish you guys a nice Friday. I'll see you guys next Friday. And this video, this outro song is kind of... out of date now i've never had an opportunity to play it but it's like the best chinese roast of the west like it's supposed to be satire but i think it's really funny so i'm just gonna play it um i'll see you guys when i see you

Unknown_01: Is the silver actually sold out? I checked this morning and there's nothing on the page with the price. Yes, it is gone. I have sold every coin. There will be no more. That run is done. If I do more silver, it will be a different design. It won't feature Chris. Nothing I do ever from this point on will feature Chris. I am convinced that it is cursed and things involving Chris because he is a blasphemer are divinely punished.

Unknown_01: So no more Chris shit ever. I'm going to get rid of what I have and then I'll find a different 3PL and hopefully I can do patches and we can do the fuck on.

Unknown_01: Okay, bye-bye. See you later.

Unknown_00: Although the CCP has thus far remained tight-lipped as to the origins of the virus, we turn now to Chinese Ambassador Chang for an official statement of significance.

Unknown_12: China very strong and America wrong. Super cow, no match, very no time wrong.

Unknown_12: You better buy and get five star review, no four star rock, no good, fuck you

Unknown_12: in the prison never seen again if you say bad thing we need a hook to yammer me well now zip so tight call me zip our head spitting on your chicken never miss it i know it's a politician when they say that's bad fuck that i'm china man and now this my land you die no children broken brands china no sick now streets are empty babies ma and grandma so happy cubs so flat like miss china boo do you know like china vipers sue me locked up dying spade now i hear dying lots

Unknown_11: nightly they scream until you can no longer take it at least they'll never call me racist it's amazing zero cases after 80 nothing shady china really is the greatest everybody sing the praises did they pay me just to say this of course they didn't don't be crazy by the way let me just say that taiwan ain't a real place at all