Final Moments 2022-03-18

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Unknown_02: I was born on a Dublin street where the loyal drums did beat The loving English feet that walked all over us And every single night when my dad would come home tight He'd invite the neighbours out with his chorus Come out you blackened tans, come out and fight me like a man Show you I thought you were brothers down in Flanders

Unknown_02: Come let us hear you tell how you slandered Grey Parnell When you taught him a well and truly persecuted What are the sneers and jeers that you loudly let us hear When our leaders of sixteen were executed

Unknown_02: Come out you black and tans, come out and fight me like a man. Show your wife how you want medals down in Flanders. And I'll have the IRA, made your own life hell away. From the green and lovely lanes of Kildeshandra.

Unknown_00: I'm not late. Okay, I'm I'm late for neither my stream nor for st. Patrick's Day I Guess I I forgot to adjust I usually set my time by Eastern Standard Time So when daylight savings happens, I I roll with it, but I forgot this time. So I am an hour late technically it's 1 p.m. for Americans, but Who really cares about that? I'm in a good mood today. Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day, which is celebrated more in the U.S. than in Ireland. There's more Irish descendants in the U.S. than in Ireland.

Unknown_00: I consider St. Patrick's Day one of the many fuck England days that exist on the calendar that I keep track of and all those holidays put me in good spirits. Anything that is just decisively, you know what, England can go fuck itself.

Unknown_00: That is a cause for celebration.

Unknown_00: Though Ireland, I don't know, Ireland has its own problems. I heard a story, I don't know, I can't verify this, it could be fake, it could be made up. Most things on the internet are made up. But I heard about an Irish family that tried to invite, like, a Ukrainian, like, oh, you know, there's, apparently there's more Ukrainian refugees coming into England right now, or, uh, not into England, but into Europe right now than, there were like Syrian refugees throughout the entire Syrian civil war so there's like a refugee crisis and all the countries are straying trying to figure out what the fuck can do with all the Ukrainians apparently like two more than two million maybe three million are in Europe now and uh half of them are in Poland I'm pretty sure But then all the other countries are trying to figure out what to do. And so people are opening their doors to Ukrainian refugees, expecting like a mom and a daughter to come in, like a very manageable family unit that's not going to take up much space. So this poor fuck, this poor patty in Ireland says, sure, I'll let some refugees come in. It doesn't sound like it would be much of a problem at all. and surprise they're african you just gotta you just gotta eat i would just say no you know and they're like oh what you're not taking in the african family because uh you're racist i would just be like yeah yeah motherfucker you can't force these people into my fucking house i hereby retract my fucking offer And if they ask you why I decided against this, you can flat out tell them that I'm racist. I do not give a fuck. I'm not gonna like sit there and say like, oh yeah, sure, they can have my spare bedroom. I was expecting like, you know, someone who's not a threat to me to show up at my house. I apologize to inconvenience you and disrespect your time by now altering my living arrangement.

Unknown_00: But that's not happening.

Unknown_00: And I would not be surprised if many people didn't do that. I was like, oh, yeah, sure. I guess an African family of four men can. All brothers who come from Senegal, they can come in. Sure, I guess. I was expecting an orphan or a single mom to come in. But four African brothers, sure, from a war-torn country. Sure, why not?

Unknown_00: They just gotta deal with it after that. They can't say no. Sucks to be them. That would never be me.

Unknown_00: Though, then again, I don't know. I talked about all those people hoping for cutie Ukrainian war-torn refugee GFs. I bet you there's a good portion of people trying to swiggity-swooty and be like, oh sure, sure I'll let a mom and her kid come in and live with me, sure. I bet you all those fucking redditors out there having a field day like sure where do I sign up to get on the list of people to receive uh single mothers and their children to live in their house where do we where do we get on this list chat I don't trust those fucking redditors they're they're blue and gold oh they're so supportive from the bottom of their heart I'm very sure I'm very sure that these redditors are just in it because they really care about liberal values and shit bullshit

Unknown_00: Though the upside is I hope that soon, I haven't had a good bowl of borscht in years now. So I hope that the Ukrainians will set up Ukrainian stores so that I can buy soup and eat a higher quality of good, delicious Ukrainian borscht. That is my only hope. And I don't think it's an unrealistic expectation. Everyone says, like, oh, what would we do without Mexicans? There would be no Taco Bell. Well, motherfucker, I expect babushkas. This is my pitch, right? This is how you promote refugees in Europe and America. chain restaurant Babushkas, right? So now you have like this cute mascot and it's like a little old lady with like her her head wrap and she has like a bowl and then you can sell you know borscht and you can sell These things I think they were called like pampushkans. It's been so long, but they were like, oh They called them Ukrainian donuts and they were basically just garlic bread, but they were really fucking good. I would eat at that place. I would go to Babushka's and I would get some borscht and some donuts. Ukrainian garlic bread donuts. This is my pitch to the New World Order.

Unknown_00: It's like the trade offer meme. You get 2 million Ukrainian refugees. I get drive-thru borscht restaurants.

Unknown_00: This is our trade. This is what we get out of this.

Unknown_00: European food is great. It's amazing. I've ranted and raved about this before.

Unknown_00: when it's winter.

Unknown_00: Where I was from in southern Ukraine, in Odessa, salo is like the pork fat, but like regularly Ukrainian salo is like

Unknown_00: like slices of cheese. It's like thick and it's like a slice that you put on bread. What I got was something else. I forget the word of it. It was like Chilovitz or something, but it was like mashed. It was like a mashed spread of pork fat and said, and I like that much better. You take it, you spread it over rye bread, you take a bite of it, you eat it, and then you take the soup and you drink the soup and it kind of mixes like the pork fat that remains on your tongue melts in contact with the soup.

Unknown_00: And this is perhaps the closest you can get to experiencing God on this planet. It is otherworldly in the comfort and warmth that it brings you when it's Ukrainian winter and it's like a foot of snow outside.

Unknown_00: Just the best.

Unknown_00: Anyways, how's that diet going? Not good. I haven't dieted this year. I won my contest. I beat everybody else who didn't participate, so now I'm free to eat whatever I want.

Unknown_00: I'll get back on it. I'm in the midst of a lot right now, and I hope to reconfigure my diet status when I am more settled.

Unknown_00: I have the webmasters burden, this will be my last little rant before I start talking about stuff.

Unknown_00: I was thinking about how my forum is really great and all, but the issue with my forum is that I own it, which means that I can't use it correctly. I can't really talk about all the things I want to.

Unknown_00: Because if I talk about stuff that I like, people will ruin it for me. They will go out of their way to ruin it.

Unknown_00: So I have to be careful about what I talk about, and I can't tell people, like, oh, I'm doing this right now, and I'm enjoying it a lot. Because then people, if they can fuck with it, they will fuck with it.

Unknown_00: And I can't use any other site.

Unknown_00: If it's connected to me, then people will find it and fuck with it. But if it's like, there's anonymous sites like 4chan, and 4chan sucks. 4chan is so bad now, I can't even believe it. I don't know what the fuck happened to it, and I'm thinking maybe, I'm torn on two different theories on what happened to 4chan. I think that like theory A is that I just got older and 4chan has not changed all that much but I really feel like it has and I feel like um a lot of the people who were my age when they like I found out about 4chan when I was like a teenager I remember being in like 9th or 10th grade and one of my computer classes there was this kid called Joshua, ironically, and he was big into Encyclopedia Dramatica and he tried to like scare- I was looking at his computer because he was always doing weird shit and he got irritated because I was always looking at his screen. I remember that he pulled up the

Unknown_00: the offended page on Encyclopedia Dramatica which we don't know is like a huge it's like a bunch of safe safe images at the top and then as you scroll down it's like gore and like offensive stuff it's like a crucifix hammered through someone's mouth and then there's like pictures of body parts that are infested with some sort of parasite that is really awful and it's just it's just really it's just nasty stuff i remember being like a teenager and staring at this and like he was trying to get me to fuck off but I didn't care and that's how I got introduced to like 4chan and shit was like watching what this kid was doing in in the computer classes um but it feels like the generation of kids who were um that who were like on 4chan really young they've all become like horrific pornography addicts and like anime addicts which is like the same thing I guess now as adults they're all like dysfunctional they have serious issues and they they it's not cute it's not like kids playing on the internet anymore like oh my god the Internet's the Wild West we can do anything we want it's like really really like unhealthy people who are like furthering each other's unhealthiness together it's sort of like reddit but in a different direction

Unknown_00: I don't know. It sucks because it's in everything. I would understand if it was just a couple boards or a couple threads or even most boards. But even good threads that are worth reading, they slowly get corrupted over time by people who just enjoy posting anime and shit. And threads that have nothing to do with anime. They insist on posting porn anime and those threads just to piss off people who don't want that. And it's like, where do you go? Like, my forum is pretty good, but not for every topic, and I can't really use it myself. And if I tried to make an alt, it would be dangerous, because what if those two identities got connected? And it's like, okay, maybe I said things on there that would get me in trouble, you know? Not like because it's bad, just like those things I don't want people fucking with when you get out there. Like anything I enjoy, any little hobby I have would be destroyed if people linked it. So it's, that's frustrating. And I thought about like going to post and just making like an alt account, like a secret alt and like post. Um, but post is just like an anime porn website too. And it's like, I don't know, I really don't want to try to integrate into like a lollicon site.

Unknown_00: It's really aggravating. It's like, I don't even know what to call it. It's like a burden on someone. You make a website so people can post about what they want, but then you can't post about what you want because it's your site and people want to fuck with it. It's like a paradox.

Unknown_00: So, I don't know. That's my grievance for the day. I hope you find that interesting.

Unknown_00: Speaking of the webmaster's burden, I would like to point out that Lotax's mother has died.

Unknown_00: Lotax died a while ago. Lotax's mother died very recently.

Unknown_00: Oh my god, I just realized my chat is not on my screen.

Unknown_00: How did this happen? Why didn't nobody tell me? I was watching the chat on my screen.

Unknown_00: I didn't even notice.

Unknown_00: Interact.

Unknown_00: Live chat.

Unknown_00: Oh, you did, huh? I don't believe you. Oh, I didn't even do the bottom either. What a mess.

Unknown_00: Set name. Today is March 18th.

Unknown_00: Perfect.

Unknown_00: As I said, Lotax's mother died, which is sad, I guess. A lot of people don't like her because she was basically Lotax's enabler. When he got into trouble, she paid and bailed him out and stuff.

Unknown_00: Apparently she was mean to like the women that were suing him and he was very much like a mama's boy and she enabled him.

Unknown_00: So a lot of people aren't particularly sad that she's dead, but she probably died just because Lotex is dead. Lotex is dead, he killed himself, so now what does she have to do to mind things anymore? Not really anything. Though, this, the fact that she's dead, and this filing, this recent March filing on the ongoing case between him and baby mama, Ashley Martin, says, satisfaction of judgment filed. So, I think it's over. I think the law the the case the the custody case the child support he's dead and his mom's dead so I guess she just inherits their money and there's no more child support case

Unknown_00: I think it's done. I think the low-tech stuff is completely done, which means I can now commit in the near-ish future to doing a person stream on low-tech, which will be difficult because there's a lot of history for low-tech that I was not around for, and I might have to limit the scope on the low-tech stream to just things that are kind of relevant to me with a brief overview of what's before. I don't know how else I would be able to do that. His history goes back to like 1999 It would be very difficult like his look like something awful predates 4chan. It was an inspiration for 4chan In some ways and a lot of other stuff It would be it would be really really difficult in one take on a live stream to sort of capture Something awful. So I might just have to do like a light touch and Focus on mostly on stuff that I was there for because

Unknown_00: I took an interest in Lotex because I saw him as a warning of what not to do in a lot of ways. I think that the biggest thing that he

Unknown_00: he sort of indicated to me is that if you are a web admin and you become disinterested in your own site, it doesn't, like it's going to turn to shit. I think I have, my account's right here, I can check. I have 26,000 posts going on 27,000. Can I check the member list? Most messages.

Unknown_00: Painting a tree that is Christian less than Chandler's account and for whatever reason chompy racks one of our old old mods Years ago gave him 1 billion posts. So he's always been the most active user on the site for quite a while Despite the fact he only has one post But then I'm up there I'm surprised those other people have more posts than I do

Unknown_00: But yeah, so I've always been one of the most active members on the site.

Unknown_00: And I think that if I stopped being one of the most active members on the site, it would probably fall apart pretty fast.

Unknown_00: What do I know? I don't know. I've disappeared for a while. I've taken weeks off at a time before and it didn't really fall apart. It's mostly like the technical side, but then again, that's what he did, right? He never knew the technical side of something awful. So he had people do that and he had people do that for free and he was involved in precisely zero moderation decisions. So he hired like people that and he basically like in a ck3 way he gave out like titles to land to his to his moderators. He said to this mod, like, okay, you get the title for this board and you basically can do anything you want to this board as long as you are my vassal in your decision making skills. And he did that with everybody.

Unknown_00: And they became very autonomous in how they ran the site. And over time when he came back in and was like, hey, wait a minute. Things are really shit now. I'm going to demod some people. They all threw a rebellion. He tried to revoke the title of one of his vassals. And then he had a rebellion of tyranny at hand. And they were trying to overthrow him. So he just gave them what they wanted. And they fucked off. And then he went quiet again. Very, very futile how that worked out.

Unknown_00: But yeah, I mean, he basically lost control of his site. And when he stepped out, very little changed in terms of how Something Awful ran.

Unknown_00: That wasn't my interest. It was mostly that. It was like how he had such a strange relationship with his forum. And additionally, he's one of the only forum owners in the world.

Unknown_00: At this point, like in terms of like large websites, there's not really a whole lot of forums out there anymore. There's a lot of little forums, a lot of little communities, but a lot of them have been destroyed by like Discord and, you know, mostly Discord, but they've eroded over time in number.

Unknown_00: House need for, I haven't worked on it in a month at least. I need to get back on it. I'm sort of in a transitory period and when I'm more comfortable again, I'll work on it some more. I might just need to pay people to help me out.

Unknown_00: Like what I'm stuck on right now, and I guess I should just open the repository instead of saying when it's at a certain point, I'll open it.

Unknown_00: I'm stuck on something that was hard for Infinity Next as well.

Unknown_00: Rust in general is hard to kind of conceptualize, but the permission system and how like a forum works where you have resources like boards and chat rooms and then you have group permissions and user permissions and those all layer in a specific way where they like allow and revoke and deny and forbid entirely. It's very complicated.

Unknown_00: When I got to this, actually, here's a fun thing.

Unknown_00: I poked around. I tried to find an existing thing for Rust that I could plug in to be like, oh, well, this is an existing solution for this very common problem of permissions in a web application.

Unknown_00: So I went to a couple different groups and in particular I went to... I'm not going to name it. I shouldn't name it. That would be mean.

Unknown_00: But I went there and I said...

Unknown_00: Oh, I don't have my original message, but I said, like, hey, does this, does this, uh, permission, permission suite, does this work in this way? Could it satisfy these requirements? And in reply, I got a message from Gwen who said, hi, at Joshua Moon, is this for Kiwi farms?

Unknown_00: To which I replied, is this an ordinary question to ask someone looking into rust crates for permission management? They then replied to this with a laughing crying emoji and deleted their message and then also deleted their reaction. So I looked it up and since Matrix has frozen, I might have to look this up again. You know what, it's on the Fediverse.

Unknown_00: Actually, I wasn't planning on talking about this, so give me one second. I'll pull this up.

Unknown_00: Come on, computer, you can do it.

Unknown_00: Oh, God, this was so long ago. I feel so bad. I should have been working on this more.

Unknown_00: Aha, three weeks ago.

Unknown_00: Here.

Unknown_00: Oh, I forgot about this too. Is this for Kiwi Farms? I said, is this an ordinary question? I asked someone looking into rust crates for mission management. Laughing, crying emoji reaction. Gwen, go away. And then I pulled it up, and I'm like, yeah. I can tell by the phenotype, and having seen quite a few of these phenotypes in my life, that this is what we call a software engineer. Parentheses, socks attached.

Unknown_00: So, okay. So, that was one of the last things I did. Actually, it was look for existing crates that could solve the permission issue without having to write new code myself, which I'm hoping to avoid because it is a very complicated. It's like a genuine complication. It's like, how do you implement this?

Unknown_00: And there's many different ways of doing it. And it's a common problem, but there's not really a good solution for it in Rust yet.

Unknown_00: Anyways, not to shit on one of my fellow developers in the Rust community.

Unknown_00: Oh, someone was talking to me about Jerry Springer today and I got curious so I pulled up something that I remember seeing when I was a kid.

Unknown_00: Surprise, surprise, when I was a teenager, I liked to watch Jerry Springer and Mario Pavlich.

Unknown_00: And like I had a TV in my room when I did computer stuff. I always had the TV on. It was on MSNBC. So the shows that I watched a lot of were like Keith Olbermann and that lesbian woman, Rachel Maddow, and then Lockup, because that always came on afterwards. And it was like the horrors of the American prison system. And then there was Jerry Springer and Mari Popovich.

Unknown_00: And I would like to read you this wiki that I found because it was funny to me.

Unknown_00: These are lists of Mari guests who have appeared the most amount of times.

Unknown_00: name Sholanda 19 times. Sholanda appeared because she cheated on her husband Tyrell with several men and she had 19 DNA tests for their three children. Tyrell was proven to be the father of her youngest two children but she has tested 17 men for her oldest Kyla and none of them were the father.

Unknown_00: Marisol tested 17 men for her six children and she was only able to find fathers for three of them on the show over the span of 12 years. She was able to find the fathers of her two youngest and her third child.

Unknown_00: Simone was cheated on with her sister by her boyfriend Jason. She later admitted to cheating on him over 200 times as well after a DNA test proved he was not the father of her son Louis. She later tested 10 more men for Louis and none of them were the father. In 2014, more than six years after her previous appearance, Simone returned because she was being cheated on again. Georgetta tested 14 men for her three daughters and was probably only able to find the father of one of them. She also appeared in December 2004 because a woman was accusing her of sleeping with her boyfriend. Good times, good times.

Unknown_00: Oh look, the coincidence detector detects a coincidence with Maury Povich. It should detect a coincidence with Jerry Springer. That guy. There's a quote by Jerry Springer which is something like, this isn't the downfall of Western civilization, this is a show. It's just chewing gum. I disagree. I think we put, I think we've highlighted the downfall of Western civilization very well, Mr. Coincidence.

Unknown_00: uh okay and an update an update on last week's news i mentioned the the epic win that the

Unknown_00: Vic Lasagna Bros got because this guy was being accused of sex offenses against a teenage boy but as it turns out the Vic Bros take another L because Damon Mills accuser who had originally accused him of sex offenses against him when he was a teenage boy has with retracted their claims he says here at this time I wish to permanently retract my statements and allegations regarding Damon Mills I wish to apologize for potential harm I have caused anyone with or affected by this incident. Thank you for your understanding." So, completely cleared. Did nothing wrong. VicBros completely BTFO'd. I can't even believe it. Well, I can believe it. Very typical of VicBros.

Unknown_00: But this user...

Unknown_00: Panera Bread was nice enough to go ahead and put together some pictures of Instagram posts, which I quite like.

Unknown_00: Which, I don't know, maybe this guy could retract his statements, but they're pretty damning. And that Milo Yiannopoulos, it depends on the child kind of way.

Unknown_00: Damon Mills says, in response to this picture of three boys, that feel when six more months, then my turn, be right back, raping you all.

Unknown_00: He says down here in response to this kid putting on his underwear or not his underwear but like his pants on his bed saying back off he's mine oh no sweetie never too late for me he's been mine always will be mine Brian is love Brian is life heart emojis

Unknown_00: He says you wish and says I don't wish because it's true and then he says mmm dem legs too good mate hoi hoi hoi Picture of two boys. He says Brian better get

Unknown_00: I didn't realize that he said the n-word here. That's offensive. I'm more offended by this n-word than him openly lusting on young boys on Instagram. Brian better get his n-word ass out here this summer so I can meet him and squish his face. I will grab your ass and Connor's ass and have handfuls of ass and be a happy soul.

Unknown_00: uh then he talks about butts down here there's one in particular this is super creepy it's like kid pictures this guy's like 10 he says down here i'd kiss him but pedophilia jailbait kissy face fuck her right in the pussy

Unknown_00: But he did nothing wrong because the person retracted their opinions after he lawyered up The the anime community is actually a bastion of morality and there's nothing wrong here And it's just the Western degeneracy. It has nothing to do with with anime at all Anyways, there's that I just figured I would point that out there because it's really fucking creepy The classic retraction chat had a seizure

Unknown_00: What even happened? Chat did blow up and then it like calmed down again. Uh, okay.

Unknown_00: Drakken Lord. Let me give you, I'm gonna give you a brief rundown on Drakken Lord.

Unknown_00: He was convicted of I think assault or a couple instances of assault because we don't know and in the the German locale sphere Drakenlord is a is basically their Chris

Unknown_00: But unlike Chris, for whatever reason Germans really love to go to this guy's house and like actively fuck with him. I guess because he doesn't have a gun. Like if you if you went to Chris's house to fuck with Chris there's a really good chance that someone will shoot you dead. But the Germans have not learned discipline because there's no risk of them being shot dead. So they all pilgrimage to his house in

Unknown_00: Bavaria, I'm pretty sure, and they fucked with him in person and then he freaks out and he calls the police and all the people in his village fucking hate him because he's such a nuisance to them by virtue of bringing in these weirdos who come to visit Drakkenlord. So he was convicted of like assault or some shit and he was sentenced to two years in jail. And he's, even though he's convicted, I guess they haven't started his sentence yet. So he's waiting to be committed to custody of the state. And he sold his house because his village, which hates him, has pulled in their money together to buy his house. And then on top of that, not only have they bought his house from him by putting their money together, they have also paid to demolish it. So here we have the work of the Germans coming together to destroy this man's home because they fucking hate being disturbed by retards coming to his house. to pilgrimage there and they don't want any more people coming to like this is like what they did with the Nazis like when the Nazis all died they like scattered their ashes instead of burying them anywhere because so that they don't want people to visit their their burial sites so that's what they've done with Drakengord they've destroyed his home after they bought it at expense to them so that weirdos don't pilgrimage to the holy land to see it

Unknown_00: Oh god, why isn't Mano? I don't know what they're saying.

Unknown_05: Something about scheisse porn. I really don't know.

Unknown_00: tourist dollars they don't want your fucking tourist dollars anyways I um I made a tribute video and I hope you guys I hope you guys enjoy this

Unknown_11: I am alone without you Without you I count the hours without you

Unknown_00: I hope you've enjoyed. This is high quality content I put together in five minutes.

Unknown_00: I can only keep it, I can only make it 30 seconds because I'm pretty sure Rammstein is like super mega DMCA'd. I know that Europeans, especially Germans, are like crazy about fucking copyright. I'm pretty sure they just break into your house and shoot you if you're playing German music anywhere.

Unknown_00: So that's what you get.

Unknown_00: yeah that's really it uh there is some i don't know people in this thread or in my thread the maddie thread we're talking about how uh like dancula is like a hypocrite or something there's some controversy because he's like the most prominent like english-speaking youtuber to talk about uh about dragon lord

Unknown_00: And he has this policy of, like, don't fuck with people, right? Which is pretty sensible. But then his exposure of, like, Drakenlord caused, like, a bunch of people to come and find out about him and fuck with him and stuff. I don't know. I don't really have an opinion on that. I think that everyone should have guns, and then if everyone has guns, that issue kind of resolves itself.

Unknown_00: Speaking of needing a gun Moving quickly on I'm bashing through my bullet points here. It's gonna be a short stream I might have to find some I might I might do I might review some tranny profiles or something you fill up some time for this one because I Just have my my talking point

Unknown_00: I'm going to force you guys to watch Nikocado Avocado.

Unknown_00: It has come to this. You will sit here and you will listen to Nikocado Avocado eat. And I mean it. I need you to turn your headphones on.

Unknown_00: and you need to listen. It's only 30 seconds. 30 seconds of Nikocado Avocado. It's important. I promise you won't regret it. I mean, you will regret it, but it's important that you do it anyways. It's like 30 seconds. You ready? One, two, three.

Unknown_00: You're gonna act like you can't even see colors now.

Unknown_01: You're, no.

Unknown_01: I'm just, I'm supposed to do this.

Unknown_01: It's got veneers like most YouTubers.

Unknown_01: I didn't want the Hollywood fake teeth. The barbie teeth? Again, my teeth look decent to begin with.

Unknown_01: Veneers are expensive. They have due dates. You have to replace them. They can chip.

Unknown_08: You got dentures.

Unknown_01: I'm too young to have my teeth removed.

Unknown_01: You already have the roots. The roots are healthy. Me and Emma might have been burnt away, thanks a lot, dentist.

Unknown_01: But the roots are healthy. Wait, did I get the... Oh, I did get the wrong timestamp.

Unknown_00: I made you guys listen to that for no reason. Listen to this instead.

Unknown_01: Okay, they taste like this, but, you know, a little greasier.

Unknown_00: No, we need to listen to that again. I know. I know it sounds like nonsense. It's just him burping. Seriously, listen. One more time. Okay, they taste like this, but, you know, a little greasier.

Unknown_00: Now you might be thinking, why is there screaming in the background? Are they butchering a woman to eat for later? No, Nikocado, accidentally recorded a audio of his neighbor being stabbed to death she is dead she he heard look at his face he hears her screaming as he is as she is being murdered in the room next door and he continues to eat this fucking slot for another

Unknown_00: 10-11 fucking minutes without stop. He could have called the police. He could have called the ambulance He could have gotten up and like checked on her like hey, I hear you're screaming bloody murder. Are you okay? instead he is doing the

Unknown_00: Not a fuck given. Just not a single fuck. And the great thing about this is that this video with the burping and the farting and the smacking of the lips will absolutely, positively become evidence in this case because it establishes very specifically the time where she's being killed. And I'll explain why that time is so important just very simply.

Unknown_00: Imagine you have footage of him entering and leaving this woman's apartment, the murderer. And you know he comes in at exactly noon and leaves at exactly 1pm. Well, it's sort of like, when did he kill her?

Unknown_00: and her screaming will determine exactly when the murder happens. If the murder happens a minute after he enters the building, then you know that he went there with the predetermined mindset of killing her. If it happens 45 minutes after he's there, then it's the difference between first-degree murder and second-degree murder. So when they're sitting on the jury, and this guy is charged with first-degree murder, the jury will have to listen to this. and hear the screaming as evidence of when they can establish this timeline to justify first and second degree murder and this this is what they'll see this is what they'll see okay they taste like this but you know a little greasier

Unknown_00: And chances are they'll have to have him as a witness. And they'll be like, Mr. Avocado, did you hear screaming at 1130 AM? And he'll be like, yeah, judge, I did. I totally did. It was really scary. I was scared by it. And then there will be a scene, right, where the judge is talking. He's like, well, the woman met this man in Michigan. And then Nick Acaba will be like,

Unknown_09: Michigan!

Unknown_00: Just screaming and crying at the top of his lungs. And the prosecution would get up and say, objection, I need a mistrial. I need a mistrial. The defense intentionally used the trigger word Michigan to emotionally distress the witness. This is witness tampering. He knew ahead of time that Michigan was not to be spoken aloud in court, and he said it anyways. And the judge would be like, did you intend to upset the witness? He'd be like, no, I had no fucking idea that the word Michigan would make him cry and then hearing it again he would be like, Michigan!

Unknown_00: Just crying, bailiff, escort, escort Mr. Avocado out of the courtroom. Get the jury out of here. We have to discuss if this was a mistrial. Serious deal. And then the new jury gets brought in and they're having to listen to this.

Unknown_01: Okay, they taste like this but, you know, a little greasier.

Unknown_00: And this is our American justice system at work. The machinations to bring justice to this murder.

Unknown_00: How is America even real? Fortunately, it's not. They don't want you to know this, but there's actually just a big gulf between Canada and Mexico, and there's no such thing as America. This isn't real. None of this is real. It's all simulation. You can't prove that this is real.

Unknown_00: they don't want you to know about uh yeah that's it that's it for nikocado i'm so glad i don't i don't have to talk about nikocado if i was like an actual reaction channel that talked about like fat people i would have to talk about nikocado i guess i i didn't intend to mention this because uh there's nothing really happening but in brief in case you're wondering what's happening with chantal i know many of my fans care deeply about chantal she was banned from from YouTube and then instead of like waiting for her appeal to be denied or whatever she starts up a new channel called Beezer Productions and the fucking people who hate Chantal are losing their fucking mind because she she said that her company like this is like the the drama alert thing where drama alert had Keemstar one after Keemstar got banned and it was drama alert channel but he was just like the host

Unknown_00: so that's what she's doing and it's uh it's making people very angry it's like no you can't just come back to our new channel bad ovations bad you can't do it it's crying you're gonna be sued and then she comes back under the trade name

Unknown_00: Beezer Productions LLC. So that's just like, oh, that's like a fake name, right? Because in Canada, they don't have LLCs. They have LTDs. Any Commonwealth country like Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, South Africa, they all have LTDs instead of LLCs. So people immediately knew right away, LLC is not a real thing. And then they look it up and Beezer Productions LTD is a real thing in Ireland. So all these people start harassing this Irish bitch and like, hey, did you hire Chantel? Did you hire Chantel? And she's like, no. And because she's getting bombed by all these people on Twitter, she's adding Chantel. No, stop saying you work for Beezer Productions Ltd. I didn't hire you. I'm being harassed now. So all these women are like brutalizing this poor Irish chick because she happened to register a Beezer Productions Ltd.

Unknown_00: And now she's being forced to ask Chantel to change the name, even though she has no legal standing to. And then there are people in the thread like, is it possible that she could be sued for trademark infringement for saying that she works for Beezer Productions LLC when she doesn't work for Irish? Like, yeah, they're gonna drag her to fucking Irish civil court for trademark violation for saying that she works for Beezer Productions LTD. And then the European Union is going to put her on her fucking knees and shoot her because of this horrific, egregious infringement on this super valuable LTD, which the woman admits that has never been used to do any business. And then they're freaking out like, oh, she incorporated in Canada now, but it's actually Beezer Productions sole proprietorship. And it's a sole proprietorship. She doesn't even know. She doesn't even know that it's on LLC and therefore it doesn't have Um, uh, personhood, like an LLC does. What an idiot. And it's like, well, a sole proprietorship gets a business number, which is all you need to make an AdSense account. So, like, they're legalizing this shit for no reason, because they're desperate to keep her off YouTube. It's like, how are you this pathetic?

Unknown_00: She's just a fat bitch that eats. Why does she not deserve to make money? Why does she deserve to be cut out from the economy? It's like, because these people want to see her starve to death because they don't like her. And they justify it by saying, oh, she broke the rules. Oh, she hurts her cats. Like, motherfucker, Chantal's cats are 21 fucking years old. Do you know how ha- No cat that is abused lives to 21 fucking years old. A cat that lives to be 21 is the type of cat that lives in, like, Corsica, and eats fresh fish with olive oil and drinks a glass of wine every day and gets free healthcare. That's the kind of cat that turns 21. Okay, motherfucker? Like, this is a centurion cat. It is not being abused. It is not living a, uh...

Unknown_00: And squalor like get the fuck over yourselves And I get energized over this because I hate I hate cancel culture I hate people that say oh I don't like you so you don't deserve to make money like fuck you and then these are the people who would complain if like a their their favorite youtuber gets kicked off by you to like oh, it's so egregious copyright is so out of control and YouTube shouldn't be doing this but then they'll use those same things against people they don't like the very nanosecond they have an opportunity to it's like you're the fucking problem I completely and totally abhor this idea that like we should celebrate de-platforming when it just so happens to be people we don't like like no fuck you stop being a hypocrite and if you're not a hypocrite and you just endorse this kill yourself you're useless you're the dredges of fucking society you belong in a ditch fuck off

Unknown_00: I really can't stand Karen's, my friends. I really can't.

Unknown_00: These people who say, oh, it's just a fat woman. She doesn't contribute to anything. She's just a stupid bitch and she's not worth it.

Unknown_00: She's not worth the money she makes, so she deserves to be banned. You don't get to decide that. It's a free market society. You don't get to decide if someone does or does not get to make money.

Unknown_00: And I really resent it.

Unknown_00: But unfortunately, I can't take that position without it being, for whatever reason people ascribe, say it's always a feeder fetishism. It really sucks. I can't ever like things, chat. I can't ever like things, because then it's always some malicious secondary...

Unknown_00: What's the U word for when you have ulterior? There's ulterior motives at work.

Unknown_00: If I know, I just think that this is gay and I really wish people would stop being so gay. I'm trying to, like someone, she does her streams on Patreon now or OnlyFans or whatever and people then pay to get access to these live streams.

Unknown_00: And then the same people, the same people who are sitting there going, oh, she shouldn't make money from ads and she should be banned from YouTube, are then subscribers on her fucking OnlyFans, paying $50 a month to get access to her live streams so that they can pirate that and put it on YouTube and give live commentary. I'm listening to this one bitch, and I swear to God, she is streaming her live reaction to Patreon content from Chantelle that she's paying for while advocating that she stays banned from YouTube and then while she's talking you can hear her kids in the background. She has four children being raised by the by the electric nip sitting behind her and you can hear the TV going and her kids like blabbering and it's like So, this woman has dedicated her maternal energy that she should be using to raise her family to sit there and give live commentary on Chantal, who she's angry about making money. It's like, this is the most pathetic group of fucking people on the planet. And I am filled with disgust and contempt, and I just know, it's like, oh, they're... They're fat, they're useless, and they don't make any money. And it's like, ugh, Chantal's fat and useless and she makes all this money. Why am I- why do I have to be- why don't I make any money when I'm fat and useless? If I'm fat and useless and I don't get to make any money, then Chantal should be also not making any money. Hmph. It's like, nah, fuck you, bitch. You don't make any money because you're not funny. You don't do anything funny and you don't humiliate yourself on livestream every week.

Unknown_00: That's why you don't make any money. If you want to start making a reality show out of you getting slapped around by Arabs, you might make a little bit of money. But until you start doing that, you're not on Chantal's level, so get off it. Fuckhead.

Unknown_00: That's pretty good for something I didn't even plan on.

Unknown_00: Anyways, let's watch that down with some Peter Coffin.

Unknown_00: Peter Coffin went to a communist thing, and for whatever reason, he went to CPI, which is the... It's like a meeting.

Unknown_00: I don't know what it is.

Unknown_00: I thought it was Communist Party International. It's not. It's just some bullshit fucking meeting for socialists. But they're there and the guy on the left there is holding up the Z, which is the Russian army. And the guy on the right is holding up the Donetsk People's Republic flag. Which doesn't make any fucking sense because it's like is Putin not a Nazi Why are you holding up like your your support for Putin if you're communist? I'm sure they don't even know they don't give a fuck They're just retards, but up in the front there you can and they're unfurling the banner watch

Unknown_00: So this is in America, these people are retarded. But then you can see up there in the front, on the front row on the far right, kind of small, that is Peter Coffin. And Peter Coffin, you may remember as the guy from this music video.

Unknown_07: and we're both bitter as fuck if you're looking for an alpha male here then you're shit out of luck domination and total power these are not things we crave our self worth is not contingent on how many women we've

Unknown_00: Supposedly, people don't know about this song anymore. This is a real song. It's completely unironic. It's from the Gamergate era, God forbid. And, um, since then he's gone completely grey. There was a lot of drama about him supposedly fucking a doll. One of the funniest stories ever regarding Peter Coffin is that they posted a picture of a baby and some guy was like, I'll just reverse image search this baby picture to see if it's stolen blatantly from the internet. And Google Images received this picture of a baby. And I thought, ah, this is a toilet. So the guy took a screencap of Google thinking that the picture was of a toilet and said, haha, Peter Coffin, even Google thinks your baby's a toilet nigga. And the name Toilet Nigga has stuck, and the Peter Coffin baby child is referred to exclusively as the Toilet Nigga. So if you ever want to know who the Toilet Nigga is, that would be Peter Coffin's son.

Unknown_00: Just food for thought.

Unknown_00: So I really have nothing else to say about him. I never cared about the whole like Peter Kaufman real doll saga. I still don't know if that's real or not.

Unknown_00: Some woman purports to be like his, like some real person purports to be the girl, but then people are like, wait, this doesn't look like the girl exactly. And I was like, well, was she Photoshopping her pictures or does she just like look different? It's all very, very autistic. I just know that Peter Coffin slunk into obscurity and should remain there. This other guy, by the way... Where is this YouTube channel at?

Unknown_00: Like I know some people thought this was like a joke because um a clip of this was used in ER Yeah, he's semi colon are like review channel. He used a clip of that for a Review and people thought it was satire, but it's actually not they're being completely Completely serious about it though. I kind of want to show you guys the other guy's channel. His name is like John man or something

Unknown_00: And it is posted in this thread. I will find it. But he has been doing a song a day, every day, for years. Every single day, he posts another shitty little song.

Unknown_00: And that was probably his most successful song of all his songs, because so many people watched it thinking that it was pure cringe.

Unknown_00: I'm going to find this, actually.

Unknown_00: Just real quick, why is my proxy Australia?

Unknown_00: That is not going to get me a good connection.

Unknown_00: Um, a song, a day.

Unknown_00: Oh, Jonathan man. Here we go. Let's take a look at this just real quick.

Unknown_00: So as you can see, he's up to song a day 4,825. His videos for his song a day that he's been doing for 5,000 days straight almost barely break 100 views. They are lucky to break 200 views.

Unknown_00: And he does this every fucking day. And he has not been discouraged by his complete and total lack of success in every way, shape, and form. He just does it every single day.

Unknown_00: Let's pull one out. Pull one out at random.

Unknown_00: What would be a fun meme song? What about 4811? Does that exist? Oh no, what is this?

Unknown_00: No, okay. Here, Woodcock Luring Worms, song a day.

Unknown_00: It's not like offensive to the ears, but it's not very Inspired either. It's kind of it kind of speaks to like the music industry that you can just like Someone better be fucking dead out there. That's all I gotta say um

Unknown_00: It kind of speaks to like how music is so like factory made now that they can just take anything and take this and then throw like a generic tune to it and like sing in the soy boy way and It just kind of works

Unknown_00: Like if this song showed up in one of those Don't Nod games, where you're like a tranny that controls time or something, it would be like, oh, well, this kind of fits. This is like Oregon hipster music. And it wouldn't be out of place to you. So this is just like how they factory make music. It's like, oh, we need a song that shows kids that Biden is hip and cool and trendy. And they're like, what about a song like this?

Unknown_00: Those are some pretty fucking cute birds though. Look at them. I'll just mute it. Look at them shake. They're like imitating the mama bird because they want to get to one.

Unknown_00: Very, very fascinating chat.

Unknown_00: I'm going to rant about gay people now.

Unknown_00: Is that okay chat? Am I allowed to do that? I don't know what I'm allowed to do anymore. I assume I just, I said, I said the N word already. I assume I can talk about gay people.

Unknown_00: Oh, no. Some people say no. I saw this tweet just happenstance. Someone linked it to me.

Unknown_00: And it kind of threw me for a loop because it actually, it kind of disgusted me more than I was expecting. like i'm kind of used to shit right i've been seeing i've been seeing gore since i was like a 13 year old so i'm kind of desensitized to a lot of what the internet has to offer but there's something about this which was profoundly blackpilling to me um i don't know why but we'll go through it together

Unknown_00: Dave Rubin from the Rubin Report, a conservative, unquote, unquote, podcaster, whatever the fuck, pundit, demagogue, whatever you want to call him, announces that he and his husband have two children on the way, baby one on 8-22, baby two on 10-14.

Unknown_00: and Denise McAllister says reply and I'll read this before I go down my talking points. To purposefully deny a child his or her mother to gratify your need to fill the empty void within caused by your sin and to construct a false family because you have rejected God's holy means to create a real family is nothing less than child abuse. I pray for your repentance.

Unknown_00: My observations of this are a little bit less religious but

Unknown_00: Number one, the gays have paid to harvest a woman's embryos. Two, inseminate them artificially. Three, re-implant them in that woman. Four, have her carry it to term. Five, so that she can be forced by contract and law at gunpoint to hand the child over to two gay men.

Unknown_00: Six, twice, because it is two different concubine surrogates who are carrying these children for these gay men.

Unknown_00: And the due dates are like mere months apart, not even two months apart. Seven, who will feed it either breast milk, bought breast milk, so it's like off Facebook breast milk or formula. 8. So they can pretend to be a real natural family. And then 9. Announce it on social media using a Star Wars meme. Because the announcement is, it's true. All of it. Which was a line from the Star Wars Episode 7 trailer. When Disney made the new trilogy.

Unknown_00: I hate this.

Unknown_00: I really, unironically, I just fucking hate everything about this. And it really makes me consider the virtues of both consent, this idea that everything that we consent to is fine, and capitalism, because we can pay for it, it's fine.

Unknown_00: This is such a strong argument against both of those things at once probably the strongest I've ever seen against capitalism because it's like what what enables these two gay men to Swim against the currents and and to do this. It's like well, there's poor women out there There are poor because it's not a rich woman. I'm sure they haven't paid Some extremely wealthy woman for her body. You know, it's gonna be someone who barely makes ends meet in fact You could take

Unknown_00: embryos from a, or eggs, I guess they're embryos after they are inseminated, right? You could take eggs from a very wealthy, intelligent woman, and you could take sperm, and you could put them together, inseminate those into embryos, and then put the embryos in a completely unrelated third party. And just, like, and people do this. I know that rich women who work tend to do this, where they will

Unknown_00: They will use their partner and then inseminate the eggs and then put them in a completely unrelated person to take care of for nine months. And that's completely a capitalistic thing. These are poor women who need money, so they'll accept $100,000 to $150,000 to do this and carry someone else's child for nine months and then give it away as soon as it's born, the day it's born.

Unknown_00: after that baby's already used to their voice and stuff, which is very sad. And then it's also an argument against consent. It's like, okay, so both the Rubens consented to this, the woman who donated the embryo or the egg consented to this, and the woman who accepted the $150,000 to carry this baby to term consented to this. And the result of this is a child who can't consent to this, but because the adults all consent to it, does that make it okay? Just because everyone says it's okay, does that make it okay? Does that make it a good thing? It really makes you think, because I think, no. None of this is okay. This is really fucking gross.

Unknown_00: I don't know, maybe you could say, well, because the child can't consent to it, therefore it's not okay.

Unknown_00: So consent and capitalism are still valid, but we have to also consider the welfare of the unborn before medically clearing this as an ethical thing. That's a good counter-argument. I don't know I really this angers me just looking at it look at like in just the way that they announced it it's so like nonchalant to them like oh it's they're gonna use a meme they're announcing their pregnancy with a fucking consumer meme it's like from an advertisement it would be like like oh uh two gay men are having a baby together like by paying two different surrogates uh

Unknown_00: to carry the child to term and then they're like how do we announce this what's the most appropriate way to tell our audience of people that we're doing this oh here here's something here's what we should play we love our fetuses they're good to us

Unknown_00: It's okay because they consented. It's like, that's how they'll announce it. They'll make like a mockery of this and I'll just say like, yeah, you remember this funny meme? Well, that's how we choose to announce that we're bringing two new instances of life into the world. And if you don't like it, well, I guess you should move to fucking China because, uh, this is how we roll in America and fuck you communist.

Unknown_00: Shocking. Shocking. I know champ. Very frustrating.

Unknown_00: I hope you guys haven't, uh, have forgotten entirely about this horrific nightmare that was on television in the United States and this is for sure to relive those memories and think like, wait, actually that was a real thing. I wasn't just having a fever dream on the couch when I was sick from school one day.

Unknown_00: I wish my fetus was toasted.

Unknown_00: Now, Krunklord thought I would not talk about this because it's not a fat woman, but I will mention this briefly.

Unknown_00: In a JavaScript package, a guy added a script.

Unknown_00: And what the script does, very simply, as he explains, the script adds a file to the desktop that gives a message of peace, not war, and remember to forgive. It is also documented. What he actually did is he added a script to this JavaScript dependency, which when detecting that the host computer that it's installed in is from Belarus or Russia, actually deletes every single file on their computer and replaces it with a peace sign.

Unknown_00: So, to protest Putin and the war in Ukraine, they have added a virus to the open-source software community for JavaScript developers so that when they install something, it just completely bricks their fucking hard drive and wipes everything out. Oh, she's just wonderful. Nothing says peace and tolerance to me more than cybernetic warfare between countries.

Unknown_00: Mental Outlaw made a video about it. I don't know who that is. Here are some reactions from the Russians or from the world abroad.

Unknown_00: Bakugo says, why are Americans like this?

Unknown_00: Gastrodia says, America is the cancer of the world. Al Mernelga says, all of your repo should be deleted.

Unknown_00: Shamazamazon says been here seen this. ZeroWX says fucker your mother. KuzSysAsman says shame on you. AbnerCrack says you are undermining the foundation of trust in the entire open source world, which is very true.

Unknown_00: Ludog says my repo my choice.

Unknown_00: SukurSukurForLife says the malware isn't working. Smiley frowny face. Master of stars says you were trying to blackmail users into agreeing with your political views 5 7 4 3 says best joke of the year with love from America and Project annihilation, please support from Oh lol So very great. Very wonderful that Here, is this the issue? Oh It's from this guy's repository I see I

Unknown_00: I would be, does not belong to any branch on this repository.

Unknown_00: Is this the repo? Where's the repo at? I would like to see the repo crunk.

Unknown_00: Oh, it's like moved or did he, oh, oh, he closed them all. Rockets for Russia. Open sword versus war. What? No issue. Drop troll face emojis.

Unknown_00: Shit. Spelled out one letter at a time by Zahon.

Unknown_00: You can't silence the people, Brandon.

Unknown_00: That's great. That's very funny. Leave the false community forever. Brandon Soyboy Miller. Soy devs started crying in closing issues. That's great.

Unknown_00: Go save your crane yourself then. From Coderx24. Where's Coderx24 from? I wonder.

Unknown_00: I want to see the author. Come on now.

Unknown_00: Thanks, Microsoft. God damn it. I just want to see this guy's profile, and it literally refuses to let me open this guy's profile directly from the issues page. Oh, it doesn't say. Well, that's your open source update. The Trannies have declared war on Russia by adding viruses to random... This is him, I guess, by the way. Oh, he looks Irish. He's got that, like, red scraggly beard going on.

Unknown_00: I can't believe an Irish person would declare war on Russia this close to St. Patrick's Day.

Unknown_00: There's even Chinese discussion about it. They're talking about it on Zhihu.

Unknown_00: Like, warning, Americans are retarded. Warning.

Unknown_00: You know what's funny is that I've only, like, I've dabbled in a couple projects and stuff in the last few years. I was way more involved in, like, development when I worked on it professionally.

Unknown_00: But when I, throughout the entire time that I was learning how to program and when I did it professionally and when I worked on Infinity Next, almost all documentation was in English. Nowadays, when I look through, like, Rust crates and PHP stuff, I find a lot of documentation written in Chinese.

Unknown_00: So the Chinese developers are starting to saturate the market as well, and add their own shit that they use, and they don't bother translating documentation into English, but they don't give a fuck about Americans using their shit.

Unknown_00: Which is pretty base, if you ask me.

Unknown_11: Okay.

Unknown_00: Okay, one hour has passed, now we can start burning some time, look at some tranny janny stuff.

Unknown_00: Her app dump. Okay, let's go through this.

Unknown_00: This looks good.

Unknown_00: Wonderful.

Unknown_00: My suggestion to anyone with gender identity issues is always transition after you've turned 45.

Unknown_00: Jessica says, I feel proud of myself to finally be my true self. I have lost so many so-called friends through my choice. Fuh, middle finger, K, them.

Unknown_00: I say, I cannot thank everyone enough who has actually taken me for who I really am and shown me to be the love and support. I love who I am and I cannot wait to blossom into the woman that I was put on earth to be.

Unknown_00: Jessica again, is this the same Jessica? Yes, I recognize that double chin.

Unknown_00: I am looking for someone to dot have a laugh with a long term relationship with. I am trans flag. I like to watch movies. I like the NRL. I have a pet pug. Oh geez. Uh, I am looking to the future with the right person. If that sounds like you come say hi and maybe we can see where things PS if you aren't genuine, please don't bother me. Thanks.

Unknown_00: Skaith, this app is a cruel place for trans girls. Not toe bad, how long have you been using it? And Skaith replies, months. I'm always getting suspended lol and people have no qualms about trans misogynists.

Unknown_00: This is Skaith. Oh jeez, he kind of reminds me of Lorelai.

Unknown_00: That fucking beard, how disrespectful. That's just like, this is the guy who like gets off on making women feel uncomfortable. Because why else would you like join a lesbian dating app looking like this? Unless your intention was to make a woman be like scared.

Unknown_00: I wish to be approached gracefully. T for T, I don't know what that means. Trans for trans, I guess. Sissies beware. Gender identity, trans femme. Lesbian, six foot three.

Unknown_00: Cancer.

Unknown_00: I've been coming out since conception. Beautiful soul, you planet. Okay.

Unknown_00: Jaina, 34. Verified, verified. They verified the, why is his head so big?

Unknown_00: Why is his body so small compared to his head?

Unknown_00: Did he Photoshop this? He looks like he has a torso that's not the right height. It's been edited out. You know what I mean?

Unknown_00: Oh, here it is. Here's more pictures. I can figure this out.

Unknown_00: That is a strong jaw. That's a lot of makeup, too. Oh, look. I'm addicted to pornography. How could you tell?

Unknown_00: Lesbian asterisk with a built-in strap-on. Ew! That's vile. That's fucking gross.

Unknown_00: I know how much you fellow lesbians love cock. Well, guess what? I'm better than a lesbian with a strap-on because I have a real penis. Isn't that what you want, lesbians?

Unknown_00: Lesbian with a built-on strap-on therapist, I bet. Sunset aficionado. Ex-baptist. Poke maniac. Taco Bell connoisseur.

Unknown_00: He wasn't cut out to be a regular homosexual because he can't quit Taco Bell. Anytime he tried to do anal sex, he just shit all over the place. Fully vaccinated. Oh my god, this is fucking crazy. Moved to Portland from Austin and I'm looking for new friends and or fun and casual dates. Lesbian for me means no men and does not exclude non-binary folks.

Unknown_00: Trans pride. Looking for polyamorous relationships, something casual.

Unknown_00: 5'6", manlet, wasn't cut out, don't want kids, thank god. Oh my god, let's check him out.

Unknown_00: My boy, Kate.

Unknown_00: kate has blue eyes i think out and proud trans femme nerd looking to figure out this sex thing late bloomer is this an incel to trans pipeline chat is this one of those looking to figure out what this whole sex thing's about in my year of 45

Unknown_00: late bloomer will nerd out about you about trans history doctor who obscure 70s music i'm radically anti-capitalist but don't like to talk politics rhetorically big interest in healing individual and collective trauma vaxxed and boosted love kids but don't have any neurodiverse kinky i love the outdoors but have

Unknown_00: Nerf damage. That functionally limits me. Body positive, kinky, trans. Looking for polyamorous relationships.

Unknown_00: Five foot eight.

Unknown_00: I eat everything.

Unknown_00: My coming out story is a 60,000 word memoir. Surprises people, wait.

Unknown_00: Married looking for polyamorous gay queer asexual relations My type blue hair and pronouns ask me about the trans and gender diverse PDX discord Admin

Unknown_00: How are these people real? They're such stereotypes. I wonder if this guy who posted this is from Portland and these are all the profiles he gets. I've already looked at Skaith. Fuck off, Skaith.

Unknown_00: Are these like repeats?

Unknown_00: Oh no, I already clicked through them, I think.

Unknown_00: Alyssa.

Unknown_00: Hey, lovely ladies. I'm Alyssa. Wanted to introduce myself. I'm 26 in Greenville, North Carolina, hoping I won't be in this town much longer. So I guess that, um, he's not from Portland. These people just congregate in Portland. Surprise, surprise. Coming up on one year living as myself. Hope you all have a lovely night. That's the picture of Alyssa.

Unknown_00: Alyssa, you look so cute. It's just crazy. Such a princess.

Unknown_00: These are their profile pictures.

Unknown_00: Strong lipstick, blood red, vampire red, and then like pink eyeliner or pink like eyeshadow and really strong eyeliner. This is someone.

Unknown_00: This makeup reminds me of like scene girls when I was like a teenager. I guarantee you this guy had a crush on scene girls and never got to live out his sexual fantasy with scene girls. And now at 26, exactly the right age too. So he had a crush on scene girls. Well, he's probably lying about that. He does not look 26. It looks like he's probably a little bit older than I am, but still in the right age range. And then he had a crush on scene girls and never got to fulfill those sexual experiences. So now he's like, I am the scene girlfriend.

Unknown_00: Gross, gross.

Unknown_00: Wow, that screams I am a serial killer and if you let me in your house without protection, I will kill you and eat you.

Unknown_00: I'm somewhat of a hermit, not opposed to going out, but nightlife in Greenville is kinda crap. Big gamer, like walks with friends, and you know, fucking.

Unknown_00: Charming. Looking for polyamorous relationships.

Unknown_00: Single. Don't want kids. Switch, currently listening to Lazavo, which I guess is like a Polish group. My love language is physical touch.

Unknown_00: Anthony says, which is an interesting name for lesbian dating app, wear the trans woman that's fully complete like me, trans male. No offense, y'all are all women just trying to start a trans male on trans woman talk show.

Unknown_00: Define fully complete, Anthony says, bottom surgery done. So a trans woman is less complete of a trans woman if she has a dick. Surgery is expensive.

Unknown_00: stated in my status why I'm looking for one complete like me so if you can't get that then it's not for you to get as you see I did say no disrespect oh well he said no disrespect so therefore these people can't be offended that's the rules Anthony's black and he's trans male that's a woman that's a black woman no way this is a joke there's no fucking way that's a black woman

Unknown_00: This is a site for women who identify as lesbian or bisexual. Most are really looking for women. It may not be a great site for you. That's fucked up. That's crazy.

Unknown_00: No, what's this?

Unknown_00: Is this too much of a thirst trap? No, don't worry about it. Okay. I'll say George Floyd.

Unknown_00: He can't breathe. 30 years old. He him.

Unknown_00: Just very laid back, chill type kind of guy. Female to male, fully transitioned, top and bottom from North Philly, black muscle flex. If I swipe right, I'm just trying to be cool, nothing serious. I have my own crib and wheel and I work two jobs. I'm just looking for friends. Daddy, trans pride.

Unknown_00: Five foot three.

Unknown_00: Is Nick going to get bullied for being... Oh, he's a Christian. That's good. That's good. Good for him. I'm glad that Anthony has found salvation in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Wow.

Unknown_00: That's nice and succinct. Should I keep going? What do you think, Chet? I don't know if I have another post. I just had this one as my backup plan.

Unknown_00: Buck broken.

Unknown_00: Yes. Maddy Archive says yes.

Unknown_00: Even the TIFF is scared of him, man. More Crisis Kang. It's pretty funny. Keep going. Talk about Boogie. Has Boogie died again? Still taller than Ralph.

Unknown_00: That's true. All right.

Unknown_00: I don't know. Maybe there's another dump. Let me check. I want to check on my other browser because if there's any PPS that there should not be PPS on my screen, then I will get perm ban as I found out through Chantal. Uh, nudity matters more to YouTube than anything else.

Unknown_00: Buck stack status broken.

Unknown_00: Oh,

Unknown_00: Let's check this out. DIY So this is the do-it-yourself HRT directory By Sean

Unknown_00: Okay, so this is the Ultimate HRD. This is hosted by Microsoft and it links to a Google Doc, which currently a bunch of people are watching.

Unknown_00: So this is how you become a woman without mom and dad's permission.

Unknown_00: And it's an explanation of what HRT is and how it changes your body.

Unknown_00: Pills are $20 to $40 per month, $240 to $480 a year.

Unknown_00: Oh, it's different. If you get injections, it's less expensive, apparently.

Unknown_00: I know there's a website where you can just get a list of... Oh, here we go. Oh, this is blood testing. There's a website of just like... Does anyone in chat know this? It's a really weird name. It's like or something.

Unknown_00: I can't remember what it was exactly but it had like a really short name and it was just like a list of how to buy black market HRT off the internet and it was like super... Oh!

Unknown_00: Is this right? Yeah, this is it. Thank you. Thank you, quid, who knows this offhand for whatever reason. So here's a list of ways to buy HRT off the internet. Some accept Bitcoin in Western Union.

Unknown_00: Some only accept Lena. You might have issues getting your HRT from Lena, because that is from Ukraine. But they only accept Bitcoin.

Unknown_00: I'm going to open this one different tab before I show it. It might be down right now, because I kind of invaded.

Unknown_00: Oh, look, this is a very trustworthy website. Lena.kiev spelled the Russian way, that UA slash EV inexpensive DIY M2FHRT.

Unknown_00: Lena says, I began M2FHRT in 1989. I had SRS in 1999. And this is an explanation of all the medicine you can buy from Lena out of Ukraine. And it's just this very nice, safe looking website.

Unknown_00: And oh god, there's an imager link there too. Oh, I don't want to do the, don't want to print that.

Unknown_00: Let me open this and see it's safe. Make sure there's not like random pictures of girl cocks or something that I can't show you guys.

Unknown_00: No, it's all in like Russian too. Oh geez. This is, this is really, 220 images. Look at this.

Unknown_00: So this is like all in, uh,

Unknown_00: This is in Russian.

Unknown_00: And this is, I don't know, they did like a syphilis test.

Unknown_00: Oh, this is their satisfied customers showing the blood tests that they got from buying this over-the-counter HRT medication from Ukraine. And then sending in their blood tests, like, look, I'm a real girl. My estrogen level is really high, like a real girl's level.

Unknown_00: This is crazy.

Unknown_00: I don't know, maybe Putin has a point. If Putin is hunting for Lena, I can support him in this endeavor. This is a special military operation to save boys and girls all over the world from over-the-counter HRT from Ukraine.

Unknown_00: This is why Redditors have to go to Ukraine to die, because there are very safe, effective HRT medications coming from Kiev that have to be protected at all costs.

Unknown_00: Emma in Romania, Estradiol.

Unknown_00: Robin in the U.S., Rum in the U.S. AMTF in the U.S., Estradiol. Hannah in Hungary, Claire in the U.S., Sam in the U.K. Nix in Spain, Jana in Austria, Emily in Canada. All of them sending their Bitcoin over to Ukraine so that they can fuck up their body without any doctor oversight because they know that the doctor will bully them.

Unknown_00: Look at this, Putin. Lara in Russia. Estradol. That is a declaration of war. I bet you can find any country in this. All your... Kate in Israel. No! Not the Israeli gamers. Look at this. This is in Hebrew, too. This is one step too far. We need to sever support with Ukraine.

Unknown_00: All the medications made in Israel. I can believe that.

Unknown_00: MTF in Turkey, oh geez. Okay, I have another, I have some more social media stuff and then I'll call it quits for today.

Unknown_00: From the same user I believe.

Unknown_00: turf on the zo app you are a man same turf proceeds to make unwelcome comments about my genitals body shaming and harassment on the internet me are you sure that you're not a man juhika or yuhika that's an awful fucking name if you name your kid yuhika you are evil yuhika says you sound sexist emma says how so blix and

Unknown_00: Wow.

Unknown_00: Blix and Jordan. People creep me out.

Unknown_00: Is the other one a real?

Unknown_00: The face is kind of rounded. I'm more convinced by the one on the right. That looks like a real woman.

Unknown_00: Maybe. I need more pictures to confirm this. If so, she's a traitor. She's a gender traitor. No.

Unknown_00: Maybe.

Unknown_00: No.

Unknown_00: I forgot the test. There's like a specific thing to look at. The chin's pretty big.

Unknown_00: Could just be an ugly woman. It's hard to tell. I'm gonna guess that they're both trans though.

Unknown_00: Two cuties looking for more cuties. Interested in cuddling, intimacy, kinky fun, shared silliness, and whatever develops organically. Interested in meeting someone with top dom vibes, kink plus, and a heart of gold, but open to anyone if their chemistry is safe.

Unknown_00: It's a good argument for the other one being a real woman. Sagittarius.

Unknown_00: Sandwiches and Ethiopian food.

Unknown_00: Ethiopian food is like fermented bread. They don't have food. How the fuck? That's like virtue signaling. I like Ethiopian food. Oh, you don't like to eat? Okay. Well, fuck you. Retard.

Unknown_00: Hello, beautiful people, says Elsa, who I am sure did not get their trans name from a fucking cartoon that was recently released from Disney. I'm sure that that has that is pure coincidence and Elsa definitely did not take their fucking girl name from a fucking cartoon Total coincidence My name is Elsa at least for now lol. I'm a newly awoken trans woman I just moved into the little camper on the back of my truck Old-school Toyota Tundra, and I'm going to be all up and down the west coast for the next year I'm a Seattle local, but I'm up in BC. Love to make some queer friends

Unknown_00: Who are doing the band thing especially any other trans queens on the road out there Also, if you have any special places on the west coast or Colorado Plateau blah blah blah Don't incredibly lucky to have found a community like this Wow Gotta get the dick right out there Check out my dong ladies. I know that you're all here for the dongus 21 she her

Unknown_00: Wow.

Unknown_00: Wearing, like, a corset, like a mailbox. This is shocking.

Unknown_00: And then they put it, like, on their profile. And they verify this. So the people who run this app looked at these pictures and said, like, yeah, that's fine.

Unknown_00: Newly awakened trans girl, also excited to meet queer people, connect with community. Definitely a definitely a be gay do crime kind of lesbian.

Unknown_00: Like rape, I guess is the kind of crimes being laid out there. I really appreciate connections with people that have a few years on me that I can learn a thing or two from. Also mommy vibes, definitely after the mommy vibes. Looking for poly, homo, flexible.

Unknown_00: Love animals, but no pets.

Unknown_00: Cabincore Vagabond.

Unknown_00: Just be a little unhinged and we'll get along great.

Unknown_00: This app really makes me wish I was cis. Having a massive gross dick and no tits is fucking shit, says Mei. Oh no, Mei! Are things not working out with the Ralph and Mayo? Come on, you don't gotta be doing this.

Unknown_00: So this is Mei.

Unknown_00: Doesn't have the nose to be our Mei.

Unknown_00: That has a fucked up looking face.

Unknown_00: There's something really unsettling about that. Look at it. It's like a, it's like feel alcohol syndrome. What the, what's wrong with your face? Maybe he's just British. It's kind of like a British looking person to me.

Unknown_00: Pan-Tran without a plan. Femme and transparent. That is a much better bio than what most of these people give themselves.

Unknown_00: Single, six foot two, not religious. I bet.

Unknown_00: My friends described me as a funny bitch with a great ass.

Unknown_00: Tilly 29 and that's Tilly making sure is there in a bathroom like a public restroom and they're making this what I want to know I'm trying to set myself in this form of mind where it's like okay I'm now like a tranny and I'm like a lesbian and I'm joining this lesbian dating app I'm going to be talking to women, most of whom are not comfortable with the idea of being with an intact transgender person such as myself. How do I put their minds at ease? That I am a normal person, I mean them no harm, I intend peaceful coexistence with them, and if they gave me a try, they might like it. I know, I will make crazy eyes at my camera from this weird angle in a public restroom. That will prove to them that I am no threat to them and we can share the same spaces and they definitely won't be raped. That is fucking crazy. Look at this. Look at this.

Unknown_00: Just girly things. I know women love to do shit like this.

Unknown_00: That's a lesbian flag. I hate that I know this. They have like a Jesus fish, but instead of Jesus, I think that's supposed to be a double helix, like DNA. I fucking love science. I love science so much.

Unknown_00: Except for chromosomes. I don't like the chromosome part of DNA.

Unknown_00: Hey there, I'm Tilly, newest out trans lesbian woman. I'm fun and easily going. I'm a crazy diehard Star Wars fan. Empire is the best of the movies.

Unknown_00: Self-employed and happily living that van life. Femme, lipstick, les, pillow princess, trans, looking for polyamorous relationships.

Unknown_00: Five foot eight, don't want.

Unknown_00: Ambivert. So no personality, I guess.

Unknown_00: I'm currently enraptured by the L word. Currently send help. Tattoos. I have a dark mark on my left arm, the mud blood cursing in white on my left arm. I have the, so that's like a Harry Potter reference. That's that's oof. Don't you know JK Rowling's a TERF? the four elements and art pieces tattooed on the back of my biceps and the symbol for unity on my spine i have the anti-possession tattoo on my chest and a quote from george washington and hamilton musical also on my chest and a few more what about you wolf 22 this is a man kind of looks like harry potter with

Unknown_00: with a gigantic gold chain, Star of David, front and center in the photograph, impossible to miss, and a leather jacket to go along with it, and a skirt, and like a vegetable garden.

Unknown_00: Oh, here we go. Here's more about Wolf.

Unknown_00: I can't wait.

Unknown_00: Wearing like one of those caps that like black people wear like old black men Golfing caps. I think they call them British people people also wear them, but it's mostly old black people playing the guitar Now I could be insane I could be completely insane But it looks like he has a number tattooed on each of his arms. Is that like a Holocaust reference?

Unknown_00: Why else would you get those numbers tattooed on your arms like that?

Unknown_00: He's also like a sundress here by sunflowers. I want to see those tattoos closer mama carved a hammer and sickle into her pumpkin and He carved STP No no no no No chat look look at his arms oh

Unknown_00: Above the mole, that is a number. It says 3322. And then on the other arm, it appears to be the same number but from the other side. That is definitely a number. Why would you get numbers like that tattooed on your biceps?

Unknown_00: But we will continue.

Unknown_00: Wearing a hammer and sickle again.

Unknown_00: I don't know what the fuck that's a picture of. Serve the people.

Unknown_00: Socialist something ad program.

Unknown_00: Trans being communist organizer. Like singing and playing with music. Polyamorous relationship. Six foot one. Smokes weed regularly. Jewish. Lots of communist hats. Hammer and sickle on my chest. Thirteen twelve on my arm. Down down upright on my ankle.

Unknown_00: Well, now I have to... What does 1312 mean? Is it like 1488? Oh, all cops are bastards. It is like 1488, but instead of HH, it's ACAB.

Unknown_00: Sorry, I mistook you for a Holocaust victim, Wolf.

Unknown_00: You should have thought that through a little bit more. I was very confused. Feed people together and likes to read and learn things. All women are beautiful, especially other trans folk.

Unknown_00: And then last one.

Unknown_00: Oh, okay. So Amelia 35 dressing like a little girl who was molested by stepdad who saw a Ramona flowers and felt so empowered by a movie made in Hollywood, uh, wearing makeup to look like they're a fucking zombie with no blood flowing.

Unknown_00: a Bull nose ring thing some I don't know if it's a tattoo or they just fucked up applying their eyeliner but they got some smudges on their nose and then like a One of those bell bar things which I associate with Chris Christian's taint because he got a barbell piercing just like that and it's taint But they have it on their face, which I guess is like close to the same thing. I

Unknown_00: strong eyeliner smudged all over the fucking face and pink eyeshadow and bright green neon green hair that looks like a highlight it's like if you bleached your hair white and then painted it back with like um the the filling of like a sharpie like a highlighter more gross weird choker shit looks like a zombie this cat looks horrified um they're known for drunk or junk

Unknown_00: This is like the most normal looking picture of them, but you would assume that they're much younger than they are because they're trying to be like a freshman in college.

Unknown_00: but they're actually 35. They're actually old enough to be like the father of several children at that point.

Unknown_00: And then they're wearing like a weird like cat mask thing, which is definitely like a fetish thing in the Apple watch.

Unknown_00: Um, like a weird collared dress and a bunch of things that a 35 year old man should not be wearing.

Unknown_00: About me. Anxious, weirdo, dumbass, furry, weeb, trash. If you are an anime, this is your future. You might think, Josh, I am 27 years old, and I have never felt the urge to cross-dress. I have never looked at anything.

Unknown_00: The porn I consume three times a day, I've never looked at anything submissive. I'm not at risk of turning out. But then you look at Amelia, 35 years old,

Unknown_00: And all it took was one egg cracking day and their life was over and now they've become this. This is you, weed trash. This is you in a couple years whether you like it or not. I don't like the sun, they continue. If you don't think Godzilla is the tightest shit, fuck off my dick.

Unknown_00: Very classy.

Unknown_00: Dolmy and Yu-Gi-Oh. Looking for a polyamorous relationship, something casual, new friends, gender identity, trans woman, sexual identity, pansexual.

Unknown_00: Doesn't know if they want kids.

Unknown_00: And then there's no other details.

Unknown_00: Okay.

Unknown_00: I do believe that's it, my friends. That's all I have.

Unknown_00: That's all the week brought us. I hope that I've managed to make this worthwhile. Did I miss anything? Would anyone like to contribute in the chat before I play the outro? Ralph, what about Ralph?

Unknown_00: Ralph's been a good boy. Nick Fuentes made fun of him. I guess I could play that. You guys want a Ralph update? I'm gonna play a clip. It's kind of old. It's just a clip of Nick Fuentes making fun of Ralph. There, I got this right here.

Unknown_00: Yeah, okay. Okay, we'll listen to this. I didn't play this when it was new.

Unknown_00: Hashtag kill all pedos posted this reaction from Nick Fuentes to Ethan Ralph This was the odyssey challenge where they're supposed to like eat bugs or something and it got to the point where Ralph was supposed to eat a bug to win this contest and He's just like nah man fuck that and he quits and Nick Fuentes is basically just making him his bitch the entire time I Can't do the white people

Unknown_10: I'm not really thinking I'm probably going to eat these bugs.

Unknown_06: Yo, Ethan and Ralph! I'm not really thinking I'm probably going to eat these bugs. I love his accent. It's like Southern drunk.

Unknown_06: I love his whole look. He's got the glasses and the hat on. He's just like... It's like Weekend at Bernie's.

Unknown_13: TheBotKazam 2.0

Unknown_06: I don't know. It's like a bag of fucking roaches or some shit. Yeah, I don't really know I want to know if you actually did get the roach or the tarantula. It's like a bag of roaches This is a box here. Oh, yeah

Unknown_10: Like goes to Portugal he gets jumped and he comes back and he's gonna fucking eat bugs Cuz I'm not I didn't really I wasn't keen on coming on here any bugs This out and get too many kicks out of it, so I'm just probably not gonna do that

Unknown_00: His haters will get too many kicks out of it So we like entered this challenge because he's desperate for like the 10 grand and then when they tell him that if you forfeit the challenge you'll basically go to like the losers round where you won't make any money and He's just like nah, man. Fuck this cuz people will make fun of me

Unknown_00: So then Nick Fuentes was just laughing at him the entire time, like yeah, he's like a redneck retard and he's wearing sunglasses indoors with a hat because his head's all fucked up and his eyes are like, his eyes are like permanently crossed now, I'm pretty sure. There's pictures of him without his eyes and even weeks later they're like cross-eyed because he got his ass kicked so bad.

Unknown_11: let's go ralph let's go yeah if you just eat the bug oh that's an easy one the only man with dignity in this whole thing

Unknown_00: They're just like completely unaffected by this too. Like all the women are just like, yeah, whatever. He's a bitch.

Unknown_00: He signed it. Like, okay. It's like, whatever. Someone tells you to eat the bugs. You say no. Like, okay, sure. That's like standing up for yourself, I guess. But he knew like, I'm pretty sure the challenge was like laid out beforehand. Cause we were talking about this before it happened. Then he's just like I you know what nah actually I I need the money, but I'm not sure Having a video of me eating bugs feature on the Kiwi farms is worth that money, so he bails out He bails out from his buddy dick dick by the way has confirmed that he will be at the the kingpin show so very pregnant may

Unknown_00: literally nine months pregnant May and Ethan Ralph will be traveling from Virginia to Austin Texas by car to meet Dick Masterson and to have a bowling competition where there will be alcohol and strippers

Unknown_00: And I think it will even be their wedding. So this is now Mae's life. She's driving hours with Ethan Ralph, who is a belligerent, very dangerous driver. She'll be driving nine months pregnant. She'll be in her wedding ground nine months pregnant. at a bowling alley getting married before Dick Masterson and an entourage of very, very cheap Austin, Texas black and Mexican strippers and a couple of weirdos from both their audiences. That is her life.

Unknown_00: And if you're if you're curious if you're sitting there thinking that sounds like hell that sounds like God's divine punishment for for sinners probably correct can't say for certain but probably correct and That is the rough update. I hope you are satisfied and with that last call last call chat anything else Jesse Smollett got out of jail for after only six days. I'm surprised he even went to jail. I

Unknown_00: You're going on Rikeda again. Um, probably not, not until the cases are settled.

Unknown_00: Okay.

Unknown_00: Okay. Okay. I'm done. Uh, I will see you guys next week until then. Uh, take it easy and bye.

Unknown_05: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

Unknown_04: I'm a soldier. I haven't slept for five years, and I have bags under my eyes. I haven't seen it myself, but I was told so. I'm a soldier. And I don't have a head, I was given it with boots. Yo-yo-yo, the battalion commander is yelling. The battalion commander's mouth is torn. Because the grenade is white cotton. Red cotton doesn't heal the soldier.

Unknown_04: I'm a soldier, an undisciplined war child. I'm a soldier, a mother of a sickly child. I'm a soldier, a soldier of a country forgotten by God. I'm a hero. Tell me, what kind of novel? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Unknown_04: I'm a soldier. It hurts me when there's only one bullet left. Only me or him. The last wagon, the last train. There are a million of us. I'm a soldier. I know my job, my job is to shoot. So that the bullet hits the enemy's body. This horn is for you, mother, war. Now you're happy.

Unknown_04: I'm a soldier, an undisciplined child of war I'm a soldier, a mother of a cured wound I'm a soldier, a soldier of a country forgotten by God I'm a hero, tell me, what kind of novel? Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh

Unknown_03: I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier.

Unknown_04: Soldier. Soldier.

Unknown_03: I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier.

Unknown_04: Soldier. Soldier. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier.

Unknown_00: I'm a soldier.

Unknown_04: I'm a soldier.