Boondock Dookie, Boondock Dookie 0:00:35 Unknown_00: oh that ends abruptly hello hello oh my god how exciting the first the first disappointment after a real stream can you believe it i i gathered i gathered the mental fortitude to do a real stream for once it's as shocking i know Unknown_00: I was going to do an opening little talk about my confrontation with Brittany Vinty, but I have spilled coffee all over the fucking place. My mouse pad is soaking wet with coffee. Unknown_00: It's very uncomfortable to move my mouse because the pad is wet, and it's irritating as fuck. So... Unknown_00: Fuck it. Let me show you, in case you missed it, in case you missed my epic gamer moment. 0:01:23 Unknown_00: In case you missed my epic gamer moment. I'm very proud of it, because I've thought this person was visually abhorrent for a very long time, and I've said it many times. And she decided to try and strike back. The empire of sloth tries to strike back. Unknown_00: And she said, guys, what if you woke up and my stinky poo-poo was in your room? Hee-hee. Now, this is a mentally deranged tweet. She looks terrible. Even by her standards, this picture is abhorrent. That message, I don't know if it's ironic or post-irony or some sort of weird avant-garde form of humor that my simple Jewish mind can't understand, but I was taken aback by this. I saw this and somebody sent it to me, and I thought, wow, this is my chance. This is my chance to humiliate this woman for being an offense to my senses. 0:02:10 Unknown_00: So I go weak, right? And I just say in general, you know I'm right. You know she stinks, which is true. You can look at her. You can look at this, and you can smell it. Unknown_00: Just looking at her, it triggers something. I'll explain later. She says, is this really the best people have? She smells because I don't like her, her, her, her. 0:02:47 Unknown_00: And I reply, because that's simply incorrect. You look like shit. You sleep in shit. And if you don't know, she does in fact sleep in shit. Her boyfriend said that she sleeps in cat shit. And we have seen her cat dump ass in her bed, like live on stream. We know for a fact that the cat poo-poo is in her bed. And I am therefore led to believe that she sleeps in the poo-poo. Unknown_00: So I continue. I say that seeing pictures of her makes my nose curl like I just smelled shit. Which I do, because seeing her makes me smell shit. It is a physiological Pavlov conditioning created by watching animals shit in your bed. 0:03:20 Unknown_00: I do literally smell the stink of shit when I see pictures of her. My brain, the olfactory senses in my brain trigger as if I am walking past a skunk on the highway or something. Unknown_00: And she takes back. Unknown_00: This is her chance for reprisal. She's going to take aim at me directly. This is no longer in a retweet, by the way. She's just replying because she knows she's going to look bad. 0:03:57 Unknown_00: She says, number one, me not making her pee-pee hard isn't an argument, Coomer. So we got lots of spicy memes in here. Unknown_00: She's implying that number one. I am a coomer and number two. I am an incel or something number two My animals don't shit in my bed This is a lie from two plus years ago from my ex who was a psychotic liar You want to believe it to confirm your bias because you were angry that I won't pander to make your peepee hard she says an Agonizing condescension she claims that these facts these these priests presuppositions are in fact true of me and 0:04:34 Unknown_00: And I say unto her, in reply, in retort, Unknown_00: You don't have to be sexually attractive to not look and smell like shit. This pee-pee hard line is desperate. Just use the word incel like the low-IQ fembot you actually are. You're gross. Your content sucks. Your fans are Simpson denial. And you smell like shit. And to that, she had nothing to say. Perhaps she thought she won. Unknown_00: But I didn't stop there, you see. I was very triumphant. My chest puffed out in pride. I was triumphant over the fembot menace. I began looking at her replies to see what sort of person would defend her. And I got this one. Someone in my support says, those pictures in that video of the visible cat shit on the floor didn't happen. And cnot8digits says, you seem to have a nice friendly face. A happy doctor's face perhaps. ready to help the kind of face that puts their neighbors bends out if they forget so please tell me why you are joining in in this hateful mess of a feed this guy is a dick attacking a girl in mourning for fuck all so see the simp is is coming out swinging saying it's an appeal to your emotions do you not think that you are a better person than this she is in mourning after all because i think she claimed that her grandfather died of of covid so i can't say that she smells like doo-doo because her grandfather is dead even though she's still on social media and acting like it's business as usual um and this is my favorite one this is my favorite one this is the best one hold up hold up this is this is that good shit 0:06:02 Unknown_00: To the original reply, my, my private clavigar brain wants you to smell, but that's because it's hot and the pheromones and you're at home. Who cares what you smell like? It'd be weird to wear deodorant all the time. If you do that, stop. It's not healthy. Unknown_00: I don't know if this is a troll reply or what, but this is objectively the best fucking thing I've ever seen on Twitter. 0:06:59 Unknown_00: This guy is a savage. This is a savage beast. Unknown_00: so if you're ever wondering who donates money to britney venti it's people who want her to smell like shit because it makes their because it makes their pp hard it makes their pp hard after saying that i i casting upon me the ultimate thimbot anti anti-attack the repellent the coomer and the incel all at once what comes out of the woodworks to reply this shit This man saying that his brain wants her to smell like cat shit because it makes his dick harder when he's fucking her. 0:07:37 Unknown_00: Anyways, I feel vindicated because, uh, fuck her. I can't say too much more on that because, um, uh, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna have to fend off, now I'm gonna have to fend off feeder shit and wanting to fuck Brittany Venti if I talk about her too much. Unknown_00: So, cause, cause speaking of, I also want to talk about, you know who? Unknown_00: Is this it? Yes. Unknown_00: Because it wasn't just... To kind of give some context on what's happening with Chantel, because I literally cannot watch her shit anymore. I cannot watch Chantel. I said something on the forum to the effect of... Every time she... Well, every time... For a long time, for like an entire month, every time she put out a video... 0:08:13 Unknown_00: Of her doing eating or whatever. She would always have chips out. Unknown_00: And chips are super crunchy, right? And she did something. Okay, you know how my mic always sounds like shit? No matter how hard I work on this mic to get it to sound right. I buy a fucking stand. I position it six inches away. I tune the volume. I tune it up. I tune this. I do this. I add compressors. I do all this shit to make myself sound better. And I still sound like shit all the fucking time. well somehow chantal is able to pick up the 10 of her eating chips so that every bite into those fucking chips is as loud and crackly as possible and it drives because i have i'm a sensitive boy and i have sensitive boy ears i'm i'm very perturbed by noise i don't like anybody i hate me like if i hear someone else's music it drives me into a fit of rage Like, this is my real autism stuff, okay? This is me being overstimulated when my sensitive boy ears pick up someone else's fucking music or someone else's dog barking or especially someone else eating. This is why I could never become like a pseudo chink yellow fever kind of guy living in Japan or China because I cannot fucking stand the sound of people eating. And for some reason, Asians just don't have this at all. And they love to eat as loud as humanly fucking possible. So I can't stand that. But I still watch her stuff because it's funny because she's a really despicable person. It's funny to watch her rationalize and tread water and go in circles all the time. But she started doing this fucking bag of chips with every fucking meal thing. And I was complaining about it on the forum. She is so deliberately making it so that her eating noises are picked up because I guarantee you that's a feeder thing. And the people paying her to be a food prostitute are wanting her, are teaching, specifically they're teaching her and guiding her how to set her mic up to pick up that tin. Because there's no way she's doing it on accident. It's way too perfect to not be on purpose. And after that, it went from like every other video having chips to every video having chips and pickles and all sorts of crunchy shit. And I think she is adapting natural selection. She's adapting to piss me the fuck off so I can't watch her shit and make fun of her. So now I've given up. I literally cannot watch her fucking videos anymore because the noise is too much. I'm going to have to just rely on Toad because he edits that out for the most part, and that's greatly appreciated. 0:10:30 Unknown_00: Because I just can't fucking stand it. But he tweeted out a message that she had pinned on one of her videos saying, I put a fart warning on the videos that contain my back end blowouts out of courtesy for those who are grossed out by air biscuits. I keep them in occasionally because they make me laugh. Thanks, guys. Hugs and kisses. I'm thinking, no, you keep it in because people jerk off to that and they pay you money to keep that shit in. 0:11:12 Unknown_00: It's fucking disgusting. The mukbang shit, like, this is how I know that YouTube is ran by conceded hypocritical perverts. Because this shit is, like, the Nikocado Avocado thing, that guy is 100% a fetish artist. And they let him stay on the platform because he has so much save-for-work views that they can run advertisements on, right? They probably put fast food ads and all sorts of shit on his channels. 0:11:48 Unknown_00: But my innocent channel, where I do nothing but sit here and talk about stuff, talk about what's on my heart, what's near and dear to my heart, gentlemen, is flagged as being inappropriate, as being not... They can't do business with me. They have to revoke my AdSense. They have to hide my FedSmoker video from... from everyone by making it 18+. They have to bully me, and I do nothing but spread joy to everyone. And meanwhile, this fat bitch giving back-end blowouts and air biscuits to everyone is promoted, and they go out of their way to take down videos making fun of her now. Which they're doing a lot of, by the way. That Life by Jen chick. 0:12:24 Unknown_00: They get so fucking smug. They get so fucking smug when they get to take down someone's video. And it's so easy for them. Because YouTube doesn't even do bare minimum to check for fair use anymore. If somebody files a couple DMCA complaints, you're fucked. Unknown_00: And then they get to preen and go, well, I get to decide what gets to be said about me. If I feel like you're crossing the line, I won't hesitate to file a copyright complaint because blah, blah, blah. You don't get to bully. Bullying is bad. I'm like, fuck you. Fuck you. Everything is getting shittier. 0:13:05 Unknown_00: everything because a couple days i think it was yesterday um i have this pulled up one second is it this one yeah this one so if you don't know uh space station 13 is open source and my favorite fork of it was tg station Well, TG Station, this is a, I want to say this is like a 10-year-old repository. And it's been disabled. It's just fucking gone. 10 years of history of issues, commits, forks, merges, all that shit is gone. And they think that it's because in a couple of places, they're in commons. They're in a word filter in the code. There's the N-word. the most, the most precocious of words, the most dangerous of words, a word that you were not allowed to say under any circumstance was in this 10 year old code base in comments that only other developers could see. And if you think about it, that's actually really problematic. That's actually really bad. And if, you know, if they were being, if they were doing due diligence, they would have searched that word on their own accord and removed it. But because they didn't, Microsoft and GitHub and their benevolence to society has to take down the entire repository without any warning because otherwise people might get offended. And in 2020, that's totally inappropriate if you think about it. 0:14:13 Unknown_00: um and just so you know we're you know even though space station 13 is kind of loose you know even the tg admins are they're okay with racism they're not okay with transphobia if you if you offend the transgendered folks with an x you gotta go because you know they got admins who are they don't have any black admins so they don't care about racism but they do have transgender admins and you know You have to be respectful to the community. One such transgendered folks is in the comment of this tweet, actually. Where is he at? 0:15:09 Unknown_00: Oh, here he is. WeedSmoker42069, if I open up their profile, I'm being careful with the pronouns, their profile, standing for trans rights as human rights, says, in reply, "'Incorrect. We don't know why we were suspended yet, you neo-Nazi trash. Check your sources.'" Well, I guess that proves me wrong because I can only assume that it's because of the n-word in the code base and there was no actual reason given. I better err on the side of caution and assume that GitHub was just in the right and it has nothing to do with that. 0:15:48 Unknown_00: You get what you fucking deserve, weed smoker for 2069. It's because of people like you that shit like this happens. If you stop being such a fucking... Oh, I can't say the F word. It's a bad word. It's the second worst word you can possibly say besides the N word. But he is one of them. Sorry, they are one of them. And fuck it. You get what you fucking deserve. 0:16:25 Unknown_00: Okay. Hold up. Let me check my tabs. Let me check my tabs. There's something I want to show you, but it's horrific. Unknown_00: Okay. Unknown_00: So, you might have seen this if you checked the forum. If you are listening on our podcast, the Madness of the Internet podcast that syndicates to Google Podcasts and Apple iTunes, you're not seeing my screen right now. Unknown_00: But if you are seeing my screen, you're probably cringing in horror at the Sonichu tattoo that's on my screen. I can't read the comment because it's in Nazi or something. But from what I understand, that very, very hairy leg actually belongs to a 0:16:59 Unknown_00: I'm afraid to say it. You know what? I think on their profile they say she, her. So I can say it's a woman. Pronouns she, her. I believe it's a natal woman. Identified at birth as woman. And they're quite interesting. I can't actually show you their profile because they are private now. For some reason, Flash Cage has set her profile to private. I don't know why. I actually thought it was a kraut at first, but it's Australian. So good job, Australia. You're really breeding... uh, quality stock over there. God forbid the Chinese take over. We really need more Australians on, on planet earth. Um, here's, she's like a, she's like a hippie or something. Running the mill hippie. 0:17:36 Unknown_00: Titty hippie likes to run around naked and stuff. Unknown_00: Not just get shitty tattoos and be a hippie, by the way. She likes extreme body modifications. So she doesn't like defacing herself in just Sonichu-type work. She likes to cut her tongue in half. This is my favorite one. Because this picture right here, for people who can't see, who are blessed and not able to witness what is on my fucking screen right now, is a extreme body mod where the person who got the Sonichu tattoo cut a hole in the middle of their ear. 0:18:13 Unknown_00: Not the gauge. There are gauges, of course. But the actual, I don't know what you would call that part of the ear. But the little plateau in your ear. She has decided to cut out. And I know for a fact, that's not a good idea. I believe that part is crucial to what we call hearing. To being able to hear. Because when the sound, you know, your ear is shaped like that for a fucking reason. So you can hear, right? 0:18:48 Unknown_00: But she doesn't need that. She already knows all the right stuff. She's voting for Bernie. She could vote for Bernie. So she already knows everything she needs to know. She doesn't need to hear anything else. Unknown_00: Yeah, what a disaster. Do you guys think that she has a deadbeat dad? A shitty dad? Okay, usually people like this, they have a weak father. 0:19:25 Unknown_00: As opposed to no father. You guys think it's no father, weak father, or just really hates her dad. Unknown_00: No dad. I'm seeing no dad so far. Daddy issues. Single mom. Divorce dad. That's a theory I like right there. I don't even understand the point of the two tongues thing. What's she going to do? Actually, I want to cut my tits off and get a tattoo for scales like a snake so I can have a forked tongue and scale tattoos so I can be like a snake woman. So I can go to Starbucks and be like, I'm a snake woman and hiss at them with my forked tongue and then eat my mocha with a forked tongue. 0:19:59 Unknown_00: Or I don't know, maybe they just need attention because they were molested. I'm not saying that this woman was molested, but I'm saying that other snake women would probably be molested. Unknown_00: I'm going too fast. Unknown_00: I'm going too fast. I'll explain. Unknown_00: Well, nothing has... Okay, actually, some stuff has happened. It's just not funny stuff. It's me being mad at the internet stuff again. Unknown_00: It's really quite tragic, actually, when I think about it. 0:20:45 Unknown_00: That's the thread. What's this? That's also the thread. Why do I have three tabs for this? Oh, I got an email from Russia saying, Unknown_00: russia saying um it is notice of making an entry into the unified register of domain names internet website page and links and network addresses enabling to identify is this like a quote why is this like oh it is okay this is a name this is the name of a russian thing unified register of domain names internet website pages links and network addresses enabling to identify the internet websites containing the information prohibited for public distribution in the russian federation That is a name. The internet website page is linked. 0:21:21 Unknown_00: In case the hosting provider and or the website owner fail to take these measures, the network address enabling the identifying internet websites containing the information prohibited for distribution in the Russian Federation will be decided to be entered into the register and access will be limited. Unknown_00: The information about entering the domain names, internet website pages, and network addresses into the register shall be available on the 24-hour basis at the following address, which is... I checked this out, by the way. This isn't a fake. It did come from the Russian government. Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom Information, which is Roskomnadzor. And this is the image. 0:21:55 Unknown_00: I'm showing this for posterity. This is obviously horrifically offensive, and Russia is obviously in their right to censor this from the internet. But it is a picture of a Nazi rally, and Hitler is in a Santa Claus outfit, and he's saying, which is horrifically offensive to any good-natured person. 0:22:29 Unknown_00: Though it's very strange. The threat to de-index the site by blocking the IP. I actually talked to a couple people from Russia who know more about this than I do. Unknown_00: In the West, for instance, when France blocked a couple of neo-Nazi websites, they blocked them by... Unknown_00: blocking the DNS. They ordered the ISPs to add the domain to like a null route so that when you try to ping your ISP to resolve a domain name, it says, I don't know what that domain name is. And they did the same thing in New Zealand and Australia with the Kiwi Farms after Christchurch. So that's how the West censors stuff. And it's actually quite effective, and more importantly, it works with Cloudflare, because we use Cloudflare. So if Russia decides to block Cloudflare IPs, it basically takes off half the internet, right? 0:23:02 Unknown_00: Which, apparently, they have done in the past. They tried to block Telegram at some point, and because I think Telegram uses Cloudflare as a reverse proxy too, Russia ended up blocking all of Cloudflare for a couple of days or hours, and it just shut down the entire internet, so... 0:23:44 Unknown_00: My big fear is I was kind of thinking it would be chill to hang out in Kaliningrad, which is Konigsberg if you are a German. Unknown_00: But I thought it would be nice to go there for a while. But now I'm worried. And I talked to the Russian guy and I said, should I be worried about going to Russia now that I've gotten this email? And he just laughed and said no because Roskomnadzor is apparently like a complete pushover. You have to worry about the FSB. You don't have to worry about Roskomnadzor. But, I don't know, I thought that was interesting. Someone says Roskomnadzor is pathetic, which seems to be the prevailing opinion of people in Russia. Actually, I think I got a video. Do I even have this video? I have so much junk on my computer, my computer's not thumbnail-ing shit anymore, so if I do have this video somewhere, I've since lost it. 0:24:29 Unknown_04: What a shame but it was it was a video making fun of Roscoe Mazur, okay That's that in front of and as far as prepared content goes I can shut off my Firefox now and talk I can Take off the safeties and talk directly to the people For the last two weeks I have been working on 0:25:09 Unknown_00: about 12 to 16 hours a day on Infinity Next. I can show you this, actually. I can pull up my GitHub and just show you how many commits I'm making to this project every day. Unknown_00: And I can't tell you why. I don't know. See, this is April 10th. These are every day. I'm just working on this. And I don't even know why. I don't even know why. I woke up one day. Actually, I do know why. Unknown_00: I woke up one day and, uh, it was early April. Cause I've been on this for a while. It might've been late March actually, but, uh, I wanted to check cow and I don't know why I wanted to check cow, but I did. And I started looking for it and I went to eight con, which is the cause eight chance dead effectively. They've moved it to eight con because, um, 0:25:46 Unknown_00: Of the bad media for 8chan. It's just a simple rebrand to try and shake the media. And 8kun is dead. Unknown_00: 8chan as a website, as a property, as a community is essentially dead. I'm not just saying dead in spirit. Nobody posts on it. It's just gone. 0:26:20 Unknown_00: And I started looking for Cal because it wasn't on 8chan. And I found it on this other website that was ran by the fucking weirdo who runs Bitwave. Unknown_00: And that site is... I would say it is kind of dead. It's very slow. It's a very slow and small site. Unknown_00: But it wasn't as fast as Cal was on 8chan. And I'm just thinking, where the fuck... Where is everyone? And I started asking around, like, where the fuck do people post now? Where the fuck do people post on the internet now? And nobody... It's just like every... They've done such enough... After they destroyed 8chan... 0:26:53 Unknown_00: everyone fucked off to like a private discord server everyone is in like a group of five huddling in fear from the censorship tyrants and the only way they've been able to do that is by making small pathetic insular discord servers to hide from it's like a it's like a limb full of cysts they take a censorship needle and just poke those cysts and then another one grows somewhere and that's as far if any one of them gets too big they poke it again then it grows somewhere else smaller and starts all over and they just keep fucking doing it there is no real fuck do people post anymore it's just gone it's just gone and it made me angry i got it was furious i'm like what 0:27:49 Unknown_00: I remember how I felt about 8chan when I was working on it. I had this idea of a multimedia platform with anonymous posting, with respect to Tor, with localizations in Arabic and Chinese for circumventing censorship. And I had all this energy and a vision for what I was going to make it with the software. And then it just falls apart. And what the fuck does Jin do with it? He kills it. He murders that fucking site. Unknown_00: And I thought, no, no, no, no, no. This isn't how it's going to be. I'm not going to let people get shunted into shitty little groups of a dozen people on Discord owned by Tencent. 0:28:25 Unknown_00: Who just pray that the gods never notice them enough to crush them. And that's how everything is. I was thinking about it. Like, what the fuck do people do to talk to each other? Because they can't do it on Twitter. They can't do it on Reddit. They can't do it on Facebook. What the fuck do kids do to talk to each other? Unknown_00: They all play Fortnite and they do it in shitty fucking Discord servers. The entire world is posting in Discord servers with fewer than 20 people in it. How the fuck did it come to this? How did everything go so wrong? I was thinking about Team Fortress 2 versus Overwatch and shit. And I mentioned this before, but if you don't know, if you've never played Team Fortress 2, there used to be a time where you could upload an image to the game And it could be pornography or gore. And you could spray it on a wall and then set up a teleporter so that when you go through it, the first thing you see is a giant screen full of gore. And that was a thing that existed. That was a thing that existed that everyone could do. And everyone, you could even make it so that there was like porn and then like you could transition the image based on how far someone was from it. So you could put porn on a wall and you could sit it and sit down far away and watch people walk up to it to try and see it better. And then it would switch to a gacha image. And they would try and back up and position themselves in a way so that they could see it as close as possible without triggering the gacha image. And there's no fucking way you would ever have a game like that today. 0:29:36 Unknown_00: You have to pay for your sprays. It's a premium list. It's a premium option. One dollar a piece. You find them in loot boxes. And it's just shitty little gimmicks that has no purpose in the game. 0:30:11 Unknown_00: It's completely everything shit. Unknown_00: It's like a conditioning. People were just being conditioned to forget what it was like to be able to go on the internet and just say whatever you wanted without fearing repercussions. Unknown_00: I won't stand by it. Unknown_00: I might ruin myself by trying to reboot an image board in the modern context. This might be too much for me, but I'm going to do it. Because I had a vision for what I wanted, and I think now more than ever, we need a place that has... anonymous vpn friendly tor friendly multimedia friendly large file limits the works that isn't a shitty fucking discord server because i'm so sick of it um 0:30:49 Unknown_00: So I get up in the morning. I make my coffee. I sit down. I work on the project. I go to bed at midnight. I wake up at 6 a.m. because for some reason there's a pigeon outside my window and it starts cooing at 6 in the fucking morning every fucking day. And it wakes me up and I get up and I go to the computer and I start working on it and I go to bed. And I've been doing that for a month and I didn't work on it this much when I was being paid to work on it. 0:31:21 Unknown_00: So, I've bought a domain. I don't want to say what it is yet because it's still on a domain register I don't trust. But I'm transferring it to Epic, which is the one that 8chan and Gabby use, so I know it's safe. And when it's ready, I will tell everyone what it is. But the demo website right now, if you want to go play with it... 0:31:53 Unknown_00: is, And I will redirect that to the live site when it's ready. And I'm hoping to have it ready by April 20th. Unknown_00: Maybe April 21st so it doesn't launch literally on Hitler's birthday. But April 20th was the day I expected to have the domain parked on the correct registrar. 0:32:33 Unknown_00: So, uh, that's, that's my plan for that. And when it happens, I'm going to try and convince off topic posters, uh, to, to switch from Kiwi farms to the image board because, um, the politics on the Kiwi farm, it's, it's, I'm not happy with it. Um, Unknown_00: I'm not going to force people off, but I will posit it as an alternative and see what happens. And I don't want to force any changes. I'm going to just play by ear, but that's the idea. 0:33:08 Unknown_00: I call it Operation White Flight, by the way, convincing people to move from the forum to the image board. Unknown_00: Nulled Arrangement Syndrome. Unknown_00: Uh, so yeah, that's the, that's the situation. That's my mental state as it's continued to decline. Uh, or something else. Oh, the, the merchandise run is on hiatus right now because, uh, the, the payment processor booted me off. Let me, let me find this actually. Well, I don't need, I know the story. Um, I woke up, 0:33:52 Unknown_00: On my day, I checked my email before I started my work and I got, I noticed there was a risk email, a risk from And I said that because of fraud, a fraud risk, they're immediately canceling my payment processor and they're refunding all the transactions for that business day. Unknown_00: And they're holding my funds for up to 120 days. Unknown_00: Which is, wow, 120 days is four fucking months. That is a third of a year. That is one third of an entire year in the middle of the pandemic. And the big fear with that is, like, okay, if I get the money, it doesn't matter when I get the money, really. 0:34:27 Unknown_00: But if I can't pay for the printing cost of the merchandise, I can't even ship it yet. Unknown_00: So that's scary. So I'm investing in what I call fractional reserve t-shirt printing, where I'm going to find another print payment processor that will, uh, disperse funds quickly for high risk processors, like our merchants like myself, and then sell more t-shirts to cover the expense of printing t-shirts so that one day I may eventually receive the funds for my, uh, 0:35:16 Unknown_00: for for my actual my actual gains in this gambit so the our fractional reserve t-shirt printer will go and everyone will get their shirts and the t-shirt printer will get the money and the sticker guy will get the money and josh won't get the fucking money but 120 days from now i will get the money when the money from the other payment processor dispenses because i am high risk Unknown_00: So that's my idea. And, you know, I called up and I tried talking to these fucking people. I'm like, hey, you know, I got this email. I think it was a mistake. It's just the t-shirt business. Unknown_00: And here's what they say. Our sponsoring bank cannot support your business model. 0:36:16 Unknown_00: I'm thinking, what the fuck does that mean? Unknown_00: What the fuck does that mean? And I was like, well, our sponsoring bank decided that your business model couldn't be supported. Like, okay, well, what the fuck does that mean? And she says, our risk underwriting team, at the request of the sponsoring bank, decided that they could not support your business model and have decided not to approve your payment processor at this time. Unknown_00: I'm thinking, that means literally nothing. What is the reason for this? And I says, our sponsoring bank doesn't let us disclose why these decisions are made. Like, can I speak to your supervisor? And she says, he'll give you a call back within 48 hours. 0:36:49 Unknown_00: Two hours later, I get the call back. And I'm like, hey, I think there's a mistake. My t-shirt printing company has just been canceled from your payment processor. And he goes, oh, our sponsoring bank decided they couldn't support your business model. Like, what the fuck does this mean? This means literally nothing. You're telling me literally nothing. And I said, who's your sponsoring bank? We can't tell you. What does support your business model means? And he says, it's a generic catch-all that they use when they want to cancel you. Like literally just like that. It could be because of the people running the company. It could be because of the people involved in the company. It could be because of refunds or because of the type of payments. It could be because of literally anything is classified as business model. I'm like, so you can't tell me the bank. You can't tell me what the reason is. You can't tell me anything. Like who the fuck do you work for? What's your name? And he says, Jeremy. I'm like, do you have a last name? We can't tell you our last names. So Jeremy XXX, no fucking last name, representing the payment gateway, on request of sponsoring bank unnamed, for reasons unnamed, cancels my fucking account and holds $20,000 of money for a quarter of a year without saying anything. With no fucking reason. 0:37:52 Unknown_00: And it drives me mad. And I kept trying to get him to say something. And he's just like, we can't tell you that. We can't tell you. I'm not able to tell you that. We are allowed by law to hold risky funds for up to 120 days. I'm like, well, who the fuck is your oversight? Who gives oversight to what you're doing so that I can make a complaint? And he's like, I don't know. Yeah. Unknown_00: Like, you don't know what government agencies are involved in tracking you? Is it the California Department of Business Oversight? Is it the Comptroller of Currency? Is it the Federal Trade Commission? Who the fuck looks at this shit? And he says, I don't know. So... 0:38:46 Unknown_00: It was extremely frustrating. And then I started calling. I wanted to make a complaint with the Department of Business Oversight. So I call. And here is what waiting on hold, trying to get into contact with a California government agency is like. Imagine a really long, over-explanatory sentence explaining basic fucking shit like how to go to a website and search something. And then hearing the same 30-second spiel in Spanish. And then imagine that over- And over and over again for ten fucking minutes before you're taken to the one through nine robo-dialer. And then hearing that shit in fucking Spanish, too, before it proceeds to the next number. So you're sitting there for fifteen fucking minutes waiting for your option to press to make a complaint. I don't know if it's supposed to be as grating as humanly fucking possible, but it was very close. It would have only been worse if it was like... in English, Spanish, and then some grating-ass fucking language like Finnish or something. Just for no reason. Just to piss me off. Just to spite me. Or if it was in an English accent, too. They did American English, Spanish, and then British English. Just to spite me. That would have been as annoying as humanly fucking possible. And I'm very surprised it wasn't included. 0:39:53 Unknown_00: Uh, and then, and then finally I get onto the call with the guy and I say, look, these motherfuckers basically sold $20,000 during the middle of a pandemic. This goes to people who print, who don't have much business right now, who could really use the money. They all got families. I would like this to be expedited. And he says, uh, 0:40:24 Unknown_00: Called the Attorney General. So I filed a complaint with the Attorney General of California. Because, fuck it, I guess. They told me on the phone, though, that it might be released as early as 30 days. Because, depending on how many refund requests come in. Unknown_00: So now I'm afraid that if someone requests a refund because it takes too fucking long to get their merchandise out or they later decide that they want that money back, then I'm fucked, right? 0:41:00 Unknown_00: And to exemplify this, someone bought merchandise that... Unknown_00: They got banned and then bought merchandise as like a way to repent for being banned. And then as soon as they come back onto the forum, they delete a thread that I wanted up that they had no reason to delete. So I undelete the thread and then take away their editing permissions. And they make a complaint saying, why are my editing permissions gone? I said, because you tried to delete shit that you had no business deleting. And then they go, I don't understand why you're being so mean to me. I bought your merch. And I pull that motherfucker's email up because they had been emailing me after they got banned. And I find their order and I cancel that shit before they can. Like, eat it, motherfucker. It's not a refund if I do it. It's not a refund if I do it. So... 0:41:37 Unknown_02: Just get ahead of that fucking curveball. Unknown_00: You don't have shit on me. You don't have shit on me, motherfucker. Um... 0:42:13 Unknown_00: Oh, no refunds. Yeah, yes refunds. I'll refund any transaction you want. Just fucking email me. For the love of fucking God, do not put in a refund request with your goddamn bank because that would fuck me so hard. I'll give your money back with interest, motherfucker. Just give the word. The Bernie dropped out. Unknown_00: no refunds there how sad you know here's here's how depressing the bernie thing is right because these kids want bernie to win so bad that they're they're conspiring here's here's the great bernie bernie can still win conspiracy fellas um 0:43:05 Unknown_00: He on Twitter encouraged people in his statement that he was suspending his campaign, encouraged people to go out and vote for him still to, quote, have a bigger say in the Democratic Party, which is obviously complete bullshit. The Democrats don't give a fuck about what their voters want because they're going to they got those fucking votes no matter what. The low-information voters will carry the Democratic Party forever. And whatever sad, bitchy white kids from California and Oregon have to say about it. They can just eat shit, I guess. Unknown_00: But Bernie said to do that. And now they're like, you know, he's on the ballot. Unknown_00: In every state still, in every Democratic primary across the country, he's still in the ballot. If we all vote, because now the low-information voters aren't going to be voting because they already think that Biden won. If we all still go out and vote, he could still win, guys. He could still win. This is how Bernie could still win. If we literally trick low-information voters into not voting, then we can still win by having our numbers come out. 0:43:55 Unknown_00: Which would be hilarious. It would be genuinely hilarious if that happened. Unknown_00: But that's not going to happen. There's no fucking way. There's no fucking way. It's going to be Biden. My man Biden. 0:44:29 Unknown_00: Who I guess will be running with a woman. So it's not going to be Bernie Sanders. I guess it could be Tulsi Gabbard. Elizabeth Warren. Pocahontas. Unknown_00: Oh, what a mess. Just so everyone knows, this election is not going to be funny. This election is going to be fucking miserable, I can already tell. Because the meme factor with Trump is gone. Now we know that Trump is Zion Don. He don't give a fuck about you, right? I don't believe in any of this meme magic shit. I don't believe in any more of the 4D chess shit. I'm completely fucking blackmailed on Trump. He's just an idiot. He's just an idiot who's funny, and who at best was stopping Clinton from just completely... His Supreme Court picks are going to be the best thing about him. That'll be the only reason people remember him, because he's completely unremarkable in every other way. So... 0:45:00 Unknown_00: This election, I think a lot of people think like I do. I think a lot of people who were 100% on board the Trump train the first time are now apathetic. Like, yeah, I guess I'll vote for him because I don't want Biden to win, right? 0:45:32 Unknown_00: He hasn't destroyed anything. He hasn't made things worse, really. So that's great. That's all we want. That's all Americans want in the present anymore. Don't fuck things up worse than they already are. If that's your campaign platform, I will sit in the office and I will do literally fucking nothing and defer to professional opinion. Unknown_00: That's the ideal candidate in the U.S., someone who is just a warm seat, who stops the worst people from getting in. 0:46:08 Unknown_00: and then so the election won't be funny like the first one I don't think just because the meme magic is gone it's all gone no one's laughing anymore maybe they're laughing but like in a criminally insane kind of way like in a Joker kind of way can you believe that the Joker was like the biggest thing a couple like six months ago the Joker was the biggest thing that people were talking about the Unknown_00: The clown movie. The silly clown movie and how it was going to cause a white nationalist uprising. An incel uprising. People were going to shoot up theaters. There was going to be a white male gamer utopia after that movie comes out. And then nothing fucking happened. And now the entire world is shut down. Unknown_04: Camel is the front. Yeah, maybe. Unknown_04: Back in my day, we watched Joker. That's right. That's right. 0:47:03 Unknown_04: Trans VP. Oh, Jesus. Unknown_00: I'm so sick of trannies. I'm so sick of hearing about them. I'm so sick of hearing about trans rights. Because I don't care. Nobody cares. Nobody gives a fuck. Unknown_04: Literally no one cares. You know what I mean? 0:47:40 Unknown_00: But why do we keep hearing about them then? Unknown_00: Why do we keep hearing about them all the time? Yeah, it is. It's like, I remember as a teenager... Unknown_00: I remember as a teenager how I was disenchanted with politics really young because I would hear the debates like in 2008, 2004. Unknown_00: And all they talked about was gay rights and abortion. You know what I mean? So now it's like abortion and because gay rights is gone. It's now it's trans rights. It's trans rights and abortion. 0:48:12 Unknown_00: Should we be able to cut off our dicks and become a third gender and then set up cameras on the changing table in the women's restroom? Is that a constitutionally guaranteed right? Unknown_00: Should male to female transsexuals be able to join the military and die for Israel? Is that a constitutionally guaranteed right? Is that a part of the American doctrine? These are the questions of our time. It's no longer gay marriage. That's a faux pas. That's a passé political issue. We've evolved past that as a society. 0:48:44 Unknown_00: Josh is kind of losing it. Yeah, I am. I don't know why... Unknown_00: Maybe it's because I stopped drinking soda. I haven't drank Diet Coke in like a month now. Unknown_00: oh shoplifting all the people all the people on twitter talking about how shoplifting that's how that's how we that's how we fight capitalists that's how we fight the capitalist regime we go to walmart and we steal toilet paper that'll smash the patriarchy that'll bash the fash take that uh mr moneybags monopoly man we're taking the tp you can't stop us 0:49:32 Unknown_00: Meanwhile, in Serbia, everything's status quo. That's why I called it status quo, the stream, because nothing's changed. The only thing that's changed is that all the flights are stopped. There's no trains. There's border control around Serbia, and there's no flights. The Department of State warned me that if I didn't take an emergency flight they had scheduled a couple days ago, it would be the last flight coming out of Serbia to the U.S. Unknown_00: until commercial flights resume. Unknown_00: so but i mean there's toilet paper the only thing that's annoying is you have to wait outside at the grocery store because there's uh like rules about how many people can be inside a building at once and shit which is just stupid because we're closer we're closer to each other outside and lying than we are inside the store or whatever i order out every day anyway so it doesn't fucking matter i just eat hamburgers and pizza 0:50:28 Unknown_00: And that's it. Unknown_00: I eat hamburgers and pizza exactly like I do everywhere else. And then I sit inside exactly like I do everywhere else. And I work on Infinity Next exactly like I did in the Philippines fucking five years ago. I've made fantastic progress as a person. Unknown_00: I guess I have. I'm not sad. I was thinking about how... Unknown_00: I was listening to this song. Here, I'll put some ambient music on while I talk. I was listening to this before the stream. 0:51:02 Unknown_00: It hits you right in the feels, don't it? Unknown_00: Remember being a teenager playing the Minecraft? Unknown_00: Everything was good. Building your first mud hut. Putting down your first door. Unknown_00: Wasn't it nice? Unknown_00: I was thinking about how nostalgic I felt for games back then. That's why I was talking about sprays and stuff. Because it's like... Unknown_00: I don't know. I had a lot of... I enjoyed a... I have... I remember a lot of games very fondly. I was a very sad, miserable teenager. I had a... Like a... I don't know. I wouldn't say a bad childhood. I had an unremarkable childhood. And then as a teenager, I was just a miserable fuck. Not really anybody's fault. I was just a miserable person. Like, chemically imbalanced. Like, borderline psychotic, depressed person. But I remember a lot of games fondly. And I wish... 0:51:38 Unknown_00: I wish I could make a game that gives people that age, what I felt when I was that age, playing games like Minecraft and Blockland and RuneScape and all those other games that I played. APB, All Points Bulletin, I played the fuck out of that game. 0:52:14 Unknown_00: And, uh, I don't know. I guess Infinity Next isn't like a game, but if it can give people that Wild West feeling, it's worth it. Unknown_00: Then maybe, maybe I'll get rich off of it. I'll make a game. I'll be able to make my Space Station 13 clone. My breathing simulator clone. And I'll be able to... Unknown_00: Give everyone that inspirational feeling of spraying gore and having people freak out. Like, admin, admin, I need a moderator. Someone's spraying icky gore by the spawn room. Oh, my God. Can we get a moderator? There's no moderators online. Can someone hop in on Steam? Does anybody have the moderator on Steam? We've got to ban this guy because he's posting. He's posting homophobic Nazi stuff in front of the spawn room. We always get these shithead immature little kids with their sprays. 0:52:49 Unknown_04: Fuck jannies and fuck juice. That's right. 0:53:23 Unknown_04: Make a feeder VR game. Unknown_00: Very original. Unknown_00: They're porting SS-13E, and I don't have any faith in that. They're not doing it in a way that... All they got is models. Their models look okay, but I don't have any confidence in the project. Unknown_00: What are we going to do when the Zoomers finally grow up? I don't know. I think the Zoomers are going to be mentally damaged. I don't know any Zoomers, because Zoomers don't do anything. 0:53:58 Unknown_00: You know what I mean? I've never spoken to someone who was born after 2000. Where the fuck are they? Where are people born after 2000 at? Actually, you know what? Unknown_00: One of my moderators is born after 2000. He's 19. That would mean he probably is born after 2000. Jannison! Unknown_00: Janny! You fucker. Are you born after 2000? Unknown_00: If so, he's a weirdo. Unknown_00: Fortnite. Unknown_00: I am here, comrade. 0:54:30 Unknown_00: You guys, it's shocking. You guys don't know. Okay, people born after 9-11, after 2000, tell me what you think of 9-11. Sum up 9-11 in one sentence. 99 best year, you fucking zoomers. Unknown_00: Is November 2000? Yes, it does. If you were born after 2000, tell me what you think of 9-11. Unknown_00: Gay, epic, a joke, rip, sad, Israel, it was great, funny. I don't remember it. Inside job, don't care, Tower 7, dancing Israelis, juice. 0:55:03 Unknown_00: I don't think all those people are applying are after 2000. Either that or I have a very young audience. A very young and impressionable audience I'm going to get fucked for. 9-11 did not happen. That's an enlightened opinion. 0:55:36 Unknown_04: I'm 31 years old. I have autism. I know that feeling. Unknown_00: Bush did 9-11. There we go. Unknown_00: I was... Unknown_00: I was reading a forum. Actually, I talked about this before. On the 9-11 stream, I looked at old comments from Newgrounds in this old forum that was around in 2001. And just reading the live comments of people talking about shit as it was happening, it was very surreal. Because they were like, this is going to change everything. We're going to go to war over this. And then some people were like, we just need to nuke the Middle East. We need to nuke Afghanistan. 0:56:07 Unknown_04: yeah my 2003 sister asked me about 9-11 she said it thought it would have been scary yeah when i was i was um nine when it happened and i just remember not caring and playing runescape uh glasson that's right 0:56:48 Unknown_00: Who insured the towers? That's a good question. Unknown_00: Actually, they released recently, like this year recently, that Tower 7 fell in a way that was different from the initial reports. The official statement now is that they don't know why Tower 7 fell. Isn't that great? Unknown_04: Larry Silverstein, that's right. Unknown_00: Oh, wow. Is there anything I'm missing? Anything I'm thinking of? Because I know, this is one of those weird streams where I don't have anything, so I just yell and get myself in trouble. 0:57:20 Unknown_04: Pre-9-11, you could walk all the way to the gate at the airport and say bye to people. Unknown_00: Yeah, you could. Unknown_00: Yes, you could. And what's funny is they've done all this shit to make our airports more secure. All this labyrinthine Kafka-esque bullshit to get onto a fucking airplane. And has it ever stopped anything? Has anything changed? Have they stopped a single fucking terrorist attack since then? 0:57:55 Unknown_00: Have they managed to accomplish anything that a lock on the cockpit door and a gun couldn't fix? Unknown_00: Probably not. Did the Patriot Act solve anything? No. Unknown_00: Has all that espionage and backbone tapping, has that accumulated to any net safety gain for American people? No. Do we still have it? Yeah. Unknown_00: I guess we overthrew the wiretapping bit, but everything else is still there. Unknown_00: The whole reason why banking is so fucked up to begin with, the whole reason why the payment processors are so fucked up to begin with, is the Patriot Act. And actually, I read articles that were written in December 2001 when the Patriot Act was a bill and not law yet, saying that the Patriot Act deputized banks to stop laundering. 0:58:39 Unknown_00: Basically, all banks are responsible for their money now. So they can't just sit there and let money trade hands when someone sets up a T-shirt company and it makes a lot of money in a couple days. Ooh, that could be laundering. And they're required to shut it down because the government says so. Unknown_00: All we would have to do is repeal the Patriot Act. All we would have to do is repeal the Patriot Act. Shut down the NSA. The NSA costs billions of dollars a year and has done nothing. All we would have to do is repeal it, but we don't. No president has the balls to. Not even Trump. Never going to repeal the fucking thing. 0:59:26 Unknown_00: And everyone's just conditioned to it now. Nobody remembers what it was like to not, when things weren't so shitty. Unknown_00: They're going to strengthen it this year. We're going to be lucky if we even have elections this year. Because how long are they going to keep things shut down? Because guess what? 0:59:58 Unknown_00: Everyone's going to get this fucking disease. Everyone on planet earth is going to get COVID because it lasts for too long. It's too infectious. It has a, it can stay alive for 17 days outside the body and still infect people. It has asymptomatic carriers. Some people get it, they carry it, they spread it. And then their, they, their body fights it off and they never even know they have it. Unknown_00: So everyone is going to get this fucking disease. Unknown_00: I don't know. I don't know why we're bothering. 1:00:38 Unknown_04: Yeah, the Patriot Act was supposed to be. Unknown_00: They're all supposed to be, though. That's how they get it through. They never intend for it to expire. They intend to renew it. But they say, oh, we're just going to pass this for the next couple of years while things are still hot. And they don't. They renew it because that way there's no complaining. Fucking Ron Paul, though. Ron Paul didn't want to vote for the Patriot Act. He was one of, like, two people who didn't. Unknown_00: We should have listened. If Ron Paul was president in 2008, the entire country would be better off. The entire world would be better off. 1:01:10 Unknown_00: But no, we voted for the black guy. Unknown_00: We voted for the black guy. People should have done their research. A lot of low-information voters voted for Obama. Unknown_04: Who used to be good at streaming before the Super Chats? Unknown_00: I don't have Super Chats. Unknown_00: My streams are just bad because I'm a retard. What do you want from me? 1:01:43 Unknown_04: It can be done. Well, aren't you aspirational? Unknown_04: I don't know. Unknown_00: You know, I had an idea for a science fiction novel. Unknown_00: I was going to call it They Never Die. And the whole point would be that Unknown_00: The rich people, there is effectively biological immortality, but it's done through a series of treatments and procedures. So it's like constant maintenance to stay alive after a certain point. So once you're a super centennial, you're over 110, you have to continually pay money to get upgrades and body part replacements and stuff. And I wanted to explore the idea of how society would change with this idea that there is biological immortality, but only for a select few. And how people would desperately covet, they would set aside everything else in their life for the sole purpose of getting money. 1:02:15 Unknown_00: and reputation with the elite who could provide them that. And how people who fucked up, if you're like 190 and you fuck up and you fall out, you get cut off from the medicine and you die. How people forsake having natural births and stuff. Or women stop having their own kids because it would cost them money and permit them to die. And instead start carrying children for like the super rich, the elderly who freeze their eggs at like 40. And then when they're 210 and they want to breed more for their genetics, they start hiring women who are young to have kids for them. Because they don't want to have their own kids, they want to have the money. 1:02:52 Unknown_04: That's already a movie? 1:03:27 Unknown_04: Death Stranding? Unknown_04: Oh, I thought it was a cool idea. Unknown_04: It's the Boomer movie. Unknown_04: I didn't play Death Stranding. Unknown_04: No the island is different. Unknown_00: And it focuses on stuff. The idea is like, how does that affect not just specific people, but like the society as a whole when the pursuit of obtaining the standing to be immortal is what everyone's looking for, except instead of making a family and making their bed before they get too old and stuff. 1:04:14 Unknown_04: in time. OK. Unknown_04: OK, OK. Unknown_04: I think that's it, unless anyone has anything to say. Oh, OK, one more thing. Unknown_00: I can't believe I forgot. Unknown_00: Actually, let me read chat. You guys tell me. Anything else I missed? 1:04:45 Unknown_00: Bitcoin's doing well. Stream longer. I don't want to do case cooking. Unknown_04: What's wrong with Dick Masterson? Unknown_04: What? Trump is pardoning the Tiger King? Are you fucking kidding me? Unknown_04: will look into pardoning the tiger king that would be funny yeah see i don't know i'm kind of in favor of the big cat bill and i'm thinking there's no fucking way trump would veto any kind of bill protecting the breeding of big cats because trump doesn't give a fuck about animals it was a joke i don't know we'll see 1:05:46 Unknown_04: carol fucking baskins dude carol baskins if you've not seen the documentary the tiger king go watch it because it's it's genuinely good the fucking mainstream media is going to put the kiwi farms out of business because those motherfuckers are doing the job of talking shit about people with like real production value i have a feeling that internet making fun of weirdos is going to be like mainstream Unknown_00: Not just celebrities and stuff, but everyone. You're just going to have TV channels dedicated to making fun of people on Facebook and shit, and that'll be our entertainment going forward. It'll be sanctionable making fun of people. It'll be people who said racist stuff and then get BTF-ed, and it would be people like, oh, the ratio for this person got blown up, and then they click it, and it's like all those sassy black women gifs and stuff, and it'll be on BET, and it'll be called like... uh like twitter justice or something it would just be a show about like making fun of people on the internet but it would be like you know the right people basically that kind of shit yeah i know they make fun of weirdos i'm talking about like internet like proper kiwi farm stuff but like on tv and netflix 1:06:39 Unknown_00: No, no, no, not celebrities. Like, random people. Putting a spotlight on random people. No more significant than you. That's just Michael Jackson stuff. Unknown_00: That sounds awful. Oh, it's coming. It's coming, and the worse it is, the more likely it is. Unknown_00: The new server, okay, that's what I want to talk about. Unknown_00: New server is arriving at the data center today. By end of business day, it is coming. So I am preparing to do maintenance at midnight Eastern Standard Time, which will be like 6 a.m. my time. 1:07:33 Unknown_00: So once the pigeons start fucking again, I'll wake up and come on over and migrate to the new server. Unknown_00: Very excited. And then hopefully for that downtime, I'll have my payment process. I already put into the payment processor and during the downtime, we'll have a movie night. And so if you want to watch that, you'll be able to, and I'll be able to sell more t-shirts, my fractional reserve t-shirt printing idea in motion. 1:08:12 Unknown_00: So I'm excited. I'm excited. I can't wait. I can't wait to misconfigure it and have more errors than before for a couple of days until I figure it all out and look like a complete asshole in the process. Unknown_00: When the site goes down, I will redirect to the movie night. So you don't have to worry. It'll have a link, hopefully, to the merch and to the movie night. Unknown_04: All right. 1:08:45 Unknown_04: I think that's it. Unknown_00: Stay optimistic, my friends, because otherwise there's no point living if you're going to be sad. Unknown_00: Despite my perpetual negativity, you have to learn to ignore me. You have to learn to completely ignore me and do whatever you want. Unknown_00: That's the true meaning of life, right? Just do whatever the fuck you want. It doesn't matter. All right. See you next week. Bye. Bye. 1:11:05 Unknown_03: Jag får göra som jag vill, för du säger inte till.