He's a Ped*phile 2021-04-16

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Unknown_00: seven days a week.

Unknown_17: Wet ass P word, make that.

Unknown_17: Yeah, yeah, you effin' with some wet-ass P-Word. Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass P-Word. Give me everything you've got for this wet-ass P-Word. Beat it up, N-Word, catch a charge. Extra large and extra hard. Put this P-Word right in your face. Swipe your nose like a credit card. Hop on top, I wanna ride. I do a kegel while it's inside. Spit in my mouth, look in my eyes. This P-Word is wet, come take a dive. And continue along these lines. And it gets significantly more vulgar, like a lot more vulgar.

Unknown_11: I don't want to play that twice. Hello. Oh my god. It looks like at 250 people Odyssey hasn't shit the bed yet. So that's good. That's good news.

Unknown_11: That's good news for once. Uh, YouTube decided to take an entire week to even look at my counter notification and submit it forward. So of course,

Unknown_11: from there 10 more days for Ralph to submit a complaint to a court about the the copyright question who owns 30 minutes of me talking over a video is it Ethan Ralph or is it me this question will be determined when Ralph does nothing and it just gets reinstated and then I delete it very quickly before he submits another copyright strike so

Unknown_11: hello for you you people who are brave enough to to venture into alternative weirdo streaming sites because youtube is becoming increasingly terrible for everyone to use all the fucking time um oh geez

Unknown_11: I'm gonna be I'm gonna be complaining this episode. I'm very um I'm mostly I'm not like I'm not like angry at people. I'm just like extremely disappointed in almost everyone I'm gonna be talking about

Unknown_11: Before before I do that Let me show everyone my plants. I have taken them out of their little germinating thing where you just put them in like Brown circles that are wet and then they grow I've taken the brown cylinders and I've put them inside plastic pots that have dirt in them and then I have watered the dirt with a a Nutritional blend it looks like a coke. It looks like a bottle of coke because it's like a brown thing but Supposedly it's plant food so I've given them these these plants Plant thyme. I think I do have thyme. I have thyme and parsley and next month I'm going to be planting dill a little bit of dill and Actually, no, I think I've already planted the dill And then I want to do basil next month next month is a season to start doing basil. So

Unknown_11: So that's my plan. The dill is for Borscht, very specifically. Every Slavic food, for whatever reason, needs a lot of fucking dill. And you don't always have dill in the grocery store because I guess many people don't use it outside of Eastern Europe.

Unknown_11: I'm going to be growing my own dill. It's going to be tasty. But the ones that you're looking at right there, the little two leaf looking things, there's a little quirk about them. They have like a pinch in the middle. It looks like a regular leaf, but then there's a little itty bitty pinch as if someone took their fingernails and cut into a little bit.

Unknown_11: They bend upwards, it's quite weird, I've never, I don't know anything like it before. But those are the banana peppers. I will have like 8 fucking things of banana peppers and I better get some fucking banana peppers from all this work being done to support them, their lazy asses, from seed to bushel.

Unknown_11: And I better get my fucking comeuppance I better get my fucking peppers and I'm gonna pickle them and I'm gonna put them on sandwiches and I'm gonna eat them as my plan Wish me luck on this endeavor

Unknown_11: Okay, and there was a news article from Zero Hedge, which I have been reading an unhealthy amount of recently.

Unknown_11: Oh, actually, I'm such an idiot, how could I forget this? I actually submitted an article 2-0 hedge and they decided to publish it so I'll bring that up right now. I wrote a thing on man at the internet.com called section 230 isn't the problem payment networks are and I kind of explained my reasoning it's pretty long and I got some good feedback from it a couple people saying that The only complaints that I saw were like, at the end I say that cryptocurrencies bypass the payment network bottleneck now, and a lot of boomers were like, don't use cryptocurrencies, only silver and paper money is good.

Unknown_11: So that's the only feedback that was negative. Otherwise, I'm quite proud of this. I even showed my mom. I'm like, hey mom, look, my internet weirdness is being published now. My psychotic delusional rants are being archived so that nobody can ever forget them.

Unknown_11: Are you are you pleased with your work with your with your banana pepper.

Unknown_11: Anyways there was a shooting at indianapolis fedex facility in the only reason i'm bringing this up is i thought it's so nice that we're finally. Returning to tradition instead of shooting up schools now people are shooting up post offices They're going postal in the days of yore. We're truly returning. We're rejecting modernity and embracing tradition our shooting rampages are happening in postal facilities now as opposed to Schools I Felt that joke was funny enough to bring up even if it might get me in trouble because I'm talking about I'm talking about mass casualty events with the light heart but

Unknown_11: Of course our thoughts and prayers our thoughts and prayers for everyone affected by the tragedy Okay, this was also a funny thing. This this is um me me being anti me being a dirty transphobe and me making fun of England rolled up in one now people will say that Scott Scotland is not England. Those people are wrong Scotland and England are basically the same fucking thing and people who say otherwise are insane like Like, people who say that, like, you can't say that Texas, ugh, Texas ain't its own thing. It's the Lone Star State. We used to be an independent nation. Texas does its own thing. But no, it's a part of the U.S. I'm sorry. When you guys become an independent nation, I will say that you're not a part of the U.S., but Scotland is England and Texas is the U.S. Sorry. Anyways, so Denon Anderson was found to have disturbing images on her phone along with notes that referred to baby torture and toddler murder Scott's teenager who downloaded toddler rape video kept notes on murdering babies That is a pretty fucking grim headline. I think that is like top 1% Grizzly fucking headlines What's really shocking about this is that

Unknown_11: The sentence is extremely light. I want to say that they were spared prison and told to seek therapy. They're told to keep away from people under the age of 18 and to stay off the internet. So that was the punishment for keeping notes on how to torture babies and kill babies. They're just completely cut loose with a stern talking to and a goofy accent about not doing it again. Though, when I read this, I had some doubts. I thought, you know what?

Unknown_11: You know my stance on whamen. On whamenkind. I'm a firm believer that whamen want children and whamen don't tend to murder babies that aren't the babies of men that they had them with and no longer like. That is, or if they have postpartum, like, okay, basically they only kill their own kids is what I'm saying. So it's very strange that this whamen is so sexually violent. And I looked it up. It's a tranny. It's a tranny. And

Unknown_11: To add insult to injury, the Scottish legal news and republished by the BBC reported that the number of female perpetrated child sex abuse rose by 84% between 2015 and 2019. 84 fucking percent.

Unknown_11: Hmm. I wonder what changed between 2015 and 2019 this this report goes on to say that it's simply the Child victims of these sexually violent women are finally feeling capable to talk about it. There was so much What's the word for it Stigma there is so much stigma against men talking about being raped by women But now that stigma is gone and men are feeling more confident and reporting sexual abuse from women No, we know we know what has happened between 2015 and 2019 that is causing a near 100% a Doubling of child sexual assault from women. That's because the perpetrators are now being classified as women Truly truly remarkable this this

Unknown_11: Like, they had a notebook on how to kill babies, and they just get out, they just walk fucking free. And then Scotland blames women for being more sexually violent. That's so demeaning. I have another TERF-adjacent rant about...

Unknown_11: Man look at this about Adam from YMS because He's being obnoxious and I kind of want to touch on that a little bit But that's coming up for right now. Let's take a take a divergence from the turf talk I would like to reintroduce everyone to an old friend of mine that I haven't had the chance to talk about for a while because I

Unknown_11: They had been medicated or something, I don't know what the fuck happened to them, but they've come back with a vengeance. They made like 20 plus videos about me.

Unknown_11: And Virgo, when she does these schizo rants, tends to be very, very, very repetitious. She'll say the same things over and over and over again.

Unknown_11: So if you see this video, I think it pretty much sums up what she's talking about in all the other videos.

Unknown_11: But let's just watch it, shall we?

Unknown_00: So then we have the cyberbullies, these people, he's fairly effeminate, I don't want to be offensive, that doesn't mean you're a bad person because you're effeminate, but you look maybe level 4 masculinity or

Unknown_11: When I first heard this, my question was, on a scale of what? Is it like 4 out of 5? Is it like 4 out of 10? 4 out of 100? What is the 4 on? Like, what is the x-axis of this?

Unknown_00: Level 3, I'd say that. Joshua Connor Moon, known as a cyberbully, he has a website, Kiwi Farms, where he just allows people to bully people. Most likely, he was bullied as a kid. His mother, most likely, is abusive.

Unknown_00: He was born out of wedlock. He's very abusive, very unhealthy, very mentally... Depressed and taking out his problems on other people that are normal online claiming that normal healthy people aren't mentally Well, you're not a mental health practitioner nor are your transgender and androgynous friends That's that's also funny videos of people

Unknown_11: Okay, she says that you're not a mental health expert, and then she also says that the Kiwi Farms is full of androgynous people. That's like the first time I've heard that. Like, okay, there's like the meme from like poll people that the Kiwi Farms is like ran by trannies. I've never heard anyone call me androgynous, which is kind of, that's basically bullying if you think about it. So I don't appreciate Virgo Rouge being a cyber bully here.

Unknown_00: And you're not really getting anywhere. You don't have a job. I don't know if you have a job now, but you need to get, I don't know about help, but admit the truth that you're very insecure and the people on your board are very insecure, insecure. Okay. It's not that you're confident about being white and male. And, uh, is she wrong? that you think you're better than Jews and blacks. You are somebody who's insecure, clearly born effeminate.

Unknown_00: He dedicated his website Kiwi Farms to a transgender.

Unknown_00: Very insecure. He uses all the vibrato and hubris with excessive foul language to express his mental health problems and

Unknown_11: Okay, that's the other weird thing.

Unknown_11: I don't think she's really religious. She's like a spiritual hippie type, but she really hates vulgarity. She hates any kind of swearing.

Unknown_11: But at the same time, she's like very anti-trans. She really believes in like the dichotomy of gender and that men should be hyper-masculine and women should be hyper-feminine. She believes that she's the most healthiest, feminine, sexiest woman that's ever fucking lived, and more people should strive to be like her, and men acting like women is an abhorrent thing, which is pretty fucking based, but... She has castigated me as a janny tranny, which is shocking. I don't know how to respond to these horrific accusations.

Unknown_00: that he needs to be tough because most likely he was bullied as a kid. If you look this effeminate, most likely you were bullied. Has anyone mentioned how effeminate he looks and why he has a bully, cyber bullying board? He's very effeminate and hides behind the computer.

Unknown_00: I think he's like six feet tall and was beating somebody up. I have no idea what that means. He's not that weak physically, but most likely as a kid, he was this girly, girly guy and His mother is probably abusive. He comes from a broken home and he was born an illegitimate son. Most likely he was bullied and excessively beaten on as a kid. He needs to get help. Maybe post-traumatic stress disorder. Possibly you're a borderline and psychopath. Maybe you could be healed. Maybe it is a

Unknown_00: a result of post-traumatic stress disorder that you have the website Kiwi Farms up, but you need to get help. Okay, you need to understand why you're using foul language all the time, why you are so rough around the edges and hateful and depressed, instead of taking out your problems on normal, healthy people.

Unknown_11: Okay, that's basically a good gist of what she says about me. That the forum is like a group of extremely effeminate transgender people, mentally unhealthy, and extremely envious of her. She is so amazing. that all we could hope to do is exercise crab bucket mentality and drag her down to our level with our f words and our and our b words and and so on and so forth um i mean there's like you know she's put out like hours of these rants but

Unknown_11: I feel like it would be repetitious. I played through a couple of them and that three minutes is a really good primer on what she likes to say. You can read through her thread if you're interested.

Unknown_11: Speaking of, since I'm playing this video, the bandwidth consumption on the forum has been off the fucking chart lately. We're hitting our 1 gigabit per second line pretty consistently, so I'm having to upgrade it to a 2 gigabit per second line, which is like an extra $150 a month just for that extra gigabit.

Unknown_11: If I want to upgrade to 10 gigabit, it's like $850 a month. Not... $850 minus $150 because I'm upgrading a line, but...

Unknown_11: Yeah, really good timing with the coin sale, just gonna say, because everything is getting more expensive. And since I'm talking about this, the server for the kiwifarms.cc and the other federated services, that's being delayed because I got an AMD EPYC for it, and AMD chips are completely sold out. So they're on a waiting list, and they're saying you're gonna have to wait at least another three weeks to get this fucking CPU in that you ordered.

Unknown_11: So that's the status on that. I really miss the Fediverse. I can't post on my timeline for whatever reason. I told Cranklord to look at it, but he's too busy being a tranny and doing cocaine and buying cryptocurrency. So, not cocaine. He's more of a weed dude, because he's got a 420 in his name. But if he ever wakes up from his stupor, hopefully he can fix my timeline.

Unknown_11: I don't know. I have a conspiracy theory that he has sabotaged the Fediverse so they cannot post, so that me specifically would be annoyed enough to put in the order to get this hardware. That's my conspiracy theory against him. You can't trust him because he's got the trans flag.

Unknown_11: Or something. I forgot the conspiracy with him people. He has like a He says that he's in a relationship with Colonel J or something and people believe it so now he's a tranny Jenny

Unknown_11: Buy meme coins. My good sirs.

Unknown_11: Do you hear them?

Unknown_11: I've bought coins. I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait for the Kris coins, so I got my own. They're so relaxing to touch. It's hard to explain. After I got the first coin, the first little bit of precious metal, I was like, oh my god, I have to get more of this. It's now a certified desire of mine to possess more metal.

Unknown_11: Um, Jew.

Unknown_11: I feel kind of bad for not showing the, you know, let me fix that right now. I'm going to go quiet for a second so I can fix this. I'm going to fit both chats on the, on the screen.

Unknown_09: Uh, let's see 940. Wait, that's not enough 590 and then trovo 590

Unknown_09: Hmm. Am I that bad at math?

Unknown_11: Is it 490? Oh my god. How embarrassing. I've been doing math my whole life and I still can't divide 1080 by 2.

Unknown_11: Cringe. Wait. Wait, what the fuck?

Unknown_11: Now they're too small. What the? Oh my god. 1080 divided by 2. 540. Oh my god. I said that out loud. I said those numbers out loud and now people know that I can't

Unknown_09: Cringe... Cringe... Where's OdysseyChat at?

Unknown_11: I finally get the numbers right and OdysseyChat just drops off the face of the fucking planet apparently. Are you shitting me?

Unknown_09: Oh!

Unknown_09: Oh my god, is Odyssey dead?

Unknown_11: Odyssey isn't working at all for me on the main site. Oh my God. I finally get this fucking thing working.

Unknown_11: Is it really, is it really dead or is it like blocking my IP? Cause I've refreshed too many times.

Unknown_11: Oh, it's dead.

Unknown_11: Just in time, just in time for me to spend 30 minutes trying to count Divide 1080 by 2. I can't even fucking believe it. I DDoS'd Odyssey by trying to reload chat too many times. Okay, fuck it.

Unknown_11: Hello Trovo chat, my favorite chat, the only chat that I've ever liked ever. The really just the best chat, the best people, the best viewers here on Trovo.

Unknown_09: Cringe, cringe.

Unknown_11: Okay, um... Look, I gotta try and support weird things because I'm a weird thing and I'm just trying to find my home, okay? Give me a fucking break. I saw some guy bitching in the YouTube post comments like, stop treating us like we're guinea pigs. It's like, no, because YouTube is shit. I'm not gonna stop treating you like guinea pigs.

Unknown_11: Okay, let us continue from this embarrassment.

Unknown_11: Oh, IP2, of course. I would be pretending if I claimed that I had any fucking idea who any of these people are. I could not give less of a fuck.

Unknown_11: I only care when one of them goes to jail because that's that's where the interesting stuff is, when you have a washed up porn star and a schizophrenic girl beating the fuck out of each other that's content, when you have a guy going to jail for storming the capital that's content when you have a guy going to prison because he shouted allahu akbar at a pizzeria, That is content and that is what has precisely happened Last week and then the feds just scooped him up and pressed charges. I think so. We're gonna watch that now Now keep in mind that his name is like before I even read this what's his fucking name?

Unknown_09: I just cucked myself What's his name

Unknown_09: Oh, Malik Sanchez.

Unknown_11: So this guy's name is Malik. He's Middle Eastern, or like half Middle Eastern and half Spanish, so he's already neurotic as fuck. He looks brown. Should not be in New York shouting Allahu Akbar at people and saying that he has a bomb. But I'll let the video speak for itself.

Unknown_11: Oh God.

Unknown_11: Let's enhance their meal. Enhance, enhance the meal. First of all, that's fucking gross. When I first heard, let's enhance their meal, I thought he was gonna like, try and cum in their food or something.

Unknown_08: No, behind.

Unknown_08: Okay.

Unknown_08: So here they are.

Unknown_11: Like immediately, just her face is just like, oh no, I'm going to be hassled by a homeless person. And then she says, then he says, now you can see her face. She is, she is like physically cringing at what's happening.

Unknown_11: bomb detonation in two in two minutes I take you with me and I kill all so the the premise let me just eliminate this because I have to interrupt this I'm just gonna get banned for like copyright infringement or whatever the fuck the the point of a joke is to do something that's

Unknown_11: like harmless and which triggers a reaction that you wouldn't ordinarily expect if you tell someone I have a bomb and I'm going to kill everyone the

Unknown_11: normal reaction to that is to do exactly what they do.

Unknown_11: So just so you know, that is like an extremely normal human reaction. You're outside. You're enjoying the fresh air. You have been cooped up inside for the last year. And then suddenly this homeless Hispanic Muslim man walks up to you and starts talking about a bomb detonation. Instead of like fighting with him or yelling at him or attacking him, they just like get up and walk inside to call the police. All of them scattered.

Unknown_11: And then he's, like, shocked. He's, like, pleased with himself. Like, oh my god, everyone ran away. When I threatened to kill them all, they all just left.

Unknown_11: Okay, and that's when it kicks in like he says like dude my epic prank was so epic I scared everyone by saying I had a bomb and I was going to kill them and He then he like pauses for one second and takes him precisely a single second For his brain to catch up and think like I have committed a serious felony and I should leave the scene of the crime

Unknown_05: holy shit holy shit boys that was fucking five stars that was five stars oh shit and that's the end of the clip um

Unknown_11: I maintain that IP- like, IP2 is just, like, disgusting.

Unknown_11: Like, the people who promote these- like, okay, they're all just drug addict fucking losers. It's literally just white trash. And you can compel them to do anything you want with a little bit of money and attention, because they have absolutely nothing. They're empty vessels that you can pour whatever you want into. I don't understand the enjoyment. I do like to look at the flames, but only briefly. Only long enough to be like, yeah, that's about what I expected, and then to turn away from it. I enjoy the slow boil of a person whose retarded actions compound naturally and they're not financially incentivized.

Unknown_11: I don't have a term for this. There's like three different types of like spectacle watching I think. There's like the normal, the normal in quotes, the way that I like it where people are just stupid and they broadcast their stupidity because they have hubris and think that they deserve like positive attention and no negative consequences from everything that they do. then there's like the ip2 method where it's like they literally just find drug addicts willing to strap a camera on themselves and then it break the law on stream while they throw pennies at them that's a different method i don't know what you would call that and then there's like um like people who just try and force content by being by being dicks and like breaking the law themselves from like the other end of the camera

Unknown_11: And those people are assholes themselves, because it's like, if forcing someone to behave a certain way entertains you, you might as well just break the law normally. You might as well just take a baseball bat and hit someone with the baseball bat, and then watch them recoil to being struck by the baseball bat, and think, what an epic joke that was. If someone can't help but react a certain way, you're not really trolling them, you're just inflicting damage upon them. And that's how I feel about a lot of schizophrenics.

Unknown_11: Like someone linked Gail Schroeder, and I've talked about her before, but she did like a cooking video, and the guy linked it and was like, this is like a cooking video like K.

Unknown_11: And my issue with Gale is that she's schizophrenic and she doesn't seem to have any original thoughts. Everything that she says is just parroting what someone else says. So you might as well just type, you know, Jesuit bukkake bomb into Microsoft Sam or Google and then have the voice synthesizer repeat it back to you.

Unknown_11: The fact that there's a human element there is the only difference. She says anything that you tell her. So her cutting chicken awkwardly and talking about Jesuit bombs is not...

Unknown_11: I know that's not her. It's not like Terry where he's deriving crazy things from his own imagination based on his own experiences. Like these are things that other people are telling her are true and that she believes. The fact that she's cutting chicken awkwardly is not in and of itself entertaining.

Unknown_11: Oh, before, I forgot this.

Unknown_11: Uh, this is Virgo Rouge, and she left a comment on my last stream on the Archive channel saying, scared wooza? I don't know what wooza is, maybe she tried to type Joshua and her phone corrected her? Scared wooza, or maybe she's saying like loser, but like in a weird way you watch me win talent and beauty wins over coarse crass men or women you are a transgender a Adrogynous man who is very insecure about your lack of masculinity? Who are you fooling woos? Oh?

Unknown_11: I don't know what the fuck that means.

Unknown_11: We don't need androgynous men who are insecure to be internet celebrities. We don't need any more trailer trash entertainment. You are not a comedian, funny, interesting, or entertaining. You're not interesting. She says that again, okay. You really believe that your gossip rag will continue to make you famous so you don't have to work. You are a want-to-be entertainer. You are a want-to-be celebrity. You lose. You believe that you should be a celebrity. You believe that you are interesting or important enough that people don't need to listen to. You're delusional your followers are delusional you don't deserve money the way freely doesn't deserve attention or money and freely is freely the banana girl who's like a naturist like vegetarian who just eats fruit or some shit and lives out in the woods.

Unknown_11: And she fucking hates her too because.

Unknown_11: Freely I think has done like porn. She's done like topless photography. Well, you know out in the woods and shit and Virgo finds that that is Haram and thinks that freely is just a prostitute like a common prostitute and doesn't deserve to be famous So whether or not you agree with that, I don't care. I'm just saying that's what she's referencing

Unknown_11: Though I think that she, in her diatribes, she really highlights what she's insecure about. She's really upset that her videos don't get a lot of attention, and her music especially doesn't get any attention.

Unknown_11: And she really fucking despises that. So when people she doesn't like are getting more views than her, it sets her off.

Unknown_09: okay let's see what is next what is next oh i guess i get you know what we have to talk about again uh we have to talk about gamergate once again in the year 2021 because of uh

Unknown_11: Because of Matt Jarboe and Lindsay Ellis both brought it up today So Matt Jarboe says I just finished Q into the storm which is a documentary about Q and if Gamergate did help lead to January 6 and everything else in between I'm so sorry for my part in it. I'm sorry for not trying harder to stop it. I'm sorry number one unwarranted self sense of self-importance number two

Unknown_11: There is like a trend of people like Matt Jarbo then people who were in GamerGate and people who were very avowedly pro freedom of speech and yada yada free speech who have found their positions to be unprofitable and More than that like more than just not making money anymore from that which Matt Jarbo did he made it like a ton of him and Ralph made a ton of money off GamerGate um

Unknown_11: But I think that some people like that, like MondayMet specifically, what happens is that they find themselves in this as a proponent for a position they can't actually support. They say that, I believe in free speech, and then when people utilize their free speech to ridicule him, he finds himself on the back foot and realizes that the people around him who also support his positions are very mean and are willing to ridicule him and he really doesn't like that and so his position changes over time to be one of apologetics and trying to reintegrate to the winning team, trying to make it so that

Unknown_11: People on the left can tolerate them again by apologizing for things in the past This is unwarranted. This is what he's doing. He's trying to say like I'm if I'm partly responsible for Q I'm so sorry, please like me people on the left. Please watch my consumer reviews about spit cape shit movies

Unknown_11: My my push to release the Snyder cut please watch this now that I have apologized for Q There's more than just him. I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head except maybe Ralph Ralph hasn't gone that far yet, but a lot of people who in that 2016 bubble were pro one thing I've changed their stance almost entirely because their own audience has begun to resent them for being hypocritical and

Unknown_11: Okay, so Lindsay Ellis I mentioned she is Nostalgia chick correct me if I'm wrong about any of this because I'm going off notes pretty much she is nostalgia chick and She was canceled because she made a slightly racist joke. It's not even like a hateful comment about anyone. She made like a remark about Asian people in an old video and people rose up to cancel her because I We have to stop anti-Asian racism that only exists from black people and other Asians. But we're going to blame this white chick anyways. I think she's white. I don't know. I can't tell. She looks... it kind of scares me.

Unknown_11: Just looking at her face makes me unsettled. Um, but she came back with a vengeance to like a couple of weeks later, one week, two weeks later, she comes back with a one hour and 40 long, 40 minute long essay thesis on cancel culture. Literally. I'll read the, the, I'm not going to play any of this except one, but she, uh,

Unknown_11: The chapters of this are Twitter is garbage. Actually the intro bit she didn't title correctly, but I watched the intro bit and I gave up by the five minute mark because she's talking about where the origin of the word cancel comes from. And how it's like a POC term and non-POCs using cancel are problematic. It's just like the most, like, uh, I don't know what to call it. It's just pathetic, groveling, pseudo-intellectual

Unknown_11: um like just looking down on people for whatever whatever it's it's shit but i'm not being like facetious when i say this is a thesis on her being canceled it is like a review of canceling as a whole she goes on twitter is garbage quote double quote valid criticism 8 18 16 is just called white nonsense

Unknown_11: my list of sins the tweet she deserved it you're next the beast what now it can happen to you and then she goes on again groveling elevating POC voices make sure to subscribe to Todd in the shadow princess week is

Unknown_11: and princess namewithheld jenny natalie kat black sarah z and watch this archive about bisexual erasures

Unknown_11: So that's the, like literally there's no part in playing any of this. It's as shitty as it sounds. She's basically just saying like, cancel culture is bad when it happens to me. It's white people's fault. I love black people. I have black friends.

Unknown_11: Um, and I'm not going anywhere. And people are like, yay, you go, you go girl.

Unknown_11: great job which is funny to me okay so this is the part of the clip that's worth playing this is 30 seconds out of 1 hour 40 minutes and 30 seconds that are actually worth listening to person I was getting in fights with people more and more I was dunking on people more and more I was clapping back at followers more and more like one other person I owe an apology to his movie Bob I told him on Twitter to leave me alone because he was acting like a creep by being over familiar and

Unknown_01: Continually signaling to the world that we're friends and he was acting like a creep and we're not friends But I would have never done that if I had known that the diet Nazis were gonna turn that into a meme Like I don't like a lot of what he says on Twitter either, but please stop using my face to torture this man

Unknown_11: So MovieBob is a sex pest, he is a creepy weirdo, he does harass her, but I didn't want GamerGate to use my face to bully him. Like that's your only reservation, like MovieBob could have fucking killed himself after that tweet, and she would just be like, yeah, you know what, it's his own fucking fault for being a creepy weirdo, but because GamerGate is bullying him over it, oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, please forgive me.

Unknown_11: This post is also worth showing because it's funny

Unknown_11: she did it she can't stop herself we we must end anti-asian racism folks we have to do it this sort of offensive caricature cannot be tolerated from 2021 and don't think that it's not intentional she knows what she's doing when she pulls her eyes back and makes them all chinky looking she knows that this is what asian people look like so really completely Undermines the value of her critical thesis about cancel culture and how white people are inherently inferior in every way Dog dog racial, that's right Okay

Unknown_11: Yes, okay, that's the end of that. Now, I will invoke my turf powers once again. I am going to be talking about Adam from YMS. Refresh my memory, did I talk to you guys about Adam from YMS last week complaining about Reddit?

Unknown_11: Press 1 if I have done this, press 2 if I have not spoken about Adam from YMS talking about Reddit.

Unknown_11: Okay, no seems to be the answer. So Adam is admittedly, I have to admit this, I am a big fan of YourMovieSucks.org. I like his stuff. I've watched his reviews for probably like six or seven years now. I've watched his stuff pretty religiously.

Unknown_11: I think he's interesting I think his he's very very knowledgeable about movies and I think that's a detriment and a benefit because you can but you have to like adjust your perspective you're listening to one person give his takes about movies so and you know what his perspective is he likes weird shit he likes slow-paced movies he likes movies that have A lot to chew on he doesn't like things that are too blatant. He doesn't like things that are too formulaic He hates a movie that has a formula that it follows perfectly It hits all the beats even if it does it perfectly and there's no rough edges. He hates that kind of shit something that Mike Staklasa from red letter media would love he would find boring and dull and And that's just that's just what kind of reviewer he is So he'll look at a movie like I watched the Planet of the Apes movies recently and I thought that they're pretty good I like the first one the most

Unknown_11: But he reviewed these movies and he lambasted them and said that they were so predictable, so formulaic, so by-the-books, yadda yadda, that they're just awful to look through. And I understand his perspective because he has seen literally thousands of movies. I think he watches like two movies a fucking day. It's the only possible way he could see as many films as he talks about.

Unknown_11: So, I understand why he wouldn't like something that is so predictable. But to a general audience, to a normal person who watches a couple movies a year tops, the Planet of the Apes films are perfectly fine, perfectly watchable, something you can sit down with your friends and enjoy and nobody would have any real complaints. And I don't think he really appreciates that, and I think he finds people getting defensive about films like that annoying. And he got into a big back and forth with people who listened to his podcast, which he does with two other people, I Hate Everything and Mark the Movie Maker, I want to say. I don't like his podcast because I hate I Hate Everything. I Hate Everything is like a smug, pretentious UK cocksucker. He's so fucking annoying. He's like the exact polar opposite of Adam by the way. This is what like I hate everything just finds like a Movie that's like cheap CGI produced in Moldova for like $200 and he'll rant about it for an hour It's like yeah, dude, of course, it's fucking bad Nobody who made this fucking movie cared about this movie and his audience will watch him complain about these shitty fucking films that nobody has ever cared about and be like

Unknown_11: Good job. Good job. Great review. I hate everything. I love this review. Thank you. And like all of them are fucking retarded So, of course you take that audience of utter Retards and you mix them in with people who?

Unknown_11: Who watch YMS who is like a weird aloof Libertarian you know homosexual furry who like has a weird take on things and likes weird shit like you mix those two audiences near there's gonna be some class so he's getting bullied on the fucking sardonic cast separate it. And he responds in like a 20 minute long thing on his fucking Twitch channel. And I'm like, bro, you can't do this.

Unknown_11: I wrote a big post, I even sent it to him. I said, you cannot do this. If you're going to get into this back and forth and you're going to make an enemy out of this subreddit, it'll never go away. You know what I mean? Like, this is the shit that MovieBob does, and DarkSidePhil. They like, cultivate their own... They choose the form of your Destructor, for movie reference. To stay on point. They choose the form of their Destructor, and it's, uh... Whatever they get angry at. So it's like, just stop.

Unknown_11: If you don't find their criticism productive, don't fucking listen to it.

Unknown_11: But his response to me was nonsensical. It was sort of just like, me whining got a lot of people to understand my point of view more, and I found it productive. Okay, that's how you want to do things Then the next week he is on this fucking stream again his he needs to stop doing video game streams I don't know why the fuck he bothers because I don't think anyone watches them and he just uses it as like a way to vent to like a hundred people who actually watch him live and And he gets in trouble because he says retarded shit that he doesn't have the time to think about or edit through. You know what I mean? When he puts together his reviews, he has like hundreds of hours in the editing process to decide what he's actually going to say, when he's going to say it, how he's going to construct his arguments. When he's on livestream, you know, it's whatever says goes. And I've said stupid things before, too. I say them a lot. I say so many stupid things, actually, that people just accept it as par for the course.

Unknown_11: But surely like if I had the benefit of hindsight and editing videos that would be a lot more concise Anyways, so he's on stream again. He's playing a game with his foot because he sprains his hand so he's using like a Accessibility tool for playing simple games and using the internet with his foot so he's got like a foot cam which sounds like a fucking fetish thing and they're talking about

Unknown_11: Transgender people in sports and I have it's a 14 minute long clip, but there's only like three minutes of it worth playing I will play that now Play that

Unknown_10: I get the argument that like for like male to female like there are some inherent biological aspects to being born male that you can't fully get rid of when you transition potentially

Unknown_10: But I think that's like at the point where you're competing at something at extremely high level That's not going to be that relevant because there's so many other Factors that are going into play to what like contributes to your success that if it were truly a problem We would be seeing in like literally all female sports are dominated by male to female trans athletes, which is not the case. So

Unknown_11: guess what my response to that would be the the the correct answer is that male to female transsexuals dominate every category of female sports right now um especially martial arts and combat sports but they are the top performers in every group of of Female athletes right now and except where they're not allowed to participate and part of that is because men are stronger than women. They just fucking are. There's no point debating it. I'm sure not everyone, not every man is stronger than every woman, but in general, there is a huge fucking discrepancy between the medians of those two categories.

Unknown_11: Not even worth discussing.

Unknown_11: I saw an article, like everyone knows the story about the MMA, martial arts, mixed martial arts, number one female fighter in the country, transgender MMA fighter gets in, breaks her fucking skull open. Like that is the difference between men and women when it comes to shit like combat sports.

Unknown_11: There was a game of soccer and it was between the U.S. Olympic female team and the high school football team, high school soccer team, and they lost. The U.S. Olympic team lost to a bunch of kids playing soccer because they're young and they're stronger.

Unknown_11: How you can hold this opinion is just fucking beyond belief to me.

Unknown_08: Mm-hmm.

Unknown_12: I like it because it highlights how arbitrary the way we split sports is anyway.

Unknown_12: There's no category for people with... I mean, in some sports, you have heavyweight, lightweight or whatever. But you could separate it in any number of which ways, right? You could have people with bigger feet.

Unknown_10: Yeah, I think that's up to the sports association.

Unknown_12: You also don't separate sports by race, right? You might as well do that. You could have different races being separated in sports.

Unknown_11: So he almost, there's an issue there where he almost says something really fucking based, but when you have a specific kind of mindset and you hold things to be innately and completely true, that, like, for instance, the assumption that there is zero, zero difference between hair and skin color, between black people and white people, then, and you hold that as a fact, an unchallengeable tenet, a law of nature that cannot be approached, like, you see how that ripples throughout everything. There's no difference between black people and white people physically. There's no point separating them. And there's no difference between men and women, either. Like, when you allow your mind to break in that way, it causes logical fallacies in other parts of the brain, like men and women being different.

Unknown_11: And there's only 20 seconds more of this, but this really sums it up. Like, everything about this conversation with Adam and Gail. I don't know if at the end of the day you have no separations, and it's completely dominated by People who were assigned male at birth born male and Transitioned later or just male and stayed male even if it's completely dominated by that it doesn't really matter like

Unknown_11: It really doesn't matter. So he's saying even if we zippered the genders together and they competed on the same way, the same league, and it just so happened that men and male to females won everything anyways, what does it matter?

Unknown_11: And he says he doesn't care and that's that's what sums it up Why can't women have their own things where they can compete with other women like to him? It doesn't matter because for Adam a lengthy gay furry who does movie reviews Sporting and women are the two things he cares the least about in the entire fucking world this issue does not bother him at all but But for social points, for social credit score, the objectively, like, objective in terms of getting more social credit score, the objectively most beneficial opinion to have is the one that he has. And that's the end of it. Like, he doesn't need to think about it anymore. Black people are the same as white people. Men are the same as women. And I don't give a fuck. So, uh, sure. Might as well just throw them in the same pot and let nature sort itself out because who gives a fuck? No woman will ever get a trophy for anything ever again. Um, and, uh, that's the way it should be. Bye. So.

Unknown_11: That's that's my my my Adam rant. I just find that fascinating and I think it sums up a lot of like the problems that we face is just people who have I Mean you can take a step further. You can say like okay in Adams case. He's gay and he doesn't do sports so him having an opinion about women doing sports is really fucked up, but like

Unknown_11: A lot of political decisions also depend on having an investment in the future. And a lot of our politicians don't have kids, and they don't have families, and they're gay. How does a gay person, how does a gay man, how does a spinster, how does a childless person sit in the higher echelons of government and make policy decisions that benefit the country long-term, more than one generation, if they don't have to live to experience it? They can exploit the country however they want, because they don't have to give a fuck. They're gonna die.

Unknown_11: and they're not going to leave behind anything that they have any association with that they have to give a fuck about. So really gay people and childless people should be prohibited from holding any public office because they can't make decisions that actually matter with the perspective required to make those decisions in the same way that Adam cannot talk about women's sports because he doesn't give a fuck about women or sports.

Unknown_11: Again, yeah, it's like in the same thing. It's like a logical step. If you're willing to overlook one thing because you can't allow yourself to critically analyze it, then you're willing to overlook other things that are equally important. And that extends to more than just conversations online. It extends to policy.

Unknown_11: Okay, so I thought long and hard about if I should talk about this at all because it is a person seeking negative attention.

Unknown_11: I have made the decision not to feature it on the forum because I don't want to give it any attention at all and that policy has been beneficial because only a few people have posted and replied to it.

Unknown_11: But for my stream because I don't have to link anything. I don't have to link any third-party content. I can just show you it We're gonna go ahead and do a music review. I'm not I'm not like an expert reviewer. I don't know a whole lot about music or movies or whatever But I feel I feel like I'm in a position where I can I can do a music review so just for the the

Unknown_11: For clarity the artist the artist in quotes air quotes. I'm air quoting very hard right now Responsible for this song song in quotes. I'm air quoting very hard right now is named. Mr. Girl and For the sake of clarity. I'm not gonna call him. Mr. Girl because that nauseates me and i will refer to him by his god-given name written on his israeli birth certificate max carson and this is a song called i'm a pedophile by max carson

Unknown_11: buffering give it a second chat it's trying its best that that second gigabit hasn't kicked in yet a lot of children ask me stupid fucking questions like if i rape little kids or if i believe in it well shit you believe that i'll rape you know why because i'm a pedophile

Unknown_18: You goddamn right, I'm a literal pedophile!

Unknown_18: Yeah, I'm a pedophile! My words are like a zip tie with a plastic edge It'll tie you to my bed, whether you're 8, 9, or 10 Prepubescent, toddler, and fancy less Baby pants, a dress, fuck kids, the answer's yes! Heterophobic? Nah, you're just pedophobic, staring at my heart

Unknown_18: You'll never get all of it.

Unknown_08: Hey, it's me, Jeffrey Epstein.

Unknown_18: Everyone respects me. I'm just kidding myself. Get it? Kidding myself. If you've already been, you should be getting some help. Committed, medicated, or just sitting in jail. Come on! Relax, guys. I like Shea Lit. Right, bitch? Give me an amen. Max! Rumor has it Mr. Girl has a few abusive habits and I'm late for work cuz I'm stuck in human traffic Yeah, I play smash brothers I play smash sisters smash daughters and nieces and nephews smash them to pieces and I wear white Vans and I drive one too. Come on kid. I got some v-bucks for you

Unknown_18: to fuck off, I don't care if I get doxxed, I already got my rocks off, I'm so damn spent, can't even pay my rent, haters get bent, what the fuck, an agent consent, because agent's just a number, jail's just a place, FBI the song right here, yeah I'm your worst nightmare, they call me school shooter, but not with a gun, I'm gonna come Find you and then I'm gonna come, uh So show me that pee pee, it's LGBT Be watching Cuties on repeat, be being my mate, mate Fixated on the blonde, once you got a good figure, I said, damn Now my right hand the wood chipper, I'm burning this track Arson first name Mack, so you look lost Oh shit, I found you a map, call me Wreck-It Ralph I'm sweating while I touch a child Treasure smile, wet and wild, yes, I'm vile, bitch, I'm a pedophile Every time I'm making vids, people think it's a sin This Dutch is totally ripping kid. Pedophile! See what you wanna see, what you want me to be, keep hatin' baby, I keep rapin' these babies.

Unknown_08: I'm a literal pedophile!

Unknown_18: Every time I make a vid, these people think it's a sin, it's that you totally raped a kid. Damn, a pedophile! See what you wanna see, what you want me to be, keep hatin' baby, I keep rapin' these babies.

Unknown_18: Mr. Girl I'm a pedophile Feels so good to fuckin' be myself My motherfuckin' pedophile Yeah, I'm a motherfuckin' pedophile It's not a joke, I'm a motherfuckin' pedophile

Unknown_11: So, let's clear out the obvious. Yes, number one, this is supposed to be an attempt at satire. The problem is that Max Carson is the guy most known for doing a review of Cuties, the Netflix film that got a lot of negative attention, by saying that it made him think about how he wanted to fuck all the children in the movie. And that was his review. Um, that's not even like a paraphrase. Like he says the, the point of the movie was to sexualize the children so that you look at the children and think, yeah, she's attractive. Like that's, that's his line of thought. It's what he actually says in the review. So then I suppose following this weird, weird LA thing, which is happening recently, which I've been seeing with like Dick. Dick has been arguing with people on his fucking Reddit incessantly about how negative attention is good attention and all this shit, and it seems to be the thing. Like, let's just talk about pedophilia and how I'm a pedophile. And if I get negative attention, great, that's great, I love attention.

Unknown_11: Summed up best in this, Vito, who I'm going to be talking mostly about, because as far as I don't know anything about Max Tarson, but Vito has been white knighting him constantly in my fucking replies.

Unknown_11: He tweets out,

Unknown_11: He says you don't have to actually touch kids but you will be attracted to them. You also won't exclusively be attracted to kids so you can still date normally.

Unknown_11: I think this is inadvertently the best way to sum up the LA mindset. Would you rather be a rich pedophile or poor?

Unknown_11: And I think most people living outside of LA would say, oh, I wouldn't want to give myself brain damage and become a sexual predator to become rich. I would rather just exploit the options that already exist for me, like getting a job. and having a family. But in the LA, the 22% is like, oh, that's perfect. That's getting exactly what I want, a lot of fucking money, with none of the downsides. So they pick, I would rather be a rich pedophile. And that's like the Max Carson veto thing, where it's like, no negative attention is bad attention if it makes you money.

Unknown_11: So, I tweet out that this guy made a song, and Vito says, to be clear, he doesn't just talk about raping preteens, he also talks about raping babies. And he goes on to say, after I tweet out, totally fed up with LA-based comedians singing about raping kids and babies, then acting shocked when even libertarians don't find it funny and don't want to associate with them. Uh, the site about bullying fat retards doesn't like a fat retard and his pedophile friend suing. And that's in response to him saying, like, I can't believe that Kiwi Farms is policing jokes now. And then he replies to someone else saying this, uh, quote Vito, after I finished buttfucking this eight year old, he gave me some great tips on doing crowd work.

Unknown_11: and overnight like I went to this happened late I went to bed I woke up I checked my replies he has spent all night literally 15 hours on and off replying to people in my fucking notifications just completely saturated trying to get the link out to everyone like anyone seeing any news about this music video he sends link to like go watch it for yourself and form your own opinions man it's it's satire it's parody um

Unknown_11: And he's like, I know you think certain jokes are off limits, but they are not. There is one part in this where he says, so, so Josh.

Unknown_11: So you must not think South Park is funny because they make pedophile jokes.

Unknown_11: Some of you may have caught on by now that I am a really big fan of South Park. I haven't watched the later seasons but I've watched the probably the first 15 seasons or so repeatedly. I've watched them multiple times. Probably the only thing I've ever watched more than like three times. Always I there was a part of my life where I always had them on While I was doing stuff before, you know, YouTube commentary commentators and podcasts and shit took over I listen to South Park. So I Have a good I have a good internal repertoire of episodes and I happen to remember season 4 episode 5 called About Nambla. I don't know what it's called, but it's about Nambla and And that is a episode about joking about pedophilia. Example A for the court.

Unknown_15: I've outgrown all my friends. I need to meet more mature people, Cloudfrog.

Unknown_15: Oh, great idea, Cloudfrog. I can meet new friends on the internet.

Unknown_15: Here's a chat room. Men who like young boys. That's perfect. Hi, everybody. I am a young boy seeking an older male for good times. I am eight years old and would like... Wow, look at all these guys that want to be my...

Unknown_11: So obviously the joke is that it's really easy for kids to go online looking for friends and end up connected to a pedophile.

Unknown_11: The rest of the episode is he meets two different people. One of them is Mr. Garrison, by the way, which is really prescient because he's not only the major gay character in the series up until he transitions, but then he's also the major trans character and he's also a pedophile in this episode. Very very prescient But he ends up joining the North American man-boy love association thinking that it's like just a club There's hijinks and then the episode ends out like this and if you watch South Park, you know that at the end the episode There's usually like a little story from or a moral the story from the creators and this is a fake-out of that that precedent they stick to you pretty closely and

Unknown_16: We've been after you for a long time, buddy. Do you know your rights?

Unknown_13: Rights? Does anybody know their rights? You see, I've learned something today.

Unknown_13: Our forefathers came to this country because they believed in an idea. An idea called freedom. They wanted to live in a place where a group couldn't be prosecuted for their beliefs. Where a person can live the way he chooses to live. You see us as being perverted because we're different from you. People are afraid of us because they don't understand. And sometimes it's easier to persecute than to understand.

Unknown_13: Dude, you have sex with children. We are human. Most of us didn't even choose to be attracted to young boys. We were born that way. We can't help the way we are, and if you all can't understand that, well, then I guess you'll just have to put us away.

Unknown_14: Dude, you have sex with children. Yeah, you know, we believe in equality for everybody and tolerance and all that gay stuff, but, dude, fuck you. Seriously. All right, that's enough. You're all going to be put away for a long time.

Unknown_11: Truly just a great episode.

Unknown_11: I know that apparently the later seasons suck now, everything after season 20 or whatever, but I should watch the first ones again. My all-time favorite episode, in case you're curious, is Pink Eye from the very first season. I don't know what it is, but I'm a big fan of Halloween, and I'm a big fan of South Park, and it's a great episode. It's Halloween-y South Park, and it's got zombies in it.

Unknown_11: That's all the justification I need.

Unknown_11: So, clearly, even South Park, typically when you make a parody of something,

Unknown_11: You are satirizing something. You're making a joke about something. I have another example of this. South Park, when they make the pedophile jokes, they're satirizing some element of our society. They're poking criticism at it. Like, I know this is obvious to everyone, but apparently DeVito and to... What's his fucking name?

Unknown_11: Max Carson, uh, it is not because there's no satirical element to him. He's just being edgy for the sake of it. And I think it's fair to take that and say, let me say that actually, that's my closing argument. I've got this planned out in my head. Um, let's look at another instance of satire. This is a very similarly named song called I'm a pedophile from rucka rucka alley, a satirist, a music maker. Let's listen to a minute of this song.

Unknown_08: I'm a pedophile!

Unknown_08: Brony pedophile!

Unknown_03: A brony's a guy that's into little pony culture And a pedophile likes giving little children blowjobs The back of my van is full of ponies So you better get inside of it Get inside it, kid!

Unknown_11: I'm a pedophile! Compare that, which is obviously taking My Little Pony and the people who are fans of My Little Pony and calling them pedophiles. It's using very similar language. Outright saying, I am a pedophile is the name of the fucking song. But clearly you're not gonna listen to this and think, Rucka Rucka Ali must be a pedophile because he says that. Like, it's not going over people's head, the dark humor elements. Calling

Unknown_11: That fucking guy's song, Dark Humor, is like Tommy Wiseau calling the room Dark Humor, which he does now. He says it was an intentional mastermind piece of purposefully fake, crafted movie-making to make you think that it's bad. And it's just Dark Humor. Dark Humor's a fucking cop-out. Fuck off. Um... But I mean, like, anyone can get- can figure this out. This is another song. Um, I'm not gonna play all of it, but just to, like- I'll play like a 30 seconds or so.

Unknown_00: And there's a ton of people kind of like this has no views or whatever This is just some random chick.

Unknown_11: I found trying to find an example of this but Respect and citizen of society.

Unknown_16: This is my song for you all today I'm 33

Unknown_16: People seem afraid of me I don't know why I'm a nice guy And I love cheese pizza I work all day for little pay I have no wife or kids When I come home I'm all alone

Unknown_11: You get it, right? You look at her. She's got the pedo glasses. She's got a fake mustache. She's dyed her hair, uh, put like orange face on, like Trump face on, and tied her hair back to give it like a comb over look, like a, uh, like a Chester, like going bald.

Unknown_11: Obviously satire. Nobody thinks that she's looking at child pornography. But for some reason, for some reason people can look at Max Carson saying, I am a pedophile and think that there is no level of irony to it. Could it be because he is very obviously a fucking creepy weirdo and there is no humor to his video?

Unknown_11: I think that's it.

Unknown_11: It reminds me of this. This is a picture of Tony Podesta, who is a pedophile standing in front of a statue of a Jeffrey Dahmer victim.

Unknown_11: If you don't know what pizza gate is Don't look it up because you'll put on a list. But then just there was a widespread series of speculation that people involved in the Clinton campaign were Satanist and Tony Podesta and John Podesta were the kidnappers of Madeline McCain because they look exactly like the police sketches for the people who were believed to have abducted her and

Unknown_11: In Tony Podesta's house is a bunch of creepy fucking art. Like this is a photograph of a Jeffrey Dahmer victim posed for some reason, and a sculptor has created a life-size recreation of this, which he now dangles above a stairwell like a chandelier. And throughout his house, he also has many different, uh, paintings from this artist. I forget who the fuck its name is, but... It's literally just, like, kids bound in gag name shit, like, Loss of Innocence. Um, apparently there's, like, weird, creepy, pedophile, uh, uh, references, and, and, like, how they're covering their butts because apparently they get spanked in some weird fucking cult.

Unknown_11: Weird shit to have in your fucking house where you sleep at night, right?

Unknown_11: You would think that this is the shit that they would pull out of a pedophile's cell and then burn so that he can't sell it. Like... So... It feels like when you look at Tony Podesta, and you know the crimes of these people, and people like Jeffrey Epstein, that this is taunting them. Like, sure, I can hang, uh, pictures of molested children on my fucking walls. I can hang, uh, dead Jeffrey Dahmer victims from my fucking ceiling in pure metal. And nobody will think anything about it because it's high art. I'm going to taunt the fucking justice system and the world at large with how I get away with it. And that's what I feel like when I listen to this fucking guy's song. It's not like some deep, philosophical, dark humor, whatever the fuck. Whatever he's going for. It really feels like he's just taunting people. Like, yeah, he's a pedophile. Yeah, he's gonna sing about how he's a pedophile. Yeah, he's gonna watch cuties. Yeah, he's gonna watch all sorts of videos, all sorts of movies that Netflix put out that sexually exploit young girls. And there's nothing you can do about it. I mean, you have nothing that you can do to him. And eat shit. And if Vito wants to sit out there and defend this guy to the fucking grave, he deserves to eat all the fucking shit that he gets for it.

Unknown_11: How he cannot see how retarded this position is. It's not joke policing. I'm not saying you can't make jokes.

Unknown_11: I am against openly declaring that you want to have sex with children though.

Unknown_11: I don't know why that's a contentious opinion. And he'll look at this. They'll look at this and try and pass it off as like, look, true art causes controversy. And now that you've reviewed this and you've opened it up to discussion, we've proven that there is artistic merit in us singing this song. So you've defeated yourself. It's like, well, I mean, if the discussion you want to trigger is, are you a pedophile or not? You've definitely succeeded, Vito. You've definitely opened yourself up to people thinking that you are sexually attracted to children and have a pedophile friend that you hunt children with together because of your association with them. Congratulations. No negative attention is bad attention. All attention is good attention. Hey, you should buy these fucking paintings. Buy these fucking paintings and Hang them up on the wall behind them in the Dick Show podcast room. Just do it. Go all the way. Why stop at just singing stupid rips of Eminem songs? Just hang this shit up on the wall. Hang reproductions of it. Fuck it. Here's what Dick should have done. This would have been a Chad Moo. Find a theatrical poster of cuties, frame that shit, and hang it up on the fucking wall. That would be a real big dick move.

Unknown_11: So go all in, really. Show off how unashamed you are of this position.

Unknown_11: Jeff can you remove the paintings? Yes I can.

Unknown_11: Sorry, sorry. Got carried away. Forgot I was subjecting my chat. I even clicked off myself so I would be looking elsewhere and I left it up on the chat to enjoy. I do believe that's it.

Unknown_11: I think I've talked about everything. There is...

Unknown_11: There is some Chantal stuff happening. There is some Chantal stuff happening. I, uh, the thing is, is that Chantal has adopted a system of live streaming literally every second of every day.

Unknown_11: Like her streams now are three hours long. She streams once or twice a day. Uh, she doesn't put out videos anymore. She just streams constantly.

Unknown_11: Which is great for like background content, right? It's great for noise. Uh, apparently a lot of people are upset with this format because it's not like short bursts anymore, but you know, it's whatever. Uh, I find it interesting. Uh, people, people like to live comment on her streams and the beauty parlor chat on the forum. And that's always fun to look at and participate in.

Unknown_11: Um, but meanwhile,

Unknown_11: Well, I should explain that. On her streams, she has become horny. Something has happened to her. I think I mentioned this last stream, but she started doing diabetic medication, and I think that her estrogen is dropping, so her testosterone is more prevalent in comparison. testosterone is your horny so she has been looking for D for weeks now she streams hours a day talking about the guy she's talking to on tinder where they're from what they're like what she wants to do to them how she wants to go to Europe and fuck every guy in the entire continent that's her streams now and

Unknown_11: I mean, it's definitely a change of pace.

Unknown_11: It's completely broken the cycle. It's changed the format. It broke new ground, as I like to say. I'm watching it play out. She got depressed because she got stood up for a date. She gets blocked, and then she blocks other people, and now she's talking to a guy from Croatia? She was talking to a guy from Serbia at some point?

Unknown_11: She met one guy who was a black guy from Morocco who had lived in Belgium, and I think wanted to meet her. She set her location to talk to people in Europe on Tinder.

Unknown_11: He only knew French. And I think that Morocco still speaks some French because it was a French colony for a long time. So I'm just imagining. I imagine there are some French people who listen to this and I want to know how skin-crawling just the idea of a Moroccan man speaking French Belgian or Belgian French to a Canadian woman who only sort of speaks Quebec French. I want you to imagine that conversation in your head, and I want you to think about... I want you to tell me how much it makes your skin crawl to even imagine, because that's what's actively happening with Chantal and this Moroccan guy.

Unknown_11: I hate the French language on its own. I don't need that other stuff. Well, good for you, another guy.

Unknown_11: Frog bros, I don't feel so good.

Unknown_11: Okay, so I I have commissioned I I have Requested I put out a feeler to get this fan art and the person who made it went way over the fucking top I really expected like a paint fill just some line art and a paint fill to fit the meme format, but here we have the Virgin Lynn versus the Chad towel and

Unknown_11: On the left, we have Virgin Lynn. Her hair is curled up in a little poo. I don't know if that's intentional, but her hair bun looks like a poo. Looking down, defeated in her scooter.

Unknown_11: And on the right is the Chad towel. She's got a Beez shirt on, her fupa. Normally the Chad's balls are so massive that they swing between his thighs and he has to do a stride to even compensate. But Chantal literally has this in the form of a fupa that dangles forlorn between her thighs. So she has to compensate when she walks. You can literally feel it when you watch her streams and she's walking. It feels like you're on a camel or something and you're rocking back and forth. on a land boat. So, Virgin Lin eats plain carbs. That's her staple meal. She likes to eat like a fucking Chinaman. She likes to eat like a whole village of Chinamen and just eat nothing but rice. Chad Tao indulges foreign cuisine, including pizza, which is the best food.

Unknown_11: VirginLyn can't stream for even 30 minutes without showing what a huge bitch she is and deleting it. But ChadTowel livestreams 6 hours a day every day and only takes them down for copyright reasons. VirginLyn can't even speak English. ChadTowel speaks English-French and has invented her own language of spastic tics.

Unknown_11: If you've ever watched her streams, she likes to randomly scream at her cats. She'll be talking mid-sentence perfectly. Beezer! Sam! Shammy-sham! Beezer-sham!" Just, like, completely fucking random. Apropos of nothing, the cat hasn't done anything. He's just sitting there. He, like, jumps up on the table and she, like, spazzes out. And now that she's in real life streaming, um, she will do this...

Unknown_11: in a park with nobody around her. There's no cats. There's no people. She will just be walking down the fucking room and then we'll be like, shammy, sham, sham, sham, poo-poo's in the kitchen, sham. It's like, what the fuck is wrong with you? So I'm assuming that she's actually speaking a different language that she has constructed, like Esperanto.

Unknown_11: Virgin Lynn uses a scooter, a Scooty Puff, to even go to Walmart. Chad Town will stride, will glint through parks. She has basically conquered this piece of Canadian clay. It's a war memorial for the War of 1812.

Unknown_11: And she is just like parking her car there and walking around in the middle of nowhere at this memorial just because she can. So she has conquered this war memorial.

Unknown_11: The Virgin Lin gets no sexual attention, even from her girlfriend, quite sad. The Chad Tal has several men in the Kak Shen, which Pete and Karate Joe sit in. Karate Joe literally, I mentioned him before, but he is still there. He will go to her chat,

Unknown_11: And he will cry about her trying to hook up with men from Croatia and shit. And he just sits there and whines about it. And she keeps saying, like, no, I'm not going to fuck you. I'm not going to date you. I don't like the distance. While she's texting someone from fucking Croatia, she's like, no, sorry. Sorry, Karate Joe. You're too far away from me for that.

Unknown_11: Um... Virgin Len has the dainty girl holes. She says that she's never been penetrated by anything. Whereas the Chad Towel is a sexual tyrannosaur. Just like me.

Unknown_11: Uh, Virgin Len only eats off camera. She does. She pity eats. She'll cut the camera off and stuff her fat fucking face. And then the Chad Towel doesn't give a fuck. She'll eat everything. She'll eat the worst fucking food that a diabetic person could ever possibly eat. And... And she's just like, if you got a problem with it, turn the camera off, you fuckers.

Unknown_11: Um, so that's the current situation, the current Amberlynn-Chad Tau situation. I would actually like this with an extra virgin, the Virgin Life by Jen, but the Virgin Life by Jen is... This is actually a perfect name for representing the Virgin Life by Jen, because Life by Jen has actually deleted her fucking channel. to stir up some bullshit drama by pretending to leave the internet. So she doesn't get represented because she's currently deleted her channel. She's so virgin-ness that she doesn't even get to be on the meme.

Unknown_11: Um... There was something else I was gonna say.

Unknown_09: Ooh.

Unknown_11: Oh, that's gonna kill me.

Unknown_11: That's gonna kill me. I thought of something to say. And then...

Unknown_11: And then lost me. There's something about Chantal.

Unknown_11: Something about Chantal walking through the parks.

Unknown_11: Yeah, fuck, I guess it's just gone. I can talk about Pete's. Pete's is really funny because he's... Oh, did I play the clip of last week? Was this a week ago where he does the I used to bone her on the rag thing? I'll play it again anyways. I'll play it again.

Unknown_09: Because it's really fucking funny, isn't it?

Unknown_09: Thanks, I just put it up. I used to bone her on the regular.

Unknown_12: But not anymore.

Unknown_01: Please don't say that.

Unknown_11: He's like, in his recent appearance, he doesn't appear on stream as much anymore. And when he does appear on stream, he's really angry. Like he's really angry. He used to be like, he used to be kind of spurgy about shit, but kind of easygoing. And the only time he really got upset was when he was talking about US politics. Cause he does absolutely fucking nothing but read Twitter all day, every day. So his entire brain, Imagine if you just like took an AI and Like a machine learning program and just fed it tweets like that's Pete's basically he's a human ML bot fed off fucking trannies complaining on Twitter So that's the only time he gets angry But now in streams like he doesn't talk about anything and he just like is really snarky and pissy and he's like no I don't want to be on stream. No, I don't want to eat with you. No, I'm busy. Bye and he goes back upstairs to the cock shed and

Unknown_11: Um, and he sets it out.

Unknown_11: Barry wants to choke her fat neck. He knows his place though. He knows that would be very un-PC of him to literally murder a woman. So he can't do it. He'll ride out the rest of his days in the cook shed.

Unknown_09: Aww.

Unknown_09: I felt like there was something I was going to say, but I lost it.

Unknown_11: Oh well. Um, where are my coins? Oh my God. I need to de-stress.

Unknown_11: Got myself all wound up yelling at people. Yelling at the pedophiles and shit.

Unknown_11: Coins are in the art process It's going to take a long time to say no if you bought one you have to be patient I'm capping it at a certain amount and there's less than 100 left for sale. I'll be canceling some orders that are double spins and Sorting that out, but that it's ending soon basically then it goes from art process creating the brass die takes a couple weeks and then they will start producing the coins and then there's distribution so it still weighs out the next sale for like october shit will probably start by the time everyone gets their coins just so you know

Unknown_11: I think that's it.

Unknown_11: I have some notes here about politics, and I'm just going to completely skip over it because I don't give a fuck.

Unknown_11: I don't think anyone cares. Russia might invade Ukraine. This is my note. Okay, I'm just going to read it. Israel wins war with Iran, China wins Taiwan, and Russia wins Ukraine. The United States supports none of these. So if they all happen at once, it would be a really interesting position that the U.S. finds itself in. Would suggest buying gold in cryptocurrency. That is the end of the political discussion for the stream. I hope you've enjoyed Bye-bye Oh, this is a me I can't believe I have never played this music this song before But I'm gonna play it with the music video because I like the music video too. This is a capital by lapis. Trubetskoy See you next week. Thank you for watching and bye-bye

Unknown_04: I eat gold bars for lunch, diamond dessert, oil cream, my name is Vilsivul, the master of the stratosphere, I'm not a real ghoul, my respect is immeasurable.

Unknown_04: My PR manager, Karl Marx

Unknown_04: I eat cities, I sing with the seas My beard covers the sky Thunder, lightning, fog, rain Ministers and leaders lick my boots Snickers in my left hand, Marks in my right My PR manager is Karl Marx Snickers in my left hand, Marks in my right

Unknown_04: My PR manager Karl Marx Capital Capital

Unknown_04: Snickers in my left hand, Marks in my right. My PR manager is Karl Marx. My face is Madonna, inside is a rotten mug. Everyone is on their knees, the orchestra is in the clouds. Capital! Capital!

Unknown_04: It's gone