0:00:00 Unknown_08: Once was a stock that put to sea The name of the stock was GME The price blew up and the shorts dipped down Hold my bully boys, hold Soon may the Tandymen come To send our rocket into the sun One day when the trading is done We'll take our gains and go She had not been two weeks from shore when Ryan Cohen joined the board. The captain called all hands and spore, he'll take his shares and hold. Soon may the Tandyman come to send our rocket into the sun. One day when the trading is done we'll take our gains and go. Before the news had hit the market, Wall Street bets came up and bought it with diamond hands. They knew they'd profit if they could only hold. Soon may the Tandymen come to send a rocket into the sun. One day when the trading is done, we'll take our gains and go. No deals were cut, no shorts were squeezed The captain's mind was not ungreed But he belonged to the artist's creed He took the risk to hold Soon may the Tandyman come To send a rocket into the sun One day when the trading is done We'll take our gains and go For forty days or even more The stock went up then down once more All gains were lost, it was looking poor But still those traders did hold Soon may the Tandyman come to send a rocket into the sun. One day when the trading is done, we'll take our gains and go. As far as I've heard, the fight's still on. The short's not squeezed and the gain's not won. The Tandyman makes his regular call to encourage the captain crew and all. Soon may the Tandyman come to send our rocket into the sun. One day when the trading is done, we'll take our gains and go. Soon may the Tandyman come to send our rocket into the sun. One day when the trading is done, we'll take our gains and go. 0:02:04 Unknown_04: Well hello everyone. Sorry about being late. Everyone was revolting in chat. I think it's the latest I've ever been actually. There's a complication at where I live where for whatever reason, I don't know if this is like a common thing or if it's like a unique issue with this area. Unknown_04: The guys who do courier service, they just love to drop off packages wherever the fuck they want and then say like, oh, it's at this place, go pick it up. And I was like, bro, like in this case, it was an envelope size parcel and the courier decided to put it in the neighbor's, mailbox and it's like okay if you're gonna be lazy and just drop off everything at one place if you're doing it at the fucking mailbox why would you not just put it in the in my mailbox my mailbox is on the fucking thing it has my name's on it put the fucking envelope in and for whatever reason they constantly choose to drop shit off at whoever the fuck answers the door first and i have a box sitting in my uh the the entryway from the front door that belongs to someone that has never picked it up it's been there for i want to say six weeks now maybe even eight weeks it's been there a long ass fucking time they've never picked it up i've had shit dropped off at people who apparently just rent their apartment and never live there except that one time they pick up that package and it took me like two two weeks to get my fucking box because they were never home it's just truly a bewildering phenomenon so when I see that a package is inbound you know what you can imagine whatever you want to be in that box but it's fucking anything no matter what it is I know I'm better off just like running downstairs to try and head them off and meet them at the door and be like get give me my box it's mine I don't don't hand it off to some fucking asshole Because then I have to knock on their door and be awkward while I'm trying to figure out how to ask for a box So that was my that's my current predicament. I've been treated as poorly by the courier service here as As I guess the the hedge funds are by by reddit, which is sort of weird. It's weird how everything everywhere is talking about GameStop which was on its way out the door and And now it's international fucking news that everyone just knows and is commenting on. It's healing wounds better than any politician could. I've never seen such unity between the far right and the far left at the same time. People gathering around to eat the rich. Usually when something is so big like that, I don't like talking about it. 0:04:42 Unknown_04: It's all been said, right? Everyone has said their piece on the GameStop shit. But I also kind of look at my podcasts as like a historical. So if people look back in time and listen to these podcasts like four years in advance when things have completely changed, We're at a state of war or something, you know, no matter what happens, people can listen and be like, oh yeah, I kind of understand what's happening. So I try to assume nobody has any idea what the fuck's going on when I talk. 0:05:23 Unknown_04: So let me kind of explain the premise of this economic crisis which has begun. Unknown_04: There's a subreddit called WallStreetBets and there's a board on 4chan called Biz. And they're both very like outside trader, kind of big into crypto. I don't know if WallStreetBets is big into crypto, but Biz is like mostly crypto based. And then there's also the Stock Market General, where they go through a couple cycles during the open hours of WallStreet. and the Nasdaq and they just kind of speculate as outsiders on what to hedge bets on for both short-term money by gambling essentially versus long-term profits which are slower but more predictable. 0:06:09 Unknown_04: So they have joined forces and pulling off a shakedown of a hedge fund. There is a group called Melvin Capital in Citrus Research and Melvin Capital has already had financial issues and they had to get two billion dollars, I want to say, of bailout funds from their parent company. And Melvin Capital's big idea for making some money back to bail themselves out of their problematic financial situation was to short GameStop. Short the stock of GameStop. And if you don't know what a short is, very simply, 0:07:03 Unknown_04: Again, I feel kind of bad explaining this because everyone's heard so much about this, but a short is when you sell a stock you do not own. Effectively, you borrow a stock from someone who has one and you sell it at the market price. And your thinking is, I know that this stock is going to drop. And when the price of the stock drops, I'll buy it back at that lower price and return it from the person I borrowed it from, usually a broker. So you say, oh, GameStop is worth $20. 0:07:40 Unknown_04: I bet you by the end of this week, it'll be worth $10. Unknown_04: So I'm gonna buy a bunch, I'm gonna borrow a bunch of GameStop stock. I'm going to sell it at $20 and then a week from now I promise you I will return your stock." And the idea is you'll have doubled your money or gotten half of it back. All of it back plus more because you'll be buying it back for half of what you sold it for. 0:08:14 Unknown_04: That is the gist of what a short is. Unknown_04: There are many interesting things about this particular short. For instance, the big one is that they have allegedly sold 250% of GameStock's equity, which should not be possible. That's called a naked short. That means you're selling something that does not exist, and that's technically illegal. Unknown_04: If they've broken the law in doing this, they've really fucked themselves because this is now international news. The crisis is this, that these hedge fund assholes borrowed $2 billion from their parent company, and then they said, we're going to sell 250% of this stock. And by the way, short sellers are not well liked in the stock market industry because 0:08:59 Unknown_04: by borrowing the stock and selling it you're actually tanking the price of the stock because you're you're wiping out all the buy orders or um yeah all the buy orders and the buy orders are what determine the price of the stock so it's entirely possible to wipe out a huge amount of buy orders on GameStop by shorting it and then you immediately, because you yourself, through your financial power, have crashed the value of the stock, you can then buy it back from the damage that you've caused in this stock and then return it to the people you borrowed it from. So this harms people who are going long on the stock, who have faith in it. It harms the equity of the company. It harms the people who work at the company. It is predatory at its finest. And a lot of people will argue and say, no, no, no, short stocks are not predatory. They're just a symptom of the market. They're totally legitimate. A lot of people don't fucking like them. And if you are a short seller, a big name short seller, you will be threatened in your industry because people will hate you for the damage that you do to the financial system. And Melvin Capital, this is a big thing, someone mentioned it in Discord, but I'll bring it now. If you buy, for instance, right now I have a stock at GameStop. I bought it. I bought it at the peak. I'm probably gonna lose money, I don't care. 0:10:20 Unknown_04: The worst that can happen to me owning a piece of GameStop right now is that my $350 purchase of this stock might be worth zero tomorrow. That's a possibility. So the maximum I can lose is everything. And that might seem like a lot, right? Surely I could lose everything and that would suck. When you short a stock, because of how it works, you can actually lose a lot more than everything. If you buy $2 billion worth of GameStop stock at $20, and then suddenly it's worth $350 the next day, you've lost way more than 100% of the value of that stock. 0:10:53 Unknown_04: You've lost many, many times what it was worth before and many, many times what you put into it. And that is the crisis that Melvin Capital and Citrus Research has found themselves in. These Redditors, these fucking weirdos from Reddit and 4chan collaborating together to identify the fact that Melvin Capital did in fact short GameStop as much as they have. and then deciding to jack up the price and refuse to sell and refuse to lend to shorters means that when they are forced contractually to buy that stock back, they're not buying it at twice the value. They're not buying it at 10 times the value. Right now they are so over leveraged when they are required to buy this stock back They're going to be buying it at 20 times, maybe even 100 times, because they're saying that, the people on Reddit are saying, we're going to hold no matter what. We're going to buy millions of dollars worth of fucking GameStop, and we're going to sell it at $5,000. 0:11:44 Unknown_04: So Melvin Capital is now looking at a situation where they have sold stock at $20 with the expectation of it being $10, and now it might be worth $5,000. Unknown_04: which is a sort of unprecedented failure. And it's not... The really crazy thing about how this works... 0:12:21 Unknown_04: And what this shows is that none of this is based on reality. GameStop hasn't done some enormously fantastical thing to make retail physical game sales the next big thing. Nobody's going to malls. Nobody's going to GameStop. Nobody's buying physical copies of games. This is literally fucking pretend. GameStop does not matter. Someone described it as a rope that two people are pulling. at either ends in a game of tug-of-war. You have the hedge fund, Melvin Capital, Wall Street bros, and then you have a hundred million fucking retards pulling in at the other end. Whatever the rope is made of, if it's GameStop or AMC or whatever the fuck, it really doesn't matter. 0:13:05 Unknown_04: that should be a wake up call that it's it's people it's people playing a game that they made with rules that they can change and it means fucking nothing and yet these are the numbers that people prop up and say look the economy is doing so great nasdaq is up 50 today isn't that wonderful The economy is doing so great, our GDP numbers are so high, that means that we're the best country. Unknown_04: It means literally fucking nothing, it is all pretend. 0:13:42 Unknown_04: Money is money, but this should show people how pathetic this entire system is. When you can sell something that you don't own, and not only what you do not own, but what does not exist and cannot exist, uh so that you can buy it back at a later date and make money off of it by doing absolutely fucking nothing except gambling that's crazy that's less like gambling makes sense you can't gamble what you don't own uh unless you're trying to get your fucking kneecaps broken you can't a casino cannot pay out more than they have but for some reason wall street the rules don't apply making you can gamble whatever the fuck you want as long as you have the leverage and you can buy it all back the next day if you really want to. 0:14:28 Unknown_04: GDP is not based on stuff. I know what GDP is. I'm just saying that these numbers do not fucking matter They are all fictitious. They're all bullshit, and they do not indicate the health or Or anything about society or a nation or its economy It's literally just fucking bullshit that they can swing and manipulate to their their hearts content So I'm gonna I have some content here to go over regarding this Unknown_04: Hopefully everything looks right. 0:15:04 Unknown_04: So when this started happening, it made a lot of people's heads turn because it's like, oh, here we have a situation where a company is out potentially $20 billion. That's the rough estimate, the high rough estimate, is that they're now out $20 billion. Unknown_04: Um, so then all these market analysts start coming out saying, Oh, this is terrible. This is, and they said it was rooted in like racism and misogyny. And, and I have one that's particularly funny, but here's an opinion piece by Mark Holber, who says why short sellers dumping GameStop puts reddit followers and other day traders at greater risk. So there, there's been several pieces of people saying that you should never, 0:15:52 Unknown_04: You shouldn't doubt the short seller, basically. It's healthy for the economy. I'm not going to read this, but it's basically just fucking bitching. Unknown_04: Saying that this is like a right-wing, Gamergate fucking thing. Quote some guy called Stein. Unknown_04: The short sellers are throwing in towels on stocks like GameStop, which may simply be recognizing that the market can stay irrational longer than they are able or willing, giving margin calls and funding constraints to stick to their trades. Unknown_04: So one would certainly not want to conclude from such behavior on the part of the short sellers at this point that they think GameStop and other previously heavily shorted stocks are now fairly valued. Basically saying that the value is going to crash. And that's only if people start selling the stock. And the big thing is saying, we have diamond hands. We're never going to sell the stock. We're going to sell it $5,000. You're going to pay us whatever the fuck we say you're going to pay us. 0:16:30 Unknown_04: And what's the other one? Oh, their motto. We can stay retarded longer than you can stay solvent. Basically, we can throw all our money away. We don't give a fuck. And but you have you have obligations. You have constraints. 0:17:03 Unknown_04: So this is information on the leveraging of short data. So you can see here, right around the 27th, it's at 140%. And this is relevant because Melvin went on to NSNBC, CNBC, and they said, we've closed all our positions. It's all over now. Sorry. Bye-bye. And it's not true. You can look at the data. Unknown_04: and tell for sure that they have not closed their positions. And if they're not the ones holding this stock and trying to short it, someone is. Unknown_04: And by the way, when a company, when a media company comes out and says lies, complete bullshit, saying that someone has closed their positions when they have not, when it's not possible for them to do that, that's called market manipulation. So CNBC and whoever the fuck is spreading this information that they've not shorted, they've closed their positions, that's criminal. That should be criminal. so they're like that's immediately how desperate they become is that this potential 20 billion dollar loss has forced them to commit crimes because i guess ending up in jail for however many years is probably a better deal than losing 20 billion dollars right 0:17:52 Unknown_04: uh the reaction and by the way this is this kind of shows that all these people know each other and they all work together E-Trade confirmed that it halted GameStop and AMC stock uh but we'll let you buy some Friday so the reaction from um companies that run outsider trading platforms like E-Trade and Robinhood and there was another one they halted the sale of GameStop stock and in Robinhood's case they even said that they will sell your stock for you without your permission for your own good and how that's legal is unknown and if it isn't legal That again shows that they are willing to break the law to help their positions because it's so much money that going to jail would potentially be a less disastrous consequence than having this firm collapse. 0:18:41 Unknown_04: And the result of Robinhood closing new positions and saying that they were going to sell your stock for you was a class action lawsuit, which was so heavily viewed that it crashed Pacer. And Pacer is the government website used to view federal proceedings, criminal cases and 0:19:33 Unknown_04: civil dockets. So, so many people went to go see the text of this class action lawsuit, which they may be able to benefit from, that it crashed this website. Unknown_04: So, here's some clips that I have regarding... This one's great. Look at this guy. Look at this fucking asshole. And just listen to his voice, watch his demeanor. Unknown_00: I mean, I think it's kind of obvious people can not only see the emotion on your face, but hear it in your voice when you talk about this, Lee. Why? 0:20:06 Unknown_06: I care. That's it. Unknown_04: That's it. That's all he has to say. So I'm going to do a thing. Can I put up, um, both the, no, it's only the discord. Unfortunately, I was going to try to put them both up. Unknown_04: So just, I guess I'll watch both chats, but I do want to see. 0:20:41 Unknown_04: Press 1 if you think that this man cares. Unknown_04: Press 2 if you think this man is out a cut of 20 billion dollars. I want to see, what does Chat think? Are his tears genuine? Does this man bleed for America? Oh, 2. I'm overwhelmed by 2s. Everyone knows that this man speaks. Unknown_04: That's crazy. Do you guys feel bad for him? Do you guys feel bad for these hedge fund guys who are out $20 billion? I want to know, does anyone, I've been watching, it's going so fast I don't know if I can even pick out any of this, but does anyone have any defense of any of these people? Because this is a rare occasion where it's like, eat the rich on one side and then the the hedge funds people are jews so the right doesn't like them either that's that's the dichotomy here where they both seem united and they're utter fucking contempt and even people who are just like centrist who like manage their money who pay attention to these kinds of things who are concerned about the state of the economy they look at and say oh fuck the short sellers they're they're sharks why would i give a fuck about them losing money 0:21:22 Unknown_04: It's truly beautiful. So the reaction from even the government now White House Advisors are looking to the situation The SEC is looking into regulating this more saying and it's like what are they gonna do it? They're gonna ban outsider trading if you're not verified kosher. You can't fucking trade anymore is that the reaction and the people advising GameStop and the brokerage companies about what to do with this and they have financial ties to these organizations. 0:22:03 Unknown_04: It's utterly corrupt to the very fucking bone and It's just great Here's another video. Oh this this one's from my man Forget what the fuck his name is. It doesn't matter this bald guy though There will always be a place in my heart for when this guy went on to the daily show back when Jon Stewart hosted it Mad money, I forget his fucking name 0:22:47 Unknown_04: And this was right after the 2008 housing bubble, and Mr. Mad Money was sitting there telling people about how they should invest, and blah blah blah, their 401k, their stock markets, and he was doing all this goofy shit on his fucking stage, pressing buttons that had, like, loud sound effects and shit, and Jon Stewart brought this man to fucking tears on his thing, because he said, like, dude, my mom, my mom, old lady, in her 80s, 90s, whatever, Unknown_04: She lost everything. Her 401k is worth fucking nothing now. And you're sitting there pressing the honky horn button on your fucking mad money program on CNBC. There's real consequences for your bullshit and playing fucking games on the stock market. And it's really great. What the fuck is his name? Unknown_04: John Stewart joined Twitter just to yell at Wall Street. I do miss John Stewart. John is my favorite Jewish person. He always seems like a... Jim Cramer. The only thing that I've ever heard anyone say bad about John Stewart is that he infantilized the news in a way. By integrating news with entertainment in the way he did, he set the stage for your Don Lemons and uh just like stupid bullshit where dumb ass motherfuckers make joke or um who the other who's the other guy john john oliver they blame that on john stewart but john stewart himself i quite like anyways here's jim kramer being uh i think he's the voice of reason in this clip i'll play it concentrated and doing some sort of manipulation if they said they like the stock 0:23:45 Unknown_06: Well, I don't know if they're concentrated because I don't have subpoena power and I can't really go out and look at it. Well, it's always been your problem. 0:24:24 Unknown_08: I could argue, I don't even know if there are foreign powers at work here behind us. She's trying to make chaos up our markets. Unknown_04: Let me ask you. Unknown_04: So he's saying that it's like a coordinated thing. When people accuse the market manipulation, that's the big thing. They're market manipulating to make money. It's like, no, they just really like the stock. That's the rebuttal. They're not manipulating shit. And this guy goes a step further and says, they're not just market manipulators. They're fucking foreign agents. They're working on behalf of China to manipulate GameStop. Unknown_04: I'm almost done with this, I promise. Here's another clip. 0:24:58 Unknown_04: Former SEC Commissioner Laura Unger compares short squeeze, which is what they call it when you buy a bunch of stocks to fuck up a short. It's called a short squeeze. Compares the short squeeze to January 6th at the Capitol. Unknown_01: It really puts a lot of question about the integrity of the market, right? And it really kind of everybody's scratching their heads over this. What should happen? What is the right thing to do to control this or stop this? Not unlike what we saw on January 6th at the Capitol, right? If you don't have the police in there at the right time, things go 0:25:29 Unknown_01: And that's kind of feels like what's happening with this much different, much lesser degree. It's financial harm, not personal bodily harm. But certainly that's the same kind of platform created frenzy that people are operating under. And these are very trying times. Unknown_01: It really puts a lot of question about the integrity of the market. 0:26:15 Unknown_04: So they're really stretching and I have this article lined up as well because I this guy I even sent him a tweet and I'll read my tweet cuz why not I said in reply to this very interesting desperate grasping article by John Tamney Arguing in favor of short sellers, but here's the truth John. No one thinks this is awesome because of some economic theory they just want to eat you alive John tell your friends them to and And that's true. People just want to see John Tamney. John Tamney. They want to see whoever the fuck John Tamney is suffer at the hands of retards wearing fedoras and hugging, eating shit out of a tin, sitting in their underwear in some comfy gamer den paid for with Bitcoin. Unknown_04: They just want to see those people eat these people alive. He says, 0:27:03 Unknown_04: Ignore the populist GameStop hype. So I guess this is a populist movement now, which we only associate with bad things. Only bad things are popular. Short sellers are heroes. I'm not gonna read this, but the gist of what he's saying is that in 2007, you had the housing market collapse, and he goes over the plot, basically, of the big short, where this guy recognizes that these market positions are over leveraged, the mortgages are gonna go down, and are going to go down because people are being delinquent and he shorts the market in order to make billions and billions and billions of fucking dollars. That's what he's saying. He said that that guy is a hero because his actions cause people to reconsider their mortgages and somehow in his big short help save the economy from an even greater collapse because of whatever fucking logic. 0:27:42 Unknown_04: And it's all bullshit. It really is. Like, no, these people are not fucking heroes. That guy would not have taken that information and then applied it in some generous way if there was not billions of dollars attached to it. He wouldn't give a fuck. You know what I mean? He would probably tell his friends and family to not give out mortgages at their banks. But he doesn't... No. It's just a man making money off other people's failures. That's all it is. It's not heroism. 0:28:16 Unknown_04: So fuck you, John Tamney. And people... Unknown_04: I really hope, like, this can be compared to Capitol Hill in some way, because I think it shows, like, in Capitol Hill, that yeah, people are pissed off and they might become violent. It's like with this, people are pissed off at how fucked the economy is and how completely inaccessible to them the economy is, and now they want to eat you fucking people alive. 0:28:48 Unknown_04: And maybe it scares them in that way, and that's why these articles are coming out. Unknown_04: But oh, this was funny. I just threw this in because it's funny to me. You can see booking information, like what prices people are willing to sell their stocks at are public. And someone pointed out that there's like 13,000 GameStock shares for sale at $420, $420. And then there's an additional 1,000 for sale at $420.69. 0:29:28 Unknown_04: And he's saying don't do that because that's too low pull those pull those sale orders I put my sale order for my one share of GameStop at $4,200 and 69 cents, which is more based in red pelt Okay Unknown_04: I talked a good 30 minutes about this. I don't think I missed anything. I do want to apologize now that I don't have anything about Fallout Frontier because I realized that there would probably be a lot of video content necessary to make talking about Fallout Frontier complete. I may do that next week or I may do something earlier in the week just for Fallout Frontier because that is funny. The gist is that a bunch of Englishmen got together to try and make a video game mod for Fallout New Vegas. So the fucking old one. And the end result of that was a 7 year development hell cycle that produced one of the worst looking fucking mods ever made. 0:30:18 Unknown_04: And there's like weird tranny stuff going on. There's like a diaper fur head developer who snuck in like his diaper fur OC and said that there's like a dirty diaper hidden somewhere in the map. Go find it. Like weird, weird shit like that. That's like actually really funny. Um, Oh, I have a, uh, 0:30:57 Unknown_04: Where is it? Oh, here it is. I clipped this. I watched Snatch recently, so I clipped this. I might make this, like, if I ever make, like, a Twitch stream. This will be my donation thing that annoys the fuck out of people during replays. Unknown_00: Anything to declare? Yeah. Don't go to England. Unknown_04: just just soothing to me anyways yeah I might cover that later but for now for now we have people drama they are calling this the stock shit by the way Gamergate 2.0 and as this talk of Gamergate trickled through the ether and reminded me of Gamergate 1 0:31:40 Unknown_04: I will I will give you guys a little throwback to someone who I will never have an opportunity to talk about again because he's mostly disappeared and He's not enough to give a full person stream to so this is very old content, but it's near and dear to my heart So I hope you enjoy I would like to introduce you to Homer. I Unknown_04: Uh, here's just, I guess this is just a picture of him from the thumbnail. He's a Filipino and he was big into Gamergate, right? So early in the forum's history, 2013, 2014, he had like anime titty profile pic and was super prolific in Gamergate content. Unknown_04: In his YouTube channel, which I've archived just recently, he started out just doing let's plays of old games, and then at a certain point when Gamergate starts, if you're watching you can see this, I'm gonna scroll very slowly, he starts putting out all these fucking videos about Gamergate, just dozens of them. 0:32:47 Unknown_04: It's all like within the span of like two or three years and He kept going on about Gamergate and he had Gamergate shit like on Twitter as you can see this like five years ago So this is 2015. This is like way after or 2016 even this is way after the Gamergate Prime and he had he maintained like a Twitter account and where he kept talking about GamerGate and he had a Patreon with like two dollars on it for GamerGate content like years and years after everyone was fucking done with GamerGate and the creme de la creme the peak of Homer's videos is this video from January 9th 2014 titled I'm Eating a Sandwich Feminist it's about two minutes long so let's uh let's watch this 0:33:43 Unknown_04: he's giving the thumbs up eating sandwich he's nodding while eating the sandwich shaking his head he's making erratic facial features Unknown_04: Takes another bite of the sandwich. Sandwich is half gone already. He's ravenous for the sandwich. Unknown_04: Shows the sandwich again. Now it's just a tiny corner. The borders of the sandwich are being eroded in real time. Unknown_03: Does this look offensive? Unknown_03: Is it offensive that I'm eating the sandwich? Unknown_03: Sandwich. 0:34:32 Unknown_03: This is offensive, right? Unknown_03: Well, what offense you infuse me? Unknown_03: I don't care. Unknown_03: It's tasty. Unknown_04: What's wrong with that? Unknown_04: It's totally insane. Unknown_00: See? Unknown_04: It's almost gone. Unknown_03: I'm sorry for just eating. It's just, um, 0:35:03 Unknown_03: There are a group of feminists that actually find, you know, seeing sandwich offensive. Because it reminds them of the kitchen. Unknown_03: Oh my god. Just for a sandwich, they're offensive. They're really offended because of this. Unknown_04: Okay, I think the second sandwich, she's hungry. She's fed of it. It's a really amazing filling of that sandwich, Omar. 0:35:37 Unknown_03: If you find this offensive, I'm sorry, but it's just a sandwich. Remember, it's just a sandwich. Unknown_03: That is all. Thank you very much. Unknown_04: So that's it, that's Homer. That's the best video, there's another one. You guys wanna watch, do, okay. Do you wanna watch a second video? Press one. What the fuck is, oh my god. They made autoplay like this weird button down here and it's always fucking on and I don't wanna sign in. I fucking hate YouTube. Press one if you wanna watch another video, press two if you don't. 0:36:12 Unknown_04: You don't wanna watch another video? Unknown_04: You don't want to watch another intriguing Gamergate video? I'm seeing some ones. I'm seeing some ones. People want to watch Homer videos. Unknown_04: The YouTube chat is more anti-Homer, but the Trovo chat is more pro-Homer. I think we should watch one more. I don't know if this is actually good. How long is this one? This is 25 minutes. We're not watching this. Unknown_04: I didn't actually intend to watch more than one. 0:36:46 Unknown_04: Okay, you know what? Fuck it. I'll do the DSP one. I'm gonna plop myself in at any time and we'll just listen for like just a little bit. Just a little bit. Where's 420 at? Okay. Unknown_04: This is the debunking daily effects of male gamer privilege by John McIntosh. Wait, where's the one about, um, DSP? Oh, here it is. I got the wrong one. I don't care about John McIntosh. Fuck off. Unknown_04: Okay, 420, tell us about, uh, They Call Me DSP, Darkseid Phil and His Dilemmas on Name-Dropping, Ebagging, and Public Relations, which is just the worst title for any video I've ever read. 0:37:29 Unknown_03: I somehow look at it somewhat, but I'm not being serious about that. But I look at it. You can buy at least a decent home with a two-story building for like maybe $60,000 to $70,000. Unknown_03: but three hundred dollars for a house you know just for you know i don't know it's that's uh you know uh mid mid uh mid mid rice yeah subdivision it is kind of my fault for just plopping down at 420 and seeing what he has to say uh but i have no fucking let's actually this is 0:38:03 Unknown_04: start from the beginning what does he have to say about this you know as i'm uh i'm in a home in the home stretch of my uh journey on mystic art you know the japanese exclusive rpg for the snes during the 1990s i just as you know as you know he's he's completing his playthrough of this obscure nintendo japanese game had this i just had this Unknown_03: Well, our resident Scrub Cardsite Phil, you know, have been whining all along because he's going to move to Seattle. And as far as we know, he already chose his house that worth $300,000. And this thing happened. Unknown_03: TotalBiscuit, TotalBiscuit commented on one of DarkSideLudes or MrLudicrous' video about DSP dropping names left and right, not necessarily dropping names, more like insulting his fans again. You know, this really takes me back to the days of Gamergate and just how all these fucking people thought they could be famous. 0:38:59 Unknown_04: Like, what's his face? Unknown_04: Fuck, Ralph was involved in this, that's how he got his start. He, um... King of Pole? That's how he got his start. He did fucking Gamergate videos like this talking about recent happenings and what the e-celeb said about fucking, you know, whatever bullshit. Unknown_04: And Sargon got his start during Gamergate, I'm pretty sure. And Armored Skeptic also was like an anti-SJW person. Unknown_04: Which is a perfect segue, by the way, because I do want to talk about Shuan Head, who is most notable for being Armored Skeptic's boyfriend. I guess she had her own following. I guess that's not fair to say. 0:39:45 Unknown_04: But she also got her start during fucking Gamergate, didn't she? She got popular doing anti-SJW videos as a woman. So she's basically like female Homer, sitting there in her fucking room, her dirty ass fucking room, talking about Gamergate shit. Unknown_04: Uh, oh, boyfriend quotes. Yeah, that's true. Talking about Gamergate shit and be like, I'm not, I'm not like other boys. I'm like, uh, I'm, I'm conservative and I understand that men aren't privileged and, uh, therefore you should simp for me. And it worked. She became very popular. She hooked up with armored skeptic. And when I say hooked up as chat was quick to correct me. 0:40:24 Unknown_04: She basically lived in a cuckshed on the Canadian side of the U.S. border, while Armored Skeptic lived on the other side of the border in, I want to say Buffalo. I think he's in northern New York somewhere along the border. I don't know where, but maybe on the west coast in Oregon. Where do they live? But he basically just fucked whoever he wanted, and she was like, oh, we're in an open relationship, and I'm like a sub, and this doesn't bother me. He can simp for traps on fucking Twitter all he likes. 0:41:05 Unknown_04: Oh, I'm sorry, she's the American, he's the Canadian. Okay, whatever. But she was in her fucking cuckshed, and he was basically... I don't know what it is about people in relationships, in like, E relationships, who like trap porn, because Count Dankula does it too, and it's still gross when he does it, but... She was just like a humiliated side piece that still stuck with him for a very long time, and then they broke up and they broke up for very obvious reasons she claims these days that it was because of the lockdown and the immigration issues but she turned just 30 right when it happened and they had previously made tweets making fun of women in their 30s and he said that he was into teenagers which is why she always tried to be like a small bee in the woo and tried to be tiny and petite and shit and say that uh she was like a teenager and then she turned 30 in the very week that she turns 30 bam he's fucking gone and uh the update for this week is that her nudes leaked from her snapchat which has caused quite a uh contention among scholars about if she leaked it herself 0:41:58 Unknown_04: It is an apparent hack, which is why I did not feature it on the forum, because it's not really her fault, I guess, if she got hacked. Unknown_04: And she's reacting in a way that coincides, I feel, with having been hacked. Unknown_04: But on the flip side, the way that Snapchat works, as far as I understand, is that messages are automatically deleted. And the only messages which don't, and correct me if I'm wrong, but the only messages on Snapchat which don't get deleted are ones that you save as memories. So if she took all these photos of herself, they wouldn't stay on her phone unless for whatever reason she decided to save them. Which would only make sense if she had some reason to save them, which doesn't make, which I can't think of any, or if she intended to leak them at some point. 0:42:49 Unknown_04: server saves them. Unknown_04: I mean, I'm sure the server keeps them in some perpetual fat bank and fed thing, but as far as like on the client side, I don't think you have any access to these things. They could delete it unless you save them as memories. Unknown_04: She saved her nudes. Yeah, that's apparently that's what happened. That's how it got leaked out. Uh, 0:43:26 Unknown_04: I mean, if he saved her nudes and he got hacked, but I don't think that's what happened. I think all the screenshots of the hacked Snapchat were from her perspective. So there's no way that it was an armored skeptic who did it. Unknown_04: So I think that she got hacked. People would disagree and say that there's no way that she got hacked because she saved those images herself. 0:43:58 Unknown_04: But I don't think that the images are flattering and I don't think that she's reacting in a way... I expected her to really ham up the victim route and she hasn't so far. She hasn't even acknowledged it publicly except in her Discord. Unknown_04: So I feel it's a real hack. Unknown_04: But when I got posted to the site, I enforced a rule based on policies I talked about in January about how you have to register to get around a private tag for things that would get us in trouble with search engines. And not surprisingly, over 1,000 people have joined in the last day to get around the private tag thing. And I mean, on one hand, it's like, yeah, it's nice to have new registrations. On the other, I feel that it keeps out a lot of, 0:44:41 Unknown_04: Lot of people who would just use the site as like a porn dump like a revenge porn site because that's not a good Way to go. We already have like politics and shit. That's enough as it is I don't want the site just to be like a revenge porn dumping ground Unknown_04: We have a thousand new Coomers. I'm assuming that most of them are not going to post at all. Unknown_04: Whatever. It's out there, and she can't do anything about it. And it sucks, I guess. I think the way that it really sucks, and probably the reason why she's not talking about it, is that her... The way I feel is that her content sucks. She's not interesting. And I think that most of her people, most people who watch her, 0:45:23 Unknown_04: are men who wanna fuck her. And the second that her nudes are out there, her market value's gonna go down like 60% with her own target audience. Unknown_04: She probably doesn't want people to see them, because once you see that, once you see her without her makeup, and videos that show that she's just another 30 year old woman, she's not boxy, she's not your teenage idol, she's just some chick, It would probably it would deprive people of that of that interest in her I guess that keep them babied along So yeah, I mean that's all I have to say about that the funniest thing Like I said, I didn't feature that because it's just a hack and it's not really like locale content But I am tempted to feature this next thing that's happened. That's strange. Oh, I have this image. Oh 0:45:54 Unknown_04: If you don't know, the woman on the right is Greg's new girlfriend, Armored Skeptic. He's dating some Australian chick. And the pictures on the left are from the leak and demonstrate that she has no idea what an Ahoge face is and she doesn't know what a tongue cleaner is. There's something really unsettling about how she's looking off to the side. I don't know if she's looking at a viewfinder on a camera. 0:46:50 Unknown_04: But it looks like she's embarrassed to look at herself, like, because if you're taking it on a camera phone, you have the phone right in front where the camera is. So if she was looking at the camera phone, maybe that's like awkward. It feels like she's embarrassed by what she's doing, but. Unknown_04: It also looks like she's a cat and someone I said that she looks like a cat that's about to throw up and Someone on the forum. I think Jack awful. What's his username? I want to give credit said she's coughing up a hairball Unknown_04: A hairball you get it like a cat throwing up, but because she eats her own hair. She's coughing up a hairball It's I read that like eight fucking times, and then it clicked. Oh look at like because she eats her own hair. It's a hairball That's excellent 0:47:32 Unknown_04: Okay, the funny thing is this. She hooked up with this guy, the Fisherman. And of course, people read the name the Fisherman and they start developing these theories. Is he based into long economics? Is he researching this Kingfisher theory from this weird econometric tome about leftist politics and economy? And then, now, I think it's safe to say that the fish in Fisherman means catfish, because as it came out, the man in this photo, of all the photos that he uses, is from a Swiss gay man. So the Swiss are at it again. They're catfishing e-celeb camwhores because they want to just dab on them, I guess. 0:48:11 Unknown_04: This is a picture from Gélinard F. He's a gay man from Zurich, and there's no fucking way this man is sending her messages. He's the person that has his avatar for all this shit is just this obscure homosexual from Switzerland, and there is definitely... She's being catfished by him because they've been talking for months. He's super fucking gay. He is not trying to get it in with June. That's not happening. And it caused her a ton of drama because he's like fashy or something. Apparently she's in like a Nazbol discord, which is just weird. I understand kind of what Nazbol is, but they really need to rebrand themselves because people hate Nazis and they hate communists. And especially mutually exclusive, they hate each other. So if you try to say that you're both a Nazi and a communist, everyone hates you. Except weirdos on the internet, I guess. So they should definitely fix their fucking flag, which is just the NSDAP flag with a hammer and sickle instead of a swastika. They need to fix that, because that looks weird and wrong. And they need to fix their name because it sounds stupid and it looks stupid and it makes people hate you. 0:49:29 Unknown_04: But it caused an issue because historically she's been trying to fuck Vausch, who is very not a nazbol, he's just a communist. Unknown_04: And, uh... Unknown_04: Just read how disjointed this is, because this came out after, I think, Kraut and T got into an argument with Vausch about the Kingfisher guy and how she's simping for this, uh, Nazbol person. And then afterwards, he came out and said, like, I'm not a Nazi, that's in his profile thing, and then had these tweets, uh, that says, I think society should encourage family values more and less, do whatever you want, fuck anyone and everyone, girl power, so that maybe counts as have kids, but no, not white babies, Lamal, I don't give a shit about race. Yes, I'm in the server lurking. I think it's sick how everyone has become a cog in the machine, and women especially are being pressured to put career over family. Nobody can even afford to have kids nowadays. So I'm not really in Shu's community, so you don't have to feel unsafe. Sorry if I give off bad vibes, lol. Trans and bi rights are human rights. Everyone on earth besides me could suddenly become trans, and it would not change our material conditions whatsoever, so it's a pointless subject to get caught up on. And I'm pro-life. It's just super disjointed. Like, the reason why far-right people believe what they do and the reason why far-left people believe what they do is because they have underlying assumptions about the world and what makes people happy. When you try to take the... 0:51:01 Unknown_04: consequences of those beliefs and slam them together to be a middle ground, like a radical middle ground, you end up with something that doesn't make sense. You're pro-life, you're pro-family, you're pro-tradition, but you're also pro-trans rights, and you don't think anything would change if everyone was trans. Like, yeah, a lot would fucking change, dude. So, this guy is clearly fucking insane, if he was a real person, which he's not. He's just trying to pander to Bill June, who needs someone to spit on her, and to her audience so that he can keep the game going. And maybe, maybe he's the reason why these nudes got leaked. Maybe it's this fucking guy, I never even thought about that. But maybe he knew her password and tried it on Snapchat and it fucking worked and then he leaked out the nudes. 0:51:34 Unknown_04: Maybe it was a long con the entire fucking time, because he doesn't exist. Unknown_04: It's really crazy, man. Unknown_04: And people will assume like, oh, she's smart enough to know better, but obviously not. She's obviously not that clever. She either got her nudes leaked and she's an idiot and would fall for something like this, or she intentionally leaked those images herself and should be smart enough to know when someone else is playing a game with her, but I guess not. 0:52:20 Unknown_04: So that's the That's the June situation it really I never thought about he could have been the person who leaked her fucking news if he was fucked if she was fucking around with him and He got her password somehow For some other account that she was gonna give him access to and then he just gassed like maybe it's the password she uses everywhere But I mean, I really don't know I can't substantiate that it's live on the air deep thunking Unknown_04: Anyways, speaking of traditionalism, here is Pantsu Party, the lollicon that Ralph is fucking, I guess. Unknown_04: Apparently this is all it takes for people to become Trad, is you just put that door. She's in Buffalo. That looks like a colonial-style home in Buffalo or somewhere. I mean, she's from upstate New York. She's probably near there or near in an old-style home, but I recognize those doors. 0:53:17 Unknown_04: She's, if you can't tell by the way, you've seen her in her bikini and you know what she looks like and she's arching her back like she's trying to fucking, like when you get on the ground and you try to push yourself up with your hands and your legs and make like an arch. She's basically contorting her body in that way to make it look like she has a butt. You've seen her in her bikini, do not fall for these tricks boys. We need to smarten up the Snapchat filters, make 30 year old women look like small bean uwus, the makeup can make an ugly chick look really pretty, and the angles, we know about the fat chick angles that can make you drop 50 pounds, and you can arch your fucking back to make it look like you have an ass when you have the figure of a 17 year old boy. Okay, do you understand me? We need to learn, we need to adapt to the 0:54:01 Unknown_04: the conditions that we find ourselves in as men of this generation. Unknown_04: And a skirt does not mean that you are now TradCath. This woman is a fucking pedophile. She has been gunted. Do not, do not simp. Do not simp. Unknown_04: Purge your mind. Everyone, if you, if you think this, if you look at this and you think, oh gosh, what a, what a TradGF. Take, take a moment and breathe. Collect yourself and materialize boundaries in your brain to not fall for these tricks. 0:54:39 Unknown_04: These literal Jewish tricks in this case. Unknown_04: I'm a fool. I'm a fool. Unknown_04: I somehow did not take notes for this, but this is perhaps even more so than like the GameStop shit to me, even more so than the June drama. This is, uh, my favorite thing that's happened this week. Uh, my boy, my non binary boy, 0:55:12 Unknown_04: Jim Sterling made this ominous Instagram post that I just so happen to see, just so happen to see it. Jimquisition says on Instagram, spend some time out as James Stefani for the first time. I don't know I could be outside without immediately wanting to hide or apologize for existing. Unknown_04: Was nervous at times, but mostly I just felt right if you're not watching. I want you to imagine a 30-something year old man who weighs close to 400 pounds and like bitchy librarian glasses and a really really cheap wig Like a wig that doesn't even have like the threat the threading to make it look like it actually is stuck on the head It's like a drawn one or painted on 0:56:02 Unknown_04: So he's walking around in public like this, dressed as a bag lady. Unknown_04: The mask really helps because he has those fucking British jowls. There's something about British people where they really do look like they're fucking dogs. Those bullmastiffs that have those huge hanging jowls. Like Winston Churchill. So the mask really helps with the facade. And then, Jim posted this. This was him back home. And he's not wearing the mask because he's not so embarrassed when he's back home, I guess. Out full-time since last night. There is now only one place I haven't been completely me and that's the gymquisition Won't deny I'm anxious about it. But tomorrow is Lion Mall time. So everyone was sitting there thinking thinking like is Jim Sterling going to become a full-time troon and Even do it on the gymquisition where if you don't know the gymquisition makes tons of fucking money still even though it's on the decline and he's been losing subscribers right before just shy of a million and It's like, is he really going to inflict this on his audience? And come this Monday, we received our answer. 0:57:19 Unknown_02: Oh, hi, didn't see you there. I'm Femme Sterling, here on the Jimquisition for the first time. Unknown_02: Fuck. So, I've been pretty much full-timing it in my non-binary finery. Been doing that on some social media, been doing that on live streaming, been doing that in this building, and as of last night, recording now, like, outside. Unknown_02: So, fuck it. Here we are. Fun story before we get on with the show, though. Since I have started doing this, I have noticed some different things happening. I was downstairs picking up my shopping for the very first time in, you know, full James Stephanie Sterling mode. And I'm down there, I've got my shopping on the lobby table, just checking something on my phone, and a man asked if I needed help. 0:57:51 Unknown_02: A passerby stranger man has never asked me if I needed help, but there I am, and it was four bags and a baguette. Unknown_02: You know, I just said, oh, yeah. So if you've got anything shitty to say about Femme Sterling, I'll have you know a man offered to help me with my shopping, so. 0:58:28 Unknown_04: so when you think about like women just like close your mind imagine woman now imagine womanhood what things pop into your mind you know is it like children is it i i imagine like uh like four generations of women with like great grandma grandma mom daughter and then little baby right like that's womanhood it's like a a Uh, a sorority, uh, and very clearly defined interest and things. Unknown_04: But when you talk to a truant, when you talk to a truant, when you listen to a truant talk about womanhood, what is it that validates them the most? Unknown_04: Is it, I mean, is it literally anything besides men wanting to fuck them or hitting on them or acknowledging them as women? Like, no, they always immediately go to, I was validated by a man because he implied by wanting to help me with my groceries that he would fuck my fat British ass. And that makes me a woman now. And if you don't agree with me, you can go fuck yourself." That's literally what he said, word for word. He holds up his middle finger and says, if you think that I'm not a woman now, well, you can go fuck yourself, because I'm James Stefani Sterling, and a man wanted to help me with my groceries. 0:59:34 Unknown_04: It's just sickening It's just sickening it's like this is peak mental illness and what's really funny is that people knew for a while now that He had a wife and his wife was just another big fat British bulldog I don't know if she's actually British, but he looks like a dog and just a hideous woman, but it looked just like Jim Sterling but an actual woman and 1:00:26 Unknown_04: they were into cuckoldry and we haven't heard anything about this woman for years and years now so it's like is she completely out of the picture and people think that after them especially after the move he moved out of state he used to be in Missouri or some shit and then he went up to Pennsylvania I want to say he's in Unknown_04: Pittsburgh. I'm sorry. I don't know. I'm fucking this one up. I don't know what city he's in. He moved to a big city. That's like, um, it's where kid Cuddy's from. I don't know why I know that, but it's where kid Cuddy is from. And, um, he's there, he's in America. He's been in America. He's a natural American citizen. Now he got naturalized. Unknown_04: Uh, but he went up there, Philly. That's right. Philadelphia. Um, 1:01:16 Unknown_04: And he moved there specifically for an amateur wrestling league. And then COVID happened, and they closed. They're not just closed for COVID, they're out of business. They went under. So he moved up to Philly for no fucking reason, literally, and there's a 100% chance that he's just slumming it with a couple of guys that he's fucking. Unknown_04: Mama Sterling, the hog herself has parted ways with Tyrone, and he's just, now he's losing his mind. He's like, I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'm doing this job I hate, I'm addicted to opiates, the only pleasure that I get in my life is getting fucked in the ass by my editor Justin, who can't edit a video to save his fucking life, because every single thing... And Jim's videos now are pan and zoom. Stock photo, pan and zoom. It's fucking nauseating. It's like seasickness to watch his fucking Jimquisitions now because Justin is just terrible at editing his fucking videos. But he pounds the prostate perfectly. He validates Jim as a non-binary princess. And by the way, that's why his name is James Stefani Sterling as opposed to... 1:01:57 Unknown_04: Anything else anything that sounds like a woman's name. It's because he's non-binary and being James and Stephanie is like the duality of Non-binariness because he can be man or a woman. Do you understand? He's not either 1:02:33 Unknown_04: It's just really disgusting. I unsubscribed from Jim because... I mean, I'm still watching his videos, of course, but... I gave up being a subscriber because... His last video, he cannot go an episode without going on some huge political fucking tirade about Trump, or the British people, or the fucking transphobes, and it's like... I don't give a fuck. Unknown_04: I subscribe to people like Jim Sterling in case you're wondering, in case you're ever wondering what his appeal was, is that he fit along the lines of someone like the MRE guy, the angry video game nerd, the red letter media people. He was very passionate about what he did. He was passionate about games, he was passionate about the industry, he was passionate about seeing reform and getting 1:03:17 Unknown_04: games back to a more playable state, out of the box. And I could appreciate that. And I like hearing people talk about what they're really interested in, even if I don't care. I would never play an old Nintendo game. And I don't watch a lot of the movies that someone like Your Movie Sucks says are good movies. I understand his appreciation of something like Synecdoche, but I'll never watch that fucking movie. I have zero interest in it. 1:03:51 Unknown_04: It's just, you like to hear, and hopefully people, I try to integrate that into my videos. Hopefully people feel that I am genuinely very interested and energetic about weird people online. It's what I like. I like weirdos. I've always liked weirdos. When I was in high school, I sat next to the fucking weirdos because I was a weirdo. And I would talk to the kid who thought he was an alien, and said that he was from Area 51, and that he had a portal in his closet that his parents went through to go to Area 51, and that was the guy that I liked the most at my high school. He was the fucking weirdo. 1:04:27 Unknown_04: And to see Jim Sterling so obviously hate every- he's just teeming with frustration and irritation at every aspect of his life, and it isn't obvious in everything that he does. Someone pointed this out, actually, and I completely forgot about this. Unknown_04: I'm gonna pull up his Twitter, I don't think I've mentioned this yet. Oh God, just his fucking name is awful. You go to Twitter, and you look at this, and it's a fucking train wreck. Here's this ugly-ass fucking profile picture. Non-binary finery. They, them, enby. Pan and trans gender trash. Pro-wrestling supervillain. As seen at pro-wrestling ego. Pro-South rise wrestling. twitch.tv slash jim sterling wre sterling this located at the stir ship patreon.com slash jimquisition 1:04:58 Unknown_04: does anything on that description, on that profile, say to you, this is a man whose primary source of income is reviewing video games. Do you get any feel that that is what he's interested in and that's what he cares about? No, he does not have any pride in his fucking work. He gets up for half an hour a day, he pays someone to write his fucking script, he stands there at the podium for maybe five seconds before the 1:05:38 Unknown_04: My fibromyalgia, I gotta go take my peels, I gotta go sit down. Justin, I'm just gonna do the voiceover from bed. You can slap some fucking stock photos on the timeline and pan and zoom it, and that'll be my fucking content for today. Make sure it's at least 10 minutes long, because we gotta get the YouTube ad revenue aggregation shit going on. And that's it, that's his whole fucking life. 1:06:13 Unknown_04: trying to prop up this facade of the Jimquisition while getting lazier and lazier and more and more disenchanted with what he's doing. Unknown_04: So I sit here and I ravenously consume his decline because it is endlessly fascinating to me to see someone so unhappy with what they're doing. but stuck to it because that's what they do. That's how they support their pill addiction and their entourage of gay lovers who fuck them in the ass. And their wigs now, I guess. He's gonna spend a lot of fucking money on estrogen and dragon dildos and anime as he accommodates his new lifestyle. 1:06:46 Unknown_04: And that's it for Jim Sterling. I do have one other thing, one teensy tiny little topic to talk about, to enjoy, and then we're going to wrap it up. Unknown_04: Can you guess, can you, can you guys guess, I'm looking at you chat, who I want to talk about before the end of the stream? Can you guess? 1:07:19 Unknown_04: I'm waiting. I see Kitten Custody says another stream about fat girls. Fat women, fat women, fat women says like, that's correct. Chantal Vroxel is the first name I see that actually names Chantal. Unknown_04: Yes, I have some Chantal updates. Be overjoyed. Unknown_04: I don't know what the fuck is happening with Chantal, but she's become extremely catty and like not even passive-aggressive anymore. She's just fucking super aggressive all the time. Um, she started this new diet. She contacted a, uh, who was supposedly a renowned dietitian in her area. And she says like, I'm learning about intuitive eating now. 1:07:51 Unknown_04: Talk about Quentin. I don't know. I'm sorry. Somebody requested that and I don't know. Maybe I'll do like a Quentin frontiers mid midweek stream next week, but I don't know enough about that to talk about it. I do know a lot about intuitive eating though. I intuitively eat all the fucking time. Would you guys like to guess what intuitive eating is? I want to see just based off the language. What do you guys think it is? I'm gonna look at both chats because I want to see if anyone actually guesses what the fuck this is. What is intuitive eating chat? 1:08:23 Unknown_04: Eat whatever you feel like. That is correct. Eat when you're hungry. The idea is let's reset our, our hunger system. Let's learn to pay attention to our body. And immediately after starting this diet of intuitive eating, she says the first step is learning to get rid of any guilt for what you eat. So you have to clear your mind of guilt, but you shouldn't feel guilty for, for your binges or for your food choices. And she's saying that's like her doctor diet. Maybe it's not a doctor, but dietitian, remember? 1:09:00 Unknown_04: Oh, she posted a new video 19 minutes ago. I know what I'm doing after this stream chat. She changed her fucking channel name to Big Beautiful Me again. She keeps fucking doing that. Unknown_04: Anyways. Unknown_04: Here here's your latest content that she put up on her channel only eating Tim Hortons for 24 hours So that's her intuitive when she listens to her body. She knows I'm gonna do a YouTube challenge where I eat nothing but Tim Hortons and that's like a That's like a fad on YouTube right now, is I'm gonna only eat this one fast food chain for 24 hours. And they say it's like a challenge. Like, Chantal is not challenged eating Tim Hortons. Like, I just imagine her wiping the sweat off her fucking head at the end of the day, like, I can't believe I made it. Only eating Tim Hortons, I didn't think I had it in me, but I did it. I threw sheer... Through my own audacity and tenacity, I was able to sit and eat Tim Hortons all fucking day. I am so proud of myself." So that's what her body wants when she listens to it intuitively. And people have really started to make fun of her for this, for just obviously eating a ton of fucking garbage and calling it part of her diet. 1:10:23 Unknown_04: In response to this she's the caddiest that she has ever been She will make for our long live streams where she's just laying in bed like a beached whale face down looking at her camera phone going These fucking drama channels those comment channels. They wouldn't have anything to talk about if I just stop making videos They're so pathetic and I may be fat But at least I don't get my kicks by making fun of people and those fucking Kiwi farmers are just such lifeless losers and then she goes on Unknown_04: Again, she's like 450 fucking pounds. She's really fat. She goes to Life by Jen. I don't talk about Life by Jen that much because she's really old and ugly and fat and her content is insipid. Life by Jen is much better at making sure that people don't see her ugly side. But she's wheelchair bound. She's like 600 pounds she's in a relationship in a codependent relationship with an alcoholic who's like in a halfway house situation. They live in like social housing She's a complete fucking wreck and she claims that she's on keto. She's not on fucking keto. She hasn't lost any weight she's 600 fucking pounds and 1:11:10 Unknown_04: Chantal, in her audacity, goes to life by Jen and says, Maybe you should stop doing keto. Keto is harmful for you. Maybe you should do intuitive eating. And Jen's just like, what the f- No, her reaction even, because remember, Jen is better at curating what she says. So she gives a nice response that just says like, you know, maybe mind your own fucking business, but nicer words. I'm gonna keep doing keto. Thanks for your concern though and Chantel has a huge blow up to this and Goes on her thing and starts doing like this hour-long chat where again? She's like in beach whale mode looking at the camera all sad facing the pillow going. Yeah I don't know what I did about life by Jen. She's such a bitch And then Life by Jen comes out and says that Chantel's being a bitch, and then her views go up, and Chantel's like, oh, she's being such a fucking asshole, she's only doing this because she wants to make the haters like her more, and all this shit, and it's just amazing to watch these petty fat bitches throw blows. 1:12:36 Unknown_04: And I do have some clips. Unknown_04: The streams are too long to show in their entirety, but I do have clips, of course. Unknown_06: People are saying... Because... Unknown_06: Like trashy people are all over Twitter slandering me. So I found out that Unknown_06: People are using the racist thing, right? They're saying I'm fucking racist. So, among other things, they want to try to destroy me, okay? Unknown_04: Yes, this is the, um, this is the Beatswell cut. This is all her strength. She's like too fat to sit up in a fucking chair and talk to a computer screen. You know what I mean? She has to lay in bed, face down in a pillow, camera propped up, probably by some things so she doesn't have to actually hold it. And she does this for like four hours. 1:13:07 Unknown_06: And... Unknown_06: I don't know if you guys know who Petty Paige is. She is so fucking trashy. I've seen some screenshots. I don't even talk about her. I don't even talk to her. She's like trying to slander me, saying I'm racist, calling me a hoe. Like, oh, bitch. Like, what is with her and Charlie? They're like two peas in a pod trying to prove that they're more successful. Like, I'm this black woman, and I'm going to hear me, like, I'm going to fucking be more successful than you white bitch hoe. Like, what? Like, what the fuck is your problem? I don't even talk about you. What are you going to do, eat? Like, you're not skinny either, so shut the fuck up. 1:13:43 Unknown_04: This is who she's talking about, by the way. Unknown_04: I don't know what it is about black women, but black women get under her skin so much better than white people do. It's really funny. It's like with, I think I made this allusion before, but I talked about DSP and how he gets hit on all sides by fucking trolls constantly. And then when Tevin does something, who's a black detractor or whatever, he flips out at Tevin. And it's like, Tevin, you motherfucker, you're the one leading this and you're causing all these problems. And it's like, bro, what the fuck did Tevin do? Tevin is, like, one of the most mild of the detractors. How do you get pissed off at Tevin? And it's like this with Chantal, like, what the fuck is, uh, this black lady doing that's pissing you off so bad? 1:14:25 Unknown_04: And by the way, I mean, to be fucking fair, she, I mean, she's, like, fat, but she's, like, fat in, like, the black people way. Like, every black woman on Earth is this size, pretty much. She's not 450 fucking pounds, Chantal, come on. 1:15:02 Unknown_06: My Tim Hortons, somebody commented 2300 calories and I'm allowed to eat that in a day. Actually, I don't count calories. Guess what? Unknown_06: And when I lose weight and I get to eat what I want, you're all going to be fucking looking stupid. So take that clip right now. You're going to look stupid when I lose weight for eating what I want. Unknown_06: Yeah, my diet is healthy. Unknown_04: So she says that the guy left a comment saying that her Tim Hortons, whatever the fuck, was 2,300. It was actually over 4,000. It's way more. 1:15:38 Unknown_04: And she says, oh, this part, where she says, I'm going to lose weight eating what I want, and you're going to look fucking stupid. It's like, probably not, because you've been on a weight loss channel for four fucking years now, and you've gained weight, and you're never going to lose it. I don't know why people reject, like I did keto. When I was at my thinnest as an adult, I did keto. Unknown_04: I counted calories and I ate nothing that had carbs in it. And I lost 70 pounds in about a year. That was the thinnest I ever was. It works. Counting calories works. Keto works. And these people cannot fucking do it. They cannot manage to not just say, no, I'm not gonna eat that. And I understand the intuitive diet thing where it's like, oh, I can't put restrictions on pizza because some days you want pizza. Like, you can eat whatever the fuck you want, but you have to eat fewer than, you know, however many calories that you burn in a day. When you're that size, you can eat 2,500 calories of fucking pizza and still lose weight. 1:16:47 Unknown_04: And in case you didn't know, the reason why, I think at least, the reason why fat people burn so many more calories than fit people, than normal weight people, is that their heart has to work so many times harder to pump blood. That's where the passive metabolism comes from. It takes a lot of energy to maintain your life. when you're that size. And I believe that the heart has like a 10,000 mile warranty to it or a 100,000 mile warranty to it. Like your heart comes out of the factory and based on your genes, it has so much potential to pump. And if you're fat, it takes off time of your warranty. You know what I mean? It's incredibly unhealthy to be that size. or to abuse it you know with uh other eating disorders or um just being incredibly uh inactive so nobody's going to be like nobody's going to be laughing when she inevitably fucking dies she has five years tops she's they've had to rip organs out of her because she's getting cancer related to her obesity and she still goes on tim horton diet challenges it's like There is nothing that is going to wake her up. And it's the same with Amberlynn. Amberlynn's not worthy of being talked about right now, because she makes her money in December, because that's when there's the most advertisers, and she makes a ton of fucking money every December, and then she doesn't put out any videos in January, because she doesn't have to, because she doesn't give a fuck. 1:18:04 Unknown_04: You'll laugh. Okay, Tencents. You can do the laughing for me. I'm not gonna laugh. Unknown_04: Um... Unknown_04: When they die, do you think their organs are just given to farm animals? Probably not, it's probably cremated. 1:18:40 Unknown_04: Though they have burned down crematoriums by being so fat before. Unknown_04: You can all laugh if you want to. Unknown_04: Those are some great animals, look at that. Unknown_04: I think there's more clips. Give me a second. 1:19:14 Unknown_04: Is this it? Unknown_06: People are saying because like trashy people are all over Twitter slandering me. So I found out that Unknown_06: People are using the racist thing, right? They're saying I'm fucking racist. So among other things, they want to try to destroy me. Okay. Unknown_04: Oh, I've talked about this. I played this already. I'm sorry. Um, I don't know. She, she, um, eats these packaged meals called hello fresh. 1:19:47 Unknown_04: And for whatever fucking reason, um, some guy on, I think on the forum even contacted HelloFresh and was like, this woman's racist. Don't sponsor her. Unknown_04: And they just replied saying that she's not, uh, she's not sponsored by us. So I don't know why you're emailing us. She's just buying our shit here. I do have more clips. 4 a.m. Unknown_06: I'm keeping the walker. Unknown_04: I'm just holding up boxes right now. Unknown_04: Sorry, she's keeping the walker for granny. My grandma might need it. Yeah, it's definitely the granny. She uses the walker for... She's used it in streams before. She's walked around in the walker. 1:20:26 Unknown_04: Oh, this is the responses to Jen. I'll just play through them all. Unknown_06: I mean, I understand, like, if she came over to my channel and tried to tell me how to lose weight, I would be like, bitch, seriously? But at the same time, you know, I was just trying to be like, you know. 1:20:57 Unknown_07: That's all I gotta say. Unknown_06: You're mad at me of all people. Somebody who goes through the same thing as you. Unknown_06: You know, and you're so anti mukbang, but you pretend you did a mukbang and you pretended to eat a dainty little salad. Just eat the fucking Wendy's or else you're just going to binge on it anyways. You may as well just eat what you want. Unknown_06: Seriously. Oh, it pisses me off. People who are fucking fake. Unknown_06: I'm better than you because I wouldn't eat on camera. So when I turn the camera off and I pretend I'm on the keto diet and binge, I'm better than you. That's your attitude. And that's what every fucking hater, obese reaction channels attitude is. That's what they do. 1:21:37 Unknown_06: Okay. When number one, she's way worse off physically than I am. Unknown_06: I mean, sorry, but I can out walk you any day. Unknown_07: I think being insulted by Jen about me sitting in a chair in the kitchen is more insulting than anything Charlie's ever said. 1:22:21 Unknown_04: That's the weirdest thing about Chantelle. Like, okay, that's mean because she's like literally wheelchair-bound. Unknown_04: She constantly does this deflection. They all do it. Where it's like, you say that this is bad, but what about you? You say that this is bad, but why is it only when I do it, but not when these people do it? There's constant, like, whataboutism, I guess is the word, where they're just... They can't accept responsibility for something because it's not fair because someone else has it. You know what I mean? Has it their way too. Unknown_04: And it's just the way that she is and she's gonna... She's gonna fucking die. She's literally gonna kill herself. She's so unhealthy and she does not give a fuck. 1:22:56 Unknown_04: Uh... Unknown_04: Let's see. Bankruptcy. Oh yeah, she did have a bankruptcy. I don't need to play that. Unknown_04: I guess people found that in their past at some point. She had consumer debt because she was probably a spendaholic before she became really big into being super fat. Unknown_04: I'll do the review and comments one. Unknown_06: Review. I have so many comments held for review. 1:23:31 Unknown_06: You know? Unknown_06: Where are the healthier choices that you said you were going to be making? When did I say that, Mandy? When did I say any type of food? I'm pretty sure I said over and over that I'm not restricting any types of food. As I've been told, the first step is unconditional permission to eat, right? Unknown_06: So, so, Unknown_06: Your eyelids are even fat. I have fat eyelids, really? 1:24:02 Unknown_04: Yes. Unknown_06: Okay, I'm sure. Unknown_04: She literally does. Um... She can't handle it. She read two and she's like, fuck it, I can't do this. I'm gonna cry. I'm gonna cry on stream. Unknown_06: and they actually absorb slowly in the bloodstream. So they don't spike your insulin, if you're eating like pure sugar. But there's actually some studies that have shown that high fat actually affects your blood sugar as well. Research that I was doing some studies on that. 1:24:35 Unknown_04: I'm sorry, but that fucking smug-ass fucking look she does. Look at this. Look at how self-satisfied she is. Like, oh, yeah, I read this article that agrees with my opinion. I don't know where it comes from. I don't know what it means. I don't know what research they did. I don't know a fucking thing I'm talking about, but I saw this shit that agrees with me and my beliefs and fuck you, Jen, you stupid bitch. 1:25:09 Unknown_06: I was doing some studies on that. Unknown_06: Fruit. Unknown_06: does not require insulin to be pushed into the cells or whatever. Um, Oh, sorry. Unknown_04: I was drinking my, uh, social security number, carbonated beverage. Unknown_06: And yes, you can eat. Actually mukbangs do help because a lot of the time I take pauses when I'm talking. Um, so there is the possibility to slow down. It's not like having the camera on while I'm eating is like automatically causing me to eat fast, you know? 1:25:53 Unknown_04: So this is why people think that she has feeders who support her. Cause number one, she definitely does. Someone found out like one of her mods was like an actual feeder fetishist. Unknown_04: Um, but there, the one thing that she does that I even, when I was still talking to Dick, I even had Dick listen to him. Like, does this sound fucked to you? And it's when it's really obvious when she's crinkling packages and stuff like the, um, Unknown_04: There's something she's doing to her audio channels where anytime she has a high, I think it's, I don't know too much about audio editing, but anything that's like high frequency, I think you would say, like the high-pitched crinkling of a package, you can hear it so vividly and so loudly, and it's the same thing when she eats. And when she got her new equipment once upon a time, it was like normal sounding she didn't sound so disgusting while she ate and then at some point it was crinkly again like with her old equipment it's like there is definitely 100% someone that she knows who is giving her money to record her her videos with um a specific kind 1:26:43 Unknown_04: of audio setup that emphasizes eating sounds and she's so fucking vile in all her new videos because she is like an airbag. I have a feeling if you like squeezed her she would just like emit gas from every hole because she burps and farts fucking constantly during these live streams and tries to pass it off as like an accident. So it's either like her body is failing and she can't keep shit inside of her anymore Or she is just a fucking bratpog and she's trying to jack off people who pay her money. And I really don't know, I can't even wager a guess on what she does. 1:27:19 Unknown_04: But I do think she is intentionally modifying her content to be more appealing to feeders. And that's why she can't stop. She can't stop doing these fucking videos on YouTube. She desperately wants to be not fat. She desperately wants to be healthier. But at the same time, this is her money. She doesn't work, she doesn't do anything. She gets a check from grandma and she does fucking YouTube. And so she's stuck. 1:27:59 Unknown_04: She's stuck trying to masturbate feeders. Which is a fate worse than death, as far as I'm concerned. This is what social media does to people. And I feel bad. Well, I say that. I say I feel bad, but what I mean to say is sucks to be them. Glad it's not me. Because all those people who are being tricked onto doing OnlyFans now, like there are girls who are making OnlyFans accounts like the second they turn 18 and many times before. And that's going to be like their career. They're going to make a fucking ton of money off of it. And when they're in their 20s, they're not going to have the foresight to save. And then they're going to be 30 and they're going to be not making as much money anymore because only like the top 1% of OnlyFans creators make any fucking money at all. And they're going to be shit out of luck. They're going to be 30 and they're going to have their nudes out there. They're going to be hoes and they're not going to have any life skills. And it's the same with Chantal. She doesn't have any life skills. She can't support herself so she has to do what she can. 1:29:09 Unknown_04: I think that's it. I do believe that's a wrap. I can't think of anything else. I'm sorry that I didn't look into the Quentin stuff because it didn't interest me and I didn't have a full understanding of the Fallout Frontier stuff. Though it does seem very funny. I would have to put more work into it to properly talk about it. Unknown_04: So I think that's it. Uh, thank you guys for watching. Um, I am, there was some, uh, two things. My patron's dead. Uh, we'll also like coming, it reached a thousand dollars exactly. And then it was shut off like the next day. So I think they have some kind of review process where if you hit a thousand dollars, they review your account automatically. Um, so I don't know what the fuck to do about that. Uh, 1:29:40 Unknown_04: I mean, if you want to support the streams and shit, you're tough, you're shit out of luck, I guess. I can't monetize my YouTube, I can't have a Patreon, can't have a subscribe star, I already asked them about that. You have to learn how crypto works, really. I would suggest that to anyone. Learn how crypto works and learn how the Fediverse works, because that's going to be your only fucking options very soon. I'm being completely serious. 1:30:16 Unknown_04: Uh, crypto wallet shit is all on man at the internet.com. Unknown_04: My Fediverse is kiwifarms.cc Unknown_04: And that's about it. You can mail me a fucking check if you want to. Make sure it's more than 20 bucks because it costs that much to cash it. Unknown_04: Anyways. Unknown_04: Oh, BitChute is falling apart at the seams. I'm going to start moving all my backlog either onto the Matter of the Internet.com site directly Or I'm gonna move it to library, and there's a link to my library profile on mathinternet.com. I'm gonna, or actually I don't think there is, I'll have to add that. I'm gonna have to explain what library is at some point. I'm gonna have to continually shill you fucking people with decentralized shit for forever because I'm banned from everything. I'm banned from the internet for thinking about the n-word too much. 1:30:53 Unknown_04: Uh, yeah. Okay, that's it. Unknown_07: Bye! 1:31:59 Unknown_05: Je dirais c'est bien fait pour toi Je dirais ça t'apprendra Je dirais ça t'apprendra Laisse tomber les filles Laisse tomber les filles Ça te jouera un mauvais tour Laisse tomber les filles Laisse tomber les filles Tu le paieras un de ces jours Unknown_05: On ne joue pas impunément Avec un coeur innocent Avec un coeur innocent Tu verras ce que je ressens Avant qu'il ne soit longtemps Avant qu'il ne soit longtemps La chance abandonne celui qui ne sait Que laisser les coeurs blessés Tu n'auras personne pour te consoler Tu ne l'auras pas vraiment aimé Unknown_05: Laisse tomber les filles, laisse tomber les filles Un jour c'est toi qu'on laissera Laisse tomber les filles, laisse tomber les filles Un jour c'est toi qui pleurera Non, pour te plaire il n'y aura Personne d'autre que toi, personne d'autre que toi Alors tu te rappelleras tout ce que je te dis là, tout ce que je te dis là 1:33:17 Unknown_05: The autoplay man has tricked me again.