0:00:00 Unknown_02: Hello. It's been a while since I've done anything for the fan zone on the come road, so I figured today I would spend an hour and give people some insight into my development as a weirdo on the internet. The video I'm about to show you is three minutes long, but it's near and dear to my heart. It is something from 2009, and yet I think about it at least once a week because this person and their mannerisms are so true to the autistic form. 0:00:37 Unknown_02: That I see him and every spurg Doing a YouTube video that I see just the weird pauses and in the the random injections of nonsense it's it's just autism distilled and it's Unknown_02: It comes from, I wouldn't say a better time, a different time. It's from when I used to watch random YouTube videos with people from Blockland. Unknown_02: My first locale, I guess, because this is so long ago, was True Capitalist Radio. I would watch rage compilations from Radio Graffiti with friends. and weird videos like this and the gmod theater there was literally a video game called gmod you may or may not have heard of this and there was a gmod theater and you could watch like youtube videos and like a real movie theater in a video game and people could could vote on what to play and i would always put this video on the screen and make people watch it so 0:01:40 Unknown_02: Without further ado, we're going to learn the true meaning of Harpo Jarvee. Unknown_07: Okay, here's the fish pillow. It represents the true meaning of the word Harpo. Unknown_07: Okay? Unknown_07: The true meaning of the word Harpo. Unknown_07: The fish pillow is the Harpo Jarvee. Unknown_07: Now, here's the free fish pillow that only I can buy. 0:02:34 Unknown_07: Only I can buy this. Unknown_07: Now, the Harpo Javi... Harpo Javi is meaning it comes from the Rayaka word. It's... It's Rayaka for... Hooray. Unknown_07: Uh, so yeah, Harpo. Harpo. 0:03:06 Unknown_07: But... Unknown_00: Yes? Unknown_07: Now... Or else I could- you could just look at some old videos. Unknown_07: But, I might- I might- I might... Get Harpo Smash Bros. Brawl on this game console. And Harpo Mario Bros. 0:03:38 Unknown_07: This game console. It's called a Nintendo DSi. I could get Harpo... Harpoware. Harpo Marioware. Unknown_07: And... Wario Harpo...ware. All these games are the best games in the world. On this game. 0:04:15 Unknown_07: Game console. Unknown_07: In any event, I think, uh... Yeah, it really makes a difference. Unknown_07: So, until next time, remember to fucking shut it off. 0:04:56 Unknown_02: So, we can see in this, it feels so long, doesn't it? It's like three minutes long, but yet it feels like an eternity. And I can show you, see this is OG. This Raymond14 channel, I think he hasn't made videos in like a million years at this point. Unknown_02: Yeah, ten years ago. Oh my god, I didn't even realize that there were so many other videos by him. I've never even looked at this before. Unknown_02: He does, I have to archive this entire channel now and take a look at it. Unknown_02: For some reason, I've watched this video literally a dozen times, but I've never checked to see if he's stopped making videos or what. 0:05:34 Unknown_02: But you can check the comments. Look at this guy, Sharpie. He says, after eight years of research, I have finally worked out that Harpo is the Riakawood for Hawaii. And then 11 months ago, he says, 12 years on, I still do not know the true meaning of the word Harpo. Sharpie has been infected like I have, and he still thinks about this to this day for no apparent reason. Unknown_02: Maybe he's the only one. Him and me. But I'm going to go through this. I'm going to actually dissect this video, because there's a lot that I find interesting about it. It's very dense, and it's strangeness, and how it reflects on all the symptoms of autism. 0:06:14 Unknown_07: Okay, here's the fish pillow. It represents the true meaning of the word harpo. Unknown_02: So just right off the bat, he shows you a fish pillow and then he says it represents the true meaning of the word Harpo. So he expects you to understand what the fuck a Harpo is because he never really explains it throughout the entire video. That's very symptomatic of autism. He doesn't really understand what people do and don't know. He just assumes everyone knows what he knows. Unknown_02: Chris was a lot like that. Chris didn't really understand that normal people don't understand what he does. 0:06:48 Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: The true meaning of the word Harpo. Unknown_07: The fish pillow is the Harpo-Javi connection. Unknown_02: So now without explaining what Harpo means, he then adds a second word, Harpo Jarvee connection. I would also like to point out now that down here, the title of this video is actually the meaning of Harpo Jarvee WWE. I do not know what the WWE stands for. I don't know if it's like wrestling, probably is wrestling, but he doesn't explain WWE at all. It could just be a typo. I literally don't know where this comes from, but it has only added to the mystery. 0:07:23 Unknown_02: That's also very Chris-like. When he enjoys something, he likes to say it, but like in a weird squeaky voice. Unknown_07: Now, here's the free fish pillow that only I can buy. Unknown_02: Now we have explained further that this is not only a fish pillow which represents the true meaning of the word Harpo. It's free. This pillow is free. But yet, only he can buy it. So even though the fish pillow has no cost associated with it, even though it is a free item, only he can buy it. He also does not explain what that means. 0:07:55 Unknown_02: My interpretation of this is I think that he went to a carnival or a theme park or something with his parents, and then he won this at a, I don't know, what would an artist be really good at? Some sort of counting game or one where you have to keep track of a cup, and then he wins this plushie from this carnival game. and uh the guy's like oh you know you're the first kid to win this all day and he's like it's free and only i can get this pillow so this is this is the true meaning of the word harpo because that that's like a meme to him which i'll explain in a second because he he goes off the deep end with the harpo stuff in a moment now 0:08:29 Unknown_02: He also drinks, like, an off-brand soda. Chris likes it. I like soda, to be honest with you. But, I don't know. That's probably, like, his favorite soda, and he refuses to drink, like, Sprite. It has to be whatever the fuck this... Now. What is this? Unknown_02: Seltzer. Oh, it's seltzer water. He probably, like... The carbonation tangles are probably, like, a thing that his autism enjoys. Unknown_07: Only I can buy this. 0:09:26 Unknown_07: Now, the Harpo Jarvee... Harpo Jarvee is meaning it comes from the Rayaka word. It's... It's Rayaka for... Unknown_07: Hooray. Unknown_02: So, the weird pauses. Unknown_02: I watch Pete, and for fun, after I'm done talking about this, I will pull up a clip of Pete trying to explain something that he's read on Twitter or Reddit. And he has the same kind of pauses, where he just randomly trails off and starts trying to recover his thought pattern. Without any luck. He does this. He repeats himself a couple times. And it never really comes together as like a fully coherent point. Very strange. The Riaka, by the way, I looked this up. I've done my research. 0:10:08 Unknown_02: I don't know what the fuck a Riaka is. I've tried a couple different spellings. Unknown_02: It appears to be like the last name. But there doesn't appear to be like... I thought maybe it was like an African tribe for... Unknown_02: for something but chances are it's probably something that he's made up it's like a weird fantasy so he has like a thing that's important to him the Harpo and it's a term in like a fictitious people called the Riaka and that's how they say hooray it could be like lost in translation like he knows something from like Finnish and he's completely like misinterpreted this and it's stuck with him and now it's important to him That's also believable, um, but it makes no sense to me as a spectator. 0:11:07 Unknown_07: Uh, so yeah, hotbow. Hotbow. Unknown_07: But... This... Now... Unknown_07: Well, you could just look at some old videos. 0:11:43 Unknown_07: But, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna get Corpo Smash Brothers Brawl on this game. Unknown_02: Okay, so he pauses, he completely loses his train of thought. He does a weird tongue click, because I guess he's stimming, right? That's probably something that he does to stim. And then he says, you can watch some old videos. I think he's hinting that he can't explain what a Harpo is at this moment, but he's talked about it in the past. Unknown_02: Because he can't articulate it, he's just saying, oh, go watch some old videos, and you'll understand what I mean. But then he goes on to explain a bunch of games are Harpo-related. He calls it Harpo Smash Brothers. And that's also very Chris-like to me. The whole Sonichu stuff and everything is in Quickville. All his favorite characters are in Quickville. So, like, in his head, he probably thinks this Harpo stuff is, like, super cool. It's like a brand. And he wants everything to be, like, Harpo-ized. He wants, like, all his favorite stuff to also be Harpo-related. uh now would be the good time to mention that oprah owns a magazine uh called o magazine and the company that owns o magazine is harpo uh because it's a um oh god what's the word for it when something is spelled backwards it's just her name backwards console and harpo mario brothers this game console 0:13:10 Unknown_07: It's called a Nintendo DSi. I could get Harpo... Harpoware. Harpo Marioware. Unknown_07: And... Wario Harpo...ware. All these games are the best games in the world. On this game. Unknown_07: Game console. Unknown_07: In any event... Unknown_07: I think, uh... Yeah, more makes a difference. 0:13:55 Unknown_02: What does he say there? Unknown_07: Yeah, more makes a difference. Unknown_07: Yeah, more makes a difference. Yeah, more makes a difference. Unknown_02: It really makes the difference. Oh, because his game console has all those games. It has, like, a value pack of, like, old Nintendo games on the DSi. But because they're Harpo-ware now, they're better. It really makes the difference. I think that's what he's saying. Unknown_02: He has those old... His arms is covered... I didn't even notice that. His arm is covered in, like, those old rubber bands. I remember that was really popular, like, in my high school. Like, covering your arms and, like, I support this movement and this cause. 0:14:32 Unknown_07: Until next time, remember fucking signing off. Unknown_02: Oh god, oops. I forgot how loud this is. This is awful. But this is also very... Unknown_02: This is like a play on like those old VHS tapes or whatever, or VHS players, the rainbow and stuff. This is very like 80s, early 90s. So he has like a fond memory of like some kind of VHS cassette player. And he's incorporated this into his personal branding. Very, very inspiring. 0:15:08 Unknown_02: So I would like to now compare this to someone else who is not, who is not Raymond 14, but who reminds me a lot of them. And every time I see this person talking, I think this fish pillow is the true meaning of the word harpy. He's trying to explain something like really, he's really passionate about, and it's just like, it's trailing off pathetically mid-sentence. 0:15:43 Unknown_03: If you're coming to my channel looking for tea, you're not going to find it here. I don't do that shit. If you're following my Twitter looking for tea, don't bother. Unknown_03: I've still got my Twitter on private for right now just because... Unknown_03: Still got people trying to follow me, almost certainly because of all the drama. Unknown_03: I'll probably un-private relatively soon because it looks like all the drama chasers have backed off for now, so we'll see. 0:16:21 Unknown_03: But yeah, don't bother. Like, if you're looking for drama, I'll follow my channel on my Twitter anyway. I barely ever tweet. Unknown_03: So that's the first thing. Unknown_02: Just everything about it. I can't stop noticing it. He starts up a train of thought. He loses it. He tries to make eye contact with the camera because I think he's more cognizant. He's aware that that's what he should be doing. But it makes him deeply uncomfortable to look at the camera. So he darts. He needs to look away to recollect himself and to regain comfort and confidence. And then he'll switch gears. His voice will peak with, like, excitement when he's talking about something. 0:17:02 Unknown_02: And it's all so much like the Harpo Jarvi guy. And it's especially funny when he's talking about politics because his politics are only things that he reads and agrees with, like, in a facially relevant way. He'll see something that's, like... Unknown_02: Trans women are women, and he agrees with that. So he reads the article, he absorbs a little bit of it, and then when he has a conversation with his chat, he'll emulate all these same patterns that the Harpo Jarvi guy has, where he'll trail off, he'll look away, he'll start making weird noises, and then because he doesn't really understand what he's talking about, he'll start getting angry and belligerent. 0:17:58 Unknown_02: Okay, so in this, this is the first example I could find. This is International Women's Day live with Ramona. So he was in drag for most of this, and he was just kind of staring happy. But then he wanted to eat, so he decides to get out of drag. I guess he got embarrassed after a while. And he's having a conversation about Putin and why he hates Putin and Trump. Now, his understanding of anything beyond what pornography he likes to look at is extremely tentative. He's not, you know, he doesn't really have a developed understanding of things. So here he is trying to explain why he doesn't like Trump. 0:18:34 Unknown_02: And remember, this is the year 2022, so Trump hasn't been in office for fucking 90 years at this point. Unknown_03: Trump does idolize Putin. Unknown_03: Trump was not alright. Trump has never been alright. Unknown_03: trump has always been a piece of with no business sense either like he's a terrible businessman now this remember keep in mind that this person calling trump a terrible terrible businessman is living um as a roommate to an obese woman who cucked him and in a pile of trash and he was just eating pizza and drag for international women's day 0:19:21 Unknown_02: So the audacity of this person to even assume that he can make a judgment call about if Trump is or is not a good business person is already quite astounding. The fact that his chat is, like, making fun of him and challenging him on why he thinks the things that he does makes him deeply uncomfortable, which is why he's now playing with his hair. Unknown_02: But I'll let him do his thing. Yeah. Unknown_03: His politics were based on hate. Unknown_03: I generally prefer brown hair, Leah. 0:20:10 Unknown_03: Oh yeah, yeah, and he was born rich. Unknown_03: Trump was born into wealth and it was actually, somebody actually Unknown_03: checked uh did some calculations and found that if trump had never done anything if he had just invested the money he inherited uh and like regular mutual funds and all that like if he'd just uh done you know the safest thing possible 0:20:51 Unknown_03: he would have made as much money as he claims to have made through his business ventures. Unknown_02: this man does not know what a mutual fund is he does not know anything that he's talking about he's literally just reciting like reddit copy pasta from the top of his head and he does it in the way that reminds me of my boy here where he's staring at the camera and he's trying to trying to piece it together the little fragments of things that he understands he's looking at the camera and he's going donald trump if if the true true meaning of the word 0:21:30 Unknown_02: fraud. He's not a good businessman. Not a good businessman. Only he can put money in mutual funds. Unknown_02: It wigs me out. It drives me crazy. I see Raymond in a lot of people who have these kind of mannerisms. Unknown_02: I don't know what made me think of him today, but I kind of wanted to share my boy with everybody. And on that note, I actually, I am definitely going to try and archive this because I want this to be somewhere safe and sound away from the golems of YouTube. There's so many videos too. I should watch one. 0:22:07 Unknown_02: I should watch one. These are all like 14 years old. This is crazy. Holy shit, there's so many of them. He uploaded like one day every day for like a year or something. Unknown_02: Let's watch one. Just one at random. Unknown_02: Maybe a nice short one. These are all like 10 minutes long. Unknown_02: Not in prison, not in prison. Okay, let's watch this one. Unknown_07: Okay. 0:22:41 Unknown_02: He in my room. Holy shit. Unknown_02: What a dunk. Unknown_02: One. Unknown_07: yeah not in prison not in prison and home in home this must have been something that um that someone was with them with then someone must have told him like oh are you in prison and then he made this video to rebut them he has like these commenters in those videos too 0:23:25 Unknown_02: What happened to your old videos? So you even deleted some. That's crazy. Unknown_02: This whole thing is lost too. There was probably like a little budding CWC community and they all talked about this guy and they tried to make him like, I bet you he's like the next quick man. Like, yeah. Unknown_02: And there's no record of it at all. I did some Googling of this guy before I did this video. I know there's like an old wiki called like the Freakopedia that had like an article about him. 0:23:58 Unknown_02: um but it's very old very out of date to john cena haters he looks kind of angry in this one let's watch this okay the thing is that what i hate about cena haters cena trolls who hate him and also Unknown_07: WWE haters is that they think entertainment is a mockery out of real sports. Unknown_07: Well, if there was no entertainment, it would be bad. Way bad. 0:24:59 Unknown_07: Because you, you're not having, um, good entertainment. Unknown_07: What I don't get is that when they, without entertainment, they think it's boring, they think it sucks. Unknown_02: I mean, obviously the argument is that it's fake. It's like, it's not real, is the thing. It's not, he doesn't get that. He just thinks it's entertainment. There's like a naked lady pen up on his wall there. Do you see that back there behind his lip? 0:25:37 Unknown_02: That's, that's lascivious. Unknown_07: Heck, look what I got. Damn got. Unknown_02: Look what I got that they don't got. Oh, jeez. Is it going to be a poster? It's a John Cena poster. Oh, it's the belt. Unknown_07: Smells new, too. Unknown_07: But this is what I got. This is better than the belt they had 10 years ago. It looks better. 0:26:12 Unknown_07: And it's newer. It's updated. Unknown_02: He's like angry. He's become angry. He's angered himself. It's the current. Unknown_07: The 21st century. Unknown_07: Smells new. Unknown_02: Smells like Chinese plastic. Unknown_07: What do you know? It is new. It's a three-year-old, four-year-old belt. This belt has been four years old. 0:26:51 Unknown_07: But what you think is still boring, we see that as entertainment, because it's the monotony of that. Unknown_07: A business. If WWE is a business, they care more about making money. Unknown_02: Wait, I was right. The WWE in the Harpo Jarvi video is about the wrestling. He's like a big wrestling fan. What is it? Okay, there is definitely a real link between autism and wrestling. This is the thing. I'm going to write my doctorate on this. 0:27:24 Unknown_07: Because they're a business. Unknown_02: What does this have to do with John Cena, though? He's lost it. Unknown_07: Yeah, it's over and done with. Unknown_07: It's done with. Unknown_07: So, live in the present moment. That's what I have to say. Live in the present moment to all you WWE fans. 0:27:57 Unknown_07: And enjoy it. Unknown_07: Like we do. Unknown_07: The present WWE is going to be much better. Unknown_07: I'd say it's so much better than watching. Unknown_02: He does. Look at all these people commenting. Wrestling was more better 10, 15-year-old years ago than today. Great video, man. Keep it up from laugh and stalk 12 years ago. 0:28:32 Unknown_02: That would be the only valid reason for liking Cena. Unknown_02: Raymond, who is better, Mark Henry or John Cena? He did. He had, like, his own little clique of, like, people fucking with him. That's crazy. Unknown_07: I've never seen him in promos since 10 years ago. Unknown_07: And you can tell I'm being serious. You can tell I'm being dead serious. Also, 0:29:03 Unknown_07: That's what I got to take. That's my take on the seniors. Unknown_07: The IWC is the WWE doesn't, which forgets about them. Unknown_07: So till next time, when you're 14. 0:29:34 Unknown_07: signing off he has like he has like so many knickknacks he has like those those things on his arms and he has like three different kinds of he has like a mood ring and stuff that's also like a chris thing all those little knickknacks and collectibles that he likes to wear and i'll watch one more this is actually really fascinating i've known about this guy for a long time i for whatever reason never once have i ever decided to look past the harpo jarvi connection Unknown_02: Honoring Randy Savage with a bunch of parentheses around it. I have a feeling that's not the original title. Unknown_02: This one's two minutes. For my people. Okay, let's see. Unknown_02: He looks way different here. He shaved his head. He looks like he's, like, Mexican or something. I don't know what the fuck you would call that phenotype. Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: Here's my women. Mine. They're always up there. I like you. 0:30:30 Unknown_02: Wait, what? Unknown_02: Come in, I like you. Unknown_02: Come in, I like you. Come in, I like you. That's creepy. Unknown_02: I'm getting better now. Unknown_07: Still a very messy room. Unknown_07: Look at this. Unknown_02: It's a clean shirt. He's showing it off. Unknown_02: He's wearing clean clothes. 0:31:02 Unknown_02: No, it's so dirty. Unknown_02: I know, it's dirty. It's just his webcam is too bad. Unknown_00: I'm so dirty now. Unknown_08: I am. Unknown_08: I am. Unknown_07: We'll always have a next week, so rest me a week. Unknown_07: Rest me a 27. A rest me a 27? Unknown_02: Subtitles are unavailable for this video. I guess YouTube didn't go back 14 years to make subtitles for everything. 0:31:34 Unknown_07: Yes. Unknown_07: They are. They just mean that people do that stuff. Unknown_02: Do what stuff? Unknown_02: He's woke on the GN question. 0:32:12 Unknown_02: He's like fucking with the camera as he records. Unknown_07: This is for my women and my girls. Unknown_02: His title says, for my people, but he explicitly refers to his women and girls. Unknown_07: They comment, strip, and my guys. Unknown_01: What? Unknown_01: They comment, strip, and my guys. They come, comment, strip, and my guys? 0:32:46 Unknown_01: Not being sexy is the answer. Unknown_07: So. See you next time. See you next time. See you next time. Unknown_02: Really, really bizarre. Huh. 0:33:34 Unknown_02: My room. Oh fuck, I'm tempted. Okay, one more, one more. Unknown_07: Okay, here's my room after the setup. Unknown_07: It's probably gonna be like this for now. Unknown_02: Is it like full of soda cans? Unknown_02: What is happening? Unknown_02: It is. Is that soda? What is that? Unknown_02: Why is it... What is he doing? There it is. 0:34:06 Unknown_07: I mean, it looks pretty tidy. Unknown_02: I'm surprised. He didn't explain what the fuck... He didn't explain what it is. He walked in here and he showed, like, all this shit on the ground. And it looks like he's clipping things out of it. Maybe it's, like, those codes they used to put on Coke cans and stuff. He's, like, clipping it out of the box. He doesn't explain what the fuck that room is full of, though. Unknown_07: I'm eating dinner now. Unknown_02: Oh, look, in my suggestions, um, YouTube thinks I should watch Jews Rock by JewTube. Bro, I'm probably not gonna be, uh, I'm probably not gonna be. 0:34:50 Unknown_07: I am probably not. Unknown_07: Yeah, that's my room now. Unknown_08: I wonder what happened to him. Unknown_02: He just disappeared one day. He made a video called the Raymond 20 Federation. Okay, fine. I'll watch one more. I'll watch this one. I can't look away now. It's a shame that there's like nothing written about him or documented because I'd be... 0:35:25 Unknown_02: But this all happened like before the forum even started and then it disappeared. Unknown_07: Okay. Everybody join the new fan base. Unknown_02: He made a new user. Unknown_02: He's still uploading. 0:35:56 Unknown_02: He just switched. He randomly decided to switch to Raymond 20 Federation as his name. And he's been uploading, uh, Unknown_02: videos for 12 fucking years. Unknown_02: I can't believe this. Unknown_02: Pondering online learning 42 views one day ago. Unknown_08: I'm pondering going back to online school for courses on whether it's things that will or small things that are long or big. 0:36:31 Unknown_08: It's a must do. Unknown_08: I'm pondering... Unknown_02: That's nuts. He's still around. Unknown_02: He's like the first adopter of the YouTube short system. Unknown_01: He doesn't want to switch to TikTok because he's autistic. Unknown_02: So now he just does YouTube shorts. He's like the only person in the world to do YouTube shorts. That's fucking wild. Unknown_02: I might look into this a little bit more. 0:37:02 Unknown_02: I'm actually... I cannot fucking believe he's still around. That's fucking nuts. I have to archive all this. Unknown_02: Okay. I'm ending it there. Because I have to archive all these videos right now. Unknown_02: I will see you guys tomorrow. Bye-bye.