0:01:20 Unknown_07: Does anyone else remember when games were good? It was about shooting demons. It wasn't about walking around and trying to get into the Tibet store. I remember. I remember... Unknown_07: Here's how thoroughly everything is ruined by the passage of time. I found out that, well, I've known for a while, but someone reminded me this week that the composer for RuneScape is a convicted child sex offender. Even RuneScape, even the classic melodies that you remember from your childhood, fishing and doing dragons and then the grand exchange, all those songs are tainted by the input of a pedophile. 0:02:10 Unknown_07: That's how thoroughly ruined everything is. Everything you remember is dead and gone. It's never coming back. What a world, what a world. No, not RuneScape, exactly. Unknown_07: So, my friends, this week has been kind of slow and shitty, but I'll try to make the best of it. These streams are worth doing, even if I'm just yelling, right, about absolutely nothing. Because, I mean, in general, none of the things I talk about even matter. So I can make a mountain out of a molehill, and it's basically the same thing as something actually relevant happening for once. 0:02:47 Unknown_07: This guy in my Matrix, I remembered to turn off Matrix, the sound effects for it, this stream. So, I'm going to read this, but before I do, I should explain. If I sound bloated and fat, it is because I have suffered a great personal tragedy, which I feel the need to divulge to you guys. Unknown_07: Um, there are many pizza places near where I live. Most of them suck. Most of them try to do Italian style pizza and they do it very poorly. So I have like, I don't know if they're Arab. I don't know what the fuck these guys are, but it's like they make a proper pizza and they used to open at like 10 and 0:03:29 Unknown_07: And I would get that pizza at, like, 1130. Like, after I woke up, a little bit after I woke up, I would order this pizza. And it would be the first thing I ate. It would be the only thing I ate. And I would have digested it by the time that my stream started. Unknown_07: But we live in a dark time where even these small personal gratifications are washed away. So they change their opening time to like 3.30. So I have to eat my pizza and digest all of my pizza two hours before my stream. And it's just not working out. So I'm either going to have to change fasting day. 0:04:02 Unknown_07: to today on Friday or I can start eating pizza and start eating pizza on Thursday or I just have to find like a different place and it's truly a tragedy Chad that everything that I like is ruined in some way it's Ramadan are they not allowed to make pizza at 1130 on Ramadan oh happy Hanukkah by the way I think Hanukkah is still going on it was Hanukkah 0:04:36 Unknown_07: No, Hanukkah's certainly coming Saturday, I think. Anyways, happy Hanukkah. I think it's still going on. Unknown_07: I'm not talking about the gay Santa video. I'm aware that it exists, but I choose to ignore these things. Like, yeah, of course they're going to make... I mean, really, as far as... Christmas has never been my favorite holiday. Unknown_07: Because I've always recognized it as just, like, a marketing thing. Which I know is a cynical take that, like, everyone has about everything. Like, oh, Valentine's Day is just a marketing thing. Halloween isn't a real holiday. It's just a marketing thing. Like, even Santa Claus is dressed in the Coca-Cola colors. And I've never really had any kind of affinity for Christmas over Thanksgiving. Because my family would gather around for both occasions. And I was never like a greedy child. I never looked forward to, oh my god, I can't wait to get the red riding BB gun or whatever on Christmas. Everything I've ever wanted has always been on the computer. So I never had, like, oh, my God, I can't wait to unwrap something under the present. So I don't have any of those memories. In fact, I remember when I was a child, my mom and my grandparent, little kid, like, before I even moved to Florida, like, my entire family got me a ton of shit. And I just got, like, my fingers were pruning, opening all these presents. And me being spoiled, I got bored of opening presents because I had too many. And a lot of them were closed, to be fair. So I started building, like, arches out of presents. And I would walk under the arches, and my aunt would get mad and be like, stop playing with them. These are gifts from people. You open those presents. And they made me deconstruct my Ark to Triumph and dismantle it and tear it apart. So I don't know. It's a weird story, but I've never been someone who was enthralled with the magic of Christmas, even though I like winter. I also like fall, which is when Halloween is, which is objectively better in every possible way. In fact, Halloween is so good. that Halloween also has Christmas in it. You watch The Nightmare Before Christmas, you also get Christmas spirit in your Halloween. You can't do the opposite. You can't watch something Halloween-y on Christmas Day. That ruins it. You have to watch a Christmas story where the little kid shoots out his eye. That's the only thing. You can't watch these. It's a one-way pipeline is what I'm saying. 0:06:59 Unknown_07: Josh is indeed only child. Unknown_07: What gave it away? Unknown_07: Krampus. Unknown_07: Even that's a Halloween story. You can't watch spooky stuff on Christmas. It ruins everything. You have to watch Tom Hanks and some lady try to hit it off in the big city beset on all sides by the grumps of Christmas time. Those are Christmas movies. You get Jack Skellington on Halloween only. That's an exclusive deal. 0:07:32 Unknown_07: I'll watch whatever movie I want, chat. Unknown_07: Well, geez, what's there to talk about? Someone begged me to read this. I guess I'll read this. I don't know what it says. So it could be like pornography or something. Let's go into it. Unknown_07: This is Marek's disease, which is about, it's a highly contagious viral neoplastic disease in chickens, named after Jozef Marek, a Hungarian. And they wanted me to read this section. 0:08:10 Unknown_07: Vaccination is the only known method to prevent the development of tumors when chickens are infected with this virus. However, administration of the vaccine does not prevent an infected bird from shedding the virus, though it does reduce the amount of virus shed in danger, hence reducing horizontal spread of the disease. Before the development of the vaccine, Merrick's disease caused substantial revenue loss in the poultry industries in the United States and the Kingdom. The vaccine can be administered to one-day-old chicks through subcutaneous inoculation. Or in the egg. But then he... Okay, I'll skip this. 0:08:44 Unknown_07: Oh, wait, no, this part is the important part, I think. Because the vaccine does not prevent infection with the virus, Merix is still transmissible from vaccinated flocks to other birds, including wild bird population. Unknown_07: And then it says here, I think, is the important part. Oh, wait, no. Unknown_07: Current strains of the Merrick virus decades after the first vaccine was introduced caused lymphoma formation throughout the chicken's body and mortality rates have reached 100% in unvaccinated chickens. The Merrick's disease vaccine is a leaky vaccine, which means that the only symptoms of the disease are prevented. Infection of the host and the transmission of the virus are not inhibited by the vaccine. The contrast with most other vaccines where infection of the host is prevented. What he's trying to get me to say, I'm pretty sure, is that 0:09:19 Unknown_07: He's drawn a parallel with COVID where people who get the vaccine can still spread the virus. Unknown_07: And as a result of the unvaccinated or the vaccinated birds being less at risk, it has a reverse selection where it creates more and more highly virulent strains that and highly virulent strains have been selected to the point that any chicken that is unvaccinated will die if infected. So his schizo hypothesis is that the goal is to get everyone vaccinated so that the strains become more and more deadly over time to the point where they are 100% fatal to any unvaccinated human, and only the vaccinated will live. That's his schizo theory. 0:09:55 Unknown_07: No contagion, it's fraud. I don't know. I've never seen anyone sick, but I've heard that it is real. All right. 0:10:34 Unknown_07: We're going to miss you, Josh. Nah, probably not. Unknown_07: So that's your schizo chicken theory, courtesy of The Matrix. Be sure to join. We have the best schizos. Unknown_07: Um, so Jack Dorsey left Twitter, which I don't think I talked to him. Yeah, no, I couldn't have. I have a mixed opinion on Jack Dorsey. I'm aware that Q boomers think he's like an actual pedophile. I don't know if that's true. He looks kind of like a pedophile. He should probably stop trying to actively look like the most dangerous homeless man ever. He kind of looks like, um, I don't know, just like a pervert version of the Unabomber. 0:11:09 Unknown_07: But he's leaving Twitter, and he's being replaced by another Indian. For whatever reason, Indians are taking over the tech world. They own Google. They run a bunch of shit now. Unknown_07: We have to watch out for the Indians. But one of my things about Jack is that he's talked about... Unknown_07: how he thought about integrating Twitter into the Fediverse at some point. And he's been an advocate of things like Tor and user privacy. He's advocated for good things, and whether or not they've been implemented in Twitter is another ordeal entirely. But to be fair, he doesn't have total control over Twitter. He's just the CEO, so he can only direct things, kind of. 0:11:47 Unknown_07: But he can be overridden, and I'm sure that he has been overridden. Unknown_07: But... Unknown_07: The consequence of this is that I'm pretty sure that Jack Dorsey has fought against particularly insidious things that Twitter corporate has wanted to implement. So while I'm not saying he's like a freedom fighter or whatever, I'm saying that he's probably a remnant of a bygone era. He's one of the co-founders of CEO, right? So his perspective on tech is from an early 2000s perspective, maybe even older now. And it's very different from a modern perspective on tech where people just see computer programs as like an instrument of pure evil to be wielded in the most insidious way possible to inflict as much damage as possible. But he steps down. And then the first thing they do immediately is with this new Pajit guy, day one, is they ban images of people without their consent. 0:13:02 Unknown_07: Which theoretically means any picture of anyone posted on Twitter is at risk of being deleted if they just claim it was non-consensual. Even if it's not pornographic, who knows what sort of condition this has attached to it. It's not really clear. And it will probably never be clear. Someone asked, how is this going to be enforced? And the answer is, very selectively. And I'll give you my schizo take on this. Unknown_07: I think that they don't give a fuck about the average person, but in high-profile instances, i.e., like the trannies that went to J.K. Rowling's house. 0:13:44 Unknown_07: Twitter will delete the image. They'll delete anything that looks uncomfortable and features someone who is high profile. The average person like you and me, we're fucked. We don't get to make a privacy complaint. I'm sure if Ralph posted more pictures of Faith or her baby, she wouldn't be able to complain about it and have action taken. I'm sure nothing would be done about it. So... Unknown_07: It's not for little people. My take is I think what they're going to do with this is that they're going to get rid of shit like Project Veritas. Any video featuring a conversation with someone who's like an industry insider saying dumb shit is going to be immediately deleted. And it's not going to be allowed to propagate on their platform. 0:14:16 Unknown_07: So I think that's what it's really about. If you do like a Project Veritas expose on someone in like the CDC or someone at Google or someone at Twitter, they'll just say, oh, this violates their privacy. It's an unauthorized recording, and it will be relegated to like Telegram and regular websites and stuff, and it won't go as far as it could have on Twitter. Unknown_07: it's um yeah nothing edgy monetizable no one gets offended they really like with the i think youtube a couple weeks ago removed the thumbs down on videos right they they did the same thing with subscriber counts it used to be a real subscriber count youtube would tell you exactly how many subscribers a channel had you could pull it like every few seconds So people would have, like, what's-his-name-is-canceled parties. They would watch a real-time counter of these guys' subscribers going down. They would, you know, thumbs-down bomb all their videos. And I think that YouTube didn't enjoy that kind of publicity. They don't want a bad thing to be associated with the platform. Because then advertisers hear about that and they think like, oh, what if we get canceled? What if, you know, our Clorox bleach brand promotional channel on YouTube gets canceled and there's a Clorox is over party and they're watching our subscribers go down and our videos have 8 million thumbs downs. We can't advertise on such a risky open platform. So then YouTube gets rid of subscribers or fucks with the numbers so that you can't really watch them go down anymore. And then they go and say that, uh, uh, that you can't thumbs down and they say it's for creator harassment. Creators can still see the thumbs downs, but, uh, the public can't, the public can't make a spectacle out of bombing someone's video. So when, you know, YouTube does their, I guarantee you, Oh, what, what incidental timing, by the way, They implement this no thumbs down video shit. And then this is around the time that YouTube puts out those fucking awful videos about the YouTube rewind, right? The rewinds. They didn't do it last year because the year before was so awful. And they decided COVID. So this year they're going to do a rewind, right? But there's not going to be any thumbs down buttons. So they won't be able to break the new record for most disliked video on YouTube with their own video. Very incidental timing now that I think about it. 0:16:29 Unknown_07: So that's another thing. They don't want bad publicity like that on YouTube. And then on Twitter, they also don't want bad publicity where Project Veritas goes viral and it's this video and it's like, oh, no, this is an invasion of privacy. So celebrities will be able to get Barbara Streisand will be able to censor photos of her house. J.K. Rowling will be able to deal with those trans activists without making a viral Twitter tweet. 0:17:12 Unknown_07: James O'Keefe won't be allowed to shit on the CDC all this stuff will be completely taken care of without anyone noticing on Twitter at least and that will make it a better more appealing platform for people to advertise on such as the CDC because Twitter does get a significant amount of money from from government services advertising their Twitter accounts and tweets on their platform yeah 0:17:47 Unknown_07: Oh, the rewinds also canceled this year? Okay. Okay. I could just be wrong. That would be funny if it was true, though. Unknown_07: Let me get a sip. Sorry, I'm dying. As I explained earlier. My take on what? Unknown_07: My take on what? Unknown_07: Sips? Oh, I thought you meant a YouTuber named Sips. I'm drinking Boomer Juice, pure, clean, high-grade, monster brand energy drink for the discerning consumer of monster energy drink. 0:18:20 Unknown_07: Where's the tune voice? I think if I open an audio player called Kate or no, it's like mixtape. Oh, for whatever reason, Plasma decides to name all their applications after girls. Kate is the text editor. Elisa is the music player. I think if I open Elisa, it trunes me out. Unknown_07: So I just have to avoid opening that one. Unknown_07: Yes, I can turn the sound off on this thing, Dibber says from Matrix. Did you hear a beep? No. Don't make me turn off notifications. Actually, you know what? Do not disturb on my notifications for one hour. Go fuck yourself. 0:19:04 Unknown_07: Peace and tranquility. Unknown_07: Okay. So, good news at least. Amos Yee, if you don't remember this guy, he is Singaporean, and he got in trouble in Singapore. I don't remember why. I want to say he actually got in trouble for defaming the king or something, if you don't know. Unknown_07: Singapore is ultra-nationalistic in that you can't make fun of the guy who founded the city. He's considered like a hero. 0:19:39 Unknown_07: So it's actually criminal to defame him in any way. Unknown_07: I think that Amos Yee defamed him and fled the country, one of the most rich and prosperous countries in the entire world, to live in the United States. Unknown_07: And he was living in some room where he made a video about how he was a virtuous pedophile. And if you don't know, a virtuous pedophile is what pedophiles call themselves when they say that they're non-offending pedophiles. They don't have sex with kids, so therefore they are virtuous. 0:20:14 Unknown_07: They just have a sexual attraction just like everybody else, guys. They're a legitimate member of the LGBTP+, too. So don't hate on them. And he got, like, evicted from his house. And then I think he started saying that I was all a troll or something. And he was arrested a couple months ago. I want to say about six months ago for possession of child. Oh, I added the confetti, by the way. No. Unknown_07: he got arrested for possession of child pornography surprise and he was recently sentenced he pled out as guilty uh oh he was grooming a 14 year old i didn't even see that when i looked through this uh singaporean msu was sentenced to six years in jail wow threw the book at him by united states court after he pleaded guilty to grooming a 14 year old girl online and asking her for naked pictures of herself ye 23 he's only 23 0:21:10 Unknown_07: He looks way older. That's why they went easy on him, I bet. Because he's going to get out before he even turns 30. So it's like, I don't know. Maybe they, what's the difference there? Nine years. That's pretty fucked up. That's definitely why though. If he was like 31, they would have given him like 15, I'm sure. Unknown_07: Singapore to charges of grooming and possessing child pornography 16 other charges were dismissed 16 other charges were dismissed as part of the plea deal the court in Illinois well there you go most corrupt fucking state in the entire union the court in Illinois heard that Yee befriended the victim a 14 year old girl in February while he was living in Cook County he was 20 years old at the time that's also why that was a long time ago um so it's only 6 years they gave him the age cap in years I guess that's fair 0:22:03 Unknown_07: he met the victim online and they began online courtship, which was during which he repeatedly requested her to send him naked pictures of herself on several occasions. He asked her to engage in role playing, sexual fantasies, yada, yada, yada. He pled out, he had six years and so ends a chapter in internet history. Unknown_07: Do I think, um, Unknown_07: Wasn't there that black guy, Mad Thad? He was arrested for child pornography like early 2010s, and I think he's out already. I wonder what he's up to. Kind of hard to come back from that reputationally. Unknown_07: Anyways, here's some confetti. 0:22:43 Unknown_07: I happen to see this, and I want to talk about it because it's a good opportunity to shit on cops, but can someone explain to me in chat who Culture War Criminal is? Unknown_07: I'll wait. Who is culture war criminal? I want a concise explanation of who this person is. Unknown_07: Not invoke Mutt's law? I went the entire time without invoking Mutt's law, okay? I thought they didn't like each other anymore because of Nick Fuentes. Unknown_07: Ex-Killstream host at Groipers in the Fuentes Fag, untold. 0:23:30 Unknown_07: So he made a Telegram post saying that Frederick Brennan was, I'll read it. Breaking Frederick Hot Wheels Brennan, 8chan founder, has been shot dead in Tucson, Arizona. And there's like a clip here of like a guy in a wheelchair being shot by police. Unknown_07: To which Frederick replied, fake news, spells legal name wrong. Unknown_07: Which is true. For whatever reason, Frederick was very particular about this. Unknown_07: I used to call him Frederick as well. With the E after Fred. And he really, really hates that. He really hates being called Frederick. 0:24:06 Unknown_07: He insists on it being called Frederick without the second E. So he points that out immediately. Spells his legal name wrong. Uses offensive Chan culture nickname, which is Hot Wheels in this case. Unknown_07: Oh, this Roblox guy, he lives here in Tucson. Did you kill this cripple, Ruben? Is this you, guy? Weirdly implies I'd be in Tucson and implies I'm broke enough I need to shoplift or that I'd get caught. How dumb do you think I am? 0:24:38 Unknown_07: So I want you guys to see this cripple get murdered. Unknown_07: Warning, graphic content. Unknown_07: Come on now. Oh, I paused it when I made it full screen. I'm an idiot. Okay, wait, watch this, watch this. We're at six seconds. This is the car sitting in his squad car. Unknown_07: Key comes out. He gets out. 0:25:10 Unknown_07: He runs over to the cripple. He's got a knife in his other hand. His friend over there says he's already pointing a gun at this guy in the motorized wheelchair about three yards from him. Unknown_07: Guy is wheeling and dealing straight into what looks like a Walmart gardening section with a knife in his hand. Now, he's a cripple. He's unable to walk. He's in this motorized chair. Okay, our cop pulls out his gun, and the guy pauses, and he leans over to look around because he's a cripple, and he can't look behind him, and he can't rotate his chair. So as he's leaning forward, right here, 0:25:48 Unknown_07: Eight shots, in case you're wondering. Unknown_07: oh maybe nine he's hunched over you can see like his back is like deformed because he's like a hunchback and went onto the ground let's get a second angle of that footage guys rolling up uh fucking dead just fucking dead his pack of smokes scattered on the ground and then i love this here this cop is so good at his job oh 0:26:26 Unknown_07: Kill confirm Tango down. We're bringing this one in alive. And then he puts his arms behind his back. This cripple has been shot eight fucking times. Point blank range. Less than a yard behind him. Directly into center mass from his shoulder. And he's sitting here like, oh, time to cuff him. And this guy's like limp like a fucking... Like a rubber chicken squeak toy. He's just dead. And this asshole is handcuffing him. Unknown_07: What I really like is this part right here. Ready? 0:26:58 Unknown_07: The cop is still holding his gun, but his arm, like, over the times that the other guy is shooting, his arms, like, sink to the ground. And there's, like, seconds of just stunned disbelief. Unknown_07: He's thinking, like, this was probably unnecessary. This was probably, I'm so glad, I'm really upset that I'm here. Because now I have to file a report. I have to explain what happened to the Bureau of Internal Affairs for our department. I have to explain this asshole's decision-making. Like what a, what a nightmare. What an absolute, what an absolute disaster. I'm just thinking like it's a cripple in a chair with a, with a gun or with a, with a knife. Okay. Like, okay. Maybe he's faking it. Maybe it's a ploy. He wants, he really wants to stab a cop. So his grand scheme is to buy this motorized wheelchair and So that when they get close to him to try and help him in this situation, he can jump out of his chair and go on guard and stab the cop in the face, right? Maybe that's his scheme. 0:27:37 Unknown_07: But then it's like, okay, if that's what you're afraid of, you have two people there. There's no threat. It's not like once he crosses that barrier, it's going to tripwire a bomb that blows up the Walmart or something. He can go into a Walmart just fine. It's not a serious risk if that happens. So it's like, okay, here's some things that you could do. Um... 0:28:14 Unknown_07: You can probably just hold on to that thing. Well, it's pretty big. I think Frederick had the exact same one. I don't know if you can actually stop it if you try to hold on to it without putting your hands at risk. If your delicate hands are afraid of getting stabbed by the hunchback, Mr. Shooty Man can hold his gun. This other cop can get a broom and just poke at the cripple until he gets really frustrated. He'll start swinging his knife at you, but you have a broom. You have a reach advantage here. He's a cripple. So just keep poking him until he drops his knife. Or just bat at his arm until he, like, you know, he, like, winces and drops his knife. And then use the broom to, like, skedaddle the knife away in a different direction. There are things that you could... My point is here, this is not the most tactically sound tactic. My thing of poking him with the broom... Look... A lot of problems in my life can be solved with a broom. As many of you know. But I think this is also one that calls for the broom. Just poke at him. He's a cripple. Don't do this. 0:29:21 Unknown_07: Don't walk up to him. There is no delay. What is the fear here? Unknown_07: Why do you keep shooting him? He's like, he like keeps shooting him because he's like moving still. And I guess he's trained to keep shooting until he stops moving. But he's clearly just like lurching forward because he's immediately murdered. He's executed by this shot. Unknown_07: This is why you don't trust the cops. 0:29:56 Unknown_07: Just know, those guys have an annual salary of like $36,000 a year. They have a high school degree. They are not like college-educated, four-year degree, police science, criminal justice graduates who know how to disarm a situation. This guy's name is Abdul. Unknown_07: He has been given his gun. He intends to fire his weapon. He has a GED, and he gets paid about as much money as one of those employees in that Walmart greeter talking to him. Probably gets paid as much money as Abdul does. He is going to fucking gun you down for whatever reason, or no reason at all in this case. 0:30:31 Unknown_07: No, fuck cops. Unknown_07: I don't know. Does any cop actually listen to this? There's 1,700 people. Theoretically, mathematically, one of them has to be law enforcement, right? I'm sure that my FBI shadow is in here. He's not allowed to tell me that he's shadowing me, though. 0:31:03 Unknown_07: I hope not. Be American, get shot. We're all feds. Unknown_07: That is the entire thing, dude. I'll play it one more time in case you're not done seeing this guy get shot. Unknown_07: Gets out of the car at six seconds. Unknown_07: Runs over. Unknown_07: At 23 seconds, the entire magazine has been emptied into him. 0:31:39 Unknown_07: woman cop that I think is our point of view. It's just like, uh, what the fuck? Unknown_07: Like, Oh, I didn't even realize this. Look at this. Look at his angle. Well, that's not a safe backdrop. You can shoot that redhead. That's the Walmart. If the Walmart got shot to you, that'd be fucked up. Unknown_07: You could have fucking blasted that ginger. Unknown_07: And there he is. So long, my friend. 0:32:14 Unknown_07: New UL. Fuck that. Fuck cops. Unknown_07: That's my biggest reservation about coming back to the U.S. is that I know that the United States has, like, millions of cops. And they're all fucking retarded. And they all have guns. And if someone finds out where I live, they just go, like... oh this guy this guy is a pedophile he's got like a child sex dungeon and it's completely full of grenades and he's like a nazi and then you have like all you have like eight officer abduels fresh out fresh out of the police academy with their guns at the ready and it's just like what a nightmare but then again i guess europe has the same thing so i don't know 0:33:06 Unknown_07: Did anyone get this for me? Unknown_07: Oh, here, okay. Unknown_07: Sorry, I asked for something before the start of the stream because I'm going to need it later. Unknown_07: I am going to need it later. All right, next thing. Unknown_07: How do I phrase this? Unknown_07: Give me a second to think this over, how I want to phrase this. 0:33:38 Unknown_07: So I did a video like two years ago called Internet Juche, where I explained in detail the steps that a specific man named Sammy, my best friend, someone who knows me better than anyone else in the entire world, has taken to try and undermine my website. Unknown_07: And I thought he's been gone for a while. Unknown_07: He has early onset dementia in his family. I think his mother started losing her mind at 45. He's around 45. So his dementia is going to start kicking in soon, hopefully. And then I won't have to deal with him anymore. Unknown_07: But he's been quiet for a while. And I thought maybe his dementia has kicked in. Unknown_07: And he came out of the blue, because I had mentioned on post that I was thinking of writing new software, and I was curious what people's opinions were. And my stated reason was that Zenforo is commercial software with a closed license, and it would really suck if they revoked my license. 0:34:31 Unknown_07: Immediately afterwards, inspired by this post, even though there's been a thing at the bottom of every page for the last six years, literally seven years now, more than seven years, saying, Zenforo at the bottom, he just had the idea to complain to them about the software license. I don't know how the fuck he would miss this. I was overconfident in expressing this concern because I assumed that he had at some point tried to intimidate Zenforo into canceling my license, but this never happened. Unknown_07: But it just did, which means that we don't get new updates. Now, if I see a security update, I'll make sure to patch it, because I watch the update logs anyways. But the gist is that we're no longer welcome to use Inforo, which is what's powered the forum since we moved off PHPBB like seven years ago. 0:35:10 Unknown_07: And this gives us a couple options. We can either move back to PHP BB, which would fucking suck. We can move to some other thing. Unknown_07: But really, Zenforo is the most feature-complete forum suite on the internet, which is why a lot of people just pirate it. Unknown_07: However, there are certain things that I would like... 0:35:50 Unknown_07: Out of a forum software that no forum software, even Zinforo, could do. A couple things. Predominantly, I would like to have a first post that can be edited by many users like a wiki. Unknown_07: I would also like for... Unknown_07: A more robust way of storing multimedia, because the way that Zenforo does it sucks, and I don't think any other platform does it any better. Unknown_07: The only way you can get around without a more sophisticated implementation is just using AWS. But we can't use AWS because we'd get banned from AWS. 0:36:28 Unknown_07: So... Unknown_07: That's the other thing. And I would also like it so that there's built-in archiving software, which is just a long-term one. But my point is that there's things I'd like to do in terms of data retention and deduplication and handling multimedia video files and images and PDFs and all the shit that we host. Unknown_07: And those are pipe dreams for anything else. So... Unknown_07: I am working with someone right now to make new forum software, specifically for us, probably open source later down the road, out of Rust. 0:37:11 Unknown_07: Now, if you know anything about programming, the name Rust as a forum software is probably going to concern you for two reasons. Number one, Rust is a low-level programming language, and it's quote-unquote overkill for a forum. The other funny thing about Rust is that Rust is... Unknown_07: the most transgender of all the developed the modern programming languages rust is very very lgbtqip plus positive and they have like transgender like moderators on staff to to make sure that everyone's playing nice and all this shit right 0:37:49 Unknown_07: So, as a benefit of that, using Rust will piss off trainees, which is always a plus. And I made this video. Unknown_07: I had to join a Discord to get some help. And this was the intro screen for the Rust Discord, so I made this video. Unknown_03: Survival is a tenuous proposition. Unknown_03: in this sprawling tomb. Unknown_07: Because it really is fucking scary. You're like, oh God, all these people are like weirdos and I don't want to deal with them. But, you know, whatever. After I started talking to people, I realized that useful people are not the transgenders. Very quickly, I realized that transgenders sit on the documentation team and they do community management and they do code of conduct stuff. But when you're talking to like... Actual people who know what they're doing. You're always talking to some guy from the Netherlands or Austria I don't know what it is about the Netherlands and Austria, but very oh in Sweden I am reluctant to praise Sweden in any capacity Austria and the Netherlands are easier But they make good developers and they're very white and very male all the trannies come from like America and I 0:38:29 Unknown_07: Canada, Germany. 0:39:11 Unknown_07: All the furries come from Germany. I don't know what it is. I assume it has something to do with post-war trauma, but Germany has a lot of furries. And they all end up in programming spheres. Point is, we're going to use Rust. So, if you are someone interested in helping write forum software... Unknown_07: We will open source this. I would like to have something to show in January. And I'd like to open the repository sometime after Christmas. Unknown_07: So we're using ActixWeb. 0:39:43 Unknown_07: We're using, this is wrong, actually. We're using Postgres, but we're using open or CSQL, which is a new project for to replace diesel. And we're using Askama for templating. So if you know any of that shit and you want to help out, if you're like senior in Rust web development, for whatever reason, get in touch. Otherwise, just wait a little bit and I'll have the repository open. Unknown_07: Just throwing it out there. And then hopefully by the end of the year, we'll be able to move off of Zenforo. And I will make it my personal mission to completely and totally bankrupt their company. I will make sure that Zenforo is replicated one-to-one feature-wise in Rust. It'll run a thousand times faster because it's not done in PHP. And I will even do, if I can, cloud deployment for the software so that people can just one-click deploy and pay what they want for it. the deployment and I'll make sure that when you type in like free forum software, we're the first result. And I'll make sure that it's in for, I'll, I'll even go to Google ad sense. And when you type in Zen for, I'll place ads to the free get repository to make it so that people can, can find it faster. Cause really I've been a customer of theirs for seven years. My license is $200 annually. I have paid them over a thousand dollars and I never had a single fucking problem with me using their software until some cunt in England, uh, sent them a little letter saying, boo-hoo-hoo, Twannies killed themselves. Ooh-woo. Ooh-woo, what are you going to do about it? Ooh-woo. And they're like, oh, my God, we're sorry. We'll cancel their license right away, sir. And I think even... 0:40:53 Unknown_07: Zenforo Ltd. Do you know what an LTD is, guys? I'm pretty sure. I may be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure an LTD is an English company. Oh, Zenforo Ltd. is a company registered in England and Wales with the company number blah blah blah blah blah in London. Hmm. Isn't it funny that every time something horrible happens, every time I'm inconvenienced, there are British people at the root of it. If only England had been completely and totally fucking leveled by the lift off, we'd be complete. This world would be a better place. The sun would rise and set every day and the day after would be a better day than the day before it. And instead we live in a post England society where things are just fucking horrific and it never gets any better. 0:42:05 Unknown_07: Got strafing when that's right, chat. Unknown_07: Base Stukas. Unknown_07: What kind of licensing? A free one. Probably copyleft. Unknown_07: Probably copyleft. I'm a big fan of AGPL. Unknown_07: As many people know... Funny story. Unknown_07: We've been kicking over names. We've rolled out Infinity Next as one. But in case anyone remembers HM... 0:42:37 Unknown_07: One of the conditions with the software when we went into it was that it was going to be AGPL. If you don't know anything about licensing, free software usually means that you can take the software and you can do whatever you want to it. You can use it however you want. Copy left software like AGPL means that you have to also keep your source open. So our concern with 8chan was that we were going to make software that people would want to use. And the only requirement that we would have for giving the software out is that if you make changes to it, you have to also make your changes public. And that way it would have a healthy ecosystem. But the guy who bought 8chan, Jim Watkins, hated this. He did not want the software to be open. He had a huge spat. He literally stormed out of a meeting because I told him I would keep the license, Copyleft, because that's what people crowdfunded. They crowdfunded Copyleft software. And I don't even know if I could change it without violating our contract to the crowdfunding system. So he literally stormed out. He threw a fit. He bitched at Frederick over the phone. And that was the major falling out between me and Jim Watkins. 0:43:13 Unknown_07: But I maintain it's a good license, so we'll probably do copy left. 0:43:49 Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: Okay, okay, okay. Now, we've been thinking over some names for it. Unknown_07: My buddy, my buddy who set this up, called it Rue Foro, because it's like Zen Foro, but Rue as in Rust. Unknown_07: I kind of hate that. I wanted to call it Trusty, because it's like Rust. It's like Rusty, but Trusty. Trusty Foro. And he hates that idea. And I think we're going to have to pass on Sneed Foro, because I think that's a copyright belonging to 20th Century Fox. 0:44:21 Unknown_07: But as I was pitching the name Snead for him, it kind of reminded me of Snead and this picture that Chris had drawn of Snead and Feed at the request of someone during the crowdfunding thing for Everfree Northwest. Unknown_07: And I remembered this, and I never published this detail. I think I published it on TV, actually. I posted this picture on TV with the text messages I received. Unknown_07: I don't think I have those text messages anymore. Unknown_07: But Chris said that... Unknown_07: Sneed had died and only Chuck was left and he said that they were gay incestuous lovers I thought that's a weird detail to it but it's like it's like a common trope right like rednecks like fuck their cousins and stuff and I remember that detail and I was thinking like hmm 0:45:20 Unknown_07: Things that make you go, hmm, chat. Because that would be, I mean, that's the right time for him to be fucking his mom. And he projected his deviancy onto Sneed and Chuck, who are innocent in every way. If you can imagine that. What a world. Unknown_07: I think I need to drink some water. So I think I'll play this clip. No, I can't actually. Let me just get a drink of water. 0:45:54 Unknown_07: From Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu. Unknown_07: I'll just read this blind again. I'm going to make a habit. Oh my God, this is like 10 pages. I'm going to make a habit of reading these. Unknown_07: As they are just blind is this like not the right order to It's a good thing number these three Four oh they're front and back he ran out of paper or something Okay 0:46:31 Unknown_07: He means Islam. He says Muslim and Christianity. Unknown_07: Rest assured, my personal updates on Christianity to neo-spiritual Christianity in the near future and after my second coming shall offer even higher levels of spirituality and even freedom. Anyway, the Quran is literally all over the place. Not to offend nor make jest, but there's only some new insights it takes heavily from the Bible. The Quran is to the Bible as Family Guy is to The Simpsons. 0:47:12 Unknown_07: And with the fact that Allah is actually a God manifested from a piece of my mother, Emmanuel, the Muslims have been indirectly praying to her through Allah. The Muslims would actually do better to be more open-minded to and for other religions, including Christianity. Unknown_07: as well as greater spirituality so that they are not blindly trusting themselves from greater truth and insight i had spoken with allah and he was greatly concerned over his followers in islam as they are so heavily strict defensive violent and closed off from other inputs but i digress 0:48:02 Unknown_07: I also ended up getting a second prayer ring to keep on my bed for sleeping on. It feels nice in the material as the first and I have personally blessed it as well. Have you slept on a prayer bed rug, Kenneth? I recommend it for spiritual boosting. He thinks it's like you sleep in a bed that has like special stats and you wake up rested with like a rested attribute and extra spirituality because it was a prayer rug. Unknown_07: I just imagine he's in a cell, and his cellmate, like, cuz, you want to sleep on the bed? And he's like, no, man, I got my prayer rug. I'm just going to sleep down here by the toilet. And he's like, okay, whatever, cuz. 0:48:39 Unknown_07: Now, the reasons for this letter, I have received a list of questions from a faker who did not hide the fact in the surname they used of general nature about my jail experiences. I would like you to post this Q&A on The Onion on my behalf, please, Kenneth. Unknown_07: And just to acknowledge the fourth wall break to all reading this online. Unknown_07: To all haters, fakers, and taxics out of the minority, I am afraid I'll have to disappoint you all, since while my body has had few emotional breakdowns and a lot of you in your distant alternate universe fanfictions that see me in low-functioning, over 250-pound weight... 0:49:22 Unknown_07: and has abysmal ability to adapt. I, in cursive, Miss Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu, writing this on November 16th, 2021, have actually adjusted well, maintained higher functioning mental emotions and spirituality, and my weight has dropped to 203 pounds, which is actually appropriate to my human form's 5 foot 11 inch height. Unknown_07: It just goes to show that when you move out of a burned-down house full of garbage and cat shit, your health will improve. I don't actually doubt him at all. 0:50:00 Unknown_07: Laugh, scoff, or jest, as thou may, and likely will, but know that in this, while my answers remain hand over heart, honest and direct, I am trolling you all back in this as well. LULZ! Also, you may or may not read about it in my published Goddess Logbook after my second coming, if you aren't left behind. Unknown_07: I think that being stated here on 10 Q&As in response to a faking Joe Mama. Unknown_07: The last name gave it away, huh, Chris? Unknown_07: What does your daily life in jail consist of? Do you have a schedule? What do they have you do on a daily basis, any chores or jobs? 0:50:44 Unknown_07: As stated before, I meditate innately as well as consciously for the majority of the whole of my body's time in jail. I leave my body to work with the superheroes and Unknown_07: OP individuals and my fellow gods and goddesses and Sonichus and Rosichus on the event works in damage control and damage prevention for the benefit of the majority who will shift to 1C-211987 on Earth. On that, everything not drawn, written, or thought by I and or my body are absolutely not canon or effective upon all universes within this timeline. 0:51:25 Unknown_07: including a bunch of fucking numbers and Equestria. G5 is not canon at all in this timeline, and so forth, as of date August 1, 2021. Unknown_07: Other than that, some drawings from time to time, lots of writing. I have read a few books from the Jail's library, and over time, lots of solitaire gameplay on the prayer rug on the floor, and more recently, music from the radio. Unknown_07: The only scheduled details are two early breakfast, brunch, and tea time supper as well as a daily shower with Bob Barker soap or Irish spring soap. 0:52:02 Unknown_07: Washcloth, water, and shampoo and towel. I'm also brushing my teeth with Colgate toothpaste and every other day apply a ladies speed stick deodorant. No chores or jobs. This is like heaven for him. He has no obligations. They make him bathe once a day. He gets fed punctually. And for the rest of the day, he can just sit on his prayer rug and play pretend. Unknown_07: I mean, this is literally all he needs to be happy. And occasionally he gets a nice letter from the fan zone. Unknown_07: Have you made any friends? What are they like and what have they learned from them? Or what have you learned from them? I'm not allowed to associate much with other inmates and I've made allies out of the police and medical staff. 0:52:37 Unknown_07: I have learned what I needed to for my consciousness from them and confirmation of the preceding events. Unknown_07: That's a weird response. Unknown_07: How is the food and cell? What kind of food do they give you? Is it good? Have they assigned you to help in the kitchen at all? What is your jail cell like? Is it comfortable? Do they give you a pillow and blanket? Do you have a cellmate? Are they cool? 0:53:10 Unknown_07: Mostly good, but the boneless chicken breast is dry and the meatballs from a banquet TV dinner are better than the meatballs here. Typical foods, including vegetables like you'd find in a TV dinner. Mostly good, not right home about in quality, but good. This is the only person I've ever heard of to describe prison food as good. This is made for him. He's always belonged here, Chad, apparently. Unknown_07: No estoy en la cocina. My cell is roomy enough and long enough with the standard bidet and toilet and mattress. They have a bidet in the toilet? What? 0:53:49 Unknown_07: Do they not give you toilet paper because you can hang yourself or something? So you have to wash your ass in a bidet? That's very fancy. Unknown_07: With the enclosed pillow. The cell is comfortable enough, got cold, and I got to wear two thermal tops, two long johns, and a pair of socks. Unknown_07: Not Joey Tribbiani Stocky, that one episode of Friends, but I am warm. The pillows and the mattress, they give me two bed sheets and a thick enough blanket in wool, I believe. Unknown_07: No inmate cellmate, but I am never alone since I have Magichan and the others. My ally highest level rank and train psychic and ghost Pokemon. 0:54:22 Unknown_07: Including some from the Sonichu and Rosachu psychic squad and a large number of angels from the heaven realm as well as over 10 million good and neutral spirit souls and allies entities in my body conduits Subdimension to the house them all in he says Unknown_07: Number four, how clean are you keeping? Do they require you to shower daily? Very clean and I am encouraged to, yes. See question one. Number five, have you been in trouble while in jail? Have they put you in solitary confinement or something? If so, what did you do to get in trouble and what was your punishment? Once, and the details have been written in my goddess log pages. In short, I tried to enlighten the staff by highlighting a portal. 0:54:57 Unknown_07: You'll have to wait for the book publishing to read more on that smug anime face written in ink. I really don't know what that expression is, but it looks like something you could copy paste onto an anime face and it would fit perfectly. I don't know. 0:55:29 Unknown_07: I tried to enlighten staff by highlighting a portal. You will have to wait for the book publishing to read more on that. Unknown_07: Did he try to escape? What the fuck does that mean? Unknown_07: What do they let you do in your free time? Do you listen to the radio or watch TV? Seek question one, but whenever I like and I can do with my local resources, I have an AM FM win radio, no TV. How is funding there? Do you provide the basic needs, clothing and the like? How do you make money to buy paper and pen from those letters you're writing? 0:56:04 Unknown_07: Staff do not provide funding. Yes, the basics and some paper upon request as well as pen. I get money from the kind donations from my good and genuine majority of followers and viewers like you. Thank you. Viewers like you is like a PBS thing. Then he made another anime face with like a peace sign. Unknown_07: Why are you in jail? Are you aware that what you did was wrong? Unknown_07: I am in jail because Bella failed her divine test with the leak she ended up altering, and Noel failed and betrayed me when he blabbed and snitched the transfer of funds for my hotel room, which I have paid back in full, and the divine test on the common online public, including you all. Enough have failed to disregard the rumors and the temptation of drama that all of you get punished now with my online absence. You all blew it. 0:56:46 Unknown_07: I can imagine Ralph writing something like that. Like, yeah, you guys had it good over there on the Kiwi Farms to my deluge of drama and happenings, but now I'm in jail, so you fuckers blew it. Ain't nothing coming out of here but pen letters, boy. Unknown_07: And I have soul bonded, cuddled and supportively talked in healing the aura and chakras and absolving the sins and regrets of Barbara. Soul bonding does not necessarily constitute sex. Had I not healed her, she would be dead late August. There is nothing wrong in this divine mission from my mother, Emmanuel, that I have fulfilled. Think deep, meditate, reevaluate your choices and repent haters and fakers. 0:57:25 Unknown_07: If you were found not guilty, what would you expect to happen next if you should get out of jail? What about if you are found guilty? Unknown_07: Not guilty, I know. All will resume well and good, period. If found guilty and not allowed to return home, premature apocalypse for everyone. Seriously, not good at all. 0:57:59 Unknown_07: How do you feel about your case and lawyer? Are you confident in his ability to defend you in court? Heidelberg is very skilled and intelligent. I have great confidence and faith in his abilities as well as greater faith in the outcome. No spoilers. Unknown_07: He already knows. He doesn't have to tell you. Unknown_07: I see you all online. I shall see you all again online. Once more, not too long from now, and then adios to the majority lot of you with Judgment Day. Her holy flames shall dissolve you. Remember, repent, and take care in the meantime. Go forth with that clarity. By my power is God. Sincerely, Miss Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu, the Goddess Blue Heart and Lord. I don't know what that one word is. 0:58:33 Unknown_07: Miss seal savior and God of all Mrs. Mrs. Savior and God of all. All right. That's the Chris update. 0:59:05 Unknown_07: By the way, his case had a continuance. It was set for, like, a hearing or something. He had a continuance. And I think the reason why is... Oh, Messiah. Okay. Messiah. Unknown_07: I think the reason why is that, number one, Barb is old, so she's, like, the witness in this case. If she dies in between, like, the trial and now, that's a big benefit to Chris. The other thing is, um... Every... I think every day served in jail before a trial is... Unknown_07: Like double time. So if you wait for your trial, and this is to encourage the state to grant you your speedy right to a trial. 0:59:37 Unknown_07: If you spend one year in jail, it may depend on the region, but I think that accounts for like two years in sentence. So if you are like, okay, if he gets sentenced to two years in jail and he has to wait a year for his trial and he's found guilty and he's sentenced to two years in jail, he's already out on time served. So it makes sense in the defense's case, in Hallberg's opinion, if he thinks that his client's guilty as fuck and he's going to get sentenced to jail time to allow him to accumulate as much time as possible awaiting trial. 1:00:18 Unknown_07: Yeah, time served. I think it is true. It depends on the jurisdiction, but I'm pretty sure that they give you more than just one-to-one time served. Unknown_07: Yeah, it might be specific areas, but I remember that being mentioned in certain cases. I don't know. It could be one-to-one, but... Unknown_07: Pretty sure. Unknown_07: Pretty sure it's a little bit more than Wonder Woman. Anyways, I have this wonderful enlightened clip from Gator. I'm going to use it as an excuse to drink some water. 1:00:49 Unknown_04: Now, what's interesting about that is that is actually around the time that Null's mental state started to rapidly deteriorate. It's very possible that... And because Josh really isn't the kind of religious type, he's not the kind of person that would protect himself through asking Christ to forgive his sins and attending church regularly. Through a solid spiritual grounding. Right. He's not that kind of person that would do any of those things, and so it's very likely that josh's life and him and his spiritual being has been assaulted by this demon for a while and you can really start to see at that point that his entire mental state starts to rapidly deteriorate he starts getting into fights with people he starts to really like his his whole like autistic quest to destroy mr medicare really started to like take shape around that time He was doing everything. He was stacking the chairs up to have a go at Ralph in the aftermath of Knoxville. It really didn't come to full fruition until the infamous corn tapes were a thing. But this is kind of that moment when it all started to kind of go downhill a little bit for him. 1:02:03 Unknown_03: After being exposed directly to the worst cognitohazard imaginable, Imagine my shock. Unknown_01: Wow. Yeah, I can't weigh in one way or another on the various fights that occur on the internet. There's just so many of them. It's hard to keep track. And a lot of them are stupid and pointless. Yeah, and a lot of them just aren't worth keeping track of. But with that said, if I were confronted by a demon, consciously or unconsciously, I'm pretty sure I would show visible emotional signs of that in my own behavior. Even if I didn't conscious knowledge it myself. 1:02:39 Unknown_04: Well, and it may simply be, you know, this, this entity, this demon that attached itself to Chris really seems to want to be, wants people to be more aware of Chris and wants to kind of extend its tendrils out as far as it can go. And so, you know, it, It may not be just Null himself that is being affected by it. It may be other people that are involved with the Chris Chan community or even tangentially related. Now, I'm not saying the death of Internet blood sports may have actually been the work of a demon, but it's an interesting theory. 1:03:23 Unknown_04: So this guy who runs a podcast about anime, who watches anime, whose entire life is devoted to anime, he literally publishes the birthdays. 1:03:55 Unknown_07: He says happy birthday to fictional anime characters on Twitter. And even after people started making fun of him for it, he still does it. He still says happy birthday to his waifu every year. And he thinks... That this guy who has never read the Gospels thinks that I am possessed by a demon. Unknown_07: Literally, unironically thinks that I'm possessed by a demon because I talked to Chris. Unknown_07: And I just don't have his spiritual insulation to keep me safe from such demonry, such evil. Sorry, I got distracted because I was thinking of this clip. 1:04:32 Unknown_07: from like wife swap like 10 years ago and it's like it's like an anti-christian thing because it's like they picked the most horrible woman possible who's like a staunch like super conservative southern baptist and they swapped her with like a hippie pagan and she comes home and she's like crying she's like there was dark dork sided magic i had to put armor on to even walk into that place and she's like this super morbidly obese like 400 pound woman's screaming about dork sided magic pull it up josh okay okay give me a second 1:05:24 Unknown_07: Oh, this is five minutes long. I can't show you this. Unknown_07: Oh, she was the God Warrior. Unknown_07: I just want like a two minute clip that I can actually play on YouTube. Unknown_07: Seven minutes. Here, this. Unknown_07: Fuck it. I'll play a little bit of it, I guess. Unknown_09: Jesus. Unknown_09: My dear. So uneasy in my life. Unknown_07: I just want the part where she's screaming. This is some classic stuff, chat. 1:05:57 Unknown_09: This is like mid-2000s. Unknown_09: It's not of God. It's not Christians. 1:06:28 Unknown_09: Did you not ask if she believed in God? Unknown_09: She's not a Christian! Unknown_08: She could be a Jew and believe in God. It doesn't matter. Unknown_09: She's tampered in dark-sided stuff. Unknown_09: Yes, yes, she did! The entire house is dark-sided. She said her whole house is... She is dark-sided, too! Why are you mad at us? Unknown_07: I'll stop it there. But this was, like, classic, like, YouTube atheism, like, meme material, like, back in the 2000s. And Gator really reminds me of that. Here Gator is sitting on the couch wearing his armor warning everyone about the dork-sided stuff that I'm up to with Chris. Ah. 1:07:02 Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: So that's the Gator update. Segwaying to the Ralph update. I don't know how much I want to play with this because it's a lot of stuff. The gist is that Ralph was on his fucking whatever stream. Unknown_07: Apparently he still does a regular kill stream, but all the fun stuff comes from Tequila Sunrise where he's just like screaming incoherently at his chat for like four hours straight while they donate pennies on the dollar to like... 1:07:44 Unknown_07: Dude, whenever you pull up his stream to like watch it, like people tag me and be like, Josh, he's like talking about us. You should watch this. And then you pull it up. He's like almost always watching black people. I don't know what it is, but he really fucking loves to watch black people. I watched when he was like. he unironically for 40 minutes straight was watching a black guy like debate a tranny and he just stood there like his hand in his or his head in his hand watching this black man just staring intently at this black man i'm thinking like bro why the fuck do people give you money to do this so during this stream he has randolin if you don't know randbot is in australia 1:08:26 Unknown_07: Rambot also really fucking hates me. I don't know why. I think because he's doxxed and people believe that his wife is a... I think it's on like page three or something. She looks really Jewish. Anyways. Rambot gets on, he's drunk because he's always drunk. And he's talking to Ralph and he's just like... He insinuates that... That... How do I phrase this? Unknown_07: rambot is like a super like neo-nazi and i hate saying that because like the nazi party has been like dissolved for like how long now like 70 years it doesn't exist if anyone calls themselves a nazi they're a retard but ran calls himself a nazi and he's like australian and he's married to a jew And he's an alcoholic and he yells at his wife and children on live streams. And he's talking to Ralph and he's saying he just doesn't like Nick Fuentes. And if you don't know, Ralph is currently elbow deep up Nick Fuentes' ass. Because Nick Fuentes runs Cozy.TV, which is like a streaming platform for him and America First. And Ralph got on it. 1:09:16 Unknown_07: So... Unknown_07: They're talking about that, and Ralph does not take it well when you make fun of Nick Fuentes or Dick Masterson because those are his bosses. And he's sitting there, and Rand's just like, I just don't trust him. I think he's a fad, and I think he's a homosexual. And I think that if he ever asked you, Ralph, to stop letting me on because he doesn't like me, I would understand that that happened. And Ralph got all super pissed off about this, and they got into a fight. 1:09:51 Unknown_07: and the gist is that they part ways but i want to play this clip in particular because they're having this argument and then it's 5 30 a.m in australia when they're having it so ran's wife comes in to yell at him and ralph for the first time in his entire life shuts up so that everyone can hear this hot mic argument between ran bot and his wife stop stop 1:10:36 Unknown_11: I've got another hour to sleep. Stop. Unknown_11: Turn it off. Tell them we're sleeping. Unknown_05: Yeah. Unknown_10: No. Unknown_10: It's fucking 5.30 in the morning. Unknown_05: Thanks. Unknown_05: Always counting on you. Unknown_08: kioskman sent three dollars can we switch the topic to something fun like mocking flamenco aggressively turning more and more so that is that is the gist 1:11:18 Unknown_07: Now, there's a couple clips to this. Unknown_07: My favorite thing is just how elated Ralph is immediately after the aftermath of this. Unknown_07: He's so happy that this guy he was in the spat with is now humiliated. What the fuck is he watching? Unknown_07: What the fuck is this? Unknown_07: Why is Ralph watching Baby Shark? Why are 130 people watching Ralph watch Baby Shark, Chad? 1:11:51 Unknown_00: What the fuck is he doing? Do you guys want to watch Baby Shark? Here, watch. Baby Shark dance. Unknown_07: Let's watch it. This is apparently what the cool kids are doing What's I will get banned I can't play baby shark Why is he watching this? Why are you watching this? 1:12:32 Unknown_07: Oh, geez. I dare not play Baby Sharks. That fucking kid will DMCA me. I'll end my whole career. So, okay, whatever. That's a detour. Anyways, I argue. Can I get one that's short, please? I think this is one of the good ones. 1:13:03 Unknown_07: That's where Ralph explains that he totally made fun of Ran's miscarriage, but now that he's a father, he understands. Oh, this. Ran took issue with Nick making fun of dead white children being murdered by black African terrorists in the streets, and Ralph gets uncomfortable about it, and then Ran calls him gay, and he gets upset. Unknown_05: We've had our fun, and as I've always said, I'm never going to... Unknown_05: stab you in the back or anything like that. But I think we're going to have to, if you're going to continue your association with Nick Fentis, who I consider to be a faggot, 1:13:48 Unknown_05: Then a faggot and an anti-white activist, then we're going to have to part terms. Unknown_05: Well, I'm going to tell you just like Dick Masterson told Josh Moon when he came on and tried to be a female and a woman about telling somebody, a grown man, who they can't. Unknown_00: Shut up. Shut up, fucker. Shut up, fucker. I'll let you run your mouth today and you're sounding retarded as always. Unknown_06: I'll tell you, just like Dick told him, nobody tells me who I can associate with. I've never tried to tell anybody else who they can associate with, and you associate with a lot of fucking losers, and I've talked about it many times. Unknown_05: I see that we're part in company. We're part in company, yeah, if that's what it is. We're part in company. We're part in company with our associated dignity. 1:14:26 Unknown_06: We're part in company, yeah. Unknown_05: Yeah, you call me a woman. Unknown_06: I called you a woman and a faggot. Goodbye. Unknown_07: No, this never stops because it's like the only content Ralph could ever possibly get. It's like hours of them going back and forth. Unknown_07: I want to point out that he brings me up because, of course, he does. He loves me. Ralph is my second biggest fan. In fact, he emails Vordrek now, and Vordrek emailed him immediately after the license got revoked to tell him that he was responsible for it to get attention. 1:14:58 Unknown_07: So they're like pen pals now. They literally write each other little lovely emails. Like, hey, Vodouac, it's me. It's Ethan Ralph. And I just want to say I love what you're doing with the Kiwi Farm. Keep it up. Good work. And then Vodouac's like, good day, mate. Love you too, Mr. Ralph. I just want to let you know, Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. I got the license revoked. Oh, my God. I can't believe you got this just from me, Vodouac. And then they just write each other back and forth. And then Ralph reads it aloud. And it's very, very cute. It's very adorable. 1:15:31 Unknown_07: Ralph says that I gave an ultimatum to Dick. I did not. I said that it was a goodbye. There was no ultimatum. I already made up my mind. I just want to point that out. There's no reconciliation because I just kind of... Unknown_07: uh, my main, my main gripe was just that it wasn't even who he was associating with. It's that he was kind of like pitting people against each other. And he had, he had Riley tell me I wasn't welcome. So it's just like, I'm just letting you know, I am going to leave. Um, and it's cause I see the writing on the wall. I see that there's some weird shit happening and I see that your, your producer is telling me to fuck off. So bye-bye. Uh, a sudden ultimatum. 1:16:05 Unknown_07: so at some point they make up even after that and ran makes this post saying that the time has come i guess i won't be working with ralph anymore if it's complicated uh blah blah blah the petrol hour will continue as it has since january see you there i tell him that he's wasting his like he should have seen this years ago that ralph has always hated him Unknown_07: Ralph has always trotted Randbot out as like his circus freak. Ralph can't say the N-word because he'll get in trouble. So he just trots out Rand who says the N-word and says Nazi shit. And then his fans are like... 1:16:38 Unknown_07: He said something in German that's really based. It's really based, guys. He said something in German. Oh, he said he doesn't like black people. Based again. And I think his role is like sideshow freak clown for Ralph's show. So I actually tuned in to the Petrel Hour because I wanted to hear what he said. And I don't have a screenshot of that. But this is like his overlay for this. He has like four different anime things. That's like a brown anime girl with a stupid face holding up a swastika flag. Or the NSDAP party flag. And then they have this other anime girl in neon clothes dancing. And then there's pregnant Anne Frank or some other... I think... Pregumin. So that's Pregumin. And he just had... How does anime save the white race? I want to know this because there is another guy who I don't have anything against, actually, called Miles Poland, and I gave his podcast on TRS called Godcast a try. I tried it out, and the first bit of it was just like a discussion about neon evangelists. It's the one where... Who the fuck even has my phone number? One second. 1:18:52 Unknown_07: I hope you guys have enjoyed Pergumen. Unknown_07: Okay, my question was, and the caller didn't know either, how does anime save the white race? And I watched Miles Poland, and I listened to it a bit, and it was just an anime review of Neon... No, not Neon Genesis Evangelion. Ghost in the Shell. Wait. Unknown_07: Which I only know of because I really like the intro song from Ghost in the Shell, which is like a Latin song. And I'm just thinking, like, how does this help? I just want to know what it is about white nationalists and watching fucking anime. People give me shit like, oh, why do you watch movies? That's all made by Hollywood Jews and shit. Like, how does this help? I want to know, chat, right now. how pregumen pregumen saves the white race and this shit and that shit and that little girl over there holding a nazi like how does this help i want to know you can answer you can write me an email email me at mad at the internet at protonmail.com and explain to me how pregnant anime little girls and little girls holding nazi flags made by japanese people save the white race that is my that's my question 1:20:05 Unknown_07: because it's it's baffles me i'm sure like i know that what is it i just had ghosts in the shell i know that's like supposedly a good one and it's made in the 90s before everything became like no shit but i don't want to make excuses for it it's it's like it's always been weird to me it's escapism yeah Unknown_07: I don't know. Learn to program. Stop watching anime. Learn to program. Learn to program and rest and help me with my forum chat. Unknown_07: How does Squid Game save the right race? Unknown_07: Squid Game's a movie. Unknown_07: I don't know. It's just different to me because I watch Squid Game and I see men. Number one, it's not cartoons. They're real people. They're actors. They have to learn how to act. There has to be a script involved. There's mistakes. Things have to be orchestrated. There has to be camera movement. There has to be dolly tracks. 1:20:56 Unknown_07: and and drone shots and all sorts of shit goes into making a movie it takes a lot of effort to make stuff like that and then you have anime and it's like one guy can illustrate an anime and write an anime and he's like just some fucking weirdo in Japan who lives in his room and has never felt the touch of a woman and he's writing a anime from the perspective of like four teenage girls in high school like short skirts and And he makes this script, and it goes to this weird publishing house that'll publish fucking anything, and then some team of people will churn this shit out, and then they'll get the voice actors to just go like, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, 1:21:40 Unknown_07: And then it gets put out there with subtitles because if you translate that shit into English, it's cringe as fuck and everyone knows it, so they have it with subtitles. And then people watch that and they think, like, this is my waifu. I want a woman who acts exactly like this autistic Japanese man interpretation of an ideal woman. This is what I want. I'm going to remember her birthday and I'm going to tweet about her birthday every year and I'm going to use her as an avatar on the Fediverse and on my GitHub. It's like... Unknown_07: like okay that like okay if you look at movies and you're like i want to bang that actress at least like okay she's basically fake because she's all made up and filtered and shit but still a real woman 1:22:21 Unknown_07: This woman does not exist. Megaman, pregnant, she does not exist. She will never exist. There will never be a Megaman. Your waifu will never be real. Unknown_07: Not only will she never be real, she is not even based off a real woman. She is an autistic man's character representing his own sexual fantasy which you mutually masturbate to. Do you understand this? This is my issue with anime. It is fucking weirdo. Unknown_07: That nobody with self-respect should be promoting or consuming. It's just fucking gross. 1:22:55 Unknown_07: Anyways. Unknown_07: Anyways, besides this rough, also, this is great. I remember I mentioned that he loves black men, right? So Alice, who is the IP to Alice, who I like to shit on because she's an animal murderer in case you forget, because I see people who like to simp for Alice. And I want to remind you all that she murders animals. She tortures animals for fun. So you need to remember when you think about her and you see her, she is an animal killer. 1:23:29 Unknown_07: Ralph sees her saying, who's trying to impregnate me? Which is just like a thirsty simp jerk off tweet that she tweets out to keep her simps giving her money. And Ethan Ralph is like, this black man is literally me reacting to this tweet. Unknown_07: To which Alice replies, getting the word out, thanks. Oof. No, thank you, Ethan Ralph. Won't be impregnated by you, but thanks for getting the word out so I can potentially find someone better than you. And then Ralph's just like, I won't make the joke that I want to because all the usual suspects will go insane, LOL. So I guess, like, I'm just kidding. I'm not actually trying to fuck you, lady, actually. Actually, I'm not interested at all. And then Gator says, well, you do have a track record, which is kind of a base take by Gator, even though he's got Japanese and he cannot fucking speak Japanese. This man does not. He works at a Kroger's begging grocery. He does not speak Japanese. Fix your fucking name, retard. 1:24:04 Unknown_07: oh and he like when she got broken up by chicken andy and then uh ralph paid for her plane ticket to come out to las vegas because pantsu hadn't made it there yet and he intended to fuck her as soon as she got to las vegas only for her to immediately hook back up with chicken andy as soon as she got back to vegas and uh completely cuck him out of several hundred dollars for a plane ticket which is pretty pretty funny um 1:24:52 Unknown_07: Though, if you need a reminder about who Alice is, and hopefully, God willing, I will be able to load this video that I don't have open already. Unknown_07: This is the quality of woman that Ethan Ralph is trying to impregnate while also in a relationship with a woman who's already pregnant. Unknown_07: In case you were wondering how much of a fuck Ethan Ralph gives about May, the answer is zero. Unknown_07: Not a single solitary fuck is given about her. In fact, he probably hopes that she dies or fucks off like as soon as that baby's born because he's already planning on knocking up retards like this. So here's a clip a minute and a half long. This is from the Yoba house. uh some time ago where alice is had been living briefly i think baked alaska said this crazy bitch has to get the fuck out of my house and they kicked her out but um i think she was still here when this was recorded oh is it gonna work please please video we'll let it buffer chat we'll let it buffer for a second oh look at that bar it's almost at like 10 percent 1:25:31 Unknown_07: Josh did underestimate how shit Western media... Watch old stuff, dude. If you get bored and you want to consume something, read a book. Watch old stuff. I watch stuff that hasn't been made since 2010, like, primarily. Sometimes I'll watch new stuff if I think... But only... Like, usually a movie... I have a rule and I've had this rule for a long time. I only watch something or buy a game after it's been out for like five years and I already know it's good. I don't watch anything bad unless I intend to watch something bad because I only watch stuff that has stood the test of time and has not been forgotten about. I've never watched anything that's just complete fucking garbage. 1:26:33 Unknown_07: I would actually advise that to anyone. Don't watch anything until you already know it's good. Don't play any game until you already know it's good. Don't waste your time pirating a new game because it's going to suck. But five years from now, look back and see what games are like the best games from that year and then pirate those. Unknown_07: Why waste your time? You think, oh, pirating is free. I'll just pirate it and then it won't be a waste. No, it will still be a waste of your time. Unknown_07: Maybe not your money, but time is money. So you still waste money. 1:27:07 Unknown_07: Anyways, here's the Alice clip. Unknown_10: I want you to listen for that slap noise. Hear that wet slap? Unknown_07: That wet slap. It's like a piece of steak is in that panty, chat. 1:28:11 Unknown_10: JJ. Unknown_07: Makes me wonder, because I assume it's shit when I hear it, but I guess, did she leave underwear with a used tampon just in the middle of the hallway? How fucking vile. 1:28:43 Unknown_07: So there you go. 1:29:16 Unknown_07: Remember this. Alice murders animals. She is literally retarded schizophrenic. She dates a guy called Chicken Andy. She throws wet used tampons or shit filled panties. Dirty crap briefs. Literal dirty crap briefs in the hallway of a house that's shared with many other people. And that caliber of woman still rejects Ralph. Which is pretty funny. Unknown_07: Uh, okay. Let's see. Oh, and here's footy booty. Are you ready? 1:29:50 Unknown_09: No, seriously. Fat girl belly dancing. Look. Oh, excuse me. Unknown_09: I think I can isolate my abs. I... 1:30:23 Unknown_07: Watch it chat. Unknown_07: She wants to be a belly dancer. Nadir's ex-girlfriend was like a really fit belly dancer, like Egyptian belly dancer. So she also, she also will become a belly dancer. Unknown_07: To spare you a really long story, they've been breaking up and getting back together. And it really always seems like it'll be, like, based on her words, she's so fed up, she'll tell stories about how he makes her crawl on all fours and kiss his feet. And then he's, like, obviously cheating on her and all this shit. And she's like, no, really, I'm done for real. Like, I'm not getting anything out of this except for sex. He's using me for my money. I associate it so clearly now. And then the next thing she'll do is... Actually, let me just pull this up. I forgot about this. 1:30:54 Unknown_07: I'll just read you the community post after all this, this huge fucking tantrum about how Nadir is abusing her and she needs to get over it. And this is it for sure. And she'll never see him again. And she's going to move to Jamaica and fuck a bunch of black guys. So she forgets about him. She puts out this one day ago. Unknown_07: Hey guys, sorry I missed the VIP coffee beezing today. I'm not going to beat around the bush. I feel like an idiot, yes, for coming online and saying one thing and then changing my mind the next. I'm sorry. I'm in love with someone I talked a lot of crap about and divulged a lot of personal information about a relationship. This has to stop and I know this. Going back to someone I said I wouldn't go back on still does not make me a bad person. I need to clean up my channel a bit to make my space a mentally healthier place for me and my bees. So if you're fed up with my life, please unfollow me because next time I go live, I'll be keeping those who are here to support me, not tear me down every chance they get and hang on every flaw and mistake. No one is forcing you to endure this torment. Endure this torment. In return, I will do my best to create a positive content for you. I'm so tired of apologizing for living my life. I feel better just being open and honest instead of trying to hide what I go back to. So... Just, like, constantly, like, going back to this Egyptian guy who beats her and humiliates her. Because it's basically the only thing she has. Like, what does she have besides that? Pete's. That's it. Nobody wants to be stuck with Pete's. So... 1:31:59 Unknown_07: Sucks to be her. That's all I got to say about that. Unknown_07: I think that's it. 1:32:33 Unknown_07: I think that's it, chat. Unknown_07: You know what? Because Ranbot had his little breakup with Ralph. I'll promote him. That's what I'll do. I'll show up for Ranbot even though he fucking hates me. Maybe one of you guys out there are the type of person for Ranbot's audience. Unknown_07: Someone in the chat for Kiwi Farms, link me the Ranbot thing. I'll put it up on the stream to be nice. Unknown_07: Because for whatever reason, he really, really hates me. 1:33:06 Unknown_07: He says that Kiwi Farms is like the Antifa branch for... Or the doxing branch of Antifa, which is fucking bizarre. Unknown_07: We're... Unknown_06: and it's like on some weird site he's like on some weird anime streaming site I can't actually give a proper link to oh my god oh my god this is misery I'm tempted to show a picture of his wife so I can show you how Jewish she is you can find it on your own I'm trying to be nice here I don't want to show a picture of his wife 1:33:56 Unknown_07: Okay, I can't find it. For whatever reason, the OP of Ryan's Thread decided not to put his streaming leak anywhere. I don't know. If someone wants to put it in chat, otherwise I don't see it. Unknown_07: All right. Unknown_07: so kiwi farms is nazi commies dude everyone has a reason to hate the forum it really is like i was actually surprised someone had to tell me that nick has nick fuentes has even talked about his thread all these people they read their forum threads they see things they don't like to see and then they get mad and they say like this site is is you know antifa the site's nazis the site's whatever it's just like it's just people talking bro 1:34:44 Unknown_07: You know, I know there are places where people say a lot of horrible shit about me, and you know what I do? Unknown_07: I just don't read it. Like, Vordrak put out a huge article about how he got the forum license revoked. I didn't read it. Why would I read that? That article exists to irritate me. These people post things to irritate me. So you know what I do? I just don't read it because I don't care. I assume if someone has an actual problem with me that I can compromise on them with, they will email me or send me a DM or something. Like people like just talking shit behind your back. It's not, it's not feedback, but you have to actually pay attention to. 1:35:24 Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: Is there anything else? Should we wind down for now? Unknown_07: TRS glows. Unknown_07: Okay, fine. I'll do a K video. I don't have the bingo card set up on Linux, so we're just going to have to deal with not having a bingo card. Unknown_07: Sorry if you hate the K videos, but it doesn't matter. Unknown_07: Okay, Chet, you tell me. 1:35:56 Unknown_07: We got another veggie meal. Making a simple meal. Chicken burger. That sounds promising. Mushroom and eggs. Unknown_07: Sausage and egg muffin. My plaque has arrived, which is like her 100,000 subscriber mark. Pretty impressive, actually. One of the most famous chefs in England, I'm sure. Chicken burger. Okay, we'll watch the chicken. We'll watch the chicken burger. Unknown_07: It's a rare shirt. I don't think I've ever seen that shirt. Black and white stripes with the red standout stripe. Now that's creative. 1:36:29 Unknown_11: And today I'm going to be making a plain chicken burger. Right, as you can see, I've got the flour. Unknown_07: She's adding in... I'm going to put a bit of sage in it. Unknown_07: Sage. Unknown_11: And a bit of parsley in it. Unknown_07: A little itsy bitsy teeny bit. Unknown_11: I know it's not round and it should be. But I'm going to dip it in. Are you supposed to put the flour directly on? Unknown_07: I will have to say. 1:37:05 Unknown_07: Um, breading shit is like the worst. It's amazing that we're in this year of, you know, this year of marvels where we have, where we're creating super viruses and we have computers to solve everything, but we still have to like dip our fingies into the egg yolk and then put the egg yolky thing into the flour and get fingers covered in flour gunk, flour egg gunk. And little clumps like cat poo in the litter. And it's just really fucking gross. Why have we not found a better way to do this? We need a TV infomercial thing to help us solve this crime. 1:37:38 Unknown_11: Now I'm going to dip it in hege. Unknown_11: Now it's in breadcrumbs. Unknown_07: She did bread, egg, and then crumbs. Roll it in breadcrumbs. Unknown_11: Oil over. And I put it in the pan. Now the pan is hot, or it's already on. 1:38:10 Unknown_11: Yeah, you can hear it just about sizzling. Unknown_07: I'm pretty sure you're also supposed to get the oil up to temperature first, right? Unknown_11: It might want a little bit more oil on it to cook it. As you can see, I cut them in half. Unknown_07: And, well, they're done. Unknown_11: So that's the end. Unknown_07: Okay, so it's literally just plain chicken in croons and flour and haggie and nothing else. 1:38:44 Unknown_11: Product. Unknown_11: Here's the taste test. Unknown_07: So it's just the chicken breast on plain bread buns. Unknown_07: I don't have the bingo card. We're just watching a nice video. Unknown_07: She loves it. Excellent. Unknown_11: It actually tastes like a chicken burger. 1:39:22 Unknown_11: Well, I enjoyed that, actually. It was very nice. So, there's going to be a link in the description to my merchandise. Unknown_07: She didn't even put, like, pickles on it. Come on, Kay. Unknown_07: Please do a Christmas special, Kay. As a student, Kay's cooking is a true inspiration. What does she say to this? Thanks so much, she says. What a nice lady. That's the nice thing about Kay. She's a nice lady. Unknown_07: I actually remember we did a stream on her a while back and it was just me watching her videos and laughing because before she's like cleaned up. She doesn't like do total fucking train wrecks anymore. The video of her putting raw hack into the oven surrounded with like uncooked pasta is one of the and then it catches on fire. It's probably one of the funniest things ever put on the Internet. And then someone in the comments said something like, Kay has really huge boobs. I like those boobs. And she watched the stream and went to the comments. And she showed appreciation for this guy calling her boobs fake. 1:39:56 Unknown_07: And the comments lost to the sands of time because that was the original Kiwi Farms channel that got nuked. 1:40:33 Unknown_07: But I remember that very, very clearly. Unknown_07: Crystal clear. Unknown_07: All right. I think that's it. Fuck this week. I got programming to do. I got programming socks to put on. There's shit to do, Chad. The stream's gone on long enough. Unknown_07: I will see you guys next Friday. Unknown_07: And I'm trying to figure this out. Oh, okay. The Friday after, that's the 17th. I can probably do that. Unknown_07: Christmas Eve is on the 24th. Probably will not stream that. And my birthday is on Sunday, so that's not an issue. It's on the 19th. 1:41:06 Unknown_07: In case anyone wants to send me some money. Unknown_07: The NFT thing I mentioned will probably happen in January as a mechanism for crowdfunding for the software at this point. Just a heads up. Unknown_07: And my Inglorious Basterd review has been pushed back because I'm working on the software now. Sorry to say. 1:41:41 Unknown_07: How? Oh, God. Unknown_07: Okay, there. Now it works. Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: I will see you guys next week. Same time, same place. Wait, did my... Is OBS glitching out or is my mic busted again? Okay, it's just OBS breaking. Everything's breaking. That means I gotta hurry the fuck up. I gotta get out of here. This shit's about to crash. Where's my outro song? Okay, I have this. Unknown_07: See you next week. Bye-bye. 1:44:05 Unknown_07: birth birthday shout out to to what's his name oh god where'd it go which is shia maru shia maru no birthday shout birthday shout out my friend birthday shout out