Cheeky breeky chat. Shame on all of you who said that this is a Yiddish song. You don't know anything. How out of touch are you with internet stuff? I guess Stalker was a while ago. All the Stalker poems. In case you don't know, that song is very famous. It's from a Ukrainian-made game called Stalker, which is based in the Zone. It's loosely, like, it's like a sci-fi setting. I think it's based off a Russian...
Unknown_01: novel where like aliens visit and then they just leave behind oh roadside picnic and they leave behind like a bunch of like weird alien trash that's basically magic and causes like all sorts of abnormalities in the area around it it's called the zone i've actually never played it uh i know a lot about it because it's uh it's so it's permeated internet culture so much but uh i've never actually played stalker Though they were supposedly working on a stalker too, the same company out of Ukraine, and I guess they're going to have to cancel that shit or move.
Deja Vu, you've talked about this before. No, no, no, I have not talked about stalker before. You're thinking of...
Unknown_01: Uh, Seth. Seth Zintek. He's talked about Stalker. He talked about Roadside Picnic. That's where I know this from. To be honest with you, that's why you think that.
Unknown_01: Oh, hello everyone. Uh, let's see. Last week I promised some Woman's Month content. I do in fact have some Woman's Month content.
Um, though not, probably not the, the kind of, of whammon bashing that you would, that you would want, uh, if you're a groiper, God forbid. Uh, actually, I have, you know, here's a, here's a, uh, uh, I've reorganized all my, my tabs, because I have too many tabs open when I, when I do the streams, so I've reorganized them. But now you can see... On my screen, all the shit that I have for the entire stream before I show it to you. I guess that's not too much of a spoiler, huh?
Unknown_01: Seeing the tabs.
Unknown_01: Maybe I'll try to keep it a secret. Try to hide it before I switch. I probably will forget to do that immediately. Immediately after I say I'm going to try that.
Chris update. Chris moved to like a mental hospital. I don't think his case has changed. You know what, while we're waiting for people to kind of get in, I will talk briefly about a status update in my cases. I've received a court order completely unrelated to anything else that I have going on right now. And I've had to delete posts by order of my third party companies that I rely on. Because they have received a court order targeting content on my site. But yet they did not give it to me. So the gist is that a user is being sued. I have an idea of who it is, and it's a company. It's on a person, I'm pretty sure. And I was required by the upstream to delete these posts, and I'm waiting to see the court order.
And I think they're trying to keep it from me. I think that's what's going on.
Unknown_01: And I may be willing to be more tactful about this, but they have to be upfront with me about what they're doing and what they're afraid of because they're just trying to fuck me and make me not know about why I have to delete shit on my site. I'm going to be very displeased with that.
So look forward to my update on this and this developing situation next week. The other case updates are Greer and Melinda. I will talk about this very briefly, just as a matter of fact.
Unknown_01: Um, apparently with Russell Greer, right? He received pro bono representation from some bullshit media group, right? And I think what they're trying to do is win easy wins for intellectual property so that they can take that case law and move it up to like Disney level media stuff, right? So they're representing him. And from what I was told by one of my attorneys, because I now have multiple attorneys and I have to say one of them, um,
The one that I'm really friendly with elucidating that when a group offers pro bono representation or really offers to represent anyone for anything, be it for pay or for pro bono reasons.
Unknown_01: It is very, very difficult to get out of that. A lawyer can't just say, actually, I'm not going to represent your interest anymore. I'm out of here. They have to have an ethical reason, pretty much, to get out of that arrangement with their client. So when these groups decided that they're going to represent Russell Greer, they may not have known anything about Russell Greer. And they may find themselves in a situation that they can't get out of now and have to deal with for free because they offered to do it pro bono. If this is the case, that is very, very funny and they fucking deserve it. Um, because from what I understand, like I paid a flat fee for my attorney, um, for the appeals process. Cause after Russell lost and he did lose, he filed an appeal to a, uh, a circuit court above, uh, above the Utah court. He filed it.
And that's where the pro bono representation came in.
Unknown_01: And we're now in mediation like stage three. I cannot say anything about the mediation process. But I think that it's gone to mediation like three times now. Can't say anything about what has actually taken place in the mediation. But the fact that it's gone to mediation three times should tell you something. They're working pro bono, and my attorneys have been paid a flat fee for the entire appeal process. So I'm not losing money by this. And I think that maybe they're hoping that I am. So they're just going to keep trying to do it over and over again, hoping that I'll just run out of money. But I've already paid up. And they said that for the flat fee, they'll do the entire appeal thing. So it's like, okay.
So I think they're trying to drag their feet to get me to just come to terms and give them what they want I can't tell you what they want, but that's how it reads to me the other one is Melinda and That's been waiting for six months. I want to say for the judge to act and then recently the judge did act and was going to arrange a
a conference where they had to appeal appear in person and then i would um i was going to appeal to show up via zoom or by a phone call and that was cancelled because of the unavailability of the parties now obviously i have no issue showing up so melinda has decided to uh say that the the date is inconvenient to her and that is because she's pregnant again so this is like child number eight she's had like a litter of kids And she's having more kids as she's actively wasting the resources of everyone in the country. She is having more children. Isn't that isn't that wonderful? What a world. I'm so glad that we have socialism to prop up these fucking families forever so they can continue to breed more insane fucking kids.
Unknown_01: But I'm happy for that. Like, okay, you want to kick the can down the road over and over again, go for it. I don't care if this case is unresolved by the time I die. Like, if nothing happens and it just stays on the docket because nobody wants to deal with it, whatever. It's cheaper that way. Go for it.
They want to file a mediation every six months until the day I die, go for it. I've already paid. I've got a contract for a flat fee. Go for it.
Unknown_01: So just madness. Madness all around. All of it is complete and utter fucking madness.
Unknown_01: But now that we're settled, I can start talking about what I have planned. And the first thing that I have planned to talk about is just some general celebration of WAMN's month from the real WAMN that need the most representation during this time. Let's see.
I think I can show this on stream. I mean, those are man boobs, right? This is from a lovely account from a person representing the transgender spectrum as being definitely not a fetish, is Fanny Traggott, named Fanny's Got a Brand New Vagina, saying, Happy International Women's Day from me and my new pussy. Wow.
Unknown_01: Very... Very funny.
Unknown_01: It's a P word. I should have censored myself and only said P word.
Unknown_01: What ass P word. One day I need to do a whole deadpan rendition of that Ben Shapiro WAP cover. How does it go? It goes like, pick it up inward, catch a charge. Extra hard and extra large.
Unknown_01: Uh...
Wipe your face like a credit card. One day I'll do it. I'll do a complete recitation. I'll have to memorize the lyrics. I'll whip it out one day on stream. I'll do WAP all the way from start to finish. Catch everybody off guard.
Unknown_01: Now, my favorite trans, Buck Angel, registered copyright, transsexual man, Buck Angel, the Twitter handle, Buck Angel. If you don't know who Buck Angel is, Buck Angel is a female to male, and they do nude modeling. and it's it's it's uncanny valley this is like a buff dude it looks like a buff dude and it has a vagina and it's like it it's very unsettling to look at um but i guess it's somebody's fetish though i i i like okay whatever you know i'm a horrible bigot right i'm sorry i am peaking i'll turn my my game down a bit um
Let me know if I'm too quiet. I might be too quiet now. No, no, this should be fine. This should be fine. So I like Buck Angel. Well, I don't know him, so I can't say I like him.
Unknown_01: Though they've done something that I consider admirable. Way back when, when the Trans Lifeline stuff was still happening, Buck Angel saw all the documented evidence of enrichment that Greta Gassava and Nina Chabal had done with Trans Lifeline. And they legit called it out on Facebook and said, like, this is like a trans charity, but they're just stealing all the fucking money. So that was like the first domino, really, beyond the forum that started to fall to get Trans Lifeline ousted. And ever since then, I've had some level of respect for Buck Angel. That was a real bro moment, if you know what I mean.
But Tranny vs. the World responds to Buck... Actually, I didn't read the actual tweet. Buck Angel says, on hashtag International Women's Day, the Vagina Museum... which is already weird. The vagina museum is only talking about trans women. I am so confused. Uh, replying to the vagina museum saying this international women's day, we're going to talk about trans women in history. We've turned replies off because we know some people would prefer these stories to be erased and silence.
I don't know what the fuck that means. But Buck Angel, not to be discouraged, quote retweets them so that their reply turning off shit doesn't doesn't matter and points out that he has a vagina. So how is it fair for the Vagina Museum to focus only on people who have cocks? How is this how is this a sane and rational world?
Which is a fair point, to be honest with you. So Tranny versus the world, which is also a weird thing. What is it with, like, Fanny Traggett? I'm ironically going by that name. Traggett. That's almost as bad...
Unknown_01: I think Traggit is worse than Traggit. So it's like a humiliation fetish that they have, where they really want people to know that their gender identity shit is all bullshit. They really are just fucking creeps. And Tranny versus the world says, think about it, cis women are not walking around with a bullseye on their backs right now, and they are not losing out on any rights like we are currently. I find it extremely thoughtful that they are putting the spotlight on is for once.
I have something to refute this.
Unknown_01: In the course of this stream, I can verifiably prove to you, my audience, that transwomen, like tranny versus the world, are more in the spotlight and more respected than actual women. You just got to wait one second. Now, I'm going to put a little caper on this women's day tirade.
But I continue. I've named this girldick.jpeg. This is an Instagram photo from Jesse James Keitel.
Unknown_01: Filter on 150% going on here.
Unknown_01: And the t-shirt says, a girl without a dick is like an angel without wings.
Unknown_01: Happy International Women's Day at JK Rowling. Ooh, a little bit of foreshadowing.
Unknown_01: Now, I think Buck Angel flies better than this train, to be honest with you.
Unknown_01: Okay.
Unknown_01: Now, this was published one day ago. And this is an interesting thing that I'm sure we're going to see more of. I mentioned a while ago that... The UK has this sudden epidemic of female sex offenders. For some reason, you know, sex offending women is like less than 10% of all sex offenders. I think even less than that. But for whatever reason, we've been seeing a lot more. Is that Tommy Tudor? No, it's not. I can verify he's not in jail.
For some reason, we've had more female sex offenders in the last couple of years. Very strange coincidence. Maybe it's just people are more confident in coming out about being abused by women. Who knows? Who knows what it could be? But now we have a female serial killer and not the one in Germany that was like luring like using Tinder to like lure men into her apartment and then murdering them, which is pretty clever. It would be very effective, actually. Though I guess somebody eventually would be like, oh, my brother didn't come home after his Tinder date. And then they just kind of like look at that and go, oh, well, probably she did it. Anyways, trans serial killer arrested in New York City after a woman's body parts found. That sounds like an SVU episode. A serial killer has been apprehended in New York City in connection to a grisly murder in which a woman's body parts were dumped across a Brooklyn neighborhood. Harvey Marcelin, a biological male who identifies as a woman, was arrested late last week on a charge of concealing a body which could soon face additional charges after he was caught on CCTV disposing of a body near his apartment.
It goes on to explain that Harvey...
Unknown_01: Had been arrested, is 83 years old, first of all, and had been arrested twice prior to this for offenses against women. He was shot his girlfriend three times in their apartment and was sentenced 20 years to life.
He had been arrested in 1986 for a second slaughter, he says, but was released in 2019. So just recently, once again on parole, he told his parole officer that he had a problem with women. And now he's being held in Rikers Island and the Supreme Court for the state of New York, I assume, is going to hear a case that he should be moved to a women's prison. Uh, which of course would make sense because obviously a female, a, uh, a sex offender and murderer targeting women who has a problem with women should be housed with women. Now, I'm sorry, but you know, women's like, okay, you think about like American prisons, American prisons are like a fucking nightmare. The only way it could get worse than is if you're in like Brazil or someplace where they don't even have like air conditioning. You go to American prison and they're like, you know, you're overpopulated by a factor of like 100%. So they have to like cram people in two to three to a cell, a six by six cell. And then you think like, okay, how does that get any worse? And then you think about like the rape memes, but male on male rape doesn't happen as much as like it's memed about. But...
If you put a male sex offender in with women, that is literal hell. That's like the government-sponsored Fritzl Dungeons. How do we allow this? How have we gone so crazy that in the name of justice and equality, we now put sex offenders in a cramped cell that they cannot escape from with women? Like...
It's just, it's just nuts. It's literally insane. It's like, it's like something that would be a joke in like a, like a 1984, like future horrors prediction novel where they're like, okay, we have to like take things like the umpteenth degree to show like this satire of our direction of our society. It's like, this is something you'd come up with to scare people in the future.
I don't know. I think that we just need, what we need to do is we need to take them and we need to exclude them from society in every way. They can't participate in society. They can't teach. They can't go to the same schools. We need to completely segregate the weirdos who are not like straight. If you're not straight, you don't get to participate. You have to go to your own prisons. You have to go to your own universities. You're not allowed to have a professor title in like a school. You can't go to like normal jobs. You can make like your own organizations for gay people. You can't, You can't function with us because you're going to rape people. We can't tolerate you.
Speaking of, and my bigot diatribe, old friend of mine, Lorelai Bailey, a name that may sound familiar because they are like a canker sore that will never go away. Lorelai has been involved in like everything, like all the Chan stuff Lorelai has been involved in. And they recently just got outed as being a years-long power mod for the rcontra points Reddit and was immediately forced out. Let me tell you a story about Lorelei. Let me pull up a picture, actually.
I don't know if the ones in the OP are safe or worse. I'm just going to pull one out at random. Here we go.
Unknown_01: Lorelei was recently a thing I talked about I think because of this actually they I mentioned that Shinigami eyes where if you install it as a browser extension you you'll see red links for any Twitter user or YouTube channel or website that is like associated with transphobia so if you see like a Kiwi farms link it'll be bright red if you see a link to like a
Okay, if you're on Twitter and you see JK Rowling, the link would be red. And that's like your protection to make sure you don't see something transphobic and be really triggered. And there was a rumor that Lorelei was a developer for Shinigami Eyes. So people had to come out and...
Unknown_01: and say that, no, they're not involved, because the actual developer is anonymous.
Unknown_01: But this calls Kanini, the bunny developer tranny from Polaroma, that I also talked about a long time ago for being a developer on the thing we use for kiwifarms.cc, who had a huge spat with us. They came out and said that Lorelai had nothing to do with the project and that they were involved with it. So this is Lorelai, and Lorelai is a weirdo.
I think that my first exposure to Lorelai was that this thread on the forum is ancient. This thread on the forum is from 2016, I want to say.
Unknown_01: and when it was new a person dm me and they said hi i'm trans and uh lorelei raped me i'm like okay that's interesting and they sent me a link to their portfolio website which at the time was just lorelei.info and then it had like a secret directory like lorelei.info and i've checked this is like gone now but it's lorelei.info slash like fun slash sexy stuff or whatever and then it had like all their nudes which i've archived on the forum And it had a video which it did not archive to the forum, which was Lorelei, some other, it looked like a dude, but it could just be an even worse passing. And then it had the person who DM'd me. And the person who DM'd me was getting fucked in the ass, and then Lorelei was kind of like a third wheel bouncing around. Now, the person getting fucked was like obviously super drunk, and they, if they had anything to drink, they didn't show it at all.
And Lorelai was just kind of bouncing around and like grabbing ass and trying to play with ding-dongs and stuff and was basically a non-participant in their own sex video.
Unknown_01: But the story was that they said Lorelai inherited his grandmother's house.
And they had extra rooms. So if a trans person went on the internet and said, I'm homeless now because I'm whatever, I'm trans, I'm disabled, I'm autistic. Then Lorelai would hit them up and be like, I have a spare room if you want to come over. And then Lorelai would get them drunk and fuck them and record it. And they told me this story and I watched the video and I concluded that they're probably right. So I told people this, and it has essentially gotten them perma super mega canceled for being a rapist. Even because, like, okay, the story is you're a person, and then you rape someone, and then you trun out to get rid of it. Well, if you rape again, and if you rape a tranny especially, well, you've committed the ultimate sin. The only unforgivable sin in the trans community is to fuck with other trannies, right? The other people who have... It's like if you're a snitch and then you go to protective custody and then you fuck with another snitch. If you're hurting snitches in the snitch room, we can't hold you with the other snitches. You've got to go back to general population. And then you're in gen pop and you're a snitch and they won't take you out. That's basically what happened to Lorelei. That's what's happened. So they were ousted as being a power mod under a different name for ContraPoints, and they've subsequently deleted everything again.
Glitching audio.
Unknown_01: I don't trust you. I wish people would stop lying about my audio.
Unknown_01: The Bates Hotel. Alpha snitches. No, beta snitches. The worst of the worst.
Unknown_01: Snitches who have betrayed their fellow snitch.
All right, let me hide my thing so you can't see my tabs once again. Okay, today, chat, I'm going to do a follow-up. We're going to talk about the war some more. Now, the Discord fatties, the Karen army, has invaded my death fat board, as you can see over here. And they are making steady progress in taking it over.
Unknown_01: Allow me to explain what's happening here.
Unknown_01: Chantel has had her channel banned from YouTube for repeated offenses. Now, what this means is a mystery to everyone, including Chantel.
And it is believed that at the behest of Charlie Gold, who you may remember as being the Fat Black Lady reaction channel, who... Oh, jeez, I have to do a caption. Oh my god, my thing is instantly accepted. Good luck for me.
Unknown_01: Charlie Gold is a fat black lady who Chantel once called Charlie Cole. And because she's black and has inherent black privilege, she accused Chantel of being racist. Despite the fact that Chantel has only ostensibly fucked black men for the last 20 fucking years. So, she's accused of being racist and has to apologize for it and blah blah blah. And Charlie Gold is saying that because Chantel went on to... omegle and then told an indian guy who is i guess underage to show bobs she is now a pedophile and should be banned from youtube because she is a child sex offender for saying show bobs to an indian boy that is the level of retardation so she outlines several different things that people should be mass reporting and then within the week chantal's street uh channel goes down for repeated offenses, which means that this is likely a coordinated thing from her and from the Discord Karens, who are now invading my Death Fat board.
To punish Chantel, which is a thing that is unknown to me. Why you would take this person who pumps out 50 hours of content every fucking week and then kill that for everybody is completely and totally beyond me, unless you assume that they are jealous. They are jealous that this fat woman, who was fatter than them, probably, just by a little bit, is having sex when they can't get anybody it has cats when when they can't even get their cats to play with them and makes twenty thousand dollars a month and they're like i that fuck it that that makes me angry it makes me angry because i am a discord fatty and i'm fat and i'm useless and i don't have any children and my cats hate me and i wish i had money for it but chantal gets the money and i don't so they coordinate and they fucking they get the shit taken down and it's like okay Well, it might come back. It might not. Probably will come back because it's bullshit. Because, like, okay, I think she showed her ass on stream. It's like one strike for that. But I posit this. I say this on my board.
And I say...
Unknown_01: that deplatforming is bullshit. I say completely straight-faced, deplatforming is bullshit, and if you support deplatforming, you belong in a fucking ditch. And the floodgates have been loosened. This is the reaction from the Karens on my East Border. Not funny, didn't laugh, live, or love. Outrage. And this is a real post. This is a real post that I got, which I will now read to you.
Um, am I the only previously silent viewer who was finding out right now after years of lurking that Noel being infatuated with Chantel isn't a joke? A revelation to me at least. The void of not watching her piss her pants live is truly burning within. I think I found my replacement lolcal. seemingly more upset about the termination than Chantal herself, demanding people be gawked, sharing personal anecdotes as a defense. This shit sure is doing weird things to everybody, including causing me to post when I finally just made an account to gawk at the bath whore. I'm here to request another 15 pages of arguing, but this...
this here thanks y'all heart emoji and thanks for the little suckle of milk noel it's funny to watch a man spiral over chantal i'm sure your nips will be shooting projectile streams everywhere soon with enough practice this wants me to breastfeed her and that was weird i've like this is this is bizarre
All I said is that I am pro-content. I am pro-personal liberty. I am anti-deplatforming in general. And this is an outrage. And I did say, I said, if you want to doxing these people in the Discord, go for it. I don't care. Like, if they think it's funny to fuck with people's money and their livelihoods and shit, why shouldn't they?
Unknown_01: Not that I would protest people being doxed in general. I'm just saying. But this is a huge offense. It's a personal army request and blah, blah, blah. Any statement in defense of Chantal is infatuation. It's a downward spiral. It's a mental breakdown.
My point is always this. If you think that someone needs to be punished, you're on the wrong site. If you watch someone and you only feel anger, you're on the wrong site. You're not using the site correctly. It's a place to laugh. It's a place to have fun. It's not a place to intervene in someone's life, to punish people, to get revenge or whatever the fuck. If you think that this person needs to be struck down by the wrath of God, well, stay on your fucking Discord, bro. I don't want you. I don't want people like this on my site because you bring down the mood and you sour it for everyone. And they did not take that lightly. And I don't care. I don't care. Go make your own forum. Stay on your fucking Discord.
Uh, so that's the, that's the Chantel, the war room update. Um, I finally got my, my Beezer, my Beezer revolution, but it's, uh, it's directed at me for, for daring to say that we shouldn't ban people from YouTube for saying show bobs. Oh, I forgot to fucking hide it. Oh, well.
Okay. Uh, part three of my, of my whamons day coverage.
Unknown_01: They say no milk takes like kiwi fruit juice. That is fucking disgusting.
Unknown_01: Oh, before I talk about this, by the way, JK Rowling and shit.
Unknown_01: Someone was asking what it would take to like self-host a streaming thing. And I'm dead serious. Chantel said she makes $20,000 a year. If she has money saved up and wants me to set up a streaming service. I have been planning this in my head for fucking years now. Crunklord has ideas of how to make it happen. It's a matter of getting the hardware and upgrading our connection to a 10 gigabit per second line. I'm getting the DDoS filtering in. I'm going to have the option of upgrading to a 10 gigabit per second line as of June once I get to my router. If you want to do it, if you want to set up our Kiwi TV, our anecdote to cozy TV, I can make it happen. But you got to pay me because that shit's expensive.
20K a month. A month. 20,000 a month was what she said. And if she has 20,000 a month, even a fraction of that can support the apparatus. So I'm saying go for it. If you want to be on Gunt TV, I can make it happen. I got the power.
Uh, and of course we would have the option of letting other people on too. It would be great. It would be great. If I could get a serious financier for something like that, it'd be fucking awesome.
Unknown_01: I would have to hire people though. That's the only downside. Okay. Anyways, enough of that.
Unknown_01: Uh, JK Rowling, JK Rowling on whammy's day says, uh, in response to Wanda Maximoff, you really want your legacy to die on this hill. JK Rowling to which JK Rowling replies.
Yes, sweetheart, I'm staying right here on this hill, defending the right of lamin and girls to talk about themselves, their bodies, and their lives in any way they damn well please. You worry about your legacy, I'll worry about mine. Winky face. So J.K. Rowling is a TERF icon all around the world. She is the new queen of England, and she has pissed off all the trannies and all the tranny supporters, including... Significantly, Vaush. Vaush, of course, decked out in the Ukrainian flag for whatever fucking reason. Saying, This tweet proves to me...
That trannies get more love, or unironically, more empowered than women at this point. Because there's no fucking way that if a tranny came out, like Buck Angel comes out and says this, that Val should be saying that all Buck Angel had to do was shut the fuck up.
Unknown_01: Trans men being quieter, insert apologetic intelligence, never would fucking happen. But Vouch comes out with an unironically groiper response saying, Bitch, just shut the fuck up and write your fucking books, you stupid cunt. You don't get to speak about this.
So she replies to Vouch, which is pretty significant.
Unknown_01: One of the most well-known authors of our generation, like it or not, replying to an internet person saying, "...what you and your ilk fail to appreciate is how tremendously familiar I am with your tactics. I had a violent ex-husband who would tell me my life would be great if only I'd comply, but you're making the same mistake he did. Women like me can't be bullied out of resistance."
which caused some backlash.
Unknown_01: JK Rowling retweeted this in particular. Sophie XY, so trans, I guess. Trans people aren't a monolith, and plenty of us do not define our rights by forcing others to validate fiction like gender identity. My rights are not women's rights. I do not want my rights to erode theirs. Shouldn't you be busy advocating the decriminalization of child porn? Retweeted by JK Rowling. Uh-oh. So then the post millennial comes out.
Unknown_01: And they write an article saying, J. Kate Rowling slams suspected pedophile influencer Vouch for telling her to shut the fuck up. Which means that he now gets the forehead treatment of suspected pedophile influencer, quote unquote, from the post-millennial. No longer Vouch, merely suspected pedophile influencer. He needs to take some tips from Nick Fuentes about optics checks.
really wonderful uh I like how they just refer to him like Newsweek refers to him as just Valish post millennial gets it right suspected pedophile uh I shouldn't be browsing around this without safety um there is a funny thing that I saw oh it was just oh you know what I know where it's at I know where it's at I saved it somewhere
Oh, you know what else I saved?
Unknown_01: Right before my stream started, I saw this.
Unknown_01: And it's one of the better AI-generated Soyjacks or Wojacks or whatever the fuck that I've seen. Where is it?
Unknown_01: Here, look at that while I try to find it. Yeah.
Unknown_01: Okay, here. Vaush, do you guys ever wonder if anyone here has ever fucked a minor while being an adult? Deleted user says no.
Knocked out panda. I try not to think about that. Voush. Come on, guys. Who's done it? Confess. Deleted user. I was really generous, too. Lol Damar. Look at my life and then look at yours. Get some ambition while you're bored. And then Voush says, Lol Damar has definitely fucked a 15-year-old in recent years. This man is obsessed with fucking kids and fucking horses. And I don't know... I mean, I guess fucking... Okay, I like horses and shit. They're animals, but... That's a kid, and then they grow up to be an adult, and then if they are molested, they become a homosexual, and then they molest more people. So fucking a kid is definitely way worse than fucking a horse, but they're both pretty bad. I would not want to be associated with either a horse fucker or a pedophile.
He really needs to get his optics checked out.
Unknown_01: And a horse can fight back.
Unknown_01: If a horse doesn't want you to fuck it, it will kick your ass. You take two horse hoofs to the chest, you're dead. Your chest is going to explode into gore. A kid can't do that. Unless it's like Janie and gets a gun.
Unknown_01: Okay. I think that's it with the Vouch stuff. I really don't care about Vouch.
He's like, he's just off in his own little world. I do care about Nick Fuentes, though. For whatever reason, to me, Nick Fuentes is more fun to make fun of. I don't know why that is. I guess Vouch is just like a creepy weirdo on the left. It's like, oh, whatever. But Nick Fuentes is someone that people I know like. So it's like, why? Why do you like this man? So here's an optics check from Shadow Man. Thank you for posting this.
Unknown_00: Maybe we as a society need to rethink what constitutes moral sexuality. Because we live in a society where age of consent law is the gospel. Age of consent law, if you violate that, crucify the man. Female teachers are having sex with middle school boys all the time. Nobody cares about that. But it's a large age gap between an older man and a younger girl. God forbid. but homosexuality and trans and in between and this and that no but that's all perfectly okay i think society that we live in has to rethink a little bit what they believe is moral and immoral sexuality large age gap 17 i don't know that that's really a world shattering terrible thing i don't even know that it's necessarily immoral other than that it was premarital if matt gates had married her i'd say well if he married her with her consent and the consent of the parents this is completely moral it's very traditional and honestly this is how it always used to be
But what you're supposed to do, I guess, is go to college, have lots and lots of sex, and experiment, and do drugs, and go on your careers, and then you're supposed to get married at like 32 or something, right? I guess that's a moral way.
Unknown_00: Anyway, so that's my first reaction as I see that. And I put it on Twitter. I said, 17, so what? Who cares? My other reaction is this. I don't believe the FBI. I don't believe the DOJ about anything.
He's talking about Matt Gaetz. If you don't know, Matt Gaetz was not only... People focus on the fact that she was 17. I'm pretty sure she was a sex trafficking victim is the actual contention. Matt Gaetz, if you don't know, is my representative from the 1st District of Florida. He is my congressman, and he is super pro-Trump. I get emails from him every day about stupid shit. I can actually read you the last thing. From...
Unknown_01: matt gates let's read the last titles of some of those emails i get just another media hoax from matt gates um these are not in order message from congressman matt gates happy independence president trump endorsement these are super old i guess i trashed most of them so i don't get to see them firebrand episode 30 freedom's frontiers he has his own podcast now support the truckers no vaccine mandates so he's my congressman He had a scandal. He fucked a 17-year-old. He's married, by the way. I think he fucked a 17-year-old while married, so he cheated on his wife in the process. And I think that she was a prostitute in a sex trafficking ring, which is how he got caught. Because the FBI was doing a sting operation on the sex trafficking ring and found out that this girl was with a congressman, which is a little bit oofsy-daisy. Sitting congressman fucking a 17-year-old while cheating on his wife. Not a great look. I'm very disappointed in Matt Gaetz because I voted for him, I've met him in person, and he is the son of my superintendent when I was in school, Don Gaetz, who I have a signed letter from congratulating me on my FCAT scores. Very, very disappointing to hear that this man is floating around fucking 17-year-old hookers while married and while my sitting congressman. Really just stirs some patriotic goodwill towards my country and my partay of the Republican partay.
Really just straight from the gut.
Unknown_01: Why do I have no faith in my democratic system anymore, Chad? I have no idea. Who knows? Which sex pest do you want to vote for this election cycle? It's very exciting. Anyway, my point, okay, Nick Fuentes, backtracking.
Not a good optical check.
Unknown_01: at this point I have two rules when it comes to like pedophile shit. If anyone jokes about being a pedophile, um, they're not joking flat out. Like if anyone makes it funny, ha ha. Oh, ha ha. I'm a pedophile. Ha ha. Just kidding. Ha ha. No, that, that person is a fucking creepy weirdo. Don't let them near you. Second one, anyone who argues about age of consent like this is a fucking weirdo. Um, there, there are arguments to be made about age of consent. The one that springs to mind is that, uh, the guy who did, uh, Corey, I can't remember his last name, the guy who did ghost gunning. He was extradited from Taiwan by the U.S. federal government to go to Texas to serve a statutory rape charge because he had consensual sex, and he was not married, so it's not cheating, with a girl who was 17 but who lied about being 18. So he went to like a sugar daddy site. And she forged government documents to get on this website and then lied to him in person, and they still booked him because it's a no-fault law in Texas. So it was completely, 100%, as far as I'm fucking concerned, a setup by the federal government to put this guy in jail as a political prisoner because he ran the ghost-gunning business, who was, at the time, suing the Department of Defense. That's bullshit. What Matt Gaetz did is not ethical in any way, shape, or form. He should not be fucking underage hookers when he's, well, really, at any time. It's not appropriate.
And he also violated the rule of age divided by two plus seven. It's not okay. It's not okay. You know, there's cases being made for Romeo and Juliet laws and shit. It doesn't apply. No conversation about this really applies.
Unknown_01: and when someone shoots back and says like oh well the age of consent in france is like 11. what about japan japan is such a high japan has a age of consent of like 12. first of all countries like france and germany and the uk which have lower ages of consents usually also have a marriage stipulation they never include that and then in japan the federal age of consent is 12 but no um district in japan has an age of consent lower than like 16.
So it's federally 12, but nowhere can you have sex with a 12 year old in Japan. So all those fucking anime faggots thinking, I'm going to go to Japan and fuck a 12 year old.
Unknown_01: Not without going to Whitey prison where they store all the fucking white piggies who come over to fuck 12 year olds. And that's not a good place. You don't want to go there.
Unknown_01: The Japanese will not treat you right.
Unknown_01: Well, I mean, in that situation, they're probably treating you right. In response to this, by the way, a guy made five different accounts.
Unknown_01: All of them using an email address, including the word Nick sell as an in cell, but with Nick instead of in as boss baby in cell one and boss baby in cell one was a using a picture of PPP. So PPP obviously pissed this guy off enough to make him want to try and make an account, making fun of them. Bourgeois Groyper.
Brazilian intern, Nick sell and shot a enjoyer, all of them, the same person. Uh, they're a guy from Hong Kong. I'm pretty sure. So I don't know if he's like British or an Asian in cell or like a happy in cell. That would make sense, right? He's half British, half Chinese. So he's all fucked in the head. listens to Nick Fuentes the Mexican leader of the white race while not being white himself because he doesn't he doesn't see usually like the the hapas in the U.S. identify more with the Chinese because um they're in a white country and everyone treats them like an Asian but then like the Asians around them don't treat them like an Asian so they think well China must be better because that's like my real country I'm Chinese but then like the Chinese hapas in China or Hong Kong or whatever I guess it's the same thing now They're like, oh, no, all the Chinese people make fun of me for being a GI baby. I'm going to support the Mexican leader of the white race because I'm really white. And that's that's the doomed fate of all of all mixed race children. They will fit in absolutely nowhere.
But Sean Enjoyer backs up Nick Fuentes and says, you know, I would think that this guy is just like intentionally trying to make Nick look bad, but he's going through like efforts to make it so that nobody except me could possibly know that this was the same person.
Unknown_01: He says here that Nick is right. Age of consent is a concept in Christian society legally divorced from the age of marriage, basically enshrining the idea of women as sex objects by fiat endorses women independence and blah, blah, blah, blah. Same same shit. You'll always fucking hear from these people.
Uh, and by the way, the Nick sell guys on Gab or whatever the fuck posting shit like this, uh, at Andrew Torvo and Gab for the last five years, Wignets have had it easy on this platform that ends right here. And right now Wignets will be looking over their shoulders from now on because Gab belongs to the griper crisis truly on our side. Let's go. And that appears to be,
Unknown_01: I want to say that's like, why does he look so much like Nick Fuentes? Nick Fuentes doesn't have a jaw like that, but that looks like Jesus merged with Nick Fuentes. That's pretty fucking insane. That's pretty fucking out there.
So this is this guy. Oh, and that's definitely the same person because he uses like classical art of like children as all his pictures everywhere. So he's like obsessed with like Western identity and shit. and then tries to infuse his pedophilia into it. Like, oh, this painter painted a picture of children, so therefore I'm going to use it to prove that pedophilia is the natural order of things.
Unknown_01: That's a lot like this guy's probably gonna try to get my attention. So no matter what he does at this point. I'm ignoring him I just want to point this up this guy named Nick sell is like a fucking insane pedophile and one of Nick Fuentes as biggest fans who thinks that he's Jesus and I'm never gonna bring this up again unless he like murders someone or goes to jail or murders himself, which would be the best possible outcome by the way, Nick
By the way, Nick, that hairline, that is some male pattern baldness. And you don't have the face of Detective Stabler on SVU. You can't wear your hairline like that. I really think that Nick Fuentes, he's giving me that settle down energy. I think that Nick Fuentes needs to hook up with a nice young lady, maybe June, who can... You know, he can be he's gay. Right. So hook up with June and then June can go out and fuck black guys and he can go out and fuck cat boys. And she'll be his beard. And they'll be like because she wants like a conservative trad LARP guy to prove that she's trad. He'll make her look trad and she'll make him look straight. And this this will work out for both of them. And they don't ever have to see each other naked and be disgusted by this fact.
But he's really got to settle down soon because just judging by that hairline, I can tell you this man's tea is going down the tube. And he's going to be very soon an empty milk carton. This man's sperm is going to be powdered dust here in a second. He'll ejaculate and it'll just make a little poof and it'll be like dust floating through the air. Just completely, totally dehydrated, useless, dead floaters just floating through the air. That's what's happening here.
You got to find a man, Nick. You got to find a woman.
Unknown_01: No seed can't breed.
Unknown_01: Milkless.
Unknown_01: Okay. That's the next one. Okay.
Now we need to talk about my other favorite person, Ethan Ralph. Ethan Ralph has started up a new podcast called The Good, The Bad, and The Rad, starring Rad Roberts. And we're going to listen to a couple minutes of this.
Unknown_01: Some nice classical music picked up by Ralph.
Unknown_02: Hey, how is everybody doing? So I put out a Twitter poll a couple days ago asking for people what they wanted me to talk about in this promotional video because a certain someone had insinuated that I was a sick fuck. for uh wanting to make this channel they don't even know what it's about yet but i thought hey let's indulge it what is it that makes up a sick uh so i wanted to know hey do you guys want me to talk about my recent revenge porn conviction do you want me to talk about my felony conviction do you want me to talk about my alcoholism or my serious substance abuse
Some people got the joke, some people didn't.
Unknown_02: Obviously, I don't have any of those problems. I'm not a convicted revenge pornographer. I'm not a felon, not an alcoholic. I barely drink in public and socially, and I never drink while I'm alone because that's kind of just sad.
Unknown_01: Here, I want you guys to look at something. In case you're listening, I'll explain in a second. Watch his eyes very closely. Can I zoom in? What's my options here for zooming in? I don't think I can zoom in.
Just watch his eyes the best you can. Do you see this?
Unknown_02: One more time, Chad. One more time. Watch his eyes. See, Ethan Ralph, after going to Portugal and getting his skull cracked, now blinks one eyelid at a time.
Unknown_01: which makes me believe that maybe Ethan Ralph is dead. And this Ethan Ralph is actually a lizard person who has stolen his skin after, after his purse was stolen on the street and a lizard, a lizard person stole his skin and is now wearing it and cannot blink correctly. He's still figuring out like the skin's not attached properly to the meat. So he's just, he's breaking it in still very strange.
I'll let him continue.
Unknown_02: And I've never abused substances with the exception of maybe some Diet Dr. Pepper.
Unknown_01: Guilty. The point is that Ralph is making that his arch nemesis, Matthew Vickers, is a worse person than he is.
Unknown_01: Because Matthew Vickers has done all these terrible things like publishing revenge pornography and being an alcoholic and knocking up women and yada, yada, yada. And obviously Ethan Ralph is a better person than Matthew Vickers. So he has to go and form a nice list and make a new podcast all about his life and how he's better than Matthew Vickers. and the things that and he even decorates his little room he's got um funko pops back there he looks like that looks like um the gauntlet from the purple man purple shrek purple shrek has a big metal fist that you put gems into and that looks like the um shrek's shrek's gauntlet and then you have a gamecube back there and uh
Oh, and his little logo of his brand. So he's like custom printed a picture of his fucking face on a pillow so he can put it in the back of his room and pretend that he's like a real YouTuber so that he can make a better podcast than Matthew Vickers' podcast. Ralph is just going to sit here and look, he's, you know how much I use that same mic. You know how fucking expensive that mic is. That's like a $60 microphone. That whole setup is like a thousand dollars. If he bought like the equipment and shit too, that's like a thousand dollars. He was like, fuck it. I'm going to make a podcast better than Matthew Vickers. And I'm going to, uh, make it super professional. I'm going to have my nice arrangement of Funko pops. And I see a silver coin back there and my pillow, my fucking face on the fucking shelf. Um, And I'm just going to show Matthew Vickers that I am the better man.
But really, Ethan Ralph and Matthew Vickers are pretty much the same fucking person, which is why, as I've said in the past, that the reason why Faith went out of town and got knocked up is to spite Daddy, and Ethan Ralph and Matthew Vickers are exactly like each other. I need a sign. If I had a room like this, I would be tapping a sign in the back on my shelf that says...
That says, if you need to tell people you're better than someone, you're probably not. And Vickers falls right into that. I can tell that my chat is mostly midwits. The joke is that they're the same fucking person. Okay, chat, you get it? They're the same person.
Unknown_01: He, he has his podcast. He has, um, the same personality disorders, the same like weird defiance disorders. Uh, and he, and he's sitting there and he's desperately trying to explain. He's, he's making a show. He's bootstrapping a entire YouTube podcast.
Off the fact that his daughter was fucked and impregnated and humiliated by Ethan Ralph. He is taking that notoriety of being the dipshit retard father that birthed such a dis... That impregnated... That arose the spawn of someone so fucking retarded and mentally shattered that they were impregnated by Ethan Ralph. He is now taking that utter humiliation, the desecration of his family name and the offspring of and using that infamy to build a podcast so that he can prove to Ethan Ralph that he's a better podcaster and entertainer than him for whatever reason. Because he has the same utterly spiteful, insipid, low IQ personality that Ralph has.
And he did. He went to all the fucking links. I can see his... I forget what you call it. You see the silver thing in the back there that looks like a car radio? I have something like that on my desk. I can use it to fuck with my volume.
Unknown_01: I'm sorry. I blew your eardrums out. I shouldn't fuck with my volume to demonstrate that I have one of these things on my desk. Anyways.
It's a lot of money is what I'm trying to say. He put all this money in.
Unknown_01: put a lot of money into this setup so that you can prove to the world that he's better muted i'm not muted yet don't don't fuck with me uh i'll let him actually i've not watched this all the way through we'll go until we get bored but while we're at it there's this list of other things
I've numbered them because it's important. Number one, never knocked up a woman out of wedlock.
Unknown_01: Oh, that's right. He just goes on a list and says, like, I've never done these things that are bad.
Unknown_01: I'll skip the list. Oh, God, I'm going to break my chat because I refreshed the page. My kids, let alone 100% make mistakes.
Unknown_02: I got it. Even four or five of those things, I would say, if the person's apologetic, they can, you know, make it through. But 22 things.
Unknown_02: He really listed 22 fucking things.
Unknown_02: For some videos.
He looks so much like Ralph.
Unknown_01: Look at how much he looks like Ralph. He looks like if you took Ethan Ralph in one hand and Boogie in the other and went, bam, and smashed them together. That's the motherfucker that would fall out between your hands onto your head, okay? That's the person. Even sounds like Boogie. Like his speaking and his demeanor is exactly like Boogie. He just looks like Ralph with Boogie's beard and mannerisms. Wind to number 11 because chances are a storm's fucking coming.
Storm's coming. Okay, so he's threatening him. Exactly like Ralph. Exactly like Ralph, sitting there going, you know, Mr. Vickers is saying all this shit on fucking Twitter. Well, I'll show him, motherfucker. You better watch, boy. Storm's coming. Like, okay, Rad Roberts. And his whole thing, his name is like Vicious Vickers, which is exactly like Rad Roberts. It's like, in every way, in every way, this man is a reflection of Ethan Ralph. And just like Ethan Ralph, he can't... fucking tell he either can't tell or he refuses to admit it it's so baffling and he thinks and just like just like ralph he's on twitter replying to faith in in public on twitter even though they're related saying faith says supposedly i'm a meth head because sharp canines and yellow teeth and yes it looks like she's a fucking meth head uh in fact her boyfriend accused her of doing meth and she has meth mouth
Vickers replies to his daughter, who had Ethan Ralph's child, saying, It's a typical no-evidence-connect-the-dots Kiwisburg. Same words that Ralph uses to describe the forum. Kiwisburg narrative from back in the early days, kind of like how Faith still lives at home, moved out well over a year ago, and how I'm raising Xander. I've changed two diapers. Even Noel follows the false narratives like gospel. Even Noel.
Unknown_01: So, he's even developing, like, a weird, like, one-sided feud where he has to, like, prove me wrong as well. He's responding, by the way, to me making fun of him on the forum for raising Ralph's baby. Right now, the only person, like, he has, I think...
one grandchild between his kids and it is genetically half Ralph. And I said, you have been cucked. Your dynasty has been irreparably infused with this man who you hate, who you loathe, who you have based an entire internet persona around being in a feud with, who you've spent thousands of dollars to fuck with in the courts. This man owns your bloodline. He owns it. And you've raised another man's child because your single mom daughter can't do it by herself. So he refutes this and goes, I've only changed two diapers and she actually lives with grandma. So like your, your ass just admits, number one, you can't, you don't want to support these people cause they're fucking losers. So she goes off to grandma's house who is probably fucking 80 years old at this point. And, uh,
also is like ashamed of raising this grandkid. I've changed two diapers. My grandfather would not be ashamed to admit that he helped raise me. Like there would be no shame there, but he has to back this up and say, actually, I've only changed its diapers twice.
Like, why do you have to say that? Why do you have to say that, Vickers? Why do you have to say that you've only changed his diaper twice and you have minimal involvement in his life? Is it because you're ashamed of this child that you are now genetically related to and will probably be your only genetic legacy at this point? Is this why you have to clarify that you only have changed his diaper twice and you have no involvement with it? Is that why, Vickers? Is it because you're ashamed of this fucking blight in your family? Could that be why? Like...
Unknown_01: unbelievable and it's such a ralph move too to to say something stupid that admits something about how you feel about your own grandkid because you have to prove people on the internet wrong like how embarrassing and this dumb motherfucker really thinks that the forum won't last until this kid can read i guarantee you it will even even if you come to my house and shoot me fucking dead there is archives of this there are people who have access to the database there are people who can pull this hard drive out and and make it live and who would do so i remember um
I can't remember what the context was, but I remember like I had a buddy contact me out of the blue and said like he was making plans to come back to the U.S. to get my fucking hard drives because he thought I had died for some reason. So it's like the moment I disappear, there are people who are like, okay, we have to go to Vegas and we have to secure the hard drives of the Kiwi Farms. We have to find the cloud backup of the site and bring it back to life.
Unknown_01: It's like...
Unknown_01: he's just unbelievably short-sighted exactly like ralph and anytime i could say anything about him i i can always add exactly like ralph because it's always exactly like ralph even the fact that he denies that it's exactly like ralph is exactly like ralph because you compare ralph to monday matt and he's like nah blah nah because he either refuses to admit it or doesn't believe it just just crazy just crazy chat very interesting
Yeah, this poor kid has his whole family of little cows documented on the internet, even with Grandpa now. Exactly.
Unknown_01: yeah like his his daughter his mom is a fucking retard he'll be able kids at his school will see this woman's asshole being penetrated and sniffed by ethan ralph they will see the moment of his conception on the internet and bully him for it and there is a um that's not a joke there's an epidemic right now from what i understand in low income low income schools where where teachers have issues with children finding their classmates' OnlyFans and bullying them for it. Like, here's pictures of your mom naked, retard. Like, obviously that's going to fucking happen. And then they're going to see, oh, my grandpa distanced himself from me and says that he only involves himself minimally with me and shit my mom off to live with someone else because he doesn't want to be around me so that he can put up some kind of fucking internet feud with two different retards on the internet. Like... How cringe. How pathetic. How utterly fucking pathetic. How soul-crushingly pathetic to even think about that this kid is raised in this environment.
Sucks to be him. I don't know how I'm going to follow that up with Jake Paul. Oh, jeez.
Unknown_01: That's all I have to say about Vickers. I have nothing to say about Ralph. I can't tell you what he's been up to. I think he's been, like, on the beach. He went to AFPAC or something. Fumbled around in AFPAC.
Unknown_01: And he wasn't a speaker. Nick Fuentes is not dumb enough to let that man hear a microphone at a convention.
Unknown_01: Okay.
Unknown_01: Jake Paul. Uh-oh, no data. No data.
Oh, I'm glad. I'm glad that I noticed that my internet went out. It was a good time, too. Good time for the internet to go out.
Unknown_01: Right after I'm segwaying to a different area.
Unknown_01: I'll take a sip of water while everyone reconnects.
Unknown_01: Welcome back, chat.
Unknown_01: So Jake Paul, known mostly for going to a wooded area of Japan and streaming a dead body to YouTube, has teamed up with Soulja Boy Little Yachty to advertise a cryptocurrency project called SafeMoon. And there are, in case you don't know in the world, there are these projects which are essentially Ponzi schemes.
You have technologies like Bitcoin and Ethereum and Monero and BAT, of course, which have a purpose. They are designed as a solution to a problem which presently exists and it requires a specific digital currency implementation to resolve.
Unknown_01: However, in the advent of this technology,
Unknown_01: groundbreaking idea of digital currency.
People realize that you can make a lot of fucking money through cryptocurrency because a lot of these people are investors trying to find the next Bitcoin thinking, Oh, I can invest money into this project.
Unknown_01: at pennies, and then it'll be $60,000 in a couple years. That's what a lot of people are hoping for, especially like Indians and stuff. And it is like a pyramid scheme or a Ponzi scheme because what happens is that someone makes a project like SafeMoon worth absolutely nothing. What they do is they sell it for a token. You go to their website, and it's called like a drop or something. I forget the name of it.
Unknown_01: But essentially you send, like with an Ethereum token, the way they do these is you send Ethereum, which is a valuable currency that has a real purpose, to their Ethereum wallets.
And then based on how much Ethereum you give them, the people who make this technology, they send you tokens.
Unknown_01: Which if you ever hear an Ethereum token, that's what it is. So they send you like a token in response saying, okay, you gave us $1,000 worth of Ethereum, so you get a million SafeMoon tokens. And based on how much SafeMoon is worth, that's probably exactly what it is. You get a million SafeMoon tokens for every $1,000 of Ethereum that you send them.
Unknown_01: um and then everyone thinks oh my god this is this is a thing that um i'm gonna make money off of this is gonna be worth a dollar each and then i'll have a million dollars for my one thousand dollar investment so they then now okay you're now um pajit you live in delhi in india and you have invested your entire life savings you've worked every day for the last 20 years to make a thousand dollars and you've now invested that entirely in safe moon because soldier boy your favorite rapper Crank that hoe and then told you that this is the next big thing.
So then you tell everyone in your village that they should sell their cows and put the money in SafeMoon because it's going to be the next big thing. And then the value goes up and you think, oh my god, I'm up 2x. I've got $2,000 with the SafeMoon now.
Unknown_01: And then little yachty comes on and Jake Paul, Jake Paul's selling it on his, um, on his, uh, YouTube account. So you think, Oh my God, it's going to go up again. So you sell, you take a reverse mortgage. You tell the banker, uh, that, uh, you're taking out a loan against your house and you're going to put that money. And now you put everything you've owned and then shit you don't own into safe moon. You've given it all up to soldier boy, little yachty and Jake Paul, uh, who are at the tippy top of this pyramid scheme with the CEO of the safe moon founder, uh, Brandon Caroni.
And then they sell. Little Soldier Boy, Little Yachty, and Jake Paul sell their SafeMoon token at market. So they dump it onto the exchanges and they clear out all the buy orders at every level. And then suddenly it drops from $1.53 to $1.19. And this is what is called a rug pull.
It is when a founder has token, sells the token, and then once the buy orders are filled up on the market, they sell it and your token is worth nothing. And then they disappear.
Unknown_01: So then you don't have enough money and you don't have your thousand dollars. Everyone in your village hates you because they sold their cows and now they only have like ten dollars and safe moon token and they can't sell it. And then the mortgage company comes and takes your house because you put a reverse mortgage on your home and now you can't pay it back. And that's essentially what happens with these with these projects. So.
Unknown_01: Never never number one ever never invest your oh actually here. It says exactly what it is Safemoon token hit a low of so Here it was god. It's so it's so it's such a shit token, too It's like fractions of a dollar and it's worth less way less than that Like half of what it was an 80% drop from its height during the class period complete garbage Number one, never invest more money than you're willing to lose. Number two, never do a short unless you know what the fuck you're doing and generally unless you're a gambling addict. And number three, don't invest money into something you don't understand because people don't understand. Just the name. Just the name is like a scam. safe moon, safe moon. Like it's a meme. Like they say when Bitcoin goes way up, it went from a thousand dollars to $60. They went to the moon and now it's like a meme. Uh, so the guys take the meme and they call it safe moon. And then everyone who's retarded thinks, Oh my God, this is a surefire thing. Cause it's called safe moon. And that's literally, that's like the actual thought process that goes into investing your fucking money into this shit is it's literally called safe moon and soldier boy told you that it's a good thing. Like for real fucking retarded.
I actually kind of root for the securities exchange on this one. I would love for the government to take obvious scams like this and remove them from the economy. Because they do nothing but hurt the economy. You say, oh, I accept cryptocurrency. And then someone snubs their nose and goes, oh, cryptocurrency? That shit that Soulja Boy tells people to buy? That's a scam. And it's just like, fuck.
It ruins a good thing for everybody when retards like this have their way. This is exactly why regulation happens to begin with, when ideally things would be unregulated.
Unknown_01: Economic Darwinism. Yeah, but it hurts everybody. It hurts everyone when you have scams like this. Which is why I don't... I'm not like a true ANCAP LARPer. I do believe in some protections. People are stupid. And there needs to be some way to make sure that fucking soldier boy doesn't make $100 million off of fucking retards. That's just bullshit.
It's not fair. People are stupid. They can't help it. They need some protection from themselves at some point.
Unknown_01: Government exists to protect and reward the stupid.
Unknown_01: You know, I don't know. I do agree that at a certain point people should be left to their own devices, but at the same point, same time, I don't like obviously malicious bad people, you know, pulling shit off like this and being rewarded for it. We shouldn't encourage a society of exploitation because...
It's contrary to what a society should be. You should have some pride in that. You should be trying to build it up and not rip each other off.
Unknown_01: Now, if these guys were scamming only Indians, more power to them.
Unknown_01: Okay, that's the Jake Paul show. Other strange little news thing.
Unknown_01: The biggest update to the Weeb Wars board in fucking forever.
Oh, yeah, that's right. I was like, God, how did... I was thinking, do you really have... This person doesn't really have triple parentheses in their username. Then I remembered that I have the extension. I have the coincidence detector extension. Damon Mills, who is a homosexual voice actor in the anime voice acting industry, was accused, j'accuse, of homosexual pederasty, I'm pretty sure. Where's the article at? Here we go. From the Anime News Network.
In a public document, an Ohio man has accused Evangelion film and Sonny Boy voice actor Damon Mills of groping him and masturbating next to him while he was asleep. According to the alleged victim, the incidents took place between 2014 and 2015 when the man was a high school student and Mills was 20 to 21 years old late.
Unknown_01: Oh, okay. That makes sense. Mills, through a cease and desist letter, sent the alleged victim on February 18th, asserts that the relationship was consensual and mutual and the allegations are wholeheartedly false and without merit. The voice actor is asking that the allegations be retracted. According to the man who spoke to a anime news network over a video call and was asked to be called Duncan due to concerns of retaliation and privacy, he met Mills via Facebook when he was just a shy, quiet, and anxious 15-year-old boy. He said that they began talking in December of 2012 when the yet undiscovered voice actor was living in Hawaii.
According to Duncan, they became familiar with one another through the fan dub scene, blah, blah, blah. Then he jerked off on them, I guess.
Unknown_01: Now, the anime people have declared this an unconditional victory.
This man who has decried Vic Mignogna is now a jayakusei himself, and therefore Vic wins yet again, boys and girls.
Unknown_01: uh damon mills from 2019 says many voices have been echoing a pressing pressing issue and this needs a strong united front i believe survivors it takes a tremendous level of courage to speak openly about sexual assault and trauma please support victims don't dismiss their stories there's truth to be heard love emoji and again on february 7th 2019 read manika's thread wait
Unknown_01: monica i always call her monica i forget that monica is a real name i've only heard the black the black version monica for most of my life and i i always think it's monica no it's monica read monica's thread open your eyes people need to stop being so blind as to what is happening i stand firmly with monica and every single other victim he has violated and harassed stop challenging facts and belittling victims and supporters you know i remember when i was on um
Nick or Kate is show. And we were talking about the Vic Manana stuff.
Unknown_01: I kept calling her Monica. And every time I did, he would smile and laugh to himself very quietly. And then I realized like 20 minutes later, like the chat was telling me that I'm pronouncing her name wrong. It's Monica, not Monica. And I said, I said something like incredulous. Like, why didn't you correct me? And he said, he thought it was funny.
Unknown_01: So he just sit there and let me pretend that Monica was a black lady for the entire fucking stream.
Good times. One day I will stop being sued by people that Nick Arcata is talking about on the stream. I can say hello again. He's apparently going to talk about the filings from the Melinda Scott case.
Unknown_01: Hopefully he'll... I don't know if it's secret or not. Actually, no, I already explained this. She's pregnant. That'll be a good time. That'll be a laugh for all I have.
Unknown_01: Oh, okay. Okay.
Unknown_01: I have some miscellaneous stuff to wrap up with.
So we've now crossed the hour mark, and once I've been talking for an hour, I become uncomfortable, as we all know.
Unknown_01: Two tech issues that I have lined up. One is the message from...
Unknown_01: Gabriel, parenthesis, parenthesis, parenthesis, parenthesis, parenthesis, Weinberg, parenthesis, parenthesis, parenthesis, parenthesis, verified checkmark, at Yeg, who I believe is the founder and owner, CEO and founder of DuckDuckGo. Gabriel says, like so many others, I am sickened by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create. Hashtag stand with Ukraine. At DuckDuckGo, we've been rolling out search updates that downrank sites associated with Russian disinformation.
In addition to down-ranking sites associated with disinformation, we also often place news modules and other information boxes at the top of DuckDuckGo search results where they are seen and clicked the most to highlight quality information for rapidly unfolding topics. DuckDuckGo's mission is to make simple privacy protection accessible to all. Privacy is a human right and transcends politics, which is why 100 million people around the world use DuckDuckGo. We don't have an exact count since we don't track people. I am conflicted on this. I obviously don't agree with fucking with information like this. But to an extent, as someone who runs services, I kind of understand...
that there is a desire to make a service high quality by emphasizing better sources and stuff. I can understand to an extent what they're going for.
Unknown_01: My other thing that I am concerned about with this is the reaction to this is very, very negative, which is understandable because they're openly admitting to fucking with results to highlight good information, right?
Which is not something that a lot of users of DuckDuckGo would want, is people fucking with their information. However...
Unknown_01: um my my concern with the overwhelmingly negative response to this is that it tells search engines that if you admit to doing anything people will hate you for it whereas google actively fucks with everything all the fucking time and nobody like nobody cares and they don't say anything about it because they don't have to I would rather that providers be rewarded for being honest about what they do to manipulate search results as opposed to keeping it a trade secret like Google does.
So I'm very mixed about this. I feel kind of bad that they're doing the right thing by being honest about what they're doing and are being denigrated for it. But at the same time, it's like, I don't know. Do I trust Gabriel Weinman to tell me what's true and what isn't? Well, no, of course not.
Unknown_00: I don't trust anyone to tell me what's true and what isn't.
Unknown_01: So I can be bad at both. I am. It does suck because you understand like why a service provider would not would keep things secret from you, despite having a policy of transparency. If this is the kind of reaction that they get for for for speaking up about the actions of their company about sometimes just like.
Yeah, it is kind of shit.
Unknown_01: I think that in this case, if you are a fan of DuckDuckGo, you should voice your opposition to it without being like, well, I'm not going to use it anymore. I think threatening to not use it may not be the way to go, but what do I know?
Unknown_01: And it is, it's a very, it's a very intense, like the whole reason why you want people to be transparent about what they're doing with a service is so that you can switch off it. If they start doing things that you don't like. Um, but Dr. Go is kind of like a, a, you know, like a leader in their, their privacy oriented search results and stuff, though. I don't know. Um, the reaction is, is so negative that maybe he'll reverse on it or, or something or expand, make it an option. Uh,
And it's nice to have options.
Unknown_01: Shouldn't have done it in the first place if they care about transparency. Even if Russia lies, there's no reason to prevent people from seeing lies that can reasonably be disproven by other sources. I do agree with that very much.
Unknown_01: And like I said, my main thought is just that it's concerning to see such an overwhelm. Like they could have just not told anyone and probably people wouldn't have noticed. You know what I mean? It's not like people search stuff on DuckDuckGo and then say like, where's my Russia Today link? I don't see Sputnik news anywhere. That's exactly what I was. Are they like demoting Sputnik? I love Sputnik news. I'm not really. Oh, you know what's funny?
Oh man. I don't know. I don't know what, what country my proxy is. Hold up. I want to see if I can show people this.
Unknown_01: Oh, it does work.
Oh, it doesn't. What the fuck?
Unknown_01: Depending on what country your VPN is, RT.com, RT underscore com, if you go on Twitter, if you're in a European Union country, I think is what it searches for. Because my VPN right now is set to the UK. The UK isn't EU anymore.
Unknown_01: But you get a message that says, Account withheld. RT underscore com's account has been withheld in Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, blah, blah, blah.
In response to a legal demand. So you cannot view Sputnik or RT on Twitter if you're in the EU because they have actually literally, in the literal definition of the word, literally censored these publications in the European Union. Fucking crazy, isn't it?
Unknown_01: So I'm so concerned about this internet shit because they're actively censoring stuff. Literally, literally, literally censoring shit.
Unknown_01: Like, why? It's called Russia Today. It's called Sputnik. I'm pretty sure that the average person sees Russia Today and thinks, oh, this is the Russian point of view. You know what I mean? Like, how much... How protected is the average person in Belgium need to be from the Russian point of view? Is this a critical issue in Belgium?
It's another funny European country. Slovenia. Yeah, watch out for the Slovenians. If you let Sputnik talk to the Slovenians, they're going to fucking overthrow the government. They're going to start the Third Reich in Slovenia.
Get real. Stop treating people like fucking babies.
Unknown_01: Liechtenstein.
Unknown_01: Liechtenstein isn't any of you. Checkmate.
Unknown_01: If you're in Liechtenstein, you can read as much Sputnik as you want. Nobody's going to stop you. They have a king, you know, I think. Or maybe it's like a prince. I think they have a monarchy in Liechtenstein. The UN has condemned them formally for having a monarch still. But there's only like 10 people that live in Liechtenstein. So they're just like, fuck you.
We like our prince. He hangs out at the pub with us and drinks beer and watches football. We're not getting rid of him.
Unknown_01: Lichtenstein has a duke. Lichtenstein is not the new Switzerland. Lichtenstein is Switzerland, Switzerland. When Switzerland has to hide shit, like Nazi gold, they use Lichtenstein. And that's why Lichtenstein has remained an independent country throughout the years, is because it benefits Switzerland. Because they have like a weird partnership. If you don't know, Liechtenstein is sandwiched between Austria and Switzerland. And they have like a weird partnership where Switzerland protects the sovereignty of Liechtenstein. Neither of them are in the EU. They both use the Swiss franc. And Switzerland uses Liechtenstein's independence to gain geopolitical situations and stuff. Very interesting.
Never trust the Swiss or the Liechtensteiners.
Unknown_01: Let's talk flags.
Unknown_01: I don't have any flag talk today.
I'm tired of seeing the Ukrainian flag. If that counts as flag talk.
Unknown_01: That's my hot flag take of the day. Fucking sick of it. I like blue and gold in general. Blue and gold are a beautiful combination. Fucking tired of it, chat. I can't stand it anymore.
Unknown_01: uh speaking of just real quick and um i'm only mentioning this because it's tech stuff and it interests me uh actually i don't even know i didn't mention this did i um cogent if i'm just going to repeat myself just in case cogent an internet backbone company one of the few like there's only like six or seven companies in the world that are called an internet backbone and and even though Cogent isn't actually an internet backbone, they're missing like one connection to some Chinese company to be considered an internet backbone. They have banned all their Russian customers.
They've banned all their Russian customers and they're an Internet backbone. So now the amount of available bandwidth out of Russia is significantly reduced because they don't they cannot access this ISP directly. So it's like it's happening. The little I Internet of Russia is forming. And this is another issue that exasperates and solidifies a little I Internet.
Unknown_01: Because what happened is Russia has a couple of big banks, which are currently formally sanctioned by the U.S. and other international organizations called Gosus Lugi. I don't know how the fuck you pronounce that. But they released an email to people saying some sites may not open now. This is due to problems in the work of certificate authorities that check the security and reliability of capital I Internet resources. In order to have access to all sites and the necessary online services, including the state services, we recommend installing browsers that support the Russian Certificate Authority. Now, there is such functionality, for example, in Yandex Browser or Adam Hope, or Adam, Hope for Understanding, the Mint Cifra team. So they're literally telling people to install a Russian browser that uses a different root certificate authority Because the American one that they were using, which was called like Treka or something. I can't. Trapka. It had a weird name. But, oh, here.
Thalta. Thalta said revoke their certificates. So the major banks which rely on SSL certificate authorities like Thalta have revoked their SSL certificates. So now nobody can access the fucking bank account because you get an SSL error. when you try to visit the website, because THOTA, an international certificate authority, sanctioned Russia by revoking their bank certificates. So now to get around this, they're having to tell people to install a Yandex browser that uses a Russian certificate authority that still verifies their certificates, which is fucking nuts. If the SSL certificate authorities are blocking shit in Russia... Soft blocking Russian websites by invalidating their certificates. That means that every country has to run their own certificate authority because it puts you at international threat for these unlegislated foreign companies to randomly say, oh, you can't access your fucking bank account today because we're invalidating your SSL certificate. That's a huge issue. That's massive. That's like a proper step towards a fragmentation of the internet along economic borders like Russia, China, EU, and America. I'm not happy with this at all. I'm really not happy to see this in real time. But I knew it was coming. I knew when Russia was...
Um, forcing ISPs to run tests to see what would happen if they could not communicate with any non-Russian ISP, like essentially shutting off the internet and making a little I internet, um, for one minute. It was a one minute test, but when that happened, I knew they were preparing for something like this and they were in their rights to be prepared because it's happening. It's literally happening.
I mean, it's scary and it sucks because I like a lot of people from Russia and all over the world.
Unknown_01: And we're going to go back to a time when you could only talk to your neighbors. You can only talk freely to people in your economic union and who you're on good terms – your economic union is on good terms with. Like, fuck that. Um, on that note, I would like people to, to look into tour. There are two Twitter accounts. I'll actually show real quick, just in case you're Twitter, you're interested in these kinds of topics. I'm not going to chew your ear off for much longer. There's at tour project and then at EFF. Uh, and if you don't use Twitter, I would actually strongly suggest visiting EFF.org. The EFF has, is the electronic front frontier foundation. And they have
Some of the strongest pro-internet, pro-personal liberty stances, consistent stances that I've ever seen, which is why they're the only non-profit that I actively follow.
Because the rest are shit. Someone looked at this and said, like, some gay put out... They're protesting, like, fucking with rushing internet and shit. And it's good. It's good to have that kind of voice. But someone complained that there's, like, a gay thing on this.
Unknown_01: And here it is. Twitter and Facebook must speak out against Ghana's repulsive anti-LGBTI bill. And this is a horrific, appalling flag which takes the Ghana flag and the rainbow flag and mashes them together. A truly abhorrent thing to look at.
And this is still about censorship. Ghana wants to ban gays and wants to ban people talking about gays.
Unknown_01: And I think it proposes that...
Unknown_01: um like twitter and facebook would have to delete content that's gay or stop it from showing up in ghana and this is a consistent it's consistent with everything else that they're for therefore not censoring sputnik not censoring russia today not censoring news from either side of the war not fucking with the internet and they're saying like don't enforce an anti-gay ban from ghana And someone sees this and they think, like, oh, this is paused. And if it is paused, I'm sure it has a little bit of pause floating around in it because it's an NGO and it's involved in the internet. It's the least paused of all such things. So don't be so haste, so quick to throw it out.
Didn't the EU try to implement a similar law for copyrighted material and that gay shit? Yes.
Unknown_01: Can't remember what the fuck it was called. But yes, they proposed some horrific sweeping copyright bill that is just a nightmare. Nobody's going to host in the EU. Though, I don't know, with little lie internets, you don't have a fucking choice. Right now, if you want freedom, you host in the US. But maybe the EU, for economic reasons, will start banning certain websites that don't comply with their copyright laws. Because how big of a step is that? You say, well, we're banning our misinformation and now we're banning copyright. You can't visit these websites. We're revoking their SSL certificates from our EU SSL authority, which by law all browsers must sync to in order to use the internet from the EU.
We're banning it because it's a copyright infringement. It's like, well, fuck you. Fuck all this shit.
Unknown_01: I'm really just sick of it.
Unknown_01: Go to Ukraine and tell us how bad censorship is.
Unknown_01: What?
Unknown_01: What the fuck does that mean? It's always bad. What the fuck kind of non sequitur is that? Go to a war zone and then you'll see how bad censorship really is. What the fuck does that mean, retard?
Australia banned the farms for a period of time. No, that is a misconception. I can't remember what company it was. I think it was Verizon Australia. But preemptively, before getting any kind of complaint from the government, an Australian New Zealand company basically censored the site through its DNS server. uh, in, in those countries, but they didn't do that because of the government. And then when people found out about this, I told them to email their ISP and complain very loudly. And it was overturned within like 24 hours because enough people complained.
Um, in case you're wondering how that, I'm telling you, the internet is so fragile. People don't really understand when you connect to, um, your ISP. If you have an unmodified device, you just have a regular phone or a regular computer and you connect to your ISP. Um, you get a couple of things of information from your ISP. You get their, um, their gateway, you get their, um, what your IP is, you get their, uh, like some networking information, but then they also suggest to you DNS, the domain name servers. So you'll get from your ISP, um, domain name servers. And then when you go to type in kiwifarms.net, you ask your domain name servers, which by default will be the ones that your ISP provides to you. And then if the ISP DNS servers are actively prohibiting resolving kiwifarms.net, it will return to you a not found error as if the site doesn't exist at all. It never has existed.
That's what DNS blocking is. And that's what everyone should use and should know how DNS works and know how to change their DNS servers.
Unknown_01: Like Cloudflare is just 1.1.1 and 1.1. 0.0.1?
Unknown_01: I think so. Or and Memorize those numbers. You can change your DNS server to them and get around censorship like that. Or if you use Tor, Tor uses a different way to resolve domain names, so you can always connect to shit with the Tor browser, which is why it's good to have it on your phone or your computer.
But, like, my grandma's ISP was Cox. And if you typed in a domain name that it couldn't find, instead of just saying that it couldn't find your domain name, it would lie to you. It would lie to you and resolve your domain name to their, like, search engine. They had, like, a proprietary search engine that they added ads to. So you would type in, like, brokendomain.top or whatever, and you would get forwarded to their search engine because they would hijack your... And this is how...
Like your Starbucks Wi-Fi works. You connect to their Wi-Fi and then you get like a DNS hijack. You type in google.com and then Starbucks says, no, no, no. You must first go to termsandconditions.starbucks.com and then once you accept our terms and conditions, then your DNS will resolve to google.com correctly. DNS hijacking is fucking evil and fuck anyone that does it basically.
Unknown_01: Always change your DNS to either Google's or Cloudflare's. There's tons of free ones out there. Just change them.
And any good VPN will also use their own DNS that is not... Because we had an issue with... It was IBM. IBM censored the forum for a while. So anyone using corporate Wi-Fi that used their DNS resolver, they got a 404. So...
Unknown_01: That's bullshit. That's so bullshit. These companies can just fuck you over and there's no... You can't even appeal it. There's no appeals process for this.
Here's how I appeal shit being blocked now. I tell people who notice it to complain. When firewalls started blocking the Kiwi Farms for harmful content, I told them to complain. I pulled up a giant list of their customer service email addresses and their contact forms and how to complain. I told them, this is who you contact. Yell at them. say that they're faggots, say that you're going to drop their service. And that works.
Unknown_01: That actually works.
Unknown_01: Complaining has worked since the 1960s. Complaining works right now. As we can see, the Karens have invaded, and I'm having to change my position on Chantal. Actually, the platforming is totally based and cool, and you shouldn't kill yourself if you think that.
I think I'm done. Have I missed anything?
Unknown_01: How strange is the relationship between Russia and Serbia right now? Bro, Serbia is the only country in the world that has fucking demonstrations in support of Putin. There are people marching down the streets of Belgrade in support of Putin waving Russian flags. Only country in the world that is doing this.
That's because, if you don't remember, NATO bombed the fuck out of Belgrade and tore a chunk of it off and named it Kosovo, which is not a legitimate state, in case you're wondering. Kosovo can go fuck itself. It's full of Albanians, but it's rightful Serbian clay.
Unknown_01: Wasn't the largest portion of Tor's nodes compromised by the FBI? No, that is not true.
Unknown_01: There is an identification attack that Tor has, I think, corrected to some degree, but it's very hard to pull off, and it only works against hidden services. So this was discovered because the FBI wanted to unveil a bunch of child pornography sites, and they didn't exploit to identify the location of those sites.
And that worked, but now people believe that Tor as a whole is compromised and is not. Tor is still the most anonymous network on the internet. There is no VPN that can offer you better security than the onion routing system can.
Unknown_01: Why don't I put my wallet address up during these streams? You can find it on the site. I might do a little bit more to make more money in the future.
Unknown_01: Once I have some more space and I have a comfy gaming environment, I would like to stream.
Unknown_01: Like CK3 and stuff. I think me playing CK3 would probably be fun. I think people would like that because it's a fun game where you like...
uh raid people's buildings and then steal their wives and make them concubines and then you kill babies because they're um threatening your inheritance i think people would find that really funny a ck3 playthrough uh all right okay oh god i went to like desktop editing mode
Unknown_01: If you want to support, there's the Gumroad. The link is on the end of the stream. I think that's it. I don't see anything in chat that I didn't cover.
Unknown_01: So I guess I'll see you guys next week. Thanks for... Oh, Chris. No, I already mentioned Chris. I mentioned that he went to a mental hospital.
Unknown_01: I think that's it. The Ghost of Kiev. Grandpa of Kharkiv. Sneeter of Odessa.
Unknown_01: All right. Bye-bye. Where's my outro song at?
Unknown_01: Oh, wait. Where'd it go?
Unknown_01: Okay. Bye-bye.
Seven scores, seven more were bound for bad to me And hardly got away before a tempest shook the sea The siren sends mighty hordes, lash the sails, strain the cords Sing it all away, the Black Sea Gale-O Ah, two big gnomes straight away answered with a grin I know not where we're going to, but I sure know where we've been The wind comes on, shakes the sky, we press on, faces high Sing it all away, the Black Sea Gale-O
Unknown_03: We sing so loud. We sing so proud. I miss the howling whale. Your sons are lost. They're weary buddies tossed and pitched up to the rail. Brown.
Unknown_03: Hey, you can take Odessa, man, and shake them to the bone The songs they learned at mummy's knee will always bring them home The linden trees strain and bend, storm is gone, rise again Sing it all away, the Black Sea Gale Odessa, we sing so loud Odessa, we sing so proud Odessa, amidst the howling wind Odessa, your sons are lost Leery hands across the deckside, faces pale Black Sea Gale
Odessa, we sing so loud. Odessa, we sing so proud. Odessa, amidst the howling.
Unknown_03: Odessa, your sons are loud.
I did it! I made it! The flag!