Hello. It has been a while, hasn't it?
Unknown_03: I think I've been gone for a month, month and a half, two months, two years. Who fucking knows? I think that 2020 is going to last for forever. We're just going to start inventing.
Unknown_03: We're just gonna name it after famous black Americans and just we're gonna have a George Washington Carver month and then follow that up with you know a Yeezy month and we're just gonna keep going so that 2020 will never end we will have a until until the empire collapses and we just start from scratch with a new calendar completely arbitrary not based on the the rotation of the earth or our seasons just completely alien systems anyways some stuff has happened and I put off streaming for a while just because
Nothing was happening. Nothing. Nothing at all. The most boring fucking shit. I couldn't even scrape together, like, things to be angry about anymore. It was just like, do I really want to go onto my fun, happy, wacky internet podcast about disabled women rolling down the streets of LA and morbidly obese women eating themselves into the grave? Do I really want to go onto the Christian Weston Chandler forum podcast and talk about the fucking riots? And it's like, no, I really don't. And since the monetization schemes of me, I'm sort of like Eddie, I guess, from Ed and Nettie. I'm just trying to make a quarter for a fucking jawbreaker and everything that I have scrapped together to sort of perpetuate this nightmare that I built up around myself. I can't do it. I cannot find a way to monetize this shit. So, this stream is completely free. I put in for monetization for Super Chats with YouTube yesterday. And within an hour, they fucking emailed me saying, No.
You're not getting monetization back. Nice try, you stupid fuck. You're not getting shit. So, I don't know what I'm going to do with that. I could be streaming on DLive to collect some fucking lemons. But in the time that I've been on DLive, like all the streams I've done on DLive... I have gotten about 20,000 lemons, which is, as far as I know, at most $200. But I think the price of a lemon has collapsed. And it's no longer, like you can't sell a lemon for what people are buying it on DLive. I don't know what the deal is. I have never traded in the DLive lemon shit for actual currency. So I have no idea what's up with that. I'm not even going to fucking bother because I tried to have some fun on DLive. I tried to let PPP play some stuff on DLive. And within 10 minutes, DLive admins were taking down my shit, seizing my chat room and blocking. It's like, you know...
I don't have to put up with this. I really don't. I stream here because I want to give people who listen to my shit some options.
Unknown_03: But if you're going to be like this, if you're going to misapply DMCA law and shit, I'm just like, fuck you. I don't have to. I don't have to deal with you.
So that's why I'm on YouTube right now. And I'll get into more of that later. I don't want to front load the stream with me uh with a continuation of like this uh back and forth because i don't think that's i don't think that's what most people who listen want to hear they don't want to like have internet like dodgeball where everyone picks a team and they line up and start pelting ultimately harmless rubber balls at each other for like this kayfabe sportsmanship shit shit so
I have some stuff to talk about that's not related, and then I'll mention it at some point. I'll get it off my chest, I promise. I know a lot of people are probably listening just to hear that, so it will come, I promise.
Unknown_03: And just to elucidate everyone on my situation here, because I know everyone loves to hear about my travel blogs.
Unknown_03: I'm probably stuck in Serbia for the rest of my life. I don't think the coronavirus restrictions are ever lifting. I think I will be in Belgrade until the day I die at this point, because I'm pretty sure it's the only country that's going to open its borders at any point. So, I guess I'm going to have to apply for Serbian citizenship. I'm going to have to learn how to play the fucking accordion so I can pass my Serbian citizenship test.
And I guess just deal with the world as it is and be happy about it. Be happy that the nuclear bombs aren't falling yet. So, there's something to look forward to, I guess. the sun will rise tomorrow still we're not in nuclear winter though then again i would i would appreciate some nuclear winter right now to be completely honest with you josh is a serve god is a serve i am i am god's salvation that is my name so all right let's um
I wrote stuff down today. It should be proud of me.
Unknown_03: I'm going to fall into my old habits. I'm just going to talk about fat people. I guess the dancing Kiwi on the stream can go away. Sorry, little guy. It's no longer real Kiwi hours. The song is over. So...
Unknown_03: Amber Lynn has cancer. I think I mentioned this on my last stream, on the last one I did. I kind of was remiss about it. I said, you know, even my fat people who have brought me so much joy over the last two years. I want to say I started streaming in December or late 2018, and now we're getting very close to the end of 2020, so it's getting up on two years.
But Amberlynn had cancer.
Unknown_03: She had ovarian cancer, which is not in common with fat women, because fat cells release estrogen in your body, and when you have an excess amount of estrogen, it causes complications, including the risk of cancer. So there's a reason why both Chantal and Amberlynn have had total hysterectomies now. It's because they're both super morbidly obese, and when you're super morbidly obese... Especially as a woman, it causes complications like that.
And her life has become really strange because she was in this comfortable period of time where it was her... I'm incorrect. Apparently it's uterine cancer. But in my mind, everything up in there is the same organ. So the line gets kind of blurry. But whatever. Chantel had ovarian cysts and she had uterine cancer. Amberlynn did. So that's the difference. But they both had a total hysterectomy, which means all the junk gets ripped out, basically.
Unknown_03: But Amberlynn had this cozy setup with her, her lesbian lover, and their two gay male friends.
Unknown_03: And Amberlynn, for whatever reason, totally hated having to live in this house.
And even though Becky, her girlfriend, really loved the gay guy. She was a bit of a fag hag. I don't know if you can say fag hag anymore. I know that the F slur by itself is bad. But if you conjugate it into fag hag, it becomes a fun word. Like a brand name that you would sell something with. Like a fag hag is something that you buy to decorate your kitchen with. Anyways, whatever. I'm just going to keep saying it because it's a nice word that I like.
Unknown_03: Um, and right before her total hysterectomy where she's, uh, you know, preparing for her treatment, preparing to have organs out of her body torn out because they are, uh, malfunctioning and killing her. They are, they are cancerous. And the thing is with Amberlynn, she is so fat that, uh and it's been explained in a recover like a support group that she was in on facebook that she's over 500 pounds she likes to lie and say she's 480 or something but it's very obvious she's 500 so uh when you're 500 pounds when your entire body is coated and half a foot of blubber and when you think about what fat is in real life when you're cooking with fat it's like a it's like a grease it's like a lubricating substance right so imagine you're a doctor and you are tasked you as a person imagine if you're on like a battlefield or something you have to perform cancer this person's gonna die their life is in your hands you're given surgical tools and you say look all you got to do is go in there and take this organ out
And you start digging into it. Well, your scalpel, your knife is going to start slipping as you cut because it is everything is covered in fat and it becomes a monumentally more difficult task for someone to perform exploratory surgery. on someone who is super morbidly obese. And the timeline that that cancer is developing, you don't even really have time to lose weight anymore. You should have lost weight in the last five years.
Unknown_03: By the time you have uterine cancer and they have to figure out if it spreads to your lymph nodes or not, that's past the point where you could have helped yourself.
Um, they couldn't do exploratory surgery to see how, how much of her, uh, for bits, whatever had cancer, if it had spread anywhere, they just said, you know, you don't, you're not going to use this anyways. You're never going to have children cause you're gay. So we're just going to take out everything. And she said, okay, sure. Cause we can't look and see, you know, if we can save anything, we're just going to take out everything. and they have and um right before then she decides oh also i'm going to move i'm going to move and they have moved and it was a it's i feel bad for becky you're gonna feel really bad for becky can i get a picture of becky someone send me a picture of becky so i can throw it up and we can all feel bad for becky together um so
Becky, again, Becky loved the gay guys. Amberlynn wanted to move. Amberlynn has cancer. She says, oh, I have cancer. I want to move. They move right before, or I think right before her total hysterectomy. So now she's bed bound and poor, poor Becky. Oh, here's a very flattering picture of Becky. I'm sure Becky, uh, if she passed away today would want to be remembered by this picture. Uh, this is Amberlynn's girlfriend and, And after the total hysterectomy, Amberlynn, of course, is going to be in pain. She's going to be in bed. And Becky has been separated from the two gay guys that she's good friends with. And they're now alone in this new building. And Becky has to take care of Amberlynn. And that's currently her life. Now you think, fuck, that's really rough. I feel terrible for Becky. What a terrible position for Becky to be in. to be in and for the record if you are on the you know if you're like that mentality of let's pick teams who's good who's bad i need a clear line to to decide on uh we're all we're always on team becky because she is the only person who's allowed to make fun of amber lynn and get away with it at this point uh besides destiny but we don't like destiny anyways uh sure that sucks for becky already um and you and poor becky got made fun of she was called neki until she decided to lose some weight um she's still kind of necky but not so much she definitely has lost weight because of all the cyber bullying um but if you okay point is that she lost her friends because of amber lynn and is now taking care of amber lynn and you think oh that's already terrible i already feel bad for poor becky uh you're gonna feel even worse because her mother norma has died this week i want to say and she died of stage four liver cancer i believe she had cancer that spread to other parts i'm not 100 on that i don't want to say so but i was told it was stage four liver cancer and even though uh norma and becky had a very very poor relationship from my understanding it was a uh you know not a lot a lot of stuff had happened and they were no longer really
and your mom even if your mom uh wasn't the best mother right so poor becky lost her mom but i mentioned destiny and destiny is amberlynn's ex and amberlynn's ex lost her mom and amberlynn's ex's new girlfriend also lost her mom this year so you know all these people
around Amberlynn have been emotionally impacted by the loss of very close loved ones this year. And Amberlynn, of course, is going to try and get Becky to be more dependent on her. I think financially, I don't think Becky works anymore. I think she used to work as a carpenter. But now they're just kind of stuck in their own little bubble.
Unknown_03: And, you know, it is really sad for Becky. I feel really bad for her. I mean, I'll say that I'm sure she's going to leave eventually. But you got to think, you know, if you're in her position and you're with this woman and she's medically unwell...
It is hard to leave someone after they have a problem like that. You would feel like a total fucking asshole if you were with a woman for a couple years and then she gets hit by a car or whatever and then can't walk. And you're like, well, this lifestyle just ain't for me. Even if you're 100% certain that that would be the correct course of action, that would really fucking suck and you'd probably feel really bad about it. It's probably even worse if you are a woman. And it's like the other... The other way around, you're a woman, you're with a guy or a girl, and something happens, and you gotta walk away. Of course, the difference is that this is entirely Amberlynn's fault. She could have lost weight at any point in time in her entire life, but made the active, conscious decision not to lose weight at any point in her entire life, and now she is suffering medical complications as a result of it.
But, you know, your empathy doesn't always see things as logically as that.
Unknown_03: Though, speaking of horrendous medical complications.
Unknown_03: Oh, and here's a picture of Amberlynn, by the way. This is her, I think, immediately after her hysterectomy. And of course, the first thing she does is pop open her fucking camera and start recording herself because that's her money.
Unknown_03: When she announced that she had cancer, it was on Twitter, like, a global trend, or at least a trend in the United States about Amberlynn's health. And then she immediately starts fucking around with her fans and posting videos of her eating fried chicken.
She claimed that they were all, like, pre-recorded videos.
Unknown_03: But I think someone did like fingernail painting comparisons and determined a chronological timeline of her videos that place these chicken eating videos after her cancer diagnosis. So she's just a horrific fucking liar. And like...
Unknown_03: When people use the word chronic manipulator or chronic liar, I think it falsely portrays this idea of like a mastermind, like someone who sits down with a big piece of paper and plans out their scheming to an end result. But that's not the case. When someone has a pathological slant towards being dishonest, They're really just lie to lie to get away with it. They'll lie about shit that they have no reason to lie about. Um, I knew a girl, um, who would lie like when I was younger, I knew, I knew a girl about my age, I think around 12 and she would, she had pathological, like as a complete psychological condition, she would pathologically lie about shit like going to a carnival that day. Like, Oh yeah, me and my friends, me and my sister went to a carnival and he went on the Ferris wheel and shit. And it's like, there is no carnival there is no there's no carnival in town why would you why would you lie about that it's not to seem cooler it's not to like cover up something that they were doing that they shouldn't have been doing it's just like i can tell this lie so i will and that's amberlynn all the fucking time she will lie about stupid stupid shit just so that i guess people get angry at her for being a liar um
So, The Other Fatty, my favorite.
I like Chantel more than Amberlynn because I find Amberlynn's just... Number one, I think Amberlynn is... She's like, it's not in vogue...
Unknown_03: I'm a hipster, I guess, when it comes to making fun of fat women. Emberlyn's just too popular for her own good. I don't feel good about it. It's like listening to, you know, like, who's a popular contemporary? I want to go to Elvis and say, like, liking Elvis, but that would make me like a 50-year-old man, I guess.
Unknown_03: Kanye West. It's like saying that you're a big fan of Kanye West. A lot of people are big fans of Kanye West. Who the fuck cares? You gotta know someone that nobody's heard of, right? Otherwise, you're not cool.
Unknown_03: So Chantel is much less popular than Amberlynn, and it's more fun to bully her. That and the... She doesn't lie. I mean, she does lie a lot, but she lies in a way that's not pathological. She just lies because she's embarrassed by the daily reality of her life. And it's really obvious in what she does, and that's why it's much more fun to make fun of Chantel.
Chantel has tried very hard to make it so that I can't make fun of her. She has evolved.
Unknown_03: I guess the technical term is metamorphize, because if a living creature changes, it's a metamorphosis. When a creature slowly changes by giving birth and mutations, that's evolution. I want to say she metamorphosized into someone who eats the grossest, sloppiest shit ever. Because I can't fucking stand it. She saw my post. She reads my site. She reads my site, which, as we know, is a private web forum, which is my diary, where I write my deepest, most secret thoughts. And I wrote... That she eats so fucking noisily and it pisses me off and I can't stand to watch her videos because of how noisily she eats and She She does this now I guess let me just show a video of How this woman fucking consumes her food, and I'm not I I'm gonna tap out real real fast, so don't worry about it I'll just listen to a couple seconds
Unknown_10: Oh, jeez.
Unknown_04: Okay.
Unknown_03: What?
Unknown_03: I guess YouTube got over it. Where the fuck is my ad blocker?
Unknown_03: What the fuck?
Unknown_03: Okay. No, I'm fixing this right the fuck now. Give me my ad blocker so I can listen to things I don't like and be angry about it.
Unknown_11: Thank you.
okay ad nauseam you better work for me here we go we're listening again we're listening again after i have this one these are so good haven't had chicken wings in a while huh oh do you hear this
Unknown_03: She's sucking off her fucking fingers and all this shit. This is scientifically engineered to annoy the fuck out of me. That's what it is.
Unknown_03: And my Firefox just crashed, which had all my tabs open, and I don't have them open anymore.
Unknown_03: This is what I mean. Chantel has engineered this shit to piss me off and to make it so that I can't stream it anymore. I can't listen to it. I can't talk about it.
Whatever. I'll find them. No worries.
Unknown_03: But she's had some complications. She had diabetes. Surprise! She has diabetes of 399 pounds, I think. She's really funny because she has the scale.
Unknown_03: And whenever she gets on it, it says she's 399 pounds. She claims that it's a 550 pound scale. It's not 499, is it?
No, it's three 99. It's like four. Okay. It's a, she claims it's a 550 pound scale, but it's, it's like a 400 pound scale. So when she gets on it, it caps out at three 99 and it's like, it's blatant what the fuck she's doing. Um, but she claims otherwise there's no way that she's three 99. So she's at well before anyway, she has diabetes and foolish me.
Unknown_03: When she gets this diabetes scare, you know, she has that come-into-God moment, like, I've treated my body like shit. You know, I'm literally dying.
My body is revolted by its own state of affairs. And it's saying, you know, we just can't process shit anymore. We're broken.
Unknown_03: And she even has, like, a gallbladder issue. Where she can't process fats. So you know anytime she eats fats she will have liquid runny shit every single fucking time. But she always is eating the super the fattiest fucking fast food deep fried shit. And you know that comes right out the same way it goes in and she keeps doing it. And now she has diabetes.
And you would think this is like, oh, you know, this is a horrible chronic disease.
Unknown_03: The capillaries in my veins in my in my body are going to collapse and I'm not going to have blood flow to my limbs. To my eyes, you know, any any narrow bloodstream like that is going to start to die. I'm going to have necrosis on my fucking hands and feet. I can go blind. I can lose my the delicate organs like the I think it's not the bladder. It's the kidneys. Your kidneys can die. I don't have to tell people how bad diabetes is. So, she starts eating properly. She gets out a fucking calorie planner, which is fundamental. I can tell you from experience, because I lost... I went from 255 to 185 when I was 18, 19. I did it by counting calories. So, if you want to lose weight, pro tip, count calories. Count everything you put in you.
Because you will mathematically lose weight. There's no way you cannot lose weight if you...
uh if you cannot uh if you count calories and here is uh here is her announcement by the way i lost this because firefox decided to commit seppuku after listening to that fucking eating but
Unknown_03: I do have it. Technically, theoretically, I have this fucking tweet. But it wants to save as a file. Why is Firefox such shit? This is what happens when you let fucking Dangerhairs in your goddamn company. Why can I not copy the link and post it in fucking Firefox and get it to work?
Unknown_11: I desperately... Oh, okay. Thank you.
Unknown_03: So this is the announcement post from foodie booty. Happy Canada day guys. I have some bad news. My blood sugar levels are very high and I will be put on a strict diabetic eating plan. My doctor is referring me to a diabetes clinic. Frowny face. Despite how bad I eat and how I never exercise, I am still shocked by this news. I also put another deposit on my trip which I have lost sight of. I get defensive sharing my struggles because they make me vulnerable and so emotional. The struggle I go through every minute of the day is dismissed by someone calling me a failure and I let that get to me when I now see how ridiculous it is for me to let the opinions of others bother me.
In the end, they will make me stronger and I will no longer care what others think of me as those who belittle others are worse off just for their own period or just for doing that period.
Unknown_03: That being said, and out of the way, I will have to change the content again of my channel to a more health-based one because my diet will be very strict in order to try and reverse this mess I have gotten myself into. And when she started counting calories, I really thought, you know, okay, she does the fucking bullshit cycle. She goes vegan for six hours. She goes vegan over one salad and is back to it, you know, her next meal. And then she does all this shit. She buys a fucking $300 juicer that she uses...
You know, not even one time she might juice something and then drink half of it and throw it away and never touch it again. She does this constantly. But she had, she got the visit from Lord Beatus. Lord Beatus came down from on high and knocked at that fucking door in Canada and said, look, bitch, I'm going to kill your ass unless you start taking care of yourself. And then immediately she switches to the most sensible thing possible, which is just to count calories and follow his doctor's advice. And I thought, well, she might actually do this. And then she had one binge. I'm like, okay, it happens. When I counted calories, I went over the limit sometimes. You know what you do? You continue to count the calories, you count the mistake, and then you factor that in. You might not even be able to factor it in the next day, but you can factor it in by eating less the next couple days and balance it out so that everything is under 1600 or whatever your budget is. And it's like, this is very doable. Still, you don't have to give up. And I posted that because, again, I know that I that she reads my fucking site, usually to spite me out of hatred and contempt for me. People try to say, no, Josh, you're an idiot. This is a part of the cycle. And I was proven wrong and they were proven right because a couple later's.
After making her mistake, she says, in all caps, pinned to one of her videos, fat people don't deserve hate just because they don't want to share weight loss. We are allowed to change our minds a billion times. If you don't like it, unsubscribe. Please unsub and leave me the hell alone. I don't have diabetes.
Unknown_03: So there you go, ladies and gentlemen. The fucking, just, she doesn't have it anymore. She said no.
She says, I don't have diabetes. I'm not going to watch my weight. I'm not going to take care of myself. And then she got a walker. I'm going to have to find the video where she has a walker. And she's hobbling around. Okay. Actually, let me just go to her page and see if it's the very first video. Because I bet you it is.
Unknown_11: Oh, this right here. Day...
Unknown_03: This is what happens when you get told by Lord Beatus himself coming down from one high that I'm going to fucking kill you if you don't eat right.
She... Where is this? Where is her and her walker? Okay, this is it.
Unknown_08: Okay.
Unknown_08: So, so far, like, kind of helps you stay upright a bit, but...
Unknown_07: It's humid today. Yep.
Unknown_03: There's a lot of people around. She can't even walk anymore. If she wants to walk to try and lose weight, she literally has to support herself with a fucking walker, a medical device, because she is too physically disabled to strut around. And even then, even with this information, knowing the status of her life, being forced to admit she cannot get up off a couch and walk down a street because her knees are probably collapsing into dust,
she says fuck it I'm just going to do whatever the fuck I want and it's the haters fault they don't like it here right now listen just a little bit more relatively speaking there's something in this that she says and I'm being terrible at holding the camera
So I'm just going to try to walk as far as I can and then take a sit when my back's really hurting.
Unknown_03: oh this this is it this she's our she's even with the Walker even with the Walker it's not possible is there I think there's a better part where she like gets up I was a little we'll see her get my arms are hurting so I must be putting more weight there on my arms at this point but of course the best part is the chair
How does this not wake you up? How do you... She... See, okay, this is how you know... Like, this is the best part about when these fat women channels give the camera to someone else or let them talk for a moment. Because the moment Amberlynn lets Becky or Destiny talk... They rip on her immediately. When Chantal gives the camera away to another person and they film it, it's unflattering as fuck. They do everything possible to give themselves the dignity that a person would want for themselves when they are filming themselves. But then the second they hand it off to someone else, it's just like, it's gone. There's no clever cameraman work to hide what she is.
Uh, so that's the Chantal update. She's back to killing herself. Now, let me hide this real quick. I'm going to have to pull up this channel because, again, I'm sorry. I lost my Firefox tab. I'm going to pull this up real quick.
Unknown_03: And, uh, I don't think... I don't think that I have ever talked about this woman before. Fuck off, Chantal. You're old news now.
Okay, I'm just going to read you the titles of her videos.
Unknown_03: And if you are a woman and you browse the Kiwi Farms, you almost 100% know who this person is already. If you're black and a woman, you probably already know who this is because for some reason she's really popular with black YouTubers.
Unknown_03: um hinge date gone wrong fashion nova curve hall cat calling men for six minutes uh grwm i don't know what that means i'm sure it's something disgusting life update i spent 200 to mission to a hinge date sneaking out during quarantine uh this this is let me read actually the top ones
I get ready with me.
Unknown_03: I want to do the most popular ones. Cause I'm, I'm trying, I, I, I'm trying to form the word. I wrote this down. I even tried to write this down. I think of how to describe her in English language. They can't do it. Storytime. My first train experience storytime, 10 ad B's in a row, Tinder date. I got catfished by a, uh, 15 year old I spent $200 to mission to a hinge date two tinder dates in one night she is saggy I guess she is this big fat woman
I got chlamydia in my eyes. Story time. She is a big fat woman who is just a colossal train wreck.
Unknown_03: And she has no respect for herself. She's huge into black guys.
Unknown_03: uh she's huge into trains being run on her she's and she's she's friends with like these black youtubers and these people on instagram and it's really obvious when she's with them that they're like making fun of her because she's like really gross she went to jail i don't remember what she got went to jail probably shoplifting that's what i'm gonna say or drugs um and then she gets out of jail and she she's like surprised she's happy because her only fans account has like two thousand dollars worth of income during this time uh and the one video i really wanted to show that i watched that i thought was funny oh she she punched someone at a party i remember this okay um
Is this video? Where's the cat calling? Oh, that's one of the recent ones.
Unknown_03: I just want you to show you how shameless she is in general. I'm not going to watch all of this, but I do want to just show you a little bit. Actually, you haven't seen her yet, so let me blow this open a little bit, and you can look at her face. You can just look at her face.
Unknown_05: Hey, it's me, Sagittarius Shadi. I'm back with another video. Welcome to STD Nation. Ha!
I'm trying to copy you. Um, anyways, I call my fans at my STD, so welcome back. That's actually really creative. I look like, um, a bean.
Unknown_02: My name is Ki Casanova, and behind me, I have Puffy. We'll skip these. Nobody cares about these people.
Unknown_03: I just want to show you her drive. Actually, somebody sent me a timestamp video. We can play that, too. I don't know if this includes the catcalling.
Uh, okay, here.
Unknown_11: Well, this is like a montage.
Unknown_03: I just want to show you just this for one second.
Unknown_03: Where is the part where she just starts yelling at people?
Unknown_11: This. Oh, you're not trying to have an orgy?
Unknown_06: Who said that? Y'all weird as fuck. You want a blowjob?
Unknown_06: You don't want a blowjob?
Sorry, sweetie, all I can hear is do you want a blowjob?
Unknown_06: You don't want a blowjob?
Unknown_06: Are you hard right now?
Unknown_06: I know you're hard looking at my fat ass right now. Damn, daddy.
Unknown_06: Me? Her?
Unknown_06: Boom!
It gets worse like you start feeling really bad for people as this goes on
Unknown_06: That's world star. I'm on world star. Am I on world star? Cause like I'm actually shook right now. Damn daddy can you ride my pussy like you can that bicycle? Ride my pussy like you can that bicycle? Daddy!
Unknown_06: I didn't know his girl was with him. I don't know who biked unless their girl walks. Hey guys. How you guys doing?
Where's the part where I think it's coming up?
Unknown_06: Oh, yes right here. Oh Can you bend over for me real quick?
Unknown_06: Can you take down your pants?
Unknown_06: Why? I want to see what you're working with.
Wait, how do you know I'm talking to you and not your friend? How big is your dick compared to this? Compare your dick to this. How about you, daddy?
Unknown_03: Okay, I'm aware that people are listening and they may not have video This is the part where she just starts violently throat fucking herself with the dildo. I
I want you to imagine someone who's 300 pounds and who has the shape of a sack of potatoes with, like, a bean sitting on top with bright purple troll hair, throat-fucking herself with an eggplant.
Unknown_03: That's my mental image for people. And I'm sorry about the video quality. Part of the reason why I haven't been streaming as much is just because my poor laptop, God rest its soul, is fucking dying on me, but I'm trying my best.
Unknown_06: Can I at least slap you?
Unknown_06: Can I slap you with my dick? Okay, bye big dick daddy. What the fuck?
Unknown_03: This is the worst part of the shit. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?
We were together last night. What the fuck?
Unknown_06: You put your dick in me last night. Are you fucking kidding me?
Unknown_03: I want you. I want to know. I want to know. We'll take a break because people seem to be in physical pain right now. I want to know right now. You guys tell me you're chilling out with, with the shoddy and the Walmart parking lot, right? You're putting away your groceries and shit. And then this, this car rolls up on you. You've never seen this woman in your fucking life. You have no idea who she is.
you have no you have no idea her name you've never seen her walking past her in a crowd of people at a mall before you have no idea who this person is and she starts screaming at you that that uh you're cheating on her that you her last night that that's the last time she's ever gonna put out for you like what do you do in that situation how do you defuse that situation how do you get away from her And explain to your girlfriend that that is a literal fucking psychotic bitch.
I'm thinking about how the fuck would I deal with that? I've dealt with some really crazy shit in my life. I've dealt with a lot of fucking problems. I don't know how I would fucking deal with that. It would destroy me. I would just pass out out of exhaustion trying to cope with that fucking problem.
Unknown_03: call the police oh i found the i found the karen i found the karen she gets threatened by uh three poc in a car calls out the police immediately uh gun moss them with rocks
This is all violent. Oh, a Mosin. See, you're all violent. This isn't creative. I tried to give my chat some time to ruminate and come up with a fun solution to this problem. I gave you an MS Paint, like, how do you get the cake thing? And he's just like, I'm just gonna shoot the cake with my Mosin. Fuck you guys. Where's the, uh... I want to see the part where she does the dildo. Did I pass that on accident? I think I did pass it on that. Hopefully, hopefully you guys saw it. I'm, I, I can't, I'm like a bat. I'm having to operate OBS blind, uh, just by ear because nothing is working for me. But, um, let me play this as well. This is just a montage, uh, put together by clip thought. And I think there's some good stuff at this timestamp.
fuck off i don't know what the fuck this fucking this dried up cum on my fucking lip or something bro i hate when that happens anyways this is nasty dried up nut we got some dried up nut in the up in this beach beach bitch and i get there i sit on the edge of the bed like a normal shy
Oh, Jesus.
And he made me nut. And then I took the date and we got a video of that for OnlyFans, but he doesn't know that. He was like, oh, I'm a club promoter. Bitch, I don't even go to the club. So anyways.
Unknown_01: um he was like oh and like i told him to take these videos of like us fucking and like me sucking his dick and he was like oh what are these for and i was like i just have a collection on my phone like i just i literally said to him i was like um i have a collection on my phone like i just want to keep a collection and like keep looking at these videos so that i know to do better or so i can be the best for my future husband he's like oh okay and i was like little does he know i'm gonna upload on only fans and make
probably around a thousand dollars off of his fucking video.
Unknown_03: Can we, can we, okay. I just wanted to give you a brief introduction to Shadi. That's Shadi. That's all I gotta say about her is that if this interests you, if this is the kind of person that you find funny, she has a thread now in the forum. And she's someone that I've seen videos of for a while. And, she she's very special she's one of those people who is very unique for better or for worse and um i just wanted to i i just wanted to present her to the to the audience for their viewing pleasure as you all scream at me to stop to stop please stop western civilization is dead yes yes yes i i see that um we need we need to address so since this is an excellent segue we're 45 minutes in now i guess we can address this we need to address the only fans issue because i i have i have to show you this i might get banned for this but fuck it i don't get paid anymore what what the fuck is this guys what is this why is it why is it that i am supposed to like
Not shun this. I'm not supposed to look at this and go, yeah, this is kind of fucked up. She's got the body of a mother or whatever. She's normal. She's a normal looking person with a weird face. She's not the kind of person who's a rock star or whatever. She's not...
Unknown_03: A porn model. She's just some chick. And it's very sad that she has resorted to pornography. And I'm not... Why is it that people like OnlyFans and Mumkey and others, the moment you criticize anything about a woman, they jump to it.
bitch that i get to fuck and you're just an incel you get to look but you don't get to touch and it's like i i reserve the right to make fun of women for being stupid
Unknown_03: And mockery is a very important part of preserving culture, I believe. It was a very important part of the Cultural Revolution. Here's a history deep cut for everyone.
When the communists were taking over China, they actually didn't... I mean, they did kill people. They didn't round people up, put them in secret prisons. But one of the ways that...
Unknown_03: The communist influence people to change their behaviors was not by gun or by force. It was having their peers laugh at them. And I don't remember the name of these things, but they would literally just get towns to come together and laugh at reactionaries of the communist revolution so that they would feel shame and they would stop being a reactionary. um i feel like all these people need to be made fun of because look at this this is not sexy this is really awkward it's really awkward seeing this chick squatting over a fucking computer chair in this depressing ass fucking room with nothing on the walls looking at me like she has a addiction problem and she can't see what's in front of her she has no idea what she's looking at it's just
I don't know. Idubs went on fucking Ethan Klein's show to defend her again, which is normal. When you're okay with something, when you feel good about something, when you support something, you have to defend it relentlessly to strangers online.
Unknown_03: That's a normal thing that people do.
Unknown_03: I don't know. It is a thing now, though, that people have to support sex workers, which is the new... I guess I can't just call them whores. I'd probably get banned for that, but whatever.
So, I did want to rant about that a little bit.
Unknown_03: Just because I saw that picture and I was just like, what the fuck?
Unknown_03: I have some legal stuff, and then I'll round it out by talking about recent drama.
Unknown_03: Someone wanted me to talk about the recent arms list ruling, and the arms list ruling was...
Unknown_03: uh stokinger versus arms list which is a website that sells privately owned or uh just different kinds of weapons it's just a place to list your gun online i don't know what the actual tort was i don't know what the claim was but basically they tried to bring a suit against arms list and arms list invoked section 230 immunity as um
A bit of reason for dismissal.
Unknown_03: And it was upheld, basically. The argument from Stokinger was fucking retarded. It said that because Arms List had a filter where you could search for things by eliminating certain criteria. You know, like when you go to Newegg or Amazon and say, I want something between $100 and $200. I want things that are only rated four stars or higher. I want things that ship directly to me. You know, that kind of shit. They said because of those filters, they did not have Section 230 immunity.
Unknown_03: and this was not upheld in court section 230 uh granted arms list the immunity and it's being upheld as some sort of like gun grabbing victory because they didn't uh close arms list and i guess it is in that regard section 230 did apply and a weapons site did stay up
But it didn't really break any new ground. The argument from the people suing was retarded, and that's why it got thrown out. It wasn't some huge groundbreaking win, it just continued to uphold the things that have made Section 230 work for all websites for decades now.
Unknown_03: The other one, there was the White House.
Unknown_03: The president issued a declaration that he wanted the FCC to look into. In terms of Section 230, what was a good faith judgment in deleting content? He wanted the FCC to determine that. I don't trust Pajeet shit-in-the-street-eye with fucking anything. He's a literal Verizon lawyer. I don't know why I'm supposed to like this guy. Just because Trump put him in office. I don't trust him to make these determinations. And no matter what he determines, it will be changed with the next administration. So it's not law.
uh if anything he could fuck things up you know so that's something i'm worried about um and then someone there's the big owen benjamin thing where if you don't know uh a bunch of supporters for owen benjamin filed a lawsuit i think as a class against patreon and And their argument... Essentially, they're not trying to argue any... I'm not sure if they're trying to argue any damages. All they're trying to do is hurt Patreon financially. And they've succeeded in this. Because of how California state law works, all of those people suing are entitled to arbitration. And as a result, anyone who...
is a backer of a creator on Patreon who is removed from Patreon, has the right to request arbitration that Patreon must pay up front for regarding their support of their creator being taken away. So when the judge came to this conclusion regarding Patreon and saying that they have to pay for this arbitration, the lawyer for Patreon seemed like shocked and said, this is going to cost our company millions of dollars to pay for this arbitration. And the judge, like the Nordic gamer Chad, just says, yeah, yeah, you're going to have to pay millions of dollars for all this arbitration. And people are enthusiastic about this. So finally, we have a way for the good guys to fight back against Patreon. And that's not what that is.
It is abusing a retarded California state law to force Patreon to pay money. And if you've listened to me... Actually, I want to... I want you guys... I want my chat. I'm issuing a surprise test. Why is it that hurting Patreon does not fucking matter? I would like someone in chat to tell me why hurting Patreon does not fucking matter. I guess maybe it matters just for the sake of petty grudges, but... I want to hear it. I want someone to tell me why hurting Patreon doesn't matter.
Payment processors.
Unknown_03: Someone just named C. The letter C mentioned payment processors. And that's it. I'm very certain at this point that at least half the people banned from Patreon are not banned by a decision that Patreon makes. They are banned because the payment processors... stripe and by extension stripe is just the payment gateway and the payment uh or sorry not payment processor even i mean payment processors are they're all complicit but at different levels of power patreon i'm sure has banned people of its own accord just because they're fucking assholes stripe is the payment gateway and the payment processor for patreon and i know for a fact i know for a fact that in the case of uh sargon of a cod they were kicked off because stripe told them to kick carl off Then above stripe they have to play nice with a max. They have to play nice with visa They have to play nice with MasterCard They have to play nice with diners club and discover and we know from dick Masterson that Discover card also tells them to kick people off even the small networks that only have 5% of Transactions will force stripe to force page around to kick these people off their fucking platform. Even if patreon goes bankrupt today nothing changes the only way This Owen Benjamin shit actually benefits anybody is if Patreon throws the other people under the bus and says it's not even our fault. It's Stripe's fault. It's MasterCard's fault. We have all this other shit going on, and I don't think that's going to happen.
i don't think that that's going to be the end result of this if anything if this arbitration does cost millions of dollars and the issue and master or patreon says to to mastercard you know we're going to lose all this money because of something you made us do i wouldn't be surprised if mastercard would just pay that for them and they don't lose a fucking dollar in the process i would not be surprised if that happens
The issue is always going to be the payment networks, the payment networks, especially the USA Patriot Act and to a lesser extent, the banks. But they all is it's a black box. You can't tell where one thing begins. The other thing ends. Who makes decisions when they make them, why they make them. It's all completely black. uh opaque and if you want change if any of you ever end up in the senate pass a goddamn bill where payment networks and banks are forced to explain why they've done something at the very least repeal the patriot act and make it so that payment networks have to process payments uh equitably and they cannot take someone off unless they've committed a financial crime for instance that would be a suggestion patreon going away doesn't fix anything If you're excited or happy about this petty shit, this petty revenge on Patreon, you know, don't let me, don't let me fuck it up for you. But don't get ahead of yourself and expect serious change because that's not coming as a result.
Take the wins you can get. Absolutely. Take all the wins.
Unknown_03: Just don't get ahead of yourself.
Unknown_03: Um, speaking of wins, let's talk about a new lawsuit that, that I am named in. Uh, this is the sixth, seventh. I don't even fucking know anymore. I'm pretty sure this is the sixth lawsuit from my favorite woman in the whole world, at least in the U S I guess of, uh, Melinda Scott and Melinda Scott, the crazy mountain Jew has filed a, another lawsuit. Another fantastic lawsuit against me and a bunch of anonymous users. Can I make this so that you can see it?
We'll just do that for right now.
Unknown_03: So this is a 44-page lawsuit. And I guess I'm going to have to show her. I'm going to show who the defendants are. But if I scroll up too far, it will show her address.
Unknown_03: Okay, so the defendants are me and the Wise County Department of Social Services, which is like the child services division of the area that this person lives in. And this lawsuit is interesting because the first one that she's serviced, or I haven't received servicing yet. I don't know if this is a real lawsuit. I've just seen this on the internet. It could be fan fiction. Don't know. Um, but this is the first one that she's actually addressed going to my company address that can receive servicing as opposed to my mom's old address because she has been convinced for fucking five years that I live in my mom's basement. And even if I tell her, no, I'm in Ukraine right now.
No, I'm in Serbia right now.
Unknown_03: She does not believe me. She refuses to believe. And every single time she has tried to service me, she has sent it to a house that my mom does not live at because she is convinced that my mom lives at that house and I live with her. And so I've never actually been serviced by her before. Though if she did service this address that has been public on the Kiwi Farms for the entirety of this fucking bullshit, then she will...
I will have been properly serviced. So I'm still waiting for that. But I'll give you an overview of the complaint. Basically, a neighbor of hers complained to the social services of her county and said that her children are being neglected.
And she alleges that this woman received this information from the Kiwi Farms by specific users of the Kiwi Farms. Because it's not just me and Wise County. It's me, Wise County, and three different anonymous users on the site.
Unknown_03: And she alleges that, well, in her first complaint, she alleges deprivation of constitutional rights.
Unknown_03: legal rants you may remember that in the last several lawsuits that she's uh that she's filed uh she has also alleged that i have deprived her of constitutional rights and the little gotcha with that that has been explained to her multiple times by the same judge she files this to the same federal court and gets sent to the same federal judge who explains to her in different ways in a way a child could understand that a private party cannot deprive you of constitutional rights unless they are a state actor. She has had this explained to her multiple times in a way a child can understand that I literally, legally, cannot deprive her of her rights. And she has insisted yet again, yet again, ladies and gentlemen, that this is a deprivation of her fucking constitutional rights by my
Working with the CIA, collecting those fat paychecks.
Unknown_03: Unfortunately, I'm not that person. I don't glow at all. Except that I am quite pale. I'm sure I have a bit of a luminescence to me.
Unknown_03: In terms of depriving her of her constitutional rights, no. Not a fucking chance. And most of this is just bitching about the fact that the social services visited her. She claims that she's been deprived of constitutional rights. And her second tort is a common law intentional infliction of emotional distress, which is the biggest joke common law tort in the fucking country.
It's called IIED.
Unknown_03: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, an IIED tort, common law tort, basically doesn't exist anymore. The standard for a common law IIED tort is extremely high because there are First Amendment issues involved. The last big one that you might actually know of, even if you've never looked into law at all, was during the Westboro Baptist Church when they picketed a gay soldier's funeral with God hates fags signs and shit.
The family there alleged intentional infliction of emotional distress went all the way up to the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court said that it was a public venue. They had a right to protest, and you don't have any claim. They don't owe you anything. So the standard for IIED is so high that if you are a family member and your gay son's funeral is picketed by people trying to tell you that he's burning in hell for being gay,
Unknown_03: Even at that level, with in-person, coordinated, extremely upsetting stuff at a time of serious emotional vulnerability, it is not an IIED. The standard is extremely high to the point where it basically doesn't exist. It would be very difficult to win an IIED case. And in Virginia in particular, they go on, from what I've read, that in order to have a common law IIED tort, you have to have provable physical symptoms. That is a component. It has to manifest in physical symptoms that you can prove to the court that you have.
I think one case that did win was that a guy at a supermarket, an employee at a supermarket, watched a woman from, because for some reason the women's bathroom didn't have a ceiling and it was completely visible from a warehouse part of the supermarket. So a guy who worked there was sitting up in that warehouse area watching a woman go to the bathroom. And she suffered emotional distress such that she could not go to the bathroom in public anymore because she always felt like people were watching her go. And she had really bad panic attacks and shit. So that's the kind of symptomality that you need to say that someone has intentionally inflicted emotional distress on you. uh being upset that social services visited your family because your white trash uh is not the kind of the kind of level of emotional distress that that is needed and she says something like outrage i'll read that part actually it's really short because she doesn't know what the fuck she's saying at the end she's just writing whatever um this is how many pages three pages excellent perfect
Clause of Action 2, Tort of IIED. Defendant Joshua Moon, Jane Doe 1, 2, 3.
Unknown_03: Actually, four anonymous users. One of them is a Jane Doe. On March 13th, Defendant Jane Doe 1 wrote an online post containing the name and personal information of the plaintiff. The article was written with malicious intent. The article was intentionally written for the purpose of causing social harm and emotional distress. Defendant Moon is the website owner of Kiwi Farms, the website that hosts the article and threads written about the plaintiff. Over a span of a little more than three years, the aforementioned online articles mentioned the plaintiff attracted the attention of other users. The article has evolved into a series of threads.
which contained information about lawsuits that the plaintiff has been involved in, i.e. against me. And also, she sued the Wise County Child Services before in the past, not involving me. But now she's alleging collusion. Including a former lawsuit with the Wise County DSS, copies of the pleadings the plaintiff filed for lawsuits were posted on the threads. When the pleadings were posted to the plaintiff's county of residence was displayed online. Andrew Carl, that's the guy who was stalking her.
Where is... Oh, here's an example of what she's alleging. The conduct of defendant Jane Doe One toward the plaintiff is extreme and outrageous. Jane Doe One posted the name and personal information of the plaintiff for an international audience. I don't know why she loves saying that. It has no interest whatsoever in the court. Posted the...
Unknown_03: It's not even true, because it's not like she translated it into fucking Swahili, so that people on the Swahili coast can read about her and her fucked up family of mountain Jewry. Uh...
Let's see. International, in order to have far-reaching negative consequences such as not being able to visit Somalia, the plaintiff, defendant Jane Doe One, was so desperate to cause the plaintiff an injury that she made a public spectacle out of the plaintiff being the victim of stalking, fabricated details to put the plaintiff in a negative light publicly, and fabricated information about the plaintiff's romantic partners.
Unknown_03: And that's, I mean, that's pretty much it.
defendants josh moon doe one two three four have a condom condom condom common interest in causing emotional distress and social harm to the people they harass and scapegoat uh she said something about oh the plaintiff has experienced extreme emotional distress including anger and rage that's the same as not as being physically injured no so right away it's like
Unknown_03: uh cause of action one constitutional rights violations no uh claim number two iied no physical injury no and if she does service me i will respond um and we'll see maybe i'm just a retard maybe i'm not as smart as i think i am i'm about to be slapped down to the court i'm gonna have to owe this woman a hundred million dollars for the rest of my life or whatever
Unknown_03: But I'll try. It'll be fun. I'm sure Rikita will invite me on. We can read my bullshit pro se filing. He'll collect some super chats. We'll have a good old time. Put 10% of that towards my fucking paying back Melinda for the rest of my life fund.
And, uh, okay. One more thing, uh, in terms of filing. So I received an email from a British guy and I'm not posted about this anywhere. So if you are, if you are listening right now, you and I are about to share some information that nobody else on the planet earth knows about at this moment.
I hope you feel privileged. Actually, let me get a drink of water. Cause I've been reading, which I shouldn't do. I know reading is boring with streams, but whatever.
Unknown_11: So, I received an email from a man named Adrian Yolland.
Unknown_03: And I don't have the email in front of me, but basically what he said is, I am being sued by an insane tranny in England for 100,000 Great British Pounds.
Unknown_03: And they are alleging that I am three different users on your website. And I am conducting a harassment campaign. And because of how England works, if you call someone a tranny in England, you are liable for damages, basically. It's not like the U.S.,
where actual harm has to be done or you have to prevent someone from getting a job where anything about their life changes at all you just need to they have um emotional injury towards in the uk and if you make someone go boohoo because you call them a bad word on the internet You can't end up owing them money. So that's what the lawsuit's about. Shraney's alleging that Adrian Noland called them bad words, made fun of them online, and now they owe them an obscene amount of money. And he asked me...
He said, Josh, I know I am from the least likable country on earth. I know you would sooner honor a legal court order from Kazakhstan or the DPRK before you would give the United Kingdom the time of day. But this insane tranny is alleging that I am posting on your forum and I ask for your help in proving that this is false. So I looked at it and I said, okay, I will provide you a statement.
I will give you this statement as it exists.
Unknown_03: I will sign it under penalty of perjury and that will be the end of my help for you. So this is my smart ass fucking email to this guy who is on the hook because of some posters on my site.
Unknown_03: To Adrian Yolland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to who it may concern, I have received a request. Let me get this up on the screen.
I have received a request for voluntary disclosure of information regarding users of a website I administrate located at kiwifarms.net. The request asserts that ongoing litigation seeking compensation of 100,000 Great British pounds has been filed against Adrian Yolland and the United Kingdom. The claimant asserts that the defendant has engaged in cyber stalking and a defamatory harassment campaign on my website using four different user accounts. The users alleged to be Adrian Yolland are real mother for you. Not so jolly holiday of even date. And especially, uh, this is the username that they are alleging is Adrian Yolland, Mr. Yolland of council, which is where he's from the city of council, I guess is what it's called. Um, Per our data retention policies, Not-So-Jolly Halliday of Even Date and Mr. Yellen of Council have no IP data associated with them due to a long period of inactivity.
Uh, for the other account mentioned by claimant, which is still active, real mother for you, uh, browses the website entirely via proxy. It is not possible for me to accurately assess where they post from based on their IP records. And now this is addressing the user account. Mr. Yaland of council is a particularly strange case. Their account is a clear parody of defendant Yaland. They use his real name as a username, even though the registration page for the site says to use a nickname you have not used anywhere else. They use an unflattering picture of him as their profile picture. They include snide remarks about Yaland in their biography section of the forum. Their post history is embarrassing.
It's so many garbage can ratings that his reaction score is like negative 200 or something.
Unknown_03: Mr. Yallon of Council ceased posting on the website immediately after being banned from the forum thread called the Carolyn Farrow, Adrian Harrop, and Anthony George Holiday mega thread on June 29th, 2020. And from what I understand, these are like three different crazy trannies in the UK that are politically active and which are causing legal problems.
Unknown_03: For different people. So this is like some weird like Yaniv type situation type deal going on in the UK where it's just like crazy tranny drama and it's starting to affect people legally because they have way too much power and influence in their societies.
I go on to say, "...this behavior pattern is common when a person with malicious intent joins the website solely to impersonate another person. I have seen this happen a few times in the site's history. It is not a good idea to register to the forum with their real name, and virtually no one does. In one of the last posts made by Mr. Yolland of Council, they claim their real name is actually Harold Miller."
Unknown_03: Based on the information available to me, I have absolutely no reason to believe that any of the users are defendant Yellen. I would hope that the British government, such that it is, would not immediately assume that someone is who they claim to be simply because they registered on a free and open internet forum with that as their name. Due to the laws of the United Kingdom, a country which routinely squashes freedom of speech, black bags journalists, arrests children for pranks, shakes down citizens for TV license fees, sees bike wheels as weapons, and holds whistleblowers under illegal detention for years, I must express my absolute contempt at this court document I have received. I will not be disclosing any specific information about any user on my site under any circumstance. The government of the United Kingdom cannot be trusted to know what her own people are doing online.
And I explain in my last paragraph.
Unknown_03: Regarding my relationship to this case, I have never been financially compensated by defendant Adrian Yolland. I do not know Adrian Yolland, nor have I ever heard of them before.
Unknown_03: I do not know the claimant Anthony Stephanie Hayden, nor have I ever heard of them before. And I submit this document not to assist Adrian Yolland, but so that it may be entered into court record and members of the government of the United Kingdom have to read it. I certify under the penalty of perjury laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my ability. Regards, Joshua Moon, King of England, Custody, Custodian of Records for Locale LLC.
That is my effort to, I hope, at least ruffle some fucking old cunts' feathers in England. That's all I want to do. Just make him pout a little bit more. Just a little bit more of a frown on some fucker's face in England. It'll all be worth it to mildly upset one person. That is my ambition with this.
So, I hope you have enjoyed my
Unknown_03: legal tirade there.
Unknown_11: Why did I tell New Zealand to fuck off but you were nice to the UK?
Unknown_03: Because I was...
Unknown_03: I wasn't nice to the UK. But that was a request from a private citizen regarding his ongoing litigation versus a completely fucking bullshit. Like, people on, like, Cal will say that I chimped out, I spurred out so hard at the New Zealand police. Like, it was a...
bullshit request. They wanted me to log the IPs of every single person who replied to the shooting thread about Christchurch and turn that over to them so that they can send police to their fucking homes if they were in New Zealand and hassle them about why they were participating in this discussion thread. I was so insulted that they would do that, that they would even fucking try to do that. It's like, who the fuck... Like, how fucking retarded do you have to be? I really wanted the cop to understand that when he read that email. Like, do you know how fucking embarrassing this behavior is? This kind of behavior, like, sees their IP, so we can cross-reference them with other data that we have to see if any of these posters in this thread are posters on this other website. Like, that would be embarrassing shit for me to do as a form administrator, for a government to do it, so they could go hassle innocent fucking people just having a conversation. It's like the most pathetic fucking thing that I can think of. It's so insecure. It would make China blush and say like, you guys might be going a little bit overboard about this whole shut it down shit that you got going on here. Address the GQ. I think it's time.
Let me get another sip of water. I'm getting thirsty.
Unknown_11: I've been going on for a while.
Unknown_03: All right. So I would like to apologize, first and foremost, to people who are subscribed to the, I think it's called the Kiwi Farms Archive channel. I don't run that.
Unknown_03: And I don't know who runs it. I don't have any contact with them. And I really did not want...
like my ongoing feud with Ralph to be a part of that channel, just because I think that the people who watch the stream, like, like I mentioned in the start, um, are really just looking for lighthearted stuff where here's the silly person. This is the silly thing they do. This is why I like them and why I find them funny. Not, not why I hate them. Not why they make me really angry. Um, This is why I like this weirdo. And I don't think that the IBS shit really fits in with the vibe of my channel, which is why I haven't been streaming about it on my channel.
I don't want to try and take the 1,200 people listening to this right now, the people who watch it when it's offline. and try and turn them into some kind of army against people who have offended me on the internet, right? I respect you guys, and I respect that your tastes are lighthearted, and that's why I don't bring it to this channel, or try not to. The corn joke was on this, and that's where it all started, I guess. I guess me breaking that and delving into it a little bit was the first kick into the hornet's nest, or whatever, the first slight...
But for the most part, I try not to bring it here. And I know that most people listening probably haven't followed this too closely. So if I try to bring up specific things like the meth mouth or the long sleeves and 105 degree heat, it wouldn't make any sense.
Unknown_03: And let me state my case for why
Unknown_03: for what I'm about to show, I've picked... I've very hand... I've reviewed all the things that have happened in this whole me and Ralph taking shots at each other, the PPP stuff, and I've found the one clip that I...
I think is the funniest. And I think everyone watching will. And if you're in chat, I want you to start predicting what the clip is. I'm going to, I'm going to bring it up, but this, this is so funny to me that even if it wasn't Ralph, like everything Ralph does right now is a fuck up and funny to me just because of the biases at play. But this clip, no matter who the fuck it was that was doing it under any identical circumstances, it would still be funny. Um,
Unknown_03: So let me just play this in full, and then we're going to play it another time, and I'm going to break it down frame by frame like it's a fucking art film. You ready?
All right, now. I know you want me to show your poster, Zoomer girl.
Unknown_00: Had me embarrass myself. All right, she drew this. Who is this? This is Ralph Chan. Am I going to have to show this? Okay. He's trying to bully me now.
Unknown_00: Epstein didn't kill himself.
Unknown_00: Is that the female version of me? Is that what you're telling me?
Unknown_00: My titties are bigger than that, actually, I think. So I think you're going to have to redraw that. But yes, there is the... She got this to hang on the wall. Out of camera view. We'll see.
Oh, God.
Unknown_00: There it is. I showed it. Fuck you, chat. Good night.
Unknown_03: So I'm not going to say anything. If you're listening and you just heard that and you're thinking, what was the poster? I didn't see it. I'm listening on Libsyn. Don't worry. I'm going to play this again. And this time, we're going to go over it closely. For this time, I'm going to actually shrink NPC Player so that you guys can see the actual video without the chat being over it. Because it did block the drawing. Didn't intend for that. So we'll go over this one more time. I'm going to take this step by step.
All right. Now...
Unknown_03: So this already, nothing's been said. He just said, all right, now this is how it's going to be for the entire thing. It's going to take 20 minutes to get through this, but we're going to get through this. Uh, I think when I clipped this, I think the time on the live stream was at three hours, just about as towards the end at the very end of the live stream. So.
Unknown_03: Already, we can infer a lot of different things about that, just based on the time. You can tell that he obviously, for very good reason, does not want to show this drawing on his stream.
Doesn't. And he told her that, okay, I'll show the fucking drawing on the stream, but towards the end, don't let me forget, you know. And he really hoped that she would forget that.
Unknown_03: But he's not so lucky.
Unknown_03: At the very end of the stream, everything that could be said about his fucking boring news shit has been said. And now he's sitting there, he's thinking, time to close this up real fast. Gotta close this shit up so that I don't have to show this fucking drawing. But then...
Unknown_03: so the next sentence i know you want me to show my post your poster zoomer girl so he's been reminded he's caught he knows you can see it on his face he there's a man resigned to his fate he knows he's gonna have to show that fucking poster on his fucking webcam he thought the webcam would be a good way to be closer to dick masterson and get that 25 000 a month
And you can tell, by the way, he's already given her a nickname, Zoomer Girl, like 80s girl. Really, really trying to be like Dick Masterson. Even is hanging up that fucking rug in the background. The same exact rug, not actual like audio foam. It's just a rug, a mat that he's hung up for no reason other than the fact that Dick Masterson hangs up that same fucking rug. And I think that mic is the exact same fucking mic that Dick uses too. So already...
Unknown_03: Lots of things going on in this clip that makes it perfect, that makes it better than anything ever could be on purpose. And he's looking at chat. He's fucking dreading this. Had me embarrass myself.
All right.
Unknown_03: Already admits he's already embarrassed. He's already apologizing by saying that he's embarrassed and he's going to have to embarrass himself by bringing this up.
Unknown_10: She drew this. Who is this?
Unknown_03: She drew this. Clarifies not something that he commissioned. Didn't pay for this. It didn't wind up on the front steps of his mother's trailer. This is just something that she drew out of appreciation for him. And here it is printed. Now, you may think... That this would be drawn with crayons or something on some A4 paper, just printed out. But it's not. It's on very nice poster paper. And he's receiving this like you would an art piece that's rolled up into like a scroll.
This is Ralph Chan.
Unknown_03: He's like a grandma trying to talk about a Pokemon. Like, oh, this is Pikachu, right? And then it starts to unfold. You can already see the hat.
He's looking at it kind of awkwardly, kind of dismissively. Am I going to have to show this? He's going to have to show this. Am I going to have to show this? One last chance for her to go, oh, you don't have to if you don't want to. So he doesn't have to. He's looking at the camera. He's looking into my soul with a kind of hatred.
Unknown_03: Because he has this in his hands and he knows what's coming. He knows. He knows that people are going to make fun of it forever. And two years from now, people are going to fucking make fun of this fucking clip because it is excellent.
Unknown_00: You're trying to bully me now.
And there it is, in one fell swoop. Not even in front of him, in such a way that you can actually see it. It's not fully displayed so that you can appreciate every detail. It's just kind of off to the side. It's not fully unwrapped. The Ralph Chan text at the bottom is gracefully omitted so that you can't see it. um and there's there's glean on the the poster paper this is a proper poster painting this isn't just some like a4 out of a printer this is like she digitally drew this and then bought or paid someone to mail her like this looks like a print shop mailed this to her she sent it to him and paid like five dollars and they mailed it to her on this professional printing paper um But there it is. And it looks like the kind of shit that you would see on like a 12 year old girl's deviant art. The only thing it's missing is like the, the cat ears and tail or like the, the, like the, the neon colors of like a furry character. That's all it's missing. And he goes on to describe it for his audience.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
Unknown_03: That's what the hat says. He looks down, look at the shirt.
Unknown_00: There's the kill. Is that the female version of me? Is that what you're telling me?
So he's trying to guide her through this to explain what this is to his audience. Why is this child drawing of an anime character in his hands right now? What preschooler did he assault drunkenly after being woken up on the street corner? Did... who did he get this from it's actually her she's wearing a choker she has fishnet leggings and i guess those are supposed to be high-heeled boots she has like the burned feet of a powerpuff girl or something so it's not really obvious what that's supposed to be and he says this is ralph chan right my titties are bigger than that actually i think So with that dead air, he has a problem. He knows. He knows that this is humiliating. That there's a serious fucking issue happening here. That people are looking at this. His core supporters. It's not even like we stole that off her Instagram. Like we did with all her other really shitty artwork. It is...
It is something she made. And that shit's like old. That's like old shit off her Instagram. This is something she made right now that she had printed for him today and gave to him live on air. And this isn't like floating around in the detractor sphere on cow and kiwi farms where the biggest pay pigs are not going to see it. He is forced to show his core audience this and make them face the reality.
This is the person he is dating and this is the quality of product that she creates and what and He's definitely gonna have to make a t-shirt design or sell a t-shirt design that she she makes for him So with that desperation in mind He says I have to parlay this into like a joke so that people will think it's like a comedy bit, right? So what does he go? Oh her tits aren't big enough. I you know to be mine because it's self-deprecating humor right it's the first thing he could think of and that that's his that's his immediate like go-to line for for this art just to try and make it funny to his fans in a way that he's laughing with as opposed to being laughed at so i think you're She laughs at him because she knows he's suffering and she thinks it's funny. Because it is funny.
I'm gonna have to redraw that, but yes, there is the... And then that's kind of like a dual purpose thing.
Unknown_03: Like, oh, the tits aren't big enough so you're gonna have to redraw it. But what he's actually saying is that this is fucking trash and I hate you, Faith, for making me hold this up.
Unknown_03: This is where it would be dawning on a normal person that dating an 18-year-old meth head... former meth head i don't know if she still does meth but her teeth definitely definitely explain that she has done meth um and he smiles at the camera just grimacing grimacing trying to get through it trying to embrace the pain just to hang on the wall out of camera view we'll see but
And then he says, we're going to hang this on the wall and laughs at her face because there is a 0% chance he's going to hang that fucking tragedy up anywhere. It's going in the garbage.
Unknown_03: Oh, God.
Unknown_03: Now he's embarrassed. There's dead silence. He doesn't know what to do with himself. And what happens when a little dick has awkward silence and he needs to fill it? The answer is you get loud.
Unknown_00: There it is. I showed it. Fuck you, chat. Good night.
Unknown_04: Good night! Get out of here!
Unknown_03: And so concludes a masterpiece of our time. And if this was J.F. Gariepi or whatever, having the little potato walk out and give him one of her drawings and it looks like that, it would be content on the Killstream. It would be on the fucking clip channel. I'd be making fun of it.
If Chris Chan or something, you know, when Chris Chan gave me a drawing of me as a pony with a little kiwi fruit as my cutie mark,
Unknown_03: You know, it's embarrassing. I throw it up. Everyone has a good laugh at my expense because it's funny.
And I hope that if you are one of these people who watches my streams to have a good laugh, that you find that funny, even if you don't want to hear about Ralph for the rest of your life.
Unknown_03: and like with Nisa and Mumkey Jones it's like no I'm not jealous of this shit I'm not jealous of this fucking reality where you have to show people on stream this fucking drawing like you're proud of it like you can even tolerate it you can't even pretend so that being said I think that's a stream I think that's all I gotta say
well i'm trying to think of what should be some outro music there's the digibro song which is terrible but it's it's like so unironically terrible that i don't know if i want to play it as an outro it would be appropriate though let me see if i got some music on my music outro oh okay you know what i haven't played the fucking digibro song on stream yet that uh i feel like i should
Unknown_03: Just in case you haven't seen this, in case you want to know what the fruits of my labor are, what me being involved in this bullshit slap fight has brought me, the answer is this kind of shit. This kind of fucking shit. Here. Actually, I need to open up Firefox so you guys can actually appreciate this fully.
Unknown_11: I'll just play a couple seconds of it while I try to find a real song.
If your life is all about money, status and young pussy, you're an empty, pathetic person. I got my self esteem being my own detractor
Unknown_02: Makin' money in America is beta, bro Bangin' 18 to 25's not pedo, though You got a broke dick and ain't got a broke brain Comin' from a broke dick dummy, no, no, no, no pain Used to be the killin' block, now the illin' stop No one gives a shit about if what they post is real or not Mad at the internet, sock puppets doxin' More like bad at the internet, capsize and floppin' Burnin' down the barns at the Karen Fonz Burnin' down the barns at the
I think that's enough.
Unknown_03: I'll post a link to it in the description, I guess, in case you really want to see it. I've seen 150 people left in 60 seconds of playing that song, so fuck it. I might as well call it a stream.
Unknown_03: I hope you guys have enjoyed. I've missed you.
Unknown_03: I'm sorry. There's literally no way on the face of this planet for someone to give me money right now because shit's just fucked. Learn how to use Bitcoin. I don't know what else to say. If you don't know how to use Bitcoin right now, buy bitcoinworldwide.com. Go educate yourself. You literally will have to know how to use Bitcoin if you want to send money to certain people in the future. Like in the near future, like in the next year, certain people will just be completely cut out of the economy and you'll have to earn Bitcoin.
And I guess I'll see you when I see you. It might be next week. I might be dead before next week because I don't know if 2020 is just going to kill me at this point because I'm stuck in Serbia. All right.
Take it easy.
Unknown_11: And you don't seem to understand
Unknown_09: As you hold so close
And you don't seem the lying kind
to be Oh