This is the clock upon the wall This is the story of us all This is the first sound of a newborn child Before he starts to crawl This is the war that's never won This is a soldier and his girl This is the mother waiting by the phone Praying for her son Pictures of you Pictures of me Home upon your wall For the world to see
Unknown_19: I have to be careful.
Unknown_22: I have to be careful that song. That one's gonna get me a copyright early into the stream and then I have no backup.
Unknown_22: Hello, hello everyone. I hope everyone had a happy, what do you wish people for April Fool's? I guess a happy April Fool's.
I had fun. I had fun dealing with many, many people complaining about the fact that they were hacked because they woke up to the Kiwi forms and they had a maliciously placed anime avatar. And I heard many different excuses for why these people had been hacked. I had heard that So the forum was compromised and now there was anime avatar for their account.
Unknown_22: I heard that a significant other was maliciously trying to humiliate them by logging into their kiwifarms account and changing their avatar to anime.
I had heard that they simply used a weak password and their account had been gassed and compromised, which is why they now had an anime avatar. I heard many different stories for something which 30 seconds of investigation would have revealed that everyone had had an anime avatar for that day. 30 seconds would have also given you enough time to look at the calendar and determine what day it is.
Unknown_22: And if that wasn't enough, if you looked at your profile, the profile said that instead of what thread you were looking at, it just said you're watching your favorite anime with like a little 2chan emoji next to it. And if that wasn't enough, if you tried to change it, you got a cheeky little message about how you can't change your avatar, Nolchan, or whatever your username is. But a lot of people fell for it, and a lot of people liked it. It was the last second thing, too.
I was trying to come up with the day of, like noon, where I was. I was like, fuck, I need to get something going before the Americans wake up. I can't not do something for April Fool's Day. That's like the old internet tradition. I remember Neopets and Maddox's site, the best page in the universe, always had a really cheeky April Fool's Day gimmick. So it's like, that's something that you have to carry on. If you run a website that has a community attached, you have to fucking set something up for April Fool's. So I did. And the fastest thing I could think of that would still be funny
Actually, I was in a bit of a conundrum deciding what to do, too, because I have just announced the silver sale after a full month of very, very pained trying to figure out what the fuck to do to get the silver coins rolling out. All the contracts are signed and the money's going out and the money's coming in, so if you go to manoftheinternet.com you can buy a genuine silver shekel. And the difficulty of launching that on March 30th is that for April Fool's Day, my usual go-tos are things like, I'm gonna ban, for instance, I would have said, I'm going to ban all the anime avatars and you have 24 hours to change your picture. That would have been my go-to before that. But you don't wanna sell something and then tell people that they're gonna be banned. So that was a bad idea.
And I also thought about like, um, maybe like I've done before, like I put up a fake government seizure page or the site's closing kind of notice or, um, I think in like 2017 or 2016 I made a fake announcement that I was becoming trans. And those are all things you don't want to do when you're trying to sell a silver coin because that would potentially damage people's faith and your ability to deliver a product eventually. So I had to check out a lot of funny or usual ideas and I ended up scraping some old image, like old community, old forum that had a big gallery Of like 2,800 pages of anime avatars in the perfect formats for me to just to scrape the site and get a couple thousand together to Pretend people had had inflicted on them. That's what I ended up going with Also, happy Passover happy Passover by the way to everyone and especially Ethan Klein and, what's their name, Trisha Paytas, who is the world's, I have to surrender my title now. I suppose Trisha Paytas is now the biggest fake Jew on the internet. She has no, she's Jew for Jesus and really, really larps hard. speaks in like broken hebrew on stream which is like the cringiest fucking thing to see like this dumpy 56 percenter like trying to bark out hebrew it's just cringe um you know i like this uh this right here
This is New York during the Holy Week because Passover is also Easter week. I think that there's like a direct coinciding of those two events. So this was Easter or Holy Week in 1956. Look at all the skyscrapers got little crosses in the windows. Isn't that beautiful? We'll never see anything like that ever again. What a blessed photo.
No, I don't know we're having we're having a resurgence of like fake Christians, too I guess I'll be talking about that as As we get into the stream just kind of warming up and letting people get in right now Actually took notes
hear the paper ASMR. It's been a while since I actually took physical paper notes but there was a lot of video content this week so I started writing down all my time stamps on a piece of paper as I used to do in the days of old when I put a lot of effort into these because I thought that I could actually... I was dumb enough to think I could actually monetize my streams at some point so I put a little bit more effort into it.
Unknown_22: And my only other note for the warm up is that I'm also trying to switch off Windows. I have an arch fork called Manjaro that I'm trying out.
And it's not like, I use a TV to like watch stuff and like the whole switching shit over to TV and playing with the audio drivers and stuff on Linux is just awful compared to Windows. It's already bad on Windows, but on Linux it's even worse somehow. But that's the only holdback. I don't want to support Windows anymore. I kind of want to switch over to something else.
You miss those days when I put effort into it? Well, blame YouTube and blame Patreon. This is my therapy now.
Unknown_22: It's not financially compensated in any way, shape, or form.
Unknown_22: You use Manjaro. Thank you, Anime Avatar. I feel like I've made a good decision now.
Unknown_22: I'm not using gin too. Okay, let us proceed into the main course, and pretty much the only thing to talk about this week. Compared to last week, this week has been fucking dreadfully boring, but Ralph has volunteered himself as entertainment for the week.
I'm gonna try to cover it broadly because it's not just one thing like there is a video of the fight and I'll play that But after the video he made a podcast appearance and then after the podcast appearance he went on a stream with me and then after that even he went on to patreon with gator and He talked about it further so I think both sides in this fight are trying to play it up for money and I'll explain that in a bit and But the gist is, is that on this holy week of Passover, Ethan Ralph has gotten himself into a literal white trash, Paps blue ribbon, I'm white trash and I'm in trouble kind of fight. humiliating display of low-class primal instinct basically just being a wigger and everyone on the internet is gawking at this display and it's sort of weird because this is happening right as ip2 shit is picking up and a lot of people seem to be watching that and ip2 shit I don't even like Because IP2 shit is just, it's literally just drug addicts with like GoPros on, being nuisances in public, just utter fucking white trash being a pestilence on everyone around them while high on drugs and trying to get drug money and like beating their wives so that they can get more drug money as a result.
And Ralph isn't there yet, and that's probably because, like, drug addicts don't have any shame. You know what I mean? Like, Ralph has very little shame, but he still has, like, pride and ego. The IP2 people are just, like, strung-out fucking losers who have, like, no character whatsoever. They'll do literally anything for money. And Ralph hasn't quite gotten there yet, so there's still some decline to watch.
Unknown_22: For that, I'm thankful.
Unknown_22: So let's start with the fight video. This does have, unfortunately, this does have commentary from Digibro. And while I'm not usually one to insult someone's voice, I realize I have a particular way of speaking myself. Digibro is hard to listen to. And he is mercifully short in his narration. He's very to the point. So ordinarily I would cut something like this to size so that you don't have to listen to him.
There's really not that much to cut he's he's done a pretty good job of not being obnoxious as much as he can possibly hope Okay And go ahead and pull up the video How am I gonna do I'll just you know, I'll just do it like this
So if you don't know if you somehow managed to if you have been blessed to not know who the fuck he was talking
Unknown_22: That is Digibro directly behind the man in the front The woman who cheated on the man in the front one with Ralph is May who is to Digibro's right so Just to kind of sort this out you have two people like it's kind of freaky how much Digibro and may look like each other And it's kind of weird to think that she would cheat on him, and it's kind of weird to think that she would cheat on him with Ralph, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
And admitted it while he was over at my house to explain that his then 18-year-old girlfriend no longer spent her nights drinking with him because she had become pregnant. The next morning, my ex-fiancé and her father came to the house to collect as much of her stuff as could fit in their car, and her dad stole my Nintendo Switch. Six months later, as my housemates, seen here kicking the shit out of a dwarf planet called Ethan Ralph, and I were preparing to move, we asked her to come get the rest of her stuff.
Unknown_22: Okay, let's just back one, because that's actually the first shot, based on how he's cut it, of the gun. And I know that's what everyone wants to see. So the man in the red, Ethan Ralph, a man who dresses himself, decided to wear red, like, sporting shorts with like a red t-shirt. And his clothes do not fit him. So you just have this hanging mound of flesh. He claims to be 275 pounds and he's probably about 5 foot 4 and this is what a person who drinks heavily and weighs 275 pounds at 5 foot 4 looks like. The woman wearing the cringe Anime actually is that mint it's later as my house because I don't think digibro actually fights Ralph at all Did you were like hides in the room and calls the police? That's meant and we're gonna be talking about meant to just to kind of sort out who's doing what the only thing I don't know and It's not really important, but correct me if you know who the fuck is filming I can account for everyone in this video except the person who's wearing the GoPro and recording this I have no idea who this is
mates, seen here kicking the shit out of a dwarf planet called Ethan Ralph, and I were preparing to move, we asked her to come get the rest of her stuff. When she came into town for a court date, though, she demanded that my boyfriend Bird, housemate Riley, and I vacate the house while she and Ralph were gathering her things. For some reason, they thought Mint would be okay with them being there, even though she can't stand either of them. Here is the conversation that my ex-fiance and I had after I told her that this was unacceptable.
Hi, can you clarify your intentions exactly, please? Listen to her. I will be coming through this weekend.
Unknown_10: I have not picked a time yet. I have a very busy schedule.
Unknown_07: Okay. I will be coming through this weekend.
Unknown_10: It is a two-hour drive. I can't come today because Ethan has to go to the hospital to see his mom. I understand.
Unknown_07: And we have a time crunch.
Unknown_10: And, uh, I can't come today because, for whatever reason, you bitched out.
Unknown_07: Bitched out on what exactly? Um... I was coming. Alright, so do you want us to set your stuff aside for you? No, do not touch any of my things. Okay, well, because we're...
Okay, you're not going to be here alone if you do that. I hope you realize. We do not trust you to be in this house. That's why... I didn't say anything about you not being there.
Unknown_10: I said you should not be there when Ralph's there.
Unknown_07: You said that you wanted only me to be there. I don't want you or Bird to be there.
Unknown_07: Okay, but I don't trust Ralph to be in my house. Ralph is not going to be there.
Unknown_10: I'm coming by myself.
Unknown_07: Okay, I'm... Okay. So you're going to come down... I'm calling by myself with the police. Because you have a gun.
And you're mentally ill. So I'm calling the police on you.
Unknown_22: Okay, so the gist of it is, May cheated on Digibro, a person that she had been involved with for years. She has been producing videos with him as his partner for years, and they now live in this little shanty in Virginia Beach, which is two hours away from where Ralph lives, and I guess where May lives nearby. I don't think they live together. I don't know the details of their situation, but they are together. Anyways.
Digibro has a lot of her shit. When they first broke up, May and her dad came down to get some of their shit. During that time, for whatever reason, May's dad stole his Nintendo Switch. Like, just decided autonomously, without consulting anyone, that he was gonna take that Nintendo Switch. And he did.
Unknown_22: So, the issue is, is that...
Unknown_22: She does not want them to touch her belongings. He does not want her to come into the house without people around to watch her, to make sure that she doesn't steal more of their stuff. Which, to Dejiro's credit, is a very founded fear, because she has already stolen hundreds of dollars worth of electronics from the house, right?
But she says that she doesn't want them around and Ralph can't come because he and Ralph would have a confrontation, which they did. So she says she's gonna have the police come as an armed escort to ensure that she gets her stuff. But as it turns out, you can't do that. There's no legal basis for it. The issue that they're experiencing is completely civil. So the police have nothing to do with it. If she's alleging that he stole stuff, that would have to go to claims court for civil proceedings, not criminal. Because there's no breaking and entering or other unlawful, active theft going on. It's a thing to be decided in the courts and not guarded with an armed escort by police on her word, right? So that's where we're at.
Unknown_09: For the record, I am not mentally ill, and I sold the gun that she demanded I buy at the start of lockdown, never even having loaded it once. I also went to the police and confirmed that there is no such thing as a police escort to your ex's house to get your stuff. We looked into the protocol for this situation, and were told to leave her things in the yard. So, that's exactly what we did. I sent her a picture of the things in the yard, and then blocked her number. So, her boyfriend decided to message me instead. I'll be down there with Mei by ten tonight, period. If her stuff is gone, dot dot dot, I'd advise against letting that happen, comma. Let's put it that way, period. And we will be getting the rest of it, comma, too, period. One way or the other, period. This is my personal guarantee to you motherfuckers. No punctuation. When I blocked his number, he decided to involve the completely as-of-yet unrelated third party of A.S.C. Reilly, a.k.a. the Vizier of Yig. He immediately forfeited- Just to clarify in case you don't know, I've mentioned this before, but Reilly is Dick's producer for The Dick Show.
He is the person in this picture to immediately to Ralph's right wearing the drugs t-shirt who doesn't look completely put together. That's Reilly.
Unknown_09: any potential goodwill or bargaining power in this series of Twitter DMs. Send me your phone number. I'll be at that house by 10pm EST tonight. And if any of Mei's stuff is gone out of they front yard, dot dot dot, well I'd advise that not to be the case. I'm not fucking around, period. I'm gonna be there, period. Whenever you see this comma call, period, but I'm coming regardless, period. I don't care about any of this, and no one here has any legal obligation to protect garbage that was left here six months ago. Grow the fuck up, retard. Suck my dick, bitch. I'll be coming through, and you can say it to my face if you're man enough. I will 100% be at they house tonight, period. It can go well or not, period. Up to you fucking clowns, period. But you motherfuckers now have my full attention, period. That house, asterisk.
At some point, he remembered that he had Riley's phone number and reposted to him the messages he'd sent to me. For some reason? Hours later, I received a call from a frazzled police officer warning me that she'd gotten a manic report from a woman who never gave her name and thought that a call from the police might ensure that the things she didn't notice in the picture I sent were left in the yard.
Unknown_22: I'll skip through this because this is kind of hard to like the recording is poor quality He's recording a police officer who contacted him about a call that may sent them and they sent them ambiguous information hoping that the police would come up to the block and escort them essentially by sort of feigning that there was a domestic violence situation or something to that effect and The main thing that she's upset about, that was not present in the photo, because when Digibro took the picture of the stuff in the yard, she looked through it and saw that some cooking utensils were not present. Probably about $100 worth of shit that she knows that they had been using to cook with because she had seen them posting pictures of the cooking equipment on Twitter and was saying like, oh, haha, I'm glad that my cooking equipment found good use, haha.
But now she wants that back apparently and that's really funny for a reason that I'll explain in a little bit The end result of this call by the way that he could just sum up is that The police did not come so Ralph and her were supposed to come over in the afternoon like around 9 p.m. And that didn't happen
Alas, the fat gunt that couldn't skipped out on his appointed 10pm arrival, missing our entire 4 hour livestream, and turning up around 2 in the morning. To be sure that these psychopaths didn't damage our property, Riley and our house guest and god tier hip hop producer Cranberry Dave started filming them on a GoPro and a cell phone. I will now be analyzing the footage of this encounter in extensive depth.
Unknown_22: So, just to clarify again, that what sets Ralph off here, because it's not well explained in this video, is that when they do arrive, they arrive several hours later than anticipated. They arrive in the middle of the night, 2 AM. So when they hear him outside, I think Riley takes out his cell phone and just puts the camera in the window and records them gathering their stuff. And maybe the intention at that time was like, oh, well, haha, we'll show them picking up her shit in the front yard at 2 a.m., like a bunch of losers, and we'll put that on the internet and that'll cause some fuss. And it probably would have, and it probably would have ended up on the forum and gotten, you know, dozens of pages because it's funny.
But Ralph, of course, being a wigger, being unable to take any slight ever, and realizing that he would look like a punk bitch, I guess, for just, like, packing up her shit, decided to escalate the situation, as wiggers tend to do.
Soon as the dribbling, drunken dipshit sees the door open, he immediately forgets about gathering his girlfriend's garbage and starts gunting at the camera.
Unknown_09: Next he begins tossing transphobic slurs to try and bait me into being involved, but I am on the other end of the house at this point.
Unknown_22: His embarrassing lackey tries to mock our stream numbers.
Yeah, we made $900 tonight. Seeming to think- That's bullshit, by the way.
Unknown_22: I don't know how the fu- Like, this is the wigger mindset. Like Ralph says, I made $1,000 last week, motherfucker. I spent more money on spilt liquor than you do on new shoes, bitch. And then he says that, oh, your fucking numbers are low. And then they go, nuh-uh. Actually, even though we only had 75 viewers, each one of them paid a premium of like $10 each to see our- $15 each to see our stream. So, haha.
Unknown_09: that making $900 in a single stream on the main channel is unimpressive, but also that the assortment of four articles of old clothes that no one wears anymore, which we raffled off that night, are priceless merch.
Indicating she hasn't finished humping Digibro's corpse. Ralph then starts discussing his private business matters involving Dick Masterson, knowing full well that he's being filmed.
Unknown_01: Watch out
Unknown_22: Okay, that's also important. I'm not even sure why Digibro left this in, because this is awkward to Riley, who again is Dick's producer.
Unknown_22: Ralph says here, and I actually think that Ralph said this to try and make it so that they wouldn't want to record. He talks about some sort of business deal that he got with Dick Masterson, who pays Riley for his services as producer.
He equates our moving into a Winnebago next month as being homeless,
Riley responds by calling him a dork a few times, and then both of the insane people outside start demanding that he come deride them at a closer distance.
Unknown_03: All I can think of, by the way, is fucking Ed and Eddie.
Unknown_22: Kevin yelling about the dorks. It's like, how do you get reduced to this, where you're just sitting there shouting dork at 2am?
Unknown_03: I'm just filming you so you don't hurt something. I won't.
Unknown_09: Correct. Riley flatly refuses and reminds Ralph that were they to come to blows, it would likely end poorly for the borderline legal midget in the yard. Okay, you're 5'2". You're literally 5'2".
At some point, Cranberry Dave comes to confirm the Miniman's stature and drops some sick bars on him as he enters a drunken frenzy up the yard.
Unknown_22: Something about it, like every time Ralph hears you're 5'2", that is like the ultimate wigger insult. Because a lot of people genuinely believe he's 5'2", and I literally have no idea what to believe in terms of how tall he is. Because his mugshot says he's 5'1".
But people around him say that he's taller than that. I think he's probably around 5'5", I would guess.
Unknown_22: But there's also something funny about this that I'll show in a second.
Unknown_03: The gunt guard beside him accosts us for leaving her things in the yard in the rain, even though all of it was kindly placed into plastic tubs and even covered with a tarp by a nice neighbor.
So they didn't cover it with a tarp the neighbor did it would have been nice for them to like I don't know that she should have just left it on the patio or something, you know, that's that's like the appropriate place you put it under the awning, but uh, You know, whatever might as well be assholes about it
Unknown_09: I remind you again that the police told us to, do whatever we want, and that the protocol is, leave it in the yard. Last October.
Unknown_22: and the police saying that the protocol is to do something does not mean that they are instructing you on a legal basis to put it in the yard. They are suggesting that that is probably the best course of action, but they don't have- they're not like attorneys. They don't fucking know the law.
Oh, you're- you're scary.
Unknown_09: When Riley gets a closer look at the diminutive streamer, he corrects his gauge of the man's height down an inch.
Unknown_03: 5'2"- 5'1". You're 5'1".
Unknown_09: Come on. 5-2. 5-2 was an insult. 5-1. He can't live like that. I wish you would.
Unknown_15: Bitch, I bet you shut that door. Huh?
Unknown_09: He begins marching up the yard, betting that Riley will close the door on him by the time he gets there.
Unknown_15: Bitch, I bet you shut that fucking door.
Riley does not. I bet you shut that fucking door.
Unknown_09: Finally, the punch-drunk planet plows through the door and shoves his fat rolls against Riley's. Technically, this is not a breaking and entering, but a forced entry, and it is swiftly followed with a forced exit.
Unknown_09: Now technically, if Ralph had walked away here and pressed charges, Riley would be in a lot of trouble right now. Thankfully, the cops we showed this tape all agreed that Ralph threw away his case immediately by doing this.
Okay, now this is the interesting thing is that in this fight you can see how tall Riley is compared to Ralph and Riley is definitely shorter than Ralph May says she's 5 foot 8 And she says that Ralph is taller than her.
Unknown_22: I don't believe that Ralph is probably around like 5 6 and Riley's probably closer to 5 2 But I'll talk about Riley a bit more in a second
Unknown_09: as the 35-year-old gray-haired alcoholic starts pulling out the 22-year-old home defender's hair like a little girl in a school fight. No longer content to watch her man get some gross idiot's belly sweat all over him, absolute unit Mint Salad jumps into the fray. Delirious from being mercilessly wailed on, Ralph summons all the COVID and AIDS in his liver-spotted body and spits a mist of blood into Mint's face.
You guys are fucking pathetic, stop!
Unknown_09: Let me make that clear. Ethan Ralph spat a mouthful of blood into a 20-year-old girl's face. Need to see it again? Let's watch it 16 more times.
Unknown_02: Let's not.
Unknown_09: Or shouts a bunch of boring nonsense and the door is closed, but then the fat shorty realizes he's dropped his phone inside the house.
Unknown_22: This to me is the absolute best part. This is my favorite part of the entire thing. Like, okay, Ralph gets easily baited into a confrontation that Digibro and Riley obviously intended to happen and obviously wanted to monetize. That, like, okay, that's one part. Spitting blood at a retarded woman's face, and I'll talk more about that in a second too. That's also weird. But this, this is so fucking, like, unbelievable to me. Like, how, how do you?
Even though Riley has just been assaulted by this person and has every right to simply lock them out until the cops arrive, he genuinely wants them to have the phone back and begins looking for it. He hands over the phone and relaxes, expecting the dumbest man alive to retreat, but instead, Gunt does what Gunt do and sucker punches Riley with his guard down.
This, of course, is immediately followed by a heroic beatdown from Bird, whose shirt Guntino grabs ahold of and rips apart. As Riley, fueled by the burning passion of camaraderie, gives an anime speech about friendship and family, I can be seen finally connecting to the police station to begin my report.
Unknown_22: So just to clarify, Ralph told them that he had dropped his phone inside the building when they were fighting, and that he would like his phone back. Them, wanting these two just to fucking leave at this point, open the door and say, okay, here's your phone. To which Ralph immediately replies by socking Riley in the fucking face with his back turned to him. Before bird the tall man ends effectively ends the fight because once bird is he's fucking like six foot something He's really tall so once bird is in there Ralph just tears a shirt or something and then fucks off eventually to pick up his shit That's to me. It's like so that's like that's like cheap peak like I don't know conniving underhandedness like okay Riley punching first like what he's a retard. What do you expect I? Ralph was not like fucked up enough to To excuse like he obviously intended to trick them to let their guard down, which is just crazy to me like how pathetic Also, you can see Dick Masterson's book men are better than women on the shelf right there. That's the one with the the two bathroom icons Oh
As the battered fat ass stumbles off into the night with his siren screeching behind Riley reminds him once more just how short and stupid and terrible of a person he truly is You're five foot tall You are five foot tall
Unknown_17: Hey, I'm fine.
Unknown_22: It is sweating.
Unknown_03: I'm producing it by each time. There you go.
Unknown_03: Get your phone.
Unknown_11: We're helping you.
Unknown_03: We're better than you. We're not stumping your level. We're better than you.
Unknown_22: Okay, at that point, the video is effectively over. Digibro tries to shill some fucking shit, but we're not going to listen to that.
So that is the fight. That is the entirety of the fight. The best part is obviously when Riley and Ralph are like sensually rubbing each other belly to belly while like hoofing at each other's face. That's the funniest part. The most shocking part is when Ralph tricks them into letting their guard down so he can punch Riley again. Um, it's also kind of weird to see mint in there because if you don't know the woman meant She is like genuinely mentally handicapped. She has some sort of like she's autistic. She has a low iq She draws really horrendously bad furry art and um Her story's really sad, because she was a furry artist, she was a fan of the Dick Show, she called in to ask what to do.
Dick, because her parents wanted her to cut off her online presence and stop drawing furry porn, Dick suggested leaving the family behind, she did so, and ended up with his producer. And now, apparently, according to Ralph, Riley lets everyone fuck her and pimps her out for money and weed. That's what Ralph says. And I'm tempted to actually believe Ralph in this situation, because that seems like something that they would do. And I got into a brief argument with Riley on Twitter, because he was posting screencaps of her mom desperately trying to get into contact with her over Instagram messages on, like, sock accounts, like some kind of fucking forum troll, ban-evading. To say like please let us speak to our daughter again. We really miss her and he's like no fuck you She's mine now, and then he posted that to like Twitter like it's a barely in the wrong Really crazy stuff really really white peak white trash. It's like a pure like a pure white trash
Okay, um next video. Okay, so immediately after this the day at well, it's 2 a.m. So, um the dick show films at like Noon-ish pacific time so later that day Dick invites both parties on and I have that clip and I have some time stamps from it.
So we're gonna go through that
Unknown_02: Uh, oh, sorry, this is the wrong one. I have two dick show clips for this.
Unknown_17: Here! Uh, 547...
Unknown_17: So he opens the door and starts saying, I'm 5'1", which actually he's 5'1".
Unknown_06: I stood next to this fucking little puny bitch. He is tiny, dude. He is so fucking tiny. If we actually do this fight in the cage, I'm going to punish him, Dick. I am going to take him to school and fucking absolutely beat the fuck out of this shit.
So there is, you are down for this fight. You're serious about this fight.
Unknown_06: Percent in dude like no money needed. I don't give a fuck. I'll pay my own way. I don't give a motherfuck I'll make plenty of money off this shit regardless I don't need any type of stipend any type of fucking purse not a goddamn thing. I'm ready to go now What kind of fight would you want to do?
Unknown_05: Yeah
Unknown_06: Well, I mean, I'm thinking it might as well be with Tim Lloyd MMA.
Unknown_05: Okay. MMA or boxing. I don't, is Riley is right. Somebody find Riley. So we can get his commentary after that. I want to see if he's down for a fight because this is the, uh, the fight that we'll see in a moment, Sean, it's very interesting. Ralph gets hit first cold cock. Yeah. Ralph's
I'll pause it there. I just want to emphasize at this point that it was already kind of kicked around the Pretty much passe at this moment because it's been tried so many times. Let's organize a actual proper fight We'll have it set up in Virginia or DC or wherever the fuck and we'll just have you guys fight each other and there'll be a good show and everyone will enjoy it these things never fucking happen from personal experience I've learned this
Unknown_22: But once again kind of like with the PPP thing This isn't entirely Ralph's fault that it didn't happen. It's Riley's I have more from this 1240 He's punched their weakest fuck Sean like I got Like literally didn't do shit.
I mean these motherfuckers. I don't know what I don't know what they spend their day doing jacking off to pedophile shit or what but like it's
Unknown_22: I like Dick's face in response to that, because at the moment, he can't call Ralph out for it. Like, he can't. Like, usually when, um, guests come in, like, Bird called... Who the fuck was it? Someone called in to say that, uh, Digibro's boyfriend had sexually assaulted him.
Unknown_22: And, uh, when he called Digibro a pedophile, Dick immediately kicked him off from the, uh, the call. But Ralph doing it right now, he's not really in a position to do so.
I mean, I don't know, my left arm's pretty big.
Unknown_22: That's also a super awkward comment. I'll play that again in full.
Unknown_06: I don't know what they do all day jacking off to pedophile shit replied to I don't know. My arm is pretty big That's a little that's a bit misplaced that punchline. I
Pussy like what the fuck like this. I don't know. It's just fantasyland I guess I shouldn't you know expect any more from a guy who puts on a dress and says he's a woman to live in fantasyland, but You know, all right.
Unknown_05: Well, let's Riley. Are you there? Let's get your let me get your response to this And I want to know about this. I want to know about this Knoxville to fight that might might be happening Riley's busy
Unknown_22: Look, look at Dick's face when he reads in the Discord chat that Riley is busy. He knows, he knows that Riley is never busy. There has never been a point in his life where Riley has been preoccupied with some sort of higher intellect exercise that requires his full attention. There has never been that in the history of that man's life. And being told that Riley is too busy to get on his own fucking program is like the greatest shock, the biggest twist that nobody saw coming. He said he'll be on next week, Dick.
He's got things to do, man.
Unknown_05: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. What do you mean you're busy?
He's busy dick. Come on. He's a you know, he's really important guy. Oh you but you're commenting in there. You'll be here next week What do you can't talk to you punch a guy you cold cock a guy, but you can't talk to him on the show Oh, no, no, no He's in the discord Come back next week. No, no, no, no, no, no, John Riley do it for the show Riley get in here
Unknown_06: I told you he was a bitch, dude. Like, what the fuck? I mean, he sucker punches me, has three or four on one odds. Now he won't even get in the car. I mean, is there anything more bitch made than that? Literally? I don't know.
It is what it is. Dude, they were scared shitless.
Unknown_06: Dick, they were scared shitless, dude. There was blood like running all over my face and I'm just sitting there cackling like the Joker.
Unknown_22: Okay, that's something that I have to bring up. He repeatedly refers himself as the Joker. Like, he says that in his tweets, like, I gave a Joker laugh. Mwahaha! Like, walking away, cackling like a madman. And it's like, teenage atheist boys in 2010 compared themselves to the Joker, and... Like, nigga, you ain't the fucking Joker.
But it's not even like he says it once and it's cringe. It's like he says it over and over and over again that he is the fucking Joker. Like, bro, the Joker was not 5'4", 275 pounds, first of fucking all. There's a little bit more to being the Joker than being a fucking white trash piece of shit that gets in the fights all the time. It's crazy. Uh...
Unknown_02: This part I have clipped just for like one syllable a single syllable hmm Tell him to send mint salad in like you did last night hmm hmm It's a very very disappointed And there was the point where I want to record it all all right Riley.
He doesn't I'm gonna give him another Another he's not calling in next week. I'll tell you guys that right now. Oh Oh, you're going to say no. I mean, what? Yeah. You already said no. It's old news. No one cares.
Unknown_06: And that's another reason I came on, because it's like by next week, there'll be someone showing up.
Unknown_05: Yeah. It's like, who knows what's going to happen? What boats will get stuck where next week?
Unknown_05: Did Riley leave? I'm going to give him another minute.
Unknown_05: Well, it's very exciting, Ralph. Yeah. Is there more to the video? Do we have the sucker punch?
Oh, wow. I can't believe it. How serious can you be about a fight if you are not going to talk to the person? Oh, well, that's the internet, folks. One disappointment after another.
Unknown_06: I did my part. Thank you for the compliments on that punch. I thought I could have hit it even a little bit better, but I was proud of it. Thank you. That's a good punch.
Unknown_05: Yeah. All right, Ralph.
Unknown_05: Take it easy. Ice your hand. Let's put it this way.
Unknown_22: So I mean, the palpable disappointment is the most interesting things from this. Because remember, Dick employs Riley. So, for him to talk up the idea of having an MMA fight and then backing out of it, I mean, it's surprising to Dick because it's also surprising in general. What would be his motivation for not wanting to have another fight with Ralph? I don't think it's fear of being in a fight or anything, that's ridiculous.
So it is truly baffling what caused him to back out, but this is interesting as well.
After the dick show Riley put out this tweet In response to Ralph saying just went on the dick show and Riley refused to call in like a bitch We spent most of the segment mocking him and comparing how my punch was way better than his Very typical Ralph tweet where it's just like he cannot stop salivating over his own dick Riley responds Yes, your sucker punch after I gave you your phone back was a better one. I've decided to give you the win here. You are the cool, semi-famous WWE cosplayer you want to be. You win. The world will continue mocking you, but I'm not interested in engaging in any blood sports with you." So it really feels like after that, Dick called him and was like, You're either going to have this fight, you're going to put on a show, you're going to be entertaining, or you're going to stop feuding with Ralph. Because right now Ralph is a better content generator than you are, and we're not going to be associated. If you call us another rift between callers of my show and yourself while you refuse to come on the show and stimulate the entertainment factor for the purposes of the show. That's what it feels like.
That whole thing, there was like a strange air to it that was really interesting to me.
Unknown_22: Okay, next next stream. I got I got streams for days boys. This one is the actual kill stream the The internationally famous kill stream and by the way Actually, no, I'll save that for the gator part. I'll mention gator gears fucking weird The before I do that actually I should show that Riley wanted to bribe me and He's oh because I this was in replies to me. I I have replied to him Boasting about how mint salads mom is desperate to talk to her again, and I said that's so fucking sad and pathetic I can't believe you're actually posting out this and then he says oh by the way hit me up when you want extended cut footage I know Ralph is sweating it getting out like What the fuck would possibly be in that footage that would be embarrassing to him that you didn't release on the initial? initial thing So I say that, I say, post it or don't, I don't care, people are already getting their fill. Dick said you're not welcome the next week to talk about it either, you already blew your load. Not going to promote your content if you edit in some gay shit later on. And he says, I don't know what you're babbling about, I haven't heard the show yet. He was there in the chat fucking typing Dick as it was ongoing. So he hasn't heard the show, he only sat there while it was live, communicating with the people on the show via text that he's in there. Anyways, I don't need to call into a podcast to point out how Spurgey Ethan is, and this is before he gave up, by the way, this is immediately after, I said bye. And then someone links me this, this is on Facebook it looks like, where someone says, fantastic, I wish it was three hours longer, responding to the video being posted there. And then Riley saying bro i have a long cut i can't wait to eventually sell it to no so he really thought i was gonna give him fucking drug money for something that i've already seen for free so i can put on a podcast that makes no fucking money. You know what I mean? It's like, he really, really overestimated his position in this. He thought that he would put this out, and then there would be, Dick would be on his side or something, and Ralph would be humiliated, and then he could sell it to me for hundreds of dollars in Bitcoin, and it's like, no. You already gave it out for free. I can put up with Digibro sounding like a weirdo narrating it for a couple seconds a minute. You know what I mean? Like, fuck that.
Unknown_22: Next clip.
Unknown_02: This is the killstream.
Unknown_22: most of this is horrifically boring by the way there's only like this is like a two and a half hour long stream and the only part's worth clipping there's like four like four minutes of it
Unknown_06: You know, my normal spirit is I don't give a fuck. Look, I agree that it may have been immature, but honestly, watching you clock Riley was the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my entire life, and I feel entirely blessed to have seen it.
she is so creepy she is so fucking creepy and fake everything she says is drenched in like this anime like anime girl like vtuber voice where she's like trying to be hush tone and seductive but she's just like a gross crypto jew who
Unknown_22: looks, her hair looks like it is dipped in oil each morning as she wakes up. She looks like she has that 56% smell that Britney, like Britney Venti gives off, where you just like, you can smell her through your screen. And she's sitting there like, oh, seeing you punch Riley made me feel like a little girl again, Ralph. You're so sexy. I was like, oh, that's creepy and awkward.
And I don't want to hear that.
Unknown_02: Um, 29, 30.
Unknown_18: We're still taller than Riley.
Unknown_11: This is why, because Riley has a humiliation fetish. Riley loves the negative attention. Riley knows that he is shorter than Ethan, and that's why he was making fun of his height specifically.
Unknown_06: Well, that's another thing. And so I was on Tommy's show yesterday, and he's like, why did you even get upset at that? First off, it wasn't necessarily like he kept saying I was 5'1 or whatever. if if
He's getting angry just thinking about when he was called 5-1 he's getting angry again just remembering that he had been called short and
How the fuck do you accomplish this I mean literally I don't even know this dude short as fuck like I'm not tall You know, I said, I'm taller than her.
Unknown_06: She's 5a. I'm like 5 9 Yes, I know that but I'm saying what the fuck this dude I'm I'm
Unknown_06: Look at her face.
Unknown_22: She has to, she has to like, now go back a second, like this part when she's like, she has to like pantomime human expressions. Like what, what would a human being be expressing right now? I am in disbelief, jaw agape. I can't believe that he would say that about your height, Ethan Ralph. I was like, okay, Spurg, fucking autism robot lady.
This dude, I'm very much taller than him. Riley's shorter than the average man though.
Unknown_11: Yes, I know.
Unknown_22: I just wanted to display that because the thing that she said about him having a humiliation fetish. Here's a fun fact about Riley. And I should have got the screencaps of this.
Unknown_22: He was born to like a crack whore like a literal actual crack whore and Didn't have a father because she doesn't know the fuck it was a John like a like a person who paid crack money to fuck her and then she he was born unfortunately and he was adopted and raised by a black family and Which explains why Riley is also a wigger and he's really into like hip-hop and black culture Because he was a white crack baby raised by black people like like a child being raised by the wolves he tried to adopt their their wolf-like ways and Now as an adult he has a humiliation fetish where he doesn't mind, like, and this is why I have to be careful when I talk about him. Right now he's important to interesting content, which is why I'm mentioning him. But in general I try not to talk about him because I've always kind of picked up on this underlying current that he is desperate for any attention. He would do anything for any attention.
And I hate people like that. There's a new video by a guy called Turkey Tom, and he did a video on someone named Sean Miller. And Sean Miller is someone I've known for fucking years because he continually sends me pictures of himself in a diaper, sucking on a binky, holding up his social security number and birth certificate. And he just sends this to me and I just post them in a locked thread because I don't want people to like say, ew, he's so gross, ew, and having him jerk off. So I just post the pictures he sends me when they're new, like new information, and I keep it locked. And apparently he does this to everyone. Like he sends random people who are famous on YouTube pictures of himself in a diaper holding up his driver's license. And he jerks off to negative attention uh in turkey tom did a video about him Which I I don't think is a good idea because he's going to get off on it But you can go look at it's an interesting story. Um, it's interesting to me and i'm a part of it um But riley's kind of like that You have to be really really careful when you're messing with people who have a humiliation fetish because it's it's a difficult task to try and uh be non-censorious and like actively hiding the fact that this person exists
While also depriving them of sexual thrills for making fun of them and Riley's one of the people like that You have to be kind of careful because you don't want to inadvertently jerk off a wigger. That's that's disgusting 44
Unknown_18: of that video, right?
Unknown_12: And he was on your side, right? He was on your side the whole time.
Unknown_11: You know Tommy C hates Digi, bro. Go ahead, go ahead, Warski.
Unknown_12: It was so funny. Midway through, it's the scene where Digi is phoning the police. So he's like, now you'll see me here phoning the police. So as he's walking and he's holding the phone, someone in Tommy C's chat is going, Digi's looking at Loli right now.
Look at that. Look at that. Look at that. Look at that fucking alien woman.
Unknown_22: He's jerking off to Lolicon right now. Humor activated. I definitely do not like Lolicon. Oh my god. How scandalous. Mouth agape. Eyes darting around room. Stare at camera. Oh, how scandalous.
Unknown_06: For like a millisecond he walked by the camera.
Unknown_06: of a
I don't know. It's not even that big a deal. In fact, that's not even close to the biggest fight I've been in in my life. They were asking for a fight. Yeah, it's just what they were weren't. I mean, they were, but it's like he wants to be treated as a fucking bitch.
Unknown_22: Okay, so this this to me this conversation accidentally reveals to me what I believe to be maze true intentions and Remember I've made fun of her for pantomiming human expressions up until now But watch how different she sounds and how she acts when she's talking about Digibro They want no control of their own life because they're you know, they're on they're unable to make decisions for themselves
Yeah, so yeah, that's what happened. By the way, it's funny because you came on the show last year before all this should happen. All this should pretty much happen, like developed over the course of the year. It's crazy. It was crazy because, you know, did you used to be somebody who's like, oh, yeah, I love my phimosis cock.
Unknown_11: That used to be what they would like talk about all the time. And like, you know, what even is that? Well, this is is a condition where your foreskin is extra long.
Unknown_12: Oh, no.
Unknown_04: Oh, that's a double on the black market.
I mean, like, I don't know. I think that uncut cocks are better. And I don't I don't know. I just kind of like.
Unknown_12: But extra long. This was somebody who used to be like very masculine and now they're like, oh, I'm feminine.
Unknown_11: And it's like I tried to be supportive because I wanted them, you know, to do better in life. They were like years behind on their taxes and.
Unknown_11: Digi is like, you know, they're in a position where they owe their patrons like hundreds of dollars worth of rants and shit. And it's like, hey, I want to support you. I want to, you know, if this is going to make you start making decisions that are healthy for you, I want to support you. And I honestly regret it more than anything in my entire life because it was so destructive.
You know, God made you who you are.
Unknown_11: And there's no way you're gonna change that so you have to actually doesn't that give him great grounds to be angry at God By the way, I see I see some people speculating I've talked about this before I'm of course uncut I see some people
So No, there's two ways to interpret that she out like she looks and sounds completely different when she's talking about did you bro? And you could chalk it up like a performative like oh, I'm so sensitive and in touch. I really think that she She wanted to help that that pod of people that she was living with out and And I used to think that her fetish was ruining men, and when Digibro started going trans, that was part of her fetish, and then they broke up, and now that she was with Ralph, she would try to make him true now, and that would just be her fetish. Because it's not unheard of at this point for women who have severe psychotic disorders. who have a long-term fetish like cuckolding to try and hook up with Ralph for the sole purpose of exploiting the fattest, grossest man alive to appease some sort of weird humiliation side of someone else. Ralph being used by women is basically every woman that he's with except for Nora now.
Either for money or for some cock thing or to get back at did you bro or to turn him into a tranny? Whatever it is. He's being exploited Now and I that's what what my thought was that she was trying to either simply Turn him into a tranny for sexual thrills or or she was just trying to self-promote and then move on. But now, I kind of think that what she really, really wanted was for a confrontation between Digibro and Ralph, where Digibro actually stands up for himself and, like, socks Ralph in the fucking face and tumbles him over, and just this pathetic display of Ethan and Ralph being beat up by a tranny. And then Digibro saying, come back to me, baby. I love you so much. And she would be like, oh, Digibro, I'm so glad that you finally stood up for yourself. You're finally realizing that you're a man. And that was like her headcanon of what was going to happen. But instead, Digibro didn't even go to the door. He hid in the back room and called the police. So now she's in this position where she's like, oh my god, I'm sucking Ethan Ralph's dick, and I'm stuck in this fucking hell. That is my life.
And she's probably like because she cheated on digibro with Ralph and maybe that that was like after that discovery They would you know digibro would do something maybe digibro take a shotgun and fucking kill Ralph and that would be the end of it But that didn't happen and the confrontation didn't happen the way that she wanted and now she's just stuck with Ralph and she has to I think that what she's doing at this point is That she's exploiting Ralph to clean up her image She wants the to do the Oh God made you this way and God heals all wounds And I I'm in touch with Christ, and I'm so trad I wear a dress and occasionally make a taco and that's all that's all that there is to being trad is wearing dresses and pantomiming faith to Christ and making tacos that's all it takes and then eventually
Ethan Ralph is gonna put her in contact with a bigger and better a celeb who has more money and more going on and She's gonna chew on Ralph with that guy And he she's just gonna monkey branch to some place that she actually wants to be because nobody wants to be with Ralph Nobody does
Unknown_22: So that's that's my current call. That's my prediction and I think that she really Because I mean that you could make the argument and I I understand the wisdom and thinking that her whole spiel about being upset about Digibro's Current character arc in his life is just fake but it at least Persuaded me to think that it might have been genuine. So I
Either way it doesn't matter the end result is that she's going to cheat on Ralph with someone who has Anything to offer really anything at all now finally after this show It's kind of like a weird thing that had Ralph was filming a
Unknown_22: a bonus episode for patrons with gator and it was half finished when he says like i gotta cut it short here i'm gonna go pick up uh may's shit in the yard we're gonna come back and we're gonna finish doing this bonus episode but then the fight happened
So, he did the next day, after this kill stream, finish filming that bonus episode with Gator.
Unknown_22: And someone on the Kiwi Farms was kind enough to clip out an interesting bit, which we will now go listen to right now.
Unknown_04: I mean, the big thing, the big takeaway here is that it was a setup. They were trying to bait you into the house. They were recording conversations. Like, this was all because Digibro wanted to get some, like, comeuppance. Because May chose you. And wisely so. Like, who would want to be in that sort of situation where somebody can literally just walk in the front door because everybody's too coked out of their fucking minds, pick you up and just carry you off into the night.
Imagine that, by the way.
Unknown_22: I like that pause where even Ethan Ralph has experienced second-hand embarrassment at how deep Gator has wrapped his lips around that cock.
Unknown_22: Even Ethan Ralph needs a second to mentally process and find the next avenue of conversation to steer it away from that schlopping because it is so fucking embarrassing to him.
I mean, dude, I don't think it's a...
Unknown_06: Somebody trying to adopt you is scary as shit, dude.
Unknown_06: And I'm not sure if that's fully realized here. You know what I mean? Like I talked about a little bit last night, but somebody actually broke into their house and tried to kidnap May. And I saw him in court last week.
Unknown_06: I saw like some Guatemalan dude.
Unknown_06: who was a Kiwi Farms user in all reality, and that's true. Yes, he was. And that's where he got our information.
And you know, I don't like Kiwi Farms and I think that's well known.
Unknown_22: I want to point that out just to take a, we need to take a second to process it, mentally process it like Ralph had to do. He accused the man that tried to abduct Ney of using the forums. And I was trying to like reconcile the entire community with a kidnapper for whatever reason. And I'll give you guys a hint. I'll give you a pro tip. If your information can be found on the Kiwi forums, anyone could have found it. There's no there's not like a special private investigator like pass that you have like you don't have to take a Six-year course to figure out how to find someone's address if some random retard on my website can find it Chances are anyone sufficiently dedicated could find that same information because it's out there. It's not acquired through some Proprietary means it's just public information But I'm not gonna you know And it's a suspect
But, you know, there's a lot of fucked up shit all over the Internet. So I will concede that. But it's turned into something different over there. And you look at the difference between something like IP two and Kiwi Farms, IP two is a little closer to what Kiwi Farms used to be.
Unknown_04: Like when people call the cops on some of these IRL streamers, people get pissed and they say, why are you doing this? Why are you fucking up our content? We just want to laugh at these people. And that's what Kiwi Farms used to be. It used to be, don't interfere, watch, document, and laugh. And it's changed. It's turned into, interfere as much as possible. Like, go out in real life and try to fuck with these people at every opportunity you can find. And and so it's, you know, it's very clear what's happening here. You're getting these people like that guy that tried to kidnap May that are using the website, reading the website, participating in its culture. And so guess what they do? They go out and they do blatantly illegal shit, like try to kidnap somebody like it's.
OK, that's obviously retarded, but.
Unknown_22: What he's upset about, and this is not a joke, if you go to Gator's Twitter feed, God forbid, and you look at his messages, this is what he's actually, literally upset about.
Unknown_22: When I announced the fight on Twitter, I said, attention, all Fortnite gamers, and also Jared Holt, this is an urgent broadcast from the Israeli news network.
Unknown_22: He has interpreted this me tagging Jared Holt who is the?
Chairman of the right-wing watch who's done articles on Ralph before he credits this he and his mind he genuinely actually believes that me tagging Jared Holt in this tweet is some sort of like a actual travesty. I have backhanded my entire, I have undermined my entire website by adding him and I've tried to de-platform Ralph. Like bro, Jared Holt has people he pays to keep tabs on these personalities so that he can run hit pieces on them.
Unknown_22: He's gonna find out that a fat retard got into a fight with another fat retard and his fat retarded girlfriend Like he's just gonna cuz he went that's that's how he wants to portray everyone on the right So when your fat retarded boss who's paying you minimum wage to suck his dick Gets into a fat retarded fight with a fat retard and his fat retarded girlfriend he's gonna take that and say the producer of the dick show and
potentially a mentally retarded woman that they groomed, and Ethan Ralph, a right-wing broadcaster, got into a white trash brawl. These are the heroes of the right. Like, he wants that information and he's going to find it. If you really, really want to defend right-wing causes, reprimand your boss for getting into white trash fights in fucking front yards.
Unknown_22: I can't even...
Unknown_22: It's so hard to suss out what Gator is actually motivated by. Is he really someone who believes that in his cause, in his job, or is he really just swayed to that level of dedication by pennies, by less than minimum wage, supplementing his grocery bagging career? Is it really just the money? Because if so, that's fucking impressive. Because like, they're not friends. You know?
I just can't understand it.
Unknown_04: And you and I have been warning people about this for a while and warning, you know, the guy that runs the site specifically about this, that sooner or later something is going to happen and it's going to fall on his responsibility and he's going to be fucked.
Unknown_22: Both of them used the site religiously and spoke of its merits until the very second that Ethan Ralph was being made fun of. Once I no longer insulated him from any repercussions, I never, like, actually prevented people from talking about him, but once it became clear that even I wasn't really fighting for Ralph on the site to maintain his image, um, and then it switched, and suddenly it's a bad site, and Ralph goes on, like, a fucking tirade here.
He doesn't matter what shithole he's hiding in, Estonia, Serbia, wherever, they're gonna come find him, and they're gonna dr- Estonia and Serbia are both beautiful countries, of a
which is fine.
Unknown_00: But I'm just telling you, like, that's objective analysis.
Unknown_06: I know that's not even because I have any beef with them. It's because it's reality. Dude, he's I told him this in DMs last week when he tried to make up some shit. He tried to you know, he tried to say
Unknown_22: I wanna know, literally, what crime does he think is being committed? What crime does he think, how have I wronged anyone? It's just baffling, because I'm not going out, okay, for instance, I would believe that maybe I was at risk if I was using information on the forum to go to someone's yard and then punch them in the face. That might be criminal activity. But I've never I've never hurt anyone ever. I don't understand but it's like I don't know and again, I can't suss out if it's like This is what they want their hardcore viewers and audience to believe so that it would give a confirmation biased information They see in the future or if this is just what they hope or if they actually believe That there is something criminal about making fun of retards on the internet
that I was trying to whitewash May's, um, like, support of Lolicon or some shit. Or that I was trying— No, he's trying to say that I was talking— that I said it was a form of therapy or some shit.
Which I absolutely never said that in my life. I never even thought that, Gator. That's really— That's fucking stupid. Like, I never said that. Um, other people may have said that. I didn't say that. So Josh just makes up some shit that, um, that I said that and rolls with it.
Unknown_06: and posted on kiwi farms what was so funny about that is that you confronted him about it and he didn't even like come up with a justification where he heard that where it came from he just immediately just started deflecting like he knew it was bullshit he just made up he just nothing was happening at the time and so he just started shit out of nowhere just because he was
The board had started to, you know, the fan forum was starting to kind of Wayne a little bit. People weren't as interested. And this happens time and time again, like, he tries to pretend like he's hands off like, oh, I don't care about Ralph. But when things start to slow down, he's always in the he's always in the fan forum, bumping stuff every single time. It's always him starting some shit.
Unknown_22: He's upset that I, like, post on my site. You know what I mean? Like, he's upset that I participate in my own community. I don't, like, it's just, it's so weird. And it's also weird how they continually, continually insist that they are some sort of linchpin to the community. That it just wouldn't exist without Ethan Ralph. Without the content of Ethan Ralph, there is no way that my cluster of friends in the fan zone could exist. When it's just not true. The site is at the biggest point it's ever been. More than 4,000 people are on it concurrently every day.
We get more than 10,000 11,000 now it's up from 10,000 on we broke 10,000 sign-ins you know users active for the first time early in March and we're already over 11,000 and I I think that wanking numbers is like the most fucking annoying like retarded thing you can possibly do like I made $900 making my stream bitch. What about you? I made $1,000 last week
But I don't understand the point of insisting that things are going down when they're just fucking not It baffles me. I'm too up to you know what it is. I'm too autistic I'm too much of an autism. Oh, I I measure my world in and things that I can feel things that I things that I can pick up and clink together and understand and count and and
Unknown_22: And they just like say shit that makes them feel good, and it's strange. Gator, in particular by the way, will say whatever the fuck he wants, without any evidence, just constantly making shit up, every day. I have to ignore Gator, because if I were to let myself fall into the trap of trying to address individual claims that he makes, I would never do anything else but argue with fucking Gator on Twitter, and I'd rather be dead.
But him claiming that people make up the shit about is just laughable is completely hypocritical Yeah, and look I did I've jumped right in his DMs.
Unknown_06: I was like, dude, where do you? Obviously, I think he's a piece of shit and I said this to him personally in DMs I want to see the guy ruined And I ain't gonna be the one to do it but it's gonna happen and I'm gonna see it and I'm gonna be here to witness it and
What he's arguing about, by the way, is that... I updated Mae's OP, because I saw that she was trying to re-invent herself as the TradCath or whatever the fuck, and I was like, nah, we're not gonna do this. So I went through and I kind of brushed it up and reorganized information and put in some new clips to make sure that people understand that she is an anime degenerate who happily jerked off to Lolicon for fucking years while living with a man who says this.
Unknown_22: Let me play this in VLC so I don't have to However, I will say this did you bro I don't know if this is accurate because I don't know the terminology of like anime shit, but you are self-professed What is it lollicon?
Yes, does that mean that what does that mean?
Unknown_08: It means that I am a huge fan of illustrations of little girls getting fucked.
Unknown_05: Now, see that makes it, you see what you, when you do that, it makes it, it makes it very uncomfortable.
Unknown_08: Of course it does. But like, I have to fight for that shit harder than anybody because I like that shit. And if I'm not doing anything wrong and I'm looking at the shit, that means I got to be on the front fucking line.
So that was her boyfriend for years. She slept under a wall of posters of, like, Lolicon characters. She openly admits that she was into it.
Unknown_22: She denies being a pedophile, but she claims that it was a form of therapy, that she suffered sexual assault, and now she jerks off to Lolicon as a way of healing herself, which I don't believe. And to Ralph's credit, as far as I'm aware, he's not actively toed that line of defending Mae from Lolicon. He tries to avoid it as much as possible.
Unknown_22: While also going on the dick show and calling Digibro a pedophile for the exact same thing So it's I suppose that's technically true that he himself has not reiterated this line that she is Using lollipop as a therapy But he is fucking her, he's in a relationship with her, um, and he is trying to rebuil- I believe that she- he's trying to rehabilitate her image, um, by allowing her- by p- putting her up as like a Treadgeth or whatever.
The reason why they're doing it is because from his image his audience hates her if you read the chat while she's on stream they hate her because they can't live this shit down Ralph needs them to because that that's the woman that he wants to be with and She needs them to because she intends to cheat on Ralph with someone bigger and better After the rehabilitation is done. I'm not gonna read this Twitter argument. You can find on the forum if you really want to it's a maze thread and My favorite part is just this clip where I tell him, kind of offhanded and in a divergent conversation, that he probably shouldn't write a hit piece on DLive while he's exiting DLive and hoping to get on Odyssey. Because if you are character assassinating the people who let you host and monetize your stream for a couple years as you're leaving the door, it looks really bad to the people who are onboarding you onto their platform. So I said, you probably don't want to do that. To which he replies, I understand your point fully, and it might even be the more prudent and smart path, but that's not me. And I fucking love that quote. It's a moment of clarity. It really is.
And as sure as I'm sitting here, he's either going to close that website one day or he's going to be sitting in a federal prison. And if you think I'm fucking full of shit, just hide and watch.
Unknown_06: And so that's my that's my take on it. But yeah, I jumped in his DMs and I was like, what the fuck? Where did you get this from? And he immediately starts, uh, trying to change the story and change to another topic. It was pathetic. Honestly, it was bizarre.
It was just really fucking bizarre. Like, like a guy that's just like, he's clearly got issues. He's clearly got issues. Um, you just happened to be his Huckleberry and he can't fucking stand it because no matter what he's tried, no matter what he said and done, like you're still there. Like,
Unknown_22: Appreciate that Ralph is eating into the mic as he was recording this patreon only content I remember when Josh was triumphantly talking about how you were gonna get thrown in jail and you were no longer gonna be a thorn in his side This is the biggest this is this lie actually gets to me this irritates me Ralph or Gator will say over and over and over again that I
said that Ralph would go to jail over the revenge porn. Like, as it got released and as the charges were added, he said that I was champing and apparently I would be a- he's a thorn in my side. I have never called Ethan Ralph a thorn in my side, ever, in my entire life. I have never made that claim, that he's a nuisance to me.
Unknown_22: And I don't think that I have ever made the claim that Ralph would be going to jail for the revenge pornography and Maybe you can prove me wrong Maybe one of you can pull up a post right so that he's probably going to go to jail or he might go to jail Or he must go to jail because he's such a nuisance to me but I'm pretty sure I was the only person in that thread who was saying the opposite and that revenge porn laws are very weak, that they've never been tried before in his state. It's a brand new field, it just hasn't existed before. So there may even be constitutional questions about if posting a picture that you took and that you have the copyright of If that could ever be criminalized, you know what I mean? It's like I've never said that Ralph would be going to prison over that but for some reason Gator insists over and over again that I have and it's just so it's such a lie. You know what I mean? It's like it's like
Riley calling Ralph five-foot-one. It's like You know you're shorter than me. How dare you sir say that I'm five-foot-one like why would you say something that? You know is not true and that you cannot support in any way Um oh here perfect. Oh Where am I saving this? I'll throw this up just to prove my fucking point because I know for a fact that this has been my line the entire time
This is December 16th 2020 when the charges were being added from me quote me don't get your hopes up for jail time He'll probably walk because of the video faith made where she said she consented What's more likely is that he's going to end up spending thousands of dollars on legal expenses? Six months dealing with these charges by that time the baby will be born and will naturally evolve into child support claims
Ralph is at his least interesting when he's under duress. He's going to act sober and listen to his attorney. When he wins the court case, he'll go full retard again and harder than we've seen. Which happened. Word for word. Once the case was won, he went full retard again and harder than we've seen.
Unknown_22: In reality we'll catch up with him again during the child support saga, and that will also be funny So that's coming up the baby's still not born yet The case was resolved expediently because it was thrown out in like a pre or like a when the arraignment was starting That's the funny thing about Ralph again quoting me from 2020
He loves talking about how he's a heel, but this is the reality of being the bad guy. Ralph wants to be Lex Luthor, and people want to jeer him because he's fat and contemptible. He's playing a high-stakes, no-win game where his only condition for failure is not being able to do his podcast and drink himself to sleep. As long as he can keep doing that, he's a living, breathing soap opera broadcasted for everyone to watch. Nothing about that is, fuck with Ralph, nothing about that is, call the police on Ralph, nothing about that is, Ralph's a thorn in my side, nothing about that's him going to jail. I have never said that Ralph was going to go to jail over the fucking revenge pornography charges, and at the time, that was an extremely unpopular opinion. People wanted him to go to jail, and I was a dissenting voice against him in that. So, Gator can suck my ass, because he's so full of shit, and that's the only thing I'm gonna, like, get on him about, because he lies constantly about me, and I don't respond to him, because I know he's just being paid. Ralph is paying him a pittance to spend his entire life, you know, being a, um, the most avid supporter of the Killstream, and... But this is something where it's, like, so demonstrably incorrect that it's funny to look back on and make fun of.
And he was like, you know, he basically did like that celebration stream that Friday that you got that you got arrested. It's like, oh, that's it. You know, Ralph's going to be in jail. It's going to be over. I'm not going to have to worry about Ralph anymore. And it's like, surprise, motherfucker. I'm still here.
Okay, you guys, I have terrible short term memory. So you guys listen to the podcast. I just speak. I don't listen. Uh, does anyone remember the stream where he was picked up again and arrested for, um, revenge pornography charges? And does anyone remember me being super hard that he's definitely going to go to jail? Does anyone remember that stream and remember me saying that?
I'm watching, I'm watching chat. Did I say that?
Unknown_22: That never happened. Short term memory lol. Yes. Oh, that did happen. Rocking the gun. Okay.
Unknown_22: I don't know. I'll have to go dig it up. Maybe it's in the archive. Sort of? Maybe? Not really? You did not. Cringe 9. No.
Unknown_22: Maybe. I remember. You guys have a fucked up memory like I do.
Unknown_06: Well that's another thing. They obsess about trying to put me in jail. Like literally. That's true of some users. I'll give them that.
Yesterday or the day before? I guess it was the day before.
Unknown_06: And it was just nothing but obsessive arguments about why I would or wouldn't go to jail. Most people trying to say I would. First off, ain't shit going to happen. I ain't even going to get charged, most certainly. But even if I did, why the fuck? I got lawyers, dude. Like, I mean, that's why you have lawyers. What the fuck? Also, another thing is there's this video is not very flattering for the other party, especially some of the things that they did show premeditation.
And yeah, while premeditation is not necessarily like something they could charge them with in this case, they it would show Ralph's innocence because they plan this. They clearly invited him inside the house. They had a plan.
Unknown_04: This wasn't just a breaking and entering or whatever. The prosecutors would be a damn fool to take that case up.
Unknown_06: I don't think they'll.
Unknown_22: Your five foot one is Latin for please come inside. You're a welcome guest of his honored household. I think they would.
Unknown_06: I want to remind you guys like Gator is a grocery bagger.
Unknown_22: He is not a lawyer. Don't do not do not ever rely on Gator for fucking legal advice. But I guess somebody quoted Riley in a discord and basically said that the cops told him that it would be a push pretty much and that you might get a charge to if he tried to push it.
Yeah, I mean, well, that's what I said the other day. I said, and you know, of course, you know, all the spurs and Tommy sees chat. We're like, no, no, that's not true because none of them know jack shit about law.
Unknown_06: Yeah. Believe me. I know a lot about the law and how to stay in and out in jail. And I know people would find that funny maybe when I say that. Uh, but the first thing I said to me and she's sitting right here, I said, get the shit and let's go. And she's like, by the way, no offense to her. I'm not trying to throw her under the bus. But she's just like picking up her stuff like I'm like no put it throw it in there we got to go like we got to get out of here because the cops might be here in five or ten minutes and You know, you don't want to be there when you need to be No, you don't you want to be gone because you don't want to get a trespassing charge Yeah, and then if they show up they might actually, you know, they're probably gonna arrest somebody if they have to show up so Yeah, we just left.
And the other thing about the cops is when it comes to pressing charges, I see none of these motherfuckers have ever been in a real life fight, so they don't fucking know when it comes to cops. If the cops show up. And you got one side saying, I want to press charges. And you got another side saying, well, I want to press charges too. The cop is going to sit there and the cop is going to be like, I'm hauled. Cause that you draw called out there.
Unknown_06: Both of you mother. Right. And from my perspective, you know, we talked about today, we talked about last night. I don't, I don't think there's anything else to say about it after this show with you right here. Um, and it's the capstone.
Yeah, this is pretty much yet.
Unknown_06: This is it, that's why I'm just pouring my mind out here, trying to see if I forgot anything.
Unknown_06: But, you know, it's a fight, it happened. People saw my belly again, oh no, what the fuck, they've never seen that.
Unknown_06: Dude, you've made so many thousands of dollars off the gunt, that like, honestly, we're fucking up by not selling merch with it.
Unknown_04: I know, we are!
Unknown_06: You know what's funny is...
Unknown_22: Yeah, I don't understand gears like unhaltering like love Genuine love for everything about Ralph is just like the most bizarre fucking character trait of any person ever in the history of mankind.
I I don't know why they think that that's a like a big thing for me. Also, I only only wait I say only But I weigh 273 pounds as of yesterday
Unknown_06: I might be a little bit more after all that tequila last night. Um, that's overweight by like a good 90 pounds probably. Um, so I'm, I'm overweight. I'm not going to lie, but I'm not like fucking 400 pounds or whatever. Like this bullshit. Uh, I'm 273 pounds now at five, nine, you know, that's not, That's not good That's not good. I don't want to portray it like that. There's still a long way off from glory But I tell you what when I got out of jail, I was 186 and that was like 10 pounds off my BMI basically Like the official BMI but at 186 I felt like perfect almost So if I can get back down to that I saw dick doing a weight loss contest I think I am gonna enter that actually I need some type of I need the motivation. I don't need a skip past this $11.53
Not clown role. That's what you do, right? And women love that shit. And that's what a lot of these guys don't understand. They're sitting there crying about morality, all the optics. Oh, my God. The outrage, dude. Nothing dries up a pussy faster than some dude crying about morals and crying selective moral outrage about some shit that was funny that everybody's laughing at on the Internet. You know how you win? You win through comedy. You win through wit. That is how that is how you get women Gator talking about women is like the most cringe-inducing things ever like III there's not I Struggle to think of a person I think of as a less sexual entity than Gator the everything about his like demeanor and voice and Cadence and the way he talks about things and the way he approaches the subject of intimacy and like dating is
Just think of him like a like a robot, you know, like a golem He's like a clay golem with no dick trying to explain things that he's seen on like TV I go women like humor, you know, like so not nothing drives up a pussy more than moralize I Really don't want to hear you talk about talk about the P word. Okay. Okay Really don't want to hear you talk about what SP words. I don't think I can fucking stand it anyways as they complain about Me Doing stuff I guess remember that Ralph actively tries to take down my my little sales, so if you are interested in buying a silver coin, I would I Urge expediency because I'm beset on all sides by by people like Ralph thorns thorns in my side trying to take down my little silver sales events But I think that's all I have to say about this I've gone on I've gone on long enough I do have I have some wrap-up content Wrap-up content to go over. Oh, it's in my notes as my actual notes not my
Okay, is there anything in this that I left out?
Unknown_22: This is a meme edit of like the last of us to the big guy punching the little trans kid Gator filled this in with a paint bucket and now they're selling it and I think he said that he's sold like 20 of these shirts Which is probably a little bit over $100. That's quite impressive
Unknown_22: Then he also posted this really cringe video With like his face super and pose over Joaquin Phoenix because he's the Joker you guys he's just like he's exactly like the Joker and May is continuing to try and be Treadcatheter My heart still hurts, but Jesus heals me more each day." And she actually gets, like, positive reactions from people, like, yes, yes, girl, Christ is the way.
Literally, someone was in her comments to one of these tweets saying, like, Christ will heal you of being attracted to children. And she was like, thank you for your prayers. Christ is Kang.
Unknown_22: It's cringe. It is pretty cringe.
Unknown_02: Okay.
Unknown_02: Um...
Unknown_22: I think that's it. I think that's all I can talk about. Uh, there's the George Floyd trial and um, I've not been paying attention to it at all. I realized that a lot of people are watching it live. They're deciding to live stream it for whatever reason. Probably a good idea. Um, I have no understanding of that case and I, all I know is that they're going to be riots either way. Uh, if Derek Chauvin is acquitted,
Uh, then there will be riots if he is found guilty There will still be riots It's it's it's a zero win game, right? Uh, so i'm not paying attention to it. It's like it's just so far away from me. I don't even care I'm, just trying to get out at this point
More interesting than the most significant trial in 20 years is Chantal. You see, Chantal, the fat Canadian woman, the number one fatty on this stream, has been taking her diabetes medication.
Unknown_22: And her diabetes medication has apparently fixed something in her brain. And she is now horny. She is a hornier, and she cannot stop talking about dick. And I want to play some clips about these streams.
I haven't put the timestamps written down. Okay, here we go.
Unknown_02: One hour, or two hours and 56 minutes.
Unknown_13: Yes, Louis is funny.
Unknown_13: Everyone that I've become friends with on here has had a similar sense of humor as mine.
Unknown_13: Battery-operated boyfriend. Wiener's pick.
It's a wiener's pick, you think? Oh, I'd like that.
Unknown_13: Usually I hate wiener picks, but lately I'm just like, give me all the wiener picks. I want all those wieners up in my face.
Unknown_22: her a wiener pic shut up i want all the wieners no and yeah she is high in this um there is another clip that i have at 3 22 like this one or what do you think
You know what we have to do this summer? We have to do this. Rent a secluded cabin on a beach. Yeah. Oh my God.
Unknown_13: Okay, this is, no, this is not good. Do you think I should invite Super Mario to a weekend at a cabin? I'm going to let this play for a bit.
Unknown_22: Just listen to her, her epic plan.
Unknown_13: me and two of his, three of his other Italian buddies.
Wouldn't that be so fun? Come on, you can't tell me that wouldn't be fun. A place with a big hot tub, down by the beach, with three super hot buff, hot Italian guys for a weekend, have like a bunch of bottles,
Unknown_13: That would be so fun.
Unknown_13: Wouldn't that be fun?
Unknown_13: Take your girlfriends.
Unknown_13: Hmm, single ones, yeah, that's a good idea.
No, seriously, that's kind of a fantasy of mine, actually. It's always been just a fantasy, though. I'm always too scared
Unknown_13: Because guys can be rough, you know? That's not something people do, bro. Bay Nation!
Unknown_13: I was just saying.
Unknown_13: I want to hang out with you guys. I feel bad doing lives at the same time as you, so I'm planning my week. I know you do lives from... Okay, you guys had enough of that?
Unknown_22: I had to go pee, so I let it play out a bit. I don't know why the fuck she's so super horny, but it's very cringe. And there's two things really funny about it. I have one more clip to play from a different stream, and then I'll explain what I personally find extremely entertaining about her horny saga.
Give me a second.
Unknown_18: Oh wait, hold up. I might have...
Unknown_02: Give me a second just a quickly some things that I noticed 3 39 15 This is no this is stripped from the other one here we go.
Unknown_13: Enjoy. I'm going to have some mushrooms.
Unknown_02: What the fuck? Go to the right timestamp.
Unknown_02: There we go.
Unknown_22: Hang in there. Hang in there.
Unknown_13: You want to play Mario with us?
Unknown_14: I need to let my stomach rest after a big supper.
Unknown_22: Wait, wait for it. I'll explain what's happening in this. It's interesting.
Unknown_13: Are you mad at me?
Unknown_22: Huh?
Unknown_13: Are you mad at me? No. Okay. Why would I be mad at you? I don't know. I've been talking a lot about boys these days. Oh.
Unknown_13: That doesn't bug you?
Unknown_14: No.
Unknown_13: Are you sure?
Unknown_14: Yeah.
Unknown_13: Okay, good. Because you know I want to live with you forever, but just have sex with sexy Italian men sometimes. Yep.
Unknown_13: You're okay with that?
Unknown_20: Who doesn't?
Unknown_13: But I'm not gonna bring any men home. Yeah, whatever. No, I'm not.
This is our house.
Unknown_14: I'd have my music playing so I wouldn't hear it anyway.
Unknown_13: This is our house.
Unknown_14: If you get too loud, I can just put earphones in.
Unknown_13: Oh, no, that's not going to happen. I'm not doing that.
Unknown_22: Look at how excited she is looking at him during this conversation.
Unknown_13: It's so creepy. I think you're just saying that.
Unknown_13: You would tell me.
Unknown_14: Yep. Anyway, I need to let my stuffer settle. So after that, we can play a little Mario. Give me like half an hour or something.
Yeah, she does. It is, it's a lot like the Amanda thing, I think. It's like, she is, look at the smile, the evil witch smile, the way she's like egging him on. She desperately wants to see some sort of indignation, some sort of anger, some heat, some manliness. Be upset. Be, be, be, uh...
Unknown_22: Be offended. Take the reigns. Be a man. But it never happens. They just like, soak back to their fucking room, playing with the Switch, and listening to music and shit. These women are desperate for some sort of white trash moment to come roaring out, but it never happens.
Did you eat all your Mr. Sauce?
Unknown_22: No.
Unknown_13: I only finished one.
Unknown_14: I've still got an entire other- Hi Biggie Nation!
Unknown_13: Are you guys live tonight?
Unknown_14: I've still got an entire second of Mr. Solid that I haven't even opened yet.
Unknown_14: See? You can see him there.
Unknown_13: Are you happy? Are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
Unknown_22: She knows. The way she smiles. She just knows.
Unknown_13: And I can't read the chat. I don't know if you can see it.
It's on the screen. But I would actually suggest looking through it as this plays because it's so obvious that even chat is like, wait, he's totally not over you. And the funny- Remember, this is the story of Pete's, the most cucked man in the entire world. His hand- He is soy boy incarnate. He is cape shit man. His fuck- He knows everything about X-Men. You can sit him down and quiz him about X-Men, and he knows everything.
Unknown_22: He, uh- His name is X-Men letter expert on, like, everything. On Nintendo Switch, and on Twitter and shit, and on his rape fanfic website. He's X-Men expert. And that's his entire life. And the only reason he ever goes outside is to go to the comic book store to buy more X-Men shit. And he wants to fuck Squirrel Girl. And he wants to BE Squirrel Girl. She keeps egging him on to, like, wear a dress. Because he has, like, a female alter ego named Ramona. And there is going to be a Pete's Tranny subject, because she's trying desperately to get him to, like, dress up as Ramona. And it's going to happen one day.
um because he was just endlessly emasculating himself but uh they were in a they were either in a very long-term relationship or formally engaged to each other i don't remember which probably just in a long-term relationship like but for a very long time they knew each other from like high school or college And then in 2011, um, she cheated on him with BB, the black guy from Senegal who became her, I want to say husband, but I don't think that's true. I think they were just, um, together, uh, as well. And she left him. And then once BB and her split, she messaged him up cause he's basically her only friend and said, do you want to live together and split rent?
and he agreed and now he lives in this house where she just like streams 24-7 and talks about sucking dick and he just sits upstairs with his cat watching X-Men videos and arguing on Twitter about US politics despite being Canadian and never having been to the United States ever and that's his life and the only person the only person perhaps more pathetic than Pete's is karate joe if you look in chat there's this guy called karate joe and he has a black circle he is her number one simp and he will ban anyone who besmirches milady's honor in chat and uh there was i don't have clips from this but she went on to a date with a guy who was a fan of her streams Who's like a BBW fan named Lucas and she Lucas met up and they got like bubble tea together or whatever and Karate Joe is just Frankie not Lucas, but she's with Frankie and he's in her car and he seems normal he seems like a you know, like a regular person not like a skin suit wear or whatever and Karate Joe number one simp is sitting in the fucking chat
Seething. He is fucking livid. And here are the chats from this. These are Karate Joe during him, or her going to meet Frankie. Turn off GPS. No bees in Chantelle. Bees in is how she says misbehaving. No misbehaving Chantelle. Too many users have been hurt meeting their fans. No, people have been killed online. Where has the mods been telling her not to do it, huh? Go get teeth and go back home. Go get your teeth and home. You said before you weren't comfortable meeting him yet. Okay, time to go. He didn't show up. Time to go home. I do say he has a cool accent. Take us with you both. Never let someone get you a drink. You don't know Chantal that why you should have gone with him. You should have stayed home and order one for delivery. Stop telling her to kiss him with COVID-19 out there. He's not jealous. You see it's COVID-19.
He said he didn't want to meet him yet put your mask on just seething in the chat
Unknown_22: And then a different one, when she's talking about penis. He's like, time for bed, you're being ghosted. He ghosts you, he could be from a hater reaction channel. She is beesin' Annie P, not worried about COVID, just worrying about getting the D, Annie. COVID-19, COVID-19, COVID-19. Pete's, talk to your roommate about her, about this. You also have to worry about Pete's health. But you said time and time again, you wanna work on your mental health first, and then look for a boyfriend or someone later. It's called Border Closed and COVID People. Danielle, what did you do? Cooked him dinner one night and he didn't like it. Sorry, Danielle, forgot. Stop telling her to do what YouTubers do. It's called the bar or coffee shop, not dating app. Get a sex doll. They have said no hooking up during the pandemic. That's why I'm saying she shouldn't. You do know we not on the only chat.
Just Seething there's a there's a copy pasta out there that I'm reminded of where a guy is like a gardener, right?
Unknown_22: And he determines that there is a rabbit who is in his garden fucking up his crops. And you know how men get about plants when their plants are being attacked by parasites or pests.
So he, indignant about the rabbit infestation in his garden, decides that it would be easy. It would be too simple to merely catch the rabbit. So he determines where its rabbit hole is and finds the rabbit GF in the rabbit hole. So he captures them both and he brings them inside and then he goes to the pet store and buys the biggest, blackest rabbit he can find at the pet store.
Unknown_22: and he describes in this post that he hooks he puts the female rabbit and the big black rabbit together and he makes the other rabbit in a different cage watch them have sex and it seethes and claws at the cage and is angy as he's being cucked and that is Karate Joe he's the rabbit in the other cage caged by the internet and thousands of miles of distance and he can only sit there and moderate her chat as she literally daydreams and salivates thinking about cock.
And that is possibly, maybe as low as Pete's. But then again, I mean Pete's did get to fuck her. So I guess that's a is that I mean, but then she cheated on him and then he took her back It's like it's like it's like a race you have two levels of pathetic and it's like like Mario Kart I guess you have one and then it gets the mushroom and it gets in first place and then no no he gets it But the blue shell and it's just neck-and-neck who's more pathetic who's more pathetic? They're competing super hard to get number one to get the the battle royale victory royale chicken dinner and
And I have one more gift, one more gift, and we'll wrap the show. I can't believe it actually lasted two hours. I can't believe I've had that much to talk about, to be honest.
Unknown_22: I saw this playing and I thought, you know what? This is just funny enough to do a bingo. I got my bingo card ready. I got my dancing kiwi ready and I have my K's cooking ready and we'll watch one little itty bitty K's cooking because this one's pretty funny.
Hi people, I'm back cooking again and today I'm going to be doing lasagna.
Unknown_16: As you can see I've got my pan and there's a new thing that's come out. Well, I believe it to be new. I don't know if you can see it.
Unknown_22: Kay has actually gotten a an upgrade in recent time. I've still been watching her videos On and off she puts out a couple a week She's more estranged from her son I feel he's not around as much and She also has this really fancy walk that she is displaying in the video. So she's upgraded some of her shit and
some of her equipment. Um, she's still unbelievably terrible at cooking. Um, but, uh, very, kind of, kind of still the same. Okay.
Unknown_16: I know a lot of people say you get mad at me. Trying to, having difficulties making more kiwis.
Unknown_16: Oh my god, he's not even spraying.
Unknown_16: I did manage to spray in it. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to find out which... Alright, that's the ring. I'm going to put it on number three to start it off with.
And what I'm going to do is I've got some... Oh!
Unknown_22: She has the metal shirt, doesn't she?
Unknown_16: Mincemeat here. And what I'm going to do is... ..is I'm going to put it in the pan. Take the paper off.
Unknown_16: Off it.
Unknown_16: I'm gonna break it up with my oof-a-doofer.
What do you call an oof-a-doofer? Is that British? The British language is evolving beyond English.
Unknown_16: Wait.
Unknown_16: And...
Unknown_22: Oh, okay, this is also a Kay staple. If I ever started doing more of these, I would have to alter the card to include this. She has a uncanny habit to buy a ton of shit, put it in the freezer, and then take out freezer-burned meat and cook that. So if you're wondering why the fuck is this meat so gray, fresh out the box, it's because it's horrifically freezer-burned.
Unknown_16: I've got some honey on.
I am going to cut up.
Unknown_22: No, I'm gonna say that Oompa-Doompa is mushmouthing.
Unknown_16: That's fucking crazy.
Unknown_22: Oh, her cutting in this. It's so bad. It's so hard watching her cut.
Unknown_16: I've been told to put my knuckles on. Oh yeah, not too bad, yeah.
So that's the honey on, cut up. She's not cutting on a stove top. We're going to get cucked on this one, I think. Put it all in the pan while the meat's doing.
Unknown_22: We're so gonna get cucked out of this because she's using her Oofadoofa, which is a... It's not gonna scrape the pan.
Unknown_22: She's not using anything pre-made. She's not using raw chicken or pork.
Unknown_22: She got a fucking thing to cuddle on, a cutting board, so she's not using the stove as a countertop.
Um, she's using an onion, so that's a veggie.
Unknown_22: Boils or deep-fries meat. You know, I might give that one, because this meat comes out fucking gross.
Unknown_16: Bit of salt.
Unknown_16: Pepper.
Unknown_16: Gonna mix that in.
Unknown_22: She's making a lasagna, by the way.
Unknown_16: Now there's a mixture of tomato sauce, tomato paste, tomato ketchup, and everything else.
Unknown_16: I could get in.
This is, to me, is bizarre. I don't know what the fuck this is, like, ketchup or whatever. It does not look right. And I'm actually gonna go ahead and make that a pre-made food item.
Unknown_22: We can still win. There are two good calls for that.
Unknown_16: There we are. All my eggs.
Unknown_16: Mix that round.
Why didn't you cook the onions before putting in the meat? Good question.
Unknown_16: It doesn't actually say add, it says add.
Unknown_22: No, see, someone's trying to say that she's using tomato paste and shit, but she adds more.
Unknown_22: This one's actually experimental. Usually she uses the stove on the highest heat. But right now, she appears to not be cooking anything at all. Just have it completely raw.
Unknown_16: It's like I'm making a spaghetti bolognese.
I'm gonna put it, put the ring, because the ring's on full, as you can see underneath. The ring is on full. Thank you, motherfucker, I'll take that. I'm not gonna heat the pan up before adding ingredients, but... Right, I'm gonna let it cook now a bit, because the only onions I've got to cook.
Unknown_16: And I'm going to put a lid on it and hopefully it should cook alright.
Right as you can see now I'm putting... I should have got a... I have got a wooden spoon. Oh it doesn't matter. Yes can you get me the wooden spoon out please.
Unknown_22: I like how everyone's freaking out and then one person's just like, looks okay-ish.
Unknown_22: Depression food.
Unknown_16: Yeah, the onions are raw. Got some juice in there.
Now, now I'm going to have... Oh, she's using the stove as a countertop, you're right. Because the sheets, the sandwich, no, the sandwich sheets are too big.
Unknown_16: So I'm thinking of breaking...
Unknown_22: This is pure art she has like square plates and instead of like Using a square plan. She's just gonna like break it apart into rounded plates And I'm gonna put some juice on the Sheets
and some more okay minced meat and onions and north northerners north footy club you think ak is a member of the north footy club that's it and some more
We need to have a conversation.
Unknown_22: I want to see, I'm reading chat right now.
Unknown_22: Lasagna usually has three layers to it. You have the ground beef, you have the lasagna plates, and you have ingredient X. Ingredient X is not present in this lasagna, this lasagna.
Unknown_22: What is the ingredient eggs?
Unknown_02: What is she missing?
Unknown_02: Kappa says cheese.
Poop Nox says cheeseless lasagnas. Oh, Desktop User 2 got it right. The béchamel sauce. That is the missing ingredient. Usually what you do when you make lasagna, right, is you take like
Unknown_22: Cream and cheese and melt it and when you evaporate all the liquid until it is pure Fat and that's what makes it fucking tasty. If you're lazy, you can just use like a parmesan You can just like sprinkle it like a like a pasta But if you're being basted and red-pilled, make a béchamel sauce, and you render down the cheese with flour and butter. Basically, you just want a super thick, fatty, white sauce. I was actually trying to, when I was trying to call Ralph white trash, I was trying to think of the word béchamel. Like, you want white trash that is that thick and that white. You want a béchamel sauce of white trash.
She has no bechamel sauce. So this is essentially just a pasta. This is not a lasagna. She has failed critically with this. And the two that I broke up earlier... Shit.
I need a new one.
Unknown_16: That can go there.
Unknown_22: That's the least of her issues there. I think it's very important. You can save a lot of shit food with fucking cheese.
Unknown_16: And put some more juice on.
Unknown_22: No, Ziggy's fucking dead.
This is an old card. This is before Ziggy died, so... The K-Feeds-Dogs thing. I don't think she's gotten a new dog yet.
Unknown_22: And she stopped showing that she fed the dogs in her videos because people started calling it animal abuse. So even if it was still alive, you would never see Ziggy eating it.
Unknown_16: This isn't one of these...
Unknown_16: Classic ones because I've checked the classic ones and the classic ones is white sauce but No, you're not supposed to boil the lasagna plates first. You're supposed to let it cook and boil in the oven That's technically not an issue The ketchup looking shit is an issue.
The lack of cheese and bechamel sauce is a bigger issue
Unknown_22: This is not, this is not lasagna. This is not lasagna. This is pasta. A little touch more.
Unknown_16: Oh, come here you. Why don't you come here instead? That's it. And some more juice, which I'm going to pour a lot of it on. And then I am going to put that in the oven.
It looks so sad without the cheese on top without the mozzarella and shit on top it just looks like like meatloaf
Unknown_22: There's a war there's an ongoing civil dispute within chat if pasta pasta noodles should be wet before going into a lasagna The wet ass the wet ass n-words
Unknown_22: I didn't mean to say that.
The noodle people, the wet-ass noodles, that will become soggy and foamy when they are cooked, versus the chads who want nice, nicely textured, firm noodles. Put it in and let it cook in the oven.
Unknown_16: The minced meat looks like it's being browned, so I'm gonna scoop some out and try it.
Unknown_16: Now it's the taste test. The pasta.
Unknown_20: You can actually taste the mincemeat but the tomatoes are a bit overpowering.
The pasta, nice and soft. Right that was very nice. I know a lot of you have been asking where Lee is. Sometimes I like to do the taste test so I did it today. There's going to be a link in the description to my merchandise and it is working. So if you like what you see please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a thumbs up please feel free and if you want to leave a comment please do the more the merrier and if you haven't subscribed or you know someone who hasn't subscribed get subscribed
There is a, uh... She has, like, she's been doing this for years. And she has a specific way of outro-ing her videos. And she has never once got it right without, like, stumbling over it. Now, I'd love to see, like, a list of, like, every outro she's done.
Unknown_22: And what shit she's gotten out of order and when she's like stumbled over it and when she's gotten it, right? Like I'm pretty sure of her hundreds of videos She has gotten the outro completely, right? Like never even once you can theoretically assume what it's supposed to be But nobody has ever heard her actually say it word for word exactly how she wanted to Okay
All right, my friends, I do believe that that is the end.
Unknown_22: We're at two hours, that's a perfect time to wrap it up.
Unknown_22: Don't think I have anything else, nope.
Unknown_22: So, in honor of George Floyd, I have picked out a specific song, and it's not just funny for the obvious reason that it is. The singer, I'll just name it, it's called Wishing Well by Juice WRLD.
Unknown_22: And I found out that Juice WRLD is no longer with us. Mr. Juice, Mr. WRLD, died. And he died of a drug overdose. He was busted by the feds on touchdown in a private jet in the United States.
And he had like 87 pounds of weed in his private jet. and he had like percocets and shit in his pocket so when the police were coming he took all of his perks all at once and he died of the overdose to avoid a harsher sentence or whatever so that is an inexplicable coincidence but the song itself is pretty funny it's also pretty good for rap music for wet-ass noodle music so
Um, I think that's it. Thank you for watching. Uh, man, the internet.com buy some fucking silver coins by at least two so you can clink them together. Kiwifarms.cc is our Fediverse node. Matrix.kiwifarms.net is our, uh, matrix server.
Unknown_22: Um, I have gone ahead and put in an order for a brand new server. Uh, and once we get that new server major, uh, crunk is going to move the federated services onto it.
Unknown_22: And once that happens, the Matrix server will hopefully not be a complete piece of shit.
And we'll have plenty of room for growing federated services in the future.
Unknown_22: Thank you for watching. Stay out of trouble. Don't get into a white trash fight in the front yard of someone's house. And if you do, record it. Thank you, buh-bye, have a great day.
Unknown_21: I can't breathe, I can't breathe 9, 9, 9 Waiting for the exhale I touch my pain with my wishes in a wishing well
You use my past and my memories as a weapon On the other line, I talk to addiction
Unknown_21: This is the part where I tell you I'm fine, but I'm lying I just don't want you to worry This is the part where I take all my feelings and hide them Cause I don't want nobody to
Sometimes I don't know how to feel, let's be for real If it wasn't for the s**t, I wouldn't be here But if I keep taking these s**ts, I won't be here, yeah
Unknown_21: This is the part where I tell you I'm fine but I'm lying I just don't want you to worry This is the part where I take all my feelings and hide them
Breaking breaking by the way to everyone listening there has been a Ramming attack sends capital into lockdown massive police response officers critically injured. There's like a Palestinian car attack at DC. Oh my god What what what exciting times we live in I'm sure this is gonna work out in everyone's favor I