Bad Financial Decisions 2022-01-14

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Unknown_06: cause trouble i'm going back online i'm the one who operated a successful youtube channel somebody drink all my pepsi you i need that money i need that money i need that money

Unknown_06: Bitch is so fat. Bitch is so fat. I love fat. I love dick. I love dick. Dick, dick, dick. I need that money.

Unknown_05: I need that money. Motherfucker.

Unknown_10: Hello, chat. Chat? Oh my God, my chat is gone. Could this be because Arch Linux doesn't ship OBS with the browser and when you update OBS and you don't update the community patch for the browser, it makes obs not work so then you have to reinstall obs and uninstall the browser which breaks my chat add-on could that be why there is no chat on my screen today is that why i'm 15 minutes late why yes actually as a matter of fact it is why uh i am 15 minutes late

Unknown_10: I need some boomer juice to calm down my nerves after this amazing boomer moment.

Unknown_10: Let me tell you why this is the year of Linux, everybody. This is why the Linux desktop is going to take over Windows. Just you wait.

Unknown_10: filtered by arch dude i don't want to get into it but the whole like db and ships obs with the browser add-on so you can put chat on the screen which is where chat belongs so that when you archive your fucking video chat which is the most important part of a stream is there alongside with what you're showing And you don't have to archive the chat. There's a reason why I do that. It's because it's crucial to have the chat there. So not shipping with the browser is inexcusable to me.

Unknown_10: But there's some extremely autistic debate on the Arch repo about shipping OBS with the browser. There's some sort of weird plug-in that Arch doesn't have by default, and they don't want to include it as a dependency. So you just have to build it yourself. You have to build the browser by yourself and reinstall it.

Unknown_10: Otherwise you don't get chat. So go fuck yourself. Basically what it amounts to. I waited for you. That's basically, that's basically what it is. If you think about it.

Unknown_10: Thank God I made it so that Firefox saves my fucking tabs now, and I made it so that I save my notes instead of just writing them to a notepad, because now I can restart my computer and do everything I want, and I won't lose anything.

Unknown_10: If you're watching this in the archive and you don't see a chat on the right, just assume that it's about 800 people trying to spell out the N-word one letter at a time, because that's you.

Unknown_10: usually accurate that's pretty true to form in case you've never seen these live you've never seen the video that's usually what's happening

Unknown_10: It's a shame, now that intro song is by Liquid Richard, and it's a shame that he fucking hates us, because, like, a Kiwi Farms album would be so cool. Like, if I got Hardman working hard and MC Jarbo and Liquid Richard, there's, like, a ton of people who make, like, meme music about locales and stuff, and, like, that'd be kick-ass to get, like, a proper 12-track album to put out. That'd be so fucking cool.

Unknown_10: But alas, everyone hates us.

Unknown_10: Everyone thinks my community is shit and full of trannies and or Nazis and or furries and or ABDLs and or a combination of all of them put together into one, which is probably the case for one of our moderators.

Unknown_10: Alas, it's hard. It's hard being the outlier. Nobody wants to be our friend, chat. Nobody wants to be the Kiwi Farms guy's friend. I would have made more money. I would have been more successful if I had like picked a side and I had like really gone all in on the side and I'd like say, OK, we're going to be like.

Unknown_10: I don't know. We're going to be like pro-Trump. We're never going to punch right. We're going to grift, and we're going to make flins, and we're going to be that kind of Andrew Torboy grifter, because that's what makes money. Unfortunately, I let people say whatever they want about whoever they want, and that makes everybody hate us. That makes everyone on the planet Earth have a reason to hate my fucking website, and it makes it very difficult to operate as a matter of practicality.

Unknown_10: Not a very pragmatic approach, pissing off everybody. Yeah, fence sitters, exactly.

Unknown_10: Middle ground moon, yeah. I'm basically like Boogie, if you think about it. I'm a radical centrist. That's what it amounts to.

Unknown_10: The demon rats. Perfect.

Unknown_10: So, speaking of merch, the coin update. Here's a fun story for everyone who didn't buy a coin. Doesn't have to care. I sent out all... If you only ordered one coin, you got your coin sent out like two weeks ago.

Unknown_10: And for everybody else who hasn't received theirs yet, there is one more box left. It has 600 coins. It was sent the 12th of December. That's over a month ago now. And I was hoping in my mind, you know, I'm thinking with rainbows and glitter sparkle and unicorns and shit. I'm thinking, oh, my coins are going to come before Christmas and everyone's going to get their coins deployed before Christmas. They might get them on Christmas Day.

Unknown_10: it doesn't happen i get stuck in customs and then i get a note from fedex saying oh it's shipped and someone signed for it in oakland uh eight hours away from your warehouse i'm like great wonderful uh so i asked the 3pl did you get this box i'm like no we didn't get this box and i contact fedex And I get, hello sir, how can I help you today? It seems like your box signed for, I think you have wrong tracking number. So I look it up and I said, is this the right tracking number? I say to the Malaysians. And the Malaysians are like, yeah, it's the right one. I have no idea what the fuck FedEx is telling you for. Like we double checked everything. This is definitely it. So they filed a formal complaint. FedEx gets back to them and says, We lost it.

Unknown_10: It's in customs somewhere. It's in the facility. We haven't got a fucking clue. We're going to go look for it. And I'm thinking like, okay, so these guys are like Malaysian. And I'm thinking they probably didn't do insurance because you have to pay for insurance. So it's like that would be 600 coins, one troy ounce each. You can do the math. That's a lot of money to just lose. And I emailed them thinking the worst. I've had bad issues with 3PL in America, and I said that the Malaysians were the only people doing their job correctly. I thought, well, this is probably where I'm going to eat my words because they definitely didn't insure this package and spend the money if they didn't have to. And I emailed them and said, did you insure it? And he's like, yeah, of course we did.

Unknown_10: okay I guess everything's fine then I guess in every single possible way the Malaysians did not fuck up everyone loves their coin they sent it out on time they insured all the boxes and uh it's just the Americans that are fucking retarded they can't ship anything once it touches the U.S. it's like a black hole or nothing makes sense up is down things are floating

Unknown_10: And you know, it's just it's like a one of those paintings I forget is it Dali Dali the guy who paints all the clocks melting on surfaces. That's basically the US once you get into it Just fucking nightmare

Unknown_10: I mean, I guess if I ever do coins, I have a reliable mint that can access. Salvador Dali. Thank you, chat.

Unknown_10: I guess people can't see. I feel so sad knowing that the chat for this episode is just gone.

Unknown_10: Once I delete this video, it's just gone. Nobody will ever see it ever again. So I have to pay super attention to it so that these moments are not lost. But yes, it's like that. but I don't know. I tried looking for a replacement three PL company. It's not going well. And, uh, before I start talking about anything anyone cares about, I got a, um, an email today from, uh, trust pilot.

Unknown_10: And that was weird. I've only used trust pilot to write a review about one thing. Uh, you may remember if you're a long time listener that last year,

Unknown_10: around March or April, right around the time that the coin started because I wanted to get, basically what it is is that I bought a lot of fucking silver before my money settled. So I needed a business loan for the merchandise before, so production could start fast.

Unknown_10: Production could start as soon as possible, so everyone got their coins super fast and timely. I went out of my way to make sure that things were starting as soon as they could. So I just needed a small business loan to secure materials before the money actually settled, which could take two weeks. Two weeks is a long time. I don't want people to be waiting for their coin for two weeks. That's crazy. So I put in for a business loan and I did not know at the time. But when you have a small when you have an LLC that is worth essentially nothing, people do not give you business loans. So I got a contact from a company who I will not name, but I may name in my personal conquest to dismantle this company and ruin the lives of everyone who's ever worked for it. If they continue to fuck with me because I, uh, I, I wrote a review and I basically just outlined what they do. This company does not give loans. This company contacts you like you put in your thing. Like I'm looking for this amount of money for my business. And they look for people who do not qualify because they then contact you and say, oh, of course, we'll hook you up. But, you know, it's a small business. Traditional loan provider isn't going to be able to settle because it's not it doesn't have any credit. And then I'll say, so what we'll do is we'll co-sign you with your own personal credit. And then they continue to explain. And over two hours, you learn, oh, wait, they're not offering you a loan. They're offering you credit cards and not just a line of credit. What they do is you say, I want $40,000 for my inventory. And they say, OK. And then they put in. credit card applications in your name and then max out your cards to give you the money. And that ruins your credit score. Because if you say, I need $40,000 and you're on average going to get $10,000 from a credit card company, they will put in application after application after application, which each application is a hard credit check that hurts your credit score. And then when you pull that money out of your credit cards, you're using what's called credit line utilization.

Unknown_10: And that hurt your credit score. So they were going to essentially promise me a business loan and then open out 10 fucking credit cards in my name and completely obliterate my credit score overnight. And when I realized what was actually happening, I told them to fuck off. And then I left them a very nasty review on Yelp, which got like 12 helpful ratings on Yelp. And then it disappeared. The rating, it just fucking vanished. So I went to a different site. I went to Trustpilot. I left a review. And that stayed up. So I guess Trustpilot is more trustworthy, coincidentally. But then I get another email. Months later, by the way. I realized my Yelp review was gone by May. And then I made that. And then I just today get an email from Trustpilot saying... that they want to make things right and they need my receipt number so it's like okay so like what seven eight months after the fact you're trying to get in touch with me and i realize what it is is that they have my social security number on on record so when they when they see a review from an anonymous account they say basically docs yourself to us and we have your credit number by the way when we figure out who you are or we'll delete your review and And that's how they managed to intimidate people into removing reviews on Trustpilot. And of course, me being me, I said, fuck you. I submitted, I found my contracts. I kept records of all this. I submitted it to Trustpilot. I said, here you go. If you need anything else, let me know. And then I sent them an email saying, by the way, if you still get this review, if you dare fuck with me. I will buy domain names in the names of your CEO and your company. I will put this review up there and I will buy advertisements on Google that link to this when people search your company name, you motherfuckers. So I don't know. Like, I'm super pissed. These people are because what is happening is these people are intentionally looking for.

Unknown_10: small business owners, like people who are trying to start a business and who don't know how the banking industry works and how business credit works, who are putting into systems that they want money to make their business. They're probably hurting because it's the middle of COVID, at least when I put in my application, and they're intentionally finding these fucking people and ruining the credit lines of the people who are trying to be smart and trying to keep their business expenses on their company. It's just absolutely despicable. And they're based in California. So I know if they do anything, I'm on the best standing possible to eat into them. So fuck them.

Unknown_10: Champion of the working man. I'm just thinking of Abuela out in Los Angeles.

Unknown_10: She's trying to put her kids through college. She's trying to pay for rent because she lives in Los Angeles and it's the worst thing ever. And she's trying to make a taco stand. She's trying to get a business loan and then she's in debt up to her eyeballs because she went with these fucking assholes who scalped her like a pueblo. Just took a razor and scalped her.

Unknown_10: kelly sucks how do i reach excuse exactly basically oh that's that's enough of my ranting for today uh let us talk about the real important stuff like pokey main who herself is not worth mentioning at all but does this work aha it does work perfect hello internet famous chat up there in 56 minutes what amazing amazing that i'm reading this is how great my website works i'm reading messages in the future can your website do that i don't think so

Unknown_10: So, Pokimane got banned for two days. Suspended, whatever. Who cares? It's Pokimane. She's going to make all that money back when she comes back. The simps are hurting. They have this cash that they cannot get rid of because Pokimane has been suspended. But why she got suspended is actually really funny because apparently what happened with Twitch is that they made that hot tub category for all the thoughts just sitting around.

Unknown_10: And it's in a less popular channel. And I don't think they promote it as much. I don't think that channel shows up on the front page.

Unknown_10: So they were like, this is the perfect middle ground. You have all these fucking moralizing evangelists trying to say that children shouldn't be exposed to soft core pornography when they visit the homepage of Twitch. So we'll put all the thoughts in the thought box.

Unknown_10: And they'll still be able to thought around. They'll still be able to make money. We won't have to take any hard position either which way and everything will be fine. But of course, when you do this, those people make less money. So they start to branch out to other things that can be promoted more. And one of those things they did was start watching because it's a live stream. It's harder to DMCA was to start watching entire television programs and like anime shows.

Unknown_10: completely live, and since it doesn't have the Content ID that YouTube does, like if I started streaming Avatar on YouTube, Content ID would actually actively scan my stream as it's going out, detect that it's Content ID stuff, and then they would tell me on my little stream panel here,

Unknown_10: That I would either have to change it. Or they would just terminate my stream midstream. And apparently Twitch doesn't have this. So they broke the system a little bit. And it's like come watch Pokimane. Watch Avatar. And she'll comment like once every five minutes or so. And that's her making tons of fucking money.

Unknown_10: Great system. Apparently before she was watching Avatar. She was watching every single episode of.

Unknown_10: Of Death Note, I want to say. I want to say that she watched 500 episodes of Death Note back to back and didn't get in trouble. But when she started watching Avatar, she did get a DMCA.

Unknown_10: And I don't know. I really hate the DMCA, and I don't think that Pokimane contributes anything valuable to society. But I really hope that the consequence of this is that more and more people start hating copyright. Because at this point, I'm just like full anti-copyright. I'm basically a communist. I'm a Marxist now. I don't think that...

Unknown_10: that people should own anything if you make anime you should own nothing and be happy about owning nothing i can't i can't do i can't make excuses for people anymore like yes i you know entitled to the sweat of your brow and all that shit but really fuck you actually to be completely honest

Unknown_10: capitalism has failed exactly but if i can't make fun of retards on the internet without horrors dmca me capitalism has failed and we need we need a systemic rework of our intellectual property laws so that my my freedom to make fun of retards on the internet is not being infringed uh by by copyright kiwi farms is everybody's site that's true

Unknown_10: Unless you're offended by the N-word.

Unknown_10: There was someone in Chantal's thread just this week who... Someone made a post and they said the N-word.

Unknown_10: They called her... I think I can say this because it's not really the N-word. But they called Chantal acting like a negress is what I think they said.

Unknown_10: And someone said, delete this post. This is below the dignity of this thread and makes us all look bad. And then everyone just replied, spamming me and Rory at her. And I think she quit the site. So besides that person, yes, it's everybody's website.

Unknown_10: That's it. That's it for the Pokimane. I'm just reminding everyone that copyright is bad. And we need... Oh, my...

Unknown_10: My thing is all fucky lucky. Why is it like that?

Unknown_10: Oh, you know what?

Unknown_10: Okay, now it's fixed. Okay, next. Next up on the Chalkman block. I mentioned this briefly before. Laura Kate Dale was staging a protest against the BBC. Now, the BBC is a prestigious organization, always a respected journalist. What could they have done to piss off Laura Kate Dale? That would be their name. The answer is this article by Carolyn Lowbridge from October 2021. And I mentioned this when it came out because it was pissing off people.

Unknown_10: But the article is essentially a letter to the BBC about how as a lesbian she felt and she and her friends felt that Transbians were pressuring lesbians attracted to women to have sex with men in dresses who still had their dick. And they basically said that transbians were super rapey. And the BBC ran this letter because it is a valid concern and something that is not even an unpopular opinion. It's just something that you're not allowed to say.

Unknown_10: And trainings are so fucking mad that the feminine penis has been exposed for what it is. That they have organized an in real life protest against the BBC.

Unknown_10: Which has materialized in...

Unknown_10: Laura Kate Dale posting hundreds of fucking tweets because that's what basically announced their activism.

Unknown_10: And there is a nice picture that I featured, but it's not here.

Unknown_10: where it's just, it's like a, oh, here it is. It's a small crowd of people outside the BBC and people from London, from that area, people who I feel very bad for, said even though it's right next to them, they actually didn't hear anything about this, so it's not a very successful thing. And really, I'm sorry, but look at these fucking people. Look at them. Let me try to describe some of them for people who can only listen. Oh. So I see a couple like trans flags and like lesbian flags. First off, a lot of them are wearing their masks because even when trying to tear apart the system, they can't expose each other to COVID.

Unknown_10: Half of them have an unnatural hair color.

Unknown_10: The picture centers on someone.

Unknown_10: Who looks like, I mean, that looks like a woman, but she looks like a British woman with like really short, like a buzz cut of like grass green hair. There's a lot of like super pink bubble gum hair. And those are obviously not women who have that.

Unknown_10: they're basically all dumpy. They all look like, take a potato and then let a little bit of mold grow on top. Some real fancy exotic mold, different colors, all warning pigmentation, letting you know that this mold will fucking kill you if you put it in your mouth. And they're just standing around holding signs and flags to let the BBC know that they're displeased with being known as rapists. And they're in front of a very nice building, by the way, which is a bit of a shame because it's in England. But that's basically this protest that was headed by Laura Kate Dale. And by the way, I happened to find this one accident while flipping around.

Unknown_10: This is London. This is outside the BBC headquarters.

Unknown_10: I think you can even see the street right there. It says...

Unknown_10: Longham Street I can't I can't read British but it's back there in case you want to check it on your own turfs don't speak for me that one sign says the BBC's bigotry is putting trans folks in danger

Unknown_10: And, oh, by the way, this Carolyn lady who wrote this article got, like, super doxxed. And, like, I don't know. They definitely tried to intimidate the fuck out of her. But I found this while looking around. This is August 11th. So the article that pissed them off was October 26th. But on August 11th, BBC wrote on the Newsbeat, Train wedding, the couple who said, I do, on a 125-mile-per-hour train to Birmingham. And look.

Unknown_10: It's Laura Kate Dale right here. I can't believe it. It seems like Laura Kate Dale was perfectly fine with the BBC. By the way, wow.

Unknown_10: Wow. This picture. He has a Jimquisition tattoo.

Unknown_09: I didn't even notice this. This is so magical. He has a Gemquisition logo inked into his skin. The old logo, too, when it was still, like, fashy.

Unknown_10: Ah, that's fucking awesome. That's great.

Unknown_10: So here they are on a train with a captive audience, I think, being wed, not under God, because God would crash this fucking train in a heartbeat if he was present in this carriage.

Unknown_10: There is literally someone in what appears to be a clown wig. I'm I'm not joking I guess I will zoom in on that too. I do not know what to call that hair except a clown wig there's someone wearing like furry ears and behind them is an actual clown and face paint and the rainbow wig and he's also in attendance of this this wedding this unholy matrimony and this is yeah this is Laura Kate Dale who protested the BBC featured in the BBC for having this despicable aberration of the natural order on a train in front of a clown and look up they're throwing all these all these British people are throwing confetti as they get off the train isn't that just magical

Unknown_10: Isn't the UK just a wonderful, magical place? Chat, look at this. Wow.

Unknown_10: Look at this thing.

Unknown_10: What is this? It looks like... Why is its nose so pointy? This looks like a natal woman who is, like, masculine. And she has, like, a comically pointed nose. Just his...

Unknown_10: It's so sharp. It looks like a chef's knife. Like Gordon Ramsay's about to pick her up and start dicing some onions.

Unknown_10: Wonderful.

Unknown_10: By the way, in case you forgot, I'm going to bring this up anytime I mention Laura Kate Dale. Laura Kate Dale very infamously made a tweet where on the stretcher after surgery, they tweet out a picture of themselves in the 5 o'clock shadow saying, I have a vagina. Just in case we forgot, this is the same person. I feel I have a psychological condition where I have to remind everyone that this picture exists. It's one of the funniest fucking things ever posted online. The fact they haven't deleted it is almost more magical to me.

Unknown_10: just just fantastic chat yeah bad koof i don't think it's the umicron though i think it's just heartburn from drinking too much soda uh okay next i'm not gonna play any of this video i'm just bringing it up to show you but um

Unknown_10: Sam Hyde, out of nowhere, published what he called a documentary about a documentary he wanted to do with iDubbbz, or rather that iDubbbz contacted him to do.

Unknown_10: And the gist was, I think, that iDubbbz, on orders from H3H3, who fucking hates Sam Hyde, was going to go out and have an interview with Sam Hyde where he would capture some heartwarming moments of of Sam Hyde showing weakness because he's way past his prime at this point. He's not where he was before. His videos kind of suck, to be honest with you. He's mostly giving really bad advice to the point where I'm pretty sure

Unknown_10: that Sam Hyde's MO right now is trolling his own audience? Because if you're telling impressionable kids that they shouldn't get a trade or go to school and they should max out their credit cards and rent cars and then crash the cars, I'm pretty sure that you're trying to troll your own audience.

Unknown_10: And his videos are very lazy There's a couple people out there that clip his videos down and they're pretty much not worth watching except for the ones where he's talking to Nick I don't know his last name But he's like a car salesman and that guy's story is about selling cars or some of the funniest things I've ever seen So the videos where he's just talking to Nick are pretty great but in this

Unknown_10: Sam is just showing what footage they have of this documentary that iDubbbz never put out. They were supposed to put out a documentary about Sam Hyde or something, like a YouTube-style documentary about hanging out with Sam Hyde. And it never happened, so they sank $15,000 into it.

Unknown_10: And nothing ever came of it, so they said, like, fuck it, we'll try to recoup our money. We'll put out our own little video.

Unknown_10: And...

Unknown_10: There is like an interview here where they're talking, and I guess this is some of the interesting stuff. Do you have any guests? Because there's like, I don't know, people read way too much into this. I think the most interesting thing about the whole documentary was the fact that two people joined the Kiwi farms to argue with each other. Um, one guy was posting stories about how Sam Hyde like imported a 15 year old girl to fuck her and beat her. And there's like naked pictures of her wearing like a dog collar. And then another guy was arguing with that guy for about 20 pages about how he's actually a schizophrenic, like an actual diagnosed schizophrenic who's been stalking Sam Hyde for about 10 years. and posted a weird picture which he accused of being him where it's a guy sitting in a room full of dakimakarus of lollicon and it's just a really weird conversation but uh the actual video we put out has some funny stuff the funniest stuff is actually i'm just going to read to you um because at the beginning sam hyde

Unknown_10: explains that he went into this with the intention of trolling the fuck out of iDubbbz, obviously. And he published a document called the iDubbbz Gaslighting Blueprint.

Unknown_10: So I'm just going to read. These were his plans to slowly fuck with iDubbbz over a week. Stuff to bring. And then it has a list of names, and these are supposed to be characters. So character one is to bring a skateboard, fingerboarding ramps, art from kindergarten, football trophy from 2006, Osama bin Laden paper target filled with bullet holes, my dad, fireworks, an Xbox One, bullets wet with no gun, A webcam, a dead fern plant, a huge printout of Johnny Depp and talk about how much of a bitch Amber Heard is, Tupperware and a rice cooker. Character 2 needs a pirate sword, a laptop, broken Rocket 5 speakers, a rack mount with a ton of vintage audio gear.

Unknown_10: monitors and old computer towers that he can't break because he's borrowing, tires with rims, Christmas tree, Alexa, TV, lamps, character threes to get audio gear to capture audio and podcast gear. um there was one guy who was supposed to be a bouncer and they had to ask him like his character was this that they ask him constantly if they can do stuff like can i put this bag down they have to ask permission to leave the building and he's just like i i have to like anyone who enters anyone who does anything has to talk to him and they take it very seriously

Unknown_10: stuff to buy expensive alcohol lots of alcohol a bunch of pokemon cards try to tell idubbbz what pokemon is as if it's like a new thing like crypto i'm this is i'm glad they did not do this buying parakeets from petco wait for the birds to stop chirping to record rap music put cream soda in water bowl fill fridge with unbagged meat keep drinks in fridge

Unknown_10: 10k cash to buy scratch tickets a quarter pound of weed an empty litter box a bunch of dead wasp lean enough vapes for everyone to do it constantly empty mouthwash bottles filled with blue Gatorade a keg and a Derek Jeter fathead all of them were supposed to be like rapping constantly recording bad rap rap music um

Unknown_10: stage fight where sam re-records breaths and since that auto-tune is in the wrong key one of us says we need to be about what we rap implying they should rob someone uh record super quiet ad-libs song with hook swag like i-dubs stage fight over who gets to use the alias cream boy

Unknown_10: um one song is entirely stolen michael jackson human nature lyrics and set smoke detector off while recording and this is uh the guy that was supposed to be like the the really tough security guy

Unknown_10: Pat iDubbbz down and say, yeah, we just had a cyber attack this morning. Ask iDubbbz in private if he can help with the rent. Keep referring to the bodyguard as some other guy. I don't know. He censored the names in all these for whatever reason.

Unknown_10: I think in the video, and I'll just show you what she looks like.

Unknown_10: It's in the beginning. Her. Okay.

Unknown_10: This woman right here. Where is it? Danny, this woman.

Unknown_10: This woman, from what I was told, is a literal crack whore who they paid money to shave her head and accompany them and perform stupid tasks. And apparently out of all these wiggers that Sam Hyde has following him all the time and like sucking his ass, The woman who stayed best in character with their script was Danny? The crack whore? Oh, she's just an actress. She's not actually a crack whore. Okay, whatever. I'm sure. Apparently everyone likes Danny.

Unknown_10: Because she does the character of being a crack whore really well. And there's like an hour of just shooting footage for no reason.

Unknown_10: sparring they like Get I dubs to like fight at some point like to kick kick box with them What do you fight for?

Unknown_10: veterans chanting uga shaka while we spar telling him if i get near him he's dead be insecure about how good we are teach him downer cuts keep insisting there's nothing in my gloves smoking while starring and blake break away glass shit bottle smash overhead wwe shit keep doing wrestling shit but say it's boxing

Unknown_10: Oh, and this is about the crack whore. Danny will be playing Sam's GF. She'll try to hook up with iDubbbz the entire time. She has no car but has money for Ubers. We can send her to the gas station to get blunt wraps. We can be mean to her, but it should probably just be Sam being mean, so it's believable. Ha ha ha ha! pay one thousand dollars have her be shit-faced keep asking if he knows someone with hydrocodone her tit falls out and she laughs and say it's like a free trial for her only fans hold pad for kicks says she gives b-top oh bad bad head she's hot okay tries to have a three or four way keep saying she loves fucking on coke

Unknown_10: Story about Joey Diaz from the mid-2000s. She says she ate his ass.

Unknown_10: She gets beat up and sparring constantly. Hold pads for kicks. Maybe pay her more for getting her ass beat. She only lets her... Oh, Sam only lets her eat salad with no dressing. Literally just leaves.

Unknown_10: And cheese sticks. Insane mood swings. Keep talking about Zoloft. How she snorted at work.

Unknown_10: Sam has B take her out to a bar crawl. B comes back alone and says she shows up three hours later getting dropped off by a Hispanic dude. Tells Sam the guy tried to rape her. Tells everyone that's a lie and she sucked him off for a ride back. Shoot blank with moldy grapes using slingshot.

Unknown_10: Talk about Meek Mill a lot.

Unknown_10: Apparently she was the best.

Unknown_10: um that's part of the story i want to read i read about laser tag somehow lose bring airsoft gun tackling each other make a huge fuss saying there's saying it's broken there's no way you hit me b talks non-stop about how much laser tag he's played act like you're at war and in danger watch your flanks bring the nitro rc car and say it's rcxd do maneuvers like rolls and corner checks yell out clear

Unknown_10: You know, I've played laser tag one time and it was, oh, I remember it was me and my friend and we were drunk and it was my, I think it was my 21st birthday. I was with my friend. We were doing a bar call. We went to a laser tag room and it was like a bunch of kids there and I kicked all their asses. Like me and my friend completely stomped these kids that we were playing with at this laser tag place that we went to drunk.

Unknown_10: I think that this memory has been completely blotted from my brain until I just read about laser tag for the first time in six years.

Unknown_10: Good stuff.

Unknown_10: Oh, well. People have very mixed feelings about this whole documentary. It's one of those things where it's like you either like Sam Hyde or you don't like Sam Hyde, and anything that you see regarding Sam Hyde will either validate why you like him or will validate why you don't like him. So people saying this are like,

Unknown_10: Oh, he like lost his little, you know, troll game with iDubbbz because iDubbbz didn't publish it. So now he's like salty and just publishing this to try to fuck with iDubbbz. And then other people are like, holy fuck, this is the best thing that Tim Hyde has done in like three years. So it's definitely one of those things where you have like a confirmation bias and you're just looking for what you want. I don't know. I thought it was pretty funny, at least some of it. I didn't watch the parts that are just shooting guns for half an hour. That was boring as shit.

Unknown_10: The funniest stuff is just those documents.

Unknown_10: So, so what do you think chat? Do you like, do you, I'll ask chat cause I have to pay attention to chat tonight. Do you like Sam Hyde? Yeah, I'll do a three or I'll do three. Yes. Yes. But I think he's probably shit. Wait, shit.

Unknown_10: But he's probably shit in real life and no.

Unknown_10: And we'll see. Yes, yes, but he's probably shit in real life or no. And I will read you the answer in a second.

Unknown_10: Okay.

Unknown_10: So, also, yesterday is...

Unknown_10: Baked Alaska was sentenced. Baked Alaska was sentenced for the pepper spray, the content spray assault, way, way back when. It's been months now. But he was sentenced for 30 days in jail. The prosecution asked for six months, but he got 30 days. And I think he's still out because he's automatically appealed it. And when it's on appeal, he doesn't have to lose freedom for 30 days or until it's settled or whatever the fuck. But he's out right now, and he was fined $3,200 for jail, $187, I think, for the bar, $613 for the guy. And then I don't know what the third fine of $300 is. So not really that much. It's like $4,000, a little bit more than that. And I don't know. I don't know if he'll get jailed, though.

Unknown_10: Though I probably, probably deserves it. It's hard for, I don't, I don't know. I want to say if I say like he deserves jail, it sounds kind of bitter, but at the same time, like, like he's such a menace. All of these IP two people are like fucking menaces. And the only other person I can think of,

Unknown_10: off the top of my head was a guy that was like really forgotten the fucking the Arab guy who went to New York and he was like coked out and like walking up to people going Allahu Akbar I have a bomb bomb detonation three two one and it's he was like chasing them around on the street he got like six years for that I want to say I want to say he got like a actual like Arab Andy yeah I want to say he got like an actual serious jail sentence or prison sentence for that

Unknown_10: So I don't know. I want my government to crack down on IP2. I think it needs to end. I am pro-jihad against IP2. They're just a proper fucking menace.

Unknown_10: He's out already? It was two years? Did I cover this in 2020? Did I cover that? That's crazy.

Unknown_10: That's crazy. Josh has the worst memory. Fuck off. I do have the worst memory. That's because I pay vague attention to a lot of things and don't pay direct attention to too much.

Unknown_10: That's funny. That's funny that he's already out. That's the most prominent arrest that I can remember in conjunction with IP2.

Unknown_10: Oh, and I actually did not leave a note for this, but

Unknown_10: I didn't feature this either, but I'll talk about it. Even though I really hate talking about Vito. Vito is someone who just enjoys attention. He enjoys negative attention, so giving Vito attention is like... You know what's funny is that if I talk about Vito, even in passing on my podcast...

Unknown_10: he will show up on both the archive of my video and the archive, um, from like the Maddie archive and comment and defend himself or say, not even like to defend himself, but just to say like something smarmy, like a one word reply. So I don't know if he like reads or watches my streams and then replies to him or if people direct his attention to it. But if he's aware that he is to talk about anywhere, um, He will directly insert himself. He'll reply to anyone on Twitter. He'll reply to any video that mentions him, like the second that he finds out about it.

Unknown_10: It's just it's like a it's like punishing. It's like punishing to even want to talk about Vito. But I think that's by design. So I'm just gonna make fun of him for a little bit.

Unknown_10: Someone makes a tweet saying, what does non offending mean? Never in reply to, I think, Vito saying that non offending pedophiles need to be understood or some shit.

Unknown_10: But he asked, what does non-offending mean? Never touched a kid, never looked at CP. If you're into kids, there's only one solution. To which Vito replies, non-offending means that we understand breaking the existing laws is a no-no.

Unknown_10: And to which El Polio Loco shits and giggles replies, question mark, we. To which Vito replies, we. So non-offending pedophile means that we understand breaking the existing laws is a no-no. And he verifies that. Like, he did not mix up words. So he identifies himself as a non-offending pedophile. And it's like, okay. It's like a linguistic thing. And if anyone, like people pressed him on it and he says, I'm not a pedophile later on, but he knows what he's doing.

Unknown_10: That's not a mistake. That's not like an innocent slip up. He is making sure he's playing that game. And I learned from my various experience on the internet and from dealing with pedophiles from like 8chan and shit.

Unknown_10: that pedophiles really love negative attention. They like making people angry. They like, like if they can get away with it, if they're anonymous, they like announcing that they're a pedophile and watching people be unable to do anything about their anger towards them. That's a legitimate like arousal for them is pissing people off by being like abhorrent to human nature.

Unknown_10: And I don't think normal people do things like this. I really don't. Which is why I say, at this point, I'm totally convinced that Vito is a pedophile. Because normal people do not play with that kind of fire. You can never walk it back.

Unknown_10: So the reward of saying things like this has to be worth the risk of...

Unknown_10: The natural consequences of it. And there's only one group of people where that that applies or that's true.

Unknown_10: And what's really frustrating is on top of this is.

Unknown_10: This week, the last two weeks, I've noticed a ton of people promoting that Mr. Girl guy who made weird videos about beating up his girlfriend. The most Jewish man to ever live talking about how he's okay.

Unknown_10: About how he is a pedophile like just open openly talking about how he wants to fuck the girls from cuties And he gets on the dick show destiny invites him on to do a debate Ralph is having him on tonight. I want to say I'm pretty sure mr Grill was on either on his show this week or is supposed to come on tonight It's like so why are all these people promoting him like all of a sudden what is with this? I?

Unknown_10: The nastiest kind of incest possible, and it revolts me.

Unknown_10: But interestingly, after this, Keemstar calls him out on this.

Unknown_10: Oh, here's Dick's defense of this, by the way.

Unknown_10: He has mastered getting attention in this sphere. Like, yeah, bro, if you start saying that you're a pedophile, people are going to pay attention to you because they're going to want to see you be set on fire. That's why people pay attention to it. I don't know. Is that like comedy? Is that funny to you? Is that it's just not a good idea if you care about your long term prospects at all.

Unknown_10: But I guess he thinks that he's uncancellable or whatever the fuck.

Unknown_10: But this comes out. Keemstar calls him out on it. And then he changed his name to Keem Professional Kid Toucher. So Keemstar says...

Unknown_10: screenshotting the messages I just read to you, and says, non-offending, no such thing. If you are attracted to kids, you are an enemy to society as a whole. If you defend these people in any way, you are also an enemy to society as a whole. To which...

Unknown_10: He responds very intelligently by renaming himself as Keem Professional Kid Toucher. And he posts this of Keemstar, I guess with a young woman, I don't know, or young girl, I don't know who the fuck this is. but he's but veto says keem trying to cover his lust for underage girls to which keem replies you know my lawyer uh lfm talent personally this is the second time you publicly lied i'll just sue i don't care to which veto says go for it and he says fine i can see you try to defend these lies in court to which veto immediately deletes everything Runs his photo through like a facial feminization filter. Renames himself PrettyVeto and then says, guys, my account got hacked. Did the hacker say anything weird? And then renames himself VetoProtectorOfChildren.

Unknown_10: It's just like cringe. I wish people would stop giving these people fucking attention. I wish you would just get banned from YouTube. I wish Dick would disassociate with them, but it's never going to happen.

Unknown_10: I really, I really, I don't feel bad. I don't feel bad for these people. I just wish they would like, they found this vector for getting attention and there's nothing you can do about it. And they love it.

Unknown_10: Um, and he says, the thing I'm hated for is having too much empathy and wanting to help mentally ill people be able to take better care of themselves and find help. I am truly a monster.

Unknown_04: I tear my heart open. I sew myself shut. My weakness is that I can't do much. And my scars remind me that the past is real. I tear my heart open just to fail.

Unknown_10: Oh, well. At least that's worth the copyright strike for that, right?

Unknown_10: Oh, I read through all this.

Unknown_00: Okay.

Unknown_10: That's the video update.

Unknown_10: May he accidentally find himself set on fire. That'd be the best case scenario at this point.

Unknown_10: Okay, now here's someone I have no interest in and never talk about, but I find this interesting, okay? You may have heard...

Unknown_10: And that's someone named Logan Paul. And he was apparently like a multimillionaire.

Unknown_10: That's a lot of parentheses on Logan Paul. Him and his brother are super rich and famous on YouTube.

Unknown_10: So I guess like they must have some sort of in. Right.

Unknown_10: so uh he bought a box of pokemon cards for 3.5 million dollars and it turns out they're fake and what's really funny about this and i will play a little a few clips um from this video because i i personally found this pretty fascinating this break like this guy who is called um

Unknown_10: Rattle Pokemon and his entire channel. I looked at it. It's just this guy opening Pokemon cards So he's like a fucking weirdo But he made a video saying that this box of Pokemon cards that Logan Paul bought are fake and he broke down why and I just kind of want to show you why this guy thought this case was fake he makes a very convincing argument that Logan Paul probably should have paid attention to and

Unknown_11: very public I had to do some digging even even do to bring this up this is the original auction for that same case so here we see a 15 feedback seller in Canada here in Canada and the winning bid for ninety one thousand three hundred dollars

Unknown_10: which is about $72,000 at the time.

Unknown_10: Apparently in 2021, so this year, this box comes out of nowhere. And this guy who is a weirdo obsessed with Pokemon merchandise tracks it down

Unknown_10: and finds the original or auction and it's traded hands a bunch of times and it's gone up in value every time like the first person who bought it had it authenticated with something and he explains that in a second but so first weird things that you have this weird canadian who speaks in broken english with no feedback selling a 72 000 box basically on ebay

Unknown_10: and he goes through the pictures of it, and there's no proof of what's inside this box except the seller's claims.

Unknown_11: If you want to check that out, we got the stop tape.

Unknown_11: As Rudy says, people that are banking on stop tape are just playing with fire.

Unknown_10: All around, all around bad idea. That stop tape is worth, like, several million dollars at this point based on what Logan Paul has paid for it.

Unknown_11: D&B Liquidations wanted to meet in person and pay either in cash or with a cashier's check.

Unknown_11: The seller did not want to do that.

Unknown_11: If that's not a red flag, I don't know what to tell you.

Unknown_11: That's bad. That's all around bad.

Unknown_11: Sellers absolutely would dream of someone flying in to them to pay for something in person. Not only does that remove the risk of theft or loss in transit, but it also guarantees that you're not going to get a charge back or something like that.

Unknown_11: It would just be a better transaction all around.

Unknown_10: Do you guys think that Logan Paul buying Pokemon cards is, like, modern art shit? You know how they, like, modern art is just, like, an allegory for tax evasion by, like, trading and stuff worth way, like, praised at way more than it's actually worth? Is this box of Pokemon cards, like, the equivalent of that? And I would play it at one and a half speed, but I know people listen to my streams at one and a half speed, so it would be way too fast for them. You just have to bear with it.

Unknown_11: The buyer, D&B Liquidations, wanted to open the box on the spot just to confirm that the contents were real.

Unknown_11: And the seller wanted nothing to do with that. So that basically broke off the deal. I mean, it probably should have been broken up before that.

Unknown_11: Apparently they drew up a contract and everything.

Unknown_11: But it's weird that the seller does not want you to open the box. So it's not really his problem anymore. If you're going to pay for it, and as long as the contents are in there. I used allegory correctly.

Unknown_10: Fuck off.

Unknown_11: He has nothing to worry about, so maybe he's just banking on the fact that someone's going to buy it and keep it sealed, kind of like it is now.

Unknown_10: Someone said that they listened to my streams three times on mute. I'm glad. You enjoy the streams, bro.

Unknown_11: Are the contents in there? That's the thing. What's in the box? A $3.5 million cardboard box with repacked cards inside.

Unknown_11: And until we see the contents, we're not going to know for sure.

Unknown_11: I'm not saying for sure that this is repacked or anything like that, but I'm just saying there is a very good chance that this box does not contain what is promised. Mike says, hey there. So now he's reading the correspondence between the original Canadian seller and between two different people.

Unknown_10: So this is the story of how he got the box of what is supposed to be six boxes of booster packs, first edition Pokemon cards, right?

Unknown_10: So it's like a gambling thing because number one the box itself is rare because there's no other box of like an open first edition Pokemon cards. But then the second one is an unopened box of Pokemon cards is worth like a first edition cards is worth more than its weight in gold because those booster packs can have gem mint uncirculated Charizards in it which are first edition those sell like like half a million each. So theoretically, you could have tons and tons of money worth of Pokemon cards in those booster packs. Which reminds me that after my house fire, my mom sold all my Pokemon cards for pennies on the dollar. And I'm sure that some of them were worth money. Actually, I have a yellow Pikachu binder of Pokemon cards that I like most of all put safe somewhere. I have to go find those, my Pokemon cards.

Unknown_10: Um, my favorite one was the, and I know it's probably not worth any money, but, uh, let's see if I can find this actually. Let's see. Ancient new card.

Unknown_10: Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about. They gave these out at every movie theater with a ticket to the first Pokemon movie. I fucking love this card. I think it's like the coolest looking thing ever. It's like hieroglyphics and shit. How do you say no to this? It's probably worth like a penny because they gave them out to everyone who saw that movie. Those are worthless. It's worth money to me. I'm going to make a deck out of these. Nothing but ancient news, and you just got to live with it.

Unknown_10: In fact, if I was a super wealthy collector like Logan Paul, I would just buy every Ancient Mew I could find. I would own them all. And then everyone else would be like, please, just one Ancient Mew. I just need one Ancient Mew for my collection. You own all of them. You don't need every Ancient Mew ever made. I'd be like, no, actually, I do. Fuck you. You get nothing.

Unknown_11: Or hi there, where did this case of first edition boxes come from and do you have any other Pokemon collectibles for sale?

Unknown_11: And now the story changes. It was a gift for my 12th birthday in 1999 and I only got a few single Pokemon cards left and my hockey cards.

Unknown_11: So completely different stories. This one, he got the box recently at a boring estate sale.

Unknown_11: And in this one, he got it for his 12th birthday. So we're on the opposite ends of the spectrum here. That should be the biggest red flag possible.

Unknown_10: The guy can't even keep his own story straight. He writes like he doesn't speak English as a first language.

Unknown_10: Last year, I was very bored, so I went over to my sister's to see what she was up to, and she was not up to much. So we went to drive to go get coffee, and after we picked up coffee, she wanted to go check out some estate sales. So we drove around looking at a few. Not really my thing, but I was bored. So around the third estate sale...

Unknown_10: She took me and I was so bored I wanted to jump off a bridge. So as I was waiting for my sister I was standing by a table having a smoke and I went to put my smoke out on the bottom of my boot. I seen a box with a loose trading card containing Pokemon, hockey, baseball, etc. I started looking and I seen a few things I liked and then the case with it's all paperwork next to the box I was looking in right away picked it up and asked the lady if it was for sale. She said yes and it was her grandson's. That man had passed away.

Unknown_10: and it was part of the estate sale. Now you know the story about the case. Please make your offer. Also, if you are worried, I can make legal contract protecting you and me. This man is either Arab or Quebecois, and neither are trustworthy, chat. Make no mistake. This man has never heard of a period.

Unknown_10: Creepypasta.

Unknown_10: Okay, and to wrap it up,

Unknown_10: um 23 23 authentication so there's no guarantee on this authentication at some point between um the the the arab quebecois man selling the cards on ebay and uh logan paul buying them for 3.5 million dollars

Unknown_10: Um, they were verified by a group called the baseball card experts. It was like the BBC E and, uh, as the name implies, they don't do Pokemon cards, but they, for whatever reason, stuck their neck out and said, yeah, for sure. These, these are the real thing.

Unknown_11: If you want to call it that, uh, it's basically just an opinion from a baseball card exchange shop.

Unknown_11: Um, they're not going to pay out anything if it's not real. I mean, there's no real consequences. I can't imagine there's any sort of guarantee put in place.

Unknown_11: You're still going to have to track it back to the original owners. I think the wrap here might prevent future tampering because at least then, you know, nothing happened at this point. But that's not where the problem lies. I don't think Logan is going to be unwrapping, rewrapping or anything.

Unknown_10: And what's sad is that, like, the company that does these verifications has to, like, eat shit now because they fucked up big time and said these cards are real. They said, in March 2021, we were asked to provide our good faith opinion and verify that the Pokemon case that had not previously been opened or tampered with, we evaluated it, and in our opinion, the case was in its original state.

Unknown_10: This past Saturday, we opened that case to verify our opinion and were extremely disappointed to learn that it was inauthentic. We have authenticated tens of thousands of sealed card products for nearly 20 years and have meticulously developed a structure and framework to provide our expert opinion.

Unknown_10: We are reevaluating our approach to all sealed cases going forward.

Unknown_10: And it's just crazy because the fucking weird nerd wearing the Team Rocket hoodie identified it with a few pictures, and this expert for 20 fucking years didn't. This is the relevant part of this video that I'll spare you the time of.

Unknown_10: Opening the box and... Oh my god, oh my god, bro. G.I. Joe! G.I.

Unknown_14: Joe?

Unknown_10: G.I. Joe!

Unknown_12: It could have been anything else!

Unknown_10: Now I don't know anything about Logan Paul. So you guys like, I don't, I don't know if anyone in my audience watches GI Joe or a Logan Paul, but does he like hate GI Joe? Is this like a thing where he has like an ongoing feud with GI Joe? Cause I don't know.

Unknown_08: He seems pretty fucking devastated.

Unknown_10: I also want to point out something which seems relevant, but if we look down here at his YouTube handle,

Unknown_10: we see this picture of Logan Paul, right? We see this picture.

Unknown_10: Now, if we watch the video of the, we go to like any, any timeframe, like at all, like any picture of, um,

Unknown_10: Of Logan Paul. And he's just like, you know, where he's just like sitting there. He does not look as bad as this picture. Now, chat, why the fuck does he not change his picture? This is a genuinely horrific photo of him. What is his attachment? Just use this. This picture of him sitting here.

Unknown_01: And I'm trying. It makes him look more like a human being than whatever the fuck this is supposed to be.

Unknown_10: This is like creepy. This picture of him that he uses for his profile.

Unknown_09: Whatever.

Unknown_10: Okay, that's the Logan Paul thing. I just found it funny that he bought... I don't know. It could be fake, you know? Sure, why not? He could, um... He could have said it all. I mean, if he had the money to start drama, why not, right?

Unknown_10: It's called being unhinged. I wouldn't go that far.

Unknown_10: okay last thing last thing on the menu is apparently warski and ralph are having a fight to the point where they're apparently having a fight right now uh from based on what i'm seeing in chat let's check it out let's check it out is is ralph is ralph popping off right now or is he just being fat and sassy we'll see if obviously actually wants to work

Unknown_08: Like a fucking freak about the money, dude. He blew up the Kumite over the money because he thought he wasn't getting enough. It was literally like a bad week as far as money goes.

Unknown_08: He's like obsessive about the money.

Unknown_08: What he doesn't realize is, I mean, if it's your job, it is about the money to a certain extent. Hey, better walk that back. This business goes up and down. The key is steady. The key is consistency and the key is content.

Unknown_10: The key is getting those 150 consistent viewers every week. If you get those 100, or every day, actually. He gets like 150 people watching this noise every fucking day. I mean, it is pretty impressive.

Unknown_10: to find people who can stomach this. Like this Wolfgang guy, this guy, there's something wrong with him. I think if you took this Wolfgang guy and you took his brain out and you like dissected it, you would find that like actual damage, like bruises that have inhibited him. Maybe you wouldn't even find a brain. Maybe it would just be an empty skull. this guy sits here and watches hours and hours of this fucking uh of ralph like mumbles to himself like i don't even know what you call this is it like vocal fry his voice that he does guys don't trust ralph andy is right ralph put a crossbow to my head and said give me andy's donation he's choking on the stream very cool he's choking on smoke from the show are you still friends with i've watched you since 2015 speak

Unknown_10: I want to hear his voice.

Unknown_10: He's too busy literally choking on drugs.

Unknown_08: Question. I would say there's quite a few, though, actually. What is with his voice?

Unknown_01: Markov sent $3. It's like people are paying, like his chat is so fucking slow and people are paying for him to react.

Unknown_10: I can't even fucking believe it's so easy. It's so easy for him to find retards who will pay to talk to him. And I, I don't know, like Worsky is like a weirdo.

Unknown_10: Um, and he said like, I don't know. He like disavowed Ralph and said shit to him. And then Ralph went back. It's like, it's so gay.

Unknown_10: Where is it? Here, this is it. Oh, Flamenco, who is doing very well with his anime podcast. He had Metacurl on this week, and then Andy came on and made fun of Ralph, apparently. So I have these clips. I don't know what he says in them. It could be anything. Tom Myers is like a troll. I don't think he likes me. So it could just be three seconds of actual footage and then him screaming the N-word and screaming my name. So we'll find out if I have this he's gonna come on you be the ship bed And then say all my personal shit from three years ago that no one cares about that.

Unknown_07: I don't even care about Ralph You're dead to me. You're dead to almost everyone. In fact, I I've been reached up by so so many people who have been enemies with or I thought I was enemies with who I'm now Rick Reconnecting with you think you could just talk shit and act like fucking cryptic on your show and talk shit about me after all I've done for you and

Unknown_07: And people say, oh, dude, so much for you. Yeah, you did. I'm not going to lie about that. But you know what, dude? You fucking slipped. You suck now. You're rude to everyone. And you're actually unhinged. And I don't want to speak to you. I don't care. I don't want to fucking. There's nothing that. I won't be benefited at all with speaking to. I'm Ethan Ralph. Seriously, there's no benefit in my life at all to speak to him anymore. It's just going to be, and there'll be unhinged for the next few weeks about me and all this stuff and all blah, blah, blah. I really don't care. I have a big show tomorrow. I have to get back to work. and write some scripts and also work on some stuff I have with other projects right now.

Unknown_10: That's what Ralph was responding to, that clip. Because he says something like, I'm too busy planning events and making moves from my own house with my own vehicle with two successful shows. If I was a broke bum who was a complete failure in every way, I'd probably focus on that before I would lowercase i internet beef. Then he adds,

Unknown_10: Oh, and I heard about your little Discord cry fest a few months ago, you pussy. That's all you ever do, crawl into the corner and cry like a little girl. Lol.

Unknown_10: And then the big event he's talking about here, making moves, planning big events. He announces April 2nd, WrestleMania weekend, Dallas, Texas. The Killstream Kingpin Invitational is officially set. WrestleMania weekend has nothing to do with the event. It's just the same weekend as WrestleMania. He's found a guy, Harrison of Texas, that he met gambling in Vegas, who has a bowling alley in Texas.

Unknown_10: So his bright idea is to have a bowling event in Dallas called the Killstream Kingpin that will be the same week of WrestleMania. I guess they'll have it on TV in the background in the bowling alley. And he wants to have a bunch of strippers there. And...

Unknown_10: That is like a week or two before May is expected to give birth. So if she goes into labor even a week early, he'll be at the Killstream Kingpin and he'll be like, I'm sorry, baby. You're going to have to deliver that kid yourself. I'm out here in Dallas doing my Killstream Invitational. I got strippers. I got WrestleMania on TV. This is for work, baby. This is so I can put food on the table for you. And then she'll just have to, like, I don't know, call an ambulance.

Unknown_10: I got kids.

Unknown_10: She'll just have to make it work. Get fucked, man.

Unknown_10: Ralph's, in his audience, is literally a case of who's the bigger fool. Him or the people who follow, watch, and give him money.

Unknown_10: I don't, man, I don't even know. It's one of those things where if I try to think about it, my brain starts to hurt. Because I can't even fucking imagine. Apparently Wolfgang is an actual schizophrenic. And he's been on stream with Ralph and he just comes across as someone who's completely unhinged.

Unknown_10: I guess that's the people who watch Ralph. I literally, I can't even imagine what someone looks like who listens to Ralph and thinks this guy, he's got the good stuff. He's got points. He's got salient points. He's got the attitude. He's got the humor and the wit that I love. I can listen to Ralph for eight hours a day, every day, every week.

Unknown_10: And what the fuck does that person look like?

Unknown_10: You know what I mean? Here, I might have a... I don't know. This is a picture of Gator that someone sent me as an example of who listens. I can't even make fun of Gator. Gator's rising on up. He's getting up there with Flamenco now in terms of being famous.

Unknown_10: I don't know. I would find it easier to make lighthearted jokes at Gator if he wasn't so angry at me. He's really nasty. If he ever mentions me, it's like the nastiest shit ever. He really fucking hates me. I don't have any reason to hate him except for his slavish adherence to Ethan Ralph. You know what I mean?

Unknown_10: I've been possessed by a demon. That's true. That's not true, demon. I mean, I believe it at this point. There's a demon fucking with my FedEx packages. I just want my box, demon. That's all I want. Um...

Unknown_10: Let's see. Is he still being funny on Odyssey?

Unknown_10: Oh, look, it's Mr. Girl. My favorite.

Unknown_10: YouTube's favorite pedophile.

Unknown_08: Only on the kill stream.

Unknown_10: I won't take it there.

Unknown_08: I won't take it there. I'm just analyzing it, though, and I'm just saying that this is why you don't even give that any consideration. First off, Vito and Ralph, you know, okay, I am not one...

Unknown_10: Who gets to make fun of people's voices because I sound very weird. But Vito and Ralph do this thing. And I don't know if it's called like a vocal fry. I don't know what it is. But it sounds like they're grumbling from the back of their throat. I don't even want to try to imitate it. It's like, I don't know about like Andy Worski. I don't want to get into all that. Like...

Unknown_10: uh it's such a weird way to like like it's like an irritation in the back of your throat and they talk directly from the like their throats it's vito does it too it's even worse with him it's like a smoking thing like we smoke too much you talk like that

Unknown_10: that's fry it's a fat people thing it's called neural damage my voice is worse what worse than mine no you just sound like an anime nerd you sound exactly like your material like what you would expect from flamenco

Unknown_10: I don't know if people listen to me and you're not and the disadvantage Oh Dude, I'm just watch your streams right now because you think you could be cryptic I'm unloading because you think you could talk shit and control everyone who's worked with you you owe us you owe everyone who made your show funny and interesting and

Unknown_07: Okay? That's what I'm going to say about that. No one owes you anything. Okay? And also every piece of drama. By the way, Ralph, you want some advice? Every time you get into this fucking stupid drama and keep fucking opening your goddamn mouth, the shrapnel... because you're already done everyone thinks you're a piece of already the shrapnel hits all the people around you and that's why your circle is getting smaller and smaller that's very basically a fortnight game with a map getting smaller and smaller okay you're gonna be in the middle on a like like three square foot thing just standing there alone and wondering why everyone i'm the king standing here when everyone's just like ugh

Unknown_10: That's a true observation about Ralph.

Unknown_10: It's hard to... The original corn quote, it was because all those people who were pissed off at Ralph were systematically going down the list of people he associated with.

Unknown_10: and making things difficult for them.

Unknown_10: And that's precisely what it is because he himself is in this unassailable position where you cannot make Ralph's life worse than it is without physically harming him. He is in a position of completely beaten down, completely irrelevant, maligned by absolutely everyone. And it's just getting worse and worse entirely by his own hand.

Unknown_10: And the only way that you can really get at him is by giving other people. And he encourages that by being such an asshole all the fucking time.

Unknown_10: And it's like when Dick, when I was on New Project 2 and Dick was picking a fight with the forum. People in the forum were giving him shit because he was associated with Ralph, funnily enough. And then people were giving him shit. And then he would argue back and forth with the forum on Twitter. And I said, bro, you got to stop this. You got to stop arguing with the forum because it's making my life harder.

Unknown_10: It's like, cause I'm in this uncomfortable position where I'm like associated with you and you're actively antagonizing my fucking users and all you have to do is ignore them. And he refused. He said that it was like winning. It was hashtag winning to, to fuck with the site and to have endless arguments with them on Twitter where he would like read the forum, see a post he didn't like screen cap it and then rebuttal it with one like passive aggressive sentence on Twitter. And it's like, maybe fucking don't, maybe don't do that. Yeah. And he refused. I was like, okay, well, I don't know. Like, what am I supposed to do from that position?

Unknown_10: The two more clips, each two minutes long, so I guess we'll play through them.

Unknown_00: I was just going to say, if Ralph's circle gets any tighter, it's going to turn into a noose.

Unknown_11: Well, there's just one thing. Will the fight even happen, or will Ralph just have a heart attack right on the ring?

Unknown_03: Well, I'm kind of wondering where Andy... Ralph said something about fighting him in Knoxville.

Unknown_10: That's all bullshit. If anyone, like, anyone says anything about fighting me in real life at this point, my fucking brain shuts down, blots it out, because it's all bullshit at this point. If you want to go fight Ralph, just go over to his house and punch him at this point. That's Ralph's tactic for fighting. He'll just show up at your house and say, Do I look five foot one to you, bitch? Just do that. It'll work out.

Unknown_03: His response to this is, if he's, uh...

Unknown_07: trying to think of a price. Um, cause I, I don't work for free anymore. Cause I was going to do, I was going to do like the baked fight. If that was going to happen, I was, you know, we were going to like, uh, actually we were planning a fight with odyssey and I was like, I'm not doing shit for free anymore. I lost like 5,000 on that whole Tonka fucking ordeal. I would need about maybe $25,000 and I'll step in the ring with you. 25 000 usd and i'll accept i will not do it for a penny less i i don't work for free i don't have i'm busy as right now and 25 g's would be like worth it for me to like head back into training and actually try to push it right and i i would if he paid me and i would want like a like a payment with like a contract that if he pulls out that i could sue him and like that's how it would work i'd get a lawyer and stuff because

Unknown_07: no yeah there's no like i'm gonna fight you yeah okay well did you mean open that wallet 25k or 2500 see that's flamenco okay okay $25,000 i gotta just talk here i'll play back okay well did you mean open that wallet 25k or 2500 sounds it sounds very normal to me

Unknown_07: K, K, $25,000. Yeah, $25,000. Because I'll pay for all the food I'm going to need to bulk up. All the time I'm going to have to waste working out and training because I'm going to have to up my training hardcore. It's going to be for my flight, my hotel, for some of my boys to come down and to be worth it for me.

Unknown_03: Shoot the promo, make a doc, you know, all that good shit. All that stuff. Flamenco and Ralph parted ways a long time ago.

Unknown_10: I can't remember why. I think Flamenco just said something in passing about him from his little... At the time, I think his show about anime VTubers got like 100 people watching, and he said something there, and somehow Ralph found out about that, and Ralph lost his shit, so... Now he's his own free bitch. He can say whatever he wants about the Gunt. And have Andy Worski on to shit-talk him.

Unknown_07: I actually think that this whole situation, it's really funny to me because he's fine with talking mad shit about me for the last like fucking two, three weeks. But then I came in, I didn't say anything like mad personal. I'm just saying what actually happened and my point of view.

Unknown_07: I need to fight this guy. Like, go fuck yourself, dude. I'm done with you. I'm done with you.

Unknown_02: Is it safe to say that Andy is like evil DSP and that he'll fuck up, but he actually learns from his mistakes and he can succeed better?

Unknown_03: Yeah, exactly.

Unknown_02: No. He's an evil DSP. He can't die, but he learns.

Unknown_03: Yeah.

Unknown_02: Yeah. I have a fucking question.

Unknown_08: I mean...

Unknown_02: Oh, no.

Unknown_08: Oh, we got Ralph here.

Unknown_03: I'll pause this for a second.

Unknown_10: It's not true. Oh, no.

Unknown_10: Here. I found an actual picture. This is true. I've showed this before.

Unknown_10: This guy, Milton, bought this T-shirt of Ethan Ralph as a child. I don't know why. Who the fuck would buy this or wear this? I don't know why. I don't know why Ralph puts this retarded shit on T-shirts and sells them to people. But this man, this is an honest to God. I'm not joking. I'm not making this up. I remember seeing this picture. This is a real picture of a real Killstream fan who buys real Killstream merch. This man is walking around wearing a picture of Ethan Ralph as a child on his shirt. This is true. This is the real world. This is what's happening out there, and it's nightmarish. Mm-hmm.

Unknown_10: I'm so concerned how he even was able to make that noise he shit himself violently yeah I think that was I think that was Andy's like biggest zinger throughout this entire like exchange this morning was uh you shit your pants on stream like that that that's all you really ever have to say to Ralph sometimes like you shit your pants on stream dude

Unknown_02: I've shit myself a few times. I just didn't lie about it. I don't know why it's so hard for him.

Unknown_07: Oh, shit. But, you know, I mean, hang on. There is someone that would fight him for free.

Unknown_07: ppp his arch nemesis ralph ralph would earn a lot of like good good karma with people if he just fought ppp like like just behind an arby's somewhere like that would never happen ppp is like a massive he's a unit he's a big boy and he would complete he would rape he would anally rape unironically unironically rape ethan ralph if he did that people

Unknown_07: He's actually challenged you multiple times.

Unknown_07: I'll give Ashton a call here. I'm sure Ashton would do it for absolutely for free. Maybe it's like the plane ticket.

Unknown_07: I'll pay for Ashton's fucking plane ticket to go down there and fight you, Ralph. How about that? Oh, because you challenged him a bunch of times and then you backed out on that.

Unknown_02: Ashton does it for free. That's true.

Unknown_10: It's nice to hear that Andy Worski isn't dead. I thought that he would overdose at some point.

Unknown_10: Um, we're almost over. I have, I have a note. One more thing that I want to play.

Unknown_10: Uh, I want to give a shout out to the people. I just now got a chance to open my mail from my virtual box. So shout out to the weirdo who sent me a picture of himself and his girlfriend or fiance holding a dog in like Christmas pajamas. I have no idea who you are. I assume that you're a fan of the show. Uh, so if you were the person who sent me the Christmas card of him and his girlfriend with a dog, uh, uh thank you very very sweet picture very cute like christmas card picture i'm not showing you the picture of these people come on now um

Unknown_10: scheduled today i'll give an announcement to some streams uh mr medicare is having the gamer gator one on anime boomers if you are interested in hot anime takes the hottest anime takes can be found on anime boomers so go ahead and check that out if that's your type of thing uh

Unknown_10: ppp and andy warsky are at some point today premiering a like i don't know what the it is but it's about ralph i think so if you're interested in hearing ppp and andy warsky yelling about ralph in some premier video um which apparently is like edited uh you can go check that out as well i'm sure that'll be that'll be interesting

Unknown_10: And one more shout out, of course, to the only British person that I like, Kay, because we are going to watch a Kay's cooking video. It's three minutes long. I don't have a bingo card. I've watched a minute of this before deciding, you know what, this is probably fun enough to show on stream. So we're going to check out this cheesecake because it looks spectacular.

Unknown_10: And then that'll be it.

Unknown_10: So that's my shout out. If you're not interested in watching Case Cooking for three minutes before my outro song, you're free to tune out now. But we're definitely going to watch this because it's fucking awesome.

Unknown_13: Hi people, and I'm back cooking again. But today I'm going to be making a cheesecake.

Unknown_10: A cheesecake, chat.

Unknown_13: Right, as you can see, I've got some marge in the bread crumb. No, no, biscuits. It's in the biscuits, yes. So it's like an entire tub of margarine and cookies that have been loosely crumbled, like barely broken at all. And the pan's on, so all I've got to do is just let the marge melt into the... I keep wanting to say breadcrumbs all the time. I've got breadcrumbs on the brain.

Unknown_13: Let it melt into the biscuits, and then hopefully it should combine it, and I will show you when it's all done and sorted.

Unknown_13: As you can see...

Unknown_10: so if you can't see i'm going to describe what this looks like this looks like a really bad chili so i'm hoping to give a auditory explanation for something that you can't see if you're just listening she remember she took imagine like a stick of butter and um like a bunch of like um like vanilla wafers into a pot and now i am looking at what looks like chili The crackers or cookies or whatever have broken into bean sized shapes and they are emulsified in butter or sugar or some shit. But it legit looks like fucking chili and there's black specks, I guess, because something's burning and it's now carbonized and floating around. But it looks like pepper like you'd put in a chili. It does not look like a cheesecake at all.

Unknown_13: See, all the biscuits have broken up. Oh, they broke up. And they've all come together, so I'm going to now put them in a dish.

Unknown_13: As you can see, it's all been putted in the dish and I'm going to... It still looks like beans.

Unknown_13: I'm gonna let it cool because it's still a bit hot and I don't want to put anything on top of it because it might just go wrong.

Unknown_13: Right, as you can see, it's done.

Unknown_10: Still looks like beans.

Unknown_13: I'm putting the cream on it.

Unknown_10: She's now dumping out like cheesecake cream on top of the chili.

Unknown_10: Does not look like cheesecake at all. That does not even look like, like, you know what a cheesecake is, right? I don't, it looks like vanilla pudding. It does not look like cheesecake. Just a lot of cream going on it.

Unknown_13: Scooping it out.

Unknown_13: And I'm going to

Unknown_10: Somebody someone said it looks like sour cream. That's a very good like visual allegory In fact, that would be like a Sam Hyde gaslighting video I'm gonna make cheesecake and then you just make chili and you put sour cream on it and you eat it and taste fine But it looks like you made the world's worst cheesecake All over even thickness thickness And as you can see now it's

Unknown_13: It's all done?

Unknown_10: That's the cheesecake? I'll have my spoon then. Where's the cheese at? Where's the cream cheese?

Unknown_13: I'm going to put that in the fridge now for about six days. No, I'm kidding. I'm going to put it in the fridge and let it set a bit more because the dish still feels a little... She put enough cream cheese on it to like cover it like you would cover a cake.

Unknown_10: But I don't know. I guess her son doesn't like cheese, right? So is this like a cheesecake without cheese for for Lee? Like, what the fuck is this?

Unknown_13: Little warm, so I'm going to, well, might be best to leave it out and then put it in the fridge when it gets cold. But I'm going to leave it and then I'm going to show you the end product as I am eating into it. Right, as you can see, this is the end product.

Unknown_13: I have now made a mark in it and I'm going to scoop this out and put it on a plate.

Unknown_13: Now it's the taste test.

Unknown_10: She loved the chili. Great to hear.

Unknown_13: And that's her spiel about viewing her and subscribing and shit.

Unknown_10: So, I'll consider that the end.

Unknown_10: This song that I have picked is something that I've never gotten the chance to play. It's from the good old days of IBS. Many of you will recognize it. And it's by Kim Ashcorp, which gives it away if you've heard this song before.

Unknown_10: who has made many many okay songs um despite being like a weird furry who uh has like a paralyzed face and his his fursona is like a cross-dressing panda so he's like a trans and he's by the way he made a series of videos ken ashcorp did about um

Unknown_10: uh, Andrew Dobson called sins of the complacent artists. And they're a great video series, but he's completely deleted all of his videos about internet drama. Cause now that he's like a cross-dressing furry, he can't be associated with like the bully sphere. So he's completely obliterated all that, um, all that from his channel where possible, but I think I've archived it cause I, uh, I found them enjoyable. So, um, that being said, oh, the poll, um,

Unknown_10: Do you like Sam Hyde? Yes, yes, but he's probably a shit person in real life, or no. 52% out of 2,300 votes said yes, but he's probably shit in real life. 25% said yes, and 22% said no.

Unknown_10: So I guess people like the art, but not the artist, which is probably fair. Okay, here's the big banner. slash ManAtTheInternet is how you give me money. In case you're curious, people say I don't actually explain what the Gumroad is because I've never heard of Gumroad. It's where you give money in case you care about giving money. Here at, where you shitpost, I don't use Twitter, and for everything else. I will keep everyone updated on the coin situation as well. My box of silver coins is now in a warehouse like at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. But rest assured, I will find the cursed Sonichu coins. And I will fucking get them to you if it's the last goddamn thing that I do.

Unknown_10: And with that, take it easy. I will see you guys next week. And bye-bye.

Unknown_12: There's a legend that's sung in Rhode Island, told to children with faces of glee.

Unknown_12: But a hero, an absolute madman, who bombed the shit out of that company. No more Lotus or Power Nine bullshit.

Unknown_12: Those pedophiles knew it was nice. That man got on a plane in Toronto Got an AK or four and prepared to say hi Adam Warski, axe-wielding maniac Hasbro you fuckers, we pray for your soul Adam Warski, get in, no way with it Touch that boy's hole and you'll pay Adam's toll

Unknown_12: He enlisted the help of some dear friends, the time-travelling demon Sam Hyde, and they vowed to eradicate Hasbro. They crashed the plane, kicked the door when inside there was blood on the ceiling, screams echoed for miles as Adam lay waste to his claim.

Unknown_12: They rescued the boys and the girls who were slaves And every last one of them chanted his name Adam Warski, Hitler on steroids Enacting upon magic his genocide Adam Warski, hero of Canada We laughed and we laughed at how many had died Adam Warski, doing it for free He'll never stop on his valiant quest Adam Warski, it might be a pseudonym Touch that girl's chest and he'll strap on a suicide vest

Unknown_12: Oh, yes.

Unknown_12: Adam Worsky, murderous psychopath. Cash all your checks, because he's coming for Hollywood next.