Fedsmoker 2020-04-03

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Unknown_18: Can you feel me? Can you feel the boogeyman coming? Yeah! It's time. I'm gonna miss this old state. I've had a good time.

Unknown_01: Hello! Hello and welcome. This stream's gonna be hard to do because I'm doing it on my laptop as opposed to my battle station. I don't have two monitors.

Unknown_01: This is Fedsmoker, also known as Hercules, or Herc for short. That will be the name I refer to him the most. That's the way he introduces himself almost all the time. His real name is Conrad, but to be respectful of the late and great... I will be calling him Herc or Fedsmoker. Fedsmoker was a common name. And I heard someone ask in chat, what does it mean to be a Fedsmoker? Does that mean that he smokes? I'll tell you what it means.

Unknown_17: I'll be smoking every dirty pig in my path.

Unknown_01: And if you see artifacts like that, that's the video being out of my display. What a pain in the ass this is. Whatever. Where to even begin? Actually, I'm not going to give you any more information about him yet. Let me play one video. Because he died very recently. And recently enough, he can make a video about everyone's favorite pandemic.

Unknown_01: Oh no, where's the... There it is.

Unknown_08: The... VLC is like out of... out of reach for me.

Unknown_01: I can't actually show... I can't believe that.

Unknown_01: There it is. It's like hiding from me. What a pain in the ass.

Unknown_10: You know what's wrong?

Unknown_05: These women haven't been spreading their twats enough, Americans.

Unknown_05: They've been spreading them for teensy-little-reensy-teensy-ching-ding-dongs.

Unknown_05: And they're all deprived of normal fucking Twinkie sex.

Unknown_05: Getting pounded and wound up like little Tinker Tonker toys.

Unknown_05: That's right. Tonka probably come from China. The sound Tonka, Bonka. Ding, ping, ding, ching, ding.

Unknown_05: Well, I'm going to step up this one time for you guys.

Unknown_05: But I'm going to let this virus kill a bunch of people first. I'm going to let it kill a bunch of people. And then I myself am going to create a vaccination.

Unknown_05: Because it's not a vaccination that you need.

Unknown_05: That's right.

Unknown_05: You Buddha-loving motherfuckers are all to die. That's the greatest insult ever for an Asian. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Unknown_05: Jesus is going to have to come save you now. That's right.

Unknown_05: That's right. And it's going to take a prayer from Lord Fedsmoker to clear this up on that white dove right there, Flash.

Unknown_05: But, just so y'all know we're listening, we're going to let it kill a few million people first.

Unknown_05: And then I'm going to drop a prayer off to God and he's going to cure y'all.

Unknown_05: All them teensy-weensy outfits and shit.

Unknown_05: See them all? What's happened is these contaminated little motherfuckers have been killing their kids.

Unknown_05: They've been killing their daughters.

Unknown_05: For years they've been killing people. Now death's come to their door. Death's here, motherfuckers. Death's here, motherfuckers. That's right.

Unknown_05: And you're going to live with death now for a little while, ting-dongs.

Unknown_05: Killing babies, huh, chinks?

Unknown_05: Yeah, you look like a bunch of Oompa Loompas, huh? Oompa Loompa motherfuckers, huh?

Unknown_05: Death's come home, bitches. You all need to die for a while.

Unknown_05: We're gonna let you die, too. We already got the cure.

Unknown_05: Americans, we know what the fuck's up.

Unknown_05: You know what's up?

Unknown_05: These guys have rat fucking problems, bums. They got rat problems, dude. Because they fucking kill babies. And they don't bury them deep enough. And insects are getting in their babies' assholes and twinkies and faces. It's gonna be billions, motherfuckers. Billions.

Unknown_05: Billions we're gonna let die for a little while. Calm old Kinky Choo. Dong Wong Fong King Dong Doo down. We gotta calm Ding Dong Doo down, dude. Ding Dong Doo's gotta be calmed down. He's gotta be calmed down, dude. He's gotta be calmed. He's not a very nice person. He's a little guru.

Unknown_05: That's right. All you little gurus and brown fuckers are gonna learn this is America. We're the ones that come save you stupid fuckers.

Unknown_05: That's right. We have to save you. Because you don't know who Jesus is. You believe in Buddha. They believe in Buddha, dude. You came from Jesus, didn't you, buddy? You know it.

Unknown_05: Good luck, niggas. Learn to spread them twinkies more, too. We might save you a little quicker next time.

Unknown_01: All right. After watching a bunch of videos from Pet Smoker, I decided that video would be the best to open us up with because it establishes absolutely everything about his character pretty much except for the actual police stuff, which we'll have plenty of time for. activated trap card asked in chat is this stream going to be a video with awful video and audio quality of a mentally ill person being crazy and yes it is it's almost entirely clips and as an added benefit i don't know if you notice and i'll just wind it back a bit

Unknown_01: Oh, I guess I can't wind it back a bit. But if you notice that there was a timestamp in the corner, the timestamp said 2001, but he's talking about the coronavirus. So obviously it's not 2001. The thing is that I don't know what the fuck is up with him. I don't know how this happened, but it appeared that he recorded everything with like video cameras from the 2000s. So the timestamps are, I mean, it looks like that like fast wave stuff.

Unknown_01: Where it's got the scan lines and the play and the little timestamp at the bottom. It all has that kind of quality to it. The other thing, and I guess I will pull up the...

Unknown_01: This thing, this loadout right here, he lived in his car basically. The first video I showed of him going down the road in Montana is basically how he opens up whenever he moves between states. He does a video like that. And he lives out of his car, and the car he owns is, I think, a Crown Vic with a police thing on it. Because he has a very strong love-hate relationship with the police. So on one hand, he liked talking to police, and throughout his videos, it became very clear to me that his only friends were the police. Because he'll drive into a town, he'll go to the police and say, look, you're going to hear a lot about me from people while I'm here. Because whenever I go anywhere, I get police calling on me.

Unknown_01: But I don't want any trouble and I like you guys so he would end up spending hours at police stations recording his conversations with like Officers and the chief of police and the people working at the desk there And they would give him like supplies and food if he really needed something but then he hated police because he blamed them for anything that went wrong with in his life and

Unknown_01: But I'll get deeper into that in a second. I just wanted to point out that he lived in his car and there's all sorts of shit in the back of the car. I think he cooked in his car at some point. And he had his computer set up on the computer stand for a police cruiser. So he would park out and do these videos of him on his 2000s Handycam talking to a laptop. And the dog he saw is goodness. And I'll talk about the dogs in a bit too.

Unknown_01: He there are He's been doing this for a while and there are hundreds of videos of this of him in varying lengths like it's his shortest videos are like two seconds and his longest videos are like half an hour or more of him talking to people anytime anything happened he would just pull out his phone and start recording it and then upload it to the internet on his YouTube channels and

Unknown_01: The way he did his YouTube channels is he would make different ones for each, I guess for each state he went into. But he more or less saw himself as the main character for a movie. He considered himself like a movie star and he's very performative. He's crazy. He's genuinely crazy. He's not like an act. But he also in his craziness saw himself as the main feature of a big movie. And so what he would do is he would make different YouTube channels for his different movies. And the movies would be composed of clips from his interactions with people. So for most locales, it's just like they're sitting at a computer and they're acting stupid. They're posting stupid shit. They're whining and bitching about stuff. Fedsmoker would go out and actively produce his own movies.

Unknown_01: using his real interactions with real people and then upload them as like a clip show. And that was how he entertained himself. He's extremely Chad and he has no concept of boundaries. I mean, he does. I'm not saying he's like a violent, aggressive person, but he's completely okay making people uncomfortable. He has boundaries in terms of when people ask him, if like normal people ask him to stop filming them, he'll stop filming them. Uh, but he has no problem pulling out his camera and making people super uncomfortable on the spot. And it's kind of difficult to watch if you're not, if you're not into that because, uh, he, he does not give a fuck.

Unknown_01: Uh,

Unknown_01: He believed he was on a mission from God. He was very charitable. If someone needed his help and he happened to be nearby, he would swoop in and help if he could. He was a very chaotic good. Not very efficient, but he was a very chaotic good kind of person. And his audio quality is fucking awful.

Unknown_01: Just in general. So, for most of these videos, I had to normalize them to even have them playable on a stream. For some of them, I had to do editing to do a pass over them to isolate speech. Because he was like a director of a film. He was not the audio engineer of a film. His gear was whatever the fuck he had at the time. And a lot of his equipment... There's some nice videos, and most of his videos are shit. Because I think his nice stuff got destroyed. by the fact that his car in 2019 lost its windows somehow and all his shit got washed out and uh it i do want to point out that i can't do him real justice with one stream i'm not i'm probably not going to do subsequent streams but if you do like his videos you will have to go and watch them for yourself because it is hours and hours of raw footage

Unknown_01: So I also want to give a big thank you to YouTube because as I mentioned he did a channel for every one of his movies. He would do a channel. And in the last couple of weeks as I've been talking to someone about this guy and looking at videos and stuff. a lot of those channels have gone down. And in particular, the videos I wanted to show of him interacting with his mother are also gone, and I don't know if there are any archives of them. I had to pull some personal archives from the forum to try and piece the gaps together, but some stuff I just don't have offhand. So a big, big shout out to YouTube for deleting a dead man's archive of his dead mother, because that's really fucking awesome. I really cannot wait. Every day I wait for the death of this fucking platform because the people running it are just awful and retarded and they actively make everything worse.

Unknown_01: Anyways, let's talk about Baby Rapers.

Unknown_11: The car? Do I got a name for it?

Unknown_04: I don't yet. I can imagine it's Fed Smoker Jr., but... Okay, he explains it in this one. It ain't got a hard drive in it like I usually fly, but... Listen, I'm just gonna let that roll off. I'm not even gonna make a complaint about the guy. Tell him, quit profiling people. Quit being a fucking baby raper, you know what I mean? And that's my buddy's place. They don't want me being mean to you guys either. He already told me to take that Fed Smoker shit all over the car off because it scares him.

Unknown_09: What's your concern with the car?

Unknown_04: So that it doesn't get stocked no more. It's legal. There's the tag. You want the tag? Yeah, just... You want the tag actually right here.

Unknown_00: Well, now it's Colorado.

Unknown_04: That's where they want it in Colorado. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't even realize it was Colorado. That's a temporary tag to January 2nd, 2015. Okay. So I don't know what he got in behind it. You know what, sir? Between you and me, he already ran it at the library. He knew the car was legit. He just wanted to play. This is where he explains what you'll hear a lot of.

Unknown_07: Yeah.

Unknown_04: It does go right here, baby. Fucking rape her. And that's the only thing I do now. I don't have time to put everybody in prison anymore. I just don't have time. I have a life, you know. I like to ride my bike and do nice things, chase women. So for me to just mingle across the land, you'd be amazed at how many cops I got to deal with in this nasty fucking country. People like that thing you got working here, brother, fire him. Just fire him.

Unknown_04: Tell him, pack your pencils, crayons, chicklets, get the hell out of my office. I don't make those decisions. Who makes that decision, the mayor? That's the chief.

Unknown_04: What's his name?

Unknown_07: Chief McGovern.

Unknown_04: Tell him to fire him. Tell him to just fire him. He stalked a retired CIA double agent guy, puts cops in jail sometimes. Get the hell out of here. You know, just tell him to get out. Tell him to leave. I'm going to get out of your way. Tell him to go work his baby-raper corner or something somewhere else.

Unknown_04: Thanks a lot there, Warner. God bless you. Is there anything you want? You want to go in there and play with tape recorders or anything while it's here? I'm not going to be mean to you, Warner. I hope you know I'm not being mean to you. You're totally cool. Does anyone want to come out here and play with the car lights here? Go through the trunk. You want me to open the trunk? I mean, it's got nothing in it. It's clean. Just...

Unknown_04: You know what? I deserve to retire one day from trashing pigs, okay?

Unknown_04: When they do what he did, he's a pig, brother. You're a good guy. You're legit. You'd be nothing but kind.

Unknown_04: One day I get to retire, brother, okay? People like that, they're never going to let me retire because he's a dirty piece of shit. I'm sorry. God bless you. What's his first name?

Unknown_04: Grant. Thank you, brother. We're done. That guy wants to go so bad So that's what he does He's outlined his mission statement

Unknown_01: he crusades against the baby rapers that is his his calling in life and there's a reason for that but that's his big stamp and he said he calls it a stamp and he'll label entire like cities of people as baby rapers it's just what he does normally i would find that extremely distasteful but Uh, Fed Smoker is funny. And the funnier you are, the more you can get away with.

Unknown_01: Uh, if you're wondering what he does, by the way, uh, before he went crazy, I'm assuming he's schizophrenic. I don't know for sure. But if you're wondering what he did as a, as a profession before he became a professional Fed Smoker, uh, pig destroyer, American hero, crusader of God, he was a tattoo artist. And here's a, here's a video of some of his work.

Unknown_04: Have a cheer, brother. Let's see what we got so far. All right. It's looking good, brother. Why are you taking pictures? Because I like you. Why are you taking pictures of me?

Unknown_01: See, that encapsulates a lot of his interactions. I guess, like, in general, because he finished that tattoo, took a video of it, and then the woman's like, why the fuck are you, like, filming inside my house? And he immediately shuts the camera off. He also tends to hit on old women. And a lot of the clips I wanted to show of him hitting on old women have been lost.

Unknown_01: Again, thank you, YouTube. But, yeah, that's in general how he corresponds with people.

Unknown_01: uh here is a story from fed smoker about what he believes to be his calling and there's a different theory for why he became the fed smoker but this is his official um official line to a police officer once he got pulled over and uh again the audio quality is awful i had i had to run some shit on this to get it to be audible at all but here it is wait i just couldn't wait i was uh

Unknown_04: Finally I had the thing rolling and my mom and dad come in the door and I just great I'm gonna blow this fucker away. I really was He didn't quite go He's talking about his father by the way when he says blow that fucker away, this is him as a kid his story He had me talking like a maniac

Unknown_04: But his own daughter turned that tape in. It wasn't even my blood. She ran away from home. He beat her with a garden hose for piercing her ears. I can still hear her scream.

Unknown_04: So, yeah, I really get it.

Unknown_04: Well, I got to give it to him, though. Even though I wanted to kill him, I actually owe all this to him. I wouldn't have ever been doing this. So, no matter what kind of dad he was, he...

Unknown_04: It taught me to never be calling my pants down. So it has nothing to do with when I see people come and I imagine that guy, I really do. I really, and he was dangerous. That fucker was dangerous. I had weapons all over the yard, house, fucking everywhere because he was so big and so dangerous and he was mean. He could have killed me. real easy, he was powerful. I seen him hit my brother and damn near knocked the refrigerator over. But I ended up knocking him out at an early age, I had to finish him up. I didn't kill him that day, my mom asked me not to kill him, so.

Unknown_04: Yeah, I told him, I said, you keep talking to me like that, threatening, I'm gonna blast you right in bed. I'm gonna come up with my 20 gauge and blast you right in bed with her, so you better, next time you threaten me, you better know what you're gonna be facing, a gun, and I'm gonna come shoot you, dead fuck as hell.

Unknown_04: I really meant it. He calmed it way down. You know, I never could be, you know, I'd be probably still in prison if I blasted him. I was pretty young. I was only like 9 or 10. So, yeah, I was 9 years old.

Unknown_04: Fourth grade, whatever that is, 10 years old. I think it was the youngest induced wire, though. It was a pretty good one.

Unknown_04: But thank you, Kirk. I'm going to head over to Bayfield and give this town a breast.

Unknown_04: poor town, I was on my way that way anyways, just tell those guys if you see them, I'm not going to go over there anymore, you know, it had nothing to do with anything, they didn't want to give, you know, but I wasn't there, you know, a lot of these times, I'm there to get something from them, but a lot of times, I'm there to give back to them too, it ain't much, but that's a, it was a pretty good church until he told that, you know, and

Unknown_04: You know, they're all pretty good down. It's pretty good, but I think you're not bothering me over there when I'm not

Unknown_01: You can always tell when the cops are ready to leave.

Unknown_01: He just won't let them go.

Unknown_01: What's funny is that there's spam bots in the YouTube chat. Because apparently, you know, despite YouTube being a multi-billion dollar platform, which has the capacity to filter out audio from like three seconds of playing from any video ever, they can't stop spam bots from advertising pornography on their platform. So what the bots do is they take messages and they add like emojis after it to avoid spam detection. And everyone was talking about baby rapers at the time. So you had a bunch of like thoughts posting baby raper heart, like heart emoji eyes, heart and kissy lips, which is really bizarre. That's why I noticed it because it was fucking weird as shit.

Unknown_01: So his story with his father, if he didn't pick up on it, was that when he had an incident with his father when he was very young, he was going to kill him or shoot him, I guess, and decided not to because his mother said not to. And he ended up assaulting his father when he was 10 and went to juvie for it. And that became, from his description, his foray into justice.

Unknown_01: More likely, however, is this story, which I don't have a good video for. But when he was younger, he did undercover police work, briefly. He was not an actual policeman, he was an informant. And they had him wear a wire while talking to a man named Jeffrey Saad, who was the chief of police somewhere. I don't know where from. But Jeffrey Saad was hiring a herk to burn down houses to commit arson. And he was tasked with gathering incriminating evidence and audio of the chief of police. And it went to court, but it got thrown out because at the time, Herc was on probation. And I don't know why that counts, but I guess the defense would have been that because Herc was on probation, the chief of police was setting him up or something to see if he would violate his parole. Don't know what the deal is with that, but it was his point of pride, and that's how he got the fed smoker title, because he was there to catch dirty cops.

Unknown_01: I also think this is why he records everything and why that's so instrumental to his fed smoker activities because when he was set up to incriminate Jeffrey Saad he wore a wire so now he just uses his phone or whatever dumpster garbage VHS tape recorder that he can find in the Goodwill

Unknown_01: I have a note here on my cue cards. It said, make sure to say that he calls people pedophiles more than the English. Just to get that English jab in there.

Unknown_01: Here's him at a courthouse talking about the baby rapist stamp. And this is him elaborating why or what he does when he goes to towns. Because he visits all these different fucking places. And if he doesn't like it there, he calls them baby rapers.

Unknown_12: You cannot film in the...

Unknown_01: courtroom yeah well i think i'm gonna switch it up to one of these cars one of these days i don't know i can't even find them crown vicks they run so good nobody's parking them still run you probably can't he's a service dog okay he's a police uh chief of thackerville's dog chief coleman give me this dog

Unknown_03: And he is a service dog.

Unknown_01: He's talking about goodness, by the way, the German Shepherd.

Unknown_03: And yeah, he's a real police dog. Long line of police animals, he told me. I said, I've been looking for a dog.

Unknown_04: He says, I'm looking for a German Shepherd. He says, I'll bring you one tomorrow.

Unknown_04: Big old boy about this tall.

Unknown_01: This video really highlights, by the way, his...

Unknown_01: kind of love-hate relationship with police, because he's at the courthouse right now, and he's just talking to the guy there, talking about how he got his dog from the chief of police from a different town.

Unknown_01: He's very lonely, and actually, you know, let me turn this one down for a second, because there's a timestamp I want to show you from this video.

Unknown_01: But I want to show you a lot of videos that I didn't include were him watching his own videos, which sounds weird, but...

Unknown_01: Here's him. You're watching my computer of him filming his own screen.

Unknown_01: You're actually watching my VLC player of him recording his VLC player, which is very funny. But he's watching those clips I mentioned when he puts together his movie. So he's sitting here and he's recording himself watching his own videos, doing like a reaction video to his own content.

Unknown_01: this particular video is 10 minutes long but it's just him watching other stuff and he did this a lot and I think at night in particular he was extremely lonely because he didn't I don't think he lived with anyone or he was in his car usually or you know he has a very abrasive personality so he's not gonna make many friends and his only friend was usually his dog and he had quite a few but goodness was the one that he kept for a long time until his death

Unknown_01: him reacting and stuff.

Unknown_01: Nothing more than we'll get watching his clips ourselves. It's just, this is, uh, this is what he was putting together. I feel that's worth mentioning.

Unknown_01: Let me go back to the other video. I do want to go to a specific timestamp for this. 4.50, I say.

Unknown_08: Yeah, it's a solar, it's got a solar panel on it.

Unknown_05: Yeah, well, thank you very much. I'm going to go see what's going on over here.

Unknown_04: And town behaves, nobody gets a baby rapist stamp. If they do not behave, I have to stamp even everybody as baby rapist.

Unknown_09: Yeah, well, that's the sickest thing you can have on your face this day and age on social media is a baby rapist stamp.

Unknown_04: But it only takes one person to act like a stupid ass around me. And I really don't give a fuck. I hope that person wasn't me. No, you did real well, Sergeant. Really, you did real well. You know, I'm a man of, you know, if I wasn't putting cops in jail, I'd be driving a Cadillac, okay? I'd be driving something nice and eating steak every day because I am a man that knows how to make a lot of money. I'm an artist. What kind of artist?

Unknown_09: Like painting?

Unknown_04: I'm a tattoo artist. A tattoo artist? Yeah, and glass etcher and airbrusher and welder and all that. You do that too? Yeah. Do you do all that yourself? Most of it.

Unknown_03: Most of it? But yeah, I...

Unknown_03: Well, you pulled me right on top, you dude. Goodness, no. Well, thank you, sir. Uh, can I get your name one more time?

Unknown_09: Justin.

Unknown_01: Justin, nice to meet you, brother. That guy looks way too old to be named Justin.

Unknown_01: Alright, one more of my Baby Raper collection. This is my favorite Baby Raper video. Um, I played this before when I announced his death. It's the video I remember him the most by, because it's very funny.

Unknown_04: Walgreens, Americans.

Unknown_04: I've been shopping here for about three months and they haven't been being very kind to me here in Council Bluffs. Doing like that cold inbred fucking feeling when I shop in there.

Unknown_04: I'll be putting everybody on the net as baby rapers from now on if I even see a flinch around me in this town. I think the pigs might have got to them here and they feel like they can get away with that with me.

Unknown_04: I'll put your fucking chief on the net as baby rapers. I get snubbed one more time out of this store. You watching C, bitches? I'm gonna put this dog on the net as a baby raper, too. You fucking baby raper! You fucking baby raper!

Unknown_01: That's so good, you would think it's, like, scripted. I'm just standing there yelling at a dog, but no.

Unknown_01: That's the daily life, man. That's the grind.

Unknown_01: Oh, well. Let's see. Baby Raper. Let's please put them on the net as Baby Raper. Very, very English. I know how that feels.

Unknown_01: Oh, I didn't mention that he has a newspaper clipping of that story about him trying to bust that police chief.

Unknown_01: He carries a newspaper clipping and anytime he brings it up, he brings out this newspaper clipping. Here's some footage of him at what appears to be a police picnic. this just shows you his his gravitas his his personality he takes up whatever room he's in and he really loves fucking with police in particular and have a good time oh wait oh no this is not the oh no did i lose the picnic oh fuck me i'm gonna have to go get that one here

Unknown_01: have to get that one that's way too good to not play I somehow renamed it here okay give me a sec I got all my tools up still so I can I can pull this real quick there balance is restored I think

Unknown_01: Where these wires I'm not for hire I just smoke dirty pigs all alone I'm not for hire They call me a gigolo

Unknown_01: I love that.

Unknown_01: Just look at the... He comes up with this guy playing and he starts singing and the guy just immediately stops playing because he doesn't want to give this guy more room to sing. But even though he stops playing, even though he stops playing the music, he keeps singing and then he pans around. and you see all the police they all know who this guy is and their faces are just already exhausted because they know whatever whatever fun fair and relaxation there was going to be on this evening has been ruined because they are dirty pigs and they're getting smoked look there's like three of them they're all looking like oh fuck it's this guy again They're completely helpless because they're in public. He's not intruding on anything private. He's completely within his right to be there and to sing.

Unknown_01: Get fucked.

Unknown_01: Fucking pigs.

Unknown_01: uh this this video comes in like 16 parts because i guess he recorded like seconds of conversation at a time or whatever uh but here we go i'm gonna play through this is some more interactions with police a lot of the stuff you'll see if you look up fed smoker i was told that he's like a sync tube favorite like people on sync tube love to play his stuff because it's mostly him in public with cops uh here's a good example of this these guys get real tired of them real fast and it's funny

Unknown_04: One more time, I need Donnie. I need one more chief. I gotta put one more chief of police away, buddy. They're like tater chips, you know? I just can't stop at one. Yeah, I pay my electric bill. So here, what, you got it on record?

Unknown_04: Good, we're on record too. You wanna see mine? Want to see mine? There we go. There's that old red light. What are you pointing down like that for?

Unknown_01: He's recording and he has a recorder. You want it? He's got multiple recorders. We got about five times more on that bike over there, okay?

Unknown_04: This is the face of a totally resign he he has to he's there on patrol He's there on like he's stationed there. He has no choice but

Unknown_01: but to sit there and take FedSmoker. He has to deal with this shit. He is stationed there, and this is public property, and he's just got to fucking eat it.

Unknown_04: I'm going to go with you on this one today.

Unknown_01: VLC's shit, by the way.

Unknown_04: I'm going to go with you on this one today, okay? Tell Lee I'm done playing nice. We're briefed in all the way up north, all the way to the White House. We've let him know about Lee. No!

Unknown_04: I love their faces are fucking comedic perfection I was stressed out putting this together because it was on I was kind of doing it Last second, but now that I now that I get to relax and talk and actually watch the videos there They're great stay at the station too you'd stay at the station what where he could hide i was already out there five years why don't you call him up and see if i can talk to him can you call him and ask him eight oh nine one one one one he ain't gonna answer the phone i've been there twenty thousand times today on the phone where's the chief hiding is he under his desk jerking off what's he doing And you know what? David Smith smoked, too. You tell that punk, he comes to my table, he's going to prison. He's going to prison. He'll go to prison, too. Privacy committed. Altering records with invalid bull crap, okay?

Unknown_04: I'm not putting the truth in on reports. That's what you're all in on, okay? All of you.

Unknown_01: I like that guy's face at the end. It's like, yeah, he's got a point there. They are full of shit.

Unknown_04: Now, you got any kids that are over 18, buddy?

Unknown_04: I'm looking for a new girlfriend.

Unknown_04: i'm entertained too tell uh tell the chief i'll be down here for the rest of that a couple hours or something more and then we're going to come back tomorrow all those other officers will be working you'll be able to talk yeah they're going to hide too because that's what i do i guarantee if you're out here like this oh they're going to hide wood she's a skanky hoe she's going to hide hall's dirty

Unknown_04: Look what they've done. Look what they've done. You all back talls, bull crap. Look what it's caused. Everybody in this town's on the internet now. Everybody, all you guys. You know what? You're going to be labeled as baby rapers, okay? Every one of you is going on as baby rapers.

Unknown_04: We can't get the chief down here, can we, man?

Unknown_04: Oh, no, we can't get that chief out. I was down that station all day. That chief can't come out and face me again, ever. I will ruin him. Tell him he sits at the table again with me, I'll put him in prison, okay?

Unknown_04: You sit around with me long enough, besides you, I like you. You play around on record with me enough, I'll put you in prison, too.

Unknown_08: let's see is this different okay uh this is no this is the same thing if this great recorder this is olympus this is what they're running from americans baby steps this is what they're running from an olympus tape recorder see that little thing it's a spooky thing isn't it

Unknown_04: you get on that thing get spooky kooky that little red light just it's a spooky thing isn't it you know how spooky it is you got a little dirty black one on you this one's nice and shiny and brand new it's almost all loaded up already just like this chip thank you

Unknown_01: See, the new guy they got, they brought in someone else, and he's still entertained. It hasn't set into him yet that Fedsmoker's gonna be there for like the next three hours of his shift, and he doesn't have a fucking thing to do about it.

Unknown_04: You got Hall, said that he didn't make con- Oh, jeez, is that like a three second long video? You got- Yeah, four second long video, cuts off mid-sentence. What'd you think of that, sir? Would you think it was right?

Unknown_04: You can't comment. Uncle Sam does that with y'all. Gotta keep stupid until you can trash somebody. On the other hand, then you come up with all kinds of lies and crap, right? Okay? Isn't that the way it's done? You can't comment on nothing that has nothing to do with the truth, right? No truth here, Americans.

Unknown_04: I am the truth. That's why you guys all best be real scared of the truth. Because that truth make you ass tight. Okay? Tighten me up real good. Trust me.

Unknown_01: Ass tight.

Unknown_01: Which one was that? I think that was... What'd you think of that, sir?

Unknown_04: Would you think it was right?

Unknown_01: No.

Unknown_04: Oh, shit.

Unknown_01: Oh, okay, this one, he starts off by taunting the fat one that just came in there. And he's like, oh, you're not giggling anymore, are you?

Unknown_04: We're not giggling no more, okay? We're not giggling. I want Hall at the table.

Unknown_02: I'll cook him in two seconds. Give him to me. Two seconds. If you don't give me him, I gotta have the chief.

Unknown_04: And at this point, I'm taking the chief.

Unknown_01: Okay, that's enough of that montage.

Unknown_01: That's the stuff people like. The him just fucking with cops.

Unknown_01: That kind of shows you that he's got...

Unknown_01: He has to... He entertains himself by talking to the police because that's what he's got, right? Now, on the flip side, I mentioned that anytime anything goes wrong, he blames on the police. And these next videos are him talking about cop conspiracies. The first one is going to be a cop conspiracy on fucking with his Wi-Fi.

Unknown_04: Well, we've had to put our lives on hold, Americans, and...

Unknown_04: I guess I'm back to an office job.

Unknown_04: My office is right here next to the police station. Pagosa.

Unknown_01: I think he's in the, um... He's actually in the police department with his laptop from the cop car that he lives in. And he's just borrowing their Wi-Fi. And they can't really throw him out, I guess, because he's like a homeless crazy person. So they just fuck with the Wi-Fi.

Unknown_04: Today it is anyways.

Unknown_04: I've got a pretty good-sized office. Pretty good view. Looks like the judge is right up there somewhere.

Unknown_04: He's about ready to get a baby raper stamped, too, for this. Or she. With your mayor.

Unknown_01: You turn off his Wi-Fi or baby raper?

Unknown_04: For doing this, folks. This is an up-to-snuff computer. It works even on McDonald's crappy Wi-Fi.

Unknown_04: So, yeah.

Unknown_01: He's shaved. That's fucking strange.

Unknown_04: Right next to the police station, you know, rocking sock. He doesn't want me on the Wi-Fi, I guess.

Unknown_04: But one is not really getting is that they're rocky sucky. Yeah, you can tell I'm not fibbing, though.

Unknown_04: It's right here. You can see they've killed the Wi-Fi. The router's shut off, which is discrimination, kids. I think we'll sue for about $10 million for this and maybe settle for $3.5 million, $4 million or $5 million. I don't know.

Unknown_04: I'm guessing I should shoot for $100 million, though. They think they can afford it.

Unknown_04: So, yeah, we'll be filing discrimination suit here.

Unknown_04: And that's what we're going for. We'll try it again. This is our about 30th time. They sure don't want old fat smoker on the internet here.

Unknown_04: See, it says tops guest.

Unknown_04: And that's what this desk is for. People who use it and do their loads and exposing cops. And here it comes.

Unknown_04: Cannot connect to this network.

Unknown_04: kids, therefore I'm going to shoot for ten million dollars Americans, okay?

Unknown_04: Ten million dollars to every judge, to every prosecutor, to every civilian in this country. Yeah, I'm an American and that's against American policy.

Unknown_04: Can't connect to this network because

Unknown_04: Because I'm here, okay? Retired CIA double agent for the Nebraska State Patrol.

Unknown_01: Yeah, if he's a CIA double agent, doesn't that mean he's like a traitor to the United States?

Unknown_01: Like, maybe. I don't know. What does that make him, Chad?

Unknown_04: Guy that does this kind of stuff, folks.

Unknown_04: Exposes cops for this kind of stuff right here is what that's all about.

Unknown_04: See this guy?

Unknown_04: Oh, Jeffrey said from Harvard, Nebraska. He was a police chief.

Unknown_04: He was a police chief and I had to arrange that. Chief of police under arrest.

Unknown_01: Oh, C-I, not C-I-A. Confidential Informant. I always thought he's been saying he was C-I-A.

Unknown_04: He says, chief of police under arrest. He was picking on Mexicans and stuff.

Unknown_04: And now they all hate me.

Unknown_04: They all hate me. I don't want to go into that now. Arson delay. Who are you talking to? Retired double agent or your father?

Unknown_04: Anyways, this guy's fired two Americans after the chief. Look at him smiling.

Unknown_04: He's smiling just like the people that are shutting the Wi-Fi down.

Unknown_04: Can't evade me. Look at his so relaxed smile. He got fired.

Unknown_09: They always get fired when they get smoked.

Unknown_01: When they get fed smoked. That's where you bought it from? Okay, this is him complaining to the police about the about the Wi-Fi It's not the It's not the Wi-Fi the public Wi-Fi. This is his phone card his phone card had uploading issues So this was him calling the police to complain about them shutting off his Wi-Fi to stop him from smoking feds.

Unknown_04: Oh

Unknown_04: Well, I'm just speculating in the normal procedures of the law. You know, that's kind of what the law does. When I call 411, sir, they'll give me the number, and when I call the number, I'm dealing with the same people that give me the number, okay? No, I hear you.

Unknown_15: I'm just simply trying to help you out here, all right? You got to know, listen here, you remember T'Kip, your state attorney that went down for stealing guns and meth out of evidence?

Unknown_04: Yeah, that sounds kind of weird, don't it?

Unknown_15: Absolutely.

Unknown_04: Yeah, how much time did he do? You know, I really don't know, to be honest with you. Well, to be honest with you, sir, that's why I was in front of the courthouse with signs calling FBI John Kavanaugh a baby raper and mafia, because he wasn't over here taking care of T'Kip for six months before they took to keep down okay so I usually here usually here I'm not I'm not but I've been staying at all you guys faces you notice that and Jim you know some I'm trying to you a to treat you guys with a little respect you yeah I think this he's happy to say way more you have his name I don't have any I think he wants to get the ball rolling again is what I think he's trying to get this Soldier geared up to come after you guys on this deal because if he knows that if I roll in on Walmart wrong I have no fucking idea where he's at by the way.

Unknown_01: I think he um God that could be like an apartment. I don't know where the fuck would he be living at that has a suit of fucking armor He lives out of his car, and I know he's not bringing that suit of fucking armor with him.

Unknown_04: They can just arrest me because this is Iowa Okay

Unknown_04: I'm going to tell you what, sir. I went into a camera shop here, Mr. Money, and just wanted a camera. They sold me a camera without audio on purpose, I believe. And I believe that was arranged through the police, too. And when I took the camera and said I want my money back, or a different camera, and I put money with it, you know what you guys did? You guys came in and arrested me. Oh, that can happen. Yeah, just for stating that I want a different camera.

Unknown_01: That's just because I had the camera out.

Unknown_04: What was that reaction?

Unknown_01: I went to Walmart to get a return and I got arrested. He's like, yeah, that's normal.

Unknown_04: What in the hell is the world with this... Everybody's scared of these cameras these days.

Unknown_15: I really couldn't tell you, bud.

Unknown_04: Well, you sound pretty normal. Can you track that cop's name anyways, just because if my speculation does check out? Well, what you have to do is, you know, I'm calling the sergeant's office.

Unknown_15: The police station asked for the sergeant on duty because they have the schedule. Like I said, I have absolutely no idea, nor could I find out who worked it right here and now because I'm working here and all the schedules are at the police station.

Unknown_08: Yeah, okay. I have no idea who worked last night.

Unknown_17: Okay. There's just no way I could find out for you because they don't want to have the schedules here.

Unknown_17: Well, I'm sure I can. So you'd have to call there.

Unknown_15: Yeah. The sergeant could tell you who was working if you needed that officer to maybe call you and talk to you or whatever. But like I said, you know, you can certainly think freely. Yeah, you know what?

Unknown_04: I always speculate. I would bet you any amount of money that you ever have and ever will have that that's not the case. Well, sir, it looks pretty fishy. I've been dealing with net 10 for over a year now, and every time I beep it in, it goes right through. Okay. And that cop that was working there was on my tail. He went by me looking stupid, and when I left, I looked over my shoulder, and he was watching me leave.

Unknown_15: Well, maybe because of some of the problems that we've had in the past.

Unknown_04: Like what? Like what? What kind of problems? Like I took your state attorney down for stealing guns and meth?

Unknown_04: You know what?

Unknown_04: A guy got busted for selling drugs and meth and he's taking credit for it and the cop is laughing at him.

Unknown_01: It probably was him though, he's been right about all the other baby rapers.

Unknown_04: Okay. Okay? He was selling those guns to my dear buddy that's in a federal prison right now. Okay. Okay? We used to sit over there and smoke dope and laugh about it. So, I do know about it, okay? Okay. Okay? I was holding guns that he brought over, I believe. Okay?

Unknown_15: You don't want to get yourself in any trouble at the time.

Unknown_04: Okay, buddy. Well, I'm just telling you. Okay. We were passing him around looking funny at him, okay? Okay. Then they'll just come right out of evidence, I believe.

Unknown_04: Okie dokie.

Unknown_01: Okie dokie, Boomer. He would get into that thing when you really, really desperately want to get off the phone with someone and you're just like, uh-huh, yep, okie dokie.

Unknown_01: This is the cop conspiracy about Walmart.

Unknown_01: I was informed that he has had a roommate, and I do know for sure he did have a roommate. I have a video that... I guess I should get the whole video. I'll think about that later.

Unknown_01: But this is his cop conspiracy regarding Walmart.

Unknown_17: Hey, Sergeant Norris, was you the guy that was working last night?

Unknown_15: Were we working last night? We're awake 24 hours a day.

Unknown_01: So this is him trying to do a follow-up of the guy who responded to the disturbance of him trying to get a new camera.

Unknown_04: Was you at Walmart last night working? No. No?

Unknown_17: Can you tell me which officer that was that was working in the store last night or in the vicinity?

Unknown_15: Honestly, I don't know what officer was on duty last night.

Unknown_04: Well, I'm talking about the one that was in Walmart last night.

Unknown_15: Right, I have no idea which officer was on duty last night.

Unknown_04: And which, who am I speaking to? This is Sergeant Norris. Sergeant Norris? Yep. Hey, listen, this may sound absurd, but I called the Sheriff's Department on purpose last night from Walmart when I bought this phone card because I predicted to myself that this phone card would be fraud. Okay, that's why I called the Sheriff's Department from Nebraska, okay?

Unknown_04: Now, this phone card I bought there is botched, okay? I paid for it, and it's botched. I've been on record with Net 10 for over two hours trying to get them just to come to the phone. So there's big wheels trying to stop me from just hooking my phone up, is what I'm predicting. Okay.

Unknown_04: Who do I sue in that situation? Do I sue Walmart, Net 10, or?

Unknown_04: Possibly the officer that was working Walmart last night for arranging this kind of crap, in my speculation.

Unknown_15: Well, I don't know why you would think that a police officer would arrange something like that. Because I've been on record with chief of police that have hired me to burn houses down, sir.

Unknown_04: Is this Conal Peterson? Yes, it is. I don't think I would know that. Probably because you're a psychic, too.

Unknown_15: Yeah. Yeah. They thought I was off my meds there, sir, when the chief was gang raping women. Why'd it cut off there? I wanted to hear the rest of that.

Unknown_01: Wait, no, it doesn't there's a second part. Oh, thank God What's the story for this one hold on this is this is the same thing What video is this

Unknown_01: Here, let me get this one. I think I renamed this one wrong.

Unknown_01: This is the problem being me. I've got all this shit going on. Heavy, heavy duty stuff here. Following the story of Fedsmoker.

Unknown_08: I do believe that this is the correct one.

Unknown_08: What's the name of this one?

Unknown_01: It's been hours, hours putting this stuff together and I fuck it up. Is this the same one?

Unknown_11: Oh man.

Unknown_01: I feel like an idiot now.

Unknown_17: Hey, uh, Sergeant Norris, was you the guy that was working last night?

Unknown_01: Oh, no, I played that one already. Okay, no, I got that right. I don't know, I guess the... Oh, this is the frustrating thing, is that he just records, like, arbitrarily. Like, you saw that one before that was, like, four seconds long.

Unknown_01: And then it's just gone forever.

Unknown_01: uh third conspiracy i have is he believes that cops are stalking him which is probably true because uh you saw his car and you saw how he wears his license plate wrong because i guess he can't just get like a regular license plate so check this one out this is him driving i think into a different state again and he's already got cops on him

Unknown_18: Okay, before we even get started... Oh, the audio is terrible.

Unknown_01: That's, again, not my fault. It was way worse before I did the pass to kind of filter out the air.

Unknown_18: All you kids, the man's back there already.

Unknown_18: Just like I predicted.

Unknown_18: Got nothing wrong.

Unknown_18: Nothing. It's 35, I'm doing 33.

Unknown_18: He's back there, Americans. I got him back.

Unknown_18: He's coming.

Unknown_18: Chief, this will steal your faith as a baby rainbow motherfucker. Watch and see. Now we're down at 25. That's 25 right there.

Unknown_18: There's 25. Get back there, man. They're getting back there.

Unknown_18: Now it's 10.

Unknown_18: I'm dropping it down to two. Look at him back there.

Unknown_18: One truck back.

Unknown_18: Watch this. I'm gonna throw a curve ball out of here right here.

Unknown_18: Watch this. I'm pulling into this guy's driveway. Look at him.

Unknown_18: Look at him.

Unknown_18: Look at him, there he goes. Look at him, Americans. Look at him. How's your curveball at the beach? Look at him go.

Unknown_18: Look at him go. Look at him go. You don't know what to think. Look at him. They're not gonna let me even get down to the chief, Americans.

Unknown_18: That's hilarious, huh?

Unknown_18: He's gonna whip back around. I need to get down to the chief and let him know what this guy's doing. There he goes. There he goes.

Unknown_18: Stalking the Americans. There he is, down there, stalking them.

Unknown_18: There he is, right down there, stalking them. I need to come back. He's coming back.

Unknown_18: Oh, hi. I'm just, uh, checking my car out for a second.

Unknown_01: If you're wondering, yes, he did pull up at a random house. Look, the car, the cop did a U-turn. Oh, my car's, uh, I'm just checking my car out here.

Unknown_04: Alrighty.

Unknown_18: He's sucking down there, Americans, for no reason. Look at this shit.

Unknown_18: Yeah, here we go. Car 63, Americans. I told you he'd be right here.

Unknown_01: Speeds off.

Unknown_04: There you go, stalking Americans. Can I ride this fucking shit? Yeah, I was just doing how your cops are stalking my poor car.

Unknown_04: I'm checking out my light on my car I'm just filming how it looks I'm taking it to an adjuster what a bitch

Unknown_01: She pulls out her phone, she's recording him and stuff. Do Americans really do this?

Unknown_01: She went back to get his license plate. What is schizophrenic?

Unknown_18: Fucking Karen. Fuck that bitch. What a bitch. She comes out the door, like, what are you doing on my property? And she got out, like, her phone goes for his license plate.

Unknown_01: What a total bitch.

Unknown_01: Oh, she called the cops on him.

Unknown_04: Hey, I was just filming the front end of my car there, sir, and I just put my car here. I was filming you actually stalking me. I was heading down to talk to the chief of police, okay? I just come from the library. Yes, I do.

Unknown_07: What are you doing pulling in here?

Unknown_04: well i was pulling in here to film uh my car uh filming you actually stalking me uh from way back there so i'll get to my license yeah you know who i am no i don't all right peterson yeah there you go i know the chief of police and your whole team out here you don't know me

Unknown_04: I just was heading down to... Why do you have an Iowa driver's license and a Colorado license?

Unknown_07: Because it's a new car.

Unknown_04: I just bought the car in Colorado. It's legal.

Unknown_07: Okay.

Unknown_04: Yeah, I was filming you down there. I briefed you in to stalk me, okay, before I even got to the police.

Unknown_07: Did you see the no trespassing sign? I just pulled in here because I was whipping around there, sir, to come down to see what you wanted.

Unknown_04: I'm going to the police station, sir, okay?

Unknown_07: You know where the police station is?

Unknown_04: Yeah. Are you going to let me go down there?

Unknown_07: well as long as because yeah there's no trespass well i just pulled in here i didn't even see that i'm heading down to the chief of police i figured you went out and you started taking pictures no i was filming you sir you see me filming yeah okay well this lady owns this property all right i'm leaving i'm going to talk to the chief okay is that okay is that fine i'm leaving i just had to go down i was just heading down uh

Unknown_01: That Karen complicated her own life by being such a bitch. She would already be gone.

Unknown_01: The cop had like deer in the headlights look like he his brains not on it looks like he's flush like he's got diabetes or something She's so she's so angry and it's holding up him leaving I

Unknown_07: She's wanting your pictures of you taking up her property off your little deal or whatever. Since you're taking them from her.

Unknown_04: All right, I'll take it off then, man.

Unknown_04: Listen, I need to go talk to the chief. I just come from the library. I got the name. I just had them look up some numbers.

Unknown_04: This is the information right here. David Hoagland.

Unknown_04: I'm enjoying the music. Thank you. It's very ambient.

Unknown_01: Yeah, that cop. That cop must have an IQ of like 70. Look at that face.

Unknown_04: That expression is just empty. One more.

Unknown_07: yes sir listen basically she just won i'm the best warning so you stay on the front i'm headed down to the chief brother i deserve to talk to the chief sir okay i was on my way down there you probably knew it okay just i need a you don't know who i am okay i'm donald peterson that's the nrom

Unknown_07: Can I ask you something, sir?

Unknown_04: The car is totally legal. It's been checked out, inspected by troopers even. What made you fly out of the corner down there when you first see me like I briefed in you to do way before I even seen you?

Unknown_04: He was down there and just pulled out soon to see me. What was your... I was two cars behind you. One car, sir.

Unknown_07: One car. Oh, okay. Well, one car. I was... Whenever you pulled into this driveway and it's posted about trespassing and this is the red car... He's full of shit.

Unknown_01: He's lying.

Unknown_07: Whenever I turn around, you were backing out. Yeah, the cop is like Lying about what he was doing. He couldn't have said your car was suspicious to me. So I was checking it out He's like, oh I wasn't I wasn't following you at all like fuck off. You were obviously were he was going 25 and 25

Unknown_04: I just can't figure it out why I get profiled so much. I really can't figure it out.

Unknown_04: That's all I'm saying. You know what I mean?

Unknown_01: He knows that Fedsmoker knows that he's a baby raper. This is what's happening. It's sinking in. That facial expression is him thinking, oh, fuck, I've been found out. Fedsmoker knows.

Unknown_18: All right. Our temporary licenses are fixed to the rear of the bunker.

Unknown_04: All right. Well, this is how they do it there, okay? Every state... You gotta comply with how they do it, so... I'm not saying anything's wrong with that, but there is something wrong with... Listen, I have a buddy that lives right across the street from the police station. I was heading down there, and I was gonna call the chief from the library, so I'd at least get a fair shake of getting down to talk to the chief, and you were right there before I even could even get to the chief. Okay, so I need to get to the chief and let him know who I am. Again, he knows me. And let him know why I'm in town, and that's it.

Unknown_04: I need a break from the road, that's why I'm in town, you know?

Unknown_04: And that's it. There's no once, no nothing. I believe you.

Unknown_06: Basically, this is for on file. Okay, let's continue.

Unknown_01: I should have been reading my notes. Now I have to read them. I have to read. Okay. The thing that he does. The defining feature of the fed smoker visit. The reason why he is the death riding in on the pale horse is because he immediately, as I mentioned, gets up into the chief of police. Tells the chief of police, you will know me by the time I leave this town. You will know who I am. Everyone in this department will... will know who I am by the time I leave. So that's his opening gambit. And if something happens, if the police aren't like funny, if they can't entertain him, if they become aggressive and agitated, he gets real mad. And that's where the baby raper thing comes out. They start stamping them. Says your baby raper goes to YouTube, uploads Sergeant whatever is a baby raper, just stamps them for the baby rapers they are, right? um one of the guys the last one that he got into a gambit with uh or a feud with was pictured of i think council bluffs i don't know uh where from but or pritchard but uh

Unknown_01: I'll play some of that. But before I do that... Oh, I remember why he got into a fight with him. Sorry, this is important. He got into a fight with him because Fedsmoker had a heart attack. So I do think this is very recent, this feud with Pritchard.

Unknown_01: Now, you might be wondering, how could such a young and healthy person like the Fedsmoker have a heart attack? And you might think, maybe it's the obesity. Maybe it's his diet. Maybe it's the fact he smokes a pack a day of mallards. Maybe it's because he runs around yelling at everyone all the time.

Unknown_01: Maybe, you know, any number of things. It's actually none of those. It's this, probably. Americans.

Unknown_04: It's very flattering.

Unknown_04: You got people out there on Twitter wanting to tweet to me.

Unknown_04: Very, very fucking flattering.

Unknown_04: I can tell you all that my life seems to be going to hell these days without my car fed smoker. I'm in Council Bluffs, Iowa where it is a misdemeanor to get caught with this zip shit.

Unknown_16: Oh boy!

Unknown_04: It's a felony.

Unknown_04: fucking my whole schedule up.

Unknown_18: Oh, boy. Thank you.

Unknown_04: Some of my fans out there, I guess, wanted me to make a video.

Unknown_04: Yeah, I feel better now. I'd rather be smoking pot, but there is absolutely no fucking pot in the neighborhood, so I'm

Unknown_04: So, now that we've established the heart attack, let's continue with the Pritchard feud.

Unknown_01: No, I don't know what the fuck is going on This is like very recent like after that video But for some reason the video quality is back to the VHS handycam with the 2001 sticker. This is from 2020 I want to say not 2001

Unknown_04: And, you know, it was taking rather long to get that done. I told him, you know, it's taking a long time just to take this information. This is him complaining about Pritchard.

Unknown_01: And all of a sudden, here's screams, the screaming, and four native cops coming in with a woman, supposedly, or something.

Unknown_04: I think she was a woman.

Unknown_05: Because they just happened to say, move back to this room now, Peterson. And when I went back there, there she was, tore all her...

Unknown_01: Oh, that's just a short one, I guess. This is one of those things where he's recording for a couple minutes at a time.

Unknown_03: And I was getting checked out, and I was saying that the timing of them moving me to the emergency room to be checked out was kind of strange, because about that time, cops, I think they were native cops, were ripping this woman's clothes off her, it looked like.

Unknown_03: And when I walked by, I seen her breasts hanging out, and it totally grossed me out. They didn't even give her the common courtesy to shut the door.

Unknown_01: He's talking about Pritchard and somebody corrected me and said that this is Arizona No, I think the video of him doing coke was in Iowa so he's the story he's telling here is about he's trying to file a complaint against Pritchard for Exposing a woman in the hospital and not covering her up.

Unknown_03: I mean, do you feel like your rights were violated? You're in a hospital no matter what reason and they're exposing you to strangers It totally grossed me out.

Unknown_04: I want to I want to take a report of it and if a cop strange that kind of crap on purpose To do that on purpose in this town.

Unknown_03: Somebody's breaking the law. Okay, so where's your chief of police?

Unknown_12: I Mean they're gonna play games and they need to be investigated at this point because I'm done screwing around and

Unknown_04: You don't expose naked women in hospitals to strangers. I went to the first hospital as you come in.

Unknown_03: From courtside on the left. I mean, I'm not mad at you, obviously. I'm just saying I'm disgusted over the whole... I can just imagine my sister or my mother being treated like that at a hospital. And it's not going to fly. I don't care if they're native retarded cops or regular cops. They're not going to get away with exposing women to the public. And it's uncalled for, and I believe it's a violation worse than HIPAA. I think it's sexual assault.

Unknown_12: Well, let me, like I said, let me get the office up, because they're going to be able to get you an office much quicker.

Unknown_03: Well, where's your mayor at? I should go talk to your mayor if your chief can. The mayor does not have an office here. Oh, that's, what about the city attorney?

Unknown_04: Is there a... Our city attorney is in Phoenix. Oh, no wonder they're getting away with that kind of stuff. That's basically rape where I'm from.

Unknown_13: If you want to talk to an attorney, you may...

Unknown_03: If he could step out I've been informed that the the camera that has this this quality of audio and video is a glasses camera So I guess he picked something up from like the late 2000s that has like a camera built into it I wish I could see it better in the reflection, but the video quality is so poor Violated rights if you don't want to do that, then we'll have to talk to the council right in front of me, man

Unknown_05: Okay, that's okay. I mean, let me just go to the, when's the next council? I can just go to the council if you don't want to talk.

Unknown_13: Where at?

Unknown_03: All right, well, he obviously don't want to talk about it, so I'll just go over there and make an appointment.

Unknown_03: Well, don't worry about it, miss. I'll just keep this between you and me. I'm just going to go see the council tonight and let them know what happened, okay? Thank you. Just let it roll over your head because I talked to some young man that was supposed to brief him. You know, I wanted to make a report.

Unknown_01: Here, I'll shut it off here because I don't think there's any more information that comes from this. Let me skip ahead. Because it's another, like, a minute and a half. But you can see she already desperately wants to get away. I'll skip to, like, the last 30 seconds of it. 6 o'clock. Well, thank you. What's your name? I was just setting up an appointment. Okay. Next one. Pritchard 3.

Unknown_01: I think this is the office of the guy that she was suggesting he go to.

Unknown_03: And who is your chief here?

Unknown_01: Clay Romo.

Unknown_05: I'd like to make a police statement or report of down at the hospital today, getting checked out. They took me back to the emergency room after a weird scene. As soon as they screwed around forever, I was about ready to leave. I left anyways.

Unknown_05: Drugged us out forever. And here come, I think they were native cops, in with this probably Indian lady, which I didn't want to see all that crap anyways. They walked me by her room and literally had her naked, sitting on the bed without covering her from being exposed to the public, which I think is a violation of HIPAA and a violation of her civil rights.

Unknown_04: She shouldn't be praying around naked in a hospital around other patients.

Unknown_09: Okay.

Unknown_04: The whole scene disgusted me, and I got up and left, okay?

Unknown_05: Yeah. So I'd like to make a report about that because that woman's rights were violated for that. Do you believe me?

Unknown_05: Say you were in the hospital, would you want someone ripping your clothes off with cops there and letting other people see you?

Unknown_15: I couldn't answer that for you.

Unknown_05: Oh, you can't answer that?

Unknown_05: Yeah, I'd like to ask an officer and see if that was against her violation of her civil rights.

Unknown_09: Thank you.

Unknown_05: Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

Unknown_04: I'd like to talk to the chief is what I asked for. He doesn't want to talk?

Unknown_04: What's that mean?

Unknown_04: Oh, meeting, okay.

Unknown_04: Alright, thank you.

Unknown_01: He really does not like this guy. Can you imagine how fucking annoying that must be if you're like a police officer? He got this guy filing all these reports against you all the fucking time.

Unknown_01: That's what they get, man. They get smoked.

Unknown_01: Bad cops, man. All right.

Unknown_01: Oh, I have three more of that. Here's him. Actually, let me take a break from the Pritchard stuff because it is kind of dry just seeing him making complaints.

Unknown_01: Let me go ahead and show you.

Unknown_01: what true retard strength is. Everyone knows that retards have a high pain tolerance.

Unknown_01: Would you believe that Fedsmoker has been stabbed before and walked it off like an absolute beast? Because I have video evidence of this.

Unknown_12: Back into Ontario? America. Okay, then.

Unknown_09: The one that comes from Pan... You can't move out when you get cut real good.

Unknown_04: You never know how bad it really is.

Unknown_04: When someone stabs you, that's a little worse.

Unknown_04: But the thing beautiful about it is you can usually still use the organ that's cut or stabbed. You can never really stop it unless you cut the tendons or the nerves.

Unknown_04: We're made immaculate Americans.

Unknown_04: This guy got kind of a hell kicked out of him just a little bit ago.

Unknown_04: Yeah, he pulled a knife on me and then he took it out of his hand and then kicked his mouth a little bit.

Unknown_04: Yep.

Unknown_04: See, when you're a fed smoker, kid, you should go to the doctor or the hospital usually and get that kind of stitched up. But I just bought some super glue.

Unknown_04: And we'll go glue it shut here as soon as I smoke this cigarette.

Unknown_04: She's going pretty good.

Unknown_04: It continues.

Unknown_01: damn this is cinematic as hell yeah this is fed smoker vision baby this is what it's like hello there

Unknown_04: I'd like to talk to you right away about how your phone operator 911 answer just hit the phone. And I'd like to press charges on him for discriminating the way he's answering the phone. You can tell what I was saying. Okay, well thank you very much. I'll get back with you.

Unknown_01: Pressing charges, being rapers. That's a good fucking song.

Unknown_16: And there is no tomorrow But as soon as we dance I pray for you Because I don't give a damn You cannot exhumate souls

Unknown_09: It's driving away now.

Unknown_01: The wound is super blurred shut. It's taken off.

Unknown_01: I guess that's it. Alright.

Unknown_01: There's more videos, by the way. At some point, I don't have these, and I probably couldn't show them on YouTube if I wanted to.

Unknown_01: Apparently, in one of his videos, he pulls out his own tooth, which is fucking... I haven't seen that. I don't know if I'd want to see that.

Unknown_01: Toothpain is fucking unbearable. I cannot even imagine how much that hurts. There's another video that's been posted more of him popping assists on his head, which is disgusting. I'm also not very inclined to play that either. I'm sure it's on the forum if you really want to go hunt that down. That's Fedsmoker. Everything Fedsmoker does is DIY. His car mods, his home decor, his fed smoking, his surgery. He does it himself. If he can do it himself, he'll do it himself.

Unknown_01: Continue with the Pritchard stuff. I think it's not that much longer.

Unknown_04: Look at that fat bitch on the left.

Unknown_01: She's not amused. Oh my god, this fucking crazy person.

Unknown_01: Why should I have to put up with this crazy person?

Unknown_04: Fucking Karens.

Unknown_01: Karens are the opposite of a fed smoker.

Unknown_04: I would like to say your police, I've screened city after city for 50 laps around this country. Your sheriffs ain't doing this kind of crap.

Unknown_04: So I would like to thank you for having a great police chief and a great sheriff. And none of you guys are getting this stamp on your face.

Unknown_04: Thank you very much.

Unknown_00: He brought a baby raper stamp to town hall.

Unknown_04: With normal counsel out there.

Unknown_04: With this woman. That's tribal land. Okay.

Unknown_04: Well, you got tribal cops needing some feds to come see him because I'm going to arrange that if I can with everything I know.

Unknown_04: All over the nation. And like I said, I've taken cop after cop down in this country. Even chief of police is for arson. Sergeants. Everything you can imagine. pritchard karen looks so sad together

Unknown_04: was in on this crap together, okay? They wanted me to see her because these are KM shades and I don't go too many places without them being on, okay? Oh my god.

Unknown_01: Look. It's the... It's the shades. Look.

Unknown_01: That's the shit he was wearing. Whenever the video goes terrible and it has a 2001 stamp, that's the sh... It's like held together with duct tape. Look at that fucking thing. That's ridiculous.

Unknown_04: KM shades and I don't go too many places without them being on, okay? But there is a HIPAA violation. You can't be doing that in hospitals.

Unknown_01: God, it's a fucking miracle that goddamn things work at all. That's insane. I guess I should be thankful that the video and audio is what it is, because Jesus Christ.

Unknown_01: All right.

Unknown_01: Friends, we've had some good times here, but now we're going to get religious.

Unknown_01: Fedsmoker was not only a fedsmoker. He was a fedsmoker of Christ. He was a crusader against the dirty pigs, and he found divine inspiration in what he did. You heard that more in the first video about the Wu flu. But he really did believe that God wanted him to smoke feds and he complained in some of his videos that he wished to retire from the fed smoking because of the obvious mental and physical taxation fed smoking has on the person.

Unknown_01: But God required him until his final day to smoke feds. So we're gonna be looking into the spirit of fed smoker now.

Unknown_01: I'm sorry about the audio quality on this one, but he's on this fucking car again with the wind noise.

Unknown_18: Carney, Americans.

Unknown_18: White chariots galore, Carney.

Unknown_18: You can't fake the shit. Whenever I turn the camera on, you're gonna see white. It's like that one.

Unknown_18: God wants to be acknowledged, Americans and world. He's using me as a vessel, I believe.

Unknown_18: I don't know what the pattern is here, but usually everybody that fills my tank up is driving white. And when I narrate in on that shit, everyone around me is driving white.

Unknown_02: You can't fake it. That's why I film this shit.

Unknown_04: Okay?

Unknown_04: White chariots.

Unknown_04: And when their cars aren't white, even though they are white, their names are white.

Unknown_18: Very weird, man.

Unknown_18: Very godly. You can call it weird. I'd call it a blessing.

Unknown_18: A screen of these pigs, Americans. I need lots of gas.

Unknown_18: And I need a new car coming up pretty soon again, too.

Unknown_18: This car just don't have the power to fucking chase these pigs down.

Unknown_04: Have you seen that?

Unknown_04: I can kind of sneak into them, but I have to have the power to run them down.

Unknown_18: So we're going to get some gas here.

Unknown_01: If he didn't catch what he was talking about, he was saying that it's a common thing with schizos to see patterns. You know, like the gang stalkers believe that the people following them are in bright red clothes and driving red cars. He believed that when God was directing him to something, he would see white. He would see white cars and the people pumping his gas would be wearing white or their names would be white, that kind of stuff. So he did have a kind of Terry Davis-esque spiritual connection. He felt divinely inspired and religion played a large part of his life because in the same way that police would be his friends and help him out sometimes. and his source of entertaining himself. He also relied heavily on the church because his social security checks often bounced. Uh, I don't know what the deal is with that. Probably has something to do with the fact that he moves around a lot, that it's hard for the social security department to, to verify where they're sending the checks to. Um, but

Unknown_01: he was someone who relied on assistance quite a bit. So despite that, he had a little bit of a run in with, uh,

Unknown_01: with the church and he ended up making his own church and i am not kidding i'm not shitting you this is not hyperbole it is the shemale tranny church and to evangelize for his shemale tranny church he decorated his car and here's a video of that to build a church on the top of my car more than once really strange

Unknown_04: God told me to go to Cortez even though every cocksucker in town would stalk me for the pigs.

Unknown_04: That shit don't scare me. I'll kill anyone that comes up to me wrong.

Unknown_04: Kill you dead as fuck. I swear to God I will. Hoping you do it. Praying you do it.

Unknown_04: No, he wanted me to build a church on this car.

Unknown_04: He knew I didn't have the metal.

Unknown_04: But...

Unknown_01: He wasn't kidding, by the way. When he told that one cop at the court that he does welding, he custom welded his fucking vehicle to evangelize the shemale training church. Very, very a renaissance man. He had a bunch of talents.

Unknown_03: Here's the framework for this church I have to build on the roof of my car.

Unknown_05: But the sides and the roof

Unknown_05: Well, they were right there, just like this material here. I bought it all already there.

Unknown_05: For some reason, there's exactly enough there to pull this stunt off that I have to do.

Unknown_04: This is mind-blowing if you know the fucking facts of this place that I went to get this metal.

Unknown_05: Cop-affiliated fucking cunts are all getting baby-raper stamps, too.

Unknown_05: Look at how shitty he cut this part. This is the only shit I had to have cut. The frame.

Unknown_05: That's one of the sides. It's going to be.

Unknown_05: I did it out of my head.

Unknown_04: Didn't really write any measurements down. So I told him where to cut. And he fucking cut it. But he's cutting it so fast.

Unknown_05: I got to file the slag off the bitch.

Unknown_05: Okay. So anyways.

Unknown_05: Getting to the point.

Unknown_04: I drove a long ways out of my way for this metal to build this church. It'll be light enough for this car to carry it.

Unknown_04: It'll be made out of stainless steel and aluminum.

Unknown_04: But how in the hell... How in the hell could they all be pre-cut before I even got there, folks? I'll show you later.

Unknown_04: Pre-cut before I got there. The exact dimensions of when I'm going to need to build this church.

Unknown_04: I say...

Unknown_04: Because the church is not for me.

Unknown_04: It's not really for any of us. It's for this dog to live in.

Unknown_04: I'm begging God if I ever die that the dog gets to come live with me in heaven. Isn't that right, Dennis? And I'm going to let him sleep in it at night time because it's too hot in his car at night.

Unknown_04: I'm going to put a fan in it. I'm going to put some lights in it and

Unknown_04: Hopefully people find some entertainment out of it as I pull in and stamp all these pigs in the country with a baby raper stamp for the church on the top of my car with a real steeple. Since I'm getting tossed out of so many churches, I thought I'd just build my own church right on my car. And as I come into your churches,

Unknown_04: Well, I'll be stamping you as a baby raper if you're looking stupid at the car. God will let me know if you need a baby raper stamp.

Unknown_04: And the church will be cammed up.

Unknown_04: So hardcore you have no idea. No idea at all. Because I'm not playing fucking games anymore, huh, pigs?

Unknown_01: So, uh...

Unknown_01: That's the car, so I'm talking about his church. Now, this is an older video, but he does have deep philosophical opinions about other religions. As he mentioned, if you run a church and you're a baby raper, he will stamp you with divine righteousness. He has a particular point of view regarding the Mormon church.

Unknown_01: Oh, I like that indeed. Okay, Windows key.

Unknown_01: You gotta be fucking kidding me. Why is it doing this?

Unknown_01: Can I open this one in MPC?

Unknown_01: Man, VLC is shit. I have to use VLC this time because of the normalizer I was using for the audio. Maybe I can do it with VLC. Aha, perfect.

Unknown_04: Oh, I like Gary indeed. In an old stank old hell, Marlins. Uh, the New Testament.

Unknown_04: Burn the Book of the Mormons.

Unknown_04: Joseph Smith was a killer baby-raper type guy. The Mormons are a dead date. Never forget that.

Unknown_04: Pope Francis is a chomo baby-raper.

Unknown_04: Mrs. Trump screws donkeys. Mrs. Trump screws donkeys.

Unknown_01: Mrs. Trump screws donkeys.

Unknown_04: Don't forget that. I hope this guy's taking notes. Here it is. Joseph Smith, cult boy, God's soldier here, says the Mormons go to hell, baby rapers. Are you taking notes?

Unknown_04: Did you get all that down? I can't keep teaching you this all the time. You're going to have to memorize it. Joseph Smith was a killer. Mormons, the devil's fools, of course. A cult of baby rapers slamming doors on these kids, banging on your doors.

Unknown_04: Pope punks, Catholic punks, all baby vapors. Did you catch that? They're baby vapors. And here we're back to this little lovely thing.

Unknown_04: Mormons rape their children. Their own children.

Unknown_00: He has beautiful handwriting.

Unknown_00: How does he have such great handwriting?

Unknown_04: Pushing weird words down his throat. It's really a sad thing.

Unknown_04: These women have these kids all up inside their belly for nine months, roughly. And then these creepy preachers get a hold of them and send them door banging.

Unknown_04: Door banging Americans.

Unknown_04: Door banging like they have no concern at all for their fucking children to begin with.

Unknown_04: Can you imagine the creeps that prey on these fucking poor kids banging on doors? Like creepy pedophiles are sitting in a van waiting for them to come back. with the word that they can convince them to convert over to their garbage. Can you imagine that? Creepy shit. You eat your chicken?

Unknown_04: Are you crazy? I think you are. You're just a crazy dog.

Unknown_04: Okay, that's good.

Unknown_04: They all gave you their bones, didn't they?

Unknown_04: Thank you, chief of all these Americans again.

Unknown_01: If you're wondering, someone was pointing out the pit bull. He ended up giving the pit bull away because very quickly it became aggressive and started biting him. So he gave it up for adoption.

Unknown_01: As opposed to the German Shepherd, which you saw it before. It's a very calm dog.

Unknown_01: So even Fed Smoker. Fed Smoker, a fucking crazy unit who gets stabbed and super glues the wound back together. had a pitbull and was like nah man fuck this fuck this shit dog it's going back i'm gonna go get me a police dog those those will be better for the the fed smoking lifestyle

Unknown_01: So, as you can see, very, very opinionated person when it came to Mormans with an A. He also spelt there wrong, but I didn't point it out at the time. So, you're wondering, how did such a paragon of virtue end up making his own church? And the answer is, he got kicked out of the Pagosa Church. And you might wonder why. Well, thankfully, he records everything he does. So, let's take at why he might have gotten kicked out of this church.

Unknown_03: I was gonna see if your church could help me with some normal dog food for my dog.

Unknown_01: So okay here here we are in a church this is like in the middle of a service and he's just broken into it you can see like everyone's turned to look at him all these fucking boomers because he's literally just walked into his parish and just started to just took it over it's now the fed smoker church for this for today. Dog food for my dog he's crapped all over my car.

Unknown_03: I've been feeding him some stuff, and I get paid on third.

Unknown_04: I'm kind of in real bad shape. I'm not going to come in because I actually smell like dog crap. It's nice to see your church, though.

Unknown_03: So he's literally covered in dog shit if you didn't hear him.

Unknown_04: Yeah, I'm going to step back a little bit. I kind of smell like dog, so...

Unknown_03: Thank you.

Unknown_01: Oh, my God. Americans are so embarrassing. Yeah, thank you very much.

Unknown_09: Come over here. We have a restroom.

Unknown_03: Well, I'm already cleaned up as much as I can get right now.

Unknown_04: It's pretty bad.

Unknown_03: He's inviting him to clean the dog shit off of him in their bathroom. Some stuff that he threw up all over my car and crap everywhere.

Unknown_04: I'm going to have to...

Unknown_04: I'm gonna have to take it down to the river and dump it all in the river and hopefully I'll get it out Okay

Unknown_01: That's one. This was him, I think, recording... I'm actually not sure what the... I think that was the Pagosa Church that he ended up getting kicked out of eventually. I have a couple more clips of him interacting with a religious ceremony, and I'm not sure if it's the Pagosa Church or if it's a different service.

Unknown_01: There's four of these. They're quite short.

Unknown_09: Yeah.

Unknown_04: Amen. Amen. Let's smoke some pot, drink some beer, eat some wine. I have an orgy. Yes, it's party.

Unknown_09: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Unknown_18: Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins.

Unknown_04: We already did this one.

Unknown_01: So there's going to be a weird segue here. I want to talk about his mom just a little bit. I don't know too much about her. I should have spent more time on that. Because it is... I think he had a bad relationship with his mother.

Unknown_01: And she ended up going to a care facility.

Unknown_01: And...

Unknown_01: Unfortunately, at some point, he lost access to her because while at the care institution, he ended up calling the owner of the facility and his stepfather baby rapists. So he got barred from visiting his mother as a result of the fact that baby rapists had a personal conflict with him, probably because they were afraid of getting found out to be baby rapists, if fed smokers to be believed. So, uh, there's sort of a weird thing where he really likes bullying old people, and I didn't get too many of those clips because the channel died. And, I mean, it kind of makes me feel sad because, you know, I don't like boomers, but I also didn't like fucking with boomers. But I have a weird in-between, the religiousness and him talking about his mom. To encapsulate his relationship with any boomer he saw, happenstance, walking down the street, is best summed up by this video.

Unknown_04: Sister, I was wanting to know if you'd bless my bicycle today and my tape recorder. Okay, but don't take a picture. Okay, okay, thank you. Well, Jesus sees us how we are, sister, okay? It doesn't matter. But I don't like to have people take pictures of me. Okay, well, you're not a prostitute or anything, so it doesn't matter. Thank you.

Unknown_01: There you go. Don't be a nun around FedSmoker unless you're willing to bless his bicycle and recorder.

Unknown_01: Here are some videos. These were taken soon after his mother died.

Unknown_01: It is believed by FedSmokerologists that this is his way of expressing some grief. So keep that in mind. It's a bit weird, but it is what it is.

Unknown_08: Hello all you stupid fucking Americans out there.

Unknown_04: How you doing? I'm in a lot better mood today. Trash and dirty pigs.

Unknown_04: Cause I got my mother riding with me today. Hi mom.

Unknown_04: She's feeling a little better today.

Unknown_04: All you dirty fucking pigs you best beware. Cause I'm coming on to you. Like no other motherfuckers.

Unknown_04: Yes, I'll get you a glass of iced tea, Mom.

Unknown_04: You fucks better watch your asses, all you fuckers, you got it?

Unknown_08: He's warming up for you, Americans.

Unknown_04: That's right.

Unknown_04: You.

Unknown_04: And all of you. It's a fucking old computer.

Unknown_01: We're really not fucking around. Oh, that's like the regular police computer. Oh, he's got fucking cameras on his car. Fuckers.

Unknown_04: Here we come. Mom, buckle your seatbelt, girl.

Unknown_04: Are you having a good day, Mom? Oh, Jorah, no dirty cops Americans yet.

Unknown_04: Just rest right there.

Unknown_01: So that's his way of expressing grief, I suppose.

Unknown_01: He's the type of person that will never be replaced. You can replace all those fucking boomers. Every single one of those boomers in that fucking church he was at that turned to gawk upon him are easily replaced old white bitches no one's going to really miss once they're gone. But there will be a thousand people who remember Fedsmoker ten years from now.

Unknown_01: and uh that concludes what i have is in terms of the fed smoker story uh to cap it off it's been going the stream's been going for a while i don't care i'm having fun i have a couple of videos that i've not watched at all that are a couple minutes long and i'm gonna watch them for the first time with you guys uh first one though i do have to pee so i'm gonna play that and uh hop off for a second let's see minute long here i'll play this one this one because there's not going to be much to comment on uh this is a video of him and goodness just a moment of wholesomeness You have saved me from the fire. You have saved me from the fire.

Unknown_09: You have saved me from the fire. You have saved me from the fire. You have saved me from the fire. Oh, my God, you have been faithful. Oh, my God, you have been faithful. Oh, my God, you have been faithful.

Unknown_01: Sorry about the audio Let's watch the video someone did get me the I should Give credit to a lease Ellis Alessa warrior from the forum because they wrote me basically wrote this all out and gave me some videos and stuff to help me out with this and uh they managed to pull a video of him playing the piano so when i say he's multi i i don't know i've never seen him play the piano so before i compliment him further uh let's see what him playing the piano looks like Yeah!

Unknown_01: Well, I'm glad I saw that one. That's like a moment of zen. You got the other side. When he's not in the police's face, labeling the baby rapers, stamping the whole town with baby rapers stamps. He's with his dogs, playing the piano. What more is there to life? What more could you possibly want?

Unknown_01: And I should mention, because people are asking about the dog, when he died, he died of a heart attack, people believe, because he's had a history with heart disease.

Unknown_01: He was found on the side of the road, and his dog was recovered at the scene. He keeps his fucking windows down all the time, so it's fine. Even though he was in Arizona, the dog was fine. He was recovered by the police, and the dog was taken into animal welfare services. So the dog's okay. Goodness is okay.

Unknown_01: Uh...

Unknown_01: Let's wrap up with a couple videos that I've never seen before. It should be about, let's see, it's a minute and a half. That's 50 seconds.

Unknown_01: Minute and a half.

Unknown_01: Four minutes. Yeah, yeah. Let's do these and I'll wrap it up.

Unknown_01: oh i i should explain that a lot of his videos have either no title like they're just msv underscore 106.wave or whatever the fuck um other times they do have titles all these have titles uh this one is called fed smoker met guard doggy he was flying his dear sign the famous guard doggy

Unknown_01: He's laughing at a guy holding up a sign that says, Thief, Rapist, Retard, DA. Oh, it must be a fellow fed smoker working hard.

Unknown_18: Nice.

Unknown_18: Looks good.

Unknown_17: What's the story, brother?

Unknown_14: Oh, really? Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Unknown_14: bottle baby. Really? Okay. And I object and object and object and they refuse me. Really? And as they do that, they allow for more retardation. I believe it, man. I just had to tell you a story. What's your name, brother? Oh, Gary Gillespie.

Unknown_04: no you remind me of a lot of myself i always got them on the cars baby oh my god well no actually there's a set of cops see they used to steal artificial insemination out in southern california yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they just been putting off like you know i'm tired of it i make an objection you know do you fly your sign quite a bit here i tried to i got a life i gotta work too Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Unknown_14: They make me stand 200 feet away during election times instead of 100. Wow. Well, I'm gonna get out of the way.

Unknown_04: Nice meeting you, brother.

Unknown_14: Yes, Springfield has bottle babies.

Unknown_04: Bottle babies?

Unknown_14: Jesus.

Unknown_04: I'm gonna scoot. Wow, 30,000 bottle babies.

Unknown_04: Gee, my knees.

Unknown_01: fucking we need to get that guy on the form what the fuck man they're the best they're objectively crazy fucking skits those are the best they're usually harmless they're just crazy they're fantastic okay this one is called Lord fed smoker is teaching English classes the music tech

Unknown_10: A-A-A-E-E-E-I-O-U A-A-A-E-E-E-I-O-U A-A-A-E-E-E-I-O-U A-A-A-E-E-E-I-O-U You know what that means?

Unknown_04: That's our vowels.

Unknown_13: A-A-A-E-E-E-I-O-U A-A-A-E-E-I-O-U A-A-A-E-E-I-O-U You're gonna love it.

Unknown_03: I'm gonna be a very good teacher to you.

Unknown_01: Is that like a Burger King just serenading the employees?

Unknown_01: Can you imagine just not giving a fuck to the point where you can do that? You can just stroll into public and start, like, just singing random bullshit and harassing people. Like, usually when someone starts performing like that, the audience heckles them, but he performs and then he heckles his audience. It's a completely new dichotomy.

Unknown_01: This next one is called...

Unknown_01: Lord Fed Smoker, and we wonder why nobody comes by themselves, huh?

Unknown_01: Oh my god. Is that the mirror? He looks genuinely insane. Why is he so buff? ...

Unknown_01: Looks like Hulk Hogan. Sounds like a cat.

Unknown_01: He must have done coke before this video. This is like coke up behavior. How long does this go on?

Unknown_01: Can you imagine? Can you imagine being in the stall with this going on? You would think someone is like shitting their fucking bowels out. Or if you knew he was not in the stall, you'd be afraid to leave the stall. You'd be like stuck there. Like, I can't leave and let this person know I'm in this room. Okay. Um...

Unknown_01: Lord Fedsmoker, once the brief's in, you filthy pigs best know, hell is a-comin'.

Unknown_02: What's that voice? Well, hello there!

Unknown_04: Yeah, this is Peterson again. You probably knew that, didn't you? Yeah, I did. Anyway, listen, I'm just about ready to do another pig smoking tour for real.

Unknown_02: I just got me this new brum brum phone. I know I've been out of business for a while on the phone. So I'm going to be doing some Dow's piggies up this time.

Unknown_01: What the fuck is that voice?

Unknown_02: I'm going to be doing the Dow's oigen up, the piggy piggies up. And I'm going to be doing them up very, very hard. Now, the chief of police and the sheriff's just retired. They just split, and it was the ones that were out to ruin. So we'll have to see what's going to happen in the future with the new ones, okay?

Unknown_02: So tell Mr. Frank McGee, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Werewolf Daddy, it's going to be on a very rough side this time, okay?

Unknown_02: My wires are just smoking these days, okay? What is that voice?

Unknown_02: It's like a Looney Tunes voice. It's like he's trying to do the wascally rabbits kind of thing. Because he's hunting pigs. We're hunting piggies. Can you hear my voice is a little different? Yes, I can.

Unknown_02: Yeah, well, my ear's a little clogged up today. I was taking a shower at this lady's house, and I think she had Inca Blinkables in her water, okay?

Unknown_02: Some kind of Inca Binkles in her water that gave me an ear infection, so I can hardly speak right now. But my message is I'm coming through harder than ever this time, okay?

Unknown_02: I'm going to really ruin some places this time, okay, and the officials, okay?

Unknown_02: How am I coming through? I just wanted to see how I'm coming through.

Unknown_09: Where the fuck is he? You still sound like Daffy Duck.

Unknown_02: Anyways, listen here. I want to thank you for your time. Now, is the old chief of police over in Harvin, Nebraska doing good since they took the old one down for burning houses down? Oh, my God. Has he been being nice? I heard he's a very nice cop. I heard he's very nice. Why is he there? What the fuck is he doing? Oh, jeez. Oh, he's doing a gay voice. Okay. He's in a rainbow.

Unknown_01: He's gay today.

Unknown_02: I do sound a little like Cassie Ducktoe, don't I?

Unknown_02: Well, thank you very much, man. I'm going to get back to business now, okay?

Unknown_01: It's like he's at an internet service station. He's at Cox Communications, just sitting at a teller, and they're trying to conduct business with him there, trying to ignore him, waiting for the police to show up or something. It's fucking bizarre. This is a really fucking bizarre video.

Unknown_02: Listen, before we leave, do you think you could do this with me? Could you bow your head and pray with me for just one second? Go ahead.

Unknown_02: Dear Lord Jesus, please don't let the next cop be as naughty and nasty as the last one that was raping children over in Zane County. Amen. Did you hear that?

Unknown_02: All right, well, everything's been going pretty good ever since that one, okay? Why can't they acknowledge him? That's so weird. How's my little FBI buddy doing?

Unknown_17: Well, tell him I said hi, okay, miss? I love you, okay?

Unknown_12: Why would he do that?

Unknown_02: Okay, well, God bless. No, just in case, like, that customer... It seems like it's gonna work just fine, miss.

Unknown_12: It's working just great. He wasn't billed for it.

Unknown_13: He paid for it. $120.

Unknown_02: What the fuck?

Unknown_13: I'm not sure why that would be... Who the fuck is... Who the fuck is that?

Unknown_01: He knows that woman.

Unknown_15: Like, well, thank... Who the fuck is that?

Unknown_01: Thank you very much. Do you see this beautiful chest? He touched her butt. It's gonna be great right now, but I cut the hair all off.

Unknown_15: I love that stuff.

Unknown_01: What? I have way more questions now. How the fuck did he... He is the Chad.

Unknown_01: He's just walking up, touching people's ass. Nobody gives a fuck. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. Nobody... That's like an ascended level of shit. He is the kind of person that those people who... What's the word? When they say that they're like a corporation and they're traveling under certain protections so they can't be pulled over and the banners are gold... A sovereign citizen. He is what a sovereign citizen wishes to be. He has mastered that mentality. He doesn't have to quote any kind of law. He has the personality where no one can fuck with him. It's amazing.

Unknown_01: One last one. This is Lord Fedsmoker, whose car is this, my god, looks brand new, custom, huh?

Unknown_01: Back on the fucking glasses.

Unknown_08: Fantastic.

Unknown_03: You know, on a white light, he flashed.

Unknown_03: He didn't stand for anything.

Unknown_03: We're still, oh, excuse me, sorry.

Unknown_03: We're still, uh, got a little bit of humility in the hands. A little bit of, a little bit of... Unless it ran out of coke.

Unknown_01: All that. He's offline right now.

Unknown_03: Uh, humility. Uh, humanity? What's he doing?

Unknown_03: Is this your car?

Unknown_03: It isn't your car? Whose is that car? I don't know, is it yours? No, I don't even have a car.

Unknown_01: They're looking at his car and he's pretending it's not his car. It's the shemale tranny church.

Unknown_05: Is this your car?

Unknown_05: What kind of car is that?

Unknown_05: Custom car.

Unknown_03: It's a custom car. It's custom, I guess.

Unknown_03: Yeah.

Unknown_03: The guy in here was hungry. He works at that fucking place. Oh, God.

Unknown_01: I guess they were looking at his car, so he pulled out his phone and started recording them, acting like it wasn't his car. What a fucking weirdo.

Unknown_08: Okay, I was told that that was not a woman he actually knew she just let him get away with touching her ass Some of the videos I mentioned about the old women like he hits on old women and they reciprocate It's extremely strange because I guess once you get up over the hill.

Unknown_01: It's like whatever attention you can get right. That's fucking That's fucking baffling I look over all the videos I played

Unknown_01: I think I hit them all. I think I hit them. Got my notes here.

Unknown_01: Got my notes. Read through them all. I think that's it.

Unknown_01: My friends, thank you for joining me on this two-hour adventure on the life of Fedsmoker.

Unknown_01: Truly a unique person.

Unknown_01: One we need more of, even though he does sexually assault people. He calls out the baby rapers. He's literally afraid of absolutely nothing. An indestructible unit.

Unknown_01: who was taken by God when he had smoked all the baby rapers, taken by God through the mechanism of coke, which is how we all should want to die, by blowing coke until... Because, you know, he's not going to be old. He's not like Tommy Tudor. He's going to live until he gets fucking coronavirus and dies pitifully from respiratory failure in some ditch. Fedsmoker got out at an appropriate time.

Unknown_01: not afraid of death more than he was afraid of anything else did coke and smoked cigarettes till his very last breath and uh left behind a healthy dog who has presumably moved on to new living situations and isn't blowing blowing ass all over his car anymore and on that note um

Unknown_01: I guess that's it. I guess that's all there is to be said.

Unknown_01: Matt at the internet.com.

Unknown_01: That's not the right big banner, but whatever. I'll fix that.

Unknown_01: Matt at the internet.com. Thank you for watching.

Unknown_01: I am doing a merch run at merch.1776.com. That's merch at 1776.com for the next week or so.

Unknown_01: I think that's it.

Unknown_01: You guys take it easy. I'll see you next week.

Unknown_16: We'll be right back.

Unknown_16: We'll be right back. We'll be right back. Thank you.