Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Where did this come from? I thought it was just shitposting on 9chan, but now everyone suddenly believes that I'm going away. I've been Thanos-snapped into fucking nothing.
Unknown_00: It's very interesting. It's almost like people are just wishing it. Just go away, Josh.
Unknown_00: Maybe if enough people gather together, hold hands, and pray, will it into existence. I will simply cease to exist, but...
Unknown_00: For today, that's not happening.
I have a special guest for the stream today. I've got a special guest.
Unknown_00: I spilled them all over me.
Unknown_00: I gotta shave my fucking facial hair. I got foam all over my fucking mustache.
Unknown_00: Very redneck of me.
Unknown_00: Sink vodka come on. There's other there's other forms of alcohol in Serbia. Just so you know I'm streaming a day early cuz I got shit to do tomorrow Can you believe that I'm not in a good mood Can you imagine that the last month has been tough man?
Last month has not been my month. It's just been a very very stressful kind of week or time period
Unknown_00: I need to gather myself, take some time off from myself, get a manicure, pedicure. I got, I got like really gnarly feet and it doesn't matter how many times I try to like, like pumice rock them into being smooth. Like the next time I take a shower, like they're just awful again. It's really nasty and I don't want to describe it in too much detail, but I just get the feeling that I could probably go to like an Asian pedicure place and get my feet taken care of. That would help. It would take a couple pounds off me. It would help.
i'm not showing my feet fuck off try wearing shoes i do it's just gnarly
Unknown_00: Anyways, I have... I've been banned. One of my things is I like to spaceman, right? I've been banned from like half of the space stations now. And I didn't do nothing. And I'm a good boy. See, I learned... Space Station 13 uses this very, very old programming language called Dream Maker, which was like a thing in the early 2000s for Beyond, right?
And it's just a complete clusterfuck. It's an awful language. And I picked it up when I was playing around with it, and I wanted to make some changes to R&D. And then Pride Month rolled around during the riots. And fucking TG Station on Discord changed their fucking icon to be a fucking rainbow flag. And I'm just thinking, fuck you. So I boot up with all my PHP Pro skills now channeled firmly into BeyondSkills. I submitted what is potentially my first real PR request to any repository ever. I'm not really an upstream contributor.
So I made this, and it says, Ready, Pride Month Holiday. And I said, Inspired by the TG Station's Discord icon, with the Discord icon, and the T is the trans flag. So it's the transgender stations. It has nothing to do with traditional games anymore. It has nothing to do with 4chan anymore. it's the transgender station icon this is about the pull request it's a pride month to the in-game holiday calendar and they have an in-game event calendar where um during real life holidays certain things happen in the game like on valentine's day there's a little valentine's day event where you have special objectives and stuff on christmas i think everyone gets presents shit like that right really simple so i add um a holiday and
for the entire month of June called Pride Month. And all it did is it adds a Pride Month event. So it says, like, Happy Pride Month, and then it gives, like, flavor to the station name.
Unknown_00: And then the second one is it adds a transgender potion. So when you boot up Space Station 13 and get your job, you always have a box of emergency tools in your inventory. And it's usually, like, a breathing mask, an epinephrine pen, And an emergency oxygen tank so that if the air gets depleted, you still have internals and you won't just pass out and die immediately. So I add during this Pride Month, when it's Pride Month, you get a transgender potion in your inventory and the effects of it are self-evident.
If you're non-binary, it doesn't do anything. And there's a little message that says you're valid. You're valid as a non-binary. But if you're a gendered person, then you get to change your gender with absolutely no side effects 59% of the time.
Unknown_00: For the other 41% of the time, your gender does change, but then you explode after 2 to 10 minutes. And this commit was terrible. This commit was so angry or so upsetting to people. I was getting messages from servers that I didn't contribute to that I play on sometimes. I got messages, people pinging me saying... You're marginalizing or you're ridiculing marginalized groups. And this, especially during Pride Month, this is so troublesome. This is so problematic. And I got banned from like every Discord server that I was a part of. And I haven't even tried to play the game yet. I've just been so disenchanted by this because they're all... They're all, like, fucking Catboy moderators and shit, and they got the fucking flag in the background of their avatars, and it's just like, fuck it, man. I'm not gonna labor under the rule of a fucking Femboy spaceship. Fuck that.
I guess Beastation actually liked my commit. And then another one called Paradise said they wanted to merge it in, like as a separate commit on their branch. So I don't know. I guess Paradise and I are going to click. Paradise committed a change recently where if you're a female, you get 70% of the income that males get for the same job. So I guess that's pretty fucking based in Red Pill. They're going to get banned from GitHub for that. If you're watching the screen, you'll notice a little banner at the top of the page that says, Your account has been flagged. Because of this, your profile is hidden from the public. If you believe this is a mistake, contact support. And I contacted support and I said, I love George Floyd and I love homosexuals and I'll never make another joke commit ever again. Because um, I think we just try to go to my profile just yeah 404 is if you go to um, even for the other ones I think if you go to infinity next I Think that one for our floors
Oh, no, the organization doesn't. But if you go to issues and then type in JW-SH, none of my issues commit. So I've basically just been 404'd across the entire platform because I made a transgender potion in Space Station 13 that explodes you 41% of the time. And I took issue with it. I wonder if I can...
oh i i can't because i'm not logged in on firefox but i named the uh the like the function that explodes you david ramer after the guy that got killed by john money the guy who invented the whole transgender gender theory shit and uh
Unknown_00: As a joke, one of the flavor names, I mentioned that during the event, your station gets random names, right? It's along the same kind of theme as adjective, noun, number, like Space Station 13. So it can be anything like...
War Plantation 47. It picks random shit. But during the holidays, it picks specific ones from a list based on that holiday that tags in front of it. So instead of Space Station 13, you would get something like Transgender Station 13. And one of the things I added as a possibility during Pride Month was L-G-B-T-I-A-Q-P. And the P obviously stands for pedophile. But after my merge was showered brutally by the GitHub administration...
They made another dilation station. Oh my god, why didn't I think of that? That should have been the only one. That's better than what I came up with. But no, they tried to make a real Pride Month holiday event for the fork, for the code. And one of the options that the contributor who was like a tranny submitted as a genuine part of this fucking commit was LGBT IP, like the same exact acronym that I came up with, with pedophile in it. And like four different people asked what the P was and he kept getting angry. He's like, it says stands for pansexual. It stands for pansexual. Educate yourself. Use Google. It stands for pansexuals, pansexual visibility. As I know, it's just stands for pedophile.
Me and my homie Vordrak, we can spot that shit. Rapido finding that shit. We sense it.
Unknown_00: Speaking of, I don't know. I don't know what to talk about with this. Because Vordrak, the guy who really doesn't like me and doesn't like the forum. I've never spoken to him, I should mention. It's been going on for like half a decade. He fucking hates me. And he is obsessed with trying to take down the forum. But I've never spoken to him. And I tuned in for like 30 seconds to listen to...
leo pirate and vordrak talk and i guess they're just like sucking them off now because i'm a bad guy right and vordrak i mean he sounds nice he sounds like a nice guy he sounds very intelligent put together it was surprising i've never heard him before uh maybe i heard one of his videos from like a long time ago but no he sounded like a decent um he didn't sound as cretinous as i thought he would
uh but like he's trying to network and i bet him and leo pirate are friends from gamergate because vordrak really tried to get famous off gamergate he wanted to be like a monday matt or medic or someone who uh or ralph got famous during gamergate because he was um
Unknown_00: He was active in blogging at the time. And his big stunt, the thing that I think most people remember him by, if they remember him at all from this period, was during the Patreon hack at the time in 2015, all the email addresses of contributors to specific people were public. Randy Lee Harper, or Big Blue, was one of the social justice people, the literally who's that everyone hated at the time during Gamergate. He found Randy Lee Harper's supporter information, all their email addresses, and he emailed them. He sent her supporters information about how she had had problems with crack before.
Or something when she was younger. And I think she had CPS come in and take custody of her child because she was addicted to crack before she became a social justice warrior. And that was his big contribution to Gamergate.
Unknown_00: Now, I'll give you a hint, because I know Vordrak listens to my shit, and he's a big fan. I'm a big fan of you, too. You do good work, Mr. Pato Finder General. I'm very proud of you. He's been more effective than anyone else, ever. He's very clever. He knows how to cut to the quick of things, and I can't help but be admirable of such skills.
But if you want fans, you have to take the humble pill. Let me take a sip of beer first before I continue.
Unknown_00: You have to take the humble pill. Because when he writes these fucking articles. When he talks to people. He can't help but suck his own dick. He goes halfway down an article. And then like something breaks in his brain. And he feels the need to fluff himself up.
And he says, like, well, I was a McKenzie friend for a very important case, and I got a recommendation from the Queen's bench itself. And I have contacts with people in Parliament, and they know me on a first-name basis, and they return my texts. And it's like, dude, nobody gives a fuck. Like fucking Ralph saying, I made $1,000 last week. What did you do? Who gives a fuck? Nobody gives a fuck about your connections and your actions as a fake lawyer, as a McKenzie friend. Just shut up. Just tell people what they want to hear, and they'll like you better than telling people what they want to hear and then sucking your own dick halfway through. Nobody wants to make out with you if your mouth is full of your own cum. If you catch my drift, not to be crude, not to be crass and offend the British sensibilities, but... that's just how it be sometimes uh yeah that's about it i don't know i guess i would talk to him i have nothing against him i know it sounds weird to say i really don't because i guess all is fair i consider it when i think of when i think of this guy i don't think of like a person he's not like a person to me he's like a
An avatar of a universal constant. I exist. I do something people don't like. So there will always be someone who is trying to take down my site. It just always will be. And if Vordrak fucking slit his throat and died, if he got raped to death by Muslims tomorrow, there would be another one. Another person would come to take his place. Because it's not him that's the problem. It is a universal constant. And I just...
I can't bring myself to be angry at him, because it's like, who gives a fuck? You know what I mean? It's like with Yes Man, all at New Vegas. Kill him, another one takes his place.
Okay, there is, before I just start ranting incoherently about how much I absolutely fucking despise Europeans, because I will be doing this.
Unknown_00: I want to, I'm considering, there is a 16-minute clip that I've not actually listened to all the way through. And it's of Ethan Ralph apparently bad-mouthing me. And I'm considering listening to it. Chat, press corn if you want to listen to 16 minutes of Ethan Ralph.
Unknown_00: Press literally anything else if you don't.
Unknown_00: I've not heard it. I've heard people say that it's super salty. It got clipped and stuff, so there's some quality assurance going on in that regard, but I actually don't know what's going on in there. I'm seeing some corn. I'm seeing some corns. I'm seeing people typing corn that doesn't count. That's literally anything else.
Lots of corn. Okay. Do it, faggot. I will. We'll sit through. We'll listen to a little bit of it and see what's going on.
Unknown_00: Um...
Unknown_00: I cannot navigate my own sight. My mind is slipping. It's like sand. It's like wet sand in my hand. It's just falling through the creases and I can't catch it.
Pouring out my fucking ears.
Unknown_04: Alright, where's the fucking clip at?
Unknown_04: Okay, here it is. I'm not going to show it because I'm pretty sure it's just the static image of him talking.
Unknown_00: But I will play it and I can't fast it I can't like make it faster cuz I know a lot of people listen to these streams on time-and-a-half Already and when I try to play things that time-and-a-half it fucks it up for him So just gonna listen to it until I get bored and just say art complain loudly in chat if you get bored I
I don't know if you have problems hearing me over it, or have problems hearing the actual audio now.
Unknown_00: I've always liked the killstream intro song. It's very comfy.
Unknown_00: You're already bored? Oh no!
Unknown_03: right now oh little did we know was it two weeks ago two two and a half weeks ago josh josh he's the owner of kiwi farms he said uh he said i need to be sacrificed so that we may have a good harvest
I said, actually messaged him this and I sent it out on Twitter.
Unknown_03: I said, you will be harvested long before me, sir. I said that in private and in public.
Unknown_03: Now, again, we don't know. This could be Josh is prone to womanly bouts of, you know, peak here. You know, he could be on another one of those moods. You know, it could be that time of the month for Janny Josh again. I'm not sure. You know, maybe he just needs the what is it? The hose take for the pain.
Unknown_00: What I do.
Unknown_03: Period pains. I'm not sure.
Unknown_03: Whatever. He needs some of that shit. Here's what he said, though. I vowed to pull down both Kiwi Farms and 9chan if the Section 230 situation ever got any worse. It has. Thus, I will be shutting both down tonight.
Oh my god. I have to actually... I have to transplant this into Firefox so I can actually show it. Because I can't just state how... Again, I'm not watchless. I had an idea of what he did to make this mistake, but I didn't actually expect that I would be right. Okay. Let me bring this up. Firefox display. So that is a post on 9chan. Now, I know from listening to Godwinson that Gator and Ralph are old fags. They're old fags. They've been on 4chan since 1987. They know these things. But correct me if I'm wrong. I know very little about image boards. I'm a retard, obviously. But...
When you make a post on an image board and you have a cap code, usually it's name followed by cap code. And it's not cap code followed by name. In fact, usually that first section is the subject field for your post. So somebody...
made a post by joshua moon saying that he's shutting down nine chan and uh kiwi farms with administrator as the subject field and this was posted nowhere else nowhere else it was not it wasn't even featured on the front page of nine chan it wasn't in a banner it
Unknown_00: It wasn't on Twitter or advertised on Discord. It's a post, a random post on 9chan that says, I vowed if the section 230 got worse, I would be shutting down both sides. And he thought for sure that this was me. This is a supposed journalist. A man who runs what he believes is a credible blog, who couldn't even check to see if that's actually a cap code or just the subject field, or if that PGP signature, the string of characters after my name, is my PGP signature, which it's not. The whole point of putting those fucking characters there is so that you can check and see if they're the right ones. Ralph, that is the entire point of those fucking symbols. They represent the PGP signature. They are meant to be checked. If you're dubious about the message, you have to check them.
Just don't take it at face value and assume it's true. Oh, geez. All right, let's continue with this.
Unknown_03: You know, maybe he just needs the message signed and validated by the server. This is his... He didn't read the second half of it.
Unknown_00: He said message signed and validated by the server, but it can make no assurance as to who posted it. It's just checking that the PGP signature is correct. He didn't read the second half of the message that says, but we can make no assurance as to who's posted it.
That's funny.
Unknown_00: And I'll raise the volume up a bit.
Unknown_03: official, I guess, hash there over on 9chan. So certainly we wish Kiwi Farms the best, and we would not like to see anything bad befall Josh. But we'll see. I guess we'll see what happens. I think it's scheduled for deletion here during the show. So we'll see. We'll see. We'll certainly report on it, ladies and gentlemen, if it does occur.
You can hear him slurring his words. He's fucking shit-faced while he's saying this. And you can't see that Bibble's also in the chat. But, like, he's completely pissed.
Unknown_00: Someone... Oh, fuck it. Let's continue. I think he continues to rant about me. He must be going through a lot.
Unknown_03: He really must be going through a lot right now, Bibble. Did you want to send any messages out or just leave it to me to piss on them?
Um, I honestly, I don't even really know who Josh is. I know he came on here a couple of times. Who, who is he?
Unknown_03: Yeah. Some, some forum owner. I don't know. Message boards. You remember back in the day, people used to use message boards on the internet before, you know, they found out there was a lot better ways to communicate. Yeah.
Unknown_00: Like what? There's a lot better ways to communicate. Like what? Fucking discord. Yeah. Let's just cram all fucking communication in the entire world into, into a fucking discord channel that can be shut down at the whim of a transgender furry cub artist aficionado owned by the chinese that's the better form of communication oh geez yeah he does that all right
I don't know, man. I don't know. Josh seems like a nice guy. Hopefully... Bibble's not joining in.
Unknown_00: He's not going to smuggle on command.
Unknown_07: Hopefully he'll be okay and he can keep up his forms and everything will go all right for him.
Unknown_00: Aww. We wish the best.
Unknown_00: what a nice african-american gentleman let's go back to la again we'll be monitoring that for sure i couldn't help but you know i had to leave okay now again i'm not watching this clip but i know what happened on my end when he said that i got a bunch of people adding me in discord And I started thinking like, why the fuck does everyone think that I'm shutting down my site all of a sudden? And I said, no, I'm not shutting down my site. And at first I thought it was just like people were taking the bait on 9chan. Like they were taking the bait. So I was irritated at that. And then I get all these people on Discord adding me because Ralph reported it as being true. So I throw up on the site. In response to this, because now there is a sudden concern that existed where there was no concern before, saying that I'm shutting down my site apropos of fucking nothing, literally a fake message on a fucking dead image board site. And I said, what's on the site right now? Despite what alcoholic retards are saying, there are no plans to shut down the Kiwi Farms. And I did this, like, minutes after hearing this. And he found it very quickly. And I'm curious how quickly into this. So it's at four minutes exactly right now. I'm kind of curious. I'm going to skip through it if he's just talking about the fucking riots.
You know.
Unknown_07: Well, I can understand that. If someone said that they were going to sacrifice me to corn, I might take a little bit of schadenfreude in their immediate... Yeah, their immediate dismissal.
Unknown_03: Yeah, I mean, you have to laugh at that, right?
oh by the way it wasn't the second reference it was him trying to throw me under the bus to to fucking boost himself up and now it's funny how everybody that tries to do that people it never works out for them it has okay i meant to do this a while ago but ralph has continuously accused me
Unknown_00: of poaching his users. He believes very firmly that my appearances on the kill stream was meant to set this up, set my streams up so that I could have a thousand people watching me. And that really, I honestly thought that this podcast shit would just be like a front for making money and nobody would watch it. I'd get like a hundred viewers tops because I sound weird and I had nothing interesting to say besides my, my ramblings. So I have, I want chat and I might've done this before. I can't remember. Uh, press, uh, Press one in chat if you found this podcast because of the Ralph Retort.
Specifically because of the Ralph Retort. Not because of the forum. Not because of anything else. Because of the Ralph Retort.
Unknown_00: Don't press anything. No, don't press twos. I want ones. If you found this stream from the Ralph Retort, I want to know. I see two ones.
Unknown_00: Oh, I do see a couple ones.
Unknown_04: Looks like a dozen. I think...
Unknown_04: Oh my God, maybe two dozen.
Unknown_00: Mostly people on DLive, which I guess makes sense. That would be a fair way of finding him. Does Gem count? No, it has to be Ralph specifically. All right, let us continue.
to work out. When you throw Ralph under the bus, it's some type of curse.
Unknown_03: It just fucks you over every single time. We've reported on most of the people. I didn't even throw him under the bus. Many of them are in the rogues gallery now. I just said I prognosticated the downfall.
Unknown_00: I didn't throw him under the bus. Where are they at?
Hopefully he can keep archives of the forum so he can still do shows that people watch.
Unknown_03: So he can go through and read some more threads just post by post that he didn't have anything to do with. Yeah, okay.
Unknown_07: Yeah, yeah. So he can get mad at other people.
Unknown_03: So he can get mad at other people.
Unknown_00: That's literally the point, though. It's like the forum as itself is unmonetizable. It is unmonetizable. You ever see those pictures of like a gravity well around a black hole and the black hole sinks down like... like a thousand miles past this graph on this 3D vector, that's the forum's profitability. It's way down there. So it's like, is it possible? The entire point of this podcast is, is it possible to take the content on the forum and transmute it into a profitable substance by talking about it? That's the entire point. That is literally the entire point.
And I don't see what's wrong with that. Everyone else does. Why can't I?
Unknown_03: people for doing that better and making more money and even that than he does oh yeah okay go for it it's free content just take it and do what you want i i ask i do ask that people credit the forum if you use it as a primary resource and i've seen uh toad mckinley jim uh ralph i'm pretty sure even and uh
PewDiePie. PewDiePie accredited the forum because we had that thread about BetterHelp that listed all the people who had done shoutouts for it, advertising for it, without disclosing that they were being paid by BetterHelp for it. I mean, that's what I appreciate. I'm not saying that you can't do it. I'm just saying I would appreciate, and I understand if you can't do it because of political concerns, but if you do use it as a primary resource, please credit the people who did the work for you.
Unknown_03: says thanks for all the great shows lately you're welcome by the way josh is probably gonna pull back on this i'm sure he'll keep kiwi farms open but we'll see i could be wrong it'd be you know
I'd still be a lot better on my prediction score than Josh if I'm wrong. So we'll see what happens during the show, I guess. Shinchan256B says, Josh needs some cranberry juice. Yeah, I heard that helps with female problems and stuff like that. It kind of puts things back into position. Oh, no. Women I've been with said it works wonders. I'm not sure.
Unknown_00: Why does Ralph know so much about feminine UTIs? Maybe you should wash the belly. You wouldn't be giving people UTIs with that.
Unknown_03: I see Josh says he's pulled back on his claim there, or he's claiming that he didn't send that. I don't know. It's a tough spot. It's tough when you can't... I mean, who's to say? I don't know if he really sent it or he didn't send it. I know it was being attributed to him all day long, and...
These are the types of things that women do.
Unknown_00: Women get impersonated and have drunk retards fall for it and talk about it. That happens to every woman. Every woman listening to this right now has had that moment in their life where some fucking guy impersonated them and then a drunk podcast host took that message as being theirs and falsely attributed it to something else.
that makes sense actually yes okay many women are confirming this thank you i'm glad i'm glad that i'm not alone in my my suffrage here you really don't know where they're gonna be and so you talk to him in the moment and so he he came in the discord raising a huff crying i don't know if he was emotional on the other side of it or what i can only read the text but but uh hissy fit i think is how i would describe it
Unknown_03: And he was so hysterical, I told him to go sit down somewhere. So apparently he's going to keep the side up. I don't know.
Unknown_00: He banned me. He didn't read the actual messages. I was making fun of him for falling for a fucking 4chan-style fake admin post that everyone should be over by now. And he literally, when he saw that banner, he jumped in the chat and tagged me and said,
Unknown_00: He said, like, oh, that's a nice banner you put there. Go read it somewhere else. And then he banned me from his fucking Discord because that banner upset him so bad. Why is it the little things I say and do are the ones that set him off? I don't get it.
You should be sacrificed. If someone has to be sacrificed to the gods for the harvest. It should be rough. Why does that make him angry? So perturbed that he's talking about it two weeks later. There was a point where he gets on the dick show and just opens up calling me a fucking pedophile. He literally said that he thinks I've been raped because my voice is a little weird. That's his go-to for being said you might be sacrificed to the gods for a good harvest. That's his opening line. That's what he immediately goes to over nothing.
And then the only thing that I said to him, like I said that his entire family drank themselves to death, which is probably true. But the only thing I said that got to him that made him like double take and think, what the fuck? Because I called him mentally handicapped. He's like, wait a minute. It's like the Twilight, the episode of the Twilight Zone where the guy sees himself as a retard in the mirror. It's like, wait, I'm retarded. Like, yeah, kind of. Yeah, kind of retarded all the fucking time.
And then I put up a banner saying that he's wrong, and that's it. That's what sets him off. And it's just bizarre, because I don't... This is probably the most antagonizing that I've done of him, because it's just strange, and I can actually rebuke it and go over it and talk about it.
Unknown_03: That's just what he said. That's just what he said in Discord, so... Well, I'm glad he's going to keep the side up.
Unknown_07: I'm glad. I'm glad. He should keep it up in protest.
Unknown_07: Actually, he should take it down. He should take it down for 24 hours to stand with his brethren. I'm glad too.
I'm worried about his mental health and what might happen to him if he got rid of that site. So I'm glad he's keeping it up. That is weird. Deep Fried Lettuce says, I wish real women would stay silent too. Am I right?
Unknown_03: All right. See, now that was good. See, that was good.
Unknown_03: Just be funny about it.
Unknown_00: Oh, by the way, since nothing's being said right now, let me pause again and say, on the topic of giving credit, I have to admit that this bit so far has been cut very excellently, and I got this video from TClips, so shout out to TClips for putting this together for me to watch.
Some people are actually angry about it. It's like, just be funny about it. I don't care. Make fun of everybody. We make fun of me.
Unknown_03: All right.
Unknown_00: It's not too loud, though.
Unknown_03: All right.
Unknown_00: Not in a way he doesn't approve of.
Unknown_03: Devil said, hold on a second. So I just have to talk, I guess. I just regale you with my natural charisma.
Unknown_02: I guess I could go really solid like this and start breaking my voice and read you a form. Is that me? Something like that. Is that me?
No, I think I'll just take a collar instead. On our Blackman14 said, this chill stream uncut sucks ass at uploading on YouTube. Yeah, so some of these are not being uploaded on YouTube for a reason.
Unknown_03: That's his channel, and he gets to do with it as he pleases, but a lot of this type of content is being struck down on YouTube, and so there's a lot of other places to watch it, and I know it's a pain in the ass, but you can watch it on DLive.tv slash TheRalphRetort for three days.
Unknown_03: It used to be like 25 days until they took my fucking partnership away, but whatever.
You can watch it here for three days.
Unknown_03: You can watch it on BitChute forever, so...
Unknown_00: I'm surprised he hasn't done the I made you rant with the DLive yet.
Unknown_03: Slash the Ralph Retort. DLive.tv slash the Ralph Retort within the first three days. And then, of course, the podcast feed, which is the most steady way to make sure that you're in touch with the kill stream, is to subscribe to that podcast feed. Because one day, who knows what might happen. Remember, we were pretty comfy on stream.me, weren't we, Bimble? Oh, yeah. And then all of a sudden, stream.me's not there anymore. But you know what was there? the podcast feed. We were pretty comfy on YouTube before that. Oh, all three channels deleted. We're kicked off YouTube. Guess what was there? RIP, Jersh. How long until he joins? Now, we will eventually find a place to stream this live, no doubt, somewhere, somehow. But, you know, it could be a transition. Who knows what's going to happen one day.
We're over halfway done. Yes, press F for stream me.
Unknown_03: I miss stream me a lot. RIP, Jersh. How long until he joins Hot Wheels or Kraut in the Homo Rogues gallery? Oh, well...
He doesn't seem to be too far off, sadly to say.
Unknown_03: I don't know. Hopefully he'll take a step back. That seems to be his ultimate destination, the Homo rogues gallery here on the Killzone.
Unknown_00: Now he's calling me gay. That's very creative. He can always take a step back from the precipice there, Warski, but he's dangerously close.
Unknown_01: Yeah, he's getting there. By the way, I saw, I forgot, it's one of those guys who keep doing those drama videos, but
Unknown_01: Kraut was on one of them.
Unknown_01: Old news are already fucking... Imagine working with Kraut. That motherfucker got so fucking fat. Holy shit.
Ross isn't going to talk about him being fat, is he? No, what does he look like?
Unknown_01: He looks like just a blob. He is reaching PPP levels, my gentlemen. I'm not even kidding.
Unknown_00: Okay, someone's saying that the video's over here because he just starts shit-talking Kraut for being fat. And someone brought this up on the forum, and since I'm just reading forum posts anyways, right? I guess I'll have no apprehension in showing this. Someone prognosticated, someone believes that, uh... Where is it?
It's on the next page.
Unknown_04: Kraut.
Unknown_04: Oh. Where the fuck is it?
Unknown_00: Yeah, him making fun of Kraut's funny. But someone was pointing at... The fact that Kraut's YouTube channel is actually doing pretty well. I swear I thought it was in this thread, but I guess not. I could be wrong.
Unknown_00: Kraut's gained something like 150,000 subscribers since they were making fun of him. Since...
Since Ralph and Jim and stuff are making fun of Kraut. So he's like stuck to making videos about history and he's doing quite well for himself. His videos are making like half a million views. He's up his subscriber count to like 250,000. So him sitting back and making fun of Kraut for being fat, like first of all, come the fuck on. Second of all,
Unknown_00: I'm sensing a hint of jealousy because everyone was sitting around hand-wringing and pearl clutching about krauts inevitable suicide when he dropped below a hundred thousand subscribers and
Now that he's up, way above that, back to where he was and then some, he's going at him for being fat. That's just pathetic. I wonder how much money Kraut made last week. Do you guys think that Kraut is making more money than Ralph at this point? Let's do a show of hands. I have to see. Does Kraut have a Patreon? Can we compare those? Because Ralph had something like 192. Kraut Patreon. Patreon.
Unknown_00: Let's see. I could eat my words here. I genuinely don't know. I really don't know. You never know what's going to happen on that at the internet here, folks.
Am I going to look like a retard for falsely assuming how much money he's making? 337 patrons at $151,500. Seems about right. Seems to be about as much money as Ralph is making. Uh,
Unknown_00: Especially when you consider that Kraut has AdSense and stuff factored in. I'm sure he's making more money. I guess that means that Kraut wins, doesn't it? Because whoever makes the most money is the biggest winner, right? That's the logic that I was told. When I said anything negative about him, that's what I was told. He made $1,000 last week. Did I make $1,000 last week? Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. But if I didn't, then I'm a loser. So therefore, I think Kraut won, ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Kraut won after all this time. His backward conspiracy to put together a team of historians to make premier YouTube content that would get half a million views on an on an advertizable channel and with a Patreon seems to have paid off in the long run.
I can't believe it. This is the biggest upset of the century, of the decade, of the millennia. Not in that order, but it's just unbelievable. It's the comeback kid.
Before anybody clips that, I have no fucking idea who Kraut is. Fuck, I've never...
Unknown_00: I've heard of the discord shit and I know that he does like a he's like Austrian and he does like pseudo intellectual Skeptic vids right? That's Kraut. Do I need to know anything more about Kraut? Did he secretly rape and murder a girl behind an Arby's in 1996 that I'm gonna look like an asshole for for cheering on?
Oh That's right, he worked at a sawmill and he split his penis I remember that I
Unknown_04: Now he does history videos.
Unknown_00: Okay. Excellent. Excellent. I know enough. I've been vindicated. Thank you, chat.
Unknown_00: I don't know what I'd do without you. All right.
Unknown_00: Oh, my God. I'm surprised that people found me on Thursday. I thought that I would have like half as many viewers because I wasn't streaming on Friday. But I guess the system works. If I tell people I'm going to be streaming on Thursday the day before or the week before, people will listen.
Oh, and one more sad note. I'm glad I remembered this because it's going to segue into me being sad for the rest of the stream, as I am. If you guys have ever seen these crazy Photoshopped conspiracy theory things, like just the biggest, the most amazing photos like this, just the best things that have ever been accomplished with Adobe. uh by d's or d's illustration a double d ease.com uh he's dead david d is dead and we'll never get any more of these fucking photoshop images and it makes me incredibly sad it makes me wonder
It makes me wonder if maybe the world has ended and there is a rapture for the faithful are being recalled to their Lord. We are no longer graced with the presence of David Dees or Terry Davis. All the flock.
Unknown_00: All of my favorites are gone now. And I'm left here. I'm left behind. And I wonder if God has come back to Earth and he has taken the faithful back to heaven, to the Pirelli Gates, to reward them for their undying loyalty and servitude on Earth.
Unknown_00: Because now the world is shitty and my favorite schizos are gone. It's really, we are in the end times.
And ironically, the world is a poorer place without David Dees because he's very funny.
Unknown_00: I emailed him, actually. And I told him, because he was on his 5G kick when I emailed him. And I said, he had done something like a piece on the surveillance state of England. And I said, you need to incorporate the iconography of Big Ben into a piece like this. Make that like a 5G radio tower. And have it covered in surveillance cameras pointed every direction and stuff. And make fun of England for being 1984-esque. And he's like, that's a great idea. And I don't know. He sent me a couple other images in the email. Actually, I wonder if I can find these. I do have all my emails.
See if I can find this message from him.
Unknown_04: Shouldn't be too hard.
Unknown_04: Let's see. David.
Unknown_04: These. Aha.
Unknown_00: Okay, my suggestion was, I see the Tower of London repurposed as an abortion equipment with hoses branded by government insignia coming out like tentacles. The implication would be the famous tower is back online, this time out for the unborn. And he replies, saying, haha, that is some crazy fantastic scene you painted visually. We'll keep it in mind. We're part of it for other work, like the Tower of London as an abortion machine. Yikes. Thanks. Here's a new one, Deez. And he sent me two images directly. I'll throw those up on the screen. Oops. Where'd it go? Let me try saving that to my desktop first and then throwing them up on the screen.
Bam. Let's see.
Transform, Fit Screen, and the other one.
Unknown_00: And I don't know, I like that one a lot. That's scary because the guy's injecting a needle right into the brain of that little baby. Oh my god, the deep state at it again.
Unknown_00: So that's Sheeple and I'll describe it for people listening. It's a little baby and he's on the phone and he's got a meter attached to him. His skull is cut right open and a doctor's hand which has silicone on the wrist.
is injecting a needle full of mercury directly into the brain.
Unknown_00: There is a airplane overhead that is leaving behind a chemtrail that says aluminum.
Unknown_00: A little another another doctor is holding out a cup of fluoride. There's a Wi-Fi and 5G tower in the background. And another doctor has a yellow prescription bottle of Ritalin. And the baby is the floor is literally entirely skulls. It's extremely fucking metal.
Unknown_00: So obviously this kid on the kids meter, it says negative six, six, six, six, six. So I think the meter is analyzing his 5Gs or something. And it's just showing how the Illuminopoly is poisoning this kid's mind. Then in the other one, the other edition of Sheeple, Sheeple 46 from July 2018.
It looks like an AI lady. She's got silicone, like, motherboard printing on her face. And she's blue, like AI would be. Like Vicky from iRobot. And it says, beyond human, super longevity, super intelligence, super well-being. Implanted brain machine interface enhances human abilities to computer speed. And the robot hand in front of the AI lady is holding up an apple.
that has like a black sperm on it and the apple itself is like it looks like um black licorice like chunky black licorice or something like or like a brood of spider eggs that has a bite into it and it's just oozing out transhuman population satanist dream of total mind control black goo self-replicating programmable synthetic dna
So obviously the Satanists are trying to eradicate humanity by using artificial intelligence. And thankfully, David D. will not be around to see such things.
Unknown_00: Oh, there's more stuff from the thread. I'll just go through it. And the way he died is pretty apropos, too. Kudos to him, I guess.
Unknown_00: These are... You have a black science man and some other famous scientist. They're at the edge of the Earth. The polar icefall looking out at space. And I think this is his depiction of the flat Earth. The end of the flat Earth.
Which is pretty awesome, to be honest.
Unknown_00: uh, this one is Amanda. This one, this one's actually very, I think, I think this one will actually happen here. We have some pigs and they've pinned a family to the ground. The armored patrol car says mandatory vaccines and they've got, um, syringes full of vaccines and they're just like forcing people to get vaccinated. Uh, there's,
Unknown_00: There's drones and shit up in the air. And I want to say that the little icon on the police and stuff is like a Star of David. Because I do know he's very anti-Zionist. I don't know if he is.
I don't know if he's like racist. Because I don't think he is. I think he's just very anti-Israel as a state. Because it's like a black doctor is holding the needle. So we're saying that doctors can be black. I don't think he's racist.
Unknown_00: And then, oh, he became very anti-Trump at some point. I think he was pro-Trump early on, but then when Trump started to reveal that he was very pro-Israel, Deez turned on him. So this is a picture of the famous scene from The Shining with the two little girls in the hallway. And one of them is Hillary Clinton and the other one is Donald Trump and they're holding hands. So he's very clearly trying to say that they're creepy twins and not very different from each other. Oh, and here's one for Pizzagate. I like this one.
I don't remember if that's Tony or Joe Podesta, but they're at Ping Pong Pizza, and there's the satanic images and shit in the background and the paintings that were scary.
Unknown_00: And he's enticed a little boy who's wearing one of the pedophile icons at Ping Pong Pizza. And Hillary Clinton is, for some reason, the waitress, and she's taking the order, and she's wearing a pentagram as a necklace.
Very good stuff.
Unknown_00: And there's the Rothschild thing. Yeah. See, he's got like the star of David and shit up there, but, and they all have star of David's on, but like, I really don't think he's racist.
Unknown_00: I've never seen anything of his that's racist. And one more thing about him is, uh,
Unknown_00: This right here.
Unknown_00: I found this funny. This is a picture from a German textbook that was for French and German bilingual education about European history. It's like a Pac-Man edit. The Pac-Man is like the stars of the European Union flag in the Euro and how it's eating up all the different countries that are not a part of the Eurozone yet.
And it's just kind of implying that the Euro is a monster eating up the sovereign states. But they didn't know when they printed that that it belonged to David Dees.
Unknown_00: So when someone finally recognized it four years later, the publishing house, Klett Verlag, was in big trouble because it was a German printing company that printed an image from a very anti-Zionist person, which is not a popular position to take in Germany at the moment. So I don't know. I thought that was funny.
That's what you get for fucking stealing images off Google image search. You motherfuckers. You're supposed to check for the rights first. I think that's it.
Unknown_00: That's it as far as locale content. Now I can rant.
Unknown_00: Fuck Europeans. I think that's my sentiment.
Unknown_00: What I've learned in the last couple of months is that the Europeans like to pretend that they're not racist. That's their big thing, right? Europeans love to say that they're not racist. They're not racist. They're not bigoted in any way. But I've learned that they're still very much supremacist.
Oh, check Twitter. This better be fucking worth it.
Unknown_00: I'll get back into my rant, D-Ro. Why does he watch my streams? He doesn't like me.
Unknown_00: Is he going to copyright strike my channel now?
Unknown_00: Let's see.
Unknown_00: Josh seems really mad on his show right now. I'm so sorry you're upset. I can understand. It's a tough life when you derive no pleasure from your sex. Why does he keep bringing this up? I'm not going to talk about my penis to him.
I've said before that I have problems ejaculating from sex. But if that's changed, if that's changed at all, I would never say. Because that's stupid. I'm not going to tell people about my personal life. And that's another thing that he always hammers. You know what I mean? He goes into the child. He says that I'm a child pornographer. I'm a pedophile. I've been molested and I can't ejaculate. That's like his favorite cozy places. He likes to wrap himself in those things like a blanket. Whenever he thinks grumpy thoughts that involve me, whenever the thought of me enters his head and he gets angry over it. He pulls out his child pornography, got molested, can't come from sex blanket, and just cozies himself in, makes a little nest out, like a burrito, and he gets comfy.
I don't know. I don't feel inclined to defend myself from these accusations because it's Ethan Ralph saying them. And I think that anyone... I think people know me. You know what I mean? I don't think anyone that I care about, anybody whose opinion I value, would think these things about me. So... I just... It's just whatever. Ralph can be angry and he can throw whatever kind of a fit, but... If he's acting funny, if he fucks up so bad that he announces the closure of a site based off of a tweet, not even a tweet, a fucking fake forged message on a image board without doing any checking whatsoever to see if that message was actually truthful when it's super easy to I spent hours building in PGP signatures into the image board so that you can easily verify if a message was made by me because it's very easy because users can style their board. So it's very easy to style a board in such a way that you can forge administrator posts with just the cap code, but you can't forge the PGP signature. That's why I went out of the way to develop that. That's the entire point of that system. So to not use it when it's right there in front of you is just such a level of laziness that I can't empathize with at all. It's just a fuck up. It's, it's, it's seeing something you desperately want to be true and not doing the bare minimum to see if it is true. And then humiliating yourself in front of your audience by showing what a fucking frog you are. You're like a, it's a fake journalism front. And now his cam whore girlfriend is his editor in chief or not the editor in chief, but like his assistant, he, she's the next, she's the next step below editor in chief. Cause there's no other fucking people writing for that fucking blog. But now she's on a cam whore officially. She's an editor for, for a blog.
So, whatever. Whatever, my dude.
Unknown_00: Anyways. Fuck Europeans, and I'll tell you why. They like to think... They like to say... They like to say that all their colonialism, all their white, all their pride in their race and culture is a thing of the past. They're old, antiquated ideas. But when it comes to America, they very specifically do believe that they are better than Americans. Always. And it doesn't matter what you talk to them about. They think that they have the best workforce. They have the best products. They have the best unions. They have the best...
Legislator, they have the best democratic system, they have the best court systems. The German, for instance, with Germany, you have their idea of self-defending democracy. And because American democracy is hard-coded into the Constitution that we can overthrow the government and install a fascist dictatorship if we really wanted to. The Constitution very explicitly permits that kind of revolt. But the democratic systems of Europe do not. They are all self-defending democracies. Where if a fascist uprising were to happen in the continent, the government would be allowed, by any means necessary, to squash that. They could kill people. They could throw people in jail forever. They could submit them to hard labor. There's no... all hands off. If you threaten democracy in Europe, then you are at the, the, uh, the mercy of the state essentially, which in that case, I don't see how it's a liberal society, but it's whatever.
My point is, is that they believe that they have a better everything. And if you try to say that America has anything good, then they laugh at you. like for instance during the uh corona stuff our uh health official went to the who in the un and they said something like america has a great health care system and the german gesundheit minister scoffed like a child like snorted laughing like they like an actual child at the words of the u.s health officials saying that uh we had a good health care system so in every way Germany especially believes that it's better than the United States, and it's better at promoting liberal policies like immigration, and it believes that it's at the forefront. You can't call them Nazis anymore because they're the anti-Nazis. They're the most not Nazis ever. They're the best progressives on earth. They're the most progressive, and they're the most anti-Nazi, and they're the best at it. They're the supremacists and the anti-Nazi and best... uh in in progressive fields and they're going to make sure that everyone else has their ideology of pro-democracy pro-progressive uh socialism and and whatever and they're better at it and fuck you and they'll laugh at you if you say otherwise and it's not just germany it's all of them they all do this And I really think that the entire world, despite the sacrifices of the United States, the entire world hates America. And I know a lot of people think that's like obvious.
But they really have no appreciation for the lives of Americans thrown at the fucking beaches to defend their fucking colonies in Vietnam and Korea. They don't give a fuck. They have no value for American lives. They refuse to appreciate American sacrifice. And who can blame them, honestly?
Unknown_00: Because how do you look at our miscreant mercenary outfit of goblins and foreigners, people who are entirely dedicated to materialistic pursuits? You don't give a fuck about America, who want a 20-year pension and health care and a college degree and, in many cases, citizenship. And that's all they give a fuck about. They don't have any appreciation for America at all. How can you respect that? Even if they are dying for you, literally dying for your financial interests, how can you do anything but pity them and how they subsist under you? Well, you pay no money for your own defense and you spend all your money back into your own community. I would pity the Americans too if I was a foreigner.
And you know what? Here's a fun fact that I think a lot of people do know, but more people need to be aware of, is that the United States Navy is literally the only maritime force in the entire world that actually matters. Even Russia and China do not have the aircraft carriers that the Americans do. They have like one each. And the Russian aircraft carrier is fucking pitiful. It looks like a piece of shit. It looks like a joke. And I think they're thinking of decommissioning it or selling it to China because it's just such a fucking joke and it's an embarrassment to the Russian government to have this piece of shit aircraft carrier. Meanwhile, the Americans have, like, what, 16 nuclear aircraft carriers? And many of them have a running budget greater than, like, the bottom 100 countries of the planet. Their GDPs are less than what it costs to fund those ships.
Unknown_00: We do all the anti-privateering in the entire world, even in China, even in the South China Sea, where China is actively staking claims and trying to claim the entire South China Sea as being exclusively their economic interest zone. we still do the anti-privateering shit there which is why there's no such thing as a pirate anymore except for a bunch of somalians off the coast of of the horn of africa that's it because the united states navy takes care of all privateering in the entire world to the point where when china was upsetting the united states recently we we threatened to stop patrolling their waters and allow privateering to occur in the south china sea because china that was our position
And in Greece, there have been incidents where Turkish and Algerian pirates were intercepted by the Greek Navy. And because most countries in the world have a death penalty for Greek or for not for Greeks, for privateers. The United States Navy does not, and by UN charter, which we obviously puppeteer, the entire UN, maybe China's winning on that now, but a death penalty for privateers is not allowed. We don't do that. So when we see that another country is defending its own waters, the US Navy actually rushes in to intercept the other country's Navy protecting its own waters, to capture the privateers, risking American lives in the process, specifically so that we do not execute them.
we do that everywhere and they hate us every country that we consider an ally right now fucking hates us they look down at us they pity us they look with abject horror at our government and how we police and they don't understand how their policies are going to lead to the mongolization of their countries and they're going to have the exact same fucking problems
Unknown_00: And Germany was boasting about having a GDP higher than expected, so they had to do a vote on where to send that money to. And it's like, yeah, you can be a very profitable country when you throw your entire people down a fucking well, import slave labor from Poland and Turkey, pay them pennies on the dollar, and reap the rewards for it. Yeah, that's a very profitable enterprise. It was called slavery. We got rid of it because it started fucking with us. And it will start fucking with you guys, too. And then you're going to have a world where the American military, because the American military is pathetic. Don't think for a second that it's going to be able to stand up when things get hard. Because all it takes, remember, they're only there for the money. They're only, let me drink this beer real quick.
They're only there for the money. If the money stops, they don't give a fuck anymore.
Unknown_00: And what would stop the money going to these people, to our mercenaries that protect our country?
Unknown_00: How about this? If 1% of voluntary tax contributors stop voluntarily paying tax, the IRS has a complete failure to enforce...
Unknown_00: Tax law. All it takes is 1% of people to stop paying taxes for the entire IRS to collapse.
And what might cause people to not pay taxes? How about 15% unemployment or economic stagnation or the fact that their business is just fucking burned down?
Unknown_00: Not even because of like a protest against the government, just because the economy has been gone to shit and people are killing each other in the streets.
Unknown_00: But then you factor in the fact that nobody's fucking doing anything about it.
Unknown_00: And the attempts to do things about it have been horrendous. You're seeing we activated the Insurrection Act and now you're seeing our fucking mercenaries on their fucking knees in front of the rioters that they're supposed to be quelling in the most disgraceful bullshit ever fucking put on footage that will be featured in history books as a point of humiliation of our empire as it collapses. People are just gonna stop paying taxes and then all those fucking guys are gonna go home. They're gonna take their shit They're gonna go home because fuck it. They're not getting paid anymore and they don't care about the US That's what's gonna happen and then we're not gonna have enough money to put a fucking John Smith on every Pacific Island base that we have those are going to be closed down and the countries that own those islands are naturally going to reclaim them as part of their sovereignty and And then it's gone. It's gone forever and we'll never get it back. Pax Americana is gone. And then people can finally, finally, after 75 years of having to sit on their fucking ass and just suck American dick and play nice and be restricted to smirking when the Americans say something you find funny at the WHO, they will finally be able to let out that sexual tension and fucking kill each other and we won't be able to do a goddamn thing about it. And that's what's coming.
I truly believe that we are witnessing the end times. And people think that people have been prognosticating the end of the American empire for decades.
Unknown_00: For decades. And they were right that those people were wrong, obviously, because there hasn't been decline yet. But the difference is now that the protesters and rioters aren't white because white people are fucking retards. Do you know why all these companies are sucking LGBT George Lloyd Dick right now? Because those companies don't want to be burned to the ground. I don't even believe it's a conspiracy because there's way too many companies who came out all at once in favor of something that's not entirely popular. There has to be a financial reason for it that's immediately obvious to everyone and not just people who are interested in virtue signaling. It's because if you look at HMN. or H&M when they did the coolest monkey in the jungle thing with the little black boy that pissed off everyone because it was racist apparently the South Africans burned down every H&M in South Africa they looted those fucking stores and burned them down
that's what happened these rioters are not white they don't give a fuck they don't have civility and if your corporation becomes part of the white patriarchy they will fucking ruin you and there won't be enough insurance money to go around You'll be able to file insurance, but all your shit, every single Nintendo of America store around the country burned to the fucking ground all at once. Well, now you're going to have to go through the process. You're going to fight insurance. You're going to get less than what you wanted. And because they're going to blame it on the fact you didn't come out in favor of Black Lives Matter or whatever. There's going to be some legal battle. And then your premiums are going to be higher. So it would cause financial ruination. All these companies are going to fucking kneel right next to the fucking mercenaries. in the in the white house and suck black live matter dick because they don't want their shit ruined and what happens when white people protest though we're gonna boycott we're gonna boycott you're gonna boycott all these fucking companies no you're not what the fuck are you gonna do you're gonna grow your own corn you're gonna sacrifice ethan ralph in your fucking backyard so that you can have corn to eat so that you don't have to eat anything because every restaurant in the u.s came out at once to say please don't burn down my fucking store i love you guys i promise No, you're not. You're going to eat the fucking bullshit. You're going to go back to McDonald's and eat the Black Lives Matter hamburger or whatever, and you're not going to do shit.
You're all fucked. You had your chance. You had your chance to fix your country. You had your chance to revolt. We had the 2016 election. Donald Trump was supposed to fix it. He didn't fucking fix it.
Unknown_00: You're all...
Unknown_00: All fucked. You're all fucked. And guess who's not fucked? That's me. That's me. Because I left.
I had someone who was a white supremacist tell me that they're just waiting for that race war. He had buddies down in Arkansas who had ATVs with machine guns that could be mounted to them. And they just roll around on these white pride ATVs and mow down all the black people nearby. And it's like, you know, maybe Arkansas might do that, but there's no way.
There's no way you're going to have that on a wide scale. White people just aren't about that. All the strong ones died when the army was an army and not a mercenary outfit.
Unknown_00: All that's left is...
Unknown_00: People who play with their Nintendo Switches. They drink their craft beer. They watch football. Or they watch eSports. And they masturbate to cuck hypnosis porn. And they have no interest against taking up arms. There's that fucking video. I don't know where it's at. You know what? I do know where it's at. Let me pull it up.
Let me show you this is gonna be the cries of all the white people during the race war you ready? They're not gonna be out there on fucking race war ATVs. This is gonna be We're on your side! We're on your side!
Unknown_05: Holy shit!
Unknown_01: We're on your side! We're on your fucking side!
Unknown_05: What the fuck? What the fuck?
That's it. That's it, white boy. Replace the fucking windows. Better buy from a black window smith. Do those exist? Do black people make windows? Fuck it.
Unknown_00: Projection? Projection?
Unknown_00: I tried my best. I tried my best to tell people things. And the sad realization that I've come to this year is that I'm very alone in my ideology. And nobody thinks like I do. And nobody wants what I do. People don't want freedom of speech. They don't. They want
They want to hear things that they're already comfortable with. Even the people on the right. It's as much a hug box as it is on the left. Nobody can tolerate opposing ideas anymore. Everyone wants enforced privacy and they want...
Unknown_00: echo chambers for themselves and they just want to be around people who think and act like they do already and i i think that things like the section 230 repeal based on what i've seen on my forum and abroad uh from people on the right is that they do they do want section 230 repealed people on the left want it too and the government will be more than happy to because it empowers them
And it allows less competition for social media platforms.
Unknown_00: The one 230 amendment that exists that's reasonable has zero co-sponsors. While the EARN IT Act has been earning more co-sponsors, the EARN IT Act creates a subcommittee of 19 fucking retards from the government to police the entire internet using 230's leverage.
Unknown_00: And that's what people want. They want the boot. And it's gotten worse. Since Trump got in, it's gotten worse. It's not just bad. I think that the tide is turning, and people are becoming more authoritarian, and they just don't want what I want. And it's very damaging to my motivation, because why wouldn't it be?
People, I mean, I understand the sentiment that if we had to sacrifice the forum to the corn in order to have freedom of speech on the internet, obviously that would be worth it, right?
Unknown_00: But that's not what's actually happening. And I don't know if people don't know that or if they don't care, but the prevailing opinion seems to be that these things have to go, we have to put more trust in the government,
And we'll just hope for the best.
Unknown_04: And I guess that's it, because that's what people voted for. Oh, he's going off at me again. Oh, jeez. Let's take a check.
Unknown_00: Because I ran out of steam with my .
Unknown_04: And I guess I can retire for the day.
Oh, he tweeted out that I tried to get a job from people?
Unknown_00: What's wrong with that?
Unknown_00: I have to privately solicit people for money. I get emails for contracts and stuff like that. That's not... Whatever.
Unknown_00: You gotta use what's available to you to get money.
Unknown_00: Getting money in and of itself is not a measurement of anything. If he thinks otherwise, he's retarded. Because he doesn't make that much money. He lives in a fucking crack shack with his dying mother.
Unknown_00: Obviously, money has not brought him the kind of...
The money that he's made has not brought him any kind of royal accommodations. He's not surrounded by friends who love him.
Unknown_00: Money is not... I could make money if I just got rid of the shit that I like and that I've built. You know what I mean?
Unknown_00: I don't think people realize this, but I've gotten job offers. I've put in applications and stuff, and I've gotten to the fourth stages of interviews with big companies offering over $100,000 a year because I'm overqualified for these positions.
And then when it gets to the background check, they say, no, no, we can't take you. And you know why? And it's like, yeah, I guess I can't even be angry. So I have to take money through other ways or I, or I would have to give up on the site. I can't be both ways. I can't just change my name and then start doing work on the side to make money for the site.
Unknown_00: And that's not, again, that's not offensive to me. I do what is absolutely necessary to continue myself and my work, yes. That's not a point of shame to me.
I think that's it. Anyone angry at me for my rant about America? No.
Unknown_04: I changed my sex, now you're talking. That's thinking ahead. Let's see. I'm a traitor, probably.
Unknown_00: probably i mean i i don't feel any love for america that's the funny thing ralph was going off saying that i lived in bulgaria and i didn't speak the language and people who don't speak the language go crazy but those people don't speak the language in like the soviet era couldn't communicate at all in english i communicate in english every day that's why i don't learn the language because i don't have any reason to uh
I feel as alien as I did in Ukraine, as I did in Niceville, as I did in Florida, or Pensacola in Florida. I've never felt at home in the U.S. I didn't feel at home in Buffalo. I didn't feel at home in Maryland. I've always felt like a drifter.
Unknown_00: And I've never felt that connection to blood and soil that people talk about.
Unknown_00: I have no love, especially for Florida. I have no love for it.
Unknown_00: Get a pedicure, honey. Damn straight. I might just do that. I'll post my cheese when I get my feet scrubbed.
Florida in Jew quotes.
Unknown_00: What's that for? Just because Florida has mandatory Holocaust education doesn't mean they're controlled.
Unknown_04: I'm a nomad because I'm Jewish. Okay. Maybe. Maybe there's something I don't know about.
Unknown_04: The last time I was in the U.S., I lived in Buffalo.
Unknown_00: And I just remember I always like whenever I talk about this, people make fun of me like if they're not all right. But every relationship I saw was a black guy and a white woman in Buffalo. Every stroller I saw was like a gross looking mixed baby.
And it's so weird to actively see the death of a country and the people. Because once it's changed like that, it's changed forever. And you can't get it back.
Unknown_00: In Ukraine, I lived next to a park, and there would always be like a thousand kids out in this fucking park every day. And they would all be Ukrainian. And they would all speak Russian, because it's in the south. I'm sure in Kiev it's the same, and they speak Ukrainian.
But they had a monolith culture, and they fit in together.
Unknown_00: And it was pleasant. It was pleasant to see a city that looked alive, where you could always hear kids, because it was a growing population, and it wasn't a declining population like it is in the U.S. That's how I always felt. The cities in America, the places I've lived, have all been soulless, dying places. And there's no more soulless and dying than Florida, where the average age of people living there is like 50 years old.
And they don't have any fucking kids, or if they do, they're far away. And it's just fat, childless women running every fucking thing. Bull dykes in a fucking truck. 300 pounds who ran everything. And they were all broken branches. And there's no way to not be depressed in that situation. You go outside, you go to Serbia, you go to Ukraine, it's different. And it's nice. It's nice to be around a place that's young.
Unknown_00: Odessa is a very old city, but it felt young. And the people took care of shit. It wasn't dirty. Belgrade is by far the cleanest city I've ever been to. I've been told the outskirts are dirty because that's where all the... I think the Bosnians live. And it's dirty where the Bosnians live. But in the inner city of Belgrade, it is very clean. It's a pristine... It's shockingly clean. And I see the water tanks come by every weekend. And they hose down the entire fucking city. Every week. And it is spotless. So...
I don't know. I would suggest if you've never left the U.S., go leave. The entire world is open. You have to wait for the coronavirus shit to end. But the entire world is open if you have a U.S. passport. Go anywhere. Go see anything. And go see a country poorer than the U.S. Go to Brazil. Go to Botswana. Go to Mongolia. Pick any fucking country in the world. They will let you in. Save up $1,000 and buy a plane ticket and go fucking see a country. Because if you've only seen America, you don't even know what you're missing.
Every time I hear about what a shithole I live in because I'm on the run, I'm just thinking, like, you've never been outside the country. You have no frame of reference. Your city is burning down because of a bunch of fucking monkeys. My city's clean. My city is pristine. Everywhere I walk, there are women by themselves because they're not afraid of being raped. There are children in strollers being pushed around by their moms because they're not afraid of being raped. They're not afraid of being mugged. The stores are safe. Everyone is safe here, even at night. And there's no fires. There's no riots. They bang pots and pans together when they're pissed off, but that's about it.
It's just so frustrating.
And that's where I kind of break because you try to tell people. You try to tell people that it's going to end up a certain way. And they're all convinced. And maybe I do believe in my bad predictions. Maybe that's why I always say my predictions because apparently I'm always wrong. So I lose nothing if I'm wrong about this. If I'm terribly wrong about this, I win still. And if I'm right, I hedge my bets against the house. I still won because I was right. So whatever.
Unknown_00: Get to Middle America? Dude, it's gonna be like the fucking... The... The... The Tower the Man Lives In. What the fuck is the name of that?
it's the book where the axis one world war ii and you have the japanese on the west coast and you have the germans on the east coast and then the middle on the rocky mountains you have all the gun-toting weirdos that's called no man's land like is that is that going to be the future of america we're just going to own everything from alberta down to texas and no man's land if you're brown you come to texas you come to no man's land you get fucking shot is that what you're hoping for is that the survival of the species fuck off
Man in the High Castle, that's up.
Unknown_04: Belgrade is very nice, and it's very nice. All right, I think I'm done.
Unknown_00: Is there anything I missed?
Unknown_04: Let's check the feed again, see if there's anything.
Unknown_04: Oh, Ralph feels sorry for me.
Unknown_00: whatever I'm content with my life choices believe it or not uh I don't have any regrets so I'm pretty sure Ralph has some regrets Venti no that's too stinky even for me to touch all right I think I'm done I have shit to do I'm gonna be gone for a while um
Jake Paul was arrested. Nobody cares.
Unknown_00: All right, stay safe. Buy guns. Buy more ammo than guns. Buy guns for your entire family. Buy buckets of ammunition. Be aware that there are lines in front of gun stores, so buy guns by mail if you can.
Unknown_00: You can buy surplus ammunition by crate load if you want to.
Unknown_00: In most states, if you're in a shitty state, leave that state because it's shitty.
Unknown_00: Buy Bitcoin. Is that it? Is that it? Is that it? Are we done? All right, I'll see you guys next Friday, maybe.
Take it easy.
Unknown_04: Actually, Sudden Change of Heart. I'm gonna go with a different song. Yes I got
I'd forget Or I'd regret The special love I have for you All the days became so long
is all I have to say Thank you.