Well hello.
Unknown_02: I have good news. I have good news from the banks for once.
Unknown_02: It turns out I was afraid that they would hold my money from the last merch run. I would just be completely fucked. They would fight me and have to petition governments and shit. But no, at the end of the 120 days when they legally can't hold the money any longer, they do actually pay out.
Unknown_02: Uh, considering I'm not going anywhere and nothing else is going anywhere, I might as well just do that, right? I can cycle through those theoretically forever unless something, I mean, unless I personally get put on some kind of list, which I haven't yet, contrary to popular opinion. It's like I might as well just do one like every six months set up a payment processor burn through it in a week It'll make it super exclusive and rare you want my you want my t-shirts you have to be ready when it goes live because there is a 100% guarantee that fucker won't last two weeks So it's extremely exclusive extremely privileged as a club only oh geez can get the merchandise because uh of artificial limiting factors in in supply so that is that's my plan moving forward we're gonna have the halloween sale i'm pretty sure i'm already planning for it because i was thinking if this stuff goes well the four month hold goes and they pay out i might as well do every six months do a sale and i figured i'll do halloween and spring or something
do something for for fall and for spring so that's where that's where i'm at right now the the harvest worked everything went well this month extremely pleased now the only thing kind of sad is um i i gave up on dick because of fucking digibro and i feel like now especially i made the right choice and i don't want to kind of like because The conversation I had with him, I feel, was very complete. It's on the channel. I haven't taken it down. And I uploaded it to mattatheaternet.com if you're curious. It'll be there after I end up deleting it or YouTube deletes this channel. So if you're curious about that call that I had with him, you can go listen.
Unknown_02: Uh, there's not really too much else to say. I kind of felt like I knew exactly what I was going to say. And a lot of people seem to think that I was trying to bend him into an ultimatum. And that is not true. Um, I knew there was a, I, well, first of all, I knew there was a 0% chance that he would just go, yeah, you're right. Didgeridoo is a piece of shit. I'm not going to talk to him anymore. But that also wasn't really the point. I just have a really bad feeling in my bones, and I can't shake it. And when I get a feeling like that, when I get the heebie-jeebies, I have learned to trust my senses.
Immediately after that...
He goes on Twitter, and he's just outright defending this shit to everyone. He has all of his followers, all the listeners to his podcast on that Twitter feed, and he's fucking filling them off with a stick on this Lolicon shit. And then as soon as that happens, just yesterday...
Unknown_02: Netflix catches a lot of shit for this movie called Cuties, where it's like four different 11-year-old girls. It's a movie by a French, Senegalese, Israeli woman. And it's about twerking. It's about four 11-year-olds twerking.
And supposedly, based on what people are trying to say, is that it's a wholesome film about fighting conservatism. And sexual liberation. But if you watch the trailer, there are gratuitous genital shots. The camera is focused on the crotch of children. And they audition 650 people. And Dick is on fucking Twitter defending this too. Saying shit that I can't defend.
Unknown_02: It's not my children. Why do I care? And it's like, well... Because those people are going to... If you had kids, those people are going to be the people that your kids have to live with. And chances are they're all going to be fucked up because they got molested in France by some weird production group that thinks that this is a great idea for a movie. Which I don't think was even the intention. I had a conversation with Rakeda today. I woke up very early in the morning to have a conversation with Rakeda today. So if you're interested in that, go look at his channel.
Unknown_02: While talking about that, I came to the realization that the movie probably isn't meant to be seen. It's like The Producers, where they made Springtime for Hitler or whatever. And the whole point of that movie was to flop. It wasn't actually supposed to be a success, which is why when it succeeded, it caused problems for them. I think this movie was just supposed to be an excuse to cast 650 girls and record them twerking for the production company. Um, in Minecraft, and I'm not committing defamation here, or whatever, not that they would ever fucking care, but who cares, uh, I think that was the entire purpose of this.
I don't think they ever actually intended for anyone to ever watch this movie, and it somehow ended up on Netflix like a lot of other absolute fucking garbage does. And someone saw it and posted it to 4chan or whatever, probably on TV because TVs were all the pedophiles post on 4chan. And people were like, that's actually kind of fucked up. And then they posted it to Twitter and then it spread like wildfire. When I looked at the video for the first time, it had something like 3000 likes and 3000 dislikes.
Unknown_02: now there's hundreds and thousands of dislikes on that video Netflix came out and put out an apology but they didn't even apologize for the film they apologized for the um for the poster and I I guess I might as well pull that up I have a tweet thankfully so I can just show you my tweet and read it like a hack um
Oh, I should probably sign out of Twitter because it shows that I'm banned, which is probably not a good idea. How the fuck do I sign out of Twitter?
Unknown_03: Oh. Okay, there we go.
Unknown_03: All right. Let's see. Fireflags.
Unknown_03: So this is the French poster, which is not, I mean, even this is not like some high art looking film.
Unknown_02: It's like kids in like their underwear wearing bras and panties outside of their clothes, but it's a lot better than the American one.
uh which number one i don't know what the fuck is up with that chick's face in the middle that looks like a completely photoshopped face like they it kind of looks like greta thunberg's face like photoshopped lazily onto this random body but it's completely unacceptable you can't like it's fucking little kids in in uh two pieces twerking
Unknown_02: I mean, this is bad, but this is not the same thing. This caliber. I mean, her face looks way different than that. They photoshopped the fuck out of this. I don't understand. But this is what Netflix apologized for. They said that this poster was the one that was offensive and they've changed it. They're probably going to make it look exactly like the French version. And they said it was not representative of the movie. And it's completely wrong. I don't want to play the trailer because it's really gross. If you're interested in watching the trailer for Cuties, you can pull it up on yourself. But, I mean, it is gross. There's two specific shots in the trailer that if they were individual GIF images posted on 8chan at the heyday of 8chan, where I was a global volunteer... And all we deleted was the DOS standard, which was the test that the courts use to determine child pornography. I would have deleted it because there were a lot of pictures that people were posting at the time that were just children in leotards and poses that focused on like directly on their genitals. And that is the exact same kind of shot that pedophiles were posting on 8chan.
And I would have deleted that even back then. So I don't like I don't know. I have no idea how people are defending this as some kind of modern art piece. It is just a black French woman propped up as a shield for whoever the producers are, the production company, the writers and shit. All those people are probably fucked in the head. She might be fucked in the head, too. But because she's a POC or whatever, she's going to get a pass on all of it.
Unknown_02: Orchan said that they would be deleting any stills from this image as well as I described so I just don't get it I don't get how this passed the sniff test I don't know how this got through well I'm lying I do know how it's just it's better to like fake not knowing why it does better for the soul I guess
That's my hot take on cuties. Oh, and the description is no better. There's actually, let me pull this up.
Unknown_02: I'll read this review for the movie. Because someone said, read the reviews. Don't just judge it by its cover. Read the reviews. I want to read this particular review that I found from The Spool. This is reviewed by Andrea Thompson. So it's a woman. And these two particular paragraphs are really worth reading.
And this is Andrea Thompson reviewing Cuties, which aired at Sundance 2020.
Unknown_02: such a repressive environment tends to birth extremes and sure enough amy is drawn to a dance group at her school which not only offers escape but an outlet to express the emotions her stoic culture forbids her from voicing with all the zeal of a convert amy is soon leading the girls into increasingly provocative dance routines
Unknown_02: and taking actions that soon appall even her new friends who are already eager to sexualize themselves. In another movie, they'd be symbolic of a generation's over-sexualization and victimization, which would be a good thing, saying that this is fucked up. But she goes on to say, but cuties would rather explore the pre-teen dynamics... Do Cure has a keen eye for, with an interesting addition of some magical realism, which is complete fluff and bullshit language. I don't know what the fuck magical realism is in terms of 11-year-old girls twerking. It's not without some discomfort, though, and this is her, this is not my addition. It's not without some discomfort, though, as the camera zooms right in on the girls in a fashion far more suited... to adult women, which couldn't be anything other than cringy. At least the film doesn't pretend that any of the various cultures Amy is struggling to navigate will ever do right by her, although it offers another way between extremes, perhaps where true freedom can be found. She is trying very hard to apologize for this film, but when presumably what is a professional film reviewer is reduced to calling something cringy because the movie is sexualizing children too much, Uh, yikes. Oof. Not a good look, chief.
But whatever. Apparently it's just a marketing gimmick and people talking about this in and of itself is worse than the movie because you're giving it attention.
Unknown_02: That's a spicy take, too. You can't denounce something because that's promoting it. And the mind of a 13-year-old on deviant art where all attention is good attention, all publicity is good publicity, and not a pathway to radicalizing a fuckton of people who look at shit like this and think, wait, this is institutionalized. People are doing this on a wide scale. This gets millions of dollars in funding from big companies.
I don't know. Maybe I'm being optimistic. Anyways, that's my take on cuties. Is anyone confused on my take on cuties? Someone said that I should explain why, and I'll just read a post that I said, why would I say that Lollicon is child pornography?
Unknown_02: Why would I do that when I said this in January of this year? And the underlying part is anyone who, and this is me who wrote this, anyone who clutches pearls or fags in the rationalization that there is some sort of lollicon to child rapist gateway has absolutely zero evidence to back that up. I found my evidence while hosting 9chan. That is the answer. The same exact people who were posting Lollicon on the Lolli boards were the same people posting child pornography on B. I have zero doubt in my mind at this point that there is not a huge, huge overlap in those two groups. I mean, to the point where maybe not every person into Lollicon has sought out child pornography or is a pedophile, but I would say like
Actually, no, I take that back. All of them are. They may not have sought out child pornography, but they are pedophiles. And I think that everyone who is into child pornography would also be into Lollicon. And I think Lollicon is also especially dangerous because the Japanese, when they make these, they always make it like an innocent exploratory thing. And I think that will convince some of these people that kids want it. I think that's the fantasy, and I think it's damaging. I have completely reversed my position on this. I think that it's dangerous, and I don't think that people should be exposed to it. The only thing I will say is that I don't know if it should be criminalized, because...
I don't see how it can be. Even when I was sitting there as the total proprietor, the sole owner of 9chan, trying to think of some sort of standard that I could apply to determine if something was lollicon, I couldn't think of a really sufficient way to do it. I couldn't think of a way to really keep it off the site.
Unknown_02: I don't know if that's possible. I just know that if I know someone is a self-avowed lollicon, I don't want anything to do with them. And if people want to invite them into their homes and form tight-knit social circles with them, it's going to bite you in the ass.
There's no way anything good can come of that.
Unknown_03: Anyways.
Unknown_02: Fat people. Am I right, guys?
Unknown_02: Momo-kun has started doing porn. And I kind of want to do a little bit of a backstory on Momo-kun because you've definitely seen her. Uh...
Unknown_02: For a brief period of time in 2016, Momokan became very famous because she did this cosplay of Samus and became Thick Samus. The problem is she got really thick. She ate herself until she was doing liposuction. And now the fat distribution on her body is completely fucked up.
Unknown_02: Oh, this is her from 2014, so right before this time when she was still like a big cosplayer. She made this really snide message saying, Sorry, sweetheart, but I don't have to take my clothes off or talk inappropriately to get attention. Like, you try to do so hard. Maybe you should look at me as an example instead of bad-mouthing me when I don't even know who you are at heart. I'm completely completely eating that message now because she is just doing full on pornography with this metro sexual looking Asian guy. It's really bizarre.
And neither of them look into it. She's just like the most like a limp person. pathetic just like laying there and he does not look into it all and he looks he looks gay i wouldn't be surprised if he's just like a porn star who gets paid to do it and isn't into chicks at all
Unknown_02: Uh, and I, I really, I have a personal thing against MomoCon specifically because she DMC, I think it's her cam model agency, but she DMCA me, DMCAs me every day.
Um, she, I, I get these emails like every single day and I'll try to find a picture of her actually.
Unknown_02: um how fat she is now i need like a full body picture of her because this is a good picture to show like how big she is um or was when she was at like the height of her popularity but i need i need like a full body i don't know if i'm gonna be able to find it because everything that i can find
Unknown_02: is uh it's just porn people are posting gif images of her being fucking slapped around and shit which is already degrading like how do you how do you go from just starting porn to like doing facial abuse shit oh man i'm not gonna be able to find anything oh yeah that's porn i'm glad i'm not showing this browser i'm glad i have multiple browsers so i can look around for this no this is probably fucked
Yeah, oh well.
Unknown_02: You just have to take my... You can look at it on the forum if you really need to. I can't show this for a podcast. I can't show any of her recent stuff on YouTube at all. It's all porn.
Unknown_02: Though it's really obvious that she's getting liposuction around the gut and her face and upper body. But she's not doing it to her ass at all. So she looks like... Here. I can't show you what she looks like right now because everything that she's been doing is pornography.
But I can show you a visual representation, which I think is really fair and really cuts to the core of what she has done to her body through physical alteration. I hope just show it. I'm not going to show it. I'm not going to get my shit nuked.
Unknown_02: If you're not able to watch right now, If you're listening, for whatever reason, for comedic effect, I have put on the OBS a picture of Squidward with really thick thighs surrounded by Krabby Patties. Because that is the closest thing I can think of to Momokon's body.
Unknown_02: I think someone has sent me a picture that I can use. Oh, here we go.
Actually, I'll start with the more reasonable one before I just humiliate her. I think the left is like super Photoshopped. Because they have, okay, the women on the forum play this game, right, where they try to find un-Photoshopped pictures of Momokon. They'll find pictures of her at like a hairdresser or a salon where they post a picture of their work on their website or their Facebook. and then compare it to the actual photo that Momo-kun put out, and you'll see how heavily edited it is. So it's like, it's not even the same person anymore in these two pictures. She's completely like re-sculpted her entire figure.
But here, this is very unflattering. This is quite rude.
Unknown_02: This is basically cyberbullying, this picture right here.
Unknown_02: And if you're listening, and I'm doing a slideshow right now, which is quite rude for podcast listeners, but this is a picture of her. She's on a beach.
She's got the Squidward cellulite shit going on.
Unknown_02: You can kind of see the folds in her back.
Unknown_02: Like I said, the fat distribution is really fucked up. It's really hard to explain. And she's got a great wedgie going on. It's just as unflattering as possible. And she's on the back of a truck. I don't know if this is for a porn shoot or what.
Unknown_02: But it's high quality. It's really excellent.
Unknown_02: I mean, this is her, this actually, okay, I told someone that this made me sad, this message, and they said, don't be sad for her because she's such a bitch. So if you feel sad after reading this or hearing this, know that she's a bitch and the women of the forum would not want you to feel bad for her.
B slash G clip, I don't know what that means, I assume it's a porn term. uh video of me close up on my ass for a morning fuck slowly getting used to this stuff oh boy girl slowly getting used to this stuff and we'll be opening up more and more uh like sad face nervous face thank you guys for taking your time with me i am slowly transitioning into some more porn material and i'm really excited weary face pink heart i love it I think I'll do more videos. So it will just take some more getting used to. Or sad puppy eye faces.
I appreciate you guys liking my content so much. It's a $30 clip and it's just her bent over taking the Venus. And that's it.
Unknown_02: uh so that's that's the fall of a woman who six years ago said that she would never ever do anything not even just porn just like anything lewd she had completely written off she had she had said that she would never do it and she pitied other women other cosplayers who did it here i have to pull up a quote
Here we go. Here we go.
Unknown_02: This is what I'm thinking of right now. Quote, Aniza Joma, who is the iDubbbz girlfriend, quote unquote, we are all just one bad stream day away from an OnlyFans career.
Unknown_02: Rest in power, MomoKun's dignity.
Unknown_02: I think that might be it for MomoKun.
Unknown_02: I don't know what else I can say. I've thought about doing a full stream on her just because I know there's so much. But it's just sort of like a slow decline of someone who made a lot of money because she got super big and cosplays like a chubby girl. And she couldn't take care of herself. So she just started using her money to reinvest in herself by doing plastic surgery, getting lip fillers. Her face looks really fucked up. I wish I had a picture of just her face recently. That's not Photoshop. Because it's so obvious that she's done things to herself. And you wonder why she's...
I wonder why she has... Why would you choose to get a permanent duck face going on without taking the wrinkles out of your face? And as a result, she just looks like a haggard 40-year-old woman who has resorted to porn instead of a young woman who's trying to exploit her body for cash.
Just 40 pounds away from an OnlyFans.
Unknown_03: Pick a Momo-kun's face. I better not regret opening this.
Unknown_03: Kenny.
Unknown_03: Kenny, you motherfucker. God damn it, I cannot. There it is.
Unknown_03: Oh, jeez. Good. This is perfect.
Unknown_02: Thank you.
Unknown_02: This is from September two years ago, so this isn't even the most up-to-date. Look at this. Look at how fucked up she looks. I don't even think that's with all the lip injections and shit yet. You can still see the forming of the bags under her eyes.
That's why she photoshops it so hard.
Unknown_02: I might have a more recent one.
Unknown_03: Oh yeah, this.
Unknown_03: This too.
Unknown_03: She looks so much older than she is.
Unknown_02: How old is she? I guess I should be telling you that, but I don't know. She looks 40.
And it really demonstrates how good Adobe technologies are at making A into B.
Unknown_03: Oh, okay. So the top is from a nail salon or a hair salon after she got her cut.
Unknown_02: Bottom is her own photos. So you can see how much she's doctoring her photos to make herself look better. It is dramatic, like how much she's actually changing about herself.
Unknown_02: Anyways.
Unknown_02: Oh! You can't see. Sorry. I apologize. I apologize. I already showed the butt.
Unknown_02: This is the tweet. This is the tweet where she looks real fucked up. And this is the Foursquare.
Unknown_02: Okay, I'll give some background as to Tommy while you guys beef your eyes into this. So this week has been a dramatic week for Tommy.
Unknown_02: Apparently I am just horrific bad luck for anyone who talks to me. Because as soon as I had that conversation with Tommy, his father dies and then he gets committed to... So I'll cover that.
The news broke on Twitter real succinctly. My father passed over quietly about half a century ago. My sister was with him at the end. They all visited this morning. He'll be given a military funeral. So that's Tommy saying that his dad's died.
Unknown_02: And this is a Qadrish for his father, which is Hebrew for eulogy. Extremely weird eulogy. I'm not going to read it all because I'll kill myself in the process of doing that. But...
It's mostly about Tommy, which I don't know. Okay, maybe a Kaddish is slightly different from a eulogy, and you're supposed to talk mostly about yourself, but I really don't think that's the case. I think it's supposed to be actually about the person who died. Correct me if I'm wrong, my listeners from the greater Israel, but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to talk entirely about yourself at someone else's funeral, no matter what religion you're from.
just to, this is, yeah, this is just him.
Unknown_03: Uh, okay.
Unknown_02: This is Tommy talking about his relationship with his father a little bit. Uh, my pragmatic way of looking at things is entirely his doing. Very little can be described accurately in black and black or white. Zero and infinity are just reference points. Um,
Unknown_02: There is always lively political and religious discussion going on in our house.
Unknown_02: We learned about Spinyoung. One of the most valuable lessons my father taught me, and I'm reading this and you'll see why, I promise, is that many others have thanked me for passing to them is to let the other person speak when you first meet while you're storing their name, face, and rap in your head. He didn't give me much but a hard way to go after 1970.
but he did put out at times when his parental conscience forced him to, and he saw to it that I had an outstanding education. Today, after being bullied all my life for it, I am thankful to finally be appreciated for my mental abilities and the ability to deliver verifiable facts about things people are hungry to learn.
Unknown_02: The things I'm most sad about today is that Gene didn't get to vote in what was the most important election of his news junkie marketing executive life. At least he died raging at the monstrosity in the White House, understanding that I don't blame him for what was done to me because it was the cultural norm at the time and that my reaction to it was textbook beyond my control.
he died at peace with me and even treated me to the last crazy round of calls.
Unknown_02: Um, he asked him to sell his auction off his belongings. And he says, Tommy says the last words I ever yelled at my father where I can't do that. You're not even fucking dead yet, dad. Um, Okay. Okay.
I just wanted to read some of this because it is extremely weird how much he rants about Trump, like for no fucking reason.
Unknown_02: I don't know. I really don't know what's wrong with Tommy. It's hard to say. I know he's two-spirit and whatever. He's all female except for his penis. But I really don't understand what it is that drives him to do the things he does. Okay, my father died. And here's how I feel.
Unknown_02: My father died. And fuck Trump. My father died. And...
so on and so forth it is just strange uh now i don't know what happened after this but very very shortly after this kaddish was published um tommy started live streaming and i'll play the live stream it's five minutes long i'll probably pause it for commentary at some points but uh let's just let's just get through it because there's a lot to take in here
And it's kind of... He's streaming from a building, so it kind of cuts out after a while.
Unknown_05: Just so you guys know.
Unknown_05: Fly. I know. I know.
Unknown_05: I know.
Unknown_02: So you know how, like, I don't know what you would call it. I guess like a bandana. He has like a rainbow hippie bandana covering his face like an anarchist.
Unknown_02: This is while he's sitting here in a room talking to police. He appears to be detained because he's sitting down and the police are sitting down. I'm not sure what they're waiting for, but he's live streaming with his phone at the time.
I'm not recording.
Unknown_05: Streaming.
Unknown_07: Streaming on my Facebook?
Unknown_05: I don't know what the point is, though.
Unknown_05: Better I should just charge the phone. Is it almost in? I don't know. It could stream as long as I want to. Hi, guys.
Unknown_05: Matthew Golden made another false report. This is just an outrage. I don't know.
Matthew Golden is the name of the, I want to say the sheriff deputy. He's the top dog at the Tucson Police Department. Pretty sure. And last time I spoke to Tommy, there was a two and a half hour long conversation with him. If you're curious, it's still on the channel. It'll be on manatheinternet.com.
Unknown_02: But he explained that he was detained at a psychiatric intake because the police made false statements to say that he was a danger to himself, which would allow them to take his person, basically. It's very hard to take someone in against their will if they haven't committed a crime. So he claims that he was willing to go in for treatment that his insurance would have paid for, but because of false statements by the police department, he was held against his will for inpatient treatment. And he's saying here that the same thing has happened, that they falsified that he's a danger to himself or others to get him involuntarily detained again.
Where he got this information from, but it's all false.
Unknown_05: making all kinds of false statements about my medical services, false statements about me, false statements about what I do online as far as anything. Claimed I challenged four cops to a fight when the only thing I ever do is challenge cops to a training session in a gym to show them how it could go differently.
Unknown_05: I...
Unknown_05: Are you guys willing to say how you feel about what's going on?
Unknown_05: Good Lord, guys. How do you feel about doing that? Do you feel you did something that wasn't right?
Unknown_05: That's a private matter.
Unknown_05: Well, yeah, well, you understand that I'm making an assertion
Ah, I need a legal order. How do you feel about that?
Unknown_05: Do you think it's credible?
Unknown_05: Oh, sure. I'm just saying that the whole medical file has been falsified and that you're being used illegally.
Unknown_02: He's trying to get them to talk about how they feel about being a co-conspirator and depriving him of his constitutional rights. That's basically what he's doing. And the cops are saying, I can't talk to you about this because you're live streaming, which I don't know if that's true.
But the cops wouldn't know anything about that anyways. They just have an order. The cops are not like... Higher-ups, very intentionally, cops are removed from the process of issuing the warrants and medical documents for involuntary detention, right? So he's completely wasting his breath with these guys who seem extremely annoyed by this behavior.
Do something to me that's unconstitutional.
Unknown_02: And you agree. Also, the cop, I'll back up a few seconds because I had it on a good still. Her hands in the lap, legs together, looking away. It's like really defensive body language. I don't know if she's nervous or if she's like grossed out by Tommy. But it's really loud what she's saying with her posture.
Unknown_05: It's still legal to do something to me that's unconventional.
Unknown_05: And you agree that my reasoning is correct, and it would all depend on the actual facts.
She doesn't want to end up on camera taking a knee on this guy's neck.
Unknown_05: Right. And Golden.
Unknown_05: But you're saying that if I'm correct in what I'm saying, Golden is deeply wrong.
Unknown_07: Tommy, we're saying that you've contacted the sergeant for IA, and you've done, and that's where you need to contact if you feel like it's wrong.
Unknown_05: Oh, well, they already have a Title 42, Section 1983 complaint against the whole frickin' department over this.
Unknown_07: Perfect.
Unknown_05: It's been going on for six years.
Unknown_07: It's a long time.
It started in Erika Zverzik's year when he was still a captain, and he passed it off to Jim Scotzi when he was still a lieutenant.
Unknown_05: And they promised. That they would at least investigate to some extent and if it married calling the FBI.
Unknown_02: It's a great insight to Tommy's life. Like he calls up the police station so much. He knows everybody who works there and he knows everyone who's worked there for like the last 10 years.
Unknown_05: Golden has admitted it. Brady and OPS has admitted it. There are federal crimes being committed. They are totally handcuffed in doing anything about the 9-11 callers. Anybody in this town who has been violated electronically, tough shit.
They don't have it at all.
Unknown_03: I don't know what a 9-11 caller is. The people I talk to, I talk to them around.
Unknown_03: They can't do anything about it. Investigators, if you suffered a property crime.
Unknown_02: Oh, he's saying 911 callers. Yeah, that's weird. That's a weird way to reference that.
You ain't getting a bed. Then they're going to arrest.
Unknown_05: If somebody gets beat up and they're not killed or injured badly, there's no follow-up. If you didn't catch the perpetrator right there, The only time they ever caught anybody with me was when the reporting officer spotted the guy that took my horn. Otherwise, you know, I'm trying to report drug dealing on my coroner. I'm going to attack by one of the drug dealers. finally sergeant never shuts up he has a captive audience they have to sit there and listen to him he's not going to pass up this opportunity to to chew their ear off he usually has to call them 20 times a day to get that kind of attention well enough to answer a call when i got attacked for the third time and they nabbed the guy but otherwise it went you know it's like the sergeant okay he okays the thing but then it never gets assigned because you got no
This is where it starts to cut off. It ends abruptly. His live stream has two viewers and they're sitting right there.
Unknown_05: That's pretty cool.
Unknown_02: that's the end that's where it ends abruptly uh that's as far as i know that's the end of what we know about what's happened with tommy and maybe i'm wrong um i think that's the end because it would have been in the op yeah it's strange i wonder if he did do something really stupid because i mean his dad just died if there was ever a time for psychiatric break with someone as unstable as tommy tutor that would be the appropriate time
But I don't know. All right. This might be a short stream. I have limited options here. But I do want to bring up at least one other thing. I did a stream a long time ago. I think, like, at the very start of when I started doing streaming. And I was doing mostly just streams on people. I...
Unknown_02: I talked about Secret Gamer Girl, and I talked about how Secret Gamer Girl has always fervently denied their docs. They have always denied it, always said that we got the wrong person. And Zed, who's the guy that docs Jim, has been adamant that he has the right information. He has been adamant for four years that this has been the right information.
And finally, and just to remind you, this is Secret Gamer Girl. This is the picture that we had for her some time ago. And just yesterday, after a long anticipated wait... This got leaked. I don't know who leaked it. I don't know how they got it. But that is so fucking definitely the same person. Because they have such a weird face. And if you're listening, let me try to describe this. They have a big fat bulbous head with the jowls and shit. But the most defining feature that I don't even know how to describe. His nose has such a peculiar shape. It looks like the...
I don't even know. It's like the floating bicycle from Halo.
it's it's very strange it's like a it's like a shelled peanut with like flaps on it it looks like a porpoise that's it that is the shape of that nose it is a porpoise so you have a nose that looks like a porpoise sitting on someone's face and it's so distinct someone said it was a pinched nose but it is a porpoise that is the word um and i have never seen the nose like it and just based i mean everything else looks like a dead ringer match too but that that fucking nose is as distinct as they come uh we have this is this is definitely secret gamer girl uh four years of denying that that information was them that that's not them definitely the wrong the wrong story uh kiwi farms doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about and uh yeah i don't know i hope everyone feels incredibly vindicated
Is there anything else? Have I missed anything?
Unknown_02: I might do a K video just to fill up time. Boogie, what has Boogie done? I know that Boogie and Dick want to start a stream together.
Unknown_02: Dick wants to reboot the biggest problem in the universe with Boogie, which is just... I don't know if you've ever... I didn't watch the Frank Rassel... I don't know what the fuck his name is, but Boogie had a debate with some guy named Frank. And I didn't watch it, but I know how Boogie is in debates. He rolls over immediately... he um you challenge boogie on anything and he'll start saying things like how pathetic he is how how he's terrible how he is a danger to children like there is nothing and then when he goes on the ralph retort he starts like uh defending the holocaust and shit and he just he rolls over immediately um to anything to whatever audience he's talking to at the time i don't know how you can have a debate show with someone like that unless he just has the ability in his head to switch that off and become obstinate and defend any point to the death like unless it's a completely an act and he can change it on a whim i have no idea how that can happen ah all right let frank hassle
The Vickers Abort site? Nah, I've had enough of that.
Ethan Ralph's girlfriend's father has made a website called AbortTheRetort.com, which is just going to be his potential father-in-law's takedown of him.
Unknown_02: I don't know. If you haven't heard of this, go check it out, I guess. I'll hopefully archive it so that we can look at it for posterity in the future. But this is how he's chosen to spend his time, I guess. It is pretty funny. He wants to sell Abort the Retort merchandise and everything. I don't know if he's literally just trying to profit off the fact that his daughter is a retarded whore or what. But...
i've never seen anything quite like it uh we've seen a lot of wool cows i've never seen like a generational wool cow or like a father is also like an online attention whore and also so is his daughter um crazy crazy fucking world we live in and he's totally verified it there's no doubt to anyone that that's actually that's actually him it's not like a ruse cruise it he's posted pictures of himself with a mask saying abort the retort on it he's posted pictures of his concealed carry permit and all this shit definitely him definitely his his motives uh pure keno exactly all right all right let's fuck it let's watch a k video what else what else are we gonna do with this beautiful friday besides watch k
Don't have time to set up bingo, but I'll watch a video or two. Oh, geez. See, I always thought she had gotten better at cooking, but... I'll watch two, actually. Here.
Unknown_03: I want some... I could go for some spring rolls, so fuck it.
Unknown_03: We need a fatty. I already did a fatty. I need my... I need Kay.
Unknown_06: Hi, people, and I'm back cooking again. And today I'm going to be doing my version of spring rolls.
Right, I'm putting the... It's not quite hot, but it's... You can hear it sizzling.
Unknown_06: I'll not cut these onions open. Going all over the... Not over it.
Unknown_02: So I still don't understand how she cuts an onion like this. It is really completely fucking mangled.
Unknown_02: There are some really thin strips, but then most of it is just like chunked raw onion.
What I've done is, I can't see, I haven't seen, but I'll have a taste.
Unknown_06: Tablespoon of oil in.
Unknown_02: You really can't cook an onion that's minced this unevenly correctly. It's going to burn or be raw.
Unknown_02: And again, I guess I can't talk about cooking anymore because I'm not that great of a chef myself. I can't do bingo.
Unknown_06: I've got some mushrooms here.
Unknown_02: I didn't plan this beforehand. I don't have a bingo card that I can pull up.
Unknown_06: The onion's a bit brown before I put the mushrooms in. So that's it, yeah.
Okay, as I predicted, I think the... Yeah, the onions are like only half cooked. Some of them, the bigger chunks. The mushrooms look burned. Maybe that's just because mushrooms always look fucking awful. And that is bean stalks. Completely un-chopped.
Unknown_06: I guess that's normal.
Unknown_02: Bean sprouts are really good.
Unknown_06: I first had them when I was in Australia really good info
That looks like a mess. I mean, it's just beige. I guess it's normal if it's fried, but... Why is she... What?
Unknown_02: Is that normal? To put egg noodles in a spring roll? I'm being told no. I'm being told no, you do not put egg noodles in a spring roll on the inside. The fuck is she doing?
Unknown_02: Everything is the exact same color. It's fucking raw.
Oh, it's her version, okay. The version of spring roll that has no roll. It's just stir fry.
Unknown_02: This is Gordon Ramsay. Okay. This is what happens. The English conquer in, you know, a foreign land. They bring home their food and they just make it beige.
Unknown_06: He said not to use rice paper. I'm going to put a bit of egg yolk glaze on it. Egg glaze, egg yolk glaze, whatever you want to call it. And then I'm going to get a spoon.
Turn the little thing off.
Unknown_06: And I'm going to put some
Unknown_02: That's a flour tortilla. We're going off the rails. That is a Mexican flour tortilla that she's offloading this Bajan to. What the fuck?
Unknown_06: What I'm going to do is I'm going to do quite a few more but I'm going to do I'll give you a similar thing.
This is like an egg roll taco. She just did some ground beef up in there.
Unknown_06: Egg yolk cake and then show it to you.
Unknown_06: As you can see, it looks like I'm
Unknown_02: Wait, she's going to bake it? What?
Unknown_06: It's fried.
Unknown_02: It's supposed to be a fried... Whatever.
Unknown_06: She egged it. She like glazed it with egg.
Unknown_02: Oh my God. The pan is soaked in oil.
Right, as you can see, I've got a little... She's got glasses on.
Unknown_02: I've never seen that before.
Unknown_06: Lee's gonna eat it. Come on. Get the mush around that, lad.
Unknown_02: Lee looks, like, completely unchanged.
Unknown_02: Nice and... Is it crunchy? Is it tasty? Did you see that?
Unknown_06: He put one finger up.
Unknown_02: Okay, wait, wait. I want to say...
Unknown_02: What does he say? What's the word that's going to come into it? Is it crunchy? Is it tasty? Is it not done enough? What's he going to say? I want chat. He says it's yummy. Thumbs up. It's okay. Crunchy.
Crunchy. Okay, I'm getting a lot of crunchy. I'm getting a lot of yummy. All right. That sounds like a...
Unknown_02: He laughs like I do when I think something's really funny It's all right who did any of did any of you motherfuckers say it's all right That's all right don't give yourself a lie I was there when he said it I You're going to help me if I get it wrong, yeah.
If you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a big thumbs up, it would be much appreciated. Is that not right? No. If you want to leave a comment, please feel free.
Unknown_02: I'm not going to scroll up. You're fucked. You actually said, all right, you're fucked. I'm not looking for that shit. If you haven't subscribed or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, get them subscribing.
Unknown_06: Get yourself subscribing. Get everybody subscribing. Thank you. Bye.
Unknown_02: I'll do one more.
Unknown_02: That was pretty good. I had said some time ago that... Okay, this is true. This is true gamer lore, right?
I started doing these cooking streams during Stream.me in 2019. And then after I started doing this shit, after I did my stream on her, all these other motherfuckers, like that Pengzo guy who had millions of views on his head, all at the same time started doing videos on Kaye. They all stole my shit. They owe me tithes.
Unknown_02: One day I will collect from them. But the negative consequence of that attention was that she started being really self-conscious about her cooking. And I stopped doing them because her cooking just became all right or it's okay or thumbs up. But now I am reinvigorated. I am hoping that everything she makes is as big a clusterfuck as that. That's what I liked.
And I'm really not liking that Pengzo guy anymore. Not because of that, but because he's like Ricky Berwick where he has to comment on every fucking thing. It's like, nobody asked you, dude. Shut up. Except he's not like a mangled Willa O'Midge. He's not a monstrosity, an abortion of God. Um, I can't have I mentioned this on stream how much I fucking hate Ricky Berwick, how much I'm so I'm so tired of seeing his fucking face everywhere. Every fucking tweet I open has some completely off topic reply from Ricky Berwick with 10 million fucking likes. That's just like body horror shit. I fucking hate him. He's not funny. He's like an attention whore. He's like a really super creepy. out there version of like Frederick with his with his body shit going on it's awful I hate it Ricky Berwick just google it you'll find a million videos of him being silly oh look I have a disability everyone but I'm not afraid to be myself fuck you I don't give a fuck I'm tired of seeing your face Ricky Berwick fuck off uh
This looks pretty great. I'm tempted. So far, that's the best looking one. I don't know what a rissole is, but we'll find out. Hi, people, and I'm back cooking again.
Unknown_06: And today, I'm going to be doing risoles.
Unknown_06: Right, as you can see, I've got all the ingredients found, mate.
Unknown_02: Fuck all the Ricky Berwick stans in my chat. You assholes. Stop encouraging him to post that shit.
Unknown_06: Now, I'm going to cut the honey on open.
Why does that onion have an onion inside of it?
Unknown_02: Is that like a British onion? What the fuck is that? Why is that onion like that? Take all the skin off it. It's old. Okay. There we are. I'm going to cut it in half so I can get the... It has layers.
Unknown_02: The rest of the onion thing adds a bit.
Unknown_02: It's an aristocratic onion. Is it royalty?
That knife is a recent acquisition. She had that old dull knife before. This one looks like it actually can cut things besides just her hands.
Unknown_02: Supposedly knives that are sharper are safer to use.
Unknown_02: But she always believed that her dull knives saved her hands, which I don't think is true. I am scared to death of these knives.
If only you had an able-bodied son to help you with the meal preparation, Kay.
Unknown_02: I guess he's able-bodied but not mentally able.
Unknown_06: Then the breadcrumbs.
Unknown_02: Okay, it's just mince or hacks, round beef, whatever you want to call it. Cumin. Wait, is that cumin? No, it's not cumin. It's just breadcrumbs. And raw onions. Salt and pepper.
Unknown_06: Salt. Uh oh.
Unknown_06: Pepper.
Unknown_02: We're in the da- The cumin? Just cumin. Even though I like salt and pepper in my, uh... Okay, is there any chance that this will turn out okay? Because I guess so far it's just like, mixing stuff together. I can't, I can't, I don't know what a risoles is, but whatever. Um, a tablespoon. 2% chance of this coming out okay?
Come on.
Unknown_06: Tablespoon of parsley.
Unknown_06: Get in.
Unknown_02: She's actually using a spice. That's so fucking rare. And a teaspoon of rosemary.
Oh, rosemary is so... Oh, yeah.
Unknown_02: Get her a slap chop.
Unknown_06: So vicious.
Unknown_06: The taste is so hot. That's a teaspoon.
Unknown_06: Same, a breathing game.
Unknown_06: I'm going to mix it all in.
Unknown_06: And then I'm going to add an egg. I'm going to add an egg.
Unknown_06: Oops. You'd love to slap her chops.
Unknown_02: Momo comes into that. Don't do that to my K though.
Let me just check on my list. Yes. I've got everything. Yes. Yes. Done. I'm going to mix it with my hands and then I'm going to put it in the frying pan.
Unknown_06: Right, as you can see. Can you see? It's just raw onion.
Unknown_02: That looks like a... What is it? What is a rissole?
Unknown_06: Hold up. I'm putting it... I have to look this up.
Unknown_02: What the fuck is she trying to make? It's just a hamburger.
Unknown_06: Right, as you can see, I put more than one in. I'm going to put the first one out that I put in.
No, chat, chat, this is just a hamburger.
Unknown_02: Why is this called a Rizzoli? Rizzola's.
Unknown_02: This is just a hamburger. Yeah. It's not very, very great.
Unknown_02: Is it French or British people that we hate for this? For this fake burger.
What the fuck is that?
Unknown_02: Why is that sound effect there?
Unknown_04: What the fuck is this?
Unknown_02: Stop letting Lee edit the videos.
Unknown_02: Why is it in there?
Unknown_06: It tastes like a burger.
It tastes like a burger? Mmm. Well, I put all the seasoning in and it said to do it. To do? Mm-hmm.
Unknown_02: Lean-eyed breathing. Oh, that better come as well.
Unknown_06: Right, as you saw, they said it was good. Well, you gave me a thumbs up. You gave me a 10 out of 10. But never mind. It doesn't matter. A lot of people are getting confused as well. People who are selling T-shirts are not me. I am the only one selling T-shirts. Anyone else selling them are fake. If you buy from someone else, they are not selling them.
It's been so long since she's bitched about T-shirts. No one is selling them.
Unknown_06: For me I am selling them myself if you want a t-shirt from me, you know the designs there will be a link in the description I'm so happy channel page on this video anyway whatever but yeah if you don't buy if you buy a t-shirt from someone else you're gonna be conned anything with my face on is a lie it's fake so don't get it and get my t-shirts only and then that's then you know it's legit from me right now i'm gonna have another go if you like what you see please keep viewing me if you want to give me a big old thumbs up
You've only been doing this for five years. Why was that cut there?
Unknown_06: Wait, hold up.
Unknown_02: Look, she lost her breath trying to say bye, and then Lee just edits it in to a different cut of her saying bye. But incorrectly, so you can still hear her attempt it the first time.
What a delightful video. I'm so happy she's back to being Kagan. That's great. That's really made my day.
Unknown_02: to see that she has regressed to what she was when I first found her. Excellent. No, okay, this is not cool. I'm gonna show you this because if I'm gonna suffer, you're gonna suffer, and I should probably not do this because I know all you very funny people are gonna just start doing this all the fucking time, but fuck you. Here, I'm just gonna show you.
This is Ricky Berwick, if you don't know. I guess I'll throw him up on the... Of course, I go on this rant about how I fucking hate looking at him. And then some weeaboo, some fucking anime avatar, sends me this shit. In my Twitter DM. Slides into my DM, tweets at me.
Unknown_02: And it's just... That's his everything, though. Like, every reply he makes, he makes hundreds of replies every day of just him photographing himself slithering around, his bones breaking, bits of him falling off and being re-added to him and shit, like a Mr. Potato Head that's all fucked up and mangly. And he just... It never stops. It never stops. I see him all the time. I think I have... Actually...
He's the only person I have blocked on Twitter right now.
Unknown_02: That's like my routine. When I get my new Twitter account, I make the rounds. I start following all the people I'm interested in. Then I make sure to block Ricky Berwick so I don't get exposed to it on accident. Because it will. He'll pop up under a tweet. You're reading a tweet. It's viral. You're like, oh, this is an interesting tweet. I wonder what people are saying about this tweet. I wonder what insightful comments Twitter has for me about this tweet I'm interested in. And I flick my fucking mouse wheel down. The first goddamn thing I see is some body horror shit with Ricky Berwick screaming at his making faces at his camera and fuck it. I have to block him for my sanity.
All right, that's it.
Unknown_02: Mattatheinternet.com. I'll be uploading this to the podcast feed today. I'm back at my battle station, so I can stream 1080p. I might do video game streams. Don't know. I'll think about it later. I'll see you guys next week or whenever I stream again. And take it easy.
I'm stealing this one. Stealing this song. It's mine now.
Unknown_01: I don't know if this is accurate, because I don't know the terminology of, like, anime shit, but you are a self-professed, what is it, Lolicon fan? Yes. Does that mean that... What does that mean?
Unknown_01: It means that I am a huge fan of illustrations of little girls getting fucked.
Unknown_00: Every now and then you come across someone online whose palette is a little more refined than the average guy. Like Digibro, see, he's a prince of literacy. A rap god, anime fancier, a connoisseur of honey, and he's making money off an audience of retards and half-friends who can eat red for all I care. Anime was a mistake and I'm the eraser. God save ya, I can't explain it. No taste these guys, no tits, no hips, no ass damn fine They say I swear that shit is fucking gayer than prison rape But at least the gays had the decency to say I don't know, fuck men, they're an age 2D not big, disgusting's what they say And while it's just a drawing on a page The thing that makes you cum is that she's underage What about baller video games? It'll make you violent, nice try guy But you wanted to fuck kids before you struck upon this shit So I do not buy it, it's an outlet for my urges Tell me when do we start the purge? Cause pedophags are a bunch of retardusbergs And a scourge upon this earth you're a philistine who runs on feels you're a pedophile who should be killed or at least return to the hills this ain't kansas faggot so click your heels i'm a big fan of jerking my cock two illustrations of little girls get stopped i'm a big fan of jerking my cock Two illustrations of little girls getting fucked. Dick understand this, I can't quit. I'm up to my dick in makeup, tits and flat chested kids. I'm on the front lines of this shit. So call me sick, it'll help you sleep. But I will fight for this. And when they call me creep, I will remind them that they're all next in the crosshair. And their loss here will mean a loss everywhere. It starts with no more Boku, no Pico freaks. the streets and jokes about minorities until it affects everything and everybody i'm sorry i can't stand idly by while they take away my life i will fight for pedo rights till i die what the is wrong with this guy is he mentally compromised sean it's time cut his line delete everything and set it all on fire there's nothing inherently wrong with imagining a toddler sliding up and down your dong as long as it's not really there it's all in my mind and i'm in the clear your mind is up Now my ears need a good scrub after listening to you talk You're talking about how you like your pussy young I'm sorry your honey is not honey and you're not a bee Actually you're a plague on society and were it up to me You'd be the first to see a nuisance swing from a tree Did you stop? I'm a big fan of jerking my cock To illustrations of little girls getting fucked I'm a big fan of jerking my cock To illustrations of little girls getting fucked