Thank you. Thank you. 0:01:17 Unknown_03: I don't know what's happening to me this week, this month, but at this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god, but because the English are suffering. 0:01:55 Unknown_01: Come on. It's not William. Unknown_02: Yes it is. Unknown_01: It's my house. Get out of my house. I did not ask you in here. We could have forced the door if you didn't open it. For what offence? Because there's suspicion of your people within the address. Unknown_00: Oh man. Unknown_01: I am a woman of this land, right? Women of this land are not supposed to be barred. Oh no, you know about the women of this land? You had a minute to get your fucking body out of my fucking house. Absolutely not. You threw it at me again and I'm going to let you for a breach of the peace. Alright, just stop it man. 0:02:30 Unknown_01: In my house? Unknown_02: Yes. What's wrong? What the fuck are you doing? Unknown_01: No, no. Mum, no, please. My mum's not home. Please stop it, my mum's not home. What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? 0:03:31 Unknown_03: Don't worry, everything's okay. Unknown_02: Get back to the Scottish people being hit. Unknown_02: ah that's the good stuff uh my door ring so i have a panic screen for when something spooks me during a stream that's the first time i've actually had to use it but whatever uh people people in the chat saying oh that's scotland let's go let's not england they're the same thing they can sit there and protest and scream and cry like oh no scotland has a thousand years of history and independence and blah blah blah nobody cares 0:04:11 Unknown_03: Literally no one cares. It's the same fucking country. You guys have a high court, you have a crown, and they own you. And the Scottish want that kind of authoritarianism. If you don't know what's happening in that clip. Unknown_03: Scotland has issued a lockdown where if they even have a suspicion that there is someone in your house who is a non-resident of that house, they can break into your domicile and inspect it like they're doing attic checks for war refugees. okay that's what's the situation in scotland and i guess they would just drag them out kicking and screaming if they happen to be having a guest over and then and then uh it would be fine i guess and because of how it worked with dankula when they find you in scotland they just deduct the fine out of your fucking bank account you don't even have to pay it they just own you 0:04:42 Unknown_03: And it really soothes my soul when I see that the British subsist in a well-deserved state of agonizing torment. Because, fuck them. Unknown_03: I don't know. Like, how do people look at that and they go, this is great? But they do, because they vote for it. The Scottish people vote for it. Unknown_03: So I guess you get what you fucking deserve, right? 0:05:34 Unknown_03: Though I'm euphoric because I keep having Twitter fights, and now I understand... Unknown_03: why people end up destroying themselves on Twitter, because what happens is you get into that dopamine of tweet, retweet, and the likes come in and people start arguing, and then you see them backpedal and you're like, oh fuck, I got them. So there's like a casino slot machine reward system going on when you see people engaging with your shit on social media. And it's especially fun when you combine that with the dopamine of yelling at someone. I've had two different instances this week of yelling at someone on Twitter and the associated dopamine highs of that. 0:06:09 Unknown_03: Should I go with the anime avatars or with sticks first? I knocked sticks out. If I talk about sticks, I'm not going to get too political because I excised that yesterday. I don't feel like it today. But I will just cover... Okay. The Discord is going for sticks so far. I see two for anime, two for sticks. I'm waiting for the YouTube update so I can get those in first. And then I'll decide. But it's not so much about politics. It's just, okay, we'll go for the gay libertarian. People want that. So... Um... 0:06:54 Unknown_03: This is my Twitter and I say just because I was listening to his stream and listening to the things he was advocating and what he advocated essentially boiled down to make friends, have a child, vote for people, get active in local politics and boycott Chinese companies. Unknown_03: And that was it. That was like the sum of his advice. Oh, and follow him on BitChute and Parler. And it's just like, that's retarded. Because all those alt tech companies, number one, BitChute's in fucking the UK. We just saw the UK. That's the UK. That's what it looks like. Bitshoot's not gonna stay around. Supposedly he lives overseas from the actual island of the UK. He's promised on Ralph's show that if something happens to Bitshoot in the UK, he would move it abroad. But that's like crazy talk, right? I mean, he's already deleting YouTube shit for making fun of Ralph. So Bitshoot is already just sort of like untrustworthy as a platform. and then number two uh bit shoot is still on paypal and as far as i'm concerned any service that can stay on paypal or payment network traditional payment networks right now um has some sort of inherent flaw where it's either operated by feds or it is uh censored in a way that that people running the payment networks approve of same with parlor um and i'll get into that in a second but that's that's the gist of it it's like he's saying don't do anything violent don't keep paying your taxes literally literally saying keep paying your taxes what i think it's showing refresh 0:08:28 Unknown_03: It's probably just my internet. It's my proxies. Unknown_03: Anyways, so it literally is just saying keep paying your taxes, keep being good, don't do anything violent, which to an extent I can agree with. Unknown_03: His issue is that he has experienced no hardship, and that's what I explained in my little tweet to him. And again, when I tweet at people who have a ton of subscribers, I really don't ever expect a reply. I'm thinking, oh, this guy is so lofty and above me in terms of clout. He's not even going to reply to this. Why would he? Why would he step in shit for no reason? But I say, you know, Stix is a Pete Grift. His solutions are UK and French tech, French being Dailymotion. The Parlor Honeypot, another free market and quote solutions. He proclaims this from his verified YouTube channel with his Patreon and subscribe star untouched. His safe opinions are kosher false hopes. But make no mistake, he doesn't live in the Netherlands because of his wife, which is what he claims. He is outside the U.S. for the same reason that I am. He looks back on the U.S. and sees a dead country in a state of decay. He takes American money, selling them snake oil ideals, and then he converts it into crypto. And then, this reply that you see right here is not his initial reply. His initial reply is this. Jesus, look at his bio, LOL, which is, if you don't know... 0:09:50 Unknown_03: My name is in Hebrew. I have Israeli flags and my bio is neurodiverse social commentator, he, him, Black Lives Matter, trans pride, gay pride, Israeli flag. Unknown_03: For some reason, people don't look at this and think, oh, this is obviously a fucking joke. They think, oh, this is very real. This is... I hit, like, every point possible to the point where it's obvious that no... Like, I don't say anything about what I do, what I'm interested in, what my hobbies are, if I like what my favorite color is. Just no information whatsoever. It's just, I'm super fucking gay and Jewish, and I love black people, and my pronouns are he, him, right? Like, just obvious. But for some reason, people fall for it fucking constantly. And I think it's because, and this is the entire reason why they even reply. Someone like Styx has a hundred thousand followers. He's like, he sees an A-log in the chat. He's not going to reply, but he sees an A-log in the chat who is also a neurodiverse social commentator from Israel who Black Lives Matter, trans pride. He thinks, oh, easy win, easy grift right here. I'm just going to, I'm going to dab on this guy. And then he tries to by saying, look at his profile and going, 0:11:09 Unknown_03: uh speaking for others is considered rude in regards to me saying that he lives in the netherlands because he doesn't want to be in the u.s and i say it's easy to tell people to stay at home have children obey the law don't be violent boycott companies or participate in local elections people have been saying this for 100 years it's not a watershed line of thought you know what i know and you know what makes money and he says you know so little about my life and absolutely nothing about my motives how sad project more And I say, I know you lived with your mom until last year. It's nice to have disposable income. It would be a shame to lose that for silly things like principles and telling people the truth, wouldn't it? Toe the line, boy. And I'm being mean to him intentionally because I really, I don't respect... I mean, I understand his perspective, where it's like, I have something nice. 0:11:47 Unknown_03: I have no reason to get rid of my nice thing in pursuit of some lofty ideal, which is unachievable, right? Like, I get what he's doing. I don't particularly respect it, but I understand. So it's fair to bully him a little bit. But when does he come back? Remember, this is Styx. He has like 100,000 subscribers. He's been in YouTube debate since like the mid-2000s, I'm pretty sure. He looks like... An amazing atheist here, like, his fucking username has 666 in it. Like, obviously this is someone who has not progressed very far from the teenage anti-Christian shit that happened in the 2000s for my generation. And he should have the experience to argue with someone on the points and deal with things like that. without completely crumbling at the fucking seams his response to me saying what i just said was it's toe the line spelled toe as in instead of like towing a car like the toes on your feet and he says your grasp of parlance is as shitty as your grasp of my life puke burp elsewhere boot bitch And it's just like... Are you... Okay, so I said T-O-W, which is an obvious, like, easy error to make. Because in my mind, it's like you're towing something up to the line or along the line. I don't know what the fuck it means to T-O-E something. I guess put your toe up to the line as opposed to pulling something up to the line. Like, it's... You know what the fuck I mean. I've exercised my language to make a point, and you understand what my point is, which means that my language, regardless of the technicalities, has done its job. You know what the fuck I'm saying. But no, he says, aha, I got you. You spelled toe. You spelled the wrong version of the homophone toe. Checkmate, not atheist. 0:13:52 Unknown_03: So I say that, I say, behold, the best of libertarian thought, reducing himself to grammar policing for a gotcha in three tweets. It's not like this has been some huge argument where he's ran out of defenses for what I'm saying. It's just immediately, ah, you can't spell. you can't spell i got you so i say most people grow past this when they become an adult like how most people grow past thinking the free market can work when the mega corpse and the uh the government have the same owner which is true that's my perspective is that you can't expect gab and parlor and bit shoot to compete with twitter and and facebook 0:14:45 Unknown_03: And and Google because those companies have probably a annual income at this point of less than a million dollars combined Whereas I would be surprised to hear that a day goes by where Twitter Facebook and Google don't each make a million dollars a year So they're just completely different fucking games And there's no way to enter the free market because of payment processors, but I've never once heard sticks mention the banks so Unknown_03: if you that's my thing it's like you don't have the perspective to make an informed opinion because you're still on patreon you're still on subscribestar i'm banned from both i have a patreon but i shouldn't even say that because i'm gonna get banned again subscribestar i emailed and i said hey this is who i am i would like to have a podcast patreon with or whatever with the subscribestar and the guy emailed back me and said we can't have you obviously I have to keep all my payment methods as secret as possible. It's always at risk. I could wake up tomorrow and all the mechanisms that I have, all my banks could be shut down, it could be closed, but it doesn't happen to Styx because Styx says the right things. Pay your taxes. 0:15:46 Unknown_03: Don't challenge the government. Participate in democracy. Like, shit, that's not going to fucking change anything at this point. And these are the last years where I think that there will be any chance to see any reform. We really need new constitutional amendments to prevent the intelligence agencies from mass surveillancing everyone all the time and collecting facial fingerprints by putting up cameras on every street corner. We need that now. And if we don't get it now, we'll never get it. But he doesn't advocate for that. He advocates for growing a garden and having kids and paying taxes, which aren't going to help. That was my entire point. 0:16:26 Unknown_03: And let's see. Was there something I missed? No. Unknown_03: So then, after this gets pointed out, and he starts losing this exchange, he deletes the tweet where he's saying, look at his bio, because he realizes, oh fuck, I'm a retard. He deletes it, and then he reframes our entire conversation. Again, remember, this is not like some just idiot on Twitter. I mean, I guess it is, but he's also someone who is apparently an intellectual in libertarian ideology. he deletes his tweet which links to our exchange and he reframes it in his own straw man saying sticks and hammers a grifter for telling people not to take selfies when violating federal laws and for pointing out that people telling you to hurl rocks are often not doing so themselves and that is suspicious off glowers he says and it's like okay number one that's not our conversation i didn't say any of that i didn't encourage violence i didn't encourage people to take selfies of them of themselves while committing crimes And I agree that people like Nick Fuentes are never going to put themselves in danger. Trump isn't going to put himself in danger. If Trump had been in that audience saying like, no fellow Magapedes, we need to go storm there and get these votes. We need to actually physically arrest the boxes and then burn them, burn the electoral votes. If Trump was in the audience, like in the mob, it would have been a very effective, an actual insurrection. That might have yielded some results, but of course, no, he's not going to be in the mob in Capitol Hill, storming Capitol Hill as an actual leader of an insurrection. That's not going to happen. Nick Fuentes is like five foot six. He's not going to be in a mob storming police buildings. 0:18:16 Unknown_03: Zero fucking chance. So I fully agree with that. Unknown_03: um oh so i say the dutch word of the day is this i'm not even going to try to pronounce it but it's it's a basically proxy cringe in dutch and i'm just saying that because i'm hoping in my mind when i say this he's like uh he calls over his wife he's like what does this say and she's like oh he's saying that you're embarrassing yourself and he feels embarrassed for you oh great that's how that exchange happened in my head i don't know if it actually happened but i will pretend it did and then this is what this is what made it really funny to me is that 0:18:59 Unknown_03: Um... Unknown_03: After this, after I respond to this, saying he didn't respond to, like, he deleted that tweet and then, like, reframed our entire engagement falsely, he goes back to that tweet, the first one, and then says, and again, using quotes that don't actually quote anything, why, yes, people who say you should not riot and get tossed in a cell or grifters and just in it for the cash, hey, kid, you wouldn't want to make another video about Jews? That will totally smash the system. And then he posts a fucking video game picture, because of course. And I say, you fundamentally fail to address the root issue, the bad actors, and you know it. You tell people what they want to hear. You feed them a line of hope that involves no significant change to their lives or habits, and you collect money for doing so. That is the grift. And then he replies, again, fundamentally failing to address the root issues or the real bad actors, says, I don't see you lighting any wigs. And I've never encouraged anyone to fucking Molotov cocktail anything. And then he goes back and says, I don't see you throwing any rocks. 0:19:31 Unknown_03: And this one, this tweet where he goes back to the second thing I said, and this is at 5 p.m. The first this tweet that he's responding to is at 320. So an hour and a half later. With an hour between our last correspondence, he's still thinking about this, and he goes back to these tweets and replies again, Stix Hexenhammer has moved to the Netherlands months before the pandemic in a time in which the U.S. economy was at its best point since the 1980s. Stix Hexenhammer does nothing to encourage his fans to fuck themselves and gets called a grifter by morons as a result. 0:20:12 Unknown_03: And then he likes this tweet where someone says, and this was like minutes before the stream, where someone says, he, as in me, Josh, is pretty quick to give up user data when the government asks. And then the only person that liked this tweet is Sticks himself. So he's, like, poring over the comments, trying to figure out, like, what the fuck happened, who is this guy, why does he have Israeli flags, is he a Fed, is he an Antifa LARPer, like, what is it, and he's liking shit that people say that make me look bad, and... 0:20:49 Unknown_03: Of course, failing to acknowledge the fact that I have to give up information when people are blatantly fucking fed posting on my site and the government comes knocking like, yeah, I have to do these things. I'm hosted in the US and there's no other country I can really host in because of the US, despite its flaws, still remains the freest place to host a website like mine. 0:21:32 Unknown_03: And it's just a truly baffling exchange. And it's really weird. I think I say at some point, Unknown_03: Let me pull up my own tweets because I say this. Unknown_03: This is why you never look up to an E-Celeb Kids. It took five tweets in one hour to reduce one of the most significant political YouTubers to being able to form a single coherent thought. Unknown_03: Immediately, he just completely fails to substantiate himself and say that what he does is worth the money and that... And it really, it just said like, yeah, there are certain things I can't say that I really wish I could say because I know it will have financial repercussions for me. 0:22:09 Unknown_03: Like, like that's all he had to say. And instead it becomes glow more dude. It's like, you're not, you're not even attempting, attempting to refute anything that I say. Unknown_03: And Parler and Gab and whatever are not going to fucking save you. Gab, here's how Gab stays online. You ready? People mail fucking checks to Andrew Torba, who is like a fat retard. Unknown_03: And I haven't even talked about him in like a year now. Because as much as I fucking hate Andrew Torba, the second that Parler came, he was completely irrelevant. Gab completely lost all his steam. Nobody uses Gab over Parler. yeah okay I'm not trying to be into politics I'm sorry I talked more about this than I probably should have but it's it's just exasperating okay anyways let's talk about let's talk about dream and then I'll get back to the enemy avatars I guess I can show this on YouTube You guys think I can show chair dream on YouTube? I can get this out in the editor, but if you ever want to know what it's like to be internet famous to a bunch of mentally ill teenage girls, this is what it looks like. They want to turn you into a fucking chair. 0:23:26 Unknown_03: Already heard of Dream. Josh, late game autistic. This guy, I don't know what the fuck, I guess he just manipulates the YouTube algorithm. That's how everyone gets famous, right? Unknown_03: He's like a YouTube speedrunner from Minecraft, which is just the most autistic sentence in the world. Actually, I haven't talked about this. Speaking of internet Twitter fights, the fucking guy who had the Asian wife from last stream, He got really pissed that I made fun of the fact that she has absolutely no chest at all. And he asked people to flag my fucking videos, even though he's like a libertarian autistic speedrunner too. So the very nanosecond anyone makes fun of him, he's like, I need everyone's help to come flag this channel down. And then he was so embarrassed about me saying that his wife pet him like a dog, he fucking deleted or unlisted the speedrun video that I was talking about. Anyways, just saying that that's autistic and so is speedrunning. And now this shit is also autistic because what he did is he cheated. He cheated at Minecraft speedrunning. 0:24:44 Unknown_03: He got famous by doing these things where it's like he would try to beat Minecraft by killing the Ender Dragon like as quickly as possible. And apparently you can do that in like 20 minutes now, right? Yeah. Unknown_03: But very simply, in order to get to the end, you have to have certain items. And those items have a small drop rate. And to cheat his way to getting fifth place in the world record speedruns, he made it so that he had impossibly good odds of getting the items he needed in time to complete his run. so he very very subtly tweaked just the drop rate and they took out like mathematicians and statisticians and said it's like a one point three point five or seven seven trillion one in seven trillion chance of him getting the odds uh that he had gotten to uh finish that run based on all of his live streamed run attempts 0:26:02 Unknown_03: And he had his world record taken away. And it's a big deal because he had like 15 million followers on YouTube. And people want to turn him into a chair. And they very arrogantly said that he cannot be doxxed. Which of course caused a bunch of teenagers and some group called Team Rooted to doxx him. And I want to say, I don't want to address this. Unknown_03: they've definitely found it. And I can, I can say that because they pulled up real estate photos, they pulled up the listing photos and they compared it to pictures he'd made of like his cat in a sink. And it's just a hundred percent the same fucking house. And he's all but confirmed it basically because, uh, 0:26:41 Unknown_03: Other YouTubers would... Like, for instance, a guy playing with Dream in a multiplayer game of Minecraft was tipped, and the tipper said, hey, call him Clayton and see how he responds. And the guy calls him Clayton in-game, and it's just so obvious by how uncomfortable he is that this is... And normally, like, if someone was playing with me, and they're like, call him Clayton and see what he does, I wouldn't even know to respond to that, because it's like... 0:27:15 Unknown_03: That's not my name. And if there's like a bunch of people playing together, why would you respond to a name that's not yours? But he totally responds. He gets really uncomfortable. He says, why are you calling me that? And then denies that it's his name. So... Really, I mean, in most cases, when someone gets the accent, I'm like, well, who gives a fuck? In this instance, he has like... 7.5 million teenage mentally ill women that want to make him into furniture and torture him. Unknown_03: I don't even know why. What is it about him? They don't know what he looks like. That's why. They can fill in the blank with whatever the fuck they want. And even though he's been completely doxxed and people know all of his family members, like his siblings and mother and father, all the information about them, they can't find a real picture of him. 0:27:49 Unknown_03: And the reason why is probably because of this. Unknown_03: Team Rooted pointed out that, or believes, that to respond to this, Dream is a 6'2 man who is roughly 400 pounds. He used to be 450 pounds, but lost weight. This is not a joke. The person in the face reveal video was Colton, which is his brother, with a Dream mask. The person in the merch post videos was also Colton. you can see they have the same hair and that's why people got confused for a while and thought that his brother was him because he really looks like the guy in these videos that he had put out where he's like masked and stuff and uh 0:28:45 Unknown_03: He was in a relationship where he and this other woman cheated on each other. And it's really quite pathetic. Unknown_03: But people are saying that he deserves it because he essentially encourages the shit. He says, I genuinely care and love about you guys, and that's the best way I can describe it. You're like a bunch of kittens, and I love you. Not every creator will feel the same as me, and that's fine. But I'm being genuine every time I say it. I love and care about you. People using this to say I called my fan base kittens are weird. It's an analogy. Replace kittens with puppies or anything else that fits. I just have a cat, so it makes more sense people are weird. That's a weird follow-up. 0:29:21 Unknown_03: I'll call you my puppies instead. That's also fine. Unknown_03: Oh, and this is also really suspicious when they were, uh, the, the whole team rooted thing actually happened a couple months ago before people found out about it. Um, but he went ahead and word filtered basically any permutation of the word rooted and replacing vowels with numbers. 0:29:57 Unknown_03: And I mean, that's, but he has like millions of dollars just by security. Unknown_03: No, I'm not going to call you kittens. Unknown_03: So this is the fake face reveal with his brother. Unknown_03: And this is what he wants you to think he looks like. But in truth, he probably looks more like this. Unknown_03: Actually, you know, I should probably talk about Ralph a little bit. Because I haven't prepared anything on it. But now that I think about it, I think, okay, did anyone watch Ralph's stream during the storming of the Capitol building? Because he did like a, he was having his own restream. 0:30:41 Unknown_03: And I'm curious if anyone actually watched it. Because I have a question. Unknown_03: I sniped most of it. No, Gunt did, yes. Unknown_03: love us kittens no okay if anyone watched it i want you to tell me was ralph at his home during that stream ralph was in the capitol building he's not baked alaska i'll talk about the weebs give me a second ralph was at home spending the night yes he was no 0:31:27 Unknown_03: Oh, my God. Stop posting cats in my fucking chat. I can't. Unknown_03: Pretty sure he was at home. That's why I didn't bother. Well, the thing was that he... Here was the plan. Here was the initial plan. He was going to go into D.C. and live broadcast this event. But he can't. Because he's on bail. Which is not the same... He is still on parole. Or whatever the fuck. Probation. Whatever the fuck he's on. He's on some sort of release. Early release thing. Where he's being monitored. But usually... And he's done this in the past. Like with Florida. He can... mail his officer and say, can I go to this event for my job? And they'll go, sure. But tell me what days you're coming and I'll check on you when you're supposed to come back. That kind of thing. But he's on bail now because he got arrested and he's out before his trial. So he can't leave the state. There's no way he can email a bail officer and get excused to go to D.C. So what he was going to do is he was going to go to the border. 0:31:58 Unknown_03: And he was going to have Pantsu Party, who I believe he claims is his current girlfriend, go and be like a field reporter. Now, this on its own is already fucking awful. It sounds awful. It sounds unimaginably horrific to listen to and deal with. 0:32:34 Unknown_03: But I don't think that that ever happened. I'm pretty sure he stayed at home and Pantsu provided exactly zero seconds of footage at DC because I don't think she went. Even though, supposedly, Ralph got her a brand new smartphone specifically for the purpose of broadcasting this DC event. So it makes me wonder, has, has she already like bailed on him? Is he, is he, is she already gone? And he knows she's gone. And that's why he didn't even bother to go to the DC border in Virginia because he, uh, because there was no reason to. 0:33:09 Unknown_03: Maybe she went up to fuck Baked Alaska. Because he's a real alpha chat. You know how many people have been in Nancy Pelosi's office throughout the years? Probably not that many people. But Baked Alaska has been there. 0:33:48 Unknown_03: Got a new phone and that's what it looks like. I'm monitoring the situation, chat. Don't you worry. Stop posting fucking cats. I can't read my chat. Unknown_03: Cats are such assholes. Trying to do a show here. I'm trying to read shit. I got 10 million fucking cat emojis in my feed. I'm not calling you my kittens. Unknown_03: I'm not calling... No, I don't give a fuck. I'm not going to be held hostage to this. 0:34:22 Unknown_03: You're not going to compel me to call you kittens. Unknown_03: Oh, well. Unknown_03: Okay, here's my second Twitter fight of the week. This is what actually happened first. Unknown_03: This guy... Oh, I know what it was. Okay, I don't have this pulled up, but I made a tweet, and I just said... Because I had seen a popular meme post where someone says, like, oh, I'm watching this new show called Made in the Abyss, and it's so wholesome with these little cute kid characters. And then the second tweet is just like, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck a thousand times. I'm thinking, hmm, that's weird. I wonder what actually happened in this. So I looked it up and apparently it's a show about like two 10 year olds where one is like horrifically dissected and maimed and tortured. 0:34:57 Unknown_03: And the other one is like sexually abused by her teacher. Unknown_03: And I'm thinking, that's really weird. So I made a tweet pontificating on this prospect. And I said, how do normal Japanese people look at this pedophile shit? Is it weird to them? Or do they just not care? And they're groovy with it. Is that the average Japanese perspective on what is snuff, lollicon, shotacon, anime? 0:35:32 Unknown_03: And someone, some fucking asshole who is a follower of mine added this guy called Yeko Yeko or Jeko Jeko and said nothing. Just added him, alerted him to the fucking tweet. And then he comes at me and he's like, look at this guy's bio. He's a neurodiverse social commentator. He, him, Black Lives Matter, gay pride, trans pride, Israeli flag. And I ended up spending a whole fucking afternoon looking at this guy's very prolific history in defending Olicon. That's all he does. He is an English literature major from Oxford in the United Kingdom, of course. 0:36:07 Unknown_03: Because all evil is first spawned in the United Kingdom and then exported elsewhere. 0:36:40 Unknown_03: And he has written tens of thousands of words on multiple essays and his whole fucking Twitter timeline is nothing but obsessing over the topic of the legality of Lollicom. And this is his whole life. Unknown_03: I have excerpts here. Unknown_03: Oh, he's also a fan of Digibro, as if that's not immediately obvious, because of course he is. His whole thing is that he doesn't like Lolicon as a pornography, but he totally thinks that this totally fictional thing, which doesn't appeal to real pedophiles at all, should be legal. And, in fact, when people say, hey, isn't Lollicon illegal in the UK? He's like, well, that's the very reason why I'm doing all this research. He says, the laws regarding it in the UK are part of the very reason why I want to understand the psychology. behind and around it and the casual links that we know it has with the real world crazy i know but you can study say knife crime without committing knife crime baffling 0:37:23 Unknown_03: And he says here, for my undergrad dissertation, I worked with the 18th and 19th century pornographic literature, and a number of those works, like My Secret Life, The Philosophical Teresa, and To Name a Couple, contain sexualized children. Does that mean that the college that has housed these works is in possession of child pornography, which should carry the same penalty as possessing child pornography films? Have I been in possession of CP myself, having read these books? 0:37:59 Unknown_03: So, like, everything from his college dissertation to his every tweet is just about, like, child porn. Like, fictional stories and renditions of child porn. Unknown_03: As it says here, I'm not a lolly, I just research it. Unknown_03: And then he says here, actually, LollyCon can help. There needs to be a study to see if child abuse victims can benefit from masturbating to Lolicon. 0:38:42 Unknown_03: As it says here, on top of that, it's well established in academic psychology that the most PTSD sufferers can overcome their condition through controlled exposure to their trigger. So if you have someone who's been raped as a child, just do exposure therapy with Lolicon. That'll cure them of their PTSD. Unknown_03: This one's funny just because of how he words it. There's one particular doujin I'm trying to locate that I came across a while ago that depicts a man crossing the line and having sex with the loli, a young maid cosplayer as far as I can recall. Despite the story being foregrounded with his fellow lollicon buddy stressing to him that their fantasy remains in the virtual, this happens because the lolly, being an agent in the pornographic space, is sexually active and places the man in a passive position where he can't say no. The narrative has an interesting irony to it. So he's basically just saying, dude, I jerked off to this one thing about a lollicon who fucked a little girl and I, I need to find it. If anyone listening to this, if anyone can listening to the sound of my voice can help me locate this lollicon Dojan, please, please send it to me. I need it. 0:39:24 Unknown_03: But remember it's all just research. Unknown_03: Um, Unknown_03: I don't know, maybe his Patreon's going to pick up a couple more dollars now, but it had 40 bucks, and he said he needed 1,000 to make it his full-time career. This Oxford graduate of English literature, by the way, has one job. He works at a pub, and I pointed this out in this thread. I said his only job, as far as we can tell, he's never had any girlfriends or romantic encounters, as far as we know. and his only job has been at a pub. For some reason, that's what he really stuck to in claims. Like, look at these Kiwi Farms weirdos. They're making fun of me for having a job at a pub. Well, jokes on them because that pub is closed due to COVID and I'm on furlough and I get money for doing absolutely nothing. Like, jokes on you, Kiwi Farms. I'm actually a complete burden on society. I collect taxpayer incomes and I do fuck all besides jerk off to Lollicon. What you gonna do about it? 0:40:54 Unknown_03: That's not usually a point of pride for most people, but it is for him. Unknown_03: Oh, and this is his whole argument, by the way, with why I take issue to Lolicon. Unknown_03: Is that he says, as Saito Tamaki posits, Japan is more mature than the West as they are able to put something disgusting in a drawing and keep it there within its fictional context. The West, meanwhile, can only imagine it spilling out into reality and thus childlessly condemns Japan for it. How do I keep winning? So his whole argument is, 0:41:29 Unknown_03: is that the Japanese... Tell me... Press 1, at any point during me explaining this, you feel like it's accurate. The Japanese are so intellectually and emotionally sophisticated, leagues beyond the West, that they can look at something like Lolicon and understand with perfect clarity that only non-pedophiles can look at Lolicon. And if anything, if pedophiles do look at Lolicon, it's only a safeguard to prevent them from abusing real children, and thus it is the most fictional and legal thing ever, and everyone should tolerate it, because there's no possible bad outcome that can happen from it. Do you guys feel compelled that this is a valid argument, that Saito Tomoki has got it all figured out, that Americans are just retards and they can't handle it? 0:42:16 Unknown_03: No, some people do. Fart Hammer does. Thank you, Fart Hammer. I'm going to personally take your one. I'm going to print it out. I'm going to put it in a letter, an envelope, put a stamp on it and mail it to the Japanese Congress, to the Prime Minister Abe. Unknown_03: I'm going to say, this man has your back and he understands that you can look at Lollicon without being a pedophile, Mr. Abe. And he'll frame it. He'll put it up in the fucking museum, the National Museum of Japan. It's not Abe anymore? Who the f- It's quite a DN. 0:42:59 Unknown_03: Who's the Prime Minister of Japan? Oh my god. It's from the Japanese Senate. Unknown_03: What's- Unknown_03: We're going to learn something today, chat. Unknown_03: Yoshihide Suga. Okay, Yoshihide Suga. I'm going to send you my DM. A message from the American people advocating for Lolicon. 0:43:32 Unknown_03: uh... okay so i'm left to hide my screen when i when i talk about this because i'm gonna get banned from fucking twitter if i don't or not twitter youtube uh... what i did after i made this thread and after he's been tweeting about it for a fucking week by the way he just now found my ed page so he's calling me a pedophile and a projector now um... he's had he has literally i don't know maybe six or two maybe this is just gonna be my thing where i say something to someone forget about it after a day and then this person's gonna be really angry at me for the rest of the week But he's been going off, and I have been muting... Just so you know, you have an anime avatar and you tweet at me, I'm probably going to mute you because I don't care what you have to say. I had to do this because at some point, after this guy started retweeting me, I would get all... It would happen in bursts. Like, he would retweet me, and then this other person would retweet me like an hour later and say, look at this stupid Western white man. He doesn't understand the beauty of Lolicon. And then everyone in their circle would retweet me and it would be like the same fucking people. And then another hour later it would just happen again and again. And I was like, okay, I can't read my, I can't read my replies anymore because it's just anime pedophiles telling me that I'm wrong and I don't understand. Um, so, but I did, I, before I muted them, I would go into their profile and uh, 0:44:55 Unknown_03: And I would look at their bios, and I would look at their history. And I'm just going to, there's like a couple dozen of these. So hopefully they're going to load. Because my site's kind of shitting itself right now. And there is literally dozens of these fucking pictures. Let me open this up on Brave. I might have them cached still. Okay, I'm just going to read these. And those are kind of at random. I'm just going to go through them and try to pick out some good ones. 0:45:37 Unknown_03: fellas is okay this is my tweet says it's hard for me to watch any anime because of the pedo vibes even in innocent stuff like studio ghibli there are panty shots of the child characters and grave of fireflies which is a show about the fucking firebombing of tokyo for some reason the little girl has to like pee during the movie like eight times and they like like they draw in and fully artists like her peeing for and she's like three it's like what is the point of this Unknown_03: Um, she says, fellas, is it pedophilic to wear underwear and to pee? And she's, he says he's 23. He's pro shit, pro fiction, discourse and positivity. Antis and maps will be blocked. Now I learned this from, from nine Chan because the fucking people spamming child pornography would call anti child abuse people. Antis. So like anti lollycon people will be blocked. Unknown_03: And he says, uh, he will also speak Spanish. 0:46:33 Unknown_03: Um, this guy says, I defend fiction and make people mad, lol. Unknown_03: Uh, this guy says that there's nothing pedophilic about Lolicon. And then in another tweet he says, 60% of women have rape fantasies. Many people like incest porn and some people like jerking off to gore. Unknown_03: And then says that... Unknown_03: no aunties again and heavy on discourse. So if you really want to talk to him about lollicon, he's open to it. He says he's a 25 year old aged up minor, which I don't even, does anyone know? Tell me in chat. Do you, any of you know what the fuck aged up means? Cause it just sounds like man child to me. I'm a 25 year old man child. I best identify with 14 year olds. 0:47:08 Unknown_03: I need, I need someone to elucidate me. I want an aged up minor is, Unknown_03: Manchild. Okay. Everyone agrees with Manchild. We're going to move on. Unknown_03: I said, uh, I, I, I, I openly said that I tweeted about Lollicon and now I have 8 million fucking anime avatars tweeting at me. This guy called Prince Kame says, don't like the outcome. Don't throw the punch. 0:47:46 Unknown_03: And his Twitter profile says, Hentai eludes welcome. Fictional porn isn't CP, and it's not up for debate either. You say, hey, stop jerking off to little kids, Princess Kame. And he's like, this ain't up for debate. He just blocks you. Clogging the Machine. I've been told that this... I'll post it in my Discord. I don't know the name of this. But I think that this anime in particular is just, like, all lollicon. And he says, what goes around comes around. Then says, in a pinned tweet... 0:48:21 Unknown_03: Um, this user is a lollicon and it's just a bunch of pictures of kids in high school uniforms. Uh, I don't know what the DM is for that, whatever. Unknown_03: Okay, this one's weird, because watch. He says, you're calling people pedophiles over fiction. Get some damn help. But he has, in his thing, apparently he has a girlfriend. So I want to know, Chad, do you guys think that Final Master M, who says fictional characters, fictional problems, pervert pride, actually has a girlfriend? And do you think his girlfriend knows that he jerks off to Lolicon? Can you guys give me a... Oh, press 1 if you think she knows. Press 2 if you think that this is a shameful secret. That's his mom? No way. She's too young. 0:49:03 Unknown_03: I see a lot of 1s. She must know. It's like a Pansu situation. They both know. Unknown_03: Let me scroll down to the bottom. I'll eat at it both ways until I get bored. Unknown_03: This guy says, Before I block this douche for saying defending Lolly is pedophilia, learn some knowledge. And I'm going to pull the sticks here and point out the fact that the word knowledge is spelled K-N-O-L-O-E-D-G-E. Like, Nolo Edge. 0:49:38 Unknown_03: And then says, they're fictional, not reality. Real life pedophiles who act like touch kids should be way more focused on than something that's fictional. And then in a previous tweet, he says, I want to elude lollies together. Winky face. And he's funny because his Twitter profile and picture is a Sonic OC character. And I'll throw that up on the fire. If it wants to load. It may not want to load. Unknown_03: Here, I'll just put the thumbnail. Hopefully that'll load. 0:50:16 Unknown_03: There we go. That's a Sonic OC. Unknown_03: Um, and these messages are an hour apart. He says, just because there's pedophilia or someone getting raped doesn't mean it's for fetishizing. That's his argument. He's saying just because it's in a drawn art, it does not mean that it's fetishized. And then, and this one, and I'll just throw this one up actually on the, on Firefox. So you need to see it. He's responding to, I'll get a little sister one way or another from at crushed lolly feet. And it's a picture of a little girl tied up and bloodied on the floor. And lolly convict who just said that just because it's in lolly con doesn't mean it's a fetish says I actually have this as one of my favorites and in Hentai. 0:50:49 Unknown_03: Um, Unknown_03: Oh, this one's weird just because he says, my best friends are there, so proud of them. And that's because I made a tweet making fun of all the anime avatars like this. And he says, lollies are okay. And for some reason, I don't know why, the only interesting thing about this guy is that for whatever reason, he's followed by Memology101. So I have no idea why Memology101 is following this Belarusian lollicon on Twitter, but it's very sus. It's very S-U-S to me. 0:51:30 Unknown_03: I'll skip that one. A lot of these are very samey's. Unknown_03: Okay, this guy is probably the best. I actually have a full tweet dedicated to him somewhere because he was just so, so creepy. Unknown_03: Hopefully I can find it. It might be gone already because this has been a while ago. Oh, here. 0:52:03 Unknown_03: This guy, his name is I just want to feel and his name is at small file and his thing is like this purple depressed. Whoa, Jack. Unknown_03: He says, I, I watch and read lolly hentai cry more nigga a hundred percent. And I say, you're depressed because you're a Coomer his profile, or he says in December 26, I've not come in seven days. I want to keep this up. So someone in heaven can clutch me in Oni sand as a new year's present. Sometimes I wish I would get pulled into the home of such a woman in broad daylight so we could hold each other and then have sex. So anyway, ToddlerCon is lit. Unknown_03: And then, so I don't, the other tweets were from private accounts, but he just says, how do I find CP? That's also very soos. That's also quite suspect of someone to say, how do I find CP? Maybe it's just some joke. Maybe it's just some... avant-garde, Coomer-Doomer hilarity going on that I don't understand, but that's very Seuss to me as well. It's ironic. Okay. 0:52:45 Unknown_03: Let's see. Unknown_03: Okay, this is also funny, because it's weird how they, like, this is such a specific way to contradict yourself. This guy says, first, just because someone is a lollicon doesn't mean that's all they like. Second, lollies are cute. That's it. There's no deeper reason. And then, a day before, he says, man, with the exception of lollies, I have zero desire for lewdness in my life right now. Not even the awesome power of cos... 0:53:20 Unknown_03: cow cosplay utters is doing anything for me doctorate in lollyology with a minor in opaque physics 18 plus by born to horny life as hell hornier at this other account so god knows what the fuck's in that um where's the black guy at i want to talk about him god there's so fucking many of these 0:54:11 Unknown_03: Where is the black guy at? Unknown_03: Oh, a lot of them were like super anti-Semitic as well, which is funny because, you know, if Jews want to subvert the West, they're going to make you not attracted to children. That's the that's the gambit there. Unknown_03: And a lot of them. Oh, here we are. A lot of them are also minors themselves. And I noticed that the ones who had retweet me in rapid succession all seem to be from the same discord channels. And when this was happening, I was getting rated on discord. People were coming into the discord. to post quotes from Encyclopedia Dramatica at me. So I'm pretty sure that there's like a Discord for these people interested in Lolicon, where a lot of them are underage or pretending to be underage. And that's the other funny thing, is that when I was looking into the Dream stuff, I joined a Discord from an anti-Minecraft YouTuber thing to ask questions. And they were all under 18, they were all like 15, and they were all talking about HRT. And after this, I'm gonna read something that someone sent me. And I want you guys, uh, I want some input on that. 0:55:18 Unknown_03: So, uh, okay, this one's funny just because it's a black guy. BlackSageD, Sony still censors Japanese video game, says, Does this idiot understand that this series was made for an adult audience and that you don't have to watch it? And this is in response to me saying that it's pretty fucking weird that Japanese people keep making animes about torturing children. Unknown_03: And then he says, in February, so if there are any artists out there, please understand that there's nothing wrong with drawing any character you like. Even if it's Lali or Shada, I'm going to respect your rights to make it. It's just not for me. It does give me hope that the anime community is against censorship. And that was a lot of his tweets. He didn't say anything explicitly like, oh, I want to fuck this anime. It's all like, I just want people to be able to express themselves creatively by making whatever character they want. Just like Milf Queen Respecter says, after calling me a moron with quotes, because of course I'm Jewish, right? Says, fresh squeezed lolly milk requires impregnated lollies first with open eye emoji. From Milf Lover Vanuwu. 0:56:25 Unknown_03: And also, I think that there is a specific kind of pedophile that can be easily identified by having a Konata Izumi avatar from Lucky Star. If you have that, you're also... Oh, and this guy's funny. Here, I'll post this one too. Unknown_03: Sleepy Otaku says... Unknown_03: I guess my enjoyment is not socially acceptable. I guess I have to go to the bar to drink myself until I pass out. And then he posts a picture of an intoxicated child character. 0:56:58 Unknown_03: And his, his thing is great because he, you can't, if you're just listening, you can't see this, but he like has an MS paint tier, like artist capability. And it's just the worst shit. And he says, drawing whatever you want, don't let others limited... This is like English or something. Drawing whatever you want, don't let others limited your creative. At the same time, keep drawing, your skills will get good. And his art is just all children and it's all MS Paint here. 0:57:33 Unknown_03: So, really, my point is, I've been going on this for a while, but my point is that if you like anime, you're fucked in the head, and if you like Lolicon, these are your peers. Oh, here's one. Unknown_03: Uh, he gets mad. This guy from Portugal says you're a grown ass adult. Stop attacking kids for internet dopamine. And that's cause I replied to someone who said that they were 15 in their profile. And then Lolly yet I was, I said, Portugal, they're from Brazil. Uh, she, he, they buy used to be Lolly at UU professional spider GF. I'm what? 15. What the fuck do you mean? I'm grooming children. So I don't know. It's all, it's all very Seuss to me, chat. It's all very Seuss. 0:58:18 Unknown_03: Um, let's see. I also have the Carson guy. I should probably talk about that too. Unknown_03: The only bad thing about the Carson stuff is I have no fucking idea who he is. I didn't know who Dream was either, but I had only just heard about him because Keemstar tweeted at him. Unknown_03: And Keemstar is into a fight with Nick Fuentes right now. Unknown_03: Because of the Capitol Hill stuff. Unknown_03: okay so here here's the here's the issue the carson call me carson is apparently a really popular minecraft youtuber god forbid and a woman came out a woman who's a fat mexican who looks like she has daddy issues because she does came out and said that this guy groomed her he groomed her when she was 17 and he was 19 which immediately makes her look like a retard Um, the problem with that is that because she is exactly like with the, um, 0:59:20 Unknown_03: What the fuck was it? The furry who had the gay child lover who said that he was grooming him. The issue with using the word grooming when you don't know what the fuck it means is that then people can just say, oh, pyrocynical. Let's just say, oh, the age difference isn't that much or you came talking to him and he didn't get you nudes or anything and you didn't have sex. The issue with using that word is that then people overlook what actually happened. Unknown_03: And in this case... 0:59:59 Unknown_03: Oh, I guess I should share this. Unknown_03: Here's a picture of Carson saying, Wait until you see how bad 2021 can be. And he admits to it openly, I did trade nudes with people under the age of 18. If anything, it's my fault because I can't control myself. I guess my brain got stimulated and now it wants more, you know. To this Mexican chick. Uh, who was 17 and says, what if I only want to talk to you for the sexual part of it and insecurity time? And he says the allegations are true. I have traded needs with two girls under the age of 18, but when I was 19, but this is wrong, I'm sorry. And we'll reflect on my actions. 1:00:32 Unknown_03: Oh, if. Unknown_03: He has admitted, granted not under oath or in an interrogation room, but he has admitted that he has sent and received pornography with a minor. Soliciting a child, an underage person, for nudes is a crime. Sending pornography to an underage person is a crime. And receiving pornography of an underage person is a crime. 1:01:06 Unknown_03: And he has confessed to all three at once. And I realize it's not under oath. It's not in like a police interrogation room. But how fucking stupid can you be? Because in his mind, it's like, oh, this is all like YouTube politics. But no, the whole grooming shit, that's like a retard thing. Nobody's going to buy into that. And the person who came out is angry, not because she was quote unquote groomed or because of she feels taken advantage of. It's because of this right here. What if I only want to talk to you for the sexual part of it? She realized what many people who do these little exposés on YouTubers realize, that she was not special to Carson. She was one of many fans who have sent him nudes of herself. And when she realized that he was soliciting, actively soliciting nudes from other people... Um, she became upset and that's what started it. That's what I feel. I feel a lot of these women don't actually give a fuck and they would be totally happy with the arrangement. Um, if, if it was a, a thing that they were keeping longterm, which, um, I'm going to have to revise a statement that I've made many times. I've said very, very crassly, very explicitly, don't fuck your fans. And then, after this Carson shit, Dick and Ralph came out and said, well, fucking your fans is actually the only perk that comes with being internet famous. Let me clarify this. 1:02:13 Unknown_03: Yes, you can theoretically have a relationship with a fan, but you can't cheat on them. You can't have an open sexual relationship with all of your fans collectively, because then they will come out. There is the AVGN guy, he has a relationship with a fan. PewDiePie, I mentioned before, has a relationship with a fan. If you try and fuck every one of your fans, you're going to be fucked by all of them. 1:02:56 Unknown_03: That's my new trademark. If you fuck all of your fans, you're going to be fucked by all of them. That's how it works. So if you want to fuck a fan, pick a fan and stick with that fan. Because if you don't, you're going to be Carson and you're going to confess to multiple felonies with a single sentence that, yes, it's all true. 1:03:30 Unknown_03: I don't know how else to put it. I... Unknown_03: Because I get it. It can be lonely if you're like internet famous and shit. You have to find someone who jives with you. And if you just go on Tinder and swipe left and right, you're probably not going to find someone who understands the particularities of your unique circumstances as an internet person. Unknown_03: But you have to treat it delicately because otherwise you're going to be extorted and or ruined and or put in prison for it. Unknown_03: Oh, and before I forget, I know what people are going to say if I bring this up, but really the most explicit... Oh, actually, I'll go through this. I forgot I had that bookmarked. 1:04:11 Unknown_03: The most explicitly weird thing about this is... Unknown_03: If my poor sight wants to load. I had it working fast but now the disk is busy again because it's repairing itself. It had an oopsie doodle. It had a fucky wucky. Unknown_03: And now it's slow as shit. I need to fix it again. This. He has 107 hours. Unknown_03: In a game called Pregnancy. Which is about a 14 year old getting raped and impregnated. And it's a text based game where she asks for advice. 1:04:45 Unknown_03: And how to deal with her pregnancy. And here's a quote from it that I put. He pulls my pants violently off my legs. He releases my arms and spreads my legs apart. So it's like a Hungarian 14-year-old rape story. I mean, I guess what people are going to say is that it's like a Steam joke where you leave a game that's shitty like Bad Rats open and then you have like 10,000 hours in Bad Rats. Unknown_03: um i don't know like 100 107 hours is not funny like enough to be funny it's just weird because it's like it's like his third most played game the internet is satanic thank you gv depression quest 2 more hours than i put into cyberpunk 1:05:34 Unknown_03: Don't shit on my favorite genre. Can you speed run it? I guess probably not. It's all text. Unknown_03: I kind of want to cry. Don't cry. It's all fake. It's all pretend. I'm a schizophrenic hallucination. You don't have to feel bad. Unknown_03: You know, it's 100% a joke. Okay, well, Damon says that it's a joke. Unknown_03: Try real life sometimes. If your fantasy is raping a 14-year-old Hungarian, please stay inside. Please go watch anime. Unknown_03: Oh, here's a second allegation. Okay. Thank you, armpit cream. 1:06:05 Unknown_03: He was creeping on a 17-year-old she publicly posted about on his Instagram while pursuing another girl. Unknown_03: uh may through june 2019 i started when he shared my grad photo on insta on may 22nd this is all i have i was 17 at the time of these exchanges and he was 20 there's more but the ig account i had was deleted last year which i said something sooner uh he's creeping around saying hey you there i want to drop the sexual stuff entirely it's been making me feel sick thinking about it i feel wrong for having done it i feel like i led you on i enjoy talking to you but it's just too much and i feel really guilty i'm sorry uh 1:06:44 Unknown_03: I've also realized I have a crush on my friend Sarah, and I don't want to leave you on any way. Tomorrow I'm starting my trip to California, and I need to move on. I'm very stressed. Talking to you has been adding extra stress, and I'm very scared, and I feel bad about wanting to un-add you. It's just all a lot right now. I'm not sure talking to you is a good decision. She's Anna19, Twitch affiliate. Oh, good fucking Lord. Why does this person with no followers have Twitch affiliates? She's 19! Unknown_03: Below average SMS. Fuck these people. I don't feel bad for her. I'm just going to say it. And I guarantee you, again, the only reason why she's posting this is because of this. I had feelings for another girl. There you go. That's the real root of the issue. 1:07:18 Unknown_03: Her story is, Recently, two former Lunch Club members publicly alleged that Carson has had... And this is just them saying that they fucking knew, which is why they dropped him from Lunch Club or being involved with Lunch Club, whatever the fuck. 1:07:57 Unknown_03: And for all those asking why I did not speak publicly about these issues at the time, this is not drama. This is an alleged federal felony involving a child. As soon as I knew about this, I took every step to protect the unnamed individual and report the information I had to the authorities. A crime should be treated as a crime if you are any level and blah, blah, blah. Unknown_03: So that's it. He's basically canceled. Unknown_03: I don't know. I think the issue is that a lot of his current fans are going to continue to want to support him. But at the same time, his professional associates are going to want to distance themselves from him. So he's sort of like in a weird purgatory situation. where he's going to have popular support, but he can't be associated with by other content creators. 1:08:32 Unknown_03: Oh, I mentioned this yesterday, the Poggers guy. If someone on... I didn't actually think about this beforehand. The Twitch dropped Gutek because he was like pro-Capital Hill storming. So they removed the Poggers emote. And my personal favorite for a substitute for the Poggers emote is one that was submitted by DarkSidePhil. 1:09:12 Unknown_03: I'll try to pull that up. But while I'm pulling this up, I want my Discord chat to help me. Find me that picture of the Poggers guy getting airbrushed out of a photo by Joseph Stalin. Find me that meme. Unknown_03: Stop posting. I'm going to fucking ban you if you keep posting stuff. This asshole. Oh, wait. Here it is. You were saved because someone actually posted it and I saw it. Unknown_03: Fucking asshole. Here. Unknown_03: This is the Poggers guy. He's gone now. Actually, he's not gone. He never existed. Where... 1:09:44 Unknown_03: This is my vote. If this comes up to, like, a community vote and this is one of the options, it is your duty. It is your duty to make sure that this dark side Phil Pog becomes the new Pog Champ global emote on Twitch. I don't give a fuck if you've never had... And this is an official submission, by the way. This is not cyberbullying. This is not a mob thing. DarkSidePhil himself, the king of Twitch, has put forward that this should be the official replacement. So, if it does come down to a vote, every single one of you must give me a blood oath right now that you are going to do whatever it takes to ensure that this is the new PogChamp. 1:10:15 Unknown_03: I want Dark Side Phil to smear his greasy Italian dick all over the face of this Amazon product, and I want you, for whatever value this petty act has, to see to it that this is the final conclusion of the PogChamp arc, okay? 1:10:57 Unknown_03: But I think that's it. Is there anything I missed? Unknown_03: If not, I have prepared an intro. I've gone out of my way to prepare an outro, rather. I prepared an outro. Unknown_03: And it will be done. Okay, thank you, chat. We're going to make sure that this happens. For DarkSidePhil, I need to make amends to DarkSidePhil and make him like me. Because if he doesn't like me... I'm going to get thrown off a fucking balcony at some point because everyone who takes umbrage with Phil finds themselves on the shit side of the stick, basically. 1:11:35 Unknown_03: I'm not calling you kittens. Enjoy this video I made. Bye. And see you... Unknown_03: See you next week. I'm not doing a stream tomorrow. Unknown_03: I'm not doing a politics stream on Thursday next week. Unknown_03: I probably won't ever do that ever again unless the White House gets stormed or some shit. Anyways, bye-bye. Have a great week. 1:12:17 Unknown_02: What's so funny? Unknown_02: He's just like, he's just thinking of a joke. Unknown_01: Please stop him, we're letting him off. You want to tell it to me? What is going on? 1:13:05 Unknown_00: That's life, that's what all the people say You're riding high in April, shot down in May But I know I'm gonna change that tune When I'm back on top, back on top in June Unknown_00: And as funny as it may seem Some people get their kicks stomping on a dream But I don't let it, let it get me down Cause this fine old world, it keeps spinning around I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet 1:14:02 Unknown_00: I've been up and down and over and out and I know one thing each time I find myself flat on my face I pick myself up and get back in the race that's life I tell you I can't deny it I thought of quitting baby Unknown_00: But my heart just ain't gonna buy it And if I didn't think it was worth one single try I'd jump right on a big bird and then I'd fly I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a pauper Unknown_00: and over and out and I know one thing each time I find myself laying flat on my face I just pick myself up and get back in 1:15:34 Unknown_00: I'm gonna roll myself up in a big ball