has exhausted himself uh he will start taking on guests and he'll probably maybe have me on first i'm not sure so uh however long it takes to get to that point uh that's how long we'll be waiting
Unknown_00: I'll just let the restream run for that duration.
Unknown_01: It's back. The mystery of what updated... Let me just check this. Yeah, 64.
Unknown_00: I'm waiting for his permission. No, I haven't asked him to. We all could have done, as I was saying with... One more time.
Unknown_01: Yeah. We all could have done with a hint.
Unknown_01: Actually, I didn't even need a hint.
Unknown_00: I don't need even a hint.
Unknown_01: I'd like a hint of how big a guy's penis is.
Okay, you mean just... I'll take it. Ballpark. I'm curious. You're curious. Small, medium, large. Something, I mean... You know, you can't have big enough for you.
Unknown_01: It's too much, actually. That's too much. Either yes or no. Yeah.
Unknown_01: Like that? Yeah, yes or no. Are we clearing fist or what?
Unknown_01: That's what I want to know. Is it like, is it, I'll take a, all right, or whoa. Those are my levels. We're at the urinal. We're all looking, you know, and I'm looking for whoa. That's what I'm, I'm looking for the whoa penis.
This is why I don't use urinals. I know for a fact people fucking look. And you get a, all right, just what I suspected. I go to a stall like a gentleman.
Unknown_01: Then sometimes you get a whoa. What's going on there? Wow.
Unknown_01: Woo!
Unknown_00: So what is it in this case? I don't think most people look, but I know some people do. And that's enough for me to be like that.
Unknown_01: Ralph has outdone himself.
Unknown_00: I'm not doing show and tell. I want to go pee. I don't sit to pee. I just go to a saw. You can stand up at a saw. This is so outside of my world that it isn't even like... What world is it a part of?
Well, good point. I mean, who drops their own sex tape? So what did... I mean...
Unknown_01: Why are we seeing so many sex tapes? Why do I know what Monkey Jones dick looks like? What's the official narrative going on right now?
Unknown_00: I don't know.
Unknown_01: What's the official narrative?
Unknown_00: Have you talked to him? Poe's mad.
Unknown_01: What is always the official narrative? I don't know. I mean... I don't know. The first thing I think is that... He was clearly hacked. He was hacked by 4chan. Yeah. Anonymously. Yeah. They logged in. Okay. They fucked into his phone. They cloned his phone.
Yep. That was my first thought for Chan.
Unknown_00: What are you going to do when your sex tape leaks?
Unknown_01: Just leave the, I don't know.
Unknown_00: What are you going to do?
Unknown_01: Probably leave the earth.
Unknown_01: I am surprised and thankful that Ralph didn't kill himself, to be honest. I thought for a second, I'm like, oh man, I don't know. You just never know in these times what's going to happen.
Unknown_00: Here, I'm going to switch to the actual Discord and we'll kind of jump ahead a little bit. What's going to be your official story when your sex tape drops?
It wasn't me.
Unknown_00: He got re-elected!
Unknown_01: Because no one cares about crack.
Unknown_01: They did more when it was a black guy in the 80s. They said they did more. But who was voting for him?
Unknown_01: Other persuasions of jogging Americans who were crack-friendly. No, because people who live in D.C. are almost all... Motherfucker, I feed my kids on crack. What are you talking about? I want a man in the office who knows what the deal is. Crack bought this house. Crack bought this house. Crack bought this VCR.
Do you remember... I don't know if you remember it. It was a long time ago, but all the sheriff's office in Santa Clarita, they all got... I fucking hate the Santa Clarita Sheriff. Well, they all got busted. It was a pain in the ass. I can't remember who was- They all have boats. Oh, well, yeah. They all go to the lake and stuff. But no, they got busted for taking all the fucking contraband and getting rid of it and adding wings to their houses and fucking buying boats and cars and all that kind of shit. Oh, yeah? This was like late 80s. You guys bored up there? Yeah. Santa Clarita is the epicenter of bored cops. They are cranking out cops like orcs in Mordor up there. Yeah.
They have an unlimited number of cops that they just churn out. That's where my fucked up perspective on police comes from. Because I only know them from a white suburban teenager's point of view. Well, you know, he said, you know, the cop that we both know, he was in Linwood for many years. Yeah. In South Central and... Dick has a lot.
Dick has a ton of years. Just his Patreon is like thousands of people. I don't know his download number, only he would know that. I don't know what I'm going on. When the replay is up, I will... Why don't you go back where you came from, officer? We don't take too kindly to you around.
Unknown_00: these parts before i get on the show you'll have to record that on your own because i will not be nobody in the hood would ever talk like that because they're afraid they might get killed by someone else in the hood and the cops there to protect them that part of it that's part of it that was another point i'm louder right i think my audio is all set right now tv and everything is such a skewed perception of he's like these are people
They don't want these motherfuckers here, too. Yeah. Because who do you think they have to deal with on a daily basis? The bars on the windows are not to keep out the police. Right. I gotta keep out other motherfuckers. No, he said, like, you know, he had been in, like, we didn't even know.
Unknown_00: My mic is fine. I'm just fucking around with the audio stream. Yeah, right. Well, hello.
Unknown_01: what are you gonna what are you gonna carry a grand piano there's no resale value on it it's a korean piece of shit you get a good tone out of that one you couldn't get it remember his live stream don't compare the numbers because that's just dishonest his live stream how bad is his patrons you have to pay 20 a month to get access to that url for the youtube
yeah um they do and it's all bleached mine's it's been in the sun for 20 years yeah that was like a thing in the 80s you bought a grand piano and nobody it's not 20 anymore it's 25 i don't know how much it is i'm sure they take a third after all i've done especially in california now you just eat hot chip and you lose half your income and his income if you had some money you got like a baby grand if you had a lot of money you got a grand they have a baby grand if you i don't want to give them I don't want to give them that satisfaction. It's a baby grand. Six and a half feet?
Unknown_01: Something like that? No, a baby grand? Under, it's sub six. My piano's six one.
Unknown_00: Oh yeah, six, oh yeah, yeah, right. Theirs is like, theirs has got to be five six, five four, five six. Something like six and a half ish or something. If you put my piano next to my father's piano and you look at it from the direction of my piano, you wouldn't even be able to see my father's piano.
Unknown_01: That's how small it is compared to mine. And I'm talking about length. That's the fist test. It's like pyramids.
No, nobody's coming on this stream.
Unknown_01: I'll hopefully end up talking to him one-on-one or just him and Sean or whoever's in studio.
Unknown_00: I'm going to tell him if he brings anyone else on. I have no interest in talking to the pedophile. I have no interest in talking to the addict.
Unknown_01: If he doesn't want to hear what I have to say, then I don't have anything else to say.
Unknown_01: Yeah, that's that. Presenting Dick. Oh, God, that's loud. Dick. Dick.
Unknown_01: Dick. Dick. Dick.
Unknown_03: Dick.
Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. It's all going to be out there.
Unknown_03: Dick.
Unknown_01: Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick.
Unknown_01: voted world's america's worst mexican 70 weeks running joining me as always is world touring la based comedian sean the audio engineer congratulations on your 70th milestone there thank you thank you for killing yourself are you just being like are you just playing teams right now or do you really find this like so offensive to your senses because the chat the chat's not being very nice at the moment and i can't tell if it's like a genuine hatred or people are just like angry at them
I don't know.
Unknown_01: Where is it? Where is my suicide stats arenas? It's doubled. Doubled, I think, since last... Double the percentage who did so last summer. 25%, the CDC says, seriously considered suicide in the last 30 days. Sure. In the 18... God damn it, excuse me. 18 to 25 age range. Yeah, that's really young, too, because I think the largest range is between... is somewhere in middle age, I think, is the... You know, because they've... They've lived long enough to know that they're pretty well fucked in society and everything.
I should have worked out in my 20s.
Unknown_01: Fuck! I should have put some money into Chainlink, like Dick said.
Unknown_00: And then it's...
Unknown_01: I should have married that girl and had kids.
Unknown_00: Don't make fun of Sean. What was I waiting for?
Unknown_01: Sean's a homie.
Unknown_00: What was I hoping for?
Unknown_01: A long track record of regrets.
Unknown_00: And then you can see you're not so far out from the end.
Unknown_01: Then your memory starts failing. What's the point? I'm pretty sure I was always this fat and dumb.
Unknown_01: It should go the other way. All you boomers out there, you should really take a day to take stock, find the most paranoid weed you can find, and really think about all the mistakes you've made in your life. And how you fucked everyone. Oh, really? Just think about it.
Think about how things used to be and how you're never going to understand them again.
Unknown_01: You need some special. They need some special boomer edition sativa strain, you know, just an existential void.
Unknown_00: Yeah.
Unknown_01: Existential crisis. What's this one called? Pineapple existential crisis. Very good.
Unknown_00: Yeah. Love it.
Unknown_01: right just for you it's 65 and over only yeah like i need to see some id sir and it fills you with such alien my internet is fine everything seems fine on my end if it's buffering that's on you i'm supposed to kill myself to get out actually yeah this is making a lot of sense somebody
Am I who I say I am? I don't think so. Yeah. How long have I been living this lie? Right. I got to get out of this skin. Right.
Unknown_01: Right. Those are bad kids. 25% seriously considered suicide. That's really young, too. Bleepity bleepity bleep. Yeah. So there you go. Yeah. The age group that was not at risk at all.
Unknown_01: Yeah.
Unknown_00: Mental health, not in a good place.
Unknown_01: God, I almost... I guess his argument is that because the middle-agers are more suicidal right now, the threat of suicide is greater than the threat of COVID for them because of the lack of activities.
My barber right around from... My salon right around from the place where I used to live, like three blocks away, the building burned down.
Unknown_01: I was almost there. I was almost there. No, this I almost... I did. I stuck my head... Get those communist ants out of my chat.
Unknown_00: Rand's already on to me. He already knows that I glow in the dark because I quoted England. I posted one of his articles in Ralph's thread.
Unknown_01: You play croquet about every 20 years. Yeah. I got made fun of, too, for that being like a hoity-toity. Have you seen that? I mean, it sticks. It sticks and, like, stick hammers. And you fuck around with it. Yeah.
Unknown_00: The object...
A croquet is just to fuck the other guy. They sell it at Target.
Unknown_00: I don't even care about hitting the thing. I just want to hit the other ball so I can whack it across the yard.
Unknown_01: This was the worst fucking thing imaginable. We're playing with the boys. It's an all boys game in the 80s.
Unknown_00: I want to go on a tangent about that. Rand is such a fucking weirdo.
Unknown_00: His mind is actually that he believes that the government has an interest in sending me, me, as some sort of cyber warfare, psychological warfare element against him and Ralph, whom he presupposes to be saviors of white identitarianism. And the government's gambit at stopping a neo-fascist movement is to suppress him.
and i it's like you would think that's like a joke of someone like you know just being silly or or whatever but no that's like he actually believes that and his listeners believe that too because they leave comments on my shit saying like oh you're a fucking a fed you're trying to to crush you're trying to abort ralph to to hurt the right and it's like no you know how the rules of
Unknown_00: I think that's, I mean, I don't know. I guess that's what a Fed would say, right? How can you trust me? Have you ever fucked up hitting somebody else's ball, Sean?
I put my head right in the fucking oven.
Unknown_00: Oh, is that why?
Unknown_01: We went through the entire fucking game. Like, I'm going to whack this 30 yards across the fucking whole backyard. My dad fucked me over, and they thought it was so funny that they gang raped him for the rest of the game. My dad, who's good at everything sports related, finally gets all the way to the pin.
I don't know anything about sports. There's literally nothing I can comment on in this conversation. I feel bad for...
Unknown_00: I feel bad for not being more transformative, but there's literally nothing I can say about sports. What sport is he even talking about? What game do you play with bats where you competitively swing at the same ball?
Is that like Quidditch? What the fuck is he playing?
Unknown_01: Cricket? Crochet? Croquet.
Unknown_01: i've never i've never seen people play cricket i would have no fucking idea i don't think i've even accidentally watched cricket for like a millisecond on like a television in a sports pub or something i don't think i've ever been exposed to it i barely i barely have an idea of what it is
Polo polo, that's right You have to go get a piece of equipment that's outside of the realm of the game to get your ball That's how bad I'm gonna fall man. This feels so good and I'm gonna blame I'm gonna blame
Unknown_00: Someone's saying maybe I did get turned by a glow-in-the-dark. Let's set a safety word right now. Years in the future, because no Fed is ever going to see this stream, right? If I ever flip Fed, I will inform the masses. I will make a big post talking about my favorite cricket team. If I ever do that, if I ever start talking about cricket or polo or whatever the fuck...
queer british sports are that's uh that's your cue to know to skedaddle and burn everything in front of the ball skip over the ball and then hit glance off my ball and knock it like a foot and a half and i i just hear the fucking failure it's like
Unknown_01: And then right back to reality, like Eminem, everyone's laughing and pointing at me. 80s girl says pictures of my dick that she's showing my mom, and they're pointing and laughing at it. Yeah, each successive picture is shrinking. She put a filter on it so it shrunk. Actually, it was a picture of Ralph's dick.
Legit, though, remember that? I will. I will. I swear. I swear to you.
Unknown_00: If the cricket post ever comes, let's get battled. Get the fuck out. I don't know. What is he talking about? I lost track of what's happening on the stream.
Unknown_01: Oh, he's talking about the sex tape and how it's a fake or whatever.
The weather plays a big part of it. How much your hydration levels are a big part of it. How big your dick is is another big part of it. But that's way down the list. Oh, he's defending the size of Ralph's penis.
Unknown_00: His penis is obviously small.
Unknown_01: I took the croquet mallet and I threw it over the fence. I said, fuck, suck my white ass ball. I spun around. I threw it over the fence and I stuck my head in the oven. I grabbed two bottles of liquor. I drank them both at the same time. I stuck my head in the oven and I, and I started crying and I wanted to die.
Nothing happened.
Unknown_01: I didn't know you were supposed to turn it on.
Unknown_00: I thought you just died.
Unknown_01: Yeah.
Unknown_00: Right. It was just right.
Unknown_01: Right. worst fucking worst fucking feeling i have ever i would rather have posted my own sex tape oh god everybody's laughing how would you do a sex tape i'd do like a american psychic you know oh yeah recreate it you know like that yeah how would you do it probably with a camera
Unknown_00: Sean's the best part I mean I guess I guess I can't uh yeah I think so Sean has like quippy like couple word responses and stuff that make you laugh I can hear the drool hitting the floor on him from here I can hear it he's making a mess he's making a mess in his kitchen he's just salivating I could feel the like a labrador being teased with a piece of pizza
I could feel his joy, and I've never heard a more joyful, you rang? Because, you know, he left the server for a bit, but I went back there on the day of the G-Day, the day of the sex tape. I went in there, I said, is Nolan here? And he said, you rang? He's positively giddy. There's no antidepressant in the world can compete with that. It's the only thing that can bring us together. Our generation has milestones in our shared story that exist, that are comprised entirely of illicit materials from the Pam Anderson sex tape, to the Carlos Spicy Wiener. What was Wiener's Carlos Danger to the leaked sex when he was sending his dick around? Anthony Wiener. Anthony Wiener. Carlos Wiener. He does look like a Carlos. It was Carlos Danger. That was his name. That was his fake name. Oh, really? See, I didn't even know that. It was like Carlos Dangerous.
Anthony Wiener.
Unknown_01: That guy. Oh, God. I think my dad was going to call in a gloat. I hope not.
Unknown_01: What, gloat about the hope he gets in a fucking car wreck? Yeah. Really? Aw, that's awful. He enjoyed it that much, huh? Oh!
I mean, right at the end, and then you're the poison ball, and you get to just, your specific purpose in the game is to go fuck over everybody else.
Unknown_01: Ah!
Unknown_01: Glance two feet away, he's instantly poisoned, instantly kills me. So I'm the biggest loser. What's a wicket? What is this?
Unknown_00: I can't follow this conversation. This is worse than when Sean talks about fucking baseball. That's the worst sport. I don't think any sport's worse than baseball.
Unknown_01: Wicket is the hoops the ball goes through. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Because they said they were doing serving outside.
Unknown_00: What's the funny word for the badminton ball? Oh, it's a shuttlecock. Let's talk about shuttlecocks instead.
Unknown_01: I know what that is.
Unknown_00: I think it's because my aunt played badminton. I found the word very, very funny.
Unknown_01: Everyone in our friend group has gotten the waitress's number at this bar. Separately and blown it. Oh, really? Yeah.
Unknown_01: The same waitress? Yeah. Oh, God. Yeah. So we go there.
This is how hilarious the lockdown procedures are. We go there, and they put a gun to your head, the temperature gun, to check your temp, right? Right. And they have outside or whatever.
Unknown_00: That's what they say. And we're like, well, what are we eating in the ass?
Unknown_01: We're eating in the fucking parking lot of a bank. Let me guess. The windows are open. Like all the doors and windows.
Unknown_00: I played football very briefly when I was in middle school. I just remember I was like such a big kid, even back then that like, I would have three or four neighbor kids holding on to me, like, grabbing at my clothes and shit, each of my limbs. And I remember, like, walking with all of them hanging on me with the ball. And, you know, I was a pretty shy kid. And I remember they were so obnoxious when they scored. They would start going, yeah, yeah, touchdown, touchdown. So I was jiding them the entire time for being so fucking noisy. And then when I did it, of course, I made fun of them. And I did it myself like an asshole.
My mom really wanted me to be a football player, like a professional football player when I grew up. That did not pan out.
Unknown_00: I definitely did not become a football player. Josh had charge strength exactly.
What a disappointment.
Unknown_00: Yeah, someone pointed out that the laughing is really obnoxious, and I agree. There was a time where he was, I mean, I listened to his podcast from, I listened to all episodes of The Biggest Problem in the Universe. I've listened to every episode of The Dick Show. And I've listened to a lot of the bonus content. And I remember him with the What Are These Podcasts guy who reviews other podcasts. They were listening to Godzilla vs. Podcast Zero, which was Maddox's attempt to fuck some chick while talking about Godzilla movies. And whenever she said anything, he would laugh as if it was the funniest fucking thing he's ever heard. And it was completely...
And, you know, you listen to it and you can pick it up real easy that it's fake. And he said, you know, don't laugh at your own jokes. And he gave that advice a lot of times to other people. There was another podcast he advised, don't laugh at your own jokes. And they took that advice and it worked. He said that it was a good idea. It was successful for him. It was good advice. And, I mean, he does tend to laugh at his own jokes a lot now. And I don't know why. You realize now that there's no point. I mean, I'm sure people would have theories as to why. I won't opine on that. I'll leave you to your speculation. Maybe he's insecure after the Ralph Hall of Fame thing.
It's like a beautiful patio that has obviously been there for 30 years.
Unknown_00: But the thing with that was me not making jokes at his expense when he was bombing would have been more awkward than me making jokes because it would have been dead air. If I wasn't there, it would have been dead fucking air for like an hour where he was supposed to go through his material. and i i feel like i feel like i i helped everyone out there by getting real fucked up by drinking by taking a couple shots and completely dissolving my my inhibitions and just uh laughing at everything and uh what's the word when someone in the audience is like antagonizing the guest so it is
the heck i was heckling him the entire time and i think that helped onto my and behind yes as i'm eating a wing yeah sink vodka uh helped a lot with that because i have all of the food i have a lot of uh apprehension about being too big of an asshole but that goes away a lot oh yeah that's probably uh honkling of course sorry that probably wasn't a good idea
Unknown_01: I said, well, you know, the lines seem pretty, like you sterilize these lines, right? As they're running, like they're sagging with 50 years of,
Unknown_00: That was the best thing about that. It was like the first one, Ralph was like, oh, fuck it. I'll bring on my favorite guest. We'll relive some classic kill stream moments. We'll have a comfy stream. And he sets this up by having his first guest be Dick, who he, for like three hours, sets up as the funniest man to ever live. And then his set comes out. I legit thought he was fucking trolling. I thought he was just going to bomb this and make Ralph look like a retard for going through all this trouble. And that's where the first thing I said was like, is this a joke?
Happily move my food. Just be hot. You goddamn pussies. I can't stand it. Let's see here. Kamala Harris is miserable now. Kamala Harris is going to be president. You see that?
Unknown_01: I love it. That's my favorite. Yeah. Can we get some police reform? You know what? We're going to put a cop in the White House. How do you like that? What do you think about that? Actually, and one of the worst ones. One of the ones who wanted to keep nonviolent people in prison so that there wouldn't be a shortage of slave labor. So there wouldn't be a shortage of prison slave labor. We have a long and rich tradition of slave labor. Yeah.
You know, the 14th Amendment, which abolished slavery, explicitly states that prison labor is allowed. Interesting. Interesting American history knows that when we abolished slavery, we very intentionally left prison labor in as a thing. 13th, I'm sorry.
Unknown_01: That's when you're, you know, 110 degrees, fucking, oh no. That's a clip from the sex tape. That's erotic. Oh no.
Here's a pop quiz. What's the third amendment to the Constitution? First one to get it right gets a shout-out. No Googling. That just completely derailed any thoughts I have on Kamala Harris and the White House. Courting soldier. Oh, no, it's gone. It started with a K. All of that BLM money that went through ActBlue or wherever. Just completely off the screen the second I see it. All of that is going to fund a cop's run for president.
I just want the irony to soak in forever. All of the BLM money, all of the anti-Trump money that's getting dumped into politics is going to elect a cop for president. Because Biden is not a human. I don't know a ton about her.
Unknown_01: Um, well, she was like an aggressive, she was an aggressive prosecutor.
Unknown_00: Like she argued to keep nonviolent prisoners in jail for the sole purpose of meeting the prison labor.
Unknown_01: So it would have been unprofitable. Is he here?
Is Noel here?
Unknown_01: No. I am suppressed.
Unknown_00: They have me muted.
Unknown_00: You rang. Oh my God.
Unknown_01: I know.
Unknown_00: What is going on here?
Unknown_01: Maybe he's here. I'll just try to unmute him. No, are you there? Hi. Oh, wait. Yeah, maybe that. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you now.
How are you? Well, this month has been pretty good.
Unknown_01: Are you exhausted from your victory lap?
Unknown_01: yeah i'm pretty tired i mean it's it's been it's been a ride it's been it has been a ride
Unknown_01: I don't mean to offend anyone by laughing at it, but it's just, how else do you treat it? How did this get out, honestly? Was he hacked by Jack Daniels? Yeah, makers, I think.
He posted it to prove his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend to fuck with him. It was entirely malicious. It was entirely by his own hand.
Unknown_00: It seems to be the case, Sean.
Unknown_01: Then he probably feels okay about it. I mean...
Unknown_01: Maybe you backfired a little bit.
Unknown_01: It seems that his girlfriend had some sort of a relationship with a guy. Yeah. Like an e-relationship. You know what I think about those, right? While they were together? While they were together. She said a number of disparaging things. And then the guy hosted a stream airing out all of these disparaging things that Ralph's girlfriend said about him. Yeah. They were pretty horrific, actually. And then he said that Ralph has never fucked her, and in order to give his side, the other side of the debate, Ralph DM'd him. He gave absolute proof.
That's what it appears like to me. That's what it appears like to me. And whether he intended that to get out for everybody's viewing pleasure, I don't know. Licker has this habit of sneaking up on you and leaving out big holes in your plan that you would otherwise see.
He said in the past that he wanted to post pictures of his own dick. He said that multiple times. Yeah. I mean, yeah, the thing is that I think he's a completely shameless person, and he just wanted to fuck with this chick and this guy, because I think he knew at that point that she was not going to come back, and he said while watching the stream, because when you said it was like a hack, I thought, I mean, it's hard to tell on Twitter what you're being serious about. I'm almost never serious. I automatically just don't believe what happens.
Every time I hear hack, I'm like, bullshit.
Unknown_00: Yeah, exactly. You're going to have to prove it was a hack. Yeah. Well, it's going to kick you in the ass in a bit.
Unknown_00: Me? Yeah. Why me? Well, I mean, I have to be honest. This will probably be my last appearance on the show.
Unknown_00: Oh, no. Why? Well, for several reasons. First and foremost, I do not believe you when you say that you didn't tell Riley to kick me off. I just don't believe you.
I saw you saying that on your show. That's why I wanted you to call in to get Sean caught up. Noel, you think that I told Riley you were not welcome because you drive away, quote, big people? Can you say it in your words? I don't want to paraphrase you incorrectly.
Unknown_00: Riley's message was that I was the guy at the party that had to be told to leave. And then after that, people got on my case for calling Digibro a pedophile, which he is.
Unknown_00: And after that, after I left...
Unknown_00: Um, actually I, I was there until like several people were getting at me and then one guy started calling me a Karen and a moral fag for, uh, for fucking with Shadman because Shadman is also a pedophile who drew pictures of Keemstar's daughter being, uh, as a, as a, as a sucking Trump's dick. A very, a very, um, controversial and, uh, um, he draws really, really offensive pornography.
Unknown_00: yeah and people were defending him there and it's like i don't want to be in here i don't want to be around these people so i left yeah um and when i told people that it was because riley asked me to leave they asked riley people who were fans of me and the discord asked riley is that true and he said i didn't kick him but he was making bigger names uncomfortable specifically did you bro
Unknown_00: So I stayed out. I mean, you acknowledged it. You tweeted out shit.
Unknown_01: Why do you think I told him that? I don't tell Riley shit. I don't talk to anybody about the show, not even Sean. You do pay him. Correct? I pay him to post. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I pay him a couple... I mean, I'm not going to get into how much I pay him. I pay him to do the YouTube thumbnails. And then he's kind of just really... Like, you know him. He's aggressive at networking. I mean, he's good at it. Well, he's good at it and he's very bad at it.
He drives people who are good away from the show by engaging with them in a way that I don't like. But he's also very good at getting new people interested in the show.
um well he is the booking manager so when he tells me that i have to be told to leave uh i take that as a as a word on high and then afterwards you tweet out like he's a month and shit it's not the only thing i mean this this doesn't help there's other things that i want to mention but that's like that was like the the first right there go ahead sorry
Unknown_00: I mean that was just kind of like what set me off because if you don't I'm sure you know that these people all fucking me Ralph did you bro their girlfriends and shit they all know each other and they're very actively well they're very actively hostile towards me all at once and it's just like okay I get when I'm not welcome and And I don't want to show up just to, like, bitch. I don't want to just sit here and make things about myself and my feelings. The only reason why I am, to clarify, is you did help me with New Project 2. And I know that you were caught up that Asterios and Mumkey didn't come on to talk about what was bothering them. So this is a part of what's bothering me. And I feel I owe it to you to at least say what it is.
Yeah, okay.
Unknown_01: Is that a prelude to saying it, or were you in the middle? Were you saying it? I don't want to cut you off.
Unknown_00: We said that one thing.
That was one thing.
Unknown_00: Well, yeah. I mean, that's like the initial incident that really got me thinking about specifically the Ralph appearance on episode 204, which I think was like, you call it the anniversary stream because it's two years, four years after.
Unknown_03: Yeah. Yeah.
Unknown_00: So Ralph shows up and he calls me a pedophile and I listened to it. I listened to the entire thing in preparation for coming on. And I mean, I do feel like it was a setup and you knew we would fight. And I feel like you intentionally tried to make a spectacle for the anniversary stream.
No. Actually, I don't think people like e-drama shit.
Unknown_01: I was surprised that you guys were resorting to the pedophile argument immediately. Watching two grown men call each other pedophiles is only funny to me because I know both of you don't believe that.
Unknown_00: I did not ever call him a pedophile. I've never called Ralph a pedophile and I've gone out of my way to explicitly defend him.
Unknown_01: i take it back then i i misremember i take it back uh hearing him say it was uh was funny to me because i don't think he believes it i think i mean it's ralph like i think he's hurt and like hurt people they deal with um they deal with it in different ways ralph's very aggressive when he's hurt and you're you're kind of the opposite my language when i call digibro a pedophile to clarify um
I only call someone a pedophile if I think I could shoot them and sleep well afterwards. That's my barrier. I don't really support that either, bud.
Unknown_01: I don't think you should be calling Digibro a pedophile, but I'm not you. I'm not going to tell you what to say or not to say.
Unknown_00: That's the final thing. I appreciate that. The whole shit about Twitter, like, okay, you can make jokes and say awkward shit about Ralph, but I don't think you fully appreciate what you're doing to yourself, and not just to yourself, but to people who associate with you when you talk about the Lolicon shit and you make jokes about jerking off to Lolicon. and you're tagging in people like Doug TenNapel and Rakeda, who are conservative Christians, who would not appreciate that. You don't understand that this never goes back into the box. It's like a Chernobyl event.
Already what you've done, already what you've said, you will see those tweets for the rest of your life. Ten years down the road, if you're still doing comedy, you'll see people bringing these things up. And the association with...
Unknown_00: Yes, exactly. It doesn't matter what your legal stance is, what your political stance, philosophical stance, if you find it attractive or not. The association is in and of itself toxic. And you can say, well, that's a part of cancel culture. That's whatever you think it is. And you might be right. I'm not going to opine on that. I'm just saying what it has done to me is devastating. uh me reaching out trying to make the legal argument that there's no victims and shit but i can tell you that the people who jerk off to lolly con are pedophiles they are the same people because when i hosted 9chan when i was involved with 8chan the same people posting hardcore child pornography one day would be using the same trip codes to post lolly con on the lolly boards the next they are the same people and i think in in particular with digibros uh situation him and pantsu are both pedophiles into lollicon and as i saw with the snake thing with the zoo sadist people who have a paraphilia like that who know each other are more dangerous than they are by themselves i think that pantsu party and digibro are not just pedophiles but i think they're dangerous together And I think that this picture of Ralph and Riley and mint salad and shit hanging out with these fucking people is going to blow up in their face. And when it blows up in their face, it's going to affect you and vice versa.
So when that happens, I don't want anything to do with it.
Unknown_00: I understand what you're saying.
Unknown_01: Is Lollicon, like, that sounds like a convention. Yeah, it's a lollipop convention. No, but I mean, like, is it always animated?
Unknown_00: Yes, yes, yes.
Unknown_01: Necessarily, yes. What's the con stand for?
I don't know. That's like a Japanese word for person, I think. Isn't it? Khan?
Unknown_00: I don't know. I don't know.
Unknown_01: And, you know, it's not always just animated.
Unknown_00: Like there was specific artists who were arrested because they trace real child pornography. And I know those pictures are out there. I know that they're drawings of real children being raped.
Unknown_00: Yeah, there's a victim in that case.
Unknown_00: The thing is, the word pedophile does not mean child molester, but it doesn't have to mean that. You mentioned it's hate speech because it's thought crime. Good. If I had a button to kill every pedophile, I would press it twice just to make sure I really don't feel bad. about Karen farming over child abuse. And I think it's, especially as someone who really likes you, I want to go out on a limb and say you have to understand that no matter what you're, like, okay, the jokes about libertarianism and the roads and chain link and all that shit might work. will will work people will forgive that like they did on the biggest problem 99 of the people who listen to your podcast will hear you defend uh lolly con and it does not matter you can be a hundred percent right the argument is repulsive to a normal person
Yeah, I mean, I'll try to go down. I've been writing down some of your points so I can address them in turn. I hear your concern. That is what I hear from you. I understand that you want to distance yourself from it as an act of self-preservation.
Unknown_00: I understand. If you're uncomfortable...
Unknown_01: To a certain... Everybody has a different level of comfort and what they want to associate with.
Unknown_00: Yeah.
Unknown_01: And I completely understand that. Yeah. The jokes... The jokes I will never stop doing. I'm committed fully for the rest of my life to getting pursued by... bad jokes or any kind of joke.
Have you made jokes about, like, pedophilia and child molestation and shit in the past? You know what?
Unknown_00: I mean, definitely.
Unknown_01: Shit, I'm sure. I made one at the beginning of the show. I said a public school teacher was just sizing me up to be raped.
Unknown_01: I'm sure I've done it, too. And by the way, no, that is the most acceptable type of joke to make in Hollywood. Like if we're talking about reputation and getting burned over jokes, you can tell 10 million jokes about child molestation. They will give you a free. They don't even blink. But you tell one. If I told a joke about my own race, that would get me kicked out.
You're talking to get the fuck out of L.A. then. And I think the audience of people at comedy clubs in L.A. and online are different.
Unknown_00: The general population cannot be defined by anecdotes in L.A. L.A. is a fucking shithole.
Unknown_01: Yeah, I think that if we're talking about actual pedophiles, the world is run by an elite pedophile ring. So, like, this is... The elite don't fund you.
The elite don't fund you. The random guys who listen to you while trucking around the U.S. are the people who fund you. Don't shit where you eat. Those people will not... The fucking guys who listen will not find this Chad. A lot of people want to hear... I always compare your show to the guy...
Unknown_00: The Man Show? Was that it? I was very young when The Man Show was airing. That's like a modern incarnation of that. And a lot of guys need fatherly advice. And I think you fill that role whether or not you think you do or you should. A lot of people listen because they want to hear what they would want to hear from a father figure. And no one wants to hear a father figure say... Yeah, I'm going to go jack off with Lollicon or to Lollicon with this fucking degenerate pedophile couple. Like, nobody. There is no audience for that.
It was a joke that I told to PPP. Like, that would be a punishment.
Unknown_00: Like, this would be a big.
Unknown_01: It's so dumb. This is what I'm going to do.
Unknown_00: This is a specific thing. specific joke that I said like, yeah, this is going to be the big climax of this is I'm going to beat off Talali.
Unknown_01: Obviously joking. I mean, I can't beat off anything.
Unknown_00: There's more than one joke. I understand that it's a joke, but like I said, it is like Chernobyl. It is something that will never clear up.
Maddox is going to be fucking compiling this shit.
Unknown_01: I'm not afraid of getting, I'm not afraid of getting canceled for comedy or, or getting canceled for thought crimes. I'm just not afraid of it, man. Like at this point, at this point, if I don't know what they're going to take from me, it's nothing.
Unknown_00: And everybody who supports the show knows.
Unknown_01: that I absolutely I will absolutely always draw a line between thought and action always and and specifically specifically you said the Christian Christian guys like Doug and Nick I promise you that the most Christian thing to do with actual pedophiles is to realize that they're in a tremendous amount of pain and that Even if they want to, they cannot control their addiction. And to continually call them scum and that you're going to fucking kill them is just going to make them kill themselves. And I know that you might think that's a good thing, but it is not loving. Jesus Christ would say, look... I understand that you're dealing with an incredible burden. We've got to keep you away from kids. We're all working together to keep you the fuck out of the public education system, to keep you the fuck out of church, and for you to let everybody know that we can't let kids around you, but you are still suffering an ungodly amount of pain, and it's not fair. If an animal is in pain, you put it down, dick.
You don't fucking rehabilitate it. You don't try and give it morphine for the rest of its life. There is no value in keeping Digibro alive. He has nothing to give anyone. He is a threat to children and a complete fucking waste of everything else that he consumes.
Unknown_00: There is value in all life.
Unknown_01: There is value in everyone's life. Digibro, I don't know what happened to him, but I don't understand how you can walk away from that not seeing that he was using Lolly very infrequently, as he says, to put himself in the mind of the small girl. He openly admits that he's a pedophile, and I don't believe that.
I do not believe that he wants to be the little girl. It's just bullshit. It's a nonsense fucking argument. You don't fantasize about being a three-year-old girl being raped. Yes, you do. You don't think anyone fantasizes. No.
Unknown_01: More often than not, when people are watching pornography, they put themselves in the mind of the submissive person.
Unknown_01: You're not watching a point of view. It's not like Ralph's sex tape where you're the guy doing the filming. You're watching it and you're hypnotizing yourself like in a movie. Shot on an island of quicksand, apparently.
You're experiencing when you watch a movie, all of the characters have to be relatable because you are putting yourself into the position of the character. Like, I don't understand how you can say definitively it's not that way.
Unknown_00: You need at least one character you can associate with, but you do not have to relate to all of them. And I don't watch pornography and consider myself the submissive. I don't know. That's like a Freudian slip or what?
Unknown_00: No, I do not watch porn and imagine myself getting fucked. I don't watch. I don't. It's not true. That's not reality.
It is messier than you think in your brain. And I'm not saying yours. I'm saying in people's brains when they're watching pornography, they are like it's like like a movie's got to have a good bad guy to win because you kind of want him to win. And then you're happy when he's beaten. Like it's very the human mind is not as simple as you're making it seem. I don't think.
Unknown_00: But do you see what you're doing?
Unknown_00: In order to even defend this person, you have to put yourself into the shoes of a pedophile, and people listening to that will pick up on that. You can't do it. That's why I say it does not matter how you feel about him as a friend or as a person, if you feel bad for him or not. You cannot associate with an open pedophile because it will always look bad on you. He's not an open pedophile. He openly has looked at Lolly and enjoys it. He's not a fucking pedophile. That is pedophilia. It doesn't make you a pedophile. It does make you a pedophile. If you are attracted to children, if you watch Yaoi, if you watch gay men fuck each other, you're probably gay. If you masturbate to anime foot, you're probably into feet. If you masturbate to anime children, you're probably into children. This is not complicated. What about lesbian porn? Let's go. Are you a fucking lesbian all of a sudden? Yeah, the people most into lesbians are cutting their fucking dicks off and becoming lesbians, dick. Yes. People into lesbian porns are fucking weird.
So watching two chicks get it on with a double-sided dildo makes me a fucking trans woman now, no?
Unknown_00: Yeah. Yeah, I think people into lesbian porn are weird. And you see it a lot with people who go trans. They call themselves transbians. Yeah, it's fucked up. It's weird.
Yeah, I got news for you. The guy driving a truck across the country right now identifies a hell of a lot more with watching lesbian porn and not being called a chick.
Unknown_00: I mean, if they do watch that, it's because they want to get in on it. You watch a man fuck a child, and you're thinking, oh, I gotta squeeze on into that. You're still a fucking pedophile. The whole fantasy with two lesbian women, it's like, I want to have two chicks at once. If you want to have a guy and a little girl at once, you're still a fucking pedophile.
When it's lesbians, it's not what meets the eye, you're saying. It's something else. There is no way that you can spin a child being raped into something that is not pedophilia.
Unknown_00: It is not possible. It's a drawing.
Unknown_01: It's a drawing like video game violence. satanic music it is an artistic representation of something that is meant to appeal to something deeper than the literal elements of your mind it's a drawing it's art that's what it is now there might be there might be overlap uh the stats and the japanese stats around this suggest otherwise but if you if you seriously want to keep kids away from pedophiles keep them out of school because that's where it's happening if you i mean homeschool your kids it's
I mean, I agree with you. Homeschool your fucking kids because the public school system is a fucking wreck. But I mean, that doesn't matter. That's a deflection. Who gives a fuck about the public schools? I'm talking about the people who you have in your house and who you have as friends on your show and who you're booting off other guests to make room for who masturbate to children. I didn't.
Unknown_01: I didn't boot you off. I don't give a fuck how big anybody is. I never told Riley to boot you. And by the way, you had a number of falsehoods in your video about me. Mint salad. I don't know why everyone fucking cares about mint salad because everyone wants to raise her like their own dad. She was already living out of her house. She was 20 years old when I ever talked to her for the first time about her parents being insane. She had already left the house. If you don't think me encouraging a 20 year old to leave home is a good thing, then I don't know. Like, I mean, I don't then I don't know what to tell you. If you're if you're 18, get the fuck out of your parents house. It's good for your brain for any reason.
I don't know. From what I heard, she was 18 and you told her to leave her family to go draw shitty furry porn with Riley. No, it's because you're listening to these fucking people in your forum that are just using you to get back at people they don't like.
She was already out of home. She was 20 years old. I didn't do shit.
Unknown_00: Nobody is using me. Unless Cameron Clark has a fucking hand up Riley's ass making him talk, nobody has used me. Riley and Mint are both kids.
Unknown_01: They're having fun. They're driving around America doing their tour. Look, Riley runs his fucking mouth and drives people away from the show. So did Dustin. So does every single person who ever tries to help with the show. It's constantly me getting involved and saying, stop antagonizing people. just fucking stop if you want if you want to antagonize people go to somebody go to another server and fuck with them there but it sounds both ways to me like you're calling digibro a fucking pedophile you don't think his friend is going to tell you to go fuck yourself because he is a pedophile the majority of people who listen to this are going to believe that a man who masturbates to pictures of children being raped as a pedophile you cannot it's an it's an indefensible position Not pictures of children, it's drawings. You're saying it like, which would you rather have on your phone? If you got stopped at customs, would you rather have actual child pornography or drawings of it?
I would rather not be a pedophile and not have child porn on my phone. Because it's a good point. You won't answer because it's a good point. No, I won't answer because it's a complete bullshit statement. Which would you rather have in your bag? Weed or cocaine? I would rather not have fucking drugs in my bag. What if you had to pick? See how easily I can answer that? I don't have to pick because I'm not a pedophile and I don't have this shit on my computer, Dick. It's not experiment though, is it?
If somebody put it on your computer, which would you rather have?
Unknown_00: I mean, I'm not going to answer this question because it doesn't have any connection to what I'm saying about Digibro being a pedophile.
Unknown_01: Sean, which one would you have? Which one would you rather have? The drawing.
Unknown_00: The drawing. Yeah, obviously.
Unknown_01: Yeah. I mean, if I had to.
Unknown_00: If you had to. Somebody hacked in like they hacked into Ralph's phone and posted a sex tape. It's a hypothetical with no connection to Digibro being a pedophile. It's a deflection.
Unknown_01: No, it shows that there is a difference and you know what the difference is, that one is art, that one is a drawing and one is real. One is horrifying and that one is is ostensibly more legal than the other.
Now, just because the lollicon law does not get pressed as much as it could be does not mean that it is not illegal. It definitely is. Uh, but I don't find the issue that, I mean, what is the argument now that because it's not illegal, it's not immoral. If the law was that, if you, uh, I mean, the law has been wrong all the fucking time. It's continuously fucked up. You know, this to be true. How can you defend the United States code of laws as if it's some kind of
Unknown_00: religious doctrine and basis for modern morals. It's not. If the law said that child rape isn't rape if you wear a silly hat, you're not going to say, well, he's wearing a silly hat. He can't be a child molester. He never got convicted. That's fucking stupid.
The law, I think, should try to protect victims.
Unknown_01: And in the case of drawings, the victim is the artist.
Unknown_00: Sure. I agree with you. I don't think it should be illegal. There's several reasons why that I'm not going to get into, but I do believe that people who masturbate to children being raped are pedophiles.
Unknown_00: drawings though you gotta say the drawing part okay people who masturbate to simulations of child pornography are pedophiles there I threw in the word they can imagine it like you can't stop them from just picturing it sure but I'm just saying that his indication that he does do this is in fact proof that he is a pedophile and that his girlfriend or whatever the fuck she is is also a pedophile it is
But that also doesn't mean that he would ever act on it with a real... It does not matter. Maybe that's Dick's point, but I don't care.
Unknown_00: I don't want to know these people. I don't want to be around these people. I don't want to associate with these people. I don't want to associate with people who associate with these people who are sexually attracted to children. You have every right to feel that way and every right to do what you want to do to make yourself comfortable. That's exactly what...
Unknown_01: Whatever you feel like you have to do, that's what you have to do. It's your life. The only thing I had a problem with was the inaccuracies that I told Riley to say these things because I didn't tell him shit. I never would. I never will. I just say, hey, can you post? The only thing I ever tell Riley is, hey, great. He's got a guy. Awesome. Here's the Discord link. Hey, can you post this thumbnail?
But I don't know.
Unknown_01: I'm sorry that you don't want to associate with me anymore because I like your calls.
Unknown_00: Yeah. I mean, I appreciate you were one of the few people who like reached out to help and I'm, I'm, I feel really fucked over by this to be honest.
Unknown_00: Well, um... Because, I mean, when you... I didn't even mention, but you brought up the forum. I didn't even touch on that. The whole thing about going and instigating shit with the forum, it directly puts me as a point of contention between my own community and you, and accepting money through New Project 2. That really fucked me. Your stupid fucking Twitter account fucked me, dick.
How did it fuck you? Because it made all the bullshit that these fucking people spun look plausible when suddenly, after they're making fun of you, you're going to the forum. You're arguing with the forum saying, oh, this is full of A-logs. These people should be banned because they're using the forum against you. I don't think they should be banned. Whoever you want.
I just think that they're... I do think that they're A-logs. I do think that they want harm to come to the E-celebrities they don't like.
Unknown_01: Enough of them.
Unknown_01: And A-Log is somebody that wants to hurt the cow, right? Not milk the cow, but hurt them.
Unknown_00: A-Log was a specific person. He's someone who really got overly angry at someone who they really weren't that much better than. And I don't think that fits the definition. I think that people root against e-celebs. I think that's the nature of e-celebdom, is that you want to see people fall.
There's very few people on the Internet Famous Board who you're just constantly laughing at.
Unknown_01: Well, that sounds like splitting hairs, but I kind of don't really see how it's a problem that you can't just ignore people in your forum that don't like the way you're running it.
Unknown_00: Isn't that what you tell other people to do? Because that's my support base, and if I lose that, I lose everything that I've helped.
I understand that.
Unknown_01: I don't know, man. I...
Unknown_01: I thought, can we agree that the sex tape was funny?
Unknown_00: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm very happy that Ralph decided to humiliate himself, and I hope he gets completely fucked over by it. I guess that makes me an A-log by your definition. I guess I'm A-logging Ralph right now by prognosticating, by doomsaying. But, yeah, I mean, what's funny is that I called it, and everything that he did to fuck himself over, he could have avoided by not doing anything. And I'm telling you in the exact same way, close your fucking Twitter account, post your links to your shows, stop having these arguments, because whatever your humor is does not translate into Twitter. Your shit does not work in Twitter. It can be interpreted in 10,000 different ways, all of them negative.
I understand that. I hear your concern. I think Ralph, I hope he lays off the booze a little bit because I think that's what brought him down. That's what's causing him grief, not necessarily keeping his mouth shut. But I guess we'll see.
Unknown_01: I'm going to keep making jokes, man. I'm going to keep trying to draw a hard line between fantasy and reality.
I mean, I can understand the argument.
Unknown_00: But I can't, I can't empathize with like, yeah, these are the, these are the people I want to have around me. I just can't.
Unknown_00: Well, you don't even have, no, you don't even have to really justify that.
Unknown_01: Like if that's, again, it's, it's your life.
Unknown_00: When you can determine the quality of a man by the people that he associates with.
Unknown_01: Yeah. Try that with Jesus. How, I mean, how did that work on him? It's criminals and.
I'm fine trying to help these people. I don't care what people think of the guys I hang around with. And you of all people should know that, running what would be considered one of the scummiest sites on the internet.
Unknown_00: Yeah, and I eat a lot of shit for it. Well-deserved, but I do not associate with pedophiles. Because I know... Well, number one, I don't want to. Number two, it's...
Unknown_00: You cannot thrive with something that toxic. I hate the word toxic, but it is a humming, radioactive element just sitting in your front yard.
Yeah. Do you host, Lolly?
Unknown_00: I did for a while, but after I closed, I specifically because the people who were posting on the lolly board kept posting child porn on the main board. During my break a couple of months ago, I told the people that were next in line, like, you can either pull the shit off my server now or I'm closing it until you can, because I'm not I'm not doing this anymore. It lasted about two months. And I will reiterate that the people who posted the child porn posted the Lolicon. They were the same exact demographic. I have no doubt whatsoever that Digibro has looked at, sought after, kept, masturbated to actual pictures of children being harmed. You cannot convince me otherwise.
Well, you should be careful making those claims about people.
Unknown_01: It just might get you sued. If we're giving unsolicited advice to each other, that would be my advice to you. Pump the brakes on the pedophile accusations.
Unknown_00: The truth is an absolute defense for defamation, and I believe that a judge will look at the fact... that Digibro openly admits to being attracted to Lali Khan as proof that he's a pedophile.
I hope it doesn't come to that.
Unknown_01: I hope none of this would come to this. I wish that you and Ralph had made up on that show. I think he was hurt, obviously. But here we are. We've got to move forward. I'll miss you, Noel. I hope you come back someday. Me too.
Unknown_01: Take it easy.
Unknown_01: Bye. See ya.
We'll see you next time.
Unknown_02: Lose another friend Thank you.