you 0:01:42 Unknown_07: Hello! No, chat is not super delayed. You see it delayed because that's the time it takes to hit me, and then to hit you, and then for you to react. It's a couple times folded there. Unknown_07: The first person that I ever subscribed to Patreon for is PilotRedSun. I like his music. This is a new song by PilotRedSun. 0:02:14 Unknown_07: It's very chill, very relaxing. The album art's a bit weird though, it's like a fish that's like, beached itself, and it's looking up at the birds coming to eat it. Unknown_07: Very weird. Anyways. Unknown_07: I guess this this is like a mop-up week you had last week and last week was hectic this is like the the after sex where everything's like gooey and weird and gross and all you can do is like gawk at the fucking mess um immediately after my stream last week there was downtime with the forum uh because of a of a disc issue i'm gonna cover that first because this is uh my my mood i i'm pretty sure i'm bipolar so i have like ups and downs i have troughs and and peaks right so i was on a pretty good peak for a while and then my sight died and that immediately kicks me out of my of my uh gender euphoria and i'm suddenly faced with 0:02:52 Unknown_07: having to deal with shit in the middle of the fucking night, which I just hate. I hate having to stay up till like 4 a.m. and try and deal with something in the hours that the Americans can fix it because my data centers are still in the U.S. So what happened is that the disk locked up and the site froze. And the reason why the disks locked up is is that we have a big server now and there are many solid-state drives in it and they synchronize or they were supposed to because many of them are redundant like it's twice as much storage as we actually need because it's fully redundant I think even twice redundant like I really don't want to fucking deal with the disk issue so they never synced and at some point during the syncing process 0:04:08 Unknown_07: the web server froze. And I've been frustrated with the performance of the site, so I said, fuck it. At the advice of someone who worked at the company I got the server from, what we did is I took down the service, took down the Kiwi Farms for like a full night. And I let the disk finish syncing. And then after that, we put it up, and within 12 hours, I want to say, down again. Just completely fucking down. And I couldn't even connect to it this time. I couldn't connect to it. I couldn't investigate it. I had them attach a KVM to it. And there was no internet, which is very strange. So I thought maybe it's a... I rolled out like attack vectors. I rolled out like... 0:04:43 Unknown_07: like hostile action and I realized or rather the person helping me realize that there was no the operating system did not detect an Ethernet port which is a bit fucking weird because there's two of them with that motherboard What happened to the Ethernet ports? Well, they were bad. The data center reported that the lights representing the connectivity, the health of those ports was now yellow instead of green, and that indicated a fault based on the manual. So, I said, okay, can I buy a networking card off of you? Because if you don't know, you can take a networking card and add it to a motherboard in one of the PCIe slots, and then you have networking, even if your motherboard has had an issue. And he said, no, we don't have spares. And it was like, 7 p.m. on a Saturday evening everything had just fucking closed it's COVID so nothing's open to begin with and he didn't have spares and I'm like okay so now I have to overnight a networking card from Amazon and have it arrive so that it can be plugged in because the thing is fully functional but because it's not just like internet connectivity it's the ethernet port so we can't network at all I couldn't even like proxy it through another device during that time I had to Fully let a fully functional $8,000 machine sit there and rot for a weekend as I stood helplessly playing prison architect Instead of being able to do anything about it because that's just the state of things 0:06:13 Unknown_07: So, I'm looking at it like, what can I do in the future? Well, it's up now. Let me just say that. It's up now. It's been up for a while. It loads so much faster and I'm actually angry at how fast it is because I've been working on the performance issues of that site for months, like a year now. We got the server last February and I've been working continuously on trying to make it faster. And for some reason, I'm just like, is it just PHP? Like, at that point, I'm like, is this as fast as PHP goes? And then I realized that no. 0:06:58 Unknown_07: Because, like, updating the device takes forever. There's weird ping issues where it just drops packets. I'm like, what the fuck is wrong? And I thought it was just my networking. I thought maybe I had done something wrong because I have to do a lot of networking now. because I own my server, I own my cabinet, I own the fucking router, I own the IP spaces. If there's an issue with networking, it's my fucking fault. So I'm thinking it's just something I did wrong that I don't know about and I'll never know about it. It's just gonna be shit. No, actually, the fucking Ethernet ports, the built-in mainboard networking card has probably been broken the entire fucking time. It probably came out of the fucking factory mangled. 0:07:32 Unknown_07: I've just not been able to diagnose that until it actually died. And now that it's fixed, it's replaced with an Intel PCIe slot, networking card. Unknown_07: Instantaneous. Instantaneous. As quick as possible. Like an actual enterprise site, it's fucking loading fast. I'm happy it's resolved, but it does sicken me. 0:08:05 Unknown_07: it physically nauseates me and now that's been the issue the entire time um so moving forward i'm looking at it and i'm thinking like okay what can i do in the future um to to reduce downtime because i i make enough money now we're i'm looking at the forum and i think in the two days of downtime three days of downtime really considering the disk issue is completely unacceptable of my pay grade at this point. I should definitely have something in place where there is a fallback, and a lot of people decided to send money in Bitcoin and up their Patreons and shit after this downtime, and I really appreciate that, because I'm going to have to spend it all, basically, on a plan B. I'm looking at somebody contacted me from Estonia saying that they have a Russian operated data center in Estonia that they could probably Do BGP for and let me operate my device there I'd be interested in that but I would be more interested because my IPs come from APNIC to have a data center in Asia Pacific, so if someone has a 0:09:25 Unknown_07: a data center in Taiwan or Singapore or some secular country in Japan that's not Australia and definitely not New Zealand, let me know. But only, like I'm looking for BGP, I'm looking for co-location, and I'm looking for someone who has an in at the data center or who works at the data center and who can vouch for me. Because anything else, Indonesia, Unknown_07: You know the Philippines Australia. It does not fucking matter. They will shut down the site. I guarantee it I don't give a fuck how free you think you're overseas hosting in Indonesia is because they're gonna look at the fact that we have Islamic content as a fucking built-in forum reaction and go we can't host those this is Islamophobic and we are all Muslim and you can go fuck yourself So yes, that's the that's the update on the forum I 0:10:21 Unknown_07: What should I segway into? I guess I should talk about why I'm streaming on Trovo, by the way. If you're not watching on Trovo, you should definitely be watching on Trovo, because if I am permitted to, I will be participating in the competition. Basically, Trovo is a streaming site that is operated by Tencent. Unknown_07: and to bootstrap their platform. They are offering what amounts to a $60,000 annual wage for their top streamers. 0:10:57 Unknown_07: And if you were around for, you'll know how fucking psychotic people got during that time to Unknown_07: Try and get that money. So the fact that all the the IP to streamers and Ralph got banned from D live this this week And they're all gonna find a new streaming service Ralph is already on trovo. That's where I stole the idea from They're all gonna start competing and eating each other for this money because they always do and it's gonna be glorious I want to be right there Participating in it Unknown_07: But I know that YouTube is still convenient, so I'm still planning on multi-streaming. I just am going to prioritize chat from Trovo because that's the incentive. Though I know that people want to say gamer words and stuff, and you can't do that on Trovo, so people might be disincentivized from doing so. 0:11:37 Unknown_07: But yeah, I don't know. It should be exciting. It works great right now. It works about as well as I could hope for, so I'm cautiously optimistic because I've said for a while that I would like a Chinese-operated streaming service to compete with Twitch and Facebook and YouTube, and I have it, so don't let me down. I'll probably be let down though. 0:12:15 Unknown_07: So I mentioned DLive banned all the IP2 people and I'm gonna be talking about that to the best of my ability like a couple weeks ago I was calling Baked Alaska Ice Poseidon and I had no fucking idea they were different people so empathize with me that my understanding on this matter is very limited and I realize that there's quite a few IP2 fans who are now active participants in the forum because their shit keeps getting taken down. 0:12:46 Unknown_07: Trying my best. I'm still learning. I'm still... And really, I don't know how much I want to learn, because those people fucking scare me. Unknown_07: like those are people who those are people who walk around in public with a camera that blares out like racial slurs in public and that's and then they get like super chat money off back alley websites so they can do heroin in like a camper van with schizophrenic whores like That's not a life I want for myself. I consider myself a little bit of an internet renegade, but my renegade shit ends right around the point where I'm having to like strap shit to my chest like a reality TV show without any safety, without any balancer, and just so like daring people to beat the fuck out of me so I can spray them with pepper spray and 0:13:17 Unknown_07: which pepper spray which they call content spray because it's exciting when they physically assault someone with a Chemical agent that's their content. I guess like no fuck that I'm not into that shit. I'm into being comfy. I'm into my chair I'm into drinking my social security number soda I'm into a lot of things that do not involve walking around in the freezing cold and and sticking my dick in and obviously mentally unwell people because that's all I can get while also slamming heroin. Like, no thank you. 0:13:51 Unknown_07: But yeah, so let me just show this actually, because this was my tangent. I was trying to talk about the D-Live decision. Let's see, is this going to work? OK. So the FBI, at FBI on Twitter, says, thank you for your tips. The hashtag FBI has arrested multiple people in connection with the violence at the US Capitol last week. We need your help to identify more individuals at this link, which glows. If you know someone on these posters, please submit a tip at slash U.S. Capitol. 0:14:25 Unknown_07: U.S. Capitol appears to be spelled wrong. I don't know if that's a tweet thing or... 0:14:58 Unknown_07: It is. They spelled it, they spelled it capital Cap-Capt-Isle. Like Captain My Captain Isle. So you're not going to get many tweets of that thing. Unknown_07: Uh, but if you, if you would like to NARC on your friends and loved ones and have them sent to 10 years at a federal penitentiary and no exchange or benefit to yourself, you can definitely do so at this website. If you are, if for some reason you are a member of this mob and the FBI are after you, do not go to dating sites because I've heard that women in DC are matching conservatives on Bumble so that they can ask about DC and then report them to the feds for free of charge. 0:15:42 Unknown_07: So definitely be careful of that. Unknown_07: They've arrested like I think over a hundred people so far. So, really, the feds are doing a great job at handing out retribution and making sure that all these boomers who entered a public building illegally can siphon money off the taxpayer penitentiary system for the next decade so that they learn the lesson that the government is actually their friend and they shouldn't want to overthrow it. Which is the lesson, the real lesson that we can all take away here is that the government is magnanimous and you should be thankful. 0:16:17 Unknown_07: Anyways, that is why that DLive, a Turkish-slash-Chinese lemon farming community, had to ban all the IP2 people who went to Capitol Hill. I think all of them in general, because they're all fucking weirdos. And they banned Ralph! Ralph was caught a one-month ban, which is strange to me that it's only one month, because he sent Pantsu there. He would have gone himself if he wasn't out on bail and literally illegally not allowed to leave the state of Virginia. So he caught a one-month ban for restreaming it. He banned fucking Gloomtube. They did. They banned Gloomtube. So, I mean, all he did was comment over GloomTube's stuff, but for some reason he's only banned for one month. 0:17:06 Unknown_07: Which is just strange. I'm not advocating for deplatforming, Ralph. I'm just saying that, once again, it seems like someone is getting preferential treatment, and I just don't understand. Unknown_07: I don't understand how Ralph is charismatic enough to convince these platforms, who stand to gain absolutely nothing by having them on their platform, that they should stick their necks out for him, because he's done it repeatedly. It's a genuine... I wish I had that kind of skill. Maybe I need to start drinking more. If I became an alcoholic and I... 0:17:38 Unknown_07: I put on like a southern accent I could I could not be banned from shit fucking constantly but for some reason he can just like get these people to tolerate him and it's quite remarkable Unknown_07: I got a message, no I have a tweet deck one and anytime you hear that it's a private message and it's usually to Chris and it's usually people saying like hey Chris I'm making a video game can I use Sonichu and Chris never responds or it's someone saying like you're fat and you should kill yourself Chris and he never responds I don't think he reads them 0:18:17 Unknown_07: So I don't know why people bother. Unknown_07: Daddy's Kitten says, Free Tibet, the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the anti-rightist struggle, the Great Leap Forward, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, human rights, democratization, freedom, independence. These things, I don't know why people think that if you say that to a Chinese person, their brain is going to shut off and they're going to die and they're going to get banned from everything. Unknown_07: Like, these sites are obviously made for Westerners, right? They don't give a fuck. The whole reason why this is not shared with Chinese people is because you guys are on your fucking containment zone. These are like the Western containment boxes where they're gonna farm information and money and whatever the fuck and they're gonna... 0:18:54 Unknown_07: uh, not let that impact the societal fabric of China in any way, which is the appropriate way to handle it. Americans and Westerners and Europeans and the UK. Let's just start with the UK. We'll take all the UK content and we'll put it into a box and we'll just, we'll send down submarines and blow up the cables connecting the UK to the rest of the world. and we'll let them develop and thrive and you know what we could even do like um a fortnight style battle royale we'll just send in a helic you know like a plane low in over the uk and we'll let people parachute over the ruins of the united kingdom and they can just shoot at each other until winter winter chicken dinner and then they can come back to civilized society 0:19:48 Unknown_07: But no China is doing that for the rest of us and say okay you can have outside internet make money have your Tencent Chinese owned businesses take a cut of all the money that you make bring it back to China Use that to build up our infrastructure and they can post whatever the fuck they want in the chat and nobody cares I Was speaking of the UK and I promise I'll get back to Whatever the fuck I was talking about before Unknown_07: Oh yeah, IP2 being on the most wanted list. Unknown_07: I'm going to shill the Pleroma instance again because I need people to understand the importance of using federated technology. Unknown_07: This shit is temporary, YouTube is going to ban everyone eventually, right? Unknown_07: Don't rely on it. Don't rely on fucking Gab. 0:20:45 Unknown_07: Oh my god, I should have prepared a thing for Andrew Torba because he is fucking manic right now. He is off his fucking rocker saying that Gab is the fastest growing website in the history of the internet and all this other shit. He's losing his fucking mind. Unknown_07: God, I really should. Maybe next week. Because I bet you he'll keep being crazy and it'll be safe to talk about him in retrospect next week. Unknown_07: If you use gab don't you really if you're gonna pick like an alt text site Either and you don't want to use the photo verse because you're you're retarded and God hates you and your own mother would not come to your funeral Then use mines because mines wants to integrate into the Fediverse in the future gab does not gab looked at the Fediverse and said it had anime on it so fuck that and And Andrew Torba's just gonna suck his own dick for forever. Here's what they did. Here's what Andrew Torba did. Here's how smart he is. He copied Mastodon, which is a activity pub, which is the Fediverse. It's an activity pub front end developed by Silicon Tech soy boys and trannies who decided that they wanted to get away from Twitter because Twitter was too right-leaning. 0:21:31 Unknown_07: After making his own website for several years, Andrew Torber did not make, he downloaded some shit like a PHP Twitter clone off GitHub years ago. He fleshed it out for years, decided this is shit, nobody wants to use my shitty fucking Twitter clone, downloaded Mastodon, because that was the new trend, skinned it green, imported all the contents into Mastodon, plugged that shit into the Fediverse, and then said, wait, people can, Troll me using the Fediverse they can tweet things at me that I don't like so he turned off the Fediverse first made it opt-in second made it so that only Gab shit could like the sluice gates could just flood the Fediverse while gab received no content from outside the of gab on the Fediverse and and then he cut it off all together and now he's using like a fucking mastodon which the only good thing about mastodon was that it fucking worked with the fetivers now he's just using it for gab disconnected from the rest of the fetivers and he's shilling because parlours down because parlours ran by fucking idiots and they thought their shit wouldn't go down 0:23:05 Unknown_07: And now he's trying to recover that lost audience and he's in over his head. He spent $750,000 on God knows what last year. It's just a fucking mess. But Minds still exists. Minds seems to be run competently. The people behind Minds seem to be mature and seem to be handling things appropriately. I think they're a little bit restrictive on, like, white nationals content, so I don't know what Gab's policy is on that, but other than that, it seems like they're, like, on top of shit, and they're not falling apart at the seams. And they want to integrate into the Fediverse, which is phenomenal. So if you're going to pick some shitty alt-tech site to fucking migrate to to get off of Twitter, go with mines, and you'll be joined with me on the Fediverse. And that's just assuming you don't want to join our node at 0:23:41 Unknown_07: Though, if you don't like the Kiwi Farms and you hate me and you still want to get in on this, there's like a thousand other nodes you can just host your own to. Anyways, I brought this up because Wales has banned gardening and seeds. Unknown_07: And I find that funny. And I wanted to just say that the state of Wales and the country of England is shit. And they obviously just don't want you to grow your own food because you will eat the bugs. they're gonna import all that mealworm pasta and bread from Europe and you're gonna fucking eat it and you're gonna love it and if you want to grow a carrot if you want to grow something in your garden in Wales well you're gonna have to eat shit instead because gardening spreads covid and we can't allow that 0:24:19 Unknown_07: And it is real, by the way. There's a ton of shit that you can't buy. Like, you can't buy... I think, like, baby strollers were included? Like, why would you need a baby stroller? You're not gonna be going out for walks with your baby anytime soon. 0:24:58 Unknown_07: Oh, here. Unknown_07: Oh, this happened recently, so I should cover this. Unknown_07: I got this news from Chen Weihua, who is Chinese state-run media affiliated. He retweeted this, I guess to mock Westerners, as he eats his delicious steak. Unknown_07: SCMP News says, these mealworms may soon be in pasta and bread. The grub, said to taste like peanuts when dried, is the first insect approved as food by the EU. Literally, they will make you eat the fucking bugs. And it's genius to put it in pasta and bread first, because... 0:25:30 Unknown_07: then you'll just get used to it, like all your bread will have mealworms in it, your McDonald's hamburger buns will have mealworms in it, and you'll just be, you know, eating bugs as a part of, like, your daily ritual. And then someone will say, well, why don't you try the bug stir-fry? Why don't you try the mealworm stir-fry? You already eat bugs in all your bread. Like, why not give it a try? And that will be, like, a logical statement that won't immediately repulse people because it's true. and you'll just eat the fucking bugs and you'll live in a cylinder tube and you'll own nothing and everything you have will be a subscription service and you won't be allowed to enter the global economy. 0:26:03 Unknown_07: And Abigail Shapiro's gonna cut off her tits. Unknown_07: Because she hates you. Unknown_07: She wants you to stop sexualizing her. Unknown_07: Uh, no, she's actually just getting his sister moved. She's not getting them cut off. Even though that is the rumor. It was spread, it's, it's, people have been saying this all day that she's getting, just getting them lopped off. She just fucking hates the goy so much that she's gonna amputate her own breasts so that they can't jerk off to her anymore on pole. 0:26:46 Unknown_07: Put them on Ben. Yeah, he'd look great. She does look a lot like Ben, especially with that mask one. You can't see half her face. Unknown_07: I don't know, maybe Ben could go trans. Trans Ben Shapiro would be a beautiful, beautiful woman. Unknown_07: Okay, anyways, for the Pleroma node. Anyone advertising alt-tech which does not have intentions to federate and is retarded, don't listen to them. That includes Styx. Andrew Torba, the fucking man-child. If you hear anything about Gab, stay away from it. 0:27:19 Unknown_07: He's gonna... He, I don't know what, his, his, and his demise is going to be great. I have a feeling. Cause he just has like that manic personality where he got, he was big into, you know, he got all this money. He didn't know what the fuck to do with it. He wasted it on a ton of shit. He's completely redone his site like four fucking times. His main maintainer is insane. He started up a bee farm because he wanted to be like a trad farmer. And then all his fucking bees died because he's shit and he can't keep anything up or, and alive, I guess. 0:27:50 Unknown_07: So I can't wait. I cannot wait for, for whatever happens to Andrew Torbay to happen. Unknown_07: Okay. Anyways, um, Pleroma, Pleroma, no IP2, IP2. Uh, let's play this. Unknown_05: What's up, man? How you doing? Pretty good. Unknown_10: How you doing? You got some ID on you? Yes, I do. Hold on, where's your ID? I did not enter the Capitol building yesterday. 0:28:20 Unknown_03: That's in my back pocket. Did you say that? Unknown_10: No, but I assume that's what this is. Is that what this is? Where's your ID at? In my back pocket. Unknown_03: Which pocket? Unknown_10: In the back right pocket. Yes. Unknown_10: Can I ask what it's about then? Unknown_08: Yeah, you already know. Unknown_10: What is it? I didn't go in the Capitol building. You shouldn't have opened your mouth. Unknown_10: But I expected this because one of my friends did. Unknown_03: This is what you get when you expect it, my friend. Is there any evidence or proof? Unknown_10: I didn't go in the capitol building. Unknown_10: I expect my friend said to just leave. 0:28:55 Unknown_08: I never went in. I couldn't stream. I couldn't go live. Unknown_07: I didn't go in the capitol building. Unknown_07: It's like getting pulled over and you're saying, I did not speed. I did not hit that child when I rounded that illegal turn. I did not pass that stop sign. Like bro, that's the most retarded fucking thing you can say. Can you imagine being that cop? I really hate cops. I'm looking at that cop and I'm thinking like, could you imagine like waking up in the morning and putting on that fucking black outfit and thinking like, yeah, I'm going to go fucking arrest people. I'm gonna go arrest people for protesting. I'm the good guy. I'm protected in the United States of America I'm gonna collect my 20-year pension. I'm gonna go sleep on a farm I'm gonna die before things get too bad cuz I was born in the best years and I'm a boomer I really fucking hate I hate him. I hate that guy. I don't know his name I don't know what he does, but I hope he fucking burns in hell I want hell to exist just so that all the cops can burn in it 0:29:28 Unknown_07: Anyways, this guy pulled over lolz. I have no fucking idea who lolz is. I think he runs the IP2 I think he runs that site. That's what I've inferred based on this information. 0:30:03 Unknown_07: But he may be getting arrested because he is a fucking retard and he blurted out for no reason whatsoever that he was involved in the Capitol building protest. Unknown_07: That's Ice Poseidon? Unknown_07: Wait, does Ice run the site? Who the fuck is Lolz? I'm reading the chat. Unknown_07: Who the fuck is he? Unknown_07: Like, why are you laughing at me for not knowing this? I have no idea who these people are. They're like a weird cyst on the internet. 0:30:39 Unknown_07: That's Ice. Unknown_07: That does not sound like Ice. Unknown_07: Whatever, I don't know. No, that's Lulz. Unknown_07: Okay, Ice runs the site. Ice does not look like a person who can maintain a website. He doesn't have that vibe to me, but whatever the fuck. Unknown_07: Oh, I'm sorry. Baked Alaska. Do they have both have a frosty first word in their name? 0:31:11 Unknown_07: They both are frosty people. They're both cold, okay? Unknown_07: I've been thinking about Baked Alaska without thinking about Ice Poseidon the entire time. It's because of the name. It's because of Ice Poseidon 2. And they both have a freezing name. So when I start talking about, I think, oh, Ice Poseidon. And that sounds like Baked Alaska in my head because they both have a cold name. God damn it. 0:31:43 Unknown_07: I am insane. Fuck you. Kitten custodies, whatever the fuck that means. Unknown_07: I chew it. Yeah, fuck off. So, okay. Correct me then. Does Lowell's doesn't run IP two always that when, but baked Alaska does an ice Poseidon has nothing to do with anything. He found Jesus and stays away from the Capitol building. 0:32:14 Unknown_00: Is this, is this correct? Unknown_07: No, not, the word baked is not cold, Alaska's cold. You fucking mental midget. Unknown_07: Fuck off. That's dumber than the shit I just said. Okay. Correct. Okay. Thank God. Okay. We've passed the first bullet point on my notepad. We're now moving up on, um, let's see. 0:32:49 Unknown_07: Oh, I should also play this. I forgot they're different videos. Unknown_07: What is the problem? Unknown_03: So if that's on, I don't really want to hear your business unless you really want it on. Yeah, because I didn't do it. But you said you did. So now we have the notified detectives. They'll be coming in to interview you because of the nature of what happened. Oh, you're talking about on my stream when people asked me and I was like, yeah, I did. Unknown_10: Stop talking. That was to the stream. Unknown_03: I didn't actually go in the building. Then if it's not true, then here are all the services that you're wasting because of that. It wasn't like some little shed in someone's backyard yesterday. Well, I understand what you're saying, but that was on a stream right after it, and I didn't know it was that serious. It was today. 0:33:21 Unknown_10: It was today. I've been watching it. Unknown_03: You've been watching it. It wasn't like some little shed in someone's backyard yesterday. Well, I understand what you're saying, but I didn't know it was that serious. It was today. It was today. I've been watching it. You've been watching it. It wasn't like some little shed in someone's backyard yesterday. Well, I understand what you're saying, but I didn't know it was that serious. Unknown_10: It was today. It was today. I've been watching it. You've been watching it. It wasn't like some little shed in someone's backyard yesterday. Unknown_07: Well, I understand what you're saying, but I didn't know it was that serious. Unknown_10: It was today. It was today. I've been watching it. You've been watching it. It wasn't like some little Unknown_07: I didn't see that part where he just pulls out the fucking phone and it's on already. That is crazy That's that's like a fucking that's like brah. Oh shit. I Think that's what we call content and IP tooling in the ice Poseidon language We say hey, that's content 0:33:55 Unknown_07: That's pretty fucking good. Unknown_07: Please keep streaming your crimes baked. Wait, that's not baked talk. Lolz stream sniped by cops. Yeah, fuck off. I'm not that retarded, okay? Unknown_07: You assholes. 0:34:30 Unknown_07: Okay, next bullet point. Unknown_07: So. Unknown_07: Okay, he is wanted. This is the arrest warrant for this. I think he's on this. Unknown_07: Tim G on it. That's ice, right? I think. Unknown_07: Media is labeling baked Alaska as a domestic terrorist. Unknown_07: That has to be him. That's his name. I don't know though. 0:35:02 Unknown_07: I'm never gonna call anyone anything ever again, because I might get it wrong and people are gonna laugh. Look at these! I fucking hate cops. Like, oh, they're such good guys. Look, they want to arrest all... Is that a black guy? Is that a base black man who's participating in this act of domestic terrorism? Unknown_07: Uh... Oh yeah, he's on MSN. They really want... I don't... Why do they want Baked again? Because he went into Pelosi's building, right? 0:35:40 Unknown_07: Baked isn't the fucking shaman. Unknown_07: Where's the picture of Baked in this? Unknown_07: That's a guy in blackface and you know it. Yeah, right. Oh, I think it's his, whatever. Unknown_07: He said the N-word on Pelosi's office phone. That's pretty based. I'm not gonna lie. Unknown_07: He's gonna catch- they're gonna give out maximum penalties to all these fucking people. They're gonna put him- he's going to jail for ten fucking years. Uh, because he went to those protests and obediently walked between the velvet ropes and went into someone's office and said the N-word and livestreamed it all. They're gonna give him ten years. 0:36:13 Unknown_07: Gunt does better research on this probably. Unknown_07: My understanding of these things is limited because it is IP2. Unknown_07: He's like double fuck though because he also... let me pull this up actually. Unknown_07: He... Unknown_07: did not show up to his parole hearing. And his lawyer filed to have his parole hearing delayed, or not his parole, but he was out on bail and he skipped on it. He was supposed to come to this hearing and they tried to delay it, but they said no. So he didn't go back to Arizona in time to participate in his own court schedule. And now there's no warrant out for his arrest because he skipped out on it. So it's not even just the Capitol Hill thing. He's committing multiple crimes in multiple different districts of the U.S. now. 0:36:58 Unknown_07: Oh. Unknown_07: See, I forgot about this because I even wrote it in the notice and I forgot about it because it's so obviously bullshit that it blanked out on me. He's faked his own death. He's apparently saying that they're saying that he's dead and there's no body. I'm not going to believe it until I see a fucking body. And even then I'm going to start looking at it like Jeffrey Epstein thinking, is that even him? Is that even really Jeffrey Epstein on the gurney? 0:37:38 Unknown_07: Am I still saying Ice Poseidon? Unknown_07: Baked is dead. Unknown_07: Okay, Baked has skipped out on his court hearings. Baked has allegedly died. Baked definitely has not fucking died. 0:38:12 Unknown_07: So, they're saying he's in Russia. I'll say this right now, Baked Alaska is not in fucking Russia because Russia is difficult to get into at the best of times. To get into Russia, you have to apply for a visa two weeks before you arrive in Russia as an American citizen. Unknown_07: So you cannot just show up in Russia, and you definitely cannot show up in Russia while there's a COVID lockdown in every country in the world. So if you think that Baked Alaska is in fucking Russia, you're a retard, like, automatically. I could more easily believe something like Belize, because Belize doesn't have visa restrictions even right now. I think you can go to Serbia right now without visa restrictions as an American. Definitely not in Russia, though. 0:38:49 Unknown_07: So I guarantee you'll find this guy because he He's out. He's out in multiple states right now. Unknown_07: I think this is the news piece about the Yeah, this is about yeah, okay, this is the Scottsdale warrant from Arizona for his arrest stormed the US 0:39:28 Unknown_01: most high. The FBI also working to track down those who stormed the U. S. Capitol last week. Some of the most high profile are from Arizona, including one alt right figure still out there despite live streaming himself inside a congressional office. A. B. C. 15. Zach Crenshaw has more on the man known online as baked Alaska. Unknown_05: The first thing you need to know about Antimay Joseph Geonet. Unknown_06: Tim Geonet is the ultimate alt-right troll. Unknown_05: He goes by Baked Alaska Online, used to work at BuzzFeed, and last week live-streamed himself inside the Capitol. 0:40:04 Unknown_11: Yeah, we need to get our boy Donald J. Trump into office. Yeah, can we do that real quick? Unknown_05: Jeanette has been on the extremist fringes for a while. He was in Charlottesville, VA at the Unite the Right rally. Unknown_04: More recently, he moved to Arizona and at one point he was, I think, walking dogs for a living. Unknown_05: December 11th, Jeanette was being kicked out of a Scottsdale restaurant when he maced the security guard. Unknown_05: Per usual, he was streaming from his now suspended DLive account. Unknown_10: We have the video right now, Scottsdale. Unknown_05: but it was saved and uplo New Times. Jeanette was a assault, disorderly condu book, then released with state or local criminal l not leave the state of Ar with permission from the c was supposed to be in Scot he was a no show. 0:40:51 Unknown_06: Does he Unknown_11: Is that correct? That's correct. OK, the judge shown his streams from the Capitol. Unknown_05: He then chose to revoke Jeanette's release as well as issue a bond and warrant until he comes in and post $3000. Unknown_11: If they come across him and the warrants still active, they'll arrest him. Unknown_05: Nobody knows what baked Alaska will do now. While the Scottsdale charges are minor, there's a good chance if he's taken into custody again, the feds will be waiting. 0:41:26 Unknown_04: He might have run out of luck in the attack on the Capitol. Unknown_05: Now extremist experts tell me GNN was one of the first on the alt-right to be deplatformed. His Twitter and YouTube pages completely removed. And while he's popped up on other sites recently, those are starting to get shut down too. Or he's just deleting his own incriminating videos. Zach Crenshaw, ABC 15, Arizona. Unknown_07: It's super weird hearing this like suit and tie nigga talk about deplatforming and shit. It's weird that we're in this phase of, Unknown_07: Like, this has permeated social consciousness enough that a television networked program can talk about de-platforming without explaining what that is. It almost sounds like it's a good thing. You know, the way he says it matter-of-factly, like, yeah, he was an extremist, he was alt-right, and he was the first to be de-platformed. Like, the way that you would talk about 0:42:10 Unknown_07: Putting terrorist organizations on a Blacklist for for money transfers and shit. It's really creepy. I'm deeply I'm deeply unsettled by that ending bit Baked should be iced. Oh my god That's illegal. You can't say that you're trying to get the platform. You're trying to get me to platform by saying that I 0:42:44 Unknown_07: It's also dystopian, yeah. Unknown_07: Okay, next bullet point. Unknown_07: Okay, the DLive stuff. Actually, there's a list. I don't know if I have this saved. I don't think I do. There's a list on this government document of all the... These are the people who are banned. Nick Fuentes banned. He tried to make his own streaming site, as it turns out. As I explained in that Internet Juche stream a long time ago, if you want to stream 1080p you need about at least 3000 kilobits per second per viewer so even right now even on trovo what am i streaming to about 1300 on youtube and uh another five wow 570 on um 0:43:50 Unknown_07: Okay, we'll take the smaller number for the sake of argument. You have 574 times 3000. That is... 1.8, 1.7 gigabits per second, I think. Unknown_07: That sounds about right. So even for that very small number, you need a 1.8 line. The Kiwi Farms, for the entirety of the Kiwi Farms, we have a one gigabit per second line. Unknown_07: We almost never touch it. To do more than that, to do like Nick Fuentes numbers, which I think he hits like around 10,000. Correct me if I'm wrong, how many viewers does Nick Fuentes get? 0:44:24 Unknown_07: Someone six million. I don't think that's the correct number 10 1488 8 to 10 10,000. Unknown_07: Okay, we'll do 10,000 nice run number and will someone send that will someone said that trobo does 5,000 kilobits But again, we'll use the smaller number you can do 3,000 Nick Fuentes if he was smart he would just do audio streaming because he doesn't really have any video content and to begin with and 0:45:07 Unknown_07: But we'll do 3,000 times 10,000. You need 30 gigabits per second. A 10 gigabit line is going to cost you about $750 a month alone for the bandwidth. Never mind the amount of hardware that you'll need. And you'll need servers because a 10 gigabit per second port is standard. So you'll need like a $400 NIC card to even have three 10 gigabit per second ports on a single server. You're talking about thousands of dollars of hardware and networking expenses and that's just for Nick Fuentes on one platform. 0:45:41 Unknown_07: If you want to actually stream for a bunch of people, you'll need more than that. You'll need multiple servers, you'll need multiple graphics cards, you'll need a 100 gigabit per second line, which is several thousand dollars a month. It's just a fu- like it's a lot of fucking money. And it's not a kid's game. These services are hard to replace, and especially when they're cut off by payment processors, everything becomes harder. So, you know, DLive, I'm sure DLive even got threatened by payment processors and said, look, we'll do your payment processing, but you cannot have these fucking people on your platform, or we're not going to process any of your money. We don't need you. We don't have to give a fuck about you. You're some Turkish shithole site. We don't care. So leave. And they can't say anything else. They can't say anything about it. And they banned Ralph for a month because apparently they want to suck his dick real bad for whatever reason. 0:46:20 Unknown_07: But they need to look like they're taking precise action to get payment processing back. In the same way that... Unknown_07: When Pornhub got banned, their necks snapped trying to correct their business model to salvage what they could. But they banned Nick Fuentes, Baked Alaska, Murdered the Media, which is a bit of a poor choice of a name, just saying. Here's my pro tip for anyone. 0:46:52 Unknown_07: if you're gonna make a streaming uh you know like your edgy podcast stay away from names like murder the media and kill stream because it makes you look like a violent person in a time where many people are afraid of violence um pick something nice and safe like the kiwi that's a great thing about the forum name the kiwi farms is such a misnomer it sounds like a happy little place where everyone has flowers and There are trees in bloom and there's nice people picking fruits and everyone's happy in this paradise. But then it's like this rancid shithole where everyone's screaming at each other all the time. That's the... you have to pick a name like that. 0:47:30 Unknown_07: The caring farms it is oh it is like that. Oh, that's nice. I'm glad you guys think like that And then they fold that off rough got banned with a month after that Someone on my discord, please at me violently with that list of alt-right personality names and and okay Can we you guys are? 0:48:06 Unknown_07: This frustrates me. This is not real. This tweet that says he's dead or that he's been arrested, this is not real. Breaking 9-1-1. Breaking 9-L-L. This is not the real thing. There is no source for this. This is fake. Why are you falling for this? I keep seeing this. This is not a real tweet. Unknown_07: It's not real. Okay, but yes, at me again if you find the actual list of names in that government list thing. 0:48:37 Unknown_07: Oh, oh god, I should, I think I have this somewhere else. Unknown_07: Oh, okay. Here. Unknown_07: Um, they've found a way to file motions online and, uh, Unknown_07: The IP2 people are flooding Bake's things with bullshit non-motions on his official e-file. Can you imagine being the judge of this case and having to deal with this bullshit? 0:49:16 Unknown_07: I wish we could see them. I'm sure you could. You'd have to go on Pacer and download them. Someone's gonna see it. There's gonna be a fucking clerk of court having to deal with this shit because of these fucking assholes. They're gonna shut that thing down. They're gonna have to find a way to password protect that or make it accounts only because this is not gonna fly. It's only gonna take one of these cases before people have this shit shut down for... Unknown_07: Real IP hours. 0:49:55 Unknown_07: Okay. Oh, thank you. Kitsu, which is kind of a cringe name because it's like a, I mean, it's Fox in Japanese. I don't know why I know that, but I do. So, Unknown_07: Here's a list of far-right personalities as they're dictated by the U.S. federal government. It includes SticksAndHammer666, Stephan Molyneux, Jesse Lee Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Nick Fuentes, these are YouTube channels by the way, Tonka Radio, 0:50:34 Unknown_07: And I'm going to point out what's funny about this in a second. Um, Jacob wool, uh, JFG live streams. It's Scott Adams. Unknown_07: Again, these are far right personalities on a watch list by the U S government. A cod daily, which is Sargon spinoff to try and get around his, uh, YouTube cucking. Mark Collette, Unknown_07: Rebel News and Rebel Media. How the fuck is that? 0:51:08 Unknown_07: Alt-right. Milo Yiannopoulos, Mike Cernovich, Millennial Woes, Faith Goldie. Unknown_07: Toad McKinley's on this? That's funny. What about Medicare shit? How is Medicare not- Oh, Mr. Medicare. He's right there. Okay. Unknown_07: Toad McKinley, that's right there. Daily Caller, Red Eyes TV, Shoe and Skeptic, and Shoe on Head. That's what's highlighted on this. So I don't know how the fuck Shoe on Head is far right, but apparently she is. The genius minds that work our government. PragerU, fuck off. 0:51:44 Unknown_07: Make Cringe Great Again, that's a great name. Gavin McKins, The Coalition for Men, Robin Hood Ukip, Unknown_07: Baked Alaska too. Unknown_07: Paul Joseph Watson. Someplace called diapers off is a far right channel. Okay. Armored Gregory, which is a armored skeptic. I'm pretty sure the quartering, um, traditional music. Okay. So all these names, all these names, right? 0:52:21 Unknown_07: You know who's not on it? Don't say the obvious. Don't say me. I'm not on it, because I'm pro-China, pro-Israel. I'm as far left as I get. I'm communist, actually. Unknown_07: Who's not on the list? Who should definitely be on this prestigious list that TonkaSaw is fucking on? Unknown_07: Ralph isn't. How is Ralph not on this list? How is he so irrelevant that he doesn't show up on this fucking list at all? 0:52:52 Unknown_07: I guess it's because this is just people who have YouTube channels, which means that I'm not on it, it's just an oversight, right? Unknown_07: It's not an oversight, I'm not far right, I love Israel. Unknown_07: But he just, he doesn't factor in at all to their calculations because it's like, this isn't even like a person we have to care about, he's not on YouTube, who gives a fuck? Ralph Fett, oh, is that it? Unknown_07: Is he a CI? I've been playing Prison Architect and I know when, you know, one of those squishy guys get up in there and he gets put in solitary, he's a potential CI. And then you can recruit him to be a snitch and find out where all the contraband is throughout the prison. So maybe when he got sentenced to prison, he snitched and now he's a CI, like on the hook forever. Now that he's out, they're just like, well, you know, you can tell us who we should be on lookout for. But if that's true, If that's true, he would definitely, that would be the only name he would say. He would just start listing all his enemies. Oh yeah, Josh, that fucking asshole. He's the farthest right person I fucking know. He's breaking the boundaries. Unless maybe it's me too. Maybe I glow. Maybe that's why I'm not on the list. We both glow. We keep pointing fingers at each other saying, no, he's the actual far rightest. He's the farthest right person we know. And now they're just like, oh, these two people are fucking retards. These are the worst snitches ever. These are the shittiest snitches ever. Is George Floyd gaming on there? Not that I see. I don't see Pedophile gaming either, so they might both be confidential informants. 0:54:07 Unknown_07: Tclips is on the list? Where the fuck is Tclips at? Is she considered far right? I see oofcorator. That's Tclips, isn't it? Or is that a different person? 0:54:40 Unknown_07: Whatever. That's pretty funny. This is all pretty funny. It's funny when the- I mean, it's funny when the government starts name-dropping all these people you know as far-right, even though it's like shoe-on-head. The only thing shoe-on-head is capable of doing that's a danger to society is spreading STDs. Everything else, pretty fucking harmless. So I don't know what's the point- Oh, there's a huge list. What the fuck? 0:55:11 Unknown_07: Is this not the entire list? Unknown_07: There's more. Tclips is definitely on this. The Thinkery, which is also in the Cod thing is on it. Count Dankula Streams is on it. Unknown_07: Jordan B. Peterson clips is on it. Brittany Pettybone is on it. Unknown_07: ER, TLDR, they're both on that. Unknown_07: But to be fair, ER is pretty fucking far right. Murdoch, Murdoch, Trevor, Happy Media. 0:55:45 Unknown_07: Oh, thanks. This is the actual PDF. Unknown_07: It's a study of far right ectochamber. But I heard this was a government document and I choose to believe it. Unknown_07: Okay. That's enough of reading the list. That's pretty funny though. Unknown_07: Let's see what this is, is this the video I already played? 0:56:20 Unknown_07: Yes it is. Unknown_07: Okay, I think that's all I can say about that. Is there anything I obviously missed? I'll give chat a chance to correct me. Have I missed anything obvious about the Unknown_07: About whatever, Ice Poseidon Baked Alaska, whatever the fuck his name is. Unknown_07: Teal deer. Unknown_07: We're going to the gulag. Yes you are. All of you are going to jail for forever. You're going to put in a prison cell that's somehow going to be more comfortable than the concrete cylinder full of mealworms and subscription Netflix services that most people live in. And you'll enjoy it. You'll be happy that you're in prison. 0:56:52 Unknown_07: Alright, okay, next point of privilege, next thing to bring up. Unknown_07: If you remember, a while ago I did a stream about John Bulla, and he's a schizophrenic. He hails from the proud city of Pensacola, which I've also lived quite a bit of my life near or in. 0:57:37 Unknown_07: And he is now dead. And we figured this out because his sex offender registry file states his status as deceased. Unknown_07: He was in prison, I believe, as a danger to himself. I can't remember what his exact crime was. Unknown_07: no he's just that's it wasn't a sex offense he he just he's just crazy and he he got put in prison because they didn't know what the fuck to do with him they couldn't have him outside of uh of jail because he's just insane and uh he's dead now he he to be fair he is quite old um he's almost 70 it looks like 0:58:19 Unknown_07: He had been stabbed in prison before he had a huge scar on his stomach or his abdomen because somebody in prison shanked him So we don't actually know the cause of death yet His brother is alive and his brother is aware of the forums existence and I believe he's posted on it before But nobody I mean, it's probably not a good idea to contact him about his dead brother and ask how he died So we don't quite know yet. He was released from prison a little bit before his death Unknown_07: but he died while out is what we believe so if you have no idea who this guy is he's he's real fucking crazy he's like um i think he has like a messiah complex like a literal like reincarnation messiah complex it's been a while since i did the stream he he also i think he got arrested for like like Unknown_07: like inappropriate contact with like a minor so it's like yeah you kind of want to like him because he's so so weird and he would post on twitter constantly like porn stars and clarify when he like he would make obvious hits on women and then he would put in parentheses sexually to let you know that he was being uh sexually uh proclative or whatever 0:59:41 Unknown_07: And he was funny, he was a joy. Unknown_07: As many schizophrenics are, my favorite class of person, a crazy person. Because, I think I've described this before but it's worth reiterating, the funny thing about schizophrenics is that they are really as close to random Unknown_07: as the human mind can allow because normally when you try to be random you're not actually being random you're just like pulling something arbitrarily from your memory and referencing it or you're copying something that you don't that's really obscure that most people won't get but it's not random to you it's something that you're very aware of 1:00:21 Unknown_07: And schizophrenics also do that, but the thing is that they misinterpret things so wildly. And then they'll sit and reflect on that misinterpretation and extrapolate more thoughts and ideas from that. They'll think on it and just sit like a random number generator. And create so much static and noise in their minds and what they believe, that when it comes to them trying to have a normal conversation, they are truly random. Because the shit they say is so many levels detached from reality that it's almost impossible to trace it and try to figure out what... truth that actually stem from and that's what's interesting to me is when someone started like um for instance Terry Davis said that people who worked at the CIA were glow-in-the-dark they glowed in the dark and they were black and it's like that's weird that's random and my personal hypothesis for why Terry Davis said that the CIA was staffed by black people who glowed in the dark is that number one, he was racist and he thought black people were stupid. So he also thought that the feds were stupid. So obviously they're black, right? And then he also said they glowed in the dark. And to many people, they imagine like a bioluminescence glow to it, like an underwater sea creature. But I have a different take. I think that the glow in the dark was a reference to old racist cartoons when a black person smiled in a dark room and you could just see their teeth and eyes. I think that's what he referred to when he said they glowed in the dark because he said you could drive down the road and you can see them they're glowing in the dark because the headlights hit their teeth and eyes then they reflect back and that's all you can see. They're glowing in the dark so hit them with your car. That's always been my interpretation of that and it's very different from 1:01:59 Unknown_07: what most people think and again that's why I like schizos because they're strange and they have an interesting perspective that nobody else on earth has and it's fun to sit and engage them and try and try and understand how they came to their their belief systems so 1:02:41 Unknown_07: Learning about racist tropes with Uncle Jersh. Yes. I'm making a great first impression on Trobo. I hope one of the admins is watching this. I'm thinking, yeah, probably going to pass on this guy. Unknown_07: Probably, probably don't let this one around. This guy's going to get me in trouble. This guy's going to get me fucking sent to Xinjiang with all the, the Uyghurs. I'll have to relearn China, uh, with the other political prisoners. If I let this fucking asshole on my, on my streaming service. Unknown_07: This guy's getting monetized. Oh, fuck yeah. 1:03:18 Unknown_07: Oh, these are the other, the booking dates. Unknown_07: Oh, he shaved his hair. I like that's my favorite. That's everyone's favorite picture of him. The one where he's like waving, he's smiling and waving at the camera. Unknown_07: Um, Unknown_07: Cruelty towards child. Oh, okay. That's it. He got like punched a kid or something I think that's what we determined is that he got sent to jail in 2018 for like punching a child and then I Have no fucking idea why he got arrested in 2020 Order to transport. Oh, he just got relocated to a different prison. Okay. Oh 1:03:53 Unknown_07: um okay there's a couple more things i want to talk about i i've reflected on john bulla there is some news about someone else that i've did a stream on and i i want to share it um because like i i don't know if it's cringed or based or red pilled or whatever for most people but 1:04:27 Unknown_07: I am going to show this. This is a Sam Hyde production, but it features someone very near and dear to my heart. So I'm going to play it without introduction and then explain who it is in case you guys don't pick up on it. Unknown_07: Let's see, where is this video at? 1:05:07 Unknown_13: Alright, you retarded fuckers! Who's ready to go save Cypher? Unknown_02: I do solemnly swear to decimate my foes! I'm one of the worst commanders anyone's ever had to deal with! You shouldn't have brought me here, because you knew I was gonna freak out. Because I'm a super trooper! Look at me and say that you're a good commander! Follow me! Unknown_12: You will always have a place as soldiers in the hearts of men, in the minds of angels, in the souls of the warrior spirit. There's one thing that matters. It's the mission. Do you understand me? What's the mission? The mission is to finish the fight. It might cost our lives. It might cost your sanity. It might cost whatever it is we've been fighting for. But what the hell is a war without a mission? What is it? 1:05:41 Unknown_02: This is a warrior's creed. Those guys have no idea what we're up against. They haven't seen a laser war like this. The command is screwed with our heads to get the mission done. You're a dirty fucking android. Now, if you're with me, let me hear your best battle cry. Hoo-rah! Hoo-rah! 1:06:13 Unknown_02: How are we supposed to win this war? It's us or them! Joseph! Snap out of it, man! Cypher! It's me, Stoven! We got a bigger war to fight! Don't let this be the end! Unknown_12: Mission briefing just says one thing. Objective number one. Whatever it takes. Unknown_04: I've never had my life in your hands like it is right now. Unknown_02: Commander Wick, are you in? Unknown_12: People keep asking me. Are you working again? Are you back? And yeah, I'm thinking I'm back! 1:06:45 Unknown_12: The war still rages within! Unknown_00: It's time for you to get the old squad back together again, Commander. 1:07:19 Unknown_07: I guess it's out now on MTV TV. It's so it's so nice to see my boy all grown up Recovered from his horrific car accident that left him mentally damaged more so than normal And smoking weed to cope with the brain damage. He's back That is Jace that is commander striker who I did a stream on deagle nation some time ago I still own wisdom gum dot wisdom gun calm by the way Jace if you happen to hear this and you think I Wish I had wisdom gun calm back because I bought it for you a while ago And I've kept it for years if you want that domain Let me know and I will transfer it to you free of charge. I 1:08:02 Unknown_07: Just as an aside Yeah, I don't know it looks like shit, I'm sure it's awful but I Know he's a big fan of Sam Hyde So I'm very happy to see that he's working with him and he's in this weird project Which I guess is out. It's on MTV TV. If you want to go see it, you'll see it But yeah, I don't know Glad things are up and up for some people 1:08:35 Unknown_07: Of course it's awful, that's the fun part. Unknown_07: I'm sure it's great. Unknown_07: If you like Sam Hyde's stuff, go watch it. And tell me, tell me if he did a good job. He's been practicing that role for years. He should fucking nail it, right? Okay, one other thing to mention, right? Unknown_07: Just a quick aside, I'll detour before winding down with some good news. Unknown_07: So let's just catch up very quickly on the fat people. There's not enough fat people stuff happening right now to really go into detail. 1:09:11 Unknown_07: But I'll sum up Amberlynn and I guess Shadi too, because Shadi's had some drama. Actually no, I summed her up last week. Nothing's happened this week. Unknown_07: Chantal is full on fucking manic. Unknown_07: She has all these health issues. She is dying, literally, literally dying. Unknown_07: And she is eating just garbage all the fucking time. She went to a new dietician, like a health therapist, and the health therapist told her, eat whatever the fuck you want. We're gonna learn intuitive eating which is like training your body to know how much to eat and obviously that's not gonna fucking work She's never going to recover just doing whatever the fuck she wants because that's how she got fat to begin with and she streams herself Like I can't even clip her shit to show you anymore because 1:09:47 Unknown_07: She streams like 10 hours a day now She does nothing else but stream which is which is great content when you just want to kill time and and have some background noise But it's not interesting for like a clip segment. The most interesting thing. I wish I had a clip of this offhand is Charlie gold 1:10:27 Unknown_07: was um she she was having a back and forth that black lady again she's like charlie gold she should do something useful she's so fucking smart she should talk about the holocaust and that made me burst out laughing because and people in our chat were like what the fuck what the fuck are you talking about and she had to say like oh you know if she's she's as smart as she said she is she should be spending her time being productive and spreading awareness for the holocaust but the way she said it was just like what about the holocaust chantal what what should she be saying about the holocaust and people started calling her anti-semitic in chat and she got all defensive and it was really funny um but other than that her live streams are complete and total fucking garbage She eats into the fucking mic. Oh, oh! She baked a fucking cake. Okay. 1:11:19 Unknown_07: Diabetic. Blood sugar way fucking high. Higher than it has any right to be. She's going to fucking die. And while she's streaming in her bedroom, there's like two tins, two full tins of icing. Unknown_07: And, um... Oh, my YouTube channel is dead? Unknown_07: No data. Unknown_07: Hmm how much time do I want it says it's live again. Just a hiccup. 1:11:51 Unknown_07: I Think This oh man, this this is killing me because I want to continue my story about how people accused her of eating icing Wait is the is the YouTube stream like proper fucking dead because it says it's it's live. Is it taken down? Oh Unknown_07: Says it's live again. I don't fucking know. 1:12:27 Unknown_07: I don't know what I can do about it. Unknown_07: Trovo's still up, so if you're listening from Trovo, thank you, number one. First and foremost, thank you. Number two, you're still alive. You're the people who are willing to sacrifice personal comfort to ensure my financial success, and therefore you will get to hear the story. My retelling, my riveting retell of this tragedy slash comedy of Chantal, the foodie booty, Uh, she starts live streaming herself from her bedroom, she's just like collapsed on the bed, like a pig. And someone in the chat's like, uh, Chantal, why do you have two tins of frosting on your nightstand? And she was like, oh, those two tins of frosting on my nightstand are for a cake. I was baking for Pete's, not even for myself. I'm so generous. I forgot to put the groceries away, you see. 1:12:59 Unknown_07: And I definitely was not going to scoop that icing out of the tin into my fucking mouth and eat it exactly like that, in a raw form. I was not about to eat this fucking icing raw out of a tin like some kind of fucking goblin. Definitely not doing that. So the next stream she's making a cake because she said she was making a cake with us. I was like fuck I gotta make a fucking cake now so that people don't think I'm eating raw icing. So she is she's working on it and uh 1:13:39 Unknown_07: um she she completes the cake live on stream takes several hours and then she takes a big slice out and she eats it for herself and then says oh well this is for pete's and it's like oh is it pizza's birthday no It's like, why are you baking a cake? Because I just want to bake a fucking cake, right? You fucking fatphobes, shaming me, asking me why I'm baking a fucking cake. I don't have to have a reason to bake a cake, fuck you guys. And then she makes it for Pete's quote-unquote, and tries to offer it to Pete's, and Pete's like, oh, I don't want any. I don't want any cake. So she ends up eating the whole fucking cake all by herself anyways, eating, eating not, now caught in her own web of lies, not only eating two tins of icing, which you put on the cake, But eating all the cake as well. So literally it would have been healthier just to rip open the tin and start shoveling that shit into her fat fucking face instead of baking this stupid fucking cake and adding another thousand calories to the contents of it by making it a cake for no fucking reason. Anyway, that was that was disgusting Other than that she's she changed the channel name to the foodie beauty and Pete's show and then changed it back Because when she did that everyone started asking. Oh, are you gonna start paying Pete's because it's the foodie beauty and Pete's show now and And she's like, my finances are not your fucking business. Keep your, keep, you know, don't worry about my money. Worry about your money. It's, it's my finances. So then she immediately changed it back cause she realized that she might, it might be a bad idea to give Pete's like with the, um, the biggest problem in the universe, it might be a bad idea to say that Pete's is like the cohost of the show. Cause then she owns half the show. immediately fix that fucking issue before it became a problem, right? And now she's like, um, once again saying, I shouldn't be doing any kind of weight loss content on my channel. I just want positivity, blah, blah, blah. Same fucking thing. Like every week now, her cycle is so fast that it's crazy. She's having like, and this happens with all the fats during New Year's because they all make New Year's resolutions to lose weight and then they immediately fail. Not even a week later. And then they just cycle super hard because it becomes a, becomes a point in their life. 1:16:15 Unknown_07: So that is the foodie booty update for the loyal, the loyal, my kittens of Trovo. Unknown_07: I'll say this once for, for the fine people who have made the jump before, uh, before they were forced to. Um, Oh, okay. And Amberlynn. So it was believed that Amberlynn Reed, Unknown_07: Actually, maybe I'm confusing her. Life by Jen is another fat woman who dates the alcoholic and they're both codependents. Unknown_07: It is believed that Life by Jen basically bought her own engagement ring and said that we're now engaged or some shit. No, it is Amberlynn, isn't it? That basically just said that she's engaged without asking Becky about it at all. 1:16:58 Unknown_07: Oh, I have it. I have a picture of the cake. Unknown_07: I can see it. Before I go to Amberlynn, here it is. Here it is. Her excuse for eating a whole tin of icing. Unknown_07: If I put it on a cake first, it's not that bad. So I'm just going to do that. Unknown_07: Um, okay, so here's what I was going to show you. She's already deleted this because people were making fun of her. Um, but Becky said that she got engaged with Amberlynn and then posted this. This is their engagement ring, right? 1:17:32 Unknown_07: And sorry about the- I don't know what this is, by the way, this font that I see a lot on mobile screenshots from women. This font is fucking ugly as shit. Stop putting your screenshots to have this fucking font. This font is shit. It should be banned. Phones should not be allowed to use this font. Unknown_07: Um, but the woman who took the screenshot does use this font, even though it is shit. And this is already gone and it's gone. It's gone for a very funny reason. I actually want to quiz chat on this and see if chat can come up with an explanation for why they would delete their own engagement announcement. Would anyone want to guess? 1:18:09 Unknown_07: I'll give it a second. I'll drink my my soda pop while you guys tell me why you think that This engagement notice was deleted Gary cool boobs got it right and I think that Unknown_07: I think that Gary Cool Boobs knew the answer ahead of time because he answered so quickly and he knew immediately what it was. 1:18:53 Unknown_07: The answer is people, the resourceful women of the forum immediately determined that this engagement ring is a $44 cubic zirconia ring from Walmart. That is their engagement ring. Unknown_07: And immediately people found this and posted in the comments making fun of her for having a $44 cubic zirconia engagement ring and They took it down I guess and I guarantee you the next time she makes a video When they do a proper video announcement for this engagement, they're gonna have a much nicer ring But when I say much nicer, I mean like from a 44 price tag to maybe like Maybe a thousand tops 1:19:39 Unknown_07: But it's not going to be like an extravagant ring. Amberlynn would never, ever allow that. She has to save her money for just garbage. You ever go to Walmart or like a thrift store and you just see like plastic junk that serves no fucking purpose that you would just end up throwing away like in a week. Unknown_07: And you wonder, who buys this? Who wastes their fucking money on this shit, this utter fucking garbage everywhere? And the answer is people like Amberlynn. She will go to Walmart two or three times a day and just buy fucking trash to put in her house that ends up getting thrown away anyways when they run out of space because it's just fucking trash. She has trays and trays of trash in her fucking home. 1:20:18 Unknown_07: Um, and, and she doesn't even like upgrade it for a special occasion. She just buys a, she just buys a shitty fucking trash ring for the love of her life. Quote unquote. Unknown_07: I'm just saying that if I love someone and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with them and I was gonna buy them a ring, I would not go for the $44 cubic zirconia platinum over sterling silver Walmart ring. I'm just saying. 1:20:55 Unknown_07: Like, I'm not rich. I don't want to flaunt my wealth. I think that's really fucking lame. Unknown_07: And I don't have wealth to flaunt, but I would definitely set aside a little bit of money in my budget to buy a fucking ring. Unknown_07: My love is worth $44, exactly. Unknown_07: I mean, I would be 100% okay with someone who is very poor and, you know, spending $44 on a ring. If that's what you can afford to not fucking go into debt for a fucking ring, you can give a metal band and then say, when things get better, we'll upgrade this to a different ring. But Amberlynn Reid makes thousands of dollars a month off her fucking YouTube shit that Becky is a part of and that Becky is the better person in her videos. You can spend a little bit of money on a fucking ring. 1:21:29 Unknown_07: I'm just saying. Unknown_07: I'm just saying that it feels like an impulse. It feels like Amberlynn Reid was having a little bit of a... Unknown_07: Apparently, wait, did Becky have to buy the ring? She bought her own eng- She bought her own engagement ring? Are you fucking kidding me? 1:22:11 Unknown_07: Oh! Unknown_07: I didn't even notice that! Wait, what? No way. Unknown_07: That's- That's Amberlynn's hand with the ring. Becky engaged to Amberlynn with the $44 ring. Oh, man. Unknown_07: That's funny. I mean, Becky is the man of the house. That is a little bit more excusable because Becky is like a live-in maid for Amberlynn. Amberlynn basically just keeps her around because she wipes her ass for her. That's literally the entire purpose of Becky. So Becky had to take Amberlynn's money and then buy an engagement ring with that money. 1:22:47 Unknown_07: But you know what? Unknown_07: I mean, if you were going to engage Amberlynn Reid, a $44 Walmart ring is basically perfect. I mean, what else would you buy? What else does she like? She likes gaudy, cheap shit. That's excellent, actually. I take everything back. Nobody should be making fun of this engagement ring. This is exactly, exactly what she should have gotten. She shouldn't have gotten anything better than this. 1:23:26 Unknown_07: An onion ring, yeah. Unknown_07: Most people buy only one ring, but I bought you a large from Whataburger. That's how much I love you, my sunshine. Unknown_07: That would be a proper engagement for Amberlynn. Unknown_07: Okay. What is their combined weight? About 1,000 pounds. Which, speaking of, I know this may surprise a lot of you, but I've been watching the 1,000-pound sisters. Unknown_07: Who were see this is what scares me? I'm gonna lose my fucking job hosting my forum because TLC is just taking all the shit from my site and making it into fucking full-blown reality TV shows What's up with and then when I do a stream on mama June? I lose all the shit because they DMCA it 1:24:01 Unknown_07: That's bullshit. They're poaching my content, y'all. They're stealing my fucking money. But no, that show's great. I'm enjoying it. Maybe I should do it. I should start up my own film company. Unknown_07: If I did a proper documentary, like if I hired a film crew to go over to a person's house and do a documentary on them, who would I do that on to make money? 1:24:45 Unknown_07: don't say uh chris i'm not doing a documentary on chris because there's like eight million of them interview quick no justin rpg adf ralph get investors baked poseidon Unknown_07: Shoddy. Shoddy would be a money maker. You know how many fucking weird black women and thoughts watch Shoddy? You get up a film crew, you do like a day in the life of Shoddy, you get like a three episode thing where she just like fucks a bunch of black guys and talks about how much she loves sucking dick. Like that would be, that would air on TLC and would get great ratings. And now we know, by the way, 1:25:37 Unknown_07: that if there's a documentary on Shoddy at any point, they watch the stream. They listen to me for ideas, they steal my ideas. And I am owed a tithe. Unknown_07: The Lion Maker. Exactly. Alright, I have good news and then I'm winding down. I've already streamed for too long. 1.2k viewers on Trovo, I appreciate it. I know having to check out new sites is a pain in the ass and nobody likes it, but... Hopefully... I mean, I got legal fees to pay. Hopefully I can make some money here. 1:26:12 Unknown_07: If I make money, I can actually do research for my streams. Look at it that way. Unknown_07: Okay, I have good news, and then I'm done. Unknown_07: January 14th 2021 the OCC put out a comment that they have finalized the rule requiring large banks to provide fair access to bank services and they say that this rule takes effect on April 1st 2021 so 1:26:49 Unknown_07: I don't know if that's just like a long con April Fool's joke, if it's gonna get overturned by executive order the second that Joe Biden gets into office, but it happened. They passed it. So... Unknown_07: I mean, I can't even imagine it. I don't even want to allow myself to imagine it. Like, what if I could just have a payment processor and people could just, like, donate directly on the site and buy shit? Like, I could actually, like, have money. I could actually save money for once. I could have a lawyer on retainer and not have to fucking worry about it. 1:27:31 Unknown_07: I literally can't even imagine it. My mind doesn't permit me to imagine it or to get excited for it. But I've looked it up and down and people say like, oh, are you sure it's not just to protect the NRA? Are you sure it's not just to do this or that? Are you sure it's not just for this? I've looked it up and down and the actual legislation is 31 fucking pages long, but it seems as perfect as anyone could request. Unknown_07: The regulation itself is so ideal, it's fantastical. There's no way that someone actually put out something so competent and precise and exactly what people fucking needed, and something so important. You know what I mean? It's surreal. 1:28:03 Unknown_07: So I don't know if something's going to happen to it. Unknown_07: I'm not at a point where I'm allowing myself to get excited. Unknown_07: But as with all things, it's like when Trump threatened Section 230. It's like you just trundle along, you focus on the now, and you make preparations for what could happen. Unknown_07: If this does happen, that would be great. And it would really change things dramatically for the better. 1:28:45 Unknown_07: Like even Andrew Torba, he can't collect money except by check. You know what I mean? So all these sites that are struggling and getting de-platformed, this is the ultimate de-platform, is when you can't process a credit card. Unknown_07: If that changes, it changes everything. If that changes, you'll see so much competition that you couldn't even imagine before happening overnight. Unknown_07: It would really blow your fucking mind. 1:29:20 Unknown_07: But don't get too excited. You can't get disappointed if you don't get too excited. I think that's it though. Unknown_07: I think that's it. Did I miss anything? Unknown_07: No, nothing. Unknown_07: Dog coin. Unknown_07: Open the box. Does this have, oh my, fuck the box. 1:29:54 Unknown_07: Can I open this? Unknown_07: It has 13 hours on me. Unknown_07: Finish them and you can unleash the box. Unknown_07: Follow still mad. I am still mad. Unknown_07: You cannot follow yourself. Why does this box say to follow myself? How do I, how do I open this fucking box chat? Unknown_07: Help me out here. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Unknown_07: Go to your channel. 1:30:25 Unknown_07: I'm at my channel. Unknown_07: I can't open my box. Unknown_07: Unleash time 13 hours. Okay. I guess I don't get to fucking open a box. Unknown_07: Wait. Unknown_07: Fuck it. Unknown_07: Fuck it. I'll figure out the box for next time. I'm sorry. I, there's, there's, I see a box on my fucking thing and it says 13 hours. Okay. I can't, I can't open my fucking box. 1:30:58 Unknown_07: I'm not streaming for 13 hours. No, fuck off. Unknown_07: I'll see you guys next week or whenever the fuck I stream. Unknown_07: Bye. Unknown_07: Wait, this is not the song I wanted. Unknown_07: This is a different song. Unknown_07: Here we go. Unknown_07: Bye. Unknown_09: When the world seems bleak and cold When your bones feel tired and old When wind is howling through the trees There's a shelter from the storm There's a fire burning warm You'll find it if you follow me Oh, the bliss 1:32:04 Unknown_09: Oh, the bliss will set you free. Oh, the bliss is gonna make you see. Unknown_09: When the world seems grim and dark, when the sky won't show a star, when fog is thicker Unknown_09: In the forest hides a light You'll find it if you follow me Oh, the bliss Oh, the bliss Oh, the bliss will set you free Oh, the bliss is gonna make 1:33:33 Unknown_09: When the rain of bullets pour, when bombs fall. Unknown_09: Oh, the blitz will set you free. Oh, the blitz is gonna make you see.