I give up, man.
Unknown_19: I give up. There's no end to this.
Unknown_19: I was thinking, just the other day, the last month, like, especially with 9chan, it's like, I did a lot.
Unknown_19: I did a lot to try and make space for shit, but 9chan just has a contingent of pedophiles who know me and who post child pornography every single day. Not even to post it, just to spite me. they'll post child they'll post pictures of children being raped with the messages hey janny josh delete this sweep it up and a picture of a kid being fucked and it's just like i i really thought i was desensitized to the i've been around for a long time i thought i was desensitized to everything but i'm not and it really it really does like fuck with me so now
It's... I'm looking at this shit. I really thought when Trump would be elected, I really thought that he would, uh...
Unknown_19: he would at least not make things worse you know i thought for sure clinton would go to war with russia and trump wouldn't trump would not go to war with russia it would not go to war in the middle east he would be home he would be nationalist he would be uh an economic defender and at the very worst he would do nothing at all you know what i mean
And this shit is just unbelievable to me. Because it is weird. Do I even have it up? Here. Let me find the tweet, this actual tweet. Because I'm looking at it and I'm just thinking, like, what the fuck?
Unknown_19: And it's not even like, people are saying, oh, I'm overreacting, like a libtard. Because Trump said something and everything Trump does is wrong. I have been talking consistently...
Unknown_19: about this particular piece of legislation for years. For years. Anyone who's listened to me for any length of time knows that I've talked about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act for years. And I have repeatedly said... That that law is the underpinning for our entire internet. It is the most important piece of our legislation in terms of our dominance in the internet. It is the reason why every company, even foreign companies, host their shit in the United States.
It is the reason why we saw the... The CDA was signed in 1996. It is a 25-year-old piece of legislation that has seen...
Unknown_19: everything that you've ever loved about the internet and people are trying to to compare this to net neutrality net neutrality being finally tossed out was not a good thing either but because people haven't been struck immediately afterwards they don't realize that and they think that this is something similar it's not
I will explain.
Unknown_19: What can read it together? It's actually really simple. Let me open my live stream chat in Discord.
Unknown_26: Why not?
Unknown_26: it's a very look this is it this is the entire law you see how magnificently short it is it's like when you read the constitution the constitution is a couple sentences long all the amendments at least the bill of rights is rather short because you don't need complex legalese to explain a good idea a permission and let me clarify right off the bat that this is not regulation because i keep seeing the same things that i heard during the net neutrality stuff
Trump isn't destroying anything. He's simply clarifying and having existing regulation be enforced. But this is not regulation.
Unknown_19: In the first section of the CDA, this is 47 U.S. Code Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
Unknown_19: uh for findings and this is just them saying that we have to make the internet because the internet is good for economy and they were right 1996 they knew that this was a revolution like more than the gutenberg revolution with the the printing press this is a fundamental shift in everything that we know
Policy, that's them saying the same things, that we want better internet.
Unknown_19: And then section C, this is the important bit that people are fighting over. Protection for good Samaritan blocking and screening of offensive material.
Unknown_19: Treatment of publisher or speaker. No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
Unknown_19: So that is to say, if you are an ISP or a website host and someone uses your service to make a message, you did not make that. You are not legally liable for it. And Section 2 explains further. that civil liability, no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of A, any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing,
or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected. Which means that if you run a service and you block something from your service, you are not then considered an editor. And B continues to explain, any action taken to enable or make available to information content providers or others the technical means to restrict access to the material described in the paragraph. Meaning if you make a tool... or you provide some kind of filter, you're also not an editor. So automated processes are not editorialization. And to explain the difference between an editor and a publisher is this. It's the difference between the QE forums and something like BuzzFeed. Why can Hulk Hogan sue BuzzFeed and win millions of dollars for content published on BuzzFeed? But Vordrak and other people on the site cannot sue the forum and get millions of dollars for that. The answer is that BuzzFeed is an editorialized newspaper which selects what it prints. And the Kiwi Farms is not. It's an open platform where people can post their own information and they're liable for it.
Unknown_19: That is about kids. And that's it. I mean, that's the most important part. That's it. That's all you need to know about Section 230. If you run something and someone uses it in a way that creates civil liability, the person who is damaged by that tort cannot come at you. They cannot come at the ISP. They cannot come at the service provider. That is the foundation of the internet. If someone else does something on your property, you are not therefore liable for what they've done. And I want you to pay attention to the exemptions. Section E defines things that Section 230 does not cover, explicitly does not cover.
Specifically, in section E1, it says nothing in this section shall be construed to impair the enforcement of section 223 or 231 of this title, which refers to child pornography. So the first part is no effect on criminal law explicitly regarding child pornography. Which is, if you think about it, what is the one thing that no one can host, that no one fucks around with? Child pornography. Why? Because Section 230 does not create exemptions for child pornography. I've heard people say that if someone posts child pornography on your site now that you'll automatically go to jail for it if this gets repealed. That's not true. Child pornography has never been covered by Section 230. If you have it on your site or you're passing it through your service, you are liable for it unless you take correct action to get rid of it. But then the second one is no effect on intellectual property law. Nothing in the section shall be construed to limit or expand any law pertaining to intellectual property. What is the big thing on the internet that intellectual property is affected by? The DMCA.
There's an explicit provision in this bill that was created by the DMCA to allow people to sue content providers if they host intellectual property belonging to a third party, even if they did not post it themselves. How has the DMCA worked for everyone? It's been pretty fucking awful. The DMCA is a fucking blight on the internet. It's one of the worst goddamn things that we have on the books right now so I want you to imagine that when this when this section 230 is revoked and it's not just like Trump oh is kind of hinting that he wants to get out uh repeal it right now he is explicitly saying in his in his usual fashion in the usual fashion he goes at everything
Revoke 230. As explicit as it gets. This isn't like a joke. He's not just playing around with it. He's saying as loud as he can, revoke 230. So this is what he wants to get rid of. And if 230 is revoked, everything will be as liable as DMCA shit is.
So when they say...
Unknown_19: When you think of the fucking copyright claims and how bad that's been for everyone, that will apply to defamation as well. You'll have complaints about defamation. YouTube will get a defamation complaint from someone saying that this content is defamatory. And then YouTube has the choice of saying, we're going to defend this content and take liability for it personally, or we're going to we're going to have to take it down because without section 230, that's their fucking choices. Everything on the internet will become like copyright. And it's the worst thing you could ever possibly fucking do. It is the, it would kill the internet.
And, I mean, look at the, what kills me is, okay, if Trump's just a fucking retard and people are against it, which you would hope they would be, because obviously they should be, then whatever, that's what it is. Trump probably won't pass it.
Unknown_19: But if you look in the replies, the people who are pro-Trump are still supporting it. Stone Toss is still supporting it. And why? Why?
Has nobody read the law? I want to make it really abundantly clear. We just looked at the law. This is what it says. There's no secret part of this law that I'm not showing you. There is nothing in this that protects Twitter from banning people.
Unknown_19: The part that it says that people can ban people is that they can take actions in good faith to restrict access or availability of material that is otherwise objectionable, which means that it's anything they object to. It's private property. So when they say that Section 230 is just protecting people from lawsuits specifically for banning people, that's not what this section is saying. The section is saying that...
They are not editors simply because they remove things, which is true. You're not an editor if you're removing things. The issue with Twitter is adding those little fucking things that cover up tweets saying, this is bad, but it's in public interest. I don't know. Maybe that would be an argument for Twitter.
But there is no tort in the United States law that says you can sue someone if they ban you from a website. So the idea that you can, even if they repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, you cannot ban them for, or you cannot sue them for banning you. That's not what it does. So people hoping that they'll be able to form some kind of class action lawsuit against Twitter for banning them is fucking retarded. There has never been a law in the United States saying that you can sue someone for banning you. So the idea is he's fucking with this underpinning of everything that we use.
One of the most important pieces of legislation that the United States of America has ever written will fuck with that and will apply arbitrary publisher statuses and editorial statuses to people running websites because they're not playing fair.
Unknown_19: And what happens when that happens? Then Twitter just becomes even more censored. YouTube, they're not going to go away. The big websites are never going to go away. They have private funding. Google has private funding. They'll always be able to defend their defense force.
It makes it so that small websites can't do it. Because here's the thing with lawsuits. You can sue anyone for everything...
Unknown_19: for anything you want. You don't actually have to have a reason to sue someone. It just gets thrown out if you have no reason or a bad reason. If someone tries to sue me right now claiming defamation, I have an affirmative defense. I can say I did not write that. I am not the speaker of that claim. Your tort is misdirected at me. I request summary defense. So when you retain a lawyer and you put $5,000 down on your attorney,
You know, it will take him two hours of those 40 hours you just bought for that amount of money to file this summary judgment request. And then you have case law. So when the next one comes, you can just refile it and say we had this exact same issue before and it was a summary judgment because of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Please throw this out. And then you can start requesting attorney's fees and shit.
Without this, you would have to hire an attorney to actually defend the claim as if you wrote it. And you would have to prove that it wasn't defamation for every single lawsuit. So Twitter could do that. Google could do that.
Unknown_19: I can't do that. I can't afford that. And people have the audacity to say, simply move the website out of the country.
Well, everything I own is in America. Except me. Except me and the clothes on my back and my computer. Everything I own is American. All my money is American. My passport is American. My companies are American. The data center where my shit is hosted is in America. My hardware is in America. I can't just up and move that out of the fucking country. and the number of countries that actually provide safe harbor provisions like that are are very few it's like estonia is the only one america and estonia are the only countries that have a provision like this which is why every single thing is hosted in america and even if estonia like stood up for this do you think estonia has the capacity to to hold this that that kind of standard against foreign powers if the eu wanted something removed or Russia wanted something removed, or China wanted something removed. No, the United States is the only country in the entire world that has the capacity to be the torchbearer for the internet. No other country can do it.
Estonia and other small countries having this kind of law doesn't even matter, because if the U.S. government pressures someone into removing something, they have to.
Unknown_19: like even international copyright laws work across or the u.s copyright laws work across borders because every every country is basically subservient to the u.s with very limited exception or people suggesting that i put it in tour or something like i'm sorry i've done enough i've given up enough of myself to this shit and And I've been able to do it because it is legal. It has been legal the entire time, and it still right now is legal. But if it is made illegal, I can't, I have to give up. And I said, and people said, oh, you're being so melodramatic. How many times have you threatened to take down the Kiwi Farms before? I'm not exaggerating the truth. Repealing this law would be worse for the forum and for me than my family being angry at me and trying to pressure me to take it down. Losing 230 is a bigger deal for the future of the site than losing family support. Because I can't go against the United States government, especially when they're in the right. And removing 230 would make them in the right.
Unknown_19: And people say, okay, fine, it's just the Kiwi Farms. We're willing to sacrifice you to the corn for our great uprising. We're going to get back at Twitter. We're going to get back at YouTube. Even if we have to sacrifice you and Encyclopedia Dramatica to the corn because Twitter is bad and does bad things, that's all worth it. But you won't get what you want.
Like, fine, I understand that. If it would actually... I would shoot myself in the fucking head if it would make it so that banks would be impartial and not use payment processors to fuck with shit and decide who gets to be paid with that. I would literally burn myself alive if it ensured that the banks would be fucking fair to people. I have no problem being a martyr for that kind of shit. But you're sacrificing everything for nothing. You're sacrificing the one thing that has made any kind of pretend competition for Twitter and YouTube to actually exist.
But the real issue has always been the banks.
Unknown_19: Gab, these websites that are trying to be pretenders to YouTube and to Twitter cannot exist because they cannot make money. And the way that Bitcoin is going right now is that Bitcoin is getting more and more regulated all the time. It was some big European country. It was either Germany or France that shut down all its Bitcoin ATMs recently. China outlawed them recently.
Russia is passing legislation to make it so that if you have any Bitcoin transactions, you legally have to tell them what you're doing, as if it were real money.
Unknown_19: So Bitcoin is also being regulated extremely intensely. All the attention is being directed to legislation that protects small businesses and small websites, and nobody is saying, what are we going to do about the fucking payment processors? Right?
Unknown_19: And that's the issue. Look at what happened to Dick minutes, minutes after Trump published this executive order saying that, um, I'll go over the EO, but you know, he passes the thing saying that Twitter better be careful. A lot of finger wagging. And then what happens? Dick gets fucking Z-lined off of his payment processor.
So did it help? Did his executive order help? No. If there's anything editorializing, it's the fucking banks.
Unknown_19: But nobody is going to touch the banks. Nobody ever. Not Trump, not Biden, not Clinton. There will never in your lifetime be a president of the United States of America willing to tackle the banks and make payment processors either a regulated institution that has to play fair with everyone or a federal institution that only removes people based on court order.
And a lot of that has to do with the Patriot Act, because section title three of the Patriot Act outlines that banks are essentially a branch of the federal government now in terms of law enforcement. They have to be on the lookout for money laundering and terrorism. So if anything wigs them out in the same way, the banks lost section 230 or their equivalent for how they handle money. The banks used to be able to move money with a sense of impunity. But after they lost that protection after 9-11 for money laundering, they have to be extremely skittish with who they do business with. If people are getting money and they might be on right-wing watch or they might be on the ADL's hate list watch, then they have to consider that terrorism and they have to consider that a potential money laundering source. So they have to shut that down.
All he had to do to fix the problem was create competition. And the easiest way to do that would be to repeal Title III, the Patriot Act, or just fucking repeal the Patriot Act, and then pass legislation or instruct the FTC to ensure that the payment networks, MasterCard, Visa Card, Amex, Diners Club, can't fuck with people just doing ordinary lawful business. That's all he had to do. And I think it would be way more achievable with way more popular support than what he's trying to do.
It just makes me furious.
Unknown_19: It has literally crushed any hope I have of ever seeing this fixed. It has completely destroyed any hope I have of seeing this situation fixed. It is mangled beyond repair. Because now the goalposts have been moved to Section 230, the Communications Decency Act, being a battleground. It is a battleground that the different political ideologies are going to fuck with. They see it as a tool. If a website's doing something they don't like, they can fuck with Section 230 and make them squirm. And everyone loses as a result. And people think, oh, I'm not going to feel it. I don't host a website. Well, motherfucker, you use them.
And if it's not you that feels it directly, let's say that you don't even use the internet. Let's say that you're a fucking hermit and you just sit at home all day and you read books and you watch television. You will still be affected because the multi-trillion dollar a year industry that is internet in the United States will start to leave. Other countries will start being opportunistic and opening up laws to allow user-generated content to pass freely on their system. Like, if, for instance, a country like Russia says, oh, okay, we'll allow you guys to say whatever you want in Russia, just don't piss off the Russian government. That's a lot more generous than not having Section 230 at all.
And you will start to see that. You'll see a lot of opportunistic laws passing in countries to be like free speech havens outside of the United States that countries will flock to and move their infrastructure to, and everyone will suffer as a result.
So the executive order.
Unknown_19: The executive order says literally nothing. I'm not mad about the EO because I've looked at it and it's just, who gives a fuck? It's actually really funny to read this because it says so little.
Unknown_19: Free speech is the bedrock of American democracy. Our founding fathers protected this sacred right with the First Amendment of the Constitution. The freedom to express and debate ideas is the foundation for all our rights as a free people.
Unknown_19: And then it just goes on and on. All like the first two and a half pages are just nothing.
And then he goes into section two, protections against online censorship. A, it is the policy of the United States to foster clear ground rules for running free and open debate on the internet. Little I internet. It is not, it is a proper noun, Trump. It's a capital I. The internet is a proper fucking noun. When you talk about little I internet, it's a network of networks. But there is one big I internet.
Unknown_19: Prominent among the ground rules governing that debate is the immunity from liability created by Section 230C of the Communications Decency Act. It is the policy of the United States that the scope of the immunity should be clarified. The immunity should not extend beyond its text and purpose to provide protection for those who purport to provide a user's a form of for free and open speech.
so for those who purport to provide a forum for free and open speech but in reality use their power over a vital means of communication to engage in deceptive and pretextual actions stifling free and open debate by censoring certain viewpoints so if you don't purport to use if you don't purport to be a free and open forum which i don't think twitter has ever tried to be then then i guess this doesn't apply to you
Section 230 was designed to address early court decisions holding that if an online platform restricted access to some content posted by others, it would thereby become a publisher of all content posted on its site for the purposes of torts such as defamation. As the title of 230 makes clear, that provision provides limited liability protection to a provider of an interactive computer service that engages in good Samaritan blocking of harmful content. In particular, the Congress sought to provide protections for online platforms that attempted to protect minors from harmful content and intended to ensure that such providers would not be discouraged from taking down harmful material. The provision was also intended to further express the vision of the Congress that the Internet is a little-i Internet. So I don't know which little-i Internet he's talking about, but he's not talking about the Internet. It is a forum for true diversity of political discourse.
The limited protections provided by the statute should be those construed with that purpose in mind.
Unknown_19: In particular, subparagraph C2 expressly addresses protections from civil liability and specifies an interactive computer service provider may not be made liable on account of its decision in good faith, which we already said.
Unknown_19: Section 203 was not intended to allow a handful of companies to grow into titans controlling vinyl avenues of national discourse.
To advance the policy... Wait, wait, wait.
Unknown_19: When an interactive computer service provider removes or restricts access to content and its actions do not meet the criteria of paragraph C2A, it is engaged in editorial conduct. But we can read C2A. Any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that provide... that the provider of user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable. So let's look at content like this. Let's look at a tweet and put this to the test.
Like this. Let's see how much free speech the President of the United States has granted us with this amazing executive order of friends.
Unknown_19: Nigger, nigger, nigger. Nigger, nigger, nigger. Nigger, nigger, nigger. Nigger, nigger, nigger. Nigger, nigger, nigger. Nigger, nigger, nigger. Nigger. With this video attached. Nigger!
Unknown_50: Fuck this! I'm gonna vlog TV with my fucking hands up!
Now, I want you to tell me, now, all of us gamers, all of us gamers are thinking, that's free speech. The N-word is the epitome of free speech. That's the freest speech that speech gets to. These are considered to be obscene. ...food, lascivious, filthy, harassing, like, I don't know, maybe to Alex or to Keemstar, and then, or otherwise objectionable. What fucking material on the face of the fucking planet cannot be considered otherwise objectionable in good faith to a provider or user?
Wait, did I just get banned on YouTube?
Unknown_26: Let me drink some coffee and refresh.
Unknown_26: Well those motherfuckers better find me on DLive then.
Unknown_19: Anyways, let me continue. Okay, on that note, what other material cannot be considered objectionable? Oh, they tried to shut me down. Thankfully, President Trump locked in there. Susan Wojcicki was charging her laser. She fired it at me, and it was obliterating. I was being destroyed by the nanosecond. My fibers were unwinding. But President Trump jumped in there with his gamer shield. And he protected me from the laser. He said, Sojin Wojcicki, you fucking Jew, get away from here. I'm protecting this gamer and his right to free speech. I'll sign an executive order if I have to. And I was saved.
Stream is dying. That's probably just me, to be honest.
Unknown_19: So I don't know. You tell me. I'll continue reading the executive order.
Unknown_19: Uh, to advance the policy described in the prior section, all executive departments and agencies should ensure that their applications in Section 230C properly reflect- But there is no enforcement there! I guess he's directing the judges, like the fucking Francis E. Deck, to all judges.
uh the narrow purpose in addition within 60 days of the day of his order the secretary of commerce secretary in consultation with the attorney general and acting for the national telecom and information administration shall file a petition for rule makers with the fcc requesting that the fcc expeditiously propose regulations to clarify all regulations remember remember how proud trump was of deregulating
Unknown_19: the interaction between paragraph C1 and C2 of Section 230, in particular to clarify and determine the circumstances under which a provider of interactive computer service that restricts access to content in a manner not specifically protected may also not be able to claim protection under C1, which is him saying that if you don't find a way to say that something is otherwise objectionable, then you don't get protection as treatment of publisher or speaker.
And not taken in good faith, the conditions under which an action restriction access to or availability of material is not in good faith.
Unknown_19: Deceptive, protectual, or inconsistent with the provider's terms of service, or taken after failing to provide adequate notice, reasoned, explained, or a meaningful opportunity to be heard.
Unknown_19: Option 3, any proposed regulations may be appropriate to advance the policy described in Section A. And then Section 3 is saying that the government can't advertise with these regulations.
Unknown_19: But I just feel that Section 230 is not a regulation. It is a legal protection regulation.
So I don't even know. Okay, let's say that the FCC lays out these requirements. Do the courts have to listen to the FCC? Because that's not the law.
Unknown_19: I mean, I don't know. Maybe what he's trying to do is create an FCC bureaucratic system for petitioning fines from platforms that ban you. Because I don't know what he's even trying to suggest here.
We must protect this law that doesn't even work.
Unknown_19: The law works fine. The law works fine. You know how I know that? Because I've not been sued for defamation. Even when Encyclopedia Dramatica was sued for defamation, they fucking lost. The law does its fucking job.
I don't even know what he's trying to accomplish.
Unknown_19: The FCC has nothing to fucking do with this law because the law is like an affirmative defense for anyone in a civil case for content they did not publish. That's all it does.
Unknown_19: So it's almost like he had this law drafted or this executive order drafted. He signed it, and then he knows that it doesn't do anything, and that's why he's tweeting this shit out now.
Unknown_19: Because it really, this, the EO on its own will not change anything. And then section four, let's read this before I make any determinations. It is a policy of the United States that larger online platforms such as Twitter and Facebook as the critical means of promoting the free flow of speech and ideas today should not restrict protected speech.
Okay. The Supreme Court has noted that social media sites as the modern public square can provide perhaps the most powerful mechanisms available for the private citizen to make his or her voice heard.
Unknown_19: Communication through these channels has become important for meaningful participation in American democracy, including to petition elected leaders.
These sites are providing an important forum to the public for others to engage in free expression and debate.
Unknown_19: Okay.
Unknown_19: True. The White House launched a tech bias reporting tool. Over 16,000 complaints of bias and censorship by social media. The White House will submit such complaints received to the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC shall consider taking action as appropriate and consistent with applicable law to prohibit unfair or deceptive acts or practices in affecting commerce pursuant to Section 45 of Title 15. Such unfair or deceptive acts or practice may include practices by entities covered by Section 230 that restrict speech in ways that do not align with those entities' public representations about those practices.
I don't know. That's interesting.
Unknown_19: what's section 45 of title 15 I wonder it sounds like he's saying that um well I don't want to I don't want to sum that up section 45 unfair methods of competition unlawful for um but gab has an account on twitter you're not banning people for advertising alternative platforms
Bitchute has a Twitter account. Bitchute has like a YouTube account, don't it?
Unknown_19: That's not going to stick.
Unknown_19: For large online platforms that are the vast arenas of public debate, including social media platform Twitter, the FTC shall also, consistent with its legal authority, consider whether complaints allege violations of law that implicate the policies set forth in Section 4 of this order.
Unknown_19: The FTC shall consider developing a report describing such complaints and making the report publicly available, consistent with the... So...
Like what? If you want to complain about Twitter, you can submit a complaint with the FTC and the FTC will make a big fucking list of your complaints. And I mean, what will that do?
Unknown_19: In Section 5, the Attorney General shall establish a working group regarding the potential enforcement of state statutes that prohibit online platforms from engaging in unfair or deceptive acts or practices. The working group shall also develop model legislation for consideration by... Oh, here we go.
Unknown_19: In states where existing statutes do not protect Americans from... Oh, again, that's different. The working group shall invite state attorney generals for consultation.
Unknown_26: Complaints described in 4B of this order will be shared with the working group consistent with the applicable law.
Unknown_19: The working group shall also collect publicly available information regarding the following. Increase scrutiny of the user based on the others they follow or choose to follow and their interactions with other users. Algorithms to suppress content or users based on the identification of political alignment or viewpoint.
Is he saying that? So he's saying that, oh, they're saying that, okay, they're going to make Twitter and Google tell if they have algorithms to suppress content based on viewpoint, but they don't ever say that. They'll suppress content about Epstein killing himself, but then they'll just say that this is a conspiracy theory and it harms the public or whatever. That's still not going to do anything.
The Attorney General shall develop a proposal for federal legislation that would be useful to promote the policy objectives of this order, which would involve removing Section 230.
Unknown_19: Okay.
Unknown_33: Well, that's it.
Unknown_19: The EO doesn't do anything itself. It just says that the Attorney General is going to write law that might repeal Section 230, and that's what he wants.
Unknown_26: USA is the... I mean, basically.
It's literally just making these... It's not making the companies accountable to anything.
Unknown_19: Accountable to who? It doesn't change anything. And if you remove Section 230, it just dismantles the protections for all websites.
Unknown_26: I'm not overreacting.
Unknown_19: I'm not complaining about the EO. I think the EO is stupid because it is stupid. I'm saying that his attempts in his desire to remove Section 230, to edit Section 230 is inherently disastrous. Because you can look at each one of these things in the law.
for exemptions. And you can look at how that fucks with the internet, specifically the one about intellectual property. Every time they amend this, and they amended it as recently as 2017, which resulted in a lot of sites shutting down, whether or not you approve of that or not, I'm just saying that when they did add a law or an exception, it resulted in more sites closing or removing parts of their site. So anytime you touch this law, anytime you add exemptions, it results in sites fucking shuttering.
I'm saying I'm mad. I am legitimately pissed off.
Unknown_19: I'm just saying that the EO in and of itself is stupid and pointless, but it is an indicator that what he wants to do is even more incredibly destructive in a way that you will feel objectively.
Unknown_26: He doesn't care about the 230 element. Look at this fucking tweet.
Unknown_19: Revoke 230. Go to from real Donald Trump 230.
And all the recent things he said about it are the same fucking thing. It's not a misinterpretation of this lengthy executive order. I'm saying revoke 230. Repeal section 230. Section 230 should be revoked by Congress. Until then, it will be regulated. There is no ambiguity in what is being said here.
Unknown_26: That is what he wants.
Unknown_26: It's like the Dems raging, who fucking cares?
Unknown_26: If Trump does something bad, why are you not allowed to say it?
It's Trump, so I shouldn't care what the president says when he's attacking something that has enabled the internet to become what it is.
Unknown_19: Because why? He's just full of shit constantly? Oh, don't worry about this. It'll just be like the border law. Don't worry about this. It'll just be like staying out of the Middle East. Oh, don't worry about this. It'll just be like reducing immigration. Don't worry about this. It'll just be like how H-1B visas were supposed to go down. Don't worry. He's just completely full of shit and incompetent, Josh. Don't get angry when he is setting the stage for people to fuck with this very important piece of our legislation that protects everything that we like.
Things change. Yeah, I guess.
Unknown_19: I'm just saying, though, that between this and between the people who desperately want it, desperately want something that won't help them, that won't fix the problem, and that does nothing for them because they're just angry at Twitter. It's like, I don't want to help anymore. I don't want to be involved. If this is how people act and if people can look at this and say, yeah, that's a good idea because fuck it. Then fuck it. Why should I care? Why should I care more than everyone else?
I trust the plan. Yeah. When we go one, we go, we go all brother.
Unknown_19: Trust the plan. He's got this. He's actually, he's actually just completely fucking, uh, he's, he's setting, uh, the, you know, he's doing the, what's it? The Dilbert thing. He's setting expectations. So when he winds it back and he just wants to pass something like the earn it act, which replaces section two 30 with a 19 boomer panel for deciding who gets safe Harbor provisions, uh, When he walks that back from repealing to just completely castrating and making it an oligarchical application process, then everyone will just accept it as the new normal. Because why not?
Who cares about Twitter? Nobody cares about fucking Twitter except Donald fucking Trump. The entire reason why he's doing this is because he got a bad boy sticker on this fucking shithole platform. That's who cares about Twitter. It's fucking him. I don't care about Twitter. Take Jack Dorsey, put him on his fucking knees and blow his brains out. He's fucking useless to me. Do the same to Susan Wojcicki. They're fucking worthless.
Unknown_19: What I care about is me and mine. What I care about is every other fucking website on the internet besides that. Those two fucking people.
If this EO just said execute Jack Dorsey extrajudiciously, I wouldn't care. Like, fuck it. He got what he fucking deserved, right? But no, he has to be all clever about it. Oh, I'm going to submit a letter to the Attorney General to work with other state Attorney Generals to work with the FTC to work with the FCC to establish a... supervising government uh regulation attorney who will be able to find the best use case scenario in the fair use practices to enable section 230 subsection c like no just say what you mean trump just tell us to go march on silicon valley and kill them all trump because that'll be fucking better that'll be honest and at least we'll keep our fucking protections when the blood is fucking done and cold right it's better it's better than this
Now I get it? Should I just say it?
Unknown_19: Just say it. I'll march up. I'll give you my brown shirt, Trumpler. I'm going hard. I'll fly back to the U.S. tomorrow. I'll join the Trumpler youth, and we'll march on Silicon Valley.
Unknown_19: I'm just saying, hypothetically speaking, that if my president were to call me into a paramilitary organization to destroy Silicon Valley, I might be so swelled with patriotic enthusiasm I would volunteer for such a thing.
I'm also saying that this is a really stupid fucking idea.
Unknown_26: They need a vote to repeal it.
Unknown_19: Well, okay. That's fair. They do need a vote to repeal it. Who am I rooting for, buddy?
Unknown_19: Oh, Lindsey Graham, who wants to pass the EARN IT Act. Am I rooting for Nancy Pelosi? Am I rooting for Rand Paul? Am I rooting for Chuck Schumer? Save me, Chuck Schumer, please, Chuck Schumer. I really need, I really need this bill, Chuck Schumer. If you could really, if you could just save this bill, Chuck Schumer, I'd really like it, Mr., Mr. Chuck Schumer, Mr. Nancy Pelosi. Just do me this solid.
I'm rooting for the virus. The virus had its chance. The virus fucked up. The virus fumbled.
Unknown_19: Didn't kill all the boomers. If it had killed all the boomers, we'd be fine. If it had killed everyone over the age of 55, we'd be just fine. We'd be electing new people, age 45, who understand the internet, who are like, hey, you know what? It's the fucking bankers. It's been the bankers the whole time. And everyone else still alive would be like, yeah, you know what?
It is the bankers. And then we'd regulate the banks.
Unknown_19: And then the banks would process money. And then someone would make a new fucking Twitter that's better than the current Twitter, and it would win. There would be innovation once again. People would exchange money with confidence in one another. We might even get a constitutional amendment. And we might send all the blacks to Liberia. And we'd declare Minnesota to be an Arab republic and cast it aside. And we'd make Australia the 50th state again.
That would be our future, if coronavirus just killed everyone over 55.
Unknown_19: But instead, but instead, we are in darkest timeline 2020, where even the good people are fucking retards.
Unknown_19: Gab will save us.
Yeah, I predicted this.
Unknown_26: Listen to the voices in my head sunset myself.
Unknown_19: I'm trying. I'm trying my best here.
Unknown_19: Why won't they ban me? Why won't they ban me?
Unknown_32: I'm trying my best.
Unknown_19: Is it Trump? Is it Trump? Is he protecting me? Is there a force field around me by Donald J. Trump? Like, I know you don't understand me. I know you don't understand me, my son, in this current time. You don't understand the nine dimensions that I'm on. But I'm protecting you with the shield. Give me your energy, Trump. I'm taking it. I'm taking it.
I enjoy my suffering. That reminds me of that J stream where Jace's character had unlucky or something. And when you have that trait, you can't die. The Grim Reaper brings you back every time. So he tried to have this big dramatic death. And then when the Grim Reaper came and he was, like, crying and stuff and talking about Jack Striker and how he lived a hard life, the Grim Reaper just comes back and says, like, Jack, your suffering is a constant source of amusement for us all. I'll take you some other time. And he just keeps him alive.
That's basically it.
I mean, I am serious though.
Unknown_19: Section 230 is critical. If they repeal it, I'm gone. I'm just gone. I will shut everything down. The moment that signature is signed, I'm gone. And I'm not joking. It's not like a plea for pity or for help or whatever. I mean it. I can't do it anymore.
Unknown_19: Everything that I've always... I've always been legal. Everything that I've done has been legal. Always. I can't just start breaking the law to keep up a website that people don't give a fuck about. You know what I mean? Like, that's the line.
I'm too old now. I'm turning 28 this year. I'll be turning 30 soon. And I'm looking at 30, looking at 40. Where am I going to be by the time that I'm Ralph's age to put myself in a better situation than I am in now? And if things keep getting worse and keep getting worse, I can't. I can't do it. I can't allow that to happen.
Unknown_19: And I'd rather bow out while things are good than wait for things to get like something awful tier or it's just like a dying animal.
Just delete everything now? Nah.
Unknown_19: It's all fun and games until you hit 30, basically. That's the way I feel. I feel like when you're in your 20s, it's your time to make change. Go fucking ape shit. Do whatever you want. Make a name for yourself. Have fun. Push the boundaries. But when you hit 30, it's like that's the time to step aside and set up infrastructure so that you can support people in their 20s at some point in the future. You know what I mean?
I just feel like when you're in your 20s, you be wild. When you're in your 30s and 40s, that's when you help people with other things that you've built for yourself in that time.
Unknown_19: Oh, I'm playing with a... It's Josh ASMR again. I've got a salty licorice.
Unknown_19: From...
Unknown_19: Some salmiak, I think it's like a finish thing.
That's really good. I like black licorice I feel like I want to die
Unknown_19: I'm really stressed.
Unknown_19: And it's not because of, like, dick drama. Like, sure, that doesn't help. It really sucks when there's something you enjoy, and you can't really enjoy it because it's, like, on fire. But there's a lot of stuff regarding my visa I'm stressed out about. There's this, which doesn't help. There's the dick shit, which doesn't help. Dick losses payment processor, that doesn't help. There's a lot of stuff that went wrong in May, or became a problem in May. I'm moving again. I won't be streaming next Friday, by the way. I'm gonna be...
I'm going to be in the air flying. And the great thing is I'm fucked with flying because the border technically doesn't open on the 15th for all of Europe. So if I want to try and get into any country in Europe on the 15th or before the 15th, I'm going to have to ask nicely and try to justify it. Because if they don't let me in, I'm going to try to get into Luxembourg and stay there for a week and then fly out from Luxembourg to wherever the fuck I want to go.
and if that doesn't happen Luxembourg doesn't let me in like if they say at the border like sorry we're not going to reroute your flight to Luxembourg because then you're in Schengen anyways you can just take a train from Luxembourg to Poland or wherever the fuck then I would have to fly back to the US and that would cost like $1,000 each way which I'm really not in the mood to spend $1,000 because I'm not getting paid this month at least for a while
Become an ASMR YouTuber.
Unknown_19: Czech Republic opens on the 15th. Almost everything in Europe except for Luxembourg opens on the 15th.
Unknown_19: It's a one-way trip. Oh, no.
Unknown_19: I don't want to go back to the U.S. I really hate the U.S. I get very depressed when I'm in the U.S. I don't know what it is. Just walking around and seeing people and talking to people there just makes me fucking sad.
Unknown_26: Get addicted to drugs. Now that's a plan.
That's a plan. I can get fucking wasted. And whenever anyone calls me out on anything, I can be like, I made $1,000 last week. So basically, like, go fuck yourself. Anytime anyone says anything about me. I made $1,000 last week. So joke's on you, peasant.
Fuck Somalia.
Unknown_26: That's not true. That's not true.
Unknown_26: Read the super chats.
Unknown_26: Fuck Paki land.
I need a plan for a dude.
Unknown_19: I have a plan. I know what I'm going to do. I'm not going to say it, but I rest assured you'll never hear from me again. Uh, I'm not going to take like a soft exit and try to become like an activist or whatever. I'm trying to get a job at a, at a law firm as a lobbyist for Google or some shit. I know. And I'm just gone.
Unknown_26: China.
Unknown_26: Come an English teacher in China.
Unknown_26: Repeat after me. I don't know what to do. Oh, I guess I can talk about other stuff.
No, not really. I have Yanev's penis. I have Secret Gamer Girl.
Unknown_19: Then I have the Maddox stuff.
Unknown_19: This here. Whatever. I'll play this. This is already old news because it happened on Saturday. It was right after my last stream and everyone's talked about it already. Here. They're trying to do a charity stream for St.
Unknown_42: Jude's Children's Hospital. It's a hospital that has a lot of
jewish backing and uh this included richard spencer on that stream and kim star appeared on the stream to supposedly raise money for this charity and the charity turned it down they said no no thanks but no thanks we don't need your money we don't want your money he went on and tried to downplay the racist angle and say oh it's just a misunderstanding and and uh it was just a you know this fun little charity stream that we did but it's not and he regularly he knows this about these people
Unknown_19: He tried to implicate Keemstar because of his problems with Ethan Klein, a recent drama from last week.
Unknown_19: And what's really funny is that he mentions that about, or he's doing this and he can change the voice and very easily hear that it's him talking. Like, his cadence and how he mispronounces things or how he over pronounces certain vowels and stuff it would be like if I tried to pitch shift my voice and garble it a little bit and try to hide how I talk and use like erver and shit like you can listen to it and obviously tell who it is it doesn't help at all but it's funny that this is mentioned and in this long policy thing for the preventing online censorship executive order
In this particular paragraph, I think that Tommy Pesos pointed this out. Online platforms are engaging in selective censorship that is harming our national discourse. Tens of thousands of Americans have reported, among other troubling behaviors, online platforms flagging content as inappropriate. Trump names the F-slur, the flagging slur, out directly.
Unknown_19: And very specifically calls out Mundane Matt and Maddox for flagging content.
Unknown_19: So that's what he fucking gets. Maddox is the enemy of the people, too. Can we get an executive order for taking him out? He's part of Silicon Valley, right?
This is what happens when the president can't shitpost online.
Unknown_19: He got flagged.
Unknown_19: Uh, yeah. Besides that, there's Yano's penis and there's... There's this. Which I suppose is vindication for... For Zedkiss here.
Unknown_48: Uh... I'll never find out why the lake was made of blood.
If that wasn't obvious, immediately. Now I'm going to play a very small amount of this game called Red Shirt that I have.
Unknown_19: I'll explain what he's talking about in a second.
Unknown_43: And finished, and...
Unknown_43: was not really impressed by, and I seem to recall it was, like, a surprising resource hog and or crashy.
Unknown_48: Oh, that's a shame. I had heard the name and it sounded like an amusing concept.
Unknown_43: Well, like, there's a card game called Red Shirt, um...
Unknown_43: Oh, and it's unrelated. Yeah, it's totally unrelated. There's a card game where it's called Red Shirts, I think. Yeah. And it's like this thing where you're using disposables to hurt people as a resource. And I think the creator might have seen me demoing a prototype of the same game at a convention years ago and ripped it all off because it looks very, very, very, very similar to what I've worked on for years.
Unknown_43: Copping issues, by the way.
Unknown_48: What issues? What's Megalodon about?
So if you didn't hear what they were saying, the less feminine tranny voice is saying that this Red Shirts card game was based off a prototype card game that they had made many years before. And that is because this is, the person talking is Secret Gamer Girl.
Unknown_19: And I'll show you Secret Gamer Girl. I did a whole stream about Secret Gamer Girl.
Unknown_19: Where is it? Oh, this is just dogs. Where's the picture?
Unknown_19: Now here we go, this guy.
Unknown_19: This is an account called Secret Gamer Girl, and Zedkiss has been 99% sure that this is Secret Gamer Girl for a very long time, but he has not been able to prove it in a conclusive way where Secret Gamer Girl has admitted to being this person.
they have always denied being secret gamer girl. But one of the things that they've done is that they were a big fan of card games and they made their own card game called red or called red shirt a long time ago. But the official, and there are, there's a hundred percent proof that secret gamer girl made a game exactly like red shirt, but their official line has always been that red shirts, the publisher, the Jake Alley person who is this guy ripped her, uh,
Unknown_19: card game off.
Unknown_19: But in that clip, they say that again, that red shirt ripped them off. But now, in this other clip, they make a boo-boo while talking.
You have been tagged in a new Facebook post.
Unknown_43: Like... Yeah, um... Oh, fine.
Unknown_48: i like that notice that the one character was approximating feeling very timid they're not sure how to feel timid hello safari say it say the words yes it is you can see how dead the chat is in the corner like nobody is talking
or singular Red Shirt, I believe. We just had that discussion about how those are two different games. Yeah, the card game is Red Shirts.
Unknown_43: And then my card game, which it seems to have totally ripped off somehow, is Red Shirt.
Unknown_19: See? He just said it. His card game is Red Shirt. So he accidentally made a slip-up and confirmed that that card game belonged to him. I think he's saying that the game ripped off, too.
Unknown_19: So there it is. There is the long vindication for Zedkis. I meant to bring this up last stream, but a lot happened last stream, so I didn't get around to it.
Unknown_19: Fuck, am I taking callers just because I want to yell? Anybody want to yell at me? Should I take in callers?
Unknown_26: Oh god, Leo.
Unknown_26: I'll take in colors. Fuck it. Might as well. I haven't done that in like a year. Alright, get in a line if you want to.
Unknown_19: You got... Let me make this abundantly clear. Abundantly clear for everyone. You have seconds to start talking. You have three seconds to start talking. If you do not start talking, you are gone. I love you.
Let me set this up. Oh, it works. Excellent.
Unknown_26: Close this.
Unknown_26: And... You got three seconds.
And do not get back into that fucking line. Or I swear to God.
Unknown_19: One, two, three, four.
Unknown_37: So how many days do you think the riots are going to keep going?
Unknown_19: We've got three. Please mute your background so I don't hear myself fucking talk. How many what?
Unknown_19: You muted yourself entirely.
Unknown_26: Okay, you tried. Hello, Billy.
Unknown_31: I'm with Biden. Thank you very much.
I agree. We should all, I mean, can it be worse with Biden? Can it actually be worse with Biden? I don't know.
Unknown_19: Dionysus1886. Three, two, one. Gpop. Gpop. Three, two, one. 3, 2, 1.
I'm pretty sure I'm talking into it. It's just that I'm fucking up.
Unknown_19: Lube! 3. Hey, am I coming through fine?
Unknown_13: Yes.
Unknown_13: I just wanted to say I completely agree about the effects of 230 if it was repealed.
Unknown_13: I also agree it's retarded Trump to be saying it how he is. However, I think he's probably... You're right about him just being mad about being censored on Twitter. I think it all comes down to just the good faith aspect of 230. I think that's where he wants to try and screw them. They're doing all the editorializing content.
It'll be weird because the way I see it going is that's going to come to court and they're going to have to try and prove in court that trying to eradicate right-wing extremism or whatever is good faith. And I think they'll win that.
Unknown_13: At the very least, that'd create a conversation, which is better than no conversation, I suppose. Or the shitty one we do have, right?
Unknown_19: I suppose. What's the optimistic take on it?
Unknown_13: Well, I kind of agree. I also agree with, I suppose, the Dilbertman stuff. He lashes out like this on Twitter all the time. Yes, it's a clear pattern. Yeah. He does say more than what he reasonably says.
or else he just achieves way less. I'm just afraid that what he's hoping to do is to set the boundaries really far ahead for repealing it and then walk it back to the EARN IT Act, which is fucking awful.
Unknown_13: It could be that. I don't think he has a clue about tech things, and I agree that he probably only cares about the Twitter stuff because it's suddenly really affecting him as opposed to the last three years of monitoring the situation where it's just been affecting his supporters.
But yeah, I think the only reasonable way he's got a chance of doing anything without screwing the internet as a whole is somehow going through the good faith aspect, otherwise rewriting the act in some way. And I can't say rewriting it, working it.
Unknown_19: I mean, I think that, yeah, I don't think we'll have any problem improving that. But thank you.
Unknown_13: But then remember all the Project Veritas stuff. I think a lot of people would have an issue with some of the things people have said on that and saying they're doing it in good faith.
Unknown_19: I don't know if that represents the company, though. I mean, at best they can subpoena stuff, but yeah, I don't know. It's a good thought. It's optimistic.
Unknown_13: Also, just wondering, how's the sink vodka going?
I've not drank today. I had a beer with my lunch.
Unknown_13: That may be the issue.
Unknown_26: That may be the issue that I'm not drinking? Yeah.
Unknown_26: Alright, well thank you.
Unknown_26: Where's Godwinson? I don't know if this is him. It's probably not him.
Unknown_26: I fucked up. It's the wrong channel.
Unknown_26: Godwinson! Godwinson!
Unknown_26: Three, two... Hello?
You're not Godwinson, you fucking liar. Yes, it's me, Godwinson!
Unknown_18: What do you have to say? No, it really is me. I just wanted to say that it's shameful how PPP was in that debate the other day. You think so? You think he did his best?
Unknown_18: I think he was not doing his best. I think he softballed you all the questions.
Unknown_18: Well, Ralph was saying that we're friends now.
Unknown_19: Ralph was saying that me and PPP are friends now, and we're conspiring to take down Ethan Ralph. That's the grand conspiracy.
That's fake news from the Gant.
Unknown_19: Well, why else would he be softballing me?
Unknown_18: It was a failure on his part, and nothing more.
Unknown_19: Okay. Well, that's a lot of blame shifting.
Unknown_18: I enjoy the conspiracy theories. Someday you're going to have to debate me.
Unknown_19: I don't think Godwinson wants to talk to me. When I last talked to Godwinson, he tried to grill me. No, no, I totally want to debate you.
Unknown_26: Okay.
Well, he should email me then. Or you should email me. We'll set that up.
Unknown_18: Yeah, I'll get on it.
Unknown_19: Thank you, Godwinson.
Unknown_19: Okay, who else? I'll take someone from the... Why are there, like, eight people who have, like, Zs in their name?
Unknown_19: Vice is supposedly Arab, or Paki. We'll talk to him. Vice!
Unknown_19: Three, two, one. I hear you. Not gonna say anything? Hey.
Unknown_51: Hi.
yes uh your computer has been infected with the microsoft virus you have to send me your uh credit card number right now i think that you're just biased against indians because you because you live next to them sir sir you have to listen to me your hard drive is going to be deleted very soon you have to send me your credit card details i think i might delete it at this point just please get rid of it i want nothing to do with it
Unknown_51: Sir, sir, do not panic. I can handle this. What is your social security number and your bank account details?
Unknown_19: I think you're a scammer. I don't have to hang up on you. I can't give you these details.
Unknown_51: How dare you? How dare you? Your computer is going to be deleted before you end this call, sir.
Unknown_19: please please stop transgressing against india because you're going to start a world war over a fucking patch of desert that the three of you are fighting over only for you sir only for you you can send me your amazon gift card instead of thank you thank you guys uh let's do yugo archive where's this guy yugo archive
Three, two, one. Let's do... Oh, my God. There's so many people. I'm going to have to collapse this and just pick random people. You know what? Okay. Here's a question for everyone. Why doesn't Ralph do calls anymore? I'm going to ask this to this guy. I don't know who this guy is, but I'm going to ask him. SP, why doesn't Ralph do calls anymore?
Unknown_05: I don't have anything to do with Ralph. I don't care.
Unknown_19: I'm just asking. I'm asking for your opinion on this. Well, that's not very insightful. I don't know.
Unknown_05: I don't have any insight about Ralph. I was actually the anon who asked if you wanted to talk about or know some interesting statistics about Halfchan.
So I don't know if you're up for talking about that, but...
Unknown_19: Sure get them out. Let's go.
Unknown_05: All right fast. Where's it going? I'm good. All right Well, first of all, I just just thank you for 9chan cuz like I've been using I'm I met move back in 2013 I've been using 4chan since like 2008 or something 7 So for the sake of anonymity like we could we could verify off stream but
Unknown_05: know like the stuff that i'm telling you but back in september uh hero the admin of half chan removed the option to pay strut with stripe and you know actually they were banned from stripe um i'm sure you know that but uh you can confirm that like uh i don't know i remember when i when i first bought a pass i had to use bitcoin because they weren't able to accept stripe anymore i'm aware Oh, okay. All right.
So, right. So, yeah, Hero removed the option. It's only purchasable through Bitcoin. And Anons have had to go through other places to buy passes.
Unknown_05: As you know, passes are already $20. I have evidence that hundreds...
Unknown_05: of Anons are willing to pay up to $20 to $25 for that free speech for talking, just being able to talk online anonymously. I mean, I guess it's sort of like they have to connect it through some email account, as you know.
But just for the people who don't know how to use Bitcoin, and you know there's a lot of them. What statistics are you talking about?
Unknown_19: I'm curious what your point was.
Unknown_05: So I have a business that gifts passes.
Unknown_05: You're a 4chan pass reseller?
Unknown_19: Is that a yes?
Unknown_05: The service gifts passes. I have to be really careful with my wording.
So here's some stats if you want to know them. So just through the service alone, and I guess if you want to say that since most people don't know how to use Bitcoin, you can say that there's 50% or 100% added to this,
Unknown_05: when you want to think about the total number of people buying into anonymity or the passes on 4chan, there's 40 to 50 passes sold a week on my service.
In the last four weeks, there's been around...
Unknown_05: An average, there's, in the last, every four weeks, there's an average of 100 to 135. So you're talking about around $3,000. Okay. Quarter to date, there's been around 5,000. And that's from April 1st to May 29th.
Unknown_05: Since September, there's been about, 4chan has earned through this service about $12,000.
Unknown_05: And so you can say maybe they've earned $20,000 if you consider that 50% or 100% of the people that bought from this service know how to use Bitcoin and have bought using Bitcoin.
Are you adjusting from Bitcoin or something?
Unknown_05: Sort of. Well, no, not really. Because it hasn't really changed since September, surprisingly. I'm curious what you're leading up to.
Unknown_05: Oh, no, no, I wasn't really leading up to anything. Are you just advertising your thing? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I was telling you because, you know, you run this... You mentioned that you were thinking about, unless you're a different admin on 9chan, you mentioned that you were thinking about a pass service or something. I can't think about that now because it's like... Yeah, no, I understand. And the whole... You know, I get that, I get that. And the whole concerns with Section 230...
But I just thought you would find it interesting.
Unknown_05: Working with that kind of information maybe can help you think about the monetization of this site. Moot has said that passes are the main way that 4chan earns money.
So it's not through advertisements because 4chan's fucked through advertisements.
Unknown_05: But
Unknown_05: You know, just giving you some information if you find it interesting.
Unknown_19: Well, I'm sure, like, theoretically, yeah, it might be a good idea to sell passes and stuff. I'm not suggesting it.
Unknown_05: I'm really not. I'm just telling you this information for the sake of, like, information. I thought you would find it interesting. Maybe you don't.
Unknown_19: That they make money through passes?
Unknown_05: I'm sure they do. That's the tip.
Unknown_19: Well, I mean, even your sample is not representative of the whole set because you don't know how many are actually being sold, not through your service.
I don't. Well, there's none that know. I mentioned how much you can account for Bitcoin, 50%, 100%.
Unknown_05: But we don't know the total number of passes being sold.
Unknown_19: We can only guess how many are being sold through Bitcoin.
Unknown_36: Right.
Unknown_19: Okay, well, I'm sure they're making a nice jump one could change, you know. It's a big site, and their fucking captures are annoying as shit.
Unknown_05: Well, I don't know how you're able to keep, or how eventually you're going to think about 9 or anything. I'm not thinking about that at all, because it's so far away.
Unknown_20: Okay.
Unknown_05: Yeah.
Unknown_05: Alright, well. Thank you for the information, I guess. That's that information. Yeah, no problem, man.
Unknown_20: Take it easy.
Unknown_05: See ya.
Unknown_20: Uh... Let's get a Polish guy to balance this out.
Unknown_26: Three.
Unknown_26: Two. One.
Unknown_26: That's what I get for trusting a weeb. Uh...
Unknown_26: Speedwagon, three, two, hi, you're very quiet, what's up?
Unknown_29: Just say it, just speak, I got you up, go, go, go.
Unknown_38: The riots are a nice levity over all this drama that's been happening.
The riots are just proof that white people are fucked. Black people, cops come and kill a black person. What do they do? They burn down the entire city. White people get fucked in the ass constantly for years. What do they do? They apologize. Fuck white people. I'm for the blackness state.
Unknown_19: I'm going to be saying, that's right. I'm going to be injecting melanin into my veins, harvesting it from African children so that I can make myself one day a black BBC. That's my plan. That's my exit strategy. I'm literally going dark after I close down the Kiwi farm so that I can riot with impunity.
Unknown_38: Those melanin pills, eh?
Yeah, exactly. Melanin is a connection to the spiritual world, many believe. Many African witch doctors believe. That's why white people don't have souls. They don't have melanin.
Unknown_38: And they were made in caves.
Unknown_38: Anyway, thank you. Sunset.
Unknown_26: Let's see.
Unknown_19: I'll bring somebody up. Oh my god, I feel like... Fuck, I'm fucked. I can't drag them down anymore. Because there's too many people.
Unknown_19: How do I do this? How do I do this? I might have to bring my on-air chat over the other one so I can drag it up. Okay, yes, I can do that.
Dad again. Three, two... Hey, so basically I just wanted to reach out to your audience.
Unknown_20: Okay, go for it.
Unknown_37: So I have an open position for a new girlfriend.
Unknown_20: What are your qualities?
Unknown_37: So I'm mostly looking for a girlfriend slash bang maid situation.
Qualities include an almost endless supply of chicken tenders that I get from my mother every night. You will need to supply your own ketchup.
Unknown_15: Oh, that kind of sucks.
Unknown_37: Yeah, but I don't have enough to share, so, you know. So if anybody's interested, go ahead and legal at kiwifarms.net.
Unknown_37: Just include a DMCA takedown. That'll get it to me.
Unknown_19: Include DMCA in the title. Okay. That'll definitely get read.
Unknown_37: I appreciate it.
Unknown_19: Not a problem. Thank you. Let's do Darty. Darty doesn't like me. What does he have to say?
Unknown_19: Three. Hi.
Unknown_03: You sound you sound like you were I have jacked you up to 200% you literally sound like you're in some kind of echo chamber Speak me in oh there you are Um Yes, yeah, so I I don't I don't hate you.
Unknown_16: I'm sorry the bad microphone. I don't usually go on there. You're fine I was just
I'm just going to congratulate you for accepting PvP into your heart and seeing the light.
Unknown_16: I think that we can all move forward now.
Unknown_16: PvP is the humble messenger of God.
Unknown_19: I can't cancel that.
Unknown_16: I think he's really in the atmosphere, and I think everyone can agree that he is the funniest person, and that the people who don't like him on Kiwi Farms are just stupid, and
Anything you wanted to say to me? Because I know you've said some things to me like kill yourself. I tell a lot of people to kill themselves.
Unknown_19: That's part of me.
Unknown_16: I also want to say Owo or however you say that should just leave this server and never come back.
Unknown_19: Hey, hey, hey now. Owo is the mascot. She's wearing the mascot costume.
Unknown_16: Let's see the mascot of Degeneracy. yes boring okay well i think i think someone's trying to do it fine all right i'm glad you called in just to say that thank you you're welcome also join my minecraft server no i don't know how much more of a second take i might do a free-for-all or i just let everyone talk let's do samuel i like samuel samuel
Three, two, hi. Hello. Hi.
Unknown_26: Let me move you a little.
Unknown_26: Sorry, I was speaking.
Unknown_29: Where the fuck did he come from?
Unknown_19: ppp comes from um stream.me days when he uh he was a streamer he found the kill stream around that time and he showed his asshole all completely fucked up and oh yeah yeah i heard about but he's like um this super christian yes he's christian like i think i think he's unironically christian a lot of people think it's a shtick but it's not yeah and i listened to the
call he had with you, and I got the impression that he's like a super Westboro Baptist church dear BibleTumper. So what the fuck is he doing in fucking D-Live with the Kivifarm people and fucking Ralph?
Unknown_19: I don't think he's like that. I do think... I don't know. I won't dare to try to summarize his religious views, because I'll definitely be wrong in doing so. But he's just... I don't know. I think he...
Unknown_19: I think he just enjoys it. It's a lot of fun. Same reason why everyone does everything.
Unknown_54: Oh, yes. Okay.
I also wanted to say the reason why Ralph doesn't do calls is maybe he's unsufferable.
Unknown_54: Unsufferable? Insufferable.
Unknown_19: Someone corrected me and said that he has done calls the last few days. But I just remember that in the old days, it used to be like this. I got like 50 fucking people in that thing I could pull. And you jumped in there and you would wait like four hours and you'd still never get called on. And it was fun. You get your 30 seconds to say something and shit. I don't know. That was the kill stream. That's what I remember it by. Everyone hated to call this, but that was... Also, where all the energy came from, because people would jump in there and it would be a mess, you know?
Yes, yes, yes.
Unknown_54: Okay, I don't have anything other to say. Shoutouts to Vice, Pakistani Guy, and Sunset Mina.
Unknown_19: Take it easy.
Unknown_19: He's Finnish, by the way. He's not Arab. I really don't know how Ralph can drag people in from, like, the top of the thing. How do you, like... Oh, wait. There it is. You have to, like, hold it at the bottom and wait while dragging them.
Activated trap card.
Unknown_21: Hello.
Unknown_19: Hello.
Unknown_21: How am I getting my fight? I want my... I want to see the gun in the ring.
Unknown_19: They're never going to fight. That's never happening.
Unknown_21: Can you fight him?
Unknown_19: No! I'm not going back to the US just to fight Ralph. That would be... Well, I guess I could. I don't know. I don't know anything about fighting. I've never fought anyone before. Can you believe that? I mean, Ralph found a cop, right?
Unknown_21: He did.
Unknown_19: He has more experience. He has more experience, true.
So I don't know if I can fight him.
Unknown_21: Do you think Trump could solve this whole internet thing by just tweeting out Gamergate?
Unknown_26: Um...
Unknown_19: No. I think... He has to regulate the banks, but if he did that, they would assassinate him.
Unknown_19: That's true. Everyone knows it's true.
Unknown_19: It's a goddamn black belt.
Unknown_21: I mean, I get you, man, but still. Come on.
Unknown_19: It happened in JFK. He wanted to regulate the banks. He wanted to go back to a nationalized currency. He wanted the gold standard. Popped him. Pow, pow.
And they killed everyone else in his family. I believe that too.
Unknown_21: But Trump is married into the Klan.
Unknown_19: That's true. That's why he'll never do it.
Unknown_19: I didn't bring this up when I was ranting, by the way. Did you know that eight of Trump's ten grandchildren are all Jewish? They're all going to have Israeli passports. They're all going to have settlements and shit named after them. Trump's family is a Jewish dynasty now. The only person who does not have a Jewish spouse and Trump's children
is the one that has the least children or the fewest children. I think it's Trump Jr. Or is it Eric Trump? I don't know. It's one of them, but they are completely out of it. And they're also, coincidentally, Trump's obvious least favorite child.
Unknown_19: Just food for thought.
Unknown_26: All right. Sounds good to me. Take it easy.
Unknown_19: Let's see. I didn't see Over Mom. I like Over Mom.
Unknown_19: Probably the end.
Unknown_19: oh you're muted you got three seconds three two hi oh don't ask how was your salmiak candy i i am very interested oh i love black licorice you love it oh my god when i heard it that you were eating it i thought no don't you don't like black licorice
I don't know. Maybe I'm too Russian. I know the Finns like it. Samuel probably adores it.
Unknown_19: There was that shopping cart thing where it's like only white people return the cart. Even though it doesn't benefit them, they return the cart to the cart place because that's the right thing to do. I think an equal testament to whiteness is eating black licorice. They make a chocolate bar that has black licorice in it. It has a gooey filling and it's just amazing. It was the best yet.
Well, all I can tell you about black licorice is that I only tasted it in Germany.
Unknown_47: Because, yeah, specifically in the south of Germany, they don't really do licorice, but anywhere up north,
Unknown_47: probably because of their proximity to the northern countries well Germany is like two different countries you have like the north which is like old Saxony and then you have the south which is like former Roman Empire and there's a very clear divide between the Saxon Nordic Germanic influences and the Roman influences and that's why they don't eat black licorice in the south
That is most likely the case. I just know that all of my northern friends, they have this connection with their childhood and salted licorice and eating it when they were kids. And so they buy it, even if they're down here in the south. They just buy it and want it. But I don't have that connection at all. I know some people really legitimately like it. There is also licorice liquors and all kinds of other like salmiak stuff. The Finns are really... Finland seems great.
Unknown_19: I might end up in Helsinki at some point. I don't know how to pronounce that city name. Helsinki. Helsinki, there we go.
Yeah, Finland seems nice. The only problem is it's got the Estonia problem. It's right next to the bear. You don't want to be next to the bear.
Unknown_47: Well, maybe you could just bypass it and just move straight to Russia.
Unknown_19: Well, Russia gives out dual citizenship now. If Russia came out with Section 230, fuck it. I'll go to Kaliningrad. I'll become Russian.
Unknown_47: You know what? Knowing Putin, he might just as well. I mean, Russia is... That'd be great.
Unknown_19: If they invited me over, it's like, host all your shit there and just piss off Trump from Russia. I'm like, okay, I can do that.
To be honest, I think this whole Section 230 is probably, maybe, a ploy and attempt to distract everybody on the internet from other issues, like Minneapolis and other things like that. I was tweeting about that, too.
Unknown_19: Sitting in the tanks.
Unknown_47: Yes, he is tweeting about that, but in order to make people less focused on a particular issue, he probably wants to kind of muddy the water and add more outrageous stuff to it. It's probably like a mixture between doing that, kind of distributing people's attention, and as well...
somehow i mean the riots are just so so captivating because it's literally shit burning and jim uh tweeted out something that i didn't consider because i was making fun of them like oh the joggers come out they burn down everything in the city and um what people collect their insurance money and they just rebuild it but then i thought about it's like yeah they probably because he pointed out yeah they probably wouldn't rebuild
Unknown_19: They just take the insurance money and move, go someplace else. Because the city of Minneapolis and the state of Minnesota have shown that they don't have the capacity to handle a riot. And the city is now in a state of race war. So why would any of those companies, any of those people running those companies want to stay in Minneapolis? You're going to see an exodus of white people, as you do, and white flight. And you're not going to see, you're going to see no economic stilting, especially with COVID. That city is fucked. Minneapolis is going to become Detroit.
So I'm just saying that I think people are going to be paying a lot of attention to this and then you tend to distract it with section two, like section two 30. I don't believe that at all. I think he wants to follow in the same way that a hundred percent of people, when the net neutrality stuff was happening, we're like, why would we want to repeal net neutrality? ISPs are fucking evil. And then Trump was like, Pajit, shit in the street, I got the plan. Don't you worry. This former Verizon lawyer, he's got the plan. He's got a real plan here for dealing with net neutrality. And everyone's just like, yay, repealing net neutrality. Fuck Reddit. Reddit's bad. Reddit likes net neutrality, so I don't because fuck Reddit.
I think it'll be the same thing with 230. 230 will become Reddit. It will become the Reddit bill. Anyone who likes Section 230, that's Reddit. And all the Trump supporters will side against it. Andrew Torvald will come out sucking Trump's dick. He'll get orange Cheeto dust all over his fucking mouth. And yeah, they'll get rid of it.
Do you think that there's going to be a new word added to the English language, which is something like something got Minnesota'd? Because this has a real capacity to happen to other cities as well.
Unknown_19: I mean, there are other riots. Unless you're talking about specifically a riot destroying the economy there. I don't know. I mean, sure. There's all sorts of cities that are diverse that are on the brink. Because there was a group of people in California. They were Mexicans and they were killing black people because they were racially purging them. And they got arrested for hate crimes. So yeah, there's racial tensions and racial lines throughout the entire country that are just like they're powder kegs. It's like with Yugoslavia. All the racial groups bundled under a government that works for no one. You have a group of 10 people. They're all white. They're all European. Some like pizza. Some like fish and chips. Some like pig's feet because they're French and they're weird. And some like Polish shit, you know. And they fight and they argue and they get a plan set out so everyone gets the food that they want at the time. Then they add in five new employees. Those employees all like tacos. So now like half the time the Mexicans get what they want and the white people get what they want. Then they add in more people and they like Chinese takeout. So now everyone gets what they want like a third of the time and it works for no one. And people are, you can't. It should be a very simple function. You decide what you want to eat that month. You take a vote. What are we going to eat for the office today? What are we going to put in? And they can't fucking argue. And instead of just being a simple vote with clear action, it's people arguing and nobody's happy because they have to compromise and they have to choose things that appease no one just to get shit done. And that's the U.S. Every level of government is dysfunctional like that because it represents people who are too fundamentally different to agree on anything.
And yeah, you're just going to constantly see racial tensions throughout the entire country.
Unknown_47: Well, the issue is that same as with powder keg cities in the US, we have just the same capacity for powder kegger in Europe as well. I mean, look at France. They've had riots for literally one and a half years every weekend.
Unknown_19: Yeah, France is fucked. Germany's fucked. Sweden's fucked.
The only countries that aren't fucked are in Eastern Europe, which are the shitholes that you're not supposed to like. If you're living in Serbia, you're living in a shithole, even though Belgrade is the cleanest city I've ever been to. Even though Odessa was extremely nice and had literally the best food I've ever had in my entire life for like pennies on the dollar. Those countries are the shithole countries. And Hungary passed legislation recently where they will pay for you to have four kids. I want to say they'll give you like loans. They'll pay 25% off of your home loan if you have a kid. So if you have four kids, your home is paid off. And that's the exact same thing that they did in Nazi Germany to promote growth of the Volk. So, but I mean, it's a good idea if your workforce is dwindling because of your socioeconomic situations, it's a good idea to have fucking kids because otherwise the alternative is importing slave labor that will vote to fuck you and whose children will vote to fuck you and whose children fucking hate you. It's not even the first generation Muslims that are the most dangerous. We, after the Gulf War, We brought in a lot of first-generation Muslims from Persia. But it's their children who are the ones that we're finding leave the US to go join the Islamic State and who commit terrorist actions. It's the second-generation Muslims in New Zealand who left Christchurch to go to Yemen to join the Islamic State there. It's not even the first-generation one that we have to be worrying about. All these people we're bringing in are going to have kids who will fucking hate us, hate our government, and who will kill us and leave the country to go kill us abroad. And the countries that are going to end up looking the best in 50 years' time are Eastern Europe and China. And it will be a complete dichotomy shift. And if America is going to sabotage its internet because we're falling apart at the seams, then we're completely fucked. We're not even going to have an economic advantage over them.
Regarding Eastern Europe, I really think Eastern Europe being a shithole is just a shortcut. I have this little theory that anything that isn't an American-style Western democracy is automatically considered a shithole, regardless of its actual qualities.
Unknown_19: Yes. And if you read Max Stirner, he has a great rant about... Max Stirner was alive in the 1800s during the Prussian government. And he wrote extensively about the Prussian state and how the idea of citizenship is a kind of religious devotion. And I thought it was fucking excellent how he described it. Because he said, like, the way that we digest and hold true to our heart our democratic values has completely replaced the state. Or has replaced the palpacy or any kind of religious head. And we're now, like, members of a congregation belonging to the state. And because it's a democratic state, like, when the kings and the popes and shit would fuck up, we would just kill them. And we would hold them accountable for the bad situation the land found itself in. But because we're the citizens and we vote for it, we just throw off any kind of accountability for people as being the will of the masses. The masses voted for the politicians who did the bad thing, and now the bad thing is just the fault of the people for voting that way. And we can't hold anyone accountable for any specific wrong because it's so delegated between people. And I was like, yeah, that sounds about right. We do hold a religious devotion to our democracy and any kind of more authoritarian government is inherently flawed because it's not democratic.
It's like the war of religions all over again, only political. But yes, I can't really hog Josh all to myself. I need to let other people in. So please sunset me, Josh, because there are many other callers.
Yeah, take it easy.
Unknown_47: Thank you.
Unknown_19: Bye-bye.
Unknown_19: Uh... Collars are dwaning because I've taken too long. Let's take someone I don't know. This guy's name is Ham.
Unknown_26: Ham! You're muted. Three.
Unknown_26: Two.
Unknown_26: One.
Unknown_26: Rest in peace.
Unknown_26: Uh... Per. Three.
Unknown_26: Two. Hi. Oh my god. Hello.
Josh the janitor.
Unknown_26: Thank you for having me. No problem.
Unknown_26: What do you guys say?
Unknown_29: Have you finally accepted PPP into your heart?
Unknown_19: We just said that. We just had this call where someone said thank you for accepting PPP. I've been in for like fucking half an hour.
Unknown_17: I planned it at the start and now I've lost it.
Unknown_19: Of course I do. I accept esoteric PPPism. I reject the state religion. I accept PPP.
Unknown_17: You said earlier that He's only been around since Stream Me. He's been around forever, mate.
He's my boy.
Unknown_19: When I talked to him, he said that he got into the Ralph Retort after the Stream.Me days.
Unknown_17: Well, he's been around since the founding of Civilization.
Unknown_19: Oh, okay.
Unknown_17: He's our messiah.
Unknown_19: He's existed as a reality constant, like the speed of light. He just has a letter. He has three letters. It's PPP. That's his constant.
Unknown_17: I didn't, I didn't have much else besides that. Thank you for streaming. Cause medic is all he does is fucking stupid Corona shit. And I'm sick of it.
Oh, he's the only person who's actually entertaining.
Unknown_17: Well, that's generous, but thank you.
Unknown_17: Shout out unknown soldier too.
Unknown_26: Sorry, I cut him off.
Unknown_26: I feel like Ralph now. He does that all the time.
Unknown_26: Uh, Lumi.
Unknown_26: Three, two, see you.
Unknown_09: Hey, John.
Unknown_26: Hi.
Unknown_26: What's up?
Unknown_29: I wanted to ask you if the site, or if you rather just decide to pack up and leave the still passes, what are you going to do as far as archiving the site?
I'm going to make it headless. I'm going to remove user data, and I'll upload it as a torrent.
Unknown_01: I was wondering if you needed some kind of backup infrastructure. I got literally about 900 terabytes of data you can use. I need something that everyone can get.
Unknown_19: That won't be a problem.
Unknown_01: Got it. That's it for me.
Unknown_26: Take it easy.
Unknown_26: I've already talked to that guy. Where are these people getting in my line? Get out of my line if you...
You've already been called on.
Unknown_26: Foven! Hello there. Hi.
Unknown_24: Can we set up a fight between you and Dovinson? Because he is really not liking how you are sweeping up all of these situations.
Unknown_19: Alright, say it again. You're kind of muffled.
Unknown_24: What? Am I muffled? Is this a little... No, just say it very slowly.
Unknown_22: Can we get you to fight Godwinson?
Unknown_19: Uh-huh. Probably not, no. Does he want to do it in the UK to fuck me over? He'd stack the deck.
No. No. Okay, well, where would you fight Godwinson if Godwinson said you can pick whatever country?
Unknown_19: I'm not going to make a spectacle of myself. I enjoy my privacy. As weird as that sounds, I enjoy the fact that people have like one picture of me a year and I'm not like a face live streamer because it creates a sort of detachment.
That's just disappointing. What, has he challenged me to a fight? Is that what's happened? It's disgraceful. You're just cleaning it up. You're just cleaning it up. You won't face him. Get out of here.
Unknown_26: Birdcast, you're muted. Three, two, one. Hi.
Unknown_15: Hi.
Unknown_15: Sorry, I've never done this before.
Unknown_26: You're good. No.
Unknown_15: You said that Eastern European countries would be the best places ever in a couple of years. Of course.
All of them would be.
Unknown_19: Ukraine will have a pillar to the moon directly from Ukraine, an elevator. Yes, the best places to live ever.
Unknown_15: I believe you. So what advice do you have for someone, you know, that only speaks English, has never left the United States, you know, if you wanted to go over there or move there or live there?
Unknown_19: Well, you can go anywhere you want. If you have a U.S. passport, you can go to any country in the world. Now, if you actually are curious about, you know, like the second world, just go. um you don't even have to go on like a tourism thing you can just book a hotel in odessa or kiev or um any any big city i would stay away from the east right now because it's kind of in a state of war but the further west you are the better off you are if you go there i mean just just look around um there's a lot of history there and see if you like it see if you like the food see if you like the people
Sounds really interesting to me. Living in the United States is just killing me and everyone I know more and more every day.
Unknown_19: I can't give a place to go. I think it really depends on you. A lot of people say that you're a traitor if you leave the U.S., but I don't know. I've never felt like the U.S. was of any particular devotion to me.
Unknown_15: yeah it's it's not serving me very well so i've always i've always felt threatened by the government i feel no desire to stay like for like i was born in maryland i grew up in florida and florida is like a very like the panhandle is a very religious place and i never felt at home in florida which is probably why i don't feel it i don't feel any less at home in serbia or ukraine than i do um in florida i because i never felt at home in florida Yeah, I hear you, I hear you. That's all I wanted to ask, man. Thanks for 9chan. It's pretty good. And, you know, good luck.
Take it easy. Alright, I'll do a couple more up until the turn of the hour that I'm out.
Unknown_19: Just to kill some time. Relax. Talk to the fan zone.
Unknown_19: Bebe. Three. You're muted. Three, two, one.
Unknown_12: Hi, I'm here. Sorry about that. I didn't realize I was muted. I feel stupid. You're fine.
Unknown_19: Go, go, go.
Unknown_12: Okay, so I just want to say that I'm a very young boomer, and I like my radio scanners, and you can listen in on the riots at openmhz.com if you search Hennepin County, and it's absolutely disgusting how much crime is going on right there right now, and they've really stopped caring about concealing the race of the people who are doing it. So it's openmhz.com? mhz.com mhz.com, and you look for what? hennepin county they're just sitting there listening to the police scanners and they're like yeah there's a blackmail with like eight thousand dollars worth of alcohol in the shopping cart down palm avenue essentially yeah um every time something's on fire yesterday i heard um the explosion live when they were talking about that gas station they blew up oh they blew up a gas station i heard that they took over the uh the police what are they what was the scanners like for that
Honestly, the police are very calm. They're very collected. Earlier this morning when they were talking about hazing people, you can guess what that would mean. They're just very calm. Like, yeah, go upwind. That's east. We can get them from there. Just very calm people. It's incredible. I have so much respect for the police at this point.
Unknown_19: Really?
Unknown_12: Well, I mean, in this circumstance, yeah.
Unknown_12: Well, I mean...
Unknown_19: I don't know. I waver on the police. Like, on one hand, yeah, it's nice to have cops to help. But on the other hand, fuck them. Because all my interactions with cops are like these fucking assholes who sit on the side of the highway and pull you over for going 90 in a 70.
And they're like, I'll let you all, because, you know, if you go 20 miles per hour over, that's like, they have to take you in for that. I'll just write down that you were going 15.
Unknown_19: Wink, wink. You gotta thank me for that. I'm doing you a service. Just pay your fucking, like, no, fuck you. I can go 90 on this fucking highway. Fuck you. Fucking cops.
Unknown_12: The hint is to tailgate an ambulance.
Unknown_12: I don't know. I agree with you, though, because, like, cops there to help are a wonderful thing, but they've started attacking the fire engines as well. And I just don't understand why. The fire, the emergency services, they don't care.
They're just actually going to try and help people. They like putting out fires.
Unknown_19: They're all adrenaline junkies. When my mom's house was burning, every fire department in the Tri-County area showed up for that fire. They just want to see a fire.
Unknown_12: They love it, yeah. I'll power level myself a bit here. I do work in emergency services. Absolutely, there are the fun calls that people will ask to go on.
All right, well, thanks for the tip.
Unknown_12: Yep, I'm going to say the N-word before I go.
Unknown_19: Pussy now. What a pussy. Well, she sounded like she was Anglo. And you know what happens. You say the N-word there, you get black bagged. They throw you in the bad prisons in London.
Unknown_19: Bird.
Unknown_40: Oh, hell. Jesus Christ, I didn't even think I'd be in here.
Unknown_19: Okay, hey, I'm going to tell you that you did really, really good with PPP the other day.
Unknown_40: He's a manipulative faggot, and I hate him. He's also an Episcopal, and also not a real Christian.
He's a lustful, lazy, slothful, prideful piece of shit, and I don't like him at all, and anyone who supports him is a retard. That's really all I wanted to say. Thank you, Josh.
Unknown_19: Well, thank you.
Unknown_20: Take it easy.
Unknown_19: I'm glad that... I'm in my avarice, or in my pride. I was reading the comments for the Dick Show about the argument between me and Ralph, and a lot of people seemed to side with me, or at least just say that Ralph was a piece of shit, which made me feel better. I like it when I come on top. I like winning. I don't win very often, so I have to take my wins and cherish them.
Unknown_19: I'll take the top and the bottom.
Underscore Sasu...
Unknown_19: He laughed. He laughed like a coward.
Unknown_19: I-N-O-S-H-I-R-O. Hi.
Unknown_07: Josh, can't hear you, man. Well, that's your fault.
Unknown_19: Go.
Unknown_19: What an idiot. I'll take the other bottom. ZT.
Unknown_19: Three. Hi. Go.
Unknown_30: I want to say that I listened to the PPP stream. It really made me lose a lot of respect for him. He was very manipulative, and I just wanted to say this.
Holy fucking shit, I want to bang the Animal Crossing dog so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to town hall, I get a mass correction. I've seen literally every Rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Isabel. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers knowing that those nuts should have been busted inside of Isabel's tight dog pussy. I want her to have my mutant dog meat.
Unknown_25: My fucking mom caught me with the neighbor's dog. I dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's going to take away my 3DS. I might not ever get to see Isabel again.
Thanks for having me on.
Unknown_26: Take it easy.
Unknown_19: Oh, Sessu and Inno were back. I'll give them another chance. This is a rare redemption arc for these people who didn't say nothing. Underscore Sessu. Second chance. Go.
Unknown_09: Can you hear me?
Unknown_26: Yes. Go.
You blew it. You blew it.
Unknown_19: Inno Shire. Go.
Unknown_07: Fuck, man. The audio was set wrong.
Unknown_19: It's fine. Go.
Unknown_07: Oh, damn, I still can't hear you. What the hell is wrong with my computer, dude? Fucked it.
Unknown_19: Fucked it. I'll try another weeb.
Unknown_19: Hey, Josh. How are you doing? Pretty good. Go.
Unknown_00: Well, you mentioned that you're going to disappear into the night, but I'm here to make a plea to you, Josh. Only if Section 230 is repealed, and then I have no choice.
I can't just half-ass it. I have to actually disappear.
Unknown_00: Yeah, I know. You're going to torrent the whole Kiwi Farms and then be done with it. But I'm here to plea to you. Just sanitize your content and continue streaming once a week or twice a week, please. No, I can't half-ass it.
Unknown_19: I can't leave any paper trail because that'll fuck me. And my new life as Jakub Jajkowski in Poland. I have to actually disappear.
Unknown_00: Oh, but can't you just go on Twitch and play games?
Unknown_19: No.
Unknown_00: It's an all or nothing thing, sir.
Unknown_19: Okay, Boomer. Whatever you say, Boomer. Go.
Unknown_41: Hey, Josh. I just want to encourage you to fight Ralph there. Now, being a fat Southerner myself, I can train you on how to beat fat Southerners. And the best way to do that is with two three-quarter double-aught nine-pellet buckshot.
Unknown_19: I can't kill Ralph. I can't literally kill Ralph and scatter his remains across a cornfield. That would be illegal. I don't break the law, sir.
It sacrificed him for the corn.
Unknown_19: Okay. I have to disavow that. I can't avow killing people. Thank you very much.
Unknown_41: Anytime. Hope to see you in Appalachia.
Unknown_19: Take it easy. All right, lightning around.
Unknown_19: I'm going to lock the call line, and I'm going to give you one second to say whatever you want. That is what's happening here.
Unknown_19: All right. You got one second when you hear me move you in.
Unknown_26: Zion.
Unknown_26: Wait. Go. Fast.
Unknown_26: Zainal. Zainal. Hi. Bye.
Unknown_26: Vaulted.
Unknown_26: Muted.
Unknown_19: Make sure you're not muted or I'll automatically kill you. Stoat.
Unknown_53: Oh, shit.
Unknown_19: Go fast.
Unknown_53: All right.
Unknown_53: Nigga, for one. And also, by the powers invested in me, my black ass skin, I hereby dub thee an honorary nigga. That's all.
Unknown_19: Thank you, my nigga. Take it easy.
Spiteful Urchin, go.
Unknown_08: Josh, I am also a brown minority, and I give you the stick pass. You can now say ese all you want.
Unknown_19: Thank you, ese.
Unknown_22: Gracias.
Unknown_08: De nada.
Unknown_19: Sorry, chump.
Unknown_26: Go.
Unknown_26: Someone, go. 3, 2, 1, and fight.
Unknown_20: Roos.
Unknown_19: Oh my god. I'm having an epileptic fit. I can't imagine. It's the worst thing I can come up with. Goodbye, Englishman.
Unknown_19: Raincat959, go. Yep.
Unknown_08: Hello? I was going to say, nigger faggot, meow, meow, meow, nigger faggot.
Unknown_19: I disavowed the black cat. PPP.
Unknown_19: Not the real PPP. How's it going? Pretty good. We got one thing. Go.
Say, I heard you were talking bad about bankers there, Joshy Boy. And then you were saying something about, what was it? The nigga word? Joshy Boy, you can't keep this up. We're gonna have to sweep you down.
Unknown_19: I got the N-word pass now. You can't touch me. My nigga Trump was protecting me. Get out of here.
Unknown_11: Too late there, Joshy Boy.
Unknown_19: Paulo.
Unknown_19: Three, two, one, you're fucked.
Paladin Dupre.
Unknown_14: Hey, Josh. I'm here to spread the word of the anti-jogging movement. Jogging is bad for your health. It's medically bad for your health. And joggers are selfish and self-destructive and should not be tolerated in society.
Unknown_19: Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Anti-Jogging Person. Jogging is bad for your knees. It's bad for your knees. Moritsune, go.
Unknown_14: It's me, Gator.
Unknown_19: Molly Berry, go.
Hello, can you hear me? Yes, go. I just had a question about the box plan forums. When you were 16, you made certain posts about fucking your family members. What?
Unknown_27: Yeah, it's all documented, dude.
Unknown_26: I don't have any family members I can find.
Unknown_26: There's a lot of posts on there about you.
Unknown_19: I disavow family fucking. Unless the sister... Okay, let me clarify that if your sister is hot, it's okay to fuck her. Okay? Get out of here.
MK icon. Go. 3, 2, 1, you're lost.
Unknown_26: Mr. Fix-It, go.
Unknown_06: Yeah, man. Hey, Josh. PPP is a faggot. I lost the problem. I was watching that stream very quickly. Jim's also a faggot because he refuses to shame. I appreciate your effort keeping the freedom of speech. I appreciate you, my man. But I had something very important to tell you. Go, get it out. Yeah, yeah, quickly.
Unknown_06: One of my female acquaintances thinks you're a faggot. So I think that needs to be said. But one question. Do you think, do you actually think... Fuck. I fucking... Do you actually think...
I will be sued by everyone all the time. Yes
Unknown_06: There is no fucking... I don't believe that.
The Section 230 is the entire reason why the Kiwi Farms can exist, because I do not have to defend against individual claims for defamation or other civil torts. I can simply say I am not responsible under Section 230C1. Simple as... Simple as... I still don't think that's gonna happen.
Unknown_06: You're wrong, but I wish... Read the law!
Unknown_19: Bye.
Unknown_19: Zeke Harrell underscore Benjamin, go.
Unknown_02: Yeah, howdy there, nigger. I was wondering if, like, You're cocksucking to Dax Herrera. Is that anything to do with you not having a father figure?
Unknown_02: Probably not, no. Anything else?
You should go home to Florida. Your mommy misses you very dearly. No, she doesn't. No, she loves you. No, no, no.
Unknown_19: Get out of here. You don't know nothing. That's defamation of my character. Mac, go.
Unknown_52: Can you hear me? Okay, so I just wanted to clarify. Joe Biden also wants to revoke Section 230, but for the obvious reason of limited hate speech. So we are fucked no matter what in 2024.
Unknown_19: I love it. I love it. I can't wait for 2024 where things are even worse. Thanks for the good news. Bye-bye.
Jungle Dongle, go. Hey, Josh.
Unknown_44: I'm aware that these are very autistic things you might be calling for, but you don't sacrifice people to be porn as in the plan. It's porn, like Chaos Dogs and Warhol.
Unknown_19: Well, yeah, I meant to say you sacrifice unto the gods for the corn, not directly to the corn. Corn obviously is impartial to your sacrifices, but it can prosper under guidance. Thank you for clarifying.
Unknown_19: Janney, get me bands. Ralph, it's me, Gator.
Unknown_19: Oh, you cut out. Yes, Medeker's saying, Ralph, it's me, Gator. Thank you.
Unknown_19: Janney, go.
Unknown_36: I fucking love Israel, okay? That's very important. And I fully endorse Trump's move to get all these grandkids to have the Israeli nationality.
Unknown_36: That is a good choice to make. Yeah.
Unknown_19: We will have a Congress that is entirely dual-national Israeli citizens at some point in the near future, and it will be the most glorious and diverse period of our history. Thank you.
That is beautiful.
Unknown_19: Bye-bye.
Unknown_26: Havanovic.
Unknown_26: Three, two, one.
Unknown_45: Hello?
Unknown_19: Hi, go.
Unknown_45: Hey, I just wanted to say I was really disappointed that the coronavirus thing happened and I couldn't see it. Road Rage LA.
Unknown_45: And if we miss you through this whole Section 230 thing, or whatever, I'll miss you. That's all.
Unknown_19: Thank you, my friend. Take it easy. Grammy. Grammy.
Hey. Hi.
Unknown_26: I just wanted to say thanks for the entertainment and please don't go.
Unknown_19: No, if it goes, it goes. I can't half-ass that if the section's gone, there's no point. I can't do this for the rest of my life.
Unknown_19: I thought for a while it was getting better and it might be sustainable, but it's getting worse and it's not. Well, Ralph doesn't. Well, Ralph doesn't have it. That's the thing is like Jim and Ralph don't really have, they just do their podcast things and they can make money off that just fine. But when it comes to setting up the infrastructure, getting your own payment processors up, getting the site up, protecting the site from outside influence, like they just use other resources. They don't have to maintain it themselves. I'm not dissing them for that. I'm just saying that the distinction is they can rely on existing infrastructure. I can't. I have to host that myself. If I can't do that, I'm fucked.
All this just fucking sucks. Yes, it does.
Unknown_26: Thanks for having me on, man.
Unknown_49: Grup.
Unknown_49: Oh, what's up? I'm gonna shill for your own Fetty, because I think it's fucking awesome, and the fact that everyone just gets fucking banned, you can just make a bot on Twitter, Metacurse on fucking Fetty as a bot, and even if you don't fucking like Twitter, you can't get a cool platform. kiwifarms.cc is our Fediverse now.
Yeah, chill that more, man.
Unknown_49: Everyone who gets fucked by censorship, you can just go there. And if not, you can host your own. Dick has his own. I get pissed off because I want to look at other people's shit, but I fucking hate Twitter. And there's other platforms out there. And even if you're gone, Nuke, there's always going to be other instances as well. And I don't understand why everyone's so fucking stubborn. I know interaction is a big important thing.
Unknown_19: It is. I mean, like, for instance, I don't know, is my Twitter still up? Let me check. But, for instance, a person like me, a nobody, can tweet the N-word, right? And that's 168 retweets and 633 likes in five hours. But on Fediverse, it might get, like, 10. You know what I mean? It's really hard to go from hundreds of interactions and thousands of views to so little. And...
I mean the biggest honestly the biggest fuck you that Trump could ever do is make like twitter.gov and just have it be a Fediverse node That would be the funniest fucking thing that he could ever do and it would be completely legal and it would actually be really effective Yeah, and thanks.
Unknown_49: I was actually picking up my legal not federally legal Entire stream, so you definitely helped me out, bro. I'll smoke one out for you, bro. Have a good one Flamenco
flamenco three see you lighting up two i think he's watching tv guys he's not listening oh i was just saying blood for the blood god i was trying to play the uh dawn of blood god is this the real flamenco i don't know your voice too well sorry yeah this is this is the real flamenco did you and ralph have a falling out
Unknown_34: uh no no i just uh i i wanted to take a break all this internet drama is uh faking gay and i just didn't want to deal with do you think ralph will be sacrificed to the gods of the corn within this year i think somebody's gonna be sacrificed to corn but i don't know who who it's going to be corn is the uh the chaos god of blood and death so it's it's fitting there there will be a sacrifice to corn though um
so you're you're I miss like most of this are you leaving or are you uh just I I just said that if section 230 gets repealed I have to I have to like just uh at that point it's like it's just so fucked there's no point and I'll I'll extend that if it gets to the point where it's like a 19 boomer panel for good practices like uh Lindsey Graham once like I'll like fuck it fuck that too like it's not worth it at that point especially with so many people cheering it on so many people in Trump's uh demographic just saying like yeah tear it up
Unknown_19: tear it up, lot it down, burn it down to the ground because fuck it fuck Twitter that's stupid and short-sighted if I can't convince people that's stupid and short-sighted then fuck it, not worth it Trump's doing it in a really dumb boomer way but I don't know eventually we're going to have to figure out some way to fix this but I don't know if it's going to happen anytime probably not for a while alright, I'll take it easy
All right, take it easy, man. Stay safe. Bye.
Unknown_26: Dr. Microchode.
Unknown_26: Three.
Unknown_26: Is he lighting up? Two. It's not Trump's fault. It's not... Yeah, it is. You're blanking out real bad, my guy. Sorry.
Unknown_26: Crust Funk.
Go, go. Fuck.
Unknown_26: You got nothing?
Unknown_26: Rest in pepperoni.
Unknown_26: Carmen San Diego.
Unknown_26: Three, two, one. Sorry.
Unknown_26: Cantel. Love your stream. Thank you. Is that all?
Unknown_26: Bye-bye.
Unknown_26: For my tea, I'm having the three peas.
Unknown_09: Oh.
Unknown_19: OK, if you didn't get it, that's Kay's son saying, for my tea, I'm having three peas, which is weird.
Unknown_26: Burse.
Unknown_26: Three.
Unknown_28: Oh, hello. It is me, Angela Merkel. Hello.
Unknown_28: I cast my Nazi magic on Donald Trump so that he would stick out for 30, but I don't think he's going to do it. Or rather, I think it's going to be in the courts like the invasion of Iran, which I also cast my Nazi magic on him for. Gosh, do you have any Jewish children so I can cast my Nazi magic on the Supreme Court?
If you're going to be casting Nazi magic, please psychically remove Ruth Bader Ginsburg forever. That's my request, Mrs. Merkel. Mrs. President Merkel.
Unknown_01: No, I can't. She's my best friend. Fuck you, Merkel.
Unknown_19: We can't be friends if you're friends with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Get out of here.
Bubby the Master. You're muted.
Unknown_26: blizzard hi joe um this one's a question from what i understand um like back in the day you used to be like about these people and now you change your opinion like is it based on like moral ethical grounds have you had experiences using like all kinds of pedophiles like what's your take on it on lollicon being posted no like in general like do you have a general opinion like um
I think that it's really gross, and I would never want to associate with anyone into it like Digibro is.
Unknown_19: But my main issue is that child pornography has a victim. And even if it's a photograph of something...
Unknown_04: Yeah, but we're not talking about a photograph. We're talking like just fictional. That's my point is that the reason why child pornography is regulated so tightly is that even allowing it to be traded creates a black market for producing it in poor countries.
Unknown_19: So I don't think Lollicon has that black market. So I'm not for it being criminalized. But again, I would strongly condemn. I would not want to know anyone who was into it, especially openly.
Fair enough. Okay, thanks. Sounds to me. Have a good one. Take it easy.
Unknown_26: Black Star. Can you hear me? Yes, go.
Unknown_23: So like half an hour ago, you said that black licorice is the white man's food, right?
Unknown_19: Yes, yes, I did.
Unknown_23: So what if I, as a white person, don't want to get blacked? What happens to me?
We have to send you back to Africa where you fucking belong.
Unknown_23: Also, could you please apologize to me for telling me to kill myself a couple weeks ago?
Unknown_19: No.
Unknown_23: I mean, my point was valid. Look, I'm Polish, and I said that white borscht is better than red borscht, and you know I'm right.
Unknown_19: Get the fuck out of here. I'm gone. Fuck you. I hope you die. Get out of here, Janison.
Unknown_19: Big Paza of North FC.
Unknown_39: Oi, oi. How you doing, Josh?
What's up? I'd say thanks for doing what you've been doing, fighting the good fight with Kiwi Farms. It's been a real journey, and I hope that the American political system doesn't dick you over like it usually does with everybody.
Unknown_19: And I'm not terribly optimistic about it.
Unknown_39: Well, no. Also, I just want to give you an honorary Anglo Pass. You can call me your mate.
Unknown_22: Fuck off. I'm not doing that.
Unknown_19: That's it. I'll take my inward pass. I don't have room in my wallet for a third pass. The fucking Brits can get fucked.
Anyway, have a good one, mate.
Unknown_26: Thank you.
Unknown_26: Benis.
Unknown_35: Hello.
Unknown_26: Hi.
Unknown_35: Hello. Sorry. So, I know this guy who is...
Unknown_35: He gets really angry about all this stuff on the internet, like, you know, crannies running everything, these weird xenophilic white people, and he wants the internet, like, shut down because of it. He wants to see it in ruins. Now, I don't think that's all the cause of that stuff, but I was wondering if, like, if you had to sacrifice the internet to the cornfields to make sure, like, so we didn't have all these crannies anymore and all these, like, you know, these weird freaks running everything. Like, would you take that? Like, I don't think it's a cause.
My view is that for an ideal world, there is no sacrifice too great. The problem is that you can't really, like, even with, you know, people idealize authoritarian governments, but you can't really know for sure if that authoritarian government is going to be your friend for forever. You know what I mean?
Unknown_35: Yeah, but I kind of have the idea that it kind of always, like, it leads to like an authoritarian thing and you'd rather have your guy in power than, you know, someone else. So that's, that's the argument is that democracy always devolves into authoritarianism.
Eventually it's just that, um, American democracy is like a dishonest oligarchy, uh, closer to the Russian oligarchy than the natural democracy. I don't know. Um, it's, it's a fair point to make. I can see the reasoning behind it, but yeah,
Unknown_19: yeah, I don't know I just think that democracy is actually the best form of government when you have a a Homogeneous society you don't I mean right right not not four or five countries because the together that thinks it's one yeah because the thing is that when you have a Democracy and you have people who are very similar on a lot of things deciding how to do how to set forth policy You'll come up with policy. That's really good like with the continental congress when they locked everyone all the founding fathers into one room for two years and they said sort out the fucking constitution they did they deliberated over every line they deliberated for days at a time for years and they came up with what is one of the best legal documents ever put forth in history that created the strongest government the world has ever seen that is what happens when you have an ethnically homogenous group of people who are really trying to sort out the government in a good faith way When you have a divide and conquered country that is completely demoralized, that elects people who aren't them, who don't look like them, who don't have their interests in mind, who are dual nationals of other countries that don't give a fuck about them, and they go to make policy, they're never making policy to represent the people that they're actually supposed to represent. But in an ideal world, yeah, you sacrifice whatever. But in the U.S., I wouldn't trust anyone in the U.S. to lead the U.S. because it's not possible. In an authoritarian government, you'd never have a leader who could actually represent the people because the people aren't one thing. It's already ruined.
yeah that's pretty fair uh thanks for having me on then uh see you around yep take it easy and finally finally the times who has been on like this this one doubt i want to see does he finally have his mic ready to go for this final person underscore sessu hi hi hi can you hear me yes i can hear myself that's fine just go okay
Yeah, I don't really have that much to say. I think we're pretty fucked as far as Section 230.
Unknown_10: I think most people don't even have a concept of what that's all about. Even the people who should be informed think that it's somehow a law that prohibits people unjustly banned from seeking legal recourse against the platform when it's not.
Unknown_19: It's just a basic fundamental law that separates liability from people. and uh platforms it's it really if you want to go about the way that they want to go about it they should create legislation for big platforms to be uh and for the financial relationships that big platforms have with creators they should legalize that but i don't think they ever will i don't know what the repercussions of something like that would be i just know that how they're going about it is the dumbest way possible yeah exactly yeah i feel the same way i don't really have a whole lot of
faith in Trump because I think he just kind of listens to whatever to Jared Kushner and then does whatever right yeah yeah so I mean I hope it doesn't go through I really appreciate the streams and I appreciate your website I think everything else but I really appreciate having your stream to watch that's a very positive sentiment thank you very much
Unknown_10: Okay, yeah, thanks for having me.
Unknown_19: Take it easy. All right, and one last thing. One last thing that has been requested by members of the fan zone.
Unknown_19: Let me go ahead and set this up right.
Unknown_19: I'm going to do a free-for-all. I'm going to let everyone who wants to talk scream at once for like a couple minutes. Then I really, really have to pee. So that'll be it. All right, get ready. Your eardrum's going to get blown out. Let me drop the volume for them already.
All right, here we go. We're venturing into the unknown. Ladies and gentlemen, we're going in.
if you're wondering what what is the fan zone for mad at the internet sound like my friends that's that's what it is all right all right that's enough of that i think i can't really suss out what's being said so we're gonna have to terminate it there and um
Unknown_19: Fuck, let me pull up a song. Let me pull up an outro song. Thank you for joining me on this super long... super long episode of whatever the fuck this show is. And I'll see you not next week. Not on Friday. Either on Thursday. Maybe on Thursday. Probably on Thursday. But not on Friday. I'll see you then. Bye-bye.
Unknown_26: Where's my song?
Unknown_26: Oops. It's muted.
That's where's my song.
Unknown_19: Come on. Oh my god, my computer is like dying trying to play this fucking video. Feedback time, feedback free. Defender!
Fuck this, I'm gonna vlog TV with my fucking hands up.
Unknown_32: Fucking niggas. Niggas.