Hello, hello. Such a sleepy day today. Should just stream myself sleeping and napping and doing absolutely nothing at all. That's all I want for this week. A week where nothing happens. Can I get that? That's all I asked for. That's all I asked for, chat.
Actually, I almost got that. This week has been pretty slow. Not much has been happening. I've been working on a personal project and that's about it.
Unknown_03: But I'm gonna wrap up.
Unknown_03: Actually, there is one important piece of news to relay to chat in regards to events which have happened this week.
I do not have a plant update and the reason why I do not have a plant update today is that I Cannot access my balcony because I have been taken over by pigeons if you can't see there is now an egg in that pot and there are two pigeons and we're gonna name all the pigeons today, but I
Unknown_03: I saw the egg, and I'm like, fuck, I don't want the pigeons to be in the planter with the banana peppers, because they will shit and piss everywhere. So I'm thinking, okay, I'll move the egg into a different pot. So I did. I took another pot, I filled it up with spare dirt, and I put the egg in it, and I kind of, like, used my foot to dig a little replica, man-made scrape, I guess they call it, because pigeons don't build nests. I'll show this in a second.
No, they don't build nests. They just kind of dig in the dirt because apparently they're called rock doves because they don't They don't build nests. They just kind of fly up into a rock and they just shit out their eggs there So that's what happened with my my dirt especially is in particular and I replicated their little scrape by just making a new planter with nothing in it And I put the egg over there. They came back. They took the egg. They're sitting on it now and
Unknown_03: And then, just hours before this stream, a calamity has struck twice. Because apparently, pigeons lay eggs in pairs.
The male bird will sit on the eggs in the daytime, and the female bird will sit on the eggs in the nighttime. and they tend to lay eggs and pears. So now we have two eggs, both present, in the new potter, and you can kind of see their attempt at the nest. If you look in the potter, you can see there's a bunch of twigs in there. I'm pretty sure those did not come in the dirt. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the pigeons have been carefully constructing that modern marvel of a nest by just laying a bunch of fucking twigs, not even on, like,
It's not, that does not, that does nothing. It does literally nothing. That is like a vestigial activity that other birds used to do. They used to build nests and for some reason the pigeon also tries to build a nest a little bit and all it does is it just lays some stick around the egg and it accomplishes not a fucking thing in the process.
Unknown_03: There are now two eggs. The pigeons just kind of chill and they take turns and if I go out into my porch they fly away and I'm afraid of the eggs dying. I don't want to kill the birds. I don't know what's wrong with my audience but there's like a large group of people who actively believe I should like murder these birds and destroy their eggs. And I don't know what I've done to attract people who think like this, but it's a little bit revolting. So I try to ignore them and not reply and pretend they don't exist. But a lot of people, generally, are just fucking pigeons. They're not hurting anything. They're not eating the banana peppers. If they touch the banana peppers, I'll wrap them up or something. I'll move them inside.
But for some reason, people really hate the pigeon. I like him. I think he's pretty cool. He doesn't annoy me anymore. Now that they have eggs, they aren't cooing anymore.
They're not bothering anyone. I don't mind them.
Unknown_03: That is the pigeon update the banana peppers and all the other plants are pretty much Exactly as they were last week though. The the fucking basil is massive I don't know what's going on with the basil, but it's it's really really really big now
Unknown_03: anyways Have a I haven't a list this week. I like I mentioned today's this is a lazy week This is a week of not much So I've rewatched the Tiger King and I feel the need to bring this up for two reasons If you were alive in 2020 you probably remember the Tiger King and like all the hype around it and And I rewatched it and it holds up a year later. It's probably one of the best docuseries ever made. Someone pointed out when I said this on the Fediverse that it's one of the only Netflix megacorporation... It's the largest big studio thing made in the last 10 years that has no black people. And it's also one of the best things made in the last 10 years. I don't know if that's correlation or causation, but it is one of the better things that I've seen in recent memory. And I would suggest, if you missed it during the craze, to actually watch it. And I want to issue a contentious opinion one year too late regarding this docuseries.
Carol Baskin did nothing wrong. I don't know why so many like much like my pigeons. I do not understand why people hate her Like I don't know she can she her husband thought that he's so clever He's gonna cheat on his wife with this young this young girl. He picked up off the street and he's gonna give her everything she wants and then he's gonna take all of the money and all the tigers and he's gonna go to fucking Costa Rica and he's gonna dump her ass in Florida the worst place on earth and he's gonna get away with it and nothing bad's gonna happen and then he fucking dies and it's like well that's that's just the nature of the game she did nothing she did literally nothing wrong and she got away with it
because I'm pretty sure her dad helped her dispose of the body and her brother worked in the sheriff's department for the city so when it came time to investigate that he obstructed the investigation and nothing came of it and that just goes to show that her family loved her and that guy was an asshole and everyone agreed at the time that he deserved it and now she's she's the tiger queen right so she did not she did nothing wrong and I would suggest what I would suggest the series as a whole
Unknown_03: It is basically like the forum. It's like a very well shot, well documented, very neutral. It doesn't pose anyone in some horrific negative light. You have an understanding of why people are like they are. You have an idea of what their motives are. Their motives make sense. So it's not like one guy is just evil, and they're trying to put a hit out on him. It's a very neutral, well-constructed story, and it reminds me a lot of the forum. And if I had a budget of several million dollars, my people's dreams would probably be close to that. That's exactly how I would want them to be. But, you know.
She's Sigma. She's a Sigma female.
Unknown_03: Yes, Queensland. I'm not simple. Why is it? Why is it? Why can I not say something nice about anyone without it being something am I something for the birds? Someone's saying that I'm like a stepfather for the birds my pigeons daughter my pigeons children Yeah, I can just I can like things. Okay chat. You don't have to make it a personal affront every time I like something I
Anyways, oh, okay. Someone brought this right before the stream. Ooh, should I play that? Yeah, I'll play this first and then I'll play the other thing afterwards.
Unknown_03: Be wary of this chat. I need to doomsay a little bit.
Unknown_03: The Democratic Senators in the U.S. are bringing forward a proposed amendment to Section 230, which I have talked about until I was in the face. And their proposed amendment is to make it so that Section 230 does not apply to medical misinformation, which is weird. So they're basically saying that the Health Misinformation Act, introduced by Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota, and Ben Ray Lujan from New Mexico would create a carve-out in Section 230 opening social media platforms like Facebook up to lawsuits for hosting some dangerous health misinformation. The bill directs the Health and Human Services Secretary to issue guidelines on what should be classified as health misinformation.
This is fucking retarded and what they're doing is not Is not like some great mystery their idea the whole approach to limiting freedom of speech in the u.s. Right now
is not to just outlaw things what they're doing is making it so that all information passes through the cathedral where wikipedia and universities and journalists are the the experts and they know what's true and what's not true and therefore it creates an objective standard by what should and should not be allowed And this is like the testing ground for it, because they can get away with whatever they want in the name of COVID, right? So they say, we need to protect people from misinformation about COVID and vaccines. And everyone agrees, all the experts, 999 experts out of 1,000 agree that this information is true.
So therefore there's no reason to say that we should allow people to spread misinformation. It's dangerous. It's literally dangerous. And we need to protect people from themselves. If people believe stupid things and then get hurt as a consequence of their own stupidity, that's bad. And we need to make sure that that can't happen.
That's the gist here. And people for some reason, when they're progressive, they believe that. That people should be protected from their own idiotic beliefs. And I think that the most American thing in the world, and I've come to this realization, the most American thing in the world is to accept physical danger. And if accepting that physical danger and personal liability Increases your freedom if we say we have guns but we also have school shootings are we willing to tolerate school shootings in the name of having guns. The answer is yes we do and it's a uniquely american thing europeans would never do that they say guns people can get hurt what about bad people with guns we need to restrict guns and make sure they can't get into the hands of bad people. or the children, or the retards, we need to make sure that those are restricted. And then in America we're just like, well if a couple people fucking die, you know, you gotta break some eggs, yeehaw. And that's so American and nobody, no other country has that kind of mentality. We have to avidly defend people's right to be a retard and die as a consequence of it. And if we yield on this, we will all suffer as a consequence. I don't know if this will get passed, it probably won't.
It's gonna be a, you know, a bipartisan thing. But who knows, you know?
It could pass. It could be the first step of many to more carve-outs and allowing the fucking universities to control all what is right and what is not right.
Unknown_03: Anyways, not to be a Debbie Downer, here is a video of a transsexual driving off a road and being arrested for it.
Unknown_03: Um, be aware that the audio, for whatever fucking reason, is mono. Can I change that?
Can I be a champ and change that for everyone? Mono. Yeah! Yeah, I can. I'll make it mono for you guys.
Unknown_03: Oh, this is fucking annoying. It's only in my left ear. I have to take my headset off my right ear, because it's...
Unknown_03: Ah, that's a good scream.
Unknown_03: Can I full-size on Linux?
Unknown_03: Ooh, no I cannot. Sorry, I deprived you guys of the glory of this video. Look at that fucking- Okay, we have to take a second to look at that car. There- Here we have a car...
with the transsexual flag painted on it and then there's like anime shit in the fucking back window you know most people have like video like like stickers to represent their family and shit like oh i have a i have all these kids right and then some truly sad people have like their pets only their pets
Unknown_03: and then um this person just has like sailor moon characters i think like and that's it they don't have family they don't even have pets that they want to tell people that they're proud of they just got sailor moon characters just stick in the back of their their fucking uh their their two-door here
See, I thought maybe they had like a back injury or something because they got all these fucking people over here like inspecting the accident and medical professionals. I thought, oh, maybe they have like a back injury and they don't want to move them. But you'll see very quickly that I'm actually extremely wrong because they will pick this fucker up and walk him. Also, I think they're post-op because they're wearing like a leotard or some shit and I don't see nothing. I mean, it could just be really small.
Unknown_03: But inspecting the, you know, getting an overview of what I'm looking at here, I'm expecting a post-op.
Might be tucked. It's an expert tucking though if it can survive a car accident.
Unknown_03: This kind of reminds me of the opening scene in Jurassic Park a little bit. It's a creepy night, all these people, you got the big floodlights on, and then there's like the screams of agony, and it's setting the stage. I'm waiting for the Jurassic Park theme to start playing.
Oh, you're fine to walk, ma'am.
Unknown_03: We can have a nice little stroll now, you're good to go. No, I absolutely, I want all of you to fucking go and die.
Unknown_09: You are the worst people I've ever come across in this entire life.
Unknown_09: Don't fucking talk to me. No, I fucking hate all of you. I hate all of you.
Unknown_03: I guess he's like really fucking drunk, right? That must be what it is.
Unknown_03: It's hard for me to tell, I just associate this kind of shit with like regular churn behavior, but someone in chat says that he's fucking drunk and I bet you that's it, because he's like slurring and shit. Oh, so he can't stand not because he has a back injury from crashing the churnmobile into the trees, he can't stand because he's fucking wasted.
On the stretcher now all the police are like this is kind of fucked up kind of funny though. They're That is the face of defeat
I just wanted to get my gash bash. Why are y'all being such assholes?
Unknown_03: L.A. County. L.A. County! Oh my god. Where else? Where else could this possibly be? Okay, that's our uplifting, our moment of zen after having to read about Section 230 for the 8 millionth fucking time.
I'll turn mono off before I forget.
Unknown_03: Ah, that's the good stuff. Oh, speaking of police, by the way.
Unknown_03: this happened on the 21st and This is like the how many of those how many incel shooters have there been at this point? I understand like I I understand now why the police will like put people on certain communities and I was the manager of the FBI the most like radical group of people more likely to shoot a group of like going a killing spree and Would be like the incels they really hate they really want to kill people for not having sex with them And the incel thread is really frustrating because They they are not receptive to advice at all. I'll read this article and then i'll talk about my experience with them. Give me a second
An incel was charged with a hate crime for allegedly plotting to shoot women at a sorority. The 21-year-old Ohio man allegedly compared himself to an incel shooter.
Unknown_03: This is Elliot Rodger.
Unknown_03: A federal grand jury charged an Ohio man who identifies as an incel or involuntary celibate on Wednesday for allegedly plotting to shoot women attending colleges and sororities in the state, officials announced. By the way, I didn't know, I didn't know this until recently, but a grand jury is when they get together like people for jury duty and then they just like ask the grand jury if they think that they have enough evidence to even issue an arrest warrant. I did not know that, and I hope I got that right, but they will literally summon people for jury duty just to ask them if they think the state has enough evidence to move forward with charges. I had never been taught this in school, this was a thing, but I find that very interesting.
Tres Genko, 21, of Hillsborough, faces one count of attempting to commit a hate crime and one count of illegally possessing a machine gun, according to court documents. He was arrested by federal agents on Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Justice said, and is being held at Butler County Jail. According to the indictment, Genko identified as an incel and frequently posted on a popular incel website. It's incels.is for sure. from at least July 2019 to mid-March 2020. The incel movement is an online misogynist community of men. I guess that's fair. You know, the news likes to describe everything as misogynistic. I would say that it is fair to say that the incels are misogynistic in the literal definition of the word misogynistic. They do hate women as a group. A misogynist community of men fueled by a hatred of women who the men believe are preventing them from having the sex they are entitled to. And that also sounds like a loaded bullshit sentence, but that also is pretty fucking true. It just reads like bullshit, because they describe everything in words like this. It's like, oh, they feel entitled, but no, they really do.
Some incels have killed in the name of an incel rebellion Which is not the word they use they use the word beta uprising But that's a little bit harder to take seriously or in homage to an incel shooter who murdered six people. That's Elliot Roger according to the charging document Genco aligned himself with Elliot Roger and one post Genco discussed spraying women and couples with orange juice and a water gun at the Isla Vista shooter as the Isla Vista shooter did to a group of students prior to his deadly attacks the indictment said Genko wrote that when he finally did do it, it was Elliot Rogers birthday. And why does he call? You know, you could just say Elliot Roger once and stop referring to him as the Isla Vista Maybe that's like a journal thing. You don't mention their names or some shit It was Elliot Rogers birthday, and I didn't even know that It felt like I was spiritually connected to the saint on that day He added describing spring people with orange juice as an extremely empowering action and my door has rang I'll be right back
Dead Air, Donga tribe.
Unknown_03: Donga very tired of being given neighbor's boxes that Donga did not order. Donga will now keep boxes.
Unknown_03: That would be that would probably be like a sex crime because I'm pretty sure my neighbor just like orders fucking clothes all the time So if I just kept her shit, I'm pretty sure it would be like lingerie and stuff and they would think I'm some sort of like sexual predator For keeping her male. I'm pretty sure keeping males like, you know, like a felony. It's like a major offense to keep someone's fucking male anyways speaking of misogyny
In August 2019 Genko wrote a manifesto saying he would slaughter women out of hatred jealousy and revenge Taking away the power of life that they withhold from me according to the indictment on the day. He penned that document He also searched online for sororities and an unnamed University in the state officials said I
Unknown_03: He said he was going for a huge kill count listing the number as 3,000 followed by a question mark the indictment said he was definitely not gonna kill 3,000 people He also whined like he had been posting openly on incels.is like for years Openly stating his intentions to kill people and so yeah, of course, you're gonna get arrested retards Like what the fuck do you expect?
I don't know. I feel like the feds did their job with this one. I'll give it to him I don't want to I don't want to kiss the ass of the state But you know guys on the internet saying that he's gonna kill people they look into it and they find that he has like a machine gun and had been looking up like where he could kill people at But yeah, you know, that's that's like traditional police work He made it all in public and then when they had probable cause I looked into it and they found that he had a fucking gun and shit Okay, well shouldn't have fucking said on the internet and open forums that you were planning to kill people You don't need to wiretap this guy's phone and backdoor is like phone CPU to break encryption or anything It's just kind of out there that yeah, I'm a fucking retard I'm just fucking tard at your honor. I'm fucking dumb as shit. I'm dumb as motherfucker I said on the internet. I was going to kill a bunch of people. I'm fucking it. I fucked my whole life up your honor But okay, whatever This by the way
Someone linked in the thread that this interrogation of someone called Alec Minazian, who was a Canadian spree killer, an Armenian Canadian spree killer, who used a truck of peace to kill a bunch of elderly people walking the streets of Toronto.
part of his beta uprising and I've linked the interrogation footage on the front page of the forum and I'll if you're listening I'll put it in the description of the podcast episode as well because it is worth listening to and I say that only because like it's you don't need like a Jim can't swim for this thing to like break it down to its essence he's like a severely autistic man who was sitting in a interrogation chamber and a Canadian police department talking to a senior investigator who is like 50 something years old and he's just being like Well, I'm an incel. I can't have sex women owe me sex. I want to create literally word for word I want to create it. I want to we want to kill all the chads and force all the Stacy's to be sex slaves I post on incels.is or this other guy posted on incels.is as a pet a petus
Pettius. What the fuck's his name? I knew how to pronounce it until just now, and then I imagined the word in my head, and now it's fucking gone. The word has, like, completely left me.
Unknown_05: My brain is, like, completely blanked out now.
Unknown_03: I've short-circuited. Not Petteras, Pettius.
Unknown_03: O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O
Um, which you think if that happened, they would no longer be incels. But they, he wants to make like an incel world order. But you think if you enslaved all the women, you would no longer be an incel. You would be the chads of that society. So you have, you have an infinite regression problem. Then all the jocks playing football and shit would be like, what the fuck? All these incels run the world now. That's not fair. They're, they're taking all the good girls and leaving us none to choose from. We got to rise up and kill all the incels. We need to have a chad insurrection against, uh,
Unknown_03: Against this incel world order and since I said Chad insurrection, I reminded myself of a meme I Really really like this meme for a specific autistic reason. I'm sure you all will appreciate the second. I bring it up. Hold up Here we go
so the the virgin vote versus the chad insurrection and i really really like this meme um not because of its anti-democracy tones of course i love democracy i like it because if you pay very close attention and the in the crowd of the chad insurrection They are waving a flag, and that happens to be the flag of the Republic of Chad, an African nation. That attention to detail is what really makes a meme to me. That's not the Romanian flag, goddammit! I'll have you know that this is true. Someone has brought up that it's the Romanian flag, and now I have to explain the history of the Chad flag. When Chad was released as an independent country in the 1970s, they picked the tricolor, which you see in the audience, which looks just like the Romanian flag as their flag. But this was not the same flag as the Romanian flag, because at the time, Romania was a Soviet Socialist Republic. So it featured the Romanian tricolor, but it also had the state coat of arms with communist symbolism and stuff in it. But then when Romania returned to a democratic country, they took the seal off their flag and thus were left with just the tricolor, leaving them in a precarious position where Chad and Romania had the same exact flag. But because Chad is a landlocked country, it doesn't have boats, so there's no maritime confusion. If you see a boat that has the flag, it's Romanian, right?
And that's interesting because Chad actually asked Romania in the 90s to change their flag because they already had the flag and Romania shot back very sternly and said the tricolor is Romanian and to this day they have the same flag. So I hope you all have enjoyed that history lesson explaining the flag in this meme that I saw a couple years ago and liked. What was I talking about? Oh, incels. So incels, this guy in Canada, right?
he um he's telling this security this senior detective how there's going to be a chad insurrection with with the flag and everything they would be waving the chad flag around as they killed all the chads right um and he was explaining how they worship happy the literally telling this man after he was arrested for killing 10 people
with a car, injuring a bunch more, right? Because he hit them with his fucking car. And he's sitting there in this room telling this man with a straight face that he worships Pepe the Frog.
Unknown_03: And he knew Elliot Rodger and worshipped him like a saint and wanted to kill a bunch of people because he was denied sex. He was an involuntary celibate, denied sex, and the Stacys of the world owed him a croon. And it is actually extremely interesting as an interrogation video without any commentary. Don't watch the version that has commentary. It's not needed. It's like an hour long and he just sits there and he confesses to the entire crime even though he's been read his rights. He tries to stay silent at first but then he's just so excited to talk to someone in real life, to talk to this older man, like a father figure almost, and explain to him Why he's so unhappy that he just completely opens up and confesses to not only be killing a bunch of people But killing a bunch of people knowing that it's a crime Knowing that it's immoral knowing that it causes harm that he's not inspired because of medication He's not haunted by like schizophrenic demons or whatever clear mind clear conscious understood Good and bad and still decided to kill a bunch of people. It's really it's it's really fascinating. It's really interesting. I
So, if I was a fed, which I'm not, I promise, pinky promise, chat, I'm not a fed. If I was a fed, I would more seriously, I would take more serious the guys on the incel communities than I would like on poll. I think investigating those people who are like boog larpers is a fucking waste of time. I would investigate only the sexless men because they are the ones who seem to be the more imminent and dangerous society.
Just my opinion. My uneducated uninformed and completely powerless in this instance opinion My screen glow no, no The pigeons the pigeons replacement now with the knock of the door That's what it is when the knock of the door happens. I um, I get replaced with my my glowy self Um, okay, so there's also the Olympics this is also a funny story
The Olympics is happening.
Unknown_03: The Olympics is a fucking scam, in case you don't know. The Olympics is a fucking scam. What happens is every so often a country takes upon the burden of building a multi-billion dollar stadium and allowing the Olympics committee to exploit them monetarily. There is the promise that it's so great for their, you know, you get all these tourists, all these people coming in, everyone wants to be at your stadium. and all the businesses will benefit and all this shit, right?
Unknown_03: It's a complete fucking lie. They go billions into the hole. They don't get all that money back, if any. And in this year in particular, because it's COVID time, Japan already built their fucking stadium. They're already billions in the hole. So the Olympics is starting a year late, which is like the first time that's happened since the Second World War. The Olympics was postponed in like 1936,
or 1940 and 1944. And since then, we've had an Olympics every four years until last year, because apparently COVID was a fucking World War II level event that required postponing the Olympics. Anyways, they built the stadium, it's happening now, and nobody's at the fucking stadium. So they built this $4 billion, whatever the fuck, stadium, and nobody can come because everything's still locked down. And the people are there talking, and they're like, they're talking to empty crowds and shit, and it's just really fucking sad and pathetic. and despite this despite the fact that nobody's at this fucking event and nobody gives a shit and the people competing are by themselves and the women are being beat up by transsexuals again for the first time in Olympic history that's the that's the big development this time is that men are competing against women and it's really funny then this happens the director of the opening ceremony was sacked over a holocaust joke he made in 1998. So like 23 years ago, this guy made a joke.
And that was reason enough to fire him from this completely irrelevant role. The joke he made, by the way, is Kentaro Kobayashi, a popular entertainer, was dismissed after a video clip resurfaced online of a skit in which he joked about a game called Let's Massacre the Jews. prompting laughter in the audience. The 1998 skit, which he made when he was one half of the Ramen's comedy duo, was a parody of a popular TV educational program and showed Kobayashi and his partner recounting a discussion with their producer about ideas for a show using paper cutouts of human figures. So he got sacked for that, which I just want you to know that all of you in this chat right now
are completely unemployable. They will never forgive you. Your verbal hate speech, your crimes on the Fediverse and on Twitter, your sins are numbered. They are written in the great book and you have no surrender now. You cannot go back even if you want to. You are stuck with us. You're stuck down here in the gutter forever.
There's no there's no don't don't try don't give up now because there's no turning back. You're already you're already written down your name. You're already counted But I am
Unknown_03: I was wondering, like, why does this matter, was my question. And I'm thinking of, like, what is his opening ceremony going to be like? Is he going to be like, ha ha, did you know that this stadium was made with trees from all over Japanese perfecture? Much like door and gas chamber was made from wood, so is the stadium. and he said no no no that is just a joke i apologize what is not a joke was the manchukuo water purification lab but nobody talked about that because we only kill the chinese and then everyone claps because they're so thrilled by this man's this man's stand-up routine and our tolerance is set back miles And we're just, it's a watershed moment for our progressive stance as this hateful man brings forth his horrific anti-Semitism to the front of the Olympics ceremony. Josh with his French accent. I tried. I'm not good at accents. I'll get better. I'll eventually, I'm gonna get a full spectrum and a full autistic spectrum of all the accents I can possibly do.
And I don't know if I did do a French accent, I could do a JF here in a second.
Unknown_05: Japan was on the wrong side of the war.
Unknown_05: That's a hot take in this chat room.
Can Chinese feel fear the Manch?
Unknown_03: For real, the only people who seem to care about that is China. China has not forgotten about the water purification labs in Manchukuo, by the way. They have definitely not forgotten about it. And they bring it up all the time. It's kind of weird. If you ever read Chinese news, I don't know why you would do that, but if you ever do, I've said this before, but Chinese news breaks down into like one of three categories. um it's like a is china is great b is pandas
C is other countries suck. And sorry, there's a fourth category, a special fourth category.
Unknown_03: And I mean this sincerely, by the way, they will release in equal amounts good things about China, random pictures of pandas for no reason whatsoever, stories about how other countries have failed to do something correctly. And then in equal amounts to those other categories. is japan sucks and fuck japan completely distinct from other countries are bad japan sucks and it's a daily reminder that japan is shit japanese people are fucking awful and remember the japanese war crimes and that is a very
That is the programming on Chinese state TV.
Unknown_03: But nobody else seems to care. And there's a reason for that, by the way, is that when Germany lost, they got divided up between US, France, England, and Russia. And there was a billion different things at play with ending the war in Europe. But the United States defeated Japan single-handedly, so they got to decide everything by themselves. And what we decided when dealing with Japan is that we would not penalize them pretty much in any way. They would have to accept an American-style constitution. They could keep their emperor. Emperor Hirohito lived to like 90 years old and he studied butterflies for like the second half of his life. And nobody would get tried with any war crimes in Japan if they handed us all the things they learned using human experiments in China. So after the war in Japan, they basically said, OK, that sounds like a great fucking deal. We'll give you all of our island possessions. We're all going to go free. And here's the shit we learned torturing Chinamen. And we just accepted that and nobody else had any say in it whatsoever because we defeated Japan single-handedly.
So that's an interesting history lesson since I'm going off on tangents about history and flags today. That's your lesson for why Japan was spared a lot of what Germany was. It's entirely because the United States single-handedly decided that we were going to spare them. Also an interesting story is that we wanted the Democratic Republic of China to have a seat on the UN Security Council because we were friends with the Republic of China and then the Republic of China lost to the Communists. So now the Republic of China or the People's Republic of China has permanent Security Council access and also nuclear weapons because we gave it to the Republic of China thinking that they would win the Civil War and they didn't. That's also a fun story.
Anyways, uh Ralph is the next story is our next story.
Unknown_03: I said last stream that Ralph had declined my weight loss challenge and he shot back immediately saying that goddamn pedophile Josh Moon fucking lying about me again on his fucking show I said I fucking do it motherfucker that fucking pedophile criminal terrorist Josh Moon and I fucking told him I'd do it and somehow that becomes I wouldn't do it. So I've been listening to him rant about me on his fucking streams and try to set up this weight loss competition.
So, my only thing is I want this to be measured in a simple, achievable way. At the beginning of the competition, we'll go to a doctor, get a physician's note for our height and weight, and I want like an initial over the height and weight and something signed
Unknown_03: by a doctor or otherwise written in such a way that there's no way he's forging it. I want some level of assurance that he's not forging height and weight on that document, because that's the bet.
Unknown_03: It's 30 troy ounces of silver to Nick Cricchetta as escrow. He will verify the height and weight. We don't have to make the notes public, just he independently verifies the height and weight. And then after six months, we do a physician's note again, and that will determine the ending height and weight. And for simplicity's sake, we're not doing BMI. We're not doing percentage of body fat loss. We're not doing percentage of weight loss. It's pounds dropped. It is just pounds dropped, pound for pound, however many pounds. If you lose 100 pounds and he loses 101 pounds, he wins. That's how it works.
So you can say like I don't care if that's weighted in my favor or his he thinks that it's a great It's a good deal to do it like that. I don't care if it's in his favor. I don't give a shit I just want to keep it nice and simple. No questions. No fussing he takes issue with Me not wanting to do any videos. I've been trying to keep information about myself and
I just took like to a minimum basically for obvious reasons, right? I've learned a couple lessons from watching people put needless amounts of information about themselves on the internet So I'm trying to keep my profile as low as possible He says that's bullshit. He puts himself out there every fucking week boy. You can fucking he I want one thing if I do something I want to be paid and I want to be paid in pictures of Josh moon I want to see them little twinkle toes standing up on that scale socks completely optional, of course and I want to see the Josh moon the flesh of the Josh moon and live in color boy and And that's what he wants. So it's like, okay, I guess I can do a video of me. He says a mask, COVID mask and Trump hat are okay. So I'll probably use that opportunity to put a COVID mask and Trump hat on and do it that way. And just because I'm not accepting like a video of someone standing on a scale, it has to be a physician's note. That's the whole arrangement, right?
so If that's what if that will push him to the finish line and agree to do this I will I will can sneed I will do the video Just so that there's no qualms and he seems okay with my stipulations that I can Anonymize myself just a little people know how I look but I don't care. I still want to Do as much as possible to try and progress into my future
Without my face being plastered everywhere So that's that I Think I think you'll probably cheat. I think I'll probably end up losing because of something really fucking gay But I am emotionally prepared for that already. I'm not expecting anything fair. I'm not expecting his doctor's note to be accurate reflection of reality I don't know what I can do to even prove that you know like if I start adding stipulations like no no no Ralph you have to like have pants you hold a meter stick up to you and You know all this other shit. He's just gonna. He's gonna like back out and be like well I don't want to do all that so I'm not gonna add any more stipulations if he gets a physician's note, and he sends the money to her kiddo I will consider that game on for the sake of it and
Six months six months is what I proposed Just offhandedly like we should set a time frame like six months. He says six months sounds good. I'm like, okay six months it is If he wants to change that he can contact me But otherwise and even if he backs out if something happens and I get like skeeved out and so like I'm not gonna do this I don't think he'll you know, I think that he's doing something weird and I don't I don't trust this and
Unknown_03: I'll probably still just continue to lose weight. I've been losing weight all year. I'm down like 20 pounds from my heaviest so probably Probably more than that I think for my absolute heaviest when I was in my house at my heaviest in Ukraine because I did nothing but fucking eat I still walked every day pretty much but I spent a lot of time inside and I spent a lot of time eating and I would only leave the house to go get food and And there was a lot of good food in Ukraine. I ate Georgian food and Ukrainian food and Chinese food and pizza. There was a lot of food in Ukraine that was super cheap. Like the best food ever that I've ever had in any country for next to nothing. So I ate a lot. That's what I'm saying. I ate a lot of food in Ukraine. Then I get out and I've been losing it by cooking more, eating more home meals. I will just continue to do that regardless, but if Ralph wants to measure his efforts against mine, that would probably be fun for people.
Okay, that is that.
Unknown_03: One other thing about Ralph. Someone sent me this and he's sending me interesting stories.
Unknown_03: I'm not gonna repeat them at this time because I'm still in like an investigatory phase. I'm still Curious if they're actually true or not. So I'm not going to repeat them until I have some Some assurance that he's not completely full of shit But they're pretty fucking wild stories if they're true so not to be like I don't want to tease Information and be like an asshole, but I'm not gonna say it unless I
Have some belief because it is it is like really awful shit. So I don't want to say unless I know it's true but he did send me this I'll just send this as a This is him in Elementary school. I want to say I think he's eight years old here. I want to say this is like 1993 so he's like seven or eight And he went to like a Catholic school and the person sent me this picture As some sort of proof of what he's saying, but as I don't know, I don't know how I feel about it yet. I
Unknown_03: Next topic.
JFG. Oh shit, you know what? I did not write down a note for this, but I will get a sip of water and then I'll go over this too.
Unknown_05: Okay um so I did a stream about the trance semi recently this year and today they fucking kidded up in like this boog larp shit where they're like in tac vest with like pink radio sets on that one in the front has like a
Resist like a Star Wars resistance logo on their hat they have a Ammo pack that says their blood type has a trans like gun flag on it and says she her Which is really it's right next to the blood type, too it's like you're sitting there and the fascist got you and you're all splayed out and you're like I I need, I need O plus and I need my pronouns affirmed. I'm not feeling very gender euphoric. And then the nurses are like putting in the IV line with like the drip bag and saying, Oh, you look beautiful today, sweetie. You know, you're such a woman, you're such a goddess on earth. And they're like fixing up the IV. And then the heart rate starts spiking a little bit more cause they're feeling better from getting there from the gender euphoria, their adrenaline's pumping and shit. It's like, thanks. You're a good nurse. You're a good doctor. You're one of the good sissies.
But the story is that there's a trans sister in a terrible situation. Everyone is OK, and she's getting some much needed food and rest. Nights like this remind me of why we are here and why it's so important. So they're all booged out, and they're going to rescue her. Let me just read ahead and see if this happens. Pulled out of a sketch as fuck white supremacist den in the middle of fuck off nowhere glad to pull her out of that situation ain't no Heroes here just folk that care and have a desire to help
Folks out there living through these terrible situations are the heroes. We just want to do our best to help where we can.
Unknown_03: It was a dicey situation in which we had been lured under false pretense and then abandoned. No food or water. A full two days walk to town in the area. She didn't know anyone. Crawling with bigots. Someone thankfully got her our number. Community looking out.
Unknown_03: So the gist is that a trans sister was like, I don't know, like stranded in like a Nazi biker bar or something. So they had to like kid up. I'm just imagining it like an X-Com mission. Like it's just these people just sitting at a bar and there's one, you know what it was is that they went to the bar, right? They're a tranny out in the middle of nowhere. They go to this biker bar. And then they go to the bathroom and then the guy, the hero, the hero walks in and blocks the female bathroom door and shakes his head and then taps the women's sign on the other door. And they immediately had a mental breakdown and called Troon 11 for an emergency rescue mission. out of this den of evil. They just completely collapsed and were immobile. They needed the military unit, the paramilitary trans gladiator unit to swoop in and save them from that.
Okay, that's it for that. I don't know. This is all bullshit, of course, and nothing actually fucking happened and there's no updates to it or anything of the sort. It's just like them tweeting and this tweet apparently went viral and I think that a lot they got super bullied really hard on Twitter and we're complaining about all the Nazis making fun of them and shit, but the real news here is that How how do you say Mama JF has left. She does not want to make the white potato baby for the Quebecois stewed muffin, so to say. And she has doomed him for somebody. Well, I don't know. Somebody else is involved.
JF has put forward to his audience and said to the two and a half women watching him that if they would like to fight for his undying love and to carry his white baby, they can do that.
It's a day where I'm single. Yes, it was not a clickbait. MamaJF has left and so I started this new thing, a Wheel of Fortune type reality TV show.
Unknown_00: in order to select the next MamaJF, people were suggesting perhaps we should call her MamaJF 2.0. F for the person who used to be MamaJF, she has left me.
So people are asking for all sorts of explanations. I will not provide explanations because
Unknown_00: There's really no interest for me to start saying it's her fault. She's back?
Unknown_03: She's back already? Are you fucking kidding me? Well, God, that takes the wind out of my sails. I mean, he's basically just bitches that she didn't want to have kids. And then explains that he had like two other wives, ex-wives.
Unknown_03: that had children. So he's setting up fucking franchises. He's going town to town opening a JFG's burger joint and squatting out a fucking kid in every city in Canada. And it's the most bizarre thing.
He should probably go for quality over quantity in this regard.
Unknown_03: But I mean, it's several, like, I don't know. I'll play a couple minutes of it, I guess. It's only a couple minutes.
Unknown_00: This is Daven.
Unknown_00: The thing is, she left in peace and she left respectfully. And she left very differently than many of my exes.
Unknown_00: In that, JF drunks. No, I'm not drunk at all.
She left very differently from many of my exes in that she didn't try to destroy my life. And she left me with a precious package, a precious package that I will care for forever. And so I'm not in a mood to start a fight or
Unknown_03: I'm going to skip past this. This is what I said, that he broke up with her and then said that he was going to find a Mama JF too. By the way, that is an extremely unattractive thing to say to a woman ever. You don't ever want to propose to a woman by saying, oh, you can be my ex-girlfriend's name too. That is immediately, like, I don't know. That doesn't work. But Mama JF did not know this. And apparently, I'll listen to this. I've never listened to this before. So I'll react live.
Hello everyone and welcome to JFG tonight.
Unknown_00: Mama JF has decided to come back. She's decided to use our 24 hours opportunity. She is coming back tonight. She should arrive a few hours after this show. And I'm going to take a break tomorrow to
to work with her, make some adjustments to her leech.
Unknown_00: Metaphorically, metaphorically, there's no actual leech.
Unknown_00: How are you guys doing on the regular chat? Now I find myself with all these women who have- Potato boomerang. With a fortune contest.
Unknown_00: And I see energy. I see potential. And so I bring you
Unknown_00: Operation Save the Woman.
Unknown_00: What I'm thinking is, and it's already been happening actually, but there's lots of males in this chat who are looking for a woman.
If a woman wanted to go out with me, she should want to go out with any of you because we're family here on the regular chat. And so I started pairing these... Wait, is his name, like, of his show regular chat?
Unknown_03: Is he talking about passing around his potato girlfriend with all of his viewers? What the fuck is he talking about?
Unknown_00: The best fit members of the audience that, uh, that I found. I knew already that there was a couple of guys, a couple of you guys who had written to me, uh, Jeff, I'm looking for a wife. Uh, and so knowing a little bit about you, I can find the perfect fit for you within this, uh, within this potential pool and so many of you have already received the you know, pairings. I'm going to start basically a dating service.
The only thing you need to deal with is that if you go out with any of... Can you imagine if I did that?
Unknown_03: If I did like a Kiwi Farms dating contest? That would be... That would be bad.
Unknown_03: That would be a total fucking nightmare. The mere thought of it is like sending chills down my spine. That would be horrific. That would be a mistake. That would be a professional blunder in my fucking career. You know, she wanted to go out with me first.
She's picking you as the second choice.
Unknown_00: I mean, to a certain extent, I was looking at a lot of these offers and I was like, this is really not a good fit for me. She's not gonna love me. But I was like, but there's this other guy in the community, she would love him.
I'm Jeff, the matchmaker. George says, where do I sign up? Just send me an email. Send me an email about your info and don't be insulted if I send no one toward you because I'm just going to pair people who I feel are made for each other. And, you know, I'm not going to take a, can you, can you imagine?
Unknown_03: I would love to have a picture of everyone who applied to this. On both sides. I would love to see all the women and all the men who have unironically put forward their names for this program. I bet you that is some fucking funny shit.
I'm not gonna take an ugly woman from Canada and pair her with a fan of mine in South Korea. Why is she ugly?
Unknown_02: Why did he stipulate that the woman is ugly and the guy only from South Korea? What is the implication there? Why don't you say the distance is too far? What is he implying? That Korean people are ugly? Is that the distance? Or are Korean people like so pretty that ugly Canadians don't touch them?
Unknown_03: Or are like Koreans like below average but ugly is like too low for the average Korean? What is he implying with that statement? Okay.
Matchmaking is a complex science.
Unknown_03: JF looks like somebody from a boy band in the 90s. He kind of reminds me of the guy from Smash Mouth. I don't know how bad my memory is with that. Smash Mouth. Let's take a look here. Yeah, he does. He does. I'm not even wrong. Hold up. Hold up, chat.
Unknown_03: That is pretty fucking close. You just gotta give him some Ray-Bans and he'll look just like him.
Know what I mean? Especially with that weird chinstrap thing going on there. That's fucking ugly, that chinstrap. He needs to get rid of that shit, but... JF kinda looks like that.
Unknown_00: that and says hey jeff how is mama jeff coming back to your place aren't you really far from society is she going to drive that distance by herself i will not reveal details of our private life but uh... she has been uh...
Unknown_00: She has been on her way since yesterday. And so, yesterday night when I gave my Yultimatum, so she will arrive at some point. How did he pronounce that? In the night. Yultimatum. Yultimatum. Yultimatum. Sounds Latin. So she will arrive at some point in the night.
I mean, I know they pronounce their U like a Russian U. That's weird. I have to add that to my JFG impression dictionary. The weird U.
Unknown_03: So he said to Mama JF, look, you'll come back today or I will start fucking everybody I can. And she was like, oh, okay, I guess I'll come back today. He has like all the cards. JFG comes across as someone who's like a genuine psychopath because
Unknown_03: he purposefully seeks out mentally handicapped women that he can control completely with very simple manipulation tactics and it works and it's just like yeah this guy kind of fucking freaks me out i don't know what his fan that's my thing is whenever i see someone like jfg or ralph and i'm thinking like okay
You know, I just like them for various reasons, right? And that's fine. I don't have to get along with everyone. But with JFG and Ralph, what the fuck is the audience getting out of this? What does the audience enjoy about watching this shit? The talk, the public talk, whatever the fuck his project is called. The public space.
Unknown_03: Like, what did they get out of it? Science shit? Apparently he is educated about, like, biology and shit, but... I mean, watching this and submitting their name for, like, some kind of dating pool, like, what the fuck is that? I think it's a... it's a... it's a bastard thing, you know what I mean?
It's that, it's that fight club thing where we're a generation of men raised by women. So you have all these fucking weirdos who need like a surrogate daddy. And most people will pick like, people will pick out like Jim or something. The people who are like this, I need like this surrogate daddy. They'll pick out like Jim, but then you'll get ones who are like, they have like abusive mothers. So they'll pick out like a Ralph or like a, a JFG instead of someone like more interesting.
Or they'll pick up like dick I guess it depends on what kind of person they want to be right if you are like if you're like a bastard and you want like a surrogate daddy and you want to be like a LA based comedian you'll look up to dick or if you want to be like a scientist man You'll look up to like JFG So you have all these people who present themselves one way, which is probably not an accurate reflection of how they actually are And then they get all these bastards
Unknown_03: These fatherless bastards who need a paternal influence in their 30s, who look up to them and give them money. And that's like the entire e-celebrina, I think. You don't ever want to be like me. If any of you are out there like, oh, I want to be like Josh, no you don't. I'm telling you right now.
Unknown_03: I mean, you just don't. Find someone else to look up to. I'm not an idealist of anything. Okay, just I like to remind people every so often that I like I like the fact that I have fans It's fun to do the show, but I'm not your friend. I'm not your daddy I hope that you are entertained by my weekly podcast But the truth is I will never replace what your mother denied to you by hooking up with a retard loser
And, uh, I can't be friends with all of you, and you probably wouldn't like me. I'm very different in person, okay, to how I am on the internet. I'm very quiet, and I like to listen more than I talk. So, if you think I'm like a laugh-a-minute riot or whatever in person, you're gravely mistaken. I'm just saying... Go join a club. Go join the Boy Scouts or something. Join a rifling club. Join a church. Don't make your internet daddies. It's unhealthy for you. It'll lead you to a life of being unfulfilled and unhappy and giving money to people who don't give a fuck about you.
Be sure to subscribe to my Gumroad, by the way.
Unknown_03: Gumroad.co slash man at the internet. I'm saving up for a house. Thank you.
Unknown_03: Anyways, next one.
Unknown_03: Chantal got finger blasted on camera. Let's watch this now.
Unknown_05: Viewers crashing.
Unknown_02: Play the fucking video goddammit.
Unknown_03: This fucking shit site can't play a fucking video.
I'm sorry the video is so small, I can't blow it up on Linux, I don't think.
Unknown_05: Pretty sure I can't.
Unknown_05: No, I cannot. That's okay, it's just buffering anyways.
Unknown_03: You're not missing anything. Look at that little circle go.
Unknown_03: What is it with people- Jim did this too. He like finger blasted a chinky lady on a stream. He didn't have a video up, but he did it too. What is it with people getting like drunk and finger blasting on livestream?
Unknown_09: Shrinking project. It sounds like you're cracking a whip. What?
You guys think I'm super kinky all the time or what?
Unknown_09: What?
Unknown_09: It's just me slapping my leg. The leg.
Unknown_03: Do you believe that chat?
Unknown_09: Oh, whatever. Oh my god.
I mentioned Jim finger-blasting a chinky lady and now people are angry at me for bringing that up. You guys are so sensitive.
Unknown_03: He's dead, okay? He's not coming back. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to invoke his name in vain, but he ain't coming back.
Unknown_05: Oh, she muted it there. Hmm, I wonder why.
Unknown_05: She's like putting her tits on the camera.
This is truly bizarre. I really... I really did not... Someone cancelled their Gumroad subscription.
Unknown_02: I just got an email for it. Wow.
Uh, I'm not gonna, okay, I'm not gonna laugh at it anymore, if any more happens, you know. In case you're thinking about it, like, ooh, I'll cause Josh to laugh again. He'll mention, he'll mention it, nope. Mm-mm, I'm keeping my mouth shut about that from now on, you fuckers.
Unknown_03: Um, oh, and she drank gravy on stream again.
Unknown_09: My shirt's from- She wanted me to drink gravy.
Let's watch it again. Instant replay.
Unknown_03: Eats the chicken. Eats the chip.
Unknown_03: Shlop, shlop, shlop, shlop, shlop, shlop, shlop.
Unknown_02: What a champ- What a champion.
Unknown_03: Guzzling gravy for the entertainment of the internet at large. I really- When I started talking about Chantelle, I never thought she would end up like this.
Unknown_03: um okay one other thing one other part of my fat fat woman roundup um oh here let's copy this real quick so amberlyn and is going through a breakup right now i have only like i promise this is only a couple minutes of stuff about amberlyn because she's usually super fucking boring and amberlyn is like
It's hard to explain. She is entirely like a hate motivated watch. She is not someone that you can ever stand in any way, shape or form. Uh, she, she's just, you just watch her because you, you actually hate her and you don't think she's funny or cute or whatever the fuck you, you just want to see bad things happen to her. Um, so she's going through the break.
Unknown_03: Going through a breakup with What's-her-face Becky and has already Found like a new woman. She's what's called a u-haul lesbian in the female community, which means that she Gets into a relationship with the first woman who lets her move into her house and Because she needs someone to wipe her ass and they don't have sex anyways because they're like 600 pounds So it's like you have these sexless overly over three eggless bed death lesbians who like cohabitate like permanent roommates and Amberlynn is one of those penis Sorry, I skipped too much.
Okay. I don't like penis. I
Unknown_01: So, it's that. Like, if you have a penis, I don't want to be with you. So, I don't care actually what gender you are. It's just if you have a penis in between your legs, I don't want to be in bed with you. Like that. So, that's what I mean.
My preference is vagina.
Unknown_01: Like, I don't know how else to explain that.
Unknown_03: So if you're a person alive in the year 2021, you know that's very transphobic. That's super problematic. So she clarifies and a couple months later.
Unknown_01: Would you be with a pre-op trans woman? Yes.
Immediately just clarifies a contradicting statement here I don't want to be with you if you have a penis and then someone asked would you be with a pre-op lesbian or Trans being and she says yes, I would because that's the only answer if she says that she wouldn't then she's a transphobe but then immediately she clarifies again and So you'll be with a pre-op woman, but not a man. Okay, literally, let me just answer your question. I will not be with someone if they have a penis.
I just don't like penis. That's all it is. That's all it is. Okay?
Unknown_03: So, clarifies again, would be with a pre-op trans woman, but doesn't like penis.
Unknown_03: And then, again, clarifies this position, because people are like, uh... Um, sweaty, what the fuck are you talking about? Um... A person can have a penis and identify as a woman, exactly.
That's why I'm sitting here just saying, like... A person with a penis, I don't want.
Unknown_01: That's all it is.
Unknown_01: It's just a preference.
Unknown_03: So, there's another phra- I didn't ever play this one stream, but in one of the videos before, Becky and Amberlynn are sitting together, and the super chat goes, Would you date a trans lesbian? And Amberlynn, without missing a beat, without elaboration, says, Yes. And then she turns to Becky and says, Becky, would you? And Becky says, What? Would you date a pre-op trans woman? And Becky goes, Yes.
move on next super chat question no discussion no elaboration so like these these people are like held at gunpoint to say that they would be with a trans being and when they clarify they don't like a penis but they would still date a trans being it brings up the natural confliction that trans beings have a penis it's just a feminine penis right um so
Unknown_03: So they're like it's it's like a very uncomfortable thing for anyone who's like a woman Especially like a lesbian or whatever on YouTube and they have to be like, uh, yeah, of course trans women are women It's like so would you date one? Uh, I don't like penis. It's like well, it's a feminine penis Well, I guess I have to I guess I have no choice but this to suck the girl dick Otherwise, that would be a fucking bigot and I would lose my youtube channel and I would get banned right?
I guess now would be the appropriate time to bring up a little graph because it's funny. And sure, why not?
Unknown_03: Since I'm thinking about it, since it's on my mind.
Unknown_03: This is willingness to date a trans person by gender and sexual orientation.
so hetero men are the least likely to date a trans person apparently some say they would date a trans man as many people say they would date a trans man as a trans woman or both and it's like less than like five percent looks like two percent um
Unknown_03: Heterosexual women are the least likely to date a transsexual.
Unknown_03: No interest in dating a trans woman. So men who are transsexual are the least likely to get with a heterosexual woman. I guess that makes sense.
Unknown_03: It's conflicting. Uh, it's very hard to think about cause it's like, it's like almost like programmer logic, like trying to figure out what, what is the present, what is the presentation and then what is like the actuality with the biology.
Then gay men, it starts to increase. They would fuck trans men, which is weird because they have vagumbas, right? But I guess a lot of them are like on testosterone, like Buck Angel looks like a dude who just has like a mangina, which is super uncomfortable to look at. And then some would, if anyone is gay and willing to date a trans woman, they're also willing to date a trans man, which is like the Dr. Slave phenomenon. Because when Mr. Garrison got a sex change operation to be a woman, Mr. Slave didn't want to be with Mr. Garrison anymore. So that's that thing.
Eliminates him from this pool, I guess.
Unknown_03: Lesbian women are doubly more likely to date a transsexual.
Unknown_03: like almost 10% are willing to date both and maybe like 8% 8% are willing to date both 8% only trans women and 8% only trans men and that's because lesbians have bed death so it doesn't really matter they don't have sex anyways and then queers whatever will date whatever but that's like these people up here the misfits saying what they did each other and then a lot of them say no
Like half of them though say they would still prefer a non trans person, which is very funny They don't even want to fuck each other is what this says. They don't even have an interest in each other. They want to be recognized by the legitimate of the sex as As being of the the trans community not of not being trans. They want to be With people who aren't trans because they want to be seen as not trans
Unknown_03: So this is the super straight community is these people that the 97% of heterosexual men and women are actually super straight. So Another another win for the for the the super straight for the black and orange fellows Anyways, yeah, I feel bad for lesbians because they're all gonna get raped by trannies and there's nothing they can do about it Because if they complain they'll get arrested for being bigots, I guess Sucks to be them
I think that's it. Did I forget to mention anything chat?
Unknown_03: Is there anything left in my tabs? No. I think that might be it.
Unknown_03: Let me I guess I can explain that I've been programming this week. I don't want to get into detail because it's all technical and stuff And I'm kind of building like a voxel thing where it's like Minecraft and data is grouped into 3d cubes And I've been playing with that and it's been a pretty complicated
Unknown_03: Pretty complicated project because my ambition is to take a grid that is Something like 256 squared with a depth of 3 so you're talking about 200 cubes and they all have adjacencies so 6 each or between 4 and 6 each and
and you're kind of communicating between them and it's a lot of data to sort through so the only way to do it efficiently is to do it with parallel threads and that's a very complicated area of programming just kind of maybe you'll find this interesting even if you don't really understand programming concepts but
Unknown_03: But we're kind of nearing a physical limitation in how fast a single core can go. They approximate that due to just natural law, a single processor can only go at about seven gigahertz per second, right? So a processor right now is at about 4. So it's not going to get too much faster.
It's almost halfway there to its maximum. So the only way for processors to continue to grow and meet the demands of computer applications is to have multiple cores per CPU. Which is why we get things like the AMD Threadripper that have 64 cores and they're playing with 128 cores.
Unknown_03: The future of computer programming is multi-threaded But this is still a relatively new Area of programming so I'm playing around with that basically and it is complicated and it's challenging And a little bit stressful, but I'm having fun playing around with it. So I'm hoping right now. It's all just like low-level stuff I don't have anything to show for it graphics wise But hopefully I will be able to show people what I'm working on in the future, but just not right now
But yeah, that's my little project, that's all I have to say about it for the moment. If I say anything more, here's a fun, if you're a programmer or you're trying to get into programming, because you want to cut your dick off and move to Australia and become a trainee, I would suggest not becoming a programmer, I would actually suggest that you instead learn how to farm or something, because when the bombs drop and the magnets wipe out all the computers on earth,
You won't have any use for programmers, so just learn how to farm instead.
Unknown_03: But if you want an actual programming tip, here's something I've learned firsthand. If you tell people that you're working on something, it releases the same dopamine rush as actually doing it. So if I say, like, I'm gonna work on this super fucking awesome game, and it's gonna have all these cool features, and it's gonna blow all existing games of the genre out of the water, Like that kind of braggadocious shit stimulates the reward center of your brain the exact same way that the actual accomplishment does. So if you ever hear someone sitting there telling you about all the cool shit they're working on and how great it's going to be when they're done, they're full of shit, they're never going to fucking finish it because they're already getting off by telling you what they're working on. So if you are someone who programs or does work in general and you have lofty ambitions, don't sit around telling people about what you're working on because you're tricking yourself into accepting that as a reward and it's harmful to development. At least I found in my experience. Don't do that.
Anyways, uh, okay. I'm gonna throw the things up, um, manatheinternet.com for the archives, kiwifarms.cc for the Fediverse node, gamer.com slash manatheinternet to give me money. I promise I'll find some way to get bonus content out. I'm not too sure. I might review that movie like I said I would. I don't know. I can't figure out what would be worth showing people for money, okay? I said it. I said it. It's very difficult, because I could just slop out content and just be like, okay, here you go, you little fuckers. But anything I want to show people, I want to show everyone. So it's complicated.
Give me your pigeon names. Give me your pigeon names.
Unknown_03: And while you suggest, I need a boy name, a girl name, and I need names for the babies. But save the baby names for next week or whenever they fucking hatch.
Supposedly, it's about three weeks for the eggs to hatch. Give me their name. I'll look through the replay and pick one out by next week. And while you give me your pigeon names, I want to show you all something very cool.
Unknown_03: the pictures of the coins have come in so I Officially have these are the finished products the point nine nine nine nine pure silver. This is what they look like They're very fucking cool. They came out perfect. So if you want these they're for sale benefit.com buy a thousand of them I need to buy a house and oh And
The pigeon names there's a lot of names I see them if you want an extra good chance of having your pigeon name picked Make it a comment on this video or the archive video I'll check through the comments.
Unknown_03: I do read all your comments, by the way So I would encourage people to leave comments because you know, whatever If you want me to see them, I'll probably see them if they're in the comments just so you know, I do read them and Even on the archive channel and I tend to respond to ones that are particularly good So I'll read through the replay and I'll check out the comments and I'll pick out some pigeon names for next week Fuck you says Blinko. That's not a good pigeon name. That's a shitty pigeon name. That's a fucking awful pigeon name you fucker banana and pepper Sneed shoe zap to the extreme.
I do read your comments. I
Unknown_05: Supreme Gentleman.
Unknown_03: SHANNON! Oh. I was gonna- I didn't mean, like, Gator. There's another Shannon that I'm thinking of that's, like, an awful fuckin' redneck.
Name them after Lovecraft's cat.
Unknown_03: I don't know what Lovecraft's cat's name was. I just don't know. I'm not much of a Lovecraft person, so I'll have to Google Lovecraft's cat and figure out what Lovecraft called his cat so I can potentially name my pigeon after Lovecraft's cat.
Unknown_03: That'll be my homework for tonight.
Unknown_03: okay uh by oh um i've had this song if you're wondering why i picked this song because there's a feature a person featured in it in the um in the remix if you're wondering why i picked this song it's because the fact that they called that incel shooter they they convicted him or are charging him with a hate crime was kind of weird to me but then um
It reminded me of a song called hate crime and I've had it stuck in my head all fucking week So I hope you enjoy I'll see you guys next week. Buy my fucking silver subscribe on gun room. I want to buy a house Bye-bye I wish I could perpetrate a hate crime.
Unknown_07: I love hate. I think we need more hate So you wanna hoax a hate crime step number one. All right, so we're looking for a dude
First of all, this is my country and I hated black people so
Welcome, welcome, welcome.
I wish I could perpetrate a hate crime