I don't think that late is the appropriate word. If anything, I'm two weeks early at the very least. Probably three weeks at this point.
I said I wasn't going to stream today, because tomorrow is my birthday, and I was intending to not stream today. Unfortunately, so much has happened this week that I can't shove it off to January. It's just not possible. So here I am. I'm very happy to talk to everyone again.
Unknown_10: And...
Unknown_10: I'm thinking about where to start. I think I'm going to start just with the boring stuff. Boring in terms of, not in terms of what it means, but just the content is kind of dry. And then I promise to make up for the spoonful of sugar for, and I really do want you to listen to what I'm about to say. The spoonful of sugar after this is I will make fun of Ralph for at least like 10 minutes because he has completely fucked up everything. Just everything in his life is completely shattered because he is incredible at making bad mistakes to top off bad mistakes to the point where it's like you keep thinking... Surely, Ralph is done fucking up right now. Surely, we will have a grace period of minimal fuck-ups for at least another six months before he gets really fucked up on drugs and then makes another mistake. But no, he continually outdoes himself every week. And...
um yeah i don't know i'll get into it i promise but but first we have an urgent an urgent issue that is politically related um it's not partisan i'm not going to make fun of trump i promise this is shocking to me this this uh proposal that i've seen
Unknown_10: And part of the reason why I'm so disorganized right now is because I was going to set the stream up over a couple of hours like I usually do, write notes, and then I found out about this and I spent like two hours reading through it, highlighting it, making a post about it, featuring that, going over it and highlighting it, making sure that I can parse this correctly because it's hard for me to believe that this is real.
So here it is.
Unknown_10: As you can see, the Federal Register, this is a chart describing the new Child and Adult Care Food Program SNAC proposed rules about how must be unflavored whole milk for children age one, must be unflavored low-fat 1% or less, or unflavored fat-free skim milk for children two.
Unknown_10: actually no the the important regulatory oversight for the banks is at the bottom it starts at the bottom of this page about like like kid snack food regulation and for some reason it's bundled in but we just scroll down department of the treasury office of the comptroller of currency
A summary, the Office of Comptroller of the Currency is proposing a regulation to ensure that national banks and federal savings associations offer and provide fair access to financial services. Just a little bit below the Child and Adult Care Food Snack Program proposed rules.
Unknown_10: But this is such a big deal. I can't believe it's been out for a couple weeks now, and it's just sitting there. So I've read through it. It's very plain English. If you happen to have an hour to kill and you want to read through a couple pages of regulatory oversight suggestions from the Department of the Comptroller of Currency, which I didn't know existed until 2019 because Dick filed a complaint with them...
it's it's pretty it's shocking like this this aims to make it so that banks have to have specific precise reasons for not offering someone banking and i would assume by extension because services bundled bundled under banking um payment network access it's just it's just sitting there in some office and nobody noticed it for like a month it was proposed i think on the 14th
Unknown_10: Of November, and I'll just get into it.
Unknown_10: This is, what's the name of it?
Unknown_10: The actual name, it's called the Fair Access to Financial Services. It's a proposed rulemaking from the Comptroller of Currency, a department of the Department of Treasury. And I promise, I beg of you, just hang in there. It's interesting.
Unknown_10: You may not actually fully appreciate how much the banks have been swinging their dick around in terms of just meddling in people's affairs. The OCC, the comptroller, opens up by saying in a 2014 speech, they said, quote, uh no matter what type of business you are dealing with you have to exercise some sound judgment conduct your due diligence and evaluate customers individually even in areas that traditionally have been viewed as inherently risky you should be able to appropriately manage the risk this is basic risk management and it's a business And that's a business that the institutions we at the OCC supervise and excel at. You shouldn't feel that you can't bank a customer just because they fall into a category that is on its face, appearing to carry an elevated level of risk. So they're basically saying you can kick off high-risk clients, but you should evaluate them individually. and he says um somewhere in here that the comptroller can't force people to offer a particular service but that's kind of what they're changing and i've highlighted a lot so reports of banks refusing to provide access to financial services to entire industry categories engaged in lawful business activities without regard to the risk factors of the individual customers in these industry categories.
So that is me, basically. You run a forum. Well, we offer business services to some forums, but you are politically charged, so we're just going to hack you out. Or, actually, this specifically refers to industry categories, and I'll explain that because I've highlighted parts for that, too. The guidance emphasized that banks should not engage in the termination of entire categories of customers and stated that banks are expected to assess the risk posed by an individual MSB customer on a case-by-case basis. These banks are often reacting to pressure from advocates from across the political spectrum whose policy objectives are served when the banks deny certain categories of customer access to their financial services. And the examples that he gives here sound pretty based on Redfield. I guess people would support this. There have been calls for boycotts of banks that support certain health care and social service providers, including family planning organizations. So this is him saying that right-wing groups have started this off by saying that the banks should deny service to Planned Parenthood. But that ax, of course, swings both ways.
Makers of shotguns and hunting rifles have reportedly been debanked in recent years.
Unknown_10: And here's the important part. If you want to pass any legislation, how does this affect minorities? Well, automated teller machine operators that provide access to cash settlement and other operational accounts, particularly in low-income communities...
Have been affected. So even even the poor destiny people in Detroit are being obviously affected by risk assessment. So I don't want to help finance your business or run payment processing for Detroit because you have a risk of money laundering there. Globally, there have been calls to debank large farming operations and other agricultural businesses. And this is where it gets really interesting. And companies that operate in industries important to local economies and the national economy have been cut off from accessing financial services, including those that operate in sectors of the national infrastructure.
quote, so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have debilitating effects on security, national economic security, national public health, or safety, or any combination thereof. It is our understanding that some banks have taken these actions based on criteria unrelated to safe and sound banking practices, including one, personal beliefs and opinions on matters of substantive policy that are more appropriately the purview of state and federal legislations,
Unknown_10: Two, and I'll explain that in a bit. Two, assessments ungrounded in quantitative risk-based analysis, which means bullshit. And three, assessments premised on assumptions about future legal or political changes. So something might happen somewhere down the road. We can't give you access to a bank account. We can't give you a payment processor. Sorry.
um particularly in light of the now discredited operation choke point in which certain government agencies but not the fcc why does youtube say that i have 17 viewers did they all leave they say we don't want to hear about banking legislation you gotta sorry kid i got i got puppies to kick i have other shit to do uh no that's just about okay um that's also what happens when i get like banned midstream because it just says that nobody's watching the stream
Particularly in light of the now discredited Operation Chokepoint, which is, as explained, in which certain government agencies, but not the office of the comptroller, were revealed to have pressured banks to cut off access to financial services to disfavor. but not unlawful sectors of the economy. So this is the government saying, you should stop giving banking to these organizations because we don't like them. And now the guy who's responsible for making sure that the banks are behaving is like, wait a second, the banks are now using this as an excuse to kick off everyone they don't like.
Unknown_10: Um...
Unknown_10: The OCC believes these criterias are not and cannot serve as a legitimate basis for refusing to grant a person or entity access to financial services.
Okay, and this is where it starts getting like, what the fuck? In June 2020, the Alaska Congressional Delegation sent a letter to the Office of the Comptroller discussing decisions by several of the nation's largest banks to stop lending to new oil and gas projects in the Arctic. The letter also stated that although the authors believed that the bank's rationale was political in nature, the banks had ostensibly relied on claims of reputational risk to justify their decisions. So this is the bank saying that because you're digging oil wells, this may make our bank look bad if they find out that we gave you the money to do this, and because that is a potential risk to our brand, we're not going to give you the money.
In response to this letter, the comptroller requested information from several large banks to better understand their decision-making. The responses from the banks indicated that over the course of 2019 and 2020, the banks had decided to cease providing financial services to one or more major industry categories, including coal mining, coal-fired electricity generation, and or oil exploration of the Arctic region. the banks basically said that if you are uh uh using coal or if you're trying to start exploration for oil in the arctic and alaska flat out you are not allowed to do that says i the bank it says nobody else but i the bank and that continues in several instances the banks indicated that they intended to only to make exceptions when benchmarks unrelated to financial risk are met such as whether the country in which a project is located has committed to international climate agreements or whether the project controls carbon emissions sufficiently so uh he explains it further but that's literally the paris climate accord the banks refuse to do business with certain industries unless their partner unless the country that they're working with is partner to the paris climate accord Neither the comptroller nor banks are well equipped to balance risk unrelated to financial exposures and the operations required to deliver financial services. For example, climate change is a real risk, but so is the risk of foreign wars caused in part by U.S. energy dependence and the risk of blackouts caused by energy shortages. Furthermore, balancing these risks is the purview of Congress and federal energy and environmental regulators. It is one thing for a bank not to lend oil companies because it lacks the expertise to value or manage the associated collateral rights. It is another for a bank to make decisions because it believes the United States should abide by the standards set in an international climate treaty. Literally, he doesn't name it, but literally the Paris Climate Accord refuses to do business with the banks too.
The dominant market position of the large bank population is clear when all comptroller regulated institutions with $100 billion or more are considered. So this is only applying to big banks, but those are the ones who are fucking with people anyways.
Unknown_10: Uh, but it actually kind of details how much these banks own together. And this is just the banks that own more than a hundred billion dollars of assets together. These banks account for approximately 55% of the total assets and deposits of all us banks and hold approximately 50% of the dollar value of outstanding loans and leases in the United States. In light of this market position, a decision by one or more of these banks not to provide a person with fair access to financial services could have a significant effect on that person, the nation's financial and economic ecosystems, and the global economy. This effect is all the more likely if the financial service at issue is not available on reasonable terms elsewhere. uh i.e the payment networks if you get banned from a payment network you do not have a reasonable alternative you have no choice you're just out you don't get uh the uh the comptroller is proposing a regulation to clarify one the obligation of the large banks to provide fair access to financial services and then this is important
Unlike prior articulations of the fair access principle discussed above, the OCC action would have the force and effect of law to enable the agency to take supervisory or enforcement action when appropriate. See note 19. And we will, because I want to talk about the guy who wrote this, actually.
Unknown_10: No, just pull that up real quick.
Unknown_10: He is someone named Brian P. Brooks, and he became the Comptroller of Currency on May 29th. And this bill about the role of supervisory guidance, which was a regulation passed to empower them to enforce regulation, came in... Let's see...
This is another regulation on November. So he's basically trying to get through a rule that enables him to enforce this and then also a rule to actually enforce it. And he came in on May and he looks kind of suspect. I saw this and I thought, what's this man's game? There's something about him I don't like.
Unknown_10: But I looked and I don't think he's suspect unless he's like really secret about it. I think he's I think he passes my risk assessment management criterion, whatever that may be. It's a trade secret. I can't tell you. And he worked at Coinbase, which is really weird. He was a chief legal counsel for Coinbase, which is the largest cryptocurrency exchange for 2018 to 2020.
It almost makes me wonder if, like, he worked for Coinbase and said, wait, this is actually really fucked up, these people are shit. And now he's managed to somehow become the comptroller of the currency, and he's like, fuck these guys in particular, because they made my work at Coinbase really, really shitty.
Unknown_08: Uh, okay.
Unknown_10: So what's the likelihood of this getting through? I don't know. I don't know anything about the regulations. So I've asked people to submit feedback to him, and I will keep an eye out. I'll explain that when I'm done reading.
This is the description of the actual proposal. So this is just like the intro. This is what he's motivated by. These are his concerns. Let me get some water.
Unknown_08: So description of the proposal, and this is really succinct.
Unknown_10: Section 55.1a.2 would define financial service to mean financial service or product. That's important because it includes payment networks.
Unknown_10: And 55.1a.3 goes on to say that a person is any natural person or any partnership, corporation, or otherwise business or legal entity. So it affects everyone if you're thinking... This won't benefit people running websites, individuals, it only affects corporations. No, he says right here, it's everyone that it affects, which is great.
55.1b states that to provide fair access to financial services, a covered bank shall, one, make each financial service it offers available to all persons in a geographic market served by the covered bank on proportionally equal terms. to not deny any person a financial service the bank offers except to the extent justified by such persons quantified and documented failure to meet quantitative risk-based standards in advance by the covered bank. So this is, you have to have a real reason to assume that this person is not a ambiguous, lofty risk to future political gambits or to the environment. You have to say this person does not meet banking standards for these reasons, and it needs to be able to defend itself on that merit. And then three, not to deny any person a financial service the bank offers when the effect of the denial is to prevent, limit, or otherwise disadvantage the person from entering or competing in a market or business segment. or in such a way that benefits another person or business activity in which the covered bank has a financial interest. So that is if a bank is offering payment services, payment network services to Twitter and Gab wants to get in, you can't say, sorry, Gab, you got a fucking longer checks now. um when new project 2 wants to compete with paypal uh with patreon stripe can't then say sorry new project 2 you gotta eat shit and um or bit shoot sorry we handle youtube you can't then not process payments for for uh for bit shoot i guess i could argue because i i run i run social media don't i is that what the forum is social media they run payment process for social media why can't i
The covered bank's decision to deny one of these services to a person could not include considerations of the bank's opinion or the opinion of its employees or customers of the person, the person's legal business endeavors or lawful activity in which the person engaging is engaging or has engaged. So we can't say that Josh guy is an asshole. Kiwi Farms is bad. We don't want to be around it.
Unknown_10: and the OCC invites comment on all aspects of the proposal. Now I've read through, um, basically the same thing that I've highlighted here, but there is one thing that he doesn't seem to mention that is included. This is 55 one a or one before, um, says,
to provide fair access to financial services a covered bank shall for not deny in coordination with others any person a financial service the bank offers not deny in coordination with others that means that or what it sounds like to me is that this guy is regulating um
Unknown_10: blacklist match like match the the mastercard anti anti-fraud list or whatever it's that's what it sounds like to me you can't pass around these secret blacklists to kick people off the entire global financial industry um oh i'm sorry
Unknown_10: i've been doing this for a long time and i'm still absolute shit so 5514 or b4 not deny in coordination with others any person a financial service the bank offers um that would be crazy that alone is like would be a huge step forward just not having match in coordination with everything else it's essentially a perfect regulation of the banks
uh which makes me think that brian is going to have an unfortunate accident flying to lolita island at some point uh hopefully that doesn't happen because i like it i'm very happy about it i hope it goes through it's a shame that trump didn't focus on this and said is still tweeting about repeating section 230 which is retarded he's had the bill on his desk for a week and he's still saying he's going to veto it veto it it's right there it's on your table
Unknown_10: It's on the desk in front of you. If you don't like it, get rid of it. But no, he's just waiting for whatever sign from Jesus that he should veto the bill directly in front of him. Anyways, no, not to rant about Trump. The bill, good. If you want to, I'll provide a link to it, but...
Unknown_10: If you want to leave a comment right now, there's a link to it on the forum. Very, very tippy top. My birthday wish. Regulate the banks. Click that and it will explain how to submit your comment. Only do this if you are an American citizen because they don't care if you're not. They don't give a fuck about what your input is if you're not a U.S. citizen. And if you happen to live in Maryland or Virginia and you would like to hand deliver a letter to the chief counsel's office, this is where you send it to.
So, uh, thank you for listening. I'm glad if you sat through this, I appreciate it. Very big step forward that I hope gets through fine unmolested. And I hope Brian Brooks lives a long life on unmolested. And, uh, we can see maybe one day I'll be able to process a credit card so I can sell a fucking true and honest because you know, all the true and honest things you see on the site, let's see if we can find one. I have to manually upgrade people. People send me gift cards and I scan them on some private far away processor and then I manually upgrade people. Wouldn't it be nice if I could just have a regular fucking system like everyone else in the whole world has? It would be so wonderful.
Unknown_08: Let's make fun of Ralph. I promised I wouldn't.
Unknown_10: Oh, we got a, I'm going to have, I would anyways, but here, and here's why, here's why, um, it's worth making fun of Ralph because if you don't remember, he got swatted sometime ago. He of course, instantly, instantly blamed the forum, instantly said it was our fault. Like we didn't do nothing. We're good boys. But he says this after the police realize that it's just a prank and they let him go. This is, these are his choice words after.
I was literally retarded and I should if I'd have seen that he was like trying to record me and shit I would have knocked off oh no that's the wrong one oh no where is it I'm gonna find this real quick because I need this it's uh it's too funny to pass up this is I'll still play that clip I promise but I thought I had it saved
Oh, here it is. Okay. It's the video on the page before that I saved.
Unknown_10: Now I have to download it from the forum, so it's going to take an hour.
Unknown_04: Shout out to Pedophile Farms and Joshua Pedophile Moon.
Unknown_04: Boy, they were so quick. You know, it's funny because, you know, Josh always constantly talks about he doesn't care about Ralph. I don't care about Ralph. I don't pay attention to Ralph. This motherfucker was literally the first one on Twitter trying to brag about me getting arrested. Well, guess what, bitch?
Unknown_10: Guess what? Can you guess? Can you guess, chat? Can you guess what? Look as he points his snossage at the camera.
Beady eyes and the snossage finger. He's in attack mode. I didn't realize that he has a fucking kill stream, man. That's really cringe.
Unknown_04: As sure as I'm sitting here pointing at this fucking camera, you will be arrested one day, pedophile. You will go to jail one day, motherfucker. Promise. Count this. Write this in the fucking book of life. I guarantee.
Unknown_04: I guarantee.
shots by shots by shots by
Unknown_10: motherfucker like okay maybe it's just insecurity maybe when he's getting threatened with like all this uh legality shit from behind the scenes he just gets angry and he lashes out and says well you'll be in prison before i ever am it's like okay fine then he ends up in jail on on revenge porn which is something i didn't even think would happen i really didn't think he would get hit with revenge porn some brand new law but it
I mean, it happened.
Unknown_10: Whether or not it'll pan out, I want to be a Debbie Downer because I know a lot of people want to see him get arrested. Personally, I don't even want to see him end up in jail because he's funnier when he's out. He's funnier when he's live streaming himself. So I really don't want to see that stop. That's too good, right?
Unknown_10: Um, but the chances are he he's maintained that he will walk. Not that he's innocent. Of course, he's not innocent of anything, but that he will walk, he'll find a way to get out. And there's a good chance of that. Um, in particular, because if you don't remember route, uh, faith released a video where she said that it, uh,
was not revenge porn but now the story is that it was revenge porn and even like people have been going back and forth for a hundred pages literally about whether the precise language that she used in that video was uh to say that she consented to it being released Um, that's, I think you're, if you're asking that question, you're already at a point where you don't want to be, you don't want to have to be splitting hairs like that. You know what I mean? Um, Ralph is Ralph's defense is just going to say, well, she said that she consented. So that she said, um, it wasn't revenge porn. So it's not revenge porn. And that's on its face. It's very convincing. The problem is, the most obvious problem to this argument is that at the time that that video was released, it was after she had gotten out of a psychiatric hold in D.C. She had been committed to a fucking loony bin. For a whole week, and that's when the video got out. That's when Ralph published it. So how could she consent to it being published at that time? You know what I mean? So that's the legal shit, and there'll be plenty of time to talk about the legalities. The funny thing right now, in and of itself, is that Ralph is now in a lose-lose-lose position, because...
The main bet is, does Ralph go to jail? He could go to jail for up to a year. This is a Class 1 misdemeanor. It's very serious. It's as serious as a misdemeanor can get.
Unknown_10: I'm not 100%, but I think he could get labeled as a sex offender. He could just be told to pay a fine of $2,500 and he's a sex offender now. That could be a potential deal offered.
And regardless of if he walks or not, if he gets away with it scot-free, the fact is that he has told people he has about $50,000 in savings. People know he makes about $25,000 a year. He probably drinks everything that he gets, and he just has this little nest egg. This defense is going to cost him thousands of dollars, if not tens of thousands of dollars. It's going to be... Because he's already hired. He's not...
Unknown_10: He's not using a public defender. He's hired the same woman that he had represent him during the divorce proceedings with Nora, which is crazy to think about because the divorce with Nora, Nora only left him this year. Can you believe that the Nora divorce thing was this fucking year? It just happened. And...
he now now he's facing he and since the time since that divorce he's had like three different girlfriends he got one of them knocked up she's already left him and he's now being charged with uh revenge pornography of this second woman
Unknown_10: since since the divorce in one calendar year that is fucking incredible to think about uh just just how fast the ball is rolling um but uh no matter what he's out a ton of fucking money and then there's a fun side bet if you're thinking of this like poker or um blackjack you have a sucker bet on the side and the sucker bet is his parole ends in march 2021 he's like two months away from getting uh off of parole and parole uh he can he his parole uh officer could just say you're being charged with revenge pornography um i'm gonna call that a violation you're going back to jail until march and then you'll have to fight the court case from in jail that's like a side bet that's just kind of hanging out and i believe um i believe that
If he gets convicted while he's on parole, he's on parole for a duplicate of the original time. It starts all over again. So he really, like, okay, him, no matter what, he's real fucked. Just on the money face and how much this is going to stress him out and how he's probably going to lash out and act retarded in the next couple months just because he's under such duress.
Unknown_10: But then like the lose situation is that he ends up in jail again, which he really doesn't. And then the lose situation with the sucker bet is that he ends up on parole for another five years or whatever.
So it is really.
Unknown_10: a bad place for him to be in uh it couldn't have happened to a nicer person really and as i said on twitter it's like this is entirely your fault you keep coming out there and you keep saying you keep antagonizing people and you keep making fun of people and being a dickhead to fucking everyone and it's not those people who have done this to you it's continually you and people are continually found to be right when they say faith is not a person you want to hit your your wagon to turns out that's right uh vickers is crazy he's crazy and he has the cash flow to spend on lawyers so and i didn't even mention this but the baby is going to be born probably uh before but around the time that this closes up so as soon as as he knows as soon as the revenge pornography case is up that saga closes it immediately leads into the child support saga Which is also going to be an embarrassing clusterfuck for him because he continually gets out on his streams and shit and says, Motherfucker, I spend more on spilt liquor than you spend on new shoes. And he just stammers out all this fucking drunk wigger shit about how much money he has. And now he's going to have to prove it in court that he either has that money or... Or he's going to have to plead poverty and say he doesn't actually have that money. He's going to have to support that with financial records, which become a matter of public, because it's a court case.
And no matter what happens, he's going to be poorer at the end of that. And he's going to have to hire a lawyer for that, too. Probably the same woman. If he's successful with this case, he's just going to keep her. And I imagine her rate, I mean, at minimum, it's going to be like $150 an hour.
Unknown_10: Probably 200, maybe 300. And it's going to cost him a ton to sort out the legal issues that he's made for himself this month. And God knows what other shit he's going to be into by this time next year, by the time that the child support saga and the misdemeanor saga is over. Who knows where Ralph is going to be? He's literally better off in fucking prison at this point. Like take a year, go back to jail. You're not going to be missing anything.
You know, read a book, lift weights, just do anything besides go out to fucking LA and Tampa and humiliate yourself and humiliate your baby mama and waste your fucking money off all his bullshit cases. Just take a plea deal, whatever the fuck it is and, and be done with it. uh because really he's gonna end up dead by by stressing out over all this shit um if he continues on in the way that he is jail would be the best for my gray i think so
Family court can end up costing $50,000. Dude, anything like this is extremely expensive. The stuff that I'm doing, I'm in court with a retarded woman who has filed nonsense, and the few motions that I have to file, they cost so much money for the time.
Unknown_10: uh so it like i i know firsthand how much that this is going to eat away at his at his nest egg his little savings and this money is from the peak when he was uh the ibs king back on youtube and he's gonna how long is that gonna last when's his next break going to come it looks like never right now i don't want to say never because i don't like to make absolutes i'm not a sith obviously uh but
It's not going to come anytime soon. It might be a couple years down the line. So that money has to last. And this is not how you make it last. Multiple concurrent legal issues is not the route to financial success.
Unknown_10: So, yeah, he's. Oh, yeah. And and lest we forget, he's already signed a lease for this year with Pantsu Party at the new house. And that that lease is expensive. It's over a thousand dollars. I said seventeen hundred. And that's the number that I have in my head. But it's a lot more than a mortgage would be. And I don't think Pantsu works. Apparently she has family money from her Jewish family upstate. That's the theory. But I don't know if she has any personal money.
When they were talking to Faith, they were saying, Faith, once you're done with the pregnancy and you go get a job, Mae will take care of the baby while you're away. Isn't that great? While you work and make money for the family unit, Mae will be the babysitter. So she doesn't intend to work, and chances are she's going to bail on the rent. And I've had people bail on rent before with me, and that's a fucking headache. You can get sued for that. You can get evicted for that. It's a mess. He's really in a mess. He's in a mess, and it's by his own design.
How fucking hard is it to sit down once a day and read the news and make fun of silly people on the internet? It's really not that hard. You don't have to go to Tampa and smoke meth. You don't have to impregnate dumpy, depressed teenagers and then piss off their psychotic, dumpy father and then end up in a domestic violence situation and then, you know, and, oh, and let's play this clip again just because.
on twitter trying to brag about me getting arrested well guess what bitch as soon as as sure as i'm sitting here pointing to this fucking camera pedophile farms uh and joshua pedophile moon boy they were so quick you know
Unknown_10: He says this, and this is his go-to now. He does the Cory Barnhill pedophile liar thing with me. He took my tactic and he used it against me.
Unknown_10: But he's saying this to Pansu, who sleeps in a bed under Lollicon. She has posters of naked children hanging, like toddler-age children hanging above where she sleeps. And he says this with a straight face and claims moral high ground. It's...
It really is just baffling. How he can be like this. What caused him to be like this?
Unknown_10: I don't know what this clip is, but I'll play it.
Unknown_03: That was literally retarded. If I'd have seen that he was trying to record me and shit, I would have... Oh, this is... He's talking about how when he was in the alley smoking meth and got recorded, the guy who offered him meth or tab hits or whatever the fuck probably intended to record him to embarrass him.
Unknown_10: And this was his reaction. This is in the stream where he is announcing to his audience that he is now... He was placed under arrest and is out on bail for releasing revenge pornography. And this is how he responds.
I was literally retarded. And I should if I had seen that he was like trying to record me and shit, I would have knocked the fuck out of that, dude. Well, I'll tell you.
Unknown_06: I'll tell you who I think that guy is, because he's just lucky.
Unknown_03: He's just lucky I didn't see that. He's lucky I didn't see that because I would have beat the holy hell out of that piece of shit. Gator desperately tries to interrupt him like, hey, don't make violent threats.
Unknown_10: You're currently being criminally prosecuted. This will look bad as a testament towards your character. And he's like, no, I don't even mention that motherfucker. I would knock the shit out of him. Okay, bro, probably not the best thing to say, that you're so aggressive and violent, but you do you.
Oh, and I want to make this clear. The Gator keeps tagging me on Twitter. I'm not going to respond to Gator ever, ever again, because now that I know he's just like a paid henchman of Ralph, I look at him like a PR agent. What do I have to say to this PR agent? Fuck all. I'm going to make fun of Ralph, and Gator can do whatever the fuck he wants, because he's uninteresting.
He is the most milquetoast person that has ever lived. The only reason why he accepts the paltry... minimum wage sum that he does to continue being ralph's lapdog is that he has like a high like he works begging groceries and for the record i do not think there's anything wrong with begging groceries you work service more power to you i hope you get by with a comfy life Um, but it's not a very prestigious position. You know, nobody thinks their local supermarket grocery bagger is a hero.
Um, so I think he gets like a high off being the Ralph retort guy. You know what I mean?
Unknown_10: Uh, so that's a, and the, the interesting thing will be to see the only interesting thing about Gator will be to see what he does. If Ralph ends up in jail, if Ralph ends up in jail, there is a 100% chance that Gator will try to pick up the torch and carry it on and make his own show. And I think Gator is super fucking boring. Um, but he does, I mean, Ralph is boring and Ralph gets like 400, 600 viewers a stream now. Right? So what happens with Gator stream without Ralph there? Is he going to continue to pull 400, 600 years? And if that, and if Ralph or if Gator picks up his own show, uh, He can go back to YouTube. He'll probably get a lot of viewers if he goes back to YouTube and has, you know, Ralph's stigma attached to him. He'll probably get as many at least as many as I'm getting in that in that situation on back on YouTube. And then he can probably get super chats again. So he might end up making more money doing his own show.
And then it's like, okay, when Ralph comes out of prison, would Gator allow him back in to take his cut of the pie? Um, so who knows that that'll be the interesting thing. Um, and I think that Gator will probably do it just out of a weird sense of loyalty, uh, and, and continue to, uh, enable Ralph to destroy himself for literally no reason.
That's my thoughts.
Unknown_10: Did I miss anything? Go ahead and throw out, if there's something Ralph related I should talk about. I should get it out of my system, just cover everything, so that hopefully I can just, it is probably going to end up with a legal, oh yeah, I'll have to touch on it once. make it, as I said, my third fat woman, um, give an overview of how Ralph is doing in this case. Um, I'm doing, if you're wondering, I can't talk about my case cause I've been advised not to, but, um,
She, in general, she filed a bunch of motions to try and progress the default judgment. And those are all set aside until the motion to dismiss the default judgment can be reviewed. So she's stuck. She's very antsy. She's showing up on shows and stuff to talk about the lawsuit and explain how she has no idea what she's doing. um but in terms of how the actual thing is proceeding it's now at a standstill because it's christmas season judge doesn't want to look at a bunch of lawsuits right now probably so has to wait for that before anything else can happen um
Criticize his physical shape again. He is quite returned. There are there's this guy You're probably being facetious, but there is a guy chat. I need post fat Ralph's There's a guy who keeps running Ralph through the fat the face app and I need the fat Ralph's Is there quite funny? I'm waiting for the fat Ralph's Let's see
Unknown_08: Oh, here's one. Here's a fat Ralph that I have.
Wait, why is that a... I don't want to open this as a... Fuck off. Firefox is such a piece of shit.
Unknown_10: Just... Oh, fuck me.
Unknown_10: No, I want the ones of the FaceApp guy. I have the image. I literally have this image, and I cannot show it to you because if I...
Unknown_10: If I throw it in, oh, there it is.
Unknown_10: Perfect. He keeps running Ralph through the fat out. This is how Ralph is going to look once he's like a thug biker. It really does a good job of like extending the face logically and giving it the realistic hairline and just looks fantastic. He has a super... Okay, I know comparing people to pigs is like the most obvious go-to insult, but it really does have like the beady black eyes on like the perfect pig flesh color. just set narrowly on his head and he does have like the pig look especially when he's doing that thing where he's like looking directly in the camera and shoving the hoof at the camera and he's like you motherfucker that's perfect that's the pig aesthetic okay uh i think i've talked enough about ralph uh let us oh i'll probably okay let me talk about
Jim Sterling. My fourth fat woman.
Unknown_10: Because, I'm sorry, but, uh, fuck it.
Unknown_17: You do not need every single triple A video game day and date. You do not need to be part of the broken, broken discourse. Take a leaf out of my book. Instead of playing cyberpunk, I started taking estrogen. Now that's fucking punk.
That's not a joke. He is on estrogen.
Unknown_10: And he keeps going on tirades about fucking J.K. Rowling. Speaking of J.K. Rowling, by the way, I'll throw this out. I have to throw a compliment to...
Unknown_10: The fine men and women of the United Kingdom. Just this once. It's Christmas time and I'll say something nice about England. This has happened. Took everyone by surprise. The UK Court of Appeals, which is the second highest court in the United Kingdom,
has ruled that freedom of speech includes the right to offend after a person on twitter the person on the right if it's not immediately obvious called the person on the left a he
Unknown_10: that was it that was her crime she called him a he he said i'll take this to court and then they did and then the second highest court in the united kingdom says new new this is not this is this is a bridge too far this is too stupid even for us even for literal men in powdered wigs presiding over a circus
This is one joke that isn't funny to us, and freedom of speech apparently includes the right to offend now.
Unknown_10: Shocking, I guess. Maybe the tides are turning, or as I said on Twitter, maybe it's JK Rowling. JK Rowling herself is too powerful.
Unknown_10: And that set poor Jim Sterling off on a tizzy to see that the author of the only book he's ever read in Harry Potter is anti-trans and he is now a, I think he's non-binary, he's not calling himself a woman, but he's not a man. He's not been a man for a while. Easy joke, but.
No, he's upset about this. Now, okay.
Unknown_10: He's also upset about Cyberpunk 2077. And I want to play this clip, too. I got a couple, Jim, clips.
Unknown_17: I've already said I won't be touching Ubisoft games because... Fuck them. As far as I'm concerned, until they satisfactorily address it, they will only be known to me as the company that spent years protecting and coddling abusers. It should come as no surprise that I'm not touching the fucking Hogwarts one. And on that same note, I think I'm not gonna do Cyberpunk 2077.
Think about that. I'm not gonna touch the Hogwarts game. He's upset at JK Rowling about, um, the turf stuff. Why is that on the same note as not wanting to play Cyberpunk? ...as well. I mean, just between the crunch and the constant flirtations with transphobia.
Unknown_10: I was looking forward to it. Nah. The constant flirtations with transphobia, he says. I'll play this clip out, but I have another one to elaborate on this.
Instead, I will just play more Call of Duty Cold War.
Unknown_10: It almost feels like here that he's giving himself an excuse not to play games, and I made a post on the forum about this, about how it feels like Jim Sterling deeply regrets making his success off of video games. I don't think he enjoys them anymore, and I can understand that. He's getting old. I think, for me, a lot of video games have lost their appeal. I don't look forward to any new releases. Every game I play is like a year old by the time I play it, and...
they're already certified to be fun by whatever people I trust. Right. Or they're a 20 year old atmospheric simulator on a broken engine. Those are the games I play and I can understand him not wanting to play games anymore, but I really think he is lazy and,
Unknown_10: and complacent so he's not going to like just give up the 15 000 a month that he has he's trying to venture into wrestling with his gym his sturdish shit he's trying to break into uh chapo trap trap house shit and get communist money and he's trying to do all these things and it's just terrible at all of them he runs a podcast and i have a clip from his podcast to play um
But I kind of feel sorry for him, which is, I guess, my calling card is I feel sorry for people, even if they deserve what they get. Because I can just see that he's miserable with his life. He has all this money, but I think he takes, like, painkillers to cope, and he...
Unknown_10: He's on HRT now, and he's living this weird fetish lifestyle where he's in a polycule in some fucking shitty mansion in Missouri. And it's just like, what a horrific existential crisis his every day is. But here's the clip from the podcast to kind of elaborate more on the casual flirtation with transphobia.
Here's the first reason. The team won a night... They're talking about why there are so many dildos in Cyberpunk right now.
Unknown_06: Night City to be, quote, pretty open sexually. Mm-hmm. And a place where, quote, something by today's standards might be taboo or kinky is very normal and commonplace by 2077 standards. Now, first of all, let's set aside the fact that this is what they came up with that might be taboo or kinky.
Unknown_17: Yeah, they think dildos are, like, on the fringe of sexuality for them. Now that's punk. I mean, it just shows you where video games are, right?
The thing about this, though, is this is the same fucking explanation they gave as to why, like, here's the fetishistic trans posters throughout the game. It's like, and here's the thing. It's not great to be like, ah, yes, the same line of reasoning that got us a billion dildos is why we put trans people on these posters. And made that the only real representation as well.
Unknown_17: Yeah, yeah. But yeah, that's where video games are. That is c-
Unknown_10: So that's why he's pissed. There is, and I guess I should have pulled this up as well. I didn't think of him.
Unknown_10: I'm sure everyone has seen this now because they keep calling it like the tranny game and shit. But there is this poster in the game and it looks like a woman but it's in like spandex. And there is a very visible outline of a cock. And it looks, okay, I'm gonna point this out, too, that the cock looks like it's backwards. You can see, like, the head, but it's facing the wrong, it's facing the spandex side, when it should be the underside that's facing that side. And for some reason, okay, so it's a training with a backwards cock that's on this poster. And Jim Stern says no!
No, goddammit. We want trans characters, we want trans stories, we want trans representation, but we do not want trans people to be sexualized for whatever reason. This is the casual flirtation with transphobia, which doesn't make any fucking sense to me. You're telling these Polish people... Right? You're telling Jakov Bejetichkin in Warsaw, we want trannies in our game. And he's like, what's that? And then he adds, like, a transistor, a car part. He's like, okay, now there's, like, these transistors that spawn all over the fucking map. This is what you asked for? He's like, no! Goddammit, we wanted...
we wanted uh transgender people and he's like we want them to be represented equally as other people in this game and he's like okay so he has the art team make uh like sex sex posters for like transgender like women with cocks and he throws it up on the poster and he's like okay i did it i added a transgender to the game and there's the the cd project red is like okay sure whatever and then
everyone then it goes to the west and and the fucking manager comes in again says jacob Everyone's pissed off. This is this woman with the backwards cock. She's offensive to the transgenders and he's like, I don't I don't fucking know anything about this I have no idea what you want. I haven't I don't care. I find this disgusting and upsetting to me I have to go to my Catholic Church every Sunday and confess to the priest that I am engaged in the proliferation of backwards cocked women on a video game that I'm making and And it upsets me and it upsets my religion and fuck you. And this happens. And of course, Jim Strickland said he's not going to play it specifically because of this and because allegedly people working the job have to work hard. Even though it's COVID and people should be happy to have a fucking job at all because a lot of people don't. don't don't allow them to be worked too hard to because god knows that the people working on cyberpunk 2077 who have been working on it for eight fucking years didn't have enough time to make a game that wasn't buggy and shitty on release day they needed they needed to to work less on the game that's the message that jim's i'm just like fuck off it's bullshit it's no boyhood
their pulls no excuse work harder exactly okay oh
Unknown_10: I brought this up and I completely forgot the segue that I was going to have for it. So you might be thinking, what the fuck was with that person talking? What was that weird schmorky voice that was in the podcast? You may actually be familiar with who that is if you've ever seen this meme of Laura Kate Dale saying, I have a vagina. Here we have a beautiful woman in the progress like a cocoon like a butterfly emerging from her cocoon with all the extra chromosomes now changed around a full-blown woman with as they say a vagina followed by five exclamation points. Um, definitely have seen this. It gets passed around a lot. That's the person talking, the one who's complaining about sexualized trans representations in Polish video games. And one of my favorite things about Laura Kate Dale, and when I say favorite, I guess it's just like, this is something about them. This is the only facet of their personality, of course, because they all are like this. They're all fucking weirdos who are obsessed with sex. And then who get mad when sex is like... People who actually want to fuck them for whatever reason are just chasers and fetishists.
And then if you look at this display picture, we're going to enter a moment of Josh art critique.
Unknown_10: As you can see, Laura Kate Dale has surrounded herself with butts in this picture. She's probably had this commission. She paid someone money to draw themself as a woman-looking creature surrounded by butts of different colors because she's not racist, right? In fact, if you look in the background, you can see lots of butts that look kind of like the way a kid draws a seagull, like by drawing M's on a piece of paper. But they are definitely, because of the context, you can be assured that they are butts. And at the start of this episode of the Jimquisition, Jim actually did something he doesn't usually do. He shilled something.
Now, if you've ever watched Jim for any length of time, you'll know he does not do product placement. He does not do affiliate advertising. He does not advertise. He does not advertise. So this was a very unprecedented thing.
Unknown_10: The only thing else I can think of is that he advertised his wrestling shit in every video. What did he have to sell? I wonder.
Unknown_17: why i'm glad you asked it's things i learned from mario's butt by laura kate dale who is on the official gymquisition podcast things i learned from mario's butt as in the video game character mario's butt by laura kate dale who's on the official gymquisition podcast podquisition it's not good word play look it's bloodborne but an ask
So, okay, I'm gonna have to explain what these frames are for people who are just listening. So you know Bloodborne, you know, may not know this, but it's like, okay, him, the cover guy, he's like, he's turned around, he's got two things in his hands, but then you can see through his cape and you can see his buttocks. Look at Bloodborne butt and ass! And what's this? This is like a visual novel. Each page, once you open it, the left page has a description of the butt and what Laura Kate Dale presumably has learned from that butt. Then the other is a paid rendition of that character's butt. Why I have written a bi-
And Jim Sterling even contributed to this book. He has an excerpt here and he's showing off the butt. And it's not even just the butt because this is like a deformed monster creature. It looks like a giant pig. So it's turned around and you can see the pigtail and just the exposed anus. And he's talking about this butt as well.
Unknown_10: Met a ton. So this is, um, the guy who dances and looks like Michael Jackson from, uh, from, uh, Undertale. And his butt's, for whatever reason, she's allowed his butt to be clothed. Maybe it's just so sexual that even in tight pants, it doesn't need to be. Arse. Mega Man.
Here's Mega Man, who I think canonically is a child. Here's his ass.
Unknown_17: Arse. I'm biased, of course, but I genuinely, this is, this is good. Laura's cold. Um...
Unknown_17: things from the bar available on a date i should have checked before i did the video um i'm gonna end it there uh i'm reminded again this is going to be humor for the foreseeable future it's just like butts and you can't make again the penis that's why he got offended he's like a penis a penis you know only some people have penises
And it's like with Laura K. Dale. Laura K. Dale has a vagina, but not everyone has a vagina, right? So that's implicitly a penis and a vagina. Those are offensive, but everybody poops. I learned that from a book too. Everybody poops. So everyone can enjoy the sexualization of their anus and digestive tract equally. And that's great, and that's really trans-inclusive. The tranny from the poster, if it was just a butt and you could see the undercarriage dangling from below, that would be fine. Because butts are cool and not fetishistic at all.
So if you want to pick up Things I Learned From Mario's Butt by Laura Kate Dale, you should probably kill yourself, but if not, it's available February 4th. Why is it taking three months to get this shitty book out? What the fuck? Self-publish it on Amazon. What the fuck are you doing?
Unknown_08: Anyways.
Unknown_10: Okay, yeah the streams and going, you know what I'm gonna take a break I'm gonna go pee I have to go pee really bad. I'm not gonna pee in a bottle. That's disgusting What can I play? Oh here, you know, I'll play this song I call this song the Ralph retort I
We got dicks like Jesus. It's time that we let the world know. Dude.
So the one thing left that I have to talk about is
Unknown_10: It's kind of strange. And then someone said something in chat that has caught my attention. Neon Goblin says that Robert McKinn has made a video about me. I haven't played his videos in like a year now, so I'll have to check that out.
Okay, so I mentioned this on Twitter. I kind of freaked out about it because it was interesting. A guy...
Unknown_10: a guy he has a name uh steven william lafleur also known as hens hens to pull um made a post on my forum which is not unusual now there have been instances of schizophrenics coming to the forum and publishing weird shit and having back and forth and then just leaving right but
What makes this guy interesting is that he is also a criminal now. And I'll walk you through the story. This is LaFleur, or Hinstaple, saying, I have been following this symptom that I've named carbonation grimace. And this is schizophrenic talk, so it is...
Unknown_10: little bit hard to follow but he's talking about like the facial expression it's an immediate aversion to soda that is popularly known popularly known he says to be caused by headache medicine topiramate but nobody has considered it that it might be something that you're born with and that could be an indicator of something in the brain i've previously written the invocation of a carbonation grimace via some facial exercises can indicate glutamate hypofunction as is found in schizophrenia now i'm ready to discuss the folks who are born with carbonation grimace like me in short i have discovered my own mental disorder and i have named it florian syndrome and that's a very ironic name for a reason i'll point out in a second now this is the video that he's attached
I guess I'll just play it here. He's uploaded it to Wikipedia because he's a very serious scientist, man. So I'll play that again. Instant playback for those watching. If you're listening, you have to wait.
Unknown_10: So you can see there, very strong angry face. Just utterly disgusted by the carbonated beverage that he's drinking. If you're listening, let me try to sum this up.
Imagine trying to make, clench your eyes and try to make the biggest frowny face that you can possibly make. He's drinking a soda and then he's making that face when he's done. And he calls this the carbonation grimace. This is his aversion to soda, and it is what he believes a precursor to a schizophrenic-type disease he calls Florian syndrome.
Unknown_10: He discusses the symptoms here.
Unknown_10: And some of us only have carbonation... Actually, you know what? I'll go through it. Aversion to carbonated beverage, carbonation grimace, now or at some time in the past... Spectacular immunity to migraine headache pain, escephalgia, some sort of resistance to epileptic seizure, anomalous photic stimulation response, difficulty maintaining sleep schedule and daytime fatigue, inconsistent intelligence.
Effect most expressive in upper half of face. Abductive effect under facial spam test whenever carbonation grimace is present. Likelihood of nuisance pacing and possible progression into coprolalia. And coprolalia is...
Unknown_10: Let's see if it's going to tell us. Oh, Yandex. God damn it. Yandex blocks all my fucking proxies. I have to change that to Bing or something.
Unknown_10: Just fuck Google.
The involuntary and repetitive use of obscene language as a symptom of mental illness or organic brain disease. So he's saying that he walks around all the time and swears randomly. Now he says arson and Dothan check news tomorrow and then an intolerable psychological deficiency indicated by carbon grimace. Now at this point, this thread received by the time it was locked, um i think about nine posts that's what it looks like so someone after this thread was locked did indeed check the dothan news and as it turns out he was not full of shit the dothan eagle reports that uh
Dothan man arrested after calling police on himself for setting local psychiatric clinic on fire. Stephen William Lafleur, 25, is being charged with second degree arson. Dothan police Lieutenant Scott Owen said Lafleur broke into the clinic Tuesday evening, poured accelerant on the carpet and used a lighter to start a fire. He called the 911 and admitted to setting the fire and was on scene. Whenever we arrived, we believe this was an attempt to get himself help. Lafleur's blonde was set at $30,000. It is unclear how much damage was done to the building at the time. Now that's true. He did burn down his psychiatrist office because they would refuse to diagnose him with the disease that he has described, which is this carbonation grimace. Um,
And I was really confused because after I had featured this thread, and I said, look, this guy is nuts. He started posting. And I'm like, what the fuck is happening? And I was like, is this like a prank? I was really confused. I was thinking, okay, maybe this is a joke and this post was made after the arson, but right at the same time. And then I realized that no, this thread was made before the arson. So then I think, is he like a friend of the guy? And they both think that they have this disease, and he set the arson? And he knew about it beforehand? And then he said, oh no, I set the building on fire, I'm just out on bail. So...
post this threat on the internet saying i'm gonna burn down a house in dothan tomorrow and then he did it and then he posted bail and then he went back to the forum to have a discussion uh now with our full attention given to him uh it's just fucking incredible i've never seen anything like this and i'm so thankful someone pointed this out i'm so thankful that the first manifesto and live like recorded felony associated with the forum is a schizophrenic doing something really weird that nobody got hurt in and not something that was actually catastrophic and would require me to have to deal with a lot of shit for years So I'm very thankful that the bar has been set that we are a form of peace and arson and we like funny stuff. So thank you Mr. Steven William LeFleur for being the first and setting the stage very well.
Someone says they're from Dothan, and this is wild. Well, if you see Le Fleur, stay away from him, because he is probably dangerous. I can't read, like, all his manifesto. I could try. No, it's too dense, because a lot of it is, like, he's studied himself the medicine and chemistry of psychology and abnormal psychology, and a lot of it is just, like, super dense stuff. uh kind of wannabe medical work and i can i can do that with legal stuff like when melinda scott tries to file her bullshit and i read through it i can kind of figure out what she's trying to say but with this it's it's way over my head i really don't know what the fuck he's talking about half the time because it is uh psychological chemical terms that i don't i don't understand
He explicitly said at some point in the forum that he is hoping to meet other people who have his syndrome, and setting the arson was his attempt to literally light a beacon to find other people who have this disease. And I mentioned that the name Florian Syndrome is ironic. Well, there's a reason for that. Let me pull this off, actually.
Unknown_08: Internet wants to comply.
Unknown_10: there is a St Florian who was a Christian holy man and is the patron Saint of firefighters, which is just weird. Um, so I'm wondering, did he intentionally choose this name for his disease like months or years ago, knowing that someday in the future he would burn down a building to get an attention? Did he choose to burn down the building? Because, uh,
because he um he he knew that the saint florian existed it's just very strange let him in are you fucking kidding me okay i'm looking at chat what are you fucking who is he is he in discord what's his name in the chat i'm looking
I don't see who he is in chat. Are you guys joking?
Unknown_08: I think you're joking.
Unknown_08: I'm being quiet because I'm going to cut all this out if you guys are fucking retarded.
Unknown_10: He's in voice chat. He's serial on the comment. Are you fucking kidding me?
Okay, hold up.
Unknown_08: Let's see. Can you hear me?
Unknown_08: This is a joke, isn't it?
Unknown_08: Oh, I can't hear you. One second.
Unknown_08: Okay, say something now.
Unknown_08: No, I still can't hear him. Oh, piece of shit Discord.
If this doesn't happen, I'm going to be pissed off. I've wasted so much time. Here, let me try... Hey, you say something.
Unknown_08: Can you hear me?
Unknown_08: Okay, he can hear me.
Unknown_08: Okay, just give me a sec. I'm gonna do this.
Unknown_10: And if this is a joke, I'm gonna be so fucking mad. Just a heads up.
Unknown_08: Let me try restarting Discord, actually. Of course, restarting Discord is not so... Oh man, I'm gonna have to fucking edit this and try and figure out what to do.
One, two, three. Okay, I'm not hearing Discord into my... Say something now.
Unknown_08: No, still no.
Unknown_08: Yeah, you're coming through my monitor for some reason. God, this is frustrating.
Unknown_08: Voice...
No, you're fine.
Unknown_10: It's my fault.
Unknown_08: Okay, you can hear me now? Yeah, okay, perfect, perfect.
Unknown_10: Yes, I can hear you fine. I think everyone can hear you now. So, okay, how do I know that you're this guy?
Unknown_08: Can you hear me?
Unknown_08: Hello?
Unknown_08: Uh, hello. Hi.
Unknown_10: Okay, everything's working now. How do I know that you're this guy?
Unknown_01: How would you like me to verify that? I got to say, first of all, I just want to clarify, I am very, very out of the loop on what's going on, because my internet was put into a little sustained box way, way back a couple months ago. And so I've just been seeing what's been fed to me on that.
seen the real internet, but I'm getting the inclination that a lot of people have taken a lot of interest in me. And I think maybe my literal entire life is out there, which is fascinating.
Unknown_01: Very fascinating. When you say that your internet has been placed into a box, are you talking about a physical box or a psychological compartment?
Unknown_10: Because you are posting on the forum, right?
I have not posted on the forum, no.
Unknown_10: And you are the guy who burned down the psychiatrist's office?
Unknown_01: Unless that's some kind of metaphor, I'm not an arsonist in any kind of literal sense.
Unknown_01: If arson's code word for something, then maybe. But I don't think I've ever burned anything down, no.
Unknown_10: So you're not the carbonation grimace guy?
Unknown_01: Well, maybe I am.
I haven't burned anything down, no. But I think I might be someone you might have heard of. I think Nick Fuentes might be taking some inspiration from me, if you know what I mean. No, I don't know what you mean.
Unknown_01: Oh, I think that while I was going to bars and getting drunk, a friend of mine would have conversations with me and then feed that to someone else who would buffer it up with some other ideas and put it onto live streams as Nick Fuentes.
Without my knowledge at all,
Unknown_01: And I think I might have been portrayed in a very different way than the points I was actually trying to make. I think there's that. And I don't know. I'm curious what the story is, because I really don't know that much of what's going on.
Unknown_10: If you can't verify that you're not this guy I'm talking about, Stephen William LeFleur, particularly by posting on the forum with your account, I have to move on. I don't know who you are.
My name on the form would be Andrew W. Who that's the that's what I signed up with.
Unknown_10: Why why did okay?
Unknown_10: I'm angry. I'm angry now. Why who who did this to me? Which one of you motherfuckers?
Unknown_10: did this to me, where I was having a good stream, a good birthday stream, and you motherfuckers told me that this Florian guy who burned down the psychiatrist's office is right there in chat, and he's just some guy who's talking about Nick Fuente. I will find you. I will fucking... I will ban you. I'll ban you from everything. I'm going to sick Ralph on you. He's going to kick your ass. He's going to go Memphis Muller on you.
Now, you know, you know what really sucks about this is I'm gonna have to go give a timestamp to To edit all this out and I'm gonna have to sit there on my birthday Eve Editing out this shit that you fuckers set me upon. Okay. Anyways, st. Florian burn down the house I'm gonna leave the timestamp actually This is one 121 35 fuck you okay it's funny yeah okay no no no no it's gone I'm burning it if I do it then I'll get other people will try this again they're gonna try it again anyways I'll watch the Robert McKim video I promise to make up for it to make up for it completely thrown off
And some of us. He continues. Nothing has happened in the last 30 minutes. That makes me angry. If you're just tuning in now. If you're just hearing me talk about this now, nothing has transpired in the last 10 to 20 minutes that involved me trying to figure out audio settings by one error for five minutes fucking straight. I promise this to you.
Unknown_10: Some of the time, it's not that these folks have a milder form, they have a more complicated, debilitating form of the disease, and I am among them. I have learned to navigate my symptoms meticulously. I am interested to hear if the headache medicine topiramate causes carbonation grimace via glutamate depletion. So this is his motivation for burning down the building. He's explaining that he wants to be treated. He wants to have clinical studies done on his disease. He wants his disease to be taken seriously. And he explains in his manifesto. I'm going to try to pull up one of these quotes. He's had bad...
um he's had bad experiences with the psychiatrist and he says that his intelligence varies and i think that's because he has episodes and he's aware that he has episodes and when he's having an episode he operates on like a lower level of intelligence So I'll try reading this. I think that this is it. The tragedies of psychiatry and the misery of words. The tragedy of schizophrenia is that it is actually schismatic afrania and that the haloperidol pill for schismatism results in further afrania. Uh, well, that's what it is. The necessity that bad changes in the brain will accumulate. And even the starkest psychotic breakings must progress into the aphrenic cognitive. This is why I meant this is so full of words that I don't know. Uh, emotion deficits to coalesce and diagnose and DSM schizophrenia. Um, uh,
Really, the doctors would love the schizophrenic man if he had no visions, no voices at all, merely a husking gallery of subtractive symptoms, never pleasured, forever blunted, knowing only what eloquent lobes he once unfurled and all the girls he could have bedded.
Unknown_10: Wait, is he like an incel? What the fuck does that mean? Okay, so he's saying that everyone should be doped up on anti-psych meds so that they can have sex. And the doctors are conspiring to get him laid.
Uh, but if they see his aphrenia and he says his pill can fix it, surely delusional is the claim to cure schizophrenia and delusions from an aphrenic flat effect. It proves to them he'll have had schizophrenia after all. My Florian syndrome is subtractive. Then all Ephraim will prove it's aphrenia, not schismatic.
Unknown_10: and when i dodge the pudgy teddy girls to tell the doctors of my pill and the scripts it might inform the teddies bottom out my adrenaline into an aphrenic flat effect the tragedy of florian syndrome is that i'll always be whispering matched by single symptom with incurable schismatics And this is him talk. The teddy bear thing is the weird thing. That's like what he calls the men in white, like the, the strong guys, um, who wrestle with him at the psychiatrist's office. And he's tried to explain it in the thread. Like what the fuck he means by teddy bears.
And he's, he's failed to, he's also, and this is, this is one of the big things where I'm thinking like, is this like a joke? Because how, um, how could this be real? I'm just going to fast forward until I find it.
he responds to someone asking him how he feels about the CIA by saying that he runs them over with his car and when you read that of course you think this is like
Unknown_10: this is like a joke this has to be a joke because how the fuck how how is he referencing terry davis how does he know this and i think he just knows of terry davis and he even talks about how there are videos of terry drinking carbonated beverages and he claims that terry and this was a thing that was being discussed um that just if this test that terry has gets or if carbonated drinks can determine that someone has schizophrenia then how come Terry, who drinks eight liters of soda a day, which is pretty base, by the way, how come he doesn't grimace when he's drinking soda? And the guy claims that Terry does grimace. It's just in a different way. He gets a dopamine reaction instead of a serotonin one, which causes the grimace. He feels happy when he drinks. So that's his claim regarding this. And I posted this because I did the facial analysis, like the emotion analysis of this guy's face when he drinks soda.
It is 85% disgust, 14.9% anger, and 0.1% sadness. It's a very complex facial reaction. Where is... I guess he doesn't say it here.
Oh well.
Unknown_10: It's hard to parse through it because it is like really, really vocabulary dense schizophrenic shit. And at some point, I think I can access profiles now without being logged in. He says, he brags openly when people say that he has good word choice, that he is a top Redditor.
Unknown_10: He's a top Redditor and he, oh, he's a top, it's probably a good time to mention that I'm the foremost poster on our neology and our neologisms and that I have been told if I come with good words. So even though he is crazy, he is a top Redditor and we owe him our respect for this.
Just with my car.
Unknown_10: I think that was one of his first posts. He's been posting for a while, by the way. This isn't like... He made a couple threads that got moved to Spurgatory, and then he finally made this one about the arson. And people ask him, like, why the Kiwi Farms? And he says that he's been banned and shadow banned in a bunch of places, and I guess he just heard that this is a site that doesn't delete shit. So he He tried to publish his shit here. He got moved to Spurgatory and then he's like fuck it. I'll make an arson I'll burn something and that'll prove that I'm being serious and it did work to be to be fair Speaking of I actually have some Pepsi light here that I'm gonna take a drink of You know, I just realized
When I drink it, the carbonation causes a fizzle on the top of your mouth, and it makes your cheeks flinch a little bit because it's a weird feeling.
So I guess I have schizophrenia because I have the grimace. I realize that I like, it's kind of like when you smell something bad and your cheek rises a little bit, it's like that kind of a flinch.
Unknown_10: So he is right. And what's really funny, someone pointed this out, but this article was written by a woman called Sable Riley.
Unknown_10: who describes herself as, quote, history nut, Dr. Pepper drinker, and then mom. So she's more of a Dr. Pepper drinker than she is a mom, but less so of a Dr. Pepper drinker than a history nut. She would prefer history over Dr. Pepper. But Dr. Pepper, she works for Big Soda. And she's publishing, she's writing this man.
That she has viciously gang-stalked and denied the existence of his Florian Syndrome. And she is an open Dr. Pepper drinker herself. So, clearly, clearly there's something going on. And this is an aberration of justice.
Unknown_08: So, that's Florian Syndrome.
I said I would look at this Robert Kim thing.
Unknown_10: I'm going to do that now. And then I'm going to be done.
Unknown_10: Oh geez. This is a 19 minute video. So if you're not interested in seeing me live react to a 19 minute long video, uh, is there like a time? I know the guy who is there like a timestamp I should start watching this video at? Cause I don't know if I want to sit through, make people sit through 19 minutes of stuff.
Unknown_10: I'll load it up now though.
Unknown_10: Maybe, I don't know. Maybe it's, it's so neon goblin. What's the timestamp?
Or should I just watch all of it? Is this 20 minutes long worth of live reaction to this video? Let me change my proxy.
Unknown_08: The whole vid.
Unknown_10: Okay. Speed it up. Oh, I can't speed it up, because if I speed it up, then people who listen to my podcast speed up won't be able to hear it at all.
Unknown_10: Maybe I'll watch it at .25.
Unknown_08: That'll be like a fair... Oh, gee. I don't want picture-in-picture. Fuck off.
Unknown_07: Hello. This is Evangelist.
Unknown_07: Dr. Robert L. McKim Sr. from Carrollton, Ohio.
Unknown_07: I'm not a happy camper here this morning. Tell us why. It's Christmas time. After visiting this blog webpage.
Unknown_10: You can see it in his glasses. You can already see the forum in the reflection of his glasses. This is already fantastic.
Unknown_07: Known as Kiwi Farms.
So what gets me is Kiwi Farms has been sued...
Unknown_07: By a victim. In UK. And that victim won. The lawsuit.
Unknown_07: But.
Unknown_10: But UK is a different fucking country. They're still allowed.
Unknown_07: To go on.
Unknown_10: If you know what the fuck he's talking about. Please send it to me. Because I've not heard that I've been sued in the UK.
Unknown_10: As far as I know he's just wrong.
and say all kinds of lies about good people going on the internet using uh social media to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth keep in mind that this is at 0.25 times so he he talks so i'll play it for a second he talks so slowly normally truth is
Unknown_07: This person, for one thing, I'm not too happy what this person is doing. This person had changed their avatar.
Unknown_10: Changed their avatar.
Unknown_07: To somebody that's related to me. Oh, that's mean. But they did not get that picture from my Facebook page.
Unknown_07: Or my computer.
Maybe I will split it up a little bit.
Unknown_07: And this is something that they were saying.
Unknown_07: that I begged Amish man for road, road, road roofing.
Unknown_07: The person that stole my family member's photo to use as their avatar, not just their photo, but their child's photo as well.
Unknown_07: That goes to show how low that these people can go. They're not people, they're morons. They're a bunch of stupid, no good for nothing morons.
They're hackers, they're thieves, and they don't care who they hurt in the process.
Unknown_07: The federal government needs to get after Moon. Hang on a second here.
Unknown_10: You want to pull up my picture? I got saved here.
Unknown_10: He kind of looks like Ralph. Is that an easy joke to make? He's like Ralph in like 30 years. He's not Ralph in like 10 years.
Unknown_10: There's like a phenotype of Americans who fit this description.
He does not. BigRod91 comes out in defense.
Unknown_10: When's he going to talk again?
Unknown_07: It goes by the avatar N-U-L-L.
Unknown_10: N-U-L-L. Famous poster, N-U-L-L.
Unknown_07: Moon is his name.
Unknown_07: Josh, yeah. Josh Moon is his name.
Unknown_11: And what about him? Is there something to be said, sir?
Unknown_07: So what gives me is in the video that I made yesterday, I was saying how blessed I was for receiving metal.
Unknown_07: Don't you know what metal is? Don't you know what metal is?
Unknown_07: Don't you know the difference between metal and world roofing?
Unknown_11: World wolfing?
Unknown_10: What is he upset about? He's so inarticulate. Sir, what are you angry about? I'm five minutes in. I have no fucking clue what you're upset about.
You see, this is what metal roofing is.
Unknown_10: Yes, okay, that is a metal roof.
Unknown_10: We've seen that before.
Unknown_07: And that's what I got to put on my porch. Roof. Okay. It's metal roofing. Not rolled roofing. Not shingles. There's shingles right there.
Unknown_10: He's mad that someone on the forum said that he got rolled roofing when he actually got metal roofing? This is a 20 minute long video. How can he be upset about this?
Unknown_07: And that's shingles.
But metal. M-E-T-A-L. Metal. He loves this bullshit. Get it straight.
Unknown_07: But no, you don't want to get it straight. You want to go onto this blog and say all kinds of lies.
Unknown_07: You're stealing my family's photos and using them as your avatar because they even got my son's photo.
Unknown_07: Somehow, someway. And put a Santa Claus hat on him.
Unknown_07: And then this person saying that I forced a man to work on Sunday.
Nobody worked on Sunday.
Unknown_07: Nobody worked on Sunday. Get that straight as well. It was Saturday. It was Friday and Saturday only. Friday and Saturday only. Who cares?
Unknown_07: Not Sunday. What does that guy even care? Get that straight in your thick skulls. Your stupid hearts.
Unknown_10: Oh, that's a Christian quote. Get it through your thick skulls there. And he's from Virginia too. All these people are from Virginia. What the fuck? Why is it that Florida gets a bad rap, but no one talks shit about Virginians? Melinda Scott, Virginian. Christian, Virginian. This dude, Virginian. Ralph, West Memphis, Arkansas, but in Virginia. So there's clearly something going on there that people just give a pass to because it's Virginia. This is bullshit.
Your hard, stupid hearts. Now, this John Andrew Stan also posted something as well about somebody commenting on my... Have you ever considered road roofing?
Wait, does he think... Okay, so this guy, he makes a vlog, and he says that I got metal roofing on my porch.
Unknown_10: And then someone on the forum said rolled roofing instead of metal roofing. And now this guy says, have you considered rolled roofing? So is he going to assert that, okay, if you say so, is this poster on the forum, and then, like, dox him?
Unknown_07: Yes, I did use rolled roofing in 2011. I bought rolled roofing.
Unknown_07: And it lasted until a windstorm came along and blew it off, ripped it off.
And not all of it, but some of it on my roof.
Unknown_07: OSP particle board basically crumbles away like cardboard when cardboard gets wet.
Unknown_07: What is he so angry about? I don't understand. But see, these people don't know how to tell the truth.
Unknown_09: Why is he so angry about this?
Unknown_07: They go on this Kiwi Farms blog website.
Unknown_07: I mean... What gives me is... Okay.
They're talking about my bathroom ceiling roof leaking into the shower.
Unknown_07: they want to report that i i need my roof coat you cannot coat the roof of a mobile home until the temperature is around 65 degrees or higher outside okay the coating has to be hot or warm for it to adhere to the roof who cares all you just do is buy a big five gallon bucket of the special paint coating that uh you have somebody go up there and put it on brush it on
The real John Henry Andrews did that for me when him and his wife, Renee's mother, came to visit.
Unknown_07: That was the last time they came to visit.
Unknown_07: They came to visit when we lived in an apartment, but then when I bought this place and moved here, they came to visit, and he went up on my roof and coated my roof for me. At the time, my porch roof was perfectly fine.
Unknown_07: because he had to get up on my porch roof to get up on my trailer roof.
Unknown_10: Why is he saying this? Who cares?
Unknown_10: I don't understand. Like, of all things to get mad about, why roofing?
All you people want to do is go on here and steal my family's photos.
Unknown_07: And also, go in here and lie. The Bible says, God's word says something about people like you. In Psalms... We're going to get Christ's Kanged.
Unknown_11: Christ's Kanged chat. He's going to lay it down. In Psalms 73, it says, in Psalms 73, verses 8, 9, and 12.
Unknown_07: They scoff and speak wickedly concerning oppression.
They speak lawfully. They set their mouth against
Unknown_07: The heavens. And your tongues walk through the earth.
Unknown_10: Well, when the Bible... Okay, to be fair to the posters on the kiwi farms, when the Bible says they set their mouth against the heavens, I am pretty sure they're talking about defamation of God and not your roof. I understand that the roof is towards the heavens, but it is not what is being referenced here in this particular Bible verse.
Unknown_07: The heavens. And your tongues walk through the earth. This is their tongue. This is their tongue walking through the earth.
Behold, these are the ungodly who are always at ease. They increase in riches. How do they increase in riches? How do they get their money?
Unknown_07: I'll tell you how they get their money.
Unknown_10: Hopefully, I'll be able to have a payment processor and process credit cards in the near future, if you're so inclined, sir.
Unknown_07: Because they're also hackers. They're thieves. That's how they get their money. They think they get their money rightfully. They don't.
Unknown_07: They don't get their money rightfully. They don't work.
Really? If they worked, they wouldn't be going onto a blog and talking about me the way they do.
Unknown_07: They don't have nothing else better to do with their lives except to hack and steal.
Unknown_10: I always wonder, okay, when he does that thing where he does the face and he looks like this face, when he's just staring intensely at the camera, is this him letting the impact of his words resonate? So you can take a second to think, oof. Wow, that's really meaningful. He really laid down the smack. I'm thinking about my life now. Or is he just literally chugging to think of the next thing to say? Is this like an intentional dramatic effect pause? Or is this like, hmm, what words am I going to use next? I can't tell which one he's actually going for.
Both. Okay.
Unknown_07: Let's go with FBI. FBI.
The Justice Department doesn't want to get involved in hackers and stopping hackers and stopping internet thieves.
Unknown_10: Of course they tell people, you know, make sure your Facebook is secure.
Unknown_07: Well, my Facebook is secure. I have all my photos locked where nobody can get them. And for one thing, I don't even have a photo of my son like that on my Facebook page at all or on my computer.
Unknown_07: I think maybe they got it from my ex-wife's Facebook page.
Unknown_07: I warn her about locking her Facebook page better.
Unknown_10: If you know where it came from, then it doesn't have to be hacked. If you know that it's on other places, then clearly there are other explanations than that someone has broken into Facebook, sir.
He knows this, and he still burns it on his team. My cousin.
Unknown_07: You need to lock up your Facebook page, people, a lot better. Especially if you know me.
Unknown_07: Because if you don't, these thieves, these hackers and thieves will steal your photos and use them as their avatar.
Unknown_10: He's already had his thyroid checked. I'm pretty sure he's got diabetes.
Unknown_07: Just want to warn you.
Unknown_07: They were stooped to no end to constantly harass somebody. Because that's all they are. They're harassers. The blog says they're not here to harass anybody, but that's what they do. They harass.
They harass, and they steal, and they hack.
Unknown_07: I'm constantly getting signed up for a lot of things.
Unknown_07: I'm not into skiing or hiking. They've also been signing me up to try to buy things.
Unknown_10: Okay, number one, that sounds like spam mail. Number two, don't sign this poor old man up to fucking spam. He cannot navigate a computer to unsubscribe himself from newsletters. What? Don't be an asshole. He needs to be able to check his mail so that he can get his daily Bible verse and the Medicare government website. So don't be assholes.
Fuck you.
Unknown_07: I'm not an asshole. The only way that these people will stop if Kiwi Farms is totally taken down and they know that they will not have a tongue anymore to go all over the earth. The only way that they can communicate is maybe privately through email.
But, you know, the federal government, they know how to...
Unknown_10: You know, a midget once told me that if you want to cut someone's tongue out, you fear what they have to say. Mr. McKim, I have my own holy book, and it's called Game of Thrones.
Unknown_07: Track people down on the internet.
Unknown_07: And they would just get with it and track these people down and stop them one by one or go after Joshua Moon. Oh, no.
Unknown_07: Then people like us who goes on the internet and tell the truth
And preach the truth.
Unknown_10: Yes, he's still on 1.5 speed.
Unknown_07: Can rest easy.
Unknown_07: But we can't rest easy when we're constantly being attacked.
Unknown_07: Someone told me once that, well, you know, that's a part of being a Christian.
Unknown_10: He's just an old man, Neon Goblin. Okay, red pill me on Dr. Robert McKim Sr. Evangelicalist. Explain to me why he's an evil old man and he deserves to have spam mail sent to his inbox. Justify yourself, sir, on the scene. You know what?
When I was younger, churches were not attacked. Christians were never attacked personally for their faith.
Unknown_07: It hasn't been until the inception of the internet that Christians are being attacked. Yeah, they're being attacked in other countries. But we're also being attacked in the United States of America where we're supposed to be free.
Unknown_10: That's kind of sure the internet did lead to like all the cringy Whatever like YouTube atheists like TJ Kirk and shit and Bigfoot I think his name is all those all those cringe Lords from early internet here like debunked the first debunkers They set the stage once they debunked to God everything could be debunked worship And free to preach
Wherever we want to.
Unknown_07: But we're constantly attacked even by local governments, county and state governments are constantly attacking the church, Christians, for their faith and their beliefs.
Unknown_07: Because they don't care anymore. They don't care anymore. That's a whole problem right there in a nutshell.
Unknown_07: Government is supposed to be here to protect us. But they're not doing that. Instead, they're being a part of the problem.
Unknown_07: If you're not a part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem.
That's all I need to say for now, because I've said enough as it is.
Unknown_07: God bless you.
Unknown_07: Have a blessed day.
Unknown_10: He touched a five-year-old girl when he was ten. Check his thread. Oof, that's kind of cringe.
Unknown_10: Well, now he's, for that crime, he has been sentenced to spam email and being bullied on the Kiwi farm for all eternity. That's the 11th circle of hell.
Unknown_10: It's right above having to listen to other people's music all day. That's a lower circle of hell.
Unknown_10: Thank God it's over, he said.
Unknown_10: um i got about 10 more minutes left before this is officially too fucking long i can you know what let's there is one thing that i think i can show from uh the fat people the fat women i don't think amberlynn's been doing anything amberlynn's kind of useless uh but i want to show you the first second of a chantal video
literally just like the first few seconds of a chantile video because that's that is literally a joke she has decided to take it upon herself to start up another diet she's back on the cycle because she's dying basically so
Unknown_10: fuck obesity episode one one meal at a time i when i saw this i i fucking laughed i burst out laughing uh fuck obesity one meal at a time that is a stand-up routine name that is not like a vlog or a series about weight loss name fuck obesity one meal at a time
Unknown_10: And the great thing about episode one of Fuck Obesity One Meal at a Time is that she starts it out. Okay, there's actually several funny things about this.
Here, this part right here.
Unknown_10: It gets on the scale to weigh yourself.
Unknown_10: It's one of those talking scales because you can't look down.
Unknown_10: three hundred and ninety pounds that's pretty i mean she was over four hundred she said uh she said earlier in the week at the doctor's office she uh weighed four hundred and twenty pounds well god she's already lost just the fear of death has made her shit herself and lose thirty pounds in a week uh or
Or, when she bought the scale, she was trying to prove to the haters that she was losing weight, and bought a scale that only goes up to 400 pounds. There is very likely a chance that this scale is ringing out 390, because that is as much as it will go before it becomes inaccurate.
Unknown_10: I don't know if she's like still delusional or if she just forgot that this scale only goes up to 400 pounds. Um, but she does not weigh 390 pounds. She weighs 420. Uh, let me translate.
Unknown_10: Actually, let me translate that into kilograms real quick.
pure in europe that is 190 kilograms that was a lot of lot of person uh so she has a breakfast this is her first breakfast it's like a it's a lot of food keep in mind she's really big so this is like a giant thing of cereal granola banana pepper or not banana peppers but bananas and um
Unknown_10: think like raspberries a plate of eggs looks like two or three eggs and then a big thing of coffee with lots of creamer in it so this is a big breakfast but it's your credit made at home probably less than she eats ordinarily she at this time she's eating at like 6 a.m. at this time she usually goes out for like her first meal and she orders enough for four people and that starts her day so that's good but then we go over here and this is her dinner and uh i think this is like a taco bowl or something and so it's like a serving size dish of of carbs basically and it's a lot of food and it's takeout and she she justifies it by saying um you know as long as i'm eating less
I can still have takeout. And I suppose that's true. I mean, I guess you can lose weight eating takeout, but it's not really the best possible start. The main thing, and I'll repeat this, I've said this before, the main thing in her way is that she's bored. She talks about how... when she wakes up the first thing she wants is food she thinks about food all day while she's eating while she's eating this taco bowl and kind of picking at it she's talking about other things that she wants to eat tomorrow so she's already planning out her next meal as she is eating with food in her fucking mouth and then she's talked about how she dreams of food she will lay in bed asleep thinking about herself eating she'll project into her brain
dreams of food. And it's like... get a fucking hobby, both her and Chantel. They have nothing else going on for them except that they are, uh, morbidly obese and they eat all the fucking time. And it's like, all you have to do really is find something else to do. If you occupy any of your time with something besides food, you will just, you will inherently lose weight because you will not be able to, to, to eat as much. Like physically, you won't have the time. Um,
There is, actually I did lie, there is one thing from Chantel that happened recently that I'm gonna show you. this is she decided she she has to put out a video every day and because it's covid there's nothing to do so she decided to put herself up there cleaning and i would be remiss not to play this because it's really funny i'll mute it so this is her she's in her she's in the kitchen and she is cleaning the countertop now here it is here it is ladies ladies and gentlemen if you look at her she is fat
Unknown_10: You may notice that she is fat. She's extremely fat and you can check out that fupa. Usually the fupa is concealed behind a muumuu. But in this time she has made a mistake and she is wearing a top that cuts out at about the waist. So she has a fupa and usually she's careful not to reveal the fupa too much. but in this particular video the fupa is on full display and she even addresses this like in our next video because everyone made fun of her for having a fupa she says she was reading the comments and all she could see is a fupa fupa fupa fupa everyone's commenting fupa look at the fupa this time stamp this fupa and uh she she couldn't not address that so she did um
I will say this, Chantal is quite possibly the fattest person I've ever seen who can stand. She really is just massive, fucking fat. So she has to eat all the time. And I think the only reason why she's able to walk at all is that she's young. She's like just turned 30. And I think that her health is going to deteriorate rapidly. She already had, I think she had a full hysterectomy already. So she's already had cancer. She's already lost her reproductive organs. She's going to start falling apart. It's going to be like a car. Shit's going to break off of her.
She cannot walk. She can walk. I mean, she can physically stand and walk. I think she chooses to sit when she goes to stores and shit. But she can walk. And there's enough footage of her out there walking where I'm sure she could walk. She doesn't walk, but she can. And she's the fattest person I've ever seen who can still walk like she does. And it won't be for long, especially if she keeps gaining weight.
what's the point of living?
Unknown_10: You have to choose your own, your own point for life. And, uh, Amber Lynn's case, she has dedicated herself to existing and eating and inflicting herself on someone. She, I think she enjoys having like a codependency relationship and just being like really awful to someone, uh, like, uh, Becky, Becky, uh,
Unknown_10: Who was allowed to humiliate herself. I mean, I guess. I don't know. I don't hate Becky. But she is kind of weird. Becky has like a mindset where she has never left the 90s. Actually, let me show you this one video because I want to point this out. I want to gauge a chat's reaction to this.
And then I'll be done. I'll be done with this stream because it's been going on too long.
Unknown_10: It took me a while to figure out what the fuck this t-shirt said. Let me try and find it. The moment where it can actually read this.
Oh, here it is. This is right before this, I think.
Unknown_08: Okay, she's up. She's grabbing something. She's coming back.
Unknown_10: I think it's after she grabs this.
Unknown_10: Come on, show me the fucking shirt, Amberlynn. God damn it.
Unknown_10: The shirt is a Squidbilly shirt, and it says something like... Don't... Touch the tree. Merry drunk. I'm I'm Christmas. And it's the squid Billy guy from the old adult swim show holding a gun. And that's like her favorite show. I need, I need confirmation on this. Press one. If the squid Billy's is one of the worst fucking TV shows you've ever seen. Press two. If you thought it was great and Epic and red pill, press three. Never. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't say anything. Okay.
Don't touch the trim. Marry drunk on Christmas is what it says.
Joke's on you, my high school sweetheart is a happily married lesbian. She gets beat. That's all I'm going to say about that.
Unknown_10: Okay, I'm seeing a lot of ones. I'm seeing more twos than I like. I would like the twos to reconsider being alive.
Unknown_10: it was that and uh 12 ounce mouse i think it was it was just like there was a time where adult swim was turning out these awful awful fucking shows like squid billies and it's just the worst shit i've ever fucking seen 12 ounce mouse is the worst yes uh and squid billies also suck but she she was wearing a squid billies christmas t-shirt i guess yeah no it was awful It's one of the best written shows they have. Fuck off.
Xavier Renegade Angel topped everything else that ever aired on Adult Swim. And I don't have a partial likeness to... Fuck, what's it called? Cowboy Bebop? But there was that one episode with the monster from the fridge that ate the Corky. That was a great episode.
Unknown_10: So it would be Xavier, Renegade Angel, number one, S tier. And then also an S tier, but slightly less S, would be that episode of Cowboy Bebop where the fridge monster ate the dog. And then A tier would be... I like Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
And Robot Chicken. And then everything else is shit. Down at the bottom is 12-ounce mouse and fucking squid dillies. Fuck that shit. Okay. Oh, and C-Lab. C-Lab's S tier, too. C-Lab is great. C-Lab.
Unknown_10: More oral. There was a lot of shit on Liz. Maybe I should gather around with Becky and watch the old fucking adult film shows, because now that I'm thinking about it, I was like, yeah, there actually was a couple things that I remember liking.
Unknown_10: Boondocks was great, too.
Robot Chicken's Garbage. It got bad as it went on, but the first season was great. Oh, well.
Unknown_08: Um...
Unknown_10: All right, I'm done. I'm done. Merry Christmas. If you want to wish me a happy birthday, if you're American, please file a note of support as detailed in my thread that's featured on the forum right now regarding regulating the banks. If you're not American and you are a participant of a community that has been disadvantaged by deplatforming by the banks, please spread the word that this regulation is in the works.
I think I said Merry Christmas. I'll say it again. Merry Christmas.
Unknown_10: Keep your spirits up.
Unknown_10: And don't be Ethan Ralph. Don't smoke meth. Don't impregnate. Don't be a teenager. And then cheat on her with a pedophile.
Unknown_10: General life advice.
Unknown_10: And take it easy. I guess I'll see you guys after the new year. Actually, New Year's Day is the fucking first. I might stream on New Year's Day. I don't know yet.
Unknown_10: All right.
Unknown_10: Bye.
Where's my outro song?
Unknown_08: I'm on now.
Unknown_10: Oh, is this it? Yeah, it is. Okay, bye.
Unknown_08: Oh, hey.
Unknown_02: All right, I'm your host, Ethan Ralph the Gunt, the one and only motherfucking diabetic Richmond pimp. I've been looking for a bitch that doesn't want a big package. I'm at a... Pretty big disadvantage. Tend to just rape this dumb bitch in an alley. Instead, I fucking imported this bitch from Cali. Let's be honest, who the fuck else would have had me? Motherfuckers gotta be deaf and blind. Someone that's never been happy or beat out with their mind. I'm talking mentally damaged, carrying around 300 pounds in her dad's package. No average bitch motherfucker marriage will only have kids with a trashy white fat bitch who'll eat fucking give birth on the same mattress. Where my dear mom and dad did remember The therapist man said suppress the sadness Don't be scared, he's that fuckin' misogynist But even a bitch that's sick of dicks can hop on the gun Quick, consider my transgender clitoris Point the other way, let me sniff that ass So I can see the disappointment on your mother's face When she sees that I didn't put on a rubber Hey, now she's got a couple retarded grandkids on the way Can't believe she would willfully get this fucker laid Let's throw our goddamn junkie potter's brain Damn, I wish there was another way to explain I just don't want this bitch to run away I'm gonna be the world's best dad
You're gonna learn to be a false flagging fag like me. No one gives up the world's best dad. I said it was fetal alcohol syndrome. All I did was feed her alcohol. No more thumb in the butt when I murder slug. I'm bitch too damn weak to be a wife beater though. So I just leave her at home looking after the Greta Thunberg clone that fell the fuck out of her home. Damn son, from the second I saw you I nuked. you ain't gonna have no more than one digit like you that's two digits more than your fucking dad motherfucker about to flip i'm so mad at you just shut up kid you'll be fine maybe you live long enough to see your mom commit suicide god damn it faith you're not going anywhere god damn it i'm fucking serious bitch get your ass in my face get your ass naked say it you filthy shekel horse say it oh i'm gonna be
Matt, what's going up, baby? Who's this? This is Ethan Brown, man. What's going on? I just figured I'd drop you a line here, see how things are going. Ooh, boy.
Unknown_05: You know you fucked up bad, bitch. When fake Alaska's playing the gun and the gun's like, nigger, cut that crap quick. And I'm thinking to myself, as I talk to my kids, dude, how can a faggot so fat have such thin skin? How can a guy who can't get my ass out of his head blow smoke out of his asshole like fucking tobacco? You got the nerve to call me a fat joke when, bitch, you need a fucking backhoe to get out of bed.
Unknown_02: You fucking fuck it.