A Conversation with Pamela Swain 2021-10-14

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Unknown_02: Hello?

Unknown_02: Hello?

Unknown_02: No, it's not. I suspect you're Josh Graham, right? From Kiwi Farms, this is Pamela Swain. I understand, yeah, I know. I'm pretty sure it's not.

Unknown_02: Of course, you wouldn't have created a website like that was your real name.

Unknown_02: I have... Anyway, here's the thing. I'm not going to ask you to delete that thread. However, I'm going to ask you to turn over every email document you have had contact with anyone trying to keep that thread going or put my personal information on that thread.

Unknown_02: So I can submit that to a judge that I currently have looking over a current lawsuit that has posts from that thread threatening my personal life.

Unknown_02: The case number would be, it's not been issued yet, but it's under Honorable Jay Stewart out of his office.

Unknown_02: Yes, I did. I've actually been in contact with the judge. He's got my lawsuit in front of him. He actually has been in touch. Well, actually, you know what? The people that created this thread started contacting me back in 2013.

Unknown_02: I went to this judge back then to talk to him about this.

Unknown_02: This has been a legal issue before you even came along, okay?

Unknown_02: Yes, I did.

Unknown_02: And no, I'm not going to tell you anything. I did read it. It says that, you know what, you're going to turn over all the documents that threatened my life because this is a serious issue. And he's probably going to be setting up a number for it. We've already been talking. Me and the judge in his office has been talking.

Unknown_00: And I have a right to request anything I want to. But what does the thing that you sent me say?

Unknown_02: I'm not, I don't have it in front of me. You just called me early in the morning.

Unknown_02: What are you trying to, a point you're trying to, you're telling me about that, um, the thing, if I misuse a sub subpoena, is that what it is?

Unknown_00: Yes. If you misuse a subpoena, do you know what that means?

Unknown_02: Do you know what it means when you, um, violate somebody's privacy and put their personal information where somebody can go and harm them?

Unknown_00: Okay, if someone has threatened you, that's their issue. You've sent me what is a... Oh, their issue? You appear to have sent me a forged subpoena. You've provided an avenue for them to do that? You've provided an avenue for them to do that? You appear to have sent me a forged subpoena. Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Unknown_02: Let me tell you something. This is in the current early stages of being set up.

Unknown_00: Right, so you don't have a valid subpoena. You've forged a subpoena.

Unknown_02: No, no, no, no, no. No, no, I did not forge a subpoena.

Unknown_00: I believe that you forged a subpoena because you don't have a valid legal subpoena.

Unknown_02: Let me tell you what I have done. I have contacted the Israeli consulate and told him that you've got people on your website claiming that they're Massad hunting innocent women down for them. I've also sent another letter to the same judge who's got that lawsuit in front of him.

Unknown_02: who's actually in the situation of arbitration, contacting all these people that your fellow friend is keeping you alive, keeps trying to keep me from having a job, me from making money, sends people to my house.

Unknown_00: Are you serious? I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what Mossad has to do with anything.

Unknown_02: You're going to go fine me $300 because I sent out a subpoena with a valid lawsuit that's in front of a judge's desk right now. He hasn't issued a thing. You know why? Because it's a possible criminal situation.

Unknown_00: If you want to have a subpoena, there's a time and place for that. You cannot issue a subpoena by yourself. Oh, there won't be a time.

Unknown_02: You know what? There will be another subpoena sent out for you to be deposed.

Unknown_02: That's the situation now. I was just going to have you disclose documents about my personal safety attributed to that thread from other people to see if the men who've been threatening me are the actual men in Discovery. But now, since you think this is all a joke, I'll just have you deposed and then your little fake name won't matter anymore. You'll have to disclose your real name.

Unknown_00: Why did you forge a subpoena? You really will be involved.

Unknown_02: You don't, are you not getting this?

Unknown_00: I see a subpoena that appears to be sent illegally without the permission of the court.

Unknown_02: You have a website who has people saying the Mossad's going to try to come into this country and kill them. You have violated so many international laws and I don't know why you're even alive. I honestly don't. And let me guess, let me guess. You've probably helped a few people, you know, in the law enforcement quietly. Is that what you've done? I don't think anyone in law enforcement likes me. Are you somebody that can actually quietly go find crazy people that might do stuff? Or do you just talk people into going and committing shootouts and crimes so you can download and archive all the good little footage you get of people being butchered?

Unknown_00: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Unknown_02: You don't, oh, so you don't archive the New Zealand shooter that went into the mosque and shot everybody?

Unknown_00: We did do that, yes.

Unknown_02: Oh!

Unknown_02: That is must-see TV, isn't it?

Unknown_00: It was a historically significant video, yes.

Unknown_02: Sure. You know, yeah, I would love to be that kind of person to be found out later that I archived all kinds of shooters, information, photos, videos of people being butchered because that's not going to make me look like I'm partially involved in it, would it?

Unknown_02: No, no, no, no, no. Yeah, you know what?

Unknown_02: This is what will happen. I'll just have you deposed. And you know, you can come and show up here in Georgia. We can get this figured out. If there's some unknown people posing as these men trying to threaten me, we'll figure that out. If it's actually these men that's actually doing this, We'll figure it out. And then I'll have them press charges. That's what's going to happen.

Unknown_00: OK, well, just so you know, you should not be forging legal subpoenas. You have a problem with the subpoena I sent you to get that evidence? I have an issue with the subpoena because it's fake and you forged a legal document.

Unknown_03: And you can tell the judge to charge me $300, OK?

Unknown_00: Well, I will definitely forward this to the judge of your case because it appears you forged a legal document. You do know about the judge?

Unknown_00: It's in the fake subpoena you sent me. It names the judge, and it names how to contact him. Do you also want to know what's in that lawsuit that I sent him? Sure, yeah, go ahead. It's in the Kiwi Farm.

Unknown_02: Okay. I have your website in there.

Unknown_02: I've let them know that all these threats come from that thread that you have. I've also let them know that I've, in a nice way, without drama, asked you to delete that thread.

Unknown_02: Okay.

Unknown_00: Yes, probably. I don't know. I don't know you specifically, but probably yes, that's fair to say.

Unknown_02: You don't know me specifically, but you know my name.

Unknown_00: It's in the document. It's in the document you've sent me. It says Pamela Swain.

Unknown_02: It's also in the thread on your website.

Unknown_01: Okay. Don't play dumb, sweetheart.

Unknown_02: If you're going to do this, if you're going to dig your heels in, and you know what? That's your right. Go right ahead. If Alan Dershowitz is going to try to fight for you for your freedom of speech to her

Unknown_00: Who is Alan Dershowitz?

Unknown_02: Everybody, everybody that's involved in that's going to be disclosed.

Unknown_02: Everyone's going to be disclosed.

Unknown_00: Alan Dershowitz is an American lawyer.

Unknown_02: Everybody's going to have to explain what's going on, and everybody's going to have to figure out why, why, why, because this is attached to Harvey Weinstein, who frequented your website and created that thread to talk to me because he couldn't talk to me anywhere else. I had blocked him and removed any other contact with me. Do you know how many emails from him I've blocked that are Russian, that are Spanish, that are him pretending to be somebody else, some blasted moron celebrity? Do you know how many messages I got from Brad, what's his name, Cooper? Or Jerry Butler asking me to have sex with him?

Unknown_02: Quite a few up until 2018. So when he couldn't talk to me anymore, what did he do? He go to your website where it's all free, shot in the hell privacy situation, set up a website so he could have me talk to him, then email me to start talking on that website. Okay, that's what's gonna happen.

Unknown_00: Why do you believe that Harvey Weinstein, who is like a famous person with lots of money, made a thread on my website? Oh yeah, you're not gonna say anything.

Unknown_02: Well, you know, I hate to tell you this.

Unknown_02: And I, that, that thread, number one, that thread, everything that's been disclosed on that thread from 2018 to now is admissible in court, number one. Number two,

Unknown_02: Apparently, you're not aware of Harvey Weinstein, Donald Trump Jr. and Tony Robbins' activity on your website.

Unknown_00: Isn't Tony Robinson dead? Didn't he hang himself?

Unknown_00: Okay, so what is, okay, so Alan Dershowitz, who appears to be a constitutional attorney, Donald J. Trump Jr., Harvey Weinstein, and someone named Tony Robinson, or Tony Robbins, they've conspired together to make your forum thread.

Unknown_02: No, I'm not saying they conspired, sweetheart. I'm saying they've outright made threats against me using your website.

Unknown_00: Can you give me an example of what their accounts are on the website?

Unknown_02: On the website, they have made multiple accounts and they actually go in and out of different accounts to hide their identity.

Unknown_02: What they've done is they've put up posts and memes with their name in it. Mr. Robbins actually sent me his body part and used your thread to tell me that was him.

Unknown_00: So is this a thing where they talk to each other or are they just individually want to talk to you?

Unknown_02: Apparently, they want to contact me and talk to me and have the opportunity and the access to me to make their, I guess, sex threats and sex propositions and stuff like that. And you know what the thing is, is that I've already shown all this to the judge. That's why this case has been thrown out.

Unknown_00: So why didn't the court issue a subpoena? Why did you have to make a fake one? The court doesn't issue a subpoena.

Unknown_02: The plaintiff or the defendant's case, attorney or pro se, issues a subpoena. If you want to look that up, you can.

Unknown_00: I'm pretty sure you have to reach a certain point within the case before you can start issuing subpoenas. And you have to verify that with the court. You can't just issue subpoenas willy-nilly.

Unknown_02: No, here's how it goes. The attorney for either the defendant or plaintiff asks for discovery. sends out a subpoena to the opposite side for disclosure of documents and acknowledgment.

Unknown_00: Well your case has to enter into subpoena or discovery first before you can issue subpoenas. That evidence is looked over to make sure that before you go to the bench trial that's been set that this is a proper situation where the people that are being accused and sued are correct.

Unknown_00: Okay. And when you say Tony Robbins, you're referring to the, uh, self help book person, unlimited power. I can't send it.

Unknown_02: Look, I know your email address now is legal at Kiwi farms done that. Would you like for me to send you to some of the posts that he's put up there with identifying himself and his body parts on the farm?

Unknown_00: Sure. Go, go ahead.

Unknown_02: I'm going to send you what he sent. Then I'm also going to send those funny little posts where he said he's going to rape me. I'll tell you what, I also send the ones from Facebook where he said he was going to send people in black cars to come kidnap me back in 2017.

Unknown_01: Yes, he got blocked there too.

Unknown_02: See, y'all understand, I've already got a four or five year history with these nut jobs. They came to your website because they had all the rules in the world to make sure they had an avenue to contact me or talk to me. Because I had managed to go to Facebook and block them and turn them in. I've had gone to emails, I've blocked them. When they couldn't get me in English, they sent them to me in Russian. And when they couldn't get to me in Russian, they sent it to me in Spanish. And when they couldn't get to me as themselves, they started being celebrities.

Unknown_02: They started being Brad Cooper, Jerry Butler, they started being Michael Fassbender. Oh dear God, Harvey created a whole second reality world of me and Michael Fassbender. In his mind, he and I have been married and had four or five kids. And I stole him from Alicia Vikander. I've never met the dude.

Unknown_02: Never have met him. Never have met him.

Unknown_00: So why did these rich and famous people covet you?

Unknown_04: Do you think there's something like special about you or is it just for fun like have they picked you out at random?

Unknown_02: Well, I don't I don't know who they are can you give me like an example of a username? I'm asking you to find out if you can who they are and if you can't or at least restrict the extremity. See, I'm not going to even ask you to delete that thread anymore because that stuff, that is an ongoing investigation right there. The people, a part of this legal situation, have been watching that thread for the last two years.

Unknown_02: They didn't do anything because I had gone to the federal district because they thought of it as a federal situation. But Allen managed to get that thrown out without me even submitting any evidence.

Unknown_00: So is Masaad helping with this? You're trying to figure out what exactly is freedom of speech?

Unknown_02: What exactly is threats? What exactly is harassment and slander? Because somebody, and I'm presuming it's Alan Dershowitz, goes on there and accuses me of being a sex offender and a child molester. I have never done anything like that before in my life. Ever.

Unknown_04: Ever!

Unknown_02: He's talking about a situation which is another reason why I was blocking Harvey Weinstein and Tony Robbins and all these idiots is because somebody got a hold of some fake nudes and sent them to a child on Facebook. I had to contact Facebook to have them to remove it.

Unknown_00: I should have gone to the police.

Unknown_00: Do you speak Russian?

Unknown_04: They had a fake account post fake nudes of me on Facebook.

Unknown_01: They did it.

Unknown_02: Now they want to accuse me of doing it? No, I have proof that I didn't do it. And they're mad at me.

Unknown_02: That's another reason why I've got the thread on Kiwi Farms, because every time they try something on Facebook, I blog them.

Unknown_00: Why don't you just ignore the threat on the forum?

Unknown_02: Ignore the threat? How about I get naked pictures of you, or fake- make fake pictures of you, and post them on Twitter?

Unknown_00: You wouldn't be the first. They would love that!

Unknown_02: They would love that! Tag Kiwi Farms? Oh, yeah! That would go viral very quick.

Unknown_00: I mean, it's already been done. People do all sorts of stuff to- You want me to do that to you? I mean, I'm not gonna give you permission to, I'm just saying-

Unknown_00: I'm not giving you permission to do anything. I'm just saying that it has been done before.

Unknown_02: I didn't give them permission to do that to me either.

Unknown_00: Okay. I mean, is this in the forum thread? You haven't sent me links to anything.

Unknown_02: So if I send you links to the forum thread, show you posts of how they've threatened me. Show you posts of where they've made international threats of Masaad. Show you posts of where they've told me who they are.

Unknown_02: You're going to do something about it?

Unknown_00: If there is a post of line-crossing, credible, like, okay, having Mossad after you is not like a credible threat. That's not real. That's not like real life. If it is, it's Alan Dershowitz. Alan Dershowitz does not post on my website. I don't know who he is. He appears to be a lawyer.

Unknown_02: I happen to know that he's probably helping you, keeping you in business.

Unknown_00: I wish Alan Dershowitz was sending me lots of money.

Unknown_02: your website. He's already told me he does that.

Unknown_00: How has he told you?

Unknown_02: Through the thread. Look, if you don't understand it, you figure it out. You follow the thread for a while. You try to track these people and you try to straighten this mess out. I'm quit. I'm going back to the judge. Okay? I'm quit. I'm not going to have somebody say they're going to either rape me or threaten to kill me and then wait for them to show up at my door. Okay? I'm not that stupid. I'm not an Instagram influencer looking to get strangled and shot and murdered, okay? And I'm also not the type to sit back and let someone do that to me without me putting some injury on them as well, okay?

Unknown_02: I'm not some weak little woman.

Unknown_00: Don't you think that these people who have, like, billions of dollars could do whatever they want and they wouldn't have to telegraph it on a website in public?

Unknown_02: I guess, but then apparently they all want to be cool little anti-establishment people like you. Don't look at me. I don't know why they go to your website. I didn't ask them to go make that thread. I don't know why they do the things they do. All I know is they've done them, and I have to stop that. I have to protect myself, and if I don't protect myself, i'm probably end up getting mocked for it and if i actually got uh... actually got uh... harmed or hurt or murdered you probably put it on their mocked me for not protecting myself in that what you did with chris chan you're mocking him because he didn't protect himself from troll who pretended to be a friend they talked to me to doing some bullshit do you know how easy it is for you to uh... talk uh... how functioning autistic person to do stupid, horrible shit because he wants to be your friend?

Unknown_02: That's exactly what happened with Chris Chan. I never taught Chris into doing anything.

Unknown_00: I don't know where that accusation comes from. You may not have, but I can tell you right now, Tony Robbins would have.

Unknown_02: Harvey Weinstein would have. Pretending to be trolls? Yes, they would have. Told him he has to go and do certain, certain things in order for him to get this, money or friendship.

Unknown_02: Have you ever worked with special needs people? Children like that will do anything for approval and friendship and love. They don't know that they have to love themselves to the point where they make sure they don't do anything to harm themselves. They don't know how not to do self-harm. They are very willing and compliant.

Unknown_02: And I'm pretty sure Christian's mother has been doing the same thing to him for all his life.

Unknown_00: Are you saying that you're a high-functioning autistic, or how does this relate?

Unknown_02: No, I'm not high-functioning autistic, sweetheart. The only thing I have that I've ever had in my entire life was ADHD.

Unknown_00: Have you ever been tested for schizophrenia?

Unknown_02: No, I have not.

Unknown_00: Have you considered it?

Unknown_02: No, I haven't. And that's another problem, too. That thread that you're being used is used to slander me and my mental health, my IQ, my work abilities, and you slander every little thing that happens.

Unknown_02: Defamation, liable.

Unknown_02: I don't have schizophrenia. It is not a genetic component in our family. ADHD is. I have the documents to prove that. And let me make you something very clear here. say I did have every personality disorder known to man, every mental health issue known to man, that still doesn't give you the right to harass me or put my personal identification online for someone to harm me.

Unknown_00: Well, I would not want anyone to harass you.

Unknown_02: That's even more illegal than if you're just doing this for pussy.

Unknown_00: For what?

Unknown_00: I think that people are trying to convince you to have sex with them on the forum.

Unknown_02: I've already got the first 2013 documentation where I was solicited by Harvey Weinstein for sex. That's what this has all been about.

Unknown_00: So how long have people been harassing you online? 2013.

Unknown_00: About eight years. How old are you right now, if I can ask?

Unknown_00: General ballpark Are you a little are you okay?

Unknown_02: Are you between 30 and 35? Okay, cuz I'm asking because if eight years ago you were early 20s that would be about right for schizophrenia I

Unknown_00: Okay, just in general, generally speaking, if you were early 20s, eight years ago.

Unknown_02: That's another problem. Alan Dershowitz is known for accusing people to have schizophrenia, especially the people that he's against in a lawsuit.

Unknown_01: Okay.

Unknown_02: That's a problem. That is another problem that you just addressed, which is another reason why I need you to disclose all the emails you've gotten with Alan Dershowitz, Tony Robbins, and Harvey Weinstein.

Unknown_00: I have never been contacted by any of those people. I've never gotten money from any of those people.

Unknown_02: If you don't have anything, I'll just make a note that I asked you for it. However, in the future, you need to make a note that you can't accuse somebody of mental illness just because they refuse sexual advances. Number two, you can't facilitate a situation where somebody who is actually And here's the thing, Harvey Weinstein was identified in other places as being a hacker and harasser and a sexual abuser before it came to your website. And he also told me that he and Donald Trump Jr. created that thread. So here's the problem, you're coming into something that's already been established. You're not, this isn't, this isn't something that you know all my gothic started a kiwi farm to put my private information delete the thread delete no no no no no sweetheart these men were established before your thread started okay they're just continuing their nonsense they're actually harming themselves by identifying themselves on that thread using that thread to contact me and it's all very much

Unknown_00: So you said that Harvey Weinstein in particular had set up a sort of alternate reality using people like Michael Fassbender, right?

Unknown_00: So if Harvey Weinstein is pretending to be Michael Fassbender, can't someone be pretending to be Harvey Weinstein?

Unknown_02: No, that's how he works. Sweetheart, he's been doing this over four or five several social media accounts. He and Instagram.

Unknown_02: I don't know if you ever know of the disgust, but he used that. Facebook, they create fake accounts to contact women to solicit them.

Unknown_00: How do you know that it's Harvey Weinstein, then, in particular?

Unknown_02: Unfortunately, he undisclosed itself. He said that he sent me a message saying that nobody can do anything to him, that he's in charge of all the police in the United States and United Kingdom.

Unknown_00: He's in jail right now, so that doesn't make any sense.

Unknown_02: Exactly, because I actually sent that message to somebody in the FBI back in 2016 when he sent it to me.

Unknown_00: So you're responsible for Harvey Weinstein being arrested?

Unknown_02: I'm one of the people that's responsible to getting it started because another thing is he basically said that he was in charge of all the police and the legal authorities and the FBI and all them. uh... and apparently somebody i like that today started investigating and and and that led to all the people that he's great and all that yes that's another reason why they're using that threat because i have currently have a lawsuit for damages from two thousand thirteen against are you on thing he often sent me an email with his name on it telling me that i wouldn't get justice things like that and and plan and basically bragging that I would never be able to get him to stop, to leave me alone, and that he was sorry for everything he's done, and that his daughters were upset about it. He sent me emails, personal emails, to solidify his involvement, and he does not want his money going out to these women. So Alan Dershowitz likes to go and hunt the women survivors down, and he likes to create

Unknown_02: I don't know, I think I slandered them and libeled them, defamed them, accused them of crime so they can't get the money that is owed to them in a lawsuit.

Unknown_02: That's what he did to Epstein's survivors.

Unknown_02: That is why that Virginia girl keeps suing Alan Dershowitz is because he keeps finding ways to contact her and her personal life down there in Australia and tries to harm her personally

Unknown_02: because he's trying to, I guess, get revenge on them for all the Epstein problems. And he's been identified as a hidden advisor, legal attorney, helping out Harvey Weinstein as well. So that's just public knowledge.

Unknown_00: I'm still confused why you think it's these people and not perhaps someone impersonating them just to mess with you.

Unknown_02: If somebody had messaged me saying that they were somebody else like Regis Philbin, I would think it was Regis Philbin. These people have helped me out thinking it's them.

Unknown_02: For the first three or four years, I debunked everything with anyone. When I started getting texts from Brad Cooper, I never believed it.

Unknown_02: He texted me during Super Bowl 2018, and he was on TV with his girlfriend. I'm sitting here getting texts from a guy named Brad Cooper with Brad Cooper Pictures saying, hey, I'm in love with you. I want to do this, this, this, this. And he's sitting there at the Super Bowl with his girlfriend. And I'm thinking, does this person know that he's on TV at the Super Bowl in Minneapolis? Obviously not.

Unknown_02: The only problem is that with that text, Harvey didn't tell me it was him. Now, with another guy named Richard Grannon, about a year later, he Instagrammed me, told me he was in love with me, told me he wanted to marry me. This is after he'd been arrested. He said he wanted me to marry him, that he was Richard, and then he finally told me he was Harvey.

Unknown_02: Do you see a trend here? I mean, it's sort of hard to follow.

Unknown_00: Like, for instance, when-

Unknown_02: follow and I've got the messages read follow. That's another problem. That's the difference between me and these other girls. I saved everything.

Unknown_02: I saved everything.

Unknown_00: Well, like for instance, when they send you messages in like Russian or Spanish, how do you know that? How do you even know that those are what those messages are? At first I didn't.

Unknown_02: And that's what happened back in 2013. This whole thing started because I didn't know who was doing it. All I know is that a person impersonating another actor had messaged me on Facebook. I thought it was fake.

Unknown_02: And after two or three weeks of talking, we just stopped talking.

Unknown_02: No interest at all. Then about two weeks later, I got hacked in all of my emails.

Unknown_02: Hacked. All of them. Every single one hacked. I had Yahoo telling me, I don't know what's going on with you, but you need to change all your passwords everywhere. i got uh... i got deep love my first uh... uh... my first uh... uh... identity that happened back in two thousand fourteen after i was talking to the fake person since then it's just been one weird retard retarded thing of trying to have this person who turns out to be harvey weinstein fits the profile fits the profile that he was arrested with trying to contact me and get me to meet him. To have sex.

Unknown_00: I mean, identity theft is pretty common, couldn't it have been anyone? Like some random guy in Nigeria?

Unknown_02: You know what, if it was anybody else, if it was Pedro from Mexico City, I'd actually almost be happy about it.

Unknown_02: Harvey has shown a pattern of behavior of relentless harassment and ambivalence to being stopped for eight years.

Unknown_00: But if he's in jail now, shouldn't it be stopped?

Unknown_02: Seven years ago, myself or my situation, he told me to make sure not to go and meet them at all, because then it'd be my fault.

Unknown_02: Then he said, um,

Unknown_02: Check up with the Georgia state law statutes of stalking and harassment. I did. I called their line.

Unknown_02: They said, save everything. So that's why, how come since 2014, I've never met him, never entertained a thought to meeting him, never, and always saved every communication that he sent me.

Unknown_02: Now, up until 2015,

Unknown_02: When a lot of the nonsense started is when he started telling me who he was. I guess he thought if I knew if he was Harvey Weinstein, I'd just be bowled over with such impressed that I would just drop everything and just go meet him and have sex.

Unknown_02: I didn't.

Unknown_02: I spent a year trying to make sure it was Harvey Weinstein until I got another message from Harvey Weinstein saying it was Harvey Weinstein and then telling me that he was going to come down here and kill me and my mother.

Unknown_02: Then, that gets blocked. I put this into the authorities, not expecting anything else. Harvey just amps everything up, sends me more messages, tries to hack everything I've got in my entire life. I go to the authorities. He gets mad at every woman that he's ever abused. He goes after all the women with Alan Dershowitz. and Tony Robbins. I don't know what it is with women. I don't know if they're lovers of rape. They belong to the Let's Rape Women Club. I don't know. I don't know why they can't let this go. I don't know why they can't stop. That's the problem.

Unknown_00: But isn't Herbie Weinstein in jail? How is he still harassing you?

Unknown_02: He's got lawyers. Now he's using his lawyers.

Unknown_02: And he's also got a tablet and a phone.

Unknown_02: He told me.

Unknown_02: He gets online through his phone and he posts on your website.

Unknown_00: I mean, I can believe that people are emailing you claiming to be Harvey Weinstein. That's pretty common in terms of like trolls on the internet. But I think it would benefit you to go to a doctor about possible delusions because I don't think that these people are actually contacting you and I don't understand why you're so convinced that they are.

Unknown_02: I hate to debunk your

Unknown_02: I know you want to tell me I have some mental illness.

Unknown_02: And you know what? If I had been a dumb broad and not say anything about this, you could probably have a valid case for me being delusional.

Unknown_02: Hell, I probably would have already gone to a psychologist and asked them to tell me what my problem is. However, it's not with me.

Unknown_02: The problem is that there's people

Unknown_02: Involved in this involved in using your website to contact me who cannot regulate their own impulses Yeah, I would not I would not want people to contact you off-site because back in 2016 they actually sent somebody to my house I Had to have the I had to call the sheriff to have this person kicked off They were walking around in the backwoods of my house here in South, Georgia. I

Unknown_02: From Florida, with Florida plates.

Unknown_02: Now what else you don't know is that month later, he came back with a girl, wanting me to take them to the Omaha River.

Unknown_02: And she, they pulled, the cops pulled them over right outside my house and took them both to jail. She had a whole bag full of drugs.

Unknown_00: Yeah, they could have been smuggling drugs. That's possible.

Unknown_02: No, they wanted me to take them somewhere.

Unknown_02: out to an undisclosed location down by the river. Look, when somebody says they want to go down by the river, you don't go in the middle of the night. And that's when they were there.

Unknown_02: Okay, they came to my house asking me to give them a ride down to the river.

Unknown_00: Yeah, they were probably doing something shady. I can believe that.

Unknown_02: Oh, you think so? So that's actually affecting my personal life. So no, I'm not delusional.

Unknown_00: But, I mean, you're in the middle of rural Georgia. That could just be some crackheads from Florida. I mean, there are plenty of crackheads up in Florida.

Unknown_02: Oh, yeah. Crackheads from Florida decided to come all the way. If you knew where I lived, how back in the backwoods it is at night, there are no streetlights.

Unknown_00: I mean, it makes sense. You have like a road of pills. You have people in Florida collecting their prescriptions. They go up to Georgia, and the rural areas have the most pill problems. And then they smuggle the drugs up north. It happens.

Unknown_00: It doesn't have to be connected to Harvey Weinstein. That's a bit of a leap compared to just traditional smuggling.

Unknown_02: Well, I hate to be honest. Look, you can sit here and fight for him all day long. He may be your personal hero.

Unknown_02: He's already identified himself. I haven't done anything. He's identified himself. And that's another reason why I don't want that thread deleted, because these idiots will get on your thread and will admit to anything that anyone accused. They will admit to it. They have no shame. They don't think they're going to be held accountable.

Unknown_00: But if you think, what's the worst thing that could, what's the worst possible outcome that could happen if you were tested for schizophrenia? Like, what's the... I'm not gonna go get tested for schizophrenia.

Unknown_02: You can go ahead and tell Alan Dershowitz that's not gonna happen.

Unknown_00: I don't know Alan Dershowitz. I'm just saying, don't you think if it's possible... I'm sorry, no. No. No. It's not possible. No.

Unknown_02: No, it's not.

Unknown_00: But why not?

Unknown_02: I have one year of doctoral studies in psychology behind me.

Unknown_00: I mean, it's very common for people with mental health issues to go into psychology. That's also a thing.

Unknown_02: Oh, is that true?

Unknown_00: That's very true.

Unknown_02: Do you have a peer review article to go along with that?

Unknown_00: Not offhand. I could find one, though.

Unknown_02: Oh, not offhand. Oh, my gosh. How convenient. When you do find that peer review article, could you please put it on that website?

Unknown_00: Sure, I will do that. I would love to read that.

Unknown_02: And let me tell you something.

Unknown_02: No, I'm not going to go and get tested for schizophrenia.

Unknown_00: Why not?

Unknown_02: I'm sure that people have sent you terrible things via email.

Unknown_00: I'm sure that they have. People send really nasty things anonymously via email. Yeah.

Unknown_02: Other people's bad behavior and lack of impulse control and lack of mental faculties to be aware of what's legally okay to say to somebody and not okay to say to somebody is my mental health issue. Is that what you're saying?

Unknown_00: It can exacerbate it. If you have an issue and then you have people fucking with you, it can make that issue worse.

Unknown_02: No. Other people's mental health issues need to be addressed.

Unknown_00: I agree with that.

Unknown_02: You don't understand. Harvey Weinstein is a convicted rapist.

Unknown_00: Yes.

Unknown_02: Offender.

Unknown_00: Yes.

Unknown_02: The way he's treated me and other women fits his profile.

Unknown_00: I just don't I think it's a leap to say that this this celebrity.

Unknown_02: I think you're I think you are trying your best to save your little pals who's helped you out with your website for the last five years.

Unknown_00: Look, I'm not gonna lie, I wish I was getting checks from Harvey Weinstein. I could really use some money. I wish I could get a house right now, but I assure you I'm not getting any checks from unknown places.

Unknown_02: Yeah, every time you've gotten to a legal SNIT with what you've downloaded and gotten involved with, I'm pretty sure they've helped get you out. I'm pretty sure they've helped pay for the

Unknown_02: all your little servers, and I'm pretty sure they've helped pay for legal issues and services whenever anybody's tried to hold you financially accountable. And look, I'm gonna tell y'all, I'm gonna be honest with you, from my personal and professional opinion, when I look at that website, you do have a lot of weirdos that, you know, that I would probably make fun of myself.

Unknown_02: And I have looked at the thread with Melinda, what's his name?

Unknown_00: What's his name?

Unknown_02: Yeah, she's batshit crazy.

Unknown_00: I agree.

Unknown_02: No, I'm not saying that you aren't at a place where you don't have the right to confront some types of behavior yourself. Do you see what I'm saying? I mean, I'm sure I've been diagnosed with something.

Unknown_00: Yeah, I think a lot of people have.

Unknown_02: I'm not saying that, you know, if Melinda, whoever this is, I don't know anything about your history. I don't know who these little cows are. I do know that if some moron puts stupid shit up and they put it on the internet just for fun and they get mocked because it's retarded, that's on them. I totally agree with that. I mean, yes, that is a valid thing to have a website for. However, what's going on with me and Harvey?

Unknown_02: Harvey's already established that he's been after me sexually, okay? He's done this on other websites.

Unknown_02: He just used your website because everything else had been shut down from him and he was trying to get, he asked me to marry him because he didn't want me to testify against him.

Unknown_02: They were gonna ask me as a witness.

Unknown_02: That was back in 2018. Then that website, your little thread showed up so he could talk me out of it.

Unknown_02: Or slander me. Him and Alan Dershowitz used the whole thing to slander me. Accused me of... Did you know that he tried to accuse me of being an extraterrestrial alien?

Unknown_01: We're not dealing with smart people here.

Unknown_02: Okay? He's batshit crazy himself. Okay?

Unknown_02: He's got a pattern of behavior. I've got a paper trail of police reports. I've got a paper trail of his emails.

Unknown_02: Harvey hasn't denied it.

Unknown_02: Harvey's claimed it.

Unknown_02: Harvey has been trying to say that he and I were in a low-key relationship, and I refused. That's one of the reasons why I put my foot down. I never, ever say that I'm friends or know Harvey Weinstein. I've never been in these people. I've been instructed not to meet these people. I've been instructed to save all contact with these people. I have been instructed to do this years before you even came along.

Unknown_00: I mean, if you go to the police and there's like help on being stopped, they'll tell you to save everything and don't reply to it.

Unknown_00: But the claim that it's Harvey Weinstein is the issue. You can't just say it.

Unknown_00: He sent me an email. If he sends you an email from a random Yahoo account and says, I'm Harvey Weinstein,

Unknown_02: do when they want to email somebody well you can't the issue is I mean anyway I can get it I can get a phone number in 30 seconds and say I'm whoever I want to you do you respond to them nope

Unknown_00: But you are on the forum talking. I see your account posting all the time. So don't you think that's a kind of validation? Wait, wait, wait.

Unknown_02: You're talking about the forum.

Unknown_00: Well, in general, don't you reply to these emails and talk to these people and reply to them on the forum and so on?

Unknown_00: Yes. The police advice would be to ignore them and then to save what they send you. No, no, no, no, no.

Unknown_02: Here's another problem. is that whenever you let somebody repeat defamation against you, people will start to believe it.

Unknown_00: But if you're going to contest that, it should be in court. It shouldn't be arguing with them online. That's what we're trying to do. But it's now eight years past. You've been doing tug-of-war with these people for eight years.

Unknown_02: Well, actually, the problem is that even though when we get Harvey in jail,

Unknown_02: His friends have been helping him continue to attack people. Alan Dershowitz continues to attack all the people that Harvey's harassed.

Unknown_02: using your thread to do it for me.

Unknown_00: Okay, consider this from an outside perspective. You get an email from a random person saying that he's Harvey Weinstein, and then once Harvey Weinstein's in jail, well, how do you continue to send emails pretending to be Harvey Weinstein? You either have to come up with a convoluted story or you move it on to his attorney. Yeah, but that's obvious to an outside person. It means that I have to get a protective order against Harvey Weinstein and his lawyers.

Unknown_00: But there's no evidence that those lawyers actually sending you anything for you to... But from where? What's the email address?

Unknown_02: I'm not going to tell you.

Unknown_00: Chances are it's... I don't have to disclose anything to you.

Unknown_02: I'm not trying to harass you, Josh.

Unknown_00: I'm saying that you cannot prove that these people contacted you.

Unknown_02: I'm saying you cannot facilitate a situation where a criminal can continue to harass a survivor or victim.

Unknown_00: But if you don't have evidence that these people are contacting you, you cannot get what you want.

Unknown_02: You have a website where people can anonymously harass me. And I have a legitimate concern as to my safety from it because it's a convict. Also, I saved all those documentations where they said they were going to come after me. And they've also mentioned some politicians that they've tried to harass.

Unknown_00: But if there's no evidence it's them, nothing can be done about it.

Unknown_02: I have the messages.

Unknown_00: At most what you can... And back in 2017 on Facebook, Tony Robbins sent me his picture.

Unknown_00: It could just be a random penis. Is that what it is? Does it have his face in it?

Unknown_02: No, he sent a face picture. Look, Josh. He sent a picture of his face.

Unknown_00: That doesn't prove that he's emailing you.

Unknown_03: It's his face, you tard. I can go online and Google this man and get a bunch of pictures of his face.

Unknown_04: Then he gets on your website and sends me his information.

Unknown_02: Then he texts me that he's actually admitting to be helping Harvey, admitting that he wants that threat back up. Tony Robbins can do that?

Unknown_00: I mean, Tony Robbins could do that, but so could anybody. Do you know what an internet troll is?

Unknown_02: Yes, and trolling can be harassment.

Unknown_00: But it's not a real subpoena. You're not in discovery. I need to know for sure if it's Harvey and Tony doing this, because if it's somebody else, if there's some Lone Ranger moron out there who's just got the hots for me, I need to find out who it is.

Unknown_02: Because I don't need somebody calling up places where I work to get me fired.

Unknown_00: No, that's very mean. I would not want people to do that to you either. And I don't need people sending drug addicts to my house trying to kill me out down by the river.

Unknown_02: I also don't need somebody calling my mom on crank calls on her phone after they've mined her phone number that we keep hidden. I also don't need somebody posting, um, sending me nude pics while I'm at work with my name and a little picture on their little, their, their schlong and marbles. Okay. I don't need that either. I also don't need people putting fake nudes, um, of me on Facebook and then calling me the pedophile.

Unknown_00: No, that's all very mean. Oh, it is mean.

Unknown_02: It's also illegal.

Unknown_00: Yes, it can be illegal.

Unknown_02: It is illegal. And if it's Harvey and Harvey's in jail, who else could it be? His lawyers, Alan Dershowitz.

Unknown_00: It could be literally anybody.

Unknown_02: Who's involved? Tony Robbins, who's sent me a picture of himself, has identified himself several times. These are two men that have repeatedly contacted being identified themselves. Don't ask me where the text messages from Donald Trump Jr. came from. I don't know. I don't know why he got involved. When you personally contact somebody and you identify yourself, you have to answer for it.

Unknown_02: That's the whole reason why I'm looking for proof that it's possibly somebody else. But I don't think it is. I really actually, honest to God, think it's these These men who are funding you and your website, keeping you out of trouble, and you're just giving them an opportunity to keep in contact with me in hopes that I break down and beat up with them.

Unknown_00: Well, if Alan Dershowitz wants to cut me a check, I'm completely open to it. But so far, none of these people have cut me any checks.

Unknown_02: Oh, well.

Unknown_00: I mean, I don't know what to do with that.

Unknown_00: What about my theory? What if it is random people online and you are suffering from some sort of schizotypal disorder that needs to be addressed?

Unknown_03: Okay, what's the disorder?

Unknown_00: Any sort of delusional disorder that could potentially be helped with medication. Okay, let's do a list of what they've accused me, okay?

Unknown_02: Okay. six years. What disorders does Ann have? Oh, the famous one is schizophrenia, which is definitely Alan Dershowitz's first go-to one that he cues everybody of.

Unknown_02: That's schizophrenia. There's narcissist personality disorder where, and that is when the dumb part of Harvey Weinstein got a Got all these YouTube morons to promote narcissistic personality disorder. Obviously, all of his accusers have narcissism because they think all about themselves when they're getting raped.

Unknown_02: Antisocial personality disorder because I like to stay at my house and not go out and do stupid shit.

Unknown_02: Let's see, what else? Erotomania. Oh yeah, oh yeah. I'm just chasing all these celebrities down. I know, look at me. Oh my gosh, one of them. Please, fuck me. Oh my god. Erotomania. Never met up with anybody, but yeah, that's a diagnosis, isn't it though? Alright, what else? What else have I been accused of? Um... Um... Nope, not obsessive compulsive. Nope, nope, nope. That hasn't come up yet. Maybe that'll come up soon. Um, everything else except for the ADHD that I actually do have a diagnosis for, but go figure. Medical documents don't mean anything anymore. Kiwi farms.

Unknown_00: Well, I mean, you haven't been checked in a while for anything though.

Unknown_02: I actually been to the doctor for the last two years for, um, health, physical issues, metabolic issues, and ulcers.

Unknown_00: Did you mention Harvey Weinstein to them, the doctors?

Unknown_02: Here's another thing. Ulcers are a feature of anxiety and of stress, which is another problem that all this stuff is called stress and anxiety. It's degraded my health.

Unknown_00: Did you mention to the doctor what the source of your anxiety is?

Unknown_02: It's outside harassment.

Unknown_00: OK, did you mention who and how?

Unknown_02: I don't have to tell them the details about what's causing the stress and anxiety. I just needed help to deal with it.

Unknown_00: Because you think that if you told the doctor what was happening, he would refer you to a psychologist for a psychiatric exam? I've actually already talked to a counselor several years, for a while.

Unknown_02: So no, I have to, I'm making sure that I'm mentally sound and OK.

Unknown_00: But when you did that, did you talk about Harvey Weinstein?

Unknown_02: I'm going to tell you right now.

Unknown_02: The people who I've contacted as a judge, they know who I am, okay?

Unknown_02: They know who I am. They know my mental abilities. Okay?

Unknown_00: Yeah, which is why these lawsuits don't go very far. You're not going to make it to discovery to send subpoenas to me. Well, why is it going far now? How has it gone far? He's accepted it. He put it on a docket. He might review it and throw it out, uh, sui sante any second. You didn't make it to discovery to send subpoenas with. It's not going anywhere.

Unknown_02: How do you know?

Unknown_00: Because this is not a real subpoena, and if it was, you probably had made it to a discovery.

Unknown_02: I'm in contact with an assistant from the clerk's office, and they took the letter that I sent them about a week ago about how I just want all the avenues of harassment to cease, and that I didn't want any serious drama from this, and that this has been an ongoing situation that the judge is aware of. and that if we can resolve this in a nice adult manner, that would be great. Now, if I had schizophrenia, I wouldn't be able to do all that, or I wouldn't be able to articulate that, would I?

Unknown_00: Why not?

Unknown_02: I'm sorry, I don't have schizophrenia. You're not going to sit there and try to push that on me.

Unknown_00: There are people with schizophrenia who can be very coherent and waxes and wanes.

Unknown_02: Well, then you need to go. I'll ask them to make sure that Harvey Weinstein doesn't have schizophrenia.

Unknown_00: That doesn't make any sense. The issue is that you think that there has been a coordinated attack from very rich and famous people.

Unknown_02: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are trying to formulate a hypothesis where all the burden of problems is on the person being harassed. You're not addressing the behavior of the other person who's doing it. People who harass people online, who are trolls, have an underlying mental health issue.

Unknown_00: Yes, those people can be a part of the dark triad. And that's very mean that people are sending you emails like that. That's that's very mean.

Unknown_02: Even if I was the worst, most psychologically hampered person that you've ever met, still illegal for anybody from using any kind of media. or avenue to harass somebody with him. That's even worse illegal.

Unknown_00: Yeah, if someone is mentally ill and they're exasperating those two.

Unknown_02: You're not even making sense yourself. You don't have any idea of the law. You are talking just like Alan Dershowitz who thinks the law is made for him.

Unknown_00: Alan Dershowitz is a lawyer though. I'm not.

Unknown_02: That he has freedom of speech and nobody else does.

Unknown_02: That's the kind of constitutional lawyer he is. Everybody else doesn't have freedom. He has the freedom. He can do whatever he wants to anybody. Same thing with Harvey. Same thing with Tony. They have money. The law was made for them to protect them from being harassed. However, there is no law to protect other people from them who they harass. That's not right. And I don't know who the fuck you think you are But you are not going to sit there and formulate a defense when there's legal measures in place for people who are mentally ill to be protected from people like you.

Unknown_00: But if you are being exploited and you're claiming you're not mentally ill, don't you think that you should try and get that diagnosis to get that protection?

Unknown_02: I'm not gonna go get a diagnosis to further my cause when it's not true. See, that's the problem.

Unknown_00: But you don't know if it's true or not. You're not a doctor and you can't self-diagnose.

Unknown_02: That is not true. That's coming from a bullshit liar who obviously doesn't know anything about psychology and psychological issues. Labeling every person that's in a lawsuit against him with schizophrenia, that's not gonna fly.

Unknown_00: I don't know, I know barely nothing about you. My only experience with you is this call and I can tell that you have delusions and you need to talk to someone.

Unknown_02: No, there is no delusions here. I don't have any delusions about how I want to be left alone.

Unknown_00: Okay, that's fair, but don't you think, what's the worst case scenario that could happen if you go to a doctor? No, I've already been to doctors. I can get a letter right now from two people saying that I'm mentally sound and full of my faculties. But you haven't told them about the things that you experience.

Unknown_02: You don't have to disclose to me anything, but you just told me that You just told me that you did not disclose what was happening to you with the doctor who would have referred to you It would benefit you to

Unknown_00: It would benefit you to be honest with your doctor. You don't have to share anything with me, but you should be honest with your doctor.

Unknown_04: This is the perfect example of the bullshit mindset that comes from assholes off your website.

Unknown_02: You don't think the law, you're not subject to any of the law. You think you can go run roughshod over anybody else and their personal information.

Unknown_02: My God.

Unknown_00: Okay, well I have to go. My God, I mean seriously. I have to go, but I would strongly suggest being honest with your doctors. It can only help you.

Unknown_02: Yes, you download the state of Georgia law code and you download the federal law code. Look up HIPAA and look up all this information.

Unknown_00: I'm not asking you to tell me anything. I'm just saying you should be honest with your doctors.

Unknown_03: And that's going to come back to haunt you.

Unknown_00: Okay. Well, it's been a pleasure, Pamela.

Unknown_04: All right. Bye.

Unknown_00: Bye.

Unknown_00: That was interesting. I'll upload that to the podcast. It's a special. Um, I, I, I got this letter and I thought the phone number was the clerk of court and I wanted to call them and just be like, is this like a real thing? Do I have to care about this? And then I call up and I just get like an old lady like, hello? I'm like, uh, is this the clerk of court? And she's like, no, one sec. And then,

Unknown_00: i'm thinking like what the fuck is this is this just like a random phone number she added to this document and then i just hear in the background pamela i'm like oh no i got this is her phone number so then she starts talking like okay i should broadcast this or record it or something this is this is funny um so yeah Hello chat, hello my fans, happy Thursday. I didn't intend to stream today, just kind of impromptu. Stream tomorrow and merchandise should be shipped on Monday and I think that's it. Bye bye!