I would hate to see you in jail.
Unknown_02: I have respect and a care because she would be heartbroken.
You damn mocking bastard!
Unknown_06: Hello, oh geez I'm already fucking peaking what a disaster Wow There's been some developments since the last time we spoke since the last time we spoke The entire week got thrown out just because of something that came out like an hour before my stream and since then the whole week's been all fucky-wucky so
I'm not at a hundred percent right now for various reasons not least of which is that on Tuesday. I Was vomiting all day It was very weird very suddenly like One set middle of the night. I've never vomited so much in my entire life. I was like puking every hour on the hour and
Unknown_06: to the point where it was just clear it was pure clear and I couldn't even drink water I would get nauseous trying to sip water out of a glass so I had to like suck on ice cubes to get even like I was so dehydrated I needed some water so I just got like ice cubes at the advice of some random WebMD thing And I was just drinking that slowly. I don't want to miss a Friday though, so I've committed to this stream. And I could very easily be playing fucking RimWorld, and I hope you all appreciate the sacrifices that I make.
Kind of a weird thing where I made these streams to kind of document Like locales and like a random weird stuff on the internet and I've only really documented my own mental decline For the last two years. So here we are at the apex of I met a post years ago that
Um, there was a, when I was watching a Medicare stream about Brian Dunn, I had a kind of an epiphany midstream that things that Brian Dunn had been doing was to like masturbate himself. Like he wanted to be bullied. So when I got really like mean with him and kept yelling at him and stuff, and I was wondering like, why the fuck does this guy keep coming back to get like yelled at? What does he get out of this? And I had an epiphany like mid-stream that, oh, he was like literally jacking off to that. He gets off on being bullied. And then Medecur has said the exact same thing like the same second I thought of it. And that was like a weird, like, makes you question reality kind of moment. And now I am once again finding myself in a situation where the simulation has torn at the edges. And the tattered fabric of space and time has shown its threadbare elements. Because what has happened this week is literally un-fucking-believable. And I find myself near the epicenter of it. So I'm gonna kind of break down what happened this week chronologically, but before I do that I have I have my maintenance I have my my upkeep to do and I apologize to people in Odyssey I tried to get the fucking chat from Odyssey on the fucking stream and let me just show you let me show you what fucking happens when I do this I go to foreground. I'm gonna do my Odyssey thing and Oh, completely fucking broken. I can't even load the fucking page in OBS anymore. So I can't even, like, CSS. Like, there's no pop-out chat in Odyssey. So, um, I have to, like, custom CSS the fucking thing and I have to make it so that it doesn't, like, play audio from the stream as I'm streaming. So...
I can't even do that anymore because Odyssey is completely broken. So I apologize to the Odyssey people and their secret chat, but it's not my fault. I tried my best to get you guys on the screen and it's just not working.
Unknown_06: Anyways, upkeep. Okay, let me guys show you the pigeon.
The pigeon is doing well. The pigeon's eggs should be hatching. They are, of course, we named them last week.
Unknown_06: I think I had like a poll, so we all collectively voted on the most liked names for the eggs. And we came up with the names Jeffrey Eggstein and Chantal for the female one. Because apparently pigeons lay eggs, two eggs at a time, one male, one female. So the male will be called Jeffrey Eggstein and the other will be called Chantal.
I'm not cooking the egg suck off. The pigeon looks super comfy. It's been very windy and dreary, so I hope he's holding up alright. I noticed that they have to adjust as they sit. You can see the eggs poking out from under his feathers, like the curtain of the feathers. I bet you it gets uncomfortable after a while sitting on the eggs. But I hope he's nice and comfy.
Unknown_06: So Pigeon's doing fine. I don't have pictures of the banana peppers right now, but I will do like a... Disaster has struck in banana pepper land because the aphids came back. I don't know where the aphids came from. I'm on the sixth floor. I am so far up the fucking ground and yet there are aphids in my fucking banana peppers. How does this happen, chat?
um it it's it's a mystery you know so the um the
Unknown_06: people in the forum had suggested neem oil and like hot soapy water and this weird thing i can't even try to pronounce it it's like it's like chalk basically it's like chalk but it's made up of um like these hard uh well it's very soft to the touch but apparently at a microscopic level it's actually extremely abrasive So the little insects that are climbing around in it and they're basically torn to shreds. It's like if you fell into a giant trash bag full of glass or something. So I've coated the soil in that so that when the aphids complete their reproductive cycle in the soil, they climb up through the glass and are torn to shreds and they are disemboweled at the floor of my plant, which is where they belong.
I think there's been some stunting of the growth because of this, but otherwise it's fine.
Unknown_06: Anyways, pray for my banana peppers. The peas aren't doing as well. I'm not sure why. They might be over watered, they might be under watered. The peas are past the pigeon and I feel bad to walk out there to water and inspect my peas because the pigeon will shit itself and fly away and leave the eggs exposed to the cold air. I figured I'll just let the peas take the L for a couple weeks and water them when I can, just scare the pigeon off just enough to inspect it every so often and hopefully at the end of it I can still get some peas out of it.
And that's about it. As far as the roundup goes, that's about it.
Unknown_06: So I guess I'll just get into it. The whole Chris shit. I've decided to kind of take this from a chronological perspective. I'm going to look at this from Friday and kind of move my way in. So if you've already heard this like a thousand times this week, if you've been following it extensively and doing nothing else for the last week, I apologize for like retreading this ground. Again, this is for the future. This is for the future people.
who will be listening to this in the trenches of the Civil War and needing some quality entertainment about what they're actually fighting for. And of course they're fighting for the freedom of mentally handicapped people to fuck their senile mothers and for the freedom of glowy offspring to groom retarded people into fucking their mothers. And that's what America is really about, our broken, fucked up nation, people.
So on Friday I did my stream and I said that on my stream allegations had come out in the form of an audio tape and some chat logs that indicated that Christian Weston Chandler had fucked his mother and if you don't know Chris is like 39 Barbara is 79 so
Unknown_06: Very big age difference and on camera. She always appears very out of it There had been some discussion that maybe she was faking it mostly from Marvin And Chris they both claimed that she was more lively off-camera for some reason But now it's it's pretty hard to try and try and say that she doesn't have some kind of issue because Chris has been arrested since then so but he hadn't been arrested yet on Friday and But I hear this news and I'm I'm erring on the side of caution because shit like this has been said before people have been saying that Chris fucks his mom since 2008 and I'm almost wondering if that has embedded in his brain because he's heard it so much But even during the idea guy stuff like in 2018 idea guy extorted him into making confessional statements that he had raped his mother and that was not true at the time I'm sure of it So even like a couple years ago, like in recent history, there had been these kinds of troll attempts to get Chris to say that he had been having sex with his mother. So I err on the side of caution, I say I'm gonna wait until Chris gets online and explains what happens. And to my surprise, he gets online, and he just says, oh, actually, let me just quote him directly, because I have his signal up still. And if I need a reference, I'll throw it through. We haven't talked much since Friday, and I stopped talking to him altogether on Saturday. So it's not that big of a deal.
But, um, I don't know.
Unknown_06: The worst thing about Linux, by the way, is that the scroll wheel is so dull. You scroll up and down, and it just, like, it doesn't move at all. It's fucking crazy.
Unknown_05: So, I ask him.
Unknown_06: I give him the audio and the screenshots of the messages. And I say, um, I need you to tell me if this is real or not. And he says, hey Josh, well this is indeed a major shocker of a leak. But firstly, let me state directly with you that I have told this only to one person outside the temple. And I thought the temple was like a name of like some gay trolling clique or whatever. But the temple is what he calls his house, so outside of him, his mom, and his dogs, I guess. He says, uh, and second, Josh Moon, yes it is true, the sex was consensual with Barbara. So I'm like, okay, so this is all real then. Uh, that's fucking, wow. I, like, even now, like, you say Christian Weston Chandler had sex with his mother. And it doesn't sound like a real statement. It kind of sounds like bullshit. So it's hard to process.
um so he does he says that like i said that it was consensual that um and this like even then it's like okay so he had sex with barb but barb in like the early chris videos always had like a weird relationship with chris and we know for a fact that chris didn't get along with her for years because she was very like possessive and needy and would force him to like cuddle with her in bed And if he didn't do that, like she would, she would yell at him for not cuddling with her. So they always have like a weird relationship. So even at this point I'm thinking like, okay, he fucks his mom. Let us, let's take this one step at a time and figure out what the fuck to do. Cause at this time I still have the GoFundMe and everything to take care of. And I don't know what to do with that on Friday.
And he says that it's Bella. So my immediate concern just then is like, OK, so now Chris is might be arrested. People are going to try to get him arrested because they're going to immediately assume that based on how Barb acts on camera that she has dementia and they're going to assume that.
That he took advantage of her and they're gonna try to get her him in jail So that's that's what we're looking at and I tell him basically what his rights are as an American citizen I tell him what the process is that he might get arrested that they might social services might come by and take her told him Like what his rights are that he can request an attorney. He can remain silent that kind of stuff In retrospect, I'm sure at this point I'm just wasting my fucking time because I learned I have I have a big revelation later on that I'll get to but that's my initial reaction And then to my surprise, actually I didn't know what to expect really, but a couple hours later, after he confirms that the police had been by, he says that he gets an emergency protective order from the Greene County Sheriff's Department. And what has happened is that he has been removed from the house. He's no longer allowed within 300 feet of the property. And he's not within 300 feet of Barbara. And Barbara has been taken to the hospital to be inspected for any kind of abuse. So he's in his car and he doesn't know what to do. And he quickly arranges with people that he's going to go ahead and arrange living situations with someone, like an aunt and uncle, I'm pretty sure. And I think they live in Richmond.
So, I think that's sorted out. He's going to stay there until August 5th, which is when the EPO ends, and he's going to go to Richmond. So he hightails it to Richmond. I tell people that it's true.
And at this point, I'm concerned, like, okay, I don't want to be called in. I don't want to be subpoenaed as a witness against Chris. So I'm going to try and say as little as possible.
Unknown_06: and Then but later that night he gets there and there's a police officer in Richmond at the property of his aunt and uncle Who is there to tell him that? He's not welcome on the property. So at some point They either he misunderstood them when they said that he could come over or they had heard about what he was arrested for or or something to that effect and they rescinded their invitation that she could uh... she could well she uh... sorry uh... uh... I'm mixing up people in my head right now because the fucking sun is in my eye give me a second
There we go. Okay.
Unknown_06: Yeah, sorry, the sun was in my eye and I was starting to die. I was starting to decay me like a fucking vampire. Anyways, he gets there and the police are like, you can't come on the property. So now Chris is in Richmond and he doesn't know what to do. And he texts me and he says that they told me that I can't come over. I'm like, okay, well you have to get a hotel, right? And he says, well, I don't have any money. So it's like, okay. And sure enough, Chris has negative $200 in his bank account. Actually, I happen to know what his last purchases were. I don't think many people know this because I don't think I've told many people. Chris has been buying sex toys, like a lot, this year. Because he gave me access to his email and he just doesn't give a fuck. So he's like on adamandeve.com buying sex toys and shit. And then he bought like a custom print of like Sonichu playing cards. And then he bought like latex like costume apparel. By the way, I got a receipt today saying that they had shipped his latex costume for the BronyCon. So he spent like hundreds of dollars he didn't even have on apparel and collectibles and handmade shit and like sex toys and like ladies lingerie and all this shit.
So now he doesn't have money for a hotel. And I'm like, okay, this is now a certified class A emergency. I will disburse you all your fucking GoFundMe money to tide you over for this event. Because you're definitely not going to BronyCon anymore. So I use Zelle and I'm going to send him $1,000. But the problem is that it takes, depending on what day you send it on, depending on if the recipient is a person that you've sent money to before, it takes a while. So I tell him, Chris, you're going to have to sleep in the car tonight. You're going to have to sleep in the car. When he planned to go to the Brony Convention, he intended to sleep in the car on the way there. And I said, Chris, you're going to have to sleep in the car tonight. So find a nice place, quiet place, in a park or something, in a parking lot, and sleep there under the stars. And consider your actions. Consider that you have taken these actions and now you've fucked everything up beyond all comprehension and you might be going to jail. Just spend one night under the stars to think about this." And he says, okay, I will do that.
So that is Friday. Friday is now over. At least for me. I'm recounting this by my time. But actually it's not even over because I'm laying in bed, right? And I can't sleep because I'm currently at some stage of grief. I'm going through personal tribulation at this time. So I'm sitting there and I'm thinking like,
this is fucked up and then I get more messages from Chris and he's telling me that Bella who is the person who's in the call where Chris is disclosing that he fucked his mother and I've not I've still not listened to the call but as people are like initially people were having some doubt about if Bella was or if I was responsible for this and And I'm thinking like, you know, I didn't listen to the call, but at any point does like Bella say don't have sex with your mother? And apparently at no point in this call does Bella say don't have sex with your mother. That's a bad thing to do. So I'll get into that later. I'm not going to go deep into the whole Bella shit right now. Um, that is, that needs to be processed further before, um, I can commit to that. But in general, the calls out there and the call is fucking weird and I did not listen to it. I don't have the stomach for it. But Bella is not telling Chris not to have sex with his mother.
But Bella tells Chris that, oh, Chris, it's a misunderstanding. I was hacked and the trolls got my audio from my phone. And Chris says, I sorted it out with Bella and she explained to me that the trolls hacked her phone and got the audio and it's not her fault. I'm laying there at 3 a.m. in my bed. I'm fucking exhausted. I'm just like, this guy has learned not a single fucking thing in 15 years. He hasn't learned a single thing ever. And I'm just like, okay.
I'm not even like okay. I'll tell you what I said to him. Let's scroll up.
Unknown_06: Bella also known as 10th anonymous on Instagram as part of cadence group and she recently joined Wildcat and I other cow cats that proven to be toxic or bad I explained that Bella was a troll in the first time. He showed me Bella's profile on Instagram. I told him it was a troll And I say That she's just fucking with you and I say what what I
Hold up, let me... Okay, hold up, hold up. Trying to find the exact words.
Unknown_05: I apologize. Um... Where the fuck?
Unknown_06: Oh, he's talking about the mall. He's talking about how he wants to go to the mall and shit at this point. I'm still waiting for...
Oh, by the way, Bella has stepped forward and she has figured out who caused the leak. She also talked it out with Wildcat. And by the way, Wildcat made a video with some random fucking audio conversation he had with Chris. And at the end he just says, Null convinced Chris to have sex with his mother. I know because I'm a troll. And then, now he's asking me to make sure that we don't allow a threat on him because it didn't have anything to do with Bella. He's begging me not to get doxxed on the fucking forum. Well, he's actively trying to like promote fucking splinter sites and say that I caused Chris to fuck his mother. I will absolutely allow that guy to get whatever shit is coming his fucking way. And so he comes back and he says that Bella and Wildcat made up, and Wildcat, Psychic Aspion on the forum is Wildcat, and Wildcat verified that Bella's telling the truth and shit. And I say, anyways, I'll see, or he says, anyways, I'll see you later. Bella wasn't the cause of the leak. And I said, Bella caused the leak. How don't you get this?
I don't understand. She's the only one who had it. It's her voice. How do you not understand?" And Chris says, I get the possibility, but she has stepped forward with her side and it's worth looking into. And I just say, bro, all these people are fucking with you. Your Twitter friends, Bella, the Discord people, these are all people trying to fuck with you for internet fame. You're talking to someone who is trying to get you put into prison for years. They will haul you away in handcuffs. I don't understand how you can fall for the same tricks you first saw 10 years ago." And he says, I'm not falling for trickery. I said, you confess to a crime to a person who has now gotten you kicked out of your home, and you may have criminal charges coming, but you're still talking to them like they're not obviously fucking with you. How do you rationalize this? His response is this. I am spiritually guided and I am of sound mind. And I say to him, you have to cut this shit out now. You had sex with your mom and are now sleeping in a van because you cannot afford a hotel room. The government is looking to take your mom and put her in a senior care home where you will not be allowed to see her. They may charge you with crimes like rape, which could result in you being put in prison or a mental ward. If they put you in a hospital, they will force you to take medication that will make you a zombie. You are not a god, you are not spiritually guided, and these people are not your friends. You're ignoring my good advice because you prefer the trolls who enjoy treating you like a god, and those people want you in jail. Your spiritual guidance got you to have sex with your mom and be kicked out of your home. My advice got you $5,000. If this isn't a wake-up call, nothing ever will be able to wake you up. And he says, I am waking you up. I hear you loud and clear. And I say, I'm not the person you have to convince. Just telling me you understand does not work when you immediately start doing things that hurt you, like trusting Bella or talking to Dylan on Twitter. I really don't think you will ever get it. It's probably too late now anyways. And Dylan is someone on Twitter who he immediately, like I told him, don't talk to anyone. Don't talk to anyone. How fucking hard is this? Don't talk to anyone. They're going to put you in fucking jail if you don't understand this. And he goes on Twitter because some verified blue checkmark My Little Pony animator on fucking YouTube, So he's like, hey Chris, did you have sex with your mom? And he's thinking like, oh boy, a person I recognize from YouTube. Why, yes sir, I did have sex with my mom. And it's like, are you fucking retarded? And it's like, yes, the answer is yes. I have to come to terms with the fact that Chris was fucking retarded. He's always been fucking retarded. And now, on top of everything, on top of learning that he can't learn, I have to realize that he's malicious. He knows. that doing these things are wrong and he doesn't care because if he gets away with it that's all that matters and I realized that and I'll take a detour now to show you this um Chris told me earlier this month that he had a girlfriend I'm thinking okay that's fucking weird and he says like nope nope it's totally real girlfriend and um
You know, I met her in person and we've had sex and all this other stuff. I'm thinking, OK, you know, whatever. Good for you. I'm glad I'm happy for you, bro. So he says, OK, now I have a major update to share with you. Strictly confidential. The past week up to the Sunday, the 27th has been a major game changer.
for the positive with me. I tell you this in strictest confidence, and I trust I do not want a word of this on the Kiwi or going public, but I had sex with someone last week. Someone of this half of our universe. I worked thoroughly and compassionately with her beforehand and at present. She's physically older than I. If her, one may say that she's something out of an anime or fan fiction. But yeah, keeping her safe as well. Also, next appointment with my doctor is on the 20th, so I'll get checked in. To be safe, condoms are being used in the intercourse. This relationship was something I have extensively given much, much deep thought and within myself. I had foreseen this among the infinite possible outcomes long ago. I no longer believe in the... This is the part in retrospect, which is like... I no longer believe in labels that would hinder, and I do not listen to those shadows. This was one of my own choice and of acceptance, and I have no regrets. This feels right and good with her and I." And I asked, really, how'd you meet? And he says, well, I've met her a while ago and was not fully aware at the time, and my allied deities guided me to seek Her out and make things go further and with great effort We talked off and on during the time in person behind a considerable camouflage She was but she was honest in her emotions and she wanted to be with me as well mutual feelings on good report This relationship has been from the start offline and in person. I assure you I say Oh, do you have any pictures of this girl of you and this girl by the way?
And he says, whoa, pressing hard for details. I do have photos of my lady friends, but it would be too personal at this time. I did mention she was older than I. She's in the over 50s. So at this point, I'm thinking like, OK, so we met like a 50 year old, like autistic woman in like some sort of weird situation.
Unknown_06: And they hit it off because they're both like, you know, over the hill and like reprobates and whatever the fuck. And they're like, okay, whatever, fine, good, happy for you, bro. She definitely does not want to spread around. Understandable. As one of my more curious followers may have gone through my Amazon by now, I have even recently purchased an informative book to add additional guidance. And this thing is something that definitely means something different. When you read it the first time and when you read it fucking now this book The ultimate guide to sex and disability for all of those who live with disabilities chronic pain and illness I read this I'm thinking like oh so Chris read a guide for like how to have sex as like a retarded person great wonderful, you know Knowledge is power Chris, but now in retrospect. It's how to have sex with someone who is disabled Okay
Thank you to Miriam Kaufman, Corey Silverberg, and Fran Odette, by the way, for this wonderful how-to guide on how to have sex with retarded people.
Unknown_06: So, I say in reply...
Unknown_06: I'm not trying to press, just curious. It's good you're both into things like anime." And I assume that they're into anime because he says that she's like a person from an anime. So I'm thinking like, oh, so she's like a Spurg, like May, who acts like an anime character. And he says, no, no, actually she doesn't watch much anime or animated series or even television these days for that matter. Adam West was one of her good favorite people back in the 60s, however, as it was for her son back then. So this is the one that really threw me for a loop even then. I'm thinking like, okay, number one, Adam West is like 60s, right? Isn't he like the 1960s guy? So my grandma likes Adam West. So that's weird. And then he says that she has a kid. It's like, how does a retarded woman have like a son back in the 60s?
So I just let it glance off, let it wash over, like whatever, I don't give a fuck.
Unknown_06: That's cool, I hope it works out, right?
Unknown_06: And he says, well it is, smiley face. I have found great appreciation for her in reading her deeply and in listening to her stories and life adventures. Her high school days were quite fun for her, an intellectual she is.
a lot of a lot in numbers and accounting that's also weird like a very dysfunctional autistic woman would not have jobs would not have kids but so i'm kind of like but i just assume it's it's like a troll thing i really don't think that he's like met up and had sex with anyone or it's just with a prostitute maybe she was an accountant before she got addicted to heroin and is now a crack whore in her 50s like maybe that's it that would work whatever i don't care
Also, you may know what I told you of my lady friend so far and in the future I kindly want you to this is the part that made me in retrospect kind of hate Chris because he says I kindly I kind want you to figure it out for yourself
Unknown_06: Thanks, Chris. I figured it out.
Unknown_06: What a mystery.
Unknown_06: What a twist. It's like fucking Fight Club at the end. I'm sitting back thinking like, oh yeah, you could replace Tyler Durden with an 80-year-old woman. It would still make sense.
Unknown_06: What wonderful writing for this season.
Unknown_06: And as also the few others I've confided strictly with this detail, Don Lashome and Wildcat are the two others who have additional clues as well. And I mentioned this to my doctor as well, without mentioning her by name directly at all in any event. I will see my doctor on the 20th, and so I will get tested to confirm lack of STDs then. She and I have our romps in the sack every three nights at present. This makes me sound like a prostitute too. It does give her something to look forward to. She is very grateful, and I am also appreciative in being able to enlighten her with sex plays she missed out from even her exes. And I say, you should definitely not tell anyone who she is. It can only complicate the relationship if people start harassing her. He says, obviously, so it's a good sign you kept it secret so far, but don't take a risk. He says, yes, shush, we are safe as long as even the obscure details get leaked to the public view or on Kiwi. And I say, good idea. I'd advise you not telling people you trust that, even people you trust, that you have a girlfriend at this point. And he says, I'm not telling anyone else after you, I do promise. And then I looked it up just out of curiosity. And sure enough, Barbara graduated college with a major in accounting. So there is no doubt whatsoever that he is definitely talking about his fucking mother at this point in time.
Wolf indeed. Anyways, it continues ladies and gentlemen, it continues.
Unknown_05: Okay, so where was I?
Unknown_06: I was talking to Chris.
Unknown_06: I was telling him that he really fucked up.
Unknown_06: And I tell him that he should take a day, sleep in the car, and I will figure out something tomorrow. So even at this point, I'm still like, I think that he needs to go into a home at this point, but I'm thinking like, I'll help him get there until like, like I don't want him on the fucking street until he gets picked up. So the next morning,
And I didn't think about the girlfriend stuff until after. So I'm not like angry at him at this point.
Unknown_06: Uh, I checked the email and again, I have access to his email and I noticed that he has a recent email from before that conversation where I tell him that, uh, he should sleep. Well, actually after the conversation where I tell him that I should sleep in the car, he should sleep in the car. But before he tells me about Bella, I noticed that there was an email sent while I was in bed.
that Barbara Chandler had sent him $750. And I asked Chris, and let me fast forward to that.
Unknown_05: I said, did you ask your mom to send you money?
Unknown_06: That is probably a violation of the EPO. He says, I did not ask her to send me money. I have refrained from contacting her at all and continue to do so.
Unknown_06: So I follow up, I ask. So she sent you money on her own. And he says, she did not send me any money. I managed to find blessings in the minimum abundance I needed. Meanwhile, I presently have a little over five hours to kill and both the favorite malls around here, CTC and Regency Square don't open until 11. So I sent him a picture of the receipt saying, Barbara Chandler sent you $750. And I said, do you have control over her bank accounts? And he says, yes, I have online control. And this was an emergency. I planned on sending the $750 back to her account after the $1,000 gets into my account. So he couldn't spend even one day
in his car after he has been evicted from his fucking home. He violates his EPO within 20, not even within 24 hours, like within six hours of receiving it, he violates it. After I explained to him what to do, just word for word, here's what you do. You don't fucking steal her money.
I look at the EPO and it very specifically says that not only are you not to have any kind of social contact with her, you're to refrain from doing any kind of property theft, which I assume includes wiring money from her fucking bank account without her permission, and you can't ask for her fucking permission because you can't fucking talk to her. So I just block him at that point and I send the email to the police and I say, look, you violated his EPO, fuck this. because he lied to me. He lied to me then in that conversation. He said that he found it. Let me re-quote that again.
Unknown_06: Meanwhile, oh, I managed to find blessings in the minimum abundance I needed. You managed to find $750 in your mom's fucking bank account and you wired it to yourself. That's not a blessing. That's not a work of God. You fucking stole from her.
And he knows this, because I know he knows when it's wrong to do stuff, because he doesn't tell me when he fucks his mom. He hides that because he knows it's wrong and would cause problems. He doesn't tell me he stole from her because he knows it's wrong and would cause problems, but he thinks he can get away with it if he can just lie well enough. So it's not like a retard problem, like him thinking he can actually get away with it is the retard problem.
Unknown_06: Him lying is something that he does consciously.
Unknown_06: So that's the end of my contact with him.
Unknown_06: And I send him to the police. I block him on signal, and I cancel the wire of $1,000 to Chris. So now he's really fucked, because he can't pay it back. So there's no way that he can replace the money in time or whatever the fuck. And then, by the way, I check the balance over time. And by the time he's arrested, he spent all of it. All that money is gone. He's got like $1.38 in his account by the time he's arrested because they send low balance notices as well. So he spent a couple hundred dollars on the hotel reservation. He had $200 in the red already and then he had like $150 left over and he spent that within like a day.
So he went to the fucking mall and he bought whatever the fuck he was gonna buy and he was out of shit within the very first day of having the money. Just gone. Money that he stole from his mother while evicted from his house for fucking her. It's like, how do you do this? How do you manage to fuck up this bad?
So I'm still in contact, by the way, with GoFundMe. I've already received all the money from the GoFundMe. And I am talking to like their withdrawal people to try and figure out how to give them their money back so that they can automate refunding everyone who donated to the GoFundMe. He got a notice that he was not allowed at BronyCon anymore because he fucked his mother. They kicked him out of the BronyCon. So actually, you know what? That'll be funny. Let me read that. I have his email over here.
from someone named Simul, Simul, who has a pony face that's like his avatar.
Unknown_06: Your EF Northwest 2021 registration has been revoked. Dear Christine, Everfree Northwest prides itself on providing a fun, vibrant, and above all, safe environment for our attendees. We strive to ensure that every attendee feels comfortable and at ease during their time at our convention. To help ensure a positive and safe environment, we require all attendees to abide by our convention policies, which may be found here. Additionally, the organizers of the event may, at their discretion, take action to enforce these policies to ensure the comfort and safety of all attendees, up to and including the revocation of convention badges and removal from the event space. Due to the recent events which have come to light, my fellow convention organizers and I have determined that your presence at the convention would contribute to a sense of unease, discomfort, and insecurity for a sizable portion of our community. Being that these effects are detrimental to the environment, we wish to foster at our event. We have chosen to revoke your registration for Everfree Northwest, effective immediately. This means that you will be removed from our registration list and will not receive a badge. You will not be welcome in any convention space.
And, uh, they refunded him. That's nice of them. From, uh, Simula. He has a weird name.
Unknown_06: I guess his name is on the thing. It's like Degnault.
Unknown_06: Can't be a real name. Simul Degnault. How do you pronounce, in French, how do you pronounce this sound, chat? Translate this into English for me. How do you pronounce this, this, this, uh, whatever the fuck, this train wreck of vowels?
Unknown_05: Alt. Yeah.
Unknown_06: Yeah.
Unknown_06: It's a mold egg now.
Unknown_06: I don't want to just post his name in the fucking chat.
Unknown_06: Anyways, he's a brony and he says, get the fuck out. So Chris sends me that before I blocked him. And I thought, okay, well now I have no reason not to refund the GoFundMe because Chris fucked his mom and he's not going to Everfree Northwest. So there is no, there is no purpose to this fundraiser at this point.
John Furman says, oh, like he knows who I'm talking about right now. And maybe he's just, he's trying to give me a, uh, uh, help. He's trying to tell me that it's pronounced. Oh, day. Oh, whatever. Anyways, that's enough of me trying to read.
Unknown_06: So now we're out of Saturday and we're on to Sunday. The Merge is on! Big, flashing, glowing letters at the top of every page because the Merge is in fact on. The two Guntispheres of the Christian Gunt and the Gunt Gunt are going to collide. And this is like...
This is surreal. Like when I, when I first started showing up on like Ralph's like streams, I never imagined that at some point in the future he would be like showing up at Christian's hotel and like shouting my name over news footage. You know what I mean? I never, like that's something that doesn't like you don't predict. It's like a movie.
Unknown_06: But anyways, that's getting ahead of myself.
Unknown_05: Right.
Before that, in his own little world, Ralph was having quite the day.
Unknown_06: He had just proposed to his asexual, crypto-Jew, horsewoman, lollicon girlfriend, Mae. and this is it this is the the announcement she said yes at sad and trad so uh that's sort of weird and of course i feature this and i i i'm snarky but i said ethan ralph proposes to digibro's ex-fiance the most tragic thing to happen all month
And this starts, this is like the breakfast machine. The breakfast machine's kicking in and marbles are flying around the fucking place and waffle machines are going off because strings with balloons on them start floating up and shit. Things are going fucking crazy at this point in time. I don't quite understand exactly what the fuck's happening in the breakfast machine, but I know that the marbles are now rolling at this point in time.
Unknown_06: Pants who confirms it she says I'm so fucking happy dreams do come true every little girl sitting there with her you know Lego kit with the you know the dolls the Barbie dolls and the kin dolls and the little baby dolls and The horse dolls and all that shit. They all think wow I wish I can grow up to marry a fat gunted alcoholic redneck convicted felon with his child to another woman who's like a And a civil litigation with him who didn't list him on the birth certificate of his child's paperwork because she would literally rather Forgo the child support than have to deal with this motherfucker for the next 18 fucking years of her life Just like that's what every little girl thinks maybe only the autistics
But it continues, the Vexen's machine's going on. And I have a thought about this ring, which I'll get into in a bit, but I put out a little message. I just say, well, I guess Ralph doesn't have any money. As the local silver merchant, I have reason to believe that's a zinc ring with glass gems. And I actually had to look up after I made this post to make sure that zinc wasn't like a poisonous metal that you can't actually touch because I didn't know. And I just thought, like, you know, Ralph's probably not even going to respond to this because, like, what an obvious fucking bait post.
And he confirms it. Instead of just, like, ignoring an obvious bait post, he tells people exactly what the fuck it is.
Unknown_06: He says that it's a vintage ring and then later confirms that he got it on Etsy or some shit.
And then...
Unknown_06: The breakfast machine is fucking going off at this point. The fucking hash browns are sizzling in the pan. And he says, in reply to this, in reply to me saying that it's a zinc ring with glass gems, by the way, I have someone literally out searching the streets for Christian. If we find him, we're going to drag him to the Killstream World headquarters and put him on the air so he can tell us what he knows about Josh Moon. So me making fun of his ring has put it in his head that he needs some goddamn motherfucking revenge. He needs to get Chris-chan, who is currently evicted from his house and living in a motel because he fucked his mother. He needs to find Chris and bring him to his shack in Gunsville, Virginia, so that Chris can spill the deets about what I did to him.
And, uh, this is the full ring, by the way. This is as high resolution, um, image as we get of it. And based off the information which I have received from very, um, either very homosexual or very female people on the forum, This ring is a piece of shit, and I'm not like a jeweler. I'm not like an expert but from what I understand I mean it does and it looks bad. I don't know. I'm not like I'm not like an expert I'm and to be fair if I were to get a ring for someone I'd probably get like a Skyrim looking ring like that has like magical powers built into it So this definitely doesn't look like it came from Skyrim, but it also kind of looks like like a grandma ring, right? So he has a ring
It has a weird box to it, and that's the thing that tips you off that it's not like a new ring for a woman you care about. It uses a setting which is just strange. It's like a man's ring, almost, to have a set like that. If you have no fucking idea what I'm talking about, there's like a big sapphire, and then around it is like a box of silver, and that's strange, because usually it's like little prongs. You want to show off the gem as much as possible, And you want to show off the gem, because Sapphire is, as someone explained, I think it was Autistic Right, it's a dichroic gem, which means that depending on how light hits it, it reflects light differently. So you want to show the gem as much as possible, because from every angle that that light hits, it's going to reflect it in a different angle, and it's going to make a pretty little glint to it, and that's the whole fucking point, right? The the weird Around the edges on the top of the ring is like this weird texture that kind of looks like wrinkled skin or aluminum foil and The reason why they do that apparently is that if you want to save on diamond dust and you want to make your ring glitter more
It's cheaper to wrinkle the silver like that, like aluminum foil, than it is to actually just add more diamond dust. So everything about it just, and the sapphire itself, the cinder stone, is cloudy. That's not a high-grade sapphire. You should be able to see through it. You should be able to see light reflect from it. But it's a very dark sapphire, which means it's cheaper.
so um we make fun of him of course and that is you know the music's fucking playing in the background gun's losing his fucking mind and cuz may is a crypto jew lollicon she definitely knows that this is a cheap fucking ring she she doesn't need to be she doesn't need to be educated she doesn't even know what the fuck i'm talking about she can smell it she can put it right next to that big fucking nose and go
and be like, yeah, this is a cheap piece of shit that smells like about tree fitting and People estimate that the real value of that is probably about 250. So Immediately, there's some fucking issues and it's all my fucking fault once again And so actually
Unknown_06: You know what, before I take it back, I want to go off on one more tangent related to May because I like making fun of her.
Unknown_06: These logs were posted between Faith and May a while ago and I'll read them now.
Only after I say, yeah, no way would a three-way work because I mentally can't handle it. May says, you won't even try because I really wanted it to. Faith says, the weekend made it clear I can't handle it. I have bad trust issues and paranoia. And May says, we can work through that, though. It doesn't have to be something we do immediately.
Unknown_06: Faith says, I can't, I'm not built for it mentally. Plus it's clear me and Ralph's relationship isn't strong enough for that. And May says, I think it could make your relationship stronger. Of course, this is about having a three-way with Ralph, May, and Faith, the pregnant mother of his child, who is still pregnant at this time.
Uh, May, sorry, uh,
Unknown_06: Faith says, I don't personally, uh, not when I have to deal with the assault, the baby, the preexisting issues, it's something I don't really plan on changing my stance, especially the baby and my PTSD. Plus the idea of Ralph fucking another girl destroys me in every possible way I can think of. It doesn't have to be anything complimented. I don't think of it that way. I can't really, I really care about both of you.
Unknown_06: So she is like flat out saying, I don't want to have like this relationship with you. Um, I don't want to have this with you. And may is like really pressing it. And I think, yeah, so I think the whole thing, like why even try and get like a threesome with this person at all is like,
May has like genuine like rivalry with like aid zero and And faith and Nora because she says somewhere on on her Twitter timeline like oh here. Yeah this part I'll bring this up real quick This right here
Uh, Ralph wins.
Unknown_06: Sure, just ask Nora, Aze, and Childbride and then Pantsu says, women don't like to be reminded that they've been turned in for an upgrade. So she does have like this weird rivalry with these three random women and that's why she doesn't really seem to care about what people think about her so much as she does, um, pissing off these three women in particular. So that's, that's really fun, right?
Unknown_06: And that's just an idea of what kind of person Aze is.
Unknown_06: So now we are ready for...
To move on, to the main course, to the Sunday merge. So Ralph is plotting revenge and he sets about to own me once and for all. And his great plan is to hunt down Chris, bring him to the drunk ranch, and hound him for details about what I made him do. And I am convinced at this point that he actually thinks, he actually thinks that I make a fuck ton of money from Chris, and that everything I have hinges on Chris. He really seems to believe, unironically, that I make all my cash from Chris, and I need Chris, and I have to keep trolling him. So I am the one who masterminded it. He seems to genuinely, genuinely believe that this is true.
So he sets out, he goes to this hotel, and he's out there with his friend and they're like conspiring, they don't know what to fucking do to get Chris out. And they start talking like actual fucking child predators, where they're like, Ralph is wearing like his Chris-chan shirt with like a hat and um...
Unknown_06: What's-his-face May is like wearing a Pikachu hat and she's like, oh I'll answer the door by myself because like They like they trust women more autistic people trust women more like like they're literally talking like they're gonna abduct a child we need to send May out because little kids trust women more than than men and And it's just like the creepiest shit. So then Meg goes up to the second floor and Despite they don't know what apartment number is at and at this point you can really hear Like how afraid they are like Ralph and talking about this. It seems like he's genuinely shaken and
And he sounds like he wants to back out, but he commits to it and people are telling him It's either 509 or five or six based on footage of Chris running down the second the the outside of the hotel It's either 509 or five or six. So he just says, okay, we'll go up to 510 Or didn't turn up five to 209 or six a second floor 209 or two or six?
And he says, let's try 210. And nobody ever suggested 210. So they're banging on this fucking door. And May is saying creepy shit like, Chris, it's me, a girl, and I want to talk to you. I'm a big Sonichu fan, woo. And I like anime, and I have gender issues too, woo. I want to talk to me. And then the desk receptionist comes out and is like, what the fuck are you people doing here? Leave. So they get escorted off the property by the fucking desk receptionist. And, oh, yeah, literally, by the way, Mates says that she has gender issues. So Ralph literally married a fucking tranny, crypto Jew, asexual lollicon. Congratulations, Ralph. You're fucking batting a thousand.
So, um, Chris, I'm a low count, too. Let me in.
Unknown_06: Oh, I have to ban you because you have a fucking, you have Cunny in your name. Get out of here.
Unknown_06: You made a funny comment, but that's cringe. That's like a pedophile word.
Unknown_06: Anyways, now that I'm done sweeping, um, okay. So they walk down and they get into the car and Ralph is just like, well, I guess we tried, you know, whatever. Let's go to the mall and,
So they go to the mall and they're pretending that they're like looking for Chris still because Like Chris said he might go to this fucking but his car was in the parking lot for the motel so there's like zero there's zero chance and That that Chris is at a fucking mall. He spent all his fucking money. His car is on the lot. We know where he's at and People are just thinking he's literally just fucking wasting time. He gets like a cop pulled on him at some point
And, uh, cause he's like, people are calling and saying that he has a knife or some shit. And then, then there's this one guy, he's like a fucking meth head who was running around, um, trying to film Chris earlier in the morning.
Unknown_06: And he, he takes a picture of Ralph and then Ralph starts following him around in his car, yelling at him, calling him like a Kiwi fag and shit. And this guy is like a Redditor who live streams on Instagram.
Unknown_06: Who smokes fucking meth because his teeth are all fucking mangled And he's he's so ecstatic at this point that the best part of the entire stream happens. It's not even like the arrest That's not the best part. The best part is this fucking moment right here, which I'll play for you right now To clarify that's him yelling at the the fucking Redditor
Oh my god. He was crying.
Unknown_09: Oh my god.
Unknown_09: He was crying? Yes. Bitch. Oh my god. He was crying. One, two, three.
so that it's just okay so ralph was like oh i finally got a win i finally got a win and he's doing like the his joker laugh he's doing like i win for once and then may
Unknown_06: May not to be not to be up stood because she is a voice actor. Don't forget she applied to be a VTuber. So she's she's all about her voice and her professional anime Goku get him attitude. So she follows it up with her anime villain laugh.
Ralph lives with this. He has stated, under the watchful eye of Jesus and God, that he wants to spend the rest of his fucking life with this horse lady, who is clearly insane, who is clearly a threat to herself and others, based solely on how she chooses to portray herself in these streams.
Just just fucking wow that was my favorite part of the whole night It was her like they're so euphoric that they thought they got like an actual W on some random fucking Spurge who they think is like a kiwi fag and That's the reaction like the dopamine hit is like a shot of fucking heroin There's just so much energy that you have to unleash it all at once and that's how they choose to do it
Unknown_06: Uh, but defeated by, by the evil door receptionist and, uh, writing high off of the big W that they got on the myth head from Reddit. They choose to drive home, drive it home, and then, uh, they get a call. The friend that they had been with in Virginia.
Unknown_06: I don't know who the fuck he is, but he's wearing a Black Lives Matter mask and shit. He's like real fucking weird.
He calls Ralph and says, Ralph, there's like four cops at the hotel now. So he turns around and he's speeding. You can hear the engine revving and shit. He's going down the road as fast as he possibly fucking can. He gets there, he sets down, and I can't show you the footage right now because of the DMCA, but I can with some transformative elements to my stream in addition to my commentary. Because this is apparently Ralph's greatest fucking accomplishment. He has been sending out DMCAs all fucking day and all fucking night for weeks. He's planning to take like Blair White to court and shit right now because he's such a fucking retard. He shows up, he pulls in, he jumps out, and you can see it. You can see it in the selfie stick. He's wobbling as fast as he fucking can. It's wobbling all over the fucking place. And he pulls up, and he catches it just in time.
Literally, as he pulls up, they're hauling Chris out of the fucking hotel.
Yeah, they're arresting Chris Chan here at the hotel.
Unknown_09: Christian, what's up?
Unknown_14: Kill stream, baby. When you get out, let's do the kill stream.
Unknown_14: Look me up.
Unknown_14: Tell them all about Josh Moon. That's who they want. Beautiful. Look up. Eat the raw kill stream. I live here in Richmond, buddy.
Okay, so, we'll rewind it a bit. So, the first objective is to get Chris to, like, say bad things about me. Chris, by the way, I want you to know, heart to heart, if Chris were to sit down and talk about me, he would have not a single fucking negative thing to say about me. I have never done anything to Chris, ever.
Unknown_06: I struggled to think of a single... I didn't even troll him in jest. My interactions with him... Not in a helpful troll kind of way. I know a lot of Wings people like to say that they're just trolling Geordi to lose weight for its own good. And then when the Asperchu guy trolled Chris, the whole shtick was that he was trying to give Chris a competitive spirit to, like, make him work harder and understand that he has to, like, work every day if he wants his dreams to come true. Like, that's kinda like the trolling for, like, a good cause. Nothing of that sort ever either.
My first interaction with Chris was when I sent him a box of supplies in 2014 after his house burned down. I collected money from the forum, which was still really small at the time, and we sent him like $900 of shit in a big box.
Unknown_06: And then, um, the next time I talked to him was after the Idea Guy stuff, and I completely uprooted those fucking people who were extorting him. And then the next time we talked, uh, was like years later when he wanted to go to the BronyCon. We had kind of like had conversations. There's literally nothing. So his mind, he really thinks that Chris is going to say something that implicates me in a crime. He really believes this. Ralph is that desperate. He can't even not believe it. He has to believe it. He has to believe that Chris has something on me, that somebody out there has some shit they want to say about me. Last week, I don't think I even talked about this, he was threatening to bring a family member on.
To spill the dirt about me, and that was obviously a bluff, but like I'm thinking about my family My family doesn't have anything to say about me like I might have like embarrassing stories from a little kid or something, but they're serious people They're not gonna come on some fucking alcoholic show to talk about something stupid. I did in grade school or some shit like never ever like There's there's no one who has anything on me. I
It's it's all out there and he's so desperate for that He's so desperate for someone who knows the truth the real the real deep side the real horror stories that I've committed He he's so desperate for that person. I would not be surprised if he tries to make something up soon Just because he needs it. He needs it to sleep at night at this point Anyways at this point I love this may still pretend to be trad shouts at him go to church and then Ralph says no come to the killstream first then go to church and
Look up, Ethan Roff, Killstream. I live here in Richmond, buddy.
Unknown_09: Go to church.
Unknown_14: No, come to the Killstream first.
Unknown_14: Yeah!
Unknown_09: What kind of shit is this?
Unknown_09: Holy shit.
Unknown_09: Oh, my God. Thank you. Kristen West and Chandler, right here. Oh, shit. Run.
Unknown_07: You better hurry, Jesse. Run. Wobble wobble wobble. Wobble wobble.
Wobble wobble wobble.
Unknown_07: He's dying. He's like in physical pain.
Unknown_06: that's that's a genuine odyssey bump right there that's that little pause that you just heard that's what we call a genuine odyssey buffer hey officer he's out of breath he's like dying that's right that's you oh my god that's the cop that he got in trouble with in the mall
Yeah, you appear to be compliant.
Unknown_13: Yeah, you're lied to about 3000 people right now, Christian.
Unknown_03: Well, don't.
Unknown_07: I feel, I almost feel... I just wish that someone, someone knew something more than Ralph.
Unknown_06: Cause like, his response, like that all, like to Ralph, all that matters to Ralph is just like to keep him talking. So he's not like processing like when you're in the moment like that you're recording an event and someone's talking like it doesn't matter what Chris is saying at this point but it's not gonna like fully set in what's being said but you can if you know a little bit more you could react to some of that and ask a question relevant to Chris like
But Ralph doesn't even know what the fuck's happening. He's just happy to have it on camera because there's like eight different water marks on it I'm not covering them up intentionally by the way with the corn. That's just coincidental If you want to see any more of this wonderful fabulous content if you want to see a fat drunken lunatic running around Richmond, Virginia shouting my name at the top of his lungs with his crypto crypto Jew asexual transsexual lollicon fiancee fiancee
Unknown_06: Uh, you can go to killstream.live, assuming it's not being DDoSed by angry Christian people still.
It's stressful, but I'm taking it one moment at a time, and I've got my loves. Do you feel like Josh Moon did you dirty?
Unknown_03: Oh, well, that's just the one thing. That's a kid. Feel free. Just go ahead and take it. I have a picture of Muffin.
Unknown_06: Nothing. He asked him, and Chris just has nothing to say. I promise. I was nothing. He said nothing. It fell off my bag. I did not want to lose it.
Unknown_03: And please, I would like that much life. What's up, Jesse?
Unknown_14: Boy, we almost missed it, huh?
I love the moaning of the retarded person on the side. I don't know if that's one of Ralph's people or if there's some other retard recording this who's just making retard noises off to the side, but it really sets the stage for the audience.
Unknown_14: Christine, this man does want to help you. Yeah, we were trying to get you on the show.
Unknown_06: This guy wants to help you. This guy would fucking, if those cops would let him walk over the fucking thing with an axe and hack Chris up live on air and let him walk, he would do that in a nanosecond.
Unknown_06: Because he would get to be put on the fucking quickies, the guy who like killed Chris or something.
But look, when you get out, look me up, Killstream.
Unknown_06: I don't know if you know who I am or not. We're here to help you.
Unknown_14: We saw what Josh was doing to you, so we wanted to come try to talk to you.
Unknown_06: He doesn't react at all because he has no fucking idea what Ralph is talking about. Nothing. Nothing.
Ew, they check Chris's titties for a knife or something. What the fuck?
Unknown_14: The merge, it's happening right now, isn't it? It's happening right now.
Unknown_14: Farewell, Chris Chan!
Unknown_06: You gotta check the titty crease for a knife?
Unknown_13: I don't think they've had an arrest like this.
Unknown_06: Yeah, I guess he does wear bras and shit. I guess they're checking the bra line for a knife.
We just got here, too. This is like the first time that no one's filming the police.
Unknown_06: Yeah, that's... that's... Someone in chat digged that. Imagine not checking and being the cop that gets stabbed by Christian. That's... You're not gonna get a police funeral for that death. Should've checked the titties.
There goes oh people were talking about this and I did want to kind of bring this up and just kind of show you It is kind of fucking weird Assuming I'll ever be able to find this again
Unknown_06: They put him in the driver's seat, the passenger seat on the driver's side. I've never seen that before. I really have no idea for this. I have no idea why they put him on the passenger seat. I guess because they only have
Unknown_06: One cop maybe the cop gets in behind him or so. I really don't know super weird Anyways, so that's the footage Chris made that are not Chris the other one the other retard Ralph Ralph made the news with that Apparently Daily Mail bought licensing for the footage and shit. He's been DMCing all over the fucking place he put out two different t-shirts trying to
trying to put out uh you know make money off of this and it's like okay you know good on him i'm i'm like i got to see this the thing is the really the weird thing is is that ralph set out to do this despite me because he really thought that chris would just spill the guts and he spills guts and be like oh what was that dot that gosh darn josh moon's fault he put me up to this here like he really thought that would happen As if that's what happened. And instead, Ralph is there to record, really to give me closure. Because there's several points where if this had gone differently, I wouldn't feel like it had broken as cleanly.
But I got to catch Chris in a lie. I got to say, okay, that's my fucking line. Like to top it all off, if Chris is still not going to like fucking listen to me and he's going to steal money from his mom and do things he knows he should not, like, okay, I can cut contact from there. But then it's like, um, I don't know. It's just, it just helps a lot to like say like, yeah, that's that guy. And he's being arrested. There he goes. He's in the cop car now. And I got to see that live and I got to have that closure 100% because of Ralph, who only drove there to film someone he knows nothing about despite me. And that's like a weird thing that can't be explained. That's like a cosmic irregularity. That's like entropy. You know what I mean? That's just too fucking weird.
I did, actually. I sent Ralph a silver. They're not shipping any... Since you brought up the silver, I guess now would be the appropriate time. I'm not selling any more. I sold a lot after the Chris thing.
Unknown_06: Like, a lot. More than the initial... Well, not more than the initial, but the initial day, like that one day, I sold a lot of them. So I'm gonna have to put in a new order for more. They're still on fucking lockdown, so... It's just more added to the pile of shit that's still left to be done, because none of them have gotten done except for that one for the demo. So if you're expecting it anytime soon, it's still weeks away, sorry to say, but I did put Ralph in for one.
Clink some silver. I put my, um, my coins away in a box, but I do have bars. I do have silver bars. They're, um, these are the ones in the shrink flap, so they don't tink as nice.
Unknown_06: I do like the bars sound heavier though. I do like this. Look at that. Get a nice weight to it.
Unknown_06: Anyway.
Unknown_06: Anyway, so now Chris is in jail.
Ralph is now like embroiled himself in like a fight with all these Christian people who are like DDoSing his fucking site. Like I love how he has a chance here to like introduce himself positively to a ton of people. A thousand, tens of thousands of people are going to watch this. He's already got like his fucking logo and shit all over the footage, like on all three corners and shit. And he shouts it once, and instead of handling this like it's a thing that a lot of people care about, and it's a thing that is a serious, pivotal moment in that man's life. Chris's life is now changed forever, and Ralph was there to witness it. And instead of showing any due respect, and instead of handling it with any kind of integrity, him and May are just like, Killstream, baby, what up? Killstream!
Oh, he was posting about 3,000 numbers. I put a link to his stream on the top of the entire site with like 10,000 people in the forum. So his numbers went way the fuck up because I told everyone on the fucking site where to watch it. And now his streams are back down to like their normal viewer counts. Because nobody watching that was like, Oh, this guy is interesting. This guy really shows, you know, like he's really a stand up person that I want to watch every day. Nobody thought that. He got exposed to tens of thousands of people, not just from the forum, but like on different Reddits and fucking national news.
And they all thought, in unison, God, what a faggot. Every single person that saw that footage thought, what a fucking faggot this guy is. And they all laughed at him. And then a lot of people who really did care about what was being shown on the camera, like hate him now because he's just such a disrespectful wigger that he's repulsive to normal people.
And he went out there to own me. You know, like, what the fuck ever, bro. So Monday comes, right? Day after Sleep It Off, weirdest fucking night in a long-ass time, watching Christian be put into a fucking police car while a fat retard shouts my name at the top of his lungs. Very, very surreal experience. Wouldn't recommend it.
Unknown_06: Chris is in jail, and...
I think I already explained everything that happens on Monday, all the infighting with Ralph. So then Tuesday, or rather Monday night, like the early morning of Tuesday, I am sick. I am fucking violently ill. I am just like, I've never seen throw up that is completely clear. It's just stomach bile. There's nothing else in it. So I'm fucking out of it. I'm just gone. I wake up after on Wednesday, by the way. And I have hundreds of emails, 20 plus private messages, hundreds of notifications. I've never... Like, that was a bad day to stop reading email. That was a bad fucking day to not be able to check your mobile devices because you're about to die. I really felt like this could be it. Like, there was points where my... I guess it's my blood pressure crashed or whatever, where I'm like throwing up as hard as I possibly can, my stomach muscles ache and shit, and I'm just like...
I can feel it. I can feel the cold sweats and I feel like consciousness fading. I'm like, is this how I die? Am I going to die of COVID poopoo peepee the day after Chris-chan is arrested? Is this how it ends really? Has my life completed its arc and now I'm being reclaimed to the biomass container? Like, for real, what the fuck?
Uh, so.
Unknown_06: That's my Tuesday, but something did happen on Tuesday, which I will play now. Uh, if I can f- f- f- find it.
Unknown_05: Ha. Now go get it or go on the Patreon to get it early.
Unknown_12: Uh, okay!
Unknown_12: Do we get right to, oh my god, Sean, you wouldn't think, you would, raise your hand, raise your hand if your trans friend didn't rape anyone who can't consent.
Raise your hand if your trans woman friend did not rape anyone who can't consent. I got my hand up. Anybody else? Anybody who maybe called into the show to break up with me because I let a trans woman call in and that they were such a predator, they had to distance themselves from the show? Null? Anybody else? Does anybody else have their hand up? Because I know you fucking don't.
Unknown_12: Me, over here, dick show trans lesbian rapist, zero. Other shows, I don't know. Other shows are gonna have to do their own accounting.
So apparently, I didn't, like I clipped that part, but apparently like 40 seconds after this clip, he says it's like a joke or something, but I'm not totally buying the whole, oh, this is just like a fucking joke thing.
Unknown_06: I really, this comes across to me as like a finger wag, like, see Josh, we all know rapist. And it's like, no, it's really not normal. It's really not normal to know rapists. Like, maybe in LA it's unavoidable, but it's not normal to know rapists. The difference, in case you're wondering, in case this has to be said, is that Christian never went around parading the fact that he intended to rape anyone. Like, Digibro's entire identity is that he's like a freedom fighter for lollicon rights and shit. If Christian was running around saying, like, oh, I want to fuck old people who can't consent, I'm what we call a geriatric con. Geri-con is like a big thing in Japan. Everyone there, it's such a pure, innocent kind of love to fuck dementia patients, and I'm a geri-con, and they keep trying to make my geri-con illegal in random fucking countries, and I need to fight for my geri-con rights. If Chris was a Jerry-con, I wouldn't be friends with him. I think that's pretty fucking gross dick to answer your question.
Jerry-atricon, yeah.
Unknown_06: If that was the situation, it would be completely different.
The fact that someone I knew coincidentally is also like a creepy weirdo is...
Unknown_06: It's also not even just that it's not even just the fact that he was friends with this guy Who is obviously like sick who you obviously don't want to associate with it's that his producer the producer of the dick show a guy named Riley who was the person that Ethan Ralph got into a gunfight with some time ago if you recall Riley told me explicitly that i was not welcome on the on the show or maybe not on the show but in the discord of like the community discord where all the call-in guests were in uh i was not welcome there anymore because i made quote-unquote the bigger draw uncomfortable and the bigger draw was uh was digibro because digibro was being called a pedophile on the kiwi farms and i attested that he was probably a pedophile
So that was making him uncomfortable He was the bigger draw and the producer of the show was telling me that I was not welcome in the discord anymore I was free to leave anytime. I wanted I I was that guy at a party who couldn't tell I wasn't around Wanted anymore as he put it that's the analogy he used so I said, okay, whatever fine fuck it and Riley is as the producer when I talked to dick on the show and
Unknown_06: During the call he mentioned, I mentioned this and I said, I think that you told Riley that I was no longer welcome. And he denied it. And to this day, I don't believe him. I think that Riley would not have said something so assuredly unless he knew for a fact that that was the situation, that Dick did not want me around. So part of the reason why I left was that DigiBro was a fucking menace. I didn't want to be around him anymore. And I didn't understand why Dick was defending him like he was. And the second half was that I'm pretty sure Dick specifically told Riley that I was scaring away Digibro, who he valued more as a guest. So I was like, fuck it. I'm not going to play second stool, second fiddle, to this fucking guy who is a creepy weirdo. I'm completely for trotting out freaks and shit, but if you're going to try to put me in the fucking TARD choir, no thank you. I will step away from this.
So that's just like I don't know maybe he's joking maybe I'm taking it too literally But I think that just like saying retarded shit and then saying like oh, no, it's just joking. It's kind of like a cop-out Anyways anyways
Unknown_05: Okay, so that's Tuesday, and then Wednesday comes, and I play RimWorld, and then Thursday comes, and I play RimWorld, and then Friday comes, and I have to do this fucking podcast, so I only got 30 minutes of RimWorld in, but in that time, I managed to kill someone who was the son of a very important character in my colony, and now she's having a fucking mental breakdown and randomly killing prisoners and shit, so it's like, okay, well, that's great, that's wonderful.
I managed to fuck up my little budding colony in the little time that I had.
Unknown_06: And just to kind of round things out, close it out, have a nice little catharsis, I have two clips that are about eight and three minutes long. I've not watched them before, but I've been told they're funny. So we will now watch them together and I will give you my genuine reaction to the whole situation type deal.
Unknown_06: Clip one is, here we go. You're gonna put that up and you're gonna let everybody else see it?
Unknown_15: Well, everybody loves it.
But when you're confronted by a trans woman, you're gonna hide it?
Unknown_15: Everybody loves it.
Unknown_15: No, I don't think so.
Unknown_10: They take pictures of it.
Unknown_15: They post it. Uh-huh. Nine out of ten customers love it. Yeah, you know what? It's bullshit. No, what you're spouting is bullshit. No, it's not.
Unknown_10: Trans women are women, sir.
Unknown_15: That sign is bullshit. I'll tell you what.
Unknown_15: Just check it out. It ain't bullshit. I'm telling you right now that they're trans women. Trans women are women. I'm telling you, as a man, that's bullshit. It's total bullshit. Nobody confronts your ass. That's the problem. Really? Base. Base. What the fuck is going on?
Do you know how many people you've embarrassed in City Hall?
Unknown_10: This is the sign that he's complaining about
Unknown_06: Just Out, Dr. Seuss' new book, if you are born with a dick, you are not a chick, period. This new release is out now because the cancel culture banned...
It's early books.
Unknown_06: I'm assuming that, oh, his early books, that's an H. Because the cancel culture banned his early books. Wonderful. So that, I guess that's Darth Sidious or whatever the fuck, and he's holding up the sign. And that really offends this fucking consumer soy boy fucking tranny, like every single other goddamn fucking tranny. and he is taking it up with the man look at those fucking legs those legs are thicker than mine and this guy is like like six foot something dwarfing this elderly man and like threatening him in his fucking store because he was offended by words you can't these people are fucking dangerous man you got to have a gun you got to be able to defend yourself you got to stay away from the fucking city they are fucking like ex-military or like just like dangerous
Every time some bullshit like this happens, my sales go up because people are wanting this. Really? Really. Really. We're going to show them the side of you. You do it.
Unknown_10: You do it. You do it really good.
Unknown_15: Guess what?
Unknown_10: Hopefully we can wake you up.
Unknown_15: You are fucking nuts. You are nuts. You're not a woman. You don't look like a woman. You don't act like a woman. Really? You're fucked in the head, what's wrong with you? I'm fucked in the head. I am confronting you that you are an asshole. And I'm confronting you that just because I walked into your store, you felt the need to take your sign down.
I was thinking I was going to be nice, but no.
Unknown_15: Be nice? Putting that sign up is not being nice. Putting that sign up is fucked up. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to put it on my TV outfit. Good. Go for it. But you know why? Do you know why before they walk in? Why did they cancel Dr. Seuss? No reason at all. Nobody canceled Dr. Seuss. There are tons of his books still out there.
Unknown_10: But the ones. Why? But Dr. Seuss himself said those books were racist and he was ashamed of them. And so they took them off. Let me tell you this. You are wrong.
Dr. Seuss can go fuck himself, by the way. Dr. Seuss was like a staunchly anti-Germany pro-war advocate all throughout the 30s and 40s. He's burning in hell with the rest of them. Like, he's burning- he's sitting in FDR's wheelchair, which is now a contraption of like fiery spikes that drive through his fucking chins. You are fucked in the head.
Unknown_15: You're an embarrassment to the community.
Unknown_06: I think you need to look in the mirror.
Unknown_06: I think you need to look in the mirror when you say that, because you're actually saying that about yourself.
Unknown_15: Well look at yourself, for Christ's sakes! Really? For Christ's sakes, look on even... even be close my god really it's horrible you are not you are not a fucking chick why am i do you still have a dick you know what that is none of your fucking business do you still have a day that is none of your business guess what check it out would you go to anybody else and ask them about their privates about their genitalia i would i would if they are really if they're fucking nice
How do you fucking live with yourself? Nobody thankfully do you think there's one person that really thinks that you're a chick? I know a lot of people that agree with me and that accept me for who I am and the fact that you're gonna laugh at you behind your back. Nobody bullshit. Nobody confronts you.
Unknown_04: That's the problem.
Unknown_15: They do all the time. Well then what the fuck's wrong with you? Why are you doing this? Why? Because this is who I am, sir.
Oh, fuck that shit.
Unknown_15: This is who I am. Fuck that shit. Deal with it. I don't want to deal with it. You've got that right.
Unknown_16: This is going to be me at like 50, or how old is he?
Unknown_06: Looks like at least 70. You put a sign up like that and not get printed or anything when you are, and you get upset because I'm upset that you pull this shit.
Unknown_15: You make me uncomfortable.
Unknown_04: Really? Then don't fuck away from me.
Unknown_15: Then you get out of my store. I will. Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown_15: And just people are thinking you are fucking nuts. You know what? That's great.
Because I'm living me, I'm living my life the way I want to live it.
Unknown_15: Trans women are women. Just don't live it around me.
Unknown_04: Trans women are women.
Unknown_15: Jesus Christ. I can't get a clue.
Unknown_16: Trans women are women. Get a fucking clue. Trans women are women.
Unknown_15: Do you know nobody can punch your ass? Trans women are women. Do you know what? They're afraid they're going to hurt your fucking family. Trans women are women.
I'm gonna be out here all the time. You don't even know what my sales... You are fucking nuts! I'm out of your store! Get the fuck away from me!
Unknown_06: This is in Aberdeen, Washington, by the way.
Unknown_15: No, this is in front of my store.
Unknown_06: It doesn't matter, this is the city.
Unknown_15: I asked you to get away from me, sir. I'm not gonna get away. I'm confronting your ass because you're nuts!
Unknown_16: That's fine! That's fine, you're confronting me like I'm confronting you.
Unknown_15: I'm out of your store!
Unknown_16: Leave!
Unknown_16: You leave. I'm here. I'm out of your store.
What more do you want? Let me ask you a question. Do you have a dick?
Unknown_06: He should at this point he should go back to his store put the sign up and if the tranny and just ignore the tranny and say if he doesn't leave he's going to call the police and if the tranny wants to stand out there and it's fucking look at those high heels in the skirt. Someone wants to stand out there in their high heels uh and shout shit then they're free to do that. You don't get to ask that.
Unknown_16: I'll bet you do.
Unknown_15: You don't get to ask that. What do you mean? You are a fucking What are you, both sides of the metal?
But by the way, this is like, this is like typical like men squaring up. This is like a bar fight about to break happen or about to break out, not to happen. Uh, where like, they're like sizing each other up and like straightening their posture and shit. And of course he's wearing fucking heels. So he looks way taller and she was like staring down this old man. This is like legit. No, no woman ever, ever. God, I have to, I will look this up while it plays.
I don't care.
Unknown_15: I hope so. Because I want to be in your fucking face because nobody confronts your fucking stupid ass.
Unknown_15: Really.
Unknown_15: You should for Christ's sake.
Unknown_09: You're nuts.
Unknown_15: Oh, fuck that bullshit. Fuck that bullshit. Okay.
No, no, this elderly woman isn't going to shop at a fucking Star Wars store. Holy shit. This is your typical Washinger, okay? You gotta stay away from these fucking cities. They're dangerous. They're full of retards.
Unknown_06: Okay, um, here. This is the picture I was thinking of. Let me go back. I'll wait for a good frame.
Unknown_15: This is bullshit. Nobody confronts her. There's nothing wrong with her. She's not doing anything. She's minding her own business.
Unknown_06: Look, I have a sign in the store that says if you're born with a dick, you're not a chick.
Unknown_15: And he's got a dick! How could they possibly not be defending me? Why is that a problem for you?
Because I don't like it. It terrifies me. It makes me upset. It makes me embarrassed. Why are you embarrassed? You're supposed to be embarrassed.
Unknown_06: Shut up, white woman. What are you going to do?
Unknown_15: I'm going to call the cops. You call them. Call them right now.
Unknown_06: Yeah, Boomer should go back inside.
Unknown_15: Call them right now.
Unknown_06: What's with this angle? I'm going to confront your ass.
Unknown_15: OK, here.
Unknown_06: The way that they're squared up reminds me of this meme. I'll pull this up now.
This is really famous, but here's another picture. It's like a real woman standing next to like a tranny with like a similar kind of build to the one that is in this video and the anonymous poster comments, and this is a really great post. His vaguely threatening gesture and stance, the woman meekly clasping her hands together in fear, the difference in size between his massive skull and hers, the caveman tear slouch making him look like a hunchback versus her standing up straight. The remnants of what appear to be sideburns on the left side of his face versus the woman's clear cheeks. The intense expression on his face versus the bewildered expression in hers. The sheer difference in size between their torsos. His is probably double the size of hers. The masculine profile of his chin jutting out on his and his longer face versus her wider face. I could go on but you get the idea. All is contrasted with the constant assertion that these people are identical to women and there is no meaningful difference between them makes for the most exquisite form of irony when their differences are juxtaposed so vividly. The contrast is divine. On the left is man's hubris, his desire to capture the beauty of nature and make it his own, his cerebral and conscious understanding of what it means to be what he thinks he is, his intentional becoming, while on the right is nature, effortless being, no doctor's appointments or hormones or surgery, just an is. that needs nothing added to it in order to be complete. He tries so hard, yet the harder he tries to become, the further he takes himself away from the effortless is that is the thing he wants to be. It's comedy on a cosmic scale, a joke only God himself could come up with.
One of the best posts ever made on the internet.
Unknown_06: I think... Oh, there's another minute left.
What are you doing to me?
Unknown_06: Actually, I'll cut it off there. There's another clip I want to play but before I do that, I found out somehow on complete and total fucking accident that the person in that copypasta I read responded to the copypasta and I'm just gonna read it blind.
This image of me has been going around on 4chan and other awful parts of the web with similar transphobic commentary. Over the past weeks I've had TERFs and trolls send it to me, and even some friendly folks who want me to be aware it exists.
Unknown_06: So I want to be clear.
Unknown_06: I realize this is an effort to shame my general appearance and invalidate my humanity, and I know that this may come as a shock to many of you, but I really love the way I look. I am genuinely confident in my own skin since coming out of the closet. I think I am quite gorgeous. And I know that the vast majority of folks probably don't find me particularly attractive. I guess that should offend me. But I am at peace with it. I think back to when I was in the closet and persisting as a conventionally attractive male and how consistently miserable I was. I would dress in nice suits with clean haircuts, looked normal, and it made me feel constantly anxious and depressed. Sometimes I would avoid going to public events. I hated compliments on my male appearance. Truthfully, I hated the folks around me who found me as an attractive male because I didn't feel attractive. I felt depressed and angry, and I so badly wanted to be present to the world how I felt internally. Every day that I've been able to walk around my door, presenting as femme has been a gift. Every day has been worth the hatred flooding me online. You may look at that picture and see someone who makes you cringe in disbelief. I look at that picture and see happiness and survival. HAPPINESS AND SURVIVAL! Ugh!
Unknown_06: I have never been happier than I've been out of the closet and living my authentic self. It is truly the best thing in the world. I didn't know it was possible to be this happy. And in fact, a few months after coming out, it slowly dawned on me how unhappy and depressed I had been in the closet. I want all those years back. I want that time again. My only regret is not coming out sooner. Now, are there things I want to improve about my appearance? Sure, and that'll come with time, but if my choice was between what you see in the picture and being in the closet, I'd choose that beautiful woman every day without hesitation. I am proud of her. She survived. And here's my message specifically to those who invest quite a lot of energy into hating me and mocking it. I truly hope you feel this happy someday. I wish that for you, it's life-changing to feel comfortable in your own skin. I hope you find healing.
That is a GP that is just this guy just wants to wear women's clothes and when he's wearing women's clothes That's all that matters and nothing else matters Nothing else matters except being able to wear women's clothes Okay now the second video Oh
Unknown_01: For nearly 25 years, Don Sucre has been known as the wacky owner of the Star Wars memorabilia store here in Aberdeen. But a transgender councilwoman says he's a bigot who went to the dark side on her.
Unknown_15: You are not, you're not a woman. You don't look like a woman. You don't act like a woman.
Unknown_01: The confrontation started inside.
Unknown_16: Trans women are women! Get a... Trans women are women! And spilled into the street.
Aberdeen Councilwoman Tessa Meskis confronted owner Don Sucre about a sign he posted in his store, saying if you are born with a slang for a male body part, you are not a chick.
Unknown_10: What he wrote there was so demeaning and so dismissive of who I am and who any trans woman is.
Unknown_01: Meskis, a trans woman, says she knows Sucre has the right to say what he wants.
Unknown_15: You're nuts. You need to back off now.
No, you do.
Unknown_01: But she wanted to tell him to his face. It was hurtful.
Unknown_10: I would really like them to open their eyes on their heart and see that, you know, we are people, we are who we are and all we want to be is accepted in our community.
Unknown_15: I don't care what they do.
Unknown_15: But don't come in here and complain to me about stuff. I have free speech.
Unknown_01: Zucker says anyone who disagrees with him does not need to spend money at his store where that sign was still visible today.
Unknown_15: And everybody's loved it. Everybody's taking pictures of it. Everybody laughs. Everybody loved it. Well, yeah, and some people think it's hurtful. Well, he told us that this hurt, but here's the thing. I don't give about. I went to Vietnam to fight for all. Do you think I care about some feelings?
Absolutely not. Supporters of the Councilwoman are planning a protest out in front of the store Saturday morning at 10. Don Zucker says he is calling on some of his backers for a show of support at the same time.
In Aberdeen, Drew Mickelson, King 5 News.
Unknown_06: Notice that it's a city council person is the fucking tranny. So it's like no matter what space they're in, they're always going to try and like osmosis their way up to positions of power so that they can dictate how things ought to be. You can't let them, you can't let them like, you can't let them have any power. Like never ever tolerate these fucking people. You can't tolerate them because they will take advantage of your generosity every time. Every single possible fucking time they'll take advantage of it.
Unknown_06: Anyways, we're coming up on two hours. I think that this has been enough.
Don't think I missed anything.
Unknown_06: For those curious, I weighed in at 120, well, without my 121.2 kg. 126 pounds and I was like 148 Last week I want to say so that's 275.
Unknown_06: That's quite a bit. That's a lot of weight to lose in one week and that's entirely because I I almost died
Anyways, I think that's it.
Unknown_06: Nothing fancy.
Unknown_06: Maybe I'll do a fucking RimWorld stream or video as an apology to not doing anything special for the Gameroid people, but if I disappear for a month, forgive me. I'm meditating on the nature of life itself because everything is all fucky-wucky.
Unknown_06: Alright, I think that's it. See you guys next week. Buh-bye.
Unknown_06: It's done.
Anyway, I feel like they're gonna crash and burn into a whole bunch of... into a swamp somewhere.
looking for I had it anyway
But hopefully with the power of God and our sides, we'll be together very soon.