0:01:09 Unknown_02: Hey, maybe we should just do a mic check this time. How does that sound? Can everybody hear the lovely bass tone of my voice at this point? Is this what's happening? Unknown_02: I'm a nightmare. In case you're only hearing this part, nothing has happened. Unknown_02: Nothing has happened. My audio works perfectly. My Linux desktop is exactly functional as one would expect. Unknown_02: And this is my first attempt at starting the stream. So have no, have no worries. I am a, uh, I'm a very competent person when it comes to computers and you don't have to, you don't have to fear putting your data into my systems. 0:01:42 Unknown_02: Uh, wonderful. Google wants me to reauthenticate myself so I can actually manage my stream. This is, this is lovely. Unknown_02: Nothing's going right this month. Unknown_02: Open your, your read me note, open the settings, tap Google. Unknown_02: Choose your account. Unknown_02: Okay. I'm doing that. I'm going to security. Where's my security edge. Unknown_02: Oh, lovely. There's a built-in COVID-19 exposure notification built right into Google built into the very firmware of my, my fucking telephone. I love seeing that. That makes me so happy. I love knowing that Google is looking out for me. I want Google to keep track of everyone. I'm near all the time forever. 0:02:29 Unknown_02: How the fuck do I do this? Go to the settings tab and tap Google. I just fucking did that and I just saw a COVID-19 exposure notification. We're going to make it through this, I promise. Unknown_02: So we can get to the wonderful... Unknown_02: The important shit that's happened this week. Oh, it's at the top. There's a giant list of shit and manage your account is at the fucking top. 0:03:02 Unknown_02: Not where you would actually expect it. This is what happens when you let the third gender build your interface for you. And then select the security tab and signing into Google. Okay. Unknown_02: Then what? Unknown_02: Oh, security code. Okay. I have to be able to... If I can't see my fucking chat on my screen, I'm gonna... There's no point. There's literally no point in streaming. I might as well just film myself in the bathroom mirror with my phone in my hand and then just throw it in the garbage afterwards. 0:03:34 Unknown_02: What is the value of a stream with no chat? Chat. Okay. Now I want to see the full chat. Perfect. Unknown_02: Okay, can I look at my chat? Thank you. Thank you. Unknown_02: Thank you. Unknown_02: Okay. Unknown_02: All right. What's up, guys? Unknown_02: Don't kill yourself. I try not to. I made the biggest mistake of my entire life, right? I mentioned last week that I'm in a position where the only pizza place that I like 0:04:06 Unknown_02: is now closed until like 3 p.m. on Friday. Only Friday. For whatever reason, only on Friday they open late. I think it's because they close much later on Friday. So they're just like, we have a team, so we'll just keep them later, but they'll come in later. So I can't get my pizza during lunchtime, which is when I want my fucking pizza after I didn't eat for a day. 0:04:41 Unknown_02: So I decided last week I would either have to do fasting day on Thursday... Unknown_02: Or on Wednesday and then have pizza on Thursday or have it on Saturday and fast on Friday. So I decided to do that and I'm not eating today. And I feel like shit. How am I supposed to run an operation when I don't fucking eat, chat? This is a real question for everybody. Unknown_02: So I'm, I'm hangry. I'm already in a bad mood. And then I start my stream and I sound like a lunatic because for whatever fucking reason, OBS, uh, on Linux really, really wants to trim me out. And it was like trying on my V tuber voice filter and like, Hey Josh, you could become an anime girl and sound just like this, just like a real woman. And, and then, uh, subject me to the ridicule in my audience. 0:05:21 Unknown_02: Anna Josh saga. Unknown_02: Yeah. Right. I like food too much. I have, I have very few vices in my life. Um, food is one of them. I, I, I don't know how people forsake food as part of like, I can understand bulimia a lot more than I can understand anorexia because bulimia, you're like throwing up food after you eat it, which is pretty fucking gross, but it's not, it's not as, um, as bad as never. It's better to have loved and lost and to have never loved at all. Chat is what I'm, what I'm trying to say to you. 0:06:00 Unknown_02: So that's my position on the food question. Unknown_02: But I was saying that I eat tomorrow, which means I can't weigh in either. I always weighed in after I fasted. So having pizza on Thursday is... I can't even keep a train of thought. I'm so hungry. Unknown_02: Whatever. 0:06:35 Unknown_02: Fix the pin. No. Here, I'll pin you. Unknown_02: People complain about me talking about my pizza day. Fuck you, motherfucker. And I complain about my pizza day. Literally nothing has happened. If you're expecting some breaking fucking news about some bullshit, you are not in luck today. Because literally nothing has happened this entire week. um i will say though if you've been patiently waiting for your coins i told the guys who are not even christian uh they're from a muslim country i told them that i want all the coins by christmas if possible they said we'll try um all the coins have been made which does not mean that they're being sent out yet they are in the warehouse one of them is on the way and the other one is uh 0:07:20 Unknown_02: is in the warehouse waiting for payment i've paid them no problems with that but they're gonna have to send it and then i shouldn't have to pay the shipping guys anymore because i've already paid them 300 what i should have before and they've given me a credit for that very generous of them so that'll probably cover the rest of the expenses so i'm hoping everyone's going to get their coin before christmas no promises especially if you're overseas basically what i'm saying Unknown_02: Nobody cares about your coin. You would be wrong. There were like 3,500 orders. A lot of people fucking care about their coins, especially people that paid for them. Like I said, if you're expecting some hard-hitting news story today, you can fuck off. There's literally nothing. Unknown_02: Oh, nobody wants to hear about your coins or about the shit they talk about every week, but we really want to hear about Jussie Smollett. Josh, what's your opinion on the Ukraine situation with Russia and Biden's threat to cut them off from the banking network. I really think that my pontification about pizza is more interesting and relevant to my audience than any bullshit about Ukraine. Because guess what? Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever changes. That's my opinion. 0:08:17 Unknown_02: If you're expecting war or whatever the fuck, you're delusional. Nothing happens ever. That is the truth. You know what my opinion is about that? Nothing. You know what my opinion is about anything political, about Jussie Smollett? Nothing. I have no opinion about any of this. Unknown_02: It's all bullshit. You know what matters to me? My fucking food. Why isn't my fucking food arriving in a timely manner that benefits me on my scheduled chat? That's my question. 0:08:57 Unknown_02: When they have pizza day in Kharkiv. Actually, I do have something to talk about with Eastern Ukraine. But it has nothing to do with Putin. Unknown_02: Because I don't care. That's my question. That's my answer. Unknown_02: Where's my goddamn pizza buying? You motherfucker, you get ice cream every day. I want pizza once a week and you failed me. Unknown_02: I'm not 300 plus pounds. 0:09:33 Unknown_02: I'm 240 now. Unknown_02: Angry trans streamer. Okay. Starving myself alive. Yeah. YouTube's in trouble for this. I mean, what? Okay. Let's, I mentioned Jussie Smollett. If you don't remember, this guy was a part of some TV show called Empire. And I have no idea. I've never seen Empire. I've never seen NBC or whatever the fuck or CBS. And I have no like reference for this, but it was a big deal. Cause he said that he's like, he's like a homosexual, right? So he got into trouble. 0:10:06 Unknown_02: Because he said that he was assaulted for being a gay homosexual in some bullshit. And then it turned out to be a lie. And now he went to court over it. Unknown_02: Actually, I did find this. This is more interesting to me. Unknown_02: Actually. If I can get this to load. Unknown_02: Okay, perfect. Okay, you can see that. I went to chat. I went to my thing. Unknown_02: and i uh typed in jesse smollett and then i went to convicted and once you start typing like co it immediately take look at that it takes out as soon as you put in co it stops giving you suggestions so you can't say like jesse smollett convicted and get um get the news about it which is what i want also i found it interesting um 0:11:05 Unknown_02: The original title for this from CNN was Actor Jussie Smollett Found Guilty of Lying to Police and Hate Crime Hoax. But the original title before Some Outrage was Jussie Smollett Found Guilty on Some Charges. So they tried to downplay it or whatever the fuck. Unknown_02: Also, I don't know why my extension puts parentheses around Smollett. He's black. Maybe he's one of those Ethiopian tribesmen. Unknown_02: Josh refuses to talk about trance because he's going to join Jessica and be an alpaca farmer. Unknown_02: Probably not. 0:11:48 Unknown_02: Probably not. That sounds like actual hell. Being stuck on that fucking farm with all those trannies. Unknown_02: yeah i mean well they said that his conviction is going to be like probably community service it's like four felonies because he lied to the police or whatever the fuck but they're not gonna like they're not gonna like put him in jail for the full sentence he's a jew is he jewish is jesse smollett jewish 0:12:24 Unknown_02: His mother is African American and his father is Jewish. Unknown_02: Huh. Unknown_02: Okay, I guess he is. Unknown_02: That answers that. Unknown_02: Do stickers again, I might. Unknown_02: So Josh Duggar, no relation. Unknown_02: is actually we need to talk about this because this is this is you must enable drm to play some audio or video on this page uh no actually i prefer i would prefer if i never saw your fucking auto playing bullshit video ever again the most annoying feature ever added to to any website you better tell me the extension that adds the parentheses it is called 0:13:10 Unknown_02: I don't want to pull up my config and stuff on screen, but I will. I'll find that out and tell you. Unknown_02: So, he was found guilty of possessing child pornography. And he's one of the 19 kids and counting kids. So, I don't know, like... Unknown_02: I mean, I guess you can't have a family that big because if you have a family that's 19 kids big, then you can't give all your kids the attention that they need. And they're going to start developing attractions to each other and shit. 0:13:50 Unknown_02: And they're going to be they're going to be all fucked up, I guess, is the answer, though. I find it personally repulsive. Like there's a thread on the forum about these people and they're called like the quiver full because they're Christians that think their job is to make more Christians by having lots of kids. And then there's like the no eggs who are very angry that these people are having lots of kids and they're saying like, no, it's. it's bad for um it's bad for the environment to have children you shouldn't be having kids so they like ridicule these people for their their big families and that's kind of fucked up the odds are some of his kids are going to be turning up the same 0:14:32 Unknown_02: who josh duggar or mine melinda's kids in 20 years oh they're they're fucked i feel bad like the only people having kids are like ethan ralph and melinda and shit like why does it have to be like the biggest losers that are having these kids Unknown_02: Former PlayStation exec arrested in a P.O. sting video. Unknown_02: Is that the same guy as the NVIDIA guy? Because there was that independent Chris Hansen type shit that had the NVIDIA account manager arrested. Unknown_02: They found CP that he made himself. That's fucked up. Yeah, those kids are doomed. They're doomed. 0:15:17 Unknown_02: And there's a... What the fuck is this guy's name? Attorney Abtine Medizadegan. What kind of fucking name is Medizadegan? Unknown_02: Hurts Desire. Unknown_02: Is that like Turkish? It must be. Unknown_02: Haram. 0:15:53 Unknown_02: I have like... I feel bad. I feel bad just reading the news. I feel like Ralph. I need to find some videos of black guys wrestling and then I can say that I'm Ralph. Unknown_02: Because the other stuff is Julian Assange, which happened today. The British court ruled that Julian Assange can be extradited to the United States. Unknown_02: So it's like all those British people who are saying like at least we're a sovereign country and we can stand up to the United States. It's bullshit because like this is the one instance where they could have really like set a precedent here that they're not going to bend the knee to the United States and they chose not to. And it's sad but it's not like unexpected. 0:16:35 Unknown_02: daddy they didn't i want to say they didn't bend the knee to to sweden right like he had um sex accusations from some college student that he went to college with uh like 10 years ago like accused him of like assault at a party and then uh they had an extradition treaty but it didn't happen Unknown_02: How do you know Alice kills animals? Because she said so on her Twitter account. She said that she kills animals, and she says that she had to kill animals because that was the only way from stopping her from hurting people. Like, I don't know why people sent for Alice. She's gross. 0:17:08 Unknown_02: Oh, I don't want to slow chat. I just don't want people to, like, shill their fucking channels. Unknown_02: Who is Alice? Alice is the woman that Ralph paid to fly up to Las Vegas, and then as soon as she got there, she dumped him and went back to Chicken Andy, who's like another IP2 streamer. They're broken up now, and he flew her out to Vegas again, and after he made that plan known, May started appearing in their... 0:17:50 Unknown_02: in their trip like he started tweeting out that they were together so i think that she saw that alice was coming up and she didn't want to get cucked so she flew out to vegas just like a pregnant woman play the bradcliffe absolutely not cover the gothic king cobra news i've never heard i've not heard anything about that bro Unknown_02: Oh, I'm sure they're going to, like, Julian Assange is already dead. He's gone insane. The last reports about him in British prison were his mental health, like, completely falling apart because he's in isolation, like, 24-7. He's been completely isolated for, like, 13 fucking years. He's lost his mind, I'm sure. Like, there's no point even extraditing him. 0:18:32 Unknown_02: Did Jim Sterling? No. Jim Sterling's last video was just him talking about how we shouldn't even watch the Game Awards or whatever the fuck because they refused to mention that Blizzard raped all their female employees or whatever the fuck. 0:19:18 Unknown_02: I don't have a... I mean, I like whistleblowers, especially for the government, but Unknown_02: I don't have strong opinions about Julian Assange or anything personally, you know what I mean? Unknown_02: Oh, I mean, well, the issue with the Game Awards is that they're not interesting. Like, who gives a fuck about media? Like, I haven't played a modern game in forever. How can you possibly be excited for one of these things that EA puts out anymore? 0:19:58 Unknown_02: Play EU4 on stream. I would have to, like, dedicate the stream specifically to that. Unknown_02: It's like with the Emmys. It's even worse than the Emmys, even. At least the Emmys has more competition to the point where it's like a question about what's happening. Unknown_02: Oh, here. Here's something, actually. Everyone made fun of me for not having any Christmas spirit, so I actually went out and I put this together just for you, chat, just so I can try and get into the Christmas spirit. 0:20:41 Unknown_02: I made myself a nice little Christmas tree. Unknown_02: It's beautiful. It's actually... It's right next to my desk, and I like the... It's like a yellow light coming off of them, so... Unknown_02: I like that a bit more than the bright, harsh light, the white light that I usually have. Unknown_02: Funnily enough, this tree had a little sticker on it that said, do not eat. So I don't know what fucked up Romanian family is going into hardware stores and purchasing pine trees, little pine trees, so that they can eat them. 0:21:15 Unknown_02: I guess like take each branch, cut them off and then like scrape off the furs with their teeth and eat the furs. But they felt compelled to to make a notice that you shouldn't do that. Unknown_02: Looks delicious. Yeah, right. Unknown_02: Yeah, do not eat. Don't eat that fucking tree. Though I don't know. Unknown_02: When I was a kid, I always plucked little furs off and nibbled on them because they have a weird, like, bitter end to them. You eat them and then, like, your tongue feels dehydrated and it's a weird sensation. So when you're, like, a little kid, it's interesting to nibble on, I guess, because it has that pininess to it. 0:21:59 Unknown_02: Smells good, tastes good, right? Exactly. Explains a lot. Are you saying that pine trees are poisonous? Unknown_02: You can make tea from pine needles. Exactly. Don Joe knows that it's okay to nibble on the Christmas tree. That's how you get Christmas spirit. You guys say you don't have enough Christmas spirit. Well, there's nothing more Christmas spirit-y than pine needle tea. Unknown_02: The pine cones make it look basic. It's true. It was a good touch. 0:22:34 Unknown_02: I don't know where I got them. Unknown_02: Oh, they came in like a box. It was like a little assortment of like little ornaments that came with it. I was like, God, did I go outside and like pick up fucking pine cones? When did I do that? Unknown_01: There's no pine trees around here. How did I get that? Unknown_02: Spruce nothing, whatever. I don't care. I don't care. 0:23:06 Unknown_02: You know who's not in the Christmas spirit? The Jews. Which Jews? The ones that are representing Russell Greer. Russell Greer, and this is a cruel sense of irony. While I am forced to pay out of pocket for retards suing me, Unknown_02: Russell Greer has acquired pro se representation and his appeal from something called, I think it's the digital justice foundation, the digital justice foundation. And from what I understand, based on what I saw, 0:23:44 Unknown_02: Here you go. You got Gregory Keenan from the Stanford Law and Andrew Grimm, also a Juris Doctora from Stanford Law. And they have a little trophy page where they list... Unknown_02: all their filings. And what they do, from what I understand, is this shit. They file what's called an amicus curiae. Curie. Curie. Curie. I don't know how to pronounce that. You know what I mean, though? Amicus means friendly in Latin. Curie means the court. So friend of the court literally is a filing that a non-party in a lawsuit can file to support one side of a legal issue that they believe they have an interest in. So what these guys do is in big name legal battles about copyright dispute, they file supporting briefs against fair use. So in this, Google v. Oracle, Google had used code that Oracle claimed it owned the copyright to. And the copyright of programming code is a very complicated subject. But in gist is that Google used code. Oracle said they didn't have the right to. Google said that their use of the code was transformative because they changed it. And these guys, the Digital Justice Foundation, filed a brief in support of Oracle saying that the use was not fair. And if you're curious how that turned out, Google won. And then in this, the Alliance of Artists and Record, the Denso International, is about... 0:25:33 Unknown_02: a software that appeared inside vehicles being able to record music that was played over the radio onto CDs. And I believe that the DJF wrote in support of the Alliance of Artists who were suing for copyright infringement. Unknown_02: And I'm not sure. Does it say who won? No. Unknown_02: Sold, violate the act by failing to pay royalties. Wrote an appeal and supported the appeal. Appeal was rejected. Lower court decision in favor of Denzel. So they lost there too. This is Brammer v. Violet Hughes. 0:26:12 Unknown_02: And they say that this was about a photograph that was taken on Flickr. Unknown_02: They supported against fair use. Unknown_02: And they lost that too. So the gist is that these people are paid for. Oh my god, the name of this. Estate of Smith and Hebrew Hustle, the cash money records. Hebrew Hustle, what the fuck is that? Unknown_02: That's funny. Unknown_02: Anyways, the gist is that they want to get rid of fair use as a concept. So every time there is a battle involving fair use, they use their Stanford Law degrees to write up an amicus curiae in support against fair use. 0:26:46 Unknown_02: So when Hebrew Hustle sues Cash Money Records for an infringing use of their Hebrew Hustle music, these people will step in and support them against that fair use claim. Unknown_02: And I guess what's happening here is that Russell Greer is actually suing over... contributory copyright infringement and so they're representing Russell Greer even though he's an insane person for free because they get paid by multinational multimedia corporations and if they happen to get a win here on this bullshit little case between a fucking retard and a website then they win a huge victory in terms of case precedent for uh sony umg fox like all these copyright holders which make life absolutely living hell for everybody on the internet uh and that's that's their goal and it's it's fucking crazy it's such bullshit it's such bullshit that i have to deal with this you know what i mean 0:27:30 Unknown_02: Sounds like America. Dude, as we grow up, because right now we're all in our 20s and 30s at the most. There's someone listening in his 40s. I'm sure there's a couple people older than that. But in general, we are not the generation that currently has any power. We're waiting on the boomers to die. Once the boomers die, we will have power. And I want you all to remember, when you have power, as I assume some of you will one day have, 0:28:23 Unknown_02: that copyright is the antithesis of freedom of speech. Copyright is in the same vein that child pornography and animal crush is considered not free speech. Unknown_02: In the same way that defamation is not considered free speech, copyright infringement is also not considered free speech. And we really have to look at how our laws work on this, because it is the biggest pain in the ass. Speaking of IP2... Unknown_02: There's this woman. I forget her name. Her tits literally look like golf balls and like stockings. And she decided to become an IP2 streamer. And when that didn't pay the bill, she became an OnlyFans whore. And now she is made fun of on my website because she got involved with IP2 while looking as she does. 0:28:59 Unknown_02: And she now sends DMCA complaints saying that people are using her work and it's not fair use. And that is probably my number one source of genuine anger when it comes to my site is that for the last 100 years, Unknown_02: The men with the little hats and whores have worked tirelessly to have pornography listed as artistic expression. And we are now in an era where your body is yet another community to be bought and sold. And now that we have earned this great privilege where people can make millions of dollars by being a celebrity prostitute on OnlyFans. 0:29:38 Unknown_02: Suddenly, the pornography that they produce as a product is beyond reproach. It cannot be made fun of. It cannot be criticized like other art. It has to be a product like most art is, but it also has to be in this separate protected category where you actually can't criticize it like any other photograph. I can take any other photograph on the internet, post it on my site, and say, I think this photograph is shit. I think it looks like, uh, all this person's so fucking lazy with this, this modern art photograph. All they did was put a golf ball on a stocking and nail it to a ply board or a plywood and put it up against the wall. And that's all they did. And they took a photo of it in black and white. And they said, this is art now. And if I do that, uh, And I say that that shit, that's perfectly fine. Nobody has any question. I don't get a DMCA over it. But when it's pornography of the exact same thing, then suddenly it's a it's a it's an issue that I have to contend with. I get accused of crimes and shit and people actually try to legislate it so that they can have this the source of income and not have to work and have even broader protections for copyright infringement than any other any other media. Because it's not like... You already have broad protections for copyright infringement, but now they went on top of that, like revenge pornography cases, and instances where the pornography is a commercial entity taken with consent. It's just bullshit. It makes me fucking angry, because I can see it working. I can see this argument working in their favor over time, and getting the support that it would need to become law. Because... We have to respect women and we have to protect them from their boyfriends and the malicious little hats that like to put them in pornography to exploit them. 0:31:46 Unknown_02: But then also they're allowed to exploit themselves and you can't do anything about it. It'll become yet another type of... Unknown_02: um exploited legal argument to protect copyright and get more money and censor the internet modern world has no shame in having where'd it go having no shame they have no means of dealing with criticism yeah it's true we need to make people shameful again that's the main thing i think is that we've we used to have it where if someone in the village was a faggot you would all make fun of him and then everyone when he walked outside he would be like oh look there's the faggot he's a faggot he's he's a piece of shit everyone laughed at him and then he would feel great shame from this because everyone would think he's a faggot And he would do things to compensate and to stop being such a faggot. And these days, you say, hey, look at the faggot. Look at how faggoty he is. Now, what does he do? He goes to Discord.gg slash faggot. And then he joins the faggot channel. And then the Discord kittens say that he's actually stunning and brave and not a faggot at all. And that that word is actually violence and it should be illegal. and he would look super cute and a skirt and they he should definitely send them butthole pictures and then that happens and then he he is is a celebrated member of their discord and he propagates his faggotry to to children and it's like we just if we could just make people feel shame again uh society would be a lot better that's why russia and ukraine is still is holding on they're getting worse they're both getting worse but 0:33:34 Unknown_02: They still have a great sense of shame, and that's necessary. Discord can feel the shame, exactly. Unknown_02: And that's why the current push with the vaccine shit, it's the exact same fucking thing. They want to make you feel ashamed to be vaccine hesitant. And they'll try to make you feel bad for it. And if it doesn't work, they'll force you to do it. And then they'll make anyone who doesn't support getting forced vaccines feel bad for not supporting that. It's like, this is... 0:34:11 Unknown_02: It's very mimetic to say this is literally 1984, but this is literally the communist revolution in China. They had laughing circles where people who were counterrevolutionary were dragged out into the village center and everyone would point and laugh and throw shit at them, throw rotten tomatoes and shit like the good old days. And they would feel shame for not supporting the revolution. And that's how they got people to join the revolution and act like they actually they've always supported the revolution. They've been the staunchest supporter of the revolution since day one. Unknown_02: and it works it's super fucking effective and it's going to get worse and worse that's why everyone who disagrees with the zeitgeist is a dumb backwards redneck because they gotta shame you for it Josh get your thousandth booster already no 1984 is getting a feminist rewrite now i would watch that i heard that that um shitty cowboy bebop whatever the fuck isn't getting a second season but i promise you that if they do a feminist 1984 and put that on netflix i will acquire a copy through the most legal means available to me and uh and watch that and i'll probably i don't know i'm hesitant to say i'll do a review of it because 0:35:05 Unknown_02: Those take effort. And currently all my effort is devoted to Sneed Foro. Unknown_02: The current love of my life, Sneed Foro. Unknown_02: Here, you guys want to see Sneed Foro? Let me make sure it actually works. Unknown_02: Because I am having tech issues. I did restart my computer. Unknown_02: Here we go. Unknown_02: I'm working on this with other people. Here we go. So welcome guest. Sneed 4.0 has been running since I restored my computer. 0:35:58 Unknown_02: Got a list. First user is named Sneed. Created on the 9th. Here's the list of threads. Unknown_02: It's actually, I got this working recently where if you make a post, hopefully this will work on live. It does. It says guest right there. Unknown_02: And then I can log in. Here's your name, Snead, password also Snead. Unknown_02: And now I'm logged in. You see that it says Snead up there. I can go to my thread and say Snead posting. And then it will say Snead says Snead posting. So that works. It works, chat. I'm just saying that my foro will come to fruition in a reasonable amount of time. And I will dedicate myself to bankruptings in foro. I would have been paying them money for the rest of my fucking life to keep that license. 0:36:33 Unknown_02: And they've canceled it to inconvenience me for no reason, for literally no reason other than that they're British and that they're a scum. Unknown_02: They are short sighted. You know what? It's funny. Here's what's even funnier about the whole license ordeal. 0:37:09 Unknown_02: is that, oh, and I can edit the post too. Watch this chat. Edit formerly check posting. And then I'll post that. And look, it says edit formerly check posting. There's no formatting yet, but it does work. It does in fact work and it says that it updated right there in the title. We're making good time on Sneed 4.0. It blazes. Look at this. Generated in 10 milliseconds. 10 milliseconds, chat. Unknown_02: A page on Zen 4.0 with PHP is at least 170 milliseconds. That's 20 times faster. That's great. 0:37:43 Unknown_02: So I read their reply. Someone made a thread. You can't post on their forum unless you have an active license, coincidentally. But someone posted on their forum asking about why they're looking around and canceling licenses now. Unknown_02: And they said in reply that they updated the license this year. And after I renewed my license, I accepted their updated terms of service, which included a clause saying that they can cancel the license if your website hosts defamation. 0:38:18 Unknown_02: Which, of course, they will determine at their own discretion. So they literally updated their terms of service so that they could revoke my license after I renewed my service. Isn't that wonderful, Chad? Isn't that great? Isn't that really awesome that they would do that? really amazing i really love dealing with the british i love the fact that england's a country i love every day i wake up and i look out my window and i think god i'm so happy that there is an island out there that is full of british people and i'm actually subjected to their existence because they speak english and are in the anglosphere which is also named after them uh just just wonderful every day is so great so much better because of the english 0:39:01 Unknown_02: I love adhesion contracts in Israel. Thank you. That's a great, that's a great sentiment here. I'll stick, I'll pin that tweet or whatever the fuck. It's on a tweet, but I'll, I'll pin that right there so everyone can see it flying at high like the union Jack over my, uh, over my balcony chat. Unknown_02: How long ago did I pay for the license? Uh, March 2014 and then I paid an additional $200 every year thereafter. Unknown_02: God save the Sneed, exactly. 0:39:33 Unknown_02: So, everyone pray for my Sneed for you. I'm hoping to open source it after Christmas sometime in January and get more people involved. There's currently three people who are helping out pretty much every day. And that's why one of them is working on file stuff. And we're going to have to do something really cool with files because... Unknown_02: The way that the Zen 4 works is that everything has to be on the same server, but we have over 4 terabytes, probably 5 terabytes now, of static content. And we need to be able to have a storage device, and then we need it so that the software can run on multiple front ends. I'm going to need one in Russia, I'm going to need one in the U.S., and I would like to have one in Oceania, probably Singapore, that has a front end, and then it can store data in one place and... 0:40:12 Unknown_02: not have any issues doing so, because right now Zinforo, it's a hack. So we're looking into that. We're forward-thinking, chat. We're going to make it so that this works. Unknown_02: And I'm going to make it so that I can have local compliance. So if we have to host in Russia, I can deal with Roscomnadzor. Raskin-Nadzor from Russia has a requirement that you can't dox a Russian citizen, but it has no such restriction on any other citizen. So if it does end up hosting in Russia because of whatever problems in the United States, it's no problem. I just have to make sure that the Ho-Ho Holocaust meme is not visible to Russians and that there's no dox of Russians in Russia. And then it's fine. But that's like a... 0:40:55 Unknown_02: I'm thinking like eight years ahead right now. I'm just trying to make sure that it's possible when it happens. Unknown_02: Okay. Unknown_02: Let's smorky design the floor. Are you saying that my art web design is my passion? Uh, quote to final nine. So I think that my website here is great. It's what we call minimalistic. It has, it has its own aesthetic. Okay. It doesn't need improvements. 0:41:37 Unknown_02: All right, what else? Unknown_02: Russell Greer. Oh, this is actually kind of funny. Unknown_02: I only found out about this right before the stream, and I have to say it's pretty fucking funny. Unknown_02: Actually, let me pull this map up real quick because I'm going to need this. Unknown_02: We're going to be looking at the live UA map. 0:42:13 Unknown_02: Because I need to be able to show you what I'm talking about. Unknown_02: Oh my god, come on now. Unknown_02: Okay. Unknown_02: So this is a country called Ukraine, not to be confused with the former Soviet territory, the Ukraine. Unknown_02: And there is a civil war happening. As you can see, this area called Pridnestrovia is broken away from Moldova and supports joining the Russian Federation. This area called Crimea is currently under occupation by the Russian Federation. And then this area called Luhansk and Donetsk is a breakaway from Ukraine that is currently aligned, sympathetic to the Russian Federation. 0:42:51 Unknown_02: And let me think here. Unknown_02: I have to, oh, no, this is in English. I can read that. Unknown_02: This right here, this top part is called Kharkiv. Unknown_02: And it is near the fighting. From what I understand, if you live in Kharkiv, you can hear weapon fire at certain times of the day. Because it is near the Russian border. And that area up there has some breakaway sentiment. Because if you don't know, Ukraine's in a bad place. I don't want to get into detail because nobody gives a fuck. But that big river down the middle is called the Dnieper. I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right. I don't care. Everything east of the Dnieper is a mix between Ukrainian and Russian ethnicity. There's a lot of people who speak Russian in that area, and the further down south you go, the more Russians there are speaking and ethnically. 0:44:06 Unknown_02: So what's going to happen probably is that everything east of that river – and this is Kyiv. This is the capital of Ukraine – Everything east of that river is probably going to be annexed by Russia over time. And then everything on the south around the sea here, what they call the warm waters, is probably also going to be annexed by Russia. And Pridnestrovia is also probably going to join Russia at that time, which means that the entirety of the Odessa Oblast is probably likely to join the Russian Federation, which would leave... ukraine a rump state um right here this middle area because um lviv or lvov might also join poland this area might go back to poland anyways what i'm saying is ukraine's in a very bad position right i don't mean to bore you with specifics about blah blah blah you don't give a fuck it's all the same shit they're all just slavs to you you don't care uh so i received this and i thought this was funny coach red pill said on telegram uh 0:45:09 Unknown_02: A dissident enclave in Eastern Ukraine. I want your opinion on the idea I've been considering. Setting up an LZ. I'm assuming that he's saying landing zone. I could buy a big house in downtown Kharkov. They're cheap and let Western dissidents use it as a landing zone slash meeting house. Dissidents could stay for 30 days for free at this house, but you would be expected to help in the upkeep and improvement of the LZ. Two hours a day, every day, six days a week on an honor system. Unknown_02: He then says, he explains his potential rules for the landing zone. 0:45:43 Unknown_02: And keep in mind, this is right here. I'm assuming that it's not called Kharkiv in Ukrainian. I'm assuming that in Ukrainian it's called Kharkov. Because Odessa has a similar difference in spelling between Ukrainian and Russian. Unknown_02: So he says... Unknown_02: Here's his rules. Unknown_02: One, you can stay at the landing zone for a maximum of 30 days. After that, you must leave and take all your shit. No extensions, no exceptions. You must work to maintain and improve the LZ at least two hours a day, six days a week. No illegal drugs, drunkenness, no gambling. So Ralph can't come. Anyone who breaks the rules of Victor on the spot, no exceptions. 0:46:17 Unknown_02: You buy and cook your own food. Unknown_02: Dinner is at 7.30 p.m. and current residents must eat together at this time to exchange information, get to know each other, in general, help each other out. Moochers or food thieves will be evicted on the spot. Unknown_02: Using the word food thief is like, it's like, it makes it sound like you're going to war. Unknown_01: It's not a very enticing type of word choice to use. 0:46:54 Unknown_02: Any theft or physical violence inside the LZ will result in instant eviction and or a call to the police, which could potentially lead to your deportation and or a Ukrainian jail cell. That said, if you get into an argument with someone in the LZ but then take it outside, you have yourself a street fight, that's your business. Unknown_02: This is my favorite so far. Unknown_02: Words are not violence. They are just words. Therefore, you can say whatever you want at the LZ, as well as insult anyone with any term, including racial epithets. The only person you can't insult is Coach Red Pill. If you do, instant eviction. No exceptions. Unknown_02: So I want you to come to war-torn eastern Ukraine. 0:47:39 Unknown_02: where you have no rights you are a foreigner on a tourist visa you will spend 30 days in a foreign country under an aged Chilean man and if you say anything to offend him which is very easy to do in case you're curious you will be Unknown_01: Completely stranded in an area that has actual fighting about 10 minutes by car north of where you're at to the point where you can hear gunshots at night. Unknown_02: Number seven, there will be weekly meetings at the LZ on Sunday nights and Thursday nights. The Sunday night meetings are for new fags who will each report on what they have done over the past week to find a place to live for themselves in Kharkov. The Sunday night meeting will be where new fags are assigned weekly chores and sort out housekeeping issues. The Thursday night meetings are for old fags, former residents, to drop by and meet the new fags. He really, really wants to be hip and trendy with the chans. 0:48:36 Unknown_02: The goal is for the old fags to help the new fags with tips, insights, contacts, etc. Old fags in good standing can come to the LZ whenever they want, but they cannot spend the night. Unknown_02: He really thinks his dumpy aged ass is Tyler Durden. Unknown_01: And he's going to bring incels to one of the poorest places in Europe to revitalize them. 0:49:13 Unknown_02: with his tyler jordan spirit i mean if you're okay if you're like an incel and you're like thinking of truning out you're about to go kill some sorority girls because you're so full of rage go for it go for it go to ukraine and spend time under the tutelage of coach red pill he will teach you how to order a prostitute in two different languages in ukrainian and russian He'll teach you how to exchange U.S. dollars into local hrivna. Unknown_02: He'll teach you how to go to the techno club. He'll teach you a lot of stuff that you need to vent out your virgin frustrations with rage. Unknown_02: No commercial or business meetings or activity at the landing zone. The LZ is not a store or shop or office. Silent online work is okay. Unknown_02: New fags to the LZ can bring a maximum of two suitcases and one carry-on bag, just like a plane. They must also bring a minimum of three physical books to donate to the LZ's lending library. 0:50:11 Unknown_02: That's also inspired by Fight Club. You show up at the front door and you have three black t-shirts, one roll-out sleeping bag. Do you have burial money? He should include in that rule nine. You must bring $300 cash for burial expenses. Unknown_01: That would make it sound cool, at least. It makes it sound super edgy. Unknown_02: New fags. The LZ is exclusively male. Women cannot stay at the LZ, nor can they enter beyond the foyer for your area of the house. The only exception will be the house manager. Any homosexual activity irrespectable of whether it is consensual will be grounds for instant eviction. 0:50:47 Unknown_01: The LZ is not a sin for... Unknown_01: so if you go to coach red pills lz expecting to be taught how to be chad and you just get raped and then you get evicted because you're a faggot 0:51:48 Unknown_01: Just stay at the LZ. Prospects will have to give written explanation as why they went to leave the West. What they hope to achieve in Eastern Ukraine, both personally and professionally. Unknown_01: and how they plan to support themselves long-term. There will be an in-person video conference to confirm the written statement and to answer any questions. Unknown_02: Since prospects will be guests at a home CRP owns, it will be at his discretion whether he allows a prospect or not. He doesn't need to give a reason. Number 12, this is not a democracy. CRP owns the LZ, so his decisions are final. If anyone doesn't like it, they're free to leave. 0:52:23 Unknown_02: He asked for some input on this. Unknown_02: Join the channel. No, thank you. Unknown_02: That's pretty fucking funny. Unknown_02: Never been there. Unknown_02: God, you know, we planned to meet up. We were legit. I had a friend who's Chinese. 0:52:55 Unknown_02: And we were legit planning... We were planning two different things. We were going to go up to the Netherlands at some point. And we were thinking of stopping by the YouTube studio in Berlin to do a video or something together. Because we both had over 20,000 subscribers on YouTube. So if you have more than 20,000 subscribers on YouTube, you can ask for an hour time slot in these YouTube studios that are all over the place. And... Unknown_02: we uh we were planning on stopping in berlin and and doing something there because they have like like all this professional video equipment and stuff there and we're doing a video planning on doing a video there or something and then we were also planning on taking legit taking a train from odessa all the way to harkov 0:53:47 Unknown_02: up to Moscow and then doing the Trans-Siberian Rail Line all the way over to Vladivostok and then from there down to Beijing. Unknown_02: because I wanted to meet my buddy who's Chinese and, uh, tour, um, some of the, not like the big tourist spots in China. We wanted to go towards the, the West and visit some really untouched ethnic Chinese, uh, areas that were still pretty traditional. You wouldn't want to go to like the big cities, but I did want to visit, um, 0:54:29 Unknown_02: shenzhen because that's the big warehouse district right next to to hong kong i thought that would have been really cool um but now i'm glad we didn't i have i really have a feeling Unknown_02: that the reason why he really wanted to do that was that he wanted to film me doing something embarrassing and use it as blackmail leverage. I really believe that. And I think that if you go to this fucking hell, this living hell, you will become a slave to CRP. He will record someone raping you, and then he will use that to ensure your loyalty in Operation Project Mayhem, where he wants to blow up the... 0:55:14 Unknown_02: where he wants to blow up feminist inc the headquarters of feminist international that you will be a part of otherwise your your butt rape will become uh public footage sounds fun you should go fuck that fuck that i am so comfy and not near people that i don't want to be around and i'm not going to change that Unknown_02: Project Gay Him. Unknown_02: It's true. It's Coach's fault we know about Gator. That is true. Unknown_02: Now, there was someone that keeps asking me to talk about this. There is a guy, and I don't like bringing attention to things that I can't confirm. But if you ever bring up me on 4chan's poll, you will get this guy responding who is a fucking psychopath. I don't know what his deal is. I don't know who he is. But he hates me. And he said horrible, horrible things. 0:56:16 Unknown_02: And, like, just legit insane schizo shit about me in the forum. Me being a fed, me having, like, a child porn ring with Coach Red Pill. Like, all this awful shit. And... Unknown_02: Uh, there's speculation that it's Gator or Ralph, and I really don't know. I hate, I hate like just guessing like, Oh, it's probably Gator. Like, uh, it could, it could be anyone. It could be any number of genuine, insane people, people that I've never met, never spoken to that just hate me and have for years. So I don't know. It could be Ralph. It could be Gator. It could also not be very equal. Very easily could not be them. 0:56:48 Unknown_02: I live in Poltava. I can't wait to see Coach's ass get beaten by ex-ground pounders from the Nat Corps. Unknown_02: He's very not political on that issue. He has a pessimistic view of Ukraine's outlook, but he personally doesn't care. So he'll go with the flow and he'll pay whatever bribes he has to to keep being comfy in Ukraine. 0:57:28 Unknown_02: only Ralph would go out of his way to try to get pulled to attack me. No, dude, there's a lot of people who still hate me from, from HM. There's a lot of people who hate me from HM, which is why I don't even bother. I'm not going to be there. Like sit there and think like, Oh, it must be this or that. Like probably not really, to be honest with you, probably not. 0:58:07 Unknown_02: How does CRP make money? He has Patreon. He has Patreon. He does private videos. He has AdSense on his YouTube account. He has book sales and shit. He hustles. He likes money. Unknown_02: Many people hate Josh. That's right. Unknown_02: Yeah, he does private videos on Patreon. I don't know if he's changed this, but he has that not-too-uncommon thing, monetization system, where if he can't say something that he wants to on YouTube, like if he has a hot take about how all women need to be in a basement rape dungeon or some shit, he'll put that on Patreon behind a paywall. 0:58:56 Unknown_02: and uh he'll he'll point people in that direction and be like my uh spicy too spicy for youtube videos on patreon pretty sure that's what he does Unknown_02: How's Ralph? I'm now certain that the reason... Ralph's in Vegas, again. I don't know if he was in Vegas or if I mentioned that last week, but I'm now pretty certain Ralph's tactic with Vegas is that when he's there, he doesn't think about internet drama as much. I think that when he's gambling, he's actually distracted. And in his day-to-day life, he's so consumed with fussing and freaking out about internet shit. 0:59:34 Unknown_02: that he actually gets no peace at all. And he goes to Vegas because there's horrors that he can pay to fuck. There's titty ladies in skimpy outfits who serve drinks. He's treated like a kang at the table. As long as he's sitting at that table betting, ladies come up to him and say, like, hey, hey, sugar, you want a drink? And he's like, yes, I do. And he's just, like, completely zoned out, mind detached from all his worries, not thinking about... Unknown_02: Zonda not thinking about uh Kagome and Yuasha Morris who which which but if you don't know uh they did a thing where Ralph said that if the baby was a boy he gets to name it and if the baby's a girl uh Amanda gets to name it and they're now refusing to say what the baby's name is and I guarantee you that May has come up with a horrible fucking name for that child and Ralph is so ashamed of it he does not want to tell people what the name of his kid will be So I've taken the call on the child, Kagome and Yelasha Morris, which will now be Demon Baby 2's real legal actual name. 1:00:30 Unknown_02: So he doesn't have to think about Kagome at all. Unknown_02: And, uh... Unknown_02: He doesn't have to think about the Kiwi Farms. He doesn't have to think about that goddamn Josh Moon ever. He's just zoned out. He's just plugging away his chips, and he's happy there. That's why he keeps going back. In fact, he's sitting there in Vegas right now eating. He posted it. I might as well pull this up because I love to make fun of Ralph for this. Unknown_02: But he's sitting there, and he's already planning his next trip to Vegas. 1:01:12 Unknown_02: to Vegas. He's planning on coming back for new years. So he's already thinking about like he's, he hasn't even left yet and he wants to come back. Unknown_02: That's like, I don't even know. He has to be addicted. Unknown_02: It's just soothing for him to be, to be out there and not have to not have to worry about shit. Unknown_02: Sorry. I'm trying to find something and knitters being a little bit slow. 1:01:44 Unknown_02: I'm trying to find the picture of his latest meal. His latest indulgence. Unknown_02: I might have to open up... Aha! Aha! Unknown_02: Here we go, chat. Unknown_02: I found it, don't you worry. Unknown_02: So here's May. For whatever reason, she was not in any pictures during Ralph's trip up until it was announced that Alice, the IP2 thought, who fucked Baked Alaska and shits her panties and kills small animals, would actually be getting flown out to Vegas by Ralph. And then after May heard that, she mysteriously started showing up in all these photos. And it could not be that May is anxious that Ralph will be cheating on her in the same way that Ralph cheated on Faith with her, or the same way that Ralph cheated on Aide with Faith, or the same way that Ralph cheated on Nora with Aide. 1:02:22 Unknown_02: There's no possibility. Her conscience is clear. And her fiancé is a loyal man. And she was not afraid at all that she would be cheated on by Ralph with Alice, who is the IP2 bicycle that everybody gets a ride on. There's no other... That's not the reason why she's showing up in this picture. So here she is. She's definitely not in agony. She's definitely not upset about being in Vegas while in her second trimester. 1:03:01 Unknown_02: and here's ralph here's ralph's opinion about all this he thinks it's the funniest shit ever he's he's pointing at her like haha bitch i made you come up here i told you you should have come with me and you said no because you didn't want to be around all the people drinking and smoking and then i hooked up with alice and now your dumb ass flew out here anyway so go get fucked he would say and then to really stick it to those kiwi logs 1:03:43 Unknown_02: He acquired a $120 cut of plain beef, though this one comes with butter. Unknown_02: So this is a real fancy cut of plain beef right here with the finest Irish butter you could ever possibly afford. Unknown_02: really really sticky to me i'm i've never been more felted than i am right now i'm i'm i just can't i can't find where are my coins at chat i can't find my silver coins it's just gone nothing but felt on this table what a great picture 1:04:24 Unknown_02: What a great picture. Unknown_02: By the way, I can't help but feel when I look at this and it's, you know, I like to make fun of her for looking like she stinks normally, but there's something about those bangs. I really feel like if you took her hair and you took them in both, like you just took a ponytail of her hair with both your hands and And you ringed it like a towel. Unknown_02: The grease coming off of it would look something like on this steak. You would just have this shiny wetness seep out of it onto the table. I just get that feeling when I see the hair, Chad. Do you get that feeling? Because I get that feeling. 1:04:56 Unknown_02: yuck mean don't be a simp nate matthews matthew your name is spelled wrong matthew has two t's and your name is spelled with one t how does it feel that your mom put your name on the birth certificate incorrectly pain please josh i'm eating that's your mistake that's your mistake my friend 1:05:32 Unknown_02: Oh, God. I might have run out of content already. I'll talk to chat for a bit. Let me get a sip of water. You guys tell me. Unknown_02: Tell me what you want to talk about. I'll kill some time with you. It is the season, after all. I don't want to leave you guys high and dry with nothing to talk about today. Unknown_02: Pregnancy fucks with your skin a bit? Bro, usually when you're pregnant, people say you're glowing. Unknown_02: Does she look like she's glowing? She should be, theoretically. 1:06:03 Unknown_02: Two-thirds in her second trimester. Unknown_02: I mean, she's growing. She's not glowing. Unknown_02: But that could be from things not related to the baby. Unknown_02: Raven sparks. Oh, dude. I don't know what happened with Raven, but you just reminded me of something. Unknown_02: I got an email. God, how do we even explain this? Because I've not been talking about it at all. There is a group of retards. 1:06:37 Unknown_02: Do you want to guess where this batch of mentally deficient people is from? Want to take a guess? Unknown_02: I'll call out whoever says it first in chat. What country are these fucking retards from? Take a guess. Unknown_02: From this chat, no. Discord. England. Cola Dante says it first. There's a group of fucking retards from God's least favorite island. Unknown_02: And it's like, I don't know the exact makeup, demographic makeup of this group, but it's like an ongoing lawsuit between a litigious tranny and TERFs. And it's like a huge media cycle thing. Well, not like huge, but it's a thing that people talk about. And let me just find the names, and I'm going to have to take that on the stream early, because I'm going to be talking about these fucking people. 1:07:18 Unknown_02: And you're not allowed to do that. Unknown_02: Hello, Firefox, you want to boot up? Unknown_00: Oh, I have to... Hello, Firefox. Unknown_02: Okay, where is it? I'm looking for an email from... 1:07:53 Unknown_02: Luis Moody. And the thread is called... The Carolyn Farrow, Adrian Harrop, Anthony George Halliday, Stephanie Hayden megathread. And there is a woman in this called Luis Moody. And from what I understand... There are some crazy trannies and some TERFs. And they're suing each other. The crazy tranny sues. The TERF gets harassed. They countersue. They've been doing this for however long. And it's because it's in the UK court system. It's fucking insane. It is just bullshit. You can't follow it. It is literally, literally, in the literal sense of literal... 1:08:25 Unknown_02: A man in a powdered wig sitting there at the podium making legal decisions as if this isn't a man in a clown costume. Unknown_02: So... 1:08:57 Unknown_02: She writes me and says, Dear Mr. Moon, I have been informed by the author of the letter that this has been posted here. And so it's excerpts of their letter. I don't know how we got it or whatever. There is no consent from the author for excerpts of the letter to appear on Kiwi Farms. As a consequence of it appearing, the author is incorrectly claiming that I have breached the author's privilege, privacy, and competence and is threatening legal action against me. For clarification, I am not so jolly holiday, have no knowledge of who posted the extract, and am requesting to avoid a third round of time-consuming and stressful legal action from Stephanie Hayden, who, as you are likely aware, frequently issues unsuccessful claims. While I am confident that such action is without merit, in order to avoid the inconvenience of having to deal with this matter, I am ready to ask if, in the circumstances, the post could simply be deleted. 1:09:40 Unknown_02: And they titled this Request for Post-Deletion Legal Threat. And my reply was, and I quote... Unknown_02: Holy fucking shit. I hate you British fuckheads so goddamn much. And since this is like a thing that people actively pay attention to, I'm trying. This is like appeared on Twitter. And now there are like trannies saying that I am base because I told this turf off, which was definitely not my attention. I'm not taking sides. I hate all of you fucking people equally. All you people flying under the flag of the Trun flag or the English flag can get fucked. That is my personal opinion on this. Please stop trying to involve me. I don't care. And let me try to find this because they link to like a Twitter thread about it. 1:10:20 Unknown_02: I would like to read some of the replies because they made me laugh. Unknown_02: Actually, I think I know where I have that link. 1:10:56 Unknown_02: Where are you at? Unknown_05: Hopefully this will work. Unknown_00: Come on, Twitter. Unknown_02: Very slowly. Okay. Unknown_02: So, Joss Pryor, which is a terrible name. 1:11:34 Unknown_02: The owner of Kiwi Farms responds to demands from British turfs. Luis Moody and Carolyn Farrow have both asked for favors to the complainants and organizers of the orchestrated attack regionally on Adrian Harrop, who owned multiple Kiwi Farms account reposts. Unknown_02: lgbtq plus and we all know what the plus stands for she left out the p by pan gender critical conspiracy theorists trolls and dullards x not allowed from liverpool which is just a horrific name for anything uh post this and then i get some replies and one made me laugh 1:12:17 Unknown_02: Someone says, I guess you just assume that they were part of the constellation of TERF hate sites, to which the gender binary cannot contain under the thundersays. Unknown_02: No audio. You made me freak out. I actually thought that... Unknown_02: scouse trunes what's the scouse is that the name for liverpool josh is an alley scouse lamb or beef stew typically made from chunks of meat particularly associated with the port of liverpool okay don't don't fling your fucking british language shit at me i don't i don't know what a scouse is you're bringing it up 1:12:59 Unknown_02: I guess I just assume they're part of the constellation of first hate sites. The gender binary cannot under the cannot contain says. Yeah, it's fucking hilarious how turfs are so comfortable with the literal Nazis on Kiwi farms that they start thinking it's run by some sort of wealthy, out of touch, middle aged British dude who'd give a shit about them instead of the complete lunatic actually runs it. Oh, no, I'm getting caught up by the gender binary cannot contain under the thunder. Who is a he-they, socialism without adjectives, medievalism without reactionary bullshit, weird autistic e-boy, trans rights advocate, can't currently make vids, sad face. 1:13:38 Unknown_02: The USA, unfortunately. Well, feel free to get the fuck out. Fuck out. You can go to Liverpool and call yourself a scouse, you fucking freak. Look at this. They want to return to tradition. Back when we were non-binary, gender non-conforming, autistic e-boys, socialists, living with the woolly mammoth. Look at this. This is such a great picture because it's like all these different animals living together in peace. Even the predatory animals are just chilling out with the antelope. Like, hell yeah, this is what life is like under socialism. 1:14:09 Unknown_02: uh there's another one that i liked oh i like this where did that come from asked shanani musty and the op says kiwi farms null posted it himself that's true they say well now that just makes it even better to which richard replies when null pops into a thread it's usually a bad sign Unknown_02: He's got the fucking shitty one that has the pride flag in his display picture, but it's the shitty one that has all the poo-poo on the left side, so it looks like someone smeared it in shit. They wiped their ass with it, and now we're flying it. 1:14:50 Unknown_02: Richard, gay rainbow emoji and rainbow flag emoji says... Unknown_02: pansexual humanist and disabled person the green party member pro hs2 i don't know what that means retro gamer curry lover pet shop boys luff oh i bet you that's the leeds football club i don't know how i guessed that and leeds rhinos he him own views what is a luff if it's actually the leeds football club i'm going to be ashamed of myself 1:15:29 Unknown_02: Leeds United soccer team. Unknown_02: I know too much about the British yet. I've stared into the abyss too long, and I'm starting to identify football clubs. From Leeds, 5,000 following. Unknown_02: From December 2008. This is a Twitter patient zero. This guy is like, oi, they got this fancy new platform where I can go online and just say whatever dumb shit I want to about being a pansexual humanist disabled person and my favorite football club. I'm going to join up right away. As soon as he heard the news, he was there. 1:16:02 Unknown_02: Football club equals nonce locker. Unknown_02: Call him a Liverpool supporter. I'm not posting anything. Actually, I don't have a Twitter account. We have an official Kiwi Farms Twitter account at kiwifarms.net, but I only use that for official statements. Unknown_02: Upload or Gemini? Up to you. I use Uphold. I've used Uphold for a while. 1:16:36 Unknown_02: Love me footy. Simple as. Unknown_02: york's boys be soyed worse than that no actually made me giggle well it's funny how when you actually agree with me on one of these issues and suddenly i become funny i also liked uh oh look anna christ smith says i hate kiwi farms a lot but i love the owner's reply oh i'm getting a kiwi a kiwi in sydney lesbian trans woman 1:17:14 Unknown_02: Many such cases. Software engineer, banana enthusiast. I don't want to know what you're doing with those bananas, lady. Or dude, sir, ma'am, whatever the fuck you want to be called. Unknown_02: What's this? Unknown_02: There was another one that made me laugh. Unknown_02: Oh, good, a reaction image. Now we're really getting to the gutter now. Oh, there, here. Kara Berg. Quite a summary. British fuckhead. I'm glad that my description of people is making its rounds. I teach math. Retweets does not equal endorsement. bit trans to be honest nothing about us without us trans flag likes mountains rivers and seas not only ffc ucu oh let me take a guess what what could what could ffc what starts with f what city in england starts with f 1:17:48 Unknown_02: I'm at a loss. I can't name a single British city that starts with F. Faggot football club. 1:18:26 Unknown_02: I know, it's offensive. Unknown_02: Fulham. What the fuck is a Fulham? Unknown_02: Fulham soccer. Unknown_02: I've never even heard of Fulham. Unknown_00: What's a Fulham? Unknown_02: Oh. Unknown_02: Oh, it's London. Unknown_00: Oh, my God. Unknown_02: Oh, my God. It's a part of London. Unknown_02: It's Goosting Channel. 1:18:58 Unknown_02: I did not mean to spend so much time talking about the English day, but I'm being consumed by my hate. Unknown_02: This is top tier pronunciation. I'm sorry, I speak the only version of English that matters, American. It's been called Americans in 1776, just so you know. Unknown_02: Talk about the trans. Why do you keep asking me to talk about the trans? I don't know anything about the trans. I'm assuming that they're having, like, lesbian transsexual scissoring or some shit and the Apacas have to fucking watch. That's all I know about the trans. That crazy Jewish, like, bipolar lady last I heard is that she fucked off because she's too crazy even for them. They dared let a real woman into their compound and now they're scarred for life. 1:19:36 Unknown_02: Josh, can you make a case for Brave? I use Vivaldi and Brave skeebs me because anything with privacy as advertised features put me off hardcore. Unknown_02: Brave is a straight upgrade from any browser that a normie uses. Like if you have a really weird autistic taste about browsers, then I'm sure you won't like Brave. But as far as like your mom is concerned, as far as like, if you're like a normal fucking person who just installs Chrome and uses it basically unmodified, then brave is a straight upgrade uh you can port all your extensions over from chrome but if you're like weird and use like ghostery and all sorts of shit and you're like okay that's paranoid schizophrenic then don't like there's no point um 1:20:23 Unknown_02: And the person asked that because I made a post on the forum. I'm not going to read all of it, but since it's brought up, I might as well. Unknown_02: Like I was stressing out about money. So I made a post about how I was stressing out about money because I was looking at my legal expenses after the news about him getting pro bono representation came out. And I looked at it and I said, like, look. 12,000 people sign into my forum every day. Unknown_02: And if half of those people use Brave and donated one bat a month, instantly solves all the financial issues of the site. That was my case. 1:20:59 Unknown_02: If you have no further questions, use Brave. If you have further questions, then look into it. Because the issue that people who are very privacy-centric have with Brave is... is that it's not a fully dedicated privacy browser the main gimmick that it has is that it removes the advertisements from google adsense and from youtube and from all the other ad publishers and it instead inserts its own and the benefit of that is that you make that so you get paid to see ads you get paid for your attention which is why it's called the basic attention token 1:21:35 Unknown_02: The detriment is that there's their own analytics and advertising stuff. So if you're not into that, you don't have to use it. But if you don't care and you don't mind a notification every 15 minutes or so, you can adjust how long. Unknown_02: For the purpose of supporting the site, you can do it. Unknown_02: but i mean i'm not like forcing people to use it i use it i use it on my phone i use it on my desktop i tell my mom to use it and stuff like if anyone asks me what browser to use i say brave because it has it has a purpose to it and you can opt out of the ads and shit but to some people that's like really it's really like a like a um 1:22:20 Unknown_02: They think it looks poorly on me to even suggest it. It's like, bro, I'm not trying to sell your scalp or anything. I use it, so I don't know how else I can explain that. Unknown_02: Brave's name sounds like a browser for trans. Maybe that's how they avoid getting canceled here. I'll make a case for brave. The founder of brave is Brendan Ike, who was the founder of Mozilla. He's the, one of the developers who created JavaScript and he was ousted from the Mozilla foundation when it was at its peak in like 2008, because he gave a thousand dollars to a political organization promoting proposition eight, which was a constitutional ban on homosexual marriage in California for which passed because Proposition 8 appeared on the ballot when Obama was getting into office. So all the black people who showed up in California to vote for Obama also said, do you want to ban them fags from getting married in California? And they're like, hell yeah, man. I'm fucking gay. I don't know fucking faggots getting married. So they, bam, ticked it. And California banned gay marriage. Crazy. 2008, not that long ago. 1:23:04 Unknown_02: Can't even imagine it these days. Unknown_02: But Brendan Eich donated to that. And he got kicked out of Mozilla. And then he's made Brave, which is a fork of chromium. And Brave has already eaten away at Mozilla's market share. I'm pretty sure Brave is more used than Mozilla at this point. 1:23:42 Unknown_02: so get fucked mozilla foundation ebbs into non-existence and uh brendan nike remains catholic and unpaused i i hope that doesn't get him into trouble uh because i'm i have no association with any of these people i just i just show for them because i get cryptocurrency and i like money 1:24:16 Unknown_02: I am sold. Downloading. Unknown_02: Did I do a personal stream on Fedsmoker? I did. Unknown_02: Can we give back to the farms or do we still have to give it to them? You can donate directly to the site. I made a mistake. What happened is a long time ago, for people curious, a long time ago, when Brave was very new, I was an affiliate. I had put in for the affiliate program. I got approved. And I put in a link advertising for Brave. And when people registered, I got bonus back. 1:24:47 Unknown_02: And at the time, if you downloaded Brave, you would get some bat just for using it for like a week. And that was called grant money. And then Vordrak and Sam and all the other British people aligned to form a complaint queue towards to Brave. Unknown_02: And I was deaffiliated from them, which means I do not get referral money, which is now a program that they've canceled entirely. There are no referrers for Brave and they don't give out grant money anymore because their ad system works. 1:25:19 Unknown_02: So I get no money from Brave at all. I get no money from Brendan Eich. I get no money from the Brave Foundation. Unknown_02: But if you receive basic attention token from advertisements and you contribute it to the forum, I get it. Simple as. So I'm sorry for confusing people at that point. But the actual, the fundamental system behind it works. And nobody should have any concerns about tipping to whoever. It does work. If it says that you can tip to somebody, it works. 1:25:56 Unknown_02: Do I have an ergonomic keyboard? No, but I'm considering it. I'm really concerned about my back. I really don't want to fuck up my back before I turn 30. Unknown_02: So I'm considering getting one of those keyboards. I need a footstool number one. I don't know what it is. I have a gaming computer chair, but it really does not work to relieve my back stress. I still find myself hunched over and shit, and I don't like the pillow, and I try putting the pillow down. I try putting it towards my lumbar, and it feels like shit. and I lean forward and it's like I need like something to put my legs up on and I probably need one of those fancy ergonomic keyboards that splits in half and it's like a thousand dollars I don't know I said it was super ergonomic it was highly rated on Amazon where I got it okay try biting a pillow 1:26:49 Unknown_02: The Chris trial, that is delayed until January, I'm pretty sure. Also, since you brought that up, I should mention that I'm not going to make a habit of reading every letter that Chris gets anymore because... I think that it's going to me giving that and it's not just me. There's like tons and tons of like really cringy YouTube channels entirely devoted to Chris now that will read every letter that comes from him because it's like easy money with like low IQ, like autistic people who watch who are completely inundated with like Chris content. 1:27:27 Unknown_02: But I believe that that encourages people to fuck with Chris, even in jail. I think they're going to like attention seekers and people who want to get friendly with Chris by reaffirming his beliefs. He's really accessible. Everyone knows that if they write a letter to Chris right now, he'll read it and probably respond because he has literally nothing else to do. Unknown_02: So, yeah, I just don't want to be a part of that. I don't want to have to, like, read content from the fucking weirdos who would write Chris. 1:28:10 Unknown_02: No, I can't give people donor badges for bat because the system is 100% anonymous. I have no idea where tips come from and have no way of verifying a transaction. I don't even know. Unknown_02: There's a layer of anonymity that comes from just the fact that there's anti-fraud stuff to stop Venezuelans from farming bat and giving it to themselves and shit. I just can't. There might be a future where there's like a point of sale thing where if you have that, you can like buy stuff on a website natively. But until that day happens, I can't sell stuff for it because I just can't prove that it came from anybody. 1:28:56 Unknown_02: He's in isolation. He's in jail. People keep asking where he is. He's in jail. He's in the Richmond County Correctional Institution in a jail in isolation. He says that he meditates every waking hour, pretty much, which is just sitting there daydreaming, I think. Unknown_02: Which drugs are Chantel doing? She's saying that she does none. Unknown_02: Chantal's a mess. Like I said, she got back with Nadir, and now she's telling all her... Her fans, she calls them beezers. 1:29:31 Unknown_02: And the Beezers are having a revolution and the Beezers have made a discord channel where they shit talk Chantal now. So like even her most hardcore fans have are, are, um, up in arms. They're about to, to behead Marie Antoinette and her, her, her Arab boyfriend. Unknown_02: I can't bees. Unknown_02: Beezer revolution is the only solution. Unknown_02: Did Pete's get put down yet? No, he's still in pain. Unknown_02: He's in constant pain. Unknown_02: He's thinking that if he runs HRT, it'll make it feel better, but it won't. It'll just hurt even more. 1:30:11 Unknown_02: Um, the NFC stuff I'll talk about later. I have a plan for that, but it's not soon. Unknown_02: I'm like, I'm like super, I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Like I'm, I'm really stressed out over having to write software on top of everything else. I'm hoping that once the coin stuff is done, I can finally, finally be done with it, uh, and not have to think about it. Cause it's a, it's a, it's a stressor. 1:30:43 Unknown_02: And I want to get stuff out to the Gumroad people, but I can't spend the same amount of time that I spent on the Squid Games review making that when I have the software to build and stuff. It's very frustrating. And I wish crypto would go up. I wish a lot of things would happen. I wish I was a little bit taller. I wish I was a baller. I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her. I wish I had a rabbit and a hat and a 6'4 Impala chat. Unknown_02: Because I ain't got shit right now. 1:31:22 Unknown_02: Fire it's a it's a song Bars Unknown_02: The best you could get was a Trune. Hey, no. I think I can do better than that. Unknown_02: I have the confidence that women love chat. I know I can do better than a Trune. Just by setting that bar. No trannies. No e-girls. Never. Who's got the clip? Play the clip. Like, just saying that is instant charisma factor. Like, oh, he does have standards. If you say, I have no standards, I will fuck anything that moves. I'll fuck things that don't move. Then people are like, well, he's desperate, so fuck that. 1:31:59 Unknown_02: Why would I get with someone who would accept less than me, is what a whammon would think to that. Unknown_02: No single moms, no tattoos. That's a good list, Hector, building it up. Unknown_02: Why no e-girls? Unknown_02: Because, like, what a nightmare. You date a girl who's, like, a content creator on YouTube, and then you have a falling out. That would be horrific. That would be something I never want to deal with. I really, you know, now that I've dipped my feet into, like, let's make internet friends and talk to people online. Now that I've dipped my feet into that, I really appreciate not having any internet friends. I can make fun of whoever I want, and there's no repercussions from it, except other people I don't give a fuck about take offense and start sucking ass. Like when I, what did I say? What did I say about Jim? I said something like, Oh, his last, I didn't like his last stream or something. And then other people like, Oh my God, he's trying to kill Medicare. He's sitting there and he's trying to find a COVID sample so that he can dox Medicare and dump COVID right into his fucking face i can't believe it isn't that right jim aren't you aren't you outraged by this man's behavior don't you want to take my side appear on my streams and condemn the kiwi farms for the trash that it really is like oh oh no no the e-celebs chat they're they're forming up against me they're forming up a roman um shield wall to bring me down with i can't believe this when you don't have friends you don't have to worry about hurting anyone's feelings 1:33:36 Unknown_02: I'm just saying. Unknown_02: I hate it. I don't hate Jim. I don't know why people, like, literally, the thing is that you're so used to the fact that he is beyond criticism in any capacity that any criticism comes across as unnaturally, like, harsh and unwarranted. It's like, bro, I can say whatever I want about whoever I want. And I don't apologize for it. Unknown_05: Ah. 1:34:12 Unknown_02: Oh, Jim died already? Unknown_00: I'm sad. Unknown_02: Anything else? Anything else I can waste time talking about? Unknown_02: Jim isn't perfect, get over it. No, you, sir, get over it. I'm allowed to point this out. It is literally only Jim that this frustration exists for. I can say whatever I want about whoever I want at any time. I can make fun of anyone I want. But if I dare say anything about Jim, it always triggers the same fucking reaction. And it's like, I don't care. I don't care if it would cost me my entire audience. I'm not going to withhold my opinions to... to to insulate people from things they don't want to hear like get over it bro for real why do i why do i hate gator gator 2.0 co is controlled by trunes it's a comic sport bro of course it is it's controlled by people like pete's who the fuck else watches comics or reads comics or whatever 1:35:40 Unknown_02: A Twitter communist got killed in a carjacking by a black guy. His Twitter account is... I'm not reading that. That's probably a trick. Though, I don't have a source for it. There's a black YouTuber who does, like, Pokemon videos. Unknown_02: And he beat the fuck out of his girlfriend. I don't have a source for this. Unknown_02: If you have a source, link it. I can't show her bloodied face, but he's a YouTuber. He's black. He likes Pokemon. And he made the video where he's like, I can't do any more Pokemon YouTube videos. My mental health is declining. 1:36:14 Unknown_02: And then he beats the fuck out of his girlfriend, and he's deleted all his social media since. Unknown_02: Kai Weiss. Unknown_02: That is right. Unknown_02: That's it. Let's see if I can find it real quick. Unknown_02: Those Pokemon videos really took a number on this guy's head. Unknown_02: Prince Kai. Yes, this is it. Unknown_02: Um, I think the stuff about, I think the stuff about him being his girlfriend is all like hidden though. Here. 1:36:49 Unknown_02: Prince Kai. I think his YouTube channel is fucked. Unknown_02: Where's the link to his YouTube video? Unknown_02: Yeah, his Twitch is gone. His Patreon's far forward. His Twitter account's gone. His YouTube channel's gone. This guy beat the fuck out of his girlfriend and just flat out vanished from the face of the planet. Here he is. My man just wanted to catch them all. And now she's catching them hands, chat. What a tragedy. 1:37:19 Unknown_02: Anyone who entered Nintendo after 20 is a potential wife, Peter. Unknown_02: Was she white? Unknown_02: I want to say she was black. I'll look this up. Kay Weiss girlfriend. 1:37:50 Unknown_02: I actually cannot find a picture of her. Is this scrubbed? Some results removed under data protection laws in Europe. Well, what happens if I use a proxy? Do I see... Unknown_02: You know what? You know what? This might be purged from the internet. Let's try Yandex chat. Putin, I need your help. 1:38:21 Unknown_02: Everyone else is failing me today. Unknown_02: He deleted everything after losing a debate with John Swan on copyright. Unknown_02: And then he beat his girlfriend. Unknown_02: This looks like a different Weiss. Unknown_02: What kind of a black guy is called white? That should be illegal. That's like false advertising. They need to tell you at the hospital. Yeah, I want to name my black baby white. They're like, uh, no. Are you fucking stupid? Look at him. He's black, you idiot. You can call him black. You can't call him white. 1:38:53 Unknown_02: She's Latina, I think. Well, I don't have to care then. Unknown_02: Hands washed. No problems here. The world continues to spin. Why are you trying to get me to look at this Twitter handle? I'm not going to say it on chat. I'm not stupid. 1:39:29 Unknown_02: It's in the YouTube commentary thread. Oh, okay. I'll pull this up. I'm pulling it up on the side, though, because I'm smart. Unknown_02: I'm going to put this up now because I have no idea what else to do other than make a public thread so that people know at least a little bit about what's going on. Okay, and I... Oh, here, I'll put this on stream. Okay. 1:40:01 Unknown_02: raging raging nia oh i thought it was like regina or something like a pun on that no it's raging nia i'm going to put this out now because i have no idea what else to do other than to make a public thread so that people know at least a little bit what's going on with me right now because i'm not okay nor will i ever be okay for a long time she says Unknown_02: Kay and I broke up because he assaulted me in my own home and since then I have sought out a protective order against him so that he could leave my apartment and I could feel more safe since then he has locked me out of his old Twitter account which is why I'm here okay let's inspect the damage chat I guess she does have like a bump on her head she has like a cut mark on her hand 1:40:57 Unknown_02: She has a cringed Japanese phone case. Unknown_02: She's very weird looking. Unknown_02: I trusted him with all my passwords because I loved him, and never in a million years did I think he could do what he's doing now. He has locked me out of my Gmail account that is associated with my YouTube channel, and I'm pretty sure he deleted my channel as well. When I search up my name, videos I've made, or try to access the link in association with my channel, nothing comes up. That is my livelihood, by the way. I rely on it in order to pay rent, provide for myself, and provide for my cat. Priorities in order. Without YouTube, I cannot pay for shelter slash food. That's very sad. stole multiple items of mine such as my ipad he's looting your house like it's a fucking nike store motherfucker uh an apple pencil that i used to draw my speaker cat food clothing etc this all happened in a matter of a week he assaulted me on friday december 3rd i filed for an emergency protective order on the 8th he left my apartment on the 8th taking whatever he wanted that belonged to me in the process and just came to God, can you sum this up in a fucking sentence, bitch? Jesus. And I just came to the realization that he's locked me out on my Gmail and Twitter, deleted my YouTube channel, and now I'm sitting here wondering what to do to deserve any of this. 1:42:02 Unknown_02: I don't know who's going to read this, if anyone's going to read this, if it matters, if Kay is going to try to find out the password to this account and silence me, I don't know. I generally don't know anymore. I don't know what I can do, but I try to figure it out anyways. If you're a viewer or creator who has talked to me, knows me, has heard of me, or in any way wishes to help get the word out and help me figure out what to do next, I would be endlessly appreciative. I've never been in the worst situation in my life, and I really need support. If you have any news to donate to me monetarily, my hashtag is Omnia. Without the only way I can set money right now, if you can help us from the word to between us, I would greatly appreciate it. I'd like to stabilize all I want to be okay again. Great. Wonderful. Sucks to be her. Merry Christmas, I guess. That's what you get. You know what they say about the toll, Chad? 1:42:34 Unknown_02: There's a pay toll between Mexico and Chicago that must be paid. Unknown_02: No men after 8 p.m. Unknown_02: Boohoo gives me Gibbs. Josh uses a Mac. I do not use a Mac. Do not spread such vicious defamation against my character. Yeah, she's a mutt for sure. All right. 1:43:07 Unknown_02: Can you wrap the stream up? I have to go. Yeah, probably. Did I miss anything, chat? Can you think of anything else? Unknown_02: Who is more of a mutt, she or avocado? Oof. Unknown_02: I don't know. I'm going to say avocado because I never want to say anything positive about avocado. Unknown_02: I hope he dies next. Because I know that his thing is that he's doing a theater fetish thing where he wants to make tons and tons of money by doing like, oh, I can't stop eating. Oh, and all that gay shit. And then doing OnlyFans. I know it's all a gay porn thing, like a theater fetish thing. So I, what I would never want is for Nick Acato to just like undo it, like to take all the millions of dollars he's made off his, his shtick and then like become fit again. Cause if you don't know, his name is Nick Acato Avocado cause he was like a vegan. He was like a super thin fit vegan who, uh, was really, really thin. And then he did the whole, the whole like feeder shit. And I would hate for him to just like completely change his habits on a dime. And then, and then shill while doing it. Like, yeah, I use the coldest water jug and I'm using, uh, you know, whatever the fuck Ashley Simpson dieting pre-cooked meals and I'm using all this. And then he's like collecting stacks on tops of stacks while shilling this weight loss shit. He's not even fucking using. And then he loses all the weight and he gets paid. He's like the next Jared from subway, including the whole like pedophile thing attached to it. I do not want that for him. I want him to fucking die of a heart attack. I would much prefer that over a reality where he just like becomes super fabulously rich as like a weight loss icon. Please, please do not let that happen. 1:44:57 Unknown_02: What? Unknown_02: Why are you tagging me like I'm missing something? Unknown_02: I want to ban you from my fucking chat if you're tagging me for no goddamn reason. Unknown_02: You're evil. He's clearly depressed. That's sad, man. Are you kidding me? He's not depressed. He's on YouTube making millions of dollars. Nobody with millions of dollars is depressed. You know why he's eating so much and getting so fucking fat? Because it makes his dick hard, you retard. He's not doing it because he's helpless through his whims, you fucking moron. He's doing it because it gets him money. And when he's done being a fat fuck, when there's health risks involved with being that fucking fat... Snap. Gone. Fixed. He'll lose it all, and he'll make tons and tons of money losing the weight, and he'll be sponsored, and he'll show up on your fucking television saying, Hi, I'm Nikocado Avocado, and I lost 300 pounds on Weight Watchers, guys, and you'll see him every day for the rest of your fucking life unless God strikes him dead for his sins today, Ricky, you fucker. Don't you feel? No simping for Nick Acato. No simping allowed. Disgusting, Ricky. 1:46:14 Unknown_02: Disgusting. Unknown_02: Okay, I'm done. Unknown_02: I have ringed this week of its content completely dry. Bone dry. I've taken it like I would Amanda's hair and I've ringed every last drop out. And I've somehow got enough oil to fill a car tank with petrol. Okay, I've done my job. 1:46:48 Unknown_02: So, um, here's my links. Give me your money. I'm being sued by like two different people and I got to keep this shit going for as long as I possibly can. Uh, also join the keyboard firms at CC. It's like Twitter, but better. Unknown_02: Do I have a song? Oh, but the 6th of this week was Finland Day. And I will now play for you one of my favorite Finnish songs. I'll see you guys next week, probably. It's the 17th, right next to my birthday. Yeah, fuck it. I'll stream on this next week. I'm not going to stream on the 24th, though. 1:47:21 Unknown_02: That ain't happening. And I might stream before New Year's. Okay. Unknown_02: Okay, okay. That's my nice rain sound that I play when I'm trying to focus. Okay, bye-bye. Bye-bye. Unknown_04: Finlandia, Finlandia, sinne taas matkalla politiivana. Kol Molotovi lupasi on kaikki harsi, huomenna jo Helsingissä syödään marssi. Njet Moloto, Njet Moloto, valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobriko. 1:48:01 Unknown_03: Njet Moloto, Njet Moloto, valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobriko. Unknown_04: Finlandia, Finlandia, Mannerheim's line was a tough one. When the terrible fire started in Karjala, many Iwana's speeches were over. Niet Molotov, Niet Molotov, you lied more than Bobrik himself. Niet Molotov, Niet Molotov, you lied more than Bobrik himself. 1:48:39 Unknown_04: Finlandia, Finlandia, sitä pelkää voittamaton puna armeija. Ja Molotovkin sanoi, että katsos, sorry but me, juhla aikoo käydä meitä kraivelistakin. Njet Molotov, Njet Molotov, valettelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikov. Njet Molotov, Njet Molotov, valettelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikov. 1:49:21 Unknown_04: Uralintaa, Uralintaa Siellä ompi Molotovin torpanmaa Sinne pääsee Stalinit ja muutkin huijarit Politrukit, komissarit, Petroskoirit Ja Molotov Niemoloto, niemoloto, niemoloto. Unknown_03: Nied molotov, wale tyly, tyly, na kujyce popryvost. Nied molotov, nied molotov, wale tyly, tyly, na kujyce popryvost.