0:00:25 Unknown_10: We love our cops, our law enforcement We love our military, they're important We love our cops, our law enforcement We love our military, they're important And when I'm in a jam, when I'm in a jam I know that I can call up the man Can call up the man with a plan When I'm on the run Unknown_10: We love our cops, our law enforcement We love our military air enforcement We love our cops, our law enforcement We love our military air enforcement When I'm in a jam, when I'm in a jam I know that I can call up the man Can call up the man with the plan When I'm on the run, when I'm on the run 0:01:25 Unknown_10: It's hard to bring myself to pause this song, chat. It really is just a masterpiece. Unknown_06: My favorite instrument is autotune. Might as well not even be him singing. It might as well just be like one of those Vocaloids. Like one of those anime chicks that have like fake voices. Just compose it with that. The beat's actually kind of catchy. I hate to say it. It's like one of those Autodesk or whatever songs. 0:02:03 Unknown_06: the great irony of all these grifters and trying to like latch on to the blue lives matter shit and we love our law enforcement shit that like Trump started when right around the time in 2016 where there was that shooting in Dallas and it was like that weird I can't remember if it was like a black guy or what but he was running around with a shotgun and I remember there was a video of it from a 0:02:56 Unknown_06: an apartment building or something and they were filming down and the guy the cop was behind like a concrete pillar and he peeked over to the right to try and uh shoot this guy that was killing people and the guy with the gun shot like the ground in front of the cop and then swerved to his right or the cop's left and And then got behind him and shot him from the side with the shotgun. And it was like really weird, like combat-trained tactics. And he had fancy footwork. And I remember right around that time with that shooting, that's when the whole we love our cops shit happened. And then, of course, everyone who was grifting for the Trump audience at that time shifted to the we love our cops, our law enforcement, even though they're like... all reprobates who've had like felony convictions i'm pretty sure baked alaska even before this arrest and he was arrested recently for like unlawful discharge of a chemical weapon or some shit or um as as christian had been arrested for in the past unlawful discharge of gas which is a hilarious uh hilarious law name um but i'm pretty sure he had pepper spray because he already had a felony so he couldn't carry a firearm 0:04:12 Unknown_06: um so you have all these people who like like pantomime that they love the police isn't it nice to have police and i remember i've tried like i'm torn where it's like on one hand i really fucking hate cops and i know that they have the highest rates of merit uh like infidelity within marriage because they're just awful fucking people that nobody can stand not even their own wives and And they're just really insufferable. And I think people, especially in the U S only become cops. If they have like a weird fetish for power, because people like, especially in the U S cops in the U S don't really have like a higher education or anything. They're just like whatever meat you can throw out onto the forest. So on one hand it's like, yeah, the fuck cops. Right. On the other hand, it's also like, I really, um, Unknown_06: I don't want to have an ANCAP government where I have to pay private militiamen or private security or hire samurai to protect my belongings, you know what I mean? It is nice to have police around, and I would prefer to have police around than not have police around. But on the same foot, it's like I wish that cops were more intelligent and chose of their own accord not to enforce particular laws that are bullshit. 0:05:15 Unknown_06: But, you know, and they always just say, well, we're just doing our job. It's our job to enforce drug laws and shit. And it's like, well, you know, you have more autonomy, right? Unknown_06: And then none at all, you realize. And they don't care. And that's the big thing. Cops don't care. They don't care about you. They never have. They exist to put you into a poo-poo pee-pee black rape holding cell for like 45 years because you did something the government didn't like. That's their job. and they could not possibly care care less about you that's just so my point is is that it's really weird to see people like baked alaska who have absolutely no love for law enforcement trying to pass off that they love law enforcement because they don't and nobody does and anyone who says they do is a fucking liar and that's the fact that's the facts of the situation 0:05:57 Unknown_06: Law is a natural consequence of civilization. It is not something you can pick. Cops can, at their own discretion, choose not to arrest someone. They can choose, by their own discretion, to not place someone under arrest for a crime. It's a fact. They don't have to enforce the laws that they do. But they do. 0:06:30 Unknown_06: Because, again, they don't give a fuck. They don't think. Brain off. Brain off. Paycheck in. Me good guy. Me hero. Me smash. Me arrest. Me throw you in poo-poo pee-pee rape dungeon. You know, that's all the cop does. So, no, I don't buy the whole we're just calling order shit. Fuck police. 0:07:04 Unknown_06: Fuck police, but thank you for killing people who pose moderate risk to me, basically. I don't know. Maybe it is better just to have Ancapistan and have Samurai. We'll bring back the Samurai. If you have money and you don't want your shit smashed, you have Samurai. Or we can go full Ancapistan and you can just have your own gun. Someone breaks into your house, you fucking kill them. And then there's not even any cops to arrest you because there's no police anymore. And you are your own samurai. So, I don't know. I'm torn between needing cops and we should all be our own samurai. 0:07:35 Unknown_06: That's my thought. Anyways, yeah, fuck. Bake Elastic got arrested. He got arrested in some shithole nobody cares about. He got arrested because he got thrown out of a bar or something. And then... Actually, I should probably just find the video and play that. Unknown_06: I was thinking about this while I was trying to put together this stream. 0:08:12 Unknown_06: And I was not going to stream because I don't care about Baked Alaska. I don't want to talk about Ralph. And that's basically all that's happened. Then I thought, next week is the 18th, next Friday. And my birthday is December 19th. Unknown_06: And I didn't want to stream immediately after my birthday because, you know, I'm a busy guy. I might be out of town. The EU says that it discourages people from making unnecessary leisure travel. But I happen to have business associates in every country, in every town, particularly where there's fun things to do in December. So I may or may not be not where I am right now, not where I could stream. 0:08:48 Unknown_06: And... Then I decided, well, I definitely don't want to stream on Christmas fucking day. Even if I had to literally, even if I was in a jail cell and I had literally nothing to do on Christmas, I would still pretend that I had other things to do on Christmas so that it would not be streaming. Unknown_06: Because, fuck that. I think everyone should find an excuse not to be on the internet on December 25th. It doesn't matter if you're Jewish or Muslim or whatever. You should not be on the internet on Christmas. Christmas, they should just shut it off. They should just shut the pipes off on the internet and you have to go outside. 0:09:24 Unknown_06: Or at least, like, play on your Game Boy or on your phone for a day. Unknown_06: That is the high holy law of this new era. Anyways, here is... Unknown_05: Baked Alaska being arrested, which is what I'm going to play right now. Unknown_05: Where is my fire? Unknown_05: Oh, I finally fixed files not playing on my website. Unknown_06: So now I can steal my own content again to stream with. Isn't that great? 0:09:59 Unknown_09: I've been talking in my sleep. Unknown_12: What happened? Unknown_06: Where's the video where he sprays the mace? Unknown_06: Oh, this is him getting arrested. This is after. Unknown_09: God, why does he look like a halfway between Guy Ferrari and Ralph? 0:10:32 Unknown_06: When did he get fat? Has he always been fat? Unknown_11: Chat, when did he get fat? That's what I want to know. Okay, that's just him getting arrested. Unknown_02: Where is... Unknown_06: This is the featured pose. Where's the one where he's spraying the guy? What's that? 0:11:04 Unknown_06: to make them think i'm just pissing off they don't run the sidewalk you can piss yeah yeah no you cannot okay so this is the two different angles that's not true look that's how you get is this is this real quick oh that's permanent see okay this is my thing i i really hate the new trend of in real life streaming like i get that it's like a source of content for me like to comment over but Unknown_06: I in no way, shape, or form want to encourage these degenerate weirdos, these drug-addled sub-human IQ retards to wander about in the daylight hours and harass people who are just trying to do their jobs. Because the thing is that people like Ice Poseidon have to continually be causing problems for people to watch their streams if if they were just walking down the fucking street recording their surroundings nobody would watch them and donate money they have to like walk around with audio equipment on blaring out like racial slurs and like and the average person their the reaction to that is not going to be funny they're going to be like what is this weirdo what is this hurricane of autism that is passing me on the street right now you know what i mean 0:11:46 Unknown_06: Or they're going to be harmed by it. They're going to be like, sir, I have to get you out of my fucking building, my establishment. You are causing a disruption. And then you get maced in the fucking face by it. Or the audio equipment is saying the B word, and you can't say the B word in a mall or on an airplane. And then suddenly everyone is being forced out of the building or airplane because somebody with the retard radio equipment on them is blaring out the B word in a public place. 0:12:25 Unknown_06: It just... This should be illegal, is what I'm saying. This is why we need cops. Unknown_06: We need non-samurai police to find these people and put them in the pee-pee-poo-poo rape dungeons where they cannot be a threat to me when I'm eating my Subway sandwich in a mall. That's my take on this. Anyways, here's the reprobates with their content. 0:13:06 Unknown_12: So we're not... Unknown_03: Okay, so here's what's happening. Unknown_06: So he's getting kicked out of whatever the fuck this is. I guess it's a place called Chagrins. That's what it looks like. It's like a bar. And he's like, sir, you gotta leave. And Ice Poseidon's not having any of this. He's gonna stand there and be annoying. I really... Okay, I'm sorry, but someone just posted this in Discord and I really have to bring this up. 0:13:40 Unknown_06: It is fucking shocking to me how much... Unknown_06: him and Ralph look alike it's like they're they're blending together he Ice Poseidon is like a weird maelstrom mix of Ralph Guy Ferrari and I'm gonna throw in another one Joe Dirt he's a mixture he's like a mixture of those like a perfect intersection between them 0:14:22 Unknown_04: I'm not kidding! Get out of my door now! Quit blocking my door! Okay, play-by-play, because I know what happens. Unknown_02: The guy losing his temper, that's not a good look, okay? So you don't want to be screaming at people to get out, but... Unknown_06: He's allowed to push someone away from his door. I'm not a lawyer. I'm not giving legal advice to this man. I'm just saying that if someone's on your property, you as personal samurai can knock him the fuck away from your door so that other people can come in to eat at your establishment, right? So at this point, he's not moving. He's anchored. He's standing his ground. What does Ice Poseidon do? 0:14:54 Unknown_11: Don't push him. Don't push him, dude. Unknown_06: Okay, let's just count actually. When does this happen? So this happens, he is shoved, he is thoroughly shoved at one minute in exactly. And then it starts, the timer. Unknown_11: The camera pans back to him five seconds in and you can see that he's like gathering his shit and you can see he's angry Nobody disrespects him like that. 0:15:37 Unknown_06: He is he's guy Ferrari dirt Ralph the third you don't fuck with him and he's fuming He's literally seething you can see in his face the hurt and then he pulls out. What what does this happen? Hold up He's got it. Okay. He's got it in his purse right over there by his butt So he's gonna reach over to his butt Unknown_06: Wait, wait, he already has it in his hand. He's already pulled this out. He's already, you can see the eye contact. He's already made the intent that he is going to assault this man. And seven, eight, nine, ten seconds later, he sprays him. Unknown_06: So the guy has not come out of his domain. He's not instigated this further. And ice Poseidon has had like 15 full seconds to articulate in his brain for what it's worth, what he's going to do next. And he decided this is, this is the reasonable recourse, which is already bad. Like, okay, you're clearly the instigator here with a chemical weapon, which can cause like eye injury, uh, You can choke. If someone inhales that shit, they're going to be all fucked up. They might suffocate, right? There's all sorts of injury that can result as a result from using this chemical spray. But then what happens? 0:16:53 Unknown_06: Security guy keeps it cool. He turns around. And then, five seconds later, he looks around again to see, like, is he still there? But he's completely turned his back to Ike Poseidon, and he goes in for a second one. A second spray. And it's like... Unknown_06: Completely fucking unnecessary. And if that first one hadn't have gotten him a charge, the second one would have. Because he's turned his back. He's obviously not going to assault. He's not a threat to you anymore with his back turned. In empty hands, right? 0:17:24 Unknown_06: It's not ice. Okay, who is it? Unknown_05: I don't know who these people are. Unknown_05: Keep saying Ice Poseidon. That's what I was told, that this is Ice Poseidon. Who the fuck is this? I'm completely thrown off now. Unknown_05: Who is it? That's bait. Who the fuck is Ice Poseidon? Unknown_06: I've thought those were the same people the entire time. Wait, Ice Poseidon also does the in real life streaming, right? Am I wrong? 0:18:00 Unknown_06: They are the same. He also does it. Yes. Ice Poseidon doesn't do in real streams like in real life. Okay. So they, they're different people. Unknown_06: It's been like two years. I've always thought they were the same person. They look alike, don't they? I mean, that's why I was confused. Like, when the fuck did the Ice Poseidon start looking like Ralph? I guess because he didn't used to when he was Ice Poseidon. Now he's Baked Alaska. He's transmogrified himself to... Doesn't Ice hate Baked? Who gives a fuck? Really, honestly, who gives a fuck? 0:18:36 Unknown_06: Anyways, now... Because I thought the IP2, I thought that stood for Ice Poseidon. Does it not? Okay, what does IP2 stand for? Unknown_05: If it doesn't stand for Ice Poseidon, what the fuck does it stand for? Ice Poseidon 2, yeah, exactly. 0:19:10 Unknown_06: It does. Okay. Okay. Unknown_06: Well then, now I'm... Okay, now you understand the source of my confusion. That this guy called Baked Alaska is doing the in-real-life streams on Ice Poseidon 2 always.win. And I have to, like, untangle this information in my brain like a fucking string of Christmas lights. Unknown_06: Okay. Ice Poseidon is this guy with his beautiful nose. Unknown_06: Oh, okay. I'll dedicate this to memory. This is Ice Poseidon, and this is Ice Poseidon 2, Guy Ferrari. 0:19:42 Unknown_12: Hey, he's our ride, though. We should go. Unknown_04: You're an accessory to the assault. No, no, no. Unknown_12: You're videotaping people on private property. Unknown_04: You're antagonizing. Unknown_12: We're outside the property. We're not with that. I didn't agree with that at all. Unknown_06: They're already trying to distance themselves and say, no, we're not responsible for this. Unknown_09: He got hit, too. Unknown_03: Here's the other angle. Might as well watch this. 0:20:23 Unknown_05: We are not affiliated. Unknown_06: Who is we? Silkyuzad. What is that? Ice Poseidon 2 always.win is not affiliated with Ice Poseidon 2. Is that what you're telling me? Unknown_06: They're completely different, separate legal and conceptual entities that just so happen to be very confusingly linked to each other. Unknown_06: That is correct. Okay. Unknown_06: I'm sorry that you are fucking retarded and you brought this upon yourself. Unknown_06: I wish Ice Poseidon 2 the best of luck with his criminal charges. 0:20:58 Unknown_04: You got this, homie. Unknown_04: Alright, I just took a bunch. Thank you all so much. Unknown_04: I thought you were against Biden stealing the election. Unknown_02: So you're just sitting here trying to attack me. They're right next to each other. Well, I'm actually about to have a trespass if you're not removing me from my property. He is moving. Unknown_03: No, you're not. This is our property. Unknown_02: I thought you were against Joe Biden stealing the election. Unknown_03: Now you want to be a little faggot? You don't want to stand for the truth? Unknown_02: Why are you being a homophobe? Unknown_03: You're really like a homophobic person what a fucking fairy but the fairy he's gonna macho up he's gonna go straight testosterone pumping 0:21:47 Unknown_04: Ice Poseidon to aka baked Alaska is he's not one to be assaulted by a fairy Luckily, he's got his purse and his sexual assault repellent spray Unknown_06: That'll show them. Unknown_04: That'll show that dainty queer not to shove ice beside him too. 0:22:26 Unknown_04: We didn't do anything. At least you're taking it like a man. Security, we agree. These rules and lockdowns suck. Please contact. Well. Unknown_06: What a very white trash holiday. Lots of white trash shit happening this month. I don't know how much I want to talk about Ralph. Ralph is now becoming my third fat woman. He's entering a comfy weekly statement. I have to give a prepared statement about Ralph. I opened a board. I gave up. I opened a board for him. I didn't want to give him a board because I felt like that's... 0:23:00 Unknown_06: It's like too much attention for him, and I felt like the thread would be better served for it. And I really did think after the pregnancy, things would settle down. It would enter back into the routine, because it's happened before with Ralph, where there were huge peaks in activity, and then half a year later, Unknown_06: You know, a full year of not that much happening. 0:23:36 Unknown_06: And I thought, okay, after the pregnancy thing, after Vickers signed off, we'd calm down and there'd be another six months where shit didn't happen. No, not even, not even like three months. Unknown_06: Three months later, his pregnant girlfriend breaks up with him and starts releasing conversations where Ralph is trying to pressure her into a three-way with Digibro's ex, who is an open lollicon, who hangs pictures of children above her bed where she sleeps, and who is in these conversations trying to tell May that 0:24:16 Unknown_06: While Faith gets a job, she will stay at home, do her anime hentai reviews, and help them raise the infant child with Ralph. And when Faith said, no, I don't want to do this... Unknown_06: I'm not bisexual. She groped me, and I was not comfortable with this. Ralph said, well, you're being pretty negative. And that's like his exact reaction. You're being really negative. I wanted this good thing for us. She would help with the family. We'd be a family unit. You would have some help with the baby. And if you could just put in a little bit of effort, if you could give it a good college try... 0:25:00 Unknown_06: I'd really appreciate this. You're being so negative. And she was like, no, I'm going back home with my dad. Which means we are now closer to my prediction of the Mexican cuckold raising the demon baby coming true. All the speculation is I'm rubbing my hands. I can feel it coming. The best possible outcome for this train wreck scenario is coming to fruition. And it really is just baffling why... Unknown_06: Like, why? 0:25:34 Unknown_06: Every way you slice it, every way you look at it, it's like, why do it like this? Like, okay, you're going to pitch this idea. Why do it while she's pregnant? You're going to try and introduce a third woman. Why Digibro's ex? You want someone to help you raise the baby. Why a lollicon woman who jerks off to, like, children? Why? Why? Unknown_06: Why is it that when she says, no, I don't want to do this, you can't just go, oh, okay. Unknown_06: You know? Why even bother with this at all? And I really... It's really like... You know, people posting on the forum, they get all angry about it. I'm trying to look at the humor value of it, but... It is truly baffling. 0:26:09 Unknown_06: May is one of those people I don't want to talk about because I know they love it when I talk about them, when anyone gives them attention ever. But I suffered through this, and you're going to have to suffer through it too. This was an audition to be a VTuber. It's 10 minutes long. I'm only going to play like a minute of it. This is the third woman. This is the person that Ralph ruined his relationship with baby mama with to try and have a threesome with. This is the person who wanted to raise an infant child while fondling the mother. 0:26:53 Unknown_06: This is Mae. This is what she was doing before Ralph started hanging out with her and doing weird in-role live streamings. Unknown_00: minecraft stand so if that's what you're gonna contractually obligate me to do oh wait i got a call from my seo manager he said uh yeah yeah i'd love to play minecraft some of the types of content i do here on the old youtubes include passionately musically performing something 0:27:34 Unknown_00: I have tons of gaming stream and let's play content. Unknown_00: One of my favorite ones is when I tried to do a Pokemon SoulSilver Nuzlocke, which unfortunately ended with Glitch City. I also do multiple live streams already on my Corrupting the Kids channel, so I definitely would be able to do at least three streams a week. Another one of my passions is art. Oh, this is the best part. I've been drawing since I was little. Recently, I was endowed Look at this. 0:28:10 Unknown_06: Look at this fucking drawing in the background. Unknown_00: Look at this shit. Unknown_06: She loves drawing. She's been drawing since she was a small child. And that's the product of an entire lifetime dedicated to honing this art. I don't know. Sorry, I love that. That's great. 0:28:46 Unknown_06: I like the fake laugh. Oh, look, she's going to step aside. She's doing that. She's cut herself. Unknown_00: What is up with that? Get up. Are those underpants on your head? And so quirky. Yes, they're pants on my head. I truly think that pants are the most versatile fashion accessory ever. Unknown_06: I'm sorry, I wanted to play more of this, but I can't stand it. It really is just torturous. Anyway, I just wanted to exemplify when I talk about this, when we talk about how the life of a child has been inexorably changed. When Faith has been sent back home packing because she's being too negative. 0:29:19 Unknown_06: That's the homewrecker. That's the person that Ralph decided to allow into the relationship as a thruple. Unknown_06: and why why and i guess that's what he can get right and that's why he's like well i want to i wrote a post when this happened i guess i should pull it up um and i'll just read it myself because uh the way i saw him like in his head imagining how this would play out hopefully i can find it i may not be able to now 0:30:10 Unknown_05: If not, I'll just repeat the gist of it. Unknown_06: I'm quoting myself, which is kind of cringe. Unknown_06: The way I saw him saying this play out in his head was like, Hey, Josh, it's me, Ethan Ralph, host of the Killstream. Unknown_06: I know Trump just called me to thank me for my investigative journalism after the Killstream help uncovered voter fraud and got him a second term. I heard that after Section 230 got repealed, you had to go fight in eastern Ukraine to make ends meet and keep your visa. Sucks to hear about that, buddy. I got two wives now and a bunch of children. I'm raising a Ralph Amale army. And... 0:30:45 Unknown_06: I know you don't have any family yet. It must be hard over Christmas. And it just goes on like that. And I'm going to go hang out with Dick in the Barbie Dream Mansion in California. I'm going to go water skiing with Nick, Fuentes, and Rikita. And Gator's going to babysit while I'm gone. anyways catch you later i'm just imagining like that's that's in his head like yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna swing this i'm gonna get this money and i'm gonna get the second girl i'm gonna have like eight million kids i'm gonna be based in trad but trad plus plus because i have multiple wives like i'm a Sheik in Saudi Arabia with a whole haram and this is his fantasy and it's just like okay I've got about $50,000 to last me for the rest of my life I have a depressed teenager who's impregnated 0:31:27 Unknown_06: uh this frumpy jewish woman who just got out of a relationship with a tranny who's ostensibly a pedophile wants to hang out from for clout i guess i'll fuck her and try to get her in um gator's still gonna be the best man so that that that part works out great trump's probably gonna lose section 230 looks like it's about to stay despite all the the fucking the fit and Unknown_06: You know, close enough. Close enough. That's basically good enough. 0:32:18 Unknown_05: He bought a house? No, he did not buy a house. Unknown_06: He rented a home ten minutes away from his mom's home. Unknown_06: which is a trailer, that he signed a lease, he co-signed a lease with Pantsu with, the fucking anime rapper that I just showed. He co-signed a lease with her, and it's going to be like, I think like $1,700 a month for that fucking lease. It's not a mortgage. He doesn't own shit. I guess he owns the Killstream for whatever that's worth. 0:32:54 Unknown_06: He's going to own 18 years of child support payments for whatever that's worth. Unknown_06: Is Frankie safe? I think Frankie's fucking gone forever. What a shame. Unknown_06: And now he's at Tampa, which, I mean, I guess that seems fun. It seems less fun than I imagined LA to be. I was going to fly out to LA, and I don't know. I don't know if I'd missed a bullet or what. If I had gone to LA, I would be in some kind of weird polyamorous relationship with Ralph at this point or what. Maybe I should count my blessings that COVID ruined my plans and kept me locked in Serbia in isolation for seven months, but 0:33:37 Unknown_06: it's just crazy man and i don't even know how to feel about it because i despite what all these people say i don't i don't hate ralph i know ralph hates me i really i don't hate him Unknown_06: uh i think that he is consistently making the worst choices possible and for some reason his ranting and raving about me has never like failed or has never managed to make me think oh this guy is uh i hate this guy i don't even know why i don't know why he doesn't bother me Unknown_06: It's strange. Unknown_06: Yeah, I don't know why. I really don't hate a lot of people. I think people I hate are completely disingenuous people who are genuinely predatory and have no redeemable qualities. 0:34:19 Unknown_06: And I can at least argue against that. There are some people I can't, that I genuinely believe have no redeemable qualities. But for most locales and stuff, I don't hate them. I don't have enough energy to hate people. I think Ralph is funny. I think he's unintentionally funny. And I think his habitual... Unknown_06: complication of his own life is endearing in a Chris Chan way where it's like I don't hate Chris either you know what I mean 0:35:06 Unknown_06: It's a tragic thing because, I mean, the real tragedy, I mean, he's really going down the path now of being less of an endearing weirdo and more of, like, a genuinely malicious person because I think that he's now negatively impacting the lives of people who have no option to bail out now. Like, Faith has no real option. She would have to kill the baby in order to, like, disconnect herself from Ralph. Unknown_06: Because now for the rest of her life, she's going to have to deal with Ralph. There will never be a day in her life where Ralph is not going to be involved, at least by proxy. Even 25 years down the line, there's going to be insurance to worry about where Ralph has to have a signature and shit to have it passed. For the rest of her life, she's going to have to deal with Ralph. 0:35:57 Unknown_05: Yeah, it's very strange. I said I didn't want to talk about it, but I ended up talking about it for 20 minutes. Unknown_06: Because it's fascinating. I think that if anyone here is a prospective book writer, do a book on how Gamergate resulted in a demon baby. Someone will probably buy that book. Unknown_06: It won't be me, though. I don't read books. I'm not a chump. I don't sit there and read. 0:36:31 Unknown_05: I'm not full of soy. Unknown_05: Let's see. What else is there? I got some fat people news. Unknown_06: I'm going to talk about fat people. It's comfy. My birthday's coming up. I can talk about what I want to. Unknown_06: uh okay so the most anticipated game of the entire year came out called cyberpunk 2077 i have not played it um though i let me okay let me give you my frustrations with the english you may not have heard but i don't like the english i genuinely think that there's something wrong with every single english person in the world um 0:37:14 Unknown_06: And I was watching this... When it had just came out, I was watching this stream from a guy called TheSpiffyBrit. And he had like 14,000 people watching him play Cyberpunk 2077. Unknown_06: And it was just like... His gameplay footage was so bad. Unknown_06: It was so easy. He was just walking around killing everything in one hit. And saying like, oh, there's no difficulty to this game. It's so buggy and glitchy. Nothing runs. And then... Unknown_06: At some point, the chat, my Discord, we were looking at these streams, was like, hey, check out this Russian stream. And watching Cyberpunk 2077, played by a Russian streamer who was obviously good at video games, really did the game justice. And I won't say it's a good game. I have no idea. I've not played it. But watching me play this guy, or watch this guy play this game, 0:37:51 Unknown_06: really did the game a better service than watching the English guy, because he had a computer that could run it, game looked great, ran fine, the game looked difficult, he had to constantly move and track his cursor correctly, and it made me realize the game does have difficulty settings, and the English guy was playing the game on an easy difficulty, and the Russian guy was playing it on hard. It was very obvious just from the way, just watching it, that's what it was. And the English guy had built like this weird kit where if you stealth, like if you crouch the stealth and you shoot someone in the head with a pistol, it does a ton of damage. 0:38:34 Unknown_06: So we had basically built the Skyrim Stealth Archer build in Cyberpunk 2077, and he went around with his fucking guns, like, shooting people in the head in stealth and killing them instantly, saying, like, look, look, every time I get a headshot, it's just an instant kill. It's like, well, you're playing the game on fucking easy, I realize. You specifically built the fucking game so that you would get a headshot and it would be an instant kill. Like, that's what you built for. And it was just fucking awful. It looked awful watching him play. I'm thinking, wow, this game is such shit. And then I switched over to the Russian stream. And first of all, the Russian voice acting is way better than the English voice acting. I don't know. Like, it's so much better. It makes me think, like, they should have just deployed the game globally in Russian and just fired all the American voice actors because they fucking suck. Fired Keanu Reeves because he's a douchebag. Wholesome, big, chungiest Keanu Reeves who got his start in acting because he was like a... 0:39:47 Unknown_06: He did the time travel movies where he was like a retard. I forgot the name of it, but that was his start. He's just like a dopey guy. Why is he the big, chungus, wholesome Keanu Reeves? They fire him because that's fucking stupid and just have the game be like Metro and have it all in Russian and kind of like depressing Slavic shit. And then... Never let an English person play it. And then, not only never, don't sell the game at all in England. Completely ban the United Kingdom from playing your game. 0:40:22 Unknown_06: Don't let the console players get the game first. What the fuck? Because that was another realization that all the buggy shit, all the awful, hilariously broken game footage was from the PS4, which can't play the fucking game. Like, why would you even bother trying to port this fucking game to the PS4? Don't even fucking bother. The new generation consoles are coming out. If your game can't play on the PS4, don't sell it to people who have the PS4. You're just taking their fucking money for nothing, and you're going to make your game look like a piece of shit because when they crack the PS4 version first and get all the footage, inundate the market with footage of hilariously broken gameplay and people who look like third-degree burn victims because their textures aren't popping in until 10 minutes later. Don't do that. Just don't. 0:41:13 Unknown_06: Don't even... You know what? Unknown_06: Don't even sell it on consoles. Because fuck console players. But if you have to, don't sell it to consoles that can't play it. Unknown_06: I think... Okay, that's my plan. Maybe I was... Unknown_06: I now work at CD Projekt Red. I am poolish. I speak poolish fluently, and I think the Pope is God's gift to mankind. I'm setting the stage here. What do I do to make this game not shit? A, ban England from playing it. B, don't sell it to consoles that can't play it. C, make it all Russian. And D, uh... 0:41:47 Unknown_06: Buy our Keanu Reeves. And then I think that game would have been fine. And it wouldn't have been the most hyped up piece of shit ever. That disappointed everyone. Because when a game is that hyped up, it is literally impossible for people to be satisfied by it. That's why it's smart when Valve released Half-Life Alyx. That was Half-Life 3. Or technically Half-Life 2 Episode 3. Half-Life 3 was never promised. It was the third episode. But... Half-Life 3 or Half-Life 2 Episode 3 would never have lived up to expectations. So if you're going to release a new Half-Life game, call it something else. There's no way that any game can live up to that kind of hype. Like Duke Nukem Forever can't live up to that hype. And Cyberpunk couldn't have lived up to its hype. 0:42:20 Unknown_06: Again, don't even do it. Just release a game. You don't have to release a new product that's going to change someone's life. You don't have to make Skyrim that's going to be re-released on every console ever made forever with no changes and no bug fixes. You know they do that. Bethesda releases Skyrim on modern day consoles with bugs that have existed since its original release. They've never fixed anything in Skyrim for a new port. 0:42:58 Unknown_06: And they make obscene amounts of money doing it. I wish that was my life. I wish I could just sell the same fucking thing over and over again without ever having to fix it. Unknown_05: Ever. Unknown_05: That'd be great. 0:43:37 Unknown_05: The main quest. I'm sure it's a perfectly adequate video game. Unknown_06: I'm sure that it's average. I'm sure that some people are going to like it, and some people are not going to like it. And it's just a game. Unknown_06: Your life will be no different after playing it. Though you've probably seen more tranny sex scenes after playing this game than when you first went into it. Unknown_06: You've probably had more penis, too, after playing this game than before. 0:44:14 Unknown_06: Finally, a realistic game, exactly. When they said, we want this to be realistic, what they meant is more hardcore, tranny sex scenes. Unknown_06: Bethesda is a Microsoft product. That's right, I forgot about that. I got bought by Microsoft. Unknown_06: Oh, thank you for reminding me. I wasn't going to show this on stream. I didn't prepare this, but I want to do something. Unknown_05: Let's see. Okay. We're going to go to Google, right? 0:44:52 Unknown_05: I'm going to type in U.S. Unknown_06: Public Firearm Training. Public School Firearm Training. Unknown_06: And if we go to images, you'll see it's like a lot of stuff about like school shooting or just regular firearms. You can go down as much as you want and it doesn't change, right? Unknown_06: But then you go to Bing or any other search engine that you want. We'll use Bing for the sake of argument. Type it in. 0:45:24 Unknown_06: And you get these pictures. And these pictures are kind of popular, but they used to teach kids in school how to shoot and how to handle firearms. And for some reason... Unknown_06: Uh, if you try to find these images, if you know what you're looking for and you try to find them on Google, these images do not exist. They will not show you them to you. Um, regardless of what you're typing in. So that's really funny. And then I found this, uh, I was trying to look up that video of that woman, that trans deer who, who got head scritches. And I typed in ferociously staff Kiwi farms. 0:45:58 Unknown_05: What was it? Unknown_05: Oh, weird. Unknown_06: I got a completely different result. When I searched this one, my Google logged in. The first result didn't show up. Oh, I know why. Because I searched with a European IP address. This result did not show up at all. It was just ferociously stuff and then a link to kiwifarms.net. But then if I typed in kiwifarms with no space, I got the actual thread first. It's so weird being able to see censorship like that in real time. It's like you can just change a space and you'll get a completely different result. 0:46:33 Unknown_05: And I just wanted to bitch about Google. Unknown_06: Because I said for a while that I didn't think Google would ever do anything to damage its core product to the point where if you wanted to find something bad enough, you would have to use a different search engine. And it is this year where I've noticed... To find certain politically charged things or to find content on the forum, I had to use Yandex or Bing to do it. It used to be that there would be the right answer would be ahead of it. Like you'd search something and then results 1, 2, 3 would be the good thing that Google wants you to see. And then result 4, 5, 6 would be what you actually wanted. Now it's like they're just hiding shit from you. And you don't even know that they're hiding shit from you. They just lie to you. 0:47:12 Unknown_06: And I'm really surprised that it's happening so fast. I didn't think that Google would compromise the integrity of the thing that is their business. Without Google search, they don't have a business. Everything else is just like shit they use to keep you engaged with the core product. If the core product is compromised, then Google itself becomes vulnerable to competition. You know what I mean? So I'm really shocked. I want to express my shock to see that... 0:47:46 Unknown_06: That they're making Google worse than Bing for certain queries. Unknown_05: And on that note, actually... Unknown_06: What was it? Oh, Pornhub. Pornhub was the other one. Okay, here, I want you guys, I want to give a head count here. So in chat, I'm watching my chat now. Give me a response to this. MasterCard and VisaCard and PayPal have made the determination that Pornhub is not doing a good enough job keeping illegal content off their platform and have banned them from payment processing. Press 1 if this is based. Press 2 if this is blue-pilled. I want to see... Give me... Give me the reaction to this. 0:48:53 Unknown_05: In a way I can count. Unknown_05: Lots of based ones in YouTube chat. Unknown_06: For some reason... Unknown_06: For some reason in my Discord, someone named Allie is spamming too as hard as possible. This is the worst news that Allie has ever received in his life. Unknown_06: I will say this, I do notice a lot more ones thinking that this is based in YouTube chat, and the Discord chat is more leaning towards two. So I'm thinking that there is a Coomer concentration in the Discord area. For whatever reason that may be, Discord seems to have the more pornographically inclined... 0:49:31 Unknown_06: I actually don't know how I feel about this. On one hand, I think it's good. Efforts to remove child pornography and rape material from the internet is ostensibly good for everyone, right? So that's... Plus, I don't think that the credit agencies should be the bureau responsible for enforcing laws about spreading child pornography and snuff. I think... That's backwards. And it's such a strange move because... 0:50:16 Unknown_06: I think pro-porn stuff, pro-sex work stuff is mostly liberal, right? Unknown_06: And usually the cards are very aligned against the conservative areas and not necessarily the liberal causes. So it does really trip me up to see the cards, the payment networks fucking with Pornhub. You would think that would be a perfectly safe venture. There's nothing to worry about with porn. 0:50:49 Unknown_06: and especially with the Patriot Act I don't know what the ramifications of the Patriot Act being repealed or not renewed at this time are but I'm completely stunned I've been thinking about it for the last day because it was announced last night and I really don't know how I feel check Pornhub new rules Unknown_06: Well, I mean, they can make whatever rules they want. You can write a piece of paper saying that our rules say, number one, don't break the law. Number two, really don't break the law. But then if you can find, like, child rape on your site, it doesn't matter what the rules are. 0:51:22 Unknown_06: You're still hosting child pornography. Unknown_06: Josh is constantly stunned. Exactly. Unknown_05: Flabbergasted. Befuddled. Unknown_05: This is based a taste of their own liberal humorous. Unknown_06: If it is based, Unknown_06: It's because it's going to cause people on the left now to look at, you know, the pro-sex work people to look at card networks and think, wait a second, these guys can arbitrarily decide that I can't fill every hole in my body with dildos for money now. This is bad. This is actually sexist and trans-misogynist. So we have to pass new legislation to reel them in. That's the only way I can imagine this being a long-term benefit. Otherwise, it could literally just be that Pornhub was making too much money off copyrighted content. You know what I mean? They're distributing too much of Mr. Silverstein's videos, and he's like, hey, wait a second, I'm losing money because my videos are on Pornhub for free. Uh, you gotta do something about that. And then, uh, MasterCard and MusicCard are just like, eh, there's child porn, I guess, in this, so we're gonna, we're gonna kick you off. 0:52:47 Unknown_06: You know what I mean? Unknown_05: There we go. Okay, everyone seems satisfied. Unknown_06: That's a conspiratorial enough answer to tick some boxes. Unknown_05: Hahaha. Unknown_05: It's always about money. Exactly. Unknown_06: You gotta pay for your CP. Now you're talking. That's the in-cap way when we live in our samurai society. 0:53:23 Unknown_05: Take your meds? No. Unknown_06: Okay, I guess that's enough of that. I don't know how I think about that. I'm assuming that there is... I'm assuming that there's a nefarious reason for it as I do everything. But if that's it or something else, I don't know yet. Speaking of conspiracies, actually, I found this out at the last second. Someone sent me a DM. Unknown_06: that on parlor if you even remember what parlor is um apparently parlor had a really big q following and since q has apparently been designated like a terrorist at this point and people who like q are all on fucking government watch lists for being potential like enemy combatants in the civil war i don't know why q is such a danger to the government but But the boomers are really freaking out about the boomers who listen to Q. So CodeMonkeyZ, who if you don't know... 0:54:16 Unknown_06: is the... He supposedly stepped down, but he used to be the head maintainer of 8chan and is the son of Jim Watkins, who owns 8chan and owns 5chan, which used to be 2chan. Keep up if you're following up. She... He... Unknown_06: was also big into the Q conspiracy, and there was allegations that Jim and Ron were actually Q themselves. So Parler banned Ron, CodeMonkeyZ, and it immediately got grabbed by... Oh no! Has it already been deleted? 0:54:58 Unknown_05: I can't believe that. Unknown_06: Oh, there it is, okay. Sorry, it's just Profile CodeMonkeyZ instead of CodeMonkeyZ like it should be. This account got taken by... Unknown_06: glaive and most people even people who use the forum won't remember who glaive is now because it's been so long he used to be the other admin of the kiwi forums he was number two on the roster he was my second in command and he snatched up code monkey z on parlor as soon as ron got banned and and all the boomers have followed him again like look at this he's gotten 12 000 stupid boomers to follow his fucking fake parlor account because they're they're which really which i think damages the brand of q when your audience is so fucking stupid that someone can just take a profile and they'll all refollow it instantly unthinkingly you know what i mean 0:55:51 Unknown_05: So I don't know. Unknown_06: He got impersonated and he got, I don't know. I don't know what happened. I just know that this is like weird. It's like weird boomer versus boomer politics and friendship. And it's super strange. Unknown_06: Oh, speaking of, um, Trump... Okay, here... Let's do another vote, actually. Before I say anything, I have to know how to tailor my thoughts so I don't offend people. Press 1 if you think that Trump will get a second term. Press 2 if you think that there's no fucking way that Trump is going to get a second term. And by second term, I mean this election, second term. January 21st will be President of the United States of America. 0:56:49 Unknown_06: One for Trump, two for no fucking way. Unknown_05: Okay, I'm seeing a lot of twos. Unknown_06: I'm seeing overwhelming twos. The Electoral College votes on Monday, which is why I asked. I've gotten some weird comments on my videos about Trump. When I talk about Trump, it says, Josh is so fucking clueless. It's like he's never heard of the Electoral College. And it's like, bro, he's down 72 delegates. I think even more than that. He's down by almost a huge amount of people. And you're expecting that more than 36 of those people are going to break away and vote for Trump? 0:57:24 Unknown_06: I don't know. I suppose it's possible. I would not want to say it's impossible because it is technically, theoretically, physically possible that this happens, but I don't think it's going to happen. 0:57:57 Unknown_06: And I think it would be much more like... I think he lost fair and square. I didn't vote for him. I'll put it like that. I did not vote for him. I voted for him in the first one. I physically voted for him. I went out into a fucking polling station wearing... Because I know you couldn't wear campaign apparel to the voting polls because that would be influencing votes or whatever. So I wore all red. I wore a bright red Coca-Cola shirt. Unknown_06: And I took a picture of myself after I voted with my little sticker that said I voted and my Trump hat on, my red Coca-Cola shirt. and i didn't vote for him this year and it's not even because it's hard you can get mail-in ballots sent to you wherever you are to vote for the president and i just decided i don't care i really don't care who becomes president so i'm not going to bother uh and i do i feel like he lost i feel like he lost fair and square because he didn't do anything he said he was going to do 0:58:50 Unknown_06: I mean, he has some accomplishments, but that's mostly in the fact that he appointed people to the Supreme Court. He's appointed more, I think, more Supreme Court justices in a single term than any other president in history. I think the only person who's appointed more people to the Supreme Court than Trump is FDR, who had four terms. So that's an accomplishment, but... Unknown_06: The wall didn't get built. Mexico didn't pay for it. All he's talked about for four years is black unemployment numbers while white unemployment has gone up. Unknown_06: The COVID happened and that was handled catastrophically. I remember people saying like this time last year, it's like Trump's assuring. What is, what did the Democrats have to run against Trump? The economy is doing so well. It would take a catastrophe for Trump to lose. And then COVID happened and everyone lost their fucking jobs. 0:59:30 Unknown_06: nothing on big tech is that he had four years to do whatever the fuck he was going to do to section two 30, which brings me to my next point, by the way, that the Senate and the Congress have, or the Senate and the house rather have voted to pass the NDAA, the bill that he was going to hold hostage. Um, they had passed it with two thirds majorities more than that. So that's veto proof. If those same, they could sway, they could vote not to veto in the future. Um, But if those same numbers held up, or even most of them held up, Trump can't veto the NDAA. And then he would have to negotiate whatever repeal he's going to do to Section 230 in literally his last month of Congress, or his last month as president. So I gave it about a 70% chance of happening when I made the thread in dooming over Section 230. But now I give it like a 30% chance of happening, if even that. It really is incredible. 1:00:38 Unknown_06: How much he got dabbed on. And I really do hope that he vetoes and then gets overridden. Because he's never had a veto override. And if he gets overridden in the lame duck, that would just be embarrassing and funny to me. Unknown_06: And someone got mad at me for saying this. Like, so are you laughing at this because Trump loses or because big tech wins or what's your gambit here? Like, I'm laughing because he's threatening things that he doesn't understand to try... 1:01:12 Unknown_06: And get like revenge on Twitter, which if you want to like, I understand like people were with him for four years. They were with him on doing something to moderate the overreach of tech companies and how they were censoring people. His voters were with him and he did nothing for four years. He went to Israel and kissed the wall over and over again for four years and did nothing for, to stop companies from fucking him over in the election by putting bad boy stickers on every single one of his fucking tweets it's it's his own fault why didn't he get elected a second time because he fucking sucked and he fucked up and he disrespected his own voters that's why no regrets i don't think joe biden will be a better president than trump but i also don't think that trump deserves to win again because he's kind of fucked up 1:02:15 Unknown_05: He played golf. They all play golf. Unknown_05: That's something I learned from Scott Adams. Everyone who's rich plays golf. Unknown_05: Apparently it's good for you. Unknown_05: I thought, but the thing, that's the funny thing is that Trump did as much as he could to appease Jewish people. Unknown_06: And they still didn't vote for him. He didn't win any more Jewish votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. They don't want to, they didn't want to, American Jews don't want to vote for him. And they can kowtow to Tel Aviv or whatever as much as he wants to. But people, the Jews here didn't care. They weren't impressed by that. They would rather have Biden still. 1:02:48 Unknown_05: Surprise, surprise, right? Unknown_05: Don't get your hopes up for Texas seceding either. Unknown_06: That's not going to happen. Unknown_06: Texas threatened to secede when Obama got elected. Did that happen? No. 1:03:22 Unknown_05: Be real. Oh, well. Unknown_06: Is that all I can say about politics? Pretty sure. Unknown_06: Anything else have I missed? Oh, the fat woman. I'll round this up with some fat women. I have to show you something funny. Okay. Unknown_06: From there's two Amber. Okay. Amber Lynn is doing this vlog thing for December called vlog mess, which is where I guess when vlogging was really popular on YouTube, all the vloggers would put out a new video every day. That was called vlog mess. Well, she decided to have her own spin on it and she was going to do Lynn mess and And she stopped calling it Lynn Miss like 10 days in because people kept saying, like, why are you replacing Christ with your own name? Amber Lynn Reed died for our sins, chat. And it's important to remember that. This Lynn Miss. 1:03:55 Unknown_06: Okay, I have this timestamp. I forgot what happens here, but we'll watch it. 1:04:26 Unknown_06: We'll have a good time looking at fat people and then we'll go. Unknown_01: Oh, okay. Unknown_06: I remember now. Unknown_06: If you don't know, that strapping young woman there is Becky. Becca. And Becca is big on the 1990s. She is a 90s girl and she loves cartoons. She loves everything 90s. She loves sitcoms. She's got an elf show on right there. She loves the 90s and I guess early 2000s too. Unknown_06: Didn't really mentally, physically, emotionally, intellectually progress after 2006 or thereabouts. So what we're about to see is a travesty to the human body and also something that Becky got done recently. A few comments that people are like, what are Becky's new tattoos and what do they mean? 1:05:05 Unknown_07: This is the Best Friends Forever ring. Unknown_06: So if you're listening to my voice and you're not watching... Unknown_06: Becky has extended a ham hock towards the camera, and Amberlynn Reid has pinned the camera down to the underside of her arm, which is presented to her. Unknown_06: And on the underside of her arm, facing the camera at present, are two shapes, and they are... 1:05:43 Unknown_06: Patrick Star and SpongeBob SquarePants permanently tattooed in colored ink on her body. Unknown_06: Now, when I say Patrick and SpongeBob, you probably have a vision in your head, a mental picture of these two characters. It does not look like that. I don't even know. I think she explains what episode this particular tattoo concept comes from. But it looks awful. Unknown_06: I really don't know how to describe it. It's like if Ditto ate Patch, you know, the fucked up face Ditto from the Pokemon series. If it ate, because we're talking about 90s shit here. You'll understand that reference. If fucked up face Ditto ate SpongeBob and Patrick and tried to become them. That's what he would look like and it's just asymmetrical and shoddy and weird and it's a it's fucking bewildering Why she just didn't get the characters if that's what she wanted, but she'll explain I think why she got this design and when she does explain Amberlynn Reid and her infinite wisdom will pan the camera up so you cannot see the fucking tattoos while she talks Wait she didn't explain 1:06:56 Unknown_07: This is the best friends forever ring so that's why they look the way they do like my tattooist was like Unknown_06: Oh, it's like a, it's like a, I can't even, fuck it, I can't describe that. It's like a still from a movie where they get best friends forever and they look weird for a second and she's like, yeah, I want that. But just slap that on my meat. I need this as a tattoo forever. Anyways, that's what I wanted to show you. I have this time stamped as well. 2.30. 1:07:33 Unknown_05: okay amberlynn uh has imposed a uh oh okay here someone got me this i'll put this up if you're just listening you won't be able to understand this but here is here is where this is from what can i not copy oh Unknown_06: So that is where it's actually from. It's a tiny little thing and they are like very crude looking on it. And for some reason she decided to go with that over the actual designs of the characters. Unknown_05: Let's see if you guys... Unknown_06: So if you're looking, Amberlynn, at the start of Linmus, hallowed be its name, went to Becky and said, Becca, you're going to get me a different earring every single day until Christmas. She has imposed this will upon Becca, who is awarded a salary from Amberlynn Reed's personal finances, her treasury. And she went to her vassal, Becca, and said, you will take my allowance that I bestow upon you for your services of wiping my ass. Literally, she has Becky wipe her ass, and that's why she gets paid. For wiping my ass physically, you will be allowed a stipend. And this Linmus... I expect you to use a portion of your salary for wiping my ass to buy me a different earring every day. And like a dragon, like a morbidly obese smog hoarding a giant pile of gold. She has a giant set of dresser drawers here, plastic, like, tray drawers that are entirely earrings because apparently she just collects earrings. More earrings than a person can physically fucking wear. 1:09:10 Unknown_07: Don't follow my TikTok, which you don't need to follow it now because I deleted everything. Unknown_07: I do have my earrings. Unknown_07: Color-coded gold. Unknown_07: Silver... Unknown_07: whites and kind of creams but more so just like the white family there black okay this is the part this is the part that we have clipped i'm gonna go back and time this right 1:10:01 Unknown_06: cream she's showing like the weird she likes animal prints and that's really gross browns um animal print she goes over to the blacks this one's like my favorite where's the blacks at oh here it is here's the blacks chat look gaze upon the bottom right of the drawer and read me the words that are written there Unknown_06: What? This is an earring. She has an earring that is like a postcard-sized placard that just says in gold lettering, Rich Bitch, that at some point in history, she has taken out and worn on her earlobes these giant... Index card sized earrings that are completely formless. It's just a square with the text rich bitch and enormous, enormous gold lettering that she wears outside where other people can see her. 1:11:08 Unknown_06: Now, I'm aware that because this is the Horde of Smaug, that there is a chance she has not worn any of these earrings, and she just has, like, one pair that she wears pretty often. There's a chance that the rich bitch earrings have never entered her ear. I choose to imagine otherwise. I choose to believe that she has worn this. Okay, she likes to say, and I think this is even the video where she says over and over again... she is so generous she's the most generous person and she really loves the fact that she's generous because she doesn't love too much about herself but she really loves the fact that she's generous and i choose to believe that she has worn her rich bitch earrings while donating old clothes she no longer fits into to goodwill she has entered the goodwill on her scooter and bearing gifts for the poor people uh who have to look up at her her magnanimous formless body upon the scooter with the rich bitch earrings dangling from uh to receive the bounty of old clothes that she can no longer wear because she keeps getting weight that is that is my mental image and when i saw this i thought i have to play this on stream because this is fantastic okay um let's see 1:11:55 Unknown_06: Oh look, oh my god, they're even worse than I imagined. Someone has found the rich bitch earrings. Look at this. Unknown_06: Look at this. They don't just, like, hang off your ear. They have little, like, pink lipstick kissy marks. And then the rich bitch index card-sized placard hangs another, like, three inches below your earlobe. This is truly... Oh, and they're $3. They're $3.20 off of AliExpress. So she really got this... 1:13:01 Unknown_06: to spend some money to prove to everyone that she's in fact a rich bitch don't lie to us Josh you got a parrot like that at home they just say exceptional individual I just have my earrings are just a picture of my dog just a giant picture of the dog and I walk out in public with the fucking mutt just hanging off my head that's how people recognize me like hey you're that fucking retard who rent that site aren't you Unknown_06: I was like, I can recognize you because of the dog earrings. Unknown_06: Oh, and there is some Chantown news, just to round this off, so that we have a good healthy portion, a cafeteria tray where every little cubby is filled with something different. Unknown_05: Oh, okay. Let me actually... 1:13:59 Unknown_05: I know she has a habit of deleting this shit, so hopefully it's still there. Unknown_05: So she posted a video yesterday. Unknown_06: saying that not yesterday but like a couple days ago and i'll spare you the video but she basically says i'm shitting i'm shitting all the time i've got an issue with my ass and i am just shitting constantly um diuretic frothy shit just constantly and i might go to the er and of course the natural reaction to that is number one ill gross number two um oh yeah she shit herself in the car thank you thank you for reminding me and the reaction is number one that's gross number two uh why would you go to the er you're not you're not like pooping blood if you're pooping blood you can go to the er but otherwise you should probably go to schedule an appointment with a doctor you know go to a regular doctor office and you're not you're not like forced through a window you're not bleeding to death go to a doctor um and then today 16 hours ago she says hey guys my feeling better was short-lived and i ended up in the er last night after a day of various testing the news is really worse than i thought i'll be making a video sharing the news with you when i feel a bit better uh if you don't know chantal currently has three different disorders three different like major weight related medical issues number one she had uh poly 1:14:36 Unknown_06: PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome, which were complicated exponentially by the fact that she had hormonal issues from being fat. Because if you're fat, you release estrogen. If you have a cyst issue in your uterus and you have a ton of estrogen, your cysts get really big and dangerous. So she ended up losing, she had a total hysterectomy and lost all of her reproductive organs, which means that she'll never be able to have kids, of course. 1:15:43 Unknown_06: And then I want to say that she had her gallbladder removed, and if you don't know, your gallbladder is really important for processing fats. If you don't have a gallbladder, then you can't digest fat correctly, and you will shit liquid oil every time you eat something fatty. And as you can imagine, Booty Booty eats a lot of fatty foods that she cannot properly digest, which is probably why she shits herself constantly, because she can't digest it properly. And then number three, I'm pretty sure she's diabetic or at least pre-diabetic. And chances are, because of how she's been eating this year, for some reason she gave up any pretense of wanting to eat healthy, wanting to lose weight. She moved in with Pete's, who is like the most degenerate. He is soy boy incarnate. I've talked about him before. 1:16:20 Unknown_06: His name is literally X-Man Fan on Twitter, or something very similar. He knows everything about the X-Men, and he is the kind of person who's still buying comics in his 40s in the year 2020. So he's a big fan of Squirrel Girl, I think, and all these Super Paws comic books. And he lives with her, not because... 1:17:04 Unknown_06: Not only does he live with her, he lives with her after they were together for years in a committed relationship where she cheated on him with Bebe, the black guy from Senegal, and then got married to Bebe, and they remained friends, and then after the breakup, they lived together in a new apartment, and... Unknown_06: now he is like a completely emasculated shell of a person and they just eat and he's gotten super fucking fat so they're both enabling each other and he doesn't even like fat chicks he said uh but because that's all he can get he just puts up with it and they're eating themselves to death and she's completely given up uh trying to lose weight or be healthy and chances are the reason why she is saying that she has a worse prognosis than she thought is because she is now diabetic and has to take insulin or she's going to lose parts of her body and if you don't know what happens if you have diabetes Um, it affects your circulatory system and you start to lose limbs. Anything that has small, delicate blood vessels, you start to lose. So your digits, your toes and your fingers, your eyes have very delicate capillaries that can break pretty easily. That's what you get. Red eye, you get, you know, your blood vessels, that's from your blood vessels breaking. So that, that goes, that's why people lose their sight. Your kidneys go because your kidneys also have very small, delicate capillaries and blood vessels that those are gone to. 1:18:42 Unknown_06: She's dying. Unknown_06: My favorite fat person. A person of habitual pathological cycling of diets and yelling at the haters who spends her life reading the forum and filing DMCA takedown requests on Google and on YouTube who got me my first channel strike because she filed a DMCA or a hate speech complaint against me way back when when I still had the Kiwi Farms channel. Unknown_06: She's dying, chat. On this Christmas occasion. 1:19:13 Unknown_06: And it's very sad. I never want to see any of these people who bring me such joy die in early death in their late 30s because they drank themselves to death or they instigated a heavily armed father in California or they ate themselves to death or they got shot by police in whatever fucking state. You know... Unknown_06: it's not like genuinely i don't want people to die so it is very very uh unfortunate uh and what's really unfortunate even more so than having the issue to begin with is that she's not going to have the wherewithal to look at her life and then go oh i should make changes or i'm going to die she's gonna she's gonna look at this and go well you know i can't have kids and i don't love anyone uh especially not myself so i'm just going to continue eating 1:20:10 Unknown_05: Um, I think that's it. Unknown_06: Someone asked me to talk about Rand. I really don't have anything to say about Rand, except that for someone who's like a crazy white supremacist, like super mega alt-right, he sure has a Jewish looking wife. That's my only, that's my statement on Rand. Unknown_06: Oh, and somebody brought up the lawsuit. Why don't you talk about the lawsuit with Melinda Scott? It's because I'm being sued, sir. Unknown_06: It's probably a bad idea to talk about the lawsuit with Melinda Scott. Unknown_06: But I suppose... I think people are keeping track and pulling filings and shit on the site. So if you're interested in that... Or if you want to give me money, let me know. And I'll take your money. 1:20:47 Unknown_06: Forearm skin license. I got banned from... Unknown_06: we've used something called UEX or Zenforo for as long as I've had Zenforo. Unknown_06: And, uh, I logged in today or like a couple of days ago to renew my license and update the forum. Uh, cause the software is running version 2.2, but the theme is version 2.1 and I took a look at that and I tried to log in and I'm banned. I don't know why my, the people responsible for my fucking forum theme have banned me. 1:21:24 Unknown_06: uh after like four years but they have so i'm gonna have to change the way that the forum looks which is uh weird and they refuse to answer my emails i've sent them emails like uh why have you banned me and i haven't gotten a response so okay that's petty and weird but whatever um Unknown_05: Talk about PPP. 1:21:59 Unknown_06: PPP is doing a weird kayfabe thing where he's doing streams of Andy Worski and Ralph. And I don't know what his gambit is, but I think he's pissed at all the people. Because I mentioned Faith leaking stuff before, and I kind of oversimplified that. Faith and Vickers have been giving leaks directly to this guy. Unknown_06: Um, who is just a complete retard and totally mishandling this information and doling it out in a retarded way. And he's doing it in a way that's like self aggrandizing. It's like, no, nobody cares about who you are or how you got these leaks, either post them or don't like, we don't care about you. And the day that you run out of things to post, nobody's going to talk about you ever again. Cause you're not interesting by yourself. You just have something that people want. know what i mean so that i think pissed ppp off and now he's being weird and trying to be friendly with ralph i think to piss the people off who are being gay about these leaks so i don't know now that's kind of why i didn't want to talk about ralph but because it is like there's like weird gay shit happening it's just like yeah 1:22:37 Unknown_06: The less I have to think about that, the better. I just don't care. I just want to see what's real. I want to see things that I can believe and that are to some extent verifiable and which are interesting. That's all I care about. 1:23:13 Unknown_06: I welcome anyone to post that kind of stuff, but... Just be aware that people want to talk about the funny. They don't want to talk about you. I'm sorry, Mr. Genius Anus, but you're not interesting besides what information you have. And this is why I always rail on Vickers as being a retard like Ralph. It's like, dude, you had something that people wanted. You could have just posted it. You could have sent it to me. I can understand not wanting to send it to me, but you should have sent it to someone who wasn't a retard. And if there are time constraints when something has to be released, like if you can't release it, like the guy was saying, I can't release this until Mr. Vickers and Faith are talking to the prosecutor because it may damage their case. Oh, then don't then don't then don't not don't talk about it. Wait until they're done with what has to be done before, um. 1:23:54 Unknown_06: Before you even mention it. Why tease information? Why be weird? Why make weird Discord groups to plot against Ralph? Like, why? You're just damaging the reputation of your own efforts and information, and you're making things worse, and you're causing people to become... disinterested because the information has become inexorably linked and weighed down by how you're choosing to put it out there. So that's confusing and I can understand PPP not wanting to be like a vanguard trying to put out this information. uh but i don't know the k-fabe is kind of gay i was never a guy who was into wrestling um maybe i guess if you're into wrestling and you're into like the like the vendettas and the the grudge matches and shit maybe that's interesting to you but me personally i'm just i'm i like to i'm more objective about it it's like what what's real what's not what's funny what's not what's worth promoting what's not you know what i mean and that's how i uh 1:25:20 Unknown_06: That's how I try to operate. I don't know. That's all I got on that. Unknown_06: As always, play on my Space Station server. It's ss13kiwifarms.net 1337. Unknown_06: Play it. Unknown_06: Don't kill people randomly. Unknown_06: And I probably won't see you again next week or the week after. So I'll maybe get to see you guys later. Unknown_06: On the second? Oh my god. Unknown_05: That's a long time. 1:25:56 Unknown_06: Now I'm done. I'm losing my voice. I gotta call it quits here. I don't have time for another watching case cooking or anything. Unknown_06: But I'll see you when I see you. Have a Merry Christmas. Chin up. Don't get stressed out about stupid shit. Remember, none of this matters. Unknown_06: And take it easy. Bye-bye. Bye. 1:26:42 Unknown_08: It's Christmas at Ground Zero There's music in the air The sleigh bells are ringing And the carolers are singing While the air raid sirens flare It's Christmas at Ground Zero The button has been pressed The radio just let us know That this is not a test Unknown_08: Everywhere the atom bombs are droppin' It's the end of all humanity No more time for last minute choppin' It's time to face your final destiny Let's Christmas at ground zero There's panic in the crowd We can dodge debris while we trim the tree Underneath the mushroom cloud 1:27:59 Unknown_08: You might hear some reindeer on your rooftop Or Jack Frost on your windowsill Unknown_08: But if someone's climbing down your chimney You better load, you're gonna shoot to kill It's Christmas at round zero And if the radiation level's okay I'll go out with you and see All the new mutations on New Year's Day Unknown_08: It's Christmas at ground zero, just seconds left to go. I'll duck and cover with my yuletide lover underneath the mistletoe. It's Christmas at ground zero, now the mistletoe's on their way. 1:28:37 Unknown_08: What a crazy fluke, we're gonna get nuked on this jolly holiday. What a crazy fluke, we're gonna get nuked on this jolly holiday.