Mad at England 2020-10-29

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Unknown_00: Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Chongos, big Chongos, big Chongos.

Unknown_06: It's stuck in my head, and now it's gonna be stuck in yours, and you're fucking welcome.

Unknown_06: I don't have a chance to talk about this next Friday, or this Friday, and there's no way I'm gonna remember it next Friday. So I'm just gonna have to fucking cope. I'm gonna have to boot up OBS at 9.30 in the afternoon.

Unknown_06: and stop whatever I'm doing and edit this Adobe article that I have because I have to share something. My streams are meant to spread joy, right? So when something brings me joy, I have to talk about it and if it happens to be at 9.30 at night because that's when I happen to hear about it and I'm not gonna be able to talk about it tomorrow because tomorrow is going to be a person stream,

Unknown_06: Well, then there's only one thing to do, and that's to do it right now, right? Just do the work. I would like to share with you a story that I don't think many of you are aware of. Like, if you just watch my streams, which I'm aware that there's like a weird group of people who genuinely just watch my streams and don't even browse the forum, have no idea about the forum's history. Maybe you joined the forum in like 2019.

Unknown_06: But, for a not insignificant point or part of my life, for years, there was this guy who hated me. And to this day, he hates me. He's like twice my age. He's like as old as my mom. This dude fucking hates me, though. And he is the reason... A primary reason in which I curse all Englishmen. Because this guy looks like a melted trash bag. He looks like a bean bag that was left out in the sun in a desert. And he has somehow gained sentience and is in agony. His every waking moment is just fucking agony. And the only way he can cope and deal with the pain that he is in as a human sentient melted bean bag is to sue people in English court. and bitch about and write nasty fucking emails and get people taken down off cloud hosting and payment processors.

Unknown_06: That is the only time in which the decay and rot of his daily existence is not at the forefront of his consciousness. And it took me years to get to a point where he could not actively just shut me down from whatever the fuck I was on.

Unknown_06: The relative stability and peace and growth of the forum is not something that was there for most of its history. It was an active fight to keep it up.

Unknown_06: And I don't take what we have right now for granted. It was definitely hard fought and hard earned. And now that the forum is not impregnable, but it is beyond... In order to fuck with it, you have to do stuff that is criminal at this point.

Unknown_06: beyond the scope of writing nasty emails for the most part. And now that he doesn't have me to beat up on, he has turned his attention to other people within England, primarily in England because that's where the kangaroo court system of England exists and has power, right? It doesn't really matter outside of England. So he just finds weirdos in England to fuck with. And he's very difficult to deal with, even for people who have resources, because he studied law.

Unknown_06: Sam has a master's degree in English law, and he knows the filings, he knows the technicalities of law. I don't think he understands the nuance of a filing. And he doesn't have the personality which is required to make a judge not fucking hate you. And I will demonstrate this in what I'm about to show you.

Unknown_06: But he knows the technicalities of the rhythms of court.

Unknown_06: And what he's done in recent, in order to stave off the agony of existence, he's started offering pre-legal advice to cases he's sympathetic with. So from what I understand, it's not impossible to know for sure. But we're pretty sure that he lives in economic housing and he has the dole. He doesn't need to get work. And he can spend his time and his state-funded master's degree in law helping people be nuisances in court, particularly towards people he thinks are users of the forum. So he can't go after the forum all the time anymore. So what he does is he goes after individual users who happen to be English, if he thinks he can find them. And I read an email some time ago about someone named Adrian Yalwin asking me for testimony saying that he wasn't someone who was allegedly a poster on the forum who had committed defamation. and i i wrote a reply that was very snarky trying to help him with that because i really don't think he was a user of the forum i think it was like a crazy person but sam was offering this crazy person legal assistance and getting through the court system and being a big enough burden and expense that adrian yallin had to actually lawyer up as i think um

Unknown_06: So, one of the things he's done recently is that there's a guy called Hemings who was accused of raping someone named Ruth Baker. And this was a big story, and it was in the Daily Mail and stuff. That's where I got the picture of her.

Unknown_06: This alleged rape had happened, and that's still going in through court. But Sam offers Hemings legal advice, and...

Unknown_06: Ruth being from what I understand, she's a bankrupt schizophrenic woman. So sort of what makes it like a weird case is that people think she might be one of those schizophrenics who thinks that like, oh, I like I was raped by this celebrity, this person that I don't know. I've never met. I've never been in proximity with, but they believe it. which I think is called, it's like a fanaticist or something. It's described in the court documents, but part of this has to do with allegations that she is just delusional, and that's what's currently being decided in the primary case. But Sam is giving legal advice to Hemings, and they are a retard, so they've been yelling at each other on the internet as this actual rape case is going through a different part of the court system. And now I think they're both suing each other for defamation and harassment in the, in the UK court system to write off the bat. Let's make it clear that the UK court system is fucking clown town. Everyone there is in a clown costume, literally in makeup and a powdered wig writing on fucking kangaroos all day. That is the UK court system. And, uh,

Unknown_06: I'm not, like, a legal person, so me trying to parse a legal document is always going to be bad news. I'm not even close to being a British legal expert, so me trying to parse through a British legal document is going to be doubly bad. But...

Unknown_06: There are some funny things in this regardless that I kind of want to go through. So just real quick, I want to get this done in less than 30 minutes. The clock starts now. I have bullet points. We're ready to go. I hope this is a comfy little Thursday afternoon stream for everyone. This is Samuel Collingwood Smith, he who must not be named because he will absolutely file a fucking report for cyberbullying or some shit on this video. So I might take it down, archive it if you want to.

Unknown_06: And Esther, how the fuck do you pronounce her name? Esther, right? Esther Ruth Baker is the defendant. And I don't...

Unknown_06: i think he's yeah he's suing her for defamation and harassment and she's suing him for defamation and harassment i'm pretty sure and this is just like it's like halfway through this right this is like a preliminary part of this so there's no formal declaration I just kind of want to show you what they're actually complaining about and how the judge has to handle it because it's funny.

Unknown_06: So just a background.

Unknown_06: Just right off the bat, actually, this is funny as fuck. This is like a...

Unknown_06: An addendum that was added after the filing. This is like an online addendum. Master Sullivan says, following the handing down of the judgment, which I did not circulate to the parties in advance, I have received submissions by email from the claimant. So keep in mind, claimant is Sam, my buddy Sam, asking me to correct two typographical errors. So...

Unknown_06: just right off the fucking bat i'm sure he really appreciates that i'm sure the judge really appreciates getting a fucking email from this asshole saying oh by the way you actually made some typos and i just thought you wouldn't would want to clarify that in the online dissemination of this document so that people can so that you know that embarrassment like nobody gives a fuck people can figure out what they're what they're talking about

Unknown_06: And then the background history. I'll read this all so you can get a broader understanding of what's actually happening beyond what I've said.

Unknown_06: The claimant, Sam, writes what he describes as a law blog under the name Matthew Hopkins, Witchfinder General. And if you don't know, Matthew Hopkins was a guy during the witch hunting part of history in the UK. And he invented what was called the duck test, which is when you throw a witch in water who's like tied to a chair. If they float, they're a witch and you need to burn them to death. And if they drown, then they were innocent. So...

Unknown_06: I've always loved that about Sam. No pretense of being a good legal guy or being clever or tactical. He's not like a Hunter S. Thompson who has a finesse or gravitas to him that some people hope to emulate. He's just an asshole who fucking murdered people and got away with it. So that's Sam's idol, is this Matthew Hopkins guy.

Unknown_06: He describes himself as a company director, former borough counselor, and he holds a master's degree in law with legal practice course, which is different from being a solicitor. He is not a lawyer in the United Kingdom because in order to become a lawyer, you have to actually apprentice with an existing solicitor or existing firm already licensed by government. And nobody is going to give this 40-year-old man a fucking apprenticeship at their law firm. It's so competitive to become a solicitor in England because there are like the solicitors themselves get to decide their own competition.

Unknown_06: So it's not like in the US where anybody can pass the bar exam and become a lawyer. You have to really, really fight to become a solicitor in England.

Unknown_06: His blogs have included blogs on ongoing defamation proceedings between a defendant in his case and John Hemmings. He has also assisted Mr. Hemming in that claim. That form of assistance is a matter of dispute in his claim. The defendant describes herself as a student and campaigner against all forms of abuse and the victim of childhood sexual abuse. She has commenced a law degree, so she's a student, like Melinda Scott, with the Open University. She has a core participant in the independent inquiry into childhood sexual abuse. She made an allegation of rape against Mr. Hemming, which he denies. Mr. Hemming has in turn accused the defendant of being a fantasist, which I think is the term for a schizophrenic who has delusions of sexual encounters with people they've never met.

Unknown_06: That's my understanding of it.

Unknown_06: and of of having committed perjury so lying under oath no formal criminal proceedings have been pursued against either mr hemming or the defendant the litigation between the defendant mr hemming surrounds those allegations although the claim is ongoing judgment was entered against the defendant in favor of mr hemming on part of his counterclaim namely that the allegation that mr hemming raped or sexually assaulted the defendant and stalked in the famed her to cover it up was defamatory. So I think that's saying that the case is going in his favor or he is suing her for falsely accusing her or him of sexual assault. And on November 19th, 2019, the Justice Stein, which I believe is the justice of that case, ordered that the defendant be restrained from publishing those words or works in the same or similar effect. So she currently has an injunction against her where she can't say the things that she said that caused the case to begin with.

Unknown_06: This is just technical information about the summary judgment. And now the claim. This is what the claimant, Sam, is alleging is defamatory of him against a schizophrenic woman who is currently bankrupt.

Unknown_06: The first publication. In respect of the first publication, which comprises a series of three tweets, one meaning is pleaded for each of the tweets. Paragraph 15 of the particulars of claims pleads the following meaning in respect to the first tweet. The claimant is unemployed, lives with his mother, and is not permitted to utter the word evanescence. This is very funny for many reasons.

Unknown_06: He is unemployed as far as I know. He claims to be the sole owner of this prosperous tech consulting company. But when it files taxes, it doesn't claim that it makes any money.

Unknown_06: And in fact, I remember at one point he said on his wiki that he makes $100,000 a year, but then for his company, when he files taxes, he says he makes no money whatsoever. And somebody reported him to the British fucking IRS, the company's house, for tax fraud or possible tax fraud because of that. And then he came out and said, well, I wasn't found guilty of tax fraud. They didn't press any charges against me. So it's like, okay, you're not making any fucking money then.

Unknown_06: Um, the lives with his mother claim is also funny because his family has early onset dementia and his mother got dementia around the age that he is now. And I believe she's in a home now, but for a while I think, uh, they lived together and he was his, her carer.

Unknown_06: And this is the funniest thing is not permitted to utter the word Evanescence. You don't know Evanescence is the, um, I think they're called like mall goth. bands it's like shit that teeny boppers like um wake me up inside is their famous one

Unknown_06: In my judgment, defendant is entitled to raise the issue of whether the publication is capable of causing serious harm. So all the in-between paragraphs is just talking about the three components of defamation, the most interesting of which is going to be, do these claims that Sam is suing her for actually do any damage? The question is, does a tweet saying the claimant is unemployed, lives with his mother, and is not permitted to utter the word evanescence, does that constitute defamation? Is that actually harm?

Unknown_06: uh the second tweet uh there is a court order against the claimant in favor of the musical band evanescence again it is denied that this is capable of causing serious harm i know that the claimant pleads so this is him saying this that there is no court order but that it is public knowledge that there is a contractual agreement which the claimant now disputes is legally valid which according to the claimant prohibits the parties speaking about certainly narrowly defined matters so once upon a time way way back when during project chanology the fucking scientology shit um samuel collingwood smith my best friend in the whole world uh alleged on his site which caused like a a feeding frenzy on 4chan's b

Unknown_06: because he claimed that on an Evanescence forum officially ran by the band, that there was exchange of child pornography between young underage members and private messages. There's a whole story to that. He was a user of this Evanescence fan forum, and he was mad that he was passed over for modship on this board, and then he did this in spite of Evanescence not making him a moderator on their fan forum, By claiming that the underage girls that he was posting on the site with were exchanging nudes with each other. Or some shit like that. And this caused such an outrage on B when he tried to cause a mob reaction, which he got. They closed down that board in its entirety.

Unknown_06: And...

Unknown_06: What happened is that they threatened to sue him unless he signed an agreement saying that he would never talk about any of this shit ever again, like the forum. And to this day, he is under that contractual nondisclosure agreement with Evanescence because he caused this huge fucking backlash against them.

Unknown_06: He is filed in the High Court of England, in the House, the People's House, the whatever the fuck you call it, the Parliament. He's gone to Parliament and said, my rights are being infringed. I cannot talk about extremely important matters of public interest. So therefore... by english law because i'm being held from talking about things that are of public interest this contract should be nullified he has not received that he is attempting to receive that but that's what it means when it says that the claimant now disputes that this is legally valid

Unknown_06: Um, moving on 28 claimant sought to argue that the annexes amounted to the defendant relying on extrinsic. Oh, this is funny. Extrinsic evidence to prove meaning in my judgment, that is clearly wrong. The annexes are attempting to plead at pleading evidence to make it.

Unknown_06: This is very hard to read because it's fucking bullshit.

Unknown_05: It's legal bullshit and it's English legal bullshit, which sucks.

Unknown_05: All right, I'm drinking to cope with this.

Unknown_05: The annexes are attempting to plead evidence to make good the defense of truth.

Unknown_06: I could sum that up in much fewer big words.

Unknown_06: She's trying to prove that she is right. And because she is right, there is no defamation.

Unknown_06: There was some discussion in the hearing. So as they met in person to this or on like TV, because they were doing like a remote COVID thing, there was some discussion in hearing. So in the fucking court of England, these two people via television were talking to each other, saying that the source of the tweets being an online forum, Kiwi Farms, which it is submitted has also posted live streaming of terrorist attacks the claimant argued that therefore the annexes coming from a disreputable forum should not be a probative value to which he goes on to saying just in summary that he is not conducting a trial and it is not his job at this time to uh evaluate the uh quality of evidence that is the whole point of a jury or in england where they don't have juries that is the point of the bench trial where the judge then weighs the evidence um so right now saying that it shouldn't be submitted at all because it comes from the kiwi farms doesn't matter at this point first ever live should be catching me well i'm streaming at a very different time so that's probably why publication two it is helpful on this occasion to set up the tweet complained of And I'm sure Mr. Smith would like to either confirm or deny that he has assisted in this claim, because it appears they've denied that in court papers. However, Mr. Smith's blog says repeatedly completely the opposite. So which is it then, lying to the court or lying on the blog? So as you can imagine, Vordrak, being the very smart person that he is, while knee-deep in a legal matter, trying to win any kind of win possible to give himself a leg up in applying for apprenticeship or whatever, also can't help it but blog about ongoing legal matters on his fucking website, which is a bad idea. If you talk to any lawyer, they'll tell you not to talk about ongoing legal matters. So the fact that someone who wants to be a lawyer is talking about ongoing legal matters is probably a sign that he is retarded.

Unknown_06: Just a thought. Especially if he's not speaking purely in fanatical defense of the person he's representing. But here's the issue, is that he claims in the court he's not actually representing this guy in any way. He has no formal relation regarding legal advice whatsoever. with john hemming but then on his blog he is saying he is bragging of course as he always does that he's offering legal advice to this guy in this very famous case because uh as i mentioned it was in daily mail and that's the duality of order he wants to be a winner but at the same time he can't shut his mouth which constantly causes him embarrassment

Unknown_06: So he goes on, there is then a Twitter link which is said to be a picture of a quote from the judgment in Baker v. Hemming. The tweet is annexed to the particulars and the picture shows the following. The claimant, Mrs. Baker, describes Mr. Smith as the defendant's McKenzie friend. In fact, he has not acted in that capacity for the defendant in these proceedings, although he has done so in other proceedings and he has assisted the defendant. So a McKinsey friend, I've talked about this before, but just to make fun of England some more, the McKinsey friend is something that would never exist in the United States. In the United States, a lawyer, lawyers, members of the bar have a monopoly on legal advice. That is the way that it works. The government grants monopoly for the powers of law for any entity besides yourself, including your companies, to a person who is on the bar.

Unknown_06: In England, that is not the case. Anybody can give you legal advice. Fucking homeless Pakistanis on the street can give you legal advice. No issue with that whatsoever. You'll typically want a solicitor, but if you happen to be a broke person, you can hire what's called a McKenzie friend, which is a non-solicitor legal agent. Um, now he's saying that he wasn't even a McKenzie friend and her decision to call him the McKenzie friend of John Hemming is defamatory. That is what he is suing her for, from what I understand. So he's saying that he's not, even though he has been a McKenzie friend before, um, he's not in this case and she's a liar.

Unknown_06: It goes on. The claimant pleads that the meaning of the tweet is that the claimant lied in his witness statement to the court in Baker v. Hemming by denying offering legal assistance to Mr. Hemming while submitting it on the blog. The claimant then quotes his witness statement in Baker v. Hemming and says it was a truthful statement. The defendant denies the meaning of the alleged statement.

Unknown_06: Again, although the claimant has not expressly formulated a meaning, she states that this tweet is clearly a question of which of two different versions of the same story have been given by the claimant and Mr. Hemming are the truth. The defendant pleads truth and honest opinion. She exhibits the answer in Part 18, which requests, I am told that was made in the Baker v. Hemming case in which Mr. Hemming was described the claimant as his McKenzie friend. There is no reference to any particular statement on the claimant's blog. So...

Unknown_06: This is where I get to make fun of both sides because Esther is clearly an insane person. She's clearly a Melinda Scott. She is clearly someone who has a self-righteousness to them because there's something wrong with English people where they have this fucking air of self-righteousness and they can't shake it and they think that they can go to court and argue feelings and fucking win. So in her countersuit or in her defense, she did not... provide two like she has the court documents she has this blog provide two contradictory statements for an easy defense of truth doesn't do that that's what the judge is saying um

Unknown_06: And this is the counterclaim. This is all Vore Direction. I don't give a fuck. And this is on Res Judica, which is basically them arguing that certain issues about this lawsuit were settled in the prior lawsuit, or that they should have been settled in the prior lawsuit. And I think this is all Baker's stuff. Baker is saying that XYZ should have been brought up in the Baker v. Hemming case. And it doesn't make any sense. I read through it and the judge seems to be really confused by the point she's bringing up. She's saying like certain things didn't happen before that case was settled. You know what I mean? So how could they have brought it up? How are they supposed to have brought it up during that case? And a lot of it is between two unaffiliated parties or a unaffiliated party, which in this case would be Sam. So why would he be a part of that case at all? And he's just saying, you're fucking crazy. And then it goes to discretion where he's talking about how he has as the powdered wig man because the UK, he can just kind of like throw it out. He has a lot of leeway in how he interprets stuff.

Unknown_06: But skipping over that to interesting parts I have down here.

Unknown_06: I have to consider the circumstances of the case. I take into account the fact the defendant is a litigant in person, which means she's representing herself. While it is correct that she has been involved in other litigation because she's another fucking vexatious litigant in the UK. and has sometimes had legal assistance and sometimes she has not. She is not legally qualified, and while she must still comply with the rules, she is in fact a litigant in person, is always a relevant factor in my discretion on sanctions for breach of those rules. The fact that she is studying for a law degree does not, in my view, take the matter any further. And this is Sam saying that her countersuit should be thrown out entirely because of technical reasons.

Unknown_06: it says i do not accept that she has deliberately breached the pleading rules the rules for pleading defamation cases are technical and is not unusual for litigants in person and indeed some lawyers to get it wrong the previous cases were before the new pd53b whatever the fuck that's supposed to be which is much more particular in detail than the previous practice direction so he's basically saying that the rules in england are so fucking complicated that lawyers don't get it right sometimes While it is the right that the defendant is bankrupt and any cost orders are unlikely to be met, the claimant was well aware of the fact before embarking on litigation. He's basically telling you, like, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you suing this bankrupt person? You're not going to get anything from it. And I can't even factor that into my decision. to sanction her for abuse of process because you fucking knew that she's a crazy person. You knew that she was schizophrenic. You knew that she was bankrupt. And there's no chance of you getting anything from it.

Unknown_06: So why should I take things as favorably to you as possible for extremely technical reasons as opposed to just letting her refile, which is what it says below.

Unknown_06: By the time the reply was due, the claimant had filed and served his strikeout application. The hearing date was settled on the 24th of August. In correspondence, the defendant said she was focusing her attention on dealing with the strikeout application before filing a reply. In view of the fact the application was a strikeout defense and counterclaim and for summary judgment, In my judgment, while the failure to file a reply is a technical breach of rules, it is a trivial one. It is often appropriate to wait the outcome of a strikeout application before embarking on more costly and time-consuming pleadings when they may be affected by the outcome of the application. This, in my judgment, is one of those cases. So he's not only saying that who gives a fuck, really, Sam, I know you got the autism and you think law is technically a black and white thing with very set rules, and if you file a certain way, you should get a certain outcome. It is a very human and flawed process. So A, who gives a fuck? B, she's probably in the right to do it this way.

Unknown_05: Then, moving on.

Unknown_06: One further argument was made, which I should note, the claimant says the defendant has lied in his defense on paragraph two, where she denies that there are multiple court restraining orders for harassment and defamation. He has submitted that is not true. She does not have a restraining order against her.

Unknown_06: Um, she does have restraining words against her, and having signed a statement of truth, proceedings for a contempt of court could be brought. It is submitted that I should take that into account. The defendant says that she understands restraining orders to be criminal orders, and she... Oh, that's a typo. Sam, come on, you proofread this shit. Why is there a fucking typo? So again, he's saying this is not like a trial that comes later.

Unknown_06: Um, the pleadings also should not. Oh, okay. This is also funny. The pleading should also not contain commentary on irrelevant matters. So I want you to imagine again that you're a judge. You're God forbid English. You're in a court and you're wearing a powdered wig. It's fucking hot. There's like a heat wave. Climate change, all that shit. You're baking in this fucking room. It's COVID. You're wearing a mask. You're breathing in your own exhale. It's just awful, right? And you're reading this shit. And it's just full of fucking retard back and forth between two obviously mentally unhealthy people. Mentally ill people. and he says don't waste my mother time with your although this application concerns the defendant's pleadings i note that the claimant in his reply to the defense and counterclaim has strayed in my view so this is sam this is the actual guy who is supposedly the master's degree looking to get that apprenticeship to become a solicitor has wasted his fucking time with bullshit in my view over the line of what is required or appropriate i refer in particular to his response to the defendant's reliance on kiwi farms forum post he raises matters which have nothing to do with the case and would potentially be distressing to third parties who have absolutely no involvement in this case if it were to come to their attention those details are not necessary in order to plead his case

Unknown_06: He is so fucking angry at the forum that as Ruth defends herself against his suit of defamation by relying on information provided from my forum, he is sprawling out a fucking tantrum that is so significant and time consuming to wade through that the judge makes a statement saying, cut the shit out. I can only imagine that when they're on the teleprompters and he's sitting there and he's fucking hot and sweaty, they're just going on and on. He's like, Your Honor, Your Honor, this evidence, this comes from a pedophile website, pedophile terrorist sex pest website, Your Honor. You can't not trustworthy evidence, Your Honor. And he's just sitting there fucking seething about the forum. And now you understand. There's 140 people watching right now. 1,140 people watching right now. I just wanted to stream right now to express my fucking joy at reading that one paragraph in particular.

Unknown_06: And then this is postscript, so this is not part of the judgment.

Unknown_06: I would also like to remind the parties and ask any people who are interested in following this claim to pause and think before emailing me directly. This is the judge. I will only read emails that are asking me to make a decision responding to such a request by the other party or providing me with documents I have requested. In the 10 days leading up to the hearing, I received well over 50 emails on this matter, not all from the parties.

Unknown_06: some were properly alerting me to documents or issues i needed to decide or consider many were not the majority of those were copied to my listing clerk had to consider them to see if they were anything she was required to do i received further 15 emails after the hearing and before handling this judgment again some of which were properly sent others were not i have to deal with matters in accordance to uh with the overriding objective that includes allocating appropriate resources to each case i am as well as as well oh i am as will be clear willing to receive emails directly when it enables matters to be dealt with efficiently if i continue to receive unnecessary emails i will block the center and all correspondence will have to be done through post the court's generic email or ce file it's like um

Unknown_06: The fucking Yandere dev guys. I can't decide your case because I'm getting flooded with fucking emails over your little internet tiff. I really appreciate you making this such a fucking shit show and publishing my email and having fucking weirdos send me bullshit all the fucking time. Really, just thanks, guys. I really appreciate that. That's fucking great. Yeah.

Unknown_06: So that's it. I'm watching this and I'm enjoying it.

Unknown_06: Maybe I shouldn't be too smug because I'm gonna eat shit eventually. Sam's lying in wait. He's waiting for that soft spot in my armor to show through so he can poke it with a stick. I know. I know he's watching this thinking, what timestamp? Maybe when he called me the R-Tard I can flag that as being cyberbullying. He's making fun of my mental deficiencies. That's ableist.

Unknown_06: That's against YouTube's terms of service.

Unknown_06: But I'll take my laugh while I can. It is October. It is the holiest of all months. It's the best month of the year. I can be happy if I want to.

Unknown_06: Oh, other thing is France has had another terrorist attack, which I suppose I should bring up now because I'm not going to be able to talk about it Friday, and I'm probably not going to bring it up next Friday. Um, I'm just still baffled by that fucking email that I got from the French guys, like saying like, Oh, this is in relation to this terrorist attack. And we need to know people sharing photos. We need to know who they are. It's like, well, why, why not actually stop terrorist attacks? Cause that seems to be the more, more prudent of options. And she was one of the three apparently was decapitated there too. So there's going to be another fucking photo floating about that. I'm going to get nasty fucking emails about, and it's just like, it's such a, such a mess.

Unknown_06: Such a mess. All right. Well, fuck it. That's been my 30 minutes. I'm done. I'll see you guys tomorrow. I'm going to have to do some preparation tomorrow, string together a timeline, get things all sorted out so I can have a nice stream. I know some people are going to be disappointed I'm not talking about Francis E. Deck. I am going to be talking about Mama June from Honey Boo Boo fame. It is an interesting story, so don't write it off as being... not interesting she's not dead but for sure the person that she used to be is dead so that's close enough and it's honey boo boo so there's two boos it's like two spooky ghosts jumping out at you so that's that's efficiently scary that's enough to be a halloween stream all right um yep see you guys all right where's my song at

Unknown_05: Video unavailable. This video is not... Well, fine.

Unknown_06: I guess I'm going to change my proxy then. Because I want to play this fucking song.

Unknown_06: No, not that song. Why is this video not available? Are you fucking kidding me?

Unknown_05: Don't waste my motherfucking time. Okay.

Unknown_05: Bye.

Unknown_03: It's something Everybody's in the play And don't you know It's a beautiful day Hey Running down the avenue See how the sun shines bright In the city On the streets where once was pity Mr. Blue Sky is living in the day

Unknown_04: You had to hide away for so long. Why did we go wrong? Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why you had to hide away for so long.

Unknown_06: I just realized how long this song was. What have I done?

Unknown_03: Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why you had to hide away for so long. Where did we go wrong?

Unknown_02: Mr. Blue, we're so pleased to be with you. Look around, see what you do. Everybody smiles at you. Hey there, Mr. Blue, we're so pleased to be with you. Look around, see what you do. Everybody smiles at you.