0:00:02 Unknown_08: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 0:00:44 Unknown_09: Here she comes, guys. Unknown_08: She's coming. Oh Lord, she coming. 0:01:19 Unknown_08: Thank you. Thank you. 0:01:55 Unknown_16: I like the part that's coming up. He's literally going to lasso her like she's cattle. Unknown_16: After he's done jiggling. He's jiggling right now. Unknown_16: Lasso! Oh no! Bull run! 0:02:36 Unknown_16: Ah, oh fuck, I just realized I'm on normal latency. That means there's like a full 10 seconds before when something happens and when my chat gets to see it and respond. That's unacceptable. Unknown_16: That's my fault. I've been completely blindsided by this stream, and you would expect the fact that it's every week at the same exact time. I would be able to keep track of it myself, but I guess not, because I've been very stressed out this week, so I've been playing Dota, which is... Unknown_16: I think when a man breaks down and starts playing Dota, he formally announces to everyone who knows him that he cannot cope and seethe anymore. 0:03:20 Unknown_16: His silver run has frustrated him so much that he now needs to play one of the most escapist Britain circuses games ever created, scientifically formulated to keep you from overthrowing your government. Unknown_16: That's where I'm at right now. Unknown_16: She's lost weight. She's doing fucking coke. She better have lost fucking weight. If her coke diet won't fucking work, you're screwed. There's nothing you can do. Okay. Unknown_16: Oh, before I forget, I have another video lined up. This is as good a time as any to play this. I believe today is Fedsmoker's birthday. I did a whole stream on Fedsmoker. 0:04:05 Unknown_16: I would actually suggest it. It was a fun stream. Unknown_16: But I would like to play for you all my favorite video of FedSmoker's entire saga to commemorate this day. It's only 45 seconds. This perfectly encapsulates the wildness of his persona. Unknown_16: assuming it wants to play audio is this set to the wrong the great thing about Linux is how fucking awful the audio stuff is is it really not going to play audio is it muted oh man I'm going to be pissed I will literally download this fucking video off of YouTube how is this even possible 0:04:54 Unknown_16: Okay, give me a second. I will literally download this fucking video. Unknown_16: And play it through VLC if I have to. Unknown_18: Because this is important. This is important to me at least. Unknown_18: Maybe not to anyone else. Unknown_18: he actually he died like I think he like overdosed he like he did like have a heart attack in his car and they found him in his car on the side of the road because he like traveled constantly trying to find baby rapers to smoke here we go play the fucking audio been shopping here for about three months they haven't been being very kind in here in council bluffs doing like that cold inbred fucking feeling my shopping now 0:05:48 Unknown_12: I'll be putting everybody on the net as baby rapers from now on if I see a flinch around me in this town. I think the pigs might have got to them here and they feel like they can get away with that with me. Unknown_12: I'll put your fucking chief on the net as baby rapers. I get snubbed one more time out of this store. You watching C, bitches? I'm gonna put this dog on the net as a baby raper, too. You fucking baby raper! You fucking Unknown_16: nobody on earth is as free as the man smoking a cigarette outside a cvs or a walgreens screaming baby raper at a passing pitbull or whatever the fuck that is it's not it's not a shit bull something else that's tangible it's the other black people dog black people own two dogs but uh pitbulls and whatever the fuck that rottweilers that's it i think um 0:06:41 Unknown_16: That football guy that got in trouble for fighting dogs owned a bunch of Rottweilers and Pitbulls. Unknown_16: He bites the sick. Unknown_16: The dog knows. Unknown_16: Oh, the pigeons. They're gone, actually. Unknown_16: They still come back to visit, I guess. I don't know. I guess they know to meet up there. But the four of them meet up to say hello every so often. Unknown_16: And here. 0:07:20 Unknown_16: Here's this picture. And this is the four of them. Unknown_16: They're just kind of chilling out on the porch or whatever the fuck. I guess it's a balcony, not a porch. Unknown_16: But they're all grown up. The mama pigeon, papa pigeon, Chantel, Jeffrey Eggstein. They come and go, but they seem to know that this balcony is where they grew up. But they're gone for now. I guess they're building their own nest. They're going to repopulate the world. Unknown_16: They're going to eat french fries. But their business on my balcony has concluded. I'm deciding what I'm going to do with my pots and stuff. I have a picture of my herbs, which are doing well still. Although, I have to admit, I have yet to... 0:07:51 Unknown_16: I have yet to do anything with the banana peppers. They've been sitting there for a while, but I don't know what to use them on. I guess I should have used them on my pizza today. I could have tried that, but I don't know. I might get a Subway sandwich, like I promised. I might make my own sandwich. I have yet to decide. I have all the time in the world to decide what to do with my pickled peppers. 0:08:25 Unknown_16: Someone find that comedy block. Good luck. Unknown_18: Okay. Unknown_16: I think that's it for the gentle introduction. I want to talk about the silver because I know a lot of you probably bought coins. Unknown_16: What happened is I have what's called a 3PL. A 3PL is a logistics group that handles the last leg of production. So basically... um for a lot what a lot of people do is they like they just like when they okay if you're like an epic gamer right and you're an epic gamer and you want to sell all your little fortnite kitties like an epic gamer where you can buy from shen from shenzhen where they bought that fucking urn to put uh to pretend you died with you can buy from there like 0:08:57 Unknown_16: gamer chairs and they'll customize it to have your logo and then you can send those from the shipping center in shenzhen to your 3pl company in the u.s and then they'll handle the orders and send them out to the people who bought them so what i did is i bought the coins from a place in asia I sent them to my 3PL, but the 3PL erroneously imported the orders. For instance, when the order is made, it creates a little docket that has the order information. A lot of people, because of the site being janky, place multiple orders, which is no problem. I can just cancel duplicate orders. No issue whatsoever. A lot of people moved. No issue. I can change your address. Not anymore because it's too fucking late. You should have got your address changed at any time in the last half year. But in general, no issue. So I import these into the 3PL and they don't update. I tried to sync them to update the orders with the new addresses and so that ones that were canceled were taken out. Didn't happen. 0:10:20 Unknown_16: I asked them by email weeks ago to make sure that the orders are canceled. I did not find a way to do this via the thing. I sent them a list of the completed final list of orders. And I said, this is the final list of orders. Please clear my orders and re-import these because the ones on your site are fucking broken. They did not do that. So then a day before the box was set to arrive, I said, please make sure the orders do not go out until you have done this because they are wrong. And they did not do that. So there were many orders that were duplicates. People paid for one coin, accidentally ordered four. The other three got canceled. The 3PL has sent that person four coins. Many such cases. Very sad, right? So I emailed them and I'm telling them, look, you've completely fucked me over. If this is the case, like these are expensive people. And like, for instance, in that instance, a guy orders one coin for get sent to him. It's not just I've lost, you know, however much money it costs to create those those three coins. It's not that I've lost the money to ship it to him. I've also lost three other people's orders who no longer have the inventory to fulfill their orders, which means I have to refund them. So that's $50 plus shipping per order. And it's like you've completely and totally fucked up everything by doing this. That's a lot of money that has to be refunded. So I'm talking to them and they're going to issue me like refund labels for the people who received multiple coins so that they can send them back. And I don't think that every single person who got multiple ones are going to send them back. I'm sure many of them will. 0:12:06 Unknown_16: But what I'm going to do is because they're still in production, I'm going to order enough to cover all the people who have had their sent out so that everyone gets a coin. There will be some loss. I'll have to eat the loss. And if some come in and I have extra, I'll just sell those on top of it. And it won't be as big of an issue as it would be if they just went out completely wrong and nothing was done to accommodate it. So hopefully, I mean, I don't know. I'm still waiting for their reply. I got elevated to the tier two support specialist. So I was on tier one where all they can do is send me, you know, copy paste of their help documentation and Until I tell them, you really fucked up, this could be $10,000 of damage, because you fucked up. And then they upgrade me to the tier 2 person, who is someone who can issue me refund shipping labels and stuff. 0:12:42 Unknown_16: And issue me credit, so that's good. Maybe they can help. I'm not holding my breath, I'm probably going to lose some money because of it. It won't make the entire run a complete waste, but... It would be extremely irritating right now to lose money because I'm still fighting Melinda Scott in appeals and I'm deciding if I'm going to have to press her for money just so I can keep her busy instead of filing more frivolous fucking lawsuits. I can send someone to collect debt after her. 0:13:28 Unknown_16: Really? Really? Unknown_16: Really just annoying. And it's an American company. They're from fucking Illinois. They had no excuse. It's not like I was talking to Pajeet, Amir, you know, whatever the fuck. Pajeet shit in the street from a new... What's a funny place in... Unknown_16: There's like a poo India. He's not, yeah, he's not Pajit shit in the street. Unknown_16: A mirror from poo India. He's like a guy from Illinois. So they really have no excuse to fuck up this bad like they did. I'm very frustrated. It's especially disappointing because... I was really hoping that the logistics shit would just work, because if it just fucking worked, then I would have a 3PL that I could rely on, and I could just do as much, I could just do, you know, the thing that people do when they merchandise. You buy the fucking merchandise, you send it to 3PL, they hold the inventory, and then they send it to people, and they buy it. Like, that's like a legitimate business model. It would be nice to have that sorted, but of course, nothing ever fucking works, because nothing ever fucking works. am cursed I run a drama forum so I have like negative six luck I roll my dice you know and I get a negative three applied the best I can hope for is a three but usually I'm rolling a zero or below that's just that's just how it goes really really frustrating wait here 0:14:53 Unknown_16: I can remind myself about what feels good. This will be half the people who order their coins one day. They'll have their own coins to relieve stress. Unknown_16: No, but for real, I'm going to make sure that everyone gets what they paid for so they don't have to issue refunds. I thought about it overnight. I was very frustrated. It kept me up a bit. I thought, you know, it's probably easier just to fill the back order, create extra inventory, and make sure that everyone gets what they paid for. Unknown_16: That would be less expensive than issuing full refunds. So everyone gets what they paid for no matter what. So help me God. 0:15:27 Unknown_16: I already have the new Life is Strange game, but I'm currently in a crisis of mind. And I do not have... I need a certain level of mental fortitude built up to handle Life is Strange. That game is like six fucking hours. It's like six hours of being dragged behind a Prius down the streets of Portland. By two genderqueer teenagers. And it's like I'm not quite. In a level of sanity. And stability. To handle that at the moment. I need some time to prepare myself. Before I commit to it. 0:16:01 Unknown_18: Anyways. Unknown_16: It sucks. I'm so not used to having the chat. On um. Unknown_16: On normal latency. I need my instant feedback. I need people talking about what I'm talking about as soon as I say it. 0:16:32 Unknown_16: It doesn't help that you can't sell puzzles. It's hard to do a stream and focus on a game at the same time because your brain's not multi-threaded. You can't dedicate Core 2 to chat and Core 1 to the video game. You're flipping between them and it really distracts you and fucks up your thinking because otherwise you just sit there and play the game and you're boring as fuck. Unknown_16: Uh, yeah, that's the silver update. Uh, I'm really sorry. The shirts are still doing fine. I know the guy who makes those and he handles the shipping himself. So there's no fucking issue. He's pretty expensive cause he does it all himself. And, but, uh, I've never had an issue with him sending stuff. The only issue with him is that because he's just like a guy who prints t-shirts, uh, is that he doesn't get special discounts. The 3PL company has warehouses all over the fucking world, so they can inexpensively ship containers of everybody's garbage to their different warehouses and save money on last mile delivery. The guy sending the packages from his house in Florida, the t-shirt thing, is not someone who has those discounts, so overseas shipping is very expensive. 0:17:38 Unknown_16: In case you have no interest in the merch, I'm just boring you. This is just to give you a mind of like... It's not easy money. I want to say that. There's a difference between making a shirt that has the laziest, cheapest, shittiest fucking design you can slap together in 30 seconds and throwing it up in Redbubble and just collecting your commission for that design and sending people to Redbubble. It's a lot of work to actually... go through the entire process of you know handling the checkout handling the payment information handling the orders you can't and that's all on you not fucking up the list of orders and where they're going to getting it done getting it sent to the you know getting it sent out and making sure that everyone's happy issuing refunds collecting it's just it's it's not it's not like a turnkey operation you have to you have to commit to it 0:18:27 Unknown_16: Anyways, I need something funny. I have something funny. Unknown_18: What was I going to play? Oh, hold on, hold on. Unknown_18: I feel like an idiot if I didn't create... Oh, okay. Unknown_16: You know what? Unknown_16: Before I talk about, there's a brief thing about H3 I want to talk about. But before that, I want to talk about a guy who died recently. I knew I had heard the word Bashir or Basher before. And I was thinking like, God, why is that name so fucking familiar? He died of COVID and Ahmad featured it on the site. And he just taglined it as Bashir has died of COVID. And I'm like, I don't know who that is. I'll pass. But then it was really getting to me today. I was thinking like, well, who the fuck is here? That name is so familiar. And I looked it up and let's take a little trip down memory road. This video is fucking hysterical. 0:18:59 Unknown_16: And this guy's dead from COVID. He was convicted of sex offenses against a child. He was like a Minecraft YouTuber. and he got in trouble because surprise he was talking to children and he got caught and keemstar made fun of him for it so he had a fucking meltdown and created a video where he basically said it's all true but he wants to be left alone hey guys it's me uh i'm done like i'm so freaking tired of it i'm like going absolutely freaking mad 0:19:34 Unknown_03: I'm... I didn't expect to freaking get this big. And I didn't expect, like, my past and everything to get all out there. And Keemstar just keeps freaking... It's just constant barrage. Like, all my videos are like... Unknown_03: I've been up for so long, and I'm so stressed right now, and it's just... I'm done. I can't do it anymore. I'm just done. 0:20:29 Unknown_03: Like, this isn't worth it. I'm so sorry, guys. You guys are like, you know, how big of an inspiration I am to you guys and stuff, and I'm just... I'm not. I'm not. I am so not... Yeah, I'm so tired of freaking people saying I'm not the victim and I'm not the victim. Unknown_02: I never fucking said I was the victim. I never said I was the victim. I never fucking once said I was the victim. I'm sick and tired of being called a fucking rapist. I'm tired of it all. I'm tired. I'm fucking tired of all of this. 0:21:03 Unknown_02: So I'm done! I'm fucking done! Unknown_02: FUCK YOU FUCK YOU I HATE YOU ALL WHO ARE ATTACKING ME CONSTANTLY LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE I JUST WANTED TO MAKE A FUCKING YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND FUCKING ENTERTAIN PEOPLE I JUST WANTED THAT I JUST WANTED THAT SO BAD 0:21:50 Unknown_02: I JUST WANTED TO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY AND SHIT! I JUST WANTED TO LEAVE! I JUST WANTED TO LEAVE MY FUCKING ROOM! AND I WAS IN FOR YEARS! AND IT FINALLY DID! AND YOU FUCKING WON'T LEAVE IT ALONE! I'M TIRED OF IT! I'M TIRED OF IT! Unknown_16: Pure Kano. Unknown_02: So I'm done! Unknown_02: I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. 0:22:22 Unknown_02: You win. You fucking win, okay? I raped absolutely no one! I am not a fucking pedophile! But you fucking win, okay? I'll fucking go! Unknown_16: Classic. That's a great video. It's years old now. I think that was like 2015. That was a long time ago. It may not feel like it, but geez, that was some time ago. 0:22:57 Unknown_16: God, imagine getting felted by fucking Keemstar, of all people. That's crazy. Unknown_16: Yeah, he's like, oh, no, I got caught for diddling kids, and now I'm talking to little kids again. Yeah, it's all true. Oops, I'm a pedophile, but leave me alone, please. Bye. And, you know, surprise, he came back. I think he abandoned the Basherverse name and came back as, like, Toasty or something. Yeah. But, um, yeah, like, of course they, what the fuck is he going to do? You know, he's like a convicted child sex predator. How the fuck do you come back from that one and get an office job? Uh, so it's like, yeah, I might as well go back to Minecraft YouTubing, I guess, and hope people leave me alone after a couple of years. 0:23:31 Unknown_16: Anyways, good luck, Corona-chan. Some good comes from it, I guess. Unknown_16: Okay, now, speaking of Keemstar, he's like, I want to cut this like a Gordian knot. I feel it's worth bringing up just because I want to make a point of something, something which I'm quite late on, but... 0:24:06 Unknown_16: uh months ago is when i i like i last talked about like the trisha paytas h3 stuff months ago because there was a little bit of funny and their shit and then it became very contrived and felt very like forced Unknown_16: no doubt they like conspire like like wwe or whatever like soap opera shit where they conspire who's going to be enemies now and whatever but trisha paytas has had an only fan trisha paytas is like super fucking rich like multi-millionaire rich because she has an only fans and she's like one of the most disgusting malformed looking hobgoblin women on the fucking planet and But that obviously tickles some kind of fetish. Like, I guess a lot of guys have like a fetish for like bimbo, like low IQ, trashy, retarded bimbo who just like disgusting woman. And that's like their kink. And Trisha Paytas makes fucking bank off whoever those people are. But she got engaged to a guy named Moses, who is Gila Klein's brother. And Gila Klein is the wife of Ethan Klein, age three. And if you don't know who Gila is, this is Gila. 0:25:30 Unknown_16: I only talk about them so I can play that clip every episode. Unknown_16: But Hila basically disowned Mosey's because Mosey's appeared in a blowjob video that Trisha put on OnlyFans. And Hila actually comes from Israel. She's an unironic veteran of the Israeli Defense Force. And Ethan Klein met Hila in Israel. So she's very conservative. And I think she's a Reform Jew. I know Ethan Klein is. I think they're both Reform Jews. But they're still quite conservative in Israel. So for him to show up in porn is just like a big slap on the face. Actually, no joke. 0:26:09 Unknown_16: They met in a Holocaust museum in Israel, which is perhaps the single most Jewish way to meet your spouse. 0:26:46 Unknown_16: The second most Jewish way goes to Quentin Tarantino. This is also true. If you've ever watched Inglourious Bastards, which is by far the worst Quentin Tarantino film. It is like torture porn for retards. Unknown_16: To the point where at the end of that movie, and I've talked about this before, but I really fucking hate that movie. At the end, a Jewish French girl is like, this Jewish bitch is going to kill you all. And then all the Nazis burn alive in a movie theater. Unknown_16: It's really weird, sexually charged Jewish revenge porn fantasy stuff. And Quentin Tarantino met his wife in Israel, showcasing, showing that movie, premiering that movie. That's the second most Jewish way to meet your fiance. The first most Jewish ways is in the Holocaust Museum in Israel, which is how Ethan Klein and Hilla met. Anyways, they're conservative and they. 0:27:25 Unknown_16: They excommunicated Moses from their family because of him showing up in porn, because I guess porn is not kosher, even though they have porn stars on their show. And I've talked about this before, but it really is, like, shockingly depressing how... Unknown_16: Let me save this real quick. 0:28:03 Unknown_16: How bad Hila tries to look like a young woman. Because basically Ethan will bring these porn stars from OnlyFans like Bella Delphine onto his show. And he'll openly gush about them. And he'll follow them on Twitter where they post porn and shit. And you can tell it has a mental toll taken on Hila because she tries to dress like a child. I imagine that Bella Delphine would wear something like this and it would be age appropriate. But she's like... Unknown_16: in her forties and is like the mother of a child with a second one on the way. And she dresses like she is like a 19 year old with an only fans. 0:28:40 Unknown_16: Uh, so that's quite depressing. And I'm just, I, the whole reason why I brought this up is cause I wanted to point out the, um, the hypocrisy of her family condemning, uh, Moses for appearing in porn when they openly promote, promote porn stars and like their, their fucking family business of running this podcast. Unknown_16: Uh, Unknown_16: So yeah, that's the H3 update. Unknown_16: And then there's Ralph. Unknown_16: You know what? I didn't even intend on talking about this, but this is such a good segue that I feel like I should. I did intend on talking about Ralph, not the... 0:29:13 Unknown_16: Not to try and segue that. Someone even made fun of me for pointing this out. But on the same thread as the Gila stuff, let me find this post real quick. Unknown_16: Someone pointed out that for whatever reason, Ralph on his recent stream has like fixed a picture of Jess Southern. And Jess Southern is Laura Southern's younger sister. Unknown_16: and she is like a model and ethan ralph has been obsessed with this woman for literally fucking years so here's the post pull it up on the big screen for everybody 0:29:56 Unknown_16: Since she was 17, actually. It's so long ago that when he started posting pictures of her on his stream, she was still a teenager. Unknown_16: So this is the stream, and he just has this random picture of her on the bottom left. No fucking reason for it, no rhyme or reason. It could be anything there. He chooses a picture of a woman... um i guess because booba right but then i realized that that looks a lot like this picture of may that she posted some time ago where she's doing like the exact same fucking thing like the exact same pose as just southern in this picture that he is promoting and he's used this picture before this exact one so i think he has like a poster of it on his wall somewhere or has it as like his um 0:30:40 Unknown_16: desktop background and Pantsu has seen this and has that Hila Klein like battered wife syndrome where she's like oh my husband doesn't find me attractive I need to try and be more like the porn stars and models that he finds attractive so she tries to replicate things that she sees like Hila sees Bella Delphine with like bubblegum pink hair and shit and is like oh okay I'll dress like that And then Pantsu sees this Jess Southern picture of her doing this pose with the lollipop and will be like, oh, I'll do the lollipop thing, too. I really believe that's happening because it's very obvious that Ralph does not give a fuck about her and is fucking around behind her back. The real Ralph stuff that I want to talk about was this, this filing. Unknown_16: basically Matthew Vickers has a emergency restraining order against Ralph and faith Vickers recently attained one as well. And I think that has some implications. Like he's already a felon. He can't have weapons. Um, 0:31:38 Unknown_16: But you lose certain freedoms when you have a restraining order against you. A restraining order is temporary. A restraining order is like they come to the court and say, I believe that person A is a threat to person B. And then before being found guilty of anything, the court says, okay, well, we're going to put a restraining order. Don't fuck around with this person. And I think if you have weapons, you have to relinquish them as well because you're deemed a threat to this other person. And then after it goes to court and both sides are heard, then they decide that they're going to lay an injunction, which lasts quite a while. I think like two years for a full injunction. So if this goes through, like we've been teasing him by making it like he lost his court case with Adrian Blair. So he can't say Adrian Blair and avoids the topic at all costs. Um, this might be the case with Vickers as well. Um, Vicker, Matthew and Faith. And that would be like a huge blow to his ego if there were like three separate people that people could talk about that he can't comment on at all because he has the biggest, fattest fucking mouth in the world and he has to like chime in constantly. Uh, so he's fighting this and I'm pretty sure he's running out of money cause he decided to file his, um, appeal to this restraining order himself. So this reads like literally reads like a fucking blog post, even though it's a, um, 0:32:50 Unknown_16: It's a court filing. Unknown_16: There is one good part. I'll read through it, and then if I get bored, I'll skim it a bit. He says, Attachment 11, reasons I disagree. Matthew Bickers has made a number of claims in his complaint. I will give my response to that, but before I do, I think it's important to give some background to the case. Right away, number one, not only does that read like a blog post, that reads like a shitty blog post. Like, You don't need to say that. That entire sentence is superfluous to the point of what you're saying. If you're going to give a claim, you know, a response, just lay out your response. Obviously, you're fucking responding in your response to the motion. You don't have to say this is a response. I'm going to give my reply now. 0:33:32 Unknown_16: Mr. Vickers has left out several important pieces of information. Without them, you cannot understand this complicated situation. Also superfluous. Unknown_16: It is my belief that he left out this pertinent information on purpose, but of course that determination will be ultimately left up to the court. Obviously, then you don't need to fucking... This is one sentence. 0:34:06 Unknown_16: Vickers has left out several pieces of important information. Number one. Number two. Unknown_16: Vickers has deleted a large portion of his internet footprint. Lowercase i internet. Come the fuck one, Ralph. I know you listen to this fucking podcast. You know what? I bet you money. That's just to spite me. That's my schizo talking. But that motherfucker wrote this. And he wrote out internet, and then he did it right. He pressed the shift key. He extended his pinky out to the shift key, and then thought, that motherfucking pedophile Josh Moon motherfucking, fuck that motherfucker. And then he backspaced it and wrote it lowercase i in there just to shit on me. 0:34:44 Unknown_16: Including Twitter accounts and a website he has set up specifically for the stated purpose of harassing me. Thankfully, many of his exploits and statements have been archived in quotes and are less than available for you to view. He wrote archived in quotes as if archive is not a word that a legal professional would understand. Like, Yana, this is a so-called tweet. It is a short-form blogging message on the internet. Like, archives exist before the internet. Come on. He mentions his daughter Faith vanishing, as if vanishing is not a fucking word either, from his home at the outset of his allegations. He implies that there was something nefarious about our relationship or that I somehow acted outside the scope of the law. The fact is, Faith was 18 when we started talking. It's legal in every state in the union for her to have left and moved in with me, which is what she did. The idea that I groomed her is ridiculous. In fact, she sought me out at every turn. You can argue it wasn't wise to get involved, but that's not relevant. Then don't fucking include it in your filing. 0:35:24 Unknown_16: Mr. Vickers, brevity is the soul of wit, Ralph. The less you say, the better things are. Vickers goes on to show an email that I did send to him from my Rad Roberts account. That is a fun admission to Macon Court. Yes, your honor, I have many sock accounts under many names, and that Rad Roberts Gmail is, in fact, myself. What he neglected to mention is that his own daughter had credibly accused him of domestic violence against her right before she left to come to my house that same night, in fact. That's relevant. You want to say that. You want to say that she left out of fear of him to begin with. The reason I was so eager to get her to leave is because of the allegations of physical abuse that she made against Matthew Bickers, also relevant. I have screenshots of messages, then just show them. 0:36:00 Unknown_16: The reason I sent that email, because he threatened to press felony charges against his own daughter for taking her cell phone and I believe her computer. She was distraught and crying, so I sent him that. Here's what she sent me right before that very night. And I think this is actually... 0:36:38 Unknown_16: okay this is her talking to him i'm having bad thoughts i'm having really bad thoughts actually i just need to stop my dad hit me so now i'm curled up crying crying and honestly trying not to think of bad things but i don't want to stay here i don't have anything ready and didn't think uber gets into my area since it's a gated community i'm planning on asking my friend to drive me out at least to the gate when i do leave Unknown_16: Okay, this shows how he's treating the judge of this case like it's Gator, like it's just his friend. I was also sent this message by Faith, which shows how Vicar speaks to his children in a private group chat. Is it really so hard to believe that I might have credibly believed that she was being abused, whether or not that was actually the case? That's what she was telling me! 0:37:17 Unknown_16: Like, why? Why does he feel the need to write it this way? Just say, I was sent this message by Faith, which shows how Vicar speaks to his children in a private group chat. It was credible to me that she was being abused. Unknown_16: Just so we're all straight up, this is from Papa Bunny, which is kind of cringe. Just so we're all straight up motherfucking aware, when I mouse over any message on my Mac in iMessage, it shows me the time the text was sent. The latest text from that night was at midnight, five past midnight, by William responding to Faith. There were no texts after that saying open up. There are no tends to ping our phones. So if you were after that, it's your fucking fault. 0:37:58 Unknown_16: I mean, that doesn't show that he's physically abusive. That's just showing that he gets angry and drops the F-bomb like one asshole. Unknown_16: Um, Vickers himself went on a show. I'll mention the show again and discussed face allegation of abuse directed towards him. He claimed to me that did not happen at one point. And I believed him given his actions towards me and his determination to keep me from my son, which he is not actually considered his son. I'm no longer sure of anything regarding him. I like to think these allegations are not true. Um, I believe him less than I do now. I would think the court might see why faith thought it was in danger. 0:38:37 Unknown_16: And then he has a Vakaru link. Very professional. You know, Ralph, you have like eight different websites. Just put the fucking file on your website. Unknown_16: He mentions my case in Ludum County where I was jailed for assaulting a police officer. That did happen, although I didn't actually hit the officer. Unknown_16: And then he explains that he is actually a convicted felon. 0:39:09 Unknown_16: In his appeal, he explains that he drinks too much and fell asleep on a couch. He says, I had too much to drink and fell asleep on a hotel couch. It's not optimal, but it's also not the violent act of maniac like how some portray it. Regardless, I served my time on that matter and completed my probation. He alludes to another criminal complaint that was dropped earlier this year. I have nothing to add other than it was dropped and I deny what has been alleged. That is probably the best sentence in his entire filing. He alludes to another criminal complaint that was dropped earlier this year. I have nothing to add there other than it was dropped, and I deny what has been alleged. That's perfect. That's all you need to say. You don't need to say, yeah, I thumbed her anus, but she consented to it from the insane asylum when I called her. That's something I would actually expect him to say in regards to that. 0:39:46 Unknown_16: It's true I checked Faith out of the hospital and brought her back to live with me but again she was begging me daily on the phone not to send her back to live with Matthew Vickers and his family. Indeed over the last 10 months even while back in California she has continued to beg me to come back here. It's not necessarily material to this case, but it happened, and I have proof. Indeed, we talked almost every single day during her pregnancy, and that was brought to an end by her controlling father. He has publicly stated his goal is to cut me out of my child's life. In a letter he released to Kiwi Farms, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I guess Vickers deleted the abort the retort page because he realized that would look really bad if he was trying to play victim. 0:40:23 Unknown_16: Uh, to Ralph's credit, he has an archive for that site, I guess he should probably cut out specific allegations from it. 0:41:00 Unknown_16: Um, like that's something you would actually want to explain. Like he built up a fucking page specifically, um, to try and ruin my life. He's like a maniac. He's actively trying to fuck with me. Uh, I hosted an internet talk show. Unknown_16: Oh, I got excited. I thought he got a big I in there. No. Little I Internet Talk Show. It is a Little I Internet Talk Show, Ralph. Called The Kill Stream. Mr. Vickers took it upon himself to email confirming a potential guest to that show. Several of them sent me his emails unclosed. A screenshot of that confirms one of these attempts with comedian Chrissy Mayer. 0:41:37 Unknown_16: Wow, what a dickhead. He did contact his guest to try and dissuade them from showing up on his show. That's a proper A-log. He's got himself a genuine Vordrak. Unknown_16: When Faith went back home in November and we broke up, Matthew Vickers conspired with a member of Kiwi Farms, Elric of Melnibone on Kiwi Farms and Genius Anus on Twitter. Can you imagine being like a 70 year old man and trying to figure out what the fuck he's talking about? Like, I like how he has to explain that he runs a podcast. He says, I run the Killstream. It's an internet show. I talk to people on the internet about internet things. But then he gets down here and is like Matthew Vickers conspired with the member of Kiwi Farms as if Kiwi Farms is some terrorist organization that everyone just so happens to know. Like he conspired with a member of ISIS, Abdul Ahmad Abshalin of ISIS. And, you know, like as if he said that. But no, he says Kiwi Farms and he doesn't at no point. I've skimmed, by the way. At no point does Ralph try to explain what the fuck Kiwi Farms is to this man. 0:42:45 Unknown_16: to leak my private messages with Faith over the course of a week or two. He bragged about this act online and on his site, aborttheretort.com. This Kiwi Farms user, Elric, in order to prove the authenticity of his post, leaked my phone number and my new address. What I really like about this screenshot he's provided from the Kiwi Farms is that he's decided to use the dark theme. Like, we have multiple themes. You can switch to light and then take a screenshot of that, and it wouldn't require a ton of black ink to print. Unknown_16: But I guess it's not his ink, so who gives a fuck, right? It's just the state of California's. And they got money to burn, so why not? Oh, here's more. Here's more black on gray for the court to print out for all their records. 0:43:20 Unknown_16: And this is just screenshots of posts. Here's one of Ralph's. And this is Twitter. You can easily switch that to light. Unknown_16: uh it was one of ralph's suicide baits wonder if he cut out his wrist and the maker's mark would pour out whatever the only way she could have gotten this from matthew vickers or his daughter she denied to me i believe vickers did it vickers claims have done nothing criminal in his complaint well his actions are borderline that's not proof of anything is there like a charge against him no 0:44:04 Unknown_16: This is only a very small sampling of organized harassment. You know, I actually believe that there's enough back and forth between Vickers and Ralph where Ralph could say he's not acting in good faith. He has no reason to believe that. He's obviously not afraid of Ralph if he's antagonizing Ralph so much. I think if Ralph had the intelligence or a lawyer to lay out exactly what this harassment was in an organized, competent way, he would stand a really good chance of having this overturned. Simply because of how much dirty hands Matthew Vickers has on this. But of course he's Ralph and he wrote a fucking expose blog post about Matthew Vickers. I wouldn't even be surprised if that was the case. If he had written this up as an expose blog post on the Ralph retort... And then at some point he just decided, you know what? I'll save myself the time and money. I wrote myself up a professional document here. I'll just change a few words to say your honor and the court and I'll submit it and that'll be perfect. And that's what we have. I'm hoping a very specific sentence is coming up. 0:45:19 Unknown_18: Matthew Vickers did an interview in front of thousands of people, the same one I mentioned earlier. Unknown_16: He didn't name it. Is he, like, refusing to name this interview? Like, who did these interviews? I don't know who this is. On September 8th, 2020, where he talked about how he struggled every day to not buy a plane ticket and shoot Ethan Ralph in the face, his wife, Ariana, who he names as needing protection with this order, also discussed how she fantasized about killing me right after he got done doing so. You know what? I'm going to type this Vakaru thing. Unknown_16: Or is it an LASP6JHD5? No. Let's try an I, big I. No. 0:45:56 Unknown_16: If only, imagine, like seriously, imagine me in the court and thinking, like, I have to hear this. This sounds like it's a critical piece of the defense. Unknown_16: And if only I had a fucking way to type in this fucking link. Unknown_18: Oh, this is it. Oh, you know what? I'll put it on my Chrome so that it actually plays. 0:46:28 Unknown_11: No, he just said, hey, all he said after that was, I can't even imagine what's going on on your end. So I don't know if it's that he doesn't allow himself to think about it. He doesn't have to care about it or... Unknown_11: No, I mean, even in the original Rad Roberts emails and then post-Rad Roberts where he revealed himself after I revealed him. Unknown_16: Who the fuck is he talking to? Unknown_15: He kept saying, no, believe it or not, I do see things from your side. Like, no, you don't, because then you'd be coming out here, you'd be struggling. If you were seeing things from my perspective, Ethan Ralph, you would know what it's like to struggle every day to not buy a plane ticket and go shoot you in the face. Now, I'm not making a threat, so we're clear. 0:47:04 Unknown_15: But don't think it's not a recurring... No, I will also clarify that that was not a threat at all. But don't think it's not a recurring fantasy running through the vicar's head multiple times a day. Unknown_11: Or the mother's head. I know that there's this idea that, you know, moms are all sweet and tender and everything. I have just as much trouble not fantasizing about... Mrs. Vicar's also well-trained in the firearm arts. 0:47:47 Unknown_06: And look, this is pure fantasy, this is pure, you know, it doesn't exist. Yeah, they are parents, they are emotionally wounded, they are broken souls. Unknown_06: My question is, if we're trying to get faith back by Christmas, She's supposed to call you, but apparently he's controlling her phone and he's not, you know, she's not allowed to communicate with other people. Is there any way you can actually get professional? Unknown_16: There's a good chance just in that clip that Godwinson actually saved them. Unknown_16: Because he like recontextualizes it and Ralph includes that. Where Godwinson says this is just like the... What runs through a parent's mind when they've been taken advantage of by like a monster. That's perfect. That really saves their ass. 0:48:29 Unknown_16: Though I don't know. I really that that I think it's an L. It's like an L and then a capital I. But of course, I'm going to be fucking confused by what that is. I'm not going to be able to type it in. Unknown_16: They did this on air in front of a massive audience. Had I done something similar, they likely would have called the police. Yes, I have seen some nasty messages their way. 0:49:02 Unknown_16: Yes, I have sent some nasty messages their way, period. But, new sentence, like... Unknown_16: He he went to like college for a degree in political science so he could be like a journalist, like a legitimate journalist. How the fuck do you write like this? I learned how to write from Internet forums, Ralph. Unknown_16: But there's nothing on this scale for me. And even if you and period and even if you disagree with that conclusion, I would hope that the court sees that this is anything but a one sided affair. 0:49:38 Unknown_16: Matthew Vickers also shows a picture of my girlfriend, Amanda Morris, holding a shotgun and said this made him worry about the possibility of me having a gun. His leaker also released her personal cell phone number. Unknown_16: By the way, add that to the list. What fucking list, Ralph? Maybe you should have made a list and itemized the things that he has done to dirty his hands so that he cannot claim that he is in fear for his life or whatever the fuck. Unknown_16: Like... 0:50:26 Unknown_16: That's a really strong statement to make. Unknown_16: A huge part of his claim that he's in fear of his life is that you have access as a violent felon to a firearm because of your girlfriend owning a shotgun. The reply is, I do not have access to a firearm. That is Amanda Morris with her father. at his house with his weapon that's how you phrase that you do not need this paragraph of jumbled up fucking nonsense to make that point and it's a really important point like he's saying he's in fear of his life because of this weapon saying in no unclear terms that is not a weapon i have access to is really important i feel not a lawyer i'm just a retard 0:51:11 Unknown_16: Uh, Vickers goes into the dispute we had where I took it to Twitter and tweeted out some of our messages. Yes, I saw Monday, Matt. Very, very exciting stuff. A verified check mark. Uh, first off, as I have established, it's very normal for him to share personal messages between us in public on his abort the retort.com website, which he has deleted to cover his tracks. You've already said this. Now he did this often. He concluded with others to do it too. The fact that we would hang out at hang his hat, uh, Oh, not literally. The fact he would hang his hat on this being some kind of abusive behavior when it's his go-to move is quite frankly... 0:51:48 Unknown_16: Ridiculous. This man has designed a harassment campaign against me unlike anything this court has ever seen. Ralph, that's not fucking... Okay, in his mind, he thinks it's true. Like, I have suffered the grandest of slights. No court has ever seen anything as damaging to the personal reputation and well-being of a person as aborttheretort.com. Can tell you flat out that there are way worse attacks on character out there. And the court has seen much, much fucking worse. 0:52:24 Unknown_16: He is now beyond belief that he is now claiming to be the one suffering in that regard. I honestly have lost count of the amount of times Matthew Bakers has shared personal messages between us or messaged me when I told him not to. Then do it. Show one such case. Unknown_16: Show one case of you, Ethan Ralph, saying, do not contact me again, and then being messaged. That's really important. He's lost count of the amount of times that this has happened, but he can't show a specific instance because that's too hard. That's a lot of work to do that. I can't just ask my Discord friends to get me some Vokaroos to throw in my fucking legal document. That would actually me pull out my phone and have to find it. 0:53:02 Unknown_16: As I've shown, Matthew Bickers has at the very least colluded with someone who was releasing my phone number and the new address I had the public didn't know about. That's public information, even if it's not like the Kiwi Farms, dude. Matthew Bickers mentions that I brought up him bragging about keeping my son from me. That's because he did just that in two separate emails that he released to Kiwi Farms. That big, bad message board he is supposedly so afraid of. Unknown_16: Did Vickers say he's afraid of the Kiwi forums? If he did, he's a retard because he's posting on it right fucking now. He's obviously not afraid of it if he's claiming that he's afraid of the forum. 0:53:35 Unknown_16: These are both from July of this year, right before he claims they started harassing him. Again, he's completely left as part of the story of the narrative. Actually, I think what Vickers said regarding this is that Unknown_16: he's just like Ralph is like a threat to everyone around him because everyone watches his every move so everything you do in association with Ralph gets published alongside information about Ralph so he's a really toxic person in a literal sense he's toxic to know and be around but Ralph is like being gay about that I guess Even though it's objectively fucking true. He also posted on Kiwi Farms himself as late as April 29th of the current year. And, of course, his posts were inflammatory towards May. 0:54:17 Unknown_16: But that's not all. It's like he's trying to sell me a slap. What's that thing that cuts up nuts really fast that they sell on TV? A slap jack? A slap cutter? It's made by that guy who got arrested for beating up a prostitute. Unknown_16: uh that's not all he even solicits slap chop that's it uh he even solicits more emails from me on the site these are the same people he manipulated in an effort to get them to harass me he did this for months on end your honor uh your honor like he's like he's speaking to the judge and he's like transcribing his his speech to a message 0:55:10 Unknown_16: Uh, keep in mind, I was talking to Faith and the baby every day before this, and the only reason we had to blow up in the first place was because I thought he had taken her internet, lowercase internet, access away and cut me out of the baby's life. How could I possibly come to that conclusion? Well, he's attempted to do just that and openly bragged about it, all while asking this court to put a gag order on me. How fair is that? Unknown_16: Such sloppy shit. Know your audience. That's an important part of writing. I have many more texts that show Faith and I were in contact throughout the pregnancy and that there was no doubt about parentage. Indeed, I've never heard any doubt about that ever until Vickers filing. Strange. Unknown_16: This is filed by defendant Donald J. Trump from Twitter.com. He's submitting his filing as a string of tweets and they're being compiled for this document. This is the best paragraph of the entire fucking thing, by the way. 0:55:55 Unknown_16: I'll post a screen that shows her talking about how he wanted her to send a text after the blow-up, saying she didn't want to talk to me anymore. I have no doubt that he is behind this change in status. I was fully involved with my son throughout the pregnancy and every day up until this blow-up in early July. Wait, that's not the best... I lied. I put on the voice for no reason. 0:56:32 Unknown_00: I have reams of evidence on this score. Unknown_16: Sounding like the president who said he had dinders full of women. He has reams full of evidence on this score that he's not going to show. Oh, here's one, actually. Here's the messages from Faith. She had me so concerned with her description of events that I was on the verge of calling the police. He was so involved with that pregnancy, by the way, that he made no effort to actually go see her. Unknown_16: He was the best Skype dad ever. Ahem. Unknown_16: My dad is telling me I have to send you a message saying to leave me alone. I know you said if I did shit like that again, though, you'd lose it. But my mom is saying that she's going to come to the room and shit and take... 0:57:05 Unknown_16: That's a threat. Unknown_16: Faith, you go in there and you tell that Ethan Ralph you don't want to hear from him again or I'll walk in there and I'll dump ass on your fucking rug. I'll squat and shit in the middle of your fucking room and you'll have to clean it up. That would be a threat to take seriously. Uh, you're saying she's going to come to the room and shit and take Xander. What am I supposed to do if I do one or the other? Someone is going to hate me and want to get payback. If you do, I'm going to call the police to Disneyland on your parents. I recorded that screen with my iPhone. 0:57:38 Unknown_16: I 100,000% will call the police. Please, I just need to sleep. She's so manipulative. I really fucking hate Faith. I almost feel bad for Vickers, because she's obviously playing both sides, because she likes seeing men fight over her, so... She likes pitting daddy and baby daddy against each other and just sitting back and watching the fireworks so she feels important. But I can't feel bad for her because it's entirely his fault that she's such a fucking mental case. 0:58:14 Unknown_16: If she hasn't been molested by him, I'm really surprised. I didn't know you could fuck someone's brain up so badly without raping them. It really is a mystery. Just look at how she does this, how she seamlessly flip-flops between the two, playing innocent, scared little girl to both Ralph and Vickers. It's really just impressive, and neither of them have caught on to it. They're both fucking gullible idiots that keep believing this shit. 0:58:52 Unknown_16: I've lost my place. Oh, there it is. Unknown_16: She describes me possibly becoming angry if she sends the message or did shit like that again. What does that mean? Well, Mr. Vickers had her send me fake messages before. I took a screenshot of her describing this back in May because I knew that one day it might come in handy. I guess today is that day. I can confirm that text message I received from her was an exact copy of the one her father's Matthew Vickers told her to copy and send to me. 0:59:32 Unknown_18: Zoomer girl. It's so cringe. Unknown_16: She's also done this once before with a letter she sent me claiming that Matthew forged it and made her send it. Screenshots of Snapchat, I guess. The next screenshot was how Faith and I talked about the baby. She sent this to me on May 4th. Unknown_16: Right around the time Vickers was giving her fake messages to send me. Unknown_16: Not everything was perfect. By any means, we still argued from time to time, but we were both excited about Alexander. Zanda. Zanda. 1:00:03 Unknown_16: There's a lot more I could write and show. Unknown_16: How does he think that's acceptable? How does he think it's acceptable to file something to the court and say, I have evidence of everything I'm saying, but I'm going to show you like a couple screenshots of my phone. Unknown_16: But unlike Mr. Oh, this is a great paragraph. But unlike Mr. Vickers, I don't have seemingly endless time and money with which to waste the court's resources. I like that part because he basically admits, yeah, I'm writing this shit because I'm fucking broke. 1:00:39 Unknown_16: I bought a Louis Vuitton man purse. Oh, speaking of, he went to a Chris trial, which was just continued, so he wasted his fucking time. But he went out there, and I thought for sure, I publicly speculated that Ethan Ralph, after buying that fucking Louis Vuitton man purse, would be so ashamed of his stupidity, he would immediately pawn it for like half the price he paid just so he could recoup some of the money. But like not have that fucking man purse anymore. But no, he showed up at the court wearing this Louis Vuitton man purse, which is like smaller than a child's lunchbox for school and dangles off his bulbous spherical person in the most comical way ever. Because now he's too proud to get rid of the man purse. People have given him shit for it. So that purse will cling to his body until the day he fucking dies. Because he can't let the haters win by getting rid of it. Uh... 1:01:26 Unknown_16: I have no desire to contact him or his wife or any of his children except the one who gave birth to my child. It's my view that given his public statements and actions regarding my online activity and private lives that he has forfeited any protection from public response or my media platforms. Again, he has been attacking me in public himself for well over a year. How is it that I should suffer under what amounts to a gag order by this court when he has been free to say and do so many malicious things for so long? That being said, I have no actual desire to speak about him or his family. Like, he undercuts his own argument there. Like, he says, I deserve the constitutional protected right of freedom of speech in spite of this gag order and Mr. Bicker saying he fears for his life because it's not fair. But I don't even want to do it, Your Honor. Like, that's not instilling the confidence in the court that this is an undue burden on you. When you say, like, I don't even give a fuck, really. I'm filing this because it's for fun. I'm practicing my writing skills. I run a blog, but I can't write for shit, so I'm trying to get some practice done. 1:02:40 Unknown_16: Not particularly persuasive. Unknown_06: The gurs. Unknown_16: The gunt purse. Unknown_16: I just don't think it should be legally barred from doing so. I disagree with that or I also don't believe I pose a physical threat to anyone here. I've shown you how he has repeatedly mused about killing me in public. He also has guns, as he has sent me a photo of one out of the blue. It was seemingly an attempt to intimidate me, although I'm quite certain he will deny that. If anyone is at risk, it's me. 1:03:15 Unknown_16: Getting a hotel and some barbecue catering for a normal election party, but since you never know how shit will go down, I packed my just-in-case case, which is a bunch of guns, apparently. I mean, how is that like a threat? That just says that he's scared of violence during the election. That's a really good reason to have weapons on you if you're afraid of something going violent. 1:03:51 Unknown_16: Oh, this is really funny. Matthew Vickers tweets out, Me and Faith had to go pick up fish and chips for the demon baby. It hungers. And then he said, Sent with Faith's permission, lol. And then he says, Oh, I've left this out so far, but his wife Ariana was also involved online in trying to attack me in my business interest. She also threatened me in this posting. Unfortunately, I cannot find the archive, but I have a direct quote in the archive of the account itself. i love my daughter i want her safe her safety is the only thing that will save the gun he has been warned uh i mean that's not the court's not gonna look at that and think oh my god what a monster if if a mother says if you touch my kid i'll fucking murder you that's not like a threat that's like i mean i guess it is a threat but it's not like a legally actionable unreasonable threat if you touch my kid i'll fucking kill you is like a pretty normal thing in these circumstances 1:04:46 Unknown_16: I think I've shown ample evidence in this response. Mr. Vickers obtained this order based on only half or less of the story. I got into an argument with someone about that sentence. Unknown_16: I've shown in my ample evidence in this response that Matthew Vickers obtained this order based on only half or less of the story. Unknown_16: That wording basically says that about half of like everything that Vickers said is basically true, but there's another half to it. Unknown_16: You know what I mean? It's basically saying that it's true, but there's more to it, which is also not a good way of defeating like a judgment like this. You're saying, yeah, it's all true, but really you should know the context. The content is that Matthew Vickers is also a fucking dickhead. Well, if what you're saying is that it's all true, but really he deserved it, then that's not really a good argument that the protective order is unnecessary. 1:05:25 Unknown_16: I hope that the court will take it into consideration and dismiss or heavily amend this temporary order. Mr. Vickers is right that once you post something online, it stays forever. Unknown_16: And thank God for that. Or else I wouldn't have been able to show how much he has misrepresented his case. Thank you for your time. 1:05:59 Unknown_18: There's a paragraph in this that is missing. It's extremely funny. Is this like Unknown_16: Oh man, if I have to just paraphrase this, I'm going to be so pissed. Unknown_16: Maybe it's like his second? Unknown_18: This is Faith describing her harassment. 1:06:34 Unknown_18: Described harassment. Unknown_18: Oh, I'm fucking seething. Unknown_16: I'm fucking seething if I can't find this. Unknown_16: Okay, I guess I'll just paraphrase it. Unknown_16: There is a part, and I thought it was in this filing. Correct me if I'm wrong. Unknown_16: Maybe I skipped over it on accident. Unknown_18: But at some point... 1:07:09 Unknown_18: Oh, it is this one. Oh, I did. I missed this page. Unknown_16: As far as speaking to him or his family other than his daughter, Faith, I have absolutely no desire to... This is the best part. I'm getting up to it. I have absolutely no desire to do so, and I promise here not to. If there's a way, that part can be upheld while amending this, blah, blah, blah. Vickers mentioned several times that I've done... Matthew Vickers mentions several times that I have done nothing to change the official father status for baby Alexander. That is true, but it's only because I'm not sure a nasty legal battle is in my child's best interest. He refers to this baby as his baby, that he is the father to, that Faith is the mother to, that is his child. He admits, clear as crystal, black and white, that not only is he not the father in the official legal sense, He has made no effort to amend the birth certificate to be named the father, and he has no intentions of doing so. That alone is like... 1:07:46 Unknown_16: Barring anything else, that's like the strongest argument. You have no reason to contact these people. You are not the father. You are literally a stranger to all three of them. You live across the country. As far as the court of law is concerned, as far as the U.S. government and the state of California is concerned, you have not a single fucking legitimate reason to be in contact with any of these people. 1:08:27 Unknown_16: So, and his complaint that it would be a nasty legal battle, that's not what he's concerned about. Having that certificate amended within the first two years of the birth, and people look this up, is just filing a form and submitting a DNA test. And if it matches, then surprise, you're now the father. 1:09:03 Unknown_16: After two years, it's more of a process. The family wants to fight the claim. But in the first two years, it doesn't matter what Vickers want. It's not a court battle. You just say, I'm the father. Here's my DNA. The state takes it. They test it. If you're the father, you're the father legally. The issue is, is that then you're on the hook. Unknown_16: For 18 years. 18 years. 18 years. Got you for 18 years. For a child that wasn't his. Well, in this case, I guess it is his. 1:09:35 Unknown_16: Uh, that's why, and this whole shit, it would be such a terrible legal fight. No, it wouldn't. The legal fight would be getting your fucking ass for money. And Ralph doesn't want to, cause he doesn't give a fuck about that kid. That could, could drop off a fucking cliff and he wouldn't give a shit about it. Uh, it would, it would save him a lot of trouble, I guess. Cause he's not going to fight to be the father ever. Unknown_16: I was dealing with faith personally before this and was mostly pleasant until Vickers. Unknown_16: The truth is I haven't decided what I'm going to do. It's an easy situation, dot, dot, dot. And it's made only more difficult by stuff like this. 1:10:15 Unknown_16: He brings up that Vickers called him the demon baby. And that's it. That's the whole Ralph thing. Unknown_16: It's true. We don't know who the father is. It could be anyone. It could be Matthew Vickers. It could be a black man. I guess it could be a black man. It's not black. It could be like an insane person at the mental hospital. It could be one of the nurses there. It could be anyone who's not black in the District of Columbia. It could be anyone. We don't know. 1:10:49 Unknown_16: People have speculated that maybe Alexander is Dick's child, but I'm pretty sure that Dick has a vasectomy. I don't know that. Before anyone speculates, no, I was not told that confidence or anything. I just speculate that he has had a secret vasectomy. Unknown_16: So I don't think it's Dick's. Maybe it's PPP's. Unknown_18: No, that's not possible either. Unknown_18: Someone in chat thinks that he intentionally wants the court to tell him not to contact any of these people, so he has an excuse to say... When people shit-talk him and say he's a deadbeat dad, he's like, "'Nothing I could do. 1:11:37 Unknown_16: I tried to be the best papa I could to that baby, but that Matthew Vickers done fucked me over on every corner.'" I tried and I tried, but he was litigious, he lawyered up, he was harassing me and my clientele and fucking with my business, and there was just nothing I could do. You know how them family courts is in California? You can't fight, that's a Sisyphean task. You rolling a boulder up a hill over and over again trying to beat them family courts against a woman. And then everyone in his chat's like, California bad. Women bad. Can't win family court. Here's a tip. Cha-ching, cha-ching. That's right, Ralph. Those family courts in California are really bad. And then cha-ching, cha-ching. I'm sorry that Matthew Vickers done did you like that, Ralph. Cha-ching, cha-ching. We love you, Ralph, anyways. I'm sorry that that happened to baby Alexander. 1:12:14 Unknown_16: Bullshit. Fuck those people. Retards. Unknown_16: Oh, no. Unknown_16: A boulder up a hill. 1:12:47 Unknown_16: Maybe... I don't know. Maybe Matt did... Like, on a subconscious Freudian level, maybe he did fuck with my dictionary. Unknown_16: Okay. That's it with Ralph, I think. Unknown_16: Let me check my thing... Unknown_16: Yep. Okay. PPP. I have to be careful with this. I have to be careful with how I address this because there are many PPP fan zones in my fan zone. So if I'm too much of a dick, people are going to get angry. 1:13:25 Unknown_16: and to be honest i don't even want to be a dick to ppp like i don't i don't mind making fun of ralph but i don't mind making fun of ppp i just don't want to be unfair to him uh and i i try not to be unfair to ralph i think what i say about ralph is pretty fair my point is i'm not trying to be an asshole okay but i would be remiss not to mention this so Unknown_16: there is a guy who streams in PPP. Some of you may have heard about him, but for the sake of posterity, in case you're someone who's listening, if you're like someone who's like, you're like a 50 year old grandmother and you're listening to this for the first time, cause it got suggested to you on like an Amber Lynn stream. And you're like sitting there crocheting with really big ass needles thinking like, I have no idea what this guy's talking about, but I'm listening anyways. Unknown_16: Um, Unknown_16: was a really fat guy and he started this weight loss challenge and there's there's a lot of history to him i don't know how to sum him up he's basically just a shit stirrer and he started a weight loss competition and he besmirched my tradition of eating pizza on friday and because him and his roommate are like on this huge weight loss challenge and are forsaking pizza they have succumbed to the hangry and hangry is when you are both hungry and angry at the same time so ppp and his roommate surfer who is like the most schizoid far-right poltar ever despite being slightly ethnically jewish um cohabitate and are like real bros and they say like i love you bro like to that kind of bro they have like a good old-fashioned bro down um 1:14:44 Unknown_16: But they broke up. They had like a proper fight on stream and Surfer cut it off. And I have that clip now. I'm just going to play it because I really don't know how else to describe this without just showing it. Unknown_04: I don't know what to tell you. I'm kind of done with this segment. I really don't give a shit about Andy and his fucking coping. I don't give a fuck. Unknown_04: I've been here for fucking four or five hours listening to the ramblings of a drunk. 1:15:36 Unknown_04: So that's a slight at Surfer. Unknown_16: Fuck it. I'm just explaining that. They both had something to drink, but PPP is accusing him of being a drunk. In case you've never watched their streams, I should explain this. PPP is the guy who runs the show, basically. And historically, when PPP says something, sometimes Surfer will chime in. He'll be in the background doing whatever the fuck. And then they'll be like, no, buddy, it's not like that. You got to understand. Then he'll explain something like fucking bizarre, just completely detached from it, like insane rambling. And then it'll shift back on to PPP. PPP might say something, but he'll move on. 1:16:10 Unknown_16: And people like Surfer because he's like, I don't know, he's funny. His interruptions were funny. But I think he got like a huge chip on his shoulder over time. And he started thinking like, no, people really like me. And I'm now half the show. Uh, but when he starts getting really, really interruptive, it's, it just breaks the flow of things. Cause there's no like rhythm to it. He PPP won't finish his thought. And then surfer will say like, Oh, you know, I agree with that for the most part, but I disagree on this or I want to add some context to that. It'll be like PPP will be like halfway through a sentence and he'll just start talking about, uh, Like, bullshit. And it's even worse when PPP is saying something that's, like, true, and then he'll disagree because of, like, political reasons. He was talking about... I think it was even that... 1:17:17 Unknown_16: How I think it was even about Ralph that he was dating someone like under 18. It was something about being like a 36 year old man and dating someone who's like 18 years old. And PPP made the very dangerous claim that 36 year olds should not be dating 18 year olds. People literally half their fucking age. And then he just goes like, no, buddy, that's when women are like the most fertile. We got to get white women knocked up and shit. The Jews don't want us to have 18 year olds pregnant. And people just like that's fucking retarded. And that's like that's what I mean by his interruptions becoming like schizo bullshit as opposed to like things normal people would say. 1:18:02 Unknown_16: And it really started to fuck with the show because it's one thing to interrupt and then have like a divergence with like a weird take from, you know, poll. But then it's another thing where it completely stops the momentum. PPP gets on this sermon. He's like a preacher, man. He's like a like I think he was like a youth pastor at some point. So he literally goes into like preacher mode and he starts rocking back and forth away from the mic like this. And he starts hollering and he starts going off and he makes his fucking point. And then when Surfer interrupts and just like contradicts him to say like, no, that's what Whitey needs to do. It's like, whoa, you know, you're interrupting the sermon here. We're all here to hear the word of PPP and you're not invited at this point. You need to hold your fucking tongue until he's done with his rocking back and forth, insane rambling shit. 1:18:44 Unknown_16: So that's what's going on here. They've reached a point where he's really obviously annoyed with the interruptions. Unknown_16: um and he says that you're he's being that way because he's drunk and surfer doesn't take that well because he's been accused of like being a drunk or something so he becomes um he postures against ppp ppp is someone who's like likes like a foot taller than him and weighs twice as much as him so he's kind of physically imposing in the situation that we'll see it is you 1:19:28 Unknown_04: You're drunk. Are you sure, buddy? You're drunk. Am I the drunk, buddy? Yeah, you are the drunk. And it's irritating, man. And I do four or five hours of this shit constantly and I just let you give your fucking bullshit and spew it and run your dick licker. But I honestly get fucking tired of it sometimes and I push back on it. Unknown_05: okay okay buddy well i won't i won't run my fucking quote unquote dick licker you know next time i'll just stay out of the video how about that buddy you think you can make the same level of content without surfer buddy i don't know what to tell you buddy like i'll just stay out of it that's it what do you do what you want to do one if you want me to stay out of it you know two a fucking surfer makes the content You know, Xurfer brings the content. I don't know, dude. Like, it is what it is, man. It is what it is. 1.5, says someone. 1:20:15 Unknown_05: No, I'll just fuck off, buddy. Well, you take it very seriously. Unknown_04: Well, I don't know, dude. You can say all the bullshit you want, but when I push back a little bit, then it gets serious, and you're like, I'm going to quit the show. Unknown_05: No, I didn't say that. Like, I actually said, why so serious? And I said, you don't need to take it as such a good deal. Unknown_04: I just don't understand why you have to keep derailing a show endlessly that I'm trying to get through. I'll cut you off if I want. Okay, well, if you're not going to show me the respect, I'm not going to show you the respect. 1:20:50 Unknown_05: And the reality is, Ashton, the reality is, Ashton, without me, your show would fucking suck. Unknown_04: Dude, you're delusional. That's just fucking delusional stuff. I am what fucking makes it. your show okay buddy like that's an ego talking that's an ego talking Unknown_16: That's like super... I can't even imagine how Surfer came to this conclusion that he is what makes the show. I actually think he smokes a lot of weed, and I know that cannabinoids exasperate the symptoms of schizophrenia, and they can even make them appear earlier in people. And Surfer's right at the end of that age range where schizotypo symptoms will emerge. And he talked about how he had like... delusions of godhood how when he was like a kid or a teenager he was a luciferian quote unquote and how he wanted to become god and he thought he could become god by doing something so i think he has a schizotypal personality disorder and his smoking weed has like exacerbated this over the last couple months and now he's like full-blown fucking a literal pole schizo um who thinks that this show is like ppp's camera sermons are about him because he interjects every so often but it won't that's ego talking right there buddy you know not only that but i take care of you in this fucking household i am the man and you're gonna show me this level of disrespect on fucking buddy don't be a fucking hero buddy don't be a fucking hero don't be a fucking man hero buddy are you fucking being serious This right here, look at this. Look at this eye contact. He, like, just had to lean back and, like, stare him down and shit, and this became, like, a meme. That's why I called this Don'tBeAHero.mp4. 1:22:33 Unknown_05: What do you think's gonna happen? Unknown_05: What, are you gonna try to fight me? What are you doing? When I take care of you? What are you talking about, buddy? Unknown_04: Like, what fucking world are you living in? Unknown_05: I already said I love you, brother. And you're gonna fucking try to mess me? Unknown_04: You're drunk. I'm sober. Calm down. Unknown_05: You want to know how much longer I'm going to take care of you and be your father? Are you okay? 1:23:08 Unknown_00: And literally direct you in life? Unknown_05: And pay for you to live? Sir, are you okay? And cook for you and clean up after you? When you shit on the toilet every day? Dude, you're drunk. Unknown_04: When you shit on the fucking toilet seat and I have to clean it up after you? Unknown_05: So you clean up my shit like a bitch? Unknown_05: Okay, buddy. Well, you can move out then. That's fine. Okay, buddy. Unknown_04: You're a tough man. That's enough of that. Unknown_04: What the fuck are you doing? You can't even shut off a stream, you fucking drunk. Oh, I'm drunk, buddy. 1:23:41 Unknown_16: So that's the official breakup. Unknown_16: And a little bit after this, another stream came on out of the blue. And this is what we see. Unknown_04: So here we have RJ calling the police. Unknown_16: Sorry, I dropped that in the frame accidentally. Unknown_04: so here we have rj calling the police i i need help i'm at 2b 723 george street north i just need him gone he's just threatening me again uh you know he said he's moving out in the morning you know but he's just threatened me again you know i just need him gone no 1:24:26 Unknown_05: He just came up to me. He just came up to me. What are you talking about dude? Unknown_04: You're wasting everyone's time. Unknown_05: He said he was going to fuck me up. He came up to me right in my face. Dude, what are you talking about? Unknown_04: You're having a meltdown. Unknown_16: He lies there. He hesitates because he knows he's being recorded. And he doesn't want to say what was actually said. This was said later and I'll just summarize it so we don't have to watch the whole stream. But he lies there. He says he's going to fuck me up. That's a fib. My name is Robert Finley 1:25:19 Unknown_04: You're such a little bitch. Like for real, dude. This is sad. This is the big bad surfer calling the police for not being an assault. Buddy, I don't want to have a problem with you. Unknown_05: I want you out of my fucking house. Unknown_04: Buddy, I'm leaving in like a few hours. I'm calling my brother. I would already be out. I didn't threaten you. You were being a dick. Buddy, you just walked up into my face and said you're a little bitch. What are you going to do? Unknown_04: This is crazy. His name's Ashton Parks. Ashton Joel Parks. I've done nothing wrong, so good luck. My name is on the lease. I don't care. 1:25:51 Unknown_05: I just want you gone so you don't threaten me again. Unknown_04: That's it. This is crazy. Like, are you really going to send officers here to waste their time? I'm leaving in the morning. I don't want to waste the officers' time. Unknown_05: It's just you just threatened me, Ashton. Unknown_04: Dude, I didn't threaten you. You're crazy. You did. You're acting crazy. You threatened my face and threatened me with violence. Dude, you're acting crazy. Unknown_04: Like, the police are going to come here. It's going to be a waste of their time. They're going to say, sleep it off, boys. He's leaving in the morning. And that's going to be the resolution. You can't act like this. 1:26:23 Unknown_05: Dude, you're wasting everybody's time. Unknown_04: I'm leaving in the morning. Unknown_05: Yes. Unknown_05: I do. Unknown_05: I can't lock the door. Unknown_16: Let's take a double look at that that fucking garbage RJ clean it up I'm not gonna do anything dude like get real I 1:27:12 Unknown_17: You want your freedom, take it That's what I'm counting on Unknown_16: Every time he said that, I kept thinking of that song. So I had to pull it up so I could play it. Apparently, PPP actually said to... Actually, you know what? I have another song. I have so many songs for this stream. Oh, here. This is for Surfer. Unknown_00: Nigga, you need to stop snitching. 1:27:51 Unknown_00: All that yip-yapping and joke-jacking. Nigga, if you're scared, go to church. You knew the job was dangerous when you took it. Unknown_16: Let's go to church by Ice Cube featuring Snoop Dogg. Anyways, he goes on livestream on Odyssey and he says that PPP threatened to rape him. He didn't threaten to fuck him up as he hesitantly said on the phone while being recorded because he was afraid to admit it while being recorded. Uh, but later on he felt more at ease to say that no PPP threatened to rape him. Uh, now everyone who is a PPP defender said to the PPP a logs and the thread, when you say that you're just, you're going to rape someone, it's just the thing that, you know, it means like I'm going to beat you up. I'm going to, I'm going to own you, bro. I'm going to, I'm going to pwn you. 1:28:26 Unknown_16: But R.J., I mean, really, PPP could rape him if he really wanted to. The guy is literally like half his size. Unknown_16: So he felt intimidated enough to go ahead and take it to the police, apparently. Unknown_16: Which resulted in me making a post. 1:29:12 Unknown_16: Okay. Unknown_16: Based on the fact that... Just how that conversation went. Based on the fact that they've never had a woman on their streams ever. Based on the fact that they openly, easily say that they love each other. Unknown_16: And based on the fact that I think PPP has said he's a virgin because he's waiting to marriage before having sex. Unknown_16: I think they're gay. I think they're gay. I think that... I've always kind of had a suspicion that they're gay, but if I say that, people get mad at me. 1:29:47 Unknown_16: I'm not... I know what brotherly love is. I'm not, like, a complete troglodyte who has never met another, like, had, like, a male friend in his entire life. I know what it's like to have a bro. I've been playing Dota with my fucking bro, okay? Um, I, I have never had an argument that sounded quite like a breakup with a girlfriend before. And I'm pretty sure that the police filed that call under like a domestic relationship issue. Cause what the fuck, what the fuck else would you file it as? Like if you were a police officer, what the fuck would you file that as? I would file it as a domestic, right? Like a breakup, like a couple falling out and needing a police to deal with it for them. Um, 1:30:21 Unknown_16: So PPP tried to own that post by making this video as like a joke. Unknown_04: Well guys, I just have to admit the truth. Unknown_04: If I'm going to be honest with myself, Josh was right. 1:31:04 Unknown_04: I have to just come clean to you all. Unknown_04: Me and Surfer are gay. Unknown_04: We've always been gay. Unknown_04: Always been gay. Gay lovers together. Unknown_04: As gay as it gets. You know? Unknown_04: We're fags. Unknown_04: And I'm not gonna be ashamed of it anymore. Unknown_04: The faggotry now of this breakup has gotten so intense, we're actually breaking metric levels of faggotry that I've just realized I have to put on the fag mask. Surfer, I gotta put on the fag mask, buddy. I'm gonna fucking get my vaccine passport or whatever there with the fag mask or whatever there, buddy. 1:31:44 Unknown_04: You see, buddy, it's... We're gay, buddy. It's... Unknown_04: It is what it is. Josh was right all along. Unknown_04: And, uh... We're gay. Unknown_04: We're gay. Like, honestly, did anybody really think that we weren't fucking gay? Is there anybody out there who looks at, like, my fucking glorious man tits, like, totally manscaped, my immaculate, waxed and bleached assholes? 1:32:28 Unknown_16: I forgot to mention that also. PPP became famous because when he was like A-logging Ralph on stream.me way, way back when, he got really fucked up and drunk and he spread his ass on camera. And it is really remarkable how completely hairless that butthole is. I've not seen a lot of male asses. But I'm pretty sure that most men have hair on their ass. And that ass is wax. He has had a Brazilian. He has waxed his butthole. 1:33:00 Unknown_16: And there's only one reason I can think of someone waxing their butthole. And that is because they expect anal. And I believe that PPP is a homosexual. Almost, in large part, because of the waxed anus theory. Unknown_04: And doesn't think that we're gay? Unknown_04: Like, of course we've been gay this whole time. Unknown_04: Duh. Like, fuck. Who cares? This shit's gay. We're fags. And I'm going to be proud of being a fag. Unknown_04: The faggotry is so immense. 1:33:36 Unknown_04: I just... I gotta be proud. Like, we've reached, me and Surfer, tonight, a whole new level of faggotry that I don't think anyone's ever seen before. This is... Unknown_04: This is like biblical level faggotry. Unknown_04: You know, I did rape him. Unknown_04: I'll be honest. I raped him. Unknown_04: When we had that fight naked, it wasn't just the threat. I did rape him. Unknown_04: Lately, I've been... Okay, I'll cut it there. Just getting sick of it because he doesn't give the head that he used to give. Like... 1:34:09 Unknown_16: Okay, I need that little click sound effect that they use in Jim Can't Swim where they pause the interrogation footage to interject. I believe the psychological thingy, Bob, that PPP is employing here is like a facetious confession. Like, he feels the pressure. Everyone knows that he's a homosexual who just had a domestic with his alt-right neo-Nazi Jewish boyfriend. And now he has to alleviate the pressure. But subconsciously, he wants to tell the truth. So he says it facetiously. Oh, yeah, sure. I'm gay. Right. And that alleviates the psychological tension of having the guilt of having to hide the secret. But it says in a way that may not have social complications for him. 1:34:46 Unknown_16: Unclicky sound effect. Continue interrogation. No, for real. That's my... I took psychology 101. Unknown_16: Actually, not even 101. Just psychology 100 in college for my general associate's degree. That's my take on that. Yeah. 1:35:21 Unknown_16: I'm not serious. No, that's literally how it is to me. Unknown_16: That's what I see. I'm not coping. I'm not sneed. And that's just what I see chat. Josh can't swim in the, in the layman's rooms. It's called the salty cope. Exactly. Uh, okay. That's my, that's my PPP segment. There is a video and then I'll wrap up and I have a special outro song for everybody. 1:35:57 Unknown_16: someone made this i think for the forum i don't remember who did it but thank you for whoever it is that made this sargoy says he has to quit he has to be happy well that's kind of like the thing is it's like we talked about it he wanted to quit because he wants to live a real life i can't fucking blame him you know Unknown_04: you know and it's like fuck man well you're so talented you're so good at what you do but at the same time does it bring you any benefit in your life not really you know I almost wish I retired with him after the golden guns we had a conversation where we said do we retire do we stop is this where we both retire because I thought honestly if you're retiring well I mean if you think it's smart to retire I'm not gonna fucking doubt you on that Unknown_04: But then, you know, the shit with Gahool happened where Gahool criticized Adam and said Adam's editing was shitty. So Gahool had to get felted. And then it was like, I'm retiring again. And it's like, okay, you know, hope. Like, what can you do? 1:36:57 Unknown_04: Like, he has a real life, folks. He's an aristocrat. Like, it's a charity that he even comes on here to fucking talk to retarded people in the first place. Unknown_04: Surfer is too honest and trusts chat too much. Hope he takes a break from the internet. Well, me too, man. Because the thing is, like, I see where that's going. Like, if Surfer starts doing full-time streams... 1:37:31 Unknown_04: And he starts, like, because he's already talking to guys, like, on Telegram. Like, taking voice calls from them, shit like this. Unknown_04: And trusting those guys. Unknown_04: I'm just saying, man, they'll fuck him up. He doesn't know what he's dealing with. And he really, like, I fucking protected him from a lot of bullshit. Unknown_04: And he can't, like, he just doesn't realize what the fuck's going on. 1:38:07 Unknown_04: Sorry. Hey, you're kind of right. Retiring would not be a bad idea for me. Unknown_04: And the reality is it's coming. Unknown_04: Don't expect me to be around forever. Unknown_04: You can't expect that of me. Unknown_04: You can't expect that of me to be around forever. Unknown_04: Eventually I have to live a real life. Unknown_04: You know? 1:38:38 Unknown_04: Anyway, we gotta, we gotta focus back on this. Unknown_15: Okay, for a 10. Oh my god. Unknown_16: then it's anime shit stop bitching about my audio it gets processed before my fucking uploads you assholes um okay last round of bits the reason why i played the intro is because chantal had a really bad breakup with her boyfriend nadir where she said that he threatened to stab her i mentioned this before she's back with him and now they're on stream and he's making his own youtube channel which is why he's dancing um someone said talk about veto 1:39:34 Unknown_16: Vito, who is like a weird contrarian clinger on to Dick, who's trying to... Well, the whole thing with Vito is that he's trying to get people to watch the Dick and him reboot of The Biggest Problem in the Universe. So he had a really awesome thing that he did on Twitter where he asked YouTube why they hadn't banned Alex Jones. And then because he's like a verified checkmark with like a verified checkmark YouTube account, they immediately banned Alex Jones from YouTube or something. And then everyone was like, uh, that's really fucking gave you to do. And he's like, no dude, I didn't even intend to ban him. I was just asking why they hadn't banned him yet. And then, uh, he was forced to apologize because every, literally everyone that he knows fucking hates him now, even, even though he's been like defending cuties and has been an advocate for that. Mr. Girl pedophile who sings about raping children. Um, 1:40:22 Unknown_16: And it's just generally insufferable all the fucking time. So that's the veto update. Unknown_16: Well, he snitched. I don't know if he got banned or whatever the fuck, but he snitched. YouTube said they were looking into it, and nobody likes that. Nobody likes a fucking snitch. If you need to be reminded... Nigga, you need to stop snitching. Unknown_00: So, yeah, fuck Vito. 1:40:58 Unknown_16: Vito is just, like, insufferable. He's one of those people who I just, like, sit on. Like, I try to avoid thinking about ever. And I just hope that one day I'll hear some good news that he's, like, shot himself. And I'll be able to feature that on the forum and move on from him. He's not someone I hold active contempt towards or I want to check up and see what he's up to because he's insipid. But I do hope that one day something bad happens to him and I get to laugh at him for it. Unknown_16: Talk about Gator. Matthew Vickers posted on the forum what he believed to be the gamer Gaytor's docs and was wrong. And then Gator took as much of a win lap as he could by tweeting about it. 1:41:35 Unknown_16: Which, by the way, trying to dock Skater on fucking the Kiwi Farms is sort of indicative to me that he's not really in fear for his life, but what do I know? Unknown_16: That's about it. I think... I mean, I hope I didn't sum up the Chantel stuff too briefly, but that's... I think that's the gist of it, is that she... Unknown_18: Wait, I have a video for it actually somewhere. Ooh, is this it? 1:42:14 Unknown_14: That's a title. So we should just say yes right now, right? Unknown_14: Official. We're a couple. Unknown_14: We're in a relationship, right? Unknown_12: Yeah. Unknown_13: He's not sure if he's saying something. Unknown_12: What are you asking? Unknown_13: No, because people are asking me, is it official? Is it official? Unknown_12: Yep, it is. Unknown_13: Yep, it is. 1:42:47 Unknown_16: Look at that smugness. That's the whole reason I downloaded this, because she has said for a while that he's never committed to her as, like, her boyfriend. Because he always has side hoes around, and he doesn't want to commit. And people were asking, is it finally official now? And then he says... at gunpoint basically during a live stream is it official and he says yeah sure i guess and she's super fucking fat and smug about it look how fat and smug she is and then she does like a giddy little dance she's so happy she got she got the coolest guy he said you make me shy 1:43:36 Unknown_08: She hit this guy. Unknown_16: That song's really fucking good, by the way. Unknown_16: Hell yeah. Unknown_16: It has like 24 million views. It's apparently a super popular pop song in Egypt. Unknown_16: Traffic off to Turkey. No, my friend. My friend. He is from Egypt. He is not from Turkey. Unknown_16: uh anything else anything else there's a wait there's another chantal video hold on uh wait no wait let me save this real quick uh vlc 1:44:36 Unknown_16: He's like slapping her arm on stream. Watch. Watch again. Get dabbed on, fatty. You know, I actually... Now that she's streaming with this guy again, her fucking... Oh, Greer. The big trowel. Unknown_16: I don't know what too much happened with Greer. He got, like, another, like, a Twitter prostitute is accusing him of being, like, a sex pest right now. So he's in, like, a feud with someone who's literally called, like, Horror Bitter on Twitter. I don't know the specifics, though. I'm not particularly interested in Greer. 1:45:10 Unknown_16: Greer is, like... Unknown_16: there's a, there's a guy on the forum right now who's like an incel and he always goes into chat and he has like a big pity party and people try to help him because, you know, people are naturally helpful. Someone says like, Oh, I, I'll never have sex. I'm a lonely incel and nobody could ever love me. 80, 20% and all that shit. You start saying like, well, have you ever tried being yourself? And they'll moan and cry and say like, no, it doesn't work. Nobody could ever love me. Ooh, I'm such a sad bean. And, uh, 1:45:43 Unknown_16: Russell Greer is one of those people where he feels like entitled, despite the fact that he's like a gross cripple with a weird face and like a low IQ and no money. He feels really entitled to like a 10 out of 10 Ariana Grande, like dream girl. And he's just completely impractical about these things in general. Uh, Unknown_16: So that's his main issue. And I think he's becoming more sexually aggressive. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he's like sexually assaulted someone in like the near future because he's becoming more and more of a sex pest over time. 1:46:17 Unknown_16: I don't remember who it was. His name starts with an X on the forum. It's like Xena or some shit. Xenophobe, maybe. Xenophobe. I don't know what it is. Don't quote me on that. I don't know who it is. But people are really tired of him because he always throws like a fucking pity party in chat. Unknown_16: I think I've talked to a lot of people just because way back when... On the early years of the forum, when I just met Frederick, actually, because he was the admin of Wizard Chan when I knew him. 1:46:57 Unknown_16: I talked to a bunch of wizards from the forum, or from the Wizard Chan. And... Unknown_16: I remember even the New Yorker and, like, British tabloids were running articles on Wizard Chan and incels. And, like, they were being, like, really cruel to them. But that's because they're, like, super misogynistic. They really hate women. But the biggest defining trait of an incel, I think, is that they, like... Unknown_16: more than anything else like even more than not getting laid an incel is someone who does not want to be happy they make a conscientious choice they come to a crossroad where they can do something to make themselves happy or they can be miserable and they always they consciously choose to take a path of like misery and and woe is me shit just constantly And anytime Russell Greer has an opportunity to make himself happier, he chooses the path of most resistance because he enjoys being miserable. And it sounds weird. In your head, you think, oh, people can't choose if they want to be happy or sad. I really believe in that new age hippie woman shit where it's like if you decide that you want to be happy, it's a choice. It really is a choice in your brain if you want to be happy or not. And incels are the people who choose over and over again. That they want to be upset and they just fixate on sex because when you're a miserable person, nobody wants to be around you and nobody wants to fuck you because you're like a black hole of happiness. Like, why the fuck would you want to be intimate with someone so horrifically hard to be around, you know? 1:48:29 Unknown_16: I don't have a public Telegram. I don't have a Discord. I have a Matrix. That's the only thing that I use. I don't talk to anyone anywhere else. Unknown_16: Except for, like, my really old Steam friends and stuff. And I don't add people on Steam. Unknown_16: The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is going on. He'll probably be sentenced to death, like, eight times. Who gives a fuck? Unknown_16: The Baked Alaska trial is going on for Macing, the guy. Actually... 1:49:06 Unknown_16: let me pull it up actually I didn't think about talking about baked I want to just get that clip of him pepper spraying hopefully I bet you this is it 50 seconds I bet you this is it right here yeah this is it let's just watch this I want to show you guys what he did I'm sure most people have seen it but I'll play it um Unknown_16: Fuck, you know what? I don't have sound. For some reason, my Firefox does not want to play sound right now. 1:49:37 Unknown_16: The joys of Linux. I play fucking Dota, and I have two monitors, so my mouse will slide off the screen and then click onto my desktop and minimize my game constantly because it breaks. Unknown_16: But at least it's not Windows, my right fellow Linux gamers. Where is... Unknown_17: I'm not kidding. Get out of my door now. 1:50:30 Unknown_01: Quit blocking my door! Don't push my bro! Don't push him. Don't push him dude. You fucking kidding me? You're a little pussy. Fuck you dude. You're being a little pussy. Yeah he attacked me. Fuck you. Unknown_16: So just to break that down, I'll put it on mute because it's fucking loud. But basically, he gets shoved, right? And I'll rewind it. 1:51:06 Unknown_16: uh... right here so he gets shoved here and we'll count the seconds he's shoved at thirty seconds in so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve sprays he had twelve seconds to do anything else there is no fucking way he collects himself pulls out the pepper spray, untangles it, turns off the safety, uncaps it, and then sprays him. And he might get away with that. He might get away with the self-defense claim on that. I mean, it's not in his favor already. But then... He sprays him. He has a very aggressive pose. And then he backs off. And the guy turns his back to him. He's still there. And then he raises it again after the guy turns around again and hits him for the second time before. And you can't see it on this angle. There's another angle because there's like four of these fucking assholes with their camera phone shit sitting here. But right here at the end. 1:52:07 Unknown_16: there's a really good angle of it where after he's done spraying for the second time see okay he walks through and then right there after he's done spraying he looks away so he's like and it's right before he's done spraying so he's actually spraying And then he turns his head. So he's claiming in court right now that he was in fear of his safety and his life. He was protecting himself from a felony being committed against him. But then as he's spraying this guy, he's walking away from him in like a casual pose and he's turning his head. Like if you're afraid for your life, you're not going to take your eyes off. off this thing which is threatening you right so if he doesn't get fucked on that first one just because of how he had 12 seconds to like do anything besides stand there and untangle his shit so he could spray this guy in the fucking face with his his content spray uh the the coming back up and spraying him again after he turns around and then like so casually turning away from him as if he's got not a fucking care in the world is definitely going to slam him 1:53:21 Unknown_16: So I don't know. I'm interested to see what happens. I thought that this was just like a weird thing, like who gives a fuck, because he was arrested for trespassing on Capitol Hill. But apparently all his charges were dropped for that. So I think he went like CI and he is like an informant for his group of retards. And is just telling the feds whatever they want to hear. So now he doesn't have any charges to face regarding the trespassing on January 6th. But he might get jail time for the chemical weapon assault. 1:53:59 Unknown_16: I'm sure the bouncer's in charge of anything. He's blocking his fucking property. And he just shoved him. He just gave him a good old shove and he yelled at him to get the fuck out. And Baked Alaska decides to turn this nice evening of him disrupting everyone's fucking afternoon drinking with their bullshit live streams... Unknown_16: spouting the N-word in the middle of an establishment by macing this guy. So, I don't know. He really needs time in jail. He's such a menace to society. Every second where he's not free to walk the streets with his fucking N-word camera and mace is the second that the world is better off for. 1:54:46 Unknown_18: i don't know i know baked alaska was a big face though he was one of the most infamous people who were there he's right up there with the guy wearing the fucking horns and the dude putting his feet up on nancy pelosi's desk like they're they would have gone after baked alaska to send a message to everyone if they were just trying to do like the big names i i definitely think that he went ci on somebody Unknown_16: Okay, that's it. My take is that Bake is probably... I don't think he's going to get away with it. There's no way. Unknown_16: I can't imagine a world in which... Interesting thing about the trial... Unknown_16: is that he waived his right to a jury, which is unusual. You have a right... Well, you don't have a right, actually. You have a right to a jury, but you can ask for a bench trial. And there are some reasons you may want to do this, and they usually involve the emotionality of the jury. If you have a very technical explanation for... For why you're innocent and you're afraid that a jury of peers may be unconvinced by a technical explanation and their emotions might be swayed. Like if it's an offense against a child you're innocent from but need like a good explanation to how you're innocent, you might waive your rights to a jury and ask for a bench trial so that you can communicate directly with the judge and explain to him the situation. So I don't know what Baked is going for by waiving his jury rights and hoping like a judge is going to I think a judge is going to be even less. 1:56:24 Unknown_16: Less nice to him. You know what I mean? Unless he's afraid that like a jury might just hear that he's racist and convict him on that. You know what I mean? So it's really bizarre. I really don't know why. Unknown_16: Fed Alaska will not see a jail. Unknown_16: Well, he's not in federal court right now. He's in state court. So the state might say, like, I don't give a fuck if he's a CI. I'm going to put him in jail anyway. Unknown_18: He's a menace. 1:57:03 Unknown_18: Trump didn't go CI by getting off the hook. Unknown_16: Bro, Trump definitely sold out. Trump didn't get shit for January 6th. And I think that's because they told him, like, if you come back and do this shit again, we'll fucking kill you next time. And he's just like, OK, I'm going to go golfing. Bye bye. and feel free to convict all those people for treason and trespassing put them in jail for 12 years and completely ruin all their lives with felony charges buh-bye all my most die-hearted, devoted supporters on the planet buh-bye buh-bye I'm going away now take it easy uh, okay, that's it I can't think of anything else last chance, chat did I miss anything? I think I covered everything 1:57:47 Unknown_16: state alaska is baked over baked alaska i didn't actually know that he was from alaska but apparently he is and this is the first stream that i've ever talked about baked alaska without accidentally calling him ice poseidon so i'm getting better chat is josh getting better yes i am i'm learning i'm learning things over time Unknown_18: Trump is busy scamming his supporters now. Unknown_16: Yeah, I get, like, an email every day asking for donations to GOP from Donald J. Trump, quote-unquote. Fuck him. I've lost any level of, like, love for Trump that I've ever had. Like, completely and totally out of it. 1:58:25 Unknown_16: The trance. I don't know what's happening with the trance, so I'll have to update myself before next week if it's really good. At me on the forum and give me a rundown, please. Unknown_16: Oh, and I'll do a weigh-in next week. I'm at 1174 kilograms. So I'm down a kilo and a half from last week, and I'm back on track from my vacation. So 1174. I'm at 258. Oh, I'm under 260. I can't believe it. 1:58:58 Unknown_16: Very nice. I can't believe I'm at 250 already. Unknown_16: god i remember when i was 250 that was a long time ago uh it was before i went to the the philippines actually here's here's how i gained like when i was 19 i resolved to lose weight and i was at like 250 then and then by the time i was 21 i was down to 185 and i gained all that back because i went to australia and i ate like a package of tim tams every single day And then I went to the Philippines and I ate a case of Ensamadas every single day. And I got up to like 295 by the, by my absolute heaviest when I was in Ukraine. Uh, so I'm already down like almost 40 pounds, which is great. 1:59:36 Unknown_16: I'll do a video next week, I promise. I won't forget. Unknown_16: Okay, now, I'm burning through the catalog of hard men working hard songs, but considering the whole PPP stuff, I've had this song stuck in my head all fucking week. So, please enjoy. Unknown_16: Hopefully they'll keep making music so I can keep playing their stuff now that I have to ask for permission. 2:00:16 Unknown_16: Take it easy. Wait, wait. This is the wrong bed banner. Get rid of that. Unknown_16: And I'll put this... No, that's fine. Okay, bye-bye. See you next week. Unknown_10: Yeah, I'm a straight guy and I got straight pride. Don't want a thick, warm dick in my backside. I like straight times, like grilling with the guys and cracking up in a cold one. Yeah, that's the shit I desire. I love the straight shit, like dancing to the beat. When I'm topless at the club in the summer heat. I love the straight songs by my boy Elton John. I play them when I'm making love. Baby, you're not long. Because I'm a straight man and I got straight friends. Don't want no chicks interfering with our straight plans. We got straight hobbies, like eating biscuits soggy. Slather on that sauce I wanted in my body. And bodybuilding, yeah. That's it, you feel me? Straightest shit there ever is, and you know I ain't kidding. Guy heaven's where it's at, cause what me younger at? 2:01:25 Unknown_10: You're my homeroom, but you know that you've got a nice romp. You up for some amateur wrestling after the pump? Let me oil your thighs so they don't rub too much. I know a club where we can go and spar all night till it's shot. Then it's back to my thoughts and wonder one time. Check out my meat. I'm cooking it all up tonight for you. A couple of hot dogs and a couple of brews. A recipe for messy eating's how I like it. How about you? Come on and fill me up. I never spill a drop. I want to taste your cocktail, frank but nice and hot. I can feel my heart drop, but I don't ever want to stop. Keep on eating till I pop. Then it's time to stop, but it's up to you. If you want a taste too, we got nothing to prove, we got nothing to lose, it's fine, take your time, we're just two straight guys, demonstrating a life straight guys do sometimes. I'm just a straight guy, living a straight life, I'm out and proud and I ain't ever gonna hide. 2:02:04 Unknown_10: I got it. And I'm coming out in style from the straight closet. Unknown_10: Let me drink up all your straightness from your straight faucet. If you've got straight pride, then I ain't by your side. All the colors of the straight flag are flying high. Fuck what they say, I ain't living a lie. Straight life, bitch, yeah, until the day I die. If you're a straight guy, then now's your time. Every straightie, grab your lady, look her in the eyes, and tell her, baby, That means I'm not gay. 2:02:44 Unknown_10: Why would you think I'm gay? I swear I'm not gay. You're like fucking women. Yeah, pussy is what I slay. You're love fucking me too, but in a straight way. I want pussy. I want pussy. I want pussy. I want calm. Wait, I meant to say pussy. I want pussy in my bum. Wait, I mean not in my bum. I mean in my palm. I want your rock hard pussy squirting on my tongue. I want to feel your stubble of your cheek when you're kissing my neck and taking me from behind. Slide your pussy down my crack. I want to feel your pussy. Give me baby so damn deep. I've never felt a pussy like a girl. I can't believe it. Cause I'm just a straight guy. Living a straight life. I'm not proud and I ain't ever gonna hide. We're just two straight guys having a straight time. Before you come, I need to know if you got straight pride. Oh, I'm just a straight guy and I got a little straight pride. I know it's hard, but I can always be your straight guy. Will you come with me? Keep me warm throughout the late night. Don't be afraid. Everybody always cries their first time.