0:00:11 Unknown_14: i know that i can't call up the main Unknown_13: We love our dogs, our law enforcement. We love our military air forces. 0:00:47 Unknown_13: We love our dogs, our law enforcement. Unknown_05: I don't know what I've done to my fucking OBS setup, but I have completely and totally ruined it. This shit used to fit perfectly in my screen every goddamn time, and at some point I have completely fucked this up beyond comprehension. And now it just does not. 0:01:29 Unknown_05: Look at this. Look at this shit on my screen. It's just sliding around all over the fucking place. What is wrong with it? Why is it doing this? Unknown_05: I'm legitimately pissed off. I've been trying to fix this. This is why I'm a little bit late. I was trying to fix this fucking thing. And it just insists on being wrong all the time. Unknown_05: Hello, chat. Hello, my friends. Unknown_05: This has been kind of a slow week. And I almost skipped out on... Wait, the background's wrong. 0:02:04 Unknown_04: There we go. Oh, shit, I fucked up chat when I did that. Unknown_05: I still have the wrong background. Oh, my God, what a mess. Unknown_05: I'm fucked up because I pegged these streams to noon Eastern, and there was like a one-week difference between... European Daylight Savings Time and American Daylight Savings Time. So I'm an hour early, actually. None of you can say that I'm late, even though I was a minute late, because actually I'm 59 minutes early. If you want to be technical about it, and that's why I'm off my footing today. 0:02:41 Unknown_05: Uh, Ralph Charlotte, that's true. I'm going to make fun of, I almost didn't, I was thinking about it and I was like, I probably won't talk about Ralph because I already posted that YouTube community post. I'm like, well, fuck it. Um, but then something else happened today. So now I feel inclined to talk about it. Uh, but that's basically it. I'm going to make fun of Jim Sterling a little bit. Unknown_05: I'm going to go over my reviews of my last stream, which was on King Cobra JFS. I hope everyone enjoyed my holiday special. 0:03:17 Unknown_05: I'm very sad that he didn't call in or didn't let me call him. I told him in advance I'd be calling the next day, and he decides not to... Unknown_05: not to answer the phone. So I kind of bummed about that. Um, and then I get rough and baked Alaska, of course, to talk about because there's a big happening with baked Alaska and there's already another development. Thankfully, this is one of those things that come in on Friday before my stream, as opposed to being something I find out immediately after I turn off the stream. So there's an update to the baked Alaska stuff already. Okay. I'm happy to say that this is the first week in a while that I've lost an entire kilogram. I'm down to 114.2, which is 251.5 pounds. So I'm almost below 250 for the first time in a long time. 0:03:52 Unknown_05: I think the last time I was under 250, I was like 21. Unknown_05: So I'm on the up and up. I'm losing the weight, chat. Approved feet? No. 0:04:25 Unknown_05: No, 250 pounds. 114 kilograms. Unknown_05: So, happy about that. Unknown_05: Here, I already have up my review. I mentioned during the King Cobra stream that I'd probably get some blowback from Reddit for not getting things right or whatever the fuck, some nitpicky bullshit. Thankfully, Buffalo Chicken Sandwich was nice enough to compile some screenshots here, and I found one in particular very funny. Unknown_04: so grandpa ethereum i found this extremely dull so so far sounds like he barely even knows anything about our little boglam social media doesn't give a shit social media i'm a fucking poser he said in a previous stream he didn't know very much about our lord it's true i had to i had to cram i had to cram 20 pages into notes uh 0:05:19 Unknown_05: So I was a lot of that. A lot of what I played was even like a first exposure, which to some people is a benefit. A lot of people want to see like a first exposure to a video, like a lot of the cooking videos. I, I had seen one or two and I was like, Oh, I'll play the rest on stream. I'm sure they're horrific and people will enjoy the real reaction. But, uh, Unknown_05: apparently not read it I have to do my full my research isn't null a borderline locale himself wasn't he like the Courtney of a CWC I think he tried to help Chris but we all know how that turned out so I helped I don't know who Courtney is it those the think that's one of the women that I didn't talk about but I helped Chris in some way People get super mad about that, by the way. Like, if you ever read any... I've checked out, like, comments about... Because, like, random, like, YouTubers who only talk about Chris as far as, like, locales go have covered my interactions with Chris. And people get super angry at me. And, like, are, like, appalled that I would ever help Chris. And it's like, fuck you. I'll help whoever the fuck I want, motherfucker. Saying, like, um... 0:06:01 Unknown_05: Noel's the real idiot here. He believed that Chris could do things. He's like, yeah, of course I did. Because he did. I put him to work. I sold a hundred drawings or however much. I think it was like a hundred different commissions. And he did like five a day every day. And he was well on his way to completing them. And people are giving me shit for that. For proving that he can work to support himself. Wow, what a fucking psychopath I am. 0:06:34 Unknown_05: Won't be worth watching since Null doesn't know what he's talking about half the time. The dude is practically a Lula cow himself. I watched about half an hour of that stream and you're absolutely right. It's fun to watch someone discover Cobes for the first time, but not when they pretend to know everything about it and clearly don't know shit. I specifically said that I had notes and I was, uh, I was going across it. Like, I'm trying to cover what people ask me to talk about and that's not enough. Because these people... who like gatekeep someone like King Cobra. They really think you have to be in their community. You have to be someone they know. You have to be sanctioned by them. And if you try to talk about this guy and you're not sanctioned with their Reddit fucking hive mind, then you're not, then you're an idiot. You can't possibly have the, have the rights to talk about the King Cobra. Jeff, like fuck away. 0:07:43 Unknown_05: I threw away my twenties with the Kiwi farms. Oh, I would have been much better doing tax payroll software. Fuck off. I'd rather be dead. Unknown_04: Motherfucker. Unknown_04: This guy says that at least did all the background work, which is true. Unknown_05: Oh, this isn't saying that I'm a retard for not knowing every single detail about every single person on my site. What a shock. 0:08:14 Unknown_05: uh this is what is kiwi farms it's a gossip forum that focuses on individuals like our bad boy it's fairly controversial for hosting docs um if you had a problem with josh saying faggot you probably wouldn't be into it it has a lot of good information but can be pretty toxic Unknown_05: I pop by Kiwi Farms and occasionally see what's going on, but I always end up leaving within three minutes because I see that's something that makes my eyes roll. A lot of the user base is terminally online. Says someone from fucking Reddit. Like, all these people... Hey, bro, everybody spends too much time on the internet. You know why? Because if you go outside, you get fucking tackled by police. Everyone is terminally online. It's part of the government conspiracy to make us all go fucking crazy. Unknown_05: If you go outside, you're going to go to fucking jail. 0:09:05 Unknown_04: Mike is actually peaking. Let me turn down the game a little bit. Unknown_05: Hopefully this is better. I can be louder. Sorry, sorry. You gotta let me know if I'm peaking. I don't know what's wrong with my OBS. I'll show you if I can. I need an expert to tell me what the fuck is wrong with my computer. I'll put this up on the screen just to show you what I'm talking about. For whatever reason, at some point in time... Um, OBS has done this thing where it artificially caps my mic input at like negative six or negative nine decibels like this. You see the peak is like at negative nine. 0:09:42 Unknown_05: It never lets me, I've tried everything. I cannot get that fucking thing to go to let my mic go over six. I can put my, my gain all the way up. I can put my microphone all the way up. It always caps it at around negative nine. I don't know why. I have no idea why the fuck it does that. It's, it drives me crazy too. Unknown_05: Oh, I forgot to change the title of the stream to the red emoji. Red dot emoji. There's one post that I really, really like that I'm trying to get to. I'm barreling through all the other ones. And I'm complaining about my mic because it just doesn't fucking work for no apparent reason. 0:10:17 Unknown_04: Okay, here, this one. Unknown_05: It's the 4chan of discussing locales. People dedicated to the niche mixed with trolls who go too far. Stick to Reddit for the love of God. If you're trying to cut your dick off, stick to Reddit. This is my best one. My favorite one. Shoutout to... Unknown_05: I've listened to a few of Noel's streams, and I can't deny that he's a smart dude, but he definitely has no life, and his negativity is depressing. 0:10:55 Unknown_05: Oh, wait, no, sorry. I meant to shout at someone else, not Dienga. Fuck you, Dienga. I don't care. Null is almost at the point of no return. I think he needs to find some people to hand control of Kiwi Farms over to. Name one. If you have a name of someone who's willing to sacrifice everything because they're about to get fucking sued and Vordrek is going to go after their entire extended family, feel free to name some fucking names. Oh, people that know low-level networking, people that can manage the machines, people that can manage all the shit that I fucking do, feel free to name who that person is and who's willing to actually commit to hosting the site. I dare you, motherfucker. Just try. 0:11:27 Unknown_05: AZ Mappy. No, uh, wait, I just heard that one. Okay. Shout out to curvy Anna, which sounds like a contradiction. It sounds like curvy anorexic almost. I'll be enjoying his stream and then pow, he says something ridiculously racist and it's a bummer. Oh, and D'Angus says, yeah, I was going to mention that too. It's never just a racial joke. It's legitimately anger fueled racist comments. Unknown_05: I got called out by Reddit for being right. I'm canceled guys. Unknown_04: I've been canceled. 0:12:02 Unknown_04: I can't believe it. Unknown_04: After all this time, Reddit has finally gotten to the, to the, uh, to the bottom of things. Unknown_05: Yeah. Unknown_04: I mean, I think those people come mostly from, like, they find me mostly from the girl cow streamers. Unknown_05: And then they're just like, wait, this guy is funny. And he makes a lot of edgy jokes about race. And then after a little bit, they're like, wait a second. 0:12:33 Unknown_05: There's something wrong with it. These don't seem like jokes anymore. Unknown_04: I'm getting uncomfortable. Unknown_04: Oh, well. Unknown_04: Laugh or die, motherfucker. Unknown_04: Hang on. Pegged by Reddit. Nuh-uh. Fuck that. Unknown_05: That's my covering of this. Very pissed I didn't get to talk to the guy. I'm glad Reddit enjoys my riveting commentary. Unknown_05: Next. Oh, Jim Sterling. I haven't talked about... See, I was challenged by... 0:13:08 Unknown_05: By Overpaid, who I haven't talked to in forever. Because after we got banned from Discord, after the Sneed Chord was destroyed by Tranny Janis, we moved to just the Fediverse and Matrix, if you're autistic enough to figure out how Matrix works. Unknown_05: And overpaid, who is a ethnically Filipino Vietnamese national who is a communist China simp. And he's one of the greatest trolls ever because he has discovered that if you go to an American space or a Western space in general and you have a semi-educated understanding of China and you're willing to shill for them, you can legit send people off into maniacal tantrums Where he can get people screaming over voice chat about how bug men all need to be killed and shit. Just by saying, China good, in chat. 0:13:53 Unknown_05: He's really entertaining. And I refuse to ban him from the Sneed Court for forever, even though people really hated him. Because it entertained me to see how much he could rile up people just by saying, China good... And having people melt down over it. But he challenged me. He said that he would only join our matrix if I could go an entire stream without talking about trannies. Unknown_05: Which is ironic because he's on Discord, which is the Janitranny Utopia. It is a personally curated museum of beaten, buck-broken men and women, the selected few who can reside in the diaper furry's kingdom. So as he throws his stones from his glass house, I am hesitant to show this because I do like overpaid. 0:14:32 Unknown_05: But... Jim James Stefani Sterling is actually a non-binary. So they're not a tranny. And this doesn't forfeit my competition because I'm not talking about tranny. Actually, I could take the Russell Greer approach. I'm not talking about trannies. I'm talking about a non-binary queen. So it's not plural and it doesn't count. It's a checkmate, atheists. 0:15:16 Unknown_05: Uh, so what happened is that Kotaku, the wonderful games journal was establishment that it is released an article, which by the way, this is the first time I've seen this and I didn't look at this trailer. Unknown_05: And I'm tempted. I don't know why. It looks like an 80s style. It's like Five Nights at Freddy's, but it's 80s style. And for whatever reason, the animatronics are all dressed in like 80s workout clothes and shit. And it's really creepy. But then the comment from Kotaku says... Wow, turns out these games look way better when they're not made by a weird Christian dude. Sony also announced the game's December 16th release date. So, if you don't know, Scott Cawthorn is like a religious Christian. He's like a fundamentalist. And he has a big family, a big white family, and that pisses off a lot of people. So when he made millions and millions of dollars with the sensational franchise Five Nights at Freddy's, he donated a lot of money to like churches and religious organizations and also Republican politicians, including Mitch McConnell and Matt Gaetz, which pissed off a lot of fucking people. 0:16:29 Unknown_05: A lot of people of gender in particular because he supports anti-gay legislation. So he ended up, I think he either retired from Five Nights at Freddy's or he just sold the franchise rights to Sony directly. Unknown_05: And, uh, this is the first game that's come and it looks fucking horrific. If I'm going to be, I don't know what the fuck this has to do with, um, horror or maybe, I mean, the eighties is pretty scary just cause everyone looks so horrific and movies and shit from the eighties. But I don't know what, what this is supposed to be, but, um, obviously because it's the first game without Scott Cawthorn attached to it, it's going to be the best one of the series, a real revitalization. Um, everything the Five Nights at Freddy's could have been games for the new generation and all people of all colors and genders and fuck that uh so what's his face Jim Sterling I do a little back and forth they said Cawthorn is a Christian fundamentalist who donated to right-wing anti-LGBTQ plus politicians base he is weird and he is Christian not really childish to tell the truth 0:17:13 Unknown_05: So he gets into a Twitter fight, as he does, and I would like to dedicate a minute and a half to Jim Sterling reading comments that he received in reply to this. 0:17:48 Unknown_05: Make sure the audio is right. Unknown_08: By the way, I've really, really noticed watching this that... Let me open this up. He loves to use stock footage, right? So when he does stock footage of gamers, he always uses white men... Unknown_05: When he uses stock footage to represent himself, he's either using like Harley Quinn from like video games or from cartoons or like this chick right here. 0:18:25 Unknown_05: And when he talks about the gamers, though, when he talks about bad people, white man, angry, snarling, more cartoon... Oh, here's him putting on... This is like a sock photo representing him putting on makeup. There's another one where it's just like a sock photo of a woman thinking. But any time he's talking about himself or good people, he uses browns or he uses... Unknown_05: uh, women. And when he talks about bad people, it's always white men or white children. Unknown_05: So then whatever, I'll go back to the clip. I just want to point that out. It's like, it's, I don't know if it's subconscious or deliberate, but it's obvious what he does. Unknown_08: There's the thinking woman that he uses to represent himself. 0:19:24 Unknown_08: Misgender me? My wife's boyfriend is doing pretty well, last I heard, and I haven't stopped laughing at your I don't fucking care, as if misgendering a trans person is some badass act of rebellion by a renegade who plays by no rules. Ooh, you're fucking fearless, mate. Misgendering someone? On the internet? Not only original, but so fucking sexy. Unknown_05: Women love a transphobe anti-gay. Uh, I do love that defense that, uh, he's, oh, how's your wife's boyfriend? And he's just like, my wife's boyfriend is doing A-OK, mate. I love, I'm a, I'm, I'm a proud cook, I am. 0:19:58 Unknown_05: So fucking sexy. Unknown_08: Nothing says I'm not weird by pretending to be woman. No wonder your wife left you, Jim. Unknown_08: Some comments seem wildly obsessed with my ex-wife, who I split with in 2018, and have since been happy in a completely different relationship, but go off, I guess? Unknown_05: Oh, um, this is... I think this is the first time that he's ever acknowledged what happened to this. I think she was just referred to as the ham beast. 0:20:34 Unknown_05: Um, and this is his wife... And they were found on like a fet. This woman was found on the fet life because they were looking for partners for an open relationship. And I think they were specifically looking for black men. And this was years ago. Unknown_08: Anyway, the transphobic responses in defense of a transphobia supporter continued. Please shut up, trans-trender, says the person who turned NB for clout. A white man using the name Stephanie is calling a man weird for having religious beliefs. Twitter is full of people being LGBTQ when they sure as hell actually aren't and are just following a trend because for some damn reason that shit trended. Imagine being so mentally deranged you think Jim Sterling is pretty. This one just says fat. 0:21:10 Unknown_05: That's the best one. By the way, after this, people pointed out that this is like his professional thing for his wrestling thing, this picture of him. 0:21:49 Unknown_05: If I can find it, this one, this is like how he presents himself to his wrestling people. And he's doing like, I don't know if it's intentional, but this looks a lot like the Jared Leto damage. It has to be an intentional Jared Leto damage impression. Cause that's exactly what it looks like. Uh, so people were saying that when the comment about how, um, this deranged weirdo is calling other people weird, this is what they're referring to. This obviously mentally unstable person who should not be around children. Unknown_04: Yep. 0:22:26 Unknown_04: I was actually surprised to hear him bring up the wife because legit nobody knows what happened to this woman. Unknown_05: We only figured that they got divorced because when he moved out of state, he made no mention of living with her anymore. And it's just like, it's been, he never mentioned her at all, ever. I don't know if he was embarrassed of her or just trying to keep her secret or like what. Um, but it was pretty obvious that they had split apart around 2020. Unknown_04: um oh one more thing i want to show you from this i saw it so you have to too 0:23:13 Unknown_08: Well, well, well. It seems that somebody at Wrestler's Lab has finally seen sense and extended an invitation to the super-heavyweight super-villain, the poly-antagonist, the pan-galactic princesque of pansexual pandemonium, Commander Sterling. Yes, oh my, yes. What a time we're going to have on January 15th at Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, at Wrestler's Lab's next big show, Chemical 0:23:46 Unknown_05: The dog collar is a nice touch. Unknown_05: I hate this wrestling shit more than anything in the world. It is so fucking awful, and he's so proud of it. And he's been so proud of it for so long, and it's always been so fucking awful. I don't know what's wrong with people who watch wrestling. That shit's fucking gay. I'll just say it. Wrestling is fucking gay and people who watch it are weirdos. And I know there's some people that some of you like who watch wrestling. It doesn't matter. They're fucking weirdos. Wrestling is shit. And this is the audience for wrestling. Fuck it. 0:24:19 Unknown_05: It's make-believe. It is. Unknown_05: They call it soap operas for men, and being cognizant of that fact does not make it better. It makes it worse. You're watching something you know is shit and gay and cringe, and you're like, yeah, whatever, that's just what it is. Unknown_05: That's the Jim Sterling update. We're going to bust through these real fucking fast, and it'll be a short stream. As I say, every week will be the shortest stream ever. 0:24:51 Unknown_05: It's a contest. How quickly can I get through these points? Unknown_05: I would like to have one day a 10-minute stream. It's like a speed run. Mad at the internet. Any percent. 10 minutes. Unknown_05: So baked Alaska a while ago. A really long time ago, actually. It might have been even in 2020 when this started, or it could have just been earlier this year. Anyways, it's been a long-ass fucking time. He, in case you're unaware somehow, because I've talked about this before, he maced a bouncer. He went to a bar in Arizona, because IP2 streaming is a walking plague upon mankind. uh the bar was harassed by callers or some shit and he was talking maybe he was just talking inappropriately his talk his text-to-speech shit was pissing off customers whatever the fuck happened 0:25:30 Unknown_05: the bouncer tells him to leave and baked Alaska indignant gets up in his face. And I was like, bro, I thought you guys were like fucking Trump, man. I thought you guys were like anti lockdown, man. And the bouncer is just like, get the fuck out of here. You retard. So he yells and, And Baked Alaska, like, glances and retreats. And then over the course of 10 seconds, because I've counted this before, he uncaps pepper spray and sprays the guy in the face. And it's like, okay, that's questionable. Maybe that's... Oh, and he gets shoved. That's why he retreats. He gets pushed by the bouncer. And then he sprays the bouncer from a good, like, three feet away. And you could say, okay, maybe that's, like, an equitable exchange. He gets yelled at in the ear, and he gets shoved, and then Big Alaska sprays him. Maybe that's, like, fair as far as, like, self-defense goes. However, as I and basically all other rational people have said... There is a time after that, immediately after that, where Baked Alaska turns his back on the threat, the person that he's claiming he's in fear for his life from. At least that's his legal defense. In case you're wondering, legal defenses and what actually happened is completely different. You're trying to portray yourself in the most sympathetic way possible. So, yeah. Baker Lasker saying, oh, he gave me a little shouty outy and it hurted my little ears. Now I was afraid for my very wife and soul. Like that's that's the the legal defense. And you have to look bitch made if you're trying to get out of a situation like that legally. So I don't blame him for like saying, I love black wives and I, he was yelling at me and there's a global pandemic and he didn't even have a mask on. So it could have yelled COVID directly into my eyeballs. Like that's the legal defense. Give them a break kids. If you were a threat, if you were faced with jail, you would, you would say whatever the fuck it took to not go to jail. So I'll give them, I'll give them a little passy wassy on that. But yeah, 0:27:38 Unknown_05: In the situation, after he turns his back on the guy and sprays him in the face without even looking at him, he walks away from him while spraying. Not a fucking chance. Nobody on Earth is going to look at that and say, oh, he's really afraid now. That guy's coming right for him. Uncap the pepper spray and run away while spraying so that he can't follow you. no he's fucked so uh let's listen to the judge hand up the ruling just for posterity's sakes about three minutes of of audio having heard the testimony having viewed the exhibits having heard the arguments of the parties we have three charges first one we'll take them in order uh backwards i guess from the way it was charged on criminal trespass we have uh 0:28:47 Unknown_00: the best evidence because we could all watch the event occur. Unknown_05: If you're asking for video, there is no video. The courts allowed the audio from the proceedings to go onto the internet, but they did not redo video. So here's what you get, which puts you on even footing with the podcastees for once. It occurred, which I don't remember what exhibit that was, but that states one. Unknown_00: Yes, Your Honor. Okay, states one. Unknown_00: We see the defendant leaving the building, in the process of leaving the building. We have the defendant go to where the arm is stretched out, showing the location, the general location. We have the defendant still standing there. 0:29:26 Unknown_00: Mr. Pecora, the bouncer or security person. We have Mr. Pecora telling him, sorry, Mr. Pecora, the security person, telling him stop blocking my doorway, the defendant not moving. Unknown_00: quite a big show but of course that's not the charge here so I'm not here to rule one way or the other of that but we do have the defendant clearly trespassing by not moving and staying there and with his face right next to Mr. Pecora's face. 0:30:18 Unknown_00: As to the disorderly conduct we have the series of events that occur Unknown_00: It seems to me that Mr. Pecor's piece was disturbed by watching the tape or the evidence of Exhibit 1, especially at the end where he is sprayed in the face with pepper gel. So as to the disorderly conduct, the court finds the defendant guilty. As to the assault, I understand the defense argument on the first spray. Unknown_00: because it was shoved, but again, the shoving is not for the court here. But then we have, after the retreat occurs, we have the defendant having a pause, and then again, spraying pepper gel at Mr. Pecora. And therefore, I find that this, beyond a reasonable doubt, the assault, and I believe the state has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that it was not justified. Do the parties wish to proceed with sentencing today? Your Honor, the seat is . 0:30:55 Unknown_05: So that's the interesting part. The remainder of that little clip is just the state saying that they would not like to have sentencing done then because the state intends to introduce aggravating circumstances as far as sentencing goes. So they're trying to get not only a sentence, but they're trying to get a maximum sentence. So they're going to bring in information and say, like, not only was he being a fucking asshole, he was being a huge fucking asshole and he deserves the maximum sentence. which I think 0:31:40 Unknown_05: what they're going to introduce, because there's just a lot of footage with IP2. But the state basically, I mean, not basically, literally, word for word, called Baked Alaska an attention seeker. He's saying that this guy is an attention whore. He goes from place to place causing fucking problems with his stupid-ass fucking camera and microphone. And he's just a menace to society, and he jokes about spraying people in the fucking face all the time. 0:32:15 Unknown_05: He has, on camera, on record, called it content spray. Like, he's a blight. He's a menace. Like, I'm sorry. You know, I understand. Like, if you want to go around in public and record people, that alone is fucking annoying. You're going to cause problems for any place you go to if you have trolls because they're going to call the establishment. Like, King Cobra went to a bar, and he just went to a small, shitty dive bar in Wyoming. And actually, you know, I'll play that next just because that's funny. I don't have that ready, but I'll get it while I'm talking. But it's going to cause problems. But then you have the fucking text of speech. So you have shit about, like, when they were with Chagat, the text of speech was asking about banging 13-year-olds and shit. And it's just like, no. Dude, people are off work, and they're trying to enjoy, you know, their fucking beer. And you just have this imbecile, this retard with this fucking speaker blaring retarded shit. And it's just... 0:32:50 Unknown_05: It's so awful to be around. I can only imagine how fucking awful it is to be around that shit. So they're going to try to throw the book at him. 0:33:23 Unknown_05: But not just Arizona is trying to throw the book at him. Unknown_05: The U.S. government is trying to throw the book at him. Unknown_05: No, I think he walked on the trespassing charge or something. Unknown_05: What was his deal with the U.S. government for January 6th? He didn't get fucked with. Obviously, he's not in jail. Did he just go confidential informant with that? That's what people think, right? Is that he went CI on the January 6th thing? 0:33:57 Unknown_04: He spent some time in prison, did he? Unknown_04: He snitched. Unknown_04: Yeah, I think people said that he went CI. Unknown_04: But... Sorry, I'm... You're trying to kick back and you got some fucking retards camera phone spamming the N-word all the time. Unknown_05: Yeah, fuck that. 0:34:30 Unknown_05: Jail. Okay, he went to jail for a little bit. Unknown_05: But people think that he got a really light deal. He's probably a Fed, which could be true. I don't know. But if that is a Fed, he must have done something else to piss off the government. Because the U.S. government is apparently... And I don't know the details. I don't know if this is the state. I don't know if this is the U.S. federal government. I don't know where this charge comes from. I'm going to clean off my desk. Unknown_04: I'm sorry, chat. Unknown_04: But... 0:35:01 Unknown_04: I lost my train of thought because I knocked over my fucking monster. Unknown_05: My fucking boomer juice. Unknown_05: Cancel it. Unknown_05: What was I talking about? Oh, I don't know. Okay, I've not seen the charge yet. I don't have this information yet. Unknown_05: And I don't know if it's true. But the word is, from Baked Alaska's mouth, he is facing more charges... Unknown_05: He says here on Telegram, just received word from my attorney. The U.S. government is filing charges against me for allegedly taking down a cardboard Happy Hanukkah song from over a year ago on stream and charging me with a hate crime. Great fucking country we live in. I am a political prisoner. And they're trying to bleed me dry. I need your help. This is messed up. 0:35:43 Unknown_01: I wish I could perpetrate a hate crime. I love hate. I think we need more hate. So you want a hoax of hate crime? Step number one. Unknown_05: Step number one. Here, let me just show you what he did. I clipped this for the Fediverse. Unknown_04: I'll just play it for you. I feel like... I don't know. 0:36:19 Unknown_09: I don't want to... Unknown_09: I don't know, isn't this a public sign or something? Unknown_13: There we go. Unknown_09: No more Happy Hanukkah, only Merry Christmas. This is a disgrace. Unknown_05: Oy vey, he's really fucked up this time. So, let me just rewind this actually. 0:36:54 Unknown_05: This sign says it's like a little menorah in public. I guess it's in front of the city hall or whatever. And it just says Shabbat of Arizona wishes you a happy Hanukkah. For more information about Hanukkah, visit ShabbatAZ.com slash Hanukkah. Unknown_05: And he's like, no. Unknown_05: No, I need to get rid of this. People might learn about Hanukkah from the Shabbat of Arizona. Like, okay, even if you're like the most virulent anti-Semite on the fucking planet, the Jewish people that you're like crazy about and you hate, right, are not the old ladies at Temple. Those are not the people undermining society. It's not the little old lady. And the old rabbi at the temple who are trying to undermine the white family, okay, right? I really don't think that the Shabbat of Arizona is personally responsible for COVID-19 lockdown mandates or whatever the fuck, right? So it's a really empty gesture. And it's not like it said, like, goyim or cattle or whatever the fuck. It just says, happy Hanukkah. So, while I don't believe that there should be different crimes for the same things, depending on alleged motivation, right? 0:38:24 Unknown_05: I really don't believe that hate crime should be a thing. But when you talk about what makes a hate crime, the government is going to allege that the effort of the person is to do something which makes that religious minority feel like they cannot exercise their constitutional rights to their religion. And what is the iconic, the most typical Jewish religion that anyone would know about? Well, that would be Hanukkah, because it's like the allegory for Christmas to the Jews. So he's defacing the sign, which just says, Happy Hanukkah. And it's completely inoffensive. So you're already losing any benefit of a doubt. It's not sympathetic towards you. And then number two... 0:39:00 Unknown_05: It's not creating new speech. Like, okay, if he spray-painted something on top of this sign, you could argue that, unless it was like a swastika, because you could say that's trying to intimidate. But even then, that's still creating new speech, as opposed to countering it with something else, a different message. You could say that's constitutionally protected. Destroying shit is not constitutionally protected. It's just not. So he's well, I don't believe in hate crimes. I think that he's really fucked himself. He picked a really bad fight with this car. This cardboard sign was just sitting there minding its own damn business. And he picks a fight with it and it's going to kick his ass. 0:39:39 Unknown_05: I'm suddenly reminded. Unknown_05: of one of my favorite videos as a kid was a vhs of a disney cartoon called uh songs of the south with brer bear and brer rabbit and i've talked about i think i've talked about this before but there's one scene and i really hope i don't get a dmca for this but can i play this it's infamously racist by the way um but i remember this scene i'll just play it for you guys because it comes to mind 0:40:39 Unknown_11: Bear Rabbit wait for the tall baby to say, fine, how are you? But the tall baby, he don't say nothing. And Bear Fox, he lay low. So, Bear Rabbit try it again. Unknown_11: How do you do? Unknown_11: But the tall baby ain't say nothing. Then Bear Rabbit scratch one ear with his off-behind foot, and now he gonna find out why he can't get no answer. Unknown_05: Okay, just a pause real quick in case you're only listening. I'll do some commentary for our podcast viewers. In the cartoon, there's just this thing sitting on the log called the Tar Baby. And the rabbit comes by and is like, hey, what's up? And the Tar Baby don't say nothing. So he gets really indignant about it. 0:41:14 Unknown_12: And he's like, why are you ignoring me, motherfucker? What's the matter with you? I said howdy. Is your heart in here? Maybe this show made me racist. Boo. 0:41:54 Unknown_11: It's worth the copyright strike. I love this cartoon as a kid. Do it. Yeah. Unknown_05: He's stuck. He's stuck, podcast listeners. He's stuck in the tar baby. His fist has been emulsified with the tar. 0:42:26 Unknown_11: Oh, no. Both hands are stuck. Unknown_05: Oh, no. He's completely covered in the tar now. Unknown_05: Oh, look, it's the U.S. government. They're just marching on in. Unknown_05: Look at what they found. Look at what they found, chat. 0:43:07 Unknown_05: Look, so I'm just saying, okay, if you want an allegory for a char baby, here it is. Sitting, minding its own fucking business on the log. Unknown_05: Here comes Brer... What's a good Alaskan animal? He's not a polar bear, that's way too cool. Brer elk. Unknown_05: He's getting tapped by the char baby. There we go. No more happy Hanukkah. Unknown_09: Only Merry Christmas. Unknown_05: Don't touch the tar. Exactly right. And I get all fucked up like Br'er Rabbit did. 0:43:42 Unknown_05: They even mentioned that this might have happened. I found this article. I was trying to find a source for the indictment. And someone linked this. This is from January 12th. So right after the Capitol stuff. But even here they're mentioning that he might catch an indictment for this. So I don't know. Unknown_05: Here's my tip for everybody. Number one, don't go looking for trouble. Trouble will find you. Number two, if you're going to go look for trouble, don't record yourself doing it. And number three, don't pick a fight with the Shabbat of Arizona. It's probably not worth it. That sign was definitely not worth the trouble. That piece of cardboard is now worth like several thousand dollars just in attorney's fees. What a fucking disaster. 0:44:16 Unknown_05: Don't anger the ADL. Exactly right, Chet. Fuck, I forgot. Unknown_04: Who was it? Unknown_05: What are you doing, Josh? Oh, nothing much. Just streaming, to be honest, fam. Unknown_05: Every fucking episode. I think they wait. I think they wait. 0:44:48 Unknown_05: They wait for me to be midstream before they do it, too. Unknown_05: Okay, that's a good segue into Ralph, because why not, right? I managed to go a whole week without talking about him, and it caused him to explode. Unknown_05: I mentioned last Friday that I published an article with Zero Hedge called Where the Sidewalk Ends the Death of the Internet, which is a very, very, it's a very, well, instead of just saying that it is something, my intentions were to create an article that was informative to normal people to understand the threats that the internet faces in terms of a balkanization, the internet splitting up into many smaller networks. That would be a lowercase i internet. 0:45:35 Unknown_05: I think it was information that anyone would benefit from. But for whatever reason, Ralph took it very personally that I had been published in Zero Hedge. And my belief is that last week, at the same week as this article coming out, Ralph had... Actually, if I just go to his site even... Unknown_05: Like if I just go to Ralph's blog and I go to his thing, you see this article that he wrote about me and then you see this great recharge. And the great recharge is like his article about how he's going to go back to his roots and he's going to rebuild himself up with this blog where it all started from back before even Gamergate. I'm going to prop myself up. I built myself up with my blog. I once I could do it again. Sure. Shoot. So he publishes this about how he's going to write more. And then the same week, coincidentally, not planned. I honestly did not intend to piss off Ralph by contributing to fucking Zero Hedge. My article gets published, and I think that makes him angry. 0:46:10 Unknown_05: And I do not accuse people of jealousy lightly because there's a lot in my life, at least public facing, I mostly complain, right? People think I'm really angry all the time because when I'm happy, I'm in my zone. I don't feel the need to share it. When I'm angry, I need to vent. So I yell. I yell on my streams. I yell on my forum. I yell on the Fediverse. So I come across genuinely, like, psychotically angry all the fucking time because I have no reason to share things I like because if I like something and I share it with people, well, then people like Vordrak, people like Ralph, people in general are going to try and destroy that for me. Because I've said that it makes me happy, right? So I'm very limited in what I can talk about. And that gives people a perception of me that's inherently negative in terms of my attitude towards things. Because when I don't like something, if someone wants to, you know, that's all I can talk about. 0:47:39 Unknown_04: So... Unknown_04: Like I said, I don't accuse people of being jealous very lightly. Unknown_05: But I think that Ralph is legitimately jealous about this. So he immediately comes out. Like 15 minutes after my stream, by the way. And I don't know if he was afraid of me mentioning this on stream or what. But he says, your new contributor, Josh Moon, sure has some interesting quotes, Zero Hedge. Hope no one in the media picks this up. He's quite liberal with his use of the N-word and is actually bragging about the alleged nudes of shoe on head. 0:48:15 Unknown_05: Not sure who made this editorial call. Unknown_05: Here's a quote from this Josh at kiwifarms.cc. Unknown_05: This looks kind of like Twitter, but it's not Twitter. It's this kiwifarms.cc. Very strange. I don't know what this kiwifarms.cc is. It seems like a place where people can join and say whatever they want, and you should totally join it. Unknown_05: But Josh at kiwifarms.cc says, It's nice living in a place where everyone is just Serbian or Ukrainian, and there's no neighbors. And then I say here, I just fucking hate neighbors. And then this third tweet is the Kiwi Farms receives between 50 and 150 users per day because of the non consensual pornography laws. The shoe on head nudes are hidden from the public. And we were we've received actually received over a thousand that day. 0:48:56 Unknown_05: And I say Coomers. number one i'm not bragging about hosting the nudes it's a weird way to i'm saying that a lot of people signed up specifically to see it and i i castigate these people as coomers as sort of a negative take on it but what's really great about this is that he's trying to get shoe on head to to join his crusade against me right like he expects this reply to be like a quote retweet saying like Like, yeah, that fucking Kiwi Farms, Zero Head should totally not let this guy write articles for them about the internet. That's bad, and Kiwi Farms should be shut down. 0:49:37 Unknown_05: But you didn't do that. Do you know why? Do you want to guess why, chat? Unknown_05: I'll tell you. I'll tell you. She's not going to quote tweet this. Not because she's intimidated by my epic powers to epically own everyone, right? It's not like that. Unknown_05: She probably doesn't want people to know she has nudes out there and probably doesn't appreciate Ralph advertising this fact to people. She probably really, really doesn't like it because I checked the replies, by the way. And several people are like, wait, she on head has nudes on the Kiwi farms. Like, thanks for advertising my site, though. I don't really want Coomers who are also Ralph's audience to join it. I'm just saying. So this has a splash. 0:50:18 Unknown_05: I intend to publish a second article. We'll see if it goes through. If it doesn't, I understand. If it does, that's cool. Unknown_05: And from there, he publishes an article. 0:50:54 Unknown_05: Zero Hedge publishes Kiwi Farms owner Josh Moon. I just fucking hate Neighbors, which is what I assume it says. What else? It starts with an N and ends with an RS. It's Neighbors. It fits perfectly. Unknown_05: So he says, in this blog post, he's got this wonderful picture of me in my mom's living room from like 10 years ago. Unknown_05: I've been a longtime reader of Zero Hedge. In fact, this site has been cited there many times. Unknown_05: Hmm. 0:51:28 Unknown_05: Hmm. Let's see. Unknown_05: ZeroHedge.com. Ethan Ralph. Unknown_05: No hits. The Ralph Retort. No hits? Let's try it with Spaces Chat. The Ralph Retort. Unknown_05: Nothing. Killstream, maybe? Maybe you need the hashtag? Hashtag Killstream? Hmm. Hmm. Unknown_05: I don't know. I mean, I'm only an expert Googler. That's doxing in a nutshell, right? 0:52:01 Unknown_05: He says it's been cited many times, but yet, from what I understand... What are those satanic words? Unknown_05: From what I understand, it's actually never been mentioned in any capacity ever, Ralph. Unknown_05: But when I was... When I saw... Actually... Do I dare? Unknown_04: Do I dare chat? Unknown_04: Oh, one, two, three. Oh, I get a lot of hits for Kiwi ore farms. Unknown_05: Let's try with the space. Unknown_05: I swear, there is a mention of the Kiwi farms for the police. 0:52:43 Unknown_05: New Zealand police. I guess it doesn't turn up the actual site, though. Unknown_04: Oh, this is all shit about their fucking COVID stuff. Unknown_05: Oh well, the first, I got introduced to Zero Hedge because one of their, I think the Tyler Durden account tweeted an article out that explicitly contained my response to the new New Zealand police. Unknown_04: What? Unknown_04: Now I'm felted. Are they like hiding this article? I swear, I feel like I'm hallucinating now. Maybe they deleted a bunch of stuff. 0:53:17 Unknown_04: Oh, when I search this, I only got... I get articles saying that I'm an incel terrorist trying to hide information about... What's his face? Unknown_05: Oh, and the great thing about this, by the way, is that he actually tried to... Sorry, I'm trying to save an image here. He tried to bring this up, too. He tried to show people that... 0:53:49 Unknown_05: He had been used many times on Zero Hedge. And you can see his little history here. Unknown_05: uh caesar's virginia's sports books a betting burn it down songs um caesar's virginia case capitalize sports books near me josh moon kid tiddler and um the ralph retort zero head so that exact query would turn up nothing but he was trying to find an example for his article when i type in burn it down i get a lincoln park song 0:54:33 Unknown_05: hell yeah when ralph's writing this article what he's listening to now i'll keep i'll keep it tried and true i'll read it with this plane Unknown_05: Uh, you see, most people seem to be afraid of Kiwi Farms and Josh Moon. I guess that's why they keep silent. There's no lie about me. They can tell that they haven't already told, so it doesn't affect me much. But I can understand those who reluctantly keep quiet in the face of such a fraud. Well, let me stay silent in public. In private, many things are said. Still, I understand most sane people not wanting to get involved. Nonetheless, I saw this post. It was the usual drivel from Moon. He likes to portray himself as some kind of king when it comes to free speech. but the fact is he bans people from his site daily, he uses the mentally ill users on kiwi farms to spin lies about his enemies, and the worst part of all, he seems to think he should be immune from the same sorts of perils that yours truly has gone through. Well, if no one else will write this up, I certainly will. Kiwi Farms, and we need to take a break. We need to pause the Linkin Park music here. 0:55:48 Unknown_05: Now, Ethan Ralph almost has a degree in journalism or some shit. Unknown_05: Now, as an editor, he should know, he says here, Kiwi Farms, two words, proper case. Down here, Kiwi Farms, two words, proper case. Kiwi Farms, two words, proper case. Says that four times. But then he has Kiwi Farms, one word, right here. So that is called inconsistent. You're being inconsistent. This is very noticeable. You should have fixed this as the editor-in-chief of the raffle. Why is your site so fucking slow? Jesus. I'm like clicking around and shit's locking up. Anyways. 0:56:20 Unknown_05: Kiwi Farms has become an outright honeypot for right-wingers interested in free speech, where leftists are given free rein to docs and attacks their lives, while all the freaks, furries, and leftists themselves are protected by Josh's moderation staff, themselves, furry, freaks, and other sordid degenerates. Josh Moon doesn't even believe in free speech as he portrays it to the mob. He has banned numerous posters in the past few days simply for disagreeing with him or making fun of him. One such poster named Vetti, a piece of shit that hates me, by the way, made fun of Josh by photoshopping a hat that said Kid Diddler on his head. It was removed from the staff and banned from the website immediately. 0:56:52 Unknown_05: Free speech, am I right? This is but a small sampling of his more colorful statements. 0:57:30 Unknown_05: Here's a couple hard-R neighbors brought to you by the editorial staff at Zero Hedge. This was not on Zero Hedge. This is my Fediverse. Hard-R Hedge. Unknown_05: Great Trumpism. Hard-R Hedge, perhaps. I didn't realize this was a new avenue for him. Perhaps we can get Rambot a blog series as well. The truth of the matter is I'm sure Mr. Moon downplayed and or lied about all the connections such as these. And that's not true. I told him up front that you would get backlash if you brought me on. But wait, I'm sure he warned Zero Hedge and Kiwi Farms or about Kiwi Farms being the largest purveyor of revenge pornography on the lowercase i internet, right? He does that intentionally because he knows it's wrong. Such as the revenge pornography of faith, which you're going to trial for like this month, Ralph. Come on. I would bet my left nut he said not one word. I'm in Vegas. 0:58:10 Unknown_05: I'm in Vegas chowing down on plain beef, and I need to get ready for the OG mystery guest tonight, which was just some chinky guy that no one ever heard of. Unknown_05: So I don't have time to pull up the 2,000 other examples right now, but don't worry, I'll make time if it comes down to it. Let's see if Mr. Moon has asked back for a sequel. 0:58:45 Unknown_05: I see that great recharge working out. Unknown_04: He really thought this would demolish me. Unknown_04: Why is Josh so racist? Unknown_04: It's because... I'll tell you what the root of my racism is, Jet. Unknown_05: All I want is a country like China for the Chinese, Israel for the Jewish, Japan for the Japanese... Unknown_05: I just want that. I just want that for white people. Where can white people go? It's like a white country. It doesn't exist. And whenever a country that is majority white starts to have economic success, it is immediately the target of these multiculturalism, multi-ethnic, multi-religious organizations that try to promote this. And it's just like, there should be one place, the Joshno State. 0:59:19 Unknown_04: Go back to Poland. Unknown_05: Poland's the target of it, too. Go to Warsaw or Krakow and see what they're doing to that country. It's a disaster. It's a disaster, ladies and gentlemen. It's a disaster. When I went to Switzerland, I was interviewed by an Egyptian man at the border. 0:59:54 Unknown_05: No. Okay. The Swiss, I don't know if anyone in the audience is Swiss. If you are, I hate you. The Swiss have the worst accent ever. All of them. All their accents are terrible. Unknown_05: When I was in the Geneva International Airport and I had to listen to Swiss people talk, I legit got a migraine. They have the worst way of speaking ever. They speak five languages. They speak English, German, Italian, French, and Romance. And they speak all of them wrong. Even Romance, which is spoken nowhere else. 1:00:29 Unknown_05: All of those languages are horrifically deformed by the Swiss person. So fuck Switzerland. All my homies hate Switzerland. People are like, oh, Switzerland's so fucking base. Look up their hate speech laws. Look at their criminal defamation laws. Look at their criminal defamation of the government laws. See how the media is suppressed there. Look at, oh, well, everyone's got a gun. People have gun privileges in Switzerland. You get to keep your gun when you go through mandatory military service, but you get a speeding ticket, they can take your gun away because you're a criminal now. Switzerland is not a fucking base. People who suck up to Switzerland are worshipping a false idol. Fuck Switzerland. 1:01:03 Unknown_05: Is there any coin update? Go to the site. If you go to the site, the page that says that is the product page, look at the description. All the updates go there. Unknown_05: My issue with the coins right now, like you're asking in the middle of the fucking stream, I get emails every day, where are the coins at? They're in a fucking warehouse. That's where the coins are at. Half the coins are sitting in a warehouse right now. Why aren't they going out? Great question. I'm emailing them every day. Why don't you mail the fucking coins out? Why haven't you imported the orders correctly? No, no movement on that. So I'm personally manually deleting. Like 1,400 fucking orders. And I'm going to prepare the fucking list. I'm going to import the list manually. And I'm going to figure this out this week because I'm livid. By the way, they already charged me for shipping. So I've given them $10,000 for the shipping. And it's still not going out. So I don't know what the fuck it takes. I've been through their customer service. They gave me a phone number to call. I'll call it next week. I'm going to import the list. I'm going to make sure the list is right. I went through WordPress and I got all the orders corrected. If you want to update your address, now's the fucking time. It's just mind-boggling. I fucking hate this shit. And it's the only thing I can do for money for the site is do merchandise. And it's the most miserable fucking thing. I really can't wait to get a system down that actually works. If you know a 3PL company, I'm looking for a 3PL company that integrates into a self-hosted WordPress WooCommerce thing. That will import orders, cancel orders if they've been canceled, and then send tracking information. So if you know a company that can do that and you've actually worked with them, then go ahead and email me your suggestion. But if you're just like, oh, I googled what's a 3PL company for WordPress, don't fucking bother. I need someone that I can yell at and I need that to be you. 1:02:44 Unknown_05: so fucking obnoxious man i really i people gave me shit you know where the coins are made they're made in fucking indonesia so all these people who are like south indo-china uh half muslim half asian people and they're like oh you're exported your coins to the to asia of course they're wrong they went to the the money went to asia just fine they imported the silver from the fucking turks Because they have a lot of precious metals. So the silver came from the Nadir Precious Metal Reserve in Turkey. They got that. They made beautiful coins exactly as asked. They got it through customs. Even the US fucking government can do its job and pass my shit through customs. And then it arrives at the warehouse and the Americans are like, I have a box of coins and I have a list of addresses. I got $10,000 to mail these out. 1:03:28 Unknown_05: How do I take coins? It's a one product. There's not like eight different kinds of coins in the box you have to sort through to put it to the fucking order list. There is one type of coin and a list with a name, address, and the number of fucking coins that are going to them. And they're like, How do I do this? How do I do my job? It's the only fucking thing we do at this company. How do we do our fucking job? Great question, Josh. Maybe next time I'll do it with the fucking Chinese. The Chinese seem to be able to take coin... put in envelope, send in fucking mailbox. That seems to work just fine, but the Americans can't figure this shit out, chat. Go figure. 1:04:37 Unknown_04: Anyways. Unknown_04: So then Ralph... Unknown_05: So then Ralph got really angry and had a heart attack. Unknown_05: He doesn't even have to worry about silver coins, Chad. He's fucking having a heart attack. Well, I may have done Vegas a little too hard because I had to go to the hospital from the airport. I was having some sort of a heart episode, some sort of heart. It was called a heart attack, Ralph. You're having heart palpitations because you're dying there. on the bright side night. I love this on the bright side. Nitro gristling really fucking works. After a couple hours, they put that patch on that shit on me and it cleared it all up. Like, yeah, I was like, I was dying of a heart attack in the airport. And then when the ambulance rolled up, they said, Oh shit, you're that folk. Who's got that MGM credit card. Well, this is an MGM ambulance. So we're going to give y'all a, The finest nitroglycerin money can't buy just for you, Mr. High Roller. Welcome to Las Vegas. And he's like, thank you, thank you. I know it takes a lot out of y'all to provide this level of service to me, the king of the killstream.tv. 1:05:40 Unknown_05: But I thank y'all from the bottom of my heart. And they slap that shit on and it's like good as new. Problem solved. Don't gotta worry about it. Back to eating the plain beef the very same day. Unknown_05: By the way, he said this August 31st. Now I'm as healthy as a fat fuck can be. Never had any beatus or any of that shit. I'm very agile fat man. I played sports and shit growing up. I'm not a fucking nerd at all. Not hard to find here in Vegas either. Come stop by. 1:06:14 Unknown_05: Where does that second paragraph even come from? I played sports and shit. Not a fucking nerd at all. Let's see. What's, what's, what's Ethan Ralph's hobbies. He likes, he likes to, he hosts websites. He does a podcast. He talks about, um, politics. He, uh, is into video games and he watches anime with his girlfriend and his boyfriend Gator. I'm pretty sure that, I mean, how many of those things do you need to, how many nerd check, but I would say Ralph's a 1:06:47 Unknown_00: he's not he's not like a proud i mean he's not like a big bang reddit type nerd but he's up there with the whole fucking i i was a bit i was a big man in gamer gate anyone in gamer gates a nerd chat where does he get insecure about that who called him a nerd when in his life was he called a nerd he was he like playing pokemon or some shit in school and got called a nerd where did this insecurity come from 1:07:26 Unknown_05: crazy oh and wrestling wrestling's fucking gayer and nerdier than anything i can think of i want i want to see men in tights soliloquy about how their their main sports anime is their blood anime because they fucked their wife and their daughter at the same time even oh my god i hope that big stone smashes uh what's no name horse john i don't know anything about wrestling John Cena John Cena had it coming he's the fall for this one boys big stone gonna smash him like a rock it's so fucking stupid stone cold Steve awesome Unknown_05: Horse John sounds like the Bojack character Cuz their names are like two things smashed together right like the wrestlers. What's the stir dust right? 1:08:23 Unknown_04: Is that it for out if I'm lucky I Okay. Unknown_05: Here is one thing. I feel like I have to approach this carefully. The laughter is over chat. Put away your giggle faces. This is serious. This is dead fucking serious. Unknown_05: So on Sunday, um, Medicare did a stream and he played a lot of shit about merch from the kill stream and my take. And I'm not, again, when I started talking about Ralph, I said the same thing. I'm not making people pick sides. You can, you can like whoever you like. You can even like Ralph. If you watch the kill stream on ironically more power to you, I wish I could be so easily amused. Um, but it started off on, on the Kiwi farms, mostly because of me. Yeah, hollering, hollering at people all fucking day that I call Jim a gun guard because it's very obvious to me that number one, this is the first stream. Let me lay this out. 1:09:06 Unknown_05: This is the first stream he's done in a while where he's not done all the super chats and he doesn't he didn't do a super chats, I think, because half of them were about Ralph. He had a clip from like three years ago. with flamenco and anytime ralph was brought up in the super chats he did read he deflected by just playing that like twice even though it had no relevance to anything anything that's happened by the way and since that since the pill stream you have a laundry list of shit that's happened ralph got divorced ralph impregnated a dumpy teenager Ralph lost Zidane. Ralph acquired a gambling addiction. Ralph now has Faith's father coming after him. Ralph released revenge pornography. Ralph got addicted to, like, Coke or some shit. Like, lots has happened where any allegory you could pitch, in my opinion, to... 1:10:22 Unknown_05: To other people that Jim has talked about. Like Brian Dunn. What did Brian Dunn do? He said he made that stream on Brian Dunn because Brian kept saying that they were friends. Well, Ralph constantly brings up that he's best friends with Jim. When he yells at me, he says, Jim hates you, boy. Like, out of fucking nowhere. So I'm assuming that they talk. I actually believe Ralph when he says that because I think that he talks to Jim and Jim has said some shit about me that makes him think that. So... 1:10:58 Unknown_05: Uh, that's Brian Dunn. What did, uh, Kraut, what did Kraut do? Kraut doxing people in a gay ops. What has Ralph done? He's doxed a bunch of people. He doxed, uh, aid. And as a result, he can't talk about aid because he lost a restraining order, domestic violence thing against her. What did Sargon do? Unknown_05: I don't even fucking know. He called him a groomer? How many times has Ralph called people a groomer? You can like Jim. I'm just saying. I think, based on what I've seen, what has pissed Jim off before, and just the volume of shit, I think that he's intentionally not talking about Ralph. And if that's the case, why doesn't he just say so? Why is he afraid to say so? I don't know. 1:11:32 Unknown_05: If you just don't want to talk about Ralph, that's fine. It's not like a thing. But when people are throwing $100 at you, asking for your opinion about something, just say you don't want to talk about Ralph. Because he's your friend. I think he's literally just afraid to admit that he's friends with Ralph or something. And I don't get it. Okay, I understand not wanting to admit that you like Ralph. That is kind of embarrassing. Unknown_05: Gun's not worth the drama. I agree. He should say that, though. Because right now, it just looks like he's putting up a shield for him, and I don't understand why. 1:12:04 Unknown_05: And that's all my opinion. And I'm curious. I'll do a poll, because I like to do polls now. They're fun. Unknown_05: Do you think Jim is gun guarding? Yes, because they're friends. Yes, because he doesn't want to deal. Unknown_05: I'll just leave it as that. Unknown_05: Because he doesn't want to deal with... And that means with Ralph. And then no. 1:12:36 Unknown_05: He just refuses to talk about it. Because the other thing that people were... That say in his defense is that... It's like with JF. The more people... He constantly said he would never talk about JF because people kept trying to gay-op him into talking about JF. But... The thing with JF is that it was Sargon's people trying to make him a weapon against JF. Which is not the case here. Like... Unknown_05: If it was anyone else, I really think he would have talked about them already. And it doesn't matter at the end of the day because it's like Jim is falling into the shadows. 1:13:08 Unknown_05: And I realize it's a very selfish thing. I really wish that he would just because I would love to see. Unknown_05: I would love to see Ralph's reaction. So it's entirely like a selfish part of me that would love to see Ralph have a fucking meltdown. And even funnier than Ralph melting down over Jim, making fun of him in any way, shape, or form, is Gator. Gator would literally... Oh, he played a clip where Gator literally says something like... 1:13:49 Unknown_05: Jim said that I was the eldest fag and that was the nicest thing that anyone had ever said about me. Unknown_05: If anyone else had said that, he would have paused the clip and said, that guy's a faggot. That guy is a faggot, and he's fucking cringe. And he shouldn't have taken that as a compliment. But because it was Gator, he just didn't even mention it. And that to me is just like, bro, how embarrassing. Unknown_04: How embarrassing. Maybe he doesn't have many. I don't know. 1:14:25 Unknown_04: I don't know. Again, I don't want to make people pick sides. Unknown_05: At the end of the day, you're allowed to enjoy whatever you want. I don't care. If you watch anime, I mean, I think it's bad for you. I think it's bad for you to watch anime, but I'm not going to be like, oh, you can't be in my audience if you watch anime. If you ever watch that show about the dragon maid, you have to get the fuck out right now. That would be cringe. That would be cringe to try and force people to take sides like that. 1:14:55 Unknown_05: I'm only asking you to click the X. Oh, I can't say it. If I say what group of people has to stop listening to my streams, then Overpaid would not join my matrix. I can't divulge to you in order to keep my bet in good status. I cannot divulge to you who's not allowed to watch my streams. Maybe next time I'll say it. 1:15:26 Unknown_05: uh yeah anyways that's just my opinion i wanted to get that out there because i don't want people to think i'm hiding it or whatever because i i made a big ruckus about about it on my fucking site which i'm allowed to do because it's my fucking site i put up with a lot of bullshit specifically so i can say whatever the fuck i want um and sometimes that is including Unknown_05: Jim, who I was let down. That's the thing, right? Your harshest critics will always be your ex-fans. I have ex-fans too, you know. I have people who used to be very friendly with me, who now hate my fucking guts, who legit want me to be, like, arrested or killed or something. And my thoughts with that... Unknown_05: I kind of feel like, on one hand, it's frustrating because you don't want people who are trying to fuck with you all the time, especially ex-fans. But at the same time, I kind of feel like I let them down. But that emotion of, like, I feel like I let these people down is overruled by the fact that I never feel like they give me a chance to make things right. If people who are, like, the oldest users on the site, there's a couple who, like, really fucking hate me now. I feel like those people didn't want to try and compromise or talk about things. You know what I mean? And that's frustrating. 1:16:48 Unknown_05: When I worked fast food for a year, when I was like 18, 19, I had a woman who was one of my managers. Unknown_05: And her name was Marietta. She was an immigrant from Belarus. Unknown_05: And she fucking hated me. And I never did anything wrong to her. I never did anything wrong to her. I was always on time. I was not a bad worker. I did my job studiously. Unknown_05: Everyone else loved me. All my other managers and I got along perfectly. But Marietta fucking hated me. And I never understood why. She was such a bitch to me for no fucking reason. I remember complaining at my grandfather and be like, why does this manager fucking hate me so much? And he said, like, sometimes people just don't like you. And to those people, you just say yes or no, sir. And you get on with it. You just ignore them and you try not to have any interactions with them because it's just going to cause problems. And I hated that reply. It's like I should be able to win people over, even people over like Marietta, who just fucking hate me for no apparent reason. And, um, 1:17:26 Unknown_05: I never did she hated me until the day I quit but um it's true it's advice I don't like but it is true there are some people who just fucking hate you and there's nothing you can do about it and it's it's frustrating um because you don't want to let people down and sometimes it feels like you do you know what I mean 1:18:18 Unknown_04: What's her last name? I don't know. Just know her name was Marietta. She was a bitch. She hated me. Unknown_04: The only thing left to mention, I think, is just that Ralph missed a hearing or something. Unknown_05: He's supposed to... Unknown_05: He has several concurrent legal issues that I can't even keep track of. He's doing Zoom conferences in California for his domestic violence shit, and he's got the revenge pornography stuff coming up. When I know what happens with that, I'll let you guys know. 1:18:51 Unknown_04: That's about it, I think. Did I miss anything? Unknown_04: I flipped the wrong burger. Unknown_05: Well, see, that's the frustrating thing. If I had just fucked something up and she resented me for that, I would understand more. But she always just hated me. Unknown_05: And that's super frustrating because then you don't know and you'll never know. To this day, I don't know what I ever did to piss her off. Unknown_05: The only thing I can think of is I kept saying that she was Russian. 1:19:29 Unknown_05: Now that I think about it, now that I know what I know, because there were several Belarusian immigrants that were working at that place, and I always called Belarus Russia, and I think that pissed them off. The mystery solved after 10 years, chat. Unknown_05: Oh, the King Cobra thing. Yeah, we'll watch that. Fuck it. Fuck it. I'm in a good mood right now. We'll watch that. Unknown_04: Hopefully this clip is succinct. Unknown_04: what's up so i'm gonna skip ahead because i'm looking for one thing in particular he goes to a bar and instead of calling me he goes to a bar crazy motherfuckers and the obvious happens the live streams from the bar calling me is not gonna stop the stream so you're wasting your time i stop the stream when i want to stop it chilling with a picture of bud light no copyright infringement intended now 1:20:28 Unknown_10: fuck racism fuck sexism fuck abuse and power to the people i had a fan oh this is the day before he went to the bar like two days in a row i think this is about it sorry i'm just trying to find the parts that i saw before Unknown_10: I'm actually good on drinking for a couple days after tonight. Give my kidneys a break. I've been partying my ass off for the last two days. Meet any of-age fangirls yet? Unknown_10: Yeah, maybe I have. Maybe I haven't. Unknown_10: Man of mystery. Dude, look at my beer phone. I'm gonna shit you not. Like, it formed a little ghost. You can see right there, the head. 1:21:18 Unknown_05: This is him. This is a specific... Oh, here. Unknown_10: Dude, if you got people fucking calling here time after time, get the fuck out and don't come back. Dude, I can't control these fuckers, dude. Yeah, you can. No, I cannot. No, I cannot, dude. Unknown_10: I'm autistic. Get off your fucking car. Unknown_13: Leave me alone, dude. Unknown_01: We don't need that bullshit here. We don't need it. Unknown_10: I don't want it here, dude. I'm not the one asking them to do that shit. Unknown_01: They're still calling. Unknown_10: I'm not the one controlling it, dude. Get the fuck out of here. They don't call when you're not here. Get the fuck outta here! Leave me the fuck alone, dude. You're a fucking dipshit! Dude, fucking leave me alone. I'm autistic. Get the fuck outta here! No shit! 1:21:48 Unknown_13: They keep calling. You got three more calls. If they call three more times, you're fucking out. You're out. Unknown_10: Dude, fuck the trolls, YouTube. This is bullshit. Unknown_05: I love that comedic timing. He just hears the phone and he immediately shouts out, That's one! You got two more left, boy. Let me fucking get you a beer and get out of here. 1:22:20 Unknown_10: Jesus fucking Christ. Unknown_10: I refuse to let my trolls fucking get to me, dude. Guess what? I know the owner of Frosty, so that guy can't tell me shit. I sit here, and I'm like, I'm not causing any fucking trouble to anyone, man. I'm just trying to enjoy my fucking Halloween night. This is bullshit. Unknown_10: Fuck that cocksucker talking shit. He's lucky I didn't kick his fucking ass. It's funny to fucking ask somebody with autism, you little fuck. I'm not even fucking talking to you, dude. Dude, this guy doesn't know my story. He's just coming up and fucking starting shit with me. You fucking saw that shit. I'm just like, dude, leave me the fuck alone. I'm having my beer. They're going to close. I'm leaving. Leave me the fuck alone. 1:22:54 Unknown_10: The only reason I didn't kick his fucking ass is because I don't want to get kicked out of Frosty's, and I don't want a fucking assault charge on my ass. I'm glad I'm carrying a fucking pocket knife. Unknown_05: Only when I want to start some shit. Unknown_10: I don't make threats. I'm just saying, though. I'm like, really? Unknown_05: He's like flashing this ornament knife at the camera. Like, bro, come on. Don't be dumb. 1:23:29 Unknown_10: Dude was sensing my alpha male energy, and he got intimidated. Unknown_10: It's the truth. I'm trying to promote my local businesses and this is the thanks I get. It was time to leave Frosty's anyways. It was time to leave Frosty's anyways because I was finishing my goddamn beer. Unknown_10: Say yes. I tried to do a live stream from Frosty's, and as soon as I mentioned the bar that I was at, the trolls thought it'd be funny to try and harass Frosty's. He wasn't an asshole. 1:24:00 Unknown_05: He should have stayed in and talked with me instead. That would have been a much better Halloween. He fucked it up. He fucked it up from my chat, and that's unforgivable. That's called karma, Josh. That's what happens when you don't pick up the phone. Unknown_05: Okay. That's it. Unknown_05: I will see you guys next week. I'll review Inglorious Bastards this month. If you have questions about the coins, always check the product page. It's still linked at the top of mattatheinternet.com. Here's a link. 1:24:35 Unknown_05: Go ahead. Where's my big banner at? Oh. No, I deleted the beg banner. Unknown_04: Fuck. Unknown_04: I have to retype up my links during the outro. Unknown_04: Okay, see you guys then. Unknown_05: Bye. Unknown_05: Not yet. Not yet, chat. I love Halloween. It's not ready. 1:25:08 Unknown_02: Wabang, to właśnie to Wabang, wabang, co owej nocy się zdarzyło Wabang, zagrałem ona też wabang And it was very nice for us. Wabang! The memories still haunt me. My longing is the cause. Because the only thing in life that pays off is to play wabang with a beautiful girl. 1:25:40 Unknown_03: Fa, fa, fa, fi, fi, fi, fi, fi. Shi, shi, shi, shi, shi, shi, shi, shi, shi. Ka, ka, ka, ki, ki, ki, ki, ki, ki. Du, du, du, du, du, du, du, du, du, du. Unknown_02: Attention, ladies and gentlemen! Attention! Now! Now! Now! It's time to play for luck! Wabang! Wabang! With Fortuna, that's how it usually goes! Who doesn't get hit by a swing? He doesn't win the main bet! Wabang! It's time to play for luck! Because he's one of the most careful players! You have to take Fortuna with a big bet! You can't do otherwise with this lady! 1:26:14 Unknown_03: Ha ha ha ha! 1:26:55 Unknown_02: You guys better learn to respect Polish culture. They're the new EU superpower, goddammit. Unknown_03: Faux, faux, faux, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa.