0:00:55 Unknown_03: More Space Station 13. I think you misunderstand. I wish I was playing Space Station 13 right now. I had to... I had to bring the station with me. I had to bring the station with me so I could feel at home while doing this livestream. I can't function without it anymore. Unknown_03: So, last week I did not stream, and I'm just going to get right into this because, fuck it. Last week I did not stream because I had nothing to say. Nothing had happened last week besides Onision showing his penis, or what is argued to be his penis. There appears to be some contentious debate in the Onision sphere. about whether or not that was his real penis because it is a large penis and he's like gripping the base of his of his phallus with his hand through his underwear you know it leaves some ambiguity as if that is a real penis or if it is a prosthetic So there is some contentious conversation occurring on the forum as to if that is his real penis. Because to admit it is his real penis is to admit that Onision has a large penis, which not everyone in the Onision hate fandom is properly willing to admit at this time. 0:02:14 Unknown_03: So that and the drama with New Project 2, which has mostly subsided, and I've had time to collect my thoughts regarding it. So I'm going to recap it. I didn't talk about it properly the last time I streamed, and I barely touched on it during my Space Station streams. Unknown_03: But to recap, because again, for posterity, I like to pretend that my podcast is... Unknown_03: audio logs that's a protagonist of a post-apocalyptic video game is listening to while shooting zombies or whatever so for that wayward adventurer in the far off year of 2024 who has no concept of what recent time means uh two weeks ago there about probably a little bit more than two weeks ago 0:03:05 Unknown_03: Dick Masterson, who is, of course, the host of The Dick Show and the world's worst Mexican, had to deal with... Actually, it was longer than that that the text messages came out, where he's essentially coercing some... I think she's like a model or something, like a playboy, into having a threesome with him and his girlfriend. and the text messages are kind of like weak and shitty i think i played this the last time i streamed but um let me go ahead and pull it out because i enjoyed it and there's a funny story attached to it oh geez my computer's trying to render thumbnails for fucking videos and it's not going well it's struggling to do this Unknown_03: I wasn't really intending to play this clip, but I want to play it again. Where the fuck is this? If I deleted this clip, I'm going to be really pissed off. Because it's really funny. 0:03:57 Unknown_03: Aha! Unknown_06: Okay. Unknown_06: I think I played this before, but whatever. I'll play it again. Unknown_10: Oh, JohnCult72 says, what would you say? Now, I can't read all these words, JohnCult. He says, what would you say if someone said they wanted to frick you raw and hard and passionate like a romance novel? 0:04:31 Unknown_10: Boy, that sounds awfully soft. Sounds real soft. Unknown_10: That's a sad thing to say to anybody. I don't recommend it. Unknown_03: So if you're not watching the screen, if you're listening, that is a video of Maddox, who is Dick Masterson's business rival. I don't know how to sum that up if you're not familiar with that. But the disgraced, cuckold Maddox who lost his girlfriend to Dick Masterson is reading these messages from Dick. And this weird projected virtual YouTuber thing where instead of being a cute anime girl, he's a fucking cowboy. And his green screen effect is just abysmal. He's like a fucking clown. He looks like a fucking clown in this pathetic virtual YouTube setup where he's reading shit in a cowboy accent. And even though Maddox, adonned in full clown outfit, is still able to take shots at Dick. 0:05:11 Unknown_03: That's funny. What's especially funny is Dick was asking while doing his stream or his podcast or whatever, he was asking for a clip of Maddox in this cowboy thing because he wanted to make fun of Maddox doing this stupid cowboy shit. I posted that clip and I thought he knew what clip I had posted and he played it. And I was like, oh, he doesn't know that that's the clip of Maddox reading something from his text messages. And his reaction was to very hurriedly cut it off, because I think he was surprised by the content of the clip. And then did not mention the fact that Maddox was making fun of him, which I derived a mixture of cringe, because I didn't mean to do that, and sincere amusement, because it's funny. 0:06:25 Unknown_03: But I think that kind of sums up the entire incident. Because here's this guy who I'm partial to. I'm obviously biased towards. Unknown_03: And suddenly, everyone's very, very going at him. And to my surprise, I got wrapped in. At the point that I was starting to get really aggressively dragged into it by people yelling at me. I had done literally nothing. And that was kind of the problem is that a lot of people really wanted me to go at Dick or were trying to force me to. And I had no reason to because the text message just, I mean, aside from Maddox making fun of it, it's funny. um him playing it on stream and not knowing what it was is funny um the actual text messages are not are just like boring i guess i mean they're kind of gross because i don't think either and i i can't say for sure but i would assume that neither woman wanted to have this threesome it seemed to be like a thing of opportunity Uh, so I, I wouldn't like co-sign that, but at the same time, it's not, it's, it's even hard for me to describe it because it's like whatever. And that, that feeling I think is what most people had, but to many people to not talk about it was a affront and a sign of conspiratorial, um, co-mingling and covering up for one another. And after thinking about it for a while, uh, 0:07:40 Unknown_03: i i kind of think i know why uh because ralph did do a big defense for dick he did like an entire like he had that jesse from pot awful which is just a like dick's biggest anti-fan he had that guy on a show and they did like a cover-up for i mean they i say cover-up i mean they ran defense probably more than what they should have so a lot of the drama probably stemmed from the fact that Ralph didn't handle it correctly and did too big of a defense but overall I mean I could have just ignored it completely if it was just like a couple people but it was a lot of people and people within my circles and people within the forum who were like old users were mad at me I was like what the fuck is happening what is wrong with people and I realize now What it is, that all those people who are old IBS fans, people who came about and congregated due to TonkaSol's stream way back when and everything that came after are extremely sick of the... 0:08:47 Unknown_03: Of the nepotism and... What's the word? Like the complacency and stagnation. They're upset with the stagnation. Because the main people involved in IBS right now are... Ralph... Unknown_03: uh gator flamenco nick ricada me i guess to an extent and dick and there's no there's no like hostility between them and the biggest i mean the biggest antagonist to this stack deck are people who you absolutely cannot side with because they're just really fucking gross um ppp coming in and offering himself up as this 0:09:52 Unknown_03: messiah for for the the the poor lost lambs the the people who had been stuck in the desert for 40 years wandering around in circles with no actual interesting things happening he offers himself up as a as a guide out of this desert and to to an extent to accomplish that but to an extent didn't accomplish that because i think that Barring unforeseen consequences that I can't predict right now, he kind of had his big shot trying to get Medicare involved, and that didn't go well. Because PPP's big thing is when you start yelling at him, he's like a big sticky wad of gum. You'll get him stuck to you, and you'll look bad trying to argue with him. But Jim didn't argue with him. He just kind of went, yeah, okay, maybe, whatever, sure. And there's no escalation there. Leaving PPP in this awkward spot where he can't really attack Jim. So he ended up... 0:10:44 Unknown_03: handling him with this reverence, this sort of admiration and reverence, which was sickening to listen to, and followed up with this guy named Leo Pirate, who definitely wants to fuck that dog, that Shiva Inu from the joke ending of Silent Hill. He definitely wants to put his cock in that fucking dog. Unknown_03: And he called Gamergate the 9-11 of the internet and was just a horrific cringelord. 0:11:21 Unknown_03: I mean, there was some steam left in it, but that was basically like the pipes bursting. Unknown_03: And that was the end of it. Unknown_03: At least for now. I don't know. Maybe more will come about. But... Unknown_03: I mean, that's my thought on it, is that people are just really hoping for some sort of escalation and just nothing is happening. And it's mostly because the people left are all, if not friendly, I mean, they're non-aggressive. They're not people who antagonize each other. So it's a bit of a lame duck. And that's why everyone's so frustrated. Yeah. 0:11:55 Unknown_03: So Medicare's gone soft? Unknown_03: Maybe. I think what happened is after Monograph... Unknown_03: Uh, there hasn't really been, I think, I think that the whole, I think with monograph, especially Jim got put into this awkward situation where he's dealing with people who are kind of like Vordrak and it's like, you know, you can either, he already had a good thing going. It's like, I can milk things like COVID and whatever, and I can make tens of thousands of dollars doing that with very little effort. And I can just avoid drama. I can avoid talking about specific people. 0:12:31 Unknown_03: Or I can continue antagonizing weirdos and end up in a situation like Josh, which is not a favorable position to be in, where you have actual dangerous weirdos coming after you because they can now. And I think after that point, with some exception, he lightened up. Because, I mean, someone like Kurt Eichenwald, you know, Kurt Eichenwald has the money and potential to be, like, a menace to someone. 0:13:14 Unknown_03: And... Unknown_03: I mean, I think the last thing Jim would ever want is to have a court date with a public hearing and he has to walk up fucking marble steps with random internet weirdos with their camera phones out taking pictures of him as he goes to court. Even if it's a completely frivolous case that stands no chance of going through 100% lock-in, that would be like his nightmare is him being exposed in public like that. 0:13:47 Unknown_03: So I think, I don't know if he's gone soft, I just think that he knows he has a really good thing, and there's no reason to jeopardize that by picking fights with people who are dangerous and have way less to lose, you know? Unknown_06: PPP won on gaining more fans, I guess. Unknown_03: I mean, okay, I don't dislike Ralph, but I'm at a place, and I'm not being ironic, where I think it may be time to sacrifice Ralph to the corn. We have to sacrifice Ralph, Ethan Ralph. to the gods so that the corn will be a bountiful harvest this year because i think he has he has so much bad blood with all these people who hate him that it may be the only solution we have to sacrifice ethan ralph for the harvest 0:14:51 Unknown_03: I think it's coming. I don't know. He mocks my predictions. I did go all in predicting that Jim would bail out a new project too, which is Dick Masterson's Patreon alternative, and I was completely wrong, I guess. So he's going to hold me to that. He's going to say that Josh's predictions are bad, but... Unknown_03: It's just a feeling I get. Because the people have demonstrated that they are tired of the status quo. And Ralph seems to be the one they all go after primarily. And people associated with Ralph, like Dick, become the next targets. So I do believe that the momentum against Ralph is amounting. 0:15:23 Unknown_03: I don't even know what I would do as Ralph, you know? Like, I know I'm not, like, the best position ever myself, but I'm thinking, like, if I woke up as Ralph, like, what would you do to... Unknown_03: To build, to build something back up. And I think I, well, obviously the obvious answer is to kick, kick alcohol. I think he denies that and says that his best shows were him drunk. But I, I, I have very little sympathy for dependence. I find alcohol, um, not, not entirely. I'm not like a completely sober person. I will drink. 0:15:58 Unknown_03: I think if you go to a foreign country and you're eating local cuisine, it's important to have a locally brewed beer with the food because beer is just such an integral component of Western civilization, especially. We drink beer when we eat. That is the white way of life. If you want to experience a local food, you've got to drink the beer, too. But my point is, I really don't like dependents. I don't like addiction. I think people who depend on shit... And people who have lived with dependents will know this. 0:16:33 Unknown_03: But people who are addicted to stuff... Unknown_03: Our users, first and foremost, everyone around them is an opportunity to fulfill that dependency. And the more addicted they are, the more that they're willing to exploit their immediate friends and family and connections to benefit the addiction, you know. 0:17:18 Unknown_03: So I inherently distrust people who drink. And I think that Dick has been drinking more. I'm not saying this with privileged information or anything. I'm going to base off his podcast. He's been talking about how he's drinking alone at his house during a quarantine where nothing is happening. And it's like, bro, that is, you know, that's alcoholism 101. That's as bad as it gets. When you're drinking at home every day just to kill time, that's not healthy. That's bad. That's, like, actually bad. That's not, like, pretend concern-tral bad. 0:17:57 Unknown_03: They say never drink alone. I don't know. I disagree with that. You can bust out the sink vodka once a week, once a month or so, and have a couple shots if you're feeling a little bit stressed out. Unknown_03: But if you're drinking multiple days in a row alone, then you're becoming dependent on it. Unknown_03: Um, yeah, I don't know. I, I see cracks and stuff, you know, it's very frustrating because at my point, you know, I'm 27 and I say I'm old and people laugh at me, but I feel old, man. I really do. I'm starting to get there. 0:18:35 Unknown_03: I feel my age really bad, and I'm starting to think about things in a long-term way because I know people in this field, this sphere, this realm, a lot of them are late 30s, early 40s, and they're in a position no more stable than mine right now. And it's like I can't imagine being 10 years older than I am right now and not having any more stability in my life. That's a nightmare. 0:19:07 Unknown_03: So I'm looking at things like where would I live long term? Could I move to Estonia or the Czech Republic? Unknown_03: Whenever I talk about countries, people start suggesting different places to live, and it's really annoying. Unknown_03: But I've had a long list of countries I could possibly move to. Unknown_03: In these days, my long list of countries is now very short. It's basically the Czech Republic, Estonia, or Alaska, which isn't a country, but it may be eventually. Maybe Alaska will secede. When the Great Civil War happens, Alaska will become its own country, and the Union will split apart three ways on the mainland. But that's... 0:19:45 Unknown_03: That's what I'm thinking right now. I have to get land and I have to get a gun. Czech Republic has guns. Can you believe that? They'll ask me, like, sir, why do you want a gun in our republic? It's very safe here. Are you a hunter? And I'll just say, like, look. Unknown_03: I need a gun in case the fucking krauts come back down south. 0:20:31 Unknown_03: and they'll they'll get me you know they'll understand like oh that is important if you're gonna shoot at the krauts we can we can issue you a gun and i'll be like yeah that's right give me that give me that license uh whatever i think that's it i'll read chat is there anything i i failed to touch on have i inadequately answered uh the the sweeping question Unknown_06: I'm talking specifically about this drama, not other stuff. Unknown_07: I got more to talk about, obviously. Unknown_07: No, no, no, not other stuff. Unknown_03: Specifically, I didn't mention PPP. I said that PPP was like Noah or whatever, trying to lead, not Noah. What the fuck was his name? The guy that led the Jews out of the desert. That's PPP. 0:21:27 Unknown_03: I'm not talking about the pedophile and liar. That's my take on him. He's someone who aggressively inserts himself into every drama. And as soon as he does, it's ruined. Because nobody wants to further the agenda of a pedophile and liar. You know what I mean? Unknown_03: Moses. That's right. Moses! Unknown_03: Sorry, sorry. Noah was the man with the boat. Moses was the man in the desert. 0:22:02 Unknown_03: Thank you. I get it. Unknown_07: It's Mosey's. Thank you. Unknown_07: What do I think of PPP's giant asshole he decided to share? Unknown_03: It's so fucking shiny. PPP has the puffiest, pinkest asshole on the planet. And one of my friends is very convinced that PPP is a homosexual with his roommate, Surfer. Unknown_03: And I don't know how he got the nickname Surfer because they live in Manitoba or something. They live as far away from the fucking ocean as you could possibly want to live. Anyways, they're convinced that the two are homosexual lovers. Because they think that the anus is bleached. Like professionally bleached. Because no man takes care of their anus as well as PPP. And they think that anus gets used. 0:22:34 Unknown_03: I suppose that's my take on the anus question. Unknown_03: That makes so much sense. Thank you for your insight. And Jesus, it is so clean. That is correct. 0:23:07 Unknown_03: His voice, I can't fucking... I can't make fun of someone's voice. Come on now. You know, I've actually tried to improve my voice. I've tried to improve how I talk and stuff. And I've tried to speak from the mask and all this other shit. And it doesn't work. My voice is just irreparably fucking damaged. I don't know what I did to it. I don't know if I've always sounded like this. I don't know if it's just the fact that I don't talk most days. I go through my entire life speaking very little, and this is just how it sounds as a result of not being used. 0:23:41 Unknown_03: But this is as good as it gets. Unknown_03: Ladies and gentlemen, I am convinced that this is as good as my voice will ever be. Say over. I can say over. Thank you very much. Unknown_06: I mean nasally. I don't know. Unknown_03: You sound less like a crybaby than when you started streaming. Well, that's fucking good news. Excellent. Unknown_03: Alright, I think I have touched this as hard as I can touch it. On a lighter note, if any of you happen to be fans or old fans of that guy with the glasses, I am not one. 0:24:21 Unknown_03: I have not a fucking clue who this person is, but it was requested I mention it, so I'm going to mention it. Unknown_03: Hope Chapman, or Jacob Chapman, Jesu Otaku, his gay boyfriend is dead, a man named Zach Bertschy. Unknown_03: And this is in memoriam. It does not mention how his boyfriend died, but because he was quite young, it's believed that he committed suicide. So if you happen to know just who Otaku is, or that guy with the glasses, it may interest you that his boyfriend is dead. Oosh. 0:25:00 Unknown_06: And this is just the obituary. Unknown_03: There's no... There's nothing funny about the obituaries. I'm not gonna... It was a female to male? Are you shitting me? It was literally a female... Does it... Okay. Unknown_03: chat i in my discord i need it immediately post the halfway there i need the halfway there clip right now at me and uh in the next in the next 15 seconds because i have to move on but i i wish i had that offhand to play right now all right 0:26:02 Unknown_03: Let me get the next slide up. Taking my sweet time. My sweet, sweet time. Unknown_05: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Unknown_06: That's it. Unknown_07: That's it, chief. Unknown_03: That was worth the copyright strike. Suicide attempt rate amongst transgender youth hits 50% study funds. Now, obviously, this homophobic, transphobic meme is horrific, and I condemn it to the fullest capacity of the law, but it is particularly relevant. 0:26:34 Unknown_03: Okay, now, speaking of... Oh, I'm still getting copy... Fuck. Fuck it. Unknown_03: Fuck it. Unknown_03: tranny deer tranny deer this has nothing to do i'm not saying that this person should commit suicide okay susan i'm just talking about the tranny deer because it's it's it's all it's what's in the news right now okay 0:27:19 Unknown_03: so um this person believes they are a deer and i'm sure everyone has seen these clips at this point but i feel that it's again for the man listening in 2024 in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of whatever the fuck um right now there's a big deal see there's a streaming website called twitch which is even worse than youtube if you can believe that in terms of content policy because twitch enforces a very strict no drama rule you can't make fun of each other you have to all play nice and to help enforce this rule of making diverse decisions that benefit the entire community twitch has started up this content moderation panel Unknown_03: Or safety panel, whatever the fuck they call it. And they've loaded it up with some great names. One of them is a trans deer, who in this picture says, if your testicles make you depressedicles, it's time to put them to resticles. With a bunch of hearts and snippies, snippy cherries, and an okay sign. And that's a picture of them in the stretcher after they're... 0:28:22 Unknown_03: I guess they just took off the testicle. They didn't do a full vaginoplasty. Maybe they did, but it reminds me a lot of that Laura Kate Dale tweet where they're in the stretcher and the caption is, I'm a woman now. So as you can see, this is clearly a woman. I respect their gender identity. Unknown_03: And we're going to go through some clips of the deer explaining what they're going to bring to the Twitch content safety panel. 0:29:01 Unknown_07: Better play, you motherfucker. Unknown_03: I spent $8,000 on a server. I didn't spend that money for no fucking reason. Unknown_04: So, in my spare time, I go out to my yard. In my spare time, I go out to my yard, and I prance around, and I eat grass. Unknown_04: And I just watch it, because it helps me feel like... Unknown_03: so uh the video kind of fucked up because my laptop is literally catching on fire and i'm probably gonna blue screen before the stream is over but they were miming how they would go out into their backyard and literally eat grass um buckled over on all fours like look at i guess a deer would in tune with my dear self 0:29:54 Unknown_04: So I do my best. I do my best to be active. Unknown_03: It's a ritual that they perform in order to be more in tune with their dear Sona. Unknown_03: Now, here's a little secret about me. Unknown_03: I like ASMR. Now, before you call me things like a serial killer, before you accuse me of filling my Serbian basement filled with women who I have murdered because, obviously, I'm a sick fucking degenerate who listens to ASMR... I mostly listen to things without voice because I don't like the voice. It creeps me out. And I think that a lot of it is just soft core pornography. But genuinely, poetry reading and stuff helps me sleep, especially because I'm a very sensitive boy and I've got very sensitive boy ears. And if I hear... Any music if I hear a bass line if I hear someone's fucking music or chewing gum I get very angry and I can't sleep my brain gets like hardwired to just pay attention to that noise so I need Some other noise to block that out so I can sleep. I 0:31:01 Unknown_03: And I'll listen to poetry. Now this person is definitely one of the sick perverts who listens to ASMR to jerk off after stuffing women into a fridge in their basement. Because here we have a video of them having what they call a deergasm. Unknown_03: Hopefully the video... Oh, there it is. Unknown_03: literally twitching thrashing around as their antlers are massaged by a femdom dominatrix lady they're really into that is that is the dominatrix lady is that a tranny too or is it just the deer that's a tranny 0:31:59 Unknown_06: I think the Nominatrix is a real woman. Unknown_06: It's times like these where people start saying things like the wrong side won the war. Unknown_03: I can't co-sign those opinions because they'd get me banned from YouTube. But I'm just saying that in certain alternate timelines there would be no dear women. Unknown_03: The Dom is a real woman. Unknown_03: There's another video that I'm not going to be able to play that reminds me of. 0:32:34 Unknown_03: The video from the Comic Skate thing, but I'll talk about that in a second. I want to know, why do they stream this? Why do they stream? Okay, if you are a trans dear woman, and you have a dominatrix, why the fuck do you have to stream that to people? Unknown_03: That's my question. Why can't they just do the deer stuff at home? Why does it have to be broadcast? And how does that content end you up on a safety panel for Twitch? See, that's the weird thing about trannies. 0:33:08 Unknown_03: And that's why, you know, it's hip once again to be homophobic, right? But I tolerate gay people a lot more than I tolerate trannies because gay people just tend to be gay and that's it, right? And even the gay people tend to hate the ones who go out on parades and shit. Unknown_03: But the trannies, it's very different. It seems like the majority of trannies need to be constantly reaffirmed. They constantly need people telling them that they are not mentally ill. 0:33:44 Unknown_03: It's not even just any negative reinforcement shatters that. It's any lack of positive reinforcement shatters that. It's very strange. Unknown_03: It's very... Unknown_03: I don't know. I don't know what to call it. It's certainly a phenomenon that will be studied for like a hundred years. You know how we all look back on how they burned the transgender school in Berlin? Unknown_03: Once whatever happens, once the Civil War happens or whatever the fuck... In a hundred years from now, we'll be looking back at these Twitch streams saying, this is what started it. Because this trans deer woman is getting a deer massage on Twitch in front of children. And the ANCAP people had to do something about it because they were disgusted. 0:34:19 Unknown_03: Here, let's play some more of it. Unknown_03: Brianna Wu throws in their support by the way, just so you know. Brianna Wu is a good judge of character Come on, play it Play it! Unknown_07: I can't wait till I'm back on my computer, man 0:35:06 Unknown_03: I think these video, like, okay, let me, let me, this is always fun. The great thing about showing video content on a podcast is I get to be creative in describing what it looks like to someone who's just listening. I know like the minority of people only listen, but it's still fun. So if you're, if you are watching this, actually close your eyes, we're going to do a group, we're going to do a group thing where we try to describe this in words. Unknown_03: A biological male that is both a deer and a woman is laying on the floor in leggings that are space-patterned. 0:35:50 Unknown_03: And in this... Unknown_03: In this other graphical t-shirt. Laying back on what appears to be a real woman. Who almost looks like a transgender person. Unknown_03: But definitely looks like a dominatrix. And they're on this green screen. For no apparent reason. I don't know what the fuck the point of the green screen is. And there's pillows and shit there. And the dominatrix person is basically just rubbing their neck and head. And the deer... 0:36:21 Unknown_03: is like quaking. And I want you to think quaking and like the cerebral palsy way, like the, the sounds, facial expressions and posture of this person as they receive their deergasm, uh, very seriously reminds me of something like the, um, Unknown_03: The two retarded girls that were missing brains. The Hartley hooligans. Unknown_03: It does not appear that this person is transforming into a deer. It appears to me that this person is receiving a transformation into a very severely mentally handicapped person missing huge parts of their brain. That's the visual information being relayed to me. 0:36:57 Unknown_03: Let's continue. I want you to hear the sounds. Don't open your eyes yet. Unknown_09: What's nice about forest creatures is that they'll sort of give you feedback on your scritches. Unknown_09: And they're pretty sensitive to scritches. Unknown_03: Josh, please edit the bombing of Dresden to the green screen. Someone... Unknown_03: someone should chroma key out the green screen and put in like um saving private ryan footage of the d-day beach and and the just add like a caption on top like an ifunny caption to this like tom hanks died for this and that'll be that'll be the meme we'll put that on youtube someone do that here's another video oh hey $8,000 server, you better fucking play my videos. 0:38:00 Unknown_06: Alright. It's happening right now. Unknown_03: Yeah, we did it, go us. Unknown_03: We did it, America. 0:38:34 Unknown_03: We did it. We spread democracy. It just seems so difficult at the time. Unknown_03: It's like a proper smirky voice right there. Unknown_06: My poor computer. Unknown_05: It just seems so difficult at the time. Unknown_05: It's like a proper smirky voice right there. Unknown_03: No, they have political opinions too that are pretty... You know what? I'm going to load all these at once. Yeah. Oh, fuck it. Then I'm going to have to pause them too. 0:39:06 Unknown_06: Actually, you know what? I can do that. Unknown_06: I want the one where they talk about how gamers are white supremacists. Unknown_04: Stay tuned. I'm going to be opening an OnlyFans for head pat only content. No porn. Just me getting head scritches at the $100 a scritch. 0:39:39 Unknown_03: Do you think people would actually buy that? What am I saying? Of course they will. Unknown_04: know you know there are people there was that guy who made that tweet saying like i've spent more money on only fans accounts supporting sex workers than i did my own rent that this month that's a that's a uh what is it an ally accomplishment ally achievement unlocked he said Unknown_03: Of course, associating what he has done, the sins he has committed, with gamerisms because he plays video games because he's a man-child. And I guarantee you, he doesn't even play good video games like Space Station 13. He plays shitty video games like The Last of Us 2. 0:40:12 Unknown_04: I just... I'm just not cool with white supremacy, y'all. It's really not that... I think a lot of you gamers are actually white supremacists. Sorry, just a fact of how I feel, which isn't a big deal. Unknown_03: Well, they're not wrong. It would be very hard for someone like Ferociously Steff to honestly believe in white supremacy given the state of Ferociously Steff. I would also be hard-pressed to buy into that. 0:40:54 Unknown_04: The only way to have a level playing field at the highest level of play Unknown_03: Oh, so this is their big brain argument for not having voice chat in video games. So if you remember my arguments about how we don't have sprays anymore because someone would spray fucking goats or a picture of Hitler onto a fucking wall and cause Vice News to shit out its own bowels in fear and terror. Unknown_03: This person's... Let's go a step further. Let's just not have voice chat because voice chat is transphobic. 0:41:29 Unknown_04: Just to have... Unknown_04: is to not have voice chat, to not have people give up their linguistic profiles. I mean, and maybe you think, you know, if you are a competitive gamer, which a lot of people have been like, you're not, you don't, you clearly know nothing about competitive play. Well, competition, by the way, y'all, competition requires you to get... every advantage possible to become one the top 0.01 in any video game you have to you have to get squeeze every amount of advantage you can possibly get oh i see chat is unfair 0:42:12 Unknown_03: I see people in chat making fun of the fact that she or he or whatever said y'all. And I think that's my least favorite thing. There's a lot of things about things that the trainees do that's really gross. The whole y'all and folks as plural pronouns that are gender neutral are just the worst. You hear this person from fucking Portland, Oregon talking about y'all folks and how y'all don't understand the gamerisms and how when you're playing competitive folks, you gotta have every advantage you can possibly get. And them gamers talking to each other is shit. It's transphobic. 0:42:54 Unknown_03: It's just the fucking worst. It's cultural appropriation. Where's our cultural appropriation? Unknown_03: Limp-wristed queer deer from Oregon should not be allowed to use southern mannerisms and words. Unknown_08: I said a lot of people with cis white male sounding voices are here telling me that voice chat isn't a problem, and that is a fact. 0:43:32 Unknown_04: Y'all have voices that aren't marginalized coming in and saying, just mute. It's not an issue. Everyone faces harassment. I've heard it all. You're just repeating my several, like a year ago. Unknown_08: I've been through this all. Unknown_06: Stop telling me I'm wrong, internet. Stay mad. Stay mad, haters. I'm right. I'm right. Unknown_03: So the argument is that they sound like a tranny and people make fun of them. The gamers rise up every time Verociously Steph speaks in voice chat. The gamers rise up. 0:44:09 Unknown_03: now what game ferociously stuff is technically a competitive player um which i think this would be the good time to bring up that they are competitive or were competitive in heroes of the storm now if you're not if you're not a racist you probably don't know anything about video games so let me explain to you what heroes of the storm is Unknown_03: It is a game in the genre of MOBAs or whatever the fuck you want to call them. People get really angry over their terminology for what a fucking 10 people in a game playing against each other thing is. 0:44:49 Unknown_03: um but I call them MOBAs anyways so the two big ones are League of Legends and Dota Dota or Dota 2 or whatever the fuck and League of Legends is I think the biggest game in the world maybe Fortnite has usurped it but for a long time it was a very very popular game all across the world and extremely competitive and Unknown_03: Now, true gamers who are extremely virulently racist play Dota instead, because Dota has a higher skill cap. And legit, if you know anything about the game, the competitive scene in Dota is really... It's actually fun to watch, because the skill cap for Dota is so fucking high... That watching it is crazy because there's so much going on on the screen at any given time that your mind is racing to try and figure out what the fuck everyone's doing. 0:45:31 Unknown_03: So really high tier Dota competitive play is pretty interesting. It was featured on ESPN3 during one of the internationals. And year after year, Valve sells season passes and loot boxes and stuff to crowdfund their prize pool. Which year after year sets record highs for video game prize pools. The winning teams take home millions of dollars playing Dota now. 0:46:15 Unknown_03: Because it is an extremely competitive game that people play everywhere. And it has a very high skill cap, which makes it fun to watch. Unknown_03: Now, there's a couple other games in the MOBA genre that are worth mentioning, like Smite can be pretty fun. Smite is a good way to kill some time. Unknown_03: A bunch of others, people try to capitalize on the thing, like how a lot of people try to capitalize on the Fortnite and Battlegrounds thing by making their own arena, King of the Hill type of stuff with the closing rings and shit, Elysium and stuff. 0:46:57 Unknown_03: Heroes of the Storm was Blizzard's attempt to make a MOBA. Unknown_03: It has, I think by far, the lowest skill cap of any of the MOBA games. It is something that a retarded deer woman can pick up and play, and play competently, because there's only so much you can do. And while it's fine, I have nothing against Heroes of the Storm. I think it's okay. I played it for... I probably have about 100 hours on it, because I really... at my at my like i have like between dota and league of legends i have like 4 000 hours in those games and i picked up here the storm for a little while during the peak of overwatch and i played it and it's okay i mean it's good to kill time with because it's it's so short the rounds are so short that what like with dota around is like 45 minutes to an hour and And if the round is miserable, it is a miserable hour of your life. You never get back. And if you try to leave the round, you get banned from playing. So you're stuck being fucking miserable in Dota. 0:47:51 Unknown_03: Heroes of the Storm is so short that if things get miserable, they're over before you know it. So it's a good way to kill time. And I guess that would be a good way to get into the genre if you're interested in playing because it's so simple and you don't have to buy items or anything. Unknown_03: But the competitive scene was a joke. It's not fun to watch a game that anyone can play. Imagine watching competitive tic-tac-toe. Like, you would get fucking bored immediately. 0:48:27 Unknown_03: there's a reason why people watch competitive chess but they don't watch competitive tic-tac-toe because that shit's boring but blizzard new based off dota's success at a good healthy competitive scene and with hearthstone and overwatch a competitive healthy or competition scene is good for the game it draws in more users it gets recurrent spending in the form of loot boxes and shit You can have those big prize pools that have lots of money and give you lots of attention. It's all around good for the game. So they tried very hard to astroturf this Heroes of the Storm shit where they were trying to build up a competitive scene like Hearthstone had. And it didn't go well. They closed it down at some point. But one of the top players in Heroes of the Storm was ferociously stuffed. So literally, a champion tic-tac-toe player for a shitty knockoff game that Blizzard propped up just to put some competition up against Valve. 0:49:00 Unknown_03: I'm sure if there weren't people spending money on loot boxes, they would just shut down anyways. Unknown_03: But enough of that. The whole point I went on that tangent is because I wanted to establish that even though, yes, they do play competitively, 0:49:45 Unknown_03: They do not have any sort of real grounded opinion in that sort of thing. Dota has full voice chat. I don't think League does have voice chat. Unknown_03: There are some auxiliary plugins. They might have it now, but there are some things you can install. Unknown_03: to have voice chat but it's not built into league because league has this super prissy anti-toxicity thing meanwhile dota is mostly played by brazilians and russians who would fucking have an aneurysm and die if they couldn't scream at each other for 30 seconds so dota is by far better in every every conceivable way it's just it's hard to keep up with because they change it so often that uh if you fall out of it for a little while you're really out of it 0:50:35 Unknown_03: Anyways. Unknown_07: Let's listen to more of the deer. Unknown_04: This is after the drama. Unknown_04: I have power. They can't take it away from me. And honestly, you know, I... The... These... Unknown_04: There are some people that should be afraid of me, and they are, because I represent moderation and diversity, and I'm going to come for hurtful, harmful people. If you're a really shitty person, I'm going to stand up against you. 0:51:11 Unknown_04: Period. Unknown_04: And Twitch is endorsing me to do that, so... Unknown_03: So, their response to all the people freaking out at the fact that this retard deer now has power over them is, yeah, suck my lady dick. My impotent, ball-less lady dick. Because I own you, gamer racist scum. Unknown_03: And... I think this is more of that reaction. 0:51:50 Unknown_04: I had my first meeting with the trust and safety board. I can't really talk much about what happened there. Unknown_04: Just that it was good. Unknown_04: I still have my job. Unknown_04: That's pretty nice. I'm still here. And yeah, some people are mad at me. Unknown_04: But I don't really regret any of the things I've said. They've been spun out of context and it's been kind of messy for me, but all the sentiments I've said I still agree with. 0:52:29 Unknown_04: So. Unknown_04: It's, like, really scary. It's really hard to, like, be... I have to be afraid of how everything's gonna get clipped out of context all the time. And it's, like, really stressing me out. And some people that, like, I used to respect are telling me that, like, it's my fault if things get clipped out of context. It's just, like, ugh. Unknown_04: Thanks, Apollonius. I appreciate that. I'm just glad to be here. I've got some new friends to meet. I've got some new friends in the chat and the stream. My, uh... My space is safe. 0:53:01 Unknown_04: And... I'm just... I'm really glad I get to be a streamer. I'm really glad I get to have a voice and a platform. Like, that's... All that stuff is, like, super... Just... Yeah. I'm glad to be here. So I'm gonna... Sorry about that. I'm gonna try to activate some good vibes today. We're gonna have some fun playing more Celeste. And then... Unknown_03: Where's my chat, though? Unknown_04: It's true, Epilenios. That's absolutely true. Unknown_04: And yeah, I have my—yeah. So we're gonna be sub only. 0:53:38 Unknown_04: Hopefully eventually, in like a week or so, I won't need to be sub only for my streams anymore. Unknown_04: It's also apparently like a new game coming out tomorrow. I'm kind of excited about. So yeah, we're going to do as much less content as we can. Unknown_03: Now you might be wondering how, how does a deer woman become so prominent? Well, the answer may have something to do with the ADL because Steph lower lower is a professional. What? Oh my God. My computer is actually dying. 0:54:16 Unknown_03: is a professional community leader and video game live streamer who has a profile on the Anti-Defamation League's website. Now, I think we're going to see a lot more of this because in the MasterCard terms of service, they very explicitly state that groups and people listed by the ADL as being a hate group cannot use MasterCard. And I think this is how companies now are going to start avoiding responsibility for the actions they take. They're going to say, here's a real valid use case of this. 0:54:58 Unknown_03: The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has a database of child pornography. Unknown_03: And certain services like the Microsoft anti-child abuse image scanner and Cloudflare's image scanner use this database from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to check content against the known table of bad images to stop the propagation of that material and to protect services that have file uploads. Unknown_03: So Cloudflare uses this nonprofit group's database to secure its websites. 0:55:34 Unknown_03: But I think a lot of services that do money and content and fundraising, crowdfunding, anything that basically becomes your job, like streaming or whatever, using Patreon, will eventually start deferring to nonprofits like the ADL for determining what is hateful content and what people and organizations are involved in being hate groups. Unknown_03: So when someone gets banned off Twitch or from MasterCard or whatever in the future, they'll just shrug and say, we use a third-party service that's from the ADL to determine what content is hateful or not. And they'll completely dismiss and recuse themselves from any accountability and defer to something that is essentially untouchable. You can't really criticize the ADL. Unknown_03: Or the ACLU. They have very high regards, even though they're politically motivated. 0:56:35 Unknown_03: So I would keep an eye out for that. I think you're going to start seeing a lot of companies plug in to a centralized database of hate that would be an allegory for the child pornography database. And hate speech and hate groups and hate people will be regulated by private entities about as tightly as child pornography is now. Unknown_03: So that's the lesson, the moral of the story with Steph. 0:57:11 Unknown_06: What else we got? Unknown_06: I can't show this video. Unknown_03: I don't know what the fuck is going on with the Weeb gate, the Vic lasagna gate, and the comics gate threads. I don't follow them. Unknown_03: But this guy named Preston Poulter does, like, this femdom shit. Or he did. And it's literally him being fucked in the ass by a woman and then being force-fed shit from, like, his... I guess from, like, the strap-on or whatever. 0:57:48 Unknown_03: And it's really nauseating. But he's been really popular within this comics gate shit. Unknown_03: And I just don't... I don't understand... And, you know, these people from... Like, Ron Toye joined, and this other guy, I had to verify him today. Let me look that up, actually. Unknown_03: And see who it was, because I may not be able to find... Unknown_06: Why did Kemov... Kemov reported 50 fucking posts in the ferociously Steph thread. 0:58:23 Unknown_03: So I can't actually see my report history. I don't know why the fuck he did that. Anyways, I had to verify someone who joined specifically to talk in their thread. Oh! And... Well, besides that, I got a fucking email from Vice News. Unknown_03: Hold up, let me find this. Unknown_03: I really don't have much to say about this. I just find it funny that these people eat shit. Unknown_03: That's all I have to say about that. And now they're all joining the forum and arguing. Actually, before I read my Vice News thing, I want to point out that even Dick is reading his forum thread and live-tweeting his anger at it. It's like, stop it! 0:58:55 Unknown_03: All of a sudden, this week, four different people started paying attention to the forum who are like... Unknown_03: who are usually above the forum and didn't pay much attention to it or just did their own thing and let people talk about them, who are now actively joining the site and doing back and forth. What the fuck? I think the quarantine is driving everyone insane. I said this before, but really, everyone is losing their shit. They're all fucking rocking back and forth at home. What do I do to occupy my time? I guess I'll argue on the Kiwi farms now. 0:59:34 Unknown_03: It's very strange. Very strange times. Unknown_03: And he's arguing because this person named HulaGirl86 supposedly is not actually his girlfriend, but she has all these posts about taking Zoloft and shit, you know, like classic housewife stuff. He says it's not her. I don't know. But it's almost like I get the vibe from these tweets that he's saying I should delete it or moderate this. It's like, well, it's up to people to believe, to decide on their own if they think that's actually her. It's not my job to make that determination. I'll step in and moderate it if it's obviously fake information being propagated using the website as a tool, but if it's just speculative discussion, like, oh, no, probably not going to do anything about that. 1:00:10 Unknown_03: Anyways... Okay, so the Vice guy, this guy doesn't actually... He's not like a big name on Vice. He's like... And it's Vice French, which is... Unknown_03: It's French. I don't think I have to say anything else about this. But he gave me these questions. 1:00:43 Unknown_03: He says, Hey, here are my questions. Please feel free to get in touch if something seems off. And again, thank you for your help. Can you introduce yourself? How and why was Kiwi Farms born? If I am not mistaken, it grew from the quickie. How would you define Kiwi Farms? I described it to some colleagues as a place to make fun of people on the internet, and they asked me how it could be useful to anyone, something you probably hear quite a lot. 1:01:17 Unknown_03: How is working on the website on a day-to-day basis? Unknown_03: Is it your only activity and source of income? Do you have paid employees? Unknown_03: How would you define a locale, as in what makes one a locale? Unknown_03: And yes, he actually wrote that. 1:01:55 Unknown_03: Kiwi Farms has been accused of targeting particularly people with autism, gays, transgendered, Jews, Muslims, black people, Hispanics, vulnerable people, highly accomplished people. Unknown_03: Highly accomplished people sounds like a euphemism now that I'm reading it. And other minorities. How are highly accomplished people a minority? It literally does sound like the word filter we have on the forum for exceptional individuals. It sounds like he's using highly accomplished people as a replacement, like a drag-and-drop replacement for the word retard. Unknown_03: How do you respond to these accusations? Has Kiwi Farms ever brought trouble in any way or form? Personal trouble for you? Maybe judicial proceedings? And my last question is about Chris-chan. It seems she birthed the local universe all by herself. How would you define her role in the local side of the web? Also, some rumors indicate that you are protecting her now. I find it hard to believe, but hey, I must ask. 1:02:44 Unknown_03: So my response was this. Unknown_03: My response was... 1:03:24 Unknown_03: My response was... Okay, hi. My name is Josh. I am the owner and operator of the Kiwi Farms. I run 1776 Hosting, which came about specifically to get around having to rely on third-party providers for hosting the forum. The Kiwi Farms was originally the Quickie Forum and was used to contain off-topic discussion and speculation for the Quickie, an encyclopedia dedicated to Christian Weston Chandler. After the site expanded to more people, we changed the name. Unknown_03: I think everyone knows that. Unknown_03: I kind of got snippy of this because they mentioned that their colleagues snub their nose. Like, oh, how could that forum be useful to anyone? I say, your friend can snub their nose at it, but even classical literature just boils down to people arguing. 1:03:57 Unknown_03: It wouldn't exist and it wouldn't be so big if there was no demand. YouTube and Twitter can try to moderate this, but it will never work. Everyone likes drama. My reply? Unknown_03: I looked him up. He didn't seem like a threat. I'll see what the article is. He registered on the forum. I got that in my approval queue. I got an advice.com email address, which is interesting. If he's actually not writing a hit piece, he'll probably get in trouble. 1:04:31 Unknown_03: Speaking of, there's some guy on 1776 who's hosting some shit in French, and it's making people angry again. It's like a different site in French that is hosting that's making the French people angry. Unknown_03: I don't know what it is about the French, but they seem to really dislike me. We have common enemies. We both hate the English. What have I done to upset the French? Unknown_07: Um, blah, blah, blah. 1:05:05 Unknown_07: I mentioned that the site has volunteer staff. Unknown_03: I say that in regards to the people trying to legislate cyberbullying and internet harassment laws, I say the big reason why America is the dominant force in internet right now, every company hosts their shit in the US and does business out of the US if they're an online entity, unless it's like Bitcoin or other financial stuff, is because of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Unknown_03: The safe harbor policies and provisions of the U.S. are the only reason the U.S. continues to dominate in the internet. It's because even with our bullshit copyright laws and our bullshit banking regulation, Section 230 is so strong that basically any website that has to handle user generated content is better suited to be hosted and done out of the U.S., it's the same reason it's like 4chan 8chan uh twitter facebook all those different companies are out of the u.s is because of 230 and the only way to actually stop harassment and cyber bullying would be to mutilate 230 and make services liable for shit people post on that service which would destroy overnight it would destroy the american stranglehold of the internet and And it wouldn't just do that, but because no other country on Earth has Section 230 and has safe harbor provisions, it would kneecap freedom of speech across the globe overnight. It would destroy it. 1:06:26 Unknown_03: It would be a catastrophe. So all these simpering, pathetic man-children who can't handle people making fun of them and want the government to get involved, you are literally trying to kneecap the United States as the beating heart of the Internet. And you will take with it our... our culture our cultural dominance over the world it would be the end of pax americana like instantly because people would start hosting locally they'd have no reason not to every every country would have its own that would be the big start to um local intranets where each country would have its own internet because a lot of tech would move back home 1:07:24 Unknown_03: Anyways. Unknown_03: Oh, regarding the targeting very accomplished people. Unknown_03: I said the Kiwi Farms holds no political ideology. Unknown_03: Neo-Nazis on pool hate the Kiwi Farms about as much as Twitter communists would. Partisans act hypocritically and operate with the ends justify the means mentality. The forum is a system and everyone gets the same treatment. And then I mentioned that Chris, I tried to help Chris and then Chris shrugged off all the people trying to help him for like weirdos who are popular in like the brony art community who would embolden his multiverse psychobabble shit. 1:08:11 Unknown_03: Which is why I cut Chris off because he actively chose to have people fuck with him. Like it's, it's very clear that he wants people to lie to him and to, uh, encourage him to do his play pretend shit. And just like, I, I'm not, I'm not doing that. I'm not going to, cause it was suggested that maybe we could just go along with it and, you know, put up with like, just do what he asked for and say like, yeah, I guess that's real or whatever. And it's like, no, I'm not going to play pretend with a retard about his fucking silent two comics just so I can benefit him. uh if he wants my help he can put up with the fact that i will treat treat him like a regular person and not like a pet but he didn't like that so he gets what he fucking deserves i guess uh okay that's the vice email it'd be interesting to see him when it comes to that probably nothing 1:08:48 Unknown_03: Okay, and one more thing. Unknown_03: It'll be a long stream, I guess. I'll only go up to half an hour because I have to rant about this too. The big thing that's happening right now is that H3H3, who is a literal Israeli Jewish man who grew up in Israel and met his wife Hilda at a Holocaust museum in Tel Aviv and is now one of the largest YouTube channels on the site now. 1:09:41 Unknown_03: is going at keemstar who is of course the host of drama alert which is like i guess like the tmz hilla sorry uh who's like the tmz of um of youtube he's been around for a long time he has and he's always just kind of done his own thing i don't know who the fuck watches his channel though i find his content really shitty but he's always had like a big following and uh Unknown_03: He's at best a hypocrite. I mean, it's really hard for me to say anything nice about Keem. He looks fucking ridiculous. He's too fucking old to have a TikTok account. He's definitely hypocritical. The only good thing I can say about Keemstar is that he's a virulent racist. I have to look this up now. I want to say it right. 1:10:42 Unknown_03: Virulent. He is a virulent racist. OK. Unknown_03: virulent uh but aside from that there's nothing there's nothing positive about keemstar he but h3 h3 another big channel is taking shots at him and i want to i'll play like a minute of this because i nothing nothing he says in the actual videos is worth talking about just just this minute of it is important to me 1:11:16 Unknown_02: He is one of nature's most efficient killers. Once his venom is injected into his victim, it can cause psychosis in minutes. Unknown_02: And in some cases, even death. Unknown_00: And he feeds on their pain. Unknown_02: Today, we hunt the Chameleus Reptileus, the world's most deadly snake. Unknown_00: Alright, that's enough of that. I can't stand it. 1:12:06 Unknown_03: So that whole skit stuff is very reminiscent of Content Cop, and it's called Content Nuke. It's not a coincidence. I really believe that iDubbbz is helping him make these videos against Keemstar because... Unknown_03: I don't think iDubbbz wants to do it anymore. I don't think he can handle it after the whole his girlfriend being a whore thing. I think he's done with internet drama because he can't eat his own shit, right? So H3H3, who I kind of see as like... Unknown_03: A really successful Coach Red Pill, not necessarily in the content of what he says, but Coach likes to do that thing where he buddies up with people who are kind of on a hot streak and tries to befriend them. 1:12:55 Unknown_03: And I think H3 does that as well, where he'll see someone who is potentially useful to him, like Joji or iDubbbz or the Fat Man boogie, and he'll incorporate them into H3 Productions. He'll put them on payroll if he has to, and I think that he's hired iDubbbz in this instance to help him. make a more genuine feeling video that would appeal to people. Cause he, H3 is just a, a joyless fucking vacuum. Hearing that guy talk is just the worst thing. He is such a insidious, uh, Unknown_03: nasty fucking guy a cloud of misery and whenever he's talking you can always see I made a tweet about this actually I'll just show my tweet whenever he's talking you can always see his wife if they're doing that podcast together um 1:13:51 Unknown_03: giving faces like this and i i captioned it very funnily as g-d damn he's embarrassing because she she always makes was looking aside can't look at the camera looks kind of like she's contemplating her life choices she regrets the marriage that kind of shit and there's just it's it's un it's inconceivable like he must be a hundred times worse when the camera's off he must just be the absolute worst fucking person to be around Unknown_03: So I can't say anything really all that good about Keemstar, but I have nothing but negative things to say about H3. Unknown_03: But in that video, you see how he constantly said, Killer Keemstar, the most vicious killer snake thing. He's the worst. He very heavily implied... Unknown_03: And let me check, I should have brought this up as well. There's a specific clip where he unambiguously states that Keemstar killed Etika. 1:14:54 Unknown_03: I really just want that clip. Unknown_07: Because he does, like he says word for word. Unknown_06: Oh, that's frustrating. Unknown_06: Is this it? Unknown_02: Hey, guys. Just wanted to weigh in on something I've been thinking about. Unknown_03: No, it's not. Unknown_03: Whatever. He just says that Keemstar made fun of Etika's mental health, told him to jump off a bridge, and then Etika jumped off a bridge. That's basically it. There's no other interpretation of that sentence other than he is accusing... 1:15:33 Unknown_03: of Keemstar of killing Etika, basically. Unknown_03: And the whole thing is, if you remember that Unknown_03: uh remember that stream where dick is yelling at ppp after that a pedophile and a liar joins on and he starts doing this this spiel about how dick is a bad friend to ethan ralph because he gives him alcohol when ethan ralph's an alcoholic and there's no fucking way that that guy gives a shit about the the physical well-being of ethan ralph i'm sure he would find it really funny if ralph was dead it doesn't matter to him at all but it's a it's a good point of concern trolling to bring up and this entire thing like keemstar puts out this response video that's just him defending himself from uh h3h3 and i'll listen to about a minute one is up drama alert nation and everyone else that's going to see this video this is not a drama alert video this is not a news video i'm making a video today responding to a video that was uploaded yesterday by h3h3 where he accused me 1:16:07 Unknown_00: of various things that can be proved wrong, completely out of context, just plain wrong. But the most damning thing that he accused me of is killing Etika. And that's what I want to talk to you about today. Everything else he said in that video, I will be responding in a separate video. But I want to focus on this because it's just... Unknown_00: You'd have to be the biggest scumbag in the world to try to pin another man's suicide on another person because of an internet beef that me and you are having, which we've been having for quite some time. And I'll explain all of that too. But to get into it, the basis of this whole Keemstar killed Etika is the interview that I did with Etika and some tasteless tweets that I put out. But more than anything, the interview is what gets the most attention in this situation because a segment of what I said to Etika and what transpired. We'll get into that. But before we do, first, I want to share a statement from Etika's own mother who texted me this. Hello, Keemstar. This is Etika's mother responding to you to address... the recent threats and accusations that you received in relation to his death. I wish to inform Etika fans, friends, and viewers that Keemstar is not responsible for Etika's passing and should not be held accountable for my son's actions. Etika loved Keemstar's show and wanted to make his appearance both memorable and exciting. My son's goal was to make the segment as dramatic and entertaining as possible, not to use it as a vehicle of hate. hatred towards the show's host and creator spread love and goodwill instead of passing judgment what's truly needed is a much better platform supporting mental health awareness throughout the world please build up your online community with kindness instead of recklessly breaking each other down and god we trust you will take these blessings i send out to you And I must admit, when I got that text message, I just completely fell apart. That is exactly what I needed when I needed it, grieving with Etika's passing and then having some of these people online blaming me for his passing. So Etika's mom, thank you so much for sending that to me. She didn't send that to me yesterday or today. She sent that to me a few days after the passing of Etika. Also, I'd like to read some statements that were put out yesterday 1:18:35 Unknown_03: So that part, you can come up on your own if you believe that's actually from Etika's mom or not. But it does seem, on both sides, it's like, oh, you killed Etika, you were mean to Fousey, you were mean to that guy who had that freakout in the green. It looked like a supervillain, like Mysterio or something in that green shirt on the green background, freaking out about how much he hates being a YouTuber and shit. 1:19:11 Unknown_05: Yeah. Unknown_03: and i'll say in the keemstar is trying to kill these people the foozy said that he almost drove him to suicide and it's like it's all this fucking concern trolling where nobody nobody not even the people who pretend to care actually care the audience doesn't care keemstar doesn't care h3h3 doesn't care etiquette could be resurrected and jump off a bridge every fucking day specifically screaming the name of h3h3 and keemstar like a fucking Sisyphean task where he has to he is condemned to fling himself off bridges condemning H3 and Keemstar for the rest of eternity and nobody would give a fuck everyone would just pretend to care and interpret it how they want to for whatever purposes they want to even fucking I'm glad someone mentioned that let me go to if I'm not blocked 1:19:56 Unknown_03: H3 tweeted out this shit, and he's really trying to milk this. Unknown_06: I hope... Is it already gone? Unknown_03: Maybe I'm just not seeing it because I don't recognize Boogie's face. It's hard to believe. But he retweeted Boogie saying that Keemstar tried to slide into his DMs and help him out when he was saying he was depressed. And then after a while, Keemstar was just like, dude, you're fucking weak. 1:21:01 Unknown_03: So Ethan tried to pull it out and say like, oh, Keemstar is such a bad guy. And when he tried to help Boogie, he basically just said, LOL, stop being depressed. But... anybody who knows anything about boogie knows that the last thing boogie ever wants in his life is to stop being depressed he has no inclination whatsoever to better himself in any way so again it's just like these people don't give a fuck it's whatever ammunition oh here's a here's h3 being mean to keemstar i don't like keemstar i'm gonna jump in i'm gonna insert myself in this drama and i'm expecting more people to do it too Apparently Keemstar was mean to some old guy who was featured in H3's video and after the video all the fucking Redditors come over and go, Bro, you're such a nice old man. You're such a nice guy. You don't deserve what Keemstar did to you. I'm so sorry. I love your content. You know, all that... That fake Reddit positivity and shit that's just saccharine and disgusting because their mushy brains need constant positive reinforcement. So they try to do unto others as they want done to them. They need constant positive reinforcement, so they just try and be as disgustingly sweet to as many people as possible, hoping that the world will somehow start treating them like the delicate little insect people they are. That's, that's the kind of shit that came about it. And I'm sure old man's going to use that to get notoriety, but he's going to use that. Fousey's going to use that. All of these people who are just vermin motherfuckers are going to crawl up the woodwork to try and get shots in that Keemstar. All of them pretending to give a fuck about dead black kids and my dead black kids storage who they never gave a fuck before they died. 1:22:25 Unknown_03: And I'm calling it now. I'm calling it now. I'm calling it now. Lock me in. People were saying that this is manufactured. These are two aged internet celebrities having a nice locking horns with zero stakes and shit to just get some attention towards them and shit. I disagree. I don't think it's manufactured. I have a different opinion. I think that H3H3 Productions, who is in Hilla, who are personal friends of Susan Wojcicki, want the Goyim, want Goyim Star out of fucking YouTube. They hate drama. It's like with Twitch. They got that fucking drama shit. They don't like interpersonal drama. They want that for YouTube. They want everyone to be nice to each other, and they don't want any more creator drama. So they're going to get rid of Keemstar. Mark my words. Lock me in. They're banning Keemstar again because he is a white family man who runs a drama channel that is not beholden to anything. 1:23:40 Unknown_03: h3h3 is going to play nice with susan and he'll be an attack dog going after whoever susan wants banned and then of course youtube will say well after that stunning expose video and after listening to the concerns and feedback of our community we're simply forced to ban keemstar because of his current past and potential future actions and there's nothing we can do it's not our choice to make don't be mad at us h3h3 did it Unknown_03: Or our advertisers did it. Or the ADL labeled Keemstar as a racist because he said the N-word. And said that Alex is a stupid fucking N-word. And everyone type in chat that Alex is a stupid fucking N-word. 1:24:19 Unknown_03: And that's why we can't have Keemstar on the platform anymore. Unknown_03: Yeah, Keemstar lost his fucking G Fuel thing. I'm telling you, it's to get rid of someone. Because you've seen Keemstar back up people that they've tried to get rid of. Like, he spoke out for, um... Unknown_03: What's his face? Mumkey? He spoke out for, like, Ethan Rao? He spoke out for a bunch of people and got them back on YouTube after they had trouble. Keemstar has helped people. Maybe that's the other second good thing I can say about Keemstar, that he has tried to use his position to actually help people. H3H3 doesn't give a fuck, and he's infamous for not talking to anyone who can't jack his numbers up. He won't talk to anyone smaller than him. 1:24:55 Unknown_03: So mark my fucking words. Lock me in. 2020 may be the end of the year for Ethan Ralph. Unknown_03: And Ethan Klein may be the end of Keemstar. Because I really do. I think after they get rid of Keemstar, H3H3 is going to start doing more of these content nuke videos that are going to be produced in part with iDubbbz. To give it that genuine content cop feel so that it passes the sniff test for all the sheep who are consuming this fucking creative vacuums content. And they'll go after whoever he puts a lens on and just kick people off of YouTube one after another with actual manufactured scandals to keep the platform advertiser friendly. That's my conspiracy theory. 1:25:26 Unknown_03: Ethan K-K-K-K-What? 1:26:06 Unknown_06: Ethan Klein! Ethan Klein! Unknown_07: Everyone likes Keemstar better than H3H3. Unknown_03: Keemstar is a deeply flawed person, but I think he is way more genuine than H3, which is funny. Unknown_06: This is the longest stream I've done in a while, chat. Unknown_03: Longest stream I've done in a while. A lot to get off my chest. I used to do blog posts on the forum every so often, every couple of months. But now I just do my podcast and I get it all off there. 1:26:43 Unknown_03: All right. I think that's it. Anything else? Oh, before I forget. Before I forget, I've seen people in chat really wanting to talk about this. Unknown_03: Yaniv. Unknown_03: Speaking of Israelis, Yaniv posted Zer's penis. Or actually, WG Kitty, who is someone who lives in the same apartment building as Yaniv, posted a picture of Yaniv's penis. Allegedly. I don't know how he got it. I can't verify it. 1:27:22 Unknown_03: I'm trying to think of a good metaphor for this penis. It kind of looks like... Unknown_06: I don't know. It looks like a yogurt bottle. Unknown_03: You know those things that you get in the store that are like, they got the tinfoil on the top. It's kind of like a cylindrical shape that's kind of thick at the base, and it goes back up, and it looks like a traffic cone kind of, but thicker. It's like that. Unknown_03: It's a very strange penis. 1:28:01 Unknown_03: That's my allegory, chat. That's all I got. Unknown_03: Egg-shaped Talmuldik. Unknown_03: You didn't want that imagery? That's too bad. That's too bad. I just want to remind everyone that I broke the story on Yanev. Unknown_03: I was the one that did the stream in December of 2018, right at the end of the year, and I totally broke the story on Yanev, and everyone lives in my shadow. You know how weird it is to see people talking about shit that the forum breaks as international news? 1:28:37 Unknown_03: People don't want to admit it. See, that guy from Vice News is like, how could such a forum ever, ever be useful? Unknown_03: I wrote the revolutionary phenotype and I can tell that the Kiwi Farms is a dead end, a genetic dead end that no one except other genetic dead ends could benefit from. But they all use it. They all pretend they're too good for it. They're quoting Eleanor Roosevelt that big minds think of ideas, medium minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people. Now, that bitch Eleanor Roosevelt fucking talking about people too. They all gossip. Housewives, especially Eleanor Roosevelt. I bet you Eleanor Roosevelt talked more about fucking people than anyone else because she was ashamed of it and had a virtue signal. So fuck Eleanor Roosevelt. 1:29:16 Unknown_03: Fuck people. Unknown_03: I was the OG. Unknown_03: Remember me when I'm gone, chat. Remember me? Remember my web zone when the web zone is destroyed and we're all using local internets from our countries, our nationalized internets with good boy websites, no bad boy websites allowed. Remember me. 1:29:51 Unknown_03: And fuck Eleanor Roosevelt and fuck FDR, too. Fuck them both. If they had died in a car crash in the 1930s, the world would be a better place and we wouldn't have dear people. That's all I've got to say about that. Unknown_03: All right. Let me pull up an outro song. I'm done. Unknown_03: I'm out of dopamine. I need to go play more Space Station 13 before I fucking die. 1:30:24 Unknown_03: I'm trying to think. Have I ever played Space Asshole as an outro song? I don't think I ever have. Oh! Unknown_03: I have a better choice for an outro song. Unknown_03: Joji got in some trouble, by the way. People found out that Joji was, at one point, a guy named... Unknown_03: Filthy Frank or pink guy and they found out that pink guy did or said some some uncouth Racist things back in the day and there was a little bit of stink about it from the kpop people During in the last week or during the week before when I didn't stream so in honor of in honor of Joji 1:31:14 Unknown_03: and all these K-pop kiddies who just figured out what Pink Eye is, I will present to you a song that is very, very hard to find because he unlisted it. And I'll see you next week, probably. Unknown_03: Fuck let me let it preload a bit first Put a load a bit. I'll put I'll put some hamsters up on the screen before So it doesn't stutter on my poor fucking computer Okay, dance with the dead guy hamsters I'll take that hamster back All right. 1:31:57 Unknown_06: I will I will see you next week 1:32:28 Unknown_01: Then I fuck my son, then I go to church Then I fuck my mom, and then I say grace And then I fuck my mom I'm from the south and I'm really fucking stupid I can't read, I can't write I got a clamped lip and a lazy eye I'm an Aryan race, eyes blue as the sky If you think about it, Hitler didn't What is right and what is good? Keep those niggers back in the hood. Unknown_10: I believe in our savior, Lord Jesus Christ. Everybody seems equal in our savior's eyes. Unknown_01: Except for faggots and except for niggers. If you don't get off my lawn, I'ma pull that trigger. Please don't touch me, my dad is a lawyer. And I'll have you know I will not settle in court. I got a nice job at my father's firm. 1:33:29 Unknown_01: teenage boy in his prime If I rape a girl it won't be a crime Because my father has my back And Lord Jesus Christ First I fuck my sister Then I fuck my mom Then I fuck my cousin Then I fuck my son Then I go to church Unknown_03: Hey, I found out a compromise, okay? Dear people, you are allowed to use folks in y'all, but you first have to drop the N-word in a public recorded way. That's how you get the folks pass and the y'all pass. You got to use the N-word. All right, that's our compromise. 1:34:19 Unknown_03: That's our three-fifths compromise.