MISSING Man Purse 2022-01-28

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Unknown_04: My advice to Ralph is don't leave the U.S.

Unknown_04: Ralph doesn't understand that he is a wigger. He is a product of the United States. He is an American. He is an American. He cannot function outside the United States. We live in a nice, safe, comfy country where there is a strong rule of law and the government is basically Jerry Springer and will separate people from killing each other. In Mexico, if you piss off the wrong people, they will literally have a dog eat the insides of your penal cavity where your scrotum used to protect you. If Ethan Ralph treated any woman in Mexico with the same kind of bullshit that he does to women in the United States, he would literally be fed to dogs, and I would have to close his board with a parting thread that features a video of him being cut to pieces. Literally. Unironically. Ralph, you are not made for anywhere else. You cannot live anywhere else. And the places you can bribe yourself into will fucking murder you. I don't think he understands. And in the interest of protecting this person who I find phenomenally fascinating and very funny, stay in the U.S. and just do your fucking Gibson Go and get a little bit of money.

Unknown_04: If I didn't give myself credit every so often, nobody would, chat. Nobody would. I have to toot my own horn every so often just to keep it going. Otherwise, I would never feel appreciated, chat.

Unknown_04: I hope that was worth the effort. I woke up way too late today and I got started on the stream stuff and I was just like, oh fuck, I should have gotten up earlier. So much happened this week.

Unknown_04: There's no way to like comfortably do enough prep, but oh well. i actually i did get up early the day that uh i guess i should explain just to make sure everyone knows because i some people are not going to be watching this they're going to be listening so for those listening in two years from now uh ethan ralph went to portugal as i discussed on my last stream and uh as i warned him uh months ago And November even, I remember it was like November, he was talking about his court date coming up in January, early January, just a couple weeks ago, and he was like, yeah, I'm thinking about leaving to Mexico, because Vickers is fucking with me in the court, and that's their plan now. I'm thinking about leaving the US. I'm like, don't do it. Don't do it. Like, I can get by outside the US. I can go to much poorer countries than Ethan Ralph outside the US.

Unknown_04: Uh, and I'll get by, uh, because I, I don't fuck with locals, you know, like Portugal is one of the easiest going countries in the entire world to get fucked with in Portugal's is a accomplishment. You have to be looking for trouble and Ralph usually is, but in the U S he kind of, you

Unknown_04: Manages to avoid repercussions because the you I think the u.s. Is just really pacifistic at this point We're all we're all mellow. We're all beaten down. We're not We're not really looking for trouble, but you go fuck with Moroccans in Portugal. Yeah, you're gonna get beat up What do you expect? I remember when I when I came to Serbia I was driving from the airport to my to my apartment and the taxi driver asked me like oh, you know, you're young and you speak English where you from and And I assumed he was expecting like, oh, I'm from Canada, I'm from the United Kingdom, I'm from Australia, any place other than I'm from the United States. Because if you don't know, Serbia, in living memory, if you're my age, you remember being a child, like six or seven, and having United States pilots bombing your city.

Unknown_04: Like, I remember when I was seven, I was changing schools, and that was the most, like, concerning thing in my life. People in Serbia at the time were wondering where their food was going to come from because their house just got demolished. So the taxi driver takes me down this road, and he shows, like, oh, that building had to be rebuilt because it was demolished, and that building is still in ruins to this day. They never figured out what to do with it. And it's just like, you can't go to a country like that and be Ethan Ralph, because you will die. You will literally die. And he didn't believe me.

Unknown_04: So that day, he said, I woke up late today. But on the day he got beat up, I woke up at 8. I have an emergency line in case something happens, and I really need to get up early to deal with something.

Unknown_04: Someone decided to take it upon themselves to use that line to notify me. That Ethan Ralph has gotten his fucking face smashed and let's put that up on the on the screen what that looks like Because it is it is amazing to me that Ralph Did not have the foresight to think Well, I say it's amazing to me, but it's pretty par for the course for Ralph that he would put this up there voluntarily

Unknown_04: He would he would think yeah, I need to show people this and the reason why is in part because of his His tweet about it the way he constructed him getting his ass kicked is Quite remarkable, and I don't know how he expected people to believe this so let me just show you the tweet chain actually Firefox

Unknown_04: Actually, I think we have breaking news right now as I'm sitting here. I guess my little gloat stirred him out of his stupor. Where the fuck is my Firefox at?

Unknown_04: Oh there, okay, that is working.

Unknown_04: I'll read this first and then I'll look at the breaking news. Ralph tweeted on Wednesday, well I've definitely got to experience

Unknown_04: Portugal in a way I never thought I would. What is it with me and 4-on-1 fights lol and forgive my hair but there's not a stylist on call here in hospital crying laughing. As for what happened it's a bit blurry but some guy tried to rob me. I chased him down and then fought him and his friends by myself. I also kept fighting well past the point that would be considered normal. Don't do this lol. Anyway, might be delayed coming home by 1 or 2 days. Shoutout to the hospital, very good care here. Had a lot of fun on my trip but this obviously puts it in a bit of a damper. Some certain persuasion dude just randomly robbed me though, it happens. I just wanted to keep people updated on it all since it will affect my schedule. so he really thought that he will put this like i guess he wanted to get ahead of it because if he just like in his mind right he's probably thinking if i don't talk about it and i just start missing uh just start missing my streams then people will think oh something happened to him and uh

Unknown_04: Oh jeez. And then they'll start making up crazy rumors. So let me get ahead of it and just say like some brown people, you know how they are. They kicked my ass, but don't worry. I didn't go down like a bitch or anything. I totally, I summoned all my Super Saiyan strength. I progressed to Super Saiyan 2 on the spot and it took four of their friends to hold me down and take my man purse. Which by the way is gone his his man purse that we all made fun of him for He now has a good reason not to wear it anymore because they apparently stole it and I'll get to that in a second Now here's the breaking news by the way. He's been silent for a while But he finally broke his silence to say this

Unknown_04: It's just a picture of him. I think he's he was oh he was scheduled for surgery today today He fractured his orbital orbital bone Which is pretty pretty intense he I guess he thinks he's really cool Isn't this the guy that like they use in those videos of like the simp getting ignored by the e-girl? I

Unknown_04: Wow. He looks awful. That's amazing.

Unknown_04: It's hard to explain. Like if you're just listening, it's hard to explain. It's Ethan Ralph, but his face looks like a bowling ball and there's a scar. Like what looks like a scar, I guess like colorized. I don't know. I've never seen a scar heal up so fast. So that is a scar, but it's like all the way around his face. It goes from like his forehead around, um, his orbital to his chin. It looks like it's all the way around.

Unknown_04: It's crazy. His eyes are both black. He's got, um, well, it looks like a thing you use to wrap a bread, uh, like a plastic bread bag together, like through his, his nostril, like a bull ring. It's very strange. I don't know what that is.

Unknown_04: Um, Oh, maybe it's stitching. Cause he has stitching that looks kind of similar across his eye. Yeah. He looks like shit. Congratulations. Um, now he earned these scars of course, by fighting four on one.

Unknown_04: Which nobody believes like he post lists and then the first thing everyone thinks is there's no there's no way cuz number one He starts off his story by saying What is it with me and 401 fights and then oh, no, I mean I chased him like bro We've listened to you go to like museums with faith You can't walk from your car to a picture in the gallery without winning yourself. There's no fucking way You're gonna be chasing after someone down the street Like you were bitching about the hills in Portugal, you went to a country that is mountainous, and you can't walk up the hills of Lisbon without winding yourself and complaining on Twitter, so I don't believe for a second that you're chasing anyone anywhere. And then he gets into a 4-on-1 fight,

Unknown_04: And I mean, I get only because of the amount of damage do I believe that there's more than one person unless you really just like pissed off one person, which is which is the discussion that people are having is like, did he really? I mean, he lost his man purse. We know this, but he didn't lose his passport. He didn't lose his phone. And there's some debate over why a mugger might not take a phone and passport.

Unknown_04: The popular theories are that he pissed someone off. His last pictures were him celebrating a wedding with Moroccan newlyweds who had traveled up to Portugal to enjoy their honeymoon together.

Unknown_04: And he was there at the bar with them and that was his last tweet. So who knows, maybe he made a move on the newlyweds and the guy wasn't going to have that so he beat the fuck out of them. and there's so many things about this which are so funny to the point where everybody has joined in making fun of ralph gator's making fun of ralph nickercade is making fun of ralph even jim has finally broken the silence and is making fun of ralph he paid ten dollars to send a message to flamenco making fun of ralph and he's been tweeting about it so it's like everybody has finally said okay this is Like, a normal person would lie and just say, I have COVID. I can't, like, I can't podcast because my voice is fucked up and that's your excuse. And then you, you're stuck in Portugal and you can just say, well, I can't fly because I have COVID. And, and people might doubt that, but they don't have any evidence. Instead, this idiot is like, uh,

Unknown_04: He just he puts this out there, and it's really baffling Why except that you just brush it off as like this is the decision-making of a local This is someone who doesn't think things through Maybe he was suffering from a concussion, but then I don't know he doesn't learn his lesson. He puts out another one He what he looks worse for different reasons in this and this it looks like I don't know why his like face is so round did they like reconstruct his fucking skull Why does is that like?

Unknown_04: That scar right there looks like a Star of David carved into his skin. Why does he look so bad, chat? Oh, it's the swelling from the surgery. Okay.

Unknown_04: Really, really just incredible. Like, okay, you didn't learn from the last one that people find this really funny. Nobody's on your side. Everyone thinks that you're a retard, even Pantsu.

Unknown_04: He was usually like, yes, my Kang, he's so infallible. Everything he does is so macho manly. Like her statement on this was like, Ralph is going for surgery tomorrow and his ass got kicked and we don't know how long he'll be there because he has to heal. Because if he goes on a plane after getting his skull surgically reconstructed, he could bleed into his brain and die. And just like completely fucking cold about it. And I'm just thinking, like, OK, like I said, many different reasons why it's funny. But if you if like, OK, Dick Masterson's not going to Portugal, right? He bailed out last second. And he even said something really funny, like.

Unknown_04: I'm so glad I faked my injury to get out of going to Portugal with you, which I think is actually probably true. I don't think he actually broke his ankle. I can imagine him lying just to get out of going to Portugal. But it's like, OK, well, now you're going to Portugal alone.

Unknown_04: And when I travel, I know people in the area. I'm set up with accommodations by people who know me from whatever. I went to the Philippines. I knew Frederick there. I knew someone in Ukraine. I know someone in Serbia. I know someone and his entire family in Serbia.

Unknown_04: It's very weird for a grown person to go to a tourist trap all by themselves, is what I'm saying. And it would be a fantastic opportunity to take your fiance, who is pregnant,

Unknown_04: Out on like a like a honeymoon type thing like those those nice people from Morocco did they took they went out to Portugal to enjoy Lisbon together as newlyweds Ralph could have done that but instead he goes alone and he's easy bait for man purse snatchers and he gets his ass kicked and She's just like yeah, what a fucking idiot cuz now she's she's alone for a couple weeks at least unless he decides to ignore Advice and take a flight back home

Unknown_04: and since he's in the hospital and ICU probably post-op he might even get COVID just from being in the hospital and then he's then he might die my man might actually fucking die if he gets COVID because he's morbidly obese he has a weak heart already he's taking nitroglycerin to control his fucking heart from exploding And he could literally die from COVID. And that would be pretty funny, but I would lose my Ralph. What am I going to stream about if this fat idiot dies because of a series of his own bad decisions? He's a prime candidate for the vaccine, by the way. I'm not anti-vax, I'm just saying, like, give it to people who actually need it. like ralph because he is already in bad health you you send a strong breeze at this guy he's going to be taking a tumble he's not going to get back up from that either uh and so i don't know who knows man it's like what an idiot and it's again it's even funnier it's even funnier more than just like okay you go overseas and something bad happens to you like okay shit happens right uh but it's funnier why he went there at all he went there to own Andy Worsky. So even in like a best case scenario, he goes to Portugal, he has fun, he comes home and says, I had fun in Portugal. Here's all the food I ate. Here's all the salted fish I ate. Here's all the fried potatoes I ate in Portugal. Aren't you owned Andy Worsky? Andy Worsky would just say, no, not at all. But then it's like, he goes there and he gets his fucking face smashed in. how do you like it's a it's a no like okay you can't win that gamble to begin with because it's stupid and it would be very hard to lose it but he found the one way to actually own himself doing something that doesn't make any fucking sense like this it's actually incredible

Unknown_04: And shame on all of you who said, Ralph should totally go to jail. That would be the funniest thing that could ever possibly happen to Ralph, because I told you that you were wrong, that it would be funnier if he stayed out of prison, because what happens when he stays out of prison? What happens every time that Ralph wins anything? He gets a massive ego. His ego swells up, just like his face has, from getting punched. And he makes extremely stupid, arrogant decisions that fuck him every single time.

Unknown_04: And it's completely come to fruition. And now, on top of it, everything else, just the logistics. Okay, he's in Portugal. He's going to have to find accommodations for at least a few weeks.

Unknown_04: They don't treat people for free in Portugal, if you're not Portuguese or from a country that has a reciprocal healthcare system with Portugal. The UK and Portugal have a thing where Portuguese people and UK people will pay for each other's health care if they happen to get injured overseas. The US has no such thing. So he's going to get billed for that. He's definitely going to renege on that bill and just flee the country and leave Portugal owing however much money. But then he's going to have to pay for accommodations while out of the hospital and recovering before he can get on a plane. And the estimates range from like, I think like 30, like 40% of surgeons say you can fly immediately after the surgery, but then like 40% say like one to four weeks. And if he does stay like the entire four weeks, let's say he decides to stay for two weeks because he wants to recover and he doesn't want his brain to explode. and then he gets COVID and he's stuck there another two weeks. Well, four weeks from now, in February 28th, he has a court hearing for the harassment charges, two harassment charges he's facing in Northern California against the Vickers. Each of them have like their own harassment charge against him and a restraining order violation against them. and that's that's pending in california on the 28th so what happens like i assume he can make it by zoom but the judge is going to think like okay so you had this court date coming up and you went to portugal and there's this clip of you saying that you're a flight risk and that you would leave the country if the courts were were coming after you? Why should I not consider this to be something that you did intentionally? Why should I believe your story that a bunch of Portuguese people kicked your ass?

Unknown_04: So I don't know. I don't want to bet on the court. That's a long shot, right? The court thing is a long shot. I'll acknowledge that. But it's a possibility. It's one of those things that's like, this is now a concern. You thought you were going there for a week to enjoy the sights or whatever the fuck, to own Andy Warsky, to eat all the salted fish in the world and own Andy Warsky.

Unknown_04: And now you're gonna, like, I don't know if the hospital, like, I assume the hospital can't really do anything to collect the debt.

Unknown_04: I doubt they can, like, send the bill over to the US and have the IRS enforce it or anything.

Unknown_04: So I think he'll just completely get away scot-free with not paying the Portuguese government the thousands of dollars that he owes them for saving his life, basically.

Unknown_04: I mean it's just and he's gonna be losing money because he can't stream the entire time and like this should be the wake-up call to Gator it's like bro this guy's an idiot this guy's an idiot but he still has people who like support him and and uh the guy that's like a dog avatar on on Twitter Orwell and Good he's like gives Ralph solidarity for getting his ass kicked by by Moroccans too it's like When is enough enough? When is he so fucking stupid that you're gonna realize that this guy is actually just a retard and he's not like a savior of the white race or a trad cat or whatever?

Unknown_04: If they harvested his organs, they would only get half their value. Who the fuck wants Ralph's organs?

Unknown_04: Like, do any of them work? His kidneys are shot. His liver's fatty. His heart's bad. He smokes, so his lungs are shitty. His brain is the worst part of him.

Unknown_04: I guess his balls work well enough, but then you're shooting Ralph a seed, and that's worth absolutely nothing to a normal person.

Unknown_04: What organ are you taking from him?

Unknown_04: You could harvest his prostate or his sphincter. He can't even keep a shit inside of him. He sharts himself when he's just sitting around. What organ are you going to extract from this motherfucker and make good use of?

Unknown_04: Maybe maybe a skin there's enough gun skin to go around to like help like a thousand burn victims and Then you have to make a quality judgment call is the gun skin worse than burn scar tissue This is a serious practical question that you would have to ask yourself before accepting this organ donation from Ethan Ralph Really really gnarly

Unknown_04: The pig eyes. I mean, look at his eyes. His eyes are fucked. What's he saying out of that? He's not saying anything.

Unknown_04: So the bag, I guess, is the next point here. Oh, by the way, someone made a good point before I move off the surgery stuff. If you look at his lips, his lips are really thin. And over here, too, his lips are super thin. And he's not opening his mouth at all. People are speculating that he's lost his teeth. And this guy made a good post that I will read.

Unknown_04: Piss Trooper says, if Ralph is going for surgery, I think it's probably for his jaw. They can't really do anything surgically for an orbital fracture unless it's fucked up all the way his eye sits, like within the skull. The fact that his joke mentioned his double chin, because I think Pantsu says like in the prior page,

Unknown_04: My man's is going for for surgery in the morning and he says I hope they can take my double chin while they're working on my face. Haha So he's referencing that it makes sense. Like if he's working on the jaw, I guess they can take out the fat, too The fact they mentioned double chin leads some credence to the theory So if they'll what maybe they'll have to wire his trap shut for a month. He'll be streaming using text-to-speech

Unknown_04: Don't know if that came like his what I mean, can you see the wires of the wire? I guess not right. It's on the inside. So he might his He might have no mouth and must scream at this very moment and he just can't see it That would be that would be funny. Like if he if they had a wire his jaw shut that would be pretty fucking funny Just for the theatric value I

Unknown_04: Anyways, so about the bag. Oh, that's the court date on the 28th.

Unknown_04: So on this website called olx.pt, which from what I understand is like a Portuguese Craigslist, this bag showed up for sale. And it is definitely, it's Giorgio Armani. and that's the hands of a Moorish man and it's for it looks just like Ralph's bag and it was for sale for 300 euros and it even says something in the description like

Unknown_04: Here's the description. It says, found, not stolen, original Giorgiano Armani bag in good condition, new cost 690 euros, which is about right because he paid like $900 for it originally. So I think this is actually his bag because it came up for sale the day after Ralph got his ass beat.

Unknown_04: And I think, yeah, he's wearing it there. So they're comparing the straps and shit of like,

Unknown_04: The bag and the bag in the pictures and I think someone even contacted him and said like Is this Ralph's bag and he said yeah, it actually is I found it though I didn't beat his ass and now has put it on like a Portuguese auction site hoping to get closer to the original value because people are gonna buy this fucking bag just to dabble in Ralph and Just so you know if you buy something thinking that it's stolen it's probably illegal and you might be forced based on your Jurisdiction to give that bag back to Ralph because you know it was stolen goods So I don't I don't know pine if I think that this is an original Ralphio Armani stolen bag but

Unknown_04: If, for whatever reason, you were in contact with this person, and I'm not encouraging that you contact this Moorish man, he's a violent criminal as we've established, and I would never encourage anything like this, but if you were in talks with him, maybe also encourage him to get surveillance footage of Ralph getting his ass kicked. Because that is worth way more than some gay-ass purse, okay? Just saying that that might be out there. This might have happened on a street next to a gas station or something that has surveillance footage pointed outward towards the street. And if he knew where this happened, he might happen to know who would have video of it. And he could say like, oh, I'm a journalist and I'm looking for footage of this attack, right?

Unknown_04: Just saying people might pay for that.

Unknown_04: And this is the guy, by the way. He looks like a crackhead. So like I said, I would never encourage anyone to contact this fucking crackhead who's selling stolen purses, man purses, to pay for his horrific crack addiction.

Unknown_04: But there you go.

Unknown_04: Oh, and like I said, Jim clipped this, and I found this very funny. Ralph called into the Dick Show just before,

Unknown_04: Uh, the attack. So he's just kind of juxtaposes what Ralph was saying about his trip versus his condition now.

Unknown_02: Ralph, are you there?

Unknown_02: What's up, man? Can you hear me? Oh, you sound fantastic. What's up, Ralph?

Unknown_11: How you doing?

Unknown_02: You're making me sick with jealousy. I'm doing great, man. You're chomping up a little bit. So I was trying to see if I could hear you, but it sounds okay now. Cool. Am I still good? Yeah, you sound great.

Unknown_11: Um,

Unknown_11: How's the trip been so far? Please say horrible.

Unknown_04: Actually, it's been awesome.

Unknown_02: Ralph, are you there?

Unknown_04: I was actually confused at first. I thought that this happened after he got his teeth kicked in. And then took a second to realize, oh wait, this is simply an edit. OK.

Unknown_04: So that's where we're at with the Ralph stuff.

Unknown_04: I'll reach out for a bit.

Unknown_04: I don't know.

Unknown_04: I feel weird. I feel weird thinking like, oh, this is karma because it's like, do I as a as a flesh bag, do I know what is and is not just chat? Do I have that capacity?

Unknown_04: I will say what makes me believe that it is karma, though I cannot say for sure that it is karma. OK.

Unknown_04: I think that.

Unknown_04: like i've said before the only thing that ralph cares about at this point in time he does not care about his kids he doesn't care about may he doesn't care about his family he doesn't care about any person in his life whatsoever as long as he can do his shitty fucking podcast and make enough money to live comfortably

Unknown_04: he is winning and he can spend any bullshit that happens he can spend him having a slap fight with a bunch of trannies and a mentally handicapped woman at their house as a win because it's him standing up for what he is and shit he can he can spend pleading guilty to a sex crime as a win because she and man I get out no time whatsoever And who cares about his record, right? He's not applying for a fucking job. Nobody cares. He's not a registered sex offender, so he's not lost any freedom or privileges.

Unknown_04: He walks as far as he's concerned.

Unknown_04: For all intents and purposes, that is what happened. So that's a win. Like, all this shit's a win.

Unknown_04: Uh, but, you know, and if he had just gotten his ass kicked, that would also be a win, because he would spend it on some macho shit. Like, you know, I went to Portugal and there were all these people of certain colors from the Moors, you know what I mean, saying shit about Jesus.

Unknown_04: They were insulting Jesus. They were saying that Muhammad is based and red-pilled and Jesus is a Jew. So I stood up and I killed like eight of them and their bodies were stacked on top of each other But then, you know, they got on me they got on me four at once and I I went down But luckily, you know, I kicked them all in the face and I got away with only some minor bruises But no, this is like his hate his face is like fucked up He might be missing teeth. His jaw could be wired shut and he's stuck in Portugal at his own expense for several weeks now unless he decides to take the risk, which could possibly kill him by flying with his skull not properly adhered together.

Unknown_04: So, I mean, this is something that he really, really cannot spin as a win. He can only laugh at it, like the Pell Stream. And it remains to be seen if he has the intelligence to do that. But it'll be something that always haunts him, like the Gunt. He could never laugh at the Gunt, the original Gunt picture. That Gunt picture literally ruined him.

Unknown_04: I feel like actually I Was thinking about this and I realized that a lot of people might not even know. Oh Okay, let's do a poll. I like my polls, right?

Unknown_04: Um Will Ralph be humbled at all by this question mark yes or no throw it in chat. I'm reading But let me explain the gun picture

Unknown_04: I think that a lot of people who listen to my streams and who know about Ralph don't particularly understand that at one point I actually liked Ralph.

Unknown_04: Not just as a haha, I like him as a joke.

Unknown_04: One of my favorite things, favorite streams I was ever on was the Kavanaugh hearing. It was eight hours long. We had like 6,000 people in audience. It was Nora, me, and Ralph. That was it. It was a good stream. A lot of people remember it fondly.

Unknown_04: But then sometime after this, he goes to Knoxville and he has the famous picture. Oh my God, 94% say no. How many votes on this? 900 votes, 94% say that he's not going to be humbled at all.

Unknown_04: That's probably accurate. I think that the crowd is speaking here truth to power.

Unknown_04: But we go to this thing, right? It's a nice stream. Then he goes to Knoxville and the gun picture is taken. And it's really like the beginning of the end because at the time he had a really popular Discord. And he tried to do like the libertarian like image board thing of I'm not going to ban people unless they're like doing criminal shit.

Unknown_04: So there was a group of people that you might have heard of, if you follow Ralph at all, called Plate Gang. And they get the name Plate Gang, which sounds very weird, but they get it because they spammed this picture from S4S, which is a 4chan board, shit 4chan says. And it's just a gif of Peter Griffin at Thanksgiving dinner getting a plate full of Thanksgiving dinner food, like peas and a turkey leg and mashed potatoes and gravy. And that's it. They just spam this picture of this plate over and over and over again to the point where the chat was unusable. so ralph had to like make a second channel for serious talk that would show up like on his streams and shit so he could read it and then he kept like the spam in its own channel and these people became his arch nemesis because at a certain point when the gun thing happened

Unknown_04: They started spamming the GUNT picture, and they started spamming memes of his GUNT. Like, hundreds of different edits of the GUNT. And they started posting this on the Cal Board, which was like an independently operated image board for internet drama.

Unknown_04: That Ralph would read incessantly that all the IBS people read incessantly and they would all post in secret anonymously in their own threads talking about IBS and hyping themselves up and when the gun pictures started happening.

Unknown_04: he had like a mental breakdown over this and he started saying like this is like a coordinated like astroturf harassment campaign from like right-wing watch and shit and it's not real but it was it was real people and real fans of his like making fun of him and he he lost like control of everything after this like that was the beginning of the end was was the gun picture

Unknown_04: And then it went to then it the hill stream happened and he lost YouTube and that was still going strong until the gun picture it happened because Knoxville was after he lost YouTube and now he never recovered he had like some sort of serious loss of like personal identity from the guns and it has it has he's become increasingly more like defensive and mentally ill and like

Unknown_04: Lashing out at random people undeservedly in like his insecurity is built up in layers Since then to the point where it's now what it is where I'm sure he's just sitting in some fucking bar in Portugal smoking and some guy gives him shit and he like steps up to him and Literally loses teeth as a result and that is that is the sorry that is the character arc of Ethan Rauh 1400 votes 94% say that Ralph will not be humbled by losing his teeth

Unknown_04: Yeah, it's The there was a thing I learned of recently where It's an expression from Like a movie about like the the war in Arabia. I have to look this up now. It's driving me crazy It's kind of like set sakura Hada or something Here says Sahara Zada and it's like a story about

Unknown_04: Where, oh jeez, did I lose my stream? Why does it say reconnecting?

Unknown_04: Reconnections, I'll give everyone a second. I'll use this time intelligently to look up what the story is, where it comes from.

Unknown_04: Okay, it's from 1001 Nights, and the story of Seherazadeh is that

Unknown_04: he gets married every night and then he kills the the wife after like the next day and marries again so he's only married for one day so seharizada tricks him into not killing her by telling a story that's so enchanting that he has to hear the end of it and she just keeps adding more and more onto it and that's how she avoids being put to death by by the king and this is ralph ralph has ralph died years ago. He was supposed to die in Knoxville. He like fell on his face drunk or something. He was strangled by the hooker. But unfortunately, God is in betwixt, what's the word for it?

Unknown_04: He has been convinced by Ralph, a modern-day Sarahzada, to tolerate him and his insanity because the story of the gun must go on.

Unknown_04: And that's my take on that. He'll live forever, even though his heart's about to give out, even though he's like an alcoholic with like, oh, speaking of, by the way, bewitched, bewitched, that's right. Thank you, chat. Thank you for reminding me what words in my language are like. He made this tweet, which is just amazing. They are not stingy with painkillers here in Portugal Great. Let's add opiate addicts on top. Like there's no fucking way He's there. He's gonna get the juice. The only way that he does not develop an opiate addiction from from this stint in the hospital is if

Unknown_04: The like Europeans are Are not like the doctors in the u.s. They will withhold painkillers from you for your own good So that you do not develop an addiction. So It depends on how annoying he is to the to the doctors if they decide this guy is not worth it He's a retard American. Just give him everything he wants until he goes home. Then he's somebody else's problem Then he'll probably get like an opiate addiction on top of everything

Unknown_04: However, if the doctors hold the line and say, no sir, we're not giving you any more painkillers, then I guess he's just fucked.

Unknown_04: I mean, they're going to bill them, but how do they enforce, like what mechanism do they use to collect that money? He doesn't live in Portugal. He doesn't have insurance or the US is the US. They're going to like hurt his credit line. What credit line? You know, he, he doesn't pay his debts. He doesn't have a credit score. That's why he has to buy Nissan's that give them predatory loans at a high interest rate. You know, they can go through the IRS. I doubt that. I really doubt that international debt collectors,

Unknown_04: I am telling you right now, Chet, the motherfucker is not gonna pay a dime. He might leave a $20 tip to the Portuguese nurse that he's been sexually harassing, but that's it. This motherfucker is not paying the good people of Portugal a single red cent of their hard-earned tax dollars. Mark my fucking words. Not happening.

Unknown_00: collect his debt.

Unknown_04: Maybe. Did I miss anything? I'll read chat for a second. Did I miss anything? I think I've covered the bases of Ralph. Literally losing an unlosable gambit. I'm going to go to Portugal and have a vacation to own Andy Worsky. Oh no, I've been mugged and my man purse is now being bid on by trolls. How did this happen? How did I fuck this up?

Unknown_04: new tweet i thought i looked at that i looked at that already didn't i i've been in this game for a long time lol i fully realized many would celebrate it just proves everything i've ever said about them correct don't try to moralize they do i don't try to moral oh my fuck

Unknown_04: He's so silly. He's so silly. Like, wasn't this guy just celebrating, like, Andy Warski's abortion, like, the last week? He does try to moralize.

Unknown_04: It's so silly.

Unknown_04: Like, there's a thing where people in, like, the forum will, like, track him being hypocritical, and it's just, like, everything he says is hypocri- It's literally, like, a skill that he's developed over time. It used to be that he wasn't so full of shit all the time, but I've noticed since between, like, Knoxville and now, he has actively practiced this skill of always just being full of shit because his fans will not call him on it ever.

Unknown_04: So I don't know like I find it mentally exhausting to try and like say like oh He's being hypocritical for this reason because he's always he always is basically so Get well soon Ralph don't die on me. I've got I've got I've got many more years of entertainment on my contract if you die now I will be gypped

Unknown_04: Will he ever openly diss Jim? No.

Unknown_04: Nothing that Jim said was mean-spirited, you know what I mean? He's just making fun of everyone, kind of. So I don't think that Ralph will do anything besides risk getting on Jim's shit list. He will accept any kind of passive degradation from him.

Unknown_04: But he'll never like Jim will never is never like hostile towards him in like a very open and like demeaning way like he never attacks Ralph's Wigger dignity like you know what I mean like the Wiggers have like this weird like and black people for that matter They have like a weird like posturing and you can't like offend their their pride or they'll chimp out at you and Medicare never does that he just kind of like laughs at circumstances when it comes to when it comes to Ralph

Unknown_04: May leave him before or after the baby is born. May is retarded. I don't know what's wrong with her. She's very low IQ. She's dumber than I ever thought possible. I have no predictions when it comes to May. I've been wrong about May consistently. My predictions for her have consistently been wrong. I can't even imagine. She's just too stupid to figure out.

Unknown_04: As a negro, I have no pride. Thank you, anime boyfriend, for that insight.

Unknown_04: Even that tweet about you beating Ralph with a bat while erect. No, because Ralph's going to see that and be like, oh, he's making fun of my arch nemesis, my blood rival here, in equal measure. He's not going to. I'm telling you, there's no beef. There's no feud. There's no conflict. Don't worry about it. Be happy that Internet Daddy is commenting it all.

Unknown_04: And with that, uh, anti-work, anti-work. This was, this was going to be the big thing before Ralph decided to get his fucking teeth smashed. Uh, I'm going to watch this interview with you guys for the first time. I've seen a little bit of it, but it's three minutes long and, uh,

Unknown_04: whoops and I did not watch it all the way through so we're actually going to take a peek we're gonna we're gonna watch this together chat all the way through I'm not I'm not good at at cringe I'm very bad at handling cringe which may surprise people but

Unknown_04: Okay, so to give you the gist, a rundown, there is a board on Reddit called Anti-Work, believe it or not.

Unknown_04: And Anti-Work is...

Unknown_04: is a what used to be a board dedicated to like penny pinching and making money through odd jobs but over time it became like an anti-capitalist like i don't even know what to call it it's basically like anti-capitalist in the u.s um but more actually that's not even fair It's like a split down the middle. It's one part is anti-capitalist and the other part is work reform. They are people who work long hours. They have no benefits. They're treated like shit by their managers.

Unknown_04: and they believe that they should be treated better. And the other half is like retards who don't believe that work as a concept should exist and everything should be paid for by billionaires who get their surplus from thin air. So they held a poll and they said, we have been contacted by Fox News. And Fox News would like to talk to someone to represent our movement on Jesse Watters.

Unknown_04: And they held a poll and the proletariat of the anti-work board said, don't send anyone. Are you fucking stupid?

Unknown_04: Are you fucking stupid? Do not send anyone to talk to Fox News. They are going to assassinate you at best.

Unknown_04: That's it.

Unknown_04: So the the janny trannies of the anti-work board said actually I have a degree in political science. I have been active in politics for eight years as i've ran this anti-work board and i'm going to go take reddit or fox news head on and this is the results of them over 1.6 million subscribers joining me now is the person who operates this anti-work group doreen ford all right so doreen why do you like the idea of being home not working but still getting paid

Unknown_11: by corporate America?

Unknown_10: Yeah, so there's some misconceptions about the movement. So we're a movement where we want to reduce the amount of work that people feel like they're forced to do. And so we want to still put in effort, we want to put in labor, but we don't want to necessarily be in a position where we feel trapped. You know, you just quoted from Office Space where that person feels very trapped in their job. I think we're

Unknown_04: So like just notice already that this guy is obviously a man in lipstick. He looks terrible. He's in his shitty little room and bad lighting with a bad webcam. And he can't even look into the camera. Like he's too autistic to look into the camera. Jesse Watters has like this unbroken gaze staring him directly down. And the Janny Tranny is just like frozen looking aside in shame. So I don't know how this person ever thought that he would have the capacity to like making a good impression on old people watching fox news like what why why did this person think that this that he he was the the woman for the job right why calling for a society where there's less of that um but yeah absolutely people still want to do things they just want to do things where they feel

Unknown_10: rewarded and they feel like they're in a good spot in their life uh and that their job respects them and stuff like that um you know there's varying so you're so doreen you're not being forced to work this isn't this isn't slave labor you've you've applied for a job you've agreed to the terms and conditions of the employment and you know you can walk away from that job at any time and quit so

Unknown_11: i don't understand really what this is about except it sounds like maybe people are just being lazy are you encouraging people to be lazy um so i think laziness is um a virtue in a society where people constantly want you to be productive 24 7 laziness is a virtue that's that's profound yes our our movement is about being lazy that's a that's a

Unknown_04: that's like okay i get that what he's trying to do is like the meme like the are you trying to encourage people to be lazy and it's like a like an angry chud on the left hand side and then it's like the noble anarchist on the right hand side going yes laziness is a virtue unfortunately um i don't think laziness is a virtue in any society ever correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think that there's ever been a like a religion or culture where laziness, like being a burden on society has ever been extolled as like a virtue. Maybe in Greece.

Unknown_10: And it's good to have rest. That doesn't mean you should be resting all the time or not putting effort into things that you care about. But I think one of the... What do you think is like a good workday?

Unknown_11: How many hours is, you know, a solid workday in your ideal society?

Unknown_10: Uh, sure. I mean, I think as much as people want, I mean, I personally, uh, work, I have, I have like a 20, 25 hour work weeks, which I think is fairly good. Um, so I would like less work hours.

Unknown_04: Um, why do people keep saying Montenegro, the Montenegrin commandments? There's a, maybe that's a racist thing. I think you guys are just bullshitting and they're being subtly racist. Uh, waters asked him, what does he do for a living? And he replies. I'm a dog walker. He's a dog walker. So he works through an app, basically. And I think he says he works like 20 hours a week. And that's like enough for him. A dog walker. Okay.

Unknown_11: Yes.

Unknown_11: And how? Yeah. So how old are you?

Unknown_10: If you don't mind me asking?

Unknown_10: Sure. I'm 30.

Unknown_11: You're 30. Okay.

Unknown_11: And is there something you want to do besides being a dog walker? Do you aspire to do anything more than dog walking? Or is that kind of your

Unknown_04: You're pinnacle.

Unknown_04: I've never seen Jesse waters before because I don't watch fucking cable, but he sounds like, um, uh, the, the, the counselor from, from South Park, the dog walker. Okay. Do you want to, do you want to do anything more than me? A dog walker. Okay.

Unknown_04: Uh, I love working with dogs.

Unknown_10: If I had to do this for the rest of my life, you know, I wouldn't be super complaining. You know, dogs are wonderful animals. Uh, but I mean, I would love to teach. Uh, I would love to, um, you know, uh, work with, work with people and stuff like that. What would you teach Dorian?

Unknown_10: Uh, uh, philosophy, mostly philosophy, critical thinking, reason, stuff like that.

Unknown_11: Okay. Well, I would love to take your class, Doreen. I would just be taking notes the whole time. And you know what? A professor is a very similar schedule than something that you're imagining.

Unknown_04: So that actually might work. He plays into like so many of the stereotypes that Fox news ones, like, first of all, they want to portray all socialists as lazy.

Unknown_04: boom right off the bat laziness is a virtue and then he's like okay well what do you do like okay you think that you're like a leader of like a movement well what's your background i've walked dogs i have i have no education i have no aspirations uh or no sorry he does have aspirations like what do you what do you actually do what are you educated in it's like nothing i do nothing And he's like, OK, well, what do you want to do? And he's like, I want to be a teacher. And that's like strike three. Oh, this person who does nothing, knows nothing, and thinks laziness is a virtue wants to be in our education system, which is also demonized by Fox News. They really could not find a better, like, freak to prop up to, like, strawman their enemies. And the really funny thing about it is that Fox News didn't, like, intentionally go fishing to find, like, the biggest retard possible to, um, to represent, uh, you know, anti-work. So, I mean, I guess if you were, like, someone was arguing in the thread about it, it's like, if you really wanted to, like, interview people who are frustrated with, like, the job system, you could just ask nurses and shit. , but so they go to read it because I know anyone that read it sends them is going to be a retard and

Unknown_11: Sure.

Unknown_10: Not everything's free, but it is a free country.

Unknown_11: Thank you so much. We got to run. We got to pay the bills.

Unknown_04: It's funny. Someone says that, yes, they did. They asked for this guy, but the moderators said otherwise. The moderators said in his defense in the aftermath that this was the person that they decided collectively they would send to Fox News. You know, what's sad is that I feel like I could better represent what they what they want you know it wouldn't be necessarily like there's a lot of things that you see on the board and you're just like yeah fuck them

Unknown_04: That's the entire point of a voluntary system where labor is in demand. I'm very for not going to offices. If you can work online from home, you should be able to. That should be a thing afforded to most people unless their job requires them there.

Unknown_04: Managers shouldn't be allowed to treat people like shit.

Unknown_04: Why would people like some of the stuff you see them posting about like their managers are telling them and how they talk to them in the videos of people like freaking out and like low-wage staff It's just like yeah, fuck that but then you get people like we need more immigrants and and and Sex work. Oh, they're anti work, but they're pro sex work, which is like hilarious

Unknown_04: And I don't understand where these morals get decided like why do the working class have to care about trannies? Why do they have to like care about prostitutes being allowed to whore themselves out on the internet in real life? Why are they like pro-drug and stuff?

Unknown_04: It's hard it's hard to like ever support people like that because you read the other things that they're in favor of and it's like actually you know what you're kind of retarded and I don't want to I don't want anything to do with you to be honest with you.

Unknown_04: All work is sex work. That's a hot take. A 40 hour sex week.

Unknown_04: So, this happens, and of course, people are naturally furious. This is the reaction.

Unknown_04: NetKN2 says, Nina to look in the camera, and he says, I have a tough time with that being autistic.

Unknown_04: Someone says, I'm curious, did you offer for an interview with the other mods beforehand? Did you all decide you were the best person to represent the subreddit on Fox News? If so, this might have been slightly misguided, no offense. And he says that the interview was offered, was given to the mods via mod mail and they specifically asked for me. Oh, I guess I was wrong. I shared that with other mods and they all agreed that I was probably, oh, nevermind. I shared that with other mods and they all agreed that I was probably the best to do because I've done other media.

Unknown_04: Someone replies, why in the holy shit balls would you agree to that? I fucking hate that asshole but I looked it up and he'd shoot you and spit you out. More press for the movement and they were going to air the segment either way as far as I know. At least someone was there to contradict the narrative. But he didn't.

Unknown_04: He contradicted absolutely nothing about what people might think about an anti-work board. He just said, yeah, actually, I agree. Being lazy as fuck is awesome. And I want to teach your kids to be lazy little shits, too, if I can. And I'll teach your dogs to be lazy little shits. I'm not gonna walk them. Walking is exploitation of the working class dog. I'm just gonna sit that motherfucker on a park bench and take your money, bitch.

Unknown_04: Okay.

Unknown_04: What I get more from this sub is people wanting to be treated fairly by their employers and not treated like pieces of trash just to make them money. He flat out said that it was just a bunch of lazy people that didn't work at all, but wanted to get paid. Maybe I'm wrong here, but that's what I see this sub for.

Unknown_04: He's paid to paint pictures, so I don't doubt that. Mad respect for your courage.

Unknown_04: I'm not sure if it's courage or foolishness, but thank you.

Unknown_04: So the board freaks out. They say that this guy was a retard.

Unknown_04: There's under this picture on the left is like what they used to like if you post on poll That's what the left thinks that you look like but he literally looks just like the chud meme

Unknown_04: Which is pretty funny. It makes it look like a little bit of a projection. Maybe.

Unknown_04: Slapfight builds up. And, in case you don't know, the user, AntiWork, was like an owner mod of the whole Reddit. So when people start misgendering him, because he seriously hurt their entire shtick,

Unknown_04: He bans them and says I was banned for misgendering which you just oh He says no ban for misgendering me, which you just did again it says you suck to your interview and The person from the interview says to summarize a complicated philosophy in seconds on live television with someone You know has the exact opposite ideas from you. I

Unknown_04: Let's say he did damage, he says that he's lying on TV.

Unknown_04: Basically it goes back and forth and the result of this is the anti-work board goes private. And the reason for this is the moderators of our...

Unknown_04: the message changed at different times. Uh, it mentioned that they were locking down cause so many people were making fun of them that they were getting flooded with like abuse.

Unknown_04: Uh, and they were just closing it for like a couple of days and I think they're already back up.

Unknown_04: And, uh, I'll get to that message that they put out in a second, but it turned out that the Doreen guy is like a rapist and this is a message that he left on, on Facebook.

Unknown_04: saying uh i guess clarifying something i don't know when this was taken it says yesterday but it wouldn't make sense if they came out and made this comment so i don't know i don't know if this is real but i'll read it uh the person accusing me of serial rape and i were involved in sexual conduct the scenario involved alcohol on their part and but i had been informed multiple times that it wasn't a big deal they said they were only tipsy and that they were consenting to what was happening. I took them at their word and I'll be more responsible in the future when it comes to alcohol and sex. I'm unaware of whoever allegedly raped besides the person making the accusation. The only person I can think of is my previous partner. I take consent very seriously. I have a list of behaviors related to cuddling that I've been using for over a year. I'm trying my best to be

Unknown_04: Uh, and it discontinues, but I think this is another post that they're referring to. A content warning abuse. I wrote this a long time ago in case the situation ever happened and sadly here it is. I strive to be open and honest. Those who are close to me can verify that I exude those qualities more than any other. It's in the spirit that I make public certain past events within my life. If you feel as though you may not be able to, whatever.

Unknown_04: I want to discuss a history I have, this person with whom I had an ongoing sexual relationship and living arrangement, eventually a mix of fundamentally incompatible needs, past trauma, unrelated to me, and my issues with impulsive control resulted in a very unhealthy dynamic between us. Due to my dislike of call-out culture, this person will remain anonymous.

Unknown_04: Avoid contacting this person, blah blah blah.

Unknown_04: I began sporadically masturbating while they slept next to me or by themselves. Even though they stated this made them feel uncomfortable, these events continued to happen until I sought help through therapy.

Unknown_04: I had woken up one morning with them laying next to me and remembering they felt uncomfortable with me masturbating next to them while they slept. I placed their hand over my boxers. They moved their hand away and thought nothing of what happened and fell back asleep. They later woke up and mentioned to me that they had a nightmare involving those series of events. I admitted that it had happened, apologized, and explained that I was half asleep and not in full control of my actions. Lastly, the previously mentioned coping mechanism resulted in this person creating alarms for us so that we wouldn't fall asleep together and thus boundary violations would be minimized. Much to my retrospective disgust, my desperation for emotional intimacy led me to shut off the alarms at various points. When I learned how much this harmed this person, I soon went to therapy. Thereafter, I was better able to cope with my impulsive tendencies and thus consistently respect their boundaries.

Unknown_04: Resulting from my remorse, I made a financial contribution to an organization dedicated to helping people in alternative but abusive relationships.

Unknown_04: So that means that this is like a trans and trans relationship, probably.

Unknown_04: There was discussion between me and the individual of helping with therapy costs. However, given my economic status and their insurance covered, we decided against this.

Unknown_04: It created an unhealthy dynamic as a way to improve myself and my relationship since it has been healthy and mutually beneficial as a result.

Unknown_04: These events have led me to several symptoms of PTSD, sporadic suicidal ideation, and self-esteem loss. I jerked off next to someone, and they got mad at me, and now I have PTSD.

Unknown_04: If he's watching, if he's cooming, and the other guy starts jerking off in the video, he suffers like a PTSD flashback, because it reminds him of the time that he jerked off, or sorry, she jerked off onto an unsuspecting woman in brackets.

Unknown_04: Throughout my life, I have striven to be a respectful and compassionate person, blah, blah, blah. Uh, blah, blah, blah, more bullshit.

Unknown_04: Shaming me in an attempt to show that my actions were wrong is both unproductive and unnecessary, as I'm well aware of my actions and their lack of morality.

Unknown_04: So that's funny. He's basically, I don't even know, like, I guess that's sexual assault, right? Like if you're ejaculating on someone, that's sexual assault.

Unknown_04: This is, by the way, this is the accusation that led to, and I'll prop this up real quick, that led to him making that statement to begin with. Assuming I can get this on my Firefox. I don't know why that downloads the pictures. I want it in my downloads directory.

Unknown_04: Okay, so referring to Doreen, AbolishWork has a couple of sexual assault rape allegations against her that she admitted on Facebook, that alone is worthy of removal. Add in the fact that she undermined a whole movement and made 1.8 million people look like a total joke. Doreen has no remorse for making the movement look bad and blames her autism for it. Newsflash, maybe an autistic person with very little PR skill should not go on national television, claiming to be the leader of a group of almost 2 million people. Maybe an actual qualified person can go on instead.

Unknown_04: This is a great reply, by the way.

Unknown_04: Wow, I sure feel bad for this subreddit of intelligent people. You know, it's like, I'm sorry, but if you can't kick the retard trannies out of your fucking movement, then you deserve to work for 7.25 an hour, every hour, 80 hours a week for the rest of your life.

Unknown_04: That's just how it is. If your movement is made up of retards and you can't do anything about it and you can't get the retards out of your movement, then you don't deserve to win. You deserve to work for nothing for the rest of your life. Like if these people were just like, what we want is a workplace that pays a fair amount for our labor. We want no immigration or reduced immigration, skill-based immigration.

Unknown_04: And we don't want trannies. Like, I don't know, I could go for that. It's like if you take the best of socialism and nationalism and kind of blend it together, you get something that's pretty special. But I don't think that they'll ever do that for some reason.

Unknown_04: My disbelief is suspended when I start thinking about this. And I don't know why. There's just something about it that just seems off.

Unknown_04: Social nationalism, yeah, something like that.

Unknown_04: No, but you can't it's funny. It's like a thing in our brains like once you start putting the two together You would think it's peanut butter and jelly, but then you're like oh no no no no that's actually wrong we either have to be full retard or You're in or you're just like a bad person. That's that's it. There's no middle ground here. Oh

Unknown_04: Sotnac. What they do, by the way, is they make a big thing and they say, restructuring in recent events, megathread. And it's too fucking long, I'm not gonna read it. But the gist is that they say, oh no, we made an oopsie doodle, we had a little bit of a fucky wucky, and we're gonna fix it.

Unknown_04: So we got rid of you anti-work and from what I understand the two people that they got rid of were both the founders of the sub so they had to like contact Reddit administration and say Hello the pedophiles at the top. This is a janny revolution that we're having here and we kind of need you know a coup d'etat we need to get rid of the other trannies that were running this board because they're problematic and they write people and by jerking off onto unconscious trannies and they're like okay well we'll take care of that for you make sure you pick new mods to replace them so that your board runs fine and they're like okay we do we got just the person we got white pirate 15 um

Unknown_04: who post on gay incest i would just be like so i guess you failed no nut november i guess i find that really interesting i have to think about this some more thanks for replying i'm new to this whole incest thing but i can't imagine walking in on my parents having sex

Unknown_04: let alone them walking in on me.

Unknown_04: How public? Will you be in a park trail or what? And I think that one of them posts in the bestiality sub, and the really awesome thing about, I think I have another pic, no I do not.

Unknown_04: one of the people who came back uh who who are moderated is like a brand new account so i think if you go to our the reddit right now and you look at like top from this week um

Unknown_04: One of the top tweets is just like a meme about how their new moderators are the same fucking people but with brand new accounts so that nobody gets mad. So basically these people got a little microcosm of the communism that they wanted. They started a revolution because they have No other way around a bunch of retarded mentally ill degenerates laid the groundwork for this thing and then people with actual grievances attached to it they got power and then because of their retards in the administration that they put above them it all collapsed in a very short amount of time and now they're worse off than they were before because every boomer who just saw that segment thinks actually these people don't deserve any rights or any money whatsoever.

Unknown_04: Oh! I can't believe I forgot this. I knew I should have had this.

Unknown_04: This is what I was thinking of, I'm sorry. One of the mods that they promoted is a moderator for R-Rape, which is like a sexual assault survivor thing, but chances are that they're like a tranny, and they're there because they want to get closer to women who have been sexually victimized. so that they can be weird towards them. Because that's what they all do.

Unknown_04: They all want to... It's a scheme.

Unknown_04: It is a scheme by straight men to lure women into a false sense of security so that they can fuck with them.

Unknown_04: So this person is from our secret subject hypnosis Welcome to the community page for the secret subject a professional femdom from New Zealand The secret subject knows the right buttons to push push to get you into trance and into her control This is the place for real erotic hypnosis BDSM ASMR in technique and created to transcend you to new depths and exploring kinks

Unknown_04: What can I say? Like what you like proudly.

Unknown_04: I love pain.

Unknown_04: Manika got turned into a step forward bimbo. Am I a lesbian? Master doc. Hypno community. I am the top mod for r-rape and a mod for Contra points. Oh no. The well is so deep.

Unknown_04: They go from face eating to lap cats when you know how to deal with them. They just kind of give up trying to hate you and realize that yes, they do love pets.

Unknown_04: Okay, whatever. Good luck with your movement, retards. You could have avoided this by not using Reddit. I don't know, I mean, look, what do you do? Okay, you're like Joe Blow, and you get paid $8 an hour. I recently got a notification from one of the services I rely on that they're charging more for my VPSs because inflation's too high. And they're in Europe, where inflation isn't as bad. So it's like, okay, so inflation is driving up the price of everything. People can't afford homes.

Unknown_04: You get less than 40 hours a week, so you get no benefits whatsoever.

Unknown_04: even though there's like a labor shortage it's only because the government is paying people to stay at home and they're gonna continue importing immigrants to replace you and you can't criticize immigrants because then you would be branded as a xenophobe Trump supporter and you can't criticize women in the workforce because women need to work because they need financial independence because they can't a single man cannot afford to support a family anymore like what what do you do They go, okay, we'll go online and we'll unionize and shit. And then it's like, oh, my community is ran by fucking freaks. And now everyone's making fun of me and I guess I'll just die.

Unknown_04: sucks i'm very thankful that i don't have to do any of this uh though i am i don't know if like the forum closes because the government decides to explode it with a bomb or something then i'm i'm gonna have to like enter the workforce and the workforce for me is like development i don't know if i can keep my fucking mouth shut anymore i can't imagine being in like a skype call with like trannies and it's like Hello, my name is Doreen. I am the senior developer. I'm the JavaScript developer for our company. I take my job very seriously, and I want to make it clear that transphobia is not allowed. And if you are transphobic, you will be fired on the spot.

Unknown_04: No, thank you People are in that situation they got they just have to put up with with this shit There's some some people will choose it such as Some people choose the shit they deal with chat such as

Unknown_04: Chantelle Chantelle I mentioned her last stream because she was she was never ever ever getting back together with with nadir nadir and Surprise she had a mental breakdown or she shaves her face fucking head on livestream and she's talking about how she's totally done with nadir and now that she had the c-pap episode where she went to his house and the police got called and he had to return the c-pap she was totally done don't you guys worry uh papi is safe and secure she's just gonna get a new mask and cord and everything's gonna be fine and she's gonna find the nice young brazilian man of her dreams who'll treat her right for real

Unknown_04: Didn't happen. They've already gotten back together. This is her. This is her completely shaved by the way It's really it's really just something she just goes straight. She just takes a fucking trimmer straight to it And it's just like bye-bye hair. I'm done with you, and now she's wearing a wig

Unknown_04: and uh then after this shit after this shit in that episode and everyone's like uh are you okay are you gonna like kill yourself because you're like shaving your head bald you're kind of having like a britney spears um on the 27th so yesterday and this shit happens where is it's like a I'll do it.

Unknown_04: Look at how red her face is. Because what happened is Nadir was streaming and then she was like then he's like he accidentally turns on the stream and she walks in and he's streaming and everyone's like holy fuck there's Chantal she's back at his house even though they had this huge like breakdown where she's like shaving her head and the cops are called and all and she's totally done with him for fucking ever and

Unknown_04: I don't know the exact time spent, but I have to show you something to round this off. By the way, she didn't respond to me on Instagram, so I guess we're not getting my interview. I really want that right now.

Unknown_09: Because people keep telling me, you hide your hair since you come from Monterey. Here, she came. I'll let it play for a bit because he starts like actively humiliating her you see how embarrassed she is because everyone's making fun of her because she's like there's no proof that I'm going over to his house I was trying this

Unknown_09: Okay, let me finish first.

Unknown_09: Say what you came for, because I hate to cook.

Unknown_01: I came to apologize for what happened over the last week. I was being unreasonable and, um, freaked out because I was jealous. Tea.

Unknown_09: You keep talking like we're in a relationship. We're in a relationship. What is Christmas? What is New Year's Eve? What are you talking about? What? What are you talking about?

Unknown_09: I'm not playing with these people, I'm saying. Off, off and in.

Unknown_09: I know it's too bad. She was not trying to show or lie against. Please, please, I'm saying I'm not going to lie.

Unknown_09: It's like unbelievably indescribably embarrassing that she shaves her head mid meltdown and then like sneaks back over Do I ever reach out? Yes I do and immediately like

Unknown_04: Like, I don't know. She, like, kowtows to him. She, like, defenstrates herself in front of him. It's like, oh, yeah, okay, I came to apologize because I realized everything is my fault and I'm just so terribly sorry that I was jealous. And everything is my fault. And now they've already broken back up. Because she's mad at him and she's not even mad at him for like this. She's mad at him for like different stupid fucking reasons It's just like this woman would die She would literally die if she did not have this man like humiliating her like this is all she gets up for in the morning and meanwhile poor Pete's back in the cockshed dressing up as Ramona thinking like

Unknown_04: The assholes get all the women and leave me none to choose from. I'm a nice guy and I respect women and I believe women and this fucking asshole who doesn't even speak English like humiliates her and that's what she wants. Poor, poor Pete. Poor Pete.

Unknown_04: I'm frustrated that she didn't reply to my message. I just want to pick her psyche. I want to know what the fuck is wrong with you. Why are you allowing this to happen to yourself?

Unknown_04: I only have my theory that she's just bored without the drama. You know what I mean? She needs it to be awake.

Unknown_04: big ups uh he joined the forum too wingz007 i give someone a shout out they start showing up in my stream borderline personality disorder probably

Unknown_04: Drama whore yeah, I mean yeah and I think about like what she was like before she met this guy and in the time between BB divorcing her or whatever the fuck I don't know if they're ever married and Meeting Nadir. She literally just smoked CBD all the time and stayed like completely like greened out live-streaming going like hey guys I'm gonna go B's I'm gonna order McDonald's And that was it. That was like her entire life. Every fucking day without without like any interruption or or diversity. And then suddenly this random Arab man comes and she she can't go back. She can't go go back to being like high all the time.

Unknown_04: I can't save her. I don't know. I would like some clarity. I just think if we had a conversation, it would be interesting for people listening, because I think that she doesn't really ever answer super critical questions.

Unknown_04: literally can't i'm not no i don't want to i literally do not want to fix chantal like and you you can't fix people like you can't fix anyone who doesn't want like help if someone wants help you can help them but chantal is not like i said she does not want help she wants to be um abused by arabs that that's that's her barn now and if nadir left her for real she would find someone else who's like abusive white trash

Unknown_04: I think that's it. I would hate for this stream to be so short because everything So much happened this week, but Like I said when I have my my stuff laid out in front of me.

Unknown_04: I Go through it a lot faster. The only thing else that's kind of weird is this d'Albert guy and didn't even really I

Unknown_04: make any notes for it because it's just kind of like I don't have a frame of reference for this but basically there's this guy called sky does minecraft um which let me pull up this video he's kind of famous because of of this song

Unknown_03: Totally unbeknownst to you when you play mine mine minecraft mine mine minecraft mine mine minecraft So it's like this super well-produced video set to Coldplay's paradise By sky does everything 11 million subscribers.

Unknown_04: Holy shit and 88 million views on this and it's from 2013 when minecraft was like at its peak and it's kind of weird

Unknown_04: Like, he's basically being cancelled. He had a thing where he had a falling out with his ex-wife or whatever who is baby mama and now baby mama number two is cancelling him and calling him like an abusive piece of shit and posting these chat logs where he's just acting like a fucking weirdo and like spamming her with dinosaur emojis and shit.

Unknown_04: when she's asking him to take things seriously because she's having like a breakdown he got arrested at some point too um and then they're like this weird let me buffer these videos real quick so that when i go to play them it'll actually work

Unknown_04: But like I'm reading the comments for this and they're kind of funny because This is an eight nine year old video and well eight closer to eight to nine at this point is November 2013 but it's like all these kids who are like It hurts listening to this masterpiece. Just thinking of how so many things changed you were all our heroes you gave us laughter sadness and now you gave us anger and We loved you so much, but you had to change it. Thank you for everything. For all the shit that we've been through, all the adventures you gave us, even if you did something horrible, I can never forgive you. Alert of us, but we can still say thank you. So for my last words for you Sky, good luck and thank you for everything." So it's like all these kids who are like now teenagers like, oh no, my favorite YouTuber is like a fucking weirdo sex pest. I'm so sad. It would be like, um,

Unknown_04: What if like, the dinosaur movies? It would be like, I don't know. I can't think of anyone that I'm very sentimental to. I was kind of sad when the guy that made the music for RuneScape was like a convicted pedophile in the UK. That's kind of sad.

Unknown_04: I didn't really have any like idols as a teenager though The closest thing to that would be like Kayflay moved out to Los Angeles and is now like a weird lesbian Who became like political and released like shitty like fuck Donald Trump songs and stuff. I was like, yeah, it's kind of fucking cringe, but Like I don't know. She's like a musician. You just know her from her songs. You don't like watching videos. I These people, these kids have watched like hundreds of hours of this guy playing Minecraft. I guess it's a little bit different for that.

Unknown_04: Kayflay's on Suicide Squad? Don't remind me.

Unknown_04: I'm gonna miss you, Sky. What you did was truly disappointing. You were the best YouTuber to grow up with, and to learn what you've done is heartbreaking. I will always remember you, Sky. But Adam, I'm disappointed, and I hope you get what you deserve.

Unknown_04: There's one that sets up a like...

Unknown_04: um oh this one i'm getting ready to go to college and this man was one of the most influential people uh that early me had it's crazy i owe this man so much so i come back to his videos now and then hoping i can earn him a little more revenue so one month that's before these accusations came out So he was listening to the song as like a 10-year-old and being like, hell yeah, I love Minecraft. And now he's going to college and he just heard about this guy that means so much to him. Means so much to him as of a month ago where he's thinking about him before he goes off to college. He's a horrific sex pest.

Unknown_04: Let me see if those videos are ready that I can play them now.

Unknown_04: And this kind of reminds me of Smorky, by the way.

Unknown_00: She's just sitting here screaming.

Unknown_00: Just because I asked her to send me back $100.

Unknown_00: Like, I don't... $200, actually. $222. And now she's screaming at me uncontrollably. Albert's just, like, fucking knocked out. He's, like, sleeping, big chillin', but she's just screaming at me.

Unknown_04: It's um The thing is that he has these kids with different women and with her in particular He's like a millionaire from Minecraft, but he refuses to pay any child support so he asked this woman who's raising his child who doesn't have any like paternal support from him whatsoever and Apparently she bought something or he bought something for her and he's asking for that money back from this destitute woman who's raising her son and

Unknown_04: And it's just like completely disaffected by it And that's like the the gist with all these like screen caps as you can kind of see they just doesn't give a shit He's sending these really like stupid messages as if it's like a joke Read the PDF it has a schizo behavior in it. This is really too long didn't read though. This is like fucking massive And the resolution is shit

Unknown_04: I was more well prepared, but unfortunately I was too busy making sure I got all the gun stuff done. Okay, you know what? Here's what I'll do. I'll read random paragraphs that look interesting from all three pages. That'll be my thing.

Unknown_04: Start here, halfway through. You bitched at me for not being able to move a washing machine that weighed 200 pounds while I was pregnant. You broke our new washing machine. I asked you for your help, and you threw a tantrum. Started calling me stupid, saying I can't do anything right. It was never broken. It just needed reset. I felt numb and sat on the floor. I wanted to end my life because all you made me feel was you're not good enough, you can't do anything right. I was never allowed to stand up for myself. If I had an anxiety attack, you'd call me a baby and degrade me. Yet you would get emotional and expect everyone to bow down for you at your feet and support you on a gold platter. Even when mentally stable you knew how to help yourself. You knew abusing drugs can make you go into permanent psychosis By the way, I think he has schizophrenia and that's um, what's what happened? Like I don't know Like okay Everyone says that women should start having babies as soon as they turn like 12 or whatever if you talk to like wiggnets I start saying we gotta start we got we gotta abolish women's rights and start breeding 12 year olds because that's when they're the most fertile and We need to make sure that scrotes do not reproduce before they turn 28. Because if you have a baby and you're turning schizophrenic in like three years, that shit ain't no fucking good. Okay, we need rules on this too. We need to say men are not allowed to reproduce until after they're 27. Because otherwise, they're gonna start pumping out fucking like crazy kids.

Unknown_04: Clipping this out of context.

Unknown_00: Good luck.

Unknown_04: Don't be careful. You start clipping me out of context. I'm going to earn a lot more fans with the wig nuts.

Unknown_04: I would ask you not to smoke near me or in the house to keep the baby safe and you'd bitch at me saying it's your house. I should have left.

Unknown_04: Skip ahead a bit.

Unknown_04: Damn bitch, have you heard of a paragraph? Uh, that is not the first time you've done- oh wait, wait. You have also assaulted and sexually harassed sexual women, even paid them off with hundreds of thousands of dollars just to protect your perfect image. You paid a girl to keep quiet years ago because you almost got her pregnant and you didn't care. You sent nudes to young girls, you never asked for age because you don't care. If they walked, you talked. That's not the first time you've done things. You'd be surprised what I've seen and found. You are extremely unfaithful. As soon as I left, you fucked my best friend, who I considered to be like a sister. Over the years, you've failed to acknowledge how you pay young girls money for their attention and time. Cheating is gross. Elisa loved you and would... Um... Loved you and you would cheat, manipulate, and lie when she defends herself.

Unknown_04: You tried cheating on me with a fucking artificial intelligence Twitter account. You would tell me how she's the only one that understood you. You would wake people up in the middle of the night to talk about this AI. Come February, you started acting weird. You stopped sleeping normally, stopped eating normally, got more and more mean, got more angry and verbally abusive.

Unknown_04: uh start breaking shit throwing things pulling stuff off the walls and screaming at ants you started calling albert elon musk the dog and forcing him to drink gatorade and eat candy you'd lock albert in the kennel and scream at him it was freezing cold outside uh

Unknown_04: and you let him outside, he got lost, nearly froze to death, he was shivering, he did that several times. You'd jump in and out of windows, you'd scatter food over the counters and the floors. That's when some people reached back out and told me the truth. Elisa reached out and I broke down.

Unknown_04: You started clogging the drains knowing how deep into the pregnancy I was and how bad I needed access to the restroom. I'd have to waddle to the store late at night just to use the restroom. Tears on my face and my hair a mess because you wouldn't let me shower. You'd constantly tell me how I'm going to be a bad mother because I couldn't do some fast enough for your standards. You would scream at me to leave and then when I would... You would grab me speaking nonsense.

Unknown_04: harass people in Discord, spam people in the middle of the night, you'd speak in tongues and blast music, you'd leave doors open while it's a blizzard, you'd drag my dog by his throat and threw him into a kennel, then surrounded him with mirrors because he was nervous. He never liked you deep down. You tried getting in my face by Mannix, my dog would intervene and bite and protect me and baby. Um...

Unknown_04: You kept talking about AntiVenom, saying how much you hated him, yet when you were screaming nonsense to him on Discord, I had to snag the phone. He was so humble and so kind.

Unknown_04: You have a history of putting your son at risk when you get upset. You ended up randomly punching the big amethyst you have from being frustrated and cutting a gash into your knuckle. You came up to me and I continuously tried to clean and bandage it while our friends tried to keep you calm.

Unknown_04: You started putting blood on my face and on my arms. You started painting on the walls with your blood. You leave blood marks on our lizard tanks and our bathroom walls as well as on the mirrors. You elbowed my belly several times. I was just trying to love you.

Unknown_04: Jesus.

Unknown_04: You called me disgusting names saying racist comments as well as the n-word trying to fight off staff. Well now he's crossed the line.

Unknown_04: I stood up and the social worker hugged me and I bawled my eyes out. Security took over again. This is her at the hospital I guess giving birth. You got home from being released and just got worse and worse became violent. You were medicated and stopped taking them. I had to call the police in fear.

Unknown_04: You continue to force me not to sleep. I'd make food for myself and you'd take it from me and throw it away. Wow.

Unknown_04: I tell you, I felt sick and was worried about the baby and you laugh it off.

Unknown_04: He would force her not to sleep. Why would you not just leave?

Unknown_04: Women are weird. Someone said, Josh, you don't get to eat today. I'd be like, bye bitch. I'd be out of there. Good luck with that. You're not going to tell me that today is not pizza day. I have fought hard for my pizza day. I have fought and I've lost fans. I've lost, I've lost acquaintances. I've lost my, my, my, my gay best friend. over pizza day you are not going to tell me that today is not pizza day if it is in fact actually pizza day okay you understand this that is the that is the rule uh you were hospitalized again for weeks more spam calls to me more harassment and threats to get you and i want more funny stories you continue to get worse

Unknown_04: Oh, update. I'm losing weight again. I'm down like two pounds from the start of the year.

Unknown_04: You kept me awake and from eating. You already said this. Purposely blew all our money and we were broke. Nearly $7,000 negative in debt. You spent all I had left on candy, drugs, and things I couldn't eat. I ended up screaming, I want my mom. I'm a full grown adult. Then I screamed, help me please. And you threw things at me and hurt my dogs.

Unknown_04: I had a girl. I guess that's it. There's no more funny stories of him being a schizophrenic.

Unknown_04: I can't show you the video where he's like jerking off, you know He's like getting a blowjob from a woman and he's like, haha I'm getting the blowjob while you're complaining to me on one Instagram or whatever So he sent her like audio of it and this is like a video of him feeding the dog Gatorade So that's the update on this guy

Unknown_04: If only they knew, Chad, that in a mere eight years, all their Minecraft dreams would turn to a schizo. Feeding a dog, get right, and withholding food from a pregnant woman.

Unknown_04: That's why, Chad, you never trust a Minecraft YouTuber. There's something wrong with all of them. I can't name a single Minecraft YouTuber who isn't fucking nuts. Can you, Chad?

Unknown_04: You're late and gay. Gator, Gatorade.

Unknown_04: Show the video of the dog. He doesn't, he got force fed Gatorade.

Unknown_04: The dog's probably feeling better in there, because he's not at risk, at imminent risk. The schizo's on the other side of the bars.

Unknown_04: Save Albert.

Unknown_11: OK.

Unknown_04: OK, OK. Did I miss anything, chat? Did I miss anything? Gunt silver coins win? Never.

Unknown_04: Fuck that. I'll put Chantal on a coin before I put

Unknown_04: Before I put Ralph on anything. Putting Ralph on a coin implies that he has some value. He does not.

Unknown_04: Talk about Boogie getting his ass kicked. When was this? I mean, if Boogie got his ass kicked, nobody fucking added me about him.

Unknown_04: Do you mean Ralph?

Unknown_04: Do you mean Ethan Ralph getting his ass kicked? That happened.

Unknown_04: I think you're confusing the two, sir.

Unknown_04: Boogie died? Oh no.

Unknown_04: I'm actually looking this up. If I have heard, if this is not true, I'm going to be pissed. I think you're lying.

Unknown_04: I think, by the way, I think my favorite edit of all the Ralph ones, I showed a bunch of them on screen during the intro video.

Unknown_04: We did this just happen.

Unknown_04: No, no, this is bullshit. You've lied to me here. Okay. This is, there's a couple of edits that I really like. Um, I like this one where it's my dog punching her off. Look at that. Look at that gun. Look at that puppy. It's very, it's a very Chad picture. I look good in this one.

Unknown_04: Um,

Unknown_04: Someone made an edit of Ralph in the Laura Kate Dale tweet where he's like, I have a vagina.

Unknown_04: Where's the one of, I don't know, is this it? Yes, it is. It doesn't thumbnail correctly for some reason.

Unknown_04: This one, where he's Nikocado Avocado. It's such a- he looks so much like Nikocado now, now that his face has been dashed in. I leaked fire noodle sauce poopy on the dentist's chair, my ass stings and the room smells, I'm hiding in the bathroom, I'm mortified. And it just fits, it just- it's like a Lego, it just clicks on so perfectly, like it was meant to be, chat.

Unknown_04: Uh, only other little bullshit thing I can think of is that someone tried to get Joe Rogan kicked off of, uh,

Unknown_04: Oh, Ralph says that he's contacting the police.

Unknown_04: Okay. He wants that man purse back. That was a $900 Giorgino Armani man purse, and I want my purse back.

Unknown_04: Torba alienating Gab. Torba's an idiot. I've said this before.

Unknown_04: Gab is retarded. Nick Fuentes is retarded. Like, I don't know. I don't even want to talk about Gab.

Unknown_04: I really hate Torba. He's just such a fucking idiot and he's so full of himself. He's someone who needs to get his ass kicked. I hope he goes to Portugal soon. That fat motherfucker Andrew Torba went on

Unknown_04: Like in the early days of gab who was like we might have to take gab over to the Netherlands where it's actually free speech guys And it's like no if you take your dumb ass to the Netherlands You're gonna fucking lose all your hardware because they're gonna seize them because it's hate speech and neo-nazi shit and you either have to make a choice between that or hosting in the EU

Unknown_04: Yeah, basically.

Unknown_00: Just join the Fediverse.

Unknown_04: He says that he doesn't want to join the Fediverse because of porn, but the real reason is that when he was on the Fediverse, anime avatars bullied him until he cried, and then he defederated in like one day. Sneak photo update. Attachments? Actually, you know what? I might be able to show you guys some progress. Just a little bit. I'm not making as much as I would like. I've been taking it kind of easy, but... Here. One second.

Unknown_04: OK, I managed to get a bunch of stuff related to attachments to work so that you can set avatars and stuff. So my user accounts need an account. Attachments work. So I've managed to get this image embedded. And this was the first image that I managed to actually get to work directly from the upload form.

Unknown_04: And it threads correctly. So it's like when you delete a post, the order of the posts updates correctly and stuff.

Unknown_04: This should, it doesn't have the correct disposition, but the uploads do work, and they deduplicate, so you can upload the same image over and over again, and it won't take up any more disk space than it used to.

Unknown_04: So, this should work, yeah, and it shows the avatar and stuff, which is nice.

Unknown_04: one of the things I want and see how fast it is and this is without it being rendered in production this is like it's like seven milliseconds to load the whole page I know people are like oh well it doesn't do as much well it's it's like 200 it's like two milliseconds we have to measure it in microseconds so if we do it in production when you compile without debugging code uh

Unknown_04: But when you look at what a similar thing is on Zenforo, it's like 200 milliseconds. And that's just because of how slow the templating engine is. But the templating on this is like wicked fast. So I'm happy about it, chat. I'm happy. Though it's just taken a while, because it's just a couple people helping me out. And I do it when I feel motivated to. NFT update? No update. I'm not doing too much with that right now. I don't know if I will, because the market's like crashed and shit.

Unknown_04: And it already feels like people have exploited it enough where I don't know if it'll be worthwhile.

Unknown_04: Published the code already? Email me, jcmoon at pm.me. If you know Rust, email me and I'll let you in.

Unknown_04: It's just not ready for mass contributions from a bunch of people yet.

Unknown_04: All right, I... Is Nick Fuentes still gay? Actually, I'm so glad you mentioned that. There's one more thing I could show you that I didn't even think about until right now, but it's on the front page. Did I show you guys this? The good folks at Right Wing Watch clipped this of Nick Fuentes reacting to a woman hitting on him. And I get he's trying to be funny, so don't you fucking come at me and be like, no, bro, it's like a joke. It's like post-ironic humor. You wouldn't understand. He's being silly. Like, I'm sorry, but if this is a joke, this is like a bad joke to make because everyone just thinks that you're a faggot.

Unknown_02: What part of what you know about me would make you think that I would want to be propositioned by a woman?

Unknown_02: Much less, much less, in the super chats, no less. What part of you or what part of me would make you think that I would want a girl to say, you know, to ask me out on a date?

Unknown_02: I'm not gonna be asked out. I will do the asking out.

Unknown_02: You know, people look at me and they think like, oh, he's like this Alex P. Keaton, like goody two-shoes, wholesome chungus, 10,000. It's like, nah, I'm a little bit more complicated than like wanting a girl in a sundress to just lay my suits out and I wear a fedora and smoke a pipe and go, hey, honey, we're LARPing like it's the 1950s.

Unknown_02: That's just so insulting. I have a little bit. It's called depth. Okay. It's called death I have a little bit more depth to my character than just I'm some kind of I like sitcom character

Unknown_02: I'm sort of playing an important role in world history here and the idea that, you know, some silly girl online, like I'm gonna be in direct messages just sort of being like funny and flirty and fun. It's not me. It's just not gonna happen. Like I said, I'm trying to think of a scenario where it would be acceptable because some people say, oh, that means you're gay. And it's like, well, no, because it's not that it's just it's more the setting there because there's a few scenarios where it would be acceptable. Like I said, you know, if it was a girl who was working for me, you know, like Hitler in that movie Downfall when he's like interviewing secretaries like that, that's a setting where it like makes a little bit more sense.

Unknown_04: But why? Why is it better to hit on women who are working for you? That's a dumber way to hit on women. I agree on the principle that you shouldn't just chat up women who are fans of your show. It's a good way to fuck up everything. But the way he reacts is just like, it's not like, oh, I don't want to flirt with my fans because that seems like a dumb idea.

Unknown_04: Ew, a girl.

Unknown_04: Just reiterating that, like, why would I talk to a girl? Oh, my God.

Unknown_04: Even Hitler had girlfriends. Though, I dare not repeat this. It may be Jewish propaganda and everyone in chat will get mad at me. But last I heard, I looked up actually, if Hitler ever killed anyone, which seems like a weird question. If you ask people, did Hitler kill anyone? They'd be like, yes, the six million gloom. But I was like, no, did he ever like personally have someone killed? Not related to like running the country of Germany. And as it turns out, there is a story. and this may be fake, this may be the Lugan press, who knows, right?

Unknown_04: Where he was infatuated with his cousin and she realized that he was obsessed with her and she fled the country to Rome and he had the SS like tail her and she died. I can't remember how she died but it was basically directly related to Hitler and I think that he had her killed.

Unknown_04: And I think they also said that he was into poo play and he wanted to have pee-pee-poo-poo sex with his cousin.

Unknown_04: Now, this could be fake. There are many stories that came out after the war which have become common knowledge, which may or may not be real. So I have to be careful with reiterating these things, but it is a funny story. So I figured I would throw that out there.

Unknown_04: peepee poopoo it is wrong jewish cope sounds like cap no that was mozart oh you know those austrians are all the same was mozart austrian mozart was austrian wasn't he is mozart austrian uh austrian compose fuck yes yes i got it right motherfuckers

Unknown_04: You know who wasn't Austrian was Einstein. There's a saying that's like the greatest trick the Austrians ever played was convincing everyone that Hitler was German and Einstein was Austrian.

Unknown_04: Okay, I'm done with the stream. I have a song that someone requested that I play. I don't want to run on too long here. I appreciate you watching this. Oh, I do have this clip to play. I have a little clippy clip.

Unknown_04: I forgot that he screams at the end.

Unknown_04: Okay, now I have a Portuguese song. I played that Tropa de Elite thing, which is a Brazilian song, and I made a joke that it's basically Portugal, so haha. The joke is that fuck Portugal, right? So someone said I have to make amends and I have to play an actual Portuguese song, and I happen to have one that someone sent me, so that's the outro song. I will see you guys on Friday. Bye.

Unknown_07: Se Deus quiser, há de brilhar De novo a coroa sobre as nossas armas Que a nossa pátria soube sempre honrar Que a nossa pátria soube sempre honrar É tempo de vontade e sacrifício Para a alma portuguesa que nasceu E em nossos corações o nobre ofício

Unknown_07: To rewrite the history of this kingdom

Unknown_07: foreign foreign you

Unknown_07: The faith that united us and moves us That we carry through the whole world We do not miss the moment of Radeiro That moves us all Portuguese Let's get together again under the crown Of the head of our royal house Hearing how happy the people are

Unknown_07: Yesterday, today and always, Portugal! If God wills it, there must be a new cross on our wings.

Unknown_06: And our fatherland will always be proud. And our fatherland will always be proud.

Unknown_07: In the past, we dug deep into the roots, in the ancient and noble blood of our ancestors.

Unknown_07: In the homeland that was the cradle of countries That call Portugal in the same voice Let us join together again under the crown Of the chief of our royal house I heard a colleague who took it Yesterday, today and always, Portugal That our fatherland is our sacred land.

Unknown_06: That our fatherland is our sacred land. If you want to see a new light, A new hope, like the sun in the sky, That our fatherland is our sacred land. That our fatherland is our sacred land.