Now you're in a virtual penitentiary with me. There's going to be FBI, cops, CIA at your door in 30 seconds. There's a tracer on your router. Don't touch that guy. For the next 30 minutes, you're my virtual bitch. You will watch this video. You will not get pussy.
Unknown_10: You will not get high.
Unknown_01: You will not go to the bathroom. You will be watching this video for the next 45 minutes. Time for reflection is over. I didn't know I was going to do that.
Unknown_18: This stream is gonna suck. If you are here for your usual happy, feel-good streams, you're in bad luck tonight, my friend. I have scoured the internet for something funny to talk about. And I am afraid to say,
I am afraid to confirm suspicions that there is absolutely no joy on the internet today. And if I sound a little bit wonky, that is because I've had a strange Serbian woman rummaging through my apartment. And she pulled out a bottle of rakija and said, would you like this? And I was like, yes, I would. So she poured me two shots of rakija. So now I'm not intoxicated or anything, but... I'm sure that the blood-brain barrier has been penetrated by the alcohol in at least a little bit of a degree. Anyways, I have precisely...
Precisely one good clip to show you. One good... One funny, disgusting thing to show you, my audience. And then after that, I will be having a continuous panic attack for 45 minutes. Or an hour. Depending on how far I can stretch that out. If you are here for funny, cut it off after this clip.
If you are live, I implore you to...
Unknown_18: listen to my mad diatribe. Tell me why I'm wrong so that I can stop being a worrywart and believe in the system. And then after that, I promise my live viewers that we will watch some K's cooking and I will drink more Kia, even though it's 5 PM. That is my plan for today. So let's, let's play the funny clip. Um,
You may or may not know that there is a fat woman in Canada called Chantal.
Unknown_18: I think I might have talked about her at least once or twice in the past. Well, she, despite being a super morbidly obese woman, 500 pounds or so, that's about...
Unknown_18: Two was like 240 kilos for people in the metric world.
Unknown_18: She has had serious health conditions already. She's mid 30s. She's had health conditions like having a total hysterectomy. having blood clots in her lungs, coughing up blood, busting seams, and dousing the floor in blood. The kind of serious medical complications you really don't want to have. Especially not when there is a coronavirus floating about, floating about in Canada, eh? And...
You know, it affects your respiratory system. So if she contracts this virus, she's fucking dead. There is 0% chance that she will survive something like pneumonia.
Unknown_18: And she's already talking about how she's coughing up blood. She's got a dry cough. She's had all the fucking symptoms and she's done absolutely nothing to quarantine herself. She's going out about, and the video that I'm going to play you is a live stream that she voluntarily put on the internet by herself, apropos of nothing, of her shopping at whatever the fuck this bullshit Canadian Whole Foods is called. And I'm not going to play all of it because it's quite long, but I want to give you the gist and I want to show you a particular moment of this. And what the fuck is it?
I know I have this.
Unknown_18: Uh-oh, do I not have this? I literally just fucking downloaded this piece of shit fucking clip. I don't even know what the movie Sully is. Oh, that's the one with Tom Hanks. Why do I have Sully but I don't have the fat bitch?
Unknown_18: Okay, fuck it. I will download this again.
Unknown_18: Very, very entertaining stuff. I swear to fucking god I had this fucking clip on my...
on my computer, but I must be hallucinating.
Unknown_13: Okay, fuck it.
Unknown_13: Is it on?
Unknown_18: I archived it. I downloaded this clip and I archived it to the fucking forum and between then and now, I've lost it.
Unknown_18: Not typical of me.
Unknown_18: Now I can't find it.
Unknown_18: I'm very well prepared for this, as you can tell. I think I started the stream like an hour early. For literally no reason.
Unknown_18: Because I think I got my time zones mixed up.
Unknown_13: And my computer crashed. There was like a power outage and I lost my tabs.
Give me a second.
Unknown_18: I'm going to have to cut this out. I love it when I'm doing something. I'm thinking, I'm going to have to cut this out. Okay, finally, fucking.
Unknown_18: Here chat.
Unknown_18: Don't eat me. I have this.
Unknown_18: Okay. Oh shit.
Unknown_18: Okay let's blow this up.
Unknown_18: Yeah. So here she is in her car. She as the lord of her fiefdom of the foodie booty channel addresses her people.
I said...
Unknown_13: Let's see when it wants to load.
Unknown_07: Oh, there's a special agent here. So as you can see, she's up at the break of dawn.
Unknown_18: I think this is dawn. She's been up all night. And this is probably just when the store opens. And she's going to go and quarantine by. She's going to go buy food. So let's skip ahead to where she's in the store.
Unknown_18: Lots of talking.
Unknown_18: There's a weird thing. I'm not going to bother showing it to you, but when she's in her car, she's constantly looking over her shoulder because she's, for some reason, extremely anxious when she's talking to herself in her car that other people might see her and think, wow, what a fucking weirdo. She's talking to herself in her car. But then she goes into the store and talks to herself constantly.
Unknown_18: Maybe that's why she's doing it first thing in the morning, because nobody will be in the store.
Unknown_07: Can you hear me?
Unknown_18: She has to use her cart as like a... Can you guys hear me? What's it?
Unknown_07: Like a walker or something. Oh, there's no way.
Did she like immediately...
Unknown_13: This isn't gonna work.
Unknown_13: My poor server is choking.
Unknown_18: Let me pull up the specific clip I want. Maybe I can do some more.
Unknown_18: There's a part where she, once she gets into the store, she immediately waddles to the bathroom. She stuffs her phone into her purse. This is purse view. This is what it's like to be inside Chantel's purse.
She then proceeds into the bathroom.
Unknown_18: She's closed the door.
Unknown_16: It's like at 40, I think. I'll skip ahead to 40.
Unknown_18: If you're listening very closely, you can hear her shitting.
Unknown_18: For some reason, she decided to record this on her own.
You can hear her cough. She's coughing, because of course she is. Because of course she wants to be patient zero in Canadian. She flushes right there. You can hear all of this through the wall. And then... And then... She lumbers up.
Unknown_18: You hear the door open, and that's it. So this woman, this woman in Canada who has taken zero measures whatsoever to quarantine herself, to protect herself from the virus, who has serious respiratory health complications in the past,
goes into a store at the break of dawn to take a fat dump and live on air and then not wash her hands.
Unknown_18: I was really hoping to get the full video. I really should have checked to make sure I had it downloaded before I started the stream. But you can see her because she does it like immediately once she gets into the store. So all this is after. Oh, that's cool.
Unknown_07: Courtney.
Unknown_18: I want to see if I can get it.
Unknown_07: Go give me a thumbs up. Because it was incessant while I watched it. You're slacking. I'm just kidding.
Talking to herself, talking to her fans. Totally normal adult behavior.
Unknown_07: Okay, fresh food section.
Unknown_18: Go on. Do it. I know you want to.
Unknown_18: I know you want to, Chantel.
Unknown_18: Stop fucking with your camera.
Unknown_07: Well, that's expensive
okay this this is it that's what i wanted to show you she everything she looks at in the store she touches she she's in the middle of a pandemic in this store before anyone anyone else even gets there and she just took a shit and didn't even wash her hands and she touches every fucking thing in the store she might as well be like a kid running her finger down the aisles and and just crossing them atop everything
Unknown_18: and that's it, that's the funny bit, I'll have to trim, no, the 45 minutes of me trying to figure out where the fuck this clip was for the podcast, but, uh, that's it, that's the only funny thing that has happened in the entire world, everyone else is sad and depressed, so if you're hoping for, haha, funny, I'm afraid, I, I really did try, but,
Unknown_18: I think that's it.
Unknown_18: Here, I want to note, just from people.
Press 1. Okay, no, actually, we're going to do this different. On a scale of 1 to 9, on a scale of 1 to 9, 9 being the most confident, 1 being not confident at all, like a paranoid schizophrenic, Rate your confidence at the current moment in this pandemic. And I'll take a sip of coffee. Press 1 through 9. 9 being the most confident. 1 being not confident at all in your situation in this pandemic. 10.
Unknown_13: There's my YouTube chat. There's the YouTube chat.
Unknown_13: Hmm.
Unknown_18: i notice most people are either one or nine or a four like either or four or six five it seems like everyone's either super confident not confident at all or in this undecided i guess about how they feel maybe pessimistically undecided uh
I was very confident, and I think a lot of people who are pressing one or the least confident are going to be people in the United States.
Unknown_18: Now, I don't know why, but it seems like all the panic shit happening right now, at least that we see footage of, is happening in the United States.
Unknown_18: Because it's still, it's like, seriously, okay, like in terms of people panic, it's mostly coordinated in the United States. Because I contacted my consulate. I contacted my consulate because first time ever that I reported my overseas whereabouts to the government.
But if I die or something, I guess I want them to be able to find my fat ass so they can send me home and cremate me on American soil.
Unknown_18: But they've been sending me health alerts and stuff, which is nice. It's good information.
Unknown_18: And the one I got just now says, as of March 20th, the Serbian Ministry of Health announced 118 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Serbia. The government of Serbia has implemented measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. As of March 20th, all airports in Serbia are closed to international commercial air traffic. All road, rail, and water border crossings are closed, with the exception of cargo. Intercity bus and rail service is suspended. A curfew is in place nationwide every night from 8 p.m. through 5 a.m. The curfew may increase in coming days. People age 65 and over, age 70 and older in rural areas are prohibited from leaving their homes at all.
And they go on to say that you should expect further changes in local law and ordinance as things progress. And what's funny is when I contacted the consulate, I said, should I go home? Because I don't know, like, me going home may...
destabilize me further than just staying here because right now I have I should have enough money to make it through like three months with Serbian expenses the there doesn't seem to be any panic people seem rather calm the stores are still stocked there's toilet paper you know
Unknown_18: I gave a brief email, a summary of how I feel. And they basically said, stay here. If there's no legal reason to leave, if you're not hurting for money, if you're not afraid, if you've got things at home, don't even bother. Just stay there. Don't come to the U.S. Which is kind of strange because usually when a pandemic happens, when anything happens that scares the government, the first thing they do is start telling American citizens, stop traveling, come back.
Unknown_18: But they told me to stay here. And from what I've heard, in the US, everyone, like, people are like animals in the fucking stores.
Here, I only see lines outside of the pharmacies and stuff.
Unknown_18: And it's very strange. I've never seen something like that where the U.S. seems to be the least prepared. And it makes me wonder, of course, me being a horrible bigot that I am, it really makes me wonder if the real reason why the U.S. is faring so poorly has something to do with, like, its social cohesion.
Unknown_18: Is it that people don't trust each other and they don't trust their neighbors? I feel like there has to be three effects to a panic like this. Number one, there has to be a serious concern.
There has to be a risk of supply stopping. And number three, you have to be concerned that even people living next to you and in your community won't be able to help you if you're missing something. If one person has, like if something really bad happened to you and you're in a foreign city in the United States, let's say, I don't know, you got shot or something or something else, maybe less serious happened, it's not a medical emergency, and you just needed help, like you just needed like a car ride or like 20 bucks or something, like you really needed that to get by, I get the feeling that you could just go to a church. And most churches, like my grandmother was a volunteer at church, At her local church to specifically allocate aid to people who had temporary problems paying bills and rent. Like if you were in trouble and you were a member of the church, they would give you money if you applied for it. But, I mean, for fucking toilet paper to be the number one concern of everyone in the United States, it really feels like nobody trusts each other. You won't be able to go to the church and get a piece of paper to wipe your ass with if things go bad. That's how it feels.
so i mean that i've talked to people who disagree with me on that and they just say that it's the media's fault the media is pumping up some kind of pandemic because it benefits um it benefits the liberal media right now to have trump look bad trump doesn't have it under control there's serious problems uh and you know trump trump orange man bad basically the status quo for for the media but i don't and that's causing the panic but i don't i don't think so i don't think so uh
Because I don't see the American press as any more flippant than any other press regarding the virus. How much more flippant can you be than to just say, what's happening?
Unknown_13: Tucker, don't.
Unknown_18: People are just crazy.
Unknown_18: Downplayed at the longest time.
Unknown_18: We've been trained on Black Friday sales and Trump derangement syndrome social occasion as fuck. Yeah, it is like a Black Friday on toilet paper everywhere, isn't it?
Unknown_18: But, run for the bank. I'll get into that. If you're interested on what someone with no economic degree or background or education, just listening to my mom and reading books by fucking neo-Nazis about usury... If you're interested in my opinion on that, don't worry. I'm getting to it. But I want to cover something I was looking at just before the stream as I was bored and kind of flipping around and stuff. I was talking about polls because people were saying... We were talking about Donald Trump got 55% of... According to ABC, 55% of Americans rated that they were happy with President Trump's response to the COVID issue as opposed to inverse numbers the week before. And it came out that... people skeptical of this, that Trump is doing good, and most people think that, a majority of people think that, pointed out that the ABC poll only surveys 512 people.
And after 2016, nobody should really trust the poll. But there is one poll I do trust, and that's what's called the LA Daybreak presidential poll, because what they do is take about 1,000 people who accurately represent Trump
Unknown_18: the cross-section of demographics in the United States. And they take that same thousand people and they poll them every day, or at least a few of them every day, and monitor trends in those same individuals and their voting inclinations over the entire election. And the Daybreak Poll...
accurately predicted the on the day of the election of Trump and Obama and it was the Obama one that set them ahead as a as a really trustworthy poll but they were right again with Trump when everyone else said that Trump wouldn't win and I'll show you that poll I'm interested to see what they'll have for this election
Unknown_18: I just needed my mic to cough.
Unknown_13: Oh, no.
Anyways, this is the thing.
Unknown_18: You can see that Trump and Clinton were kind of neck and neck, and there's big spikes where Trump was way ahead, and then it kind of got close again. And then in the last few weeks, Trump and Clinton were kind of... Trump went down a bit, and Clinton went down a bit. Like, on the week... On the last few days before the vote... Actually, you probably can't see this. Oh, you can. Okay. They both went down. People became undecided towards the vote, even though Trump was way up. And...
It's interesting that this is reflected in pretty much everything. If I go down to... Oh, this is the Zeitgeist. At no point ever in this poll did the people responding say that they thought Trump would win more than they said they thought Clinton would win. Even Trump voters were saying that Clinton was the likely winner. That's interesting. But it's the...
Unknown_18: characteristic, the breakdown of demographics. And it's the kind of demographics you'd expect.
Unknown_18: College educated people voted overwhelmingly for Clinton. Rich people voted more for Trump. Poor people voted more for Clinton. But then you get down to the white demographic and it stays very consistently pro-Trump, wavering just a little bit. And that doesn't change at all. It's the other ethnicity that changes quite a bit.
so it was really um the minority vote that decided the election and it decided it in favor of trump and again if you look at this it's weird to think that trump and clinton both became less popular across every statistic except in the other ethnicity demographic right before the election or like the two like the last week before And that's because in the last week before the election, the fucking spirit cooking shit came out. All the people talking about fucking Podesta and the Clinton staffers eating chocolate off naked people and the cuts on his finger and shit. That spirit cooking shit scared off enough of the black vote or swung it enough toward Trump to win the election. I'm almost inclined to say that he wouldn't have won if...
All those religious minorities did not intend to vote Trump after seeing that shit. Because it's such a huge change at the very end. And it doesn't make sense unless you think it's spirit cooking. Because they're all on social media. And it was all on social media the week before. And when I saw that, it just blew my fucking mind. Because it's crazy.
If you don't know what spirit cooking is, that's way too much to get into. Just look it up. It's kind of fucking wonky.
Unknown_13: Good. Mission accomplished. Basically.
Unknown_13: Okay. The bank stuff.
So, I was handling this in stride until...
Unknown_18: Until I saw two things that scared me.
Unknown_18: The first one was this. The Fed has now loaned $10 trillion in the last four months in liquidity to the banks to give out to businesses as sort of like a TARP money.
Unknown_18: I mean, they've been giving out $10 trillion on less than 1% interest rate. Now it's down to 0% for many different types of loans. So what this means is that if you're a business and you're hurting right now, you can take money out to cover expenses for the next couple months without incurring any interest on it.
That might be a necessary measure to keep businesses from going bankrupt.
Unknown_18: The other one that scares me more is this, that the Federal Reserve didn't just cut that.
Unknown_18: They cut the federal funds rate, which means I think for the first time since the Great Depression, I'll have to check. Does this get bigger?
Yeah, since the first time, since the Great Depression, I want to say, the federal fund rate has been cut to zero. Which, from what I understand, correct me if I'm wrong, banks don't have to hold a single penny of the money that depositors give them. There will be banks in this country who do not have a single penny of money in reserves. It's all loaned out.
Unknown_18: And I think it was low for the last couple years under Obama.
Unknown_18: But during those years, it was just the recession, and it was recovering, and it was business as normal. It was just a regular instability as a result of the mortgage crisis in 2008.
Now it's the virus, and everything is shut down. So all these actions are predicated on the assumption that this will last a couple weeks, maybe a couple months.
Unknown_18: If it doesn't, I don't see how we won't have a serious economic collapse because you're going to be having...
Unknown_18: All these banks who have people's money in them, 401ks, deposits, savings, bonds, everything that people earn over their lifetime is kept in these banks. And they've now given that all out as loans to these businesses. I assume to everyone, anyone who asks for a loan right now gets a loan. If those businesses do not recover after this virus, or they do not recover fast enough, they go bankrupt. And enough of those businesses go bankrupt.
then you have banks going bankrupt. Especially because, as pointed out in this very well-titled article from March 18th, do not take a bunch of cash out of the bank because of the coronavirus. So Paul R. LaMonica, LaMonica? I like to say Monica, but I think it's LaMonica in this case. He says, do not take money out of the bank because of the coronavirus. And he's saying that because if there is a bank that has 0% of the cash on hand and someone tries to withdraw a million dollars or whatever from their bank account because they don't want it in the bank because they fear exactly what I'm saying, the bank might have to tell them, sir, we don't have a million dollars to give you because we leased it all. It could be a small bank, but small banks aren't required to reserve any deposits either. They could lease it out. They could have some bankruptcies a couple months out, a couple weeks out. Someone could try to take their money out of the bank and then get told, no, we don't have that money to give you. In which case, he'll go to the media about it. He'll say, this bank literally can't give me my fucking deposit. And then when that happens, everyone pulls their money out of the bank. And when you have hundreds of thousands of people emptying their fucking bank accounts... Because one small bank in South Dakota or whatever couldn't give them their money then you have an issue where big banks will suddenly be telling customers they can't give them their fucking money and
And then if the banks start to default, what happens then? The Fed has to print more trillions of dollars to bail out the bank, and that will cause inflation. And if that causes inflation, does that not mean that the U.S. dollar would lose its reserve currency status if the dollar depreciates in value by like a third?
Unknown_18: becomes a third of its original value in a year why would anyone when i lived in ukraine i had to pay my rent in u.s dollars here i pay my rent in u.s dollars everywhere i go except for the eu i had uh if i was making a large transaction i would pay in dollars because that was the money that people wanted because it was stable if that stops being stable they always switch to something else they'll switch to the euro or to the the chinese yuan or or uh the ruble whatever the fuck it is they'll switch off of that
And if that happens, then the dollar further depreciates because its worldwide usage has gone down.
Unknown_18: So I see a horrific cascade of terrible financing decisions happening.
Unknown_18: predicated entirely on the fact that this is just the economy on pause. We are all taking a knee and observing this health crisis. And when the health crisis is taken care of, or when our hospitals are more well equipped to handle a surge of sick people, then we can all get right back up and go back to work and everything will take up where it is. And if that happens, then everything's fine. But if the banks default, that's fucked. That's fucked.
You won't get your fucking money. And people might agree with this article. And I think the point of this article was, idiot, if you take all your money out of the bank and then there's hyperinflation, well, then your money is as worthless as it is in the bank as it is not in the bank. Well, the problem is, what if it doesn't get to that point? What if it's just your bank defaulting and you lose your fucking money? There is literally no reason not to take your money out of the bank because if the money is in your bank, you can lose it from a default. If the money is not in the bank, then you can't lose it in the default because it's under your fucking mattress or in a hole in the backyard. Point is, there's no good reason to keep your money in a bank right now. And they desperately want people to not think that way because people believing that is a Tinkerbell effect. The more people who believe that the banks will default withdrawing their money will increase the likelihood that the banks will default. So it's so completely fucked.
Maybe I'm wrong. Am I wrong? Can someone correct me? I will read chat. I've been doing the thing where I stare off into the distance. The FDIC. Okay, that's the other thing.
Let's say that the banks default. I mean, I already covered that. What if the banks default and the FDIC covers the personal holdings of that bank? Well, then you're printing trillions and trillions of dollars to cover the personal assets of people who just lost their money. Their money will come out of the FDIC worth a fifth of what it was before when the bank didn't default.
Unknown_18: I mean, am I wrong? Can anyone correct me? I would love to talk to someone who can say, Josh, you are fucking retarded. I have a master's thesis in hyperinflation. I study the Weimar economy and the post-World War II German and Italian economies. I know the real indicating factors for hyperinflation in the U.S. isn't even close. Does anyone know this?
No fun rate means there's no...
Unknown_18: No. Fund rate means they have no incentive to hold excess funds. Reserve requirements are unchanged.
Unknown_13: Is that true? Because I don't think it is. The DSP rings again.
Vanquish? Yeah, during the Great Depression.
Unknown_18: You lack an understanding about fractional reserve. Nigga, I don't even know fractional reserve. That's true. I've tried to understand fractional reserve, but it's so opaque in its design that it's hard to understand. Well, that's the thing. Okay, riddle me this.
Unknown_18: Right now, Saudi Arabia is playing a game of chicken with Russia, right?
So you have, you have a game where Saudi Arabia, a country with only how many people? I'll look that up right now. So I'm not an idiot.
Unknown_18: Saudi Arabia's population is pretty high. It's higher than I thought. 32 million people.
Unknown_18: Russia's population is, I think, yeah, it's, it's more, it's more than three times that.
Unknown_18: Russia's reserve fund is, what does it say? Is that public information?
Unknown_13: How much it got? It's got about, what is it, $40 billion. I'm curious how much this will add to you.
My concern is with this.
Unknown_18: I have friends who work in Europe, and they deal with Russian companies.
Unknown_18: Because if you don't know, the real Achilles heel of Russia is that it is an unindustrialized country. There is some high-tech industry. There is some industry. But most of Russia, most of its exports, what it makes is resources. It's got the dirt, it's got the natural gas, it's got the oil, and it's got the timber.
Without people buying those things, the economy of Russia collapses. Right now, China is buying nothing from Russia.
Unknown_18: And on the other side, you have Saudi Arabia playing a game of chicken with Russia regarding oil prices. Saudi Arabia might have enough finances, might have enough high-tech industry to prop itself up given hard times for longer than Russia. And if that happens, Russia is a country which has defaulted numerous times in the last hundred years. If there's a country that's going to default on anything, on sovereign debt, it would be Russia.
If that happens, then you have to look at, as you said, fractional reserve, where you have other countries who own parts of Russia's debt. Suddenly, the budgets of those countries do not have the income of Russia overnight. They just don't have that money coming in anymore. And then what countries own parts of Russia's sovereign debt? Would it not be countries like China? What if China, during this period where American economies have stagnated, where people are pulling their money out of the bank, where there's no business whatsoever... calls and the u.s government is printing fdic money to cover the banks that are too big to fail calls upon american sovereign debt if you were china and you were trying to collapse the united states so that you could take over the entire south china sea would this not be the opportune time to say hey america can we get a couple a couple trillion dollars back of our foreign debt
Is that not correct? Is that not what people would want if you were China?
Unknown_18: No, because China won't have much money either. China has almost no sovereign debt, and China has billions of dollars in reserve. They have many billions of dollars more in reserve than they do have debt.
Let them try, they die immediately. See, I can't... That's my problem. I can't say anything China related. If I say China does something that might be detrimental to the United States, nah, I can't do that. China bad.
Unknown_18: That would collapse the Chinese economy too. Well, they're not... I mean, if they're not exporting anything to the United States because of a global catastrophe, does that not mean... Does that not mean that there's no point?
Unknown_13: There's no point in doing that?
Bug men bad. If America defaults on China, China is fucked too. How is that true, though? I'm curious what the logic is. If America is not buying anything from China, as it stands, they're probably not buying that much. How does China calling Americans debts fuck China? China does not have any sovereign debt. They have minimal sovereign debt.
Unknown_18: They might have internal debt, but so does the United States.
Unknown_13: The United States has most of its debt in stocks and bonds.
We're all going to die.
Unknown_18: It makes little sense to withdraw money from the world's reserve currency to another. It doesn't a time where one of them is collapsing.
Unknown_13: My Bitcoin is also doing well, by the way.
No sovereign debt. They have $3,400,000.
Unknown_18: Yeah, they do. I don't know where people are saying that they have more debt than GDP. If they have debt, it's domestically owned.
Unknown_13: China owes plague reparations.
Unknown_18: That's what we need to do. We need to contact China and say, China, you've hurt us. You owe us reparations.
Unknown_18: We're going to have Uncle Sam standing in the benefits line to get him some reparations.
Unknown_18: Well, that's the thing. Yeah, you thought it was a bioweapon, but it's secretly an economic weapon. That's my thing. It's like I didn't care about the cough. People said, what about the infertility? Well, I looked it up, and you only have a chance of infertility as a result of the virus if you had inflammation in your testicles. And even then, it might just be a reduction in fertility as opposed to being completely infertile. So even that's not a big scare. The big scare is this seems fucking retarded.
And if it doesn't, if it literally takes too long to recover, I really fear for the economic status in the United States.
I've had a cough for like several months. I guess if I get the coronavirus, I'm just dead. I wish I was infertile.
Unknown_13: No, you don't. You can't take that shit back.
Unknown_13: Oh, yeah. Okay, here.
Unknown_18: I'll watch some K. I'll cut it off there and watch some K with you guys. Let me show you guys. Let me show this, though. I don't feel like talking about shit anymore. I'm more depressed than I thought I'd be talking about this. That's just my fear.
I'm acting accordingly. I'm selling all my stocks today. I have it all sold for market on close. I'm moving it into cryptocurrency. I'm not even afraid of anything right now because it's like whatever. I'm not worth anything.
Unknown_18: I'm just going to make sure I get my fucking server, because I need it to keep my forum afloat. That's all I care about.
Unknown_18: Where the fuck is my... Okay. My friends.
I have good news, finally. Let me show you this shit. I'm going to shill. You ready?
Unknown_18: Where is it at?
Unknown_18: Okay, I'm doing a merch run for the forum. I've mentioned this before. I would like to show you guys the merch, at least the concepts of the merch.
Unknown_18: I know it sounds like straight up shilling, but I like the designs a lot. Oh no, it's really big.
Transform, fit to screen, bam.
Unknown_18: This is the first one. This will be the sticker. My idea is to put this on a sticker that's about twice the size of a half dollar in Solomon rolls of like 50 to 100. And they're made of eggshell. I'm going to be making them an eggshell so that you can take it and put it on shit. And if someone tries to scratch it off, it will be very difficult for them because of the way the sticker is done.
Unknown_18: So that's the sticker.
Unknown_18: It is very nice art. I love the guy who makes this shit.
Here is the shirt that I went for. I think you guys would really like this.
Unknown_18: So if you're wondering for what it says for the entertainment of my live viewing audience... Hold off. Let me pull this up.
Unknown_18: It'll be full color and shit by the time it's done. That's just the concept. Soup of the bird.
Unknown_18: It says...
Unknown_18: Where the fuck is it?
Unknown_13: That means very, very tasty kiwi soup.
And then finally, something which is not for sale, I guess. I don't know. He just drew this as fan art because Animal Crossing is coming out. I know a lot of you nerds are fucking into that shit. Here is a dog who really wants to fuck the dog from Animal Crossing so goddamn bad.
Unknown_18: I find it quite endearing. I like him.
Unknown_18: I can never change my avatar now on the forum. I've been resigned to it. I'll have that slobber mutt fucking avatar for the next 15 years. I'm not a furry.
I just like the dog.
Unknown_13: Oh, I can only fuck Isabella in dog form.
Unknown_18: Doesn't someone have that clip of me trying to say that? Where is this at?
Unknown_18: I know, you guys post it like every fucking day in the Discord.
Unknown_13: Surely.
Unknown_13: Surely.
Unknown_18: Whatever.
Unknown_18: Whatever, fuck it. Anyways, that's the merch design. I'm glad people like them.
It'll be on the forum when it's ready. I'm waiting for them to finalize it and then I'm going to push it through. I have to push it through before the dollar collapses. Because when the dollar collapses, I'll already have that shirt and t-shirt money and gold and cryptocurrency and Chinese yawns. It'll be excellent. It'll be the most excellent.
Unknown_13: I'm not a furry, I'm just into dogs.
Unknown_18: Yeah, fuck you too.
Uh, okay.
Unknown_18: Here's what I'm gonna do, I think.
Unknown_18: I am going to play the outro song. And then, once the outro song is up, I will return and we'll watch some K together. And I guess I'll fucking pull up a bingo card too, because why not?
Unknown_18: So, let me find my outro song. I found this band not too long ago, and I really, really like this song, but you guys will probably think that it sucks. Where is it? Aha. Okay. I'm going to throw this up so people don't get confused.
Bam. Okay. So let this play, and then we'll do some K. If I can find it.
Unknown_13: Where the fuck is it? Fuck it.
Unknown_13: Error loading YouTube? Are you fucking kidding me? Come the fuck on.
Unknown_13: How can you do this to me? Ah.
What? Fuck off!
Unknown_12: How is this censored?
Unknown_18: How is this? I pay for Google Play Music. How do you fucking censor my fucking song that I pay for? You fucking cocksucker. There, fuck you, YouTube.
I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm sorry if it got that bad. I'm sorry I can't help you.
I'm sorry if I hurt you I'm sorry if I got that bad I'm sorry I can't help you
Unknown_18: Only one hamster? Of course there's only one hamster. We're going through an economic depression here, nigga. We gotta ration that shit out. We don't have enough hamsters to go around.
Grief. Fuck. You're the one running into the pet store with the fucking shopping cart, filling it up, just taking handfuls of hamsters and dumping them into the cart so that no one, the elderly, the vulnerable, the immunocompromised can't get their hamsters. You fucker.
Unknown_18: Holy fucking shit, I want to bang the Animal Crossing dog so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to Town Hall, I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every Rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Isabelle. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers, knowing that those nuts should have been busted inside of Isabelle's tight dog pussy. I want her to have my mutant human dog babies.
fuck my my fucking mom caught me with the neighbor's dog i'm dressed i've i dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to town she hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and i'm worried she's gonna take away my 3ds i might not ever get to see isabel again oh thank you thank you chat okay all right we got we got love for one lamb and
You know, I was looking at the forum's SEO shit, like what queries result and people getting to the forum.
Unknown_18: And I figured out that Kay's cooking racist is one of our top search results. For some reason, a lot of people are searching Kay's cooking racist to find racist shit that she has said in her life.
Unknown_18: Okay.
Unknown_13: Fake Josh.
Unknown_13: Is this the real one? Is this the right one?
Unknown_13: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
I probably played the spaghetti a lot. Have I played? I've played the spaghetti a lot.
Unknown_18: Here.
Unknown_18: Let's watch this one.
Unknown_05: Oh!
Unknown_18: Oh my god! Oh my god, hold up.
Unknown_18: Hold up, I have to get through the bingo card, right?
Unknown_13: Okay.
Unknown_13: Is this the one that's been updated sold scum mush mouth?
Unknown_18: Yes. Yes. Okay.
That's right.
Unknown_13: That's right.
Unknown_13: Now, while I'm clipping this and getting this bingo card ready, I have to admit that, uh,
Unknown_18: I am worried about the state of humor on the internet. Because it feels like everything has become so overtly political. And I guess that's a consequence of the times we live in. Because it's everything. Everything is political now. Everything. Video games. Travel.
The N-word. Everything has become needlessly political.
Unknown_18: Even my lolcals are political. I can't tell if I've horribly sabotaged the forum by enabling articles and happenings to exist. Or if everything is just ruined and nothing will ever be good again.
Unknown_18: What do you guys think?
Unknown_18: Do you guys think that I've fucked up or do you guys think that things are just political now and you can't avoid it no matter how hard you try? Because these are things that keep me up at night.
Everything is ruined. Reality bleeds into our escapism. That's true.
Unknown_18: Why won't you say the N-word because I'm on YouTube? I would say it in a heartbeat. I would say that Susan was Ziki and every person who works for her is an N-word but I can't
Unknown_13: we told you about it josh well yeah some people did complain i don't know i'm not entirely convinced that just the political board has turned the discussion more political because you can't you can't because we've been fighting that for years we've been fighting that since before 2016 they always had an issue with political posters of course you fucked up oh no
I did what I can, but I can't change the fact that we live in a society.
Unknown_13: Phone subscribers. I don't know. I'm thinking about it.
Unknown_18: Never stress things. I need my token. Oh, fuck me. Why can't I drag shit some fucking OBS?
Unknown_18: Come on. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Unknown_18: Can I run Explorer as an admin and do it? Because if not, I can't properly play bingo. It would be a huge pain in the fucking ass to do that. There's a weird issue with OBS where you can't drag and drop sometimes from Explorer. Why can't I run Explorer as admin? Come on. Please don't fuck me. Please don't fuck me. Please let me run this.
Why can't I run explorer as an admin? Fuck.
Unknown_18: Okay, I have to do this manually then.
All right, what am I gonna use for the token? I guess I'm just gonna use the dancing kiwi, that's fine.
Unknown_13: I'll keep him right there.
Unknown_13: All right, now we're set.
Unknown_13: Copy, okay. Back to the programming.
Unknown_13: Where is my thing? There it is, there's my thing.
And today I'm going to be doing Mexican food in tacos.
Unknown_06: Took some skin off first.
Unknown_16: Where is... Here, let me cut this down.
Unknown_16: Where's the metal t-shirt one?
Unknown_06: Well, I feel a bit better with this knife. It's not one of the shiny ones, as you can see. It's one of the other ones. I was just too scared to use the other one. So I'm just going to take some layers of skin off this one. I don't think the metal shirt's on this one. That should be like the t-shirt. It's a...
Wait, hold up. Did she say... No, she did not say it. What a bitch. Stop cucking me. Oh, we already did this one? What? I don't remember that.
Unknown_18: Okay, okay.
Unknown_06: Fine. I fixed it. I fixed it.
And today I'm going to be doing a Mediterranean quiche.
Unknown_18: Listen to this.
Unknown_18: This is a weird one. Listen carefully.
Unknown_04: And today I'm going to be doing a Mediterranean quiche.
Unknown_18: Did you hear Lee panting and huffing behind the camera? I'm going to count that as labored breathing, even though it is Lee's labored breathing. That is a tricky one.
Unknown_06: Right, as you can see, I've got some garlic covered up.
Garlic cut up. I've got some red onions cut up. And I've got some baby cherry tomatoes, whether you call them baby or cherry tomatoes, all cut up.
Unknown_18: Is onions like a British thing or like a retard thing?
Unknown_06: Right, I've got some flour in there. This is a pinch of salt.
Unknown_18: shaky hands yeah i'll mark that one here okay hold up margarine too oh now and make it like breadcrumbs right as you can see i'm i've done it and i'm rolling it out now i wanna i wanna when she does like a retarded word i'm gonna count as much nothing and
Roll it out as big as the... Now it was going to be... This was going to be a small one.
Unknown_18: How could I forget the marge?
Unknown_06: I lost my push-up tins. I'm not lying. I lost them. I haven't seen marge.
Unknown_04: And then I'm going to...
Unknown_18: Oh no, we're getting fucked hard on this one. We don't have margarine for some reason. We don't have the metal t-shirt. This is a hard card.
Unknown_18: And for the first time, for whatever reason, she's actually using a table as a table instead of using the stovetop.
Unknown_18: We're really getting smashed.
Unknown_18: Oh, also the reason she has shaky hands is because she's an alcoholic. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure she's just completely wasted all the fucking time.
It changed.
Unknown_06: Right, as you can see, I'm mixing all of the, oh, whatever.
Unknown_06: Some parsley in.
Unknown_06: Mix that in.
Unknown_06: And I'm going to put some eggs to bind it all.
Unknown_18: Oh, I did cover Marge.
Unknown_18: Oh, baste. She hurt herself. Excellent. That's what I like to see. Uh oh.
We're in a bit of a pickle here, chat, because she does have vegetables. And she is using a proper table instead of a stovetop.
Unknown_06: Oh, we can still get it.
Unknown_06: God, that garlic is strongest.
Unknown_18: We can get it diagonal this way, and we can get the top across.
Right, I'm going to put this in the dish. I'm not going to show you because it's probably going wrong. So I'm going to put that into there. As you can see, I've put all the stuff in.
Unknown_06: So now I'm going to put it in the oven for about 15 minutes. She's making a quiche. Let's see how it comes out.
Unknown_15: Oh, what the fuck? She fucked us. She fucked us by cutting out, like, the entire cooking process.
Unknown_06: Get down on your neck. Put your ass on your chest. Put my ass.
She swore. Okay.
Unknown_09: Not bad. I thought it was going to be.
Unknown_12: It's worse.
Unknown_08: That's funny. I'm not a big fan of Keith, but it's all right. It's all right.
Unknown_18: We got fucked. We would have won if she had used the... She would... Oh, you fucker.
Unknown_06: Right, before I forget, I got such a bad memory.
Unknown_06: I saw a lady yesterday while I was shopping. I just wanted to say, hi, I'm sorry I forgot your name. I'm no good with names, but anyway, I don't know if you remember me. The one who wanted to take a picture, but your daughter's camera had gone... Battery had run out, so the other lady... Right, so if you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to... She gets noticed in public now. Leave me a comment. She's more famous than me.
No, it's not that one, is it?
Unknown_06: If you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, it'd be much appreciated. If you want to leave me a comment, please do it. I feel free.
Unknown_18: Okay, let's pull another one. Hopefully this one won't fucking scam us.
I want one with the shirt. The shirt's the most important one. Okay, I'll get this one on the left.
Unknown_13: Okay, perfect.
Unknown_13: Perfect.
Unknown_13: What do we got? What do we got?
Unknown_18: Can I close this so you guys can actually see this? No, okay. Did we watch the pizza fries already?
I can't... This is really annoying.
Unknown_13: Here. Damn.
Unknown_18: Okay, we've watched the pizza fries.
Unknown_18: We've definitely not watched the vegetarian curry. The one year curly, whatever the fuck that is. I don't think we've watched Cal Cannon.
Unknown_18: The spring rolls, the beef stroganoff. That one's a while ago, though. We've probably seen that one. What the fuck?
Cheesy naan bread.
Unknown_13: That sounds like a winner.
Unknown_18: I want one that's longer. Stop making long videos because everyone was making fun of her. What about Lobby?
Unknown_13: Spaghetti Bologna. Where's that one at?
Unknown_13: Oh, we've watched that one, haven't we?
We haven't seen the Spaghetti Bologna one. We've definitely seen that one. That's fucking crazy. Uh...
Unknown_13: Yeah, we've seen that one.
Unknown_13: It's non-red. Fuck it. Watch, uh, I want a long one.
Unknown_18: Give me one that's like ten minutes.
Unknown_18: Bacon and egg pie. We have definitely not seen that one.
Unknown_05: Hi, people, and I'm back cooking again. And today I'm going to be making a bacon and egg pie.
Unknown_06: Right, as you can see, I've got the bacon, dough, herbs,
Done. That's it. I was just waiting for Lee to tell me which ring it were. It goes on number... I don't know about you, but I do number four for my bacon. You don't have to do... Yeah, she's definitely slurring and shit. I'm going to put a bit of oil in.
Unknown_18: She's going to put oil with bacon?
Unknown_06: What? I don't know why, because bacon's got its own fat.
Unknown_18: Yeah, exactly.
Unknown_06: She knows and she still does it. While the pan's cold. Because the heat is on, as you can see.
I can't tell if it's the highest setting, though. It's usually blue on the camera.
Unknown_06: As you can see, I've greased. I've buttered the... She's not buttered anything.
Unknown_16: Let's merge.
Unknown_06: I know I've buttered all before.
Unknown_06: What the fuck is she doing?
Unknown_15: Why is she cooking eggs and... Why are the other two just empty?
I just noticed. Hold up. Look at this. Here.
Unknown_18: Look at the top left. You see those cuts in her arm? Where are those sores from? Is she, like, hurting herself?
Unknown_18: Are those the wounds from previous battles lost? Is that what I'm looking at? Or is she just, like, is she having, like, some kind of skin disorder from malnutrition? The fuck am I looking at? Do we have a tile for open wounds? I don't know. Okay, that's hurt and she's sore too.
Sorry, no eggshell now. So now I'll put the lid on and I'm going to leave them to cook. And then you need to see if they're cooking. I'm going to put more marshmallows just for being completely incoherent. Spitting, stop. Spitting, move. When the outside of the egg goes white, then that's when you know that they're doing.
Unknown_18: That hurts yourself. As you can see, I put the flour in.
Unknown_06: I put eight ounces of flour in. I put four ounces of margarine.
Unknown_06: Pinch of salt.
So now I'm going to just move it into breadcrumbs.
Unknown_18: Yeah, Lee's the guy who did the Neen Hog Day stuff.
Unknown_06: And I'm going to pull it together to make pastry.
Unknown_06: Right, it's coming out.
Unknown_18: No, it's not.
Unknown_14: It's like stuck to the pot.
Unknown_18: Here, I have a reward for chat. Okay.
Unknown_11: Since we're... Since we're enjoying a casual cooking stream today instead of something serious because I've depressed myself intentionally, I guess.
What the fuck is it? I know I took pictures of this.
Unknown_06: You probably might need a bit more flour.
Unknown_17: Aha.
Unknown_06: Which I've been told is the best way to be...
Unknown_17: After this. After this stream.
Unknown_06: Or this video.
Unknown_06: It's looking like Kelly wants a lot of attention today. Alright, so that's dried up a lot.
She has so much fun rolling dough.
Unknown_17: It's a shame that all her baking shit looks atrocious.
Unknown_06: It still feels a bit wet.
Unknown_18: And she laughed. Good catch. You have to keep me on top of things.
Unknown_06: I'm always distracted.
Unknown_18: Okay, we have a Lee lock. We have a Lee win on the bottom row if Lee's a fucking retard at the end of the stream like he usually is.
You don't need that much fire. No, dude, she... I've made the joke before. I've read somewhere that British people cook like the Germans are still flying overhead. And I always think of that when I see her cooking. Because everything she has is like clearly 70 years old. Like the pots and stuff she uses are clearly super fucking old. Fucked it up.
Unknown_06: No, okay.
She uses margarine for fucking everything because Lee doesn't like butter. But as I've explained before, butter and margarine have extremely different chemical properties when it comes to cooking, especially when it comes to baking. But she just doesn't get that or doesn't care. So she continues to use margarine in everything.
Unknown_06: As you can see, I've got my pie dish out. I don't know if you can see, but I'm going to cut my bacon up.
Unknown_20: I'm not going to cut it up anyhow.
Unknown_06: I'll just...
Unknown_06: put it up how I feel, just fit, you know, just like that.
Yeah, I'm going to call that a shaky one. Actually, you know what?
Unknown_18: I'm going to give excessive liquids just because she put fucking oil in a bacon pan. Look, the bacon didn't even cook correctly because she fucking fried it in hydrogenated oil. Not even like olive oil or anything.
Unknown_06: It's like a...
Unknown_18: It's like undercooked bacon marinated in Crisco.
Unknown_06: As you can see, I've got the poached eggs. So what I'm going to do is, I've set it hot, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to slice them up.
You know what? You know what's going to happen? I see the bingo coming. Because I guarantee you she's not even going to put any kind of seasoning whatsoever. She hasn't put seasoning anywhere.
Unknown_18: We've still got time, though. We've got like another five minutes before. We're going over now to the bacon. Didn't we have a raw chicken or pork thing?
Unknown_18: We do have a raw chicken or pork. Oh, fuck yeah. I'm going to mark that because that bacon's not cooked.
Unknown_06: Get some bacon to the top and egg underneath and get it all cooking. All right, so that's done. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick the pastry up.
Unknown_18: Salt and pepper don't count as seasoning, but they haven't even added salt and pepper yet.
Unknown_06: And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to glaze it with milk to give it that golden, golden, golden what?
Unknown_06: Golden...
Well, I can't mark those until it's done. Until she's at the cooking stage.
Unknown_06: So I'm going to get the pastry, pick it up.
Unknown_18: How is she not going to add any seasoning to this? That's fucking preposterous. It's still a lot wet. It's still falling apart. She put so much flour into it and it's still like shitty.
Unknown_06: That is bad. I thought it would dry.
Unknown_06: As you can see, I've done the, uh, pastry. It managed to stay together. And what I'm gonna do is glaze it with this... ...milk. I don't know what the fuck she's doing.
I don't know anything about baking. I know less about baking than I know anything else.
Unknown_18: Consume the cum chalice.
Unknown_06: Mix to the color.
Unknown_18: I think you're supposed to use egg whites on the bread, right? You're not supposed to use milk.
Unknown_06: It's going in the oven for five minutes. Don't shouldn't be wet. For ten minutes. Then I'm going to check it on ten minutes and see how it's going. Right, as you can see, the pie is done. The golden color crust.
I mean, I guess on the market there's no veggies. And there's no seasoning at all.
Unknown_06: The paste just fell off.
Unknown_18: That's a bingo, boys. I don't have my nuke England image anymore, but what do we do as Americans when we're happy, when we've reached our destination?
A clap. Everyone clap for the United States being better than England to this day.
Unknown_14: Oh, we drink.
Unknown_17: No, that's the Russians. I don't know why I put the spoon out.
Unknown_06: I didn't even use it. So if I get the bitter egg out as well... How is she failing to cut the fucking pie?
Unknown_18: Come on. She's like playing Operation out of it. I'm expecting to put a puzzle piece in that hole.
I haven't done any juice for that.
Unknown_09: I'll try the egg first.
Unknown_09: We can get a double mirror. He's not said anything good.
Unknown_06: Oh, I'm going to mark physically the choice.
What's funny is
Unknown_10: What's funny is I can't... Thumbs up.
Unknown_18: I was going to say that we can't mark Sun's critique as retarded because his critique was completely founded, but then he gave it a thumbs up anyway, so fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck England.
Right. As Lee said, it's okay that he gave me a thumbs up.
Unknown_06: It's not just a pie. I've got some sweet corn and peas. I know I didn't show you doing them, but I've cooked some sweet corn and peas, and I've also done some spudty taters. I've mashed them up. I've mashed them up and made them like mash. Okay. So, yeah, if you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a thumbs up, I really need to get this learned. And if you want to leave a comment, please feel free, the more the merrier. And if you haven't subscribed or if you know someone who hasn't subscribed, And to you two who subscribed today, thank you very much. I'm done.
Let me show you. Be proud. Because in my quarantine, I've been reluctant to go outside and get food. I'm going to show you my nasty-ass fucking... My cookery setup here. Hold up. Okay.
So I cut up... Oh, actually...
Unknown_18: Yeah, that's the first picture I saw. So I cut up a bunch of veggies, right? I bought vegetables. Like some kind of fucking weirdo.
Unknown_18: And those are my vegetables in a pan. It looks like a lot of onion, but it's not that much onion.
Unknown_18: And then... Uh... Oh, let me clear out my bingo card here real quick. We'll do another. It won't be the end. So... Uh...
Okay, this isn't actually looking decent. This isn't cooking properly and shit.
Unknown_18: As you can see, it's very vegetable in a pot, right? So, that's me cooking the vegetables.
Unknown_18: And then, and then, get this, right? Get this. This is crazy.
Unknown_18: I put meat in it, right? And then I also started boiling rice. Now you might think, Josh, that's crazy. That's too much ingredients.
Fear not. This is the after. This is the damage. I should probably clean the stovetop before I show people this, but whatever the fuck. I actually cooked the soup and the rice, and I followed this weird Turkish recipe that says, uh...
Unknown_18: that says when you cook the rice put it in like a tablespoon of butter first and let the rice soak up the butter and then cook it in water for like 10-15 minutes and i did that and it was actually really excellent so i ate i ate a lot of that rice by itself because it was so buttery and good and uh
This is the final product.
Unknown_18: This is my... Don't look at my toes at the bottom of that. I don't know how to take a picture correctly because I'm a boomer. Don't look at my feet. My gnarly feet.
Unknown_18: So it's vegetable soup on rice.
Unknown_18: I did it. I'm an expert cook.
Unknown_18: Don't look at the toes. I beg of you. I should have checked these images for feetsies before I posted them. I knew that would get caught.
Oh, well. Uh, if I cook more in my isolation chamber, my quarantine, my state-mandated internet isolation, I will, uh, definitely, I'll definitely relay that information to my esteemed culinary experts of chat. What do you mean that's terrible?
Unknown_15: How is that really bad? It's like vegetable soup with some meatballs.
The meatballs were really good, actually. My only complaint with the soup was that I put too many carrots in it. I didn't realize how sweet carrots were. If you cook a ton of carrots in your soup, it will sweeten it. Like, you put raw sugar in it. I'm like, ooh, this is a little bit too sweet. I should have used fewer carrots.
Unknown_18: It just looks sad.
Unknown_18: He didn't brown the meatballs enough. Well, I poached them. That's why. Who else scrolled back to zoom in on the toast?
Unknown_18: Clean my fucking... Presentation? Yeah, well... I don't know. I don't know presentation. I'm not French. Thank God.
I'll instantly make my food look better by watching one of Kay's videos. Let's watch Vegetarian Curry. Very apropos.
Unknown_05: Oh, oops.
Unknown_18: You gotta get a new card first. I'll refresh this.
Unknown_18: I want one with a shirt.
Unknown_13: No, I don't want one with a shirt.
I'll take this one right here.
Unknown_18: I did add salt. It was salty. It was good. I especially like the rice. I'll definitely make more of that rice. Because it's like a weird Balkan, Turkish kind of rice.
Unknown_18: Apparently they use two different kinds of rice.
Unknown_18: Okay.
Unknown_18: Vegetarian curry. Let's do this.
Unknown_04: I'm going to be doing my version of veg curry.
She sounds like completely wasted.
Unknown_06: As you can see, I've got a bit of cauliflower.
Unknown_06: I'm not going to put it up. I just need the florets.
Unknown_18: Oh, did she say my way or my version? I'm going to count my version as my way. I've got my cauliflower up.
Unknown_06: It does actually say on summer. I've seen about two different videos a day. It says... You can put the green in. It adds color and that. But like I said, you do have to keep stirring it for a while. I have put some... How are you going to cook curry in a saucepan? I've put some vegetable oil in.
You think you need like a proper... Obviously, this is a vegetable... A proper pot for that. I don't know. Maybe I'm a retard. What do I know?
Unknown_06: Vegetable curry.
Yeah, she's scraping those utensils pretty bad.
Unknown_06: So I'll just give that a good stir.
Unknown_06: Except she's using... I'm tempted to forgive her because she's using a wooden spoon.
Unknown_06: Get them all in.
Unknown_18: She's managed not to spill anything.
Unknown_18: This is making me nervous, chat.
Unknown_06: I'm going to add some
Unknown_06: Salt and pepper. It says you need to keep adding that, the salt and pepper, all through the ingredients.
Is she maxating it?
Unknown_17: It seems like it's on low. It's not frying too loud.
Unknown_06: Turn over.
Unknown_17: We're getting fucked here, guys. We're getting fucked here.
Unknown_06: Maybe it's starting to sizzle. I don't know if you can on my camera, but it's starting to sizzle.
Unknown_06: And I'm going to now add my frozen rock solid peas.
Just right into the pan?
Unknown_12: Just right into the pan? A giant block of frozen peas?
Unknown_06: With the frosting time.
Unknown_06: Put some around it.
Unknown_18: This woman is a famous chef. Internationally famous British chef. Classical British cooking.
Unknown_18: Yeah, the oil and the frozen, the ice will tenderize it really well.
I've been told that she uses sauce as a pre-made food. Do we get that?
Unknown_18: Creamade food. Bam. No, that's tactical. But I don't think we're going to get raw chicken or pork in vegetable curry. That's kind of fucked.
Unknown_06: I can guarantee you that's going to be coming out soon. I'm going to throw that away.
Unknown_15: Yuck.
Unknown_18: We're in for a hard one here.
Unknown_17: Dude, it's a block of frozen peas. Yes.
It's the kind of food you'd give a fucking polar bear to entertain him.
Unknown_06: Pan me sleeve.
Unknown_14: You know what?
Actually, on the video, that's what happened with her.
Unknown_14: She just spilled something. I heard it. I can tell. I just know. On the video, it showed you how to make curry.
Unknown_06: And I'm not putting all that stuff in. What are you putting? So I've got a curry that's already done.
It's getting smaller anyway, but it's... What I need to do is add some more salt.
Unknown_14: I guess we'll get no seasoning for this. Well, she's going to surprise us at the end. I need to turn that in.
Unknown_14: Smell good.
Unknown_04: I'll give us utensils.
Unknown_14: Just to give us a fighting chance. Oh, we can do this. We can do this.
Unknown_18: She just needs to burn it.
Unknown_18: If she burns this, we'll be set. But she's not going to burn it because it's fucking raw. This is like a raw plate of vegetables.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to put in the... Oh, shit!
Unknown_18: Based. Give me that token.
Unknown_06: I forgot the honey on this.
Unknown_06: Oh, dear me.
Unknown_18: No, you can't count curry as a seasoning. Fuck you. It's coming out of a jar. To get them worked in.
Yeah, this is all raw. It is not possible for this saucepan, this little tiny saucepan, to cook this plate of frozen fucking vegetables correctly, especially when they're all in there together.
Unknown_18: Those peas are still in a block of ice. They're not even thawed yet.
Unknown_06: I've been doing this on heat number four. You see that? Yeah, she might burn the cauliflower because it was the first thing in there.
Unknown_18: I would turn that to number three because it does say...
Unknown_06: To cover it and leave it to cook for a while. Okay, Quinn, I'll get rid of no seasoning then. Fuck you. I need to add the sauce.
Get rid of this hamster. Oh, this is kiwi.
Unknown_18: What was the point of dirtying that thing? She used to have a jar, right?
Unknown_18: She would have filmed it.
Unknown_18: Wait, so she's adding the sauce before the peas are even unthawed from the block?
You can take the salt and pepper in. I've used it enough as I've been told. Look, you can still see the block of peas frozen together, covered in curry sauce.
Unknown_18: Because she's not unthawed in it.
Unknown_06: So I can... Oh, shit, it's all falling out.
Unknown_06: So I can put a lid on it and, well, yeah.
Unknown_06: As you can see, it's all done nicely and done and done.
What do you think? It's hard to tell if it's burned.
Unknown_06: Might be best to turn it off, wouldn't it?
Unknown_18: That's boiling fucking hot. She must have realized that they weren't cooking and cranked it up to max again because she got impatient.
Unknown_06: And Lee's coming to do the taste test.
Unknown_17: Okay, wait, let's pause this.
Unknown_15: Do we have a Lee lock in this?
Unknown_15: Uh... Oh, Rita got the spill.
Unknown_18: No, she has to burn it. He has to say that it's burned. Mmm...
Unknown_18: No, nope, nope, nope. We're fucked. They're all chicken or pork square. God, it's fucked because this is vegetarian. God damn it.
Unknown_06: You're not in camera. You need to bend down. I want to see. Want to sit on my stool?
Unknown_18: Say it's burned. Say it's burned. Mmm.
Unknown_06: It tastes a bit... It tastes... It tastes a bit crunchy.
Wait, did he just say burned?
Unknown_08: It tastes a bit... It tastes... It tastes...
Unknown_15: Did he say burned? Did he say burned?
Unknown_18: We did it. We did it. Based.
Unknown_18: I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Lee has always cucked us, but today he saves us.
That's amazing.
Unknown_08: It is a bit crunchy.
Unknown_08: I can't believe that.
Unknown_12: What do you think she burned? I guess I'm not supposed to be too soft.
Unknown_07: But everything else is fine. Curry's not as strong as it should be, but yeah. As strong as it should be.
Unknown_06: As Lee said, it's not strong, which means I might be able to have some.
I don't know.
Unknown_18: It's hard to tell.
Unknown_06: I'm going to count it as burn because that's funnier. He's like a retard. You can't expect too much.
Unknown_06: On the expedient release.
Unknown_18: Alright chat. Now here comes the tough part.
Unknown_18: Is there anything else that I should cover before, before sweet release?
Unknown_13: Is there anything else that remains?
Josh cheats. I did not cheat at bingo. Okay. I did not cheat.
Unknown_18: He clearly said burned.
Unknown_18: The Dick Show? What about the Dick Show?
Unknown_18: Oh!
Unknown_18: That's cancelled. Are you talking about the debate between Dick and Medicare? Are you talking about the actual show? The actual show got cancelled because of the LA... He said burned.
Unknown_13: He did say burned.
Unknown_18: He said burned and then he said it was crunchy because it was burned.
BB's emancipation. BB's out. I've already talked about that, though. I've already talked about BB being free. My nibba BB.
Unknown_18: I didn't see the Medicare vs. Dick thing because it was like 3 a.m. my time. I'm going to take a guess.
Unknown_18: At what, how this went down. You ready? Medicare said, no, this is seriously the most dangerous, serious thing ever. And it makes people impotent and it has seizures and it causes you to, to your kidneys to fail. And we got to take it super seriously and we got to lock down everything. And the government's got to, got to protect us. And then Dick said, I don't give a fuck about old people and people with AIDS. I just want to have my Maddox funeral. Fuck you. Is that the gist of the conversation? Because I'm going to guess that's how it went.
Oh, I won. Oh my god. I love being smart and right all the time.
Unknown_18: When boomers die, shit, millennials will control the nation. Oh, dude, it's fucked. But that's already the case. When the boomers die, if the boomers die now or in 10 years or in 20 years, they're going to be left with this generation and our parents in control of that. And this generation, our parents, when they die, the country is going to split demographically. It's going to split in half. And people are going to start fucking killing each other. But that's unavoidable. It's just a matter of are we going to be thrust into that because of economic troubles from this virus? Or are we going to be thrust into that in 10 years from now when something else happens and they start dying off naturally and we're left in control of our own devices? It's unavoidable at this point. Just deal with it.
Suspiciously accurate.
Unknown_18: Am I cheating that more than bingo? You hinting that I got sources feeding me information? Is that what's happening? Because you would be kind of right, but not right enough to invalidate my good guess.
Josh, click that blob in the thumbnail. What blob?
Unknown_13: The fuck is this?
Unknown_13: How old is this? Have we never seen this?
Unknown_13: Beef alphabet pasta soup my way.
Unknown_13: Have we seen that? Yeah, we must have seen that.
Unknown_18: This one keeps getting recommended to me because it looks atrocious, but we've seen that before too. I think that was the one that we covered in the stream.
Here, let me...
Unknown_18: Let me show you guys something. There's this guy. And I'll just cover him. I'm not even throwing this on the podcast. I don't even know if I'm going to upload this week's onto the podcast. I did like three streams this week, so whatever.
Unknown_13: I'm going to show you guys someone. I think this is it.
I don't think I've ever shown you this guy before. I may have shown you him once or twice.
Unknown_18: I think literally once. But we'll watch this, I guess. 20 minutes. Kill 20 minutes together. Then I gotta go to the store before everything shuts down. So I can pick up some stuff.
Unknown_18: Hopefully it's worth 20 minutes of time. I've not watched this all the way through.
Unknown_18: I'll give you a background on him.
Unknown_18: He is a crazy guy. I think he's schizophrenic. He has a thread on the forum. His name is Greg.
And he has some trouble with the law because his family wants a restraining order against him.
Unknown_18: and he keeps violating big big physique that's right big physique this and he wants a restraining order against his family and he or they want a family the family wants a restraining order against him and he's violated that and i think now he's like homeless and i received a clip of him in a car where he pisses hold on
Here, actually, I think this is the one I should show. Oh, this is an hour and a half long. Fuck that.
Unknown_13: Where is the one... Hold up. I promise I'm not... I promise this guy is funny. Give me a sec. Where is this?
I'll probably go back to the 20-minute one, but I want to show you this part.
Unknown_13: I feel like my bladder is going to burst.
Unknown_03: That's how bad I got to pee right now, and now is the time to pee right here.
You know what I feel better now that I got most of it out so
Unknown_15: Did he dump it? What the fuck?
Unknown_18: Where'd he put it?
Unknown_18: He just puts it on the ground? You know, it's a really shitty lifestyle I've been in, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?
Unknown_03: Survive.
Unknown_18: Okay, let's listen to this.
Unknown_11: Oh no.
Unknown_11: You got the power!
This is going to get me copyright struck midstream.
Unknown_18: This is giving me Jace vibes, guys. It makes me feel good. I should have just started the stream with this and talked about this guy.
Unknown_18: Dance, chat. Dance for your life.
Unknown_18: It may be a coronavirus.
Unknown_18: There may be quarantines and the Fed and war and poverty, but Big Physique, he doesn't know any of that.
He's got the touch.
Unknown_18: Is he just singing this for 20 minutes?
Unknown_18: What the fuck's he doing?
Unknown_11: Let's get to this, I guess. Yeah, I just need my car running everywhere.
Unknown_03: It doesn't matter.
You get it, you vape.
Unknown_02: Hey, how you doing? How you doing?
Unknown_02: How you doing, Bumblebee Tuna? Bumblebee Tuna, how you doing?
Unknown_05: What?
Unknown_02: How you doing, Bumblebee Tuna?
Unknown_18: What?
Unknown_18: Turn it back up.
Bumblebee Tuna?
Unknown_14: Why does it keep saying Bumblebee Tuna?
Unknown_02: Bumblebee Tuna, how you doing?
Unknown_02: you doing have a nice day what did he just steal something did this man did this man just steal bumblebee tuna and walk away from the store sir you have to return that you have to pay for that bumblebee tuna i'm feeling like me today you know what the feeling like me
Wait, did he leave the car running so he could make a getaway with his bumblebee tuna? Is this what? Wow, you know what? I realized I was, for all those times, I think they just made an illegal right turn over there.
Unknown_03: I need that, so just notice that. So to get a route 90 north, you gotta go this way. Is this the entire video?
What the fuck?
Unknown_18: Okay, I guess that's it. Does he have anything public? I think there's... Because my buddy sent me those two videos.
Unknown_13: No views. What? Selling?
Unknown_13: Waiting? Huh. What a mystery.
What a mystery. Have I talked about this guy before?
Unknown_18: I'm pretty sure I've called him, haven't I?
Unknown_18: I've tried to my minds. I'm so spread then I don't know who I've talked about. I forgot I've done streams on people before Who is he in other days You won't have fakes of I don't know
Unknown_18: Here, I'll just call him.
Fuck it.
Unknown_18: Give me a sec.
Unknown_18: What time is it in the US? I guess it's past noon. Is his phone number in this thread?
Unknown_13: They might have changed it by now.
Unknown_13: Yeah, I don't have his phone number on hand.
Unknown_18: maybe next time there i have i have a write-up for fed smoker that i want to go over i want to stream on him and then i don't know what the deal is with big physique i'll have to talk to uh my friend who follows him and see where that's at because if that's i know he's in some court drama and i guess the appropriate time to talk about him would be after a court drama so
I just know I've had this on hand for a while. He's just like a crazy person that rocks back and forth and records himself all the time and rants about his family fucking with him.
Unknown_18: Yeah, person stream on Fedsmoker. That's my plan.
Unknown_17: I just have to get around to it.
Unknown_18: I've been kind of anxious. I've been like a small... You know those small, shitty dogs that shake uncontrollably all the fucking time? I've been like that recently. It's not gonna... But that's my patriotic duty, isn't it? When you're someone who does shitty entertainment or whatever.
When the time comes to... When there's a pandemic, you have to buckle down, talk to people, distract them from the bank, from the collapse of society. You have to play the fiddle while Rome burns. The band plays on while the ship sinks, right? That's how it goes.
Unknown_13: Yeah.
Unknown_13: Uh, okay.
Unknown_18: Alright, I'm gonna cut it there. Because I have to go get shit before things close. Do I have an outro song? I already played an outro song.
Unknown_18: I do have this. I'll just play this clip. And then end it. Uh, take it easy.
I'll strongly consider doing a stream tomorrow on Fedsmoker. Because I've already got that done. It would be nice. It would be nice for people.
Unknown_13: And then, uh...
Unknown_18: I don't know.
Unknown_18: At the latest, I'll stream on Friday again. I've been streaming a lot lately. Because I have more flexibility here to yell and scream and being obnoxious. So it's freer.
Unknown_18: Good luck to the store. Yeah. No, it's been fine here. Serbia's been fine in terms of panic shoppers.
Alright. Fuck it. Here's your outro video. I put this on YouTube already. But whatever. Bye-bye.
Unknown_00: So that's it, guys. Government virtual house arrest. Sounds crazy, right? Was it really all that bad? Did it relieve your boredom? Did it relieve your boredom? I hope you guys enjoyed it because you're going to be here all for about the rest of your life. I'll be back in 10 years to check up on you. Make sure you're okay, dude. Peace.