Thank you. so so I'll be right back. 0:01:41 Unknown_19: Hello! That is a song from a movie, a weird movie I watch called Call Me Daddy, or Come to Daddy is what it's called. I can't pronounce the name of it. It's like in Thai or some shit. Here, let me see if I can... I don't even know what it means. I have no idea. I really don't even know what language it is, but whatever. Unknown_19: Two streams per week, that's what I gotta do. Unknown_19: The Asians, the Chinamen have told me from on high that if I want to get the cheddar, if I want to make the bank, I have to stream twice a week, at least one hour per stream. Depending on how things go, I'll have to see what I want to do. 0:02:25 Unknown_19: to fill up that time because I can't I can't even just do like longer streams on Friday I have to stream at least twice it's kind of it's a bit of a curveball but whatever and I don't even know like I don't even know how big Trovo actually is it could just be way too big for me to to muscle in and and get the money you know what I mean so who knows Unknown_19: Okay, so the game I am playing, I know almost nothing about it. 0:03:03 Unknown_19: And it's called Tell Me Why. Here's what I know. You ready? I know that my computer can run it. I know that it's made by the same people who made Life is Strange. I know that it's a five-episode episodic game, right? And I know that when you boot up the game, you get this message. Unknown_19: Let's see. Unknown_19: Is this going to work? Unknown_19: No. 0:03:35 Unknown_19: Is this going to work? What the fuck? Oh, there we go. Okay. Okay. Unknown_19: So this is the message that you get. Tell Me Why was developed with guidance from cultural, mental health, and transgender advocates. The game portrays intense situations related to family violence and emotional trauma. To learn more about these issues and to find a list of resources, please visit slash resources. 0:04:08 Unknown_19: So, I think that we're a little bit fucked. Actually, before I get rid of my browser, it's time to mention that we have found sponsorship. And I want to introduce everyone to our sponsor, LGC Standards ATCC. Unknown_19: The ATCC is a medical equipment and material provider. And the featured product today is the CCD1112SK human foreskin from newborns. And I like how it even says that the ethnicity is Caucasian. So if you're a medical person and you want... 0:04:43 Unknown_19: Caucasian male newborn foreskins. You can buy it from the ATCC at 600 euros per foreskin, but that comes in a high quality packaging of liquid nitrogen vapor. Unknown_19: So you can literally go buy Foreskin right fucking now from this site if you really are so inclined. Unknown_19: And anyways, that's my plug. I hope you guys are interested in ATCC and their fine products. Now we have the issue of playing this fucking game. That's what we're doing. Okay, let's boot up the game. Tell me if the audio is fucked up, by the way. I'll reduce it. 0:05:18 Unknown_19: Is it not going to work? Unknown_19: There it is. There it is. Okay, perfect. Unknown_19: And it is just silent right now. Actually, can I, um, let me take off the background right now and you can guys tell me if that's any better or worse. 0:06:06 Unknown_19: Perfect, okay. Hopefully you guys can still see the chat when it's like this. Unknown_19: I love how this is a single player story driven game and it has an online connection for whatever fucking reason. I guess because it has an Xbox Live connection, right? Unknown_01: Okay, let me make sure the settings are all cranked up. Unknown_19: I'll do 60 frames per second, hell yeah. Unknown_19: Borderless should work fine, okay. 0:06:40 Unknown_19: Actually, you know what? I'm streaming at 30, so there's no point in doing that. I guess I'll just keep it at 30. Audio, okay, whatever. I'll fuck with that. I am using headphones. Unknown_12: Okay. Unknown_19: Let me know if anything's too loud and I'll fuck with it. Oh, and let me make sure subtitles are on. Unknown_19: Subtitles are on. Okay, perfect. Unknown_19: because I know a lot of people like subtitles, so I can talk more over the actual video game, which I'm sure is terrible. Tell Me Why is a story-based game that takes your choices into account to shape your relationship. I didn't get to fucking read it. What the fuck? 0:07:13 Unknown_19: What the fuck? Unknown_19: Wow. Off to a great start. Unknown_19: Slam that mic. I didn't slam nothing. That's my table. 0:07:48 Unknown_19: When you want to add tension to a game, add film grain. Unknown_19: Really adds a film noir kind of aesthetic. Unknown_24: Hey kiddo. Unknown_24: I need to ask you a few questions, okay? Unknown_19: Ask for a lawyer. Unknown_19: Dude, let him, like, wash up first. He's, like, covered in mud and blood. Can you tell me what happened tonight? Unknown_19: How is he going to eat his cookie when he's got fucking blood on his hands? Unknown_13: I went to show her my haircut. 0:08:22 Unknown_19: You can't. That's unhygienic. Unknown_13: She had a gun. Unknown_19: She... Take your time. Unknown_13: She freaked out. I... Unknown_19: Oh no, this little girl cut her hair. And her transphobic mom freaked out. Unknown_13: It's not okay. Unknown_13: My mom tried to kill me, so... So I stabbed her. Unknown_19: Oh my god. I killed my mother. 0:08:53 Unknown_19: Okay, so that's the plot, I guess, is that the evil transphobic mother didn't let the trans child cut her hair, cut his hair, to fill gender euphoria, so she had to be fucking murdered. Fucking, no, well, she tried to kill, it's self-defense, it's self-defense. Coming right for him. Unknown_19: Truning out. Unknown_19: That is the flag of Alaska, so we're in Alaska. Unknown_19: Look at that, beautiful Alaskan mountains. I will turn down the game volume actually. Unknown_19: Uh, master volume, let's cut that down to about 50%. Tell me if that's too quiet. 0:09:46 Unknown_19: Yeah, the graphics are much better than Life is Strange already. Unknown_19: I mean, they're not great, but they are... They're about at the quality that Life is Strange should have been when Life is Strange was new. Unknown_19: I can shrink chat. Unknown_19: Let me drop audio down even further. Unknown_19: And then I will also take the time to shrink chat a little bit. I like chat to be nice and big, but I realize a lot of people don't. 0:10:25 Unknown_19: You know, I'll put it on the side. I'll keep it on that side for now. Unknown_19: Don't you dare shrink me. No, you're shrunk, motherfucker. Unknown_19: God, why is it still so loud? Unknown_19: Is it too loud? Unknown_19: Lower only the music. Okay. I'll try this. Because music is going to be like shitty fucking hipster music. Unknown_19: This is the best part of starting a stream is having to fuck with the audio settings for an entire hour. 0:11:13 Unknown_19: Is this a tranny? Unknown_19: I'm not going to lie, that looks like a tranny. That has to be a man. Unknown_19: Is this like a trans boy and that's like a trans girl and they're just trans together? Unknown_19: No, I think they're both trannies. Unknown_19: I mean, I don't know for sure, but I think just looking at its face, I can tell it's a man with long hair. 0:11:48 Unknown_19: And we know that the little girl that cut her hair in the opening scene wanted to be a boy. So I guarantee you that this is a female to male. Unknown_19: I'm just guessing that the other one is male to female because it's ugly. Unknown_19: Do I get to do anything yet? No, okay. Still cinematic. Unknown_19: Here's the dirty secret of why I play these games, because I don't have to do anything. Unknown_08: Okay. I am speedrunning this fucking game. Wait, so the key's like in the most obvious spot possible? 0:12:36 Unknown_19: No. I don't want to take this fucking picture. Unknown_07: I don't give a fuck about that picture. Unknown_19: The movement... I don't know how you make movement controls in a game like this terrible, but they are very, very sluggish. Unknown_19: I've searched everything. Unknown_19: I've searched everywhere that you would put fucking keys. 0:13:07 Unknown_19: Dilation done quick. Unknown_08: That looked like a book from where I was standing. Unknown_19: Yeah, the graphic quality is really fucking... It just looks fake. I don't even know how to describe it. Look at how sharp the cuffs on her sweater are. You can see the geometry. Unknown_19: You put them there so that the gamers have to look around and explore. I think I'm ready to go now. 0:13:42 Unknown_19: This may be supposed to be a tranny, but that is definitely a real woman who's doing the voice acting. Just too soft. Unknown_19: Yes, this is a tranny game. Unknown_19: I'm challenging myself and my perspectives and playing games for... That's a trainee. That voice. 0:14:14 Unknown_19: Dear Taylor, I know that you're thanking a letter while we're informal. What's wrong with an email? I figured, hey bro, I just wanted to give my twin a shout out before reuniting 10 years of swank. Unknown_19: Oh, I'm not reading this. Swank juvie is more like letter territory. Oh, so it went to prison. Did it go to man's prison? It would have gotten raped if it went to man's prison. You'll thank me when we're 90 and the machines have taken over. Okay, fuck this. I'm not reading this. This writing is even worse than the fucking, um... I can't believe I'm about to leave this room for the last time. 0:14:48 Unknown_15: Okay, I'm, uh, gonna miss these dum-dums. Unknown_19: So is the, is the girl, like, so they're, like, identical twins? The one's a tranny? Unknown_19: No, I don't want to read this. Why'd I click that? Unknown_19: You know I'm bad at this, but just wanted to say you've been the best counselor an at-risk yet redeemable youth could want. Thanks for putting up with me and helping me in more ways than you know. I'll try to make it count outside afterwards. 0:15:22 Unknown_19: Oh, that's from Tyler. Unknown_19: If your mom tried to kill you, why do you get 10 years of juvie? Unknown_19: You know what I mean? Unknown_19: It feels like, um... It feels like that's self-defense. Unknown_19: Is this not it? It says, take me on it. How the fuck is that not it? 0:15:54 Unknown_19: Celebrate, educate, unite. Oh, let's read this. Transvisibility March. Unknown_19: Brought to you by the YouNow Coalition for Equality. Excellent. I love equality. Unknown_15: What am I doing? Unknown_19: Why can't I leave? Unknown_15: Is that it? Okay. That's all he needed was that piece of junk right in front of my fucking face? 0:16:38 Unknown_19: Oh, I was the first featured streamer when we opened up Trovo. Excellent. Unknown_19: I am the face of Trovo for now. Unknown_19: Okay. Gamers. Can I do like a poll? That was a feature. I'm going to check this out. Pausing to look at check. Can I do a poll to poll the gamers on what they think? No? No polls? Unknown_19: Well, that's kind of bullshit. I want to... 0:17:12 Unknown_19: I want to do a poll. That was a feature and it was really great and we should definitely have a fucking poll. Oh, there's a yes or no thing. Okay, yes and no. Unknown_19: Use these emotes. Gamers, I want you to yes or no me. We'll do like a regular one or two vote. Unknown_19: Do you think that the woman is a male to female transsexual or do you think that she is like an identical twin and he is the only tranny? Yes, give me a yes or no. 0:17:46 Unknown_19: That's a man baby. Yes. Yes. Yes. Nine. Yes. Unknown_19: I'm getting, I'm getting, I'm getting some mixed bags. I think chat is indecisive, but mostly leading. Yes. That's what I'm getting here. Unknown_19: All characters are trainees. That wasn't a yes or no. Yes, it was. And the question was, do you think that's a natural woman? So this is not complicated. Don't do not make this complicated. 0:18:21 Unknown_19: Fuck off. Unknown_15: I didn't make sense. You just can't keep up. Hi First time we see each other in ten years, and it's hi Tyler. Unknown_07: Oh Sorry, why did the training go to prison if it was self-defense? Unknown_19: That's fucked up that wouldn't happen in real life It's good to see you Likewise Unknown_08: You have anything else you need to get? Unknown_15: No, this is it. My last ten years in a bag. Okay, chat, we're doing a yes or no question here. 0:18:54 Unknown_19: Another one. Would you fuck in an F2M training? Like, it still has vaginal orifices and stuff, but you have to pretend that you're a homosexual. Unknown_15: And a yes or no for that. Unknown_08: Tyler Ronan, shaping the leaders of tomorrow. Unknown_15: Yep. We're screwed. Unknown_08: I'm getting a lot of no's, but I think those are people who are lying. Unknown_19: I know you chat. I know you're depravity. Oh, I had an option. I had input. 0:19:29 Unknown_15: They're still feminine. They're just wearing boy clothes and they have their hair cut like a homosexual. Once I did, it felt like home. Unknown_15: They made me feel safe. I would have done it as a teenager, but as an adult, probably not. Unknown_19: I don't think so. I think I've grown up past that. Because when I was a teenager, I had a weird relationship with women. Unknown_15: Are we planning to drive to Delos Crossing or push? Unknown_15: You are welcome to walk. Nah, I'll take my chances. Unknown_19: Guys who think they just want a man, but a woman. Like if they just want like a guy friend that they can fuck. And they're in their 20s. They're probably gay or mentally retarded. 0:20:04 Unknown_19: That's like a development phase, I think. When you're a teenager, you're stupid. You don't know. But when you're an adult, you should know better. Unknown_19: Tomboy does not equal training. Tomboys do not exist. The athletic concept of a... Like, okay, if it's just an athletic girl, those exist, but those aren't tomboys. Those are just athletic women. 0:20:38 Unknown_08: Your idea of... A tomboy is like a child. Unknown_19: It's like a middle school girl who's into sports. It's like a high school crush. It's not an extant thing in your 20s. Unknown_08: There's no such thing as a tomboy when you're an adult. Ha ha ha. Unknown_15: You go where the food is. Unknown_19: It does not exist. You fucking watch anime. Unknown_19: So then what happened? Unknown_08: It's not an autistic take. Unknown_19: I'm sorry to break it to you, but there are no such thing as men or women who act like men and who are sporty and athletic and they're basically just guys but like cute girls. That doesn't exist. It exists when you're like a child and men and women aren't that different to begin with. It exists when you're like a teenager, but when you're an adult, if you're trying to fuck around with a girl who's like a man, you're just gay. 0:21:19 Unknown_19: They're just rare. No, they don't exist. Unknown_19: The women you see on Instagram who pass themselves off as sporty, just one of the boys, those are whores. Unknown_15: Those are mentally ill whores like June or Shoe on Head. That is not a woman. That is not someone you want to have a relationship with. That is like a neurotic person who's trying to fit in too hard. Oh, I can tell, Ranger Tyler. Not yet. But at least I got the school part out of the way. 0:21:50 Unknown_19: All women are mentally ill whores. That's what I'm talking about. You have a bad relationship with women. So you think what I really need is a guy who I can fuck in the vagina. Unknown_19: That is indicative of your mental well-being. It's not an indication of if this idealized woman exists. 0:22:26 Unknown_15: It doesn't. Unknown_19: If you are a woman and you want a tomboy, you're just a dyke. You're just a lesbian and you want to have sex with lesbians. That's what, that's that type. Should I be talking? I have no idea who meme analysis is. Unknown_08: You don't have to apologize. It's a lot. 0:23:11 Unknown_15: I'm guessing things haven't changed much. Unknown_08: You mean in Delos? Still the capital of East Jesus Nowhere. Can't wait to get out of here. Unknown_19: What happens if I don't press shift? Unknown_19: I'm just going to let it not happen. Why would I... Why would I prolong my suffering? Unknown_08: If I were you, I'd keep my expectations low. Unknown_15: Was it really that bad? Unknown_08: Pretty much. But it could definitely have been worse. Unknown_15: I'm not taking him back. Tomboys are gay. They don't exist. 0:23:43 Unknown_19: It's not even that they're gay. It's that they don't exist. Unknown_08: And that the Instagram thoughts and TikTok hoes and OnlyFanGirl you see who try to dress up like you're animated tomboys, those are just delusions. Unknown_19: They like to pretty themselves up with makeup and shit and they want to have sex with men who aren't like losers in their basement. Tomboys don't exist. What the fuck is happening in this game? 0:24:16 Unknown_08: Is he going to get raped by Bigfoot at some point in this game? Unknown_19: What the fuck is happening? Unknown_15: Nothing is happening. Unknown_19: Tomboy's do exist, but they aren't one of the boys. They're more aggressive and assertive women, and they're generally nerds. They shouldn't be athletic QT waifus. Unknown_15: What the fuck? Yeah, no, dude, you are like a retard. Unknown_19: You wanna be like Femdom? That's also gay. Unknown_08: Yeah, you're just like attracted. And you know what? 0:24:55 Unknown_19: Those women have something called borderline personality disorder. You wanna fuck up your life? You wanna fuck up your whole life? Go have sex with those chicks. Because they will fuck you up. They will ruin you. They will make you kill yourself. And if you're lucky, they'll kill you before they kill themselves. Guess I'm not the only one spacing out. Sorry, what were you saying? Unknown_08: I'm not sounding like MGTOW. I'm saying that you should find a well-adjusted woman who is not going to kill you and drown your children in the bathtub. You should stop trying to fetishize people who look like teenage boys. 0:25:28 Unknown_19: You should get over your childhood crush because she doesn't exist anymore. Oh, nothing. Unknown_08: Just being an overly invested sister. Curious how you spent your time. 0:26:12 Unknown_15: Allison. Unknown_08: Yeah? Unknown_15: Spit it out. Unknown_08: Okay, you need to promise not to freak out. Unknown_19: Well, I'm not paying any attention to the YouTube chat. If people want to watch on YouTube, then they should have to watch it on YouTube. You know what I mean? Unknown_08: It's a gift. Unknown_08: From Eddie. Unknown_19: I have no idea what's happening in this game. Unknown_08: I have had zero input in this game. 0:26:43 Unknown_15: Okay, I need... I need people who have way more patience than I do to pay attention to this game so that I can continue to yell at chat for being closeted homosexuals. Unknown_19: Does anyone volunteer to read the subtitles for me as I am thinking about these things? Unknown_08: What the fuck is a clinkit? Unknown_19: So the police chief who got this little girl arrested for murder and sent to juvie for 10 years sends this shitty fucking ring. And then is like, sorry, I ruined your whole life, you faggot. It was a ring. It's really important in Tlingit culture. 0:27:38 Unknown_05: I didn't select anything, by the way. Unknown_19: Yeah, get the shit out of my fucking sight. Fucking retard. Dumb bitch. Unknown_07: I can't accept this. Unknown_19: I'm just not there yet. Unknown_07: Alright. Unknown_15: You gonna mope about that for the rest of the day, or what? I just hoped you might make an effort. 0:28:13 Unknown_08: That's all. Why would I forgive the police chief for ruining my life? Unknown_19: It was a self-defense case. Unknown_08: It's an effort not to punch something whenever you say his name. Unknown_08: No! No, fuck you, bitch. Femboys are the gayest fucking thing. 0:28:50 Unknown_19: I mean, literally just fucking become a fag at that point. Just start going to gay bars and sucking dick. You fucking queer. Can I say that on, uh... On Trovo? Is that allowed? Unknown_15: So, I'm a jerk. Unknown_08: You just always need to have the last word. Unknown_15: In other words, a jerk. Unknown_15: I didn't need to dig in like that. I'm sorry. 0:29:24 Unknown_08: I'm sorry, too. Unknown_08: I just hoped we could wrap everything up with a grand gesture and move on to our perfectly normal lives. Unknown_19: And here's a pro tip. Here's a pro tip. If you've ever had sex, you'll know that anal is, like, way... It's just not as good as vaginal. Just, like, a pro tip to everyone. So if you ever think that, like, oh, I'll be happier with one of the boys, and since tomboys don't exist, I'll just have, like, a femboy boyfriend, and we'll be, like, trad and stuff... uh you will be having anal sex with a man and like at most once a week because their asshole will get blown out and it's just not as good and you'll get shit on your dick and your dick will smell like poopy no matter how well they clean it it'll just be a poopy stinky dick 0:30:11 Unknown_19: No matter, it can't be helped. That's your femboy lifestyle. I want you to imagine the smell of astroglide and lube, or astroglide and shit, because that's your femboy trad lifestyle, you fucking faggot. Unknown_22: Yikes. Hey, I heard that. Unknown_19: Crime control. What am I doing? Unknown_15: Hey, man, it's your truck. You do you. Same to you. Unknown_19: You fucking conservative. I met a conservative once, he put me away in prison. 0:30:50 Unknown_19: The Romans ditched men for women many times and then their entire empire fell apart. And they were conquered by the Muslims and Constantinople is to this day Istanbul. That's what happens when you stick your dick in the poopy hole. Unknown_19: What am I doing? Unknown_19: chat help i don't know what i'm doing how how is me looking at things going to make the game how is this boat going to proceed faster go to my car okay i guess this is his this isn't my truck okay i think i'm gonna sit in the car for the rest of the ride that's cringe you're on a boat like oh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna sit in my car man 0:31:40 Unknown_19: I'm gonna, like, I'm just gonna, like, mope in here, man. I gotta be alone with my emotions. I gotta take my T-pills. Unknown_19: No, it's a truck with a... whatever. I always get confused. It took... I was, like, 20 when I realized that those vehicles are just trucks that have, like, a cover over the bed. I had no idea what the fuck... I thought they were, like, SUVs or something. 0:32:22 Unknown_19: Same! Thank you, Burninator. Unknown_19: Okay, what can I talk about now to get banned off this platform? I'm actually... You may think I'm trying to play this game, I'm actually speedrunning my own ban. 0:32:54 Unknown_19: My pillow... My pillow says, I can't stop shitting and farting. Unknown_19: I remember during that rally, I was watching, I was watching that live stream from that rebel media or whatever the fuck, like, oh, the one American news network. And because Trump was an hour late, they had to fill an hour time on that rally. And the bitch just kept talking about my pillow and how my pillow was all American and and how MyPillow had a 10 year warranty, and MyPillow was the greatest fucking thing ever made, and it just kept going on and on, just fucking MyPillow the entire fucking hour. I couldn't, I could... 0:33:29 Unknown_19: Fuck your tomboy trap cutie on a MyPillow. Get shit on your dick on a MyPillow. Unknown_15: Wow. Unknown_15: It's basically exactly like I remember it. Unknown_15: Only faded. Unknown_08: Like a Polaroid left on a windowsill. Unknown_19: From the outside, it almost looks charming. Unknown_08: I did not buy the pillow. Unknown_19: Fuck MyPillow. 0:34:13 Unknown_08: Charm's not the problem. Structural integrity may be an issue. Unknown_15: You think there's a chance... I like how I literally had no input on this game. Unknown_19: I'm just gonna... Fuck it, I'll play the entire fucking thing like this. Unknown_15: I'll just keep talking to you guys. Unknown_19: And let these fucking trainees figure out themselves. Sure. Unknown_15: Everywhere I look, I see a piece of one of our adventures. I could buy a fucking MyPillow if I wanted to. Unknown_07: Everywhere I look... What, you think they don't ship to Europe? 0:34:45 Unknown_15: Allison, we could go grab a bite. Unknown_15: Start this tomorrow? Unknown_08: No. Unknown_08: The only way to get this done is to do it. Unknown_19: I'm not buying the fucking pillow. Unknown_08: After you. Unknown_19: Get a body pillow. Unknown_19: The door's locked, bitch. What the fuck? Locked. 0:35:20 Unknown_19: Why the fuck would you let him walk up to the door without the fucking key? What? This is so not human. This is not how people interact with each other. Unknown_19: You wouldn't say, locked. My door is locked. What the fuck, man? Unknown_18: Why is my door locked? Unknown_19: Oh, actually, I brought the key. Locking up to unlock the door. You just say like, oh, do you have the key? Do you have the key? Because obviously we can infer from the fact that this is fucking happening that the door is locked. Unknown_15: Therefore, the logical sequence would be, do you have a key? Unknown_19: Not, it's locked, bro. What the fuck? 0:35:55 Unknown_19: What the fuck, bro? I'm breaking in her. Unknown_19: This isn't gonna be it, because this is too close to the door. Unknown_15: I could break a window. Unknown_08: You know civilized people don't do that, right? They wouldn't put an easy answer just right there. Maybe not. But we are trying to sell this place, and broken windows aren't exactly... The crafty goblins. Unknown_19: I'm actually engrossed in this engaging gameplay right now. But we can talk about Ralph later. Unknown_18: In a second, I guess. Okay, chat. 0:36:30 Unknown_19: As I'm engaged in this gameplay, you need to figure out what we should talk about with Ralph. You think he's watching right now? Unknown_15: You think he's with us? You think he's among us? Unknown_15: Enjoying this game? Unknown_19: Got my way, bitch. Unknown_19: Got my way. Unknown_19: Okay, that window don't do nothing. Did I examine this already? What was she doing out here that night? 0:37:02 Unknown_15: Come on, man. She did not like us. Unknown_08: Homemade cleaning products may be better for the planet, but they do not have the same shelf life. Unknown_15: Add it to the shopping list. Unknown_19: What am I supposed to be obtaining from this information? Unknown_01: Sander! Sander! Das ist nicht wahr! Fick du self, motherfucker! 0:37:50 Unknown_19: Can I just, like, jump into the water and die? Hypothermia? No. That'd be too funny. Unknown_19: We love our jannies, our terms of service enforcement. Unknown_19: We love our mods, they're important. Unknown_15: I still can't believe I convinced you to climb that raggedy-ass tree with me. Unknown_08: Yeah, I'm not happening a second time. Unknown_15: Oh, come on. I was the one who fell out. 0:38:23 Unknown_08: And then I... Um, no beavers. Too bad. A picture of them would have helped with the sale. Unknown_15: Yeah, city people love cute furry animals. Unknown_08: Teeming with wildlife, but not the kind that eats the insulation. Unknown_08: You're a bitch, you're in the middle of fucking Alaska. 0:39:03 Unknown_19: I did use the negative XP cops cover. Watch my fucking shows. Oh, I already tried that. Unknown_19: Break in. Unknown_19: Oh, wow, nice upper body strength, brah. You working out, brah? You been hitting the weights, brah? Unknown_19: Might need to update your dosage, bruh. Get ripped. Unknown_19: Okay, I will show you who unironically plays this fucking game. Unknown_19: Give me a second. Unknown_19: We're going to take it to Divergence, okay? Store page. 0:39:41 Unknown_19: Let me see if I can find this first, actually. Unknown_19: Oh, please still be there. Okay, it is. I'm going to have to change my game capture so I can show you Steam. Unknown_19: Use capture. Aha! Unknown_19: Aha, okay. Unknown_19: So, check this out, right? This is a positive review. Played 10 hours, 3 hours at review time. Graphics, beautiful. Gameplay, good. Audio, eargasm. 0:40:14 Unknown_19: Audience, human. Everyone can play this game. Unknown_19: So it's a great game. It says Black Nova. Let's check out Black Nova's profile. What the fuck is this? Look at this shit. What the fuck has Steam done with their platform? Where this is like a thing. Look at this. Why is there so much anime to me of like teenage girls on my fucking screen when I click this profile? Unknown_19: Oh, is this your base tomboy? Is this what you guys are hankering after? Oh. 0:40:46 Unknown_19: So seductive. Oh, look, they got that thing. Oh, she's bouncing and she's blushing because it's like a sexual innuendo. She's, like, embarrassed about how sexual and perverted this looks. Oh, my God. Unknown_19: I don't know what the fuck Steam has done, but this is fucking gay. And I just wanted to point this out because I saw this all over Discord. Anyways, back to our exciting objective. Wait, what's the objective? Find a way into the house. Unknown_15: Yep. Know any other secret passwords? Unknown_08: Honeydew? 0:41:18 Unknown_08: Nope. Unknown_19: okay so is there like an actual way into this do i actually like crawl it's like a crawl space oh look okay i'm going in okay what'd you find our hidden treasure seriously how do we think to stash it there goblin secrets are always well kept So is this like the wolf thing from the other game, where it's like they're the goblins? I mean, goblins is a really funny thing for trainees to call themselves, but... Um... Seems a little bit inappropriate, a little bit insensitive. How the fuck do I get in there? 0:41:51 Unknown_15: Come on! Remember how mad she'd get if we didn't use the compost? And she always knew when we were lying. Waste not, or kiss the planet goodbye. Unknown_19: Those are like an ecological theme. Unknown_19: Bro, if you cut down trees, like, warm your house, bro, you're, like, killing the environment and shit. Unknown_19: How the fuck do I get in there? That's obviously where you're supposed to go. Oh. Do you need a hand with that? 0:42:24 Unknown_15: No, it should be fine. Okay... Unknown_15: Charge it into a goblin's nest, covered in goblin vomit. Unknown_08: I just don't want to catch him in bed with a goblin. Unknown_15: He's so weak! Unknown_19: Bro, it's just some fucking planks and a single nail, you can't break through that fucking thing? Holy shit. I gotta ask my doctor for some more fucking titty pills, man. 0:42:58 Unknown_15: At least the shed's still standing. Unknown_19: Where is the fucking... Oh, my God. I really hate this fucking game already. See, why... It's not enough that you just walk into the building, right? Because then there would be no fucking gameplay. So it's like, what do we do to make sure that there's a little bit of gameplay? Oh, let's have it so that the door is locked. Like, why? And then when you find the way into the building, it's like, oh... Unknown_15: Actually... It's, uh... There's boards in the way. 0:43:30 Unknown_19: You can't get through the boards without a tool. Unknown_15: So I have to... Unknown_15: feeling something strange oh no he's churning out oh i'm using my bond i'm bonding don't leave this room until everything looks as clean as a whistle 0:44:10 Unknown_09: This is the millionth time I've gotten in trouble because of you. You and your big mouth. Hey, you weren't thinking the same thing. You just weren't brave enough to tell her. It's amazing. It's not like she ever listens to us anymore. Trannies have the magic power to remember things from their childhood. Unknown_19: This is incredible. This is really cluing me into the trans experience here. I wish I could remember things. Unknown_09: Whatever. You're not. Unknown_19: Are you okay, bro? You're like just staring at the fucking shed zoning out. Did that just happen? 0:44:44 Unknown_08: I don't know but I saw it too. What the fuck are you shitting me? Unknown_19: The trainees have like hive mind abilities We could share thoughts and feelings but we never replayed memories like that I Unknown_15: Why would it happen? Unknown_15: And why that memory? Unknown_08: I don't know. Unknown_15: It's pretty eerie. Unknown_19: It's like we're in like a simulation or something, bro. 0:45:17 Unknown_15: Which was always a good thing. Unknown_15: This could be too. Unknown_19: Neither of them are freaked out. Like saying like... I can't help but feel like the powers are not only getting worse. I'm feeling something. But like the characters are like introduced to them in a less impressive way. And the first one... Unknown_19: What's her face? She literally undoes a murder because of it. She saves her best friend from being shot and fucking killed at the start of the game. That's like her initial introduction to time travel. In the second movie, the fucking pigs are rolling up to blap that fucking Mexican guy. And the little boy uses his murder power to fucking kill him. And then in this game, they're like looking through a window of a fucking shed in a ten year old house and they see something together. That is so pathetic. 0:45:49 Unknown_22: Bondin' bro. Unknown_19: I'm supposed to use my bond power to see, like, a way into this shed? 0:46:30 Unknown_19: Use the sensor to locate the shared memory. Okay, so now I'm walking around trying to find the shared memory. This is awful. This is genuinely, this is shockingly bad even by don't nod standards. Unknown_19: You know what I mean? Like the game, the second game of Life is Strange started off with a real punch. The fucking kid kills a cop and they're on the run from the police the entire time. Like that is a thing that happened in the game. Unknown_19: This one doesn't even show. They should have showed the kid murdering the mom. You know what I mean? They should have shown the gun getting pulled out. Then they should have showed the trial and how the little kid got fucked over because the system was like prejudiced against trannies or some shit. And then you're like, oh, well, that sucks. They got blamed with manslaughter, even though it was self-defense. That's a real tragic and shit. But this one is like there's nothing happening. 0:47:05 Unknown_19: I'm wandering around with, like, glitter sparkles on my screen because I'm like the vampire dude from Twilight and I glitter sparkle when I'm feeling gender euphoric and shit. And now I have to, like, find a memory so I can think of memory. 0:47:42 Unknown_19: Genuinely fucking appalling. Unknown_19: You already said that. I just want to find... Oh, my... I just want to see... I really... Unknown_19: I've been looking at the shed. Okay. Oh, it's right here. Oh, my God. That's not obvious at all. Unknown_09: Hurry. Let's go see the silent frog. Coming. I'm coming. What? Stop sulking. I told you already. I'm sorry. 0:48:17 Unknown_09: No, you're not. Okay. Guess you don't want to see what I put in the treasure room then. Unknown_09: What? No. I want to see. Unknown_15: Oh, could it be the... Huh, wow, this is like a really deep puzzle, man. Unknown_08: Which frog could it be? Unknown_19: Could it be the one that says... That's covering its mouth? Is that the silent frog? 0:48:48 Unknown_19: Wow. Unknown_15: Kidding. Okay, okay, sorry. Unknown_08: Nice job keeping a secret, buddy. Unknown_15: At least the shed's still standing. Unknown_08: Yep. I don't want to think about what might be living inside it, though. Unknown_15: Well, better alive than dead. Unknown_08: Ugh, yes. Unknown_08: Let's deal with that later. Unknown_21: Is that where the mom is? Unknown_19: Oh, that would be great. That's what I want. I want to see the mom's dead body when I get in there. And say, oh, I guess the fucking police forgot to take the corpse out. 0:49:19 Unknown_08: All this for a screwdriver? Unknown_19: You got a better idea how to get in? Unknown_19: How is a screwdriver going to help with wooden boards nailed to a thing? This is what I'm trying to get to, right? Unknown_19: They're screwed in? Okay. Unknown_19: Those look like nails with a square head or whatever. Definitely no way we could have gotten through this without a screwdriver. 0:49:52 Unknown_07: You sure you want to go in there? Unknown_15: This was our very first den, remember? Unknown_15: No, I'm sorry, but that doesn't even make sense. Unknown_19: Hold up. I need to MS Paint this, right? Okay, we're going to do some MS Paint shit to make this entertaining. Unknown_19: Give me a second. Let's see. Window capture, window capture, MS Paint, perfect. 0:50:30 Unknown_19: Um... Let me shrink it, actually. Alright. We're gonna do some painting. Me and you, chat. Unknown_19: So... Unknown_19: right so here we are here's our situation right we had we had like some wood right let me do brown we got some wood this is a plank this is like this is like the door frame right and then we got like another plank right like this and then the way i saw it was like the screws 0:51:10 Unknown_19: like right here and then when he pulled it out the screw was like this right and then the screwy bit was like this right that's what I saw I could be wrong that's what I saw so so I mean the way that it should have looked Unknown_19: is is like this right where you have the two boards on top of each other and then and then you would have the head of the of the screw and then the thin part would be here and then the actual like serrated part would be past it and i'm thinking like that doesn't make that doesn't make any sense like right if that's how if that's how they screwed those boards together Unknown_19: That wouldn't make any fucking sense, right? So, I'm not like a carpenter, I'm not Jesus Christ or anything, but I'm just saying. 0:52:04 Unknown_19: To me that's a little bit odd. I'm just saying. Stick to gaming. Oh yeah, fuck off. Unknown_19: Yeah, so I'm a carpenter. Unknown_19: Retard moment. How am I a retard moment? Fuck off. How is what I said wrong? Unknown_08: I don't understand. 0:52:47 Unknown_19: Those are deep wood screws, not for little pieces of trim. Yeah, exactly. That's what I fucking said, but the fucking gamers in the chat were like, no, bro, that fucking screw was perfect, man. I like how left mouse button was crouched instead of, like, control, like, in a real game. This fucking retard hit his head already. Unknown_19: Oh, no. Unknown_19: They're truning out... They're truning out... They can speak to each other telepathically. 0:53:23 Unknown_15: I need to go left. You were right. Nothing here. Unknown_08: Of course I was. Unknown_19: Wouldn't it be funny if they had, like... Then left again after the goblins. identical twin powers, but once he started taking hormone replacement, it just didn't work. He lost his twin powers because he churned out. Unknown_15: Wow. Can't say I ever expected to see you again. It's been a long time, buddy. 0:53:57 Unknown_19: I have to leave him? Unknown_19: I would not, in real life, I would not be able to leave this fucking plushie down here in the dirt. Aww, that's sad. Unknown_19: Of all the- that's not a collectible? I can't take the fucking moose? That's bullshit. 0:54:32 Unknown_19: Imagine having like a headmate and your headmate's a tranny. That'd just fucking blow my brains out. Unknown_19: What am I looking for? This is stupid. Unknown_19: I regret choosing this game. I should have just played Prison Architect. I feel kind of locked into it now. I'm committed to it. Unknown_08: A goblin never forgets where she stashed her treasure. Unknown_15: Marianne grilled us with all these missing dishes. Unknown_19: The fact that they call themselves goblins is really funny to me. Unknown_15: I found her old kite. Unknown_19: What am I looking for? 0:55:09 Unknown_19: Enter the house through the hatch. Okay, I guess I'm looking up then. Unknown_19: The Gravelers. Unknown_19: No, there's a hatch. 0:55:45 Unknown_19: I can't determine the ethnicity of this person. Unknown_19: It's weird because they have like a mix between like an LA nose and a man's nose, you know what I mean? Unknown_19: It's nice that the state of Alaska is so progressive. They let this little girl become a man through hormone replacement therapy as like a child, but they're not progressive enough to lock up a child for self-defense for 10 years. 0:56:24 Unknown_19: The LA Nose, let me go back to my diagram. I'm going to draw this for you, right? Someone pointed this out to me, and now I can't stop noticing it. An LA Nose looks like this, right? You have... Unknown_19: It's really pointy. It's really pointy and small. And it's like this. And for some reason, every woman who's ever been to L.A. will hack job their fucking nose to look exactly like this. This tiny, small bean, pointy nose at the top that has a perfect curve and everything. And you'll notice it constantly in movies. And YouTube influencers who go to L.A., they'll get this fucking nose. 0:56:58 Unknown_19: All of them. Tyler? Are you in there? Tyler? Unknown_15: Coming. Are you okay? 0:57:33 Unknown_15: I'll live. Good to hear your voice again. Unknown_07: Yeah, same here. Unknown_19: She never stopped talking. She berated you telepathically the entire fucking time you were in the basement, bro. Unknown_15: Well, we're here. Unknown_07: Here we are. 0:58:05 Unknown_19: Cut to sex scene. Unknown_18: The female looking character just has Tyler bent over on a table. Unknown_19: Just hardcore sex. Unknown_19: I'm afraid my neighbors are going to start knocking on my door. I'm being stupid, Bob. Unknown_19: Find the treasure blocks in the twins bedroom. Unknown_08: Let's not go in there until we absolutely have to. 0:58:37 Unknown_19: Mary Ann. They're not going to, they're not going to address their mother by like mom. It's Mary Ann. Oh, there's a, there's a trune sequence here. I'm truning out. Unknown_22: I'm truning out. Unknown_09: Mom, about me joining the hockey team. Unknown_04: Mom. Sorry, what? Not now. Maybe next year. Unknown_21: You can't like play sports or anything. Unknown_04: You're gonna be a little girl. I'm just gonna blow my fucking brain down. What? Look, I'm tired and I'm busy. Let's talk about this later. You always say that. 0:59:11 Unknown_19: What a traumatic experience. Unknown_15: Time to cut off my tits. Yeah, and completely deaf to everything I was telling her I needed. Unknown_08: True, but it felt personal with me. 0:59:44 Unknown_19: Mom, if you don't let me play hockey, I'm gonna grow up and start posting about my abortions on Twitter and Instagram. Unknown_19: Fucking bitch. Unknown_15: If you don't come up soon, I'm gonna take whatever I want from our bedroom. Unknown_08: No way! Wait for me! Unknown_19: Oh, she's a single mom. Oh, that explains everything. It's a good thing these kids didn't find Blockland. This must be it. Unknown_15: Look what I found. What? Only our greatest creation, the Book of Goblins. Unknown_08: Seriously? It was in that chest? 1:00:22 Unknown_15: All these stories. Oh, fuck this. Unknown_19: Fuck this. Fuck this. Unknown_01: Fuck this fucking shit. Unknown_19: Fuck off. I am not filling out this fucking book. Unknown_08: Fuck off. You looking for something in particular? Unknown_15: My diary. Unknown_08: You never told me about it. Unknown_15: Yeah. With the way Marianne was, I tried extra hard to keep it a secret. Marianne. Unknown_15: Yeah, that day she found out about it. 1:00:54 Unknown_15: I'm gonna... I'm gonna troon! Unknown_20: Mom? Unknown_10: It says young Tyler. 1:01:38 Unknown_04: For the child. Unknown_19: That's the thing that gets me about the deadnaming shit more than anything else. When someone comes out and says that they're a man now, you have to retroactively, no matter how old they are, no matter how famous they are, you have to retroactively go and stall in that shit where they were never ever a different gender. They always had that name. That was always their true self. It's so fucking weird and creepy. I think I hate that the most about everything. I don't know how I never saw it coming. 1:02:11 Unknown_19: Earlier it said young Allison. What the fuck? Unknown_15: She told me right to my face. Yeah, I think it did. That is weird. Oh, maybe it said young Tyler there because he already decided that he wasn't going to be a girl. Unknown_19: That was the line. It said, I'm not your daughter and I hate you. So he was young Tyler already. Unknown_08: There's no way you could have known she'd go that far. Unknown_19: Allison is the sister. Unknown_19: Oh, maybe. Okay. Fuck it. Unknown_15: I guess it doesn't make that much sense then. It's just stupid. Unknown_08: Okay, but do you need to get it, like, now? 1:02:48 Unknown_15: That diary was important to me, Allison. Unknown_15: Writing down my thoughts helped me realize who I am. Unknown_08: Well, then let's go find it. Unknown_19: So, let me organize my thoughts here. You think her room is still locked? Unknown_08: It always was. Unknown_19: This is right before Tyler murdered his own mother, who at the time allegedly had a firearm that she was going to shoot the little girl with. And the little girl somehow managed to... The little girl, who now is a fully adult person who has taken testosterone and cannot pull off a fucking wooden board, overpowered an adult woman and stabbed her to death. 1:03:27 Unknown_19: And now that 10 years has passed and they're out of juvenile detention, they return home. And his first instinct is, I'm going to find my diary as a small child. Unknown_19: I'm using my trune powers. I don't see my trune thing. Unknown_19: Oh, here it is. Unknown_19: I'm going to true. Unknown_09: Ice King finally caught the hag. His furious voice could be heard throughout the forest. For your wickedness, you will be eternally bound to the lake. What? No way. Quiet. Let me finish. You will no longer be allowed to leave. Not even under a full moon. The moon hag was imprisoned in the lake and she never again. The moon hag. 1:04:12 Unknown_19: Is that the script's name for for the mom? Unknown_09: What do you think? Not bad, right? These kids are horrific. They have a single mom and they're sitting here fucking calling her the moon hag because they won't let one churn out and ruin their life. Unknown_08: Hold up. What? Remember this? Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me. 1:04:57 Unknown_08: Oh, no. It would not. Why? Unknown_19: Why? There has to be a way to bypass this. 1:05:31 Unknown_19: There has to be like a tranny cop-out where it's like, I'm just gonna break down this door. Fuck my mom and her stupid rules, man. I'm gonna break it. Unknown_15: You have a way better memory than me. Unknown_08: Well, the Book of Goblins was my creation. Unknown_15: And you'll never let anyone forget it. Unknown_08: Here it is. The one about the princess's party. Unknown_18: The fuck's happening? Unknown_08: Now I see why you're fucking tranny, man. 1:06:22 Unknown_19: Okay, I have to... The game is literally going to force me to use the Book of Goblins to open a fucking door. This is ridiculous. Unknown_19: Okay, the princess party. Okay. Unknown_19: Once upon a time, in a deep and ancient forest, the princess was melancholy because it was the one-year anniversary of when she had run away from home. Sensing her sadness, her forest friends showed up at her door. They were headed by the pelican, pious and attentive, and organized by the moose, stalwart and farsighted. The old bear was there, with his claws so sharp. as well as the big frog prattling away. Even the haughty muskrat, who had never had time for anyone, had come. The bear invited her to ride on his back, promising no wolf would harry her path. And then the animals led her to the fairy glen, where a fabulous party had been prepared. There was a buffet of seafood the pelican had served from her never-emptying beak. Ew! That is vile. The air was filled with winking fairy lights the moose had arranged after clouds filled the sky and the gregarious frog mixed up fizzing drinks. Only the muskrat had done nothing in particular, mooching off everyone else's hard work. 1:07:46 Unknown_19: The princess had a very good time at her party, such a good time that she forgot to say thank you to any of her friends. notice how long is this i'm not gonna read all this if it's too long okay it's only like two pages i'll read it Unknown_19: noticing this the fairies devised a bit of mischief when the princess went to open her gifts she found three identical boxes at the edge of the glen puzzled she turned back and gasped the entire party had vanished because you have taken your friends for granted called the naughty fairies we have hidden them from you but like but we like games guess who has given you each of these presents and you'll get your friend back 1:08:41 Unknown_19: The princess opened the first box. Inside, there was a torch, which, when lit, revealed the truth. Hmm, said the princess. Someone wants to make sure I don't get lost in the woods when it's dark, and that I always see right from wrong. Which of my friends would give me a gift like this? You hold up the torch, and it's like, kill your mom. Kill your mom. Unknown_19: She's a transfer. 1:09:13 Unknown_19: She opened the second box. Inside there was a magic sword, which would leap right out of the bearer's hands to defend them. Hmm, said the princess. Someone wants to make sure that when my mom points a gun at me, I brutally fucking murder them. Which of my friends would give me a gift like that? She opened the third box. Inside there was a bag of coins that always provided money if it was something the bearer truly needed. Hmm, said the princess. Someone wants to make sure I have money to buy food when I am hungry and clothes when I am cold. Which of my friends would give me a gift like that? The princess thought about her friends and then she smiled certainly. Fairies, she said, I have been thoughtless, but I appreciate all of my friends have given me 1:09:49 Unknown_19: What my friends have given me and they have all done for me. She gave her answers and the vexed fairies were forced to restore the party in a flash of colorful light. One by one, she gave the animals a hug and thanked them for their presence, the party, and all they had done to help her since she moved into the forest. And that's how the princess celebrated her first anniversary in the woods. 1:10:22 Unknown_19: So, okay. So, I'm going to solve this. Unknown_19: Torch of Kill Your Mom. Unknown_19: Magic Sword of Kill Your Mom. And third coins. Unknown_19: I need to match them up with the personalities of the princess. Unknown_19: So, the moose was stalwart and farsighted. The bear... Okay, the bear is the second one. 1:10:59 Unknown_19: Uh, the pelican's the first one. Uh, and then I guess the frog, because the frog was gregarious, right? The frog was the gregarious one. Okay, I'm going to try that. Unknown_19: Um, wait, I forgot already. Unknown_19: Torch. Unknown_19: uh pelican bear frog okay pelican bear frog oh one click each i wonder if that's right are you sure you're gonna be able to crack it is that wrong i'm not stupid off fine i'm not stupid you know sorry sorry forgot i was talking to a puzzle master Yeah. 1:11:53 Unknown_19: Moose, bear, pelican. What? Unknown_19: That seems like bullshit. Unknown_19: What? Why? Why does the pelican give the money? Unknown_19: Whatever. Unknown_20: Kill your mom. Unknown_15: And boom. Unknown_19: We're in. 1:12:24 Unknown_19: It said the frog was gregarious. He would be the one spending the money. Unknown_19: The pelican has the biggest nose. He wouldn't be giving money away then. Unknown_19: It said the frog was gregarious, god damn it. Unknown_08: After so many years, I expected this to feel more, you know, like a win. 1:12:56 Unknown_15: Speak for yourself. What? I'm the one who solved the riddle. Unknown_08: Why do I feel like you're not going to let me forget that? Unknown_19: Oh yeah, the muskrat. Unknown_12: The muskrat. Unknown_15: I don't know. Where in this mess would she stash someone else's personal thoughts? Unknown_19: Watch, it's going to be locked. Unknown_19: No, it's not. Oh my fucking god. They let me just open a drawer and take something out of it without having to fucking solve a puzzle or find a key for it. 1:13:27 Unknown_19: That stupid bitch. That's why I fucking murdered her. Went into the room and I just stabbed to death like the bear told me to. The bear and the muskrat. They told me to fucking kill mom because she's a bitch. She doesn't understand me. 1:14:03 Unknown_19: DSP played this game? Oh god. Unknown_19: Wait, the mom painted that cute painting? She tried. She tried to understand you, Tyler, and you fucking murdered her. 1:14:35 Unknown_19: Where did you find that? Unknown_07: It was on her desk with her papers. Unknown_19: She was trying to understand me better and you fucking murdered her. Unknown_07: Look, we gotta be really careful not to overthink this. You killed her. Murder her. It doesn't make any sense. Unknown_15: She was mad, right? Unknown_15: She was mad I cut my hair. She attacked me because I cut my hair. Unknown_19: She was mad and she attacked you. Unknown_08: We both saw it. Unknown_19: You misunderstood. Unknown_08: What is this shit? Unknown_19: You murdered your mom. I don't know. You murdered your mom. I don't know. Your murderer, Tyler. 1:15:06 Unknown_15: Come here. Unknown_15: She can't do this to me. Not now. When I finally made sense of a few things. Unknown_19: When I finally coped. When I finally was done seething and dilating. That was your first mistake. Unknown_17: Thinking the world made any kind of sense. Unknown_17: Ten years in the grave and she's still finding new ways to piss us off. 1:15:42 Unknown_17: Yeah. Unknown_15: I think I need some air. Unknown_20: You get what you fucking deserve. Unknown_19: don't show me things i don't want to see i was justified in killing her she was a transphobe she was a transphobe polly the pelican says you can see your mom if you kill yourself 1:16:40 Unknown_09: Are you really, really sure? Unknown_19: Oh my god, are they gonna show us what happened? Oh, I can't wait. Unknown_19: That does not look like a little boy. Unknown_13: is it all gone yeah here's your tomboy gf chat she's eight and mentally retarded that's fun i can't wait to show mom she's been so sad lately more than sad she's been scary yeah but not tonight though it was almost like a party 1:17:38 Unknown_09: so she cut her hair from like short to like really short you're my sister i feel more like like your brother brother sister we look out for each other but i'm pretty sure i just gave you a really bad haircut Unknown_19: This is really sick to me because these are obviously adult voice actors. You know what I mean? It just sounds like two adults role-playing as children to impress people with this message. Unknown_19: Molly the Muskrat says, grab the kitchen knife. I don't know. 1:18:28 Unknown_19: Oh, if they sh- if they don't show this kid stabbing her own mom to death, I am going to be so fucking mad. I want to see a child commit homicide right fucking now. Unknown_09: Mom? 1:19:06 Unknown_04: Oh no. Unknown_04: No, no, no, no, no. Unknown_04: This is wrong. Unknown_18: Kill. This is all wrong. Unknown_19: Kill her. Unknown_04: Wait! Stop! Unknown_19: Mies the Moose says grab the knife! Grab the knife! Unknown_19: Wait, the mom was just going to commit suicide? I mean, I guess that worked. 1:19:48 Unknown_08: Glad we found your diary. Unknown_15: Me too. I guess she was trying to figure out where you were at. Unknown_15: Yeah, well, she should have asked. I wasn't some goddamn research project. I was her child. Unknown_19: Mom, I know I just ate a full meal, but I'm still hungry for ice cream. No, you're not. You don't want me to eat ice cream. Bitch, I'm not your fucking science project. 1:20:21 Unknown_00: If I say I want to eat ice cream, then that means that I need ice cream right now. Unknown_19: I know I'm in tune with my body. Unknown_15: I know exactly what I want and what I need. Unknown_19: And you should just ask me how I feel about things, because I'm going to be correct about it. Unknown_08: It doesn't make sense. I know. Unknown_08: You cutting your hair was what set her off, right? Unknown_19: A ghost mom battle. Unknown_08: Can you imagine if this game turned into like a real video game at the end and it's like ghost mom with a shotgun trying to fucking kill this kid and he has to like use his tranny mind powers to like shoot, like reflect bullets and shit. 1:20:58 Unknown_08: Yeah, like Dark Souls. Like, you walk into the room, and then the health bar shows up in the, the, the, um, at the top, and it, like, fills up with health, and it says, like, the 41% maker, or something. Unknown_19: And then you gotta, like, you gotta, like, dodge, you gotta, like, find the attack patterns and dodge and shit. Unknown_08: But she was unhinged. Unknown_15: So that's it, then. Unknown_15: She was crazy. Unknown_15: Nothing else to say. Unknown_08: I think we'd be better off if we tried to move. Unknown_19: Oh yeah, you don't have an Estes flask or whatever, you just have like a bottle of HRT. You had to take the pills to keep your mind in the right place. 1:21:33 Unknown_15: What about Tessa? She was Marianne's closest friend. Unknown_15: Let's ask her about it. Unknown_18: That's ridiculous. Unknown_08: I'll warn you, she's particularly touchy about this subject. Unknown_15: Well, maybe she'll talk to me. I was always her favorite. Unknown_08: Operative word was. But we need to go back. Then you killed your mom. Unknown_19: Because Molly the moose told you to. 1:22:10 Unknown_15: Great. Two seagulls, one stale hunger bread. Unknown_08: I'm not sure I like that analogy. Unknown_15: Listen, I know you don't want to keep talking about this. Unknown_08: But you're obviously not going to be satisfied until we do. Unknown_08: So let's talk. Unknown_15: So, I was thinking... Do we need to be in such a rush to sell this place? Unknown_08: Oh my god, Tyler. Really? Unknown_15: What? Unknown_15: Everything we thought we knew about Marianne just got thrown out the window. 1:22:41 Unknown_08: Maybe it did. Or maybe nothing's changed and we dig up that nightmare for no reason. Unknown_15: So, it's not worth the risk to you? Unknown_08: I-I-I- Okay Unknown_19: So, like, I don't understand. Why do they want to go to Juno again? Or Genois? 1:23:13 Unknown_15: Or whatever the fuck that place is called. I have to go pee really bad. I really want to see... Oh. Unknown_19: Oh, so you're saying that Chinese are irrational, then? Unknown_08: Uh-oh. Unknown_19: Fucking bitch. Do I have to go... Do I have to go and defend myself? Sister? Do I need to practice some castle doctrine on you, motherfucker? 1:23:45 Unknown_15: It's not that I didn't want to see you. I just wasn't ready to be Tyler in Delos Crossing. Unknown_08: I tried to visit you. Unknown_08: I tried to go to your fireweed graduation. I wanted to bake you a crappy boxed cake and take awkwardly posed photos. I know. But you shut me out. 1:24:20 Unknown_08: All I got was non-responses and half-assed answers. No, you're confusing castle doctrine and hassle doctrine. Unknown_19: Castle doctrine is when you get to stand your ground. Castle doctrine is when you get to go in there and fuck you. I don't think they can have sex. Unknown_19: I'm gonna go pee. Be right back. Unknown_15: Oh, wait. I should wait for a cutscene. I just started testosterone. And, oh, God. I had the worst acne. My emotions were all over the place. And the smells. Allison, the smells. Men smell bad. 1:24:53 Unknown_07: I know. I've dated a few. Sis hat. Sis hat. Unknown_15: Sis hat. Before I asked anyone else to try. Unknown_15: Does that make sense? Unknown_19: Yeah. Unknown_19: well I'm saying that it's a it's a fucking I can't like I have to click it I can't just like sit in the bathroom with a really long mouse cord and click as it plays you know what I mean here schedule sounds good to me okay perfect I'm been a long time since I heard that name was I the only one who ever called you that 1:25:26 Unknown_15: Actually, no. I used it at Fireweed for a while, until I settled on Tyler. Most people were pretty chill about the switch. Unknown_15: Not everyone, though. What do you mean? I had a mentee who refused to call me Tyler. He didn't want my help. He didn't want anyone's help. Unknown_08: I'm sorry. Unknown_08: I like the name Tyler, by the way. Unknown_15: Thanks. I'm sorry. 1:27:26 Unknown_19: Ah, I'm done dilating, fam. I feel more ginger you fork than I ever have. Unknown_19: Okay, how the fuck do I talk? Unknown_08: Ah, fuck off. Here's what, um, here's what would really benefit this game. Unknown_19: Um, if there was, like, an autopilot mode where I could just let the game play itself for a little bit. Alright, where I go pee. Unknown_15: Ah, I think that would be in that game. Unknown_08: Really? 1:27:58 Unknown_15: No way. So? Unknown_08: We found it, but the entrance had collapsed. Unknown_15: Ah, bummer. Unknown_15: Oh, now it's a cutscene. Fuck off. 1:28:31 Unknown_19: You made my chat. Kill him! Unknown_22: Kill him! Kill him! Kill him. Unknown_19: Kill him. Dead name. Dead name. Why are you pointing the gun at her? Unknown_22: Talking to you Sam put the gun down. Unknown_08: This is Tyler dead name him That's what this whole scene is set up to be a dead name I guess I heard about that but never No, they're really not gonna dead name You look like a real man So do you Sam? 1:29:22 Unknown_22: You know what I mean? Unknown_19: Dead name. Unknown_22: Didn't know they could make a woman look so much like a man. Unknown_15: You know, I'm just trying to be me. Unknown_15: It's just who I am. Unknown_22: Well, I've seen a couple of lady transvestites on the TV. Unknown_22: I've never seen a dude. 1:29:54 Unknown_08: Sam, that's not how you say that. Unknown_22: Say what? Transvestites? Unknown_08: Yes. Unknown_08: It's transgender. Transgender men. Unknown_22: I'm sorry. It's hard to keep track out here in Delos Crossing. Unknown_22: The world's just moving on without us. Unknown_15: Can I play as Sam? Unknown_19: He's not even being an asshole about it. It's just like, they're enforcing their preferences onto how he uses language. He's not even trying to be mean, he's just like... Whatever, I don't know what to... I just know that my sister had two daughters and now there's this fucking weirdo in my house. 1:30:28 Unknown_22: That's no big deal. You know, your mama, she was a special lady. She deserved much better than, you know, what you got. Unknown_19: Being stabbed to death because a noose told those kids to. Unknown_15: Didn't you used to help Mary Ann with repairs and building projects? 1:31:03 Unknown_22: Oh, yeah. Unknown_22: Seeing as your mama never had a man around, I just took it on myself to help her keep this place standing. Unknown_15: How antiquated of you. Unknown_22: Thanks. What? I guess you two are still aiming to sell the place? That's the plan. Unknown_19: Him being a handyman is antiquated? Unknown_22: Is that what happened? Oh, yeah. Absolutely. But selling your mother's house? Are you sure? 1:31:35 Unknown_22: Bad or good? Unknown_22: It's all you've got left of her. Unknown_19: Well, I like how the first option is such a fucking asshole thing to say. Unknown_15: Not all. I'm sure the gun she tried to kill us with is still somewhere in there. Unknown_08: Tyler. Unknown_15: What? Unknown_08: What Tyler means is a fresh start is what we both need. Unknown_22: Of course. This place has got to be full of all kinds of bad memories. 1:32:06 Unknown_22: But maybe some good ones too He's hammered what the fuck Did you help with her door her door the puzzle on her bedroom door Unknown_22: Oh, oh yeah. You two kept sneaking in, giving her no privacy, huh? 1:32:47 Unknown_22: You ever solve it? Unknown_15: Yep. Better late than never, I guess. Unknown_22: Never solved it myself not that I wanted to We should get going I 1:33:27 Unknown_15: He's too wasted to be of any more help. Unknown_06: I'll tell him to get a move on, then. Unknown_19: The girl looks like, um... Well, the woman who's, like, still a woman is... Looks like Hila? Unknown_08: Oh, since I mentioned Hila, I need to remind everyone of this. Unknown_19: Hold up. Unknown_19: I need to play this again. Unknown_19: Where is it? 1:34:33 Unknown_19: Sorry, I really love that clip. Anyways, back to the game. Back to the video game that we're all interested in. Unknown_22: Right. Yeah, of course. Get going, you two. Unknown_08: Sam, we all got to get going. Unknown_19: I downloaded it off of YouTube. They can't ban me for it. Unknown_22: Lots of to-dos on old Sam's list. Unknown_22: And you don't want to keep Brown waiting, you know? Unknown_08: Thanks for looking out for this place. 1:35:05 Unknown_22: Happy to do it. I... Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. Anything at all. Unknown_19: You hear? 600 euro foreskins. Those foreskins are all Caucasian. Those children would not be worth half that. Unknown_22: The keys... Unknown_22: I don't give a fuck. Me and my tranny sister, we're going now. Unknown_22: Hopefully the house doesn't turn out to be a murderous psycho that tries to kill us in our sleep, huh? 1:35:53 Unknown_22: Should've joined the IDF. Unknown_19: Pump up the sausage. Do you know that they, um, in the tranny penises, they put like the, the pump for the penis and like the testicles. So if you want to get like an erection, you have to like fiddle with your balls. Cause you're, you have like a remote control there for pumping your penis up and your testicle in like your fakes sack. 1:36:32 Unknown_19: I'm not joking. They put, like, a remote control in your fake scrotum so you can pump blood into your fake penis. 1:37:06 Unknown_19: I'm gonna play... I'm gonna stream until, uh... Until this chapter is over, and hopefully it's over fucking soon. I mean, this game is chapter-based, right? It's eventually gonna say, like, this chapter is over. Unknown_08: Ready to veni, vidi, veci? Unknown_19: Oh my god. Can we not quote Latin while we're like disgracing nature with our bodies, please? 1:37:52 Unknown_08: Just try to keep in mind that your memory of her is ten years out of date. Unknown_15: Of course Tyler's not fucking driving. Unknown_19: They've been in prison for the last ten years. They don't know how to fucking drive. Unknown_15: So I'm guessing this is Michael? Unknown_19: Introduce Michael to Tyler. Okay. Wait, why am I the chick now? Unknown_19: Why am I the normal chick? I don't know. Unknown_19: How am I supposed to, how am I supposed to dilate now? Unknown_08: Hey, isn't it your day off? Yep. We're here as patrons. 1:38:25 Unknown_08: Tyler, meet Michael. This is the annoying coworker I was telling you about. I was there for your introduction of marshmallow vodka and wine coolers, and I've only worked my way up to annoying coworker? Unknown_14: Rude. Don't worry. This guy is like a coworker. Unknown_19: This is a self-insert character. Unknown_14: This is someone at the office for Don't Nod. Unknown_19: I bet you if you pull up a list of their employees, you'll find someone who looks just like this. Unknown_14: So, uh, you here to grab some stuff for the homestead, or... Unknown_08: Yeah, we decided it'd be easiest if we just stayed out there. We'll get it cleaned up faster if we literally cannot escape it. 1:38:59 Unknown_14: Hey, I'm all for efficiency. I cannot wait for us to get out of here. Unknown_14: What's that? Oh, uh, Michael is moving to Juno too. Unknown_15: And did you guys plan on moving together or oh my god? Unknown_08: Yeah, it'll be cheaper to share a place But they're gonna like to start a relationship and start fucking is there gonna be a cutscene where Tyler has to listen to these people runs the merrier I'm studying to be a chef. Unknown_14: So, uh, you know, it'll be good eating and hey, I only snore during allergy season and baseball How can I say no to that? 1:39:41 Unknown_14: Dead on my feet, girl. Unknown_19: They better not be moving to fucking LA from Alaska. Unknown_14: Are you fucking kidding me? There's this spot called Buzzard Hole I go to at least twice a week. Buzzard Hole. There's a little place called the Man Hole that I like to go down to. Unknown_15: Cool. Most guys I know get all smeagol about their fishing spots. Unknown_08: Oh, look at you two. Bonding over the most slow and boring way to kill an animal. Unknown_14: She's just jealous because she couldn't catch a fish. Even if she filled the lake with cyanide first. 1:40:15 Unknown_08: Never mind. Tyler, we better get started with our shopping. Unknown_14: Yeah, I'll be around if you need anything. Unknown_19: Going to LA better be a fucking joke. Is this still the first chapter? I'm ending the stream after two hours. I cannot play this shit anymore. I'm sorry. I can't. Unknown_19: Enter the veggie. Okay. I've been front page since I started streaming. 1:40:56 Unknown_23: Oh, right, Tyler. What a pleasant surprise. Didn't Allison tell you I'd be by today? Yes, I think she did. I just didn't expect to see such a dapper young man. Unknown_15: Well, I did shower this morning. Unknown_23: Did you just get back into town, or...? Unknown_15: More or less. We've been working out at the old house, but surprise, surprise, after ten years of sitting empty, it was missing a few things. Hence the supply run. Unknown_23: Ah, right. Well, we'll get you set right up. 1:41:28 Unknown_23: It must be nice to be home. Unknown_23: Uh, I'm not sure nice is the word for it. Unknown_23: Oh, of course. Unknown_19: Well, I didn't fucking ask, Tyler. I know that you've been in prison for a while, but in the civilized world, we like to pretend that we don't have issues and we talk to strangers because strangers don't give a fuck. I'll be here if you need anything. Unknown_08: Oh, hey, is Tessa around today? Unknown_23: Um, the wife's not in at the moment. I'm sure she'll be around later, though. 1:42:03 Unknown_08: Bitch, don't fucking buy it if you don't want it. Unknown_15: Holy shit. I do want that grape drink, though. It's called grape drink. Bitch. Unknown_19: I'm sure this is going to come into play with the story later. Unknown_15: You guys want anything while I'm at the store? This one's cheaper. It's not eco-friendly, but I don't give a fuck. 1:42:37 Unknown_19: Hell yeah. Unknown_14: and i will fly away from here did you write that shut the up but uh no it's from this cheesy movie musical with idris elba oh else do i need candles why the do i need candles you can probably skip it unless you're in the mood to drool over it just elba for two weeks hey tyler candy or chips you know i got a sweet tooth sis 1:43:25 Unknown_01: ships it is sugar rush it is oh i thought that was a bag of chips god damn it remember how we would stage sit-ins at the candy aisle let's see fresh cut peonies triple layer chocolate chip cake toasted marshmallow are you doing a dramatic reading of a fancy ass cookbook nope just browsing these fancy ass candles Unknown_19: Oh my god, like I'm a dude and I don't know anything about candles because I'm like a man and like basically like candle stuff is up to you because you're like a woman. Unknown_08: Yeah, no shit, retard. Unknown_19: Bye, bitch. Unknown_15: You might want to put that in the basket before you leave. I'm not sure you want your boss to catch you stealing. Unknown_19: What? 1:44:18 Unknown_15: Oh, sorry. Unknown_08: I have to put it in a basket? Unknown_19: It's in my fucking pocket. Unknown_19: Will that be all? Unknown_08: Yes. Unknown_08: Thank you, Tom. Unknown_08: Oh, hi, Tessa. We were just meaning to come talk to you. Unknown_15: Hi, Tessa. Long time no see. Unknown_03: My god, you look like a completely different person. It's me plus beard. Yes So we were out at the old house today Heavens, why would you go there surprise? It's even still standing We found she sounds nervous. 1:44:54 Unknown_19: She sounds like she's talking to a murderer or something. Unknown_15: She's really in fear of her life We want to ask you some questions about her Unknown_15: You're the only person who might have known Marianne better than us. Unknown_03: I don't know about that. It's been a decade, kids. Unknown_15: I know, but I need to ask. Unknown_03: What is it? Unknown_15: Did she ever talk about me being a boy? 1:45:30 Unknown_03: No. Unknown_03: It never came up. I found out much later, just like everybody else. Marianne was obviously concerned. Unknown_03: She really didn't confide in you at all? Unknown_03: Your mother was intensely private. She didn't need anyone else, and she made that clear. Unknown_08: But this was about Tyler. She was always willing to ask for help when it came to us. Unknown_03: Not at the end. Unknown_03: Look, I have a lot on my plate today. I'm sorry. My advice to you would be to try to move on. Unknown_15: It's not that easy. 1:46:04 Unknown_03: Based. Trust the plan. When we go, when we go. Unknown_08: Yeah, I feel it too. It's like something's on the tip of my tongue. 1:46:44 Unknown_19: investigate the uncovered memories is that like here or it's oh okay oh my god uh actually we like designed this fancy set and we need to like keep people in the store longer how do we like complicate the gameplay for to keep them in the store longer uh well we could like make it like a puzzle how you have to take change out of your purse to like pay for shit or like oh no we'll just put like a truning out moment in in the store so that you have a nice thing to remember after you have that encounter i'm gonna i'm gonna trune hey guys you all done yet yeah mom can we go outside while you and tessa play cards i'm afraid there's no time for games today sweetie now let's go marianne can you come here sorry tessa i'm in a bit of a hurry oh what's your excuse this time Unknown_03: Emergency repairs for the Beaver Dam. Tessa, look. No, I don't want to hear it. I want to talk to you. Now. Or do I need to start calling in your debts? 1:47:39 Unknown_15: Damn, what a bitch. Unknown_08: Huh. Unknown_08: I'd completely forgotten about that. Unknown_15: I remember it, but not exactly like that. Here, let's see if we can call up my version, okay? Unknown_19: Wait, so this magic power, this literally fucking magic power they have is flawed? Unknown_19: And they have different versions of it? I'm gonna troon, but differently this time. 1:48:11 Unknown_09: Mom, can we go outside while you and Tessa play cards? Unknown_04: No, there's no time for games today. Unknown_09: Marianne, can we talk? Unknown_19: Yeah, bitch, what you need. No, we can't. Unknown_04: Just leave the groceries, kids. Let's go. Don't. Unknown_04: Please, let's just talk for a few minutes. Unknown_19: How is this any different from a regular memory if it can be flawed? I don't understand. Okay, we remember that slightly differently. 1:48:45 Unknown_15: I guess that makes sense. Rashomon, you know? But whatever happened, after that, they walked to the counter, and then Marianne lashed out at Tess, right? Yeah. Unknown_03: Or do I need to start calling your debts? Unknown_03: the lord disciplines those he loves you're failing these kids marianne judge me all you want but don't spew that hate around my children spew hate i am trying to be your friend they need a firm guiding hand and she was the transphobe the whole time right now talking about my children that way yes you might find this hard to believe but friends aren't just for loans marianne you really want to get into this 1:49:30 Unknown_19: Alright. Alright, Tyler. It's time to take Molly Moose's advice. Grab the bear claw. We're gonna finish the fight. We're gonna take it to Tessa. Unknown_19: It's time to end this. Unknown_15: I wish you would have trusted me on this. I really don't think Tessa was being that harsh. Unknown_08: You don't know her. And regardless of who started things, once they were in the office, they both went at it. 1:50:00 Unknown_19: What do you think they were arguing about? Can't we have a normal field trip? Unknown_08: It was impossible to hear over the music. But hey, now that we know she was lying to our faces, let's ask her. Unknown_19: now that we know now that we know objectively we know that she's lying that we've based off of this fucking shared hallucination that we've objectively proven is flawed and capable of being imprinted upon by by your own faulty brain now that we know that she did more than she said let's go ask her okay This game is fucking stupid. I'm sorry. It's not even like the game itself is stupid. The plot is fucking stupid. 1:50:41 Unknown_19: How is she going to remember this ten years later? She doesn't have magic trune memory powers. She doesn't remember what she did yesterday. Bitch, you don't tell us what we want to know. Unknown_08: We're going to kill you. 1:51:24 Unknown_15: Marianne and Tessa were obsessed with that song. Unknown_15: It was on all the time. Unknown_08: What are you thinking? Unknown_15: We've been getting these visions whenever we see or hear something really emotional. These visions. Sometimes I hear something that makes me think about something else. I think of magic, man. We can't go back to her with anything half-assed. We should go talk to Tom. Make sure we build as strong of a case as possible. 1:51:58 Unknown_19: So normally in a game or a story for anything, really, you would set something up like, oh, she knows more than she's letting on. She might know why mom had an episode and she tried to kill us, right? But because the game is this game, like they're going to have no setup. Like the setup is now the immediate issue is that she knows. So it's like, okay, how do we use this set to get that information out? And so now these people who have paid for their shit already are just loitering around, like, smelling the air like fucking dogs, having hallucinations together. And Tom is just going to be like, yeah, whatever, the entire time, until they have their confrontation. It's just the shittiest way to tell any kind of story. Is there something I can help you with? 1:52:35 Unknown_08: This might be a weird question, but do you remember the song that Tessa and Marianne used to love? They played it all the time? How could I forget? Unknown_23: I think she's still got the CD back here. A little worse for the wear, of course. Hold on... 1:53:17 Unknown_23: Huh, here it is. I was happy when it got put away, to be honest. A bit cheesy for my tastes. Unknown_19: He just happens to have the CD. Whatever. Unknown_20: Whatever. Unknown_19: Okay, I can't wait. What's the song in a bit? 1:53:48 Unknown_08: This is it, right? I don't think so. Unknown_15: Whoa. I just got hit with a flood of memories. Unknown_15: You seeing what I'm seeing? Unknown_15: Yeah. 1:54:19 Unknown_19: Here, wait. I'm going to get hit with a DMCA. Hold up. Unknown_19: We need another song to put on top of this so that we can have our emotional moment. Unknown_19: No, come on. Don't make me log in. Unknown_19: Don't make me watch an ad! Unknown_12: Oh my god. Unknown_19: This fucking bullshit. Unknown_12: There we go. There we go. Unknown_16: Where is it here we are 1:55:15 Unknown_16: I didn't say I'm gonna true. I already have true And I'll be by on Wednesday 1:55:50 Unknown_19: Well she was mentally ill, what the fuck is she supposed to do? Unknown_16: Now what? Find evidence and confront Tessa. 1:56:25 Unknown_12: She's got like she's definitely schizophrenic or something I Unknown_19: This isn't even like Tessa you transphobe That's the one about Jesus camp Conversion We're still playing them And we hear that same song we just fucking heard again I 1:57:58 Unknown_19: Did we already see this one? Shut the fuck up. Unknown_09: Yeah, bitch. Unknown_04: Fucking schizo motherfucker. She's definitely, like, schizophrenic. 1:58:38 Unknown_15: Is this like the only song they could license for this shit fucking game? Unknown_19: I don't see any more memories. I don't think I can turn that anymore. Unknown_19: Oh, here. When I can find the button, I'm gonna truune! Unknown_09: Hey, Ollie! Look! I'm the ruler of this kingdom! 1:59:18 Unknown_09: Get it? Because it's a dome? You're gonna fall, stupid. That was funny. Unknown_19: Is this like one of the... not important... So that wasn't important to the story time. Unknown_15: I turned out for nothing. Oh yeah, I bet you guys do love baitin'. Unknown_19: Seriously, where the fuck am I supposed to go? 1:59:58 Unknown_19: How long is this fucking chapter? Unknown_15: So wait, the plot is now that I'm breaking it... Oh, I guess I can just walk into her office and have it turn out here. 2:00:36 Unknown_19: Or am I just looking for the notebook now? Unknown_19: Can I just turn on her computer? Unknown_08: I'm just like breaking into her shit now. 2:01:11 Unknown_08: Can I help you, Allison? Oh, no, no thanks. I'm good. I'm just looking for something that I forgot. Unknown_19: She's breaking into this shit. Unknown_15: Anything interesting? Unknown_19: Oh, she just happens to have this notebook from 2004 in this locker, and she's not going to turn around and interrupt what you're looking at. Unknown_19: Elijah, $24 for whatever. This is like her bookkeeping. For some reason, she just has everything laid out. OK, here we go. Unknown_19: April, $50 for gas paid off. $67 for medicine, groceries, washing machine repairs. 2:01:47 Unknown_19: Check balance. So she ran like... I know that they do this at churches. They have money for poor people. If you need necessities taken care of. And I guess that was what they're... Unknown_19: what this money is for. $60 for HRT. 2:02:24 Unknown_15: What are we waiting for? Let's go talk to Tessa. Unknown_03: Is there something I can do for you? Unknown_19: We remember details. Unknown_08: We broke into your fucking computer. Oh, really? Yes, really. We were buying groceries and then you you stormed in, threatening to call in debts and demanding that Marianne talk to you. It turned into an argument. So you guys went into the office and blasted that song you used to dance to all the time. Unknown_03: Call in debts. I never like I'm some kind of loan shark. Ten years ago. Oh, um... 2:03:11 Unknown_08: August 2004. That's when she stopped paying off her debts to you, right? Unknown_03: August? No, that doesn't sound right. I distinctly remember her helping during the summer rush. I'm sure we never fought about money, though. I was always forgiving with your mother. I could see how she was struggling. Unknown_08: Yeah, and you loved lording it over her, didn't you? Unknown_03: Alison. Excuse me? Oh, no. 2:04:04 Unknown_08: What camp? Unknown_19: Which one is it, chat? Help me out. Unknown_19: The Virtual Seekers. That sounds wrong. Unknown_19: Camp of Graced Waters. Unknown_19: Is it the Virtue Seekers? Unknown_19: How do you even remember this? Unknown_08: Calm down. Look. 2:05:02 Unknown_15: We know you took care of us, and we're grateful. Unknown_15: But I really need you to answer one question. When you two fought, was it ever about me? Unknown_03: It was always about a lot of things. Unknown_03: She was struggling with everything at the end. Did you try to convince Marianne to send Tyler to some kind of program? No. And I think you should go now. Unknown_15: Tessa. Unknown_15: I'm here to figure out if Marianne tried to kill me because of who I am. Do you get that? I do. I just... Then why won't you give us a straight answer? 2:05:35 Unknown_03: I... Unknown_03: I truly don't know what went on in her mind that day, and it will always be my deepest regret that I didn't see it coming. Now, I understand that this is an emotional topic for you both, and fortunately for you, I keep forgiveness at the heart of my relationships. Unknown_05: You're so fucking righteous. Why did you dump Marianne when she was at her worst? I will not be dragged back into this. You need to go. Now. Can we have our groceries? 2:06:05 Unknown_23: Michael already put them in your truck. Bye, Tom. Unknown_19: Get the fuck out. Unknown_19: This has to be the end of this chapter. It's been going on for so long. Unknown_15: Just trying to wrap my brain around all that. Unknown_15: You know, we might have actually gotten to the truth if you hadn't lashed out at her. Unknown_08: Are you serious right now? Unknown_15: You were on her case the whole time. Unknown_08: Don't turn this on me. It's obvious she's guilty of something and that's why she doesn't want to talk about it. Kill her. Ugh, that sanctimonious bitch! Unknown_15: Done now? You get all that out of your system? 2:06:39 Unknown_08: Kill her. I'm sorry I got so worked up. It just makes me crazy that she would play dumb like that. Unknown_08: She knows how important this is to us. To you. Unknown_15: Yeah, but you know, you're onto something with the guilt. She didn't want to admit what they thought about, which makes me think it was me. You spooked her with that talk about the program. I think Marianne really was trying to figure out how to support me before whatever the hell happened that pushed her over the edge. Unknown_08: You may be right. Unknown_15: Yeah. 2:07:09 Unknown_15: She stood up for me, Allison. She was still crazy Marianne, but she saw me. Unknown_15: That's not how that expression goes. 2:07:47 Unknown_15: Yeah, a whole damn shipping crate full. Unknown_08: Well, it's a good thing Eddie's expecting us. He knew Marianne pretty well, and he was in charge of her case. Unknown_15: Did he ever mention anything about the investigation to you? Unknown_08: No, I never asked. And I'm sure he thought I was better off not knowing. Unknown_15: Guess that might have made for some awkward dinner conversation. Unknown_08: This has to be the end. Unknown_07: I'm fucking begging this game to break this fucking chapter. 2:08:21 Unknown_19: You gotta be fucking kidding me. Unknown_19: It never ends. I'll play for a couple more minutes, but for real. There's only so much of the second stomach in one sitting. Just stop playing. Unknown_19: I could. This is a good place to end it, I guess. Unknown_19: I can't expect people to watch more than two hours of this shit at once. And lose your unsaved progression. This is kind of bleak. It did save at that thing, right? 2:09:07 Unknown_08: The other officers punch out at six o'clock sharp. Unknown_15: I do want to see how the chapter ends. Unknown_08: Okay, I'll... Wait, they just broke into a police department? Unknown_19: If it's not the end... I'll fuck around with this, but if this is not the end of it, I'm done. For real. Find Uncle Eddie. Okay. I'm not doing any more truning out. 2:09:41 Unknown_15: Armory. That's not right. Eddie Brown. Unknown_08: Okay. Unknown_24: Allison, hey. Unknown_24: Just finishing up a call. 2:10:14 Unknown_24: Trying to convince Melinda the Ravens and her garbage aren't police business. Give me a few minutes. Unknown_05: Sure. Unknown_24: Make yourselves a cup of coffee. Here's the key to the break room. Unknown_24: Thanks. Unknown_24: Come back upstairs when you're done, okay? Unknown_19: Is Tyler not saying hello because that was the cop that had to arrest him for murder? Unknown_08: The machine is in the break room downstairs. Uh-huh. Unknown_19: That must be what it is, right? That's why he's angry? 2:10:53 Unknown_08: Something's in the way. Unknown_19: I'm sorry, game. I'm not going to watch your stupid fucking cutscene. I don't give a shit. Unknown_08: I didn't notice. But I mean, he's probably feeling awkward since, you know, you didn't take his gift. Great. Unknown_15: He's making it weird. You made it weird. Unknown_08: Okay, let's go in. Unknown_08: Oh yeah, I'm just tired. Been a long day. 2:11:26 Unknown_19: Yes it has. Little Allison or whatever the fuck your name is. Unknown_19: So the objective right now is to make coffee. Unknown_08: You sure you want coffee this late in the day? You'll be up all night. I don't think I'll sleep much anyways. Unknown_15: Too much in my mind. Unknown_08: Those dusty couches won't make it any easier. Hey, you okay? Unknown_06: I feel like I'm dying. 2:11:59 Unknown_12: Okay, I'm gonna have to try now. I'm gonna... gonna try. Unknown_09: They already lied. Should've asked for your lawyer first. So they did lie. Unknown_19: He fucking murdered his mom. Is that the plot of this game? That they fucking lied about it being self-defense when he just stabbed his mom to death because of the psychotic fucking tranny? 2:12:32 Unknown_15: Bound to a lie. That would be funny. 2:13:15 Unknown_19: I mean, the moral is going to be that she deserved to die because she was transphobic. There's no other way that this game could... don't want it. Unknown_24: Sometimes these old folks want us to come out just because they're lonely. Unknown_08: No worries, uncle. Unknown_08: Hey, you remember this guy? Unknown_24: Of course. Unknown_24: Tyler Ronan. Unknown_12: Of course. Unknown_24: The prodigal son returns. Unknown_24: Yep. Unknown_12: Really hamming it up there. Look at you. I didn't even recognize you at first. Unknown_24: I heard that a lot today, Chief Brown. Chief Brown. No need for that kind of formality. Not with family. 2:13:51 Unknown_24: Huh. Unknown_24: He just, like, made fun of the entire town. This guy is such a fucking asshole. Oh, yeah? 2:14:32 Unknown_08: Did she mention anything about us that might have been worrying her? Unknown_08: About Tyler in particular? Unknown_24: No. She dealt with those kind of worries all on her own. Kept the rest of us at arm's length. Unknown_24: I see. Unknown_24: I will tell you one thing, though. Unknown_24: Your mom. Unknown_24: Never knew her to hate anyone for being unconventional. Who's Jimmy? Unknown_24: Usually. Unknown_24: It's the other way around. 2:15:06 Unknown_08: Did anyone mention anything about her behavior in the days leading up to that day? Unknown_08: Anything at all? Unknown_24: No. Unknown_24: Everyone I talked to said it took them by surprise. Did you see her at all? Like, in those last few days? Unknown_24: No. Unknown_24: I hadn't seen her for weeks. Unknown_24: Maybe a month before. Unknown_08: Thanks, Uncle Eddie. If you want my advice, nothing good comes from stirring up old memories. 2:15:45 Unknown_24: We don't really have a choice about that. There's always a choice. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it, but there is. Can we take a look at her file? Unknown_24: Yeah, the cops couldn't beat the fucking on the front door so they just left it We do but I can't just pull it out right here right now They're proceed you're the chief which makes it even more important that I follow proceed look chief Brown Are you gonna be a cop Tyler? Unknown_19: Are you gonna break the rules for us for no reason or are you gonna help us? 2:16:18 Unknown_15: A little salty. Unknown_24: That's cringe. Unknown_24: Look, that was the court's recommendation. They're the experts. I just went along. Unknown_19: How is the chief of police going to fucking help with, um... How is he going to interfere with the court's decision? He doesn't have that power at all. This is retarded. This is like proper fucking stupid shit. 2:16:51 Unknown_15: You still think keeping us apart was the right call? She was traumatized. We needed each other to heal. And you took that away from us. Cops have no input on this. Why didn't you let your sister visit when you turned 18 then, huh? Uncle, please. Let's move on. She's never going to tell you how much that hurt her. But it did. That was about me. It wasn't about her. Allison gets that. And three years is nothing compared to seven. Right, Allie? Unknown_19: I'm going to dab on him. Unknown_08: eddie was just doing his best to protect me correct to protect his family i thought i was your family you are seven years apart didn't change that ten years apart didn't either but eddie's family oh troon court works differently okay i see look we've all fucked up we've all hurt each other 2:17:43 Unknown_08: Isn't that what family's for? Can't we just move on? Unknown_24: No, Allison, you bitch. Unknown_24: Times like this, I wonder who raised who. Unknown_08: We're going to stay the night at the old house. We better get going. Unknown_24: You want to grab a bite first? It's on me. Don't want to send you out there with empty stomachs. Unknown_08: I would not turn that down. Okay, let's go. Unknown_19: Ah, he's angry. Unknown_08: Yeah, yeah. Unknown_19: Molly Moose is telling him to get that knife again. We got someone from this business. We got some loose ends. 2:18:15 Unknown_19: Is he going to break into the storeroom? Unknown_19: Okay, after this, I have to end it. There's no fucking way. Allison! Okay, so Marianne has the gun. Little kid is running away from her. She's carrying the gun. She's aiming it. Holy fuck. 2:18:46 Unknown_19: Murder him. Prevent this game from being made. You have the power right now. Unknown_19: What the fuck is that? Unknown_20: Matt. Unknown_19: What? This kid is clearly psychotic. 2:19:23 Unknown_01: End this. Unknown_11: What's going on? Based. Unknown_20: Mom, please. No, don't do this. Oh, no. Unknown_19: Step through the heart and you're to blame. 2:19:59 Unknown_19: You give love a bad name. This isn't fair. Unknown_04: What? Unknown_01: Bye, bitch. Allison? I killed her. Unknown_11: I killed her. Allison, we need to call for help. I killed her. Unknown_11: No, you didn't. 2:20:33 Unknown_11: I killed her. Unknown_11: And when they come, that's what we're gonna tell them. No, no. It's a good idea to lie to the police. We look out for each other. That's what goblins do. Unknown_20: And brothers and sisters. It's gonna be okay. Unknown_00: We're gonna be okay. 2:21:12 Unknown_19: oh thank fucking god it's over chapter one done excellent let's review our stats Unknown_19: Allison was disappointed that Eddie didn't accept the peace offering. Allison was delighted. 87% solved the door puzzle. Tyler felt unrecognized by Allison's lack of trust with the store. I don't understand that. 35% sided with Eddie. 48% didn't call out Sam. Unknown_19: Whatever, he gives a shit. Unknown_19: Nope. 2:21:53 Unknown_19: okay thank you chat for joining me on this monday night adventure to acquiring chinese shekels uh the renminbi i hope you have appreciated this game i hope that my commentary has added to it at least somewhat um uh let's see all purpose Unknown_19: Okay, I'm finding a song. Hold up. Unknown_19: Okay, I think I found it. Alright, I'll see you guys on Friday. Bye bye. Unknown_19: Now fuck off with this. Unknown_19: I just want to fucking play the video. 2:22:48 Unknown_19: I still can't play it. Okay, there we go. Unknown_00: I don't want to see him kissing goblins, ingratiating goblins, in bed with a goblin. I don't want to see him kissing goblins, succubus with goblins, ingratiating goblins, in bed with a goblin. I don't want to see him kissing goblins, ingratiating goblins, in bed with a goblin. I don't want to see him kissing goblins, ingratiating goblins, 2:23:23 Unknown_00: I'm not expecting him to not get dirty. I'm not expecting him to not get dirty. Unknown_00: Bye. Bye. Bye.