0:00:01 Unknown_01: Hello gamers, and welcome to... Is Space Station 13 not a livestream? Um... I've decided not to livestream this because... Unknown_01: live streaming Space Station 13 sounds like the most disastrous fucking thing I could think of. You would be fucked with so hard and so immediately that it wouldn't even be worth your time. So, I've picked a server I don't usually play on because it's kind of shitty, and I've I made a completely new hashtag gamertag because I enjoy my fortress of solitude. I pick a server, right? It's my server. I have my gamertag. Nobody knows what my gamertag is. I've literally told no one ever what my fucking gamertag is and this fucking thing. So that when I join my game and I pick my character with my random appearance and my random name, random everything, I can finally not have people talking to me. I'd like to close Discord, close Signal, close my browser, close everything, and just disappear completely. 0:01:18 Unknown_01: I've never, I've not actually played with this character at all, it's more like random everything, it's fine. Which one do we got? What's available? Uh... Unknown_01: Let's see. This station is such shit. Look at this. They have no doctors. They have no fucking doctors besides the CMO, the chemist, and the paramedic. They have no doctors. But I was going to play Jander just for fun, but Jander's taken too. If I could, I would play Janny Borg. 0:01:58 Unknown_00: Janny Borg is like the ultimate stress relief. Unknown_01: If you are angry, if you're mad, if you're angry and you don't want people to talk to you, the absolute best thing you could ever do is boot up Space Station 13, get fucking Borg'd right away, Unknown_01: go into janitor mode and just fucking sweep you just sweep up the whole fucking station and sometimes when you see some garbage this is perfect when you're janny bored you just roll over that shit and it's gone and you did your job everyone loves you and there's no problems you feel good about it it's the most rewarding thing ever 0:02:42 Unknown_01: Let's see, that looks like... I need to get my health HUD scanner. So if you can't tell what's going on because this game is ridiculous, I don't blame you. Unknown_01: I'm the thing in the middle of the screen. I am a doctor, and my job is to fix up all the fucking meat sticks in the station. Unknown_01: Now, B Station and TG Main have diverted at some point, so medicine's not the same. I prefer TG's medicine now that I know how it works. 0:03:24 Unknown_01: But... Why can't I scan this fucking guy? Unknown_01: Is it like broken? What the fuck? Unknown_01: I literally just can't scan him? Why the fuck can't I scan him? Whatever. Unknown_01: Why can't I scan him? Fuck that shit. Unknown_01: Is there like some kind of change where the health scanner is just a fucking piece of shit now? I have no fucking idea why I can't just scan him. 0:04:12 Unknown_01: Screams him putting on medicine by the way for some reason they just have you fucking oh so oh They still have this thing okay, so Unknown_01: He's overdosing hard. So the main difference between TG and B station is that TG has gotten rid of all conveniences in medicine. Like you can't just throw someone in, uh, like usually in medicine, there's three things you use this fucking casket over here, the sleeper. It's an easy, cheap way to get medicine, all the medicine you need. Then this cryo cell basically just heals everything. And if you've done fucked up, and you don't feel like actually doing any medicine, you just throw the corpse into this fucking cloner, and then you have a clone. And the main fork of TJ these days doesn't do that. You have to fix them up. And the best, the most straightforward way of doing that is just going into surgery and using operations to basically magically heal people. Second best way is if you have a cooperating chemistry lab, get medicine and give them medicine. Because they got rid of the cryocasket. You have to... 0:04:55 Unknown_01: Either use the medicine that's available to you and the medicine that's available to you is like shit or Or you just do this okay, so here we have a patient right Drag him into that casket. He's got some brute damage, so I think by carding Is the root yeah? It's been a while since I've used old I Think he's good 0:05:44 Unknown_01: You should be good. He just got some plushy damage, and now the meds in him. And he'll walk it off. Unknown_01: Blood bank. I can't see. Unknown_01: Oh, I finally got to scan him. What a fucking... 0:06:21 Unknown_01: let's see he is able to be resuscitated but he is got no blood he's b plus i'm also b plus okay so if the player leaves they can't be resuscitated he just spent all that time trying to bring back that corpse and if you shift click it'll say in the chat Unknown_01: I should say that the soul has departed and there are no signs of life, but when he tried to defib, no activity and patience. Oh, wait, wait. Unknown_01: uh actually he just uh he just failed so to defib someone right when you can see that defib icon you can just pull it put the backpack on and then oh i need to target the patient's chest with i am targeting the patient's chest now he's alive 0:07:47 Unknown_01: Uh, okay. Unknown_01: He's super mega fucked up. Unknown_01: Uh, he needs blood. For some reason, this room is... Oh, plasmaman. Okay, that plasmaman was on fire. I need B+. Unknown_01: I used to know the donor types, like I used to know what types could give to whom, but it's been a while. It's been a while since med school, I don't remember. So I got my IV drip for that blood up, and I'm gonna try and hook that up. 0:08:24 Unknown_01: Yep, okay, I attached the IV drip. Unknown_01: that guy oh that's an IPC IPC's are really weird because they're like robotic skeletons they're like the Necrons 0:09:10 Unknown_01: from Warhammer. So they're just like skeleton people. They're completely unfixable by normal medicine. Unknown_01: TG does not have it, but B-Station does. Unknown_01: The benefit of being an IPC is that you're basically, you're inorganic, so you're pretty much safe from fire, from lack of oxygen, from the coldness of space. Like, you have tons and tons of perks, but that's why TG doesn't have them. Okay, they're murdering that guy in cold blood. I don't know why. This game was a great... 0:09:43 Unknown_01: implement it really shows the bystander effect like these guys are murdering these people with spears and shit and Technically, I should be like hey. I'm a concerned citizen Why are you killing these people in the middle of my fucking med bay and making a mess? But um they have guns and spears, and I don't so I'm just gonna be like oh yeah That's that that's a 0:10:16 Unknown_01: What's he doing? There are no signs of... Why is he in here? See, this is... I actually... At first, I really didn't like the fact they took out Cloning and TG, but now I kind of appreciate it, because it's like we have this guy, and he could be resuscitated, but for some reason, they're just like, oh, you know, that's too much work. Unknown_01: I just want to, you know... I'll just throw him in the cloner. Unknown_01: He has some Brute Damage. I don't think that... It's a little bit more... It's easier in TG Station to fix Brute Damage like that, but I think I can fix it. 0:10:48 Unknown_01: I apply the Brute Patch. Is that going to fix it? No, it's not. Unknown_01: I wonder if they've patched in the surgeries. Can I potentially fix this guy in the surgery room and then bring him back? That would be cool. That's usually what you do. Unknown_01: Put him there. 0:11:31 Unknown_01: Put him up on the surgery table. Unknown_01: Hopefully he won't flatline. The flatline timer is like super, super long these days. Unknown_01: Because you always want to encourage people to do things correctly, I suppose. So they give you plenty of time to do it. To start surgery, I need drapes. And there's no drapes, but you can use a jeep. Unknown_01: Fix them up if we can. I want to do 10 wounds. Oh, they did patch that in. Fantastic. So I can do the surgery. 0:12:04 Unknown_01: I've started the surgery and I do have these committed to memory I think. So scalpel and then I want a retractor. Pull back the skin. Oops. Unknown_01: Is it really not the retractors? Unknown_06: What? Unknown_01: Should be the retractor. Oh. Unknown_01: It's just Scalpel to Hino. That's weird. Unknown_01: I think it's different on TG. I think TG has... you have to have the... Okay, so I'm pulling back and the threshold for defibrillation is 175. So now that he's patched up to be on 175, I should be able to grab this defib. 0:12:42 Unknown_01: Patient's heart is too damaged. Okay, that is a different surgery. So now I'm going to go ahead and use the cautery to end the surgery. Unknown_01: Then I'm going to start another surgery because I have to do a coronary bypass and that's just the name they have for fix the heart surgery. Incision and the little computer that I've got open right now tell me the steps so I don't have to guess. 0:13:29 Unknown_01: track skin and the better tools give you better timers my favorite thing in the whole game pretty much as a doctor is when you have abductors or xenomorphs because once you have alien organs from either greys or from the xenomorphs 0:14:05 Unknown_01: you can research alien tools and the alien tools are so fast you can do any procedure and like basically as fast as you can click them. Unknown_01: And that's a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun as a doctor. So by doing this surgery, I've accidentally did more brute damage. So I have to prepare that again. Get them back down underneath the 175. Unknown_01: Meanwhile, the player is in limbo. I hope he's still attached to the body. Because otherwise I'm wasting my time. 0:14:49 Unknown_01: He's probably just sitting there watching like, God, I wish this guy would hurry the fuck up. Let me go ahead and mint him back under 100 or so. I'm getting kind of worried about that. Unknown_01: Countdown clocks, I'm gonna go ahead and pump them now, hopefully. Unknown_01: No activity, further attempts, okay. That's a really misleading message. Cause it really, it scares you into thinking they've disconnected. So that guy was confused. Okay. He's backed up, but he's in critical. 0:15:24 Unknown_01: So I'm going to go ahead and keep preparing. There's two numbers that we're, that we're looking at here. Number one is the brute and the number one is the respiratory. Unknown_01: Okay, because his heart's working again, he is processing the chemicals I gave him from that root patch. I'm going to end that surgery, and I'm going to start giving him CPR. Because right now, he's in critical. Unknown_01: And when you're in critical, you're not breathing, and you're taking suffocation damage. So every time I perform CPR just by clicking on him... Oh, fuck. He's really... He's going fast. He's going to go back... 0:15:55 Unknown_01: Oh, he's fucked. Okay. Unknown_01: I'm going to zap him again in a second. Unknown_01: But there's something I can get that'll help. I need to give him something for suffocation damage. So I boot him up. Unknown_01: And now this time, when I bring him back... 0:16:36 Unknown_01: Should start processing that chemical Patients are fuck So when you defib someone you do heart damage to them so now I Have to go through and do another coronary. Unknown_00: See this is this is the point where you're thinking like I really need to do a Unknown_01: I just need to revive. I need to throw them in the cooker and get a new one. This one's damaged. But I'm doing this for fun so I don't give a fuck if it's the best. Unknown_01: Excellent. So our wonderful research team has not 0:17:24 Unknown_01: Let's not research the organs. Unknown_01: I'm going to give up on this. Because if I had a synthetic organ, I would have no problem doing this. Unknown_01: Oh, oops. I'm not actually pulling her anymore. I'm strangling her. Unknown_01: That was a waste of time. Took like 10 minutes. Took like 10 minutes just to give up. Alright, big baby. 0:17:57 Unknown_01: It's not so much fun just to throw them in the fucking thing. Unknown_01: I forgot their stuff here. Here's a good way to bring someone's stuff to them when they're somewhere else. Just grab one of these body bags. And then I'm going to throw this right here. Wrap it up. 0:18:31 Unknown_01: Drag it with me. Unknown_01: Oh, my poor laptop. Dying all the time. Unknown_01: I'm really disappointed that I couldn't bring them back the normal way. What the fuck is with this guy? Oh, he's fine. There's no reason for him to be strapped to that shit anymore. 0:19:05 Unknown_01: He's got medicine. Unknown_01: No, I'm actually dragon. Unknown_02: Laws changed. Unknown_03: Attention. 0:20:01 Unknown_01: okay he's saying that he's deaf as fuck so i was gonna repair his ears but he does not oh he's stuck in the surgery theater Unknown_01: Oh, what was I doing? Oh, that's right. Unknown_01: I was going to get a minute. That guy was strapped to that fucking bed perfectly fine for like half an hour. Because people forgot he was there. I want a surgical apron. It looks amazing. I like the looks. Why can't I put it there? There. 0:20:46 Unknown_01: Perfect. Unknown_01: Give me one of those gel masks. You have to look the part, you know. Unknown_01: You have to look the part. Unknown_01: When you look the part, half your job is over. Are these dumb motherfuckers still not researched prosthetics? The fibrillator will melt. 0:21:30 Unknown_01: Unpack the fib. Unknown_01: Is that like a belt thing? Yes. Unknown_01: Luminous eyes, they've definitely researched something. Unknown_01: I'm gonna get a defib wall mount. Unknown_01: These are nice because you basically take them, right? Unknown_01: Bring them to the surgery room and... 0:22:10 Unknown_01: And... It's already up to the fucking... Wow, what a terrible design room. Unknown_01: There's nowhere I can put those fucking wall mounts. Unknown_01: Oh, fuck it. Unknown_01: Fuck it. I think this guy wants something from me. Unknown_01: He might just be new. He might just be a new player and doesn't understand what's going on. I'm gonna leave him alone. 0:22:48 Unknown_01: Um, so there are some gondolas attacking that police officer. That guy clearly wants something, but he can't, like, type fast enough. Unknown_01: His name is Israel Parlov. 0:23:27 Unknown_01: So, uh, I'm telling him you have to ask the HOP for your ID and stuff. When you lose all your shit because you died, um... Unknown_01: You have to go to the head of personnel and ask him for a new one. Unknown_01: He's saying that he's intermittently deaf, which sounds like... It's either a brain thing or an ear thing, but I'll... I like doing surgery. Surgery is one of those things where it's mostly muscle memory. 0:24:03 Unknown_01: That's fun. So, do you target the head for ear surgery? Unknown_01: Um... Unknown_01: So I think we have prosthetics and you can give people implants that give them better hearing and stuff So I'm gonna see if we have one of those No, we don't come on So we don't have any fucking implants or anything 0:24:51 Unknown_01: These fucking idiots are, like, just murdering each other. Unknown_01: Ooh! Looky! A pair of ears. Unknown_01: Are they still good? Inner, middle, and outer. Only one of these. The ear has decayed for so long. God damn it. Um... Unknown_01: So what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the ears out of this guy. Because this body has no soul. 0:25:26 Unknown_01: And I'm going to put them in the other guy. I thought I might have found a donor. So I'm going to do organ manipulation. Unknown_01: Scalpel, if I remember correctly. Unknown_01: Uh, Tractor. Should be Pumastat, nope. Nope. Gonna be Bonesaw, yes. 0:26:12 Unknown_01: Screw up, oh, because he's not, when you're not on a bed, like the table that that guy is laying on, it increases your chance of fucking up. Unknown_01: This guy's cool. He doesn't have any place to be, so he's just gonna chill with me. Unknown_01: Okay, I'm extracting the donor's ears. 0:26:53 Unknown_01: I'm failing to extract the donor's ears. Okay, so now I have the ears. Unknown_01: So now we're going to do the same thing. We're going to do organ manipulation. Unknown_01: Ran away. Don't run away from me, you little fucker. 0:27:35 Unknown_01: There are some things that make you move randomly. Unknown_01: really should be following the computer steps i don't know it's all boom 0:28:36 Unknown_01: I keep attacking him and I'm not sure why. It's really weirding me out. Unknown_01: Now I'm pulling the ears out of his head. Unknown_01: He's about to die actually. That's not usually a good sign. Unknown_01: Usually the point of a surgery is to not make someone die. I really wish I knew how I was screwing it up. 0:29:18 Unknown_01: I'm like in the best possible situation. I've got him on the table with the surgical computer. I really should have no issues doing this. 0:29:53 Unknown_01: Oh, he can't hear me. I'm going to have to... I have to do a little bit of role play. Technically, you could just use the me to say, like, me says that he'll be right back and then leave. Unknown_01: But that's kind of gay. I think that's gayer than actually just role playing, to be honest with you. Let's hit the speaker. Unknown_01: Well, chemistry looks fucking horrific. That's always a good sign. I've got some sugar, because he has some weird illness. It almost looks like a synthetic disease. 0:30:25 Unknown_01: It says unknown. Should be, yeah, advanced disease. 0:31:03 Unknown_01: Oh, that disease. Also not the issue. Unknown_01: I'm going to have to get a Brute Pack for him because he's way too close to going critical. Unknown_01: Excellent. There is no medicine. Unknown_01: This is why I don't like playing on B, because B is like... just such a shitshow. 0:31:38 Unknown_01: It's always, always like this. Unknown_01: Where it's just like, nobody is ever doing their job. Ow! Unknown_01: You know what I mean? Like, nobody... Nobody ever seems to give a shit. They always have, like, their own personal mission. And aside from that, they don't really care about what's going on. 0:32:13 Unknown_01: I really, really, really, really, really wish I knew. 0:32:50 Unknown_01: Why I was failing at surgery. Unknown_01: Because I really shouldn't be. I'm gonna go fucking crit. Unknown_01: I'm gonna go crit soon. Unknown_01: Because for some reason I just keep fucking up the surgery. Even though there's literally no reason for me to. Unknown_01: Oh, now he's unconscious. He's unconscious. Okay, let me fix your brain real quick. Unknown_01: Before you die. Okay, that's done. Now I can get an incision, hopefully. If he gets... I'm really concerned about his brute damage. Okay, brute damage is fine. Can I ever... CPR him. 0:33:25 Unknown_01: Move my mask. He's still taking suff... I guess he is taking suffocation. Unknown_01: Okay, CPR this motherfucker. Unknown_01: Do I have adrenaline? I do have adrenaline. I'll just give him some of that. Unknown_01: That should slow the damage he's taking as a result of me, uh, horrifically maiming him. 0:34:04 Unknown_01: Come on, buddy. Stop fighting. Start breathing again. Stop being an idiot. Unknown_01: Okay, he's breathing. Is he out? Unknown_01: No. Unknown_01: God damn it, he's fucking dying on me. I really don't know why this guy is so fucking hard to make alive. 0:34:54 Unknown_01: And then the game's just over because the revolutionaries just fucking died. Unknown_01: It took me literally like 50 fucking minutes. Unknown_01: Oh jeez. I guess now would be inappropriate time to talk about things as we wait for this crawl to finish. 0:35:43 Unknown_01: This is the most boring thing about the game is the fucking time between rounds. It's like five minutes. Unknown_01: So in other news, the Senate, led by Mitch McConnell, is trying to pass a bill that will allow warrantless FBI searches of computer browsing history. I don't even understand why we have constitutional limits in here. Why do we pretend that the Bill of Rights matters at all? Unknown_01: Because it clearly doesn't. 0:36:20 Unknown_01: How do these people keep getting elected? Unknown_01: Like Mitch McConnell, Mitch McConnell has no redeeming qualities as an elected official. I don't understand why people can't vote him out and replace him with someone who doesn't look like such a fucking retard and act like such a fucking retard. Unknown_01: Ask Last USA. Unknown_02: It fills me with misery. Unknown_02: How do I set up the... Unknown_01: How do I set up this go? Unknown_06: I do. I set up. How I the scrungilarty. 0:36:53 Unknown_07: For the round starts, round ends. Unknown_07: Three minutes until next round. 0:37:38 Unknown_07: Brig physician. That's a weird one. Unknown_07: I don't think I've ever seen a brig physician. Unknown_01: All those timers to stop new accounts from just immediately going virologist and ruining a round by releasing fucking space aids and shit. Unknown_07: Here. Ooh, I don't know. Unknown_01: Does Beast Station have plumbing yet? Plumbing was pretty cool. 0:38:10 Unknown_01: That's another thing that I like to do. Unknown_01: when I'm stressed out and I just wanna relax a bit. Unknown_01: Guide to plumbing, they do have it, okay. Unknown_07: I'll set that to high. Unknown_07: Medical doctor to medium. Unknown_07: Clown to low and ginger to low. Unknown_07: Oh jeez. 0:38:44 Unknown_07: The random bodies you get are fucking hideous. Unknown_07: I guess that's true with every game. Unknown_07: Ethereal, I don't know. Unknown_01: All the other... Phelaned? When did B add Phelaned? You know what's funny about B-Station is... Unknown_01: You can't say gamer words. You can't say the F-bomb, the F-slur, the N-slur, the other N-slur with a soft A. And it's like, TG Station allows fucking gamer words. And I asked them, I said, why the fuck did you guys ban gamer words? And one of the admins was like, by gamer words, do you mean racial slurs? Because not all gamers are racist. And I'm like, I thought you guys broke away from TG Station because they were such pussies. 0:39:19 Unknown_01: tempted to do it right i can't do i can't write it because i'll be posting this on youtube but it's like really all the things to be upset about i'm gonna fucking waste what a waste of time and energy to be upset about shit like that i was um on uh 0:39:59 Unknown_01: I was on TG, actually. I was on TG, and I had the name of a famous or infamous Nazi doctor. Because when I play doctor, I'm usually doing weird shit. I like to hack people's body parts and then put them back together. So I pick crazy doctor names, right? And I got boinked by the item. It's like, sir, that is an offensive name. That's a violation of Rule 3, Section A. That's an implicitly out-of-character name, and it's offensive. We're going to have to make it a change-up. But that character name with the Yahtzee doctor, I've been using that name for a super long time. 0:40:32 Unknown_01: And only then, like, they boinked me for it. And, like, who saw that and got perturbed by it? I was like, oh, my God. Oh, my God. My suspension of disbelief. There's no way that nanotransin or nanotransin or whatever the fuck would allow this Yahtzee doctor to be the chief of medical on this station. There's no way that would happen. 0:41:05 Unknown_04: Welcome to the station crew. Enjoy your stay. Unknown_01: I need someone to fix this immediately. Unknown_01: What the fuck is this delta station? Unknown_01: So are they using the outdated station versions that don't have the fucking chem labs? Unknown_01: So they have plumbing, they just don't have the fucking chem labs. Unknown_01: Oh my fucking god. 0:41:36 Unknown_01: Plumbing is like the whole point of playing chemist. Unknown_01: the only way to get that without having the chem lab is to to make it so let me try this it is welding fuel carbon hydrogen uh then i have to warm this up to get ash 0:42:15 Unknown_06: I'm gonna add more. I'm trying to think. Unknown_01: I'm trying to think. It's really hard. I'm not good at thinking. Unknown_01: This fucking doctor research guy wants something there's like too much of a spur to just say Welcome to space station 13 amigo I am your AI suit sensors maximum, please So what I'm doing is I am Trying to make 0:43:11 Unknown_01: Um, plastic. Unknown_01: I'm trying to remember what the temperature is. I think it's 380 for plastic. We will see. Ha! Unknown_01: I got it exactly right. Go me. That is 10 plastic sheets. Oh, my ID card's not in the right slot. Unknown_04: I can go to the lathe over here. 0:43:47 Unknown_01: Pop that in. As you can see, I've added the plastic to the thing. Unknown_01: And now... God willing... I should be able to get a plumbing thing. Unknown_01: I should be able to get a plumbing tool... Unknown_01: Let me check for a plunge. No, there's no plunge. Oh my fuck. Unknown_01: Why is Guide to Plumbing even there? 0:44:20 Unknown_01: They copied the Guide to Plumbing into their wiki. Unknown_01: And there is no fucking... Unknown_01: There's no plumbing in the fucking game. Because they haven't merged it in yet. Magical Plumbing RCD can construct the basic plumbing. Click on it. The plumbing constructor requires metal to function. Can be constructed at a... Oh, the plumbing... There is a plumbing constructor. Okay. Unknown_01: Okay, okay. I guess I spoke too fucking soon for that shit. 0:44:56 Unknown_01: But with TG you get a nice big tech lab where you can fucking work on shit. You don't have to worry about anything. Unknown_01: I took the glass too because um... I'm gonna need it. I'm also gonna need a plunger. Unknown_01: Is there no plunger? That's a really important fucking tool. Okay, whatever. 0:45:35 Unknown_01: I'm also going to take all their glass because fuck you. Unknown_01: What I need, I need more than anyone else needs anything. And that's just the truth. That's just the facts of the situation if you think about it. Unknown_01: Okay, so chemistry on these stations is totally different. I could just make math and not give a fuck about what Unknown_01: I don't know what to make. Unknown_01: Core healing medicine. Silver sulfadiazine. You're going to laugh when I try to pronounce things, by the way. 0:46:11 Unknown_01: Okay, so silver sulfadiazine has to be a spray. Okay, it's a little bit different, but I think it can work. Oh, fuck. How do I get pipes? Unknown_01: Oh my god. Can I make pipes? I need pipes. Unknown_01: Is that also going to take plastic? Unknown_01: Pipe. Aww. 0:46:57 Unknown_01: equipment, plumbing, constructor. Gonna need some pipes. Unknown_01: Definitely going to need some pipes if I wanna do this. Unknown_01: So I guess until I figure out how to get some fucking pipes I can still lay down some basic equipment that I'm going to need later and just fill those up. 0:47:39 Unknown_01: So the basic component of how this shit works is you lay down these synthesizers and the synthesizers synthesize Unknown_01: chemicals that you can merge into the actual things you need so ammonia I really hope they don't kill me is nitrogen and hydrogen and then for silver sulfadiazine I need silver sulfur oxygen and chlorine 0:48:25 Unknown_01: Silver. Unknown_01: Sulfur. Unknown_01: Chlorine. I think Oxygen. Which isn't uncommon. Unknown_01: Now, if you are actually a chemistry student and you're thinking, uh, this doesn't make any sense, how you're just building these violates some physical laws and shit, um, and you can't really pump oxygen as a liquid at room temperature, uh, shut up. Unknown_01: Shut up. Nobody cares. Nobody in the whole universe gives a single solitary fuck. 0:48:55 Unknown_01: Oh, I do have chlorine already. Okay, excellent. I also need aluminium and sulfuric acid. Unknown_01: I say aluminium because that is how it's spelt in the game. Unknown_01: And if you try in the synthesizing chambers to type aluminum, it will not work. So I've gotten to the habit of very specifically pronouncing it aluminium so that I can remember to type it that way. 0:49:43 Unknown_01: Maybe I can make pipes from plastic. Unknown_01: Plastic, flaps, water bottle, wet floor sign, none of those things are pipes. Unknown_01: Can I make it with this? Unknown_01: Iron door, airlock assemblies, walker, computer frames, fluid tires, canister, rack parts. 0:50:21 Unknown_01: No, I cannot. Unknown_01: Okay, these stations. Seriously, how the fuck do they... What is even the point of adding this shit? Oh, it's called a fluid duct. Unknown_01: That's called a pipe, not fluid. Oh, okay, that's also not there. Great, excellent. Fucking cool doesn't exist. Can I make it with this? Can this make it? Unknown_01: No, it cannot. Okay, cool. Unknown_01: Just can't fucking... So let me grab the plastic again and just double check. No, because I looked at it and didn't have anything like that. I don't have anything even close to a fluid duct on it. 0:50:57 Unknown_01: What's this over here? Are you a fluid duct dispenser? Unknown_01: Supply request. Unknown_00: No? Unknown_01: Uh... Embrulator. Great. Nope, nothing for that show. Okay. Fuck that. 0:51:31 Unknown_01: I'm gonna go yell at R&D. I'm gonna yell at them until they give me what I want. 0:52:10 Unknown_01: Better give me what I fucking want. Fucking robot piece of shit. Unknown_01: RD promises. Promises me. He swears to me. He says, Jish, I'll get you a fluid ducts. 0:52:44 Unknown_01: It can be found in stacks in all the waves and the chemical laboratorium simply clicks to place them down. Unknown_03: Oh wait, there it is, right there. Unknown_01: I just need some iron. Unknown_01: Where can I get some iron from? 0:53:26 Unknown_01: Oh, precious fluid ducks. I can make them now. Unknown_01: Okay, 24. Gimme that, gimme dat. Unknown_01: Okay, now. 14 minutes into the game. Unknown_01: I can start, I can start with my construction, my grand designs. 0:53:59 Unknown_01: And we'll make silver, sulfadiazine. Oh, excellent. This is the patch of plumbing where pipes don't fucking work. Unknown_01: I'll try. I'll try just in case. I need to make ammonia. Unknown_00: And... That's it. 0:54:43 Unknown_01: I like that inspection. It's like, can I help you? Do you realize that this is the hallway and that you're setting up your plumbing construction right here in the hallway? Do you know what you're doing? I'm like, yes, I'm plumbing. Unknown_01: I'm plumbing. Unknown_01: And he's like, oh, okay. Speech check passed. Unknown_01: You know, his plumbing guys... 0:55:14 Unknown_01: okay now for ammonia it is I like to do my numbers in 5 so nitrogen 5 hydrogen 15 now I wrench that shit in and I should hear some if everything works I should hear glug glug um Unknown_01: I do have nitrogen, right? Unknown_01: Nitrogen, that's hooked up. Hydrogen, that's hooked up. Oh, it's not, okay. Unknown_01: Gleaming. Unknown_01: There we go, that's the glug-glug. Unknown_01: That's that good shit. 0:56:13 Unknown_01: Time to tell what's secured and what's not, because... Okay, make an ammonia. Ex-ce-lent-ay. Unknown_01: Uh, let me steal some iron. I need more pipes. Go back over to that iron. I'm just gonna take all the iron. Unknown_01: Whatever other needs for iron people have on the station is... This is the pursuit of medicine. Unknown_01: The holiest of pursuits. So, I'm righteous. I'm righteous in my theft of the iron. 0:57:04 Unknown_01: Okay Now here's the fun part Take a little bit of preparation to get set up, but once you do it It's set it and forget it Unknown_01: Everyone will marvel. Unknown_01: Everyone will marvel at your capacities. They'll think, oh my god, that is the best chemist I've ever seen. He's so good at what he does. I'm making some room. I have to feng shui in my medical area here. Unknown_01: It's giving me bad chi. It looks like it's inferior medicine or other shit. 0:57:58 Unknown_01: Epinephrine. Unknown_01: I'll fall short in the glory of God. I need a lot of pipes. It's a good thing it's still everybody's iron. Unknown_01: I'll finish that in a second. I want to get to the actual layout. Unknown_00: Bro. Oh, it was a toy store. Unknown_01: I was like, isn't that like a fucking traitor just gonna kill me? For all my work. For all my ethical pursuits. He's just gonna murder me. No. 0:58:31 Unknown_01: Not yet. Unknown_01: Um. Unknown_01: What? A bottle dispenser? What the fuck is this shit? Unknown_01: I wanted a pill dispenser. Unknown_01: Oh, they all look exactly the same. Wonderful. Unknown_01: Excellent, and it doesn't give you your resources back when you fucking deconstruct it with the plumbing thing. That's awesome. 0:59:06 Unknown_01: So, for silver sulfadiazine, which heals burn... Unknown_01: I'm going to do a patch. I'm going to do 10 units. I'm going to say burn, super-salted diodizing, 10 units. Unknown_01: And then put 10 here in the region reactor. That's just a really easy way to pull the region. So that's until the dispenser only gets that, because otherwise it would just pull everything that it could. 0:59:51 Unknown_01: Then I want stick powder. Unknown_01: So this is something that also has to be pulled in that way. Then I want patch dispenser. Unknown_01: I'm going to put septic powder in parentheses because dummies won't understand. Unknown_01: Dummies just don't get it. I want to make sure this is burned. I think, oh, I did, okay. I got that right. 1:00:26 Unknown_01: So now, now that the dispensary is actually set up, I can get back to the regions. Unknown_01: You might notice that this isn't like the most terribly exciting thing ever. I assume if you're listening this far, you don't actually care. You just want background noise, that's fine. Unknown_01: Space Station 13 is just like a good way to chew. Unknown_01: Meditation. 1:01:03 Unknown_01: Sometimes it's not, sometimes it's stressful as fuck. Unknown_01: But during those times, just ignore it. Unknown_01: Doesn't matter. Unknown_01: Okay now, I'm gonna make silver sulfadiazine. Unknown_01: And, once silver sulfadiazine is available, the patch dispenser in the lobby that we just built Unknown_01: I could instantly start pulling that in. So I need ammonia. I don't know why I'm punching. I'm alt-tabbing. I'm supposed to do hotkey or something. Silver, sulfur, oxygen, chlorine. Silver. 1:01:38 Unknown_01: Silver. Unknown_01: Oxygen. Unknown_01: Chlorine. Unknown_01: And give me that gurgle. Unknown_01: I hear nothing. 1:02:14 Unknown_01: Silver sulfidizing, excellent. And now, ladies and gentlemen, I'll turn your attention to the lobby. Unknown_01: Should be... Unknown_01: Silver sulfa diazine. How did I not set that up correctly? Unknown_01: That stupid fucking cunt. Did you see that bitch right there? She fucking removed the ingredients. That's what happened. That's why they weren't set. I definitely fucking set these. That dumb bitch fucking emptied it out. 1:02:47 Unknown_01: Oh man, that's infuriating. What a fucking cunt. Unknown_01: What'd you fuck this up to? Unknown_01: That's the other thing that's fucking bad about B Station is that they're all TG Station rejects or people who can't figure out how to join 1:03:24 Unknown_01: uh join their servers that aren't on the beyond thing they get morons just with your set up something cool you spend all this time making something cool for everyone and then you just get brainless and with it for no reason literally no reason um okay that thing is making way did they not have a limit or is it like 20. Unknown_01: Now I'm going to make septic powder. Septic powder has no complex region. Excellent. Unknown_01: So you just want 1 OD. 1:04:32 Unknown_01: Okay. Aluminium. Unknown_01: Hydrogen. Oxygen. Unknown_01: Someone said that we have devils, which would be really weird. Devils is a game mode where the antagonist is like a Satan that gets more powerful the more souls they acquire. But you rarely see it because it's not in the actual game 1:05:03 Unknown_01: It's not like in the... Why can't I add... I can't add sulfuric acid? Unknown_01: Oh my... Oh, they... They either... I think it's... Whatever. Unknown_01: They spell it wrong either within the script or they spell it wrong in the wiki. Either way. It's fixed. Unknown_01: Give me that look. Unknown_06: perfect now we go to the lobby 1:06:07 Unknown_01: Finally. What an asshole. Okay. Unknown_01: Patches are all set. We got sulfur, silver sulfadiazine and septic powder patches. Just pouring out. Unknown_01: And what else? Unknown_01: It could make salbutamol, which is suffocation damage. Why the fuck is... Hmm. 1:06:37 Unknown_06: Yeah, the bee chemicals are weird. Unknown_01: It's like a halfway point between, um... Between the way that T.G. does it and the way that they used to do it. Unknown_01: uh what else could i make it's a really good thing or there is also the more complicated um epinephrine 20% chance to reduce knockout. 1:07:33 Unknown_01: Whatever. That's not what I want. What? Unknown_01: Is it ephedrine? Unknown_01: The one that pulls you out of crit real fast. Unknown_06: Oh, that's a really complicated one. Unknown_01: I don't feel like setting that up. Unknown_06: He's accidentally blocking that guy while I was reading the manual, trying to figure out what to make. 1:08:42 Unknown_01: Wow, it really does not have any limit on how many patches it makes. Unknown_01: My apprehension with saying burning brute in the chat is that this is supposedly a medium roleplay server. Unknown_01: I don't want to just say that. Kind of cringe. Kind of cringe, bro. 1:09:17 Unknown_01: Breaks your, um... Unknown_01: Breaks your immersion. Unknown_01: Wait a second, that's a gamer. That's a gamer thing. Oh no, I'm actually in a PlayStation right now. 1:10:10 Unknown_01: It says there's 63 people in this station, but it really does not feel like it. Because it's so quiet. Especially Medbay. Unknown_01: Medbay's usually filled with fucking bodies by the half hour mark. Unknown_01: Even cloning is, like, empty. 1:10:51 Unknown_01: Here, you know what? I got a gift. I wonder if they... I mean, they usually already have their own chem dispenser at this point. Unknown_01: Botany can benefit from some chemical. Unknown_01: Why is it so fucking dark? 1:11:27 Unknown_01: I'm asking him if he has his own chemical dispenser. Unknown_01: I'm saying it should be good. I don't know. No, it's no problem. What's something else I can do that would be fun? With my lab. I like setting up the labs. It's like a little zen garden. Unknown_00: let me check there's some things you can do in tg that you can't really do make bombs and that's kind of like 1:12:49 Unknown_01: I could give the clown space loop. That's always a fan favorite. 1:13:38 Unknown_01: Even the janitor doesn't need cleaner. I feel so obsolete. So immediately obsolete. Unknown_06: I'll just sit here for a bit. Unknown_01: I do like that sound of the... Unknown_01: chemical stuff that's strange when he's on the Mac it doesn't show doesn't show the text over his head like the game doesn't know how to mount it to the vehicle 1:14:47 Unknown_06: Thank you. 1:15:19 Unknown_06: I'm gonna make Unknown_06: I don't know. Unknown_01: I'll make packs or something. Mindbreaker toxin. Mindbreaker toxin. 1:15:57 Unknown_01: That would take a lot, though. Unknown_01: Okay, what else am I going to do? Unknown_01: I'm going to need... What is there? Okay, I'm going to need a lot of stuff for that. Unknown_01: I think at this point I'm going to have to just co-opt... Unknown_00: Where else can I put the armor? 1:16:35 Unknown_01: I could do it, oh, maybe. Unknown_01: Yeah, I could do it in here I guess. Unknown_01: At least, yeah, at least in that corner here. There's really not that much room. Unknown_01: At least that won't even there. I would need a welder to do that, though. Bring down that wall up and then up. 1:17:14 Unknown_01: I'll deconstruct the... this room. Unknown_01: Thank you so much. I think this is gonna be my best bet for the initial production of chemicals. Can I move now? 1:17:56 Unknown_01: Does the microwave not rotate? I don't think I've ever moved a microwave before in this game. I really hope I can use wood to fuel my thing because otherwise I'm going to be fucked in terms of resources here soon. I'll just make a nice pile. Unknown_01: Okay, so now I'm going to need... I'm trying to make as much room as I fucking can. 1:18:59 Unknown_01: I may need more. Unknown_01: Yeah, I'm gonna need more pipes here in a second. Unknown_01: I'll use this room for putting down the synthesizers because they only need one tile and a pipe for the face. And I'll use this room for reaction chambers. I'm going to have to go get more materials though. More fluid dust. Unknown_01: Then I'm gonna try to make packs. Or... I could make meth. Meth is a lot of work though. Making ephedrine is such a pain in the ass. Actually, it's less work. 1:19:34 Unknown_01: On, um... P-Station. Unknown_01: Let's see. Fluid. 1:20:20 Unknown_01: Actually, I don't need to be jacked, cause I'm still- Okay. Hmm. Unknown_01: Or, you know what, I could do that differently. I don't know if that will actually save any space, but Unknown_01: looks promising doing it like that and that should give me one two three four five five reaction chambers excellent okay for meth i am going to need 1:21:18 Unknown_01: I'm going to need at least one heating chamber for the meth itself. I'll put that one here to remember. I'm going to need ephedrine, which is just a regular thing. Unknown_01: Which contains oil, which is a regular thing. And then diethylamine. Diethylamine? Unknown_01: Whatever. Unknown_01: And that is also... something. Is that all meth is? 1:21:54 Unknown_01: It's way different on TGA. On TGA it's actually different things. I'm trying to remember if I have ammonia. Unknown_00: Oh, I do have ammonia. Fucking awesome. Unknown_01: Okay. Unknown_01: So by those powers combined... I can start putting down my meth. Unknown_01: Now what is my grand plan for the map? I'm not gonna put it out in the lobby. It would be that idea, people get angry. 1:22:28 Unknown_01: It would be something else. I'm gonna make the diethylamine first. Ammonia, ethanol, equal parts. Unknown_01: I also have to be careful because if I overheat, the meth explodes at a certain temperature. It's like 380 kelvin. Unknown_01: Be careful. 1:23:27 Unknown_01: Because it's kind of rude of me not to interact with that guy, but I'm busy. I'm doing my gay little project, okay? Don't interact with me. Don't at me, bro. Unknown_01: Dithylamine. One ammonia, one ethanol. For the sake of convenience, I keep everything at five. It's super easy to remember that way. Unknown_01: And then, oh my fucking, how am I gonna pronounce this word? Unknown_01: Oh, it's just ephedrine. The other one is like diphenhydramine. 1:24:03 Unknown_01: So ephedrine is... One part this, one part sucar. Unknown_01: Oil. Unknown_06: I... Unknown_01: Cause that one's missing FML and this one's gonna be missing... And I'm very... I'm pretty sure I know what's happening. 1:25:05 Unknown_01: Should be hearing some glug glugs here Did I not do ethanol i'm pretty sure I got ethanol hydrogen what the fuck's wrong with me Unknown_01: And this is... Not making oil. Unknown_00: Why not have oil? I know oil by heart. Oh, we need fuel. Unknown_01: Carbon. 1:26:08 Unknown_01: Do I not have a thing for... I guess not, because I don't see what I'm doing. So I'm in... It's a random event that happens, and when it happens... Yeah, you are fucked. Unknown_06: I don't know. 1:27:24 Unknown_01: I wish this shit would go fucking away. I'm so tired of slipping on shit. Unknown_01: It's unironically one of the worst things in the entire fucking game. It does absolutely nothing. Unknown_01: There's also nothing? No, but it's hydrogen, silver, chlorine, sulfur, aluminum, oxygen, sulfuric acid, so then I need carbon, and I need... hydrogen, I'm pretty sure. What was this one? 1:28:20 Unknown_01: No, I don't even hire them. Unknown_06: Okay, I'll leave that one up. Unknown_01: Okay, now hopefully... Hopefully... I'll be hearing some glugs in here. Unknown_06: Wait, wait, wait. Unknown_01: Does the... That was weird. Unknown_01: Does the room fucking... 1:28:56 Unknown_01: It is. It's fucking space loop. That's what it was in that room. That's why I keep bashing into fucking shit as I walk. Unknown_01: I think hydrogen's only like a one. Yeah, it is. That's why it's so slow. Okay. Unknown_01: Hopefully I got this shit set up fine so I can stop walking in this fucking room. 1:29:31 Unknown_01: Okay, let's make an oil, let's make an ephedrine. Unknown_01: Now finally for methamphetamine I need ephedrine, iodine, phosphorus, and hydrogen. Let me go set that other one to phosphorus. Unknown_01: I will finally be done with the meth factory. 375 explodes at 380. 1:30:08 Unknown_01: To do this, I want 377. Unknown_06: An acceptable temperature difference of 2. 1:30:43 Unknown_01: Now once I rinse this out, I can start insulting the chemicals. Unknown_01: And if I fucked it up this will explode. Unknown_01: Working so far. Looks like everything's there. Unknown_06: Now it might take a little bit, it's kind of weird because the chemicals come in at 300 degrees Kelvin I think. Unknown_01: And then it has to heat it up so it will fluctuate up and down. 1:31:39 Unknown_01: now well usually what you can can do with things like this is you can just set the target temperature at like a thousand degrees kelvin and it heats it up really really fast when you have it at a a moderate temperature when it starts approaching the target temperature it um Unknown_01: it starts slowing down or you can do something like if the target temperature is 400 degrees kelvin and the maximum temperature is 1000 degrees kelvin you can set it at something like 700 with an acceptable temperature difference of 300 kelvin and that way it produces the chemical basically as fast as possible but for right now I'm just waiting on this one to hit 3715 which will take a little bit of time but then it should be making methane but let me double check that's right and it's full up to capacity so when it's done um 1:32:28 Unknown_01: That will be 200, isn't it? Some chemicals, I think like ammonia, will accept four units and produce two, for instance. Sometimes it's even, for special chemicals, it's even greater. It will take like 10 or 20 chemicals and produce only one. 1:33:13 Unknown_01: But methamphetamine seems to be a one-to-one. Unknown_01: As you can see, it's inching up close to where it needs to be. Unknown_01: Almost there. Unknown_01: Get ready for the big glug. Unknown_06: One more, one more. Unknown_01: Methamphetamine. Unknown_01: If any luck, get one with six foot. So now... There's a couple options. Unknown_01: There is a couple options of what we can further do. 1:33:49 Unknown_01: From that. Unknown_01: One such option is we can build something. Unknown_01: We're going to need the help of diamonds for that though. We're going to have to do it well. Unknown_01: Now there is something called... Attention. It's a missile shell. 1:34:21 Unknown_01: What is the smoke machine, Josh? Well, the answer is it is a machine that takes a chemical and smokifies it into the air. Unknown_01: Now, if you were to have something with a chemical effect, such as meth, and you have... Unknown_01: smoke machine filled with meth theoretically speaking you could put that methamphetamine into a smoke machine and disperse it into the air making everyone imbibe methamphetamine now why you would do such a thing is a mystery to everyone 1:35:24 Unknown_01: but it is definitely something that you can do. I've got output gates there because I need to... I'm going to need to fill that manually. Unknown_01: I'm going to need some iron. I'm going to need... a lot of stuff actually. Unknown_01: Actually before I get started, I don't know exactly what I need. 1:36:00 Unknown_01: But once I start building the machine it will be kind enough to tell me what it is that I need. Unknown_01: Also that CMO is kidnapping people. He's using something called a blue space body bag to basically abduct people into his pocket. Unknown_01: A little bit of a cheese to do that. You literally just put the body back underneath them. Unknown_01: Then zip it up. 1:36:39 Unknown_01: What happens when you get to about an hour in the game is that R&D kind of falls apart. Because people start winning shit from R&D. Or they start breaking into it. Unknown_01: And R&D usually just lets this happen because it's easier than resisting. Unknown_01: I bet you there's usually some wire in the chem lab. I'm lucky there's still wire in this chem lab. Unknown_01: Oh, is that where the plumbing constructor is? In that fucking closet? Okay, whatever. 1:37:18 Unknown_01: Let's see, maybe there's some wire here. There's none. Unknown_01: Now that I'm out of options, I'm just going to go ahead and break into R&D and just take what I want. 1:38:44 Unknown_01: Somehow they've gotten this far without any fucking, um... ...any lasers. Unknown_04: The emergency shuttle has been called. Unknown_01: I don't know exactly what I need. I'm probably gonna forget. Unknown_01: But in general, these are the parts you need for whatever you're doing. 1:39:42 Unknown_01: I really shouldn't have done that, because I'm going to need that. Unknown_00: One small thing, I just need wires. Unknown_01: That should be good. Unknown_01: So there is one other thing that I'm going to need to do before I can call this a day. Unknown_01: Oh my god, medbay is just like losing power. I wonder if that's because of my methamphetamine lab. 1:40:15 Unknown_01: There's a very real possibility that nobody set up the SM, or the SM is now fucked. Unknown_01: I can't find the charging station. Unknown_01: Usually throughout the game there's a couple little charging stations where you can plug in a battery. 1:40:54 Unknown_01: Uh-oh, that's going to be a problem. Here, I'll go put in what I have. But if you don't have charged batteries, you're fucked, because it won't work. I'm just going to dump what I have into it, because I don't have to carry it. Unknown_01: These lasers are completely unnecessary. 1:41:31 Unknown_01: It needs one manipulator. I think it needs two bins. Unknown_01: One glass sheet and one pallet. I really, really, really, really, really wish they had... Actually, even then, where the fuck is the charger at? Unknown_01: They're usually right out in the open. Because they're so... They're ubiquitous. You need them to do stuff. 1:42:04 Unknown_01: Okay, fuck it. I guess I'm breaking back into R&D. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Unknown_01: There it is. Hopefully no fucking assholes will take that shit. Unknown_01: Okay, now... Unknown_01: Another thing worth mentioning is I'm going to have to start filling up my beaker. I'm going to have to get some glass for the machine. I'm going to have to get a beaker. Preferably a blue space one. 1:42:37 Unknown_01: He has... Yeah, I can get a blue space beaker. I'm going to say if he has a fucking... Unknown_01: Blue space bag. Body bag. Attention. New command report created. 1:43:33 Unknown_01: I think it's wasting some. Unknown_01: That would suck. The actual thing is going to be able to hold a lot of chemicals because it is using the highest tier parts available. Unknown_01: Last thing I need is going to be a power cell. Now there is zero guarantee whatsoever that what I'm trying to pull off will be doable because there's an extremely high chance 1:44:09 Unknown_00: That was like the party thing. Unknown_01: It's the weird bomb and it's set up, you know. Now there's an extremely high chance that while doing this... Oh shit, we'll get fucked. Unknown_01: Okay, now I just need a screwdriver. 1:44:59 Unknown_01: And not get a screwdriver from this fucking thing, okay. Okay, I would ask for some help, but there is no help. There's no help in this medbay. Unknown_01: Should just go get some fucking patches. Unknown_01: You know there's a lot of things that I really really really took for granted in dealing with TGG station in terms of like shit being where you expect it to be. Like shit is just not where I can find it in this fucking station. 1:45:39 Unknown_01: I don't know what's going on with that. I wanna be away from it. Wait, is that really the bomb? 1:46:22 Unknown_01: That has to be like a joke. Yeah, it's like an admin playing. Oh, great, another scrubber. Unknown_01: Another scrubber backflip. That's great. It's the best event. Oh, finally, is this the... Please tell me this fucking thing has a fucking... It doesn't. The fucking toolbox does not have a fucking trigger on it. 1:47:29 Unknown_01: I just need a screwdriver. That's literally all I fucking need. Unknown_01: How? How is there no screwdriver in a fucking toolbox? Unknown_01: I can't put together my fucking smoke machine because I can't find a screwdriver. Unknown_01: Guess I'll just go to the tool storage and hope there's one in the vending machine. Oh my god, can I not get out of this? Okay, fine, fine, I'll go back. 1:48:50 Unknown_01: Is the entire, okay, so what must have happened at this point, I'm forced to assume, is that nobody ever set up the fucking super matter, so there's no, oh my, zero screwdrivers. Unknown_01: This is driving me crazy, how the fuck is this entire station deprived of screwdrivers? Unknown_01: Nobody set up the super matter, so now that I've been running my meth lab for the entire game, the station is just completely depleted of fucking power, and as the power goes off, My options of finding screwdrivers becomes increasingly limited. Unknown_01: Evacuate safe. 1:49:35 Unknown_01: Oh my god, there's no... Oh my god, please, please, please. There's no screwdriver. Unknown_04: The emergency shuttle has docked at the station. Unknown_01: This cannot be. Unknown_01: This is like a living fucking nightmare. How? Unknown_01: And I can't get a tool from this because... Okay, there's only one other thing I can think of doing. Is that on the evacuation ship itself, there are screwdrivers. There's usually... Now, granted, the shuttle might take off without me because... 1:50:12 Unknown_01: The retards that play on B will have to launch the shuttle early for no reason. So expect to hear a waaah sound in a second. Unknown_01: And, um... If they bought a bullshit shuttle... Then... It won't have a tool storage. And I'll be fucked. I'm still keeping my, uh... okay i think this is one of the shuttles that does have a cool sword no i'm wrong 1:51:14 Unknown_00: That's Simmons if I'm not mistaken. Unknown_01: I don't know why I'm just completely immobile. 1:52:03 Unknown_01: Even that guy. That guy is like an engineer. This toolbox has literally nothing in it. Unknown_05: Once I'm transformed Once I'm reborn I rise up to the sky Oh, I'm just the chameleon. 1:52:49 Unknown_00: Oh my god. The admins are doing retarded shit. I can't belay that! Unknown_00: Like the server's fucking crashing. Because they're doing all this retarded shit. And I don't get to use my smoke machine. I really- I fucking hate these guys. 1:53:25 Unknown_01: Because you don't just get turned into a fucking boomer like that. 1:55:35 Unknown_00: You guys are really good at fucking with me. Unknown_01: That was disappointing. Unknown_01: I'm gonna cut the recording there fuck it