We did it, Biden Bros. We brought it home.
Unknown_06: Looked like all was lost, but the last second, we pulled through. Our boy pulled through. We rode off into the sunset. It's all done, but to declare it. I told you guys two streams ago that when I watched that debate, when Joe Biden looked at Trump and said, that's malarkey. And then when he said, you just keep talking, man. I said, that's it. That's the president of the United States of America in 2021.
And all of you said that I was wrong and I had the coldest take. I had an Antarctican take and my take was the worst take that's ever been seen. And I told you, I told you correctly, that the average person The average Joe Blow would vote for Joe Biden.
Unknown_06: So, fuck all of you. No, I'm just kidding. I didn't even vote. I don't care. I'm a single-issue voter. My single issue is Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, and both candidates are roundly against the only thing I give a fuck about. So I didn't vote. I just didn't care. And my attitude, my mood has not changed at all regarding the outcome. And I'm not even fazed by the obvious, the fraudulent nature of this. Because the vote has been rigged since the electronic vote. Ever since we started having electronic voting booths, Ever since the 2000 election, I remember here's my here's my earliest experience, my earliest memory with voting. I remember in the state of Florida, I was with my mom and I was a little kid and she had just gotten back from the voting booth, which was, of course, at a church because every voting booth in the US is at a church. And she had this sticker that said, I voted. And I took the sticker off her shirt. And I played with it a bit. And then I stuck it on the dashboard of the car. And in the passenger seat of this dashboard, to and from school for months, I saw this sticker saying, I voted. And that was the election where Bush and Kerry fought over Florida. And it was just so rife with fraud and suspect circumstances for everything. And they even deduced in one of the counties of Florida, they found out that the electronic voting system was just a Windows registry key for each candidate that could be easily edited. It's just a number counting how many votes, how many button presses were recorded. and someone went in with regedit and edited this windows key for carrie or whatever and made it negative 2 000 votes negative votes for carrie and they counted it they counted negative votes against a candidate in the general election for the most wealthy and technologically sophisticated country that the world has ever seen. And I remember sitting there in my fucking car looking at this I Voted sticker on my mom's dashboard to and from school every day for weeks as this news was coming out thinking, holy shit, fuck this. And that was something in my childhood that has shaped who I am. So when I look at this and I see 100,000 votes appearing out of fucking nowhere, I'm like, yeah, of course. Of course.
What were you expecting?
Unknown_06: Today, if you don't know,
Unknown_06: is the anniversary of the October Revolutions. And I would like to show everyone a quote from a very famous man called Stalin, who said, it's actually been debunked by Snows, but there's been many permutations of this quote. As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it? I care not who cast the votes of a nation, provided I can count them. I care not who cast the votes of a nation if they'll let me make the count. It's not the voting that's democracy. It's the counting. Indeed, you won the election, but I won the count. That is the meme. It's not who votes. It's not who you vote for. Nobody gives a fuck who you vote for. It's who's there counting the votes. And the people counting about the votes want Biden in. For whatever reason, as far as I'm concerned, the powers that be benefit both equally from Trump and from Biden. Maybe I'm wrong, but...
When I look at it, I don't see a difference, and that's why I didn't vote, because I don't care. Whoever gets in, I lose. I lose exactly the same. I'm not particularly compelled for or against either candidate. I was all for Trump in 2016, but the President Trump is very different from the candidate Trump, so I've lost my spark and my love for Trump over time.
Unknown_06: You lose...
Jeb is pro 20 to 30. I would fuck. I should have voted for Jeb.
Unknown_02: Oh, well.
Unknown_05: Everyone... I don't even think... The thing is, I would love to get up here and say, oh, my God, I have all these very funny posts from Reddit and from the Donald.win, and I have all these people having a meltdown and talking about Civil War and Boogaloo and all this funny shit that's comical, especially coming from the people who made fun of all the Clinton supporters having their meltdowns.
Unknown_06: But really... I think there's a weird thing happening right now where everyone knows that this is fucked and it's so obviously fucked that nobody, nobody can even muster real emotion for it. I think people on the right, people who supported Trump kind of knew that everything was going to, you know, it wasn't going to be a fair election and it was going to be obviously blatantly hilariously fucked. But then people on the left who supported Biden can see they're not happy. I don't think they're happy for the win. Because on one hand, it was so close, even with the weird shit. And then on the other hand, it's so obviously fucked that you can't even look at it and go, well, good job, Biden bros. We did it. We kicked out Orange Hitler. Everything is going to go back to normal now. It's just like...
even to them it's fucked and it's like how can you i don't you know they might feel good that trump's not in anymore or won't be but they don't i don't think people feel genuinely good about the election because they know how how nobody how everyone else is not going to be happy you know what i mean i i think that everyone is just like past the point of being miserable and past the point of gloating to the point where they're looking at this and going this is so stupid i can't even i can't muster a genuine reaction to this because it's um it's broken by suspension of disbelief like watching a movie you watch a movie and then something so profoundly stupid happens that you're no longer into the movie because you don't
you can't relate to it. It doesn't feel like reality anymore. Well, that's today. It's like everyone is past that suspension of disbelief where they're looking at reality and going, well, this seems like bullshit, whatever. Obviously, nothing matters. Obviously, nothing matters. Obviously, the votes don't fucking matter. Obviously, the president doesn't matter. Obviously, the government...
Unknown_06: is subservient to something else besides our interests as the voting as the uh constituents so why does any of this matter and the answer is it doesn't matter and i think most people at that point are at that point in the u.s i don't think a lot of people are actually wholly invested in the election and seeing their guy win because they know that their guy is going to be as fucking bad as the last one and as bad as the last one and bad as the last one all the way back to To whomever you personally consider the last real president.
But it's been probably the person you probably think was the last real president that you think was genuinely elected and represented the people. Chances are you weren't even alive for that president. And you're only going off what you know about them. You weren't even around to experience it. So you don't even know what that feels like to have an elected representative who gives a fuck about you. It's just so, like I said, it's beyond your suspension of disbelief. You don't know what that is.
So I don't know. I don't want to give people like a doom and gloom kind of thing. I've always maintained that the only thing you can really do at this point is focus on your immediate surroundings. It's like with everything else. When things are bad, you can't really sit there and think, oh, I wish things had gone this way. I wish things were different. You can only focus on what you can change. And what you can change is your own personal circumstances and the people in your life. And to an extent, not completely, their personal circumstances. You can influence that, but you cannot control it. So if you are a doom and gloom, disconnect for a bit and focus on something else that benefits you directly. Because the politics doesn't. If anything else has been made abundantly clear now, the politics of the United States of America does not matter. You have no control over it.
Read a book. Go swimming.
Unknown_06: Go hunting. Enjoy your guns while you can. Go buy a gun. Go shoot. If you're a guy and you don't go out too much, go shoot with someone who's a man. have a have a bro night where you go fire firearms at a range maybe go hunting if you've never gone hunting before save 40 bucks and hire a redneck to help you go out into the woods and hunt a deer and dress it so you know what that feels like do anything besides sit at your fucking computer and then be sad because that's um it's not going to change anything uh okay
Is there anything I missed? Is there anything I should talk about in regards to the election? There's the meme where Biden materialized 100,000. What's funny about the meme, and I'll just show my logo for it because that's what I have offhand to represent this.
Sounds really gay, what, to go out hunting and dress a deer?
Unknown_06: Nah, nah, nah. You can't think that, if you think that any time spent with men is gay, you're missing out. Every guy needs a male figure, needs male friends, needs fraternity. If you don't have fraternity as a man, you end up worshipping women and being like a soy boy.
So this is the logo for the forum right now. I might as well immortalize it. Those two lines in the background, if you can see, are the... I'm sure everyone knows, but for the sake of posterity, if this record gets found by an alien, those two lines represent the tallies for votes counted in a particular county of Wisconsin.
Unknown_06: And at some point, they added to their system 100,000 votes for Joe Biden with zero new votes for Trump, which just seems a little bit off. And then Georgia was frozen for a week. And they came out and said that they hadn't pressed the upload button on their counted votes, those three counties. And then, of course, when they upload their votes, it's enough to flip Georgia blue. and it's just they just have you know the boomers at the computer just haven't pressed the button yet so they were just sitting there waiting for the people to press the button and upload the votes so they can count them which is it's just bullshit like nobody believes that not a single fucking person on the face of the planet believes that this country forgot to press the upload button on their fucking votes it's just ridiculous um
but the that those lines are going to be a meme for a long time just because you can tell like from a graphic design point of view like how perfect they are and represent like that that represents the feeling of fraud for a lot of people perfectly in a way that anyone can easily understand and which like with the uh the shekel hands thing like can easily be represented with a couple lines that are so distinct that they can be incorporated into a billion different things I think those lines are probably going to stick around for years just because of how immediately recognizable they are.
Unknown_03: Sit back and enjoy the memes.
Unknown_06: Jeb Surge is coming. Just you wait.
Unknown_06: With modern technology, why do we have... My thing is, and this is what I don't understand, is how the fuck do we...
Unknown_06: i mean i'm sure a lot of people like this but how the fuck do we just allow people to send ballots in without any way of being able to like determine who made the vote like i understand the logic historically and like voter intimidation and um not making it so that there's any receipt about who voted for what and stuff but i'm just thinking how the fuck is it even possible for people to conjure up a hundred thousand votes Why is that possible?
And I know it's possible because Twitter keeps fucking telling me that it isn't possible. So whatever they're saying, it has to be the opposite of whatever is true. And the thing is that Twitter has acted so arrogantly and so maliciously in marking everything, calling into question the veracity of the civic process with these fucking ridiculous banners over everything Trump says and everything anyone else says, saying...
Unknown_06: This tweet contains bad think and it's wrong. Click this button to learn right think and what is right. And they've so overplayed their hand. I am forced to assume that in this last hour, they are trying to force Trump.
That's his last defiant action as president in January, 2021 to completely gut section two 30, the communications decents yet just to try and fuck with, with Twitter. I am convinced that is what's happening.
Unknown_06: Cause there's no, there's no other fucking way. Like what, what are they doing? Cause everyone can see that for what it is.
Everyone can see that for what it is.
Unknown_06: And they just want to fuck me. That's it. Everything in this world is conspiring against me. And this entire election just boils down to a couple powers that be wanting to make it so that
Unknown_06: i can't i can't host the kiwi farms anymore that's that's the if he loses bro it's it's it's hard for me to imagine what he could possibly do the only thing that could possibly happen is if they have been so reckless with the voter fraud which is impossible because it's just mailing in ballots with no name on it and no votes except for vote for joe biden they're not even going down the party each of those ballots have one tick box and as a tick box for joe biden for president it is beyond belief that it is even possible to determine voter fraud at this point if it is at a systemic level because of how our ballot system begs for people to um to
to rig it. It just begs for it. The system is so easily abused. It's no more safe than fucking a straw poll. You don't even have to change VPNs to vote multiple times. You just fucking click the button twice and you voted twice. Like that's it.
Unknown_06: So I'm thinking the only way that Trump could really possibly win at this point is if he had hard criminal convictions and irrefutable evidence that someone has done something that Someone, a specific person with a name and a face and a history that puts them in a position of power where they can conceivably mail in 100,000 votes in a single state to shift the course of the election. That is the only possible way. that there's gonna be some serious recount or take two of this. Because otherwise there's not going to, like okay, people have identified that there were voters in Wisconsin who were born in the 1800s and who are over 100 years old and they are still voting. That's great, but that's one vote. So you have to be able to prove, number one, that it's enough of a voter fraud issue that it could shift the election. And number two, I really think you need a perpetrator to say this is systemic fraud and this person has basically committed treason against the United States.
But short of that, and I don't think that's going to happen, I think he's lost. And I don't see any reasonable redemption for this.
Unknown_03: This will never make it to the Supreme Court.
Unknown_06: He's already filing lawsuits in states and they've already, within the next day, thrown those lawsuits out. Pennsylvania threw out his lawsuit to stop counting new votes just a couple hours ago. This is still happening. It's Friday. The vote happened on what? Monday? Tuesday? Okay, Tuesday. It's the end of the week and it's still fucking going on and they're still counting votes. It's unbelievable.
I don't think Biden's going to declare victory today. Maybe he will, but it's going to go to Monday. It's going to be the election that never fucking ends. It's going to go on until at least December. Maybe by Christmas we'll have a resolution to those, but it's just going to be absolutely miserable.
Why didn't I vote? I could have mailed in 3000 votes. You're not even kidding. Cause it is possible from like California as a foreign national to register to vote and have them send you a fucking ballot overseas that you can then mail back to California without actually proving to anyone that you have, um, that you have ever even lived in the United States or been to the United States.
Unknown_06: It's malarkey. As president-elect of the United States of America, Joe Biden would say, that is malarkey.
Unknown_03: Not that he minds.
Am I serious? Yes, I'm serious.
Unknown_06: You can look that up yourself. It's trivial to register to vote, especially in the Democrat strongholds because it's apparently racist to think that black people can get ID. If you think that a black person is capable enough to go to the DMV and get a driver's license to vote with, that is racism because they're not. Yeah.
Unknown_06: That's literally the argument for why we should have no security. And people love to talk about European socialism and shit. There's not a single country in Europe, or I'm pretty sure anywhere else in the world, that doesn't have voter ID. And they do it just fine.
um i say just fine france is on its fifth iteration of a republic they've cut off a couple heads here and there but i mean really that just seems healthy that just seems like trimming the fat at that point you're cutting off the dead branches to save the live ones poor kids are just as smart as the non-ugly ones exactly
Unknown_06: Brazil has, Mexico has voter ID. Canada has voter ID. The UK, France, Estonia, Russia, they all have voter ID. It's inexcusable that our country doesn't.
Oh, here, I'll play this clip. Let me see if I can find it real quick.
Unknown_06: This makes me laugh. This is obviously just him being a sleepy old man and not articulating correctly, but this is very funny, actually.
Secondly, we're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for the President Obama's administration before this.
Unknown_00: We have put together, I think, the most...
Unknown_00: extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.
Unknown_06: I just realized that this clip of him saying that he has the most extensive voter fraud organization in history was uploaded by Trump on October 24th. What are the... That's funny.
You're praying for civil war. I've got bad news for you. I do not think that there will be any significant civil unrest as a result of this election. That's going to be my prediction. If I'm wrong, I guess everyone can make fun of me and play we are the champions to make fun of me.
Unknown_06: Everyone's too comfy, dude. You got fucking Twinkies. You got fucking FIFA. You got that new Call of Duty game just came out. You got Mountain Dew and Burger King and Pizza Hut and craft beer. What the fuck are people going to go... that's my that's my joke whenever people bring this up but i'm serious what person is going to give up call of duty and beer and pizza to go sit in a fucking trench and get shot at so that trump donald trump can be the president of the united states of america Nobody is going to give up their young life fighting against their own country so that a 70-year-old businessman with nine Jewish grandkids can be president. Like, nobody. There's not a single fucking person who has an IQ above 80 who's willing to do that. Maybe if there was some young, like, hipster version of Trump that wanted to make, like, a theocracy or some shit that people could really rally behind, maybe then. But the change that Trump represents is not significant enough to die for. Even compare that to the old Civil War. First of all, the U.S. Civil War was a very unique thing.
I don't think there's any civil war in the history of the world that closely equates to the U.S. Civil War. Because it's not usually two different, you know, like if a new government propped up overnight with its own military and infrastructure and stuff. It's not usually like that. It's usually guerrilla warfare and isometric warfare.
Unknown_06: Not a single person would die for Fuentes. Exactly. Who's going to elect a guy who's 20 years old and wants to fuck cat boys? Not even the wingnats are going to get behind Fuentes as dictator. You know what I mean? He doesn't have anything. And Trump's kids, Junior Trump, fuck him. He's ugly. He has a rat face. Nobody wants a rat face president.
Who else? Richard Spencer. He's a fucking joke. He's a glow in the dark. You put Richard Spencer in as dictator for life and he's just a CIA asset. So congratulations with that. There's literally no one I can think of who would be a good dictator for the U.S.,
Unknown_06: Jared Kushner.
Ron Paul, he's like 80. You think I'm out of touch? Based on what? Based on what you fucking read on poll, I'm out of touch? Dude, I'm telling you, nobody is going to pick up a gun and start killing police officers because they want Trump to be president. It's ridiculous.
Unknown_06: Me? Oh, I'll do it. I'll be president of the U.S. I'm going to make Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act a constitutional amendment. And I'm going to order everyone who works at Discover Card and...
and MasterCard and Visa deported to Israel, and then we're going to set up a national bank. And I'm going to walk around in SWAT gear with a metal helmet that can stop a .50 caliber anti-material rifle shell from penetrating my fucking skull. That's going to be my plan as dictator of the United States of America.
Unknown_03: boring election stream i'm sorry i'm sorry here i'll tell you i think i'm done talking about the election i think this is all i can say it's just i don't expect anything to change don't expect a riot i think people are going to sign to complacency and maybe by 2024 things will be so fucking bad that there will actually be someone people can rally behind as like a challenger to the united states and and to add i think a
I think a big thing that a civil war really needs is an issue with food. I don't think that people with full bellies are particularly liable to start overthrowing the government. I really think you need people to be hungry before... either some sort of economic issue or just like a supply chain crisis fat full people are too lazy to go outside and start like especially me like you if my options are to like eat a burrito or get shot at i'm gonna eat a burrito
You know what I mean?
Unknown_06: People are going to make fun of me and say, oh, that's just my conceited point of view. But real patriots with real spirit want to get shot at. Nobody wants to get shot at. Nobody.
Unknown_03: Nobody on the planet wants to get shot at. Um...
Unknown_03: Don't expect any significant change and don't expect a Civil War until things are really bad and people are hungry.
Unknown_06: Oh, and there's a person or cause to rally behind. You need all of that. You need people to be upset. You need people to be hungry. You need someone who represents change. I don't think Civil War is going to happen until then. And I don't think it's going to happen because there's purity checks and we got the greatest surplus of food the world has ever seen.
And things are bad, but they're not getting shot at bad.
Unknown_06: So anyways, here is what I've been doing instead of caring about the election, right? I have set up a Space Station 13 server. That is correct. I have been asked by many people, Josh, I want to play Space Station 13, but I don't want to suck a dick girl's penis to play Space Station 13. Could you perhaps set up a Space Station 13 server? And I said no. I said no and fuck off. I'm not going to do that. But this week has been particularly dreary. I'm thinking, you know what, this is probably the best time I could ever have to set up a fork of TG and make something a little bit fun for people. So if you happen to be someone who is interested in Space Station 13, I'm going to put it front and center on the screen so everyone can see it in a second.
It is in the corner.
Unknown_06: There we go.
Unknown_06: It is ss13.kiwifarms.net port 1337, which is the default port for PlayStation 13. So don't say it's cringe to pick Elite as the port. It's just the default.
Unknown_06: You can connect to this right now, and if I start seeing, like, 20 to 50 people on, like, most of the time, I'll probably go ahead and get the server set up for it, like, a real one. I have a spare that I'm using for this just to kind of test and play around with, but...
it actually starts getting some love I'll probably get a server in the Netherlands maybe on the east coast like in New York or something and get something really nice to play this game on because it is one of my favorite games and I'm modifying it because there's a lot of changes that the cat girls have done to TG to make it less fun in the last year so I am learning fucking beyond so I can write in Dream Maker
Unknown_06: and change the fucking code to be to my standard.
I'm going to re-chat. I'm going to re-chat and I'm going to walk around my space station for a bit. That's my plan.
Unknown_06: The only things that have happened recently is some guy named Pyrocynical is getting accused of grooming and he's like a furry inflationist and it's just like the same fucking shit as the Rooster Teeth guys except grosser. So I couldn't care about that.
Unknown_06: Melinda Scott keeps trying to say that she's serviced me and that she can sue me. And I've never been serviced. So that's what's happening on that front. I haven't been serviced by what's-his-face either.
By... I forget his fucking name. Russell Greer. So nothing's happened with that either. Um...
Unknown_06: Yeah, service me.
Unknown_03: The service isn't the paper kind of service. That's what kind of service.
Unknown_03: Do I really want to be serviced by Greer? No.
In no way, really. I really don't want to have to deal with these people. I might have to actually hire, like, attorneys to deal with these fucking people, which is just the worst fucking... I mean, I can try to do it myself. I can maybe hire someone to just, like, read my filings for me. Maybe to help a little bit so I can save money. I don't know how... I really don't know how that works, and I'm not going to think about it until I'm actually serviced, so... I don't know. That's the end of my thought of that. Um...
Unknown_06: I don't think that... Because they're trying to sue me as a person because they don't want to sue the Kiwi Farms LLC, which has no money. I don't have any money, but I guess I have more than the server, I guess they hope, the container. So they refuse to just sue the LLC. They just try to sue me. But to sue a person, you have to actually service them in person. You have to physically hand someone papers.
And I'm not going to waive my rights and say you can just service me by email or whatever. I'm not doing that. If you want to sue me for some bullshit, you've got to fucking make the effort to service me.
Unknown_03: Anyways, here's my game.
Unknown_03: I don't know anything about Chris Reagan, except that he was involved in something a long time ago.
That sounds really unspecific. And Shoe and Head.
Unknown_03: I don't think anything's happened with Shoe and Head, has it? Oh, I'm dead.
Unknown_03: Can I reconnect to the game just in time to see that I'm fucking dead?
Unknown_06: Oh, the Christian interview? I'm aware of that. I didn't listen to it, but I am aware of that because...
Unknown_06: I helped set it up. I'm talking to Chris again, and Chris seems a little bit more calmed down than before. And Chris is willing to accept the fact that I'm just not going to entertain the whole multiverse shit. So if Chris wants to talk to me, he has to talk to me as a person, because I'm just not going to deal with it. And I think Chris is starting to tolerate that.
um adf's dad dying is is like that happened a couple weeks ago and it was really not worth mentioning the only thing really worth mentioning about adf's dad dying is that adf by all accounts had a good relationship with his father until at some point in his teens late teens he decided to accuse his father of sexually abusing him And nobody can corroborate this story in a directly contrast information that ADF himself said about his father, right?
And he just randomly came out one day and said, oh, I was sexually assaulted by my dad. So even after his dad had died, ADF was still talking about how he was a sexual abuser, which is just a really awful way to honor the memory of your recently deceased father.
Unknown_03: Spooky ghost.
Unknown_06: Oh, Jacob Bull. Okay, this is funny. This is some... Even Jacob Bull is my go-to for when I want to pick at both sides, kind of, because Jacob Bull is like a conservative weirdo. And he's like a professional fraudster, right? He's like someone who just... Okay, the best way... I think I even talked about this on the Jacob Bull stream. Jacob Bull reminds me of...
eddie from ed ed and eddie he's someone who just thinks of like different scams to get a quarter for a jawbreaker that's jacob wool but he's like at a political level so he's like eddie at the age of like 25 trying to come up with different jawbreaker schemes to get kids money to to get some candy with but his his thing was he um
He set up a automated phone thing, a robo-dialer, and dialed all these different homes that he knew belonged to black people. And he told the black people, um...
Unknown_06: Oh, God, what was it? It was something about how they didn't need to vote or because Biden had already won or something. I'm trying to remember what it was.
Unknown_06: He said something about how they didn't need to vote or their ballot had already been received or something.
Unknown_06: And the thing is, you can't do that because that is voter intimidation. That's actually a felony. So he's been accused of very serious felonies in multiple states. And I think he's been arrested and extradited to face charges for voter fraud because he, you know, voting fraud is all fine and dandy if you're the right person doing it for the right candidate. But you can't just call black people and tell them not to vote. That's stupid as fuck.
So they shouldn't go outside for their own safety. Probably due to COVID or something. I don't know. But I mean, just blatantly like a child would understand that's an inappropriate thing to do that you would not get away with. So it's funny that he obviously didn't get... Hopefully they send him to jail. I'm just so fucking tired of the fact that he... How does someone like him fuck up so badly? repeatedly in so many different ways in so many different states and nobody throws the book at him now i'm thinking it's entirely because he's got a rich daddy and rich daddy comes to bail him out every time he fucks up and that's the end of it um he really should i mean start with him line up all the voting fraud people and fucking arrest them and send them to jail
Oh, are you saying that Jacob Wohl's heritage has influenced the fact that he does not face harsher penalties for his crimes? Is that the allegation? I checked Snopes about that and it said that was debunked. So I think you're full of shit, sir. You're going to have to find something that's not debunked.
Tribal privilege.
Unknown_06: Um, he has to be a fed. No way. Feds are, even feds aren't that fucking stupid and feds are pretty fucking stupid.
Are we getting some Hanukkah streams this year?
Unknown_06: Maybe. I'm not going to commit to it. In fact, I'll probably give like a soft no.
Unknown_06: But I don't know. I don't stream as much as I used to and I do miss it. I remember the time I streamed the most was during the stream.me days because I was always fighting that fucking telephone guy.
Unknown_06: uh the southern poverty call center i was always fighting him for second place because he kept stealing my fucking bike uh so i streamed a lot of nonsense during that time that's when i found about k and a lot of other stuff that became staples of the streams
Trump coup why does someone keep spamming Trump coup in the fucking chat I'm sorry I'm not fuck it I think if you actually think there's going to be a Trump coup you're too far gone there's no point even trying to discuss it at that point because it's just like you might as well just be writing fan fiction you might as well literally be holding up the memes of Jeb Bush winning with all the delegate votes and positing that as the likely outcome of the election
Unknown_03: oh jeez um person stream on ghost from tcr oh i almost like that my only issue is that um uh ghost was never like a real person you know what i mean he was always hamming it up
So it's hard to... But then again, Jace was also fake. And I did a stream on him. But there was more to Jace. Jace was a very interesting person that I was involved with. And I had a lot of stories that I hold very fondly as a memory. The whole The Eagle Nation stuff. It helped define the site as what it was. And it was an interesting time in both the site's history and my own life.
Unknown_03: Ghost is amazing. I don't like his new stuff.
I've watched his new streams. I'm just not that into all his new streams. They're kind of like Medicare streams on crack because he just has that fucking phone thing on the screen that just spams out whatever the fuck people pay for to play and shit. And he does like his reaction.
Unknown_06: But when you know his reaction is phoned in, you know people are paying to trigger that reaction. It just kind of sucks the joy out of it for me.
12-part series on GamerGate for Christmas.
Unknown_06: Uh, no. YouTube versus the RIAA. Apparently YouTubeDL is suing, counter-suing the RIAA for... I want to say it's the Tortoise of Interference. The legendary Tortoise of Interference is rearing its head again as YouTubeDL's counter-suit against the RIAA.
Unknown_06: I mean, I wish him luck, but...
Unknown_06: I don't know. I don't think they're going to win. I think they're going to have to make concessions to win because apparently they make comments about how to download Vivo videos and shit in their source code, so they're going to have to edit that out at the very least.
I hope they win, though. They're still updating YouTube DL on their site, so if you ever have an issue using YouTube DL, just go to... Who the fuck is Plasma Flooding?
Unknown_03: Oh, no.
Unknown_03: Just go to YouTubeDL.org and get it.
My brain has been cut out of my body and stuffed into a man-machine interface by this black man named Jamal Watermelon.
Unknown_06: And he's now carrying me around the room, which appears to be filling full of plasma. So apparently when I advertised the server, the first thing someone did is, number one, Jamal Watermelon located my corpse to steal my brain. And number two, somebody went to Atmos to immediately plasma flood it, like as soon as possible.
Unknown_03: Shit, man, just get a crowbar.
Let's just get that crowbar, homie. Now there we go. Now we can open the airlocks and get out.
Unknown_03: The server might be lagging. How many people are on?
Unknown_05: He's saving me. He's bringing me to the shuttle.
Unknown_05: Aw, he did it.
Unknown_03: Jamal saved me.
oh no oh no the cop is pulling out his stun baton and he's stunning jamal watermelon this is police brutality no now the other guy has taken the stun baton and is stunning the police officer he's trying to fucking knee my man jamal watermelon for no reason is that a space ninja why is he wearing a balaclava that has to be a space ninja
Unknown_03: It is.
Unknown_03: Why is the space ninja on the shuttle helping Jamal Watermelon?
Unknown_03: Oh no!
Unknown_03: This is nonsense.
Unknown_06: This is insane. I'm rooting for the ninja to fucking murder that guy. I'm gonna A-Ghost. I'm gonna follow this. Okay, if you are not autistic and you don't understand what's happening on your screen, the guy with the green sword is a space ninja. The chick with the blue hair and the disabler is a security officer. The black guy is Jamal Watermelon and they appear to be duking it out right now. Oh! The Space Ninja has electrocuted the security officer.
And let me turn on sound, actually, so I can get some noise for this.
Uh, no. He's still not killing this chick. He's anti- he's space- he's a space fucking, um, ninja. He can do whatever he wants. We don't, like, say, oh, you can't kill people as antagonists on the server. You can kill whoever the fuck you want. But for some reason, the space ninja is powerful and merciful, and he doesn't want to kill this, uh, security officer.
Unknown_06: Make a Chaz in the space station. You know, well, the whole reason why I knew why today was, um, that October revolution days, because apparently, uh, on TG, for whatever reason, the blessed stripe sock, uh, cat girl admins of the TG main port added the October revolution. There's a holiday.
into the game's calendar. So when the in real life calendar date is the same day as the October revolutions, it renames it like it does holiday stuff in the game. So like the name of the station is Workers HQ.
Unknown_06: It would be something more space themed if it wasn't on the holiday today. But for some reason they just really wanted to add this to the game.
Unknown_06: They better have Hanukkah.
I don't know who Corp's husband is.
Unknown_06: How hard is it to play Space Station 13?
Unknown_06: It's probably easier than you think it is. The controls are the hardest part to get used to. I prefer TG's branch, even though people say VG is better mechanically, because the pixel art is very appealing to the eye.
Unknown_06: compared to other other branches especially like goon i tried playing on goon and it's just like the ugliest fucking living nightmare you could ever possibly uh hope to encounter so tg's pixel art is leagues above the rest um but here's here's what i would suggest to anyone who wants to play this game and is afraid to um play it for like two rounds
Sorry, I got to add in the ticket. Play it for two rounds. The first round you join, play as an assistant. Find a way to unbuckle yourself from your chair. Exit the shuttle. Locate a cigarette vending machine. Get a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Put a cigarette from the carton of cigarettes into your mouth and light it with your lighter. When you are smoking a cigarette and the cigarette is in your mouth, you have completed your first task. And in the course of finding out how to do that, you'll have learned a lot of mechanics like walking, interacting with your status icons, opening containers, removing things from containers, interacting with an item, and interacting two items together.
Light as smoke is what I'm saying. Learn to smoke in Space Station 13 and you'll have a very strong understanding of how all the mechanics work. And then from there you can pick a job at random. I would suggest learning something that's in service. A good one is Botany.
Unknown_06: Botany is fun. It's like Farmville or Harvest Moon. You're just playing by yourself for the most part until someone comes along and kills you. uh cook is probably a little bit more intensive botany is usually better because there's more botanists sometimes and they will uh help you if you're new nice people usually there will be one weirdo who plays the moth species and they'll be in botany and they'll be masters at botany and they will be love to to tell you how to play the game so look for the moth friend and botany basically um
I don't know who the fuck Corpse Husband is, dude.
Unknown_06: I can't react to something I don't know. Why is everyone dead? It's the game. People fucking die.
Unknown_06: Where's my brain? Let's find out. Oh, it's right there. It's on the floor. By all his thoughts. Jamal didn't fucking... He took me out of my MMI. I can't even tell him to get fucked himself, because I'm just a brain.
Yeah, the music is the best part. I've used it for streams before.
Unknown_06: There's something about it, too, because, like, you know, you'll be playing the game, and sometimes you get really into the game, and you get super fucking angry because shit didn't go your way, and your plans got foiled, and you wasted, like, half an hour on something that really didn't fucking matter in the end. And then you're playing, and the round ends, and this fucking song comes on, and it washes away all that anxiety, all that anger, all the bad moods in your... You know, in three minutes you're gonna be playing again, and it's okay.
Turn the fucking music off. Woody Black, give me your Beyond C key, if you have one, so I can ban you preemptively. I don't need someone who doesn't have the good moods. The good... The good... The good vibes.
Unknown_06: I'm sorry I didn't get to play much. I am going to end at the end of the hour. But I will play something someone posted on the forum that is kind of... I don't know how to describe it. It's a new thread. I'm going to download the video. And I'll react to this because I've seen like 30 seconds of it and it was kind of interesting.
Unknown_03: Maybe I'll play more of it or read into it more for next stream if it's interesting.
Unknown_06: Has anyone ever heard of a guy called Michael Does Life?
Does that name sound familiar to anyone? Because someone posted a video of this shit on the forum, which I want to download for the sake of watching on stream.
Unknown_06: And if anyone knows who this person is, you can tell me.
Unknown_06: Tell me who they are. Prepare me for this. No, no. A lot of people say no. One person with a Chinese or Japanese name says yes.
Unknown_03: Yes, he's one-ucking funny. Okay.
It's not that people couldn't make a modern Space Station 13 game.
Unknown_06: It's just that it would be an inconceivable amount of work for no pay. Space Station 13 is only as it is because so many people have worked on it for so long. And trying to replicate all that in a single development cycle would take a lot of money. You know what I mean? It would require a lot of time and money and manpower to make real.
Unknown_03: Okay, apparently this video, despite being one minute long, is 70 megabytes.
And my fucking server is choking trying to download this.
Unknown_03: So give me a second.
Unknown_03: I'll look at the game settings so it shows how many players.
Unknown_06: There's like 40 people on right now because I just advertised it.
Unknown_06: I looked in the Space Station 14. Yeah, I've looked at it.
Unknown_03: Nobody seems to be playing it.
Unknown_03: There's like three different Unity stations, and the reason why I'm using Media Player Classic over VLC is because I have different setups.
I use VLC for actually watching stuff, and I use MPC for streaming to OBS. It seems to have issues capturing VLC, and I don't want to make it so that it can by fucking with the drivers.
Unknown_03: Star Citizen funded itself fine. Well, Star Citizen sold like a dream.
Unknown_06: It didn't sell like an actual product. It sold a fucking fantasy that has yet to materialize after 10 fucking years.
The main issue with expanding on the SS-13 is that it's tied to the Beyond Engine, and the Beyond Engine is limited in capacity, and it's just a piece of shit.
Unknown_03: Okay. Hopefully this works.
Unknown_03: It is not working so far.
Unknown_03: It's over! How does it feel, CD Projekt Red fanboys, to be a part of the Losers Club?
Unknown_01: It must be so incredibly- I really love this guy's Trump impression.
Unknown_06: It's really perfect. He looks like a crazy person, but he's got a good Trump impression. You know, I tried telling you lunatics that the cracks were starting to show, but you didn't want to listen, oh no, because you were too busy going-
Too busy, believe me, doing stupid, silly crap like that that at the end of the day is going to get you simps nowhere. The only thing that you're concerned is graphics, style, presentation, Keanu Reeves and Billie Eilish. I'm a bad guy.
Unknown_06: See, a lot of his mannerisms scream like a troll to me, like a troll cinema, but he looks the part. He just looks like a disheveled homeless person who's screaming into his camera spastically. You know what I mean?
Wake up and smell that coffee and you'll realize that the lazy millennial devs over at CD Projekt Red quite clearly didn't hit that home run. You know what happened? They fumbled that football. But you don't care. Because the only thing that you're concerned is graphics, style, presentation. Keanu Reeves and Billie Eilish, you don't care about the framework, the nuts and bolts of Cyberpunk 2077.
Unknown_01: Oh no! And it's so incredibly sad. Because folks, whether you want to admit it or not, Cyberpunk 2077- This is the average SS13 player, in case you're curious.
This is literally me right now. 7 is going to be the biggest blunder in all of video It's over, but you don't care you never have and you never will because you were too busy going One of the one of the old users on the site made a new thread for this guy and I watched this video This was a video that was supposed to be like tantalizing And I was pretty funny
Apparently he just trolls the fuck out of cyberpunk fans.
Unknown_05: He's developed a following for doing it. Alright.
Unknown_05: What a wise man.
Unknown_06: okay is there anything that i because i want to go eat i want to i want to eat i'm very hungry um is there anything that i i have failed to cover i think i ranted about the election i ranted about you should play my space i'll throw it up again play play on my space station 13 server it gets a lot of people i'll buy a server for it i want to play space station 13 and not have to suck cock to do it so please play on my fucking server
Oh, the Greta tweet. I did see that, actually.
Unknown_06: I'll pull that up, just because it's always fun to make fun of. Oh, here we go. Here's an article about it from Marie Claire. Greta Thunberg's perfect response to Donald Trump. Just one Twitter.
Unknown_06: Um...
Unknown_06: Oh, it's a direct copy of this. When Trump on December 2019 said, so ridiculous, Greta must work on her anger management problem, then go to a good old-fashioned movie with a friend. Chill, Greta, chill. To which Greta Thunberg replies, yesterday, so ridiculous, Donald must work on his anger management problem, then go to a good old-fashioned movie with a friend. Chill, Donald, chill. I'm glad that the future will be managed by 16-year-old Swedish women instead of anyone competent. I'm not saying that Trump is particularly competent, but... Oh, well. All right, I don't have a song picked out for an outro, so I'm just going to play this. Don't kill yourselves. Go watch a movie with a friend. Chill chat, chill. I'll see you guys next Friday. Bye-bye.
Come, crush my cock with a rock I must. Maximum pain I must endure. Okay, here we go.