0:00:09 Unknown_10: So I heard the line down at PMS is like really long to use the straightener and shit. Is that true? It's always long. I was gonna go down there, but yeah, I heard. It's like an hour in line. I just wanted to do some fucking yay in the bathroom. I didn't want to wait for it to go straight away. Hey boo, how are you? Unknown_11: Oh my god, I missed you so much. How have you been? We should hang out sometime. Myspace me, for sure. What the fuck? You can totally see his fucking tracks. Oh my god. Unknown_05: I know, what the fuck? I mean, he draws eyebrows on with a fucking sharpie. Unknown_10: I know, fucking SS is the best. This is Chris fucking Donovan. Don't get mad, Jeffree Star, cause I made you 0:00:43 Unknown_10: Look at the mess we made tonight. Unknown_04: Does chat need reprieve? Unknown_08: I'm tapping out. 0:01:18 Unknown_08: Okay, fine. Unknown_08: I'm only playing this because I don't know my Medic Droid lore, but he mentions Jeffree Star at the front. I don't know if he's at the front. I think he is the singer of the Medic Droid. Anyways, Jeffree Star has broken his neck, and I don't know precisely what his relation is to that song, if he was the lead singer, if that's some kind of joke, if he's just mentioned in it. but it took him 15 years and The wrath of God has finally caught up to him karma karma was lagging behind But it found its way and he has crashed his car and has broken his neck so My internet spotty is fucked. Well, that's bullshit. You know, I wonder if it's cuz I am seating right now Probably a bad time to see you 0:02:01 Unknown_08: Hmm I haven't I haven't streamed in over a week. I've already lost all my ability to manage this Lagging on these nuts, okay Love cutting this out the fucking This might break the stream give me a second 0:02:42 Unknown_06: No? It's still laggy? Still sneed? Unknown_06: Wonderful. Unknown_06: What could I have done to deserve this? Unknown_06: Closed out of everything. Unknown_06: Is it still? Unknown_08: Refresh, it's fixed. Okay. Should I fuck with it more? 0:03:14 Unknown_08: My voice is deeper. It's cuz I have seasonal allergies. I thought that I had, um, COVID, but I don't have COVID. It's just that there is a tree that has a lot of pollen and it's making me snoof. And now I have, uh, Unknown_08: Oh my God, I refreshed my fucking YouTube dashboard and it wants me to sign back in again. This is ridiculous. This is like awful. I sat there and I was thinking like, oh my God, I really wish that I could stream on YouTube again. I wish that the Ralph DMC, oh no, it wants me to SMS verify. Okay. And then I get onto YouTube and it doesn't fucking work. I have to change settings midstream and then I refresh my dashboard and now it wants me to SMS verify while I'm live. Truly, truly, it's a really wonderful thing that we essentially gave away total control of the internet to Google so that things can just suck. 0:03:46 Unknown_08: Did Trovo win? No. Unknown_08: Where are the vaccine inject masks? Okay, does it work now? Can I fucking start? I'm gonna have to cut all this out. I prefer to get it done out now. 0:04:21 Unknown_08: Actually, now I'm gonna have to start hosting everything myself because I had a DMCA from the fucking RIAA because I opened one of my streams with DMX, where the hood at? And they said, nuh-uh. Unknown_08: You can't play one minute of a song after the singer dies to talk about the fact that this blatant homophobia and advocating for the mass execution of gays would no longer be accepted in today's world. You can't talk about that anymore. 0:04:54 Unknown_08: That's copyright infringement. So I'm just getting hit by all sides. I can't. I'm so frustrated. I'm in a bad mood. I kind of wanted to come back and have a really fun stream and talk about something that I was excited for and I'm just in an awful, awful, wretched fucking mood. Unknown_08: I'll give a little bit of a teaser actually. I was planning on doing a stream when I came back when Kevin... Unknown_08: Gibbs or Gibbs I've not heard his name pronounced, so I don't know how it's I think it's Gibbs But that's trans salamander And I think a lot of people have requested a person stream and a person stream on trans salamander in particular So that's in the works. I'm getting 0:05:38 Unknown_08: Something put together for it probably will be an off day stream. I might do it over the weekend But I have to I have to pep up first. I have to I Have to find some some mojo before I can stream do a person a person stream I've been reading international law for like the entire month and I've cast myself into a depression about the state of the world. So now I Don't have I don't have the the proper energy Gibbs. Okay, everyone says Gibbs fine 0:06:09 Unknown_08: uh where are my notes okay make fun of the medic droid i did talk about allergies okay i did that banana peppers this is the true content this is the meat of the stream so i i have here a montage of Unknown_08: Green substances that are growing within my domicile at this moment. Unknown_08: I Well, I didn't plant them one April say I think I planted them right at the start of the month and then after a week A lot of the banana peppers that were coming out The I think that's parsley were coming out and then oh my god after one week the banana peppers had both their little sprout leaves out and Unknown_08: and ended up repotting them into bigger things because they were getting pretty big and their roots were poking out the bottom of their planters. I was like, okay, I have to replant those. And then now they're very big. Now that's the 24th. This would have been last week. But here today, here today is the most recent picture of all the plants. I have added one more species to my collection. 0:07:04 Unknown_08: So the top right, banana peppers, bottom left are the parsley, thyme, and dill. And then, well, there's captions, so you know. But the left sides are peas. I'm planting peas, because I happen to like peas. The only time I ever lost weight when I was in Portland, I went on keto. 0:07:36 Unknown_08: I ate a lot of peas because that was a keto friendly-ish type thing that you could eat a lot of and they're very low calorie and they're you just sit there and you pick at them like peanuts but they don't have as much calories as peanuts so you can eat as many peas as you as you please Unknown_08: So that is the green update. As you can see, I am capable of producing and sustaining life, so do not cast your doubts on me. I've read your comments, I know what you think about me and my plans, but now you can see for yourself that it is in fact possible for me to not destroy everything that I touch so horrifically. 0:08:11 Unknown_08: Okay, I need some I need some uplifting content I need something to to To bring some joy to spark joy. So Here I have this video that I will now play for you and we'll all spark joy together. Oh Unknown_04: Oh my god. Oh my god. What the fuck? Bring this fuck out! Yeah! 0:08:54 Unknown_08: Now, before you get too excited, let me cut you off at the turn. That is in Utah. So the chances that everyone there is a Mormon, very high. Unknown_08: And as you know, Mormons run their own country pretty much within the United States. So I wouldn't say like, oh, those Zoomers are so base, they don't like that flag. It's probably more of a Mormon thing. Not to be a downer for everyone, but that's likely what's happening. Though I'm also curious if maybe that kid's a fucking Cuban. It's very weird that they chose out of all the flags, like you could put it over the flag of Chad. Or the flag of like... 0:09:29 Unknown_08: Saudi Arabia or something but no they chose Cuba I'm aware that Cuba has like weird communist anti-sodomy laws and stuff on the books and apparently if you're a homosexual they like dope you up full of Thorazine to cure the gay and maybe that's what they were protesting but I don't know. There are Cubans living in the US. Though then again, I mean, if you're American, you shouldn't have foreign sentiments, but who am I to talk about that? 0:10:12 Unknown_08: So I made a note in my notepad. I said, I will not be talking about the allegations of molestation within the Pokeymans community. Unknown_08: Because. Unknown_08: If you're over 20 and playing Pokemon, fuck you, especially if you're a man. And if you're over 20 and you're looking to fuck a famous Poke- I mean, really, if you're any age and looking to fuck a famous Pokemon player, fuck you as well. I don't feel like... Okay, I mean, I guess it's not- I don't know if it's like a kid or like a 20-year-old who got involved in this. I said I wouldn't talk about it. That's the whole point of me putting this here, but I'm gonna think about it a little bit, because now I'm curious. My notes have sparked intrigue in my brain about the situation. 0:10:50 Unknown_08: I mean, I guess it is it makes sense. Like if you were a pedophile, what would you want to do? I guess open like run the Bulbapedia and that's what happened, right? All those kids go to look up Charmander and they're like, oh, I love Charmander I want to talk about Pokemon with internet friends So then they join the discord and then they get the kitten role and then they get molested This is a common story that's happened many times throughout history so 0:11:32 Unknown_08: I don't know. I wouldn't trust anyone who's like an adult man playing Pokemon. That person is up to something that is no good. Unknown_08: Is this the EDP guy? No, but that is next actually. Um, okay. So with the eat EDP thing, just for the record, in case you do not know this black man, his name is EDP four, four or five. He is an Eagles fan. That's all I know about him. Uh, his name means eat that pussy four, four or five. 0:12:05 Unknown_08: And at some point in his career as a YouTuber, someone from YouTube came down and said, MrEatThatPussy445, your name is vulgar. We cannot put marketing on your channel because your username is EatThatPussy445. And he says, OK, what if I just shorten it down to EDP445? And they're like, OK, Mr. EDP445, that works fine, actually. Unknown_08: So, uh, he, he in the past, he was caught in a child predation set up by vigilante network. The problem is, is that the child, like the vigilante group. did a very bad job of uh like actually getting him admitting to anything wrong right so that kind of flubbed and nobody cared but now there's this clip that was floating around and people seem to believe that he is in fact a chester he's a eat that well i can't say that that would be profane but what happened because she never said she was lonely right here correct yes or no right okay and you did double text here yes or no 0:12:45 Unknown_14: Knowing and it said on her profile 13. Yes, correct. Okay, so you initiated a conversation with a 13 year old No, she was 13. Yes or no, correct. Okay Okay, his texts that they published in conjunction with this say Kiss your get daddy. Unknown_08: Good night. Lol Sleep tight princess and there's a picture of him and he looks absolutely horrifying and then she replies wrong emoji in the front and Unknown_08: and then uh the fact that you can control me make yours make me yours you just have power and total control over me and then he says the decoy says oh man i'm going to enjoy this very much you make me feel some type of way and so same here you drive me crazy beyond control i want you to have mind control over me totally abuse me and treat me like i've been a naughty boy like i've been 0:14:05 Unknown_08: and then he says kiss me please and this is as far as I'm aware I don't know if they put out anything else I have not been following this I will tell you why I do not like these vigilante child predator groups they're very weird they're ran by fucking crazy people they're ran by very dangerous people and they are very conniving and they want attention and I find it very hard to support them. Like I've watched some episodes of this guy called Anxiety Wars on YouTube and he's like a Chris Hansen wannabe and with him it's like he comes across so creepy and so way into it for the wrong reasons and when you look at like even Chris Hansen You have chris hansen and you look at his behavior and i think i binge watch to catch a predator while eating dinner and stuff and it was so obvious like at a certain point chris hansen would always be sure to ask them are you a fan of the show are you a fan of the show 0:15:08 Unknown_08: Like, do you like our reports? Do you know who I am? And we'd ask these very conceited questions that had nothing to do with an investigation or getting them to admit things. It was very, like, self-serving. And I thought that was weird. And then when I watch, like, Anxiety Wars and shit, I always hear these guys, like, the way he relishes in, like, sexual predators trying to fuck him, pretending to be a child. It's just like, ahhh. Unknown_08: Not sure if this makes me feel like you're a good guy. Mr. Anxiety Wars. It kind of makes me feel like you're you're a fucking weirdo and So I have not been following this and that is my that is my school report on EDP 445 getting into trouble I read half of I read the first chapter of the book and then I wrote my report and And I'm now presenting it to you, the class, for entertainment purposes, um, having done absolutely nothing. Though, at this point in time, Josh is scared to look at hashtags. Don't say that. 0:15:40 Unknown_08: That would, that would, unironically, that would make me feel bad. Like, cause, and not like, I would be like, oh, it's a shame he got caught. It's like, I would prefer it if people that I've associated with in the past are not caught for sexual, sexual trafficking schemes. That would, uh, That would both disappoint me and make me uncomfortable. 0:16:26 Unknown_08: I get an F. Thank you. Honk mania, honka mania 117. It also sounds lewd. Uh, I'm, oh, someone pointed this out, by the way, because it makes fun of Jim and I posted it and they said, aha, Josh, I bet you're, you've got egg on your face now. So I'll play this for you. This is a throwback to something I made, uh, almost a full, almost two years ago, actually. 0:17:14 Unknown_01: Come. Good girl. Good girl. Pow! Unknown_12: Alright motherfucker, so a couple weeks ago I shot the fucking dog that lives across the way. Um, little barking ass motherfucker was on top of the goddamn balcony. He wouldn't shut the fuck up. You feel me? And I had to drop my nigga. I had to put him to fuck Dan. You feel me? 0:17:45 Unknown_08: No, I do not regret posting that video. Do you know what I mean? Why is autoplay always on? I turn it off every stream and every stream it's on again. I fucking can't stand it. Unknown_08: I know it's because I don't have, like my Firefox is set up so there's no cookies, no history, but it fucking annoys the shit out of me. Why do they have that on by default? Okay. I'm very angry. I'm very, I'm irate. I'm on fucking edge. My, my fingernails are, I'm got white fingers gripping into my armrest on my gamer chair cause I'm on fucking edge. 0:18:16 Unknown_08: All right. Um, Unknown_08: Okay. Unknown_08: Items. Unknown_08: Idubbbz has become engaged to Anisa Joma, the Canadian thought who is a, is a literal digital prostitute who sends me DMCA's through Greek people who, for whatever reason are allowed to send my opinion, the DMC, if you are Canadian and you hire a Greek person who has never been to the United States to file a DMCA to an American citizen, 0:18:59 Unknown_08: Biden should drone strike you and your lawyer your fake lawyer because fuck you but no idubbbz has decided actually your your fucking DMCA skills impressed me so much that I'm gonna soyboy look at this what is this face why did they all do it Like, he didn't make this face before, this is not a natural expression that this man does for his own... He is like in a defensive posture, and he knows that this is not something that he actually wants internally. Unknown_08: and he's he's trying to like put upon happiness when he is deeply unhappy with his decisions in life and this is the face that that demonstrates that internal contradiction anyways they are engaged um as you can see she looks absolutely horrendous she keeps getting more like plastic surgery and shitty fucking tattoos they have like no theme because she has like a bpd manic episode and then she just drops like two grand on some new tattoo And she literally picks them off the wall. She will walk into a tattoo parlor and point to a tattoo that someone else has gotten that hangs on the wall and says, that's something that I want on my body for forever. I remember, um... 0:20:02 Unknown_08: I'll tell you a personal story. I'll let you into, uh, I'll develop my parasocial relationship with you a little bit more by telling you a deeply personal story of mine. When, uh, my mom has a tattoo on her foot. She got a moon and star on her foot at some point when she was in her, like, early thirties or something. I can't remember when this was. It was a long time ago. And I was a little kid. I was in elementary school or something. Yeah, elementary school. And she showed me the tattoo and said, look, I have a tattoo. And I said, can I get a tattoo? And she says, no, you have to be 18 to get a tattoo. I said, mother, why does it require me to be 18 to get a tattoo? 0:20:41 Unknown_08: And she said, because when you are a child, you cannot make the decisions about what you want on your skin for forever. Unknown_08: And I thought upon this and I said, but mother, I would never regret a Pikachu tattoo. 0:21:17 Unknown_08: And I'm very glad that I did not get a Pikachu tattoo, though it would probably be really fucking cute, to be honest. Unknown_08: Anyways, they should raise the limit to however old she is, plus one, because she does not know how to make good-bodied decisions about permanently fixing things to herself. Unknown_08: Anyways. Unknown_08: Oh, also, I made this video. Hold on. Unknown_05: Here. Unknown_08: Where is this video? Ah, Papers, Please. 0:21:54 Unknown_08: I love that music. Unknown_08: He's driving, by the way, while filming this. Someone says that his eyes look depressed. Though, and I agree, he has kind of like those dead eyes in this. It kind of looks like he's putting on a smile, but his eyes aren't smiling. Unknown_08: Also he has kind of like a pedophile mustache that he should probably- and goatee. He looks like he's about to- like they're going to a middle school to pick up like a 12 year old together. He should probably shave that off is what I'm saying. I'm not implying that iDubbbz is a sexual predator. I'm just saying that he looks like one. 0:22:27 Unknown_08: Um, and while it's true that his eyes are crying, it could just be fear because he is driving down the road at like 45 miles an hour, completely distracted, trying to make a TikTok video for whatever fucking reason. And those eyes could just be the eyes of someone who is very concerned about what's ahead on the road. So I'll give them the benefit of a doubt and say that maybe they aren't screaming in agony. 0:23:10 Unknown_08: This might be okay, this would be a short stream except that I have a lot of Chantal content to get to I'm sure you're all excited in the last two weeks This was a bad time to stop streaming by the way cuz the last two weeks of Chantal have been fucking crazy And we're gonna do a little catch-up um Okay, so Unknown_08: darkseidphil has been removed as an affiliate on twitch which means he is completely and totally removed from the monetization scheme on twitch.com and despite phil's immense power and capabilities he is not able to get a reply from twitch Unknown_08: Um. Unknown_08: As to why he has lost his partnership, and he says his partnership, but he's I think he's completely the affiliated like he cannot monetize his channel at all right now. And he just says that they they won't they won't reply to him. And this has led to rampant speculation about what it is he has been removed for. And it is the belief of the people that he has been removed for shilling. He has shilled too much. 0:24:01 Unknown_08: And now Twitch is looking at his streams and saying like, okay, he is constantly advertising these other monetization schemes, like donate through this mechanism, donate through this mechanism, but don't, he even specifically says don't donate through bits because Twitch takes so much of that. And like, I can like, don't shit where you eat, bro. Be happy that you have your monetization at all. 0:24:44 Unknown_08: I know YouTube takes a third of your superchats, but it's still nice to get the other two thirds, but whatever. That's just me reminiscing. Unknown_08: DarkseidPhil was not happy with them taking however much they take, so he said, use Streamlabs, use other things, and don't use Twitch. And Twitch probably saw that and said, how about you go fuck yourself? And now he's completely unaffiliated. So now, and that makes sense because it's like, um, if they just de-partnered him, then he would still have a lot of those special perks that affiliates get that are below the partner platform, partner level. So they were like, you're not going to get any of these perks. If you're going to stream on Twitch and use our bandwidth and not pay us for it, then we're just going to, um, shit all over you, I guess. 0:25:17 Unknown_08: So that's the DSP situation though. I someone posted this infograph. I looked it up. It was very interesting to me this group called Unknown_06: I have no idea. Who the fuck made this? Saving Spot? Unknown_08: Who the fuck is Saving Spot? Is that their brand? Is that like a program they use to make this shit? Whatever. They looked at all the data for people who are top streamers on Twitch. They aggregated how many subscribers they have and how much money they make. 0:26:02 Unknown_08: Divided by it those number of subscribers Darkseid Phil has a measly a measly 604 subscribers is you know, he gets a couple hundred viewers per stream, but he makes on average Unknown_08: uh, $35 per subscriber, which is just crazy. He has like, it's unironic. Like he gets more money per subscriber than like the titty streamers. He makes a ton, uh, per person. So every person gets in like his circles, like a, like a huge lifeline of cash inflow, which is just crazy to think about. 0:26:33 Unknown_08: Like the like the next like the next here is like a full $14 crank game plays as 361 subs I'm guessing he's like a like a Niche gamer so all of his fans are like super, you know on his wavelength and they just Unknown_08: Give a lot of money to him because they really really like what he does and he gets almost $22 per sub then there's dizzy kitten who is a hoe and she gets 13 So it drops off by like $10 per tier. It's just fucking crazy 0:27:19 Unknown_08: I mean, maybe he should make an OnlyFans. Maybe DarkseidPhil could be the number one OnlyFans subscriber. If he made an OnlyFans, maybe he would be like Trisha Paytas and driving around in like a pink Rolls Royce in L.A. in a couple months. With like bass in the back, just bumping it. Unknown_08: Call me Carson. I've heard of that. He got cancelled or something, or like fake cancelled. Unknown_08: This was in 2020, so if he got cance- I think he got canceled recently, or fake-canceled, I don't know. 0:27:55 Unknown_08: I don't know. Unknown_08: Um, though I should have... Unknown_08: I should have looked into this more. There were two people that I saw or have been seeing. I'm a professional influencer, so I have TweetDeck, which lets me set up all these columns to monitor the situation at any time. And I have one to snipe references of KiwiFormer. I probably shouldn't tell people this, because now they're going to flood my fucking column on TweetDeck with bullshit. Unknown_08: But it's really useful for catching mentions of the forum in drama that I would not be aware of otherwise. 0:28:32 Unknown_08: And there have been like two different trans people who have been called out recently as being fakers. I think one was Unknown_08: They only went by an acronym, I can't even remember it. Then the other one was like fake black and fake trans. They're Chilean and they're like a grifter and apparently they call themselves black and trans but their birth certificate matches their presentation gender and they're also very clearly not black. So there's been room there's been people angry on Twitter saying like no don't trust Kiwi farms if they say that someone's white and Born as the gender that they say they are that means it's bullshit. And and then there's the other one some other That's CRP. It's kind of like CRP. It's like SD SD something SDL like I don't know. I forget what it's called Drifter insulate. Oh, that's why you're saying that CRP. Okay, so 0:29:14 Unknown_08: Yeah, I don't know. I don't have the drama. And nobody ever tags me into these things, so I have to find out on my own. I have to, like, shake the tree and determine what is happening. Unknown_08: No, it's not CRP! Unknown_06: Fuck it. I'll figure it out. I'll tweet about it. I'll feature it. 0:29:48 Unknown_06: STD. Almost. Unknown_08: It's just weird tranny drama and you know what at this point in time I'm tempted to say that all tranny drama is pretty much the same because they all say the same shit and their followers are like the same retards and they Give money to them and then they say like capitalism is bad. Whatever Okay next one 0:30:23 Unknown_08: Next one, my friends. Socialism Done Left, that's right. Okay, Leon Tate, the spotlight's on you because you're the only one who fucking knows this. Explain to me, what has happened on Twitter? Unknown_08: What has Socialism Done Left done? They like fake being trans or something? Unknown_08: Tell me now, I wanna know. I can move my fucking... Look, it's like a aluminum stand, and if I touch it, it's gonna make a sound. I'm sorry, but I have to adjust it every so often. 0:30:54 Unknown_08: I think Leon Tate is just like, I don't know. Maybe the stream is still buffering. You guys are like a minute behind. I'm just wasting my time. I am curious. I kind of want to look it up. Just give me a second. Give me a second. Unknown_06: I care. Unknown_06: Oh. 0:31:28 Unknown_08: Oh, they're like a... They're like a deadbeat or something. They don't pay child support. That's all of them though. They all have fucking kids and they... He called black... He said the n-word, but I don't agree. He called black people... Oh, he used the n-word on Destiny's Discord. Okay, we'll cancel. Obviously, we don't support the n-word around here. I don't base my entire political philosophy around saying the n-word as loudly as possible. So, we have to denounce that and move on to Russell Greer. I should note that Russell Greer is suing me for copyright infringement, and I'm still gonna play this fucking video of him and his stupid fucking song called Yo, Giovanna, and here's this- actually let me read the announcement from him. 0:32:12 Unknown_08: Where is it? Unknown_08: So Russell Greer announces, uh, I wrote this song last summer and produced it with a talented producer in Utah who is helping me produce. How many times can you say produce in one sentence? Literally 50 other songs that I'm currently working. Wow. Quality over quantity. Right 50 other songs that I'm currently working on that. I'm going to be pitching to commercials and publishing companies I wrote it to inspire others to love themselves. I just barely got around this year to producing a music video for it Please subscribe like and share. I want my message to go viral of self-acceptance smiley face I've hired a marketing firm to help me ma I And the person who took the screenshot did not give enough fuck to click the see more button before he screencapped it. So I have no fucking idea what it says. 0:32:47 Unknown_14: Stay tuned after the music video for a special message from the artist of the video, Russell Greer. Unknown_14: Be sure to subscribe, like, and share. 0:33:53 Unknown_08: I should read this. Unknown_05: As of 2021, there are 65 million Americans who have a disability. Unknown_08: The artist who wrote Yo Yovana has a rare facial disability. Unknown_08: The song encourages people to love themselves regardless of what their life's challenges are. 0:34:25 Unknown_00: I know that you're hot like a sauna You make me feel good inside Your smile's like Red Bull You give me wings, make me feel like I could fly Unknown_08: Okay, you may be thinking, what the fuck? Well, I'll make you explain. Unknown_08: As the title card said, Russell Greer has a facial malfunction, and he can no longer use his lips. So he is not the best person to be in the song industry, because he cannot sing, because he doesn't have a mouth that works. So what he does is he writes lyrics and then he sends them to a man and he says, man, I will pay you a pittance to sing my ballad for me. And he goes, okay, I live in a third world shithole and I survive all fiver. So I will sing your ballad, Mr. Greer, and you will own the rights to it. 0:35:09 Unknown_08: Then, Russell Greer, because he has a broken and stupid face, cannot show his face because it's ugly and people laugh at it. So what he does is he will go to Fiverr Unknown_08: And he'll find a woman from I think she's from Slovenia That sounds right, and he says Slovenian woman You are in Slovenia, so I will pay you a pittance to dance semi-erotically to this shit song and she says okay I make my living off Slovenian fire, so I will accept your pittance and dance erotically to the shit song and And then he goes to the land of India or Thailand or Indonesia, wherever the fuck, and he goes, uh, Mr. Pajit, I have this footage of a Slovenian hooker dancing erotically to my shit song sang by a different man from a different country from Fiverr, and I need this put together into a music video. And the Mr. Pajit goes, okay, sir, uh, I, I work on Indian Fiverr and I will accept this pittance to make your music video for you. And that is how Yoyovana has been created. 0:36:06 Unknown_08: And Russell Greer has the sheer audacity to call himself a music producer because he has technically, in the most technical possible way, produced, or in the most, uh, 0:36:57 Unknown_08: What's the right word? In a literal sense, he has produced a music video. In terms of like, actually pouring your heart out into something, uh, no. Now the other really funny thing about this is that, I don't know who the fuck, what her name is, but it's another, like, this is another celebrity crush of his, Yovana is. And I think he even sued her in the courts for not dating him. And that was thrown out. And Yo, Giovanna was the song he made about Giovanna. 0:37:28 Unknown_08: And Giovanna is Puerto Rican. Unknown_08: Giovanna is not Slovenian. So he could have very easily gone to Fiverr and said, Senorita, I want you to dance erotically to the song. For whatever reason he decided that he would pick this different woman To to do it. So this is this is the result of that. I'll play You know, I'll just skip somewhere randomly I stand corrected. Thank you, Paula Woods Dominican 0:38:27 Unknown_08: Is there like a message at the end? Oh, okay. What's this? What is this song? Oh, this is from him. Okay, we'll play this. Unknown_07: How long is this? Unknown_03: It always asks, who is Yovana? Unknown_08: Mr. Pajit, I also have a soliloquy that I would like you to put into this music video at the end. Can you do that? He says okay. Unknown_03: Well, Yovana is Yovana Ventura. Unknown_08: Okay, we have a picture of her. So this is Yovana Ventura. This is the dancer. I mean, how hard is it to find a Dominican girl to dance for money? 0:39:00 Unknown_03: Yovana is a fashion model and a social media influencer. She caught my eye in 2018 and I finally had the courage last year to stand out and get her attention. 0:39:32 Unknown_03: So not only was this song a love song for people to love themselves, but it was also a love song for Nirvana. Unknown_03: With that said, Nirvana, if you're watching this, I want to thank you for everything. Unknown_03: I would love to take you out to dinner here in Las Vegas, Nevada. Unknown_08: In case you're listening it is just a guy and he's doing like the the finger phone gesture and pointing at the viewer so I'm just I I hope that Pajeet man got a good laugh out of this shit 0:40:34 Unknown_03: Hey guys, thanks for watching the video. Just remember to subscribe and like. Unknown_03: And yeah, hopefully, hopefully this video explodes. Alright, have a good night guys. Unknown_08: now um let's okay chat's like way behind because the video was buffering so much but tell me chat press one if you think that uh in for his 50 future music productions he should continue to hire random eastern european women and random guys to sing his music and press two if you think that he should just sing and dance it himself 0:41:19 Unknown_08: We'll take a vote. Unknown_08: Why are people pressing 1 before I even explain what 2 is? You guys are doing this wrong. You're fucking it up. Unknown_08: Okay, after the options have actually come in, people understood the genius of what I'm asking. It would be more interesting. It would be more likely to go viral. It would definitely get the attention of the women. And they would say, like, wow, this guy can sing and dance. I love men who can sing and dance. You know, that's what I was told as a kid. You should go into dance, because women love guys that can dance, right? So obviously, this is a path to success that he should deeply consider, because, I mean, look at all the twos in chat. People are really, really encouraging Russell Greer to sing and dance. He's himself. I want to see more handicapable representation in media. 0:41:51 Unknown_08: I love handy I love handicapped people so I hope he does I hope he continues on and does more of his own original work now let's talk about ass napkins you may be wondering Josh what is an ass napkin well I'm so glad you asked that question this is very difficult for me to explain 0:42:46 Unknown_08: it's Unknown_08: Ass, ass napkins, ass is in your butt, sir. That is the topic, so. Unknown_08: I see some people in chat are already acquainted with this story, so don't spoil it. So a man named, I mean, I wouldn't know how to pronounce this. It's like the A-E is pronounced like encyclopedia. I guess it's like, it's a hard E, like pedophile, the way that the British pronounce it. So his name is Idiot. 0:43:17 Unknown_08: And he is the sysop of, I think, Dramatica.online. This is something that's way out of my field of knowledge, so don't correct me, I don't care. Encyclopedia Dramatica had a schism, right? Like the Christian church. There's now Orthodox and Catholic Encyclopedia Dramatica. And one side, led by Idiot, went to Dramatica.online, I'm pretty sure. And then the other one went to... Unknown_08: I think it's like EncyclopediaDramatica.wiki and they're fighting over the ownership and the issue is is that Idiot is a trust fund baby and he is using his trust fund money to support the site financially and 0:44:07 Unknown_08: On top of that, has also filed to trademark Encyclopedia Dramatica. And since he now has a trademark for Encyclopedia Dramatica, he can file not a DMCA, but a trademark dispute to host, and that's way more serious than a DMCA because you have documents proving, you know, it's not the DMCA process where the people can just sign their perjury and say, you know, fuck off. The the trademark dispute process is completely different and way more in favor of the claimant side because they have The proper documentation to show that they have a legal right to this this domain name. This is a trademark So he's really fucking over the other people who are trying to host their schism and he's using the law to do it 0:44:43 Unknown_08: He so they're going they're burning through like hosts and providers and stuff really fast as a result Now you may know aid Who was Ethan Ralph's ex-girlfriend Before she dated Ethan Ralph pretty sure before she dated idiot because aid aid is Unknown_08: has a psychological compulsion to fuck white trash and people who run Encyclopedia Dramatica. I am pretty sure at this point she has had three different relationships with three different sysadmins of various forms of Encyclopedia Dramatica. She has someone who wrote an encyclopedia, molested her as a child, and now she fucks people who run encyclopedias on the internet. This is the only possible theory that I can have to come up with this. And for the record, I don't take anyone's side in any of this. I don't care. Please don't try to drag me into your fucking wars. I'm just, this is what has happened on my site and I'm looking at it. I'm thinking, what the fuck do I do with this shit? It's a hundred pages long and it's full of fucking garbage. 0:45:21 Unknown_08: Have mercy. Um, so idiot comes to the Kiwi farms and he goes to AIDS thread and he's thinking is I will make sure that that aid does not talk negatively about me on the internet. And he says, And I quote, roughly one or two months ago, AidZero approached me with a very unique request. She claimed that a friend wanted me specifically to dox the owner of Tclips, who is BooberLee, because she knew that we had talked before and we had gotten relatively close-ish. Oh, geez. Her friend offered me a sum of $200 for the ordeal if I could provide her with the information that she couldn't find herself. 0:46:11 Unknown_08: He goes on, I don't dox people unless I hate them. Regardless of your opinion on Tclips, I'm kind to everyone until they give me a reason not to be. At the time, I informed Tclips that it was happening and asked her for a fake address to hand over to me. I also grabbed the social security number of a passed away african-american from the same state. I handed all this over to aid. 0:46:41 Unknown_08: Lo and behold I discovered that the moment I do someone who totally isn't her publish oh that that someone Unknown_08: After he gave the information, the fucking thread on Booberly was made and it had that information. The bad information with the Quentin Tarantino garage. 0:47:17 Unknown_08: For whatever reason, Adrian truly hates Amber with a heated passion. I don't know if it's because of some retarded sense of jealousy due to her being younger and not having the forehead the size of the planet, or if it's because she's truly a Perrinwood woman and snakes on anyone who she can behind the scenes. For anyone unaware, Ade is an ex of mine. We dated and lived together long before I became the current admin of ED and we broke up a few months after I acquired the site. We were on decent terms and doing business contracts here and there until about roughly a month ago she decided to start dating the last admin of the wiki who is currently still in jail. Which is the most white trash thing that any woman can possibly do. 0:47:59 Unknown_08: Fucking Ralph is white trash, but being in a relationship via penpal with an inmate is just... I don't even know, man. That's fucked up. I don't... How do you... Whatever. Unknown_08: It's bad, man. Unknown_08: Initially, I respected her decision and thought to simply never mention her name again while more or less just letting her romp around with whatever pedophiles or other scum she so desired. 0:48:35 Unknown_08: The reason for me coming forward with this publicly is because someone showed this screenshot of her in a Discord voice chat with Like I Care. Unknown_08: Um, and for some reason he's calling LeicaCare a pedophile. I've not heard of that before. Um, of her publicly posting a conversation that I had with her while we were on decent terms about a plan of mine to acquire the trademark to the website, along with legalities involved of what it could mean for the clone versions. Unknown_08: And those are the screenshots of them, of those things that I mentioned. Unknown_08: So, as well as other things, I've caught her red-headed, red-handed in. PSA, when you eventually read this, because I know you will, I want to be very clear about something. Don't fuck with me again. 0:49:13 Unknown_08: Don't even so much as mention my business. You've continuously kept my name in your mouth throughout the past month, and I find it absolutely unacceptable. Every time I see you mention my name, I'll post one of your nudes, of which I have an entire folder. If you push me further than that, I'll dump a video of you having one of your incredibly, absolutely incredible, yet common BPD-ridden manic attacks where you're screaming and hitting yourself while rolling on the floor and claiming you want to die." And then he posts their docs again, but I put that in private text, which is why you can't see it. 0:49:50 Unknown_08: Okay so number one probably not a good idea to post this just to get that out of the way. Number two Unknown_08: Posting pornography to inflict emotional distress on a person is, depending on your state and or country, a crime called revenge pornography or non-consensual pornography. Unknown_08: Making any kind of statement like, if you do X, I'll do Y, is federally considered extortion. Even if you can't physically do Y, even if it's impossible for you to do Y, even if you don't have what you say that you have when you threaten to do Y, if X can reasonably be expected to believe that you can do Y, then you have ostensibly committed a felony. I think it's a felony. It's a federal crime. It might be a felony. So, to do so in public, along with the associated crime, potential crime of revenge pornography, is a bad idea. So don't do it. I would advise this. And, uh, sure enough, Ade, um, who could have just called the police at this point, uh, decided that the reasonable thing to do would be to post this video of him. 0:51:20 Unknown_08: Which is... here. Unknown_08: Hi, baby girl. Unknown_13: Everything's okay, I promise. I forgive you. Unknown_13: It's okay, don't worry about it. Everything's gonna be okay. Unknown_13: I love you. Unknown_13: I love you so much. Unknown_13: I love you more than there are grains of sand on every beach of every planet of every galaxy of the universe. 0:51:54 Unknown_13: I need you in my life. Unknown_13: I need you more than humans need water and food to survive. Unknown_08: Stop pressing X, it's not ending. Unknown_13: You mean more to me than... Home Depot means to Mr. Logerato. Unknown_13: You mean more to me than just anything. You mean more to me than golden diamonds. Unknown_08: Your X's mean nothing to me, chat. Unknown_13: To the greediest burglar. 0:52:29 Unknown_13: And you're just the most perfect, most beautiful girl in all of the world. Unknown_13: And I love you so much. Unknown_13: I hope you enjoy watching this, baby girl. Unknown_13: See you at school tomorrow, baby girl. Unknown_13: I love you. What do you mean that's not him? Unknown_08: Someone said that's not him? Okay, whatever. That's what he's posted. Unknown_08: Wait. It's the wrong video. Unknown_08: I made you sit through this and it's the wrong video. 0:53:06 Unknown_08: Oh man, I see it now. I thought that was him. I tried- Okay, here's the issue, you ready? Here's the issue. They sent me this video- Well, I looked through the thread to find this video, and, um... Unknown_08: The- I couldn't download it because it's from- it was post- for whatever fucking reasons, the weeaboos who posted this video on the internet decided to put it on Niconico, which is like a Japanese video hosting site, and then, um, I couldn't download that with YouTube DL for whatever reason, so I skimmed through it trying to find the next video, and I down- and I saw that, and I said, oh, that looks like a next- I'll download that, and I did. Now I have come to the the shocking and horrific Realization that that is not in fact him. It just looks a lot like him to the point. We're at a glance I didn't even know okay. Give me a second. Give me a second You 0:53:42 Unknown_06: Okay, we're gonna watch a Japanese site then. Unknown_06: I hope this is not pornographic. Unknown_06: I haven't thought of that. We'll find out. 0:54:29 Unknown_08: Was this an adverti- What the fuck? Unknown_08: Oh, can I skip this? Unknown_08: Okay, that was just an advertisement. Unknown_15: By this time tomorrow, I'll be sleeping soundly in your bed. Unknown_08: It's very similar. Unknown_15: I'm giving you all the love that you deserve. Unknown_15: I'm sorry yesterday was so rough for you darling. 0:55:08 Unknown_15: Things will be better though once I'm there. Unknown_08: This is very close. Unknown_15: I love you Eddie. Unknown_08: Detect me. Okay. So that's, that's the, that's the real one. Don't make, don't get confused like I did and accidentally mistake the two because that's the real one. So, um, aid, Unknown_08: Also not being one of tact, uh, decided to not wait and publish the fact that there are ass napkins. Now, I think that I can show this on YouTube. I don't care. I can't look. Okay, this is what we call the ass napkin. This is an ass napkin on the floor. Here's another ass napkin. Uh, that's chocolate, by the way. 0:55:43 Unknown_08: And the story of the ass napkin is that Unknown_08: When Idiot was very young, he claims that he was buggered in the arse. And now he has what's called, in the medical community, fecal incontinence. And he requires the male version of a tampon to soak the, what we call in the medical community, anal seepage up, so that it does not spill into his pantaloons. And he does this by wadding up napkins and inserting them between the buttocks to absorb the anal seepage and prevent the afirmation. Because otherwise you'd be sitting, you know, in, you'd be going to Walmart and you would shart, and your pants would be seeped with fecal oils, and people would be taking pictures of you and posting it on the internet, and Paul would be calling you an Amerishart, so he avoids that whole complicated situation by the medical application of the ass napkins. 0:57:10 Unknown_08: Now, the other story that I've heard, which I cannot verify, and I'm only going off second-hand information for, is that he's a homosexual and he gets fucked in the ass a lot, and that has caused the fecal incontinence. There is hot discussion in these 90 pages of this thread. if he is a victim of child sexual abuse and his anus was ruptured at a young age or if he is in fact just a gay homo and he gets fucked in the ass a lot so that is the ass napkin and it has dominated the discussion of this thread now you might think isn't it weird that this man made this thread trying to blackmail this woman into not talking about him 0:57:57 Unknown_08: And after the second reply, it has been entirely about his ass napkins. And he would be right to think that, and think that is weird. Unknown_08: This is what we call backfiring, I believe. Because even though he did go on, and I think I intelligently decided to... Unknown_08: Okay, here. Unknown_08: As a moderator, I exercise my moderator judgment to make that a private tag in the spoiler. Unknown_08: And this is actually the reason why I decided not to feature this thread, because I don't like to feature revenge pornography on the forum, because I don't want it to be used for that purpose. I've only allowed it here because it's between two people of interest. 0:58:37 Unknown_08: So he did that and the summer is eight is like forty and every picture that she puts out there. Is heavily doctored it is doctored by. Unknown_08: Instagram filters you see there's a country called China and the people in China are not very attractive so what they do is they use their vast intellect and stealing from the white man to invent what we call filters and these filters give you big eyes and make your skin look better than it is and they just make you look younger and thinner and more like a woman regardless of who you are so aid 0:59:14 Unknown_08: Has adopted this foreign technology called the filter to make herself look more attractive and younger so when idiot takes this folder of Nudes which are images that aid has sent her they are basically authorized to be public and I won't say that much But they're the most flattering pictures of her available, right? Unknown_08: so Publishing those pictures Unknown_08: does her, like, almost like a service. I won't go that far, because it is kind of like a dick move, but I'll give you an example. I'll give you a counter example of what has been published about her that makes her look bad, and this one doesn't involve revenge pornography. This is a picture leaked by Ethan Ralph of theralphretort.com. He runs a podcast called The Killstream. You should check it out if you've never heard of it. Left is Adrien Blair as photographed by Adrien Blair. Right is Adrien Blair, same person, same age, photographed by Ethan Oliver Ralph, who has not yet found the chinky filter button that makes you look 20 years younger. 1:00:06 Unknown_08: So, when Let's His Face Idiot decides to publish his picture of Adrien Blair nude, she looks like the one on the left. which is how she wants to look like, and not the one on the right, which is how God has made her. So, it really doesn't work that way. I don't think he actually has any first-hand photographic evidence that this person exists in the state that they would not want the world to know that they exist. So he's really done himself no favors, and now we all know about his ass napkins, which is quite embarrassing. 1:00:40 Unknown_08: Maybe scan my notes, make sure that I haven't missed anything. Unknown_06: Oh, I forgot to mention that, um, Idiot has a very sophisticated system of disposal for the ass napkins. Unknown_08: Um, you see the animals like the hamster, which we all love on the stream, will go into a corner when they poo or pee so that when they are running about and eating, their poo and pee is far away from them and in a corner where they won't be stepping on it or getting it in their food. 1:01:33 Unknown_08: Idiot has a different system the ass napkins seem to just fall out of his ass as he walks around on the floor and He instead of no, I guess because his sphincter has no nerves that he can feel anymore He just leaves them there and then aid will aid the person on the right who's in her 40s who should not be in this position where she is living with people like this will walk around as well to get her food to nourish herself with and she will look down and she will see the ass napkin where it was left and she will pick this ass napkin up and throw it away she said that she expected she did this like three times a day and she would find these ass napkins wadded up and left disposed in discrete locations like an ass napkin easter egg hunt Unknown_08: He's also I mean, I guess He's like 23 and she's like 40. So that's also weird She can she dates people continuously to half her age and I don't understand why like what what is it like a reverse Ralph or it's like if you date like a mentally retarded person who's like 18 that's supposed to be impressive to me because you can get like I mean you could get a mentally retarded person at any age really if you wanted to but anyways, I think that 1:02:55 Unknown_08: I think that her and Ralph were probably a good match. They're both like the same age, they're both like the same kind of like white trash, and they have like the same interests which is like squabbling on Discord all day. You should just get back with her at this point, just hit her up and be like hey, you know. Well actually he made like a gloating tweet saying like she got served because her nudes got posted and it's like he was wishing death on his enemies again and it's like Just hit her up. It's the best you're gonna do at this point. Unknown_08: She probably... I mean, I don't think she can get pregnant anymore, so you won't have, like, another retard baby on the way. Just do it. Just bite the bullet. This is the future. Anyways. 1:03:32 Unknown_08: She sent me a message. She sent me a message on Twitter, as people do. And she says, Hello, I know you don't have any reason to do me any favors, but my ex has posted my address and nudes on my Kiwi Farms thread. Is there any chance of you removing it? I've been trying very hard to keep a low profile. Keeping a low profile like doing streams every fucking day and being in Discord arguments and posting ass napkins and shit. I've been trying very hard to keep a low profile which is why my account is locked and we kicked everyone out of our discord. Not to mention it is unlawful in my state for revenge porn to be posted. I'm already on the phone with a lawyer but this wouldn't be so much simpler. Could you please possibly do that for me? I live alone so you can understand why my address getting out is pretty fucked up. 1:04:04 Unknown_08: I responded in kind saying maybe you shouldn't be a white trash star fucker. She said, uh, I figured you'd say much. Was told by my ED friends that I should try anyways. Um... By the way, Jacob's been fucked in the ass so much, it's a GOATS situation. Unknown_08: And I didn't want to post that immediately, but then I saw the ass napkins thing and it kind of clicked what she was talking about, so... I was like, okay, fuck it. 1:04:42 Unknown_08: And that ends my involvement in this. Uh, this was on page two. There are... 89 more pages on this thread that I've only been- What the fuck was that? Unknown_08: Oh, it's Element again. Fucking message me an element midstream Crunk Lord 420 the fake crunk Lord 420 On asshole, he knows I'm streaming he's decided to ping me anyways Oh Unknown_08: It's the feds, no. 1:05:15 Unknown_08: It's the fake Krunklerk420. Unknown_08: Not even the based one, who has the trans flag. Okay, um, that is the end of the Nast Napkins story as far as I'm- I'm sure there was hijinks and funniness that I missed in this extremely long thread that's polluted with fucking garbage, but I will skip over it because that is the- that's the most important bit, is the- the back and forth. He's since stopped posting in the thread, and this other guy... Unknown_08: Had like a massive spurg out in the thread and None of that really matters though. Okay. So now let me get some water actually Take a second catch my catch up refresh myself 1:06:04 Unknown_06: Now feeder time? Yes. No, he just sent me some bullshit. Unknown_08: He just pinged me to be a fucking asshole. Fuck him. Unknown_08: Such disrespect. No fucking respect anymore these days, chat. Talk about the chick. What chick? Unknown_08: In case you missed it, I promised my lovely fanzone that I would be talking about Kevin Gibbs soon. I am preparing a person stream for the first time since October? Unknown_08: And that will be soon it's been it's been hotly hotly requested of me Okay, so 1:06:55 Unknown_08: The Chantal situation has evolved, and if you're not a fan of me talking about Chantal, and this will be a lot of talking about Chantal, I am going to make this entertaining because she has taken a strange turn. I mentioned, apparently, in the last three streams, Unknown_08: that Chantelle is now on diabetic medication and that diabetic medication apparently has reduced her estrogen in relation to her testosterone and now she has the horny so she has downloaded Tinder and has been on a quest to find a man and her demands are she wants an attractive, super fit, Italian man, exotic kind of man to like really want to have sex with her 1:07:43 Unknown_08: but not a relationship. She wants like a harem of men who are all like 10 out of 10 giga Chad studs who all want to bang her and who are at her beck and call. And she wants absolutely no commitment to any of them. So she has attracted in the course of this, an Egyptian man, uh, and an Arab globe trotter who has apparently been all over the world is a non-practicing Muslim. And, uh, Unknown_08: he has somehow ended up in canada and was on tinder in canada and has a thing for what she calls s bbws which are super big beautiful women and she goes over to his house and 1:08:33 Unknown_08: He is supposedly a chef, not a cook, a chef. A man who can run a kitchen, who knows the finer points of cooking, who has worked in Michelin star restaurants. And he lives in an apartment with no furniture, no electronics, and a mattress which is set upon the floor with no springs under it or whatever, no bed frame. And this mattress that she sleeps upon, that he sleeps upon, uh, doesn't have any sheets. So I want you to imagine a dank, dark Canadian dungeon apartment that has absolutely no furnishings, nothing in it. And the mattress, the place that you sleep is, uh, has no linen on it. It's just on the ground. 1:09:14 Unknown_08: And she goes over to this man's house. Unknown_08: And he says, would you like to do cocaine? And she says, of course I would like to do cocaine. So they do cocaine, apparently five times, and they have sex seven times. And the next stream, she comes home, and a lot of people are kind of expecting her to talk about her, because she talked about her other dates, and it's like, she met a nice man named Nicholas, who rubbed her fupa. Unknown_08: Very lovingly she said and They were expecting more of that kind of story where she had a nice romantic engagement And no there was some some handsy action, and she's so excited instead. She comes home, and she's like I Hey y'all, so I just got fucked seven times in railed cocaine in this Egyptian man's ghetto ass fucking apartment and Yeah, and if you don't like it go fuck yourself and a lot of her chat does not like this does not like this man in part because he is 1:10:01 Unknown_08: Extremely clingy. He is the possessive asshole boyfriend archetype, right? So she's on She's live-streaming and you can hear her phone go off because Egyptian man wants to know Habibi, where are you at? What are you doing? You know And just making sure that she's not like fucking other guys and shit, even though they're not in a relationship And she doesn't like that, but she likes the male attention and the sex, apparently, because he'll... Like, she goes into graphic detail about, like, him pinning her down by the throat and saying, like, beg for it, and she's, like, telling this to all her fans, and they're all like, just... Madam, we don't want to hear this. We just want to hear about your cats and about pizza pie, and we don't want to hear this gross BDSM shit that you're doing while on, uh... on Coke. 1:11:20 Unknown_08: and Josh so threatened. I'm not the one who's threatened because as the ranks of the Chantal squad fall apart Unknown_08: Even the most loyal simps are abandoning her. Karate Joe left this tearful message on the 23rd saying, Footy Booty, tell BBJ and Sam, Sam Sam, the cats, I love them and care for them, but I can't be your YouTube husband anymore. I was trying to help you with what you want to do, but you don't want any help anymore. 1:11:54 Unknown_08: uh so after this message i think or sometime thereafter she like gets really snippy and says uh Unknown_08: Fuck you, you know, you fucking asshole. You're always telling me what to do. Go fuck yourself. And it wasn't just this, it was like, he kept nagging her about fucking COVID and all her audience apparently are like COVID Karen's like, Oh no, you're going to catch COVID by fucking all these men. It's not even like, be careful with STDs, be careful with like being killed in a gutter. Well, karate Joe says that, but then it's like, be careful of not catching COVID, which is apparently the biggest thing she has to be concerned about. Nevermind the coke And this is just more screencaps the only one the one that's important here is karate Joe having a big cry over it And I have I have some some timestamps that we'll be going through but I'm just covering the gist the broad strokes of this arc that she's in um 1:12:30 Unknown_08: She's been disappearing for days at a time, neglecting her cats. Pete doesn't have a car. He cannot drive. He's functionally retarded. He's not like a real adult. He's almost, I think he's 40 now. He's near, he's like 38 or something. And he needs, he has simple needs. He's a simple man. He works from home. He has two needs. He needs groceries and he needs to go to the comic store to buy the latest edition of Squirrel Girl. These are what this man requires and part of their living arrangement is that Chantal will drive him to the comic book store to get Squirrel Girl and then she'll also bring home groceries. 1:13:41 Unknown_08: And because she has been too busy, Too busy getting fucked by an Arab man in a ghetto-ass apartment. She has neglected both her cats and Pete's and has not been bringing him groceries. So she'll leave him at the house, unable to fend for himself, like a grizzly bear abandoning her cub to the wilderness, unable to get its own food while she's doing cocaine. Unknown_08: She said that the coke was a one-time thing, but in all of her streams, she has had this wonderful habit of being extremely irritable, like snapping at her fucking chat, being an asshole to everyone, super fidgety, like making like weird squeaking noises and spazzing out. And her pupils are the size of fucking saucers. They look like if you went to the eye doctor and he dilated them for like an eye inspection or that fucking night. And, uh, here's this. I'll just show for people watching. 1:14:32 Unknown_08: Just here. The audio is not important. She's doing this thing that someone pointed out as someone who I assume is a real life crack head. She's doing this thing where like her bottom jaw is swinging left and right. And apparently this is called Coke jaw. Anytime you're on uppers like Adderall or something, you grind your teeth and uh, 1:15:08 Unknown_08: Someone says she's rolling. Eye dilation station. Gumming. Unknown_08: She looks like she's pinging. That's coke 100% speedy. She's been hitting the blunt. Unknown_08: Called gurning. Cocaine tooth grain. Chat is blunt. I got so many fucking coke heads in my chat. Thank you chat for confirming my suspicion. Unknown_08: Base drug using chat to help me peep my lolcals better. So she's... Unknown_08: She has all the sy- she has all the symptoms, I don't- like there's no way to put it nicely. She has every fucking possible symptom you could possibly have for doing coke and coming off of coke. She has the comedown syndromes too. Uh, when she's away from them. So... 100% not just a one-time thing. And she's only saying that because the Karens in her chat are pissed off at her. And she's losing like a thousand- she's lost like a thousand subs, cause people are pissed off like- They watch her cause they wanna see the- the- the fake, nice, fat woman eat pizza. And live her best life and her weight loss, I guess that's what they're looking for. And then they, she starts doing coke and meeting up with strange Arab men and neglecting her cats and having a bitch fit every fucking stream. Uh, and they're just like, no, thank you. 1:16:15 Unknown_08: um and she's claiming that she's losing weight because apparently her medication well she not apparently her medication makes her nauseous that's a good thing right like you're you know 400 fucking pounds you're on your diabetic aren't you happy that your medication makes you not hungry She loves eating so she's like no. I don't want to be not hungry. I want to be hungry so that's why she also does a lot of THC vaping to stimulate her appetite Now that she doesn't feel hungry as much as she used to because she misses eating she misses like binge eating and shit So then 1:17:04 Unknown_08: Oh, and Pete's... Pete's has been... That relationship is on rocks. She wants to go out and, like, fuck a guy in every country in Europe, pretty much. That's her plan. She calls it Euro-Bees. She wants to go to Europe and bang a 10 out of 10 stud in, like, every country in Europe. And Pete, on the other hand, does not want to be left alone to fend for himself like a poor little baby bear in the woods. And he doesn't approve of the fact that she's going out and getting railed. Unknown_08: Also, there was a fun story about how she wanted to start spending some nights over at his house. Oh, the first night that they have sex like eight times, she left early because she didn't want to stay there because there's no fucking furniture. It's like a creepy dingy dungeon, right? So she says, okay, I'll bring over a TV and we'll watch TV. And I'll bring over, oh, and her CPAP machine. She needs her CPAP to sleep because she's fat. And it's not sexy to bring over a CPAP machine to your Coke orgy. So she goes over, she brings over a TV that I think is Pete's TV, but they never use it. Maybe it's her TV. But they bring it over and everyone's like, I cannot fucking believe that you're bringing over electronics to this Coke head's house. It's so gonna get sold for Coke. He's clearly sold everything in his fucking house to get more Coke money. She's like no you guys are being retarded That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard and then the next stream after she's she's home after being gone for two days Pete's comes in and he doesn't know that she's streaming or doesn't care and is trolling her and says something like So he broke that TV, huh 1:18:27 Unknown_08: And she's so visibly angry during the stream because she was gonna keep that their little secret that TV's fucking gone and She told Pete's and Pete's accidentally told everyone that he sold that Just like everyone knew and She's seething Fucking seething during the stream to the point where the next stream people are like that last stream was really fucking uncomfortable And she was like yeah, it was 1:19:24 Unknown_08: so now i have given you an overview i have some clips i have the streams i have the clips we're going to go look at the clips of the streams and um and that will be all for today so if you don't care about watching this you're you're free to go um i have a really nice song for the outro though some Someone I get I get fan mail and someone sent me an email That said like you should listen to this shitty music because you're a fucking weirdo and you have shit taste in music But I bet you'll like this and I listen to them and I'm like, yeah, this is actually pretty good. So I Have that I have that prepared. Anyways, here is the trams. Let me get my bearings Unknown_08: Let's start with the one called dinner Which is a reminds me of YouTube poop There's a clip of Gandalf saying dinner or no the the king says dinner and they always love to clip that anyways 22 minutes I'm sorry that I'm smacking No, you're not I deserve happiness Okay 1:20:35 Unknown_17: I feel like I should tell you guys, but I wasn't gonna tell you guys. Do you think I should tell them? Unknown_16: I don't know. About what happened? Unknown_02: Your call. Unknown_08: Mmm, burger. Unknown_07: God, it's... She's been so bad about eating. Unknown_08: I don't... I think it's getting worse. Or either it's getting worse or my sensitive boy ears are becoming more sensitive by the day, because I really can't fucking stand the eating sounds. It's just getting so bad. Unknown_02: For the record, I finally caved to all you... No, Mike. 1:21:09 Unknown_02: I finally caved to the peer pressure that all you people pile on me and got set up Twitter. Or Tinder. Unknown_02: I'm already bored of it. Unknown_17: You're already bored of what, sorry? The Tinder? Unknown_02: Yeah. Unknown_17: You signed up? Unknown_02: Mm-hmm. Unknown_17: Tinder is not good for... You should sign up for Hinge or... Unknown_17: Plenty of fish, because tinder's just hookups, unless that's what you want. Unknown_17: For sure, I have done Hinge and Plenty of Fish, too. Unknown_08: I remember when I was a little boy, my grandma, if I was chewing with my mouth open, would look at me and say, Josh, close your fucking mouth when you eat your fucking dinner. And I would. And now I don't eat with my mouth open. Why does nobody, why has nobody ever told Chantelle during the many, many times that she's eaten in her life to close her fucking mouth? 1:21:49 Unknown_02: Didn't care. Unknown_02: Look at that. It's like a cow. Unknown_02: In every dating app, all the girls, like all the profiles I come across are like, I like to be outdoors. I like to go on hikes. I like to skate. I like the snowboard. I like the whatever. And it's like, no. 1:22:20 Unknown_02: Where are the profiles for the girls to Unknown_02: hate the outdoors they're probably not on dating apps unfortunately he basically says this is not highlight the funny part i thought that would highlight the part where he says that oh you know what that no this is just when he sets it up he does 1:22:53 Unknown_08: I don't want to spoil it. I don't want to I don't want us to spoil the Pete arc But yes, he does look fucking livid when he's talking about this. She really this is what she wants to own this man And does not want him to be anything more than the poor baby bear who cannot fend for himself Who needs her to deliver the squirrel girl in the groceries to him? So Unknown_08: She loves to mock him and his masculinity and tell him about the sex that she's having. Look at her looking at him like a predator. 1:23:28 Unknown_02: I just feel weird talking about stuff like that. Unknown_17: Do you want me to? Unknown_02: Because I used to get all up in there. Yeah. Unknown_17: Yeah. Unknown_17: Did you fiddle Pete's thumb? Unknown_08: She sits here and she talks about her saxcapades while he listens her ex-boyfriend and he doesn't like kill her This is the story of how she meets the Egyptian by the way Chantal butchering another song. 1:24:06 Unknown_17: I'm sorry What song did I butcher for you guys? Unknown_17: before that All right Unknown_17: I did go over to the Egyptian guy's house. Unknown_17: So he, he told me he got recently tested for COVID and he lives by himself. He has like no family here or nothing. So I just figure it is Beazen. I do feel bad about that. Unknown_17: Um, I'm not going to be meeting any other dudes, just him and maybe Nicholas. 1:24:44 Unknown_17: so this guy is fucking crazy like excuse me thanks i basically i ended up tiptoeing out of there when he fell asleep because at some points i was just like Unknown_17: Yeah, I did. And the dry spill. Unknown_17: Not just it wasn't just that. It was like from the minute I got there, I get there. I pull up, comes outside, shows me where to park. Or do you want me to wait while I talk about this? Unknown_03: No, go ahead. Unknown_17: Do you want me to tell you, like everything that happened or what? Because it's kind of like the beezen doesn't end. 1:25:37 Unknown_17: Okay, don't judge me, please. I'm just fucking, okay, I know. Unknown_17: I know I could be more responsible. So, I know. Unknown_17: All right. Unknown_17: Why do you even ask? Unknown_08: I want you guys to be like, tell us! Unknown_17: No judgment. Okay, thank you guys. Even if you're judging me, I fucking get it, but. Unknown_17: Okay, I should explain because somebody asked she she more frequently than ever uses the term Beeson Her cat is named 1:26:18 Unknown_08: Something but and she calls it BBJ and Then because the cat likes to give up in front of the camera She'll say you're misbehaving but instead of misbehaving. She'll say you're Beeson and Beeson is short for misbehaving. She uses that as a catch-all term for getting fucked doing coke smoking pot and eating 10,000 calories worth of food in one sitting It's a philosophy of gluttony Unknown_17: I'm just like, uh, he looks like his pictures, but very skinny. Like I don't, I'm not body shaming. Yeah. Okay. That sounds like body shame. I won't talk about how skinny he was. He's one of those like really skinny guys. Unknown_17: Just, but he's got like ripped like muscles. He's like really hyper. And I don't know. Anyway. 1:27:02 Unknown_17: So I get there and I'm like, uh, but then whenever he shuts like his apartment door and then he kissed me and I was like, he's such a good kisser. Like he's such a good kisser. So then he's Egyptian and I think he's Arab. He doesn't speak very good English, but it's okay. Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_02: you weren't there for talking anyway gross so he showed he was so cute showing me his place he's like i his place he fixed it up really nice he's a really handy guy so organized and clean holy fuck i'm just like i'm so the opposite of you right like so and he was like why are you always giggling i can't be with a guy who can't handle my giggling i giggle about everything when i'm nervous everything 1:27:55 Unknown_17: I think he's Muslim, but he doesn't he's not practicing We're not making fun of skinny people I just wanted to describe his body type I like skinny guys because they have you know It makes our dicks look bigger So Unknown_17: I'm like stalling because I get like that. I don't want to like get right down to business. I don't want to I'm so nervous. It's been a year and a half. I haven't had anyone look at me naked or nothing. I have look at this. Unknown_17: I had all my I had all my fucking hair powder in my head. This is so embarrassing. You guys are Unknown_08: By hair powder, she means that she has hormonal issues, so she's basically bald. Her hair is... I imagine that if you took off June's wig, there would be, like, in a similar state of disrepair. So she has to use, like, this weird tool to, like, fill in the white scalp spots that you can see and give her, like, an actual hairline. Gonna fucking die. 1:28:44 Unknown_17: This is what I want to tell you because it's a funny story time. So... Ow! I'm in a lot of pain. So, okay. Unknown_08: She's in a lot of pain. You can't see it, but her boobies are all fucked up because of the Islamic punching situation type deal that she got into. Okay, so now we have established that he is Egyptian and thin and is very clean. By very clean, she means that there's no furniture in his apartment. Unknown_17: He starts smoking. He lights up this Moroccan hash and we get totally fucking baked. And then he like break, this is, I don't want to say this, but you guys are going to be so 1:29:21 Unknown_17: I don't do this on a regular basis. I don't even do it really, but I did it for some reason. I did it and spit it out. It's not good to do. Unknown_17: And if that changes your perception of me, I apologize. But I did like he busted out like a bunch of lines of cocaine. I know. 1:30:03 Unknown_17: Yeah, I told you I beezed hard. I told you I beezed hard. All right. So I did that. I had a glass of beer. Unknown_17: And I pretty much had no clothes on the whole time, which was so weird. I felt really, really, really comfortable because he Unknown_17: knew what kind of body I had and he really knows how to work it like I've never ever I'm sorry I don't mean to be she she I think she so desperately wants him to like get angry like she likes Pete's but because Pete's and her have like a very harmonious lazy lifestyle that works very well for both of them 1:30:51 Unknown_08: but he is so a fucking pushover like she would immediately crawl back to him if he just like slapped the fuck out of her one day she craves that kind of energy and passion from him but unfortunately whenever she abuses him he just sits there and eats his fucking kids meal plays with his fucking McDonald's squirrel girl DC licensed action figure that he got in the fucking bag I've never experienced something like that before but Unknown_17: I know I didn't I I know I never do coke obviously like I don't you know okay when I used to party hard when I would party I would do it but for me even though I have an addictive personality it's not a drug I really like it's not something you know I just thought it would be good like to get I guess he wanted it to give us both energy to keep going he's crazy he did not sleep because what he did was he 1:31:46 Unknown_17: In the morning, like this morning early, he wanted me to come over and I'm like, no, I'm fucking tired. You know? So he got all pissed off. He was going to call in work. So he called in sick to work so I could go over and we could sleep. I'm like, well, I need to sleep. He's like, we'll sleep here. He's like that kind of person. Well, I need my toothbrush. Well, I have an extra toothbrush. Unknown_17: So he's just like fucking, you know? Oh no, big. Oh, I took the Coke like early, early on. Unknown_17: so it was really early um chantelle wk yeah i'll get to it hold on so he's a good one from five like from the time we got in the bedroom 1:32:33 Unknown_17: No clothes, just like constant, like constant touching me and wouldn't leave me alone. Like, just like, I'm just like, I need a, I fucking need a break. It was like constant, constant. And he didn't sleep. So he didn't sleep from like all day and night. He went to work, ended up going to work. Unknown_17: Then, um, I think I did maybe like five lines, four or five lines. Unknown_08: I did not remember. I did not remember 4 or 5. It's hard to say that because I know you guys. Unknown_17: I'm not usually like that. Or maybe I am and you just don't know me. I don't know. 1:33:12 Unknown_17: I can get pretty obese and wild. I don't know. Unknown_08: Her chat's pissed. Her chat is like a group of like old ladies who are like very pearl clutchy and they care a lot about like distracted driving and COVID-19 and wearing your fucking mask and washing your fucking hands. She has like a chat. She has a chat that's like an opposite of mine where it's just like old women who like get butt hurt over the n-word. Unknown_17: Constant. Unknown_17: Constant. Unknown_17: just making out stop calling me an arab oh my god the kissing is amazing i'm sorry it was really good it was really really mind-blowing but i had to take like a bunch of like i'm in so much pain right now i'm in so much pain i'm not used to that you know what i mean yeah so i'm in a lot of pain she's in a lot of pain because her boobies hurt and she's reminding pete that he never made her boobies hurt like that 1:34:12 Unknown_17: I was like, uh... Yeah, I don't know. Unknown_02: Anyway, dude sounds like a douche. Unknown_17: Sounds like a douche. Unknown_17: So then, and then I was like, um... You fit it? Unknown_02: I say you now quit it. Unknown_17: I didn't drive right away. It was like... Unknown_17: Hours and hours after it was like the end of the night like it was like the beginning of the night when I did that and then I Just like I didn't even I didn't even feel anything like I don't know I don't feel anything really from that maybe a slight up and that was it, you know, so What did you say I said you've hit it now quit it 1:35:08 Unknown_02: You've heard that expression, right? Hit it and quit it? Unknown_16: Yeah. Unknown_02: I'm saying you've hit it. Now it's time to quit it. Unknown_02: Cause that guy sounds... No, he wasn't the French guy. That guy sounds shitty. Unknown_08: Pete's almost has a full testicle on this one. Almost. Unknown_08: Okay, oh Oh Okay, this is this is the hallelujah moment. This is what everyone has been waiting for not This is a rare moment of unity between the genuine Chantal fans and the Chantal hate watchers on the Kiwi forums this is a moment that has been building for months and everyone has been waiting for and We finally get it 1:35:55 Unknown_17: I don't know if I'll still see him. I don't care if Karate Joe's mad. I'm honestly sick of you giving me shit for everything anyway, honestly. I am. Like, I'm not a child, okay? I don't need a lecture. Thank you. Come again. Unknown_17: Like... Unknown_08: Oh wait, this is only the beginning of the end. It comes. The reckoning is now coming. You can see it in her face that the determination has been made about the fate of Karate Joe, but she knows, as the Kaiser that she is, that now is not the time to execute him, to send him off. 1:36:32 Unknown_08: Okay now 105 30 she sets she sets down her foot and says you guys Actually, this is a this is a golden moment because I think this is the part where she and Dick Masterson Have a spiritual union. Unknown_17: It's so stupid It's so stupid Unknown_08: That's what they are. Unknown_17: They're weird. Like, you want me to tell you things that, like, the badder the better, and then you freak out. Unknown_17: You know what I mean? I don't get how it works. But I'll keep sharing my life because that's my life. And like I said, I'm not living it to make people happy. I'm not living it to avoid judgment. 1:37:22 Unknown_17: I don't want to look like some saint when I'm not. Unknown_17: uh so he's looking at squirrel girl comics that would mean i have to be driving impaired so stop listening to stupid reaction channels that make up every fucking lie in the book Unknown_17: I do not want to hear about, well then don't tune in, Stephanie, if you don't want to hear about my horizontal bopping. Last time I checked, I think my name was on my channel and I get to share whatever I want on my channel, right? Right? 1:38:02 Unknown_17: Exactly, I'm not a role model, so remember that. Unknown_17: It's funny that I haven't told a single lie. Really, you're very observant there, um, Callie. I don't even know why the fuck you're here, but okay. Unknown_17: All she has to say is that she lied to get views. There's no proof of her doing anything illegal. Exactly, Tina! People are fucking stupid. 1:38:33 Unknown_17: Drugs, bad, big man. Unknown_08: This is how America dies. Nigga, we in Canada. Unknown_17: Drugs are bad. Whatever. I don't care. Unknown_02: Drugs are bad. Unknown_17: Hugs, honey. Thank you, Laramie. Unknown_17: I'm not I didn't say I didn't use condoms, and I'm not telling you guys the details of like that shit. That's not your business. 1:39:08 Unknown_08: I thought this was the part where she she's she comes up on her own all by herself she starts complaining about the forum and she says that it's the Karen farms and it was truly a magical moment I thought that this was it she's bitching about Karen's in her fucking chat but that's not it if I if it's down the list I'll point that out but I don't know if it's in this stream or not I don't think it is 1:39:40 Unknown_16: I know, people are going to be reacting, oh girl, you're on a downward spiral, why are you doing coke, blah, blah, blah. Unknown_17: I actually don't feel like I'm on a down, I feel like I'm on an upward. Isn't that fucked up? Everyone thinks I'm spiraling or whatever. I actually feel so good. Unknown_16: I don't know how to explain it. Hi, Kenneth Budgets. Unknown_16: He doesn't listen, who? Unknown_08: That's just, I just wanted to play that line where she's like, oh, people keep saying that I'm on a downward spiral because I'm doing coke and fucking strange Arab men in their dumpy apartments. 1:40:22 Unknown_06: I did not save the right video. Unknown_06: Oh, fuck. Let me get that real quick. Unknown_08: I'll do it while I queue up the- actually no, I have to play this one now. Ah! Oh no, what a disaster. Unknown_06: Hopefully this won't take too long. If it will, I might have to wait a bit. Unknown_08: It's going to take between 10 seconds and 30 minutes according to YouTube DL So we will kill between 10 seconds and 30 minutes as this downloads How is chat today? Someone say something in chat and that entertains me Sneed word spiral There bring tweezy on no, I did not tweezy has been banished to the shadow realm 1:41:05 Unknown_08: This is the point of view equivalent of ASMR. I don't know. Her worst videos are the ones where she's just like face down like a beach whale on her bed. Unknown_08: Jim's dad and RIP in peace. Unknown_08: Um, RIP Godwinson. Yep. RIP. RIP in peets. RIP in peets. Unknown_08: Okay. Now I have, I have a boyfriend dot MKV. We can watch this. Unknown_08: For your entertainment, okay, so this is a little bit of a long clip but I'll just play until you bored of it, I guess. 1:41:59 Unknown_17: Oh, this is like the second meeting with him and so he lives alone he has a place and he renovated like a bedroom in his place and he Was gonna rent it out because he lives by himself. So he's gonna rent it out to this apparently this woman and Unknown_17: Who he slept with twice apparently they're not boyfriend-girlfriend nothing and this was like before he met me And apparently she like fell for him or really liked him. I don't know what happened So I get there and I walk in the kitchen and there's this fucking woman sitting there there's this like woman sitting there at the table With a beer and I'm just like Unknown_17: And she was like on the phone and she was like, they were, she was like yelling at him and I'm just like, hi, I'm Chantel, you know me, I'm all friendly. And, um, because I don't care. Like, who is this? You know? So, um, anyway, uh, 1:42:48 Unknown_17: So anyways, she didn't answer me and she like looked like she fucking hated my guts So I was just like like who is this? You didn't tell me there was gonna be a woman here She's not she's not there to look at her eyes. Unknown_08: God. She's not there to whale watch. She's um he had a roommate who is the roommate in quotation marks who leaves very soon after Chantal gets involved and it's probably likely that he's like a player and he was just juggling women and 1:43:29 Unknown_17: And she's like, no, I'm leaving. I'm calling to fucking fuck you. You're a player. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I'm like wondering, like, what, how, after only two times she's that mad and jealous? Like, anyway, so she's like, and I'm like, I'll leave. I don't mind leaving. Cause I secretly wanted to leave because I was like, this is awkward and I want to go to bed. Unknown_17: And then he's like, um, Unknown_17: Sorry, and then he's like, no, no, no, no, don't leave us. He's like, I don't know why she's acting like this. I'm not she's not my girlfriend. I have mounted for the viewing pleasure of the chat a picture of Chantal showing off her bruises from hardcore coke induced sex with an Arab. 1:44:05 Unknown_17: He's like, we're not boyfriend girlfriend, what's the problem? You're renting my room. She's like. Unknown_17: I don't care. She's like, I'm not staying here while you have sex with her all night and blah, blah, blah. So I'm just like, what? I'm like, we're not going to have sex. Like, I'm just coming here to hang out because what's funny, I say I have a boyfriend. Here's the clickbait because this guy is like, I met him on like a hookup site, right? 1:44:38 Unknown_17: Oh, you want attention too. Hold on. I got to sing the BBJ. Unknown_17: My cat's missed me. So, Unknown_08: That's the wholesome content her fans actually want. I skipped through it, but they love it. Every time the cat gets in front of the camera and she goes like, BBJ! BBJ! Unknown_08: Everyone's like, yay. I love cats. I also have a cat. I don't have children. I have cats. That reminds me of myself. And it makes me happy because other people share my struggle. And then the stream continues on. 1:45:16 Unknown_08: It's like the Fight Club where he slices in stills of pornography into the movie. Nobody notices it, but they know that they saw it. It's like that, but with cats. Unknown_17: Sounds like a Jerry Springer show. What was I getting at? Oh, yeah. So I messaged him. I said, OK, because he's like, Unknown_17: I'm like, I'll come over if you promise. He's like, promise what? I'm like, that you won't touch me. I'm like, you know, be honest. He's like, be honest. Like, was that just too rough for you? Or like, what's the deal? Unknown_17: He's like, you have to tell me, like, why didn't you tell me? I was like, guys, I'm like, it didn't hurt at the time, but after, you know, and he's like, okay. Cause like, apparently he, his ex showed him all kinds of crazy things. 1:45:55 Unknown_17: And he showed me a picture of like her, she liked that. She's like smack my boobs around. And so like, apparently he thought that was like a turn on for women anyway. Unknown_17: Um, so none of that happened. Um, he's like, he's like, um, Unknown_08: This is just sad and disgusting says the hemorrhoid. Well, sir. That is the point That is the appeal I'm not spreading rona. Unknown_17: He's like the only person i'm gonna see like the whole time you're allowed to have a boyfriend during fucking coronavirus Anyway, so um, he's like 1:46:35 Unknown_17: Where was I? There's just so much that happened that I don't even know. Oh yeah. So he's like, promise what? I'm like, promise that we'll just cuddle and kiss. Unknown_17: So I'm like trying to like turn this like kinky person into a boyfriend material is what I feel like I'm doing because like he messaged me today and he's like, like on his way to work, he called me. I don't like when people call me, like just text me, you know, like I don't like phone calls, but he's like a phone call kind of person, like old school. Unknown_17: He doesn't even have a TV like I can't I don't like his place like it's so like man like just working man no warm female touch like You know, I'm gonna bring my um I'm gonna bring my TV there anyway, so 1:47:29 Unknown_08: That's when everyone freaks out about the TV like Chantal don't bring your TV to this coke kids apartment. It's gonna get lost then it gets lost Okay now This is this is the dramatic conclusion the dramatic conclusion to the earlier event that I hyped up So no working on my traveling. Unknown_17: What does that mean? Like you cuz I'm hanging out with somebody I can't she's reading a comment by karate Joe and when she says that I So no working on my traveling. What does that mean? Like, because I'm hanging out with somebody I can't work on myself and travel at the same time? What's like, I don't get it. Like, oh my God. Okay. Anyway, I'm just going to ignore comments that annoy me. I'm just ignoring. Thank you. Um, 1:48:06 Unknown_08: By traveling, she means the Eurobies when she gets fucked by every man in Europe all at once. Unknown_08: Oh, someone in chat is going to spam this until I fucking acknowledge it, but yes, she did the thing. I've been binge watching South Park, and there was an episode of South Park where Miss Chokes on Dick lifts up her hands. And her titties which are very long like tube socks hang down to like her waist and when she raises her hands the nipples are baloney nipples hang out from under her shirt. Chantelle did literally that she did that exact thing which like reached up and like her boobs hung out from under her shirt while she was fucking around. 1:48:41 Unknown_08: And this was posted immediately to Twitter and sent to me 10,000 million times and then added to me on the forum another 10,000 million times. So I will now acknowledge that, yeah, she has flashed YouTube chat because her big baloney nipples were pointing down when she raised up her hands. 1:49:22 Unknown_08: Back to Joe getting yelled at. Unknown_17: It's not just a question though, Trevonda. He's like, you know, like it's a question that's stupid. Like why? Why? Because I saw somebody twice. I'm not going to focus on my travel, traveling and stuff like that. That's like stupid. Unknown_17: You know, there's concern and then there's like annoying and you know, 1:49:57 Unknown_08: Okay, I know a lot of you listened to this, but for those of you who are watching right now, I want you to peer deep into those eyes and acknowledge the fact that they are fucking massive. I wonder why she's so irritated at Karate Joe. Could it be that she is on cocaine and has symptomatic irritability? Unknown_17: Sorry, but it's true. Unknown_17: Well, he's been getting on my nerves, Jesse. So, you know, that's it. Unknown_16: Um... Anyways. 1:50:41 Unknown_16: She has a nebula on! Aww. Unknown_08: Okay, that's part one. Unknown_08: Part two is way down the road. So I guess she's still bitching in chat. She can't fucking take it anymore. Unknown_17: Self, if you don't believe me, thank you. Unknown_17: Um... Unknown_17: Yeah, um... No, that's not how I treat my friends. That's how my friends treat me, apparently. Like... You know, what do you want me to say? He doesn't support what I'm doing. He's flipping out over everything I do. 1:51:13 Unknown_17: So, fine. Then just... bye. I mean, what do you want me to say? You know? Like, I... I'm not gonna not live my life just because people approve or don't approve of it. Like... Unknown_17: That's just not who I am. That's not going to happen. Like I'm allowed happiness. I'm allowed to like, I'm allowed love. Um, everything, you know? So like, there's no whatever. If you're going to flip out and be like that, then fine. I mean, I don't know what to say, you know? 1:51:49 Unknown_17: So goodbye friends the way they are. Yeah. Unknown_17: You don't just like, I'm sorry, but Joe's been like slut shaming, like doing all these things for so long. Like, just like, what the fuck? You're not my dad. Like, I understand your concern. You've been saying it every fucking day, every live for like, however long, you know? Like, what the hell? Like, chill out. Yeah, chill out. Exactly. So I'm sorry, but like, I don't, I don't, 1:52:25 Unknown_17: you're prude you don't want to be in my channel i guess i don't know rose yes finally some of your crazy so that's that's the moment where uh where lucifer karate joe is cast from heaven by chantal and it's kind of weird like it's not in this because this is mostly when the way that her shit works right now is that Unknown_08: She was streamed so much and it's just like her interacting with her chat for hours at a time You kind of pick up on bits and pieces of how truly fucked up her relationship is with this Arab guy But she has in the back like a close discord of like all her secret friends and moderators and there's like drama building because all these people are interacting with each other off the chat now and They don't all get along with each other. So there's like intrigue and gay ops But like get like a 40 year old cat woman level and it's it's truly ridiculous what she is Done to her life in the last few weeks But let us continue that is the end of I have a boyfriend now we have one more video a Couple more minutes of this nice nice relaxing stream to get back to watching Chantal talk about her burden and coke problem 1:53:44 Unknown_08: Um, though, uh, they've are, I think they've already broken up. Unknown_08: I guess I should say that yeah, they're out of the suppose I mean they might be like that thing that were they like get back together over and over again That's possible because she's like a retard and he's like a possessive Arab But in my head I imagined her like a two years from now like all coked out and really thin because she's doing coke instead of eating now and she's wearing a hijab because he's converted her to Islam and I thought that would be funny. That would be a really funny twist for the for her story, but I don't know. Maybe we won't get that because they're breaking up right now. 1:54:19 Unknown_08: Okay, this is not like... This is not... too interesting. It's just a weird thing she does. Hold up, I'll point it out to you. You won't miss it. Unknown_17: What's wrong with Death Valley? Unknown_17: What's my plan? Danielle! Unknown_08: What the fuck was that, chat? 1:54:50 Unknown_19: Hold up, let's watch it again, instant replay. Unknown_19: So... She, she likes, when she sees people, she likes, like, imagine if I did this. Unknown_08: You look at chat and you get fucking, like, you point out everyone, like, go, Willow, Aaron, Chick, Unknown_08: Guy with Japanese name. Unknown_08: S-87. Oh my god. And she just goes on and on like this for the first 10 minutes of every fucking stream. And when she sees her favorite Discord Janny trainer, she points him out. But something about her saying Danielle caused like a synapse collapse in her fucking brain mid-sentence and she just... What's my pla- Danielle! 1:55:31 Unknown_08: Instant replay she says Danielle she goes like a full octave down and then up above where she was before and Then looks down her body clenches up really tight like she's uncomfortable as she just shit herself And then she looks away out of embarrassment I am forced to assume that she pooped herself just then and couldn't tell couldn't tell chat So she just awkwardly moves on immediately with the next topic I am So today I am like that didn't just happen. There's something there is a cover-up chat. She is she has gone number two. She is poopooed in the kitchen as she likes to say and It's truly it's truly a shocking one more time one more time chat Someone also said that it's like a coke thing. Is that okay chat? Is this a coke thing? Is this another coke thing that I don't understand? 1:56:26 Unknown_08: Uh, why does she leave her fridge open? She's putting away groceries, but she sits in a computer chair in her kitchen while rolling back and forth while doing it. Yes, no, yes, no, it's uppers, coke poops, coke freezes, no, very possible, both, no, it's coke, for sure, it's a fat person thing, no, no, nah, ecstasy will do it, pinhole pupils, no idea, no, laughing, crying emoji. I think you're right, Josh. Chantelle needs ass napkins. Okay. Unknown_08: The chat was unable to come to a consensus on what this particular moment was. 1:57:04 Unknown_06: Let us continue. Unknown_17: Put the fee up really high. I don't know. People would still find it. Unknown_08: She's talking about her only fans. I just feel it's probably better not to share, especially right now. Unknown_17: You know what I mean? Um, it's a personal discord. It's not public, so I'm not going to be sharing either. Unknown_18: There's nothing official. There's no titles. Unknown_07: Oh, I'm sorry. I got the wrong timestamp for this. 1:57:42 Unknown_18: No, I never said my stories are made up. Unknown_18: So how about you go fuck yourself? Bye. Unknown_17: Yeah, I'm not going to talk about anything personal anymore, like really details and stuff like that. And I'm not quitting my relationship if I have one, whatever it is online, like I'm just not going to let people meet him or whatever. It's not going to happen, you know. Unknown_17: I don't want to check my blood sugar. 1:58:14 Unknown_17: Is Among Us fun? I was thinking about that. It would be a good game for us to play. Oh no. Hi Lucy! Unknown_06: Wait, fuck. It's not playing. Unknown_06: Oh, I ruined my joke. Unknown_08: I had my sus flack, uh, sus bounce flack ready to go. Fuck it. My joke's ruined. My day is ruined. Unknown_17: People will always be judgmental. Yeah, because people suck. That's like what I said. 1:58:47 Unknown_17: Oh, God. Unless I did like an OnlyFans and put the... The Arab is sus. I don't know. Danielle is sus. Unknown_17: I just don't, I don't know. I just feel it's probably better not to share, especially right now. You know what I mean? Um, it's a personal discord. It's not public, so I'm not going to be sharing the link either. Unknown_18: There's nothing official. There's no titles. Unknown_08: It is true that discord causes like... It's just weird what discord does I don't know it's just because it's like you have like a group of even like on a forum you have a group of people and they just talk to each other when it's public there's a certain like level of civility and like understanding and if you don't like someone you just go to a different thread or ignore them or whatever But when they get into weird private conversation chains and Discord groups, things bounce so quickly and people are forced to be in proximity to each other and it drives people fucking crazy and it causes schisms and weird clicks and shit. It's just like a different dynamic. 1:59:40 Unknown_08: I missed it the first week, but in the time since losing the Precious Need Chord, Unknown_08: I feel like I'm a little bit better off without it, to be honest with you. I moved all the people I actually want to talk to over to Telegram, and that works. Unknown_08: And I talk to the fanzone through, like, the Fediverse, and through email, and that's sufficient. And during the streams, of course, of course. 2:00:27 Unknown_08: Uh, more bitching. Unknown_17: So, like, you're so worried about it. Unknown_18: Yeah, I don't feel like talking about that, so I'll just ignore those comments. I'm trying to find ones that I want to answer, honestly. Unknown_17: I mean, I don't know what you guys expect me to do. Like, what do you want me to say? You guys are like, there's so many annoying- like, I don't want to answer any of these comments. Like, they're just stupid. Like, I don't know what to say. This is her getting- I don't know what to talk about, I don't know what I want to- 2:01:00 Unknown_08: Having friction with her chat cuz her chat really doesn't like the Arab guy or the doing cocaine a Little just dismissive she is these people like her they actually genuinely like her in here. Unknown_17: Oh 2:01:34 Unknown_08: Oh yeah, this is also a good clip demonstrating that her fucking mouth is like continuously moving. She did the jaw scraping thing a second ago. Unknown_17: Yeah, I guarantee the people criticizing me for the cocaine probably do it too, I'm sure. Unknown_08: Okay, let's fuck it. Chat, press 1 if you have ever done cocaine. Don't lie, I'll know if you're lying and I'll ban you from my chat. I'm watching. Unknown_08: Press 1 if you criticize Chantal and have done cocaine. Unknown_08: I'm seeing... I didn't say press 2 if you haven't. I don't care if you haven't. Oh my god. This entire social experiment has been ruined. I don't bel- I believe that Super Meat has done cocaine. I don't believe the rest of you fuckers. Hi Angela! 2:02:10 Unknown_08: I haven't, in case you're wondering. I'm a good boy. I've never done anything wrong, ever. I don't seem to have actually. Unknown_18: My face piercing is more harmful than the occasional drug dabble. Yeah, sometimes I like told you I sometimes I like trying things like, you know, doing well, not like trying for the first time, but yeah, I like beezing sometimes like super bees. 2:02:53 Unknown_17: Um. Unknown_08: Okay, weren't I doing bags of coke in the Philippines? No. I tried Nootropics in the Philippines. That is not cocaine. That is like an aspirin, the tier upper. Unknown_17: Haha, Danielle. Unknown_17: Why is it risky? Unknown_08: Why is coke risky, chat? I don't think doing a couple of them is gonna be a big deal, but... 2:03:30 Unknown_17: Yeah, I don't like shrooms. I hate shrooms. I never have a good time on them. Unknown_17: I'm just gonna stick to my edibles, which I haven't had in a while. I need to get- they're on the way! Unknown_07: Say the line. Say the line! Yeah, that's right, Jacqueline. Unknown_18: Ray had an awesome time, actually, so... Her eyes are fucking massive again. 2:04:04 Unknown_17: I'm sure a lot of celebrities do it, too. Unknown_08: What do we call that cop-out? We need a name for that. I have different glossary terms for different defenses, like the Eichenwald defense is when you say that you do it for research. Unknown_08: What else? I have another one, I think. Let me pull it open, actually. Oh, the Nyberg defense is when you only looked at child pornography to be edgy. Unknown_08: We need a new term for the appeal to celebrities. Like, celebrities do it. Celebrities get negative attention, so negative attention is good. Like, that kind of defense. It's not the Chantal defense, because Chantal did not come up with this. Amberlynn does it way more. Amberlynn always does this thing where it's like, you criticize her for anything, and she'll say like, but these people do it, and they don't get as much hate as I do. And it's very frustrating. It's not a good way of deflecting criticism. 2:04:37 Unknown_17: I had a lot more fun than, I don't know, whatever you're doing. Like, like I said, what do you want me to do? Like sit at home, watch TV, you know? I mean, comparatively, we do have good clean fun here at this internet podcast. 2:05:10 Unknown_08: We're not doing, it's not mandatory. I mean, you can do cocaine and listen to me, but it's not mandatory. Unknown_08: The dick defense. Unknown_17: Why is it a life of mess if somebody has like love interests or does drugs once in a while or what? I don't know. I don't get it. Unknown_08: Why is her life a mess? Chantelle is in her late 30s. Unknown_08: She has at one point wanted kids, and now she has no ovaries. Okay, she claims she doesn't want kids, but she has no ovaries, so now she doesn't have a choice. She was married to an African immigrant who dumped her for his sister, and she's in denial about it. Or for his sister, I'm sorry. Allegedly. 2:05:47 Unknown_08: But it's probably his wife back in Senegal. Unknown_08: She lives in a monogamous or an aromantic Unknown_08: non-sexual coupling with a castrated squirrel girl aficionado in a loveless, sexless union in this apartment in Canada. She has eaten herself into a state of utter decay. She can't walk without getting out of breath for any distance. She goes up and down the stairs in her own home and she's like dying by the end of it. 2:06:27 Unknown_08: She got put on diabetes medication But it made it so she couldn't eat a family-sized cheese pizza in one sitting so she now smokes and eats edibles so that she can can finish her family-sized cheese pizza and Because she is now horny due to medication she smokes she she does lines a coke with an Arab man in a dumpy apartment with no lending or furniture and he stole her TV and 2:07:04 Unknown_08: Uh, Bebe from Senegal says, I indeed married my sister. Thank you, Bebe. Unknown_08: Her life is fine, though, because she has fun every so often when she's getting her tits pummeled by everyone's life is a mess. Unknown_17: Like people act like they're like perfect. There's no way you would be here with your dumb comments if your life was perfect. Just saying. Just saying. Unknown_17: Those doing the judging are always bigger messes than the people they're judging. Always. Always. 2:07:39 Unknown_17: Always. And whenever you're happy and you're doing well, people get mad. They do. Hi, Michael. Unknown_17: That's just facts. It's just facts. Unknown_18: It's true. Unknown_18: Not just in my situation, you know? 2:08:10 Unknown_18: Alyssa Smith. Unknown_05: She's a coped. Unknown_17: Merci, Carolyn. Unknown_08: I think that's sweet. Unknown_17: Nicole, I order them from Unknown_08: okay and one more this is not this is just a physical thing so i will describe it i'll let it play a little bit and describe it 2:08:41 Unknown_17: You probably don't even know what petulant means, so fuck off. Unknown_07: I just, I'm sick of people like, oh you're a cokehead and stuff. Unknown_17: Like, people, like, there's a reaction channel, like, I'm pretty sure their girlfriend is a drug addict and they're judging me for that, like, one time. You know what I mean? Like, people are just hypocrites. It's annoying sometimes, you know? Unknown_05: It's just, it's, it's, the obsession is creepy. Unknown_17: Like, I don't know. I don't, I just don't, ugh. It's sickening. Unknown_08: She's undulating like a bowl of puddin', like a bowl of jello. Rockin' back and forth. Makes me want to play flute music from India. Like a snake. Like one of those cobras when they get hypnotized by the music and they're just rockin' back and forth. Very strange behavior. I don't know if that's Coke behavior, but it's not something that she's done before. It's definitely new Coke behavior. 2:09:16 Unknown_08: Okay. Anyways, that's the end of the Chantal catch-up. It's taken quite a while to get through it all because quite a bit has happened relative to the Chantal cycle. She's kind of broken out into a new kind of weird fuck-up. 2:09:54 Unknown_08: So I do believe that's it. I couldn't mention that. Oh. Unknown_08: Oh, before I forget, actually, before I completely wrap this up, let me pull this over. Unknown_08: Uh, didn't have any clips for this, but at the very beginning of the, the Chantal, uh, whatever. Unknown_08: I mentioned that, uh, Pete's had gotten on Tinder and he has indeed matched with someone. 2:10:30 Unknown_08: Here Pete says, and this is him by the way, his tag is literally x-men expert and He knows everything about x-men. That's all he cares about is x-men. He's like the biggest DC like consumer ever Unknown_08: But he says, I matched with a woman on Tinder and she seems really cool and pretty much exactly what I'm looking for. The downside, she lives in frigging Winnipeg. Unknown_08: Now he has gone on to explain that the reason why he matched with her is that she said in her bio That she likes napping. She likes to sleep and he saw that and thought you know what? Yeah, most people put like what they're excited about what they like to do What they do for a job or some kind of like pithy comment that is like funny But this woman she chose to say I like to sleep and he was like, yeah me too 2:11:09 Unknown_08: I have that in common with you unlike most people we both like to sleep so he matched with her and they've been talking and he says it's getting quite serious they've been talking a lot and I want to put it I want to put it on the table right here and right now Unknown_08: That Pete is gonna fuck a tranny. It is gonna happen. He is gonna smash a fucking tranny. That is a man That is that is a femboy if he's lucky. It's probably one of those ugly like super non-passing trannies Anyways I can't wait for that arc to reach its natural completion. I am very excited about Pete's content for the first time. First time ever. Anyways. Pete's a narcissist? Yeah, exactly. That's a power couple. 2:11:56 Unknown_08: Okay. Unknown_08: I posted this map on the Fediverse. This is my map. I've systematically eliminated every country on planet Earth except for Russia as a place to say the N-word. So I'm going to... This isn't right. 2:12:37 Unknown_08: Fit to screen. So I'm looking into a digital attorney, a digital rights attorney in Russia, and I will let you know what comes of that. I've made sure to mark several things on this map, though. Unknown_08: Stop telling me to host in the ocean. Stop telling me to host on the moon, or on Z-land, or in the DPRK, or Taiwan. These are all memes. Or in Cuba, that's also a meme. Unknown_08: I'm not going to dwell on it because I'm going to get depressed again. I had to drift through enough Chantal content just to lift my spirits. 2:13:10 Unknown_08: But if Russia doesn't work for whatever reason, I guess the site will just stay in the US until Biden drone strikes it and then I'm going to become a painter in Austria or something. Unknown_08: That's my plan. Unknown_08: OK, thank you for watching. I'll see you guys probably. Unknown_08: as early as tomorrow maybe sunday i'll tweet about it i'll post it on the fediverse i'll make a notice on my youtube community page so make sure you smash the like button and subscribe and click the bell so you get notifications about my streams anyways buh-bye and before before i play the song uh this is a song about time 2:14:23 Unknown_09: Juno was mad, he knew he'd been had So he shot at the sun with a gun Shot at the sun with a gun Shot at his wily one, only friend Unknown_01: In the gallows, or the ghetto In the town, or the meadow In the billows, even over the sun Every end of the time is another begun You won't understand mechanical hands Or the rumor of everything Rumor of everything Rumor of everything, in the end 2:15:09 Unknown_04: Do you like how I dance? I got zirconium pants Unsequential enough to slip you into a trance Do you like how I walk? Unknown_01: Do you like how I talk? Do you like how my face disintegrates into chalk? I have a wonderful wife, I have a powerful job She criticizes me for being egocentric You practice, your mannerisms into the wall If this mirror were clear, I'd be standing so tall I saw you stop a rope, a cloak was on the side of the hill I was observing the burst, you didn't hear the click Unknown_04: I beg you, I know your facade is a scam You know you're making me cry, this is the way that I am I've been living a lie, a metamorphical scheme Detective undercover brotherhood objective obscene Oh no, no, oh no But I gotta get out of here or I'll have another word to sell Another story to tell, another time to swing the bell Do you hear the clock stop when you reach the end? No, you know I must be desperate and comprehensive You can't know what you try to pretend to understand You resemble a fool, but you're only a mess So give it up and smile! 2:16:25 Unknown_01: You understand mechanical hands are the root of everything Without looking down, gliding around Like a bumbling dragon I fly Scraping my face on the sky