After I asked the fan zone to fix the Among Us item bounce, the sus bounce mashup, I received many submissions, and this one is perhaps my favorite. The only issue that I have with this one is that it's not base boosted. There were others that were base boosted, but this was like the cleanest mashup. So that's one I went with. Though I realize it is in bad form to use pretty much the same intro for two different streams. So I have a backup here, just in case.
Unknown_00: God, for whatever reason, NPC Player does not want to fucking cooperate.
Okay, I'm done.
Unknown_00: It's not racist, because it's obviously a black man singing a song. So, therefore, it's safe to play. I'm going to sip my monster energy drink throughout this. I don't know what it is. I'm very sleepy today. But I can't miss a Friday. This stream will be very peaceful. And very sleepy. Just a nice, comfy, sleepy stream.
okay um so i have learned through the years that i should always start my streams by talking about little random mystics shit because miscellaneous shit because people will come in after the stream starts and you don't want to get into the meat of things so on my list of random shit that's happened this week
I have to mention the aphid war, which I've completely lost at this point. I had like a thing of many different sprouts that were healthy. And then the aphids happened. And now there's precisely one that's still basically alive. And the rest are pretty much just stalks because the leaves have fallen off and it's just dying. So I'm very depressed about this.
Unknown_00: And I've noticed that at the start of the war, the start of the aphid war, I would be very squeamish about touching them because they're bugs. So I'd use, like, little pincers and stuff and very surgically remove them from my plant. And now I'm so full of hatred of these aphids that if I see one, I will reach over and I'll just crush it with my fingers and roll it off.
And I am just...
Unknown_00: I'm just blinded. The amount that I hate the aphids surpasses my squeamishness without touching dirty insects.
Unknown_00: When the battle is won, yeah, okay.
Unknown_00: I probably am going to have to just germinate new seeds that aren't from like a fucking factory, like a plant factory. And someone suggested hydroponics, so I might try that if I get a little bit more space.
yeah i've tried the soapy the soapy water i've tried milk i've tried all sorts of different shit and um it's just it's just not going well i don't even know where they're coming from i don't like i'll i'll sweep it i'll kill them all then there's more the next day and it's very like i realize that they live in the dirt and shit but very disheartening um
Unknown_00: I would also like to inquire what the fuck this is. Now, this is apparently old. This is apparently old news.
Unknown_00: And there is some debate about the perspective of this. But this is Kami. And I'm not going to plant any ideas in the heads of my audience. He's showing off these hickeys. He's very proud of them. What the fuck is that next to him? Who is he sleeping with? I want to know, if you know who the fuck that is, I want that information. I want to know what the reality of this photograph is. Because I...
I have my own presumptions, which I'm not going to say because I don't want to commit defamation if I'm wrong.
Unknown_00: Nick.
Unknown_00: It's literally Fuentes? No, that's stupid.
Unknown_00: I don't know.
Unknown_00: Wake up, Nick. Wake up. Yeah, it is AFPAC, isn't it? America First PAC, the meeting.
Unknown_00: There is like a radioactive well that they're all meeting at so they can all glow together. I think that's today.
I don't know. If anyone wants to give me their take, their hot take, if they actually know what the fuck is it, I'm watching the Kami thread on the forum. Please post the facts of this particular photo because it is...
Unknown_00: bewildering to me. I would like to know more. I would like to know how this came into being.
Unknown_00: I'm also, I'm looking for a new home.
Unknown_00: I am inquiring, I've prepared a document that contains a bunch of questions and it is pretty thorough and I'm looking for actual people who have attorneys in a huge list of countries in Europe who can address
in a legal way, a attorney-client privileged way, these concerns. Because I'll get into it more. I mean, I don't really need to explain at this point what my concerns are with the U.S., but I really just want to get out. I want to renounce. I want to move all my businesses out of the U.S., and I want to go, hopefully, move it all to the same place in a different country. and i have a bunch of concerns about the eu but i i'm afraid to just say like oh i can't move it to some place like the netherlands because uh the netherlands is in the eu because from what i understand the european union has like a list of suggestions and it's up to the member states to determine the actual legal implementations of those like
So I really don't know exactly how the EU works. I don't think most people in the EU actually understand how the EU works.
Unknown_00: So I'm looking to talk to people who do, and I'm willing to compensate them for their time. So if you know someone who is like a digital rights lawyer or e-commerce lawyer, and they have a firm understanding of things that the Kiwi farmers would need to be concerned about, such as, for instance, if a country in Europe like France is angry at me, what does that mean? Um, if they say that I'm hosting illegal things and in their country and I'm living in, uh, whatever Lithuania, right? Norway. Uh, well, Norway is not in the EU, but anywhere like, what does that, what exactly does that mean for me? And what does that mean for the forum? You know what I mean? Um, if I host, if I keep hosting some stuff in the U S and I live in Europe, what does that mean for me? If the French are mad at when I'm hosting in the U S. I have a bunch of very technical questions that need an actual professional opinion, and I'm reaching out to everyone that I can to try and find people in a huge list of these countries, but not even these countries. If you know something I don't about Hungary, let me know and put me in contact with that person, because I'll hear what they have to say to my questions, and I have a long list of questions that I would like to be reviewed by people.
so um that is my request uh to everyone as of now i guess it probably like if you hear this in like three weeks don't be afraid to like email me i'm not going to be angry and it's probably still going to be relevant i don't think i'm going to wrap this up in like a day or two uh just throwing it out there
Unknown_00: Okay, now, if you don't want to hear about politics at all, you can plug your ears and start screaming nonsense until this picture of Joe Biden eating ice cream is off your screen.
Unknown_00: But for the rest of us, all three of you who are interested in my hot takes, actually, before you start plugging your ears, I want to say that
Unknown_00: This picture comes from an article on ABC News that says, Joe Biden eats ice cream like a boss.
Oh, it's even a double cone. Ice cream guy Biden chows down on a double cone. Can you imagine if people wrote articles? If ABC News published an article like this about Trump, Donald Trump eats ice cream like a boss. Ice cream guy Trump chows down on a two-scoop bowl.
Unknown_00: People at ABC News would be fired over that article. They would be lit on fire.
Unknown_00: uh by a mob flash mob that has formed around their building like you can't write shit like that about trump and it's so it's you know it's so weird to see this flattery i realized that this is from 2014 which was a different time um but they're still flattering biden now i'll move it back to the picture now because i'm going to give my my takes and now plug your ears and scream until this picture disappears Um, but Biden's had a rough week in terms of appeasing his supporters. We're only like a month into this presidency by now. Right.
And he's basically completely walked back the stimulus check. Nobody's going to get their fucking money. And he, he basically won by bribing black people with money. Which is kind of weird. It kind of really highlights how shitty democracy is. If you can just say like, vote for me and I'll give you money. And that's not considered illegal. That's not considered like bribing constituents outright. And then he gets in and he doesn't even give them a fucking money. So all these black people in Atlanta are like, oh shit, we got lied to again. We keep voting for these fucking assholes and they never give us what we asked for.
How can we be so stupid? They don't have that kind of introspection. They just say, I can't believe it. We should have voted for a black person. And they leave it at that.
Unknown_00: But there's that. That pissed people off. And then there was the issue with... Oh, he's killing children again. He's restarted the airstrikes in Syria. And I assume in Yemen too, eventually. People don't talk about Yemen that much, and I don't know why. If you don't know, Yemen is the southwest corner of the Arabian Peninsula. It's below Saudi Arabia, and it's east of... Yeah, it's east, no, west of Oman. And it is a shithole. It's the shittiest shithole in the entire world. It's basically nothing but a desert that's littered with United States personnel. And when I say personnel, I mean it in the material way, and not...
I mean, like, bombs is what I'm trying to say. Sorry, I'm half asleep. I need to take another sip.
Unknown_00: Yemen's flag sucks. Isn't Yemen's flag no longer the sword?
Unknown_00: What's the flag of Yemen?
Unknown_00: Oh, it does suck. It's just, like, serious, but there's no stars on it.
Unknown_00: Sorry, when I think of Yemen's flag, I think of EU4, which is how I know all the flags in the world.
Unknown_00: Here, that's their current flag, and this is their historical flag from Europa Universalis.
And clearly, the historical flag is better. That is a flag that you're willing to die for. You're willing to send your children down the street to go get an ice cream as Joe Biden explodes them. That's the flag that you want flying, that you want draped over their casket, right? That's a cooler flag.
Unknown_00: Anyways, people are upset about this, naturally.
Unknown_00: Oh, and the migrant facilities. It's no longer kids in cages. It's migrant overflow facilities for unaccompanied minors. And people are saying, like, oh, well, Joe Biden's doing a good thing by putting the kids in the cages. Because, you know, have you heard...
that the adults who accompany these children aren't always their parents and they have to be separated. In fact, we found one girl who was with a man who was not her father, and she had 20 different semen samples in her, and she was eight. That's why we need kids in cages. And everyone's, like, I'm thinking, like, that's always been the argument. It has always been the argument since 2016 when Trump was running, or 2015, that...
There is a massive sex trafficking problem at the Southern border. That's been a justification for the kids in cages the entire fucking time. So what, but now that he's president, people are going to use that and they're going to believe it. And it's, it's just, it's very frustrating to me to see like a blatant, uh, hypocrisy or, um, cognitive dissonance that it's literally as simple that Trump said it. So it's not true. And it's inherently racist, uh, And now that it's happening under Biden, it's very true. It's very important. And it's for their own good. And I realize that's not like a hot take. That's something that people have been saying for literally decades.
But I think this is perhaps the starkest example of that. The kids in cages shit, because it was a program like started under Obama. carried into by Trump for a legitimate purpose. You cannot have kids with people who are not their fucking parents in adult facilities because they are victims of sex trafficking. But the entire time that Trump is doing this, it's a bad thing.
And then as soon as Biden's in office again, it's a good thing. And like you would expect people's necks to fucking snap from the whiplash of having to hold these two conflicting points of view. But it doesn't. And the world keeps spinning and nobody's any wiser because of it. You know what I mean?
Unknown_00: Trump says it mean though. Biden says it would love. Biden says it unintelligibly. Biden gives a speech and people can draw whatever the fuck they want from that. It might as well be in Latin. Nobody knows what the fuck he's saying.
He's out of it, man.
Unknown_00: I don't know.
Unknown_00: I find it exhausting to even think about politics anymore, which is why I just want to leave. I want to go someplace small and shitty.
Unknown_00: where I don't have to care. And the problem is that no such place exists, as far as I know.
Unknown_00: Um, I might have to give up, like I, I host things on 1776 hosting that are, uh, offensive and they are very critical in a very problematic way of existing governments. And I, I probably, I, you know, if I move and I want to move everything under the U S I probably can't continue to host those things. And I have to tell those people, sorry, get fucked. I'll take the incel guy. He can keep posting his incel for him, but the rest of y'all are causing some fucking issues, and I can't bring you with me to whatever country. Luxembourg, Hungary, any of them. Because they get a nasty letter from the French police or whatever, and they're just like, oh, sorry, we gotta ask you to shut that down. And that's like in the best case scenario.
I made a thread about this on the forum and I just locked it because I said I can't talk about moving without the discussion just devolving to people shouting random names at me. Like, what about Moldova? What about Chad? What about Somalia? What about this random Caribbean island? What about the Grand Canaries? What about Mexico? What about Paraguay? What about... Uh, the Cocos Islands, what about, and it's like, what about them? They all suck. They're all shitholes and they all have problems in their legislation. I have looked at literally hundreds of countries with a checklist of things that I'm concerned about. And, uh, uh, facially, they all have a flaw. They, and that's why I've stayed in the U.S., uh, hosted out of the U.S. at least for a long time. And it's just like, they're just shit.
everything is shit. And probably the best I can hope for is moving infrastructure or moving myself to a country that I want to live in moving infrastructure, uh, to a country that is, um,
Unknown_00: like, like Russia and just blocking Russian IPs from accessing it, keeping some content in the U S still, and just having it split that way. And that would suck. Cause I would really like to develop relations with like a data center and live down the street and be able to go visit my fucking data center, but I'll never be able to do that, I guess.
Epstein Island is free now, if only, if only Epstein, the Epsteins were willing to protect me with their, with their money. That's the other thing is that a lot, a lot of it's like, if you want to move a business to fucking Malta or Cyprus or whatever, and host it there, it's like, you have to have a million euros starting capital. It's like, I don't really have that.
Unknown_00: Maybe if I didn't have to spend my Bitcoin to eat when it was like $100 each, maybe then I would have enough money to go start a company in Cyprus. But fortunately, that's not the timeline that we live in.
Oh, and last note on the Biden thing is that this guy, I don't know if this is like a joke or what, but the Biden wins guy after the bombing, he gave up on his Biden wins account because he said, like, I can't support Biden if he's killing Syrian kids.
Unknown_00: And I don't know, it might be a joke, but it might not be.
Unknown_00: And I imagine people are genuinely upset about Biden completely and totally failing to do anything that he's promised.
Unknown_00: Literally anything, except I guess he put a lot of women and gay people and blacks into his cabinet. That's good enough.
Unknown_00: Fuck Argentina. I'm not moving to Argentina.
Okay, let's talk about shirts.
Unknown_00: I tweeted this out. I tweeted this beautiful man out.
Unknown_00: And I tagged it with this message. God, give me the strength I need to endure my enemies. And you would expect that that would be taken as a joke because the person in the picture is clearly a joke.
Unknown_00: But the person in the picture took that as serious. And I can never tell because Riley is someone who desperately wants attention.
He desperately wants attention, which is why I just tweeted the image out, not like a retweet of his message. Because I don't want to give him attention, and it's really hard because he keeps making himself look ridiculous, and it's funny. But at the same time, I know that he's just like zonked out of his fucking head 24-7, and he's willing to debase himself to get attention. So it is like the duality of man. Like, is it worth making fun of this if it gives him what he wants, which is attention? And I have to kind of tread the line carefully and just do it. Just do enough where I come out with more humor than he does from attention. And he.
I guess he realized that I didn't link him on purpose because he went through and he started replying to a bunch of people who were in the messages for this. And in particular, this message right here by Hot Dog Sandwich.
Unknown_00: One retweet, six likes. You want to guess who retweeted that?
Unknown_00: Oh, I can't show it without being signed in. Riley did. Riley saw this and thought, yeah, yeah boy, I'm one of the best up-and-coming lolcals. That's the kind of message that I want. So he retweeted that.
which is sad, but you can't really call him sad because that's still, like, attention. He'll appreciate that. You know what I mean? So it's like, whatever.
Unknown_00: Though I do think it's funny because this got out, and I was told that...
Unknown_00: Ralph bragged that he sold three shirts. So he earned $6 from Redbubble from selling these shirts. I don't know who number three is, but I know who number two is, because he's someone from the forum. So Civilian of the Fandom Wars published this amazing photo where he's flexing, and he reached a conundrum where he's like, how do I hide my face?
How do I take a picture and then show my arms off at the same time? So he's accomplished this by using, I guess, like his lips to press the button. Maybe he used a video and he just bobbed his head back while the video was recording and then took a still from it. I don't know.
Unknown_00: But it's very impressive.
Unknown_00: He definitely wears it better than Riley does.
Unknown_00: uh... and i thought this was very funny so i wanted to give him a shout out so this is this is what the i don't know i can't think of a funny the virgin riley he's not a virgin though he's like groomed a mentally retarded woman to be his fuck toy so i can't call him a virgin he does look a lot like zoom in this though which is uncanny maybe it's because he's just covering his eyes with the sunglasses but he's got like the same kind of facial hair and shit going on
Uh, so this is, this is rough side.
Unknown_00: This is, this is the Chad broke dick farm.
Unknown_00: Um, there's something else I was going to say about this. Oh, uh, there is a chance that God, it bothers me. I really don't like talking about Riley cause I know he loves attention, but he's living with Digi bro and mint salad. And I, I might as well. Um,
Unknown_00: Am I blocked? So this is Digibro now. He's letting his woman get up, and they're living together. If you don't know, Mint Salad's kind of like a fat autistic woman who draws furry art. And there was a scandal with Dick at the time because Mint, I think, was like 17. Or maybe not even. Maybe she was older.
But he basically told her, like, leave your family and go draw furry porn because her family wasn't going to give her money or anything if she kept drawing furry porn.
Unknown_00: So he said, leave your family, do whatever the fuck you want, go have fun. And she did. She did leave her family to continue drawing furry art. And then she ended up in a relationship with Riley.
I mean, I don't know how old he is. He looks significantly older than her, but I could be wrong because he's like a fat drug addict, so he just looks older. So now they live in like a camper van and they travel around the country doing drugs and drawing furry porn, I guess. And they've hitched their wagon to Digibro.
Unknown_00: And one of Riley's hallmarks in his tweets is that he really fucking hates women. Which is strange because you know when he talks about women that the only woman that he's talking about is mint. Because that's who he's living with and he doesn't like have contact with other people. So he's saying that female women, this is like paraphrasing a tweet that he made, female women are the worst. So I'm really hoping this would be the funniest possible outcome. Riley, I know you listen to this because I'm mentioning you. I have a suggestion for the plot of season two. I want you to dump your mentally handicapped, frumpy, retard girlfriend who doesn't have anything left anymore. I want you to dump her on the side of the road. Literally throw her ass out on the side of the road in some godforsaken stretch of highway in Utah. And then I want you to go full-time husband of Digibro. Digi-nay. Digi-nay-nay.
I want that to be the shocking conclusion of this story arc in your life. If you do that, I'll talk about it, I promise. I'll retweet you.
Unknown_00: That's my request. Thank you for your consideration, my friend.
Unknown_00: Okay, let me get a sip of Monster.
I'm not buying Link, fuck off.
Unknown_00: Ah, okay.
Unknown_00: Someone says that they like, I've complained about my mic quality before. And someone said that your mic quality is fine except when you bang on your table. When you bang on your table, it's annoying. And it's like, that's the weirdest thing because that doesn't pick up to me at all.
Unknown_00: But I don't know. I don't know because my mic is mounted to my fucking table. That's why you can hear it. I'll have to find like a stand for it or something. Find a way to pinch it to a wall.
Okay, so let me give you a crash course on Pamela Swain. Pamela Swain, there's actually two people I'm talking about this stream that would be good candidates for a full spotlight person stream. The first is Pamela Swain. Pamela Swain is a woman who was in studies for her doctorate, her Ph.D.,
And I believe what happened is that she got hit with schizophrenia in her 20s. And supposedly, when she's on her medication, she's a very functional person.
Unknown_00: But when she's not on her medication, she's fucking insane. And she had a miscarriage. I think she had a relationship that fell apart because of the miscarriage. She's basically off the fucking rails.
Unknown_00: God help her so she doesn't end up like poor Terry.
Unknown_00: And she believes...
Unknown_00: Let me try and remember this correctly because people are going to get mad at me if I don't remember it correctly.
I think she believes originally that her doctorate was sabotaged by a schizo cabal of people conspiring against her.
Unknown_00: And I don't know, I couldn't find the fucking complaint that spurred on this lawsuit. I only have it being closed. But she believes that the Kiwi Farms is like Masonic or some shit. It's a part of this cabal because it's making fun of her. And she posted on the forum as Doc Holiday 1977. And she's one of the more interesting posters because she's fucking crazy. But she's not like so disruptive that she can't participate in a thread without it falling apart instantly. So I just want to read this list of names that are co-defendants for this Pamela Swain lawsuit.
Harvey Weinstein, The Harvey Weinstein Company, Anthony Robbins, Alan Dershowitz, Kiwi Farm social media site, Hillary Clinton, Central Intelligence Agency, Donald Trump Jr., Samsung, Straight Talk, Twitter, Cliff Conley, Renee Lawson, Tony Jordan, Angela Snyder, and Evans County Schools.
Unknown_00: So somehow we've all ended up... I should have requested fan art of this. Maybe I will. Here's an idea for fan art for anyone who wants to take the time. I'm imagining a courtroom, and Tamela Swain is on one side, on the complainant side, and then on the other side is a big, long table. And I want to see Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, some FBI executive suit looking guy who's glow in the dark. He's got like a radioactive bioluminescent glow to him.
And then, I don't know, a guy in like a Samsung phone costume, like a mascot outfit.
Oh, and Harvey Weinstein. Put Harvey Weinstein in an orange jumpsuit because he's currently in prison. He's out of prison to attend this important civil lawsuit. And we're all sitting at the table. Oh, and me. You can draw me as me or as the dog. I don't care. But at this table, we're all sitting together very politely. She's pointing at us very accusingly. That's how I imagine this in my head.
Unknown_00: Sorry, I can't give a better detail. Because she's one of those people that I don't get to follow too closely. Because it's just too much happening. She's someone that a bunch of people follow and argue with all the fucking time. And it's hard to keep up with her because there's so much fluff to it. But the order says after careful de novo review of this case, the court concurs with the magistrate judge's report and recommendations to which no objections have been filed. Accordingly, the R&R is adopted and the case is dismissed with prejudice. Order entered at Augusta, Georgia. So that is forever a piece of federal court history. You'll be able to look this up in 100 years from now. Kiwi Farm Social Media is a co-defendant of this Pamela Slane lawsuit.
There was more to it, but I couldn't piece together all the details. The opening post for the Pamela Swain thread is pretty comprehensive. It goes into detail about her miscarriage and her history and studies. She had a big feud with that school because she not only was removed from the school, she was removed in such a way that she has a hard time getting into new programs or finding work. So she can't finish her doctorate.
She's one of those people who's smart but crazy. That's very sad.
Unknown_00: In 100 years, when Kiwi Farms is a Tier 1 ISP, that's right, Kiwi Farms is like a satellite in space. If you want to connect... At the time, every country has its own internet, right? The internet has been fragmented. But out in space, there's the Kiwi Farms satellite, which connects to all the different lowercase i internets. And the only way that we can... It'll be like...
It'll be a large community. It'll be like an underground site that the kids will talk about in hushed tones. It's like, can't let the government know you're connected to the big I internet, the Kiwi Farms. Because they'll arrest you. They'll send you to tranny jail where they mandatory cissy hypnosis you into being a troon.
Unknown_00: The Kiwi net.
Unknown_00: Okay, now, this is something I'm quite happy about. Oh, wait, where is it?
So, just to give you a background, I'm going to close the browser for this.
Unknown_00: Sophie LaBelle is one of those people like... What's his face? Yaniv. Not as bad as Yaniv.
Unknown_00: Oh, fuck. No. Forget it. Purge your mind. I haven't said anything about Sophie LaBelle. I have to show you crazy people trying to melt snow. Abort. We have to backtrack a little bit.
Unknown_00: I didn't say anything about Sophie LaBelle. It's still a mystery what I'm going to be talking about after this.
Oh shit, where is it? Where is it? Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Unknown_00: It's in my videos. Huge compilation. Aha!
Unknown_00: Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on.
Unknown_00: Yeah, okay. So this is a very funny video of crazy people trying to melt snow. I saw this video when it had like 1,000 views and then it had like 200,000 the next day. Because it's just fucking crazy.
Okay, watch.
Unknown_00: I should mention that I'm gonna be showing one black person in particular, but it is not just black people. It is, like, a bunch of people. This crazy transcends the racial barrier.
Unknown_00: See the snow? I don't see the burning.
Unknown_04: Wait a minute. The wind's kind of blowing.
Unknown_00: If you're only listening, imagine this is a vertical phone. Imagine two black hands floating. One has a lighter. The other has a chunk of snow. And he is trying to flick his butane disposable lighter so that he can ignite the snow.
He's having some technical difficulties attempting this, but that's what's happening.
Unknown_00: The snow darkens. The light touches the snow, it bends around it, but the snow, instead of melting, it darkens.
You see?
Unknown_00: He lights it again, but it darkens again. The ice don't melt.
Unknown_00: The ice don't melt, he said.
Unknown_08: I'm trying to get up with the wind blowing, man. Blowing it out.
Unknown_00: Let's skip ahead. I'm gonna get a good cross-section of people doing this.
Unknown_00: Okay. We're now inside a Texas woman who looks like she did her makeup just for this video. Her hair is in this weird, like, angel wing type style. It's fanned out. She obviously did her hair and hairsprayed it because she's gonna be proving alive that something very sus is happening.
Yeah. Can you see me?
Unknown_00: Now, okay, she's a little bit smarter than Black Guy because all I was thinking when I was watching the first one is like, bro, that fucking thing is going to get so hot after 30 seconds of trying to ignite this snow.
Unknown_00: Like, I can't imagine holding a little Bic lighter like that. But she's got one of those extendy ones, the really long ones that are good for using for longer periods of time. Now, she's inside. She has a compressed, compacted ball of snow and an American flag. God bless her.
long candle lighter in the other. We have a lighter.
Unknown_01: Got a ball of Tennessee snow.
Unknown_01: I'm going to prove that it's actually fake.
Unknown_00: She is holding the lighter to the snow and it is indeed blackening.
It's not melting.
Unknown_01: So I guess the storm dumped fake snow on Texas and in Tennessee.
Unknown_01: It's not melting.
Unknown_01: It's turning black, just like all the conspiracy theorists are proving that the snow is fake.
Unknown_01: It's not melting.
Unknown_00: Okay, let's get to the next one. I want to get a good cross-section.
Let's do this black lady. She is inside as well.
Unknown_00: She has a ball of snow and a regular Bic lighter. This is like the IQ thing in the black versus white people trying to melt snow. Black people use regular Bic lighters that get really fucking hot. White people have the fancy candle lighters that they can hold away from themselves.
Unknown_08: On this fire.
Unknown_08: Nothing.
Unknown_08: Nothing, y'all. Is y'all eating this ?
Because this is not ice, bro. This is not snow. Do you hear what I'm telling y'all? This is not snow, y'all. This ain't no, listen. This is not snow. Do not eat this .
Unknown_08: Don't let your kids eat this, okay? Y'all gonna die. Don't eat this .
Unknown_08: Look, it's not melting, y'all. This is not melting.
Unknown_08: What kind of snow don't melt?
Unknown_00: Okay, next one. Okay, this... We're back in white man land here. This guy is outside. He's digging up some snow, making a snowball right for us.
Let's see. I want to see... Oh my god!
Unknown_00: All the white people have long extendo-liners and all the black people have dick-liners. This is funny. I didn't realize this the first time watching this.
It's not melting at all.
Unknown_11: It's not melting, it's turning black.
Unknown_00: There's no dripping.
Unknown_00: Okay, this is the first one where it's really obvious based on what he's doing. You can see that the snow is actually melting. It's really obvious from this perspective. You can see the hole where it's obvious that the light is melting the snow. And the thing is, I'm pretty sure what's happening is that the ice melts.
And it either like clings to the ice and goes up and then refreezes or just evaporates up into the snowball because they light it from under it. And what's really frustrating is that they always light it from directly under it. They never like hang it over so that the heat rises. They always like try to shove the fire into it, which is not an effective way to melt a snowball.
Unknown_10: Yeah, I also like this spooky music.
Look, you can see how the ice is like hardening around it where the fire is because it's melting.
Unknown_00: Especially from certain angles, it's really obvious.
Unknown_00: Okay, there is a specific person, but I do want to show a bunch of these.
Unknown_00: Oh, look, white person, extend the lighter. Let's see, let's get a good look at it down here a little bit.
Unknown_11: Okay, if you're eating this, please stop it. I don't know what this is, but snow that doesn't melt and turns black, we don't eat.
Okay, let's see here.
Unknown_00: He's out in the snow, makes a snowball with it. He goes back inside. Oh, he has a candle, which is different.
Unknown_00: Now, this would be the appropriate time to mention that wax... When wax burns, it releases energy... water vapor, and carbon dioxide. I don't know why I know this, but I do know the chemical equation for wax being exposed to heat is that it converts to water vapor and carbon dioxide. So when you have carbon like that and it burns and there's dirt in the snow, because all snow is is dirt in the atmosphere that ice builds up around. That's why snow crystals form. It's literally clean to dirt. So obviously it burns when you hold light to it or fire to it, right? And then the ice just retreats a little bit and hardens because there's air pockets all over the snowball.
Now let me fast forward because there's like a full hour of this shit. The people trying to ignite snow.
Unknown_00: Here it is. This woman is fucking great. She's very funny.
Though now I have to check and see if she's using a Bic lighter or not.
Unknown_00: Why do the white people know to use candles and extension lighters and the black people just use Bic lighters? I don't understand. It's fake.
This shit not even melting, bro.
Unknown_07: Look at this, y'all.
Unknown_07: It's not even melting, yo.
Unknown_07: Look at this.
Unknown_07: They around with their heart outside.
Unknown_07: The ice not even melting, bro.
Unknown_07: The snow not even melting. Look at this. She tends to repeat herself again.
Unknown_00: Um, it's fake.
Unknown_07: It's still in the same form that it was when I went to pick this, you know, from outside. I scooped it up in backyard. And this shit ain't even melting, my nigga. Look, that shit ain't even dripping, bro. It's hanging off the plate and ain't even dripping. Look at this shit. It ain't even dripping, my nigga.
That shit ain't even dripping, bro. And it's hanging off. This is the end, the side of the plate, my nigga. No liquid, no water.
Unknown_00: Okay, let me skip ahead, because I want to... I think she's the craziest of the bunch. I made note of when she was in this video, because I thought I would show her specifically.
Unknown_00: At some point, she gets so frustrated with the fact that the snow ain't even dripping. She's done scooped it out of her motherfucking backyard and shit, and it ain't even dripping. So she goes out into her backyard and alerts everyone in the neighborhood that this snow is in fact fake.
This sh** is fake as sh**, man. Look at this sh**.
Unknown_07: Dudes, look at this sh**. It's still stuck to the plate, bro. This sh** is supposed to be in the f**k. It melted off, man.
Unknown_07: Look.
Unknown_07: It ain't even budging, bro.
Unknown_07: This is the matrix, man.
Unknown_07: it is the matrix bro all of these fake fake atmosphere fake snow it's fake this won't even slide off the plate look look it's stuck this won't burn nor slide off the plate this is crazy this is crazier than a man
This shit faking out here, man.
Unknown_07: All this fake snow.
Unknown_07: Got they dumb trapped in a house.
Unknown_07: It ain't even real, man.
Unknown_07: I knew it.
Unknown_07: I knew this shit.
Unknown_07: I knew it.
Unknown_07: I knew it. I knew it. Shut y'all dumb ass up, bro. Over there barking and running around in their face. This is crazy.
I praise to the most high wind above Matrix, my nigga.
Unknown_07: I'm at this, bitch, bro. I proved my fucking point. Alright y'all, this part two of the video. I'm back in this and this fake went to Wonderland.
Unknown_00: Okay, so part two, right?
Unknown_00: All this time I'm thinking like, here's a very easy way, because if you watch the video, it is the exact same experiment over and over again. Take pick lighter, take snowball, hold one under the other, remark as it turns black instead of melting to water immediately. And I just kept wondering while watching this, why the fuck do they not take a pot and then put the ice in the pot and see if it turns to water? Because if it turns to water, then you know that it's just ice, right? And then you can do whatever test you want on it. You can see if it has chemicals in it, how pure it is, you know, yada yada. But, surprise, surprise, out of everyone in this video, there is one person smart enough to, smart enough, in air quotes, to do the pot experiment, and it's this fucking crazy black lady. Unfortunately, she's a little bit too fucking crazy for her own good. And I'm finna conduct another experiment.
Now, instead of using the lighter, y'all, this time I'm finna put this on the stove, alright? Yep, on the stove, and see how long it take for it to milk.
Unknown_07: The crazy part is about this, bro, is I bet, like, at my whole neighborhood, bro, I'm the only one that even decided to do some s*** like this, that even thought about some s*** like this, bro. Why? Because these s*** is not real humans, bro. This is a fake atmosphere, fake weather, fake food, and fake people. Literally fake, bro. All of these s*** have been took over and f***ing replaced, my n***a.
Instead of conducting experiments and questioning, my bad, I'm country.
Unknown_07: My English grammar ain't that proper. I don't give a fuck about this. This ain't my language anyway. But, yeah, back to what I was saying, bro. Instead of questioning it, man, they got their kids in there here planning it, eating it, man. It's chemicals, bro. It's not even real, man. Watch. I got a pot, right? My pot now. It's a little rusty, but it's going to get the job done.
Unknown_00: Okay, someone asked me to translate. Shaniqua is aware that she is the only person smart enough to ask questions about this snow. She claims that the environment is fake, that they live in the Matrix, that the atmosphere is fake, the snow is fake, and even the people are fake as they have been replaced by some sort of artificial intelligence, which is why their children are allowed to play and eat the fake government snow. Now, she is country than a motherfucker, which is why her grammar ain't all proper and shit. And it ain't even her own language, which I assume means that she's supposed to be speaking like African because, you know, she's black. And she's saying like this English shit isn't even my fucking language. I should be back in Africa and not like the children. Anyway, she's hella fucking woke. Maybe it's ancient Egyptian she's supposed to be speaking. Anyways, she has acquired a metal pan called a pot, and she's about to conduct a secondary... She's finna conduct a second experiment where she puts the snow in a pot to see what happens when you heat it that way, because the Bic lighter experiment may be a little bit faulty.
I cook surroundings, but while she... I finna scoop this up in a pot, bro.
Unknown_07: She is retreating inside her domicile to conduct the experiment.
Unknown_07: Call me experimentalist destiny today in this. Now watch this. I'm finna turn the heat on on this.
I got a gas stove.
Unknown_00: Okay, chat. This is the moment of triumph. Shaniqua is the only person in this hour-long video who ever thinks to try the pot experiment, which I talked about earlier.
Unknown_00: What do you think happens? What do you think happens and how does she react to it? I want you to think about that. I'm not going to do like a straw poll, but feel free to blurt out your answer. What do you think is going to happen? I heard it click.
Unknown_07: It mean the heat is on, the heat is up.
I see a lot of people saying that it melts.
Unknown_07: Now watch. I'm just going to aim the camera on it. We're going to see how long it takes for it to dissolve. Watch this.
Unknown_07: Watch this.
Unknown_00: Now she has a proper gas stove, so this is going to happen pretty quickly here. Now see.
Unknown_07: This supposed to be a dissolve, bro. Soon as all this heat hit this ice, ice is supposed to be nothing but water, my... Water in a different form. Y'all see this?
Watch this. You see how it's dissolving? Look how slow it's doing it.
Unknown_07: And the compounds is still not breaking down. It's like it's not breaking down, my... First, the color, the white part on this fake...
Unknown_00: Okay, before she, I know what she says, and it's hilarious, but just so you know, the ice is melting exactly as you would expect. It's melting where it's thinnest. She has a big heap of ice in this pan, but on one side, it's a little bit, it's uneven, and on one side, there's less of it, so it touches the metal. That part is melting first and she's observing this and she's remarking that it's taking too slow and begins to describe the physical properties of ice changing into water in a way that is befuddled and confused and angry.
So it'll start to leave first and then it'll still be like in compound form like look right here and then it'll turn to a liquid. It's fake bro look at this see the color is leaving look how the color is leaving look at this.
Unknown_07: But the ball itself, the ice itself is still in form. Look at this. See how the color is leaving first? And we still got this big slab over here that ain't nothing happening to it, bro. And my heat is up. The fire is up to the max, man. Look at this.
You see?
Unknown_07: Look at this.
Unknown_07: See how this, the color left, but it's still, look, it's still in its form.
Unknown_00: If you're only listening, what she's remarking is that the ice, which has not melted to water yet, is now saturated with water, causing it to become semi-solid and translucent, but opaque. And she's remarking that this is a strange chemical phenomenon that must be the work of non-water substances.
Unknown_07: Now it's turning to liquid because I'm pressing it. You see, all of this, first, all the color gonna leave, all the white. It's like a compound. It's not real.
Unknown_07: Okay, it's breaking down.
Unknown_07: I'll watch all the white leave, all the color, the fake color on this chemicals.
Unknown_07: See?
And see, has still in its form, and then it's gonna change to a liquid.
Unknown_00: It's melting very quickly into water, in case you're just listening.
Unknown_00: At this point, she should have, like, awakening, like, oh, this is just ice. Look how long it's taking, bro.
Unknown_07: Look how long this is taking, bro.
Unknown_00: And I think she did, that voice did happen, where it's like, uh, this is clearly just melting. But she's saying it's taking too long.
Unknown_07: I rest my case, man. We is in the Matrix, bro. And this is in Dallas, Texas, bro. I'm in Texas. I'm in Dallas, bro. That's where I reside at. And this is fake as hell out here, man. Look at this.
Turn the heat off.
Unknown_00: Okay, I think I'm about to end it. I rest my case. It's not just water. It's...
Unknown_00: Look, white guy immediately has an extended lighter. What the fuck? I have to... Is it every time?
Unknown_00: White woman using candle. White chick. Extendo lighter. White guy. Here we have the low end of the bell curve. This dykey looking woman in Nushanka. I don't know where the fuck she got Nushanka if she's in Texas, but we have a failure. We have a weak link here. I have been disproven.
My theory of lighter length has been annihilated by this person.
Unknown_00: Candle.
Unknown_00: White woman's got a... I think she's got a... She's got a proper four-wick round candle.
And hers is great. I remember this one because it's really obvious. Because of the mere fact that she has a regular candle, she has to necessarily hold it higher over the fire in order to do the task. And as a result, the heat is rising directly up at the water. And you can really... Obviously see that it's melting just like casually see now. It's like an ice cube And she's like she's like shocked that it's dripping oh No, she has an ice cube that time and she's saying that look this is how snow melts and that's wrong Here's how an ice cube melts and that's right look you can really see how and much melted oh I want to keep harping on the snow people I do find this very funny what I think is I
really telling, right? As you have all these people, all these people who think that the government is, like, so wicked and so evil that they're willing to carpet the entire state of Texas in, like, tranny chemicals to make them trannies, right? And they don't do anything. They sit there and they record it. Like, look at this shit, man.
Unknown_00: Look at this shit, man. It don't melt. It don't melt. Snow don't melt. It ain't real snow, man.
If you actually think that this is the reality that you live in, why do you just sit there and upload shit to fucking YouTube? They're so complacent.
Unknown_00: It's really baffling.
Unknown_00: whatever whatever um I really have to pee I'm debating I should uh what I should do what can I what can I play to film to fill up I should have done it while the black lady was melting snow but I decided against it and now my my decisions to drink a whole can of monster is is uh jeopardizing me hmm
Here, watch this. I'll be right back.
Unknown_03: Whoa. Get out of the way. He's a recruiter.
Unknown_09: Never lies. He's honest. Integrity. Caring. Compassionate. Army. Valued. He lives with. Hooah! He's a recruiter.
Thank you for watching!
We'll be right back.
Ha ha! My social credit score, I feel it welling up inside me, growing stronger by the second.
Unknown_00: The only places that get coated with fake snow in China are in Xinjiang, where the Uyghurs live, and nobody cares about them because they're Muslim.
Unknown_00: Anyways, now is the time to talk about Sophie LaBelle. I interrupted my introduction to Sophie LaBelle to discuss melting snow.
Unknown_00: And I beg you to quickly forget about Sophie LaBelle, but now is the time to wrap around to it.
once upon a time, uh, she started drawing these fucking comics. Right. And if you don't know, if you don't know who Sophie is, I guarantee you, you've at least seen her comics because she's like so prolific and people love to pass around her shit as like laughing material. Um,
Unknown_00: The famous one is this, where this boy says to Sophie's self-insert child character, this is a signed mail, I guess I should say that, she draws a comic called A Signed Mail, which is a gender-critical comic series about a young male male to female child transgender person uh who is a like sophie's self insert and uh it gets it gets kicked around a lot because the comic is really bad and this in this comic panel which is very famous
The bully child says, hey, Tranny, are you going to get fake boobs? And the Tranny responds with, suck my dick. And remember, these are like eight-year-old children, to which the little bully blushes awkwardly because he's so taken aback. Now that the thought of sucking Tranny dick has entered his brain, he's going to end up watching trap porn by the time he's 16. His life is ruined, and I think that's the message that Sophie LaBelle is trying to get across here. So, Sophie's actually pretty successful in terms of, like, comic artistry. She's... It's... People always get angry when I say pronouns, and it fucking irritates the shit out of me. The reason why I say Brianna Wu, she, or Sophie LaBelle, she, is because it's like... linguistically it makes sense you don't say like sophie labelle which is their legal name he it's just it's just awkward so i go with what what makes sense in the linguistic sense but um sophie has had success in selling the comic they're currently in finland uh talking about trans issues there at some sort of of like uh i don't know what you'd call it like a commerce thing
they're from Quebec and Sophie speaks French and she kind of has like a JFG thing so if I read anything by Sophie I'm gonna have to do my JFG accent which is my catch-all a French accent but here's the general scandal right is that Sophie
Unknown_00: admitted sophie at some point ran like a not safe for work comic right and when this got found out they deleted all of it and around the same time a furry cub porn artist named waffles sprung up
Unknown_00: Fast forward about a year later, and someone on the Kiwi Farms, who I guess just happens to look at furry cub porn, was like, hey, I found this furry cub porn artist that looks a lot like Sophie LaBelle. And people gathered around and said, yes, this waffle artist really does look like they're the same art style as Sophie LaBelle.
Now, Sophie has had a run-in with the Kiwi Farms in the past.
Unknown_00: Many times, actually. And in one instance, doxxed a retard from the forum named Laguna Blue. Laguna Blue is an autistic woman who is very autistic. And...
Unknown_00: would use their real Facebook account to harass Sophie on her fucking assigned male comic Facebook page. And Sophie LaBelle basically went out and doxxed them, because why not, right? So, soon after that, Laguna Blue got a forum thread because she's a retard and is really gross and unhygienic. If you're one of those people who fetishizes autistic women, just know that they have abhorrent hygiene. And when you bleed...
every month you don't want to have bad hygiene um that's my synopsis of the laguna blue thread anyways uh that's where was i okay so they're investigating this waffles account thing right
And Sophie is very aware of the forum. And three days after the waffle shit started, suddenly everything that Waffles had posted got deleted.
Unknown_00: And so that basically confirms it. This person decided to delete everything.
Unknown_00: And then made the brilliant decision to come out and say, yes, that was me. I'm not ashamed of it. I have a kink for age play. I handled it appropriately in a, you know, I just made my porn and there's nothing wrong with that.
Problem is, is that later, this person, Juniper Russo, comes out and makes this, I think, Facebook post saying, the author of Assignmental Comics takes photos of other people's children from the lowercase i internet.
Unknown_00: and uses them as references to draw pornography. She teaches and mentors children. This is one example of the diaper fetish art she posted under the username TheWaffles3 on Twitter before she deleted the account. The account was tagged with ABDL and included much more sexually explicit art. Cancel her.
Unknown_00: Now, this was very effective, and I don't have offhand this comparison, but if you take those two images and you overlay them and try to match up their anatomy, it is definitely 100% a traced picture from A to B.
And you can make whatever argument you want about the merits of tracing, but it's very obvious in this instance that she used a real picture of a real toddler to draw this dog in Pampers for sexual gratification.
Unknown_00: Now let me check and make sure that this is actually safe for work.
Unknown_00: No, wait. You know what? I'll mention the tweets first. I tweeted about this.
Unknown_00: And it got passed around a lot. And then fucking Stone Toss makes the same exact tweet, pretty much. And it gets a hundred times as much attention. And it really just breaks my fucking heart.
Unknown_00: Couldn't even give me the retweet. But, you know, I bet you I know why. I bet you I know why that this horrible bigot named Stone Toss would refuse to retweet me.
It may have something to do with the Israeli flags around my name. It may not, but being a baby, no, I just want a crume of the credit. That's it. Well, it's not even, to be fair, to be fair, I didn't discover it, but my community did. And it's nice to say, like, oh, the Kiwi Farms did this. I found this out. I guess in this instance, I don't know if Juniper Rose is on the forum. I would assume not. This Facebook post is what really kicked it, because if it was just fetish art, I guess nobody would care. It's the fact that it is from life that freaks a lot of people out.
And, and, uh, if you, this person, uh, went ahead and peanut, peanut cold at 88, it's a horrible name. If you want to change your username to something less horrible, go ahead and submit it and I'll prove it. Um, peanut cold, uh, 88 went ahead and checked who the waffles account was following, uh,
Unknown_00: Um, and it's just like straight up, like people are saying, oh, this, you can't say that this is sexually explicit. It's just like children lounging in like French girl poses while wearing dirty, dirty diapers. That's not sexual. It's not, there's no explicitness to this. Just diapers, man. Well, this is all very explicit and I'm pretty sure I can show this on YouTube. If not, whatever. Um, so it's undeniably like, um,
Let's have, like, sex in diapers. That's obviously the intention here.
Unknown_00: Oh, some soggy red-haired wolf says, can confirm I'm peeing myself right now. Fantastic, thank you. From Chile, representing the home country of Chile.
Now, the Troon Defense Force came out and rallied around Sophie, but not as many people as Sophie would hope. Cassandra Miller, which is definitely a tranny name, I'm still so angry about what happened to Sophie Labelle today. I wish I could regress. I hate that I missed out on being a little girl. Occasionally, I almost get there, but I'm still too self-conscious and slightly envious of littles who can do it. Fetish.
Unknown_00: Crystal Frazier says, only halfway through the week and I'm once again deeply disturbed to watch the trans community turn on a trans woman and throw her under the bus.
To which Shark Tranny, Phoenix Queen, says, what's happening now? And Miranda Sparks, also Tranny, says, Sophie LaBelle came out as a little and Kiwi Farms are peddling some of her private non-sexual diaper for art as proof that she's a pedophile.
Unknown_00: Uh, trans ethics, black trans rights says, this is why never believe anything doxers say. See my pin tweet.
Unknown_00: And their pin tweet is never read the con. Oh, first four rules of the internet. One, never read the comments to anything you say can will. Can't and will be distorted, remixed, and used against you. Three, screenshots can be faked. And four, jacksers lie. Transethics is also a locale, but it escapes me who they are. I'm sure I could look this up, actually.
Transethics, Kiwi Farms. Demon to Good Stuff.
Unknown_00: Torrin, that name does sound familiar. Give me a picture.
Unknown_00: That's a picture of him as a dude. Is there no, like, chick picture of this guy? I imagine it's the one on the right. It doesn't really say.
What's this? Oh! Oh! Oh! It's fucking, um, Torrin is ADF's roommate. The fucking, you have definitely seen a picture of ADF. Hold up.
Unknown_00: You have definitely seen a picture of ADF. I realize that a lot of people watching this are new and I talked about ADF a long time ago.
Uh, you have a hundred percent. If you've ever looked at any Twitter account or any poll Twitter account, you have definitely seen this fucking picture of ADF. Uh, this guy is still around. He has passed around constantly and like the cringe leftist meme montages and Torin, the trans ethics person is his roommate, uh, um funnily enough very small world in a tranny click i definitely recognize that name uh i think the last thing i remember about happening to adf is that he got um he basically lied on medical forms to get gender reassignment surgery and posted pictures of his new vagina like right after surgery and it was just horrific just horrific surely not going to regret that at all anyways oh that's a picture of sophie
Anyways, oh, here. They closed their signed mail comics Facebook page and put up this tweet.
Unknown_00: Sophie Labella says, I'm bracing for some pretty big backlash. Oh, wait. Let me get a sip of Monster, actually.
Unknown_00: I'm bracing for some pretty big backlash. People are going absolutely bonkers over that stupid and silly diaper furry art I made. You're going to hear some pretty harsh things about me, painting Lethals as ABDL folks, as molesters and pedophiles and whatnot. They're making up all kinds of lies about it. I hope it won't change how you view me and that there will be some to take my defense. I am feeling for my life right now.
And then, uh, here, this is the picture. Um,
Unknown_00: It is weird to think about. That they think about, like, oh, I wish I was a little girl. Because I also know that it's, like, a big fetish for trannies to, like, think about, like, girl sleepovers. Like, they think about, like, a 12-year-old girl having sleepovers and making out and shit. And that's, like, a big fetish for them. So I imagine they do. They do, like, have these tranny sleepovers where they're all dressed up in, like, diapers and shit and they start making out. Because that's how they think that, like, little girls interact with each other. They had like this hypersexual vision of what female childhood is like.
Oh, here, this is also a really famous one, by the way.
Unknown_00: What do you mean I have boys parts? Are you talking about my penis? Because it's mine, and I'm a girl, so it's a girl's penis. This is unedited. I remember this one when it came out. This is one of the famous ones that get passed around a lot.
I think Sophie was a teacher, and then they got fired at some point. And it was always a big question as to why they got fired, but now we can probably make some assumptions as to why.
Unknown_00: But I think they're an advocate for early age transitioning. I think they're in Finland. They're in Helenski. I think that's the name of it. I don't want to say the name of Finland's capital and get it wrong. I have to check this now.
It's going to bother me.
Unknown_00: Helsinki, that's it. They're in Helsinki right now in Finland, and they're spreading this mythology of young age transitioning. So if you're in Finland, you can go protest them in person at this trans convention, if you so choose. You can dress up as Spurto and say fug at them very loudly. It'll confuse and frighten them, non-violently, of course.
Okay, um...
Unknown_00: I think that's it.
Unknown_00: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's it. Have I missed anything?
Unknown_00: Even gave their own kid self a shit hairline. Yeah, it's super, super obvious that this kid's just like a self-insert for Sophie LaBelle in all the comics. Which makes a lot of them super weird. Because in a lot of them there's like proto-relationship stuff going on between the child characters. So, I don't know. I guess that's part of the ABDL fantasy, right?
Who the fuck is Kevin Gibes?
Unknown_00: Oh, yeah, the fucking, the crying Nazi guy. I really don't know too much. I heard he was one of Ralph's co-hosts once upon a time. Here, I'll post this nice meme that someone sent me that I thought was funny.
Unknown_00: Oh, come the fuck on. Just show the fucking picture. Piece of shit. Okay, fine.
I'll save it. And then I'll post it into Firefox.
Unknown_00: Ta-da. He looks exactly like the Coomer meme. Uh, just really fucking uncanny. Cause he's even got like the bloodshot eyes from crying in court.
Unknown_00: Um, okay. Correct. Okay. Now we must correct me if I'm wrong. Is he, is he one of the Ralph's co-hosts? I, he read, he read, ran the Chris can't cast, I think, unless I'm confusing him with the, the Kiwi Chris guy.
I feel like Chris Cantwell. Is that not also the name of the Kiwi Chris from The Dick Show? I feel like I'm going insane thinking about this.
Unknown_00: No, he's not. Okay. Just uncanny. Christopher Coomwell.
Unknown_00: I hate it. You're thinking of Cantillians. Oh my god. That's a really weird coincidence.
Unknown_00: He ran like a fucking... Correct me if I'm wrong. Again, I'm going into this blind. I didn't think about talking about him because there's really not that much to say. And I'm a sleepy boy. Have mercy on me.
He got sentenced to 41 months. He's been in trial for 13 months. Federal prison. He ran a podcast out of, I want to say Maine or Massachusetts or New Jersey. Some fucking New England state like that. and he was very far right very like fashy and he had a beef with someone else in the rightosphere and he tried to extort them i think is the official charge and he ended up in prison for it is this all this is not the guy the one who called in like 90 different swat pranks right that was the adam woffin guy who isn't chris
His show was Radical Agenda. He's from New Hampshire.
Unknown_00: Okay. Thank you, Chet. Chet, just do the show for me. I'm going to read out messages to kind of piece together the story. Chris Cantwell was a far-right podcaster from New Hampshire, and he went to jail for a while. He's still in jail.
Unknown_00: Watercooler's sending me the Wikipedia article. Thank you. Oh, that was Sam Hyde.
Unknown_00: No, not the same. Yeah, the Atomwaffen guy is different. And he got like a long last time, which he fucking deserved because he was an idiot.
The Atomwaffen guy got like forever years in jail because he called in so many different SWAT pranks and was so flagrant about it.
Unknown_00: Josh has become Jim. Oh, no.
Unknown_00: Cantwell was offended. Well, he's in jail now. I mean, he got a pretty light sentence. I think the maximum was like 10 years for his crime.
So all things considered, he didn't get as much as they were going for.
Unknown_00: No, I'm not going to clean my room. Fuck off. I'll clean it later. I'm sleepy today.
Unknown_00: It took pity on him after all that crying. Okay, yes.
Unknown_00: And, okay, as far as, like, Chantal news goes, here's the deal, and I'll just, like, recap it off memory. I don't have clips for it.
Unknown_00: She had a cyst in her fupa, and she's very, very clear about this. She has a cyst in her fupa. No ambiguity. She keeps saying it and she like she'll laugh about it. She'll cry laughing thinking about her cyst in her fupa. And she had to go to the ER and get it cleaned. And then she had to come home and has to do like saline water cleans and replacing the bandaging because she has a cyst in her fupa.
And then she had shortness of breath. She goes to the ER. Again, the same week, the next day. And they have to do a CAT scan on her. She doesn't fit into the fucking MRI. So she has to put her upper body, as much as she can, into the MRI machine in order to get an upper chest view to see if there's obstruction. And they're saying you have a blood sugar of 17.
It should be 9. It's like either 9 or 7, something like that. So your blood sugar is very fucking high.
Unknown_00: You have vasculitis. You probably have diabetes. You're going to have to start eating healthy. And she closed her fucking OnlyFans. And I don't know if I talked about this last week. I think I did. But to clarify, she has shut down her OnlyFans. And one of the things of consequence that came up after that is that People, when you subscribe on OnlyFans, I believe you subscribe for a month at a time. So she earned $1,000 in subscriptions for that first month. And she closed it after a couple days. People said that they got refunds for all that subscription money.
So it's like she put out the OnlyFans content. She made $1,000. She shut it down immediately.
And then I guess OnlyFans refunded all the money that she got because she didn't follow through with a month of content.
Unknown_00: And from what I understand, she shut it down because the people messaging her were so fucking vile, like in the request of what they wanted her to do, that she was just like shocked and shut it down because she says she had people asking her for like fart porn and shitting herself and like all this fucking nasty, horrific things. where people just went to see her degrade herself, and she couldn't handle it, so she shut it down.
Unknown_00: So she put out the stuff that I showed last stream, and then doesn't get to keep the money for it because of fraud reasons, and now is being told that her fupa is running off of her. Her blood sugar is more than 10 points higher than it should be.
Um, and she has to change her ways and she's all depressed now. And she has these mods in her chat, in her YouTube chat. Um, there is a guy named Karate Joe. I'm pretty sure he's black and I'm pretty sure he lives with his mom and his mom watches chantal with him and he's very weird and demanding and keeps telling her like you can only stream for 15 more minutes and make sure you do this and if she tries to eat a little bit of food like eat less food than uh she usually does karate joe's in the chat like no no you got to eat more and it's so weird and demanding and creepy
And everyone thinks that he's paying her a ton of money.
Unknown_00: And, uh, he's banning everyone in chat who tells her to eat less and be healthier. So her chat is like, you know, we, we, she gets about as many viewers as I do. So maybe even more, I think she had 1700 her last stream. So think 500 more people in this chat, but like no messages a second because karate Joe just sits there and fucking bans everyone who says anything so that she has like a
Unknown_00: And people that she knows that she likes will come in and tell her, like, I can't reply in your chat anymore because I'm fucking banned for some reason.
And he just wants her to die, I guess. That's his fetish. He wants her to eat herself to death. So she's laying in, fuck it, she's doing the beach whale thing. That's what I call it when she, like, streams herself for three hours, just, like, laying down, face down, on her bed with her camera up, and she's, like, too lazy to even sit upright in her kitchen anymore. So she's in beach whale depression mode, just saying, like, oh, they're saying that I'm dying and shit, and it's like, I don't know what I can do, you know? I try to do intuitive eating, and it's just not working. I'm still really hungry for 10,000 calories a day, and...
People are saying they can't post on my chat anymore because Karate Joe's banning everyone and I don't know what to do about that.
Unknown_00: And so her brilliant decision is that she's going to have a pizza party.
Unknown_00: Literally, she's going to have a pizza party. But, but, but, but, she is going to make the pizza herself. And because she's making it at home, Karate Josh, fuck off.
Unknown_00: I need a Karate Joe in my chat banning anyone calling me Karate Josh. Because that's fucking, that's an affront to my character, my good character.
So she's going to make the pizza, and because it's homemade, it's instantly healthier.
Unknown_00: When you make something at home, it has no calories. That's what she's saying.
Unknown_00: So she's going to make a bunch of fucking pizza and eat it and die, I guess. That's her plan. That's the life. That's the life of Chantel.
Unknown_00: Uh, I don't, I kind of feel bad for her, but not really. Cause she's such a bitch. You know what I mean? If she was any more likable, uh, it would feel bad for her, but she, she like sends DMCA's. She like is an asshole. She, she's just like that category of people who thinks that they are completely and totally beyond criticism.
And, uh, they get to do whatever they want and nobody gets to say anything about it.
Unknown_00: So it's like, okay, whatever. Fuck her.
Unknown_00: Though I will miss making fun of her if she dies. So hopefully she stays around enough for me to find another fat person who's as funny.
Unknown_00: Is that it?
Unknown_00: Anything else?
Unknown_00: Josh, is this stream over? I think so. Naruto Webby with the anime avatar that looks like... What the fuck is that? It looks like a fairy.
Unknown_00: Naruto Webby, what the fuck is your avatar? It's creepy as fuck.
Unknown_00: I'm pulling this up. Hold up. Oh god, it's so small.
Unknown_00: Chat, what the fuck is this? What is Naruto Webby's fucking display picture?
It looks like an ice fairy. Naruto Webby, I demand that you change your avatar to something that's less fucking creepy.
Unknown_00: Talk about Trudeau. No.
Unknown_00: All right, fuck it. I'm done. I don't feel like doing this anymore. I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I'm going to go take a nap. I'm going to go eat spaghetti and take a nap. That's my plan.
Unknown_00: If you are an attorney from a European Union country, then please send me an email, jcmoon at pm.me.
If you know one, get them to contact me. I'm looking for legal advice and I will pay for your time. Thank you. Bye-bye.
Unknown_00: Wait, wait, wait.
Unknown_00: I have a... I have a... I have a submission. I have a submission. Apparently, my demands have been met within the time frame of this stream. Here we have the defendants table that I requested. I think that is me on the far left. As you can see, my eyes are very far apart. I can tell it's me because the eyes are on opposite ends of the head, and I'm wearing a shirt that says Broke Dick Farnsworth Company. I like the minimalist Kiwi logo that's just like a stick bug or something.
I guess that's Weinstein because he's in the jumpsuit. He's got like the stroke face happening. Hillary Clinton, she's the second most confident, I guess. She looks like she's satisfied with her defense.
CIA, he's not glowing though. Here, I'm going to improve on this real quick.
Unknown_00: I'm going to just take it, put it into this paint.
Unknown_00: Where is my... Perfect.
Unknown_00: Okay. I've improved it. I have artistic skills, right?
Unknown_00: Uh, so here's my version of it, which is objective. This is now my art. It's objectively better.
CIA man is glowing. Uh, what's that Donald Trump?
Unknown_00: That does not look like Donald Trump at all. If that's supposed to be Trump, it doesn't look like him at all. How do you fuck up Donald Trump? He's got such a distinctive face. Then the Samson guy, he's just chilling out.
Unknown_00: All right, sorry, I had to break this in. I didn't want to forget about it. I saw it at the last second.
Unknown_00: Okay, bye-bye. Oh, fine, it's Trump Jr., fine.
The old cap hung a joke. The bald head cracks from stupid songs. The hard calling is a fool. They lie, who says that laughter is useful. Grimm hides thousands of wrinkles.
Unknown_02: His nose is gray from tobacco and drunkenness. He's a little toothless harlequin. He became a fool because of his hooliganism.
Tomorrow there will be a new masquerade.
Unknown_02: Knights, tournaments, fireworks and dances. Shud will put on a colorful outfit. He will run, jump and laugh. He will tickle the king's leg. He will laugh at the princess with an ugly dance. Kair imitates Soloviev.
But the raven is hiding under the mask.
Unknown_02: The king's coin made a loud laugh. A little joke in a gilded cage. Diamonds, carousels and devils. A little joke, the saddest in the world.
A little joke in a gilded cage Drunk dreams, carousels and devils
Unknown_02: The world has turned into a royal coin A little joke on a golden plate Drunk dreams, carousels and devils A little joke, the saddest in the world