🎵 ¶¶ 0:01:36 Unknown_20: Oh, I fucked it up again. Unknown_20: If you want to chat, you just have to join the fucking Discord. There's an invite link on metatheaternet.com. I'm sorry I can't on-screen the fucking YouTube chat. Maybe I'll just switch it. I'll switch it around. Last second. This is why I stopped doing the people streams. They're so much harder. I've been clipping shit all fucking day. And... It's so much harder to clip stuff that's copyrighted because I can't just go to, like, an archive of all the copyrighted shit because, no, people are selling this. People are feeding their families and paying for swimming pools with this fucking money. 0:02:07 Unknown_20: Give me a second. I'll switch the chat over to YouTube. Unknown_20: Jeez Louise. Unknown_20: I'm going to carve fucking pumpkins out over here and shit. Can you believe it? Unknown_21: Unless I got good music. So. There we go. Unknown_20: We'll live with this for now. We'll live with this for now. 0:02:43 Unknown_20: All right, so I gave people an option of either Mama June or Francis E. Deck, and very surprisingly, people chose Mama June over Francis E. Deck. Maybe I'll do Francis Deck later, but he's been long dead, so people have had plenty of time to comb over what we know about him. Mama June, on the other hand, is not quite dead, but she's getting there. and um unlike most other people i feel like talking about she is a celebrity she's like a real celebrity people know her she's been featured on south park um and at one point she had a ton of money so how does someone fuck up their life so badly that they become um 0:03:27 Unknown_20: a locale i become a topic worthy of discussing on the lowest possible echelon of the internet the very fiery pits themselves the seventh level uh the bottom of the bottom and the answer is lots of coke and very surprisingly it's not just like Unknown_20: I think a lot of people know who Honey Boo Boo is and by extension Mama June. So I'm gonna be kind of fighting you guys both ways on this. Usually I show someone and I talk about them and that's all there is to it. But to really adequately explain the tragedy element in this story, I have to make you like these people. first and usually i don't have that challenge i don't have to say like okay here's the silly person doing the silly thing uh isn't that funny i i i really have to try and make you like a old tlc show about a child pageant star and her fat mother because if you don't then she's just another like coke head but really the story the trajectory is much more arc than that 0:04:41 Unknown_20: So I do want to say that it is a pretty wholesome show, and before you start wondering why I've been watching episodes of Honey Boo Boo, this show was old, and I used to have a family of mostly women, and my aunt was a big fan of the show, so I ended up seeing many episodes of it. Unknown_20: And while stuck in isolation, while in my basement prison cell in Serbia, I ended up watching Mama June hot to not, because I had heard it was a shit show, and it is indeed a shit show. And I ended up revisiting some of Honey Boo Boo. And it's just, it is a really fascinating story of personal decline. And when you look at Mama June, you're thinking, how the fuck does... Unknown_20: a person like that decline and i will i will hopefully tell you about this anyways let's start off with south park because i like south park and we'll go from there who's honey boo boo yeah you've never seen honey boo boo 0:05:53 Unknown_23: My name's Honey Boo Boo, and I'm a beauty queen, bitches! I'm fat as a whale, and I don't give two shits, girl! Unknown_25: Her favorite foods are skitty and butter, and she likes drinking Red Bull and Mountain Dew. Unknown_23: I'm only six, and I've already had three heart attacks, girlfriend! Unknown_25: Come on! Come on now, Boo Boo! Unknown_25: Now get up and wave to them judges! We ain't got no shame about our weight, cause our weight makes us sassy! 0:06:27 Unknown_20: So only one thing in that was exaggerated. Unknown_20: I'll leave it up to you. I'll show you what parts were real and leave it up to your speculation what was actually a fabrication in that. Unknown_20: That was probably my first exposure to the Honey Boo Boo was the South Park episode way back when. Unknown_20: And I think that's probably most people's total summation of their exposure to who these people are. So that's what I mentioned. I'm fighting against this portrayal where they're just like... 0:07:01 Unknown_20: They come across mean-spirited, and that's what I want to course-correct on. They're really not mean-spirited people. They are the worst portrayals of Americans possible. Someone in the pre-stream chat, like two hours before the stream started, he was someone who said he was... a Syrian born in Syria and he for some reason knows English and watches my streams I don't know if that's true he said he was going to send me a picture of Syria where he lives and I'm really I'm hyped for that I really want to see Al Raqqa whatever the fuck it is where he's at and I want to give that man that poor Syrian man currently in the middle of a six-sided civil war more geopolitically complicated than the Spanish civil war um an injection of what my culture is like me as an american what is it like in america he may ask me and uh i will hopefully show you what it's like uh so here here's a a wholesome clip chosen at random to give you a kind of crash course on what the show is kind of like how how they how the the 0:07:48 Unknown_20: editing process kind of gives them character that is inoffensive. It's Halloween! Time to get my scare on! Unknown_14: Pumpkin, you already got your mask on. Unknown_28: I reckon during Halloween they can call me Spooky Belle. Unknown_14: I'm done! Unknown_28: My pumpkin look just like me. Sexy. Unknown_14: I'm scared of frogs, totally. Woo! 0:08:42 Unknown_14: Anna scared me, but it scared me. I think it's stupid that you're scared of mayonnaise, Mama. I mean, seriously. My flesh is crawling now just thinking about mayonnaise. Unknown_09: I can't talk about it. It's just, ugh, ugh! Just the thought of it. Unknown_20: You wouldn't think that she would be afraid of mayonnaise. I still doubt that. I actually think that's bullshit. I think that's probably her just lying. I want to give you guys a kind of crash course, because you got a glimpse at what everyone is, and I kind of want to go by the numbers and just tell you who these people are. 0:09:19 Unknown_20: Okay, so going from left to right, Pumpkin is... Well, I can't go left to right. Pumpkin and Chubbs, I think, are twins? Well, I think they're at least by the same father, which is... Unknown_20: Every one of these kids has a different father except for Chubs and Pumpkin. They have the same father. Honey Boo Boo is the only one related to Sugar Bear, who is her... I don't even think they're married. I think they've just been together in a relationship. At this point in time, they were in a relationship for like nine years or something. Basically as long as Alana, Honey Boo Boo, has been alive. And the oldest is Anna, who just goes by Anna usually. She has a nickname, but they don't ever call her that. um and they all have a very different personality mama june is like the head of the house it's definitely a matriarchy uh mike sugar bear is a bit of a cuck and a pushover and he really seems to enjoy that throughout the show he really seems to enjoy playing second fiddle to her and he accepts that as his role um 0:09:58 Unknown_20: Pumpkin is deranged. She's incredibly weird throughout the entire show. Chubbs is kind of like... Because her and Pumpkin are the same age, you get them confused. She is... 0:10:32 Unknown_20: just kind of she's kind of like a meg that's the best i can describe her she's just like a frumpy awkward teenager and she's kind of weird like the rest of them like you can't be related to june without just being fucked up and then anna is the most um mature she's the oldest and she's probably wise beyond her years because of something i'll explain in a little bit Unknown_20: And Caitlin, who I think at the start of the series, she's already pregnant with the baby, who is Caitlin. And in case you're wondering what kind of offspring comes from a family like this, let's see. Here is Anna with her baby daddy. 0:11:11 Unknown_20: And pretty cute kid. Unknown_20: And it has 11 fingers. It has six fingers on one hand. And that's really fucking weird. And Unknown_20: and uh the entire first season is just them kind of dealing with the fact that anna's pregnant and anna's pregnant and it's hard for june to accept the fact that her oldest daughter who is someone who because i think june got pregnant when she was anna's age probably a little bit younger i think even So they've been together throughout her entire adulthood, and it's weird to see your kid have a kid and move out, right, at the ripe age of 18 with her high school sweetheart and their 11-fingered baby. So that's the first season, and that's what made the show, basically. You have all these weird people who are very weird, and they are cohesive, though, and they have a strong family structure, and they interact with each other. and they very clearly love each other and that's that's the wholesome part that's why all the the moms around the world in the country watch this fucking program even though it is really gross um quote erot actually do i want who do i want to do something gross first or do i want to do 0:12:45 Unknown_20: Okay, we'll do Toddlers and Tiaras. This is where they got found. Unknown_20: There's another program for really fucking weird people called Toddlers and Tiaras, which is exactly what it fucking sounds like. And I am going to spare you all the child pageant shit. There is like child pageantry in the first season. And then by the second season, because they'd become famous as a family, all the pageants cut them out. And June basically explains at that point that all those fucking skinny white bitches did not want her anywhere near their child pageants because they take that very seriously. And Alana and her just kind of like shit all over the place and did it for fun. And they didn't appreciate that. And it brought a lot of scrutiny onto child pageantry in the U.S. at the time, too, because people were looking at the show thinking, like, what the fuck is this? How is this legal? And none of those Georgia moms appreciated that too much. 0:13:18 Unknown_20: But here's the clip from Toddlers and Tiaras that made someone at TLC think, holy fuck, we gotta give these people a TV show. And that became Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. 0:14:02 Unknown_09: I'm June. I'm known as the Coupon Queen. And my daughter, Alana, is known as the Diva Beauty Queen. Unknown_09: Watch this. I'm about to go get the toolbar for now. Y'all ain't got me, uh-uh. I got tons of it here. Unknown_06: I'm Alana. I'm six, and I'm a beauty queen. Unknown_06: The other guys must be crazy if they think they're going to be me hunting boo boo child. Unknown_06: I'm super solid because I do pageants. 0:14:53 Unknown_06: My mama nickname is cute bike wave. I can have some money to do my pageants with. Unknown_09: Come on, baby. Let's go get ready for the pageant. Come on. Go up in the closet and bring mama your stuff. Come on. Are you ready? Unknown_06: Come on. Bring mama the stuff. I like to win because I want to win money. Unknown_06: You ready for the hotel? We ain't got a swimming pool, unfortunately, this time. Come here. A dollar makes me holler, honey boo boo. A lot of pageant moms and people know what this special... I need to mentally prepare people for this. 0:15:30 Unknown_20: This next part is really fucking weird and... No, fuck it. Just watch. Unknown_09: ...juices. Everybody has their different concoctions. You know, special juices just to help her energize her. A lot of moms say, oh, you're doping up your child. Well, hey, no, I'm not. I'm not hurting her. We have tried the pixie sticks that they call pageant crack. We went through 15 bags on one pageant, and it just don't do anything for her. She just drinks it for pageants to give her that extra oomph. So whatever works for your child, use it. 0:16:08 Unknown_06: I am ready to go. Unknown_20: Okay, I'm going to cut it there because the rest is the child pageantry. Fuck that. If you remember the South Park episode, they make a joke that she drinks Red Bull Mountain Dew and call it Go-Go-Joes. That is not a joke. She does, in fact, drink Red Bull Mountain Dew in the program as a form of an upper before the pageantry contest. Straight like that. That's an instance result part can't even fucking parody this shit because it is it is what it is If people are giving me shit and chat for saying that this is wholesome this this the child pageant shit is not the wholesome bit It's just the episodes sitting around their life as a family and it's very weird and very funny and it's something to put on a and the big TV in the living room when you and your family are sitting there and eating Thanksgiving and shit-talking your relatives. That is what Honey Boo Boo is for. It is not for weirdos to watch in the basement and serve you. I'll give you that. 0:16:54 Unknown_20: But it's important to set the stage. This is where it started. This is a weird little family, and that's fine. Unknown_20: And it goes all downhill. downhill from here uh let's see oh not not from here we're still we're still in the first episode there there are four seasons to the show um 0:17:34 Unknown_20: And they all kind of just center on... I guess the producer comes up with, hey, we want to have... If there's nothing going on, like the baby's not... There's nothing with the baby coming or anything. If there's nothing happening, I'll say, let's go to the water park. Let's go to the mudslide area. Let's go do ATVs in the woods. That kind of shit. And that sets the stage for the episode. And they just kind of act, go along as a family and... That is what it is. And the best character in the show is the train. Because they live in this shitty little house by a fucking train track. And they'll be doing interviews and shit where they leave in the bloopers where they're talking and doing the reality TV interview shit. And then the fucking train goes by. And it's funny every time. And you really miss the train when they move out of the house because it is such an integral part of the experience. 0:18:15 Unknown_20: Okay, let's do... Oh, you guys are going to love these. If you're not in love with the characters yet, just wait. Here's some... Unknown_20: Some choice clips. It's hard to find clips because I couldn't go over, obviously, all the episodes in time for this. So I kind of cheated and found shit on YouTube. And these are the ones I could find because they are very protective of their copyright. 0:18:54 Unknown_06: It's press time, mama. Unknown_09: What is it? The best gift I got Alana is a can of my own farts. Farts and a can. Unknown_11: Mama, thank you. You know what I love. I think Nalana had a really good time. Unknown_20: Sorry, I was watching, um, I got that email from the guy in Syria. He is deadass in fucking Syria. And he's saying, like, it's really dark in all these pictures because the power's out in the neighborhood. Which is, uh, crazy. 0:19:31 Unknown_20: I appreciate that. I don't know what to call this guy. Unknown_21: He goes by Sam. I don't think that's his real name, though. Unknown_21: Uh, okay, next one. Unknown_21: I hope he's enjoying this tour of American culture. Unknown_09: I don't smell. You want to smell? I don't care. I had to take a bath for two weeks. Yeah. She had to take a bath in two weeks. I literally had to... My feet were brown. Oh, my God, it was nasty. I about threw up. All she needed was to quit that s*** personal hygiene. Because for a woman, your tootsie nudes, I mean, you know, your biscuit, I mean, your private area... 0:20:10 Unknown_20: It's worth mentioning that she's the mother of three daughters, which is also a funny part of the show, because if there were boys, it would be more or less awkward. I don't know which. Unknown_20: I think this is just what it's like to be in a house with four gross women. Unknown_08: Mama, yo, excuse me. Yo, I'm never getting a dog. Oh, I wash my tooth three times a day. Oh, you lying. You want me to get you on the phone? I bet she'll tell you the same thing. You don't ever get the damn back up. OK, well, you want to call her? Yeah. Dad. OK. 0:20:52 Unknown_09: Jessica. Unknown_08: Can you hear me? Unknown_09: Yeah. Unknown_08: She does wash her through four times a day. Oh, Jessica, you know you taking up for mommy, little . Unknown_09: I'm real particular about my tooth. Unknown_08: Oh, damn. The grossest thing I've ever seen in my life was my daddy shave my mama's because she can't shave myself. Oh. Unknown_08: Oh. Unknown_20: Okay, that is a pretty fucking appalling clip, but I enjoy it just because it's so shockingly gross. 0:21:27 Unknown_20: That also is a good clip to show you the kind of, and I didn't even think about this when I was putting this together, there is a special relationship between Pumpkin and June. Unknown_20: They just, they talk so much shit to each other so casually. Whenever June's doing her interviews, Pumpkin's usually there. And it's not the same for the other girls, except maybe Alana. There's something where Pumpkin and June just have a personality that mesh really well. And while Anna is unfortunate in the fact that she's the one that looks the most like June, Pumpkin probably takes her personality on the most. Unknown_20: Um, okay. Here's another South Park clip to wash the palate. 0:22:12 Unknown_25: Well, the doctor said Honey Boo Boo needs a heart transplant. They're going to do a surgery and put a pig heart in her, so we're going to the ranch to pick out a hog. Unknown_25: Gettin' a peg heart? Honey Boo Boo's gonna do pageants with a peg heart. We wanna pick a hog that has pizzazz and knows how to work it, girl. Unknown_23: I want that one! Unknown_25: This one here? You want this one? Unknown_23: Yeah, no, wait. That peg over there gave me the evil eye. I want that one! I want that one! Unknown_24: This one? This one not your ear? You want this one? 0:22:45 Unknown_23: I want that one's heart. It looked at me funny. Unknown_25: We've been in the OR about two hours already. I just hope when she does her pageants the judges don't take away points because she's got a pig heart. Honey Boo Boo! Unknown_25: Honey Boo Boo! What? What you gonna tell them judges if they ask you about your heart? Unknown_23: I'm gonna tell them my heart is sweeter than bacon, child. 0:23:16 Unknown_25: Who wants skeddy and butter? Unknown_25: She's got a pig heart now, she thinks she's a pachyderm. Unknown_25: Show him your scar! Unknown_23: This my scar cause I got a pig heart. My scar makes me sassy, child. Unknown_20: Now I know what you're thinking. Is that true? Unknown_20: And, well... This is a new member of our family. Unknown_29: His name is Glitzy. I think Alana's gonna love him. 0:23:51 Unknown_29: I think June is going to fall in love with him too. We got glitzers from a place called Posh Pigs, and they print up their pictures before sending them off with painted toenails and all. This is the pig's leg. One side is painted. One side is painted purple. The other side is painted green. Unknown_05: Oh, that's what I got. Look at this. Unknown_29: I think the pig is going to fit in as long as we show him love. Give him a kiss. Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out. Kind of pet him and play with him and let him get used to it. 0:24:24 Unknown_29: So I believe he'll fit in real good now. Unknown_09: Talk to him. He does not like us. When Glissy squeals a lot, I mean, it sounds like, ah, ah, and then one of them sounds like, meh. Unknown_20: And yeah, so if you're wondering what happened to Glitzy, her heart was transplanted into Lana. And to this day, she lives with a pig heart. No, obviously not. That's stupid. I don't think that would work. I'd be interested to see if that would work. Just as a scientific pursuit. But... 0:24:57 Unknown_20: Oh, man, if I have to fucking email the YouTube bots and be like, I'm sorry that I made fun of the pig girl and her fucking family, and I'm sorry. I didn't even do that, though. It's just purely copyright. It's such a pain in my fucking ass. Unknown_20: Uh, whatever. Okay, here is the famous Skeddy clip, though. I need to get this out of the way. Unknown_09: Oh! 0:25:30 Unknown_09: What? Whatcha doing? Cooking? I try to, like, cook, like, at least every day of the week. You're gonna step so you can help me. The deer aren't migrating like they used to be, and so nobody's gonna deal with their car, and we've not been called up to a deer call. It's been a while since I done had roadkill on my belly. What is this? It's for the skidding. Unknown_06: Yeah. Unknown_09: So, I mean, you know, we try to make other kinds of food, like, you know, skitty. Unknown_06: How many people want the ketchup and butter? Me? I want butter, skitty, and ketchup. 0:26:00 Unknown_09: I think the family favorite meal is the skitty. We'll go get the butter. I'll swim in this butter and ketchup mix. It's butter. It's butter. It's butter. All right, where's ketchup? Come here. The kids like the ketchup and butter, and I was raised on the ketchup and butter mix. It's an old family recipe. Don't tell nobody anything. You put a little bit of butter in with the ketchup. Unknown_09: Melt it in the microwave. It's pretty good. Oh, it smells so good. That's good. 0:26:33 Unknown_09: I know. Everybody's got their own, you know, top things to feed their own family. I'll feed them on about $80 a week. And that's just buying cheaply. Alana, how do you tell if a skiddy's done? When you throw it up on the wall and it sticks. Unknown_09: That's how you know it's done. Can I do it? Here. Unknown_06: Throw it. Unknown_06: Oh, Shaggy, Mama's sticking. Mama, they're sticking. Unknown_09: Yeah. All right, get down. That's good. Go to Sugar Bear. Let's get these done. 0:27:05 Unknown_06: Shaggy! Unknown_09: Sugar Bear! Shaggy! Unknown_20: I'm so happy I get to show it. I don't know if that's like an accurate number, but it says over 3,000 people. I'm very happy I get to share Skeddy with 3,000 people. It blows my mind that people don't know what Skeddy is. They've never seen this. They've never attempted to recreate Skeddy in their own homes. Unknown_20: And the chat is fucking crazy right now, which is, I love it. That's the whole reason to stream, is to see chat react to shit. That's the only point in doing a stream. 0:27:37 Unknown_20: Unfortunately, this is where we're almost nearing the halfway point. In terms of the arc. Because what happens after this is that Unknown_20: Um, the show is four seasons long, right? There was a fifth recorded, but the fifth was never released. They had it ready. It was in editing. It was, it had a set release date and TLC suddenly canceled the fifth season. So you have to imagine they put all this money, all this time, their entire production crew got paychecks. The editors got paychecks. They had it ready to ship. They had all that, all that ready to go. And they killed it at the last second. Why? What kind of thing could happen in this story to make them so afraid of their own product that they would kill it? They would smother it to death. These episodes cannot be found. They were not released in any way. They exist on some hard drive in the TLC editing room. 0:28:17 Unknown_20: Drugs and pedo, it is unfortunately the first, because what happened is she got back together with an ex-boyfriend. Well, I should step it back even further, because I think the fifth season was going to be kind of about the breakup of Sugar Bear and June. It turned out Sugar Bear had been fucking around behind her back, and they broke up, and June got with another man. 0:29:01 Unknown_20: And the man happened to be a ex-boyfriend that she knew before Sugar Bear who was a convicted sex offender. Unknown_20: And I forgot to show my beautiful pumpkin. So everyone can see how serious this topic is. They talk about child molestation. And I'm pretty sure, I don't think he was the father of any of the girls. 0:29:46 Unknown_20: And I have heard different stories of this. Either he was the exact same person who had molested Anna. as a kid or she had just been molested by a different guy she he had dated or that june had dated and her dating another convicted sex offender was not going to fly um at the time of the production for the first season anna had you know it had happened like 10 years ago and that's probably why she's like the most reserved of all the kids but as soon as this happened as soon as she got back together with this guy Anna left. Anna completely cut off everyone else in the family, took her baby and her baby daddy and got the fuck out. And that was it. And when that happened, something triggered. There was some producer, some executive somewhere up in TLC. who said, this is fucked, and fuck this, and cancel that season. They had to have a boardroom meeting. I'm sure they were sweating and shit. And Anna, in case you were confused, is the mother of the one with six fingers, the one on the left. 0:30:59 Unknown_20: That's a newer picture of her. She was the oldest of June's kids, the one that she had when she herself was 18 or so. Unknown_20: So... Unknown_20: that's what happened and suddenly from what I understand now June was in this weird limbo where her career was over her long-term relationship was over she did break up with the guy who was the sex offender and now she was looking for work and she was approached by 0:31:36 Unknown_20: Somebody. Unknown_20: Now, I think that at this point in time, at the time that it was canceled, I think that June and what remained of her family could have trundled along. I think it was possible for them to stay together and do something else, maybe become influencers on fucking YouTube, who the fuck knows, and everything would have been fine. But that's not what happened, and I blame it entirely on this woman. 0:32:09 Unknown_18: My name is Gina and I am the manager to Mama June. I manage reality stars, most of the ones that you see on all your favorite shows. Even though there is that business aspect of things, we also have a friendship that's built because June has a great heart. I had the craziest flight from LA, I swear. It's like never easy. Unknown_20: The only thing that could have ruined that family was an Oompa Loompa from L.A. That's what it took. So if you're wondering who this female gender swap Trump cosplayer is, she is Gina Rodriguez. And she has a very, very interesting portfolio, I guess. And I didn't I didn't even know about this until today. I literally while doing research I discovered holy shit. This woman is actually really fucking gross so Let's take a look at her her biography Where can I? 0:32:45 Unknown_21: Wait, here's a more recent picture of her, just to kind of set the stage. 0:33:26 Unknown_20: Just pure condensed LA. I think she has said that she is literally on like 12 boob jobs at this point. Probably more now. Unknown_20: Just a completely plastic person. Unknown_21: Here's her biography. Unknown_21: She's kind of cute, not going to lie. Unknown_20: My dude, you need to become more discerning in your taste. I believe in you. You can do it. Unknown_20: So Gina Rodriguez, she was born not as a Rodriguez, by the way. I don't know if she's trying to pretend to be. Actually, no, it says right here. Gina Rodriguez is known for producing and co-starring in Mama June from Not to Hot. So Mama June Not to Hot is the WeTV successor to Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, just to make this completely explicit. here comes honey boo boo was the earlier program that was aired on tlc that came from toddlers and tiaras um it was the difference between them is day and night in terms of production quality tlc knew what the fuck they were doing and they got out of the way we tv almost seems like a vanity project for gina and if you watch it she is by far the worst parts of it And there's a level of scripting involved in the show where, like, I can't tell what parts of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo are scripted. I'm sure there are some parts where they're telling the people, say this, how do you feel about this, you know, kind of coaxing them into, you know, giving reactions that are good for editing together. And then the editing itself is funny. 0:34:44 Unknown_20: We TV's Mama June from Hot Not to Hot is just porn actor tier writing and acting at several occasions. Unknown_20: And that'll become obvious in a second why. Unknown_20: So June was born as the daughter of an infamous Mexican mafia head, Michael Mickey Anthony Delia Jr., who ran Project Get Going, the first halfway house in Los Angeles. Gina was estranged from her father and his family. Gina was raised in San Fernando Valley by her mother and stepfather, who later adopted her, changing her name from Gina DeSay, probably. Blah, blah, blah. 0:35:32 Unknown_20: She's been a staple of the entertainment industry since 1992, the year I was born. To give you an idea, I think she's 52 years old. Unknown_20: It's really hard to get an accurate age assessment of her because she's so not like a human looking. Unknown_20: She has worn many hats in her 26 years. That's bullshit. Who the fuck wrote this? She wrote this herself. Fuck you, Gina. Worked as an actress, published model, art director, writer... entertainment manager, publicist, wardrobe stylist, and even capital E executive, capital P producer. 0:36:04 Unknown_20: Most successful management companies for 10 years. She also appeared in her family, with her family, in her own reality web series, Mommy XXX for Sony Pictures for 13 webisodes, which aired on Crackle. 0:36:41 Unknown_20: So I hear Mommy XXX, and I'm thinking, what the fuck is that? So I look it up, and when I search her name, her Wikipedia article, because I guess Gina Rodriguez is a common name, has that little parenthetical that deliminates between different Gina Rodriguez's. Which Gina Rodriguez is this one? Oh, she's the pornographic actress. an entertainment entertainment manager and former pornographic actress known for her work with d listers she started an executive produced the wii tv docuseries mama june from hot to not she managed stormy daniels and if you look at her site by the way there's a ton of fucking shit um not only is uh mama june her employee or her her is she the agent for june but there's um Like the Jersey Shore, JWoww is one of her people. I think there are several Jersey Shore people. Ronnie, Jen. That to me is funny. She's the current manager of Honey Boo Boo, of Gino Doak, who is the weird fucking boyfriend that I'll explain in a second. A bunch of people from 90 Days Fiance. So she's like involved with all these fucking reality shows. and meanwhile she's just like this shitty porn star i want to read you the titles of these um of these episodes uh number one boob job number 11 number two my boobs hurt number three on the porno set number four party with porn stars number five puppy rescue number six female parts number seven porn goes psychic Number eight, Handling Big Balls. Number nine, My Little Brandy, which compared to the other titles sounds really fucking creepy because Delilah's daughter Brandy is turning 15 and having a co-ed party. What is that called, by the way, when Mexicans turn 15 like the girls do and they have like Cinco de Mayo's? Tell me what that is called. I know there's a word for it. 0:38:24 Unknown_20: uh 10 hot girls can't drive oh ken sierra yeah that's it ken cancer i took okay here's a true story i want to tell everyone because i'm embarrassing myself already by trying to pronounce this word um i have an associate's degree i don't think a lot of people know this but i do actually have an associate's degree people think i'm a high school dropout that's not true um but 0:39:14 Unknown_20: To get an associate's degree, I had to have two foreign language credits. I ended up taking Spanish 2, I think, four times. I ended up taking Spanish 2 so many times that the states refused to subsidize or pay for it in any way. They said, you're not doing well enough. We cannot pay for you to continue to take and fail this fucking class. And the only way I passed Spanish 2 was by taking it online, where it was much easier. Unknown_20: uh, I, I, there's something about my, my mutt brain, I don't jive well with other languages, I don't even jive well with my first language, but, uh, I did manage to pass, and I got my associate's degree, and I, I don't speak a fucking word of Spanish, say something in Spanish, uh, me gusta tacos y burritos, there you go, that's, that's the only Spanish I ever need to know, um, 11, tattooed vegans. 0:40:06 Unknown_20: And when I first read that as tattooed vaginas, I don't know which is weirder. 12, Randy Spears in the flesh. Randy Spears is her ex-husband. He's like a Ron Jeremy porn star, porn director, creepy weirdo. Unknown_20: When I first read that, I thought it was Randy Stare, the spree killer. I'm thinking, how the fuck did she get married to Randy Stare? But no, Randy Spears is someone completely different, probably related to Britney Spears. 13 Demi Delia aka mommy xxx and I happen to have a clip from an interview about mommy xxx That will now watch together Somewhere oh here it is 0:40:54 Unknown_22: So let's go check it out. All right, I'm so excited to have you here, Demi, because I have to say I have been fascinated by Mommy Triple X, and I think it shows a really unconventional look into your life. Unknown_17: Hi, my name is Demi Delia. This is my daughter, Brandy, and this is my son, Chris. Welcome to my family. Oh, and by the way, I'm a porn star. Unknown_18: You have to tell me how this whole thing came about. I got a call from my agent, and he wanted me to meet with this production company that came out, Terramedia. And they met with me. They were talking about they were looking for a mom that had kids. and I was like, I have kids. I've got that too. Right, yeah. And just that, you know, I think when they started talking to me and they found out that I housed porn stars, like, you know, young porn starlets that came into the business, they came into my house and stayed with me for like a week or two. Mm-hmm. 0:41:29 Unknown_18: Just the whole dynamic my son didn't like the porn stars, you know, he didn't like the business hated me in the business My daughter's like, you know, totally studious which people would think that both my kids would be like rebellious I don't think I'd ever want to trade places with anyone 0:42:06 Unknown_19: I love my life. It's fun. I love my mom. She's the greatest person I think I've ever met. To have a mom working in the industry... When this guy finished, just to... I like it when chat goes apeshit. Unknown_20: When this guy finishes talking, you all need to say based and chat at once. I think I've ever met. Unknown_01: To have a mom working in the industry is a little weird. I don't agree with the things that she does for her lifestyle, you know, job-wise and stuff, but overall, she's a good mom. Unknown_22: How do you balance that? Like... Create you know that that is a man who voted Trump because this was like 20 2009 so it's been It's been 0:42:47 Unknown_20: guys okay so seven years he's definitely old enough to vote by then he definitely voted trump because he thought i've been in la i've seen this shit and i've seen my mom bring home like porn stars and shit and it's like that's fucking gross and i want trump to build that wall that's what he said when he cast that ballot for trump now it could be completely wrong don't sue me for defamation i'm sure he's got lawyers uh Unknown_20: i mean i guess that's damaging if you say someone in la who like works in la voted for trump is that not the same as that's probably worse than saying that he molested a child everyone in la has molested a child but how many people in la voted for trump that's that's some sick shit right there you can't be talking that kind of that kind of malarkey biden would say um okay so Unknown_20: I believe that is all I can say about Gina Rodriguez. She is gross. I fucking hate her. Every time she came on screen, it somehow made my self-imposed isolation in Serbia that much worse. For those moments where she was on TV, it was like nails on a chalkboard. She is so uncharismatic. So unfunny. Her scripted dialogue sucks so fucking much. And you just get the sense that she is manipulating everyone there to make money. Because, again, she's all their agents. She's the agents of fucking Gino, who I'm hyping up at this point because he is such a fuck-up. 0:44:19 Unknown_20: And the whole premise of this show that... Unknown_20: is mama june from hot to not is that the fat ugly woman who gets made fun of on south park who's all you know manging fucked up goes a transformation and suddenly she's going to be thin and beautiful they're going to fix her teeth they're going to fix her eyes because her eyes are droopy and she can't see for shit so she's going to get lasik she's going to be beautiful and um now that i think about it i didn't even think about this until now she has this um On her shitty fucking website, she has makeovers as a section and has Cancer Survivor... I think Mama June shows up on this. She's got the before and after picture. So she really wants to finagle herself as not just a talent agent, not just a big E, big P executive producer. She is a makeover specialist who will take frumpy D-list celebrities, as the Wikipedia article says, and turn them into the next top thing. So that's what she was going for. And in order to do that, she drags Mama June from the comfort and love of Sweet Mother Georgia to L.A. and gives her a gastric bypass surgery. So they cut her open, they fuck up her insides, and she does. She loses all the weight, but then she has dangling skin. So to fix that, there's two surgeries they have to do. They have to fix the tummy skin, and then they have to fix the skin underneath the arms. And they show this on the episodes of Mama June from Hot to Not. And it's agony. She is in pain. And after the first one, she doesn't want to go back. She doesn't want to go back. And you can see Gina in the show that she's produced, that she's written scripts for, where she's talking to Mama June and making sure that she goes back to L.A. to complete this second skin reduction surgery. that June doesn't even want. She doesn't give a fuck. She was happy being in a fucking shed next to a railroad eating Skeddy and Butter. That was what she was content with. She had a big family. That's all she needed. 0:46:10 Unknown_20: Gina convinced her otherwise, and she convinced her that she could be a fashion model, and all she has to do is go to LA and get these surgeries. And the result was that by the end of the second surgery, she was heavily addicted to painkillers. And that was kind of downplayed in the episode, because at that time, it was still Mama June from hot to not, and her being a pill head wasn't really factoring into Gina's grand vision of being a makeover specialist. Um, by the second season, things go off the rail, and then in the third and fourth seasons, they officially rebrand it. They don't, like, completely rebrand it, because that would be too awkward for advertising purposes. So they rebrand it from Mama June from Hot, or from Not to Hot, to Mama June from Not to Hot Family Crisis. They just, like, stamp a fucking rubber thing underneath the title that says Family Crisis. Oh yeah, she was gonna lose a bunch of weight, but now she's addicted to coke. Ha ha ha. now she's on painkillers and coke and we don't know where the fuck her at where she's at what she's doing her family misses her if you see her please let us know because holy fuck we've really screwed this woman over um so now that i've given you a crash course over how la has has stabbed this poor rural woman in the fucking spine and ruined her 0:47:50 Unknown_20: Let me give you a clip to kind of crash you into later episodes here. Unknown_16: Oh, you know what, should I, should I do that clip? Unknown_20: Actually, I just kind of want to show you, this is what... Okay, the first two seasons, before she starts doing the surgeries and gets fucked up and meets, you know, boring, awful, insipid television. The worst of the worst. Nothing redeeming about it whatsoever. Then, at some point, they start adding intro slides like this to try and justify the exploitation of this woman's decline. Because without this, it would literally just be like Kiwi Farms tier trash... making fun of retarded people who have mental health issues and drug problems. That's what it would be. So they really have to spin it to be a nice thing. It's a good thing that they're doing. 0:48:29 Unknown_20: And I'll pause it to read this for the podcast. We share our viewers' concerns for June Shannon and her entire family. We are monitoring events as they occur and are focused, as always, on the entire family's well-being. So, at some point, in I think the second season, is when the news had already come out, because they're editing the clips, editing the season to air on TV, but the tabloids are in present time, they're not retrospective, and they're talking about things that are happening about her being arrested for coke. So, as they're pushing this out into the airwaves, they're having to go back and edit this shit in very hurriedly to account for the fact that people watching this now will already be hearing about the fact that she's been arrested. 0:49:22 Unknown_20: Still a slide, and then... Unknown_10: As you know, you've seen this stuff out in the media. And our family's going through a rough patch, but this year alone, we've had a lot of happiness. And when Mom and Alana were out in California, everything seemed good. The next couple months roll around, and things took a turn. Unknown_10: We're sharing our story in hope that it helps another family. And I sincerely want to thank our fans for always being there and loving and supporting us. 0:50:11 Unknown_20: so that's the kind of like retrospective apologism that they have for the show and really from pumpkin's perspective and that is pumpkin that's the the girl that was talking about feminine hygiene in the earlier clip been several years since then now um and i think she has a kid at this point already um So it's weird. It's sad for her because she ends up in custody of Alana, honey boo boo, and she's raising her own child and her little sister at the same time. So in Pumpkin's perspective, it's best to go along with this shit and take up the mantle of being the host of Mama June from Not to Hot because that's the money. Um, if they lose the entire show, then she's up shit creek because her husband is just like a construction worker. You know, her dad, uh, sugar bear is a literal chalk miner. So there's not much money to go around in the house without the, the, without Gina, without Gina loosening the purse strings for them. They are completely fucked. Like every other household in the U S in the South where you have two kids and not much money between you. 0:51:02 Unknown_20: So she has to basically do what she can to keep the show going. Unknown_16: So... Let's meet Geno. Unknown_03: My name is Geno Doak. I am 41 years young. I live in Hampton, Georgia. 0:51:40 Unknown_12: What's your intention with my mama? Unknown_03: My favorite thing about you is that she's a real mother******. Unknown_03: What you see is what you get. And June is cool, man. I love her. She's cool. Are you ready for my crazy lunch? Of course I'm ready, dude. Are you ready is the question. Unknown_03: June's kids are crazy as . When I very first met June, that's why she was like, my kids are crazy. I was like, our kids get along goddamn good. And they do. They're them. You know what I mean? They're not fake. I'm sorry, did I splash you? 0:52:13 Unknown_03: Three things people should know about me. Unknown_03: One, I'm loving and caring. Unknown_03: Two, I'm laid back, don't take serious. And three, I love me some goddamn Mexican food, boy. What are you going to wear in the future? Just like dresses and ? Or are you going to wear this in like a lingerie? You got to wear like a dress, like a prom dress. Unknown_13: You going to school? Unknown_03: As far as June's transformation, as long as she's healthy, that's all that matters, dude. I don't give a whether she's big, small, medium. I like June for June. Unknown_20: And I should, again, the whole premise of the show originally was Mama June from hot to not, or not to hot. I always say it wrong for some reason. It's just instinctual. This is her at her best, I want to say. I want to say that this is her after she's had all the surgeries, and they put her in the dress, and that's as good as they got her, right? 0:52:48 Unknown_20: And the makeover is also on What's Her Face's website. Unknown_20: But, I mean, that's it. She was never... Unknown_20: She was never going to be beautiful and arguably, except for health issues. She was sugar bear, like them big. And that's the weird thing about this script for the episode is that sugar bear and his new woman, who's a big fat chick is also like the whole, the whole point of it is let's lose weight and get in this big red dress and then show up at their wedding thin and wearing this, this sexy red dress. and make sugar bear jealous which doesn't make any fucking sense because he's a chubby chaser and he's not going to be interested in her when she's thin so the the whole thing is a shit show from the beginning gina's writing doesn't make any fucking sense and it was a shame um what happened to the family unit 0:54:12 Unknown_16: Oh, and here's their wedding photo. Unknown_20: Actually, I don't think that this was a... Just to kind of remind you of what they looked like at this point. This is their horrific wedding. It wasn't really a wedding. It was like a commitment thing. And the weird thing is that... Unknown_20: june never seemed really lovey-dovey with sugar bear he was like i mentioned he was always kind of a pushover beta around june which makes her hyper affectionate uh nature with gino all the weirder it's like she's so uh independently minded in the first the first show that her puppy dog attachment to gino's is just fucking weird and creepy 0:54:53 Unknown_20: So here's another clip I managed to find to kind of show you how when Gino entered the picture, he really tried to at least, I don't know if he was just like off drugs at the time and he was a better person or if he just tried to put it on for the camera. That's really hard to tell because it's TV and it's not really possible to tell what's fake and what's real or that kind of shit. uh here's a clip of gino interacting with alana who is by the way seriously overweight for a child she's like 13 i want to say in this season she's like six in the first one and she's a little bit chubby in the first one probably a little bit too overweight for kids who's like six but she is fucking fat now actually you know what instead of just showing you this on the clip let me um 0:55:42 Unknown_20: Pause this and let me just show you her her Instagram now like she's big and it's really sad because You know, she was just the little girl. She didn't have to grow up to be 200 pounds at 13, you know what I mean? Unknown_16: But it's not her here nor there What are you doing trying to get this tan off lemon bass I Unknown_20: Oh, by the way, somebody, they did a pageant, and somebody encouraged them to put on spray tan, and it was fucking hideous. I want to give you a guess on whose idea it was to put on spray tan before a fucking pageant, but... Pageant orientation, the girls will pick on us by our tan, so I'm trying to get it off. 0:56:27 Unknown_14: No, you mean people making fun of you or whatever. I'm not sure if I can do this pageant. Unknown_03: Is that Honey Boo Boo? Unknown_14: Yeah, that's Honey Boo Boo. 0:57:01 Unknown_03: You can't tell? Stay focused. Unknown_03: Do the pageant. Unknown_02: Are you going to be there? Of course I'm going to be there. I told you I would. You sure? I'm positive. Okay. Unknown_03: Right. Unknown_02: Just don't let them knock you off your game, baby. I mean, I guess I could do this. Unknown_03: I think and I hope that you know this just by the way we get along and the way I treat you, the way you treat me. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. You know, not just for the stuff you're dealing with with Sugar Bear, the pageant, anything. Aw, thanks, Gino. 0:57:32 Unknown_07: You're welcome, baby. Unknown_03: I love you. Unknown_03: Cheer up. Don't worry about that. Unknown_13: If I wasn't 100% ready to commit to Gino, I am now. Because if anyone can treat my child like his own, then hey, he's a keeper. I mean, we're already a family. I just want to make it official. Now I know exactly what I need to do. Unknown_20: so someone pointed out she looks messed up i'm pretty sure this is after the skin removal surgery so she is like fucked up on painkillers this is already where she's already addicted to shit um and it's it's just weird because this is the scene where he says like i'm going to help you and she is attracted to that and i think alana once a father figure at this time because I don't think at this point she really likes Sugar Bear because he cheated on her mom. And kids don't forgive that kind of thing, right? So even though that's her biological father and they got along great in the first show, this is like the post-divorce and it's his fault, really. They could have kept being together. Um, but sugar bear fucked up and in a way he's more at fault for the consequences of that than even like Gina who pushed them towards this. Cause it probably, they probably would be on like season 20 or whatever this fucking honey boo boo show. Uh, if sugar bear didn't cheat. 0:58:58 Unknown_20: Uh, so, um, this is sad because immediately after this, I want to say this is the end of season two or season one, whatever. I don't remember. Um, and there's a hard cut where Gino at the end of one of the seasons gets arrested because he's in violation of his parole. And after he gets out of jail, they have another heart to heart between Gino and Alana. Unknown_03: Hey, what's up, baby? 0:59:31 Unknown_03: What'd you do? Unknown_24: Nothing. Unknown_03: Are you sad about the baby? Did that upset you at all? Yeah, it did a little bit. Unknown_03: Come on, do you talk to me? What's wrong? Unknown_15: Gino, nothing's wrong. Something's wrong, baby. Unknown_03: I've been here and talked to you a million times. Unknown_20: I can't... I don't think that's acting, by the way. Gino, nothing's wrong. I think that's just like how teenage girls are when they're obviously really bothered by the fact that their stepdad just got picked up for parole violation. 1:00:03 Unknown_20: But that did make me laugh. Unknown_15: I never really had like a... Talked to you a million times. Unknown_15: I felt like I was neglected almost. I never really had a cool dad figure, honestly. And it scared me because I thought you were gonna be like sugar bear and not come back. Unknown_15: So I was like, what's gonna happen? Are him and mama gonna break up or something? I didn't know what was gonna happen. 1:00:36 Unknown_20: So that's basically the end of the very brief happy moment with Gino. At a certain point, Mama June and him get super fucked up on cocaine, and I had a lot of issues finding any clips of after this. I do have, I believe, before I started the stream, literally I was clipping to the last second before I started the stream, I downloaded an entire episode off Dailymotion, Unknown_20: So I can try and show you a particular incident which stands out in mind of where things really got fucked up. Unknown_20: And I have one more clip of that, and I want to show what's kind of happened with Alana. Because she is, she said, you know, people were pointing out, why is she, she's like 13, why is she sitting on her bed alone doodling? And it's like you saw in the first show that you had all four sisters, and they were all together, and they were kind of doing things together. Well, now Alana's at an awkward age where she's 13, she's homeschooled because she's fucking honey boo-boo, and people are going to be... You know, if she goes to a public school, everyone's going to be like this and this and right here and making fun of her. So she can't fucking do that. She just can't. She can't go to a public school. That would be a disaster. So. 1:01:17 Unknown_20: so she's homeschooled her big her older sisters are married pregnant disassociated with the family doing their own thing and she's bored because her mom is addicted to opiates and her stepdad is in jail right so uh that's i feel i really feel bad for alana and i hope she got help at some point because there is there is a scare moment i'm not going to spoil but things get really bad between uh gino and um mama june and it's the beginning of the end so where were you listening if you ever asked me i'm gonna punch your mama at least mama finally opened up to dota about their problems right now 1:02:18 Unknown_27: You may just need to leave it. What? Unknown_10: But if she doesn't ditch Gino fast, she might just fall apart. hands like a five-legged elephant. Unknown_27: So are you ever going to put a ring on the other finger? Unknown_10: No, I'm not. Unknown_10: And if that happens, how do we even pick up the pieces? At this point, I don't know who I am. Unknown_20: um okay so that's kind of where goes to pieces and i i i really don't even know how that's that's what keeps you invested it's the second show is like what the is wrong with june because you see it in the first season that she doesn't take from anyone she doesn't give a about what anybody thinks so how the does she go from that to literally begging this guy to marry her to um allowing because you know she broke up with sugar bear but he's cheating on her and she knows it she gets like irrefutable evidence evidence of it and denies that that's true that he's cheating on her and it and it's just mind-boggling how that happened because really 1:03:32 Unknown_20: I remember sitting around at Thanksgiving dinner. I remember talking with my aunt and saying, this show is disgusting, aunt. Why would you watch Here Comes Honey Boo Boo? This is basically child abuse. Unknown_20: And she said, the mother's smart, and she put money away for college, for all the children. All the children are going to go to college. Here comes Honey Boo Boo money. Unknown_20: I want to see a show of hands, chat. How many of you think that she went to, any of these girls are going to college on Honey Boo Boo money? 1:04:27 Unknown_21: Let me pull up something. Unknown_21: Because now that I think about it, I have to show you a vertical. Unknown_16: Um, oh, nobody in chat seems to believe that she went to college. Unknown_20: That any of these girls are going to college on Honey Boo Boo money. That is the correct answer, actually. Because as it turns out, they get fucked up on Blow. And Gino and Mama June say at certain points in the series, because they have moments of clarity where they come to talk to the kids, she starts missing her children that she completely abandons for drugs, comes to meet them, and basically discloses... that on certain nights they were blowing like ten thousand dollars on on cocaine a night and they sold their house uh they when they moved from the the nice little shack by the train tracks that nobody seemed to mind to this nice house um 1:05:07 Unknown_20: she she ended up selling everything in it everything in the house went on craigslist people were showing up at the house to respond to craigslist ads just to like film them in drugged out states selling furniture selling their children's furniture on fucking craigslist And ends up selling the fucking house for $100,000, which is apparently $50,000 less than what they sold it for. And it shows up in the show where the kids are going to their house where they were settling in and making all these memories and getting to know Gino. And they're like, oh, our house is gone. We don't get to live here anymore. Mama June sold the house from out under us, and we're not getting a fucking cent. And Chubbs, Jessica, who isn't in the show much because Jessica and Anna are basically gone, the two oldest daughters, while the show focuses mainly on Pumpkin, the weird one, Chubbs comes back just long enough to say that Mama June also pawned off the deed to her car, and they repossessed the fucking car from her that she had given her daughter to drive. uh so that they could blow it on fucking drugs and they're just completely bankrupt everything that every like good thing about the show about honey boo boo that was you know cute and and nice for people to watch and it kind of lets you justify that disgrace in the back of your head uh is just completely destroyed retrospectively by what they did um 1:06:56 Unknown_20: What she did after it how she handled herself and it really is sad because it's like as I said it would probably be on like the 20th season of here comes honey boo boo and honey boo boo would be going to fucking college and everyone would be so proud like oh we watch this kid grow up on screen isn't that so great but now honey boo boo is is doing this now instead of instead of using honey boo boo money to go to college and Unknown_16: Never been there. What is next? Unknown_10: Tell me what's next now. I already told you, Stephanie Hayes with an all-show special. Well, you didn't tell me. Unknown_07: Oh my god, okay, so guys, we're gonna have to cut off the camera real quick. Cause I have to do something. Unknown_10: Alright, hold on. Unknown_10: Hold on, quit doing, don't even f***ing limit that on f***ing live. Don't f***ing ever do that again. What? Unknown_10: What you just f***ing did and I'm like a f***ing idiot on live. That's why you don't go live on your f***ing Instagram. Alright. 1:07:51 Unknown_20: So, Alana, who currently has a mother, who is having a cocaine problem, is on fucking Instagram and pretends to snort a line of coke live on air. And this is probably, it's very sad when you actually see the show. And even talking about it, it's kind of sad. Because what happens is that obviously that's a big fucking problem. Because Gina, the titan, the executive producer of Capital Letters is working hard to keep this show going so that Alana can go to college on Honey Boo Boo money. And when this happens, she's on the show and she's basically like, you fucked up because now all these people who are sponsoring you want to pull their sponsorments. They don't want you to advertise their products. They don't want their ads to roll before or after your program when you're doing this. And it's obviously a joke. And if it was anyone except Honey Boo Boo, it would be not even worth commenting on. And you can kind of tell that she's like hurt by this in the episode because people are taking it super serious. They're like virtue signaling. There's a weird thing where WeTV is like mostly black people and black entertainment. So everyone that shows up in the show is like a black person and they get like this black psychologist to come down to do like an intervention on B'Elanna. Talking about how she needs to take her job as a 13-year-old reality star more seriously, and how it disrespects her sister to do this, and it's just like, obviously it was a fucking joke, and treating it like she has deep-seated mental issues because of it is disingenuous. 1:09:10 Unknown_20: But they had to show that they were very, very serious about this and handling this in the most direct and responsible way possible. So they completely shit all over. The only person who has any rational reaction to Alana doing this is... Pumpkin's husband who's named Josh just remembered that so Josh takes her to shovel cow shit in a field and Says if you weren't on reality TV, you would have to shovel cow shit So you'll have to take you off to either take this more seriously this whole being a reality TV star or you're gonna have to get used to shoveling cow shit and and i think that was the most appropriate reaction of anyone the rest of it is just like gravitas and bullshit and uh complete non-sequitur to just show the advertisers that they're taking it seriously but josh josh is always the most rational one throughout the throughout this uh the second the second program ah but i think that may oh no there's still more 1:10:08 Unknown_20: Let me show you the segment, the clip. It's a pretty long clip. I don't know how much of it I can play. But it's essentially... It really shows you how fucking pathetic Mama June is in this program. Unknown_15: You can't hear me talking to you? Mommy? Mom. Seriously. Unknown_10: You can't see me? Unknown_10: all this is freaking me out like she's had a stroke before the woman is so she has had a stroke and they think that she's having what's called an absence seizure at this point she's like just sitting there completely zoned out zonked on drugs and uh the producers are concerned and they're calling the ambulance he's here and she's talking to me and then the next minute like she blacks out it's like what the hell is really going on 1:11:30 Unknown_15: Hey. What? You couldn't hear me that whole time? What? You couldn't hear me that whole time when I was talking to you? What are you talking about? Unknown_09: It was just when you were talking. Unknown_15: You just totally checked out for like 20 seconds. Unknown_27: I don't know. Okay. I think we should get you some, I think we should get you some help. Unknown_26: Do you? I don't know. Unknown_26: We got to get you a smoke because that was really scary. You just scared me. You literally could not hear me talking to you. I wasn't saying anything. I was clapping in your face and asking if you could hear me. No. I was literally just talking to you. 1:12:05 Unknown_11: I didn't know. Sound like a panic attack a little bit to me. I hope that's all it is. She's crying, so something got to her. What the hell happened? I swear to God, if it's Gino, I'm going to punch him in the face. Unknown_26: Damn. Unknown_26: That's funny, right? Unknown_10: She's not understanding anything. I literally don't know what to do. Unknown_03: I swear to God. On the way down here, she thought she was going to have a panic. She started breathing. I'm like, baby, calm down. There's no reason. I was pumping gas in the Suburban. And I happened to glance in the back window. When I got back in the truck, she said, who are you looking at in the back of the Suburban? I don't even know what the fuck I was looking at. I just happened to turn my head that way. That bitch said, what are you looking in the back of the Suburban for? Who's back here? This bitch took her seatbelt off. I was turning around looking back. I said, baby, we've been on the road for an hour. Do you really think somebody's in the back of the damn Suburban? She goes on and on and on with this shit. That is not true. 1:12:35 Unknown_20: And it's really frustrating like watching this relation because it's so clearly a fucking broken relationship, but she's so zonked out and paranoid because number one, she's on coke, which causes paranoia. But number two, he's a cheater. So she has like this weird collision between being previously cheated on. by sugar bear being cheated on by gino who she's currently with and then mixing drugs into the equation and she's just like having panic attacks and and strokes and all sorts of and her life has essentially fallen apart uh at this point 1:13:14 Unknown_20: I want to show... She refuses to go to the hospital at first because she doesn't... She does not want to go anywhere without Gino. And that's the most frustrating thing because it's like her children are begging her, please go to rehab, inpatient treatment... 1:13:48 Unknown_20: Please go with the doctors, please do what they say. And she doesn't do anything, or she pretends to, until Gino says otherwise. And he completely has, like, total dominance over this person. And it's so miserable to watch, because it's like, how did the Skeddy woman, who did not give a fuck about anybody at any time, besides her and her family, go from that to this fucking zombie woman? Uh, okay. 1:14:26 Unknown_20: And this is him begging her to go to the hospital. I want to see the part. Unknown_20: This is the good stuff. She chases him around in the fucking parking lot. And when I watched this, I was in disbelief. What's happening? Unknown_20: Okay, I'm reading chat. Unknown_16: Tell me what's happening. 1:15:02 Unknown_16: This better be worth it. Unknown_16: Is this like a joke? Am I being pranked by people? Unknown_16: Nothing. Unknown_16: Why do I care about the guy spamming Turkish flags? Unknown_20: I don't give a fuck. I literally don't care if Turkish people from DLive are spamming chat. Who could... I'm not banning the... Fuck you guys. Okay, thank you. Unknown_03: You're being f***ing stupid. There ain't nothing f***ing wrong. You don't know what the f*** is going on. You're f***ing so delirious and confused. Accept it's it when I start f***ing... No, I do not. F*** off, dude. 1:15:35 Unknown_05: Okay. Unknown_27: Can we talk? I'll turn the mic on. No, you don't need to talk. Go do your damn job. Okay, well, please talk to me, baby. I just did. Okay. Unknown_03: You're crying over nothing. Baby, will you wait on me just a second, please? No, I'm not. Carry your ass up. I know you can keep up. I don't feel sorry for no... 1:16:08 Unknown_27: Quit crying and go do your . Go to the hospital or go do your job. We can't still push it tonight, Jim. The ambulance is coming. I'm done with the dumb shit, dude. Unknown_03: I'm playing it. I have no time for not entertaining some fallacy. Unknown_03: I'm not doing it. I can't be any more honest. Let's do it. Unknown_26: Okay, let's do it. Let's do it. Shut up and go ahead. Come on. Unknown_26: So you need to sit down. Well, anyway, come on. No, I don't care. Well, you can refuse. The ambulance is coming. I know. I hear it. 1:16:44 Unknown_26: I'm trying to have a good night. Unknown_27: I'm glad I had the remedy to cure your back. Unknown_03: put your makeup on let's do your job i'm gonna get a drink though you want something it's my mom i'm the one who called she said she vomited and stuff so i'm not sure so at this point i just want to pause because it gets repetitious where it is her and gino in this cycle where he says go to the hospital you're up go to the hospital and she's following him around in the parking lot i want to say that's like the rest of the 1:17:33 Unknown_20: uh video is just like this entire episode for 48 minutes it's just her crying in a parking lot as gino walks around and he like yells back at her at some point like if you follow me i'm gonna break up with you and she just sits there and she like whimpers and cries to herself It's like, how did Skeddy Woman turn into this? The answer is a mixture of L.A., drugs, and I guess being cheated on would be the third ingredient. Unknown_20: The rest of the fourth season, third season, whatever, focuses mainly on her getting rehab. She ends up going to a rehab facility like three different times. She bails out of all three of them. And that's basically where the show is now, last time I checked. 1:18:19 Unknown_21: So. Unknown_20: I don't know if there's a nice happy bow to wrap this up with, but I remember the entire time I was watching this, I was thinking, this deserves a stream. I would genuinely enjoy talking about how someone who most people are at least kind of familiar with ended up going from a really big reality TV star who had a very easy path to a... 1:18:52 Unknown_20: in an easy life. Just do your Mama June shit. Just be Alana's mother. Unknown_20: and uh and and she she fails at that which is shocking because she she the only thing she really seems to enjoy in life was being a mother so her deciding to turn her back on her kids for um for gino and for drugs and leave them behind to you know live in filthy fucking motel rooms in her car uh 1:19:29 Unknown_20: is is really sad and that i don't know i hope the best for her but she's not gonna even like as they negotiate now it's always with the stipulation that gina will be involved every step of the way and there's never a situation where two addicts get clean together Unknown_20: It just doesn't happen because there's a codependency there where one really wants to stick to it and is abiding by their sober lifestyle. But then they ask the other, one drink would really feel great right now, wouldn't it? And the other one goes, yeah, it would. And then suddenly all of that inhibition is just gone. Unknown_20: because you can, you can tag along on someone else's idea. 1:20:21 Unknown_20: So, uh, yeah. And it is, it is pretty tragic. Everyone, everyone thought that like mama June, the, the fucking, uh, pig woman making skinny is the worst possible, uh, person to be the worst thing ever shown television, but it got a lot worse, unfortunately. Unknown_21: So, uh, Unknown_21: Yeah, I think that's it. Unknown_20: I don't think I missed anything. There were episodes about how... Unknown_20: they were you know like the the kids have talked about how fucked up she looks how um unrecognizable she is to them as a person oh and from what i understand oh all of them show this shit now this boom bod stuff here's her with it and i have another picture i don't know where it went of um 1:21:16 Unknown_20: Oh, yes. Unknown_20: All of them shill boom bod. Anna shills it. Jessica shills it. Pumpkin shills it. And June shills it. I don't know what the... Number one, none of these people have boom bods. I'll say that authoritatively. I don't see a single boom bod on any of this. Unknown_20: But they all shill this fucking product, which is really weird. And yeah, she did get fat again, I think. Unknown_20: I mean she can't afford coke as much as she used to so that probably hurts a lot with the diet and actually there was one other thing where the fuck is it oh it was the that's right I couldn't download it because of an issue so I'll have to I'll have to show the sun for this 1:22:14 Unknown_20: They all do cameos now. They're all on Cameo. Unknown_20: This is one of the videos that she put out. I think this was recent. April 17th. This is a video that she gave to a fan who paid her $30 for a cameo. Unknown_11: Hey y'all, what's up? This is your girl Mama June and I'm here to tell you I have enjoyed connecting with over 500 of y'all. I'm looking to connect and wanting to connect with more of y'all. So if you're wanting to tell one of your friends or one of your exes to f*** the hell off or just tell somebody to look cheer up during this coronavirus happy anniversary. Happy birthday. Happy wedding day. Just because video you want to tell somebody you miss their loving face. Hit me up. The link is in my bio on my profile. Hit me up and I will make the best video ever. Look, y'all stay safe and I love you guys. 1:22:46 Unknown_20: Fuck off. What a horrible, horrible website. I just wanted to download it, but I didn't download it. Unknown_20: So yeah. That is the Fade to Mama June. Easiest fucking career path ever. Unknown_20: And decided to fuck it up. And it's just... Unknown_20: Really, don't ever go to LA. When the orange hand extends and offers you a trip to LA, don't fucking do it. Because you're going to get addicted to cocaine. You're going to end up addicted to opioids. You're going to throw it all away for literally nothing. And you won't be better off for it. 1:23:20 Unknown_20: Alright, I guess since I'm banned from YouTube or whatever, now I can play... Unknown_21: More South Park. Unknown_16: And this also wasn't planned. I wasn't going to do it. Unknown_16: Where the fuck did I download this? Uh oh. 1:23:58 Unknown_16: Now I have it somewhere. Sometimes honey boo boo. Mama June hot tonight. Unknown_21: I kinda, I wanna show people the end, how the South Park episode ended. Unknown_16: But I cannot find it anymore. Unknown_16: I really want to, actually. Hang in there. 1:24:34 Unknown_16: Okay, South Park season 16, containing folder. Unknown_00: Dude, you okay? Unknown_00: I've been thinking, how did shamelessness get to this? Did it start with fat people on scooters? Or did the bar get lowered way before that? Unknown_00: And then I started thinking, maybe it was us. Unknown_00: I don't know, but maybe somehow we lowered the bar a long time ago, and now we're all sitting here in the stink of it all. 1:25:12 Unknown_00: There's no going back, Stan. Unknown_25: It's like I can't explain it. I just suddenly feel like this isn't right. I don't know why we were watching that garbage in the first place. Unknown_25: Huh? Unknown_25: Mrs. Obama? Ma'am? You okay? Unknown_12: Something's wrong. Unknown_12: This... This is all wrong! Unknown_12: Stop! Everyone! What are we doing? How can you let this happen to your daughter? I don't know. I... Unknown_12: How did I let myself go like this? Unknown_25: What have I done? When did we devolve into watching fat kids skeddy wrestling? 1:25:44 Unknown_12: We need to realize obesity is an epidemic, but it's not a disease. From now on, I'm going to dedicate this administration Unknown_20: That's the funny part. I just wanted to show Mama June's reaction. That's the epiphany she never had. That's the parallel universe, the multiverse that Chris is talking about, where Cameron did find the bar and raised it, but unfortunately that isn't a reality. So, in lieu of a happier ending, I want to thank everyone for watching. I had fun doing this stream. It's been a while since I did a person stream, and I really can't force myself to do these. I really just have to enjoy it and enjoy the topic. 1:26:18 Unknown_20: So, um, I, I did, I did enjoy talking about Lama June. So have a happy Halloween. Um, and remember the true, the true day of horror comes three days after Halloween this year. And I'll see you guys next week. Bye bye. 1:27:08 Unknown_04: wouldn't you like to see something strange come with us and you will see this our town of halloween this is halloween this is halloween this is halloween Unknown_04: This is Halloween. This is Halloween. Halloween. Halloween. 1:28:08 Unknown_04: I am the clown with the tearaway face. Here in a crash and go without a trace. I Unknown_04: All right. 1:28:57 Unknown_04: in this town don't we love it now everybody's waiting for the next surprise Unknown_04: Alvin Jack is king of the pumpkin patch Everyone hail to the pumpkin king now This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin soul La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la 1:30:01 Unknown_20: Wait, hang in there, hang in there. I've got something I wanna show. Unknown_20: I got something special for the people who actually listen to my music all the way. Even if it's Marilyn Manson doing a cheesy song. Unknown_20: Okay, give me a second. For some reason, Photoshop is taking literally fucking 10 years to pixelate a face, which is all I'm trying to do. Unknown_20: For some reason, this photo is 11 megabytes in size. Probably why it took so long to get here. Three hours more. No. 1:30:34 Unknown_16: No, no, no, no. That's not happening. Unknown_16: Okay, I might just, oh, okay, there it is. Unknown_16: Okay, where are I going? Hopefully this is the right one. Let me double check just to make sure. Unknown_21: So you guys can tell me, if you happen to be an expert in Syria, you can tell me if this is actually Syria. Unknown_20: Otherwise I'm going to be very disappointed. But, oh no, he's got hamsters on him right now. Unknown_20: Okay, perfect. Unknown_20: You guys tell me. Email me. Send me a postcard. Is this a picture from Syria? Because if this is actually Syria, that's pretty fucking cool. Happy Halloween. Even if you're in Syria, don't get beheaded. Bye-bye.