Bye. 0:00:47 Unknown_02: I'm trying something new. I'm trying to... duck. So hopefully you can still hear me. I'm not gonna... Because I have to fuck with the audio channels all the time. So now I've got a professional system set up where it should automatically quiet the song as I talk. Unknown_02: If you're watching this, you probably didn't hear about it on Twitter because I got banned. And I got banned in like the dumbest way possible. Because it was automated. Here, I'll show you. 0:01:18 Unknown_02: I'll show you. Actually, before I say that, let me just say I'm working on my PhD, my thesis in abnormal psychology. And I'm going to binge watch all episodes of BoJack Horseman and then read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I'm going to do this in like a month, and then I'm going to write a full professional thesis paper, like a thousand pages long, explaining what it is about these fucking things that make people who have extremely warped perspectives on everything drawn to them. People who have the LA perspective, that's what I'm going to call it. There's a psychological condition that I will call the LA perspective. 0:02:00 Unknown_02: It's a schizotypal disorder. Unknown_02: Primary cause is probably a poor father figure, and I'm going to figure this out. I'm going to write my paper, and I'm going to publish it, and I will have one more award under my belt. Unknown_02: um but i won't be millions of dollars rich like bella delfina's i i can't even criticize her for being a whore which is what she is because look at this i i tweeted this out and i and it says because veto said that she was like the smartest funniest woman that's ever lived i said you know she's a whore uh because he he said that i'm replying to in this let me see if i can even find it now um 0:02:56 Unknown_02: She had obtained millions of dollars without sleeping with anyone. As if to imply, I say, that if she had slept with people, you'd think worse of her for it. She's a whore who realized not having sex on camera increased her market value and people giving her money. Unknown_02: And if she had learned the opposite, that having sex on camera would have increased her market value, she would have. So for him to say that she is smart because she managed to do this without having sex, if she had done it while having sex, he still would think she's the smartest, funniest woman that's ever lived. And within seconds of me posting this, I'm fucking banned for 12 hours. And they make you do the bad boy thing like a fucking child where you have to manually delete your tweet for it to even start counting down. You can't even appeal it. So there's something about that. Study this string of words. 0:03:33 Unknown_02: Apparently there's something about she's a whore that like instantly triggers the bot into banning you. And it happened so fast. You can see my second screenshot. Unknown_02: I'd say for the record, I have zero doubt that she sells her holes to the price is just a bit steeper and it's off camera. because i'm saying that she probably does guys for money it's just expensive guys guys who have money guys guys who are like our zoomers who caught the bitcoin wave and now have millions of dollars but are still like her target demographic of zoomer kids they'll probably pay her and it's just a lot of money and it doesn't happen it doesn't get recorded And there's probably an NDA involved. But before I could even tweet that, that genius tweet, that creative monolith, I'm fucking banned. So there has to be like a RoboJanny that looks for the word whore and throws a fucking tantrum. I guess because... 0:04:08 Unknown_02: I don't even know. I don't know why it didn't catch the first one where I literally just say she's a whore. She's a literal whore is the message. That's fine. Unknown_02: Something about the second one. It probably adds points. Like the word whore is like five points. 0:04:58 Unknown_02: Maybe it's okay. It's like 10 point threshold. The word whore is five points. And I say whore twice. So that's 10 points. That's Robo Janny time. First time I only said it once. So that's only five points. Not enough to get robo-jannied. It has to be something really fucking trivial like that. Fuck Twitter. I fucking hate Twitter. I don't even know why I'm on Twitter. I have TweetDeck open. I have like 27 columns on my monitor of all this Twitter shit, and I just fucking hate it. Unknown_02: Ugh. Unknown_02: Uh, oh, Boogie's a whore too. Can I show, fuck it, I don't care if I get banned. Here, look at Boogie. 0:05:32 Unknown_02: Look at, why can't I, what? Oh, it's a WebP. I can't show it to you because it's a WebP. Okay, hold up. Unknown_02: I'm not backing down from this. Unknown_02: There's no nudity. I can definitely show this. Everyone look at your screen. Look at it. Look at it. I want you to see. Unknown_02: But OK, so maybe she is. She's at least smarter than Boogie because Boogie's posting nudes and he's not even really making money from it. Right. So she's she's doing at least something smarter than him, more successful than him at this. 0:06:05 Unknown_02: Boogie is just I really hate Boogie. I he's not like funny to me at all. He's someone who I genuinely do not like. um for some reason i followed him on twitter which was a mistake because everything he posts just so insipid but he said he was going to be on this stream for uh it's called rain it's like a sexual assault survivor thing and i'm watching it and the guy the host of this program he's doing a 24-hour marathon stream for raising money so it's one of those charity things And he decides to have rotating guests. So every hour someone new comes on, promotes the stream, gets their audiences involved, shit like that. Typical, you know, Twitch e-celeb shit for a good cause, right? Well, Boogie's his last guest. So really signing off with a fucking, a great person to have on your stream. He comes on and he is so hard to listen to. And I could just write him off as like a boring dipshit, but he has like 5 million subs. I'm sure it's less than that. It's like 4.5 or something is going down. But he has... He must have done something that people really like because he was at some point popular. But now... 0:07:16 Unknown_02: Him talking, he's just like, oh, you're using your platform for such a great thing. All he talks about is numbers. It's a lot like Coach Red Pill, where if you talk to Coach Red Pill about anything for a long enough time, eventually he'll start talking about YouTube algorithms and analytics and shit like that. Um, but Boogie is obsessed with cracking the YouTube algorithm. He has made this like his life goal to find the sweet spot where his videos get that, that nectar flowing. And he ends up on the front page all the time because he does not talk about anything else except that, except for when he makes a charity stream about sexual assault survivors about him by saying, and I'm not making this up. I'm not even exaggerating at all. He claims that he was in a relationship with a woman who was a feeder and 0:08:03 Unknown_02: They do exist. You may or may not have heard of this fetish called feeding. Unknown_02: But he dated a woman who literally, by his own words, wanted to feed him to death. And he's talking about how she revenge-porned him, and somehow nobody's found out about this. And I'm just thinking like this, this motherfucker gets on. And for 30 minutes, he talks about nothing except like YouTube analytics and platforms and, and all this shit that this other guy who's hosting this charity stream could not possibly give less of a fuck about. And then he caps it off by, by trying to claim, trying to purport that he's a, you know, a sex assault survivor. So therefore he has more, I guess, more credibility when it comes to raising money for it. 0:08:46 Unknown_02: the stream raised like 10,600 something dollars in the 24 hours. And during the time that I watched, it got like 50. So the overwhelming majority, like the, Unknown_02: One one-thousandth of the amount of money that was raised for that stream was raised during the time that Boogie was on it. Unknown_02: Fuck Boogie. He's a retard. I really don't understand what rose him to his heights. You know what I mean? What could you possibly tune into Boogie to watch 0:09:23 Unknown_02: He's just an old man chasing the dragon, I guess. He was a weight loss channel or something. I don't know. I was never into Boogie before his downfall. Unknown_02: Oh, the Francis character? Yeah. Yeah, I've seen that. I've been watching old Godwinson videos, and he did a video about e-celebs and bookies featured in that. Because there's a video where he's... In real life, his wife divorced him, and he wanted to integrate that into a Francis thing. So his real-world wife, who had proceeded with divorce papers against him... had a Francis skit where she hands him a gift wrapped luggage, like suitcase. 0:09:54 Unknown_02: And over the course of it, he like has a breakdown and it must be like convincing enough crying because his dog like instinctively starts trying to get on top of them and be comforting like animals do. So just really, really a disgusting guy. And he's so frustrating to read or engage with because he has no, no concrete opinions. Unlike, unlike Destiny, who is based in Redfield now, in case you didn't hear. 0:10:35 Unknown_03: Shoe on head, June, okay? Who has no conviction or spine for any of her fucking beliefs. She'll just say whatever she needs to at the time to get as many people sucking up to her as possible. She doesn't actually believe in any of the shit she talks about. She just says what she needs to for internet views. I think that's the majority of people online. The content creators say what they need in order to get fucking paid, and the viewers believe what they need to in order to maintain their online friendships. Unknown_02: He got kicked off of Twitch partnerships. So he's like, he might as well not even exist to Twitch. They're not giving him money. And he says like $150,000, $200,000 a year just fucking gone because he doesn't have this partnership anymore. But now he's a little bit unhinged. 0:11:13 Unknown_02: He was supposedly banned or he's not banned. He's de-partnered. But he was de-partnered from Twitch because he made violent threats, they say. Unknown_02: Which apparently stemmed from him saying that it's not alright to kill cops. Not all cops are bad. We shouldn't be advocating violence against... Something like that. I don't know. That's his story at least. I have the... His statement... Oh my god. I hate... Phone screenshots are the bane of my fucking existence, man. 0:11:48 Unknown_02: uh sigh twitch legal is emailing me telling me they're revoking my twitch partnership because of some unspecified encouragement of violence using the platform i should have just stuck to people encouraging people to kill cops fuck me switching to league of legends full-time now boys did mitch ever lose get his partnership back after losing it uh So he's kind of off the deep end a little bit, and he's been openly talking about... Boogie was the original pick for restarting the biggest problem in the universe with Dick, but Destiny says now he's open to it. He wants to make some money rebooting the biggest problem in the universe. uh and he's on the kill stream tonight so i guess it won't be too long now before he's sleeping on digibro's couch and the cycle is complete i will have been replaced thoroughly with destiny i'm not sure how i feel about that i suppose i mean he does have more money than me so i guess that's an upgrade and the only metric that really matters that's an upgrade it's a flat upgrade 0:12:19 Unknown_02: uh i don't know i hope i hope it works out for him uh because he's bashing june right now which is great because i i think she's a whore she's like bella delphine but for like politics she's the political equivalent of bella delphine is she's trying to fuck what's his name uh vush vash valsh 0:13:20 Unknown_02: Now she's trying to get into Valsh's pants and she's trying to do it as like part of his poly, his poly thing. So she wants to be the second woman to the swamp ogre who very famously was recorded, um, Unknown_02: wandering around naked behind Valsh as he was setting up a stream and she wants to be second to that only because he's like more popular I guess than um what's his face armored skeptic just to get back at him now I'm fucking Valsh aren't you jealous armored skeptic well it's like I said on Twitter she wasn't dating guys that had weird lollicon BDSM kinks she probably wouldn't have gotten dumped the very second she turned 30 0:14:08 Unknown_02: Oh, and yeah, Valsh is a... I guess you would describe Valsh as pansexual. He's a polypansexual. Unknown_02: Polypansexual. Sounds like a cabinet just full of pots and pans. Many different kinds of pots and pans. Some pans that think they're pots, you can't really tell. They're in betweeny. Because he has a trans... Is it a GF or a BF? Unknown_02: I don't know. Unknown_08: Okay. Unknown_02: Anyways, yeah. Have fun, June. Unknown_02: Oh, okay. 0:14:45 Unknown_02: Let's talk about how I'm black and Jewish. I want to talk about this. I did this test a while ago, and you were going to say, I can't believe you gave your DNA away to those companies. I'm already in the system, don't you worry. I'm definitely, because I got swatted, I'm pretty sure they take DNA from you. And that happened. Um, so the most defamatory thing in this is not the fact that I'm 4.2% black or 0.5% Jewish, that I am apparently 38.3% British. Unknown_02: I'm going to assume that I'm entirely Irish because it says British and Irish. So I must be entirely Irish. There's no fucking way that I am at all Anglo. Uh, it doesn't say that I'm Swiss, so I don't have to kill myself, but, uh, very, very upsetting news. I don't know how this could happen. What I find more interesting than all of this is the timeline down here. It breaks down that my Ashkenazi Jewish relative must have been born somewhere between 1720 and 1810. 0:15:18 Unknown_02: Same with the African hunter-gatherer, which is like the Congo, apparently. So it's saying that my Ashkenazi Jewish relative brought over an African hunter-gatherer. And that rape baby was then mated with a Nigerian Ghana slave. And then that baby was raped by someone who was the child of... a Spanish and Scandinavian person, and then that mutt was mated with an Italian, which was mated with a German, which was mated with a British person, or some weird sleuth-skate combination of all. 0:15:53 Unknown_02: So some people have told me that these tests are bullshit, which is possibly true. Possibly true. I like my telling of this. This is my ancestry. This is my DNA story that 23andMe, 56andMe are selling me. So I'm just going to choose to believe that it's happened according to this. 0:16:35 Unknown_02: Because that's a more interesting story. I don't know how the fuck I get 38% of a gene, but if you look at Brittany Venti and I guess our eyes, the stories of the eyes, the distance of the eyes, you can accurately gauge with like a dipstick based on the distance of the eyes with the mutt percentages. 0:17:07 Unknown_02: um but i want i deserve israeli citizenship now i am one of the most persecuted people on the planet and i want to i want my passport i want to go to israel and i want to sing a haven nagela and and and scheme so if if anyone listening is a delegate of the israeli government which i'm sure at least one of you is please send me my passport i would like to go home to my real home Unknown_02: But really the big threat here is the 4.2% because at any moment now, now that I know this, I could have a nigga moment at any time. It could happen at any second. I could just break and have an honest to God, honest to God, a fit spasm. So we should all be on alert for this and let me know. Let me know if I'm having a moment, okay? Unknown_02: uh okay i promised someone i would watch this video i've not watched it all the way through it's painful but we're gonna we're gonna endure it together 0:18:19 Unknown_01: Hi, and welcome to the News at Gen for September 2nd, 2020. Unknown_01: It's calendar adjustment day, a day where we celebrate a great event in 1752 when Great Britain and the colonies, including America, finally realized what day it was. The Julian calendar was inaccurate, so they limited it to 10 or 11 days after September 2nd. Unknown_01: Yeah. Do another take. This would be impossible today because someone would say just that God told them the date and that the date was pre-existing condition and almost all our other days are fine. Unknown_01: So let's get right into the news. Today, America, seen here throwing an absolute hissy fit, announced it will not join an international coalition to find and distribute a COVID-19 vaccine because of the group's association to the WHO. 0:18:52 Unknown_01: Reports note that America released a statement. Unknown_01: Crybaby in chief, Donald Trump. Unknown_02: You get it? You get it? It's because America's a baby. It's because America's a baby. Unknown_01: I like how, like, stilted and drawn out everything they say is. But then for some reason when it cuts, there's like a fade and like the... 0:19:46 Unknown_02: Sentences blur on top of each other like it's a real hustle for time. This is supposed to be like news comedy, like Stephen Colbert, but with a tranny. Unknown_02: And one of the most important things to comedy is timing. If you just kind of like slur and stutter and then cut your lines on top of each other, it's a big fucking mess. But he went to see some buildings that were burned, probably because the victims were not allies and the buildings could not protest against him and he likes the smell of gasoline. Unknown_01: It's been a little while since I've been on an airplane. I like the smell of gasoline. But honestly, sweatpants and a hoodie, they seem like a perfect flying outfit. 0:20:22 Unknown_01: I mean, regardless of the presence of any thugs, that just seems comfortable. But if these people are looking to cause trouble, why are they flying coach? You would figure they would need some time to stretch out and get ready, you know, for the protests, for the violence. Unknown_01: So Trump is drawing a line directly. Unknown_02: Okay, I've changed my mind. Trans women are women, and I can prove this because they're not funny. Unknown_07: Ah! Ah! Ah! Unknown_02: I'm like now. I'm like me. 0:20:55 Unknown_02: Fuck it. I'm not watching that. Unknown_02: Okay. Greer. Greer got. I'm not watching that. I'm sorry. I gave up. Unknown_02: Okay. Greer got sentenced. Unknown_02: He has been sentenced with a class B misdemeanor. I'll throw this up. It's just a post post. 100 days suspended, which I guess means that he was supposed to go to jail for 180 days, and they just said, fuck it, we're not going to send him to jail. 0:21:31 Unknown_02: I don't know how that works. Unknown_02: I guess maybe there's a mandatory... Unknown_02: Oh, if you don't know who Russell Greer is, I'd be surprised. I've definitely talked about him before. He's the guy with the fucked up face. Like, he doesn't... He has paralysis on, like, the bottom half of his face. He can't, like, move his lips. And he can move his jaw, but he's, like, scared because he can't move his muscles in his mouth. And that's how he talks all the fucking time. I'm pretty excited to stream on him. 0:22:04 Unknown_02: Here, I want to play... Unknown_02: If possible. I wasn't preparing to talk about Russell Weir. Unknown_02: Beyond just this. Now, there's a video of him singing. And it's awful. Unknown_02: I'm not... No. He's basically a vexatious litigant. And he's a proponent of prostitution. He says he can't get laid. And there needs to be prostitutes in the world so that he can get laid. And... um and he has a bad habit of stalking prostitutes so one of the prostitutes that he's been stalking um hit him with a uh a lawsuit for it or no i'm sorry they made a criminal complaint and that went to court And this is the outcome of this. He's been sentenced to a 180-day suspended sentence, fine, probation for 18 months, and with no further violations of the law and a mental health evaluation within 90 days. A psychosexual evaluation is to be stayed, but he has to give fingerprints to the court. 0:22:46 Unknown_02: though i don't know the weird thing is the psychosexual evaluation is that the thing where they like put a wire around your penis what they call a phallometer and make you watch like child pornography and torture videos to see how erect you get watching it is that what that is i've seen i've seen like like when you watch msnbc and you watch lock up raleigh talk about this shit is that what that is 0:23:39 Unknown_02: yes it is okay where can i get one fuck off you don't want that no they actually do do that they uh it's called a phallometer how do i know because i've watched msnbc and it's all entirely about like crime and shit when they're not letting keith olbermann talking about overthrowing the government Unknown_07: That's all I have to say about Greer. Unknown_02: He's not actively threatening to sue me right now. Speaking of, Melinda Scott was... There was supposed to be a court hearing about that, and I would check for updates, and there's no updates on that. I never got my servicing. I don't know if they... Because I think they just serviced the Indian guy who runs the virtual mailbox. Unknown_02: And he didn't send it to me. So I never got it. I'm not going to waive my right to be serviced. I'm not going to bother. All she had to do was send it in the fucking mail. She didn't have to petition a police officer to come to the virtual office and give it to me. 0:24:36 Unknown_02: And she still thinks I'm in Florida. No matter what I tell her, she still thinks I'm in fucking Florida. She's the dumbest bitch ever. I really, I can't wait for the judgment. It's gonna be great. Unknown_02: There's another lawsuit that happened, or just started today, and I'm gonna go over towards the end. Okay, the other person who's in trouble is J.K. Rowling. J.K. Rowling, latest book, about a murderous cis woman who dresses as a woman to kill his victims. 0:25:09 Unknown_02: The great thing about this and the outrage that it caused, because it's caused like insurmountable, petulant fucking backlash. Like the amount of people who are like crying themselves to sleep because the Harry Potter woman is like a transphobe turf or whatever. Unknown_02: is just phenomenal like she she she was like the best person possible to be at her because of how woke she was and how she made hermione black and dumbledore gay and harry potter a molestation victim all this shit uh she's now she's now writing turf propaganda about murderous uh 0:26:05 Unknown_02: crossdressers but the really amazing thing about this story and how it's like caused the publishing company to issue an apology about publishing hate speech and all this shit and all these debates in fucking england on bbc um Unknown_02: is that it's one paragraph in the entire book. It's like a 900-page-long book. She doesn't have an editor. She's too famous to have an editor jeopardize the creative genius of her works now. So she just publishes a 900-page-long murder mystery. And in one paragraph of those 900 pages... Unknown_02: There's an offhanded mention that to get close to his victim, he wore a woman's coat and a wig because it would change his silhouette. She was afraid of him and she would not be as alarmed by someone wearing a woman's clothes with the silhouette of a woman. And that's it. And it took that headline and that paragraph and it spun out all this shit and all these people throwing a fucking hissy fit and burning their copies of Harry Potter and shit and posting book burnings on TikTok all because he wore a wig to get close to his victim. It's not even like Silence of the Lambs or it's like an actual transvestite freak show. It's like, it's an offhanded mention. So that's just great. We need more turfs. Turfs are the cure. Because women got the vote, and then they allowed all the immigrants in, right? And then they voted for gay rights. Well, now the turf is the cure. We can't just exclude women from this process of... 0:27:36 Unknown_02: returning to tradition. We need to round up the TERFs and befriend them in uneasy alliance with the TERFs because this damage to our society cannot be fixed by men alone. We need to encourage more TERFism. 0:28:07 Unknown_02: Not a trap, you're disappointing. You know how I know that you're a fascist? Because you like traps. Nick Fuentes has ruined an entire generation of people. Unknown_02: And Catboy Cammy, I guess. People have posted pictures of his hologram group, and it's entirely closet homosexuals. Who, like, can't admit to themselves that they just want to suck dick and get fucked in the ass and swallow cum and get HIV+. They can't admit it, so they watch anime, I guess. 0:28:44 Unknown_02: Trump banned TikTok. And my opinion on that is that TikTok is owned by Tencent. And he also banned, at the same time, WeChat. And WeChat is like the Facebook messenger of China. My Chinese friends, I know this because of how popular this shit is in China. WeChat is fucking massive. And if WeChat is like the Facebook messenger of China... then we pay is like the PayPal of China. Nobody in China uses cash from what I've heard. Like if you try to use cash, people will look at you like, um, like if you try to use a check in the West, right? Uh, they all use, we pay and it's like a, uh, you put like $5, then you have a QR code. And then when someone else's, we pay, they scan it. And boom, it's like an instant transfer of $5. And hot dog vendors and restaurants, everything uses WePay in China. And my opinion is that banning TikTok and Tencent's other app, WeChat, has nothing to do with privacy concerns. Nobody gives a fuck about privacy. 0:30:01 Unknown_02: If we did, we'd ban fucking Facebook. We'd ban Twitter. We'd ban Instagram. We'd ban all this shit, right? Unknown_02: It's not even about the fact that it's owned by China, because we have other apps that are housed in Russia and China that are not owned by Tencent and in Europe, and we still allow them to do business. It has to do with the fact of WePay. It's about getting rid of Tencent's shit because it has WePay built into it. and I think that they just want to make it so that there's no PayPal competitor that's based outside the U.S. I think if Russia came out with, if something by Yandex came out and was really popular, and Yandex Wallet became the size of PayPal in Russia, they would probably ban that too, because that's the actual threat. They're going to disguise it as something else, but the actual concern is the exchange of money. 0:30:38 Unknown_02: And speaking of the exchange of money, I had what is perhaps the most humiliating experience. It was so fucking awkward. I got this app on my phone, because I have to get a bank card here. And I set it up on my phone, and they need screenshots of your passport, right? Which is standard. Anytime I do banking with a Bitcoin exchange or whatever... That's normal. It's really intrusive, but it's normal. And I thought this was fucking stupid. It used to be you just send a picture of your passport in, and that was enough. Now, to get verified on these fucking platforms, you have to take a selfie holding your passport by your fucking face. which is just awkward to do. And then they took it a step further recently, and you have to take a selfie of you holding your passport by your fucking face and then holding up a piece of paper that says the name of the bank on it, which is super fucking awkward and very intrusive. 0:31:59 Unknown_02: And now with this thing, and I think this is just going to be the future of everything now when they need to verify you. I was pressing my going through the app and I was like, OK, I'll I'll verify now. And then I click the verify now button that says, oh, get ready. We're connecting you to our text or to our expert. I'm like connecting me to my expert. Then this fucking. swiss guy shows up on my fucking phone i'm glad i was wearing clothes and i wasn't just sitting there fucking naked in my room and he's talking to me in swiss the swish english shit and i'm sitting there and he's like Okay, hi, I need you to put on your headphones and I need you to take your headphones off so that I can take a picture of you doing the selfie pose. Now pull out your passport. Okay, now put your passport down flat. Okay, now move your lamp. I'm going to cut it. And he was like using his side of the app to like switch my cameras and turn on lights and shit. Like automatically, I wasn't pressing buttons to give him permission to do this. It was just a complete and total hijack of my fucking phone with total control over every element of it. And then it was like, okay, now you have to position your phone in such a way. And now hold it away from the light. And I'm going to cut the flashlight on. And I need you to tilt it in such a way. Now take your thumb and cover one of the holographic stars. Only halfway, though. Only cover it halfway so that I can see it's being covered. And it took... He was so condescending because he was like... No, you have to do it slow. I thought he was just recording the video, right? I need to see it. I need to see that this is a real passport in your hand. So do these things. He had me do this thing where you wave your hand in front of your face with your fingers spread apart, which made me feel like... uh, that, that fucking wrestler that Jake, Jace loved, the, uh, you can't see me, my, your time, my time is now, that guy, that motherfucker, he had me do that shit, John Cena, yeah, John Cena, you can't see me, do the, that's the exact instructions he told me, the Swiss man told me, he said, Josh, I need you to do the John Cena, you can't see me thing, I did, and he said, okay, perfect, now fucking tilt your passport up and down, and it was taken, And I didn't understand it. I thought he just needed to see it. So he was getting really impatient because he was saying, no, you need to go slower. And then he finally explained in English and actual English, not Swiss English, that he was taking pictures. So I need to move it in a specific way and hold it there for him to take a picture. He wasn't just verifying it on the phone. so the entire time i was fucking doing this and i was super angry and i couldn't be angry because i just wanted to be fucking done with it and i think everything is going to be like that everything is going to be intrusive and it makes me so angry might be in your face on your nerves they're talking they're talking and you don't want to hear they'll be like y'all trick y'all hey soldier boy can i y'all trick y'all 0:34:55 Unknown_05: i've been i've been looking for a reason to play this song for months so now Unknown_02: Now I know if I'm having if I'm having an inward moment I can pull this out There's there's a part I need you to listen to in this song before I can move on Coming up coming up 0:35:35 Unknown_05: Ain't got time for chit-chat, I'm trying to get this money. So get up out my face, you doo-doo head dummy. Hey, Soulja Boy. Unknown_02: Soulja Boy is truly a wordsmith. Get up out my face, you doo-doo head dummy. Unknown_02: Did he win like a Grammy for Soulja Boy? I really hope so. I really hope so. Unknown_07: Fuck Switzerland. That's like I said, I'm glad I'm not Swiss. Unknown_02: Um, here. This is unrelated to everything, but I want to play this clip. I posted it somewhere on the forum. It's the best thing Godwinson has ever said. I don't know what that anime thing is, but to me that looks very suspicious. 0:36:09 Unknown_02: i'm gonna get many many many plays out of this because there are many suspicious anime people on my discord saying things that might get me in trouble might get me arrested might get me put on lists and i need to to let it be known to whomever is listening that i do not co-sign these anime people and the dumb shit that they say all the fucking time 0:36:41 Unknown_02: which ranges between incredibly creepy, incredibly stupid, violent, possibly terrorism. Unknown_02: It really runs the gambit, the fucking anime. All right. Unknown_02: The fat people have been funny today or recently. Chantel in particular. Chantel is really missing her calling. I've been trying to tell her as I romance her. I say, Chantel, you really need to start up a streaming career. I'll help you. I'll set up your OBS. I'll get it all right for you. Because what will happen is that she will turn on her phone. And she will point it at her face and she will start saying the craziest shit ever. That's just funny because she really she can't hide it. When she starts doing her streams, she can't like do cuts and remove things and posts that make her look like a bitch. She just is who she is. And she's a total fucking bitch all the time. And she's been set off by this woman named Charlie Gold, who is a black woman. 0:37:20 Unknown_02: And she's got this really obnoxious gap in her teeth. And she's insipid. Charlie Gold hasn't... I can't say anything good about her. She's just an idiot. But she's very popular. She has like 100,000 subscribers. They're probably all black. But she caters to this audience. And she's very mean-spirited. She's mean-spirited in a way where if she wasn't black, I think she'd be banned. But because she's black, she gets more of a pass on just being an asshole to Chantel. And I think that... 0:37:57 Unknown_02: I mean, just the mean-spiritedness and the fact that she does have more subscribers and probably makes a ton of money off just being an asshole to Chantel really drives Chantel crazy. So she just starts up the stream, just starts yelling at her, saying shit like, oh, I've seen her mugshot on the Kiwi Farms, and I know a criminal when I see one, and she called... Because her name is Charlie Gold, she tried to make a joke like... charlie gold more like charlie silver but what she actually said was charlie gold more like charlie cole which which is not cool uh at least to most people in in modern society because 0:38:39 Unknown_02: that can be interpreted as mildly racist. So Chantel starts up her stream, she just gets real fucking based, just starts swearing, throwing out explicatives, doesn't eat the entire time, because she's, I think she eats out of boredom, so when she's angry, she's not bored, and it's perfect. She just yells and starts being an asshole, and I say, we need more of this. We need more of this. So I happen to have her stream 0:39:24 Unknown_07: I think. I hope I downloaded it. I might not have. Unknown_07: Oh, I totally don't fucking have this. Hold on. Unknown_07: I thought I did. I only have one mega link in my history. I think this is her archive. Unknown_07: Oh no, it's fucking, oh. 0:39:58 Unknown_07: Okay, whatever. I'll just read my notes. Unknown_02: So she's been super boring lately, right? She has... Like, the pinnacle of her content in the recent past has been... She did a 10-cheeseburger challenge. And when I saw this video, I guessed very specifically that she would eat seven before pretending to be full. And it was exactly seven hamburgers that she finished before being full. Unknown_02: Um... Unknown_02: she then became very angry at charlie gold and she felt emboldened by youtube's recent that they would be harsher on cyber bullying so she tried to take down um 0:40:47 Unknown_02: one of her videos and that did not work and that got sent to her. Here's a screenshot of one of her community posts leading up to this stuff. Unknown_02: Recently YouTube has updated their harassment and bully policies to include videos that repeatedly target insults and abuses an identifiable individual based on their intrinsic attributes across multiple uploads. Unknown_02: So basically if you're a channel that's like making fun of someone, Unknown_02: you're banned so repeatedly showing pictures of someone in the making statements like look at this creature's teeth they're so disgusting using similar commentary targeting intrinsic abilities or attributes throughout the the video targeting an individual based on their membership in a protected group they're just saying look at this filthy slur targeting a protected group they can just use the n-word that would make it clear what they're talking about i wish they just get hit by a truck 0:41:42 Unknown_02: Using an extreme insult to dehumanize an individual based on their intrinsic attributes. For example, using an extreme insult to dehumanize... Look at this doggable woman. She's not even a human being. She must be some sort of mutant or animal. Unknown_02: For example, she says, Charlie repeatedly referring to her as a pig. Accounts dedicated entirely to focusing maliciously insulting indemnifiable individuals. Unknown_02: uh she says no one is targeted more for these reaction videos than myself and amber lynn there are channels that exist solely to retract to react to my content and by that i mean playing my entire video and throwing insults i'm going to be in touch with a youtube representative shortly and i'm taking action soon against those specific channels you know who you are youtube has these policies and a place to protect creators and their content from leeches like this who hope to make a quick buck by hopping on the hay train Most is not transformative or offering constructive criticism, even if it is wise targeting the same obese individuals over and over again. It is wrong, and I trust and believe I am doing now all that I can to stop it. So that's her statement. I've mentioned this in the past. I mentioned this in the past when I was talking about... 0:42:37 Unknown_02: emberlynn and chantal a lot and i just said like i've read through the youtube policies and there is no mention whatsoever of obesity there's a huge list of protected statuses pregnancy nationality immigration status so you can't even like say this person's an illegal immigrant that's hate speech to youtube there is a massive list but and even in the wording the intrinsic attributes of a person being fat is not an intrinsic attribute that can change so for whatever reason every way that youtube has cut these policies fat is not protected at all it is really weird to me and i think it has something to do with the fact that people no matter where you are i think 0:43:20 Unknown_02: Nobody feels bad for fat people. I think there was a fat acceptance movement like the 2000s, and it failed horrifically, and it just became a joke. Not even the woke people feel bad for fat people. So... Unknown_02: It's just a weird bubble in this woke culture where nobody buys the fat phobia shit. Nobody buys it as, like, a disability either. It's just, if you're fat, everyone hates you, and it sucks to be you, I guess. 0:44:19 Unknown_02: But she doesn't believe in the fair use argument. She mentioned that in the previous post, but she explains... Unknown_02: I will be discussing this with YouTube, but also the way that a lot of these channels use my content is not fair use. They play my entire video, which is not small bits, and I'm sorry stopping every once in a while to add your nasty snarky judgments is not transformative, and I am sure I will win this argument. I will look more into my rights on this. I think it is about time something is done about all this. I put myself out there and do my own content and don't bother anyone. I think it is only fair to protect my content and my channel. I'll be back tomorrow with another video, guys. XO. I disagree entirely and probably for the wrong, the wrong reason. You know, there are channels that are reaction channels, um, that people watch that when they don't watch the original videos, right? 0:44:54 Unknown_02: So for instance, uh, an example of transformative work might be if you are a fan of phantom organizations, stream snipes of the kill stream, his commentary, his, you know, the shit he adds to the video, the, the diatribes he goes on, he's a weird fucking guy. So, uh, The audience for his shit is very distinct from Ralph's stuff. And I can watch Phantom Organization, but I can't watch Ralph. But the opposite is true with Charlie Gold. I can't watch Charlie Gold's videos of Chantel because I find Charlie Gold completely insipid and I find her commentary is just awful. 0:45:26 Unknown_02: Whereas I can watch a Chantel video assuming that she's not eating so loud, right? Unknown_02: which i think is is proof of that it's transformative it's because if it wasn't um it would be the same experience both sides of that coin would be the same experience but it's not so she's just wrong uh but we already knew that uh charlie golde 0:46:10 Unknown_02: Oh, makes fun of Amberlynn and Chantel's sex life, which is none, as far as I know. There's no fucking way that Amberlynn can have sex. Unknown_02: she is she she like when you're that okay when you're a woman in that fat you fat cells release estrogen right so it's bad to be fat just on like a hormonal level because it'll fuck you up and that's why um the fat woman have to have uterus problems both chantal and amber linton have had issues with their uterus i think they both had total hysterectomies because um Unknown_02: Amber Lynn got cancer and Chantel has polycystic ovarian syndrome and the cysts were so bad with Chantel they just said fuck it we'll have to take this out because it's going to kill you if we don't. 0:46:58 Unknown_02: Yeah, I mean, you can look at a fat person and assume with 100% certainty that their sex life is negatively impacted by their weight. Not just physically, in terms of a big blob of fat being in the fucking way, but hormonally, on a physiological level, it affects it. She says in regard to Charlie Gold... Unknown_02: For those who are annoyed by drama, please skip these posts. Following Citrine Dream on YouTube, they exposed the bullies of YouTube. For example, this here is a screenshot of a panel of creators who waited for Amberlynn Reid to upload so they can discuss and make... Oh, this is like a... That's funny. It's like a roundtable discussion of Amberlynn Reid where they all just make fun of her. 0:47:37 Unknown_02: make fun of her sex life charlie says she can't imagine poor becky being able to breathe going down there oh so classless and disgusting and delusional why do you act like you're skinny charlie you think you wouldn't have the same problem oh and this the same problem and this is supposed to be constructive who said that we are just whining when we claim these idiots bully us right Unknown_02: I'm sorry to say, but this motley crew of deformed-looking potatoes, hey, that is dehumanizing, Chantel. That is a dehumanizing statement. You're calling her a deformed-looking potato. That's very close to the mutant comment that they use as an example in the guidelines. uh this motley crew of deformed looking potatoes has no right to talk about anyone's sex life i hear jokes about charlie dating bb ha ha ha please girl he would not go near you hoover mouth that's the your hoover mouth that's the other comment that people said was racist it's like what you're making fun of her black lips is that is that uh what you mean by hoover mouth and i really don't know what hoover mouth means unless she means like a vacuum cleaner hoover hoovering up food um 0:48:46 Unknown_02: I don't know. And I mentioned this on the forum, but when DSP was having a tism with his detractors, he went ahead and made, after months and years of these people doing the worst fucking things possible to DSP, he finally had his moment where he got angry and was fighting back against the detractors. And who was the detractor he picked? He picked Tevin, the black guy, the only black guy that was a detractor of his. And it's like, DSP, why did you pick the black guy? Is it because you're racist? And with Chantel, she has all these people who make fun of her. All these people on the forum. And she fights back, and who does she go after? She goes after the black chick. Why? 0:49:19 Unknown_02: uh people speculate it's just because uh charlie gold is chantal's biggest detractor right now probably makes the most money doing what she does uh which is true that's a fair argument but it is really weird like out of all the people to have a tism fit about and charlie gold just i don't know she is she is mean on youtube let's see okay so i mentioned that uh after these at some point 0:50:05 Unknown_02: She did, in fact, try and copyright strike Charlie Gold's video. What she didn't know is that Charlie Gold would be notified of this attempt because when you have a copyright strike, you have the right to defend yourself and make a counterclaim. So when she did this, Charlie Gold immediately posts on Twitter, guess what emails I'm receiving this morning? Guess who YouTube sided with? I didn't even have to respond back. Maybe a perk of being verified, not sure. Absolutely is. YouTube will critically review a DMCA when it targets a verified channel. I bet Chantel isn't even aware YouTube forwards her emails to me as well. 0:50:39 Unknown_07: Let me go ahead and show this. Unknown_07: I always forget this. Unknown_07: Here's the diagram that someone made. Unknown_02: I believe that, yeah, this is an excerpt from her DMCA. I understand that there is such a thing as fair use. However, I do not believe that the way that this creator is using my content is fair for the following reasons. One, she uploads my entire video to React. By this, she adds maybe a few minutes of her own commentary, which is usually only insults. The rest is just playing my video. Two, the way she uses my content is not transformative in any way. It is actually a form of bullying, which... Is transformative. If you're bullying someone on a fucking video, then you're transforming it, obviously, because otherwise it would be bullying in its original form. If it wasn't transformed, then it would be bullying of yourself when it came up. But that's obviously not the case. You wouldn't be bothered by it if it wasn't transformed. 0:51:15 Unknown_02: Except for, you know, just the plagiarism. Three, I am losing viewers and potential ad revenue because viewers will wait for her to upload her videos so they can watch it on her channel as it contains my entire video. And four, her video contains my video and not only parts of it. How is that fair use? Okay. 0:51:52 Unknown_02: I'm really glad that she chose to eat herself to death and not work as opposed to becoming a copyright attorney because this is just the worst fucking structure ever. It doesn't... Like... Unknown_02: four and one are the exact same points she upload number one she uploads my entire video to react and number four her video contains my entire video and not only parts of it that's the exact same fucking point she didn't even make it from one to four before having like a hard reboot and completely forgetting what she's already written down uh if i'm mistaken please let me know as i no way take the copyright system lightly thank you kindly chantal um they did let her know before they even let charlie gold know apparently 0:52:39 Unknown_02: Uh, so this is YouTube's reply to foodie booty saying, we are very concerned that your copyright notification may not be valid for some or all the videos identified your notification. Please keep in mind that in many countries it is legal to use copyrighted works in specific ways without the owner's authorization, particularly for transformative purposes, such as news reporting, parody commentary or review. Uh, Some countries protect such uses under doctrines of fair use or fair dealing while allowing others for specific exceptions to copyright protection. Unknown_02: And it asks for clarification. If you think that we got it wrong, please explain how. And this is YouTube's email to Charlie Gold saying, copyright takedown request received for your YouTube video. And again, they would forward this to her no matter what action they took because this is a legal document. A DMCA is a signed under penalty of perjury claim that there has been basically a civil tort committed, that someone has violated 0:53:28 Unknown_02: Hello, we received the copyright infringement notification below regarding your videos. We believe your content is protected by fair use, fair dealing, or a similar exception to copyright protection. We are writing to let you know that we do not plan to remove your videos at this time. You have control over the availability of videos on your channel, including the ability to delete them if you choose. Please be advised, it is possible the copyright owner will approach you directly to request removal or take other actions. So that's the, that's the trigger moment. And of course, when someone starts getting litigious like this, it causes a big fucking issue, right? People don't like litigious people. They never liked litigious people. Um, it's worth mentioning the, the Ethan Klein stuff, uh, cause that's getting funny, but yeah, that's, that's the takedown notice. 0:54:07 Unknown_07: Oh, here's the, the Charlie cool. Unknown_02: I think I missed this picture, but I'll play it now. Here's the Charlie Cole comment, which made people laugh. I think she even... No, I think she mentioned it in her stream, saying that it wasn't racist, but this is the initial incident. 0:54:43 Unknown_02: This is my reaction to Charlie Cole, a YouTube bully who lies to her audience about losing weight and claims to be superior because of these claims, therefore takes the liberty to fat shame in all her videos. By her videos, I mean her leeching off my videos because she doesn't have a creative bone in her body. Ugh. Unknown_07: That was not taken well. Unknown_07: So here is the video. Unknown_02: And I do have timestamps for it. So we're going to watch some of this. 0:55:20 Unknown_07: Should I put this up on Firefox or download it? I guess I'll just . Unknown_07: This was deleted, by the way. Unknown_07: Let me put this on my other monitor. Unknown_10: Need to clean out my car. Unknown_02: First time stamp is at 110. 0:55:52 Unknown_02: I'm sorry, but I'm not going to like put this on time and a half or anything because I know people already watch my streams on like two times. So that just fucks them over. Unknown_10: Here about the lovely email I just read that might. Unknown_10: I don't know if it came from Wester fucking face. Unknown_10: Or some somebody else. It could be posing as her just cause they want drama cause they're stupid and boring. Unknown_02: That's an important realization that she makes right there because it should factor into her not making this video, but she's thinking really optimistically right now. 0:56:33 Unknown_10: Okay. Unknown_10: Hi guys. Unknown_10: It's not clickbait, but this is the bitch. Unknown_10: She might... I knew she was a criminal. I knew it. I could tell. I'm a good judge of character. I knew she's trashy. I knew she was trashy. But... What gave it away, Chantel? But it could be somebody else, like a fan, or somebody just trying to, like, perpetuate more of the drama. 0:57:06 Unknown_10: But, um... Okay. Unknown_02: It's best to just assume it's her, because what you want to believe... Unknown_10: I sent her a message on Instagram telling her, like, I'm going to, like, strike your shit. Unknown_10: Just a warning. Unknown_02: How did she know? It wasn't nice. Unknown_10: Anyways. Unknown_02: She knows what details to look for. And it's, like, threatening. Unknown_10: A threatening email. You're stupid. Or whoever it was. It's definitely going to be traceable. So she's like... 0:57:40 Unknown_10: Anyway, I don't think it's her because there was a quote by Sun Tzu in it. Probably too intelligent for her. Unknown_02: She don't read. But anyway, um... It's like... Unknown_10: You better think again before making any community posts against me or anyone else you deem bullies on YouTube because I have some, you don't know what your critics, what information they have at their fingertips. I could just picture her writing like this. You better watch it because, and she put my mom's full name. She docs my mom, like her address and her phone number. I knew she would play dirty like that. It's only a matter of time till her true colors cause she's a piece of shit. 0:58:12 Unknown_10: So here's the thing, Charlie Cole, I dare you, because really, I have your threatening email, and do what you gotta do. Fly to my mom's house, send her something. 0:58:46 Unknown_10: They're moving anyways, but. Unknown_10: Good for you. Unknown_10: Charlie didn't do it. Okay. Unknown_10: So then how do we know? How do you know? Oh shit. I bought this air freshener that just broke. Unknown_02: I like how you can tell. That's what I'm thinking. Unknown_10: Like it's probably just like, yeah, some loser. 0:59:19 Unknown_02: It's bewildering that she knows, like, the smart part of her brain, the front part of her brain knows that it's not Charlie who wrote this fucking email because it's stupid. I think she is that shady, you guys. But her primal side of the brain needs it to be true. And her lip gloss. Unknown_10: Tries to look in her friggin' wig all crooked. And tries, sorry, I'm just, like, mad. Unknown_02: Her weave. Unknown_10: Tries to friggin'... The bitch in her fuckin' weave, am I right? classy for you. But... Unknown_10: my car stinks she has to she's she's full of i'm telling you i know a criminal when i see one me too i have the email i can show well i can't show it now i'm on my phone but like honestly i'm not into this like this is not what my channel is going to become i'm just telling you if doxing is your game 1:00:14 Unknown_10: You're going to be in trouble. That's all I got to say. Like, who does that? Unknown_10: She's like, if you're going to talk about people's maternal instincts, maybe here's your mother's information. Yeah, I'm gonna talk about people's maternal instincts when they're fucking parents and they're bullying people. Okay, so Yaba has an Instagram and she has all these cute pictures of her and her kids up. Then right below a picture of her and her kids, she has a drawing that looks like it was done by a child, probably done by an adult, of me, Amberlynn, and some other fat YouTuber, I don't know who it was, in the most derogatory way. Do you call that, like, what kind of fucking example are you for children when you're a bully? Seriously. Like, get a life. 1:00:48 Unknown_02: Get a life. Just so you know, Yaba is a different person. And that's their actual name, like screen name. It's not like a racist nickname for her. That's what I thought it was when I first heard it. Unknown_10: And then what are you going to do? You have no one to blame but yourself. Actually, her kids would be bullies because that's where they learn it from, their parents. Anyways, this email is rotten to the core. And it just shows what she's like. 1:01:25 Unknown_10: she's mad that i'm that you you you're such a dumb bitch charlie you can talk about me in your video she's like you know that just makes me want to do she's fucking see we'll get ready for more strikes anyways i'll send your email right to youtube anyway and that at the end i don't know if it's her because it's too stupid like who would sign their email charlie fucking gold bitch like It can't be her. She's not that pathetic. It can't be her. Is she? Anyways, so... I have a box of Kleenex in here already. My tray. So, yeah, threatening to dox my mom. Unknown_10: I just want this out there that the person you're idolizing... Unknown_10: as an inspirational weight loss channel because she's pissed off because I don't like that she's using my content to insult me? Does that make any sense? No, it doesn't. 1:02:23 Unknown_10: You're an idiot. And you're going down. Unknown_10: So, I don't care. I don't care. There's forums that dox me all day any day anyways. Fuck, go ahead. Unknown_10: See what happens to you. Unknown_10: You'll be going right back to the slammer where you belong. Unknown_10: And another mugshot will be circulating. Unknown_10: There you go. Unknown_02: Another. Unknown_10: Seriously, you don't want to fuck with me. Unknown_10: I know you think I'm just. 1:02:56 Unknown_10: Oh, shit. Unknown_10: Chops. Unknown_10: Sorry, guys, but come on now. Unknown_10: Come on now. I never would do that to somebody because I'm angry at them. Unknown_02: Docs their parents. She's already acknowledged. Docs my mom and see what happens. Do it. Do it. Do it. I'll post it. You can post it yourself. I'll verify your account. Unknown_10: I'm sure they'll give me information. 1:03:31 Unknown_10: I'm sure of it. Unknown_02: She's referring very specifically to her forum thread because we have a thread on Charlie Gold. In the front seat. I think her stuff is in that too. Unknown_10: She's mad that I'm making a reaction. These people are mad that I'm calling them out. They're not mad. They're going to make money off of it. That's what you do. You dish it out. You can't take it. Unknown_10: You dish it out. Dish it out. And we're supposed to just sit there and take it. Unknown_08: You know? Unknown_10: Let me eat my fucking Burger King in peace. Go away. Do a weigh-in. Stand up. 1:04:02 Unknown_10: oh jesus stay away from my fucking family because i swear to god i'll come for you myself i will and i'll roll run you over with my fucking 5xl walker so fast you're you won't know what hit you that's excellent your head will be spinning i'm telling you Unknown_02: Like Yanov. What is it with Yanov or Canadians and weaponized scooters? It seems to be a trend. Stop playing the race card. 1:04:35 Unknown_10: And Beanie doesn't want you on your Hoover mouth. Unknown_10: I love you guys. Unknown_10: And while you're at it, eat a dick. Unknown_10: Come on, Windows. My car's fogging because I'm so pissed off. That's what she wants. Unknown_10: I can't tell if that's the recorder or her stream fucking up, because her stream did fuck up a few times. Unknown_02: Oh my god. Unknown_10: So, I was flirting with this guy in the store. He was, like, really hot. He had, like, a hot African accent. And, um, you think I was trolled? 1:05:08 Unknown_02: Stay away from my Ghana brothers. My Ghana brothers. If it's not her... Let them be free. Unknown_10: Um... If it's not her... Unknown_10: They are really good at getting her, but I don't think it's her. It has to be someone smarter because they use the whole, they use like a Sun Tzu quote and they knew that I would talk about this and it would piss me off. 1:05:40 Unknown_02: Black people have never heard of Sun Tzu before. Unknown_10: Obviously a hater because I'm talking about it and I'm calling them out. Unknown_02: She desperately wants a real reason to be angry at Charlie Gold. Unknown_10: Like get a life, get a life. Obviously you don't have one if that's what you occupy your life with. Unknown_10: You know, you want to make other people miserable. Unknown_10: You know? Unknown_10: Anyway. Unknown_10: Whatever. Unknown_10: I'm their life. You make fun of me, but I'm your life. You're obsessed. I don't think about you unless I see your stupid unoriginal piece of shit video pop up. 1:06:13 Unknown_02: That's such a, like, I don't know what, I need to make, like, a formal list of things that a angry e-celeb, you know, internet famous type will say when they get defensive. Somewhere near the top, you're obsessed with me, has to be, like, one of the, like, a highlighted one. Because I think I've heard every single e-celeb, when encountered with some form of criticism or, uh, 1:06:51 Unknown_02: or you know whatever they always go to you're obsessed with me every fucking time I've heard everyone say that at least once okay while I'm finding the next time stand by the way tell me in chat if the side ducking is better than just like pausing the video that's when I talk it automatically makes the video quieter tell me if that's better than like just pausing instead of curiosity 13 27 Unknown_07: plain and simple these people are trash oh that's right trash people do that trash people talk about other people if it is her she just looks pathetic in her stupid email which i'm gonna expose to everybody don't talk about me or i'm gonna dox your mom like get a fucking life but you can talk about me 1:07:44 Unknown_10: Or even the person who sent this email, so other people can talk about me, but I can't talk about them. Get a life, you're going down. Unknown_10: Just makes me want to even work harder to get the removed off YouTube. Unknown_10: So you can all kiss my fat ass, honestly. Like, it's just ridiculous. Unknown_10: Like seriously, I'm just cleaning my car. Unknown_10: Yeah, you're better to stay anonymous if you can. Honestly... Okay, I do have to pause it for this. Unknown_02: That tattoo that she has is like two French mime women kissing or something. It's really weird. It's like really fancy artsy. But every fucking time I look at it, I think of the Skyrim logo. Every time. It looks like the dragon thing with the wings up in the air. It does not look like two French mimes making out or whatever the fuck it's actually supposed to be. I just look at it and I see Skyrim every time. 1:08:24 Unknown_10: You know, I just, that's one thing that you regular people, offline, non-YouTubers have an advantage of. There's like people who do it, like get into all this drama, like this. Honestly, if I wasn't getting paid, I would not be doing this. 1:08:55 Unknown_10: Believe me, believe me. Sorry, but mm-mm. Unknown_10: YouTube has changed. Unknown_10: You know? There's insane people. And there's nothing to protect YouTubers. Like, celebrities, for example, are public figures. They have bodyguards. Nobody gives a fuck about YouTubers. Unknown_10: I have a lot of friends, I know. 1:09:31 Unknown_02: You know, I mentioned this before, but we really did used to have a system where it's like if you want to be famous, you have to like sell your soul and probably have to get raped at least once or twice. And then you get millions of dollars doing bullshit work like starring in movies. Right. That was the that was the system that for over 100 years ruled our entertainment system. But now, thanks to the internet and thanks to the consumer electronics, anyone can upload shit to YouTube, right? Unknown_02: So all these people who want to be famous go out and they put themselves out there and they try to make their niche. And then they wonder why they don't get respected and shit. And it's just like, because you do it for free. And because there's so many people who want to be famous. Yeah, you don't get special protections and you don't get fucking enough money to have a bodyguard and shit. We broke the system and now, you know, the availability of fame is, the bar is lowered. 1:10:14 Unknown_07: So if that is her email, I'm definitely going to the police about it. Unknown_10: Yep. Unknown_02: Cyber police. 1:10:47 Unknown_10: For sure. Unknown_02: She gets real cyber police-y throughout this. Unknown_10: That's not my thing. Don't have a criminal record. Unknown_10: Don't plan on it. Unknown_10: I don't know where she gets off talking about people's looks. I'm sorry, but... Seriously. Unknown_10: Seriously. The whole lot of them. Unknown_02: I'm talking about Amber's sex life. Unknown_10: Like, are you kidding me? 1:11:22 Unknown_10: Like somebody said, only people who don't have a sex life talk about other sex life. Oh, speaking of sex life. Unknown_02: No, no. Unknown_10: This person, they're just pissed off because they know I'm fucking right. And they know that their time is coming. Unknown_10: I'm an Aries. I'm stubborn. Unknown_02: Oh, Jesus. Unknown_10: That's why I have a hard time ignoring it because I'm argumentative. Unknown_10: And. Unknown_02: I'm an Aries. I can't be held responsible for my actions. Unknown_10: I don't know. You know what I mean? Unknown_10: My car's gonna be nice and clean. 1:11:58 Unknown_10: Um... Anyway... Anyways, um... Unknown_10: What was I saying? Oh, the guy in the store. Yeah, he was super flirty. I go in, I'm like, yeah, where's your air fresheners? Unknown_10: Even before, when I was getting out of the car, he was like looking at me. Ew, look at that rat smile. Unknown_02: I know. Unknown_07: I got to... Unknown_02: There's a weird thing with her and specific trannies that I know where they think that any time they get acknowledged, that person wants to fuck them. And I don't even believe half the stories that Chantel tells about sexual encounters or flirting stories are true. It didn't happen at all. And definitely close to 100% of everyone that she thinks is flirting with her is not flirting with her. But she has a story like this every single video. It's like, oh, I went to the gas station and the attendee was super flirty. He was so into me. The African guy who delivered my Taco Bell was so wanting to get some. It's every video. And it's like, nobody wants to fuck you. 1:12:43 Unknown_02: Not nobody, like, explicitly. I'm sure there are people out there, theoretically, who would. But the guy handing you the Taco Bell bag just wants to fucking go home. 1:13:20 Unknown_02: He's not looking to fuck you. Unknown_02: The one person who wants to fuck Chantal is Pete's, and that is the most cucked man in the world. Literally not even if you were the last man on Earth when it comes to Pete's. Unknown_10: I mean, it's up to you if you want to risk going back to the slammer. Unknown_10: It's the only way we're going to find out. For those waiting to see her wait, it's the only way you're going to find out. 1:14:00 Unknown_10: I don't know why people care so much about that. It's not your frigging problem. Unknown_10: Oh, these are disinfectant wipes. You know the cup holder, like, in the crevice there? Unknown_10: I hate it. I'm, like, such a... Does she have, like, OCD or something? Unknown_02: I don't know why. Unknown_10: I find, like... I should just, like, compulsively wiping down her fucking car. Unknown_02: Oh, it's like that on Vyvanse, too. Unknown_10: Just, like, a clean freak. Unknown_07: Just that. Unknown_07: Just her cleaning the fucking car. 1:14:35 Unknown_02: Might be her medication. Cause she's on a bunch of like, I guess she's, yeah, she's been going to like therapy and shit. Cause she's like a fucking nut job. Unknown_02: And it has to be kept from, it has to be held back from the ledge because she wants to have kids and just had a total hysterectomy that they have to put her on all these fucking antipsychotic medications. And now she has to compulsively clean her car, I guess as a side effect. Unknown_10: Um, Unknown_10: Yeah, so basically, I wish I could read the email to you guys. I don't know if it's from her. I don't know if anyone could find out, like, any sleuths on here. But it was from Charlie Dorlean or whatever. It could have been made up because it sounded a little... That's her real name. 1:15:07 Unknown_02: She just wrote out her real name on YouTube. Unknown_10: I love your personality, Chantel. Charlie is a weirdo karma. Unknown_02: Thank you. I love your personality. Unknown_10: Thanks for the super chat. Unknown_02: That person might want to fuck him. Unknown_10: They sent an email saying... Better hook up with that super chatter. um insults and blah blah blah and like threatening if i make any more community posts or go against the haters try to get them down or whatever um once again then um that they're gonna like dox my mom and she gave my mom's like full name address phone number or whatever so i'm just like really like you're that bothered how can these people be bothered that i that i defend myself um when they talk about me talk shit all about me like that fucking live streaming that got taken down like what was that like seriously did i ever do that to you no 1:15:59 Unknown_10: Like, people are literally insane. Like, they don't comprehend the friggin' hypocrisy of it. You know what I mean? I just don't have time for the negativity. So ridiculous. I know. I know, Marissa. Unknown_02: That's like her actual fans being like, I can't believe you're like this. I don't want to watch you have this mental breakdown. That's what I'm saying. If it's not her, it could just be like a nameless person. Unknown_10: Report the email. Unknown_10: I have the email and I don't know. 1:16:54 Unknown_10: I'm going to hang on to it in case anything happens, but yeah, I'm just like, you know, like you can dish it out, but you literally cannot take it. Honestly, these people cry on Twitter all day, apparently that's, you know, like, and what I'm doing is not even a quarter of what they've done to me, you know, like it's just ridiculous. Unknown_02: She's tired herself out by yelling in her car. Unknown_10: But I wanted to do this and put it out there because I want to keep exposing her. 1:17:37 Unknown_10: Alexandria. Unknown_10: One of us have to learn the hard way. I'll admit I was a judgmental cow. I need to stop and get me out. Thanks so much for your super chat. Unknown_02: You probably did burn like 600 calories yelling. I don't know. Unknown_10: It sounds like her except for like the part where I don't think she really reads because I've made references in my video sometimes and she'll react to it and she'll be like, what is this? And it's like, really? You know, so it's like, I don't know if she's really that educated that she would know who Sun Tzu is, but that's a pretty common one. Like keep your enemies closer. It's a very common one. So it could be her. She's just trying to look smart. 1:18:10 Unknown_02: She really is utterly and totally convinced that this letter came from her, except for the fact that a black woman referenced Sun Tzu. That's just, like, not possible. Unknown_10: But, um... Yeah. Unknown_02: Read Loki. There's an army of haters, exactly. Unknown_10: And most of my fans are not... 1:18:42 Unknown_10: Like, she wins in that department because my fans are not shit people. You are the company you keep. You attract, you know what I mean? If you're, like, if you're a piece of shit, you're going to attract flies. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. Unknown_10: You guys are decent people, you know? Thank you. Unknown_10: So, and yes, doing this even right now is out of character for me. Like, it really is. I don't know. Unknown_10: Maybe not. Unknown_02: I know she's a bitch. I've been known to go off, but... The fucking octopus woman from Little Mermaid. That's like the... Oh my god, that's still... That's like the most common parallel that people draw for Chantel. 1:19:15 Unknown_02: Ursula. I can't... Oh, I remember that. I'm so proud of myself. That was going to be something that was going to stop me for like 10 minutes. I can't remember what the octopus woman was from Little Mermaid. Unknown_07: You want me to do that? Unknown_02: There's a lot of this. I'm sorry, but it's all... It doesn't exist just because you say. Unknown_10: Who the hell are you? Go away. Unknown_02: It is a proper fucking tantrum. 1:19:57 Unknown_10: Anyways, guys. Unknown_10: Community post. Yeah, I will. I'll copy and paste it, I guess. I don't know. Can you post just a picture? It's a pretty big, long email. Unknown_10: It doesn't grow your channel in a positive way. Because all they do is defame your character and point out negative shit about you. So you get people, you just get constant hate. They're perpetuating hate. You know what I mean? Like, because I'll get a lot of those haters come over and be like, they're nothing like what they talk about you. Yeah, no shit. You know? Like... 1:20:32 Unknown_10: They push you and push you to be, you know, a nasty person back. And then they cry when you are. That's classic 101 textbook bully behavior. Look it up. Unknown_02: that i really you know i cannot stand try to change the way that people will see you that's classic bully behavior you're a boy cannot stand adults plain and simple using the word bullying here's your proof it's such a stupid word that every adult should be over videos about these people ever i never talk about them badly i never you know i know those people are going to talk bad about me but like i don't think it should be a thing on youtube like if you want to be constructive or whatever 1:21:19 Unknown_10: But downright, just like defaming someone's character or talking shit about them or insulting them over and over and over. How is that like creator? How does that like, how is it even monetized? Why would advertisers want to be on that shit? You know what I mean? And like, I'm going to keep fighting. I don't care what people think. I don't care if people hate me. I don't care if people find me. Go ahead. You're not going to intimidate me into shutting my mouth. I don't work that way. I'm not stupid. And you're messing with the wrong fucking person. Unknown_02: Why does she think she's such a hard ass? Like, what has she ever done ever in her entire life to make people, to make her think? I'm just living my life with my videos. 1:21:56 Unknown_10: If you don't like it, don't watch. You know, if you're so, like, if you're doing so much better than me, instead of sitting there and judging me and just saying it, put your fucking big mouth, you know, like, put it to work. Show us. Unknown_02: Meet me in Knoxville, Charlie Gold. We'll settle this. Unknown_10: Yeah, I know. Thank you, Lucy, for the super chat. Thank you so much. Unknown_02: See, that's her voice that she puts on in her videos. Hey, guys. Hey, I'm so nice. I like hamburgers. And then when she gets on the live stream talking about Charlie, she's like, that fucking bitch. I'll fucking kick her ass. You don't want to fuck with me, motherfucker. I'll rip your fucking head off. 1:22:28 Unknown_10: You know, I'm going to keep doing what I want to do. And that's it. I'm going to keep doing my videos. Whatever. I'm just going to see how things go. You know, the last time I just let it go. And people turned against the frigging raging B-I-T-C-H. So, I'm just going to let Carmen take its course. See how things go for now. 1:22:59 Unknown_02: Who's Carmen? Unknown_10: That's it. Unknown_10: Excuse me. Unknown_10: I ain't got time for people who don't like fat people. It's 2020. I don't give a shit what you think anymore. I don't care if you don't like my arms. I don't care if you don't like what I eat. If you think it's wrong or you're against it, good for you. Then watch something else. Go watch somebody eat a fucking salad or quinoa and rice crackers. I don't care. This is like my life. Quinoa is pretty good though. And plain and simple. I don't know what else to tell you. You know, you're beating a frigging dead horse. Seriously. 1:23:35 Unknown_02: It's your food, but it's okay. Unknown_10: She only speaks for six minutes. That's not fair use. That's not fair use. And what she does say is insulting. That's not fair use. That's not educational. Says who? Nothing in her video is educational. Why do they do this? It's not constructive criticism. It doesn't have to be. Unknown_02: It's bullying and it's stealing my content. Unknown_02: I don't know why that bothers me so much. Why do people invent legal arguments that have no basis? It's not transformative because it's bullying. I'm just making money off her name and doing a reaction every time she reacts to me. That would be great. 1:24:07 Unknown_10: Or others too. Unknown_02: But she puts it out. She deleted all this shit. She's not going to do it. She makes like $100, like $200 off these fucking live streams where she just bullies Charlie Gold and calls her a fat criminal. Hoover mouth. Charlie Cole. Unknown_02: Make like $200. Keep doing it. It's great. Unknown_10: That's not fair use. I've read through the policies. I'm aware what fair use is. But maybe they will think it is. I don't know. 1:24:43 Unknown_02: Here's my offer to Chantel. Come on my stream and we'll do a Charlie Gold stream together. Unknown_10: That's what your interpretation is. Why are you stalking Pete's Twitter? Are you that bored? Unknown_10: Oh, there's Charlie. Apples together. Charlie. Hi, Charlie. He wasn't dogging me. I see everything he says on Twitter. That's your interpretation. Saying how he said how he doesn't think mukbangers should make more than he does. 1:25:19 Unknown_10: Megan Kingery, love you. Wanted to type a long message, but it would not let me. Oh, thank you, Megan, for your kindness and super chat. Unknown_10: I hate that voice. Unknown_02: Self-fake. Pete doesn't do drama, so for those of you following him, just for that, thirsty, you can stay thirsty. I'll talk about Pete's in a second. He doesn't do it. Unknown_10: And he's right. Unknown_10: He probably works a lot harder and puts up with, well, I put up with your shit, a lot of friggin' haters' shit, which is crazy. But, you know... 1:25:54 Unknown_10: To say, like, bookbangers make more than, like, teachers, for example. Some of them. Unknown_10: That seems absolutely crazy. Because teachers, you know, like, for eating on camera. I agree with him on that. Obviously, that's what he meant. So, for you to always just see negative, negative shows you where your mindset is. You have the problem. Unknown_10: So... Okay, so, regarding Pete's. Unknown_02: Pete's is... Unknown_02: a perfect archetype of a soy boy consumer like if you think that if you see the consumer meme that is Pete's his entire life revolves around comic books and he's a big fan of like the new woke comic books 1:26:42 Unknown_02: I'm not sure I've read. I don't know if this is like a joke or if it's true, but apparently he's like a big fan of like Squirrel Girl. That's probably a joke, but it's funny, so I'm going to say it. But Unknown_02: Okay, sure. So he's just like an extremely pathetic person. And remember that he used to be the long-term boyfriend of Chantal. She cheated on him with Bebe. 1:27:13 Unknown_02: and he was okay with that and said you can fuck him as long as we stay together and chantal dumped him after that and got married to bb and then after they broke up they now live together platonically and she drives him like a child to the comic book store because he does not have his own vehicle and And he spends all day on fucking Twitter talking about comic books. And it almost sounds like I'm writing like a parody just off the top of my head. You got the BBC. You got the poly relationships. You got the comic books and the tomboy lesbian squirrel character love interest. All this shit. It sounds like I'm making it up. But that is Pete's daily fucking reality. He is a real person. And he lives with Chantal. And he is just like the most miserable fuck that has ever lived. 1:28:08 Unknown_02: So, yeah, that is the only man in the entire world who is genuinely interested in fucking Chantal and she hates him and abuses him in like the worst way possible because she genuinely believes that she is too good for Pete and that is why they will both die alone because he does not have a spine and she is an evil bitch. 55 to an hour. Unknown_02: And this just kind of plays out. She gets tired. She's huffs and puffs until she's red in the face. And now she's just kind of sputtering out. Unknown_10: I'm going to see what I can do with that email. Unknown_10: I mean, emails that are threatening, that's illegal. Like doxing is illegal and threatening is illegal. So I don't know. Maybe we'll see a mugshot circulate. Unknown_10: I don't know. We'll see. 1:29:03 Unknown_10: I'll see what I can do. Unknown_10: Or if anyone knows who it is, has information, let me know. Unknown_10: But whatever, I'm not going to sweat about it. Unknown_10: I'm going to go on living my life. Unknown_02: It probably is illegal in Canada. Thank fucking God that Canada does not matter at all. Canada is less relevant than fucking New Zealand. Unknown_10: How is there no way it was Charlie? I wouldn't put it past her. The things she said in there, they sound very Charlie-ish. Sounds like one of her shitty videos. 1:29:35 Unknown_10: I'm telling you. Unknown_10: It sounds like her. It does. Unknown_10: It really sounds like her. So whoever it is, is either really good at imitating her or I don't know. 1:30:09 Unknown_10: She would be petty enough. She would be that nasty. Unknown_02: Chantel would never stream with me. Don't even get your hopes up. It's not in the realm of possibility. Unknown_10: You know what I'm saying? Unknown_10: But I have no proof. I mean, we would have to trace the email. It says it's from her, but anyone, it takes, what, two and a half, one and a half minutes to make a Gmail account? Unknown_02: There's a funny part coming up here in a second. Unknown_10: Unless I could research that Gmail account. Unknown_10: See it's history. Or something. That user. You know. 1:30:40 Unknown_10: Yeah. I'll see what I can do. Unknown_10: But I'm definitely going to keep it. Unknown_10: So that. Unknown_10: You know. Unknown_02: You hear that suffering, that labored breathing? It's an hour of talking. She's fucking beat. I don't know, AJ. Unknown_10: Can, like, people have the same, two same emails? I don't think so, huh? 1:31:12 Unknown_10: What is her email in her videos? Tell me. Can someone tell me, and I'll tell you if it was that. Unknown_02: okay so she just asked um for people to verify the email that is known to be charlie gold is the same email as as there's so many people obviously they're getting entertainment out of this and thank you thank you it's not even her email okay what's her email then vintage i asked you what's her email it's not her email what's her email 1:31:51 Unknown_10: yeah they must have a way to check the ip they have to like there's got to be like you know so it's not her email address now she's stuff but hopefully we can backtrace the ip they say um trust but verify no i'm aware am sometimes they say unless something happens is about to collapse Unknown_02: Alright, I think that's enough. There's a part that I kind of want to... It's just long. Actually, there's more to the story. Unknown_02: Uh, okay. So she did end up deleting this, by the way, even though it was the best thing she's ever made. 1:32:49 Unknown_02: Uh, she, oh, I skipped over the, the video to show you the, the Charlie gold thing where she did DMCA some of the commentary videos and, um, having YouTube side up against it. Now she apologizes for like the racist remark, uh, Unknown_02: She said, Hey guys, I just want to say that there are a lot of accusations of me being racist because of some of the things I said to Charlie Gold. At one point, I called her Charlie Cole. It was impulsive and out of extreme anger. Well, that's how all racist remarks should be made. I also threw some other insults at her as well. Low blows, being totally honest, I did not think of cold in relation to her color or race at all, and more as a word that sounded similar to gold but was not as valuable. I am apologizing, however, because on further thought, I can understand how black individuals- that's a lowercase b black, this post itself is fucking racist- Little be black individuals may be offended by this, and for that I truly apologize. That was not my intention at all. I did send Charlie a private message apologizing for the insults as I consider them to be a low blow, and even if I am being insulted, I never want to hurt others with my words and feel terrible. 1:33:39 Unknown_02: He feels terrible for that and not saying you should be in fucking jail. I'm going to get another mugshot of you, you fat bitch. I'm going to see how much you weigh when they weigh you in for your mugshot. Not sorry for that, but for the Charlie Cole comment, she's truly, truly apologetic. 1:34:25 Unknown_02: She went on to say, Also, when I said her Hoover mouth, I meant her big mouth as if she talked a lot of crap. I never said big lips. That was not a racial comment, but some took it that way. I feel like no matter what I said about her, it was taken racially and not meant that way. Either way, I was angry and threw some low blows, which I own. Unknown_02: I also want to add, importantly, that I will no longer be addressing any of this drama. If you come here looking for it or comment hateful accusations, you will be blocked. I also will never understand how there is outrage over my comments towards Charlie, but the same people will be perfectly alright with her insulting my looks on a daily basis. Also, apparently I cannot strike for copyright on these videos, but I was provided a link on striking for harassment and bullying, which I would have a case for considering a certain livestream was just taken down already, as an example. Just to add to this, as of course, Charlie's posted YouTube response all over Twitter is what she's best for. In the end, she's still a YouTube leech who needs my content for her own. 1:35:02 Unknown_02: Um... Unknown_02: Then she uploads a non-apology video and I think this is the one with Pete's in it. Could be wrong. No. Unknown_02: So, okay. No, there's no way. Oh, this is like really small because they had to get it under 100 megabytes, but there's two minutes of this I'm going to play. This video is literally just her sitting in her kitchen issuing a non-apology and hop it all off. 1:35:45 Unknown_02: Actually, I'll just play it because you'll Unknown_02: You don't understand how she is eating. Oh, this is like a binge. This is like $100 of fucking takeout food. There's no way that it's less than $100. And she eats, like, all of it. She spares, like, two dishes, and it's all fucking carbs. Unknown_10: And at first, I 100% thought it was from her. And then I thought... After... 1:36:23 Unknown_10: that i was like maybe it's not from her you know so maybe i shouldn't have been so impulsive so but for that and i apologize to my loyal viewers who saw me in a different light i you know not want to do videos like that or live streams but like i've just had enough i think in general i just took out all my anger on her in that live stream And just let loose. And I've heard enough insults. You know what I mean? Like, and to me, that's what like a classic bully does. They'll like push you and push you and push you. Unknown_10: And then whenever you outburst, they want to make you look like the victim. And I think that's exactly what she did here. Unknown_10: It could be either way, but I 100% am being truthful when I say that I did not intend them in any racial way. So for example, Unknown_02: The quality's real low, but I saw the nachos in high quality. Because I don't want to be that person. 1:37:18 Unknown_10: I don't want to be that person to throw low blows. It's too easy. It's just too... I always say how wrong it is to do that, and then I do it, and then I feel like crap, and I want to take it back. So... I said I knew she was a criminal. I said I knew she was a criminal. Unknown_02: Every time. It makes it funny. Unknown_10: I remember saying she looks like a criminal. Unknown_02: You did. She totally did. I think she said, I always knew she was a criminal. No, you said she looks like a criminal. You know the type. 1:37:53 Unknown_10: The reason I said that is because her mugshot was circulating. So if you have a mugshot... Circulating where, Chantal? Unknown_02: Where did you see the mugshot at? Unknown_02: I know where. I know where. Unknown_10: You were in some kind of criminal activity or trouble. Unknown_02: It was a shoplifter. She got booked for shoplifting. That's her crime. So as you can see, that was a non-apology. She's sorry for getting backlash is what she's sorry for, which I understand. 1:38:26 Unknown_02: She doesn't get doxxed. She got doxxed on this horrible website called the Kiwi Farms. And like a very smart individual, instead of just ignoring it and saying nothing, she went right out to immediately confirm it on a community post. Unknown_02: I will give whoever is doxing our address and personal information 24 hours to take it down, and then I will proceed legally. Here is some info I found. People are sick and think this will prove something. Everything you do can be traced. Good luck. Doxing? Relax. Why is she spelling it right? And she must be reading the forum. That's how she knows how to spell it. Doxing is the publishing of private or identifying information about a person or organization without their consent. An organization so now companies are protected too? I can't dox a fucking company? That's ridiculous. Whose feelings is that fucking hurting? 1:39:00 Unknown_02: Doxers often post names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card details, and many other sensitive information that can be used to target their victim. Doxing is often done with malicious intent. She's like just pasting the definition of doxing. Unknown_02: Oh, this might be Canadian law. That spells it right. The common reasons for doxing an online user are for retribution, coercion, or embarrassment. Doxing can have serious consequences. The extent of the legal ramifications of doxing will likely be case-specific. Posting publicly available information may also give rise to civil lawsuits and criminal charges such as harassment, intimidation, invasion of privacy, stalking, and even assault. The intention of Daxers may not matter. This means that individuals who share the Daxers post may also find themselves in serious legal trouble. This is a bullshit fucking legal blog post. I guarantee you from some fucking .ca bullshit, not a lawyer fucking Mountie website. Fuck the Canadians. i really i really don't like anyone at this point i'm gonna have a reason to hate every fucking country um okay so i don't think i'm gonna watch all of this because like i'm gonna be a three hour stream at this point it's gonna be a three hour long chantal part two it's gonna be the monthly chantal the return of um so after that non-apology right 1:40:08 Unknown_02: She needs help. Unknown_02: I'll talk to chat. I've been talking to myself for a bit. She needs help righting the wrong. She needs to put out a real apology that's going to make people think she's not a racist. Who does she know who is informed enough? on racial issues that help her make a real apology and inform her of, uh, of the, uh, of micro transgressions. Pete's Pete's it's Pete's instead of just eating five different things all in one sitting. She calls in the expert with his encyclopedia of Twitter fucking apologies to come out and inform her of how she is an aggressor and how it's not her job, her responsibility, to determine for people of color what may be considered a racial transmicrogression. So, 1:41:16 Unknown_02: If you were apologizing... I skipped ahead and I remembered something. If you were apologizing to a black person for being racist and you wanted to incorporate this into your mukbang, what food would you not want to eat while apologizing to a black person for being racist? I'll re-chat. I'll give this a second. What food are we not... Melon? Fried chicken? 1:42:07 Unknown_02: you probably don't want to be sitting by a pile of popeyes fried chicken while giving your racial apology video because it may come across as a little bit passive aggressive welcome back to another video today we are having popeyes for dinner with each other this is a lot of food i know we are not going to eat this all in one sitting but um just just trying to display the food nicely for you guys 1:42:39 Unknown_10: and so we have here i'll just describe what we have then we'll get into topic we wanted to talk to you guys about today pizza's gotten real fucking fat by the way mixed dark white meat we have some cajun fries we have some let's skip over this i'm gonna i'm just gonna pick because i don't have time stamps for this i don't think i'm just gonna pick like four or five different parts and we'll listen to 15 minutes each this is really gross by the way i don't want to listen to it but we'll start out right about here We've got Coli. If you want to, I have said some things that I want to see Pete's talk as every day goes by. I'm not, I'm less and less proud of it. Unknown_02: She's getting more and more backlash. Unknown_10: It brought up a discussion. I think it's an important discussion that I seen some comments, um, on the video I posted my last video. Unknown_10: defending myself against some racial accusations, and a lot of people were... Some people said some comments that made sense, and I talked to Pete about it. Yeah, I know. Unknown_02: I want fried chicken now, too. I wanted him to explain what he said to me. 1:43:37 Unknown_10: I might say some racial expletives so I can go to Popeye's and get some fried chicken. Overall, it made me realize that the things I did say to Charlie were very wrong, no matter how much she harasses... Whatever she says about me, whatever. Um... Unknown_10: Basically, the comments were saying, like, as a white person, I don't have a right to decide what is racially offensive to somebody of color. Unknown_10: So... They shouldn't ask me any questions while I'm eating my chicken. 1:44:10 Unknown_04: Yeah, what I pointed out is that we're all racist to some degree or another, and it's important to examine those attitudes and those biases Unknown_04: Yeah, to listen to people of color, in this case, to listen to black people. Unknown_02: Capital B black. You can hear him capitalize it as he says it. It's offensive. Unknown_10: By saying we all have racist, you mean we all have racist, biased thoughts sometimes or something in us that we do it maybe without even realizing that we're doing it? Unknown_08: Yeah. Unknown_10: And that's like what the whole microaggression thing is? Unknown_08: Mm-hmm. 1:44:59 Unknown_02: I really do want some chicken. You want to finish that thought, Pete? No? Unknown_08: You want some more chicken? Okay, I'll skip ahead a bit. Unknown_10: Give a sincere apology to Charlie for saying those things and to anybody... Unknown_10: You know, I wish I was black. Unknown_02: I wish I was, like, more than 4.2% black. Because that way, I could host my fucking forum, right? I could be as big an asshole as I want. And then when people come out and they start fucking saying bullshit about me and my forum, then I can just say, hey, you're being racist. And then, imagine, because then Vordrak, he'd be writing these fucking articles saying all this shit about me, and I'm like, bro, that's racist. And the next article would be an apology. Because otherwise he'd get fucking arrested. The British would come over and say, sorry, mate, we gotta investigate this. We take this seriously. These accusations of racism. Racially motivated hate speech. And then he'd go to fucking jail. He can send all the bomb threats and shit that he wants. Doesn't matter, but... I mean, I'm sure there are some downsides to being black, but I'm just saying, it would help a lot in some certain aspects of the scenario, okay? 1:46:24 Unknown_10: I'm not going to say I don't have a racist bone in my body. Unknown_04: Weird. Unknown_02: All those racist bones you're throwing down on the sidewalk right now. Unknown_04: It goes on these weird anti-Semitic rants. I don't get it. Unknown_02: What's he talking about? Why is he suddenly... Oh, he's probably referencing, whatever. Unknown_04: Ruin Thanksgiving every year. 1:47:04 Unknown_02: Oh, his bones are racist. His tibia goes on anti-Semitic tirades. Yeah, that's the excuse I use too, motherfucker. Unknown_02: There's something funny. Unknown_04: Yeah. Yeah, I saw the... I stand with JK Rowling. No, fuck this. Unknown_02: I'm done. Unknown_04: Get out of here. Unknown_02: Get out of here, Pete, you fucker. Uh, okay. She then deletes this video. She deletes everything. Unknown_02: And to top it all off, to finalize the Chantel cycle, as it is known to my fan zone on the Kiwi forums, she starts a new diet. I know this may give some of you whiplash. However, I want to start eating healthier and getting back to exercising. I hope you will continue to enjoy my vlogs. I'm not 100% sure how things are going to look, but I will probably do some vlogs and healthier cooking. 1:47:44 Unknown_02: I'm going to try and stop eating fast food. For me personally. I eat a bit and I only want more. I've tried over and over to be like people who are able to have it once a week and not spiral, but I realize that I am not one of them. This is going to be one of the hardest things I ever had to do taking the beast head on. And whoever took this screenshot decided to thumbs down this post before screen capping it. And I want to point out that the thumbs down on YouTube comments does literally nothing. It is not even recorded on the database that you thumbs down that post. It is stored in the browser only. If you clear the browser cache and refresh, all your thumbs down will be gone. Only thumbs up are recorded. It is literally... Literally a fucking placebo to make you feel better. And I know this. I've looked at this button and I've checked and see if it did anything. I've checked and see how it works. I know how it works and I still press it. I still press down that fucking button because I just I want to. I need to be able to do it. 1:48:58 Unknown_02: Steve Cuttlefish says again and she says yes again and possibly again and again and again. YouTube is so full of negativity and is really sad and only gets worse. What's also says how obese people struggling to get treated online. Why watch people? You obviously bother you. Why try to cut those down? I never said I was going to do a weight loss journey again. People jump to conclusions and don't read my words correctly. Unknown_02: all i said was that i'm laying off fast food and including more vlogs i have every right to change my mind and live my life the way i want to anytime i want to you have the right not to watch or engage so if you're here to shake your head and complain about how this is my choices affecting you then scram she says and that's it that's the update on chantal um he's fat she is still fat 1:49:40 Unknown_07: uh yeah and she's probably still gonna get made fun of by charlie gold um who who is in the right now who has been vindicated because she was black in amberland or chantelle is not Unknown_02: And I said Emmerlin because there is... Okay, we need to talk about this. Whoever came up with this fucking window saying you have to sign into YouTube needs to be tried for war crimes and hanged. Illegally hanged. I'm not saying lynched. I'm saying hanged for high treason against the people of my fucking country because this is bullshit. Fuck this thing. Unknown_02: I don't want Google stalking my ass. Fuck you. Unknown_02: This is nine minutes long. I'll watch a couple. I'll watch about two or three minutes, depending on how interesting. I'm not going to watch it all. Because we got to go. I need to respect the time of the fans and get the fuck out. I am fucking repulsed right now. 1:50:25 Unknown_09: She's angry at reaction channels. Social media. Society. Unknown_09: You know hasn't had the best reputation people dislike her for whatever reasons But right now she is doing something so amazing so generous and putting and don't ask me what the fucking deal is with um her journey or whatever either lost their homes in the fire or having to evacuate due to the fire and she has 40 thumbs up on her video, thank you. 1:51:17 Unknown_09: But 233 thumbs down? Unknown_09: For fucking why, bitch. For fucking why. Unknown_02: The fire in California. She's bitching because this other fat chick is doing, like, a charity thing. And she's getting a lot of hate for it. She's probably coming across as, like, a grifting retard trying to profit off the fucking California fires and shit. Chantel... Unknown_02: Oh, Amy's life journey. The hijab wearer. The woman who bought Alex Jones' Islam conversion kit. She's doing this shit and people are making fun of her for it because she's coming across as like a group or whatever. And Amber went... One of the most sweetest people on YouTube. One of the most sweetest people on YouTube that we are going to get around to one day. Life by Jen is a gem. 1:51:51 Unknown_02: Her life is such a fucking trailer park story. I'll have to make room for her next stream because she's a... Unknown_02: She's very gross. All these people, all these fat chicks on you... I can't help it. They're funny, and they have shitty personalities, and it's fun to make fun of them. And they're like a TV show that you can pick up at any time and get right back into it. My Life by Jen is really gross. Fuck it, I'll save it for later. This is going on two hours now, but... You can just tell that she radiates such a kindness. 1:52:30 Unknown_09: And her heart is so full and whole and just beautiful, but yet... Unknown_09: She's hated on? Really? Unknown_02: Because it's fake. Unknown_09: Why? Because it's fake. What the fuck did she do? Faked it. Like, hands down, what the fuck? 1:53:04 Unknown_09: I don't get it. Unknown_09: I do not understand. I don't. Unknown_02: But you also fake it. Unknown_09: We have YouTubers who are on the border of... She's doing the John Cena thing. Unknown_02: You can't see me. Her hands up in front of her face the entire time. Unknown_02: That we're looking up to as influencers. Unknown_09: People who have done such horrible, disgusting things, but yet their millions of followers just love them so dearly. 1:53:45 Unknown_09: Always have majority of thumbs up barely thumbs down yeah she got the acrylics on and she's feeling sassy god and she mentioned millions of subscribers but all the little stands will come i can't all what's happening i didn't think i had that much to talk about but i mean okay amberlynn's fucking getting mad up in the tizzy but i didn't even mention and i think i pulled this up on firefox i did the fucking ethan klein thing this guy uh Unknown_02: And I'll just drop Emelyn because she's just being fat and bitchy about how people are getting hate and shit. But Ethan Klein, his wife, Hila, whatever, this is her design. And it looks shit. I mean, some people might disagree, but this looks... It's a 90s thing, I guess. It's called block coloring. How every part of this hoodie I'm showing on the screen right now, for someone listening, is a different color. Um... 1:54:20 Unknown_02: it's called teddy fresh that's her her brand or whatever but it just looks like a 90s thing straight out of the 90s and ethan klein the fucking h3h3 guy is on twitter and he's saying i know we didn't invent color blocking but i'm having a hard time with the new james charles merch james charles of course was the gay guy with millions of subscribers who got accused of sexually molesting or being creepy around a bunch of straight men his fetish is like turning straight guys basically and he exploits his fame to do that to other youtubers and people Um, it's the same exact design as he'll has combined with the fact that his audience is so huge. Many people will assume he designed it and accuse us of plagiarism. What do you think? And I think someone pointed this out. His tweet is just him testing the public waters to see, um, like how people would feel about litigation. And if it wasn't like very positive, he would sue because, you know, he has, he has the inclination to, to litigiousness, um, And 60,000, like, I don't understand people who fucking like this guy. What the fuck has he ever done that's funny? You know what? Where is this? I'm going to find this. I tweeted this out, or Leafy did. Let me show you what this motherfucker is doing in the name of comedy. This is H3H3. Baba Booey Baba Booey Baba Booey Baba Booey 1:55:43 Unknown_02: If you're only listening, he's holding like a Highlander, like Zweihander sword or something, and he's wearing a furry costume, and he's saying Baba Booey in his face, and he's naked, and this is like his meme. This reminds me of when T.J. Kirk, the amazing atheist, did the... This thing. I haven't thought about this in forever. 1:56:21 Unknown_07: What? No, fuck off. Ladies and gentlemen of you who liked blueberry pie, blueberry pie, blueberry pie, blueberry pie. Unknown_02: This was when Rickrolling was a thing, and the Amazing Atheist thought it would be an epic meme to do a video where he just says, you've been blueberry pied over and over again. And this guy is like, oh, I'll just be naked, and I'll say Baba Booey, and that'll be an instant hit. And people give him, like, tens of thousands of likes and shit. And Alex Hirsch says, 100% ripoff, bro. You're selling Teddy Fresh. You're selling Teddy Stale. 13,000 likes. Like, fuck all these people. They're so intellectually dishonest and... 1:56:59 Unknown_02: just scum and really you want to talk about theft i mean marzia the pewdiepie wife woman thing she was doing merch before hilla did so really hilla stole the idea of the sidekick woman care uh of a streamer doing uh a fashion line from marzia if you want to be technical 1:57:35 Unknown_02: Fuck that. And then Keemstar made this, and I thought this was probably the funniest thing that Keemstar has ever done. It's just the exact same thing. And he says, for a chance to win a hoodie I've been working on since 1993, this is my original idea I came up with in fifth grade. Because it's like an obvious, like, 90s, 80s thing. Just Keemstar scribbled on it. Unknown_02: Ugh. I really don't like H3. He's such a fuckhead. And he's getting worse all the time. I've never seen anything from H3... Unknown_02: That made me think, oh, what a likable guy. I'd love to see more of his stuff. You know what I mean? Like, I don't really like Keemstar, but he occasionally does something that's funny. I don't really like Chantal, but every so often she goes on a racist tirade that makes me laugh. 1:58:06 Unknown_02: i don't know i've never seen anything from h3 that's like oh sure i i have to check out some more of this oh fuck and i forgot because there's been so much talk about encyclopedia germanica is being sued i completely forgot about this i just saw the tab uh this was i saw this right before i started streaming 1:58:42 Unknown_02: A guy named Kevin Mann, I don't even know who the fuck that is, is suing Encyclopedia Dramatica. I think the guy who owns it in five different John Does. And just to skim over this, because I can't even, I'll read the quotes, but it's defamation per se, bad light, I don't even know what the fuck that is, intentional interference with prospective economic advantage. And their claim is basically here that because of Google searches, they're intentionally interfering with his ability to make money. Unknown_02: This one is unreasonable publicity given to private facts, which I think is like you have to be told that in private. It can't just be something private that you make public because you found it online. 1:59:17 Unknown_02: Declaratory relief, which is basically the court saying that it was defamatory, and then injunctive relief, which I think is like a restraining order. They have to take down the post that they did, and then they have to not make any more articles on him. They're looking for $15,000 and additional relief, whatever the judge wants to give them, the injunctive relief, the restraining order, and the post to be taken down. Okay. Unknown_02: that in a nutshell what I want to read about this is the things that he lists as like defamation is just like so childish and retarded like this is bad for ED standards this shit that he's claiming is defamatory Kevin Mann also known by the name Kevin Boosomjack and Boosomjack can be described as an alpha manlet and king of rape face his picture on the article is very unflattering he is doing like a rape face 2:00:20 Unknown_02: Prowling his way through various hair loss forums, Kevin quickly established himself as a mighty faggot, brandishing his wisdom about various anti-bolting drugs. Ask him about the conspiracy against finestricide, women and their secret rape hunger, how teenagers make the best lays, and most importantly, fitness advice. Perhaps the most hilarious thing we here at ED managed to figure out is that despite his fitness regimen bulking him to strength plus 18, he envies the physique of black mahogany sun gods such as myself. Unknown_02: So much so that it wasn't hard to figure out that he got off on being the cuck. However, none of that is compared to his incestuous, lolly-loving confessions that Kevin hilariously left... Okay, this is the best part. lolly loving confessions that kevin hilariously left sprinkled around the internet lowercase i sprinkles that we here at ed ravenously consumed holy shit those sprinkles are good that's in a fucking legal document for defamation this this this is john doe writing about how he wants to eat sprinkles 2:01:03 Unknown_02: and then here's another quote I'll just read the quotes because they're the funniest thing in the third section the bald truth by again attacking man's character sexual orientation and profession defendants made the following statements for all his racism in quotes and various attempts to preserve a youth that frankly left him a long time ago it's all a smoke screen to hide a deep deep seated inferiority complex in fact Kevin is so full of bullshit that has various issues bleed into another like some sort of sad watery gumbo that's pretty good actually Consider for a moment his hair. You may ask yourself, why think about that which is not there? 2:01:52 Unknown_02: Well, if you observe the picture of the big uncle above, you will see that Kevin envies the Negro's ability to go bald and not look like Kevin. For a person whose ego is conjoined at the dick with his appearance, the perceived slight by the Negro race, better genetics, duh, turned into outward hatred and eternal ebony lust. Unknown_02: Defendants made the following statements, including and not limited to, So not only is Kevin a person with deep developmental and sexual issues, he is also a confirmed kidly fiddler and a fan of keeping it in the family. This would explain his creepy predilection towards teenage girls, as only a teenager would be dumb enough to fuck Kevin and not a big, black, caseous-looking motherfucker who is obviously genetically superior to Kevin Manlett in every which way. Ha ha! 2:02:33 Unknown_02: It's actually pretty good. The sprinkles thing made me kind of cringe, but that's actually funny. Okay, fuck it. Unknown_02: That's that. A lot's happened with Ralph and shit, but we're running on time, so I'm just going to play this clip from the Killstream, and I'll leave it at that. I think it speaks for itself. 2:03:49 Unknown_02: Someone said that audio made their dog go fucking apeshit. That's what you get for listening on speakerphones, you idiot. Get a headset. What's wrong with you? I feel like there's something else I missed. Oh, Linkara's books. There's four Linkara books on the fucking front page of the site. I can't even dig for experts. This would be like a four hour long stream at that point. um supposedly it's very rapey i'll talk about that more next stream because it's like 600 pages of shit like fan fiction where linkeran priestesses have to have sex with linkera because whatever reason um it's just all awkward and cringing from the mid-2000s so if you like reading for whatever reason go ahead and read that and then give me some quotes so i can quote mine it for the next stream all right fuck it i think that's it 2:04:38 Unknown_02: Alright, uh, the merch shit is ending on Sunday, for sure, no matter what. Um, so,, if you want to get a shirt or hoodie for Halloween, it will be shipping October 12th. The sale ends on Sunday, for sure, despite attempts by Ralph to get my shit taken down, it will be up until Sunday. So, at the latest. Maybe it will get taken down. We're some wood. Unknown_02: Go get a hoodie if you want a hoodie. Other than that, that's all I have. Thank you guys. I'll see you next week. Bye! 2:05:17 Unknown_06: Watch disgust enshroud you on the grey sheets of rain Smile while you're wondering why there's only ever pain Will you die if you worry, die if you don't Throw out that chill or someone else will Will your cries stop bleeding when we're leaning for the kill 2:06:03 Unknown_06: I don't believe in what you say I don't believe in what you say I don't believe you anyway Here we are eating each other's seed The soaring joys of the flesh and a drum to beat Unknown_06: Will you die if you worry, die if you don't? Though I've that chill, someone else will. Will your cries stop bleeding when we're moving for the kill? Unknown_06: I don't believe in words you say. I don't believe in words you say. I don't believe. 2:07:04 Unknown_06: I don't believe in what you say I don't believe in what you say I don't believe you anyway I don't believe in what you say I don't believe in what you say Unknown_06: That's why we teach today the joy in desperation That's why we teach today the joy in desperation That's why we teach today the joy in desperation That's why we teach today the joy in desperation 2:08:06 Unknown_06: That's why we teach today the joy of desperation That's why we teach today the joy of desperation That's why we teach today the joy of desperation Unknown_06: That's why we teach today the joy of desperation That's why we teach today the joy of desperation Unknown_06: That's why we teach today the joy of desperation That's why we teach today the joy of desperation That's why we teach today the joy of desperation