Bye! 0:00:58 Unknown_27: My war with the postman continues I sit down I've been I've been watching Buck breaking for fucking three hours and they choose the very second the very nanosecond I sit down and get comfy and start playing fucking music they they choose to knock and then They don't even like come up to deliver the package. I guess I just slipped into the mailbox or some shit. So I Unknown_27: Whatever. Unknown_27: Welcome to season two, which I'm calling season two because number one, I've bought a new microphone. Unknown_27: Hopefully now you can hear all of my wonderful nerd voice and it's high fidelity audio quality that you deserve. Unknown_27: But also I'm essentially going to have to start looking at ways to get around the copyright. 0:01:55 Unknown_27: A huge part of my streams has always been to find a song that I like, that has some kind of value to me as music, and share it with people. I really enjoy doing that, and I've been told that I can no longer do that. Unknown_27: Normally, if a third party, like my podcast feed Syndicate, tells me that I can't do something, I'll just say, go fuck yourself. But of course, we live in Mickey Mouse world, where the United States copyright laws are draconian, restrictive, and retarded. And if I want to share music with people, I have to get explicit permission from a multinational billion-dollar corporation, which has no interest in talking to me about the rights of music. 0:02:38 Unknown_27: Just to kind of briefly give you an understanding of what I've tried to do since getting these DMCA's for music in my podcast feed, which I didn't even think that they went through and scanned podcast feeds for copyrighted music. Well silly me. I tried contacting this organization called ASCAP, and ASCAP and BIM are the two major copyright royalty corporations. Unknown_27: And basically what they do, sorry. Unknown_27: they When a radio show Plays a song or TV show plays a song they pay pennies for the play of that song to that corporation Well, I emailed this fucking company and I'm like, hey 0:03:28 Unknown_27: I'll pay you 10 bucks per song if you let me play them and archive those songs to my podcast feed, which is more than what they would get on commission for, you know, playing it on TV or radio. And they say, sorry, we don't deal with podcasts or, um, YouTubes or YouTubers. We only deal with radio companies and shit. I'm like, okay, well, or like, uh, when you go to like a restaurant and you sit down and there's like these tracks of music, like that's paid for through ASCAP and shit. So they say you have to contact the publisher. So I legit spent an entire weekend figuring out how to contact the publishers that own these songs that I want to play. And, uh, 0:04:12 Unknown_27: Like, for instance, I played Fountains of Wayne 2 Cool for School, and I wondered, why doesn't this one have Content ID? And I looked it up. 2 Cool for School belonged, uh, was produced for Scary Movie. And I thought that maybe Scary Movie owned it, and that's why it wasn't under Content ID. But then I looked it up, and it's actually owned by four different publishing companies in 2000. Unknown_27: And then over time it was bought up by UMG and Sony. So now UMG and Sony own it 50-50. Well that's not a majority. So if you want to play Too Cool For School legally, a 20 year old song by Fountains of Wayne, You have to get the permission of both UMG and Sony. You have to get the permission of these two companies and nobody else will release it to you. So it's like, you legally cannot play that fucking song no matter what you want to do. 0:04:52 Unknown_27: And you can't even get permission. Because let's say theoretically, UMG was like, oh, you know, Fountains of Wayne, I love those guys. You can play that song anywhere you want. And then Sony has to also approve it. And Sony's like, what's the chance of Sony and UMG saying that you can play this song? Of course, they don't even respond to your fucking emails. You email the DMCA people like, hey, I want to play this song. It means a lot to me. I want to play this song to people who listen to my podcast. They don't even fucking reply. Unless it's to say like, beep boop, I took down your fucking music. They don't even reply to you. It's such bullshit. They could actually make money if they had a way to purchase the rights. Say like, I do a YouTube show. You know, 1,400 people tops listen to it, and then I archive it in my podcast feed. How much does that cost? I'm like, oh, that's $20. Like, people will actually buy the rights to play those songs for their YouTube videos and shit if they had ways to do it, but they have no interest in it. They only want to, like, coordinate with Google and Ask Cap and sell it to Ruby Tuesdays so you can listen to the best pop songs from 2010 while eating your fucking salad at Ruby Tuesdays. That's, like, all they do. 0:06:01 Unknown_27: It's extremely frustrating, so I put out a feeler for music that is made by independent artists and it's like, okay, if you have a SoundCloud and you can give me permission to play your song, I'll play it, maybe. I'll listen to it, and if I like it, I'll play it. And I've only gotten a couple replies to stuff like that, and that was one of the songs from that guy's channel that I like, so I'll put a link to that. And I have permission to use it, so now I can legally use it. It's just very tiring and frustrating dealing with this shit. 0:06:46 Unknown_27: This is also copyrighted, but I'm feeling it right now, so I'm going to play it. I hope you enjoy. Here it is. Unknown_00: You see, I learned something today. Throughout this whole ordeal, we've all wanted to show things that we weren't allowed to show. But it wasn't because of some magic goo. It was because of the magical power of threatening people with violence. That's obviously the only true power. If there's anything we've all learned, it's that terrorizing people works. 0:07:22 Unknown_12: That's right. Don't you see, Gingers? If you don't want to be made fun of anymore, all you need are guns and bombs to get people to stop. Unknown_22: That's right, friends. All you need to do is instill fear and be willing to hurt people, and you can get whatever you want. The only true power is violence. Yeah. Unknown_27: Thank you UMG and Sony Corporation for teaching me that power comes from the gun and the DMCA and nothing else matters. Anyways. 0:07:58 Unknown_27: Let's calm down and look at some plants before we get thrown into a van. Here we go. Unknown_27: all right so this this my friends was the last update uh as you could this was oh this was the last update by the way before i repotted the banana peppers so you can see the banana peppers are really fucking big for their pots now the basil was just coming in the mint and oregano was just sprouting and the peas were excelling so today this is where we're at i had to haul i chat i had to haul up 0:08:37 Unknown_27: Well, I didn't have to haul it upstairs, I had elevators. But I had to haul 200 liters of horseshit into my apartment so that I could put these pots into the balcony and fill them with horseshit and then put my plants into those pots so that they can grow. Unknown_27: It's a lot of work, actually. It's not like free banana pe- God fucking damn it. You people always do this shit to me. Did you remember to turn off element? No, I did not. Fuck off, cocksucker. 0:09:11 Unknown_27: So basil looking good, not quite pesto ready yet, but it's looking good. Mint and oregano are growing and I've repotted them in the old pots from the banana peppers. Banana peppers are fucking massive by the way. You can see how big they are compared to their pots and you can't see it but on the tippy top of the banana peppers you can see the flowers coming in which means that I'm gonna get banana peppers pretty soon. But peas are flowering first and the dill was flowering But I read up when I post about it that you're not supposed to let dill flower because once they flower The the plant will die because it's completed its reproductive cycle So you just nip the the flowers off the dill and you can eat them. They're actually interesting to eat. They're like minty flavored and So I'm hoping that they'll get bushier as they branch out and the parsley is harvestable I've already taken some of the leaves of parsley The time by the way, I haven't used yet, but the time smells fantastic you can Run your hand over the time and then pull it out and you can like smell the time on your hand It's really it's really cool Oh and one more thing 0:09:49 Unknown_27: This is just one week apart, but you can see that the the peas have grown like massively they've already conquered that second rung of the the metal lattice and They're just really fucking big and I'm gonna get some peas And they're gonna be my peas nobody can tell me like with the it's not like a song you can't UMG is not gonna show up on my balcony be like hey, you can't eat those peas those are actually our peas I Can eat those peas and nobody can tell me that I can't 0:10:52 Unknown_27: All right, so. Unknown_27: where what i'll put this to chat by the way and we're gonna we're gonna have some chat interaction this stream the stream is going to be 47 hours long because i have so much to talk about uh but do you guys want girl bud no i'm not gonna grow wait that's degenerate helper crow that is degenerate uh would you guys rather hear about frenemies or dream before i get into buck breaking 0:11:25 Unknown_27: I want to talk about both, but we'll get some orders here Unknown_27: Dream, dream, dream before frenemies? That's a bad choice. The fucking frenemy shit's more interesting. But you guys think like, ew, Trisha Paytas, Ethan Klein, I don't wanna hear about that. Unknown_27: So, here's dream. I'm just gonna call it, when there's big stuff like this, I'm always hesitant to say like, this is actually the informative Kiwi Farms position. We've doxxed this guy. But I'm very sure that the guy on the left is dream at this point. And the reason why, 0:11:59 Unknown_27: Is that this picture comes for the guy in the back I think is or the guy on the right It's one of them is his coach from soccer from 2016 and one of them is definitely dreams father And there's a picture of dream as a kid which I'll pull up on this document Top left. I I want to say no, that's a picture of him from a Twitter profile a while ago But there's like a picture of him as a kid that he posted on on Twitter of his own volition He put it out there and said this is me as a kid everybody and if you compare that picture to the picture of the adults or the 2016 I don't know how old he was then but you compare that picture to him. It looks just like him and That account by the way that and the the kid on the Twitter picture looks exactly like him and if you compare the Twitter picture Sorry, but on the Twitter account with that picture on the top left That's like a halfway point between him as a kid and him as an adult He for whatever reason posted his own IP address information on his Twitter account and it's the same city that we know dream lives in so He confirms that his name is Clayton, which is the name of dream his email address matches up his email address is the account used for one of his reddit accounts and His backup for that Yahoo email address which he used to register which has his name on it there What's it called the restoration email address like third when you're trying to get back into an email address account you have to use another email address to get like a confirmation code that backup email address is from so it is oh Here we go. Oh, he's wrestling an alligator. 0:12:57 Unknown_04: Oh 0:13:49 Unknown_04: the fuck I didn't realize that he was a gator hunter here I'll throw this up so that we can get a halfway point Unknown_27: Like if you compare that to this he has the like exact same like weird asymmetrical face. It's a perfect It's a fucking dead ringer that has to be him and that kid right there. It looks like the halfway point between Kid dream adult dream and him we know that that kid looks like that kid who looks like that guy and The backup email address used for this email account which has his fucking name in it is dream So that's his email address for sure Unknown_27: And what's weird is that he's denying it now. He's like still denying it and saying, oh, that's not me and I feel so bad for this random guy that people are bullying. And it's like, you know, there are ways that you can take this and you can use it to your advantage. Like if you, he's a millionaire, he's a multimillionaire. Here's what you do to make, you know, like another 20 million followers on YouTube is you like commit openly to like a weight loss thing. Issues with that is that it takes real work even if you hire like someone to train you you know you still have to put in the effort you have to eat right but he could legitimately hire a personal trainer and he could hire a private chef to like make sure that his calories and his exercise and he could drop the weight and in like you know a couple years people would fucking love that and it would be great content but he's like insecure about it and he doesn't want after years and years of hyping up his face reveal and all these uh probably you know what it is is probably the attention from the girls he probably gets a ton of attention from girls and he loves that attention and he knows that if he came out as this fat dork like a bunch of people who are attractive to him would stop talking to him or stop trying to hit on him right 0:15:11 Unknown_27: So he's got like insecurities and shit and I get it But I'm still gonna make fun of him for it because he's made this a huge ordeal Kind of like someone else by the way someone pointed this out. There was another streamer that caught our youtuber person called cryotic who was like a fat ginger who looked like the nerd from the Simpsons and And he I think that's where dreams stole like his whole aesthetic from this like green hoodie mask thing going on And his even like his avatar and shit So there is like there is obviously like a like a thing here like if you're like a fat nerd and you don't want to be known as a fat nerd you make yourself into like a green hoodie twink with like a A mass that looks like that thing from near you know like the I forget his name. He's like a weird guy He's got like a moon face And he's from near automata from the other games or whatever anyways Emil that's right Looks like a meal make your avatar a meal if you're like a fat nerd people will never guess people will never know oh 0:16:22 Unknown_27: Anyways, okay frenemies. Let's get into the story for the ice. I I told my fan zone some time ago Yeah. Oh, I guess before I get in front of these I should mention that the forum has been under siege and under lockdown Well, not under lockdown, but we've had a massive influx of both traffic and users from like children and 0:16:58 Unknown_27: Broke this guy's trying to get me into trouble. I know what he's doing. Don't spam his email address in chat But what is it? so all these people come over from Twitter and they're like kids and they're just like shitting up the dream thread and It's it's like it's like a full-time job trying to deal with all these people who are Unknown_27: Like and I don't know I don't think it's intentional It's just like little kids and it's you can tell they're little kids because they get like irrationally angry It's like this is just like a this is just like a fat silly guy. Why do you have to be angry about it? But then you know, they're like super emotionally basically. Oh, he's a piece of shit. He lied to his fans He's catfishing people, you know, and it's it's like no not really He's just a fat guy like calm down. You don't have to be upset. I 0:17:47 Unknown_27: Yeah The site's been swamped with that kind of shit. So I've just been I've been trying to sweep it up trying to to janny I've been jamming as hard as I can. It's kind of eating into my time to prepare for the stream, which is why I've had to Spend so much time today looking at buck breaking and and evidence that zip I don't even know if we're gonna get into evidence that zip because I'll watch through the correctness sheet stuff and if it takes it If the stream is longer than two hours by the time I finish getting through buck breaking I'm gonna have to push evidence that zip to Saturday because evidence that zip is already fucking long It's gonna be so so much effort to get through all this What have I done? 0:18:31 Unknown_27: Okay, so frenemies I suggested to people a while ago that they watch frenemies and because it is two very very unlikable people Unknown_27: trying to sit together and make money and that's all it is trisha paytas is like an emotionally mentally unstable person uh she's probably never been stable her entire life she was a former prostitute she does only fans that's like her main source of income she's a top one creator She does all this weird body mod shit. She just looks so unnatural. She barely looks human anymore Which saying that is a violation of terms of service on YouTube, so she's definitely still a human I do not mean to imply in any way that Trisha Paytas is not a human being like me or you or anyone else I'm just saying that she doesn't look like it 0:19:21 Unknown_27: So, sitting next to her is Ethan Klein. And Ethan Klein is the slimiest fucker who has ever lived. 0:19:57 Unknown_27: She is, um, here, you know what? I really I really shouldn't put up a picture of Trisha Paytas This is what Trisha Paytas and the thing with Trisha and her her look is that she is? Unknown_27: Like, she did, like, the lip fillers and stuff, and I think she's probably getting, like, a nose job and stuff, and it's just like... And she's getting, like, huge boob implants, I think. I think she's getting implants. And then she gets liposuction. And when you get liposuction, you get liposuction where you have the most fat, and where you want it to be removed. So in the case of women who are big, what they usually want to do is take fat out of their gut, but leave fat on their butt, right? Because they want to look like they have a big figure. 0:20:36 Unknown_27: But in Trisha Paytas's case if she was naturally just her size and she wasn't taking fat out of her body artificially she would probably be you know like over 300 pounds so she has really fat arms and it's really obvious that she has liposuction because Unknown_27: On certain places you can take fat She she's thinner, but on her arm. She's just got like big meaty ham hocks So she's just super a natural looking is what I mean you can obviously tell that LA has dug its Nails into Trisha Paytas, and she is more LA than human at this point 0:21:25 Unknown_27: Meanwhile, Ethan Klein is L.A. It's not like L.A. is impressing itself into Ethan Klein. Ethan Klein is the very fabric of slime that makes up L.A., if you know what I mean. And he is there unapologetically. Unknown_27: to make money and he when he's on the podcast trisha paytas talks about how she's so generous and sometimes she lets people get away with whatever and she sends money to fans and buy stuff for them and just give stuff out for free and every time trisha mentions this ethan klein goes don't do that don't do that don't give money out don't give money don't tell people you get money out either don't do that and very like very seriously like whatever like easygoing cadence he has before the minute money is brought up he's just like No, you gotta save your money, don't waste it like that. 0:22:10 Unknown_27: Super funny. So he unintentionally, over the show, lets on that he's kind of a fucking dickhead all the time. And he's only tolerable next to Trisha Paytas. That is the only way you can put up with Ethan Klein. And you can only put up with Trisha Paytas when Ethan Klein is sitting next to her making fun of her in a way that she can't really understand. And then when it comes time to virtue signal, they both virtue signal about gay shit and LGBT BIPOC, whatever the fuck. 0:22:48 Unknown_27: And the only time that... Unknown_27: Klein Ethan Klein ever really seriously gets offended or acts offended in any way like in a genuine sense is Trisha Paytas Obviously has a really big Jew fetish because she's marrying Hila who is Ethan Klein's wife her brother's named Moses unironically and he's fascinated with water unironically and she's marrying Moses and she has to convert to Judaism to have a Jewish wedding so she's like a low IQ 80 IQ narcissistic personality type who is trying to adopt a Jewish faith and her interest in Judaism deeply offends Ethan Klein at times and it's their their conversation about Judaism is just fucking hysterical like because he'll she'll bring up israel and ethan klein really fucking hates israel and and he's like a reformed jew and orthodox jews don't like reformed jews and all this shit and it's just it it's so it's so telling and fascinating uh when they aren't like just ripping on other people which is the majority of the show the majority of the show is like cancel culture as a podcast form because they get together and say This youtuber is trash this youtuber sexually assaulted people this youtuber should be fired and then they get banned from YouTube and I always I always like to pretend that frenemies and the h3 like podcast is just like Susan Stasi she like she says we have this Hot male and we need to get rid of this hot male from our YouTube platform, but he's got like 20 million subscribers What can we do and then he thinks I'm like Ethan's like don't worry about it. We'll put him on blast We'll put him on frenemies in h3 and we'll put him out as like a sex pest and shit And then you can ban him because he's like a sex pest and then it happens over and over again I'm a hundred percent sure that this is a formal arrangement that they have worked out between them where Susan will tell him all he needs to know about how to Bypass YouTube shit and get the most money out of the platform and he'll help get rid of unwanted undesirable people on the on YouTube. 0:24:29 Unknown_27: Oh Yeah here This is uh This is exactly Unknown_27: It's not even like a conspiracy like this is obviously what's happening. That's Hila on the right That's Ethan on the left, and that's Susan was Yuki in the middle with them just on the HG podcast said it's like a hundred percent She'll just text Ethan to be like hey. We got to get rid of this guy. He sucks, and then they do Unknown_27: You know what I mean? Like, of course they do. It's economic for both of them. It's mutually beneficial. Why would they not? So... Complete fucking sleazeballs is my point. And what happened with the podcast recently is that, um... 0:25:21 Unknown_27: Basically, Trisha has a meltdown every so often she gets upset over something that somebody said and she goes into a You know like a spiral and then Ethan tries to warm her up and says like don't you know, don't worry about it We're all here for you. We love you. Trisha. You're so precious to us and she's like, okay and then she comes back on and they make fun of her again for another episode and He's been getting better at like tard wrangling her but this last episode something happened and I think it might even be like a 0:26:03 Unknown_27: A real breaking point. People speculate that it's all for attention, and it might be. I could be getting played by this and talking about a podcast. Like, unironically, check out Ethan Klein's latest podcast. You'll love it. You won't believe what he says. Unknown_27: But I just feel with this, because what's happened is that Ethan hired a bunch of new people for the Frenemies podcast, and because he already has H3, he already has a bunch of people that he wants to hire, right? And he has people that he can hire twice. 0:26:35 Unknown_27: And the thing is that they apparently the whole frenemies thing despite how much fucking money it makes It's all ran by Ethan. They're supposed to be 50-50 on it, but there's no I don't think there's an LLC I don't think there's like a bank account between them. I don't think that there's a contract I think they said on stage that there's no contract between them so the way that it works is all the money that frenemies makes they split 50-50 and And then anything else, like the YouTube Highlights channel, which gets millions of views, that AdSense goes to Ethan Klein directly, and he promises that it just gets reinvested into the set, but there's no contract or anything. So really, in every way, shape, and form, Ethan Klein and H3 control frenemies, and Trisha has no actual business stake in the frenemies, despite the fact that she's the content creator. Ethan Klein just, you know, bounces off of her, figuratively. And that's the show. So what happened is after even higher these people and i think some of them make fun of her like mean and she doesn't like that and she's like no, they have a sense of humor that offends her cuz it's at her expense and she says even like i don't like the way they the staff talks about me and then he hires more people who make fun of her, and she's like why didn't you talk to me about this first i want to be involved in the session of who we pick so then even in his announcement about the podcast being dissolved, tells everyone she wanted everyone fired she wanted me to fire absolutely everyone and that's i said, I have to stand up for my staff and it's like, you know, I don't want to fire everyone I think she was being unreasonable and that's that and she's like I didn't want anyone fired I just want to be involved in the staff selection process beyond you know What beyond just here it is. Here's the new hiree. Hope you like it because you don't get to say in it She literally said I see 0:28:05 Unknown_27: I don't know, I can believe that either of them are lying, is the thing. She is very, very affirmative that she did not want them all fired. Unknown_27: I will defend Trisha over Ethan, she tried to fire the 6 million employees. It could be true, it could be true. But she claims she did not want to fire them, she just wanted to be involved. And then I think what happened after that is because she realized she doesn't actually have a say in any of this. Ethan does whatever the fuck she wants. She has no idea what's going on and then she brings up money again. And they've argued about this before where she's like, you know, why do you get all the money from the highlights channel? And he's like, that's like a pittance. Why are you, why are you, that's like, you know, a couple hundred dollars. Why do you care about that? That's nothing. 0:28:53 Unknown_27: But now the highlights channel gets a ton of money because their podcast is fucking massive. And she's like, so about that highlights channel adsense revenue. And I think what happened is, is that, um, Ethan realized he was going to be losing money at this point. Either he was going to have to enter into a formal structure with a contract where everything was 50, 50, all money from the podcast went to a single bank account that they could both audit at any time. You know, that would be the arrangement or 0:29:36 Unknown_27: Or, uh, oh, and he couldn't like in your, like hire his own people and give kickbacks to all his friends in Hollywood and shit. It would have to be people that Trisha liked. And he thought like, okay, I'm, I'm either losing money to this bitch this way, or I'm losing money by canceling the show and she doesn't get shit for it. And I think he chose the second. I think he would rather, um, just completely kill it then give Trisha 50 50 like they were supposed to have in the beginning. I think I think that's what's happened. Maybe I'm wrong, but That's how I how I get it and we'll never know the truth because it's he should he said she said type thing Okay 0:30:20 Unknown_27: He only needs the avred for only fancy. Yeah, that's true. I talked about this one. Um on twitter I'll actually bring this up because I like to bring this up a lot because it really grosses me out And I want people to to share my pain in this matter There 0:30:59 Unknown_04: So this is, this is, um, what's her face? Unknown_27: This is Hila. This is Ethan's wife. This is how she looks normally. Uh, she's with her kid. That's the, that's the mother of Ethan Klein's child. And then Ethan Klein had the episode with Bella Delphine and he openly follows like Instagram thoughts and only fan thoughts on his Twitter account and like openly hits on them on the podcast in front of, Unknown_27: Hila, who is the mother of his child. So now Hila is having this existential meltdown and is dressing like an OnlyFans thought. Ah, why'd I do that? 0:31:33 Unknown_27: Dressing like an OnlyFans thot With bright pink hair like she's trying to this is like she's trying to look like that picture for the album art of egirls by Negative XP like she's just trying to fit that fucking mold and it's like you're like a 40 year old woman Who's now a mother with a child two children on the way? Like why are you doing this to yourself? And the answer is because Ethan Klein is a coomer and his wife is now insecure because he masturbates to Belladelfian 0:32:08 Unknown_27: Very sad very sad chat Now let's talk about buck breaking Buck breaking is a fine white tradition going back hundreds of years now where you round up your biggest bucks and you sit them out in front of the other Negros and you break them you break them any way you can and there ain't no shame in Unknown_27: breaking a book cuz it ain't gay if they're the bottom you understand so Tariq Nasheed and his infinite wisdom put out this fucking video this two hour long documentary about how slavery was actually about sexually raping black men and how we have to rape them back Unknown_27: Now I realize this is a movie and I can't play a movie on YouTube without copyright issues So we'll be watching this in fair use buck vision to make sure that we 100% comply with fair use law and I have some timestamps. Actually, I tried to get through I I tried to get through as much as I could. 0:33:17 Unknown_27: I've watched this movie twice now. But I was still listening to at some point, and I was like, okay, I have to hand this off to someone. Like, NASA, I can't do it anymore. I can't break any more bucks. And they're like, no. Chat's like, nah, boy, you gotta break all them bucks. And I was like, no, let someone else do it. So I handed it off to someone, and I said, okay, look, can you please timestamp this? For me the second half of block breaking. I can't watch anymore. I've got other shit to do So I'll let you know when I'm in the realm of other timestamps when I've gone out of my own of my own notes I think I mean this movie is very funny. The funny bits are in the front. So we'll watch the first five minutes or so with little little pause 0:33:50 Unknown_27: Kingflex, uh, Tariq Nasheed himself fuckin' produced this, so this is a true and honest Kang vision, Kingflex work. Unknown_27: Let me know if it's too quiet or too loud. Unknown_21: When we talk about buck breaking, we have to understand that buck breaking is a show of power. It's a show of dominance. So we can't talk about buck breaking without talking about power. 0:34:37 Unknown_19: The dominant society has spent a lot of money and resources pushing different types of agendas to black society because they can confuse us sexually. And if they can confuse you sexually, as our brother Neely Fuller said, they can confuse you in any other type of way. Unknown_16: When we look at the domination, of black people by the dominant society. What we are in essence seeing is that this society wants to ensure that we are not able to actually mete out that thing that makes humans exist. 0:35:15 Unknown_27: That thing said by the way all black lives matter and that's a huge thing is that this movie is simultaneously variantly anti anti anti gay homophobic and also very anti saying that black people are anti gay it's it's a weird thing. Unknown_16: exists and that is creating families and procreating psychologically when we're so that's the other thing is uh white people have have are destroying the black family talking about the sexualizing of our people primarily from the dominant society or the system of white supremacy Unknown_15: It had to be established in a very impinging way from the mental state, meaning everything that was done had to have a sexual undertone. Most of the time, it was mostly direct. So you had to enforce a level of dominance sexually in order to destroy the mind and the spirit simultaneously. So it was always everything that I do, I'm going to reinforce it sexually. Everything And I say, I'm going to reinforce it sexually. Everything that I am going to manipulate and use on you has to be done sexually in order for you to understand that you are controlled. 0:36:02 Unknown_27: So he's saying that back in the plantation days, they had to buck break in order to make sure black people were compliant. And now they juxtapose it with this black teenager writhing around on the ground and three police officers trying to detain him as being modern day buck break and gone sex slave. 0:36:41 Unknown_15: You are beneath me in every single way, shape or form. Unknown_17: This whole notion that masculinity is somehow toxic and detrimental to society is nothing but an attempt to emasculate black malehood. When you take away someone's right to deny sex, your sex acts that go beyond norm, then you've violated the human being, space of that person. Unknown_20: It's clearly an agenda. If you have two eyes in your head and you're able to see, you can see that it's an agenda and it's 0:37:15 Unknown_27: So that title card, we can teach black history and LGBTQ history at the same time. In fact, we should. They're saying that is a active agenda by a globalist conspiracy to break this, uh, the black identity, which is the entire thing tiptoes this realization and they never do. They just continue to hate white people the entire time. Unknown_20: To decrease our population. Unknown_11: See, LGBTQ is like a political party, like the Democrats or the Republicans. So if you're Black, that doesn't necessarily mean you've got to be a Democrat. You couldn't be an Independent or a Republican. 0:37:50 Unknown_14: It's always been about destroying the Black family. Unknown_14: The family is the foundation of the people. You can't mistreat people If they're unified, you need division. You need all sorts of pathological behavior and conduct. Unknown_06: See, they're first order beings on this planet. People like us, we're first orders. Why? Because we don't need anybody else's energies except our own. Unknown_27: This guy is whiter than me. I will, I will, for the moment, I will put this back into color so that you can see how fucking white this man is. He is the pastiest motherfucker on the planet. I don't know why he's in this documentary. I don't know what the fuck is 53 and me and said, but that is not a white man. I don't give a fuck what you say. But second order entities need to feed on you because they don't have a direct connection to the one more side. 0:38:27 Unknown_10: The heterosexual black male Unknown_10: is last on the pecking order here in America. If you're just a heterosexual black man, how are you going to beat the case? Because when you show up to court, when you show up to the job interview, when you show up to wherever, you coming in here as a heterosexual black man, you have no power. When Mark Twain confessed that we white people ground the man. 0:39:05 Unknown_27: I forgot how great that picture was. That's literally just a black man screaming and being ground into burger. Unknown_18: Why ground the manhood out of the Negro? Because it's black masculinity that most exposes the fraud of white masculinity. Unknown_13: We, as the progenitors of culture, the ones who are the fathers and mothers of civilizations, who taught all people, 0:39:42 Unknown_13: who people look to for social cues, whether they want to realize it or not. I think they feel if they can get us to adapt to it, they can get everybody to adapt to it. Unknown_05: If anybody should have a problem with European males... Did you hear that, by the way? Unknown_27: That black people invented culture. Nobody else had any culture before black people. And that's not like a passing statement. They get into that. Unknown_05: be the European female. Because everything the European male has ever learned to do to us, he first practiced on his own woman. Unknown_19: We need resources in education. We need resources in labor. We need resources in politics. We need resources in medical. We need resources in so many things, but they ignore that and they put millions and even billions of dollars to tell us that you need to really embrace your LBGT side. So these people have an agenda and it's up to us to understand what the agenda is. 0:40:18 Unknown_27: So there we are, we're now at the title card, buck breaking, four and a half minutes in. We've been faced with a lot. 0:40:50 Unknown_27: LGBTQ is a conspiracy against blackdom, which I think we all kind of felt like that was gonna come. When they started adding, like, everyone says it's a joke, like they're adding black to the gay flag, as if being black is inherently being gay. And then they take that and they're like, Why are they implying that black people are all gay? Like what the fuck? And Tariq Tashid and the rest of the people in this movie are so close. They are one little realization away from completely switching gears. But throughout the entire thing, it's just like, yeah, Whitey's the fucking devil. They blame feminism. They blame... Oh God, fuck it. I'll just play through. I'm going to be here forever if I try to summarize this shit. It never stops by the way, there's no breaks. It's just like dramatic music cutting between people saying crazy crazy shit for two hours straight So definitely watch it if you're at all curious Eight I have to find some way to get comfy so I can see my notes 839 0:41:31 Unknown_18: It's a critical element of white male masculinity. So the very concept of white masculinity is predicated upon the ability to sodomize, to have. 0:42:03 Unknown_05: A human being is only as great or as worse as his or her environment. In an ice age, where you are dealing with these temperatures, your babies are freezing in your arms to death. Unknown_05: No mercy. Unknown_05: And so they have this mentality of just a viciousness because they are reflecting their environment. And so when the ice ages began to melt, give or take about maybe 5,000, 7,000 years ago, they came back across the mountains. 0:42:41 Unknown_05: And when they came back across the mountains, they brought that mentality with them. When you're in the ice, you're not really thinking about healthy relationships. Unknown_05: And quite frankly, when the urge hits you, any hold will do. Unknown_18: Heterosexual sex for the white man, the only purpose of that is procreation. Unknown_18: In fact, heterosexual sex with a woman was a necessary evil to white folks. For pleasure, homosexual sex is preferred. Unknown_27: Okay, so here we have talking point number one. They evolved from Neanderthals and she and they only fuck each other because Procreation is a strictly like 1984. You only do it to procreate type thing, right? All all whiteness is about having sex with with other men So black people have to rise above that 0:43:17 Unknown_16: extremely small penises. I think that we have to recognize that in some ways they are trying to... When we see all of the statues of naked Greeks and Romans with their extremely small penises, I think that we have to recognize that in some ways they are trying to emulate the African comfort with our bodies. But because this is not something that is native to their cultural norm, it begins to be misshapen. 0:44:04 Unknown_07: What man from what ethnic group can stand up against a Black man toe-to-toe in manhood? Nobody. Unknown_07: Especially the European who is at the bottom of the political when it comes to genetic stability So, I don't know. Unknown_27: I think Asians have smaller penises I think Indians have the smallest penis actually but it's the whole idea who has the smallest penis and is inherently jealous of black people by the way, it took on my note it took 10 minutes and 40 seconds to get to my dick and 0:44:51 Unknown_19: the castration of black males and turning them into eunuchs began to happen on a regular basis. Unknown_13: They said the eunuchs would be sometimes so close to the king that they would have... get so much information. So they'd castrate them so that they couldn't start their own dynasties. Okay? They couldn't go out now and impregnate somebody with this knowledge, this king knowledge. Unknown_15: They would castrate... Unknown_27: That's one of the best lines in the entire movie. This guy is just like a rapper or something. Oh my god He looks he looks in that pose he looks like I Can't say it. I would be saying that he looks less than human. I can't say it I'll be banned from everything, but he looks he doesn't okay. You know what I mean though 0:45:32 Unknown_27: Uh, he, so, okay, what was I saying? King shit. So you impregnate a woman as a black man, you are passing on genetic Kang knowledge, genetic King shit. Only, only the black men have King knowledge. Nobody else. Unknown_27: which is why black people historically have always been in positions of power square when the Pope opens the shades to his window he looks out at the structure that is often called the obelisk today we should know that the obelisk is the symbol of the SARS erect penis so that while there are Okay, that whole point, I just want to show you that bit, but his, uh... Their point was that the Catholic Church is like a pedophile gay society, so they literally have erected a giant black cock in the Vatican City for the Pope to admire every day. 0:46:21 Unknown_19: And there's a book about his diaries and his life where he sent a letter to another slave owner, Thomas Withers, and they were having a gay relationship with each other. And Hammond was a known pedophile at the time. He molested some of his own nieces. So we know some of the things that he was doing to the black people, especially the black men on those plantations. 0:47:06 Unknown_15: It was continually a process of making sure that there was no energy to do anything against me. You're not going to fight me. Why? Because I just destroyed you. I think I got the wrong timestamp. Unknown_27: I want to say this guy, no, that's not the timestamp. Basically, but let's worry about that. Is that he's saying like this guy raped his nieces and then also black men. That is a weird taste. Like, okay, there are pedophiles who want to molest children. And then there's also like, Unknown_27: Gay rapist who want to fuck black men like Jeffrey Dahmer, but there's there's not really like an intersection between pedophile interested in little girls and pedophile or Jeffrey Dahmer types who want to like rape black men. That's a very that's a very unique type of person, which I don't think actually exists. 0:47:46 Unknown_16: She kicks him out of the bed, and as he attempts to get back in the bed, there's one very familiar story of an enslaved African woman who says that she is married to an enslaved African man. And as she is married to him, she tells the story of him climbing in her bed. And she's prepared for him. She kicks him out of the bed. And as he attempts to get back in the bed, she grabs the poker and slams it into his head. 0:48:27 Unknown_16: Often that story of this man whose name is Rufus is told as if he is a sexual exploiter, as if he's a rapist. But we need to think more deeply about how the system controlled black sexuality, how it undermined black womanhood, and even really undermined black manhood. He did not marry her out of choice. Unknown_16: This was part of the crude slave breeding system. He was being forced to engage in relationships with this woman. Unknown_27: Uh, that's weird. Unknown_27: That whole story about how actually this guy is not a rapist. He's just a, he's just a breed in black bull at the, at the cost of the white man. , 0:49:06 Unknown_19: and to dehumanize a group of people. If you don't look at them as a gender or what their gender is, and you just make them interchangeable, you can dehumanize them to a certain degree. And that was a very common thing during slavery, the degendering of Black people. 0:49:46 Unknown_27: But what's weird about that is I just feel like, you know, if you're farming and you have slaves, you're, you're, you're using them as like livestock, right? So you're just trying to cut costs, but you need them to have clothes. So it's like if you have hand-me-downs from other kids or from your own kids, it's like, okay, who cares that this black boy is wearing, you know, my oldest daughter's old dress, as long as he has something to wear to be modest. , I feel like they're reading a little bit more deeply into this than the nation is just an article clothing and selling Unknown_19: And he was a black man. Peter Suwale was another black man who was buck broken during the antebellum slavery time period. He was up in New York and he was a black man who would cross-dress, put on women's clothing, women's wigs, and he would prostitute himself and he would also get white males and take them in alleys and finesse them and pickpocket them and... He went to trial out there. There was another infamous case with him. A lot of his victims didn't want to come forward because they were embarrassed to find out that the person who finessed them and robbed them was a black man pretending to be a woman. The media at the time gave him the nickname Beefsteak Pete because he had male genitalia and he was pretending to be a woman. 0:50:29 Unknown_27: the black black people have had a drag transgender type thing for a long time like a long fucking time this weird thing about how beefsteak pete is like the byproduct of like white rape is ridiculous 0:51:24 Unknown_27: Cause the whole jailhouse mentality that they're blaming on white people is uniquely black. I think white people look at gay relations as being gay and only bottoms are gay is like a black thing. Which is why you've had Unknown_27: People like that because they take the role as like the bottom to take like the blame of being gay and like the black the black society Beefsteak Pete that is a funny story though because you have this black guy who's out there like seducing like white white men and then he's stealing their shit and they can't report them because they're so embarrassed that they got they they got trapped by this beefsteak motherfucker They can't even like put charges, that's pretty great Okay 0:52:07 Unknown_17: Christianity that they had been taught and it was pretending to be a woman the whitened eyes version of Christianity that they had been taught and incidentally religion was used as a process of bug-breaking because it was used to basically make us more docile and more submissive they would they would basically cherry-pick scriptures and feed them to you. They would create a slave Bible that took out any references to justice and to freedom. And they would have these preachers go and preach messages about slaves being obedient to your masters, obeying masters. That's how Nat Turner started out. If you go to Bible Museum, I think actually that, um, that is true. 0:52:48 Unknown_27: I've also heard that, that they gave out like different Bibles to slaves. Not sure why I included that I guess I just liked I thought that was interesting As white male slave masters and they were killed two wings on the same bird Unknown_21: at some point you had just as many female, white female slave masters as white male slave masters. And they were just as brutal as them. You know, some of the males on the plantations, they were forced to, they were raped by white female masters. And I know some people might think that that's odd to say to hear that a man got raped, but you know, it was unconsensual sex. So it was rape. And so that's a part of buck breaking as well. 0:53:27 Unknown_27: So black men never wanted to have sex with white women because white women are gross. Only black women have true natural Kang Kwan beauty and vitality. So even the white slave masters forced black men to pleasure them a sick and cruel thing to do. 0:53:59 Unknown_19: Feminism wouldn't exist were it not for black men. Unknown_14: Okay, Frederick Douglass, Martin Delaney, it was black men who were angry that their mothers were raped by the master, beat by the master, separated from their kids. It was black men who were demanding fair treatment for women. 0:54:36 Unknown_14: And they gave power to those old white lesbians and the horses and buggies and so forth. Because the raping continues in the new plantations. Child and family services, public schools, the weaponized depraved black church. Yeah, I said it just like that. Unknown_14: I like that because they had to find stock footage of like prison rape and all they could find is this black guy about to rape like this white boy twink they couldn't even find the stock footage to put this in and they didn't I guess they didn't want to reenact it themselves they couldn't like like hey do you they went to their friends like hey do you want to be the rape victim in this skit that we're gonna do for a documentary and they're like no we don't So they just went with it. Black men continues or for that matter the music business or the military. I mean most people aren't aware Jeffrey Dahmer was raping black men long before he and he got an honorable discharge raping black men in the US military. 0:55:31 Unknown_16: This is the reason why you could draw a straight line from the image of the Unknown_27: This is great. This is one of the funniest fucking things because I it's funny to me because it's it kind of sound This is the most believable conspiracy that he brings up coming from the antebellum propaganda Directly to images that you see on television today that you can draw my way thought where's the 0:56:16 Unknown_27: Oh, is that coming up? Yes, it is. Sorry. Never mind. Ignore that. I didn't think that was true. It's another thing that's coming up. It's two timestamps down. Uh, okay. Unknown_27: Sorry, I'm in the area where I had to get help. Unknown_19: Also symbolic castrations, there were as lynchings and castrations became commonplace. There were also symbolic castrations of black people as well, particularly when it came to cutting and controlling black hair. 0:56:48 Unknown_01: Well, from our very first contact with European and Arab slave catchers and masters, they would see our most ornate hairstyles. And one of the first things that they did to their new human cargo was to shave their hair, so disconnecting them from African culture and the adornment. Unknown_07: The hair is the symbol of your essence. It is your essence that frighten them. That wearing that hair certain ways says that you are aware of your essence. You are aware of your strength. You are aware of your beingness. Unknown_07: And he has done everything in his power to destroy your consciousness of yourself. 0:57:28 Unknown_27: Okay, he goes on. Unknown_27: for 30 seconds straight about how what about how they took our hair and hair is spiritual power in essence this motherfucker is bald as shit you could fucking shine that scalp to a polish and he's talking about the majesty of black hair like motherfucker where's your hair at rep game represent game motherfucker where's your hair 0:58:01 Unknown_04: Okay. Unknown_20: Slavery is not so much physical as it is mental, you know. So by telling us that having locs or having our hair in an afro or in its natural state is unprofessional, this is now a mental slavery that is taking place. Unknown_01: There have been so many laws in the United States that actually regulate black women's hair and appearance. most 0:58:40 Unknown_01: white men from being attracted to the beauty of black women. But considering that black women had to wear head wraps and we could create the most Erykah Badu style that it was still attracting white men's attention and white women could not mimic that head wrap style. And so that it actually became a threat because the white men were more interested in the black women in Louisiana than white Unknown_27: I only know of one person attracted to black women, and that is Marvin, and he's fucking weird. I think he might even be Jewish, and he's the man in the pickle suit from the Christian trolling days. He likes the darkies. 0:59:20 Unknown_27: And I legitimately cannot name another person who is attracted to black women. So this is Cope Seed and Weave, I guess. Unknown_19: Me? I am? Israel? Nick Coleman? Oh, two more people. Okay. You fuckers. I got my eye on you now. Unknown_19: They would get branded and the brand would be a logo of the French heraldry. It's the floor de lease and They would get branded on this shoulder. This is the funniest shit on their cheek with this floor de lease logo This is so this is true. 0:59:55 Unknown_27: This is the truth. That's right interesting about this logo is Unknown_19: Now, today, this same logo is the logo for the New Orleans Saints football team. So, a football team dominated by black people playing today, walking around with logos of runaway slaves. Unknown_16: That's true! And it's so ironic that so much of the brutality meted out against... Sorry, I really thought that was funny. 1:00:33 Unknown_27: And I was like, yeah, yeah, that's about right. I mean, fuck that. Unknown_15: The more nasty, the more disgusting, the more immoral you can get, the more enticing and attractive it is. They even choke themselves. while they're masturbating, while they're being, you know, involving themselves in sex, because they believe that that increases the strength of the orgasm. So that symbolically is something that they were looking at when they were lynching black men. They would lynch us because that choking is something so they could see his power leaving his body, but they would get somewhat of this erotic type of orgasmic feeling about it. 1:01:12 Unknown_19: When we talk about Unknown_27: So according to him, lynching was the ultimate coom. You don't understand true cooming until you're lynching black men. Unknown_19: The white LGBT community trying to make comparisons to their struggle and black struggle. The white LGBT community, they've never had a comparative struggle. In fact, their whiteness has always saved them where as the black LGBT people, they've always been punished. So there has never been a comparative struggle as the LGB. Unknown_27: Oh, sorry. I, I, uh, was that the wrong timestamp? 1:01:45 Unknown_27: This is fun. This next bit. Pater Rast. Unknown_13: Hitler and all his crew. Yeah, there's a documentary or a book called Pink Swastika. Unknown_13: Check it out. It's all about Pater Rasty and the whole Hitler youth and all of that. That's where they were getting them from and all that and all Ava Blahn and all of those. Those were just beards. Unknown_19: Robert Baden Powell, who was an officer with the British Unknown_27: I just really love that here, this is a professional documentary, it's got money behind it, and it's like, there was this book that talked about the thing that I'm talking about now. Go check it out. Like, motherfucker, I'm watching a documentary, why don't you tell me a little bit more about this very serious accusation that supports your point? Do I have to go read this fucking book? 1:02:18 Unknown_21: So if you're controlling the media and you're displaying black males in an effeminate matter, it's still showing the dominance and the power of European men. Think about this. I can put him, I can make him put on a dress. And that's what they do. Did you notice in Hollywood, you know, it seems like you can't get to the next level unless you put on a dress. 1:02:55 Unknown_10: There was a scene I'll just show you this I Like this part, but it's not it's not succinct He basically says like they there was a phase where they were like Kanye West and people were putting on dresses and their stage Performances and I tried to get him to wear a dress and it's like go fuck yourself and all y'all are fucking gay and it stopped the It stopped the the trend apparently when he did that which is pretty funny. 1:03:35 Unknown_27: I Unknown_17: say on one hand they stand on a soapbox and say black men are missing in the lives of their children and they're missing in the home and the reason we have so much crime among black men is because of the absence of black male role models but then on the other hand when black men stand up as men then they say that we're toxic and we're detrimental to society you can't have it both ways. Unknown_27: Okay, so, point A. 1:04:07 Unknown_27: Levied against them black fatherlessness is like Unbelievable. I want to say like in recent numbers the number of black men black children who grow up not knowing their father is like 80% it's like 50% don't even know who the father fucking is and then like another 30% No, but they have no participation in their life. So it's like a completely and totally destroyed family structure in the black community So that's the point that's what he says, but then they says that Counterpoint when thugs get around and this is the stock photo that they chose this is a black guy wearing a gas mask with like a Assault rifle and the other guy has an assault rifle and then like a in like a bandana And that guy has a baseball bat and a pistol. He's the least well-equipped. He must not be like a level 3 thug Yeah, he's like a level 2 maybe a level 1 even brought his own baseball bat and 1:04:56 Unknown_27: But it's like this is not like masculine masculinity is not like being a drug pusher or like a gangbanger, you know But I kind of understand vaguely what what he says I really think that the whole reason a lot of the reason why gangs are so predominant with like black people specifically is Is that when you grow up without a father figure, you naturally yearn for like a kind of fraternity, right? Like a club. So they get scooped up by like older guys who are like, hey, you want to help us mule some fucking drugs? We'll pay you money and you'll get to hang out with us and it'll be cool. And they're like, okay, sure. And that's how they get into a gang. I really think that's true. And if they had fathers who said, don't get into gangs, we'll go fishing instead. They would not join the gangs. That is my hypothesis. 1:05:29 Unknown_27: So I kind of understand what he's saying, but he's framing it in like a retarded fucking way. Where it's like, we should be allowed to be in drug cartels, because that's masculinity. And if you disagree with that, you're a feminist, soy boy. White supremacist. 1:06:01 Unknown_17: There has been no one, um, they want to put a black face to everything. Uh, and the reality is there has been no one who has been more tolerant and supportive of homosexuals than black people. Unknown_27: You hear that? So we heard earlier, I've timestamped this, that gay is a white thing. Entirely a white thing. But then here, 49 minutes in, there has been nobody more supportive of black people, or of gay people, than black people. Which is fucking weird. 1:06:34 Unknown_27: This is talking about the Rainbow Coalition. This part was kind of interesting in that there was a joinder between gay rights and black rights in the 70s and it was called the Rainbow Coalition purely because of the diversity and skin and race between the two organizations fighting for civil rights at the time. But it became known as the rainbow coalition and then from that the rainbow flag was derived where LGBT basically stole the rainbow from from Jeebus and God and made it into like a sodomite symbol and I guess that's kind of the basis of adding black people into the rainbow is because of the rainbow coalition But black people are not gonna buy that shit. They don't want to be like the second stripes on the gay flag Anyways, I thought that was interesting. I'd never heard that before 1:07:30 Unknown_11: Oh, that's funny just because... Unknown_27: Berlin cuts to a picture of the Eiffel Tower. I don't know if you guys have ever toured Europe, but definitely check out the Eiffel Tower in Berlin. It's really a sight. These guys don't know how to dance. Unknown_11: They just jump up and down, you know, with that offbeat stuff. And they are familiar with the current rap genre, so they don't want to change. Now, why are they interested? 1:08:11 Unknown_11: because like everybody in the industrialized world, there is this LGBTQ influence that has attempted to emasculate them. So when they see the hip hop, gangsta, bug rap video, there is all of this masculine Unknown_11: So, you hear that? 1:08:53 Unknown_27: Japanese people don't know how to dance, they fuckin', they can't shuck and jive like a black master race can. Unknown_27: And all that gay shit is making them seek out masculinity, which... Unknown_27: I'll grant him that. I'll say it's probably fair that a lot of people like rap music because it's like ultra masculine and everything else is just fucking so gay and nobody cares, nobody wants to listen to that shit. Michael Buble sucks dicks and I would rather listen to like 50 Cent or anybody else than fucking that guy. Unknown_27: Uh, or- or K-pop. Oh my god, I would- I would rather listen to like that mumble rap shit than fucking K-pop. People who listen to K-pop have fucking brain damage and they wear a dress. 1:09:34 Unknown_20: Because black men may have potentially had the right before them. And they were quoted saying that black men, as vile as they are, they're not worthy of the vote. Unknown_17: White evangelicalism is nothing but white supremacy in drag. White feminism is nothing but white supremacy in heels. And so many of our sisters have joined with white feminists to try to emasculate black men. And so we have to be able to stand up boldly and strongly and say, listen, I'm a man. And I'm going to stand in my maleness and in my manhood, regardless of what society has to say about it. 1:10:16 Unknown_20: And we are fighting against oppression. And then here come white women saying, oh, I'm oppressed, too. I'm a woman. I'm oppressed. And then they pull Black women out of the civil rights movement and turn us against our own men. And we're seeing it happening now. Everybody was protesting Black lives. And then here come white women say, me, too. The racist Caucasians start attacking Unknown_27: Black Lives Matter. I was raped. Bitch, this ain't about you. This ain't a- George Floyd took the knee for our sins and you're coming out here saying you got fucking diddled at work by your boss. Bitch, I don't give a fuck about that. We out here for George Floyd. Unless your name is George Floyd, unless your skin is black, you can kindly fuck off. 1:10:49 Unknown_27: That's great shit. Argue, argue, end fight, please. Be less effective at ruining everything. We really had in the 50s, you know, condoms, abstinence, you know what I mean? Unknown_09: Women had over five different forms of birth control and 30 different, you know, manifestations and that didn't even include abortion. So she had complete control of her body and her reproductive system and could actually terminate a pregnancy before, during, or after the sex act. We're still talking about pulling out. You know what I mean? That alone kind of offset things. And then we have to also look at the impact of no-fault divorce. So if just having sex means that she has complete control of the reproductive process, and family court means that whatever the court determines you have to pay, whether you can afford it or not, is imposed upon you by this apparatus, this court apparatus. All of those kind of things position Black men into a very vulnerable state. And it left Black men with really one 1:11:26 Unknown_09: One option, and that was a silent protest. And that silent protest was to step back from formal marriage and begin to actually engage in, you know, non-formal kinds of relationships because there were very few other avenues. 1:12:00 Unknown_27: So his point there is that black men had no choice because of Hawaii and feminisms. They came in here and they said that we're going to make before conception abortion available to women. And we're gonna control the family court against men, and therefore, the only option available to you, a blackie, is to actually not have sex at all, ever. Unknown_27: Or to stay out of relationships. Like, you can abandon your family, basically. If you have kids, you can just run away from responsibility. And it's okay, because feminisms did it. It's not your fault. 1:12:42 Unknown_27: That's a bit of a cope there, my friend. Unknown_19: The white supremacist elite are becoming more sophisticated with their bug breaking techniques. 1:13:19 Unknown_27: They've been honing that shit for hundreds of years now. They got a whole buck-breaking apparatus. Unknown_27: I didn't- I forgot what was coming at that point. Unknown_27: Okay, so... How do I phrase- I'll let it play a bit. I'll think about how I want to phrase what I'm about to say. Unknown_19: They're now using more propaganda in media for their sinister agendas. And one way they use this propaganda is to normalize pedophilia. 1:14:01 Unknown_16: human beings will do worldwide, regardless of where they live, regardless of what country they are in, what municipality they're in, what language they speak, what religion they practice, they will protect their children. So if you are able to exploit children, you have dominance over an entire society. Unknown_19: A lot of white aristocrats would have paintings of them with Moorish children who were indentured and enslaved to them. and they would dress these Moorish children up very elaborately and they would kind of parade them around and they would do these very expensive paintings with these black Moorish children. They would almost display them like they were pets. And they kind of do that today. You see a lot of white actors and people in Hollywood parading these little black adopted children around and they dress them up like pets. Charlize Theron, she kind of does that with her black adopted children who were boys. Then she turned into girls. So that's another story. But they would get these more. Is that in this case, they will attack them if it's European. 1:14:46 Unknown_05: But what was interesting is that it's not. Unknown_17: because they know that they will attack them if it's European Unknown_05: But what was interesting is that in this case, Jeff Epstein used to take European girls and bring them to the Caribbean to become part of it. He took them to places that were outside the United States of America, along with the entire crew that was part of that. 1:15:24 Unknown_16: We hear a lot less about the fact that he literally had a private island that many people called Pedophile Island. Unknown_16: Many people called it pedophile. This was no secret. But the reason why he was able to get away with it is because it was actually in the Caribbean. We've heard about young girls of European descent being taken there and raped. Unknown_16: but I truly believe that we're going to hear more about people who live there who actually were also exploited. See, there's no value for black women and even less value for black girls. So when are we going to hear about the full story of what was happening there? Jeffrey Epstein was an agent for Mossad. 1:16:05 Unknown_18: Jeffrey Epstein engaged in what used to be called love traps. His business was love traps. for the most part, sexual blackmail. So that's why all of these politicians and royalties. No, he's mentioned the politicians. When he got arrested. And that's why, of course, he was suiciding, he was killed in prison. 1:16:45 Unknown_16: Epstein died in very peculiar circumstances. He was being monitored every 45 minutes. He virtually had none of the things that you would need to have in order to commit suicide. Yet, peculiarly, he was able to commit suicide. I think we should be clear that there are many people who are afraid that he might try to cut a deal. Unknown_18: The minute you walk into Jeffrey Epstein's New York mansion, there's this huge painting of President Clinton in the blue Monica Lewinsky dress. That's pretty weird. I didn't even hear about that. Giving you this look as if to say what's done here stays here. 1:17:27 Unknown_19: Even though high-ranking pedophile rings run by the white supremacist Delete are being exposed, People should stay away from the pedophile propaganda that's trickling down. Unknown_27: It's so painful. It's, you're at the edge of your fucking seat. Like, how do you say it? Say it. Hey, how do you not know? And then he just says, the lot, the lot pedophile. Like motherfucker, are you retarded? Come on. You almost, you were right there. It makes me wonder if they're secretly know, but they can't say it. But it's like, no, that's too optimistic for these fucking people. They don't know. Jeffrey Epstein's white, I guess. Sure, why not? Next one, okay. 1:18:37 Unknown_11: Tariq's wife is Jewish? Unknown_27: His wife's mother is Jewish? What? Unknown_27: Tariq Nasheed wife. Unknown_04: Peanut Nasheed, that's an awful name, holy fuck. Unknown_04: Oh, shit. Unknown_04: Be right back, chat. I have to- I have to go get the door again. 1:19:50 Unknown_27: I have found no evidence that Tariq Nasheed's wife is Jewish. I have no reason to believe that he has found- he has privileged information here. Let us continue with this podcast. Unknown_27: Um, we're watching Buck Breaking. Unknown_04: Where the fuck were we? Where's my timestamp? Unknown_04: Uh, oh. Here, wait, I skipped- I skipped a timestamp. Unknown_16: pedophiles actually prey on the powerless. 1:20:27 Unknown_16: And in most societies around the world, the most powerless are the Africans. Because of the remnants, because of the reality of the transatlantic enslavement trade and the continuing systems of white supremacy that are still working and are still alive and well. Unknown_16: So that when we see people who are powerless, we're going to see ripe conditions for sexual abuse. Unknown_27: So he's saying that we need to protect black people because they're powerless as opposed to the children. They have trouble reproducing. 1:21:04 Unknown_11: So because we have, so it's not just that we reproduce faster, stronger offspring, they have trouble reproducing. So because we have so few black folk in the hood, that are men, it's fairly easy to get to them and condition them to negativity. See, the thug, typical hood rat thug is a lesbian in a boy's body. Lesbians in the hood rat are raised like girls. 1:21:41 Unknown_27: That's another weird thing is like okay so being a thug is like being a being an ultimate expression of masculinity that whitey has to suppress but then also being a thug is being a lesbian in a boy's body so this is like the second time that the film just outright contradicts itself and what is trying to say. Unknown_27: Which is a shock to me. I thought this movie would be completely consistent, but I guess not. So, the surplus humans are no longer necessary. Unknown_06: And the plan is to get rid of at least 5 billion people. 60% of the groceries you would buy at a grocery store, 60% have been bio-infused with soy isolate. 1:22:18 Unknown_18: Why? Because they first piloted this in the prisons. infuse in prison food with soy because they discovered soy is a great feminizer. Soy, when ingested, becomes estrogenic, the female hormone estrogen. So you eat a lot of soy, males start developing man breasts or man boobs. Unknown_21: I clipped that out specifically because I knew that you guys would really would really enjoy that there's so much about this which is like just there's like straight-off fucking pull like crazy shit 1:23:12 Unknown_27: And if it was a white person saying it it would be deemed horrifically racist and homophobic but because it's three machine it's only like a like a little bit homophobic but it's understandable because of whiteness you know how to sell my baby rated what you get into what do you get on the wrong side of the guard, Unknown_21: You're in lockdown where you can only come out for one hour, right? And then you're locked down for 23 hours. Sometimes the entire jail is locked down. So it's a lot of buck breaking happening right in the penal system. Unknown_15: The LGBT history narrative is a way to again promote the over. Unknown_27: Right. I put that only so I could show you guys that she says there's a buck breaking right there in the penal system. Like, yeah, lady, what do you think it's named after? It's the rehabilitation system. It's the penal system for a reason. 1:24:00 Unknown_06: Peter. Unknown_06: Now, Peter is actually potassium nitrate and the brothers in the house in the big house, brothers in lockup, they call it soft Peter, the state by state legalization of marijuana. Unknown_18: is one of the greatest contributors to the gender neutering of Black America. 1:24:32 Unknown_27: Oh, I think that's it. Unknown_27: That's like a rap. He just says that marijuana makes you gay. I don't know how much you guys buy into that, but I'm not partial to weed. The people that, legit, the people that live under me smoke weed every fucking day. So here I, like multiple times a day, it doesn't matter what day of the week it is. I'm sitting here in my fucking bed and I'm watching Buckbreaking and shit and I'm having a good time. And I got my door open because it's hot as fuck, because we're getting into summer months and shit, and I smell weed. And it's like, I can't have my fucking door open blowing the fan in at any time. I'll be asleep. It'll be like 2am and I'll wake up because I'm smelling weed burning. I'm like, come the fuck on. And I guarantee you those people do nothing. Those people live off the fucking social system here. They do absolutely nothing. They spend their government money on fucking weed. They have no job. They're up at all hours of the day. They're smoking weed at 3am on work days and shit. There's no way these people fucking work. I just hate it. And I used to be so pro-weed. I was such like a Ron Paul, like, we need to legalize weed, man, type guy. And now I'm just like, ah, I can't fucking stand you people. You're so disgusting. You're so fucking lazy. You have no, like, I used to believe in the inherent value of human life, and now I'm just like, I think we could do better without you, because you're shit. And I'm beginning to add more and more people to my shit list. I'm just like, yeah, we don't actually need you around. You don't do anything. You don't actually contribute to this big pot that we live in. You're just a fucking drain. 1:25:39 Unknown_27: I'm getting there, man. Anyways. The remaining 30 minutes of the film is them trying to posit solutions and shit, and it's just like, we need to restore the family. And they don't really say how, and the other weird thing is that I think that a lot of black people are still Christian. There's a resurgence of neo-Islam in America, so it's not like saying we should all convert to Islam. There's a lot of Islam people who are talking, I guess. There's one guy who's legit named Dr. Islam. 1:26:16 Unknown_27: Dr. Islam might be Islamic Mohammed there's all sorts of people who have like Muslim selling hands But they kind of dissed the church and they call the church like weak and pedophilic But then they also kind of say like we need strong churches 1:26:52 Unknown_27: So I think it's just, I really don't know. I don't know what they're actually advocating. They're saying have black families, and I guess that's a nice thing to say. But they don't specifically admonish black men, and they say black men ran away from responsibility, and that's why black children grow up underprivileged because they don't have the inherent innate benefits of experience that come from having a father mentor in your life and I'm very thankful that um despite being a bastard myself I had my grandfather around my grandfather was a hard worker he's a Vietnam vet he was a hard ass and he was probably very racist maybe that maybe that leaned into me a little bit but 1:27:34 Unknown_27: All my my work ethic for what it's worth it came from him so that saved me I guess from being a Australian femboy programmer. Unknown_27: I don't know. I feel like the message should be do better. You know, we have like this, we have white systemic racism. These people are fucking lunatics. They will fuck you. They will bend you over and fuck you. White people are out to fuck your ass, black man. And if you want to survive, if you want to get through your life unfucked, if you want your buck to remain unbroken, your bucky to remain unpenetrated, you better fucking get your shit together because they're coming for that ass either the easy way or the hard way so take care watch your kids watch your wife because they raping everyone out here that should be the message but for whatever reason it's just like yeah you know whatever you know uh fuck whitey fuck feminists and black families i guess like come on we need we need some we need some punch there's shit out there whitey's out to get you scary times so hard times means strong men right we gotta come on tariq you missed it missed it twice 1:28:31 Unknown_27: And the movie kind of depresses me just because it's like, there's so much in here, which is like, besides like the crazy, like history revisionism and like anti white, like, uh, just like vitriolic hatred of white people. It's like you can take that vitriolic, vitriolic hatred and narrow it just teensy tiny bit. You're already racist. It's not a huge leap. You can just focus on what you're being racist against. then you can take all your crazy, you know conservative views that are anti mainstream and There's like a chance. There's like a chance for an equal but separate society where we can just mind each other's business have state-level governance that reflects our racial Compositions better and we can maybe maybe have something that works out but instead it's just like nah fuck whitey and If you don't rape whitey whitey will rape you it's a liver died. It's dog-eat-dog. You better fucking You know, you better get racist here fellow black men. 1:29:55 Unknown_27: Oh Well, that is breaking buck By trick machine, I guess I think it has an actual director who made this actually pull this back up who made this movie. Unknown_04: Oh Unknown_27: Who's the director? Oh, it is directed by Tariq Nasheed. Everyone clap for Tariq Nasheed. He made this masterpiece and it's probably the funniest fucking movie made in the last couple years. It's the best movie made since the Joker. Unknown_27: Bravo, bravo Tariq. Unknown_27: Here are gamers. Now we will talk about evidence, sides up. This is the true meat of the show. I know that Tariq Nasheed put out this hilarious documentary exposing the... Actually, I can't, I can't pass. I forgot about something. I can't pass it up. I have to go back and find it. Um, when I was watching the movie and they were talking about how every black man was gay and only raped by white slave masters. And we're going back to Buck vision. Um, while they showed, 1:30:38 Unknown_27: They showed a bunch of art that they had commissioned specifically for this film that demonstrated the sodomy of the black male. I'm going to show you, we're time for an art critique. 1:31:19 Unknown_27: Okay, this is the first one they show. This is obviously like a Tumblr artist. I've timestamped all of them that I saw. This is like a Tumblr artist and this is like two Tumblr boys. And I don't know if they made pants that had like a fly that split open like that in the 1800s, but they all show this where it's like, here we have a buck and he's about to be broken by two white gentlemen in front of the house. And the way that it's drawn and like the Tumblr like blush and shit is just, Very funny to me. 1:31:54 Unknown_27: There's another one. There's many more actually. Here we have this one. Here's a young bug. This one seems to be drawn by the same artist from the Nintendo Zelda CD-ROM game thing, the Mario Hotel artist. that's that kind of art style now this one they make sure to let you know that they broke the bucks in full view of the family so this this buck is in a barn or something and the guy he's just so evil and smug smoking on his corncob pipe as he's about to break this buck there's more 1:32:35 Unknown_27: This one's, this one's like the worst of all. Like in terms of like art quality. There's another one that's pretty fucking bad. But they even have like evil twirly mustaches. And this one, this is like a, a buck breaking competition. Steve, Earl, and Chuck. Uh, Sneed, Chuck. Unknown_27: And I guess Earl I'll be our third one Have four bucks between the three of them Maybe we'll call the third one Zed like after Pulp Fiction Zed's back there Zed's the one and with the whip who's just looking no Zed's the one on the right Chuck has the whip sneeds up front and and Zed's on the right with the who's just watching and they're gonna break all the bucks and 1:33:19 Unknown_27: And I like how he's got like a perfect heart-shaped booty. That's very romantic. Unknown_27: Okay, this is fucking art. Okay, here we have a very weird shaded style for this guy. And I was so inspired, actually, by this one in particular that I posted on my Twitter account. I'll go ahead and download it. But there's a very famous meme from about a very old obscure game called the mystery of the druids that has a guy screaming So I legit fucking took this image. I have 4x it on like a waifu 2x program, and then I spent all day All day, but a little while a good amount of effort Putting this into true-to-life, true-to-life meme format. I even found a good font for it and everything. The Breaking of the Bucks, starring this, this young buck right here from the, the buck breaking documentary. 1:33:58 Unknown_27: Oops don't want to get rid of buck vision. We're still in buck vision Alright, let us continue. Oh, I guess, you know, I can take off the the filter cuz I'm just showing stills I want you guys to see the the color the truth the true-to-life color of these these beautiful drawings which Tariq Nasheed personally commissioned from TV and art to emasculate his entire race for the enjoyment of retards such as myself 1:34:53 Unknown_04: Okay, she's a map. Unknown_27: There we go. Okay. Now this one's like this one's like lined up So they've already got that buck down there and his booty is a twist and he does not want to be broken But check is up there and he's pointing down. He's pointing down to let the viewer know that he's about to be broken Oddly, there's no penis you can see clearly see that man does not have a penis unless there's like zipping his underwear or some shit and for some reason the women are pushing up another buck to be broken on the pier and 1805 now here this is good much better coloring 1:35:25 Unknown_27: uh this guy is like whipping his buck his buck is chained down but this guy he's like on all fours i guess he's chained in such a way where it would be unnatural for him i guess you know you could spread out i think he could do a better job spreading out and trying to protect himself this is like a submissive pose he's like showing chuck that he's actually already broken and he does not need to be broken anymore so he's showing his submission here 1:36:00 Unknown_27: Uh, this one, uh, for some reason he's making his horse watch. Unknown_27: That's kind of, that's kind of mean. The horse looks angry. The horse looks like he's thinking like, am I next? I don't want to be broken. You know, they call horses bucks too. He doesn't want to get fucked in the ass. Unknown_04: Number one, three. Unknown_27: Okay, this is another one where they demonstrate that they make the whole family watch So this guy's getting chained to like a post or something and actively broke I think this is the only one that contains like actual penetration the rest kind of like imply that's gonna happen But this one actually kind of shows it with convenient censorship that the buck is being broken actively. I 1:36:47 Unknown_27: He's like, yeah, he's like pointing your necks this one. Oh my god. This is like a gang a gang breaking. This is like a Masses they need three. This is like a strong guy. This shows the the strongness of the the blackmail that they need three The the reunion of Chuck Sneed and Zedd back to break the buck 1:37:20 Unknown_04: Yeah This one This one's like about this or he's realizing that he's about to be broken. Unknown_27: He's like surrounded by them though if I was gonna I Would not do it in front of like eight different people. I probably shouldn't say that I would never rape rape is wrong But if I was a plantation owner in the 1900s and I had to break a buck I would not do it in this situation. This is like a defenseless position for this man. I okay it's a power move oh that's the story of how that guy is not a rapist and uh this one is not buck breaking but for whatever reason um it's the it's the best picture it's so nice it's got such nice colors 1:38:09 Unknown_27: It's not violent. It's just for pregnant women. Maybe they were pregnant, you know by choice This is like a planned a planned thing. You know, you don't know there's no violence here None of them look particularly angry though. They're that pregnant. They probably shouldn't be working in the field. That's not bad That's not good for you to be working if you're that pregnant I bet you this is like the best artist of the bunch too, so I bet you Tariq contacted like a real artist I was like hey, I'm making this documentary about gay anal rape. I was hoping you could draw some white on black Domination rape porn for me, and she was like no. I'm not gonna do that. He's like well I want to show the struggle of black people in slavery what about like Pregnant slaves, and she was like okay I guess I can do that if you pay me a lot of money, and this was the end result of that negotiation I 1:38:43 Unknown_27: That's also the end of the porn. I'm pretty sure oh wait this one sucks This one, but this one. There's nothing happening. This one's like a MS Paint drawing from like Nigeria or something He's just like yeah, I have a gun to protect me from all these pregnant women I might get mobbed by these pregnant women like zombies if I don't have this firearm. He's all dainty and shit and looking after him It looks like he's hiding from them 1:39:16 Unknown_27: Okay, that's enough of the buck breaking let us continue to evidence that zip evidence that zip This is I hope I can explain this in an entertaining way because it is very hard to explain At some point I started getting tagged by people like hey, you should watch this fucking schizophrenic Talk about super smash bros. I was like, okay, I guess I can do that Unknown_27: And then I listen to it and it's two and a half hours long. By the mercy of God, I managed to reduce it down to a hundred or so timestamps. So I'm going to try and get through this in a timely manner. And if I decide to fuck it, I'm just going to start explaining shit as quickly as I possibly can. We'll continue until I am buck broken by this fucking schizophrenic rambling. 1:39:56 Unknown_27: The interesting thing is, um, it doesn't make sense like the first 25 minutes as you're listening and then you kind of realize what it's about. So, uh, this is just a, I'm going to give people who've never seen this, have no idea what it's about. Um, just a kind of blind intro into how this man is going to present information for two and a half hours to anyone who watches this and let me know how the audio is. 1:40:44 Unknown_27: He says, I'm making this video in order to intercept propaganda that is slated to be broadcasted this week. The last thing the Smash scene needs is propaganda that will send it further down the path of dystopia. Hopefully this video is able to reverse the scene's current trajectory. There is a PDF version of this video available in the description. That PDF version is 138 fucking pages. Unknown_27: Warning, this is a dark video that contains unpleasant information about the status quo of Smash. Viewer discretion is advised. Unknown_28: Hey everyone, it's Hax. Today I'm going to tell you some dark secrets about the melee community, because I think it's about time for people to hear them. Unlike most of my videos, today's video is not going to be addressed toward just the melee community, but rather the esports community as a whole. That's because I value a safe future for everybody in esports, and I happen to know that the melee community is currently engaging in a pattern of behavior that threatens not only itself, but the rest of the esports world as well. Unfortunately, I've watched my entire community be subjugated by this threat over the years, and it doesn't seem that anyone else sees what I see anymore. If they do, then they're either too paralyzed with fear to make an impact, or they lack the platform to do so. 1:41:21 Unknown_28: At first, I didn't want to give the esports world the red pill on what was going on within the melee community. I saw that people were living happily in ignorance, and I didn't want to change that. But it seems that every year that goes by, the situation only gets worse. What drew the line for me was when I saw that the filmmaker Sammox recently announced that he'd be releasing an edited version of the metagame documentary, which is set to air this weekend. I'm eventually going to explain why it should actually be illegal for this documentary to air, and why the melee community needs to wake up to what's going on. 1:42:04 Unknown_28: For those who don't know me, let me introduce myself and explain why. So just to, again, I'm playing this role. Unknown_27: I don't want to give too much commentary, but if you're confused, don't be concerned that I'm not going to explain things, but you should be confused at this point. You should be wondering what the fuck is happening. What is the Super Smash Melee community? What's so important about it? What the fuck is this guy talking about? What fucking documentary is he talking about? Like what the fuck is happening? Those are all natural, normal questions. And if you watch this on your own, You would be having them for about an hour and a half before any questions start coming in. So I'll explain things upfront as we proceed. You should trust this video. 1:42:41 Unknown_28: I've been in the melee community for 16 years, having been a top player for many of those years. Throughout my career, I've proved myself to not only be a top player, but also a top influencer for the community. Although I only have a moderate following, I've helped the melee scene make technological progress in at least five major ways. The most notable thing I've done is create an ergonomic controller called the Box, which thousands of melee players now use in order to avoid injuring their hands and wrists. But I've also done several other things. In 2017, I advocated for in-game software mods that gave quality of life improvements to GameCube controller users. These were adopted later that year. Then, in 2019, I explained why Melee needed an anti-stalling rule called the Ledge Grab Limit. This ruleset change was approved shortly afterward as well. Later in 2019, I started hosting a weekly tournament series called Hax's Nightclub which showed people that it was viable to play Melee on LCD monitors. Through the use of the latest technology, my tournament series gave people a glimpse at what melee might look like in the future. And finally, starting in 2020, I began making educational videos that taught people about intricate melee mechanics. All my videos went into great detail about mechanics that people had never heard of before, and were fact-checked several times for accuracy. I recommend checking out those videos if you haven't already, because today's video will be somewhat similar. 1:43:56 Unknown_27: Okay, so one, take him seriously, because... Unknown_27: He was a pro player before he physically mangled his hands by playing Super Smash Bros. Melee, a 20-year-old game that I last played when I was a literal fucking child in elementary school, and inviting my friends over to play on my GameCube. 2. Unknown_27: In doing so, he made a petition on to add an anti-camping feature or rule in professional melee games specifically against Jigglypuff players who will hang on the ledge to avoid the fight. until the other player gets impatient. Because I guess what you can do is if there's a time limit, and they are a little bit ahead, and they think they might lose, they can just stall until the game ends. And that's really fucking gay, and nobody's entertained by that. So he's like, we should change that. And people were like, yeah, we probably should. And then they did. So that's his second qualification, is that he said we should change that. And they did change it. Then second one, or the third one, is that he does videos on YouTube demonstrating how to play a 20-year-old video game. So those are his qualifications for the information he's about to give. 1:45:13 Unknown_28: Something to know about all the innovations I just described is that they all went against the grain. These were all radical ideas at first, but I helped show that they were the right direction for the community to go in. Today's video will go against the grain as well. However, today's video will have to do with politics rather than technology. People may not realize this, but the melee community's politics are in shambles right now. There is something unthinkably evil going on right in front of our eyes here within the melee community, and I have the evidence to prove it. Today's video will be tough to stomach, but the longer people remain ignorant, the worse the situation will get, so we don't have a choice anymore. 1:45:47 Unknown_28: The most difficult part about this video will be accepting that the evil I'm referring to is being perpetrated by a community leader. There's a quote that goes, the greater the crime perpetrated by the leadership, the less likely the people will ever believe their leader is capable of perpetrating such an event. That is, unfortunately, a Hitler quote, but it's one that's very applicable to the current situation. Unknown_27: Bam, right off the bat, three minutes and 40 seconds into this two and a half hour long video, Hitler, this is Hitler level. There is a threat to Super Smash Brothers Melee, which is so insidious, so evil, he used the word evil, that we have to directly compare it to Hitler. So this is fucking serious. Whatever this guy is about to say, we have to pay attention to before it's too late, as he warns us. So, we move to 530, where he begins to talk about how deep this goes. 1:46:25 Unknown_28: So, the video is named 2, so he's explaining that you have to forget what you know about Unknown_27: Now, if you know anything about, or if you don't know anything about it, well, you're just out of luck, because he's not going to explain that until Chapter 3, but you must forget everything you know about moving in, because that's the red pill. I previously lied to you about, and so you'll need to drop everything you currently know about it. 1:47:03 Unknown_28: will reveal that several events that have occurred in recent years were politically motivated in ways that the Smash community didn't realize, and that there was an agenda in motion the entire time. I'll also be backing everything up with my own personal experiences. I've been withholding a ton of information for this inevitable moment, and it's time to release all of it. Something I want to apologize in advance for is the fact that I'm going to betray several people's trust in me in order to bring you the full truth today. Private information must be leaked in order to tell the full story, and so I'm sorry to everyone who that affects. 1:47:37 Unknown_28: One last thing I want to go over is why I believe this is a groundbreaking video. This video is a case study for how a community can be uprooted without even realizing it. It will show how platforms such as Twitter, Twitch, and YouTube can be weaponized in the modern day era of social media, and how laws should be implemented to ban certain strategies when it comes to these platforms. Unknown_27: There's a quote by the way, I didn't timestamp it somehow, but he explains that you have to forget what you know about and also the media has lied to you. He says several times that either the media or the press has lied to you. So this is fucking big. The press is covering this up. It's covering up and it's such a, Catastrophic revelation that he's had that the government should get involved so that they ban Certain social media practices to prevent this from ever happening again hashtag never forget He's not quite explained it yet, so don't be confused if you don't be surprised if you don't fucking understand This is a story of political and psychological warfare that took place in front of your very eyes over the course of the past decade 1:48:12 Unknown_28: As the only person in the entire world capable of telling you this story, I know that I have to, as it has the potential to change the timeline we live in." 1:48:48 Unknown_27: He's the only man who can possibly give you this information, and it will change the timeline that we live in. Unknown_27: So, he's raised the stakes so fucking high, and he will continue to raise the stakes over and over again. Unknown_28: There's only one type of society in which these disconnects exist, and that is a totalitarian society. Under totalitarianism, it may not be entirely clear whether those in charge are truthful and heroic or not. This is because while they give their citizens a place to live, totalitarians deprive their citizens of basic rights by controlling the press, performing mass surveillance, and resorting to state terrorism, which is when the state attacks its own citizens in order to instill fear. The reality is that totalitarians are neither truthful nor heroic, but they make their citizens think they are in order to mobilize them. This is done through either manipulation or force. 1:49:28 Unknown_27: What totalitarians will commonly do is craft false hero narratives through the vilification of others. They'll create Unknown_27: So I also want to keep a list of people that he's compared that the person that he's talking about has been compared to so far Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Donald Trump. And he compares them to more people and in greater detail as we continue. 1:50:08 Unknown_27: Again, if you're confused as to who the fuck he's talking about, don't worry. He hasn't actually mentioned it yet. I'm pretty sure. Unknown_27: And if you didn't know what the topic was about, you would probably think that this was like a conspiracy video about something way more important than Smash. Unknown_28: If you look at the current state of the Smash community, it is in line with the totalitarian regime, and that is entirely because of Levin. It's obvious- Okay, that's the first name drop. Unknown_27: And at this point in the video, you might be thinking this is like a random name drop. Okay, so there's multiple people here doing something that are bad. That's the state apparatus. There's some sort of like melee authority that's like subordinate or actively participating. But this Levin guy is important sometimes. 1:50:42 Unknown_28: Leffen wants full control over the community based on several of his tendencies. A dead giveaway of Leffen's intentions is the fact that he blocks anyone who disobeys him on Twitter, to the point that he probably has thousands of people blocked. This strategy isn't being used by some random person either. It's being used by the person with the highest follower count in the community. When you think about how dangerous this strategy can become over time, it should actually be illegal, and I'll explain why. 1:51:17 Unknown_27: So him blocking people on Twitter should be illegal and he will explain why. And his explanation is simply that what he does is he blocks everyone who challenges his statements. And that creates a system of what he calls pest control. Unknown_27: And essentially what he's demonstrating here is that, well, I'll let this play and then I'll... VOID SOCIAL ISOLATION. Unknown_28: When you think about the effect pest control has on crowd psychology, it deserves to be illegal. It is a mass manipulation strategy that looks to encroach on people's free speech, and the only reason we didn't realize it earlier is because social media is still new to us. 1:51:55 Unknown_27: So what he's saying is that you have people who follow a person who's important in a community. If that person blocks those people, they are denied access to information which is critical to that society, that microcosm. And it encourages people who have not yet been blocked but who would like to continue to be in the know regarding this information to behave and not say things which upset the person who is important in that microcosm. And I think this position is partly inspired by the lawsuits about Trump blocking people during his presidency, because he compares them to Trump several times. Unknown_27: But he's saying that blocking people on Twitter should be illegal, because when Leffen does it, it creates a totalitarian dictatorship. 1:52:36 Unknown_25: I'm not happy until every aspect of godhood is torn away, and there's only one god, and that's me. Unknown_28: When interviewed in 2015, Leffen made it clear that he was intent on becoming the one true god of melee, and that he wouldn't be satisfied until every aspect of godhood was torn to shreds. This made for great entertainment at the time, and so people didn't stop to consider the real meaning behind it. Unknown_28: The biggest red flag of all, however, is something that no one would have ever guessed. Many studies have shown that one's personality can accurately be inferred from their social media avatar. If you think Unknown_28: Ball, however, is something that no one would have ever guessed. Many studies have shown that one's personality can accurately be inferred from their social media avatar. If you think about it, your personality can accurately be determined by your avatar. 1:53:14 Unknown_27: and so you must choose your avatar very very carefully because if you don't people might assume that you're a drooling retard you're a disfigured mutt and you're a genetic dead end dribbles on himself Unknown_28: about the process that goes into choosing an avatar, this is obviously true. People will often use avatars of anime characters that represent their inner beliefs, which is why I need to raise an issue with something. 1:53:51 Unknown_28: Why did Leffen used to use an avatar of Light Yagami from Death Note back in 2016? If you understand 100% serious. Unknown_28: Understand who Light Yagami is, then it makes all too much sense when you consider everything else that I've told you. Light is a brilliant high school student on the outside, but an infamous political criminal on the inside whose goal is to become the god of the new world. He's able to remain undetected for many years by outwitting everyone in his way. Essentially, Death Note is the story of a totalitarian regime that ends up casting darkness over the entire planet. The story that's unraveling right before our very eyes is strikingly similar to Death Note. 1:54:28 Unknown_27: The Death Note is a book that can be used to issue death sentences simply by writing someone else's name down. Unknown_28: Should this tool fall into the wrong hands, it would terrorize an entire society. The funny thing is, Leffen is basically trying to turn his phone into the Death Note. Through the use of modern technology and a good understanding of crowd psychology, it's actually possible to create a Death Note nowadays, and people need to be wary of that. 1:55:03 Unknown_27: That is 100% unironic. So Leffen has created a Death Note using Twitter, and that is why he has specifically chosen the anime profile picture of Light Yagami from Death Note. And on the off chance that you don't know the gist of Death Note is that... The character has discovered a book from a god of death in Japan, and he can write the name of anyone he wants to kill them. And he immediately, to the surprise of the gods, starts writing down as many fucking names as he can think of. Unknown_27: And that's the setup. So he's saying that that guy is a narcissistic type, he's got a crazy personality, he's a member of the Dark Triad, and he goes into fucking detail about how this anime character is basically leffin and needs to be put a stop to as soon as possible. 1:55:36 Unknown_02: He has presented himself this way. Unknown_02: You might be wondering why all of these troubling signs seem to be coming from the same person, so I'll give you the clinical explanation. Unknown_28: In psychology, there is a concept called the Dark Triad that consists of three antisocial personality traits. Narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. These traits are strictly malevolent and can be thought of as the very definition of evil itself. They are what compel people to commit crimes, and they're bound to result in social distress and severe problems for an organization. especially if the Dark Triad is given a leadership position. This is because Dark Triads are ruthless manipulators who will claw their way to the top at anyone's expense. They're also interpersonally skilled, which means that while they themselves are cold, Dark Triads are good at understanding other people's emotions and thought processes. 1:56:22 Unknown_27: Okay. Actually, no, wait, hold up. The next thing to know is that Leffen is technically not a dark triad, but a dark tetrad. So he drops this dark triad shit just immediately. He says like, actually, during the course of making this video, I've learned a lot about psychology from Wikipedia and I'll explain to you the dark triad. And then he explains the dark triad and it's like, but actually he's more like the dark tetrad. And then he drops another thing and explains that. And that takes like 30 fucking minutes to explain. It's like, bro, this does not matter. Uh, by the way, this is the guy, um, 1:56:55 Unknown_27: This is laughing someone else's he's Jewish. No, he's not Jewish. He's half Korean half Swedish I'm assuming that he's like royalty from the the From like the the Finnish Korean hyper war or something and he's been like a long line of saw me Who have managed to master gaming or some shit? anyways No, he's not Jewish He's just this guy and I have I have a hot take on him as I bite into this but I kind of want to just lay the foundation for how fucking Just how bad shit this is because they're I feel bad for him because I feel like he's like retarded The guy hacks the guy who made this video 1:57:33 Unknown_27: And he has some good points, and he has some genuine grievances, but he can't fucking manage. He can't explain his points without sounding crazy. Unknown_24: It's Leffen here again. I forgot to mention that I'm going to be doing a charity stream this Friday. It's gonna be for RAINN, which is the biggest anti-sexual violence charity in the United States. 1:58:07 Unknown_28: The video you're watching is blatantly insincere just based on the way Leffen raises his voice. He's speaking in a high-pitched voice because he knows that he needs to appear friendly and charitable in this moment, and he doesn't actually feel those emotions. We can't forget that this is the same person who was once banned for being a chronic liar with a manipulative personality, and that this slip-up isn't merely a coincidence. Unknown_27: And I kind of agree with him on that, because there's video where he's talking, and I kind of want to play some clips of him talking. Just to kind of show you what he sounds like normally. Unknown_24: They kind of put blame away from themselves, that they couldn't have done anything, everyone's bad. And that's how he sounds like normally. 1:58:45 Unknown_27: And then when he's doing that rain charity, he's like, hey guys, I hope you'll donate to this, and I hope you'll think I'm a good person. And it's like, there's more to that than that, but I really, I think that's cringe. And again, this is something he could compare, and he could say, like, look at how disingenuous this guy is being, and do side-by-side, just like I did, and say, this is his normal voice, this is him when he's sucking asshole. But he chooses not, he doesn't think to do that, because he's retardo. From what I understand, that thing where he, you know, bragged about, said like, oh, I make all these helpful videos explaining how to play Super Smash Bros. 1:59:26 Unknown_27: He's long-winded in that too, if you can imagine, and he just doesn't, like, whatever information, whatever value he has is lost in his inability to articulate himself. Unknown_28: Above all else though, there was something that happened recently that drew the line for me, and it had to do with a filmmaker named Samox. For those who don't know, Samox is the director behind the original Smash Bros. documentary that turned Melee into a major esport back in 2013. Unknown_28: In 2020, Samox returned to us with a new documentary called Metagame which covered the newer generation of Melee players. However, metagame wasn't received nearly as well, largely due to what people viewed as Leffen's character assassination. Samox had chosen to show footage of Swedes who knew about, and Leffen didn't like that. Even though metagame didn't reveal too much about, it was still the current generation's only glimpse at the truth, and Leffen made it clear that he wanted it taken down. 2:00:08 Unknown_28: At first, Leffen complimented the first few episodes of Metagame for how incredible they were, but when the episodes that talked about aired the next day, everything changed. Leffen frantically began to tweet about Metagame every several minutes. His tweets suggested that was a conspiracy, and that Metagame was a terrible documentary for assassinating his character. Leffen tweeted so frequently that he seemingly went insane. He just went on and on and on, and it felt like there was no end. Unknown_27: So what happened is, this is his whole motivation, he mentioned very briefly a metagame documentary. 2:00:49 Unknown_27: What happened is this guy made a documentary in like 2012, 2013 or something and it made Super Smash Bros. Melee a more, like a big competitive thing for these nerds because of all the attention that this documentary had given it. And then they made a sequel to Metagame recently in 2020 called, or sorry, a secret to the original thing, I forget the name of it, but it's called Metagame Now. And it was going to be like an episodic documentary. Unknown_27: And they covered, which he's now talking about again, and he still hasn't explained what it is. 2:01:27 Unknown_27: but the evidence that Zip relates to Leffen and shit that he did in the past and they touch on it and they say like this is shit that he did he got banned for it and Leffen starts crying on fucking Twitter like a bitch boy because he doesn't want that negative attention and because Leffen is now such a big character in the community they force this documentarian to go back and edit out shit talking about Leffen because he didn't like it And that's what he's trying to say here, is that the director edited what he was going to say to fit Leffen's demands. Unknown_28: The next terms I'm going to introduce are called narcissistic injury and narcissistic rage. Narcissistic injury occurs when a narcissist perceives something as a serious threat to their self-esteem. It will happen if the narcissist feels that their true self has been revealed, and the people have caught on to their hidden behaviors and motivations. This triggers Narcissistic Rage, which is when a narcissist goes insane and becomes extremely violent. Narcissistic Rage happens at the end of Death Note when the police force finally close in on Light Yagami, the mastermind behind years of political crimes that terrorized the world. After realizing that he's been caught, Light begins to laugh like a maniac and contort his body in strange ways while the police force watch in awe. 2:02:21 Unknown_28: In real life, the way narcissistic rage works is it has two phases. The first phase is an angry outburst, and the second phase is a self-aimed wrath. This means that the narcissist will actually degrade themselves, as to suggest that the way they've been insulted is preposterous. Leffen did this toward the very end of his rage when he tweeted a picture of his face edited onto a Dementor, which is a creature from Harry Potter that drains peace, hope, and happiness from the world around it. Although people saw this tweet as sarcastic, it was actually a lot more telling than they realized. 2:03:06 Unknown_28: The way Levin responded to Metagame rallied the community in back of him which put extreme pressure on Samox. Just a few hours after these episodes aired, Samox had already been forced to issue an apology statement assuring people that re-releases of Metagame would be censored to remove all footage. Many people called this out as revisionist history, but their voices were ultimately drowned out. Unknown_27: So you see there, this is like a, I think watching this, you know, now as I stream it, I'm thinking like this is a perfect example of how this idiot, this hacks guy has legitimate grievances and he fucks it up because he doesn't know how to not be a sperk. He's saying this guy released a documentary. It made the community. He comes back almost 10 years later and he makes another one. And he includes truthful information, factually accurate information, which has happened in the history since the documentary was made. And because it offended one of the rising stars, or the big star of the community, all his little tarred fans went after the documentarian and said, remove this information, and now it's gone. That's a legitimate criticism, and it demonstrates that this guy has inordinate influence in the community, which is a legitimate grievance. But then, because he's a Spurg, he says, and this is just like the narcissistic rampage that Light Yagama had at the end of Death Note. Like bro, whatever fucking legitimate complaint you had is just gone. It's fucking Thanos snapped out of existence. And nobody, nobody can follow that train of logic because you are like insane. And that's why I feel bad for him. And I'm trying to, I'm trying my best to represent like his point. Cause I don't have any stake in this. And I'm trying to say like this poor schizophrenic man has been cyber. I'll save that actually. 2:04:24 Unknown_28: This video, the way this generation got here in the first place was through propaganda. TSM and Red Bull committed one of the biggest sins in eSports history when they decided to erase the truth about and lie to people instead. The documentaries, interviews, and articles that these companies have put out in the past several years are nothing short of the most aggressive brainwashing campaign I've ever witnessed. It's almost as if nothing the media has told you is true. Leffen sponsors and- The media! 2:05:04 Unknown_27: The media! Like bro, it's one fucking documentarian and a Red- Unknown_27: seem as though he's a cheerful and positive role model, and they've had friends and family members testify on his behalf as well. Unknown_28: This false narrative is amplified by interviews with other community members who know nothing about the truth either. Red Bull even titled their documentary series and portrayed Leffen's ban as a hero story, as if he was a phoenix rising from the ashes. It gets worse when you consider that Leffen surely influenced the narrative of these documentaries and had final say over all of them. Now, we're somehow at the point where I'm the last one left in Smash who knows the truth. I promise you that after I tell you the truth, every single piece these companies have ever put out about Levin will be remembered as political terrorism." 2:05:47 Unknown_27: Again, like, that's funny how he will, if you search, I'm sure you get a ton of Google results with the actual that brings all the shitty things that he did in his past, right? Now again, he was like 15, so this is like people bringing up Blockland Post to me, I guess, because it's so long ago. But it's understandable his frustration that he has this long-standing grudge with this other guy, and then Red Bull sponsors him, and then suddenly they release this documentary or fluff piece on Leffen, and they call it Why? Because Red Bull and YouTube and all that SEO shit flying around will bury results about the original document and bring up the Red Bull fluff piece. That's not a mistake. They didn't do that on accident. They did that intentionally to hide things about someone who they're now financially invested in, and that's a legitimate point. But what does he say? This is a state terrorism and the media is lying to you. Like, bro, there are ways to word this that's not retarded. 2:06:37 Unknown_27: Chapter 3 is, uh, by the way, oh god, this whole thing about how it's the death of free speech and shit because of Red Bull sponsoring this fucking idiot. Uh, chapter 3 is non-narrated and it's just and it's, um, all these arguments and shit from a Super Smash Bros. forum from 2012. 2:07:14 Unknown_27: And basically, he's just an asshole. And he was an asshole to people, you know, throughout the community. He was an antisocial teenager. He was an Elliot Rogers. He was a half Korean, half Swede, the most cursed blend possible. And he's just like a miserable spack who is a dickhead to people in the Super Smash Bros. community. And he makes an early rivalry, I think, with Hax, the guy who's doing this video. And Leffen being Elliot Rodger is like a smart person and Hax is just like this Idiot, and he doesn't know how to stand up for himself So I'm just gonna skip past chapter 3 as it is boring as shit and it's music and this testimony and stuff and you can find it in the forum if you really want to but It's look at like he's not wrong and saying that it's like 10 years old. So who really gives a shit? 2:07:52 Unknown_27: This is just him trying to throw that up in his and left in space and it's kind of being an asshole to him Okay, so the most legitimate criticism in regards to this is or interesting criticism I think is chapter 4 chapter 4 is Haxe's real-life encounter with with Leffen at a Super Smash Bros. Rally because what happened after the evidence that zip after that came out and 2:08:49 Unknown_27: Leffen was banned by the community for a year for his antisocial behavior, and he still, I'll just let this play, but he still tried to go to them. Unknown_28: But on March 21st, 2013, Leffen had a change of heart. He suddenly decided that he was sorry for everything, and he confessed to several of the things that he had done, citing depression and anxiety as the motivating factors. The apology Leffen issued got covered by the Score Esports' documentary on him from 2018, which has one and a half million views. It's the apology that people cite to this day, and the one that people believe is real. Unknown_28: What the people who read Leffen's apology didn't know was that they had been manipulated. On the exact same day Leffen issued his apology to North America, he also issued statements on the Swedish forums that warned them that they had defied him. Last year I talked with one of the Swedes who testified for about the fact that Leffen's apology was insincere. Although the Swedish forums are no longer accessible, he confirmed that Leffen's apology was fake. This is made even more obvious by an excerpt from the letter to Genesis 3 staff, which explains how Leffen initially responded to being banned over in Sweden. The excerpt explains that Leffen had condemned the Swedes to the point that he seemed to want to take revenge on them. 2:09:32 Unknown_27: I'm going to assume that they don't mean Sweden the country, they're going to mean Sweden's Super Smash Bros Melee official tournament structure. Following his ban from Sweden, deported to Denmark, rather than apologizing to those he has hurt, Leffen decided to stay true to his roots. He has chosen to play the victim card and ridicule the Swedish scene for banning him claiming that they are fake people who are doomed without him. We hope that after reading the attached testimonies and forum posts, there is zero doubt that Leffen is not the victim and that his decision to continue to lie only serves as further evidence of his character. Please enforce this ban for the good of our community. Thank you. 2:10:12 Unknown_28: Leffen is someone who will endlessly claim victim status in order to evade accountability, which is exactly what he did in his fake apology. Unknown_02: Two weeks after Leffen's fake apology, a tournament called Beast III was held in Sweden. 2:10:55 Unknown_28: Beast III was the first notable tournament that Leffen was banned from, and so the Swedes who'd been abused by him were looking forward to their first Leffen-free tournament. But what people don't know is that Leffen actually showed up to this tournament in person and tried to convince the TOs to let him in. Leffen didn't seem to understand that he was actually banned from Beast III, and so the TOs had to physically deny him entry. Around this same time, I was emailing Mr. Wizard about banning Leffen from EVO 2013. Unknown_28: I was transparent about the fact that this was a complicated case and that it wasn't going to be easy to convey why a ban was necessary. Unfortunately, the EVO staff would end up rejecting the case on the basis of no physical assault, which is exactly what I feared would happen. 2:11:49 Unknown_28: A few months later I flew to Vegas for EVO 2013. The first night I got there I dropped my bags off in my hotel room and went to the Rio Hotel, which was nearby. I went to the Rio because the World Series of Poker was taking place there that year and I wanted to watch people participate in it. I ended up spending a couple of hours at the Rio before realizing that I needed to head back to my hotel room to grab my phone charger, at which point I called my friend Cody who I was staying with. Unknown_28: When I called Cody I told him that I'd be heading back to the hotel to grab my charger. Cody then said to me, sure, but just so you know, Leffen's playing Melee in our hotel room. 2:12:22 Unknown_04: when cooking. Unknown_27: Which is weird. Unknown_27: Like, why is this guy at my fucking hotel room? Unknown_28: Nobody said that to me. It was one of the weirdest things I'd ever heard. A lot of people vaguely knew that Leffen and I had beef, but people didn't know that this was the same person I had just tried to ban from the tournament we were at. Of all the people who could have ended up in my hotel room, the fact that it was Leffen wasn't a coincidence. He wanted to cause some sort of disturbance, and he succeeded. When I got back to the hotel, I didn't actually enter my room. Instead, I had Cody hand me my phone charger at the door. Leffen sat inside of my hotel room while all of this happened. These are logs showing that I discussed the situation with Cody last year. 2:12:53 Unknown_28: Later that weekend, something similar happened. I had spent a lot of UO 2013 with my childhood friend J-Man, who was approaching retirement from Melee around that time. What I noticed is that during certain parts of the weekend, Leffen would make efforts to befriend J-Man, which led to lots of awkward moments where I didn't want to approach J-Man because he was with Leffen. This exact strategy was described by one of the Swedes who testified for Evidence.Zip, who stated that after he began avoiding Leffen, Leffen looked to finish him by taking his friends away from him, which caused issues in his social life. These types of interactions show the ridiculous lengths Leffen will go to to torment people once they're on his hit list. 2:13:30 Unknown_28: As you can see, Leffen never actually expressed remorse for the actions that got him banned. In fact, he did the opposite. He made no efforts to change either, which should have been obvious based on the way he barked when he took games off of Armada at Beast 4 in 2014. The problem is that 8 years have passed since, and Leffen now has the entire Smash community in his back pocket. Someone with a Dark Triad mentality is able to severely disrupt society when given this much power, and Leffen has done exactly that. However, people haven't been viewing things from this angle, and so they never saw any of it. Unknown_27: Okay, so I love, I just love the story, the whole visual that he paints where he tries to go to this con and Leffen knows that he fucking hates him. So he makes friends with all of his friends and Leffen, and Hax is just like, I don't want to be around you if you're going to be hanging out with Leffen. 2:14:09 Unknown_27: So he concedes like his entire trip to Vegas to Leffen, uh, who has co-opted all of his friends to punish him. Unknown_27: So this is why he thinks that he's dead set that Leffen's part of the Dark Triad, because these are the behaviors of a Machiavellian. Unknown_28: Fame is Leffen's priority. He wants people to be controlled and underneath him so that he can continue to broaden his influence. I'll be showing you how Leffen has exploited the Smash community many times in order to achieve this. Another term you should be familiar with is socio-economic resource drain. This term is appropriate because it describes the fact that Leffen often targets people such as myself who he views as political adversaries. Leffen's goal here is to drain his adversaries socioeconomically in order to further secure his position. This is a standard strategy for achieving totalitarianism. In Nazi Germany, for example, Hitler purged a large group within the Nazi party in 1934. He viewed the people within this group as potential threats to his ascent, and so he needed them gone. Surely enough, this scheme was instrumental in Hitler's rise. 2:14:46 Unknown_27: So basically what Hitler did to rise power is that he befriended all of the Chancellor's friends, and then the Chancellor's like, well, I don't want to be around you guys who are friends with Hitler. I mean, he's a bad guy. I don't want to be friends with anyone who's friends with Hitler. So he just basically gave up the position, and that was the Night of Long Knives. In case you don't know your history, boys and girls, that's exactly how it happened. 2:15:23 Unknown_27: Okay, so now we're into Chapter 5, and Chapter 5 is more details on Leffen's sneaky manipulation tactics to abuse this poor Spurg. Unknown_28: Now that the stage is set, I'm going to begin listing manipulation tactics that Leffen uses on a regular basis. The first one is called the totalitarian tiptoe, or tiptoeing for short. Tiptoeing is used to get large groups of people to agree to terms that they would normally reject. This is the term that describes Leffen's gradual encroachment of free speech that I talked about earlier. As the Pat Miller quote explained, the best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed. The idea here is that the best way to erode people's rights is to do it gradually so that nothing happens abruptly enough to raise eyebrows. Over time, this can cause people to fail to realize that they've agreed to massively disadvantageous terms, such as the fact that Leffen is on the verge of reaching full censorship. 2:16:35 Unknown_27: so i have i have a political quote for for him you ready this is driving me crazy the entire time i was listening to this i'm like this reminds me of another quote so here we have a quote from uh someone named carl schmidt and what he says is the specific political distinction to which political actions and motives can be reduced is that between friend and enemy so this whole thing like He's literally Hitler. It's like no you guys just don't like each other you can prescribe whatever totalitarianism Authoritarianism philosophy you want to him, but the truth is you just don't fucking like him Maybe maybe dial it a step back and because his issue is that he wants to see himself as a force for good and left and as a force for bad and Instead of being a little bit Machiavellian himself and being like well, maybe I should take these facts and really hurt him and By framing them a specific way. He's instead like actually as a force for good I'm going to be an unbiased media critic and I'm going to posit this information as truthfully as I can It's like you don't have to do that You can just be you can just reduce them to an enemy and treat them that way as he has done to you but I guess he's too much of a of a shining star to do that and 2:17:51 Unknown_27: Okay, this is interesting. Um, cause this, this is the part when my first listen room kind of like, Hey, or second was, I've listened to this like eight times. This is really great entertaining to me, but this is the part of the video, the second or third time that I listened to this or I'm like, wait a second. He has a point here. So, uh, I'll let him explain. Unknown_28: On January 2nd, my staff and I hosted Hax's nightclub. There were 567 entrants and the event was a huge success, but what a lot of people didn't understand is why Hax's Nightclub never happened again after that date. The real reason is very complicated. 2:18:25 Unknown_28: On January 3rd, the day after I hosted Hax's Nightclub, Leffen announced that he'd be starting up a weekly tournament series called Levo. To enter Levo, people would have to subscribe to Leffen on Twitch. Levo was going to happen every Saturday, which normally would have meant that it was overrunning Hax's Nightclub. The catch, though, is that Levo was a European event, and so no one batted an eye. Unknown_28: Not even my staff saw what Leffen had just done. Unknown_27: Okay, if you're just listening, at this point in time, he has put a picture of L on the screen, and I have been informed, because I've seen the movie adaptation of Death Note, that L is the guy who tries to identify who's behind the Death Note, who is Light Yakama or whatever. So he's literally, like I said, he's literally framing this as like a good versus evil thing. He is L. He's the guy trying to take down the political terrorist who is Light, who has the Twitter death note. And this is how he sees things, because he's autistic. 2:19:08 Unknown_28: But I knew precisely what this meant. Levin was tiptoeing, and he would soon look to overrun Hax's nightclub entirely. If Levin had announced the North American event on Saturdays, it would have raised too many eyebrows, so what he needed to do instead was take baby steps. Within a few weeks, he was inevitably going to expand Levo to North America. Unknown_28: Once I saw this, I knew exactly what I needed to do. I was going to trade my entire tournament series to mount my case against Leffen, and so I shut down Hax's nightclub. The interesting thing, though, is that nobody knew that there wasn't going to be another event. Not even my own staff knew the truth. I'd begun to lie to everybody by telling them that the next event would be on January 23rd. I even announced this in the Hax's Nightclub Discord server. The reason I announced January 23rd as the next date was because there were upcoming tournaments on the next two weekends, and so if I was actually going to host another event, then I would have had to schedule around them. But I was only looking for one thing here, and that was to make Leffen take the next step on January 23rd. I would then be able to show this to people later. 2:19:47 Unknown_28: The tournament that happened the week after my event was called Galint. I ran fake ads at Galint because I needed to. 2:20:32 Unknown_27: And then Leffen immediately starts up his own competition called Saturday Night Levo. And that's a European tournament, but it would also be on Saturday. So it's like, whatever, this is North American, Hax's Nightclub is North American, and Leffen's is European, so no big deal. then Haxx immediately shuts down his nightclub and then Leffen schedules an American branch the next Friday that Leffen would be doing or that Haxx would be doing his so he's saying that Leffen only started up this this tournament because he intended to encroach on Haxx's nightclub and the weird thing to me is that he's saying this but 2:21:24 Unknown_27: From the way he describes it, he shut down his his his tournament before Leffen even branched out to North America. So I don't know if it just wasn't a public thing or if he, you know, mixed up what he was saying. But he in his mind, he believes that Leffen did this just to shit on them and and kill his fight club thing. And perhaps that's true. But the way he frames it is awkward. Unknown_04: Surprise. 23rd. Unknown_02: Then, on January 14th, the inevitable happened when Leffen announced that the Levo he'd be hosting on January 23rd would have a North American bracket. Unknown_28: Because of how inconspicuously Leffen slipped this in, no one even noticed that he had just overrun another tournament. January 23rd is also when Leffen would start calling it Saturday Night Levo, which is a direct shot at Hax's nightclub. 2:22:06 Unknown_28: Before I go any further, let me explain why this is so significant. Leffen wanted to overrun my tournament in order to weaken his longtime adversary. However, he knew that if his original announcement on January 3rd said that he'd be hosting a North American tournament on Saturdays, people would have brought up the fact that the East Coast had just gotten a major tournament series, and he was blatantly overrunning it. So instead, Leffen started by hosting an EU-only tournament. Then, two weeks later, he slipped in an announcement that he'd be adding a North American bracket. This allowed Leffen to overrun Hax's nightclub without anyone noticing. The steps Leffen took reveal a high degree of Machiavellianism. Not only does this show that Leffen has the capacity to manipulate the community, but it also shows complete disregard for the community. Whereas Hax's nightclub was a free event, Bevo requires you to sub to Leffen on Twitch, which means Leffen was willing to take a free event away from the community. This also shows the capacity for resource transfer, resource drain, and socially parasitic behavior. 2:22:41 Unknown_27: So that's that's the the nightclub thing The interest I mean I He sure just kept it off as people are saying in chat He really should have just like suck it to him if that one required people to subscribe to him on twitch then a lot of people wouldn't just because He like especially if he started at first if there was conflict people would call him out on it but for whatever reason he 2:23:30 Unknown_27: chooses to just fold and submit to to lights death note of his nightclub and though he specifically says and I thought it was in this quote, but I thought I Unknown_27: Um, he claims that Saturday night Levo is a direct shot at Hax's nightclub because the word night is used in both names, which is a little bit schizo to me. Surprise. Now this gets into the box and the boxes, uh, one of the stronger points I think he has as well. Uh, this is his, his baby. Unknown_28: There was another con aimed at the box, which is the ergonomic controller that I sell. The con began on January 5th when Leffen tweeted that he'd be livestreaming a review of a box he just got in the mail. This was yet another tiptoe. Just like when Leffen tiptoed by announcing Levo, he was now tiptoeing once again. 2:24:16 Unknown_28: To show you how obvious it is that this was a tiptoe, consider this Instagram post that Leffen made in 2017 in which he claimed he'd be showcasing notched GameCube controllers. Leffen then posted his so-called notched showcase to YouTube and started to say things like these within the first few minutes. Unknown_24: Alright, so, first off, one common thing that people say is like, oh, you know, the fact that the box, or the hitbox controls, the digital input gives- This is not relevant. Unknown_27: Basically, what happened is, in case you forgot, Hax, the guy narrating, fucked up his hands. He played this game so hard, so much, that he literally fucked up the tendons in his hands and he had to retire early because he had carpal tunnel syndrome and could no longer play the game. So instead of just being like, oh, I guess I can't play this game anymore, he actually hired an engineer and designed what's called a keyboard controller. And keyboard controllers are like arcade game buttons on a motherboard. And you can press the buttons and they're designed in such a way that your tendons have to move very little and they're much more ergonomic. And that's how he was able to return and play the game that he likes which is really cool like you have a problem You have players who have you know carpal tunnel syndrome, and they're hurting themselves playing this fucking game So you might as well make an ergonomic controller But there's some problems with that and immediately after he releases this fucking thing. I guess what's his face and Because I guess people know like this rivalry is happening between them. So he's like I'll review my rivals thing and I'll sit on it and This is chapter 6. I'm gonna try to explain this as non autistically as I can Forgive me though. This is 2:25:40 Unknown_27: i need the picture for me i might actually swap so that this button is z so i can grab like this and so that i can um l cancel with r because i think l canceling with r is better than with light 2:26:17 Unknown_27: So that's the statement. He wants to rebind two keys. Unknown_27: And there, as you can see, there are four buttons on either side. There's the home row keys, and then there are some keys you have to reach for. And obviously the ones that you want to reach for should be the ones you use less often because the ones you use, because you're trying to save your hands, right? So he's saying we should rebind these keys. There is 30 minutes to this chapter explaining why he particularly does not like that remapping. of those keys. 2:26:49 Unknown_27: And I think this timestamp has the layout, because I want the layout when I explain this. Unknown_27: Okay, it does. Unknown_27: Left is the default layout, right is the Leffen's layout. And you can just see that the only real difference is that Z and R are swapped. Unknown_27: Let me try to explain this as well as I can. Unknown_27: In Smash, when your character touches the ground after performing a move in the air, there is an animation that plays as you recover from falling. If you press the Z or R button, You will prevent yourself, oh wait, if you press Z, R, or L, you prevent yourself from playing the animation at the full speed. It's double speed. So in professional games, it's very important that you manage to press the right button at the right time in order to avoid this animation. Leffen's way is called digital L cancelling or hard pressing because you have to hard press the R button and Hax's way by pressing Z is light cancelling because you only have to lightly tap it And for whatever reason, in the game, this is super, super important, and you should, according to Hax, you should do it his way, and Leffen says you should do it his way. And this is the most autistic fucking thing, and I can't explain why this works like this, because there's a thousand different glossary terms for everything. Like, apparently, if you do it Leffen's way, if you are, you also have to tech. Well, what the fuck's a tech? You have to do a specific button press to do a tech. And that, well, why do you have to do a button press for tech? And then they explain that there's like a thousand different factors involved where you should definitely try to tech. And it's like, okay, whatever. The point is, is that Leffen believes that it should be one way, and he immediately cites that as criticism against Hax's design. 2:28:50 Unknown_27: And the result is a lot of his life is the biggest player a lot of people start checking with the arbonne and so does the button and because this is apparently the erroneous way to do it, it causes like new novice players who like laughing to follow his lead and start doing this the wrong way and he, Unknown_27: Hacks claims that this is a significant Machiavellian evil thing to do because you've tricked people into doing the dumb thing because You're just trying to hurt him as opposed to letting people know the truth because you're trying to hurt his product But he kind of undermines his entire argument again because he plays this clip and even when I was listening to this I'm like, yeah, well Leffen has a point here I'm not saying to be clear that I know the best layouts Unknown_24: I'm saying that letting you rebind things is an objectively huge positive. 2:29:44 Unknown_24: You have to be an absolute fucking moron to try to say that not being able to remap is better because your overlord said so. Unknown_24: But yeah, hard pressing with Elcancel is in general better, because it option selects attack. Unknown_28: Leffen would end up banning Slammist. Then Leffen began to refer to me as an evil overlord, which shows how personally invested he was in proving me wrong. Unknown_02: The argument you just Unknown_27: That clip, I think, undermines his entire argument. Because it's like, all he's saying is that you should have the option to change the buttons to whatever the fuck you want. But Hax is so autistic, he's like, no, I've done the math. I figured this all out. This is marginally better than the other way. And anyone who wants to do it that way is wrong to do it that way. I have figured this out. I'm smart. I have the engineer. I've made this. It's my product. And it's going to be bound this way. And all Leffen's saying is like, if I had this and I had to use this, I would prefer if the buttons were switched. So that's my complaint about the product. His argument about this makes total fucking sense until he plays this clip because it really does undercut himself. 2:30:23 Unknown_27: But I really think he is just that kind of autist where it's like it has to be perfect. This is the way I've always done it and he doesn't even want to give people the option because his way is just objectively the best. 2:30:58 Unknown_28: Leffen's rhetoric would end up causing an indescribable amount of damage over the course of January. I would estimate that hundreds of melee players began to L-cancel incorrectly and believe that the box was designed incorrectly during this time period. After working on the box for four years, witnessing this happen to my community was incredibly disheartening. At first I would give descriptive responses to customers who asked questions about what Leffen was saying. But as time went on, I began to lose my tolerance, and it showed in my responses. On January 1st, a customer named Treelock said that he was trying out the RNZ swap because it had been recommended by not only Leffen, but another Swedish player named Pipsqueak as well. I responded by saying that Pipsqueak is Leffen's bitch, as to imply that Pipsqueak would simply parrot anything that Leffen said, and that it didn't make the RNZ swap any better. Pipsqueak then cherry-picked this statement and took it to Twitter on February 4th, which made me look like a bad person for saying this about him. His tweet provided no context, but it began to get decent traction. 2:31:40 Unknown_28: I had now somehow managed to find myself in a bad PR situation because of Leffen's lies. Unknown_27: He called this guy a bitch and now he had found himself in this situation because the mastermind Light Yagama from Sweden Korea has Made him call this random guy a bitch for saying that it's better to our tech or whatever the fuck Like bro, just don't call people your customers like a bitch and he won't have this issue 2:32:18 Unknown_27: So this is so heated, by the way, that there is like a community of people that he's built up on Discord that are fans of his box, which is like a $300 keyboard thing, that apparently have Carpal Tunnel, and one of his mods has a problem. This gets to him. He breaks. After seeing me end up in a bad- Unknown_27: LightYagama writes him in his Swedish-Korean death note. Unknown_28: So we can add Trump to the list of terrible dictators that have been, uh, Leffen has been compared to. Rightfully so, that fucker. 2:33:05 Unknown_28: Remember when I said that if Leffen were to throw a narcissistic tantrum like this one nowadays, it would cause serious problems? Now you know that I wasn't kidding. Leffen chose to set up his stream every day and knowingly lie about game mechanics in a way that would damage my company's customer base and PR. I even ended up having to make a YouTube video to debunk the lies he was spreading, but it's not like my video undid nearly all of the damage. After I made my video, Axe contacted me in private to thank me for making it. He said that he didn't know why so many people had been L-canceling the wrong way lately, so I told him it was because Leffen had been lying to people. He lied to people day after day after day, and abused the fact that a lie told often enough becomes the truth. 2:33:47 Unknown_27: Okay chapter 7 this is a this like I said the box thing it's like okay, you know, whatever He's making saying that the layout should be different and that apparently that harms the smash community somehow this to me Unknown_27: is the most legitimate criticism that he has against Leffen. And at this point, Leffen probably legitimately fucking hates hacks and is just trying to fuck with them. Because that's the only thing I know how to derive this from. Unknown_28: In my opinion, Leffen's political cons began in 2017, and they all started with when I needed to legalize the box controller I'd been designing. The box has gone on to help thousands of melee players in need of an ergonomic controller, and so thousands of careers were on the line back when- 2:34:41 Unknown_27: I'm all for more accessibility. Computers and games, whatever, if you want to add accessibility options. As far as lokeness goes, when I open up one of these modern games and there's color blindness options and shit, it's like, okay, people need those. Those people exist. That doesn't offend me. The existence of people with carpal tunnel does not threaten my existence as someone with hands that work, right? So it's a good thing and I hope he gets what he wants. Unknown_28: When its legality was being decided. But Leffen didn't care about that. He wanted me gone, and so he was going to get the box banned at any cost. Unknown_28: On January 19th, 2017, I announced to the melee community that I'd be returning on a controller called The Box. I had just spent a few years away from the game due to hand and wrist injuries, and people were happy to see that I'd not only be coming back, but helping out other melee players in need as well. 2:35:17 Unknown_28: Then, the exact same day I made my announcement, Leffen hosted a stream in which he made the following comments. Unknown_23: There's absolutely nothing. There's no proof or even anecdotal evidence that Smashbox is better for your hands. Unknown_27: That's like a real fucking claim to make. If you're gonna say that this keyboard controller, which people seem to agree, these keyboard controllers are way better for your hands. So him coming out the gate saying like, this guy's product doesn't even fucking work. That's a serious thing for someone in his position of influence to be saying, as far as I'm concerned. But this is where it gets big into it, because obviously the whole point of this is to play competitively. So if you get this box thing to play with, you should be able to play competitively. So Hax goes on a campaign to get competitive leagues to accept the box as a legitimate controller for people to play with. 2:36:00 Unknown_27: Like, if you can't use it to play competitively, why would people buy this fucking thing, right? That's a big deal. So, the most dickhead fucking thing that you could do in this situation, if you're trying to fuck with hacks, is to fuck with the legality of this controller. Unknown_28: A week after I got home from Summit, Leffen began to flood Twitter with misrepresentations of everything I had told him. He even spread these misrepresentations to TOs such as Jabaili and Mr. Wizard to try to reach a ban verdict as quickly as possible. When people asked Leffen what I thought about his tweets, he would clarify that I was in agreement with him, which wasn't true, and so I told Leffen that he was acting maliciously by putting words in my mouth. This was when things got even weirder. Leffen clarified that he had no malicious intent, but that he had made contact with the engineer who I was working with at the time. To be clear, Leffen lives in Sweden, and my engineer lives an hour away from me in New Jersey. When I saw Leffen's tweet, I realized that he had formed a strategic friendship, as he usually does. I didn't think too much of it at the time, but it would end up coming into play later. 2:37:17 Unknown_28: A week later, Levin began to flood YouTube with anti-box propaganda. The first video he made was released on March 21st, 2017. It was only a minute long, and it was called Box Controller Exposed. Unknown_27: He omits that to keep the serious tone going. I appreciate that. Unknown_27: This is another technical explanation, which I will sum up for you. This one's much easier to understand. Every Game Boy controller is made differently. There are imperfections and basically when you move the analog stick into a specific direction, Theoretically, when you move it as far as you can to the right, then there should be... your character should be moving 100% fast, you know, as fast as it can to the right. But, because of how it works, and because of the imperfections in the controller, there is a marginal 1% difference between the perfect rightmost position of the analog controller and where it will naturally fall. if you move the analog stick to the right. So people will physically carve into their controllers notches so that people will know where this 1% cardinality is so that they can move to the right 1% faster than they would if they didn't hit this mark. 2:37:54 Unknown_27: However, if you have a digital controller like a box, for instance, there is no issue with this cardinality because it's made differently. It uses different components. So it always has that 1% cardinality. 2:38:46 Unknown_27: And then Leffen makes this video. Unknown_26: Leffen's video is incredibly disingenuous for several reasons. Unknown_27: So that, even that in that video to me, it's like, do what you want with this information. He's trying to imply that this is a big fucking deal. That this box is a threat. This ergonomic, gimpy handed retard controller is now the new threat in the Smash community. Cause it can move 1% faster than a normal controller without the notches. Um, and. 2:39:19 Unknown_02: With the value before that. but what Leffen doesn't show you is that this is only true... Okay, this is also... I just need to explain this. Unknown_27: There is a specific situation that Leffen does as an example to show how the 1% cardinality rule lets you escape, but it requires two very precise things to get away from it, and apparently... 2:40:08 Unknown_27: There is already a fix, like in tournaments they use a program so that all Gameboy controllers hit this 1% mark all the time, even if the thing isn't not sure you're not using a digital controller, so it doesn't even matter. But he titles his video, Leffen does, as Digital controller meta incoming as is everyone's gonna be forced to buy Hax's box if they want to be competitive still because it has this great advantage And it's just it to me like I've looked at this, and I think this is bullshit This fucking guy is trying to ruin this guy's career because he doesn't like him Unknown_27: When Royal Flush rescinded their invite, I didn't care too much, as my engineer and I were mostly focused on a separate project at the time. 2:41:12 Unknown_27: I think, I don't know if I missed this, but basically Double Down invited Hax to make a big grand return with his controller. And then Leffen tweets at them directly and says, so modded controllers are allowed or are you just going to not post a rule set? So he's like actively bitching like, hey, this guy's using a modded controller. Are you going to let him cheat like that? And he gets disinvited as a result. Unknown_27: Which I think is a big fucking dick move and that's when I started feeling sorry for this guy He's like this guy is like a sped and he just wants to play his fucking game on this fucking gimpy nerd wheelchair controller This is one of the funniest parts of the whole video. In December 2017 Leffen posted a video of himself stabbing a pancake that had a green Jigglypuff drawn on it. 2:41:52 Unknown_28: This video tells you that Leffen desperately wanted to get rid of Hbox. It's identical to when he bought a red Adidas shirt shortly after losing to me at Genesis. Stalking and- He was wearing a red Adidas, like, pants or something to a competition that he lost, and Levin- or Levin immediately showed up on a different- one of his streams wearing a red Adidas shirt. Unknown_27: So he said that was a direct sign, which- that is, like, the strongest sign of direct, like, schizophrenia. Schizo- typical syndromes, is that this man is gang-stalking him by wearing a shirt. This thing about the jigglypuff that could be just for fun H box is apparently like the only pro player in the entire world who plays jigglypuff because the only way you can kill as Jigglypuff in a pro tournament is by like legs Bumping so I don't know how you fucking do it. Anyways, whatever it is But it doesn't matter. He's the only one who plays Jigglypuff. So, stabbing Jigglypuff is definitely Hbox. But I think that's, like, being, like, friendly competitive. But with this, he's just, like, he's trying to kill me because he's wearing a red Adidas tracksuit shirt. Which is pretty fucking funny. 2:42:41 Unknown_27: This entire chapter is about his rivalry with H box Which results which I think might have been like a friendly rivalry at some point but then towards the end like there's people literally chanting fuck H box at the end and Leffen has to say like no, please don't denounce my rival and they refuse to shake hands and shit It's like really cringe childish behavior between the two of them and in the community in general like actively jeering people But let's skip to this time 2:43:29 Unknown_28: Hardly anyone called Fraud on Leffen's tweet either, but HBox's mother sure did. Unknown_27: Hardly anyone called Fraud on Leffen's tweet either, but HBox's mother sure did. And the fact that she of all people called Fraud tells you everything you need to know. Unknown_27: So Leffen said that this crowd booing HBox was disrespectful and HBox's mother tweets Leffen and says, you have been partly the creator of this hatred against my son. Shame on you. Life will show you the hate comes back to you. I don't know if that's a win or a lose, but it's definitely something. 2:44:03 Unknown_04: Uh, chapter eight. Unknown_03: Wait, Unknown_27: Anyway, that was chapter 8. Chapter 9! This is another grudge. This is about a black man named Salem. He plays this clip again where Trump is, uh, is there. Uh, this one I am not gonna play any clips from. We're gonna skip right past it. The gist is that they don't like each other and then, um, Salem was removed from his sponsorship from Team Liquid and left and celebrated it. 2:44:43 Unknown_27: Hacks credits him being removed from Team Liquid due to an organized smear campaign by Leffen because Salem I believe was the only Smash Brothers melee content creator influencer guy who had more followers than he did so That is chapter 9 chapter 10 Unknown_27: This is about Leffen, and I agree with him on this, is that Leffen is actively trying to, like, molest, like, make himself an essential part of Me Too during all those horrific Super Smash Bros. sex scandals that happened. Like, Leffen became an anti-hero in the community because he's the lovable asshole. He's an asshole, but when things get rough, he's, you know, he's a beacon of light to look up to, so. Unknown_28: when the victims first started coming out, but before you knew it, the whole world was watching. Unfortunately, if there's anything last summer proved, it's that the Smash community is twice as naive as it thought it was. This is because, just as sexual predators can live among us, the Dark Triad can live among us too. 2:45:34 Unknown_27: I only played that because he literally put Among Us fanart in this very si- he could- he couldn't break character and like, keep things serious in other parts of the film, but when- or the video, but when it came time to make an Among Us joke, he's not gonna pass that one up. Because he's the most fucking autistic person to ever live. Unknown_28: Surely enough, Levin would begin tweeting frequently on June 28th. The tweets he made over the course of the next few weeks gave victims hope and empowerment, and caused him to become the community's beacon. Leffen's actions were showered with praise by community leaders, and not a soul stopped to question his intentions. His ability to take the helm of Me Too so easily despite his dark past made me realize how wide the gap between perception and reality is within this community, and that the situation was worse than I thought. If you listen closely to what Leffen says in this clip that Rishi tweeted, you'll start to realize that something went wrong here. 2:46:14 Unknown_24: yeah I also agree that saying you stan while I appreciate it if it's about me I still think it's bad you should hold me accountable if I'm not entertaining if I'm not doing shit like that then uh don't fucking follow me don't watch me I'm not your friend I'm an entertainer I'm a pro player you shouldn't assume that I am a top 2:47:04 Unknown_24: just because I'm a top player that I'm a top person that I'm a great person because you don't know me it is very easy as a streamer to do your bad shit during the hours you don't stream so that's him saying don't stand me I'm not a hero whatever um and for some reason that's a point against him I don't understand that either it's like whatever that's a good point to make Unknown_27: uh the rest of this chapter is him trying to back up that he's actually not a good person because he tells us he actually during this me too stuff where people are like getting raped and shit he's he's saying that he's a victim leffen is because he was on a plane and this is a true story it's just there's some discrepancies but he was in the plane and he was sitting next to another smash player Unknown_27: And that person slapped the fuck out of him. 2:48:03 Unknown_27: And there are some differing accounts as to why Leffen got his shit slapped. But Leffen's account is that he was just victimized. He was slapped like eight times and he didn't do nothing wrong. He's a good boy. And the other account from the guy involved was that Leffen was being annoying as fuck. and he hit him on a plane in the air which is i'm pretty sure like a felony to cause a disruption like that on the plane but then leffen keeps doing it he keeps doing whatever is pissing this guy off so he slaps him again And like eight years later, he's on Twitch crying about hashtag me too. And that is the funniest fucking thing. If Hax really wanted to get back at this guy, he would just make fun of him. He would commission artwork of Leffen being butt broken by some random person on an airplane. That would be funny. People would take his side on that one. 2:48:41 Unknown_27: Hashtag me too. Uh, okay. Chapter 11, which is... Unknown_27: We're already this is two hours in by the way people saying this is not a bridge you're being too too wordy. This is too long Actually, I have saved you a significant amount of your fucking life by watching this for you Okay, so we're now in chapter 11, I think where the fuck is chapter 11 Oh 2:49:17 Unknown_04: This is just more of him crying about being buck broken. Unknown_27: There's a guy called Zero. Unknown_27: He's a Super Smash Bros. Melee and at this point, I was wrong, it's not the other guy, the black guy, Salem. Zero is the only Smash Bros. player who is over laughing. Unknown_27: As soon as the allegations against Zero came out, Leffen, of course, as the Paragon of Virtue, who has made himself the Me Too icon, he was slapped brutally in an airplane, and... 2:50:14 Unknown_27: Now he can talk about this stuff and people look up to him for advice. The story with Zero is that when he was 19 he sent hentai to a girl who was 15 and years later she cancelled him and said that he was a creepy sex pervert. Unknown_27: I'll save what happens in a second, but at some point left and makes a statement about it And he just kind of like shits all over zero. Well. It's kind of backhand He's like shitting on zero, but also saying I would I would really like to be friends with him I don't have anything against him you guys Sure, he's like a dirty sex pervert, and I hope he gets what's fucking coming, but gosh golly, this is just sooo troublesome, and I don't even know what to think about it. And, uh, Hacks says that this is word salad, and Hacks calling anything word salad at two hours, thirteen minutes, and two seconds into this fucking video is a little bit ironic. Don't you think? 2:50:56 Unknown_27: Um, this is also, this is the only interesting part as far as this Zero story concerns. Unknown_27: So point is that hacks would have liked left and to be held accountable for this man attempting to commit seppuku or sudoku as it's sometimes known and People just said like yeah, he's not at fault for what this retard does which Brings us to the last chapter chapter 12. This is when the mask is pulled back and mr. Hacks is back on the camera for us to look at 2:51:52 Unknown_27: To where it's like 30 minutes of him just rambling This isn't even like cut or edited the rest of it is kind of edited for time to make a point But this is just him on the mic saying whatever he wants. So I'll summarize it Leffen blocks a ton of people blocking people makes people wary of being blocked because Leffen is the number one smash player people in the community Do you not want to be blocked by him? Avoid being bought people will not call him out and nobody is above him to call him out Therefore Leffen has created a dystopian society and blocking should be illegal He brings on that he uses his position to crush his competitors to crush him to crush the box, which is a good thing which he teaches people how to light cancel correctly and also saves the hands of tens of millions of smash players with carpal tunnel syndrome and 2:52:50 Unknown_27: And finally, the closing speech from from there. You're going to receive a documentary this upcoming weekend that is intended to cause you to descend further and further into the pits of totalitarianism. Unknown_28: And if you didn't have this video, honestly, that may have that may just very well have been checkmate. But now, luckily, I'm in a win win situation, whether that documentary broadcast or not, because either they pulled the plug on it as they should, Unknown_28: or they broadcast it and that will reveal how bad of a spot we truly are in because now you will see that the press is actually lying to you. 2:53:34 Unknown_27: So, with that very concise killing blow, Leffen has been brought down. We all see him for the Snake, Vermin, Hitler, Nazi collaborator, Knight of Long Knives, Vladimir Lenin, Marxist, Machiavellian, Dark Tetrad, Snake, Korean motherfucker, which he is. Unknown_27: I'm surprised I haven't lost my voice. I'm going to feel it in the morning. I'm going to wake up and my throat's going to be sore. Unknown_27: Alright, any questions, class? If you have any questions about buck breaking, how to break your buck, how to Machiavellian Dark Triad Spurg out of your community, let me know now. 2:54:11 Unknown_27: Thank you to the 1,500 people who have endured this fucking three hour long marathon of a stream. It feels fucking old. Unknown_27: So did it work? Um, I guess I should have included his reaction. I didn't even think to, I just want to talk about the video. Leffen's um, Leffen's response to it was kind of, let me just pull it up actually. Unknown_27: Kind of weird. Unknown_04: And uh, let me just pull up the statement. Exactly. I'm sorry. I really didn't think, 2:54:58 Unknown_04: I'm even pulling his reaction Did he like delete it? Unknown_04: The fuck did this come out? Unknown_27: Did he delete this fucking thing? I'll kill you fucking motherfucker if you delete it this week. Okay, Leffen. At this point, I don't even know what to do. Legit concern with my safety at events with this level of things. We'll be looking into a lawyer before saying more just to make sure my bases are covered, says Leffen. And then he just returns to normal. 2:55:33 Unknown_27: And that's it. That's his only statement. I think that this statement is bitch made I don't like it to be fair with you because it's like You're not threatened by this fucking guy like sure. He's a fucking weirdo, but he's obviously not gonna kill you And there's gonna ask a lawyer before saying more things to make sure his bases are covered like what a Swedish attorney an American attorney like what fucking attorney are you gonna get what's the threat here and Um, it's just like you're hiding Here's what my response would have been if someone made a two hour and 30 long minute video Saying that I was a dark triad machiavellian threat to the locale community I would just say lol sperk and that would be the end of it He should have just said lol sperk in reply to this fucking video I don't know why he had to act like this was like a physical threat to him and the interesting thing is that this Message came 50 minutes after the video was published. So there's no way he could have like watched it 2:56:28 Unknown_27: I guess he watched like the first 15 minutes and saw that he was compared to Hitler like 12 times and said yeah This is kind of weird. I I need a lawyer Low countdown that's a good one, too Unknown_04: Okay, that's it if there's anything else I don't care I'm done I have a nice outro song for us all and I guess I'll see you guys Next week Bye 2:57:11 Unknown_27: How does my mic sound? I got a new mic. I didn't even ask. This is a new mic setup. It's got a preamp. It's got a mixer. Is it better than it was before? Is it worse? Your mic is good. Mic sounds fine. Kino. Good. Okay, great. I'm glad that my mic is fine. See you next week. Bye-bye. Unknown_03: Memphis, Tennessee, straight up this bitch. 2:57:46 Unknown_08: Did someone say, wait a minute, Matt? No, should've kept my head and my cab low Now I'm just getting played like Hasbro when I'm not butt-fuckin' handicapped, hoes I'm calling out your woefully insufficient level of lactose Ah, so that's where the fat goes Look at my legs, bitch, ain't no circulation in those I got them black toes Listen, Faith, don't act like you wasn't sucking them shit like it was Leo DiCaprio's But I bet you think my kid's some kind of lasso that you can just throw to straight-up mess with my kid Cash flow, learned a few lessons from black folk. Child support, no. Collect the fees from the debts of my asshole. And May says, yeah, I stand behind him. The perfectly law-abiding citizen who's not violent would never smack a bitch and force her to go into hiding. Lord, protect this man like you'd protect Conor Biden. And Faith says, where's my child support? Get the fuck away from me. I never leave the Ralph castle. Like, I'mma just show up at your house. Eh, sorry, the Ralph ain't no Frank Hassel. I just don't care. 2:58:18 Unknown_08: I'd rather sit in this chair until I grow gray hair I'll be dead at 45, man, I ain't scared I tried to buy my way to heaven, but I'm unprepared I guess it's straight to hell 2:59:02 Unknown_08: You'll never see my ass in no ring This ain't Knoxville, I just doxxed the will Cause that's all I can bring No, you will never see my ass in no ring Unless it's Mother Ilana Ring As the kingpin of the fuckin' pedo ring I'm from the Bible Belt I get the kids zonked And I got my own church And that caused the kids zonked And I ain't talkin' about no-cause kids zonked If they can crawl, they can trip I'll put on this song get into the pink song sing along with my good friend Ian Paul song My dick small but it works Unknown_08: She needs a rope, boy With your bust a bad dick Why don't you stick to what you do best Then go write some code, boy Pop called me, the pills ain't dope, boy This fat fuck's on pills and he's so fuckin' dope, boy I ask my mom every day if she's proud She's like, no I'm not, you're a goddamn joke, boy Lord, I just don't care My pills can get high till my soul ain't there Tried to buy my way to heaven, but I'm nowhere near Fuck it, straight to hell I'd rather sit in this chair until I grow gray hair 3:00:12 Unknown_08: But I'm unprepared, I guess it's straight to hell, here we go, here we go, here we go I just don't care how pills can get high, told my soul ain't there Court ordered deadlocked to pay this ho's daycare, fuck it, straight to jail, here we go, here we go I'd rather sit in this chair until I grow gray hair, I'll be dead in 45 minutes I ain't scared, tried to buy my way to heaven, but I'm unprepared, straight to hell, here we go, here we go, here we go Unknown_08: One more for the live audience. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for all the donations from all of you stupid fucking dumbass motherfuckers. There's a lot of dumb motherfuckers around there. Big ups to T-Clips.