Thank you. 0:00:47 Unknown_03: Oh, no. 0:01:20 Unknown_03: It's very difficult to be me. I have a massively busy schedule. Unknown_02: I have approximately one time slot every other week that I have to keep. Unknown_03: I mean, you can't expect me to be on time every time. Unknown_03: then again i think this is i mean i'm not late often i may not do a week but i'm pretty sure i'm not late every day i'm pretty sure i'm always on time so you have to have to afford me some some uh margin of error here 0:01:57 Unknown_03: This song is from the Grand Budapest Hotel, which I watched for some reason, and it was actually pretty good. I liked it. I didn't understand it really. I mean, it wasn't confusing, I just didn't get the point of the movie, but I watched it all the way through, and it was pretty interesting. Unknown_03: Um... I do like this song though. Anyways. The reason why I didn't stream last week is because the week was boring and shitty and I didn't want to talk about anything, really. I just wanted to play Spaceman, which I did. And I will once again extend my invitation to anyone who plays Spaceman but also likes to use gamer language to find the Kiwi Station at, port 1337. 0:02:42 Unknown_03: come join us because it's fun and I'm having fun mostly I've learned in administering this game that there are some people who are just like I shouldn't even be surprised because there's like a lot of retarded people on the forum but there's like a different kind of retarded person who plays I guess like a space station game and can't like not be retarded in it because there's this one guy Unknown_03: that joins the game every day at about 8 a.m. my time. I think he's definitely European. And he joins every day at like 8 a.m. through like noon. And all he does, and that's when the server's at like its lowest pop. It might be like 10 to 20 people tops just chilling out, growing plants, building something, because there's not much going on. They're just chilling and enjoying the mechanics of the game or talking to each other. And this guy, for whatever reason, 0:03:38 Unknown_03: has a desire to murder these people as they sit twiddling their thumbs, enjoying the monotony of what really life on the space station would be like, just like the routine, the grind. Unknown_03: He comes in and he fucking kills as many people as possible. And the first day he got banned, he came back to that round, that one round three times, which isn't easy. Unknown_03: Because in Beyond, they ban using hardware IDs. It's not just an IP and a key. So yes, he has to register an account. He has to change his IP. But he also has to virtualize the game and randomize the hardware signatures for that virtual machine in order to get past the sticky bands. so already the first time he ever got banned he had this shit ready to go which means he probably like cycles through like 20 different servers that he just like like he's like an automaton he doesn't think he doesn't feel emotions and he's heavily autistic and all he wants to do is like click click people to death and he spends a huge amount of time doing this every day so it's like part of the routine and i don't really have like an admin to cover that time slot because it's such a dead hour of the night uh so it's usually the first thing that i do when i wake up i i log in check my station make sure it's still up oh there he is he's murdering people gonna ban him again and then he gives up for the day like oh there's an admin online now so i guess i'll go kill some other people until I fall asleep, until I can no longer support consciousness required to click people to death. And that's been my experience in administering the PlayStation 13 server right now. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but it is pretty fucking awful, because what happens is that people will get into fights and then kill each other, and then both people will ask for an admin to resolve this dispute. And I don't know, I don't think many people who listen to my streams actually post on the forum anymore. 0:05:52 Unknown_03: But conflict resolution is not particularly my strongest skill set. I'm good at technical problems. I am not good at intermediary interpersonal relationships. So when two people ask me for help in resolving their conflict, Unknown_03: I believe both people come out extremely unsatisfied with the help rendered, and I am more annoyed at having to be forced into that position to begin with. Unknown_03: So there's a couple people who help. I don't get to see two of them very often because they're playing in US hours, but the guy who plays in the European time with me, he is... He'll I don't want to say too much about him, but he works like a job where he's basically one of my favorite scenes in Jurassic Park is any time that Samuel Jackson's on a computer smoking a cigar and looking at like Linux compilers and shit, or I guess back then would be Unix compilers. Uh, but that's basically his job. I think he just sits there and he smokes a cigarette and he, and he's black. He watches, he watches code compile all day and he has one of the other monitor. He has space station 13 and he just sits and observes the game and, uh, handles tickets when he comes. And he's much better at handling people than I am. So Samuel Jackson is, uh, I guess the administrator that helps me deal with that. So I can actually play the game every so often. 0:07:22 Unknown_03: He goes to fix the electrical circuit and gets eaten by the raptor. Okay. Now that I brought this up and I've fully delved into this autistic Jurassic Park reference, I have to tell people something. Let me pull this clip up. Unknown_03: I have posted this a couple times on the forum, this clip. In fact, it's the video that I used for the election thread on the forum. So if you've gone to the OP of the election thread, you've definitely seen this. 0:07:56 Unknown_01: And... Let's see. Okay. Unknown_01: This. Unknown_03: Okay, this scene right here where he flips the switches. Unknown_03: And it's like they got the blue background. Unknown_03: Even as a child, even as a small autistic child, I've always loved those switches. And one day, my friends, one day I will own something big and expensive. And I will have a switch like that for something. I don't know what it will be. 0:08:30 Unknown_03: I don't know if the Switch will ever even need to be used, but regardless, I will use it, just because I want to use the Switch. And it will have that cool white and blue background behind the Switch that will detail some information of some relevance, and I'll be more satisfied with my life having this Switch. Unknown_03: I saw this movie really young. Jurassic Park came out the year that I was born, so I saw it as a little kid, and I've always remembered this scene, this switchy scene. 0:09:05 Unknown_03: My entire life. That's the magic of a Spielberg movie. He sat down one day and said, what are we going to do to have the power turned back on? He's like, we need a beautiful switchboard is what we need. We need it to have the perfect sound effects and we need it to look amazing and cool. So the little kids watching this will one day want to have a switchboard exactly like this. Unknown_03: So if you can't tell, I didn't stream last week because I didn't have much to talk about. And this week, I also really don't have much to talk about. So I'm talking about Switches from Jurassic Park, which is more interesting to me than politics at this point. Because no matter what happens as a result of this election, which is still ongoing, because like I said, it will probably end... at the earliest in december probably not even then judging by how this looks um and i would you know i want to be like a doomer and say like oh it fills me with some kind of dread but it it really doesn't i'm not like dreading it i'm just not interested into it and i think that's like an entirely different subset of emotions i'm apathetic towards it 0:10:22 Unknown_03: And I realize that there's a lot of people who aren't apathetic towards it. There's a lot of people who are angry. I don't think as many as would be required for any kind of violent overthrow of the government. Unknown_03: Not that I'm advocating for this. I'm just saying that I don't think that the numbers on either side are there. I think that Trump could still be declared winner and there wouldn't be enough violent momentum on the left side to push against Trump in a militarized way. I just don't see it, and I guess people, I'm not living in the U.S. anymore, and any time I say anything about the U.S., people say, you're basically a European now. You've been in, the last, here's a true fact, the last time I was in the U.S. was like after July 4th in 20, either 2018 or 2017, I can't even remember now, but it was when I left for Ukraine. I haven't been back to the U.S. since I left for Ukraine. Pretty sure it was 2017. I could be wrong, though. 0:10:57 Unknown_03: So, yeah, but I mean, I kind of get the vibe just talking to people like I'm not. Unknown_03: I'm surrounded by a lot of people. On the forum and on Discord, I talked to people that I knew back in the US, and I don't pick up any signatures that would be like, oh, this person is ready to participate in violent revolution. And the people who do give off those signatures are feds and autistic people that those feds are going to arrest. 0:11:43 Unknown_03: um I'm sure I'm not saying anything that's too against the grain with this I'm pretty sure most people aren't expecting anything because like I said before I don't think anyone wants to die for Donald Trump uh Donald Trump was not the person that was going to fix America and the problems that really matter um Unknown_03: I could, I could go either one or two ways with this. I'm thinking I have an art critique, uh, thing lined up and then I want to make fun of Ralph a little bit, just a tiny bit. Did I get the Ralph thing out of the way first or should I save it until after my art critique? What do you guys think? I'll reach out on this. You guys can give me your opinion, art or art or Ralph. And I will talk about movie Bob. I want to make fun of movie Bob too. 0:12:24 Unknown_03: okay i see a lot of guns okay just just a little bit because it doesn't it doesn't take much to make ralph angry when i talk about him so just a teensy tiny bit of making fun of ralph and we'll move on to the art critique Unknown_03: So, really, I mean, from what I understand, there's protests going on. And correct me if I'm wrong, Ralph is near both... He's in Virginia, so he's close to both D.C. and the capital of Virginia. I think this is a protest that was happening at the State House of Virginia. 0:13:04 Unknown_03: And Alex Jones happened to be there, and Frank Castle happened to be there. And he was there, not with... Unknown_03: Not with his baby mama. She was up in a hotel somewhere, I think. He was there with Pantsouparty, who is Digibro's ex now. Unknown_03: And so here he is at, pretty fun, I guess, hanging out in real life with all the people who you can bump elbows with, get clout with, make friends with, have them watch your stream when they go home. 0:13:52 Unknown_03: and what do you think what do you think is on ralph's mind as he's in as he's in the real world surrounded by things that actually matter what do you think ralph is upset about josh he's milky is why would you say that why is that the first answer that's horrific but but yes Unknown_03: Also, shout out to notorious pedophile Josh Moon, owner of the Kiwi Farms. You're missed here, buddy. Unknown_03: You fucking, you fucking hermit loser. 0:14:47 Unknown_03: and a crowd of people in real life. He's probably in some shitty third world hostel right now getting taken advantage of. It's a shame, Chad. Unknown_00: It really is a shame. Unknown_03: He can't help it. He was born fucked up! Unknown_03: He's in public ranting about me. I don't even know how I feel about that. That's kind of weird. I made a comment a while ago after Jim did a stream about Brian Dunn, because I had a realization. that Brian Dunn was probably sexually excited by me when I made fun of him. And I had that realization, and I thought, you know, I'm gonna keep that realization to myself. I don't need to say this on the internet and have people know that I helped masturbate Brian Dunn by bullying him on the internet. And then Medicare paused the stream and spoke directly to me and said, you probably masturbated Brian Dunn by making fun of him on the internet. And there were like 25,000 people watching, and that was really weird. But this is also very weird. This is very weird in like its own and different way where it's like, aha. So this man is in public surrounded by people who do not know who I am and do not care. And he's yelling about me like a, like a lunatic for, for points for, from his chat. 0:15:59 Unknown_03: And I don't know how I feel about that. It's very surreal. It's like, it's a kind of thing. It's like a, Unknown_03: It's a type of feeling that I don't think many people get to experience in their life. People can't relate to that and it is its own thing. Unknown_03: I'm not it's not like upsetting it's just weird and I don't know how I feel about it and I don't know how I should feel about it because it is so bizarre and I feel like I feel like that a lot these days I feel like you know there's probably a finite number you know like a very small pool of people in the world who have just had the experience that I have had 0:16:54 Unknown_03: and it's it's very um it's very alienating it makes you feel different from people because you're like you know that's kind of fucking weird uh but yeah there's that and Unknown_03: This is also funny. I'll just play this. Unknown_03: Thank you to whoever archived this on the forum, by the way, because it got deleted off Twitter, and otherwise I would not have it offhand. Yes, that is Alex Jones. Unknown_02: Killstream says hello, sir. Good to see you. Thank you, man. Unknown_02: You guys are awesome being out here. Thank you. Thank you, Alex! Unknown_03: Thank you, Alex! 0:17:50 Unknown_03: I think that's it. He goes up to Alex and says, the kill stream says hello. And he's like, thank you, brother. You're awesome. Unknown_03: And then he says, Oh, thank you guys for coming out, talking to other people. And he put that up on Twitter. Like, look at Alex Jones likes me and likes my stream. He probably watches it every day. Unknown_03: and it's very it's i don't know he's got he's entirely he's someone who is entirely driven by ego and he's very easy to please you just have to say nice things you don't even have to like actually compliment him in any way you just have to say nice things and he is set off by it and if you say anything negative about him he'll remember you for the rest of his life so that's the that's the the ralph catch-up thank you to the people who sent me these because 0:18:39 Unknown_03: I get to play them on my stream okay movie Bob or the art I will let you choose this one too art blob art blob blob art oh that's about 50-50 Unknown_03: Um, okay. So I'll do the art first. You know what? Yeah, I'll do the art first. Unknown_03: So I saw this on the tweeter, which is what I, every morning I wake up, right? I go through my routine. I open up the station. I ban that guy. And then I look at my Twitter and I get angry at things on Twitter. And this one is UN Women. Women, on average, do three times as much unpaid care and domestic work as men, with long-term consequences for their economic security. Time to step it up, guys. Now, okay, you can say whatever you want about the UN calling... 0:19:31 Unknown_03: You know, like, family raising, unpaid care in domestic work. Like, it's some sort of financial commodity. Like, we're going to have to start paying, like, women. Like, why? If you want to get married, you have to, like, put them on payroll for your... Like, turn marriage into, like, an LLC partnership where you have to, like, pay your spouse to stay at home. That's weird. Unknown_03: You could probably develop all sorts of weird communist theories about this. 0:20:04 Unknown_01: Ugh. Unknown_01: But... Unknown_03: Okay, the main thing is the art. Because I want to focus, whatever, the UN Women thing is whatever. But the art is something that I see everywhere now. And I did some digging. I found out what this art is. And apparently it does have a name. And it's called Alegria? I'm probably pronouncing that wrong because it's a Spanish name. 0:20:39 Unknown_03: And guess what city this system was developed in? Unknown_03: Why is she an egg? I don't even know if that's a man or a woman. I have no fucking idea what that is. But that's the point. This Allegria system, not Algeria, Allegria, was made in, not Tel Aviv, was made in the other one, Los Angeles, by two people named Zona Herrera, which is an interesting last name, and Esteban Escuival. So it's kind of like, I guess it's probably inspired by Picasso, if anything. And it's also called flat style, I've heard it, or cutouts. And I've heard two possible explanations for why I see this kind of art fucking everywhere. 0:21:14 Unknown_03: The first one is... Unknown_03: that this art is very easy to vectorize, which means because it's so simple, it's very easy to turn it into a list of geometric shapes, which can be scaled up and down to any resolution you'd need, right? So as we move forward into a more website-oriented world where everything is just a web page and you don't even need a fucking computer anymore, everything's going to be up in the cloud and you just access the HTML output from it. 0:22:01 Unknown_03: These vectors would be very handy for that. Unknown_03: The other explanation that I've heard that I believe more so to be true is that these are the symbols of a demonic takeover of the entire world and every corporation that uses this shit is satanic and wants to eat babies. that might seem extremist but i'm not being facetious i do believe that this shit is fucking evil and i believe it is it no not cow art it is it's its own thing and i it's sort of like the way that i've heard it described and the way that i would describe it to anyone is that it is like the modern 0:22:42 Unknown_03: modern, brutalist architecture in the form of art. Unknown_03: And you'll see as I kind of scroll down, actually I'm going to read this excerpt from Zona and Esteban's Squeevil. It says, it was 2017, we started to pitch at Buck, where I had the chance to develop a style for the new illustration, and just listen to the words they used. develop a style for the new illustration system that would be used all over the Facebook platform. I think what they're trying to say here is that they're developing a art guidebook for how artists working at Facebook should make their drawings to conform to a standard that looks consistent throughout the system. But for whatever reason, they describe it as an illustration system as if the human element never factors into it. There are no artists making art. It's like a mechanical concept where the individual chunks of this shit is like bolts and nuts. So that, to me, took me a second to parse what the fuck they're trying to say. 0:23:25 Unknown_03: It's not a guidebook. It's an illustration system. Unknown_03: And my silly illustrations were the starting point to create a style guide and a toolkit that had been defining the palette's forms and animations. Human figures are used to add warmth and expression. They help build an emotional connection and tell the story. Characters are stylized and not anatomically precise. Characters are designed for the expression rather than the individual identity. At the core of product illustrations, the clever use of simple primary shapes, exaggerated forms are used for their expressive nature and ability to fit into tight compositions. And these are the examples. And you'll notice that none of these people have like a real flesh tone. Like this woman has like a high-waisted jean and then has like a midget body and then like an Indian woman's head. It's all so distorted and so bizarre. 0:24:40 Unknown_03: and just barely looks human. And never, like, you can see the color palettes, never do they use actual flesh color for the characters. You can't tell, like, where the fuck this chick is supposed to be from, what country is she from, what nationality is she... She's not a real person. She's just this weird... And here's, like, the same character doing the same thing, but, like, they have pink hair and pastel-colored skin and neon clothes, and it's just so... Unknown_03: alien and I think that's the point it's like a bastardization of what look at this of what the human is supposed to look like there is no gender there is no nationality there is no ethnicity it's just here are some shapes of people doing some shit and you're gonna fucking like it and you're gonna like our product more because we have this weird bendy straw human playing the trumpet for you to appreciate 0:25:40 Unknown_03: and it wouldn't even it literally would not even be worth mentioning it's just ugly look at this look she doesn't even have a fucking neck i've never seen a human that doesn't have a neck except for no neck ed from 90 days fiance uh Unknown_03: And the proportions are fucked up. You see two people holding each other and their size differences are fucked up. Unknown_03: And it wouldn't even be worth mentioning if it was just Facebook. But apparently this style is so popular now that... People are filling their portfolios with it. That's what they want people to see when they go to a studio and present their portfolio to their potential employers. They want them to see that they're capable of making this form factor shit that is just awful. 0:26:30 Unknown_03: And it kind of reminds me of like JavaScript. Everything is made in fucking JavaScript now. So if you want to have a chance of getting a job in tech industry, you want to put first and foremost that, you know, front end JavaScript and back end JavaScript, you know, the language very well and you know how it works, you know, about concurrency and all this other shit that they do, because that's just what everyone wants. They just want fucking JavaScript for everything. And that's because it helps to have one language that everyone knows and that people can be swapped in and out of. You write your code in a way that meets the standards for the industry. And if you get annoying or they don't like you or you start costing too much money, they can just fire you and replace you with someone else who can do the exact same job and pick it up in less than a month. And like a fast food employee, you're just instantly replaceable. And I think that's the same thing with art. We don't want to have an artist who has a profound impact on the platform and creates art that everyone recognizes and everyone is familiar with because then when that person has issues with us, he can negotiate from a position of power. From this, it's like anyone can draw this. And we'll just standardize this across all the industry. And if you want to have a job making art or an internet company, well, it'll be like with JavaScript. You have to know how to make this kind of shit because that's what's inoffensive. 0:27:51 Unknown_03: to all people, nobody can look at this and think, wait a second, where, I'm not represented by these people, because these aren't like actual people, they're blobs of color and like noise and artifact. Unknown_03: So it's ineffective to the customer, it does the job of having, as the guy says, of having a human figure and adding warmth to their story and product, and it's so simple and shitty that anyone can do it. Anyone who knows how to draw can draw this kind of art. So it's a form factor way of human expressionism that completely strips any kind of identity away from the actual artist. in the same way that modern art takes away whatever heritage or whatever that a place has in the world and reduces it down to standardized concrete and metal bars and is like the Ikea of a building. This is the Ikea product of art. I just hate it. 0:28:27 Unknown_03: And it fits in with other, this I found, and this I found to be funny. I like how the baby's like six months old and just like sitting, like its legs as in her legs. 0:29:08 Unknown_03: And I like her face. Unknown_03: She's got a pretty wicked expression. Look at her. Unknown_03: After 30 weeks of being pregnant, the baby is now fully formed inside the lady's body and will soon be time for birthing. She knows it's time. Okay. Unknown_03: It reminded me, okay, I talked about this a long time ago. If you remember watching streams during, I talked about this woman called Ariella Elevic who drew these ladies pooping and then sold it to BuzzFeed as ladies empowered women having their periods. 0:29:49 Unknown_03: And this is her. Unknown_03: Okay, this is what she actually looks like. And... Unknown_03: This is her self-portrait. There you can see she's very, very talented at drawing the human form. Unknown_03: And then she has the cheeky blog where she talks about poo. Unknown_03: I like this one because I wonder if this was intentional. This is called the Chala Sleeping Bag. Unknown_03: And it just looks like she's embedded into a turd, which is very fucking weird to me. 0:30:38 Unknown_03: Uh... Unknown_03: She has a thing for cheese. Oh, she's farting. Eating cream cheese with abandon because I rarely leave the house. And she's farting while holding a giant thing of cream cheese. Unknown_03: Whenever I see this shit on Facebook and by the UN, I think of this woman and her awful fucking art. Unknown_03: Prepping for a weekend getaway, a desperate attempt to somehow maintain digestive regularity. Unknown_03: I think I mentioned this before, too, but there's a certain group of people who have an obsession with poo and fart. And there is Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals. There's a segment where he talks about clever ways to protest. And he talks about teaching black people a method of protest, which would involve going to an opera house. 0:31:13 Unknown_03: More like an orchestra house and eating a ton of beans before going there so that they would all fart and stink up the orchestra house and embarrass the city for not giving them what they wanted. Or by going to airports and pooping and just holding up the restrooms. 0:31:48 Unknown_03: For some reason, there is like a scat obsession going on here that is deep and underlying and all-present. Unknown_03: uh in a certain certain group's body of work and it's very weird anyways this shit upsets me and i i just want to point it out because i i think we'll see more of it i think everyone on the planet earth is going to adopt this fucking shit And there's going to be these fucking gross ass abominable figures wearing masks. And they're going to be sitting there on your government handout saying, wear your mask. And it'll be a family of people. It'll be a family unit. It'll be like a little girl, a little boy, mommy, daddy. But they'll all be like gender indeterminate and of different colors. 0:32:26 Unknown_03: With mismatched outfits on. But they'll all be wearing masks. That'll be the important thing. Unknown_01: Remember that. Unknown_01: You already see that stuff. Unknown_03: Okay, here's a task for anyone who might be listening. If you are out and about and you see this Allegria shit in some government brochure advocating that you wear a mask, I ask that you take a picture of it and send it to me. 0:33:08 Unknown_03: Because I only use Twitter to be angry at things and that would make me angry. So you have to do me a solid. Unknown_03: And help me out in pursuit of absolute frustration. Unknown_03: Consider it done. Oh, thank you, Zane. Or Zara. Unknown_03: What about Comic Sans? No, no, no. Fuck that. Has to be this shit right here. These blobs. Unknown_03: Whole Foods does that already. Well, Whole Foods is like a California... Unknown_03: Like, pretend to be a small business type thing. You know what I mean? Of course they're going to adopt it. Because that way... I don't know. 0:33:46 Unknown_01: That way they don't offend anybody. Here, I'll post this as well. Unknown_01: This entertained me. I don't know if I can find it. Unknown_01: There's... Here, actually. Unknown_01: The entire TERF ideology is based on jealousy. 0:34:17 Unknown_03: They rightfully worry that they'll be surpassed by trans women who are literally always hotter than them. It's tragic and infantile. Just block them when they come at you. Unknown_03: And here we have the creature. Unknown_03: I think this is safe for YouTube. Unknown_03: This is a person who needs Alegria to fit in. I wonder, would I even dare to try and art this person in Alegria form? Unknown_03: I think I might try that, hold up. 0:34:55 Unknown_03: I'm not actually a skilled artist, but. Unknown_03: I'm very tempted to try and draw this because it would be funny, I guess. Okay, here. Unknown_01: Let me try and get paint open real quick. Unknown_01: Ah, paint. Unknown_01: Okay, okay, okay. Unknown_01: I'm going to try. Where's my reference at? 0:35:29 Unknown_01: Okay. Unknown_03: So it's like pastel colors, but they're already wearing kind of like pastel colors. Unknown_03: Here, let's just do this real quick. Unknown_03: Not to hold up the stream or anything. I want to use yellow. Yellow is too close to white. Let's go for pink. So you know what? Pink is pretty fair for that face. So we got like a nice... Unknown_03: rounded to head square thing, and then do it like this, like this, uh-huh, uh-huh. 0:36:09 Unknown_03: Now, then I need like a big swoopin' leg thing right here. Can I get like a thick brush? Come on, Microsoft, don't let me down. I need a thick brush. So it comes all the way out like this, and like this. Unknown_01: Bam, perfect. Unknown_01: Fill that in. Unknown_01: Beautiful, OK. Now, you can't see the arms, but that's OK. Unknown_03: So I need something that's like a pinkish color, but then also kind of like a purplish perfect. 0:36:51 Unknown_01: Actually, let's make it grayer. Unknown_01: Okay, that'll work. Unknown_01: It comes down like this. Unknown_01: Like this. And comes up. Unknown_01: Actually, I need a proper shape here so I can... Come on, picker and fucker. Unknown_01: Why is it not... Oh, there it is. Okay. 0:37:23 Unknown_01: What can I do? Okay, I can do like this. Unknown_01: I need the fill, too, though. Unknown_01: Oh, excellent. That's exactly what I want. Unknown_01: Not that, though. Oh, no. Unknown_03: It was almost there, and then it got ruined. Unknown_01: That's beautiful. And then one more on the exact same side. Unknown_01: Like this. Unknown_01: There we go. 0:37:57 Unknown_01: That's it, ladies and gentlemen. Unknown_03: And for good measure, actually. Unknown_03: Oh, I fucked it up. Unknown_03: You know, Microsoft, you've had like 50 fucking years to make this shit work. And you're letting me down. I don't think there's any mistakes though, right? Unknown_01: Okay. And I can do like a triangle for the... Unknown_03: The bra thing? Can I do brown? Is brown a part of the allegory? Okay, I can. I can use like a gray. If it's in the name of clothing. 0:38:30 Unknown_01: Okay, boom. Unknown_01: And... Unknown_01: I had it. Unknown_01: I really don't understand when it decides that I don't use a tool anymore. Perfect. Oh, it needs a face, don't it? Okay. One more thing. One more thing. 0:39:07 Unknown_01: Like a sassy face. Unknown_01: She's winking too. Perfect. Unknown_03: Now this, this is what all women are envious of. And now as you saw this on a, oh, there's hair. Wait, no, there's no hair. Oh, there is a hair. Okay. Okay, fine. 0:39:40 Unknown_01: I'll add a hair too. Perfect. I don't want black. Unknown_01: Hair. Hair. Unknown_01: Yeah, there we go. Unknown_03: Excellent. So when you see this next to our product on Facebook, you'll think like, wow, 1.7K people watching. You'll be thinking, wow, this adds warmth to the project. Unknown_03: It's not Chinese. Don't be racist. There is no ethnicity or gender or anything attached to my Allegria drawing. It is simply joy. That's what it is. 0:40:12 Unknown_03: Josh, you are revolting. Fuck you too. I would get banned so far or so fast. Unknown_03: It is not a Chinese. Oh, fuck you. No, you've ruined it. You ruined it by making it Chinese because there cannot be any kind of identity attached to this. 0:40:51 Unknown_01: I have to modify it here. Unknown_01: There, okay, now it's not Chinese. Unknown_03: And now it's fixed. Unknown_03: If you try to prescribe a gender or identity to this figure, you are wrong. Unknown_03: Look, I see you guys trying to throw whatever will stick. Nothing will stick. I've mastered it. Now I can get a job at Facebook making these cartoons for their products so that when people in the Philippines or China or Nigeria or Mexico or the United States look at it, they'll think, wow, I relate to this, but not too much. 0:41:38 Unknown_03: Not enough to accidentally, you don't want to have a drawing that someone says, hey, this is Pakistani to someone in India or whatever. I relate to this to the point where it looks like another human being. This drawing probably eats and shits just like I do, and it doesn't have any particular beliefs that upset me. Unknown_03: Excellent. Okay. Get rid of this. Okay. Let's talk about, speaking of shapeless, formless mass that just consumes and consumes and does nothing but consume. 0:42:17 Unknown_03: Let's talk about movie blob. And actually, since I say that... Uh... Unknown_03: I don't know if I'll be able to find this in time. I'm going to try. If it's not on this page, I'm going to have to give up. Unknown_01: Oh, come on. Unknown_01: Yes! Is that going to play? Oh, come on. Please play. 0:42:53 Unknown_01: consume consume consume that's uh my favorite line from the stairs from the announcer pack for dota 2 from the stair stanley parable whenever i buy something and he starts shouting at me consume consume consume i get so excited i can't i cannot wait to consume so Unknown_03: I also think of that line every time, uh, I see a movie, Bob tweet anyways, uh, movie blob got blown the absolute fuck out by this waifu. So this woman, Lindsay Ellis is someone who he's apparently been trying to get the attention of for literally fucking years. Uh, Unknown_03: I know I've uncovered the conspiracy of people being friends with their peers and then and this is like genuinely fucking creepy regardless of who you are and who they are like if a woman is on social media and you send them a picture of you and them together that they may not remember they may not even remember that you exist Like, that's always going to be creepy. That's like just taking random pictures of someone walking down the street and sending it to them. Like, yeah, that's almost like threatening, like imposing. Like, yeah, you're going to be friends with me. You're going to be friends with me. I know what you look like. I've seen you in person. I know you're sent, bitch. I can hunt you down. And that's what this picture gives me the vibe of. He says, this is honestly really inappropriate and creepy, dude. A selfie at a con several years ago does not mean that we are friends. Also, the fact that I have soft-blocked you like six times and you always re-follow is creepy. Take the hint and please leave me alone. uh if you do not know what a soft block is because you're not a twitter aficionado uh she's referring to the act of blocking someone and then unblocking them to have them unfollow you because you don't want to block like it's it's weird to have someone click your page and see that you block them um but if you block someone and then unblock them it kind of removes them from your follow so in this instance she 0:44:29 Unknown_03: at many different times saw him talking to her or following her or doing something weird involving her and she blocked him and then unblocked him and movie bob apparently checks her tweets so frequently and and manually he seeks her out to read what she has to say that he will notice if he's been unfollowed from her and will re-follow and apparently he has done this six times to the poor point where she has to ask him uh to stop which is pretty funny and uh she has did this in out in public 0:45:19 Unknown_03: And he got really pissed off and said this, I'm not planning on to say anything further publicly here on Twitter about what I imagine many people want to ask me about, other than to say that I feel deeply hurt, confused, and borderline gaslighted, but I won't push for explanations that may invite irritation or bother from followers, etc., towards someone who, whatever they think of me for whatever reason doesn't deserve that. Suffice to say, it really sucks to lose friends. It sucks more to not know that, that you have and not have them tell you until it's too late or painful. That's all you'll get from me on here. And everyone made fun of them. And apparently people got real shitty with her. 0:46:12 Unknown_03: Then you're like, oh, I can't believe you'd call him out in public like that, because now meanies on the internet are going to make fun of him, and he's going to cry, and you just gave all those trolls exactly what they wanted. 0:46:46 Unknown_03: But, and I didn't even think to bring this up before the stream, so give me a second. I can't find it in a moment. I will simply tell you what I think happened off of experience. Unknown_03: Oh, here it says, that feeling when you get accused of gaslighting for telling a male feminist whom you had not spoken to in years to leave you alone. Unknown_03: That's her statement, I guess, or in reply to his statement. Unknown_01: And I hope this is a highlight, because if not, I'm going to... I'm going to give up here in a second. 0:47:23 Unknown_01: She made a comment saying that... Unknown_03: She had thought about it for a full day. When he did that and she made the decision that she was going to call him out, she slept on it, she said, and she decided the next day to go through with it because it would be the only way to get him to stop contacting her and stop following her. And that is why he decided to call her out. So all the people who got pissed off and said, oh, you're, you know, trolling movie Bob or no better than those people in Kiwi Farms, whatever. 0:48:02 Unknown_03: She did put a little bit of thought into it before coming to what she believed to be a effective way to terminate his obsession with her. Unknown_03: And he rounded it off by saying this shit. And then like a couple of days later, he came out in self-pity mode saying the last 10 to 15 years or so of my life was really the first time I felt like I had a good number of real friends, real relationships, and that I was finally getting the hang of interacting with people in all the ways that seemed to come easy to everyone else, but never had to me. This past year has forcibly obliterated all of that or so it feels like it has in the tangible sense and if I'm being unguarded and honest I'm absolutely scared to death by the time we turn the world back on it's not going to come back. That whatever growing and improving I did over however long is just going to have been wiped away by having to keep it barely together through this bullshit and I'll be back to where I started again and I don't want that and I don't know how I'll know until it's there. So... 0:48:44 Unknown_03: That's the recap of the underscore movie Bob. And I kind of want to bring up his picture real quick. I want to go in on the side here. This is the display picture that movie Bob uses or his, his streams. Unknown_03: Sorry, for his Twitter display picture. And you can tell, looking at the artifacts in his sunglasses, that he's sitting alone in a dumpy studio apartment full of shit. And you can see the reflection of his sunglasses and the studio light or whatever. It looks like six light bulbs hanging in a circle right there. 0:49:30 Unknown_03: And someone pointed this out, and I really never understood how the fuck this was accomplished. Unknown_03: He looks simultaneously... fat as fuck and also emaciated and um someone pointed out in discord and i don't know if this is actually true it looks like he's sucking in his lip his uh his cheeks like his cheeks would be fuller and more natural looking but he wants to appear slimmer so he's like sucking in his cheeks and only the absolute blubber excess is protruding from like around his jawline 0:50:14 Unknown_03: it's an extraordinarily disgusting image and you can even tell despite how short his hair is because of how the lighting is that he's going bald and that's why his hair is so short you can see the bald patch like right above the bridge of his nose compared to how dense it is uh over his ears so Unknown_03: Every time I see this shit, it's like a combination of the fact that it's in black and white and his weird sucking in his cheeks face and the fact he's wearing sunglasses like he's a cool dude and his bald spot. I really... Unknown_03: find him uh horrific to look at he angers me he he has that look of someone who who um just is appalling to you a completely repellent person 0:51:11 Unknown_01: I really don't like him. Unknown_03: I've never had like strong opinions about any of his drama because I don't give a fuck. I was never one of those. I think he's like, was he one of that guy with the glasses or something? I don't even know his history. I don't know all his fucking drama. I just know that when I see this picture of him, I become angry and I do not wish good things upon him because his visage is so fucking shocking and horrific to me. Unknown_03: You can smell that picture. 0:51:44 Unknown_03: Who do I like? Unknown_03: I would never tell anyone, any person that I'm fond of, because then they're going to get, they're going to eat shit. Everyone's going to try to find that thing that I like and ruin it. Unknown_03: You know how you fuckers are. I open a space station, go to my space station and start fucking killing people every morning when I'm asleep, trying to enjoy not having to wake up at 8 a.m. Unknown_03: Chantal, don't even get me started. I've been avoiding talking about Chantal and Amberlynn because I know people, it's like an unofficial segment of my streams, right? I recap Amberlynn and Chantal from last week. I've tried to avoid that a little bit unless it's particularly interesting to me, but Chantal has just like completely given up any kind of diet or whatever. 0:52:16 Unknown_03: And inversely, Amberlynn is on the flip side of the cycle where she is doing Jenny Craig, and I think she's trying to get sponsorship from Jenny Craig, but if she wants to be like the Jared from Subway for Jenny Craig, she's gonna have to actually lose weight. I don't think she has the capacity. Chantel, on the other hand, is just eating like shit all the fucking time and is constantly having back and forth with her trolls. She got one channel taken down for cyberbullying, and now she's, like, toting that around like it's a fucking kill. She's gonna behead and stuff that fucking dead channel and hang it over her mantelpiece as her first victim. And she's telling everyone, you better not fuck with me, you better not troll me on YouTube, because then... 0:53:00 Unknown_03: I'm going to get your channel taken down for cyberbullying as well. And the motherfucker, she filed a DMCA or had an agency file a DMCA, I don't know which, with a search engine to have her thread the index. So her saying that she doesn't read the forum and her... Fuck her. I really... I'm really sick of dealing with DMCAs every fucking day. Every fucking day I wake up and I check my inbox and I see this bullshit about Trisha Pieta's nudes or Chantel filing something or Momocon. Every fucking day there's something from Momocon DMCAing some random page of her thread because her fat tits are in it. It's just... awful i i i cannot wait for it's never gonna come i'm not i'm not holding my breath but i would love for the dmca just to be fucking torn to shreds because i'm so sick of it uh and so is everyone else i guess uh i have this thing from i don't know if i mentioned it or if i got around to mentioning it the last stream um i don't even know if it happened by the last stream it's probably the only thing worth talking about uh from last week 0:54:38 Unknown_03: But there is a very immensely popular open library, I think I have talked about it, called YouTube-DL at You can download it still. Unknown_03: But there was a RIAA, the Record Industry of America, filed a DMCA with YouTube-DL because it circumvented certain protections when YouTube videos that allowed people to download Vivo. And Vivo is the agreement that the RIAA and YouTube have that allows them to play copyrighted music on YouTube. Usually the catch being that there's advertisements and the rights holders get to collect the ad revenue, which is why if I play songs during my streams, which I do, they get monetized by YouTube. The rights holders, and I don't... They even explicitly updated their terms of service, because I guess they forgot to mention this. They will monetize your videos, even if you're not a YouTube partner, and you will see none of the money that comes out of it. Instead, the rights holders will. So if I do a two-hour-long video about... honey boo boo and her family then the rights holders of discovery and TLC whenever fucking group will monetize it and they'll get the money for that advertisement so always always use ad blocker always just always because fuck advertisers and fuck rights holders at this point I'm going to go full communist I'm going to take up my Kalashnikov and I'm going to fight against landlords because fuck the DMCA fuck YouTube I'm so sick of this shit Anyways, GitHub, in a rare moment of not being assholes, decided to fight for YouTube DL. And this is great. They have a big statement where they're talking about how they're going to stand up for developers. Isn't that nice? And, oh, look at this. Look at this. They haven't gone full Allegria, but... I mean, the icon, the iconography, all that random shit in the background, the scales, the dresser, all the stuff in the room is Allegria. 0:56:08 Unknown_03: Just simple, shitty, looks like a fucking vector art, clip art piece of shit. And then they have some doodles of the squid, which is their mascot. If they weren't talking about them and their policies, they probably... If they had to talk about, like, a specific person, they probably would use a fucking bullshit Allegria paper cutout. But... 0:56:45 Unknown_03: The point is that they're talking about how they brought it back and how they're the good guys. And in this instance, they are the good guys. But do not forget that GitHub is owned by Microsoft. Microsoft does not give a fuck about you. And Microsoft also tends to press its rights where it finds it convenient. So in no way is Microsoft a hero. It's one of those instances, like with net neutrality, where the interests of certain large tech companies coincide with the interests of the masses. Unknown_03: Like with net neutrality, Google has an interest in making sure that everything is on the internet. And the best way to have more customers when everything is on the internet is to make it so that you have fast internet. If you have fast internet, that means that you're watching YouTube more, you're watching advertisements more, you can watch more spectacular advertisements on more spectacular videos that will keep you engaged on YouTube. They can make Google Docs and whatever the fuck completely online, give you none of the source code, don't let you compile it, but you'll be able to access it everywhere because you have 5G internet everywhere in the country, and you have a 1 gigabit per second connection at home. 0:57:28 Unknown_03: That is Google's gambit, and they don't want ISPs fucking with their gambit, which is making everything online. So, Google protecting net neutrality is not in and of itself a sign that net neutrality is evil, it is a sign that Google has interest in putting people on the internet. Similarly, Microsoft protecting rights is not something that shows that Microsoft has gone communist and wants everyone to have total protection from rights holders because they themselves are big into protecting their own copyrights. It is a sign that they want to infringe on copyright as much as possible themselves. In the same way that Google, I'm sure, would love for the DMCA to go away so that they could host whatever fucking video they wanted and the RIA could suck their dick for whatever they give them. That's what they want. 0:58:12 Unknown_03: And in this particular instance, they should probably get it. Unknown_03: It's one of those easy wins for a company. This is a big project that is worth putting weight behind. YouTube DL is incorporated into so many things that you don't even realize operate this way. It's incorporated into VLC. If you use VLC to watch YouTube videos like I do... that you're using YouTube DL. If you archive shit, you use YouTube DL. I use YouTube DL literally every single day. I probably use YouTube DL as many times as I actually directly access the site. In fact, YouTube DL is a part of SyncTube, which is if you were online yesterday when I rebooted the server and brought it down for about an hour, We were using YouTube DL to watch videos and on space station 13, there is a fucking YouTube DL integration support so that you can play sound bites from YouTube videos to people playing the game. It is in a lot of shit. It's very important and they maintain it constantly having a back and forth with YouTube who constantly updates their API to try and fight them. 0:59:45 Unknown_03: It's a very important library, tons of usage, very popular. Unknown_03: And telling the RIAA especially to go fuck themselves is very popular these days, and it furthers the agenda that if this did go to court and GitHub via Microsoft, or rather Microsoft via GitHub interfered in this court case and backed the defendant and helped, or... because I think YouTube DL is suing the RIAA-backed YouTube DL as the plaintiff, they could have a win that would enable them to have broader protection from copyright, which they would benefit to the tunes of hundreds of millions of dollars. A big example of this copyright shit is with Facebook and YouTube, by the way. 1:00:18 Unknown_03: where you have a lot of proprietary videos uploaded to YouTube. A lot of creators upload their stuff to their channel, they get downloaded, stolen, and put on Facebook, and Facebook also doesn't wanna give any kind of copyright protection for stuff on their platform. YouTube is the biggest competitor of Facebook, so having shit stolen and re-uploaded to Facebook benefits Facebook immensely. All these companies just wanna rip each other off, And the DMCA is both a kind of deserved protection for rights holders and also something that just gets misused all the fucking time. And if they don't change it, they should just get rid of it. Because I'm sick of getting a notification every single fucking day of my life saying that some stupid bitch copyright struck her fucking nude pictures that she put up on the internet, her goddamn self, and which are clearly fair use because everyone's making fun of her saggy titties. That should be clear-cut. That should be, you fucking DMCA that shit, you go to jail for like half a year. You think these sad milkers are being infringed upon because people are making fun of them? Right to jail. No trial, no nothing. 1:01:43 Unknown_03: Be glad we didn't throw you in the incel barn. Unknown_01: That's the DMCA rant. Unknown_01: I could make fun of June a little bit. Unknown_03: Probably not. Unknown_03: There's not much to add. She's trying to be all socialist now. She's riding with Biden. She loves Biden. 1:02:20 Unknown_03: It's very sad to see someone her age trying to look like Bella Dauphine. Unknown_03: Someone much cleverer than I said that she was like a femcel ditto who just took the most popular thought and tried to look like her, but she always looks the same because she's the same person in makeup. So it's like that shitty ditto that just has the stupid ditto face in Pokemon. So whatever's popular, she's going to ditto transform into that, but keep her stupid shitty ditto face. 1:03:01 Unknown_01: I love ditto. How dare you? Oh my God. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I didn't. Unknown_01: Not all dittos. Okay. Hashtag not all dittos. Unknown_01: Wiggle and hit. Unknown_03: Is there anything that I've missed, my friends, over this last week? I could mention the Turkey Tom video. Unknown_03: I sat through the second half of it. Someone mentioned that he did a video calling out Shadman, and I was featured in it twice, which is... 1:03:33 Unknown_03: uh interesting not just because oh it's it's nice that a big youtube channel use my streams a little clip a couple seconds of my streams that's that's quite nice of them um what's interesting to me is that this clips he used came from the days where i would just talk for like two or three hours to kill time and i would about So it's like, how did Turkey Tom know about this random clip of me from years ago? Did people send it to him? Did he like announce that I'm going to do a video on Shadman? So if you have any clips of people talking about Shadman, please send them to me. Or did he watch that stream from a long time ago and just pull it up when he needed it? 1:04:13 Unknown_03: Jerky Tom has an account on the forum. Ooh, isn't that nice? It's funny, you can see in the background, he used like scrolling shots of the forum in the background and it was like all Biden themed and shit. He used the picture of my dog Unknown_03: uh from my avatar as a as a picture of me that's my that's my portrait actually uh actually uh since i mentioned the dog let me go ahead and pull this up because i want to i want to show people i've been not only have i been actively hosting my space station 13 server at beyond port 1337 for anyone who would like to connect 1:05:05 Unknown_03: uh not only have i been hosting that i've been modifying it a little bit and i promise if you haven't haven't played space station 13 you'll still like this i can find it uh where is the screenshot i took Unknown_03: so there's a fox in the captain's quarters in the default like tg branch and i've always hated that fox its name is renault which is like a shitty french name and the fox doesn't fucking do anything so nobody cares about the fox he dies around nobody ever saves the fox because nobody cares about him um i i have taken it upon myself to replace the fox with 1:05:52 Unknown_03: There he is. Isn't that a cute sprite for the dog? Now, you may think, oh, that's a stupid-looking dog. Unknown_03: What could this dog ever possibly do in the space station? He's just a shitty dog. Well, you may notice that dead miner next to him. Unknown_03: While Renault is indeed a shitty French fox, Slobbermutt is a very protective dog, and if you enter the captain's quarters and you're not supposed to be there, you're not security or head of staff, he will fucking kill you. 1:06:24 Unknown_03: Only in the captain's quarters while he is there, though. However, I've also made it so that if you hold the disk, the nuclear authentication disk, anywhere, so like if the captain drags the dog around the station and you happen to walk past him while having the disk in your inventory... The dog will go fucking apeshit and kill you. So I've replaced the stupid shitty fox with a very amazing dog who actually does something now. So you can't just break into the captain's office and open his fucking locker and take his spare ID three minutes into the game. You have to find enough of a weapon to deal with the dog. 1:07:03 Unknown_03: The slobber mutt. Unknown_01: He can also be butchered, but he'll never do that. Unknown_01: Imagine creaming your panties over a mention in a turd key. Unknown_03: Oh, a turd key Tom video that sucks shit like all his shit videos. Well, that's a rude comment. I can't mention that I feel gratified that someone found something that I said worthy enough to include in their video. I think that's cool. my friend, I'm allowed to think things are cool. 1:07:35 Unknown_03: Though I didn't know, actually I didn't know until watching his video that Shadman had apparently given up Lolicon as like a thing to draw. He didn't give it up because I knew that he had given up drawing pictures of children, like Daphne Keene, he wouldn't draw any more Lolicon in the likeness of actual kids. I did not know that he gave up Lolicon altogether and as the video explains he basically just stopped because it was getting so hard to host it that was becoming like a problem for it so uh he just for for business reasons more or less he decided not to continue drawing Lolicon which I guess it's true. 1:08:26 Unknown_03: Not everyone can live the pantsuit party life and just hang up lollicon in their fucking bedroom and have no consequences whatsoever for being like that. Not everyone can do that. Unknown_03: Especially not if you're a Shadman because his life got really difficult after that Daphne King show. Unknown_03: Jim is fucking dead. Once again, him and Boogie riding off into that great beyond, that great sunset. 1:08:58 Unknown_03: Smoking and binging together. Unknown_03: Catching up. Catching up. Burying the hatchet. Unknown_03: Talk about PPP and T-clips. Unknown_03: I haven't been following that too much. Apparently, it centers around me somehow, but I've not been paying, because he wore my hoodie or something, and that was him shilling or something. I don't fucking know. He's been making fun of her, and she's been bantering back and forth, and she said she was going to give up control of her clip channel or some shit. It's the weirdest fucking drama, because it's a fucking clip channel. How hard is it to clip videos and put them up on your YouTube channel? You don't have to play politics at all. You can just clip shit. I don't understand how she's managed to embed herself. If she just ignored everything, I shouldn't say that. If she continues to banter back and forth with PPP for all eternity, eventually she will come out on top of everything and will be triumphant. And everyone will love her clip channel even more than they already do. Because it's a great clip channel. And everyone loves it and supports her against PPP. 1:10:11 Unknown_01: Okay, anything else? Anything else? Unknown_03: Teaclips is crap. Pyrocynical. Unknown_03: Pyrocynical got accused of grooming. There are pictures of his asshole out on the internet now. He's like a gross furry inflationist. He made a comment on his Reddit saying like categorically denying everything and people ate it up. That's what I know about Pyrocynical. Unknown_03: I don't know. For some reason, it's harder for me to care about Pyrocynical because he's a gay man. It's like with Milo Yiannopoulos. Milo said that he first had sex with an older man. He was 14. It depends on what child. That's where all that shit comes from. I just kind of segment off gay degeneracy as its own thing. It's not even worth pulling apart hairs. It's sadder when it's someone... Um, like the rooster teeth guys who are married and older and they have their own children and they're still fucking around with like young bipolar BPD girls from their fan clubs and shit like that. That to me is sadder than like gay people being gay. Uh, even if it is like weird and fetish shit, you know what I mean? But it's all like that as far as I'm concerned. I've never met a gay person who just had, uh, who just had like a fetish for like being poked in the butt it's always some weird kinky shit like pup play i'm not i'm not about to like wade through the shit to say like oh this shit is stinkier than this shit like you know i'm just gonna segment that all all as one kind of thing in my mind to make it easier for myself 1:11:20 Unknown_03: The CWC interview? I haven't listened to that. I heard from everyone involved that it was fun, and they weren't too mean to Chris. From what I understand, they did kind of entertain the whole Dimensional Merge stuff, and I'm not a fan of that. The Vsauce2 guys interviewed Chris. 1:11:56 Unknown_03: I did help set that up a little bit. Unknown_03: And apparently it went okay. Which is whatever. Like I said, there will probably come a day where I have to go to Virginia and help Chris manage his estate and find that fucking gun that Barb tried to use to kill Cole. Finish the job. No, I'm kidding. I do want to, if that gun does exist, I do want it though. Um, because it's like a, it's like a historical artifact. I will even, if that gun exists, I will have to do something where I can import it into Europe. I'll have to get like a license for like a range or whatever, get a safe in my house so I can store it securely and shit. Because I can't not have this artifact, this historical artifact. It is an antique, Mr. Immigration Controller. I, as an American, I'm not just bringing this gun because I'm an American and I need a loaded firearm with me at all times. I need this weapon with me because it is an antique and it's a part of my heritage. 1:13:14 Unknown_03: This is the gun that shot the magic bullet that whizzed around the room and almost killed Cole Smithy, the smartest film critic in the world, and brother of Christine Weston Chandler, the goddess of all the dimensions and the true and honest original creator of Sanchi. You don't understand, EU immigration official. I really need this firearm license. And he will be like, no. Unknown_03: out of my sight you retard i'm sitting this gun to be melted down we're gonna build uh ecological uh environmentally friendly with it and we're gonna we're gonna build an abstract art statue to replace some 500 year old church with using the metal from your gun cretin 1:14:19 Unknown_03: You'll get a license if you don't mention all this pretty easily. Okay, I'll keep my mouth shut. I just want to shoot clay pigeons, sir. Let me shoot clay pigeons with this nice little pistol imbued with magical properties. See, this is my problem. I don't know if I'll be able to hold a straight face while underplaying the emotional value that this firearm has with me. Unknown_03: Clay pigeons, that's what they call those discs. You can't go out shooting birds with your fucking handgun. You have to go to a range and they fire clay discs that you shoot. They're called clay pigeons. I'm not making that up. 1:14:56 Unknown_01: That's not a joke. Clay pigeons. Unknown_01: I do regret not going to a range in Serbia. Unknown_03: They had, like, authentic vintage Kalashnikovs from the Great War. The Patriotic War. Unknown_03: And I could have gone down to a range and shot shit with the fully automatic AK-47. That would be fucking cool. Maybe one day. If I ever go back to Serbia, I'll go fire that fucking gun. I really wanted to, though. 1:15:28 Unknown_03: Yugo AKs are kind of bad. Well, that's the charm. That's the charm. Everything is kind of shitty in Soviet, but it works. Unknown_01: Mostly. Okay. Anything else? 1776 viewers. That's nice. That's a nice number. I like that number. 1:16:04 Unknown_01: Josh, how do you know the Bro Team Pill Guy? I've seen his videos. Unknown_03: He's like normie content, but he's funny. He's gone off the fucking deep end, though. He's almost as crazy as I am now. His tweets are really interesting. He's doing a good job of following what the election conspiracies are. 1:16:36 Unknown_01: The big reset, the great reset. Yeah, I already did. Unknown_03: I kind of pitched this before, um, before it had a name. I'm not saying that I'm taking, Oh, somebody sent me a fucking here. I'll retweet this. Even though this guy has like a, it looks like an Evie, an Evie Lucian anime avatar. I will tweet his, his shitty fucking Allegria mask picture. Cause that is exactly what I asked for. Um, Unknown_03: Oh, the reset thing. Yeah, like I said, the way I phrased it was this is the 9-11 of the Zoomers. People are going to remember, people who were like my age, nine years old when this happens, are going to remember life pre and post COVID. They're going to say, well, back in the day, we used to be able to go out to eat without wearing a mask. We used to be able to fly without wearing a biohazard suit and all this shit. It's going to be exactly like with 9-11. I'm 100% sure of it. 1:17:08 Unknown_03: And anyone saying that it was overplayed or it's fake will be treated like 9-11 conspiracy theorists and be like, can't melt steel beams, like jet fuel can't melt steel beams, masks can't stop viruses, you know, that kind of shit. It'll just be the world. And like I said before with the election, I'm on an apathy stage where it's like... 1:17:51 Unknown_03: Yeah, obviously, things are going to be progressively worse forever, and the only acceptable art style is going to be Allegria, and we're all going to wear masks all the fucking time, and I'm not going to be able to bring my haunted gun to Europe. Unknown_03: That's just the world. Unknown_03: But until things completely fall apart, I will host my Spaceman game where I can say the N-word, and I'll host my fucking forum, and I will stop when the men in the suits show up and tell me that they're going to put me in jail if I don't fucking stop. 1:18:28 Unknown_03: and then uh i'll go to the great uh croquet what was the game that i said uh i i never had any interest in and if i ever started talking about it that everyone should be very alarmed was it like croquet it was the game where you uh whack shit with a mallet i think Unknown_03: okay croquet yeah if there's ever a cricket cricket that's it i think if i ever start after the suits will come i'll join the fucking cricket club and i'll go play cricket and you guys will never see me again unless you watch like amateur cricket on television or polo one of those three pretentious fucking sports one of those 1:19:24 Unknown_01: Alright, I think I'm done. Unknown_03: Can I drag this out any further? I could talk about my Space Station 13 changes. Nah, that's boring. Though, my changes to Space Station 13 are great, and if you want to experience them firsthand, you can just go to, port 1337, play it! I need people to exercise my power over, I need people that I can spawn a megafauna and play as, and then murder at the end of the rounds. And that will be you. You will let me stomp on you as a dragon. 1:19:56 Unknown_03: SS-13 stream when? I don't know. Maybe if next week is shitty and I don't have anything to stream about, I'll play something on the space station. Unknown_03: uh it's it would be hard i would have to turn off my admin shit and have someone else on hand who can handle tickets because i'll be playing and let me tell you if you guys if you've never played space station there's um because of how like rp dependent it is it's not like super rp heavy where you have to like stay in character and talk about uh there's like she she uh she 1:20:28 Unknown_03: wags her tail and her ear flickers as she acutely listen there's none of that gay shit it's more like uh when you call someone the n-word you say hey you john you're an n-word you don't just say like hey gamer boy 14 you're an n-word that's that's the the bare minimum so because there's like an rp thing requirement if something happens that's like not rp-ish You A-help and you get like this annoying boink sound. And that sound is terrifying because that's when an admin messages you. It's the boink. You get boinked. Unknown_03: Let me tell you, admins get boinked if you send an A-help. And it is even more annoying to get boinked as an admin because you'll be playing your fucking game, nothing will be happening, you'll be enjoying yourself, and then you'll get boinked and say, hey, I just got... fucked up by the clown and now he's stripping my body and he's flinging my naked body into the the vacuum of space is this valid and each one of those messages will be a different message because they type it like that for some reason it's like boink hey boink i'm being boink sodomized by the clown boink is this valid and it drives you fucking crazy so if you ever wondered what it's like to administer one of these servers it is uh extremely irritating at times but other times it's quite fun There's a trade-off. You have to do enough adminship to keep the round fun for everyone so that you can, of course, abuse everyone at the end of the round as the dragon. That is your reward for putting up with it. 1:21:24 Unknown_01: You can take your frustrations out by spawning everybody as catgirls and then murdering them. Unknown_01: Hey, if you try to abuse my boys, I'll just fucking a help mute you and pull your tongue out Your tongue will pop out of your fucking head and fly across the map All right, fuck it. 1:22:27 Unknown_03: I'm dragging this on too long. I will see you guys next week. Probably if not, uh, see you now. Bye Unknown_00: I have five grams of coke in my head, I will fly away alone to the land of oblivion. I have thoughts in my head when this state will end, when I will not be alone anymore, because the white wind will come. I fuck, but I have a bright grip of the stars when the cold is lying. I do not believe what is happening, like a hen from hunger is singing, like a peacock to the crown in the head. 1:23:00 Unknown_00: who is lying on the floor, the exit is like you don't pull in, brother, fuck, my face is crooked, a mess in my head, like in TV, I'm not surprised by such a state, lack of goods in my thoughts, I have advice, or I won't give it, I'll sell everything from the house, in fact, I have already fucked everything, but it is sold, I'll fuck the same long cinema like in Tabaluga, the second day without a break, where is the hose, white chemistry, the fucking exit is 1:23:57 Unknown_00: Oh, Unknown_00: I will not be alone anymore, because a white bandage will come. Chemistry party, I want skates. It's a dealer, not in the Alps. Oh, well, I think I'll fit. Like in Nohala, I won't spit anything. I want to touch stars so much, but nothing because I have an entrance. Total mega descent, and I dream of a dragon entrance. Do you have money? And just a reminder in case I don't stream Actually, you know what? I don't even get an opportunity. When is Thanksgiving? 1:24:28 Unknown_03: The 26th. I don't even get a chance. I better say this now. All of you good boys and girls in the United States of America who will be having family over this Thanksgiving, assuming that you can in this nightmarish post-COVID world, better be nice to your family. They're not always going to be around. COVID might sweep them off their feet and you won't even get to say goodbye. Don't even talk about orange men. Just eat the fucking turkey and smile, fucking weirdos. 1:25:06 Unknown_00: but I don't have anything on the table and in my pocket a fucking empty one would sell Unknown_00: i bym leciał jak jaskółka jak pszczółka maja do ucha śpiewałaby mi kaja to są jaja no nie wierzę wygięty leżę jak zdechłeś wierzę gorączka w kurwę się nasila bo karatany jak dupa fakira jak zdzira wymiętolony leżę kurwa rozpalony hey johnny chciałbym posypać i na młodce jak królik brykać ale cały czas ten zjazd usycham jak wyrwany chwach tylko jedno w głowie mam Kocu 5 gram, odleciec sam, w krainę zapomnienia, w głowie myśli mam, kiedy skończy się ten stan, gdy już nie będę sam, bo wjedzie biały węgorz.