From CPAP to Portugal 2022-01-21

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Unknown_07: I'm arriving in Ibiza, I'm arriving and it's hard You can stop with this story, stop making me sad I'm arriving, I'm arriving and it's hard You can stop with this tie, you can stop with this Don't listen to nonsense, you're in my hands Monday is just a story to tell Don't give me ideas, I don't want confusion But let's go together, because today the beast will fight

Unknown_07: Tropa de elite, osso duro de ruer Pega um, pega geral Também vai pegar você Tropa de elite, osso duro de ruer Pega um, pega geral E também vai pegar você Tropa de elite, osso duro de ruer Pega um, pega geral Também vai pegar você Tropa de elite, osso duro de ruer Pega um, pega geral E também vai pegar você Siga pra lá!

Unknown_07: you.

Unknown_14: so you've heard of going to brazil but have you ever thought of going to portugal i uh i tried tried very hard to find a nice portuguese song to play for the intro but alas i had to i had to settle for beta portugal i had to settle for a brazilian song but it's in it's in portuguese technically so it counts chat it counts and that's what matters

Unknown_14: So the picture that you see is the Tropa de Elite. It is the Alpha Chads in Vegas, and they're preparing to go to Portugal, but we'll get into that in a little bit.

Unknown_14: I'm on time, I don't know why I'm on time. I can't wait until I can start gardening again so I have something to kill a couple minutes with at the start of each stream. It feels weird just like, I have my notes, it feels weird just like jumping into things at the very beginning of a...

Unknown_14: of a stream. Your stream's current bitrate is 11,000 and higher than the recommended bitrate. We suggest that you use a stream bitrate of 4,500. Okay, I can do that, actually.

Unknown_14: I had to reconfigure my OBS because chat didn't work last stream, so I had to fuck with it this stream to make sure that it works, and I think we can just reduce the bitrate. Perfect. Wonderful. Excellent. Great. Everything works this stream. Can you fucking believe it?

Unknown_14: I can't.

Unknown_14: I want to talk to you, Chet, my early comers. I want to talk to you about a plague that I believe is sweeping the entire world. I think that we need, the young men of my generation and the generation a little bit after mine, need to be aware of this plague, which is, it seems to be taking over the world.

Unknown_14: I'm talking of course about aloof, disaffected older men who for whatever reason people my age want to look up to as father figures.

Unknown_14: It is something that I've noticed in the last couple months and I want to talk about it with you guys.

Unknown_14: I realized that the formula for becoming a daddy on the internet is to not give a fuck about anything. To sort of embrace this nihilistic defeatist attitude where nothing matters. And I realized the reason why a lot of people are drawn to that and why they take on that persona is because it's it's real number one it's really easy what's the answer to everything just like someone asks you a hard question like what's the meaning of life you just come up with some bullshit snarky answer don't just say like nothing man you don't can't be a debbie downer but you can't be serious about it either like what's what's the meaning here i'll do it right now what's the meaning of life oh to get pussy you gotta smash box chat you gotta smash box like you're working at fucking walmart in the back room just smashing box all day that's the meaning of life here ask me ask me your chat ask me your questions i'll come i'll come to uh i'm not talking okay i'll get to that i know what people are gonna think they're gonna they're gonna complain i already see it coming i'm a box smasher smash box why are we here to smash box i already answered that one

Unknown_14: It sounds like a lot of people.

Unknown_14: If you think about it, you can come up with someone. It's the current in vogue thing. Does evil exist? No, it's all... Evil is just fucking with someone else's thing. There is no evil, there is just what you want and what someone else wants. And what someone else wants that you take from them is like, that's evil to them, man. That's that sort of nihilist shit. You can take that anywhere. Just take it, you can take any question, and then, with the most disaffected attitude possible, come up with a single sentence reply that is what someone could ostensibly believe, and the snarkier and funnier it is, and the less actually interested in that conversation it is, the more appeal it has to disaffected young men. And it is it is a thing and there are many cult leaders who try to use this to convince people that they have an actual Outlook when in fact they have none whatsoever and don't really know what they're doing with their own lives This is something I've noticed chat and actually I should take this picture off the screen. You might think I'm talking about about specific people, but it is a vague, nebulous thing that applies to many more people than what you may think.

Unknown_14: I don't want you to think I'm talking, I'm literally not talking about any specific person, so please do not take this as a personal slight, regardless of who you are.

Unknown_14: But what I think is that it's a defensible position. It's a super, super defensible position because nobody can challenge you. If you believe things, if you have things that you think are dear and precious and that should be protected, then people can go after them. If you think that you should start a family, well, if you don't have a family, people will make fun of you for having a family. or for not having a family when you want one. If you do have a family, people are going to make fun of your family because it's like, haha, you work your life for this family and look, your kids suck and your wife is ugly. Like, no matter if you have something that you care about, people will attack it. But if you're just like, nah, man, I'm here to smash box.

Unknown_14: how do you how do you assail that position it's literally uh it cannot be attacked because what are you going to say about that there's nothing to say it's it's a snarky bullshit comment that has no that has no like actual gravity to it so the would-be daddies of the internet see that this is something that's replicable it's uh it appeals to a large demographic disaffected young men who have money to give to their internet daddies for this surrogate fatherhood and people can't give you shit for it because how do you how do you how do you go on the offense on someone who doesn't give a fuck you just like acts like a retard all the time and has no convictions how do you there's nothing you can say about that it's it's a it's a perfect

Unknown_14: It's a perfect little fortress of solitude that people can come and visit and throw money at the steps of and leave. And you don't have to interact with them because you're too cool for that, obviously. You can't be seen hanging around Riftcraft. It might make you look bad in connection.

Unknown_14: But no, I'm not talking about Medicare.

Unknown_14: My opinion is that Medicare masters this disaffected stuff, and that's why so many people try to imitate him. It comes natural to him. He really is just disaffected. He does not give a fuck about a lot of things. So when i like new coach red pill he literally looked at the statistics from medicare's channel and religiously he had like i just imagine it on his computer the way he talked about him. Is that he had little bar graph for paid for medicare socials like on his computer like in some like people would have stock tickers he had like, little little graphs ticking on his screen for medicare's numbers and he's trying to analyze it like how do i tap into this market and appeal to these kids so i can make them my own kids it's like but but everyone a lot of people like they mimic they think oh it's his laugh it's his radio voice it's like whatever and they try to like mimic these little things about him uh but the the core of it is just the disaffectedness and he's the best at it because he he is that way it's not a persona So it's not a slight at anyone in particular. A lot of people do it, but I can't escape this. There's so many people who are just like, I don't want to be challenged on anything and I want to make a lot of money. And so what's the best way to do that? Just be snarky. Just be a snarky dick and have nothing that you actually care about. That way nobody can give you shit for it. You can just laugh it off. And that's appealing to my generation, the Fight Club generation, the generation of men raised by women. Is another woman really what we need? No, I need an internet daddy to make me laugh and to give me financial advice in the form of YouTube videos and Gumroad videos and shit. That's what I really need right now.

Unknown_14: I only care about anime, that's a popular opinion.

Unknown_14: I can kind of understand why. I've tried watching anime, I gave it a try. The last anime I watched was Lain, Serial Experiments. Awful, I watched it in one sitting because I was like so many people were talking about this show Like it's a cult classic back when anime was good, man So I sat down and I watched Lane from from episode to episode Every episode waiting for it to click and to be like wow, man. This is like art and shit, man I fucking hated it and I've given up ever giving anime a second chance. It was terrible If you want to know what Lain's serial experiments is like, imagine photos of electrical wires and a dull buzzing noise for eight fucking hours while a little girl stares at a computer. That is Lain and it's fucking awful and fuck weeaboos.

Unknown_14: And I ask that people don't be afraid to have things that they like and have convictions in because it's It's it's it's not gay to care about things. It's not gay to be optimistic. It's not gay to pick sides It's really gay to like shelter yourself from the world and pretend that there's nothing you can do to make your life better because there definitely is There definitely is chat and don't let don't let you daddies. Tell you tell you otherwise that The only thing you can trust in is Bitcoin and them.

Unknown_14: Okay, that's enough of my rant. I was thinking about this today. I was chatting to my least favorite demographic on my forum, which is the people in the Ethan Ralph chat.

Unknown_14: We were talking about this, about the, um... Or I was. I don't know what they were talking about. I don't listen to them when they say things to me. I just yell at them.

Unknown_14: I was yelling at them about this, and I thought, you know what? I'll probably talk about this on stream, because it's actually a pretty good thought. It's something they can put a thumbtack in and bring up later.

Unknown_14: You're already deading, no, no, no, no. Look, if you're gonna look up to me, here's what I did, you ready? When I was, in fact, my advice only really applies to suicidal people, because I remember I was a super, super depressed teenager. My teen years were not happy. I was not a happy camper when I was ages 13 to 18. That was a bad time. Okay, that was rough.

Unknown_14: And then I saw a comedy sketch and I think it was like an Australian dude in America and he had like some some bit where he said like like fuck me I'm envious of suicidal people because Imagine not having to give a fuck you like you can do whatever you want And then if it doesn't work out you can just kill yourself. I thought damn. That's it. That's a good. That's a good line I thought I'm gonna I'm gonna go and do whatever I want and So I found a job and I started hosting the forum pretty soon after that. And then I moved to Australia and the Philippines and wherever I wanted. Now I'm pretty content.

Unknown_14: Now I'm pretty content so I have to be careful. And I have to kind of, I was very fortunate to never do anything like illegal. I never did anything stupid or illegal. So I'm in a position where now I can submit myself back in the real world.

Unknown_14: Now that I like stuff again.

Unknown_14: And I like my forum and I might go back to the U.S. because I like guns. Now that I like stuff again, I can start, I can settle down and stop being an idiot.

Unknown_14: But I'm glad that I, for a while I was an idiot and I did whatever I wanted. And people can give me shit for HM and whatever. I don't care. I had fun. Did you move to the Philippines and hang out with a cripple and a pig farmer at 23? I don't think so. So let he who mingles with the pig farmer cast the first stone, chat.

Unknown_14: Sunshine and vitamins help.

Unknown_14: What are you, a roastie?

Unknown_14: I like to travel. I want to travel. I want to go someplace exotic like Canada. I want to go see Canada. I want to go see the snow. I want to walk around in my Ugg boots in the snow in Canada.

Unknown_14: True, but I'm also not fat. Touche.

Unknown_14: OK.

Unknown_14: I want to get Ralph out of the way first, I think. I got two Ethans to talk about again.

Unknown_14: Only a little bit of each. Though I don't know, Ralph's stuff is interesting again. I hate talking about him, but I will, because he's funny. He's funny. Now that I have settled into a nice, comfy position in my life, I will live vicariously through Ralph, who is now ready to take up the mantle of doing whatever stupid shit he wants to. And I'm thankful for this.

Unknown_14: Ralph decided that, he always does this by the way, he loves to call other people women, but then he does this bitch shit where he starts big tweeting like, oh god, my site's been dysfunctional as fuck all month.

Unknown_14: I don't know why people don't answer my emails when I ask for help with tech stuff, but it's been operating more poorly than usual this week.

Unknown_14: Ralph says, I'm always astonished at the disloyalty shown by some people. It really is just incredible lol.

Unknown_14: And this is gay. I want you guys to know that if you go on Twitter and you just say something like, hmm, can't trust people these days. Everyone who does see that tweet will think the person who wrote this tweet is gay. They suck dick. Whoever writes a tweet like this loves it up the ass. That is the only possible explanation for why anyone would write a tweet like this.

Unknown_14: Thankfully, it was explained later who he's talking about.

Unknown_14: Actually, I think this is another vague tweet.

Unknown_14: Too busy planning events and making moves for my own house with my own vehicle with two successful shows. If I was a broke bum who was a complete failure in every way, I'd probably focus on that before I would an internet beef. Oh, and I heard about your little Discord cryfest a few months ago, you pussy. That's all you ever do, crawl into the corner and cry like a little girl. I'm getting too good at impersonating Ralph. One day I'm gonna be playing poker with the pigs and we'll be squealing at each other and people won't be able to tell which one's Ralph, which one's Josh. They're all the same now.

Unknown_14: It's too good.

Unknown_14: Discord drama. No, I guess Andy has his own discord. He starts bitching about Andy again, but the point is is Actually, I don't know what Andy said to piss him off this post doesn't explain them.

Unknown_14: Oh Oh Andy talked to flamenco. That's why Andy talked to flamenco and that was a sin. So Now he's pissed off at Andy and called him a Judas

Unknown_14: And then, of course, because Ethan Ralph is addicted to going low and while Mae is still in early pregnancy, he says, I don't regret having my son, but I bet Andy Warski regrets killing his. I guess Andy Warski had his girlfriend have an abortion. I don't know what the story is with that.

Unknown_14: I just know that he posted porn of his ex and also his sister. I don't know how that came out, but that's out there. So probably wasn't a good move. I don't know if he personally posted it, but that definitely got posted on cow. Like way back when IBS was like a thing. Uh, worst. He says the gun has said some of the most horrendous stuff about me in the past four days. Nonstop. I bit my tongue, but all right, it's done. Let's go. Hey gun, you'll wish you had an abortion soon. When Mr. Vickers repose your truck.

Unknown_14: uh let's see where kata weighs in on the drama i imagine that ruffles gunt a bit i don't want to read their back and forth but the gist is is that andy warski is from portugal he is portuguese he lives in canada he has not been to portugal in a long time and he has been talking about moving back to portugal for about two years so uh

Unknown_14: Andy and Sinead? That's not her name. Sin-eed? Sinead? It reads like Sneed, and I think you're fucking with me.

Unknown_14: Well, he doesn't need to be a father. He's just all about procreating. He has a very Darwinian sense of success.

Unknown_14: Sinead. Sneed. Okay, whatever. Andy Worsky and his girlfriend Sneed had an abortion. And Ethan Ralph decides to poke at this. Even though I remember very clearly, by the way.

Unknown_14: Ralph had me on his show a long, long time ago and he refused to make fun of Sargon's abortion. And I even remember I made a very edgy joke about stomping on a fetus and he was like, no, no, no, I can't cosign that. Oh my God. And he like took offense to it. But now the tables have turned and he's over here talking about fucking stomping on fetuses and shit.

Unknown_14: Now that Ralph will sink to no depth to get back at his enemies. Anyways, he decides that he's gonna go to Portugal.

Unknown_14: He's just gonna up and go to Portugal, because Andy Worsky is from Portugal, and Andy Worsky wants to go back home to Portugal, and I don't think he's been able to throw together enough cash to make a move, because it's a lot of money to fly over and move your shit and get rent and stuff together. You have to save up for that. And you also have to dedicate yourself to it, and he's just not done so.

Unknown_14: So, Ralph says, fuck it, I'll one-up him. I have money to spare, I guess. I have money to burn before I have to start paying child support.

Unknown_14: Oh, he, you have to, you have to get a vaccine to become a resident of Portugal, which is why he's not done that because he doesn't want to get the vaccine, but you don't need a vaccine, by the way, to square everything out before people start asking questions. No, you do not have to have a COVID vaccine to go to Portugal as a tourist. You only have to have a negative PCR test in the last 48 to 24 hours.

Unknown_14: And no, him being a felon is not a problem because if you are a felon, Portugal is one of the few countries in Europe that will still let you in, but you have to apply for a visa ahead of time, which won't be a problem because if you don't know this, Portugal lets in basically everyone. It's a hotspot for drunk British people to go and party on the beach. So Ethan Ralph is basically right up their alley in terms of what kind of tourists they try to bring in. So that's not going to be a problem either.

Unknown_14: So Ralph says, I have to burn all this money before I have to, before I owe child support payments and court fees and shit. How am I going to do that? Let's go to Portugal.

Unknown_14: He decides that he's going to invite Dick Masterson, but he's not going to invite May. And I, I really, I really stumbled on this for awhile and I was thinking like, God, why could Ethan Ralph be going to Portugal? Like what could possibly be going on there? So let's look up.

Unknown_14: Are drugs legal in Portugal?

Unknown_14: Portugal decriminalized the public and private use, acquisition, and possession of all drugs in 2000. Is prostitution legal in Portugal?

Unknown_14: Selling sex is legal in Portugal.

Unknown_14: Age of consent in Portugal.

Unknown_14: The Portuguese Penal Code establishes the age of consent as 14 regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Hmm. Very interesting. But I guess the Portuguese 14-year-olds working in the brothel addicted to crack cocaine is not a very serious issue because America has anti-sex tourism laws, which means that you can't just go to Portugal for the sole express intent of fucking a 14-year-old at the brothel because you'll get arrested in the U.S. as if you had done it in the U.S. And so, I mean, that's not an issue at all, right?

Unknown_01: Let me let me let me give it time to buffer, you know, you know how my side is my sites nice and gimpy So I have to give it a head start Infinite slicks and $3 Ralph actually there is a loophole around that law if you go there with the explicit intention to Warski a 14 year old Yes, it's illegal However, if you are going on baka or this trip and happen to bang one, it's legal. What he told me this btw told you that I don't even As master 33 sent three dollars it's always those goddamn key case

Unknown_18: He literally said, did Rikada really tell you that? That's the part I want to know.

Unknown_18: I mean, I don't, I don't doubt that your fucking ass would know that somehow, but I want to know if you're telling the truth.

Unknown_19: Rikada would know that long.

Unknown_19: Now, you know what? I've talked a lot of shit about that shizer, and I'm sure I shouldn't even really cut him any slack, honestly.

Unknown_19: Given the shit he said about me and people I love, but... Yeah, I don't know.

Unknown_19: I won't put that on him. I won't put that one on him. He's a piece of shit, though.

Unknown_19: For many reasons. For saying he's my lawyer and, you know, stabbing in the back, a lot of other reasons, but...

Unknown_19: Well, I can't, I don't really know that he has any, you know, tendencies like that. I did see him with the dress on though. That was kind of a, not a good look, but uh, I don't know. Some people get down like that.

Unknown_14: As soon as he hears this new information that you can get around the sex tourism laws by just not intending to go to fuck 14 year olds, I can just hear this music in the background as his brain starts to chug along.

Unknown_14: He's really, he's really thinking about it. This changes everything, chat.

Unknown_14: Anyways.

Unknown_14: So that's the Ralph update. He, in his infinite wisdom, pushed back his travel date till after my stream. It was supposed to be before my stream, but unfortunately, he has moved that to this weekend. So I do not get to talk about his actual trip to Portugal until next week. Very, very unfortunate timing on that, but I will make do. I'll keep my eyes peeled on this situation as it continues to develop, chat.

Unknown_14: Anyways.

Unknown_14: Oh, I was invited to this but it's at like 4am my time and I've learned in the past to not get involved with this because every time I get involved with PPP it becomes a problem. And me even saying that is going to become a problem. People are going to be offended. But PPP is doing a thing called the Kino Casino with Andy Warski tonight.

Unknown_14: And you can, if you're interested in hearing about what Andy Warski has to say about Ralph, that will be a thing. PPP problems.

Unknown_14: Pretty, PPP much, pretty much that.

Unknown_14: It is, it is a nightmare. Every time I get involved with PPP, it's just like, God, why do they fucking bother?

Unknown_14: So, uh, no, I, uh, my, my three strikes of that have ran out. My, my patience is 110. It's like every time I get involved with someone, it's like a fucking horrible disaster. It's like, I'll just, um, I'll stay in my little, my little castle and be aloof and nihilistic and I won't make friends because that's safe. It's nice and safe. I don't have to deal with things.

Unknown_14: Um, okay. That's the rough update. PPP stream is tonight if you are interested in that.

Unknown_14: Now, I only imagine at some point in recent history, there was a roundtable discussion where people got together and they thought like, like people in the government, and they thought like our biggest informant, Schill, is now people are making fun of him. They're calling him gay.

Unknown_14: and it's making him look bad and he's becoming less effective at spreading the message. How do we get this guy back on track so that people will stop calling him gay? So they stage this, like, okay, look, Nick, next time you're next to a woman, just gawk at her tits and say shit like, I'm gonna crush box. Say shit like that. Act like you are heterosexual.

Unknown_14: And pretend that... Actually, you don't even have to pretend, really. Gay men still like booboo. And a lot of women like booboo. Boobs are aesthetic. People like them, regardless of their orientation. Maybe he's just marveling that they're right next to him. That's the closest he's gotten. So he's impressed.

Unknown_14: I also want to point out, I thought that was Brittany Venti at first, but it's not. I don't know. I thought that Nick Fuentes was based in Red Pill and he liked white women, but I guess not. They didn't get that part straight. They were like, fuck, can we find a white woman to stand next to him? No? Okay.

Unknown_14: And then part two of the Catboy image rehabilitation program is that they had the January 6th commission subpoena him for testimony.

Unknown_14: So the announcement came from the Jan 6th committee. I didn't even know this was a thing. Apparently they actually set up a committee to investigate the Boomer tour, the guided tour of the Capitol building on January 6th.

Unknown_14: It was so nice. Donald Trump said, hey everybody, if you want to come see the Capitol building before I leave, come to DC. And then they opened the doors and the boomers walked in and they stayed between the velvet ropes and they didn't fuck up any of the paintings or nice historical artifacts.

Unknown_14: in the Capitol building and they just walked around and looked at people and then one of them got too rowdy and got shot in the fucking face but you know you can't have a tour without breaking some eggs I guess.

Unknown_14: Now they have a whole commission to figure out how did this how did this guided tour happen? How did our security fail so phenomenally that this guided tour was permitted? Actually, you know what? It's probably investigating why that person got shot. What happened with our security were these nice boomers walking down the halls and looking at stuff were shot. How did this happen? Where was the security flaw here? Where our security guard had to murder this woman for walking around?

Unknown_14: So, uh, they, they subpoena, what was it? Subpoenas to Nick Fuentes and Patrick Casey, whose name I remember, but I don't remember anything about him. I just recognize the name Patrick Casey because it's like two first names and his last name is like a girl's first name.

Unknown_14: The committee is demanding records and testimony from the two witnesses who promoted unsupported claims about the 2020 election and were present on the Capitol grounds on January 6th.

Unknown_14: Nicholas J. Fuentes and Patrick Casey are leaders of the America First, or GRYPR. That's so cringe.

Unknown_14: The Groyper Movement. This is from a government Twitter account.

Unknown_14: They might put Groyper in the fucking history books. There was once a little boy who was a Catholic homosexual and he liked Catboys and he went to the guided tour that President Trump held on January 6th and he was a Groyper. Here's a picture of a frog with his hands folded on top of each other and that's a Groyper and this is a very serious political image in our country's history. He almost overthrew the government that day when they went for that guided tour.

Unknown_14: Both individuals participated in events prior to January 6 promoting unsupported claims about the election including the November 14th 2020 million MAGA March in DC and the December 12th 2020 stop the steel rallies also in DC Where they called for the destruction of the Republican Party for failing to overturn the election according to public reports Both Fuentes and Casey received $10,000 in Bitcoin from a French computer programmer funds The FBI has scrutinized to assess whether the funds from this donor were linked to the capital attack or otherwise used to fund illegal activity So this is basically...

Unknown_14: two guys from america first went to two different rallies and then got a big donation that they don't have any evidence to claim supported any criminal activity but they just want to point it out there that some some french guy you know how those fucking french are always beheading their politicians cringe over here we just have guided tours the french are fucking they actually take their politicians and behead them when they're unhappy cringe

Unknown_14: Can we get an optics check when beheading politicians chat?

Unknown_14: I want to read this.

Unknown_14: Pursuant to blah blah blah the Select Committee hereby transmit a subpoena that compels you to produce documents set forth on February 2nd to appear for February 9th. The Select Committee is investigating causes of January 6th attack and issues relating to peaceful transfer of power.

Unknown_14: in order to evaluate lessons learned and recommend to the House and relevant committees, corrective laws, politics.

Unknown_14: That's creepy, the way they word that.

Unknown_14: Inquiry includes examination. Who gives a fuck? Why are you saying this?

Unknown_14: It's like, like, it's like virtue signaling. It was an attack when American represented democracy. God, God forbid that my elected, you know, even my, my congressman's Matt Gates, where would we be chat if we didn't have a peaceful transfer of power where people of color, indigenous peoples, Jewish, Israeli dual nationals, And sex traffickers like Matt Gaetz couldn't peacefully assemble in Congress. There would be a total breakdown of our society. They wouldn't be able to vote more laws into place, involve themselves in the military security of other countries like Afghanistan, send trillions of dollars of aid to other countries, accept bribes on behalf of multinational corporations like Disney to extend the copyright laws indefinitely. Where would we be, chat? We would be in ruins. I would be sitting on an empty dirt street in the middle of Nevada watching tumbleweed pass by me as society collapses.

Unknown_14: You overturned some shit and stopped the steal.

Unknown_14: Conservatives should be more feral. Published on Telegram on November 9th, you also spoke at another rally on Wisconsin State Capitol. In the same post, you promised, Groypers are going to stop this coup. And this is the time that I show you this clip.

Unknown_16: I would like to live longer, I really would, but I don't fear death. Because if anything, if I get killed, I'll become a martyr in this world and in the next. If they come and kill me, you've just created 10,000 terrorists. Now, I don't want to impugn my followers and say, oh, they're all terrorists or something. But look, if they kill me, I become a martyr. And the name Nicholas J. Fuentes becomes a legend in the world as an American dissident gunned down by a liberal government, by our democracy, by the open society. And that marks the death of any kind of political outcome to this dilemma. Because if I can't even live in America, if they kill me, then there's no way, there are no way that this regime is gonna produce any kind of change.

Unknown_16: So, now I mean when I say 10,000 terrorists, I mean that very metaphorically. My followers are peaceful, my followers are nonviolent, I'm nonviolent, and of course we condemn terrorism. We're Christian. We don't believe in violence. But the point is this.

Unknown_16: You kill me, you make me a martyr. You kill me, you create a lot of problems for yourself in this world. In the next world, I go to heaven instantly. Kill me, and I go to heaven the second that I die. Skip purgatory, I'm passing through. Do not pass, go. Do not collect 2,000 years in purgatory. Collect 200, I'm good, I go to heaven. Day one, instantly. Beatific vision, I get to meet God. I would like to meet God later though, you know? Wanted me God, but I got a lot of work here to do here. So, you know, please pray for me Please say, you know, st. Michael's prayer for me. Please pray a rosary for my safety I do legitimately fear for my life these days That's why I'm saying this you create a martyr out of me in this life and the next I don't fear it I don't want it, but I don't fear it. I fear God alone We're all gonna die one day We are all gonna die one day Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. We are all going to die one day. And then we will stand before the author.

Unknown_16: I would like to live longer. I really do.

Unknown_14: There is a message in this at the end.

Unknown_14: Tack nuke. I would die for you, Nick.

Unknown_14: Wow.

Unknown_14: Cringe.

Unknown_14: Cringe! I would die for my Catboy hero, Nick Flintus. He's the most kawaii segoi of all the Catboys on the internet.

Unknown_14: Imagine, imagine being tacked nuke.

Unknown_14: On November 14th, he rallied with America First slash Grapers following the Million Mega March, urging your followers to storm every state capitol until President Trump is inaugurated for four more years.

Unknown_14: Featured speakers like Alex Jones, who gives a fuck.

Unknown_14: Okay, last paragraph. The select committee seeks documents regarding these and other matters that are within the scope of the select committee's inquiry. Your attorneys inform select committee staff that you declined the committee's request to testify and submit documents voluntarily. A copy of the rules governing the select committee's depositions and document production definitions and instructions are attached.

Unknown_14: Please contact staff for the select committee at this number to arrange for the production documents. Like, I've gotten subpoenas before and someone remind me in April, I have one to post actually. I have another one, actually, my people would have posted earlier. Because one's for a year, has an order for a year, and the other one's for six months, and the other one, the one for six months came later, but...

Unknown_14: I might get to post that one first. I'll have to set a note for myself. They very explicitly list what they need you to produce. It's like a very, like, we need everything related to this. Like, okay. Like, very obvious what they want. What is this, like, the subpoenas, like, we want every piece of information you have regarding

Unknown_14: Alex Jones We need any messages that you sent out condoning like a violent usurping of the government is that what they're trying to say here we

Unknown_14: Are they even allowed to do that? You have to produce messages where you're incriminating yourself? I don't know. That's very strange. I would just tell them, I ain't got shit for you. Everything that I say is public. Anything that you can find is public. There's no secret Discord channel where I'm communicating with people about violent plans. I have nothing to show you. And if you can prove otherwise, go for it. So it's like this entire document, the whole reason why it reads like so weird and preachy is because it's a virtue signal from the government. Like, we're taking things seriously, guys. We're going to get to the bottom of this whole Kruiper business. We're going to like bring them to justice and stuff. And I was like, what are you looking for, bro? How about you enumerate the shit you actually expecting to give you? Complete waste of time. It's all posturing and shit. How gay?

Unknown_14: Very cringe, yeah.

Unknown_14: Okay.

Unknown_14: Um, let's make fun of Spectre again. So this is Spectre, in case you don't know. I like this drawing of him. It's really good, actually. Check it out. Uh, so Spectre is someone who has single-handedly brought more drama to Nick Fuentes, or not Nick Fuentes, Nick Ricada, the other Nick.

Unknown_14: Nick Ricada's channel than anyone else because he's, he's like,

Unknown_14: I really don't know what his specific role in the military is. I think that Spectre is U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. He may have been active duty at some point. I think his face is fucked up because of acne. It looks like he was burned by like an ISIS fire, like a Molotov cocktail or something, but I think it's like acne.

Unknown_14: uh so he we thank you for reminding me yeah uh and so he he thinks he's like really hard ass but what what like okay it's it's really really hard for me to like hate someone on my site uh i like i forget i have terrible memory everyone everyone listening to this podcast over a long enough time realizes that i have Horrifically bad, short term memory. Unless it's really important, unless it's a big deal, unless it's seriously impactful or really, really funny, I forgive and forget almost immediately. It doesn't matter what it is. To the point where I'm almost too forgiving of people. If they can manage to keep their retard shit spaced out enough, I will forgive basically everything because I just don't have the capacity to hold a grudge against someone. But Spectre is someone who managed to earn a very rare position on my shitlist because he insisted on saying we.

Unknown_14: he used the royal we anytime he referred to like his opinion and then the forum like he would like become the forum's advocate in specific instances and make claims which were not true while saying we as in him plus the forum and i hate that and i think actually

Unknown_14: I hated Brian Dunn, King of Pole, for the same exact reason. Like, stop. There is no we. It's you, motherfucker. You are the we. The French we. It's you and your opinion, and when you say we and you pretend that you know things you don't, it's like, whoa, buddy. I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but it ain't no we. Okay, like calm down and he refused he did this multiple times to the point where I still remember this And I had to add like a special disclaimer to his profile saying that like everything I say is wrong And I do not represent the Kiwi farms in any way like I had to make that very explicit and people thought it was like a joke he had put there himself, but no I actually forced that on him so that There would always, if someone screenshotted this dumb shit he was saying, nobody would have any false pretense that the little verified checkmark next to his name meant that he spoke for anyone except himself. And I don't think he even does that half the time.

Unknown_14: He's like, he does digging. He thinks he's like a spec ops, you know, Marine Corps info sec, like digital surgeon extracting the delicate data from behind enemy lines and shit. And then he'll like extrapolate on that so far beyond what is reasonable and present it as a substantiated fact when it's died. Like you have one, you have one document.

Unknown_14: And it says one thing, and it doesn't say anything else, so I don't know how the fuck you get from point A to point B. The only thing I can, like, sometimes he'll get useful stuff. Like, he'll call the courthouse in Virginia, and it'll say, like, hello, is there an active charge against Ethan Ralph? And the court will say, yes, there is, and it's like, okay, and that's substantiated, but he'll take that, like, eight steps from what it is and say, like, oh, they,

Unknown_14: I can't remember the specifics because it's bullshit, and I didn't commit it to long-term memory. As I said, my memory is very bad, but he'll say like, oh, they said this. I was like, motherfucker, the call is right there. I listened to it myself. They did not mention that at all. Where are you getting this from? And it's super infuriating, but...

Unknown_14: He really really fucked up because at some point after this thread was made, someone went to me and said that he is deleting posts.

Unknown_14: I'm thinking, uh, he shouldn't be. He really should not be deleting posts. So when someone deletes their fucking posts, I have to go into the database and run manual SQL queries to figure out what the fuck's been deleted. It's not an easy task. So when I'm tasked to look at what he's been deleting, and I find a history of like a hundred plus posts that he's deleted over years, I'm not a happy camper. I don't remember that kind of shit. So I spend an hour undeleting his posts and checking, because some of them were deleted just because they're like double posts or whatever the fuck, like legitimate reasons you delete a post.

Unknown_14: But some of them were not.

Unknown_14: And the most egregious one that I found in that time was something that contained this line. I actually think it's on the page before.

Unknown_14: I went through, yeah, these are all the posts that I dig up. And I found which ones are, the ones in red are the ones that were specifically deleted because he wanted to undo them. And the most interesting one that I found was where he says this. Dean asked me to help him and I agreed to do so. It's legal as long as I don't claim to be a lawyer or able to resent him in any capacity with the lawsuit. I drafted some of it, proofread it, and gave it to Dean to do as he saw fit.

Unknown_14: There was a brief time, and I don't know if he like still does this or what, but um...

Unknown_14: He did this thing where, oh, there's no clip of it, because it's like a boring thing, but he did like a fake, he literally copied Nick Rikeda. He did like a fake YouTube lawyer show, because he's not a lawyer. He's like a U.S. Marine Corps Reserve at best. Someone points out that he lives in a trailer with disability income from the government, and that's what he supports himself with. and despite this he does a show where he like pretends he like interprets court documents without any legal understanding of what the fuck he's talking about whatsoever and um he tried to help this guy called i think it's dean asaf and he's being it was like a frivolous bullshit lawsuit i think but he was being sued and specter gave this man court documents to file as motions in a legal case and in this post that he deleted he specifically states that he was not that uh he gave him shit he he drafted some of it proofread it and gave it to him to do as he saw fit with he basically gave him legal advice and said i can't legally to say that this is legal advice but if i give you this motion you can file it if you want to just saying uh so it like it would be i would be in the wrong to try and interpret if he did under the the letter of the law in massachusetts give the guy legal advice

Unknown_14: But I do know the outcome of this.

Unknown_14: The guy he gave the filing to, from what I understand, is being sued by someone in Texas. And the guy being sued is not in Texas, and he's never been to Texas. So on its face, it should be a jurisdiction issue immediately. It should be, I'm being sued from the state I have no business in. Therefore, there is jurisdictional issue. The court does not have jurisdiction over me in Texas.

Unknown_14: That's a very rudimentary type of filing and it may not be advantageous to go for that as a dismissal all the time.

Unknown_14: For instance, when Russell Greer sued me in Utah, the court he sued me under probably is not the right court to sue me because I have no business in Utah.

Unknown_14: But my attorney didn't file a motion to dismiss under jurisdiction because they wanted to go for merits so that the case would be dismissed with prejudice, which it was.

Unknown_14: So that's a legal consideration that a lawyer will have, but because, from what I understand, because Spectre gave this guy a motion and he filed it, he now can no longer claim jurisdiction. He can no longer claim that.

Unknown_14: So I'll just read what this says.

Unknown_14: Update, it's official. The court ruled yesterday the guy Spector was helping by writing his responses in the lawsuit filed against him accidentally waived jurisdiction and his motion to dismiss was denied. One of his co-defendants, who had a real lawyer, was dismissed without prejudice from the lawsuit for lack of personal jurisdiction. In the legal thread for the case, Spector posted that Assaf would be okay because the court would be lenient on a pro se idiot and that Vicky, the other co-defendant, was officially safe from the suit when the plaintiff was unable to serve her within 90 days.

Unknown_14: She was served sometime after that and defaulted by not responding. So it says here from the dismissal, starting with Assaf, the federal rules of several procedures say that the party can raise certain defenses by motion or in its first response of pleading, including the lack of personal jurisdiction. Though his first response to the FAC, the answer that he filed on August 4th, Assaf asserted several defenses, but none were that this court lacks jurisdiction over him. The court can now no longer consider that as a basis to dispense the claim against Assaf. So he gave him a filing, and he said, trust me bro, this makes sense. So the guy files it thinking, OK, I guess it makes sense. It'll be safe for me to file it. What's the worst that can happen? Well, the worst that can happen is that now his easy get out of jail free card of this court has no jurisdiction over me is no longer possible because he forfeited that and any attorney in the country Would know if he filed that motion without trying to plead jurisdiction he would lose the ability to plead jurisdiction they would all know that because they went to school for three fucking years to learn this shit which specter did not. Inspector gave this man bad legal advice.

Unknown_14: And it fucked with him, because now if this Asaf guy wants to continue to file, he's probably going to want to get an attorney. And the attorney is going to look at this and go, I can't believe you filed this bullshit. We could have gotten this dismissed in the first filing for jurisdiction.

Unknown_14: But now I'm going to have to undo the damage and it's going to cost several thousand dollars. So that's why you don't take free advice you get what you pay for when you pay for a lawyer, and if you pay nothing you will get equally Equally You'll get what you pay for which is nothing you'll get shit is what I'm trying to say very eloquently is that you'll get bad advice

Unknown_14: Isn't it kind of silly that the court wouldn't say it themselves? All I can think about is some child saying, no takey back seats. The courts can, at their discretion, file a motion sua sponte, which means on its own, right? Spontaneously.

Unknown_14: They can. but a judge is not on your team. He's supposed to be impartial. So why would a judge whose job is to be impartial mediating these different parties to the letter of the law say, actually you should have filed this. It would have been in your favor. Like that's not his job. He's not there to be your lawyer. He's not there to help you. He's there to look at what you file and he, You know, a judge is also a lawyer. So he might be thinking, oh, well, this person doesn't want to plead jurisdiction. He wants to plead other things because he wants to get dismissal of prejudice, which is a valid tactic. But then once you do that, the judge says, well, now you can't file jurisdiction. You can't lose on your motion. Sorry, I hit my mic. You can't lose on your motion and then go back and try like a step one defense. That doesn't work. You know what I mean? That's why you get a lawyer. He'll walk you through your different options so you know exactly what to expect. The judge, judges are supposed to interpret pro se filings leniently, which is when you're trying to assert a defense, if you fuck up a little bit, he's not going to go, Oh, well, you missed your, you missed your commas and periods here. So I'm not going to accept this. Um, he'll, he'll try to figure out what the fuck you're trying to say, but he won't say, actually, you probably should be doing this instead. That's, that's the difference. Uh, they'll, they'll interpret your filing as you want, but they won't develop legal tactics for you.

Unknown_14: Self-representation is cocked. There's a lawyerly expression about pro se litigants. It's like, I don't want to butcher it. If I think of it, I'll say what it is. But yeah, in general, it's like, yeah, have a lawyer. It helps.

Unknown_14: Legal taco job. Yeah, no shit. Now I'm knocking off Nick Fuentes. I keep calling him Nick Fuentes. I feel like such an asshole.

Unknown_14: That's because he wore the dress. It fused them in my mind together. He really shouldn't have done that. In the world of optics, that was not a good look, as they say.

Unknown_14: Any man who represents himself as a fool for a client. That is correct. Thank you, Jennifer Hunt. That's what I was thinking of.

Unknown_14: Okay, I think I'm done.

Unknown_14: When did he wear a dress? Nick Rikedo wore like the hot pants. I don't think he wore a dress. He wore like hot pants.

Unknown_14: I mean, he could have worn a dress. I don't watch everything he does. It's possible. Anything's possible on the internet.

Unknown_14: Okay, that's enough of Bashing Spectre. I should stick to Discord. And you should stop saying we.

Unknown_14: By the way, I changed my layout.

Unknown_14: I added mad at the internet. And I even bought the domain. It was cheap. It'll take you right to my website. Because I think a lot of people, when they type in mad at the internet dot com, they forget the double T. It'll be like mad at he internet. And they'll get it wrong. So I got for a easy, easy link to type in.

Unknown_14: And it includes the date. So now you know what today's date is. If you're watching live, you've figured it out. You don't have to look at your calendar while you're watching my stream. You can just look down and think, ah, that's what today is. I can't wait to forget to update that every week. That'll be awesome.

Unknown_14: Matty.f, dude, there's some tranny who owns fucking kiwifarms.f, so I can't get that unstoppable domain. If that person's not a tranny, give me my domain name, you cocksucker, you motherfucker. Ethereum is worth nothing now. It's all crashed, it went down the drain, so you can give it to me for free.

Unknown_14: That's why Unstoppable Domains is better, because they contacted people who have websites and were like, hey, do you want this? And it's like, oh, sure, I'll support your technology because you reached out to me. Instead of letting it be a fucking free-for-all and letting trannies buy your domain name immediately.

Unknown_14: uh oh in a real quick update i just want to get to this first uh someone asked me to talk about h3 and i will briefly talk about h3 only for one reason okay uh so h3 tried to start a fight with joe rogan Joe Rogan smartly ignored the shrill, shrieking Israeli, and nothing happened with that. He then picked a fight with Jordan Peterson, who did reply, and then he deleted all his podcasts with Jordan Peterson on them, like retroactively deleted his archives.

Unknown_14: and uh jordan peterson and him have had like a twitter back and forth but who cares i want to show you this clip of rusty cage rusty cage remixed this song for for h3h3 and once it buffers for a second i'm going to play it for everyone so we can enjoy it together a couple seconds of this

Unknown_17: Fuck you, nigga. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, nigga, faggot. I'm nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, faggot. I'm nigga, fag, faggot. I faggot, I faggot, I faggot, I faggot, I faggot. Fuck you, faggot. I'm nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, faggot, faggot, faggot, faggot, faggot, faggot, faggot, faggot, faggot. I love that. Fuck you, nigga, faggot.

Unknown_13: I love that.

Unknown_17: I'm nigga, nigga, faggot

Unknown_14: By the way, did you know that this was H3's wife?

Unknown_14: I've moved on from playing My Girl's Fuck Dogs every episode to this.

Unknown_14: Uh, okay. That's the H3 update. I hope that, um... God, who requested this? Burning Fanatic? I hope Burning Fanatic has been satisfied by my coverage of H3. I have summed this up in a way. There's like... I also find it funny. There's like a Reddit dedicated to shitting on Trisha Paytas.

Unknown_14: And like apparently, how petty is this, right? Fucking h3 reads that shit. And I know motherfuckers listening to this, you're internet famous and you read your threads. It's cringe, it's cringe. You know, I know people talk shit about me. I don't read any of it. I don't read a single fucking thing. There's like websites dedicated to me that have huge, huge posts and shit. And I don't read any of it because I don't give a fuck. And I know you're listening to this waiting for your name drop and it's cringe.

Unknown_14: Perfect.

Unknown_14: A fat woman update. Okay. Let's we got to get to this.

Unknown_14: We got to get to this. So here, here's the fat woman update. Ready?

Unknown_14: Null's like, no.

Unknown_14: That's a skill. You got to train that shit. You got to turn off your brain. People saying shit. Click. Brain off. Brain smooth. No winkles. No tinking.

Unknown_14: Just talking about Chan Tao. That's all that matters, chat.

Unknown_14: OK.

Unknown_14: Let me think how to describe it. My brain is off. I literally put my hands to my head and made a clicking noise and turned my head like I was turning a knob on my brain. And now I can't think at all. Something has happened. My mind is broken.

Unknown_14: So Chantal.

Unknown_14: has had a back and forth with this guy named Nader. N-A-D-E-R. Nader. Actually, it's literally pronounced like Nader. It's like the ugliest name ever. I thought it was like a fancy name like Nadia, but it's not. It's just Nader. Like, wasn't he like a presidential candidate? Nader?

Unknown_14: Anyways.

Unknown_14: So Nader is like Egyptian. He doesn't speak English. I've been told that he speaks

Unknown_14: French, but I don't think that's true. I just think he doesn't speak anything. I think he's like a deaf mutant. He can barely communicate with anyone and They've been breaking up and getting back together for literally weeks now since like before December and There has been a constant reoccurring meme in

Unknown_14: What is it? Uh... Why she goes back to him. She will have a big fit. She'll talk shit about him.

Unknown_14: And they will, um... They will go back and forth for... For a lot... Like... Like, watching each other... Have I had a stroke? I think I did have a stroke, actually. I'm sorry.

Unknown_14: They will do live streams covering each other. Watching each other live.

Unknown_14: And responding to each other as they both live stream from the other side.

Unknown_14: And it's like the most juvenile shit possible. But then there is a moment where she will say.

Unknown_14: I need my CPAP machine. I see my CPAP machine and I'm going over to his house to get my CPAP machine and then she paints her nails, she gets all dressed up all fancy, puts on her makeup, draws on her hairline because her hair is very thin so she takes like a thing, literally paints black onto her scalp so that she can look like she has hair. Then goes to his house all glammed up and knocks on the door and is like I need my CPAP machine and then she's gone for a day and she's definitely at his place and they've made up and she'll come back one line in a couple days and is like Guys, I really don't want to talk about nadir. I We made up again. Yes. I know. I'm sorry to my beezers we made up again, and I think I should keep this offline going forward and and then in like three days she's like this abusive asshole motherfucker I do so much shit for him I get on my knees and I kiss his feet and he's over there eating my my tenderloin with this new bitch named Dee Dee just like oh it happens over and over again and she always always says he has my CPAP machine I gotta go back and get my CPAP machine

Unknown_14: So she does and then they get back together again like clockwork just goes back to this fucking guy to get her CPAP machine but then this week it happened again and she's at his house and this time it's like more angry than usual it's been building up like it was a you know like comments after the fact at first and then it was just like she was angry venting driving from his place back home and then was It was actually like driving to his house and like, I'm gonna go get my CPAP machine. I'm turning off my stream now. And then this time she's banging on the fucking door and is like, give me my CPAP machine. I want my CPAP machine. And during their argument, cause she pays for his rent and his like cell phone and iPad and shit.

Unknown_14: She turns off his cell phone and edits his videos and posts his videos on YouTube because he's like a wannabe YouTube celebrity chef.

Unknown_14: She deletes his stream mid-stream while they're talking to each other. and then she's like give me my CPAP machine and he's like give me give me my video give me my video you delete my video you took from me you took from me bitch you took from me I give you I give you breathe machine you give me my video and they're just yelling at each other and they're both streaming it as as and it's it's just like fucking nuts she gets back in her car and she's like crying she's driving away saying I just wanted my CPAP machine so I

Unknown_14: As a hero, I super chatted her and I said, Chantal, you go back there and you call the police and you get Pappy. And she literally turns the car around and goes back to the house and the police show up and they go into the crack shack where Nader lives and this happens.

Unknown_14: It's muted, but it gets unmuted.

Unknown_02: Guys, stay with me one minute. So I'll put you out of camera.

Unknown_02: Thank you. I mute you guys.

Unknown_03: You are on YouTube, on Facebook, on something.

Unknown_02: Sorry?

Unknown_03: You are on Facebook, right?

Unknown_02: I was on YouTube. I was recording a video. Okay. What are you cooking?

Unknown_02: What are you cooking, he says.

Unknown_14: Police in Canada are like a different breed. Number one, I love this guy's accent. He's like, what are you cooking, eh? Like just fucking crazy levels of Canadian. They're in Quebec, by the way.

Unknown_14: They're in like a really small village, town, whatever the fuck, in Quebec. So all the cops that are bilingual, they speak French and shit.

Unknown_14: But they're really friendly. They're just like, yeah, we're getting a breeze machine, eh?

Unknown_03: We are here because I hear we have an argument with your ex or something like that. She was not my ex, she was my friend. Your friend? Yes. Okay, so no relationship with her?

Unknown_03: I think you can go to civil court

Unknown_14: Okay, so first off, he's like, we need her breathe machine. And he's like, what about my video? She deleted my video, I want my video. And he's just like, I don't know about that, but you can go to civil court if you want. And he just continues to like rant at this cop about his fucking YouTube channel.

Unknown_03: This is not legal. Okay, I think you can go to civil court for that. Okay, it's not criminal. And also, if you can check,

Unknown_02: All day, all seven months.

Unknown_02: talking shit about me.

Unknown_14: So he thinks that the stream is muted and he's bitching out to these cops hard. Before he was like, I do not call police. I do not call police. Get off my porch. And now he's like, oh, she deleted my YouTube video and she's been she's been talking shit about me on the Internet all day. And he's he's like unloading on this cop like he's a therapist. I have a theory for this that I will explain in a second.

Unknown_02: It was everybody.

Unknown_02: I can leave.

Unknown_02: Tell her, shut up, what you need? Say to me what you need. She keep talking and talking and talking. For something happen and something rise, she don't even care. But to come to my YouTube and delete my stuff, this is my work. This is how I make money. To delete my videos, that's not legal act. And I never tell her.

Unknown_03: And I never tell her.

Unknown_14: he's so lying about that too he said repeatedly if you want your CPAP machine just come get it and then she's at the door saying give me my CPAP machine he's like I never say that she could not get it I never say like he's blocking her outside the house and refusing to let her get her her fucking medical device it's like just give it to her holy shit what a retard

Unknown_14: And by the way, everyone calls him Stabby Nad because he went to jail for stabbing an ex in a domestic that he had years ago and he's still on probation for it. And I'm pretty sure if Canadian probation is anything like American probation, he's going to have to explain, he has to tell his parole officer any encounters that he has with the police, right? Isn't that how it works in the U.S.? So he's going to have to tell his parole officer, yeah, I refuse to let my ex-girlfriend come inside to get her medical equipment. And the police showed up because neither one of them, by the way, they were both live streaming at the time the police showed up. So nobody knows who called the police. It could have been like a Karen. It could have been Pete's. It could have been anyone.

Unknown_14: So nobody knows who did it, but the police do show up and now he's in trouble for it. And he's mad that she called the police because I assume he knows that she knows that if the police show up, he's going to have to report that to his P.O.

Unknown_02: But no, this I need to

Unknown_03: I'm just really here to have his breath machine and I'm going to go. The breath machine?

Unknown_02: Well, they either threaten or they're against you because this doesn't have any... What? They threaten or they're against you. Okay. So this is also a great part. Now he's asking for a restraining order against Chantal, a five foot four, 350 pound woman who literally cannot stand to do dishes because she is too fat.

Unknown_14: to stand on her feet long enough to clean plates and she's like too unable like she's not physically able to like load and unload the dishwashing machine and yet he feels in danger endangered by this woman enough to ask two cops from from the the Quebec police department to get a restraining order against him and he they basically say uh we can't do that a we can break up the dispute right here but uh you have to go to court to get a restraining order and he just doesn't get it and he just keeps talking over them because he's so unhappy with that answer he's like they're giving him advice on what to do you want a restraining order go to the court and he's like yelling over them about his fucking youtube videos

Unknown_03: I can say it to her, you don't want her here. But for that, you have to go to the police station and take a report about that.

Unknown_03: So I think you have something you want to do on Facebook and YouTube. So I think you want to do your cash now, right now. I'm just here to make sure she's going to go.

Unknown_02: So if I have to greet machine, she's going to go.

Unknown_14: He still calls it like I thought it was like the one one soft thing but he Like cuz she had to explain them what a CPAP was cuz he's like a cop so he's like not fat I guess in other countries your cops aren't morbidly obese and unable to to move or take care of themselves or wipe their own ass In the US they they are fat. They are fat fucks who can't wipe their own ass So they all know what a CPAP machine is, but in Canada this guy probably works out So he's like, oh, OK, you can't breathe. You need equipment. You need a breathe machine to breathe. OK, we'll go get it for you. So he has to relay this information in language he understands.

Unknown_03: Take the breathe machine, bring me and... The bees machine.

Unknown_14: I'm trying to do French.

Unknown_02: I never told her I'm not going to take it. This is the problem. I can't move it, you know. It's not fair. He's telling the police it's not fair that she deletes my videos and then gets to have her breathe machine. If she wants to breathe, she should give me my video back.

Unknown_14: It's not fair.

Unknown_00: He starts talking French with Didi, the other woman.

Unknown_15: And by the way,

Unknown_14: I've not heard that much French in my life but it's very very obvious the difference between Quebec French and like European French and I understand why European French people get like so salty about Quebec French because it sounds it sounds like um

Unknown_14: Like if you hear people speaking Dutch, it sounds like German, but like in a really strong English accent. And when you hear Quebec people talking French, it sounds like French and like a really like American accent. So I can, I definitely hear why French people get pissed off listening to the Quebec accent.

Unknown_03: And tonight, does it look good to you? Huh? Does it look good to you? No, no, it's going to be good, yes. Fries, that's it, with beef. I don't know directly, we'll see what's in it.

Unknown_15: Okay, does he prepare well, like in advance? No, no, it's all fresh. Okay. Yeah. So it comes out of secret. The chef, the 25-year-old chef.

Unknown_03: Okay.

Unknown_14: Ukrainian is way like softer than Russian like Ukrainian is a much more like Like pleasant sounding language. I think I don't know I guess right. Oh god. I'm probably gonna get shot for that fucking Slavs hate each other more than anyone else Ukrainian it can sound very very nice though

Unknown_14: Oops sorry I'm muting myself but there's no audio. Where is he at? Come back with the bread machine. Oh that's the bag.

Unknown_14: So he gives the bag of goodies.

Unknown_02: My friend who is with me since two days now. She has a vacation time and she is with me and she never said this crazy, insane. 613, 415, 415, 3867.

Unknown_02: oh he he gives out a phone number hopefully I didn't play all that on stream but he gives out a phone number thinking that it's muted and I think people tried to call it but it was out of service so he he gave the cops the phone number that Chantal it turned off so they can't call

Unknown_03: You have to go to the police station, okay? Explain to the police officer what's going on.

Unknown_03: Tonight, okay? Not on your own life, okay? Just tonight. What's happened tonight, okay? And from you, you have to press charge, like for a restraining order.

Unknown_14: This whole thing, this is the part where the cop is explaining to him, I am a police officer.

Unknown_14: There is a domestic disturbance here. I am here to sort this shit out so that the people next door to you can go back to bed because they're annoyed by the crazy bitch outside your house honking her fucking horn and driving up and down the street over and over again and knocking on your porch and screaming about a breathe machine. They're fucking irritated. They want to go to bed. And I don't, all I'm trying to do is sort this shit out. And he's like, I want restraining order. I want my video. She's a bitch. She's talking shit about me. And he's like, I don't care. If you want to go to the police station and file a report, cause you're afraid of, he literally says, if you're afraid of her, you can go to the police station and file a report for restraining order. If your shit was stolen, you have to go to civil court to straighten that out. All I know is I'm getting fucking pappy and I'm getting the hell out of here and you can shut the fuck up and he doesn't get it. He's so irate he's just talking over her the entire or over him the entire time.

Unknown_03: Okay, so we're gonna do the report tonight but on your side go to the police station and explain what's... That's what I'd like to explain.

Unknown_02: She's having a little problem so I know she's sick. I'd like to do the report on somebody's sake.

Unknown_02: In the same time, I need you away from me.

Unknown_03: Yeah, I understand that. But I cannot just give some condition to someone. A judge can give some condition. So the restraining order, it's only a judge. That must be approved by a judge. So this report, it's only for what's happened tonight. OK, thank you. So thanks.

Unknown_02: And check it out you'll investigate that shit

Unknown_14: So, at this point, he talks, the camera comes back on, moves around, and he starts talking, right? And I like this, watch. You can take your mask off, eh?

Unknown_09: Sorry, I just noticed that.

Unknown_02: So, police came.

Unknown_02: They actually very respectful people.

Unknown_14: Now Didi remembers to fucking mute it. She doesn't mute it for that. But what happens here is that the police come back. Nadir, in his infinite pettiness, did not give Chantal the electrical cord for the AC adapter to the CPAP machine. He did not give her her breath mask that you attach to it, that you affix to your face. CPAP machine just creates pressure and you need to actually attach it to your face holes to make it work and you need electricity for it to work at all. So Nadir gave him only the actual machine and not any of the parts that is needed to make it work. And he obviously, considering that he has had this machine in his house for weeks and she sleeps over there, understands that the mask and the electrical cord are an important part of how this machine operates. It's basic sense. Like anyone knows this. So he is being extra super petty this entire time And you can really tell and how he talks after this like he's he's that's filet mignon on the table that that Chantel bought that he's cooking for Didi and And you can tell just by the way he's like beating the fuck out of this meat the way he talks like his body He is pissed and it became really obvious because this is like the most you see of Nadir ever is this guy like his streams right now And you can really tell he is like a power and control freak and the fact that a cop came over Made him relinquish Pappy unto them actually Literally pisses him off because he had power and control over her By having this machine and the cops forced him to give it up. So he like is spited her by only giving half of it

Unknown_14: He's tinderizing it. He's like an actual trained chef and for whatever reason he's taking filet mignon and he's like tinderizing it with the back of a steak knife or a chef's knife. I don't know why he's doing that.

Unknown_02: And, uh, it's gonna be restrained in order. He's a line cook? I thought he was an actual chef.

Unknown_14: So... You like it. Does anyone get the feeling that he's taking out a little bit of aggression on this, uh, poor meat, which is already tender and does not need to be tenderized?

Unknown_02: Do your life by yourself.

Unknown_02: So you have to do it, girl.

Unknown_15: Is it too loud for you guys? I can, uh, mute it if you want.

Unknown_15: There's a part I'm waiting for.

Unknown_14: I'll skip a little bit. Can you explain something? Oh.

Unknown_14: He said he says that she um, he's when he he got he got a restraining order against him Or against her which is a lie because we heard the conversation the cop said they do an restraining order You have to go to the police like the actual station to follow report So he lies and then he realizes that he looks like a super bitch now that like he's embarrassed that he had that conversation Broadcasted so he started singing in Arabic

Unknown_14: To show everyone, like, how not bothered he is. And I really have to say, Arabic is the ugliest fucking language. I've heard a lot of languages in my life. I've been all over, right, Mr. Worldwide? Arabic is fucking ugly. It is an ugly language. It sounds terrible. It never sounds like actual human talk. Like...

Unknown_14: like congolese clicking noise sounds more like a coherent language than fucking arabic it's so awful wrong throat gurgles bass orc speak like even turkish turkish sounds better than arabic turkish is like a real language it's influenced by like europeans and shit the kangs and shit vietnamese doesn't that sounding

Unknown_14: Yeah, Asian languages are pretty harsh. But Arabic, I don't know. I'd still say like Arabic is way worse. Asian-Anic languages are only weird because you like look at their alphabet and think like, how the fuck is this a language? How do people read this shit?

Unknown_14: And I guess, I mean, Arabic is the same way. You look at the scribbles, the fucking little dashes and swirls and things. How is this a language? How do you read this? Why is it backwards? Why do you sing like that? Why do you sing by talking? Why don't you have instruments? Why do your prophet prohibit instruments in your songs? Why are things like this?

Unknown_14: English best language, objectively true. That's why more people speak it than any other language.

Unknown_13: And Chinese cheats.

Unknown_14: They're second place in language only because they keep reproducing. English speakers forgot how to reproduce.

Unknown_14: Also, this clip is very funny, by the way. When they were having their back and forth arguments on live streams, this clip is obnoxious because you keep hearing the feedback loop of his stream playing to her stream and so on.

Unknown_14: But he says something really funny.

Unknown_14: They're arguing about Pete's, he really hates Pete's because she lives with her like ex-boyfriend Pete's. And I've already explained that Pete's is like a castrate who doesn't have like sexual desires.

Unknown_14: He only feels like bubbling rage all the time. So for him, for Nadir to be like jealous of Pete's is like the weirdest shit because he's so non-threatening.

Unknown_14: But it's a recurring theme and this is pretty funny.

Unknown_02: Where? What?

Unknown_02: You have big, his ass getting bigger.

Unknown_02: His ass getting bigger than you.

Unknown_02: He take hormone I guess. Did you start use the medication?

Unknown_14: He's saying that Pete's tits are big and asked him if he's on HRT. Let me explain this because he doesn't speak English worth of shit.

Unknown_02: Did you take the part off or is it still there? You take it off or is it still there? He chopped off his dick.

Unknown_02: I'm bad. Don't fuck around with me. I'm bad. I hate this part.

Unknown_15: Trans shamer.

Unknown_02: Anyway, pizza's not even shrimp. What? I see you in the video with the dress. You look cute, buddy. You was really cute.

Unknown_02: I have somebody here who was hating on you.

Unknown_02: But he wait until you finish the job. Until you get rid of the part you don't like.

Unknown_06: He's telling Pete that he looks cute in a dress, but he won't fuck him until he gets rid of the part that he doesn't like.

Unknown_14: So, uh, what the fuck?

Unknown_02: What the fuck? I know, thank you, I appreciate that. You dress for people to say, oh, you're so cute, you're so cute, you look beautiful. Yeah, you're a sexy, bald guy. I know, thank you. Sorry, Karen.

Unknown_14: I don't think I ever showed this on stream. Many of you will already know that this is a thing.

Unknown_14: I did not feature this. I did not put this on the front page of the forum. I did not talk about this in my live stream because

Unknown_14: Pete's was just starting to hatch and I know if I if I turned the eye of Sauron on Pete's he would Immediately he would immediately burn up in the gaze But now I am I'm forced to break the news to everyone that on New Year's He did he has a female alter ego like a superhero like he likes the X-Men, right? So his female alter ego is Ramona and

Unknown_14: And he did a full stream dressed up as Ramona. They went and picked out dresses so that he could be Ramona for this stream. And he says he's not trans. He says that Ramona is just his alter ego.

Unknown_14: and uh it's just something that is is fun it's fun to him it's not a serious thing it's just a little bit of fun girls just like to have fun right so nadir when nadir is saying that he's cute and he's a sexy bald man and he would fuck him if he gets the bad part removed uh this is this is what's happening okay i i hate i sorry to break it to you so soon i was gonna keep this secret for later and i hope that pete's pete's don't let my cyberbullying turn you away okay if this is what will make you happy like you can you can get your own nadir in the arab world if you uh transition this is true

Unknown_14: this is completely true this is not bullshit in iran the country you would expect to be the most homophobic in the world in iran if you get gender uh sexual reassignment surgery you can legally change your gender to female for male in iran so even in iran

Unknown_14: Trans rights are rights. The Ayatollah of Iran says trans rights are rights and trans women are women. So saith Ayatollah of Iran. And you can pick up your own nadir once you get the bad bits removed, okay?

Unknown_14: so don't don't don't let me cyber bully you out of this i i um i was in i was in his chat i was watching the new year's live stream live i was in his chat couple hundred people there and he was so happy i've never seen this man happy in my entire life every time i see him he is he is

Unknown_14: so sad, so unenthusiastic, listlessly drifting through the years of his middle ages, as if his brain and soul have turned off. His brain turned off, soul left his body, and then he puts on the dress and he's Ramona and he's genuinely happy for the first time ever. And he's taking song suggestions and he's like singing and stuff and he's letting loose, he's letting the girls out, he's being being happy and then i said um because someone said play doja cat so he picked up like a random song from doja cat and with some trashy fucking rap song it was garbage i said no no play moo play bitch i'm a cow by doja cat that's her good song let me let me show you what i'm talking about doja cat cow here we go

Unknown_14: the words so i'm like play this song this is the good song for this is the only good song from doja cat the rest is like trashy hip-hop shit bitch i'm a cow is a classic moo moo moo that shit that hits hard that that hits hard that strikes deep in the soul and uh i say play uh cow by doja cat and he sees my message and i can tell he sees my message because the mood changes immediately he goes from happy not a care in the world to like staring at his screen and it

Unknown_14: it's like um i did i did something i called a crazy walk if i i will talk to myself i'll catch myself doing this but i'll talk to myself i'll walk up and down the hallway and i'll talk to myself and i'll have like a one-sided conversation if i'm thinking over something that's complicated and i just have to get my thoughts out it helps to to talk to to orient it but if for whatever reason in my in my schizo crazy walking

Unknown_14: I acknowledge that I'm talking to myself. It's over. I can't do it anymore. I'm suddenly very self-conscious about it, and I just shut up, and it stops immediately. It's very weird. If I break the fourth law, I can't carry it anymore. And when Pete's realized other people that he knows Me, of all people, saw him as Ramona. The crazy walk stopped.

Unknown_14: And it fucked with his perspective. He was no longer gender euphoric. So I completely dropped out of the chat. And I let him carry on. And after a couple minutes, he was... 10, 15 minutes or so, he was back to where he was. But I realized I ruined it for him by acknowledging it. He didn't care. For whatever reason, he didn't care about knowing that the forum would make fun of him, but he cared that I was present in his chat in that moment. That ruined it for him.

Unknown_14: Josh Kers truning. You bring misery.

Unknown_14: Show the peach rage. I got it.

Unknown_14: Oh, where is it?

Unknown_14: Oh, I have it somewhere. Give me a second. It's on my Firefox.

Unknown_14: He got he got mad he's been trying to do it like a let's play of Mass Effect and Here I think this is it He got really pissed off because he recorded and he didn't set up his own recorder correctly

Unknown_14: And I got super pissed off. Let's see if I have the clip. It's in- this thread is fucking short. It's- I will go page by page until I find this shit.

Unknown_14: Okay. I guess I'm just gonna scroll manually.

Unknown_14: Oh, here let me- Yeah, me too.

Unknown_14: Yeah, me too. Oh, that's great. This is the whole thing. Oh, please load. Don't you fucking do this to me, computer.

Unknown_14: Give it a second, give it a second to buffer, champ.

Unknown_14: You know how much... I'm supposedly soon getting new networking. It's gonna be expensive too, but hopefully I will... my buffering issue will be resolved after this.

Unknown_08: It won't fucking load. The same problem? Oh...

Unknown_14: I'm so sad. I can't believe it's going to buffer on me, chap.

Unknown_14: Hmm.

Unknown_14: Hmm.

Unknown_14: Here. Oh, well, I think I think you get the gist of it. It's just, uh, no, like the game itself literally won't fucking come up.

Unknown_15: Apple, I think it keeps freezing on me.

Unknown_15: I don't know. That's so frustrating.

Unknown_14: I really hate how she chews with her mouth open. I don't know why she chews with her mouth open, chat. But she does chew with her mouth open. Everything. Everything she puts into her mouth, she has to do and chew with lips completely unadjoined. Jaw just flapping, chewing. It drives me crazy. It makes it hard for me to even enjoy these good moments because of it.

Unknown_15: Sam.

Unknown_15: Sam wants somebody he can't.

Unknown_14: Play the per capita Pete's rage? Okay. I might be able to find that too. That's like in the, I think he deleted that even. Yeah, he definitely deleted that. He had like a proper tard rage cause he was doing a live chat and uh, someone, he was arguing about like politics.

Unknown_14: and someone someone someone misunderstood what he meant when he said per capita and he had like a proper fucking tard rage about per capita and the meaning of per capita and was just yelling like a lunatic about per capita there's no fucking way this video is gonna live this is gonna be like an hour long

Unknown_14: How's it gonna load? Let's see if we can scan chat. Dare I? Dare I push it to the limits?

Unknown_10: Uyghur, yes.

Unknown_10: Uyghur.

Unknown_14: It only sounds like Uyghur to me.

Unknown_13: We gotta free the Uyghurs in China.

Unknown_14: They're being oppressed.

Unknown_10: Do you feel like it so far?

Unknown_14: Xi Jinping says to pull up your pants and stop acting black. And the Uyghurs are oppressed by this.

Unknown_14: I might be able to... Stupidly uneducated position.

Unknown_09: Right, but no, that's not how statistics work, reject reacts.

Unknown_10: It's not how statistics work.

Unknown_10: Whether you have 350 million people or 30 million people, per capita is referring to, like, gah!

Unknown_14: Gah!

Unknown_14: I might have passed it a little bit.

Unknown_14: So we're at 1940 now. Let's go back just a little bit. I might have fucked up.

Unknown_14: I might have gone too far, chat.

Unknown_11: Idiot like honestly, it's that is so stupid. I don't even know where to begin with explaining why you're an idiot It's just absolutely Mind-bafflingly stupid a comment You do not understand what per capita means you jackass like all politics like political politics aside all that and

Unknown_10: LEARN WHAT FUCKING WORDS MEAN, GUY! LEARN WHAT WORDS MEAN, YOU FUCKING MORON! Like, that's all I can say is, like, ugh! Like, it's just a so stupidly stupidly uneducated position.

Unknown_14: What I really love about this, this whole thing, he just repeats himself over and over again. Such a fucking idiot. How do you not know anything? Politics aside, how do you not know what this means?

Unknown_14: It's a combination of things. Number one, I think that Pete's is genuinely an angry person in general. I think that he has a lot of harbored resentment towards women and how he's been treated and his frustrations with relationships, but he can't say that. like like the difference between like a male feminist and like an incel is pragmat like it's it's uh not very different it's just that a male feminist has these blinders on where it's not it's not women's fault an incel will explicitly blame women and say that it's women's fault they should be having sex with me i'm a nice guy they only fuck these uh these chads that don't treat them right when i'm a real gentleman and they're whores because they don't fuck me.

Unknown_14: That's the end self perspective. The male feminist is angry at women in exactly the same way, but they can't say those things because it's against their political autism. So it just builds in this depression. And then they get mad at stupid shit on Twitter. And when you see

Unknown_14: some bald, soy-filled, like, balloon animal, like Pete's, who, by the way, is Canadian, and should not be getting a rage boner over fucking American politics all the time, because he's not even American, it doesn't fucking matter, who gives a shit? Like, how do you get mad over the Whiggers, and Putin, and Ukraine, and Hungary, and Poland, and the UK, and J.K. Rowling? How do you care when you're a Canadian? Like, how do you give a fuck? So he just sits there and he gets mad and he funnels all this anger that he has towards, you know, political things. And then he reads a Reddit post and it's a really great Reddit post. He agrees with it completely and it's great because he agrees with it. And then he's talking to people who disagree with him and they challenge him in any way, shape or form. And it doesn't jive with the Reddit post that he read that was super great because he agreed with it. So he's angry. He doesn't know how to express himself because the thoughts that he has aren't his own and he can't articulate them in a way that's responsive or flexible to the situation at all. And he can't just start screaming about how he thinks women are cunts and they need to be buried in a mass grave because that's against his politics that he has to profess at all times.

Unknown_14: so he sits there and for three minutes he inarticulately complains about someone not understanding what per capita means or maybe not even not understanding it but just not hearing oh he said per capita like you know it could have just been a mistake but he's like impotently angry about this And that's just like the tip of the iceberg. You see a little bit of that boiling inner rage peeking out over the top in like a weird, obtuse, autistic way. And it's like, I really think that this guy is filled with a genuine, passionate hatred of every facet of his life.

Unknown_14: And it's, I don't know, that's just the vibe I get. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, Chad. You think I'm close?

Unknown_14: Female energy, Canada is dead inside, the tip of the autism, tip of the iceberg.

Unknown_14: He's just always on the lookout for a reason to chump because it's simmering under the surface. Exactly. That's how I feel. Trunes or incels. That's correct.

Unknown_14: Milk. That sounds like a familiar name. Isn't there like an, a turf channel called milk? I'm pretty sure.

Unknown_13: Maybe, maybe I'm wrong.

Unknown_14: As a Canadian, I actually had a friend in our friendship overmate for not hating Trump probably drowns himself in left-wing us media constantly. Probably.

Unknown_14: If you say wrong capita in Canada, you get one year jail.

Unknown_14: Big soy energy. Yeah. OK, that's just what I get.

Unknown_14: It's just that song by the Mighty Mighty Bass Tones or Bass Tones. That's just the impression that I get. Take your meds. No, you can't make me.

Unknown_14: OK, that's enough of Pete's and Janet Alford's day.

Unknown_14: There's one more thing. I actually have quite a bit to play from this.

Unknown_14: Have I been streaming for like two hours? Oh my god. Okay, we're going to go over two hours today because I have audio that I want to play. It's going to be about 10 minutes long.

Unknown_14: And that will be the end of it. After that, I'm just going to play a new song that came out from Hardman Working Hard. There's a song that I want to play from MC Jarbo as well, but that'll have to wait because I like this one. This one's more appropriate for the stream. Um, but last year there was a guy named Patrick Tomlinson who was a sci-fi author. Apparently he's pretty successful as a sci-fi author or once was. And now he's like a Pete's. He's on Twitter. If you go to his Twitter account, it's just constant bitching about politics. And worse than that, like even worse than like bitching about politics, like in a like a shoe on head or vouch way. He's like staunchly pro-Democrat. He's one of those people who are like Democrat good, Republicans bad, like the most low IQ possible political take to have. where the political party spectrum in the US has a good and a bad side. The kind of people who should not be voting because they obviously are fucking retarded and they're the kind of person who got the country in this position to begin with. Just dumb. Dumb, dumb guy. and he I don't know his full history I'm sure it could be worth a person stream in the future because um but I don't know enough about him so I'd have to get like a lay down a layout uh but he's a big locale in a different community he has his own thread it's quite popular but it is um especially popular with

Unknown_14: the opie and anthony crowd and at some point we talked about maybe opening an opie opie and anthony board because their reddit got shut down and i was actually warned not to let the opie and anthony people on the site because they are so big into like hardcore a logging the opie and anthony people that it would not be a good fit for the site So I took that advice, and I never opened an Opie and Anthony board, but I think I helped them in some way host their site, because I think they used 1776, at least briefly, because I got Cloudflare complaints about their site at some point. So they're sort of like little Kiwi farms just for Opie and Anthony stuff. I don't know all that much about that universe. I was never into Opie and Anthony. The only person I knew who was into Opie and Anthony was Katsu Kitty, who is the reason why to this day people accuse the Kiwi Farms of having tranny moderators because Katsu was gay and lost his virginity to a tranny and then became a tranny and added she-her pronouns to his admin profile and then somehow just disappeared one day and completely vanished off the face of the planet. So cats who is the only person I knew who listened to open Anthony because he was like a closet log house conservative Very interesting person. I kind of miss him because he was he was nice and he was around in the the early days of the forum He was a admin. I did not appoint. I think I think he's a staff who was a staff before I was the owner of the site. I

Unknown_14: Anyways, Opie and Anthony, Patrick Tomlinson, was a guest on Opie and Anthony. I don't know how he came about, but he ends up getting trolled the fuck out by all these different people. And at some point, he files a lawsuit against 60 John Doe's, against Opie and Anthony.

Unknown_14: Oh, don't say 41%. There's hope for him. There's hope for him to detrans and become a man.

Unknown_14: Don't tell me he's joined the 41% chat.

Unknown_14: But he sued 60 people and most of them were on opiate and I think one of them was, I think he was also trying to find out who the author of the Kiwi Farms thread was. But he sent a subpoena to Cloudflare to get my information.

Unknown_14: about who owns the Kiwi farms. And I immediately lawyer up. I think I went with Legal Eagle. It was like someone from that Nick Ricotta suggested. It was like a YouTube attorney or some shit. I'm sorry if I'm getting this wrong. I don't remember who it was. It was so long ago. It was very brief. But I lawyered up and they dealt with that and suppressed information that they received from Cloudflare because it wasn't relevant to the case. And Tomlinson never went after the Kiwi Farms again.

Unknown_14: So I consider that a success in our favor. I racked that up as a win.

Unknown_14: Not legal eagle Nick Lowe's that guy. I don't know who it is. I'm sorry.

Unknown_14: Can't be eagle. Okay. Let me hold up. Let me pull up this is.

Unknown_14: Robert Barnes. Sorry if this man knows Legal Eagle and hates him and will never represent my interest in the state of Michigan, I think.

Unknown_14: What state is he in?

Unknown_14: Ohio. I don't know. I hope I have not angered this man because he he did what I wanted. He got Tomlinson to fuck off.

Unknown_14: And.

Unknown_14: So I've just been watching this case and recently.

Unknown_14: He dropped it, voluntarily, which means one thing. He ran out of money. And from what I understand, his lawsuit was actually funded by the Sci-Fi Writers Guild. And for whatever reason, they've been taking their member dues and giving it to Tomlinson to fund this stupid-ass fucking lawsuit, which has no doubt racked up more than six figures of charges to the Sci-Fi Writers Guild.

Unknown_14: On behalf of Tomlinson and he owned owes the owner of opiate Anthony forums $23,000 let me get the exact number because the number is a meme with them and I want to say the exact number so that I can be cool and hip with the the other crowd out there He owes quasi the opiate Anthony forum owner $23,739 and 25 cents, so a quarter on top of that. $23,739.25 in legal fees to Kwasi, and it's unknown if he will be able to pay this money back to Kwasi.

Unknown_14: um so he's basically fucked and it couldn't have happened to a nicer person because much like nadir i really get power and dominance like control freak serious serious mental illness control freak vibes from this guy anytime i hear him talk if you go on twitter and you like search his tag like geek geek something

Unknown_14: And, uh, you, like, look at, and you, like, search the term child. Like, he calls everyone a child. And I'm going to play about 10 minutes of this phone call. And he repeatedly talks down in, like, this weird, sadistic, almost, like, perverted sexual way to this guy he's talking to. It's really creepy. it's really and he mentions that he's going back to a party so he gets this call he walks out there and he's like child child why are you talking to me child you have no right to open your mouth when you have nothing to say to me child and he It just goes on and on like this, that's not even an exaggeration, that's literally what he says for 10 fucking minutes. And he's like outside a party, so no doubt his friends are hearing him say this shit, which is super creepy and really funny when you think about it. And I'm just glad he lost, I hope this guy's fucking bankrupt, I hope he's eating out of a trash can. He got divorced by his wife.

Unknown_14: He has no involvement in his daughter's life because he's a fucking loser. He's probably verbally and psychologically abusive to these women, so he has no right to be in their life because he's obviously a freak who should be far away from other people.

Unknown_14: And, uh, he's got bitch tits, but he likes to pretend that he's like some sort of martial arts, like, 300 confirmed kills, U.S. Marine Corps officer, like, uh, like Spectre. So they call him, like, Pepperoni Nipple, Patrick.

Unknown_14: a lot of nicknames they really they really fuck with this guy but he deserves it because he's an asshole he's like the biggest asshole i can think of compared to like wings of redemption or dark side phil this guy like like sieves and exudes this horrific like pompous pretentious cocky energy it just makes you root against him

Unknown_14: But you can go to and listen to the Hosea tapes if you want to listen to all of it. We've got a thread on it on the forum. There's the, I think, the Open Anthony forums. I'm going to talk to them. Their site's not safe for work, though. They have, like, porn avatars and shit, which doesn't jive on my squeaky clean, clean fun forum. Karen forums.

Unknown_14: But I'm going to play the second half of this because the first half is just the same exact exchange over and over again. But eventually the troll, the setup is this guy talks to Patrick and says, I'm from the Huffington Post and I want to do an interview about the cyber terrorism you're enduring. So they have about two and a half hours of phone calls. And then suddenly he's like, oh shit, this might be a troll. I'm a fucking retard. I admit that I'm only doing this lawsuit to harass people. So he asked for confirmation, and the guy... I'll just play this actually. He says, I talked to my, uh... I could probably talk to him by signal. So anyway... Oh, okay.

Unknown_21: Can you hear me now? I can. Yes.

Unknown_21: Okay, I was just gonna say that I, uh, spoke with my supervisor about, um, getting in contact with you. Um, she says that you're a fat faggot with bitch tits, so we're gonna have to cancel the article.

Unknown_04: Oh, well, the thing, the problem with that, sweetie, is that we already figured that out.

Unknown_14: He acts like that's immediately part of his plan. He talked to this guy for like two hours and 40 minutes because he just was so, he was actually trolling him. He was always in control. He can't lose control, never him. He's always in control. It's like a psychotic thing where he can't admit, he can't take a no because it would like hurt him. But I'll play the second half and I'll interrupt it if I feel like I need to. Where was I actually? It was like 4.30 wasn't I?

Unknown_14: Bam.

Unknown_04: You misrepresented yourself from the beginning, which is a crime, by the way. You then used that to get information that you were not privy to, because you were lying the entire time, that's also a crime. And you used that as- No, it isn't. Oh, no no, shut your fucking mouth. You used that to continue furthering your obsessive, criminal- Dude, you're a mentally retarded fat faggot.

Unknown_21: Against me and my family.


Unknown_21: Dude, you're drunk. HOW MUCH HAVE YOU HAD TO DRINK TONIGHT, PATRICK?



Unknown_04: ...of any importance or relevance to say.

Unknown_04: Never have.

Unknown_21: Okay, so why isn't Sacha Baron Cohen in prison for doing the same exact thing? This isn't a conversation. It never was.

Unknown_04: You lied. You misrepresented yourself in the continuance of your criminal activities.

Unknown_04: You only advanced the criminal case against you.

Unknown_21: Okay. There you go. Feel free to show the...

Unknown_21: Milwaukee Police Department prank call I'll be happy to supplement that sending with an email where you send me your phone number and give me permission to call you, you idiot.

Unknown_14: This is why I skipped most of this by the way because what happens is is that at the beginning that the guy is like too nice to him he's being an asshole because he's fucking with him but it's sort of like He'll talk to Patrick like a normal person and then Patrick will be like, no, no, shut your mouth, child. Shut your mouth. If you have nothing to say to me, child, shut your mouth. And the guy will like be put off by this and will just shut up because it's like, what the fuck do you have to say? I'm interested to hear what you have to say about this. And he'll just start rambling about nothing.

Unknown_14: The conversation will die for the most part, because he'll just stop talking on his end. So eventually, the guy on the other end starts just talking over him.

Unknown_14: And Patrick can't handle this. Psychologically, he has to control the ebb and flow of the conversation. And once the other guy starts talking over him, and he loses that control, he really starts to freak out at him.

Unknown_21: The facts of the case are you gave me your phone number and said I could call you, and I called you. It doesn't matter. Is this what you did to your school teachers every time they proved you wrong? FUCK YOU! No it isn't.

Unknown_21: What crime would that be? It does matter. It does matter! It does matter, fat trick! I will not shut my fucking mouth! Yo, shut the fuck up, you fat faggot.

Unknown_04: Whatever mental health issues you have that you think that you get to treat complete strangers... What are you drinking tonight?

Unknown_21: something... No, no, no.

Unknown_04: Be quiet.

Unknown_04: Be quiet.

Unknown_04: The fact that you have such severe antisocial problems in your tiny little brain that you think you get to treat complete strangers you know nothing about this way says a million times more about everything that you have

Unknown_04: all the deficiencies in you as a person than it will ever say about anyone you have ever tried to fuck with. But you fucked with the wrong person. And now you're gonna pay for it.

Unknown_21: You should be. You should know. No, you should be scared. You should be. You should be. And you should

Unknown_21: Well, I did, and you answered, and I asked you, um, what's your new script gonna be? Well, I asked you, and you answered.

Unknown_21: Well, you don't get to define reality, actually.

Unknown_21: Okay, well, when the judge rules against you, you're gonna really understand who's in charge, Patrick.

Unknown_21: Dude, you're drunk as fuck, man. Stop drinking, stop eating so much, you idiot. Go exercise and see your daughter, you fat faggot.

Unknown_04: Yeah, I'm giving you good advice.

Unknown_21: That's probably what your conscience is telling you.

Unknown_04: You need to listen to your conscience, Patrick.

Unknown_21: Is your conscience telling you to go on Twitter all day? Or is it telling you to go... have your daughter in your life and get a real job.

Unknown_14: I'm just, like, he's one step away from saying, like, kitten. Like, kitten, daddy is not having a conversation right now. We, I, am talking, and you have nothing to say, kitten, baby child, sweet summer raisin pea.

Unknown_14: You do not, you listen while I speak to you.

Unknown_21: And, um, stop being obsessed with Twitter. Little baby child, my conscience,

Unknown_21: No it isn't, I know that.

Unknown_21: I highly doubt that. Really, your conscience tells you to have no contact with your daughter? Why are you getting so uppity about that? That is a true thing. That's a true thing that you wrote, Patrick. Your fucking mouth. Don't speak.

Unknown_14: Yeah, that's what you tell your cousin, Patrick. There's no way he's not like this to like his ex-wife or daughter. It is impossible for me to imagine he does not talk this exact same way when he's having a conversation with his ex-wife. I wonder why he's divorced. It's really a fucking mystery.

Unknown_04: Speak.

Unknown_04: You have never believed a single true thing about me or anyone

Unknown_04: in any way tangentially associated with me. Everything your defective little group of sociopathic cultists tosses around as dogma is false. You can't separate your own delusions from reality anymore."

Unknown_21: Dude, you're a fucking child, dude. Stop playing with fucking toys. Lose some weight.

Unknown_21: Get a real job.

Unknown_21: Get back with, uh, John and Adrian. Get back in their good graces so you can see your daughter, dude. Quit it with this fucking bullshit.

Unknown_21: You're not a victim. Nobody is trying to harass you.

Unknown_21: If you- If you stopped being a fucking dickhead to everybody, this would- people would stop fucking with you. No!

Unknown_21: No, it isn't. No, it isn't. No, it isn't! You gave me your phone number, idiot! Yeah, the judge isn't gonna tell me that when I, uh, say that to him.

Unknown_21: Well, guess what? You're not going to be able to say that to the police.

Unknown_14: He had no way to segue that. He's like, the judge isn't in this conversation. And then his brain's ticking, chink chunk, chink chunk, because, because, and he's trying to think of like, because it won't go to court because you'll just be arrested. Wait, now that doesn't make sense. Cause there'd be a judge if he went to court. Oh god, I've really boxed myself in. Wait, there's no conversation at all. That's why the judge isn't there. It's not that there won't be a judge. It's because this isn't a conversation, baby child.

Unknown_21: Shut. Fucking. Mouth. When the police ask you, did you give this person your phone number? And you say, shut your fucking mouth. Guess what? They're not going to pursue your case. Shut. Your. Fucking.

Unknown_04: Mouth.

Unknown_04: It's a really easy thing to do. You can just stop talking.

Unknown_21: Yeah, I can. Can you stop twittering?

Unknown_04: I don't care about being identified. You already identified me on that, um, spreadsheet. Spoiler alert, I don't live in the US. That's the only chance you have left in this world.

Unknown_14: He completely ignores that, by the way. Like, he doesn't, in his brain, he doesn't have any, like, oh God, this guy's not even American. How am I gonna get him on cyber terrorism charge now? Like, so his brain has, like, no answer for that, and he just completely avoids that point for the rest of the conversation.

Unknown_21: Well, anyways. Nope, nope, you're still trying to talk and you don't get it. You're still trying to talk and you don't get it. Yeah, because you're a narcissist, dude. Your mother fucked you up. Your mother told you that you're special. You have authority.

Unknown_21: You're an intellectual genius. You're smarter than everybody. You're special. And look where you are now, dude. You're $100,000 deep in legal fees. You're about to pay quasi $20,000. You're married to a lesbian.

Unknown_21: You can't see your daughter. You don't have a real job.

Unknown_21: Wow, I'm really jealous, Patrick. I should really get a life. Yeah, he told you he's gonna uphold the quash unless you show a specific example.

Unknown_14: No, he's- you're gonna be- He's retarded. What he's saying there, the- the quasi's already out of that money? Yeah, that's like his legal expenses fighting the bullshit case, which you now owe him because he spent that much. You owe him that much money in legal fees because you made him spend that much to defend himself without merit.

Unknown_14: Ordered to pay him. You should have listened to the hearing. You should have listened to the hearing.

Unknown_04: The judge already told you, Kwasi is not getting his money.

Unknown_21: No, he didn't. Did not say that. No, he didn't. No, we have recordings of that, moron.

Unknown_14: Is his wife actually a lesbian now? That's funny. That's funny. A lot of women like go gay after they deal with like a guy and they're just like, fuck it. I'm done dealing with men. I'm tired of being called a baby child. I'm just going to go butch.

Unknown_21: He never said Kwasi is out of his money.

Unknown_21: No, he didn't.

Unknown_21: You're gonna have to pay him.

Unknown_14: this picture the wife is in the lap that is not Patrick that she's sitting in the lap of that is Patrick on the left the uncensored face so yeah I don't know maybe maybe he got cucked and that like broke his brain so now he has to like act real narcissistic and indignant and like talk down to people constantly because he's like really butthurt that's one possible theory

Unknown_21: Yeah, you didn't use those words, okay. So that goes into your psychotic interpretation in your brain, Patrick.

Unknown_04: Dude, you cheated on that half-marathon. You sent yourself that, you will never find me 14...

Unknown_04: Because those sounds are meaningless and have nothing to say. There's no actual information contained within any of the little squeaks that come out of your pathetic little lips.

Unknown_14: You sound so much like Pete's. That's that impotent tard rage where you can't just call someone a faggot because it would make you look bad by your own standards. So you just have to go like, you don't know what words mean and you are wrong and your tags are very bad and you have nothing to say.

Unknown_21: You emailed yourself from you will never find me 1488. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up.

Unknown_04: Keep ruining your life, you stupid idiot.

Unknown_21: We're gonna keep pointing and laughing at you. Pointing and laughing at you, yes.

Unknown_04: Trying to help you, Patrick. Aw, you're friends.

Unknown_21: And she's gonna fuck you in the ass. So, thank you very much.

Unknown_04: Go fuck yourself. No, that's not... I'm into things, but that's definitely not what I'm... He was gonna turn it off there, and then he pulled out, you got fucked in the ass, and your wife told everyone that she pegged you, and then the call has to go on for another three and a half minutes, because he has to correct the record right then and there.

Unknown_21: Yes it is! You already said it was! She likes fu- You like to get fucked in the ass, Patrick. Don't lie, you already admitted that.

Unknown_21: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you did. No, child, I didn't say that. Yeah, you did. This is one of those things that is a delusion that you hold. You like to get fucked in the ass. Because you don't understand how other actual human beings work.

Unknown_04: You just don't understand things because you are fundamentally broken.

Unknown_21: You like to get pegged in the ass by your wife.

Unknown_04: You are fundamentally broken as a person. You faggot. And we both know it.

Unknown_21: You're a gay faggot, dude. You like things in your ass.

Unknown_04: No, like, sweetheart, mentally healthy people don't act the way you do.

Unknown_14: I don't know why, but that line really made me laugh. You're a gay faggot. You like things in the ass. That's gay. Like, wow. Now that you put it like that, you're right. That is pretty gay.

Unknown_21: Well, straight people don't like to get fucked in the ass, Patrick. They have hobbies that don't include being a cyber terrorist against complete strangers. But that's what you do because you mistake cruelty for comedy.

Unknown_04: Because there's something fundamentally broken inside of you

Unknown_21: This isn't how mentally stable people respond to prank calls, Patrick. I can't help that for you.

Unknown_04: There's nothing I can do about that. And if I could, I wouldn't because you're a sociopath and I don't want to help you in any way. I want to see you stopped. I want to see you put in prison where you are a criminal.

Unknown_21: Exactly, because you're a narcissist. You have these incredibly delusional... Child, you keep doing this talking thing when you have nothing to say.

Unknown_04: Really tiring, I gotta tell you.

Unknown_21: Dude, you clearly do not live a good life that anybody envies.

Unknown_04: No, no, no, baby. Baby child, you obviously don't, or you wouldn't, act this way. That's just not how a great practical life would act.

Unknown_21: Why, doing prank calls?

Unknown_04: No, no, no, you have nothing. That's why you're doing this on a Saturday. That's why you're doing this on a Saturday.

Unknown_21: Doing a 20 minute prank call?

Unknown_04: That's why you're doing this on a Saturday night. Because you have no life. You have no one to go to. You have no one who cares about you. You have no one who wants to be with you. And I do. So guess what? We're just gonna go ahead and end this pointless talk.

Unknown_21: And you're gonna get fucked in the ass by your boy.

Unknown_04: You've never had anything to say. No, child.

Unknown_21: Yeah, you were.

Unknown_14: No, child. No, child. Why does he talk like that? That last one. Wants to be with you.

Unknown_04: And I do, so guess what? We're just gonna go ahead and end this pointless talk.

Unknown_21: And you're gonna get fucked in the ass by your wife. You've never had anything to say.

Unknown_04: No, child.

Unknown_21: Yeah, you were. No, child.

Unknown_14: No, child. Is he, did he, is he, like, British? Did he learn elocution from, like, a British woman? Like, what the fuck is that? Why does he talk like that? What happened? Is that, like, the feminization that happens after you get molested? Like, what the fuck breaks you that way to make you sound British when you're talking down to someone?

Unknown_21: Fucked in the ass by your wife. No.

Unknown_04: Yeah. Little baby child. Yeah. No, child.

Unknown_21: Yeah. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you go.

Unknown_04: There you go. Yeah. Don't even hear delusions because it's all you have left in this world.

Unknown_21: No, that's something you said, Patrick. And I am going to take those from you, too.

Unknown_21: You're gonna take what?

Unknown_04: You're a fucking fat faggot. Yeah, you are.

Unknown_14: It's 40 more seconds. He does his big thing like, you are a loser and a degenerate and I am done. I'm off to have fun with my friends. And then the guy's just like, you're a faggot. It's like, actually, I'm not a faggot. I object to this child.

Unknown_04: It's a delusion you hold. You, however, who hides, who never shares his name, never shares his face, doesn't use his real phone number because he's terrified of consequences.

Unknown_21: No, it's because I live in another country and I'd be like long-distance phone calls if I gave you my real phone number.

Unknown_21: I'll give you my real phone number actually. 0995... I already hung up.

Unknown_14: That's the Patrick call Patrick Tomlinson in case you're interested There's a super cut of every time he says child in that call and it's still like five minutes just by itself In case you're interested in that There's one more clip and then I'm out. This is a Two minutes of Pete's being angry and we'll listen to this somehow. I miss this someone pointed this out So we'll watch it just just to round out. I don't want it cuz I'll never get a chance to play this again. I Um, he wrote, Pete's wrote a fanfic a while back, like years and years ago on or some shit, archive of our own, whatever that site is. And it was a rape, I think I read a page of it even. And it was like a rape fanfic of like X-Men incest where like a frog man like tongue punches some chick in the vagina at orders of like a villain. So he wrote like rape fanfic, like, like what is it like porn?

Unknown_14: Porn there's like a special word for like porn fanfic, but he wrote one of those and they got found out And it caused a big stink and he had to do his apologies for for being a creepy weirdo and Someone called him a erotica, right? So then someone calls him a rape apologist in the stream where he's bitching about per capita and he goes off about that So we'll listen to that now Katie Marie

Unknown_11: Just fuck off!

Unknown_10: Go fuck your- you know what, Katie Marie? One more shit comment and I'm just blocking you, okay?

Unknown_10: Last chance. Like, one chance, here.

Unknown_10: Shut the fuck up, or I'm just gonna straight up blocking you.

Unknown_10: Because you're fucking- you're getting on my fucking nerves. You have nothing worthwhile to say, so shut the fuck up, or I shut you up.

Unknown_10: Welcome to ban world.

Unknown_10: Can we just have a casual conversation? Apparently not, because people are being fucking assholes here.

Unknown_14: Sounds like something a rape apologist would say.

Unknown_14: Look, he's blocking someone. He's touching the mouth.

Unknown_10: Yeah, fuck you, Kate and Marie. Just fuck off. Just go the fuck away. Stay off my fucking channel. Never come back. You're a fucking idiot. You're an asshole.

Unknown_10: prick who's just trying to piss me off so just fuck off you stupid fucking shitty troll he can't say bitch he wants to call her a bunch of cunt he's like you stupid cunt i hope you get fucking buried alive fuck you but he can't his his his he's restrained but look at look at the grimace on his face he's like actually clenching his teeth in frustration

Unknown_14: how dare this woman speak to me when she has nothing to say, child stop it! like, just- all you fucking trolls just fuck off!

Unknown_10: christ!

Unknown_10: what did she say? a whole lot of bullshit she said absolutely nothing but bullshit possible talk about politics without losing your shit?

Unknown_10: It's hard, it's hard to do that when people are accusing me of being a FUCKING RAPE APOLOGIST!

Unknown_10: So, FUCK YOU to everyone who's ever accused me of being a rape apologist, by the way. Everyone who's ever said that, fuck off, go to hell.

Unknown_10: Racism promoting pedophilia? FUCK YOU HERBIE, GO FUCK YOURSELF, YOU ASSHOLE.

Unknown_10: How FUCKING dare you? How the FUCK dare you?

Unknown_10: Fuck you, internet tea!

Unknown_14: That's good. Oh, I have one more clip. I have one more clip. This one's short.

Unknown_14: Shout out, shout out, Sean, Ranklin, Bigups, Liquid, Richard.

Unknown_17: Another guy up top.

Unknown_20: Another guy up top. I'm coming.

Unknown_20: God, nigger me, near me, near me.

Unknown_20: No, I didn't say the damn n-word. Say it again.

Unknown_14: Go along with that. Replay. Instant replay. Did I say the n-word just now?

Unknown_20: Did you hear that? God, nigger me, near me, near me.

Unknown_00: God, nigger me, near me, near me.

Unknown_20: God, nigger me, near me, near me. It's so obvious he knows he said it too, because he says near me twice after, like immediately after.

Unknown_14: He's like, oh fuck, oh fuck. He's like sweating. He knows. He heard it himself. He can't deny it. It came out. It just slipped on out all natural like.

Unknown_14: Peaceful life of a streamer.

Unknown_14: I don't know what it is. I've been on a Wings of Redemption, like, tear on the last couple weeks. I've been, like, listening to this guy called Wings007 put together, like, a montage of all the Wings stuff from 2021. It's, like, an hour-long video.

Unknown_14: If you want, like, a Wings update since my last stream on him,

Unknown_14: Like which is like in 2020 he did um, he had the surgery and he he gained all the weight back somehow He got married to a woman and she's very frumpy But she's like in his like, you know, she's she's probably out of his league to be fair but She's very funny. She's like a very funny woman. Anytime she's on stream, she's cracking jokes and she's like playing fun on the trolls and stuff. And like, he gets mad at her and he's like, can you get out of here? I'm gonna get real competitive here. I'm playing Call of Duty. And she's like, oh, you're sending me to ban world? You're swatting me out of the room? And he's like getting upset. He's getting flustered that she's like cracking jokes at his expense and he can't take it. It's like, no, really, I mean it. I'm getting competitive over here. You gotta get out. And she's like, OK, whatever, dude, and leaves. She's really funny. He should learn to let her just take the reins of the stream and make jokes, because everyone seems to love her.

Unknown_14: And he's not as bad as he was before in terms of being a whiny sourpuss. But he hasn't really improved all that much either, which is kind of sad, because his trolls are shitty people. And a lot of them are criminals now.

Unknown_14: I'm kind of rooting for him but at the same time he's not he's not learning so it's kind of hard to like say well you know go for it um but I would I would definitely suggest the Wings 007 hour-long video if you want to get like a wrap-up of the entire week of or the entire year of 2021 and Wings of Redemption pretty good channel overall the others are kind of like shitty but Sean Ranklin is inactive

Unknown_14: um don't forget to hit like all right uh hardman working hard new song apologize uh it's five minutes long but it's been a very long stream so i guess i'm justified in playing it i will see you guys next week but

Unknown_14: There's a big but. I have sent out, I have personally invited Chantal to have an interview, a conversation with me. So if she decides to accept that, which she probably will not, I might stream sooner than Friday to talk to her.

Unknown_14: wow oh my god the chat i'm not even gonna read the chat i'm ignoring such such vile troll comments on my channel i i i rebuke it in the name of the lord uh see you guys wanna see you bye bye and check out the website it's now maddie oh oh my god before i forget all the coin orders have gone out

Unknown_14: All of them have gone out. So go to That'll take you to the site. And then go to Silver Updates and read that page if you're waiting for your silver. I'm going to have to send out an email, so expect that. If you're missing your order, I have a couple extra to fill in blanks.

Unknown_14: But oh my god, it's the home stretch. I can't fucking believe it. It feels like it's been going on for literally a year now. I cannot wait to be done with this. And there might be a couple left.

Unknown_14: I mean there could be a lot of missing coins, but Who knows okay, so you guys won't see you bye-bye

Unknown_05: All your lies, look me in the eyes, don't believe it Feel it, I don't believe it Get down on your knees now

Unknown_05: Okay.