Thank you. 0:01:43 Unknown_03: Hello, it is another Friday, and unfortunately, as is the case in 2020, really not that much has happened this week except for fucking politics, and I'm just not, I can't bother. Because if you don't know, here's the breaking news for this week, if you're listening after the Civil War. Unknown_03: Maybe this is one of the starting moments, because this kid in whatever the fuck state, whatever the fuck city, whatever the fuck riot, shoots a pedophile who was coming at him with a gun. And now they're looking to press... I think they've already arrested him, because he fled the state or something. So now they're doing a manhunt for him. They're going to try and charge him with first-degree premeditated murder. 0:02:30 Unknown_03: And I guess someone, I think that state has the death penalty for first-degree murder, so they're going to kill him if they can. Unknown_03: Didn't flee? Well, that's what they're saying. They are claiming that he left the state in order to evade justice. Unknown_03: That's what I mean. Could be wrong. Could be Wisconsin does not have the death penalty. Great. Excellent. So he's looking to 25 to life, no parole. Unknown_03: See what I mean? That's the buffet for this week. The only thing I have to keep my spirits high is my video games. And unfortunately for me, even that has been completely subverted, has been ruined. 0:03:13 Unknown_03: I can't look forward to anything because of shit like this. Here, I'll just pull up the message. Unknown_03: Look, feast your eyes. Feast your eyes on this. Unknown_03: I can't pronounce his fucking name. I'm not even going to bother. But he's a Paradox developer for Crusader Kings 3. He said in a Reddit post for... Unknown_03: Trans, which is like, that's how it's written. It's like trans with like eight A's and three N's and two S's. He's trying to get rid of chuds on his Twitter profile. This might do the trick. Trans rights are human rights. Capitalism is a disease, he says as a programmer for profit. 0:03:50 Unknown_03: company and i mean i assume it's for profit considering how many fucking dlcs paradox releases every goddamn year uh you have nothing to lose but your chains and action is complicit complicity unionized today the inclusion of marginalized people in video games is a good thing I'm one of those weirdos. I like games like War Fortress and Space Station 13 and Crusader Kings 2. Crusader Kings 2 is too normie for me, really. I like EU4, which is the much more autistic brother of Crusader Kings. 0:04:24 Unknown_03: And this guy is on that team, which explains why a game called Crusader Kings, which is about the Crusades, is removing the language Deus Vult entirely from Crusader Kings 3. 0:04:58 Unknown_03: Just completely... Unknown_03: dumping ass on that franchise because I don't know. I'm assuming they're going to make the Muslim religions really strong. They're going to make the Nordic religions really strong. Well, I don't know. The Nordic religions are the most white supremacist religions. Unknown_03: You've got to nerf those. Unknown_03: I don't know. Make the Hindu religions strong for CK3. Unknown_03: Transvault. There we go. That's a cause I can get behind. That's sanctioned. 0:05:31 Unknown_03: Try RimWorld. I played RimWorld. Of course I played RimWorld. Unknown_03: RimWorld isn't as sticky to me as EU4 is. I have like thousands of hours in EU4. Unknown_03: I've played everything in that game, but I'm not very good at it. Unknown_03: I had not played Imperator Rome, which I've heard is awful, and I couldn't believe it. Unknown_03: Yeah, Paradox has just gone to shit recently, and they're hiring fucking retards like this to make their games, so I can only imagine why. 0:06:07 Unknown_03: If I ever made a company, it would be a rule. It would be a high rule that if you say anything retarded on social media, I just get to fire you entirely. Unknown_03: But chances are this was a great thing to the PR people. Unknown_03: Okay, just to clarify, the guy I was talking about, this is Kyle Rittenhouse is his name. I'm pretty sure this is what I was talking about. Yeah, this has to be the guy. Because the person he shot was a sex offender who wasn't supposed to be around minors. And the joke is that a 17-year-old minor shot him. So he was a sex offender who had aggressed towards children, I think as young as five, and was killed by a minor, which is... 0:06:40 Unknown_03: uh sort of mimetic but he's a fugitive from justice i don't know if he turned himself in or what but he flooded the state of wisconsin with the intent to avoid persecution of that offense um there's no way like i don't know maybe when nick was talking about the cop from the Unknown_03: I can't breathe. I already forgot his name. How did I forget his name? Oh, George Floyd. In that case, Nick was talking about how the second degree murder charge would be harder to prove than the third degree murder charge. And going for a higher charge is a good way to get the case thrown out entirely in the... 0:07:20 Unknown_03: In the trial. So maybe him being charged with first degree murder is to his benefit. Though I don't know. They're going to claim that he took a weapon to this protest with the intent of killing someone there. That would satisfy the premeditation. Do you know what I mean? I'm already bumming myself out. Unknown_03: I try not to. I look away. I look away. And try to be a happy boy. But... 0:07:56 Unknown_03: I don't know. The only thing that Shadi has done that I saw that was funny was that she said that she didn't fetishize black people because she had a Serbian boyfriend crush, or not a boyfriend, but a Serbian crush when she was in school, which is kind of funny because I was just in Serbia. Unknown_03: uh and chantal is just so fucking gross i can't even watch her anymore she's she has like gone off the deep end into fetishizing how disgusting she is she can't everything she eats is sloppy and disgusting she burps into the mic she farts and just just a horrible disgusting obese cow making as much noise as possible so that's another joy stripped from me uh 0:08:45 Unknown_03: And Amberlynn, I don't know. Amberlynn has high points, but most of her shit is really low. Unknown_03: Her average is below what most other people's are. Because all she likes to do is film herself buying... Have you ever gone to a dollar store or a Walmart and you look at the cheap shit they sell on some of the aisles that... You're thinking like, what is this $1 lampshade appeal to? Who is buying this garbage to keep it profitable enough to have these shelves dedicated to stocking this fucking garbage? And the answer is Amberlynn Reid and people like her. 0:09:24 Unknown_03: For some reason, she likes to go and spend literally hundreds of dollars a week shopping for utter fucking trash that she later has to throw out because it's completely useless, cheap garbage. And that's most of her videos is her going to Walmart at 3 a.m. where fewer people are around to witness her being a dumpster thief. Unknown_03: a dumpster diver. Unknown_03: And here, there's a clip that I'm being forced to play. 0:10:01 Unknown_03: This is of Chantel, and it's called Sloppy Joe Mukbang. I'm already not too eager for this one. Can I, let me bring up Fireflags. Unknown_03: All right, we'll suffer through this together. Unknown_03: No, I don't want... Really? When has it been doing this? When has YouTube been asking me to sign on? Fuck you, YouTube, you motherfucker. No, I... Fuck. Unknown_01: Oh, I... There we go. Unknown_01: Why can't I hear it? Unknown_01: Can you guys hear it? Unknown_01: No, you guys can't hear it. Oh, that's a mistake. 0:10:36 Unknown_01: Let's see. Unknown_01: Oh, fun. There it is. Unknown_01: wait can you guys hear it no you can't oh my god how embarrassing that this meter input here we go hello foodie beauties oh i don't have the time stamp that's the important part this youtube wanted me to sign in no i'm not signing out you want me to eat your 0:11:17 Unknown_03: Did she mouth the word pussy? Is that it? Is that the entire timestamp? Unknown_03: See what I mean? This is so... I can't stand it. I've got the most sensitive boy years in the world, and I'll tell you a disgusting story. Unknown_03: At one point, I was sitting there at my computer, and I was thinking to myself, you know, my ears are not as sensitive as they used to be. I should clean my ears. I swear to God, I pulled three blobs out of my ear. Because it has a shape, because it's like a tunnel. Your ear is like a tunnel. I pulled out three blobs in the shape of a 9mm bullet. 0:11:48 Unknown_03: Out of two in one ear and one in the other. And now my boy ears are even more sensitive than you can possibly imagine. I can hear everything. And that's not a good thing because I'm already at like a level of audio hell listening to this shit. And now I'm on some other level of acuteness. I'm like an alien with my sixth sense being super massive hearing and whatever. 0:12:26 Unknown_06: yes if he could he wanted if i wanted him to eat like it again all right that took me off guard okay because back then i know you're looking at me now i'm thinking Unknown_03: There's no way you can get up in that because you're so fat. Unknown_07: You would kill somebody if you sat on their face today. But, like I said, back then I wasn't this size. Unknown_07: But even now, if a guy wanted me to sit on it, on his face, I would. Unknown_07: I mean, it has happened when I was near this size. 0:13:25 Unknown_03: I don't believe you. Unknown_03: Okay, here's a fun fact about Chantal. I don't know why she does this. She's like a teenage boy in how she brags about her lays. She goes off about how everyone hits on her, every guy wants to fuck her, she has all these casual encounters. and like okay she's eating a sloppy joe and i'm pretty sure this is a story about a guy nicknamed sloppy joe and it just sounds like utter and complete bullshit every fucking time and that she just comes with up with on the spot and then says something gross and she started doing this shit with like a green screen and it just looks fucking awful you can see you're supposed to backlit and whatever period between 0:14:07 Unknown_07: Like when I was just getting together with BB, we weren't like super official and we were both kind of seeing other people sleeping around. Well, I had like another lover on the side and that was my Rwandan lover. Rwanda? Unknown_07: Hey, he let me sit on his face and, you know, did he die? No. You know, I just figure he'll tap my ass if he needs air and that's it. Unknown_07: I mean, okay. Okay. Unknown_07: I'm sorry. Unknown_07: This reminds me... When I was... Should I? 0:14:53 Unknown_03: I think I'm done. Do you think? Okay. I think that's all I can say. I just want to hear this little bit about the Rwandan guy who did die. This happened behind an Arby's in 1990, and he is no longer with us. His final thoughts as he lay there were, I wish I had gone out in the genocide. And then he faded out. Unknown_03: That's a cutback. That's a cutback to when Rwanda was in a civil war. Many people died. Press F. Okay, here's, I want to do a chat thing. You guys inform me on this. 0:15:25 Unknown_03: Are sloppy joes good? Press one for yes, press two for no. Unknown_03: Mentally, I associate sloppy joes with like stupid fat people. Oh my God, holy shit. Unknown_03: The chat is going crazy. This question might have been too thought-provoking. I wasn't expecting this. 0:15:57 Unknown_03: It seems to be about 50-50. I associate Slappy Joe's with just, like, really shitty southern food and, like, Unknown_03: it's only the thing is is that with good food if you use the right ingredients and the right cooking mechanism and the right you know the right food stuff you can make something taste really good right or or really plain the problem with sloppy joe's is that it's just white bread pulled pork and then barbecue sauce so the entire thing the the food is only as good as the barbecue sauce So it's just like... It's just like you're just eating A1 sauce with some meat in it. As opposed to something like... If you eat really good ribs, it's not... You don't really have that much... You don't have that much barbecue sauce on it. Isn't it pulled pork? It's minced beef. 0:16:29 Unknown_01: What? I thought it was pulled pork. Unknown_01: What? Unknown_01: Fuck you. Unknown_01: You're all liars. Unknown_01: Mince beef, fine, whatever. 0:17:04 Unknown_03: Whatever. Unknown_03: I swear to you, it's pork. I've been fed pork Sloppy Joes. Unknown_03: I'll not take this abuse from my chat. Unknown_00: Whatever. Unknown_03: All right. I kind of want to talk about low tax a little bit. Unknown_03: When we last left Low Tax, we were talking to the other woman that he was with who he had hastily promoted to chief operating officer, something like that, CO. 0:17:48 Unknown_03: And it was just some Mormon chick. Unknown_03: We call her the bipolar or borderline personality disorder Mormon chick because she's from Utah. She's from Salt Lake City. I don't think she's actually from LDS, though. But he flew away from his family, from his wife and child to Salt Lake City to fuck this chick on Thanksgiving week. And his wife... Unknown_03: Not even sure. Yeah, they were married. They packed up and went to a domestic violence shelter with the kid and the dogs. 0:18:23 Unknown_03: And then Morgan comes back or Logan comes back from Salt Lake City with him and they try and make it work for a couple months and it completely falls apart. And now low tax is in a position where he has to have a divorce and two different custody battles in Missouri court. Um, at the same time that his own forum is kicking him out because, uh, Logan said that he's abusive, which makes her the third woman, I think, to come out and say that he has been physically abusive. And apparently for whatever reason, uh, They didn't trust the Canadian and they didn't trust the Asian woman, but they did trust the white woman from Salt Lake City. So I guess everyone on something awful is xenophobic and racist. That's the only thing I can come up with. 0:19:10 Unknown_03: Well, maybe it is like Sharia. I made this joke to Dick because Dick was on low taxes side very fervently. I said, how many in Sharia court, three women saying that a guy is abusive would fly because you need three women's testimonies to match one man. So even in Sharia court, That's enough anecdotal evidence to say that, yeah, this guy probably did do this. Unknown_03: And I suppose it's the same way in Something Awful. It took three different people to say it before they were convinced. 0:19:47 Unknown_03: And now he's in the custody case, and I want to kind of give you an overview of how this divorce and custody battle is going. Unknown_03: From what I understand, Lotex does not have direct access to either of his kids right now, which includes the older one and the toddler age one that he had with the Canadian woman that he's currently divorcing. Unknown_03: So the child, in both of those custody cases, was assigned a gardium ad litem, which is a person assigned by the government to look after the interests of the child. So in family law cases, you can't really trust either parent to be impartial in deciding what is best for the child. 0:20:31 Unknown_03: um in most cases they will assign a guardian ad litem at the expense of the of the parents um to decide what should be done for the child and if they're a lawyer which they usually are they can also file motions on behalf of the child um and that's kind of what's been happening i've been following this and this week has been unusually active for the divorce case Unknown_03: Uh, notably the guardian ad litem for, uh, to, to be cleared, the woman is named Dana outlaw, which is a really cool fucking name for a person to be, uh, in a legal capacity. It's a really nice name for like a, a lawyer attorney, but she's the guardian ad litem representing both of the children and both of the proceedings against low tax. Unknown_03: And in both of them, she has filed for a restraining order against low tax. So her determination as a supposedly impartial member of 0:21:30 Unknown_03: of the government looking out for the interest of the child is uh this guy should have no contact with these people and that's mostly because we believe that in one of the few cases that he had um custody visitation or you know temporary custody like a weekend visit thing he live streamed while completely fucked up on wine while the child was with her grandparents 0:22:06 Unknown_03: So in the one time that Lotex did have custody of a child, who I think was Ashley, the older one, he kind of just dumped her on his mother and then got really fucked up and screamed it. So now you have this evidence that Lotex, during his custody time, has been spent completely sloshed with his kid nowhere to be seen. Unknown_03: And that's been used against him in this custody battle. So because he decided to get drunk and stream, he's going to probably lose custody of both his kids, but still be held financially culpable for supporting them. Unknown_03: And he's going to have an uphill battle, even though he's hired one of the most expensive family law attorneys in the entire country. One of the most well-regarded law firms for family law in the entire country. 0:22:49 Unknown_03: He's going to have to pay for that. He's going to have to pay for this Dana outlaw chick to fuck him over, basically. And it's entirely because he couldn't stop streaming like a retard while having custody of his kids. Unknown_03: So, I've been following that. I kinda wanna show you what she looks like, because I found this funny. Unknown_03: I couldn't find a really high quality picture, but she is perhaps, she is perhaps the, you know how like the Kennel Club, the American Kennel Club has like dog breed standards and they measure all the dogs against this breed standard, which is like an imaginary dog that's a perfect dog. she is like the american female club's dog breed standard for the karen just look at the haircut look at the glasses look at the she has it set she she is the omega karen and she's going to completely fucking ruin low tax's entire life because she she she's the final boss of any type of Any manager, any Starbucks employee, you don't want to see this chick walk in. 0:23:39 Unknown_03: She is the manager. She's ascended. Unknown_03: Okay, and now this is the judge. This I also found very funny. I find it funny, number one, that this guy is younger looking than the Karen, than Dana Outlaw. Unknown_03: He also looks like the only black guy in the entire world who likes Star Wars and plays Dungeons and Dragons. He's nerdy as fuck. um he's quite young but there's a person in the thread named waffle who is a missouri attorney and he has he or she i don't know the gender um they have privileged access to missouri court documents and they they know these people they know who dana outlaw is and they know who this guy kenneth is and they know how they work. And Dana Outlaw is apparently vicious and will be actively, if they get actively involved in a case, like emotionally invested in it, it doesn't bode well for the person she's up against. And Kenneth is a pushover, apparently. So anything that Dana files in any motion she submits to Kenneth is basically going to get passed. 0:24:54 Unknown_03: And then in the appellate court above them, the judge is a woman and is noted or has a reputation of being a bit of a man-hater. So low taxes is really fucked here. If this person, if Waffles is true to his word, he's really managed to completely and totally obliterate his chances of retaining custody of his children, which is probably... For the best. Because he doesn't seem to care. The only time I've ever seen him. Usually when you talk to a parent. They'll always kind of sneak in that. The children are the light of my life. I love my children. I'm a father first. And a patriot second. And then I'm a carpenter or whatever. That's like their biography. I've never heard Lotex talk about his fucking kids. Unless he's trying to prove haters wrong. On the internet. 0:26:05 Unknown_03: So if he really doesn't give a fuck, maybe it's for the best that he loses custody. I don't know. I'm a bastard, so I'm kind of biased. I had opportunities to know my father, but I never had any interest in it. Unknown_03: um so i i can i can imagine that they would grow up better without low tax if he is that much of a retard but i don't know maybe people would disagree maybe people in in split homes would say that they wish they had both parents and shit even if their dads were pill-popping junkie retards no i don't have the life experience to to venture into that territory oh you're my father we're all we're all your father okay that works 0:27:04 Unknown_03: josh has daddy issues i don't think so broken home no no no i uh josh finds a new dad's room no i've never been cut up over it i don't know if that's because i'm like a spurg and i don't i don't seek out like relationships or what but Unknown_03: I think his kids will probably resent him for it, I think. Because women tend to be more like that, I think. Women will blame their fathers for not being more involved in their life. They had the opportunity to. Unknown_03: For his guys, I think, I don't know. Unknown_03: Jordan Peterson you know I should have fucking visited Jordan Peterson because he was in Belgrade undergoing some weird treatment he wouldn't be that interesting I guess because he's had like a his brain was inflamed and it because it was bigger than usual it pressed against the skull and caused him brain damage so I would have to talk to someone with severe brain damage on top of being a CIA glow in the dark but I don't know it would have been interesting I guess 0:28:20 Unknown_01: did you hear the story of the man who found out his three sons were not his I think at a certain point you just have to be willfully ignorant like how do you have three kids that aren't yours and not get suspicious of it at all oh he's too big brain for a skull yeah probably Unknown_03: um the other thing that's interesting i guess besides the low tax stuff because low tax is just fucked and i kind of wanted to make fun of them if um when these legal proceedings are over and i kind of feel that low taxes you know he's lost the forum he still hasn't sold that as far as i know i haven't heard any updates on that if it has changed let me know but Unknown_03: once that's done, if that's ever done, once the legal cases are done, I will probably do a stream on low tax because I, I, at least this, um, at least the ending of it, cause I'm only familiar with him, uh, due to the forum. So 2012, 2013 is when I started knowing who low tax was and that's all I can speak on really. But 0:29:16 Unknown_03: I think it would be interesting. It would be an interesting stream topic. And I feel like I could cover that in about an hour. I watched the documentary about him at the Goon Meet. I think it's called The Internet Made Me Stupid. I'm pretty sure that's the name. The Internet Made Me Stupid. And it was pretty interesting. It's interesting to see what kind of a person he was and what his perspectives were in the 2000s, the early 2000s when that convention happened versus how he is now. 0:29:52 Unknown_03: and just how how different he looks physically because he looks so decrepit now he looks so pathetic by who it's just it's just some goon some goons with some cameras recorded the convention um that happened at like the peak of something awful i want to say it's like 2006 2008 around there and uh i don't know it's just interesting you meet a couple of people that are famous um Unknown_03: from the site uh people who who had falls from a graze low tax himself is pretty prominent in the video and uh i don't know speaking of by the way i i want to see this documentary called feels good man by i don't know who it's by but it's a documentary about pepe and i don't know that might be fun to to watch together on like a little cal tv we'll stream it together and Unknown_03: have some hot takes but apparently it's like unironically good like not even like a joke good this may this movie makes you stupid a something awful documentary that's it watch that if you're if you want to see some clips of vintage low tax before we got all pilled out uh someone asked that i talk about this so i will i kind of want to 0:31:13 Unknown_03: Leafy got banned. If you remember Leafy, he got chased off the internet by Content Cop a long time ago, just completely dropped everything he was doing, and he briefly came back to YouTube after iDubbbz and Viennese's stuff happened, and he's already banned. He's already banned from YouTube. Unknown_03: The content cop stuff happened like four years ago, which kind of emphasizes how much things have changed in just four years, that the kind of content that Leafy put out that iDubbbz was putting out four years ago is already completely unacceptable. There was no three strikes for Leafy. He just came back and started doing his videos again. And he got banned immediately. Not like I'm some kind of... I've never... The only reason why I know who Leafy is is because of iDubbbz, but... 0:31:51 Unknown_03: So I'm not like a fan. It's just funny to me that that's how it is. And apparently because of Ethan Klein, he got banned, which I can believe. Unknown_03: From everything that I've seen, Susan Wojcicki and Ethan Klein in the H3 podcast, they have like a very friendly relationship and she seems to take marching orders from him. 0:32:31 Unknown_03: One of the big changes that YouTube did after a certain point was make it so that the subscriber counts round down, even for APIs. So sites that track the number of subscribers can only show every change in thousands or something, or not even. If you have over a million subscribers, it rounds down to the nearest 100,000. So you have to lose 100,000 subscribers for that change to be seen. Unknown_03: And they're retooling their entire platform so that viewers matter less and less. What you actually want to see is completely irrelevant. Unknown_03: And they don't want to have any more fallouts where people unsubscribe en masse and it's a big ordeal and people watch the subscriber counts. They're just going to listen to H3H3 and Ethan Klein and they're going to ban everyone that he says to ban, I guess. 0:33:15 Unknown_03: Yeah, the James Charles drama. Because that was... He was like a big makeup channel or something. And he had millions of subscribers. And even though it was completely divorced from internet drama, how we think of it... Uh, it was probably so normie and so big in the normie sphere that YouTube was forced to act. If it was just weirdos being weirdos, they wouldn't have cared. But James Charles, a makeup channel being canceled on their platform in real time was a bit too much for the, for the higher ups, for the advertisers. And that's what it is. The advertisers noticed and got rid of it. 0:33:51 Unknown_03: Ethan Klein is 99% Ashkenazi. Unknown_01: Yes. Unknown_01: I'm sure that's why they're friends. 200%. Unknown_01: Yeah, I don't know. Unknown_03: I hate to tell people what they already know. Unknown_03: And like I said, this probably will be a very short episode just because I don't want to fill it out by rambling. But the only things I can think of are this shit. 0:34:31 Unknown_03: does you know i've i've thought about how different things are even compared to like 10 years ago it's a completely different world you know before 2008 and now uh before 2008 especially it's like a completely different world and then you look at before 2012 and it's a completely different world but now even like before 2016 before the election so just unrecognizable um where the line is drawn and we've regressed in so many weird ways on on speech the the f slur is probably the weirdest thing to to become like a huge problem there is there is no issue with the f slur a couple years ago and now it's one of the most the worst things you can say online it will get banned from everything instantly if you say it 0:35:31 Unknown_03: There's two F words. No, you can say fuck all you want. Fuck is completely... Fuck is valueless. Unknown_03: Everyone says fuck. Unknown_01: Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Unknown_03: But I think that's it. Unknown_03: I will take suggestions if you have something that you want to talk about otherwise I really I've been kind of out of it this week because I'm tired I've been doing real life stuff and I've just been like fuck it I kind of want to do the shirt sale but I've had trouble finding the other artist from from earlier this year I don't know if they're ducking me if they changed their opinion they thought that Josh guy fucking sucks but 0:36:22 Unknown_03: enthralling show thank you oh i can play this should i i guess i can uh where is it oh it's in my twitter stuff because this i don't know i don't want to i don't want to harp on this because i've kind of said in my piece but i do want to play it Unknown_01: Men, men, I'm telling you, men have decided that in order to, that they are so crippled, crippled with impotence, that they have created the antithesis of what they believed, so crippled with loneliness and impotence. Unknown_05: This is men I'm talking about, right? This is our version of Fight Club 20 years later. Men are so crippled with impotence and loneliness that they have created the antithesis of what they believe to be a man and they project constantly and at all times that this boogeyman is lying in wait to prey upon what they see as the most virtuous thing for a man to defend which is women children and family so at all times they are screaming about the red scare hello PATTO! PATTO! YOU GUYS DON'T DO A GODDAMN THING TO PROTECT CHILDREN EVER IN YOUR FUCKING LIVES! I AM SORRY TO BE THE BEARER OF REALITY FOR YOU! MEN! MEN, I'M TELLING YOU! MEN HAVE- 0:37:54 Unknown_03: Yeah, I mean, his point is that being angry about what is obvious exploitation of children is a red scare. I don't think that's true. He says the opposite of what the things most worth protecting are women, family and children. And it's like. Yeah. Unknown_03: Like, yeah, that's kind of built in to, like, the survival instinct of human beings is that a man protects women, family, and children. That is the core concept of what a guy does. 0:38:37 Unknown_03: That is the homestead. And the problem is that you can't... Unknown_03: I mean, you can't literally kill everyone that you want to. So you have to be active in demonizing people and discouraging them and not enabling them to be horrific threats. Unknown_03: uh like if there was ever a time where digibro was a non-offender and not likely to offend that time is over now because he's surrounded himself with rich and powerful people who tell him that there's nothing wrong with him and accept his total bullshit lies about what he's into unquestioningly at face value and i have no idea what dick gets out of it i have no clue 0:39:33 Unknown_03: what he sees in someone like Digibro that's like, yeah, I have to embolden this however I can. And the only conclusions that you can draw from something like that are Unknown_03: really negative, which I don't want to stretch to and think about, but if people do, I can't... I mean, they're fair to. And that's what I mean. I told him, and I said... Unknown_03: You can't ever shake away that kind of stigma once it's attached to you. 0:40:15 Unknown_03: You just can't. So I don't understand why he would put it out there. It's like, sure, he's not going to lose everything overnight, but it will lay the foundation for what will end him eventually. If he's not careful, he can't get rid of it. Unknown_01: I'm acting stupid? Okay. Unknown_01: Yeah, I don't know. This whole point, like, don't even bother. Unknown_03: Don't even bother. Because you yourself as an individual can't do anything. 0:40:47 Unknown_03: Is a notion that I fundamentally reject. Unknown_01: It's just wrong. Unknown_01: Are there any people that I want to do streams on that I haven't had time? Unknown_03: Um, not really. The big problem with doing a spotlight is because I do them live and I wouldn't, I would not want to do like a documentary style video on anyone is that you have to find people who number one, that I care a little bit about. If I try to do streams on people, I don't care that much about it. It sucks. It's not entertaining. Um, Um, the other problem is, is that they have to be one to two hours long. If they're, if they're too short, there's no point. If they're too long, um, then I can't make it a stream. I would gas myself trying to, uh, go over everything. 0:41:30 Unknown_03: So the list of people that are interesting that I can sum up in an hour to two hours live is very short. Low tax is one, but low tax is developing. 0:42:05 Unknown_03: Bob Chandler was in a local. And what can you say about Bob that hasn't, you know, hasn't already been said a log. Here's a, here's a bounty. If you happen to have access to the a log standup and not the one that's easy to find, I'm talking about the one where a log tries to explain to a live audience in LA and like 2007, uh, Unknown_03: uh who christian weston chandler is if you have that video of a log i need you to send this to me because it has been lost to the the sands of time and i've been looking for it for a while it is without a doubt the most cringe thing ever ever it surpasses everything else i can think of it is the single most awkward thing i've ever seen it is a it is a man at a comedy club where he is trying to explain to normal people in an audience who Chris is 10 years before Chris did anything of note. Um, 0:42:55 Unknown_03: it's so the silence is so thick and awkward that at some point in because of how it's shot you can see people stand up and leave children start crying nobody laughs the entire time it is seven minutes of the densest most painful shit that you could imagine because and because he's autistic um a-log is he never picks up on it and just like does like the virgin walk out of the theater. He just sits there and endures it. And if you happen to have that video, I would like it. 0:43:34 Unknown_03: And it's not the one that you can easily find, the painful A-log stand-up or whatever. Unknown_03: That one's bad, but there's a different one. Unknown_01: If you haven't gotten your hoodie yet, you need to email the disbursement guys or email me. Unknown_01: I don't know. Everyone should have it by now. You don't even know who A-Log is? 0:44:11 Unknown_03: That's another funny thing. All the fucking people like Ralph are using the word A-Log and they don't even... I don't even think they know the origins of it. It's not just being mad. There's something very specific to it. Unknown_03: A-Log was someone who, way back when, got extremely angry at Chris for giving autistics like him a bad name. And he said what Chris has done for autistic people is potatoes compared to what Saddam did in the Gulf War. Those are two things that he said in Honest. uh to try and try and explain to people how how much he hated christian listen chandler that's a logging is something very very very specific it's when you take a funny silly person and try to make them out to be a bad guy because they did something you don't like especially if you don't actually care like chris said a lot of homophobic and racist stuff when he was um younger in his 20s because bob was like an old southern guy so he picked up a 0:44:43 Unknown_03: uh and just kind of reiterated it because that's what pop pop said right and he took the he took those things and he tried to make chris out to be like some kind of devil incarnate because he had uh he had said homophobic and racist things and she's like he's a retard you're getting angry over what a retard believes why do you give a shit why why do you pretend to care 0:45:40 Unknown_03: That's a logging completely different than just being a, being, um, an asshole with someone online. Unknown_01: Completely different. Unknown_01: Young Chris's best Chris. Yes. Unknown_01: I've said before, but I would probably when, when Barb dies, I'll probably have to fly out to Virginia and help Chris and figure out what the fuck to do with them because that estate is, is underwater. Unknown_03: She's taken out several rewards. I had Chris, when I was in Ukraine and we were talking, I had Chris go into the living room and steal her mail, basically, and tell me what the values of her loans were. And she has like three different reverse mortgages, which means that the house was paid off. 0:46:30 Unknown_03: But to pay off her consumer debt, she has sold the house or taken out a loan using the house as collateral. So she has taken consumer debt, which you can bankrupt out of and lose nothing except your credit score and converted that into debt leveraged by the property. So if she does go bankrupt now, she loses her home. Unknown_03: Never ever use a reverse mortgage to pay off consumer debt. That's fucking retarded. But she's like a proper, like if you ever watch that South Park episode where it's QVC, they're making fun of television retailers and talking about how they take advantage of old people. She's one of those. She's one of those people who just buys absolute fucking trash off QVC all the time and has buried the legacy of Bob forever. 0:47:07 Unknown_03: in garbage she has taken everything that he did leading up to his death to make sure that his son would never have to worry about money never have to worry about a place to live and has spent that on qvc call now only three remaining fucking trash Unknown_03: And it's really sad. So when the time comes, I kind of want to help Chris. And that'll be probably the last thing I do for him unless he seriously commits to a plan. 0:47:50 Unknown_03: And I'll wash my hands of that. Unknown_03: I kind of feel like I owe him a little bit of help, but I don't know. I'm a weirdo like that. Unknown_03: I just hope that when she does die, I think there won't be any way to keep the house. And I know he has autism and he's lived in that house his entire life. And it's like, is Chris, would Chris be able to, 0:48:26 Unknown_03: to deal with moving from 14 Branchland Court because I don't see any way for him to keep the home. Unknown_03: It's just not possible with the debt that she's accrued because it's in the name of her. And when she dies, the estate just has to be bankrupt. It's like, Chris, they're going to have to take everything out of the house that isn't explicitly yours. They're going to bulldoze the house because you can't sell it in this state, you know? and someone is going to buy the property at $20,000. That money is going to go directly to the bank, and they're going to build something else on it. 0:49:05 Unknown_01: The man has to be committed. Unknown_03: Yeah, I don't know what else can be done for Chris. Unknown_03: He messaged me some time ago, and he said that he wanted... I shouldn't say this. He wanted help, and he asked me to do something, which is illegal in every country in the world. I'll say it like that. It's a crime that's illegal everywhere and always has been. And I told him, Chris, I cannot do that. But if there's someone causing you problems who has control over your accounts, I can help you reclaim those accounts from him. 0:49:40 Unknown_03: And he didn't take my offer, and I don't know what happened. He seemed very rushed to resolve this issue and then immediately had nothing more to say about it. Unknown_03: And I haven't heard from him since. So he's very strange. And I think he has people in real life who are fucking with him again. Because the thing is, and the reason why Chris can't be helped right now is that Chris has this mindset where the only people he is willing to talk to and allow to interact with him are people who further this perpetual daydream that he's in. 0:50:22 Unknown_03: If you're not willing to play a part in the daydream, then you upset him, and he will turn from you. He'll ice you out completely. But because of this, the people who are most willing to play up to the daydream, to the fantasies, are people who are deeply mentally unwell, who have no problem spending six hours a day roleplaying with Chris about these fantasies and encouraging him and shaping the direction that they go. So by the rules of the game, you can either be a full-time handler of Chris or you can be nothing to him. And it's extremely frustrating because it started happening after we got Idea Guy out. Um, he started saying, you know, like I wanted to, I want to get this discord server up. I want to invite all the famous, my little pony. And it's true that there are a lot of people in the anime and my little pony fandoms who are huge fans of Chris and who actually want to like covet his attention, not because they care about Chris. But because they think it's funny. Like, oh, can you do a drawing of my pony OC? Can you do a drawing of my girlfriend's pony OC? She's such a big fan of Sonichu. Can you draw her something? It's like that kind of shit. And there are all these fucking check marks in the anime and My Little Pony communities who just take advantage of him because he's a fan of theirs. And then they fuck him over because they'll play along with this bullshit. And once he has famous My Little Pony people playing along with his game, then he doesn't have to listen to people who won't play along with it. Because he's already got the attention that he wants. And that has seriously fucked him over. The internet has completely destroyed any possibility that Chris had of living a normal life. 0:52:11 Unknown_03: It's very frustrating because it's like, I know that there are ways that Chris could stabilize himself. He is now legitimately so famous that if he could just sit down to doing a couple commissioned drawings and stream appearances and stuff, because in the brief period where I was able to handle him and get him stream appearances and stuff, people are willing to pay for his attention in a way that's not harmful to him. um but there has to be some level of involvement there because he can't he can't make those decisions on his own so i don't know it's it is immensely frustrating to see um him him in the the position that he is in and knowing the position that he will be in the moment that barb dies And not being able to help because he has chosen these conditions for association that I refuse on principle to be with. I just refuse. I know I could. Like, right now, if I wanted to text him and do the whole make-believe shit with him, I could easily become the next Chris Handler. Like, right now. But I just... I refuse. Not only out of principle, out of time. Like, he'll text me at like 3 a.m. with a huge, huge screen. And he loves doing it over text, too. So he'll sit there and write up a 20 SMS message text chain with his thumbs. And I hate texting. I hate phones in general. So I'm just imagining me trying to write a fucking reply to these text messages. 0:53:40 Unknown_03: that are miles long and and and then I remember when he was having trouble with the idea guys I said Chris don't give out my number and then of course I'm fucking uh I'm sitting there in Ukraine and I get a call And it's from a Washington DC phone number from a federal investigator that he just gave my Ukrainian plus 380 phone number to, to talk about the idea guy shit. And I'm just like, Chris, I told you not to give that number out to people. And he just immediately gives it out to a fucking glow in the dark. I'm like, Chris, you're not making this easy for me. I'm trying my best here. 0:54:20 Unknown_03: We're really, you gotta, you gotta help me help you at some point. Unknown_03: F him. I don't know. That would be the appropriate adult reaction. Like, yeah, fuck it. He's on his own. But I feel bad. I feel bad. It's a mixture of things. It's number one, it's me being empathetic for him. The other thing is that... 0:54:55 Unknown_03: And logically, I know there are things that he could do that if he could commit to, he would be all right. And he would be all right for a long time because he could make enough money to set up things. I think he could make so much money. And I think there's a way to plan it where he would never lose his social security disability. Look, if he was in an LLC and that LLC made money, it would be possible to pay him exactly the amount of money that would allow him to keep social security disability. And then you could use the money in the LLC to set up a retirement account, health insurance, anything. And it's like, I know there are ways to work within this system to enable him to go forward, but it won't happen entirely because of this problem, which does not exist for anyone. 0:55:33 Unknown_03: It is a problem unique to Chris. There is no one else in the entire world who shares the set of problems that Chris does where he has a make-believe universe that other people are in, that they influence, that they willingly partake in because he is internet famous. There is no one in the history of the world to be in the precise situation that Chris is in. And it's such a challenge. Perhaps that's why I find it worth the time. Because it is a fundamentally unique challenge that if I could solve for him, I would feel very good about. So if you're not one to believe that I'm truly generous, then that is perhaps a more logical explanation for it. 0:56:21 Unknown_01: I don't want to be his white knight. I just want to fix this. Unknown_03: I have a plan. He just has to stick to the plan. Unknown_03: What did he ask me to do? I'm not going to say. If you can't figure that out, you don't need to know. You're too stupid. It's very obvious from what I've told you. 20 year plan, exactly. Almost. It's been like 8 years now since I've opened the forum. I'm pretty sure. 0:57:01 Unknown_03: Yeah, seven going on eight. Unknown_03: I'm halfway through my 20-year plan to stabilize Chris. No. No. 0:57:45 Unknown_03: Any other requests that I can talk about? I'm trying to be fun-loving. Unknown_03: It's very difficult. It's very difficult to be fun-loving. Unknown_03: So when the next Space Station 13... Dude, Space Station 13 is being ruined for me by the tides of rainbow and yellow and pink and blue. Those colors are ruining the Space Station 13 for me. Unknown_03: It's very frustrating to play when you know the admins are just totally paused. 0:58:26 Unknown_03: vosh oh that would be fun to play actually someone in my discord give me the vosh clip of him and destiny arguing it's like it's only like a minute long but it's worth playing i think that's awesome uh no i don't have that in my tweets send it to me on discord now i'll play it motherfuckers better not let me down Unknown_01: Sorry, this is dead air. Unknown_01: Oh! Ooh! This is it. This is from before. Unknown_03: This is Destiny and Vosh arguing. This clip was pretty funny. I don't know what incident led to the person with the bag chasing the guy with the gun. Unknown_09: He threw, it looked like a bag with a Coke bottle in it, and then he missed, he continued chasing, and the man with the gun turned around and unloaded into him. 0:59:27 Unknown_09: How many shots did he fire? Was it just one or was it more than one? I think it was more than one, but I would have to go back. Chad, if you want to link the video, I can take a look at it again. Unknown_08: Okay. So three or four is what I've heard. Okay. So just being clear. So three or four shots. I saw two people taking a shot, so I'm assuming that's true. I would say that in that case, yeah, I would say that self-defense is justified. Really? Even though Minnesota is not a stand your ground state? Unknown_09: Do you want to talk moral or legal? Which one do you want to talk? Okay, morally, do you think if you're being chased down by an unarmed person? 0:59:58 Unknown_09: Wisconsin, sorry, not Minnesota, my bad. Do you think being chased down by a person, if you have a firearm, means that you're morally justified in shooting them? Absolutely, yes. Unknown_09: You don't believe in escalation of force, that there needs to be a demonstration? Unknown_02: Look at his reaction to that. Unknown_09: You don't believe in morally justified in shooting them? Absolutely, yes. Unknown_03: Just look at that disbelief. I can't believe Destiny would disagree with me. 1:00:31 Unknown_09: You don't believe in escalation of force? There needs to be a demonstration of lethal escalation of force before you're allowed to respond in kind? Unknown_08: If you're brandishing a firearm and somebody's charging you anyway, I think it's fair to assume that that person likely has lethal intent. They could be carrying a knife, or they could be planning to take your firearm from you and kill you with it. You have no way of knowing that. It's not your responsibility to know that. If you're trying to comply with what I would consider moral duty to retreat, which it seems like he was, he was running away, but another person is charging after you regardless, by the time you've ascertained whether or not they have a knife or something, you're likely already going to die. So yeah, I think that you have a right to defend yourself in that circumstance. Okay. 1:01:08 Unknown_03: That's pretty shocking. When he says escalation of force, it does remind me of Space Station 13. Because it's like if someone's pushing you, if someone has aggressed you by pushing... Everything that I talk about now has to be made in association to Space Station 13. So when we talk about the gun debate, when we talk about gun control, when we talk about standard ground, we have to talk about what it would be like in a space station first before I can even begin to comprehend it. uh so on space station 13 if someone someone was standing there and you for instance you're the clown and you're thinking i'm gonna slip this guy with a banana peel so you slip him and then he he he decides after you've slipped him that he's gonna take his toolbox and hit you with it with with malicious with harm intent then you are in kind able to push him onto the table and start beating him in the face and kicking him. That is escalation of force. Now, you may argue that perhaps in real life things are a bit different, and if you are charging someone who has a gun, maybe you can shoot them. I don't know. But Vosh... vosh saying that there has to be escalation for like how does he imagine that going into it he has to be like a space station 13 thing like the guy runs up and then pushes you and then your gun drops to the ground and you're on the ground and then there's that chance of you picking it back up but if he picks it up then you have to push him back to try and get back like that's vosh's mind it's like 1:02:47 Unknown_03: slapstick there's a clowns running around in the fucking streets of Wisconsin trying to slip people in banana peels so we have to consider the escalation of force I I I would have to disagree I think that I don't know it's weird destiny destiny is weird because he he argues things that make sense and then he argues for complete bullshit and I think destiny is skeeving or kind of moving to the right on certain issues Unknown_01: I don't know. I just don't know. Unknown_03: I'm afraid of this decade. This decade's going to be real fucked up, I can tell. Unknown_03: I'm sure that's not new information to anyone, but it does make me worry. Unknown_03: Because again, you look at 2016, you look at Leafy's here, you look at all the things that you used to be able to say, no problem, which would now get you completely blackballed from the entire financial industry. 1:03:46 Unknown_03: How bad is it going to be in four years from now, in 2024? That's going to be the real fucked up election, because I'm pretty sure Trump's going to win this one. But when there's that power vacuum for Trump... Unknown_03: I don't know. I'm really I'm genuinely afraid of what we can expect by 2024. They guarantee you everything is going to be worse. And that presidential election is going to be a sort of nightmare that the country has never experienced ever since like the Civil War. Unknown_03: At least. 2024 will be the end. 1:04:22 Unknown_03: Are they going to play dramatic music as people run down hills screaming? There can be only one with AR-15s and those giant purple dildos that they use in Saints Row. 2024 will be back to status quo. That's an even worse prediction than Civil War. That's the worst thing I can think of. Unknown_03: Oh! Unknown_03: Someone mentioned it. 1:04:54 Unknown_03: I guess I'll talk about this too and I'll wrap it up. Unknown_03: Let me double check. I don't want to say it because it scares me. Unknown_03: I think Laura Loomer has won the Republican nominee for Florida's 21st Congressional District. Yes, she has. She is the nominee for the 21st Congressional District in Florida. Can you fucking believe it? Unknown_02: I mean, I don't know. Is 21st the one that's... 1:05:31 Unknown_02: Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, Delray. Miami Dade. Unknown_03: Oh, it's moved since then. I was going to say, if it's in Miami Dade, she doesn't stand a fucking chance. Even now, she doesn't stand a chance. Unknown_03: It's 99.44% urban. I guarantee you a Republican is not going to win in this district, but it is horrifying to think about the chance that Laura Loomer could be a congressperson. But then again, she'd fit right in. Unknown_01: It wouldn't be that much of a change, would it? 1:06:09 Unknown_01: What's the importance of that? Unknown_03: In the U.S., urban areas almost always vote for Democrats. Republicans very seldom win urban areas, especially in places like southern Florida. Southern Florida should pretty much be its own state. Unknown_03: Everything south of Tallahassee, just cut it off. Unknown_03: Call it Hispaniola or something. Unknown_03: Just make it its own thing. The issue with that, and I've discussed this at great length with like-minded people, the issue with making a 51st state is that then we would have 102 congresspeople and we'd have to change the flag. And everyone agrees that going from 100, or not congresspeople, but senators, going from 100 senators to 102 senators in 51, which I'm pretty sure is a prime number, that change is not kosher. That is a border gore situation. 1:06:46 Unknown_03: All the numbers become bad. And we can't do it. We'd have to add several states at once to get to 110 senators and 55 stars. That would be a better number. That's divisible by 11, so it's not prime. Unknown_03: This is our way forward. This is our plan for peace. We're going to have to break California up into a couple states. We're going to have to break Florida up into two states. We're going to have to add Puerto Rico. And if we do that all at once... it'll be okay and we won't have to deal with prime number flag stars and 102 senators and then this is the most important thing is that we had we had this discussion a couple episodes ago about um about one of the canadian provinces trying to seed into into the united states and if we let alberta become a part of the united states 1:08:02 Unknown_03: Our country would have this border. This would be the border for the United States if Alberta joined us. And it's just like, that is fucking ridiculous. It looks like Minnesota is wearing a pickle hob. That is preposterous. There is no way that we can allow that to happen. Because then you would be talking about 51 stars, 102 senators, and the pickle hob all at once. That would be the absolute worst scenario. It'd be better to add Puerto Rico over that. 1:08:36 Unknown_03: Well, I said Minnesota instead of Montana. Oops. Whoops. Bit of a difference. Unknown_03: Yeah, British Columbia. That's the thing. That's true. The person who said, if we took British Columbia and... Is that Nunavut, the one on the far west? What is that? Unknown_03: Nunavut. Unknown_03: Fuck you, Yandex. That's fucking the thing. Unknown_03: I'm going to look this up on Google because for some reason Yandex does not want me to search that. What the fuck is that? What state is that above British Columbia? Yukon. Okay, we'll get British Columbia and Yukon and that'll be fine. And then we can split Florida in half and add Puerto Rico. Bam. Boom. Perfect. Perfect. Borders are good. Flag is good. Senators are good. 1:09:10 Unknown_01: I make it so. Unknown_01: All right. Unknown_01: They can have California. Unknown_03: Hey, Albertans are fucking based. They dig oil and that's it. They have oil. 1:09:45 Unknown_01: Nothing else needs to be said. All right. Unknown_01: All right, all right. Anything else? Unknown_01: Anything else? Yeah, Alberta has oil. Unknown_01: Am I playing Sekiro? Unknown_03: I tried. I don't like the Dark Souls shit. 1:10:17 Unknown_03: I don't know the OnlyFans scandal. I'll look it up in it. Unknown_03: What is the OnlyFans drama? Unknown_02: Okay, inform me of it, because I'm curious what the fuck you're talking about. Unknown_01: I've not been told this. Unknown_01: max a hundred dollars per pay pig tip is that the only fans drama is that it 1:10:52 Unknown_03: Bella Thorne made too many. I don't care. I can't even pretend to care about what retards are giving their money up to. Because if the retards weren't buying OnlyFan titty pictures, they'd be in casinos or something. They would find an adequate way to waste their money. They'd be buying anime posters. They would waste it on something else. I'll put it on OnlyFans. Unknown_01: Okay, fuck it. Unknown_03: I'm done. Sorry I didn't have more, but I found a way to stretch it out by yelling about Canada. Alright. 1:11:24 Unknown_03: I'll see you guys later. And pray for Lotex, because he's going to get raped in court. Unknown_03: Let's take it easy. Unknown_02: I'm not done. Unknown_03: I'm not done with winning yet. 1:12:04 Unknown_04: Soaking up the thirst of the land Ocean Man Can you see through the wonder of amazement At the open man Ocean Man The crust is elusive when it casts forth To the childlike man Ocean Man The sequence of a life-form raised in the sand Soaking up the thirst of the land Unknown_04: Ocean Man The voyage to the corner of the globe Is a real trip Ocean Man The crust of a town Hanging by by the sand Soaking up the thirst of the land Ocean Man Can you see through 1:13:25 Unknown_04: Cluster's elusive when it casts forth