Wait, wait, wait, wait. That might be a little bit overdramatic. I think I have something else I can play that might be better.
Unknown_04: Yeah, 28 US Marines pulling up in black Ford Raptor trucks. Helicopters landed.
Unknown_04: Ram Ranch is under siege, under lockdown. U.S. Marines are gonna fuck Ram Ranch cowboy butts.
Looking for Prince Harry? Gonna fuck Prince Harry's butt.
Unknown_04: Yeah, wild buff, cool U.S. Marines. Gonna fuck cowboy butts.
Unknown_04: Yeah, 20-8 U.S. Marines.
Unknown_04: Four black trucks. Helicopters landed.
Unknown_04: Rain Range is under siege. Under lockdown. U.S. Marines are gonna fuck Rain Range cowboy butts. Looking for Prince Harry. Gonna fuck Prince Harry's butt.
So I think a lot of people are expecting a stream that's kind of like this Or maybe even this
Unknown_01: But it's more like this. I gotta sing the Doom song now.
Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom. Doom, doom, doom.
Unknown_08: Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom. Doom, doom, doom.
Unknown_01: Does anyone else remember the mid-2000s when things were simpler? No, I'm looking at this kind of almost comically. Because on one hand, he really... Okay, I guess I should explain. Because again, I have to make these with the assumption that people will pull this up out of a lineup eight years later.
After all, internet media has been destroyed and there are only the archives left.
Unknown_01: Trump, in his final two months, the beginning of December, has really, really doubled down on removing Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, a internet provision which has guided the growth and development of the whole internet in the entire world for 25 years almost, right?
uh through the dot-com bubble everything to them in 2000s everything through 2010s and now uh even today and to to clarify uh for people who still don't understand because i pulled up nick fuentes who is popular with the right wing and the pro-trump people and the america first and the white uh identity people he was talking about 230 so i listened to his podcast to the
Unknown_01: And he incorrectly stated that Section 230 protects companies from illegal material being posted on it. That is not true. There is a provision in 230 which says explicitly this does not affect the ability of law enforcement to enforce criminal laws. So when people say without 230, if someone posts child pornography on your website, you get arrested for child pornography, they are ill-informed. And Nick Fuentes is demonstrably ill-informed about what 230 does. And a lot of people are.
I will, in simple language that anyone can understand, with Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, websites like mine and Twitter and internet service providers like Cox Communications, Cogent, anyone who hosts anything, any service provider is not treated as the speaker of posts, of tweets, of anything for civil matters. So if someone says something defamatory on 4chan, Hiroyuki is not dragged to court for defamation.
That is what it does. So I will explain, again, that I am being sued in two different federal districts. One in Virginia, one in Utah. The one in Utah hasn't amounted to anything yet. I haven't been serviced. And I wasn't serviced in Virginia either, as far as I'm concerned. But now, because they want a default judgment, I have to get an attorney, or I have to take the time to defend it myself, which would be dozens of hours of my life wasted dealing with this. Or I have to pay an attorney to deal with it, and that will be at least $5,000, up to $10,000, up to $15,000. And if it gets delayed out, that could be... $300 an hour more to deal with that.
Now, I want you to imagine that's and that's with Section 230. That is with this provision, which says I can just say I didn't say it. It's not my fault. Without it, I would have to argue the merits of the claim and I would have to prove that it's actually true or something. And that would take. even more time and therefore more money. And that would be for every thread on the site, not just crazy people filing spurious bullshit which may result in real life consequences for them for abusing the legal process, which is many more people willing to do that. So no, it is not possible for me to host my website in an environment without Section 230. It's hard to do it now. Without this protection, it is impossible. And people saying, why don't you move to Russia? Why don't you move to China? Why don't you move to Armenia? The answer is it doesn't matter where the server is hosted or where I'm living. If all my shit is in the U S I'm still a U S citizen. If something happens, like for instance, with a storm front or not storm front, the daily stormer, Andrew Anglin, um, was sued by, uh, the ADL, I think. And because he didn't defend himself in court, uh, he now has a multi-million dollar default judgment against him. So if he had anything in the U.S. like I do, and I necessarily do because I have to have my infrastructure, my IPs, my servers, that's all in the U.S., then that would be taken from him if he had that. Andrew Englund has the benefit of being able to host the Daily Stormer through a myriad of proxies, and other obfuscating levels that are easy for him to do because his site is just one blog that has limited multimedia. The Kiwi Farms has about 8 terabytes of information. It has a live chat room and has dozens of boards that many people are interacting with. So...
Trying to hide it is, number one, not going to work. Number two, it's asking of me to give up essentially my citizenship and to become a stateless person in a third world country to host a gossip forum. I don't have...
Unknown_01: a great crusade i i try to remind people what it was like to speak freely online i because i want people to want that and to try and replicate it elsewhere but i'm not like a politician and i can't make this my life forever especially to the level of involvement that it currently occupies
So the answer to that is no.
Unknown_01: I've explained in the post what the steps moving forward, if this were to be repealed, would be. And the actual timelines of things will be laid out when it is more concrete. Because right now, it just seems like an imminent issue. Trump has really made it obvious that his final act as president will be to do something about Section 230. And he seems... to want to repeal it entirely. People, again, continuously say that Trump is merely trying to argue from a high position down to a lower one, a middle ground, a reformation that involves changing a couple of paragraphs. From the looks of it, he doesn't seem to be aggressing towards that middle ground, and nobody seems to be wanting to meet him there. So, either one of two things is going to happen, looking at this as far as I'm concerned. Either A, he's going to try and hold this defense budget, which he is threatening to veto if it does not remove Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. He's going to hold that hostage and lose. And the final two months of his presidency will be a humiliating affair where he threw the biggest tantrum, was completely maligned by his own party and all of Congress, and he accomplished nothing with it, making the footnote of his one term the most humiliating cuck shit that has ever happened ever in the course of human history in politics. Or B, he's going to get his way. Because I don't see him reaching for middle ground at this point.
So that's why I'm treating this more seriously than prior statements. Because he's been talking about repealing 230 for over a year now.
Unknown_01: And even if he doesn't get his way, Biden seems interested in repealing Section 230 as well. And I'm just looking at this pragmatically. This is a threat that exists. And I have to look at this and I have to make hard decisions that are not particularly what I want to do. I can't be upset about it. I can just say, this is it. This is what's happening. Yeah.
Now, some people have said that the NDAA, the budget bill for the National Defense Act, is already being pushed forward from Congress, which is why I've gone out of my way to download an educational video that we're all going to watch right now. Give me one second.
Unknown_06: Where is this?
And yes, we are actually watching this.
Unknown_01: I want everyone to learn.
Unknown_00: Whew, you sure gotta climb a lot of steps to get to this Capitol building here in Washington. Well, I wonder who that sad little scrap of paper is.
Unknown_02: I'm just a bill. Yes, I'm only a bill. And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill. Well, it's a long, long journey to the capital city. It's a long, long wait while I'm sitting in committee. But I know I'll be a law someday. At least I hope and pray that I will. But today, I am still just a bill.
Gee, Bill, you certainly have a lot of patience and courage.
Unknown_02: Well, I got this far. When I started, I wasn't even a bill. I was just an idea. Some folks back home decided they wanted a law passed, so they called their local congressman and... Some folks back home decided that we wanted to pour $3 trillion annually into a massively overinflated military industrial complex.
Unknown_01: So they called their congressman and said, uh...
we need to make this happen we need to continually spend more money than we actually make to to buy missiles and uh fighter jets that have been in development for 20 years and he said sure you're right there ought to be a law then he sat down and rolled me out and introduced me to congress and i became a bill and i'll remain a bill until they decide to make me a law
Unknown_02: I'm just a bill. Yes, I'm only a bill. And I got as far as Capitol Hill. Well, now I'm stuck in committee, and I'll sit here and wait while a few key congressmen discuss and debate whether they should let me be. Oh, how I hope and pray that they will. But today I am still just a bill.
Oh, there is some inaccuracy here.
Unknown_00: Listen to those congressmen arguing. Is all that discussion and debate about you? Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones.
Unknown_02: Most bills never even get this far. I hope they decide to report on me favorably, otherwise I may die.
Unknown_01: So this was written in the 1970s, 1980s, and this was back in the day when people would actually gather and discuss legislation. Now they are simply told what to pass, and there is no discussion in Congress. Though this one, in our particular case, this is actually closer to reality than usual, because now Trump, who is not a member of Congress but can make demands, has said, add Section 230... repeal to the NDAA and now they're figuring out like what the fuck are we gonna do and he will explain why this is important in a bit.
Oh, but it looks like I'm going to live. Now I go to the House of Representatives and they vote on me.
Unknown_00: If they vote yes, what happens? Then I go to the Senate and the whole thing starts all over again.
Unknown_02: Oh, no. Oh, yes. I'm just a bill. Yes, I'm only a bill. And if they vote for me on Capitol Hill, well, then I'm off to the White House where I'll wait in a line with a lot of other bills for the president.
Unknown_01: Here comes the orange hand of President Trump. Let's get an instant replay. You mean even if the whole Congress says you should be allowed, the president can still say no? Yes, that's called a veto.
Call to veto children. This is what he's threatening.
Unknown_02: He signed your bill. Now you...
now section 230 is repealed everyone celebrate okay that was um a little bit of my childhood my mom loved schoolhouse rock i think i've seen all of them the other one i really like is conjunction junction what's your function that taught me about grammar which has um helped me throughout my life because i'm very well spoken now thanks to these programs from from disney i guess i guess disney probably bought it at some point i don't think they actually made anything worthwhile ever
Unknown_06: So when it says Congress has put the house, I think it was the house, not Congress as a whole has put forward the NDAA for Trump to sign doesn't mean much.
Unknown_01: And he probably, I think, I think he will. I think he's going to be stubborn on this because he expected two terms, I think. And he expected after a second term, he would have more time to get done with a lot of his objectives and,
Unknown_01: And because he hasn't gotten really all that much done, the best thing to say about Trump is that he's not done too much. And as opposed to Clinton, who probably would have plunged us into a dystopian hell by now. So he's delayed destruction by four years.
We'd probably be at war with Russia. We'd be in Syria, whatever. Anyways, my point is that not much has happened, and I think he really, really says, I'm going to save the Internet. I know how to save the Internet, and I'm going to kill Section 230 to save the Internet. And everyone will say...
Unknown_01: i am the best president of all time and someone in chat is like do you really think that google and twitter are going to give up their absolute control and let president trump do this um i don't think they give a fuck and i can prove this because watch we're going to go to trump's trump's thing here right we're on his twitter right now this is the source of all information in the whole world every other tweet this claim about election fraud is disputed this claim about election fraud is disputed this claim about election fraud is disputed this claim is disputed this claim was disputed this claim was disputed here very sadly for our nation it looks like senator is going to not be putting 230 into the termination clause into the defense bill so bad for national security and electric election integrity last chance to ever get it done i will veto and says here
Rigged election. This claim is disputed. And anything about 230, they don't get any stickers. So for some reason, Twitter, with its absolute control, is not doing, not putting any little stickers saying that, hey, don't support this. You go to Google, there's no, like with net neutrality, net neutrality was a big deal because that would give media companies like Cox the ability to decide what websites you can access. And as I've explained before, In the Philippines, Facebook pays for the big telecom companies to throttle connections to YouTube and to Google and to Gmail and speed up connections to Facebook and Facebook's multimedia and Facebook's email service. So Google didn't want that in the U.S. And I don't think many people would, which is why I continue to support net neutrality. And I still say that we haven't felt the full effects of net neutrality being repealed by or phased out by Ajit Pai. I don't think we've experienced that yet, but Google was threatened by that, which is why they put up a big thing that says don't support this, which is why Wikipedia blacked out and said don't support this. All these big companies that were actually threatened by net neutrality phasing out supported it, but none of them are saying anything about Section 230.
but doesn't make them liable. This is the thing. This is the crazy thing, is that the assumption by people like Fuentes, like Trump, and like Ralph, and all the people who are supporting the repeal of Section 230, assume that once it's gone, What's going to happen is that there are going to be so many lawsuits filed at Twitter and Google and YouTube that it causes them to go bankrupt and just throw their hands up and say, well, I guess our monopoly of information and discussion within the United States is actually too expensive, so we're just going to let it go. We're going to let it go and let all the little websites take our place because there's just nothing we can do about it. This is just such a killing blow to our company infrastructure that we just have to give it back to the people. And it's fucking stupid. When you actually explain what they think will happen, it sounds retarded because it is retarded. Here's what's actually going to happen. Those companies are going to add, as I've explained before, they're going to add processes to their website for people to file complaints about defamatory messages. You host a video that someone like Chantal or Amber Lynn or whoever you're making fun of, Godwinson put out a video making fun of Ralph. Ralph could say, well, this is defamatory. And I might sue you, YouTube, if you don't take it down. So then, just like with a DMCA, he files his civil complaint warning message to YouTube, and then the YouTube moderator looks at it and goes, well, he is making some pretty harsh statements here. This thing about the demon baby, I mean, it may not actually be a legitimate spawn of Satan. That could be defamatory to Ralph. It could injure his reputation, right? So this is now going to be removed because that's bad. That's possibly defamatory, and we're not going to get involved in this. If you want to host it somewhere else and make it your own claim, you can because we don't have Section 230, and everything's going to be like that. All those politicians who make a claim about a politician being a satanic pedophile on Twitter, that's going to get taken down because that's possibly defamatory. You're going to have PR management teams in the exact same way that you have automated DMCA robots filing DMCA takedown requests all the fucking time. You're going to have PR firms who file automatic takedown requests on behalf of people like Onision And whoever else, Boogie, anybody, you know, all those Reddits making fun of Boogie, those are fucking gone because that's possibly defamatory. Reddit's not going to shoulder that burden. And on Google, good fucking Lord, there's already so many exemptions to Google search results based on complaints of doxing or non-consensual pornography, which is just bullshit. Um, so that's going to be this link defames me. This link is, uh, on your service. Therefore you're making this claim yourself that has to be removed. So you're looking at an internet that is completely incapable of hosting, um, original claims from users. And it's such a dramatic shift that it, on one hand, it does make me think,
Because, for instance, in the 1990s when this actually happened, you had the exact same issue with copyright. Copyright stuff happens way before anything else happens because copyright is the business interest of the corporations. So when the internet happens and people are pirating movies and stuff, the MPAA goes after those service providers as quickly as possible because that's a threat to their bottom line. And the result of that was the Communications Decency Act.
Unknown_01: And then the Communications Decency Act was actually so strong in favor of speech that it removed copyright online. People couldn't sue someone for piracy, which is what spawned the DMCAA, or the DMCA, because people had to get around Section 230. And when you remove it, it's everything. Everything is handled like copyright. I can't stress that enough. So...
It is a really big deal, and I don't know how the internet can persist after that. It makes you think that they'll have to create something else, but Section 230 is almost perfect. The only thing you could really say about Section 230 is that it gives companies a right to terminate you from their service and precisely protects them from any kind of civil consequence. And the example I use is If you're a company and you use Facebook to advertise and 100% of your business comes from or near 100% of your business comes from Facebook advertising. And then Facebook discovers that you sell guns and they don't want to be associated with you. So they ban you from their advertising platform. Well, you've just lost your entire business. And because of Section 230, you can't sue them for banning you. That's something that they're insulated from. So that might be an overreach, but my point is that for the most part, it's extremely strong in repealing any substitute that comes up in the modern time with all the information that politicians know and all the concerns that individuals and corporations have regarding the internet and crafting an internet that suits them better. You'll never have a replacement that's as ideologically pure as the one that we have right now. I have no faith for that. So I expect the internet to move out of the U.S. without Section 230, and I expect a lot more Onion traffic, but not through the U.S. You can't host an Onion Tor exit node in an internet without Section 230 in the U.S. It's going to be a fucking mess. And my problem is, the reason why I don't look at this and say, we've got to fight the good fight, we've got to get out there, and deal with it is I almost see it as inevitable now things have been constantly sliding towards an oblivion and I'm just like I can't I can't even get angry anymore I can't look at this and go this is an outrage you know it's almost like oh I'm glad that this lasted so long I'm really thankful that this thing that I have held so dearly for so long has gotten to stay in my life for this time. It's like grandma. Grandma lived to 98. Aren't we glad that grandma lived to be 98 and she didn't die in her 70s? She got to see her grandkids. Isn't that wonderful? It's like, Grandma's dying, and there's no point crying over Grandma dying.
It's a fact of life. Things live, they die.
That's it.
Unknown_01: I don't know. If you guys want to go ahead and go for it. I'm not feeling it. I'm just not feeling it.
Unknown_01: Uh, but yeah, I mean, it could be, it could be, it'd be nothing as always, because what else has he accomplished? Like, honestly, what, what else has he accomplished? What, um, historical precedent has Trump set to make me really think this guy can get this done. He can, he's going to say that he's going to do something and he's going to do it. And we're all going to be like, wow, our president got that done exactly like he said he would. Is there anything we have the wall, uh, I guess we didn't have a war with Russia.
We can be thankful for that. No, he has. He has made Israel great again. That's true.
Unknown_06: He's held up on that.
Unknown_06: Peace talks in the Middle East, that's true.
Unknown_01: But that, I mean, when we say peace talks in the Middle East, we're talking about Kuwaits and Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, and other Middle Eastern countries opening trade with Israel. Which, as I said, that's something that he promised. He promised the best relations with Israel that we've ever had, and he followed up on that.
But he didn't really meet opposition with that particular plan. So with this, he does have opposition.
Unknown_06: Uh, okay.
Unknown_01: Uh, as far as, I mean, if people have any questions about that, the thing is, is that I think people get the suspicion that I'm just going to like disappear one day. And it's like, that's not the case. I want to put any suspicion to rest that I'm just going to up and disappear. for, without a trace, there will be a process to this. It's like, okay, first the Congress succumbs to repealing Section 230. And then it's like, okay, the president is expected to sign this on this day. At that point, that's when we start saying, here's the timeline, here are the archives of the site, here is the timeline for shutting down the email service and the, you know, the whatever, the hosting service and stuff. As of right now, I'm not going to worry too much about particulars because it is just him furiously ranting on Twitter. And it almost seems like everyone is treating him like a joke now. When it first happened and I was looking at this, I'm thinking like this is getting serious because people are taking it seriously. But I'm looking at the reaction now and it just it seems like in the lame duck session, all of the Congress is just like, OK, whatever.
Continue streaming no there will be this was a unique thing where it's my own words so I can stream But I will not stream in perpetuity.
I intended if the form goes out and I'm gone. I'm outtie y'all I'm gonna change my name three times in three different countries and I'm I'm just out I'm not gonna do this shit no more No
Unknown_01: uh oh oh and please stop fed posting on my site i'm gonna read you guys a post that has that i have to wake up to today every one second this is by i don't know how to pronounce the sig seg v
Here's his great contribution to my forum.
Unknown_01: There's no fucking way that Biden, when the Democrats have gone too far this time, quote, I'm going to personally gun down every single leftist in DC this time next week. Well, when he wrote this, there turns to be, there is a protest that is scheduled to happen in DC next week after he wrote this.
Unknown_01: Um, so I got, I got a wonderful email from, uh,
Unknown_01: The FBI.
Unknown_01: So I banned him, and I was like, okay, here's his IP, I guess, because he's a fucking retard. I don't understand why...
I should protect someone so blatantly, so blatantly fucking with me. I'm not playing croquet or cricket or anything. It's just, what a fucking retard. Don't do this on my site. He didn't even put in Minecraft. There was no joke or twist to this. He just said, I'm going to go shoot up a rally. Like, okay, well, fuck you, asshole.
Unknown_01: Yes, I banned him. Why would I not ban? Okay, this is not a rule that's written into the doctrine of the fucking site, but if the FBI emails me over your fucking post, I am banning you from the site.
Imagine my shock. I'm banning him. Fuck off.
Unknown_06: I'm a faggot? Okay. I'm sorry, no.
Unknown_01: I take this as a direct disrespect. Here is something that took a lot of time, a lot of effort, a lot of energy, a lot of money, a lot of personal sacrifice. And what is this fucking guy going to do? Oh, I'm supposed to start shooting shit up? No. And in fact, I'll tell you this. If you were...
to post your GoPro live shooting on my fucking site, I'm deleting it. I am going to make sure that no copy of that exists. Nobody will even know it even happened. There will only be rumors of it. I will bury that shit like the fucking... What's a mythical, magical treasure? The lost city of Atlantis? That's under the ocean. I can't bury that.
Unknown_01: Talk about like the tabula rasa. You're going to be mummified. The video will be in the Great Pyramids. There's some hidden sarcophagus somewhere in the fucking stone steps. No, it's not happening.
Ark of the Covenant.
Unknown_01: Yeah, it's going to be gone. It's going to be Eldorado. I'm going to turn it to fucking gold with the hand of Midas and disappear it in Eldorado. Fuck off.
Unknown_01: I'm completely done with that shit. Don't get to disrespect my website by abusing it to this end, you fucker.
Unknown_06: i'm a fed i'm no i'm sorry i'm not if you do something illegal on my site i am not protecting you i don't think i've ever been ambiguous about that you do not get to abuse uh my community for that it's not happening there's a difference when it's um
uh like someone trying to share something that happened elsewhere like the video of the fucking russian guy dancing with the dead body that's fine that happened on a different streaming service that's just people talking about shit you don't get to use the platform to springboard terrorism like that's stupid if you get upset about that you're welcome to be upset about that and not post on the forum i would actually encourage that actually If you're intending on committing active fucking crimes on my site, you're free to leave at any time. Go post on fucking, uh, what is it? 8chan? 8kun?
Unknown_01: What's the honeypot site these days? That's all of them, isn't it? Go post on Parler. Go post your manifestos on Parler.
Unknown_06: I'm sure they'll appreciate it.
Unknown_06: Sold out. I wish I got paid.
Crowdfund an island, declare independence, go fight the feds.
Unknown_01: Go see how that turned out for the white nationalists who tried to take over an island. Let's give you a hint, they all got arrested at the docks.
Unknown_06: That didn't work out too well.
Unknown_06: Post on GAM.
Unknown_06: What illegal stuff do people post on the forum?
Unknown_01: What crime do people commit on the forum?
Unknown_01: I don't understand. People can talk about doing illegal things, but... Sorry, but no.
It's not illegal to make fun of people. I'm sorry.
Unknown_06: Will I delete the video? No.
Unknown_01: Because that happened on a different platform and someone posted it online.
Unknown_01: That's okay. People are allowed to talk about that. Brenton Tarrant did not have an account on my forum. I'm telling you, if you do something illegal and use my site as a primary source to post the evidence that you did something illegal, there will be no evidence of it. to comb over it will be so thoroughly destroyed that it didn't even happen i will i will so thoroughly obliterate the evidence of that event that the actual in real life event will rewind history and you'll wake up in your fucking bed the next morning like nothing happened that is that is the kind of of janny deletion powers that i have that I will unload on you. What about Couchcock? Couchcock did not post anything on the site. He posted some messages, and then we made fun of his dead body and his dad for a month.
Yeah, not even sad.
Unknown_06: dimensional merge powers, the Streisand effect. Oh yeah. I'm so sure.
Like even Terrence video that was so close to just being gone that people didn't have backups of it because there's a, um, a audio issue and the copy that got posted on the forum. And I hear that if someone posts like a copy of it, it all has that audio issue because that was the primary source for it.
Unknown_01: Talk about Ralph.
Unknown_01: I can't even, like, Ralph's shit is moving so fast now I can't even imagine, like, what has happened since last year. I think actually immediately after I finished my last stream last week, that's when he announced on Twitter that him and Faith had broken up. And that was, like, after my amazing theory about the Mexican cock raising the demon baby.
Immediately after that, he announced that they had split apart. and he says it's super amicable and he's going to be an active part in the baby's life even though they're three and a half thousand miles away from each other and then Vickers just starts we have to talk about Vickers actually Vickers starts unloading all this stupid shit on fucking Twitter about him about how he apparently abused Faith and didn't buy her new shoes so she's been walking around pregnant in her little brother's old shoes that were already tattered um
Unknown_01: That's so fucked up. I offered, by the way, to give her a little bit of Bitcoin to name the child Joshua or Nora, depending on the gender. And she turned me down. She turned me down. So I am thoroughly deprived of my enjoyment regarding the naming process. Maybe she just didn't want Bitcoin because she doesn't understand what it is, but still plans to name the baby Joshua Moon Jr., which is Joshua Demon Baby Moon Jr. It will be the full name.
I didn't give her anything. I said that if the baby was born and she gave me a copy of its birth certificate and it had the name, I would send her .15 BTC, which is still a lot. And she said no. She said, no, thank you. So I'm completely... That hurts me more than the entire destruction of my... The potential destruction of my web zone is that it may not be named Joshua, so...
I'm in total disarray. Ralph has taken the big W. He's the biggest winner in the history of mankind. I'm over here eating the L's all day, every day. Completely destroyed over the fact that the demon baby will not be named Joshua. Or probably won't be. She could change her mind. We could sweet talk her into this. No, it's actually a really great idea. It's the best idea ever. Or somebody suggested this and I'm fond of it. Cornelius Cornelius. It's a proper name. Very educated sound. He might get bullied in school, but once he's grown up and has his law degree, once he's a doctor, a lawyer, as I'm sure he's destined to be, Cornelius is a very honorific name. Very posh. Very upscale. People think, wow, this is a guy.
Cornelius Joshua Vickers is a real stand-up guy. I can trust him with my $10 million in investment capital. I think Mr. Cornelius Vickers will handle my case fund amicably.
Unknown_01: Corny.
Unknown_01: What else has happened with that, Frank? Oh, okay. I wish I had a clip of this.
I'm always torn when I prep these. I'm like, I don't want to talk about Ralph that much because he's like an attention whore. But then when I start talking about it, I get excited because it's funny. I want to talk about stuff. And then I don't have clips offhand because I dedicated myself to not doing it. But you have to talk about this chick because she is an attention whore. She's a massive attention whore. So I have to be careful.
Unknown_01: but um what happened is she went to the ralph went to this fucking um rally with pantsu party who by the way vickers has revealed was the one who talked faith out of pressing charges against ralph for the revenge porn so when she was alone with ralph The people she was surrounded with were also Ralph's friends who convinced her to not press charges on Ralph. So Ralph and the pedophile Pantsu Party, who hangs pictures of little girls on her wall where she sleeps, went to, I think, Phoenix to harass the fans of Nick Fuentes and meet Baked Alaska. And in the process of this, met this schizophrenic I2P chick who is...
literally um i don't even know what to she is legit schizophrenic she has cutting wounds and she talks to a uh she talks to a a stuffed animal called frankie and it turned out that while she was there with
Ralph and with Baked Alaska and the other ITP people, she had actively neglected her animal and her dog died while he was, while she was out trying to suck dick in Phoenix, Arizona.
Unknown_01: So that is the caliber of person that they've been hanging out. He tried to replace a doctor med student with Faith, or not even Faith, but Aid, who was like an adult woman, age appropriate, someone who you could probably tolerate being around. And then he went to Faith, a 18-year-old woman,
Unknown_01: and then he went to pantsu party a lollicon and then he went to a schizophrenic dog murderer and that is that is the but it doesn't matter if it's young pussy it doesn't matter i've been told by multiple people who are educated in women so it's actually completely forgivable to do this to try and fuck a dog murderer while you're also hanging out with a lollicon while your pregnant 18-year-old ex-girlfriend is back home with her dad. That's all completely acceptable behavior, because as long as you're getting pussy, that's what matters, and that's what counts, and that's what's alpha Chad, ralpha male.
Oh, the dog is alive.
Unknown_06: Oh, thank God. She's not a dog murderer.
Unknown_06: Who has the dog, then? Was it, like, in an animal shelter?
Unknown_06: Oh, I wanna know what happened to the dog now.
The dog is alive, animal control picked up. Well that's good. I'm glad that we have a happy ending here.
Unknown_06: She needs the dog still. She's gonna have Frankie. It's okay.
Unknown_01: Yeah, that's true. She can't be forgiven for neglecting the dog. The suck, like, weirdo internet celebrity dick.
Unknown_01: Oh, the SPCCA has him?
Unknown_06: Okay.
This may be the best time to bring up this clip, which is just some garbage that I found online, but it's funny to me.
Unknown_05: As I found in my discord
What language is this, by the way? Tell me. I think it's Italian. It's a human language. English, okay.
Unknown_01: No, not the screaming. It's Italian.
Unknown_06: The guy's talking. I'm pretty sure he's Italian.
Italian, okay.
Unknown_01: The Swiss man confirms it. Even though he only speaks a butchered version of Italian, he probably recognizes what real Italian sounds like. So I think that's just a guy. They have a cage over the dumpsters to stop people from dumpster diving, but these people broke in. These gypsies broke in, so they put a thing in front of the door. I guess that's probably, in modern countries, in the first world, it's probably a crime. It's probably false imprisonment to lock someone in a Jurassic Park velociraptor cage. And record them while they have a mental breakdown.
but in italy nobody gives a fuck because that's not a real country it's just a collection of i don't know what to call it i don't know how to dunk on italy because i'm technically like a little bit italian because i am a mutt i have i have ethnic heritage from everywhere in the world i'm 0.6 ashkenazi so i i can relate to all peoples at once but i don't know how to make fun of italy i just know that they have velociraptor cages for gypsies now apparently
Unknown_01: Lidl is everywhere. There is Lidl in Serbia. That's why someone said, oh, that's a Lidl. This must be in Sweden. I'm like, no, there's Lidl in fucking Serbia. This could be anywhere in Europe.
Unknown_06: I'm the king of the months, exactly.
Unknown_06: Lidl in Poland.
Unknown_01: No, I'm 3% sub-Saharan Africa. Thank you very much. Don't try and downplay my big B black heritage. I am a Kang.
Unknown_06: There's Lidl here in Southeast US.
Unknown_01: Well, this might be from Southeast US. They might just be Mexicans.
Unknown_01: I'm not from Sicily. I'm not on the Jersey Shore, okay? That's a different kind of Italian.
Unknown_01: Was my grandfather very dark? No, he's very pale. Um, it was actually, I want to say his, his grandfather, I've looked at the documents because I was thinking, can I get like Italian citizenship? I'm aware that if you're like, uh, um, two generations from people who immigrated from Italy, you can come back and get citizenship pretty easily in Italy. So I was looking at that thinking, can I become like an EU citizen in Italy? And, uh, the answer is no, because it was my, um,
Great, great, great, great grandparents who came from the kingdom of Italy in like 1910. And that's where my grandfather's side came from.
Unknown_06: Oh, I want to become an EU citizen.
Unknown_01: I'm keeping my options open. What if America removes Section 230 and I have to take my Kiwi farms to the free land of Italy instead of America, which has no freedom?
Or, you know, if I have Italian citizenship, I can go to Estonia, host it there. The freest country on Earth, Estonia, which will remain a free country until Russia invades it.
Unknown_06: Imagine being Italian X.
Unknown_06: You can shit-talk everyone as long as you don't shit-talk Pakistan.
Unknown_01: Oh, in Pakistan. I'm not looping to fucking Pakistan. You know how shitty Pakistan is? Pakistan is like India, but Muslim. So it's like... You're talking like fractal layers. Like looking into a kaleidoscope of just dookie brown. That is Pakistan. I would not want to ever be in Pakistan.
Move to Qatar, maybe. No, probably not. I'm probably not moving to any of these countries.
Unknown_01: I don't want to be in the Middle East. Fuck that.
Unknown_01: Oh, we have to talk about the Russian guy since I'm just kind of chilling and riffing right now. I don't really have a structure for this. I was just going to complain and make jokes at my own expense because everything is shitty.
Unknown_06: Oh, I have to play this clip.
Unknown_01: This is the one thing from the Ralph stuff that I actually wanted to play for people. It's not even for the reason that seems apparent. Like, when I play it, you're going to think, wow, that's silly. But there's actually a much funnier reason than the obvious one. All right, stretch up.
Unknown_03: Get limber.
Unknown_09: Come on, Ralph.
Unknown_03: Get your clipping tools ready, everybody. Hey.
Unknown_09: That's actually pretty fucking high.
That's as good as I can do.
Unknown_01: So yes, that kick is very funny. Just by itself, look.
Unknown_09: Come on, Ralph.
Unknown_03: Get your clipping tools ready, everybody.
Unknown_01: And this is the guy who's like, I'm going to kick your ass, motherfucker. I'm going to wrestle you in the ring. It's a PPP who's like twice his height and size at this point.
Unknown_01: It's actually, my favorite part is this one right here. After the kick, he's like down. Watch his stomach. Watch the stomach.
Watch the stomach after the kick.
Unknown_01: he walks like a pregnant woman. He walks like someone has put a joystick in front of you, and you are playing like a tank control game, and your job is to navigate a very, very inflexible pregnant woman through a maze. Just check, one more time, one more time.
And then at Rotaries, you're gonna get like a 3D view of this. You're gonna get like an IMAX 4D experience here. As it rotates around. And it's actually incredibly impressive. When I first saw this, like, okay, I get the kick was the funny part, but... Down rotates. And like, that is so much more... It's...
Unknown_01: It's so big. It's massive. It is a incredible burden of girth that it's actually extremely remarkable even to like, even if you don't know who Ralph is, it's like that is a ridiculous body size for an adult human male to have.
Like, maybe there's two babies on the way. Maybe Faith got him knocked up, too. And they're, like, you know, like, when two girls get pregnant at the same time and they have to, like, go shopping for maternity clothes. Like, that's him and Ralph are at the maternity shop buying moomoos and stuff and nightgowns. But not new shoes. She doesn't get new shoes. Bitch gotta get her own fucking shoes. He'll buy himself new shoes, though.
Unknown_06: Impregnable.
Unknown_01: Maybe Pantsu got him pregnant. Maybe it's not Faith. That would be tragic. If the baby came out and it wasn't Faith's and it was Pantsu's instead, he would have some explaining to do. But at least Faith could get the male abortion and surrender paternity rights to Pantsu, who could then pay child support for the impreg baby.
Okay, let's talk about the Russian guy.
Unknown_01: I assume people have seen this before. I always say that, but then I talk about it as if you don't know anyways.
Unknown_01: I'm generous like that, that's what I've been told.
Unknown_06: I don't have this saved, because it's a big-ass fucking file. I don't know if I can play this on YouTube, actually.
But I'm gonna try.
Unknown_06: okay so we're looking at a room i'm gonna talk over it because it's all in russian we're looking at a room kind of a shabby looking little one looks like a one bedroom um it's sort of like a looks like an entry foyer like a small room for your shoes and stuff very typical slavic looking place
Oh wait, no. Why are you guys saying that this is an oh no? This was streamed to YouTube and I downloaded it from YouTube like two days after it happened. Surely.
Unknown_01: Don't do it. Absolutely not. Oh no, I'm getting mixed messages. You know what? Fuck it. I don't give a shit. Section 230 is happening. I don't care. We're past the point of no return. What?
Unknown_01: there so okay the Gatnik is squatting right now in the shoe room and there appears to be a real doll in that shoe room you can only see the hand of it so far he's talking to it
He's talking to her and he's like... Okay, so this is the interesting thing that I kind of put out is that he's... I think he's talking to her and he's like, wake up. Are you there? Are you okay? Like that kind of shit. I can't confirm that because I don't speak Russian because I never ever learned the language of the country that I'm in just out of principle because I'm American. I don't do that. But...
Unknown_01: Zaya, I'm worried. Are you alive?
Unknown_01: Okay, even Zamoslav, he is saying that he can confirm he's asking about if she's a lake. Okay, first of all, he looks gay, which is the greatest insult that I can lay upon him as a Slav, but those fucking torn jeans and the belt not being buckled. He is a heroin junkie, and she is... I don't know if she's his... I think she's his girlfriend, and I think she's pregnant at this time. But you would mistake her as just being like a prostitute. But here he is in his torn ass fucking, and his wife beat her, and he has like chest tattoos. He just looks like utter shit. And his belt's unbuckled like he just got done beating his children or something.
Okay, he's now... He's now dragging her by the arm, unceremoniously, into the main room. And now the body has appeared on camera.
and i cannot tell if this is like i'm gonna jump around i don't really have time stamps for this but i will jump around it's weird because he sounds like he's trying to say like he's really concerned and i i can pick up some words and i can uh hear him asking like why or how why did this happen to me i can pick up that kind of shit and it seems like he's trying to play up like
um like his his i don't know like he's surprised but according to the people in who know him who have watched his live streams these are english translations from uh 2chan which is a russian image board uh
Unknown_06: So the explanation of what happened is Stanislav, who is this guy, but in his usual stream where he was morally decayed in every sense, at some point a quarrel occurred between him and Valentina, who is the woman,
Unknown_01: And as a result, uh, standing beat Valia and threw her out into the cold where she died after lying unconscious for about two to three hours, recovering himself, uh, stunning realized what he had done when he found Valia dead and came up with a version of the accident as if it was not him, but her herself, as she had done this to herself, uh,
Only he was drunk and when he talked to the ambulance he let slip that he beat her during a quarrel. This moment is on video.
Unknown_01: I also ask you to pay attention to his moderator with the nickname this must be like if Gator killed Faith or something everyone on the forum like also pay special attention to Gator. He's complicit in trying to cover this up. He advised Semislav to not call the police and suggested how to cover up his tracks and this is complicit in a crime. What he says.
Unknown_01: at some point he legit like picks up the body and moves it to the sofa and lays it down and for the entire video which is why I think it's like complete emotional manipulation is you can see her body like on like in the background and it's really weird because I've seen a lot of shit online right and I'm thinking like
Um, I, I've seen like bodies of people in video, but I don't think I've ever seen a video where a living person and a dead person are right next to each other and really high definition because it becomes very weird how obvious it is that that is a body and not someone sleeping. It's like, she is,
Unknown_01: completely still and even when he is completely still you can still see like weird twitching and undulating it's like his skin moves ever so slightly because the pulse is causing you in subtle ways to to twitch and move and act lifelike but when you see the body next to him it's like that's very clearly a dead person and um
Unknown_01: Like, it's just gross because he streams for like two and a half hours. And at some point, and this is what I don't understand. Maybe someone who's seen the video can explain this to me. There is an older couple who comes in at some point. Maybe if I skip around.
Sorry, I'm loading a video like this from my site.
Unknown_01: It's going to take fucking forever.
Unknown_01: Boarded to network here. What the fuck does that mean?
Unknown_06: Is my site dead? Has it just died? Did Section 230 just happen and kill my site?
Ah, that's gonna be a pain in the ass. Who is, those, it is an ambulance driver.
Unknown_01: Is that what that is? It looks like his parents or his neighbors or something come over.
Unknown_06: Is he talking to the ambulance?
Unknown_06: You can never watch a video. I don't know what causes it.
Unknown_01: I've looked at it before. I thought it was a disc issue at first. I really think it's Cloudflare because Cloudflare handles all the caching. And I think that for big videos like this, it has a lot of trouble sending videos.
Oh, they are emergency people and they wear weird colors.
Unknown_01: Oh, I thought it was like his parents that came over to like talk to him about what he had done. They come in like an hour after the fact and they talk to him. And the result of this was that he got committed to like a mental hospital in Moscow. And now the prosecutor of Moscow is looking at if they should press charges if he has committed a crime.
Unknown_06: Okay. Got to 30.
Unknown_01: But this post goes into detail about all the things that he's done for all the the public so I guess like I'm guessing Publix is like a colloquial term for like government officials telegram channels and news media
That will come here. We want to inform you that Stas is a real sadist, torturer, maniac, and lover to humiliate people for money. He repeatedly abused the girls invited to his stream as well as mocked the alcoholic Valentin Letomirovic and the disabled Anatoly. As proof of this, our community is countering such content and provides the following video materials that you can check yourself.
Unknown_01: uh i don't know what bream is bream for disabled person for money uh second instance of that pouring peppercorns for money beats girl on stream beats a man direct message about human slavery i don't know what bream is what is bream neil bream no someone slavic tell me what the fuck a bream is
Unknown_06: Stream for idiots.
Unknown_01: Oh, okay.
Unknown_01: So he streams for money for a disabled person. Drinks a few liters of oil for money. He's ahead of his time. All those oil memes. You got it wrong, though. You're supposed to cover yourself in oil. You're not supposed to drink it.
Unknown_01: disabled person becomes ill and the doctors arrive makes a tattoo on the bodies with the names of a donator to a disabled person for money beating of a girl new girl and new beatings humiliation broke girl's nose beat and mocks a man beat and mocks a woman a lot of such content so I do think he's a sadist because if you watch this video it's like he's like a natural performer I guess and he's got a dead body and now he's trying to perform to show like
How remorseful he is and how sad he is that this happened and how it was totally unexpected. And it's clearly not the case.
Unknown_01: He has a level of fakeness to it, which is weird.
Unknown_01: And what's sad is that this motherfucker gets to stream. This guy's bringing homeless people and tattooing shit to homeless people and beating women. And there are videos of like there's proof that he's beat women like in the face because they've got bloodied up nose and lips. I can't fucking stream talking about stupid shit. I can't talk about fat women in English YouTube. This guy in Russia, he's making a living beating people, streaming it. Truly, I was born in the wrong country. Truly, I am Slavic at heart, and I should be able to shitpost to my heart's content without any kind of reprisal, I guess. At least until I kill someone, then I guess I get in trouble.
It is sad, though. She was pregnant.
Unknown_01: This might have been the fate of Faith if she did not go home. She would shit herself in the public after doing heroin, and Ralph would do a very sad stream while Gator tries to give him pointers about how to cover up this crime.
And then he would go to a mental asylum to act like he gave a fuck.
Unknown_06: Move to Russia.
Unknown_06: Maybe one day.
Unknown_06: Oh, that's why someone said double kill. Yes.
Unknown_06: Set up streamer on Uluru and have abos protect you because you pay them in gas.
Is Uluru a abo streaming service? Do abos have the technology to do such things?
Unknown_06: Russian prison five years, I guess, if you're gay, get executed.
Unknown_01: Well, it sounds like a fair system.
Unknown_06: Okay.
Unknown_06: Is there anything that I've missed?
Unknown_06: No, you lure... Okay, it's the name of the Red Rock from... She's a... Okay.
I don't know. I don't think I'd be welcome in Naboo country.
Unknown_01: I can't even call abos black because they're not black. They're like their own thing.
Unknown_06: Like even Africans get racist about abos.
Unknown_06: I miss nothing. Excellent. Fantastic. Thank you.
Unknown_01: I guess that's it. Anyone have any questions? Have anything that I should cover? Fat chick talk. Well, everyone tells me that they're so sick of the fat chick talk.
I don't think Chantel hasn't done anything.
Unknown_01: She just talked about how
Unknown_01: I remember her last, she ate like a, today her video was like, I couldn't even stand it. I couldn't watch it. It was like her eating a grotesque portion size of like Indian food that looked like diarrhea in a tin. And I'm guessing that's just Indian food in general. It's all that kind of like sloppy looking like that. But it was extremely unappetizing and there was enough rice there to feed a family of eight in India.
Unknown_01: And she talked about stupid shit.
This is Chantel in a nutshell. She will stream and she will tell a story that she made up off the top of her head about the one time a guy really, really super hit on her. And that is every story she ever tells. I was just sitting there minding my own business. And then this one guy just wanted to fuck me so bad. And he kept looking at me and making eye contact. And I just know he really wanted to bed me. It's like, bitch, he's staring at you because you are a sideshow freak wandering about in the fucking Walmart. You know, that's why he's staring at you. He's not hitting on you.
Talk about Vickers. I could. I really don't like Vickers. I can't even pretend to like Vickers. I know the kayfabe is to be supportive of Faith's dad and be like, oh, yes, queen, slay. Get him, Mr. Vickers.
Unknown_01: Slay the gunt, Mr. Vickers. And I just can't. I see Vickers as an equal to Ralph. The only thing that Vickers really has over Ralph is that... Sorry, that's my Twitter messages. Is that he...
Unknown_01: has a relationship he has a committed relationship i don't think he's cheated on his wife if he has i don't know about it but he's managed to raise a family and have a wife and to his credit that's a big accomplishment but i think in every other way he's identical ralph he has this weird tendency to start talking about his wins when he's accumulated nothing but losses and Uh, he's bombastic, he doesn't think things through before he says them, he acts irrationally, he has a juvenile, like, personality, and he self-aggrandizes, and it's like, dude, you're just a fat fucking slob. You were so, you did something wrong. I'm sorry, I don't believe, I believe that a person is about 50% nature, 50% nurture.
And whatever the fuck he did to Faith, it made her the kind of person who would develop an unhealthy relationship with a Mexican cookhold, fly across the entire country, get impregnated by Ethan fucking Ralph, a man twice her age, so that she can then later flee the state and go back home to give birth to a demon baby that you now have to take care of as a grandparent. I'm sorry, there's not a single win there for Mr. Vickers. That is his own doing. I can't forgive him for being such a fucking failure.
And the really amazing thing about him, and people are going to say this is why I don't like him, but it's not the only reason. If he just didn't want to talk to the forum, that's fine. That's probably smart, actually.
Unknown_01: But he denounced the forum as a whole, specifically because I said to him early on, before the sex tape leaked, I said, if this guy was smart, all he would do is leave the door open leave the door open and say, faith, you are free to come home anytime you like. And if you do that, she probably will come around to coming home. But instead he went out there and he's like, I'm going to register the gun retort.com and I'm going to write an expose, which is exactly like Ralph, by the way, to buy a domain name, to try and SEO bomb someone and write shitty little exposes on people. That's exactly like Ralph. So, um, Vickers goes the Ralph route of trying to bully this bully Ralph into submission to surrender his daughter. And it doesn't work. The sex tape drops. She gets pregnant. She ends up in a fucking mental institution. And only after then does he decide I'm not going to do this shit anymore. And he backs off and he gives her a phone, an emergency phone line. And he tells her, if you ever want to come home, call me on this phone and I'll come get you. And that's exactly what I told him to do.
way before any serious life-altering fuck-ups happened that ended up being what got her home.
Unknown_01: And of course, it's not like he took my advice. He did it unwittingly after he exhausted. It's like that quote, America can be trusted to do the right thing after it has exhausted all other options. After he had exhausted all good options or all bad options, he finally did the right thing and did the sensible approach to try and get your disobedient teenage daughter to come home. So I can't look at him with anything else except utter fucking disdain. Here is a gross, slovenly, fat, pathetic, dipshit, an emotional, irrational, hyperbolic man-child who just so happens to have children that he has somehow managed to not kill over their lifetime yet. He could still kill them at any time. I wouldn't put it past him because he's a fucking retard.
And I'm supposed to look at him and think, that's our hero. That's our boy. He's going to abort the retort. No, he's not.
Unknown_01: He's a fucking pathetic, pathetic old man. And I have no good things to say about him.
Unknown_01: No, I'm talking about Vickers, not Ralph. I'm saying this is this man. This is him. He's... I don't know.
He's better than Ralph, huh?
Unknown_01: I mean, I think that if Vickers was born at the same time as Ralph, he'd probably end up doing something like streaming. He'd be like a quartering or something, talking about Star Wars or some other gay shit like that.
Unknown_06: Um...
Unknown_06: Yeah, that's Vickers.
Unknown_01: I have nothing else to say about him. I wish him luck, I guess, but seeing as he can't help but go on Twitter and engage Ralph, I mean, that's the thing is people say, Josh, just be nice for a little bit. Just shut up and don't criticize him because he's dropping content on Twitter. It's like, well, that's part of the reason why I'm criticizing him is that I'm looking at this...
Um, rationally, I'm saying this is not something that someone in his situation should be doing. He should not be gloating like he's won, like he's gonna, he's in a position of power here. I'm sorry, that baby should not fucking exist. It is a demon baby, and it's going, it...
Unknown_01: That's all Ralph cares about, because now he thinks that it's... I guarantee you, mark my fucking words. Mark these words, record them, clip this.
When Ralph gets around with Gator, and they sit down and say, Gator, I'm paying you $8 an hour.
Unknown_01: You're on the clock right now, even though we're not streaming. You can charge me overtime. I'll give you time and a half. We have to brainstorm how to cope with this, how to cope with the fact that Faith is left and the A-logs are on the up and up right now. What are we going to do? And Gator's going to say, look, here's our line. See, now you have bred a white woman, and now there is a white baby inside of her, which is based and red-pilled. But most people, when they breed a white woman and have based and white-pilled white children...
based on red-pilled white children, they then also have to raise the child, which is gay and soy-boyed and blue-pilled. So now, it's the best of both worlds. You have a white baby, and you don't have to take care of it. You don't have to change diapers, which is based in red-pilled. So this is the best, this is the most Ralph Amell possible outcome of this is whenever anything happens, just remind them, like, I'm saving the white race by making white children, and I'm also not being a beta cock faggot by taking care of it.
I am basically a winner in all possible regards. And that will be the line, and it will be said unironically, and I will be right. And that doesn't bring me any joy, just so you know. I'm not saying this, oh, I love being right all the time. No, I'm saying... That will be the line, and his audience will eat it.
Unknown_06: Take the menthol pill, exactly.
Unknown_06: DSP will outlast Josh. DSP will outlast the heat death of the universe.
With all the furries following Ralph, his fursona will be the possum. Hmm.
Unknown_01: That... I mean, I get what you're going for, because the possum eats trash. Like the burger. But possums are also very cute. And when they eat bananas, they make cute sounds. And I don't think anything that Ralph does is cute. Ralph can be like a hairless cat.
Unknown_01: Those suck. But then again, cats are pretty clever. Um...
Unknown_01: I'm not sure. A pig-possum hybrid.
Unknown_01: But pigs are supposed to be smart, too. I mean, I guess that pigs are historically the least flattering animal, you know, but... You sounded so Florida right now.
Why am I... What? Because I said that possums are cute? Because they eat bananas?
Unknown_06: A raccoon...
Unknown_01: Pigs aren't smart. That is a cope, huh? I've always heard that pigs are smart. Oh, someone posted possums in my Discord chat.
Unknown_06: They're very adorable.
Unknown_06: Possums are wretched.
Unknown_06: Koalas are smooth-brained retards.
What about a panda?
Unknown_01: I know someone who really hates pandas and says that they're stupid and they don't deserve to reproduce. There shouldn't be a team of Chinese scientists trying to get them to fuck because they're such stupid animals.
Unknown_01: Ralph the Panda. Well, I mean, he doesn't need any help to breed, is the thing. He can put a demon baby in any disposable team.
Unknown_06: Which is the name of a Marilyn Manson song, actually.
Unknown_01: Before I leave, I need to stream with Jim. Well, I think Jim has died. I've been told this about 800 times this stream, that Jim is dead. Rest in peace. He's goofing with Jesus now as they smoke their camel cigarettes together.
Unknown_01: Um, anything else? Someone said to bring up ADF, uh, ADF. Oh, this was, this is, uh, the, the, I don't want to God. Okay. If you remember ADF, he is the communist from Portland who drew John McCain being shot in the head. And, uh,
He got a visit from the FBI or the Secret Service over it. And he's basically like a communist who drew communist fan art of Naruto. And then became a tranny named Isabel Aroha something or other, I don't know. And has these awful, awful tattoos on every inch of their body. And is just a complete fucking freak of nature. Well, they assaulted someone at Portland, one of the Antifa protests in Portland. And Andy Ngo, I don't know if it's, it's probably like Andy Ngo or something.
He wrote a piece about him, and he's trying to use that as, like, this is what Portland Antifa looks like, ADF. And I'm just thinking, like, this is a sign.
Unknown_01: This is a sign that the lines are blurring together, that the streams have crossed.
Unknown_01: And there is no longer an online world of niche retard weirdos and their niche retard interest. And then the real world where really serious things happen. And we pay attention to that and we take that seriously. And the online stuff is just like a whatever. It has become increasingly obvious. That these two things are now inseparable. That there isn't an online world and a real world. And the retarded stuff that we used to make fun of as being, you know, just this niche internet sideshow is our world. This is the world that we live in. We're ADF, the Naruto communists. is being used by very serious people who are taken seriously and who write columns about serious political issues, are using them to defame their political opposition. So the locale has become the world. Politics itself is now just a joke, and it's all so avant-garde and silly.
and taking shape in the physical. It's manifesting in places that actually matter. It's influencing our legislation. It's censoring YouTube and Google. They have striped socks.
Unknown_01: it's no longer just a drag queen. Like, uh, I remember when I first started hosting the forum, the whole tranny stuff didn't exist. And the only person who really made fun of tranny is on the Kiwi farms was a guy called intro man, who was a really old, uh, Christian Christian troll ish kind of trollish guy from the old cow boards before they were even called cow. They were called, um, like the, there were old image boards like the crapple computer company. And, um,
I can't remember the board acronyms now it's been so long but there were other boards before Cal and there was like a CWC board on certain boards anyways my point is that he was late 2000s early 2010s troll and he was from I want to say Philadelphia and that was also the place where
Unknown_01: This one tranny was from, I really can't remember his name. He, I remember how we had a mental breakdown on the forum because we had, when we were a very small community, we had a, uh, like a cross dressing member and everyone said that the cross dresser, it was just like a regular gay guy passed better as a woman than this tranny. And this tranny says, well, that cross dresser just looks like a smug Ellen page, uh,
And I think he started doing drugs and saying, I can't see. It's a brown haze. I can only see a brown haze. Everything's going brown. I can see smug Ellen Page in my dreams. Like that kind of shit.
Unknown_01: God, I wish I could remember who the fuck this was.
Unknown_06: It was so long ago.
Unknown_06: No dead meat.
Unknown_01: Yeah, see? I can't even talk about Ellen Page because Ellen Page is a female to male now.
And this tranny in Philadelphia had connections to other trannies in Philadelphia. And Intraman, I remember him telling me that the Philadelphia trannies were a cult. They all knew each other. And if anyone did anything that the other trannies didn't like, then that person would be out of the tranny cult and they would lose access to everything. They would lose their friends. They would lose their job opportunities. They would be omitted from this group.
Unknown_01: And, um, intro man knew years before anything mainstream about transgender rights and stuff happened. He knew about this. And I think about, I think about him a lot now because he was so right. And I remember thinking that he was, he seemed a little obsessed about trannies back in the day, but now, uh,
It's our politics. It's shaped the world. And it's very sad. And what used to be this weird sideshow on the quickie forums that Intraman was a little bit too over-invested into ended up being a defining facet of 2018, 2019, and 2020 and continues to grow in size, magnitude, and speed over the years.
It's just incredible to me.
Unknown_06: Though my point is that... I don't know.
Unknown_01: It almost feels like the forum has served its purpose now. Because now it's like you can't just have a niche community making fun of weirdos online. Because everything is so weird and fundamentally society doesn't want you to make fun of it anymore. And they are increasingly aligned towards throwing people in jail for making fun of it.
Unknown_01: So...
Unknown_01: I have a very bleak outlook that I can't even really put into words because it's such a complicated feeling. It's not just like, oh, the government's retarded and it's going to do things that are retarded. It's not just that the government has interest in censoring speech. It's that the normalcies of the West have changed in such a way that there is no such thing as a locale anymore.
The locale is now the valid gender identity with the neuro with a neurotypical able ableist protections and you can't make fun of people anymore. It's all like they're just special. They're just special, and that's them. And if they want to eat their own shit and lie on YouTube for money, and if they want to have mental breakdowns because of how they look and how they don't look like a smug Ellen Page, well, that's on them, and that's just them. And anyone who criticizes them for this is actually a bigot, and they belong in jail. And that's what depresses me. And it's extremely difficult to put that into language because it is an abstract feeling that I get.
Oh well.
Unknown_06: So, unless anyone has any further points of, I really need that guy's name.
Unknown_01: Hold up. In case anyone wants to look up who this person is before I, uh, I kill shit. Hold up.
Unknown_01: Rika. That's it. Robert Wayne Stiles, Liz David, Rika. Very, very old thread. I want to say from 2012. No, I guess 2014.
But that's on the forum. Robert Wayne Stiles, or Rika. If you're interested in some very, very old Kiwi Farms lore, he...
Unknown_01: was a pet of cow and intro man's favorite low cow for a very long time oh well tom girls in love exactly all right fuck it all right i'll see you guys next week i promise you there's not going to be anything that disappears overnight uh
but i don't know i if someone asked me like give it to me straight how how likely do i think that this repeal of 230 will happen and before it was kind of like a three out of ten when when trump was just ranting about it i was like uh probably not going to happen probably it is that meeting the middle midway kind of thing he's trying to set the bar high and then have big tech meet him halfway and then that never happened because big tech doesn't give a fuck if he does that Um, and he's continually pushed for it. And as they've kept fucking with him, he's been more antagonized and around the election time, I would say it's about 50 50 that it would get repealed because, um, I expected him to win and I expected him to have four more years to keep pushing the buttons of big tech to see, um, where they can meet to get a compromise. And now, because of how pissed off he is, because of how desperate he is to have some sort of Pantheon shot, he's shooting behind him as he's retreating. I think that it's a 7 out of 10. There's like a 70% chance that he'll have it repealed. And it really depends on how big of a tantrum he throws and how big the conservative congressmen and senators...
not congressmen and senators but congressmen as part of the congress how likely they are to support him and I'm actually going to walk it back it's now a 6 out of 10 because it does seem like congressmen are not supporting him senators are dropping out and stuff so we'll see nothing changes until there's actually a law that's going up for signing so I'll see you guys next week take it easy bye bye
Have you ever been close to tragedy or been close to folks in line?
Unknown_11: The pain so powerful, so heavy you collapse No, well I never had to knock on wood But I know someone who has Which makes me wonder if I could It makes me wonder if I never had to knock on wood And I'm glad I haven't yet Because I'm sure it isn't good
you've ever had the odds ticked up so high you need a strength most unpossessed or has it ever come down to do or die you got to rise above the rest
Unknown_12: I'm not a coward, I've just never been tested.
I'd like to think that if I was, I would pass. Look at the tested and think they're before their grace go on. Might be a coward, I'm afraid of what I might find out. I've never had to knock on wood, but there's someone who has, which is And I'm not happy yet Because I'm sure it isn't good That's the impression that I get
Cause I know someone who has Which makes me wonder if I could It makes me wonder if I never had to But I better knock on wood Cause I'm sure it isn't good And I'm glad I have it yet That's the impression that I get