1318 – Mad at the Internet 2021-05-28

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Unknown_06: Let's make a mess. Let's coalesce. Let's make a fuss. The world is filled with psychopaths. So I wanna jank. I wanna fight. I wanna rage against the machine.

Unknown_06: Little fingers up to the Don't question my taste Who are you chat to question my taste?

Unknown_05: It's a song that just came out called. Thank God. It's Friday. Of course. I'm gonna first I'm gonna play it First I'm gonna play it. I'm gonna drink my boomer juice Okay, this is a week

Unknown_05: of drought, famine, death, and it almost was a stream that did not happen. I could be playing Satisfactory right now, but I am instead streaming because a man, one man,

Unknown_05: has come out of nowhere, and he has said to people, behold, I am a pedophile, and that's okay. And the entire world has taken to throwing tomatoes at him. So that'll be the entire stream. Just to give you a warning, if you're expecting a detailed, carefully mixed salad of all sorts of different topics, you are completely fucked. And this stream is probably going to be unique in format because it is pretty much just one thing. And I'll explain more in a bit, but just to do my rounds, my intro, to keep everyone up to date. There may be people watching this who do not ordinarily watch my streams. If you do not know this, I am growing banana peppers and other herbs. And I give my chat a progress report on my banana peppers and herbs. And it's just a thing that I do.

Unknown_05: This is the previous streams update. You can see that, I mean, these are all germinated like two months ago. So they're from love and care. Here we have the banana peppers on the top left, the herbs on the top right, the brand new herbs growing on the bottom, which is just basil, the rest hadn't sprouted, and then peas in their trellis.

Unknown_05: Out on the balcony. But now, we are on May 28th, and the banana peppers, I think, have grown enormously. They've grown an entire three or four inches taller, and they've grown another rung of leaves. It's actually quite fucking amazing how big they've gotten in just one week.

Unknown_05: The herbs, especially the parsley and the dill, have grown immensely as well. And the peas have grown by like a third their original size in one week. And the mint and oregano have finally graced us with their presence. So, everything is going fantastically. I'm very pleased. I cannot wait to have basil, because when I have basil, I'm going to make pesto from scratch. And I might even post pictures of it if I'm feeling generous. So that is the plant update.

Unknown_05: I've bought a little greenhouse to put out on the balcony. I don't want to show it because I don't want to say, hey, this is on my balcony. Look for this from the street if you want to find me. Maybe I'm just being too paranoid, but it is like a little greenhouse thing out on the balcony, and I'm going to put the herbs in it. So wish them luck as they face the elements.

Unknown_05: That concludes the plant segment.

Unknown_05: There are still three ongoing lawsuits with the forum right now. There's Melinda Scott. There's Greer. That's still happening. There's been some filings with Greer, but I don't want to talk about it because it's ongoing. And then there's the Cloudflare thing. We had the first hearing regarding the Cloudflare requests to surrender information from me to them regarding... Not regarding users, but regarding my site. And it's sort of like, why are you trying to subpoena Cloudflare for all the websites I host? Because I host sites for other people. And if they legally force my hand to deliver that information, then small businesses might get attacked because of fucking bullshit. And that's inevitable if they're going to publish it.

Unknown_05: It's not really...

Unknown_05: I mean, at that point, it's not even my fault. I feel no guilt if that happens because it's... I took appropriate measures. I didn't expect that Cloudflare would just fucking surrender information on a week's notice. And then when I file in time to say, like, hey, I'm going to challenge this in court, they've already surrendered it. So that's bullshit. And hopefully the lawyer is not going to allow Tomlinson to fucking... uh you know try and and penalize me extra judiciously hopefully they will have the good sense to not surrender that information that has no relevance to the proceedings and that's the entire reason i'm challenging that he's suing like 60 anonymous people in a wisconsin court so um i've hired someone to represent my interest in that because it's going to pertain to kiwi farms users probably and uh

Unknown_05: I don't remember the name of the lawyer. I'm sorry. I have like three lawyers right now. Give me a break. He's like a famous YouTuber who talked about the election and shit. He's like, I didn't even realize that he was a YouTuber until people said, why did you hire this guy? Barnes. Yeah, Barnes. And he said, why did you hire Barnes? And I'm like, what's wrong with him? He's like, oh, he's like a YouTuber. I'm like, oh.

Unknown_05: That's cool, I guess. I don't care. I just hope that he can competently represent the interests of my fucking website against this retard. So, um, yeah, whatever. I don't care who they are. I just need these people to fuck off, basically.

Unknown_05: And then in regards to that, as if I don't have enough fucking issues as it stands, I've been told today that in relation to ComicsGate, of all fucking things, a user named PocketJax is suing... Oh, two users. PocketJax and someone who's not a KiwiFarms user is suing Frog, who is Ethan VanCyver, and Vickyverse, and Dean as Saf, DA Talks.

Unknown_05: So this shit's happening. I've been aware that this comic gates thing has been happening on the forum for a while, and now they're suing each other, and the word pedophile is being brought up, and I have no fucking idea what's happening with that shit. The comics gate thing is entirely managed by itself, and a stenographer gives me some updates when I need to understand that there's weird shit happening, like people are suing each other, so...

Unknown_05: Good luck with that. Don't involve me. I don't want to have to hire a fourth attorney to mediate my interest in your fucking bullshit. Thank you. Goodbye. So that's the spare updates that I have for today.

Unknown_05: Ethan Ralph. I've been trying to avoid Ralph for a while, because he's just so nasty and petulant. And his mother is dead recently. She's died recently. I don't even think she's buried at this point. She literally just died. So it's like, okay. just ignore ralph maybe ralph cannot like be a fucking retard for just a little bit and i'll just give him a little bit of space we'll all breathe and and i won't have to have like because i don't i don't like having like a of a feud you know because that's not interesting i don't want people to have to take sides between two arbitrary points and like some fucking internet dispute it's not it's not funny it's not interesting it's

Unknown_05: Anti funny and someone in my position running the forum should not have like these people are good and these people are bad kinds of associations because it inherently taints the quality and perspective of discussion on the forum. And I don't want to do that. These streams should just be me talking about things that I enjoy. But Ralph is really fucking pressing me on this shit.

Unknown_05: And recently, today, by the way, is the due date for Alexander Vickers, who is Faith's son.

Unknown_05: uh due to be born today i don't know if it's going to be born today i don't know if it's already been born like that news hasn't reached me regardless of what it is but we're all waiting in anticipation for the birth the arrival of the antichrist to usher in a thousand years of darkness um and i guess i know good luck to faith don't die during pregnancy that would be sad good luck to ralph dealing with the child support and custody shit because that's going to be fucking fun for nobody Except maybe people in the forum. But while he's sitting here expecting the birth of his son, he has found the time to go out and DMC a T clips like of all the things happening right now in Ralph's life. His mother just died. Baby, on the way. Still has to deal with the in-laws. And he just lost his Patreon. I'll touch on that in a second.

Unknown_05: And originally I wasn't going to, but Jesus Christ, he comes out and he says this.

Unknown_05: I laughed when they took down that skanks T clips channel. I told the dumb bitch to take my material down over a year ago. She didn't listen. She shit on my mama after she died and tried to dox my friends instead. I laughed when they took down her channel. I'd a hundred percent do it again and we'll do it again if needed. And you're not safe on Odyssey, baby girl. I'm coming for those too. And I'm going to upload your clips on kill stream.tv. I own that shit. So that's his bold declaration of war against T-Clips. Just some fucking broad out in California or Arizona, wherever the fuck, uploading clips of shit, who's left Ralph pretty much alone. I don't know what the fuck he's talking about, saying that she laughed at his mom dying. I don't think I heard anyone laughing at his mom dying. I could be wrong. I'm not paying attention, but...

Unknown_05: what Ralph did is he claimed 20 clips from the kill stream and if you claim three videos from one channel at one time they get three strikes applied at once and when YouTube system gets three strikes applied at one time the channel is immediately completely deleted or hidden from view until the issue is settled because clearly it's such a serious infraction and that um they're getting multiple copyright violations or community strike violations at once there's there's something that needs human mediation at this point and it can't be on the site until that's resolved so her shit's just like completely like fucking thanos snapped out of existence and but there's like clips of him talking this is from 20 this is almost exactly a year ago a little bit less than a year old i think it

Unknown_05: I think of all the content of mine that you've run, monetized, and profited off of, and I think the way you're literally running an anti-Ralph channel right now, that's your right. That is your right. It is your right to run an anti-Ralph channel and to have monetized clips.

Unknown_05: But he continues, but I don't have to be happy about it, and I don't have to be happy about And I'm not happy about it. Do what you want with my clips now and in the future. I'll never revoke, but I will not let aggression against me and my show go unanswered.

Unknown_05: And then TClip says, I'm not running an anti-Ralph channel. I grabbed the drama moments from the streams and I was going to clip Corinne and Fuentes next. So he essentially says here that it doesn't bother, like, I guess it does bother him. But, you know, it's like, whatever. It's a clip channel. I'm not going to be petty about it. And then less than a year later, he's completely backtracked on that and said, like, yeah, I'm going to copyright strike all your shit. Fuck you.

Unknown_05: I don't know. You can make arguments about if that is verbal or written permission to allow her to use that clip. And in my perspective, when you look at the recent case law with Sargon versus Akilah Hughes, the judge in that case explicitly says...

Unknown_05: that in the context of sargon's channel there's a transformative element to a wholly utilized work um that that is present just because it's on his channel and his channel is a place of criticism and really you could look at the clipping channel and say well there's no such transformative element but when you look at ralph's direct statement he's saying i think of the way you're literally running an anti-ralph channel now he clearly thinks that it is a critical place of him so by his own words in this one message he admits that both a it's her right to use that content and b that uh her channel is anti-ralph which transforms the clips because apparently the context of the t clips channel

Unknown_05: is distorting the work in such a way that it's a different work than when Ralph just has it on his archives. So, like, I don't know. That's a legal argument. I'm not a lawyer, and I'm sure nobody gives a fuck, but I cannot fucking believe that... Like, I can believe that Ralph is that petty and stupid and vindictive and petty and stupid, but... How does he have fans who support him? How do people give him money still and think like, yeah, that's right. That's the guy for me. That's my favorite entertainer. I work, you know, bagging groceries. But when I come home from bagging groceries and I sit down and I listen to the Ralph Retort and the political insights of the Gamer Gator, all my worries wash away. And I feel informed. And I think that even though he's out there waging a crusade against clip channels, he deserves some of my money. Like, who the fuck is that person?

Unknown_05: And I'm thinking now that the whole reason why he suddenly chose this time to DMCA Tclips is that he wants to put all Killstream content behind a paint wall on this fucking bullshit app that he's betting his entire estate on to monetize because he just lost his Patreon. And that's a funny story. Like...

Unknown_05: Far be it from me to encourage de-platforming, because I don't. But in this case, it really... It's entirely on him. And it's hard for me to sympathize with him. I don't think that he should be demonetized, even though it is entirely his fault, given the context. But the context is... Months ago, when Ade came onto a stream with me and PayPayPay, who I will talk about in a little bit, and for the remainder of the stream, but when he came on with me, or she came on with me and PPP, Ade talked about Ralph and said that he had, among many things, a scatological affiliation. He liked poo. And Ralph was in fucking chat on his verified DLive account saying, yep, that's true, I love poo-poo. And I think he's... After that, he was so angry and so humiliated that he wrote up a fucking diatribe on his blog, theralfortort.com, and he said all these horrible things about her and said she was a washed-up hoe and a starfucker and all this shit. And then, to top it off, to make sure that she really stung, he doxxed where she worked. And far be it from me to condemn doxxing, but...

Unknown_05: I can logically look at what this is. This is a hit piece. You're trying to get her fired. You're trying to deprive her of her income because she told people you like stinky doo-doo. And then she, after contacting the police about revenge pornography with her ex-boyfriend, suddenly your Patreon goes down and deprives you of income. So it is literally fucking karma, like almost immediate, instant karma.

Unknown_05: And it wouldn't have happened because I think a lot of what Ralph gets away with is that his streams are fucking long and even haters don't have the audacity to stomach his shit for hours at a time to find little bits to get them by. But TheRalphRetort.com is like what he tells Patreon. This is what my Patreon is for. It's supporting my journalistic works at TheRalphRetort.com. So when people show him, you know, like the Patreon, like, abuse report team and say, look, this guy has docs on it. Like, if Abe reports his fucking Patreon and says, it says right here, it's for the ralphretort.com. You go to the ralphretort.com. Here's the article that contains my job telling people that they should get me fired. And then they look at that and they have it fucking blackened right in front of him or in front of them saying, yeah, he's violated community standards and he's no longer welcome on the platform. That's what happened. And it could have done nothing. He would still be making that $1,000 a month minimum. I think it was like $2,000 a month. He would still have that if he just didn't, if he just let it go. And that's always been his problem. Just fucking let it go. None of it fucking matters. Nobody gives a shit. Read the fucking news. Talk about Tucker Carlson and Trump and just let it fucking go. But he can't.

Unknown_05: And it will continue to negatively impact him and his ability to lead the kind of life that he wants until he fucking can't. And I think that day is coming sooner and sooner all the time. And once the baby's involved and there's financial obligations and he has to lawyer up again... to represent himself in family court. And that's not the court that is cheap. Family court is the fucking nastiest place to be.

Unknown_05: All sides are fucking vindictive as shit. They will dig through every element of your life to find out things about custody and, you know, character. And it will drain him emotionally and physically and financially to the point he's a fucking withered husk. So...

Unknown_05: And I don't know. I don't know. I could potentially try and sacrifice Ralph a second time to my banana peppers. Give myself a banana pepper harvest.

Unknown_05: But I don't know if there's anything left. I mean, he's still quite big. Physically, there's enough matter there to nourish my peppers. But I dare not try to Babe Ruth it twice at this point.

Unknown_05: Okay. That is enough talking about Ralph.

Unknown_05: So now we lead into the final segment, which will last approximately four hours, where I will talk about IP2. IP2, if you don't know, just in case you're listening, this is the first stream ever. Someone put this on a cassette tape in the year 2026 and hurled it at you.

Unknown_05: from their side of No Man's Land, in the drawn lines of World War III. This person has maliciously thrown this cassette tape at you, and you're listening to this, and you have no fucking idea what I'm talking about. At this point in time, we have evolved the art of bumfights to a true 21st century...

Unknown_05: Internet information aged here, where now we put literal shit-eating crackheads on 24-hour live streams. We strap a camera to them and plug into their phone, which then uploads in real time to the internet a stream of them doing meth and eating shit. And to financially incentivize them in doing so, people on the internet can watch these people do meth and eat shit and then pay money to them so that their phone will blurt out whatever the fuck you write in an anonymous way and also sometimes play music. So you have these literal actual psychopaths addicted to various chemical intoxicants who Wandering around the streets harassing good people who just want to get an ice cream cone or whatever and enjoy their day. And there are these fucking goblins with their GoPros and cameras that harass them and everyone around them constantly. And that is IP2.

Unknown_05: And I have never IP to scares me like I I've been told that I should open a board for IP to many times as it's distinct now from Internet famous, which is already arguably one of the most regressive areas of the site in terms of like quality of person that we talk about. But now we need a gutter for that gutter. And we're called the IP2. And the thing is, when you create a board like that, it's for the audience. So you're thinking, okay, what kind of audience is going to participate in this board? And I'm scared of those fucking people. Those people are dangerous, I think. And I don't know how much I want to get involved in this. It's like I already have a lot of shit going on. I don't want crackheads to like show up at my house with GoPros and, and inward cameras. And it's like, I don't know if I can handle this. So, um, I'm on the edge and I'm just kind of watching this quietly thinking like, I don't want to get involved with this at all. I really don't want to. Uh, so I, I also just, I, I, in general, I don't like the content. It's funny to look at the highlights and think like, okay, for instance, this, I put, have this pulled up.

Unknown_05: Oh, God, I fucked up my OBS somehow.

Unknown_09: Oh, Jesus. Oh, no. What the fuck?

Unknown_05: There it is. Okay. Sorry, I clicked something and OBS shit itself.

Unknown_05: This happened recently. This guy, I think his name is Lulz. Lulz.

Unknown_05: Lulz went into the public with his N-word camera on. And I don't... I think he called a woman... I'm not gonna play any of these fucking clips, because I know... They're like 15 minutes long, and it's just this weirdo. You can see him right here. He's got blood pouring from his scalp. He went into public, and...

Unknown_05: He called this black lady, who's a security guard, who's just trying to get her fucking ice cream and enjoy her day. And he walks up and calls her the N-word, and she takes her radio, her walkie-talkie, and hits him in the fucking scalp with this. And he's bleeding profusely from the scalp because he has been assaulted in retaliation for verbal harassment of this black woman. And he ends up in a hotel and he's almost losing consciousness because he is concussed and slipping into a coma. And then the hotel he's at is getting spammed with callers from the crackheads who fling money at them. So the hotel staff have to go up to this man who is almost dying from his injuries from inward related violence. And they throw him out of the hotel. And he has to stagger around in public, still dripping blood, blood now caked to his face, to find another hotel to allow him in in that state so that he may rest and recover from the N-word related violence.

Unknown_05: It is truly, like, when I phrase it like that, it's fucking hysterical. But to get to that point, you have to be one of the crackheads who fling money at them in the chat watching this unfold for 48 hours straight because they don't fucking sleep because they're streaming all the time high on meth.

Unknown_05: And that's not something I can dedicate myself to at this time. I'm enjoying my zen of satisfactory. I do not need crackhead streams eating up 10 hours at a time, which has happened today, which is why I'm going to be talking about it. Pepepe, who is a fat Canadian and lives with Surfer, who is...

Unknown_05: I believe he's an ethnic Jew. Don't quote me on that, but I'm pretty sure he's ethnically Jewish, and he's also the most right-wing person I've ever heard in my entire life. He is like the most far-right, white nationalist person I've ever seen, ever. And they live together in this comfortable Canadian shack, and they...

Unknown_05: PayPayPay and Surfer theoretically could run a real stream like I'm doing, where you have OBS set up and you have a microphone on a stand. But PayPayPay is a traditionalist, much like in his faith. He is a very traditionalist person, and he believes that streams should be conducted by holding a cell phone and pointing it at the computer screen, and only ever recording in that way. So that is his medium. That is his art. many some people paint on tapestry some people paint on paper some people paint on on canvas pay pay pay paints are with the medium of cell phone camera and nothing else there is no fucking microphone there's nothing it is just whatever the phone giveth is what is seen so um

Unknown_05: Please don't spam, because I like my chat, and the spam just disrupts it. Don't make me janny. I will janny if I have to, but... So, um... Pepepe sits down, and he dedicates himself to, uh... To sitting through... What is it, like, six hours, eight hours of stream? No, it's like five hours. But, um...

Unknown_05: Because he adds commentary takes like 10 hours. So yesterday I sat down and I watched for 10 hours straight while playing satisfactory and

Unknown_05: This stream, and I took notes, I took timestamps, and I now have them.

Unknown_05: And I will play them for you. Now what I have done to improve the quality of this footage is I have normalized the audio because the audio is a laptop speaker being recorded by a cell phone. So the end result is extremely poor quality and often very hard to hear. So I've actually touched the stream up so that we can hear it better, and it may still be horrendous. So I'm just setting your expectations. And again, if you're listening to this on a cassette tape in the trenches of World War III, I apologize for the abysmal audio quality. I'm sure you're used to much better. All right, let us begin.

Unknown_07: Let me pull it up.

Unknown_05: And I realize that some people don't like pay pay pay my response to that is too fucking bad All right first time stamp

Unknown_05: This is the initial incident. This is what forever changes the course of history in this young man's life. We're about to meet someone named Chagat, and you're thinking, Chagat, that's an awful name. And you're right, it is a particularly terrible name to give yourself. I don't know what it's going for, but it just sucks. So keep in mind they're in a bar, the audio is shit, and I'll explain what happens, just so nobody misses what happens. Bob Munoz tipped $3.33 since Chaga put his Tudor in a 13-year-old Tuga.

Unknown_05: So just immediately, Chagat put his tuba in a 13-year-old tuba.

Unknown_05: And Baked Alaska, who is on the left, with a very interesting-looking profile to his nose, says, what the, as he will do many, many times throughout the course of this stream, and I ask him, Chagat, who is on the right, who looks at first glance to be like a normal person, Um, but Bake Alaska asked him to clarify what the fuck that super chat meant.

Unknown_15: What the? What is that?

Unknown_05: Now, I'm sorry to pause it so much already, but when I listened to this for 10 hours straight yesterday, I thought the what the was like an automated sound clip that played automatically after every single text-to-speech donation, but that's actually something that he says himself. I've heard it with such regularity. I was certain it was a sound bite that would automatically play after the donation, but no, that's just what he says constantly. I told you this shit was going to happen.

Unknown_12: What the fuck?

Unknown_05: You see what I mean? It doesn't even sound like he's saying it. It's just like there's a second mouth on the back of his head that just says, what the, constantly.

Unknown_14: What the? He said in the 13-year-old tuka. What do you mean? No, they're just... They're insulting me for the thing that happened.

Unknown_14: I thought we'd moved on from that. No, they haven't. I mean, these fucking faggots kicked me out and ended the night over it. And then I thought that I was going to meet them halfway and apologize. I tried to apologize. I tried to say I'm sorry for bringing that up and blah, blah, blah. Only to leave and have them all lie about everything that happened. Very frustrating. Well, you should tell your side of the story after this song.

Unknown_05: So they're in a bar. They're sitting down. And Baked Alaska, this man on the right, has apparently been begging Baked Alaska over the course of months to let him be with his stream crew. And Baked Alaska said, okay, well, here's your opportunity. So they get together, and Chagat has interactions with some of the other people. I don't know if they're, like, streamers. But basically what happens is...

Unknown_05: He accidentally let slip that when he was 18, he had sex with a 13-year-old girl. And the other people at this congregation said, that's fucked up, and they abandoned him. They closed up Boys Night, and they basically kicked him out. And he's saying, you know, that's fucked up. People shouldn't do that. And this is the mantle upon which the remaining 48 hours worth of streaming content is based.

Unknown_05: And I kind of want to give you an example. Just like, because it is strange looking at him that he does look very normal. I kind of want to establish that he's like a fucking weirdo, just right off the base. So this guy tips, making fun of Chagat, which is basically, again, that's their income, is that these people will pay to fling pennies at these people. Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why?

Unknown_09: at him his brain is already short-circuiting like look at the autistic tics holy shit dude okay so i don't like i think that goes to show like his low iq he doesn't know how to respond to these certain simulations people are making fun of him like but he's he's chagat how do people make fun of him so he that's like his go-to is like his juvenile sense of humor is just to spaz out and make funny faces

Unknown_05: Um, and they, oh, I think I'm missing a timestamp here.

Unknown_05: Oh, okay, no, my note just says, they discuss this incident, and the Super Chats are making fun of him, for an additional 15 minutes. So this is 11 minutes into this 10-hour-long stream, which I'm going to blaze through as fast as I possibly fucking can, so that I may sleep before it's midnight.

Unknown_05: But at 25 minutes, the situation changes. We're just playing some fun music.

Unknown_04: I don't think you're seeing anything.

Unknown_09: Yeah, she goes, oh, you were talking about sleeping with a 13-year-old girl? Do you want to know how old I was when I slept with the 13-year-old? Like, look at her face.

Unknown_12: Well, look at the grin on Jagat's face. You know, as he asked this woman if she wants to know how old he was as he molested a 13-year-old.

Unknown_05: So I mentioned that people will call the hotel to get these people thrown out when they've suffered injury, right? So when they go to any restaurant, any bar, wherever the fuck they're at, people will call the establishment. They'll find out where the establishment is. They'll call them, and they'll harass him until the establishment throws them out. But what's shocking about this is that did not happen. For the first time ever, they've actually been thrown out because of what they're actually saying. Well, I mean, not for the first time ever. but for like their actual behavior independent of the of the n-word phone independent of people harassing the establishment over their own phones a actual customer patronizing this establishment overheard these young men discussing the fact that chagat had sexual relations with a 13 year old girl and complained to management that there was a pedophile eating with them, and it made them uncomfortable. And this woman had to come out and say, sir, we did not serve pedophiles talking about their molestation at our bar. And they had to leave, and they did.

Unknown_05: Which led to Hungry Baked Alaska and Hungry Chagat walking down the street having further deliberations about if people were having an irrational moral panic about the situation. So, being the smart intellectual people that they are, what do you think they did to confirm if this was fucked up or not? They of course asked 15 year old girls.

Unknown_09: Okay. Now? Now?

Unknown_09: So think of it. You've just been kicked out of a bar for admitting to being a pedophile. First of all, you've admitted to being a pedophile and admitted to committing a crime.

Unknown_09: You've been kicked out of a bar, publicly shamed and humiliated. What would your next step be? Would it be one? Stop live streaming, go home, fucking shut off the internet and never return?

Unknown_09: Or two, would you go up to strangers on the street and tell them you're a pedophile and ask them if it's okay that you fucked a 13-year-old?

Unknown_09: Press one if you would go home and shut off your fucking internet. Press two if you would go and tell random strangers on the street that you're a pedophile.

Unknown_09: I wonder what we're about to see happen.

Unknown_05: It's a flood of twos.

Unknown_05: okay so skipping ahead this is they're walking in the street they see two women they think aha we'll ask them they could not possibly think that this was fucked up can we ask you a quick question we're doing a little live stream here all right and and like just i'm not good at handling cringe I know you may think I run a cringe website, right? So I must be used to cringe. I've never gotten used to it. And these real social, like these real interactions make my fucking skin crawl. This man is humiliating himself to these two young women or girls. They're 15. They'll reveal that in a second, but spoiler alert, they're 15.

Unknown_09: Like imagine like these, these poor girls, you're going to ask them this shit. Like,

Unknown_14: Go ahead.

Unknown_15: He's got a question for you.

Unknown_14: So, here's the controversy. When I was 18, I hooked up with a girl who was 13. I'm now 29. Obviously, I don't hook up with 13-year-olds anymore at all. And I didn't after I got older from Maddie. But do you think that that's, like, so outrageously bad? Yes.

Unknown_09: Yes! You know, like... Thank you, sister!

Unknown_05: without missing a beat even he asked is that fucked up and she was just like yeah and she has like a really composed reaction to the information and you can tell that she's like having to to restrain herself in response to those thank you that's yeah they're trying to cancel them over it so what do you guys think yes that was why did you do that uh that's very very i i did very very normal i mean i will

Unknown_09: It's very normal. How old are you?

Unknown_09: She goes, I'm 15. Listen to it again. Listen to it again. I won't make you listen to it again.

Unknown_05: I do want to skip ahead to just this point though.

Unknown_05: There's a lot of pay, pay, pay in this video. This right here.

Unknown_04: He's saying that they were both in high school.

Unknown_14: It's still wrong.

Unknown_09: And then... Like, the children have had enough. The children have had enough sex.

Unknown_05: After that point, after he tries justifying it to them, it clicks in their brain. At this point in a woman's development cycle, they're starting to pick up on red flags. There is a non-zero chance that I'm about to be abducted and murdered talking to this man. These are the trying times where girls become women, and they have to learn... Who poses a violent threat to me? And that is the moment when he tries to justify it to them by saying that we were both in high school, that she's like, um, that's a bit much, sir. I'm going to go on my way, I'm going to eat my ice cream and enjoy my day, and you guys can go fuck yourself.

Unknown_05: So he asked, he asked a bunch of people and it's a lot, it's very fucking cringe. And some of the answers that people give, like he asked one Arab guy, like the one guy who took his side was like this random fucking Arab guy who said like, well, it depends on the country, I guess. And he does, he gives like a noncommittal answer, but then he walks up to this guy and this guy gives a much more committal answer.

Unknown_14: But when I was 18, I was, you know, I was into girls about that age. So you knew her age then? Yeah. What is your opinion? Be honest. Yeah, when I was 18. I mean, do you think 18 is mature? I'll tell you this. If it was my daughter and she's 13 and she ended up with you at 18, I would be at your doorstep.

Unknown_12: Yeah, but that's... Oh!

Unknown_05: So he says, all right, if this was my daughter, I would fucking kick your ass. Like there's, there's no way. And if you were just listening, this guy is like, he's got like a good four inches on Chagat and he like actually works out and he's got like tattoo sleeves. I, I would, I would not ask this guy this question to begin with. There's a nonzer, like there should be a red flag going off in Chagat's mind. Like I might be violent, violently, physically assaulted by this man, just posing this question to him.

Unknown_05: He exercises a great deal of restraint in responding.

Unknown_09: Is it just a human reaction that if your daughter was molested at 13 by this dude, you would beat his ass?

Unknown_05: So this goes on for another hour, by the way. I think this guy walks off about right here. So this time stamp right here is at 52 minutes.

Unknown_05: He started asking the girls at 35 minutes in. At 52 minutes, he gets the best answer from this guy.

Unknown_05: And then the next timestamp that I have is at 2.21. He spends a full hour, at least, just asking random people on the street, is it okay for me to have molested a 13-year-old at 18?

Unknown_05: And then when they give up on that, he starts having an argument with Baked Alaska. And he starts saying, like, Baked... Because apparently Baked knew about this controversy before they got thrown out of the bar. And he expected Baked to take his side completely and totally throughout this tribulation. So when Baked Alaska started hedging against him, he took it very personally. And he had a... Very autistic reaction. That's almost hard to explain. It's like, you don't see people behave like this anymore. It reminds me of a very early and naive time of the internet, where people just behaved differently. But because of how trolling and shit has evolved, you just don't see people react this way to online stimuli. But... Chagat's like out of a fucking other world, and he does not have the mental aptitude to prepare him for IP2. So at this point in time, two hours and 21 minutes in, he is... Over the course of the stream... Chagat reveals information about himself and his politics, which I'll get into later. But he's trying to put on like a he's trying to literally imitate the Chad stride. Like he should be out stretching his hands and like waving his junk around as he like walk sideways like a crab. Like that should be how he's like. It's very close to that. He's trying to put on a performative, confident stride so that people don't touch him. But then it kind of undermines that by asking Bait again and again for a specific kind of favor. He wants Bait to defend him, but he wants Bait to defend him in a very specific way. Let's go! Yo!

Unknown_13: In the thick, Jack? Let's go. Let's go. You said you'd give it more than you said. I did. I've been defending you.

Unknown_05: That phrase gets uttered, in case you did not hear it, that phrase gets uttered about 1,000 times in the next 10 hours. He says again and again and again, Baked, I thought you were going to give me a full-throated defense, which cannot sound in any way not homosexual. There is no way that you cannot immediately think of one of these guys trying to blow the other when they start talking about full-throated defensing each other. It's like... can he not pick a less like homoerotic way to describe like taking someone's side on an issue like the way he's walking is just crazy i chag it yes man i gotta be my own person bringing it up and all you have to say okay what do you what do you want me to say condemn them i condemn you

Unknown_14: condemn them as if they were advocating for pedophilia which is literally what you are doing you are literally advocating for pedophilia

Unknown_05: So Chagat at no point feels like Bake has seriously defended him against his chat. As if Bake's opinion matters at all to his chat. Bake's chat, again, are like crackheads, insane people throwing pennies at homeless addicts you know, live streaming their entire life and suffering as a result. Baked Alaska's audience is not like his entourage that respects him deeply. But Chagat really, really thinks that if Baked just gives his royal assent, the tide will turn in his favor and he becomes increasingly desperate for Baked to defend him.

Unknown_14: Please stop. Yeah, because if you don't, then they obviously don't get the idea. Okay, okay. Guys!

Unknown_14: Leave Jagged alone, you bullies!

Unknown_09: Leave him the fuck alone! You fucking bullies!

Unknown_14: I'm being dead serious! If I see one of you guys in the chat, I'm beating your fucking ass, okay? How about you tell them what you just told me a second ago? You can tell them that. You know what you said. Well, then I don't know.

Unknown_05: Yeah, leave Brittany alone. I literally have that. Leave Chagat alone is the description I have for this timestamp.

Unknown_05: And so, okay, PPP being involved is not just like because that's how I watch this. Coincidentally, PPP and Chagat were having DM discussion with each other.

Unknown_05: trying to have some kind of debate. And for whatever reason, Chagat really thinks that PPP is a big dog on the internet. He's really fucking popular, and his opinion holds a lot of weight, like Baked Alaska's does. That's his worldview. He must have autism. It's weird to think, because he looks like he takes care of himself a little bit. He's got the jaw that incels are envious of. But yet he's like Chris Chantier dysfunctional and unable to perceive reality for how it is. He really thinks that certain people can say certain words to make people stop being mean to them, and that's all that matters. And there's no nuance or context to anything. Um...

Unknown_05: So he's having this discussion with the entire night. You can see Chagat taking out his phone to DM or PPP on fucking Twitter.

Unknown_05: And at this point, he asked Baked Alaska to tell him what to say to PPP to own him. Oh, that is not cool.

Unknown_15: Chagat is a good guy.

Unknown_09: Furiously texting me. Get with the program, people.

Unknown_09: look at him look at how intensely what do you think i should respond to this guy what do you think i should respond to this guy he's gonna be rattled about it and it's me you know

Unknown_05: He literally holds up his phone to Baked Alaska, who is streaming to like 300 people live, that PPP is watching live. And he's asking Baked Alaska what he should say to PPP to make PPP feel insulted and back off. And it's like, how do you not understand how that doesn't work? In the same way, it's like, how do you not understand that Baked Alaska's defense does not immediately make people stop calling you a pedophile? How do you not understand that this wouldn't emotionally impact him?

Unknown_05: What the fuck are you thinking?

Unknown_05: So at this point, I'm going to do something that I've never, ever done ever, ever, and I will probably never do again. This is a first.

Unknown_05: I have gone out of my way to find a three-minute-long clip of anime, which at this point in time when I was watching this today, I could not stop thinking of.

Unknown_05: Chagat's inability to reconcile what PPP is and what Baked Alaska is uh shook me uh into remembering something from like 15 years ago um and it's very funny to me and i want to share it and i'll never get another opportunity to share it so i hope you enjoy hey a bunch of guys from des high are at our coffee shop say what they've been trolling around our hangouts for weeks now hey fujimoto are we gonna crush these idiots or what no way the only reason they're hanging around is because they enjoy watching you guys freak out about it

Unknown_01: Oh, grow up you guys.

Unknown_01: Who cares if they're trolling? I'm too busy working on my homepage to have time for that junior high kind of crap. Hmm? Hey, hey. Who the hell do you think you are talking big on your little message board? This is probably all you can do to express yourself in your life. Parentheses laugh. A troll! That dumbass! How dare he troll on my board? I'm gonna set him straight right now! I don't know what you think you're trying to prove by insulting me. Don't you feel pathetic butting in where you're not wanted? Troll!

Unknown_01: It'd be better if you don't react to the troll too much. Trolls enjoy watching people get upset. If it bothers you, just delete the message without making any comment.

Unknown_04: Hmm... Well, I never expected to get a rebuke like this from Mr. Satoran.

Unknown_01: Dear Mr. Satoran, deleting someone's message without a word is not my style. I think the best way to deal with this troll is to reason with him. Even if I have to send him a flame or two, he'll get the message eventually. Of course, I still have the utmost respect for you, but I think I should deal with this troll in my own way.

Unknown_04: Hmm.

Unknown_01: Hey, hey. Are you guys fighting amongst yourselves? Jackass! He's mocking me!

Unknown_08: These guys are just so easy to manipulate, yeah.

Unknown_01: I won't be satisfied until I give him a piece of my mind! Do you even know what the word netiquette means? Don't you feel empty inside knowing that you're only important on some pathetic message board? Bastard! How dare you talk to me like that! Yes, I may be important on my own homepage, but I'll have you know that I'm also very important.

Unknown_08: Oh man, ain't nothing more fun than taunting an idiot. Well, I guess I should go in for the final blow.

Unknown_08: Oh no.

Unknown_01: I think this guy's right about me. It's like he's in my room watching my every move.

Unknown_08: I'm feeling pretty good today. I feel frustrated.

Unknown_01: So powerless. There's no way I can counter his attacks on me.

Unknown_08: Sure are a lot of amateurs hanging around Akiba. There should be a rule that if you can't build your own computer, you can't come here. Hey! Oh, I'm sorry.

Unknown_08: How am I supposed to get back at him?

Unknown_05: I just kept thinking it the entire time. This reminds me of that fucking flash from the flashboard on 4chan. When I was a teenager, when I was still in high school, I saw this fucking flash of this fucking anime guy being trolled into oblivion. I think, oh my god, I have to find this and show people this.

Unknown_05: I hope it was worth it. It took me like 30 minutes to find this fucking clip and convert it to MP4 from a fucking flash so that people could watch it.

Unknown_05: Anyways, let us continue.

Unknown_05: It continues, ladies and gentlemen.

Unknown_07: If I can find... There it is. Okay.

Unknown_07: The next timestamp.

Unknown_07: Oh, this one.

Unknown_07: So I can do nothing wrong.

Unknown_10: Chagat did nothing wrong.

Unknown_05: Hey, look, Chagat. They said you did nothing wrong. Five dollars. Chagat did nothing wrong.

Unknown_10: There you go.

Unknown_13: It's true.

Unknown_13: Hey! What's up?

Unknown_04: I think that's my E-Trey.

Unknown_02: You wanna ask him something? Yeah, I'm prepared.

Unknown_12: Yo! Trey Gagnon coming!

Unknown_05: Okay, so now he's walking around on the street being verbally humiliated by Baked Alaska while begging Baked Alaska to take his side and help him defeat the troll who is trolling around on his message board.

Unknown_05: AKA pay pay pay and he really goes on to show how utterly and totally incompetent he is at having a discussion with anyone and This this next thing that he admits on his own is like so detached from everything else, but so profoundly revealing about his personality and his psychological profile and

Unknown_14: You know, I called Mike Enoch to get some arguments on how to own my mom about the Jews.

Unknown_09: I think enough has been said there. His mom is a Jew. He is a Jew.

Unknown_09: But he needs to own his mom?

Unknown_12: No, he needs to own his mom every day. He's texting his mom about like... Why?

Unknown_05: Why even have that discussion, mom?

Unknown_05: I know that you're Jewish and I am also Jewish, but you see, I believe that we are responsible for the decline of the Western civilization and also the white man. And so I choose to identify as a white man and I choose to be underprivileged as a result. His parents, by the way, if you don't know this, are well off. Like his parents apparently bankrolled him and did things to help him even get onto this like live streaming situation where he is like financially independent enough to not need to work. And he can afford the time off for these misadventures where he tells people he's a pedophile. And maybe I think his parents are probably so protective of him that it's helped foster this mindset where he's completely and totally naive to how people actually are.

Unknown_05: Despite this, he chooses to spite them and hate them. It's a weird thing about self-hating Jews where it's like, okay, you're going to be a far-right person and you're going to advocate for white nationalism and ethno-nationalism and everyone should have a home that belongs to them and yada yada. How can you take that perspective when you are Jewish and you have a home? If you really want to take that perspective, be very staunchly pro-Israel and be pro-Jew. If it's a good thing for white people, why is it not also a good thing for you? It's a fucking fractured psychology. It's very shameful, actually, because it's hypocritical at the core, and I find it distasteful.

Unknown_05: Anyways, this part is very short, but it's also very succinct and very funny.

Unknown_13: No matter my relationship with Nick, he is the smartest intellectual on the planet, in my opinion.

Unknown_09: Nick Fuentes, folks, is the smartest intellectual on the planet.

Unknown_05: Even as hyperbole, like, how the fuck do you, like, force that out of your mouth hole?

Unknown_07: Oh, Jesus.

Unknown_05: Okay, so...

Unknown_05: At this point, we are three and a half hours into this 10-hour long livestream, and they kind of meander about, and there's more bullying, there's more Baked Alaska giving his full-throated defense, there's more Super Chats playing funny songs, And then this happens. And I don't know if this guy is like a friend of Baked Alaska or someone who just wanted to start doing IP2 streaming as well, but he makes his grand entrance on the streets of whatever fucking shithole they're at.

Unknown_09: you a pedophile and look at this bitch look at her head just like whiplash back you know as this fucking 90 pound stick figure chad appears on the scene to ask if he's a pedophile i don't know

Unknown_14: Were you doing a thing?

Unknown_13: What?

Unknown_14: What made you say that?

Unknown_13: Were you watching the stream? Stream? I don't know. Do you know him?

Unknown_09: Stream? What stream? Like, Bake puts his hand... Okay, so that's the intro.

Unknown_05: They go on a little bit. I have some good statements from him that I'll just kind of blow through.

Unknown_05: This is called, and by the way, I've learned some terminology. What Trey is doing to Chagat is pressing him. And chat likes it when person A on the stream presses person B. And they've been wanting people to press Chagat this entire time to get more content. But Baked Alaska is in a finicky position here. If, um... Has my stream died?

Unknown_05: No, my stream is fine. Press...

Unknown_05: f5 so baked Alaska is in a very weird position we're on side a let me sort this out I see a lot of apps I don't know if this is people fucking with me or what it could be people fucking with me it's often people fucking with me my stream is up fuck you guys f5 anyways

Unknown_05: So Trey, who is this man right here with the champion shirt on, begins to press Chagat.

Unknown_05: And Baked Alaska is in a very weird position where, on one hand, he wants to press Chagat for content. But on the other hand, if he is mean to Chagat, Chagat will leave. So he has to string this man along. He has to bait him so that Chagat will stay and allow himself to be as humiliated as possible. And to accomplish this, he has to be careful with how much work he does himself because it could result in Chagat abandoning the stream.

Unknown_05: So meet, uh, so enter Trey. The script, you know, has written enter Trey. Trey, are you a pedophile?

Unknown_05: Baked Alaska. What the? And then, uh, Chagat saying, uh, no, dude, it's totally normal.

Unknown_14: I'm 18. All my friends are 18.

Unknown_04: I've never had anyone hook you with a 13 girl.

Unknown_14: That is disgusting. That is disgusting.

Unknown_09: I don't, I don't believe that. Maybe none of your friends get laid.

Unknown_14: I'm sorry. Maybe none of them.

Unknown_09: Like, oh man.

Unknown_14: Oh! They get laid with people their age!

Unknown_09: Oh! Oh!

Unknown_05: Flexing on him. I get happy when I see PPP happy. I almost, by the way, I almost cut it there when I was picking these timestamps, but I had the good sense to listen ahead a bit. And I want you to hear his defense for fucking a 13-year-old.

Unknown_09: Flexing on him. Just, it's over. Look at the look. Look at the look in his eyes. He just knows he's fucking destroyed him. Chagat's just like, oh, dear God, no.

Unknown_14: I wasn't my age when I was that age.

Unknown_09: I wasn't my age when I was that age. Like, look at this guy. He's like, get a load of this guy, Cam. Like, get a load of this fucking guy.

Unknown_13: What? Wait, you weren't mentally... Of course not. Are you kidding? How old were you mentally?

Unknown_14: Am I even mentally my age now?

Unknown_13: Sir, what do you think of that? He says he wasn't mentally 18. Do you really think I was? I didn't know you when you were 18. Do you think I'm mentally

Unknown_05: So he's, like, his defense is literally, I was psychologically a 13-year-old when I was 18, and now that I'm, you know, 29, or however fucking old I am now, I'm still basically like a child. I'm basically not developed at all. You know, I'm a fucking retard. I'm an autistic. I'm my Jewish mama's little baby boy. And that's, like, his defense. It's like, okay, maybe you are, like, you know, like...

Unknown_05: diminished mental capacity but you're still like a danger to society and the most vulnerable people in that society um but we got content to make so let us let us continue on so you think a 13 year old is um at a mental capacity to have like insects i think she was probably more than

Unknown_09: I think she was more mature than I was. Like, he's just like, get a load of this fucking guy. She was more mature than I was. It was the 13 year old. Look at the serious look on Chagat's face as he says this.

Unknown_12: You know, like, as he skews this fucking utter insanity.

Unknown_09: This is just anti-male, bro. Like, just a serious look.

Unknown_05: Oh, I didn't even clip that.

Unknown_05: Part of his defense in the bar between him getting kicked out and him admitting this, and I think at several points after, he iterates repeatedly that this idea that an 18-year-old should not have sex with a 13-year-old is anti-male feminist SJW propaganda.

Unknown_05: And that is your first clue as to what kind of politics this man holds, by the way. So after this conversation, after he basically admits, like, you can't hold me culpable for, you know, wanting to fuck 13-year-old girls because I'm basically like a retard.

Unknown_05: And they're laughing at him. And then at some point, and I don't even know why, but they literally just start dancing in front of him. Baked Alaska and this new guy calling Chagat a pedophile just start dancing together.

Unknown_09: Like, he's dancing with Baked now, just the total cockading.

Unknown_05: So they're having a good old-fashioned white trash time together. And then at this point, I think probably after they start literally dancing together in Jubilee at this content and the money rolling in, Chagat realizes that Baked Alaska is now hashtag Team Trey, and he wants to get Baked Alaska back in his favor. So what does he do to try and appease Baked Alaska and prove to him that Baked should remain friends with him? He literally begs Baked Alaska to tolerate him more and take his side because his... It literally reminds me of a Christian quote where he was...

Unknown_05: Getting bullied in school or he just didn't have any friends in elementary school so his father went to the elementary school and literally asked the school to arrange him to be friends with people and he said in his review video like as an adult saying that's one way to make friends negotiation so here is Chagat trying to use autistic playground negotiation rules to to persuade baked Alaska to defend him more and

Unknown_12: Are you not going to back me up to this guy?

Unknown_09: Are you not going to back me up to this guy? Like, this guy's the champion. The champ is here.

Unknown_12: I need to chill the fuck out, bro.

Unknown_13: You need to watch the way you're talking. No, seriously, not as a joke. I'm being serious. Hey, not as a joke. You need to... Yeah, yeah.

Unknown_14: What do you mean as serious?

Unknown_13: Yeah, what is it you said?

Unknown_02: I'm blaming you without joking. Okay. Okay, here's my deal. I won't bring you up. As long as he always stays at least 500 feet away from school.

Unknown_14: What?

Unknown_09: It's over.

Unknown_12: It's over. He's rattled. He's astonished. The big dog. The guy.

Unknown_05: Just utterly humiliated. It's like, how do you not realize at that point when they're both making fun of you like that? This new guy has come out of nowhere and has completely swept their attention away from you. And now you're just obviously not their fucking friend.

Unknown_05: This part is cringe.

Unknown_09: He's not, I mean, you know, maybe, maybe a hundred feet from schools would be a little more appropriate.

Unknown_13: It's sussy. Yeah, it's a little sussy.

Unknown_14: No, it's not sussy.

Unknown_13: It's a little, it's a little sussy.

Unknown_14: It's literal teenage behavior.

Unknown_13: You think I was at all mature when I was 18?

Unknown_14: I didn't know you when you were 18. Just take a guess. You were probably immature. Yes. Very immature. Okay, well, you're not a child molester.

Unknown_15: No.

Unknown_05: The line of him being indignant at this accusation and having to tell Baked Alaska, no, it is not sussy. And like a dead serious, like this is life or death to him. His internet reputation hangs in the balance. If only he could convince Baked Alaska that him being within 500 feet of his school is in fact not sussy. then things would be okay.

Unknown_15: Not any of those things. I'm telling you, they can hear me.

Unknown_05: Don't look at me.

Unknown_15: Yo, yo, he's not a child molester. He's not, he's not a pedo. Well, what he did was wrong. Like, no, that's incorrect. Okay.

Unknown_05: I am debating how I should present this information. I will say, I think here it's safe to say that he now withdraws from the... He is humiliated in his near vicinity, so he withdraws to his cellular telephone to escape the doom surrounding him.

Unknown_05: And he needs Baked Alaska's help still, though.

Unknown_09: He's just bringing reality to him. He just refuses to accept it because he has to own me. I want to own him, though. I want to own him, though. I want to own him, though. It's really important to me. I want to own him. He's my hero. I watch every one of his shows.

Unknown_05: How am I going to get back at that guy? I need to own him. That's what he's asking. He's acting baked Alaska. How do I own pay, pay, pay in the Twitter DMs?

Unknown_13: CBS, but if you can go in for me.

Unknown_10: Yes, yeah, let's go. Yes, you are. Shut the fuck up. Don't ask nigga. Chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger, chogger.

Unknown_05: So here.

Unknown_04: Trying to get the right frame.

Unknown_05: Here. So, okay, you have Baked Alaska.

Unknown_05: Trey, and then the Yoba guy. And they're like in a line of three walking down the street while his phone is blaring off rape music and making fun of Chagat as he trails behind them like the runt of the litter. Just like he's accepted his position in a literal pecking order. And you can only see him. This is the thing that Bake will do throughout the remainder of the stream. He's got this fucking phone on like a selfie stick thing, right? And so when he wants to get... check it who is the content into the string he will do this thing where like he puts himself puts himself like his profile like his face on either the side of the stream or like in like two thirds and then the other remainder of the screen will be chagat a little bit of ways and this is him trying to like stealthily capture the the reaction chagat to things happening uh around him

Unknown_05: So Chagat and Trey have a little bit of a go at it, and Chagat reveals more about his psychological development.

Unknown_15: Well, okay, let's clear it for the air.

Unknown_13: Do you think Jagged is a rapist? No, I don't think so. Okay, there we go. I don't even understand how rape works. How can you get it up if it's not wet? Rape is not real.

Unknown_09: How can you get it up if it's not wet? Look at the look on Trey's face.

Unknown_05: He asked this multiple times. He asked, as a grown man, I think near his 30s, other grown men, how does vagina work? how does it work if it's rape how does it get wet and how do you have sex and it's like i don't know if he's like if he's trying to feign naivete to be like oh like i've never i've never raped anyone i don't know how rape works like that's one explanation the other explanation is that he's not as chad as he likes to put upon or perhaps it's a combination of the two who knows

Unknown_04: I don't think 13 year olds should be having sex.

Unknown_14: Of course not, but she was.

Unknown_14: you know did you give her the weed did you give her the drugs like look at the look on his face like whoa like he looks like a fucking demon he looks like he's fucking flying on speed you know you can't just rape a child he was 18

Unknown_05: So, okay, that leads me to believe, by the way, his excuse is, you know, 13-year-old shouldn't be having sex, but this one was a hoe. So, therefore, if it's open to penetration, then why not accept the benevolent gift of this hoe? And after all, not only was she a hoe, Your Honor, but she drank and did marijuana. And it's like, okay, well, how does a 13-year-old gain access to drink and marijuana, sir, defendant? How does this happen? And my only guess, the only viable explanation to how a 13-year-old is acquiring drink and marijuana is that an 18-year-old who wants to fuck her is giving her the drink and marijuana.

Unknown_09: Watch this.

Unknown_09: Watch this.

Unknown_09: I think this is where Chagat gets the call from his father and he, like, apologizes for being, like, admitting to be a pedophile. I got hit in the head with a walkie-talkie.

Unknown_14: Hello? Yeah, they threw it at you. Yeah, it wasn't me.

Unknown_15: Yo, everyone's saying you're dead and I need to check on you, so... He goes, hello, Dad? Worried about you.

Unknown_15: I'm alone, sorry. I'm alone. Yo, is that Speedy?

Unknown_15: The audio here is not important.

Unknown_05: They're talking to someone who, um, chat told him might be dead. So baked Alaska and his benevolence phones in a wellness check. The entertainment part here is that from this point on, when he picks up the phone and he says, hello, and then hello, dad, in the background, you can see him trailing behind them as they walk. And he's on his phone the entire time. You can see him there in the left and there in the center. And just following along again, like a lost puppy following like strangers down the road, but he's on the phone the entire time. And that is because he is unironically talking to his father who has called in to make sure that he's not fucking up his entire life.

Unknown_07: Um, okay.

Unknown_09: i asked ppp if he's ever had sex you know like this is his huge fucking triumph and just watch bake's face watch bake's face as chagat reads these dms i don't think he has he can't answer me so how does it feel when you come to

Unknown_14: How does it feel being cocked by Tim?

Unknown_09: Look at the grin on fucking Tim's face. Oh, no, no, no, no. Look at the grin on Tim's face.

Unknown_12: But, you know, Chagat will still tell you that Tim agrees with him.

Unknown_05: Really, honestly, look at that fucking goblin smirk. In his adult brain, how does he think it's a good idea to read aloud the words? Remember, pay, pay, pay is just the fat man in Canada.

Unknown_05: You could just ignore him. That is an option. But for whatever reason, Chagat becomes an avatar of PPP. Like, okay, getting trolled by him, you know, whatever, having back and forth in the film, that's stupid, but, like, that's in his head. That embarrassment is contained to, like, the world of fiction known as the internet. But at that moment, he becomes an avatar of PPP and speaks the words of PPP aloud in that car, basically. making present PPP in that backseat right there, right next to Chagat. PPP is literally sitting in that seat saying the words, how does it feel to be cucked by Tim in that car? And there's no way to avoid that because Chagat has made it a reality.

Unknown_05: Now at this point you might wonder, is it a good idea to have this mentally handicapped person sitting behind the driver's seat of a vehicle?

Unknown_09: Like he's full on like nose exposed here.

Unknown_10: You can't even think that I fucking apologize to you fucking flaming faggot cunts.

Unknown_14: I apologized thinking that you would beat me halfway.

Unknown_14: And would acknowledge my, and you know, we do a little compromise. I apologize, you forgive me, and you fucking sack us. Turn around and lie about everything that happened.

Unknown_12: Holy shit. Fuck yeah. It's like the fucking prefect when he lost control. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Unknown_14: No, I like the past content. Yeah, but you tell them that they're lying because they obviously, based on what you saw. Okay, what am I telling them? Based on what you saw.

Unknown_15: Based on what I saw.

Unknown_05: He literally has baked Alaska Tim at like gunpoint here at any point in time. Chagat could like reach his hands around to the front of the car and start strangling him and crash this vehicle into the gutter and kill all three of them. to the benefit of all mankind. That is a thing that could reasonably happen here. So when he starts having a legitimate psychological breakdown in the backseat, in arm's reach of the driver's neck, Baked Alaska finds himself in the unenviable position of having to repeat whatever the fuck this guy says, both to keep him tagged along as part of his job and also to make sure that they survive the night.

Unknown_05: Okay, so they're in the car, and the reason why they're in the car is because they end up going to the mansion. And in the car right now is Baked, Chagat, and Yoba. Well, who do you think is at the mansion when they get there?

Unknown_15: Let's make a song about how Chagat's not a... You know, like, he's obviously set this up, like, so... There's no way he didn't.

Unknown_12: Yeah, that was it.

Unknown_15: C.P.S. C.P.S. C.P.S. C.P.S. C.P.S. C.P.S.

Unknown_05: So, I don't know if it's a setup. It must be a setup. How the fuck is that guy? In case you're the only one listening, Trey is now sitting on the sofa with a guitar, composing in his head a beautiful song about how Chagat is not a pedophile. And how the fuck does this happen? And people are making fun of me for calling this a mansion. The actual official name of this building which they reside currently is the Meme Mansion. So when I say mansion, I'm not personally declaring that this domicile meets the qualifications of mansion. I am merely abbreviating the name Meme Mansion, so I do not have to call it Meme Mansion.

Unknown_05: It is simply the mansion.

Unknown_05: Um, so that is proof, I think, that Trey was a part of Baked Alaska's grand design. Let's get this fucking guy to accost Chagat and press him so that I can take Chagat's side, kind of, and keep him strung along to fulfill 10 hours of live streaming content.

Unknown_07: Okay, now it's time to reveal Chagat's politics.

Unknown_05: Personal politics.

Unknown_12: You know, like that fake laugh at him to keep him going. You know, texting on his phone to Louis Theroux.

Unknown_05: Apparently, Louis Theroux is doing a documentary about IP2, which I would be very interested in. Because I remember, it's been a long time since I've watched Louis Theroux. I was a teenager. But I remember liking his documentaries. Maybe he sucks now, like everyone else sucks. And how everything I enjoyed as a teenager is ruined retrospectively.

Unknown_05: But they joke about Louis Theroux taking notes about Chagat, saying all sorts of stupid shit throughout the entire fucking night.

Unknown_12: You know, as Chegg is speaking.

Unknown_14: You know. He can't risk his job working for whoever because he can't get fired because his wife and kids. The people who have nothing at stake, incels, who have no kids, no wife, they're the ones who are telling the truth. Because they don't have boots on the ground. You do have boots on the ground, which is why you're lying.

Unknown_12: That makes sense. The only people that are honest are actually the insults on the wizard forums in the darkest corners of the internet. These are the people that tell the truth and in fact everyone else is lying.

Unknown_05: That's literally what he's saying, that Chag is giving an incel call to arms. The family man, the man who has a wife and kids, he's got things to lose, so he's going to hold the line. But the incels, the rejected, virginous men of society, they are the ones who will take up arms and lead the white revolution.

Unknown_05: And it's really... I think that this man is an incel, and throughout his stay in the mansion, I think that there are some things that he says and does which indicate that that is the case.

Unknown_05: For instance, you guys were... Some people liked my intro song, but many of you did not.

Unknown_05: Though, I did not cry about it. Some people did not like my music.

Unknown_05: Chagat has...

Unknown_05: Can't take criticism of even that. What the fuck about the top 40?

Unknown_09: Well, guys, it didn't make the top 40. It was only number 55. Aww.

Unknown_05: So, at some point, Chagat reveals that he's a sensitive soul and likes Lana Del Rey. Far be it from me to criticize people for liking shitty music, or Lana Del Rey specifically. Chat begins to pay money to play Lana Del Rey songs in the presence of Chagat.

Unknown_05: And Chagat takes this very personally and starts telling people in the mansion that actually Lana Del Rey is really great and she was snubbed for a top 40 position of the pop music tracks in whatever fucking year. And it's like, bro, why do you know this off the top of your head? Who the fuck is paying attention to the top 40 tracks at any given time? Especially that Lana Del Rey. How do you care enough about her music to monitor shit like that?

Unknown_05: Just listen to the fucking songs and be unapologetic about it.

Unknown_05: Okay, this one will require some explanation, I think, up front.

Unknown_05: So at some point, Pepepe and his insight to the human condition decides to start responding to Chagat by just making fun of him throughout the course of the night, just sending him random DMs to piss him off without getting a response, just watching how he unfolds in real life. And he lands upon a genius insult. He calls Chagat chubby.

Unknown_05: He calls Chagat a little bit tubby, a little bit overweight, a little bit chub-chub. And Chagat cannot handle this. And it becomes a discussion where he tells people in the house that, how the fuck does PPP get off calling me fat? And they prompt him to take his shirt off.

Unknown_12: You know, that's what we were talking about.

Unknown_13: You don't want me.

Unknown_09: Take off your shirt, boy. They're going to bully him into taking off his shirt. Oh, look at the Gino, folks. Look at those man titties.

Unknown_05: This is unbelievable to me. Like I said, PPP is like thousands of miles away from Chagat. He could just ignore him. He doesn't have to look at fucking his phone, but he not only looks at his phone and engages with him, he internalizes the things that PPP says and then creates them in the real world. He tells the people around him in real life that PPP is calling him fat. And he can't handle that. And it's eating at him from the inside out. So they're of course like, okay, take off your shirt. You look like you're not that fat. Why don't you show us what you've got under the shirt? And he used to be like apparently very fat. And then I think mommy and daddy paid for him to get like lipo or I think actually more likely. he started taking testosterone, uh, for a reason I'll show in advance, but he's got like loose skin and things that are normal of fat people, except for the tits. I don't understand the fucking tits. That has to be, uh, test the steroids. It has to be a result of steroids. Like how the fuck do you grow tits like that? I'm fat. I don't have tits like that. He doesn't have tits like that. Those are like the budding developmental breasts of that 13 year old. He molested. How the fuck does this happen? So really shocking. Um,

Unknown_05: And they have a little fitness competition between them as the night goes on.

Unknown_05: My note said, at this point, it's reasonable to assume that he's a female-to-male transgender. Because it would explain a lot about his personality and how he takes things to heart like this. And he can't let superficial comments like, you're fat, go to the side.

Unknown_10: Chad gets fat ass. Loser gets slapped in the face.

Unknown_05: Arm wrestle. Chad gets fat ass. Loser gets slapped in the face. I already did the weight thing. I'm not doing it anymore.

Unknown_12: I'm down. Arm wrestle. Arm wrestle.

Unknown_12: like he can't handle the emasculation of being beaten the arm wrestle by yoba so he forfeits the arm wrestle but doesn't realize the condition of it was that he's got to get bitch slapped so now he's gonna get bitch slapped he's gonna get bitch slapped by bait

Unknown_09: Like, this is surreal shit. Like, somebody said earlier that Baked is going to continue to play Kick the Autistic. What an excellent term. It's fallen out of use sometimes, but this is truly a game of Kick the Autistic. And it's the best game. The best game. Hey, what's going on?

Unknown_02: Hey, the winner. Let's go. You said we're going to get slapped in the face, though. Ready? Okay, let's go.

Unknown_09: You know, he just fucking bitch slaps him. He literally... In his mind, remember, he's, like, retarded.

Unknown_05: So in his mind, there's, like, a squeaky little brass scale in his head. And he's weighing humiliation and social degradation. And because he doesn't factor in the fact that people will look at between the lines in the same way that, like...

Unknown_05: if he asked baked baked defend my honor and tell people that i'm not a pedophile and bake says that verbatim and it is a full-throated defense and he really means it and there's no hint of irony or sarcasm at all people will still read between the lines and think baked doesn't actually believe that And I have no reason to alter my opinion of you as being a potential pedophile based on this new information. He doesn't have the human analytical ability to realize that people will do this. So in his head, as he's weighing the scales of being bitch slapped or losing an arm wrestling competition, he thinks that if he simply does not lose the arm wrestling competition, people will assume that he could have won it and therefore he is based in Chad. And he doesn't realize that just allowing himself to be bitch slapped, number one, indicates that he's afraid of losing the arm wrestling contest, which is perhaps more embarrassing than losing an arm wrestling contest to begin with. And B, he has the lack of self-confidence and self-esteem to allow himself to be bitch slapped by fucking Baked Alaska, which is really just shocking.

Unknown_05: Sorry to spurg about that for too long, but really it's just like how do you not realize this? Oh and I picked this timestamp just because I really like the song I like that so much I actually had to pull it up

Unknown_00: I hate niggas

Unknown_00: I don't want to get banned.

Unknown_05: I like that song. Black culture is so riveting. I enjoy listening to black people music and appreciating black people. Chagat does too, by the way. We'll get to that in a second.

Unknown_05: Okay, so now that Chagat has locked himself into a box with Baked Alaska, Baked Alaska is now in the position that he was not in before, where he can openly humiliate and denigrate Chagat without fear of him running off, because it's much harder now. It used to be he could just walk away at any time, but now he's in the meme rape dungeon over in L.A., and...

Unknown_05: he is stuck with baked Alaska. So leaving at this point would be calling an Uber and facing the music, having to sit there for 10 to 15 minutes, waiting for the Uber as baked Alaska sits there with his phone, asking him why he's such a bitch boy that he's now walking out of the main mansion.

Unknown_05: And again, in his autistic squeaky breath scales, he doesn't, he doesn't realize that that would just be better in the long run. And so he just sits there and he takes it.

Unknown_15: Pretty clear, like, people that have wisdom and people that don't.

Unknown_14: When someone says you're looking chubby on screen, how do you know whether they are purely trolling or whether they're saying that based on the fact that they may think you look what you think?

Unknown_09: Like, take a step back. Let me take a step back. This is the man who called you chubby, son.

Unknown_04: This is the man who called you chubby, son.

Unknown_09: And you're taking it seriously, son. Son, it's time to turn off the internet, son.

Unknown_09: It may just be time to turn off the internet. You're getting bullied by a fat man.

Unknown_09: for being fat like his pride like he

Unknown_05: Okay, so now he has to, like, demonstrate that he's physically fit. He goes off on a tangent. They do a weigh-in. He says that he's way fatter than he should be because he runs four miles a day. And the chat, of course, text the speeches that they call into question his claims that he exercises for four miles every day.

Unknown_05: So he does some push-ups, or he tries to.

Unknown_09: He's just desperate to, like, get out these, like, half push-ups, like...

Unknown_05: He gave up early.

Unknown_12: And, like, he actually just goes down.

Unknown_05: It's not even a push-up. That is, like, the kind of push-up that I would do as an immensely out-of-shape Internet person. Like, how do you—I don't know. But after this point, by the way, just to clarify, Bank of Alaska does 25 push-ups, and he actually does—

Unknown_05: like proper push-ups I'm not like a fitness expert I'm not trying to claim to be like a fitness expert but look at his look at how shaky he is look at how his arms wobble with spaghetti qualities and belie the fact that this man has not done a push-up fucking ever and then Baked Alaska does his and despite Baked Alaska being pretty you know pretty obviously fat he has like a beer belly what? what?

Unknown_05: He does the form properly. I don't think you're supposed to do them so fast because you're using momentum to cheat a little bit. But clearly, he is someone who actually has done push-ups, at least in the last year.

Unknown_05: Anyways, not to try and talk about fitness, because God knows I'm out of my depth there.

Unknown_04: you know he's calling him his nigger now and he's like commanding him like he's his slave

Unknown_09: And this music that's playing is so fucking Kino. I wish I could blast it even louder.

Unknown_12: It's like Ecstasy of Gold is playing. You don't need to edit it at all. It truly is. She's on Tilted Kino. They're just calling him a nigger and he's about to make him clean his countertop.

Unknown_09: Yeah, like he's like demanding... Oh, that's a spoiler server.

Unknown_05: Don't fucking do that.

Unknown_05: Okay, so I mentioned how he might be envious of black men.

Unknown_14: Well, if I was a nigger, I'd tell you wouldn't have these issues. Tell me one more time. Because black people have more testosterone, so I wouldn't have this issue with gaining so much weight.

Unknown_09: I wouldn't have this weight issue if I was a nigger. You wish you were black? And he goes, physically? If anybody says they don't wish you were black physically, I don't wish I was black.

Unknown_14: Physically. I don't want to be black. No, I said physically.

Unknown_09: Like the music, like the way that Yoba has now zoomed in on him.

Unknown_12: Basically, he starts talking about black men's abs.

Unknown_09: Yeah, he starts talking about black men's abs.

Unknown_05: Actually, let me get through the black stuff first, and then I'll explain my take on it.

Unknown_09: Let me ask you this.

Unknown_14: Do you wish you had a six pack without me to work me out? I did not want to work out.

Unknown_14: Do you wish you had a six-pack with everyone? I do, but I don't want to be black. That's black. Wait, all black? Physically. All black guys have six-pack? Most of them, yeah.

Unknown_12: Like, how many postures of black men does this guy have in his room?

Unknown_09: Like, is he inspecting every black man's abs? Like, wow.

Unknown_09: The abdominals on this black man. They're amazing. How many black men's abs is he looking at? I still admire the black bull. The black physique and the black bull.

Unknown_05: My personal theory is that conversation is very telling for like three different reasons. Number one, it shows his obvious race envy, which is fucking weird and cringe.

Unknown_05: But it also shows that he says, don't you wish you had a six pack without working out? So it shows that he's hyper-focused on... I guess looks-maxing would be the incel term for it, right?

Unknown_05: He's just hyper-focused on looks-maxing. He doesn't give a fuck about being healthier. He doesn't want to be fit. He doesn't want to be strong to fight the race war or whatever the fuck. He just wants to look like he has a six-pack, regardless of what his actual physical level is. And that's why I think it's incredibly reasonable to assume that he... does lipo and he takes uh steroids because he wants he is very open to um to to easy ways out to the point where he would press a button to become black thinking that he would uh have a six-pack for it which is fucking nuts especially for someone with his politics But I also think that there's a third, very subtle, very secret thing that he has told on accident by his gushing envy of the black man. And I think that...

Unknown_05: Chagat, Dylan Volk, has a small penis. I think he has a very small penis. I think he's super insecure about it. And he just wants to be black because he thinks that black people have bigger penises. And he would do anything required. to have a bigger penis. I think that's the actual unspoken thing there. And the fucking bullshit about having abs without working out is, is just like a cope that he's come up with. So we can talk about it in public because even he, at his level of advanced autism has, uh, has, uh, realized that that's a mistake.

Unknown_10: Anonymous tip, $3 tagging shut.

Unknown_10: Yeah. Fuck. Oh. I'm trying to watch Jackass 2. I'm losing the stream.

Unknown_05: That's the best Super Chat of the entire night, possibly. It's just saying shut the fuck up, because the meme match-in, of course, has many streamers doing their in-real-life streaming with their own audiences. Wooza is on the couch, or like in another room, in this shot, and he's watching Jackass 2, and you can hear Jackass 2 while they're talking to Chagat in the kitchen. And the people watching Wooza's stream are like, holy shit, this Chagat guy is so insufferable. And everything he says can be heard over Jackass 2. I wish he would just shut the fuck up. And someone paid money to tell him to shut the fuck up. And at this point, I think once that Super Chat comes in, Super Chats have probably been dwindling a little bit over the last few hours as we enter the eighth hour of this livestream. This is timestamped at 9.29.31, so we're nine hours into the PPP commentary. I think it's like six hours into the original video. But I think Baked Alaska is personally tired of dealing with Chagat, and the Super Chats are drying up making fun of Chagat, and the Super Chats are now echoing the sentiment of, God, I wish this guy would just shut the fuck up. So Baked Alaska goes into full denigration mode.

Unknown_15: What a silly little goose.

Unknown_15: What a silly little goose.

Unknown_12: Nigga, I'm too tired to fucking even think about this.

Unknown_09: He's wiping it up like his slave there.

Unknown_02: He's like calling him a nigger while he does it. Like, it's just astonishing.

Unknown_09: Like, it's like Biff at the end of Back to the Future or something.

Unknown_12: He throws it at him. I didn't see that yesterday. Oh, fuck.

Unknown_09: Oh, my God. That's so funny.

Unknown_12: He makes Dragon clean up the countertop and then throws the white paper towels at him.

Unknown_09: That's fucking crazy. Like, how degrading. How degrading, and he's just taking it.

Unknown_09: Like, he's the sissy hypno-slip. Like, aww, and it's sticky. Aw. He doesn't even turn around and just takes it and gets more paper towels and hands it to me.

Unknown_12: No!

Unknown_09: No! Clean it up, change it.

Unknown_05: So everything so far has been from the perspective of Baked Alaska's stream. But this is a different streamer, I think this is Yuzza?

Unknown_05: Forgive me if I'm wrong, I don't know who the fuck's perspective this is. But someone pays Yuzza to have some fun as well. At a certain point, Chadget kind of storms off into his bedroom in the main mansion. to engage PPP further on Twitter DMs. Like, he storms off in a huff and just secludes himself from the rest of the house and then pulls out his phone. So, here, enter the third actor of the night, the fourth actor of the night.

Unknown_09: He's literally hiding behind the wall. Watching chat on his phone. You know. Seething and thinking about what to text. So, what we're going to do is we're going to leave you on, like, the final image where they just, like, break into chat. No, no, no.

Unknown_12: You just got to play, like, two more minutes there. You can't grace it. No. I thought I had it. Someone pays him 20 bucks and asks him to do something.

Unknown_05: He has resigned himself to the bedroom to text PPP because he is stuck in this fucking hell.

Unknown_12: He's texting me. You know, like frantically in the DM.

Unknown_02: And for $5, I will throw you an egg at him. And for $60, I'm going to get the taser.

Unknown_02: And for $100, I'm going to get the pepper spray. Let's go!

Unknown_09: Like, he's texting me in his bag like a broken... And it's like... He just completely ignores it.

Unknown_05: He has nothing funny to say. He has nothing funny to do. He's just gonna sit there in this fucking prison cell of his own design and sit on his fucking phone and complain to PPP. And by the way, PPP showed his text messages. And he's sitting there asking PPP over and over and over again. have you had sex yes or no literally not an exaggeration that DM have you had sex yes or no over and over and over again like 20 fucking times so he's sitting there in this fucking hell with this man yelling at him with the megaphone because he was paid five dollars to do it sitting there saying have you had sex yes or no because at once at one point in his life he fucked a 13 year old and that means he is not a virgin And he's the Chad cell. He's the Chad among incels. Probably has not had sex since then without paying for it. And he's going to cling to that for forever. So there he is, texting PPP, have you had sex, yes or no, while this fucking maniac shouts at him with a megaphone.

Unknown_05: And that is the end. There's about 15 more minutes, but it's just more people paying for this guy to yell at Chagat with the megaphone. I think they retire for the night. But by this time, by the way, of PPP's stream, they start streaming again. The day has reset. There's a full calendar day that has renewed. And Chagat and Baked Alaska are out on the street again.

Unknown_05: And things have not improved. The situation has not improved.

Unknown_05: And by the end of it, by the way, I tried to pick clips for this as well, but God knows I would never fucking finish if I kept going down this road. To sum it up very succinctly, what has happened in just the last day with this fucking guy, it's a lot more of the same, but Bait and Chagat were in the car, and Chagat must have some sort of fear of being on a camera, or he just knows that Bait is filming his reactions.

Unknown_05: Um...

Unknown_05: To the things that are bothering him. So he keeps asking Bake not to put the camera on him. And Bake does it twice. He does it until Chagat assaults him and fucks with his camera. And then they have...

Unknown_05: The police called. They're on the side of the fucking freeway. Cars are flying by at like 80 miles per hour. They're on the side of the freeway. And then the police come. And Baked Alaska is like talking to the cop. And the Texas Beach people are saying, Baked Alaska is a terrorist from the January 6th insurrection on Capitol Hill. And they're playing fuck the police and all this crazy shit's happening. But by the end of it, Baked Alaska convinces the police and Chagat that it would be a good idea to... to let them return home and then on the way home chagat and bake alaska have an identical identical confrontation where the phone is again being put on uh chagat and chagat uh hits the phone and then they switch to the other guy's stream because this guy's phone's gone missing now and he can't stream anymore And the police are called again. And at that point, the police are like, okay, you guys are fucking retarded. And you guys have to go separate ways. There's no fucking way that we're letting you get this guy in the car for the third time.

Unknown_05: And yeah, they kind of look bad at the end. It's like, you know, you did a bad job of baiting him along if you wanted more content and calling the police a second time.

Unknown_05: But at the same time, when you look at this guy, you kind of feel bad for him until you realize that he's like a child molester who fucked a 13-year-old. That he knew, by the way. I didn't clip this, but he admits that when he was 17, he was talking to her while she was 12.

Unknown_05: And I guess giving her alcohol and weed then, too.

Unknown_05: So you don't feel bad for him, but then you kind of feel bad for Baked because as annoying as Shag it is, Baked is like living it, that experience of having to put up with this fucking retard asking you shit. Like, how do I get back? Pay, pay, pay. And what do I say to him here to own him? And how do I own my mom?

Unknown_05: So I think Baked was just done with him. He's like, I can't put up with this fucking guy anymore. I don't care how much money it's bringing in.

Unknown_05: And to top it off, by the way, I haven't even listened to this. I'm vaguely aware of it. Ethan Ralph jumped on this, and he got Chagat onto the Killstream. Now, this would be perfect, classic Killstream stuff. You have a guy on the internet making a fool of himself. Hey, why don't you come on the kill stream and talk it out, and we'll get to the bottom of this, and face your accusers, and we'll have a blood sports, and it'll be good for everyone, right? How he baited everyone onto this fucking platform. Chagat ends up on the kill stream, and Ralph is in a position where, much like Baked Alaska, he can't really press... chagat on anything and i don't even know if he wants to because also on this stream is dick masterson and the only part of the stream that i hear is where dick is telling chagat that he did nothing wrong word for word he did nothing wrong

Unknown_05: And neither of them press chag it too much, and then he leaves anyways. So it's like Ethan Ralph and Dick telling this guy that don't worry about it, you did nothing wrong, people are being oversensitive, it's a typical guy thing, yadda yadda. And then he just leaves, and that's the entire stream. And it's like, okay, whatever. I don't know if it's like a game, I don't know if they're trying to bait him along, I don't know what the fuck they're doing, but... It's not even worth featuring. If you want to go pull it up, go pull it up. But I'm not going to put that on the stream. I don't care enough to. And I respect people's time enough to only show them funny anime memes from 15 years ago and not any more of the kill stream. And I don't think I... Okay, let's say that it was the most funny fucking thing in the entire world. I can't show Ralph's chicks. I don't feel like dealing with his DMCA's. You know what I mean? If I showed any kill stream footage on this fucking stream, he would DMCA it, and I would lose streaming for the next two fucking weeks. And it's like, fuck it then, dude. If it's funny or not, I guess nobody will ever know that I talk to, because I can't fucking show your shit anymore, because you're a litigious retard. Ugh.

Unknown_05: Yeah, I mean, from what I heard, you know, it's just... They tried... It was like with Onision. Dick tried the same thing with Onision, telling him, like... You know, trying to goad Onision by saying, like, oh, it's perfectly fine to have sex with a girl at, like, 12 or whatever. Trying to get Onision to admit that he did it. And Onision just was like, nah, you know, I didn't do that, and I don't think that's okay. Which just made Dick, on record, saying that it's okay to have sex with, like, a 12-year-old. And it's like, okay... It's not working. Whatever this fucking gambit is of luring these idiots onto your stream and then just sucking their dick for 30 minutes straight is not an effective tactic.

Unknown_05: And the only other person that I would have to talk about this week is Chantal. Chantal is a fat bitch. This is like the first stream you're listening to. I cover her a lot because she's very funny. She broke up with the Egyptian guy, but she is so gross now. I can't even listen to her streams. I used to put her streams on for background noise. But if she's not eating into the microphone, she's farting into the microphone. If she's not farting into the microphone, she's burping into the microphone. She's not doing that. She's screaming at her fucking cats. And if she's not doing that, she's blowing her nose. She blows her nose every five fucking minutes. So it's like a cacophony of bodily noises constantly. And it's like, I have a very low tolerance to that shit. I put up with it because Chantal was funny for a long time. And now I'm going to have to have other people watch it for me for funny moments because she never stops being fucking disgusting now. And it's worse than it's ever been.

Unknown_05: So if I get an update to that, I'll let you guys know. Last I heard that she broke up with the Egyptian man who she smoked meth residue out of a pipe with.

Unknown_05: And yeah, that's all.

Unknown_05: I've covered for you about 24 hours straight worth of content in a condensed two-hour point-by-point explanation. I hope you are entertained. I hope I've done my job. I hope you have no more questions about this issue.

Unknown_05: Um, and yeah, I guess I'll see you next week. Um, I don't like, I don't know. It depends on what the situation is, which I get by next week. If I talk about them there too, I feel like this is more of a thing where it's funny because he comes out of nowhere and he seems like out of time and out of place, like a retard from 2007 just got suddenly thrust into this world of talking inward cameras and shit. And he has no fucking idea what to do about it.

Unknown_05: Um, so yeah, uh, Until next time, though, thank you guys for watching. Here are my links. Everything is archived on manatheinternet.com.

Unknown_05: Check it out. It's also got the crypto links. And kiwifarms.cc is our Twitter alternative, which kind of kicks ass. It's federated. I don't know if the IP2 guys have their own Fediverse node, but they should really look into it because it's a great service and it's growing all the time. So until next week.

Unknown_05: buh-bye take it easy where's that fucking song aha I hope you guys like Lana Del Rey

Unknown_03: And we're still in the heat Even when the sun goes down You make me happy. You make me happy.

Unknown_03: And I never listen to anyone. Let them all say. Hey, Lolita, hey. Hey, Lolita, hey. I know what the boys want. I'm not gonna play. Hey, Lolita, hey. Hey, Lolita, hey. Girl, all you wanna hurt. I'm not gonna smell love. Kissing love is dipping on me. With the boys downtown.