I have a decree from High Command. Here's my yelling and asking for something to be done of the stream. That is a mashup between the Among Us theme and the item bounce from Kirby.
Obviously that was a great mashup, but it was really shit quality. The bass was clipping real hard. So, my request to the fanzone is, if someone wants to make me an HD 4K sus Israeli mashup music, I would greatly appreciate that, because I need it in my life. That almost scratches the itch, but it's just so shitty that I can't live with it. I need this actual mashup in my library somewhere.
Unknown_00: Hello everyone! Today's a much less interesting week than last week, but there is some stuff to go over, something to talk about. On days like these I think, you know, I could play a video game instead of streaming. It's not like I make any money doing this, so I really have no motivation to do it except just to do it.
I realize that in this abysmal dark age that we live in, being consistent every week is a gift in and of itself.
Unknown_00: Hello, here I am. I'm doing my stream. I have some talking points to round up on and I'll try my best.
I guess I should just casually mention that Rush Limbaugh is dead and I have no opinions about this. I do have strong opinions, however, about the moral fagging. Everyone's like, oh my god, these liberals, they're making fun of Rush Limbaugh being super mega dead right now from cancer. And this is not the liberal way. You guys shouldn't be making fun of Rush Limbaugh being dead from cancer. It's like, no, you don't get to, like, crab rave when Ruth Bader Ginsburg is fucking dead, and then moral fag about Rush Limbaugh being dead. Just suck it up. I don't even understand the pretend outrage. Here, look at this. I'm gonna put this big up on the screen, because I love it so much. It brings me joy. It sparks joy, as we say in the streaming industry.
I don't think I've ever heard Rush Limbaugh all the way through. I apologize, I don't have a strong opinion about him. The only time I've ever heard Rush Limbaugh is flipping through the AM radio station channels
Unknown_00: In a car ride like I remember being a kid with my mom in the car, and we'd be driving to You know whatever we'd be driving out of state to go see relatives And I'd be flipping through the am stations trying to find something to listen to and it would be like a weird mixture of like very conservative like rural pundits talking about stuff and Alex Jones and black people black people talking about jesus and singing about jesus and lots of lots of black and jesus stuff on the stations in the south but besides that i have no opinion of rush you know you kind of look like an asshole but what do i know
Yeah, I can't I don't know everyone's gonna celebrate when people they don't like her dad I think that's pretty normal Cancer is a pretty rough way to go, but it is what it is fucking Ginsburg died of cancer didn't she everyone's still crowd-braved You don't get to have it both ways. You don't get to be you know calling everyone little special snowflakes because they Get upset about something like that and then also be sensitive sensitive boy about Rush Limbaugh So whatever That's all I have to say about that speaking of dying from cancer Here's the cue board someone posted this in the discord right before the stream. I took a look through it and it's kind of funny
This is what remains of 8chan. The sad, shattered fragments of what was a very big part of my life once upon a time and now it's just fucking awful.
Unknown_00: Just truly disgusting. I'm looking at the top boards. I don't know if those are featured or if those are like
Unknown_00: The most active boards these days I imagine that's featured but it's like dir which I guess is like a directory board Random bleached cute boys girl talk which I assume has no real women on it Islam PDFs random again, so I guess I ran out of boards and whenever the fuck sapphic is but this post in particular Says this is goodbye. Fuck you
I don't post on HN, so you can see my password just fine. I don't give a shit.
Unknown_00: Since CodeMonkey left and Jem took over, things have been looking worse for us. Mod control is breaking all the time. We're taking all damn day to work. We don't get any communication with the administrator of the site anymore. Other global volunteers who are briefed with local board volunteer duties are deciding which threads to lock. Don't get me wrong. We appreciate the help and deleting spam, but we are but a little bit of fucking communication would have been nice Also, it appears that the board owner of comms is now a global volunteer I don't know what the significance of that is, but he follows that up with the my favorite like retarded conservative Line of all time let that sink in and it always reminds me of these ads from like animal welfare agencies that say like if your dog's cold uh if you're cold your dog's cold let him in and it's like let your pets in during winter don't keep your dog outside when it's snowing but it's like if if you're cold he's cold let that sink in and just imagine like a sad sink sitting outside wondering why you've neglected himself during these these uh frigid winter months but he wants you to really take a moment with the sheer profundity of what he has to say the bo of comms is now a global volunteer Let that sink in. And then, now that we've allowed this to sink in, we can move on. This is probably gonna be it for me. I still personally support Q, Trump, and the movement, but I fucking had it once again. This is it for me because I'm probably gonna lose my volunteer position for this. Don't fucking care anymore. Ron, you're still cool, but goddamn bro, I don't like your dad. Come hang out with the boys one last time everyone is invited. So the whole Q thing is like in tatters now I don't think he was posted at all since like December so I get probably because he got like a knock at the door from the feds and they're like Kind of seems like you're encouraging insurrections, sir If you don't mind stopping that we would appreciate it and then he just stopped
But there are still people who actually believe that. There's that great post that says something like, maybe it wasn't 4Dchess, maybe he was just retarded. And that's how I feel. Maybe he had good ideas about some stuff, but for the most part was mostly just retarded. Still better than a lot of alternatives, but still mostly just retarded.
Unknown_00: And now, now that A-Chan has completely eviscerated itself, trying to appease these people, they have turned on him because it's now just dead. So rest in peace.
The other little fluff piece that I have to start this off, actually I forgot to mention my basil, just briefly.
Unknown_00: I recruited a ladybug, there's a ladybug on my window and I was like, Mr. Ladybug, you're going to fight for me, you're going to join my army, you're going to eat aphids. I put him on the basil plant and he appeared to start eating aphids immediately and now he's gone. I don't know if he died or flew away, but he has deserted the front line and this is unacceptable. He would be court-martialed in disgrace if I see him again.
I expected more out of them and morale was at an all-time low. The basil is not recovering and it's very quite depressing. So I bought some more seeds from a bunch of different varieties and once it gets into March I may start planting, I may start germinating these seeds. I'm gonna have more than just basil. I'm gonna use dirt and shit that's not from a fucking grocery store because that that hatchery that the
Unknown_00: Greenhouse or whatever the factory greenhouse that makes the live basil plants they definitely had an aphid problem, and they gave it to me and I feel like at this point. I'm just better off scrapping the the pot that I have and using fresh dirt and stuff and
Because I think if I try to port this basil plant over to a new tray, it's just going to contaminate the entire thing with these fucking aphids. And I obviously can't rely on the ladybugs, because they're deserting in record numbers. They're fucking cowards.
Unknown_00: You give one a weapon, you put them in a stationary position, you say, watch the spot, Mr. Ladybug, we'll be right back. And then you look at the pot again, and he's just gone. It's like, OK. Well now I know what to expect from the quality of ladybugs in this area.
Oh yeah, shoot them in the back as they run. Not one step back. That's a Stalin thing. I know that reference. We need a punitive line of ladybugs with guns to make sure that deserters do not get away safely. They will be shot fleeing. So that they're put into a position where they have to confront the aphids. Or the punitive ladybugs will shoot them as they flee. It's a good idea. I like that.
Unknown_00: Yeah, order 227. Not one step back, ladybugs. You motherfuckers.
Unknown_00: The gift of...
Unknown_00: British Columbia. It took me a second, where does Yaniv live?
Unknown_00: British Columbia keeps on giving. I showed you all Yaniv's vagina-vaguma, boyvaguma, on Discord yesterday- last week, and uh, everyone- everyone appreciated me doing that. I would again like to extend by the way,
Unknown_00: If you're not a member of our discord There is a video or two that I want to show but unfortunately Due to the nature of these videos. I cannot show this on stream So if you would like to watch the video if you're if you're alive right now, I mean we'd like to watch these videos
Go ahead and preemptively join our discord server at discord.gg slash need s n e e d and We'll I will post this on the don't at me section so we can watch this as a
Unknown_00: As I get to that point it won't happen for a while. I'm just saying for right now Buckle up buckaroo, and no I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna ban you I'm not gonna unban you you're just gonna miss out if you somehow managed to get banned from my shitty fucking discord channel You deserve it there's like eight rules don't post animal cruelty no lollicon and
Don't spam. Don't post porn on Channel One. Like, that's it. If you fucked that up, you deserve to be banned.
Unknown_00: Okay, so, here's the gist. I guess I'll read a little bit of this, then I'll sum it up. Canadian transgender activist Jessica Yaniv is in the news again. I love, I love, like, the depression that kind of seeps into that sentence. Is in the news again. This time, and
Unknown_00: I really don't like that they use female pronouns. I guess they would just be banned in Canada. They would be shot dead in Canada. They didn't.
This time, she's accused of sexually harassing firefighters and abusing emergency services, according to a letter written by the council representing the township of Langley. Yaniv, 34, who now goes by Jessica Simpson, and that is true, I'm pretty sure Yaniv has legally changed his name to Jessica Simpson so that he cannot be Google-bombed for the purposes of his online businesses.
was given a notice by the British Columbia City that she would be billed from emergency services following over 30 frivolous 911 calls made since January 21st. The township also accuses her of engaging in inappropriate and lewd conduct, which is just a horrific sentence.
Unknown_00: Your conduct has created, among other things, an inappropriate and unsafe environment for the Fire Department staff. This letter serves as a formal notice to you that you will be charged under the Township's Bylaws, including the Township's Fire Prevention Bylaw, for all future calls for assistance to the Fire Department that do not relate to a medical emergency.
Unknown_00: Yaniv retaliated on Twitter by accusing the township of transphobia. She says she was in the bathtub when she needed emergency help and denies engaging in lewd conduct. So, oh, and this. Guess you don't like trans vaginas, Yaniv tweeted on February 5th. Just so you're all aware, I'll be suing the township for libel and other things. And this is the picture of the leguma that I posted in the Discord from last week.
So everyone can know what Yana means by trans vaginas. And I think most people don't like that. There's a graphic that shows willingness to date trans people based on gender and sexual orientation. And it's like 1% for men, less than 1% for straight women, like 5% for gay men, I think like 10% for gay women, and then like 20% for queer with both genders.
So even they don't want to fuck each other. Even they would prefer to have a normal partner. So most people don't like trans vaginas. The only person in the world who likes trans vaginas is Yannick Sneasel, who is a former admin of the forum. And I don't know what's wrong with him, and I don't think he knows what's wrong with him, but He is the literal physical embodiment of any hole is a goal He is he is the Coomer meme kind of embodied and that's why he's a cute
So this is a good segue to Her. There's a dating app called Her, which is specifically for- oh, and just so you know what Yaniv is accused of, I got distracted thinking about Sneasel.
Unknown_00: The calls went like this, Yaniv would be in the bathtub, right, and then be like, oh no, I'm a roly-poly, I'm a cripple. I use a wheelchair and I can't get up. I've fallen and I can't get up, woo-woo. I need a strong fireman to help me." And they would call 911 and then the fireman would have to come inside the house. And then Yon-Liv would be sitting there and I guess, in my head I imagine that there's like rosebuds all over the ground and they're like candles lit and the um...
in the the bathroom so that it's just like nice sensual mood lighting and the policeman would open the door and they'd be like oh fuck and Yana would be like help these help these I can't get up and require the the firemen to try and pull them up And he'd be like, no, no, no, you can't pull me up there. You have to put your arm between my legs to pull me up. And at that point, the fireman was just like, no, I'm going to go home. I'm going to go home. You can't force, you can't force me to do this. And then he complained to the township and now they're fining him.
I think that is literally what happened.
Unknown_00: So, I don't know, like, Yaniv is like a test to the Canadians to see, like, what is required of a person to bring back the death penalty. Because at some point, Justin Trudeau is going to have a mental breakdown after reading too many of these articles. And he's going to go on a personal one-man crusade to reinstate the death penalty for non-capital offenses. And Yanin will be the first person executed in Canada since the 1940s.
okay her there's a dating app called her which is specifically for lesbians women who like women thank you for clarifying i guess i mean i say that sarcastically but now that i think about it probably doesn't need clarification lesbians are complaining that trans profiles are now outnumbering the lesbians this is what self-id brings with it mentally ill predators let's take a look um
that now this is only the lesbian segment so if you're not a lesbian you don't get to participate in this uh smash or pass this person 47 just that maybe i should just because there's no lesbians who watch this show or podcast i don't like calling it a show that sounds weird i'm not doing a show
Unknown_00: I'm like live streaming. I'm literally in my underwear. I'm wearing a t-shirt that my grandfather gave me a long time ago because he was a former police officer for Washington DC. So I literally have a fed because Washington DC is a part of the federal government. I literally have a fed shirt on right now, it says Metropolitan Police Department on it, and it's full of holes because I've had this since I was 17, so it's not quite a show. It's more of a comfortable evening with friends on the internet in my fed shirt and underwear. 47, lesbian, looks, I mean, the facial hair is shaved.
But it's kind of like a Homer Simpson kind of goatee where you can just see the 5 o'clock shadow. 37, lesbian. The thing is, everyone likes to compare Rich Evans to these trannies.
Unknown_00: But the reason why they do that is because Rich Evans is just fat. He's like a fat roly-poly type.
He's got a round face.
Unknown_00: And when you're fat, you have indistinct features, right? So every fat person kind of looks the same. And in that way, fat people also pass better than skinny people. Skinny people look like this. Skinny people look like this when they turn out. But fat people all kind of have this weird androgynous look to them that's kind of strange. But you can still, I don't even know what, oh, you know what it is? It's the hairline. The hairline makes it really obvious why this is a training.
This one has a mustache. That's not doing too well.
Unknown_00: Kind of...
Unknown_00: I just imagine that they went into like a... I don't know what to say about the hair. The hair is weird.
Unknown_00: And they need to brush their teeth before... I mean, at least photoshop the teeth to look better. And the lipstick is on too thick. That's creepy.
Unknown_00: He looks like a sex offender.
Unknown_00: Aubrey, 22, did not shave at all. Aubrey looks a lot like Styx or Razorfist with that goatee and long hair and shit. The only feminine thing, I guess they're wearing like a sports bra and they have like librarian glasses. It's a total catastrophe. Aubrey is physically offensive to look at.
Um, and kind of looks autistic, which I think a lot of these people are. There's more, don't worry.
Unknown_00: Oh, this is definitely a lot more effort to try and look like a lesbian, but unfortunately, um, they kind of have like a Vladimir Putin nose and high cheekbones and squinty, squinty squint going on, and the hairline is a dead giveaway. but they at least like look like they killed a trans per like a lesbian and like an MMORPG and then looted all of their like lesbian gear and are just wearing that so they kind of look like a male character in like lesbian cosplay which is more than I can say about the others uh wow okay number one this person
This person looks like ninja and does not look like a woman at all. I don't think that there's anything that ninja can do to look like a woman. I mean, ninja is pretty effeminate. This guy is somehow less effeminate than ninja.
Unknown_00: Uh, but you know what? Oh, you know, okay. They're like an anime person. They have like a maple story pillow that looks like a poster for transistor in the background and they're wearing, that looks like a diva hoodie from overwatch. So, when someone's healing you in Overwatch, this is the kind of person who's doing that. Unfortunately, they'll never find, um... Fuck, what was the, what was the Bulldyke's name in Overwatch? The one with the pink hair, the Russian one.
They won't ever find her in real life that they can heal for.
Unknown_00: Zyra that's right this person ninja will never find his Zyra to heal slut for only other men pretending to be a Zyra Dane 21 that is not even this has to be a different app. No, it's not a different app
Unknown_00: Oh, so the app has built-in transwomx, womx, and then genderfluid options. Dane has chosen not to use a female name, despite being a transwomx, which I guess, I mean, I don't know if they're allowed to use names like that, but whatever.
Dane has made no attempt whatsoever to look like a woman except grow his hair out, which isn't that uncommon? He kind of has dead and he has like a thousand miles stare like he's a World War one combat veteran And he's thinking about the trenches in the Rhineland right now He doesn't really come he doesn't put on like a like. Oh, you should date me. I'm well-adjusted kind of look at all He just like he's in his own. He's thinking about he's probably like thinking about wearing women's clothes right now, and that's about it
No, I'm a closeted trans—that's why he hasn't started. I haven't started transitioning at all. I'm into performing in musical theater, streaming, and gaming. Oh god. I'm submissive and trying to explore polyamory. Maybe start with one person in a relationship before going right into polyamory. I'm also demiromantic. I do not know what the fuck that means I guess that means that you cheat because like if you're aromantic you don't have a You don't want you don't want a relationship basically, and if you're Demiromantic that means that you're like half romantic so you you're romantic some days But other days you want to have like a train ran on you by strangers. I guess I
And have I done this one? Brian. This looks like the same guy from before. Yeah.
Unknown_00: Yeah.
Unknown_00: Is that not the same person?
Unknown_00: That has to be the same person. Maybe I have that retarded autistic thing where he can't recognize faces. No, that is the same person.
Unknown_00: Okay, so this is Brian without his Joker makeup on. Uh, he's lesbian, queer, bicurious, questioning, she, her, they, them, transfeminine. I'm transitioning pre-everything but persistence.
Uh, most of my pics are from when I thought I was cis and had full facial hair. More to come when the first hair appointment in a while. My interests are fairly nerdy. Oddball music, space exploration, oh god. Mario Kart and whatever. My seven year old, oh jeez. Whatever my seven year old is into at the moment. I'm looking for friends to encourage me and share in the fun parts of transitioning. Anyone into fashion or makeup, I need your help. Yeah, no fucking shit.
This is fun. I should do like a trans review. Look, this guy's cross-eyed. Okay, step one to being a woman. Fix your fucking cross-eye. You're not Amy Slayton.
Unknown_00: Alexis, lesbian, queer.
Unknown_00: Hi, my name is Alexis. I'm 34. I'm transgender and lesbian from Phoenix, Arizona. I love cooking and also shopping for clothes and makeup. That sounds like a fetish. Okay, that guy has Down Syndrome. That is definitely someone with Down Syndrome. You cannot convince me otherwise. That is just like a Greek man with Down Syndrome who has fingernail polish on.
Zachariah. I can't even read that.
Unknown_00: Am I feminine enough now? No.
Unknown_00: And then River, 25.
Unknown_00: There is, I can't remember who, but someone I know has a baby named River. Whoever the fuck decided that River is a person's name is retarded. Oh, I'm Kami, an extremely persistent and vulnerable. What?
Unknown_00: Why would you describe yourself as vulnerable? Like in what way?
And I want the indulgence of to be loved and to give it as well. My pins should be an indication of what kind of girl I am. Zesty, post-modern, cyberpunk, and I'm tired of neglect. I really need someone to cuddle with. Enjoy media. and have overwhelming conversations. Maybe, if you're comfortable with that. I'm very open and promise affection, but mostly am looking to heal and heal others."
Unknown_00: That person was molested. Okay.
Unknown_00: So this is my review of gay people on the internet. And that's the stream. No, I have other gay people to talk about, namely Felentes. Oh, segue!
Here's a clip that I got. I listened to The Ralph Retort with Nick Felentes on it, and I found this quote particularly
Unknown_00: I think I mentioned last stream that Fuentes had been accused by a leader of his pack of
I suppose of a lot of things, mostly that he was under pressure by feds, that he might be an informant, his assets had been frozen, that he had a lot of concerns about setting up this conference that he is setting up and charging a lot of money for tickets for. And in this clip, I'll play it first before I give my take on it, but he sounds, we'll just listen.
Unknown_08: That I tell Patrick some things in confidence about my security or my legal situation or
Unknown_08: And he is going to use that.
Unknown_00: I have to call out someone first before, I'll get back to this, but there is someone named Shedcat, and Shedcat is a longtime listener of this podcast or whatever you want to call it. Shedcat sends me a lot of messages, and I respond to some of them because I think he's funny. Shedcat is also a huge fan of Nick Fuentes, and every time I mention Nick Fuentes on this podcast, Shidcat gets very angry and starts calling me the k-word and he starts calling me mean names and he sends me angry DMs on Twitter.
So I just want to point out that there is the existence of a superfan named Shidcat who has split loyalties right now. I'll play the clip from the start.
I tell Patrick some things in confidence about my security or my legal situation or whatever And he is going to use that, broadcast that all over the internet, all over the airwaves, basically to excuse himself for not going to the conference. This to me is unforgivable. And in some ways, it's not even about the conference itself. If you think it's not a good idea, then fine, don't go. If you think that there's more to the story, then fine, don't go, but nobody can defend being told something in confidence, especially at a time like this, with the nature and the sensitivity of the things that he revealed, and then go and tell that to the entire Internet. That is unforgivable. And when I said I was surprised, it was because I thought that Patrick understood that, because Patrick was in AIM. And Patrick was in Identity Europa. And you know what? I didn't think that Identity Europa was a great idea. I didn't think that AIM was a great idea. Now, did I go on my show and say, I have to tell everyone, Patrick told me this, and I went to this event. I told him privately, I think it's time to disband it. And I kept it private. And you know what? And even though Patrick has betrayed me, and what's more, he didn't bring any of these concerns up to me up front.
That would be my cue to talk, usually.
Unknown_00: Okay, so my thing when I first heard this was, number one, throughout this entire conversation with Ralph, and I use the word conversation loosely because it is mostly Fuentes ranting, and he sounds very pent up. He sounds very frustrated in this club and throughout the entire hour. And in this clip in particular, he kind of hints that he's told things to this guy that he's afraid of getting out. And even explicitly mentions that he's thinking over in his head, what other things that I tell this guy that I now have to be concerned with being public or used against me. And, uh, he, he, I mean, he just sounds really, uh, shocked that this guy turned on him.
So, whatever you believe about this weird falling out that's happening with America First, I don't know the details, I'm not going to pretend to.
Unknown_00: I found this clip in particular interesting, and I mentioned last stream that I think he's too young to be doing what he is, and I stand by that.
Unknown_00: Though it is strange to me how it often seems like in all these different organizations, it seems to hold together just like the only trust that these people can have is with other people that they believe that they have dirt on. It's like you can only talk to someone if you believe that they would never have the audacity to leak things about you. Because you have things about them that if you leaked wouldn't would ruin their career. And it's almost like these all these large political entities are just balls of like contempt that are held together at a mutual fear as opposed to anything that is like a unified ideology fighting for some sort of of end goal. So I don't know I could be.
I could be impressing too much on these people who I don't know too much about, but that's how I feel, especially after this week. Because this week, there was a bit of a shakeup, and I'm not featured this on the forum because I really don't know what to make about it, but I'm going to cover it anyways because it's interesting.
where a user joined the forum on an alt account and while on an alt account made very serious claims about Catboy Cammy and Nick Fuentes
Unknown_00: And, uh, I went out of my way, out of curiosity to try and verify with third parties, some of these claims, uh, which I did and which I could verify, uh, to some extent. And then this person, for whatever reason, went back onto their main account and then started claiming that they lied about everything that the Kiwi farms has no, um,
has no clout, no credit, is a joke, because it allowed him to post these claims and demanded that the thread be locked or deleted because it's all bullshit that he made up. It was a very weird and erratic set of steps and I'll read the original claims.
Unknown_00: This is the user Nigella, which I'll show in a bit, but he says, things I know about Nick Fuentes' group of orbiters. Catboy Cammy raped a 17-year-old girl at a house party. Sean, Prince Hubris, beat the shit out of his ex and had gay sex in front of her while he was living with Audi. There was a lot of dirt on Fuentes' circle that is waiting to come out. People should stop holding water for them. They are all gross people. Ask Beardson about this. He is probably reading this and freaking out because he suspects he knows who is posting this. I'm sick of this kind of behavior shut your stupid goony beard mouth or I will ruin you and all your clout chasing friends. So that's the original post and it was very strange and I talked to someone who had a fragment of a collaborating story and I went through and I emailed or reached out to a bunch of people who would be relevant to this
In particular, the roommate of Sean at that time, he was out of state at the time, so he didn't have much to say. Then there was a friend of one of the alleged victims who had deleted his tweets alleging at some point in time that this had happened.
Unknown_00: And when I tried to talk to him, he said that he wouldn't speak on her behalf because she didn't want to deal with it.
Unknown_00: But the way he responded indicated that it had happened, and he just wasn't going to give details out.
Unknown_00: So this is Mike, and he had a similar story where he said that he and a group of gay bodybuilders had Nick Fuentes in a group chat, and Nick Fuentes made it very clear before he even met Catboy Cammy that he had a thing for Catboys. And to give you an idea of who Mike is, Mike is the guy who, his name is Dry Bones, and I mentioned 8chan earlier, he's someone I met in conjunction with another person while I moderated for 8chan, and they've both been very consistent people for years.
Mike runs the company that built the server that the Kiwi Farms runs off of, and they're one of the few people that would ever let anywhere near the server. So for him to come out and say like,
Yeah, I knew Nick Fuentes from my gay bodybuilding discords, and he 100% said he liked Catboys before he ever met Cammy.
Unknown_00: That holds a lot of weight to me personally, which is, maybe it's not particularly persuasive to other people, but to me, I would trust his opinion a lot.
Unknown_00: So this is a different post by a different user, and after the incident with Nigella and that alt account, I went back and I checked this guy to see if he was a sock of other accounts, and he's not. He's been around for a while too.
Regarding the deleted post, I had to undelete them, the one that I read.
Unknown_00: Regarding the deleted post about a rape, there is something people have whispered about for a long time. I've seen enough evidence that I accept it did happen as follows. In January of last year, after guesting on an episode of The Weekly Sweat,
Unknown_00: which can still be found on Bitshoot, and it was, I did see this video, it was just a regular interview between Catboy Cammy and Sean, which is someone tangentially related, like he's at his house when this interview is happening, so they're together.
After guesting on an episode of The Weekly Sweat that can still be found on Bitshoot, Catboy Cammy raped an unconscious girl at the Arizona home of Shawn Michael McCaffrey and his then-girlfriend Samara Penos. There are less verifiable accusations that McCaffrey set the girl up to be raped by encouraging her to share a bed with Hedley as she was, which is Cammy. as she was passing out, and that Headley commented the following morning that he fucks unconscious girls on a regular basis. This is all a quote by the way, this is not an original claim. It is from Stanley Titt, it's just not me.
Unknown_00: The victim publicly referenced the basic fact of the rape at the time, and there are records of those comments. No one associated with the group of people has disputed her version of events. As I said, this is well documented, and I hesitate for the time being to post anything that could be used to identify the victim, and everything I could post could easily be used to find her name. The raid on Catboy Cammy last month could have been related to this, and I don't want to interfere with any ongoing investigation. I'm holding my fire for now.
then the next post. This is when he suddenly flips and says, this was all a gay op, everything I posted was fake. And he posted screenshots from two different accounts, proving that he was this other person who had been active in the thread. though it kind of makes sense from like okay the initial reaction to this is like okay this is i guess a joke but then when you stop and think about it like why would people come out of the woodworks to verify this if it was just a joke and now reading back on it he said ask beardson about this he is probably reading this and freaking out because he suspects he knows who was posting this That's strange, because if he suspects who he knows is posting this, then he could possibly try and persuade him to retract his account, right? And then there's another post up ahead, where it is the original Nigella account, complaining that the account, that the thread was still open and that the posts weren't deleted.
And it's, look, I've almost been running the forum for 10 years now. Why isn't this thread locked? Everything in it is based on my lies. You should lock the thread before you embarrass yourselves further. I've been running the site for almost 10 years now and I've never seen anything quite so weird.
who has been around for years, since 2017. Someone who has an account who has been active on the forum on and off since 2017 makes an alt account to make posts that I guess they don't want associated with their main account.
Unknown_00: And nothing that we know contradicts these posts. People who I know can confirm some things about, can't confirm that it's possible.
and then later the same person outs themselves says it's a it's a very clearly bluntly states that it is something he made up and then expects the thread to be locked and that information to be redacted and i don't know if that's like a double gay op like i'm gonna say this and hope that it gets amplified even more or if it's like
Unknown_00: a trick on the opposite where he actually expected me to just like purge the thread of this information because he said that it was fake. I really don't know what to believe, but I've had to deal with issues like this before, mainly during Deagle Nation. where people who are much better at being sneaky and being manipulative than I am at unwinding that kind of manipulation tried to fuck with the site and my reaction to it had always been to basically preserve everything that and not give them whatever kind of gratification that they were looking for so
I'm really not sure what to make about it. I'm not gonna feature it, but I did kind of want to bring it up into the stream to see what people had to say about it because I really don't know what to think.
Let's just do a basic
Unknown_00: The Nicker Nation is so high IQ that Josh can't understand their tactics. Exactly. I'm just a simpleton. I'm a humble man. I manage my web zone. I can't keep up with this kind of stuff, so I just have to lock it in place and contextualize it and say, this is what they posted, and then they try to backtrack on it later. So, however you want to interpret things is up to you. So, heads or tails, press 1 if you think that this is authentic and he regrets posting it for whatever reason, or press 2 if you think that this is either a single or double gay op, that this is either fake and
He just wanted to troll the site and now is genuinely surprised that it's not deleted or It's fake and he's trying to amplify it by pretending that it's that it's not fake in a weird way Okay, I'm checking let me check the other one it seems like a good mix on the discord
Unknown_00: Oh jeez, the YouTube chat is very weirdly split. No, the YouTube chat's leaning one. The YouTube chat's a listen and believe, me too kind of a place.
Unknown_00: Discord chat, kind of the same.
Unknown_00: Okay, my homie Big Shid, Shidcat, says he believes the story. So, we have an expert listen and believer.
Unknown_00: Expert Shidcat. Wait, what?
I do believe that's it about Nick. Let me just double check to make sure.
Unknown_00: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's it about Nick. Um, he, oh, and he mentioned the forum. Yeah. He very briefly in one in his last America first said something like pole and Kiwi farms are dumpster websites, which is very strange. Uh, cause I don't think he's ever mentioned the forum before. So how does he, how does he know about it? What did you see on it that made him upset and why does he expect his own audience to know about the forum? Yeah. It's always weird to me when I see the lines cross and people I don't expect to care about the set at all bring it up randomly.
Ultimately you can believe whatever you want to believe.
Unknown_00: This is your hallucination, there is no reality. No objective reality, so pick and choose.
Unknown_00: I choose to believe that Catboy Cammy doesn't actually exist.
Unknown_00: That he's just a CIA psy-op and thankfully the world has never had to deal with Catboy Cammy. He's just a figment of my imagination.
I do feel bad for Nick, though, because he just keeps getting fucked by knowing this fucking guy.
Unknown_00: Okay, RazörFist. RazörFist was a big happenin' yesterday, and then it was quickly and cleanly resolved.
Unknown_00: So, just step by step.
Unknown_00: Razorfist posted this on, well not Razorfist, but this was posted on Razorfist's Twitter account. And I should mention that the O with the dots on it is not pronounced like a razor. It's like an ugh sound. It's like Arnold Schwarzenegger making noises kind of sound. So, it's weird. It's like when people spell words with fake Russian letters and stuff.
I know you're going for the edgy MySpace physique, or aesthetic, but you're not quite achieving that.
Unknown_00: I'm Razor and I'm a complete piece of shit. I jerk off to porn while my innocent girlfriend sleeps in the next room Despite criticizing everyone who watches porn online. I can't keep promises I willingly made to her and I belittle her intelligence when she catches me in lies Obviously, this is Eve his girlfriend if you haven't seen me on his streams this incident was why now you guys know so this message it happened and is very funny and
And it's funny, like a ha-ha way, because it's like, okay, East Celeb Man having a little bit of a home crisis.
Unknown_00: Angry, angry Latina girlfriend. Actually, I made a post that I'll bring up now. Angry Latina girlfriend goes scorched earth because he's cooming. And really, if you promise that you're not going to come and you keep coming, it is on you. If you don't want that kind of relationship, I guess just break up with her. But he apparently told her.
that he was going to stop watching porn and has an outward anti-porn perspective and I guess just jerks off whenever he wants to and she caught him and then bullied him on Twitter.
Unknown_00: Someone says obligatory when you date a Latina. That's true. Here's a meme that I really like if I can find it. My fucking shitty website wants to look. Here we go. This is Latina Pilled Bros 10 seconds after marrying their bass Mestiza Mami GF.
Nightwave covered this already. I don't know who the fuck that is. Listen to the monkey on the telephone. God damn it.
I had a friend, I used to work at a Whataburger when I was a teenager and I had a friend who had a, I think she was Colombian, he had a Colombian girlfriend and it was always kind of weird to me because she was like short and fat and not very interesting and he was like really, really tall and kind of fit. He was like, he was just a big fucking guy and he's very funny and it's like why is this guy who is like objectively out of her league dating her?
Unknown_00: I think it's just because he really likes women who are shit because they know that he's out of their league and They put up with more shit. I think that's his whole dynamic but this fucking girl is like the clingiest psychopath ever and I remember I
Unknown_00: I had just gotten back home from Oregon and I go over and we're playing like Xbox or something and I haven't been back in months and she gets really clingy because we're playing Xbox and starts crying on the bed next to us because he's not giving her attention and then storms out after a while crying and we continue to play Xbox for like another half hour until she texts him and says, I'm at the church next door, come get me. So we finished playing Xbox and we come get her. And then we go out for like what a burger or something. Um, but that's my one and only experience with like based on this tease of mommy's and they always come across as a little bit unhinged to me.
Uh, so I personally believe,
Unknown_00: that this was Eve, his Latina girlfriend, and she deleted his Twitter, his YouTube, and his Facebook, just all gone. And now these are obviously things that you would be logged into if you were a social media influencer at any given time, and which would have delete buttons readily accessible through these logged in features.
What you wouldn't have access to, you would not have the access to delete these accounts on a new device. Which is why this message that he put out a little bit afterwards saying, always enable two-factor authentication, people. No, it was not, Eve. Just a good old-fashioned phishing job. I don't like talking about my private life, even when it happens to be true. So you can imagine how much I love talking about it when it happens to be bullshit.
Also, Mr. Medicare is a passive aggressive homo. So this is an interesting retort. It came about a couple hours after the initial message. If you don't know, phishing is when someone gets your password.
Unknown_00: uh, by deception.
Unknown_00: And if you don't know, if you've been in a coma, uh, we are no longer in the days of RuneScape, where you just get, you say like, Jagex censors your password, type it in chat, watch, star, star, star, and then people actually type their fucking passwords into chat and it, uh, doesn't get censored. And then they use that to log into your account. We are no longer in these days of like phishing scams.
If you try to sign into a Google account, which you have to do in order to log into YouTube Then you're gonna have multiple layers of authentication I don't think I mean does anyone not have some kind of two-factor authentication with their YouTube account at this point in time where you can just sign in with a password from anywhere in the world using proxies and shit on new devices and They don't have to press a button on their phone. Does anyone have that?
I think that YouTube has moved on to a position where you have to have two-factor authentication.
Unknown_00: Mars10 says he doesn't.
Unknown_00: Okay.
Unknown_00: Does anyone besides Mars10 not have two-factor authentication?
Unknown_00: Fyodor says that he doesn't.
Unknown_00: I think it's default. I think you have to use your, like on your main Google account, you have to have two factor authentication now. I can't imagine that he doesn't. And then it's like, here's my point. Let's say that it is a good old fashioned RuneScape type your password in chat kind of phishing deal. And he's also just a fucking moron. And he uses the same password everywhere. So you're RuneKnight47 and you have this guy's password, which is apparently his password to all of his major accounts. And you now have carte blanche access to do whatever the fuck you want.
so you don't use his google account to read his emails or download them or do anything with them your accusation that you post on twitter is oh he betrayed his girlfriend's trust and masturbated to pornography and not he was like looking at child porn or anything you know i i caught him in bed with a a with a trap that had anal worms something like that like you as rune runeslayer 49 opt to do absolutely nothing that cannot be immediately undone an hour later uh once he recovers his account it's like i don't i don't understand uh what what was the who was runeslayer 97 what what did runeslayer 97 hope to accomplish
How did Runeslayer97 get him to type his password in Runescape chat? And why were all his passwords the same? Why didn't he have two-factor authentication enabled on any of them? How did he even manage to accomplish that in 2021? And then why didn't Runeslayer97 actually do anything dangerous or actually credibly damaging to this guy's reputation once he had accomplished this? It seems like the only possible explanation is the one where this actually happened. Where his girlfriend got his phone, tweeted this out, and then decided later that she was actually just going to delete everything. Or, he recovered it from her, and then he deleted everything, because he wanted to get rid of of whatever she had done with his account maybe he did maybe she did say something that was dangerous uh or maybe he thought she might have and then after he had surveyed the damage he went back and undeleted it and came up with a bullshit story and now but eve has corroborated this but i still don't buy it i still think she actually did this because i just imagine the conversation going like this look you will either a uh
let me restore my account, and you will go along with it, whatever story I say, and you will say this was not you, or I will, B, go to the FBI, ask to press charges for hacking, which it is, if you take your spouse's phone and break into their shit and do damage to it, that is illegal access to a computer, to a restricted computer,
Unknown_00: And I will sue you for damages to personal reputation and also by deleting my fucking Lifeline on on YouTube you know like that kind of a threat and I'll prove to you that he is capable of being that kind of a threatening person because there is clips from his last girlfriend where she recorded him yelling at her and
Unknown_00: But I want to go back to the Mr. Medicare tweet, because that's also funny. Why the fuck did he just randomly say, also, Mr. Medicare is a passive-aggressive homo? This came out of nowhere. And I think it's because of this.
this tweet from from a guy named hospice to him no I are to Eve no I don't have his passwords and then it's a tweet link to job for underscore to which would be this job for underscore twos tweet about razor fist and his account being deleted
Unknown_00: so what it seems like because i think he even mentions like oh it's a fake medicare twitter account sorry folks i didn't mean to to make fun of the dying boomer so he saw this tweet by my account immediately assumed it was jim and then calls jim
passive-aggressive homo now I know that there's a lot of similarities between the Irish and the Israelis but I I really don't understand that that's a bit of a he called it called me a fake Jim fuck off I can make my own podcast god damn it so frustrating and I'll never get the recognition I truly deserve from from these fucking people chat
Unknown_00: Okay, so here's the clips of him and his girlfriend. I don't have a picture of a Nine-year-old trad weightlifting ex so I don't have a picture of her but in my mind I just imagine that she's kind of built and He's trying to yell at her and it doesn't work because I think she can kick his ass and he knows it But I'll just play him
Unknown_12: it is okay then you need to go oh the caption abusive ex telling me to quit my job because i went out with co-workers gets mad when i tell him i won't quit and tells me to get out because he won't get what he wants or he doesn't get what he wants it is okay then you need to go well how did you come that to that conclusion that doesn't even make any sense because i am telling you i don't want you to work that job well too fucking bad i have the job and i'm not gonna quit then fuck you get
It was past 3 a.m. and he was trying to kick me out again because he didn't get what he wanted. Also, I've given him money multiple times to help pay bills, so... No!
Unknown_12: Yes! No! You realize I could just remove your name from the fucking lease, you don't pay rent.
Unknown_04: I don't care. I'm going to go to sleep. I am tired.
Unknown_04: And that's how it's gonna go down.
Unknown_00: Okay, I want to bring this up. In every state in the entire country, in every single state, if someone has been living at your house for a period of time, it varies state to state, but it can be as little as two weeks. If someone's been living at your house, even if they don't pay any bills, even if they've never paid any bills, even if their name's not on the lease, if someone's been living at your house for two weeks, They are a legal resident of that domicile and you cannot just tell them to leave. You have to wait at least a day, usually a week, sometimes two weeks, sometimes an entire month. And if you're in New York, guess what? They can file and stay in your house without paying anything for six months and you can't turn off the power, you can't turn off the water, you can't turn off the internet because that's a legal eviction. So him huffing and puffing at her like, oh, take your name off the lease, motherfucker, and kick you out means absolutely nothing. Always know your rights as a renter, uh, because that way you get to flex and dabble in people when they try to be assholes to you.
I'm out.
Unknown_12: You don't say how it ever fucking goes down. Shut the fuck up.
Unknown_04: No, I will not stop being verbally abusive.
Unknown_02: It's not going to work.
Unknown_10: No.
Unknown_00: You don't get to say how it goes down. It's like he's Batman. Why do you get to run around at night arresting criminals, Batman? I'm not wearing hockey mask. It's like, you're not intimidating. God, I wish it was like a hidden camera, because I bet you she's fucking as tall as him and has muscles, and he knows he can't do shit. He's completely sidelined in this conversation.
standing on the line it's not going to work what what is your work he's just hearing me down and verbally and he said well you know where it's not
Unknown_00: He's just, I hope so much that he's wearing his reflective metal glasses as he sits there in his commander chair trying to stare her down. She's like, bruh, I'm sleepy. It's like that meme template. It's like, you don't get to say how it goes down. And then on the side is the wahmen character and she's like, I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed. Night, night.
Oh, and this is like the epilogue, I guess. It is most definitely difficult posting that video, but I'm tired. I'm fucking tired of him being belligerent, this guy. This is a guy that people look up to because he's a YouTuber, but he isn't whatever, and he isn't what everyone fucking thinks he is.
So I have, I have zero doubt whatsoever that he and Tim, he put on his shiny glasses and said like, you're going to delete, you're going to give me back my phone and you're going to tell people that I got fished by runeslayer97. And then she was just like, uh, like, see, see Senor, I will do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's, that's how we're now in this, this predicament.
Unknown_00: There's pictures of her because she's like an Instagram whore that sells... I assume she sells nudes because she has a public and a private Instagram where she accepts DMs from people and specifically mentions like rates or whatever. But she looks ridiculous. She looks like, um, she, she, she looks very weirdly built. Like she has cosmetic surgery where she's like extremely bottom heavy, but isn't like heavy up top. And it kind of looks like she went to LA and they just like injected her with silicone. And now she's got like this weird dumpy ass, but she has no, no build or shape to her whatsoever. So I don't know. She's probably the type that likes to build up.
Um, I think that is it with the razor fist stuff.
Unknown_00: Oh, uh, I made a note here in my note to say, um, that he'll probably recover from this, uh, just fine. Cause he's already put out a new video. Like I assume that he rushed out something, you know, the next day to make sure that people realize everything's back on track. Don't have to worry about the drama, yada, yada.
It was pretty good. It was on par with his other videos, so I'm sure he'll be just fine. He's making fun of Biden. Everything's back to where it should be. Speaking of Biden, I have this clip.
Unknown_00: I made note to play this because I'm never gonna have a chance to play this and I find it very funny.
Unknown_01: on the growth of white supremacy in some of these groups. It is a bane on our existence. And these guys are not, and women are in fact, demented. They are dangerous people. I'll teach you some Yiddish sometime, how's that? I, by the way, I understand a little bit of Yiddish. I'm sure you do. It would be a Shonda if he didn't.
I'm so glad that our national nightmare of Orange Hitler is over and we've returned back to the peace and prosperity that has guided our country since the 1950s.
Unknown_00: We are back to status quo, boys and girls.
What next?
Unknown_00: What next? Oh!
Unknown_00: Someone made this joke on the forum. I'm going to steal it. Do you want to guess what RazörFist might have been cooming to? You guys want to take a guess what might have happened, what might have opened the same day RazörFist got caught jacking off?
Unknown_00: Uh, no, not tra- I mean maybe traps and catgirls and sissy hypno and catboys. Um...
Chantal only fans. Thank you truck nuts. Yes the same day that That Razorfist got trouble jerking off pornography Chantal opened her only fans for the world to see very strange coincidence, but based on that Mommy Milker mestizo GF. I think he likes really fat chicks and So, I will remind everyone a promise that I made at the start of the stream that we would be playing some content for the stream that I cannot play directly on the stream. But yet, through the magic of the internet, I will be able to send everyone the video on Discord and we can watch it together nonetheless. So,
I will once again extend the invitation to you all to join us at discord.gg slash sneed and we'll have some content to peruse together. Let's see what the notes said. I had this kind of scripted. Okay, and before anyone gets on my case gets on my case and says Josh. No, not the only fans content This is heavily copyrighted. This is this is crucial danger situation. You can't play this I'll contract me than me With people like I don't care if they leak my only fans What do they do take it and then like post it somewhere and laugh at my body?
Unknown_07: Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? The fact, if anything, that just shows what kind of person you are body shaming someone else, like, you know what I mean? Like, okay, like, who does that?
Unknown_00: So you see we have tacit permission from Chantal to look at these videos and make fun of them I have them over here. I hope that this works Here we go. Here's the this is an m4v. What the fuck is that? Can that embed in discord?
I was hoping for an mp4 it's in the don't at me okay so if you're if you're not if you're not watching this live you're just gonna hear some music and I'll describe what's going on so make sure you kind of like mute it and I'll do it I'll do a countdown I'll try and reduce the volume here all right three two one go
I really shouldn't have tried to time this because my sight's slow as shit.
Unknown_00: Oh god, I think telling a bunch of people to click this video was a horrible idea. Wait, pause it, pause it!
Unknown_00: It's buffering, lads.
Unknown_00: I told 1,300 people to watch this video all at once and my site is shitting itself in fear. Actually, I have access to my router. I'm going to open my router up real quick and see what the bandwidth looks like because I bet you it's horrendous right now. Oh, it is a consistent one gigabit per second. I have completely capped out my website.
Trying to get people to- Oh, I have really fucked up. This idea does not work in practice.
Unknown_00: I'll have to upload it directly to Discord. I think. I think that's the only way. Stop downloading this video off my fucking site. I'm gonna upload it to Discord. Give me a second. I've made a serious lapse in judgment.
Here, I'm gonna have to emergency convert this video to mp4 so I can play it.
Unknown_00: Ah, man. I just wanted to share funny internet videos with my friends on the internet, and I've completely crashed my website.
Unknown_00: I'm- I- It is hard lodged at a gigabit per second. I'm only imagining that the site's loading like shit in general.
Unknown_00: No, cease. Cease, friend. Stop downloading.
So, as I wait for this to happen, has anything... What happened this week that sparked joy in your life, friends? I'll read some comments as I wait.
Unknown_00: Just delete the link. Maybe I can. I'll do that and then I'll go back and I'll post the videos.
Unknown_00: Okay, can I upload an M4V to Discord? Does that work?
Unknown_00: We'll find out, won't we?
Unknown_00: If it doesn't work... Okay, it doesn't work. I have to convert it first.
ffmpeg in 192.44.94 out 192.44.94
Unknown_00: That's right, I'm an elite hacker. I know how to convert videos to different formats using command line. Bet you're impressed, aren't you, chat?
Unknown_00: Okay.
Unknown_00: Okay, I've done it. Here comes the first one. You gotta wait for me to say when to watch it. Let me start converting the other one while I do this.
All right, three two one go.
Unknown_00: okay so she was like she was like looking at she was wearing like this she tries to look like um nia wallace from pulp fiction that's like her go-to look and then in the second half of the video she's just like leaned up against the wall and like waving her butt like like trying to wave goodbye but with her butt and her she's wearing like your grandma's bedsheets as panties probably the same amount of fabric involved too
That's video number one, boys and girls. I have also converted video number two and we're gonna watch that one as well. We're gonna have a nice group session watching these videos. Alright, drink some water, brace yourself, we'll watch the second one.
Unknown_00: Your fat whale crashed my fucking Discord app. Well, that's what you fucking get, you degenerate. You're fat shaming. You're body shaming right now. And that's, uh, when you watch videos like that and you make fun of them on these streams, you're just like a body shamer. All right. 3, 2, 1, go.
Okay she looks at the camera and now she's in red lingerie and I don't know what causes that weird cavern to form around fat people's guts along the belly button. Is that like a waistband thing? Does the waistband literally like crumble a person's body inwards? She's now leaning forward, and she's like leaning forward, but she's like still resting on her stomach. Now she's kicked back and, uh, trying to look like a pinup. Now she's staring at me like she wants to bite my face off. And now she's waving her Skyrim tattoo at the camera.
She's like trying to sexy dance, but the camera is too close. So you're just like seeing the massive width of her chest in the lens.
Unknown_00: You crashed too. That's what you get.
Unknown_00: So this is, this is what she's charging people for. And she is, she has said, she said, I'll, I'll play it again. I'll play it again in case it was missed by everyone.
Um, with people like, I don't care if they leak my only fans, what do they do?
Unknown_07: Take it and then like post it somewhere and laugh at my body. Like,
Unknown_07: Supposed to hurt my feelings the fact if anything that just shows what kind of person you are body shaming someone else like You're the fatty you're the fatty you're fat shaming
Unknown_00: Okay.
I guess those are on the forum. You have to have an account though. I'll delete them after the stream I guess. People can watch them in case their Discord app is crashing horrifically as they try to watch these videos. I'll leave them up for just a little bit. Okay. One more little heartwarming story and then we'll be done.
Unknown_00: there is uh oh actually i didn't read the the comments um for this stuff oh i have more i completely forgot that i had more besides just laughing at her videos uh people left comments on her announcement that she had an only fan saying that these people on only fans are not your real fans they don't care about you or your health and will pay to watch you degrade yourself
I don't know what it will take you for you to realize. Uh, what did you expect from a porn site? Jesus Christ woman, uh, getting a nine to five job and routine helps depression a lot. Not sitting at home eating all day to what she replies. Actually, when I had a nine to five, I was suicidal and still ate all day. Just had a different location and then their ignorant assumption that fat people just ate all day. That one's great. That one's really funny cause she, Megan says, getting a job helps not sitting at home eating all day and then she says actually when i had a nine to five i was suicidal and still ate all day just in a different location next message so this is like seconds later like the clock moves a minute hand forward and she uh replies again saying another ignorant assumption that fat people just eat all day prior message i still ate all day just in a different location ignorant assumption that fat people just eat all day really really fucking gets the noggin joggin and reply in this this just total cognitive dissonance she knows that she fucking so you cannot be that fat and do anything but eat
And I was watching, um, this video by this guy called a beast to beast. And he was doing like a video response to Amberlynn, who is still not interesting enough to really talk about saying like, uh, my mentals is real bad and the haters make me cry and you know, I'm fat and stuff. And
Unknown_00: um fuck i forgot oh he had all this advice for her like get off social media uh if maybe change your media your social content to not be about your weight loss it'll get you less views and less money but it's probably necessary for you to really uh seriously commit to weight loss at this time based on your your history And I'm just thinking, like, why does nobody ever say the obvious to people like Chantal and Amberlynn? They're just fucking losers. They don't do anything. They have no hobbies, no passions, no crafts, no job. They literally do fucking nothing. They build nothing. They create nothing. They have nothing that they do. And that's why they eat so much. You literally can't even fit in other kinds of hobby or craft into a life where you are 600 pounds. If you if you just picked up like playing video games at that point, you would probably lose a little bit of weight just by not being able to eat, actively eat in the time that it takes you to have your hands on the mouse and keyboard. You know what I mean? They don't do anything.
um it's it's really shocking and nobody ever brings that up and and you can tell they have nothing because they don't ever talk about it uh because like amber lynn claims she reads like five books a day or something it's like dude if you were reading that much um you would not physically have the ability to eat Much is required to maintain 600 pounds on your body. You know, it's just crazy That's my diet advice to people who are sick to the super morbidly obese How about you find a fucking hobby first? And you'll be surprised at how much weight you lose just by not being actively bored all the time Anyways Of this this is funny
I know I am diabetic. I'm pretty sure. That's what my doctor said.
Unknown_00: She's diabetic. She's pretty sure. Hmm.
Unknown_00: Hmm.
Unknown_00: I wonder what gave her that idea. I wonder what kind, I mentioned this last stream that she had a vasculitis and she had these horrible blotches all over her fucking arms and legs. But in this last stream she panned down and showed her fucking legs and she has quintessential diabetic foot. Bro, yeah, you probably have diabetes. Fat in general causes inflammation, right?
Her and Amberlynn both do this thing where they'll cling to any explanation that's not weight related. No, I have vasculitis. That's an inflammation disorder. That's not caused by being diabetic or obese. And it's like, yeah, it is.
Unknown_00: Because being overweight, you know, inflames your fucking blood vessels. Like, what do you need to know? And they'll always put it aside and say, health at any size.
Unknown_00: It's really quite baffling.
Though it's hard to say just based off this. I mean, it could literally be not weight related. But she has her shoes on. If her shoes were off and we could see diabetic ulcers, That would be really clear indication that she is full on diabetes, but she definitely has I mean she's old She's getting to 40 and she's 400 fucking pounds and she eats like shit every single day. So it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen just a matter of Just a matter of when
Unknown_00: All right, feel good story of the day. This beautiful person, trans woman of color, was kidnapped.
That's not the good news. The good news is that they are safe and sound.
Unknown_00: Fuck, I don't even know this person's name. Probably should have should have committed that to member Well, I don't remember their name because it's a like a retarded bullshit me like black people already make up their names trans black people Make up some bullshit name. This is say SAI
Unknown_00: Please use hashtag help say to spread awareness as the previous tag has been kicked out from the top born.
Find say, say is a young black trans, capital B, big B black trans woman who is at an increased risk of facing violence and has been kidnapped and is in Cincinnati, Ohio area.
Unknown_00: on there. I don't know why the pronoun is there, but really tiny. It's like they wrote her and then someone was like, no, no, they use they, them, they use they, them. So they had to like go back in and like edit in there over her as if I was less conspicuous than just saying her.
Unknown_00: On their Instagram story. They posted a quick video in the dark and said Tall 40 to 50 Latino male about 510, please. I'm in Cincinnati, Ohio. I'm in the basement He could be back at any second. Please help police aren't doing enough Keep using and spreading the hashtag and keep putting pressure on police to prioritize getting them to safety hashtag fine say I
So I think they released a second video at some point that basically was them saying like, oh, stop looking, but they sounded really awkward about it as if they were being pressured into making that, that video. So like tens of thousands of likes and the shit got featured all over the fucking what's happening board on Twitter and shit. And everyone's like, Oh, we got to find, say it's a young, uh, a young, beautiful black woman, a POC. We have to help her. And, uh,
One of the people came out and said that this is bullshit and that person was Say's biological female sister and they got cancelled for downplaying this kidnapping. And then it turns out that it's all bullshit.
Help side, the flight Say is on, more details came out and people could cross-reference stuff and see. The flight Say is on isn't real. The FaceTimes either weren't real or were highly manipulated. The police were apparently never dispatched. Say's friends have deleted and taken back all statements saying Say is safe. Also not clear if they are really friends.
Unknown_00: I'm so fucking disappointed to inform you all that this shit was a fucking lie. I feel so betrayed and I had a panic attack and got all dragged over all Twitter saying trying to help find say to help find out she planned this and recorded everything from her Ohio roommate's closet hashtag fine say literally trapped in the closet how romantic
Now, I know what you guys are thinking, this is really bad, because if people like, say, take advantage of the generosity of Redditors and people on Twitter, what about the real trans causes? And actually, let me bring this up as well.
Unknown_00: They're apparently like a serial grifter.
Unknown_00: Here's some more of their work.
Unknown_00: Black trans woman, safe housing, and COVID relief, $10,000. Help a trans woman of color blossom, $1,500 raise. Help Cy start a new life, $24,000 raise. Help a black trans woman, FFS, I don't know what that means, like frontal surgery, tits.
Unknown_00: Oh, facial feminization surgery, that's when you remove that horrible ass fucking man jaw. SRS and survival, $48,000 raise. Say's breast augmentation, $1,500 raise. It's just $100,000 of fucking tranny money. And you might be thinking like, this is really bad. What about all those poor POC trans women? And I know we care a lot, especially during Black History Month, we care a lot about trans people and especially women of color trans women of color um but as some people have pointed out even if it was a scam i can't even says three three three i can't even be mad because trans women are paid literal dust and that's how she chose to get it out of the mud i mean hey
Also, I've donated money to their GoFundMe twice, and I don't care, I'd do it again. People do stuff like this if they don't do stuff like this if they aren't in desperate need. Stop with this, other trans women will not be taken seriously BS, because lmao, firstly, y'all were never taken seriously in the first place, and if it takes one trans individual to discourage you from donating to a trans person in the future, that simply means you are transphobic.
Unknown_00: and then uh leo moon oh geez from puerto rico says a lot of y'all were super angry though like if you donate to trans people's gofundmes regularly let's not act like you don't usually scroll past mutual aid tweets maybe some people don't have to resort to lying if y'all supported trans people when they're not at risk of losing their lives hopefully this teaches us that if we that we have to do better as a community too
So lesson learned, if you pretend to be kidnapped in a closet and you send tens of thousands of people into a desperate search to find you and the city and you waste police resources and you steal thousands of dollars to help aid a search that was never real to begin with, it's their fault for not donating enough to begin with. That is our
Unknown_00: our Black History Month lesson for this episode.
Unknown_00: I felt like I had something to follow that up with that was probably very racist and I can't find it now. Is it on my notes? Is it on my notes? My horrifically racist comment? No? Oh my god.
Unknown_00: Oh well.
Unknown_00: Oh well. Oh someone sent me the
The chart that I was asking about. This is what kids call an oof moment.
Unknown_00: It's so low quality, whatever. It just shows that almost no one's willing to date trans.
Unknown_00: Even trans people aren't willing to date trans.
Unknown_00: Josh shocked he doesn't have racist notes. I know, right? Cringe.
I already talked about Nick Fuentes. What more could I possibly say about Nick Fuentes?
Unknown_00: I think, um, I don't know what's going on with Greer. I could, just real briefly, I want to mention that the default judgment against me in the ongoing case from Melinda Scott against me as a person was set aside, and the judge is very leniently offering her a chance to explain why, to explain her case again.
Unknown_00: chance she's going to and then she's going to try to appeal it and then it's going to have to go to an appellate court and even if And when I win the appellate case Which will be weeks down the road She's already said she's going to refile in Florida and try it all over again in different jurisdiction which is just bullshit, so Continue to give me cryptocurrency, please. Thank you. I
I think that's it.
Unknown_00: Have I missed anything?
Unknown_00: The HoloFrost? The Texas issue? I mean, I'm not there. There's not much I can say.
Unknown_00: I did hear that Ted Cruz went to Cancun, which is pretty funny, but whatever.
Mandy's back. Yeah, Mandy's back and is a dude now. Whatever. That's too schizo for even me. Like she's obviously in Medicaid and getting worse. She's probably going to end up on the fucking train track soon. All right.
Unknown_00: I think that's it. I give up.
Unknown_00: I've been going on too long already. Oh, here. Yeah, good idea. Good idea. I should sell these fucking tickets. Gold sponsorship for $10,000.
You can come to my convention. My convention in Washington, D.C. We're going to be all meeting up at Washington, D.C. or Tel Aviv. I haven't decided yet. One of those two places. $10,000. You'll get to meet with me. I don't know what we'll do. I'll probably show you my music collection and all my t-shirts and hoodies that I've been wearing since I was 17. I'll show you my basil plant if it's not dead by then.
Unknown_00: Low, low price of $10,000.
That's it. I'll give you guys a choice of outro song. Do you guys want?
Unknown_00: The Israeli song press one for the Israeli song press two for the Russian song Press three for K flag.
Unknown_00: I'll wait. I'll collect my my votes Discord is mostly leaning on oh geez Kind of split between one and three You know what, I'll play the Israeli song. Just fuck it. It's a little bit repetitive, but whatever.
Alright, I'll see you guys next week.
Unknown_00: Oh no, where is it? Come back to me.
Unknown_00: Okay, bye.
Omed li bat zfirah Omed li bat zfirah Omed li Omed li Omed li Bat zfirah
Unknown_09: And it feels so bad And it feels so bad And it feels so bad That my only soldier Is standing in the line
Standing in a line Standing in a line Standing Standing Standing in a line And it feels terrible It feels terrible
Unknown_09: When my only soldier Stands in front of his rifle I send him the letters of the killing It's not a real rifle
It's just a song about someone who died a long time ago
fuck i'll play the rest of it um but i want to say that this song has 53 views i found it listening to the i bomb beirut's guys entire discography and this is the only other song that i liked at all from this disco so all you meme lords who picked the israeli song you get what you fucking deserve
Oh, yeah!