you 0:01:01 Unknown_12: What the fuck is Warhammer? Why are you people talking about Warhammer? Unknown_12: Praise the children of the Omni-Saya. Warhammer 40k. Mechanus OST. What the fuck does that mean? Look. Look here. I don't fucking play Warhammer. I don't want to confuse anyone into thinking I play Warhammer. What I do is I let my little radio thing pick music that it thinks I'll like. And I just so happen to think I like that song. And it was okay. So, I have... Look here. Listen. Listen. 0:01:34 Unknown_12: I have picked it. I'm in a bad mood today. I made the mistake of talking to Americans, and now I'm angry. Unknown_12: This is a common occurrence in my life. I'll talk to people, and then I'll become upset as a result. Unknown_12: This week has sucked immensely. For multiple reasons, there's not much happening, and also... I need to change the title of the stream. And also, I've been getting DDoS, so my ability to do anything has been impeded. It's a weird thing where, I've talked about this before, but when the site's down, I just become agitated. I can't really focus on anything else. 0:02:05 Unknown_12: It's like, I don't know, I can't even, like, play Dota when the site's down, because it just frustrates me. And I have, like, I guess I'll just say, like, for the last month, we've been free of DDoS attacks, like, through January, like, December, early, like, all January, and then early February. No attacks whatsoever. And then, out of nowhere, an attack happens, which is an inevitability. It would, of course, happen regardless. 0:02:42 Unknown_12: of any happenings on the site, as it does. So I had been in the works with this. I had been talking to a mitigation company. I had been waiting for them to set it up. The attack happens, and I talk to them, Unknown_12: And I try to figure out, okay, well, great. We're already in the process of onboarding me. Can we speed this up? Because the attack is ongoing now. So I talked to their team and there's like three different fucking teams. They're split all over the place, all over the world. I talked to the team one and I'm like, okay, well, this is the issue. And then they say, well, you're, you have multiple upstreams and you have to like filter through our network. So you have to change the announcement of your IP addresses so that it only goes through our network. And I talked to my upstream and I said, this is what they said. And he's like, well, I don't think that's true. 0:03:20 Unknown_12: We'll see what we can do. Nothing happens. And I talked to the sales rep and I say, like, this is what your team, your technician said. This is what my upstream said. Can you fix this? And he's like, I'll see what I can do. And then it's just like why the fuck can nobody do their jobs? Like why do the people that I pay don't do their fucking jobs? Why does nobody know what's happening? Why can't you just fucking fix it? For the amount of money I'm paying, fix it. 0:03:56 Unknown_12: Go send someone out there and don't let him come home until it has been fixed. Like the amount of money that I'm paying, it warrants that level of support. Unknown_12: So now I'm just waiting for a reply from one of four fucking people who have received emails from me, very angry, nasty emails in the last 24 hours saying, I need this fixed. I was patient on Saturday. I was patient on Sunday. I was unreasonably patient on Monday, which is when it should have been fixed. And now I have been impatient for the last couple days and it's Friday and it's still not fixed. It's by chance, by pure coincidence, the routing is going mostly through mitigation, which means that most people can access the site during attacks, but not everybody. Not everybody, and that's bullshit because we were almost at 6,000 people on average, and now we're not. You know why? Because the site's been down. When the site's fucking down, people don't go to the site, and then they forget. The habit breaks. They fuck off and do other things, and it's like this is damaging the growth of the site, and I need the site to grow because I need more people to donate so that I can afford the fucking service that should be blocking the DDoS attack. This is the circle of life, and you're fucking with me by not fixing the shit when it should have been set up last month to begin with before the attack happened. 0:04:41 Unknown_12: It's so utterly fucking perturbing that no amount of money can get people to do their fucking jobs. Like, especially in the U.S. You pay Americans to do something, they don't fucking do it. You pay them for DDoS mitigation, you don't get DDoS mitigation. You pay them for co-location, your shit gets thrown in a box when someone complains about it. It's like Americans don't know how... You pay them to deliver your fucking silver coins and they lose it. And now I've got like a list of two dozen people who need their packages re-sent because guess what? If I send coins to the U.K., guess what happens to those coins? They ripped the fucking bag open. Do you know how many people in the UK complained about their coins being ripped out of the bags by the post office workers? What the fuck is wrong with that country? 0:05:17 Unknown_12: Actually, I need something to work. I need my shit. I need my merchandise sales to work. I need the DDoS protection to work. I need some shit to work without me having to think about it. And it never does. 0:05:50 Unknown_12: I'm so fucking frustrated. Ralph won. Yeah, Ralph has impregnated a Jewish horse. I've managed to not do that, so I'm going to consider myself a little bit luckier than he is. Unknown_12: UK post office interview. No, I know it. Asian grooming gang stole my fucking coins out of the bags. Unknown_12: I don't know. 0:06:21 Unknown_12: I really think I should have just put everything in Taiwan. I shouldn't have done the whole, oh, I'm going to name my hosting company 1776 Hosting. I'm going to keep it in America because America has the most freedoms on paper. Unknown_12: Well, my folly was expecting Americans to be able to do anything. Not the case. Don't rely on them. If you're an entrepreneur and you're thinking, like, I want to open a business and I want to do things and I want to make a company, don't do it in America. Go to Malaysia. Put everything in Malaysia. And then when the government says, sir, why does your website say that the Prophet Muhammad is a pedophile? Don't you know that Malaysia is a Muslim country? And you can just be like, oh, you know, it's a mistake. Here's some money. And they'll be like, okay, thank you. And they'll leave you alone. And nothing will happen. You do that in America. It's like, why does it say this offensive thing? We're going to have to shut down your site, sir. And you literally cannot pay us enough money to tolerate this because otherwise we'll get canceled on Twitter. 0:06:55 Unknown_12: Coin update, if you don't have your fucking coin, go to the site. There's an email address. Send me your order number and say you haven't gotten your fucking coin. I'll send you your track. If you don't have it yet, you should have it. If you haven't gotten it yet, you need to email me because I'm about to send out the ones that were stolen in the UK by black people that work in the post office. And I'm going to send out the ones that just went completely missing or the people who were lazy and didn't tell me about their address change or didn't go through or whatever the fuck. So if you're not on that list and you tell me in March after they've already gone out, you're fucked. I'll refund you, but that's it. You're not getting your coin. 0:07:27 Unknown_12: Just terrible buffering. No, it's just you, buddy. Unknown_12: So that's my update for this week. I'm just in a shitty mood. I'm thinking about a lot of things all at once and they all suck. 0:08:07 Unknown_12: And it's frustrating when my problems are things that I can't talk to people about. It's okay if the problem is something that I can talk to people about. I can go on this and I can lay it all out flat and clear as can be. I can specify exactly what it is. And usually I don't even have to because I just go to my site, you know, make a feature and I'll be like, this is my problem. And then like eight people have a way to fix it. But when I should like personal shit that I can't get into, it's it fucking eats at me. And I have to like try and solicit advice and wait. Like I email my lawyer, one of my lawyers, and I just say like, hey, what do you know about this? And it's like it's not legally related at all. To his field. But it's like, who else can I trust to tell me things that I need? So only the person who's legally not allowed to tell anyone what I ask him. That's who. I'm going to stop spamming Homeslice. 0:08:43 Unknown_12: I really hate that. That's the thing that people have learned. Like, if I just send the same message like 90 times, then it's okay. It'll get read out. Unknown_12: How's the wait list going? It's slow. It's slow right now. 0:09:16 Unknown_12: I tried journaling. I mean, it's not like I can't express myself because I'm too autistic to figure out how to place it into words. And maybe if my medium was written, I would be able to write it out. It's like I am a very pragmatic person. I do not care what the solution is as long as it works. And that's it. That's me too. That's every facet of my life. I don't want to talk about things. I don't want to talk about feelings anymore. I want to identify what the problem is and I want to solve it as quickly and effectively as possible so I never have to think about it ever again. And when the problem cannot be readily resolved in that way, it drives me crazy. I can't think, I can't work, I can't play games. I just sit and I am angry. And that's where I'm at right now with a couple of things. 0:09:50 Unknown_12: Especially with the DDoS shit. It's like, this should not be a thing. This should not be a thing that takes more than an hour to fix. I should be able to say, fix this shit, and then throw money at it, and the shit is fixed the same day. That should be what a DDoS mitigation is like. And it's just not. It's people who don't give a fuck. And no amount of money can compel them to care because they're cosmopolitan dickbags in fucking California who cannot be convinced to care about shit. 0:10:36 Unknown_12: how are the plants, my dude, it is February, it is cold as fuck, it is gray and miserable and rainy outside, nothing grows, nothing grows, I might, uh, I might germinate stuff, but then again, I don't know, I plan, I don't, I don't know where I'll be, I don't know if I can bring plants with me, maybe I'll germinate something later, but not right now, Unknown_12: Holiday to the UK. I would literally, literally rather set myself on fire than go to the United Kingdom. If I go to the United Kingdom, it will be as a prisoner of war. Under no other conditions will I enter any other territory of the UK. Unknown_12: What a miserable life. I'm not... It's not even like I'm miserable. I have lots of things to be happy about. It's just that when problems come up, I fix them. And if I can't fix them, it drives me crazy. 0:11:29 Unknown_12: And it happens every so often, but it happens. Unknown_12: What about Jersey? What, that shitty little island between France and the United States? Why would I go there? Why would I go to Jersey? What's there? Guidettes? Is that where all the Italians are? Unknown_12: I think that's where all the tax evaders go. The other Jersey is where the Guidettes go. Portugal. Unknown_12: no fuck that um speaking of crown dependencies there is canada everyone's been asking me to talk about canada did i talk about canada in the last stream i feel like i mentioned the the asset freezing last stream refresh my memory i'm too angry to think about things 0:12:13 Unknown_12: yes no honk honk you did a little bit yes okay well last week i think last week the canadian trucker stuff happened where the government of canadia issued like emergency powers um to seize the assets of money coming in from anywhere including the u.s to truckers because they're not working Unknown_12: So they don't have money. So they can't afford shit. So it's like, okay, if you want to support the Freedom Convoy, you can send money to the truckers and then they'll eat. They'll get to eat and pay rent and stuff while not working. Unknown_12: So Biden calls up Justin Trudeau and says... Unknown_12: Listen here. Listen here, Jack. I need you to do something. We want to send our shit up to your stupid fucking country, but all the roads are blocked. Now, don't give me all that right-to-assemble shit. I don't give a fuck about that. I need you to fix this pronto, Jack. And then Justin Trudeau is like, okay, fine. I'll issue a fatwa against the truckers. I will declare them terrorists, and I will seize all the money that comes to their accounts. 0:13:09 Unknown_12: So the... Unknown_12: There is a thing where they're now like taking their money out of their bank accounts, which could trigger a bull run or a bank run rather. But let's not be optimistic. And it really emphasizes the importance of cryptocurrency. But that would be optimistic as well to assume that these people would then think, oh, our money is actually worthless and it belongs to the government. Maybe we should not put all our money in bank accounts. So I'm not optimistic about that either. I have to work on the way that my money is handled because I need my money to go to LLCs instead of me personally. So I called my bank, the same bank I've always had. 0:13:41 Unknown_12: My grandfather sat me down at this bank and opened an account for me when I was like 16, 17. Unknown_12: And I call them and say, I would like to open business checking for my LLC so I can receive money and have my taxes all sorted out kosher with the government. And they say, okay. And then they asked me, do you have any business in cryptocurrency? And me, duh, me a retard, me big fucking stupid retard faggot says, oh, well, I don't want to lie. I don't want to lie. I don't want to lie to this banker. I don't want to lie to her and tell her, you know, that I don't when I do, in fact. So I said, der, I do, in fact, have donation addresses on my website that this LLC uses. Der, I have donation addresses that are cryptocurrency addresses. And she says, oh, oh, I need to I need to go talk to my manager. And they talked to my manager and he says, we can't do business with you. I'm like, what? I just because I have an address, a cryptocurrency wallet address on my website. You cannot do business with me. And she says, uh, yes, that's correct. I said, can you, can you like double check? Cause that's, that seems a bit fucking retarded. She says, okay. And then I'm putting on the, I got the, the, the waiting room and I'm sitting there thinking I'm fucking retarded. Bankers aren't people. I should never treat them like people. I should not apply my morals of the golden rule to bankers. Like why would I tell a banker the truth? 0:15:30 Unknown_12: Because they're not a person. I'm not on a phone with a human being. I'm on a phone with a lizard person who isn't real, who's not a real person. Why would I treat them like a human being? Like I would treat a friend or someone who does me a real service. This is a banker. This is not an actual person. and she comes back and she says like we can't do business with you i'm like okay well i have a personal bank account with you guys and i handle cryptocurrency is that okay and she said yeah you can have a personal account but you can't have a business checking if your business does anything anything tangentially related to cryptocurrency at all if you mention cryptocurrency on your fucking blog and you have a business checking we're gonna have to close it okay So I opened a different one with a company that asked no questions. She even asked me, because I said, what business are you in? And she said, your NAICS code, which is like your industry code, is digital services. I'm like, I do a podcast about internet shit. And she says, oh, you don't talk about hate speech, do you? And I'm like, oh, of course. So I was fine lying then. I don't know why. 0:16:19 Unknown_12: I mean, it's not technically hate speech. I express love, right? I do love speech. Unknown_12: But then she asked about cryptocurrency. I said, oh, fuck. And I even told her, I said on the phone, I said, you know, this is the exact reason why cryptocurrency exists. If you're ever curious, like if you're like an old 50-year-old woman and you have no fucking idea what a Bitcoin is, allow me to explain. You see, I am a generation that has been oppressed by you banker lizard people. And the fact that I cannot rely on my credit union to do business with me, when I've had no other bank account than the one with you since I was a teenager, then we clearly need a fucking alternative to you because you are evil and you cannot be depended upon. And she's like, oh, well, you know, it's just a credit union policy. Apparently the there was a Nash like and this is this is the frustrating thing is that you can never like take one of these companies and and isolate them as being evil. Like my credit union, they're not even like just afraid of cryptocurrency. The there is a national credit union organization that sits above all other credit unions. 0:17:42 Unknown_12: That sets the policies for different accounts. And the National American Credit Union Policy Authority set forth an edict that any business that does anything involving cryptocurrency is automatically high risk. In the same way that selling cannabis or doing bail bonds or online gambling is high risk. So it's not even their fault. It's the fault of like these... national level like policy organizations which are unaccountable to anything and which own everything and there is no remedy for this the only remedy is to not have to do business and fiat at all to have it all in cryptocurrency and they're really really trying to make that not a thing that you can do I denied a savings account last month the consumer reporting agency sent me a bank report as to why what did you do 0:18:51 Unknown_12: I don't even have a solution anymore because people don't care. They can't be compelled to do anything. You try to tell people how to open a wallet and they refuse. Most of the money I make is still through shit that's done by debit card, through Visa and MasterCard. Even after all this time, there are 1,500 people listening to this who agree with me that the banks are evil, who agree that an alternative is necessary. and who have no cryptocurrency, have no idea how to open a wallet, and have listened to me talk about it for two fucking years, and still don't have the impetus to go out and figure out how to trade in a cryptocurrency. They just can't. They just can't convince people. And you think you're going to do the truckers? These fucking retards who drive trucks for a living? Like, hey, you guys want freedom. You're going to have to figure out a way around the banking system. They're going to be like, why would I trust magic internet money? I take my faith in the government. like it's just it's just utterly hopeless in every fucking lane it's like why do i even bother when do i get mad well no point just accept it i have gold and silver and cryptocurrency and 0:20:09 Unknown_12: I'll try my best to prepare myself for what I know. And I can talk about other things, but really, it's just... It's a truly, truly hopeless and pathetic endeavor. I feel like an insane person. Do you have a bullet yet, though? No. Technically, I do. My name's somewhere. There is, in fact, a bullet. Unknown_12: But not in my possession one day. 0:20:45 Unknown_12: buy sneed coins no that's the thing i mean i should have cryptocurrency should have just been called sneed sneed coin should have gone back in time and figured out how to make cryptocurrency sneed coin and then everything would be it would be set move to el salvador no why would i move to el salvador why would i do that because oh because they made crypto bitcoin like a legal tinder there that's just a gimmick still el salvador like the most you want to get abducted and raped go to el salvador especially if you're a woman they'll still rape you if you're a man if if pete has said anything about me i would have heard about it um Was I going to say anything else about the Canadians? Unknown_12: I think the RCMP, the Ottawa police, have started forcing the tow trucks at gunpoint to start towing the semis out of the way. Because they said, like, if you don't, we'll cancel your business license, we'll cancel your insurance, we'll cancel everything. We'll completely, totally deconstruct your life. And then if you think, oh, we're not going to, like, we're not going to have any truckers, guess what? Guess how many truckers there are in Africa. Guess how many truckers there are in, like, Egypt. We'll replace you dumb motherfuckers in a day. 0:21:44 Unknown_12: So, it's probably going to be over soon. And nothing will change. Unknown_12: Uh, the federal, like the governments that have protests against the government, like the COVID lockdowns are probably going to be the last ones to open up. Just had a defiance. Unknown_12: Uh, the countries that were, everyone complied and took the clout shot like Denmark and Sweden and Norway. I think even Finland, they're all open. The ones that have protests like Austria and Germany and Canada, they're going to be the last ones open. Just to spite you. Just to make sure that you choke on the dick. Just a little bit longer. To make the point that if you just do what they say, you'll be fine. If you don't, you'll suffer for it. 0:22:24 Unknown_12: That's why I'm going to leave. I'm going to leave Europe, go back to America or maybe Russia or some shithole. I'm going to go to a complete and total shithole, and nobody will ever be able to find me. And if they do find me, I'll have plenty of places to bury the body. 0:22:56 Unknown_12: That's my objective in life at this point, Chet. Unknown_12: move to paraguay no doesn't paraguay have like a i'm thinking of uruguay uruguay is the one that has the transgender congresswoman congressman why are people mad at me oh my god shut up like i'm sorry i'm sorry if i have to be the one to tell you how shitty everything is but you know it's true that's why it frustrates you if i was just a crazy person you wouldn't care 0:23:31 Unknown_12: Okay, let's watch the Thoreau documentary. Unknown_12: Hopefully I won't get copyright struck. If I do get copyright struck, it's an excuse not to finish. Unknown_12: Oh, it works in VLC. How convenient. Unknown_12: uh here show this bam perfect excellent excellent try to adjust the audio correctly i have a couple time stamps for this actually i prepared a little bit um so last week there is a documentary by louis thoreau who is british and despite being british he's actually one of my favorite documentarians 0:24:23 Unknown_12: People have said I'm very good at interviewing people, and that's because I liked Louis Thoreau, and I try to take his approach to doing interviews, where in his earlier documentaries, he's very passive, and he has a very inoffensive voice, and he's very kind-sounding. So he goes up to people who are extremists, And he says, I'd like to know more about you. And then he confronts people without being confrontational. He just asks questions. And he's very good at asking questions that cause people to trip over themselves in a way that even they recognize. Unknown_12: And he's just very good at doing this. And I think, like, right now the atmosphere is very anti-journalist. So me saying, oh, I like this journalist is like, oh, my God, I can't believe he's cucking out to Louis Theriot. But really, back in the day, he was pretty okay at what he did. I had higher expectations for this than most people. And while I think that this documentary is probably... 0:25:14 Unknown_12: better than anyone else would have done from like the center or left or whatever from BBC. Uh, it is not up to Louis Thoreau's standard. He really doesn't do as good a job tripping people up. And I think that's almost because, um, Unknown_12: Like Nick Fuentes and Baked Alaska and whatever, they're really, really defensive and anti-journalist. So they're automatically like, fuck you. 0:25:54 Unknown_12: You're from the BBC. You're a piece of shit. And it's hard to have a genuine conversation with someone like that because they are so defensive. Unknown_12: Um, so I'll, I'll get into that, uh, as I go through it, but I have some, some timestamps here. This is Nick's speech. So I just want to, it's kind of broken up into four different parts. There is the, uh, and there's very little editing. It's not, it's mostly just the interviews. So the first is Nick Fuentes. Second is Beardson Beardley. Um, and then the third is... 0:26:26 Unknown_12: Baked Alaska, and there's a clip from Venti that I'll play, but Venti really doesn't play a significant part in this. Unknown_12: Let's jump to specific time, that's what I want. 1235. 0:27:07 Unknown_01: When I see what's going on in the country, I don't want to listen to some of these five-hour podcasts about policymaking. I want to get in front of somebody and say, it's America first, bitch. Unknown_01: America is a Christian nation. America is a Christian nation. Unknown_01: If America ceases to retain that English cultural framework and the influence of European civilization, if it loses its white demographic core, and if it loses its faith in Jesus Christ, then this is not America anymore. 0:28:04 Unknown_01: And I know some people aren't gonna like me saying this. I'm sure you all are gonna love what I'm about to say, but people watching at home are not, some of them are not going, it's controversial. Well, it's really, it's true, but it's something that you can't say anymore. Unknown_01: White people founded this country. Unknown_00: This country wouldn't exist without white people. 0:28:38 Unknown_00: And white people are done being bullied. Unknown_12: Okay, so that's where the documentary kind of starts. It starts with Nick Fuentes, and they're at AFPAC, and he basically does a spiel where it's like, America's a white Christian nation, also Hispanic and for capitalized, and if America stops being a white Christian nation, it will no longer be America. Many of you will agree with that sentiment, which is interesting because later on, basically, Louis Thoreau confronts... There's... 0:29:13 Unknown_12: He has his conversations with people. And then he confronts them in the way that he does with a very simple question. Aren't you a white nationalist? And for whatever reason, none of the three people interviewed have a competent response to the question, aren't you a white nationalist? They all flounder pathetically when confronted with this. And I'll start with Nick Fuentes' response, which is a little bit ahead in the documentary. Unknown_10: I wonder if it's helpful just to almost like put the cards on the table in a way, right? Because you've been characterized as white nationalism. 0:29:57 Unknown_12: I also like how they operate with people in good faith. Unknown_10: I wonder if it's helpful just to... Watch what he does. almost like put the cards on the table in a way right because he picks his nose you've been character and then he looks at the camera very quickly and looks back and he like smirks he's like oh i just picked my nose on camera and they totally edited that in that's really funny white nationalist right repeatedly sometimes you come near to embracing the term and all through so so much of your commentary is an idea of like white racial identity is being core to your belief system 0:30:34 Unknown_01: I've not advocated on my show for a whites-only nation or for ethnic cleansing or for this idea that non-whites cannot participate in American identity or America. What you do think is that America should be majority white. Unknown_10: Yes, yes. I saw a video of you. Unknown_12: Okay, so that's his response, is that I've never advocated for genocide, which makes me wonder... Unknown_12: Like, what is his apprehension with being called a white nationalist? My response immediately to this would be, what do you mean? Unknown_12: Like, when someone says, are you an ex, and your ex is like some weird label that you don't necessarily prescribe to... 0:31:17 Unknown_12: uh like i would immediately ask for clarification like what specifically do you does that mean and if he says like do you think that america should be majority white well he's already said yes and that can be explained without adopting this label because it's like if someone asks you are you are you something and you're not validly so you have to be really careful to because people have negative connotations for different terms like do i support like lynching people like no like Unknown_12: So that would be my reply, because he is a white nationalist, which makes it very strange and disingenuous for him to kind of dodge that question and not really owe up to it. It makes him look kind of disingenuous, in my opinion. Unknown_12: Though I suppose it's all for optics, right? Okay, so this is... Unknown_12: A clip from Bake, out of order. This is probably the most cringe-inducing part of the entire show. Nick, Louis Theroux goes to Baked Alaska's house, and he asks him about his rap career, and Baked Alaska does a little performance for him. 0:32:14 Unknown_11: Great song. Unknown_11: Have you seen this one? Unknown_07: One more time, oh one more time I just wanna make fun of a liberal and I'll feel fine Oh one more time, oh one more time I didn't do nothing but I'll pay the crime Twitter is fucking gay Unknown_06: Twitter is fucking gay. Twitter is fucking gay. Twitter is fucking gay. Twitter's really gay. Oh, yeah. 0:32:54 Unknown_12: Okay, look at Louis Theroux's face. Unknown_06: Show it. Unknown_07: Twitter is fucking gay. Unknown_12: cannot even fucking comprehend this he's really trying to working out like what this is he's like is this guy really this embarrassing hey like because he's not retarded right so he's not sitting here thinking like yes this is this is the alt-right in america he's thinking like is this like a joke is this like a sam hyde thing is this like a show for his audience like what the fuck if happening here and he's being very careful about how he chooses to react to this song because he knows it's something stupid but it's really cringy and I love the way that baked Alaska is like half singing it like if I tried to sing this the lyrics to a song that I don't really know that well but it's funny because he wrote it and sang and performed it and decided to play it and he doesn't really seem to know how it goes okay the Beardson we skip forward to 0:33:32 Unknown_12: Beardson. Unknown_12: And I don't know who Beardson is, really. He's like a nobody in the whole, even by like America First standards. He introduces himself as like a gamer. Unknown_12: And he has a brief interview with this because he cuts it off immediately for whatever reason. I don't even know why. Unknown_10: So on the day, on the last day I was there, you were leaving with Nick in a car. Yeah. And you did a Nazi salute. Unknown_09: Oh, I didn't mean to. I was just trying to wave. But it was quite clearly a Nazi salute. It wasn't a Nazi salute, dude. Can we look at it? It may, look, if I, it was an accident if it was. I mean, I was just trying to do like a, like a, you know, one of those. Have you seen it? Yeah, it looked kind of bad. I'll be honest with you. It did look bad. I'm, dude, I'm not a Nazi, man. Like, this is, if this is what it's going to be. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. 0:34:32 Unknown_12: They detected copyrighted audio in my stream. Unknown_12: What am I going to do with this chat? I'm going to throw a filter on this. I'm going to throw another filter on this to make sure that my shit does not get BBC'd. I got to get away from the BBC. Chroma key, let's try to drop the saturation. 0:35:05 Unknown_12: Gunt Vision. Unknown_12: Wait, no, not Chroma Key, that's not what I want. Wait, can I like, can I take the green and drop that? Unknown_12: Look, you can see through it now. Oh, fuck you, that's great. Let's do that. Unknown_12: Fuck you. Fuck you, YouTube. 0:35:38 Unknown_10: No, but we gotta, I mean, I would look like a chump if I didn't bring it up, right? Unknown_09: Wouldn't I? I mean- I think you look like a chump bringing it up. Do you really think I'm a Nazi? Do I think- See, look, right there. You see how I'm going like that? Like a military salute. That one, but you did it twice. Unknown_10: You're at an event whose entire kind of raison d'etre really is to say, hey, you know what? We're not the alt-right. We don't want anything to do with those guys. Yeah. We don't want swastikas. We don't want any of that Hitler esoteric. Right. You know, in a sense, you had one job. Unknown_12: Okay. 0:36:12 Unknown_10: Right. And you failed. Because you did a two... Unknown_12: By the way, Beardson's, like, 5'1", and Nick Thoreau is, like, over 6'. When you see them, like, standing next to each other, and really the whole interview should have been shot in that, like, them standing next to each other because it's really obvious, like, how much shorter he is. There's even a quote. He said something like, I wish I had pressed him and said something like, what are you going to do? You're, like, a foot shorter than me. Are you going to, like, kick my ass? What are you going to do? And it's funny because Louis Thoreau is, like, a gangly, lengthy Jewish-British boy, and it's like, And Pearson can't do anything about it. 0:36:44 Unknown_09: Do Nazi salutes. I did not do a Nazi salute. Well, it looked like, you know that word, optics? Yeah. That term of like... Oh yeah, I'm very familiar with the term optics. You know what else I'm familiar with? Is the term bad journalism. He's so angry because Louis used, like, his lingo against him. Unknown_12: He says, oh, your optics is shit. He sounded just like PPP when he said that. Like, oh, the optics. What about the optics, Beardson? And he's just, like, fuming to get called out on that. And he's like, oh, I've got another term for you. And it's like, okay, what's the term? What's the term? It's like, ah, the Lugan press. Oh, wait, I can't say that. That's a Nazi term. Fuck, bad journalism. 0:37:17 Unknown_09: You should get the fuck out of my house. I'm not in your house. Yeah, well, you can leave, because I don't want this interview's done. Can we de-escalate, please? No. Are you going to sit there and say I'm doing a Nazi salute? I asked you if you were. Here's your mic. It was quite evidently look like one. Get the fuck out of my house. Are you kidding me? When did you lose your sense of humor? Unknown_10: When did you lose your sense of integrity? Unknown_10: That's it? 0:37:49 Unknown_08: Yeah, that's it. Unknown_08: Yeah, you too. Bye-bye. Unknown_08: How about you go back to the UK and sit on a fucking dick and spin? How about that? That's an epic retort. Unknown_12: That's so fucking bad. That's so embarrassing. Unknown_10: Rejected by a surprisingly thin-skinned troll, what was most striking was that someone who gave Nazi salutes was also offended by being asked about them. Unknown_12: OK, my take is I think that he like because in the documentary it shows like, OK, he does do it twice. And yes, it is like a salute, but it's like a very intentional like he wants to have his hand outstretched like that. That's not like how you salute people. He's not military. And then there's this. It's like. I think that it was supposed to be like a dog whistle. Like, I'll do it, but then if anyone asks about it, I can just say that it was supposed to be like an American, like, salute. I think that's what it is. And then when he gets called out on that, it's just like, oh, well, fuck you. Get out of my house. I'm not in your house. 0:38:24 Unknown_12: Then again, I don't have an empathetic opinion of Beardson, so I don't know. Maybe my perspective is tainted. Do you guys agree with me on this? Am I taking a bad take? Is that a terrible take of all takes? 0:38:59 Unknown_12: Though that's not actually the only... Unknown_12: Other embarrassing thing that Beardson did. They really made Beardson look like the biggest fucking retard in this documentary. And of all the people, he was the one that came out the most humiliated. One point, good take. Thank you. Thank you, chat. Thank you for taking my side and bolstering my confidence. Unknown_12: Brittany Venti appeared in this, and they're very sympathetic towards her for obvious reasons. She was objected. 0:39:31 Unknown_12: Detected copyrighted audio and video in my stream. Unknown_12: I don't know what to do about that. I'll just have to pause it, I guess, and talk more often. I don't want to distort the audio because then it will sound bad. This is a podcast. I have to put this on a fucking... What can I do to my audio to distort it? Unknown_12: If I play it a little bit faster, then that would distort it. 0:40:04 Unknown_12: And we're polarity audio move. Fuck it. I guess. Okay, fine. I'll play it a little bit faster. 1.10. That might be enough. That might be enough chat. Unknown_12: So, Brittany Venti comes in, and of course, she's a 56 percenter, so the thing is that she was not allowed in America First because she is a mutt, and they said no mutts, no mutts allowed. Buckvision, no, it's very specifically the audio, I'm pretty sure. That matters as much to the copyright ID thing as the video. Anyways, so they come to her house, and... And for whatever reason, she did not take out the trash before they came in. Somebody said they saw kitty litter running through her kitchen. I did not see that myself. I love this very artsy, establishing shot of a fly on her window screen. 0:40:37 Unknown_12: And maybe if I hide it for a couple seconds, they'll stop bitching at me. I'm watching you. I'm watching you, YouTube. Yeah. 0:41:10 Unknown_12: Uh, so they asked her a couple of questions and she's basically like, yeah, I was, I was not welcome in, in the movement, so to speak. So he asked her, I says, the worst thing I saw about your involvement in America first was the Beardson thing. Unknown_12: And she seems kind of uncomfortable. I was like, yeah, you know, I've seen it. And he's like, do you want to play it? And she's like, yeah, I guess. It's like, you don't have to, if you don't want to. Yeah. He's like, no, no, I can do it. I can watch it. So they have Brittany Vinty pull out on her cell phone this video of Beardson Beardley ranting like a lunatic. And they cut to her reaction and her reaction is just like embarrassment because this guy is like unhinged and they're making her do a live reaction for the BBC. 0:41:49 Unknown_10: I think the worst thing I've seen is the Beardson thing. Have you seen that? Unknown_04: Yeah, I did see it once. Unknown_10: So would you be comfortable showing it to me? Don't feel any pressure to do it. Unknown_04: Yeah, I mean. Unknown_10: You sure? Unknown_04: Yeah. Unknown_04: Brittany, if I ever see you, I'm gonna rape you. In person. And I'm married. I'm going to fucking put my dick in your fucking asshole. I'm gonna remove your pants. I'm gonna remove my pants. I'm gonna stick my dick in your ass. I'm gonna rape you. Because you're such a dumb fucking bitch. Unknown_04: That you do not understand. You have evolved yourself into a community that you do not understand. 0:42:27 Unknown_04: And for that, you're going to get anally raped. Unknown_12: The fake Joker laugh is really what tops it off. It's just amazing. Unknown_12: I just went on this unhinged rant about raping a woman. How do I make this sound like an obvious joke? I know, I'll laugh like I'm doing my best Heath Ledger Joker impression. That'll really help the optics of the movement. 0:43:05 Unknown_12: It's hard to complain about optics because nobody watching the BBC documentary to get a genuine first impression of America first is going to be anything but inhospitable to the idea at all, which is kind of why Thoreau doesn't really attempt to argue any of these points. To him, and I imagine to a lot of people his age, his generation, it's like you have this group of people advocating racism on the internet, and it's like you don't really have to debate racism. We all know racism is bad. 0:43:37 Unknown_12: so why why bother uh let's just let the footage speak for itself and you know object have a token objection every so often and that'll be enough for the audience but um doesn't if you're looking at it as if it were objective as if these two sides want my attention then you're not really going to gain anything from this Unknown_12: OK, so this is we're now in the baked Alaska segment and the baked baked Alaska himself is like extremely boring, like baked Alaska offers nothing interesting. He's he's probably the most disingenuous of all the America first people, like all the people who show up on this, because you really get the sense that he's just like. 0:44:15 Unknown_12: has no conviction or personality or morality whatsoever. He is entirely an entertainer. And dude, it's so weird when you like watch, um, watch baked Alaska, do his streams. And he like talk to his fans and chat. Those people are fucking dumb. You want to see some dumb motherfuckers try to have a conversation with one of the pay pigs for baked Alaska. Those people are fucking stupid. They actually think that he's like a born again, Christian, uh, Who's like a white nationalist. And he's, it's just fucking weird. It's weird how, um, it's weird to me having like the America first thing, like the web is all these people who are utterly disingenuous. You have like Ethan Ralph and Nick Fuentes. And, um, I think Nick Fuentes is probably the most genuine with what he says, even though he's a Hispanic cat boy. 0:44:55 Unknown_12: lover um which says a lot i guess that he's the most authentic of all of them but like his allies are people like ethan ralph and baked alaska and beard soon it's like how can how can you find nobody better than this and i suppose that's a good question and i'll get my thought about it in a second i have to talk to philip time before the so the we detected uh copyrighted audio and video and your stream warning goes away i have to fill up the the void a little bit So I can play the next minute. 0:45:47 Unknown_10: Spurred on by viewers who donate money to play racist or otherwise provocative music and messages on a speaker around his neck. Unknown_10: Is this one of those German military marching songs with Nazi connotations? Unknown_12: Okay, that song. We're going to learn something, chat. That song in the background is called Erika, and yes, it is a German marching song. Unknown_12: erica lyrics let's translate this to english okay you ready a little flower blooms on the heath and its name erica hot from a hundred thousand little bees will be swarmed erica because her heart is full of sweetness a delicate fragrance fragrance emanates from the blossoms a little flower blooms on the heath and its name erica 0:46:36 Unknown_12: Now, God bless Louis Thoreau, who is nothing but an ignorant Englishman who knows absolutely fucking nothing about everything, but just because Germans march to the song Erika does not mean that it is a Nazi song. It means that it's a German song about a little flower that grows on the hill. Unknown_12: This is peak boomerisms. Oh, God, it's in German. It must be a Nazi song. Unknown_12: The boomers cannot be helped, Chad. Unknown_12: It was a different time for them. Unknown_10: They seem to enjoy playing best risque and then sometimes outright racist material. Is that fair? Yeah. What's that about? Unknown_11: It's comedy. It's edgy humor. It's used by current Nazis. 0:47:20 Unknown_12: Dude, current Nazis play fucking, like, CSGO. You know what else they play? They play this song. Hold up. Let me find this real quick. Unknown_12: Is this the right one? Do I have to log in to view this? Unknown_12: Why do I have to log in? Here, is this it? 0:48:02 Unknown_12: Just so you know, this is called the Parachuter... It's just the Parachuter song, and the lyrics go like, Green is our... Our stream is dead. Stream has been temporarily blocked because we... Oh, jeez. Unknown_12: Suspended for policy violations. This is my first stream. Unknown_12: Um... So, fuck. I should have taken off the VLC thing before I did that. Unknown_12: What can I do? I'm still recording to my archive, but yet my stream is dead, I have no mouth, and I must stream. 0:48:52 Unknown_12: Or I'll start a new one soon. Unknown_12: It could be coming back. It could be. It could not be. A stream suspended for policy violations. That's fucking crazy. Unknown_12: Wait, I see viewers. Unknown_12: Temporarily blocked. What does that mean? Unknown_12: I really wish it would tell me if it was coming back or not. 0:49:44 Unknown_12: What can I do here? Oh, stream is no longer being blocked due to copyright issues. Well, hello, chat. Now, anyways, like I was saying, there is the song. Unknown_12: Now, this song is also used by modern-day neo-Nazis, but it's literally just a song about parachuting. It's not even about invading Poland or anything. It says we'll jump over German ore or something. 0:50:22 Unknown_12: So I think Germans are allowed to parachute in Germany. I'm pretty sure you could do that if you're not German, if you want to pay someone for parachuting lessons in Germany. Unknown_12: Not a Nazi song. This is my favorite one. If you're familiar with... This might give me a copyright strike. Why not? I'm already in trouble with the copyright machine. I'm going to push it. Unknown_12: Panzermensch. If you listen to that documentary about the school shooter, you might think that this is a Nazi song because the demons told them that it's angry German music. 0:51:07 Unknown_12: Okay, sounds really intense and Nazi-ish, right? Here's the lyrics for this. You ready? Uh... Unknown_12: wait wait our bodies are so hot strobe fire proud sweat live out this rhythm go straight and let it out computer machine tank man go straight computer machine tank man let it out be ready be ready always ready always ready here comes the tank man oh my god such evil hardcore angry german music to instill fear in our enemies 0:51:48 Unknown_12: And this guy legit shot up a school thinking that he was listening to, like, demon music. It's like, no, it's just German techno club music that gay men dance to. Poor Americans don't even know. I guess Louis Theroux doesn't have any excuse. He's British. That's not European, to be honest with you. Unknown_12: Oh, I did the Ralph thing. I have to learn to master that. Ralph says something, and then he mumbles to himself, I don't know how that is. Unknown_12: Okay, do I dare? 0:52:24 Unknown_12: You know what? Maybe I won't play the video because the video is not necessary. Maybe it's the video and audio that fucks it up. Unknown_12: Okay, 1504. Unknown_11: whatever they can to make us uncomfortable it's not a cross-section of like the broader society is it like it's almost like a self-selected community of hard right trolls not everyone is right wing though it's not really well you know what here i'll confuse it okay let's get it let's get a good mix here 0:52:55 Unknown_10: But more than half of it has been... No, it doesn't know what to do. Abuse or extreme racial content. Unknown_05: Anonymous and $3 Louis. Basically, we just hate bigots and nagars. It's not so much a right-wing, left-wing thing. It's like a human versus sub-human thing. You know? Unknown_12: Oh, man. So the machine comes in and it says, the machine voice of the creepy little girl thing says, it's not, I'll read it verbatim so we can get a good quote out of me. Louie, basically, we just hate faggots and nagars. It's not so much a right wing versus left wing thing. It's like a human versus subhuman thing, you know. And then Baked Alaska goes, oh, my God. And Louie Thoreau is just staring off in the distance like he's suddenly become depressed. He doesn't know what to think. 0:53:29 Unknown_12: What the? Unknown_12: Very good super chat. There's another one where he just like brushes it off and says, oh, they're trying to make me uncomfortable. There's another one that comes in and it says, where is it? Unknown_12: It just says something like, tell Louis Thoreau that we hate Star of David, Star of David, Star of David. I can't find the exact part. And then there's, like, a final confrontation where Mick gets, like, upset that Louis Thoreau is asking him about white nationalism shit. And he's like, it's not good journalism to, like, confront me on things that I believe. 0:54:10 Unknown_12: When I say I am for, like, a white country, that doesn't mean that I'm a white nationalist. Let's get the Panzer Munch going. Unknown_11: Thumbs up. Unknown_11: That's not offensive to you, is it? Unknown_11: You're a liar. I mean... You are a white nationalist. Unknown_10: No, I'm not. Unknown_11: I think everyone should be able to stand up for their culture. That's my point. It's like white... So you think it's got a negative connotation, but in a descriptive sense, it's accurate. Unknown_10: You promote white racial loyalty and a white racial consciousness. White racial consciousness, yeah. Absolutely. Unknown_11: It's semantics in the end. It is semantics, really. So what do you think of Baked Alaska now that you've hung out with me for a couple days? 0:54:45 Unknown_10: I think you're obviously a talented broadcaster and streamer, and I also think that parts of what you do I find deeply poisonous, right? And I think that it's anti-Semitic and it's racist, and that's what I think. Unknown_12: That's that's basically his point. Right. Like I said, he just says, like, these things are bad and everyone I show knows it's bad. So there's no point like having an honest discussion about it. I just went like it would have been so much better for them to just address that head on. But they all shy away from it. And I really I really don't know why, because it's not like an optical thing. Everything they do is like hideous for optics. Big Alaska running around with a thing screaming about faggots in the gars and hating Star of Davids and whatever the fu- playing horrible racist Nazi music like Erika and Panzermensch. It's like, your optics are already fucked. Your, your, um... 0:55:18 Unknown_12: Your six million cookies analogy fucks your optics. Beardson talking about raping Brittany Venti fucks your optics. Why do they shy away from this term? It's like a man comes up to them and confronts them about what they believe, and they can't even say that they can't even owe up to it. And it's so pathetic to me. 0:55:51 Unknown_12: I really just don't get it, chat. Unknown_12: This interviewer sucks, actually. Out of all the interviewers and documentarians, I like Louis Theroux a lot. And I think that part of the reason why he doesn't come across so well in the documentary is that his people are not being honest with him. When he talks to the Westboro Baptist Church or the pedophiles and he asks them about why they want to rape kids or why they think fags go to hell or whatever the fuck, they can respond honestly with that. 0:56:33 Unknown_12: But these guys, they live in a false economy where they have to pretend to have optical prevalence as if they're going to somehow get right-leaning boomers to support white nationalism if they just say that they're not white nationalists and shit. It's just like, I don't know. That's part of the reason why I can't respect any of these people because they're all liars. You know what I mean? They all lie. So why should I support them? Unknown_12: Opinion invalidated. How am I a Brit in this? I really don't get it. I don't understand the optics shit. I really don't. Their optics are terrible. 0:57:23 Unknown_12: little boys down to self-preservation they don't care about their convictions to sacrifice jew money over it um them i mean that's the only thing i could think of but even then okay that's fair that's a fair point someone louis thoreau comes up to them and says baked alaska are you a white nationalist or nick fuentes and nick fuentes says you know i i can be called a lot of things but i have to you know i have to be careful with what i call myself because uh it could get me into trouble like just say that because that's that's honest and you don't have to admit to anything um and and like compared to the other shit he says if that's like his bank accounts are already frozen and shit like what what possibly could um could he lose from from that kind of admission as opposed to his weird defense about it it's just strange which is why i don't think that it's a uh it's a self-preservation thing it's like they're actually i don't know what it is to be honest with you 0:58:26 Unknown_12: Trying to grandstand knowing full well that he would poop his pants if a journalist asked if he was a white nationalist. I've had journalists ask me lots of questions. I don't know if you've ever noticed this. You can go check the, tick that off the internet forum and see my response to police and journalists if you're curious how I respond to those things. Unknown_12: Louis showing Venti's fly was really bitchy. Unknown_12: I don't know why I did that. Maybe the filmographer thought she stank, and he didn't just want to put in a clip of Louis Thoreau saying, God, that bitch was stinky. 0:59:03 Unknown_12: So he's like, how do I convey to the viewer that this shit stinks without Louis Thoreau saying that? It's like, well, cut to a fly. If we have any B-roll footage of a fly, oh my God, that's perfect. Put that in there somewhere. Unknown_12: I want to be nice to Venti, but... She does her weird baby voice. And until she stops doing the baby voice, I cannot be nice to her, chat. Unknown_12: That's my rule. If you do, like, a weird baby voice, like a VTuber, I just can't... I can't be nice to you. I'm going to call you stinky until you stop. That's how I improve society, chat. What does Nick Fuentes do? 0:59:41 Unknown_12: Admit she was disingenuous. Um... Unknown_12: What did she say? I don't even remember her part. Unknown_12: Everything she said was emulsified in my brain because of the footage of Pearson saying he was going to rape her. Unknown_12: I mean, to be honest, she probably shit on them because they made fun of her. She probably had a vendetta against them and played into it like, oh, this poor person of color, this woman of color was bullied by the mean neo-Nazis and shit. So she just played into that because that's what they wanted. 1:00:17 Unknown_12: She thought Charlottesville was a meme. Unknown_12: Well, I wasn't there. I don't even remember Charlottesville that well. It's always surprising to me when Charlottesville is brought up as this huge thing. I don't remember anything about it. I just remember the Dodge Charger apiece, and that's it. Unknown_12: It's a personal 25% color. 1:00:54 Unknown_12: New Ralph tweet. Breaking news. Unknown_12: The trial was recently, but the media totally ignored it. I'm surprised it took so long. I haven't heard anything about it. Unknown_12: All I remember about it was that they all carried tiki torches, and the tiki torch company had to put out a public statement saying that they don't condone Nazism, and tiki torches should only be used for backdoor grilling and not for Nazi rallies. Unknown_12: Something utterly preposterous. What guy at that company thought, we need to put out an emergency PR statement about our use in political events? 1:01:27 Unknown_12: I don't know. People are silly. I guess they have to. Otherwise they'd be indebted to the NAACP for forever. Unknown_12: Oh, I forgot to read this during my blockchain rant. Here. Unknown_12: Where's my Firefox? Unknown_12: Philosophy Tube says, if blockchain is supposed to be more secure because it's a decentralized database with complete copies stored in multiple places, wouldn't that mean it's really hard to change or delete something on the ledger that was entered by mistake? Say, for example, if your medical information like your gender was recorded on a blockchain and you wanted to change it. 1:02:10 Unknown_12: Jorge Luz says in reply, Hi Abby, I can see how that would be an issue for trans people, for instance. Rarsonic Rental says, For the scum who push blockchain shit, that's a pro, not a con. And Hail to the Keen says, The data can be changed if all peers supporting the blockchain agree to change it. Unknown_12: But the historical data is always there. Unknown_12: These people... Unknown_12: want to ruin everything and what's really amazing about people like jim sterling and philosophy tube is that like it doesn't make any sense that they should hate all these things but they they fall perfectly into place as useful idiots all the time without even trying they're just effortlessly in the fucking way 1:03:04 Unknown_12: all the time with every opinion that they have i really i really hate them i hate them more every day chat gradually not even gradually very quickly rapidly i began to hate them more and more useful well i mean they're getting everything they want so when they stop getting everything they want and actively start hurting their own movement then you can call them not useful but until then they're they're winning as far as i'm concerned Unknown_12: Um, okay. So there's one other thing that I kind of want to touch on before I, before I call this a, before I call this done. Um, Trisha Paytas is pregnant. Now you might be thinking Trisha Paytas is like a goblin looking bitch. I don't want to hear anything about Trisha Paytas. Trisha Paytas scares me. Trisha Paytas's lips look like they're inflated by like a bicycle tire pump thing. Um, Trisha Paytas looks like she's not even a human being because she's so deformed from cosmetic surgery. Trisha Paytas' voice physically fucking hurts me and I never want to hear her speak ever again. Trisha Paytas, everything she says is like brain cancer directly injected into my fucking head. Can I please never have to hear anything she has to say ever again? And the answer is yes, that's all true. That's completely true. But she's also pregnant. And there are a lot of people who hate Trisha Paytas. And they all go to this Reddit called Trishyland. 1:03:58 Unknown_12: This is Trishyland right now. And Trishyland is, in this subreddit, we expose known narcissist, domestic abuser, and hate monger, Trisha Trisha Paytas. 1:04:46 Unknown_12: And they really, really hate Trisha Paytas. And what's really funny about them is that Ethan Klein, H3H3, actively browses Trishyland. He's been caught with it in his browser history while livestreaming several times. So this is an endorsed subreddit that H3 personally goes to. And if you don't know, Trisha Paytas is currently married to Ethan Klein's wife's brother, Moses. His name is literally Moses. Unknown_12: And let's see. Hold up. 1:05:19 Unknown_12: And if you don't know who Ethan Klein's wife is, it's this. Unknown_12: Oh, no. Where's my audio? Unknown_12: Where's my audio? I'm going to cry. If I don't get this audio on my fucking stream, why is it not working? Why does this shit not work? Unknown_12: Wait, I have to fix this. I've been... Oh, wait. 1:05:53 Unknown_12: Oh, you know what? I put this on my TV and I had to change the audio input. So you just hang tight. I'm going to fix this real quick. Unknown_12: I'm going to fix this real quick so we can move ahead with this. Unknown_12: Aha. Unknown_12: So Hila is H3's wife, brother Moses, married to Trisha. Trisha now pregnant. Trisha had an STD, which calls like a blockage in her uterus, and she had to pay a lot of money to get that shit cleaned out with some Drano. And now she's pregnant with a Jewish child because she's converting to Judaism. She still eats bacon. She showed a Valentine's video where she was eating a huge plate of bacon. I don't know what the status of her Jewish conversion is, but they'll probably get the baby... They're probably going to name the baby like a horrifically like Jewish name, like Shlomo Yeshua Paytas, Paytas Stein. And it'll get bullied, but she'll have enough money to ruin any of her bullies lives. So it'll be it'll work out. 1:07:07 Unknown_12: Anyways, Trisha Paytas' anti-fans are angry. They are extremely upset that Trisha Paytas is pregnant and they have taken to Trishyland to announce that they are angry. And instead of talking about Trisha Paytas, I'm instead going to read these messages because they are very funny to me. Unknown_12: She is not going to blame the eventual miscarriage on H3. She is going to blame it on this subreddit, and the media will portray her as a martyr who suffered her miscarriage due to cyberbullying. She herself will save the stress of reading all those theories about fake pregnancy made her miscarry. Subreddit will be deleted, users banned, and that will be her revenge to everyone who dared to shine a light on all her bullshit, so you really need to stop posting about it. 1:07:41 Unknown_12: Capital Crest 3814. Girl or boy, I'm afraid for the child's safety. A boy wouldn't be safe either, especially with her incestuous mind. Unknown_12: Snoo says this is the fertility clinic she was at. Let's introduce ourselves to the staff. Unknown_12: That would get you banned on the fucking Kiwi Farms. It's just fine there. 1:08:17 Unknown_12: Trisha supporters. I'm going to be honest. It breaks my heart when I see people I know posting their support for Trisha and her pregnancy. I'm Jewish and it just seems like so many people don't care. She's a literal Nat. Oh, I can't. I can't make fun of that. He spelled the A with an at sign. And if I pronounce it Nazi, it still sounds just fine. A literal Nazi. I really feel like Trish is going to fetishize her baby and say gross stuff about how her baby is half Jewish. It just feels like so many people don't care about the fact she's anti-Semitic and it hurts a lot. Not to mention her racism and abuse that people don't seem to care about because she's funny and just trolling. People don't realize that her words really do harm a lot of people, like me especially, when it comes to the anti-Semitism because it hurts close to home. This lady literally converted to Judaism and married a Jew and is having a Jewish baby and she's still anti-Semitic. 1:08:55 Unknown_12: Creative Cut says, Zoet, considering an incoming wave of positivity surrounding this irredeemable piece of shit, please don't dissolve into this sub. Unknown_12: I love my third wives and their views and opinions on things are nothing short of gold. We still need to hold this piece of shit accountable for everything she has done. This sudden motherhood doesn't change our months of meticulous investigations and the truth! 1:09:34 Unknown_12: Many of us, myself included, are feeling hopeless right now, thinking that a redemption arc will follow and people will again sweep all her pathetic antics and deeds under the rug. But we cannot recede right now. Her whole life is a sham. She's a deceitful, manipulative person who needs jail time, not motherhood. ADA upvotes on that in case you're wondering. Unknown_12: Proof that the scan is fabricated. I'll explain in the comments. This is funny to me because it's like this person says, I'm a graphic designer professionally and it's what I do for a living. That's what professionally means. That's what you do for a living. Someone posted that the edges around the date and name look photoshopped. I looked at it closer and it jumped out that it is the font. 1:10:13 Unknown_12: And, um, I've seen this image and everything looks fine. Like I really don't see any, the higher resolution. I really don't see any evidence in tampering, but she's like, no, I bet my entire livelihood that this is fake. So they're coping and see them that the ultrasound is fake. Unknown_12: She posted a video of her at the hospital, and someone said, someone linked this, so check it out. It's not nearly as expensive as I thought that it was. This is honestly very possible. She spends so much money on the most frivolous shit. Look at how much she spends on music videos. Do you really think she wouldn't spend a couple thousand to fake this? Full hospital standing set. So they think that she bought a hospital set to do an announcement video in. 1:10:46 Unknown_12: To the drama channels that are suddenly being less critical of Trisha says, so much angry. A lot of people have been critical of Trisha in the past, but now are changing the tune because she's pregnant. I'm sorry, but this is extremely disappointment. Pregnant women are not free from criticism. And to say it will change her is naive. It's not a baby's job to change you. Unknown_12: Let's stop trying to make us feel like shit if it's not congratulating her and being critical of her. We aren't spineless at all. An abusive, racist, ableist, hateful person like Trisha shouldn't be a mother. It's okay to be critical of that. Sincerely, a pregnant mother of two who isn't abusive, racist, ableist, or hateful unless it comes to Trisha. 1:11:20 Unknown_12: Anglin, not that one, says, what would the Beast do when she has a baby girl and she becomes daddy's little girl? Do you think she will protect her at all costs or send them to a long stay vacation trip to Mama Linna? Unknown_12: And then Asher replies, I think I know what she'll do, but I don't want to get banned. So I guess they're implying child molestation. This woman, Penguin Side Hustle says, hashtag unfit coat hanger emoji. And there's more to this. This Penguin Side Hustle person on TikTok seems to like, I think her story is that she alleges Mosey's raped her. And now she's like a psychotic Trisha Ante fan and has been posting that Trisha should abort the fetus. 1:11:54 Unknown_12: so that's some crazy shit uh toilet paytas says i'm deleting reddit because of trisha paytas not only because i'm actively trying to find the worst in a stranger who has no redemption but she is not entertaining she's a racist abusive and beyond sad example of a human being severe untreated mental illness and just sadness all around not only has she lied constantly but i wouldn't find it surprising she uses a fake miscarriage as content and the child is real i can't bear for the inevitable breakdown and destruction it's a turn in my stomach not even hate washing can heal 1:12:47 Unknown_12: Um, deleting Reddit's kind of base though, to be fair with you. Oh, here's the, here's the one talking about how they think the ultrasound is fake. And I disagree. Uh, I disagree. I think it, I don't think it is fake. Unknown_12: And then here's a, you can buy these on eBay already say positive. Hmm. Weird. You know, that's an interesting side hustle. Pregnant women who listened to my stream. Have you ever considered peeing on sticks and then selling those pee sticks on the internet to help psychotic BPD women trap men into a bad relationships? It is a thing out there. It is a possibility. Like selling panties, but like less, is peeing on, pee sticks are less gross than panties, I think. That would be more okay, selling pee sticks than panties. If I was a whammon. 1:13:25 Unknown_12: You know, there's scarcity in that too. You know what I mean? Because it's like anyone can say they wore panties. Like you can make like a cologne out of some sort of like must and put it on panties and say, oh, I wore these for like three weeks. But you only make that hormone for a baby for like a couple months, right? So there's scarcity there. You have to constantly rotate out your pregnant women if you're going to make a business selling these things. So if you are pregnant, consider selling your pee sticks on the internet. That's what I'm saying. Use that money to buy a house. 1:13:59 Unknown_12: I need to vent says no figure. This whole Trisha being pregnant thing is really tearing me apart. I'm 29 years old and I've had wanted to have children since I was about 18. I've always had a good head on my shoulders. Hence why I still don't have children. I have bad depression. That's like a conflicting statement. I have always had a good head on my shoulders, which is why I don't have kids because I have bad depression, especially in the winter. I have seasonal affective disorder, and it plagues me deeply in the winter. I have horrendous anxiety. For 10 years, I have been viciously trying to get myself a good spot in life. To be the mom I know I can be. To see this mess of a person have a child is something I deeply yearn for. It makes me so upset. Like Tricia, my spouse is older than me. He's 19 years older. Holy fuck, lady. Jesus. So I do feel pressured to have kids as soon as possible, but as well recognize that it's highly irresponsible to bring our children into this world when we're not the best we could be. 1:14:32 Unknown_12: That man does not want to have kids. Guaranteed. I bet you he's like, oh, you should work on yourself first. 1:15:10 Unknown_12: Once you're not depressed anymore, we can have kids. And then he'll be like 65. And he's like, oops, sorry. I'm too old now. Unknown_12: I wonder why she's depressed. Could it... Unknown_12: could it be wait hold on i want to say i have kids now but the fact i need a really good head on my shoulder prevents me from being a suit why does she keep complimenting herself i'm so smart i've removed myself from the gene pool i'm sad because it's winter and it's cold outside and i'm so smart that i know that it means i shouldn't have kids i need to get this off my chest because it's hard seeing a terrible person getting what i've deeply desired 1:15:47 Unknown_12: I'm not jealous of her. There's nothing to be jealous about. It's just hard to see people making terrible decisions. While I sit on the sidelines making good ones, decisions I don't want to, but decisions I know I need to. That is cuckoldry. Unknown_12: Okay, that's the end of that. I have more saved, though, and I will bring them up. Let me find them real quick. Unknown_12: There's one person in particular called THC Bandant who leaves very interesting comments. I'll bring this up. Unknown_12: Trish, if you're reading this, I'm going to call Child Protective Services. Now, I want to know what the fuck CPS is going to do about a fetus. A nine-week-old fetus, Chet, are they going to take it? Are they going to forcefully abort her? Are they going to take the fetus and put it in a jar like in Death Stranding? And have that guy from The Walking Dead walking across the country? Is this what's happening? 1:16:20 Unknown_12: Are they going to just seize it as soon as it's born? What is she hoping to accomplish by doing this? Unknown_12: That poor doctor would need to have... Unknown_12: A goddamn pontoon to withstand Trucker Tisha's saucy nacho rolls in order to float. 1:16:59 Unknown_12: I like this one. Unknown_12: And this has a lot of upvotes. I know she stinks. Just looking at her, I know that breath is lethal. I know it's hot, disgusting. It smells like sewer on a hot August day in New Guinea. Under that dress, I know it smells like a fish I got caught in a drain and withstood 20 hot showers as it decomposed. That is fucking vile. Unknown_12: There is a website called RevEdit, and I think if I just pop RevEdit in, it shows me her deleted comments. Unknown_12: Thanks for this. I really just want to ruin her life and watch as she burns to the ground. Am I okay? Does anyone else feel this way? 1:17:30 Unknown_12: If this is Trisha Paytas replying to... It doesn't show who. But it says, if this is Trisha Paytas, you are fat. Unknown_12: Cry about it. If she miscarries, it would only benefit the baby. Wow. Very nice. Unknown_12: By the way, in this... 1:18:05 Unknown_12: I know she stinks. May she rot for decades to come. Unknown_12: One of the things that I saw was a post. Unknown_12: and it's from grief support pet loss and this has been deleted it was marked as spam and automatically deleted but she apparently is grieving for a pet i would love to know what this person looks like i'm sure look at this they have a shiba inu thing and then like black curly hair is this like a black woman chat do you think it's a black woman 1:18:38 Unknown_12: These people are nasty. This is pretty funny. This whole thing. This is what happens when you have a community dedicated to, like, hate-watching shit and then having no rules on, like, how to conduct yourself. You know what I mean? You really have to tell people, like, this is what you should be doing. You should not be embarrassing yourself and wishing death on a fetus because you don't like the mother. Uh... Unknown_12: I received a theory about what THC might look like. 1:19:14 Unknown_12: Here it is. Here is a potential candidate for who THC bandit looks like. So this is suspect number one for who it might be. Unknown_12: Oh, um, this is also interesting. Unknown_12: Like, Karens, when it comes to, like, pets and pregnancy, Karens are super fucking annoying. Trisha the Troll added again, she posted a video today about how she didn't know ice cream was bad during pregnancy. Then a few hours later posted this. Granted, it's not soft serve, but how many days in a row are we eating ice cream? So she's, like, fat. 1:19:48 Unknown_12: And, um... Unknown_12: Eating ice cream. And apparently eating ice cream is not okay when you're pregnant. I've never heard this before in my entire life. So I can imagine that someone would not know that you're not supposed to eat ice cream while pregnant. Unknown_12: And this is proof that she's a bad mother. Let's see if there's any more. 1:20:29 Unknown_12: here how about this one thoughts on the subreddit in the child i'm so uncomfortable i'm so concerned about the grooming that the child will experience she has shown a history of attraction to minors a history of teaching minors how to attract adults parentheses grooming as well as a history of incest she has filled incestuous porn with her own mother She is now going to become a mother. If she thinks it's okay for her to do that with her own mother, then of course she will think it's okay to do that with her son. I feel actually sick. This subreddit has evolved into circle jerk conspiracy theories and body shaming and is burying the actual document of horror that is Trisha Paytas. Unknown_12: And then they say here, can we create a master list regarding all the things Trisha has done that may contribute to child endangerment? It's just... This is Redditors. And these people are angry because a lot of them are women. And they cannot get their husbands to fuck them because their husbands are Redditors. And their husbands are Redditors. And if you want... 1:21:23 Unknown_12: I don't want to spoil this thread. There's a thread on a website I read that I lurk. And I know if I shill it here, it will be ruined. Unknown_12: But people post screencaps of women from Reddit trying to conceive. And it's very funny because a lot of them post about how they don't have sex. Even when they're ovulating and they want to have sex to try and conceive, their husbands just can't be compelled to have sex with them because they're too busy pooping. And it's just so strange. They're in there for two hours and they literally this is how the story goes. They're in there for two hours and they have iPads and iPhones and they're just they're too busy pooping and they're so embarrassed. They asked their husband, why does it take you two hours to poop every night right before bed? And the husband's like, oh, you know, I'm just constipated. So she says, well, why don't you go to the doctor if you're constipated? And he gets super angry and says, look, I don't want to go to a doctor for my constipation. I just need my two-hour pooping ritual with my iPad and iPhone and a wireless internet. And, you know, maybe we'll try to conceive some other time. And this is the thing that all these Redditors experience. They don't understand the mysterious pooping complex of their Redditor husbands. But it's something they all share together. Which is why when Trisha Paytas, who is a horrific hobgoblin... jewish convert monster lady like frankenstein looking ass motherfucker they become indignant because she has something that their reddit husbands cannot give them because they're too busy pooping to have sex with them when they're ovulating the 35 year old pooper babe it's time to it's 11 p.m it's time to have sex i'm too busy pooping i'm gonna poop 1:23:23 Unknown_12: That's great. Unknown_12: They're jerking on the toilet. Thank you, Danko. Thank you, Danko Grigich. Unknown_12: He figured it out. They're chronic masturbators and they can't have sex after they're done pooping because they've already ejaculated. Congratulations. He figured it out. That's the joke. Unknown_12: I'm going to poo. So many people in chat are going to poo. Unknown_12: All right, I think that's it. I think I'm done. Did I miss anything, chat? Now is the time to tell me if I missed anything. 1:23:54 Unknown_12: And I've gone the entire stream without talking about someone, which means that I win. Unknown_12: Probably because like, I don't know. He's just like slunk off. Daddy, daddy beat him in public and now he's embarrassed. So he's just kind of focusing on his bullshit debate streams that nobody cares about, which is good. Unknown_12: Oh, Chantal. Unknown_12: Um, Chantal has been, Chantal has found herself in this inch. I don't know anything about the wing stuff. Um, he, 1:24:29 Unknown_12: uh i don't understand what what's the wings thing is there a video that i can watch that's really short about it because nobody nobody has told me anything involving wings i'll check wings 007 this is a short clip i'll watch it 1:25:05 Unknown_12: Kim star clip is 20, 12 minutes long. The wings of redemption childhood friend. That's 26 minutes long. Unknown_12: What's the allegation? Unknown_12: The wings thing is nonsense. I, that's why I didn't cover it or didn't look into it. Cause I heard someone said that like Flamenco was talking about it and it was all bullshit or it wasn't substantiated or whatever. Like I'm, I'm hesitant to just repeat whatever I hear. Unknown_12: Because I know people say really awful things about wings that they can't substantiate whatsoever. 1:25:45 Unknown_12: He allegedly molested his sister. It's wings trolls going overboard again. Yeah, I wouldn't trust anything from them. Those people are fucking crazy and it's like... Unknown_12: uh they literally break the law constantly to try to fuck with wings so unless i see evidence of this i'm not gonna like dive into it that's what i guess that's what the allegation is i'm assuming based on this uh clip someone who knows wings or claims to have known wings got onto a troll discord and did a tell-all and accused him of molesting his sister or whatever but 1:26:20 Unknown_12: I'm sorry you guys shot your load one too many times by calling him a pedophile constantly for the last ten fucking years. Unknown_12: If this is true, you've done absolutely no favors to his sister by actually defaming him for as long as you have. Because now I just don't trust anything you have to say because you're fucking psychotic. Unknown_12: And I would hesitate on anyone else taking them at their face value either. Unknown_12: Um, the only Chantel's update is that she's so obsessed with Nadir's new boyfriend, new girl, not new boyfriend, new girlfriend that she's just like constantly like streaming and ranting about them. And that's it. She's very angry and she's not really progressed at all. 1:26:58 Unknown_12: Uh, the Vickers interview. I did see that. Unknown_12: He said something like that I had daddy issues and that's why I didn't like him. I don't like Vickers because he's a retard. He's exactly like Ralph in every single way. He has no idea what he's doing. He seems to have an idea that the form is going to disappear before the child can read, which is probably not going to be true at this rate because it's been around for 10 years. 1:27:32 Unknown_12: And like, he's just stupid. He's too fucking stupid. And he's exactly like Ralph, which is why Faith went to Ralph is because she has daddy issues. She has daddy issues and she shacked up with someone just like him. Unknown_12: And all the terrible things that have happened to him have been the result of his own irresponsible behavior and terrible fatherhood. Unknown_12: I don't have any issues against my father. Unknown_12: He didn't play any role in my life. I've spoken to him and I've had opportunities to meet him. I have no strong feelings about it. I had a father figure. My father figure was my grandfather, who was an industrious person, very pragmatic, and had an attitude of wanting to fix things right away. 1:28:07 Unknown_12: His father, my great-grandfather on his side, was someone who drank and would juggle many projects all at once. So my grandfather took an attitude of not drinking ever. He drinks a beer with food, and then when he does projects, he does one project at a time until it's complete, and then he moves on. And that's basically how I am. I don't drink unless it's socially and over a meal. And when I do projects, I tend to focus on one thing at a time to get them out of the way. 1:28:43 Unknown_12: So I really don't have any issues with that. I have no curiosity about my dad's side of the family either. Unknown_12: Okay. Unknown_12: Okay, okay, okay. Yeah. Unknown_12: What about the sink vodka? Unknown_12: That's just good drink. I'm sorry, but the sink vodka was tasty, which is why I drank it. 1:29:17 Unknown_12: Drinking on stream is social? Yeah, of course. You have thousands of people watching you. How is that not social? Unknown_12: I don't drink by myself. Unknown_12: Alright, I'm done. Will you forgive PPP? I forgive PPP for everything, but I don't want to associate with him. Because I don't trust him. It's like, if I associate with him, bad things will happen. At his hand, because he's an unreliable person. And that's just how... Like, it's happened twice now, where I've tried to do things with him, and then he just flips on a dime and starts doing some gay shit. And it's like, eh, I'm not up for this. 1:29:55 Unknown_00: I'm literally too old for this. Unknown_12: He's younger than I am, and he's... he's got like this narrative in his head for how he wants to make things entertaining. It's just like, I can't, I can't keep up with this and I don't have the energy to do it. So, and I'm not inclined to do it. So I'm not doing K. Okay. I'm done. Uh, I will see you guys next week. Hope for more content because this week kind of sucked and I hate politics and I hate having to deal with DDoS attacks all the fucking time. Unknown_12: And, uh, bye-bye. 1:30:47 Unknown_03: Music Music Music Music Unknown_03: Deletatione lausiatus, praeum idiocot veniet. Ima go mortuorum, in mente mea mannet. 1:31:27 Unknown_03: Custodes ad Deum jurant, manubalistas amorem darret. Setscio amicos et me. Terda daturos certi. Si electo surgis, inveni nos in via content. Saxum et viram per me parvat traetas. Eu nunc semper maereo, usictam ales honnat. Sciuit non adire, quamnis me ocultem. Si electo surgis, et me abstantem. Invenis apertis oculis pagelam cum. Parvat Raidas Parvat Raidas Parvat Raidas Parvat Raidas Parvat Raidas Parvat Raidas 1:32:43 Unknown_02: Parvath Raithas Parvath Raithas