I don't want to call this Cuties 2020-09-11

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Unknown_07: We've got freedom of religion, I understand.

Unknown_07: But ground zero is one vocation where a mosque shouldn't stand. We've got to stop it. We've got to stop the mosque at ground zero. The thumb in its nose at every victim and hero. The thumb in its nose. Thousands of Americans died in the attack that day. Save your place. I designate Burlington the War Memorial.

Unknown_07: Can't let them build it. No, no, no, no, no, no. There's a painful memory in our minds. Our hearts keep breaking when we envision that tragic time.

Unknown_07: You can't let them do it. We gotta stop the mosque at ground zero. We gotta stop them. The government knows that every victim and hero. Oh, yeah. Thousands of Americans died in the attack.

Unknown_00: It's a sacred place, and that's a cold hard fact.

Unknown_07: Oh, my goodness.

Unknown_00: That's the best part. That woman's accent.

Unknown_07: Oh, yeah.

Unknown_07: The controversy with that mosque, by the way, is that supposedly they like to build mosques in places where they've won wars or battles.

Unknown_00: So the argument was placing a mosque near ground zero. They called it a victory mosque. That's what that lady says. Cordoba means victory in Islam. That's what she's referencing.

Unknown_00: I don't know. I don't know what the fucking accent that is.

Unknown_00: It actually did go up, I think. I think the conclusion of the Ground Zero Mosque was that it did get built, but it's like a community center. It's just like a... I don't know what it is. Maybe it's like a money laundering thing. It's not really a mosque. It's like just a religious organization office building or some shit. Or some place for kids to go.

Unknown_00: Anyways, hello my friends. I don't even know why I do these streams anymore. I have no way, I have no way to monetize them. Every time I open my fucking mouth, it probably is gonna set me up for being bit in the ass years later. Doing who? Inflame tensions with other personalities on the internet needlessly.

Unknown_00: Uh, it's not like I have a co-host or any kind of contract and I'm not signed on to this with iTunes or whatever. It's just, it is literally just me talking to myself for no reason, for no reason. And I still do it.

Unknown_00: I think that's... I mean, I have no evidence that any of you exist. Literally, I could just be sitting in my room with the monitors off, talking to myself, and it would literally have no difference whatsoever than me actually talking to a bunch of people. But...

Unknown_00: I don't know. It's a good way to try and reflect, I guess.

Unknown_00: Like a diary. Commit your memories to long-term... When you go over something that happened, when you think about it, it commits it to long-term memory. I need to cherish all these memories. I need to commit them to long-term storage.

Unknown_00: I can cherish them forever. Here, I have this clip. I don't know why.

Unknown_10: 9-11 that's norm mcdonald i have no idea who norm mcdonald is but that sounds very british i guess not it's a mick so it'd be irish same thing really

Unknown_00: It is kind of funny to think about it, like just how much everything changed after that. And I swear, I swear to you, COVID is going to be like the next 9-11. It's just nothing's going to change. I went to the store today and I was in checkout and the guy looked at me and said, your mask. And I like touched my I touched my face instinctively because I was like, what the fuck's wrong with my mask? I realized, oh, I'm not wearing one. So they used there used to be a system. They do butt pat, hip pat. And if you could feel your keys, your wallet and your phone, you're good to go. You can leave the house. But now it's like you have to do butt pat, hip pat and then your face, I guess, to make sure that you have your mask.

Unknown_00: And I don't know. I'm never going to get used to it. I have to actively remind myself to wear that fucking thing for no reason. And they're closing down everything. There's not going to be all the little traditional shit that all the fucking European countries do. They're all going to be closed down. This is just a show of force. Show of force. They can dictate what you wear. They can dictate closing down businesses. They can close down your cultural annual festivities. They can just shut it off like a spigot. If you want it, you have to be nice and you have to pay your taxes. That's the reality. If Bashar al-Assad, however, was president, there would be protection, religious protections for all of us. We can have our heritage.

Unknown_00: I have a lot of videos today. I love videos because it gives me an opportunity to drink water and not have to talk. Otherwise, I have to talk for an entire hour. It does wear out the throat. Actually, as I interact with chat for the first time and my imaginary friends by extension, I want you guys to look at the URL. If you're not listening to this live or you're listening to it on an archive or on iTunes or wherever the fuck you're not, don't worry. Everyone look at the URL for this video. What is the first four letters? L-G-B-T. Very, very coincidental.

Unknown_00: I noticed that while I was fucking around and setting up OBS. Like, the URL is L-G-B-T. But there's more than that. There's now a KIA JWQQ. So by the end of the stream, one of you has to figure out what all the other letters mean. I want a complete acronym from the L to the second Q. I mean, it's not even too different from the actual thing. I is intersex, A is asexual, there's queer, and I swear there's a second Q in the actual acronym now. So this isn't even an unreasonable request. While we go through this, one of you think of the full acronym, and I'll read it. I'll read it at the end of the stream. Don't let me forget. We need a full acronym for this URL for my YouTube video.

Unknown_00: All right. So I'm going to give chat. There's not going to be a system for this. You just have to spam whichever one you want. We can either talk about Coach Red Pill, Cuties, or Jim Sterling first.

Unknown_00: And just spam. Just spam Jim Sterling, Coach Red Pill, or Cuties.

Unknown_00: Oh my god. It's such a split. It's such a split.

Unknown_00: Jim and CRP seem to be first. Okay. Let me play this, actually, and then I'll do Jim Sterling, because that'll be quick. Now, this is a clip from a Netflix comedy special, completely unrelated to Cuties, just a different comedy special. And it's a black guy.

Unknown_00: And this was earlier in the year, but he coined the phrase, all buildings matter. And I'm going to be watching chat while this plays. You tell me what your opinion is on this clip. Okay.

Unknown_01: They don't tell you black lives don't matter. That's not what they say. That's not the argument.

Unknown_01: They hit you with that slick shit.

Unknown_01: Like, well, all lives matter.

Unknown_01: Really? Semantics?

Unknown_01: That would be like if your wife came up to you and was like, do you love me? And you were like, baby, I love everybody. What are you talking about?

Unknown_01: Of all God's creatures. What are you saying?

Unknown_01: You're no different.

Unknown_01: Why do black people always have to get over shit so quickly?

Unknown_01: Thanks, black lady.

Unknown_01: Right? Why do we always gotta get over shit? Every time we bring some shit up.

Unknown_01: Slavery. Oh, that was 400 years ago.

Unknown_01: Segregation. Oh, you guys got Black History Month out of it. Come on.

Unknown_01: We gave you February.

Unknown_01: Police shooting, that was two weeks. Come on, you still, still? 9-11, oh, never forget. That's why this September, I'm getting a T-shirt that says, all buildings matter. Let me see how that works.

Unknown_00: I actually laughed when I watched that. As far as the set goes, it wasn't terrible. Maybe my bar has been lowered. It didn't seem too far off to me from Chappelle or any other black comedian that was popular during the Bush administration. The context...

Unknown_00: I mean, if you actually want to be angry, go read the Twitter trend, hashtag all buildings matter, because that shit is like vitriolic. Those people hate white people. I don't know. Twitter has probably done the worst for race relations in any device, any political party in human history whatsoever. Twitter, when you see how much those people hate you for your skin color, you really stop being sympathetic towards their plight. I mean, it really is shocking just how much they fucking hate white people in that Twitter thread.

Unknown_00: But I didn't find that comedy routine insipid. I thought it actually made the hashtag funnier just because the joke itself was okay.

Unknown_00: All right.

Unknown_00: That's it as far as that goes. That's my 9-11 posting. Last year, actually, I did another 9-11 stream because I think it was a Friday again.

Unknown_00: I don't want to say that and sound like an idiot. Maybe I just streamed on 9-11 just because. But I went back and I read a bunch of Newground comments from 2001 because the day after a bunch of people released like flash animations about blowing up Afghanistan. And the comments were like uber patriotic, jingoistic, like let's just fucking nuke the Middle East kind of shit. I don't know. It took me back.

Unknown_00: It is strange to think that people are born after 9-11. Because it's not even like they don't remember it. They don't even have a concept of what the world was like before 2008. You know what I mean? How different it is. Because I traveled with my mom as a little kid. I went to Ireland and London before 9-11, I'm pretty sure.

Unknown_00: um at least one of those destinations before 9-11 and then we traveled again shortly after 9-11 like in 2003 or something and just how different the flight experience is from from those two was was shocking because your family could come with you all the way up to the departure gate and Before 9-11, there wasn't any what they call a sanitary zone in the airports where they go through security screenings and then you have like the after the security screening is the sanitary zone where they assume that things are safer, right? Where there's no contraband.

Unknown_00: didn't didn't exist before you could just walk up to the gate and stuff uh very very very strange and i guess only time will tell what those people are like they're coming of age now i mean they're 18 now

Unknown_00: So we're going to start seeing the impact of the post-911 generation, the people who have no fucking clue what it was like to be alive at a time where internet speeds weren't instantaneous. You couldn't just download whatever the fuck you wanted in seconds.

Unknown_00: All that shit.

Unknown_00: Before the NSA, before people, the government, before we just assumed that the government was spying on everything that we did. You know what I mean?

Unknown_00: The...

Unknown_10: Yeah.

Unknown_00: And the NSA, they tap everyone. They tap like foreign leaders and shit. There was a scandal where like Merkel was getting spied on and she somehow found out the NSA was like tapping her phones and she says, knock that off. And the NSA's response was, okay, we'll stop spying on you specifically.

Unknown_00: the rest of your staff the rest of the people in the government or whatever you know fuck that the rest of the people in your country now we're still going to spy on them and they don't even have constitutional rights they're not american we can spy on them harder than we spy on our own people and you can't do anything about it and and there are now people who are over 18 who only know that

Unknown_00: who only know that existence of perpetual security footage and domestic espionage. It's fucking mind-boggling. And I wonder if they're going to be angry or if they're just complacent with it. Because I'm still angry. Every day I hope that the Patriot Act just gets repealed entirely.

Unknown_00: But I don't know. I don't think that they can be angry. Whatever.

Unknown_00: You think they're going to be angry? Eh, maybe. Anyways, I know someone who's angry and it has nothing to do with anything. It's just a fat man being very angry. I haven't been keeping up with Jim Sterling's videos as much as I used to. I used to be a very genuine fan of the Jimquisition.

Unknown_00: And as of the last year or so, he has completely given up being entertaining. And it's really obvious watching him and watching his Twitter account that this man has no passion for video games. He does not give a fuck about a single video game. And I think he used to. I think he used to genuinely love playing video games and making that a career was a dream of his. Now, not so much. He's started up his own backyard... I have to... Let me try and find this, actually. Because I didn't think of talking about Jim Sterling's fucking...

Unknown_00: I guess something happened with him and his amateur wrestling group, but he's making his own, and the whole shtick is gonna be that they're gay.

Unknown_00: Like, that's not a joke. He wants to make his own wrestling group, his own amateur wrestling shit, where he's Commander Sterling or whatever, and the whole shtick is gonna be that they're homosexuals. Here, I'll just play this video. I've never seen this before. I'm sure it's awful.

Unknown_05: Gaze upon the gold-plated face of perfection, you terrestrial pedestrians. For Sterling, the super-heavyweight super-villain, has something to say. September 5th, Pittsburgh, the hashtag Polycult Party 2. The Star Eater shall be there, and he shall bring his own particular brand of pansexual pandemonium to professional wrestling. Oh my! Oh, my, yes. Stay tuned for details, and we'll see you very soon. Finally gonna kiss and be young.

Unknown_00: He used to like review video games and talk about the industry, but now he's completely lost it and he's doing all this shit. It's just so bad. It's so fucking bad. And I can tell the main reason why I think he just has no love for what he does that actually makes money now. is that he likes to insert his fucking terrible wrestling shit into his actual gym position videos. It used to be I could sit down and I could put on the Jim Sterling playlist and I could listen to it while I do other stuff, while I work on code, while I manage the site, while I play a video game. and then it became a point where he started doing the wrestling shit and I would have to alt tab out of my whatever I'm doing to press the right mouse button to skip past the intros of his videos because he would put his awful fucking wrestling promos at the start of his videos and but that was tolerable and then it got to a point where he would intersplice the wrestling at the end so it'd be a beginning and an ending promo and now he does it at random throughout his fucking videos so it's not even worth it you can't listen to those videos anymore And I mean, it is truly like a gut-wrenching, painful kind of cringe to listen to. Just listening to it sucks. Because there's one point in particular, which is like, I know this by heart because I've listened to the video so many times, but there's one video in particular where the cringe is very early into it, so I don't even get to skip past it.

Unknown_00: And it's like he's in the crowd and he's in his fucking purple suit and he just looks like a giant walking eggplant, man. And someone in the audience says, like, your mother sucks cocks in hell or something. It's some kind of insult directed at his mother. And I think it's a reference to The Exorcist. But then he goes, well, that's fine. I don't even like my mother. And then, like, for some reason, he thinks that that comeback was so epic, such epic, awesome pwnage that he puts us as his fucking wrestling promo and his own gymquisition videos. And it's just so terrible. And none of it is any better than that. You know what I mean? It's just awful. So he's completely ruined it, and I think he's ruined it because he just hates his job now, and he really wishes his amateur wrestling shit would take off, but it's never going to because it's fucking awful.

Unknown_00: So he just insults his own fan base, people that watch his videos, and throws that shit in incessantly.

Unknown_00: Oh, by the way, he came out as pansexual now, so he wears bright neon pink lipstick in his fucking shows, which, whatever, I can put up with. I don't care.

Unknown_00: But it's actually kind of amazing. Let me pull it up, actually, because I want to show you something. I just want to show you what he looks like in his videos now. Oh, God.

Unknown_00: See what I mean? See what I mean? I click the video, and it's just immediately into the poly cult party to Brooklyn Battle. So if you try to click his fucking videos, you're greeted with this shit immediately. And it's just not worth skipping past it anymore.

Unknown_00: This is not the one where he's wearing the lipstick. I think this is...

Unknown_00: It's like muscle memory now, right? I click one of his videos and I just start pausing it.

Unknown_06: Oh, there it is.

Unknown_00: Okay. Here it is.

Unknown_00: And this is him at the end of the video and whatever. He's always been wacky doing stupid shit. But look at his costume. It used to be that he just took the regular Jim Sterling outfit and he swapped it with pink. And that's like, okay, you know, whatever. That's kind of shitty and gay, but that's what he's going for. He wants shitty and gay. So that's what he gets. But then he decided, oh, I'm going to make it steampunk. So I wear the glasses too. It's like, okay, that's fucking shitty and gay, but whatever. Then he decides I'm going to wear the pins, all the pins. So you can see like a Marilyn Manson pin and Boglin pins. And then he's like, I love Boglin so much, I'm going to put them in the steampunk goggles for my helmet. And that's why those poor things are trapped in there like that, like they're cats in a washing machine.

Unknown_00: But every time I look at him, he's just more awful to behold. He's so insulting to my eyes.

Unknown_00: in a deliberate way, and he just looks like a fucking consumer incarnate. Look at all that fucking brand shit that he's wearing, all that garbage.

Unknown_00: But that's a good intro, a good preload to this clip that I was just going to play and bitch about Jim Sterling. Because now that we have this context of what he's been doing to his videos, I can play this clip and it'll be a lot funnier. It'll be as funny to you, hopefully, as it was to me when I heard it.

Unknown_04: Frankly, I'd rather not talk about you, Ubisoft. Not only does it make my viewers uncomfortable, YouTube's algorithm has been burying my channel into oblivion since I started going after your frankly, genuinely evil company. Now, I can only report the sequence of events when it comes to this subject, but what I can say is that our video focusing on Ubisoft's years of protection for mental and physical abusers was the most shared Jimquisition episode in years, and ended up the least viewed one possibly ever at the time. And after that, every Jimquisition episode that followed was a new record low view count. Tellingly, this only seemed to affect the Jimquisition. The rest of the videos I do on the channel were performing normally, to the point where you'd think my casual industry bullshit side series was actually the premier show on the channel. Now maybe it's not that YouTube's burying my videos, maybe my audience truly just doesn't fucking wanna know how Ubisoft's cruel and unusual sausage is made. Which would be both understandable, and, given how important it is that Ubisoft not get away with its bullshit, also quite disappointing and demoralizing.

Unknown_00: So that can't be it.

Unknown_04: But, I do somewhat struggle to believe that my audience didn't want to watch a video it was sharing more than usual. It's suspicious, is what I'm saying. It's a suspicious set of circumstances on a platform that is itself routinely suspicious in general. Anyway, the Jim Cri-

Unknown_00: so okay uh i see a lot of people in chat complaining about something i'll talk about in a second but he really like okay it got shared more than usual that's because it was a fucking the video itself he didn't uh an expose video about how there were sexual assault allegations going all the way to the tippy top of ubisoft And I have no problem whatsoever believing that the French weirdos, the French, because as we all know now, the French are really fucked up when it comes to sex shit. So we're just going to completely, I am fully on board with the Ubisoft French people are creepy weirdo party train right now. So he has a video talking about the allegations. Um, in particular because Kotaku and other places haven't been, which is fine. And he said, you know, he implored his audience, share this video because it's very important. And the many people of his audience who are on that train, right, are going to share it. But then he complains that it didn't get many views. And he blames the algorithm and Ubisoft tampering with it directly instead of people just not wanting to watch that because it's not a fun topic. Nobody wants to hear about that kind of shit, especially right now when everything is so miserable.

Unknown_00: So...

Unknown_00: Then he says that the viewership has been low for all his subsequent videos on the Gemquisition specifically, but not his other videos. And he again blames that with YouTube algorithmic tampering instead of just...

Unknown_00: You preload your fucking videos with the most awful shit possible. Nobody, nobody on the face of the planet would want to watch a video after watching Jim Sterling's amateur wrestling unless they already knew who Jim Sterling was and what to expect with the video. So that's why I believe his audience is tapering off because it's just nobody wants to see that. Not a single person wants to see a gender blob monster in a gay pink leopard print steampunk boglin helmet wrestle other other ambiguously gendered people.

Unknown_00: I think that should be obvious, but to him, there's no way. There's no way that could be it. It must be corporate conspiracy, tampering with him specifically, because he is such a cutting hot knife into the French butter that is Ubisoft.

Unknown_00: Oh, and to the other people who mentioned this. Yes. One of the other things that I cannot fucking stand. I cannot even bear to watch his videos anymore. I can only listen to him is because after his big change where he went from like basically he had like a very fascist aesthetic. And I think someone told him. you know one of his his striped sock friends said hey you know the red and black with the jim sterling logo in the white circle that's a bad look yikes bro problematic you're normalizing it you gotta change this and he's like you know what you're right i'm gonna make it as gay as possible because that's when i am i'm gay and i'm chipper so uh that he did a complete stylistic aesthetic change and when he did this at the same time someone his editor

Unknown_00: Who is not even a joke. His editor is like his wife's boyfriend or something like I think they are in a polycule in his Louisiana estate and or Mississippi estate. And he does the editing for his videos. And now all the fucking videos that he puts out have this. I'll play it on quiet. So if you're watching, you can see it.

Unknown_00: have this awful, intolerable thing where on every still image ever, it zooms and pans. Zoom and pan. Zoom and pan all the fucking time. There's not a single still shot of any goddamn thing in his videos. And it is physically... nauseating to watch a jim sterling video because every single thing is like that except when they cut the sock photography that is a that's a video itself then they don't edit it for whatever reason probably because it has more processing time or some shit um but it's especially annoying when he wants to show i don't know if i have one in this particular clip But he'll often show clips of articles like things from games, journalism and shit. And he'll keep he'll still do it. He'll show an article, a block of writing that usually you put into a video so people can pause it and read the fucking article right there in the video. No, he still puts the pan and zoom on fucking text articles.

Unknown_00: And it's just the most bewildering thing. It's like the worst editing ever. And maybe that has something to do with people not watching your fucking videos anymore, Jim.

Unknown_06: Okay, let's talk about Coach.

Unknown_06: That's all I have to say about Jim Sterling.

Unknown_00: Coach, well, there's another Jim. Jim, Medicare Jim, said that he had cancer of the lymph nodes, I believe, which is, I think it affects his autoimmune system. So when he said he had cancer, I think I, I don't want to, whatever.

Unknown_00: But I guess that wasn't hyperbole. And...

Unknown_00: After that, I don't even like talking about Coach because he's so petty that I know me talking about him at all. Not even like completely shitting on him. Me just talking about him is going to trigger some sort of fucking piranha feeding frenzy instinct in his brain because he cannot take any slight and just ignore it. You know what I mean? And he's not like a fun petty. He's like a complete fucking dickhead petty. It's like, ah, do I really want to... Do I really want to talk about Coach Redpilt and have to deal with his bullshit some more? And it's like, well, if I abided by that kind of train of thought, I wouldn't really be able to do much on the forum. So I guess I have to.

Unknown_00: He made this video after Jim announced that he had lymphoma and it's a little bit tasteless. So we'll watch that and then we'll watch another video that he put out just today.

Unknown_06: Oh, that's muted. I'm glad I noticed.

Unknown_11: Cancer is a funny thing. I have a theory. I have a theory about everything.

Unknown_00: Right away, by the way, when someone who a lot of people like has cancer and they're very upset about it, especially in a year where there's a lot to be upset about, this is probably not the way to start your video.

Unknown_11: Cancer is a funny thing.

Unknown_00: Many people in general would not agree with that statement. So I just don't know if he didn't think that through or what. It kind of makes him look like a dickhead.

Unknown_11: I have a theory. I have a theory about everything. But I have a theory about cancer. It seems to me that a lot of people who get cancer, the cancer is the physical manifestation of them never doing the things that they wanted to do but were too afraid

Unknown_00: What? That's the line I heard. That's like, okay, I have to play this on stream. Because what the fuck is he talking about? Cancer is a manifestation of the things you want to do but never got around to.

Unknown_00: You should write a fucking journal about that and submit it to the WHO if that's what it is, because maybe all we need to do to cure cancer is send some fucking kids to Disney World or some shit, you know what I mean? You always wanted to travel to go see China. Well, go take a trip to China. Your cancer will just fall off your fucking body. It's completely bewildering.

Unknown_11: I truly believe that so many cancers, especially in relatively young men,

Unknown_11: They spring from repression, fear of not doing the things that you wanted to do, that you could have done, but that fear kept you from doing.

Unknown_11: There are a lot of writers who think exactly as I do, by the way. A lot of writers. Offhand, I can think of Norman Mailer.

Unknown_00: It's called appeal to authority. People who have some authority agree with me, therefore I'm right. I never cared for Norman Mailer, but he had the same idea.

Unknown_11: So did Hunter Thompson. And I suspect that Mailer stole the idea from Hunter Thompson, but anyway.

Unknown_00: okay and that's another thing can we talk about old people who are surrogate fathers for internet groups who like hunter s thompson when the when the who the fuck is hunter s thompson he's the gonzo journalist guy right i only know him because uh jace the the deagle nation jace was like he called himself a gonzo journalist and he got interviewed by people who called himself a gonzo journalist and shit that's the only reason why i know him why the fuck is he like what is with this read a book okay fuck you that notion that cancer grows on you a little bit each time you decide to give in to your fear and not do the things that you should have done it's a season of cancer yeah i've heard uh of a couple of people who've gotten cancer as of late

Unknown_11: And what's interesting is that these people who've gotten cancer, well, they never dared do the things that they could have done. And now they're dying and they're filled with regret.

Unknown_11: They're not the men that they could have been.

Unknown_00: Look at that face. I'm sorry if you can't, if you're just listening, but look at his fucking face. They're not the men that they could have been.

Unknown_00: And that nod, that subtle nod, like, you know what I mean. No, I don't.

Unknown_00: Okay, this undeniably has something to do with Jim. I'm sure if he got pressed on it, he'd fucking backtrack and say, no, he doesn't. What is an ideal Jim to you, coach? I really want to know. What does Jim look like in this ideal world where he really went out and pursued his passions, not held back by fear?

Unknown_00: I can't even imagine is it like is Jim like in Ukraine with coach red pill dating you know married to a Ukrainian woman is that is that the ideal Jim and he's doing face live streams and fucking you know in Moscow and shit like that is that the ideal I don't know I have no fucking idea what he's trying to imply with this shit but it's really weird and I don't get it

Unknown_00: um if anyone if if he wants to explain this to me i'm sure i'll get it in the form of like a a pipe bomb in my fucking mailbox or some shit but i don't get it you need three cameras jim he could have led gamergate okay so i bring this up because very uh very timely this happened

Unknown_02: See that?

Unknown_02: I broke my ankle again, but this time it was a lot worse.

Unknown_02: Over there, I don't know if you can see it, I'll try to zoom in, is the x-ray of my broken ankle. I mean, the thing really shattered. on my second jump.

Unknown_02: The reason it shattered so badly was that I misjudged the distance to the land and I pulled up too soon and then I sort of like dropped at speed.

Unknown_02: And well, here are the results.

Unknown_02: You know, surgeons are going to

Unknown_02: uh, decide tomorrow whether to, um, operate, uh, or let me rephrase that. It has to be operated on.

Unknown_02: And the only question is when and where, probably it'll have to be operated in about a week because of the swelling. Swelling has to go down, but it has to be operated on before two weeks or else

Unknown_02: I will, um, the bones will begin to fuse and, you know, it'll be a whole mess.

Unknown_02: Oh.

Unknown_00: I mean the second jump if you can't hear in the background they are speaking I'm pretty sure Ukrainian maybe Russian I'm not a hundred percent I can't hear it that well to pick out like specific words and I can't see any labels but he's definitely at home but Ukraine's medical system if you have uh private funds is not it's not terrible i know people who went there for treatment so he probably will be fine but i want to know what the fuck he's doing is he like mountain climbing in in ukraine what is he jumping on what is he doing is he like what is he on a trampoline uh

Unknown_00: Or is he trying to do parkour through... I forget what fucking city he's on. It's not Kyiv. It's one of the ones on the far east of Ukraine that are like combat zones. He's told me that he can hear gunshots and shit from his house certain nights.

Unknown_00: I'm going to look at this. I don't know if he's actually said what city he's in, so I'm not going to say it. I'm pretty sure he has, though.

Unknown_00: Whatever. I'm not going to say it, because I don't know if that's public. I don't want to be a dickhead on accident, because right now I'm just trying to talk. But yeah, that's funny.

Unknown_00: It is weird. I guess, Jim, if you're listening, Jim, if you go out to try and cure your cancer by fulfilling all your dreams, by checking off your bucket list, like Coach Red Pill suggests, don't go mountain climbing in Ukraine because you'll fuck up your knee. And if you don't have someone with you, I guess you'll just starve to death or drag your ass back to society on your hands.

Unknown_00: All right. I think that's all I have to say about Coach. Though I guarantee you he's going to fucking do something stupid just because I mentioned him. He's such an ass. He's such a grumpy old man. Whenever anyone says anything about him, he's got to fucking do a show up. He sends passive, shitty, passive-aggressive messages and Discord and via email and on Twitter. It's like, oh, well. Like, uh, like that Ralph message that I got one time, like, you'll be, uh, you'll be sacrificed long before me, sir. Like, that kind of, that tier of, like, petty bullshit.

Unknown_00: Um, okay. Cuties or Section 230 chat? Do it. We're doing heads or tails. One for cuties, two for Section 230.

Unknown_00: the uh while you're doing that i was on a train yesterday and i swear to god uh there was a lot of corn a lot of fucking corn just miles of corn i'm like i i someone messaged me saying that they were from some midwestern flyover state and uh

Unknown_00: The corn was great this year.

Unknown_00: I'm not even making that up. People have emailed me saying that I am in agriculture, and the corn harvest this year was phenomenal. And then when I'm driving around, I see all this fucking corn. I'm thinking, what a silly world. What a silly world and a silly timeline. So I guess that's my monkey brain detecting patterns, right? Let's say there's a corn harvest, things go well, and then there's lots of corn. The monkey brain starts putting that together.

Unknown_00: I saw a lot of people voting for Cutie, so I'll talk about that.

Unknown_06: Where do I even begin?

Unknown_06: I don't think I talked about it before, have I?

Unknown_00: Because the last time, I didn't stream last week.

Unknown_00: And I think it blew up during that week I did not stream. I didn't want to stream just to talk about cuties, you know. So Netflix has adopted a movie by a French Senegalese woman. who I believe also has Israeli citizenship, for whatever that's worth.

Unknown_00: And she has directed this movie called Cuties, which is about five 11-year-old girls who start twerking. And when the news broke about this story and the very kind of coming-of-age poster, they changed the poster to make it look more... Actually, they changed it because, and I'll show you, I'll just bring this up.

Unknown_00: this okay here perfect i might have talked about this before fuck it i'll talk about it why did it take i just want to see the poster fuck off the the left is the international release and the right is the american release uh when netflix got it so the left is the poster at sundance and it's much more appropriate um i i

Unknown_00: It's better. And it kind of has a coming-of-age theme. The right is just like whores. They're dressed like whores. You know, like adult dancers.

Unknown_00: And the trailer was awful because it was completely inappropriate. There were two scenes where the camera just zooms in on their fucking crotches.

Unknown_00: I mentioned this on Twitter. I might have mentioned this on the last stream. But any of those stills by themselves posted to 8chan at the height of 8chan when I was a moderator... Would have been deleted because they failed the DOS standard. And someone even emailed me and told me that this other podcast by two FBI agents or former agents called Best Case, Worst Case. And they were talking about cuties and they said that cuties was unacceptable from a legal perspective. specifically because many of the shots in the movie focused on the genital regions of the children in such a way that would violate the DOS standard in court.

Unknown_00: So, I mean, it flew up red flags on everybody. There's nobody who looks at this in the U.S. and thinks this is acceptable, except for total fucking weirdos. And I have a couple of hot takes on this.

Unknown_00: to show you, but the most prominent one is Dick, and I don't want to keep bringing up Dick, but it's so frustrating to watch him defend this movie.

Unknown_00: You know what I mean? It's just so frustrating, because he plans to do a day one commentary with one of his friends, Vito, and then said, well, watch this movie when it comes out, and if it's bad, we'll say it's bad. You know, whatever. We're going to be adults about this, and we're going to give it a chance, right? Um, and then when it does come out and the stories of what's in the movie are being spread around and the, the audience reviews come out, Vito says, fuck it. I'm not, I'm not touching this.

Unknown_00: And Boogie, who was supposed to be starting a new, a revival of the biggest problem in the universe, you ghosted him and said, I'm, you know, good. I don't know his motivation for that. Boogie's someone who tries not to offend anyone. But his story has been pretty consistent, I think, that he was molested as a child. So he has motivation to not want to touch this either. And it's like, there's nothing to gain by taking the contrarian stance on this cutie shit, because it is demonstrably, potentially even legally, softcore child pornography.

Unknown_00: And based off what I've heard, I've not watched it. Last time I was thinking of watching it, and I decided, fuck it, I'll watch The Producers instead, the 1960s movie about springtime for Hitler. And it's actually a pretty good movie, and it holds up pretty well despite being so old. So if you're thinking about watching Cuties, watch The Producers instead. It's probably much better.

Unknown_00: But here's a recap of what happens in the movie.

Unknown_00: An 11-year-old girl takes a photo of her vagina and posts it online. The five young girls take turns doing webcam porn. A young girl tries to take a photo of a schoolboy's penis. An 11-year-old girl finds a used condom and blows it up.

Unknown_00: Like, it's protected because the director is a black woman and French. And I've even seen stories of people saying that the French get offended when you criticize this movie because you are being racist towards the French. Well, fuck the French. I'm putting the French, I'm struggling here. Are the French worse than the British? It's the age-old question, which is worse? They've been fighting over, they've been literally fighting for this for centuries to determine which is worse. The British have stormed Normandy to tell the French up to their faces that they are objectively worse than them. And the French go, no, no, no, we are worse. And they push them back to their island to show how terrible they were. So they've been debating this very passionately for a long time.

Unknown_00: But even as early as, someone linked me this in Discord right before I streamed, but in 1979, Michael Foucault tried to petition for the age of consent to be removed in France. And a bunch of people wrote an open letter to the court system saying, or whoever the fuck because three people were on trial for for sex with minors and shit and they're saying that that's bullshit so i don't know maybe there's something weird going on with the french and i can't i can't blame um

Unknown_00: I can't blame certain other people. There's no scapegoat for this. I just have to blame the French.

Unknown_00: Um, but the, the people protecting, I mean, people, the people defending this movie are definitely, uh, scapegoatable. They could be name checked. You can do the early life challenge with, with them. Uh, the New York times are the, the New Yorker in particular. Um, um,

Unknown_00: here here just look at them here are the guys here here are four critics who gave rave reviews for cuties here's one this guy he doesn't quite have the glasses but i'm sure he does in his house he's not wearing them in this photo but he's got the glasses somewhere else in his home and he just happens to not be wearing it for this picture

Unknown_00: Here's another one. I don't know how he has such wide hips. He has the portions of a morbidly obese woman, but that's number two.

Unknown_00: This guy, I can't, that guy looks like a fucking sadist. I have nothing else. That guy looks like he dresses up like Santa Claus just to have kids sit in his lap.

Unknown_00: And then this guy, this guy's just a cuck. Ha ha ha!

Unknown_00: I don't think he's into kids. I think he would just suck a dick if he was asked to because he wants to appease everyone. He wants to be optimistic about pop culture and black Senegalese women.

Unknown_00: uh oh movie bob is defending it though please he says please report every account that you see attacking film critics journalists or outlets that reviewed cuties pretending to accuse them of supporting pedophiles for targeted harassment this is now a clear mass pile on campaign with an agenda swearing emoji

Unknown_00: And then Dewonk says in reply, yeah, I think I'm going to trust the Sundance over a bunch of right-wing, I don't know what right-wing in J means, non-journalist accounts with less than 100 follows.

Unknown_00: To which someone points out, the founder of Sundance is currently in jail for raping a nine-year-old. So who knows why they gave the Best Director award to Sundance.

Unknown_00: Right-wing non-Jews? What? Oh, nut jobs. Okay.

Unknown_00: The founder of Sundance is in jail for raping a nine-year-old, says the someone with an anime avatar. I think it's anime.

Unknown_00: I don't know what that is. I can't see it too well, but it's actually true. I was afraid to put this up on the screen at first, but before the stream, I did due diligence and actually searched to see if that guy is in jail, and it is true. One of the co-founders for Sundance is in jail for molesting a nine-year-old, though I think he went to jail after...

Unknown_00: after cuties aired at sud dance or before, I'm sorry before, because if he did go to jail after, I would be curious to see what he said about the movie. That would be, that would be enlightening. Wouldn't it?

Unknown_00: um dame pesos because he pulled out some clips of the i think of the actual movie and again every one of these shots especially this one in the bottom right that would i would fucking delete that for for h hand there's no way so dame has has dared dick to try and defend it i guess he will because he's really doubling down on this shit and i really wish he wouldn't I'm really curious if him not being in LA would affect his opinion on this because I don't see any benefit. I don't see the joke if this is like a joke. You know what I mean? I try to give people a benefit of the doubt, especially when it comes to something subjective like...

Unknown_00: Oh, the artistic interpretations of film and shit, but... I mean, he gave shit to Maddox for the same thing in The Biggest Problem of the Universe, because Maddox had a soft take on pedophilia once, and Dick was like, no, that doesn't apply. But then again, his whole point in The Biggest Problem was just to be the antipole to Maddox.

Unknown_00: And the reviews are in, by the way.

Unknown_00: And Cuties is at like 3% to a 90% critical review. And it made me wonder, because I pulled up the top 100 movies of all time. And I'm going to read them. I'm going to read a couple of these off. The top 100 movies, according to Rotten Tomatoes, of all time. Of everything that has ever been aired on the fucking silver screen or streamed online. These are the top 100 movies of all time.

Unknown_00: Number one, best movie ever made in the history of mankind, Black Panther 2018. Number two, the second best movie, only topped by Black Panther, of all mankind's contributions to film, Avengers Endgame, followed by Us, the movie about the black woman and the rabbits and the underground carnival thing.

Unknown_00: uh four toy story 4 29 that that one doesn't even i can't even like just chalk that up to like pandering to black people that's disney paid for some fucking reviews and they got them so now toy story 4 is the fourth best movie that mankind has ever produced then five we finally get to some to some true cinema the wizard of oz

Unknown_00: Lady Bird, I don't even know what the fuck Lady Bird is. What the fuck is Mission Impossible Fallout? I've never even heard of that, but it's the seventh best movie ever made. Eight, Citizen Kane. Nine, The Irishman. Ten, Black K-K-K-Klansman, which fucking sucked, by the way. That movie sucked ass. And then number 11, Get Out, 2017. So apparently we're like in a golden age of cinema. The last 10 years of film, not even the last 10, the last five years of cinema have produced the majority of the top 10 movies of all time. So really we're in an unprecedented period of art and culture and the movies, they're just knocking them out of the park one after the other. Just the best things that have ever been made.

Unknown_00: um though based off this list uh because get out and us are both directed by jordan peele so that must make jordan peele one of the best directors in history he's better than um oh my god i fry i did that thing where you have where you know a lot of names and then you try to pull one up top of your head and you like fry it there's a special like german word for that when you do that um the foot guy the fat man the the guy that blows things up you know these people hitchcock hitchcock is one tarantino that's the foot man who's the guy that blows michael bay better than michael bay kubrick stanley kubrick spielberg Better than, than Gremlins, better than any of the people who worked on, you know, just fucking Dan Shon, Dan Shon is a, is a, is a masterpiece. No, I'm thinking of the other foot guy, Tarantino.

Unknown_00: Martin Scorsese? Exactly. No, it's actually Jordan Peele. He's the best director. I'd like Get Out and Us. I like Get Out more than Us.

Unknown_00: I'll talk about movies for a bit because why not? I've been watching a lot of movies. I think that Get Out is better than people give it credit for. I mean, a lot of people rate it as one of the best movies ever or whatever. But specifically on the race-conscious side, the anti-social justice people, I think that Get Out wasn't a takedown of white people. I think that it was a very honest movie in its intentions.

Unknown_00: But people disagree with me on that. Because I think...

Unknown_00: I think that it was his whole thing about how white people wanted to wear his skin, literally, like wear his body as like a suit. I think that was a more intimate criticism of the left than people realize. And I think that the way that the father said, oh, I voted for Obama. I'd vote for him a third time. The way he says that twice, I think Jordan Peele took a shot at the left with that. And I think it's a good movie. But people disagree with me on that.

Unknown_00: I did the Ralph thing where I know I'm speaking against the grain, so I get kind of hushed up about it.

Unknown_00: He's a pretty good director. I would watch more movies by him. What was the other one? Oh, Black Klansman. Black Klansman also has an incest storyline. Who the fuck's the asshole that makes that one? I know him.

Unknown_00: He's an asshole, the director. I know him.

Unknown_00: Spike Lee. Spike Lee directed Black Klansman, and it's just a complete fucking shit movie.

Unknown_00: But he also directed Oldboy, the remake of Oldboy, and that is also a shit movie. And there's a really weird connection in that they both have an incest plotline. And I think Spike Lee just likes to make movies where he implies white people fuck each other in their own families. I'm very certain that's a thing of his because it's a prominent role in both of those movies.

Unknown_00: I really don't like Spike Lee. And the fact that Black Klansman is rated higher than Get Out, fuck off. Get Out is much better. I'm born in the wrong time, right?

Unknown_00: Okay, I have more about cuties, I think.

Unknown_00: Okay, I found this. This was a guest on the Killstream. Someone posted this excerpt on the forum, and I thought it was funny. So I will play it for you now. This is someone who liked cuties and gave it a positive review. Let's hear what he has to say about it.

Unknown_03: They're pretty hot.

Unknown_03: And you know, you can say whatever you want about me. It's not my fault. I didn't make them do that. They did that.

Unknown_03: Uh, that's the point. That's the whole point of the movie is that you're supposed to be sitting there thinking, look at the blonde one. You're supposed to be sitting there holding these two thoughts in your head and one that these are kids and the other that they're hot.

Unknown_03: And, um,

Unknown_03: I don't even know if you're supposed to be comfortable with that. It's more like you're just supposed to be informed that you are capable of that and that you feel that way.

Unknown_03: I already knew that, but I think it's a good thing to put that out there. artistically i think it's a good thing um now is it exploitative yes definitely these uh these kids are 11 so they don't really understand what they're doing uh i i i i made a porn last year and i feel like i didn't understand i feel like like nobody should it be illegal no definitely not it's not

Unknown_00: Oh, sorry, it just ends abruptly there. I was looking for this while this was playing here. Not too late to play it. In case you were wondering, yes, he is a fan of Kirby Zero-Ed.

Unknown_00: I like how, um... He... Like, he... Oh, my God. He says that we're supposed to be feeling that. Like, no, dude. I don't think most people do. That's the thing. I don't think most people do. Um...

Unknown_00: And I've been told that the people who defend, you know, defend straight hardest over that are the people who are most likely to be attracted to people. And I was like, no, I think it is a, like the same thing with animals. You see an animal get hurt and you feel bad for it. There's like a built in system in the human brain to, to be appalled at certain things. And it's primarily animals being hurt, especially needlessly.

Unknown_00: And kids being fucked with, I think it's unnatural not to feel that way.

Unknown_00: And I realize it's not a particularly hot take. I'm pretty sure that's the standard for things, but I don't know. This guy is so gross about what he says and so shameless about it. And he says, oh, I've done a porn and I felt exploited by me jerking off on webcam. Well, how do you... How do you think it's going to affect them? It goes on, but I'm not going to play it all. He goes on to say it shouldn't be illegal because of whatever reason.

Unknown_00: Because it's art or whatever. And he said, if I had kids, would I let them star in cuties?

Unknown_00: And his rationale is just shattered. Completely shattered. I think that's...

Unknown_00: Oh, I do have section 230 to talk about, so this might be a little bit longer than a regular stream. It might go an hour and a half. I do want to point out that in the last 14 minutes, Jim tweeted out this that I was alerted to. I was too busy working on a video about how unfulfilled ambitions lead to people falling out of airplanes and shattering their legs. I do believe he was parachuting, actually, and that's how he fucked up his ankle, so I don't know.

Unknown_00: That's pretty funny, though.

Unknown_00: Let me pull up my Section 230 stuff real quick.

Unknown_00: Make sure I didn't miss anything. Got a bunch of videos saved. All right. So Section 230. Actually, no, I do have this as well that I mentioned.

Unknown_00: The Kyle Rittenhouse kid.

Unknown_00: A website called GiveSendGo raised $380,000 for him.

Unknown_00: and discover card blocked them discover financial services has blocked customers from making donations to a christian crowdfunding site that was raising money for accused kenosha gunman kyle rittenhouse report said and i made a tweet about this when it happened i said if if this this is the best thing i could hope for in terms of getting trump to do something and And I'm increasingly desperate about the financial situation. There has to be something done to make it so that person A can send money to person B. It doesn't matter if it's like a... I know in the EU there's like a banking system that's shared by all member banks and stuff. And it's basically just you have a PIN number. I think it's called an IBIN number. And you can just trade money to people and there's no MasterCard involved.

Unknown_00: none at all you just type in the IBAN number and you can send money to it I think they were planning on doing something like that for 2024 or something but we need it we need it bad

Unknown_00: These companies have to be reined in. Something has to be done.

Unknown_00: Bitcoin, they're regulating Bitcoin. Countries in the EU, for instance, are banning Bitcoin ATMs, making it less accessible to normal financial transactions, and they're doing it on purpose.

Unknown_00: I mean, Bitcoin is nice, but I don't think it'll ever really get the widespread adoption that makes it a suitable replacement for something like crowdfunding a t-shirt thing, you know? Crowdfunding a server through t-shirts.

Unknown_00: That would never fly with just only Bitcoin. I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. We need something that is established. I really hope he does that. I really hope. If he did that, everything else would be made up for. Just fucking regulate the payment processors.

Unknown_00: Um, so, uh, Wicker, Graham, and Blackburn introduced a bill to the Senate, and Lindsey Graham has his name, I think, on, like, three or four different bills in the Senate, uh, hoping to modify Section 230. He's also the person behind the Earn It Act. Which basically establishes a 19-member panel for deciding what websites get to have Section 230 liability protections and not. So he is on the gambit of terrible fucking ideas to this. This is called the Online Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity Act.

Unknown_00: And it's probably the best I've seen in terms of trying to modify it. So a little bit of good news for people who are concerned about Section 230, which if you have forgotten or if you're unaware, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is a...

Unknown_00: A foundational law that provides blanket civil immunity. Civil immunity, so not criminal. If you break the law with your site, you're still liable for it. If someone breaks the law with your site, they're still liable for it. That's not changed. This is just... For instance, if you are a company and you do advertising on Facebook... And 90% of your business comes from Facebook and Facebook says, sorry, you're a gun store or you sell guns at your store. So we're not going to allow you to do Facebook ads anymore. And you lose 90% of your business because of section two 30, you would have no civil recourse whatsoever against Facebook because, um, because of how it's written. But at the same time, this protection works for sites like the forum, where if someone defames someone through the forum, you can't hold me liable for it unless I've editorialized it in some way to make it my own words, right? So it's a very important law, and it's one of the reasons why every website in the world is pretty much hosted outside the U.S., especially anything that's a web forum or a social media platform. It all comes from the U.S. because the burden to censor or moderate is nonexistent, pretty much.

Unknown_00: The flip side is that when people do censor or moderate, Section 230 protects them as well. So the changes that this bill adds clarifies language. It doesn't add too much to it, which is to its benefit. And just real quick, this is what they say the intent of the bill is.

Unknown_00: clarify when section 230s liability protections would apply to instances where online platforms choose to restrict access to certain types of content condition the content moderation liability shield on an objective reasonableness standard in order to be protected from a liability a tech company may only restrict access to content on its platform where it has an objectively reasonable belief that the content falls within a certain specific type of category And to clarify, in the current law, and this is the current law right now, it says right here, any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected.

Unknown_00: Which is basically everything. Like I said, if they ban you from advertising because you sell guns, that is otherwise objectionable. That standard is so broad that people are giving carte blanche to restrict access for whatever reason they have. Or no reason, really. So the ambition, I'll go over that because I have the text for it. The ambition is to change this right here, the otherwise objectionable to something more specific so that service providers can't do that.

Unknown_00: Oh, and it says it right here. Remove otherwise objectionable and replace it with concrete terms including promoting terrorism, content that is determined to be unlawful, and content that promotes self-harm. And finally, clarify that the definition of information content provider includes instances in which a person or entity editorializes or affirmatively and substantively modifies the content. And that's specifically, I think, targeting...

Unknown_00: when they fact check, like a tweet, they're trying to make it so that if you put fact check messages, if you contextualize user generated content in such a way to change the meaning or reflect upon the user generated content, then you have editorialized it, which is probably a good thing. There is one thing I really want to show you. I think I might've mentioned this before, but it's really funny.

Unknown_00: there's a Rammstein song called America and oh is it not showing it that what I swear to god that when I watch this logged in on my other browser I get a note I get like a notification that says did they change this

Unknown_00: Because it's like shot on the moon, like the music video. Sorry. And at the end, it's like a set and they walk off of it. I saw the first time I saw it, there was like a blocks that said, learn more about the Apollo lunar landing and how it happened. Like if like the music video was some kind of statement against the moon landing being a real thing.

Unknown_00: So.

Unknown_00: I thought that was funny. And they do that with a lot of videos where they just try and throw in encyclopedia articles about certain events that the video is criticizing. And maybe they removed it because of Section 230 shit that's been happening recently. It wasn't too long ago where it had that notice.

Unknown_00: And it's a good song, by the way. That song sums up perfectly how I think Europeans feel about the U.S. So if you're curious, do give it a listen because it's a pretty good song. And I think it does a good job of making a point. Anyways, The Bill. Ahem.

Unknown_00: It is a four page bill, which is fucking crazy. Um, brevity is the soul of wit. And it's especially short when you consider that they write these fucking things on receipt paper. You see how small that column is. It's not even half the page that they're using to write the text. So, uh, this could probably fit on a single piece of paper if it was written a bill, all caps. It's, it would probably fit on a single piece of paper if it was written, uh, like a normal document.

Unknown_00: So, Online Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity Act, and it's very, very, very hard to read these, just because it's like reading the raw data for a GitHub edit or something. It's really pedantic trying to modify existing laws.

Unknown_06: I don't want to read all of it. I do want to read something, though.

Unknown_06: So they want to change in 2A, which is this that I was on, they want to say, in good faith, they want to take that out, and they want to change in good faith to has an objectively reasonable belief, and then they want to change otherwise objectionable, which is basically everything, to promoting self-harm, promoting terrorism, or unlawful...

Unknown_00: I guess activity. That seems like a typo. Or unlawful.

Unknown_00: Yeah, that is where... Oh, considers to be unlawful. Okay, that makes sense. And then changing this...

Unknown_00: to say includes any instance, when talking about editorialization, includes any instance in which a person or entity editorializes or affirmatively and substantially modifies the content of another person or entity and does not include a change to the format, layout, or basic appearance of the content or another person or entity. They want to clarify the editorialization system so that you can be held liable for things that you change and make yourself.

Unknown_00: And they just want to make it so that...

Unknown_00: if they have to have a reason for, if they want to be protected from civil liability, they can still ban you for whatever they want. But in the instance of that Facebook ad, for instance, you might have civil recourse there. You might be able to say, you don't have an objective reason to believe that I'm promoting terrorism or unlawful activity by selling a gun, so therefore I can sue you for damaging my business and costing me 90% of my business, right?

Unknown_00: And the first part is just... Any applicable immunity for a decision or agreement made on this action. Yeah, that doesn't make sense to me. I would need someone to read that for me because it's so technical. That's just... Like I said, it being very short is to its benefit. And I think that Section 230 is going to be fucked eventually. And out of all the attempts I've seen to fuck it, this is probably the best. And I would approve of this bill in its current state.

Unknown_00: I think that it might be just enough to give people what they want without actually damaging the protective functions of Section 230 to the point where it would harm the broader Internet.

Unknown_00: No, the forum will not die. I do have to be careful with who I ban, though, because if I hurt their business in the process without an objective reason for doing that, I've done an oopsie. They can sue me.

Unknown_00: They have recourse against me.

Unknown_06: They have civil recourse against me. All right. All right.

Unknown_00: No, no, no. This should be fine. This should be fine. If this passes, my only concern with this is that I don't want it to be seen as acceptable to really fuck with this bill. Like, oh, we edited it that one time, so we can edit it again, right? Because then they'll pass in something like earn it, which is just shit.

Unknown_06: Yeah.

Unknown_00: Don't ban anyone. No, no, no. It's not that severe.

Unknown_00: Again, to sue someone, you have to prove financial damages. But someone like Milo Yiannopoulos being banned from Twitter completely decimated his career. Right. People rely on these social media companies to to exist now, especially on like YouTube, where it's like a revenue stream.

Unknown_00: So having to have an objective reason to ban someone or being liable for the financial damages that you cause, which is basically what this is saying, is a pretty fair trade. It's what people want, basically.

Unknown_00: So if you do get banned and it does cost you money, you can sue and not just be immediately thrown out because of Section 230.

Unknown_00: So hopefully this doesn't get fucked with. Hopefully if this passes, it won't encourage more bills to tamper with Section 230.

Unknown_00: But as far as I can see, this is it. This is the one. If we're going to have to pass one, this is the one that should pass.

Unknown_00: Who gives a fuck about Mount Noon anymore? Because he got fucking banned from Twitter. As soon as he got banned from Twitter, he was like a professional Twitter troll.

Unknown_00: The very nanosecond he got banned from Twitter, he stopped mattering, which is damages. Like, that's his business. That's his entire career gone.

Unknown_00: Being agent provocateur was his professional capacity, and he can't do that without Twitter.

Unknown_00: Coca-Cola sometimes works. Exactly.

Unknown_00: Um...

Unknown_00: Okay, I think that's it.

Unknown_00: I talked about Section 230, talked about cuties, talked about coach, talked about everything. I brought this up at the beginning, so I'm now calling on you, chat, who has the full, oh, here he is, here it is. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, oh, shit, it's going by too fast. It's going by too, oh, fuck, where'd it go? Oh, he's spamming it. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, kin-gender, invisigender, asexual, juxtara, witch-gender, queer, and coy-gender. I will accept that. I'll put that up on the stream. Night of Lust. Crack the code. He's figured it out.

Unknown_00: So...

Unknown_00: I'm looking at it... If you ever generate a Bitcoin wallet, they give you a passphrase, like a seed, that is like 40 words chosen from a list. This looks like one of those Bitcoin wallet seeds. Just a bunch of random fucking words. But... That's a very avant-garde reference.

Unknown_06: Um...

Unknown_06: Okay. I think that's it. I'm in a good mood today.

Unknown_00: I don't know why. 9-11. It's the day to be happy.

Unknown_06: Have I missed anything?

Unknown_06: Kyle Rittenhouse. I touched on that.

Unknown_00: I don't want to get into the whole politics shit.

Unknown_00: Still not up for it. I'm trying my best to find things to laugh at. To be happy at.

Unknown_00: ralph i'll leave that up to vickers and godwinson ppp all i know with with them right now is that um the father of ralph's girlfriend has like declared fatwa on ralph and has built an entire website i think it's like abort the retort.com and he's just outlining like every transgression that ralph has ever committed and Ralph put out a video of Faith reading a script about how she's totally happy and shit, and someone left a very memorable comment on the forum about how when they were in Iraq, they've seen forced testimony with more conviction being read, and I thought that was a pretty eloquent way of saying that, but I'm not following that too much anymore. I really was done with it when I said I was done with it, but by osmosis, By existing, I'm forced to hear more about Ralph, so...

Unknown_06: Oh, DSP's vest streak ended because of the Twitch bans and shit.

Unknown_00: But now he sells multiple vests. So even though he lost his vest streak, he's willing to make up for it because if he gets multiple times the daily donation goal, he'll put on multiple vests and that'll count multiple times to the streak. So if he gets, you know, $1,000 one day, that's 10 deaths he's got to wear, and that's 10 days to the streak. So he's found a way to game the system. He's truly a brilliant man who has cracked the code to e-grifting.

Unknown_00: Oh, the Facebook suicide. That was pretty bad. A guy killed himself with a shotgun on Facebook Live, and he sent the link to his mom before he did it, which is pretty fucking brutal and very mean.

Unknown_00: It's actually... That thread, someone archived it to the forum, because of course they did. That thread was the number one result on certain search engines. I think Yandex, if we typed in Facebook livestream suicide, we were the first hit. So the forum had huge traffic, and I couldn't figure out why. So I had to pull up the analytics and saw all these hits going through this fucking Facebook livestream suicide thread. It's very, very gruesome, by the way. It is a shotgun to the middle of the brain from the mouth. Suicide. So it blows off... Entire front of his head. If you go search for that, it is pretty fucked up.

Unknown_06: I'm not playing the video. Fuck off. Uh...

Unknown_06: All right, I'm done.

Unknown_00: I don't want to overstay my welcome. Thank you guys for listening, even though this is a very, very pointless exercise these days. Oh, and...

Unknown_00: If you would like to buy a t-shirt, I am selling t-shirts right now. Matt at the internet.com. Go get a shirt. I will probably stop selling them Monday. So if you miss the last one, go get a shirt. And it's not grifting when you sell t-shirts. That's the rule because there's a physical product involved.

Unknown_00: Unless you previously said that you would never sell merchandise, then it is grifting and it is shameful.

Unknown_00: All right. See you guys when I see you.

Unknown_08: To pedophiles, only pedophiles This song sounds terrible To pedophiles, only pedophiles Yes, this song will sound terrible to you If you identify as a pedophile

Unknown_08: Hey, that's not my style, I just don't like this song, that's a pedophile in denial. This song sounds terrible to pedophiles, only pedophiles.

Unknown_09: This song sounds terrible to pedophiles, only pedophiles. If you dream of catching a plane to Benefile Island, then you won't like it. That's a hundred percent guarantee from me. I did the research. I got a big lot to clean. Survey of my closest friends and the ones who don't like this song. They like fucking cancer. They fuck kids, they fuck kids, I stopped being their friend, cause of what I did. Count of all my work buddies, and the ones who told me math and sinew was shit.

Unknown_09: I have evidence I will release it when it's appropriate This song sounds terrible to pedophiles Only pedophiles

Unknown_09: Sounds terrible to pedophiles, only pedophiles. If you dream of catching a plane to Pedophile Island, then you won't like it. And if you say, hey, that's not my style, I just don't like your song.

Unknown_09: I think you're a, I think you're a dirty pedophile. If you don't like this song, you tell your wonderful child.

Unknown_10: And for you that may be cool, but for me it's not. There's the clue. There's the clue. There's the clue. There's the clue.