0:00:52 Unknown_10: Copyright? Unknown_10: That doesn't exist in Serbia. There's no such thing as copyright. Well, technically the song is copyrighted, but whatever. Unknown_10: I copyright and fringe on literally every single one of my videos at this point. There's nothing that can be done to help it. I just let the archive channel eat the shit, and that's all there is to it. Unknown_10: Hello, hello, my friends. How is everyone? Unknown_10: I am doing pretty good. Alright, that's enough of that. That was a request from the guy who hooked me up with this apartment. It's very strange, because I'm now in Serbia, and this is the first time I've been in a house that someone has lived in. Usually, when I go to a place, I just get an apartment. It's like a studio or a one-bedroom. and there's nothing like there is nothing and it's like completely barren and i don't bother decorating because there's no reason to if i buy anything it's a desk and an office chair and that's it that's my furniture and then usually there's like a bed and a sofa and that's it but this is like this is like a really nice place and it's got all this antique furniture that somehow didn't get destroyed in any of the times that serbia has been destroyed over the years 0:02:11 Unknown_10: so i'm quite cozy here uh my my battle station that i'm at right now is probably the fanciest that it's ever been at so every everything is going well so far there might be an echo because it's like a pretty roomy place but that's all there i mean there's nothing i can do about that is my is my mic okay because it's you know i'm using my laptop and shit it's what it is Unknown_10: everyone everyone was saying late i was like i'm not late i'm on time you can hear you can hear the accordions the accordions of of the stream starting come on now Unknown_10: No, dude, this city, and I fucked up pronouncing it last time, it's like Biagrad, Belgrade, whatever the fuck. I can't pronounce the name of the city, but it means the white city, and it's pretty white. I mean, it's a little, like, everyone has, like, a Mediterranean complexion, because that's, like, what you get in the Balkans, but... 0:03:09 Unknown_10: It's also very clean. It's cleaner than any American city I've ever been to. There's no trash anywhere. And it's so stark coming from big cities in Europe. Odessa was clean. It was very run down because people there are poor, but it was clean. Unknown_10: But here it's clean and the buildings are more newer and more renovated. Unknown_10: Bill Grad. Okay, whatever. Give up. 0:03:40 Unknown_10: Okay. Unknown_10: There's no trash on the way today. Well, the internet guy came over and I was talking to him a bit because he was curious. People always get curious about me because it's like, what is this fat American doing in this Slavic country? What are you doing here? Unknown_10: And we were talking for a bit, and he was basically explaining to me how the city is extremely nice, and everyone here takes very good care of it, but there's all these people moving in from Bosnia and Turkey, and they're shitting up the place. And he was very sad. He was very cut up about the urbanization of the city and how people moving in were shitters. And that's a shame. Wow. 0:04:16 Unknown_10: Let's see. Oh, and in terms of... I've been, like, eating... I have to admit that Serbian food isn't as good as Ukrainian, like, proper Slavic food, but it is very tasty. It's just, like, their dish here... I'm not even going to bother trying to pronounce the words, but it's basically like a hamburger in, like, a sourdough or something. And it's just, like, a street food that you get. And it's just a well-seasoned hamburger. But for what it is, it's very good. And I asked the guy... 0:04:52 Unknown_10: I said, like, where do I go? What's, like, a good brand of... Oh, man, I can't pronounce this either. Unknown_10: It's like a national, like, vodka. Unknown_10: Let's see. Unknown_10: rakia rakia that's it and i said where do you get rakia and he said you don't you don't get rakia from like a grocery store nobody here drinks this from from a bottle that was bottled by someone else we make it ourselves and if you check under the sink there's going to be moonshine there i'm like okay so i have poured myself let me tap it 0:05:41 Unknown_10: Rakia is Bulgarian. Okay, here's the thing about this place. You ready? Unknown_10: Everyone here argues about who made what all the time. Like they all they every country in the Balkans claims to have made everything that is famous in the Balkans and in any particular thing. Like, even, like, kebabs, like, the turkeys are known, the turkeys, the turkish are known for kebabs, but then the Greeks, they just stole their gyros, and then in Odessa, they're called shirorma, or shirorma, whatever the fuck, and they all claim to have made it, and then everyone else copied their dish, and it's the same thing here. Everyone claims that they made this whatever the fuck, and they claim they made this. 0:06:15 Unknown_10: and they were the first person to put meat and bread together and make street food out of it whatever the fuck this is alcohol it's rakia whatever the fuck it is i got myself a nice glass of something that smells alcoholic that i poured out of a white bottle with no label actually i did have a label and it was like handwritten so i will be drinking throughout this stream and i hope you will all join me Unknown_07: That is strong. Unknown_10: That's strong. 0:06:50 Unknown_10: That's pretty good, though. There was one that smelled like licorice or cinnamon, and I almost got that one. All right. Unknown_10: All right, my friends. Unknown_10: Oh, okay. I don't have much to do today. I'm going to be reading a lot of emails, which being inebriated is not going to help with. Unknown_10: I have a couple of rants, I guess. And then just to get this out of the way, front load this. Darkside Phil was supposed to have a bankruptcy hearing yesterday, and we had people actually show up at the court to anticipate Darkside Phil being there. And he didn't show up. And I think, I don't know if it was determined if they just rescheduled it, but it was automatically rescheduled, if nothing else. And everyone's, you know, it's like the same thing as when he initially filed it. Like, oh, he filed this so poorly, he's going to go to fuck me in the ass prison. He's going to get raped to death in this prison. It's like, you know, hold your horses, because bankruptcy court is used to, like, fucking deadbeat losers who don't show up, right? I'm sure it won't help his standing with the court, but assuming he didn't even properly schedule ahead of time, which is an option because the woman, the bankruptcy firm that was representing him did show up and was representing two other clients. 0:08:14 Unknown_10: but not him in particular. So it is likely he just rescheduled. And people are memeing that it's a part of his master strategy. He's going to be waiting until the coronavirus ends civilization before filing for bankruptcy, before showing up to court. Unknown_10: And he'll just get away with it. He'll get away with it again. Everyone's hoping. Is this the end of Dark Side Fills? Probably not. Unknown_10: Probably not. Unknown_10: Why doesn't he make it a gimmick? Okay, that's the thing with Dark Side Phil. You're talking to yourself and you're thinking, why doesn't he do this? Why doesn't he do this? It's like, if I was Dark Side Phil and I had to make my money by exploiting this group of people and I had to be a live streamer streaming video games, why doesn't he do a million other things that he could be doing to maximize his profit, minimize his stress, and put on a good show for people? And the answer is because he's a locale and he doesn't think rationally. He discards a lot of ideas for no good reason. Continuously, he was saying in the early days that he would never switch from just filming his TV with his camcorder and uploading that footage. Why don't you use a capture card? Why don't you take a little bit of effort to make things better and easier for yourself? And he's just like, well, I don't want to. so if you're wondering why doesn't dark side phil do something it's because he's an idiot and he will continually make the same fucking mistakes regardless of what impact it has on his life and the people around him because he's an idiot so no no big update on that we didn't get as much as we wanted to because he didn't show up but uh maybe it'll bite him in the ass in the future and it'll get paid double so here's hoping 0:09:58 Unknown_10: All right. Unknown_10: DSP is not an idiot. Oh, my God. DSP is a mastermind. He's been planning this. Unknown_10: Okay, let me... I don't like talking about politics, but I'm a little bit concerned. Unknown_10: I'm a little bit concerned about the primaries, and I just want to talk to you about my feelings, because there's no other place for me to vent about this stuff. Everyone I talk to privately is very much in line with my own way of thinking, so I just get people usually agreeing with me. Someone... The DNC primaries... 0:10:35 Unknown_10: is, like, scary to me. Because on one hand, it validates something that I believe to be true, and which I'm sure many of you believe to be true, where if you have too much diversity, a democracy falters because you have too many people under one roof that you're trying to get to agree on something, and it can't be done if everyone's point of view is just wildly different because of who they are. Uh, you can blame it on biology or culture or language, whatever, whatever you want to. But the DNC is like split between status quo Democrats, super progressive borderline communist types. And then, uh, 0:11:09 Unknown_10: I guess that's it. I mean, there is another... Oh, and then... I guess that should be two different things. There are the status quo people. There are the progressive types who are dead set on having more diversity, but otherwise are very status quo. And then you have people who are, like, communist. And they can't agree on anything. And even if you do democratically elect someone to be the nominee, and at this point it looks like it's going to be Joe Biden... Because in the primaries, the black people turned out to vote for Biden. And everyone who voted for Bernie is so angry at this. And it's really funny how every time the black people do something that they don't like, they can't just blame the black people and say, what are these fucking black people doing voting for Joe Biden? Are they idiots? So they have to come up with colloquialisms like urban youth. It's the urban youth problem where you got super predators. This time, the colloquialism for black people is low information voters or livers, as I like to say. So the Bernie voters are super pissed off at these livers. These fucking livers are not voting for their own interests. How could they not want more free shit? 0:12:29 Unknown_10: And they're super angry. And it's like that quote, gradually, I began to hate them. Because they are voting for Biden, who was a segregationalist. He was demonstrably someone in his very long career. Unknown_10: who voted against the interests of black people, at least in the most pragmatic perspective possible. And Bernie Sanders has been on their side in the times where Joe Biden wasn't. So why would black people vote for them? Well, the livers just see him standing next to that liver Obama. And they think, oh, well, perfect. I'm going to vote for him because he was that cool Uncle Joe that was friends with Obama. And I trust Obama, so I trust Joe Biden. And that's probably, as far as it goes, for most of them. You know what I mean? It's not like a seriously complicated question. So now you're getting a lot of anger in the socialist sector of the Bernie camp. And, you know, when... 0:13:48 Unknown_10: When you don't feel like your interests are being represented, that's when you start blaming the government, and that's what leads to civil unrest. So now you have all these Bernie people. Many of them have spent thousands of dollars supporting Bernie's campaign twice, and now both times they feel like the system has betrayed them. So you have a huge amount of disenfranchisement, people who don't believe the system works anymore. Unknown_10: And that is I mean, the if there is going to be like, I think it's going to I think it's going to play out exactly like it did in the Weimar. Unknown_10: where you're going to see communists before you start seeing fascists. The Bernie people will ferment and become the communists that start marching in the streets and start scaring people, and then the browncoats come out and repel them and look like the heroes in the eyes of the majority. 0:14:29 Unknown_10: And Trump is not going to be... He's not literally Hitler. People who think that are stupid. There was a... I can't remember his name, so excuse me, but there was the... Unknown_10: The leader of the Weimar who basically backed Hitler as a form of appeasement, he's probably the closest thing to Trump at this point. Because the way I see this happening... Unknown_10: is Trump will nominate someone who's way more radical than Trump himself. Trump isn't even really that conservative socially. All of his social positions are appeasement, basically, with religious conservatives. He doesn't give a fuck about any of that. but you're going to get some that's what that's what scares me is that you have a swing on social conservatism as well and you know people think oh a fascist government well i say people but people in this sphere of the internet might think a fascist government is really awesome because they're going to put in exactly the right policies that i agree with and that'll be super cool but when it comes i mean when it comes to to speech and book burning and all the shit that was associated with hitler 0:15:57 Unknown_10: It's not all good. It's not like, oh, these are the policies that I agree with, and he enacted them, so he's a good guy. He really shut down a lot of freedom of speech, and that scares me. So I guess I'm becoming a more radical centrist as time goes on, you know what I mean? I'm becoming like a Jordan B. Peterson type, where it's like, eh, you know, maybe not. Let's not completely do away with healthy skepticism as we march towards this inevitable tyranny. Because I don't like authoritarianism, period. That's why I don't live in Russia. I could just move to Russia, Kaliningrad, and be under Putin there. But that's not what I want. 0:16:29 Unknown_10: Joshua the Fence pull up his ass, base centrist. Exactly. I'm going to challenge Boogie and what's the other guy? The consumer guy. I forget his name because he's not relevant with anything. He's just the consumer meme. Unknown_10: Boo-hoo, my authority. Dude, you can see how authority is playing out in Europe. And that's my other rant, is fucking Europeans. Movie Bob, that's right. Yeah, I'm a centrist like them. I don't know. 0:17:04 Unknown_10: I don't want to blindly, I don't want to, I love the Constitution. I love it. And the more I've learned about it over time, because I used to be one of those people in high school who subscribed to the notion that the Constitution was written by men at a time where we rode on horses. So we have to rethink it fundamentally because things have come and gone. 0:17:38 Unknown_10: But as I've gotten older, the more wisdom that I find in it. And someone, you know, I posted something about the Constitution on Twitter, and someone said, you know, America is basically like a theocracy. It's a theocracy, and the Holy Scripture is the Constitution, the way you guys talk about it. I'm like, yeah. Yeah, that's about right. Because it is. It is right. Unknown_10: good it's really good and the reason why is because when we had the continental congress to replace the articles of confederacy we took all the the richest brightest people and we locked them in a fucking room and we locked them in a room for two years and we said no one's coming out of this fucking room until you motherfuckers all agree on a constitution So for two years, you had the brightest people on the planet, pretty much. The brightest people that the Earth has ever seen in a position of power, drafting and redrafting and removing and adding to this document over and over again for two fucking years. And they weren't just skilled politicians or businessmen. They were a mixture of all things. And philosophers, there's a reason why everything in Capitol Hill is based off Greek architecture, because you had people who knew the Greek philosophies debating this shit. And they forged something that made a superpower in 200 years from 13 colonies, 13 little wages, wagey slavies to the United Kingdom. to something that could repel the united kingdom unite the coast and become a superpower to this day and and and when talking to europeans especially you can tell you can tell when talking to them that they don't even have a concept of what the constitution is they don't even fucking know i got an email and again most of my stream today is going to be an email uh 0:19:06 Unknown_10: But it's a complaint about one of the websites that I host. And I host many websites. And I don't usually air out their laundry because they're customers and I don't want to do that. But this one in particular sets me off. And I do. I get a perverse, a sexual pleasure from reading people who are European and complaining about websites that I host and I have some protective powers over. Because they really... Just don't fucking get it. This one guy, he sends me a... 0:20:03 Unknown_10: this is an email through, you know, the reverse proxy. And it says the articles on this site, uh, insults, publishes racist, homophobic photos or articles, and even attacks people personally. They hide behind a false argument that you're American in parentheses constitution would protect homophobia and racism. I dare to hope that very quickly you will remove the right to people behind the site to use your services and the host to remove it. Unknown_10: Um, 0:20:36 Unknown_10: And it's a French guy, and he writes, they hide behind a false argument that your American constitution would protect homophobia and racism. Like, he thinks that. The Europeans actually think that we don't have freedom of speech. They don't even know what it fucking means. And they project this with total confidence that what they're saying is true. And I even looked this guy up. And I have to show you him. I have to show you who this fucking guy is. Look at this. Unknown_10: A French gay gamer. And just look at this fucking asshole who wrote the words, they hide behind a false argument that your American constitution will protect homophobia and racism. Sacre bleu. 0:21:28 Unknown_10: It just angers me so much. Because it is a level of impertinence. They just don't fucking know, but they think they do. Unknown_10: Paul Joseph Watson. And he's got a headset on with strings attached. Like, oh yeah, he's plugged in. He's got his suit on. He's got his hair did. He's a gamer. He's a business professional. He's a business professional. And he's always talking about it. And I'm looking through his thing. And he's like, this site is totally illegal. Please shut it down at Namecheap. At the guy who owns Namecheap. And then abuse. Sending his... 0:21:59 Unknown_10: God, a thousand. I probably bought that because nobody retweets his shit. Please report the site of that abuse at namesheet.com. And he's not Interpol. He's not fucking a government worker. He's not an attorney. He's not an NGO lawyer doing their... Unknown_10: charitable acts by fighting homophobia or whatever he's just some fucking guy and he's taking the impetus upon himself to send these fucking emails thinking that anyone would ever give a shit and there's more but that's what I woke up today to and I'm just like I honestly cannot fucking believe the audacity of people to do this shit ugh 0:22:59 Unknown_07: So to move on, let's see this guy, I guess. Unknown_10: uh oh okay here's two american ones that are funny just uh just to go over and get my thoughts on it for posterity's sake uh this one is from simply sarah if you she's like the original death fat she she did that wanda's macaroni salad like years ago where she added up the calories and put in like a whole pint of mayo into what was supposed to be like a healthy dish 0:23:39 Unknown_10: And it just completely fucking ruined it. Unknown_10: But she had a very small thread, and then emails me and says, Hi, my name is Sarah Potter, and I live in Fort Gay, oh my god, West Virginia. For many years I've been running a famous cooking channel, Simply Sarah's Kitchen. During a little research, I found out there's an extra blog entry on your website, which I don't like at all. In the blog entry, you call me a fat bitch, which only defames me. This is not cool. Link. Why do you write such things? Why would you do that? I was born with diabetes, and I don't find it funny at all. I have to get injections every day! 0:24:12 Unknown_10: Have you no shame. Why are you making fun of me? I find it disrespectful. If you don't understand me, why don't you give me a call? My number's at the bottom, so please delete the contents immediately. Otherwise, I will have to inform my attorney. Now, usually, you know, there's a thought process to me if I decide to post an email or not, right? I don't post every email I get. I try to make sure that it's true. That's a real complaint, not someone fucking with me. Unknown_10: I try to, if someone's being nice, you know, I'll be like, hey, you know, this is the site. This is my line. 0:24:44 Unknown_10: Don't complain. It's not going to get you anywhere. Here's what I would suggest. And usually if they say anything about an attorney, automatic disqualification for any niceties. But simply serve as like a boomer. I'm supposed to respect my elders and shit, right? So I just say, I give it a pass. I just say like, look, the Kiwi Farms is an internet forum. There are many people who have contributed to that thread. Because just to dispel, it's a blog post or whatever. That's my personal contempt for her. She says, thanks at least for responding. 0:25:16 Unknown_08: It often happens that the mails my husband Jamie and I write simply remain unanswered. Unknown_10: It's frustrating. So I checked your website. Are you guys seriously involved in this New Zealand thing? If so, I went off your website as soon as possible. I don't want my name associated with it. Anyway, I told you I was offended. Sorry, but I can't tolerate that. I'm sorry, but I can't tolerate that. I know you didn't publish it, but you're the site owner on YouTube. You can report posts that will be deleted in most cases. Can you please delete them? and then uh she says it affects her tupperware selling business which reminds me of uh napoleon dynamite the uncle selling tupperware and then the guy tries to sell tupperware and tries to prove how strong the tupperware is by going in reverse and driving on top of it and then it just breaks and he drives away that's that's basically her especially if she's in that car that's going to break anything she puts under it please delete within three days and i say i do not remove content and i do not respond well to threats 0:26:15 Unknown_10: I have serious health problems. I don't understand why you're not sorry about this. Do you have Skype? Why don't we talk about how I manage my daily life? And I said, I'm sorry that has impacted you. I would suggest going by a DBA or PKA to get around it. She said, that's cheeky. What's your motivation behind this? Do you want to make fun of fat people? Unknown_10: Well, I didn't answer this one. I chose to avoid answering this email because I didn't, you know, the answer is obvious. Oh, she wants to Skype with me. Oh, boy. My lucky day. Unfortunately, Jamie, her husband, comes in and says, Hello, dear Josh. Let me tell you something. The way you treat my wife is disrespectful. So you live off this blog that makes fun of people. That you have no shame, motherfucker. Just delete the following content now. That my wife is a slut. How about insulting your mother like that, man? That she did everything to herself. You don't even know her. Any pictures of her in awkward positions, which is just not moral. I believe in God, and you better believe in it too, because God punishes every ungracious person. You might want to reconsider. Best regards, Jamie. And again, even after that, I'm like, you know, they're just old people, whatever. But then he sends a fucking DMCA complaint. 0:27:21 Unknown_10: My wife, Sarah Potter, and I run a cooking blog on the internet. The operator of the website has given me excerpts from our videos in connection with the defamatory content, which is not in accordance with fair use, which is bullshit. Further, the operator of the site has publicly posted the personal address of myself and my wife. This is a moral and not a punishable offense, which makes you wonder why he'd even report it. Unknown_10: And by the way, from what I saw, the video is just like YouTube embedded. Unknown_10: So it's not even re-uploaded. There's literally nothing I could take off the site that's a copyrighted work. I'm just linking to YouTube videos, or other people are linking to YouTube videos. So it is what it is. I just realized, by the way, that he just emailed me, literally at 6.06 and 6.10 p.m., threatening me more. This is from Jamie Potter, or Sarah Potter right now. Ooh, ooh, this is funny. 0:27:56 Unknown_10: You better get yourself a gun, because I'll find you. From Sarah Potter. Unknown_10: Oh, this is Jamie Potter, probably. They just use the same email address. By the way, I have talked to a good attorney friend of mine, and he sees a good chance of winning against you, so be prepared, Jamie. Ooh, that's fun. That's epic. 0:28:31 Unknown_10: Should I call? I was going to save a call for later, but fuck it. I might as well call. Unknown_10: Let's see, where is that email? Unknown_07: With the phone number. Unknown_07: He said it was in his email, right? Unknown_10: Why don't you give me a call? My number's at the bottom. Is it at the bottom? Unknown_07: I wasn't planning on calling anyone, but let's see. Oh, she did leave her number. Okay. 0:29:05 Unknown_10: All right, let's do this. Unknown_10: Before we do this, let me take a sip of Kavira, whatever the fuck this is called. Unknown_07: It is strong. I'm going to be fucked up by the end of this. I haven't eaten much. 0:29:48 Unknown_00: You have reached the voice mailbox of 304638581. Unknown_00: Please record your voice message. When you are finished recording, you may hang up or press pound for more options. Unknown_10: Hi, this is Joshua Moon. Just wanted to respond to your email threatening me with a gun, I guess. You can call me back at, what is my phone number for this? 757-932-5494. Thank you. 0:30:23 Unknown_10: Okay. Let's continue with, I guess I have to censor that in the archive or I won't fuck it. I don't give a shit. Unknown_10: I don't care. I just don't care. There's probably more addresses and shit in this one. I don't give a fuck. Unknown_10: So this woman named Jamie. Not Jamie. Jamie's the old guy. Jennifer says, please remove my information from your site immediately. I'm getting my attorneys involved. So automatically, right away, automatic disqualification from pity not posting your email. 0:30:58 Unknown_10: and the content is this from I look this up by the way this person had like 15,000 followers or something they had like a lot of followers on Twitter they were like a lefty account that tweets at Trump all the time and shit oh what I heard my ringtone why'd they hang up they only called for a second I won't miss it next time chat I promise Unknown_10: Be on alert. Unknown_10: Okay. So she says, you want to know a small thing that the BS Trump cults and I really resent. They get so many articles written that their passion and love for their candidate for HRC supporters campaigning slash voting for her in 16 was profound, life-changing, and deeply emotional. And no one wrote about us. So nobody writes about the winners or the losers. Seriously, voting for HRC remains and will likely remain till I die. The most emotional moment in my political life. Everything about her spoke to me deeply on a resonant level, and I cried with indescribable joy in that booth. I will never, ever get over what was done to her. 0:31:57 Unknown_10: Or us. Unknown_10: So, clearly like a weirdo, and this guy, I don't know what the fuck to call this guy, 311 doxes her in the post. She sends me an email, and she says, please take it down. I say no. Unknown_10: Oh, okay, this is the thing. She sends me an email from her fucking, like, work email address. And I'm saying, your audacity in using your work email to send this is staggering, do you think at all? Because it is truly a remarkable, like, insult to me. Like, why, you know, you're asking me not to take something down, but then you're using, like, you're showing that you have no interest in protecting your privacy at all. So you use your work email address for that. 0:32:34 Unknown_10: She sends back, "'This is the email that was doxxed and used to alert me of your site. I am including this email response in my letter to my attorneys.'" Oh, no. Well, I hope they get blue mail for Android if she does that. "'And honestly, you have no decency. I have young children and you're advocating violence against me and setting me and my children up for harm simply because I have opinions that differ from yours. That's sick.'" And I say, no one's advocating for violence. Don't lie to me. Tell your attorneys what you want, and they'll tell you the same thing. This is legal. 0:33:17 Unknown_10: Immediately, like the day after, she sends me a follow-up email. Unknown_10: Then explain to me the purpose of explaining my home address and employment and posting personal photos of my children aside from trying to harm me physically and financially and expose them to RISH. It appears I cannot appeal to your decency, so please remove my personal information. So tomorrow I will be contacting the FBI and law enforcement. 0:33:48 Unknown_10: And then 12 minutes later, never mind. I can see how this is escalating and you win. I am shutting it all down. Thank you for your brutal education, which is quite sad. It makes me sad. I don't want to make people not talk. That's not my thing. Unknown_10: But she did. She had 17,000 followers on her Boomer page. Unknown_10: twitter account and 54 000 tweets you know that's the thing i i noticed recently is uh twitter hides how many tweets you have now like in public because i guess they realize that the people with like 89 000 million tweets look like fucking retards with no life so they just hid that shit so people couldn't make fun of them for it but uh you know that's what it is where's the next one 0:34:42 Unknown_07: Okay, now this one... This one is, uh... I'm pissed that she... Sorry, that she called me and then immediately hung up. Unknown_10: I would have loved talking to her. Unknown_10: Okay, sorry. Where's my next one? Okay. This one is a story. So get ready for a story. I received, as I do, emails from a European. Unknown_10: This time, it was the insidious German. Someone named Michael Bernhard. Now, if I leave information in, don't worry. It's not doxing in this case. He says, Dear Webmaster of KiwiFarms.net, I hereby announce that I represent the interests of Catherine Horton on the Internet. 0:35:35 Unknown_10: That sounds like a rival podcast. Catherine Horton on the internet, starring Catherine Horton. Our client is legally incompetent, so we are now representing her interests. You have been instructed by our client to delete direct references to her person and enforce the so-called right to be forgotten. This right is a law that came into force by May 2016, blah, blah, blah. Unknown_10: Blah, blah, blah. And then the links to this chick's thread. And I think nothing of it. I do check to see that they have this website. And they do, in fact, have this website. This blog in German. Everything looks right. Seems like a shitty German in-house reputation management company. So I'm just scrolling down. 0:36:09 Unknown_10: And I say, hello, you know, the Kiwi Farms thankfully does not operate under the jurisdiction of your tortured trade union. You may believe this does not matter, but you should read up on the Speech Act, which, if you don't know, is an act that we passed in Congress a couple years ago explicitly prohibiting us from enforcing other countries' speech laws, anti-speech laws. And the British got real fucking mad about this because they tried to extradite someone for saying mean things on the Internet to the UK, and the U.S. government told them to fuck off. The last time your country tried to impose laws on Americans, we hanged every single member of your government and most of your armed forces. Cheers, Josh. And he replies, thank you very much for your answer, I'm sure. I think there has been a misunderstanding. The right to have personal data removed, which the European Union ratified in 2018, applies to all services offered within the European Union. Since your service is also available within the European Union, the right to be forgotten, therefore, applies to you. 0:36:47 Unknown_10: and they explain google and american service has also implemented this law i made a complaint there for search results also on behalf of mrs horson and then says you could avoid this by banning all members of the european union so like ip banning the entire eu or not even just the entire eu but also places like switzerland and norway which have uh 0:37:40 Unknown_10: They're bound to the right to be forgotten laws as well. Unknown_10: Some US services have even done so under the GDPR, which the EU has implemented recently. And I say, make me. If the Stasi wants to block my site, do it. I'm not lifting a finger to enforce your laws. Because why would I? Why would I give a fuck? If they want to block me, go for it. Set up a great firewall of Germany or Europe, whatever the fuck, and just ban any website you don't like. Unknown_10: It says, hello, good joke. I'm Matt from the former Communist East. I have nothing to do with the Sazi. Please inform yourself, which I guess is a reaction from Germans because they get all pissy about shit like that. 0:38:13 Unknown_10: And the Los Angeles Times, the relevant line from that, Los Angeles Times, if I remember correctly, even blocked all EU users with an IP ban. You can do that as well to circumvent the law. Unknown_10: And I explained that the LA Times is owned by someone who does business in Europe. So if you're doing business in Europe and you can be sued in Europe, then it might be a good idea to enforce European laws even at home. Unknown_10: He starts asking for my address specifically. He says that the LLC address doesn't... He's not going to send it to the virtual office that I accept all mail related to the forum for. I have a virtual office in Florida. Everything that you want to send me should go there. Don't expect it to get forwarded to me. But if you want to send me stuff, send it there. People can accept servicing there. There's actual people who work there who can accept a servicing. So send it there. He refuses to do that. 0:38:54 Unknown_10: And I think part of the reason why is that in German law, at least this is what was explained to me, German law says that you can't service in a virtual office. Someone can't accept servicing on your behalf. It has to be accepted by the person being serviced. So if they want to sue me, they have to sue me directly. And then the next back and forth is all about trying to get my address. 0:39:27 Unknown_10: A specific thing here is I have no idea who this woman... Actually, let me just read this email. I noticed two things during my research. You offer a foreign language section where you allow German language content. This leads to the conclusion that you are targeting users from the European Union and or Germany. The argument that you are only indirectly affected by the right to be forgotten is then incorrect. And two, I really wonder what interest you have in pursuing... In continuing to disseminate content about Dr. Catherine Horton, this person concerned has been declared legally incompetent by a court because of a physical problem and it is quite immoral to continue to make fun of her. We do not want any money from you primarily, but only the deletion of specified contents. And I say, neither of those arguments are legally competent. I let people post my website in any language they want. So some choose German, therefore I can cater to Germany is a retard logic. I guess by offering my website in English, I'm also targeting residents of England and the Philippines, etc. 0:40:09 Unknown_10: I have no idea who this woman is and I don't care. Unknown_10: And there's more epic, epic fuck German comments. But I'm going to skip over that, even though that's what most people like. Because I want to get to something that I noticed. Unknown_10: And at this point, they're sending me, trying to find out where I live. This isn't my address. I haven't lived there in years. 0:40:47 Unknown_10: They're saying that my LLC is inactive, but it's not. It's just moved to a different state. Unknown_10: Long, long thing where I just make fun of them for being a retard. Unknown_10: And then they say at the end, Unknown_10: that they decided not to reply to my email, even though they are replying to my email, uh, but are contacting my embassy asking for my address. And they did indeed attach this thing, which I've had translated for me, which is basically a very long wine to the U S embassy in Berlin asking for my address because they claim that I am violating the law. Now the address that the U S government will have for me is literally the same address as, uh, 0:41:27 Unknown_10: As the LLC, I use that virtual office for literally everything. So that's what they would have regardless. So they send this. And then I realized something because it was pointed out to me that this Bernhardt information management thing. Unknown_10: was registered on March the 1st, which is the same day that I got the first email from them, which is strange. So I'm thinking, okay, this is obviously fake now. 0:42:02 Unknown_10: This Bernhard Information Management Group was made just to send this email to me. Unknown_10: So then I look into it a little bit more and find out that they're registered by pork bun. And I, but I was a little bit confused. I'm thinking, wow, they have this whole website set up. And it's like, I was thinking at the time I was thinking at the time, who would fuck with me like this? Who would put all, cause I was thinking about the Turkish lady. That incel who impersonated lawyers who have given him problems in the past. I'm thinking, is this like a trend now? Are people just going to impersonate legal professionals to fucking get reactions out of me? All this time to make this blog, the money spent to register that email address, all this shit. What is the point of it? Is it funny to them just to get me to tell them how much I fucking hate Germans and Germany? Is that the whole point of it? 0:42:37 Unknown_10: um but then i but i'm thinking like it has to be real because they got the website up even if it's like a shitty website it's like you know it's all there but then i realized that this pork bun thing has well the reason why i think is that this is because either someone impersonating me knows how to set up a wordpress press blog or they hired someone to do it, and that would be way more money. But the Pork Bun thing has a free email forwarding service, free Whois privacy, free SSL certificates, and a WordPress blog package all together. You just buy it from Pork Bun, and you get all the shit they've been using, a WordPress blog and the email services. 0:43:22 Unknown_10: So I'm thinking that's what they did. Someone bought a website from this and then just quickly set up a good enough looking WordPress blog. But why? Why this person and why, you know, why... 0:44:00 Unknown_10: The other confusing thing was they definitely spoke German. They spoke fluent English. They spoke fluent German. And they knew enough about laws and stuff to make almost legally competent sounding arguments for deleting this article. I even passed by people who do study German law. I said, is this like what a lawyer would sound like? And they're like, yeah, it's very well spoken. They obviously speak German. german as a natural language so my mind was just blown apart at this point like who the fuck is impersonating like shitty fucking reputational management companies and trying to intimidate me into taking down this thread and then i think it must be a swiss person who else but a swiss person could be so conniving 0:44:53 Unknown_10: So deceitful. So insidious. To put on this grand masquerade. To make a fool of me. It must be a Swiss person. So now we've got three clues. They speak German. They must be Swiss. They speak English as well. They have a competent understanding of the law in Germany and in the EU. Unknown_10: And they are crazy people. Well, someone pointed out that this person that the complaint was about is Swiss. And she's literally a targeted individual wrapping herself and her entire house in fucking tin foil because she's batshit fucking crazy. 0:45:27 Unknown_10: And I just want to, I want to play you just a little bit of one of the videos that I saw of her, just so you get a feel of, uh, just listen to it and it'll kind of make sense. Unknown_02: Hello, I'm Dr. Katherine Horton. I'm making a short set of videos about the crimes that are being committed against me and other, um, victims by the intelligence agencies. And, um, what I thought I'll do for that is I'll split the, um, my testimony into several separate videos. So you can select which of the videos you would like to watch, what information you would like to access. And what I'm also going to do is I'm going to make my statement on the oath. And the idea is that if you are a victim and would like to use an expert testimony or the testimony of another victim in court, you should be able to use these videos. So I'm using the English oath as it conforms with the Oath Act 1978. 0:46:09 Unknown_02: And this should be recognized, it's recognized by the English courts, so the idea is that other courts should also recognize it. So my sworn testimony, I can be bound by, and it's to the best of my knowledge. 0:46:53 Unknown_02: What I'm going to use is the witness affirmation. There are two versions of the oath. One of them is the religious oath. in the UK courts, but you can also use the neutral witness affirmation. If you're an atheist or you just want to have the neutrals. The two are exactly identical. One is not better or stronger than the other. You're equally bound to say the truth. Unknown_02: you know, in a court of law under both. Unknown_10: Okay, I'll pause it there because at this point she's just rambling on about making her whole video is that the MI5, you know, James Bond people have been stalking her and the Swiss people are stalking her. Everyone's stalking her, right? 0:47:33 Unknown_10: And, but it just, when I saw this video, it clicked. Like she knows she's perfect. She's reasonably intelligent, despite being crazy. She knows English. She knows German. She's from Mutt heritage. She's a gypsy, cyber gypsy. And she's Swiss, which is the most important part because only Swiss people can be so deceitful. And, uh, I just want to show you more, more pictures of her. Just give you a backstory to her. Unknown_10: Uh, close this. 0:48:08 Unknown_10: There she is all crazy, wrapped up in tinfoil. Unknown_10: Wraps up literally her entire house in tinfoil. Unknown_10: And this... This is like, what the fuck? Unknown_10: This is an annoying video, by the way, sorry. Just in terms of the noise. Unknown_10: So, if you don't know what she's doing, she's holding a... Unknown_10: An analyzer? I don't know if the fuck this actually monitors. But she's holding this up to her vagina. And when she does, the electronic signal gets stronger. And she's making the claim that she is being electronically raped because the MI5 is blasting her vagina, her genitals, she says, with electronic signals to rape her. 0:48:40 Unknown_10: and it's just it's the craziest shit i've i mean you know it's typical for gang stalking people but at the same time it's nuts and it is sad because she is you know she is a legitimate doctor she's not lying about this she's oxford educated she has a phd 0:49:23 Unknown_10: Born in Hungary, grown up in Romania, lived in Switzerland. Unknown_10: Knows like three languages, maybe four. And all of her life is just completely fucking wasted because she's in... Are those guns? Unknown_02: I don't know, that's just like tech fest and shit. Unknown_10: I think she has a child. I don't know if this thread mentions it. Unknown_10: I'm pretty sure she's legally incompetent, but I'm also pretty sure that she has a child, and that child was taken away from her. But I'm not sure. That could be another person who tried to do this, tried to send me a scary email recently. He was also German-speaking. 0:50:01 Unknown_10: But it's this. Let me read her About page, actually. I have that pulled up. Unknown_10: Dr. Horton, ex-research fellow at St. John's College, Oxford, has been under overt surveillance by British intelligence since November 2001, ever since she attended a public high court hearing as a member of the public. The demonstrative stalking followed her abroad and exploded into nonstop harassment, medical sabotage, and eventually brutal attacks with microwave weapons after she threatened to report the second break into her home to the police. She sought an emergency injunction against British intelligence from the High Court in London 2016, was brutally attacked straight after the hearing in her London hotel room, received death threats, and survived an assassination attempt. The attacks continue and are becoming ever more brutal and psychopathic. She is desperately fighting for her life and asking for your support. Follow her at Stop007.org or her Twitter handle, Stop007.org. 0:50:46 Unknown_10: And her Twitter handle is banned, but this is the same thing. It's like a cheap, put-together WordPress blog, which is perfect for matching the Michael guy that she's pretending to be. And this, I mean, it's all like schizo shit. There's no point trying to read it, because... Dr. Horton's Holocaust Diary? What the fuck? 0:51:34 Unknown_07: Okay, I will read this, because this has the potential to be interesting. Unknown_10: Oh, no! Unknown_07: Did she take down the site? Unknown_07: What? Unknown_07: No. Unknown_07: No. Unknown_10: She took it down. Is this site still up? Unknown_10: She took it down. She took down the Bernard... Oh, no, that's down. Okay. Is it just like a shitty website that can't... 0:52:06 Unknown_10: She took it down between me pulling it up in a Firefox tab for this stream, and now that is fucking nuts. Unknown_10: I can't believe that. Is it archived? Unknown_10: What a joke. Don't fuck me out of my content, you fucking bitch. Unknown_10: I can't. Unknown_10: Oh my god, thank you. 0:52:39 Unknown_10: Please tell me that the Holocaust one is saved. I need that. No! Oh, no. Unknown_10: I can't believe that. Unknown_10: I got cucked, chat. I got fucking cucked in my own house. On my own stream. She took it down. She shut it down. Unknown_10: She's gang stalking us. That's right. That's right, chat. We got fucking gang stalked. 0:53:17 Unknown_10: The fucking conniving Swiss back at it again, stealing my shit. Fuck you, lady. You psycho bitch. Unknown_07: Invite her on. Oh, fuck. Unknown_07: I hope that's not it. Unknown_07: Man, that was the content. I was hoping to read some of her shit, but she's fucked me. 0:53:58 Unknown_10: This bitch. I can't believe it. Unknown_10: Oh, it's back up. Praise. It was just a shitty server. Don't worry, chat. We're saved. We're saved. Unknown_10: Ooh, that's a base statement. 0:54:32 Unknown_10: They will try to pretend I knew this fake persona to justify an investigation of me in order to human traffic even more of my life or to entrap me in their moronic beyond belief setups. Tie me to fake crimes they pretend happen. Actually, let me save this real quick. Unknown_10: We're doing a live archive show. Unknown_10: Uh... Unknown_10: What the fuck does this have to do with the Holocaust? 0:55:25 Unknown_10: intense pain torture what since 1am head chips turned on to cause agonizing pain so intense that it makes me nauseous they know i am working really hard to finish something they are mutilating me with insane brutality intense gunning of the building starts up again loud impact sounds are all around me meanwhile intense pain torture with my head implants continues intense gunning for the past hours that is so intense that it makes loud impact sounds in the walls around me after two hours of intense pain torture and mutilation gunning i'm exhausted and barely coping 3853 abuse log hashtag holocaust log at oh oh that's from our twitter account 3 a.m., multiple pulsed energy projectiles shot through my face, my teeth, and the top of my head. Unknown_10: When I put on an aluminum helmet, I hear the sharp hits hitting the shielding. They then switch the gunning on my legs. After two hours of intense pain torture and mutilation with military weapons, I'm exhausted. 0:56:18 Unknown_10: Oh, this is like all the times that she blames something on the government. How long is this? Oh, three fucking hours. You're fucked. Unknown_10: I'm not watching that shit. This should all be archived. I need to archive this entire channel. Unknown_10: Received an invoice for a harassment order in my name in the post. The order is from quell.ch for a microwave. Oh, that's funny. She thinks that someone bought her a microwave, so she thinks it's the government fucking with her because she gets attacked by microwave weapons. 0:56:53 Unknown_07: She does need a Faraday cage, doesn't she? Unknown_07: Cease and desist to NATO? Really? Unknown_10: Oh man, this website is so shit. It's like crashing constantly. It's the government trying to prevent me from getting the Honorable Dr. Horton's message out to the masses. 0:57:27 Unknown_10: Cease and desist to NATO and Swiss military intel. Cease and desist to NATO and Swiss military intel. Again and again and again. Got it. I wonder what those guys think. Like the intel guys when they get this shit. Unknown_10: Canton is like a state in Switzerland. Report to state police. Travel to Baden to make a report on Canton Zurich police about harassment and microwave attacks. Submitted the genocide plans to Switzerland too. What is the genocide plans? Unknown_10: I need to know. Unknown_10: Genocide plans. Unknown_10: Well I guess there's no genocide plans then, whatever. 0:58:05 Unknown_07: Laptop and network hacked, cease and desist, cease and desist. Unknown_10: Tell me more of your funny dick pics. I discovered that agents have sent me nude images including a penis shot from the email William Rufus the night before. Unknown_10: Again, the email and images are full of references to my work. The email address contains three I's where I is a reference to I as in the all-seeing eye. The tattoo on my chest shows a scale as used to represent the scales of justice. Unknown_10: Or on his chest. No one tattoos something like that on their chest. However, as it happens, I am in the process of preparing court cases. The eyes are glowing fluorescent blue. It just so happens that I had been informing people about eye implants that glow fluorescent green under UV lights. The second image shows paintings with checkered patterns in the background, strongly reminiscent of mosaic tiling. 0:58:39 Unknown_10: Masonic tiling, not mosaic, sorry. Masonic, because she believes in all the NGO groups like Masons and Illuminati and shit. The held tilt of the man in the images points at the paintings. The penis shot has another inlay with the scales of justice. I wish I had a cock that had fucking scales of justice. 0:59:14 Unknown_10: in the images the eyes have a dead and psychopathic look so this is a threat either that i will be raped if i travel to london victims are raped by agents at night who break into homes and hotel rooms or something along the lines of the justice system controlled by masons will fuck you uh directed energy weapon in the forest try to find a source to relieve the pain Unknown_10: On my return, I am brutally gunned in the back by a directed energy weapon that is hidden in the forest. The first beam hits my neck, causing intense pain, then swings downward toward my left lung, where the gunning and resultant pain become so intense that I cannot breathe. I turn around to find the source and to relieve the pain. The pain immediately stops when I see a gang stalker in bright pink jogging toward me. Usually, when I am assaulted like this, the lead gang stalker is wearing bright red, neon yellow, or pink, like in this case. Although this is a really small community, I have never seen this woman before. The random chance of someone being within 50 meters of me when I am being gunned in an otherwise empty forest is essentially zero. She is young and has a honeypot mug that Intel loves to... 1:00:32 Unknown_10: What? And has that honey pot mug that Intel loves to sex traffic. That's another detail that is hardly coincidence. So on the balance of probabilities, this killer cunt. Unknown_10: So on the balance of probabilities, this killer cunt is clearly part of it. Unknown_10: I remember that on the start of the walk, I had passed another woman with whom I had never seen walking towards me in bright pink with that funny walk I call the Stasi shuffle. Yeah. Unknown_10: No normal person walks like these degenerate psychopaths. She was staring at me like some deranged serial killer trying to get my attention. Now I realize that there is an entire swarm of Jean-Philippe Gaudin's Nazi psychopaths hidden in the woods and out to maim for their insatiable desire to slaughter. When I arrive home, I file another police report. After all, Nazi death squads running amok with weapons of mass destruction are the job of the Canton Argois police. Wow. 1:01:02 Unknown_10: That's funny. This is all crazy shit. So yeah, what do you think, Chad? Do you guys think that she put on this brilliant masquerade to make me think that the Germans, the Stasi, were coming for me? Is that in the realm of possibility? 1:01:45 Unknown_10: Would I hit it? My mama told me never to stick my dick in crazy, Chad. Unknown_10: It's kept me alive so far. I'm not willing to change it. Unknown_10: All right, girl. Unknown_10: Crazy people are depressing. On the other hand, I think schizophrenics are objectively the best group of people, like in terms of locales, because they're just, you know, when you see fat people, you know, they're in denial. They have body issues. They see themselves as skinnier than they are. They're in denial about the health problems. They keep eating because, you know, yada, yada. 1:02:19 Unknown_10: they changing things is hard taking care of yourself is hard chantelle got um Unknown_10: God, what's it called? Got endorsed by a sex shop company, by the way, which is just fucking appalling. When I see Chantel, believe it or not, Chad, I do not think of sex. So that's just gross. Like, do you really want this fucking bloated beach whale representing your sex toys? 1:02:57 Unknown_10: But, oh, I was saying, you know, little cows are predictable. And in their behavior, schizophrenics are not schizophrenics are genuinely like funny in the way that they cobble together ideas of what's happening around them and shit. It's just like it's so interesting. Because it's not, it's, you know, when someone tries to be funny, tries to be random and is like, you know, hi guys, it's me, Katie, holds up spork. As you can see, I'm totally random. It's not real randomness. It's just arbitrarily picking things and cobbling them together. With schizophrenics, it's so different how they access information in their brain and how they zip that together and to make a narrative that they believe, that they assume you understand. And it's so much more fascinating than normal people, which is why I've always loved Terry Davis and why I still get choked up when I think about Terry Davis being dead and how he died, because he was genuinely a funny and interesting and smart person. And most schizophrenics are in that vein of interesting, funny, and smart. 1:04:10 Unknown_10: Even though their existence is suffering, it's still fascinating to me. Unknown_10: It reminds me of why I host the site and why I think people are interesting. Unknown_10: I made myself sad thinking about Terry again, chat. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Unknown_10: Oh well. I'm going to try calling that chick one more time, and then if she doesn't pick up, we're going to watch a Kay video, and we're going to hope that she calls us back. Unknown_07: Where are you at? Unknown_07: Let's see, three... Did I... No, that's a completely different number. Okay, I'll just call it again. 1:04:50 Unknown_00: You have reached the voicemail box of... Unknown_10: You know how fucking cowardly it is that they email me at 6.06 and then at 7.06 they can't fucking pick up? Like, fuck off. Unknown_10: Fuck off. Don't do that shit to me. You invited me to call you. 6.06 is fine. 7.06, no, that's too late. Assholes. Alright. 1:05:24 Unknown_10: Let's pull up some Kay's Cooking. Relax a bit. I'll finish off this drink I got. Unknown_10: Uh, Kay's cooking. Unknown_10: Where are we at? Is this the right one, chat? Well, you can't see what I'm doing. Oh, this is the right one. Let's throw this bad boy up so we can just relax. Have a nice weekend. Nice start to the weekend, chat. 1:05:58 Unknown_10: Okay. Unknown_10: It's been a while since we did this, so we have our crop of the liver. Lobby... Unknown_10: wait uh just type in chat spam as hard as you want for the video you want from these top two rows lobby mexican food cow cannon thin calzone pizza fries corn beef spam veg and gravy chicken spuds and green beans christmas dinners christmas day starter spring rolls cob loaf trifle and cheesy naan bread 1:06:30 Unknown_10: So let's see. Mexican food. Seen a lot of Mexican food. Seen some fries. Got the spam. Oh, that Mexican food. Oh, by a country mile chat, we're watching the Mexican food. Unknown_04: Hi, people, and I'm back cooking again. Okay, I missed you. And today I'm going to be doing Mexican food in tacos. Unknown_10: Mexican food in tacos. Really hard to fuck up. What's going to happen with this? I'm just going to go first. Unknown_10: Tell me if it's too quiet or too loud. 1:07:03 Unknown_04: I'm feeling a bit better with this knife. It's not one of the shiny ones, as you can see. It's one of the other ones. I was just too scared to use the other one. That knife is so new. Unknown_10: She usually uses, like, these old knives that are dull. Unknown_04: And I realize that old knives are more dangerous than sharp knives, but seeing her have this sharp fucking knife was scaring me. Let me pick a sip of this vodka, or whatever the fuck it is. You got many layers of skin to take off. You don't know where you are. Unknown_04: I'm going to take this layer of skin off, this brown layer of skin, and another layer. You might need a smaller knife. 1:07:38 Unknown_04: Oh my god, it makes me so nervous. Unknown_04: She's using her very sharp knife to cut an onion by cutting inwards towards her hand. Unknown_10: And it's just the most appalling thing. Unknown_04: I'll leave any on. Unknown_04: I like this enough. Unknown_10: Dude, everyone hates how she cuts towards her thumbs. That's awful. It's so scary. It's a fucking statistical anomaly that this woman has all her fucking fingers still. 1:08:18 Unknown_04: It's a hell of a fight. I'm going to put this on here now. Make sure there's no, sorry, on your arm. Unknown_04: Oh. Unknown_04: Get this knife. Start cutting a bit shorter. Unknown_04: Losing its sharpness. Unknown_04: What I'm going to do is I'm going to slice this up. Unknown_10: Oh no, she's doing like a dicing thing and her finger... Oh, move her... Move her fingers! Unknown_06: Move her fingers! Unknown_09: Hey! Unknown_09: No, it's... Move your... Ah, shit! 1:08:56 Unknown_04: Well, we've got it. We've done it. We thought we would, so we've got to move it on. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to... Unknown_04: Put a plaster on my finger where I put the onion in the frying pan and let it cook. So I'm going to cut this pepper up. It's a red bell pepper. Unknown_10: This is scarier than most horror movies now. Okay, seriously, I'm going to pause it there. Look at that shit. No, no, no, no, no, no. Go back to that fucking bell pepper. That shit has mold in it. That is fucking mold in that fucking bell pepper. 1:09:28 Unknown_10: She said she picked it up at the fresh at the market. That is obviously fucking mold in that bell pepper. So we're going to slice that in. Unknown_04: And as you can see, that's a small knife again. Unknown_10: She's changed her knife because she's cutting this. Unknown_04: Now, this is more sharp part. 1:10:03 Unknown_10: more sharper okay i am so frightened so that's i'm putting these in she must have cut herself she's that scary we've never seen someone strike the fear of god and decay uh with the honey arms to cook them together so then i'm gonna put it should i think there's a sauce i've got to put with it or some former of it so to make this in mexico and stuff Unknown_04: As you can see, I'm doing video. Unknown_10: Again, I'm not like a gourmet. I've not read a gastronomic. I've never took in like a French culinary lesson or anything. But I happen to know from secondary sources that onions cook slower or faster than bell peppers. So when you put onions and bell peppers together, you want to cook the bell peppers for longer than you cook the onions. Kay put the onions in first so looking at this pan the onions are fucking charred black they're gonna taste awful and the bell peppers are undercooked which is that is like some professional level fuck up it's like trying to fuck up some sauce some spicy sauce so I'm going to add the chicken in 1:11:24 Unknown_04: That's it, and... How is this a feeder video? Unknown_10: She's not eating, she's cooking. Stir that in the... sauce. Okay, so she's put like boiled chicken into like this weird brown paste. Unknown_10: It doesn't look like any kind of... of Mexican sauce I've ever seen. Unknown_04: Right, now I'm going to put the... Okay, I'm going to describe this, and hopefully someone can tell me what the fuck it is. Unknown_10: I'm describing it for people listening. She now has bell peppers, onions, and chicken in some kind of weird paste. 1:12:00 Unknown_10: And she is now putting it into... Unknown_10: like a molded it looks like half of a baked potato but it's made of like a flour tortilla in the shape of a baked potato with like an empty inside so it's like a weird half potato shaped bowl and i have no fucking idea what the fuck this is and i don't i'm i eat a lot of mexican food because i'm fat and i'm from america but i have no fucking idea what this baked potato looking ass thing is so if someone wants to tell me what the fuck it is it's a tortilla casket Unknown_10: Oh, it's a Chipotle bowl. Trump Tower makes the best taco bowls, by the way. 1:12:33 Unknown_04: You can make this with chicken or mincemeat. My friend says she's not bothered what she has it done with. Put a bit more. Unknown_10: Okay, you buy it in the store in a box. Unknown_04: Okay, I got you. Unknown_04: Put it in. Unknown_09: see that onion is black man how do you look at that and think it's that's good enough okay so now the tortilla casket has been filled she spilled it on the plate around the casket 1:13:28 Unknown_04: Right, this is now warmed up enough, I'm hoping. And now I'm going to put this sauce. Unknown_10: F, is the shrimp dead? Unknown_04: Oh, ran out of sauce. I thought I cut enough. Never mind. Not to worry. There we are. Done. Unknown_04: to do. Unknown_09: Alright. Loyal soldier Lee. Unknown_04: Lee is coming to do. Unknown_10: Coming to the eastern front to eat this taco casket filled with curry chicken and shit. 1:14:05 Unknown_04: Get it down the neck. Unknown_04: You've dropped a pepper. No, I dropped that one. Unknown_01: No, you dropped that one. Unknown_09: He takes the bite, bravely. Unknown_04: Food sloshes out of his mouth. Unknown_09: What has he got to say? Is he going to love it? Is he going to hate it? Unknown_01: If not. Unknown_04: I'm still not having it anyway. I'm not going to take a chance. I'm not going to be bad all night. Unknown_03: That is delicious. Unknown_04: Is it? Unknown_10: Delicious. He loves it, ladies and gentlemen. He loves it. Not really spicy, a bit like herbs. 1:14:37 Unknown_03: uh, chip chop curry. Unknown_04: That's spicy for me. I know when it comes to spicy. Unknown_03: But yeah, that is gorgeous, thumbs up. Unknown_04: Gorgeous. That's nice to hear. Unknown_10: Good job, Kay, you did it. Another banger recipe. Unknown_04: Another masterpiece, Kay. I'm not only showing you one, the reason is I'm not going to be having the sauce on my chicken. I can't see the point in being ill all night. 1:15:12 Unknown_04: So, if you like what you see, Unknown_10: We always like what we see. Unknown_04: All right, all right. Unknown_10: We'll do one more. I'm in a good mood. I got the vodka, the served vodka, the moonshine in me. We can do another, make this a longer stream. Unknown_10: We got the lobby, the cow cannon, the cow zone, pizza fries, spam, chicken spuds, Christmas Day starter, spring rolls, cob leaf trifle, and cheesy naan bread. Unknown_07: And I'll take a sip. 1:15:47 Unknown_07: I just finished it off. Unknown_07: Alright, I'm checking, looking at the chat. It's pretty even mix so far. Unknown_09: uh pizza fries seeing some pizza fries uh we got a surge of pizza fry support upsetting the current leader calzone or the calzone oh oh ah oh it's so even it's neck and neck i see a lot of spam see a lot no the pizza fry i'm calling it for the pizza fries msnbc calling it for the pizza fries they are going to torrent 1:16:25 Unknown_04: Pizza fries. Unknown_10: Doesn't sound very confident in her answer. Unknown_10: Okay, we're looking at some defrosted french fries from like a freezer. Unknown_10: Very soggy. Put on this blackened oven pan. And she's sprinkling like the two types of salami that you would see at a Subway for the Italian sub on top of it. Unknown_04: So that's that. 1:16:57 Unknown_04: And we're going to put now some Oh, some pizza sauce on. All right, then we're not gonna put any pizza sauce on. Oh God, we're still not gonna, there we are. There we are, we're gonna put some pizza sauce on. Wow. Unknown_10: Sorry, I'm typing angrily because I've been informed that I might be drinking some kind of antique fucking absurd alcohol. Unknown_04: I feel bad. I'm going to put them in the oven. 1:17:34 Unknown_04: Yes, I know I've already made the chips. I'm going to put a few more pepperonis on top of that because they're supposed to have them on top, but I put them on bottom. Unknown_10: Okay, there is pizza sauce on top of the pepperonis. Unknown_04: Those fries are like the soggiest, uncrispiest fries that have ever been conceived, ever. 1:18:09 Unknown_10: She's taking the piece off. She's putting it on a plate. Unknown_10: She is serving it to Lee now. Unknown_04: Sorry. Unknown_03: I mean, the sauce is too strong. Should never go with chips. Unknown_03: What? He's giving it a 5 out of 10, ladies and gentlemen. It's nice, it's just that it's overpowering. Can't taste the pepperoni at all. 1:18:43 Unknown_09: He's angry about the tomato sauce? Unknown_04: I didn't put much pepperoni on. I'll water it down. That's weird. He has the weirdest fucking palate of any man to ever exist. Unknown_03: Yeah, I mean... He legit said the tomato pizza sauce overpowered the pepperoni. Unknown_10: What a weirdo. Unknown_04: Well, there's nothing I can add to that, really. He says he can't taste the pepperoni, but there wasn't much pepperoni on it anyway. But, well, like I said, it's proper... 1:19:18 Unknown_04: proper pizza sauce so yeah I know it's a short video and I know you're not keen on short videos but These are so short. Kay's the master of brevity. She's like Shakespeare. Let's watch another one. I think we already did the voting. I think we saw... Fuck off. Fuck off. 1:19:58 Unknown_07: Let's do the spam. People seem to want that. Unknown_04: Hi, people. And I'm back cooking again. You sound so depressed. Unknown_10: Cheer up, Kay. Unknown_10: We got friends in town. Unknown_04: I should have cut the onion off. I should have cut the onion skin off. Unknown_04: Oh, dear. Unknown_09: Oh, no. She's cutting another fucking onion. Oh, Jesus Christ. Unknown_04: The blade shines colorful with blood. That's a bit of the onion. Oh, I hate it when bits break off. 1:20:40 Unknown_09: She's having immense difficulty trying to peel the onion. Unknown_04: She skips forward to where the onion is not peeled. Unknown_10: She's now cutting the onion. Unknown_10: The butthole puckers in anticipation. I'm chopping it as thin as I think it is. Unknown_04: It's getting closer to the digits. The knife is closing in on the digits. Unknown_10: The fingers are not moving. It's getting close. There's going to be onions in the fingers today. She's realized that her fingers are in the way and has moved the onion so that she can cut it without cutting herself. Unknown_04: And I'm going to cut that one as well and I'm going to put it in the pan. 1:21:18 Unknown_04: As you can see now, I'm cutting the carrot. She's cutting an unpeeled carrot so that the skin is still on. Unknown_09: And I'm going to boil them together. Unknown_04: I'm not cutting them up too thin. I want to be able to taste them. Unknown_04: I've got another carrot I'm going to do. Unknown_10: For some reason she continues to insist on calling a carrot a carrot. Unknown_04: Put that in the same pan and boil them together. 1:21:50 Unknown_04: As you can see, the onions are already in the pan. Unknown_04: My carrots are escaping. Unknown_04: Oops, close the fingers. Unknown_10: Stop it. Unknown_04: And that's it. So that's the carrot. She gives up when I get it. She doesn't like the last piece of the thing she's cutting is always way bigger than the other pieces because she's afraid of cutting herself. As you can see, I've got the... Unknown_04: Spam out. Oh yeah, you know, sorry you don't know what I'm cooking. Somebody's asked me to do, oh let's get this right. Spam, corned beef, carrots, onion and gravy. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fry the spam. 1:22:28 Unknown_09: I'm gonna fry the corned beef. Unknown_04: The corned beef I had in the tin cooked in a frying pan doesn't taste very nice. Unknown_04: But it might... I see two ones in the chat. Unknown_09: No, I see a couple more ones. Unknown_04: So, get up. Get up. What does it taste like? Spam? That's not cooked very well, is it? Spam in the frame. Getting bad childhood memories from the spam. Why is it not spitting? Oh, because he's only on number four. Never mind. 1:23:02 Unknown_10: Oh, number four. Unknown_04: She needs to cut that shit up to maximum. I need to see that burner as hot as fucking possible. Unknown_10: This can be charred to a crisp. Unknown_10: She's putting it in a pan. Unknown_04: I'm shaking my cleat because I've got another one of them sharp knives. I love that one that's just like half a slice. I'm scared to cut it to myself. Unknown_04: So... Unknown_04: I'll just show you that I'm cutting it all up. Jasmine says Spam is gross. Unknown_10: Dreamcaster immediately says afterwards Spam was good. Unknown_04: I'm going to set Spam free. This is like a scud. I made this a frying pan. 1:23:35 Unknown_04: Oops. Unknown_04: That's it. So I'll just do one more. Unknown_10: She's trying to be like, when you see a server taking a fork and a knife and cutting up a chicken to serve it. She's acting like that, but with a can of Spam, and is just having a disastrous time. Unknown_04: Slide the knife down, and that's it. To sum this up, she's literally, okay, half is almost half over now. Unknown_10: It's more than half over now. But half the video is just her cutting up a can of spam, and it's completely and totally uneven. And she's trying to do it like a fancy man would cut up like a duck or something, and she's just butchering what should be the easiest cutting job of history ever. It's a big piece. 1:24:13 Unknown_04: Never mind. So I'm going to put it all in the frying pan. I'm going to give it time to do gently. I'm going to keep turning it over so it looks okay. And then I'll leave it to cook. Unknown_04: Now, as you can see, I've got the corned beef. The corned beef looks exactly like spam, which is a little bit rougher. Unknown_10: The spam is now like a brown color. Unknown_04: A few carrots and it doesn't, I mean, it just looks like it's a few carrots and onions, which have been cooking. 1:25:01 Unknown_04: Now I'm going to go and get the gravy. Now I'm going to put some gravy on. It's a bit watery, this. Unknown_04: OK. Unknown_10: Let me sum up the plate. There is a thing of corned beef. There's a thing of Spam that looks identical to the corned beef, except that it's been fried. Unknown_10: Then there is some cooked onion and carrot. And she's pouring gravy. And I don't know where the gravy comes from. I don't know what that is. But she's pouring it on top of everything. And it's just the most depressing looking dish ever. Literally. Okay, a lot of the shit she makes just looks awful, right? It just looks like shit. This looks depressing. This looks like something that someone in England would eat every day and contemplate suicide while eating. 1:25:35 Unknown_04: Put some thickener in it. As you can see, this is it. And Lee's going to do the taste test. Unknown_01: show the camera what it is Lee is now sighing in desperation as he cuts into his meat he's eating a chunk of corned beef hash just picks it up entirely by the fork he doesn't like the corned beef he says eating a carrot the carrots are nice and soft that's one good thing probably onions 1:26:31 Unknown_03: Onions are nice and soft as well. Unknown_04: Oh, thank goodness for that. Unknown_03: Try the spam. Unknown_09: He's eating the spam, ladies and gentlemen. Unknown_01: The spam. Unknown_09: Crispy says. Unknown_01: I like the spam a lot more better. And then the corned beef a lot more better. Unknown_09: She did it, ladies and gentlemen. Unknown_04: Another satisfying meal. Unknown_04: Before I go off and everything else, A lot of people being on about my comments not being able to comment. I don't know why. I don't know what's happened. I really don't. I haven't got a clue. I've looked on my laptop and they are clusters activated, you know, up and running. I just, I really don't know what's wrong, why. I'm hoping it just sucks itself out. I don't know. 1:27:04 Unknown_04: oh speaking of i'll do one more video because i'm you know whatever i might as well i'm having a good time right uh i should mention that i've been invited by and i'm kind of i mean you know i'm kind of hoping that they'll call me back before the live stream is over so i can live stream it but um i was contacted okay there's been an ongoing saga i have been uh 1:27:50 Unknown_10: replying, YouTube sends me surveys because I have 10,000 subscribers or whatever. They want my opinion. How's the user interface? How do you feel about YouTube's policies? Yada, yada, yada. And I fill them out every time I get them because in my mind, it's like it doesn't matter if it just gets added up and thrown away. I have to yell at these people. I have to let YouTube know. That I think it's the shittiest fucking garbage dumpster that's ever existed. And everyone on the planet Earth is just waiting for the day that this abysmal chasm of an intellectual property dumpster just catches fire and melts. And I have to tell them that every survey. I say, please fuck off and die. I hate you. Every survey. And I'm an asshole in the comments. Every time there's a written section, I'll use it to say how much I hate them. And they keep sending me new surveys, so I keep filling them out. 1:28:27 Unknown_10: And a while back I received a contact form, you know, an email. And this time it's from an at google.com email address. And I'm blind carbon copied in because they're sending it out manually to a bunch of email addresses. And they're like, you know, would you be interested in doing a face-to-face session? If so, fill out this form and we'll put you, you know, if we like your answers, we'll put you on a short list. 1:29:01 Unknown_10: So I fill it out and they're asking questions like, do you have any, do you know anybody at Google? Have you ever worked for Google? Those kinds of questions. How do you feel about this? Unknown_10: How do you feel about, you know, whatever. And I, at one point they said, do you know anyone at Google? And my response to that was, I've had someone from Google send me a threatening email, but besides that, no. Unknown_10: And I submit that off. I'm like, okay, whatever. They'll never get back to me for that. Well, today I got an email from, uh, 1:29:37 Unknown_10: A woman, I guess she's from, I don't know what kind of fucking name. Her name is like Boggy or something. Boglarka. Unknown_10: And it's just, it's a really weird name. I couldn't even guess where she's from. But she's inviting me to do a go-to-meeting thing with YouTube to talk about YouTube, I guess. And to boot, they're offering me a 65-euro gift card for doing it. I'm like, well, fuck yeah, I'll take a 65-euro gift card for an hour and go to a meeting. That's a... Better rate than I usually get. So I submitted the forms they asked. Apparently I've already been accepted to this GoToMeeting thing and I'm scheduled to do it next week. So, I mean, I don't even know what it's going to be. Is it just going to be like a third-party service doing intelligence harvesting for their product, you know, like the usual kind of marketing people? Or is it going to be actual like engineers and community managers from YouTube? 1:30:12 Unknown_10: So, I signed up for it, and the agreement they make me sign is like, you agree that we can save, you know, we can record this meeting and save it and sell it to people and all sorts of shit. I'm like, yeah, whatever. You can do whatever the fuck you want. I just want to be able to tell you that I think that Susan Wojcicki should be thrown down a fucking well, like the little girl from The Ring, because... 1:30:49 Unknown_10: I want to sit down with someone who's employed by Google and I want to tell them that I hate them and I hate their website and I hate everybody who works for that company and I hate them specifically because they're a part of it. And I want them all to be homeless and eating shit out of a garbage bin. And I want YouTube to be shattered into a million pieces and thrown to the wind. And I want it to be replaced by something syndicated and better. And I hate them. And that's what I'm going to say. I'm going to answer their questions. I'm just like, I fucking hate you people. And everything you do is awful. Your copyright systems are fucking shit. And they only exist to serve corporate masters. You people are now making money. I used to defend Google by saying, well, they have to do certain things for copyright because they're not making money. But now they are making money. YouTube is a profitable entity now. They should be not so fucking shit. You demonetize people for bullshit reasons. You're politically motivated, but you pretend not to be. You constantly fuck with people who use your site and your shit. And you should be ashamed of yourself. And it doesn't... You can change the back end. You can make your graphs more accessible. You can change the colors all you fucking want. You can remove a border at a border. It doesn't matter because you're shit. 1:31:56 Unknown_10: And your platform is a fucking dinosaur that's only propped up because bandwidth expenses are too high to replace you. You caustic motherfuckers. 1:32:33 Unknown_10: Anyways, I'm practicing. I haven't got it memorized yet, but I'm going to tell that motherfucker. I don't give a shit if you're just some intern doing data studies. I'll tell you how much I fucking hate you because you deserve it for accepting the Google dick, even if you're not getting paid for it. All right, let's watch the calzone, and then I'm going to call it a stream. It's been a long stream, but it's been a while. It's been a while since I could raise my voice. I'm in a Slavic country. I've got concrete walls. I've got nobody on either side of me. I'm good to raise my voice and say, fuck you. 1:33:08 Unknown_10: Calzone time. Unknown_04: Hi people, and I'm back cooking. And today I'm going to be making a calzone. Unknown_04: Right, I've got the flour, which is proper bread flour. A tablespoon of oil. Unknown_04: Going in. A teaspoon of salt. Unknown_10: The calzone is like a pizza wrap. Unknown_10: She's making bread, ladies and gentlemen. She likes to bake, I think. 1:33:40 Unknown_04: It's such a thing she's done in a couple of videos. Unknown_10: She knows how to make bread, I think. Unknown_04: There we are. Unknown_10: I don't think she makes it properly, but she makes it. Unknown_04: I'm going to mix it all around, obviously not with a spoon. I'm going to mix it all around, and I'm going to add some water to it. to bring it all together as you can see it's all come together and well I'm just just wrap it in a round circle and well try and get it in a round circle and Unknown_04: Roll it out and make it all nice and round. It won't be round by the time I finish rolling it out. She's the baker. Kate the baker has her little chef hat on. 1:34:14 Unknown_10: She's making bread for her calzone. Handmade. Homemade bread. Then I shall start. Unknown_04: Only the best for me. First of all, I shall roll it out. Unknown_04: And then start putting the stuff on it when it's ready. Unknown_04: Right, as you can see. Unknown_01: I'm too lazy to do this anymore. Sorry, gang. Unknown_10: She's now squeezing out tomato paste and what appears to be dog shit logs in the middle of the calzone. The calzone... Come on! The bread itself is like half on the pan and half off. Oh, if you're not coming out, I'm not going to stretch. 1:34:51 Unknown_04: The pan, of course, is coated in margarine because Lee is averse to butter. Unknown_10: Margarine does not cook in the same way butter does, so it's going to be, you know, scientifically, chemically, it's going to be not sustained. That can be as good, but whatever. Unknown_04: I don't know where that came from. All right, so spread it out. She's spreading the... This is an interesting point I just kind of realized. 1:35:27 Unknown_10: But she's spreading the tomato paste across the calzone by using the dull edge of the knife. So instead of, like, scraping it back and forth like a normal person, she's using the blunt edge of the knife to kind of, like... I don't know. I know there's a name for this, but when a painter takes a big thing of paint and just scrapes it across it and it creates a texture to the paint, there's a specific name for that. That's what she's doing. She's not spreading the paint across the calzone. She is spackling the tomato paste unevenly across the thing, and it looks bad. 1:36:11 Unknown_04: Spreaded it out a bit more. That word, spreaded. Well, it wouldn't matter if it isn't. It is now. Unknown_10: Okay. Unknown_10: Oh, she figured it out. She figured it out. She's spreading it nicely now. Oh, my God. Unknown_04: It's like there's a breakthrough in her brain. Unknown_10: It's amazing watching her learning all the time. Unknown_04: Right. So then I'm going to put some of this. Oh, no, we're not going to put all on. We're just going to leave it out. That's it. I've opened it. 1:36:51 Unknown_04: I've got some, like, sort of sausages. She's got her salami meat back out from the pizza. That's it, yeah. Unknown_10: She's now layering the tomato fields of this calzone with salami. Unknown_04: All I'm going to do is just put these on. 1:37:29 Unknown_04: These are a bit bigger and a lot thinner. Unknown_04: Oh, I can't. Do you know I can't pick these up? They're too thin. Unknown_04: Come on. That's it. Unknown_10: Oh, I just realized someone in chat pointed it out that she doesn't use cheese because Lee doesn't like dairy products. Unknown_04: Probably lactose intolerant or something. Unknown_10: So the reason why she doesn't add cheese to anything is because she's like a weirdo. Unknown_04: I'm not going to show you because it's going to go all wrong. I know it is. So this is literally just like yeasty bread and salami and tomato paste with no seasoning whatsoever. 1:38:02 Unknown_10: Not a single... Unknown_04: I'm going to lift that side and pull it over. I will show you after it's done. I'm not going to do it on camera because if it goes wrong, well, let's just say there'd be some nasty words. Unknown_04: Right, as you can see, I've pulled it over. It's not gone as it should do. And the reason there's no cheese in it is because you don't like cheese. So I'm going to stab this pizza. Lee, I'm stabbing ya. 1:38:36 Unknown_09: So I'm just stabbing it to make it underneath get done. Unknown_04: And now I'm going to put that in the oven on 180 for about an hour. I'll check it after 10 minutes and see what game is. Unknown_04: This is the end product. I can't see very well. The hair product is very small and sad looking. I don't know if it shrank. 1:39:09 Unknown_09: Oh no, it's just a slice of it. Unknown_04: It's in camera shot. Unknown_04: You swear what? Go on. Unknown_04: I've got some sharp knives in that jaw. They will go through you. I've got a dog. Unknown_04: My dog. Unknown_09: He's eating the calzone after threatening his mother with a dog and her threatening him with a knife. Unknown_10: He gives a big thumbs up and immediately walks away off camera. She looks distressed. Unknown_04: That's it? That's all? All that work for the briefest of thumbs ups? Have they been arguing that day or something? 1:39:56 Unknown_04: you want to give me a thumbs up I cannot remember it if you want to give me a thumbs up please do if you want to leave a comment please feel free the more the merrier and if you haven't subscribed and you know someone who hasn't subscribed get them subscribing get everybody subscribing thank you bye okay I think that's enough Unknown_10: My friends, I do believe that that is enough for today. I want to thank you for joining me. The web zone is madattheinternet.com. Unknown_10: I don't know why that's... Oh yeah, I guess that's fair. That's a fair banner. Unknown_10: I'm enjoying Serbia. I said... Okay, there's two things that I've hinted at that I don't know if I'm going to do. I've hinted at a KFC meetup in Serbia. And there are apparently a lot of Serbians who watch my streams and who post on the forum. So maybe I fucking will. The other thing is the LA dick show for the Maddox funeral. I don't know if I'm, I really, I kind of want to, but on the other hand, I'm really reluctant because it's like a 14 hour flight, 14 hours in the air, not even including like layovers and shit just to get from Belgrade to, to, uh, to LA. Yeah. 1:40:57 Unknown_10: But I know, apparently, I'm the most anticipated guest. A lot of people want to meet me at this LA thing. So I'm really torn on spending the money and taking the time to fly and shit. But I don't know. It would be fun. 1:41:33 Unknown_10: And as far as meeting up in Serbia, maybe. I'm not... I like... Unknown_10: I like my privacy. I like the fact that there are no recent photos of me and stuff. And I would immediately throw all that away by going out and meeting people and stuff. Unknown_10: So, I don't know. I'm thinking about it. But I've got cold feet, I guess. Because it is fun to meet people and do stuff. But on the other hand, it's such a fucking hassle. Yeah. i'm reminded of a meme that's like the best feeling in the world is making plans and canceling them because there's no there's nothing better than canceling a plan and realizing you don't have to do something okay all right my friends i'll uh see you next week and take it easy 1:42:45 Unknown_05: When I'm drinking whiskey, I know nothing can go wrong. When I'm drinking whiskey, only time my mind is strong. When I got my bottle is when I'm standing tall. Cause when I'm drinking whiskey, I don't feel nothing at all. Unknown_05: Oh, when I'm good and drunken, can't nobody bring me down. Unknown_05: I like to drink my whiskey when nobody is around. I know my empty bottle is the only one that understands. And when I'm drinking whiskey, I forget the mess. 1:43:26 Unknown_05: When I'm drinking whiskey, my hands don't ever shake When I'm drinking whiskey, I don't lie in bed awake Cause when I got my bottle, I don't care if I'm alive Cause when I'm drinking whiskey, I ain't afraid to die Cause when I'm drinking whiskey, I ain't afraid to die