I've been on a fetch quest recently to gather around musicians and acquire permission to play their music, and I've finally gotten permission from Master Boot Record to play his SoundCloud music on my stream, so...
Unknown_01: i'm like the the postal guy running up to people like would you like to give me permission can i get you to give me permission would you like to give me permission just to everyone i can can fucking think of to get music from so i can keep doing my intros and outros before uh before i just have to start singing myself and torturing people but yeah i don't know I've been tired this week. This is a sleepy stream. If you're hoping for a high-energy shout contest, you're not going to get that today. I've been burned. I don't know why. I'm going to blame it on the June stream, though. And just so you guys know, you're all in trouble. I'm fucking pissed at all of you. I'm breaking the rule, and I'm getting angry at my viewers because I'm getting angry at chat. Because the June stream was three days of work. I had to get help to make sure that I could get all my notes and shit ready in time for that stream. And then the day of the stream, my new mic stand comes in. Because my old one was too lightweight for the new mic that I have. So my mic stand comes in. I spend all day fucking with it. I get... My mic set up. And then after all that work, I sit down and I start doing my stream and I start talking. And then I listen to the playback and I am peaking the entire fucking time. And nobody told me, Josh, turn your game down. You've been peaking for the last three hours. Turn your fucking game down because you are peaking. Not one of you motherfuckers decided to tell me that I was peeking the entire stream. How do you not notice that? How do you not notice how bad it sounds when I peek?
It's truly, oh, I told you says C. Okay, yeah, okay, C, motherfucker.
Unknown_01: It's very frustrating. Oh yeah, now you're saying turn your game down. Fuck y'all. Fuck off.
Unknown_01: We did. I didn't see it. I was watching chat. Nobody said turn your game down. Okay.
Unknown_01: It's so frustrating. It literally nauseates me to sit there to listen to the playback and be like, I cannot fucking believe that after all that work and the three hours sit down and all that shit and the actual effort that goes into it, at the very last second I fuck with my audio and I just completely obliterate the quality of the recording. I realize I don't have the best voice and it's not the most critical issue in the world, but it's just so frustrating. It's like all of that completely fucked up.
Sneezing. It sounded fine to me. Okay, well, I'm glad that most people don't even notice shit like that. Someone said that me peeking the entire time reminded them of Jim, because his mic is, like, intentionally shitty. He has, like, a real mic, but he, like, compresses it in such a way that it sounds like an old Xbox headset or something. So I was like, okay, whatever. I guess I don't have a group of people listening to me that actually give a fuck about shit like that, so that's fine. I'll excuse it this time, but I'm really frustrated by it.
It wasn't that bad. It sounded bad to me in my precious ears.
Unknown_01: Very frustrating.
Unknown_01: But I'm glad people liked the stream, at least. People seemed happy with it.
Unknown_01: Except for one thing, which I'll get into, because I'm feeling fighty. I'm feeling grumpy today. But I will show off the fruits of my labor before we get into that. Let me show you my Firefox.
Unknown_01: Hopefully...
This is last week, okay? And this is where they were at. Only a couple of the peas were coming in. The dill was fucking retarded.
Unknown_01: Basil was just starting to grow, right? And then there were little flowers at the top of the banana pepper.
Unknown_01: Now today, just today, the banana pepper is literally flowering. Finally, I will one day have banana peppers. The first banana peppers are coming to me. The thyme is growing like a weed.
Unknown_01: The plants themselves are pretty fucking big. There are so many peas. I can't wait to have like a bowl of fresh peas.
And I've replanted the basil because it was getting too big for its thing. I've left space for the oregano.
Unknown_01: I really don't know what the fuck is going on with the dill. The dill is, like, retarded. The dill is functionally retarded. But, yeah, I'm excited. I'm going to probably save the seeds from the banana pepper plant that's growing flowers already because that one started strong, and it's been going strong the entire time. It was always the biggest, so I'm very pleased with it. I'm very pleased with the peas.
uh how do i how do i want to how do i want to address this the the thing that apparently i said that was like the most controversial that entire stream is that june can still have kids people are so angry with me and are like spending time on pleroma arguing with me and saying like no you don't understand the risk of autism is twice as high when you're 30 so you can't have kids
I don't even know, like, they're showing me these statistics, like, oh, if you have a child at 40, you'll have Down syndrome. There's like a 10 times increase, 100 times increase in Down syndrome. It's like, well, she's not 40.
Unknown_01: And it's like, oh, she lost 90% of her eggs. She still has like 200,000. You're not trying to have 200,000 children. You don't need all the eggs.
Unknown_01: I feel like a lot of people really just want to fuck teenagers and they have this mental image induced by pornography that they really need a 18 year old perfect virgin from whatever fucking country like Slovenia. And that's all that they'll accept. And it's like you have these schizophrenic men children who are trying to like min max their girlfriend and their family planning like an RPG character like that. Oh, I need an Asian 13-year-old girlfriend so that we can have 18 children with plus 5 resistance to globo homo. I prefer Asian, but if I can't get Asian, I'll get a white girl because they have a basic level plus 10 to canine training. And all this shit. And it's like, oh, but if I get a white girl, I need her from a pure Mormon dynasty. Because the Mormon bloodline has negative 50 impact from rainbow damage. And it's like, dude, like, okay, calm down. First things first is having sex.
The second thing is then you can be really picky and start saying, like, ah, well, this is the exact model of woman that I want.
Unknown_01: It's... And it's like, okay, I'm not even advocating having children at like 35. Really, you should have, my point was that she can biologically have healthy kids. There's nothing to stop her from having her trad life if she really wants to, but she has to set aside certain impasses that she has. And people get angry at me for saying that. For saying that June shouldn't just kill herself because she'll never have what she wants. There's absolutely nothing to back that up. And people saying like, oh, they used to have kids in their teenagers and that's what's healthy and normal. If you look at the statistics for when people got married and for when people had kids... In the 1800s and early 1900s, for whatever reason, after 1950, the age of first child dropped to like 20. And it's been growing up since. But in the 1800s, people got married at 26 and they had kids at 28.
So there's nothing wrong with where she's at. I mean... There's shit wrong with like being on the internet. There's shit like the way that she is. There's shit wrong with eating your fucking hair. There's shit wrong with like associating with Valsh and being like a dog woman to armored skeptics. There's shit wrong with fucking black guys. Like there's a lot of shit that she's done wrong. But being 30 is the least of her concerns, the least inhibiting factor in her personal status to achieving trad wife position.
So I really don't understand why people are so angry at me and so insistent that what we actually need is women as young as possible. Before they get on the cock carousel, if I hear the words cock carousel one more fucking time, I'm going to blow my brains out. I don't know what school, what website people are going to where they pick up the term cock carousel and then just start using it in their dialogue where they're like... Oh, any any woman over 24 has been on the carousel and now wants to settle down. It's like it's just creepy is what I'm saying. And if you're angry, I don't know. Be fucking angry. But stop emailing me. Stop bitching at me on Pluroma. I get people – I get literal pedophiles with My Little Pony avatars from posting.lollycon.rocks telling me that you need to aim for right after first period. And then they have lollycon and pictures of real kids and leotards in their timeline. It's like – I feel like my position is morally justified. I feel like maybe looking for people who are close to my own age and level of maturity is the correct answer. I don't know if it's people who are just emotionally underdeveloped in a state of arrested development trying desperately to defend their position to me. I don't care if you want to, if you are 40, if you're like Ralph or like Dick and you want to have like an 18 year old and you're like 40 and it's like, go for it. But I don't think that's, what's going to make you happy. I don't think that's going to make a happy relationship. And I don't think it's going to raise functional children is my point.
That's my state on it. I don't know if you think I'm coping or what. I don't know why you would think that.
Unknown_01: Because, I mean, I'm a man, right? So it's not like my testicles have withered to dust. I haven't been on the vagina carousel. My penis hasn't been rolled. Into a 12 inch log, you know one inch in diameter due to the the muscular contractions of a thousand women one every night My seed hasn't hasn't disappeared and dried up in my balls like My scrotum isn't sagging between my my knees. I'm true. I'm turning 30 guys. I'm gonna hit the wall I've been on the carousel for too long save me. I'm coping and sneezing. I
I'm not particularly concerned.
Unknown_01: I hope that clarifies my position.
Unknown_01: Uh, I can't breathe. I'm all coomed out.
Unknown_01: Uh, okay.
Unknown_01: Let's talk about McAfee. Speaking of weird sex perverts. Uh, he was found dead in his prison cell. Spell. Cell. In, uh, what's it called? Spain. España. And he was awaiting extradition to the United States for tax fraud.
Because they claimed that he was hiding Bitcoin gains from him. He was 72 and he was found dead. I think he hanged himself in his prison cell because they had approved his extradition.
Unknown_01: And now there's a ton of conspiracies. Actually, let me put up this poll before I continue. There's a ton of conspiracies.
on if he actually hanged himself because he apparently had made tweets saying that he does not intend to commit suicide and he's of sound mind and body.
Unknown_01: And most recently that he was comfortable in prison.
Unknown_01: So he didn't have any regrets or anything.
Unknown_01: And I threw up a poll because I recently discovered this is a feature on YouTube that there is a live polling feature. So I'm getting my results. It seems like three fourths of people, 75 percent, think that he didn't didn't kill himself.
And I'll just go out on a limb and I'll say it. I think he actually did. I think that he set it up so that people would have crazy conspiracies if he died because that's something that he would do because he was an insane guy who like ate shit.
Unknown_01: But I don't think he had some sort of 31 terabyte file containing government secrets that they had to kill him for. You know what I mean? He's just an old man facing 30 years in prison at the age of 72. If you're someone who gamifies things like the way he does, why not set up some sort of weird conspiracy thing to succeed you and create your... Josh Glow's... Why? I don't understand. Like, I don't know. I talked to him is the thing. I talked to McAfee and I really felt like there wasn't some grand grand design behind him. He really felt like just like a druggie who fucked black chicks and had people shit in his mouth. And he got lucky with his money from, um,
from his antivirus company. But I've spoken to people that work for him and knew him, and they told me that he wasn't as rich as he purported to be, and he didn't really have as much money as... Well, it's the same thing. But he wasn't some kind of mastermind like he put out. And I think it's a fun conspiracy, and I think people are going to meme it and make it a fun thing.
Unknown_01: He fucked the wrong people over? Who?
NBC clearly said the CIA killed him. He just fucked people over more than enough reasons. But he was going to jail for 30 years. Why would they kill him? Why would they kill him and make a big fuss out of it when they already had him on an extradition jet to the United States? Why would they do that? Why would they do that in Spain? You know what I mean? What's the point of that? He was somebody who, I mean, he had already sold off all his assets. He had already done everything he could in life. He was going to die in jail in the United States. And he had already set these pieces in play to say that he was not going to kill himself. So why wouldn't he just troll and kill himself and cause people to speculate wildly about what he knew and why they had to get rid of him? That's what I would do if I was McAfee. I wouldn't... Like, if people got mad at me in The Matrix and said, oh, killing yourself was pussified, why would you kill yourself? It's like, because, I don't know, I wouldn't want to spend 30 years in jail as an elderly man for tax fraud. Why would you not kill yourself at that point? Why would you not do something fun and exciting with that as opposed to...
To living out the rest of your days and like because, you know, people forget people who are in jail. Everyone forgot about like Cody Wilson when he got put in jail over the statutory rape charge. If you don't know the story with that, Cody Wilson was the guy who set up Hatrion and Defense Distributed, the ghost gunning company. And the DOJ got him not on any charge related to financial crime or on weapons charges. They got him on statutory rape charges because in Texas, they have a state law that says it's statutory rape if you have sex with someone under the age of 18 for any reason, even if they lie about their age. And she lied about his age. She got him to have sex with her. Then the police coerced her into testifying against him.
And they had him extradited from Taiwan, which does not have an extradition policy. Neither the People's Republic of China or the Republic of China have extradition treaties with the United States. So the fact they got him to extradite from Taiwan so they could prosecute him over a state law, which has like a 10-year maximum sentence, is fucking preposterous. And he's lucky he didn't get the maximum 10 years. But that's what they do. They could have just killed Cody Wilson. He's a much more valuable person to kill, I think, than... Um, John McAfee, who's more than happy to spend his days in random countries eating black lady shit. Why not? Why not just let him do that? If you're going to, and if you're going to arrest him and put him in prison, why not just let him die in prison? Cause he's going to die in prison and they, they still let Ted Kaczynski lives and he, and he continues to publish books from prison. about uh about literally advocating from for violence from prison he writes books about killing people from prison and they don't kill him when they could have they could i i don't get it i'm not particularly persuaded by the argument saying that john mcafee if something comes out and he did have like a 31 terabyte archive of like child pornography that included pictures of every single member of government i'll fully retract my statement but
Facially, I don't see any evidence to indicate that he didn't just do this for memes.
Unknown_01: Did he literally eat poo-poo? Multiple people from Belize have claimed that he paid them to shit in his mouth. And there's a weird story where I think he killed his neighbor in Belize too. And then he bugged out of Belize because he had eaten everyone's shit and killed people. So then he spent time on a boat in the Caribbean.
Unknown_01: He got arrested in the Dominican Republic at some point. Bribed his way out of getting extradited from the Dominican Republic. and then sailed around for a bit, and I think he got picked up in the Mediterranean by Spain. 31 terabytes is awfully specific because there is a meme, if you look it up, that something about 31 terabyte file is embedded into the Ethereum smart contract or something, and there's a file hosted somewhere. You can look it up for yourself. Maybe that's true. I don't know.
But just on the facts, I'm very conspiratorial, right? I have a mind that hedges towards conspiracy. I fully believe the Department of Justice would pay a woman under the age of 18 to have sex with a man over the age of 18 in a state where the age of consent is strictly 18 for the sole express purpose of putting someone who is a political enemy in prison. I have no issue believing that whatsoever.
But John McAfee, like again, I talked to him and I didn't feel like there was some bleeding edge in his mind that was a threat to the system. He really felt like a con man who just went to sell his own shit coins to whatever retards would buy him.
That's just my take. Hopefully I'm not going to have to argue with people all fucking week on the Fediverse about that too. I can't take it anymore.
Unknown_01: Um, and stop me if there's anything, like, I'll check chat and stuff in between my little talking points.
Unknown_01: The government of Belize got him.
Unknown_01: No, he was arrested in Spain.
Unknown_01: Basin poop-pilled. McCock carousel.
Gamergate. Oh, God. Oh, that's the other thing I said. I said that Gamergate normalized attacking people's advertisers as a way of financially hurting and censoring a company you don't like. And I got a ton of people. One guy in particular who's a staunch pro-Gamergate person to this fucking day on the forum started insulting me on the forum. Like, you're such a... Fucking retard, Josh. You don't know anything about GamerGate. And they didn't even harass the advertisers, Josh. Dude, I was a moderator on 8chan at the time that that was happening. You can't tell me that that didn't happen. It's just frustrating.
such a frustrating thing because like number one you're wrong number two this shit is so dead and gay i don't even have the energy to argue about it you know what i mean it's like i want to correct you and how retarded this is but on the other hand it's like it's so irrelevant and stupid that it's impossible to muster the energy for it
Unknown_01: Why did you say that having half Chinese kids is a good idea on your China stream? I guess if you're like completely abandoned the idea of the U.S., that is the best case going forward. Like go to Taiwan and have like half Taiwanese kids. But I will explain the perspective change in the future, though. It really did, though. How fucked up is that for debate? The other groups did it first. Someone mentioned that there's been people who've targeted advertisers. Going back to the 70s and 80s, parent groups would email sponsors of satanic groups. During the satanic panic, they would try to get special artists and stuff who did satanic music financially penalized by their sponsors by writing to them. I know that that's been a thing. It's not a new tactic, obviously.
But I really can't imagine...
Unknown_01: I can't name a single instance before the Gamergate where that was a thing that was like really weaponized in the way that it was. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but it was like such a novel idea too. And it was very effective. I remember Kotaku was owned by Gawker, right? That was the media company that published all the gamers are dead articles. So people went after Gawker and their media network and their advertisers and And I remember there was a partner page that listed all the advertisers that worked with Gawker Media. And the Gamergate people would actively go to that page. They would pick random people, random names off that list and then just start emailing them saying, like, I'll never buy your product. They'll find their personal email addresses and their LinkedIn contact information and go after them on every platform saying, like, we're gamers and you're advertising on Gawker and Gawker is anti-gamer and it makes your product look bad. Please consider not advertising on Gawker.
That's what they did, and it's a thing that happens to this day, but not in some base pro-anime-titty-lollicon way.
Unknown_01: So we suffer for it.
Unknown_01: Recount.
Unknown_01: So last week, I think in the last couple days, Vic Mignogna and Nick spoke, and I don't follow it super closely. I did listen through about half of the Nick stream.
Unknown_01: The lawsuit is still ongoing. It hasn't moved from its current position in like over a year, I want to say. The lawsuit has stopped because Vic essentially lost the case.
Damn it, Nick, we lost the case again. But it was thrown out at the first hurdle at TCPA. And I don't want to get technical, but it is kind of bullshit what it got thrown out for. So they filed it with the appeals court. And it's been sitting in fucking appeals for over a year, I want to say, like since September of last year. It's been just sitting in appeals waiting for something to happen. So after months and months and months of nothing happening, Vic made a really rare decision to show up on Nick Ricchita's stream and talk to him about the case and everything that happened with Funimation and stuff.
And if you don't know, he basically got canceled for being like a sex pest is what happened. But he seriously contends that it's all lies and that they went after his, that there was financial conflict, that one of the people who canceled him wanted his voice acting position in a new Dragon Ball Z movie. And because he was fired, that person got that position doing the voice acting. That's the financial harm that's the basis of this lawsuit.
Unknown_01: And all I have to say is that if I was Vic, if I was Vic, I would I would come up with a completely different approach to the lawsuit than what he did.
I would say after listening to the live stream and listening to how Vic speaks, I am pretty convinced that Vic is a homosexual because he talks gay and he looks gay. And I think he's had plastic surgery in L.A. to look more young. And that's like a gay thing to do. I'm pretty sure that Vic is a homosexual. And I think if he if I was if I was him in that case, I would just say, Your Honor, there's no way I've been harassing all these women because I'm actually a gay. I'm actually gay as fuck. I don't like women at all. And that would really throw a wrench in their plan because he he just comes across as gay to me.
Unknown_01: Everyone seems shocked by this. He does. He looks gay. He dresses gay. Everyone makes a meme of his fucking flamboyant pants. Hmm. I wonder why he wears flamboyant pants. Could it be that he's actually gay? Here. Let me just pull up the actual stream and show you people this. Have we looked at this? People are surprised by this. Have you seen what this guy looks like?
I've been told by, oh, and Rikita says, I asked Rikita directly, I said, do you think this fucking guy is gay? And he says, no, he's a good Christian. I'm like, no, Nick, you can't say that. Oh, God. I open up this fucking thing on Firefox so I can play it, and I get a YouTube Pride 2021 advertisement. Just fucking kill me. Like, of course he's religious. He asked Jesus for forgiveness for being a homosexual, Nick. Look at this. Hold up.
This is just a random point. I am, and I had to face a table full of people and acknowledge that, yes, I have made mistakes in my past, and I've made poor choices that I regret. But the people involved in this suit...
I never did anything to deserve the kind of treatment that has come from it.
Unknown_01: Like, basically, I have done nothing wrong, and I had to, like, apologize to all these people and say, look, I know I've made mistakes. We've all made mistakes, but... things happen and we gotta grow and learn as people it's like no that is a gay that is a gay that is a gay he looks gay he sounds gay he wears gay pants and he has gotten uh like plastic surgery on his face to look younger that is a gay okay
i'm just saying it and i think he's embarrassed to come out as gay because he's a christian man god bless him uh i'm gonna get sued next of course i bring it i've got two lawsuits i'm down from three to two i can handle it it'll get thrown out at tcpa
Unknown_01: But, yeah, no, for real. Like, just say it. Just say it on your fucking lawsuit. Like, there's no way that I'm out harassing women because I am a homosexual man. Just say that. That's a much better defense than, no, my personality is so fabulous. I would never do that. Like, okay, come on. It's time to lift the mask, Vic. It's time to come out. Come out of the closet, Vic. We all know.
Do a poll. Okay. I have to get used to these polls. They're a little bit clunky on YouTube. They take like 30 seconds to appear. Is Vic gay? Ah!
Unknown_01: I pressed enter and it just refreshed my fucking page. I hope I didn't kill the live stream accidentally. Okay, no. Okay, we're still... Show me my fucking...
Unknown_01: peeking I know I'm peeking I'm being loud that's why I'm okay for that I'll peek a little bit tell me if I'm peeking when I'm it's like every second I can see on my thing now it goes red if I get to actually I'll turn it down just a little bit uh
is vic gay yes no then i'll add bi to it in case but bisexuals don't exist bisexuals are just homosexuals in denial i hope chat understands that it's pride it's pride 2021 boys and girls we got muted fuck off uh it's pride week 2021 we gotta come to terms with the fact that bisexuality doesn't exist
Unknown_01: Peaked and muted. Oh my god. Vote no to fuck with Josh. Don't you fucking dare. These polls are scientific fact.
Unknown_01: Oh, I just realized that my chat on stream is not... It's not all chat.
Unknown_07: It needs to be all chat.
Unknown_01: Okay, 60% say yes, 20% say bye, and, well, 21% say bye, 19% say no. Give it a second, but I think I've made my case. I'm going to intervene in this lawsuit. I'm going to join it as an intervener, and I'm going to say this case should be awarded to Vic Mignogna, the plaintiff, Because he is in fact a homosexual, he just refuses to admit it. And we have to deal with this farce before we continue to waste any more taxpayer dollars presiding over this. 21% are confused.
Where's the 41%? That's the mixture between no and buy. They're about to commit 41%. Vic should have gotten Josh to defend them. Okay. I've closed the poll. It's 41 to 59, which is a pretty good number for a poll.
oh and uh just just to kind of give you i didn't i didn't even get a chance to talk about what's actually in the stream but he basically just says like he kept thanking everyone for their support thank you so much for all the support it means so much to me um and he kept going off on tangents like well i didn't mean to talk about this but i you know last time i met monica or monica whatever the fuck her name is i guess monica is like the blackification of monica right but Last time I met Monika, she said, oh, you give them hell and never be ashamed of who you are. And I was like, oh, thank you. And I would totally put it behind us if we just could. It just kept going on and on. I didn't mean to say this, but then he says it. And I just gushed endlessly about how much he loved Funimation and his job and his coworkers. And I don't know. Maybe I'm sure it was fun.
maybe he's telling the truth i can believe that's the truth he kind of he sounded kind of sincere when he was talking about how much he loved his co-workers and shit and how much fun he had um though i feel like i feel like i should mention something just so that my bases are covered and everyone and i'm being fair um nick ricada during that stream
made more money from super chats than any other stream someone did the math and that stream made something like over six thousand dollars for four hours which is just you know a fucking absurd amount of money it's the his most successful stream and the second most successful stream he's ever done was the deposition stream which made like three thousand dollars um so that like i think dollar for dollar like a dollar per minute like that's the most financially successful stream he's ever had just a crazy crazy amount of money it's like well good for him you know he's got like a bunch of fucking kids and shit so i don't blame him i'm gonna have to start i'm gonna have to get on my grind if i want to get a house and shit right
Unknown_01: That's what's motivating me. I should do more people streams. I should open the Gumroad, gumroad.com slash manatheonight and get money so I can buy a house. That's the dream, boys and girls, to be a king rifter.
Okay. Now this person is interesting. Let me actually get some water.
Unknown_07: He's Polish, but he claims not to be a Jewish Pole.
Unknown_01: For the sake of covering my bases.
Unknown_01: Now, there is a person that has been around in the forum for a while.
Unknown_01: Their name is Misty Rae Henry. They've been around since 2017. They have a little bit of a cult following. They have three kids. Two are disabled. One is completely, and the oldest is like a normal person, but they're estranged from Misty.
And she attempted suicide in front of her other two kids, which caused CPS to take them from the home.
Unknown_01: She was a K-pop fan, and people found out about her because of her presence on the forum. I did a stream a long time ago on a woman called Susan Schofield, and she had two kids who were handicapped, but people believed that she was giving them medication that made them more handicapped than they would have been normally. And I think I think recently she lost custody of those kids and they went to her dad who's been begging the state to give them access to give him custody of the kids because he's been claiming that she's been doctor shopping to find like super hardcore antipsychotics for these kids who don't need them because it gets her on Dr. Phil and shit. So I think she recently won access to those kids, but Missy Ray Henry was someone who was like a hate follower of Susan Schofield. Um, Munchells is my proxy. Yeah. Uh, for, and she followed this whole drama and was like a log of Susan Schofield on social media and stuff. So people ended up picking up on her and her story cause she wasn't very good at hiding, you know, her own life on the internet. And she, her, she blames a lot of her trolling stuff on her sister, Heather, who apparently fucking hates her. And apparently Heather has joined the forum at some point to shit talk Misty. So I, I'm, I'm kind of tempted just because like this video that I'm about to show you is so fucking funny as I,
Maybe I should... Sorry, that was my phone. Maybe I should look into her story and maybe do a stream on her. No promises, but I'm looking into it.
Unknown_01: But let me show you the videos. So she wanted to prove to the Kiwi Farm haters that she was an able-bodied person. Everyone says that she just sits on her fat fucking ass and does nothing. So she decided to go up into her attic and clear out some junk there.
Because apparently she's like a hoarder and has like a ton of shit in her attic.
Unknown_01: And while she's showing the Kiwi Farms that she is an able-bodied woman and she can go into the attic...
Unknown_01: and uh and move around and clear stuff like a normal person she actually physically fell through the the a hole in the ceiling and broke her leg or something or sprained her knee she she got hurt falling through the fucking ceiling and uh this is and like instead of writing that off as uh what's wrong with the word addict that's how you pronounce it addict
instead of writing that off as just like a total embarrassment she recorded it and said look kiwi farms trolls I'm actually perfectly mobile after all well yay sigh sigh so the klutzy fairy strikes again
Unknown_02: Went upstairs in the attic to try to see what was making a noise, an animal or something. Missed a joist.
Unknown_02: And Decia says, I am sedentary. I do nothing at all.
I told you. Now people are saying, oh, she's saying it wrong too. Uh-uh. Now, addict is the right word, and y'all motherfuckers is wrong. If I'm sedentary, then how does that happen?
Unknown_02: If I do nothing at all, how does that happen?
It's a fake cast. She put on a fake cast of fake that she felt in the ceiling.
Unknown_02: Achilles tendonitis down there from the ceiling fan hitting the back of my ankle.
Unknown_02: And they're worried I may have loosened some hardware.
Unknown_02: So I gotta talk to
Unknown_02: Dr. Jackson again tomorrow.
I wish it recorded falling from the at tick.
Unknown_02: I think I may have hit both elbows too.
Unknown_01: She's like proud that she's injured. It's so weird. She's just like filming her feet. Say something.
Unknown_01: The way I wrote it in the headline was that I said she tried to prove to the forum that she wasn't bedbound by going into the attic, falling through a hole in the ceiling, and then becoming bedbound. So she says in her descriptions, according to DCS, I think it's like a word for the trolling people. I am too sedentary to get such injuries or do such investigation. I have long wanted to put a full floor in the attic to avoid such accidents, but the locust first would not allow me to, as my husband, his say-so trumped mine, I was always told. Then my funds have always gone to other projects to please DCS, such as renov... Oh, DCS is like a department of...
city structures or dwellings or something it's like for like a group to make sure that you don't have a big fuck off hole in your attic so that you don't die horrifically walking around uh god she must live in such a shithole if the dcs is like yeah you have to renovate your kitchen your bathroom your roof your back porch and um your plumbing and your furnace and your water heater you have to replace your entire fucking home your house is basically unlivable
Oh, the Department of Child Safety. Okay. I thought that was called CPS.
Unknown_01: Department of Child Services. I thought it was always called CPS. I guess I'm wrong.
Unknown_01: So yeah, they're like, basically your house is unlivable and you have to replace everything.
Unknown_01: Misty Henry says, poor little Kiwi Farms Karens. That's another thing. This Kiwi Farm Karen thing is spreading. Dick Masterson has invoked a curse now, and now all these weirdo people are calling the farm Karens. Oh, Karen, you're saying that I can't go into my attic because there's a big fuck-off hole that I'll fall through. You fucking Karens. Why don't you complain to the manager, Karen?
Are sucking their sour grapes, wine-soaked thumbs. What the fuck does that mean? Sour grape, wine-soaked thumbs again and pouting like little babies again. Because we're so epically fucking owned by this woman. Oh, this is five minutes. I should have taken time stamps. I'll watch it unless it's boring.
Unknown_02: So I got a couple of topics.
Unknown_02: I told earlier today what happened with my leg and falling through the ceiling.
And noticed that it's not so easy to bounce back from an abrasion as it was when we were kids. When we were kids, we used to
Unknown_02: Get a case of road rash.
Unknown_02: Get up and, hey, no problem.
Unknown_02: Keep on going, no problem.
Unknown_01: Yeah, she's like 60.
Unknown_02: Today in the ER, she goes to apply that bacitracin to the abrasion wound on my knee.
Unknown_02: Oh my word, get away from me with that! What is she talking about?
Unknown_01: I didn't really say that, but I'm sitting there going...
she's 43 she is 43 this woman was born in 1975 on on june 20 june 26 no that's not possible one two three four she was born don't make me do math 25
Unknown_01: Plus 22. So she will be 47 tomorrow, exactly. I guess this thread hasn't been updated since 2017. She'll be 47 tomorrow. It's crazy.
Unknown_01: She looks way fucking older. Probably because she fucking is sedentary. She's laying around all day with her fucking Munchausens.
Unknown_02: So, age plays a role in this.
Unknown_02: When we're younger, we can handle pain.
Unknown_02: As we get older, we're like, no, no, no, no, no, we can't handle this no more.
Maybe it's why we start avoiding pain.
Unknown_01: She's just crazy.
Unknown_01: She's just crazy. I won't make you sit through all that. Her written messages are probably funnier. She talks so slow, and what's funny is that I've gotten used to listening to shit on 2x speed, even myself. Like, when I listen to myself talk at 1x speed, I think, God, I talk so slow. And then I watch it on the Nick Riccata stream, and I'm thinking, God, they talk so fucking slow when it's not 2x. It was such a weird feature when it came out. Why would anyone listen to things on 2x? Now I listen to everything on 2x.
We tolerate pain better as kids than adults.
Unknown_01: And I just laugh about people comparing how sick they are to someone else and no one else can be sick because they can be the only sick ones in the world. LOL. Finding out I'm not the only ex who had that happen just cracked me up. And that was the poor Karen Farr ones.
Unknown_01: She's like, what's weird about this video, just like listening to it, how she talks.
Unknown_02: Oh no, she can't get sick because I'm sick.
Unknown_01: She's like so happy that she's like, Oh, I've got genuine injuries. I fell through the fucking hole in my ceiling and now I've got broken legs and shit. I'm so, I'm so sick. I'm so injured. Isn't that wonderful? It's like how fucking bizarre, what bizarre behavior.
She could hang with Vic. High on pills, broke. Oh yeah. She gets pills.
Unknown_07: She gets pills. So she's happy.
Unknown_07: This is how munchies are born.
Unknown_07: Jim is sick?
Unknown_01: No, Misty Ray Henry is sick. Jim can't be sick if Misty Ray Henry is sick. That's not possible. One person can be sick at a time. Can't you listen?
She's just a super nasty person.
Unknown_01: I'll have to do research and see if it's worth doing a stream. I've been thinking about what to do streams on. I thought maybe it would be fun to do like a Gamergate stream, just like a general wrap-up of the entire year of 2015 and how fucking weird that year was. Because it was not just Gamergate, it's like the rise of 8chan and Moot being called a cuck and selling off 4chan and Trump starting his campaign and all that shit.
But then I decided that would be a really bad idea because people would just fucking argue in the comments and it wouldn't be fun. Reading the comments after streams is, like, the best part. And then it's always, like, just, like, low IQ people saying, like, the dumbest shit imaginable. One guy, like... Like, it's really hard not to block people. I try only to block... Like, one guy was...
Unknown_01: happy that the cat died last stream i'm like what the fuck so i blocked that guy and then there was one guy saying like that pedophilia is base and you should stop chasing old hags and i'd like that guy like that's the only reason i'll block someone besides spam so i i ask that people leave comments that are more thought-provoking than because i do read the comments uh
But for the love of fucking God, don't talk about killing cats or fucking teenagers in my comment section. That's all I ask of people.
Unknown_01: Okay. There is a video game. Oh, the cat from the June stream.
Unknown_01: uh video game drama how do i how do i approach this so i've mentioned uh satisfactory but more famous than satisfactory is factorio factorio was like the like a game changer it came out and people were like holy shit we can make video games about factory conveyor belts how base is that So a lot of games based off factory conveyor belts have come out since, and Tractorio is just like a massive indie blockbuster success.
So he does these updates.
Unknown_01: And recently, on last Friday actually, he put out an update. Coravex, who's like a Czechian guy who does Factorio, he put out an update saying, Friday Facts 366, the only way to go fast is to go well. And he's talking about how in this, how as he's added contributors to his company and he's put out different releases, The amount of source code in Factorio has grown significantly. It's gone up from like 250,000 lines in 2016 to almost 750,000 lines by the time it was released.
And he's basically saying that there's tech debt, which is common. You build a big project and you're usually trying to put out features relatively fast. So you might cut corners and do things the wrong way just to get them done. And then put like a footnote that says, do fix this later, make this better later. And that's called tech debt. So he's talking about Uncle Bob. Uncle Bob was a computer scientist who came up with ways of cleaning up code and making clean code. And usually when you're talking about clean code, what you're saying is you want to make code that makes sense, that's well documented, and that other people can read and figure out. That's the rule of thumb. If someone else can look at your code and figure out what's going on, you've done it cleanly.
Um, but if you do it wrong, then it's your code's a mess and only you really understand how it works. And that's, uh, less than ideal because it prevents you from working with other people.
So he posts this and he, uh, gets posted to Reddit as it does. And someone says, uncle Bob, that guy's a sex pest. Why didn't you mention that he's a sex pest? And Coravex, who is Slavic, replies, Originally, take the cancel culture mentality and shove it up your ass. Which is a very based reply. To which OC Baker says, I'm very sorry, but the rules apply to everyone here. Rule number four, be nice, is there because we have a great community. And keeping it that way means keeping things civil. So the Reddit Tranny Janney,
a literal reddit tranny janny who has posted in programming humor and oculus go and um there's one that's just oh where is it where's the trans one
Unknown_01: Oh no, I didn't mean to click that. Trans.
Unknown_01: Transgender AU. So, Australian! Australian Tranny Janny posting on Reddit Moderator says, Be nice, developer of this game. We will ban you from our safe space if you say shove it up your ass. So...
Then there's, like, this thing, and people are like, oh, no, we can't support Corovex or Factorio anymore because the game developer is problematic. And it's like, you need to hire a diverse staff and an HR manager who can tell you how problematic you're being and all this shit.
Unknown_01: And... Here, I'll read... I'll read this part.
Where the fuck...
Unknown_01: He basically replies in response to someone saying, you should look up who Uncle Bob is. You should look up who Uncle Bob is first. And he says, I don't give a fuck who Uncle Bob is. I'm not going to look up shit. I don't care. That's his response. And people got like, oh, he's not even willing to educate himself. When we said educate yourself, he didn't apostolate. He didn't say, I will educate ourselves. So they have to cancel him.
Let's educate ourselves on who Uncle Bob is. This is from Tech Explained. Tech Bullshit Explained. Uncle Bob.
Unknown_01: How can code be clean? Code quality is a nebulous thing, but a big fear of software developers is that they might write quote-unquote bad code. Uncle Bob wrote CleanCode to cleanse them of their coding sins. CleanCode's promises are seductive and prey on software developer insecurities. It also claims to be applicable to anything a programmer does, so people think they can read CleanCode and then pick up on any of the five bazillion frameworks. Over the years, some people have pointed out that code isn't even all that good. I don't know because I don't bother with books or things that aren't about specific frameworks. Every single framework has a different standard of good. That's not the point. The point is that Uncle Bob is famous and clean code is very popular, which is a problem because now he's really into being a racist sexist on Twitter. Wait, what? So Uncle Bob has a long and troubling history of sexist remarks at conferences. Is this a specific comment I can read? I don't know. These are like huge fucking annoying messages and shit.
So back, uh, wait.
Unknown_01: He especially gets really mad when people pointed out the craftsmanship name wasn't particularly inclusive because, of course, you need craftser people ship so that everyone's included. Not everyone can be a craftman. We have to expand this. That led to a huge schism in the software craftsmanship, with most organizations devoted to renaming it and dissociating from Bob Martin. The annual software craftsmanship conference ended in 2018. It's adherents unwilling to agree on how to move forward.
So back to bad tweets. There's going to be a lot of them. Most recently, Uncle Bob decided to tweet this about the police.
Unknown_01: The police are not the problem. The police were never the problem. Defunding the police is a terrible policy that will put hundreds, if not thousands, of lives at risk. Let's think about the context here. The U.S. is in the midst of widespread protests against police killings of black people. Capital B, black people. Uncle Bob has devoted... Zero posts to supporting protest or even middling reform efforts. In this context, this tweet is pretty damn racist. In between tweets about software and agile, Uncle Bob rants about cancel culture and quotes Trump.
Yikes. Has he been canceled? No, not really. Uncle Bob is still really popular. In fact, some tech people love him even more for it because, well, tech has issues. Uncle Bob's increasingly obtuse followers rushed to his defense.
According to them, since Uncle Bob never tweeted verbatim, I'm a racist, so he's not one. They don't have a strong grasp of things like context. For a canceled man, he's doing pretty well. He has 150,000 followers, two businesses, and his most popular book, Clean, is number three in software design and engineering on Amazon.
Unknown_01: So what we've learned, A, write shitty code. B, good code is subjective. And it's really not. I want to say that code is math. And there is an objectively best way to write a piece of software, a piece of algorithm or whatever, a function. There is a best way to write everything. And you don't have to get best. But you should write things in such a way that over time they can be easily improved towards the best possible way. But no, not in training land. In training land, you know, clean is a spectrum from autistic to good. Not to good. Good's an objective word. Autistic to not autistic. And every line of code is a beautiful snowflake that falls perfectly where it ought to be.
And there's no reason trying to be better at things because much like the word craftsmanship, better is a discriminatory word. So Uncle Bob, not a good guy because Trump, basically. Now we go back to this and he's basically saying, look, I don't give a fuck who Uncle Bob is. I don't give a fuck what he said. I'm not going to look up who he is. I don't give a fuck. He's written practices on how to write clean code. I'm looking at his videos of how to write clean code and I want to implement clean code practices everywhere. In my video game. Because I've got 15 fucking people working on it. It has almost a million lines of source code. And we have to find out a way. To make this work. So that everyone can write productive code. And produce features. That people want. But no.
That's not acceptable. And he goes back, of course, because the Reddit Janitranny shook Zer mighty broom in the way of the developer. And he edits, he leaves his original message, which is pretty nice, but he goes back and leaves an explanation.
Unknown_01: He says, there are obviously a big difference in historical experiences here. In the Czech Republic, we had Nazis occupying us, then the communism following by 20 years of occupation from the USSR. We have a very close experience with censorship, propaganda, and totalitarian regimes. There was a lot of deplatforming going on when people would go to prison or be executed because they listened to the wrong radio station. Everyone knew that the regime is horrible, but they weren't able to talk about it publicly. There were secret printers used to create illegal material criticizing the regime. In this kind of situation, people won't just start liking the Russians because they were portrayed so nicely in the official newspapers. He's referring to how the person would say, oh, if you're quoting Uncle Bob, people will start liking Uncle Bob, which is bullshit. Just because he's praised in the media doesn't mean that people are going to like him more. Do you like Biden more because the media says to like him? No.
The strategy of the platforming failed even when it was applied to the extreme with all the horrible cost it brings. If something, it made the opposition try harder. But you have no such historical experience, privileged white man in a dress. And he didn't say that. I did. I'm adding effects. So I'm reading between the lines here. And I have a feeling that most people, most of the people don't really know much about these parts of history. They just want to do good, which is obviously nice, but they're unwilling to do it in a way that or they are unwilling to do it in a way that potentially makes way more evil is ESL. It's kind of a clunky sentence, but.
This is why the reaction was the way it was. Yes, it should have been differently worded. I agree because there would be a bigger chance of discussion instead of just shout outs for this. I'm sorry, but if you want to make me change my mind about the platforming, you'd need to use arguments. That is the only way that works on me.
The reaction to this was swift. People on Twitter took to the streets and said, does he not know that everyone who plays Factorio and who will ever play Factorio occupies the 0.1% of the population that is gender questioning and nonconforming? We will take the message to the streets. And so they did. They went to the Steam reviews section.
And let's see.
Unknown_01: We'll go to the recent reviews. Negative. Let's do playtime. Over 10 hours. I want to sort by most helpful.
Unknown_07: And let's read. Um...
Unknown_07: This game ain't crack.
Unknown_01: Wait, where's the funny one I said? Steam purchasers over 12. Oh, excluding off-topic activity. Okay, fuck that. I want the off-topic activity.
Saucy Wiggles with 80 hours says, steal this game.
Unknown_01: This game ain't crack from XS Jan.
Unknown_01: Game is interesting, has a lot of mechanical depth, etc. What it's lacking is a reason for you to build.
Unknown_01: Definitely not worth the asking price. And that's before you take into account the recent drama. Do not recommend games. Spend your money on something else. From Amelia the Huntress. Let's take a look at that.
Amelia the Huntress, also known as Amelia the Lesbunny. Esme is wet for girls. Wet for girls. Esme the Lesbian. Esme the Lesbun.
Unknown_01: Okay, obviously Tranny Janney. Let us continue. Lamau from Savory Beef Gravy.
Unknown_01: Does he have, is he funny too?
Unknown_01: Ask Blast USA. Space Station 13 player, Janny Tranny, confirmed. 100% chance that that is a Janny Tranny.
Love the game. 3,500 hours.
Unknown_01: Then he quotes some fucking guy and then reviews it negatively for whatever reason.
miz mouse with a z instead of an s so i'm guessing that's like a gender neutral miss lilith lilith a lilith that's a tranny there is no nobody in the face of the fucking planet since the biblical lilith has there been a lilith that was born a woman that is a tranny let us continue
Unknown_01: Oh, and they said, I love Factorio, but seeing one of the devs have a meltdown about cancel culture on Reddit is disappointing. Don't give money to people who defend bigots. Go play Satisfactory or Dice and Sphere program instead. 32 people found this useful. Real fun when the dev shows their entire ass. Uh-oh. From Skelly, who has a rainbow thing as their thing. Yiff me, daddy. Oh, no.
Unknown_01: Twitch TV anti-weep. I'm doubting that. I'm pressing F on that shit. Skelly, yiff me daddy.
Don't take that in context.
Unknown_01: Great game.
Unknown_01: The only, oh, 200 hours. The only thing making this a negative review is to spread awareness of how incapable of handling criticism Coravex, one of the devs, is. This review will be altered to positive should this change in the future. God, that's, what is, this is like, oh, that's one of the avatars from that change game, which is like the furry, like, transformation game from Catlin. That's a tranny. That's a tranny furry. Moving on.
The dev officially connected himself to a racist old furry man who is yiffing furious about black people existing. Oh, cringe.
Unknown_01: In his Reddit meltdown, the developer suggests that there's nothing wrong with being sexist or racist as long as you have arguments to support why minorities are inferior. According to him, it's only sexist-racist if you believe it for no reason. And says that the only reason we see sexist racist people as bigoted is because we don't make an effort to understand their views. Where the fuck was that argument? Because I would be buying a thousand copies of Factorio and sending it to every user on the forum if I fucking could. Does he have funny names? Wizard of Rap.
Tortilla Gorilla. Blunt Force Trauma. Well, that's accurate. I want to say that's a chaser.
Unknown_01: Game Founder went full right-wing crazy. Never giving money to that bigot again. I hope you don't buy a second copy, motherfucker, after you spent 603 hours on this fucking game.
Unknown_01: Flavor Queen. Tracer. Catacryst. Aww.
Unknown_01: One more, I guess. So I completely regret buying this now, 423 hours in. For those not aware, the creator of this game supports a horribly racist person named Uncle Bob, and being told very politely that this Uncle Bob person is horribly racist, he told that person to take their cancel culture mentality and shove it up their apostrophe SS. Save yourself the money by Satisfactory instead.
Pixel Jade
Unknown_01: Only name they went by. I'm a trans woman who draws and sometimes play games. Yes! Outed themselves. Don't have to guess. Right every time. Right again, baby. Ten out of ten. That and a thousand.
Deb supports transphobe misogynist bigots uninstalled. 275 hours.
Unknown_01: Garrett. That's not a trans name. Should have stopped at Pixel Jade. I was on a roll. Okay, I'm done. The other... The other interesting gamer drama... Gamer drama... Gamergate Part 2 was Seth...
Unknown_01: scene tack who if you don't know uh makes a lot of really funny videos about super weird old niche video games and is the person by the way i i love seth even though he's like a creepy weirdo now i'll explain in a second but um right after the christ church stuff i was extremely like emotionally drained i was i spent like three days straight trying to make sure that the site was up and the torrent was up i was spending hours dealing with that shit And then I watched his most recent review and you can check the dates on this. I'm being 100%. His most recent review that came out a couple of days before was space station 13. So I watched that review and I said, fuck it. I'm going to play this fucking game. So I, um, I did. And I lost about an entire month of my life playing that game. It was the only time I've ever played a game so intensely that I stopped eating and I'm a pretty big guy. I value food very highly. I never forget to eat.
But something about Space Station 13, I lost entire days without eating playing that fucking game.
I'm Seth Tide, exactly.
Unknown_01: But...
Unknown_01: I tried joining, like, his Discord server and shit, and Seth has, like, a weird trap. I think he's, like, a homosexual. I think he claims that he likes women, but, like, he has, like, trap shit, and he has, like, a Phoenix, like, trap body pillow and shit. And it was pretty sus to me, so I never participated in his Discord, though I was there as a Patreone.
And he, at one point, did a... Seth is 100% gay. He is gay. Only gay ironically. He sounds gay at least. Yeah, he's gay. I'm pretty sure he's gay. And he had all these fucking anime avatars and all these fucking trannies and traps and femboys and shit, neo-Nazi femboys in his fucking Discord. And I'm like, eh, this is kind of shit and gay, so I just didn't pay any attention to it. um but at some point he did a review for a game called cave of cud spelled q-u-d and it was like a weird roguelike he didn't catch my interest i didn't play it but he said that the the developers for that game were like weird trannies and they were super super pc and that he got in trouble with them even joining their discord server and And I think Seth's docs has been out there for a while because he was a med student or is a med student. And he published articles talking about cancer and shit.
And he mentioned them on his streams. And people obviously looked up these fucking publications that he was involved in and found out who he was by putting two and two together. So it's been out there for a while, but nobody's ever pressed it until these Cave of Cud people published Got super pissed off that Seth gave them a glowing review and said that he loved their fucking game and drove, you know, thousands of people to buy it because it had like millions of views on YouTube.
And as a thank you, they found out who he was. They doxxed his friend, and he shut down his Patreon Discord because apparently someone had found out where his friend's parents worked and were faxing child pornography to them. So he said, okay, this Discord shit isn't worth it anymore. And he shut it down.
Unknown_01: So, I mean, that's what you get. Don't promote these fucking trannies. They're not going to say thank you. They're not going to, like, be on your side after you give them money or support. They don't want your fucking support. Don't hire trannies. Don't associate with trannies. Don't invite them. It's like with a fed. You have to assume that, like, a tranny is a fed. Don't, like, don't allow these people into your life. And don't associate with them. You can't.
Like I've learned, like, don't ever put, you know, like gay gender, whatever the fuck's into my, my staff roles. Cause that's just asking for trouble. I trusted, I thought I could trust gay Russian people, but you can't even trust gay Russian people. They're not fucking base. They're crazy. So I've, I'm completely like never again, I'll never put these people into positions of power in any community ever because they're fucking crazy.
And he should have learned that. He should have learned that by now, considering his fucking Discord, but I guess not. You really can't. You just can't. They live in their own bubble, and don't let the fucking beams cross, because you will fuck yourself over in the process.
Unknown_01: Just saying.
Unknown_01: Okay, I'm out of shit. Sorry. This will be a short stream because it's been an hour.
Unknown_01: People get mad at me when I do hour-long streams now. They're like, Josh, you only did an hour. This was a short stream. I used to do hour-long streams. It used to be like 50 minutes to like an hour and 20 minutes. That was my range. Now it's like, oh, you have to do like eight-hour streams because you did an eight-hour stream once. And now your streams have to be eight hours, Josh. Like, no. i will i will die um k yes okay i have a video from k i have been told by the council that uh the uh the following k video is very funny it's not a bingo worthy video but we will watch it and it's only a couple minutes long so if you're if you're not like a big fan of the k stuff then don't worry i promise you that'll be over before you know it
six seconds long oh god damn it ad nauseam accept firefox
Unknown_01: This is what you do, okay? You see ads on YouTube. Never give YouTube money. Never fucking watch advertisements. If you're watching ads, I hate you. I personally hate you. Go Google Ad Nauseam if you're used to Firefox. Figure out how to install it on Chrome or Brave if you really want to. Because this thing will actively fake click ads to fuck with publishers. Um, but I, I use it. I figured out how to install it on Chrome and brave, but just get ad block plus or you block origin and seriously, just fucking just install it for the love of fucking God. These people don't need your personal information. They don't need you to sit there fucking, you know, watching advertisements. These advertisers aren't selling you shit. You actually fucking need. They're all bullshit. Install ad nauseam and fuck with them and install you block origin. If you're too lazy to figure out how to install ad nauseam. And then we can go back to the cloudy omelet thing. And look, it's already gone. I didn't even have to refresh the page. The advertisement is just fucking gone, ladies and gentlemen. It's already gone. And now we're going to watch this. You can't do it on mobile? Wrong. Install the Brave browser app on your phone. It has built-in ad block. You do not need the plug-in with the Brave mobile app. And then you can install the fucking wallet and get bat tokens and send it to me, which I need so I can buy my fucking house and my banana pepper farm, goddammit.
No excuses. Get the Brave app. Get Ad Nauseam installed. Just fucking do this shit.
Unknown_01: All this. Yeah, Brave. I will shill Brave until I die because it's going to get me a house. You hear me? Mark my fucking words.
Unknown_01: Okay. Okay, I will buy a t-shirt from you one day and that will be more money than all the ads that I'm denying you put together. Always have ad blocker. Fuck advertisers and fuck ad publishers.
Hi people and I'm back cooking again. And today I'm going to be making a clouded omelette.
Unknown_04: Right now I'm going to crack the eggs.
Unknown_01: I don't know what a clouded omelette is.
Unknown_04: And I'm going to save the yolk. Oh shit. The yolk's broke but it doesn't matter because it's going to go in eventually.
Okay, wait.
Unknown_01: Hold up, hold up, hold up. Before we get into this, this is only a couple minutes long, but here is the end result. Let me throw this up on OBS, because I don't know what a clouded omelet is, so I pulled it up on the side.
Unknown_01: What we should expect.
Unknown_01: this is a clouded omelet it it's like a regular omelet but it's just like fluffy i guess and it has like a white center because you put in milk i would assume and that mixes in and just makes it it's just a fluffy omelet okay that's what we're that's what we're going for oops get the eggs out so that's the egg yolk in that one i'll leave that to drain out
What's she hurt herself on? And then I'm going to do another one.
Unknown_01: That is a sophisticated... Oh, for Christ's sake.
Unknown_04: They're all the same. They're all the same. Oh. As you can see, I know there's a bit of a gather in it, but...
Unknown_04: this some salt then i'm gonna put the mixer i'm gonna make a prediction that when lee tastes this he's gonna go nice and crunchy lots of eggshell that's my favorite as you know my mixer is very loud not on the first one but i've got to put it on the last one to get it all fluffy so i'm not gonna let you listen because it's very loud as you can see it's all gone well
It is fluffy. What the fuck? The reason why I've gone really hard is because, as you know, some egg yolks went in.
Unknown_04: But now it said to add the egg yolks.
Unknown_04: They've disappeared.
Unknown_04: But yeah, add the egg yolks, give it a whisk, and then put it in the pan.
Unknown_01: Okay, so if you're only listening, I don't mean to deprive you. She has attempted to separate the egg yolks and egg whites into two different bowls. She failed miserably. The egg fell apart in her hand. There's like a ton of shells in the whites. There's some egg yolk as well because the yolks fell apart and seeped into the egg white. She's now beat the egg whites into a froth, and she's re-added the egg yolks and is going to continue beating them with the tool. The mixer. What the fuck you call that?
Right, I'm going to put two sprays. Three. In the pan.
Unknown_04: Give it time to... You can't really see it. Warm up. And put... How did it get yellow?
Oh, she put yolk in it. That's right.
Unknown_04: In the pan.
Unknown_01: Okay. It looks like pancake batter at this point in time.
Unknown_04: Make it spread around a bit.
Unknown_01: The easier way to do this would just be to take the pan in your hand and roll it around to cover the bottom. But she's using like a silicone spatula to like spread it around and scrape the egg off the bottom for whatever reason.
Unknown_04: I've got it on low heat, that's what it is. So now I'm going to turn it up.
Holy fuck I Mean I know that this is like a professional photo But the point of this is to make it nice and fluffy right that legit looks like a pancake How did she make eggs look like a pancake?
Unknown_04: i know i have turned it over and i've cutted it in half so i just thought i'd just show you it all done and dusted right that's the end product if you can see it all right well you've seen the end product she's eating it she's considering very carefully her score
Unknown_01: She does not like it.
Unknown_04: I mean, is there supposed to be, like, something else in it? It's really just fucking egg.
There's going to be a link in the description to my merch.
Unknown_01: Oh, she's just doing merch. I'll buy one of your t-shirts, Kay. I do want to play another one, actually. This one's awesome. She's done a great job of reducing her videos to like three minutes long so I can watch them at the end of streams now. But we'll watch this one as well. I saw this one already, but it's pretty fucking funny.
Unknown_01: So she's making baked beans, pasta, and cheese.
I'll just describe it for the audio people.
Unknown_04: and today I'm going to be making a baked bean cheese and pasta bake right I know I've cooked the rice first another flaming hell it's not rice is it I've cooked the pasta first I don't know if I was supposed to but I cooked it
Unknown_01: That's an important distinction, is if you're supposed to cook this shit before you put it into the... She's pouring cooked pre-made lasagna things into, or whatever the fuck you call those, into pasta roll-y things. It has a name. I forgot it. I don't care. She's pouring them into a lasagna tray, and she's saying she doesn't know if she's supposed to actually pre-cook them or not, but she's going to go wing it.
So, I'm going to spread it out.
Unknown_01: Fusilli. Thank you chat. Oh my god. She has selected the fine fusilli pasta roll and she's put it in the lasagna tray.
Unknown_04: That's it.
Unknown_04: Oh dear me. And I'm going to put the beans in. The baked beans in.
American education. What the fuck? Do they sit Europeans down in a classroom and then pull up all this pasta shit and say like, this is fusilli. This is ravioli. This is gnosci. Like they don't, do they fucking do that in Europe? Do they have designated types of pasta classes? Is that right? Before or after Holocaust education class chat? You tell me.
Unknown_01: Yes, they do. Fuck you.
Unknown_04: So nice and done. That's one tin out.
Told you I needed two tins.
Unknown_04: And get on with the tin. That's it.
Unknown_01: Sorry, I was so angry at chat telling me with a straight face that yes, they have pasta education day in the European public schools. I forgot to mention that Kay has now untinned baked beans and is now pouring baked beans on the pasta.
Nearly getting all covered up.
Unknown_04: So they not be cold.
Unknown_04: There we are. And I'll get the beans out. Get out. I don't know if you're supposed to.
Unknown_01: This nigga eating beans.
Unknown_04: So that the beans can go on the bottom as well as the pasta.
Unknown_01: So now she's just mixing them.
Unknown_04: And after that, I'm going to put...
Some cheese. And I know you're all going to say, oh, she's a cheese addict. Yes, I know I am. And I'm so sorry, but I love my cheese.
Unknown_01: Of all the things to say about Kay, calling her a cheese addict is like a weird one because she never uses cheese in any of her recipes because Lee doesn't like cheese.
Unknown_04: Cheese on my pot.
Unknown_01: Cheese addict.
Unknown_04: I know normally you only put a little bit, but like I've just said, I'm a cheese addict, so you'll have to make do with that. So I'm going to put a little bit more on.
And there we are. All done. That's going to go in the oven now.
Unknown_01: So again, you might be wondering, she's like put like a fifth of the plate is covered in cheese now. Why is it done? And the answer is I think that the rest is for Lee. She only put cheese on her part. For the
Unknown_01: I know it's funnier to think that she just ran out of cheese and was happy with letting it lie like this, but I think it's for Lee.
Unknown_04: ...for 10 minutes to see what it looks like.
That is the end product of... Well, that's the end product.
Unknown_04: Enough of the cheese.
Unknown_01: She didn't show it well enough. Look at this shit. Look at this. Look at how fucking nasty that is. That is fucking gross. That is the end product of... Well, that's the end product.
Unknown_01: If you can't imagine what it looks like, just imagine baked beans, cooked... Why did I get a spoon? Cooked pasta and some cheese, like white, like shitty American cheese just melted on top and all oily.
Unknown_04: Mmm.
Unknown_04: I will say, with that cheese on the pasta, it tastes just really, really nice.
It's really nice. Don't eat it with a spoon, she says. If I could hack the public broadcasting service in Italy and only show them one thing, I would show every Italian person this cuisine to cause some sort of fucking riot. There'd be, like, beheading. There'd be, like, Mussolini-tier, like, mass executions of officials and shit. This kind of, like, terrorism. I was showing Kay's pasta dish Like, oh, look at what she did to the fusilli. She put the beans on it. This nigga eating the beans.
Okay, that's enough okay for today. I'm happy to get to retread some comfortable old ground and show everyone the joy of cooking.
Unknown_01: Okay, I have an announcement. I have an announcement, okay? I mentioned months and months ago that I was doing a search. I was putting in work. I was hiring attorneys all over Europe to investigate the suitability of hosting the Kiwi Farms overseas, okay?
Um, I've literally talked to attorneys in Albania, Russia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein. I think I talked to someone from Austria, too. It's very expensive, by the way, to talk to all these fucking people and put forward 30 questions for them to answer about...
Unknown_01: hosting and living regarding the Kiwi Farms. And I have determined that I have found a country. You ready? You guys ready for what country?
Unknown_01: Anyone want to guess what country? I'm going to become Putin's top field agent now.
Israel? Albania is looking good. It was a top choice for me for where to host it.
Unknown_01: Who said it? Evil Sponge, the USA. That is correct. In the next year or two, I am returning to the United States. I give up. I have looked at every possible option around the entire fucking world, and I have determined that there is no country that is going to beat the United States for the foreseeable future. Even though that feature is dark and gloomy, I give up. So, despite all my doom and gloom, it is literally a last stand situation. Whatever comes to light, whatever that we hope to come to light in the rest of the world, must first come to pass in the heart of America. We have to return to tradition. We have to find some way to make our shithole fucking country work, because otherwise...
The entire world will be cast into fucking darkness. And there's no way around it. I've come to terms with the fact that there's no way around it. It's time to grow up and go back home. I've looked at everything. Estonia too. I looked at the Baltic states. I looked at Latvia. I looked at... lithuania looked at the czech republic i looked everywhere and they all have hate crime laws they all have holocaust denial laws estonia in particular doesn't have any kind of um safe harbor provision so if someone says something that gets you that's like defamatory on the kiwi farms i'm liable for it and if i host if i have my own hosting situation in estonia that applies to every customer that i have In Russia, they have all the same things. They have all the same laws as Europe. The only difference is that there are informal agreements between Roskomnadzor and the Kremlin and large companies. You basically have to be friends with them to get by, or they'll arbitrarily enforce the laws to punish you as a political enemy. It's like, I can't live like that. I can't adopt this country and its culture and its language and...
I can't dedicate myself to a situation that's so completely unstable and unreliable and unpredictable like that. The only hope is that the U.S. stops being fucking retarded. And I don't know what we're going to do about the race issues. I don't know what we're going to do. about israel and the apac and all this shit i don't know what we're gonna do about banks but uh really if we don't do something then everything else is fucked every other country is fucked and it's gonna suck ass for everyone and i don't even know it's gonna be this generation i've accepted that maybe this generation is just hopeless and retarded and domesticated and they'll never do anything to fix their situation but there maybe there is hope for the next generation
That's it. That's all I can say.
Unknown_01: Yugoslavia revanchist, man. Yugoslavia wants to join the EU.
Unknown_01: Albania wants to join the EU. They're passing a bill in the EU called Tegert or something, where if Hungary or Mama Merkel in Germany says, this is terrorist content, you'll take this down. It does not matter what country you're in. If you're a member state of the EU, you will have to take that down within one hour. with without a without a warrant in your home country if i'm in hungary or if i'm in fucking estonia and then france says you can't host this shooting video on your website you have to take it down you have one hour if i don't take it down i'm culpable under the eu courts so it doesn't matter where in the eu are you are the eu is going to be consolidated and it's going to be powerful and it's going to be censorious into the future and all the balkan countries like albania serbia you know whatever the fuck they're going to become part of the eu i just believe that
There is only one place left to go, and it sucks. And I'm not very happy about it, but I've accepted it. After years and years and years of looking, I give up.
Unknown_01: It's time. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time.
Unknown_01: All right, I'll see you guys next week. I don't have any plans for a person stream anytime soon. I'm still looking for prospects. I'm going to try and get bonus content out before the end of the month. Please support on gumroad.com slash manathearnet, manathearnet.com, kiwifarms.cc is the parole line since it's fun. Go there and shitpost and say the N-word.
I think that's it. Bye-bye.
Well, I wish I was in the land of cottonwood, and there I must be gone. So look away, look away, look away, Dixieland. In Dixie's land, where I was born, and early on I crossed him on. Look away, look away, look away, Dixieland. Well, I wish I was in Dixie, hooray, hooray. In Dixie's land, I'll take my stand, live and die.
Unknown_05: All the way down south to Dixie All the way, all the way All the way down south to Dixie Oh, Mrs. Mary will the river William was a baby She will look away, look away Look away, Dixie, look away And when he put his arms around her Smiled as fast as a 45
Thank you.
Unknown_05: Out of Dixie His face was sharp as a butcher's creamer But that did not seem to grieve Look away, look away, look away, Dixieland But I'll miss the sack, hey, the foolish lot She died for a man that broke her heart So look away, look away, look away, Dixieland I wish I was in Dixie Hooray, hooray, in Dixie's land I'll make my stand, live and die in Dixie, hooray
But in old town there I've not forgotten Look away, look away, look away, Dixieland In Dixie's land where I was born and early born But lost him only Look away, look away, look away, Dixieland Then I wish I was in Dixie Hooray, hooray, in Dixie's land I'll take my stand and never die in Dixie Away, away, away down south in Dixie Away, away
Unknown_05: Thank you.