I've been listening to classical today. I had an idea for something I'm going to do this stream. And I required a classical composition. So I went out on the hunt for a classical piece. And I ended up listening to classical all day today. So I'm very refined and fancy today.
Unknown_00: Okay, I always say this, and then I'm always wrong. This is going to be a short stream, because not much has happened this week. I'm going to be covering just a weird assortment of things, and it probably won't take that much time.
I very specifically did my person stream on Kevin Gibbs on Monday so that I could stream again today, and I might as well make use of the time. So let us start with a plant review, since this is apparently a phenomenally popular part of my stream for whatever fucking reason.
Unknown_00: This was the last stream. This was the little picture that I have set up. So the peas were just sprouted. It's crazy. God, how much they fucking grow in just a week. It's every day.
Unknown_00: Growing plants is oddly rewarding, especially from a seed. Because it's like you put the seed in and then within two weeks you have a plant. And then within two weeks they're like a hundred times the size they used to be.
And then this is today. I put them in a little cardboard box so I don't dox myself accidentally. But here we have the ensemble of plants.
Unknown_00: The banana peppers are massive. There's one in particular that dwarfs the others. It has such huge leaves, and they're very well-defined. The tops of the leaves are very adult, and they have a definite texture to them. uh the herbs grow weird particularly the parsley is like retarded it likes to spread out so i don't know what i'm gonna do about that the i i had some spare chopsticks so i threw the chopsticks into the pots with the peas And now they have combined themselves with the chopsticks. So repotting them is going to be a pain in the ass. But hopefully it can work. I'm also worried. I'm literally doing this in an apartment. So I'm afraid of putting the peas out into planters that I have outside on my balcony from my apartment. Uh, cause I'm afraid the fucking pigeons are going to eat them. I looked up what, uh, what, what do pigeons eat? Do they eat plants? And as it turns out, they eat, uh, like broccoli and shit, but very specifically, they like to eat peas. So I'm like, well, fuck. So I'm going to, I don't know what I'm going to do to prevent the fucking pigeons from eating the common city pigeons from eating my fucking peas, but I'm going to have to figure out some way. I don't want to put like chicken wire. I mean, I could like gate off. I might have to, but.
I might have to like gate off the entire balcony put chicken wire over the actual balcony like I don't go out there to look at the city anyway so whatever but that's my situation I do like the pigeons though I like it when I look out to my left and I see a pigeon just sitting there looking back at me it's like company I guess but
Unknown_00: If he wants to eat my peas, we have a fucking problem. So that's the plant update. I feel really good right now. Not for any particular reason. Well, yes, for a particular reason. Not for any valid, like, reason. Like, oh, I feel so fulfilled because of my plants. Or I did something. I accomplished something of actual value. I've been playing this fucking game called Apex Legends and I just won my last round, which if you don't know, it's like a battle royale game and there's like 60 players in the map and coming out on top is particularly rare because you have fucking spastic kids and chinky people playing that will blow your fucking brains out after you carefully crawl across the map for half an hour.
That is really gay. Yeah, it is. It's really gay. It kind of reminds... I don't know. It's better than the other games that I've tried recently. The gunplay is better. It is a genuinely awful looking game. I don't know what it is. It's like every element of the game. The guns are fucking ugly. The character design is fucking ugly. every single one of the characters is like an indeterminate brown color they don't even have like asian people they have like one asian character and she's japanese um and then the rest are just like there's like a blasian medic and it's just like what the fuck are these people where the fuck did they come is this like the far-off future where everyone's just mixed together except for the asians who are minding their own business still um There's, like, one blonde chick, and she, like, keeps her hands by her crotch all the time, because she's, like, insecure, because everyone else is brown and she's not, and she's, like, protecting herself from sexual assault or something. And then I log in. I swear to God, this is true. I log into the game for the first time ever. I just spent, like, two hours downloading the 60 fucking gigabit... massive EA dump onto my computer and I open it up. Very first thing I see after I log in, you have been given an award, a player icon, Stop Asian Hate. And apparently for February they did Black Lives Matter, which is like the raised fist icon. And I swear to God, there are people out there who actually put this shit on their fucking, their profiles. They actually use, like, Black Lives Matter and Stop Asian Hate instead of something cool, like, an achievement. Which is, like, mine is, like, I won a game as, fucking God damn it, I hate it.
element i can't close the shit before i start talking it distracts me um but like you know there are achievements for like winning the game and then winning the game without letting anyone die and things that are actually impressive but then these people have to they have to virtue signal in a fucking video game and it's like what's wrong with you
Unknown_00: Put things on your profile that you've accomplished.
And for the record, I believe very firmly at this point in time that the stop Asian hate shit is reverse psychology. They're trying to condition me to just keep saying it until it annoys me so much I just run out there and find an elderly Chinese person and just punch them in the fucking face. I'm so sick of hearing it. It's trying to tell me I should hate Asian people. It's like, it's not going to work, EA. I don't care how many times you tell me to stop Asian hate. I'm not going to start hating Asian people. But for the lesser-minded out there, the people who are... the uninformed voters among us, this campaign of Stop Asian Hate will successfully reverse psychology them into assaulting fucking Asian people. Because now it's... I'll tell you what it is. I'm not even being schizo about this. I'm being a little bit schizo, but not 100%. Because it's... If you remember... Okay, there was... There was... When I was a child, when I was a little boy, and I was in school, in the 1990s and early 2000s, there was a school program called D.A.R.E. And some of you may be Zoomers, some of you may be Millennials, God forbid.
And you may not know what the D.A.R.E. program is. You may be foreign too, God forbid. Here is D.A.R.E.
There was a government program that is designed to dare kids. I dare you not to do drugs. And they would say that like, do you take the dare challenge to not do drugs? And the way that this worked is that it made people think like, oh my God, everyone's doing drugs.
Unknown_00: Everyone's doing drugs except me.
Unknown_00: To the point where they have to dare me not to do drugs. I mean, I guess I should do drugs then. Like that's literally, it was a horror. You can look this up. There are fucking, uh, like studies about it, how this dare program completely backfired and normalized drugs essentially because the government kept telling people that everyone does drugs and you're missing out. Um, and I, I swear to God, that might be literally might be the, the stop Asian hate shit. It's like, what do you mean Asian hate? Who the fuck hates Asians? And then you're sitting there and you're thinking like, I'm a racist and I don't hate Asians. Am I, am I missing out? Is something wrong?
Should I be hating Asians? Everyone seems, there seems to be such a problem that I have, they have to stop it, that they have to put it in my apex legends. And people are using that icon on their fucking banner profile instead of how many fucking times they've won the game.
Unknown_00: I'm telling you, there's something to it. And maybe in the future, assuming that we aren't all memory holds, and this entire nightmare is blotted out of existence, but they may do studies on that too and prove that I am right. And you'll remember, if you hear it in the future, 40 years in the future, that Stop Asian Hate was actually a reverse psychology MKUltra program to make people hate Asian people more. Remember me. Remember that I called it.
I've also been watching South Park. That's what my note says. I wrote this down to make sure I, uh, remember it. I've been watched, binged watched South Park all the way up to season 15 now. And I can definitively say that South Park jumped the shark after season nine. Season nine was the last great season. And, um,
Unknown_00: Besides a very specific episode called You're Getting Old, where Stan gets depressed and has to cope and see and dilate with his depression. It spoke to me very much when I was a young boy and watching South Park.
And I still tear up at Landslide because it reminds me of family and stuff. But besides that, after Season 9, in case you are curious about my South Park review, after Season 9, they start going for memes. It's hard to explain. They start trying to be memetic where they think that people are going to say these things that happen, and it works. A lot of the most famous South Park expressions come after Season 9, but they stop being as good at commentary, and they start making memes, which kind of sucks. So.
Okay, now that 10 minutes have passed, the actual content for this week's happenings. A little website called LiveLeak has been shut down. I don't remember a time before LiveLeak. I think there was Ogrish in the old internet, and it was a medical site detailing bodies and disease and stuff. But LiveLeak came out, and it was a place to host...
Ukraine Civil War footage and it was just like a place for videos of like dead bodies and stuff but
Unknown_00: uh like okay this is a weird thing i don't know what kind of people deliberately seek out like wrecked footage and dead bodies and war footage and stuff i'm squeamish i don't like that shit and i don't i don't want to like because i don't know enough about it to like paint people a certain way um it is very like there is a group of people out there who just want to see people die and And I don't know if they're sociopaths or if it's like that's like self-medication or it's just like an interest. I don't know what the deal is, but there are people out there who seek this stuff out deliberately.
And, uh, I mean, I, I never looked at live leak unless I was looking for a specific video. And I think that live leak hosted the Christchurch footage, for example, like after, after we did. And, uh, that's where people went after, after the initial shock of it. And people were finding the forum as a result of looking for it. Live leak was the place that they went to afterwards. Yeah. So it is weird to see like a little library of gross shit that you could depend on and people did depend on for like a decade. Be completely blotted out of existence.
They put up like a note. I'm curious if I have that note. I think I have it in my history still. This is what they put up as a I'll throw this up on the screen. As an explanation and it's really weird but
Unknown_00: This was itemfix.com slash LL. It's a weird page. Dear Live Leakers.
Unknown_00: I'm sure you're wondering what's going on right now, so it's only right and proper that you get a full explanation. 15 years ago, we felt the project we were working on had peaked and it was time to move on. LiveLeak was born. Although it's an overused analogy, the last 15 years have been an insane rollercoaster for all involved. Highs, lows, and some rather worrying bits. where it felt like we were upside down. The thing is, it's never been less than exhilarating, challenging, and something we were all fully committed to. Nothing lasts forever, and as we did all those years ago, we felt LiveLeak had achieved all that it could, and it was time for us to try something new and exciting.
The world has changed a lot over these last few years, the internet alongside it, and we as people. I'm sat here right now writing this with a mixture of sorrow because LiveLeak has been not just a website or a business, but a way of life for me and many of the guys, but also genuine excitement at what's next.
i hope some of you will enjoy item fix and find it useful and entertaining it's something completely different completely fresh and something that we feel organized about tackling and whilst i know many times many of you will be upset possibly angry about our decision i do hope that you also understand our reasons and appreciate that alongside you we have walked together through some interesting times and some crazy ones sometimes it's just the right time to chart a new path I'd like to wrap this up with thanks. Thank you to all the team past and present. And I'll cut it off there because the rest is just like talking about item fix and how appreciative it is. You'll notice that I'm sure you're wondering what's going on right now. No explanation. He says that Lively could have achieved all it could, and that's the closest to an explanation. And then he says like, we moved on to item fix because we were done with live leak and we wanted something new. And then he says that lot or item fix is completely different, completely fresh and something we feel energized about. But then we look at popular channels and it's like viral memes, news, fail WTF. And this is like, this is completely fresh and new. This is,
It's just like another Vimeo or something, you know? So it's really strange, and it's a sudden departure, and it came without notice. And it makes me feel like someone threatened them. I'm aware that they are based out of London.
Unknown_00: Which is a bad sign for, like, I'm surprised you can host anything in the United Kingdom. How the fuck does shit like this not get taken down sooner? And, you know, it's strange that this happened the same as BitChute. Where BitChute had this, you know, very pro-1A approach to things, and then suddenly they're just like, no, we're gonna taper everything, we're gonna fix our image and make, like, a real competitor to YouTube.
And they're based out of England as well. I was told when Bitshoot was taking off that the guy who owned Bitshoot was on some kind of offshore British colony or some shit, and that the whims of England itself would not affect Bitshoot, but that was completely wrong. So I don't know if, like, the British government just likes to extort people who host shit, who are, like, British nationals and host shit in England or what, but this is really strange to me. And it's, I mean, LiveLeak disappearing is just another site that is lost to the shrinking of the internet. And there are diagrams out there that I would suggest you look up if you're curious, but... that show how 20 years ago, in 2005 or so, you would have 50% of internet traffic divided between thousands of different sites. And then after 2010, or around there, it's reduced to a couple hundred sites. And then by the late 2010s, 50% of internet traffic is divided between a dozen sites.
And the internet just keeps getting smaller and smaller.
VPS companies are willing to host less and less. And the cost of doing something like the Kiwi Farms that has to be self-hosted is immense in terms of money and expertise and time. And not many sites are willing to do it. So it is a shame. And it's depressing to think about because...
Unknown_00: The internet really should be getting bigger. I think if all was fair, if it was a really equitable market, there would be so much more competition between enterprises, but there's not. Things are getting smaller.
Anyways, I don't mean to be a bum out. So that's the end of my bum out talk for the rest of the stream. An interesting thing has happened since the person stream I did on Monday, where another person, I did a person stream on, Tommy Tudor, has contacted the Tranch to ask to join it, to express interest in joining it. So I want to just play the phone call. Tommy Tudor was nice enough to record his phone call.
which is not a great introduction to a group of people like, Hey, I want to join your, your community, your intensely private ranch out in Colorado. Also, I'm recording my call with you to post it on the internet so that the Kiwi farms can, can find it. But I'll play that now and make sure my NPC player is up.
Unknown_02: Yeah. Gender role. And I came out about 10 years ago.
Unknown_02: Um, But I'd been part of the rainbow hippie trip for 40 now. And I was just hiding behind a beard.
Unknown_02: So here I am in Tucson. And I have businesses starting to thrive.
We're an artist collaborative.
Unknown_02: And I do stonework. I cut gemstones and carve.
Unknown_02: But my education is in ecosystem engineering. Fisheries, biology, polyculture, aquaponics, sustainable energy, transitive capture technology, stuff like that.
Unknown_00: It's crazy to me whenever I listen to Tommy. Whenever he's in the zone and he's trying to actively impress someone, he comes across as really mellow, really put together, knows what he's talking about. Um, just a nice old hippie man. And then like that, like at a fucking, you know, drop of a hat, he flips his shit completely and starts screaming on the telephone. Like he, there's the, the video from the, the person stream I played of him talking to the FBI and he's like calling to the FBI and he's saying blah, blah, blah, trying to get them to do investigations and shit. And then the guy tells them that they're not going to do that. And he's just fucking screaming at the FBI over the phone. No, the call's not that long. It's like two minutes, so I'll play the rest of it.
Yeah, I thought if we could find some fit, I might be of use to you guys. I definitely would like to interview somebody and help with your publicity. Sure. No, we'd love to get to know you better.
That's Penny talking. The... Well, I don't know. So we're pretty crammed up for the next couple of weeks. We always welcome visitors, but you're further away.
Unknown_02: Oh, I have no intention of getting anywhere near there for months.
Unknown_02: Yeah, yeah. My partners and I are talking about the summer selling season in Southern California, and
We'll possibly turn around and come toward Colorado before the summer's over. But definitely for the next, you know, June, July, you know, May, we're working here in town. And then June and July, we'll be working in Southern California.
Unknown_00: He sells rock, because you don't know.
Unknown_06: Right. Right.
Unknown_06: um and we'll just talk about everything and yeah and see uh see what you're see what you're up to and you can figure out what we're up to and yeah we can definitely talk cool cool um um but it'll have to be uh next week um jay is away in texas
Yeah, someone pointed out that Kevin is specifically omitted from that list of people that are going to be on that Zoom call. That's very strange. Why does he have no say in what happens? Who gets added to the tranche?
Unknown_02: Okay, well, I'll send you a link to my phone number right now in the chatter and a link to my business page. Okay, great. And then I will just shoot you a text, and later in the weekend we can figure out a time for next week.
Cool. Sounds like a winner. What was your name again, please?
Unknown_06: I'm Penny.
Unknown_01: Penny? Yep.
Unknown_01: Okay, this right here.
Unknown_00: Listen to the sound of his voice. I don't know what the fuck it is. He's trying to sound like super feminine or something, but it creeps me out.
Unknown_01: Penny? It's a nice talk. I'm Penny. Penny? Penny?
Unknown_01: Okay, Penny. It's nice talking to you. Good talking to you as well. Looking forward to meeting the gang.
Yeah, we'll talk soon. Have a wonderful day.
Unknown_02: Great. You too. Happy day. Bye-bye.
Unknown_00: Okay, gamers, now is the time to... We're going to practice our psychic materialization again, and we're going to wish into existence that Tommy Tudor makes a successful application to join the Tranche, because that sounds fucking hysterical.
Unknown_00: And I wonder if Tommy only found out about it because of the stream. Maybe he's an avid fan of the streams. So good luck, Tommy, to joining that group of misfits. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun. Be sure to talk about it and stream about it if you get there.
Unknown_04: Oh, okay.
Unknown_00: I was thinking, guys, who the fuck... The section for my notes here says Commie Dick Girl. I'm thinking, like, that's, like, a lot of people. There's, like, a lot of Commie Dick Girls. Why didn't I write the name? And then I remembered. No, that's actually... That is actually the name that they're going by. Where the fuck... Oh, here we go. Wait, no, no, no, no.
This way. Okay.
Unknown_00: so this is commie dick girl they're at a popeyes chicken no stop trying to gaslight trans people and tell us that we're crazy crazy you need to fucking be mindful of other people and stop being a fucking scumbag and you're a liar i heard you stop fucking gaslighting trans people wait what did you call me sir again what was that you said good night bitch alex i'm gonna be talking to corporate about you you motherfucker fuck Sir, this is a Popeyes chicken.
Okay? That's bullshit. You don't fucking harass trans people at work. Yeah, you didn't. I'm walking out of here like, have a good night, sir. What the fuck is that? No, you don't fucking do this to trans people. This is discrimination. No, this is discrimination. I'm fucking done with it.
Unknown_03: No, I'm going to talk to corporate about this. You don't harass trans people. Hey, you know, it's one of those stupid things when you're catching Karens. You called me sir, and you're talking shit, calling me sir on the way out. This is transphobic harassment. You're a fucking bigot. All right, Alex, I can't wait to this. He admits twice calling me sir. No, he lied about the first one. No, you called me sir twice.
Unknown_07: Yeah, but you shouldn't be fucking harassing people with slurs.
Unknown_03: It's a slur. Do you not understand? It's like if you call the person a color of the N word. Don't fucking... You did. I have the right to be pissed about it.
Unknown_00: You fucking did.
Unknown_03: You fucking did. You liar. And I'm going to hold you accountable.
Cis people need to be held accountable for how they treat trans people. And I'm not going to put up with this shit anymore. You're crazy, bro. You're a fucking... Don't call me a fucking bro! Stop fucking throwing slurs at me, you fucking piece of shit! No, fuck you! I ain't your cis, I ain't your fucking bro! You don't even fucking know me!
Unknown_03: Oh, you want to flash gang signs at me? Alright, alright, alright. Yeah, fuck your ass. Do you want to talk about sucking dick now? Why isn't it fucking weird since people are so obsessed with sex? You have fucking discrimination going on. And your brain goes to fucking dick sucking.
Don't fucking call me sir. This is transphobia. Right here at the pub. Yeah, you know, you got hurt last night. Fuck you.
Unknown_00: I play, like, a minute of this and, like, yeah, this is funny. I want to make sure I get, like, a real reaction to the second half. That's pretty great, bro.
Unknown_00: Can you imagine being, like, so mentally fragile that a fucking kid working at a Popeye's chicken saying, calm down, bro, is, like, a fucking, like, life-changing experience for you? Like, how fucking pathetic. What an awful life.
Uh, they, they, okay, this person literally, literally goes by, they posted themselves, because they were recording, literally goes by commie dick girl, and they posted on, on the video on Twitter, out of Tucson, ironically, that's where fucking Tommy is. uh every day someone has to call me sir and when i am justifiable pissed about it they try to double down on their bigoted harassment and gaslight me you have the whole crew fucking harassing me and defending these slurs popeye in tucson sir this is a popeyes calm down bro uh content warning transphobia i'm picking up uber eats and your employee laughing
Picking up Uber Eats and your employee calls me sir clearly before I start filming it and at first he denies it and then calls me sir and bro and tells me to go suck my own dick and flash gang signs at me. This is discrimination.
Unknown_00: What a champion that kid is.
Unknown_00: Uh, this is not even, like, the first thing that they've done. They have a YouTube channel. This is their actual YouTube channel. I thought this was, like, a parody. Or, like, a locale, like, archive channel. It's not. This is actually their YouTube channel. Look at this fucking... Look at this. This is how they want to be represented to the world. This is disgusting. This is cisphobia. Cis people should not be subjected to these visual slurs right here.
uh but they describe themselves as comedy dick girls official official youtube channel practice streaming and more uh trans woman addresses the transphobic bullying and gaslighting dishonesty of the popeyes so this is like their follow-up video talking about it i want to address the video a little bit you can just see the context for yourself like it's pretty self-explanatory even if you believe him that he didn't misgender me at first which he did
Unknown_03: And he's just gaslighting me and being like, saying a swear to me and being like, what do you mean? He called me crazy, which is fucking ableist abuse.
Unknown_07: So I'm just saying that I'm not fucking ashamed of it.
Unknown_03: And I'm proud that I said something. And people told me that they felt like I was standing up for them. And God damn it, I was.
Unknown_03: And I'm not, we just need to not put up with this shit anymore. The fact that the motherfucker then turned around and was like, oh, now because I don't like you and your trance, I get to use these slurs on you. And the staff supported that. Well, they fucking laughed. and treated me like they're bullying some kid in high school or middle school. I'm fucking 34 years old, and I'm fucking doing something if I'm getting food or picking it up. Wait, wait, look at that.
Look at that gemstone that they're wearing as a necklace. Do you think the ultimate lore, that they got that from Tommy Tudor? Because there's a connection to someone else I'm going to be talking about. That would be great. They all need to go to the ranch.
I don't have time for this shit and to have to fucking get into with these motherfuckers. I had enough yesterday!
Unknown_03: With my friend going missing and then this? It's like I gotta deal with this shit too? Popeye's chicken needs to know that it is not okay for employees to be like calling trans women sir. To like intentionally like fucking fuck with me after I did something he doesn't like. I heard the motherfucker call me sir.
Unknown_03: Okay? And you can lie to save his ass, because they're always so spineless and weaselly. But the world would fucking know at least this.
That if you do this, if you go and you fucking accost trans people in public, we can hold you accountable. We can just make a fucking bat shit scene and some ass fucking will!
Unknown_00: that's great that's excellent we need a thread on them i hope they continue to produce such primo content i want to see this person freak out at every major fat like the review bra like the trans review bra we go into each uh fast food restaurant reviewing menu items and freaking out at the the staff working there that would be excellent um
Someone tell me, what the fuck, does it tell me the name of the song in the background? No, it does not. It sounded like an anime intro theme. I could be wrong, it could be like a famous middle author or whatever, but it kind of sounded like an anime thing to me. That would be really funny too. If it's an anime thing, let me know. If it's not, don't tell me, I don't care.
Unknown_00: Okay, and actually, this person ties in somehow to the next person, who is fucking also crazy, and very specifically brought up Commie Dick Girl as their friend in the conversation logs I'm about to read.
Unknown_04: They have no eyebrows?
Unknown_04: it's insane it's some of us they have like hitler eyebrows they like have toothbrush like eyebrows what the fuck like real talk if someone if this person walks into your fucking store how do you know what their gender is should you ask look why are their teeth all pointy what the fuck do they eat like the souls of children look at this shit that is creepy that is creepy that's not human
Okay, whatever. So let us continue.
Unknown_00: For some reason, everyone in this one is trans. Today's a trans day of visibility, I guess.
Unknown_00: I received these threatening DMs on Wednesday.
Unknown_00: Vanity at Femboy Crypto says to me, I alone will be your demise. Expect me. To which I reply, cringe. They continue. Think about it, Moony. I'm the chosen one. I'm unlike the others you fought before. You know this to be true. Ha ha ha. I'm coming, Moon Man. Ha ha ha ha. To which I reply, Cringe. They continue. But this time, they send me a tweet.
Apropos of nothing, they send me a tweet that says that Pepe is like an alt-right symbol. And Femboid Crypto says, My friends are outlawing Pepe. I don't know how I feel about it. And then they try to entice me into conversation about this topic, this enticing topic of Pepe the Frog. Saying, if you want to voice chat with me on Discord, we can talk about feelings.
I know you like trans girls, secretly. It's okay, I won't tell anyone. We'd be a good couple. And if people say you're transphobic, you just say your girlfriend is trans. I know you want a trans GF, and I don't blame you. Cock is hot. Girl dick. And then 40 minutes later they say, fuck you Josh, fuck you. I wake up in the morning shocked by this random turn of events and my messages. And I had to use TweetDeck to capture these because Femboy Crypto posted this to their Twitter, like they deleted their Twitter account or they changed their handle or something. And when you do that, it removes the conversation history from Twitter. But TweetDeck works differently somehow, and it had a record of it, so I copied it from TweetDeck. But it definitely deleted the messages on the main Twitter site.
Uh, and when I were trying to reply, LOL cringe to this in the morning, it said there is no user by that name. Now I posted this to Twitter and they messaged me again to have a followup conversation. And now I was, Oh God, I have another thing that's beeping at me.
They sent me another message. And I will now read this.
Unknown_00: Until it gets boring. I conversated a little bit this time. Because I was curious about something. And it kind of went off the fucking rails. So I'll just read what I can.
Unknown_00: Uh, they sent me another message saying, I'm going to do what I can and I can do more than most. And I said, I am not interested in promoting your content at this time. And they said, I'm serious. I'm taking you down. I can't, I don't have content. I have video diaries and some fun things. I'm not here for you. I'm here for me. I'm going to fight against all of you bigots. You've all had your time and now it's over. Believe it. You won't see anything on your screen, by the way, because capturing fucking Twitter DMs is a pain in the ass.
I saw you posted the DMs, and I'm asking you to delete that tweet. It's totally out of context, and you know it. You are a devil human. You are literally evil incarnate. Die. I curse you. All I want to do is love, literally. All I want is pure love, and you fucking bigots make that impossible. I can't be pure love because of this hatred. You taint me.
And I say, homie, maybe your psychotic mental breakdowns are alienating people. To which they reply, if people like you didn't exist, I'd be fine. I saw what you did to Laura slash commie dick girl, which was the person that I just played. She is literally a homeless trans person and you're all picking on her. She was being insulted and threatened and laughed at. And you all just find it so fucking funny. I'll show you funny. I'll show you what I think is funny. You want to know what makes me laugh, huh?
Unknown_00: And I say, yeah, because they're freaking out at a Popeye's chicken, dude. That's funny. I have a question. What's your experience like dating women before transitioning? Now, my gambit here is I wanted to see if this person was an incel. As I've discussed before in previous episodes, I believe that trans people are mostly incels.
They reply, No wait.
Don't delete that. Delete Laura's thread. And I say, no, I'm just curious, but I don't censor things. My tweets delete themselves after two weeks or so anyways.
Unknown_00: So if they didn't have a freakout in my DMs, I probably wouldn't read this on stream, and then they would be deleted, and people would forget about it really fast. They reply, okay, I dated a lot of girls. I ask, like, real women. And they say, dude, what the fuck do you mean by that? I dated many cis women and many trans women.
Unknown_00: And I say, I have a theory that all Tims are incels. And he says, your theory is definitely wrong, lol. Your forum posters, however, are most likely incels. So I say, that's why you say that. It's projection. And he says, I know your forum posters, lol. I know many of them. And I say, okay. And then they say, one tried to be trans, even. And I say... i'm just saying that being a man is hard and i don't think you were up to it so you try being what you think is easier a woman and that's not going to work so vanity says and she was too bigoted to accept herself talking about the forum the user that was transitioning apparently dude being trans is way harder than being a guy being trans is really tough i was very sexually successful before transitioning And I say, yeah, it's tough because it's a square peg in a round hole, homie. And they say, yeah, it's hard, so leave us alone. And then I say, being a woman, people think being a woman is easier, and then they transition and find out that it's not easier, and that being a bimbo isn't all there is to being a woman, so they kill themselves. And Vanity says, Mooney, you have no idea what you're talking about. I thought you would be at least somewhat knowledgeable considering how often you harass trans people. Being trans is really tough. All trans girls know this beforehand. You all just make it harder. It's really tough. I wish I were born a cis woman.
And I say, it's tough being something you're not meant to be. They say, meant to be? Yeah, because the sperm and egg that made me fully conscious, or that made me were fully conscious and deliberate, seeing that the sperm and egg were just like happenstance and issues happen. And I say, that's correct. There's XX and XY. So he chose this life. He says he didn't. I didn't choose this. I chose to transition. I didn't choose to be trans, but I am. I'm trans, even though I don't want to be. I cry a lot and you bigots don't help.
And I say, it's a fetish lifestyle and says nothing to do with being a fetish. Not for me anyways.
Unknown_00: And then I just want to... I asked if they're a trans being. They said, I had beautiful women and I didn't like sex with them. I don't really identify as a trans being. Trans women are women. Don't be bigoted in here with me right now. I've had it with you. And there's a lot more, but I'll skip to this.
Unknown_00: They say, I say...
Unknown_00: Everyone gets made fun of. If you walk around in a dress and look like they do, you're going to get rude comments. I say, even if the world changes such that the government forces people like me to be nice at gunpoint, it's human nature and it will never go away. You will always know what people think about you. And they reply, you can't gaslight me with your dumb memes. You have no idea what I've done, who I am. I've been bullied more than anyone. I've bathed in the hate and I came out loving. I will destroy your Kiwi farms with love.
And I think that was their gambit. They're trying to get me to fuck them. And then they would be like, Hey, babe, since you now love the Bucky, maybe you can shut down that transphobic Kiwi farms of yours. And I would just be like, Oh yes, bae. Of course you're right. I love the Bucky more than I love being a cyber bully.
Unknown_00: Um, but I reply instead, if you insist, you know, I'm right though. And then since then,
For the last, like, since this ended at 11.42 a.m. and through till 12.22 p.m., they continue to reply to me. This is the last thing I said. If you insist, you know I'm right, though. They say... Let me get a drink of water, actually.
Unknown_04: I am vanity.
Unknown_00: No, you're wrong. I know you're wrong. Many people think I'm cute, usually trans girls, but they're sincere. And yeah, I don't pass crying emoji, but I'm trans. I got to accept myself. You know, the existence of your dumb farms has ruined two relationships of mine. I bet Narcissa and I would have gotten married if not for the dumb drama you all cause. And then you made Lexi hate me by making me upset and hateful. And now they're both hate me. And that's all the evil people's fault trying to corrupt my heart, but I'm a shining peregrine. I am a beacon of love. I am an emotional locus. I am a digital dreamer. I am Bendy. I will either blind your hate with love or I will heal your hearts. I got upset earlier, but that isn't the way. I want to love. I want to love always. All I want is happiness and love and equality. I want everyone to be equal. I want communism. I want the rich to be normal. I want the poor to be wealthy. I want trans health care. I want good things. So all of you do...
And all you make fun of me and hate on me so much. Luckily, I'm not as entertaining as Christine because otherwise you'd have started a cult around me like you did her that she deserved better and she got used. The poor mentally ill trans girl, you're still using her. You literally are one of the most vile people that ever exist. And by the way, you're wrong. I know way more trans people than you. I've talked to hundreds in DMs. I've read every single detrans post on the internet. You're so dumb though, IG, that's to be expected. I don't know why I'm even talking to you because I know you won't change. You spent far too bullying a homeless trans person, got me livid, and all she was doing was trying to work and got harassed. So all you thought was so funny because your hearts are black and I see you, I see your photos, I see your dumb face, and I see a totally lost soul, someone who was... and such disinterest with their own life whose blood is sludge and whose spirit is evil that you have to bully the most vulnerable people on the planet because your tiny egos can't handle someone like me a realton spirit someone who'd take you all on and win lol you have to pick on those even weaker than me homeless trans woman and you never post these dms not in full you'll know why you'll never post these because you know your following ego will be hurt because they know how pathetic they are and i know a few of them and they're absolutely miserable and they don't even know themselves they use drama to fill the hollow egos to fill their hollow lives with more interesting souls than their own because they hate themselves eat down and gives me solace but it isn't quite enough no no no you'll pay josh woman you'll pay i promise god you suck you suck i hate you i hate all of you evil people war war war war war war war war were declared you and i are at war i am formally notified that you and i are at war i hope your hatred was worth it josh woman i hope building a website of hate was worth what you received but from this life in the next i will personally seek to justice on behalf of all those hurt you know no matter the consequences to me
Uh, here's the real incels, your minions, just as I said.
Unknown_04: And that is Vanity, a.k.a.
Unknown_00: Femboy Crypto's last message before supernova-ing, I guess, and destroying half of the Milky Way.
Unknown_00: One day I'll be able to read without stumbling all over myself.
Unknown_04: That was a task, I guess.
Unknown_04: Anyway... Okay, we're rounding out the hour.
I'm surprised it's been this far, but hey, whatever.
Unknown_00: I would like to talk to you guys about Pete's. Pete's, of course, is the second-in-command to Chantel. And I'll talk a little bit about Chantel, but I promise it'll be painless. If you don't like Chantel, it's worth listening to, so bear with me. Pete's...
Unknown_00: Has been making some suggestive comments on the live streams of Chantel. Just randomly jumping in to be like, yeah, you know, I fuck Chantel. Yeah, you know, I jerk off. Yeah, I'm a man. I look at porn. And people are speculating that he's really taking those comments about him being an impotent
pathetic eunuch the heart and he's trying to prove that those people are wrong by instead saying you know what i'm actually just a coomer and he randomly sat down during one of chantal's live streams while she was there and he said i have an announcement to make i have commissioned pornography from an artist i like called meredith mclaren and i'd like to show you artwork by meredith mclaren
Unknown_00: Babies on the brain with a little animal in a diaper in a binky This is like a black man, but he's a black femme boy, and he has like a tail plug in and Now here's a black Asian couple a BM AW Blum all as they say Why did you just bite my finger? I don't know. I'm like a shark. You know or a baby I need to learn things with my mouth. I
And then she continues to suck or bite on his finger, I guess. And then he blushes. And I guess the message is supposed to be cute that this mentally handicapped woman is discovering things like she's an infant. So this is the person that she's commissioned. Now, I would like to show you guys some things.
Unknown_00: Actually, let me find this post. I can't believe I...
Unknown_00: I didn't put this on Firefox. I went through his follows to try and find, to make sure that this account, this, what's her name? Meredith McLaren was the right one. So I went to his following to try and figure out.
just to make sure that he's following this account. And he was. So this was the right person. But I realized that recently, just recently, he's followed a couple other artists that had the crossout emoji with the 18 on it, indicating that they're a porn account, not safe for minors. So I opened all those too. He had just recently followed porn artists on his Twitter account. So I went through and I picked a couple samples of their work.
These are from Twitter users ahagiel49, afilthyking, and rarbarberry. And to make sure that YouTube understands that this is, in fact, an art stream, and we're critiquing art and not looking at pornography, we need some fancy music. ¶¶
Unknown_00: Okay.
Unknown_00: Get it nice and low. Nice backdrop.
Everything good? My voice? I think so. I see the levels. Should be fine.
Unknown_00: Alright, so this is Ahal Guru, and as you can see, this is a lesbian couple. I don't know who they're supposed to be. The one on the left looks like a video game character, and the one on the right kind of looks like Ethan Klein's wife. They both have like really fucked up looking PTSD faces. Their faces do not convey the emotion of like love or like flirtiness. They kind of look like they're traumatized. Like they just saw someone get shot or run over by a car and they're hugging each other out of like fear as opposed to like romance. On the right hand side, they're now topless and kissing. She went for like a convenient censorship angle so that she, you know, it's safer work and they're like covering their nipples with that hand. But the angle doesn't make that look like it's actually happening. It just looks like she didn't draw the nipples. So that's weird. They're like weird nipple-less people like Marilyn Manson.
Um, and they're kissing. Now she looks completely different. Maybe it's a polyamorous relationship.
Unknown_00: Anyways, that's Ahoguru. And they draw predominantly lesbianisms. I think. Let me make sure.
Unknown_00: Yes.
Unknown_00: Okay, this is the second one a filthy king and They draw a lot of stuff. This is the only not the safer work one that I could find here. We have a red man I'm gonna guess I'm gonna go out on a fucking limb here and guess that this is a comic book character because x-men expert Pete's is fucking insane about comic book characters, so I'm gonna assume red man is a comic book character. Maybe lady is also a comic book character and
Maroon Man.
Unknown_00: It's Vision and Scarlet Witch. Okay. So it is X-Men. That sounds like X-Men names.
Unknown_00: So Scarlet Witch has...
Unknown_00: Vision and like a BDSM get-up He's got like his arms chained behind his back and he's got like a collar on in a blindfold and she has like one of those jockey things they used to hit horses with and It there's like hearts drawn around it as I guess to imply that this is like a romantic thing But she looks scared. She looks like she sees something in the corner of her eye that has alarmed her. She's in a defensive expression. She sees a mouse in the corner of the room. She got one of those things, like a floater in her contact lens, and she got freaked out by it because she's been awake for more than 24 hours and is starting to hallucinate at the corner of her eye. Either way, she does not look romantically engaged, and he looks kind of bored. He has a placid face. He can't see, so he doesn't know what to react to.
A Filthy King also does mostly BDSM and I think some lesbianism. You might be catching on a trend here. Here we have on the left is weird because that is like a lady and then Tifa Lockhart from that fighting game. I don't know what the other lady is from. I'm assuming she's also from a fighting game or some kind of video game. And she's finger-blasting Tifa Lockhart.
And this one they're really proud of. They posted this and then retweeted themselves.
Unknown_00: And...
Unknown_00: But the thing is, is that that particular picture is out of the ordinary for them, right? So this person mostly has, like, basically the apex legend mindset, where they're like, everyone needs to be, like, some indeterminate brown, so...
That's a lot of their art. And then a lot of their art is also just super, super butch or athletic girls. Not like tomboys, like, like just not feminine or androgynous woman, like, like dykey looking women, which is really gross and off putting.
Unknown_00: Um,
Unknown_00: But that one on the left is like the Coomer bait that they use. Like, oh, I'll make Rule 34 of Tifa Lockhart and people will find my art channel and they'll give me money for the weird butchy shit that I draw most of the time.
But as you can see, that is also lesbianism. Maybe catching on to a trend here. And now finally, a piece from Meredith, which I've censored. Now remember, Meredith is the one that he's commissioned pornography from.
Unknown_00: but what's weird about meredith is that she draws mostly men she has a lot of dicks on her timeline is what i'm trying to say uh one in particular that kind of freaked me out was the fish man from legend of zelda and he had two penises like a shark which is kind of weird she likes cocks so much she'll draw characters that have two of them so she can draw two cocks but she did draw some lesbianism and what's kind of weird is that there's like a size difference and that was like a motive of like all her art so she likes a size difference between the two characters like a power dynamic and stuff so I think that number one Pete's wants to be pegged number two Pete's wants to be a lesbian So, it's all coming together, gang. My plan is coming to fruition, and one day, Pete's will be a transbian, and he'll try to get Chantal to pick him.
That's the end of my art stream. I hope you've enjoyed. Okay. Julia Fisher, your performance of Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi is over.
Unknown_04: Pete's needs a lobotomy. Uh, be careful what you wish for.
All right, now that my art review is over, it's time to talk about the woman herself, Chantal. Chantal decided to wait until after my stream where I talked about her for a fucking hour to announce to the world, well, I'll let you guys come to the announcement, to the conclusion by yourself, because she kind of teases it. She doesn't want to say what she's done. She's embarrassed about it, so she drops hints, which de facto announces what she's done. This, I will be playing Chantel video, but I promise it's only going to be a couple minutes.
And it's really, really worth it.
Unknown_00: Here we go.
Unknown_00: PC player work in 1140. Liliana, I did some things I'm not proud of.
Unknown_08: I tried some substances I'm not proud of. Let's just say that.
Unknown_08: Stuff I never thought I would do, and it really made me sick. Like, really sick.
Unknown_08: Sick, sick, sick.
Unknown_08: And it wasn't him because he told me, like, I'll be mad if you do it. And I was just like, well, I mean, I wanted to try. So, hi, Vera.
So she did something she's not proud of. Something hard that made her sick, sick, sick, she says. Hmm. I hope chat isn't spoiling this.
Unknown_08: so it was like two nights like not every single night that I was with him we did hard stuff it was like the one night and then like another night was like the bad bad bad night where we just did like everything it's not funny but and after I did it I was like oh my god I cannot believe I did all this stuff it was just like a mixture of stuff and the mixture um
It wasn't crack. It just made me like... It wasn't crack. Really sick.
Unknown_00: Like I was sick for like two days in bed.
Unknown_00: Sick in bed for two days after smoking the substance that was not crack. We know for a fact that she smoked cocaine. So she's done something that made her super sick that isn't crack. And she also clarifies that it's not heroin. I think at this point...
Unknown_08: It was like a mixture, like, like the, I don't even want to say it. I'm so ashamed of it. Like, I am ashamed. Like, I told Pete's and he's like.
Here comes the biggest tip. She told Pete's and he's like.
Unknown_08: You're better than that. You're not white trash. I'm like, I am white trash. I guess. I don't know. I'm not saying like everyone who does. I'm not saying people are white trash, but you know what I mean?
Unknown_00: What is the most white trash drug that you can think of? It's not crocodile. It's like Russian.
Unknown_00: Yes, it is probably meth.
Unknown_00: So I don't have this clipped, and I'll spare everyone listening to Chantel to just say it. At some point in the stream, or I think it's that stream or the stream before it, she keeps deleting her fucking streams and she streams like four hours a day, so God knows. She explains that she was with her Arab lover in his crack den and she happens to, which again, I want you to set the scene in your mind.
There's a 400-pound woman in this crack shed with this Arab man. It's an apartment. And the furniture... There is no furniture. There is no TV. There is a mattress on the floor with no bed dressing. And she says that in this crack den where her Arab lover resides, she finds on his floor...
A glass pipe with a round thing at the end, I'm pretty sure.
Unknown_00: And there's a residue in it. And she inquires, Arabin, what is this pipe? And he says, ah, my dear, would you like to smoke that? What?
Unknown_00: she describes it as having like a residue on it so it's not like a fully loaded pipe it just has some gunk on it has some shit on the fucking pipe and apparently according to her she wanted to smoke it to try it but he told her that she doesn't want that he doesn't want her to try it but she insisted and he allowed it and they did it together they finished off the residue in this pipe And it made her sick, sick, sick for two days straight. Could not do anything. Disappeared. She didn't stream during those days, I'm pretty sure.
So it has to be meth. She smoked like meth gunk out of a fucking glass pipe like a fucking addict hoe. You know, like four months ago, not even four months ago, like a month ago, she was just a fat chick that ate too much. The most exciting thing that had happened to her was that she got diabetes and had to start taking diabetes medication. And then I guess what it is is that she's taking that diabetes medication that reduces your appetite, right? And what does she do for fun? She fucking eats. She doesn't play games. She doesn't do internet shit. She doesn't do anything. She just fucking eats.
So she's sitting there now with this diabetes medication that reduces appetite and she can't eat and she's been getting high and she's like, well, what the fuck do I do now? So she goes on Tinder to find someone to like bone her and And she meets a fucking meth head Arab in a, in a crack shack dungeon and does math with him after doing cocaine with him.
So it's really, it's just shocking. Like, I almost feel like this has impacted my, my perception of, of, uh,
Unknown_00: of, uh, like drugs a little bit. Cause it is kind of, it's like sudden, I don't know. I don't know anyone in my life who does drugs. The closest I've come to doing drugs or to knowing people who do hard drugs was, um, I've talked about this many times, but I used to, for a very brief time, about like a couple months, I lived with my friend, his mom, his mom's third husband, which was, who was as old as her oldest son. Um, uh his brother his no not his brother his sister his sister's infant baby and the baby daddy and also a feral cat that was in heat and would rub its butt up against me and we lived in a double wide trailer like this i i had money i could have lived elsewhere i just chose to live in this double wide with these people because it was fun and um the the his sister's baby daddy uh
Yeah, her sister's baby daddy was a very intelligent guy, and he knew cars. He knew cars better than anyone I've ever met. He could fix any car, and he one day fixed my car for me. I had a Mitsubishi Gallant, and the...
And the spark plugs in the Mitsubishi Gallant sit under a radiator hood or something, and you have to dismantle basically all of that to get to the second row of spark plugs to change it. And one day at midnight, he fixed my fucking car for me, and he didn't ask anything of it. So I took the entire family out to Cracker Barrel, and it still cost less than paying the Mitsubishi Gallant dealership to fix it for me. So he was a smart guy, and he knew cars, but he worked at Burger King because he had a problem, and the problem was crystal meth. He did fucking meth, and it cost him everything. He was set to inherit a garage in Colorado that he lost because of drugs, and he married that woman and abandoned them to go to fucking prison because he did drugs. He had a kid, abandoned her to go to fucking prison because he did drugs. And that's the closest encounter, but it's really weird to see in real time that Chantel went from ordinary woman to, like, fucking crack hoe, smoking shit on the fucking floor with, like, this Arab man. And it's shocking to see that, especially from someone... Because, like, you know, baby daddy is, like, young man, friend of the family kind of thing. But with her, it's like, you're like an old woman now. Why are you doing this? You should be over the experimenting with meth part of your fucking life at this point in time.
And I feel like it's incomplete talking about this without showing... I didn't even plan on this until now. But I just want to kind of show you what she's been doing after. Because it's shocking. After she broke up with this guy, she has been eating like several hundred milligrams of edibles per day. And her streams have been hours long each. And she is just like this constantly. I'll just play just a minute. Not even a minute. So you get like a feeling for what the fuck this is like.
Where did you put a 1 for Andres?
Unknown_08: Cool leftovers. Want my eyebrows?
Unknown_08: Ken Roddy!
Unknown_00: she's just this is this is all her stream she's laying there and and what i call and what people are already saying in chat the beach well position where she's laying down on on her belly the head down in her bag with her phone like set up so that it faces her and she's just like um
baby and that's it that's for four hours a day just eating this fucking massive edible gummy with thc in it and she's just high because i guess that's her way of recovering from smoking meth and having a bad relationship so really it really is just like shocking
Unknown_00: Oh, oh my god, I forgot to talk about this, because I didn't leave any notes for it.
Unknown_00: But let me just briefly mention this, and I think I was planning to talk about this during Live Week, when I was mentioning that, but there's this woman, I don't even know her fucking name, which goes to show how I, why I forgot it, I didn't prepare for it. Kelly Ronahan, it's featured right now on the forum.
Unknown_00: Um...
Unknown_00: This woman says today, my twin is having her legs amputated. Send good vibes. I can't even imagine. Kelly Ronahan is what's called a munchie. And there's a lot of speculation about her condition. And it is gruesome. It is really fucking gruesome. And,
It started out as, from what I understand, it started out that she had an issue that required her to have blood transfusions. So she would post these pictures of herself in the hospital and she loved the attention from the medical staff getting these blood transfusions. And it was like, she has this weird disease where she needs blood transfusions all the time and nobody knows why. But it was speculated that she was actually like removing her own blood so that she would be anemic and require blood transfusions to survive, which is fucking weird. That's why she's called a munchie, I guess, because she's making herself sick to require medical attention. And then she talks about it online to get like sympathy. Now, fast forward 100 pages and she's getting her legs amputated. What the fuck happened? She upped the ante from needing blood transfusions because it's like, oh, you can only milk so much sympathy for something you have to do regularly. You can only post so many pictures of you in a medical gown doing like weird shit in the hospital before people get bored of it.
She has started, or she has finished the process of picking at her legs until they bleed and supposedly, allegedly, injecting feces into them to cause gangrenous infections of her legs. And she has successfully fucked her legs up so much that they have amputated her above the knees.
Unknown_00: And now she is a stump lady. And she is finally getting the attention she so desperately craves because she's now a double amputee. So I don't have anything else to show you. There are pictures of the gangrenous infections in the thread. God forbid you actually want to go fucking look at them. Go right ahead.
Unknown_00: um but it is just crazy and i like on one hand like you know you want to you instinctively want to feel bad for people who have like medical issues and then you think about it you're like well she did to herself so why should i feel bad and then you think about it again and you're like well what the fuck happened to her to make her want to cut her legs off her attention and then you feel bad again or at least i do i shouldn't say you should not talk to the second person here maybe you maybe you think that this is really funny and you're like a crazy person who watches live leak videos. I don't know. I can't make that assumption.
But me personally, it's kind of like, eh.
Unknown_00: It's sad on multiple levels, I guess, but... Godspeed. I hope she gets over her munchies, because if she loses her hands, she won't be able to post on Instagram about how sick she is and how people should feel bad for her. And that would be truly, truly sad. Maybe she... I don't know. I say that, but maybe she can, like, post to... She can use, like, voice-activated computer stuff to...
Post on Instagram without any arms. And then she'll get more simpies. Because she'll be a quadruple amputee. With no arms or legs. She'll be a nuggy. A chicken nuggy. People will call her nuggy girl. And she'll complain about it and get an ass pass.
Unknown_00: Anyways.
Unknown_00: That's all I got. Slow week, but I hope I managed to drive some entertainment from it. I'm going to be playing Apex Legends, and I eat pizza on Fridays, so today is pizza day. I hope you guys enjoy pizza day, and I hope you don't get your legs cut off.
My streams are archived on madathearnet.com.
Unknown_00: Kiwifarms.cc is our Fediverse node. I would suggest joining it because it's a really awesome place. And I would suggest actually using soapbox.kiwifarms.cc because it's a better interface and we're testing it. And you can block instances. So if there's an instance that is posting shit you don't want to see, you can just block the instance on the soapbox front end. And we're testing this now and hopefully it works out.
Unknown_00: anyways i'm gonna eat pizza uh i will see you guys next friday and take it easy bye oh and i didn't i had trouble finding an outro song today i didn't want to play something too long because it was a short stream it's like i shouldn't play like a four minute long song my stream is so short so i i have uh something only a minute long that i hope you'll enjoy instead take it easy
Get in his way.
You're so bad. They call them balls. They call them balls. Balls, nigga. Bad. They call them balls. They call them balls.